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Engredea** DEEP DIVE: THE RENAISSANCE OF FIBER 2017 Form Meets Function 7? MN, Ingredion. DEEP DIVE: THE RENAISSANCE Ry Ola aA Engredea we Contents >> Market Overview 3 >> Defining Fiber 7 >» Sidebar: Explaining Fiber ingredient .....uinnsueniamnnaunninesnnrniaell >» FDA Gets in the Act 13 >» Fiber and the Human Microbiome 7 >> Fiber Formulation: Its All About versatility....usucnnisenraminnnensnnineel >» The Future: Designer Fibers 20 >» The Consumer Learning Curve: Old Sterotypes Persist. a DD ANatural Hal0...susunnnnninininesnininnaninniniinnrannnneasnnines 22 >» Key Fiber Suppliers an 9 Ingredion Inc 24 >> ADM... siouinininininininninninnieuninnnennnenens 26 >» Ardent Mill ar > BENEO Inc 3 >» Cargill 30 »» Top Health Ingredients Inc 32 >> Sources... 33 ® EE Es ngredion. "4 New Hope. Bye NETWORK. DEEP DIVE: THE RENAISSANCE a iE Engredea The Renaissance of Fiber Today's ingredients for offering health and wellness from the inside out Market Overview Products containing dietary fiber are seeing a re- ‘emergence in popularity as scientific evidence points to its relevance in health issues ranging from diabetes and weight loss to gut health and immunity. No longer the old-fashioned, gritty-butnecessary staple that most people dicin’t want to discuss, fiber is now a hot topic in the scientific community and the media. Some industry watchers would go so far as to say “fiber” is the new “protein,” predicting an exceptionally bright future for this category, with growing consumer interest, next generation ingredionts and expanding applications. But, with literally hundreds of fiber ingredients on the market, many with more than seven syllables in their name, offering a variety of different and as yet unsubstantiated health benefits, i's a tough calegory to get your arms around. This is true for both product formulators and retailers, but especially so for consumers. Although they are strongly interested in products containing fiber, their perception about itis still out-of-date and vague. Combined with an increasingly difficult regulatory landscape, the definition of fiber is getting harder to pin down, leaving ‘companies eager to innovate but with a heavy burden to market their product. ® Ingredion. & New Hope. Sy NETWORK. DEEP DIVE: THE RENAISSANCE a aE Engredea “Looking at some trends such as simplicity, health and wellness, as well as convenience, it is likely that the fibers that are recognized by consumers as natural in origin and that promote health and well-being, will grow in importance.” — Santiago Vega, senior manager, Nutrition Marketing for Ingredion Ine Nutrition Business Journal statistics do support a positive outlook for fiber, with sales for the Global Dietary Fiber market at $3.28 billion in 2016 and estimated sales for 2019 at $4.2 billion based on @ CAGR of 13.1 percent for the next two years. This may be a modest prediction given that consumer data shows favorable growth drivers and rapidly expanding consumer interest. The segment is riding on the growing success of the Gastrointestinal Health category, which has grown to a $2.3 billion industry primarily on the back of probiotics, with overall growth of 12.7 percent annually for the last decade, according to NBJ. The fiber category will continue to see good performance as the synergies of prebiotics and probiotics continue to develop. Fiber's rise is propelled by a range of trends around its health properties and functionality. "Looking at some trends such as simplicity, health and wellness, as well as convenience, itis likely that the fibers that are recognized by consumers as natural in origin and that, promote health and wellbeing, will grow in importance,” said Santiago Vega, senior manager, Nutrition Marketing for Ingredion Inc. “At the same time, with the growing awareness and fragmentation of what is regarded as healthy, fibers offering versatile nutritional and health benefits will prevail Overall, health is the key point. “Growth in fiber is being driven by an aging population, with increasing health concerns and needs, and also by growing consumer awareness of the benefits of fiber and the need to increase intake,” Vega added, ® Ingredion. & New Hope. Sy NETWORK. DEEP DIVE: THE RENAISSANCE RY Ola aA Hie Engredea«. i Consumer market research shows solid potential for the category as a whole, as well as strong interest in specific categories, he noted. According to 2018 research from Health Focus International, 79 percent of consumers say they are interested in fiber and 36 percent report that “high in fiber” is an extremely or very important product claim, ‘Thirty