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EXAM DATE: 11-August-2017 EXAM NAME: SSC Bamination ‘TOTAL MARKS : 200 EXAM STARTTIME: 10:00:00 EXAM DURATION : 01:00 Hrs TOTAL NO OF QUESTIONS: 100 ‘QD: 1- Inthe folowing questo, select the related word fom the given alternatives, Hockey : Stiek: : Boxing : 7 rata waa Rem Reval ete a at aT We flew aa? Options: a) 7 2) Ball 2 3) Swore aa 4) Gos w= ‘correct Answer ar Candidate Answer: ves QD: 2- Inthe folowing question, select the elated eters frm te given alternatives, FesivsrM:? rah wa a Rye ava Sate a at SP Feriysr Ms? Options: yor ‘Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] {QID: 3- Inthe flowing question, select he related number graup from the gven akernatives. 39236752717 PaRRRa waa Rom Read a a ata deren at ahr 39236721717 Options: aai4a7 2)22: 401 3)29: 850, 44) 312963, ‘correct Answer: 21: 447 ‘candidate Answer: 21: 447 ‘QD: 4- In she folowing question, select the odd word from the ahen akemates, frafao waa Remy Road a eS fee ey st eI ‘Options: a)sea am 2) Ocean hap dtepracicetetinies_cglett_17hresponse_questons pip? jo=MTEWODIMT apps 1968062474 1071051777 12-9063885¢ 1190 Stal Selection Conision ‘Candidate Answer: Marsh wee + In he following questo, select the od eter group from the ven akernatves. rar waa Remy eval a Fans ol sam ag Options: ya 2eu 3M 4) Pw ‘Correct Answer: PW ‘Candidate Answer: PW [QaD: 6 Inthe folowing question, select the ocd number fom the gen alternatives. Patio wa Remy Roa ae Rew Sera gL ‘options: ay170 2)200 3) 360 4) 530 Correct Answer: 360, ‘candidate Answer: 290 q 1 effacers 2. effacing 3. effaceable 4. Efacements 5. Effacement ~ Arrange the given words inthe Sequence in which they occur inthe chon ate wall a mete Han a ange 1 effacers 2. effacing 3 effaceable 4. Efacements 5. effacement Options: a) 34125, 2) 35412 3) 43182 4) 43215 ‘Correct Answer: 35412 ‘Candidate Answer: 35412 q: ‘cat, va7, 023, 7 es tere BRET es eget BR are ry a Rares he, ho cas, va7, 023, 7 Options: Ho 211 3) 4B A series given with ee term mising, Select the correct ternative from the given ones that wll complete the series, rT ip tvepracticelestinles_cglett_17hesporse_quostons php i¢=MTEWODIwITo=Bappid= 19680624741071C051777 12c90:3885: emeotr Stal Selection Conision ‘Correct Answer: 31 (Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] QD: 9- Inthe following questo, select the missing number fom the given series 19, 26,45, 71, 116, 7 aR war remy Rare 2 ae oer wr AE 39, 26,45, 74,136, 7 Options: 3) 166 2) 3)18¢ 4187 Correct Answer: 187 ‘candidate Answer: 167 (QID: 10. Abiray wavels 10 km north then tus of. Then he raves 6 kn and turns right and cover another 7 km. He fray tus to ight and travels anther 6 Jam, How far (fo) i he fom the pout of starting hs journey? fer eRe a tg 10 Ro ale BL eae 6 BEAN. mee eA TR he 7 EAA, eT as ae RTS HT TS BeaA, een 81 Sch ae Bs es eas Rr gh BA, 2) eB? Options: aie 2)16, 335, ay ‘Correct Answer: 17 ‘Candidate Answer: 17 (QD: 11 Inthe Engish alphabet, which lta is 138 fom right end? ho afore ae wk 19-8 ar aN Te BP Options: gt 2m aN 4)0 Correct Answer ‘Candidate Answer: N (GID: 12- Inthe folowing question, from the given alternative words select the werd which cannot be formed using the letters ofthe ven word, HANDSOME fear HANDSOME Options: aDHATS, 2) HOME 3) NAME 4)500 ‘correct Answer: HATS ‘candidate Answer: HATS raft Reet Be oa he a ce i a er ee TRL (ID: 13 Ina certain coe language, "ACCOUNT i writen 35 "DFFRXKQW How is "MATHS tenn that cde language? ‘es te as wr “ACCOUNT “DERRXQWT Rear oTar 1 za sts saM MATHS fs PR rare? Sree 2) rau 3) Pew 44) PWOWK ‘Correct Answer: PDWKY ‘Candidate Answer: POWKY ip tvepracticelestinles_cglett_17hesporse_quostons php i¢=MTEWODIwITo=Bappid= 19680624741071C051777 12c90:3885: emeotr Stal Selection Conision means "added ta," means "subtracted from’, then (QHD: 14-1" means “ahiced by’, "¥" mans “lied by 1146-245x3 RS rant a 8, sear oe pr 8, = aT anda 8, xe aT anbmere 8, A 5 6-245x3=7 options: yi 221 3)23 4)26 ‘Correct Answer: 23, Candidate Answer: 23 QD: 15-3 #6*9= 45 and 9:#8* 7 = 105, ton what's the value of S* 6#3-=7 Ra eer 9=ascu9 #8+7 = 1052, 5+ 6 #3 = 2am ae? Options: aie 2)68 3)96 4)90 ‘Correct Answer: 68 ‘Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] ow: 16 In the following question, select the number which can be placed at the sign of question mark (?) from the given altematives. aatetes ox # few am Rad ta ox Re Q) eae wa anh Sear Ft TAT 336] 170 | 748 523| 78 [349 431[? [328 Options: 33 234 336 a” ‘Correct Answer: 36 ‘Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED } w:17 How many triangles are there in the given figure? anh Gt ag ang a Race Paps Be options: ip tvepracticelestinles_cglett_17hesporse_quostons php i¢=MTEWODIwITo=Bappid= 19680624741071C051777 12c90:3885: emeotr Stal Selection Conision 16 220 32 ayo Correct Answer: 22 ‘Candidate Answer: [NOT ANSWERED ] QD: 18 Inthe folowing question below are given some statements followed by some conckstons. Taking he given slatements tobe rue even if they seem tobe _t arince from commonly known fe, rea al the candusians an then decge which a the gen conclusion logically follows the gen statements ‘Statements: ‘Ni bags are tables. 