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Zootaxa 4122 (1): 001–949 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
Copyright © 2016 Magnolia Press
Monograph ZOOTAXA
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)



Catalogue of Diptera of Colombia

Edited by


Magnolia Press
Auckland, New Zealand

Published: 14 Jun. 2016

Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License
Catalogue of Diptera of Colombia
(Zootaxa 4122)
949 pp.; 30 cm.
14 Jun. 2016
ISBN 978-1-77557-961-8 (paperback)
ISBN 978-1-77557-962-5 (Online edition)


Magnolia Press
P.O. Box 41-383
Auckland 1346
New Zealand

© 2016 Magnolia Press

ISSN 1175-5326 (Print edition)

ISSN 1175-5334 (Online edition)

2 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press

Zootaxa 4122 (1): 003–007 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
Copyright © 2016 Magnolia Press
Table of contents ZOOTAXA
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)

Catalogue of Diptera of Colombia


8 Catalogue of Diptera of Colombia: an introduction


15 Family Anisopodidae

20 Family Bibionidae

26 Family Cecidomyiidae

41 Family Sciaridae

46 Family Rangomaramidae

50 Family Ditomyiidae

53 Family Diadocidiidae

56 Family Keroplatidae

62 Family Lygistorrhinidae

65 Family Mycetophilidae

73 Families Tipulidae and Limoniidae


98 Family Ceratopogonidae

142 Family Chironomidae


Published: 14 Jun. 2016 3

Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License
154 Family Simuliidae

178 Family Corethrellidae


182 Family Blephariceridae


187 Family Psychodidae


239 Family Scatopsidae


246 Family Rhagionidae


249 Family Tabanidae


302 Family Xylophagidae


306 Family Pantophthalmidae


312 Family Stratiomyidae


342 Family Xylomyidae


346 Family Acroceridae


350 Family Nemestrinidae


353 Family Asilidae


372 Family Bombyliidae


382 Family Mydidae


387 Family Therevidae


393 Family Empididae


4 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press WOLFF ET AL. (EDS.)

397 Family Hybotidae

404 Family Dolichopodidae


414 Family Phoridae


452 Family Pipunculidae


457 Family Syrphidae


538 Family Micropezidae


549 Family Neriidae


555 Family Tanypezidae


558 Family Syringogastridae


561 Family Conopidae


566 Family Lonchaeidae


576 Family Piophilidae


579 Family Platystomatidae


582 Family Pyrgotidae


585 Family Richardiidae


596 Family Tephritidae


622 Family Lauxaniidae


635 Family Ropalomeridae


Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 5

642 Family Sciomyzidae

648 Family Sepsidae


653 Family Clusiidae


659 Family Agromyzidae


677 Family Periscelididae


681 Family Aulacigastridae


685 Family Sphaeroceridae


696 Family Chloropidae


708 Family Milichiidae


716 Family Curtonotidae


719 Family Drosophilidae


752 Family Ephydridae


771 Family Hippoboscidae


780 Family Nycteribiidae


784 Family Streblidae


803 Family Anthomyiidae


807 Family Fanniidae


814 Family Muscidae


6 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press WOLFF ET AL. (EDS.)

854 Family Scathophagidae

856 Families Calliphoridae and Mesembrinellidae


876 Family Oestridae


881 Family Rhinophoridae


884 Family Sarcophagidae


904 Family Tachinidae


Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 7

Zootaxa 4122 (1): 008–014 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
Copyright © 2016 Magnolia Press
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)

Catalogue of Diptera of Colombia: an introduction


Grupo de Entomologia, Instituto de Biología, Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia. E-mail:
Department of Zoology, Institute of Biosciences, Universidade de São Paulo, Rua do Matão, Travessa 14, n.101, CEP 05508-090, São
Paulo, Brazil. E-mail:
Department of Zoology, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Postal box 19020, Curitiba, 81531–580, Brazil. E-mail:

Colombia has an imposing natural wealth due to its topography has many unique characteristics as a consequence
of having Caribbean and Pacific shores, as well as sharing part of the Amazon basin and northern Andes
mountains. Thus, many natural and biological features are due to the convergence of three biogeographical regions:
Pacific, Andes and Amazonia. The Andean uplift created a complex mosaic of mountains and isolated valleys,
including eleven biogeographical provinces (Morrone 2006). The Andes dominate the Colombian topography and
cross the country south to north. There are three mountain ranges (Western, Central, and Eastern) with a maximum
elevation of 5,775 m, and an average elevation of 2,000 m. The Magdalena and Cauca River valleys separate these
ranges, that along with the Putumayo and Caquetá Rivers, the Catatumbo watershed, the Darién, Pique Hill, the
Orinoquia Region (with its savannas), the Amazon region (with tropical rainforests), and some lower mountain
ranges (Macarena and Chiribiquete), have generated the conditions for very high levels of endemism. This variety
of conditions has resulted in an extremely diverse plant and animal biota, and in which 48% of the nation remains
Biodiversity in Colombia is a world treasure, and therefore understanding it is the first step in preserving it.
Understanding insect diversity is a challenge, due to the complexity of finding species in such a diverse biological
and geological settings, as well as due to the difficulty in identifying the many, often undescribed, species.
Historically, Colombia has had many entomologists that have strived towards documenting this diversity and
today, continues to education new researchers for this far-from-finished goal.
Though there is a long tradition of entomological studies, taxonomic knowledge of insects in Colombia
remains fragmented, with the Lepidoptera probably being the best known. Much work remains for the
identification of most species in the Coleoptera, Hymenoptera and Diptera. These orders comprise nearly 70% of
all known animal species in the country (Andrade, 1996, Amat et al. 1999, Fernández et al. 2004).
Diptera in Colombia has mostly been studied in species that are relevant to health and forensic concerns, such
as the Culicidae, Simuliidae, Tabanidae, and Calliphoridae. The more conspicuous flies, and larger families,
including the Syrphidae, Asilidae and Bombyliidae, remain poorly known and poorly studied. Recently, efforts to
collect in relatively undisturbed locations may be one of the main initiatives by the government and universities for
better understanding these well-preserved areas and for conservation planning.
Here, we provide a catalogue with the primary goal of providing information on Diptera diversity in Colombia.
This catalogue is based on a combination of a review of the relevant literature with data from new species that will
be presented here for the first time. All genus- and species-group names are listed alphabetically. Valid names are
in bold type at the first mention. Synonyms when mentioned subsequently are italicized. Each published name
including synonyms is given in a chronological sequence according to the scheme: the name of the species,
author(s), year of description, page, genus in the original description (if different from the valid one), type-locality
(or localities in the case of syntypes; updated name into brackets), information about the primary types and their
deposition (and, if a lectotype, a reference to the author and date of the designation), known geographic
distribution. The catalogue contains 3,135 species in 74 families from Colombia (Table 1). This adds another nine
families to the Catalogue of the Diptera of the Americas South of the United States between 1966-1984 (edited by
Nelson Papavero). Unfortunately, and highlighting the need for additional collecting, the families Dixidae,

8 Accepted by Z.-Q. Zhang: 26 May 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016

Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License
Chaoboridae, Athericidae, Vermileonidae, Platypezidae, Ulidiidae and Heleomyzidae cannot be included in this
catalogue, due to the lack of specialists who can identify species in these families. Also, the Culicidae, with many
records in the country, is also not included in this catalogue because of its taxonomic complexity.

FIGURE 1. Map of Colombia, with the geopolitical departments.

Chapters of this catalogue are organized into an abstract with key words, a brief introduction, the list of species
with information on valid names and synonyms for Colombian species, type locality, museum where types are
deposited (when available), localities where collected in Colombia and references. Finally, we provide a table that
summarizes subfamily and tribe (if applicable), genus, species and author of species and year.

CATALOGUE OF DIPTERA OF COLOMBIA: AN INTRODUCTION Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 9
TABLE 1. Summary of Diptera families in Colombia: Number of species in Colombia (based on present catalogue), Number of
species in Neotropical region (based on literature), and the Distribution of each family currently known for the Colombian

Colombian Neotropical
Family Distribution in Departments
species species
1. Anisopodidae 2 631 Ant, Cun
2. Bibionidae 17 169 Bog, Met, VCau,
3. Cecidomyiidae 44 360 Ces, Mag, Vau
4. Sciaridae 16 193 Bog, Cal, Caq, Cun, Mag.
5. Rangomaramidae 1 20 Ris
6. Ditomyiidae 6 undescr 44 Nar, NSant
7. Diadocidiidae 1 undescr 2 Ris
8. Keroplatidae 5 151 Cau, Met, Nar, VCau
9. Lygisthorrhinidae 1 undescr 7 Vau
10. Mycetophilidae 12 991 Ama, Bol, Boy, Cau, Cho, Cun, Hui, Mag, Met, Nar, NSant,
Put, Vau.
11a. Tipulidae 38 7182 Bol, Bog, Boy, Cal, Cau, Ces, Cun, Mag, Met, Tol, VCau,
11b. Limoniidae 93 2369 Boy, Cal, Cau, Cho, Cun, Mag, Met, Tol, Gorg Is.
235 6902 Ama, Ant, Ara, Atl, Boy, Caq, Cau, Ces, Cho, Cun, Guj,
Guv, Hui, Mag, Met, Nar, Put, Ris, Tol, VCau, Vau,
13. Chironomidae 30 2052 Met. (without others specifics localities)
14. Simuliidae 67 3484 Ama, Ant, Boy, Cal, Cau, Ces, Cun, Guj, Hui, Mag, Met,
Nar, NSant, Qui, Tol, Vau, VCau
15. Corethrellidae 9 442 Ama, Boy, Cor, Cun, Met, VCau
16. Blephariceridae 13 632 Ant, Cal, Cun, Guj, Mag, Qui, Tol, VCau
17. Psychodidae 199 3702 All departments (32)
18. Scatopsidae 2 625 VCau
19. Rhagionidae 3 97 **
20. Tabanidae 255 1200 Ama, Ant, Atl, Bol, Boy, Cal, Caq, Cas, Cau, Cho, Cor, Cun,
Hui, Mag, Met, Nar, Put, Sant, Tol, VCau, Vau
21. Xylophagidae 1 282 Cho
22. Panthophthalmidae 11 20 Ama, Ant, Boy, Cal, Cho, Cun, Met, Put, Sant, VCau,
23. Stratiomyidae 86 987 Ama, Ant, Atl, Boy, Cal, Cho, Cun, Gorg Is, Mag, Met, Nar,
24. Xylomyidae 1 92 Nar, VCau
25. Acroceridae 4 * Cun
26. Nemestrinidae 1 64 Mag
27. Asilidae 72 1576 Ama, Ant, Bog, Cal, Cau, Ces, Cun, Cho, Mag, Met, VCau
28. Bombyliidae 22 472 **
29. Mydidae 2 116 Boy
30. Therevidae 4 147 Bol, Mag
31. Empididae 4 500 Cau
32. Hybotidae 19 250 Ant, Caq, Hui, Met, Nar, Put, Tol, VCau
33. Dolichopodidae 29 1195 Ant, Atl, Boy, Cau, Cun, Gorg Is, Mag, Met, VCau
...Continued on next page

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TABLE 1. (Continued)
Colombian Neotropical
Family Distribution in Departments
species species
34. Phoridae 225 * Ama, Bol, Boy, Caq, Cau, Cho, Cun, Gorg Is, Hui, Mag,
Met, Nar, NSant, Put, Ris, Suc, VCau, Vau, Vich
35. Pipunculidae 10 2507 Ama, Cau, Cun, Nar, Tol, VCau
36. Syrphidae 312 1637 31 dptos excepto Guv
37. Micropezidae 57 273 Ama, Ant, Atl, Bol, Boy, Caq, Cun, Mag, Met, Nar, Put, Tol,
VCau, Vich
38. Neriidae 17 392 Ama, Ant, Atl, Bol, Boy, Cal, Caq, Cau, Cho, Cun, Guj, Hui,
Mag, Met, Nar, NSant, Put, Qui, Ris, Sant, Suc, VCau, Vau,
39. Tanypezidae 9 192 Ant, Boy, Cun
40. Syringogastridae 3 9 Ama, Cal, Cor, VCau
41. Conopidae 16 175 Met, VCau
42. Lonchaeidae 44 * Ant, Cau, Cun, NSant, Sant, Tol, VCau
43. Piophilidae 2 10 Ant, Boy, Cun, Ris
44. Platystomatidae 1 26 **
45. Pyrgotidae 1 42 Ant, Cun
46. Richardiidae 19 170 Ant, Cal, Cun, Met, Qui, Ris, Sant, Suc, VCau
47. Tephritidae 93 675 Ama, Ant, Bol, Boy, Cal, Cau, Cor, Cun, NSant, Put, Qui,
Sant, Tol, VCau
48. Lauxaniidae 36 3672 Ama, Bol, Boy, Cau, Cho, Cun,
Hui, Mag, Met, Nar, NSant, Put, Ris, Tol, Vau, Vich
49. Ropalomeridae 8 3116 Ant, Atl, Bol, Boy, Cal, Caq, Cau, Cho, Hui, Mag, Met, Suc
50. Sciomyzidae 7 74 Cun, Nar, Put, VCau
51. Sepsidae 10 26 Mag
52. Clusiidae 23 95 Ama, Ant, Cun, Mag, Met, Tol, Vau, VCau
53. Agromyzidae 74 300 Ama, Ant, Cal, Cau, Ces, Cun, Met, Nar, VCau
54. Periscelididae 3 14 Cun, VCau
55. Aulacigastridae 1 2 VCau
56. Sphaeroceridae 25 174 Ama, Ant, Cun, Mag, Met, NSant, VCau
57. Chloropidae 46 430 Atl, Cal, Cun, Mag
58. Milichiidae 6 66 VCau
59. Curtonotidae 3 21 **
60. Drosophilidae 176 694 Ama, Ant, Atl, Cal, Cau, Cho, Cun, Guj, Hui, Mag, Met,
Nar, NSant, Sant, VCau
61. Ephydridae 53 2812 Ant, Atl, Bol, Cau, Cun, Mag, Tol, VCau,
62. Hippoboscidae 18 44 Ant, Atl, Bog, Bol, Boy, Caq, Cau, Cun, Hui, Mag, Met,
NSant, Sant, VCau,
63. Nycteribiidae 8 372 Ant, Bol, Caq, Cun, Cho, Met, Put, Sant, Tol
64. Streblidae 73 152 Ant, Bol, Cal, Caq, Cas, Cau, Cor, Cun, Cho, Gui, Hui, Mag,
Met, Nar, NSant, Put, Sant, Tol, VCau, Vau, Vich
65. Anthomyiidae 6 1082 Cun
66. Fanniidae 32 79 Ama, Ant, Boy, Cal, Cun, Cho, Mag, Met, NSant, Ris, Sant
...Continued on next page

CATALOGUE OF DIPTERA OF COLOMBIA: AN INTRODUCTION Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 11
TABLE 1. (Continued)
Colombian Neotropical
Family Distribution in Departments
species species
67. Muscidae 108 84618 Ama, Ant, Bol, Boy, Cal, Caq, Cas Cau, Ces, Cor, Cun, Cho,
Guj, Hui, Mag, Met, Nar, NSant, Put, Qui, Ris, Sant, Suc,
Tol, VCau, Vich
68. Scatophagidae 1 619 Ant
69. Calliphoridae (includes 52 126 Ama, Ant, Atl, Boy, Cal, Caq, Cau, Cho, Cun, Guj, Hui,
Mesembrinellinae) Mag, Met, Nar, NSant, Put, Qui, Ris, Sant, Suc, Tol, VCau,
Vau, Vich.
70. Oestridae 3 3720 Ant, Cun, Hui,
71. Rhinophoridae 1 22 Mag
72. Sarcophagidae 102 750 Ama, Ant, Boy, Cal, Cau, Cho, Cun, Gor Is, Mag, Met, Nar,
Put, Qui, Sant, Suc, Tol, VCau, Vau, Vich
73. Tachinidae 154 286421 Ant, Boy, Cal, Cun, Mag, VCau,

* Species not catalogued.

** Without specific localities.
Abbreviations used for Colombian Departments: Ama=Amazonas, Ant=Antioquia, Ara=Arauca, Atl=Atlántico, Bol=Bolivar,
Boy=Boyacá, Cal=Caldas, Caq=Caquetá, Cas=Casanare, Cau=Cauca, Ces=Cesar, Cho=Chocó, Cor=Córdoba, Cun=Cundinamarca,
Gorg Is= Isla Gorgona, Gui=Guainía, Guj=Guajira, Guv=Guaviare, Hui=Huila, Mag=Magdalena, Met=Meta, Nar=Nariño,
NSant=Norte de Santander, Put=Putumayo, Qui=Quindío, Ris=Risaralda, Sant=Santander, Suc=Sucre, Tol=Tolima, VCau=Valle del
Cauca, Vau=Vaupés, Vich=Vichada.
References cited for number of Neotropical species: 1, Hancock & Amorim, 2009; 2, Amorim et al. 2002; 3, Amorim & Falaschi,
2012; 4, Coscaron, Coscaron-Arias & Papavero, 2008; 5, Amorim 2009; 6, Santos 2008; 7, de Carvalho et al. 2012; 8, Papavero,
2009a; 9, Papavero & Benardi, 2009; 10, Papavero, 2009b, 11, Evenhuis & Greathead, 1999; 12, Papavero, 2009c; 13, Yang et al.,
2007; 14, Smith, 1967; 15, Yang et al 2006; 16, Prado & Papavero, 2009; 17, Spencer, 1984; 18, de Carvalho et al., 2005; 19,
Albuquerque, 1984; 20, Papavero & Guimarães, 2009; 21, Guimarães, 1971.

The editors would like to thank the many friends and colleagues who contributed to these chapters and this
catalogue. We greatly appreciate their work, dedication and generosity to this task. Thanks to Carolina Henao
Sepulveda for her support in the early reviews. MW thanks the Universidad de Antioquia “Proyecto Sostenibilidad
2012-2013 y 2014-2015”, and the Fundação de Apoio à Pesquisa do Distrito Federal (FAPDF), to Instituto de
Ciências Biológicas da Universidade de Brasília (UnB). SSN thanks the financial support from FAPESP (proc. n.
2013/05131–6). CJBC is grateful to the “Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico”
(CNPq) for fellowship and grant (process number 304713/2011-2).


Albuquerque, D.O. (1968) 96B. Family Scatophagidae. In: Papavero, N. (Ed.), A catalogue of the Diptera of the Americas
South of the United States. Museu de Zoologia (Universidad de São Paulo), São Paulo, 4 pp.
Amat, G., Andrade, G. & Fernández, F (1999) Insectos de Colombia, Vol II. Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas
y Naturales, Coleccion Jorge Alvarez Lleras Nº 13, Bogota, Colombia, 433 pp.
Amorim, D.S. (2009) Catalogue of Neotropical Diptera. Scatopsidae. Neotropical Diptera, Ribeirão Preto, 4, 1–18.
Amorim, D.S., Silva, V.C. & Balbi, M.I.P.A. (2002) Estado de conhecimento dos Diptera neotropicais. In: C. Costa, S.A. Vanin,
J.M. Lobo & A. Melic. (Eds.), Proyeto de Red Iberoamericana de Biogeografia y Entomología sistemática PrIBES 2002.
1a. ed. Vol. 2. Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa, Zaragoza, pp. 29–36.
Amorim, D.S. (2012) Catalogue of Neotropical Diptera. Rangomaramidae. Neotropical Diptera, Ribeirão Preto, 21, 1–7.
Andrade, G., Amat, G. & Fernández, F. (1996) Insectos de Colombia, Estudios escogidos. Academia Colombiana de Ciencias
Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales, Coleccion Jorge Alvarez Lleras Nº 13, Bogota, Colombia, 541 pp.
de Carvalho, C.J.B., Couri, M.S., Pont, A.C., Pamplona, D.M. & Lopes, S.M. (2005) A Catalogue of the Muscidae (Diptera) of
the Neotropical Region. Zootaxa, 860, 1–282.
de Carvalho, C.J.B., Rafael, J.A., Couri, M.S. & Silva, V. (2012) 40. Diptera. In: Rafael, J.A., Melo, G.A.R., Casari, S. &

12 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press WOLFF ET AL. (EDS.)

Costantino, R. (Eds), Insetos do Brasil, Diversidad e Taxonomia. Holos Editora, Ribeirão Preto, pp. 701–743.
Coscarón, S., Coscarón-Arias, M.C. & Papavero, N. (2008) Catalogue of Neotropical Diptera. Simuliidae. Neotropical
Diptera, Ribeirão Preto, 2, 1–90.
Evenhuis, N.L. & Greathead, D.J. (1999) World Catalog of Bee Flies (Diptera: Bombyliidae). Backhuys Publishers, Leiden,
756 pp.
Fernández, F., Andrade, G. & Amat, G. (2004) Insectos de Colombia, Vol III. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogota,
Colombia, 602 pp.
Guimarães, J.H. (1971) 104. Family Tachinidae. In: Papavero, N. (Ed.), A catalogue of the Diptera of the Americas South of the
United States. Museu de Zoologia (Universidad de São Paulo), São Paulo, 333 pp.
Hancock, G. & Amorim, D.S. (2009) Anisopodidae. In: Brown, B., Borkent, A., Cumming, J.M., Wood, D.M. & Zumbado,
M.A. (Eds.), Manual of Central American Diptera. Vol. 1. NRC Research Press, Ottawa, pp. 341–345.
Morrone, J.J. (2006) Biogeographic areas and transition zones of Latin America and the Caribean Islands based on
panbiogeographic and cladistics analyses of the entomofauna. Annual Review of Entomology, 51, 467–494.
Papavero, N. (2009a) Catalogue of Neotropical Diptera. Pantophthalmidae. Neotropical Diptera, Ribeirão Preto, 19, 1–11.
Papavero, N. (2009b) Catalogue of Neotropical Diptera. Asilidae. Neotropical Diptera, Ribeirão Preto, 17, 1–178.
Papavero, N. (2009c) Catalogue of Neotropical Diptera. Mydidae. Neotropical Diptera, Ribeirão Preto, 14, 1–31.
Papavero, N. & Bernardi, N. (2009) Catalogue of Neotropical Diptera. Nemestrinidae. Neotropical Diptera, Ribeirão Preto, 7,
Papavero, N . & Guimarães, J.H. (2009) Catalogue of Neotropical Diptera. Cuterebridae. Neotropical Diptera, Ribeirão Preto,
11, 1–17.
Prado, A.P. & Papavero, N. (2009) Catalogue of Neotropical Diptera. Ropalomeridae. Neotropical Diptera, Ribeirão Preto, 13,
Santos, C.M.D. (2008) Geographical distribution of Tabanomorpha (Diptera, Brachycera): Athericidae, Austroleptidae,
Oreoleptidae, Rhagionidae, and Vermileonidae. EntomoBrasilis, 1, 43–50.
Smith, K.G.V. (1967) 39. Family Empididae (Empidae, Hybotidae). In: Papavero, N. (Ed.), A catalogue of the Diptera of the
Americas South of the United States. Museu de Zoologia (Universidad de São Paulo), São Paulo, 67 pp.
Spencer, K.A. (1984) The Agromyzidae (Diptera) of Colombia, including a new species attacking potato in Bolivia. Revista
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List of Contributing Authors

Alessandra Rung. California Department of Food and Agriculture, U.S.A.

