DoD PDR CheckList 18 April 2013

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“Systems Engineering for Mission Success”

Preliminary Design Review Name of the program being reviewed / date

Program Risk Assessment Checklist (28 June 2007 version)

OVERVIEW: Although the checklist can be printed and completed as a "hard copy", it is designed to be completed electronically as an Excel spreadsheet.
When viewed electronically, the small number buttons in the upper left corner of the screen are used to select the level of indenture for the questions in the
checklist. A left mouse click on a number button will expand or collapse the entire checklist to the desired level. A left click on the "+" symbol in the left Name / Code / Technical Specialty of reviewer
margin of the spreadsheet will expand the level of indenture for that section. A left click on the "-" symbol in the left margin of the spreadsheet will collapse
the level of indenture for that section. The buttons in Row 11 run specific macros. The buttons in Column A allow a user to designate and sort specific
questions as "Special Interest" (i.e., High Priority, Flagged, Question). The colored buttons in Row 11, Column C allow the user to sort questions by
Technical Discipline, to provide a Level 1 roll-up of the risk characters assigned, or to hide specific information. For example selecting the "Logistics"
button results in the display of all Level 1 Logistics-related questions and assigned information. All other questions will be
1. In the upper right corner of the checklist, enter the name of the program being reviewed, the date(s) of the review, along with the name, code and
technical specialty of the person(s) completing the checklist.
2. A "Risk Character" (i.e., R / Y / G / U / NA) should be assigned for each question by direct entry or left clicking in each box to activate the "drop
down" menu. To delete a "Risk Character" from a box, click in the box and press the "Delete" button on the keyboard, or right click on the cell and select
"clear contents". The assigned Risk Characters will automatically total and display in the Level 1 (and Level 2, as applicable) row(s). Selection of a
summary tab (Excel "Sheet") at the bottom of the checklist will provide a summary of all questions assigned a particular risk character (e.g., selecting
the RED tab will display all questions assigned a RED risk character).
3. Any question requiring further attention (Special Interest) should be similarly marked in Column A as "High Priority", "Flagged", or "Question" to
facilitate follow-up.
4. Narrative, amplifying, and / or mitigation information should be entered in the "Comments Mitigation" box (Column J) at the right of each question.

CAUTION: Entries, changes, deletions or comments should only be made on the checklist. Any entries entered directly on the summary
pages will not be recorded within the checklist and will disable linkage between the checklist and the summary pages.

SAVING THE CHECKLIST: Save the completed checklist in a new file with a unique name such as "UAV PDR 21June07ajo".
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Level 1

Priority Programmatic PQM EVM Interoperability Technology

Use this text box to filter the "Comments/ Mitigation" column

Flagged Software Risk Logistics Training T&E HSI
Question Hide TD Unhide TD Hide NA Unhide NA
Risk Character
R = Red, Y = Yellow, G = Green, U = Unknown / Unavailable, NA = Not Applicable
Special Technical
Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
1. Timing / Entry Criteria
Level 1, software,
T&E, logistics,
HSI, training, risk, 0 0 0 0 0

a. Has a System Functional Review (SFR) been successfully
programmatic completed?

PDR Page 1 of 87
Risk Character
R = Red, Y = Yellow, G = Green, U = Unknown / Unavailable, NA = Not Applicable
Special Technical
Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
b. Is the program ready to conduct a Preliminary Design
software, T&E,
logistics, HSI, Review (PDR) based upon satisfying PDR entry criteria vice a
training, risk, pre-determined schedule date?

c. Have all prior technical review Requests for Action (RFAs)
software, T&E,
logistics, HSI, been properly dispositioned, and closed?
training, risk,

d. Is the program using an effective Integrated Data
software, logistics,
programmatic Environment (IDE) to store data?

PDR Page 2 of 87
Risk Character
R = Red, Y = Yellow, G = Green, U = Unknown / Unavailable, NA = Not Applicable
Special Technical
Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
Level 1, software,
2. Planning
training, risk,
logistics, HSI, 0 0 0 0 0

a. Was a systems engineering knowledgeable chairperson
programmatic assigned?

b. Did the review agenda address all applicable PDR review
software, T&E,
training, HSI, entry criteria?

c. Is the technical review Board properly staffed, and are the
software, T&E,
training, HSI, appropriate competencies participating in the review?
logistics, risk,

d. Has a Systems Engineering Plan (SEP) been developed
software, T&E,
training, HSI, and implemented?

e. Was a Manpower Estimate Report (MER) completed and
software, T&E,
training, HSI, approved?

f. Was the Acquisition Strategy (AS) developed and
programmatic documented?

g. Does the AS address a plan to satisfy Human Systems
Integration (HSI) requirements for each domain addressed in
the Capability Development Document (CDD) / Capability
logistics, Production Document (CPD), including minimum standards for
programmatic those domains not specifically addressed in the CDD / CPD?

h. Are key Government / contractor interfaces identified for the
Test and Evaluation (T&E) program, and does planning reflect
T&E, Integrated Test Team (ITT) organization and testing
(contractor / Developmental Test (DT) / Operational Test

HSI, software,
i. Is adequate staffing (required expertise and quantity of
logistics, T&E expertise for both the contractor and the Government)
training, risk, available to execute the test schedule?

PDR Page 3 of 87
Risk Character
R = Red, Y = Yellow, G = Green, U = Unknown / Unavailable, NA = Not Applicable
Special Technical
Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
j. Test Planning 2.j
software, T&E,
HSI, logistics,
training, risk, 0 0 0 0 0

(1) Have developmental test plans been formulated in 2.j(1)

T&E, accordance with the Test and Evaluation Master Plan

programmatic (TEMP)?

(2) Does the T&E strategy meet the TEMP requirements? 2.j(2)

T&E, (3) Has detailed test planning been initiated? 2.j(3)


(4) Are test requirements tied to verification requirements, 2.j(4)

and is there a method to ensure traceability of test

T&E, requirements to the verification requirements?

T&E, (5) Does the TEMP reflect Net-Centric Operations and 2.j(5)
programmatic, Warfare requirements?

(6) Does the TEMP address metrics and test procedures to 2.j(6)

software, T&E, ensure that human integration requirements for each

HSI, logistics, domain are delivered and satisfy the CDD / CPD
training, risk,
programmatic requirements?

software, T&E,
k. Is there a clear understanding of the deficiency
logistics, HSI, documentation process, and is there plan for a deficiency
training, risk, documentation and tracking system?

T&E, HSI, l. Has a draft flight clearance process been established?

T&E, software, m. Have metrics been established to track the test program?
logistics, HSI,

n. Have facilities / test resources (contractor and Government)
programmatic been defined and included in the planning?

o. Is there user acceptance to the test planning, and are there
programmatic provisions for user participation?

p. Has OT been involved with all aspects of test planning, and
T&E, are OT requirements considered as a part of DT planning?

PDR Page 4 of 87
Risk Character
R = Red, Y = Yellow, G = Green, U = Unknown / Unavailable, NA = Not Applicable
Special Technical
Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
q. Are training requirements documented for Developmental
T&E, training, Test and Evaluation (DT&E) and Operational Test and
programmatic Evaluation (OT&E)?

r. Are Systems Engineering (SE) requirements for the T&E
T&E, program understood, and is testing for unique SE included in
programmatic the test plans?

s. Are Government and contractor T&E facility requirements
T&E, solidified, and will facilities be available to meet the schedule?

t. Were the software metrics and those provided to the
software, program office to manage the software program provided to
programmatic the software Subject Matter Expert (SME)?

u. Has the necessary System of Systems / Family of Systems
T&E, risk, (SoS / FoS) testing been addressed and / or planned?

v. Has system data been entered / updated in the Net-Centric
programmatic, Operations and Warfare implementation baseline database?

w. Net-Ready Key Performance Parameter (NR-KPP)
software, T&E,
logistics, HSI,
training, risk, 0 0 0 0 0

(1) Has the updated system and Information Support Plan
software, T&E,
logistics, HSI,
(ISP) been certified or approved?
training, risk,

(2) Have the updated architecture products (Core
software, T&E,
logistics, HSI,
Architecture Data Model (CADM) compliant) been
training, risk, delivered?

x. Have the changes required to Doctrine, Organization,
software, T&E, Training, Materiel, Leadership and Education, Personnel and
logistics, HSI, Facilities (DOTMLPF) as a result of the fielding of this system
training, risk,
been appropriately addressed in order to advance joint war
interoperability fighting capabilities?

PDR Page 5 of 87
Risk Character
R = Red, Y = Yellow, G = Green, U = Unknown / Unavailable, NA = Not Applicable
Special Technical
Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
3. Program Schedule 3
Level 1, software,
T&E, training,
logistics, risk,
technology, HSI, 0 0 0 0 0

software, risk, a. Schedule Planning 3.a

logistics, HSI,
training, T&E, 0 0 0 0 0

(1) Does the program have an updated schedule with 3.a(1)

software, logistics,
HSI, training, sufficient detail to support development, and are the tasks
T&E, linked?

(2) Has the software schedule been updated based upon 3.a(2)
programmatic the preliminary software design?

software, risk, (3) Were any problems that caused schedule slips identified 3.a(3)
logistics, HSI, as risks prior to their occurrence, and was their associated
training, T&E,
programmatic, mitigation plan implemented?

software, risk, (4) Are the SEP project schedule and software schedule 3.a(4)
logistics, HSI, consistent with one another?
training, T&E,

(5) Does the project schedule accommodate establishment 3.a(5)

and / or updates to required process documentation?


(6) Does the project schedule accommodate the 3.a(6)

software, logistics,
HSI, training, establishment of an effective configuration / data
T&E, management system for the preliminary design artifacts?

b. Is the schedule built upon “bottom up” task planning? 3.b


c. Is the schedule reflective of available resources? 3.c


d. Program Critical Path 3.d

software, risk,
T&E, technology, 0 0 0 0 0

(1) Does the program schedule have an identified critical 3.d(1)

risk, technology, path, and is that critical path consistent with overall technical
programmatic risk?

(2) Are any components of the software on the program's 3.d(2)

programmatic critical path, and what are those components?

PDR Page 6 of 87
Risk Character
R = Red, Y = Yellow, G = Green, U = Unknown / Unavailable, NA = Not Applicable
Special Technical
Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
(3) Have Government Off-the-Shelf (GOTS) / Commercial 3.d(3)

software, T&E, Off-the-Shelf (COTS) software procurement and test been

programmatic considered in the critical path calculation?

(4) Has the development of support software (test benches, 3.d(4)

software, T&E, simulations, automated test software, etc.) been considered

programmatic in the critical path calculation?

(5) Are there any software deliverables from outside sources 3.d(5)

software, (COTS, GOTS, reusable components) on the software

programmatic development critical path?

e. What is the status versus critical path? 3.e

f. Does the test and evaluation program have an updated 3.f

T&E, schedule with sufficient detail to support development, and are

programmatic the tasks linked?

g. Is the test and evaluation schedule built upon “bottom up” 3.g
programmatic task planning?

h. Is the T&E schedule executable with respect to timeframe 3.h

T&E, and required resources (manpower, ranges, facilities)?


i. Is this system on the critical path for delivery of a SoS / FoS 3.i
risk, capability, and have the risks to that critical path been
interoperability identified and mitigated?

PDR Page 7 of 87
Risk Character
R = Red, Y = Yellow, G = Green, U = Unknown / Unavailable, NA = Not Applicable
Special Technical
Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
4. Management Metrics 4
Level 1, EVM,
logistics, PQM,
software, HSI,
training, T&E, 0 0 0 0 0
technology, risk,

a. Cost / Schedule / Performance / Key Performance 4.a

risk, logistics,
software, HSI,
Parameters (KPP)
training, T&E, 0 0 0 0 0

risk, logistics, (1) Is the latest revised estimate of each KPP in accordance 4.a(1)
software, HSI, with the Acquisition Program Baseline (APB)?
training, T&E,

(2) Are the KPPs reflective of program risks and technical 4.a(2)
risk, logistics,
software, HSI,
training, T&E,

b. Latest Cost Estimate 4.b

risk, logistics,
software, T&E,
technology, 0 0 0 0 0

(1) Is the cost estimate consistent with the technical risk of 4.b(1)

risk, technology, the program, the critical path plan, and the available
programmatic resources?

(2) Has the software estimate been updated based upon the 4.b(2)
programmatic preliminary software design?

(3) Has the software estimate been updated based upon 4.b(3)

software, actual measured project software development performance

programmatic and productivity to date?

(4) Has the cost of acquiring, licensing and configuring 4.b(4)

logistics, software, COTS and / or GOTS computer hardware and software
programmatic been considered?

(5) Has COTS and / or GOTS computer hardware and 4.b(5)

logistics, software, software obsolescence and upgrade impacts been
programmatic considered as part of the estimate?

(6) Has the development of support software (test benches, 4.b(6)

logistics, T&E, simulations, automated test software, test scripts etc.) been
software, HSI,
programmatic considered as part of the estimate?

PDR Page 8 of 87
Risk Character
R = Red, Y = Yellow, G = Green, U = Unknown / Unavailable, NA = Not Applicable
Special Technical
Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
PQM, c. Production Costs Estimates 4.c
programmatic 0 0 0 0 0

(1) Is the estimate for production costs consistent with the 4.c(1)
programmatic preliminary design as disclosed?

PQM, (2) Are all elements of production cost addressed? 4.c(2)


logistics, software, d. Operating and Support (O&S) Costs Estimate 4.d

HSI, 0 0 0 0 0

(1) Is the estimate for O&S costs consistent with the 4.d(1)
logistics, software,
HSI, preliminary design as disclosed?

logistics, software, (2) Are all elements of O&S cost addressed? 4.d(2)

e. Have supportability analysis products from the system 4.e

logistics, HSI, integration work effort been made available to the cognizant
programmatic PDR participants prior to the review?

f. Are current logistics documents available for review 4.f

logistics, HSI, (Product Support Plan (PSP), Logistics Requirement Funding

programmatic Summary (LRFS), preliminary maintenance plan)?

g. Have all prior logistics review RFAs been properly 4.g

logistics, HSI,
programmatic dispositioned, and closed?

h. Earned Value Management (EVM) 4.h

risk, EVM,
technology, 0 0 0 0 0

EVM, (1) Are the EVM data up to date? 4.h(1)


(2) Is the EVM baseline being used as a program execution 4.h(2)

EVM, tool (i.e. by management and at the working level)?


(3) Are the work packages based on earned value vice level 4.h(3)
programmatic of effort?

(4) Are the EVM data consistent with known technical risks 4.h(4)
risk, EVM,
technology, and challenges in the program?

(5) Are the EVM data being used to adjust program 4.h(5)
EVM, technology,
programmatic resources to address risk issues?

PDR Page 9 of 87
Risk Character
R = Red, Y = Yellow, G = Green, U = Unknown / Unavailable, NA = Not Applicable
Special Technical
Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
(6) Have the metrics to track EVM been clearly articulated 4.h(6)

EVM, and have sufficient fidelity to understand the status of the

programmatic product development?

i. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) review 4.i

logistics, HSI,
software, risk,
technology, 0 0 0 0 0

(1) Is the WBS consistent with the technical risks of the 4.i(1)
technology, risk,
programmatic program?

(2) Is the WBS decomposed to an appropriately detailed 4.i(2)

technology, risk,
programmatic level to address all technical tasks?

(3) Are all Configuration Items (CIs) (as identified in the 4.i(3)
logistics, HSI,
software, risk, preliminary design) addressed in the WBS (including
technology, software)?

logistics, software, (4) Are the requirements tracked, traced, and modeled using 4.i(4)
HSI, an automated tool?

logistics, HSI, j. Software Metrics 4.j

software, risk, 0 0 0 0 0

(1) Has a software metrics (status versus plan) program 4.j(1)

programmatic been implemented?

(2) Are adequate software metrics in place and being used 4.j(2)
programmatic to manage the software effort?

(3) Do the metrics indicate status versus plan, and what 4.j(3)
programmatic level of risk do the metrics indicate?

(4) Is the software staffing adequate for the magnitude / 4.j(4)

software, risk,
programmatic complexity of the software and the level of software risk?

(5) Are the software sizing metrics adequate and consistent 4.j(5)

software, with the preliminary design, and do they indicate readiness

programmatic for detailed design?

(6) Are computer resource utilization metrics known and 4.j(6)

logistics, software,
HSI, allocated to CI?

PDR Page 10 of 87
Risk Character
R = Red, Y = Yellow, G = Green, U = Unknown / Unavailable, NA = Not Applicable
Special Technical
Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
(7) Are other software complexity metrics being used and do 4.j(7)

these metrics indicate adequate understanding of

software, risk, complexity versus resources (schedule, funding, staffing)
available to ensure detailed design success?

(8) Does the Statement of Work (SOW) require the 4.j(8)

contractor to define, establish, and operate a metrics data

software, risk, collection, analysis, and reporting system that provides
programmatic quantitative information on key software program
management issues?

(9) Does the software plan include metrics to track and 4.j(9)
logistics, software, manage the software requirements changes, deletions and
programmatic additions (software requirements volatility) for each CI?

