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Thitiya Tedsapun
Waterwheel is a type of device that
takes advantage of flowing or
falling water to generate power by
using a set of paddles mounted
around a wheel. This machine is a
tool that helps our life easier in the
past from the knowledge of Science.
The waterwheel contains a physics
concept which are uniform circular
motion for the movement and the
convertion of the potential and
kinetic energy to rotational kinetic
Physics Concept: Uniform Circular
Motion, Energy

The objective of waterwheel model is

to understand how the waterwheel
function and the energy that was
converted in the waterwheel
1. Plastic Spoon
2. Bottle Lid
3. Straw
4. Popsicle sticks
5. Glue gun
6. Metal wire
7. Bottle
8. Metal Base
Set up
1. First, use the cutter to cut the bottle lid
into eight direction so we can put plastic
spoon in it.
2. Cut the lower half of the spoon.
3. Use a stick to make a hole in the middle
of the bottle lid.
4. Then, put a small straw in the hole.
5. Put the spoon in the bottle lid that was
cut and stick it with glue gun.
6. Then, glue the popsicle stick together to
create a base.
7. Put the metal wire through the popsicle
stick. Then, stick the wheel with the wire.
8. Make a two hole on the water bottle. One
of the lower and another on the top of
the opposite side.
9. Then put a straw into the hole and stick it
with glue gun.

The waterwheel that I used to be

model comes from overshot wheel
which is common to see. I also study
how it work through the video. When
we put water into the bottle it will
run out through the straw and make
the waterwheel run. The water will
return to the bottle by the movement
of the waterwheel.
Analysis of
The model that I made has a mistake
between the measurement and the
weight of the material. For this reason,
The base and the waterwheel is
unstable and can fall down everytime
so I stick more popsicle stick to make
it more balance. I also stick the glue to
the base to make sure it will not fall.
The spoon is also too long so it is hard
to make it moves smoothly.
Even though, the waterwheel model
comes out well. However when I try
to test the waterwheel, the water
speed isn't strong enough to make
the wheel move so it just moves a
little and stop. Also, the hole is a bit
bigger than the straw so there are
some water splash out too. In
conclusion, the waterwheel will move
in circular motion if there are enogh
force and the energy.
If I can make the waterwheel again, I
will measure it accurately so the
balance of the base will stay and not
fall when I stick the wheel with it. The
wheel also too heavy so if I can cut
the spoon more, the weight may be
less and can stay on the base
How to Make Waterwheel, 2019,
Aminor Channel . Retrieved from
Water Wheel Model; Water Motor,
Thomas B. Retrieved from
J.M.K.C. Donev et al. (2018). Energy
Education Retrieved from

The Physics of Waterwheel, 2010'

Brooks. Retrieveed from http://ffden-

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