Evil Eye - Najar Dosha - Glance or Glare Fallacy

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Evil Eye – Najar Dosha – Remedy ….

Evil Glare- Glance -Stare

This evil effect of glare or glance is most common in children. Children

affected by it may be fevered or ailed, crying, starved, become inactive, etc.
and we can experience such sufferings but could not see the cause. Many
times we feel that our business and or home place are impacted by such
demon effects [kuprabhava] and we suffer a lot. In marriages, birthday
party or such auspicious gatherings, this kind of eye glare fallacy is more
prone to give its effect.


[01] Slough off or cast off the alum [phitkari] piece of 225 gms for 21 times
over the victim of evil glare in anti clockwise manner and throw it at four-
road junction and do not turned or look back. The evil eye or glance fallacy
will be wiped out.

The same is done for continuous three days with alum piece cast off over
the victim child for 7-times and throw it in the fire will destroy the evil glare.

Note- when we do remedy to destroy/ward off evil, slough off is done in anti
clock manner for even number of times like 1-3-5-7 etc. Instead of four road
junction you may throw the same in running water or fire.

[02] Take 7 or 11 or 21 unlighted incense sticks and cast off it anticlockwise

over the victim for seven times and lighted them in the open sky place. You
will see that the child troubled by the glance fallacy will be recovered within
the time elapsed to the end of lighted sticks.

Note – Generally black incense stick is preferred. But if you know the sign
[Aries etc] of the victim, you may choose the color of the sticks. Such as if
Aries sign then take red incense sticks, if Gemini takes green and so on.
Do not choose color if victim and causer sign name is same.

[03] Take few grains of black mustard [known as rAI in hindi], few granules
of sea salt and unbroken dry red chili and fasted it in paper and cast off it
over the victim for seven or eleven times and burn them as it is. If fumes of
chili come then the evil effect is confirmed and if not then other remedial
measures are to be resorted to. This remedy is done without speaking and

[04] Fastened 50 gms of sugar in paper and cast it off over the victim from
head to feet toe for 51 times and mentally enchant ‘ॐ हं हनुमते नमः … oṃ haṃ
hanumate namaḥ’ while doing it and throw it at the root of holy fig-tree.

[05] on Saturday take black thread 7-times long to the size of the victim
and cast it off for seven times from head to toe and rewind it to the fig-tree,
light incense stick and ghee dipped cotton flame and pray ‘अमुकक बला तेरे
शर…. amukakī balā tere śira’ ‘please cast off the Glare Fallacy of the
victim on you’. In place of ‘amuka or victim’ enchant the name of the victim.
Do not turn or look back and came home.

Note – when ever after doing this kind of remedial measures, do not turn or
look back and wash your hands and feet then came in house and if
possible then take bath.

[06] If you doubted the human who causes the glare fallacy to child, then
ask the causer to put hand on the victim child, the evil will be cast off.

[07] Take the victim of glare fallacy to lord Shri Hanumanji temple and take
rendered vermilion [Sindura] from the feet of the lord and put it on the
forehead of the victim child; days preferred may be Tuesday, Saturday or
full-moon day.

[08] Putting kohl [kajala] in the eye and face [mark of kohl] of the child will
protect him/her from evil eye.

[09] If child does not feed herself, take cow milk in the mud-bowl and cast
off it 7-times with left hand and give it to dog or cat to drink. Dog / cat
should not be your pet.

[10] Donate grains and pulses touched by victim or child once in a month to
protect from evil glare. Also one can do the same by feeding vegetables or
green grass touched by the victim to cow or goat or ram. In the country
where such feeding or donation is not allowed you can do it with the money
donations to such NGO working in these fields.

[11] Many times it is seen that the baby child does not breastfeed her-self
or overthrow the feedings or may over press her gums while breastfeeding.
These are the symptoms of evil glare.

Mother woman should make a rule that either breastfeed the child in a
room or place where both are alone or when not alone cover the head of
the child with the hand of mother. This is best to protect the child.

[12] When you see that the child is affected by evil glare take her in your
lap and mentally murmur Maa Durga mantra ‘ o du durgāyai
nama ’ and then put your caring hand on the head of the child and then put
your palm on the ground. You will find that there is a good relief.

[13] Your baby child will be immune to evil glare if at day of her birth star
take 5- leaves of fig-tree put it in water and bathe her.

