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We the students of the College of St. Catherine Quezon City, beseeching the assistance of the Almighty
God in order to create, foster and establish a federal and independent student government that shall
reflect the ideals and objectives of its subjects: uplift and defend the Student’s right, interest, welfare,
privilege and Liberty; uphold academic excellence and academic freedom; establish and foster
harmonious relationship among students, administration and faculty members; promote the student’s
consciousness and effective cooperation in advancement of the nationalistic, scientific and responsible
education, do ordain and establish this constitution for the College of St. Catherine Quezon City.


Section 1 The official student body organization for the College of St. Catherine Quezon City –
Senior High School shall be known as the College of St. Catherine Quezon City – Federal
Student Government.

Section 2 The headquarters of the College of St. Catherine – Federal Student Government shall be
located at Annex Building of the School at 362 Quirino Highway, Sangandaan, Quezon


Section 1 The Federal Student Government is an independent and sovereign organization,

autonomy resides in the students and all governing authority emanates from them.

Section 2 The maintenance of peace and order, the protection of the student’s welfare, liberty,
property and the promotion of the greater good are essential for the enjoyment of the

Section 3 The Federal Student Government does not dispense, promote nor favors any religions,
sects and cultures inside the school.

Section 4 The Federal Student Government values the dignity of every human person and
guarantees full respect for human rights.

Section 5 The Federal Student Government shall encourage non-governmental and community
based clubs that promote welfare in the community.

Section 6 The Federal Student Government shall ensure the autonomy of strand representatives and

Federal Student Government| 2020 Constitution and by-Laws

Section 7 The Federal Student Government shall maintain honesty and integrity in the public
service and take positive and effective measures against graft and corruption.

Section 8 The Federal Student Government shall adopts and implements a policy of full public
disclosure of all its transactions involving public interest.


Section 1 All students currently enrolled and pursuing their Senior High School in the College of
St. Catherine Quezon City are a required members of the constituency, represented by the
College of St. Catherine Quezon City Federal Student Government.


Section 1 No student shall be deprived from his right to life, liberty, and property nor be denied
from his right to actively participate in all Academic and Co-curricular activities in the

Section 2 The right of the student’s to the due process for any sanction given to him/her and the
right to defend and justify his/her actions is vital for his/her freedom.

Section 3 There shall be neither law nor provisions be passed abridging the student’s freedom of
speech and expression, or the right of the student to peaceably to assemble and petition
the Federal Student Government for redress of grievances.

Section 4 The right of the students to information on matters of public concerns and interest shall
be recognized. Access to official records, and to documents and papers pertaining to the
official acts, transaction and decisions, shall be afforded to the students, subjects to such
limitations as may be provided by the law.

Section 5 Any person under investigation for a sanction of an offense shall have the right to be
informed of his rights, of his sanctions and his right to remain silent and to have counsel.

Section 6 No student shall be deprived from his/ her right by the reason of his/her political and
religious belief and aspirations.

Section 7 No students shall be deprived from his/ her right by the reasons of his/her debts.

Section 8 The Right of the Student’s to be not subjected to any forms of exploitation, harassment,
and cruelty, unlawful or degrading punishment.

Section 9 The Right of the Student’s to form organization for another Supreme Student Council,
provided that is in conformity of the School rules and regulations.
Section 10 The Rights of the Student’s to appeal any decision affecting their rights, interest and

Federal Student Government| 2020 Constitution and by-Laws


Section 1 To uphold, preserve and maintain the good name of the College of St. Catherine Quezon
City and to take part its development and welfare.

Section 2 To participate actively in school activities, including athletics and civic affairs, for the
development of the institution and the community.

Section 3 To strive hard towards academic excellence and to abide the rules and regulations set by
the School authorities.

Section 4 To develop their potentials to the fullest in order that they may be of the service to their
families and to the society.


