Sufi Tourism (Religious Tourism)

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Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University Cultural Studies Master Programme (S3)

Dhar al-Mahraz, Fez Cultural Tourism

Presentation by: Youness Abeddour Prof. Sadik Rddad

Sufi Tourism in Morocco:

The impact of Sufism on Tourism

Tourism is one of the fastest and largest growing sectors of the Moroccan economy;
therefore, tourism contributes largely in the development of the country. It is this very reason
that motivates Morocco to diversify the forms of Tourism to meet the different needs and
wants of the tourist as we have learned with Prof. Rddad so far. Religious tourism is one of the
very aspects of tourism that has been well-taken care of in Morocco. Thus, my presentation will
be on Religious Tourism focusing on Sufi-Tourism in Morocco and how it impacts tourism
sector. To begin with, Religious Tourism can be understood as a ‘mission of faith,’ a religiously
or spiritually motivated travel to explore religious locations such as tombs of saints, great
scholars and righteous people. The presentation will be divided into two main sections; a
definition of Sufism will be the starting point, followed by its impact on tourism in Morocco.

Part I: The definition of Sufism

Sufism, as defined by Sufi people, is a spiritual journey to discovering one’s inner Self
which leads to knowing God, arguing that when you know yourself you know the Creator.
According to Faouzi Skali1, “knowing oneself is divine knowledge,”2 he adds that “we have to go
through these different steps by having a wider and a larger awareness of what we are, really,
in the reality.”3 Sufism allows for the expression of spirituality; it is a process that makes one

Dr. Faouzi Skali, an anthropologist and an ethnologist; he is a professor from the Ecole Normale
Supérieure in Fes. From the Middle of the 1980s, Skali became quite well known in France through a number of
popular books on Sufism published at large-circulation publishing houses, and he brought many French people into
the brotherhood.” Patrick Haenni et al., “God by all means … Eclectic Faith and Sufi Resurgence among the
Moroccan Bourgeoisie,” Martin van Bruinessen, et al., Sufism and the ‘Modern’ in Islam, (London: I.B Tauris, 2007),
p. 247.
Faouzi Skali, “Living Spirituality in the Present Time”

“learn how to follow this very deep path inside ourselves.”4 Its main focus is to bring individuals
closer to God to embrace his presence in the everyday life.

Hamid Mahmoud Ali Ismail in his enlightening book Hada howa Nour: lamaHat ‘an
tassawof (This is the Light: Hints on Sufism, my translation) defines Sufism as follows:

Sufism is a spiritual message and a religious thought and a disciplinary process, its pillar
is purifying the heart from the life’s materialism and impurities, and its essence is
connecting the human with the great Creator.5 (My translation)

It is claimed that Sufism is derived from the Greek word ‘Sofia’ which means wisdom. But this is
refuted by the Sufi scholars.6 Mahmoud Ali Ismail argues that Sufism is based on the Quran and
on a strict emulation of the Prophet Mohammed’s suna (the prophet’s life). So, according to
him, there is no room to claim it is a bid’a (heresy). In his book he gives a detailed process of
how to become a Sufi, starting by repentance and finishing by zikr (meditation).

Sufism is a universal group, “in the sense that it is ‘available’ or ‘belonging’ to all people,
not just those of a particular ethnic or religious background.”7 Sufism is available to all, be it
Muslims or non-Muslims; means that it is joined and embraced by a wider range of people,
from different ethnicities and religious backgrounds. When I raised this point, however, to a
Tijani Sufi he commented that it is only for pure Muslims and Muslim converts.

Interestingly, there are many Sufi brotherhoods in Morocco including: Tijaniya,

Darqawiya, Zitouniya, Mchichiya, etc. each of which has its own practices and saints and also
festivals and Moussems.