Allen L. Norrbom. United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research, U.S.A.
Anderson Cardona. Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia.
André César Lopes. Universidade Federal do Paraná, Brazil.
Art Borkent. Royal British Columbia Museum, American Museum of Natural History, and Instituto Nacional de
Biodiversidad, Canada
Augusto L. Montoya. Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia.
Brian V. Brown. Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, U.S.A.
Caio C. D. Corrêa. Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Carlos José Einicker Lamas. Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil
Carl W. Dick. Western Kentucky University, U.S.A.
Cátia Antunes de Mello-Patiu. Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Cecília Kosmann. Universidade Estadual Paulista, Brazil.
Charles Morphy D. Santos. Universidade Federal do ABC, Brazil.
Claudio J. B. de Carvalho. Universidade Federal do Paraná, Brazil.
Cristiane Vieira de Assis Pujol-Luz. Universidade Católica de Brasília, Brazil.
Dalton de Souza Amorim. Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil.
Daniel D. D. Carmo. Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil.
Daniel Rafael Miranda-Esquivel. Universidad Industrial de Santander, Colombia.
Danilo César Ament. Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil.
Daubian Santos. Universidade Federal do ABC. Brazil.

CATALOGUE OF DIPTERA OF COLOMBIA: AN INTRODUCTION Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 13
Diana Grisales. Universidade Federal do Paraná, Brazil.
Diego Aguilar Fachin. Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil.
Durval da S. Santos. Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Eduar Elías Bejarano. Universidad de Sucre, Universidad de Cartagena, Colombia.
Fernando Vallejo. Universidad de Caldas, Colombia.
Francisco de Assis Rodrigues Júnior. Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Guilherme C. Ribeiro. Universidade Federal do ABC, Brazil.
Gustavo Graciolli. Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil.
Gustavo Spinelli. Museo de La Plata, Argentina.
Hugo Cesar Rodriguez. Laboratorio de Enemigos Naturales de Plagas Agrícolas del NOA, Argentina.
Humberto Fonseca Mendes. Universidade Federal do ABC, Brazil.
Jéssica Paula Gillung. University of California Davis, U.S.A.
Julia Calhau. Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil.
Juliana Morgado Fernandes. Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
John Swann. University of Calgary, Canada.
Jonathan Mendes de Almeida. Universidade de Brasília, Brazil.
José Albertino Rafael. Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA), Brazil.
Josenir Teixeira Câmara. Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA), Brazil
Karla P. Tepedino. Universidade de Brasília, Brazil.
Leonardo H. Gil-Azevedo. Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Leonardo S. Gomes Rocha. Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Ligia I. Moncada-Alvarez. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia.
Lisiane Dilli Went. Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA), Brazil.
Luciane Marinoni. Universidade Federal do Paraná, Brazil.
Luis Gregorio Estrada. Universidad de Sucre, Colombia.
Luiz Carlos Pinho. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brasil
Marcoandre Savaris. Universidade Federal do Paraná, Brazil.
Márcia Souto Couri. Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Marta Wolff. Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia.
Neal L. Evenhuis. Bishop Museum, Hawaii, U.S.A.
Paula Fernanda Motta Rodrigues. Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil.
Paula Raile Riccardi. Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil.
Rafael Augusto Pinheiro de Freitas-Silva. Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA), Brazil.
Rafaela Lopes Falaschi. Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil.
Ramon Luciano Mello. Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil.
Renato Soares Capellari. Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil.
Rosaly Ale-Rocha. Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA), Brazil.
Ricardo Guerrero. Universidad Central de Venezuela, Venezuela.
Rosana Tidon. Universidade de Brasília, Brazil.
Sandra Pérez P. Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia.
Sarah Siqueira Oliveira. Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil.
Sheila Patrícia Carvalho-Fernandes. Museu Nacional, Brazil
Silvio Shigueo Nihei. Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil.
Stephen Marshall. University of Guelph, Canada.
Tatiana Sepúlveda. Universidade Federal do Paraná, Brazil.
Valéria Cid Maia. Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Vera Cristina Silva. Universidade Estadual Paulista, Brazil.
Viviane Rodrigues de Sousa. Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Wayne Nielsen Mathis. National Museum of Natural History, U.S.A.
William L. Murphy. Smithsonian Institution, U.S.A.
Yardany Ramos-Pastrana. Universidad de La Amazonia, Colombia.

14 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press WOLFF ET AL. (EDS.)

Zootaxa 4122 (1): 015–019 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
Copyright © 2016 Magnolia Press
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)


Departamento de Biologia, Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo. Av. Bandei-
rantes, 3900, 14040-901. Ribeirão Preto SP Brazil. E-mail:
Universidade de São Paulo, Museu de Zoologia. Av. Nazaré, 481, Ipiranga. 04263-000. São Paulo SP Brazil.
Departamento de Ecologia, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Campus II. Prédio ICB1, 74001-970.
Goiânia GO Brazil. E-mail:


This considerably small family is poorly known in Colombia, with only two species reported for the genus Sylvicola Harris
(1776) so far. We synonymize Neomesochria Amorim & Tozoni (1994) to Mycetobia Meigen (1818), hence transferring
the Dominican amber species Neomesochria antillea (Grimaldi 1991) and N. cryptambra (Grimaldi 1991), and the recent
Neotropical species N. limanda (Stone 1966) and N. stonei (Lane & d’Andretta 1958) back to the genus Mycetobia. This
paper provides new records for Mycetobia and Olbiogaster Osten-Sacken (1886) for Colombia.

Key words: catalogue, Bibionomorpha, Colombia, distribution


The family Anisopodidae encompasses seven recent genera in the world, with about 120 described species
(Amorim & Tozoni 1994, Hancock & Amorim 2009). Five genera and 65 species are known from Neotropics
(Hancock & Amorim 2009, Amorim et al. 2002), most of the records from Brazil (Papavero 1967).
This family is considerably old in the fossil record. Protorhyphidae, possibly the family sister to the
Anisopodidae, has members already in the Triassic (Shcherbakov et al. 2005), while the Triassic genus Crosaphis
Evans, originally described as a homopteran, was considered by Kovalev (1983) as close to Mycetobia Meigen
(1818), and most likely fits in the subfamily Mycetobiinae (Amorim & Tozoni 1994). In the Lower Jurassic there
are species obviously related to Olbiogaster Osten-Sacken (1886). The genus Valeseguya Colless, known from a
single male of a recent species in Australia (Colless 1990) and from relatively abundant specimens in Dominican
amber (Grimaldi 1991), has been tentatively assumed to be an anisopodid (Colless 1990, Grimaldi 1991, Amorim
& Tozoni 1994), but the description of Cretoseguya Amorim & Grimaldi from Myanmar Cretaceous amber
allowed to transfer the clade to the Scatopsoidea (Amorim & Grimaldi 2006)—so it does not fit the
Anisopodiformia anymore.
Some authors have accepted family status for groups taken as subfamilies in other classifications (e.g., Hennig
1948, 1973, Amorim & Tozoni 1994), but we keep here a more conservative approach (see, e.g., Michelsen 1999,
Thompson 2006), with the main clades of the group referred as subfamilies within the Anisopodidae s.l. A
phylogeny for the family has been proposed by Amorim & Tozoni (1994).
The most speciose genus in the Neotropics (see Hancock & Amorim 2009) is Sylvicola Harris (1776), but
Olbiogaster has a fairly large number of species as well (see Tozoni 1993, Hancock & Amorim 2009). The
Mycetobia-like Neotropical species of the family were included by Amorim & Tozoni (1994) in a separate genus,
Neomesochria Amorim & Tozoni (1994). This group has few species described and is considerably rare in
collections. Thompson (2006) disagreed from the transference of Mesochria neotropica Grimaldi (1991), a
Dominican amber species, to the genus Neomesochria, as proposed by Amorim & Tozoni (1994). It may indeed be
the case that, despite similarities with the Afro-Oriental genus Mesochria Enderlein (1910), some of the

Accepted by S. Nihei: 10 Jun. 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016 15

Neotropical species of Mycetobiinae are actually more connected to the Nearctic species of Mycetobia. The
question of the Neotropical species of mycetobiines is still not well solved and a reassessment of the phylogeny of
the mycetobiines with more characters is necessary. We transfer below the Neotropical species under
Neomesochria back to Mycetobia and synonymize both genera.
The Neotropical fauna of Anisopodidae is, hence, composed by six genera—Carreraia Corrêa (1947),
Sylvicola, Olbiogaster, Lobogaster Philippi (1865), Mycetobia, and Mesochria. In Colombia there are published
records of two species of the genus Sylvicola: S. fasciatus (Roeder) and S. marmoratus (Edwards) (Papavero 1967).
We add here new records for the genera Olbiogaster and Mycetobia.
These flies are more or less slender, with small to medium body size, varying from 2 to 12 mm. The head is
small, rounded, three ocelli, with big dichoptic eyes in males and females. The antenna always has 14
flagellomeres, in most cases with slightly elongated flagellomeres. The thorax is convex and the wing membrane
has color patterns as in Sylvicola. The male terminalia has the cercus prominent, which is also developed in females
(Amorim 1997, Hancock & Amorim 2009). The larvae are saprophagous, found in fermenting substrates, rotten
potatoes, leaves and roots decomposed, sappy exudations from trees, wood rotting, and in holes in trees (Hancock
& Amorim 2009). In the material studied from Colombia, some specimens were obtained from bat feces.

Acronyms used for the depositories

IAvH—Alexander von Humboldt Biological Resources Research Institute, Bogota

List of abbreviations

distr.—geographic distribution
nom. nov.—nomen novum (new name)
n. syn.—new synonym
orig. des.—by original designation
sp., spp.—species
NA—Not applicable
T—Type (unspecified)
F (f#)—Female
M (m#)—Male

16 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press AMORIM ET AL.

Catalogue of Anisopodidae of Colombia

Family Anisopodidae Knab, 1912

Subfamily Anisopodinae Knab, 1912

Genus Olbiogaster Osten-Sacken

Olbiogaster Osten-Sacken, 1886: 20. Type species, Rhyphus taeniatus Bellardi, (Coquillett, 1910: 579).

undescribed sp. Distr.: Colombia (Bolivar, Cauca, Meta).

Material examined. COLOMBIA: Cauca: PNN [Parque Nacional Natural], Gorgona El Helechal, 2º58’N
78º11’W, 4 males, 30 m, 11.xii.2001-18.i.2002, H. Torres Leg. M.2788, Malaise, (IAvH); Bolivar: SFF [Santuario
de Fauna y Flora], Los Colorados, Las Yaya, 09°54’N 75°07’W, 2 males, 280 m, 22.iv-07.v.2001, E. Deulufeut
Leg, Malaise, (IAvH); Meta: PNN [Parque Nacional Natural], Sierra de la Macarena Cabaña Cerrillo, 03°21’N
73°56’W, 2 males, 493 m, 25.x-03.xi.2004, W. Willalba Leg., Malaise 3, (IAvH).

Genus Sylvicola Harris

Sylvicola Harris, 1776: 100. Type species, brevis Harris (des. Coquillett, 1910: 610) = fenestralis (Scopoli).
Phryne Meigen, 1800: 16. Type species, Tipula fuscata Fabricius (des. Coquillett, 1910: 589). Suppressed by ICZN, 1963: 339.
Anisopus Meigen, 1803: 264. Type species, fuscus Meigen (des. Coquillett, 1910: 507) = fuscata (Fabricius).
Rhyphus Latreille, 1804: 188. Type species, Tipula fenestralis Scopoli (as fenestrarum; mon.).

fasciatus (Roeder), 1886: 260 (Rhyphus). Type locality: Colombia, Cordillera, Páramo, 3200 m. Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquia (Andes (Páramo de Santa Rita)). Refs.: Papavero, 1967: 2 (cat.).

marmoratus (Edwards), 1923: 484, (Anisopus). Type locality: Colombia, Bogotá. Distr.: Colombia (Bogotá).
Refs.: Papavero, 1967: 3 (cat.).

Subfamily Mycetobyiinae Winnertz, 1863

Genus Mycetobia Meigen

Mycetobia Meigen, 1818: 229. Type species, pallipes Meigen (Westwood, 1840: 127).
Neomesochria Amorim & Tozoni, 1995: 533. Type species, Mycetobia stonei Lane & d’Andretta, 1958. n. syn.

Comments. Following his discussion of problems in the phylogeny of the Mycetobiinae in Amorim & Tozoni
(1994), Thompson (2006) formally moved the Dominican amber species Neomesochria neotropical (Grimaldi)
back to Mesochria. Thompson (2006, page 13) recognized that “[t]he problem of a proper synapomorphy for
Mycetobia remains” and “that the status of the Neotropical and New Caledonian species of Mycetobia remains to
be clarified.” An investigation of the relationships between the mycetobiines of the world with additional
characters is still necessary for a proper understanding of the evolution of the subfamily. Until this is done, it seems
advisable to synonymize Neomesochria to Mycetobia, and to reinstate the Neotropical and New Caledonian species
described in Mycetobia to their original generic combination—Mycetobia neocaledonica Baylac & Matile, 1988,
reinst.; Mycetobia scutelaris Baylac & Matile, 1988, reinst.; Mycetobia antillea Grimaldi, 1991, reinst.;
Mycetobia cryptambra Grimaldi, 1991, reinst.; Mycetobia limanda Stone, 1966, reinst.; Mycetobia stonei Lane &
d’Andretta, 1958, reinst..

undescribed sp. Distr.: Colombia (Cauca, Bolivar, Risaralda).

Material examined. COLOMBIA: Cauca: PNN [Parque Nacional Natural], Gorgona El Helechal, 2º58’N

CATALOGUE OF ANISOPODIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 17

78º11’W, 30 m, 4 males, 11.xii.2001-18.i.2002, H. Torres Leg., Malaise (IAvH); Bolivar: SFF [Santurio Fauna y
Flora], Los Colorados, Las Yaya, 09°54’N 75°07’W, 280 m, 2 males, 22.iv-07.v.2001, E. Deulufeut Leg., Malaise
(IAvH); Risaralda: SFF [Santuario Fauna y Flora], Otún- Quimbaya Cuchilla Camino, 4°44’N 75°35’W, 1960 m,
2 males. 19.i-4.ii.2003, G. López Leg. Malaise (IAvH).


The authors are indebted to Michael Sharkey (National Science Foundation Grant DEB0205982), to whom we are
most grateful. Additional information on the project can be found at the web address of the Project (http:// During the preparation of this paper, the
authors received financial support from FAPESP grants 2013/16524-9 (RLF) and 2012/51577-3 (SSO) and CNPq
grants 314371/2009-5 (DSA) and 159016/2012-6 (RLF).

TABLE 1. Anisopodidae species recorder from Colombia.

Subfamily Genus Species Author

Anisopodinae Olbiogaster sp.
Sylvicola fasciatus (Roeder, 1886)
marmoratus (Edwards, 1923)
Mycetobiinae Mycetobia sp.


Amorim, D.S. (1997) Anisopodidae. In: Solís, A. (Ed.) Las Familias de insectos de Costa Rica. INBio. Avaiable from: http:// (accessed January 2015)
Amorim, D.S. & Grimaldi, D. (2006) Valeseguyidae, a new family of Diptera in the Scatopsoidea, with a new genus in
Cretaceous amber from Myanmar. Systematic Entomology, 31 (3), 508–516.
Amorim, D.S. & Tozoni, S.H.S. (1994) Phylogenetic and biogeographic analysis of the Anisopodoidea (Diptera,
Bibionomorpha), with an area cladogram for intercontinental relationships. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, 38,
Amorim, D.S., Silva, V.C. & Balbi, M.I.P.A. (2002) Estado do conhecimento dos Diptera neotropicais. In: Costa, C., Vanin,
S.A., Lobo, J.M. & Melic, A. (Eds.), Proyecto de Red Iberoamericana de Biogeografia y Entomología Sistemática,
PRIBES 2002. Sociedad Entomológica Aragoneza y CYTED, Zaragoza, pp. 29–36.
Baylac, M. & Matile, L. (1988) Diptères Anisopodoidea Mycetobiidae de Nouvelle-Calédonie. In: Tillier, S. (Ed) Zoologia
Neocaledonica 1. Mémoires du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, 142, 83–88.
Colless, D.H. (1990) Valeseguya rieki, a new genus and species of dipteran from Australia (Nematocera: Anisopodidae).
Annales de la Societé Entomologique de France, 26, 351–353.
Coquillett, D.W. (1910) The type-species of the North American genera of Diptera. Proceedings of the United States National
Museum, 37, 499–647.
Corrêa, R.R. (1947) Sobre alguns Anisopódidas da América do Sul. Descrição de Carreraia n. gen. Papéis Avulsos, S. Paulo, 8
(8), 97–107.
Enderlein, G. (1910) Diptera, Mycetophilidae. In: Reports of the Percy Sladen Trust Expedition to the Indian Ocean in 1905, 5,
under the leadership of Mr. J. Stanley Gardiner, M.A. The Transactions of the Linnean Society of London, (2) Zoology, 14,
Edwards, F.W. (1923) Notes on the Dipterous Anisopodidae. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 9 (12), 475–493.
Grimaldi, D.A. (1991) Mycetobiine woodgnats (Diptera: Anisopodidae) from the Oligo-Miocene amber of the Dominican
Republic, and Old World affinities. American Museum Novitates, 3014, 1–24.
Hancock, E.G. & Amorim, D.S. (2009) Anisopodidae (Wood gnats or Window gnats). In: Brown, B.V., Borkent, A., Cumming,
J.M., Wood, D.M., Woodley, N.E. & Zumbado, M.A. (Eds.), Manual of Central American Diptera, Vol. 1. NRC Research
Press, Ottawa, pp. 341–345.
Harris, M. (1776) An exposition of British Insects. Decad IV: 100–138, pls. 31–40. London.
Hennig, W. (1948) Die Larvenformen der Dipteren. Eine Uebersicht über die bisher bekannten Jugendstadien der
zweiflügeligen Insekten, Vol. 1. Akademie-Verlag, Berlin, 185 pp. 3 pls.
Hennig, W. (1973) Ordnung Diptera (Zweiflugler). Handbuch der Zoologie, 4(2) 2/31 (Lfg. 20), 337 pp.

18 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press AMORIM ET AL.

International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (1963) Opinion 678. The suppression under the plenary powers of the
pamphlet published by Meigen, 1800. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 20, 339–342.
Knab, F. (1912) New species of Anisopidae (Rhyphidae) from tropical America. Proceedings of the Biological Society of
Washington, 25, 111–113.
Kovalev, V.G. (1983) A new family of fossil Diptera from Australian Triassic deposits and its presumed descendants (Diptera:
Crosaphididae. fam. nov., Mycetobiidae). Entomologicheskoe obozrenie, 62, 800–805. [In Russian; English translation in
Entomological Reviews, 62, 130–136]
Lane, J. & D’Andretta, C. Jr. (1958) Neotropical Anisopodidae (Diptera, Nematocera). Studia Entomologica, I (3/4), 497–528.
Latreille, P.A. (1804) Tableau méthodique des Insectes. In: Societé de Naturalistes et d’Agriculteurs: Nouveau dictionnaire
d’histoire naturelle, appliqué aux arts, principalement à l’agriculture et à l’économie rurale et domestique, 24 (3),
Tableau méthodique d’histoire naturelle, 238 pp., 5 pls. Paris. pp. 129–200.
Meigen, J.W. (1800) Nouvelle classification des mooches à deux ailes (Diptera L.) d’après un plan tout nouveau. Par J.G.
Meigen. “An VIII (1800 v.s.)”. J.J. Fuchs, Paris. 40 pp.
Meigen, J.W. (1803) Versuch einer neuen Gattungseintheilung der europäischen zweiflügeligen Insekten. Magazin fuer
Insektenkunde, 2, 259–281.
Meigen, J.W. (1818) Systematische Beschreibung der bekannten europaischen zweiflugeligen Insekten. Erster Theil. F.W.
Forstmann, Aachen. xxxvi + 332.
Michelsen, V. (1999) Wood gnats of the genus Sylvicola (Diptera, Anisopodidae): taxonomic status, family assignment, and a
review of nominal species described by Fabricius. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie, 142, 69–75.
Osten-Sacken, C.R. (1886) Fam. Anisopodidae? In: Godman, F.D. & Salvin, O. (Eds.), Biologia Centrali-Americana.
Zoologia-Insecta-Diptera. Vol. 1. Taylor & Francis, London, viii+378 pp, 6pls.
Papavero, N. (1967) 17. Family Anisopodidae. In: Papavero, N. (Ed). A catalogue of the Diptera of the Americas South of the
United States. Departamento de Zoologia da Secretaria da Agricultura do Estado de São Paulo, São Paulo, 9 pp.
Roeder, V. von. (1886) Dipteren von den Cordilleren in Columbien: gesammelt durch Herrn Dr. Alphons Stübel.
Entomologische Zeitung, 47, 257–270.
Philippi, R.A. (1865) Aufzahlung der chilenischen Dipteren. Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien,
15, 595–782, 7 pls.
Shcherbakov, R., Turcotte, D.L. & Rundle, J.B. (2005) Aftershock statistics. Pure and Applied Geophysics 162: 6–7,
Stone, A. (1966) Bredin-Archbold-Smithsonian Biological survey of Dominica. 2. New species of Diptera from Dominica
(Anisopodidae and Bibionidae). Proceedings of United States National Museum, 121, 1–6
Thompson, C.F. (2006) New Mesochria species (Diptera: Anisopodidae) from Fiji, with notes on the classification of the
family. Fiji Arthropods IV. Bishop Museum Occasional Papers, 86, 11–21.
Tozoni, S.H.S. (1993) Revision of the genus Olbiogaster Osten-Sacken (Diptera, Anisopodoidea, Olbiogastridae). I.
Description of 13 new species, taxonomical notes, and a key to the Neotropical species. Revista Nordestina de Biologia, 8
(2), 119–142.
Westwood, J.O. (1840) An introduction to the modern classification of insects. Synopsis of the genera of Bristish Insects. 158
pp. London.
Winnertz, J. (1863) Beitrag zu einer Monographie der Pilzmücken. Abhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in
Wien, 13, 637–964.

CATALOGUE OF ANISOPODIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 19

Zootaxa 4122 (1): 020–025 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
Copyright © 2016 Magnolia Press
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)


Universidade de São Paulo, Museu de Zoologia. Av. Nazaré, 481. Ipiranga. 04263-000. São Paulo SP Brazil.
Departamento de Ecologia, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Campus II. Prédio ICB1, 74001-970.
Goiânia GO Brazil. E-mail:
Departamento de Biologia, Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo. Av. Bandei-
rantes, 3900. 14040-901. Ribeirão Preto SP Brazil. E-mail:, CNPq Research Fellowship.
*Corresponding author:


The Bibionidae are a family belonging to the suborder Bibionomorpha with four genera and 17 species known from Co-
lombia. This work expands the distribution of these species to other localities in the country.

