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ead\na1 :1 using@ntextto helpyou

I . Rememberthatthinkingaboutthe text type
A Read the Exam Reminder. lf there are words .: beforeyou startreadingcanhelp
which you don't understand in a text, which . andthinkaboutwhat
:! ldentirythetexttyPe
three thingscan help you? :j information couldbe included.
i . Useihe text type to he p you find the meaningof
anywordsyou do not understand-
B Now complete the Exam Task ' . Don't forget to think aboutwhat similartextsin
I yourown languase incLude.
. Finally,think aboutwhat the wholesentencewith
' ihe difficultword in means.
',::i!1-:'. -:.:;:)...:;;- t:; it.:.| :!t1:.::: ::.:': . i'! a : ':: |::! '-,t!:;:':a:!

. tueyou thoughrrc bethe

vour Cakeand Eat \
roughonein yourgtoup? X Are your doughnutsto die for?
your hiry cakesfantastica
Are vour hntastica A
. a reyou _radyrc.trke riskr-and $
Are you agedI2-16?
rcccDt Dhvslcnl chalenqest R
This is the showlor you ifyou canmake
. AJeio; a;enastr.h;loks 3 anyofthe followingwithouihelP:
advenrure? 6!
. cakes. biscuits meringues
rn thisnewslo*,a zumm.r cmp I
w lb. r.ko orer$ ourrv team I
In thk new cookeryshow 20 YounS
ud *e needteenagenaged15-18I
chefsget creativewith cakes.lf you think
ro rakepan.You'Jlbctrughtthe ! you canb.l.e,Ihu is the p'.o8.ammelor
followingby our experr, q
you.W,nnerswillbe fearuredon borh our
. momtah climbing. ti cookerynetworkalongside famousPastry
. nfting.
. qurvivalskills mdalhole

All rou needis a srons chancteranddeterninadonI Ifyou re

roushenouqhem,ilu' r. nr'd<n@m'ertrure ru'uktelling
u. 'ihy yor .\orld be<on.idered \ou.ould
forthc' hJJenge:
walk aways'it,\ alargecashprizeI
(Parenrs'pernission is reqnned)

ALaughandaHalf lsyour familytalented?
CdUing comics ol aII qgesl Ou. newtalenrshowis
. Cdn you moke people laush? looking for at leat mo
. would you like to be on

. Winne$ willdppeor ina

special ldmily TV shovl
Wel€ looking lor sidnd-up and even qrandmotners,
comedicns who ve sot ihe lalent, but h@en'i yei been cone andshow us what 1ou re made ofl
recognised.Contest@ts vho pass the audition will be
given odvice dnd cooching by ioP critics on: l f y o u l h i r . r o ' r i a , n i | '} " 1 b c( i . f o r , d i n l oa r r P P r n g
. ho.^'io make their jokes wo!k. < n . r i o . . g e r p i . c n . . B . n d r h e n (unP l o r l h e r L dor n rl
When? Dec 3rd 10amto 5pm
. how to interoci with on oudience.
Where ?New ]lr€atre, Tunpike Lane, Manch€ster
The show is open io omoteur comedians ol dny oge Vinners will sera recordinqcontracrl
To dudition, justcome olong to the ciiy hdll on Solurdav
More idorn":tio" .an be f6und at: wvrappingfmilies.cotn
Nov 81h,ond mdke ihe judses loushl (A1l oudition
matelial must be written by ihe coniestont.) ( h i l de r u n d e ' l b n u n L e J c c . r p , n i e d b . ,dn: l L
Exam Task
For questions1-6, choosethe answef(a, b, c or d) whichyou thinkfits best
Youare goingto readfour advertisements.
eording to the text.
I Yourbrotheris often told that he is funny. 4 In whichprogrammeswjll contestantsreceiveprofessionalhelp?
which programmeshouldhe applyfor? a 1and2
b 1and3 d 3and4
d 4 5 lr whicl' programmesis the prire an appearance
on anol\er
2 Whichprogrammesrequirecontestants to
havethe abilityto creaiesomething? a 1and2 c 2and3
a 1 , 2 a n d3 c 2,3 and4 b 1and3 d 3and4
b 1 , 2 a n d4 d 1 , 3a n d4 Youwould loveto win somemoney.Whichprogrammeshould
3 which prosrammesdo you haveto auditionfor? you applyfor?
< 2and4 a 1 c 3
b 3and4 d 4 and2 b 2 d 4

