PIP INIH1000 Rev.2002 Hot Insulation Installation Details

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EDITORIAL REVISION February 2002 PIP Process Industry Practices Insulation PIP INIH1000 Hot Insulation Installation Details ESS In an effort to minimize the cost of process industry facilites, this Practice has been prepared from the technical requirements in the existing standards of major industrial users, contractors, or standards organizations. By harmonizing these technical requirements into a single set of Practices, administrative, application, and engineering ‘costs to both the purchaser and the manufacturer should be reduced. While this Practice is expected to incorporate the majority of requirements of most users, individual applications may involve requirements that will be appended to and take precedence over this Practice. Determinations conceming ‘Stness for purpose and particular matters or application of the Practice to particular project or engineering situations should not tbe made solely on information contained in these materials. The use of trade names from time to time should not be viewed as an expression of preference but rather recognized as normal usage in the trade, Other brands having the same specifications are equally correct and may be substituted for those named. All Practices or guidelines are intended to be consistent with applicable laws and regulations including OSHA requirements. To the extent these Practices ot guidelines should conflict with OSHA or ‘other applicable laws or regulations, such laws or regulations must be followed. Consult an appropriate professional before ‘applying or acting on any material contained in or suggested by the Practice. ‘This Practice is subject to revision at any time by the responsible Function Team and will be reviewed every 5 years. This Practice will be revised, reaffirmed, or withdrawn. Information on whether this Practice has been revised may be found at wwrw.pip.org. © Process Industry Practices (PIP), Cofistruction Industry Institute, The University of Texas at Austin, 3925 West Braker Lane (R450), Austin, ‘Texas 78759. PIP member companies and subscribers may copy this Practice for their internal use. Changes, overlays, addenda, or modifications of any kkind are not permitted within eny PIP Practice without the express writen authorization of PIP. PIP will not consider requests for interpretations (inquiries) for this Practice, Note (added February 2002): PIP INIH1000, Hot Insulation Installation Details, may inconporate drawings and other information previously published in standards owned and copyrighted by the Midwest Insulation Contractors Association (MICA). These are printed with the express permission of MICA. Petting Hstory need October 197 ori Revtion February 2002 opined with Sie finds Process