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 Genesis of idea of federalism in India was first traced in Simon

Commission, “Indian Statutory Commission” appointed in 1927.
The Commission was meant for revision of the Constitution for
India. In its report in 1930, the Commission recommended the
evolution of India into “a federation of self-governing units”.
 Dr B.R. Ambedkar used the term Union to make it clear that states
had no right to secede from the Union to set themselves into
separate States. He said that this Union was Federation and called
it a flexible federation to say that it was not as rigid as the
American Constitution was. However the expression Federation
was not used deliberately.
 The federation is a Union because it is indestructible. Though the
country and the people may be divided into different states for
convenience of administration, the country is one integral whole,
its people a single people living under a single imperium derived
from a single source. The Americans had to wage a civil war to
establish that the States have no right of secession and that their
federation was indestructible. The Drafting Committee thought that
it was better to make it clear at the outset rather than to leave it to
speculation or to dispute

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