Section 1 Suffrage shall be exercised by all the Senior High School Students of the College of St.
Catherine Quezon City not otherwise disqualified by the law, who shall be a bona fide
student of the College of St. Catherine Quezon City. No Literacy, wealth or other
substantive requirements shall be imposed on the exercise of suffrage.

Section 2 The Commission on Election shall provide a system for securing the secrecy and sanctity
of the ballot as well as a system for absentees.


Section 1 The officers of FSG are the: President, Executive Vice President, Vice President for
Administration and Internal Affairs, Vice President for Finance, Vice President for Public
Relations and Vice President for Special Projects and Propaganda.

Section 2 The officers of the FSG shall hold only one office for an academic year;
An officer cannot hold more than one office or membership from any clubs and
organization inside the School.

Section 3 The FSG shall consist of one (1) or more adviser/s whose role and duties are as follows:

(1) Serve as a resource on policies, procedure, contacts, etc.

(2) Serve as trouble-shooter

(3) Provide access to internal and external networks

Federal Student Government| 2020 Constitution and by-Laws

(4) Channel information

(5) Monitor expenditures, policies, and goals

(6) Provide continuity from year to year

(7) Provide for smoother leadership transition


Section 1 The executive power shall be vested in the President of the Federal Student Government.

Section 2 No student shall be elected as President unless he/she is a student of the Senior High
School, College of St. Catherine Quezon City – should be in his/her grade 12.
Section 3 There shall be a Vice-President who shall have the term of office and be elected with and
in the same manner as the President. He may be removed from office in the same manner
as the President, he/ she should be in his/her grade 11.

Section 4 The President and the Vice-President’s shall be elected by direct vote of the students for a
term of one year which shall begin immediately at moment the officer took oath ; The
Vice Presidents shall not be eligible for any re-election of the same office.

Section 5 Before they enter on the execution of their office, the President and the Vice-Presidents
shall take the following oath or affirmation:

“I _________________ do solemnly swear that I will faithfully and conscientiously fulfil

my duties as President (or Vice-President) of the Federal Student Government, support,
preserve and defend its Constitution, execute its laws, do justice to every man, consecrate
myself to the service of the Government and bear true faith and allegiance to the same;
that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation and purpose of evasion
So help me God.”

Section 8 In case of death, dropped out, permanent disability, removal from office, or resignation of
the President, a transistor period of 3 days shall take place before the Vice-President shall
become the President to serve the unexpired term. In case of death, dropped out,
permanent disability, removal from office, or resignation of the President and Vice-
President, a transistor period of 7 days shall take place before the House of the
Representatives shall cast a vote written in a ¼ sheet of paper (the representative cannot
vote for himself) for the next President in their house; in order to determine the next
president he or she must obtain ¾ or majority of the representatives vote, in case of his
inability, the Speaker or the Chancellor shall then act as President until the President or
Vice-President shall have been elected and qualified.


Federal Student Government| 2020 Constitution and by-Laws

Section 1 The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the FSG. He/ she shall have the
following duties such as but not limited to:

(1) Guide the FSG in identifying and accomplishing its aims and objectives;

(2) Be Responsible for all the progress of the FSG by implementing programs and
projects of the Government.

(3) Plan an agenda for all meetings and make it available.

(4) Preside over all meetings and or may designate another officer to preside for a
specific meeting;

(5) Enforce Constitutions and By-Laws and other regulations that may be promulgated;

(6) Sign all official documents, resolutions, correspondences and minutes of meeting of
the FSG

(7) Be the official spokesperson of the FSG and represent the Government at school
Management and any official external.

(8) Shall have the power to add and remove the current adviser in the FSG only upon
with the ¾ of the final or majority vote of the FSG officers.

Section 2 The Executive Vice-President shall have the following duties:

(1) The executive vice-president shall assume presidency in case of vacancy of the
position of the President upon election of the members of the Executives.

(2) He/ She shall assist at all times the president in carrying out the purpose and
objectives of the Government.