(10) Is there a metrics process in place to track 4.j(10)

logistics, HSI, implementation of software requirements in accordance with
software, risk,
programmatic the program cost and schedule plan?

(11) Is there a metrics process in place to insure that quality 4.j(11)

logistics, HSI,
is designed and built into the software, and what metrics
software, risk, have been used to track quality during the software
programmatic requirements phase?

logistics, HSI, (12) Are appropriate metrics in place to allow the tracking, 4.j(12)
software, risk, management, and mitigation of significant software risks?

(13) Have Software Resource Data Reports (SRDR) been 4.j(13)

submitted in accordance with DoD Instruction 5000.2 and

software, DoD 5000.4-M-2 for ACAT IA, IC, ID with a software
development effort exceeding $25M (FY02 dollars)?

PDR Page 11 of 87
Risk Character
R = Red, Y = Yellow, G = Green, U = Unknown / Unavailable, NA = Not Applicable
Special Technical
Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
5. Program Staffing 5
Level 1, HSI,
software, T&E,
logistics, training,
technology, risk, 0 0 0 0 0

HSI, logistics, a. Is there a complete organization structure shown, and is the 5.a
software, risk, organization consistent with the technical challenges / risks of
training, T&E,
technology, the program?

HSI, software,
b. Are key Government / contractor interfaces identified and / 5.b

T&E, logistics, or represented at the PDR, and are these consistent with
training, risk, program risks including key external interoperability interfaces
programmatic, for other Joint programs?

c. Is adequate staffing (required expertise and quantity of 5.c

HSI, software,
training, T&E, expertise for both the contractor and the Government)
logistics, risk, available to execute the schedule?

d. Is there confidence that all required flight clearance 5.d

T&E, performance monitors are involved and do they concur with

programmatic the preliminary design?

PDR Page 12 of 87
Risk Character
R = Red, Y = Yellow, G = Green, U = Unknown / Unavailable, NA = Not Applicable
Special Technical
Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
6. Process Review 6
Level 1, software,
logistics, PQM,
training, HSI, risk,
technology, T&E, 0 0 0 0 0

risk, technology, a. Program Management 6.a

programmatic 0 0 0 0 0

(1) Are the program management processes, in the 6.a(1)

Program Management Plan (PMP), in place adequate to

risk, technology, address the technical challenges of the program and
adequate to address program risks?

(2) Is there an updated PMP that is reflective of the 6.a(2)

risk, technology,
programmatic emergent technical issues and risks?

(3) Are there program management processes in place to 6.a(3)

risk, technology, properly manage the detailed design and attendant

programmatic technical emphasis areas?

(4) Is the program being managed to adjust resources to 6.a(4)

programmatic address issues in the preliminary design?

b. Configuration Management (CM) 6.b

logistics, software,
programmatic, 0 0 0 0 0

logistics, software, (1) Is the CM plan in place and up to date? 6.b(1)


(2) Are the CM decisions based on factors that best support 6.b(2)
logistics, software, implementation of performance-based strategies throughout
programmatic the product life cycle?

(3) Is the preliminary design for each CI documented and 6.b(3)

logistics, software,
HSI, being managed in accordance with the CM Plan?

(4) Are changes to the managed CI configurations 6.b(4)

logistics, software,
controlled and tracked to higher level (system specification
HSI, and CDD / CPD), and lower level (preliminary design)
programmatic documents?

(5) Does the CM plan define or link to the process for 6.b(5)
logistics, software,
HSI, management of externally controlled requirements and SoS
programmatic, / FoS configurations?

PDR Page 13 of 87
Risk Character
R = Red, Y = Yellow, G = Green, U = Unknown / Unavailable, NA = Not Applicable
Special Technical
Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
c. Systems Engineering Processes 6.c
software, HSI,
logistics, T&E,
technology, 0 0 0 0 0

(1) Is there a defined SE process? 6.c(1)


(2) Are the SE processes shared by the Government and 6.c(2)

programmatic contractor team?

(3) Are the SE processes for design development and 6.c(3)

programmatic system trades in place and being used?

(4) Are the technical reviews planned and event driven vice 6.c(4)
programmatic schedule driven?

(5) Are the SE processes adequate to support the technical 6.c(5)

requirements of the technical reviews, and are the technical

technology, teams working against a defined technical baseline?

(6) Is the program using a SE automated tool (i.e. DOORS, 6.c(6)

logistics, software, CORE, SLATE etc.) to manage traceability of each CI?

(7) Does the program demonstrate that it is executing a 6.c(7)

logistics, HSI, comprehensive HSI process integrated with the SE

programmatic process?

logistics, software, (8) Are processes being established to ensure proper 6.c(8)
HSI, emphasis on identification of critical safety items?

(9) Do the test processes as detailed in the TEMP and the 6.c(9)

contractor's overarching T&E Strategy appropriately

T&E, address the end-to-end testing of SoS / FoS distributed
services, and are all certification test requirements

HSI, risk, d. Acquisition Logistics Support Management and Staffing 6.d

software, logistics,
T&E, 0 0 0 0 0

HSI, risk, (1) Has the PSP been updated to reflect the maintenance 6.d(1)
software, logistics, and support concepts at both the system and major
hardware configuration item levels? 0 0 0 0 0

PDR Page 14 of 87
Risk Character
R = Red, Y = Yellow, G = Green, U = Unknown / Unavailable, NA = Not Applicable
Special Technical
Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
(a) Have alternative logistics concepts been adequately 6.d(1)(a)

considered, and preliminary cost benefit trades conducted

logistics, HSI, to justify the product support strategy in the PSP?

(b) Does the PSP reflect force provider performance 6.d(1)(b)

agreements pertaining to logistics reviews and comments

logistics, HSI, concerning maintenance planning and support concepts
been considered?

(c) Was a market analysis conducted to scope available 6.d(1)(c)

systems and product support capabilities (public and

logistics, HSI, private), and to define opportunities for achieving support
objectives through design and product support strategies?

logistics, HSI, (d) Are logistics metrics identified in the APB? 6.d(1)(d)

(e) Will support related performance and acceptance 6.d(1)(e)

logistics, T&E, criteria be demonstrated during planned testing and / or
software, HSI,
programmatic modeling and simulation?

(f) Are logistics parameters and tests included in the 6.d(1)(f)

logistics, TEMP?

(g) Are Initial Operational Capability (IOC) / Full 6.d(1)(g)

HSI, T&E, Operational Capability (FOC) dates established and
programmatic defined?

(h) Are the Performance Based Logistics (PBL) strategy 6.d(1)(h)

and its implementation reviewed throughout the life cycle
logistics, to evaluate best value and performance options against
programmatic cost and performance parameters?

(i) Are trade studies conducted on a continuous basis to 6.d(1)(i)

HSI, T&E, ensure that performance and supportability goals are
programmatic met?

(j) Have trade studies considered alternate operating and 6.d(1)(j)

HSI, T&E, support concepts, with specific consideration of
programmatic performance requirements?

(k) Is logistics support included as a part of the life cycle 6.d(1)(k)

HSI, T&E, SE approach to supportability, including information
programmatic interoperability requirements?

PDR Page 15 of 87
Risk Character
R = Red, Y = Yellow, G = Green, U = Unknown / Unavailable, NA = Not Applicable
Special Technical
Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
(l) Do logistics provider agreements and contracts contain 6.d(1)(l)

sufficient flexibility to meet surge requirements and to re-

logistics, HSI, establish organic or commercial support capability as

(m) Has a risk management program been established 6.d(1)(m)

risk, HSI, logistics, that includes both Government and contractor
interoperability participation and sharing of risks?

(n) Have logistics support program risks and mitigation 6.d(1)(n)

risk, HSI, logistics,
programmatic plans been identified and assessed?

(o) Have post IOC plans been developed for continued 6.d(1)(o)
HSI, logistics,
programmatic evolution of sustainment strategies?

(p) Are logistics and overall sustainment performance 6.d(1)(p)

HSI, logistics,
programmatic requirements stated in the CDD and CPD?

(q) Have the user logistics support summary been 6.d(1)(q)

HSI, logistics,
programmatic reviewed and coordinated with the user?

HSI, logistics, (r) Has methodology been established and data collected 6.d(1)(r)
software, T&E, to provide for assessment of performance?

(2) Does the Supportability Integrated Product Team (IPT) 6.d(2)

logistics, HSI, have user representation or other System Commands

programmatic (SYSCOM)?

e. Automated Information Technology (AIT) 6.e

training, HSI,
technology, 0 0 0 0 0

(1) Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) 6.e(1)

training, HSI,
technology, 0 0 0 0 0

(a) Does the program manager have an implementation 6.e(1)(a)

logistics, HSI,
plan and strategy for RFID on equipment containers for
technology, storage and shipment for new and mature acquisition
programmatic programs?

(b) Has there been an analysis and site survey(s) 6.e(1)(b)

logistics, HSI, conducted to ascertain the level of effort, period of

programmatic implementation, and cost of RFID implementation?

PDR Page 16 of 87
Risk Character
R = Red, Y = Yellow, G = Green, U = Unknown / Unavailable, NA = Not Applicable
Special Technical
Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
(c) Has the required amount of funding to implement RFID 6.e(1)(c)

logistics, HSI, implementation been identified, budgeted, allocated, and

programmatic added to the LRFS?

(d) Do the applicable industrial partners have a plan for 6.e(1)(d)

logistics, HSI,
programmatic RFID implementation?

(e) Have publications, drawings, maintenance plans, 6.e(1)(e)

training, HSI, training regimens, etc. addressing RFID been updated?

(2) Unique Identification (UID) 6.e(2)

training, HSI,
logistics, 0 0 0 0 0

training, HSI, (a) Are UID requirements being considered? 6.e(2)(a)


(b) Does the program manager have an implementation 6.e(2)(b)

plan and strategy developed for defining the specified
format for UID parts marking and labeling as prescribed
training, HSI,
logistics, by the applicable Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation 0 0 0 0 0
programmatic Supplement (DFARS) clause (see

(I) Has a UID implementation plan been drafted as per 6.e(2)(b)(I)

logistics, HSI, Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) policy, and

programmatic has it been submitted, approved, and updated?

(II) Does the plan comply with applicable OSD 6.e(2)(b)(II)

guidance with for whether or not UID is being applied to

logistics, HSI, items equal to or greater than $5,000, serially
programmatic managed, mission essential, controlled inventory, or
requiring permanent identification?

(III) Has an analysis been conducted to ascertain the 6.e(2)(b)(III)

logistics, HSI, level of effort required, period of implementation, and

programmatic cost of UID implementation?

(IV) Has the required amount of funding to implement 6.e(2)(b)(IV)

UID (on applicable components and items) been

logistics, HSI, identified, budgeted, allocated, and added to the

(V) Do the applicable industrial partners have a plan for 6.e(2)(b)(V)

logistics, HSI,
programmatic UID implementation?

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Risk Character
R = Red, Y = Yellow, G = Green, U = Unknown / Unavailable, NA = Not Applicable
Special Technical
Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
(VI) Have publications, drawings, maintenance plans, 6.e(2)(b)(VI)
training, HSI, training regimens, etc., addressing UID been updated?

f. Risk Management (RM) Processes 6.f

risk, software,
logistics, T&E,
HSI, training,
technology, 0 0 0 0 0

(1) Is there a defined risk management process, and is the 6.f(1)

risk, software,
logistics, HSI, Risk Management Plan (RMP) up to date and being used?
training, T&E,

(2) Is the RM process shared by the Government and 6.f(2)

risk, programmatic contractor team?

(3) Are risks associated with SoS / FoS requirements 6.f(3)

risk, integrated into the RM process, and are risks managed
interoperability external to the program?

(4) Does the RM process properly track all risks on a 6.f(4)

risk, software,
logistics, HSI, continuous basis and provide for update of the mitigation
training, T&E, approaches?

(5) Are mitigation approaches in place for all “yellow” and 6.f(5)
risk, software,
logistics, HSI, “red” risks, and are risk mitigations resourced?
training, T&E,

(6) Does the risk management process provide for risk 6.f(6)
risk, software,
logistics, HSI,
updates to support the technical reviews and program
training, T&E, management (acquisition) reviews?

(7) Is the system’s safety risk mitigation plan being 6.f(7)

risk, software,
logistics, HSI, managed by the program's Risk Management Board
training, T&E, (RMB)?

g. Logistics Budgeting and Funding 6.g

risk, HSI, logistics,
programmatic, 0 0 0 0 0

(1) Has the program office prepared a LRFS or equivalent 6.g(1)

risk, HSI, logistics, document, and has it been kept updated?
programmatic, 0 0 0 0 0

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Risk Character
R = Red, Y = Yellow, G = Green, U = Unknown / Unavailable, NA = Not Applicable
Special Technical
Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
(a) Is there adequate documentation to support the 6.g(1)(a)
logistics, HSI,
programmatic requirements identified in the LRFS?

(b) Are logistics funding requirements developed using 6.g(1)(b)

Cost As an Independent Variable (CAIV), accepted cost

logistics, HSI, estimating methods, and risk management principles?

(c) Have life cycle cost estimates, including cost reduction 6.g(1)(c)

efforts, been developed and validated to optimize total

logistics, HSI, ownership of costs and schedules, including end of life?

(d) Does the LRFS support the budgetary requirements of 6.g(1)(d)

logistics, HSI,
programmatic the logistics support plan?

(e) Do the funding requirements in the LRFS coincide with 6.g(1)(e)

logistics, HSI, the support requirements in the PSP and other planning
programmatic documents?

(f) Are the correct appropriations identified for each 6.g(1)(f)

logistics requirement, and have appropriate decisions

logistics, HSI, been made regarding the type of funds used for
procurement of PBL resources?

(g) Are funding shortfalls and impacts identified, 6.g(1)(g)

logistics, HSI, prioritized, fully documented, and addressed to the

programmatic program manager and resource sponsor?

(h) Are the impacts of funding shortfalls understood, and 6.g(1)(h)

HSI, risk, logistics,
programmatic are plans in place to mitigate risk?

(i) Are all traditional logistics elements estimated for both 6.g(1)(i)
initial logistics (procurement dollars) and recurring
logistics, HSI,
logistics (operations and maintenance funding dollars)
estimated in the analysis?

(j) Has logistics planning identified impact of 6.g(1)(j)

logistics, HSI, interoperability and data services supported by other
interoperability programs?

(k) Are logistics use profiles and associated timelines, 6.f(1)(k)

logistics, HSI, based on the system detailed design and maintenance

programmatic plan, prepared and updated over the life cycle?

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Risk Character
R = Red, Y = Yellow, G = Green, U = Unknown / Unavailable, NA = Not Applicable
Special Technical
Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
(l) Are there any missing data or cost elements that can 6.f(1)(l)

logistics, HSI, improve the confidence in the completeness of the A o


logistics, HSI, (2) Has the LRFS been staffed and approved? 6.g(2)
programmatic 0 0 0 0 0

(a) Are funding requirements appropriately time phased? 6.g(2)(a)

logistics, HSI,

logistics, HSI, (b) Are funding requirements identified in the APB? 6.g(2)(b)

(c) Are program logistics management personnel 6.g(2)(c)

logistics, HSI, conversant and aware of the methodologies used to

programmatic develop cost estimates?

h. Test Processes (TEMP, T&E Strategy, etc.) 6.h

T&E, logistics,
software, HSI,
programmatic, 0 0 0 0 0

(1) Have developmental test plans been formulated in 6.h(1)

programmatic accordance with the TEMP?

(2) Does the contractor's T&E Strategy meet the TEMP 6.h(2)
programmatic requirements?

T&E, (3) Has detailed test planning been initiated? 6.h(3)


(4) Is there a clear understanding of the deficiency 6.h(4)

T&E, documentation process, and is there plan for a deficiency

programmatic documentation and tracking system?

(5) Are test requirements tied to verification requirements, 6.h(5)

and is there a method to ensure traceability of test

T&E, requirements to the verification requirements?

T&E, software, (6) Have metrics been established to track the test 6.h(6)
HSI, logistics, program?

(7) Does the TEMP address metrics and test procedures to 6.h(7)
T&E, software, ensure that human integration requirements for each
HSI, logistics, domain are delivered and satisfy the CDD / CPD
interoperability requirements?

T&E, logistics, (8) Have facilities / test resources (contractor and 6.h(8)
programmatic, Government) been defined and included in the planning?

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Risk Character
R = Red, Y = Yellow, G = Green, U = Unknown / Unavailable, NA = Not Applicable
Special Technical
Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
(9) Is there user acceptance of the test planning, and are 6.h(9)
programmatic there provisions for user participation?

(10) Has OT been involved with all aspects of test planning, 6.h(10)

T&E, and are OT requirements considered as a part of DT

programmatic planning?

(11) Has the draft flight clearance process been established, 6.h(11)
programmatic if appropriate?

PQM, risk, i. Production Processes (ISO 9000, etc.) 6.i

programmatic 0 0 0 0 0

(1) Have production processes been considered in the 6.i(1)

programmatic preliminary design?

(2) Have production requirements been properly captured 6.i(2)

PQM, risk,
programmatic and addressed in the risk assessment?