[14] Many times we see that the child is feared and may be gasped, then
take an intact piece of alum on Tuesday or Sunday and put it below bed at
her head, the child will be relaxed.

[14a] sometimes we see that child is crying for the whole of the night, then
take two lemon and cast off over the head of the child and go to four road
junction make the 4-piece of it and throw towards four roads; if with one
lemon the child is released then on the second day throw the second lemon
intact on four road junction and if child is not released then do the same
thing on second day with second lemon.

[15] Take 5 gms of cinnamon powder and mixed it in warm ghee and paste
it on the top of the head palate, the child affected by evil glare, will be

[16] To immune the child from all kinds of adversities of breastfeed, take
11-cloves, 3-camphoor pill and 21-granualls of black peeper and put it in
black cloth, tied it with red-thread making it a small pack. When you take
the child for breast feed, keep that pack in your lap and your child will never
have trouble with feedings.

[17] If you see that the child is suffering from evil glare, take 11-cloves, 5-
green cardamom and slight hinga [Hing is the Sanskrit name of a dreadful
smelling resinous exudate from the root of a plant we call asafoetida (fetid.)
Hing is several times more obnoxious smelling than the worst garlic] in
green piece of cloth and pack it then cast off it from child 7-times and put it
under any tree. After this if possible, feed cow vegetables and or green

[18] If your child is fevered under evil glare, then take pure ghee and mixed
it in the myrrh [liquid] of leaves of Indian marigold flower, and paste it as a
‘Tilaka’ mark on the forehead of the child, the child will be relaxed.

[19] Prepare or take 4-cornered kindle lamp [DIYA] of cow-dung or mud

and inflame it with til [sesame] oil, also put a granule of molasses in it, then
put it in the front of the main entrance of the house, evil glare effects will be

[20] Prepare a kindle lamp [DIYA] of wheat oat with black thread and
inflame it with til [sesame] oil, also put two red chili in it, cast it off for 7-
times over the victim of evil glare, then put it outside the house, the adverse
effects will be nullified.

[21] Prepare one sided baked sorghum [Jvaara grain] Roti [Indian bread]
only. Spread ghee on baked side and wrap it with yellow thread, cast it off
over the victim for 7-times and give it to dog to eat [dog should not be pet].
Where sorghum is not available one may take wheat or local grain oat.
Instead of giving to dog you may throw it at four road junction.

[22] Take piece of cloth of mother of child or caring lady, dip it in water and
put on the head of the child her Hichki will be stopped.

[23] Take Ritha flower [some takes root also], fastened it in the thread and
put it in neck of the child like necklace, Hichki will be stopped and evil glare
will be destroyed
[24] Take roots of Lajamni herb fastened it in black thread and put it in the
neck of child cough [khansi] will be destroyed.

[25] Take roots of Nagafani plant / herb fastened it in black thread and put it
in the neck of child big-belly [Afra-jigar-tilli] will be destroyed.

[27] Many times children suffer from vomiting and dasta, here take on
Sunday, bag of oat and glass of water and cast off 7-times over the child;
go outside the house/place and throw the oat on the bone / stone / branch
of tree on the ground and pour the water to rewind it. It would be better if
disposable glass & bag is used and throw that also nearby.

[28] When the child-person is the victim of evil glare or any kind demon
effect, then on Saturday backed 2.1/2 kgs of vajadi ka dalya, mix some
molasses and put it in mud-pot. At the twilight time of evening cast off it
over the body of victim for 1-3-5 or 7 times and go outside the house,
silently put it at four road junction, then do not turn/look back and without
speaking to anybody come home. While doing this entire process, house /
family member should not at all come in front or vicinity.

[29] Take black pepper, root of sahadevi herb / plant and Tulshi leaves in
required quantity [ of quarters like 25gms, 125 gms etc], put it before
goddess MahaKali perform small puja and tell Her your proposed usage of
these herbs. At the sleeping time of the victim, give these herbs light fumes
and this will cure the victim of evil effect.

[30] Sometimes healthy child also cries loudly and does not sleep well, then
take feather of peacock [or kind of such bird like Nilkantha] and fastened it
to the bed or bed-leg. Child will sleep well and will not cry loudly. Feather
should be naturally fall on ground and not to be plucking out in any case.

[31] Take the root of kantakari i.e. Kateri [English name is Solanum
Xanthocarpum] paste it in honey and even on smelling it laziness is
destroyed. This is for humans above teenage.