(3) The Executive Vice-President shall collate accomplishment reports from each of the
standings committees and present to the Government.

(4) The Executive Vice-President shall perform such other duties that will be deeming
necessary and which may be delegated to him by the President.

(5) He/ She shall be the one to impose rules and regulation of the Constitution and By-
Laws in the Government; further, oversee the progress of the FSG Officers.

(6) The Executive Vice-President shall be the one to oversee the Government’s current
projects and its current implementation.

Federal Student Government| 2020 Constitution and by-Laws

Section 3 The Vice-President for Administration and Internal Affairs shall have the following

(1) The Vice-President for Administration and Internal Affairs shall keep a complete
record of the activities of the Supreme Student Council and of all proceeding of the

(2) He/ She will compile and safe keep all records, files and documents of the
organizations and present them to the body upon demand or as the need arises.

(3) The Vice-President for Administration and Internal Affairs shall serve notices to all
officers and members of the executives and may recommend the scheduling of
meetings to the President and shall perform other duties that may assign by the

Section 4 The Vice-President for Finance shall have the following duties:

(1) The Vice-President for Finance shall be the Chief Financial Officer of the Federal
Student Government, shall collect, receives and have the care and custody of all
moneys and securities of the FSG.

(2) Shall have the responsibility managing the financial affairs of the Federal Student
Government in accordance with FSG by Laws.

(3) Shall make a monthly report to the General Assembly Meetings and meeting of the
Executives as to the financial condition of the Federal Student Government.

(4) The Vice-President for Finance shall itemized accounts of all receipts and
expenditures and shall recommend proposed disbursements based on the availability
of funds for approval by the General Assembly and shall perform such other functions
necessary or assigned by the President.

(5) The Vice-President for Finance shall audit the books of the organizations every end of
the major activity and end the semester and submit a report hereof to the Executive.

(6) The Vice-President for Finance shall present the audited financial statement to the
board and shall render a summarized copy for posting on the bulletin boards.

(7) The Vice-President for Finance shall recommend realignment of fund allocations
when deemed necessary perform such function as may be delegated by the President.

Section 5 The Vice-President for Public Relations shall have the following duties:

(1) The Vice-President for Public Relations shall prepare and release appropriate
information concerning the Federal Student Government and its activities.

Federal Student Government| 2020 Constitution and by-Laws

(2) The Vice-President for Public Relations shall promote the activities and the officers
and the member of the Executives of the mass number of the students for the conduct
of every activity.

(3) The Vice-President for Public Relations shall coordinate with the Representatives for
the dissemination of pertinent information.

(4) The Vice-President for Public Relations shall be in charge for the bulletin board

(5) The Vice-President for Public Relations shall be the chief Information and education
campaign of Federal Student Government and may perform such function delegated
by the President.

Section 6 Vice President for Special Projects and Propaganda shall have the following duties:

(1) The Vice President for Special Projects and Propaganda shall prepare and release all
necessary documents pertaining to all the proposals and platform of government.

(2) Vice President for Special Projects and Propaganda together with the Executive vice
president shall oversee all the outgoing and ongoing platforms and special projects
assigned to him/ her by the president.

(3) The Vice-President for Special Projects and Propaganda shall promote activities and
programs that will benefit and help: the government to raise fund, the officers and the
member of the Executives and the mass number of the students.

(4) The Vice-President for Special Projects and Propaganda shall coordinate with the
Representatives for the dissemination of the representative’s special project in their
respective strands and vice versa.

(5) The Vice-President for Special Projects and Propaganda shall be the chief in all
special projects and propagandas inside the FSG shall also promote reliable
Information and educational projects of Federal Student Government and may
perform such function delegated by the President.



Section 1 The constitutional commission shall be independent such as the Commission on Election.

