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Parenteral Nutrition sequesters fluid in the interstitial and intracellular

spaces and in a third-body space (such as the

Parenteral nutrition, or intravenous feeding, is a intestinal lumen) where it doesn't support circulation.
method of getting nutrition into your body through
TPN can be categorized as a vesicant, which is a
your veins. Depending on which vein is used, this
hyperosmolar, acidic, and polar solution with a high
procedure is often referred to as either total parenteral
concentration of ionic substances
nutrition (TPN) or peripheral parenteral nutrition
(PPN). Some minerals are needed in larger amounts than
others, e.g. calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium,
This form of nutrition is used to help people who can’t potassium and chloride.
or shouldn’t get their core nutrients from food. It’s
often used for people with: Others are required in smaller quantities and are
sometimes called trace minerals, e.g. iron, zinc,
● Crohn’s disease iodine, fluoride, selenium and copper.
● cancer General indications
TPN therapy is indicated for patients:
● short bowel syndrome
● Requiring long-term (>10 days) supplemental
● ischemic bowel disease
nutrition because they are unable to receive all
Parenteral nutrition delivers nutrients such as sugar, daily requirements through oral or enteral
carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, electrolytes, and trace feedings.
elements to the body. These nutrients are vital in
● Requiring total nutrition because of severe gut
maintaining high energy, hydration, and strength
dysfunction or inability to tolerate enteral
levels. Some people only need to get certain types of
nutrients intravenously.

When the number of protein molecules in plasma is

low, such as in proteinuria seen with uncontrolled
diabetes or protein-calorie malnutrition known as
kwashiorkor, fluid moves into and stays in the
interstitial spaces, where it's unavailable to meet the
body's hydration needs. This is a type of third-space
fluid shift, also called third-spacing. This condition
Specific indications ● In patients with small bowel obstruction
TPN therapy is part of routine care in: secondary to adhesions.

● Patients who cannot eat or absorb nutrients Diabetes

through the GI tract because of:
Diabetes is neither a relative nor an absolute
o Massive bowel resection contraindication to TPN, but careful monitoring of
therapy to avoid hyperglycemia is obligatory. In both
o Diseases of the small bowel
diabetic and nondiabetic patients, any benefit of TPN is
o Radiation enteritis compromised significantly by persistent
● Malnourished patients undergoing high-dose
chemotherapy or radiation therapy.

● Patients with severe necrotizing pancreatitis As with any other patient, in diabetic patients, vital
when enteral feeding is not possible. energy substrates and protein should be administered
in accordance with immediate metabolic needs. Insulin
● Patients with severe malnutrition and may be added to the parenteral admixture and
nonfunctional gut. combined with sliding-scale insulin administration to
achieve an appropriate blood glucose level.
● Malnourished patients with AIDS who have
intractable diarrhea.

● Severely catabolic patients whose gut cannot be Reasonable glucose control should ensure a blood
used within 5 to 7 days. glucose level greater than 100 mg/dL (to minimize the
risk of hypoglycemia) and less than 220 mg/dL (to
When enteral feeding cannot be established, TPN is
reduce the harmful effects of hyperglycemia on
usually helpful:
metabolism, immunocompetence, and fluid balance).
● After major surgery. This guideline is applicable to any patient receiving
● In patients with enterocutaneous fistulas, both
high and low.

● In patients with inflammatory bowel disease.

● In patients with hyperemesis gravidarum.

Acute renal failure Specialized formulations of amino acids (e.g.,
branched chain, essential and nonessential, and
Patients with acute renal failure are hypercatabolic,
mixtures) are widely available. However, no reduction
hypermetabolic, and frequently afflicted by coexisting
of mortality rates is seen with either mixtures or
multiple-system organ failure. Therefore, nutritional
essential amino acids alone. Branched-chain amino
substrates should be administered in accordance with
acids (BCAAs; e.g., leucine, isoleucine, valine) may be
metabolic needs.
combined with other amino acids to improve protein

Protein intake should not be limited arbitrarily. The

presumption of impaired removal of nitrogenous waste
Pulmonary disease
does not mean that the patient has a reduced daily
need for protein. Underfeeding of critically ill patients Patients with significant pulmonary dysfunction, and
with renal failure perpetuates catabolism and those who require ventilator support present
exacerbates an already difficult, unstable situation. therapeutic challenges for nutrition support. Increased
catabolic needs, if unmet by feeding, pose threats to
the pulmonary musculature and the ability to fuel the
Patients with acute renal failure must be assessed work of breathing. Overfeeding may increase CO2
carefully for signs of fluid overload and electrolyte production, complicate respiratory function, and
abnormalities, particularly hyperkalemia, impede weaning from ventilator support.
hyperphosphatemia, and hypermagnesemia. TPN
volume and composition may require modification.
The amount of carbohydrate administered to patients
with pulmonary disease should be carefully controlled.
Protein is provided at approximately 1- 1.2 g/kg/day, Carbohydrate metabolism is associated with a
and dialysis is used as indicated to control uremia. relatively greater production of CO2 than metabolism
Limitations should be guided by data gathered from of other substrates. The delivery of excess
careful assessment of nitrogen losses in urine, carbohydrate energy also stimulates lipogenesis, which
dialysate, and other sources. further increases CO2 production and may contribute
to hypercapnia, increased work of breathing, and
ongoing degradation of respiratory function.
The goal of nutritional therapy in these patients is to needs in patients with liver failure and mild or no
provide adequate carbohydrate calories to meet encephalopathy should be calculated at 1.5 g/kg/day.
energy needs and (with fat) promote protein sparing, These patients usually can tolerate a conventional
but not to produce unacceptably high levels of CO2. parenteral amino acid formula with a full complement
An acceptable strategy is to increase the proportion of of essential amino acids.
calories supplied by fat and to restrict the
administration of carbohydrate to 4 mg/kg/min.
Protein needs should be estimated at 1.5 g/kg/day. Protein needs in patients with significant
encephalopathy are reduced to 1.0 g/kg/day. BCAAs
Hepatic disease
are useful sources of protein energy because they do
The liver performs a central role in metabolism, and not require hepatic metabolism. Their effect on the
impairment of this organ has profound consequences mortality rate is unclear; however, patients with
for nutrition support. Cirrhosis and alcoholism are pronounced encephalopathy should be given a
associated with significant pre-existing malnutrition. modified amino acid formula containing a high
This malnutrition is exacerbated by critical illness, percentage of BCAAs.
surgery, and other stressors.
Cardiac disease

