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Gait Assessment using the Kinect RGB-D Sensor*

Jingbo Zhao, Frank E. Bunn, Jacob M. Perron, Edward Shen, Robert S. Allison

evaluated the accuracy of the Kinect sensor for static balance

Abstract— Patients with concussions, strokes and assessment [5] and used the sensor to measure gait-related
neuromuscular disease such as Parkinson's disease, often have
difficulties in keeping balance and suffer from abnormal gaits. parameters [6]. Notably, [7] used a Kinect sensor for
Gait assessment conducted by a physician or therapist in clinics long-term, continuous, in-home fall detection.
is standard clinical practice for assessing such injuries. Despite this work, it is clear that there is still a gap
However, this approach is subjective, leading to potential
between the measurement of gait-related parameters and an
problems of unrepeatability, poor sensitivity and unreliability.
To conduct the assessment in an objective way, a automated gait assessment system. In addition, the results
computer-based gait assessment system is designed and given by a computer-based assessment system has to be
presented in this paper. The system performs assessments on meaningful and convincing. Thus, it would be beneficial to
dynamic balance and gaits by analyzing the skeleton frames of a design a system that implements a standard clinical gait
subject captured by the Microsoft Kinect RGB-D sensor. assessment. The assessment results of such a system will be
Results show that the proposed system effectively scores more easily understood and accepted by clinics and patients.
Common clinical gait assessments include the Timed-up
I. INTRODUCTION and Go [8] and Tinetti assessment [9]. In [10], a 3-axis
accelerometer, wearable on ears (e-AR) was employed.
Patients with concussions, including athletes, may have Algorithms were developed for assessing standing, walking
difficulty in keeping balance and these difficulties are often and sitting in Timed-up and Go assessment and for assessing
reflected in changes in gait. These problems have to be standing with eyes closed and 360º turning in the Tinetti
assessed before proper therapies can be given or before assessment. A limitation with this approach is that it is
determination of suitability for play or other activities can be difficult to calculate important gait parameters such as foot
made. clearance and step length by sensing only head accelerations.
Current methods for assessing human gaits are subjective These parameters are important for diagnosis and they may
and are usually conducted by a physician at a clinic or a reflect the progress of recovery of patients [11].
trainer on the field. Since they are performed in a subjective We focused on the Tinetti assessment because it covers a
way, the results may differ between assessors and may vary wide range of dynamic balance analyses in different
even for the same evaluator at different times [1]. While the scenarios. In general, the proposed system distinguishes itself
standard tests have been shown to have moderately good from previous work in its ability to measure the dynamics of a
inter-rater and test-retest reliability, there is considerable patient's gait. The goal of the study is to set up reliable
room for improvement [2][3][4]. Moreover, reliability is standards for the computer-based gait assessment.
lower with inexperienced assessors [4] but trainers who do
such assessments relatively infrequently must make many
locker room or on-field decisions. Computer-based
assessment systems offer the potential for the process to be
conducted in an objective and more repeatable way. Data Acquisition

To realize the aim, it is desirable to develop a computer

vision system for gait assessment. The Microsoft Kinect Pre-processing
sensor has received great attention for its promising
applications in balance assessment. Previous studies have
Segment Steps and Find Pauses of Feet Below
Calculate Trunk a Speed Threshold and
*Research supported by the NSERC Engage program and the NSERC Parameters Calculate Trunk Parameters
CREATE Training Program in Vision Science and Applications.
Jingbo Zhao is with Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer
Science, York University, Toronto, Canada (e-mail: Feature Extraction Feature Extraction
Frank E. Bunn is with PH.D. Associates Inc., Toronto, Canada (e-mail:
Jacob M. Perron is with is with School of Computing Science, Simon Classification Classification
Fraser University, British Columbia, Canada (e-mail:
Edward Shen is with Bubl Technology Inc., Toronto, Canada (e-mail: Gait Analysis 360º Turning Analysis
Robert S. Allison is with Department of Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science, York University, Toronto, Canada (corresponding Figure 1. Overview of the gait assessment
author, phone: 1-416-736-2100 x20192; e-mail:

978-1-4244-9270-1/15/$31.00 ©2015 IEEE 6679

The system developed measures all aspects of the both feet during stepping. The most important features of the
standard Tinetti test in an automated, computer-guided curves are the start-, the mid- and the end-points. These are
procedure, except the sub-assessment ‘Nudged’, based on identified as feature points and used for analyzing the gait.
[12]. The present paper focuses on developing algorithms that The algorithm is insensitive to the tilt angle of the Kinect
deal with the most challenging components of the Tinetti sensor since we use the Z component (in depth) of foot speed
assessment, namely the gait analysis and the 360º turning for step segmentation.
analysis. Fig. 1 presents an overview of the system that
consists of data acquisition, pre-processing, gait analysis and D. Finding Overlaps of Feet in 360º Turning Analysis
360º turning analysis. The 360º turning analysis uses the same pre-processing
step as the gait analysis. Since a subject is turning 360º on
A. Data Acquisition spot, it is difficult to segment the steps using the method for
The Kinect sensor samples at a frequency of approximately the gait analysis. To measure the continuity of a turn, the
30 Hz and video frames are captured both in color and depth. algorithm identifies the skeleton frames in which the speeds
Using captured frames, the middleware of Kinect SDK of both feet are below a certain speed threshold. Specifically,
segments and tracks human skeletons and gives the output of the speed is defined as the Euclidean norm of X and Z
a human skeleton represented by 20 nodes or control points in components of the speed of a foot. A group of consecutive
the Kinect’s own reference frame known as the skeleton skeleton frames below a certain speed threshold indicates that
space [13]. Each node represents a specific joint with 3D a subject may have paused during a 360º turn. As shown in
position information in units of meters. The skeleton space Fig. 3, the algorithm identified 6 pauses during the 360º turn
uses a right-handed coordinate system: the Y axis lies in that are rendered in the shaded areas (based on a toe-off speed
vertical direction of the image plane, the Z axis extends in threshold of 0.2 m/s). The time interval of each pause is
depth perpendicularly from the sensor and the X axis is determined by the difference in timestamp of the first
horizontal in the image plane and orthogonal to the Y and Z skeleton frame and the last skeleton frame in a group.
axes [13].
E. Definition of Trunk Features
B. Pre-processing The stability of the trunk of the body was monitored by two
The position and the speed of each joint in the time factors: the use of arms for balancing and the lean angle of the
sequence are considered as one-dimensional signals. Two 2nd trunk in the coronal plane. Additionally, for gait analysis, it is
order low-pass Butterworth smoothing filters were used to necessary to calculate the deviation of the base of the spine
reduce the noise in the signals. Empirically-determined relative to the traveled path.
cut-off frequencies of 4Hz and 1Hz were used for the position
and speed signals of each joint, respectively. We assume that at the start of an assessment the subject is
not using the arms for balancing and the wrists are placed at
C. Segmentation of Steps in Gait Analysis the sides of body (as directed by the therapist). In other words,
To extract the features of walking steps, it is necessary to the wrists are at their resting positions. The distance between
accurately segment the steps, i.e. determine the start and the wrists is defined as the Euclidean norm of X and Y
end of a step. We used the Z component (in depth) of foot components of positions of two wrists. The Z component is
speed because it showed good regularity in relation to the ignored since the arms typically swing during walking.
phases of the steps. The algorithm robustly segmented the During a walk or a 360º turn, when subjects use their arms
steps while ignoring the small peaks generated by the for balancing or lean the trunk of their body, the distance
interference from parts of the body overlapping or the between the wrists will increase. By calculating the difference
distance between the subject and the camera being too long. of the distance between the wrists at the resting positions and
Fig. 2 illustrates an example time series of the Z speeds of the distance of wrists during a walk or a 360º turn, the use of

2.5 0.45
Left Foot Left Foot
Right Foot 0.4 Right Foot
2 Feature Points

Speed (m/s)

Speed (m/s)





0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 0 50 100 150 200 250
Frames Frames

Figure 2. Curves of Z speeds of two Feet in gait analysis Figure 3. Curves of X-Z speeds of two feet in 360º turning analysis

1 Left Foot
Left Wrist Right Foot
0.8 Right Wrist

Speed (m/s)

Distance (m)