Federal Student Government| 2020 Constitution and by-Laws

Section 2 If in need of a new commission, the house of the representatives shall formulate the new
commission and pass it into the office of the president for approval.

Section 3 The Constitutional Commissions shall appoint their officials and employees in
accordance with law.

Section 4 Each Commission en banc may promulgate its own rules concerning pleadings and
practice before it or before any of its offices. Such rules however shall not diminish,
increase, or modify substantive rights.

Section 1 (1) There shall be a Commission on Elections composed of a Chairman (teacher) and
seven Commissioners (3 teachers, the current president and 3 current FSG Officers), must
not have been candidates for any elective position in the immediately preceding elections.

(2) The Chairman and the Commissioners shall be appointed by the Current FSG
President with the consent of the Commission on Appointments for a term of one year
without reappointment. In no case shall any Member be appointed or designated in a
temporary or acting capacity.

Section 2 The Commission on Elections shall exercise the following powers and functions:

(1) Enforce and administer all laws and regulations relative to the conduct of an election,
Plebiscite, initiative, referendum, and recall.

Decisions, final orders, or rulings of the Commission on election contests involving

elective municipal and barangay offices shall be final, executory, and not appealable.

(2) Deputize, with the concurrence of the President, law enforcement organization and
instrumentalities of the Government, including the Senior Police, for the exclusive
purpose of ensuring free, orderly, honest, peaceful, and credible elections.

(3) File, upon a verified complaint, or on its own initiative, petitions in the president and
the chairman of the COMELEC, for inclusion or exclusion of voters; investigate and,
where appropriate, prosecute cases of violations of election laws, including acts or
omissions constituting election frauds, offenses, and malpractices.

(4) Accept, Revoke and disqualify candidacy for candidates who have violated any
guidelines, which have been promulgated

Section 3 Bona fide candidates for any public office shall be free from any form of harassment and

Section 4 The FSC COMELEC shall be established 15 school days before the day of the elections

Section 5 the FSC COMELEC shall be the only agency that will manage the electoral process,
including the campaign

Section 6 (1) The FSG COMELEC shall make an electoral interview to all the candidates 10 days
prior to the Election Day.

Federal Student Government| 2020 Constitution and by-Laws

(2) The interviewer in the electoral interview shall be the composed of the Chairman of
the COMELEC, one COMELEC appointed teacher, the current President and one
FSG Officer – decision of the qualification and approval of the candidates shall be
made only by the chairman of the board of interviewer.

(3) Failed to comply and show up in the electoral interview will and shall cause
disqualification of the current candidate.

Section 7 All FSG Election shall be conducted every 3rd week of April annually.


Section 1 The General Assembly shall be the deliberating body of the Federal Student Government,
via majority vote of its present members it shall approve the plans, programs, rules and
policies formulated by the Executives and Presented the Government.

Section 2 The General Assembly shall be composed of Chancellor, General Secretary and members
whom are class presidents and school organization presidents.

Section 3 A simple majorities shall constitute a quorum.

Section 4 The General Assembly shall have the power to subject its member and officers to
disciplinary action, as may be seen or deemed.

Section 5 The General Assembly in case of impeachment of any elected Executive Department
shall be sole judged of the impeachment proceedings which shall composed of the
Academic Coordinator, Chancellor, General Secretary and six (6) elected members from
the assembly.

Section 6 The General Assembly can veto the power of the President only by ¾ of its final vote.

Section 7 The duties of the Chancellor are as follows:

(1) The chancellor can/ shall call a meeting with all of the class presidents without the
presence of the president only by the president’s approval.

(2) The chancellor shall be the consultative person who will consult and collects the
opinions and stands of the class presidents.

(3) The chancellor and the general secretary shall be a part of the FSG, which shall serve
as the official representative and consul of the General assembly.

Wherein, the General Secretary shall have the following duties:

(1) The General Secretary shall keep a complete record of the activities of general
assembly and of all proceeding of the meetings.