1 No abe ed. ‘conchsions: Some bags are re 1 Al bags are re. sa ere go we she ee wet eu po awd eee, oko a Me a ae we ee er fie feqang ate & Feed, rey el & anu eye wer waa tet Bashy oarAe a Prop yom Lata aaa) Ont Pony condxion 9 tows Seethert (pent 2 ory condson (2 ohows Sects cya 3) Nether cons (rr concn (flows at repel cy atte 3 el Freee cy wel 21 1 bun contr clon al el spd ae 81 {rect anewer: ther cnn nor econ (lows at Pend (9 ote et Frere (ay wet Candidate Anewer: Netter cocson (0) or onion ows sia Fret he el ee (a) HEB qw:19 From the given options, which figure can be formed by folding the figure given in the question? farafafes farsct A & ate et sar angie oa HO ag argh at atear aan or eect Be ip thepracicelestinles_cglett_17hesperse_quostons php #=MTEWODIwTe=Bappi= 1968062574 1076051777 120038852 590 emeotr Stal Selection Conision Options: ‘GID: 20- Ider the clagram tat best represents the flationship amon the gven classes Bull Anima, Carnivorous ag atte ghysh ta Rem ate deb aver at free eee a, cre, Herat Options: iO a @ ip tvepracticelestinles_cglett_17hesporse_quostons php i¢=MTEWODIwITo=Bappid= 19680624741071C051777 12c90:3885: 4 emeotr Stal Selection Conision @o ‘correct Answer g ‘candidate Answer @o Which answer figure will complete the pattem in the question figure? ats aft sa ang ua angit & oer at athe Options: ay 2 2 Candidate Answer hip tnepractielestinles_cglett_17hesporse_quostons php i¢=MTEWODIwTo=Bappid= 19680624741071C051777 12c90:3885: 7190 Stal Selection Conision entow w:2 From the given answer figures, select the one in which the question figure is hidden/embedded. dag on oe@al 43 sa a nes at gar Bra & ua ong fata 21 Options: ay) wD ‘correct Answer: #=MTEWODIwTe=Bappi= 1968062574 1076051777 120038852 ip thepracicelestinles_cglett_17hesperse_quostons php emreotr Stal Selection Conision A piece of paper is fokled and punched as shown below in the question figures. From the given ‘answer figures, indicate how it will appear when opened? aa & va anpieat a fem ager are at Hisar Set aa Glad & ae ae fra sr ee star foxes dar? dl Options: ay) aa Aa 2 [a aa o0°0 vv_yi 2. aa 000 vy 4 aa 4 000 Wvv ‘correct Answer: fa aa 000 vv_yi ‘candidate Answer aA Al 000 Wvv qw: 28 ip tvepracticelestinles_cglett_17hesporse_quostons php i¢=MTEWODIwITo=Bappid= 19680624741071C051777 12c90:3885: emeotr Stal Selection Conision If 2 mirror is placed on the line AB, then which of the answer figure is the right image of the given figure? aie me aio at AB tar wa om, at dt ae aR wetai Fo ata at one os ee we wfafaes etre > 2 4) ‘correct Answer: fe) candidate Answer qw:25 ip tvepracticelestinles_cglett_17hesporse_quostons php i¢=MTEWODIwITo=Bappid= 19680624741071C051777 12c90:3885: 1020 emeotr Stall Selection Conision ‘A word is represented by only one set of numbers es glen in any one of the faternatives. The sets of numbers given in the atematives are represented by ‘wo classes of alpnaoets es shown i te gwen two matrees, The columns and ows of Matrict ere rumbeced fom 0 to 4 and thet of Matrill era numBered liom 109 Alter rom these matices can be represen fe by 1S raw ene ‘ext by is column, for exemole 'P* can be represent by 02, 10. ee, aed ‘canbe represented by 86, 98, otc. Similar, you hove to ident tho set for the ‘wars “TRAIL” es eg hares cos ereaaaG cra axtar men & star Ms eect A a Pret ee Ft Rar war 8) fwedt at Re me coer send a gt at ar gee ame &, er fe trey fee are at ora hee oe ote oe AT ier 08 4 8g oe egg 9 @ 9) TEA a eH i wo eh ae ae a a tem GAT ea aN 8) SIRO FAP 2,10, sa ar caer rere Fen -G! a 66, 98, 0 oer ate a or fo set cap & omaha at fee aT eee “TRAIL 3% fete aa TT ‘game @1 Matric Matric eg meat Ceres SET ETE DITTTPTRID] BTSTATCIATS: TPIR[ULT Tt) [TAPS [S Are ZTITIREULP] PFPA Ie TS Ta [RST T] [als [AlAlc lS (etulerrirtR) [sie [stalela Options: 3701, 03,75, 00, 68 2) 14,30, 68, 13, 58 13) 20, 44, 99,21, 96 4), 1, 56,34, 88 (Correct Answer: 43, 1, 55,34, 88 Candidate Answer: 43, 1, 56,34, 88 ry rate aR ate ah ge mer ie one we er gS eae Wich ofthe folowing rate is charged by barks to ther most ret worthy customers? Options: 4) Prime Lending Rate SECS 2) Stanory Lui Rate ‘waite ocean & 3) Bonk Rate toa 4) Repo Rate z CH GUE RR ‘Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED } [QID: 27 - Medium term loans are rowed fora period of re stolid a2 3) year to2 years aaferat 2) 15 months to 3 years isugdace 13) 15 months to 4 years sae dad 4) Lyear to 3 years rateaat ‘Correct Answer: 1 year to3 years ames ‘Candidate Answer: {year to 3 years ip tvepracticelestinles_cglett_17hesporse_quostons php i¢=MTEWODIwITo=Bappid= 19680624741071C051777 12c90:3885: ‘180 emeotr Stal Selection Conision imidaat (QID: 28- Wich ofthe folowing is a feature of federal Goverment? PaRiaa a a ahs ata aera ow Ree Options: 4) Supremacy ofPalament wees wa 2) Supremacy of uiciay aurea ah ators 3) Division of powers between federal and sate Government guge aalS de alae a 4) Single ctzenship eer sefeet Correct Answer: Dision of powers between federal ard state Government abt ae eh she eae a RT ‘candidate Answer: vision of powers between federal and state Government Suge eal be alse ay AT ‘QWD: 29 - Under which arte, President of Inca can proclaim fhancal emergency? ves gab & kta, se 5 eg ere nr fen were Options: Sprite 32 78a 32 2) Atle 349, sa 349 3) Arle 360 548% 360 a) Ate 385 TSE 355 ‘correct Answer: Arle 360 3g 360 ‘Candidate Answer: Artie 360 948% 360 ‘QHD: 30. Who was the funder ofthe Ghadar Party? geal ib dem a Options: 4) Basane kumar Bswas ‘wie grr TE 2) Soan Singh Baka ae Reg 3) Ram Prasad Asi ‘aa ware fier 4) Bhagat Singh are RE ‘correct Answer: her Rie sr ‘candidate Answer: Rar Prasod Biri ane chan Singh Bhakna {QD 34 Nwhich year (AD) wos he Est nda Company established? Eee een A wr os Bow EA A go Options: shies 216 3) 1600 4) 1608 ‘Correct Answer: 1600 ‘candidate Answer: 1600 {aD 32- malayan mourtan range falls under which typeof mouriains? sre des aren fre ee Bot A er 2 Options: 3) Block Mountain hap tepracicetetinies_cglett_17hresponse_questons pip j¢=MTEWODIMtIT apps 1968062474 1071051777 129063085 1200 emeotr Stal Selection Conision ae ea es et 2) Residual Mowran sratag wa 3) Accumulated Mourtan fea wis 4) Fld Hourtain are a correct Answer: Feld Mourain aeons ‘candidate Answer: Fold Mountain ae us ap: Sted ars teat atteder er fees ge, t_Amae Options: 4) Indie and shutan eee aur 2) Bhutan and Nepal ge ate 3) India and Banglades seca au area 4) Bangladesh and Myanmar Breer ae "Norwesters! are thunderstorms which ae prominent in correct Answer ste et aera ‘Candidate Answer: isa and Bangladesh eee eT aR ia and Banclacesh ‘QHD: 34- UV rays coming fom Sun, majorly causes which cancer? aon at Bo a gare ate mh ei Options: A) Lures cancer Ded at ed Bue one waeTT 3) Mouth cancer paeéar 4) Skin cancer ear ab ‘correct Answer: Skin cancer aa ‘Candidate Answer: Skn cancer wear ba (QHD: 35 - Which oF the follwing the largest mammal? ARE a ats werd Bara Options: a) Whale a 2) Rhinoceros ts, 3) Bephant anh 4) Human aa ‘Correct Answer: Whale ea Candidate Answer: Whale (QHD: 36 - Whats the fll form of RNA FRU, ar re 5 TB Options: 3) Riborucec Acts rete as 2) Rint Ace rat ae Bs 3) Ribonuvert Acs ip tvepracticelestinles_cglett_17hesporse_quostons php i¢=MTEWODIwITo=Bappid= 19680624741071C051777 12c90:3885: entow Sf Seteton Carmision ‘Reverse Nal cd Rad aate tee Corzect Answer Riboruc hd agalqachs YRS Candidate Answer: Roorkee Acid wearete Ws w fr et ewe re ea Be BY Options: DAC poles eer 2) Atequatr iqre ar 3} At vopi of Capricorn aorta ‘4) AL epi of carcer abt 37 - AL which of the following place, weight of an object maximum? ‘Candidate Answer: At ples eer w ‘ana eT Options: a) ketin Bieri 2) ule co 3) Celsus Ree 4) Fahrenhot wiereee (Gorrect Answer: Kevin Bier What isthe St unit of vemperature? ‘candidate Answer: Kehin Ser (GID: 39- Netscape Navigator is]. eae Aittee ww _&1 Options: $B} orprical user rerace aise ae secre ee oe as eT 2) programming language ir ren aor Hm 3) web browser aaa dae ahaa 4) processor eee ‘Correct Answer: 2b browser aaarawe ara yy oieiow ‘Candidate Answer: [NOT ANSWERED ) (QHD: 40- Whats nature of pi of ak? qubeh wz aaaptremte Options: 2) sgh Ace tars 2) Shy Ease Soe 5) oh Ace Sian oie 2) hy Base Seat eta ‘correct Answer er saa ighty Ace ip tvepracticelestinles_cglett_17hesporse_quostons php i¢=MTEWODIwITo=Bappid= 19680624741071C051777 12c90:3885: w20 emeotr Stal Selection Conision ‘Candidate Answer: Sightly Bosc gran wo 1 = Which among the following snot an example of emulsion? efor a ae are oe re aE AER Options: 3) Croclate-¥ie aeaeqe 2) Butier a1 3) Whipped cream Wel gee 4)cure we Correct Answer: Crs we ‘Candidate Answer: Chacolte-¥ik erage w deh tetera gu fre et fr fr fr em Options: a)usA Sa aT ART 2) Germany 3) Japan ‘sre 4) Switzerland Correct Answer: Jopan oF ‘candidate Answer: Japan ars ‘oto Protocots (a international treaty to reduce greennouse gas erision) fst meting was hel at whch country? (ID: 43 -"cky rahak Yojana’ anc‘ han Vapar Yojana’ to give cash