percent of these respondents also said they increased their fiber intake in the last three years. Further, 82 percent of respondents in the Health Focus study said they are interested in ouying products that help them address weight management. Mintel research noted that 83 percent of consumers in their survey indicate interest in products that support digestive health. Harris Interactive Research (March 2014} also corroborates that 80 percent of U.S. adults consider fiber a somewhat important or very important driver for food and beverage purchase decisions, noted Zachary Sanders, marketing director for Ardent Mills. “Product developers are interested in adding more nutrition to the foods we eat every day, and fiber fits the bill because it makes people feel full longer, and it's good for cholesterol levels among other nutritional benefits.” CHANGING CONSUMER PROTEIN PREFERENCES Ge 79% of consumers say 36% report that “high in they are interested in fiber fiber” is an extremely or very important product claim DEEP DIVE: THE RENAISSANCE a aE Engredea “Consumers are looking for healthy foods that add functionality in a natural way. “One of the big conditions for these functional foods is that they must remain tasty, as nobody wants to give in on the pleasure food can give.” —vJon Peters, president of BENEO Inc “Consumers are locking for healthy foods that add functionality in a natural way, concurred Jon Peters, president of BENEO Inc. “One of the big conditions for these functional foods is that they must remain tasty, as nobody wants to give in on the pleasure food can give.” ‘A deeper understanding of the microbiome and its role in supporting overall human health is another key area of interest in fibe-based products, according to several suppliers. New impressive discoveries about the microbiome are being made almost weekly, Vega said. "While more studies need to be completed to establish direct cause and effect,” he added, “itis now believed that microbiome health can influence diverse health areas ranging from brain health, to weight management to immune response.” Indeed, digestive wellness is the number one key trend for 2017, according to New Nutrition Business’ report “10 Key Trends in Health and Nutrition for 2017." “Consumers are continuously searching for products that can help them feel good from the inside out and fibers can play a role in this,” Vega noted. This demand for fiber translates into a variety of market opportunities. Proprietary Ingredion market research found that "45 percent of consumers report having difficulty finding nutrition bars that are high in fiber and similar numbers are reported for high fiber breads," Vega explained. As such, the company sees a large potential for fiber products that promote digestive health and blood sugar management. “The biggest opportunities are for fibers that offer low cost fiber fortification ina variety of applications, without negative impact on processing or sensory attributes, and fibers that have a strong and growing body of evidence demonstrating physiological, beneficial effects,” he said ® Ingredion. & New Hope. Sy NETWORK. DEEP DIVE: THE RENAISSANCE Me > Ola aA Engredea: = Fes In terms of applications, Peters added, “U.S. consumers find breakfast applications, such 2 cereals, cereal bars, bread and yogurt as appealing. Next to these key applications, we growing interest in supplements, such as ‘fiber gummies,” which enhance overall well-being through a sweet but healthy snack.” Baked goods as well as chocolate are also popular applications for ingredients such as chicory root, he noted. “There is room to include fiber in so many things, from snacks to desserts, to helo consumers gel more fiber in their diet,” added Debbra DeMarco, president of Top lealth Ingredients. But no matter the application, taste is still critical, “Considering the importance of healthy snacks, only those fibers that can be incorporated into the daily diet without major changes in taste and pleasure will stay on the daily menu,” Vega said. Defining Fiber However, one of the key challenges for suppliers and manufacturers in the burgeoning space is appropriately dofining and positioning fiber products, It’s a difficult proposition in a category featuring so many diverse ingredients. Although there is no definitive definition of fiber, these ingredients do all come from plants and are forms of carbohydrates that cannot be broken down or absorbed by the human digestive system. The distinctions between soluble, insoluble and prebiotic fibers are not entirely clear and most fiber ingredients provide some element of all three, explained Sumana Chakrabarti-Bell, principal scientist for the Research, Quality and Technical Team at Ardent Mills The following are some basic definitions to help clarify: 2 ineredion. 