(3) Have long lead items been identified, and are the 6.i(3)

PQM, production processes sufficiently mature for this phase of

programmatic the program?

j. Have the lessons learned by other programs been utilized to 6.j

PQM, risk,
programmatic reduce risk?

k. Software 6.k

risk, logistics,
training, HSI,
software, T&E, 0 0 0 0 0

(1) Is the software development life cycle appropriate to the 6.k(1)

software, risk, development, and does the software life cycle being used
programmatic contribute to reducing overall software development risk?

(2) Are software requirements allocated to COTS, GOTS 6.k(2)

software, training,
programmatic and reused software appropriate? 0 0 0 0 0

(a) Does the COTS, GOTS and / or reused software’s 6.k(2)(a)

software, implementation meet the software requirements allocated

programmatic to it?

(b) Is the development team familiar with and / or trained 6.k(2)(b)

software, training, in the use of the COTS, GOTS or reused software?


software, (c) Is documentation readily available? 6.k(2)(c)


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Risk Character
R = Red, Y = Yellow, G = Green, U = Unknown / Unavailable, NA = Not Applicable
Special Technical
Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
(d) Is training readily available and has it been scheduled 6.k(2)(d)
software, training,
programmatic and budgeted for?

(e) Is the COTS, GOTS or reused software fully tested 6.k(2)(e)

software, and reliable, and has adequate schedule and resources

programmatic been included to test and rework it?

(3) Has COTS and / or GOTS obsolescence issues been 6.k(3)

software, HSI, considered if COTS or GOTS computer hardware and / or
logistics, risk,
software is being used? 0 0 0 0 0

(a) Has the long term viability of the COTS and / or GOTS 6.k(3)(a)
software, HSI, product provider been considered for the program life
logistics, risk,
programmatic cycle?

(b) Are COTS and / or GOTS software and computer 6.k(3)(b)

hardware upgrades caused by COTS and / or GOTS

software, HSI, obsolescence considered for both the software
logistics, risk,
development and the remainder of the software life cycle?

(c) Has the likely impact of updating a component of 6.k(3)(c)

software, HSI,
COTS and / or GOTS computer hardware or software
logistics, risk, been considered, and in respect to how it may force other
programmatic COTS and / or GOTS upgrades?

(d) Has the impact on the project's custom software of 6.k(3)(d)

software, HSI, COTS and / or GOTS computer hardware and / or
logistics, risk,
programmatic software upgrades been considered?

(e) Have the impacts of COTS and / or GOTS software 6.k(3)(e)

software, HSI,
and computer hardware obsolescence and upgrades on
logistics, risk, the software development and integration environment
programmatic been considered?

(4) Are facilities and resources available to support: 6.k(4)

HSI, T&E, software integration testing, formal qualification testing,
software, logistics,
systems testing, DT, and OT? 0 0 0 0 0
risk, programmatic

(a) Have adequate hardware, software, personnel, and 6.k(4)(a)

HSI, T&E, spares been allocated to laboratory, ground, and flight
software, logistics,
risk, programmatic testing to achieve the program schedule?

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Risk Character
R = Red, Y = Yellow, G = Green, U = Unknown / Unavailable, NA = Not Applicable
Special Technical
Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
(b) Does the program place an excessive and or 6.k(4)(b)

unreasonable emphasis on ground, flight, or laboratory
software, logistics, testing, and is the appropriate and most cost effective
risk, programmatic means of testing utilized for different testing phases?

(c) Has the impact on the testing schedule of the 6.k(4)(c)

laboratory(s) being unavailable been considered if the
software, logistics, laboratory(s) are also planned to be used for flight or
risk, programmatic ground testing spares?

(d) Are there any test environment resource limitations 6.k(4)(d)

that may result in a bottleneck or chokepoint in testing,
software, logistics, and what actions have been taken to mitigate these
risk, programmatic bottlenecks or chokepoints?

(e) Are adequate resources and schedule provided 6.k(4)(e)

HSI, T&E, for the development and modification of any

software, logistics, special purpose test, simulation and data analysis
risk, programmatic
software for use during the software development
(5) Is the software developer performing at a Software 6.k(5)

programmatic, Capability Maturity Model (SW-CMM) or Capability Maturity

software, risk Model Integration (CMMI) level III? 0 0 0 0 0

(a) What mitigating action is being taken to reduce the 6.k(5)(a)

increased risk of cost, schedule, and quality deficiencies if

software, risk, the software developer is performing below a SW-CMM or
CMMI level III?

(b) What corrective action is being taken, if the software 6.k(5)(b)

programmatic, developer is performing below the SW-CMM or CMMI

software, risk level III that they proposed during source selection?

(6) What software data rights have been procured by the 6.k(6)

software, logistics,
Government, and are they consistent with the Government's
HSI, plans for maintenance and upgrade of the software over its
programmatic life cycle?

(7) Is the physical security and software security 6.k(7)

software, logistics,
implementation consistent with the security level of the
HSI, software and any data or crypto stored and managed by the
programmatic software during both development and operational use?

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Risk Character
R = Red, Y = Yellow, G = Green, U = Unknown / Unavailable, NA = Not Applicable
Special Technical
Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
(8) Are peer reviews of the software requirements and 6.k(8)

software, logistics,
software preliminary design part of exit criteria for
HSI, determining if the requirements are complete and ready to
programmatic be placed under configuration control?

(9) Have software quality criteria for entrance into OT been 6.k(9)
T&E, risk,
software, logistics, identified?

(10) Does the preliminary design and project plan provide 6.k(10)
software, logistics, direction for the implementation of any DoD software
programmatic architecture requirements and or standards?

(11) Is the software development life cycle appropriate to 6.k(11)

the development, and does the software life cycle being
software, risk, used contribute to reducing overall software development

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Risk Character
R = Red, Y = Yellow, G = Green, U = Unknown / Unavailable, NA = Not Applicable
Special Technical
Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
7. Requirements Management 7
Level 1, HSI, T&E,
logistics, training,
risk, software, 0 0 0 0 0

a. Is there a process in place for requirements management, 7.a

software, HSI,
logistics, T&E,
and is it being applied to properly address this stage of the
training, risk, program, to include Joint, SoS and FoS requirements?

b. Are requirements being managed and traced from higher 7.b

software, HSI, level (parent) requirements to lower level (offspring)

logistics, T&E, requirements, and are there any “orphan” or “childless”
training, risk, 0 0 0 0 0
programmatic requirements?

(1) Is full traceability of systems requirements allocated to 7.b(1)

software, HSI, software provided through software requirements, software

logistics, T&E, design, interface requirements, interface design, source
training, risk,
programmatic code, and test procedures?

(2) Are any COTS, GOTS or reused software traced to 7.b(2)

software, HSI, systems requirements, software requirements, interface

logistics, T&E, requirements, interface design, software design, and test
training, risk,
programmatic procedures?

c. Have airworthiness requirements been addressed and 7.c

risk, T&E,
software, documented in the preliminary design?
logistics, HSI,

d. Is adequate requirements traceability in place to ensure 7.d

HSI, software, compliance with the CDD / CPD at Operational Testing (OT)?
logistics, T&E,

e. Are both effectiveness and suitability requirements being 7.e

HSI, software, addressed and allocated in the preliminary design?
logistics, T&E,

f. Are there plans to ensure test requirements are addressed 7.f

HSI, software, and documented to the same level of detail as functional
logistics, T&E,
programmatic requirements (operation and suitability)?

g. Has an allocated baseline, or equivalent, been established, 7.g

HSI, software,
logistics, T&E, and is it complete and under configuration control?
programmatic, 0 0 0 0 0

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Risk Character
R = Red, Y = Yellow, G = Green, U = Unknown / Unavailable, NA = Not Applicable
Special Technical
Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
(1) Are the software preliminary design documents and 7.g(1)
HSI, software, interface definitions complete and under configuration
logistics, T&E,
programmatic control?

(2) Are the driving requirements for the preliminary design 7.g(2)
HSI, software,
logistics, T&E, complete and under configuration control?

(3) Are the interface design documents complete and under 7.g(3)
HSI, software,
logistics, T&E, configuration control?

(4) Has the traceability of the interface design to the 7.g(4)

HSI, software,
logistics, T&E, allocated requirements been verified by audit?

h. Was a manpower estimate completed and approved? 7.h

HSI, software,

HSI, software, i. Does the PSP reflect the results of the Training Planning 7.i
logistics, training, Process Methodology (TRPPM) analysis?

j. Are there plans in place to ensure test requirements are 7.j

T&E, software, addressed and documented to the same level of detail as
logistics, HSI,
programmatic functional requirements (operation and suitability)?

k. Have test methodologies and metrics for Reliability and 7.k

T&E, HSI, Maintainability (R&M) requirements been defined, and is there
programmatic concurrence on the methodology / metrics from OT?

l. Are interconnectivity (data links, etc.), network centric 7.l

software, HSI,
logistics, T&E, warfare, and Sea power 21 requirements addressed and
programmatic, included in the preliminary design?

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Risk Character
R = Red, Y = Yellow, G = Green, U = Unknown / Unavailable, NA = Not Applicable
Special Technical
Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
Level 1, software, 8. Net-Centric Operations and Warfare Consolidated 8
risk, logistics,
T&E, training, Compliance Checklist
HSI, 0 0 0 0 0

a. Is the system aligned with Net-Centric Operations and 8.a

interoperability Warfare functional concept?

software, risk, b. Does the preliminary design align with Net-Centric 8.b
logistics, T&E, Operations and Warfare Technical Standards (Technical View
training, HSI,
(TV-1 and TV-2))? 0 0 0 0 0

(1) Have the system functions been mapped to the 8.b(1)

interoperability common system function list?

(2) Has the program defined an Open Architecture (OA) 8.b(2)

logistics, T&E,
training, HSI,

(3) How does the system design support its Internet 8.b(3)
software, risk,
logistics, T&E,
Protocol (IP) based and Non IP based networking
training, HSI, requirement?

(4) Are the established data exchange requirements for the 8.b(4)
logistics, T&E, preliminary design consistent with DoD directed integrated
training, HSI,
programmatic, architectures?

c. Net-Centric Operations and Warfare Policy Requirements 8.c

software, logistics,
programmatic, 0 0 0 0 0

HSI, logistics, (1)  Is the design compliant with HSI Compliance Action List 8.c(1)
programmatic, (CAL)?

(2)  Is the design compliant with E3 / Spectrum 8.c(2)

HSI, logistics,
programmatic, Supportability CAL?

software, logistics, (3)   Is the design compliant with Information Assurance (IA) 8.c(3)

(4)  Is the design compliant with the Geospatial / Time 8.c(4)
software, logistics,
HSI, Standards (GTS) CAL?

software, logistics, (5)  Is the design aligned with naming and design rules? 8.c(5)

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Risk Character
R = Red, Y = Yellow, G = Green, U = Unknown / Unavailable, NA = Not Applicable
Special Technical
Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
9. System Preliminary Design 9
Level 1, T&E, HSI,
PQM, software,
technology, risk,
logistics, training, 0 0 0 0 0

a. Are subsystem requirements traced to system requirements 9.a

programmatic and the CDD / CPD?

b. Is the subsystem preliminary design traced to subsystem 9.b

programmatic requirements?

logistics, risk, c. System Requirement Assessment for individual CIs 9.c

software, T&E,
technology, HSI,
PQM, training, 0 0 0 0 0

(1) Have the system requirements been assessed for overall 9.c(1)
software, logistics,
HSI, system, and each CI?

(2) Have the KPPs and other performance requirements, 9.c(2)

software, HSI,
logistics, T&E,
both explicit and derived been defined, quantified and
training, risk, documented?

(3) Have all functional requirements in the functional 9.c(3)

software, HSI,
logistics, T&E,
baseline been allocated to a CI, and are these documented
training, risk, in the preliminary design and allocated baseline?

(4) Is the “trade space” among HSI domains clearly defined, 9.c(4)

risk, HSI, logistics, allowing economic and risk based design decisions that
programmatic contribute to the blended solution?

(5) Reliability and Maintainability 9.c(5)

software, HSI,
logistics, T&E,
programmatic, 0 0 0 0 0

(a) Have R&M, and Built-In-Test (BIT) requirements been 9.c(5)(a)

HSI, logistics,
programmatic addressed in the preliminary designs?

(b) Is the final mission profile definition complete and 9.c(5)(b)

software, HSI,
logistics, available?

(c) Are the R&M block diagram and math models to the 9.c(5)(c)

HSI, logistics, Weapons Replaceable Assembly (WRA) level available?


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Risk Character
R = Red, Y = Yellow, G = Green, U = Unknown / Unavailable, NA = Not Applicable
Special Technical
Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
(d) Is a Failure Mode Effects and Criticality Analysis 9.c(5)(d)
HSI, logistics,
programmatic (FMECA) to the subsystem level available?

(e) Does the FMECA indicate that critical safety items are 9.c(5)(e)

HSI, logistics, being identified, and that creation of a composite critical

programmatic safety items list is being considered?

(f) Are preliminary R&M allocations to the WRA available? 9.c(5)(f)

HSI, logistics,

(g) Is a preliminary reliability prediction using parts count 9.c(5)(g)

HSI, logistics,
programmatic technique to the WRA level available?

(h) Is a preliminary maintainability prediction to the WRA 9.c(5)(h)

HSI, logistics,
programmatic level available?

(i) Is a preliminary BIT assessment to the WRA level 9.c(5)(i)

HSI, logistics,
programmatic available?

(j) Are preliminary thermal, vibration, and shock analyses 9.c(5)(j)

HSI, logistics,
programmatic to the WRA level available?

HSI, logistics, (k) Is a preliminary derating analysis available? 9.c(5)(k)


HSI, logistics, (l) Have lessons learned been addressed? 9.c(5)(l)


software, HSI, (m) Have trade studies been addressed? 9.c(5)(m)


(n) Have R&M risk assessment questions been 9.c(5)(n)

HSI, logistics,
programmatic addressed?

(o) Have test methodologies and metrics for R&M 9.c(5)(o)

software, HSI, requirements been defined, and is there concurrence on
logistics, T&E,
programmatic the methodology / metrics from OT?

(6) Electromagnetic Environmental Effects (E3) and 9.c(6)

risk, T&E, HSI,
software, logistics, Spectrum Supportability
programmatic, 0 0 0 0 0

(a) Does the CPD address spectrum certification 9.c(6)(a)

compliance, spectrum supportability, host nation approval,
HSI, logistics, the control of E3, and safety issues regarding the
programmatic Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation to Ordnance

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Risk Character
R = Red, Y = Yellow, G = Green, U = Unknown / Unavailable, NA = Not Applicable
Special Technical
Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
(b) Have the requirements been completed and submitted 9.c(6)(b)

HSI, logistics, to for spectrum supportability approval to support a

programmatic Milestone (MS) C decision?

(c) Has the system design taken into account any 9.c(6)(c)

limitations or restrictions on RF spectrum use contained in

HSI, logistics, the Military Communications-Electronics Board (MCEB)
approved design guidance recommendations?

software, logistics,
(d) Have the results of the integrated topside design 9.c(6)(d)

HSI, analysis / study been received and incorporated into the

programmatic, overall acquisition strategy?

(e) Does the E3 performance specification verification 9.c(6)(e)

HSI, T&E, matrix show all specifications and the method of
programmatic verification, and is it included in the TEMP?

(f) Are all of the E3 interface specifications of Military 9.c(6)(f)

Standard (MIL-STD-461E) and MIL-STD-464A, which

includes electrical bonding, Precipitation Static (P-static),
Electrostatic Discharge (ESD), subsystem
Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) (including COTS and
NDI), intra-system Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC),
inter-system EMC and High Intensity Radiated Fields
logistics, HSI, (HIRF), lightening effects (direct and indirect), HERO,
Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation to Personnel
(HERP) and Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation to
Fuel (HERF), TEMPEST, Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP)
effects, and life cycle E3 hardening fully understood and
being addressed?

(g) Have the conclusions and recommendations of the E3 9.c(6)(g)

IPT or Electromagnetic Compatibility Assessment Board

logistics, HSI, (EMCAB) been incorporated into the preliminary system
programmatic design and / or E3 risks appropriately addressed?

(h) Are the E3 risks shown as part of the program risk 9.c(6)(h)
HSI, risk, logistics,
programmatic assessment plan?

(i) Does the master program schedule show the E3 9.c(6)(i)

HSI, risk, T&E, development (flight worthiness) testing and EMI
programmatic qualification demonstration?

(j) Does the program schedule allow adequate time to 9.c(6)(j)

HSI, risk, logistics,
programmatic correct EMI deficiencies prior to production start?

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Risk Character
R = Red, Y = Yellow, G = Green, U = Unknown / Unavailable, NA = Not Applicable
Special Technical
Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
(k) Are E3 and spectrum management included in the 9.c(6)(k)

HSI, logistics, SOW, Contract Data Requirements Lists (CDRLs) and

programmatic Contract Line Item Numbers (CLINs) as appropriate?

risk, PQM, (7) Producibility 9.c(7)

programmatic 0 0 0 0 0

PQM, (a) Does the CPD address producibility? 9.c(7)(a)


(b) Has the system design taken into account any 9.c(7)(b)
programmatic producibility limitations?

