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UHT Milk Processing and Effect of Plasmin

Activity on Shelf Life: A Review

Rupesh S. Chavan, Shraddha Rupesh Chavan, Chandrashekar D. Khedkar, and Atanu H. Jana

Abstract: The demand for ultra-high-temperature (UHT) processed and aseptically packaged milk is increasing world-
wide. A rise of 47% from 187 billion in 2008 to 265 billon in 2013 in pack numbers is expected. Selection of UHT
and aseptic packaging systems reflect customer preferences and the processes are designed to ensure commercial sterility
and acceptable sensory attributes throughout shelf life. Advantages of UHT processing include extended shelf life, lower
energy costs, and the elimination of required refrigeration during storage and distribution. Desirable changes taking place
during UHT processing of milk such as destruction of microorganisms and inactivation of enzymes occur, while unde-
sirable effects such as browning, loss of nutrients, sedimentation, fat separation, cooked flavor also take place. Gelation
of UHT milk during storage (age gelation) is a major factor limiting its shelf life. Significant factors that influence the
onset of gelation include the nature of the heat treatment, proteolysis during storage, milk composition and quality,
seasonal milk production factors, and storage temperature. This review is focused on the types of age gelation and the
effect of plasmin activity on enzymatic gelation in UHT milk during a prolonged storage period. Measuring enzyme
activity is a major concern to commercial producers, and many techniques, such as enzyme-linked immunosorbent
assay, spectrophotometery, high-performance liquid chromatography, and so on, are available. Extension of shelf life of
UHT milk can be achieved by deactivation of enzymes, by deploying low-temperature inactivation at 55 ◦ C for 60 min,
innovative steam injection heating, membrane processing, and high-pressure treatments.

History of Ultra-High-Temperature (UHT) Milk 1938 for a chocolate milk beverage. In 1942, the Avoset process
Consumers demand foods that are as fresh as possible with good was used to package a cream product by utilizing a continuous hot
sensory properties (especially taste), additionally being safe and air system and ultraviolet (UV) lamps in the filling and sealing area.
having a substantial shelf life, yet without application of addi- In 1948, the Dole aseptic process developed by William McKinley
tives. Because of its high nutritional value, milk is an excellent Martin was used for pea soup and sterilized milk. Real Fresh, Inc.
medium for microbiological growth. Consequently, fresh milk became the 2nd dairy in the United States in 1952 to use UHT
necessitates a heat treatment in order to guarantee a safe and shelf- and aseptic packaging (AP), and in 1981, it was the forerunner in
stable product. The most commonly applied technique to achieve using hydrogen peroxide (H2 O2 ) to sterilize packaging material
this is heat treatment. The first system consisting of indirect heat- (David and others 1996).
ing with continuous flow (125 ◦ C for 6 min) was manufactured
in 1893. Patented in 1912, the continuous-flow, direct heating Market Status of UHT Milk
method mixed steam with milk to achieve temperatures of 130 to Consumption trends for aseptic dairy foods have shown in-
140 ◦ C. Development of the UHT process was hindered due creased demand for aseptic dairy foods and the global market is
to possible contamination without commercial aseptic systems. In forecast to climb steeply to 2013 both in terms of pack numbers
1953, UHT milk was filled aseptically into cans after heat treatment and volume. An industry study entitled “Global Aseptic Packag-
with an Uperiser® processor followed by tetrahedral paperboard ing” by Zenith Intl. and Warrick Research, estimated a rise of 47%
cartons in 1961 (Datta and Deeth 2007). The development of from 187 billion in 2008 to 265 billion by 2013 in pack numbers.
aseptic processing in the United States started through the efforts Similarly, volumes of aseptic packs are also likely to see buoyant
of C. Olin Ball, and hot-cool-fill process was commercialized in growth, rising 31% from 86 billion L in 2008 to 113 billion L in
2013. In 2008, cartons dominated the market, accounting for al-
MS 20110127 Submitted 1/28/2011, Accepted 5/5/2011. Author Chavan is with most 75% of the total volume but lost some of the market share to
National Institute of Food Technology Entrepreneurship and Management, Kundli- polyethylene terephthalate bottles and pouches. In terms of num-
131028, Haryana, India. Author S. R. Chavan is with Department of Microbiology, bers of white milk packs, the Asian market already accounts for
BACA College, AAU, Anand, Gujarat 388110, India. Author Khedkar is with
College of Dairy Technology, Warud, Pusad, Maharashtra 452004, India. Author 56% of world use and would rise to nearly 70% by 2013. Volumes
Jana is with S.M.C. College of Dairy Science, Anand, Gujarat 388110, India. have grown annually by over 6% since 2003, with Asia achieving
Direct inquiries to author Chavan (E-mail: the fastest rise at over 13% a year. In 2008, white milk accounted
for around 45% of aseptic package use, with beverage volume

c 2011 Institute of Food Technologists®
doi: 10.1111/j.1541-4337.2011.00157.x Vol. 10, 2011 r Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 251
UHT milk processing and effect . . .

reaching over 40% (Harrington 2009). The category is growing at

a steady annual rate of 20% in India.
Products are manufactured with UHT and aseptic processing in
over 60 countries (Burton 1988). The market share of UHT milk
consumed varies considerably by country: Australia 9%, France
88%, Spain 83%, Germany 63%, Italy 55%, and the United King-
dom 5% to 13% (Harrington 2009). Based on sensory work,
Oupadissakoon (2007) reported butyric acid, sour aromatics, and
lack of freshness as negative attributes with UHT milk. UHT milk
quality depends more on the manufacturing process than country
of origin or fat content. Customer acceptability of UHT milk is
positively correlated to consumption habits that include UHT milk
(Oupadissakoon 2007). Aseptic processing has great potential to
increase through dairy consumption in tropical countries, as there
is a low milk consumption trend due to high temperatures and
limited refrigerated distribution (Goff 2008). Hedrick and others
(1981) predicted UHT milk with flavor attributes comparable to
pasteurized milk would reduce energy costs, since the shelf-stable
milk would not require refrigeration throughout distribution. The
growth of this industry is limited by government regulations, filler
speeds, and packaging costs (David and others 1996). Figure 1–Curves representing the speed of changes in chemical
properties and of spore destruction with increasing temperature. (Source:
Gösta 2003.)
UHT Milk Processing Principles
Heat treatment in the production of long life products is called
“sterilization.” In such processes, the treated product is exposed to where
such powerful heat treatment that the relevant microorganisms and t = sterilization time in seconds at T ◦ C
most of the enzymes are inactivated, and the processed product T = sterilization temperature in ◦ C
is given excellent keeping qualities and can be stored for several z = a value expressing the increase in temperature to obtain the
months under ambient conditions. same lethal effect in 1 of 10 of the time. The value varies with the
UHT processing uses continuous flow of milk, which renders origin of the spores (10 to 10, 8 ◦ C) and can generally be set as
less chemical change in comparison to retort processing (Datta 10 ◦ C.
and Deeth 2007). Product characteristics, such as pH, water ac- F 0 = 1 after the product is heated at 121.1 ◦ C for 1 min. To
tivity, viscosity, composition, and dissolved oxygen, indicate the obtain commercially sterile milk from good quality raw milk, a F 0
processing conditions necessary to achieve commercial sterility. value of minimum 5 to 6 is required.
The selection criteria of UHT and AP systems reflect customer
preferences. The production processes are designed to ensure com- B∗ and C∗ values
mercial sterility and acceptable sensory attributes throughout shelf The effective working range of UHT treatments is also defined
life. in some countries by reference to 2 parameters: bacteriological
To compare the various effects of heat treatments, different effect: B∗ (known as B star) and chemical effect: C∗ (known as
values are calculated: C star). B∗ is based on the assumption that commercial sterility
is achieved at 135 ◦ C for 10.1 s with a corresponding z-value
Q10 value of 10.5 ◦ C. This reference process is given a B∗ value of 1.0,
The Q10 value has been introduced as an expression of this representing a reduction of thermophilic spore count of 109 per
increase in speed of a reaction. It states how many times the speed unit. The chemical effects can be assessed in similar ways to those
of a reaction increases if the temperature of the system is raised by used for the sterilization performance (Figure 2). The same data
10 ◦ C. The Q10 value for flavor changes—and for most chemical for the time-temperature performance are used. The C∗ value
reactions—is around 2 to 3, which means if the temperature of a is based on the conditions for 3% destruction of thiamine per
system is raised by 10 ◦ C, the speed of chemical reactions doubles unit. This is equivalent to 135 ◦ C for 30.5 s with a z-value of
or triples. Q10 values can also be determined for the killing of 31.4 ◦ C (Horak 1980; Kessler 1981; Kessler and Horak 1981).
bacterial spores and is normally found in the range of 8 to 30 A UHT process operates satisfactorily with regard to the keep-
(Kessler 1981). The variation is so wide because different kinds ing quality of the product when the conditions of B∗ > 1 and
of bacterial spores react differently as the temperature increases. C∗ < 1 are fulfilled.
The changes in chemical properties and spore destruction by the The U.S. FDA accepts F 0 values for thermal processes calcu-
influence of increased temperature are shown in Figure 1. lated only from the time and temperature of the product in the
holding tube (David and others 1996). The D-value is defined
F 0 value as the required time to decrease microorganism numbers 10-fold
For the microbiological effect, F 0 value is already used in clas- at a given temperature (Singh 2007). The process filing and sup-
sical canned sterilization technology and is defined as the number porting documentation (trial run data, critical factors, equipment
of minutes at 121.1 ◦ C (250 ◦ F) to which the process is equivalent sterilization, quality control procedures, and operational proce-
and is calculated according the following formula: dures) are submitted to FDA for approval of a scheduled process

(David and others 1996). Ideal time-temperature profiles inacti-
F0 = t /60 × 10(T−121.1 C)/Z
, vate bacterial endospores and limit chemical changes with minimal

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Figure 2–Bacteriological killing effects and chemical changes in heat-treated milk. (Source: Kessler 1981.)