3%] NewHope. Zyye_ NETWORK DEEP DIVE: THE RENAISSANCE we aE Engredea ‘Soluble fibers: Those are fibers with high we holding capacity, which include hydrocolloids that contribute to satiety and stool bulking, and support ‘weight management and digestive health. Soluble fibers are also important for heart health and healthy iblood glucose metabolism. This group includes oat fiber, which has been widely studied for its effects on reducing cholesterol; psyllium, which absorbs excess ‘water and stimulates normal bowel elimination. It also includes olgosaccharides such as fructooligosaccharides (FOS) or galactooligosaccharides (GOS), which are soluble and don’t contribute to bulking, have strong ‘evidence demonstrating their effects of promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria and, in certain cases, help reduce populations of pathogens, therefore supporting digestive and immune health. Foods containing this type of fiber include apples, barley, beans, blueberries, citrus fruits, carrots, nuts and oatmeal.’ Insoluble fibers: These are fibers thal, do not dissolve in water and primarily consist of polysaccharides from plant cell walls. They contribute to weight management by helping to prolong feelings of fullness and digestive health and by keeping the digestive tract working regularly. They have also been shown to improve bowel-elated health issues, such as constipation, hemorrhoids or incontinence, These fibers are found in seeds and skins of fruit, wheat bran, whole wheat bread and brown rico.? Prebiotic fibers: These are a type of fiber or non-digestible carbohydrate that are fermented in the large intestine and provide food for probiotics (microflora) in the digestive tract. While there is no regulatory definition of prebiotics, an accepted definition in the scientific community (from Gibson and Robertroid in 1998) defines prebiotics as a “non-digestible food ingredient that beneficially affects the host by selectively stimulating the growth and/or activity of one or a limited number of bacteria in the colon and thus improves the host's health.” A primary source of prebioties is inulin from chicory root or Jerusalem artichoke. The fermentation produces gases and short-chain fatty acids that help to lower the pH of the colon, making it an inhospitable. environment for pathogens, such as Salmonella, There are efforts underway to match various prebiotics to specific probiotics to set a foundation for the value proposition of combining the two in products. Some research has found that the two together can be more efficacious than either prebiotics or probiotics alone.* ® Ingredion. 3% New Hope. Biyge_ NeWonke DEEP DIVE: THE RENAISSANCE “Y OF FIBER 2017 Engredea« Ae % “The choice of fiber for the product developer will depend on the types of claims intended and the delivery format or type of formulation of the product, since the functionality and effective dose of the fiber will largely determine its applicability.” — Santiago Vega, senior manager, Nutrition Marketing for Ingredion Ine “Fibers are a diverse group of indigestible carbohydrates from many sources, with different characteristics, functionality and physiological effects,” explained Vega. “They are most commonly categorized by their degree of solubility in soluble and insoluble fibers, but there are many other characteristics that define fibers, such as degree of fermentability, that also drive specific health benefits. Insoluble, intrinsic fibers that are not fermentable, such as those found in the pericarps of many grains, generally contribute to bulking of the stools and promote laxation and regularity. Insoluble fibers that are fermented, such as resistant starch, have been shown to provide benefits for blood glucose management, weight management and digestive health.” ‘The choice of fiber for the product developer, he continued, “will dopend on the typos of claims intended and the delivery format or type of formulation of the product, since the functionality and effective dose of the fiber will largely determine its applicability.” ‘The fiber picture is becoming more complicated than ever before as new science and next generation ingredients enter the scene. "It used to be easy. Fiber just meant the lignins, the woody part of the plant, the grit. But now there are all these other things that, fall into the category,” noted Tim Avila, an industry consultant with Systems Bioscience, Inc. “We have come to 2 place where the term fiber is very misleading. Are we giving consumers what they want or expect when it comes to fiber? I think the term is becoming a little like ‘natural.’ It really doesn’t mean very much.” ® Ingredion. 3] New Hope. Ziyge nerwone DEEP DIVE: THE RENAISSANCE we Oat) P ACs Engredea: RS Some of the key issues about fiber ingredients that, are causing consternation in the industry are with respect to available glucose and how much tolerability an ingredient might have. A lot of claims are being made about fully indigestible fibers, Avila said, so the ‘ questions for me are: How much of the material truly is not available to the systemic circulation (blood) and how can that be tolerated digestively? And what really is a prebiotic, and how do these things compare with ‘one another? So in other words, he noted, “what is the tradeoff of availability of glucose, calories and sugar and what will disqualify an ingrediont from being called a fiber?” For example, a carbohydrate might be 100 percent or 60 percent non-cigestible. “If it's the lattor, then 50 percent is net carbs, and 60 percent is real carbs, and it will affect blood sugar.” ‘This is important, Avila added, because consumers are looking for something that is available and tolerable, “But companies are taking broad license, and they are: not always honest about tolerability, solubility and glucose availability. That's the trifecta of concer, particularly for soluble fibers. Tolerability of certain ingredients is an issue, DeMarco agreed, “Clearly, some ingredients are more easily tolerated than others and some have limits in what we can offer,” she said. “We can inckide more AdvantaFiber {isomaltooligosaccharide} than polydextrose: or FOS because they can cause side effects and gut aches and everyone has different tolerability. So it's important to keep these things in mind.” 3% New Hop: Biyge_ Networks DEEP DIVE: THE RENAISSANCE we Ola aA Engredea: we Explaining Fiber Ingredients Chicory Root Fiber is @ part of the fructan family and includes fibers with @ variety of different properties, including inulin, short chain inulin (oligofructose), fructooligosaccharides and galactooligosaccharides. They ate the only scientifically proven prebiotic fibers available and the only natural, plant-based prebiotics. Chicory root, fibers are found in several plants, such as Jerusalem artichoke, asparagus, onion, leeks and garlic, but most of the chicory root fiber used in products comes from the Belgian endive. Inulin is classified as both soluble and prebiotic, because itis a plant-based carbohydrate that cannot be broken down by human digestive enzyme and is therefore not digested in the smal intestine, It moves onto the large intestine where it provides food for the good bacteria there. But the news is not all good. Prebiotics do ferment in ‘the gut and can cause gas, bloating and discomfort for some people. So striking the right degree of tolerability is important when formulating with chicory root-based ingredients. * Inulin can hold water and gel into a viscous texture making it popular as an additive to add moisture and creaminess to a product. Because of its versatility, chicory root fiber can be applied to various categories, including dairy, baked goods, cereals, beverages, confections and baby food. It is popular in low-fat and dairy-free ice creams and yogurts, and gluten-free baked goods. Inulin is also popular in energy and high-fiber bars, breads, cereals and granola. Because itis not digestible, it can add bulk to a product without adding calories. It also has a naturally mild, sweet taste, so it’s popular for low-calorie and weight loss products and works well in combination with intense sweeteners to mask. undesirable taste. Resistant Starch is a type of dietary fiber found naturally in foods like potatoes, beans, yams and grains such as barley. Like other fibers, it resists digestion in the body, but it also creates bulk in the digestive system that contributes to a prolonged feeling of fullness or satiety. Like inulin, itis not digested or absorbed by the body but is fermented in the large intestine. This process creates a beneficial fatty acid called butyrate, which is thought to block the body's ability to burn carbohydrates. Resistant starch is popular in weight loss products because butyrate can keep the liver from using carbs as fuel so it must use stored body fat instead. Emerging research also points to resistant starch’s ability to protect the lining of the colon te prevent DNA damage that may lead to colon cancer. Resistant starch is known to help control blood sugar levels, which contributes, to the support of heart function and provides protection against diseases like diabetes. In 2016, the FDA approved a qualified health claim for high amylase rosistant starch and the: reduction of the risk of Type 2 diabetes.