[32] Take 11-pills of camphor and equal to its weight alum, 5-cloves and
pinch of black sesame seed [til] mix them and pack it in black cloth like a
tiny bag. Cast off the bag 11-times in anti-clock manner then go away
beyond 100 mtr from your house. At a remote / lonely place add pinch of
pure ghee on the bag and burnt it, do not look back and come home.

[33] Take a coconut with tail pointing towards the affected person
enchanting the name mantra of lord Hanumanji and cast off it for 3-5-7
times over the head of the victim sited with flexed knees bent towards the
chest with open palms on the knees. After completing the ritual the coconut
should be broken at the junction of three roads or in a temple of Deity
Hanumanji or at any holy place while chanting ‘Bajarangabali Hanumān ki
jay’. If one does not have any of the above places nearby then one can
break it in any holy place or one’s back yard. The remains of the broken
coconut need to be collected in a plastic bag, sealed and disposed of in a
garbage can away from the house premise after praying to lord
Hanumanji that the negative energy in it be destroyed.

[34] Apostrophic Charms and Amulets

Refusal to accept praise on behalf of child

Spitting on child
Spot of soot or dirt on child so child will not look pretty
Formulaic phrases
Protective hand gestures
Amulets that replicate protective hand-gestures, such as Mano Cornuto
and Mano Fico
Eye amulets or jewelry such as
the All-seeing eye
Utchat or Wadjet eye, eye of Buddha, Nazar Bandha and the
Ojo de Venado or Deer’s Eye or Tiger’s eye

Blue stone beads, and blue glass eye beads Eye-agate amulets or
jewelry Eye made in hand amulets
cats eye shells
Blessings hands of lords or angles
Mirrors Charms
Fumes of Aspand seeds or Gugula or Lobana with enchants of mantras of
Red or black thread or cord
Red coral horns and twigs Buckle of Isis amulets
Horese shoe [Ghode-ki-naala] - this is also used for removal of evil effects
of Saturn
Crecent shaped objects
Nazar Battus idol
(Note: Some of these involve reflective imagery, others are protective.)

[35] Some cures

Olive oil dripped into water with prayer

Wax dripped into water with prayer
Coals or match heads dropped into water with prayer
Passing a whole raw egg over the face, then breaking it
Breaking an egg in a dark, shadowed place, unseen
Breaking an egg and drawing a cross on the victim's forehead
Throwing an egg into the bushes or against a tree (if tree is victim)
Placing a broken egg in dish beneath victim's bed
Piercing a lemon with iron nails
Victim drinks three sips of holy water
Victim is bathed in holy water

[36] Adult is feeling sluggish, irritable, sickly and loss of appetite for no
reason - Take some rock salt and the do the above clockwise and anti
clockwise rotation over the head and immerse in a glass of water kept
close by. It is believed that as the salt mixes with water, the evil eye will
also dissolve away.

[37] A particular member in the family suffers from chronic illness. The
reason could be very well due to evil eye of neighbors or relatives. Take
sea water in a bottle or can and distill the water using a white cloth. After
distillation, take the distilled water and mix a small proportion of “Gau
Mutra”(cow’s urine). Store it in a bottle and spread the water inside every
rooms of the house during Tuesday, Friday, Full moon day and new moon
day. This remedy will burn the evil eye and its resulting illness.

[38] Frequent illness and loss of appetite for livestock’s. Domestic animals
are also in unrest, seem agitated and milky animals like cow do not give
milk. One of the way to remove this evil eye is by bathing the affected
livestock’s using turmeric powder mixed in water. Another effective method
is to rotate a burning coconut over the animal’s body to remove the evil eye

as shown in picture above.

[39] Evil eye can easily affect pregnant ladies when they go out of the
house, and such envious thoughts can affect the health of pregnant
women. While going out, take a two to three neem [Azadirachta Indica] tree
leaves and keep it with you. After returning to home, burn the neem tree
leaves, thus burning the evil eye that was cast on you.

[40] Due to evil glare tension between husband & wife often destroys the
peace & happiness in the family. There are so many issues that become
the cause of tension between marital relationships. In that case this remedy
is very useful. Take 11 Gomati Chakras in a container with red vermillion
(sindoor). Keep this container at home. Peace & happiness shall stay for
long time in the family.

