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Building Customer Relationship


Try Different Skincare Product
12 Get Free Gift For Every
10 Buy Through Online
Promotion for Every Festive
8 Season
Refund if the product is not
6 suitable

Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Disagree Disagree

The bar chart shows the preference of people about the service for the skincare product in
order to build customer relationship. From the bar chart, the blue coloured bar indicates the
number of people preference in trying different skincare product. The number of people
strongly disagree is more than strongly agree as it is 11 and 1 respectively. The number of
people agree are 3 and disagree are 5. This show that, customer do not prefer to try different
skincare product. These also show that the customers are loyal in the product that they

Next, the red coloured bar indicates the number of people preferences in getting free gift for
every product they purchased. The number of people strongly agrees is the most as it is 14.
5 people agree, 1 disagree and 0 strongly disagree. This shows that customer prefer in
getting free gift for every product their purchase, so in order to build customer relationship,
free gift can added in the services.

The green coloured bar indicates the number of people preference in buying through online.
The number of people strongly agree is 9 while the number of people strongly disagree is 2.
The number of people agree is 2 while disagree is 6 . As the number of people strongly
agree is more, it means that some customer prefer in buying through online. Besides that, it
is convenient way for customers that do not have time to go to the shop to buy it.

Other than that, the purple coloured bar indicates the number of people preference in
promotion for every festive season. The bar chart show that the numbers of people strongly
agree is 10, agree 5, disagree 4 and strongly disagree is 1. The number of people strongly
agree is more than people strongly disagree. This means that promotion during festive
season is favourable to the customer. This is also because they have to spent more in
festive season so promotion is one way to save their money. To build customer relationship,
by understanding their preference it can help the company to gain more customer.

Lastly the light blue coloured bar indicate the number of people preference in getting refund
if the product are not suitable. The numbers of people strongly agree is more than strongly
disagree as it is 15 and 0 respectively. The number of people agree are 5 and disagree are
0. This shows that, customer want the refundable service if the product they buy is not
suitable to them. In order to build customer relationship and not lose them, refundable
service is should be added.

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