Federal Student Government| 2020 Constitution and by-Laws

(2) He/ She will compile and safe keep all records, files and documents of the assembly
and present them to the body upon demand or as the need arises.

(3) The General Secretary shall serve notices to all members of the assembly and may
recommend the scheduling of meetings to the Chancellor and shall perform other
duties that may assign by the Chancellor himself/herself alone.


Section 1 All of officers of the College of St. Catherine Quezon City – Federal Student
Government must at all times be accountable to the students, serve them with utmost
responsibility, integrity, loyalty, and efficiency, act with patriotism and nationalism and
to the College of St. Catherine Quezon City administration.

Section 2 All elected may be removed by impeachment on the grounds of culpable violation to this
Constitution, by-laws, betrayal, bribery, graft, and corruption, and other high crimes.

Section 3 The General Assembly shall have the authority to: file an impeachment against any FSG
Officers and initiate the proceeding on all cases of impeachment.

Section 4 The General Assembly via vote of ¼ all members are considered a complaint for
impeachment. Decision on impeachment cases shall require a ¾ vote all member of the
Council of Presidents.


Section 1 The territorial and political subdivisions of the Federal Student Government are the
School Organization and Classroom assemblies.

Section 2 The territorial and political subdivision shall enjoy local autonomy.

Section 3 The Classroom assembly plans, implements, consolidates and assists programs or
projects that rebound to the interest of the constituency; the classroom president shall be
the representative of the class to the General Assembly.

Section 4 The President of the College of St. Catherine Quezon City – Federal Student Government
shall exercise general supervision over the general assembly, the general assembly with
respect to component of School Organization, the School Organization with respect to the
component of Classroom Assembly shall ensure that the acts of their components units
are within the scoped of their prescribed powers and functions.

Section 5 Each unit may group themselves, consolidate or coordinate efforts, services, and
resources for purposes commonly beneficial to them.

Federal Student Government| 2020 Constitution and by-Laws


Section 1 The logo of the Federal Student Government is consecrated and honoured by the students
and recognized by law.

Shall contain the following symbols which correspond to the following meaning:

Section 2 The General Assembly may, by law, adopt a new name for the organization which shall
all be truly reflective and symbolic of the ideals, history, and traditions of the students.
Such law shall take effect only upon its ratification by the students in a referendum.

Section 3 Violation against any part of this constitution may cause for a ground of an immediate
impeachment of any elected offices in the FSG.

Section 4 Any FSG officer in who wishes to resign shall submit his resignation letter only to the

(1) In cases, where the president of the FSG shall resign, he or she shall submit his
resignation to the adviser of the FSG.


Section 1 Any amendment to, or revision of, this Constitution may be proposed by:

(1) The General Assembly, upon a vote of three-fourths of all its Members; or

(2) A constitutional convention.

Section 2 The General Assembly may, by a vote of two-thirds of all its Members, call a
constitutional convention, or by a majority vote of all its Members, submit to the
electorate the question of calling such a convention.

Section 3 Any amendment to, or revision of, this Constitution under Section 1 hereof shall be valid
when ratified by a majority of the votes cast in a plebiscite which shall be held not earlier
than 7 days or later than 21 days after the approval of such amendment or revision.

Federal Student Government| 2020 Constitution and by-Laws

Section 4 Within three (3) days, the officers shall release decision. Where such proposals
considered have warranted amendment or revision, the decision will carry with it the
members of the Constitutional Commission here in under referred to as the Commission.

Section 5 The Commission shall be composed of five (5) members, all appointed by the President,
This shall elect among them the Chairman and Vice- Chairman

Section 6 No officer shall form part of the Commission unless he has served as an officer
Of the College of St. Catherine Quezon City – Federal Student Government for
Two consecutive (2) years.

Section 7 The Commission shall formulate its rules and proceedings provided that it shall not be
Contrary to this Constitution.

