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1. Welcoming The Crowd

2. Make them aware about Turkish hazelnuts
3. Engage them in filler games
4. Explain the participants about the sequence of the activities to be followed from here on
5. Pull the crowd to the games zone (slingshot/maze game)
6. Break for surprise (Jugglers and dancers) once in an hour
7. Encourage the audience to try out real hazelnuts and Silk chocolates with hazelnuts
8. The winners of the games to not leave the zone without trying out the Turkish icecreams
with hazelnuts chocolate (Only on Sunday)
9. Approach more and more couples to participate and experience the hi-tech games and fun
surprise performances

Hello everyone! Welcome to the zone and experience the Turkish culture with us.
Experience the real taste of Turkey and take back some great memories

Talk about Cadbury - Now we all know Cadbury Dairy Milk silk is something that
makes everyone smile. This time we have launched a new chocolate which has real
hazelnuts in it which has come all the way from Turkey. We have a few surprises
planned for you along with some hi-tech and fun games which will make you win free
goodies from Silk Hazelnut. You can also try out the real hazelnuts and swear by the new
silk hazelnut. I have personally tried it and it’s definitely worth it


You guys look great today! Why don’t you come join us on stage? We have some fun
activities going on in here. Taking them to the games zone, the sling shot game is quite
an interesting one. You have to hit 10 bars in 30 seconds to earn a bar of hazelnut. The
entire activity is timed and you need to hit the hazelnuts right in the bars to enjoy free
goodies. Please get yourself registered to play exciting games and win bars of Silk
Hazelnut chocolates
Activity1 Slingshot - What do you see on screen is a beautiful looking bar of
chocolate. Isn’t that mouth-watering? To make yourself indulge in this beautiful
bar of chocolate, you have to visually try to fit 10 hazelnuts in 30 seconds. If you
manage to do so, you will earn a bar of silk hazelnut absolutely free of cost. You
can indulge in the real chocolate absolutely free of cost
Activity 2 Maze Game – Moving ahead, in this game you see a life size maze.
You have to try and get the ball in the middle of the maze. You have only 30
seconds to get the ball in the maze. If you win the game, a bar of silk hazelnut
chocolate will be yours
The winners of the games will be asked to wait and experience the other
activities as the gifts will be given out at the end of the activities
Activity 3 surprise element– So guys, I have a surprise for you now. I want to
make you guys experience the real Turkey something more than just chocolates.
Let’s bring Turkey right here to India and let’s see what’s in store for us
Post the dance, jugglers will move around with the unicycle and juggle with some
props to awe the audience
Activity 4 Sampling – Now that you have experienced turkey from your eyes, I
want you to get the real taste of Turkey by actually tasting it. We have some
roasted Hazelnuts placed on the bowl just for you. And also we have Silk
Hazelnut chocolates here kept just for you. You can give a feedback of the
chocolates while leaving. A Cadbury attendant will help you with your
registration form for your valuable feedback. Your feedback matters to us 
On Sunday – A special surprise is planned for the winners of the games. A
dondurma will be set up wherein the artists will do his tricks and give away ice-
creams in a fun and quirky way by placing a cube of hazelnut on top of the ice-
cream swirl.

PS - The ice creams will be given out only to the winners of the games only

Activity 5 Photo Op – Before you guys leave, we also have a photo op for you
wherein you click pictures against this cool backdrop of Cadbury silk Hazelnut
and take back some beautiful memories
Please share some feedback and show some love.
Hope you guys enjoyed the Turkish culture 

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