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Southwest Local Health Integration Network (SW LHIN)

Integrated Supply Chain Management (iSCM) Project


Project Description
Hospitals within the South West LHIN have a history of working together with the creation of
several shared supply chain groups such as Healthcare Materials Management Services
(HMMS), Huron Perth Healthcare Alliance, Grey Bruce Health Services, and South Bruce Grey
Health Centre. These initiatives, formed many years ago, were created to share resources,
consolidate contract management and better manage their individual inventories through
product standardization and stockless inventory replenishment programs. The potential for
further integration and collaboration of these various supply chain activities within the South
West LHIN appears to have merit based on other regional supply chain studies. This appears to
be a natural extension of activities already underway and all of the South West LHIN
hospitals/health service providers are supporting a full review of opportunities through a formal
Implementation Analysis (IA). This project will explore areas within Purchasing, Accounts
Payable, Inventory Management and Logistics (warehousing and distribution) where further
consolidation and alignment might result in freeing up financial resources that can then be
redirected to patient care activities.

The expected duration of the Implementation Analysis phase is twelve months, beginning April

Partner Organizations Represented on the Supply Chain Steering Committee

Alexandra Hospital, Ingersoll
Alexandra Marine & General Hospital
Grey Bruce Health Services
Hanover and District Hospital
Healthcare Materials Management Services
Huron Perth Healthcare Alliance
Listowel Wingham Hospitals Alliance
London Health Sciences Centre
Middlesex Hospital Alliance
St. Joseph’s Health Care, London
St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital
South Bruce Grey Health Centre
South Huron Hospital Association
Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital
Wingham & District Hospital
Woodstock General Hospital
Southwest Local Health Integration Network
The Project Manager manages the overall planning and implementation of the project. The
Project Manager works with the Supply Chain Sponsor Committee and consultants to obtain the
necessary information and resources to support the project and ensure its successful
completion and transition to the Implementation Phase.

Project Management
Project planning including initiation and close out
Development of a high-level project strategy
Establishment of the project's key milestones and deliverables
Development of work plans, where appropriate
Identification of ad hoc committees to work on specific components of the project as necessary
Creation of a project schedule
Definition of activities and dependencies to deliver the approved scope
Scheduling of the project activities against the resource commitments
Leading the effort to find response strategies for high and medium project risks
Estimating risk contingency costs and assigning risk responsibility
Obtaining agreement from stakeholders for the project risk response plan
Conducting project kick-off meeting
Verifying task completion as defined in the project plan
Reviewing stakeholder expectations throughout the project, ensuring they are being met within
the project scope
Conducting all project close out activities including closing of all financial activities associated
with the project, notifying stakeholders formally of the project closure, closing all project
contract, archiving project documents

Communication and Reporting

Providing reports on the project progress and budget to the Supply Chain Sponsor Committee
Preparing reports as necessary for the Executive Sponsor Steering Committee
Managing issue escalation and resolution
Working with the consultants to gather the required information
Development and distribution of project status reports to the Supply Chain Sponsor Committee
and the Executive Sponsor Steering Committee
Building a project communication plan identifying suitable tools and methods to communicate
with stakeholders
Scheduling of activities to address the communication plan
Interacting with stakeholders to ensure support for the project
Managing the relationship with consultants for the duration of a project

Accountable for developing, managing and reporting on the project budget from a time and cost
Obtaining approval for planned project budget and expenditures from stakeholders
Development of a summary budget
Administration and Committee Support
Organizing the Supply Chain Sponsor Committee
Chairing the Supply Chain Sponsor Committee
Developing agendas and recording of minutes for the Executive Sponsor Steering Committee
and the Supply Chain Sponsor Committee
Archiving of agenda, minutes and other project documentation
Obtaining approval of the project schedule from stakeholders
Analyzing material and other resource requirements

The Project Manager is accountable to the Supply Chain Sponsor Committee.
On a daily basis, the Project Manager will report to the Co-Chairs of the Supply Chain Sponsor
The Project Manager will work directly with the Supply Chain Sponsor Committee on all issues
affecting the project.
The Project Manager may work directly with any member of the Supply Chain Sponsor
Committee in gathering information directly impacting the sponsor’s organization.

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