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Notebook Week 9-2g:

The article ​“The Anxious Generation”​, informs readers on how anxiety is created and how it

affects teenagers and young adults. This article provides personal stories on how anxiety has

made an impact on certain young adult’s lives. The article ​“Overcoming anxiety”​, provides

information about how anxiety is manifested and how it can be treated. This article is specifically

targeting older men, however, the information that is given can be applied to everyone that is

dealing with anxiety. When discussing anxiety medications as a treatment option, ​“Teens Who

Get Rx Medications More Likely to Abuse Them”​ gives good statistics on how these

medications are easily abused by teens. Anxiety medications can be used by teens to get high or

give to other peers. Anxiety patients can become dependent on these medications, which is

shown in the article “​Difficulties Related to Medication Therapy for Anxiety Disorder”​. Anxiety

medications can make patients unsatisfied or unhappy with the results. The article

“Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)”​, explains another popular anxiety treatment. Cognitive

Behavioral Therapy helps patients understand their thought patterns and how they can change

their reactions. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy can help a variety of individuals, including

children and adolescents, as mentioned in the article ​“Parent-Delivered Cognitive Behavioral

Therapy May Help Children With Anxiety”​. However, there can be limitations to Cognitive

Behavioral Therapy based on the individual and their resources.

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