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incapptic Connect


Lufthansa Group

How a multi-billion company leverages Mobile Applications

to reinvent its business processes at scale
About Lufthansa Group

The Lufthansa Group is an aviation group with operations worldwide. With 135,534 employees, the
Lufthansa Group generated revenue of EUR 35,844m in the financial year 2018. The Lufthansa Group is com-
posed of the segments Network Airlines, Eurowings and Aviation Services. Aviation Services comprises the
segments Logistics, MRO, Catering and Additional Businesses and Group Functions. The latter also include
Lufthansa AirPlus, Lufthansa Aviation Training and the IT companies. All segments occupy a leading position
in their respective markets.

Lufthansa Group is currently managing a portfolio of over 300 Enterprise Mobile Applications,
covering all areas of business operations: from Lufthansa Cargo, in the Cockpit, Ground
Operations, Crew Management of all Network Airlines, and overhauling and maintenance of aircrafts at
Lufthansa Technik.


- Over 300 Enterprise Apps

- Up to 5 new apps every month
- Up to 200 app updates every month
- Global teams of internal and external developers
Why incapptic Connect?

In the beginning Lufthansa Group initially collaborated with incapptic Connect to create a solution that
would allow them to effectively scale their enterprise app portfolio. The Lufthansa Group currently releases
up to 5 new apps every month and updates the majority of their app portfolio around 200 times a month.

In addition to this, the incapptic Connect platform allows external developers to access and upload app
updates themselves by a restricted role.

“The original design goal for the solution was to allow business units to
innovate and build the apps that they envisioned, while allowing Lufthansa
Group to retain control over who could publish apps in their name”

Dr. Rafael Kobylinski

Founder & CEO of incapptic Connect

In their relationship, incapptic Connect acts as a central steering platform for the Lufthansa Group’s Mobile
Competence Centre. Business units within the group are free to innovate and develop the apps that are
relevant to their sector, and the Mobile Competence centre, coupled with incapptic Connect, provides
them with a simple, self-service portal through which to manage and log all app data and activities.

A P P S / U P D AT E S

“We also have great advantages in terms of security, because everything is kept
securely within the platform – you don’t have to hand over certificates to external
developers. Additionally the whole development process is faster for all
development teams”.

Thorsten Lamaack, Senior Enterprise Architect at Lufthansa Group

Mobile Applications at Scale

Lufthansa Group utilises apps across all areas of business operations. Two key examples of Lufthansa
Group’s use of mobile apps are the Integrated Flight Folder app and the Ramp app.

Lufthansa Group operates using enormous amounts of data in real-time. A piece of paper is outdated the
moment that it is printed, but with mobile apps the employee is constantly connected to the latest
information sources and able to respond instantly to any changes in their working environment.

The Integrated Flight Folder App

By converting all necessary safety and flight information to a single mobile device (an iPad), Lufthansa Cargo
has made improvements in safety and speed on the runway and in the air. Information is given to the pilots
in real time, and the removal of heavy paper storage has resulted in significant energy savings (a reduction
of 250 tonnes of C02 emissions in 2019), resulting in a more sustainable fleet.

The Ramp App

The environment on the airport ramp is incredibly dynamic. New load arrives every few minutes and must
be coordinated with the precision of an orchestra conductor. It was a natural choice to move from a
paper-based checklist system to a dynamic, real-time mobile device. This allows Lufthansa Ramp Agents to
quickly access all the information that they need, as well as be instantly informed of any changes, resulting
in a smoother, swifter working environment.


The incapptic Connect enterprise software quickly and efficiently enables publishing and updates of internally and exter-
nally developed mobile apps. We are replacing the error-prone manual publishing process with a smooth, automated
solution that allows you to publish your apps in minutes.

incapptic Connect GmbH

(+49)30 20848290

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