awards to the customers and merchants was launched by which government bacy? fare eeerd dea errs au a A eA aT Re ee she ae ar pa TT Options: $I} National stiton for Transforming Ina ‘abea rea ods ae 2} nesonalPaymeres Corporation of nda seer ape rar Poe 3) Franca! Suit and Delopment Counc fae fer ae va ere 4) Reserve Bank of nde teed ed ‘Correct Answer: National Institon for Transforming Ina ada sea oka a ‘Candidate Answor: National Payments Corporation of rea sea gta em ‘GID: 44- Who among the following devised the technique IVF (In tro Fertlzaton)? rah 8 swe anew (es RC wees eg RA a) eter wh woh Options: 3) Si rank While ae be fee 3 ter rats 3) Edvard Jenner used a 4) Dr. Martn Cooper aie ae ‘correct Answer: Robert Edwards a ‘candidate Answer: Eawere Jenner yeas ore (QID: 45 -"Wimblecon’ 52 place associated with which of tre following sports? hip tnepracticlestinles_cglett_17hesporse_quostons php i¢=MTEWODIwtTo=Bappid= 19680624741071C051777 12c90:3885: 1520 emeotr Stal Selection Conision ‘racer war PefMBa Ha fre de 8 sate te Options: 3) awn terns waeha 2) Badminton Asis 3) Hockey et 4) Crikat free ‘correct Answer aera ‘Candidate Answer: Lawn tenis a ow: 46 Match the following Seafite a Bee APT Artist | etree Art! ®er 4. Yamini Krishna Murthy a. Vocalist anfecht Gooraft ore 2. M.S. Subbulakshmi b. Musician Ta. Ue. Bgaestt ore 3. Vishnu Diganbar Paluskar cc. Bharatnatyam faoyy favtax wae aReeTeaH 4. Pt. Shivkumar Sharma d. Santor Ua Pagan est aa Options: a), 2, 30, 4d 2), 29,34, 4 3) 4, 2 3b, a 4) 1b, 26,38, 44 Correct Answer: I, 2-2, 3-5, 4€ ‘Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] ‘QHD: 47 - Whos the recipler of Arjuna Award 2016 inthe eto athletics? alee FF Bai 2016 ora eee ae a BP Options: 3) Vilas Goma gt 2} Lata Babar etree 3) Necra} Chopra Aka ast 4) Seema Paria ea correct Answer: Lata Babar ea ee candidate Answer: Lalita Babar ware (QHD: 48 Sic Machine {Dorit Lee Cricket... Love Bis an autobiography of which famous batsman? eee ne eee ip thepracicelestinles_cglett_17hesperse_quostons php age gy’ ra cg aes ren #=MTEWODIwTe=Bappi= 1968062574 1076051777 120038852 1620 emeotr Stal Selection Conision Options: 3) Viat Kot fae wee 2) 8 De Velles wera ates 3) Chis Gaye irate 4) Takaraine Dshan rere erat ‘Gorrect Answer: Chis Gyle ‘candidate Answer: Cris Gayle irate (GID: 49. Which county's headed towards 2 confrneaton over Gbratar with Span? ‘Breer Bees aren Sa} a Rae a he ome? Options: a} France wa 2) Morocco Rue! 3)gmony 4) Unt Kngdom sige TET ‘Correct Answer: United Kingdom ‘piees famree Candidate Answer: Usted Kngdom pee fore qe Besar Drege ae Options: a}chna a 2) Buen ier 3) Nepal 4) Pakistan cers Correct Answer: China = Wich county as tanned Facebook ? ‘Candidate Answer: ina a wo: ww fon ote 5 te Bay 6/5 or eta sete RA 4 age Bae 1/2 eR we He aT wT Options: ye 2710 1 - A fracton becomes 6/5 when 5's added tots numerator and becomes 1/2 when 4s added to its denominator, What wl be the value of the fraction? 37/8 aon ‘Correct Answer: 7/10 ‘Candidate Answer: 7/10 ‘QaD: 52- Amit can complete a work in 25 days and Punitcan complete the same workin 20 days, Put alone worked at for 10 days and then lef the work In how many days wil Art alone complete the remalning wor? arta fared orl a 25 fer Fae emer ten Ga Ge wo a 20 aA we SeT I Ph 10 fa aw acer om wef TU Tae Ue oe wise Te oT I avo she os ana eee Options: g re 2 2 ip tvepracticelestinles_cglett_17hesporse_quostons php i¢=MTEWODIwITo=Bappid= 19680624741071C051777 12c90:3885: 10 emeotr Stal Selection Conision qt 2 2 132 2 » 143 2 correct Answer 424 2 ‘candidate Answer 424 2 (QHD: 53. The measure of te four successive angles ofa quadratral are inthe ratio 7: 11: 7 LL The quadratral is 2 as gn 3s 4 rare hat ara 7:21: 7 11 guar Rae aR ws _ BT Options: 3) trapezium exe 2) rectangle oma 3) parallelogram ama 4) square at Correct Answer emiee agit Candidate Answer: paraeloram eae ag allegra ‘GID: 54. Whats the lscount percentage offered on @ book having marked price RS 2180 beng soldat RS 18827 frtotae ge dat ew gas Pes obra 280 o8 fet eet roe Options: ye 23 314 416 ‘Correct Answer: 12 ‘Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] [QID: 55 - Re 60500 is cvced among A, Band C such the share oF C (Rs)? receives 2/9 as much as B an C together arc 8 receives 3/7 of 9s much as A and C together, What coson 8a A, aaa Options: 3) 29850, 2) 3020 3) 31350 4)37250 ‘Correct Answer: 31350 ‘Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] reveal orr fea eT em sauce ge MoI 2/9%, MTB OTT A gC HFS wT AT 37 BCA IMT (eA Ko (QHD: 56 The average age ofa class of 6 girs sx years. Four new gis having ages x~2, x + 2,x+4 and x-+6 joins the dass, Whats the new average age (in years) ofthe class? geod ah ew wer ah hae rg 4 