Section 8 Within seven (7) school days, the Commission shall submit to the President and Adviser its
resolutions, who shall schedule the plebiscite within fifteen (4) school days from the receipt
Of such recommendations.

Section 9 Ratified recommendations shall form an integral part of this Constitution and shall repel all
inconsistent provisions.

Section 10 There shall be no amendments to this Constitution one (1) year from the day it was ratified.
Except: Article VII Section 2, which can be amended three (3) years from the day the
constitution, was ratified.

Section 11 There shall no revisions of this constitution five (5) years from its ratification.


Section 1 The Incumbent President and officers shall continue to exercise executive powers until
the next president taken oath.

Section 2 the 2018 constitution and by- laws shall end three days at exactly 3:00 P.M. from the day
the 2020 constitution was ratified.


Done en banc

Federal Student Government| 2020 Constitution and by-Laws



Section 1 This shall be known and cited as the "Omnibus Election Code of the Federal Student

Section 2 This Code shall govern all election of public officers and, to the extent appropriate, all
referenda and plebiscites.

Section 3 Unless otherwise fixed in special cases by the Commission on Elections, which
hereinafter shall be referred to as the Commission, the election period shall commence
fifteen days before the day of the election and shall end fifteen days thereafter.

Section 4 It shall be the obligation of every citizen qualified to vote to register and cast his vote.

Section 5 When for any serious cause such as violence, terrorism, loss or destruction of election
paraphernalia or records, force majeure, and other analogous causes of such a nature that
the holding of a free, orderly and honest election should become impossible in any
political subdivision, the Commission, motu proprio or upon a verified petition by any
interested party, and after due notice and hearing, whereby all interested parties are
afforded equal opportunity to be heard, shall postpone the election therein to a date which
should be reasonably close to the date of the election not held, suspended or which
resulted in a failure to elect but not later than seven days after the cessation of the cause
for such postponement or suspension of the election or failure to elect.

Section 6 A printed copy of this Code in English or in the national language shall be provided and
be made available by the Commission in every polling place, in order that it may be
readily consulted by any person in need thereof on the registration, revision and election

Section 7 The office of any official elected who fails or refuses to take his oath of office within six
months from his proclamation shall be considered vacant, unless said failure is for a
cause or causes beyond his control.

Section 8  Any person who has been declared by competent authority insane or incompetent, or has
been sentenced by final judgment for subversion, insurrection, rebellion or for any
offense for which he has been sentenced to a sanction or suspension of more than seven
days for a crime involving moral turpitude, shall be disqualified to be a candidate and to
hold any office, unless he has been given plenary pardon or granted amnesty.

Federal Student Government| 2020 Constitution and by-Laws



Section 1 This Act shall be known as the "Fair Elections Act".

Section 2  Election propaganda whether on radio and newspapers or any other medium is hereby
allowed for all registered political parties or organizations participating under the party-
list elections and for all bona fide candidates seeking elective positions subject to the
limitation on authorized expenses of candidates and political parties, observance of truth
in advertising and to the supervision and regulation by the Commission on Elections

Section 3 For the purpose of this Act, lawful election propaganda shall include:

3.1 Pamphlets, leaflets, cards, decals, stickers or other written or printed materials the
size of which does not exceed eight and one-half inches in width and fourteen inches in

3.2 Handwritten or printed letters urging voters to vote for or against any particular
political party or candidate for public office;

3.2 Cloth, paper or cardboard posters whether framed, or posted, with an area not
exceeding two (2) feet by three (3) feet, except that, at the site and on the occasion of a
public meeting or rally, or in announcing the holding of said meeting or rally, streamers
not exceeding three (3) feet by eight (8) feet in size, shall be allowed: Provided, That said
streamers may be displayed five (5) days before the date of the meeting or rally and shall
be removed within twenty-four (24) hours after said meeting or rally;

3.3 Paid advertisements in print or broadcast media: Provided, that the advertisements
shall follow the requirements set by the Commission on Election and Appointments.

