The Careless Language of Sexual Violence

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Summary to “The language of sexual violence”

To summarize the essay by Roxane Gay “The careless language of sexual violence” it is
important to say that she tried to explain how the rape and its consequences reflect to
particularly the victim’s life and the wrong use of language, she states as “criminal language of
violence” which is being ignored or not emphasized as well as it needs to be by article authors
or television. The author states that an inappropriate language of rape had devoured us
because we use the word “rape” often in our daily life but even do not try to consider that it
gets simplified and removed from its negative determination. Roxane Gay resented about how
the news and unrelenting articles being so subjective and one-sided relevant to the idea that
culprits are being sympathized but the victim, referring to the text an eleven-year-old girl is
being forgotten. We cannot leave unmentioned the outcomes of the gang rape in victim’s
mental and physical health such as diverse complexes, anxiety fear that according to author is
mostly being vanished out from the view of people and creates an illusion that the sequela will
not remain too deep in victim’s life. As Roxane consider gang rape as a never- ending
nightmare, she claims the McKinley Jr., the author of the referred article “Vicious Assault
Shakes Texas Town” of New York Times to be highly far away from the brutality and reality of
being raped. The author argues that rape is considered to be a very important and intimate
topic to speak about and even compares it to such mostly spoken about concepts as religion,
politics and race by trying to give this issue more careful attitude. At the end Gay gives us a
probable suggestion by affirming that everyone in the rape case should be treated equally by
not sympathizing the guilty ones and making their cruelty and insanity acceptable or ignoring
the victim and covering all the disaster that they experience.

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