0.2 0
t2 sr
0.1 df
0.2 dl lr 200

Distance (m) t1 150

0.3 dr 100
50 Frames
-0.4 0.4 0
0 50 100 150 200 250
Figure 6. The definition of gait features correlated with the movements of feet
Figure 4. Uses of arms for balancing in 360º turning analysis
(𝑑𝑓 denotes the distance between the heels and 𝑑𝑙 and 𝑑𝑟 denote the step lengths of
arms for balancing can be detected. To illustrate the process, the left foot and the right foot, respectively)
we draw the changes of X distances of two wrists with We define the gait features involved in the gait analysis as
respect to the origin of the Kinect in Fig. 4. The shaded area in follows (with units in parentheses):
the figure indicates an interval in which a subject used the
right arm for balancing.  Initiation of gait, 𝑡1 (𝑚𝑠);
The leaning angle of the trunk is defined as the angle  Step through length, 𝑙𝑙 (𝑚) and 𝑙𝑟 (𝑚);
between the vector of the trunk (between the center of
 Step height speed, 𝑠𝑙 (𝑚 ⋅ 𝑠 −1 ) and 𝑠𝑟 (𝑚 ⋅ 𝑠 −1 );
shoulders and the spine base) and the gravitational vector in
the coronal plane. The angle can be obtained by calculating  Step symmetry, 𝑑1 (𝑚);
the dot product of these two vectors.
 Step interval, 𝑡2 (𝑚𝑠);
To measure the deviation from the path during a walk, a
path vector p⃑ is calculated using the position of spine base in  Path, 𝑑2 (𝑚);
the first frame and last frame in a walk. The instantaneous  Trunk, 𝑑3 (𝑚) 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝜃1 (°);
deviation from the path is defined as the perpendicular
distance between the position of the base of the spine and the  Walking stance, 𝑑4 (𝑚);
straight line path along vector p
⃑ as shown in Fig. 5. Some of the features associated with the movements of feet
F. Feature Extraction of Gait Analysis are illustrated in Fig. 6.
For gait analysis, we are interested in the three feature G. Feature Extraction of 360º Turning Analysis
points of each step: the start, the mid and the end. Each We define the following features involved in the 360º
feature point contains the timestamp, the position and the turning analysis:
speed of the moving foot.
 Continuity of steps 𝑡3 (𝑚𝑠);
 Steadiness 𝑑5 (𝑚);
Spine Base
H. Classification
0.15 Path Vector p The classification of normal and abnormal patterns of
each gait feature of a subject is performed by thresholding the
features extracted from the recorded skeleton. To determine
0.13 the thresholds of the features, data were captured from
X Distance (m)

athletes with potential risk of concussion and a kinesiologist
was asked to score the athletes by watching the prerecorded
0.11 videos using the software developed for the study. The scores
given by the kinesiologist were used as the ground truth for
determining the thresholds.

We designed the algorithms using Matlab 2014a for data
1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 analysis. Using Microsoft Visual Studio 2013, we also
Z Distance (m) developed a desktop application for performing experimental
real-time assessments.
Figure 5. The deviation of spine base with respect to the traveled path


Subject 𝑡1 𝑙𝑙 𝑙𝑟 𝑠𝑙 𝑠𝑟 𝑑1 𝑡2 𝑑2 𝑑3 𝜃1 𝑑4 𝑑5 𝑡3
1 1032 0.414 0.523 0.145 0.120 0.038 -164 0.001 0.087 0.817 0.007 0.128 32
2 1167 0.398 0.619 0.092 0.071 0.122 -132 0.019 0.112 2.303 0.020 0.090 164
3 1232 0.620 0.661 0.169 0.107 0.003 -332 0.030* 0.023 3.200 0.041 0.098 0
4 1104 0.432 0.474 0.080 0.060 0.014 -268 0.015 0.151* 2.808 0.025 0.156* 0
5 1232 0.379* 0.566 0.152 0.081 0.073 -200 0.008 0.098 0.998 0.038 0.086 36
6 1268 0.388 0.406* 0.196 0.112 0.123* -104 0.018 0.015 0.968 0.027 0.095 200*
7 392 0.474 0.475 0.036* 0.035* 0.048 -300 0.010 0.108 0.836 0.004 0.356 0
8 1204 0.465 0.464 0.222 0.052 0.033 -32* 0.023 0.039 2.754 0.013 0.098 0
9 1300* 0.407 0.505 0.105 0.121 0.079 -236 0.023 0.089 5.753* 0.059* 0.107 68
10 1263 0.467 0.456 0.047 0.048 0.057 -200 0.016 0.085 2.350 0.014 0.101 32
* The selected values for thresholds