decrease in nutritional and sensory quality (Datta and others 2002). the formation of lactulose, HMF, furosine, and others, which are
The major challenge in UHT milk production is sufficient heat not detected in the raw milk (Morales and others 2000). Singh
treatment with minimal flavor change. Direct heating imparts less (2004) stated that the heat stability of the milk is its ability to
flavor change but requires more energy in comparison to indirect undergo high heat treatment without coagulating or gelling. So-
heating. Total microbial lethality at constant time and tempera- lutions to improve heat stability include preheating the product
ture varies between direct and indirect heating systems (Westhoff in the UHT processor, adjusting pH to the ideal heat stability
1981). The residence time distribution is the time range for a fluid maximum, and adding phosphate, buttermilk, or phospholipids.
product such as milk to enter and exit the holding system (Singh
2007). Flow through the heating system is controlled by timing or Chemical changes
metering pumps. The residence time is determined by hold tube Direct heat processing imparts less adverse chemical changes
volume, flow rate, and flow rate attributes (viscosity) of specific compared to indirect heat processing (Elliott and others 2003). In
products. Positive reactions in the hold tube include destruction an indirect continuous-flow coiled tube system, the process hold-
of bacteria, inactivation of enzymes, and hydration of thickeners. ing time accounted for >80%, the process heating time <10%,
Negative reactions include development of off-flavor, initiation of and the cooling phase <2% of the accumulated chemical changes
off-color, and destruction of vitamins (David and others 1996). (Labropoulos and Varzakas 2008). Hsu (1970) reported that dairy
foods undergo the following chemical changes to varying degrees:
Physicochemical Changes Occurring in UHT Milk flavor, acidity (decreases following direct UHT process), enzyme
One of the principal goals of milk preservation methods by inactivation, and vitamin decomposition. The heated flavor after
its short time treatment at increased temperatures is to obtain a UHT processing is due to sulfhydryl (S–H) groups, which oxidize
desired degree of destruction of microorganisms and inactivation 5 to 10 d after processing. The oxidation then gradually reduces
of enzymes, with, at the same time, introducing the least possi- the cooked flavor (Hsu 1970). Heating has little effect on milk
ble undesired changes of physicochemical and sensory properties, salts with 2 exceptions, carbonates and calcium phosphates. Most
as well as, what is even more important, preservation of its nu- of the potential carbonate occurs as CO2 , which is lost on heat-
tritional value (Jovanka and others 2008). A study conducted by ing, with a consequent increase in pH. Among the salts of milk,
Korel and Balaban (2002) suggested that odor changes in milk calcium phosphate is unique in that its solubility decreases with
samples inoculated with Pseudomonas fluorescens or Bacillus coagu- increasing temperature. On heating, soluble calcium phosphate
lans could be detected by an electronic nose. The odor changes precipitates onto the casein micelles, with a concomitant decrease
correlated with microbial and sensory data. Maillard browning, as in the concentration of calcium ions and pH. Milk oxidative ran-
a function of heat treatment given to milk, can be detected by cidity is the reaction of oxygen on milkfat components resulting
front-face fluorescence spectroscopy and hydroxy methyl furfural in short-chain aldehyde and ketone volatiles (Solano-Lopez and
(HMF) analysis (Schamberger and Labuza 2006). Elliott and oth- others 2005). Enzyme inactivation is a positive chemical change
ers (2003) concluded that lactulose is the most reliable index of of UHT processing. Fat-soluble vitamins are affected minimally
heat treatment, since it is not affected by milk storage before or by heat, whereas water-soluble vitamins can be destroyed par-
after UHT processing. Heat treatment involves 2 reactions: type 1 tially in UHT processing. A significant reduction in vitamin B1
reactions involve the denaturation, degradation, and inactivation (thiamin), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B6 , B12 , and folate has
of whey proteins, enzymes, and vitamins. Type 2 reactions involve been reported under the influence of different milk processing

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treatments (Asadullah and others 2010). UHT processing reduces file that is used to ensure product sterility, and formulations that
B vitamins by 10%, folic acid by 15%, and vitamin C by 25%. The can increase product variability (Hsu 1970). For example, sodium
nutritional value of proteins, minerals, and fats is affected mini- citrate inhibits sedimentation, whereas calcium salts increase sedi-
mally by UHT processing (Holdsworth 1992) and is correlated to mentation.
the storage temperatures, initial oxygen content, and packaging
choice (Dunkley and Stevenson 1987). Factors Influencing Shelf Life of UHT Milk
The factors that influence the quality of milk that have an effect
Physical changes on the gelation behavior of UHT milk are discussed here:
The unwanted physical attributes associated with UHT milk are
brown color, sedimentation, protein destabilization, and fat sepa- Age of cow
ration (Hsu 1970). Direct heating after homogenization appears to Milk from older cows gels faster than that of young cows (Datta
cause reagglomeration of the small fat globules with the formation and Deeth 2003).
of a solid fat layer during storage. To prevent this fat separation, ho-
mogenization in direct UHT plants takes place in the downstream Stage of lactation
position (after the final heating step and vacuum cooling). The Auldist and others (1996) reported that early-lactation UHT
production of free fatty acids during storage is more noticeable in milk gelled in 5 to 6 mo, while late-lactation milk did not gel
milk with higher fat content and is greater in milk produced in di- during the 9 mo after their experiment. The reason behind the
rect rather than indirect systems (Schmidt and Renner 1978). Milk phenomenon is that greater amount of denatured whey protein
proteins change more than any other milk constituent due to UHT is complexed with casein in late-lactation milks as compared to
processing that contributes to loss of color, flavor, and nutrition, early-lactation counterparts.
as well as gelation and sedimentation. Denatured whey proteins
form complexes with other whey proteins, caseins, and fat globules Mastitis
(Dunkley and Stevenson 1987). The amount of β-lactoglobulin Mastitic milk (that is, milk with high somatic cell count, SCC)
associated with the casein micelle increases with the heating time subjected to UHT treatment is more susceptible to gelation than
and the trend is similar for α-lactalbumin but to a lesser extent normal milk (Swartling 1968). This has been attributed to in-
(Elfagm and Wheelock 1978). α-Lactalbumin can interact with creased proteolytic activity resulting from an elevated level of plas-
κ-casein only in the presence of β-lactoglobulin, possibly through min.
the initial formation of α-lactalbumin/β-lactoglobulin aggregates,
which then interact with κ-casein (Elfagm and Wheelock 1978). Season
If milk is heat-treated instantaneously (by direct heating), all whey Seasonal variations in the composition of milk may indirectly
protein begins unfolding at the same time and this gives a greater affect the gelation behavior of UHT-sterilized milk. Spring and
opportunity for the unfolded of monomers to aggregate and con- late autumn milk shows more age gelation problems than milk
sequently the attachment to the casein micelles will be less efficient produced in other seasons; this can be attributed to the mineral
(Oldfield and others 1998). The association with casein micelles composition of milk (Hardham and Auldist 1996). Zadow and
is pH-dependent and decreases as the pH increases in the range Chituta (1975) observed that milk produced between August and
of pH 6.3 to 7.3. The micellar size shows a similar dependence in October was more prone to gel during storage than that produced
range of pH 6.5 to 6.7 (Skelte and Yuming 2003). Thermal in- during the remainder of the year. Gel time was ranging from 77
activation of a transglutaminase (TG) inhibitor provides improved to 140 d as compared with 120 to 180 d. Spring milk has higher
cross-linking of casein micelles, resulting in improved product tex- values of pH, lactose, soluble phosphate, and micellar hydration
ture (Bonisch and others 2004). than milk collected in autumn, while spring milk has low fat and
The color of the UHT milk, that is its intensity, basically repre- heat stability (Gaucher and others 2008a).
sents reflection of physicochemical changes in the product. Dairy
foods with greater quantities of reducing sugars have more issues Microbiological quality of raw milk
with browning and it increases with process severity and storage Milk with a high preprocessing microbial count is more suscep-
temperature (Dunkley and Stevenson 1987). These reactions are tible to gel formation than milk with a low count. Microorganisms
known as Maillards reactions, and consist of a series of changes that produce heat-stable enzymes cause the most serious gelation
whose consequence is the formation of brown-colored pigments, problems. Longer refrigeration times prior to sterilization allow in-
such as pyralysins and melanoidins, polymers such as lactulose- creased growth of psychrotropic microorganisms and concomitant
lysine or fructose-lysine, as well as low molecular weight acids. production of heat-stable enzymes, especially proteinases and li-
Lactulose, a molecule derived from lactose isomerization, is a well- pases. In work by Law and others (1977), when the psychrotrophic
known indicator for assessing the severity of the thermal treatment bacterial count was less than 8 × 106 CFU/mL, shelf life was of
applied to milk, as it is minimally affected by storage conditions. the order of 6 mo, whereas at higher counts, a marked reduction
Actually, the proposed limit (600 mg/L) seems to be effective for in the time to onset of gelation was observed (see Table 1).
indirect UHT milk, while in the case of direct UHT milk, it
does not give clear evidence of unjustified overprocessing. When
combined with furosine, lactulose also allows assessing authenticity Table 1–Effect of psychrotrophic bacteria count in raw milk on gelation
of this type of fluid milk (Cattaneo and others 2008). Sediment time of UHT milk.
is more prevalent in products that are more severely processed, Bacterial count/CFU/mL Gelation time, days
that have a targeted pH of <6.6, and that have undergone direct <8.0 × 106 >140
instead for indirect UHT processing (Holdsworth 1992). Other 8.0 × 106 ∼63
factors affecting sedimentation include homogenization pressure 5.0 × 107 ∼12
that is used to control fat separation, time, and temperature pro- Source: Law and others 1977.

