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Sample Interview Protocol Form (Teacher/Faculty Interviews)



Survey Section:

A. Interview Background
B. Institutional Perspective
C. English Language Learning Module
D. Peace Integration

Introductory Protocol

To facilitate our note taking, we would like to audio tape our conversations today. Please sign the
release form. Only the researcher on this project will be privy to the tapes which will be eventually
destroyed after they are transcribed. You must sign a form devised to meet our human subject
requirements. This document states that: (1) all information will be held confidential, (2) your
participation is voluntary and you may stop at any time if you feel uncomfortable, and (3) we do not
intend to inflict any harm. Thank you for agreeing to participate.

This interview is planned to last no longer than one hour. During this time, we have questions that we
would like to cover. If time begins to run short, it may be necessary to interrupt you in order to push
ahead and complete this line of questioning.


You have been selected to speak with us today because you have been identified as someone who has a
great deal to share about the Integrated School English Language Program, specifically on English
Language Learning Module. The study as a whole focuses on the Junior High School English Language
Program of the Integrated School, with particular interest in understanding how peace values, based on
De Matos Principle of Peaceful Communication and UNESCO’s Thematic Model of a Peaceful Person, are
reflected in the English Language Program. The study does not aim to evaluate your teaching
performance. Rather, the study is trying to determine more about how peace values are integrated into
teaching via English language teaching, and hopefully learn about whether, as a Regional Center for
Peace, we are making a difference in peace integration.

A. Interviewee Background

1. How long have you been in your present position? at this institution?
2. Briefly describe your role as it relates to the Integrated School English Language Program.

Probe: How are you involved in the development of the English language program, specifically
English learning module preparation?

3. What motivates you to get involved aside from the fact that it is a requirement?
4. What rewards do faculty receive from the institution for engaging in learning module

B. Institutional Perspective

1. What strategies does the institution adopt to improve teaching, learning and assessment of the
Junior High School English Language Program?

Probe: Are these working- why or why not?

2. What resources are available to faculty for improving English language teaching and learning?

3. Are there institutional efforts to integrate peace values in the Junior High School curriculum?

Probe: Can you cite specific examples?

4. Are there faculty development opportunities do you see emerging on the campus that focus on
peace values integration? Institutional or disciplinary?

C. English Language Learning Module

1. Who are mostly involved in the learning module preparation?

Probe: Does each faculty have role in the learning module preparation? Or do you sit and work
on it together?

2. In preparing the module, what information do you consider in knowing your target audience?

Probe: How do you gather these information?

3. Before you develop the module content, you write the specific learning objectives. Who
determines the learning goals: knowledge, skills/process and attitudes?

Probe: If there are disagreements, how do you handle them?

4. Based on content standards, how do you select the instructional materials that you will use?

5. How do you determine possible teaching approaches?

Probe: Do you take into consideration learning styles and availability of teaching materials?

6. How do you go about assessing whether students grasp the material you present in class?
Probe: Do you use evidence of student learning in your assessment of classroom strategies?
Probe: What kind of assessment techniques tell you the most about what students are learning?

D. Peace Integration

1. Do you integrate peace values into the Junior High School English Language Program?
Probe: What peace values do you integrate?

Probe: Is there a conscious effort in the English Language Department to integrate peace

2. The following are De Matos (2008) principle of peaceful communication. Would you say that
these are emphasized in the Junior High School English language program?

a. Love your communicative neighbour.

b. Dignify your daily dialogues.
c. Prioritize positivizers in your language use.
d. Be a communicative humanizer.

Probe: Are there examples that can be cited?

3. In 2005, UNESCO started advocating the Thematic Model of Peace that describes a peaceful
person. Would you say that these themes are present in the instructional materials being used
in the Junior High School English language program?

a. Think positive
b. Compassionate and do no harm
c. Discover inner peace
d. Learning to live together
e. Respect human dignity
f. Be your true self
g. Developing critical thinking
h. Resolve conflict non-violently
i. Build peace in community
j. Caring for the planet

Probe: Are there examples that can be cited?

4. Below are classroom strategies that support friendly uses of English. Would you say that
these are being used in the Junior High School English language classes?

a. Select and systematically teach peace-promoting vocabulary, including the use of positive
feedback and using mediating language in cases of conflict.
b. Provide learners with contextualized examples of vocabulary to be avoided because of its
potentially offensive, insulting or dehumanizing effect.
c. Challenge learners to identify insensitive uses of English in the media.
d. Challenge students to document friendly uses of English heard in public communication
e. Challenge students to exchange peace-enhancing and peace-sustaining statements,
proverbs and quotations.
f. Challenge students to cultivate and sustain an awareness of their responsibility as peace
patriots through their use of language.
g. Sensitize learners to an awareness of language use as not only for interacting but also for
expressing the feeling of loving one’s linguistic neighbor.

Probe: Would you cite examples or evidence?

5. Do you think there is possibility that De Matos principles of peaceful communication and
UNESCO 2005 Thematic Model of Peace can be integrated into the Junior High School English
language program?

Probe: What could be the challenges and opportunities?

Probe: How can barriers be overcome?
Probe: How can opportunities be maximized?

6. Do you agree that English language can be a powerful means of establishing and maintaining

7. As a Regional Center for Peace, what institutional efforts should De La Salle Lipa undertake to
make a difference on how English language can be used as a powerful means to establish and
maintain peace?

Probe: What can be done in terms of faculty development, curriculum development,

pedagogical practices, etc?

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