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\":\"Strengthen the treatment of bad game behavior\",\"Content\":\"Dear
SAMA,\\n\\nRecently someone are using improper way to damage the fair of our game.
We will deal with these cheating behavior strictly.\\nPlease don't believe
those \\\"safe\\\", \\\"won't be blocked\\\" cheating tools. Don't be fluky and
keep your account safe.\\n\\nThe production team of【Night Agent】will continuously
fight against cheating. We will block, delete data and take legal actions to those
who use cheating tools, mods or plugins.\\nIn order to protect your interest and
the game environment, we add the automatic detection tool to fight against cheating
more strictly. During this period, if you are misjudged cheating, please contact us
immediately, we will deal with it as soon as possible.\\nCustomer Service E-mail:\\nFacebook Fanpage:\\n\\nHope SAMA could help us to keep the
principle of fair, play game in a proper way, supervise each other to keep the fair
environment of our game.\\n\\nOperation Team of【Night
ateId\":\"0\",\"Title\":\"Update your game, please\",\"Content\":\"Dear SAMA,\\nIn
order to fix the lag problem of online gameplay (Raid Boss, World Boss, Brawl), We
already optimized our game. If you encounter this problem, please go to App Store
or Google Play and update the game to the latest version (3.111.0) to get a better
game experience!\\n\\nThank you for your understanding and support!\\nYour
cutest,\\nSisa, the
le\":\"Talent adjustment in next version\",\"Content\":\"Dear
SAMA,\\nIn order to bring you a better experience, we will adjust these talents in 
next version, please pay attention.\\nAll of the following changes are full level
talent effects, and the effects of other levels are increased by the same
proportion.\\n1.Night's Watch · Yee\\nImproved talent 2 Description: \\\"defense
increased\\\" changed to \\\"damage resistance increased\\\" (actual effect
unchanged)\\nTalent 2: Damage resistance increased by 20% → damage resistance
increased by 50%.\\n\\n2.Rotten Beyonder · Gu\\nTalent 2: Increase every layer of
Weak enemy's damage taken by 2% → increase every layer of Weak enemy's damage taken
by 2.5%\\nTalent 3: Enemies will take an additional 30% damage → enemies will take
an additional 35% damage \\n\\n3.Council President·Ximen\\nTalent 2: Recover HP
equivalent to 65% attack → recover HP equivalent to 100% attack\\n\\n4.Little
Princess · Sisa\\nTalent 2: Damage increased by 20% to enemies with shield → damage
increased by 30% to enemies with shield\\nTalent 3: Change to: Critical rate
increase by 40% to enemies with shield.\\n\\n5.Commissary · Huang\\nTalent 2: Cause
50% attack damage per second → cause 100% attack damage per second.\\nTalent 3:
Optimization: it will take effect when Huang is off the court.\\n\\n6.Apocalypse ·
Cha\\nTalent 2: Recover HP equivalent to 30% attack → recover HP equivalent to 5%
attack\\n\\n7.Dark Overlord · Yee\\nTalent 2: Attack increased by 20% → attack
increased by 35% \\n\\n8.Mafia Leader · Fei\\nTalent 2: Attack increased by 20% →
attack increased by 40%. Add new description: Up to 4 meters. When attacking
enemies 4 meters and beyond, the damage will be increased by 40%. When attacking
enemies within 4 meters, the damage bonus will be adjusted linearly according to
the distance\\nTalent 3: Adjust to: When HP is lower than 50%, immunity from damage
4 meters away. When enemies are more than 4 meters away from Fei, she will not be
damaged by them (the mechanism in the game is to take only 1 point of
damage).\\nSkill 1: Damage increased by 30%\\nSkill 2: Damage increased by
100%\\nSkill 3: Damage increased by 10%\\n\\n9.Matriarch · Hong\\nTalent 2: Cause
50% additional damage to shield → cause 80% additional damage to
shield\\n\\n10.Gluttonous Devil · Sisa\\nTalent 2: Damage increased by 20% to
enemies in fear → damage increased by 30% to enemies in fear\\nTalent 3: Damage
increased by 20% → damage increased by 30%\\n\\n11.Thug in a Suit · Cha\\nTalent 2:
Defence increased by 20% → defence increased by 60%\\nTalent 3: Reduce damage taken
by 30% when casting skills → reduce damage taken by 50% when casting
skills\\n\\n12.Supremacy · Master Moyun\\nTalent 2: Critical rate increased by 2%