Part II: The Impact of Sufism on Tourism in Morocco

Importantly, Sufism in Morocco distinguishes it from other countries, which makes it a
desired destination for tourists who are looking for spiritual journeys. Equally important,
“religious tourism in Morocco has picked up steam over the past few years thanks to a galaxy of

Patrick Haenni, et al., “God by all means … Eclectic Faith and Sufi Resurgence among the Moroccan
Bourgeoisie,” Martin van Bruinessen, et al., Sufism and the ‘Modern’ in Islam, (London: I.B Tauris, 2007), p. 247.
Mahmoud Ali Ismail, Hada howa Nour: lamaHat ‘an tassawof. P, 10.
Ibid., p, 258.

shrines and mausoleums that draw hundreds of thousands of committed followers yearlong.”8
This is what interests and attracts tourists; they come to Morocco to live and experience the
process of purification and an inner journey through different practices, including visiting
Zawiyas and shrines, reciting and singing religious hymns. Some agencies organize Sufi tours,
which include visits to holy places of Sufis, meetings with sheikhs (chiefs) of Sufi schools, talks
and lectures on Sufism as well as learning, passing through some stages of zikr (meditation) and
living in the Sufi center.9

Some tourists tend to be curious to know about Sufism and learn about “this mysterious
side of the Islam religion,” for this reason there is a Sufi Culture Festival in Fez that introduces
them to “the Sufi heritage, rituals and beliefs. It is a festival where dance and music fills the
evening air and where art and workshops spread the Sufi message of love and tolerance.”10 It is
events like these, be it conferences or festivals, which encourage tourists to come. Another kind
of tourist’s attraction is Aissaouas as a form of Sufi dance and religious singing; Ericc Geoffroy in
his book Introduction to Sufism states that “In North Africa (…) the Aissaouas (of the popular
‘Isawiyaa brotherhood), who are known for the possession rites and self-mutilation, are
exhibited quite officially so as to attract customers.”11
Fez Festival of World Sacred Music has become an international event; people come
from all over the world to attend. Based on the pluralism of Moroccan Sufism, the festival has
attracted big international stars. While the big names are a draw, equally fascinating are the
more intimate concerts held by Morocco’s various tariqas (Sufi orders). The events include art
exhibitions, films and talks at literary cafes. In 2001 the festival was praised by the UN as a
major event promoting dialogue between civilizations.12

El Hassane Debbarh is a young Sufi from Fez while commenting on Sufi Tourism he told
me that:
As far as Sufi tourism in Fez is concerned, one cannot speak of an existing industry. It's
still an idea. The term Sufi tourism is still on the air. No maps, libraries, hotels,

Ericc Geoffroy, Introduction to Sufism: The Inner Path of Islam, (Indiana: Library of Congress, 2010), p,

personnels, agencies, institutions, laws have been created and developed to create such
an industry. The cemeteries of Bab al-Futuh, Bab al-Gisa, Bab al-Mahrouq and the
mushroomed zawiyas in the old city of Fez need to be restored and brought to life
again. People may visit a shrine or two, but are we talking about Sufi tourism here? Fez
deserves to be the Sufi capital of the Muslim World. And this is beyond the restoration
of stones and pieces of wood. We are speaking of the spirit of a city; the spirit of a

El Hassane Debbarh belongs to the Tariqa Tijaniya, and he has a project to restore all the
zawiyas and cemeteries of Fez. Indeed, the ancient city of Fes is home to many mausoleums for
revered Sufi figures.

Speaking about Tariqa Tijaniya, it is worth mentioning the beautifully decorated zawiya
of Sidi Ahmad Tijani in Fez, it/he is widely visited from all over the Arab world as well as Africa.
According to the young Tijani Sufi I interviewed he believes that Sidi Ahmad Tijani is the one
who preached Islam in Africa the reason why he is widely visited by Africans. “This Sufi way has
since spread all over the world, with large Tijani communities today found in Morocco, Algeria,
Mauritania, Egypt, Senegal, Ghana, Nigeria, Niger, Chad, Sudan, South Africa, Indonesia,
America and elsewhere.”13 Besides conferences and festivals on Sufism that welcome tourist
from all over the world, such as a Tijani conference in Fez under the theme: “Morocco Hosts
World Wide Tijani Conference” that was held in Fez 27-30 June 2007. “Scholars and eminent
Shaykhs came from such diverse places as Senegal, Nigeria, Mauritania, Egypt, Indonesia,
Pakistan, Dubai, Sudan, South Africa and America to present and discuss the significant
historical and present-day role of the Tariqa Tijaniyya in spreading Islam, in guarding the
peaceful and expansive essence of the religion, and in actualizing spiritual and ethical training
for Muslims around the world.”14