Industry Practices Insulation PIP INIH1000 Hot Insulation Installation Details EDITORIAL REVISION February 2002 Table of Contents Data Sheets tntH0001 INIHoo02 IntH0003 INTHO004 INIHO008 INIHO007 Pi INIHO008 INtHoo0s INIHOO10 INiHoo14 INIHOO12 INIHOO13 IntHo0s0 Piping - General Arrangement Piping - Layered insulation Piping - Vertical insulation Support Single Layer Piping - Vertical insulation ‘Support Multi-Layer ping Flange Insulation 19 - Insulation Connections Piping - Expansion Joint Removable and Reusable Insulation - Flexible Valve Cover Pipe Supports Hanger Rod Rain ‘Spacer Blocks for Typical Tracer Arrangements Vertical Vessels with Outside Diameters over 26" (915) Process Industry Practices INIHOOS1 iNtHO0s2 INIHOO53 INIHOOS4 INIHoosS IINiHOOs6 INIHOO57 IINIHOO58 INIHOOse INIHOO60 INIHOO6+1 INIHO062 INIHO063 INIHOO84 Vertical Vessels with Outside Diameters 36" (915) and Less Vessel Composite Type 1 Vessel Composite Type 2 Vertical Vessel Bottom Head Insulation ‘Top/Horizontal Head Nozzles Vessel Stifener Insulation Detail Insulated Manhole Cover Rigid, Removable and Reusable Insulated Manhole Cover Typical Clip Details Nozzie Flashing Lap Seam Details Horizontal Vessels Application of Metal Gores on Horizontal Vessel Heads Horizontal Heat Exchangers Page 1 of2 : PIP INIH11000 EDITORIAL REVISION Hot Insulation Intaation Details February 2002 1.___ Introduction 4.4 Purpose ‘The purpose of this Practice is to provide installation detail drawings for hot insulation systems, & Page 2 of2 Process Industry Practices PROCESS INDUSTRY PRACTICES HOT INSULATION INSTALLATION DETALS INIHOOO1 PIPING — GENERAL ARRANGEMENT ee owe SATION om wen o susucaron FOR Pee TE D5 pl [1 rowsnon sexe 7 PEE NSUUITN L weaguenenoor—— [Lj /~ SPO ve ano eS veanexonoonwe ocr var aa 2 po cs VeRTEN. Pe ooh Wont) I verea, meuanon Siete (see nouns) sno rataae a ae aio 1 eno serene Cake WEATHERPROOF JACKET JACKET OVRUP OMENSONS ARE GEN IN FEET A8O/OR CHES. METRIC OMENSIONS. (PARENTHESES ARE IN HILLMETERS, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. PIPING-LAYERED INSULATION ee | iP Hor Reon MeTALoN eras _ |NIHOOO2 SINGLE-LAYER_ INSULATION, INIHOOO3 jj PROCESS INDUSTRY PRACTICES HOT INSULATION INSTALLATION DETAILS: PIPING-VERTICAL INSULATION SUPPORT SINGLE LAYER ‘SeADED 1S SPEDED WEATHERPROGE sACKETING 70 SEE S-cUP Moose eens, me CHEN W CEE o/OR, WELD, YET DKS PW PARENTHESES AE ML UNLESS NOTED GOPENRE. IP PROCESS INDUSTRY PRACTICES HOT INSULATION INSTALLATION ceTats | INIHOOO4 PIPING—VERTICAL INSULATION SUPPORT MULTI-LAYER. MENSIONS ARE GEN m1 FEET AND/OR WEES. METRIC OIENSINS TH PARONTMESES. ARC MALMCTERG, UNLESS HOTED OREN” ey NOT USED PROCESS INDUSTRY PRACTICES | P HOT NSULATON INSTALATON Devas _|NIHOOOS PROCESS INDUSTRY PRACTICES HOT INSULATION INSTALLATION veTaLs _| INIHOOOS' PIPING-FLANGE INSULATION INSULATED