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Dear Madam Febriana,

In this assignment I’m going to talk about what makes me happy.

What makes me happy is when I’m hanging out with my friends. I will explain why i prefer to
be with my friends and what happened during summer 2019.

For me the terms of being ‘happy’ is so broad. Happy can be in a lot of forms, in a lot of
aspects in life, and ‘happy’ is distinguish differently in every event occurred. But, I guess for
me to feel happy is when I’m surrounded by my closest friends and when I’m accepted. I
feel happy when I’m being accepted and realize I’m finally have a true friend. Especially,
when I’m with my friends and they look at me sincerely and told me that “I look happy”.
Because for me those words are meaningful, as if someone told me that I’m finally myself
accepting myself and actually enjoyed living my own life. I’m happy when I’m hanging out
with my friends at the café or restaurants just to eat some delicious foods and have little
chat to keep our life updated to them.

Back in Summer 2019, I was going out with my friends. We went to one of the famous
restaurant in Jakarta Selatan. As we were eating our lunch, we’re talking about our issues.
Then, I told them I was having a hard time but I’ve finally meet someone that makes me
happy and help me through all the hardships. So, my friend knew that I had troubles in
trusting someone, so they’re glad I finally able to trust one. As I was telling my story, they
didn’t judge me and they told me that they understand and encourages me that It was okay
to feel what I feel at the time. Through the day I find myself smiling and laughing to all the
jokes. Then, I ealize that I’ve earned myself a real and true friend for a lifetime.

I’m usually feeling this way at least once a month, because a lot of time all the projects and
homeworks given by Prasmul is too much and makes me freaked out. So, they helped me to
keep my spirits up and it works. Also, they’re entertained me every weekend because we’re
always going out on weekends.

I’m happy to have a friend like that, the one that willing to listen and cheer me up whenever
I need them to. I can’t be left alone because my mind will go crazy. So, I’m happy when I’m
surrounded by my friends, have someone to rely on, and hangouts with them. It makes my
life easier and they comfort me to make myself feel better.

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