(c) Are the producibility risks shown as part of the 9.c(7)(c)

PQM, risk,
programmatic program risk assessment plan?

(8) Human System Safety 9.c(8)

logistics, risk,
software, HSI, 0 0 0 0 0

logistics, software, (a) Have system safety goals been achieved or means to 9.c(8)(a)
HSI, comply identified?

logistics, software, (b) Does the CPD address human system safety? 9.c(8)(b)

(c) Has the system design taken into account any human 9.c(8)(c)
logistics, software,
HSI, system safety limitations?

logistics, risk, (d) Are the human system safety risks shown as part of 9.c(8)(d)
software, HSI, the program risk assessment plan?

(9) Aeromechanics 9.c(9)

HSI, risk, logistics,
programmatic 0 0 0 0 0

HSI, logistics, (a) Does the CPD address aeromechanics? 9.c(9)(a)


(b) Has the system design taken into account any 9.c(9)(b)
HSI, logistics,
programmatic aeromechanics limitations?

(c) Are the aeromechanics risks shown as part of the 9.c(9)(c)

HSI, risk, logistics,
programmatic program risk assessment plan?

(10) Structures 9.c(10)

HSI, risk, logistics,
programmatic 0 0 0 0 0

HSI, logistics, (a) Does the CPD address structures? 9.c(10)(a)


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Special Technical
Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
(b) Has the system design taken into account any 9.c(10)(b)
HSI, logistics,
programmatic materials limitations?

(c) Are the structures risks shown as part of the program 9.c(10)(c)
HSI, risk, logistics,
programmatic risk assessment plan?

(11) Materials 9.c(11)

HSI, risk, logistics,
programmatic 0 0 0 0 0

HSI, logistics, (a) Does the CPD address materials? 9.c(11)(a)


(b) Has the system design taken into account any 9.c(11)(b)
HSI, logistics,
programmatic materials limitations?

(c) Are the materials risks shown as part of the program 9.c(11)(c)
HSI, risk, logistics,
programmatic risk assessment plan?

(12) Mass Properties 9.c(12)

HSI, risk, logistics,
programmatic 0 0 0 0 0

HSI, logistics, (a) Does the CPD address mass properties? 9.c(12)(a)

(b) Has the system design taken into account any mass 9.c(12)(b)
HSI, logistics,
programmatic properties limitations?

(c) Are the mass properties risks shown as part of the 9.c(12)(c)
HSI, risk, logistics,
programmatic program risk assessment plan?

(13) Human Systems Integration Engineering 9.c(13)

training, software,
logistics, HSI,
technology, 0 0 0 0 0

(a) Have the human integration design issues been 9.c(13)(a)

HSI, logistics, addressed and implemented or alternative concepts

programmatic identified?

(b) Is there a system for identifying, prioritizing and 9.c(13)(b)

HSI, logistics,
tracking HSI lessons learned from Science and
technology, Technology (S&T) applications, legacy systems, and
programmatic current system IOC?

(c) Has the program adequately identified, analyzed and 9.c(13)(c)

HSI, logistics,
programmatic integrated human interface requirements?

(d) Has the program employed an HSI process in the 9.c(13)(d)

HSI, logistics,
programmatic development of preliminary design?

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Risk Character
R = Red, Y = Yellow, G = Green, U = Unknown / Unavailable, NA = Not Applicable
Special Technical
Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
(e) Does the system preliminary design meet or exceed 9.c(13)(e)

HSI, logistics, the human systems engineering requirements appropriate

programmatic to the system?

(f) Do the human interfaces minimize or eliminate systems 9.c(13)(f)

HSI, logistics, characteristics that require excessive cognitive, physical

programmatic or sensory skills?

(g) Do the program Human Machine Interface (HMI) 9.c(13)(g)

HSI, logistics, concepts conform to Human Factors Engineering (HFE)

programmatic standards in MIL-STD-1472 and ASTM 1166?

(h) Does the preliminary design adequately address 9.c(13)(h)

HSI, logistics, aviation life support, escape and survivability

programmatic requirements?

(i) Has the program developed a preliminary training 9.c(13)(i)

systems design to maximize use of new learning
HSI, logistics, techniques, modeling and simulation technology,
training, software, embedded training, and instrumentation systems that 0 0 0 0 0
programmatic provide anytime, anyplace training, and reduce the
demand on the training establishment?

(I) Does the training system preliminary design reflect 9.c(13)(i)(I)

HSI, training, the results of the Training System Requirements
programmatic Analysis (TSRA)?

HSI, training, (II) Does the preliminary design include embedded 9.c(13)(i)(II)
logistics, training capabilities?

(j) Has a top down functional analyses been performed to 9.c(13)(j)

HSI, logistics,
programmatic address HSI functions?

(14) Does the system preliminary design address habitability 9.c(14)

HSI, logistics, engineering requirements appropriate to the overall system?


(15) Does the system preliminary design adequately 9.c(15)

HSI, logistics, address human survivability and safety engineering

programmatic requirements appropriate to the system?

(16) Have Environmental, Safety, and Occupational Health 9.c(16)

risk, HSI,
logistics, (ESOH) requirements been implemented?
programmatic, 0 0 0 0 0

(a) Have hazard identification and reduction efforts been 9.c(16)(a)

HSI, logistics,
programmatic completed?

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Risk Character
R = Red, Y = Yellow, G = Green, U = Unknown / Unavailable, NA = Not Applicable
Special Technical
Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
(b) Are there potential risks of frequent errors, acute or 9.c(16)(b)

HSI, risk, logistics, chronic illness, disability or injury, repetitive stress or

programmatic death with this design?

(c) Has a program to eliminate ESOH hazards or manage 9.c(16)(c)

HSI, risk, logistics, the risk where the hazard cannot be avoided been
programmatic established?

(d) Has integration of the system planning and 9.c(16)(d)

HSI, risk, logistics, development begun?


(e) Program Environmental, Safety and Health Evaluation 9.c(16)(e)

HSI, risk, logistics, (PESHE)

programmatic 0 0 0 0 0

(I) Has a Program Environmental, Safety and Health 9.c(16)(e)(I)

Evaluation (PESHE) been developed that describes the

strategy for integrating ESOH considerations into the
HSI, logistics, systems engineering process using the methodologies
in the Standard Practice for System Safety, MIL-STD

(II) Has a PESHE been developed that describes 9.c(16)(e)(II)

HSI, logistics, identification of responsibilities for implementing the

programmatic ESOH strategy?

(III) Has a PESHE been developed that describes the 9.c(16)(e)(III)

approach to identify ESOH hazards eliminate or reduce

HSI, risk, logistics, the hazards and to implement controls for managing
programmatic those ESOH risks where they cannot be avoided?

(IV) Has a PESHE been developed that describes 9.c(16)(e)(IV)

identification and status of ESOH risks including

HSI, risk, logistics, approval by proper authority for residual ESOH risks
(based on DoD policy and MIL-STD 882D)?

(V) Has a PESHE been developed that describes the 9.c(16)(e)(V)

method for tracking progress in the management and

HSI, risk, logistics, mitigation of ESOH hazards and associated risks and
programmatic for measuring the effectiveness of ESOH risk controls?

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Risk Character
R = Red, Y = Yellow, G = Green, U = Unknown / Unavailable, NA = Not Applicable
Special Technical
Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
(VI) Has a PESHE been developed that describes a 9.c(16)(e)(VI)

schedule for completing National Environmental Policy

HSI, logistics, Act (NEPA) / Executive Order (E.O.) 12114
programmatic documentation including the approval authority of the
documents as detailed in DoD?

(VII) Has a PESHE been developed that describes 9.c(16)(e)(VII)

identification of all Hazardous Materials (HAZMAT) and

HSI, logistics, hazardous waste associated with the system and the
plan for their demilitarization / disposal?

HSI, risk, logistics, (17) Environmental Regulations 9.c(17)

training, 0 0 0 0 0

(a) Has a Plan of Action and Milestones (POA&M) 9.c(17)(a)

HSI, risk, logistics, (NEPA / EO 12114 Compliance Schedule) been

T&E, PQM, developed to identify significant program events to ensure
training, 0 0 0 0 0
programmatic NEPA or EO 12114 compliance?

(I) Does the POA&M cover conducting test and 9.c(17)(a)(I)

HSI, logistics,
T&E, PQM, evaluation of the system and / or subsystem?

(II) Does the POA&M cover contracting for production? 9.c(17)(a)(II)

HSI, logistics,

(III) Does the POA&M cover planning basing, training, 9.c(17)(a)(III)

HSI, risk, logistics,
T&E, PQM, and home porting locations?

(IV) Does the POA&M cover planning new or major 9.c(17)(a)(IV)

HSI, PQM, upgrades to facilities or supporting infrastructure to
programmatic support the system?

(V) Does the POA&M cover demilitarization and 9.c(17)(a)(V)

logistics, disposal of the system?

(b) Has NEPA decisions result in categorical exclusion 9.c(17)(b)

finding of no significant impact based upon an
logistics, environmental assessment or record of decision based
programmatic upon an environmental impact statement?

(c) Do the impact assessments include the Clean Water 9.c(17)(c)

HSI, PQM, Act and National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
programmatic Permits?

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Risk Character
R = Red, Y = Yellow, G = Green, U = Unknown / Unavailable, NA = Not Applicable
Special Technical
Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
(d) Do the impact assessments include the National 9.c(17)(d)
HSI, PQM, Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permits and
programmatic Marine Mammal Protection Act?

(e) Do the impact assessments include the Clean Air Act? 9.c(17)(e)

HSI, PQM, (f) Do the impact assessments include the air permits? 9.c(17)(f)

(g) Do the impact assessments include the National 9.c(17)(g)

logistics, Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants?

(h) Do the impact assessments include the National 9.c(17)(h)

logistics, Ambient Air Quality Standards?

HSI, PQM, (i) Do the impact assessments include the Resource 9.c(17)(i)
logistics, Conservation and Recovery Act?

(j) Do the impact assessments include the Endangered 9.c(17)(j)

logistics, Species Act?

HSI, PQM, (k) Do the impact assessments include the Marine 9.c(17)(k)
logistics, Mammal Protection Act?

(l) Is the support system performing as expected? 9.c(17)(l)


HSI, T&E, (18) Safety and Health 9.c(18)

logistics, 0 0 0 0 0

(a) Is there a process to assure the system's noise 9.c(18)(a)

HSI, logistics, abatement is compliant with all Federal and state

programmatic standards?

(b) Is there a process to assure the system's material 9.c(18)(b)

HSI, logistics, toxicity is compliant with all Federal and state standards?

(c) Is there a process to assure the system's personnel 9.c(18)(c)

HSI, logistics, protective equipment is compliant with all Federal and

programmatic state standards?

(d) Did the Program Manager provide a safety release(s) 9.c(18)(d)

HSI, T&E, to developmental and operational testers prior to any test
programmatic using personnel?

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Risk Character
R = Red, Y = Yellow, G = Green, U = Unknown / Unavailable, NA = Not Applicable
Special Technical
Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
(19) System Safety 9.c(19)
software, risk,
logistics, HSI, 0 0 0 0 0

software, logistics, (a) Has an interaction between the system safety program 9.c(19)(a)
HSI, and the systems engineering been established?

(b) Are system safety design requirements specified, and 9.c(19)(b)

software, logistics,
have legacy systems, subsystems, and components been
HSI, analyzed and incorporated into the design requirements?

(c) Are hazard risk and assessment criteria specified for 9.c(19)(c)
software, risk, operations and support personnel, facilities, and the
logistics, HSI,
programmatic system?

(d) Is the hazard analysis performed during the design 9.c(19)(d)

software, logistics, process to identify and categorize hazards, including
programmatic hazardous materials and associated processes?

software, logistics, (e) Is corrective action taken to eliminate or control the 9.c(19)(e)
HSI, hazards, or to reduce the hazard to an acceptable level?

(f) Is a closed-loop hazard tracking system implemented? 9.c(19)(f)

software, logistics,

software, logistics, (g) Is Weapon System Explosive Safety Review Board 9.c(19)(g)
HSI, (WSERB) approval obtained, if appropriate?

(h) Have all systems containing energetics complied with 9.c(19)(h)

software, logistics,
HSI, insensitive munitions criteria?

(20) Hazardous Material Management 9.c(20)

software, training,
logistics, HSI, 0 0 0 0 0

(a) Have hazardous materials prohibited in the system 9.c(20)(a)

design due to operation, maintenance, and disposal costs

HSI, logistics, associated with the use of such materials been identified
programmatic and communicated via contracts to include sub

(b) Have hazardous materials and associated processes 9.c(20)(b)

logistics, HSI, whose use cannot be avoided been documented and

programmatic communicated to the user and support installations?

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Risk Character
R = Red, Y = Yellow, G = Green, U = Unknown / Unavailable, NA = Not Applicable
Special Technical
Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
(c) Has the inventory of materials incorporated into the 9.c(20)(c)

system (including COTS and Non-Developmental Items

software, logistics, (NDI)) during production and those materials required for
maintenance also been documented and communicated
to the user and support installations?

(d) Has the program planned for tracking, storing, 9.c(20)(d)

logistics, HSI, handling and disposing of hazardous materials and

programmatic hazardous waste consistent?

(e) Are hazardous material findings and determinations 9.c(20)(e)

training, HSI, incorporated into the training program for all system
programmatic related personnel?

(f) Does the user logistics support summary identify 9.c(20)(f)

logistics, HSI,
programmatic hazardous materials required to support the system?

(g) What efforts will be made to reduce or eliminate the 9.c(20)(g)

logistics, HSI,
programmatic use of hazardous material for the support of the system?

software, logistics, (h) Are material safety data sheets available for all 9.c(20)(h)
HSI, hazardous items?

(i) Are applicable hazardous material safety procedures 9.c(20)(i)

logistics, HSI, called out in associated Maintenance Requirement Cards

programmatic (MRCs)?

(j) Have the hazardous materials required for the 9.c(20)(j)

logistics, HSI, maintenance of the system been coordinated with facility

programmatic and / or ship for inclusion in their authorized usage lists?

logistics, HSI, (21) Pollution Prevention Program 9.c(21)

programmatic 0 0 0 0 0

(a) Has the pollution prevention program identified 9.c(21)(a)

logistics, HSI,
programmatic impacts of the system on the environment?

(b) Has the pollution prevention program identified 9.c(21)(b)

logistics, HSI, associated source reduction opportunities to include

programmatic noise, engine emissions, and hazardous materials?

(c) Has the program planned to recycle or dispose of 9.c(21)(c)

system replaceable and disposable components, such as

logistics, HSI, metals, plastics, electronic components, oils, and coolants
programmatic and refrigerants, during system life and end of service

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Risk Character
R = Red, Y = Yellow, G = Green, U = Unknown / Unavailable, NA = Not Applicable
Special Technical
Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
(22) Test and Evaluation Equipment 9.c(22)
T&E, software,
programmatic 0 0 0 0 0

(a) Has test unique equipment for test aircraft been 9.c(22)(a)

programmatic, identified, and is the mechanical and electrical design

T&E sufficiently mature for this phase of the program?

(b) Has the design installation been coordinated with the 9.c(22)(b)
T&E appropriate aircraft design groups?

(c) Has the data processing system been defined and 9.c(22)(c)

programmatic, scoped, and do the data processing system requirements

T&E match with the facilities requirements?

(d) Have vendors been identified for instrumentation and 9.c(22)(d)

software, T&E,
programmatic data processing hardware and software?

logistics, software, (23) How will the CM process handle changes to the 9.c(23)
HSI, preliminary design?

(24) Is the funding available to support changes to the 9.c(24)

logistics, software,
HSI, preliminary design?

(25) Maintenance Planning 9.c(25)

logistics, HSI,
training, software, 0 0 0 0 0

(a) Is an on-condition status information system defined 9.c(25)(a)

(e.g., Condition Based Maintenance Plus (CBM+)) and
logistics, HSI, integrated if the Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM)
approach is implemented?

(b) What are the specific criteria for repair and 9.c(25)(b)
maintenance for all applicable maintenance levels in
terms of time, accuracy, repair levels, BIT, testability,
logistics, software, reliability, maintainability, nuclear hardening, support
equipment requirements (including automatic test
equipment), manpower skills, and facility requirements for
peacetime and wartime environments?

(c) What are the inter-service maintenance requirements, 9.c(25)(c)

organic and contractor mix, projected workloads,

logistics, HSI,
installation requirements and time phasing for 0 0 0 0 0
accomplishing depot maintenance requirements?

(I) Have initial estimates of depot capability / capacity 9.c(25)(c)(I)

logistics, HSI, and resource requirements been made and

programmatic documented?

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R = Red, Y = Yellow, G = Green, U = Unknown / Unavailable, NA = Not Applicable
Special Technical
Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
(d) What is the maintenance approach including Level of 9.c(25)(d)

Repair Analysis (LORA) and will include the results of the

logistics, HSI, analysis be used to determine logical maintenance task
intervals, grouping and packaging?