Key words: catalogue, Bibionomorpha, Colombia, distribution


The Bibionidae are a family belonging to the suborder Bibionomorpha, with eight genera and more than 700
species described worldwide (Pinto & Amorim 2000; Fitzgerald 2009). In the Neotropical region, there are records
for seven genera and a total of 169 species (Hardy 1959, 1966; Amorim et al. 2002). Within the bibionid genera,
only Hesperinus Walker has not been found in Neotropics so far. Hitherto there are records of four genera and 17
species in Colombia (Hardy 1966; Sturm 1990) (Table 1).
Some authors accept Hesperinus in the separate family Hesperinidae (Krivosheina 1997; Papp 2010; Wood &
Borkent 1989; Nel & Skartveit 2011), but this is not the main approach regarding the family classification. The
family Bibionidae is currently organized in four subfamilies, Hesperininae, Penthetriinae, Pleciinae, and
Bibioninae, of which the first three are monotypic (Pinto & Amorim 2000; Fitzgerald 2009; Papp 2010).
The bibionids are usually black flies, with size ranging from 4.5 to 7.0 mm; some species have large orange
portions of the body. The antennae are short and the ocelli are always present. The wing membrane is hyaline to
black or brown, the pterostigma often being distinct. R2+3 and M3 are always absent, and R4+5 might be bifurcated or
simple (i.e., R4 may be present or not). Males and females are easily recognized by the sexual dimorphism: females
are bigger, dichoptic, with eyes widely separated; males are smaller than females, always holoptic.

Acronyms used for the depositories.

IAvH – Alexander von Humboldt Biological Resources Research Institute, Bogota, Colombia

List of abbreviations

distr.—geographic distribution

20 Accepted by S. Nihei: 10 Jun. 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016

nom. nov.—nomen novum (new name)
orig. des.—by original designation
sp., spp.—species
NA—Not applicable
T—Type (unspecified)
F (f#)—Female
M (m#)—Male

Catalogue of Bibionidae of Colombia

Family Bibionidae Fleming, 1821

Subfamily Penthetriinae Rohdendorf, 1946

Genus Penthetria Meigen

Penthetria Meigen, 1803: 264. Type species, funebris Meigen (sub. mon., Meigen, 1804: 104).
Eupeitenus Macquart, 1838: 88 (1838: 84). Type species, Penthetria atra Macquart (mon.) = heteroptera (Say).

nigerrima (Bellardi), 1859: 14 (Plecia). Type locality: Mexico, Orizaba. Distr.: Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador. Refs.:
Hardy, 1945: 388 (rev.); 1966: 2 (cat.).

nigrita Perty, 1830: 180. Type locality: Brazil, Piauí. Distr.: Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil. Refs.:
Hardy, 1966: 2 (cat.).

Subfamily Pleciinae McAtee, 1921

Genus Plecia Wiedemann

Plecia Wiedemann, 1828: 72. Type species, Hirtea fulvicollis Fabricius (Blanchard, 1840: 576).
Rhinoplecia Bellardi,1859: 16. Type species, rostrata Bellardi (mon.).
Penthera Philippi, 1865: 639. Type species, nigra Philippi (mon.).

disparis Hardy, 1942: 108. Type locality: Colombia, Upper Putumayo River. Distr.: Colombia. Refs.: Hardy, 1945:
406 (rev.); 1966: 3 (cat.).

CATALOGUE OF BIBIONIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 21

ecuadorensis Hardy, 1942: 108. Type locality: “Ecuador”. Distr.: Ecuador, Colombia. Refs.: Hardy, 1945: 406-407
(rev.); 1966: 3 (cat.).

imperialis Schiner, 1868: 22. Type locality: “Colombia”. Distr.: Colombia. Refs.: Hardy, 1945: 411 (rev.), 1956: 86
(comment); 1966: 3 (cat.). (First available name for costalis Walker).

paracollaris Hardy, 1961: 88. Type locality: Colombia, Buenaventura. Distr.: Colombia. Refs.: Hardy, 1966: 4

plagiata Wiedemann, 1824: 11. Type locality: “Brazil”. Distr.: Widespread throughout the Neotropical region.
Refs.: Hardy, 1945: 427 (rev.); 1953: 355 (comment); 1966: 4 (cat.).
heteroptera Macquart, 1846: 21. Type locality: Colombia, Santa Fe de Bogotá.
vittata Bellardi, (nec Wiedemann) 1862: 4.
bellardi Townsend, 1912: 289.

rugosa Hardy, 1940: 25. Type locality: Colombia, Bet. Queremal. Distr.: Colombia. Refs.: Hardy, 1945: 436 (rev.);
1966: 5 (cat.).

Subfamily Bibioninae Fleming, 1821

Genus Bibio Geoffroy

Bibio Geoffroy, 1762: 568. Type species, Tipula hortulana Linnaeus (Latreille, 1810: 442). Validated by ICZN,
1957: 86.
Pullata Harris, 1776: 77. Type species, funesta Harris = pomonae (Fabricius) (Coquillett, 1910: 598).
Hirtea Fabricius, 1798: 551 (nec Scopoli, 1763) (no type des.).

dispar Schiner, 1868: 20. Type locality: “Colombia”. Distr.: Colombia, Argentina. Refs.: Hardy, 1953: 347
(redescription); 1966: 6 (cat.).

superfluus Schiner, 1868: 20. Type locality: “Colombia”. Distr.: Colombia. Refs.: Hardy, 1966: 6 (cat.).

Genus Dilophus Meigen

Philia Meigen, 1800: 20. Type species, Tipula febrilis Linnaeus (Coquillett, 1910: 588). Suppressed by ICZN, 1963: 339.

Dilophus Meigen, 1803: 264. Type species, Tipula febrilis Linnaeus (Latreille, 1810: 442).
Acanthocnemis Blanchard, 1852: 355 (no type des.).
Triploctenia Enderlein, 1934: 181. Type species, Dilophus tenuis Meigen (orig. des.).
Tridicroctena Enderlein, 1934: 181. Type species, Dilophus africanus Becker (orig. des.).
Dactylodiscia Enderlein, 1934: 181. Type species, Dilophus hiemalis Becker (orig. des.).
Cnemidoctenia Enderlein, 1934: 181. Type species, Dilophus crassicrus Lundström (orig. des.).

balfouri Edwards, 1935: 20. Type locality: Colombia, Villavicencio, Quatiquia River. Distr.: Colombia. Refs.:
Hardy, 1966: 8 (cat.).

espeletiae Sturm, 1990: 198. Type locality: Colombia, Pâramo de Monserrate, Bogotá. Distr.: Colombia.

giganteus Macquart, 1846: 21. Type locality: “Nova Granada”. Distr.: Colombia. Refs.: Hardy, 1966: 9 (cat.).

22 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press FALASCHI ET AL.

lucifer Schiner, 1868: 18. Type locality: “Colombia”. Distr.: Colombia. Refs.: Hardy, 1966: 9 (cat.).

pallens (Blanchard), 1852: 357 (Acanthocnemis). Type locality: Chile, Chiloe. Distr.: Colombia, Chile. Refs.:
Edwards, 1930: 80 (general morphology comments); Hardy, 1966: 10 (cat.).

pictus Schiner, 1868: 19. Type locality: “Colombia”. Distr.: Colombia. Refs.: Hardy, 1966: 10 (cat.).

tapir Schiner, 1868: 18. Type locality: “Colombia”. Distr.: Colombia. Refs.: Hardy, 1966: 11 (cat.).


The authors are indebted to Michael Sharkey (National Science Foundation Grant DEB0205982), to whom we are
most grateful. Additional information on the project can be found at the web address of the project (http:// During the preparation of this paper, the
authors received financial support from FAPESP grants 2013/16524-9 (RLF) and 2012/51577-3 (SSO) and CNPq
grants 159016/2012-6 (RLF) and 314371/2009-5 (DSA).

TABLE 1. Bibionidae species recorded from Colombia.

Subfamily Genus Species Author
Penthetriinae Penthetria nigerrima (Bellardi), 1859
nigrita Perty, 1830
Pleciinae Plecia disparis Hardy, 1942
ecuadorensis Hardy, 1942
imperialis Schiner, 1868
paracollaris Hardy, 1961
plagiata Wiedemann, 1824
rugosa Hardy, 1940
Bibioninae Bibio dispar Schiner, 1868
superfluus Schiner, 1868
Dilophus balfouri Edwards, 1935
espeletiae Sturm, 1990
giganteus Macquart, 1846
lucifer Schiner, 1868
pallens (Blanchard), 1852
pictus Schiner, 1868
tapir Schiner, 1868


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Bellardi, L. (1859) Saggio di ditterología messicana. Parte. I. - Memoire della Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino, Serie 2,
19, 1–80, pls. 1–2.
Bellardi, L. (1859) Saggio di ditterología messicana. Appendice. - Memoire della Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino,
Serie 2, 21, 1–18, pl. 1.
Blanchard, E. (1840) Histoire naturelle des insects Orthoptères, Névroptères, Hémiptères, Hyménoptères, Lépidoptères et

CATALOGUE OF BIBIONIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 23

Diptères. In: Laporte, F.L. de (Ed.), Histoire naturelle des animaux articulés, 3, pp. 1–672, pls. 1–67. [Paris]
Blanchard, E. (1852) Diptera. In: Gay, C. (Ed.), Historia Fisica y Politica de Chile, Fauna Chilena, Insectos. Zoología, 7, pp.
Coquillett, D.W. (1910) The type-species of North American Genera of Diptera. Proceedings of the United States National
Museum, 37, 499–647.
Edwards, F.W. (1930) Bibionidae. In: Diptera of Patagonia and South Chile. Part 2 (Fascicle 3). British Museum (Natural
History), London, pp. 77–88.
Edwards, F.W. (1935) New Neotropical Bibionidae (Diptera). Stylops, 4 (1), 19–24.
Enderlein, G. (1934) Dipterologica. II. Sitzungsberichteder Gesellschaft naturforschender Freunde, 2, 181–190. [Berlin]
Fabricius, J.C. (1798) Supplementum entomologiae systematicae. C.G. Proft et Storch, Hafniae [=Copenhagen], [4] + 572 pp.
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Woodley, N.E. & Zumbado, M.A. (Eds.), Manual of Central American Diptera. Vol. 1. NRC Research Press, Ottawa, pp.
Fleming, J. (1821) Insecta. vol. 5, Pt. 1: 41-56. In: Stewart, Dugald, Playfair, John & Brande, W.T. Supplement to the fourth,
fifth and sixth editions of the Encyclopedia Britannica. A. Constable & Co., Edinburgh [1815]-1824. 6 vols.
Geoffroy, E.L. (1762) Histoire abrégée des Insectes qui de trouvent aux environs de Paris; dans laquelle ces animaux sont
rangés suivant un ordre méthodique. Tome Premier. Durand, Paris, 2 + 28 + 523 pp., 10 pls. [(1–2), j–xlviij (= 1–28),
1–523, Pls. I–X (= 1–10)].
Hardy, D.E. (1940) Studies in New World Plecia (Bibionidae-Diptera) Part I. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society, 13
(1), 15–27.
Hardy, D.E. (1942) Studies in New World Plecia (Bibionidae-Diptera) Part II. Canadian Entomologist, 74, 106–116.
Hardy, D.E. (1945) Revision of Neartic Bibionidae including Neotropical Plecia and Penthetria. University of Kansas Science
Bulletin, 30 (2), 367–547.
Hardy, D.E. (1953) The Argentine Bibionidae (Diptera). Acta Zoologica Lilloana, 12, 343–376.
Hardy, D.E. (1956) The Walker types of Bibionidae (Diptera). Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society, 29 (3), 85–91.
Hardy, D.E. (1959) Catalogue of the Neotropical Bibionidae (Diptera, Nematocera). Acta Zoologica Lilloana, 17, 437–476.
Hardy, D.E. (1961) Notes and descriptions of exotic Bibionidae. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, 63
(2), 81–99.
Hardy, D.E. (1966) 18. Family Bibionidae. In: Papavero, N. (Ed.), A Catalogue of the Diptera of the Americas south of the
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Harris, M. (1776–1780) An exposition of English insects, with curious observations and remarks, wherein each insect is
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International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (1957) Opinion 441. Validation under the plenary powers of the names
for five genera in the Order Diptera (Class Insecta) published in 1762 by Geoffroy (E.L.) in the work entitled "Histoire
abrégée des insectes qui se trouvent aux environs de Paris." (Opinion supplementary to Opinion 228.). Opinions and
Declarations by the International Commission of Zoological Nomenclature, 15, 83–120.
International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (1963) Opinion 678. The suppression under the plenary powers of the
pamphlet published by Meigen, 1800. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 20, 339–342.
Krivosheina, N.P. (1997) 2.4. Family Hesperinidae. In: Contributions to a manual of Palaearctic Diptera. Vol. 2. (Nematocera
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Latreille, P.A. (1810) Considérations générales sur l'ordre naturel des animaux composant les classes des crustacés, des
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Macquart, J. (1838) Diptères exotiques, nouveaux ou peu connus. 1er. partie. Mémoires de la Société Royale des Sciences, de
l'Agriculture et des Arts de Lille, 1838 (2), 84–89.
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Insektenkunde, 2, 264.
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Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 56 (4), 347–370.
Perty, J.A.M. (1830) Insecta brasiliensia. In: von Spix, J.B. & von Martius, K.F.P. (Eds.), Delectus animalium articulatorum,
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Townsend, C.H.T. (1912) On the Diptera of Baja California, including some species from adjacent regions. Canadian
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Wiedemann, C.R.W. (1824) Munus rectoris in Academia Christiana Albertina aditurus analecta entomologica ex Museo Regio
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CATALOGUE OF BIBIONIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 25

Zootaxa 4122 (1): 026–040 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
Copyright © 2016 Magnolia Press
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)



Museu Nacional, Depto. Entomologia, Quinta da Boa Vista, São Cristóvão, 20940-040 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil;


This large family is poorly known in Colombia, where only 44 species have been recorded in 20 genera. All of them are
included in Cecidomyiinae, which is the most diverse subfamily of gall midges in number of species and feeding habits,
including phytophagous, predaceous and fungivorous species. Most of them are galler. The other subfamilies have never
been recorded in this country.

Key words: catalogue, Cecidomyiidae, Colombia, distribution, galler, host plant


Cecidomyiidae are a monophyletic family of nematocerous characterized by these apomorphies: lack of tibial spur
(adult), reduced larval head, styletiform mandibles (larva) and presence of spatula (larva) (Wood & Borkent 1989).
The family is divided into six subfamilies: Catotrichinae, Lestremiinae, Micromyiinae, Porricondylinae,
Winnertziinae and Cecidomyiinae (Gagné & Jaschhof 2014). The first five are considered the most primitive
groups and include only fungivorous species. Cecidomyiinae are the youngest subfamily, as well as the most
diverse, including the majority of the known species (Gagné 1989). Differently from the other subfamilies,
Cecidomyiinae comprise not only fungivorous, but also predaceous and phytophagous species, being the majority
gall inducer. Adult: slender, thin, and small to medium body 1.0–8.0mm. Head: eyes generally holoptic in both
sexes, ocelli present only in the most primitive families; antenna primitively with 14 flagellomeres, most composed
by a node and an apical neck, longer in males than in females; antennal sensoria including setae, setulae and
circumfila; mouth parts generally reduced and nonfunctional, consisting of labrum, labella, hypopharynx and
maxilary palpi. Thorax convex, wing with reduced venation, C continuous around margin, usually with a break
near R5 insertion; legs usually long, without tibial spurs; tarsomere 1 of each leg longer than the second one in
Lestremiinae, Catotrichinae, and Micromyiini and much shorter in Porricondylinae, Winnertziinae, and
Cecidomyiinae; claws simple or toothed, empodia varying in length. Abdomen elongate, tergites 1-8 and sternites
2-7 or 2-8 generally rectangular, with setae, scales and a basal pair of trichoid sensilla; male terminalia consisting
of dorsal cerci, hypoproct, gonocoxites, gonostyli and aedeagus; parameres present or absent; ovipositor varying in
length and shape; female cerci two-segmented in the most primitive subfamilies and one-segmented in almost all
Cecidomyiinae, fused into a single lobe or separate. Pupa: generally exarate; head with antennal horns, spines and
papillae present or absent; prothoracic spiracles usually elongate; abdominal spiracles generally short; abdominal
tergites with spines in many groups. Larvae: cephalic capsule reduced, eyeless, antennae generally short (excepting
in predators), styletiform mandibules; prothorax with spatula (dermal and sclerotized structure used for digging
through soil or cutting through plant tissue), nine abdominal segments, and integument with papillae (complement
of lateral and terminal papillae taxonomically important).
The family is cosmopolitan with about 6,203 described species in 736 genera (Gagné & Jaschhof 2014). In the
Neotropical region, 500 species in 170 genera are known (Gagné 1994). In Colombia, only 44 species in 20 genera
have been recorded (Table 1). The knowledge of the Colombian fauna results mainly from the works of Edwin
Möhn (Senckenberg Research Institute, Germany) and Antonio Wünsche (Max Born Gymnasium, Germany). The

26 Accepted by S. Nihei: 13 Jun. 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016

former described seven Colombian species (Möhn 1955a; 1955b; 1959; 1960; 1961; 1963; 1964 and 1975) and the
latter 24 (Wüsnche 1979), totalizing together about 66% of the known species.
Data on Colombian gall midges fauna were obtained from literature and are based mainly on the catalogues of
Gagné (2004; 2010) and Gagné & Jaschhof (2014), as well as on the publications of Möhn (1955a; 1955b; 1959;
1960; 1961; 1963; 1964 and 1975) and Wünsche (1979).

Acronyms used for the depositories

BMNH—The Natural History Museum, London, England

MNHNP—Muséum National d´Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France
NYSM—USA: New York State Museum, Albany, USA
SMNS—Germany: Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde, Stuttgart, Germany
TAVC—Tavares Collection, in SMNS or MNHN (Houard Collection), USA
USNM—National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C., USA

List of abbreviations

des.— designation
distr.—geographic distribution
m.— meters
missp. – misspelling
mon.— monotypy
orig. des.—by original designation
pp.— pages
preocc.— preoccupied
rev.— revision
sp., spp.—species
subg.— subgenus
T—Type (unspecified)
NA—Not applicable
L —Larva
P —Pupa

Catalogue of Cecidomyiidae of Colombia

Family Cecidomyiidae Newman, 1834

Subfamily Cecidomyiinae Newman, 1834

CATALOGUE OF CECIDOMYIIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 27

Supertribe Cecidomyiidi Rübsaamen & Hedicke, 1926

Tribe Aphidoletini Harris, 1966

Genus Bremia Rondani

Bremia Rondani, 1860: 289, as subg. of Diplosis. Type species, Cecidomyia decorata Loew (orig. des.).
Comm.: Cosmopolitan; 19 spp. Larvae are predators. The host of only one species is known: eggs of odonata. Refs.: Harris,
1981 (biology, larva); Gagné & Jasschhof, 2014 (cat.).

mirifica Gagné, 1994. Type locality, Colombia, Valle del Cauca. HT M (USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del
Cauca). Refs.: Gagné, 1994: 176; Gagné, 2004: 94 (cat.); Gagné, 2010: 144 (cat.); Gagné & Jaschhof, 2014: 129

Tribe Asphondyliini Rübsaamen & Hedicke, 1926

Subtribe Asphondyliina Gagné, 1994

Genus Asphondylia Loew

Asphondylia Loew, 1850: 21, 37, as subg. of Cecidomyia. Type species, sarothamni Loew (subs. des. Karsch, 1877:15).
Phyllophaga Rondani, 1856: 199. Type species, Cecidomyia fusca Meigen (orig. des.).
Asphondilia Rondani, 1860: 290, missp. of Asphondylia.
Cylindrocera Lioy, 1864: 503. Type species, Asphondylia sarothamni Loew (subs. des. Gagné, 2004).
Monasphondylia Kieffer, 1913a: 48. Type species, Asphondylia phlomidis Trotter (orig. des.).
Eumarchalia (also as Eumarschalia) Del Guercio, 1914: 231, as subg. of Schizomyia. Type-species, Schizomyia gennadii
Marchal (orig. des.).
Gisonobasis Rübsaamen, 1916a: 432. Type species, tournefortiae Rübsaamen (subs. des. Rübsaamen, 1916b: 12).
Ischnonyx Rübsaamen, 1916b: 5. Type species, Cecidomyia verbasci Vallot (subs. des. Möhn 1955a: 147).
Gisomobasis Shinji, 1944: 227, missp. of Gisonobasis.
Eoasphondylia Möhn, 1960: 214, as subg. of Asphondylia. Type species, Asphondylia convolvuli Möhn (orig. des.).
Ussurasphondylia Kovalev, 1964: 438, as subg. of Asphondylia. Type species, Asphondylia aceris Kovalev.
Halimodendromyia Marikovskij, 1965: 75. Type species, heptopotamica Marikovskij (orig. des.).
Chenasphondylia Mamaev, 1972: 898, as subg. of Asphondylia. Type-species, Asphondylia aelleniae Mamaev (orig. des.).
Aspondilia Fedotova & Kovalev, 2001: 547, missp. of Asphondylia.
Comm.: Cosmopolitan; 320 spp. All species are gallers. They induce galls on 66 plant families, on many plant parts,
mostly on flowers and buds, preventing fruiting. All are associated with symbiotic fungi. Refs.: Möhn, 1961 (rev.,Neotr.
spp.); Gagné, 2004 (syn. note.); Tokuda, 2012 (rev.); Gagné & Jaschhof, 2014 (cat.).

blechi Wünsch 1979: 31. Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena, Rio Buritaca. HT M (SMNS). Blechum
pyramidatum (Acanthaceae). Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena (Rio Buritica)). Refs.: Gagné, 1994: 123; Gagné, 2004:
76 (cat.); Gagné, 2010: 121 (cat.); Gagné & Jaschhof, 2014: 108 (cat.).

boerhaaviae Möhn, 1959: 302. Type locality, El Salvador: San Vicente. HT M (SMNS). Boerhaavia erecta;
Boerhaavia spp. (Nyctaginaceae). Distr.: Mexico, El Salvador, Colombia (Magdalena (Santa Marta, Punta de
Betin, Mamatoco, Bahia Concha, Rio Manzanares, Bonda, Bahia Gairaca, Nenguange)), Jamaica. Refs.: Gagné,
1994: 123; Gagné, 2004: 76 (cat.); Gagné, 2010: 121 (cat.); Gagné & Jaschhof, 2014: 108 (cat.)

camarae Möhn, 1959: 340. Type locality: El Salvador, Cuscatlán, 27 km, San Martin. HT M (SMNS). Lantana
camara (Verbenaceae). Distr.: El Salvador, Colombia. Refs.: Gagné, 1994: 123; Gagné, 2004: 77 (cat.); Gagné,
2010: 121 (cat.); Gagné & Jaschhof, 2014: 109 (cat.).

canavaliae Wünsch, 1979: 33. Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena, Cañaverales. HT F (SMNS). Canavalia
maritima (Fabaceae). Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena (Cañaverales)). Refs.: Gagné, 1994: 124; Gagné, 2004: 77
(cat.); Gagné, 2010: 121 (cat.); Gagné & Jaschhof, 2014: 109 (cat.).