(hoose the correct answers. B Circlethe correctwords.
1 Do you followany ? l'd ratherreadan onlinenewspapermyself. 1 JackhasbeenstLldyingmffi
lffi&@fi for threeyears.
a orogs b strikes
2 The
2 l'vejLst boughtmy fir$ -l l think l pre{erit to the pape' versionl inv;tedlotsofguestsonto hisshow
b article rhenewsffiw
3 Someofrhe spods on theradiocanget quitea'rnoyingl ffilaboutthe planecrashwere
a cornmentary b critic
a ThisSunday's
newspapefcontainsa great€ookery-. in the
woffiedaboutthe mistake
a ffgure b measurementc supplement morningnewspaper
5 Thesales showthat the magazineis gettingmorepopular. why arethereso manyWffi
a commentary b figures ffiau'ing
War often riskiheir livesto get theif storiesout.
a correspondentsb media the soapoperawasunusuallypositive
7 In theJanuarv-. thereare loadsoJwinterfashionideas. tonightcomparedwith most o{
the timei
7 AnselAdamswasone ofthe most
Celebritieshavea veryharddmewhenthey arefollowed
everla,vhereby the

I a critic . b host

the text with theseworda.

I I alwaysswitchchanne{s

decideswhat book he or she

to produce.Thisis discussed and agreedon with a(n)(2) It couldbe a brandnew book
ofan existjngone.The writer'smanuscriptthen goesto a(n)
who checksthe (5) o{the text. Thispersoncheckswhetherit is
for the (6) that is,the peoplewho will readit, and correctsary e'roi.s.A(n)
is chosen.somerinesf.oma lo,rglistof optiors; it'sgot to be a catchynameso that
will rememberit. Then,the editedtext goesto a designerwho anangesit on pagesand makesit look attractive.
the designedbook is printedand deliveredto your localbookshopot (8i
Passivetenses;The Passive:Gerunds,Infinitives& Modal Verbs
,/q Complete the sentenceswith the correct form of the activevoice or the passivevoice of the verbs in bra c
1 l (send)thephotosby email,butthey
(not receive)them untilthreedavslater. 1
2 Gordonoften (watch)Maste/Cook,but he doesn'tthin( t\e dishes
(make)very well. 3
3 The printingpress (invent)over400yearsago and it completely a
(change)theway peoplegot information. 5
Oh, nol [4y Internetservjce 5
(not pay)my billsincelvlay! 7
5 A specialeditionofthe newspaper (publish)tomorrow so I I
{get) a copy for sure.
6 Marcia (tell)to buy fewermagazines,but she
(not listen)to her motherand spentallher money.
7 l hateitwhen myfavoufiteprogramme (interrupt)by commercialspromotjng
thingsthat 1
I The game (show)live lastnightwhenthe powersuddenly
(go out)!

B Rewrite the words in bold in the Dassivevoice.

1 Filmslarshatecriti.s giving them bad reviews.
2 Whencanthey fix your TV?
3 He was supposedto finishthe manuscriptyesterday.
4 Don't you thinkyou shouldrecyclebooks?
You must send your CV tomorrow, or it wjll be too late.
The actoE like people askingthem for autographs.
No one couldview the website lastnight.
I Theypronisedthey would deliver the CDstoday.

