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A. KATYAL, Independent Researcher/Inventor,
New Delhi, India

Accurate prediction of phase equilibrium

properties—Part 2
Phase equilibrium properties, such as bubble point, hydro- Hydrate-forming components included in the phase equilib-
carbon dewpoint, water dewpoint, phase envelope, two-phase rium software are CH4, C2H6, C3H8, n-butane, i-butane, ethyl-
compositions, compressibility factor, hydrate equilibrium ene, propylene, cyclopropane, acetylene, N, H2S, CO2, carbon
properties, etc., for hydrocarbon mixtures have been calculated monoxide (CO), argon and oxygen. Additionally, the effects of
accurately using the Peng-Robinson cubic equation of state by hydrate inhibitors, such as salts (LiCl, NaCl, KCl, CsCl, CaCl2
implementing constant and temperature-dependent binary in- and MgCl2); salt mixtures; organic liquids (methanol, ethyl-
teraction parameters in the Van der Waals mixing rule. ene glycol, ethanol, 1-propanol, 2-propanol, t-butyl alcohol
These phase equilibrium properties find usage in the design and glycerol); sugars (deoxyribose, ribose, fructose, sucrose,
and operation of all kinds of hydrocarbon equipment, such as glucose and maltose); urea; and formamide can be included in
hydrocarbon pipelines, hydrocarbon pumps, pressure vessels, the calculation of gas hydrate equilibrium properties, using the
hydrocarbon storages and distillation columns. Phase equilibri- phase equilibrium software.
um properties are also required in upstream oil and gas activities
like well simulation and oil and natural gas production. Atmo- Gas hydrate properties. Gas hydrate equilibrium properties
spheres of various heavenly bodies are made of hydrocarbons, calculated using the phase equilibrium software include:
such as methane (CH4), ethane (C2H6), propane (C3H8), etc., • Equilibrium temperature
and inorganic gases like nitrogen (N), carbon dioxide (CO2) • Hydrocarbon liquid and vapor phase compositions
and hydrogen sulfide (H2S). Simulation of these atmospheres • Aqueous phase composition in cases where aqueous
also requires knowledge of phase equilibrium properties. phase exists
A new vapor liquid equilibrium (VLE) softwarea has been • Hydrate phase composition
developed using basic calculation tools like MS Excel and Visual • Fraction of hydrocarbons in liquid phase
Basic for Applications (VBA, macro programming) to accu- • Type of hydrates formed (S I or S II)
rately calculate various phase equilibrium properties. The Peng- • Hydration number of hydrates formed
Robinson cubic equation of state and Van der Waals mixing rule, • Density of hydrates formed.
using a combination of temperature-dependent and constant bi-
nary interaction parameters, are used for these calculations. 800
Part 1 (October 2019) discussed how the proprietary phase Bubble point
700 Dewpoint
equilibrium softwarea is designed to give accurate phase equi- Hydrate point
librium properties for any mixture of nonpolar or mildly polar 600
hydrocarbons and inorganic gases up to a maximum number of
112 components in the hydrocarbon mixture.
Pressure, bar

Gas hydrate equilibrium properties for mixtures of nonpolar 400

or mildly polar hydrocarbons and inorganic gases existing with
water and including at least one hydrate former can be calcu- 300
lated using the phase equilibrium software. It uses temperature-
dependent binary interaction parameters, as per the Enhanced
Predictive Peng Robinson 78 (E-PPR78) equation, to calculate 100
component fugacity. These parameters are used in an accurate
and reliable statistical thermodynamic model for clathrates 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
developed by Van der Waals and Platteeuw in 1959 to predict Temperature, K
gas hydrate equilibrium curves and properties for any mixture
of non-polar or mildly polar hydrocarbons and inorganic gases FIG. 1. Phase envelope curve with hydrate equilibrium curve for a typical
natural gas composition, using proprietary phase equilibrium software.
existing with water and including at least one hydrate former.6
Hydrocarbon Processing | NOVEMBER 2019  53
Process Optimization