3.3.1 Total paid advertisement fee of the whole party shall not exceed 2000 pesos
and shall present valid, accurate and honest liquidation of all paid expenses.

Section 4 Out of the school premises advertisements of the candidate or political party shall not be
printed, published, broadcast or exhibited.

Section 5  The COMELEC may authorize political parties and party-list groups to erect common
poster areas for their candidates

Section 6 There shall be no candidate substitution during and two days before the election

Section 7 Rules and regulations promulgated by the COMELEC under and by authority of the
Federal Student Government Constitution and this Section shall take effect the moment
the COMELEC was established.

Federal Student Government| 2020 Constitution and by-Laws

Section 8 There shall be no advertisement circulated or support in all forms or nature coming from
the incumbent officers of the government.

Doing such may cause the incumbent officer’s vote to be null and void

Section 9 There shall be no advertisement circulated or support in all forms or nature coming from
the Alumni.

Doing such may cause for the candidate to write a written explanation addressing to the
chairman of the COMELEC within 24 hours, failure to do so may cause imminent
disqualification of the candidate.

Section 10 There shall be no advertisement circulated or support in all forms or nature coming from
the Faculty, Staff and Administration of the School.

Doing such may cause for the candidate to write a written explanation addressing to the
chairman of the COMELEC within 24 hours, immediate quorum with the COMELEC
Officers shall take place 3 hours after the written explanation has submitted, in deliberate
violation of such will immediately cause disqualification, while failure to do so may
cause imminent disqualification of the candidate.

Section 11 the candidates shall not post any opposing statements or a propaganda that aims to
destroy other party’s image to the student.

Doing such may cause for the candidate to write a written explanation addressing to the
chairman of the COMELEC within 24 hours, immediate quorum with the COMELEC
Officers shall take place 3 hours after the written explanation has submitted, in deliberate
violation of such will immediately cause disqualification, while failure to do so may
cause imminent disqualification of the candidate.

Federal Student Government| 2020 Constitution and by-Laws

Signed: Denver Alfonso
STEM Representative, Supreme Student Council

Joseph Allen De Vera Aubrey Miles Tumala

President, Supreme Student Council HUMSS Representative, Supreme Student Council

Sean Lariel Torres Genielson Ligao

Vice President, Supreme Student Council GAS Representative, Supreme Student Council

Ramille Crepa
Secretary, Supreme Student Council Andrea Mae Angkico
GAS Representative, Supreme Student Council

Edslyn Trias
Assistant Secretary, Supreme Student Council Alvic Fulgeras
HE Representative, Supreme Student Council

Daniella Espiritu
Treasurer, Supreme Student Council Nicole Joren
Executive Committee, Supreme Student Council

Louie Tio
Auditor, Supreme Student Council Jean Anthony Owen Degayo
Secretariat Committee, Supreme Student Council

Camille Rayza Dagdagan

PIO 12, Supreme Student Council Cegrid Jan Pascual
Financial Committee, Supreme Student Council

Eidref Inguillo
PIO 11, Supreme Student Council Justin Diego
Financial Committee, Supreme Student Council

Federal Student Government| 2020 Constitution and by-Laws


Joseph Allen D. De Vera

President, Supreme Student Council


Karizza Kris Karla S. Bacus, LPT

Adviser, Supreme Student Council

Carl Jason Talan, LPT

Academic Coordinator, Senior High School


Jeffrey B. Borja, LPT

Head, Senior High School

Julian Benedick M. Chun, MRIEdr

OIC Principal, Basic Education

Noted by:

Norman C. Maningding
Director, Student Affairs and Services

Katherine M. Ordonez
CSCQC Vice President, Administration and Internal Affairs


Office of the Senior High School Activity Coordinator

Office of the Student Activity Coordinator

Federal Student Government| 2020 Constitution and by-Laws

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