L\stenlnq understandingansw€roptions I'
. Rememberthat it is importantto look at the answer
A Readthe ExamReminder.What technroue optionscarefullyto understandthe differences
will h6lp you noticethe differences berweenther, and to circleary (ey detais.
betweenanswerootions? . Focuson detailswhenlistening,and don'tforgetthat
you couldhearthe answefat the beginning,middle
or end ofthe recording.
B EIII Listenand completeth6 Examlask
Exam Task
Youwill hearsixshortconversations-
After you heareachconveFation,you will be askeda questionabout whatyou

p4 "'ffffi'tro'ffi
heatd.The answerchoicesareshownas pictures(a,b and c). Cnclethe letrerofthe cofrectanswer.Youwill heareach
conversat|onony once.
r Gl .- 1bl tr
tTl r3 g trFFffi = t

't g
tr '^ tEg
11 18 b "p
lhe passive:lmpersonal& PersonalStructuret
A Circleth€ correctwords.
I h ffiffiffiffi realityshowsareusually
Printnewspapers @ffiWffi,4 losjnspopularity.
ft ffiffiffiffiffiffi thedocumentarywillraisemanvquestions.
4 DutchMasters the bestcartoonistin the country
they would cancelthe radioshow.
6 the announcement would be madelive on TV
RomaRiv ffi$Sffi the mostannoying onTV!
8 50 millioneuros.

I Completethe t€xt by writing one word in eachgap.

who wite newspaperheadlines(1) usuallylimitedby space.A headlinemustdo

bthings; firstly,it (2) supposedto grabthe reader'sattentionand,secondly,jt mustallow
G rheme of the newsstory {3) be statedin asfew wordsas possible.For example,the
Isdline 'RainCancelledPlay'letsus knowin just threewordsthat a sportingevent(4)
led due to bad weather.Sometimes, madeand headlinesbecome

escan(8) readin two ways.Canyou seeboth meanings?

v)/.r <|4qlish
For questions 1-8, r€ad the text below and decide which answer (a, b, c or d) best fits each gap.

Itte launchof MTVin 1981,musicandTV becameone.(1)- for 24 hoursa day,sevendaysa week,

videos (2) presentedbyVJs (videojockeys). Thisnew outlet tor musichad a massiveimpacton
usicindustryand on popular (3)-,
culture. artistsand musicfans could(4)-to one channel{or
on musicnews,eventsand promotions.
|5€,therehad been musicprogrammesbeforeMTV Artists(5) noffially inrewiewedbv a hostand
then performliveon the show.But therewasa limitto what couldbe presented. With a 24-hourformat,
: moreand moremusiccouldbe shown,and lesswell-known artists were (6) the opportunityto
publicity.Indeed,when MTVfirst gotstafted, musicshopsin areaswhere the showwas availablefound
publicwere buyingmusicthatwasn't(7)- playedbythe popularradiostatjons.
d up doorsthat had previouslybeenclosedto newtalent.MTVfuledthe musicTVaiMavesfor

Listening Seeing Broadcasting

b bern9
Suddenly b Once Us!ally d Extremely
ring in pick up

9ive gave giving 9iven

b d lots
B Readthe ExamReminderand completethe ExamTask
-"' *' ''-:*:-''
For questions1-8, readthe text below Usethe word givenin capitalsatthe end of A C
someofthe linesto form a word that fits in the qap in the sameline.

Whistleblowerc are peoplewho revealthat somethingillesalis happeningin a
(1) departmentor a comPanY. Theirmost GOVERN a
(2) tool is the massmedia,whlchpaysthousands ofeurosto POWER
pubiishtheir stories.Whistleblowers musthavestrongevidenceto supporttheir
claims.After they havecontacteda (3) JOURNAL 6
(4) their claimsarecheckedto makesurethey aretrue. EDIT
I r
The decisionjs then madewhetherto printthe storyor not. O{ten,the revelations
are aboutwell'knownpublicnguressuchas (5) of leadins POLIT|CS
businesspeople. Becauseii is very risky,the whistleblowers'namesare not revealed
Typeso,fwfons-doin9include(6) activities,threatsto public CRIME
healthand (7) and muchmore.By reportingon the story the
(inthe caseof newspapers)or ratings(inthe READER
caseof a W statjon). The whistleblower receivesa largesum of money and a storyo{
wrong-doingjs revealedto the public.

C For questions 1-8, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words,
including the word given.