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Storage temperature
Standardized milk
The temperature of storage markedly influences the time of
gelation of UHT-sterilized milk. In general, gelation occurs more
readily at room temperatures (20 to 25 ◦ C) than at low (4 ◦ C)
and high (35 to 40 ◦ C) temperatures. Kocak and Zadow (1985a, Pasteurization
20 s 80 °C
1985b) reported the order of gelation at different temperatures
to be 30 > 25 > 20 > 15 > 10 > 2 > 40, 50 ◦ C. Samel and
others (1971) suggested that, at 37 ◦ C, gelation may be inhibited
Homogenization Steam Injection
if regions of proteins that could take part in protein–protein inter-
20 MPa 2 s 150 °C
actions are blocked by casein–lactose interactions involving lysine
residues. Such interactions precede browning in UHT milk stored
at temperatures above 30 ◦ C. This hypothesis is supported by Hill
Direct expansion cooling
and Cracker (1968) who observed that when lysine and arginine De-aeration
80 °C
residues of κ-casein molecules were blocked, there was a resultant
loss of sensitivity to rennet coagulation, indicating that Maillard
browning may lead to an inhibition of κ-casein hydrolysis.
Sterilization Aseptic homogenization

Fat content 15 s 142 °C cool to 20 °C 40 MPa

UHT-processed skim milk is more susceptible to gelation than

UHT whole milk. This can be attributed to an enhanced action
of plasmin and bacterial proteinases in skim milk over whole milk. Packaging material Cool to 20 °C
An explanation for the effect is that the fat in whole milk hinders
access of the enzymes to their casein substrates. It has also been
suggested that the higher proportion of denatured whey proteins Aseptic
not attached to the micelle surface of skim milk may be a reason packaging packaging
for its lower resistance to gelation. Gaucher and others (2008b)
examined the effects of storage up to 6 mo at different temper-
Figure 3–Examples of the manufacture of UHT-sterilized milk (indirect or
atures (4, 20, and 40 ◦ C) of partially defatted UHT milk on its direct heating) with aseptic packaging.
particular physicochemical characteristics, and an increase of stor-
age temperature essentially affects the rate and degree of individual
changes. purpose of a UHT processing plant is to heat the product to the
sterilization temperature (in the range 135 to 150 ◦ C), hold it there
Hydrolysis of lactose for a few seconds, and then cool it to a suitable filling temperature.
Tossavainen and Kallioinen (2007) studied proteolytic changes There are 2 main technologies distinguished by the medium used
in lactose-unhydrolyzed and lactose-hydrolyzed direct UHT- for heating to the UHT, direct and indirect systems (Figure 3).
treated milks for a storage period of 12 wk. Enzymatic Steam, hot water, and electricity are heating methods for UHT
hydrolysis was performed either before (prehydrolyzed) or after equipment. The sterilizers utilizing steam or hot water can be sub-
(posthydrolyzed) UHT treatment. The enzymatic hydrolysis of categorized as direct or indirect heating systems. In the indirect
lactose resulted in an increase in proteolysis, compared to unhy- system, the product and heating medium do not have contact, as
drolyzed milk, during the storage regardless whether hydrolysis was a barrier (stainless steel) is present (Burton 1988). Direct heating
performed before or after the UHT treatment. The highest degree modes include steam injection, steam infusion, and scraped sur-
of proteolysis was found at the highest storage temperature tested face. Indirect heating modes include indirect spiral tubes, indirect
(45 ◦ C), while proteolysis was almost nonexistent at the lowest tubes, indirect plate, scraped surface, and electricity. Indirect heat-
storage temperature of 5 ◦ C as measured by α-amino nitrogen/ ing with electricity includes electric elements, conductive heating,
total nitrogen or as changes in sodium dodecyl sulfate- and friction (Burton 1988). Table 2 lists commercial UHT systems
polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analyses. Proteolysis was also and their respective heating modes.
noticed in unhydrolyzed milk where it was caused by the plasmin Direct heating systems include steam injection (steam into milk)
enzyme system and possibly by the microbial contaminants in milk. and steam infusion (milk into steam). The culinary steam must be
The lactase dosage in prehydrolyzed milk was 30 times higher than of high quality and must not impart any off-flavors to the milk
in posthydrolyzed milk but proteolysis was only slightly stronger product. The product temperature increases almost instantly due to
than in posthydrolyzed milk. This means that most of the prote- the latent heat of vaporization. The condensed steam that dilutes
olytic side activity of the lactase was destroyed during the UHT the milk is removed later as the heated milk is cooled in a vacuum
treatment of prehydrolyzed milk. Thus, increasing the heat treat- chamber. Plate or tubular heat exchangers are 2 heating modes for
ment during the UHT process could destroy more of the harmful indirect heating. Heating in the indirect system occurs at a slower
proteolytic activities in milk. However, this may lead also to in- rate; therefore, the milk is subjected to the overall heat treatment
creased protein damage due to enhanced Maillard reaction and for a longer time. The heat transfer coefficient is greater with plate
browning of the product. heat exchangers due to turbulence (Datta and others 2002). The
potential for contamination due to pinholes in the stainless steel
Types of UHT Processing Systems for Milk barrier is minimized by maintaining a greater product pressure on
UHT plants became commercially available in 1960 when asep- the sterile side compared to the raw side. The comparisons of time-
tic filling technology, which is a necessity to maintain the com- temperature curves characteristic for treatment of milk in direct
mercial sterility of the UHT-treated product, was developed. The and indirect systems are shown in Figure 4. The thermal process

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UHT milk processing and effect . . .

Table 2–Commercial UHT systems and heating modes. Table 3–Aseptic packaging systems.

Commercial UHT sterilizer Heating mode System Package Sterilant

Actijoule Indirect electrically heated Asepak Bags Heat
Gerbig, sterideal system Indirect heat with tubes ASTEC Bins and tanks Pressurized steam
High heat infusion, tetra therm Combined heating modes CKD Cups H 2 O2
aseptic plus 2 Combibloc Cartons H2 O2 + heat
Languilharre system, thermovac, Direct heat with steam infusion Dole Aseptic Canning Steel/aluminum Superheated steam
palarisator, steritwin UHT System cans and lids
sterilizer, ultra therm, Da-Si DuPont Canada Bags, pouches H 2 O2
Sterilizer ERCA Cups H2 O2 +heat
Rotatherm Direct heat with scraped surface Evergreen Cartons H2 O2 +heat
Spiratherm Indirect heat with spiral tubes Gasti Cups High-pressure steam
Ultramatic, ahlborn process, sordi Indirect heat with plates Gaulin Bags Ethylene oxide
sterilizer, UHT steriplak-R, dual Hamba manufacturing Cups Ultraviolet rays
purpose sterilizer Hassia Cups H2 O2 + heat or
Votator scraped surface heater, Indirect heat with scraped surface pressurized steam
thermutator heater Ingko Bags Chlorine solution + heat
VTIS, ARO-VAC process, uperiser, Direct heat with steam injection Inpaco Pouches H2 O2 + heat
grindrod International Paper Co. Rectangular H2 O2 + heat
Adapted from Datta and Deeth 2007.
Lieffeld & Lemke Cups H2 O2 + heat
Liqui-Box Corp. Bags Gamma radiation
Manccini Bags Gamma radiation
Mead Packaging Co. Cups Citric acid + heat
Metal-Box Freshfill Cups H2 O2 + heat
Pure-Pak, Inc. Cartons H2 O2 + heat, oxonia
Purity Packaging Co. Cups H 2 O2
Remy Cups H2 O2 +heat
Remy Bottles H2 O2 or oxonia
Scholle Corp. Bags Gamma radiation or
ethylene oxide
Serac Bottles H 2 O2
Tetra Pak, Inc. Cartons H 2 O2
Wright Sel Bags Gamma radiation or
ethylene oxide
Source: David and others 1996.

point where sterilized packaging enters the sterile zone to where

the sealed package is evacuated.

Types of milk AP lines

There are 5 basic types of AP lines:
(1) Fill and seal: preformed containers made of thermoformed
plastic, glass, or metal are sterilized, filled in aseptic environ-
ment, and sealed.
(2) Form, fill, and seal: roll of material is sterilized, formed in
sterile environment, filled, sealed, for example, tetrapak.
(3) Erect, fill, and seal: using knocked-down blanks, erected,
sterilized, filled, sealed, for example, gable-top cartons,
(4) Thermoform, fill, sealed roll stock sterilized thermoformed,
Figure 4–Time-temperature curve for processing of milk in a direct system
filled, sealed aseptically, for example, creamers, plastic soup
(A) and indirect system (B). (Source: Gösta 2003.)
(5) Blow mold, fill, seal (Gedam and others 2007).
Commercial manufacturers include Tetra-Pak, Scholle, and the
is dependent upon factors such as, product (pH, water activity, Dole Aseptic Canning System® . Table 3 lists several manufacturers
viscosity, specific gravity); microbial profile (number, type, heat of aseptic equipment. AP systems available for dairy foods in-
resistance); equipment design, and package. clude drum and bin systems, heat during blow-molding, carton
packaging machines, bag-in-box packaging systems, bulk tanks
AP Systems for Milk and containers, plastic cups/pots/cartons, and pouches/sachets
In AP, raw or unprocessed product is heated, sterilized by hold- (Holdsworth 1992).
ing at high temperature for a predetermined period, then cooled
and delivered to a packaging unit for packaging. Packaging mate- Filler and container sterilization
rial and equipment surface may be sterilized by various methods Aseptic fillers have sections containing sterile contact pipes and
such as heat, H2 O2 , irradiation, infrared light, and combinations valves along with noncontact sections (sterile chambers). Both
of methods (Ansari and Datta 2003). AP systems fill the sterile sections must be sterilized prior to production and must maintain
product into sterile packages within the confines of the sterile sterility throughout production (Burton 1988). Rippen (1969)
zone of the filler. The aseptic zone/sterile zone extends from the stated aseptic fillers and associated pipes are sterilized typically