eR op —2 x 2c ene 6% oe ewer se get) 3)25¢ ip tvepracticlestinles_cglett_17hesponse_quostons php i¢=MTEWODIwtTc=Bappid= 19680624741071C05177712c90:3885: 120 emeotr Stal Selection Conision 4yx+25 ‘correct Answer ‘Candidate Answer: x-+25 [QUD: 57- A dealer sells wo machines at RS 12000 each, On one gains 32% and on the other looses 32%, What spotless percentage inthe whole ‘rarsacton? es xen he 12000 =o ath a en Bat eh 5 ee ee RA a a Saar ane ares ag SIhognn anno in and 9 bss sam ca 7 a 2) We oss ier 3) 18% ont overt 4) s0.20% oss 10.26% 90% ‘correct Answer: 10.24% ss rose et ‘candidate Answer: 1% loss 168 ery co see gu a or fm, Bre gu a en ow 8, A oer anh Gee) Pera ant ae ae See qu TT Ta oT Options: yao 2)20 340 4)80 ‘Correct Answer: 80 ‘Candidate Answer: £0 ow much water (in tres) must be added to 80 ltes solution of mk and water containing 10% mi, so that f becomes aS mik soliton? QID: 59 Abus raves 2/5 ofa total journey at ts usual speed, The remaining dstance Was covered by bus 6/7 of ts usual speed, Duet slow speed I reaches 1s destinason 50 minutes bt, the total dstance Is 200 ks, then what the usual speed (Inne) of bus? Se ge srt on opps be errs oh Are Lo gee are B17 Ah we ra oA ome see RE A et RU per 200 a, ar a ere (set) er ee Options: 12057 228 328 4) 2552 ‘Correct Answer: 24 ‘Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED } ‘WD: 60- For an amount simple interest at the rate of interest of 12% per annum for 6 years is Rs 25820, What wil be the compound interest (in Rs) on same ‘mount atthe rate oF Irtrest of 83% per annum compounding anualy for 2 years? ew afte 1256 ar 8 al er ure at 25020 &, Br RT on a an eS er aha we 2 wa or ag ea (s. B) eT Options: 1) 4326: 2) 55638 3) 5008.6 44) 5900.4 ‘correct Answer 5850.4 ‘Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED } (QHD: 61-10 and fare roots of the equation 32 ~ 13x + 14 = 0, then whats the value of (8) + (Blo)? aR o map Bis Se — 134 Options: a) 65728 2) 53/14 3)3 4) 85/02 ‘Correct Answer: 85/42 ae aeew 8, BIB) + (W/o) BrAT TED ip tvepracticelestinles_cglett_17hesporse_quostons php i¢=MTEWODIwITo=Bappid= 19680624741071C051777 12c90:3885: 1990 emeotr Stal Selection Conision ‘Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED } and ab + be wD: 62-Fa+b + 18, then what the val of 93 +b? + wi a+b+e=97Tab = be rca = 18, ha? +b? +c sabe mr wT Options: 3) 188 2)28 3) 361 4) 486 ‘Correct Answer: 263, ‘Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED } UD: 63-1 (uy) + (yn) = 1 then whats the vale of + 2? aR Ody) + (v9) Options: D- 2)0 31 43 Lae ep era wT ‘correct Answer: ‘Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] ID: 64. FSH = 307 = 6, then whats he value of (ay +y2 +n? 0° = 6, ay +2 + pepe LI wT ‘Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] age QR 29 7 ZR fate oT OTE Pret BI WEP = 70° 8, ZOOR aT (A) wTAT Options: suo 2)15 3)125 415 ‘Correct Answer: 125, ‘candidate Answer: 110 (aD: 66- I the areas of to sila langle are inthe rato 5:7, hen w att denn inet dara erage 5: 72, deaths amt yet arog eT Options: ay5:7 225149 3yiS:v7 4) 125 3483 ‘Correct Answer: V5: 7 ‘Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] ory ip tvepracticelestinles_cglett_17hesporse_quostons php i¢=MTEWODIwITo=Bappid= 19680624741071C051777 12c90:3885: ‘The internal sectors of -@ and 2R oftianle PQR mest at O. IP = 70%, then whats the measure of .QOR (In degrees)? the rato ofthe corresponding sides of these two tangles? 57 - ABCD's an isosceles rapes such that AD] |8C, AB = cm, RD = @ cm and BC = 14 em, Whats the area (hm?) of rapes? 2080 arrow Sf Selection Carmision aco wo ening wa 8, Bra ADC, AB= SBA, AD =a BAA mac = 4 Beh, Bee a CRA? Hy er Options: ase ae 38 ae Correct Answer: 44 Candidate Answer: [NOT ANSWERED } qm: 68 in the given figure, ABC is an equilateral triangle. If the area of bigger circle is 1386 cmé, then what is the area (in cm?) of smaller circle? a ag sea A, ABCue waarg Pape bi aie as ar awn 1386 8a %, at oe ae aT ATT (a2 dyam b Options: ayia 2)154 3) 288 4) 462 ‘Correct Answer: 154 ‘Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED } ‘QD: 68- Whats the simplified value of (tan? 8s? @ytan? 8s? OF Uan? @~ sir? @ytar® 6 si? 9) reaper we 42 ‘Correct Answer: 1 ‘candidate Answer: 1 (aD: 70-1 sec (34 ~ 20°) = casec(3y +204), then whats he vale of an (x+y)? ‘aff sec (3x 20%) = cose (y + 20%), Ban (x+y) BTA aT? Options: yn ip tvepracticelestinles_cglett_17hesporse_quostons php i¢=MTEWODIwITo=Bappid= 19680624741071C051777 12c90:3885: 2180 emeotr Stal Selection Conision ave 3an3 423 Correct Answer: 1/V3 ‘Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] qp: Rot = evo +1) cot B= 1/20 +1), Beak (A +8) TET TE L- cot A= n(n + 1) and cot B= 1/@2n +1), then whats the value of cot (+ 8)? 