28 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press MAIA

caprariae Wünsch, 1979: 53. Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena, Bahia Nenguange. HT M (SMNS). Capraria
biflora (Scrophulariaceae). Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena (Bahia Nenguange)). Refs.: Gagné, 1994: 124; Gagné,
2004: 77 (cat.); Gagné, 2010: 121 (cat.); Gagné & Jaschhof, 2014: 109 (cat.).

duplicornis Wünsch, 1979: 51. Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena, Cañaverales. HT M (SMNS). Melanthera
aspera (Asteraceae). Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena (Cañaverales)). Refs.: Gagné, 1994: 124; Gagné, 2004: 78
(cat.); Gagné, 2010: 123 (cat.); Gagné & Jaschhof, 2014: 110 (cat.).

evae Wünsch, 1979: 39. Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena, Bahia Gairaca. HT M (SMNS). Chamizoa sp.
(Amaranthaceae). Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena (Bahia Gairaca)). Refs.: Gagné, 1994: 124; Gagné, 2004: 79 (cat.);
Gagné, 2010: 123; Gagné & Jaschhof, 2014: 110 (cat.).

lopezae Wünsch, 1979: 43. Type locality: Colombia: Magdalena, Santa Marta. HT M (SMNS). Amaranthus
dubius, A. spinosus, Iresine angustifolia (type host not specified) (Amaranthaceae). Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena
(Santa Marta)). Refs.: Gagné, 1994: 125; Gagné, 2004: 81 (cat.); Gagné, 2010: 126; Gagné & Jaschhof, 2014: 113

portulacae Möhn, 1959: 308. Type locality: El Salvador, La Libertad, San Diego, La Libertad. HT P (SMNS).
Portulaca oleracea (Portulacaceae). Distr.: USA (Florida), El Salvador, Colombia (Magdalena (Cañaverales and
Santa Marta)), West Indies, Bolivia, Argentina. Refs.: Gagné, 1994: 126; Gagné, 2004: 82 (cat.); Gagné, 2010:
128; Gagné & Jaschhof, 2014: 114 (cat.).

sidae Wünsch, 1979: 36. Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena, Cañaverales. HT M (SMNS). Sida acuta; S.
rhombifolia (Malvaceae). Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena (Cañaverales)). Refs.: Gagné, 1994: 126; Gagné, 2004: 84
(cat.); Gagné, 2010: 130; Gagné & Jaschhof, 2014: 116 (cat.).

yukawai Wünsch, 1979: 47. Type locality: Colombia: Magdalena, Bahia Nenguange. HT M (SMNS). Arenaria sp.
(Caryophyllaceae), Melochia spp. (Sterculiaceae). Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena (Bahia Nenguange)). Refs.:
Gagné, 1994: 128; Gagné, 2004: 86 (cat.); Gagné, 2010: 132; Gagné & Jaschhof, 2014: 118 (cat.).

Genus Hemiasphondylia Möhn

Hemiasphondylia Möhn, 1960: 229. Type species, mimosae Möhn 1960 (orig. des.). Comm.: Neotropical; 2 spp. Both species
induces bud galls on Mimosoideae (Fabaceae).

mimosae Möhn, 1960: 230. Type locality: El Salvador, La Libertad, N. El Cimarrón. HT M (SMNS). Mimosa
albida; M. leiocarpa, Prosopis juliflora (Fabaceae). Distr.: El Salvador, Colombia (Magdalena (Cerro San
Fernando)). Refs. Refs.: Gagné, 1994: 130; Gagné, 2004: 164 (cat.); Gagné, 2010: 245; Gagné & Jaschhof, 2014:
221 (cat.).
mimosicola Gagné, 1978: 514 (Asphondylia), new name for then sec. hom. Asphondylia mimosae Möhn, 1960.

Genus Rhoasphondylia Möhn

Rhoasphondylia Möhn, 1960: 224. Type species, Oxasphondylia friburgensis Tavares (orig. des.).
Comm.: It comprises three galling species, all associated with Asteraceae.

sanpedri Wünsch, 1979: 63. Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena, San Pedro de la Sierra. HT M (SMNS).
Chaetospira funcki (Asteraceae). Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena (San Pedro de la Sierra)). Refs.: Gagné, 1994: 131;
Gagné, 2004: 237 (cat.); Gagné, 2010: 351; Gagné & Jaschhof, 2014: 317 (cat.).

CATALOGUE OF CECIDOMYIIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 29

Subtribe Schizomyiina Gagné, 1994

Genus Schizomyia Kieffer

Schizomyia Kieffer, 1889: 183. Type species, galiorum Kieffer, 1889 (mon.). Parasphondylia Kieffer, 1913b: 93. Type
species, variicornis Kieffer, 1913b (orig. des.). Schyzomya, Schizomya Del Guercio, 1918: 126, missp. of Schizomyia.
Shizomyia Shinji, 1938a: 239, missp. of Schizomyia.
Comm.: Cosmopolitan; 55 spp. Schizomyia is associated with 26 plant families. It is an artificial genus that gathers species
with needlelike ovipositors, four-segmented palpi, and larvae with four pairs of terminal papillae present. Refs.: Gagné &
Menjivar, 2008 (review Neotropical spp.); Gagné & Jaschhof, 2014 (cat.).

manihoti Tavares, 1925: 22. Type locality, Brazil (Ceará). ST M, F, P, L (TAVC). Manihot utilissima
(Euphorbiaceae). Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena (Santa Marta)), Brazil (Ceará). Refs.: Gagné, 1994: 142; Gagné,
2004: 253 (cat.); Gagné, 2010: 370; Gagné & Jaschhof, 2014: 334 (cat.).

Tribe Cecidomyiini Rübsaamen & Hedicke, 1926

Genus Contarinia Rondani

Contarinia Rondani, 1860: 289, as subg. of Cecidomyia. Type species, Tipula loti De Geer, 1776 (orig. des.).
Eudiplosis Kieffer, 1894a: xxviii. Type species, Contarinia sorbi Kieffer (subs. des., Gagné, 2004: 108). Kieffer, 1895: cclxxx
designated Tipula loti as Type species, but it was neither of the two originally included species.
Stictodiplosis Kieffer, 1894a: xxviii. Type species, Contarinia picridis Kieffer, 1894 (subs. des., Gagné, 2004: 108). Kieffer,
1895: cclxxx designated Contarinia nubilipennis as Type species, but it was neither of the two originally included species.
Contariuia Rübsaamen, 1906: 194, missp. of Contarinia.
Syndiplosis Rübsaamen, 1910a: 284. Type species, winnertzi Rübsaamen, 1910a (orig. des. as n. g., n. sp.) = petioli Kieffer.
Atylodiplosis Rübsaamen, 1910b: 342. Type species, Diplosis acetosellae Rübsaamen (subs. des. Rübsaamen & Hedicke, 1926:
Doxodiplosis Kieffer, 1912a: 1. Type species, picridis Kieffer, 1912a (orig. des.).
Dryodiplosis Kieffer, 1912a: 1. Type species, Contarinia subulifex Kieffer, 1897 (orig. des.).
Navasodiplosis Tavares, 1920: 65. Type species, camphorosmae Tavares, 1920 (orig. des.).
Sissudiplosis Mani, 1943: 44. Type species, chatterjeei Mani, 1943 (orig. des.).
Bothriochloamyia Rao & Sharma, 1977: 237. Type species, orientalis Rao & Sharma, 1977 (orig. des.).
Contarinomyia Fedotova, 1991: 51. Type species, Contarinia reaumuriae Fedotova, 1991 (orig. des.).
Achillinia Fedotova, 1992: 115, as subgenus Contarinia. Type species, Contarinia achilleae Fedotova, 1992 (orig. des.).
Comm.: Cosmopolitan; 313 spp. The genus is associated with 60 plant families. Larvae of many species are free-living in
flower heads, others induce leaf roll, or less frequently complex galls. Some species are inquilinous in galls. Refs.: Gagné,
1994; 2004 (syn. note.); Gagné & Jaschhof, 2014 (cat.).

gossypii Felt, 1908a: 210. Type locality: Antigua. ST M, F (USNM). Gossypium sp. (Malvaceae). Distr.:
Colombia, U.S. Virgin Is, Antigua, Montserrat, Barbados. Refs.: Gagné, 1994: 147; Gagné, 2004: 113 (cat.);
Gagné, 2010: 172; Gagné & Jaschhof, 2014: 115 (cat.).

Genus Prodiplosis Felt

Prodiplosis Felt, 1908b: 403. Type species, Cecidomyia floricola Felt, 1908b (orig. des.).
Geisenheyneria Rübsaamen, 1910a: 289. Type species, rhenana Rübsaamen, 1910a (orig. des. as n. g., n. sp.).
Comm.: Holarctic, Neotropical; 12 spp. The genus is associated with 16 plant families. Many larvae live in flowers and
buds. Some species are polyphagous and economically important. Ref.: Gagné, 1986 (revision); Gagné & Jaschhof, 2014

longifila Gagné, 1986: 240. Type locality: USA, Florida, Monroe Co., Marco I. HT M (USNM). Gossypium sp.
(Malvaceae); Lycopersicon esculentum & Solanum tuberosum (Solanaceae), Citrus aurantifolia (Rutaceae),
Medicago sativa & Phaseolus sp. (Fabaceae), Chenopodium ambrosioides (Chenopodiaceae), & Ricinus communis
(Euphorbiaceae). Distr.: USA (Virginia, Florida), Colombia, Ecuador, Peru. Refs.: Gagné, 1994: 149; Gagné, 2004:
226 (cat.); Gagné, 2010: 335; Gagné & Jaschhof, 2014: 303 (cat.).

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Tribe Lestodiplosini Harris, 1966

Genus Feltiella Rübsaamen

Feltiella Rübsaamen, 1910a: 285. Type species, tetranychi Rübsaamen, 1910a (orig. des. as n. g., n. sp.) = acarisuga Vallot.
Therodiplosis Kieffer, 1912a: 2. Type species, persicae Kieffer, 1912a (orig. des.) = acarisuga Vallot, 1827.
Acaroletes Kieffer, 1913c: 229. Type species, Arthrocnodax tetranychi Kieffer (orig. des.).
Acroletes Mani, 1946: 215, missp. of Acaroletes.
Comm.: Cosmopolitan; 10 spp. Larvae of this cosmopolitan genus prey almost exclusively on red spider mites. Refs.: Gagné,
1995 (rev.); 2004 (syn. note); Gagné & Jaschhof, 2014 (cat.).

insularis (Felt, 1913a: 305) (Mycodiplosis). Type locality: Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras. LT (Gagné, 1995:26) M F L
(NYSM). Tetranychus sp.; many tetranychids (Acarina). Distr.: USA (Illinois, New Jersey, Florida), Jamaica,
Puerto Rico, Trinidad, Colombia, Argentina. Refs.: Gagné, 1994: 161; Gagné, 2004: 153 (cat.); Gagné, 2010: 228.
carolina Felt, 1913b: 488 (Arthrocnodax). USA: South Carolina, Batesburg; (Gagné, 1995: 26), LT M
constricta Felt, 1914a: 481 (Arthrocnodax). Puerto Rico: Rio Piedras; (Gagné, 1995: 26), LT M (NYSM).
venatoria Felt, 1917: 195 (Feltiella). USA: Illinois, Chicago; LT (Gagné, 1995: 26) M [NYSM].

Genus Lestodiplosis Kieffer

Leptodiplosis Kieffer, 1894a: xxviii. Type species, Lestodiplosis septemguttata Kieffer (subs. des. Kieffer, 1895: cclxxx).
Replaced by Lestodiplosis as valid original spelling (ICZN, 1958: 291).
Lestodiplosis Kieffer, 1894b: 84. Type species, Cecidomyia septemguttata Kieffer (subs. des. Kieffer, 1895: cclxxx).
Coprodiplosis Kieffer, 1894b: 84. Type species, Cecidomyia polypori Loew (subs. des. Kieffer, 1895: cclxxx).
Hemidiplosis Kieffer, 1894c: 9 (publ'n not seen). Type species, Lestodiplosis rosea Kieffer, 1894c (mon.).
Adelgimyza Del Guercio, 1918: 231. Type species, strobilobii Del Guercio, 1918 (orig. des. as n.g, n.sp.).
Cecidomyella Del Guercio, 1918: 247. Type species, aulacaspidis Del Guercio, 1918 (orig. des. as n. g., n. sp.).
Moreschiella Del Guerico, 1918: 157. Type species, moricola Del Guerico, 1918 (mon.) = moricolata Gagné, 2004.
Theatodiplosis Tavares, 1922a: 148. Type species, quercina Tavares, 1922a (orig. des.).
Cecidomyela Felt, 1925: 163, missp. of Cecidomyella.
Cecidomyiella Mani, 1934: 428, missp. of Cecidomyella.
Chiliodiplosis Möhn, 1955b: 415. Type species, vasta Möhn (orig. des.).
Phonodiplosis Möhn, 1955b: 420. Type species, casta Möhn (orig. des.).
Coplodiplosis Shinji, 1944: 245, missp. of Coprodiplosis.
Comm.: Cosmopolitan and copal fossil; 181 spp. Larvae are predators of several arthropods (Diplopoda, Acarina, Coleoptera,
Diptera, Hemiptera, Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, Thysanoptera). Many are found in inflorescences. They are associated
with at least 18 plant families. According to gagné & jaschhof, 2014, this genus contains many apparent synonyms. Ref.:
Gagné & Jaschhof, 2014 (cat.).

gagnei Baylac, 1987: 125. Type locality: Colombia, San-Alberto. HT M (MNHN). Elaeidobius subvittatus
(Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Distr.: Colombia (Cesar (San-Alberto)). Refs.: Gagné, 1994: 163; Gagné, 2004: 187
(cat.); Gagné, 2010: 278; Gagné & Jaschhof, 2014: 250 (cat.).

Genus Trisopsis Kieffer

Trisopsis Kieffer, 1912b: 171. Type species, oleae Kieffer, 1912b (orig. des.).
Plagiodiplosis Kieffer, 1913a: 55. Type species, Lestodiplosis nana Kieffer, 1913a (orig. des.).
Comm.: Cosmopolitan; 25 spp., presumably all larvae are predators although most were caught In flight. According to Gagné
& Jaschhof, 2014, this genus may not be monophyletic. Ref.: Gagné & Jaschhof, 2014 (cat.).

incisa (Felt, 1907: 43) (Cecidomyia). Type locality: USA, New York, Albany. HT M (NYSM). Orig. unknow; from
laboratory colonies of Anopheles sp. (Culicidae), Perileucoptera coffeella (Lepidoptera: Lyonetiidae), Pedronia sp.
(Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae), on shoots of Sorghum sp., on leaves of Cyrtandra sp. (Gesneriaceae), in fruiting
bodies of fungi, and various insect larvae in flower heads of Chromolaena odorata (Asteraceae) (cf. to list under

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Lestodiplosis callipus).Distr.: USA (Washington, New York, District of Columbia), Trinidad, Colombia, Hawaiian
Is (T. oleae of Hardy), Greece, Israel. Refs.: Gagné, 1997; Gagné, 1994: 165; Gagné, 2004: 269 (cat.); Gagné,
2010: 396 (cat.); Gagné & Jaschhof, 2014: 357 (cat.).

oleae Kieffer, 1912b: 171. Type locality: South Africa, Wellington. ST M, F (?). Distr.: South Africa, New Zealand,
Colombia. Refs.: Gagné, 1994: 165; Gagné, 2004: 269 (cat.); Gagné, 2010: 396; Gagné & Jaschhof, 2014: 358

Genus Diadiplosis Felt

Diadiplosis Felt, 1911a: 54. Type species, cocci Felt, 1911a (orig. des.).
Coccodiplosis Meijere, 1917: 238. Type species, pseudococci Meijere, 1917 (mon.) = smithi Felt, 1915.
Cleodiplosis Felt, 1922: 1. Type species, aleyrodici Felt, 1922 (orig. des.).
Ghesquierinia Barnes, 1939: 327. Type species, megalamellae Barnes, 1939 (orig. des.).
Kalodiplosis Felt, 1915: 229. Type species, Dicrodiplosis multifila Felt, 1915 (orig. des.).
Schizobremia Felt, 1926: 183. Type species, formosana Felt, 1926 (orig. des.).
Olesicoccus Borgmeier, 1931: 186. Type species, costalimai Borgmeier, 1931 (orig. des.) = coccidivora Felt, 1914b.
Cieodiplosis Shinji, 1944: 232, missp. of Cleodiplosis.
Nipponodiplosis Harris, 1968: 458. Type species, Diadiplosis hirticornis Felt (orig. des.).
Golanudiplosis Grover & Prasad, 1968: 213. Type species, japonica Grover & Prasad, 1968 (mon.).
Phagodiplosis Blanchard, 1938: 345. Type species, haywardi Blanchard, 1938 (orig. des.) = coccidivora Felt, 1914b.
Vincentodiplosis Harris, 1968: 473. Type species, Lobodiplosis coccidarum Felt, 1911b (orig. des.) = coccidarum Cockerell,
Comm.: Cosmopolitan, chiefly tropical; 30 spp. All larvae are predaceous on Hemiptera (mainly Pseudococcidae, but also
Aleyrodidae, Coccidae, Dactylopiidae, Diaspididae, Eriococcidae, and Margarodidae). Refs.: Harris, 1968 (rev., illus.);
Gagné, 1994 (review); Gagné & Jaschhof, 2014 (cat.).

coccidarum (Cockerell, 1892: 181) (Diplosis). Type locality: Jamaica. HT M F (USNM). Orig. from a box
containing various Hemiptera: Aleurodes sp. (Aleyrodidae); Aonidiella aurantii & Dactylopius sp. (Diaspididae);
and Ferrisia sp., Dysmicoccus spp., Nipaecoccus sp., Paracoccus marginatus, Phenacoccus spp., Pseudococcus
spp., & Saccharicoccus spp. (Pseudococcidae). Distr.: USA (Florida), West Indies (Cuba to Trinidad), Colombia,
Guyana, Peru. Refs.: Gagné, 1994: 184; Gagné, 2004: 145 (cat.); Gagné, 2010: 213; Gagné & Jaschhof, 2014: 191
coccidarum Felt, 1911b: 195 (Lobodiplosis). St. Vincent; ST M F (NYSM).
cocci Felt, 1913a: 304 (Karschomyia). Puerto Rico: Patillas; STM F (lost).

vaupedis (Harris, 1968: 450) (Ghesquierinia). Type locality: Colombia, Vaupés. HT M (BMNH). Undet. sp. of
coccoid; Planococcus sp. (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae). Distr.: Colombia (Vaupés (Gadaloupe)), Guadaloupe.
Refs.: Gagné, 1994: 185; Gagné, 2004: 146 (cat.); Gagné, 2010: 213 (cat.); Gagné & Jaschhof, 2014: 192 (cat.).

Genus Moehniella Wünsch

Moehniella Wünsch, 1979: 66. Type species, fernandi Wünsch 1979 (orig. des.).
Comm.: Neotropical; 1 sp. The genus is known for only one species, probably an inquiline in fruits of Mimosa (Fabaceae).
Ref.: Gagné & Jaschhof, 2014 (cat.).

fernandi Wünsch, 1979: 67. Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena, Cerro San Fernando. HT F (SMNS). Mimosa
leiocarpa (Fabaceae). Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena (Cerro San Fernando)). Refs.: Gagné, 1994: 192; Gagné, 2004:
202 (cat.); Gagné, 2010: 299 (cat.); Gagné & Jaschhof, 2014: 270 (cat.).

Supertribe Lasiopteridi Rübsaamen & Hedicke, 1926

Tribe Alycaulini Rübsaamen & Hedicke, 1926

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Genus Alycaulus Rübsaamen

Alycaulus Rübsaamen, 1916a: 476. Type species, mikaniae Rübsaamen 1916a (mon.).
Comm.: Neotropical; 3 spp., all induce galls on Mikania (Asteraceae). Ref.: Gagné & Jaschhof, 2014 (cat.).

trilobatus Möhn, 1964: 583. Type locality: El Salvador, Cuscatlán, NE Cojutepeque. HT L (SMNS). Mikania
micrantha; M. cordifolia (Asteraceae). Distr.: El Salvador, Colombia (Magdalena (Rio Sevilla, Rio Buritaca)).
Refs.: Gagné, 1994: 65; Gagné, 2004: 66 (cat.); Gagné, 2010: 106 (cat.); Gagné & Jaschhof, 2014: 95 (cat.).

Genus Geraldesia Tavares

Geraldesia Tavares, 1917: 134. Type species, eupatorii Tavares (orig. des.).
Comm.: Neotropical; 3 spp., associated with Asteraceae (2 spp.) and Polygonaceae (01 sp.). All induce blister leaf galls. Ref.:
Gagné & Jaschhof, 2014 (cat.).

polygonarum Wünsch, 1979: 111. Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena, Cerro San Fernando. HT M (SMNS).
Triplaris, Symmeria and Ruprechtia sp. (Polygonaceae). Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena (Cerro San Fernando)).
Refs.: Gagné, 1994: 68; Gagné, 2004: 155 (cat.); Gagné, 2010: 232 (cat.); Gagné& Jaschhof, 2014: 210 (cat.).

Genus Meunieriella Kieffer

Meunieria Rübsaamen, 1905: 137, preocc. Kieffer, 1904. Type species, dalechampiae Rübsaamen, 1905 (orig. des.).
Meunieriella Kieffer, 1909: 35, new name for Meunieria Rübsaamen 1905.
Dolicholabis Tavares 1918: 72. Type species, lantanae Tavares 1918 (orig. des.).
Comm.: Neotropical, Nearctic; 21 spp. Most species are Neotropical and inquilinous in galls of other Cecidomyiidi but at least
two are gall makers. They are associated at least with 11 plant families. Refs.: Möhn, 1975 (rev.); Gagné & Jaschhof, 2014

datxeli Wünsch, 1979: 123. Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena, Bahia Nenguange. HT M (SMNS). Triplaris,
Symmeria and Ruprechtia sp. (Polygonaceae). Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena (Bahia Nenguange)). Refs.: Gagné,
1994: 81; Gagné, 2004: 200 (cat.); Gagné, 2010: 268 (cat.); Gagné & Jaschhof, 2014: 268 (cat.).

gairae Wünsch, 1979: 127. Type locality: Colombia: Magdalena, Bella-Vista. HT M (SMNS). Cordia subtruncata
(Boraginaceae). Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena (Bella-Vista)). Refs.: Gagné, 1994: 81; Gagné, 2004: 200 (cat.);
Gagné, 2010: 268 (cat.); Gagné & Jaschhof, 2014: 268 (cat.).

magdalenae Wünsch, 1979: 119. Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena, Bahia Nenguange. HT M (SMNS). Distr.:
Colombia (Magdalena (Bahia Nenguange)). Coccoloba candolleana (Polygonaceae). Refs.: Gagné, 1994: 82;
Gagné, 2004: 201 (cat.); Gagné, 2010: 268 (cat.); Gagné & Jaschhof, 2014: 268 (cat.).

Genus Neolasioptera Felt

Neolasioptera Felt, 1908b: 330. Type species, Lasioptera vitinea Felt, 1907 (subs. des. Coquillett, 1910: 575).
Luisieria Tavares, 1922b: 43. Type species, fariae Tavares, 1922b (orig. des.).
Dilasioptera Möhn, 1964: 570, as subg. of Neolasioptera. Type species, Neolasioptera serrata Möhn, 1964 (orig. des.).
Neurolasioptera Brèthes, 1922: 138. Type species, baezi Brèthes, 1922 (mon.).
Physalidicola Brèthes, 1917: 240. Type species, argentata Brèthes, 1917 (orig. des.).
Comm.: Nearctic, Neotropical; 134 spp. The genus is associated with 44 plant families, mostly Asteraceae. The species induce
mainly stem galls, but also petiole, leaf vein, or flower galls. Refs.: Gagné, 1994 (review); Gagné & Jaschhof, 2014 (cat.).

camarae Möhn, 1964: 565. Type locality: El Salvador, San Diego and La Libertad. HT M (SMNS). Lantana
camara (Verbenaceae). Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena (La Togrera, Minca), El Salvador. Refs.: Gagné, 1994: 71;
Gagné, 2004: 201 (cat.); Gagné, 2010: 306 (cat.); Gagné & Jaschhof, 2014: 276 (cat.).