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with heat in the form of steam. Wet heat sterilization using satu- food contact surfaces. In a properly designed APs system, a good
rated steam is the most dependable sterilant, as microorganisms are microbiocidal effect using H2 O2 can be achieved and the level of
more resistant to dry heat, which necessitates higher temperatures residue can be effectively controlled to within permissible limits.
(Burton 1988). Sterilants are applied uniformly to the aseptic zone The residual level of H2 O2 is regulated with a maximum level of
by misting equipment, whereas packaging typically is sterilized by 0.5 ppm. Infrared radiation and vaporized H2 O2 have been stud-
misting or passing through sterilant bath. ied as sterilants for packaging materials (Kulozik and Guilmineau
Sterilization of packaging material is a critical step in the AP sys- 2003). There are many other chemicals such as peracetic acid,
tem. Therefore, the sterilization process should meet the following beta propiolactone, alcohol, chlorine, and its oxide, and ozone
requirements for sterilization of packaging materials: that have been suggested as having potential for use in sterilizing
(1) Rapid microbiocidal activity; AP materials (Ansari and Datta 2003).
(2) compatibility with surfaces treated, especially packaging ma-
terial and equipment;
Postprocess Contamination Concerns in UHT Milk
(3) easily removed from surface, minimum residue;
The problem of posttreatment contamination of in container
(4) present no health hazard to the consumer;
sterilized product is well known. The contamination can either
(5) no adverse effect on product quality in the case of unavoid-
through poor seal or through pinhole in the container. Post treat-
able residue or erroneous high concentration;
ment contaminants in UHT milk may be either spores, which
(6) present no health hazard to operation personnel around the
would not be expected to be heat resistant enough to survive the
packaging equipment;
heat treatment or nonheat-resistant vegetative organisms. Organ-
(7) compatibility with environment;
isms of the 1st type will probably have entered from the ineffec-
(8) noncorrosive to surfaces treated;
tively sterilized plant downstream from the heat treatment stage
(9) reliable and economical (Ansari and Datta 2003).
of the process, which includes spores of Bacillus cereus (Wilson and
Sterilants that are commonly used at industrial level include
others 1960; Davies 1975) and Bacillus licheniformis (Wilson and
chlorine, iodine, oxonia, food acids, ozone, H2 O2 , and UV light
others 1960). Organisms of the 2nd type will probably have en-
(David and others 1996). Some of these methods are listed in
tered through a poorly sealed container after aseptic filling (Hassan
Table 4. The H2 O2 is now the only chemical sterilant for ster-
and others 2009). Postprocess contamination of the aseptic zone
ilization of packaging materials that has been proved to be ac-
can be attributed to several variables: environmental bioburden,
ceptable in the United States. The FDA regulations specify that a
positive air pressure, processing equipment or line turbulence, sys-
maximum concentration of 35% H2 O2 may be used for sterilizing
tem gasping, indexing operations, condensate accumulation, un-
sterile product entry, or bacteriological seeding (David and others
Table 4–Methods for sterilizing aseptic packages. 1996). Postprocess contamination occurs in individual cartons if
package integrity is compromised. Contamination from isolated
Methods Application disadvantages Reference package integrity issues occurs more frequently than processing
Superheated Metal containers High temperature Collier and contamination.
steam at atmospheric Townsend Rippen (1969) cited typical spoilage in UHT-AP production at
pressure. (1956) a defect rate of 1 of 1000. Manufacturers of aseptic fillers target
are more a defect rate of ≤1/1000 or ≤1/3000, whereas ≤1/10000 is an
resistant than in industry standard for aseptically packaged low-acid foods in rigid,
saturated steam semi-rigid, and flexible containers (David and others 1996). The
Dry hot air Metal or High temperature Denny and
composite at atmospheric Mathys following 7 potential failure modes exist for aseptic processing and
juice and pressure. (1975) packaging of foods:
beverage Microorganisms (1) Type 1 failure results from raw ingredient, handling, storage,
containers are more
resistant than in or batching issues.
saturated steam (2) Type 2 failure results from processor and filler cleaning in
Hot hydrogen Plastic Fast and efficient Denny and
peroxide containers, method others place, sanitation, preventive maintenance, and presteriliza-
laminated foil (1974) tion issues.
Hydrogen Plastic UV increases Bayliss and (3) Type 3 failure results from the thermal process heating cycle
peroxide/UV containers effectiveness of Waites
light (preformed hydrogen (1982) including regeneration.
combination cartons) peroxide (4) Type 4 failure results from the cooling cycle including surge
Ethylene oxide Glass and plastic Cannot be used Blake and tanks.
containers where chlorides Stumbo
are present or (1970) (5) Type 5 failure results from sterilization issues with the pack-
where residuals age.
would remain
Heat from Plastic No chemicals used –
(6) Type 6 failure results from sterility loss in the aseptic zone or
coextrusion containers from environmental load.
process (7) Type 7 failure results from loss of package integrity (David
Radiation Heat-sensitive Can be used to –
plastic sterilize and others 1996).
containers heat-sensitive
materials. Commercial Sterility Testing of UHT Milk Process
Expensive. Scheduled processes in retort operations and UHT processes in-
Problems with
location of activate vegetative cells and spores of pathogenic bacteria. The gen-
radiation source era Bacillus and Clostridium are the primary sporeforming spoilage
Source: Ansari and Datta 2003. microbes (Ravishankar and Maks 2007). Spoiled packages are

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UHT milk processing and effect . . .

identified as “flat sours” or swells. Spoilage organism identification treatments. Proteolysis in UHT milk can cause the development
is useful in troubleshooting the cause of spoilage and the origin of bitter flavor and lead to an increase in viscosity, with eventual
of contamination (Burton 1988). Underprocessing is indicated by formation of a gel during storage, which is a major factor lim-
spoilage due to spore-forming rods, whereas postprocess contam- iting its shelf life and market potential. The enzymes responsible
ination is indicated by mixed flora containing heat-sensitive or- for the proteolysis are the native milk alkaline proteinase, plas-
ganisms (Dunkley and Stevenson 1987). Lewis (1999) stated UHT min, and heat-stable extracellular bacterial proteinases produced
milk microbial counts should be <100 CFU/g following 15 d at by psychrotrophic bacterial contaminants in raw milk. Proteol-
30 ◦ C. Hsu (1970) stated that souring and/or coagulation would ysis of casein caused by plasmin is responsible for gelation and
be identified after incubating UHT-AP products 7 to 10 d at 37 ◦ C. bitterness of UHT milk during storage.
An incubation and inspection program is recommended by FDA
to verify sterility of aseptically packaged products. Sampling plans Psychrotrophic bacteria in milk
are more extensive when commissioning aseptic filler than during Psychrotrophic microorganisms that are capable of growing in
routine production (Burton 1988). Sampling between 0.1% and milk at temperatures close to 0 ◦ C are represented by both Gram-
1.0% for routine production is recommended with samples taken negative bacteria (such as Pseudomonas, Achromobacter, Aeromonas,
at the beginning of production, filler restarts, and production end. Serratia, Alcaligenes, Chromobacterium, and Flavobacterium spp.) and
An ideal sampling plan provides sterility assurance within a rea- Gram-positive bacteria (such as Bacillus, Clostridium, Corynebac-
sonable cost structure (Farahnik 1982). Microbial testing is viewed terium, Streptococcus, Lactobacillus, and Microbacterium spp.). Further-
as an additional verification quality program and is completed more, refrigeration conditions under which raw milk is stored
through traditional and rapid methods (Dunkley and Stevenson selects for growth of psychrotrophs, many of which produce heat-
1987). Visual inspections, sensory analysis, and pH measurements stable enzymes while milk awaits processing. Following heat treat-
are done in conjunction with rapid methods to verify product ment, these enzymes can continue to degrade milk in the absence
quality (Grow 2000). Quantitative methods include direct enu- of viable bacterial cells. A variety of psychrotrophic organisms,
meration and viable enumeration. Viable cells are counted using including P. fluorescens, P. putida, P. fragi, P. putrefaciens, Acinetobacter
standard plate counts, most probable number, membrane filtration, spp., Achromobacter spp., Flavobacterium spp., Aeromonas spp., and
plate loop methods, or spiral plating. Qualitative methods include Serratia marcescens, produce heat-stable extracellular proteases and
measuring metabolic activity or cellular constituents (Goff 2008). some of them also produce heat-stable extracellular lipases. Pseu-
The Cellscan Innovate System by Celsis uses bioluminescence to domonas spp. usually represents no more than 10% of the microflora
measure adenosine triphosphate found in living microorganisms of freshly drawn milk; however, they are the most important of
(Grow 2000). the psychrotrophs that dominate the microflora of raw or pasteur-
ized milk at the time of spoilage. This genus is also known to be
UHT Milk Container Integrity strongly lipolytic (Sørhaug and Stepaniak 1997).
Packaging plays an important role in the food manufacturing Thermoresistant psychrotrophs. Among the microorganisms
process as it makes food more convenient. It gives the food greater that survive pasteurization (the thermoduric microorganisms),
safety assurance from microorganisms and biological and chemical sporeforming Bacillus spp. dominate those that are also psy-
changes such that the packed foods can have longer shelf life. Food chrotrophs. Other thermoduric psychrotrophs are represented
packaging for shelf-stable products must provide barrier properties in the genera Arthrobacter, Microbacterium, Streptococcus, Corynebac-
and physical strength so that they can withstand handling, distri- terium, and Clostridium. Clostridium is also sporeformer and anaero-
bution, and storage. It is intriguing, however, that the number of bic. Psychrotrophic Bacillus spp. secrete heat-resistant extracellular
failures (nonsterile product) associated with UHT plants around proteinases, lipases, and phospholipase (lecithinase) that are of
the world is an almost constant number, namely 1 to 4 in 104 . comparable heat resistance to those of Pseudomonads. Bacillus
The reasoning widely accepted for this is that nonsterility arises sporothermodurans is a mesophilic spore-former that produces highly
through failure of packaging material or package seals or a plant heat-resistant spores and was first detected in UHT milk in 1985
being “leaky” (Cerf and Davey 2001). Package integrity inspec- in southern Europe and in UHT milk in Germany in 1990 (Pet-
tions for flexible containers include visual observation, dye test, tersson and others 1996). The spores survive the heat process and
squeeze test, seal teardown, and conductivity (Grow 2000). Addi- then multiply to a maximum of about 105/mL of milk during
tional tests identified by Holdsworth (1992) include the inflation incubation at 30 ◦ C for 5 d, but cause no noticeable spoilage. The
test, compression test, decompression test, biotesting, ultrasound spores of B. sporothermodurans are more resistant than the spores of
imaging, mechanical tests, and headspace indicators. The mechan- many thermophiles (Brown 2000).
ical tests on filled packages include stress testing, stack testing, load
vibration, and impact resistance. Secretion and biochemical properties of proteinases and
lipases from psychrotrophs
Plasmin Activity Among the hydrolases from psychrotrophic bacteria in milk,
Since the adoption of refrigerated bulk tanks for the collec- those from Pseudomonas spp. have been the most frequently stud-
tion and storage of milk, the predominant organisms in milk are ied and are secreted mainly at the end of the stationary phase of
now psychrotrophic bacteria. These are organisms that are able to growth. The maximum concentrations of proteinases get accumu-
grow at temperatures below 7 ◦ C, although their optimum growth lated in shaken milk than those in static culture, but variable effects
temperature may lie between 20 and 30 ◦ C. The majority of the of aeration on the production of lipases have been reported. Most
psychrotrophic bacteria (excluding Bacillus spp.) are destroyed by of the proteinases from Pseudomonas are metalloenzymes contain-
pasteurization, but they produce extracellular enzymes that are ex- ing 1 zinc atom and up to 8 calcium atoms per molecule. Most pro-
tremely thermostable. The most important of these enzymes from teinases from psychrotrophs have milk-clotting activity, are readily
the commercial viewpoint are the proteases and lipases, both of able to degrade κ-, α s1 - and β-casein, and have low activity on
which are able to withstand high temperature short time and UHT nondenaturated whey proteins (Sørhaug and Stepaniak 1997).