(e) What are the actions and support necessary to ensure 9.c(25)(e)

that the system attains the specified Ao that is optimized

logistics, HSI,
considering RCM, CBM, time-based maintenance and
Total Ownership Cost (TOC)?

(f) What are the specific maintenance tasks, including 9.c(25)(f)

logistics, HSI, battlefield damage repair procedures, to be performed on

programmatic the materiel system?

(g) What is the extent, duration, and use of interim 9.b(25)(g)

logistics, HSI, contractor support (when applicable), and are there plans
programmatic for transition to organic support?

(h) What action and support is required for materiel 9.c(25)(h)

logistics, software, fielding, including environment, safety, and occupational
programmatic health planning?

(i) What specifies the type of repair (e.g., inspect, repair 9.c(25)(i)
logistics, HSI,
programmatic as necessary, dispose or overhaul)?

(j) Have system maintenance task times been derived for 9.c(25)(j)
reliability (e.g., Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF)),
maintainability (e.g., Mean Time to Repair (MTTR),
logistics, HSI,
maintenance task times), availability (e.g., task time
programmatic limits), reliability and maintainability tests, and
performance monitoring / fault detection / fault isolation
and diagnostics?

(k) What post production issues have been identified? 9.c(25)(k)


(l) Has a preliminary maintenance plan been developed? 9.c(25)(l)

logistics, HSI,

(m) Has it been updated to reflect the results of systems 9.c(25)(m)

logistics, HSI, engineering and supportability analysis conducted during

programmatic the systems integration work effort?

(n) Do the R&M thresholds used in establishing the 9.c(25)(n)

logistics, HSI, maintenance concept support the system availability and

programmatic performance requirements in the CDD / CPD?

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R = Red, Y = Yellow, G = Green, U = Unknown / Unavailable, NA = Not Applicable
Special Technical
Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
(o) Does the PSP describe the program's approach to 9.c(25)(o)

logistics, HSI, evolving the maintenance and support concepts into an

programmatic approved maintenance plan?

(p) Have funding requirements for interim support, 9.c(25)(p)

transition planning, and establishment of organic

logistics, HSI, capability been identified and documented in the LRFS?

(q) Have depot capability / capacity and resource 9.c(25)(q)

logistics, HSI,
programmatic requirements been made and documented?

logistics, HSI, (r) Is the interim depot ready to accept workload? 9.c(25)(r)

(s) Is the contract awarded, if this is a commercial depot? 9.c(25)(s)

logistics, HSI,

(t) When will the depot manager certify the depot for 9.c(25)(t)
logistics, HSI,
programmatic support of the system?

(u) When will all organic depot personnel be trained and 9.c(25(u)
training, HSI, all required equipment, tools, etc., be in place to perform
programmatic depot maintenance?

(v) Has a Cost of Repair Estimate (CORE) analysis been 9.c(25)(v)

logistics, HSI,
programmatic completed?

(w) Has a depot maintenance inter-service study been 9.c(25)(w)

logistics, HSI,
programmatic completed?

(x) Are teaming efforts between the depots and original 9.c(25)(x)
logistics, HSI,
programmatic equipment manufacturers being considered?

logistics, HSI, (26) Testability and Diagnostics 9.c(26)

programmatic 0 0 0 0 0

(a) Is the testability and BIT concept defined with the 9.c(26)(a)

logistics, HSI, operational concept and the maintenance concept for all
programmatic levels of maintenance?

(b) What design analyses (e.g., fault tree, failure modes, 9.c(26)(b)

logistics, HSI, effects and criticality) been used to determine test point
programmatic requirements and fault ambiguity group sizes?

(c) Is the LORA and testability analysis completed for 9.c(26)(c)

each configuration item for each maintenance level to
logistics, HSI,
identify the optimum mix of BIT, semi-automatic test
equipment and general-purpose test equipment?

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Risk Character
R = Red, Y = Yellow, G = Green, U = Unknown / Unavailable, NA = Not Applicable
Special Technical
Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
(d) Is Preliminary BIT and testability analysis completed 9.c(26)(d)
logistics, HSI,
programmatic by PDR?

(e) Are detailed BIT and testability analysis completed by 9.c(26)(e)

logistics, HSI,
programmatic Critical Design Review (CDR)?

logistics, HSI, (f) Is the effectiveness of BIT validated with tests? 9.c(26)(f)

(g) Does the failure of the BIT circuitry precipitate other 9.b(26)(g)
logistics, HSI,
programmatic hardware or software failures?

logistics, HSI, (h) Is BIT filtering applied to minimize false alarms? 9.c(26)(h)

(i) Are system anomalies and intermittentancies analyzed 9.c(26)(i)

logistics, HSI, for possible changes to the BIT design, thresholds, and
programmatic tolerances and / or filtering?

(j) Can BIT software be revised independently and without 9.c(26)(j)

logistics, HSI,
programmatic change to the operating software?

(k) Are BIT indications and false alarms analyzed for 9.c(26)(k)
logistics, HSI,
programmatic corrective action?

(27) Manpower, Personnel and Training (MP&T) 9.c(27)

HSI, training,
programmatic, 0 0 0 0 0

(a) Has a appropriate service training systems plan been 9.c(27)(a)

HSI, training,
logistics, developed and validated?
programmatic, 0 0 0 0 0

(I) Were the threshold requirements from the CPD / 9.c(27)(a)(I)

HSI, training, CDD used in the development of the manpower,
programmatic personnel, and training requirements?

(II) Does the explanation of manpower requirements 9.c(27)(a)(II)

HSI, logistics, clearly articulate qualifications and skill

programmatic requirements?

(III) Is there a Required Operational Capability (ROC) 9.c(27)(a)(III)

/ Projected Operational Environment (POE) (or

HSI, logistics, equivalent planning parameters) that addresses this

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Risk Character
R = Red, Y = Yellow, G = Green, U = Unknown / Unavailable, NA = Not Applicable
Special Technical
Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
(IV) Do the manpower requirements in the 9.c(27)(a)(IV)
logistics, HSI, appropriate service training systems plan support the
programmatic ROC / POE?

(V) Does the appropriate service training systems 9.c(27)(a)(V)

plan reflect the most current manpower requirements

logistics, HSI, data available, and are all billet requirements,
designators, and ratings identified in the appropriate
service training systems plan?

(VI) Do the tasks identified link to functions that are 9.c(27)(a)(VI)

HSI, logistics, traced to Joint Mission Essential Task Lists
interoperability (JMETLS)?

(VII) Are training course requirements identified? 9.c(27)(a)(VII)

logistics, HSI,

(VIII) Are training requirements documented for 9.c(27)(a)(VIII)

logistics, HSI,
training, T&E, DT&E and OT&E?

(b) Is there a clear plan on how courses and related 9.c(27)(b)

logistics, HSI, materials and devices will be developed for training at
programmatic each required level of maintenance?

HSI, training, (c) Is there a plan for the validating and verifying training 9.c(27)(c)
logistics, T&E, materials?

(d) Have training requirements been coordinated? 9.c(27)(d)

HSI, training,

(e) Does MP&T planning adequately sequence tasks and 9.c(27)(e)

HSI, training,
events to assure personnel are trained to operate and
logistics, T&E, maintain the system during Initial Operational Test and
programmatic Evaluation (IOT&E)?

(28) Training Outline and Curricula Design 9.c(28)

training, logistics,
HSI, software, 0 0 0 0 0

HSI, training, (a) Are terminal training objectives defined in detail? 9.c(28)(a)

(b) Are specific criteria established to determine the 9.c(28)(b)

HSI, training,
logistics, success of training?

training, logistics, (c) Are operator and maintainer training embedded in the 9.c(28)(c)
HSI, software, Interactive Electronic Technical Manual (IETM)?

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Risk Character
R = Red, Y = Yellow, G = Green, U = Unknown / Unavailable, NA = Not Applicable
Special Technical
Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
(d) Are job performance aids included? 9.c(28)(d)
HSI, training,

training, logistics, (e) Have safety procedures been incorporated into 9.c(28)(e)
HSI, software, training curricula?

(29) Training Material 9.c(29)

training, logistics,
HSI, software, 0 0 0 0 0

logistics, HSI, (a) Are technical manuals developed prior to the 9.c(29)(a)
training, development of training materials?

(b) Are instructor guides, course curriculum and student 9.c(29)(b)

logistics, HSI, guides, as well as audio-visual training aids, developed
programmatic for classroom training?

training, logistics, (c) Is software developed to disseminate computer based 9.c(29)(c)

HSI, software, training?

(d) Is the training material evaluated for content, clarity 9.c(29)(d)

logistics, HSI, and accuracy, typically in a controlled environment of a
programmatic pilot course, after development?

(e) Are the training courses adequate? 9.c(29)(e)

logistics, HSI,

logistics, HSI, (f) Do they train on the fielded configuration(s)? 9.c(29)(f)


(g) Are training courses conducted in a sufficient 9.c(29)(g)

logistics, HSI,
training, timeframe to support IOC and initial fielding?

(30) Training Devices / Simulators 9.c(30)

training, logistics,
HSI, software, 0 0 0 0 0

logistics, HSI, (a) Are training devices to support operator or maintainer 9.c(30)(a)
training, training identified?

(b) Is a military characteristics document prepared for 9.c(30)(b)

logistics, HSI, each training device, defining its basic physical and
programmatic functional requirements?

(c) Is maximum embedded on board training capability in 9.c(30)(c)

logistics, HSI,
training, deployed equipment used?

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Risk Character
R = Red, Y = Yellow, G = Green, U = Unknown / Unavailable, NA = Not Applicable
Special Technical
Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
(d) Are pre-faulted modules or software to simulate faults 9.c(30)(d)
training, logistics,
HSI, software, for diagnostics training used?

training, logistics, (e) Are simulation of scenarios reflecting the actual 9.c(30)(e)
HSI, software, operating environment used for operator training?

(31) Initial Training Requirements 9.c(31)

logistics, HSI,
training, T&E, 0 0 0 0 0

(a) Is initial training provided in the operation, 9.c(31)(a)

logistics, HSI, maintenance, or employment of a system or training aid?

(b) Are contractor test and evaluation activities used for 9.c(31)(b)
logistics, HSI, validation of training requirements and initial user training
training, T&E,
programmatic for OT and user introduction?

(c) What are the planned Ready for Training (RFT) dates 9.c(31)(c)
logistics, HSI,
training, for each course?

(d) Are training requirements reflected in the LRFS for 9.c(31)(d)

programmatic, course and materials development, factory training,
HSI, training,
logistics training devices and equipment?

logistics, HSI, (32) Supply Support 9.c(32)

programmatic 0 0 0 0 0

(a) Has the Supply Support Management Plan (SSMP) 9.c(32)(a)

logistics, HSI,
programmatic been updated to support systems demonstration?

(b) Does the sequencing and timing of events in the 9.c(32)(b)

logistics, HSI, SSMP logically support planned IOC / Material Support

programmatic Date (MSD)?

(c) Is the provisioning technical documentation being 9.c(32)(c)

procured adequate to support end items that have parts
logistics, HSI, subject to failure / replacement and require maintenance
at any level?

(d) Are accepted sparing analysis and modeling tools 9.c(32)(d)

being utilized and are the assumptions consistent with the

logistics, HSI, supportability analysis and the prescribed maintenance

(e) Are supply support funding requirements reflected in 9.c(32)(e)

logistics, HSI,
programmatic the LRFS?

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Risk Character
R = Red, Y = Yellow, G = Green, U = Unknown / Unavailable, NA = Not Applicable
Special Technical
Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
(33) Organic Support 9.c(33)
logistics, HSI,
programmatic, 0 0 0 0 0

(a) Are Organic Support requirements and funding 9.c(33)(a)

logistics, HSI,
programmatic defined to transition from interim to organic support?

(b) Is inter-service visibility established for optimal organic 9.c(33)(b)

logistics, HSI,
programmatic, support selection?

(c) Is a POA&M for organic support developed and 9.c(33)(c)

logistics, HSI,
programmatic implemented?

(34) Supply Chain Management / PBL Management 9.c(34)

logistics, 0 0 0 0 0

(a) Does a Business Case Analysis (BCS) support the 9.c(34)(a)

logistics, HSI,
programmatic decision that PBL is not financially viable?

(b) Is contractor support capable of integrating with the 9.c(34)(b)

defense logistics chain, including logistics Command,
logistics, HSI, Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence
(C4I) and ebusiness routines?

(c) Has a manufacturing plan been developed and 9.c(34)(c)

logistics, addressed?

(d) Does the short term and longer term full rate 9.c(34)(d)

production requirements include the time phasing of all
logistics, resource requirements (e.g., personnel, machines,
programmatic tooling, measurement system, supply chain, etc.)?

(e) Is a defect / variation prevention program developed? 9.c(34)(e)

logistics, HSI,

HSI, PQM, (f) Do manufacturing processes have defined yield levels 9.c(34)(f)
logistics, and have the process been validated?

(g) Has environmental stress screening been performed 9.c(34)(g)

HSI, PQM, to precipitate latent, intermittent or incipient defects or
programmatic flaws introduced during the manufacturing process?

(35) Warranty Management 9.c(35)

logistics, 0 0 0 0 0

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Risk Character
R = Red, Y = Yellow, G = Green, U = Unknown / Unavailable, NA = Not Applicable
Special Technical
Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
(a) Are mutually beneficial warranty incentives established 9.c(35)(a)

to facilitate long term business relationships the provider
logistics, given incentive to meet specified performance measures?

HSI, PQM, (b) Is a cost benefit analysis conducted to determine the 9.c(35)(b)
logistics, appropriateness of implementing a warranty plan?

(c) Are warranties considered and integrated in 9.c(35)(c)

HSI, PQM, developing the program's logistics support strategy,
programmatic whether PBL or traditional?

(d) Does the warranty administration and enforcement 9.c(35)(d)

HSI, PQM, include defect reporting, analysis and corrective action
programmatic processed timely and effective?

HSI, PQM, (e) Is a post award cost effectiveness assessment of the 9.c(35)(e)
logistics, warranty plan periodically performed?

(f) Does the user logistics support summary identify 9.c(35)(f)

logistics, warranty requirements?

(g) Have any issues with warranty administration at the 9.c(35)(g)

HSI, PQM, organizational and intermediate levels been identified
programmatic during early fielding of the system?

HSI, PQM, (h) Have necessary modifications to the warranty program 9.c(35)(h)
logistics, been made?

(36) Support Equipment 9.c(36)

HSI, training,
logistics, 0 0 0 0 0

(a) Are the support equipment strategies and diagnostics 9.c(36)(a)

concepts defined in the preliminary maintenance plan
HSI, logistics, consistent with the LORA, organic repair / contractor
support and sparing strategies?

(b) Does the LRFS reflect funds needed to acquire and 9.c(36)(b)

support, test program set development, maintenance

HSI, logistics, assistance modules, test requirements documents, and
metrology / calibration services?

(c) Is there a clear process by which the System 9.c(36)(c)

Development and Demonstration (SDD) contractor will
HSI, logistics, validate and demonstrate compliance with fault detection
and isolation requirements?

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Risk Character
R = Red, Y = Yellow, G = Green, U = Unknown / Unavailable, NA = Not Applicable
Special Technical
Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
(d) Has an activity been designated to provide life cycle 9.c(36)(d)

HSI, training,
support, including in-service support for Training Systems
logistics, Plans (TPSs) and logistics support for Peculiar Support
programmatic Equipment (PSE)?

(e) Has the installation of new support equipment in 9.c(36)(e)

HSI, logistics, maintenance ship and shore, depot and training facilities
programmatic been staffed through the appropriate stakeholders?

(f) Are human engineering and user characteristics 9.c(36)(f)

(strength, dimensions and perceptual considerations)
HSI, logistics, considered in design of support equipment to ensure
programmatic safety, efficiency and manpower limitations during

(g) Are the deficiencies in the efficiency, cost, and safety 9.c(36)(g)

of common support equipment outside the program's

HSI, logistics, management authority communicated to relevant item

(37) Technical Data 9.c(37)

logistics, software,
programmatic, 0 0 0 0 0

(a) Is a concept of operations for an Integrated Digital 9.c(37)(a)

Data Environment (IDDE) developed, implemented, and

logistics, software,
HSI, managed throughout the system life cycle to ensure
programmatic, information and data interoperability with other programs
and their interfacing logistics systems?

(b) Are logistics product and technical data for new 9.c(37)(b)
logistics, software, systems received, managed, and stored in an IDDE to
programmatic share data?

(c) Are product life cycle operations automated using an 9.c(37)(c)

logistics, software, approved IDDE to improve logistics and business
programmatic processes?

(d) Are computer aided design, modeling, and 9.c(37)(d)

logistics, software,
engineering product source data acquired in acceptable
HSI, digital format per digital data policy and managed
programmatic according to the IDDE CONOPS?

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Risk Character
R = Red, Y = Yellow, G = Green, U = Unknown / Unavailable, NA = Not Applicable
Special Technical
Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
(e) Are electronic data interchange on line access and 9.c(37)(e)

logistics, software,
automation issues addressed starting with development of
HSI, the information exchange requirements and continuing
programmatic through the IDDE concept of operations?

logistics, software, (f) Have authoritative data sources and the associated 9.c(37)(f)
HSI, change authority been identified?