* New Hope. Eat NETWORK. DEEP DIVE: THE RENAISSANCE we iE Engredea The oligosaccharides The term oligosaccharides includes carbohydrates that are larger than simple di- or tri- saccharides, but smaller than polysaccharides. They all have prebiotic characteristics and many are emerging as useful fibers in food applications. Japan is a leading developer and producer of these new oligosaccharides (soybean oligosaccharides, lactosucrose, gentiooligosaccharides), some of which may be coming to the U.S. market soon. For ow, these are most commonly used in ingredients in North America Arabinoxylan oligosaccharides (AXOS) are wheat-derived prebiotics that stimulate activity of specific colon bacteria, in particular bifidobacteria. The mechanism by which bifidobacterial strains break down these compounds in the colon is not yet known, but new research does suggests they may have promise in the support of healthy inflammatory response and gut barrier function and may be usoful in the control of obesity and related metabolic disorders © Xylo oligosaccharides (XOS) are polymers of the sugar xylose and are similar to FOS, GOS and isomalto oligosaccharides {IMO}. They are the only class of probiotic fiber that can be produced from lignocellulosic biomass thatis rich in xylan, and they are made using an enzymatic and chemical process. Although not much is known about the exact bioactive effects of XOS, their fermentation results in acidification of colonic content and the formation of short chain fatty acids that serve as fuel and may play a role in regulation of cellular processes. Numerous questions about the mechanisms of action and clinical indications of XOS remain to be answered, but itis seen as an ‘emerging prebiotic ingredient as research hones in on its microbial production, structural characterization and bioactive properties.” Isomalto oligosaccharides (IMO) are a naturally occurring plant-based dietary fiber. It is probiotic, soluble and low-glycemic. This oligosaccharide is a mixture of short-chain carbohydrates which is digestion-esistant. It has also been shown to decrease flatulence, have a low-glycemic effect and prevent dental caries. IMO is found naturally in fermented foods such as rice miso, soy sauce and sake, as well as being manufactured commercially. ‘The raw material used for manufacturing IMO is starch, from crops such as wheat, barloy, pulses, oats, tapioca, rice and potatoes, which is enzymatically converted into a mixture of isomallo oligosaccharides. IMO has similar beneficial properties to inulin and oligofructose offering a low glycemic index and a prebiotic effect. It has been shown to help the body. absorb minerals from food as well as to reduce cholesterol and triglycerides. IMO can add fiber to the diet and it can be used as a bulking agent and a sugar substitute Its used in a variety of foods including beverages, frozen yogurt, confections, sweeteners, cookies, coffee drinks, bread, tofu, chocolate and soup mixes. New Hope. Face NETWORK. DEEP DIVE: THE RENAISSANCE we OF FIBER 2017 Engredea« We % FDA Gets into the Act =s The amount of stay fber is a mandstery component onnutition labels in the U.S. and must include the arnount of fiber per serving as well as the percentage of daly value, But changes ae looming for supplers and sanufacturers as the Food and Drug Administration rolls ut a now ru for fiber, pubisned in May 2076, which ~— changed the daly raforonce intako “tom 26 grams to 28 - % grams and provided a new definition for the nutrient ~ i . The FDA now defines dietary fiber as “non-digestible soluble and insoluble carbohydrates (with three or » more monomeric units) and lignin that are intrinsic and intact in plants; isolated or synthetic non-digestible carbohydrates (with three or more monomeric units) “determined by the FDA to have physiological effects that are beneficial to human health.” ° This may be an attempt to bring clarity to the 4 4 definition of fiber as a class, but the problem is there we __* sno analytical test to distinguish which fibers provide physiological benefits. This likely means any added fiber will have to be reviewed for its declarable fiber amount, according to an article in a baking industry publication AI8 International, The new rule also stipulates that non- digestible carbohydrates and lignins that exist naturally in plants will be classified as fiber on product labels. For now, the FDA has identified seven types of isolated or synthetic non-

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