42 ‘correct Answer: ‘Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED } win The bar chart given below shows the sales of 3 types of cars in the Indian automotive industry over 4 years. All the sales figures have been shown in terms of ‘000 units. ae fer aw cos fs a one ater sche & 4 act A 3 were St at A echt at ater war G1 Peet wat stast at ‘000 gang & wo at aeter oar 21 Hatchback / Sad ™ Sedan /#srr SUV / waa 800 700 ) 500 400 300 200 100 ‘Sales (000 units) ‘fast (000 2008 2010 «2011 2012 Year/ a ‘Which ofthe following typeof cor has the Nghest nerease In sales fem 2008 to 20127 ae aa fw HH st wr wa 2000 & 2012 ae inom BB BE BP Options: 2) Hetehback 2) Both SUV and Hotchback Wg, @, au bade at hip tvepracticlestinles_cglett_17hesporse_quostons php i¢=MTEWODIwtTo=Bappid= 19680624741071C051777 12c90S885: emeotr Stal Selection Conision 3) wad. 4) Sedan as ‘Correct Answer: SUV waa. Candidate Answer: SW weg, wins The bar chart given below shows the sales of 3 types of cars in the Indian automotive industry over 4 years. All the sales figures have been shown in terms of ‘000 units. ae fer aw cos fs at one ater sche & 4 act 3 were St art Ar Pech at ater war B1 Peet wat siast at 000 gang & wo at aeter oar BI Hatchback / Sad ™ Sedan / srt SUV / waa | 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 8 8 ) ‘Sales (000 units) ‘fast (000 2009 ©2010 «2011-2012 Year! a ‘hats he simple annual growth at (in 9) in the sales of SUV from 2008 to 20127 2009 8 2012 7 WR. 9, af ft 8 eur cer 9B az (36H fe Options: 390 2) 100 31333, 4) 150 (Correct Answer: 133.33 ‘Candidate Answer: 9, qw: 74 ip thepracicelestinles_cglett_17hesperse_quostons php #=MTEWODIwTe=Bappi= 1968062574 1076051777 120038852 80 emreotr Stal Selection Conision The bar chart given below shows the sales of 3 types of cars in the Indian automotive industry over 4 years. All the sales figures have been shown in terms of ‘000 units ae fer aw cos fs at one ater sche & 4 act 3 were St art Ar Pech at ater war B1 Peet wat siast at 000 gang & wo at aeter oar BI Hatchback / Sad ™ Sedan / srt SUV / waa | 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 8 8 Sales (‘000 units) ‘fash (000 Sars) 2009 «2010 «2011-2012 Year! a ‘nat isthe respective rato of taal sales of Sedan an total sales of SUV over the period of 4 years? Bor Sa atah ate awe | At aa ata ga feet ere oq aT Options: a)23:31 2)29: 38 33:31 4) 76:47 ‘Correct Answer 43:31 ‘Candidate Answer: 43: 31 qw:75 ip tvepracticelestinles_cglett_17hesporse_quostons php i¢=MTEWODIwITo=Bappid= 19680624741071C051777 12c90:3885: emreotr Stal Selection Conision The bar chart given below shows the sales of 3 types of cars in the Indian automotive industry over 4 years. All the sales figures have been shown in terms of ‘000 units. ae fer aw cos fs at one ater sche & 4 act 3 were St art Ar Pech at ater war B1 Peet wat siast at 000 gang & wo at aeter oar BI Hatchback / Sad ™ Sedan / srt SUV / waa | 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 8 8 ‘000 units) ‘fash (000 Sars) Sales ( 2009 «2010 «2011-2012 Year! a if alte 3 categories increase by same rate n 2013 over 2012 as they didn 20:2 over 2011, then what wil e the total apronimate sales (i000 units) of all te 3 ‘categories taken together in year 20132 2 woh Aa 20133 201 aT RA 2012 2011 BANA OH 9 A Aw 2013 BH 9 Options: 32152 2) 2365 eg Pea 000 ang} we 3) 3069 4) 3568 ‘correct Answer: 3069 ‘Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] {QHD 76 Inthe folowing question, some part of the sentence may have errors. Find ot which prt ofthe sentones has an e Ia sentence is ree om ero, select No error and select the appropriate option was shocked to near (4 that ner husband (2V lee ofan accident. (3)/ No Eror (4) Options: Figs 2)2 33 44 Correct Answer ‘candidate Answer: 3 {QID: 77- Inthe foling question, some pat of the sentence may have errors. Find ot which part ofthe sentence has an eror and select the appropiate option 1a sentence is ree fom era, select No error The reason for (4)/ is oles because (2)/ he did't study at all. (3)/ No Error (4) Options: a1 ip thepracicelestinles_cglett_17hesperse_quostons php #=MTEWODIwTe=Bappi= 1968062574 1076051777 120038852 180 emeotr Stal Selection Conision ‘Candidate Answer: 2 (AD: 78- Inthe folowing question, the sentence gen win blankto be filed in wth an appropriate vor, Selec the correc alternative out of he four and inate By seeing te appropriate option \Virat Koh added another feather ___his cap by his wonderful performance in the one day match. ‘Correct Answer: ‘Candidate Answer: on QD: 79- Inthe folowing question, the sentence gven with blonkto be filed in with an appropiate word, Select the corect alternative out of the four and inate By selecting te appropriate option ‘Only when, Options: efforts 2)aress 3) persuasions 44) manipulators ‘Correct Answer: persuasions ‘Candidate Answer: forts {alle the army resorted to force {QD 8D- Inthe folowing question, out ofthe four alternatives, select the word similar in meaning to te word give, Perniious Options: 1) Benefical 2) Dangerous 3) imocvous 4) Advantageous ‘Correct Answer: Dangerous ‘Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] {@ID: 81- Inthe folowing question, out of the fur alternatives, select the word sila in meaning ta the word gen, Stringent Options: 2) Anoyng 2) Revengeul 3) nccersal 4) Regorous ‘correct Answer: Rigorous Candidate Answer: Reorous (QHD: 82- Inthe folowing question, out ofthe four alternatives, select the word opposite In meaning to the wore cven Veratious Optio 41) Calamus 2) Treachery 3) Seating 4) able ‘Correct Answer: Soothing ‘Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] {ID 83- Inthe folning question, out ofthe fur ateratves, select the word apposite in meaning ta the wore given 2) Shr 3) Mount 4) Arliy ‘Correct Answer: Shrvl ‘Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED } {QID: 84- Inthe folowing question, out ofthe fur alternatives, select the ateratve which best expresses the mening of the dlom/Prrase. ip thepraciclestinles_cglett_17hesporse_quostons php i sTEWODInM Te= appid+ 1968062474 1712051777 12680-3885 180 emeotr Stal Selection Conision Live fromhand to mouth Options: 3) Fy rch people 2) To be dependent on others 3) To have enaugh money to Ive on and thing extra 44) Ung in miserable condivons [Correct Answer: To have enough money te on and noting xtra ‘Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] (QHD: 85 - Inthe folowing question, out ofthe fur alternatives, selec the alternative which best expresses the mearing of the tlm Prrase. ‘To face the muisic opto 3) To bear the consequences 2) To disparage sormeone 3) Tobe ard of neering 14) To enjoy a musical concert ‘Correct Answer: To bear the consequences ‘Candidate Answer: To bear the consequences ‘aD: 86 - Improve the bracketed part ofthe sentence. He thanked me for what (have done) for hs wie Options: {)had done 2) had been done 3) have been done 4) No improvement Correct Answer: had done ‘Candidate Answer: had done ‘QD: 87 - Improve the bracketed part ofthe sentence, (Haraty nothing) was offered tothe vicins of the earthquake Options: 3) Hardy something 2) Her anvting 3) Hara fle 44) No improvement ‘Correct Answer: Hardly anything ‘Candidate Answer: Hardy anyting {GID 8B- Inthe folowing question, out ofthe fur alternatives, select the alternative whichis the best substitute of the ptrase \aling of one's own chil Options: 31) Footie 2)Filcde 3) Iantcide 4) Lpicide ‘Correct Answer: Flicide ‘candidate Answer: Infantcide (QHD: 89- Inthe folowing question, out ofthe Fur alternatives, soec the ateratve which isthe best substitute of the ptrase Aber of work Optio 1) Oerophite 2) Technopile 3) Romanophie 4) rgoohie ‘Correct Answer: Ergopile Candidate Answer: Ergopbile [QD: 90- Inthe foloing question, four words ate ven out of which one word Is Incorrectly spe, Fad the Incorecty spel wor, Option 3) Impression 2) Personnal 3) Terrors 4) teate ip thepraciclestinles_cglett_17hesporse_quostons php i sTEWODInM Te= appid+ 1968062474 1712051777 12680-3885 0 emeotr Stal Selection Conision ‘correct Answer: Personal ‘Candidate Answer: literate [QID: 81 Inthe foloning question, four words ate given out of which one word is incorrectly spe Find the incor spel word Optio 41) Stupefacton| 2) Proferential 3) Survellenoe 44) Detrimental ‘correct Answer: Survelence ‘Candidate Answer: Davimental ‘aD: 92. The quesvon below consists of 2 Set of labeled sentences. ut ofthe four options sven select the most local order ofthe sentences to form a coherent paracraph, : Rhas been the handaidof the rung cass 1G Therefore, ever since the dawn of culation, persons in power have lvays tried to supervise or contol eduction. RE: Education is an irstument which imparts krowiedge and therefore, indirectly corals power. ‘St ts an ad saying that knowledge Is pom Options: 1)59°R 2) PROS: 3) sRaP 44) PSR ‘Correct Answer: SROP ‘Candidate Answer: SRQ? ‘QHD: 93 The question below consists ofa se of labeled sentences. Out ofthe fur option sve select the most local erder ofthe sertances to form a coherent paragraph. This sGespte the fact that there is 8 rampant mlration of rural fries to urban centres {Generally be gains of being a unit of te urban population are less than the sadvartages and sks that are inbultin the wan Ie R: Rural populaon stil dominates the urban population as far asthe number i cnsierec. ‘St Indi is cours of ilages, ‘Candidate Answer: SRQP {GID 94- Inthe folowing question, 2 sentence has been given in Actve/Passhve vole, Out four alternates suggested, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in Passive Active vole. ‘The residents celebrated Diwali Options: 41) Celebraton of Bal was done by the residents, 2) Dval nas been celebrates bythe resicents, 3) Dwall was celebrate by the reson. 