(38) Product / Technical Data Package and Publications 9.c(38)

logistics, PQM,
software, HSI, 0 0 0 0 0

(a) Has a product / technical data management plan, 9.c(38)(a)

logistics, software,
guided by the IDDE concept of operations, including
HSI, change control processes and in process reviews, been
programmatic developed and validated?

(b) Has a designated Government technical data review 9.c(38)(b)

logistics, software,
HSI, authority been established?

(c) Has an IDE implementation plan been identified as a 9.c(38)(c)

logistics, software, proposal requirement of the Request For Proposal (RFP)
programmatic and / or as a contract deliverable?

(d) Is there a clear plan for the integration of contractor 9.c(38)(d)

logistics, PQM, technical information systems and processes for
software, HSI,
programmatic engineering, manufacturing, and logistics support?

(e) Is the Government authorized access to contractor 9.c(38)(e)

logistics, software, databases necessary to support systems demonstration?

(f) Does the delivery schedule for the Technical Data 9.c(38)(f)
logistics, software, Package (TDP) support a competitive production
programmatic contract?

(39) Computer Resources 9.c(39)

training, T&E,
logistics, software,
HSI, 0 0 0 0 0

(a) Has a computer and software security plan, including 9.c(39)(a)

logistics, software,
HSI, safety, been developed?

(b) Are computer and software products and technical 9.c(39)(b)

logistics, software,
data and the supporting infrastructure outlined through an
HSI, IDDE concept of operations that supports the total life
programmatic cycle management of associated product?

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Risk Character
R = Red, Y = Yellow, G = Green, U = Unknown / Unavailable, NA = Not Applicable
Special Technical
Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
(c) Have software functional requirements and associated 9.c(39)(c)
logistics, software,
HSI, interfaces been defined?

logistics, software, (d) Has the functional baseline for software been 9.c(39)(d)
HSI, established?

(e) Has the gap analysis been performed on candidate 9.c(39)(e)

logistics, software,
HSI, COTS software to identify functionality shortfalls?

logistics, software, (f) Has a software configuration management plan been 9.c(39)(f)
HSI, developed?

(g) Have measures of effectiveness for software been 9.c(39)(g)

logistics, software,
HSI, developed for systems demonstration?

logistics, software, (h) Has a Software Support Activity (SSA) been 9.c(39)(h)
HSI, established?

(i) Has the SSA been designated and personnel training, 9.c(39)(i)
training, logistics,
software, HSI, and facility requirements identified?

T&E, logistics, (j) Have the software testing requirements been identified 9.c(39)(j)
software, HSI, and integrated into the overall system test program?

logistics, software, (k) How does the TEMP address testing of computer 9.c(39)(k)
HSI, hardware and software?

(l) Have requirements for system firmware and software 9.c(39)(l)

logistics, software,
HSI, documentation been identified and procured?

(m) Has a software development plan been developed, 9.c(39)(m)

logistics, software,
HSI, and does it reflect program milestones?

(n) Can and has the software maturity been measured? 9.c(39)(n)
logistics, software,

logistics, software, (o) Have required software data rights been obtained? 9.c(39)(o)

(40) Facilities 9.c(40)

HSI, training,
programmatic, 0 0 0 0 0

(a) Have Military Construction (MILCON) requirements 9.c(40)(a)

logistics, HSI,
programmatic been identified in the LRFS?

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Risk Character
R = Red, Y = Yellow, G = Green, U = Unknown / Unavailable, NA = Not Applicable
Special Technical
Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
(b) Have the types of facilities / infrastructure required to 9.c(40)(b)
HSI, training,
logistics, support and sustain the new or modified system been
programmatic, identified? 0 0 0 0 0

(I) Do the facilities / infrastructure include berthing 9.c(40)(b)(I)

space for ships (including utilities, dredging, special

logistics, HSI, deck structural requirements for crane loads, and
fendering systems)?

(II) Do the facilities / infrastructure include parking 9.c(40)(b)(II)

logistics, HSI,
programmatic aprons and hangar space for aircraft?

(III) Do the facilities / infrastructure include support and 9.c(40)(b)(III)

logistics, HSI,
programmatic maintenance facilities?

(IV) Do the facilities / infrastructure include supply 9.c(40)(b)(IV)

logistics, HSI,
programmatic warehouses and transit sheds?

(V) Do the facilities / infrastructure include a dry dock 9.c(40)(b)(V)

logistics, HSI,
programmatic capability?

(VI) Do the facilities / infrastructure include training 9.c(40)(b)(VI)

facilities (for both classrooms and trainers for

HSI, training, operational training and maintenance training, including
required product / technical data to ensure efficient,
effective support of facilities)?

(VII) Transient support requirements when the system 9.c(40)(b)(VII)

HSI, logistics,
requires some level of support for continental US and
programmatic, outside continental US activities that are not regular
interoperability homeports or support sites.

(c) Does the PSP include analysis conducted to 9.c(40)(c)

logistics, HSI,
programmatic determine facility requirements?

(d) Are the facilities / infrastructure support requirements 9.c(40)(d)

usually documented in the PSP, LRFS, and / or the

logistics, HSI, program’s Facilities Management Plan (FMP) or its

(e) Is there a facilities requirements document and a 9.c(40)(e)

logistics, HSI,
programmatic schedule to conduct site surveys?

(f) Is the facilities requirement development process 9.c(40)(f)

logistics, HSI,
programmatic integrated with the Supportability Analysis process?

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Risk Character
R = Red, Y = Yellow, G = Green, U = Unknown / Unavailable, NA = Not Applicable
Special Technical
Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
(g) Has the program assessed Environmental 9.c(40)(g)

documentation planning and completion in accordance

logistics, HSI, with NEPA / EO 12114 for new construction or
modification of existing facilities?

(h) Has the program assessed (e.g., site surveys and 9.c(40)(h)

logistics, HSI, trade studies) all means of satisfying a facility requirement

programmatic prior to selecting the use of MILCON?

(i) Has the program office identified funding to support 9.c(40)(i)

logistics, HSI, construction alterations less than $750,000, and is a

programmatic contract award in process?

(j) Has Congressional authorization and funding been 9.c(40)(j)

logistics, HSI, approved for projects in excess of $750,000 (classified as

programmatic MILCON)?

(k) Have the estimates of facility requirements and 9.c(40)(k)

logistics, HSI, associated costs been refined, and have detailed project
programmatic documentation and cost estimates been developed?

(41) Packaging, Handling, Storage and Transportation 9.c(41)

logistics, HSI,
programmatic (PHS&T) 0 0 0 0 0

(a) Have potential PHS&T related problems been 9.c(41)(a)

logistics, HSI,
programmatic identified, and are risk mitigation plans in place?

(b) Are PHS&T plans adequate to meet statutory and 9.c(41)(b)

logistics, HSI, regulatory requirements, if new hazardous materials are

programmatic being introduced?

(c) Does the LRFS identify PHS&T funding requirements? 9.c(41)(c)

logistics, HSI,

(d) Has DoD’s computerized Container Design Retrieval 9.c(41)(d)

System (CDRS) database been searched to preclude the
logistics, HSI, design of new specialized containers when suitable ones
exist in the system?

(e) Has the military packaging, MIL-STD-2073, been 9.c(41)(e)

considered for items that documented analyses have

logistics, HSI, shown cannot be protected and preserved in a cost
effective manner using commercial packaging?

(f) Has the military packaging, MIL-STD-2073, been 9.c(41)(f)

logistics, HSI, considered for items delivered during wartime for

programmatic deployment with operational units?

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Risk Character
R = Red, Y = Yellow, G = Green, U = Unknown / Unavailable, NA = Not Applicable
Special Technical
Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
(g) Has the military packaging, MIL-STD-2073, been 9.c(41)(g)
logistics, HSI,
programmatic considered for items requiring reusable containers?

(h) Has the military packaging, MIL-STD-2073, been 9.c(41)(h)

logistics, HSI,
programmatic considered for items intended for delivery-at-sea?

(i) Has the military packaging, MIL-STD-2073, been 9.c(41)(i)

considered for items where the contractor has determined

logistics, HSI, military packaging is the optimal packaging solution?

logistics, software, (42) Design Interface 9.c(42)

HSI, 0 0 0 0 0

(a) Are the interface design documents complete and 9.c(42)(a)

logistics, HSI,
programmatic under configuration control?

(b) Have testability, maintainability and supportability 9.c(42)(b)

logistics, HSI, requirements been defined and adequately considered in

programmatic the preliminary design?

(c) Have the results of FMECA been integrated with the 9.c(42)(c)
logistics, HSI,
programmatic supportability analysis program?

(d) Are there indications that critical safety items are being 9.c(42)(d)
logistics, software, identified, and is creation of a composite critical safety
programmatic item list being considered?

(e) Do design processes include adherence to specific 9.c(42)(e)

logistics, HSI, derating guidelines, particularly for electronic and

programmatic electrical components?

(f) Is qualification testing planned to support design limit / 9.c(42)(f)

logistics, HSI,
programmatic life testing during system demonstration?

(g) Do the parts and material selection processes ensure 9.c(42)(g)

logistics, HSI, items are qualified to the worst case Design Reference
programmatic Mission Profile (DRMP) and design environment?

(43) Manufacturing Planning 9.c(43)

logistics, 0 0 0 0 0

HSI, PQM, (a) Has a manufacturing plan been developed that 9.c(43)(a)
logistics, includes a defect variation prevention program?

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R = Red, Y = Yellow, G = Green, U = Unknown / Unavailable, NA = Not Applicable
Special Technical
Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
(b) Has a manufacturing plan been developed that 9.c(43)(b)
HSI, PQM, includes manufacturing processes that have defined yield
programmatic levels, and have been validated?

(c) Has a manufacturing plan been developed 9.c(43)(c)

environmental stress screening to precipitate latent,
logistics, intermittent or incipient defects or flaws introduced during
programmatic the manufacturing process?

logistics, software, (44) Parts and Materials Selection 9.c(44)

HSI, 0 0 0 0 0

(a) Are guidance and / or requirements documented in the 9.c(44)(a)

parts and materials design guide before the start of

logistics, HSI, design, which addresses parts selection, derating and
programmatic testability factors, and is adherence to the guidelines
verified at design reviews?

(b) Does the order of precedence for parts selection 9.c(44)(b)

emphasizes the use of qualified manufacturers' lists parts,
logistics, HSI, particularly for applications requiring extended
temperature ranges?

(c) Is a preferred parts list required prior to detailed 9.c(44)(c)

logistics, HSI,
programmatic design?

(d) Have shelf and operating life requirements been 9.c(44)(d)

logistics, HSI,
programmatic identified?

logistics, HSI, (e) Is identification of COTS / NDI reliability required? 9.c(44)(e)


(f) Are parts and materials selected qualified to the worst 9.c(44)(f)
logistics, HSI,
programmatic case DRMP and detail design environments?

(g) Is uprating or upscreening of parts not a best practice 9.c(44)(g)

logistics, HSI,
programmatic so they should not be performed?

(h) Is parts derating required for all electronic and 9.c(44)(h)

electrical components, and are electrical parameters of

logistics, HSI, parts characterized to requirements derived from the
programmatic DRMP to ensure that all selected parts are reliable for the
proposed application?

(i) Are highly integrated parts (e.g., application specific 9.c(44)(i)

logistics, HSI, integrated circuits) used to reduce the number of

programmatic individual discrete parts and chips?

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Risk Character
R = Red, Y = Yellow, G = Green, U = Unknown / Unavailable, NA = Not Applicable
Special Technical
Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
(j) Are highly integrated parts (e.g., application specific 9.c(44)(j)

logistics, HSI, integrated circuits) used to reduce the number of

programmatic interconnections?

(k) Are highly integrated parts (e.g., application specific 9.c(44)(k)

logistics, HSI, integrated circuits) used to reduce size, power

programmatic consumption, and cooling requirements?

(l) Are highly integrated parts (e.g., application specific 9.c(44)(l)

logistics, HSI,
programmatic integrated circuits) used to reduce failure rates?

logistics, HSI, (m) Has the critical items list been developed? 9.c(44)(m)

(n) Does the CI list include any item of high technical risk 9.c(44)(n)
logistics, software, with no workaround, and items with schedule or delivery
programmatic risk?

(o) Does the CI list include sole source items? 9.c(44)(o)

logistics, software,

logistics, software, (p) Does the CI list include high failure rate items, and 9.c(44)(p)
HSI, safety of flight items?

(q) Do COTS / NDI parts and their applications meet 9.c(44)(q)

logistics, software,

(r) Does selection of parts, maintenance process and 9.c(44)(r)

materials consider use of the least hazardous materials
logistics, HSI, and process consistent with performance, economy and
life cycle costs?

(45) Commodity Management 9.c(45)

logistics, HSI,
technology, 0 0 0 0 0

(a) Has the program manager pursued the use of 9.c(45)(a)

logistics, HSI,
standard systems, subsystems, and support equipment
technology, against specific capabilities, technology growth, and cost
programmatic effectiveness?

(b) Does the acquisition strategy identify common 9.c(45)(b)

logistics, HSI,
programmatic systems integrated into the program?

(c) Has the program manager established a process to 9.c(45)(c)

logistics, HSI, reduce the proliferation of non-standard parts and

programmatic equipment within and across system designs?

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Risk Character
R = Red, Y = Yellow, G = Green, U = Unknown / Unavailable, NA = Not Applicable
Special Technical
Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
(46) Root Cause Corrective Action 9.c(46)
logistics, PQM,
technology, HSI,
programmatic, 0 0 0 0 0

(a) Has a process been implemented to assess achieved 9.c(46)(a)

logistics, HSI, Reliability, Maintainability, Availability (RMA) performance

programmatic by collection and analysis of user data?

logistics, HSI, (b) Are system thresholds for RMA being achieved? 9.c(46)(b)

(c) Have logistics problems been identified using RMA 9.c(46)(c)

logistics, HSI, data and has a POA&M been developed for corrective
interoperability actions?

(d) Is a Failure Reporting Analysis and Corrective Action 9.c(46)(d)

System (FRACAS) established and are failures analyzed
logistics, HSI, and trended for Integrated Logistics Support (ILS)

(e) Is a FRACAS review performed on engineering 9.c(46)(e)

PQM, HSI, development models, pre-production units, and
production units? 0 0 0 0 0

(I) Are mishap reports associated with material and 9.c(46)(e)(I)

logistics, HSI,
programmatic design deficiencies integrated into the FRACAS?

(f) Are design review requirements including 9.c(46)(f)

logistics, HSI, supportability, flowed to design engineering from in-

programmatic service data?

(g) Do technical reviews include an assessment of system 9.c(46)(g)

logistics, HSI,
technology, supportability requirements?

(h) Are readiness reviews performed periodically 9.c(46)(h)

logistics, HSI, throughout the life cycle and do they include supportability
programmatic factors?

logistics, HSI, (47) Obsolescence 9.c(47)

technology, 0 0 0 0 0

(a) Have the technical reviews included discussions 9.c(47)(a)

logistics, HSI,
technology, regarding the system's obsolescence?

(b) Have the various analyses and reports addressed 9.c(47)(b)

logistics, HSI,
programmatic solutions for obsolescence issues?

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Risk Character
R = Red, Y = Yellow, G = Green, U = Unknown / Unavailable, NA = Not Applicable
Special Technical
Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
(48) Shipboard Interface / Integration 9.c(48)
logistics, HSI,
programmatic, 0 0 0 0 0

(a) Have the technical reviews included discussions 9.c(48)(a)

logistics, HSI,
technology, regarding shipboard interface / integration of the system?

(b) Have the various analyses and reports addressed 9.c(48)(b)

logistics, HSI,
technology, solutions for shipboard interface / integration issues?

(49) Platform Diagnostics Integration 9.c(49)

logistics, software,
HSI, technology, 0 0 0 0 0

logistics, HSI, (a) Have the technical reviews included discussions 9.c(49)(a)
technology, regarding platform diagnostics integration of the system?

(b) Have the various analyses and reports addressed 9.c(49)(b)

logistics, HSI,
programmatic solutions for platform diagnostics integration issues?

HSI, T&E, (50) Is the preliminary design testable? 9.c(50)


(51) Are there plans in place to cover verification via other 9.c(51)

means as required (analysis, simulation, etc.), and is there

logistics, HSI, acceptance among all stakeholders as to these

(52) Is there sufficient functional detail to enable detailed 9.c(52)

logistics, software,
design (i.e. development of program performance
HSI, specifications) from which coding can occur for computer /
programmatic software CIs?

logistics, software, d. Are system constraints (system budgets) addressed for the 9.d
HSI, overall system, and each CI? 0 0 0 0 0

(1) Have Physical Interface (hardware and human) 9.d(1)

logistics, HSI, requirements been considered in the preliminary design,

programmatic and have proper tradeoffs been made?

(2) Is the Cost Analysis Requirements Description (CARD) 9.d(2)

logistics, HSI, consistent with the system allocated baseline and do cost
programmatic estimates reflect the CARD content?