FLANGES UNINSULATED FLANGES 2 PROCESS INDUSTRY PRACTICES HOT INSULATION INsTatLaTION oETALs _|INIHOOO7 PIPING-INSULATION CONNECTIONS TION (NON=PREMOLDED! WEATHERPROOF JACKETS 176) cane RPE wen anon opeuwo cur ror RAM Connon WEATHEROROOF SHENG WeamaneRoor SACHETS eax 100K NSULATON WEATHERPROOF SSAGRETIN END CAP Spon Me Oh FEET ANO/OR NEMS. METRIC CUENSCS I PARENTMESES. ARE IN MKUMETERG, VALEGS.WOTED OTHERWISE. PROCESS INDUSTRY PRACTICES HOT INSULATION WsTALLATION oeTaus _|INIHOOO8 PIPING—EXPANSION JOINT S10 vam + irmeaeon so) SAME TwcIess 1S SULATON O =e 8 1 a) bame oe fue ex0- D@O Ee z @) eH ol t+ ue 3° 05) ay INSULATION, WEATWERPROOF JACKETING, BANDS, ETC, SAME AS SORCIRED FOR ADIACENT Ppa. BUND UP WSULATON TO 0.0. OF THE EXPANSION JOT PLUS. 1” (25, ‘GULT-UP SECTON TO 9C 4" (100) LON OH FRED ERD, NUD 12" (300) LONG OW SUDNE EXD, f SACKET SUORG ENO TO 8E 9.010" (0.25) THK SMOOTH STAMLESS STEEL ‘SECURE WIM TWO STANLESS STEEL BANOS. INSTALL SMOOTH STANLESS STEEL JACKET TO COVER EXPAKSON JONT AND SUD END, SECURE WH STAALESS STEEL BAUS PULLED TOHTLY OVER FRED END WIM SUNG EXD LEFT LOOSE TO PERMIT SUPPACE. INSTALL OVERSTED PIE COVERNG OVER EXPANSION JONT COVER. SECURE AND WEATHERPROOF’ THE MSULATION. WEATHERPROOF B08, ©O OO OO PROCESS INDUSTRY PRACTICES HOT INSULATION INSTALLATION veTats _|INIHOOOS REMOVABLE AND REUSABLE INSULATION— FLEXIBLE waves: wore: ae WAXES Age wsuLaTeD 70 A pont @ rane axe Below rie paces Gun to peevont ® rewovssue coven (2 rece snowy 2attec"To THE RaUAnON Week Shrenas © scan snroiwe © anme pn © vicwe WooKs Avo WRE (OR VELCRO STRAPS) © sowcenr wavsnon © vwormncanon tae OMENSIONS ARE GIVEN W FEET AWO/OR WEHES, ETC oacNsiOnS IN PanaNIWESES. Ane MLLER, UNLESS HONE OTRO PROCESS INDUSTRY PRACTICES HOT INSULATION INSTALLATION deTans — |INIHOO10 VALVE COVER CALAN. weancernocr. scene: (A= THOCKNOSS OF PIPE INSULATION NOT LESS THAN 2 INCHES (20) B~ GLEARANCE 10 RBUOVE BOLTS: BOLT LENGTH PLUS 1 WOH C25) PROCESS INDUSTRY PRACTICES HoT INSULATION INSTALLATION oeTars | !NIHOO1 1 PIPE SUPPORTS RAN SHE) (set aioors) sur na WEATHERPROOF JADKETNC, NOTE: IF HANGER PROTRUDES SEYOND NELLATION, ‘CAIN TO WEATHEREROOE, SPLIT RING HANGER WELDED SHOE ® ™ OMENS ME GEN FEET NO/OR INCHES, METRIC CUENSONS IW PARENTHESES. ARE MILBETERS, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE, PIP PROCESS INDUSTRY PRACTICES HOT INSULATION INSTALLATION DETAILS: INIHOO12 HANGER ROD RAIN SHIELD can Stamuess sven. nose ciaup (Puroasieo Witt RAN SHLD) ge 60) eat RAW SHIELD WANGER ROB DTA | FLARE ANGLE] SCAT LenaTa (egg - ‘away, SAG) = | ao Te Sart) SAAC) = 3/400) | 30 Te satrap Tyan) = 1 {7acao) {101-7 s7atiso) TisGa) = 1 172(36[ 20 |e 7216) NOTE: ALL DIMCNSIONS ARE APPROXINATE, use INIHOO13} | Hot NSULATGN STALLATON DETAR PROCESS INDUSTRY PRACTICES. SPACER BLOCKS FOR TYPICAL TRACER ARRANGEMENTS ¥ soyoen. ire