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cruttwellae Gagné, 1977: 115. Type locality: Trinidad, Simla. HT F (USNM). Chromolaena odorata (Asteraceae).
Distr.: Colombia, Trinidad. Refs.: Gagné, 1994: 72; Gagné, 2004: 206 (cat.); Gagné, 2010: 307 (cat.); Gagné &
Jaschhof, 2014: 277 (cat.).
odorati Wünsch, 1979: 100 (Neolasioptera). Colombia, Magdalena (Cañaverales); HT M (SMNS).

cusani Wünsch, 1979: 104. Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena, Donama. HT L (SMNS). Undet. sp. of
Amaranthaceae. Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena). Refs.: Gagné, 1994: 72; Gagné, 2004: 207 (cat.); Gagné, 2010: 307
(cat.); Gagné & Jaschhof, 2014: 277 (cat.).

diclipterae Wünsch, 1979: 78. Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena, Rio Manzanares. HT M (SMNS). Dicliptera
assurgens (Acanthaceae). Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena (Rio Manzanares). Refs.: Gagné, 1994: 72; Gagné, 2004:
207 (cat.); Gagné, 2010: 307 (cat.); Gagné & Jaschhof, 2014: 277 (cat.).

donamae Wünsch, 1979: 97. Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena, Donama. HT L (SMNS). Iresine angustifolia
(Amaranthaceae). Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena (Donama). Refs.: Gagné, 1994: 72; Gagné, 2004: 207 (cat.);
Gagné, 2010: 307 (cat.); Gagné & Jaschhof, 2014: 277 (cat.).

mincae Wünsch, 1979: 95. Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena, Minca. HT L (SMNS). Melanthera aspera
(Asteraceae). Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena (Minca). Refs.: Gagné, 1994: 74; Gagné, 2004: 209 (cat.); Gagné,
2010: 309 (cat.); Gagné & Jaschhof, 2014: 279 (cat.).

olivae Wünsch, 1979: 92. Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena, Donama. HT F (SMNS). Calea caracasana
(Asteraceae). Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena, Donama). Refs.: Gagné, 1994: 74; Gagné, 2004: 209 (cat.); Gagné,
2010: 310 (cat.); Gagné & Jaschhof, 2014: 279 (cat.).

portulacae (Cook, 1906): 251. Type locality: Cuba. SYN gall depos. unknown. Portulaca oleracea
(Portulacaceae). Distr.: Colombia (Santa Marta, Bahia Nenguange), Cuba, El Salvador, Jamaica, Mexico, USA
(Florida), West Indies. Refs.: Gagné, 1994: 74; Gagné, 2004: 210 (cat.); Gagné, 2010: 310 (cat.); Gagné &
Jaschhof, 2014: 279 (cat.).

samariae Wünsch, 1979: 89. Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena, Santa Marta. HT M (SMNS). Adenocalymma
dugandi (Bignoniaceae). Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena (Santa Marta)). Refs.: Gagné, 1994: 75; Gagné, 2004: 210
(cat.); Gagné, 2010: 310 (cat.); Gagné & Jaschhof, 2014: 280 (cat.).

tribulae Wünsch, 1979: 81. Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena, Santa Marta. HT M (SMNS). Tribulus cistoides
(Zygophyllaceae). Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena (Santa Marta)). Refs.: Gagné, 1994: 75; Gagné, 2004: 211 (cat.);
Gagné, 2010: 311 (cat.); Gagné & Jaschhof, 2014: 280 (cat.).

Tribe Camptoneuromyiini Möhn, 1975

Genus Camptoneuromyia Felt

Camptoneuromyia Felt, 1908b: 334. Type species, Dasineura virginica Felt, 1907 (subs. des. Coquillett, 1910: 518).
Comm.: Neotropical (9 spp.) and Nearctic 6 spp.). Most are inquilines in galls of other Cecidomyinae. Ref.: Gagné & Jaschhof,
2014 (cat.).

boerhaaviae Möhn, 1975: 22. Type locality: El Salvador, San Vicente, km 81, nr Rio San Felipe. HT M (SMNS).
Boerhaavia erecta; B. caribaea (Nyctaginaceae Distr.: El Salvador, Colombia (Magdalena (Bahia Nenguange)).
Refs.: Gagné, 1994: 78; Gagné, 2004: 98 (cat.); Gagné, 2010: 150 (cat.); Gagné & Jaschhof, 2014: 135 (cat.).

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Genus Domolasioptera Möhn

Domolasioptera Möhn, 1975: 31. Type species, adversaria Möhn, 1975 (orig. des.).
Comm.: Neotropical; 7 spp., larvae are inquilines in galls of other Cecidomyiinae. Ref.: Gagné & Jaschhof, 2014 (cat.).

acuario Wünsch, 1979: 115. Type locality: Colombia Magdalena, Rio Buritaca. HT M (SMNS). Mikania
cordifolia (Asteraceae). Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena (Rio Buritaca)). Refs.: Gagné, 1994: 79; Gagné, 2004: 148
(cat.); Gagné, 2010: 217 (cat.); Gagné & Jaschhof, 2014: 196 (cat.).

Tribe Rhopalomyiini Rübsaamen & Hedicke, 1926

Genus Rhopalomyia Rübsaamen

Rhopalomyia Rübsaamen, 1892: 370. Type species, Oligotrophus tanaceticola Karsch, 1879 (subs. des. Kieffer, 1896: 89).
Diarthronomyia Felt, 1908b: 339. Type species, artemisiae Felt (orig. des.) = pomum Gagné, 1975.
Diathronomyia Coquillett, 1910: 532, missp. of Diarthronomyia.
Calopedila Kieffer, 1913a: 49. Type species, Rhopalomyia herbsti Kieffer (orig. des.).
Misospatha Kieffer, 1913b: 48. Type species, Rhopalomyia globifex Kieffer & Jörgensen, 1910 (orig. des.).
Panteliola Kieffer, 1913a: 49. Type species, Rhopalomyia haasi Kieffer, 1905 (orig. des.).
Boucheella Rübsaamen, 1914: 93. Type species, Cecidomyia artemisiae Bouché, 1834 (orig. des.).
Dichelonyx Rubsaamen, 1914: 94. Type species, Cecidomyia foliorum Loew, 1850 (orig. des.).
Dictyomyia Tavares, 1919a: 25. Type species, navasina Tavares, 1919a (orig. des.).
Navasia Tavares, 1919a: 34, preocc. Kirby, 1914. Type-species, santolinae Tavares, 1919a (orig. des.).
Navasiella Tavares, 1919b: 93, new name for Navasia Tavares, 1919a .
Eudictyomyia Tavares, 1920: 55. Type species, Rhopalomyia navasi Tavares, 1904 (orig. des.).
Rhopalomya Shinji, 1938b: 1063, missp. of Rhopalomyia.
Misospatna Shinji, 1939: 588, missp. of Misospatha.
Phopalomyia Shinji, 1939: 588, missp. of Rhopalomyia.
Ropalomyia Shinji, 1939: 588, missp. of Rhopalomyia.
Calopedia Shinji, 1944: 323, missp. of Calopedila.
Mesospatha Shinji, 1944: 191, missp. of Misospatha.
Mesospathia Shinji, 1944: 29, missp. of Misospatha.
Mesospathi Shinji, 1944: 42, missp. of Misospatha.
Rhapalomyia Shinji, 1944: 162, missp. of Rhopalomyia.
Artemisiobia Kovalev, 1967: 102. Type species, globosa Kovalev, 1967 (orig. des.).
Calopedilla Gagné, 1994: 88, missp. of Calopedila.
Dracunculomyia Fedotova, 1999a: 834. Type species, kashkarovi Fedotova, 1999a (orig. des.).
Arenaromyia Fedotova, 1999b: 588. Type species, caspica Fedtova, 1999b (orig. des.).
Absinthomyia (also as Absinhomyia), as subg. of Dracunculomyia Fedotova, 1999a: 835. Type-species, Dracunculomyia bergi
Fedotova, 1999a (orig. des.).
Pupascleromyia (also as Pupascleromtyia) Fedotova, 1999a: 844, nomen nudum.
Seriphidomyia Fedotova, 1999a: 841, nomen nudum.
Polynomyia Fedotova, 1999a: 846, nomen nudum.
Seriphidomyia Fedotova, 2000: 1421. Type species, butakovi Fedotova, 2000 (orig. des.).
Polynomyia, as subg. of Seriphidomyia Fedotova, 2001a: 59. Type species, Seriphidomyia tarbagataica Fedotova, orig. des.
Yukawyx, as subg of Dichelonyx Fedotova, 2001b: 954. Type species, Dichelonyx ustjurtensis Fedotova, 1999a (orig. des.).
Pupascleromyia Fedotova, 2001c: 1084. Type species, iliensis (orig. des.).
Comm.: Cosmopolitan; 267 spp. They are associated with only 8 plant families. Most species induce complex galls on
Asteraceae, chiefly on Anthemideae. Ref.: Gagné & Jaschhof, 2014 (cat.).

chrysanthemi (Ahlberg, 1939: 276) (Diarthronomyia). Type locality: Europe (origin unknown, presumably from
Asia with chrysanthemum trade). LT (Gagné, 1983: 68; USA: MI, East Lansing) M (NYSM). Chrysanthemum spp.
(Asteraceae). Distr.: widespread Nearctic, widespread northern Europe, Chile, Colombia, Argentina, Hawaiian Is,
and New Zealand. Refs.: Gagné, 1994: 93; Gagné, 2004: 241 (cat.); Gagné, 2010: 355 (cat.); Gagné & Jaschhof,
2014: 321 (cat.).

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Tribe Trotteriini Rübsaamen & Hedicke, 1926

Genus Trotteria Rübsaamen

Choristoneura Rübsaamen, 1892: 342, preocc. Lederer, 1859. Type species, Cecidomyia obtusa Loew, 1850.
Trotteria Kieffer, 1902: 561, new name for Choristoneura Rübsaamen.
Comm.: Holarctic, Neotropical, Afrotropical; 23 spp. Most species are inquilines in galls induced by Asphondyliini. At least
one specie is associated with Contarinia and other with Youngomyia. Ref.: Gagné & Jaschhof, 2014 (cat.).

rivinae Wünsch, 1979: 143. Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena, Bahia Concha. HT F (SMNS). Rivina humilis
(Phytolaccaceae). Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena (Bahia Concha)). Refs.: Gagné, 1994: 99; Gagné, 2004: 270 (cat.);
Gagné, 2010: 399 (cat.); Gagné & Jaschhof, 2014: 360 (cat.).

salvadorensis Möhn, 1963: 3. Type locality: El Salvador, San Vicente, km 81, nr Rio San Felipe, HT F (SMNS).
Boerhaavia erecta (Sterculiaceae) and Ayenia pusilla (Nyctaginaceae). Distr.: El Salvador; Colombia (Magdalena
(Mamatoco, Bahia Concha, Bahia Nenguange)). Refs.: Gagné, 1994: 99; Gagné, 2004: 270 (cat.); Gagné, 2010:
399 (cat.); Gagné & Jaschhof, 2014: 360 (cat.).

TABLE 1. Cecidomyiidae species recorded from Colombia.

Subfamily Genus Species Epithet Author
Bremia mirifica Gagné, 1994
Asphondylia blechi Wünsch, 1979
boerhaaviae Möhn, 1959
camarae Möhn, 1959
canavaliae Wünsch, 1979
caprariae Wünsch, 1979
Cecidomyiinae duplicornis Wünsch, 1979
evae Wünsch, 1979
lopezae Wünsch, 1979
portulacae Möhn, 1959
sidae Wünsch, 1979
yukawai Wünsch, 1979
Hemiasphondylia mimosae Möhn, 1960
Rhoasphondylia sanpedri Wünsch, 1979
Schizomyia manihoti Tavares, 1925
Contarinia gossypii Felt, 1908a
Prodiplosis longifila Gagné, 1986
Feltiella insularis (Felt, 1913a)
Lestodiplosis gagnei Baylac, 1987
Trisopsis incisa (Felt, 1907)
oleae Kieffer, 1912b
Diadiplosis coccidarum Cockerell, 1892
vaupedis (Harris, 1968)
Moehniella fernandi Wünsch, 1979
Alycaulus trilobatus Möhn, 1964
Geraldesia polygonarum Wünsch, 1979
Meunieriella datxeli Wünsch, 1979
gairae Wünsch, 1979
...Continued on next page

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TABLE 1. (Continued)
Subfamily Genus Species Epithet Author
magdalenae Wünsch, 1979
Neolasioptera cruttwellae Gagné, 1977
camarae Möhn, 1964
cusani Wünsch, 1979
diclipterae Wünsch, 1979
donamae Wünsch, 1979
mincae Wünsch, 1979
olivae Wünsch, 1979
portulacae (Cook, 1906)
samariae Wünsch, 1979
tribulae Wünsch, 1979
Camptoneuromyia boerhaaviae Möhn, 1975
Domolasioptera acuario Wünsch, 1979
Rhopalomyia chrysanthemi (Ahlberg, 1939)
Trotteria rivinae Wünsch, 1979
salvadorensis Möhn, 1963


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Department of Entomology, Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Quinta da Boa Vista, São Cristóvão, 20940-
040, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. E-mail:


Sciaridae are a widely distributed family with high number of species. They are known as black fungus gnats due to their
dark color and feeding activity. This catalogue presents 17 species from Colombia distributed in eight genera, and for each
species the geographical distribution is provided.

Key words: black fungus gnats, catalogue, Colombia, Sciaridae


Sciaride are a large and cosmopolitan family, commonly known as “black fungus gnats”. Of the 2400 described
species, about 29 genera and 193 species are found in the neotropics (Amorim et al. 2002). They are tinny and
fragile flies, 1.0–6.0 mm long, usually blackish, yellowish or brownish. Head ovoid, compound eyes meeting
above the base of antennae forming dorsal bridge. Antennae long with 14 flagellomeres, scape and pedicel
rounded, three ocelli present; palpus usually with three segments. Wing hyaline, brownish or darkwish. C short, Sc
weak, veins M and Cu thinner, one cross-vein r-m, and CuA stem short. Foretibia with apical spur, mid and hind-
tibia with two apical spurs. Tarsal claws simple or toothed. Abdomen cylindrical, tapered posteriorly in females,
and an exposed genitalia in males. Larvae have soft skin, white, with a translucent 12-segmented body, and a black
head (Mohrig & Menzel 2009).
The immatures feed upon many organic matter in the soil and plant litter, besides mine in stem or leaves, and
live under the bark of live trees. Some species have been found in caves, animal burrows, ant colonies, and bird
nests. Some genera are known as pests in mushroom and plant cultivation (Mohrig & Menzel 2009).
Sciaridae represent a monophyletic family based on characteristics from larval head, but the classification of
the family into subfamilies is controversial among the authors and is not used here. Sciaridae are probably a sister
group of Mycetophilidae rather than of Cecidomyiidae due to similarity of the larval mouthparts and the loss of the
eighth abdominal spiracle in the larvae (Mohrig & Menzel 2009).
In this catalogue all Sciaridae species recorded from Colombia are summarized and listed (Table 1). The
catalogue of Amorim (1992) was adopted for the classification and nomenclature. Recent publications concerning
taxonomic changes were considered. All the distributional data available are provided.

Acronyms used for the depositories

BMNH—British Museum (Natural History), London, United Kingdom.

BZM—Berliner Zoologishes Museum, Berlin, Germany.
CUC—Cornell University Collection, Cornell, USA.
IZV—Instytut Zoologii, Warsaw, Poland.
NMW—Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna, Austria.

Accepted by S. Nihei: 25 May 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016 41

List of abbreviations

distr.—geographic distribution
n. comb.—new combination
nom. nov.—nomen novum (new name)
orig. des.—by original designation
subs. des.—subsequent designation
F (f#)—Female
M (m#)—Male

Catalogue of Sciaridae of Colombia

Family Sciaridae Billberg, 1820

Genus Bradysia Winnertz

Bradysia Winnertz, 1867: 180. Type species, Bradysia angustipennis Winnertz (subs. des. by Enderlein, 1911: 127). Refs.:
Tuomikoski, 1960: 110 (redefinition); Lane, 1959a (Key to spp.) Amorim, 1992: 57 (cat.).
Neosciara Pettey, 1918: 320. Type species, Sciara coprophila Lindner (orig. des.) (= Bradysia amoena (Winnertz)).

aequalis (Rübsaamen), 1894: 36 (Sciara). Type locality: Colombia, Bogotá. HT F (BZM). Distr.: Colombia
(Bogotá). Refs.: Amorim, 1992: 57 (cat).

columbia (Pettey), 1918: 342 (Neosciara). Type locality: Colombia, La Sierra. HT M (CUC). Distr.: Colombia
(Santa Marta (La Sierra)). Refs.: Amorim, 1992: 57 (cat.).

Genus Hybosciara Rübsaamen

Hybosciara Rübsaamen, 1894: 28. Type species, Hybosciara gigantea Rübsaamen (mon.) (= Sciara gigantea
Macquart). Refs.: Amorim, 1992: 61 (cat.).

gigantea (Macquart), 1844: 147 (1846: 19) (Sciara). Type locality: “Nouvelle-Grenade”. ST FF (not located (“De
la collection de M. Bigot e de la mienne”)). Refs.: Enderlein, 1911: 146 (as synonym of H. gigantea Rübsaamen)
Amorim, 1992: 61 (cat.).
gigantea Rübsaamen, 1894: 28. Type locality: “Colombia”. LT F (BZM).

42 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press CARVALHO-FERNANDES

Genus Merianina Frey

Merianina Frey, 1942: 29. Type species, Merianina americana Frey (orig. des.). Refs.: Amorim, 1992: 62 (cat.).

leptogaster (Schiner), 1868: 13 (Sciara). Type locality: “Colombia”. LT F (NMW). Refs.: Amorim, 1992: 62

prosthioxantha (Enderlein), 1911: 167 (Lycoria). Type locality: Colombia, Rio Magdalena. HT F (IZV). Distr.:
Colombia (Magdalena (Rio Magdalena)). Refs.: Amorim, 1992: 62 (cat.).

Genus Novaniarella Özdikmen & Başar

Aniarella Enderlein, 1911; preocc. Bolivar, 1906. Type species, Aniarella pelluscens Enderlein, 1911 (orig. des.).
Novaniarella Özdikmen & Başar, 2011: 15 (nom. nov. for Aniarella Enderlein). Refs.: Özdikmen & Başar, 2011

brevis (Rübsaamen, 1894): 36 (Sciara). Type locality: Colombia, Facatativa. LT M (BZM). Distr.: Colombia
(Cundinamarca (Facatativa)). Refs.: Özdikmen & Başar, 2011: 15.
pimpliformis Enderlein, 1911: 162 (Lycoriella); Refs.: Amorim, 1992: 56 (syn.)
nigrina Rubsaamen, 1894: 35 (Sciara). Refs.: Enderlein, 1911: 141 (n. comb.); Amorim, 1992: 56 (syn.).

Genus Pseudosciara Schiner

Pseudosciara Schiner, 1868: 13; Lane, 1959b. Type species, Pseudosciara hirtella Schiner (mon.). Refs.: Edwards, 1934: 367
(synonym of Megalosphys); Amorim, 1992: 63 (cat.).
Megalosphys Enderlein, 1911: 129. Type species, Megalosphys luteicoxa Enderlein (orig. des.).

hirtella Schiner, 1868: 14. Type locality: “Colombia”. T M, lost. Refs.: Amorim, 1992: 64 (cat.).

hirtipes (Enderlein), 1911: 132 (Megalosphys). Type locality: Colombia, Hacienda Pehlke (Depto. de Caldas). LT
F (IZV). Distr.: Colombia (Caldas (Victoria, Hacienda Pehlke)), Panama. Refs.: Amorim, 1992: 64 (cat.).

nigricolor (Enderlein), 1911: 133 (Megalosphys). Type locality: “Colombia” LT F (IZV). Refs.: Amorim, 1992: 64

paradoxa (Pettey), 1918: 341, (Sciara); Lengersdorf, 1940: 247 (as a Pseudosciara). Type locality: Colombia,
Caquetá, Valle de Papas. HT M (CUC). Distr.: Colombia (Caquetá (Valle de Las Papas)). Refs.: Amorim, 1992: 64

Genus Rhynchosciara Rübsaamen

Rhynchosciara Rübsaamen, 1894: 29. Type species, Rhynchosciara villosa Rübsaamen (subs. des. by Coquillett, 1910: 601)
(= cognata Walker, 1848). Refs.: Breuer, 1969 (rev.), Amorim, 1992: 65 (cat.).

busaccai Breuer, 1969: 183. Type locality: Costa Rica, Irazú. HT F (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia, Mexico,
Guatemala, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Costa Rica.
americana of Osten-Sacken (non Wiedemann), 1886: 1 (part, F).

cognata (Walker), 1848: 103 (Sciara). Type locality: Colombia, Bogotá. HT F (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia
(Bogotá), Ecuador. Refs.: Amorim, 1992: 65 (cat.).
americana of Wulp (non Wiedemann), 1891: 193 (F).
villosa of Rübsaamen, 1894: 29; Breuer, 1969 (redescr.). LT F (BZM).

CATALOGUE OF SCIARIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 43

pleciodes (Enderlein), 1911: 158 (Lycoria). Type locality: Ecuador, Balzapamba. LT F (IZV). Distr.: Colombia,
Ecuador. Refs.: Amorim, 1992: 66 (cat.).

vespertilio (Schiner), 1868: 12. Type locality: “Venezuela”. LT M (NMW). Distr.: Venezuela, Colombia. Refs.:
Amorim, 1992: 66 (cat.).

Genus Schwenkfeldina Frey

Neosciara, subg. Schwenkfeldina Frey, 1942: 32; Type species, Sciara carbonaria Meigen (orig. des.). Refs.:
Amorim, 1992: 66 (cat.). Frey, 1948: 51 (as a subgenus of Bradysia); Tuomikoski, 1960: 29 (as a genus).

moebiusi (Rübsaamen), 1894: 33 (Sciara). Type locality: “Colombia”. HT F (BZM). Distr.: Venezuela, Colombia.
Refs.: Amorim, 1992: 67 (cat.).

Genus Sciara Meigen

Lycoria Meigen, 1800: 17. Type species, Tipula thomae Linnaeus (subs. des. by Coquillett, 1910: 563). Supressed by I.C.Z.N.
(1963: 339).
Sciara Meigen, 1803: 263. Type species, Tipula thomae Linnaeus (mon.). Refs.: Amorim, 1992: 67 (cat.).

columbiana (Enderlein), 1911: 173 (Lycoria). Type locality: “Colombia”. LT M, PL F (IZV). Distr.: Colombia
(Rio Magdalena). Refs.: Amorim, 1992: 67 (cat.).

Unplaced species of Sciaridae

marginalis Röder, 1886: 258 (Sciara). Type locality: Colombia, Bogotá. Type not located. Unrecognizable. Distr.:
Colombia (Bogotá). Refs.: Amorim, 1992: 69 (cat.).