[41] If the child is the victim of evil eye and trouble a lot in that case take a
Cotton wick. Dip it into the Mustered oil and rotate this anti-clock wise
around the head of the child 7 times and burn it in one corner of the room.
It shall remove the evil eye.

Evil eye on places

[01] Following measure may be done on SanivariAmavasya or any

Saturday. Take pinch of black Udada, black sesame seed and mustard
seed and fastened it in the black cloth like handkerchief, put it inside your
place. Take the same with you when in the evening place is being closed,
drop the items in the black cloth inside the place, also put the cloth inside;
and then closed the door / shutter of the shop/office, and if possible also
put a jar of water with drop of ganga jala and come home. On the next day
i.e. Sunday morning open the door, pray your Kuladevta [family deity] that
oh lord! Let the evil glare be released from this please with these items.
Then come inside the place and collect all mustard seeds etc spread on the
ground fastened it again in the black cloth and then put it outside the place
of your shop/office. Sprinkle the water of the jar around the place and pray
to your family deity that oh lord! Let this place be as pure as ever. Then sit
in your shop/office and work. Take the black cloth you put outside the
place, and throw it in flowing water or at fig-tree.

You may continue to do it on Saturday or when you feel that your business
is not upto the mark and your income is falling.

[02] In China the remedy for the evil eye is the Pa Kua mirror, a six-sided
mirror that is hung on the front door or placed in the front window outside.

[03] Is your business running a bad patch, not getting the deserved
success in anyway, and then it might be due to the evil eye of your
business competitors. To ward off evil eye by business competitors or
neighbors, place lemon in a glass full of water. Make sure the glass is a
white transparent one. Keep the glass in a place which is very visible to
people who visit your place. Also, change the water every day. On every
Saturday, remove the lemon and replace it with new one. By doing this, you
can ward off evil eye that affects your business or profession. In place of
water-lemon, common use is bowl of water and red-rose petals in water is
put in front place of business. See the picture below.

[04] Misfortunes, Bad luck, loss of fortune and jobless situation. These are
some of the common evil eye effects. One of the common and well known
method to remove evil eye is by keeping an aquarium in the house.
Aquarium should be kept in the Hall of the house, and should be placed in
the south side of the Hall. You may also install the durga kavacha or rama
raxa yantra to ward off the evil effects. Putting up a photograph of the
famed Panchamukhi Hanumanji is also a sure-shot way to remove evil eye
and safeguard from negative energies. Vastu Dosha can be removed and
nullified by this rare photograph given below.

[05] See the nazar battu [evil eye warder-protector] which can be hanged
on the front wall or door of the place to ward off all evil eyes and adversities

caused other-ways.

The other such famous nazar battu is lemon chilly and I am giving here its
full details as it is the most famous one and used vary widely. See the
image and details below.

Ancient India has a wide range of traditions and old wives tales that are
carried generation to generation. There are fast track remedies for all
ailments, like how to banish fear, fear of death, common colds, coughs in
children, evil eye and frighten evil spirits. The Evil Eye Warder also known
as “NAZAR BATTU” is used to keep home and businesses safe from all the
evil spirits and let all the happiness be yours for always. This Battu or the
“Nimbu-Mirchi Totka” as it is called, traditionally has “seven mirchis”
(chilies) and “one nimbu” (lemon) to protect your home from all the bad and
evil spirits.
At home it is dangled at the main door, in business establishments it is
hung at the entrance-sometime changed daily, weekly or fortnightly. Once
removed, it is thrown on the open roads away from the establishment. Care
is taken that the ‘Nazar Battu‘ or Nimbu-Mirchi totka is not stepped on
while walking for it is believed that the one who steps on it will invite all the
bad influences that the Battu has gathered.

Lemon and green chillies tied on the doorways of shops, business

establishments and houses is a common sight in India. Lemon and green
chilly tied on a thread are hung outside the door to keep Alakshmi, or
Jyestha, who is considered inauspicious. Alakshmi is the sister of Goddess
Lakshmi, the Hindu goddess of fortune and prosperity. Alakshmi brings
poverty and misery. Alakshmi likes sour, pungent and hot things. Therefore
shopkeepers, merchants and people tie lemons and green chillies on the
doorways of their shops and homes so that Alakshmi will only come up to
the door and eat her favorite food and satisfy her hunger and leave without
entering the shop or house. It is believed that after consuming lemon and
green chillies, Alakshmi loses her urge to enter the house or shop. She will
turn around without casting her malevolent eye glare.

