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Assalamuallaikum Wr. Wb.

Good Morning Teacher, morning friends. It's great to see you all here.
Let me introduce my self and my partner. I am Arin Widya Saputri and my partner is
Maulinda Dwi Putri. We are from the first group.
In our lives, we many use gasoline, kerosene and LPG. Do you know where all of it?
Sure, it was obtained from the distillation of petroleum and natural gas. Petroleum and natural
gas coming from the rest of the organism of plants, animals, material or microorganism that died
around millions of years ago. The formation process of petroleum and natural gas consist of 4
First, plants, animals, material or microorganism mud settles and then turned into rocks
because of the pressure and temperature of the ocean floor and in the earth.
Then, anaerobic bacteria decomposes the remains of microorganism and convert it into
petroleum and natural gas. This process takes millions of years.
After that, petroleum and natural gas infiltrate into porous rock like water in the rock.
And can flow from one area to another and concentrated if unobstructed impermeable layer.
Rocks which containing petroleum average 10-270 million years old.
Petroleum and natural gas reservoir are formed when there are three main components,
there are source rock, migration and trap.
Well, that's the formation process of petroleum and natural gas.
Is there any questions?
I am fully aware that our presentation is not perfect, there maybe many mistake, thanks a
lot for your attention,see you.

Wassalamuallaikum Wr. Wb.

Distillation is a way of separating the liquid from the mixture by boiling point or based on the
ability of a substance to evaporate. Wherein the liquid is heated to the boiling point, and vapor
flow into the cooler (condenser) and collect the condensation as liquid.
LPG : Liquified Petroleum Gas
Temperature 50-180 degrees celcius
about 300-350 million years.
Reservoir is where the accumulation of petroleum and natural gas that has migrated from the
source rock.
Source rock is a sedimentary rock that is, will, or has produced hydrocarbons.
The types of source rock :
Poor source rock 0 – 0.5 % TOTAL ORGANIC CARBON
Fair source rock 0.5 – 1 % TOTAL ORGANIC CARBON
Good source rock 1-2 % TOTAL ORGANIC CARBON
Very good source rock 2-4% TOTAL ORGANIC CARBON
Migration is the transfer of petroleum in the rock layers of the earth.
Trap is the layer of impermeable rock that structure forming a trap that ensnares capable of

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