for every stack → critical rate increased by 2.5% for every stack\\n\\n13.Hibiscus
· Gu\\nTalent 2: Dodge rate increased by 7% → dodge rate increased by 10%, attack
increased by 30% → attack increased by 35%\\nTalent 3: Adjust to: Convert 80% of
your dodge rate to your critical rate (but it will not actually reduce your dodge
rate, only conduct numerical
wOpenTime":0},{"Index":"36","Title":"Demon Lord Castle
itle\":\"Demon Lord Castle Optimization\",\"Content\":\"Dear SAMA,\\nAfter Demon
Lord Castle is launched, it has been popular among the players. In the new version,
we made some optimizations to it, significantly improved rewards, at the same time,
it also improves the difficulty slightly of it. A brand new high-energy Demon Lord
Castle is coming! Let’ begin our adventure!\\nHere are the optimizations:\\n1.Add
more Grade Chests, significantly improved rewards. At the same time, it also
improves the difficulty slightly of it.\\n2.The number of people at some new levels
must meet the minimum number of people to start fighting.\\n3.Agent Talismans won’t
restore automatically everyday.\\n4.Add new item Refuge Rune. With refuge rune, All
Agents will get 20 extra Curse Marks every week. Every week when Demon Lord Castle
refresh, 1 refuge rune will be cost automatically (you can have several Refuge
Runes, but the effect will not stack). \\n5.Brand new Check Pack will be added, it
includes Refuge Runes.\\n6.All the adjustments will take effect at 5:00 am UTC+8 on
April 6th, it won’t affect current Demon Lord Castle.\\n\\nThere are more rewards
in the Demon Lord Castle after the optimization. But at the same time, there are
also higher requirements for the ability and quantity of Agents. Are you ready to
challenge? Let’s look forward to brand new Demon Lord
\"Announcement of maintenance on March 31st\",\"Content\":\"Dear SAMA,\\n\\nIn
order to bring you a better experience, we decide to have a maintenance. During the
maintenance, all servers will go down and you may not be able to log in. The time
of maintenance completion will be delayed or advanced according to the actual
maintenance progress.\\n\\nMaintenance time: 5:30-9:30 am, UTC+8, March 31st,
2020\\nWhat’s New:\\n1.[Event] April Fools Event is coming! 5:00 am UTC+8, April
1st to 5:00 am UTC+8, April 11th, you may get event exclusive items [Clown’s Hat]
and [Trick Pack]. These items can exchange rewards in April Fools' Day Shop. Log in
everyday you can also get gifts.\\n2.[Event] Pick Up of Kitty Maid · Yanny is
coming!\\n5:00 am UTC+8, April 1st to 5:00 am UCT+8, April 6th.\\n[Kitty Maid ·
Yanny] + [Nuo (exclusive for Yanny)]\\n3.[NEW] Prestige Badge: When all three
talents of Agent reach level 5, this Agent will get Prestige Badge, when Agent
enters a battle, obtain 10 initial SP.\\n4.[NEW]Guardian Badge: When Agent is
equipped his exclusive Guardians will get the bonus effects. When equipped 2 / 3 /
4, the suit effect will be triggered. The suit effect provides a large number of
attribute bonuses. When you equipped all 4 Guardians, you will gain an additional
effect: when Agent enters a battle, obtain 10 initial SP.\\n5.[NEW] Universal
Shard: You can get them in the event, Universal Shards can be used with other Agent
shards to Star up Agents.\\n6.[NEW] Voucher Shop: When you summon in the Pick Up
pools, you will get Summon Vouchers. Use them in the Voucher Shop to exchange
Agents, Guardians and materials.\\n7.[Optimization] The Demon Lord Castle has added
rich rewards and adjusted the difficulty. The content adjustment will be available
at 5:00 am UTC+8 on April 6.\\n8.[Optimization] Blitz: You can assign Agent to
complete its mission in Elite Tutoring.\\n9.[Optimization] Shop-\u003eAgent added
Agent/item exchange.\\n10.[Optimization] District 9 Adventure SS Agent Shard Pack
updated to SS Agent Shard Pack II, added more Agents to choose. Shop-\u003eJade
added [Sage of Destruction] and emote of Huang.\\n\\nSorry to bring any
inconveniences, we will send you the compensation when the maintenance is
completed.\\nThank you for your understanding and support.\\nFacebook Fanpage:\\nCustomer Service E-mail:\"}","Begin":1585603800,"End":1714440600,"LocationType":2,"Kin
d":1,"ShowOpenTime":0},{"Index":"39","Title":"Rewards for
":\"Update your game, please\",\"Content\":\"Dear SAMA,\\n\\nIn order to bring you