suLaTiON TRACER pee c sprcen * ‘heer rr) WsLATON Tracer. * soncer moc smAceR 7 * nome sence mocns SHAL ONLY at USED WHEN MECHANCAL STABUTY OF OVER ‘SED PISULATION IS REQUIRED. Pee InsuLAToN : ucer cae mr) ry -SPHOER aS ee i) om INSULATION. PPE INSULATION COMENSIONS ARE GIVEN IN FEET ANO/OR WCHES. METRIC OMEXSIONS 1W PARENTHESES ARE IN MLLMETERS, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE PROCESS INDUSTRY PRACTICES: HOT INSULATION INSTALLATION DETAILS. INIHOOSO VERTICAL VESSELS WITH OUTSIDE DIAMETERS OVER 36” (915) con vor Seon TOP HEA NOTES SE WORDS) row ue sen vero wesaanon ot toes (See mst bo was) vesniwrcer creme cree) } soar msiLATEN “son sc wos fe soo wae PoeMUDUTE MOAN ‘eran see (ervese rerecaro - cee ons) ri I. Syouss sv owos ee ou hz (eo) coms crcuraom ue J ts wom | | VERT, Lae ——+ bof oot a Seren et omcosn) BaNos 7 a soto OF VNTR. sens se Gon ae) tayo spent * 1 eur x t ff Ef soron reno mo ‘Sa bos) oee ou pouaroN PE] Garncss DMENSIONS ARE OVEN FEET ANO/OR CHES. METRIC OMENSONS TN PARENTHESES Ae AMETERG, UMESE NOTED STREAOSS a VERTICAL VESSELS WITH OUTSIDE DIAMETERS 36” (915) AND LESS PROCESS INDUSTRY PRACTICES | P HOT NEULATON NSTALATION Detats —_|INIHOOS 1 23% he tse on wee, ‘pares ‘LDOSE RESULATION 120 ome se ererer - 2 AFR |— seen on serra REE OF oa spa on ; ‘graew prmsar 7 La a ono —/| fale yoo 1 oe nf oft noes seme puocoNe IN PARENTHESES ARE IN MLLMETERG, UNLESS HOTED OTHORMSE, PROCESS. INDUSTRY PRACTICES HOT INSULATION INSTALLATION DeTats | INIHOOS2| VESSEL COMPOSITE TYPE 1 WEATHERPROOF JACKETING srg ot oy cone eo a WeATMERPROOr CRETE . (Seow communes) eee rasToeRS ~ tPROOF SACKETNG ‘oP a PROCESS INDUSTRY PRACTICES HOT INSULATION INsTatLaTiOn oeTALs | !NIHOOS3| VESSEL COMPOSITE TYPE 2 emo WEATHERPROOF JACKETNG TOP NGLE RG mS Ot (19) cours uns ‘AD OME FASTENER (UN) POR NETH eam cone (0 NOT PUNCTURE NAPOR BERR) WEATHERPROOF JAcKeTWS (Stow comucarey DIMENSIONS ARE OVEN IN FEET ANO/OR HEHE. METIIC OMENSIONS. IW PARENTHESES AE MLMETERS, UALESS NOTED OTMERWSE. PROCESS INDUSTRY PRACTICES HOT INSULATION INSTALLATION DETaLs | INIHOOS4 VERTICAL VESSEL BOTTOM HEAD INSULATION 1/2 murs weLpen on 24° (610) conTERS, ReouED ON VESSELS 6 FT (1830) DIA, AND LARGER FOR SECUREMNT OF INSULATION 4 mSULATON (OR PREPRODAING) vwaceness st 472" (a) ome "3/0 * (0) A. own ‘eat a8 (as) 'stavo-orF CUPS SPACED Wena. vesse, wt sont Gu 94? (0) Sorters Ps, $3, oe 8 WEATHERPROOF JhOKETNC ‘oe 24 eto) conten HORZONTAL L60 OF ANGLE ‘= MULATION THEMES MeN OF TWO FASTONERS eR HEAD CORE. HB aula FLUSHING Fane YERTCAL_vessoL woboT ser DOMENSIONS ARE GIVEN WY FEET ANO/OR NICHES. METRIC DWLENSONS, IM PARENTHESES ARE 1M MLIMETERS, UNLESS NOTED OTMERNSE PROCESS INDUSTRY PRACTICES HOT INSULATION INSTALLATION DETAILS INIHOO55 Pl TOP / HORIZONTAL HEAD NOZZLES (OUTER FLASHING RING (OnE. ATTACHWENT FANG FOR METAL