Assignment II

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Assignment II

UV protective finishes

Submitted by:
Ujjawala jain

The incidence of skin cancer has been rising worldwide due to excessive exposure
to sunlight. Elevated exposure to ultraviolet radiation component of sunlight results in
skin damages; such as sunburn, premature skin ageing, allergies and skin cancer.
Medical experts suggest several means of protection of human skin against
ultraviolet radiation; use of sunscreens, avoidance of the sun at its highest
intensities, wearing clothing that covers as much of the skin surface. However, this
research paper will tell you about the uv protective finish, the chemical used in UV
protective finish, different amounts of chemical used in UV protective finish, types of
fabrics, types of test, result of test and chemicals. An attempt has been made to
produce uv- resist fabrics using titanium dioxide in lyocell and silk union fabrics. It is
found that tio2 as a UV finish can be efficiently given to silk and lyocell union fabrics.
The uv tests indicate a significant improvement in the UV absorbing activity in the
TiO2 treated fabrics. Samples treated with UV finish showed good fasteness
properties upto 25 washes. The effect of UV finish on air permeability, absorbency,
wickability, tensile strength, crease recovery and drapability was also observed. UV
finished fabrics show a marginal decrease in tensile strength, absorbency, crease
recovery and air permeability.

Ultraviolet radiation
Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is a component of solar radiation. UV radiation levels are
influenced by a number of factors.
● Sun elevation: the higher the sun in the sky, the higher the UV radiation level.
● Latitude: the closer to the equator, the higher the UV radiation levels.
● Cloud cover: UV radiation levels are highest under cloudless skies but even with
cloud cover, they can be high.
● Altitude: UV levels increase by about 5% with every 1000 metres altitude.
● Ozone: ozone absorbs some of the UV radiation from the sun. As the ozone layer
is depleted, more UV radiation
reaches the Earth's surface.
● Ground reflection: many surfaces reflect the sun’s rays and add to the overall UV
exposure (e.g. grass, soil and water
reflect less than 10% of UV radiation; fresh snow reflects up to 80%; dry beach sand
reflects 15%, and sea foam reflects 25%.

Types of UV radiation: Sunlight contain three types of ultraviolet rays: UVA, UVB,
and UVC.
● UVA rays cause skin aging and wrinkling, and contribute to skin cancer, such as
melanoma. Because UVA rays pass
effortlessly through the ozone layer (the protective layer of atmosphere, or shield,
surrounding the earth), they make
up the majority of our sun exposure. Beware of tanning beds because they use UVA
rays to generate tanning. A UVA
tan does not help protect the skin from further sun damage; it merely produces
colour and a false sense of protection
from the sun.
● UVB rays are also dangerous, causing sunburns, cataracts (clouding of the eye
lens), immune system damage, and
contributing to skin cancer. Melanoma, the most dangerous form of skin cancer, is
thought to be associated with severe
UVB sunburns that occur before the age of 20. Most UVB rays are absorbed by the
ozone layer, but enough of these
rays pass through to cause serious damage.
● UVC rays are the most dangerous, but fortunately, these rays are blocked by the
ozone layer and don't reach the earth.

• The most dangerous form of skin cancer, these cancerous growths develop
when unrepaired DNA damage to skin cells (most often caused by ultraviolet
radiation from sunshine or tanning beds) triggers mutations (genetic defects)
that lead the skin cells to multiply rapidly and form malignant tumors.

• superficial reddening of the skin, usually in patches, as a result of injury or
irritation causing dilatation of the blood capillaries.

Effects Of U.V radiations

• Human Skin
 The major effects of UV are
• Sunburn
• Erythema(skin reddening)
• Skin cancer (Melanoma)
• DNA damage.
• Acceleration of Skin Ageing
• Eye damage.

• Using umbrella,hat
• Applying sunscreen
• Wearing sun protective clothing
Protection Factor

• Protection factor is used to quantify the protective effect of material.
• SPF/UPF is the ratio of actual potential erythemal effect to the erythemal
effect transmitted through the fabric.
• Larger the UPF/SPF, the more protective the fabric to UV radiation.

Sλ is Solar spectral irradiance in Wm-2nm-1
Eλ is relative erythemal spectral effectiveness
T λ is spectral transmission of object
∆ λ is band width in nm
λ is wavelength in nm
ED is effective dose of UVR for unprotected skin
EDM is the effective dose of UVR for protected skin
Ultraviolet protection factor
Textile’s UV protection performance is determined by ultraviolet protection factor

Classification UPF Approximate % UV


Good UV protection 15-24 93.3%-95.8%

Very good UV protection 25-39 96%-97.4%

Excellent UV protection 40-50 97.5%-98%

Mechanism of UV transmittance
When light falls on a fabric or fiber it will either reflected, transmitted or absorbed.
The UV protection by textile is a function of the physio-chemical characteristics.