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Plasmin, plasminogen, plasminogen activators (PAs), PA 75 ◦ C for 15 s. The PI in the isolated fractions was suggested to
inhibitors (PAIs), and plasmin inhibitors (PIs) be α 2 -antiplasmin, since it reacted immunochemically with poly-
Plasmin (EC, the main native protease in milk, is clonal goat antihuman α 2 -antiplasmin and competitively inhibited
part of a complex system consisting of plasminogen, PA, PAI, plasmin. Results showed that PA inhibitor is less heat stable than
and PI (Crudden and Kelly 2003). An important part of the po- PI, indicating that plasminogen activation could overcome any
tential plasmin activity is present as plasminogen. In fresh milk, inhibition of plasmin resulting after milk pasteurization.
the concentration of plasminogen is much higher than that of Hard gel formation was caused by Pseudomonas proteinase and
plasmin (Nielsen 2003). Plasmin is an alkaline serine proteinase partial digestion of the casein by plasmin in the samples incubated
with pH optimum of 7.5, which readily hydrolyzes β-casein, α s2 - at 40 ◦ C for 3 h. The clarified samples indicated extensive break-
casein, and (more slowly) α s1 -casein (Fox and McSweeney 1996). down of casein as evident by turbidity, while the gelled samples
Its enzymatic reactions result in desired and undesired effects on indicated limited proteolysis. The characteristics of hard gel are
dairy products. Plasmin plays a positive role in cheese ripening for similar to that caused by rennet, which, such as Pseudomonas pro-
many varieties of cheeses (such as Emmental, Romano, Swiss, and teinase, preferentially hydrolyzes the hydrophilic glycomacropep-
Gouda); however, its enzymatic action during milk clotting and tide from κ-casein on the outside of the micelle. This leaves the
storage of UHT milk can affect the products adversely. casein micelle largely intact and also reduces steric repulsion be-
Plasmin activity is higher in mastitis and late-lactation milk due tween micelles, allowing the formation of a more compact gel.
to the increased level of PAs. The levels of plasmin and plas- By contrast, plasmin attacks κ-casein located inside the micelle,
minogen can vary considerably with the stage of lactation, breed, thereby disrupting the micelle and inhibiting the formation of a
age, and presence of mastitis (Grufferty and Fox 1986). The final strong gel. Extensive proteolysis of skim milk by plasmin com-
plasmin activity of milk and, subsequently, milk casein hydroly- pletely clarifies skim milk (Datta and Deeth 2003).
sis, would depend not only on the amount of plasminogen and Plasmin itself is a heat-stable enzyme that survives pasteuriza-
PA but also on the quantity of PAI. The occurrence in milk of tion and many UHT processes (D140◦ C is 32 s) and the initial
blood serum trypsin inhibitors with both high and low molecular (1 d) plasmin activity of UHT milk containing KIO3 was signif-
weight has been documented. They presumably would interfere icantly higher than that in raw milk (Kennedy and Kelly 1997).
with the function of serine proteinases and therefore, with plasmin The inhibitors present in fresh milk are heat labile, whereas the
and PA activity. However, other milk constituents, for example, activators are known to be heat stable (Richardson 1983; Lu and
β-lactoglobulin also could inhibit these enzymes (Korycka-dahl Nielsen 1993). Consequently, heat treatment of milk alters the
and others 1983). Many interactions between plasminogen, plas- natural balance between the activators and inhibitors in favor of
min, PA, PAI, and PI characterize the plasmin system (Figure 5A). the activators. This can lead to enhanced proteolysis in heated
The role of PA in the system is to mediate plasminogen conversion milk (Deharveng and Neilsen 1991). Driessen and van der Waals
into plasmin, whereas PAI and PI inhibit PA and plasmin activities, (1978) reported the D142◦ C for milk proteinase (plasmin) to be
respectively. PAs are likely native to milk or produced by microor- 18 s. Rollema and Poll (1986) reported 28%, 6%, 4%, and 1.3%
ganisms (Deharveng and Nielsen 1991). Two major types of PA plasmin/plasminogen remaining after indirect heating for 5 s at
are known to be present in fresh milk: a tissue type associated with 110, 120, 140, and 147 ◦ C, respectively, but none after heating at
casein and a urokinase type associated with the somatic cells. PIs 147 ◦ C for 10 s.
and PAI are located mainly in milk serum; however, the inhibitors If proteases survive UHT sterilization, milk containing them
might appear in several different forms, possibly due to formation and stored without refrigeration would be a good environment
of complexes with other milk proteins (Precetti and others 1997). for their activity. The optimum pH for one protease ranges from
α 1 -Antitrypsin, α 2 -antiplasmin, and PAI have been isolated from pH 7 to 8 with 85% to 90% of maximum activity at pH 6.5,
milk serum and partially characterized (Weber and Nielsen 1991). the pH of milk (Speck and Adams 1976). The production of
Little is known about the heat stability of PAI and PI, and it has different phospholipases has been reported for Gram-negative and
been generally proposed that the inhibitors are thermally unsta- Gram-positive psychrotrophs. The “bitty cream” defect (floating
ble. Richardson (1983) suggested that PAI is inactivated by mild clumps of fat) occurs in products that contain high numbers of
thermal treatments. An increase in activity of PL and a subsequent Bacillus cells, suggesting a unique ability of phospholipases from
decrease in concentration of PG were observed in pasteurized this microorganism to damage the fat globule membrane (Sørhaug
milk compared to raw milk after incubation at 37 ◦ C for up to and Stepaniak 1997).
80 h. Effect of heat treatment on inhibitors of both PA and plas-
min was studied by (Prado and others 2006) and fractions of milk Heat Resistance of Enzymes Present in Milk
with inhibitory activities against PA and plasmin were isolated. Generally, heat-labile enzymes are inactivated by unfolding
Thermal inactivation of PA inhibitor (81.1%) was considerably followed by molecular scrambling (collapse to inactive forms),
different from that of PI (35.8%) in milk after heat treatment at whereas heat-resistant enzymes are inactivated by covalent mod-
ification (such as destruction of cystine cross-links and deamina-
tion of asparagine and glutamine residues). Proteinases, lipases, and
PAIs PAs PIs phospholipase (from psychrotrophic bacteria, mostly Pseudomon-
(Heat-labile) (Heat-stable) (Heat-labile) ads), which are stable at high temperatures and survive pasteuriza-
tion and UHT treatment, but are not active above 50 to 60 ◦ C
(Table 5). Among the features that stabilize thermoenzymes are
Plasminogen Plasmin Peptides (γ-Cn) and additional salt bridges, additional hydrogen bonds, tighter Ca2+ -
(Heat-stable) (Heat-stable) Casein proteose peptone binding sites, maximized packing, shorter loops, and an ex-
panded hydrophobic core. Many of these features are apparently
Figure 5–The plasmin-plasminogen system (adapted from Richardson also stabilizing factors in heat-resistant proteinases, lipases, and
1983). phospholipase C from all psychrotrophic microorganisms. Lipases

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Table 5–Heat resistance of enzymes from Pseudomonads. the highly reactive S–H groups cause irreversible denaturation
of plasmin (Crudden and others 2005). The above implies that
Enzyme Source Heat resistance
a certain degree of denaturation of β-lactoglobulin is necessary
Protease (s) Pseudomomas D150◦ C = 90 s
Protease (s) Total psychrotrophic Survived 149 ◦ C/10 s to increase the inactivation of plasmin and plasminogen. On the
flora of milk other hand, denaturation of β-lactoglobulin induces the forma-
Protease Pseudomomas D149◦ C = 90 s tion of deposit on the wall of heat treatment equipment and is
fluorescens P26
Protease Pseudomomas Survived unspecified UHT also an indicator for product degradation. This implies that an
sterilization temperature optimized heat treatment needs to be designed where the degree
Protease Pseudomomas Survived 135 ◦ C/3.5 min of denaturation of β-lactoglobulin is high enough to inactivate
Lipase P. fluorescens 22F D150◦ C = 4.8 min
plasmin to avoid bitterness but low enough to minimize the for-
mation of deposit and product degradation. Previous experiments
showed that milk heated with the innovative steam injection (ISI)
and proteinases are more sensitive to low-temperature treatment system had a degree of denaturation of β-lactoglobulin of <30%,
at 50 to 60 ◦ C than to heat treatment at >100 ◦ C. Proteinases whereas standard UHT treatments of milk resulted in a degree
are partially renatured after heat treatment (Sørhaug and Stepa- of denaturation of >50% (Huijs and others 2004). However, the
niak 1997). The time required to reduce protease activity by 90% effect of denatured β-lactoglobulin is usually not taken into ac-
was 90 s compared to 0.25 and 0.02 s for a 90% reduction in count when predicting/designing UHT processes in relation to
PA3679 spores and B. stearothermophilus spores, respectively. Pu- the inactivation of plasmin (Crudden and others 2005).
trefactive Anaerobe 3679 are the spores commonly are used for
the development of sterilization processes, and a heat treatment
of 149 ◦ C for 4 s should sterilize fluid milk products effectively. Gelation of UHT Milk
These proteases showed less than 10% destruction during UHT The gel that forms in UHT milk is a 3-dimensional (3D) protein
sterilization of milk at 149 ◦ C for 4 s (Speck and Adams 1976). matrix formed by the whey proteins, particularly β-lactoglobulin,
Kishonti (1975) showed that 24 of 60 strains of psychrotrophic interacting with casein, chiefly κ-casein, of the casein micelle. The
bacteria isolated from milk and including Pseudomonas spp., Al- major proteinaceous linkages that develop during the heat treat-
caligenes spp., and Aerobacter spp. produced extracellular enzymes ment result in formation of β-lactoglobulin-κ-casein complexes
capable of retaining at least 75% of their activity after exposure to (βκ-complexes). β-Lactoglobulin begins to unfold and lose its
63 ◦ C for 30 min. Stadhouders and Mulder (1960) showed that globular structure above 55 ◦ C (Gough and Jenness 1962; Sawer
strains of Achromobacter spp. and Serratia spp. produced lipases that 1969); this causes rupture of cystine disulfhide bonds and a marked
could withstand 74 ◦ C for 4 s, but certain strains of Alcaligenes spp. increase in thiol group reactivity. Prolonged heat treatment above
and Flavobacterium spp. were not able to withstand this treatment. 80 ◦ C leads to degradation of all of the cystine residues. Lyster
Similarly, The Merck-BIOQUANT® Proteinase assay Kit recom- (1964) observed that all of the S–H groups became “reactive”
mends a bacterial proteinase level <1 ng/mL (standard alcalase R after UHT treatment with an indirect heating system. The re-
equivalent) for UHT milk to have a shelf life of at least 3 mo at active S–H can react intramolecularly to form β-lactoglobulin
25 ◦ C. Mitchell and Ewings (1985) determined the threshold value aggregates, or intermolecularly to form disulfhide bonds between
for proteinase to be about 0.3 ng/mL for a shelf life of at least β-lactoglobulin and other S–H-containing molecules such as κ-
4 mo at 23 ◦ C. casein and proteins of the milk fat globule membrane. In the
casein micelle, κ-casein exists at the surface and is available for
such interaction with β-lactoglobulin.
Inactivation Kinetics of Enzymes Present in Milk Following these initial heat-induced changes, other changes oc-
UHT treatments can be sufficient to inactivate microorganisms cur slowly in UHT milk during storage and result in the forma-
and obtain a sterile product but provide insufficient heat load to tion of a 3D protein network that causes the milk to thicken
reduce plasmin activity and obtain a stable product. Insufficient and then gel. The ease with which a milk will gel is deter-
inactivation causes bitter-tasting milk, resulting in product loss mined by the extent of 3 processes leading to gelation: the in-
for producers and consumers of milk. To avoid bitterness, an in- teraction between β-lactoglobulin and κ-casein (as opposed to
activation of 99% of the plasmin present is generally applied in the self-association of denatured β-lactoglobulin); the release of
industries. Metwalli and others (1998) observed that irreversible the βκ-complex from the casein particle; and the cross-linking
inactivation can be achieved at around 65 ◦ C, but above 92 ◦ C the of the βκ-complexes and associated proteins. When these asso-
inactivation rate increases only slightly with temperature due to a ciations (βκ-complexes) are disrupted, κ-casein is released along
lower activation energy in that specific temperature range. with its attached β-lactoglobulin. The released βκ-complexes are
Thermal inactivation, at temperatures between 60 and 140 ◦ C, observed as protuberances and tendrils on the micelle surface.
of native plasmin, plasminogen, and PAs were studied in bovine The disruption of the κ-casein anchors to the other caseins can
milk using improved enzymatic assays. Activation energies (Ea) occur through enzymic (proteinase) action or nonenzymic means
for the heat denaturation of plasmin, plasminogen, and PAs were (Harwalkar 1982). The order of susceptibility of the caseins to
29, 35, and 24 kJ/mol, respectively, in the temperature range 95 hydrolysis by bacterial proteinases and milk plasmin are κ > β >
to 140 ◦ C, and 244, 230, and 241 kJ/mol, respectively, in the α s1 and β = α s2 > α s1 > κ, respectively. Overall, the relationship
temperature range 70 to 90 ◦ C (Saint Denis and others 2001). between added purified proteinase activity and gelation time can
The inactivation kinetics of plasmin in milk has been described be obtained from the following equation:
by Rollema and Poll (1986) and (partly) denatured β-lactoglobulin
is found to affects the rate of plasmin inactivation (Crudden and Gelation time (months) = 2.3916 × X−0.6449 ,
others 2005). Due to thermal processing free S–H groups will
become available when β-lactoglobulin unfolds, which is the 1st where X is proteinase activity measured by the Merck proteinase
stage of denaturation. As a result of unfolding of β-lactoglobulin, test kit using dehydrogenase as the substrate and relating the