14) Dials celebrated by the residents ‘Correct Answer: Diwali was celebrated by the residents ‘Candidate Answer: Dwall's celebrated bythe resides. {QID: 95 - Inthe folowing question, 2 sentence has been given in Dec/ndrect speech. Out ofthe four atenatves suggested, Selec the one which best expresses the same sentence in irecy/Oredt speech. ‘The foreman said to his workers “Teannot pay you higher wages.” Option 4) The foreman warned his workers tht he cannot pay them higher wages, 2) The foreman told hs workers that he could nt pay them higher wages. 3) The foreman told his workers that they cou not be pad higher wanes. |4) The foreman ford nis workers to pay higher wages ‘Correct Answer: The foreman tad his workers that he coulé rot pay them higher wages. ‘Candidate Answer: The foreman tol his workers that he could not pay them higher wages {GID 96 - Inthe folowing passage some ofthe Words have been left ou. Read the passage carefuly and select the correct answer forthe gven Blank ot ofthe four alternatives, isnot __ to ignore allegations of booth capturing and rigging as murmurs of __losers._have come to light of intimidation of whole vilages and ‘omuifes te make them vote fora particular candiate or pay. At ties elecson Oils have BSen by unscrupulous poltlan iro turing @ Bnd eye to practices ip thepraciclestinles_cglett_17hesporse_quostons php i sTEWODInM Te= appid+ 1968062474 1712051777 12680-3885 80 emeotr Stal Selection Conision is not _ to ignore all allegations of booth capturing Options: 4) realistic 2)relable 3) requrea 4) essenial Correct Answer: realistic ‘Candidate Answer: realistic (QID: 97 - Inthe folowing passage some ofthe words have been left ou, Read the passage carfuly and select the correct answer forthe given Blank out ofthe ‘bur alternatives, 1s not___to ignore all alegatons of both capturing ar raging as murmurs of __lesers. _ have come to light of intimidation of whole vilages and ‘commurilos to make them vote fora particular candidate or party, At mes elecion acs have been __by unscrupulous poltlans to turing @ Bind eye to practices. ‘and rigging as murmurs of ___ losers. Options: A)ratonal 2) asgrunes 3) huge 4) deals, ‘Correct Answer: dsoruntes ‘Candidate Answer: dsgrunted ‘QHD: 98- Inthe follwing passage some ofthe words have been eft cu, Read the passage carfuly and slect the corset answer forthe ven Blank out ofthe four alternatives. Its not___to ignore allalegatons of booth capturing ar raging as murmurs of ___losers. __ have come to light of intimidation of whole vilages and ‘communities to make them vote fora particular candiate or party, Ateselecon acs have bean by unscrupulous polars to turing @ Bind eye to practices. hhave come to ight of intimidation of whole vilages and communities Opti 4) sarees 2) sources 3) reasons 4) Ideas Correct Answer: instances ‘Candidate Answer: insances ‘GID: 99 Inthe folowing passage some ofthe words have been left ou. Read the passage carefuly and slect the correct answer forthe ven Blank out ofthe four alternatives. 1s not ___to grove allalegatons of booth capturing ar raging as murmurs of __losers. _have come to light of intimidation of whole vilages and ‘commurites to make them vote fora parca’ candiate or party, At Umeselecion fics have Bean by unscrupulous poltcia ito turning @ Bnd eye to practices. [At times election officals have been ___by unscrupulous pofticians Options: 3) decdes 2) safequarded 3) rejovnated 44) Ureatenee ‘Correct Answer: threatened ‘Candidate Answer: treated ‘QID: 100- nthe following passage some of the words nave been lft ou, Read the passage carefully and select the correct answer fr the given blank out of the {bur aternatives isnot _ to ignore al alegations of both capturing ar raging as murmurs of ___lesers. __have come to light of intimidation of whole vilages and ‘commutes to make them vote fora partular candiate or party, At times elecion fdas have Been __——_by unscrupulous potas ir turning a Bind eye to practices. Into turning a bind eye to__practices. Options: 2) sgrfieant 2)rare 3) unjust 4) usal ‘Correct Answer: unjust ‘Candidate Answer: unjust tip dtnepracicetetinies_calett_17hresponse_questons php? j¢=MTEWODIaTe=appid=1968062474107IC05177712c00e38850 2980 emeotr ip thepraciclestinles_cglett_17hesporse_quostons php i Stal Selection Conision sTEWODInM Te= appid+ 1968062474 1712051777 12680-3885 sn0

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