In addition to prolonged malnutrition, patients with

Lipid, carbohydrate, protein, and vitamin metabolism long-standing cardiac disease are vulnerable to a
is sharply altered in patients with hepatic failure. Lipid typical wasting (cardiac cachexia). Impaired baseline
clearance is defective, with decreased lipolytic activity, cardiac function and pre-existing malnutrition, in
increased triglyceridemia, and decreased removal of conjunction with acute illness and other stressors,
free fatty acids. Glucose intolerance and insulin demand that patients with cardiac disease receive
resistance, which are prevalent in this patient careful adjustment of TPN solutions and strict
population, may occur in approximately 80% of monitoring of infusions.
patients with cirrhosis. Despite this background of
broad dysfunction, intolerance to protein presents the
greatest challenge to nutritional management. Calories should be provided to satisfy, not exceed,
daily energy needs. The total volume of TPN solution is
generally restricted to 1000 to 1500 mL/day in
Many patients with liver failure have fluid overload patients with severe congestive heart failure
that may require restriction of TPN volume. Protein secondary to valvular dysfunction, coronary
techniques must be strictly followed with any
procedure involving IV.
Complications of Total Parenteral Nutrition
Primary preventive measures include the following:
Although TPN is a good method in providing nutrition
to those that are ill and unable to eat normally, there 1. Routinely changing the dressing, or when it
are many complications that may occur alongside it. becomes soiled, wet or loose. Additionally,
masks and gloves should be worn.
Mechanical Complications
2. Applying antimicrobial solution at least 1 inch
Mechanical complications are often associated with the beyond the final dressing.
improper placement of a central venous catheter. 3. Placing a sterile sponge between the catheter
When the catheter isn't placed properly, it may cause and occlusive dressing.
pneumothorax (the collapsing of lungs due to air 4. Constantly inspecting the IV site for tenderness,
escaping it), vascular injury with hemothorax (the erythema, edema, loose sutures, or drainage.
accumulation of blood in the pleural cavity, brachial
Metabolic Complications
plexus injury or cardiac arrhythmia.
Metabolic complications fall into two broad categories:
The two most common problems that occur after
early and late complications. Early metabolic
central venous access is established are venous
complications can be avoided by monitoring and
thrombosis and infection.
adjustment of intake. late metabolic complications are
Venous thrombosis is the formation of a blood clot in slightly harder to predict, and may be caused by
the vein, and is at higher risk if the patient has or has preexisting abnormalities, unexpected long-term
had the following: dehydration, a presence of requirements, inadequate solution composition, or
malignancies, prolonged bed rest, venous stasis, failure to monitor adequately.
sepsis, or hypercoagulation. Other risk factors include
Fluid and Electrolyte Complications
morbid obesity, smoking, or ongoing estrogen
therapy. This is due to the nature of circulation. Electrolyte management is one of the most difficult to
control, as they easily fall outside of normal range due
Infectious Complications
to underlying causes. Because of this, incremental
During the insertion of the catheter the client is prone dose adjustments are made until the patient’s results
to the introduction of bacterial or fungal organisms, fall under the correct amount.
which may cause infection to the client. IV breeches
Refeeding Syndrome
the body’s barrier system, which is why aseptic
Patients who are severely malnourished and given
refeeding may accrue refeeding syndrome, which is
the metabolic disturbance due to fatal shifts in fluids
and electrolytes such as potassium, magnesium, and
phosphate. As this is more of a circulatory problem, it
would affect nearly every organ system.

This is primarily caused by the shift from stored body

fat to carbohydrates as the client’s primary fuel
source. Serum insulin levels rise due to the use of
carbohydrates, causing the intracellular movement of
electrolytes for use in metabolism.

The most reliable method in avoiding this is to start

slow and adjust little by little in initiating nutritional
support. You may additionally do the following:

1. Recognize patients at risk

a. Anorexia nervosa
b. Classic kwashiorkor or marasmus
c. Chronic malnutrition
d. Chronic alcoholism
e. Prolonged fasting
f. Prolonged IV hydration
g. Significant stress and depletion
2. Correct electrolyte abnormalities BEFORE
initiating nutritional support
3. Administer volume and energy slowly
4. Monitor pulse, input and output, and
electrolytes closely
5. Provide appropriate vitamin supplementation
6. Avoid overfeeding

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