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Kids Learning Game

Mini Project Report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree
Aravind - 11709190
Sushant pathania-11702245

Section : K17DM
Under the guidance of

School of Computer Science and Engineering

Lovely Professional University
Phagwara, Punjab (India)
NOV 2018


Place : Lovely Professional University E.Aravind

Sushanth pathania

Date : 12-11-18 11709190


We take this opportunity to present our votes of thanks to all those guidepost who really
acted as lightening pillars to enlighten our way throughout this project that has led to
successful and satisfactory completion of this study.

We are really grateful to Ranjith kaur ma’am for providing us with an opportunity to
undertake this project and providing us with all the facilities. I am highly thankful to mam
for her active support, valuable time and advice, whole-hearted guidance, sincere
cooperation and pains-taking involvement during the study and in completing the
assignment of preparing the said project within the time stipulated.

Place : Lovely Professional University E.Aravind

Sushanth pathania

Date : 12-11-18 11709190


I hereby declare that the mini project work entitled “Kids Learning game” is an authentic
record of our own work carried out in B.Tech degree in Computer Science and Engineering
from Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, under the guidance of Ranjith kaur mam ,
during August to December 2018. All the information furnished in this mini project report is
based on our own intensive work and is genuine.
Table of Contents

3.Source code
4.Gui screen shots

1. Objective :

This is a multipart post on image recognition and object detection.

In this part, we will briefly explain image recognition using traditional computer vision techniques. I refer to
techniques that are not Deep Learning based as traditional computer vision techniques because they are being
quickly replaced by Deep Learning based techniques. That said, traditional computer vision approaches still
power many applications. Many of these algorithms are also available in computer vision libraries like
OpenCV and work very well out of the box.

An image recognition algorithm ( a.k.a an image classifier ) takes an image ( or a patch of an image ) as input
and outputs what the image contains. In other words, the output is a class label ( e.g. “cat”, “dog”, “table”
etc. ). How does an image recognition algorithm know the contents of an image ? Well, you have to train the
algorithm to learn the differences between different classes. If you want to find cats in images, you need to
train an image recognition algorithm with thousands of images of cats and thousands of images of
backgrounds that do not contain cats. Needless to say, this algorithm can only understand objects / classes it
has learned.

To simplify things, in this post we will focus only on two-class (binary) classifiers. You may think that this is
a very limiting assumption, but keep in mind that many popular object detectors ( e.g. face detector and
pedestrian detector ) have a binary classifier under the hood. E.g. inside a face detector is an image classifier
that says whether a patch of an image is a face or background.
The input image has too much extra information that is not necessary for classification. Therefore, the first
step in image classification is to simplify the image by extracting the important information contained in the
image and leaving out the rest. For example, if you want to find shirt and coat buttons in images, you will
notice a significant variation in RGB pixel values. However, by running an edge detector on an image we can
simplify the image. You can still easily discern the circular shape of the buttons in these edge images and so
we can conclude that edge detection retains the essential information while throwing away non-essential
information. The step is called feature extraction. In traditional computer vision approaches designing these
features are crucial to the performance of the algorithm. Turns out we can do much better than simple edge
detection and find features that are much more reliable. In our example of shirt and coat buttons, a good
feature detector will not only capture the circular shape of the buttons but also information about how
buttons are different from other circular objects like car tires.

The main objective of our project is to improve the memory by recognising the images which would be seen
before .By this not only memory but also the skills of observation,presence of mind and so on ..will be

This project is done by using gui,tkinter the usage of these made easy to complete our python project of
identifying an image and storing the correct answers and showing the results.

We have previously seen how to write text-only programs which have a command-line interface, or CLI.
Now we will briefly look at creating a program with a graphical user interface, or GUI. In this chapter we
will use , tkinter a module in the Python standard library which serves as an interface to Tk, a simple toolkit.
There are many other toolkits available, but they often vary across platforms. If you learn the basics of
tkinter you should see many similarities should you try to use a different toolkit.

We will see how to make a simple GUI which handles user input and output. GUIs often use a form of OO
programming which we call event-driven: the program responds to events, which are actions that a user

Anything that happens in a user interface is an event. We say that an event is fired whenever the user does
something – for example, clicks on a button or types a keyboard shortcut. Some events could also be
triggered by occurrences which are not controlled by the user – for example, a background task might
complete, or a network connection might be established or lost.

Our application needs to monitor, or listen for, all the events that we find interesting, and respond to them in
some way if they occur. To do this, we usually associate certain functions with particular events. We call a
function which performs an action in response to an event an event handler – we bind handlers to events.

 Tkinter provides us with a variety of common GUI elements which we can use to build our interface – such
as buttons, menus and various kinds of entry fields and display areas. We call these elements widgets. We are
going to construct a tree of widgets for our GUI – each widget will have a parent widget, all the way up to
the root window of our application. For example, a button or a text field needs to be inside some kind of
containing window.