1 They'rebringingouts immerand slimmerlaptopsand tabletsthesedays.

S immerand slimmerlaptopsand iab ets

2 Manypeoplebelievethat newsreportsare not objective.

manypeoplethat newsrePoftsare not objective.

Canthey broadcastthe programmelive?

Can live?
needs help with the acto6.

5 Theydestroya lot oftrees {or book paper.

to yourdoor
wildeliverthe newspaper

for the information.
Theythink a whistlebloweris responsible

Theysaythat the storywasa hoax.


the storywasa hoax.

a reV\ev)
A Circle the correct words. . You should set into the habit of
1 lt is believe/ believedthatthe pollticianwaslving editing your woft carefullyonce you
have finished writlng, so as to avold
2 There/ Theiraren'tanyinterestingstoriesin the papertoday.
3 Celebriiiesenjoyto have/ havingtheir Photostaken . The most common mlstakesafe made
4 lts / lt's difficultto get a good Internetconnectionhere' in word order, spelling, punctuation,
5 Whenis the new issue/the new issueis comingout? vocabularyand grammar'
6 The reporteris veryexcitedfor / about hislateststory'
B Read the extract from a TV review website and the writing tark below and then answer the
wottd. Readthe ext;actftomthe websiteabout the seiesand thenwite your eriew to the editor'
1 What is the websiteextractabout?
2 What hasthe websiteeditor askedreadersto do?
3 Whatshouldthe revlewbe about?

The Media world

news headlines
This is a new seriesfollowing the fast changing world of media Nowadavs,we can read the
iablets' and magazrnes
on social media sitesor on news apps We can read huge e-bool's on I thtlveight
Sohow -axactly"rethese changes
appear online. And that's before we even start discussingsmadphones
iuture? Tune in on Mondavs at Spm channel 4
uk"Jng tlu *uv p"opl. behave?Are you readv for the

C Read the model review and circle five mistakes.

"L !t!tl9\t)9w.1!9. . -.1 The MediaWorldis an interestingnewserlesat 8pmeveryMondavon Channel4 tisa
abouthow the worldof mediais quicklychanging'
B'iiittii'iit"l Firstofal,lfirrnybelievethatthlsistheperfectnewseriesforChannel4ltlsoften
wold scl^argirg,aroweca'cealvseel\ishapper;rgarourd
>lrtJPte,)q!Y9,.l epontl-arr1en-eoia
ro *ircn a p,oe'arr-e wn cn sf nar'sesthesecl-a'ges
.,; oLr I am delorrredbe
andlnformsusofimportantdetails Forthisreason,l will watchthlsentneseries'
6soq3s vrha+lta However, someofthe claimsshould be suppo.tedbv moreproof Witholt do!bt' whist
'joltt lir<ato tee l readership ofonline newsis rislng, readership of newspapers is declininglbelleve
thatthisshould be investigated further In mv personalopinion, lenjoyhearpersonaL
stories.lthereforerecommend the presenters, orthe reporters,go to talkto editorsand
publishers aboutthelrproblems,with the cameramen filmingthe discusslons'
To surnup, it is understandlng thatth'" publicwishestobe informedof howtheirworld
is changing.Wlth extra commeniaries, I am sureevenmorepeoPlewi ltune on l look
foMard to the next programme.

D Readand completethe ExamTaskbelow.Don't {orget to usethe UsefulExpressions
page 105o{ your Student'sBook.
Exam Task

or world
!s' and
:ow muchdo vouknowaboutvourwond?Thisisa newsenese/p oringtheenvronmenr2ro!'d
- o * r . r h a n q t _ g' . e f i ! e p ' o o e w i l r o c s o n w ' a t w e I o a a b o L r ' I r a t e c L d - g e a ' d w e |*t d l l
:o rariouspeo'pJ abouttheirviewson the subiectwe alsod iscussour preParednessfor cllmatechange
.,tal areiour viewson c imatechange?Tuneii on W€d.esdavsat 6Pmon Channel5 to seeil vou agree

C n.
YooaVularr4 1

A Choose the correct answers.