TABLE 1. Sciaridae species recorded from Colombia.

Genus Species Author
Bradysia aequalis (Rübsaamen, 1894)
columbia (Pettey, 1918)
Hybosciara gigantea (Macquart, 1844)
Merianina leptogaster (Schiner, 1868)
prosthioxantha (Enderlein, 1911)
Novaniarella brevis (Rübsaamen, 1894)
Pseudosciara hirtella Schiner, 1868
hirtipes (Enderlein, 1911)
nigricolor (Enderlein, 1911)
paradoxa (Pettey, 1918)
Rhynchosciara busaccai Breuer, 1969
cognata (Walker, 1848)
pleciodes (Enderlein, 1911)
vespertilio (Schiner, 1868)
Schwenkfeldina moebiusi (Rübsaamen, 1894)
Sciara columbiana (Enderlein, 1911)
Unplaced marginalis Röder, 1886

44 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press CARVALHO-FERNANDES


Amorim, D.S. (1992) A catalogue of the family Sciaridae (Diptera) in the Americas South of the United States. Revista
Brasileira de Entomologia, 36 (1), 55–77.
Amorim, D.S., Silva, V.C. & Balbi, M.I.P.A. (2002) Estado do conhecimento dos Diptera Neotropicais. In: Costa, C., Vanin,
A.S., Lobo, J.M. & Melic, A. (Eds.), Proyecto de Red Iberoamericana de Biogeografía y Entomología Sistemática.
Sociedad Entomológica Aragoneza, Zaragoza, pp. 29–36.
Bolivar, I. (1906) Rectificaciones y observaciones ortopterológicas. Boletin de la Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural,
6, 384–393.
Breuer, M.E. (1969) Revision of the genus Rhynchosciara Rübsaamen (Diptera, Sciaridae) in the Neotropical region. Arquivos
de Zoologia, 17 (4), 167–198.
Coquillett, D.W. (1910) The type-species of North American genera of Diptera. Proceedings of the United States National
Museum, 37, 499–647.
Enderlein, G. (1911) Die phyletischen Beziehungen der Lycoriiden (Sciariden) zu den Fungivoriden (Mycetophiliden) und
Itonididen (Cecidomyiiden) und ihre systematische Gliederung. Archive für Naturgeschichte, 77 (Supplement 3), 116–201.
Edwards, F.W. (1934) New Neotropical Mycetophilidae (III) (Diptera). Revista de Entomologia, 4, 354–372.
Frey, R. (1942) Entwurf einer neuen Klassifikation der Mückenfamilie Sciaridae (Lycoriidae). Notulae Entomologicae, 22,
Frey, R. (1948) Entwurf einer neuen Klassifikation der Mückenfamilie Sciaridae (Lycoriidae). II. Die nordeuropäischen Arten.
Notulae Entomologicae, 27, 33–112.
Lane, J. (1959a) On Neotropical Neosciara (Diptera, Sciaridae). Studia Entomologica, 2, 69–104.
Lane, J. (1959b) On Neotropical “Pseudosciara” (Diptera, Sciaridae). Revista Brasileira de Biologia, 19, 287–298.
Lengersdorf, F. (1940) Beitragzur Kenntnis der Lycoriiden (Sciariden) in Mexiko. 1 Teil. Arbeiten über morphologische und
taxonomische Entomologie, 7, 245–251.
Macquart, J. (1844) Diptères exotiques nouveaux ou peu connus. Mémoires de la Société royale de sciences, de l'agriculture et
des arts de Lille, 1844, 133–164. [1845]
Meigen, J.W. (1800) Nouvelle classification des mooches à deu xailes (Diptera L.) d’apres um plant tout nouveau. Paris, 40 pp.

Meigen, J.W. (1803) Versuch einer neuen Gattungseintheilung der europäischen zweiflügeligen Insekten. Magazine fur
Insektenkunde, 2, 259–281.
Mohrig, W. & Menzel, F. (2009) Sciaridae (Black Fungus Gnats). In: Brown, B.V., Borkent, A., Cumming, J.M., Wood, D.M.,
Woodley, N.E. & Zumbado, M.A. (Eds.), Manual of Central American Diptera. Vol. 1. NRC Research Press, Ottawa, pp.
Özdikmen, H. & Başar, K. (2011) A new name for the Neotropical genus Aniarella Enderlein (Diptera, Sciaridae). Revista
Brasileira de Entomologia, 55 (1), 15–16.
Pettey, F.W. (1918) A revision of the genus Sciara of the family Mycetophilidae (Diptera). Annals of the Entomological Society
of America, 11, 319–343.
Röder, V. von (1886) Dipteren von den Cordilleren in Collumbien gesammelt durch Herrn Dr. Alpheris Stübel. Stettiner
Entomologische Zeitung, 47, 257–270.
Rübsaamen, E.H. (1894) Die aussereuropäischen Trauermücken des Königl. Museums für Naturkunde zu Berlin. Berliner
Entomologische Zeitschrift, 39, 17–42.
Schiner, J.R. (1868) Diptera. In: Wüllerstorf-Urbair, B. von (Ed.), Reise der österreichischen Fregatte Novara um die Erde in
den Jahren 1857, 1858, 1859 unter den Befehlen des Commodore B. von Wüllerstorf-Urbair. Zoologischer Theil., Vol. 2,
Abt. I. (Sect.). B. K. Gerold’s Son, Wien, pp. 388.
Tuomikoski, R. (1960) Zur Kenntnis der Sciariden (Dipt.) Finnlands. Suom. El-inia Kasvitiet Seura Vanamo. El-intiet.
Julkaisu. Annales Zoologici Societatis Zoologicae Botanicae Fennicae Vanamo, 21 (4), 1–164.
Walker, F. (1848–1849) List of the specimens of dipterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Vol. 1–4. Printed by
order of the Trustees, London, 1172 pp. [Vol. 1., pp. 1–229 (1848); Vol. 2., pp. 231–484 (1849); Vol. 3., pp. 485–687
(1849); Vol. 4., pp. 689–1172 (1849)]
Winnertz, J. (1867) Beitrag zu einer Monographie der Sciarinen. Verhandlungen des Zoologischbotanische Gesellschaft in
Wien, 17, 1–187.

CATALOGUE OF SCIARIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 45

Zootaxa 4122 (1): 046–049 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
Copyright © 2016 Magnolia Press
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)



Universidade de São Paulo, Museu de Zoologia. Av. Nazaré, 481. Ipiranga. 04263-000. São Paulo SP Brazil.
Departamento de Biologia, Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo. Av.
Bandeirantes, 3900. 14040-901. Ribeirão Preto SP Brazil., CNPq Research Fellowship.
*Corresponding author:


This small family of Diptera is poorly known in Colombia. In the present catalogue, we feature a single report for the
country, of a species of the genus Eratomyia.

Key words: Bibionomorpha, Catalogue, Colombia, distribution, diversity, Rangomaramidae


The family Rangomaramidae was erected by Jaschhof and Didham (2002) for five New Zealand species of the
genus Rangomarama Jaschhof and Didham. The concept of the family was revised by Amorim and Rindal (2007)
based on a phylogenetic study of the Mycetophiliformia. A number of genera of controversial position in
Bibionomorpha fit, in the analysis, in three clades that gathered with Rangomarama. The Rangomaramidae now
would include Rangomarama in a subfamily of its own, Rangomaraminae, Heterotricha Loew as the single genus
of Heterotrichinae, and two other subfamilies, Chiletrichinae, including Chiletricha Chandler and related genera,
and Ohakuneinae, including Ohakunea Tonnoir and Edwards and related genera. These clades are obviously
related in terms of plesiomorphies to a number of genera known from Jurassic deposits and to the family
Archizelmiridae (Grimaldi et al. 2003). The study of Amorim and Rindal (2007) was carefully reviewed by
Jaschhof (2011) and many of the inferences were questioned based on arguments concerning methods and
characters. But a reanalysis of the higher Bibionomorpha with more data, taxa and another supposedly more
thorough method is still wanted.
Six genera and twenty species have been recorded for the Neotropics in the family (Amorim & Falaschi 2012).
They belong to the genera Chiletricha, Eratomyia Amorim and Rindal, Ohakunea, Colonomyia Colless, Cabamofa
Jaschhof and Rogambara Jaschhof. In the Ohakuneinae, Cabamofa and Rogambara are both monotypic and
known only from Costa Rica (Jaschhof & Hippa 2003), there is one species of Ohakunea know from Chile, and
there are seven species of Colonomyia from Chile, Argentina, Brazil, and Costa Rica (Matile & Duret 1994; Hippa
& Jaschhof 2004; Amorim & Rindal 2007). In the Chiletrichinae, there are eight species of Chiletricha, known
from Chile, Argentina, and southern Brazil, and two species of Eratomyia, the type-species from Ecuador, and an
additional species from Colombia (Amorim & Falaschi 2010).
The flies of this family have body size ranging from 1.7 to 6.0 mm and wing length varying from 2.0 to 5.5
mm. The body color is usually shining or dull brown, sometimes with yellowish areas. Usually there are three
ocelli, but sometimes the lateral ocelli are displaced laterally, but never come into contact with the eye margin—the
ocelli are absent in Rogambara and Cabamofa. An eye-bridge is absent or incomplete in most genera, being
complete only in Rogambara and Cabamofa. The antenna has 14 flagellomeres, the first article usually 1.5 the
length of the second flagellomere, with setae haphazardly distributed. The maxillary palpus has the palpiger and
four additional palpomeres, the last segment much longer than preceding ones in the Chiletrichinae, Ohakunea, and
Colonomyia. The thorax is more or less elongate (not so much in Cabamofa). The primary anapleural suture and

46 Accepted by S. Nihei: 10 Apr. 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016

midpleural pit are present and the katepisternum is not particularly developed. Anepisternal and katepisternal setae
are absent, with few exceptions. The mesopleurotrochantin is not visible. The mesepimeron is usually high and
slender, in some cases obliterated in the ventral half due to fusion between katepisternum and laterotergite.
Mesepimeral setae are present only in Eratomyia. The laterotergite is convex posteriorly into the mediotergite,
slightly projected laterally, and laterotergite setae are present only in Heterotricha. The mediotergite is high,
slightly curved, entirely bare. The metepisternum is normally produced, small, the postnotal phragma not being
particularly reduced. The halter has a long pedicel. All coxae are elongated, with the tibial spurs 1:2:2, but the spurs
not as long as seen in ditomyiids or most mycetophilids. The front tibia has a differentiated area with a regular row
of setulae, except in Chiletricha. The wing is elongated, the macrotrichia on the membrane being either present or
absent. Sc is incomplete, with the possible exception of Rangomarama. The base of Rs is oblique or transverse,
long only in Rangomarama, while r-m can be nearly transverse (e.g., in Chiletricha), oblique backwards (e.g.,
Eratomyia or Rhynchoheterotricha Freeman) or longitudinal (in Ohakuneinae); r-m is particularly long in the
Eratomyia and in the Ohakuneinae, but very short in Heterotricha, and entirely absent in Rangomarama. R4 always
absent; R1 is usually long, reaching C before the mid of the wing length only in Colonomyia and Rogambara. M1+2
forks beyond the mid of the wing, the medial fork being particularly long in Heterotricha, Ohakunea, and
Colonomyia. In most genera m-cu reaches CuA typically close to the wing base, with tb (M1+2/M3+4) longitudinal.
The first sector of CuA is usually short, longer only in Eratomyia. A1 never reaches the wing margin, being entirely
absent in Colonomyia, Cabamofa, and Rogambara. The abdomen is only slightly more slender at its base. The
abdominal tergites and sternites 1-7 are normally sclerotized. Segment 8 is well developed, only slightly shorter
than preceding segments. The male gonocoxites, gonostyles, tergite 9, and cercus are considerably variable
between the subfamily and genera. In females, the first cercomere is shorter than the second in Heterotricha and
Chiletricha, but longer than the second in Rangomarama. Two sclerotized spermathecae are present in all genera
for which information is available.

Acronyms used for the depositories

IAvH—Alexander von Humboldt Biological Resources Research Institute, Bogota, Colombia.

MZSP—Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.

List of abbreviations

distr.—geographic distribution
nom. nov.—nomen novum (new name)
orig. des.—by original designation
sp., spp.—species
NA—Not applicable

CATALOGUE OF RANGOMARAMIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 47

T—Type (unspecified)
F (f#)—Female
M (m#)—Male

Catalogue of Rangomaramidae of Colombia

Family Rangomaramidae Jaschhof & Didham, 2002

Subfamily Chiletrichinae Amorim & Rindal, 2007

Genus Eratomyia Amorim & Rindal

Eratomyia Amorim & Rindal, 2007: 14. Type species, magnifica Amorim & Rindal, 2007 (orig. des.).

risaralda Amorim & Falaschi, 2010: 56, (M terminalia), (F terminalia). Type locality: Colombia, Risaralda SFF,
Otún Quimbaya, El Molinillo, 2,220 m, HT M (IavH). Refs.: Amorim & Falaschi, 2012: 3 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Risaralda: SFF [Santuario de Fauna y Flora], Otún, Quimbaya, El
Molinillo, 04º43’S 75º34’W, 2220 m, 1 male HT, 2 females PT, 17.ii–04.iii.2003, G. López Leg., (IavH, MZSP).


The authors are indebted to Michael Sharkey (National Science Foundation Grant DEB0205982), to whom we are
most grateful. Additional information on the project can be found at the web address of the project (http:// During the preparation of this paper, the
authors received financial support from FAPESP grant 2013/16524-9 (RLF) and CNPq grants 159016/2012-6
(RLF) and 314371/2009-5 (DSA).

TABLE 1. Rangomaramidae species recorded from Colombia.

Subfamily Genus Species Author
Chiletrichinae Eratomyia risaralda Amorim & Falaschi, 2010


Amorim, D.S. & Rindal, E. (2007) A phylogenetic study of the Mycetophiliformia, with creation of the subfamilies
Heterotrichinae,Ohakuneinae, and Chiletrichinae for the Rangomaramidae (Diptera, Bibionomorpha). Zootaxa,
1535, 1–92.
Amorim, D.S. & Falaschi, R.L. (2010) Second known species of Eratomyia Amorim & Rindal (Diptera,
Rangomaramidae, Chiletrichinae), from Colombia. Zootaxa, 2641, 55–61.
Amorim, D.S. & Falaschi, R.L. (2012) Catalogue of Neotropical Diptera. Rangomaramidae. Neotropical Diptera, 21,
Freeman, P. (1951) Mycetophilidae. In: Diptera of Patagonia and South Chile. Part III (Fascicle 1). The British Museum
(Natural History), London, pp. 138, plates I–XLIX.
Grimaldi, D., Amorim, D.S. & Blagoderov, V. (2003) The Mesozoic family Archizelmiridae (Diptera: Insecta). Journal
of Paleontology, 77 (2), 368–381.;2
Hippa, H. & Jaschhof, M. (2004) A re-evaluation of the genus Colonomyia Colless (Diptera, Sciaroidea), with the
description of two new species. Insect Systematics and Evolution, 35, 335–352.

48 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press FALASCHI & AMORIM

Jaschhof, M. (2011) Phylogeny and classification of the Sciaroidea (Diptera: Bibionomorpha): Where do we stand after
Amorim & Rindal (2007). Beiträge zur Entomologie, 61 (2), 455–463.
Jaschhof, M. & Didham, R.K. (2002) Rangomaramidae fam. nov. from New Zealand and implications for the phylogeny
of the Sciaroidea (Diptera: Bibionomorpha). Studia Dipterologica, 11 (Supplement), 1–60.
Jaschhof, M. & Hippa, H. (2003) Sciaroid but not sciarid: a review of the genus Ohakunea Tonnoir & Edwards, with the
description of two new species (Insecta: Diptera: Bibionomorpha). Entomologische Abhandlungen, 60, 23–44.
Matile, L. & Duret, J.P. (1994) Le genre Colonomyia Colless découvert en région Néotropicale (Diptera,
Mycetophiloidea). Revue Française d'Entomologie (n.s.), 16 (4), 143–147.

CATALOGUE OF RANGOMARAMIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 49

Zootaxa 4122 (1): 050–052 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
Copyright © 2016 Magnolia Press
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)



Universidade de São Paulo, Museu de Zoologia.Av. Nazaré, 481. Ipiranga. 04263-000. São Paulo SP Brazil.


The Ditomyiidae are a family belonging to the suborder Bibionomorpha, until now without records to Colombia. This
work reports the first record of the genera Rhipidita and Calliceratomyia for the Colombian region.

Key words: Bibionomorpha, Catalogue, Colombia, distribution


Ditomyiidae are a family of gnats in the suborder Bibionomorpha, with eight genera and more than 100 species
described worldwide (Vockeroth 2009), except in the Afrotropical region. In the Neotropical region, four genera and
35 species are recorded (Munroe 1974, Papavero 1978; Amorim et al. 2002; Huerta & Amorim 2016), none of them
known from Colombia. For the first time the genus Rhipidita Edwards was collected with two new species (Falaschi
& Amorim, in prep.) and the genus Calliceratomyia Lane, with four new species (Falaschi et al., in prep.).
Adults are found on vegetation in primary forests. As pointed out by Munroe (1974), the wood- or hard
fungus-boring habits of the larvae make extremely difficult to study the life history of these organisms in detail.
Immature stages of ditomyiids are currently known only for the Holarctic genera Symmerus Walker and Ditomyia
Winnertz, and the Chilean-Australian genus Australosymmerus Freeman (Matile 1990). Larvae are associated with
bracket fungus (Basidiomycota: Polyporaceae) in rotten wood (Munroe 1974), where they build their galleries.
Ditomyiids are medium-size gnats (3.0-8.0 mm), and can be recognized by the following characters:
postpronotum with one or more long bristles, veins M1+2 and M3+4 basally connected (m-cu), basal portion of M
absent and R4 present, long, well over half the length of the apical part of R5, Sc weak and ending free.

Acronyms used for the depositories

IAvH—Alexander von Humboldt Biological Resources Research Institute, Bogota, Colombia

MZSP—Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

List of abbreviations

distr.—geographic distribution

50 Accepted by S. Nihei: 10 Apr. 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016

nom. nov.—nomen novum (new name)
orig. des.—by original designation
sp., spp.—species
T—Type (unspecified)
NA—Not applicable
F (f#)—Female
M (m#)—Male

Catalogue of Ditomyiidae of Colombia

Family Ditomyiidae Keilin, 1919

Genus Rhipidita Edwards

Rhipidita Edwards, 1940: 441. Type species, fusca (orig. des.).

undescribed sp. 1.. Distr.: Colombia (Nariño).

Material examined. COLOMBIA: Nariño: RN [Reserva Natural], La Planada, Parcela Permanente, 01º15’N
78º15’W, 2 males, 1885 m, 01–16.xii.2001, G. Oliva Leg., M. 2740, Malaise (IAvH, MZSP).

undescribed sp. 2.. Distr.: Colombia (Norte de Santander).

Material examined. COLOMBIA: Norte de Santander: ANU [Área Natural Única], Los Estoraques,
Bosque Piritama, 08º14’N 73º15’W, 1850 m, 2 males, 27.iv–25.v.2004, J. Vargas & E. Bayona Leg., Malaise

Genus Calliceratomyia Lane

Calliceratomyia Lane, 1946: 244. Type species, pectinata (orig. des.).

undescribed sp. 1.. Distr.: Colombia (Risaralda).

Material examined. COLOMBIA: Risaralda: SFF [Santuario de Fauna y Flora], Otún, Quimbaya, Cuchilla
Camino, 04º43’N 73º35’W, 2050 m, 3 males, 04–14.iv.2003, G. López Leg., Malaise (IAvH, MZSP).

undescribed sp. 2.. Distr.: Colombia (Risaralda).

Material examined. COLOMBIA: Risaralda: SFF [Santuario de Fauna y Flora], Otún, Quimbaya, El
Molinillo, 04º43’N 75º34’W, 14 males, 2220 m, 04–17.ii.2003, G. López Leg., Malaise (IAvH, MZSP).

undescribed sp. 3.. Distr.: Colombia (Norte de Santander).

Material examined. COLOMBIA: Norte de Santander: ANU [Área Natural Única], Los Estoraques,

CATALOGUE OF DITOMYIIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 51

Bosque Piritama, 08º14’N 73º15’W, 1850 m, 3 males, 27.iv–25.v.2004, J. Vargas & E. Bayona Leg., Malaise

undescribed sp. 4.. Distr.: Colombia (Risaralda).

Material examined. COLOMBIA: Risaralda: SFF [Santuario de Fauna y Flora], Otún, Quimbaya, Cuchilla
Camino, 04º43’N 73º35’W, 2050 m, 2 males, 04–14.iv.2003, G. López Leg., Malaise (IAvH, MZSP).


The author is indebted to Michael Sharkey (National Science Foundation Grant DEB0205982), to whom I am most
grateful. Additional information on the project can be found at the web address of the project (http:// During the preparation of this paper, the
author received financial support from FAPESP grant 2013/16524-9 and CNPq grant 159016/2012-6.

TABLE 1. Ditomyiidae species recorded from Colombia.

Genus Species Author
Rhipidita sp. 1
sp. 2
Calliceratomyia sp. 1
sp. 2
sp. 3
sp. 4


Amorim, D.S., Silva, V.C. & Balbi, M.I.P.A. (2002) Estado do conhecimento dos Diptera neotropicais. In: Costa, C.,
Vanin, S.A., Lobo, J.M. & Melic, A. (Eds.), Proyecto de Red Iberoamericana de Biogeografia y Entomología
Sistemática, PRIBES 2002i. Sociedad Entomológica Aragoneza y CYTED, Zaragoza, pp. 29–36.
Edwards, F.W. (1940) A note on the subfamily Ditomyiinae, with description of new recent and fossil forms. Annals and
Magazines of Natural History, 9 (7), 431–437.
Falaschi, R.L. & Amorim, D.S. (2016) A Revision of the Neotropical genus Rhipidita Edwards, 1940 (Diptera:
Ditomyiidae). [in preparation]
Falaschi, R.L., Riccardi, P.R. & Amorim, D.S. (2016) Taxonomic revision of the genus Calliceratomyia Lane, 1946
(Diptera: Ditomyiidae), with the description of nine new species. [in preparation]
Huerta, H. & Amorim, D.S. (2016) Three new species of Calliceratomyia Lane (Diptera: Ditomyiidae) from Neotropical
Mexico. Zootaxa, 4072 (4), 430–440.
Keilin, D. (1919) On the structure of the larvae and the systematic position of the genera Mycetobia, Mg., Ditomyia,
Winn., and Symmerus, Walk. (Diptera Nematocera). Annals and magazine of natural history, 3 (9), 33–42.
Lane, J. (1946) “Mycetophilidae” do Brasil (Diptera, Nemocera). Revista Brasileira de Zoologia, 8 (2), 247–254.
Matile, L. (1990) Recherches sur la systématique et l’évolution des Keroplatidae (Diptera, Mycetophiloidea). Mémoires
du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle Paris, Série A (Zoologie), 148, 1–682.
Munroe, D.D. (1974) The systematics, phylogeny, and zoogeography of Symmerus Walker and Australosymmerus
Freeman (Diptera: Mycetophilidae: Ditomyiidae). Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada, 92, 1–183.
Papavero, N. (1978) 19B. Family Ditomyiidae. In: Papavero, N. (Ed.), A Catalogue of the Diptera of the Americas south of
the United States. Departamento de Zoologia da Secretaria da Agricultura do Estado de São Paulo, São Paulo, pp. 6.
Vockeroth, J.R. (2009) Ditomyiidae (Ditomyiid fungus gnats). In: Brown, B.V., Borkent, A., Cumming, J.M., Wood,
D.M., Woodley, N.E. & Zumbado, M.A. (Eds.), Manual of Central American Diptera. Vol. 1. NRC Research Press,
Ottawa, Ontario, pp. 253–255.