Factors of UV protection
• Fibre Chemistry
• Fabric Construction, Porosity, Thickness and Weight.
• Dye Concentration, Whitening agents, UV absorbers
• Moisture content
• Finishing chemicals
UPF Factors
 Cover Factor
• To optimize the fabric construction so as to increase the skin cover by fibers,
which can be achieved by spacing the yarns as closely as possible. UV
transmittance can also be reduced by improving the absorption & reflection
• The more the cover factor, high is UPF.
 Color (Dye)
 Humidity
The UPF increased as the relative humidity increased, but this increase is
fibre dependent, more pronounced in viscose & silk


 Fiber type

 Polyester, silk and wool fabrics are better UV blockers than cotton or rayon
 Polyester fibers show a better absorption-due their aromatic nature
 Fabric construction

 Tighter the weave, the greater is protection as the transmission is reduced.
 With the same weave structure, the UPF of the fabric increases with its
 Closed textured (have low porosity)hence low transmission of UVR.
 Cover factor-UPF increases with the cover factor

 Moisture content
 UPF increases as the relative humidity is raised
 The effect of relative humidity is strongly dependent on the fiber type(natural
swelling behaviour of fibers)
 Swelling-reduces space between ends and picks
 Dyes
 Dyes have a considerable influence on UV permeability.
 They absorb light in the UVR spectral region
 Absorbing property of each dye is unique to that dyestuff
 Their UV protection power is dependent on concentration. Binary mixture of
monochlorotriazine dyes provide higher UPF than the individual ones.
 Lengthening of the chromophoric chain of two linked dyes owing to their
interaction leads to an increase of the UPF of fabric.
 Color
 The effect of colour on the UPF of samples with identical weaves and weights

U.V Absorbers
• UV absorbers are colorless compounds with very strong absorption in the UV
range of 290-400nm.
• UV Absorbers incorporated into fibres convert electronic excitation energy into
thermal energy.
• They function as radical scavengers and oxygen scavengers.
• Selectively absorb UVR and convert it in to heat.
 Cibatex UPF
• It is UV absorber with two reactive groups
• It is stable to repeated washing due to bi-reactive structure
• Applied to cotton and cotton blend fibers.
 Cibafast W
• a monosulphonated benotriazole derivative
• Applied to wool, silk, polyamide fibers and their blends.
• Are joined to the fiber by covalent bond in order to improve UV protection
 Special Finishing Agents
1. TiO2 particles
 UV absorption of synthetics can be modified by pigmentation
 This results in scattering of UV rays
 They are wrapped up in the fiber and are fast to washing.
 leads to a permanent improvement of UV protection
2. Rayosan finish
• Rayosan is a commercial UV-absorber
• React with fibers like reactive dyes
• Rayosan C paste and CO liquid products
• Used for finishing cellulose; polyamide
• The Rayosan finish has a good washing fastness


Tests on denims

3.1 Materials and Methods
In this study, 2×1 twill weave with indigo and white 100% cotton yarns constructed
fabric that is indigo denim was used. Tests conducted before treatments of the fabric
were Yarn count, Yarn crimp (ASTM d3883 - 04(2012)), Yarn twist(ASTM d1422 /
d1422m – 13), Fabric Thickness(standard test is-7702-1975), Air Permeability
(standard test ASTM d737-96), Fabric weight (ASTM d 3776/d 377m-09ae1,
standard test method for mass per unit area (weight) of fabric.), Fabric count (ASTM
d 3775-08, standard test method for fabric count of woven fabric), Whiteness Index
(ATCC test method 110-2011), Breaking strength(TS EN ISO 13934-1, standards
test method for woven fabric tensile strength and elongation of the fabric), Ultra
protective factor (AATCC test method 183-2004), Water repellence (AATCC test
method 22-2010), Rub fastness (ISO 105, BS 1006, AATCC 8, BS en 20105), Wash
fastness (AATCC test method 61-2010, colour fastness to laundering), Water
absorbency (drop test (AATCC/ASTM test method ts-018)), Cloth cover factor and
Colour fastness to ozone(ATCC test method 109-2011). Fabric was bio-washed with
enzyme (NBG) at the temperature of 60˚C for 15 minutes. As well as they were
bleached with hydrogen peroxide for 60 minutes at 75˚c - 80˚c and pH maintained at
8.5 to 9, it was neutralized. Also fabric bleached with sodium hypochlorite for 60
minutes at room temperature as well as. Then were finished with UV protection
(Sera fast PAPS) at 50˚C to 60˚C for 10 minutes then anti-ozone softener (Lava jean
PRO) was applied with the pH of 4.5 to 5 at room temperature for 20 minutes. All
tests which had been carried for untreated sample were also done on bleached and
UV finished sample. All tests which had been carried on untreated sample, bleached
sample and UV finished sample of Denim were compared and contrasted.