1 Reporterswereshockedbythe ofthe As a(n) for a nationalnewschanne, he is often sent
danasewlicl'tf e eanhqrae hadcaused.
a {igure a presenter c eonor
b quantity
-\e '10 The politiciantried to keepthe storysecretfrom the
2 JlfoftJnate s( e'. we'e kil ed by alr) -
a drought

3 Peopleweretold to stayindoorsafterthe b print Dcfi

governmentrss'reda warnrng. 1'1 Thisis the s00thepisodeofthe well-known- about 1
a hurricane c havoc life in an Englishvillage.
b destruction d wlnd a documentary c chatshow
4 Manypeop e were expectedto die of hungerln b repoding
the whichfollowedthe long drousht. becauseit is
1 2 Thiscity hassufferedseriousearihquakes
builton a(n)

5 Tre !,asr 'oods we-e tl^e res.:t o! a h.avy b faultLine

a faultline 1 3 The- {or the caris expeqtedto lncreaseits sales.
a supplement c photojournalism
6 John has got a job as a - at a local radio b advertlsement d subscriptlon
14 s a f-eegit w Ih JJ'y's o{ trre'nagazile
c ranger
b cameraman d s o u n de n g i n e e f
7 O n e m e t r e o f s n o wf e l L d u r i n gt h e - - 15 Did yo! seethe news- aboutthe tsunami?

b f ash
16 'Can lhelp you?
I Thispopularnewry seriesis a(n)- of a classic
'Yes,l'm ookingfor a book, but I can't rememberthe

a commentary c crlrque
b adaptation d critic

B Circle the correct words.
1 lt! ha.dto avoidmaking/to makemistakes.
2 Sherefusedsaying/to sayanlthlng aboutthe test.
3 What is the better/ bestbook you haveeverread?
4 Thiscakeis not astastyas/ like the lastone you made
5 The complter lab wasequip/ equippedwith the latesttechnology
6 It / He is tholght that the universeis 14 bi lionyearso d.
7 Why did he denyto be / being paidthe money?
8 Marthais sajdto have/ havingthe loudestvoicein the class.

C Rewrite the sentencesin the passive.
Sorneoneneedsto washthe car. 5 Youhaveto feed it twicea day.

2 Peoplewillneverforgethim. 6 Theyshouldsend herto a differentschool

3 Theyarecatchinga lot offish. Someone gave me directions.

at this college. Nobodysaidanythingaboutthe problem.
Computerscience-. Nothing-.

Choose the correct answers.

I Thereareso manyadvertisements
in thai magazine 1 0 The earthquakewas strongthat nearlyallrhe o d
that itl not worth buildingswere destroyed.
c buying c enough
b bousht d to buying b such
2 In a realityshow,the contestants
were maae 1'l Some people were not - to escapethe tidal wave.
c luckilyenough
c live d luckyenough
b to living d lived 12'That videoof the planelandingisverypoorquality.'
3 Whenhe heardthe cfash,he stopped hisbook 'Yes,it by an eye-witness.'
and rushedoutside.
a mustbe made b must be making
c reading
c musthavebeen making d musthavebeen
d to reading made
il Whenthe policequestionedthem,the coupledenied
13 Presently,
this rarespecies- in the Amazon
the forestfire.
c wefe starting a coud only be found
b starting b canonly be found d couldonlyfind
5 Whenthe snowfinalystopped-, peoplehadto 14'Who do youthinkwillbe the newgameshowhost?'
dig themselves olt oftheir homes. 'Well,KateJones-to be the best person
a falling c havingfallen thejob.'
b fall d to fall
6 He doesn'tfollowthe news,so he'salwaysthe tast
1 5 Thousandsoftrees on this mountainsince
a findingout
a are beingplanted
'We mustdo something
to helpthe flood victims.' d have been planted
can't them sufferany longer' 1 6 'Hasthat programmestartedyet?'
'No, and it was
ten minutesago-'
a supposedto start c supposedto starting
The longerthe tsunamivictimshaveto wait for hetp,
their situationbecomes.

9 Becauseof the d-o.rgn1.rle cropsare 1ot as lasr

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