Gas hydrate equilibrium properties are calculated at inter- ture to form hydrates and will result in the formation of hy-
vals of 0.4 bar, beginning with 0.4 bar and ending at 800 bar drates of different properties, such as type, density, hydration
(FIG. 4 and TABLE 5). Apart from calculating hydrate equilib- number, composition, etc. The phase equilibrium software
rium temperature values and gas hydrate properties through- continuously calculates hydrate properties at decreasing tem-
out the gas hydrate equilibrium curve, the phase equilibrium perature values, until the desired temperature is reached.
software also calculates hydrate equilibrium temperature val-
ues and gas hydrate properties at any desired pressure value Additional calculations. Binary VLE curves, such as the
below 800 bar. concentration diagram (x-y plot), temperature concentration
The calculation of the fraction of hydrocarbon mixture diagram (T-x-y plot) and enthalpy concentration diagram
converted to gas hydrates, the composition of gas hydrates (H-x-y plot) used in the McCabe Thiele and Ponchon Savarit
formed, and other properties of formed gas hydrates at tem- methods to design binary distillation columns, can be calcu-
peratures below the gas hydrate equilibrium temperature at lated using the phase equilibrium software. Binary VLE curves
the system pressure are desirable in the prediction of pipeline for any binary mixture of non-polar or mildly polar hydrocar-
blockage due to hydrate formation. These calculations are also bons and inorganic gases at a column operating pressure value
required in the use of the gas hydrate concept in the separation of less than the lower critical pressure among the critical pres-
of hydrocarbon mixtures. The phase equilibrium software can sures of the two pure components of the binary mixture can be
calculate the fraction of gas hydrocarbon mixture present in calculated using the phase equilibrium software.
gas, liquid or two-phase form converted to gas hydrate at a Rigorous and more accurate, basic, stage-by-stage design
temperature value lower than the gas hydrate equilibrium calculations for binary and multicomponent distillation col-
temperature at the system pressure. This applies to any mix- umns can be performed using the phase equilibrium software
ture of non-polar or mildly polar hydrocarbons or inorganic to calculate minimum reflux ratio, number of equilibrium
gases containing at least one hydrate former. It also calculates stages in the rectification and stripping sections, equilibrium
the final hydrate, liquid and vapor composition; the average temperature of various stages, and liquid and vapor composi-
hydration number; the average hydrate density; and the total tions at various stages. The phase equilibrium software calcu-
fraction of initial mixture of water and hydrocarbons/inorgan- lates the minimum reflux ratio and attainable distillate compo-
ic gases converted to gas hydrates. Additionally, it calculates sition using the Underwood correlation, as well as the overall
the gas hydrate equilibrium curve and gas hydrate equilibrium column efficiency, actual number of stages, column diameter
properties at the system pressure (< 800 bar). and column height for the distillation column being designed
If gas hydrates are formed from a hydrocarbon mixture to separate binary and multicomponent mixtures. Distillation
at a temperature slightly lower than the equilibrium hydrate column design calculations for the separation of multicom-
formation temperature at the system pressure, then a small ponent mixtures of any number of non-polar or mildly polar
amount of hydrates will form and some hydrocarbon mixture hydrocarbons and inorganic gases (up to a maximum limit of
will convert to hydrates. The composition of hydrate formers 112 components at an operating pressure lower than the low-
in the hydrate phase will be different from the composition of est critical pressure among the critical pressures of the pure
hydrocarbon mixture in the gas or liquid phase, resulting in a components included in the binary or multicomponent mix-
change in composition of the hydrocarbon mixture in the gas ture for suitably chosen light-key and heavy-key components)
or liquid phase after a small amount of hydrates form. This can be performed using the phase equilibrium software.
results in the separation of the hydrocarbon mixture. Various thermodynamic properties (enthalpy change from
Therefore, the phase equilibrium software can be used for standard conditions, entropy change from standard condi-
hydrate-based gas separation (HBGS) calculations. This new tions, Gibbs free energy change from standard conditions,
composition will require a lower hydrate equilibrium tempera- specific heat at constant pressure, specific heat at constant
volume, specific heat ratio, sonic speed, isobaric thermal ex-
TABLE 5. Phase envelope curve with hydrate equilibrium curve pansivity and the Joule-Thomson coefficient) throughout the