52 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press FALASCHI

Zootaxa 4122 (1): 053–055 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
Copyright © 2016 Magnolia Press
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)



Universidade de São Paulo, Museu de Zoologia. Av. Nazaré, 481. Ipiranga. 04263-000. São Paulo SP Brazil.


Diadocidiidae are a small family belonging to the suborder Bibionomorpha. Three species were described for the
Neotropical region, two from Costa Rica and one from Brazil, and one additional undescribed species from Colombia is
reported here for the first time.

Key words: Bibionomorpha, catalogue, Colombia, distribution


The Diadocidiidae correspond to a small family of Mycetophiliformia, in the suborder Bibionomorpha, with 24
extant species in two genera, including the living genus Diadocidia Ruthe, 1831, and a fossil genus from the
Cretaceous amber from Katchin (Myamar), with one species, Docidiadia burmitica (Blagoderov & Grimaldi,
2004). The genus Diadocidia is divided into three subgenera: Adidocidia Laštovka and Matile, 1972, Diadocidia
and Taidocidia Papp and Ševčík, 2005 (Blagoderov 2007; Bechev & Chandler 2011). The living species of the
family are found in the Holarctic, Oriental, Australasian/Oceanian, and Neotropical regions.
Little is known about the biology of these flies. Adults are found in shaded places in forests along streams and
on tree trunks (Rindal & Gammelmo 2007). Larvae were reported to live in mucous tubes under rotting logs,
associated with Polyporaceae fungi (Hutson et al. 1980, Sasakawa 2004), similarly to some Keroplatidae (Matile
1997). In such habitats, larvae feed on the hymenium of these fungi (Zaitzev 1994) and Chandler (1993) reported
that a larva of Diadocidia ferruginosa (Meigen, 1830) was feeding on Peniophora sp., a Basidiomycota fungus
belonging to the Peniophoraceae.
Diadocidiids are medium size flies, with body length of 2.5–5.6 mm. Diagnostic features for the family are
mostly plesiomorphies: three ocelli, antennae with scape and pedicel short, flagellum about 1.5 times as long as the
combined length of head and thorax; antennae with 14 flagellomeres; thorax humpbacked; and macrotrichia widely
distributed over the wing membrane. Gnats are easily recognized, however, by the wing vein pattern, unique in the
Bibionomorpha: r-m and the stem of M3–M4 are almost perfectly aligned transversally in the wing.
Diadocidia is widely distributed in the world, even though the number of species is not considered high. For
the Neotropical region, Papavero (1977) mentioned a single species from Brazil and an undescribed species from
Chile (Falaschi & Amorim, 2014). Jaschhof & Jaschhof (2007) recently added two species from Costa Rica (D.
similis Jaschhof & Jaschhof, 2007 and D. hybrida Jaschhof & Jaschhof, 2007), whereas Vockeroth (2009) referred
to an undescribed species from Mexico. The occurrence of the genus Diadocidia in Colombia is reported here for
the first time (Table 1).

Acronyms used for the depositories

IAvH—Alexander von Humboldt Biological Resources Research Institute, Bogota, Colombia

MZSP—Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

Accepted by S. Nihei: 10 Apr. 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016 53

List of abbreviations

distr.—geographic distribution
nom. nov. —— nomen novum (new name)
orig. des.—by original designation
sp., spp.—species
T—Type (unspecified)
NA—Not applicable
F (f#)—Female
M (m#)—Male

Catalogue of Diadocidiidae of Colombia

Family Diadocidiidae Winnertz, 1864

Genus Diadocidia Ruthe

Diadocidia Ruthe, 1831: 1210. Type species, flavicans Ruthe, 1831 [= Mycetobia ferruginosa Meigen, 1830], by mon.
Macronevra Macquart, 1834: 146. Type species, Macronevra winthemi Macquart, 1834 [= Diadocidia ferruginosa
(Meigen, 1830)], by mon. Syn.: Winnertz (1852).
Aclada Loew, 1850: 33, 35. Type species, Diadocidia parallela Evenhuis, 1994, subsequent designation. Aclada
originally proposed without included species. The type species des. was from the first species included within the
genus in accordance with the ICZN. (see Evenhuis, 1994 and Bechev & Chandler, 2011)
Macroneura Rondani, 1856: 197, 214 (unjustified emendation of Macronevra Macquart, 1834).
Palaeodocidia Sasakawa, 2004: 208. Type species, Palaeodocidia ishizakii Sasakawa, 2004, orig. des.

undescribed sp. Distr.: Colombia (Risaralda).

Material examined: COLOMBIA: Risaralda: SFF [Santuario Fauna y Flora], Otún, Quimbaya, Cuchilla
Camino, 04º43’N 73º35’W, 3 males, 2050 m, 04–14.iv.2003, G. López col., Malaise, (IAvH, MZSP).


The author is indebted to Michael Sharkey (National Science Foundation Grant DEB0205982), to whom I am most
grateful. Additional information on the project can be found at the web address of the project (http:// During the preparation of this paper, the
author received financial support from FAPESP grant 2013/16524-9 and CNPq grant 159016/2012-6.

54 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press FALASCHI

TABLE 1. Diadocidiidae species recorded from Colombia.
Genus Species Author
Diadocidia sp.


Bechev, D. & Chandler, P. (2011) Catalogue of the Bolitophilidae and Diadocidiidae of the World (Insecta: Diptera).
Zootaxa, 2741, 38–58.
Blagoderov, V. & Grimaldi, D. (2004) Fossil Sciaroidea (Diptera) in Cretaceous ambers, exclusive of Cecidomyiidae,
Sciaridae, and Keroplatidae. American Museum Novitates, 3433, 1–76.;2
Blagoderov, V. (2007) Fungus Gnats Online. Available from: (accessed 30
January 2014)
Chandler, P. (1993) New rearing records of fungus gnats (Diptera: Mycetophilidae and allied families). Dipterists Digest,
13, 29–34.
Evenhuis, N.L. (1994) Catalogue of the fossil flies of the world (Insecta: Diptera). Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, viii + 600 pp.
Falaschi, R.L. & Amorim, D.S. (2014) 79. Diadocidiidae. In: Roig-Juñent, S.A., Claps, L.E., & Morrone, J.J. (Eds.),
Biodiversidad de Artrópodos Argentinos. Vol. 4. 1st Edition. Editorial INSUE - Universidad Nacional de Tucumán,
San Miguel de Tucumán, pp. 367–368.
Hutson, A.M., Ackland, D.M. & Kidd, L.N. (1980) Mycetophilidae (Bolitophilinae, Ditomyiinae, Diadocidiinae,
Keroplatinae, Sciophilinae and Manotinae) Diptera, Nematocera. Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects,
9 (3), 1–111.
Jaschhof, M. & Jaschhof, C. (2007) On the genus Diadocidia (Diptera, Sciaroidea, Diadocidiidae) in Costa Rica.
Zootaxa, 1586, 33–38.
Laštovka, P. & Matile, L. (1972) Révision des Diadocidia Holarctiques [Dipt. Mycetophilidae]. Annales de la Societé
entomologique de France, New Series, 8 (1), 205–223.
Loew, H. (1850) Ueber den Bernstein und die Bernsteinfauna. Programm K. Realschule zu Meseritz, 1850, 1–44.
Macquart, J. (1834) Histoire naturelle des insectes. Diptères. Ouvrage accompagné de planches. Tome première. Roret,
N.E., Paris, 578 pp. +12 pls.
Matile, L. (1997) Phylogeny and evolution of the larval diet in the Sciaroidea (Diptera, Bibionomorpha) since the
Mesozoic. In: Grandcolas, P. (Ed.), The origin of biodiversity in insects: Phylogenetic tests of evolutionary
scenarios. Mémoires du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, 173, 273–303.
Meigen, J.W. (1830) Systematische Beschreibung der bekannten europäischen zweiflügeligen Insekten. Sechster Theil.
Schulz-Wundermann, Hamburg, xi + 401 + [3] pp.
Papavero, N. (1977) 19A. Family Diadocidiidae. In: Papavero, N. (Ed.), A Catalogue of the Diptera of the Americas
south of the United States. Departamento de Zoologia da Secretaria da Agricultura do Estado de São Paulo, São
Paulo, pp. 3.
Papp, L. & Ševčík, J. (2005) New taxa of Diadocidiidae (Diptera) from the Oriental region. Acta Zoologica Academiae
Hungaricae, 51 (4), 329–341.
Rindal, E. & Gammelmo, O. (2007) On the family Diadocidiidae (Diptera, Sciaroidea) in Norway. Norwegian Journal of
Entomology, 54, 69–74.
Rondani, C. (1856) Dipterologiae Italicae prodromus. Vol. I. Genera Italica ordinis dipterorum ordinatim disposita et
distincta et in familias et stirpes aggregata. A. Stoschi, Parmae [= Parma], 226 + [2] pp.
Ruthe, J.F. von (1831) Einige Bemerkungen und Nachträge zu Meigen's "Systematischer Beschreibung der europäischen
zweiflügeligen Insecten". Isis (Oken's), 1831, 1203–1222.
Sasakawa, M. (2004) Diadocidiidae and Borboropsidae (Insecta: Diptera) of Japan, with descriptions of two new species.
Species Diversity, 9, 207–214.
Vockeroth, J.R. (2009) Diadocidiidae (diadocidiid fungus gnats). In: Brown, B.V., Borkent, A., Cumming, J.M., Wood,
D.M., Woodley, N.E. & Zumbado, M.A. (Eds.), Manual of Central American Diptera. Vol. 1. NRC Research Press,
Ottawa, Ontario, pp. 671–694.
Winnertz, J. (1852) Dipterologisches. Stettiner Entomologische Zeitung, 13, 49–58.
Winnertz, J. (1864) Beitrag zu einer Monographie der Pilzmücken. Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanischen
Gesellschaft in Wien, 13 [1863], 637–964.
Zaitzev, A.I. (1994) Fungus gnats of the fauna of Russia and adjacent regions. Part 1. Nauka, Moscow, 288 pp.

CATALOGUE OF DIADOCIDIIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 55

Zootaxa 4122 (1): 056–061 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
Copyright © 2016 Magnolia Press
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)



Universidade de São Paulo, Museu de Zoologia. Av. Nazaré, 481. Ipiranga. 04263-000. São Paulo SP Brazil.


Currently, 86 genera are ascribed to the Keroplatidae, with about 950 known species. The family includes three subfami-
lies: Arachnocampinae, Macrocerinae, and Keroplatinae. Both Macrocerinae and Keroplatinae are found in Colombia,
with five described species distributed in four genera. The available information about Colombian keroplatids is compiled,
with new records for five genera.

Key words: Bibionomorpha, catalogue, Colombia, distribution


Keroplatidae presently comprise 86 genera, and approximately 950 described species (Papavero 1978; Matile
1990; Evenhuis 1994, 2006; Falaschi 2012), present in all biogeographic regions. In the fossil record, they are
known from the Upper Jurassic (about 150 million y.b.p.), while the Orfeliini appear in the fossil record only in the
Cenozoic (about 65 million y.b.p.) (Matile 1990; Evenhuis 1994). The family is divided into three subfamilies:
Arachnocampinae, Macrocerinae and Keroplatinae (Matile 1981). Papp and Ševčik (2005) proposed a new
subfamily, Sciarokeroplatinae, based on a single species, Sciarokeroplatus pileatus Papp & Ševčík, from the
Oriental region, but its validity was contested by Amorim et al. (2008).
The family is distributed worldwide and commonly found in moist tropical forests, but also in other
ecosystems, usually associated with fungi. Adults are often found in dark and humid places, like caves. They can
be collected with sweeping in low vegetation, under hanging rocks, trunks and along banks of streams. They are
also frequently found in Malaise traps, some species being collected in light traps with ultra-violet lamps and
occasionally in yellow pan traps (Evenhuis 2006). Larvae are present in moist and dark places, like caves, trunks,
slits in stones, and have different alimentary habits. Predaceous larvae are seen in Arachnocampinae, Macrocerinae
and Keroplatinae (Mansbridge 1933) while mycophagy is present only in Keroplatinae (Evenhuis 2006).
Keroplatids are medium-size flies (2.0–9.0 mm), with vein R4 present ending at C or R1 (except for a few
species of Robsonomyiini and the keroplatini genus Chetoneura Colless), fusion of base of M1+2 with the base of
RS, resulting in the r-m disappearance (although in the genera Pseudoplatyura Skuse and Platyura Meigen this
condition is seemingly reverse) (Amorim & Rindal 2007).
The Colombian fauna of keroplatids is composed by subfamilies Macrocerinae and Keroplatinae. In
Macrocerinae, there are only two species, both belonging to the tribe Macrocerini. In Keroplatinae, both
Keroplatini and Orfeliini are recorded with eight species (new record for five genera and species). The former is
represented by two genera, and two species, whereas Orfeliini has five genera, with six species (Falaschi in prep.)
(Table 1).

Acronyms used for the depositories

IAvH—Alexander von Humboldt Biological Resources Research Institute, Bogota, Colombia

56 Accepted by S. Nihei: 10 Apr. 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016

MZSP—Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
NMW—Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna, Austria
USNM—National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C., USA

List of abbreviations

distr.—geographic distribution
m. —meters
mon.— monotypy
nom. nov.— nomen novum (new name)
orig. des.—by original designation
pp.— pages
rev.— revision
sp., spp.—species
T—Type (unspecified)
NA—Not applicable
F (f#)—Female
M (m#)—Male

Catalogue of Keroplatidae of Colombia

Family Keroplatidae Rondani, 1856

Subfamily Macrocerinae Rondani, 1856

Tribe Macrocerini Winnertz, 1863

Genus Macrocera Meigen

Euphrosyne Meigen, 1800: 16. Type species, Macrocera lutea Meigen, 1804, by subs. des. (Coquillett, 1910: 542). [Suppressed
by I.C.Z.N. (1963: 339).]
Macrocera Meigen, 1803: 261. Type species, Macrocera lutea Meigen, 1804, by subs. des. (Guérin, 1826: 7).
Geneja Lioy, 1863: 229 (unjustified new replacement name for Macrocera Meigen). Type species, Macrocera lutea Meigen,
1804, by subs. des.
Promacrocera Speiser, 1913: 134. Type species, Promacrocera interrogationis Speiser, 1913, by orig. des.
Promacrocera Armbruster, 1938: 118. Type species, Promacrocera archaica Armbruster, 1938, by mon. [Preoccupied by
Speiser, 1913.]
Macroura: Incorrect subs. spelling of Macrocera (Berendt, 1945: 57).

CATALOGUE OF KEROPLATIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 57

matilei Papavero, 1978: 12 (new replacement name for nobilis Edwards, 1934: 354, preoccupied by Johnson,
1922.). Type locality: Colombia, Cordillera Central, Paso del Quindin, 3000 m. HT ♀ [NMW]. Distr.: Colombia.
Ref.: Evenhuis, 2006: 42 (cat.).

Genus Paramacrocera Tonnoir & Edwards

Paramacrocera Tonnoir & Edwards, 1927: 779. Type species, Paramacrocera brevicornis Edwards, 1927, by
orig. des.

Subgenus Freemaniola Matile

Freemaniola Matile, 1990: 174. Type species, Paramacrocera anomala Freeman, 1951, by orig. des.
lanei Matile, 1990: 175. Type locality: “Colombia”. HT ♂ [MZSP]. Distr.: Colombia. Refs.: Evenhuis, 2006:
49 (cat.).

Subfamily Keroplatinae Rondani, 1856

Tribe Orfeliini Malloch, 1917

Genus Isoneuromyia Brunetti

Isoneuromyia Brunetti, 1912: 66. Type species, Isoneuromyia annandalei Brunetti (subs. des.). (Edwards, 1925: 166; see
Evenhuis 2006: 131).

undescribed sp. Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca).

Material examined. COLOMBIA: Valle del Cauca: PNN [Parque Nacional Natural], Farallones de Cali
Cgto., La Meseta, 03°34'N 76°40'W, 2 males, 1960 m, 10–25.ii.2003, S. Sarria & M. Losso Leg., M.4543, Malaise

Genus Lyprauta Edwards

Lyprauta Edwards, 1931: 77 (as Platyura subgenus). Type species, Platyura defecta Edwards, 1931, by orig. des.

zeteki (Lane), 1950: 64, (Platyura). Type locality: Panama. HT ♂ [USNM]. Distr.: Brazil (Piauí), Colombia,
Panama, Trinidad. Refs.: Evenhuis, 2006: 79 (cat.).

Genus Neoditomyia Lane & Sturm

Neoditomyia Lane & Sturm, 1958: 199. Type species, Neoditomyia colombiana Lane & Sturm, 1958, by orig. des.
Neoditomya: incorrect subsequent spelling of Neoditomyia (Papavero, 1978: 5).

andina Lane & Sturm, 1958: 201. Type locality: Colombia, Sierra de la Macarena, Villavicencio, Río Zanza,
400–500 m. HT ♂ [MZSP]. Distr.: Colombia. Refs.: Evenhuis, 2006: 84 (cat.).

colombiana Lane & Sturm, 1958: 204. Type locality: Colombia, Resina (w. Andes, between Garzón and Florencia)
1600–2000 m. HT ♂ [MZSP]. Distr.: Colombia. Refs.: Evenhuis, 2006: 84 (cat.).

58 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press FALASCHI

Genus Neoplatyura Malloch

Neoplatyura Malloch, 1928: 601. Type species, Platyura setiger Johannsen, 1910, by orig. des.

undescribed sp. Distr.: Colombia (Nariño).

Material examined. COLOMBIA: Nariño: RN [Reserva Natural], La Planada, Mun. Ricaurte Fca., Santa
Rosa, Rio Miraflores, 01°15'N 78°15'W, 2 males, 1500 m, 11.viii.2004, D. Arias Leg., M.4986, (IAvH).

Genus Proceroplatus Edwards

Proceroplatus Edwards, 1925: 523. Type species, Platyura pictipennis Williston, 1896, by orig. des.
Calliplatyura Malloch, 1928: 600. Type species, Platyura elegans Coquillett, 1895, by orig. des.
Calloplatyura: incorrect original spelling of Calliplatyura (Malloch, 1928: 601).

undescribed sp. Distr.: Colombia (Cauca).

Material examined. COLOMBIA: Cauca: PNN [Parque Nacional Natural], Gorgona El Roble, 2°58'N
78°11'W, 2 males, 130 m, 28.ix–22.x.2001, H.Torres Leg., M.2461, Malaise, (IAvH).

Tribe Keroplatini Rondani, 1856

Genus Keroplatus Bosc

Keroplatus Bosc, 1792: 42. Type species, Keroplatus tipuloides Bosc, 1792, by mon..
Ceroplatus Fabricius, 1798: 550 (unjustified emendation of Keroplatus Bosc). Type species, Keroplatus tipuloides Bosc, 1792,
Ceroplates: incorrect subs. spelling of Ceroplatus.

undescribed sp. Distr.: Colombia (Cauca).

Material examined. COLOMBIA: Cauca: PNN [Parque Nacional Natural], Gorgona El Saman, 2°58'N
78°11'W, 2 males, 5 m, 06–23.iii.2002, R. Duque Leg., M.3088, Malaise, (IAvH).

Genus Neoceroplatus Edwards

Neoceroplatus Edwards, 1941: 304. (as Ceroplatus subgenus). Type species, Ceroplatus minimax Edwards, 1934, by orig. des.

undescribed sp. Distr.: Colombia (Nariño).

Material examined. COLOMBIA: Nariño: RN [Reserva Natural], La Planada, Centro Científico, 01°15'N
78°15'W, 2 males, 1700 m, 09–12.viii.2004, D. Arias Leg., M.4898, (IAvH).


The author is indebted to Michael Sharkey (National Science Foundation Grant DEB0205982), to whom I am most
grateful. Additional information on the project can be found at the web address of the project (http:// During the preparation of this paper, the
author received financial support from FAPESP grant 2013/16524-9 and CNPq grant 159016/2012-6.

CATALOGUE OF KEROPLATIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 59

TABLE 1. Keroplatidae species recorded from Colombia.
Subfamily Tribe Genus Species Author
Macrocerinae Macrocerini Macrocera matilei Papavero, 1978
Paramacrocera lanei Matile, 1990
Keroplatinae Orfeliini Isoneuromyia sp.
Lyprauta zeteki (Lane, 1950)
Neoditomyia andina Lane & Sturm, 1958
colombiana Lane & Sturm, 1958
Neoceroplatus sp.
Proceroplatus sp.
Keroplatus sp.
Neoceroplatus sp.


Amorim, D.S. & Rindal, E. (2007) A phylogenetic study of the Mycetophiliformia, with creation of the subfamilies
Heterotrichinae,Ohakuneinae, and Chiletrichinae for the Rangomaramidae (Diptera, Bibionomorpha). Zootaxa, 1535,
Amorim, D.S., Niu, C., Li, X., Lei, C. & Clarke, A.K. (2008) Chetoneura shennonggongensis, a new species of cave–dwelling
Keroplatini from China (Diptera: Keroplatidae), with a discussion of the position of Chetoneura. Zootaxa, 1716, 59–68.
Armbruster, L. (1938) Versteinerte Honigbiene aus dem obermiocänen Randecker Maar. Archiv für Bienenkunde, 19 (3–4),
Berendt, G.K. (1945) Die im Bernstein befindlichen organischen Resten der Vorwelt gesammelt in Verbindung mit mehreren
bearbeitet. Erster Band. Abtheilung I. Der Bernstein und die in ihm befindlichen Pflanzenreste der Vorwelt. Nicolai,
Danzig [=Gdansk]. iv + 125 + [1] pp.
Bosc, L.A.G. (1792) Keroplatus. Actes de la Société d’Histoire Naturelle de Paris, 1, 42–43.
Brunetti, E.A. (1912) Diptera Nematocera (excluding Chironomidae and Culicidae). In: Shipley, A.E. (Ed.), The fauna of
British India including Ceylon and Burma. Diptera. Vol. I. Taylor & Francis, London, pp. i–xxx + 1–581.
Coquillett, D.W. (1895) Descriptions of new genera and species. In: Johnson, C.W. (Ed.), Diptera of Florida. Proceedings of
the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 1895, 303–340.
Coquillett, D.W. (1910) The type-species of North American Genera of Diptera. Proceedings of the United States National
Museum, 37, 499–647.
Edwards, F.W. (1925) British fungus gnats (Diptera, Mycetophilidae). With a revised generic classification of the family.
Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, 1924, 505–670.
Edwards, F.W. (1931) Die Ausbeute der deutschen Chaco-Expedition 1925/26.—Diptera. XXIII. Bibionidae and XXIV.
Mycetophilidae. Konowia, 10 (1), 75–78.
Edwards, F.W. (1934) New Neotropical Mycetophilidae (III) (Dipt.). Revista de Entomologia, 4 (3), 354–372.
Edwards, F.W. (1941) Mycetophilidae (Diptera) collected by the expedition to Matto Grosso of the Brazilian Zoological Club,
in July 1939. Revista de Entomologia, 12 (1–2), 303–314.
Evenhuis, N.L. (1994) Catalogue of the fossil flies of the world (Insecta: Diptera). Backhuys Press, Leiden, 600 pp.
Evenhuis, N.L. (2006) Catalog of the Keroplatidae of the World (Insecta: Diptera). Bishop Museum Bulletin in Entomology 13,
Bishop Museum Press, Honolulu, 178 pp.
Fabricius, J.C. (1798) Supplement Entomologia systematica. apud Proft et Storch, Hafniae, 572 + 53 pp. (index).
Falaschi, R.L. (2012) Relações filogenéticas entre os Keroplatinae: posição de Orfeliini e relação entre seus gêneros (Diptera:
Keroplatidae). Tese de Doutorado, Programa de Pós-graduação em Entomologia, Universidade de São Paulo, Ribeirão
Preto, SP, 213 pp.
Falaschi, R.L. (2015) Diversity of Keroplatidae (Diptera: Bibionomorpha) in Colombia. [in preparation]
Fabricius, J.C. (1798) Supplementum entomologiae systematicae. C.G. Proft et Storch, Hafniae [=Copenhagen], [4] + 572 pp.
Freeman, P. (1951) Mycetophilidae. In: Diptera of Patagonia and South Chile. Part III (Fascicle 1). The British Museum
(Natural History), London, pp. 138, pls. I–XLIX.
Guérin, F. (1826) Macrocère, In: Bory de Saint-Vincent, J.B.B.M. (Ed.), Dictionnaire classique d’histoire naturelle. Vol. 10.