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Figure 6–Model of age gelation of UHT milk showing (1) formation of the βκ-complex, (2) its dissociation from micelles during storage, and (3)
subsequent gelation of the milk through cross-linking of the βκ-complex. (Source: McMahon 1996.)

activity to the equivalent concentration of alcalase R (Novo Indus- plasmin activity, which increase on storage due to activation of
trials, Denmark) in nanogram per milliliter (Mitchell and Ewings plasminogen.
Nonenzymatic mechanism of gelation
Enzymatic mechanism of gelation Andrews and Cheeseman (1972) suggested that gelation is
According to McMahon (1996), the proteinases do not act di- caused by polymerization of casein and whey proteins by Mail-
rectly on the βκ-complex but cleave the peptide bonds that an- lard reactions that are promoted by higher storage temperatures.
chor the κ-casein to the casein micelle, facilitating release of the However, the lack of gel formation during storage of UHT milk
βκ-complex. This dissociation of βκ-complexes from the casein at temperatures above 35 ◦ C does not corroborate their sugges-
micelles by proteinases is considered to be the 1st stage in a 2-stage tion. Samel and others (1971) reported that blockage of ε-NH2
mechanism of age gelation. The 2nd stage involves the subsequent groups of lysine residues in casein micelles of UHT milk prevents
aggregation of the βκ-complexes and formation of a 3D network micelles from interacting with each other and may retard age gela-
of cross-linked proteins (Figure 6) and effect of proteolytic en- tion due to modification of the charge on the casein micelles.
zymes on gelation in Table 6. Enright and others (1999) observed According to another hypothesis, gelation of UHT milk results
that UHT milk with added KIO3 (0.23 M) at the rate of 13 mL/ from changes in the free energy of casein micelles. Differences in
30 L of milk behaved somewhat like raw milk during storage, potential energy promote aggregation of the casein micelles, the
showing extensive plasminogen activation, rapid proteolysis, and extent of this depends upon the probability of contact and the
formation of sediments at a similar time, and of similar appearance, number of low potential micelles, both of which increase with
to those seen in raw milk. The addition of plasmin to UHT milk storage time. Micelle aggregation leads to increased viscosity of
after heating reduced the stability of the milk, increased proteol- the UHT milk.
ysis, and led to the early formation of sediments. The results of
this study suggest strongly that plasmin activity is a major influ- Measuring Enzyme Activity in UHT Milk
ence on the storage stability of UHT milk. Kelly and Foley (1997) Analysis of milk in the manner proposed can enable the UHT
concluded that KIO3 protected plasmin from inactivation by com- milk manufacturer to determine if proteolysis is occurring, or
plexation with β-lactoglobulin, leading to high residual levels of has occurred in the milk and, if so, whether it is caused by milk

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plasmin, bacterial proteinase, or both. If it is caused by plasmin, it is A sensitive assay for protease activity based on the reaction of pri-
likely that the UHT processing conditions are too mild that causes mary amino groups of trichloroacetic acid (TCA) soluble peptides
less denaturation of plasmin and whey proteins. This results in and amino acids with fluorescamine (4-phenylspiro[furan-2(3H),
less whey protein–casein interaction and less inhibition of plasmin 1 -phthalan]-3,3 dione) was applied to sterile milk (Chism and
action on the casein that is most commonly encountered in the others 1979). The assay was linear in the range of 2 to 50 nmol
direct UHT processes, steam infusion, or injection (Manji and of amino groups per aliquot. The assay is suitable for determining
others 1986; Manji and Kakuda 1988). If the proteolysis is caused proteolytic activity in sterile milk products and for determining
by bacterial proteinases, the quality of the raw milk is implicated. protease activity in general.
The most common cause is high levels of psychrotrophic bacteria Plasmin and plasminogen can also be determined spectrophoto-
in the raw milk. Inadequately cleaned equipment that supports metrically using the chromogenic substrate H-D-valyl-L-leucyl-
bacterial growth and production of proteinases can also be a cause L-lysyl-4-nitroanilide (VLLN) as described by Korycka-dahl and
(Driessen 1983). others (1983) with some modifications. Milk samples must be
Protease activity in the sterile skim milk was determined defatted at 10 ◦ C by centrifugation (5000 × g for 20 min) and
by measuring proteolysis at weekly intervals. Single samples skimmed milk obtained must be incubated with 50-mM ε-amino-
from 3 bottles were assayed by the Hull method (1947) with n-caproic acid (EACA) for 2 h at room temperature to dissociate
Folin–Ciocalteau reagent. Measurements were continued until the plasmin and plasminogen from casein micelles. A plasmin activ-
increase in absorbance exceeded 0.6 or until whey separation and ity was measured without adding urokinase- and plasminogen-
gelation. The rates of proteolysis were determined by calculating derived activity and calculated as total activity minus plasmin
the regression of proteolysis on time. From the slopes of the re- activity and was expressed in the same units. One unit of activity
gression lines, the percentage inactivation of proteolysis caused by was defined as the amount of enzyme that produces a change in
low-temperature-inactivation (LTI) was calculated as: absorbance (path length 1 cm) at 405 nm of 0.0001 in 1 min at pH
7.4 and 37 ◦ C in the defined reaction mixture (Manji and others
Percent of inactivation = 100 (slope of control 1986). Plasmin activity in dairy products can also be measured
− slope of LTI sample)/slope of control. with synthetic chromogenic or fluorogenic substrates. Synthetic
substrates can be made by linking Lys peptides to chromogenic or
fluorogenic tags. VLLN is a synthetic substrate that can be used to
determine plasmin activity as it hydrolyzes this peptide to release
Table 6–Effect of proteolytic enzymes on gelation. 4-nitroaniline, a compound that absorbs light at 405 nm (Bastian
and others 1993).
Results and The most sensitive methods reported, including enzyme-linked
Enzyme/enzyme Experiment conclusions immunosorbent assays (ELISAs), were able to detect enzyme ac-
Plasmin/plasminogen Direct, indirect Indirect inactivated tivity or the presence of enzyme when the number of Pseudomonas
(Manji and others heating plasmin; no gelation
1986) to 182 d in indirect cells present was about 106 CFU/mL. ELISAs that can detect 0.25
inactivated plasmin ng/mL of proteinases or 20 ng/mL of lipase from Pseudomonas
Plasmin (Grufferty – Caused degradation of spp. have been reported. An ELISA that detects proteolysis by
and Fox 1986). casein and gelation in
60 d measuring the accumulation of glycomacropeptide released from
Bacterial pH opt, 6.5; temp Caused bitter flavor and κ-casein by proteinases from Pseudomonas spp. has also been
proteinases opt, 45 ◦ C gelation
(Speck and developed (Sørhaug and Stepaniak 1997). Datta and Deeth (2003)
Adams 1976) differentiated the peptides produced by enzymes responsible for
Psychrotroph – Responsible for gelation the proteolysis from the native milk alkaline proteinase, plasmin,
(Cogan 1977) and heat-stable, extracellular bacterial proteinases produced by
Bacterial, P. – Responsible for psychrotrophic bacterial contaminants in the milk prior to heat
fluorescens (Law gelation; time to gel processing. In order to differentiate, these peptide products,
and others 1977) dependent on extent
of growth in raw milk reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography
Bacterial, plasmin – Both caused gelation (HPLC), and the fluorescamine method were used to analyze
Plasmin (Snoeren Good quality milk Plasmin caused gelation the peptides soluble in 12% TCA and those soluble at pH 4.6.
and others 1979) <2700 CFU/mL in 90 d
Bacterial (Fox 1981; Poor quality milk, 2 Bacterial proteinases The TCA filtrate showed substantial peptide peaks only if the
McMahon 1996) × 106 CFU/mL cause gelation in 21 d milk was contaminated by bacterial proteinase, while the pH 4.6
Proteinases Direct compared More proteolysis and filtrate showed peptide peaks when either or both bacterial and
(Harwalkar 1982) with indirect gelation in directly
heated milk native milk proteinases caused the proteolysis. Results from the
Proteinases (Samel Storage at 4, 20, 30, More proteolysis but fluorescamine test were in accordance with the HPLC results
and others 1971). 37 ◦ C less gelation at 37 ◦ C; whereby the TCA filtrate exhibited significant proteolysis values
gelation not due to
proteolysis only when bacterial proteinases were present, but the pH 4.6
Plasmin isolated Unconcentrated No correlation between filtrates showed significant values when the milk contained either
from raw milk milk amount of proteolysis
(Manji and and gelation time but or both types of proteinase. A procedure based on these analyses
Kakuda 1988). some proteolysis can be proposed as a diagnostic test for determining which type
necessary for gelation of proteinase-milk plasmin, bacterial proteinase, or both are
Proteinase inhibitors – Direct heating Inhibited
(de Koning and plasmin action; responsible for proteolysis in UHT milk.
others 1985) retarded gelation, no
gelation nor Plasmin Deactivation in UHT Milk
proteolysis after
storage of 9 mo at Heat-stable proteinases produced by psychrotrophic bacterial
20 ◦ C contaminants of raw milk are also capable of causing gelation

