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Allan Rey N.

Christian Ethics
March 24, 2020

The Human Act

1) What are the attributes of a human act?

The attributes of human act are as follows:

a) Knowledge – which provides that the doer of the act is conscious and
aware of the reason and the consequences of his
b) Freedom – which provides that doer of the act is acting on his own
initiative and choice without being forced to do so by
another person or situation; and
c) Will – which means that the doer of the act consents to the act,
accepting it as his own, and assumes accountability for
its consequences.

2) What is the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic evil?

Intrinsic evil is one when its wrongfulness is part of the nature of such
act; that it is an act which is always evil, no matter the circumstances or
rationale while extrinsic evil is an act which becomes evil only because of
certain outside factors, whether this may be the motive of the person or
the circumstances of the act.

As an example, the act of stealing, because it consists in depriving

someone of his property against his will, is intrinsically evil while the act
of alms giving, though good in itself, is extrinsically evil when it is done
for purposes of building one’s public image.

3) Should a drunken man be made accountable if he were to

accidentally burn a house? Explain your answer.

Yes, a drunken man should be held accountable for accidentally burning a

house. While there may not be an intention to burn the house, he is still
liable as his negligence arising from his being so intoxicated was the
probable cause of the fire, and under Article 20 of the Civil Code –
“Every person who, contrary to law, willfully or negligently causes
damage to another, shall indemnify the latter for the same.”

Hence, the drunken man should be held accountable.

Moreover, as provided, a person is accountable for indirectly willed acts

or consequences when the doer was able to foresee the evil result or
consequence though in a general way; he was free to refrain from doing
that action which would result in the foreseen evil; and that he has the
moral obligation not to do that which would result to something evil.

In this case, all the foregoing requisites are in the drunken man. Thus, he
is accountable for accidentally burning the house.

4) What moral principle is involved when a car driver who is

involved in an accident is charged with reckless imprudence
causing damage to property?

Justice is the moral principle that is applied when a car driver who is
involved in an accident is charged with reckless imprudence causing
damage to property. Justice is applied considering that it is a concept
involving fairness, equality, and equitable treatment.

Thus, in such a case, the one who suffered from the reckless
imprudence of the car driver must be treated with fairness, equality
and equitable treatment and the same can only be done by applying
justice through compensating the former.

Moreover, morality treats of what is right and what is wrong. In the

same vein, justice rewards rightfulness and penalizes wrongdoings to
achieve fairness and equality. Thus, justice must be involved in the
instant case.

Moral Sensibility

1) Why is it important to cultivate moral sensibility?

It is important to cultivate moral sensibility so that we would act

according to what is right and acceptable to society as the consequences
of our acts are not confined to ourselves only but to a great extent, to
society. Moreover, cultivating moral sensibility will, in one way or
another, nurture moral uprightness in society and accordingly, prevent
someone’s morality from going wayward.

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