[06] Prepare garland of 8 or 11 lemons in black thread in your place on

Saturday and enchant goddess MahaKali 108 / 1008 name mantra [ॐ
महाका)यै नमः।…o mahākālyai nama ।] over it. Go to temple of MahaKali on
the same day with appropriate prashadam like black Gulabjambu, money
and donate prashadam and money to goddess and offer garland of lemon
prepared for wearing around neck.

[07] Squeeze juice from a Lemon and throw this juice at clay built place in
your shop / profession. All problems related to your shop on account of evil
glare will be solved.

[08] At the time of Eclipse, or Deepawali night, light a Mustard oil Deepak
and put one black colour kodi into it the whole night. In the morning take
out it from the oil. Wipe it and keep it into your purse. Your purse shall
always be full of money.

[09] Color raw yarn or thread with Saffron on Deepawali night or at the time
of Eclipse. Keep it at your work place or cash box. Your prosperity shall

[10] If your profession is completely flopped, or you are the victim of evil
eye, in that case tie 11 Gomati Chakras in red cloth and make a bag [potli]
out of this. then tie it with red thread on the main entrance door or on the
frame of the door of the shop. Immediately, all evil effects of Tantrik
activities shall come to an end.

[11] Those who aspire for promotion due to glare fallacy in office, offer 21
Gomati Chakras to lord Shiva Temple. The hurdles in your promotion shall
be removed.

[12] If you have credited your money in business or home place or at any
place, but the person is not returning your money, in that case, take 11
Gomati Chakras. Bring the image of that person in front of you mentally
and request to your favorite Deity by your heart that your money should be
returned to you soon. After that, may burry these Gomati Chakras near
Peepal Tree.

[13] If you feel, that someone has cast evil eye on your home or you, and
you have been undergoing turmoil’s for long time, puts hurdles in your
success. In that case do this remedy for 43 days. Take some milk and mix
into it nine drops of Honey. Then sprinkle this Milk in each & every corner
of the house. Left over Milk should be poured on the main entrance door of
the house. This remedy shall remove many evil effects of the family.

[14] If you are a government employee and wants your transfer at the
desired place. Offer water to rising Sun in the morning. Mix 21 seeds of red
Chilies into this water. Do this remedy for consecutive 43 days. Your wish
shall be granted very soon.

[15] If someone is not keeping well in the family at home since long and
medicine doesn’t work in that case make a ball of kneaded dough. Fill a
vessel with water and rotate this water and ball around the head of the
patient 7 times. After that pour this water into the plants and give this flour
ball to Cow. Do this remedy for consecutive 11 days. Evil effects will be

[16] At home if you are victim of bad dreams, ghosts, evil eye or soul
troubles you and you are not able to sleep due to this reason, in that case,
bring a branch of Peepal Tree at home. Wash it with Gangajal and keep it
under the pillow while sleeping. Your problem will be solved.

[17] If the patient is not cured even after regular medication at home, in that
case, rotate 11 Gomati chakras around the head of the patient and
immersed them in flowing water. While you are doing this, request to God
to cure the patient soon. Patient shall start recovering very soon. Repeat
this remedy consecutive for five Mondays. Remember this. During this
process, medicine of patient should be continued.

[18] At the time of Eclipse, or Deepawali night, light a Mustard oil Deepak
and put one black colour kodi into it the whole night. In the morning take
out it from the oil. Wipe it and keep it into your purse. Your purse shall
always be full of money.

[19] At the time of construction of new house, take one mud pot, paste it
with kohl [Kajala] and make a spot of lime or vermilion and put it on the
long wooden shaft to ward off evil glare.

[20] Place very small quantity of Wheat flour both side of the entrance
Gate/door of your factory/office in Shukla Paksh (Suklapaksha is the
period from New (no/Amavasya) Moon to Full/Poornima Moon). Bear in
mind that nobody should see you doing this. Next day collect it and let it go
in flowing water.

Marriage obstacle

[01] If you face obstacles in your marriage and not able to find the suitable
spouse , in that case, offer a crest to Lord Vishnu in Laxmi Narayan temple
on Thursday along with 21 Basan Ladoos. All obstacles shall be removed
and the native gets married soon.

[02] Take an old opened lock and rotate this anti clock wise around that
person whose marriage is getting delayed. After that, keep it at the place
where four roads meet in the night quietly, without disclosing it to anyone.
Don’t see backward and come back home. This remedy should be done on
Thursday of Shukla paksha. The native shall get marry very soon.