262 Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety r Vol. 10, 2011 
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UHT milk processing and effect . . .

of UHT milk. Several authors have attempted to correlate the at 30 or 20 ◦ C (Renner 1988), but gelation is retarded in milks
level of bacterial proteinase with the time to gelation during stored at 40 ◦ C (Kocak and Zadow 1985b).
storage of UHT milk and then to make recommendations on Manji and others (1986) observed that there is a correlation
the maximum advisory level of proteinase to ensure a long shelf between the extent of proteolysis and plasmin activity. Rate of
life. The severity of heat treatments during preheating and steril- transformation of plasminogen to plasmin was similar for sam-
ization is a very important consideration in retarding gelation in ples stored at 37 ◦ C and 22 to 25 ◦ C but significantly slower at
UHT milk, especially where this is initiated by plasmin-catalyzed 4 ◦ C. They also found that the extensively degraded proteins were
proteolysis. unable to form a gel matrix and if any gel structure that may
Samuelson and Holm (1966) observed that increasing the ster- have formed may have been degraded by continued proteolytic
ilization temperature from 142 to 152 ◦ C and time from 6 to activity, thus reducing the apparent viscosity. Manji and Kakuda
12 s, allowed milk to be stored longer without gelation. Zadow (1988) observed that milks with 28% whey protein denaturation
and Chituta (1975) confirmed that an increase in gelation time gelled after 115 d, while more severely heat-treated milk with 66%
is observed when the sterilization temperature is increased from denatured whey protein gelled after 150 d. These results indicate
135 to 140 ◦ C along with holding time from 3 to 5 s. Adams that the formation of complexes between whey proteins and ca-
and others (1975) reported that the protease produced by psy- seins, which accompanies denaturation, plays an important role in
chrotrophs of dairy origin are most active at 45 ◦ C, but their ac- determining the onset of gelation. McMahon (1996) concluded
tivity is reduced to 25% of maximal at normal room temperature. that milk treated by indirect UHT processes is more stable than
Psychrotrophic populations under 10000/mL are able to produce milk treated by direct UHT processes.
about 10 or more units of heat-stable protease that would shorten Farrell and Thompson (1990) reported that β-lactoglobulin
the shelf life of sterile milk significantly (Speck and Adams 1976). inhibited phosphoprotein phosphatases, including mammary
In contrast, heat-resistant protease activity at 40 ◦ C did not appear alkaline phosphatase. The ability of β-lactoglobulin to inhibit
correlated with the bacterial populations in raw milk. Correlation phosphatase activity is influenced by acetate, calcium ions, and
between Standard Plate Count, psychrotrophic, and proteolytic- genetic variants of β-lactoglobulin. They also hypothesized that
psychrotroph counts, and protease concentration was 0.35, 0.41, phosphatase activity in milk regulated phosphate content and that
and 0.54, respectively (West and others 1978). Topçu and others phosphatase, in turn, is regulated by β-lactoglobulin, calcium,
(2006) observed the effect of raw milk quality (total and psy- potassium, and sodium. Thus, β-lactoglobulin could have a phys-
chrotrophic bacterial and SCCs, proteinase, and plasmin activity) iological role in enzyme regulation.
and UHT temperature (145 or 150 ◦ C for 4 s) on proteolysis in Garcı́a-Risco and others (2003) observed the effects of high
UHT milk processed by a direct (steam injection) system during pressure (up to 400 MPa), applied at room temperature, on native
storage at 25 ◦ C for 180 d. High proteinase activity was measured proteinase activity of milk by means of plasmin activity, plasmin-
in low-quality raw milk, which had high SCC, bacterial count, derived activity after plasminogen activation. The pressure con-
and plasmin activity. Sterilization at 150 ◦ C extended the shelf life ditions assayed did not lead to plasmin inactivation and only
of the UHT milk by reducing proteolysis, gelation, and bitterness. decreased around 20% to 30% total plasmin activity after plas-
Driessen (1983) suggested that proteolysis by bacterial enzymes minogen activation. In milk, plasmin activity was shown to resist
is accompanied by an increase of nonprotein N and the formation at least 400 MPa applied for 30 min at 25 ◦ C (López- Fandiňo and
of para-κ-casein, while the plasmin produces an increase of non- others 1996), while these conditions reduced the total plasmin
casein N and the formation of γ -caseins. This also has diagnostic activity after plasminogen activation by 25% (Garcı́a-Risco and
value for the detection of the cause of gelation and bitterness. others 1998). Pressurization at higher temperatures considerably
Mottar and others (1985) reported that changes in the quantity increased plasmin inactivation in milk, which reached 86.5% after
of 2 specific protein breakdown components during refrigerated treatments at 60 ◦ C. Plasmin was also baro stable in buffer at room
storage of raw milk show a significant correlation with the bacte- temperature, resisting up to 600 MPa for 20 min, but it was signif-
rial count. Raw milk containing these compounds at higher than icantly inactivated at 400 MPa in the presence of β-lactoglobulin
a certain level should not be used for UHT processing. (Scollard and others 2000).
Mitchell and Ewings (1985) reported that UHT milk that ex-
hibited a bitter taste before gelation occurred showed increases in Ways to Improve Shelf Life of UHT Milk
nonprotein nitrogen (NPN) content from 0.03% to 0.06%. Za- To date, fluid product shelf life extension has focused primarily
lazar and others (1996) showed an increase of up to 21% in free on reducing and controlling the presence of bacterial contaminants
(noncasein-bound) sialic acid (N-acetyl neuraminic acid), a carbo- to achieve better product quality for longer periods. The extended
hydrate present in κ-casein, in UHT milk during storage. This was shelf life and shelf stability are definite advantages of UHT milk.
attributable to the action of proteinases from psychrotropic bacteria Shelf life is the storage time before quality drops to an unacceptable
on κ-casein, releasing the sialic acid-containing glycomacropep- level with subjective attributes that include taste, color, odor, gela-
tide. They concluded that the determination of free sialic acid is a tion, sedimentation, separation, and viscosity. These attributes can
useful method for monitoring proteolysis by bacterial proteinases be affected by raw product quality, pretreatment process, process
in UHT milk during storage and to provide an early warning of type, homogenization pressure, deaeration, postprocess contami-
the onset of gelation. Manji and others (1986), while attributing nation, AP, and package barriers. Spoilage of raw milk prior to
the greater propensity to gelation of milk sterilized by direct UHT processing can occur from poor sanitation and inadequate storage
processes (compared with indirectly sterilized milk) to higher plas- temperatures. Some of the ways to improve shelf life of UHT milk
min and plasminogen activities, found no correlation between the are described as follows:
shelf life of the directly sterilized milk and the extent of proteoly-
sis. It should also be noted that the difference in gelation times of Quality of raw milk
UHT milks stored at different temperatures cannot be explained The use of high-quality raw milk is of utmost importance for
by the level of proteolysis; more proteolysis occurs at 40 ◦ C than achieving a long shelf life of UHT milk (Law and others 1977).

c 2011 Institute of Food Technologists® Vol. 10, 2011 r Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 263
UHT milk processing and effect . . .

Storage of raw milk at low temperature (<4 ◦ C) for a mini-

mum period of time (≤48 h) minimizes growth of psychrotrophic
bacteria and, consequently, the amount of extracellular bacterial
proteinases produced in the milk before heat treatment. Speck and
Adams (1976) suggested that preventing contamination of the raw
milk with psychrotrophic bacteria would be difficult and expen-
sive. The heat resistance of the enzymes precludes their destruction
at UHT. If the raw milk bacterial count is <25000 CFU/mL, then
the raw milk SCC will be the most important determinant of shelf
life in pasteurized extended shelf life milk with respect to devel-
opment of off-flavors when postpasteurization bacterial growth is
controlled (such as below 500000 CFU/mL) (Barbano and others