a better game experience, we updated our game. The latest version (3.211.0) is
available, please click the Ximen Chicken on the lower right corner to
update.\\n\\nWhat’s New:\\n1.[Event] April Fools Event is coming! 5:00 am UTC+8,
April 1st to 5:00 am UTC+8, April 11th, you may get event exclusive items
[Clown’s Hat] and [Trick Pack]. These items can exchange rewards in April Fools'
Day Shop. Log in everyday you can also get gifts.\\n2.[Event] Pick Up of Kitty Maid
· Yanny is coming!\\n5:00 am UTC+8, April 1st to 5:00 am UCT+8, April 6th.\\n[Kitty
Maid · Yanny] + [Nuo (exclusive for Yanny)]\\n3.[NEW] Prestige Badge: When all
three talents of Agent reach level 5, this Agent will get Prestige Badge, when
Agent enters a battle, obtain 10 initial SP.\\n4.[NEW]Guardian Badge: When Agent is
equipped his exclusive Guardians will get the bonus effects. When equipped 2 / 3 /
4, the suit effect will be triggered. The suit effect provides a large number of
attribute bonuses. When you equipped all 4 Guardians, you will gain an additional
effect: when Agent enters a battle, obtain 10 initial SP.\\n5.[NEW] Universal
Shard: You can get them in the event, Universal Shards can be used with other Agent
shards to Star up Agents.\\n6.[NEW] Voucher Shop: When you summon in the Pick Up
pools, you will get Summon Vouchers. Use them in the Voucher Shop to exchange
Agents, Guardians and materials.\\n7.[Optimization] The Demon Lord Castle has added
rich rewards and adjusted the difficulty. The content adjustment will be available
at 5:00 am UTC+8 on April 6.\\n8.[Optimization] Blitz: You can assign Agent to
complete its mission in Elite Tutoring.\\n9.[Optimization] Shop-\u003eAgent added
Agent/item exchange.\\n10.[Optimization] District 9 Adventure SS Agent Shard Pack
updated to SS Agent Shard Pack II, added more Agents to choose. Shop-\u003eJade
added [Sage of Destruction] and emote of Huang.\\n\\nThank you for your support!
New version is waiting for you to experience!\\n\\nYour cutest,\\nSisa, the
me":0},{"Index":"8","Title":"Welcome to
":\" Night Agent is Officially Launched On Jan 14!\",\"Content\":\"Dear
Sama,\\n\\nNight Agent has already been launched officially at 10:00 a.m. UTC+8,
Jan 14!\\n\\nWelcome to District 9 School! \\n\\nThere is a big secret hidden in
this seemingly ordinary school: the Student Council is actually a mysterious
justice organization,\\\"Sector Night\\\".\\nRecently, the demons and ghosts are
rampant in mortal world. To suppress them, the Sector Night starts to expand their
team. You must be one of the new agents here!\\n\\nLet me introduce the core
members of Sector Night to you:\\nThat golden-haired and glassy-eyed man is Yee. He
is a performance art lover. You may find him play as a mushroom or female ghost now
and then. Don’t be scared!(˘·ω·˘)\\n\\nThe girl who wears a gourd in her long hair
is called Huang. She is strong in fighting and quite unreasonable. She can knock
down a bear with her bare hands! o ( QДQ)っ\\n\\nThat big man with two horns on his
head is called Cha. He is a devil, not smart but having outstanding physical
quality. Don’t collide with him, he can crush a car!(* ' 皿 ' *)ノ \\n\\nAnd the
Council President, Ximen, can crush all enemies in a flash once he is in fierce
rage, though he usually looks gentle.(* ' 皿 ' *)ノ \\n\\nWanna know who I am?
Remember, I am your cutest devil Sisa! It’s easy to flatter me. As long as you give
me food, I will take care of you!(* · ω\u003c ) \\n\\nFeel excited to fight
alongside with us against the demons, don’t you? Then, get ready for drill and
become a powerful agent as soon as possible! \\n\\nWell, to welcome the new agents,
the school holds lots of events. Participate the events and you can win tons of
rewards! Don’t miss the chance to enhance your fighting ability!\\n\\nYour
cutest\\nSisa the
:\"Don't believe any unofficial new\",\"Content\":\"Dear SAMA,\\n\\nWe noticed some
unofficial people spreading fake news about recharge events. We suggest you don’t
believe any unofficial news to keep your money and account safe. We will release
recharge and other informations on official platform.\\n\\nHope you can enjoy our
game.\\n\\nYour cutest,\\nSisa, the
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