Married Life

[01] For happy married life, blow conch three times in the morning while
doing daily worship at home.
[02] Do 108 daily japa of following mantra by either of the spouse will ward
off the evil glare on the married life and all clashes will be destroyed.

ॐ ./ं .ूं 1वटपायै 5वहा॥…… om hrī hrū vi apāyai svahā ||

[03] Take 11 - Gomatichakra put it in the red vermilion box will protect all
kinds of indifference between spouse and evil glare to married life.


Money Matter

[01] Offer water to the Sun God daily with 11 beej of Red Chilly (Lal Mirch)
in the water. Face the rising sun and offer water on the floor of the balcony
or terrace or courtyard and pray for getting back the payment and recite
Strotra – “Om Adityay Namah“.

[02] The root of harebell [Dhatura] is very special for some remedy, pluck it
off and put it in your home. Worship goddess Shri Mahakaali with its seed
mantra ‘7 ं… krīṃ..’ the money problems will be destroyed.

[03] Grow the herb climber ‘अपरािजता or 1व:णु7ा<ता …. Aparājitā…or…

vi ukrāntā’ and offer aromatic fumes to it and enchant goddess Shri
Mahalaxmi mantra, ‘ महाल=>यै वाि<छताथA पूरय पूरय नमः …. o mahālak myai
vānchitārtha pūraya pūraya nama ॥‘ for 108 times daily and relived from all
kinds of money troubles. If this is done in mahalaxmi vrata will give very
good results.

Gain strength and overcome enemies

[01] Bring a note book and a red pen. Write “Shree Rama Jayam” (Praise
to the Lord Rama/Praise and Success to Lord Ram)on this notebook with
red pen every morning after taking bath and without taking anything to eat,
as many times as you can. Write the Ram-naam up to 125000 times. After
completion offer this notebook to Hanumanji, also praashadam of sweet
boll made of gram flour with pure ghee, Tulsi leaves. Light 11 Diyas of pure
Ghee in the temple. You will notice positive results immediately.

Job-promotion luck

[01] Purchase a steel Lock on Friday. But do not open this lock or not let
the shopkeeper open the lock. Purchase it without opening by anybody.
Keep this lock in your sleeping room in the Friday night. Offer this lock in
any Religious Place (Temple, Gurudwara etc.) on Saturday morning
without opening the lock. Whenever anybody will open that lock, he/she will
be opening the lock of your LUCK.

Selling property

[01] Bring 86 unpeeled almond. Take two almonds to the temple or such
religious place of your own, after taking bathe and without drinking-eating
anything in the morning. Keep both the almonds in front of lord Shri Shiv-
ling or Shiva. Do the prayer for the sale of property. Bring one of the two
almonds back to your house and keep this in separate and safe. Do this for
43 days regularly. After 43 days immerse- put it in running water, do not
immerse in still water or pond or lake, these 43 almonds, which you have
brought back from the temple, in a River. If you manage to sell your
property/house before 43 days (it mostly happens) do not stop to go to the
temple etc and offer almonsa. You should complete the Upaya/Remedies
as specified, even if the results are achieved beforehand.

Graha badhaa

[01] Light the lamps made from cotton in the lord Shri Shiva temple
regularly, you will get the serenity of the lord and you will get freedom from
constraint of planets.

[02] While doing fumigation in the house or working place, if a sandal-wood

piece or oil drop is put in it will make all the planets happy and bestow
serenity of all planets.

Monday - Offer betel leaf on shivling and then go for exam

Tuesday - Offer jaggery and roasted gram (chana) to lord Hanuman,

eat the prasad and then leave for exam

Wednesday - Chew some fresh coriander leaves and then leave

for examination

Thursday - Apply saffron tilak on your forehead, keep some seeds of

yellow mustard in your pocket and the leave for exam.

Friday - Offer kheer (rice pudding) to Goddess Lakshmi or

Saraswati, eat part of this prasad and then leave for exam.
Saturday - Keep few seeds of Rai (small mustard seeds) in your
pocket and then leave for exam. - See more at:
Sunday - offer red grapes [green or dried] to lord shiva or rama and
eat some as prashadam and then go for exam

At the time of examination see the transit position of lord of 3rd, 5th and 9th
and if weak and afflicted then do proper donation-charity according to it is
the best remedy.

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