Low-temperature inactivation of proteinases

Barach and others (1976) reported that heat-resistant enzymes in
milk could be inactivated by treatment at low temperature (about
55 ◦ C) for a prolonged period of holding (30 to 60 min). The
effectiveness of such “low-temperature-inactivation” treatment is
independent of proteinase concentration and does not significantly
alter the flavor of the milk. The method can be applied before or
after sterilization or to aged sterile milk and is most effective when
used in milk at least 1 d after UHT treatment. LTI at 55 ◦ C is only
effective up to 60 min; thereafter, the inactivation rate of LTI when
combined with UHT treatment is similar to that for UHT treat-
ment alone. The effect may be due to rapid autodigestion at 55 ◦ C, Figure 7–ISI heater-principle. (Source: van Asselt and others 2008.)
but this does not fully explain the change of inactivation charac-
teristics after 60 min at this temperature. At 55 ◦ C, the proteinase have some inhibitory effects on plasmin activity. β-Lactoglobulin
undergoes a unique conformational change followed by aggrega- A, α-lactalbumin, and bovine serum albumin at concentrations
tion of altered proteinase with casein to form an enzyme-casein of 0.2 and 1 mg/mL inhibited plasmin plus plasminogen activ-
complex that causes inactivation of the enzyme. The combination ity by 18% and 54%, 19% and 20%, 25% and 63%, respectively,
of LTI and UHT sterilization can prolong the shelf life (up to 3 while β-lactoglobulin B had no inhibitory effect (Politis and oth-
times) of sterile skimmilk containing psychrotrophic bacterial pro- ers 1993). Indirect heating is a very practical means of retarding
teinase. Furthermore, some proteinases are quite resistant to heat age gelation. However, it is unfortunate that heating conditions
treatment at 55 ◦ C for an hour, so its usefulness for age gelation that minimize age gelation cause the most cooked flavor in UHT
may be limited. LTI did not alter the flavor or protein content of milk, a characteristic that many consumers dislike.
the milk and κ-casein was affected by the protease. Such a process,
if feasible on a commercial scale, could offer the best solution to Addition of sodium hexametaphosphate (SHMP)
the problem presented by heat-stable proteases. Maximum low- Kocak and Zadow (1985b) added calcium chloride, SHMP
temperature inactivation occurred at 55 ◦ C and only about 30% (0.05%, 0.1% w/w), sodium citrate, and ethylenediaminete-
loss in activity was expected to occur by heating for 60 min. The traacetic acid (0.1%, 0.3% w/w) to raw milk that had been stored
extent of protease inactivation appeared to be independent of pro- at 2 ◦ C for 120 to 168 h and processed the milk at 140 ◦ C for
tease concentration and, therefore, could occur at the low protease 4 s. The addition of 0.05% calcium chloride or 0.1% SHMP to
that might be in raw milk. milk before UHT processing resulted in a considerable increase in
stability, with no gelation evident after 500 d at 25 ◦ C. Addition
Heat treatment during preheating and sterilization of a low level of SHMP would facilitate bridging between ion-
Adequate heating is required for denaturation of most of the ized groups of casein micelles that would not otherwise form an
β-lactoglobulin and complexation with casein. Such high heat ionic bond. This would hold the κ-casein more tightly to the mi-
treatment also inactivates plasmin. For the same bactericidal ef- celle and delay release of the βκ-complex, thus retarding gelation
fect, indirect heating produces milk that is more stable to gelation of UHT milk during storage. The results suggest that polyphos-
than that produced by direct heating. Lu and Nielsen (1993) added phates, such as SHMP, inhibit the 2nd stage of gelation involving
serine proteinase inhibitors, namely, trypsin inhibitor, aprotinin, protein coagulation. Addition of sodium phosphate and sodium
and diisopropylfluorophosphate, to UHT milk to inhibit the plas- citrate accelerate gelation in UHT milk, while polyphosphates,
min. In these cases, no proteolysis occurred and gelation was not such as SHMP, delay gelation (Samuelson and Holm 1966).
observed after 9 mo of storage at 20 ◦ C. Recently, 2 proteinase
inhibitors, PA inhibitor-1 and alpha 2-antiplasmin, were isolated ISI heating
from bovine milk. Since these proteinase inhibitors are heat labile, The ISI heater is a new type of steam injection that enables fast
their use in control of the plasmin system would only be possible heating (shorter than 0.2 s holding time) and high temperatures
if they were added (aseptically) after heat processing. The shelf life (150 to 180 ◦ C). A schematic overview of the ISI heater is shown
of UHT milk could be enhanced by addition of PA inhibitor- in Figure 7. In the ISI, the product is pumped through a pipe with a
1 at a concentration of 125 mg/mL; at this level, no PA could narrow end (nozzle, 1 to 2 mm). The wall of this pipe contains sev-
be detected. Plasmin does not hydrolyze whey proteins and they eral small openings through which high-pressure steam is injected,

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UHT milk processing and effect . . .

enabling very fast heating of the product. The milk can be heated exceeded 0.5. The higher the fat content with the same whole
at 80 ◦ C (during different residence times) before (preheated) or volume fraction, the lower the heat stability was because visible
after (postheated) the heat treatment with the ISI (0.2 s, 180 ◦ C). flocs were formed earlier. Increased heat stability was detected for
After heating, the product can be instantaneously cooled using UF > Nanofiltration (NF) > Reverse Osmosisi (RO) concentrate
flash cooling (van Asselt and others 2008). The heat treatment in because of the reduced ash content (UF < NF < RO). The stor-
industrial applications is much shorter, but a higher temperature age stability can be improved if the ash content is reduced, which
is applied. For example, Tetra Pak’s Tetra Therm Aseptic Plus 2 can be achieved by using electrodialysis, or nano or UF.
(Deeth and Datta 2003) includes a preheating of approximately
45 s at 90 ◦ C. With respect to plasmin inactivation, this heat load High-pressure treatments
is equivalent to a heat load of a treatment of 80 ◦ C during 300 s. The plasmin system is very pressure stable at room temperature.
In order to optimize the process, the effect of partly (30%) dena- A synergistic effect of high pressure and temperature is observed
tured β-lactoglobulin was included. The level of 30% denatured in the 300 to 600 MPa and 35 to 65 ◦ C ranges, and a stabiliza-
β-lactoglobulin was chosen as previous experiments with the ISI tion effect could be observed for pressures above 600 MPa. Borda
showed that application of ISI-heating resulted in that level of and others (2004) concluded that particular attention could be
denaturation (Huijs and others 2004). The results showed that a given to the stability of the plasmin system at pressures above 600
postheat treatment is sufficient to reduce the amount of plasmin MPa and the possibilities of high-pressure thermal inactivation of
below 1% of its initial level. By applying these new kinetics, the plasmin in the 300 to 600 MPa and 36 to 65 ◦ C range. Another
heat load for currently applied UHT treatments of milk can be type of high-pressure processing that has been developed is high-
reduced while obtaining a sufficient inactivation of plasmin (that pressure homogenization (HPH). The principle of the operation
is, <1%) and to achieve a 6 decimal reduction of B. sporothermod- is similar to that of conventional homogenizers used in the dairy
urans. This opens the way for the production of extended shelf industry except that it works at higher pressures (up to 400 MPa).
life milk with even less product degradation (that is, <50% de- This technology is also called ultra-HPH (UHPH) depending on
naturation of β-lactoglobulin) compared with currently available the pressure achieved. Milk treated at 200 MPa at 30 ◦ C had the
UHT products (that is, >50% denaturation of β-lactoglobulin) longest microbial shelf life (about 21 d) and achieved an outlet
and improved taste characteristics (van Asselt and others 2008). temperature of about 80 ◦ C for 0.7 s, which means that the ther-
mal effect on milk was less than that of the high-pasteurization
Addition of the sulfhydryl (SH) group-blocking agent treatment. However, at 200 MPa and 30 ◦ C, a marked decrease
N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) added to milk before heating inhibits of milk pH was observed. With the other UHPH treatments, a
denaturation of whey proteins and interaction of these proteins microbial shelf life between 14 and 18 d, similar to that observed
with caseins. Hong and others (1984) showed that UHT milk, for high-pasteurized milk, was obtained. Therefore, the micro-
containing 0.5 g/L NEM, and processed by direct heating, gelled bial data indicate the possibility of obtaining UHPH-treated milk
later (at 52 wk) than indirectly heated milk with the same addi- with equal or better microbial shelf life than high-pasteurized milk.
tive (at 18 wk); this was in contrast to the corresponding direct- The UHPH treatment, besides achieving a reduction in microbial
and indirect-processed control milks that gelled at 18 and 40 wk, counts, generated changes in the physicochemical properties such
respectively. The reason for the opposite effects of NEM in the 2 as color, viscosity, pH, and acidity. Color, texture, and mouthfeel
milks is unexplained. In concentrated milks, NEM had little effect are important signals that determine consumer perception of the
on gelation time (7 mo compared with 6 mo for control); however, freshness of milk (Pereda and others 2007).
disulfide-reducing agents, such as mercaptoethanol and cysteine,
markedly accelerated gelation (gelation time <1 mo). Lysine in- Conclusion
hibits plasminogen activation by competing for the lysine-binding UHT and AP of milk is a well-established technology in many
site present in the kringles of plasmin/plasminogen. It also causes countries. Direct and indirect heating systems are used along with
dissociation of plasmin and plasminogen from casein micelles; sterile packages and form-fill-seal systems. Advantages of UHT
0.2 M lysine released 92% of the plasminogen 97% of the plasmin. milk include reduced energy consumption, extended shelf life, and
However, the high concentrations of lysine (0.2 M or 29.2 g/L) ambient storage and distribution conditions. Commercial success
necessary to completely inhibit plasminogen activation prohibit its of UHT is affected by factors such as, postprocess contamination,
use as a practical measure for controlling plasmin activity in milk customer acceptance, chemical/physical changes resulting from
(Bramley 1998). heat treatment, and extended storage. Age gelation is a major
Treatment of milk with carbon dioxide or nitrogen factor limiting the shelf life of UHT milk. It can be explained
This treatment can effectively inhibit the growth of different by a 2-stage process involving formation, during heating, of a
psychrotrophs (Sørhaug and Stepaniak 1997). β-lactoglobulin–κ-casein complex that cross-links after partial or
complete release from the casein micelle to form a protein network
Membrane processing of UHT milk gel. Proteolysis, by native milk plasmin or bacterial proteinases, ac-
Milk can be treated by applying modern membrane technology celerates gelation by facilitating release of the complex from the
in such a way that high-quality milk concentrates without addi- micelle. Factors that influence the shelf life of UHT milk are age
tives can be produced with long-life stability by means of UHT of cow, stage of lactation, seasonal changes, microbial quality of
heating. Hirichs (2000) used ultrafiltration (UF) and reverse os- raw milk, storage temperature, fat content of milk, and hydrol-
mosis concentrates made from milk with differing fat and protein ysis of lactose. The shelf life of UHT milk can be increased by
contents that were sheared in defined flow conditions to establish considering the above-mentioned factors and along with new im-
the critical concentration of the constituents beyond which flow proved manufacturing methods. Thus, by increasing the shelf life
properties and heat stability change. The heat coagulation time of UHT milk by using techniques such as ISI-heating, LTI, mem-
at 140 ◦ C of milk concentrates was dramatically influenced by brane processing, UHPH, consumers will have more choices in
steric interactions if the whole volume fraction of fat and protein the marketplace.

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