3.2 Results and discussion

The microscopic view of this sample showed a uniform diameter with much striations
running parallel to the fibre axis. In longitudinal view fibre had a cylindrical swollen
structure with convolutions and an appeared fibre collapsed spirally twisted
tubes with a rough surface with flat, twisted, ribbons like with canal a wide enough
called lumen and has a granular effect. In Cross sectional view fibre has a unique
cross section. It appears as a single cell with exceedingly complex structure. The
lumen is seen clearly. In the burning test it was seen some fibres scorched and
ignited readily. These fibres burned with yellow flame giving out a smell of burning
paper and formed a light feathery ash. In solubility test, fibres dissolved in a
concentrated acid while some fibres got swollen in concentrated alkali. In
concentrated H2SO4 fibres dissolved and showed change in colour. This indicates
that the fibre was cellulosic group that is “Cotton”. In indigo test fibres are dissolved
in Dimethylformamide (DMF) for half an hour. Then residue was removed, it was
seen that residue turned to white. This indicated that the fibre was 100% indigo
denim. Thereby the results obtained from the microscopic, burning, solubility test,
indigo test and fabric analysis it was determined that the fabric was a 100% cotton
In the burning test, microscopic structure, fabric analysis as well as their chemical
reactivity it was confirmed that it was 100 % cellulosic indigo denim fabric. Properties
of yarn were good and no significant difference was observed in post applications of

the finish. The thickness of untreated fabric to treated fabric was changed marginally.
Air permeability of UV finished sample was decreased which helps to improve UPF
of the sample. In Fabric count of samples changes was found in bleached sample
and UV finished samples. Fabric weight of bleached and UV finished sample was
decreased. Denim treated with Sodium Hypochlorite gave a higher degree of
whiteness as compare to denim which was treated with hydrogen peroxide. Breaking
strength bleached sample was decreased whereas after UV protection finish it was
increased. The Ultra Protection Factor value of untreated and treated denim was
excellent whereas improved in blocking of UV radiation in Treated sample. Treated
has very poor water repellence as they got immediately wet as soon as the water
been sprayed on fabric. Rub fastness of the dry sample extends of colour change of
all denim samples were excellent whereas staining of dry rub fastness was
extremely poor in untreated sample. Wet rub fastness wet fastness was good in
Bleached and finished sample whereas moderate in untreated sample. Staining of
wet rub fastness was seen extremely poor in untreated sample. Wash fastnesscolour
change sample was excellent in all bleached as well as treated sample and
moderate in untreated sample. Extremely poor wash fastness staining was seen in
untreated. The Water Absorbency rate of the original sample was higher than
bleached sample and lower than Finished. The untreated sample and finished
samples showed less cover factor whereas in bleached sample it was increased.
Colour fastness to ozone of all treated denim was fairly good followed by untreated
and bleached sample were moderately fair.

Tests on lyocell and silk fabric

 Materials used for test:
Five types of fabric samples were used. These fabrics were made from pure lyocell
of 30s count (bleached and reactive dyed) and pure silk of 70s denier with 2 ply
filament (degummed and reactive dyed) by plain weave.
 Application and testing of UV finish on fabrics.
To acquire UV protection property on the fabric samples, ISYS SUN (6% owf) was
applied to pretrested material with MLR 1:10 and pH arounf 5.5. the finishing bath
was set at 50 degree Celsius, and the samples were treated in the solution for half
an hour and passed in a padding mangle, dried at 80 degree Celsius and cures at
130 degree Celsius for 3 minutes.
The standard method used for determining the UPF was AATCC 183-
1999( Transmittance or blocking of Erythemally weighted Ultra Violet Radiation
through fabrics) using Shimadzu UV/V ‘s spechtrophotometer. UV transmittance
through the fabric samples was determined within a wave length range from of 280
to 400 nm using a Shimadsu UV/V is sphectrophotometer. The ultraviolet protection
factor (UPF) was computed as the ratio of the erythemally weighted ultraviolet
radiation (UV-R) irradiance at thr detector with no specimen to the erythemally
weighted UV-R irradiance at the detector with specimen present. The preswnt
blocking of UVA and UVB radiation was also calculated.
 Results and discussion

UV protection analysis on treated fabrics
The UPF values and the percent blocking of UV radiation for UV-A and UV-B for the
treated sample and treated sample after 25 washes are given below in the table.

Table: assessment of uv protection factor for treated samples

Table: assessment of UV protection factor for treated samples after 25 washed

Table: UPF ratings and protection categories

The data reflect higher protection against UV radiation for all the samples,
particularly for sample1, 2 and 3. The treated fabrics were tested after 25 washes
again and the UV finish was found to be durable upto 25 washes. This clearly
indicates that finish was well bound to the fabric.
 Conclusions
The performance of titanium dioxide as a UV finish can be efficiently imparted
through the application of TiO2 on the surface of silk and lyocell union fabrics. The
UV tests indicate a significant improvement of the UV absorbing activity of the TiO2
treated fabrics. Such positive results indicate the use of UV resist silk and lyocell
fabric for protecting the body against solar radiation. These treatments were durable
up to 25 washes. Out of all the sample, Sample 2 performed better with respect to
UV finish and its effect on air permeability, absorbency, wicking, drape and tensile
strength. It can be concluded that the silk and lyocell union fabric has responded well
to UV finish and commercialization of the fabric with UV finish is a novel idea.


2 research papers.


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