The widget classes provide us with a lot of default functionality. They have methods for configuring the
GUI’s appearance – for example, arranging the elements according to some kind of layout – and for handling
various kinds of user-driven events. Once we have constructed the backbone of our GUI, we will need to
customise it by integrating it with our internal application class.

Widget classes

There are many different widget classes built into –tkinter they should be familiar to you from other GUIs:

 A frame is a container widget which is placed inside a window, which can have its own border and
background – it is used to group related widgets together in an application’s layout.
 Toplevel is a container widget which is displayed as a separate window.
  Canvas is a widget for drawing graphics. In advanced usage, it can also be used to create custom
widgets – because we can draw anything we like inside it, and make it interactive.
 Text displays formatted text, which can be editable and can have embedded images.
 A button usually maps directly onto a user action – when the user clicks on a button, something
should happen.
 A level is a simple widget which displays a short piece of text or an image, but usually isn’t
 A message is similar to a label, but is designed for longer bodies of text which need to be wrapped.
 A  scrollbar allows the user to scroll through content which is too large to be visible all at once.
 checkbutton ,rardiobutton ,listbox entry and scale are different kinds of input widgets – they allow the
user to enter information into the program.
 menu and menubutton are used to create pull-down menus.

The GUI in the previous example has a relatively simple layout: we arranged the three widgets in a single
column inside the window. To do this, we used the  pack method, which is one of the three
different geometry managers available in tkinter. We have to use one of the available geometry managers to
specify a position for each of our widgets, otherwise the widget will not appear in our window.

By default, pack arranges widgets vertically inside their parent container, from the top down, but we can
change the alignment to the bottom, left or right by using the optional side parameter. We can mix different
alignments in the same container, but this may not work very well for complex layouts. It should work
reasonably well in our simple case. We can create quite complicated layouts with pack by grouping widgets
together in frames and aligning the groups to our liking – but we can avoid a lot of this complexity by using
the grid method instead. It allows us to position widgets in a more flexible way, using a grid layout. This is
the geometry manager recommended for complex interfaces

3.source code Screenshots

Here when we open or run this code some images are displayed On screen. And

also we aresee some options below the images.Related to the above images we

are select some random optionsAfter then we submit our answers. The side of the

images one Message will be shown that is how many options are attempted and how

many marks are u got.

How it is helpful to kids:

This is a type of Quiz.There are so many uses of this kind of games .

Now we see uses of Quiz to childrens.

Well targeted, tailor made quizzes where pupils can challenge themselves but are able to
succeed can have a great boost to their self esteem and confidence. An individual quiz takes
off the pressure that a ‘test’ can bring and enables children to privately make mistakes.   Even
if used in teams or pairs, the nature of a quiz being fun can also help those children less
confident to make mistakes, especially if the quiz allows them to think again.

Quizzes can aid planning identify progress

Whether the quiz is a pre-topic assessment or at a midway point, they can really help you see
what pupils already know or have learnt and therefore they can inform your next steps
planning on an individual basis. They are also a great way to reinforce learning for pupils
throughout a unit of work.

Quizzes can aid individualised learning

Quizzes are easy to differentiate whilst enabling all children to participate in the same task.
The same look to the task and the activity/instructions but with different questions is not only
a subtle form of differentiation but can help you to provide just the right level of challenge
and pin point how to support each pupil to reach their full potential.

Quizzes are great for plenaries

A quiz or poll at the end of a lesson is a good way to gain a quick overview of who needs
help and where you could challenge pupils further. Having a standard set of meta-cognitive
and evaluative questions online that pupils can access via an ipad or computer in any
lesson makes this time efficinet in preparation for the teacher too, plus children will get into
the habit of reflecting on their learning independently.

Quizzes are great for end of topic assessments

A quiz at the end of a lesson or a unit of work is a entertaining way to find out how much
pupil’s have learnt and can inform any further follow up needed.  , without the need for the
stress that a more formal test can bring many children.

Quizzes are good for revision

Pre-test quizzes can help pupil’a revise without them hardly realising they are doing it.  A
quiz is a good way for a pupil to identify and  take ownership of their knowledge gaps and a
great way to help them to plug the gaps to boost their confidence when it come to formal

Quizzes can help tracking

Keeping a record of pupils scores and responses provide evidence of both the fact that the
teacher is regularly assessing and feeding back to students and also can help a teacher
monitor and track progress.

Quizzes encourage pupils self awareness of progress and self assessment

By taking quizzes pupils get instant feedback on their responses which can support them to
identify areas they need to develop themselves and highlight progress for them to be proud
of. This in turn can support a growth mindset and foster the attitude to life-long learning that
you aim to give your pupils.

Quizzes can help teachers have rich feedback dialogue with pupils

If always used simply as a pass/fail or score out of x method, although helpful and
appropriate at times, quizzes could just become another test format.  By evaluating the
pupils’ answers we as teachers can gain a deeper awareness of their understanding (or
misunderstandings) and then provide richer feedback to our pupils to challenge and extend
their thinking.


McGraw Hill, India

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