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Risk Character
R = Red, Y = Yellow, G = Green, U = Unknown / Unavailable, NA = Not Applicable
Special Technical
Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
(3) Has development cost been considered in the 9.d(3)
logistics, HSI,
programmatic preliminary design?

(4) Have production cost budgets been established, and 9.d(4)

logistics, HSI,
programmatic have these been considered in the preliminary design?

(5) Have operations and support costs been considered in 9.d(5)

logistics, HSI,
programmatic the preliminary design?

logistics, software, (6) Have weight budgets been establish for all CIs? 9.d(6)

(7) Has CI weight and its impact of overall system weight 9.d(7)
logistics, software,
HSI, been considered and properly traded?

(8) Has the volume budget and its impact of overall system 9.d(8)
logistics, HSI,
programmatic weight been considered and properly traded?

logistics, software, (9) Has CI volume impact and its impact of overall system 9.d(9)
HSI, weight been considered and properly traded?

(10) Has power budget and its impact of overall system 9.d(10)
logistics, HSI,
programmatic weight been considered and properly traded?

logistics, software, (11) Has CI power impact and its impact of overall system 9.d(11)
HSI, weight been considered and properly traded?

(12) Has cooling budget and its impact of overall system 9.d(12)
logistics, HSI,
programmatic weight been considered and properly traded?

(13) Has CI cooling impact and its impact of overall system 9.d(13)
logistics, software,
HSI, weight been considered and properly traded?

(14) Have the requirements for available technology 9.d(14)

logistics, HSI, insertion and system growth been allocated to the CIs and
programmatic reflected in the preliminary design?

logistics, software, (15) Has risk been considered at the CI level? 9.d(15)

(16) Have all requirements and systems constraints been 9.d(16)

logistics, software, captured in a preliminary product specification for each CI?

e. Is the preliminary design of each CI consistent with the 9.e

logistics, software,
HSI, subsystem test planning and approach?

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Special Technical
Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
T&E, software, f. T&E Equipment Design 9.f
programmatic 0 0 0 0 0

(1) Has test unique equipment for test aircraft been 9.f(1)

programmatic, identified, and is the mechanical and electrical design

T&E sufficiently mature for this phase of the program?

(2) Has the design installation been coordinated with the 9.f(2)
T&E appropriate aircraft design groups?

(3) Has the data processing system been defined and 9.f(3)

programmatic, scoped, and do the data processing system requirements

T&E match with the facilities requirements?

(4) Have vendors been identified for instrumentation and 9.f(4)

T&E, software,
programmatic data processing hardware and software?

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Special Technical
Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
10. Life Cycle Logistics 10
Level 1, HSI,
logistics, training,
software, T&E,
technology, risk, 0 0 0 0 0

HSI, logistics, a. Maintenance Planning 10.a

training, software,
T&E, technology, 0 0 0 0 0

(1) Is Performance Based Logistics (PBL) being considered 10.a(1)

logistics, HSI,
programmatic as the preferred support strategy?

(2) Is the product support integrator PBL performance 10.a(2)

logistics, HSI,
programmatic monitored / managed?

(3) Has the transition of the program's legacy systems and 10.a(3)

logistics, HSI, their existing support structures to the PBL approach

programmatic progressed as planned?

HSI, logistics, (4) Does the PBL Performance Based Agreement (PBA) 10.a(4)
T&E, training, reflect the war fighter requirements and associated KPP?

(5) Does the PBL contract include exit criteria should 10.a(5)

HSI, logistics, scenarios arise that result in cessation of the PBL contract,
training, software, and does the exit criteria include drawings, technical data,
T&E, technology,
Automated Test Plans (ATPs), SE, training, etc?

(6) Will PBL supportability BCAs continue throughout the life 10.a(6)

logistics, HSI, cycle process with oversight to ensure reassessment at

programmatic appropriate supportability trigger points?

(7) Has a PBL strategy been developed? 10.a(7)

logistics, HSI,

b. Logistics Requirements and Funding 10.b

logistics, HSI,
programmatic 0 0 0 0 0

(1) Are the funding shortfalls to the PBA requirements and 10.b(1)

logistics, HSI, impacts identified, prioritized, fully documented and

programmatic addressed to the program manager and resource sponsor?

c. Management Planning 10.c

logistics, HSI,
programmatic, 0 0 0 0 0

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Special Technical
Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
(1) Has an IPT been formed to evaluate the PBL 10.c(1)
logistics, HSI,
programmatic Candidate?

(2) Have all stakeholders, including Defense Logistics 10.c(2)

logistics, HSI,
Agency (DLA), appropriate service inventory control point,
programmatic, and Foreign Military Sales (FMS), been invited to
interoperability participate?

(3) Does the PBL strategy procure the desired outcomes? 10.c(3)
logistics, HSI,

(4) Does the PBL strategy incentivize performance? 10.c(4)

logistics, HSI,

(5) Does the PBL strategy clearly define performance 10.c(5)

logistics, HSI,
programmatic metrics?

(6) Does the PBL strategy consider the logistics footprint? 10.c(6)
logistics, HSI,

(7) Does the PBL strategy validate the exit clauses are 10.c(7)

logistics, HSI, sufficient to ensure re-establishment of organic or

programmatic commercial support capability?

logistics, HSI, (8) Does the PBL strategy include technical requirements? 10.c(8)

(9) Does the PBL validate that support is transparent to the 10.c(9)
logistics, HSI,
programmatic user?

(10) Is the PBL contract agreement structured to provide 10.c(10)

cost effective performance outcomes consistent with top

logistics, HSI, level metrics, e.g. operational availability, operational
programmatic reliability, cost per unit usage, logistics footprint, and
logistics response time?

(11) Is planning established and implemented for the 10.c(11)

transition of the program’s legacy systems and their existing

logistics, HSI, support structures to the PBL approach, including the use of
programmatic a product support integrator to facilitate the transition?

(12) PBL Business Case Analysis (BCA) 10.c(12)

logistics, HSI,
programmatic 0 0 0 0 0

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Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
(a) Is the PBL BCA used to support individual PBL 10.c(12)(a)
logistics, HSI,
programmatic decisions?

(b) Does the PBL BCA include the estimated costs, and 10.c(12)(b)

does it describe the benefits between alternative product

logistics, HSI, support strategies (e.g., buying a predetermined level of
availability to meet war fighter's objectives)?

(c) Are BCA reviews scheduled in time to support 10.c(12)(c)

logistics, HSI,
programmatic programmatic reviews?

logistics, HSI, (d) Does the BCA support product support decision? 10.c(12)(d)

(13) Are the PBL product support providers identified, and 10.c(13)
logistics, HSI,
programmatic are agreements finalized? 0 0 0 0 0

(a) Are the agreements long term, and do they include 10.c(13)(a)

PBL management planning, identify all stakeholder roles

logistics, HSI, and responsibilities, identify sources and data to collect
programmatic and use, and identify review / reporting requirements and
dispute resolution?

(b) Are BCAs used to support individual PBL decisions 10.c(13)(b)

logistics, HSI,
programmatic made between alternatives?

logistics, HSI, (14) Is public and private partnering optimized? 10.c(14)


(15) Are contract clauses sufficient to meet surge 10.c(15)

requirements and exit criteria included to ensure

logistics, HSI, reestablishment of organic or commercial support capability
as necessary?

(16) Are systems established for data collection and for 10.c(16)
logistics, HSI,
programmatic assessment of performance metrics?

logistics, HSI, (17) Has potential FMS participation been considered? 10.c(17)

(18) Has the contract Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) / 10.c(18)

logistics, HSI,
programmatic, Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) been awarded?

logistics, HSI, (19) Is the PBL performance continuously assessed? 10.c(19)


logistics, HSI, (20) Is there a data system to track PBL metrics? 10.c(20)

logistics, HSI, d. Supply Support 10.d

programmatic 0 0 0 0 0

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Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
(1) Does the supportability analyses with the associated 10.d(1)

logistics, HSI, BCA assess the sparing approach (e.g., PBL or legacy
programmatic support posture)?

(2) Have the PBL contractors been provided with Clearance 10.d(2)

logistics, HSI, and Access Verification System (CAVS) for electronic

programmatic reporting of requisitions and asset status?

logistics, HSI, (3) Has the delivery timeline for shipment been identified? 10.d(3)

e. Data Package 10.e

logistics, software,
HSI, 0 0 0 0 0

(1) What data does the Government own? 10.e(1)

logistics, software,

(2) What ensures life of program Government access to 10.e(2)

logistics, software,
data, including provisions for transfer of data to Government
HSI, or other support agents on contract exit in PBL
interoperability environment?

f. Diminishing Manufacturing Sources and Material Shortages 10.f

logistics, risk,
technology, T&E, 0 0 0 0 0

(1) Has a formal DMSMS program been established and 10.f(1)

HSI, PQM, documented consistent with DoD 4140.1-R, DoD Supply
programmatic, Chain Material Management Regulation?

(2) Is the DMSMS strategy integrated with the program’s 10.f(2)

logistics, PQM, technology roadmap, as well as the industry technology
technology, HSI,
roadmaps for embedded microelectronics? 0 0 0 0 0

(a) Does the road mapping process consider the 10.f(2)(a)

logistics, PQM,
technology, HSI, identification of critical items and technologies?

logistics, PQM, (b) Does the road mapping process consider identification 10.f(2)(b)
technology, HSI, of emerging technologies?

(c) Does the road mapping process consider DMSMS 10.f(2)(c)

logistics, PQM, forecasts and impacts integrated into technology refresh /
technology, HSI,
programmatic, insertion planning?

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Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
(3) Are the DMSMS management approach (e.g., the level 10.f(3)
HSI, PQM, of indenture) and strategy (e.g., organic, commercial, PBL,
programmatic, field activity managed) defined, and implemented?

(4) Are the DMSMS key activities tied to the Integrated 10.f(4)
HSI, PQM, Master Schedule (IMS) and do they identify relationships
programmatic, and interdependencies between tasks?

(5) Are active microelectronics managed at the piece part 10.f(5)

logistics, level unless otherwise determined by a BCA?

(6) Have DMSMS forecasting and management tools and / 10.f(6)

or service providers been researched and selected, and has
logistics, the Bill of Material (BOM) been loaded into the system?

logistics, PQM, (7) Have identification and forecasting for obsolescence 10.f(7)
technology, HSI, timelines, impact, and mitigation been conducted? 0 0 0 0 0

(a) Do they consider product (revisions and generation / 10.f(7)(a)

logistics, PQM,
technology, HSI, technology changes), and supplier base?

HSI, PQM, (b) Do they consider contract period and life cycle? 10.f(7)(b)

(c) Is an on-going review of the parts lists and BOM to 10.f(7)(c)

HSI, PQM, identify obsolescence or discontinuance issues
programmatic, conducted?

(8) Has a strategy for DMSMS design and manufacturing 10.f(8)

logistics, documentation been developed? 0 0 0 0 0

(a) Does the strategy consider design disclosed items, 10.f(8)(a)

logistics, including sub-tier hardware indenture levels?

(b) Does the strategy consider form, fit, function, and 10.f(8)(b)
HSI, PQM, proprietary design items, including sub-tier hardware
programmatic, indenture levels?

logistics, PQM, (9) Does the design approach minimize the impact of 10.f(9)
technology, HSI, DMSMS by addressing open system architecture? 0 0 0 0 0

(a) Does the design approach minimize the impact of 10.f(9)(a)

HSI, PQM, DMSMS by addressing the order of precedence for parts
programmatic, selection?

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Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
(b) Does the design approach minimize the impact of 10.f(9)(b)

DMSMS by addressing the use of qualified manufacturers

logistics, lists parts, particularly for applications requiring extended
programmatic, temperature ranges)?

(c) Does the design approach minimize the impact of 10.f(9)(c)

HSI, PQM, DMSMS by addressing the selection of parts relatively
programmatic, new in their life cycle?

(d) Does the design approach minimize the impact of 10.f(9)(d)

logistics, DMSMS by addressing use of custom parts?

(e) Does the design approach minimize the impact of 10.f(9)(e)

DMSMS by addressing the requirement for a preferred
logistics, parts list and parts control prior to detailed design to
programmatic, minimize obsolescence issues?

(f) Does the design approach minimize the impact of 10.f(9)(f)

HSI, PQM, DMSMS by addressing identification of shelf and
programmatic, operating life requirements?

(g) Does the design approach minimize the impact of 10.f(9)(g)

logistics, PQM, DMSMS by addressing identification of technology life
technology, HSI,
programmatic, expectancies?

(h) Does the design approach minimize the impact of 10.f(9)(h)

logistics, PQM, DMSMS by addressing association with tech refresh /
technology, HSI,
programmatic, block upgrade?

(i) Does the design approach minimize the impact of 10.f(9)(i)

HSI, PQM, DMSMS by addressing design reviews to verify DMSMS
programmatic, approaches and solutions?

(10) Is the DMSMS Business Case Analysis (BCA) 10.f(10)

performed as part of trade studies to determine return on
logistics, investment on mitigation actions and to support DMSMS
programmatic, decisions?

HSI, PQM, (11) Has the PBL addressed a comprehensive 10.f(11)

logistics, obsolescence and DMSMS plan?

(12) Is an obsolescence life cycle (versus contract period) 10.f(12)

logistics, risk, mitigation strategy defined?

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Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
(13) Are systems that utilize the same components and 10.f(13)

logistics, PQM,
technologies identified, and are commodity management
technology, HSI, and preferred material processes established to standardize
programmatic use of like material across programs?

HSI, PQM, (14) Funding 10.f(14)

logistics, risk, 0 0 0 0 0

(a) Has DMSMS TOC and cost avoidance been 10.f(14)(a)

logistics, estimated?

(b) Is the current and out year budget established and 10.f(14)(b)
HSI, PQM, planned based on DMSMS forecast, tracking, and
programmatic mitigation efforts?

(c) Are funding shortfalls (appropriation, amount, timing) 10.f(14)(c)

logistics, risk, and impact identified, prioritized, and documented?

(d) Do budget planning decisions for DMSMS reference 10.f(14)(d)

HSI, PQM, the sponsor’s decision and are the decisions reflected in
programmatic the LRFS?

(15) Has the program defined DMSMS metrics and tracks 10.f(15)
HSI, PQM, DMSMS cases, trends, and associated solutions and cost?

(16) Has an exit strategy been developed and is it contained 10.f(16)

in contractual PBL documentation that provides DMSMS
logistics, configuration data access necessary to transition product
programmatic support capability?

(17) Are contractual data requirements defined? 10.f(17)

logistics, HSI,
technology, 0 0 0 0 0

(a) Do the contractual data requirements include 10.f(17)(a)

logistics, contractor vs. Government life cycle DMSMS tasks and
programmatic, responsibilities?

(b) Do the contractual data requirements include DMSMS 10.f(17)(b)

logistics, PQM,
incentives and awards, decision on ownership of product
HSI, technology, and technical data package rights and COTS licensing
programmatic agreements?

(c) Do the contractual data requirements include PBL / 10.f(17)(c)

logistics, PQM,
HSI, technology, TSPR strategy for legacy system DMSMS?

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Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
(d) Do the contractual data requirements include DMSMS 10.f(17)(d)
logistics, risk, planning and mitigation requirements?

PQM, HSI, (e) Do the contractual data requirements include system 10.f(17)(e)
logistics, risk, architecture design to minimize obsolescence costs?

(f) Do the contractual data requirements include DMSMS 10.f(17)(f)

production, repair, and procurement capability including

PQM, HSI, hardware and software, support and test equipment,
tooling and fixtures and chip and die availability and

(g) Do the contractual data requirements include supply 10.f(17)(g)

PQM, software,
chain monitoring and management including contractor
HSI, logistics, and vendor notification of pending parts obsolescence
programmatic and part and firmware changes?

(h) Do the contractual data requirements include 10.f(17)(h)

PQM, HSI, configuration management to the appropriate
logistics, risk,
programmatic obsolescence mitigation levels?

(i) Do the contractual data requirements include DMSMS 10.f(17)(i)

database establishment and maintenance through an
logistics, IDDE concept of operations that supports the total life
programmatic cycle management of the product?

(j) DMSMS Mitigation 10.f(17)(j)

software, HSI,
logistics, risk, 0 0 0 0 0

(I) Does the technical data package that supports the 10.f(17)(j)(I)

DMSMS mitigation strategy include specifications,

PQM, software, technical manuals, engineering drawings, and product
HSI, logistics, data models that provide appropriate level of detail for
technology, risk,
programmatic reprocurement, maintenance and manufacture of the

(II) Does the technical data package that supports the 10.f(17)(j)(II)

DMSMS mitigation strategy include special instructions

logistics, risk, for items such as unique manufacturing, quality and test
technology, HSI, processes, and preservation and packaging?

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Special Technical
Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
(III) Does the technical data package that supports the 10.f(17)(j)(III)

DMSMS mitigation strategy include Very High Speed

PQM, logistics,
technology, HSI, Integrated Circuit Hardware Description Language
programmatic (VHDL) documentation of digital electronic circuitry?

