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It is important for all of us to contribute in reducing our plastic waste because the small things that we do can
go a long way, and can inspire others to also reduce their carbon footprint. It is imperative for all of us to stop
relying on single use plastics as soon as possible, and before the adverse effects of such are irreversible and

Admittedly so, avoiding the use of single use plastics requires a drastic change in lifestyle, especially in this day
and age where single use plastics are the most common and most convenient form of product packaging.
However, if we do start to change our lifestyle, it benefits humanity as a whole, because we all live on the
same planet, and we all live in the same environment. We can all help save our environment in our own little

Once single use plastics would be banned, the impact would be felt the most by the middle to low social class,
or those that rely heavily on single use plastics for their daily necessities. They are the ones that usually
purchase the “sari-sari” items like sachets and packets, and if these would be phased out entirely, it would
make their life really hard. However, that is why it is important for the government to give a grace period to
these big corporations to find an eco-friendly alternative to these single use plastics, so that the ones who rely
heavily on single use plastics would not be drastically impacted.

Single use plastics pose a serious threat to our environment, and the banning of such should have been done
years ago. This is a significant problem that is being felt not only here in the Philippines, but around the entire
planet, even by first-world nations. We must all, as one earth, start to find ways to preserve the only planet
that we live in, and we must start with ourselves. The small things that we do, although seemingly
insignificant, will go a long way. Imagine if all of us in this room start to decide to avoid single use plastics as
much as possible, that would create a significant impact that would truly not go unnoticed.

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