SACKETNG stuo won — ry pen Time cee rus x os a ro WATERSHED STYLE 2 DWENSIONS ARE GDN IN FEET ANO/OR CHES. UETRIC DMENSONS IN PARENTHESES ARE IN MLMETERS, UNLESS NOTED OMERWSE. WEATHERPROOF JACKERNG NOTE : BODY FLANGE NSULATION SUALAR TO ABOVE. rouiss NOUSTRY PRACTICES vor nanan neta cera | INIHOOS6 VESSEL STIFFENER INSULATION DETAIL a Lt | Le con ue ws amet veh OMENSIONS ARE GEN IN FEET ARO/OR INCHES. METRIC OMENSIONS. (N PARENTHESES ARE IN MLLOCTERS, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE, ee PROCESS INDUSTRY PRACTICES HOT INSULATION INSTALLATION DeTats | INIHOOS7 INSULATED MANHOLE COVER 7 8 on MAAS COVER INSULATION SHA, ‘BE GULT 6 SECTIONS WIT NECESSARY (CUTOUTS FOR DART AMO SUPPORTS INSULATION CEMENTED To (2+ (6) AUN ACKET nove: ROLOVIOLE AND REUSABLE covERE ‘ARE NCCEPTABLE ALTERNATIVES, anos canes WESSEL NEULATION AND WEATHERPROOF DOMENSIONS ARE GVEN WM FEET ANO/OR INCHES. ETRE DMENSIONS IMUPARENTVESES *AE I MRLMETERS, UNLESS NOTED OMERWISE, PROCESS INDUSTRY PRACTICES | P HOT INSULATION INSTALLATION DETAILS INIHOO58 RIGID, REMOVABLE AND REUSABLE INSULATED MANHOLE COVER 174 (618 2 (60). Bat 378 (10) « (125) s-Bour FRONT ELEVATION ELEVATION € 4 TH Nove: ELUPTEAL UAOUAYS AND PAD TYPE MARWAYS, WHEN SO SPECIFIED, SHALL PLAN VIEW {SE INSULATED A SIMILAR MARWER, PROCESS INDUSTRY PRACTICES: HOT INSULATION INSTALLATION vETALs _|INIHOOS9 TYPICAL CUP DETAILS By. roe 1. USE 3/4 * (20) x cco20" (5) (une) STAMESS STEEL BANOS, 2. WATE 26° (610) sear. 3. MRAM OF (2)-CUPS PR SHEET. STAMESS STEEL J-cuP wore 1. UBE_ 3/6 * (20) x 0020" (5) cumaMon) STAMLESS STEO BANDS. 2 LOCATE AS NEEDED. PROCESS INDUSTRY PRACTICES HOT INSULATION INSTALLATION oeTans _|INIHOO6O NOZZLE FLASHING a PROCESS INDUSTRY PRACTICES HOT INSULATION insTaaTiOn oeTats _|INIHOOG61 LAP SEAM DETAILS ae — EEir% oe ee TYPE 4 aa as ‘TYPE 2 INIHOO62 PROCESS INDUSTRY PRACTICES HOT INSULATION INSTALLATION DETAILS HORIZONTAL VESSELS FOR EaNtinG INSULATION. ‘REQUIRED ENLY ON VESSELS WTH ‘OUTSIDE OUMETER OVER 96° (2440) @ PROCESS INDUSTRY PRACTICES INIHOO63 HOT INSULATION INSTALLATION DETAILS APPLICATION OF METAL GORES. ON HORIZONTAL VESSEL HEADS USULATON SUPPORT Fee yf BANDING (TYPICAL) nore: none Suwon gracne 8 Seromonton. ETAL vacKeT METAL STRP 6°50) OR OMENONS ARE CEN WK FEET sH0/0R NOHES. NETIC OMENGONS SPAENTESES mM MLCT UES HOT STOO, PROCESS INDUSTRY PRACTICES wrtied waiter es | INHOO64 HORIZONTAL HEAT EXCHANGERS co st sie \ ona ne fe voce se Saez ree pa Ae rar me ee ou of PIPE msULATON ai | Ru omeme UPPED Sa ra tom wars Fenmert wsuanon "90 closeD a siaeK ‘fo Ar (rea AOIOVIBLE NEULATEN COMER, WHEN SPEOMED DOUBLE PIPE HEAT EXCHANGER OMENSIONS ARE GVEN IN FEET ANO/OR INCHES, METRE OMENSONS IM PARENTHESES ARE M MILIMETERS, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE” é

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