𝑇𝑡1 𝑇𝑙𝑙 𝑇𝑙𝑟 𝑇𝑠𝑙 𝑇𝑠𝑟 𝑇𝑑1 𝑇𝑡2 𝑇𝑑2 𝑇𝑑3 𝑇𝜃1 𝑇𝑑4 𝑇𝑑5 𝑇𝑡3
1300 0.379 0.406 0.036 0.035 0.123 -32 0.030 0.151 5.753 0.059 0.156 200

The data were captured from 10 athletes by researchers in the value 0.1564 meter was selected instead of 0.3564 meter
the department of Kinesiology at York University. Three because, in the latter case, the subject used arms for balancing,
athletes had a history of concussions, one had a suspected which resulted in a longer distance. These thresholds are set
concussion and the rest were healthy controls. Informed in our desktop application for experimental real-time
consent was obtained from the participants in accordance assessments. These parameter settings will form the initial
with a protocol approved by the Human Participants Review baseline for scoring abnormal gaits to be obtained in planned
Subcommittee at York University. clinical studies and subsequently refined to optimize
discrimination of normal and abnormal gait.
The base of the Kinect sensor was placed 0.84 m above
the ground. For gait analysis, the athletes were asked to IV. DISCUSSIONS
stand 3.8 m away from the camera, perform a walk towards
the camera and stop at 1.8 m away from the camera. For The primary task for future study is to build a database that
360º turning analysis, the athletes were asked to stand at a contains as many samples as possible from relevant clinical
position between 1.8 m and 3.8 m away from the camera and populations. When the number of samples is large enough
perform a 360º turn. To calibrate the system, we extracted the and adequately covers normal and abnormal patterns of each
features from the collected data using the developed Matlab gait feature, the accuracy of the segmentation will be
code, as shown in Table I. From the table, some interesting improved by determining a new threshold or using more
patterns can be observed. For example, it took most subjects advanced classification algorithms. Further, thresholding
more than 1000 ms to initiate a walk as shown in the second methods for classification might be improved upon by using
column 𝑡1 . algorithms such as k-Nearest Neighbor, which can consider
the interaction of multiple features in determining gait.
Ideally, the sample data should cover all normal and
A limitation of the gait analysis is the limited detection
abnormal patterns of gait analysis and 360º turning analysis
range of the Kinect sensor. We have updated our desktop
so that it is possible to determine optimal thresholds for each
application to support Kinect for Windows V2, which will be
feature. However, the results of assessments conducted by the
used for future studies. The new Kinect sensor provides an
kinesiologist showed that all participants received full scores
extended detection range for walking and better precision and
on all sub-assessments of gait analysis. All subjects but one
accuracy in tracking subjects.
achieved full scores in the 360º turning analysis. This subject
used hands for balancing but the trunk was stable during the In addition, we plan to compare our system using the
360º turn. Kinect sensor with another motion tracking system using the
same set of features to determine the reliability of these
The lack of abnormal results posed a problem for
determining thresholds for the assessments, since the data
samples were unable to cover all cases and the number of
samples was very limited. V. CONCLUSION
We have presented a computer vision system based on the
Our approach to set the thresholds is to consider our sample
representative of normal variation. Then, for each feature, we methods revealed in [12]. The lack of not normal results and
select the limit that will enable all normal participants to pass very limited normal results did not permit us to rigorously
the automated assessment (since they were passed by the calibrate the system but did demonstrate its potential for
kinesiologist); the limit is normally the value that represents assessment of a subject’s mobility. We are still in the process
the worst case in a sub-assessment as shown in Table II. For of capturing data and advanced classification algorithms may
example, in steadiness assessment in 360º turning analysis, be used when more data are available. In the future, we expect

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