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1.This bread is stale.It s at beast a week old

2I don t think it s fair to call all hamburgers

junk food because in some restaurants they
make them with top quality ingredients.

3in my opinion temperatures will get higher

in the next twenty years.

4we will hand in our projects to teacher by


5here are some qualitie that all your

professors and lectures will want to see

6you should know how to manage your time


7you should plan your own life instead of

worrying about how well other students are

8you have permission go into a pub when

you re 14 but you don t have permission to
drink or buy alcohol

9you can vote if you are 18

10person who teaches lecture at the

university is called professor lecturer

11person who pays someone to work for

him her is emptoyer

12you had better be careful if you drive to

Fast near a school in England.

1i don’t like eating too much fried food

because a lot of oil can be bad for you us.

2Sushi is a Japanese dish with raw fish. They

don’t cook it.

3im sure that Joan will win the elections

next year .

4by tomorrow he will read the book

5you have to be ready to work withothers

and to organise to study withFriends

6you sholdnt be late with the projects. You

need to know when to hand them in.

7universiry students often have to combine

their studies with work and

8voting in general election is prohibited

until the age of 18

9you can get married if you 18 years old

10person who is paid to work for another

person or company is employee

11somebody whose job is to repair electrical

equipment is electrician

12evribody knows you must pay attention to

speed limits

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