for a typical natural gas composition, using proprietary phase phase envelope curve at intervals of 0.4 bar for pure non-polar
equilibrium software or mildly polar hydrocarbons and inorganic gases and their
Components Z mixtures, including a maximum of 112 components, can be
calculated using the phase equilibrium software.
Methane (CH4) 0.7
Heavier components in oil and natural gas samples are
Ethane (C2H6) 0.1 sometimes characterized as pseudo components. Critical
Propane (C3H8) 0.05 properties of these pseudo components are not documented
Iso-butane (C4H10) 0.02 like normal components, but are instead calculated theoreti-
cally based on experimentally determined properties of these
n-butane (C4H10) 0.01
fractions (e.g., density, boiling point). These critical proper-
n-pentane (C5H12) 0.02 ties, such as critical pressure, temperature and volume, and
Nitrogen (N2) 0.03 acentric factor, enable the pseudo components to be consid-
Carbon dioxide (CO2) 0.02
ered as normal components in phase equilibrium calculations.
The proprietary software can include up to 40 pseudo com-
Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) 0.05
ponents and can calculate phase envelope, two-phase compo-
Total 1 sitions, hydrate equilibrium curve and properties, and water
54 NOVEMBER 2019  |
Process Optimization
Put the Solution
dewpoint curve for hydrocarbon mixtures, including these
pseudo components.
Ammonia (NH3) is being widely used as a refrigerant be-
Before the Problem
cause of its excellent thermos-physical properties and ozone-
friendly characteristic. VLE properties of mixtures contain-
ing NH3 are desirable in numerous design calculations. The When you’re measuring pressure,
Peng-Robinson cubic equation of state being used in various inaccuracies or instrument failures will
calculation modules of the phase equilibrium software gives
accurate results of VLE properties only for mixtures of non- compromise production and safety.
polar or mildly polar compounds, whereas NH3 is highly po-
lar in nature. Therefore, the Peng-Robinson equation in its
You can avoid these problems by
usual form cannot be used to find VLE properties of mixtures designing-in our expert solutions.
containing NH3.
However, temperature-dependent binary interaction pa-
rameters can be calculated for pairs containing NH3 with few
non-polar compounds or water, and used in the Peng-Rob- Gauges with
inson equation to calculate VLE properties of mixtures con- the PLUS! ™
taining NH3. As temperature-dependent binary interaction performance
parameters can be calculated for pairs containing NH3 with option dampen
CH4, nitrogen (N2), argon (Ar), hydrogen (H2) and water
pulse & vibration
(H2O), VLE properties can be calculated for binary or multi-
component mixtures of CH4, N2, Ar, H2, NH3 and H2O. The for easier reading
various calculation modules of the phase equilibrium software and longer life.
that can be used for binary or multi-component mixtures of
NH3 with CH4, N2, Ar, H2 and H2O include:
• Bubble point temperature calculator
• Dewpoint temperature calculator
• Bubble point pressure calculator
• Dewpoint pressure calculator
• Two-phase composition calculator The 2198 MicroTube™
• Phase envelope calculator siphon dissipates
• Thermodynamic properties calculator. heat to avoid damage.
As the phase equilibrium software is made using basic cal-
culation tools, such as MS Excel and VBA (macro program-
ming), and is executed on a laptop computer of standard
configuration, it can be slow in its execution. However, the
emphasis of the phase equilibrium software is not on giving
instant results, but rather on providing extremely extensive Diaphragm seals isolate
and accurate results. and protect your valuable
Graphical results of the phase equilibrium software are also assets from corrosive
provided in Part 1 of this article, which appeared in the Octo-
ber issue.

EQ-COMP vapor liquid equilibrium (VLE) software

Sloan, Jr., E. D. and C. Koh, Clathrate Hydrates of Natural Gases, 3rd Ed., CRC
Press, September, 2007.

AMIT KATYAL is an independent inventor and researcher based in New Delhi, We’d like to help you.
India. He has designed and developed the EQ-COMP VLE software, which is
the result of more than 15 yr of continuous research in the field of vapor-liquid
Please contact us at (203) 385-0635 or
equilibrium of hydrocarbon/oil and natural gas mixtures and involves extensive visit our website at
software development work to automate the calculations. Mr. Katyal earned a
BS degree in chemical engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology in
Delhi. He has 25 yr of experience in the hydrocarbon sector in diverse segments
such as research, operations and technical services. In addition to EQ-COMP,
Mr. Katyal has developed other software for the hydrocarbon sector, including
HYD-PREDIC, LIQ-PROP, BUBBLE-SIM and MIX-CP. He has also invented four
technologies for water treatment and the hydrocarbon sector. The author can
be contacted at

Hydrocarbon Processing | NOVEMBER 2019 55

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