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Degree Specialty: Help Choosing

Having troubles deciding which degree specialty is best for you? Answer the
following questions to the best of your ability. Then, send your responses to, and a thesis/dissertation advisor will review your
answers and help you identify which degrees fall best into your areas of
interest, metaphysical goals, and planned degree usage. Even if you don’t want
to take the time to send them, they are still good questions to answer for
yourself. Note: You may change your degree specialty any time before writing
your dissertation as long as you do it in writing.

1. First name: __________________________ Last name: ________________________________

2. Are you enrolled in the University of Sedona or the University of Metaphysics?

3. Some students prefer having a Ph.D. after their name. Is that important to you?

4. Some students live in communities that don’t embrace metaphysics. With that in mind, would it
bother you to have either the word metaphysical or mystical listed on your diploma?

5. How do you plan to use your degree in the future? Tell us all that apply, but put them in order
from most important to least important, or put numbers next to each letter below, with 1 being the
most important, 2 being the second-most important, and so on.

a. Teaching some form of metaphysics

b. Counseling with clients one-on-one
c. Group classes or counseling sessions
d. You see yourself as a mystic or psychic reader
e. Helping people holistically (body/mind/spirit connection)
f. Writing books or articles or blogging
g. Lecturing or giving presentations
h. For your own personal use only
i. Healing people
j. Helping people have better relationships
k. Helping people through hypnosis
l. Using dream therapy to help people
m. Helping others transform and/or grow spiritually
n. Helping yourself transform and/or grow spiritually
o. You don’t know

6. Do you plan to use your degree to work or counsel in a church, temple, or mission-type setting?

7. Do you plan to use your degree to work as a reverend or pastor?

8. If you know the subject you want to write your dissertation on, list here:

9. If you aren’t certain about your dissertation topic, list the top three metaphysical topics you feel
drawn to:
1.________________________ 2. _______________________ 3. ______________________

10. Is there anything else you would like to tell us that may help us better assist you?

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