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Activity 1.

1 What’s Needed for Students to Be


Name: Luis A. Gracia-Alvarez

1. Type your name in the box above

2. Type the name of the program you will be teaching in the box below.
3. Type your answers to the question in each column; replace TypeYourAnswerHere with
the words you want to use. The table will expand downward as you continue to type.
What’s Needed for Students to Be Successful?
Course Title/Program: AAMA ADELANTE

Column A Column B Column C

Course-Specific Requirements Materials & Tech Access Learner Characteristics
General Online course specific 1. Instructor enthusiasm. This Every individual is different, and
requirements: requires animation and comfort in their learning characteristics may
front of the camera, or with the vary from one student to other, But
Equipment Requirements for On-
technology utilized. Faculty support we can resume those profiles in the
Campus assessment
and interest are critical to the following:
-On site computer lab with MS. success of distance learning
Office 2007, Windows media 1. Successful distance learners do
player, proper video and sound card, just as well, if not better, without
Internet Access, printer, speakers, people looking over their
2. Organization. Teaching materials shoulders. While some people need
and head sets, microphones, LCD must be prepared in advance; teachers to keep them motivated and
Projector. timing, variation, and smooth on-task, distance learners are able to
transitions must be planned. motivate themselves. They realize
Equipment Requirement for In Instructors should allocate from 3 to that they will never be face-to-face
house practice: 5 hours of preparation for each hour with the people who give them
-Desktop or laptop computer, MS of distance instruction. Great assignments and grade their work,
Office or Open Office, Windows attention to detail is required long but they don’t need others to
media player, proper video and before the actual classroom activity encourage them. The most
sound card, Internet Access, printer, occurs (Summers, 1997). successful students are self-
speakers, microphone. motivated and set their own goals.
3. Strong commitment to student
interaction. Whatever the modality 2. Successful distance learners
used to teach at a distance, the never (or at least rarely)
instructor must encourage and procrastinate. You’ll rarely find
facilitate ongoing communication them putting off assignments or
between the students and the waiting until the last moment to
instructor. write their papers. These students
enjoy the freedom of working at
4. Familiarity with the technology their own pace and appreciate the
used in the class format. Faculty ability to complete their work in as
development is important before much time as it takes them, instead
beginning any distance activities, of waiting for an entire class.
and instructors should be trained in However, they understand that
video use, computer use, or other putting off their work too often can

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end up adding months, if not years,
forms of instructional technology to their studies.
3. Successful distance learners
5. Critical support personnel. have good reading comprehension
Production staff, graphic designers, skills. While most people learn by
and technical staff members will listening to lectures and taking
help the instructional setting notes, the majority of distance
produce successful teaching at a learners are expected to master
distance. material through reading alone.
Although some distance learning
courses offer video recordings and
audio clips, most programs require
that students understand a large
amount of information that is only
available through written text. These
students are able to comprehend
texts at the college level without the
direct guidance of a teacher.

4. Successful distance learners can

resist constant distractions.
Whether it’s the phone ringing off
the hook, the kids screaming in the
kitchen, or the allure of the tv,
everyone faces distractions.
Successful students know how to
filter out the constant disturbances
that threaten their progress. They
feel comfortable turning down an
invitation or letting the machine pick
up the phone when they know there
is work to be done.

5. Successful distance learners feel

alright about missing the social
elements of traditional schools.
Sure, they realize that they’ll miss
out on the homecoming game, the
dances, and the student elections,
but they’re convinced that the
independence is absolutely worth it.
Whether they’re mature adult
learners who aren’t interested in the
fraternity hype, or younger students
who get their socialization from
extracurricular activities elsewhere,
they are comfortable with their
current social situation. In place of
classroom discussion, they explore
the issues with their peers through
email and message boards or discuss
what they’re learning with spouses
or coworkers.

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