(IV) Does the technical data package that supports the 10.f(17)(j)(IV)

PQM, risk, DMSMS mitigation strategy include the version,

logistics, HSI, release, change status, and other identification details
programmatic of each deliverable item?

(k) Are the program, design, and production readiness 10.f(17)(k)

PQM, logistics, reviews of contractor DMSMS management
technology, HSI,
programmatic effectiveness?

(l) Is provisioning screening required for maximum use of 10.f(17)(l)

logistics, existing supply items?

PQM, HSI, (18) Are the contractors’ DMSMS programs assessed to 10.f(18)
logistics, ensure that program requirements are met?

(19) Are the DMSMS considerations incorporated into the 10.f(19)

logistics, PSP and post production support plan?

(20) Are items that are single source and those for which the 10.f(20)
PQM, HSI, Government cannot obtain data rights and the associated
software, logistics,
risk, programmatic corrective action plans identified?

(21) Are strategies to resolve potential DMSMS problems 10.f(21)

(e.g., production or repair capabilities, software upgrades

logistics, PQM, and maintenance, support equipment) established, and are
technology, HSI,
predictive cost effective industry solutions used to reduce
DMSMS risks and enhance performance?

PQM, HSI, (22) Is a program manager reprocurement engineering 10.f(22)

logistics, support agreement in place?

(23) Does the program monitor the usage and anticipated 10.f(23)
PQM, HSI, demand vs. items available for DMSMS mitigation planning
logistics, risk,
programmatic throughout the items life cycle?

g. Performance Requirements 10.g

software, T&E,
logistics, HSI, 0 0 0 0 0

(1) What are the war fighter needs from the support system 10.g(1)
logistics, HSI,
programmatic to meet sustained operational requirements?

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Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
(2) Do war fighter needs address reduced footprint and 10.g(2)

logistics, HSI, TOCs as well as improved deployability and sustainability?


(3) Are war fighter needs reflected in the performance 10.g(3)

logistics, HSI, agreements, capabilities documents, and specification

programmatic documents?

(4) Are performance measures / metrics (objectives and 10.g(4)

thresholds) specified to meet user oriented performance
requirements (e.g., reliability, operational availability,
software, T&E,
logistics, HSI, mission capable rate, customer wait time, cycle time,
programmatic footprint, cost / operating cycle, life cycle cost), and the
target price for the set level of performance?

(5) Are operating and support objectives defined where 10.g(5)

logistics, HSI, feasible considering performance histories of prior systems

programmatic or systems of similar capabilities?

(6) Are the performance parameters (e.g., availability, 10.g(6)

software, T&E,
reliability, maintainability, manpower) that are included in the
logistics, HSI, requirements / capabilities documents are part of design
programmatic requirements for subsequent acquisition phases?

(7) Do requirements improve on logistics footprint 10.g(7)

logistics, HSI, reductions, limitations and deployment requirements

programmatic compared to prior or similar systems?

(8) How do the requirements address the need to reduce 10.g(8)

logistics, HSI,
programmatic multiple configurations?

(9) Are performance agreements and war fighter 10.g(9)

logistics, HSI, requirements measurable and aligned with capabilities

programmatic documents?

h. System Development and Demonstration Phase (SDD) 10.h

software, T&E,
logistics, HSI,
technology, 0 0 0 0 0

(1) Key logistics criteria during SDD 10.h(1)

software, T&E,
logistics, HSI,
technology, 0 0 0 0 0

(a) Do mission capabilities provide more discrete 10.h(1)(a)

software, T&E,
logistics, HSI, identification of the taxonomy and metrics driving
technology, performance based outcomes?

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Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
(b) Do availability requirements reflect a detailed 10.h(1)(b)

assessment of the requirements for the system to operate

logistics, HSI, successfully in the mission operational environment, and
programmatic the necessary support requirements to achieve that

(c) Does reliability define the logistics reliability targets 10.h(1)(c)

and the corresponding sustainment infrastructure

logistics, HSI, necessary to ensure achievement of the reliability
programmatic objectives given the operational environment and
combatant commander availability requirements?

(d) Does maintainability provide comprehensive 10.h(1)(d)

identification of both projected maintenance strategy,

logistics, HSI, including diagnostics, prognostics, maintenance duration
targets, and similar measures?

(e) Are manpower and personnel requirements, both 10.h(1)(e)

logistics, HSI,
programmatic organic and contractor sourced?

(f) Is there continued refinement of Life Cycle Cost 10.h(1)(f)

logistics, HSI,
programmatic Estimates (LCCEs)?

(g) Is support related performance and acceptance criteria 10.h(1)(g)

logistics, HSI, demonstrated during planned testing and through

programmatic modeling and simulation?

(h) Has the collection, analysis, and evaluation of system 10.h(1)(h)

performance and maintenance performance data

determined the system's need for and the prescribe
logistics, HSI, changes to the system configuration, maintenance
support structure, and maintenance resource

(i) Is the utilization of on-board (embedded) monitoring 10.g(1)(i)

logistics, HSI, sensors, diagnostics, and prognostics integral to this

programmatic process?

(j) Continued inclusion of logistics support considerations 10.g(1)(j)

in detailed design reviews to include life cycle costs, and

logistics, HSI, characteristics such as openness of design,
programmatic upgradeability, modularity, testability, and commercial
technology insertion.

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R = Red, Y = Yellow, G = Green, U = Unknown / Unavailable, NA = Not Applicable
Special Technical
Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
(k) Has the continued inclusion of logistics support 10.g(1)(k)

considerations in detailed design reviews included life

logistics, HSI, cycle costs, and characteristics such as openness of
programmatic design, upgradeability, modularity, testability, and
commercial technology insertion?

(l) Has iterative refinement of logistics support 10.g(1)(l)

logistics, HSI, considerations correspondent with the evolutionary

programmatic acquisition strategy been employed?

(m) Has verification of support related design 10.g(1)(m)

logistics, HSI, characteristics and product support strategy and

programmatic infrastructure begun?

(n) Was identification of product support integrator, 10.g(1)(n)

logistics, HSI, potential support providers (public and private), and

programmatic potential partnering opportunities considered?

(o) Was the depot level maintenance core capability 10.g(1)(o)

logistics, HSI, assessment and the identification of workloads required to

programmatic sustain those capabilities conducted?

(p) Was identification of potential organic depot level 10.g(1)(p)

logistics, HSI,
programmatic sources of maintenance considered?

(q) Was a PBL BCA conducted to determine the relative 10.g(1)(q)

logistics, HSI,
programmatic cost vs. benefits of different support strategies?

(r) Was a PBL BCA conducted to determine the impact 10.g(1)(r)

logistics, HSI, and value of performance / cost / schedule / sustainment

programmatic trade-offs?

(s) Was a PBL BCA conducted to determine the data 10.g(1)(s)

logistics, HSI,
programmatic required to support and justify the PBL strategy?

(t) Was a PBL BCA conducted to determine the product 10.g(1)(t)

support integrator performance outcomes / requirements,

logistics, HSI, e.g. mission readiness, logistics footprint, response times,

(u) Has development of performance based logistics 10.g(1)(u)

logistics, HSI, product support concept to include development of war

programmatic fighter and support provider agreements?

logistics, HSI, (2) Key logistics information for SDD 10.g(2)

programmatic 0 0 0 0 0

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Special Technical
Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
(a) Did key logistics information for SDD include updated 10.g(2)(a)
logistics, HSI,
programmatic support strategy?

(b) Did key logistics information for SDD include key 10.g(2)(b)
logistics, HSI,
programmatic logistics parameters?

(c) Did key logistics information for SDD include 10.g(2)(c)

logistics, HSI,
programmatic sustainment funding requirements?

(d) Did key logistics information for SDD include logistics 10.g(2)(d)
testing criteria, PBL BCA, auditable depot level
logistics, HSI, maintenance core capability and workload assessment (to
be completed bi-annually)?

(e) Did the key logistics information for SDD include an 10.g(2)(e)

logistics, HSI, annual determination of the distribution of maintenance

programmatic workloads?

HSI, T&E, (3) Program Logistician Responsibilities during SDD 10.g(3)

logistics, 0 0 0 0 0

(a) Has the program logistician responsibilities for SDD 10.g(3)(a)

logistics, HSI, included updating support strategy within the ASR and
programmatic updating logistics criteria and parameters with the ABP?

(b) Were logistics and overall sustainment requirements 10.g(3)(b)

logistics, HSI,
programmatic defined as referenced in the CPD?

HSI, T&E, (c) Are logistics parameters and test points in the TEMP? 10.g(3)(c)

(d) Acceptable performance in development, test and 10.g(3)(d)

logistics, HSI,
evaluation, and operational assessment, mature software
programmatic, capability, acceptable interoperability, and acceptable
interoperability operational supportability?

(e) Has the system demonstration that it is affordable 10.g(3)(e)

logistics, HSI, throughout the life cycle, optimally funded, and properly
programmatic phased for rapid acquisition?

(f) Are the two major focus areas for sustainment during 10.g(3)(f)
this phase designing the critical aspects of supportability
through application of the Systems Operational
software, logistics,
HSI, Effectiveness (SOE) model and defining the initial
programmatic framework with options for the long term performance
based support?

PDR Page 72 of 87
Risk Character
R = Red, Y = Yellow, G = Green, U = Unknown / Unavailable, NA = Not Applicable
Special Technical
Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
11. Program Risk Assessment 11
Level 1, HSI, risk,
logistics, training,
T&E, technology, 0 0 0 0 0

a. Have risk items in the preliminary design been defined and 11.a
risk, HSI, logistics,
programmatic analyzed?

b. Is the risk assessment process tightly coupled with the 11.b

risk, logistics, technical effort and reflective of the technical risks inherent in
HSI, technology,
programmatic the preliminary design?

c. Has the risk assessment addressed future risks to detailed 11.c

HSI, training,
logistics, risk, design, developmental test, operational test, training, and
technology, T&E, production / fielding of the system?

d. Is there adequate acceptance among the technical team as 11.d

risk, HSI, logistics,
programmatic to risks and mitigations?

e. Is the technical risk assessment being shared at all levels of 11.e

risk, HSI, logistics,
programmatic the program team?

f. Have supportability and logistics risk items been defined, 11.f

risk, HSI, logistics,
programmatic analyzed, and included in the program risk assessment?

g. Have cost and schedule impacts for supportability and 11.g

risk, HSI, logistics, logistics risk mitigation been documented and identified in the
programmatic LRFS?

risk, HSI, logistics, h. Are SE requirements for the T&E program understood, and 11.h
T&E, is testing for unique SE included in the test plans?

i. Are Government and contractor T&E facility requirements 11.i

risk, HSI, logistics, solidified, and will facilities be available to meet the schedule?

PDR Page 73 of 87
Risk Character
R = Red, Y = Yellow, G = Green, U = Unknown / Unavailable, NA = Not Applicable
Special Technical
Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
12. Completion / Exit Criteria 12
Level 1, software,
HSI, logistics, risk,
T&E, technology, 0 0 0 0 0

a. The PDR is considered complete when all draft RFAs are 12.a

signed off, and an acceptable level of program risk is

HSI, risk, logistics, ascertained, and were all PDR RFAs properly completed

b. Were the proper technical disciplines represented at the 12.b

HSI, risk, logistics, review?
T&E, technology,

c. Were all required flight clearance performance monitors 12.c

HSI, risk, logistics,
T&E, involved, and do they concur with the preliminary design?

d. Were PDR logistics and supportability issues captured in 12.d

HSI, software,
logistics, T&E, RFAs and properly adjudicated and assigned?
technology, risk, 0 0 0 0 0

(1) Does the status of the technical effort and design 12.d(1)
HSI, T&E, indicate OT success (operationally suitable and effective)?

HSI, logistics, (2) Can the preliminary design satisfy the CDD / CPD? 12.d(2)

(3) Can the logistics and supportability concepts for the 12.d(3)
HSI, logistics,
programmatic preliminary design satisfy the CDD / CPD?

software, logistics, (4) Are adequate processes and metrics in place for the 12.d(4)
HSI, program to succeed?

(5) Are the risks known and manageable for DT / OT? 12.d(5)
logistics, risk,

HSI, logistics, (6) Is the program schedule executable within the 12.d(6)
technology, anticipated cost and technical risks?

(7) Are the system requirements understood to the level 12.d(7)

HSI, logistics,
programmatic appropriate for this review?

HSI, logistics, (8) Is the program properly staffed? 12.d(8)


(9) Is the program Non-Recurring Engineering (NRE) 12.d(9)

HSI, logistics,
programmatic executable with the existing budget?

PDR Page 74 of 87
Risk Character
R = Red, Y = Yellow, G = Green, U = Unknown / Unavailable, NA = Not Applicable
Special Technical
Interest Discipline Legend: R Y G U NA Item Comments / Mitigation
(10) Is the preliminary design producible within the 12.d(10)
HSI, logistics,
programmatic production budget?

(11) Was verification that the integrated architecture 12.d(11)

System Views (SVs) and Technical Views (TVs) conducted,

HSI, logistics, and are the views consistent with, the appropriate
programmatic Operational Views (OVs), the CPD, the ISP and NR-KPP?

(12) Has verification that system data has been entered / 12.d(12)
HSI, logistics, updated in the Net-Centric Operations and Warfare
interoperability implementation baseline?

PDR Page 75 of 87
“Systems Engineering for Mission Success”

Preliminary Design Review

Program Risk Assessment Checklist

Risk Character
R = Red, Y = Yellow, G = Green, U = Unknown / Unavailable, NA = Not Applic
Special Technical Legend: R Y G U
Interest Discipline

view Name of the program being reviewed / date

ecklist 0
Name / Code / Technical Specialty of reviewer
sk Character
vailable, NA = Not Applicable
NA Comments / Mitigation
“Systems Engineering for Mission Success”

Preliminary Design Review

Program Risk Assessment Checklist

Risk Character
R = Red, Y = Yellow, G = Green, U = Unknown / Unavailable, NA = Not Applic
Special Technical Legend: R Y G U
Interest Discipline

view Name of the program being reviewed / date

ecklist 0
Name / Code / Technical Specialty of reviewer
sk Character
vailable, NA = Not Applicable
NA Comments / Mitigation
“Systems Engineering for Mission Success”

Preliminary Design Review

Program Risk Assessment Checklist

Risk Character
R = Red, Y = Yellow, G = Green, U = Unknown / Unavailable, NA = Not Applic
Special Technical Legend: R Y G U
Interest Discipline

view Name of the program being reviewed / date

ecklist 0
Name / Code / Technical Specialty of reviewer
sk Character
vailable, NA = Not Applicable
NA Comments / Mitigation
“Systems Engineering for Mission Success”

Preliminary Design Review

Program Risk Assessment Checklist

Risk Character
R = Red, Y = Yellow, G = Green, U = Unknown / Unavailable, NA = Not Applic
Special Technical Legend: R Y G U
Interest Discipline

view Name of the program being reviewed / date

ecklist 0
Name / Code / Technical Specialty of reviewer
sk Character
vailable, NA = Not Applicable
NA Comments / Mitigation
“Systems Engineering for Mission Success”

Preliminary Design Review

Program Risk Assessment Checklist

Return to PDR

Risk Character
R = Red, Y = Yellow, G = Green, U = Unknown / Unavailable, NA = Not Applic
Special Technical Legend: R Y G U
Interest Discipline
Level 1, software, 1. Timing / Entry Criteria
T&E, logistics,
HSI, training, risk, 0 0 0 0

Level 1, software,
2. Planning
training, risk,
logistics, HSI, 0 0 0 0

Level 1, software, 3. Program Schedule

T&E, training,
logistics, risk,
technology, HSI, 0 0 0 0

Level 1, EVM, 4. Management Metrics

logistics, PQM,
software, HSI,
0 training, T&E, 0 0 0 0
technology, risk,

Level 1, HSI, 5. Program Staffing

software, T&E,
logistics, training,
technology, risk, 0 0 0 0

Level 1, software,
6. Process Review
logistics, PQM,
training, HSI, risk,
technology, T&E, 0 0 0 0
7. Requirements Management
Level 1, HSI, T&E,
logistics, training,
0 risk, software, 0 0 0 0

Level 1, software, 8. Net-Centric Operations and Warfare Consolidated

risk, logistics, Compliance Checklist
0 T&E, training, HSI, 0 0 0 0

9. System Preliminary Design

Level 1, T&E, HSI,
PQM, software,
technology, risk,
logistics, training, 0 0 0 0

Level 1, HSI,
10. Life Cycle Logistics
logistics, training,
software, T&E,
technology, risk, 0 0 0 0

11. Program Risk Assessment

Level 1, HSI, risk,
logistics, training,
T&E, technology, 0 0 0 0

Level 1, software, 12. Completion / Exit Criteria

HSI, logistics, risk,
0 T&E, technology, 0 0 0 0

Totals: 0 0 0 0

view Name of the program being reviewed / date

ecklist 0
Name / Code / Technical Specialty of reviewer

sk Character
vailable, NA = Not Applicable
NA Item Comments/Mitigation


3 0

4 0

5 0

6 0

7 0

8 0

9 0

10 0

11 0

12 0

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