Before I conclude my presentation I suggest reading an article by Ahmad Hamouch on

Sufi tourism entitled “Religious Tourism Thrives in Morocco” taken from


RABAT — Religious tourism in Morocco has picked up steam over the past few years
thanks to a galaxy of shrines and mausoleums that draw hundreds of thousands of
committed followers yearlong.

"We have not seen such a large number of tourists in (the northeastern city of) Fes
over the past 20 years," Abdullah, director of a tourist transport company, told

"We had to rent buses from other companies to cope with this influx," added
Abdullah, who only gave his first name.

The ancient city of Fes is home to many mausoleums for revered Sufi figures.

In June, hotels were bursting at the seams and shops were selling briskly after
thousands of tourists poured in to attend a mass festival for the followers of the Tijaniyya,
one of the major Sufi schools founded by Mohamed Al-Tijani in 1196 A.H.

The historical city has become a rallying point for hundreds of thousands of Tijanis,
mainly from African states like Senegal, to visit the tomb of their spiritual leader yearlong.

Hundreds of thousands also visit Fes at least twice a year to attend the glamorous
festivals of the Sufi Boutchichiya sect.

The shrine of Idris II, whose ancestry is traced back to Prophet Muhammad (peace and
blessing be upon him), is listed among the most visited religious sites throughout the year.

In the northern city of Meknès, located 130 kilometer from the capital Rabat and 60
kilometers from Fes, the shrine of Idris I, the founder of Idrisids dynasty which ruled Morocco
from 788-985 AD, is another must-see attraction.

Official statistics show that 2.7 million tourists visited Morocco over the past five
months, up seven percent compared to the same correspondent period last year.

Special Offers

Traditional celebrations on the annual Islamic calendar like the Prophet's birthday and
the holy fasting month of Ramadan lure thousands of visitors with many Muslims preferring
the mystical aura of Moroccan cities to other countries.

Morocco is also among the favorite countries for practicing Jews, particularly those of
Moroccan origin, as it plays host to several tombs of revered rabbis.

Cities like Marrakesh, Er Rachidia and Safi receive a torrent of Jewish tourists every
year to commemorate their holy figures.

There were 450,000 Jews living in Morocco in 1956, most of them immigrated to
Europe or Israel over the years. There are now some 3,000 Jews in the country, according to
unofficial figures.

Airlines are keeping their eyes on this section of committed tourists, offering them a
wide array of attractive packages at competitive prices.

The profitable business has motivated the national carrier Royal Air Maroc to offer
special one-week programs.

The lucrative religious tourism has also prompted the government to pay due
attention to this important foreign currency earner.

"The government considers a number of projects to lure more tourists for religious
sites and festivals," Tawfiq Bouchichi, a municipal official, told IOL.

"The government has realized the strategic importance of religious tourism 10 years
ago as the country abounds with Sufi mausoleums and shrines of holy figures who have
millions of followers from all over the world," he added.

Morocco has worked out an ambitious strategy, dubbed "Vision 2010", which is aimed
at attracting 10 million tourists by 2010.15

To conclude, Morocco does have a great interest in Sufism and its different ways. Al
Qaraweyeen library has a huge number of books on Sufism and Moroccan Sufis and zawiyas.
Morocco is considered a Sufi country par excellence because of the rich presence of the saints
that make it a pilgrimage of different and many religious people. Obviously, this has a great
positive impact on tourism and therefore the development of the country. I think that Sufism is
a great asset on which Morocco can intelligently expand to potentially reach its goal.


Figure 1: Inside the mausoleum-mosque where Sidi Ahmad Tijani is buried in Fez. (Photo: Marouane Kchikach 12/6/2010).

Figure 2: Sidi Ahmad Tijani Tomb in Fez. (Photo: Marouane Kchikach 12/6/2010).

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