60 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press FALASCHI

Rey & Gravier & Baudouin Frères, Paris, pp. 7.
Johannsen, O.A. (1910) The fungus gnats of North America. The Mycetophilidae of North America. Part I. Bulletin Maine
Agricultural Experimental Station, 172, 209–276. [1909]
Lane, J. (1950) Neotropical Ceroplatinae (Diptera, Mycetophilidae). Dusenia, 1 (1), 32–69.
Lane, J. & Sturm, H. (1958) A new genus of “Ditomyiinae”. Description of two new species with bionomical notes (Diptera,
Mycetophilidae). Revista Brasileira de Biologia, 18 (2), 199–207.
Lioy, P. (1863) I ditteri distribuiti secondo un nuovo metodo di classificazione naturale. Atti dell’ I.R. Insituto Veneto di Scienze,
Lettere ed Arti 3, 9, 189–236.
Malloch, J.R. (1917) A preliminary classification of Diptera, exclusive of Pupipara, based upon larval and pupal characters,
with keys to imagines in certain families. 1. Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History Bulletin, 12, 161–409.
Malloch, J.R. (1928) Notes on Australian Diptera. No. xvii. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, 53,
Mansbridge, G.H. (1933) On the biology of some Ceroplatinae and Macrocerinae (Diptera, Mycetophilidae). With an appendix
on the chemical nature of the web fluid in larvae of Ceroplatinae by H.W. Buston. Transactions of the Royal
Entomological Society of London, 81, 75–92.
Matile, L. (1981) Description d’un Keroplatidae du crétacé moyen et données morphologiques et taxinomiques sur les
Mycetophiloidea (Diptera). Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, New Series, 17, 99–123.
Matile, L. (1990) Recherches sur la systématique et l’évolution des Keroplatidae (Diptera, Mycetophiloidea). Mémoires du
Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle Paris, Series A, 148, 1–682.
Meigen, J.G. (1800) Nouvelle classification des mooches à deux ailes (Diptera L.) d’après un plan tout nouveau. J.J. Fuchs,
Paris, 40 pp.
Meigen, J.G. (1803) Versuch einer neuen Gattungs Eintheilung der europäischen zweiflügeligen Insekten. Magazin für
Insektenkunde, 2, 264.
Meigen, J.G. (1804) Klassifikazion und Beschreibung der europäischen zweifügeligen Insekten (Diptera Linn.). Braunschweig,
1, 104.
Papavero, N. (1978) 19C. Family Keroplatidae (Ceroplatidae, incl. Macroceridae). In: Papavero, N. (Ed.), A Catalogue of the
Diptera of the Americas south of the United States. Departamento de Zoologia da Secretaria da Agricultura do Estado de
São Paulo, São Paulo, pp. 1–22.
Papp, L. & Ševčík, J. (2005) Sciarokeroplatinae, a new subfamily of Keroplatidae (Diptera). Acta Zoologica Academiae
Scientiarum Hungaricae, 51 (2), 113–123.
Rondani, C. (1856) Dipterologiae Italicae Prodromus. Vol. 1. Genera Italica ordinis dipterorum ordinatim disposita et distincta
et in familias et stirpes aggregata. Parma, 228 pp.
Speiser, P. (1913) Beiträge zur Dipterenfauna von Kamerun. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, 1913 (2), 131–146.
Tonnoir, A.L. & Edwards, F.W. (1927) New Zealand fungus gnats (Diptera, Mycetophilidae). Transactions of the New Zealand
Institute, 57, 747–878.
Williston, S.W. (1896) On the Diptera of St. Vincent (West Indies). Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, 1896,
Winnertz, J. (1863) Beitrag zu einer Monographie der Pilzmücken (Mycetophilidae). Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-
Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien, 13, 637–964. [1863]

CATALOGUE OF KEROPLATIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 61

Zootaxa 4122 (1): 062–064 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
Copyright © 2016 Magnolia Press
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)



Departamento de Ecologia, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Campus II. Prédio ICB1, 74001-970.
Goiânia GO Brazil. E-mail:
Departamento de Biologia, Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo. Av.
Bandeirantes, 3900. 14040-901. Ribeirão Preto SP Brazil. E-mail:
*Corresponding author:


The Lygistorrhinidae are a family belonging to the suborder Bibionomorpha, with no previous record from Colombia.
This paper refers for the first time to the occurrence of the family in the country, an undetermined species of the genus
Lygistorrhina (Probolaeus) Williston.

Key words: catalogue, Colombia, Distribution, Lygistorrhinidae.


Lygistorrhinidae are a family widely distributed in tropical and subtropical regions of the world, with a total of 15
genera, of which eight are extant and seven known only from fossils (Grimaldi & Blagoderov 2001, Hippa et al.
2005, Pape et al. 2011). Detailed information on the biology of the group and immature stages habitat is still
The genus Lygistorrhina Skuse encompasses 21 species worldwide, divided in two subgenera—Lygistorrhina
s.str. and Probolaeus Williston. Phylogenies for the family have been proposed by Grimaldi & Blagoderov (2001),
Blagoderov & Grimaldi (2004), Hippa et al. (2005), and Blagoderov et al. (2009). Despite the robust hypothesis of
monophyly of Lygistorrhina s.l., there is still no indication that the set of species gathered under the subgenus L.
(Lygistorrhina) composes a monophyletic arrangement. Hence, neither generic nor subgeneric status to Probolaeus
correspond to true solutions for the problem of the group. A complete revision of Lygistorrhina s.l. must be
undertaken before the genus could be split into two or more groups, independently of the rank (Oliveira & Amorim
A catalogue of the Neotropical Lygistorrhinidae was published by Papavero (1977, 2002), and an updated
version is now available Oliveira & Amorim (2012). Brief descriptions, photos of the types of some species, and
distributional data are also available in Fungus Gnats Online (2013).
Unfortunately, in the material available for our examination, only females were present, so this allowed
establishing here the first record of the family for Colombia (Table 1), but it is not much helpful for species level

Acronyms used for the depositories

IAvH—Alexander von Humboldt Biological Resources Research Institute, Bogota, Colombia.

62 Accepted by S. Nihei: 10 Jun. 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016

List of abbreviations

distr.—geographic distribution
mon.—by monotypy

Catalogue of Lygistorrhinidae of Colombia

Family Lygistorrhinidae

Genus Lygistorrhina Skuse

Lygistorrhina Skuse, 1890: 598. Type species, L. insignis Skuse, 1890: 600 (mon.)

Subgenus Lygistorrhina (Probolaeus) Williston

Probolaeus Williston, 1896: 261. Type species, P. singularis Williston (mon.) (as a genus). Refs.: Thompson (1975),
Grimaldi & Blagoderov (2001), Hippa et al., (2005).

undetermined sp. Distr.: Colombia (Vaupés).

Material examined. COLOMBIA: Vaupés: Estación Biológica Mosiro-Itajura (Caparú) Igapo, 01°04’S
69°31’W, 60 m., 2 females, 1–9.ii.2003, J. Pinzó, Malaise, Oliveira, S.S. det. 2013 (IAvH); 1 female, 4–11.iii.2003.
J. Pinzón, Malaise, Leg. M.3623. Oliveira, S.S. det. 2013 (IAvH); 1 female, 18–27.iii.2003. L. Benavides, Malaise
Leg. M.3626. Oliveira, S.S. det. 2013 (IAvH).


We are thankful to Dr. Michael Sharkey that kindly made available the material for this study. Additional information can
be found in the project web address We
are grateful to Marta Wolff, Silvio Shigueo Nihei, Sandra Patricia Pérez Pareja, and Claudio José Barros de Carvalho,
the editors of the “Catalogue of Diptera of Colombia”. The first author has a fellowship from the Fundação de
Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP, grant 2012/51577-3) and the second author has a fellowship
from the Brazilian National Science Research Agency (CNPq, grant 314371/2009-5).

TABLE 1. Lygistorrhinidae species recorded from Colombia.

Genus Subgenus Species Author
Lygistorrhina Probolaeus sp. Williston, 1896


Blagoderov, V. & Grimaldi, D. (2004) Fossil Sciaroidea (Diptera) in Cretaceous ambers, exclusive of Cecidomyiidae,
Sciaridae, and Keroplatidae. American Museum Novitats, 3433, 1–76.;2
Blagoderov, V., Hippa, H. & Ševčík, J. (2009) Asiorrhina, a new Oriental genus of Lygistorrhinidae (Diptera: Sciaroidea)
and its phylogenetic position. Zootaxa, 2295, 31–45.
Fungus Gnats Online (2013) Available from: (accessed 22 August 2013)
Grimaldi, D. & Blagoderov, V. (2001) A new genus of Lygistorrhinidae from Vietnam (Diptera: Sciaroidea), and

CATALOGUE OF LYGISTORRHINIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 63

phylogenetic relationships in the family. Studia Dipterologica, 8, 43–57.
Hippa, H., Mattsson, I. & Vilkamaa, P. (2005) New taxa of the Lygistorrhinidae (Diptera: Sciaroidea) and their
implications for a phylogenetic analysis of the family. Zootaxa, 960, 1–34.
Oliveira, S.S. & Amorim, D.S. (2012) Catalogue of Neotropical Diptera. Lygistorrhinidae. Neotropical Diptera, 22, 1–4.
Papavero, N. (1977) 19D. Family Lygistorrhinidae. In: Papavero, N. (Ed.), A catalogue of the Diptera of the Americas
South of the United States. Departamento de Zoologia da Secretaria da Agricultura do Estado de São Paulo, São
Paulo, pp. 1.
Papavero, N. (2002) Insecta, Diptera, Lygistorrhinidae. Fauna da Amazônia Brasileira, 10, 1.
Pape, T., Blagoderov, V. & Mostovski, M.B. (2011) Order Diptera Linnaeus, 1758. In: Zhang, Z.-Q. (Ed.), Animal
biodiversity: An outline of higher-level classification and survey of taxonomic richness. Zootaxa, 3148, pp.
Skuse, F.A.A. (1890) Diptera of Australia. Nematocera, Supplemment II. Proceedings of the Linnean Society New South
Wales, 2 (5), 595–640.
Thompson, F.C. (1975) Notes on the genus Lygistorrhina Skuse with the description of the first nearctic species (Diptera:
Mycetophiloidea). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, 77 (4), 434–445.
Williston, S.W. (1896) On the Diptera of St. Vincent (West Indies). Transactions of the Entomological Society of London,
1896, 253–449.

64 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press OLIVEIRA & AMORIM

Zootaxa 4122 (1): 065–072 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
Copyright © 2016 Magnolia Press
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)



Departamento de Ecologia, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Campus II. Prédio ICB1, 74001-970.
Goiânia GO Brazil. E-mail:
Departamento de Biologia, Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo. Av. Bandei-
rantes, 3900. 14040-901. Ribeirão Preto SP Brazil. E-mail:
*Corresponding author:


The Mycetophilidae include small fungus-gnats which life cycle is associated with fungi, especially of the larvae. The
known diversity of the family in the Neotropical region is 1,145 species, but only some very few papers have been pub-
lished on the Colombian species of Mycetophilidae, with records for the genera Docosia Winnertz, Paraleia Tonnoir, and
Dziedzickia Johannsen. This catalogue gathers the information available on mycetophilids from Colombia, including gen-
era and some species that for the first time are mentioned to occur in the country—as Leiella unicincta Edwards and Leiel-
la zonalis Edwards.

Key words: catalogue, Colombia, distribution, Mycetophilidae


Mycetophilids are small fungus-gnats (Diptera, Mycetophilidae), usually with a combination of brown, black and
yellow colors in adults (Hutson et al. 1980). Adults are often found in dark, damp woods, tunnels and root system
of trees, and are particularly common in cavities under tree roots and overhanging stream banks (Hutson et al.
1980, Ševčík 2010). Larvae generally feed on mycelium and sporophores penetrating hyphae. But there are species
with diverging biology, being associated to decaying plant organic material. Details of immatures and the biology
of most species in the family remain unknown (Hutson et al. 1980, Ševčík 2010).
In a study of forest stratification in the Appalachians, a non-random distribution of different species of
Mycetophilidae was found in three regions of Tsuga canadensis Cup (L.), associated with incidence of natural light
(Coots et al. 2012). Only adults were collected, indicating possible migratory behavior to areas with more suitable
temperature, moisture, food sources and protection (Coots et al. 2012). Mycetophilids are common in forests and
continuity between forest fragments has a strong impact on the faunal composition of the family. The life cycle,
particularly immatures, is connected to fungi with fruit bodies, so precipitation, wood composition and wood
abundance correspond to important factors in population density (Økland 1994, 1996, Økland et al. 2005).
The Mycetophilidae belong to the suborder Bibionomorpha (in the sense of Amorim & Yeates 2006), together
composing with seven other recent families the Mycetophiliformia (Hennig 1973, Amorim & Rindal 2007). There
are conflicts between authors about the phylogeny of the group (Søli 1997, Tozoni 1998, Rindal et al. 2009a), but
the monophyly of Bibionomorpha and Mycetophiliformia is well corroborated (Wood & Borkent 1989, Amorim &
Rindal 2007). Different hypotheses of relationship of the family within the higher Bibionomorpha can be found in
Amorim & Rindal (2007: 55, 69), but and there is little doubt about Lygistorrhinidae being the sister group of
The Mycetophilidae are widely accepted as a monophyletic group (Søli 1997, Tozoni 1998, Rindal et al.
2009a). The family includes clades recently treated as subfamilies: Sciophilinae, Gnoristinae, Mycomyiinae,
Leiinae, Manotinae, Allactoneurinae, and Mycetophilinae (Tozoni 1998, Chandler 2009, Rindal et al. 2009a,
Amorim & Oliveira 2008, Oliveira & Amorim 2010a, b, 2012). Some phylogenetic studies were performed for the

Accepted by S. Nihei: 10 Jun. 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016 65

Mycetophilidae subfamilies (e.g., Hippa et al. 2004, Rindal & Søli 2006, Rindal et al. 2007, 2009b, Borkent &
Wheeler 2013, Oliveira 2013, Ševčík et al. 2013), even though the taxonomic sampling of some of these studies
may consist a limitation to the reliability of the conclusions. A wide phylogeny of the family, however, including
all or almost all of its genera is still waiting.
A total of 233 genera and about 4,500 species of Mycetophilidae were described so far from all biogeographic
regions (Pape et al. 2011). Records of species belonging to the crown-group of the family are known from fossil at
least from the Cretaceous (Evenhuis 1994, Amorim & Silva 2002).
For the Neotropical region, 54 genera and 1,145 species of Mycetophilidae have been described so far
(Papavero 1978, Oliveira & Amorim 2014). The type series of most species is allocated at the Natural History
Museum (NHM), London (mostly F.W Edwards and John Lane’s species) (Amorim & Oliveira 2013), at the
Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo (MZUSP) (mostly John Lane’s species), and at the
Museum national d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris (mostly J.P. Duret’s species). Species of Mycetophilidae have been
described based on material from Colombian type localities only very recently (Oliveira & Amorim 2011, 2012).
Their holotypes and paratypes are located at the Alexander von Humboldt Biological Resources Research Institute
(IAvH), Bogota, Colombia, and at the MZUSP.
Colombia is one of the countries in the Neotropical region with particularly special diversity not only in terms
of number of species, but also in terms of the biogeographical components to which the species belong. Higher
altitude species of Mycetophilidae in the Andes of Colombia in many cases belong to genera with amphinotic
distribution (i.e., present in Chile and Australia and/or New Zealand—Amorim et al. 2009), with tropical
connections (i.e., present in Amazonia, tropical forests in Central America and in the Atlantic Forest), as well as
nearctic elements, sometimes also found in higher areas in Central America (e.g., Costa Rica) (Oliveira et al.
The distribution given for the species in this catalogue in many cases is that one stated in published papers.
However, experience shows that, although some cases actually may correspond to widely distributed species, many
species have been misidentified and wide distributions may be mistaken for some species. This can be corrected
only with detailed studies within each genus.

Acronyms used for the depositories

IAvH—Alexander von Humboldt Biological Resources Research Institute, Bogota, Colombia

MTD—Museum für Tierkunde, Dresden, Germany
MZUSP—Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
NHM—Natural History Museum, London, United Kingdom

List of abbreviations

distr.—geographic distribution
nom. nov.—nomen novum (new name)
orig. des.—by original designation

66 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press OLIVEIRA & AMORIM

sp., spp.—species
F (f#)—Female
M (m#)—Male

Catalogue of Mycetophilidae of Colombia

Family Mycetophilidae Newman, 1834

Subfamily Gnoristinae Edwards, 1925

Genus Docosia Winnertz

Docosia Winnertz, 1863: 802. Type species, Mycetophila sciarina Meigen (Johannsen, 1909: 92).

adusta Oliveira & Amorim, 2011: 689, 690. (fig. 1, habitus), 691 (fig. 2, thorax), 692 (fig. 3, asa), 693 (figs. 4-6, M
terminalia), 694 (fig. 7, F terminalia). Type locality: Colombia Cundinamarca, Parque Nacional Natural Chingaza
Alto de La Bandera. HT M (IAvH). Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca).

Genus Dziedzickia Johannsen

Hertwigia Dziedzicki, 1885: 166 (preocc. Schmidt 1880). Type species, H. marginata Dziedzicki (mon.).
Dziedzickia Johannsen, 1909: 44 (nom. nov. for Hertwigia Dziedzicki). Type species, Hertwigia marginata Dziedzicki (aut.).
Syntemna, authors, not Winnertz.

intermedia Lane, 1954a: 102, fig. 8 (M terminalia). Type locality: Brazil, São Paulo, Campos do Jordão. HT M
(MZUSP). Distr.: Costa Rica (Alajuela, San Mateo), Colombia (Vaupés), Brasil (Amapá, Sergipe, Minas Gerais,
São Paulo). Refs.: Oliveira, 2009 (redescription, identification key, and distr.).

jurupari Lane, 1961: 249. Type locality: Brazil, Amapá, Rio Felício. HT M (MZUSP). Distr.: Colombia
(Amazonas, Nariño, Putumayo, Vaupés), Brasil (Amapá, Acre). Refs.: Oliveira, 2009 (redescription, identification
key, and distr.).

Subfamily Leiinae Hendel, 1936

Genus Leiella Enderlein

Leiella Enderlein, 1910a: 200. Type species, ochreocalcar Enderlein (orig. des.). Refs.: Lane, 1954b (key to spp.).

unicincta Edwards, 1933: 319. Type locality: Peru, mouth of Río Pachitea, 150 m. HT M (MTD). Distr.: Peru
(Pasco/Huanaco), Colombia (Meta, Vaupés). Refs.: Lane, 1952: 137, fig. 5 (male terminalia), 1954b: 450, fig. 1 (M
Material examined. COLOMBIA:. Meta: PNN [Parque Nacional Natural] Sierra de La Macarena, Cabaña
Cerrillo, 03°21’N 73°56’W, 460 m, 1 female, 10.xi–21.xii.2002. A. Herrera & W. Villalba, Malaise, Leg. M.2982.
Oliveira, S.S. det. ix.2013 (IAvH); Vaupés: Estación Ecológica Mosiro-Itajura (Caparú), Centro Ambiental,
01°04’S 69°31’W, 60m, 1 female, 24.xi-01.xii.2003. J. Pinzón, Malaise, Leg. M.4439. Oliveira, S.S. det. ix.2013

zonalis Edwards, 1931: 259. Type locality: British Guyana, Berbice. HT F (NHM). Distr.: Argentina (Tucuman,
Salta), British Guyana (Berbice), Chile (Santa Fé, Chaco), Colombia (Magdalena, Meta, Bolivar, Vaupés, Norte de
Santander, Cauca, Chocó, Putumayo). Refs.: Lane, 1954c (distr.), 1958 (distr.).

CATALOGUE OF MYCETOPHILIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 67

Material examined: COLOMBIA: Magdalena: PNN [Parque Nacional Natural] Tayrona, Cañaveral,
11°20’N 74°02’W, 30 m, 6 females, 03–22.xi.2000. R. Henriquez Leg. M.943. Oliveira, S.S. det. ix.2013, (IavH);
Meta: PNN [Parque Nacional Natural] Sierra de La Macarena, Cabaña Cerrillo, 03°21’N 73°56’W, 460 m, 1
female, 21.xii.2002–04.i.2003, Malaise, A. Herrera & W. Villalba Leg. M.2983. Oliveira, S.S. det. ix.2013 (IAvH);
Bolivar: SFF [Santuario de Fauna y Flora] Los Colorados, Vila Roca, 09°54’N 75°07’W, 180m, 1 female,
23.v–, Malaise E. Deulufeut Leg. M.1723. Oliveira, S.S. det. ix.2013, (IAvH); Vaupés: Estación
Ecológica Mosiro-Itajura (Caparú), Igapo, 01°04’S 69°31’W, 60m, 1 male, 1–9.ii.2003. J. Pinzón Leg. M.3637,
Malaise, Oliveira, S.S. det. ix.2013 (IAvH); same data, except 1 female, 22.x-06.xi.2002, L. Benevides Leg.
M.3396 (IavH); same data, except 1 male, 18–27.iii.2003, M.3635 (IAvH); same data, except Centro Ambiental, 1
female, 10–17.iv.2003, M.3614 (IAvH); same data, except Centro Ambiental, 1 female, 03–10.iv.2003, M.3638
(IAvH); Norte de Santander: ÁNU [Área Natural Única] Los Estoraques, Qda. La Media, 08°13’N 73°15’W,
1480m, 1 female, 15–29.x.2003, J. Vargas Leg. M.4089, Malaise, Oliveira, S.S. det. ix.2013 (IAvH); same data,
except 1 female, 08°13’N 73°14’W, 01–16.xii.2003, M.4606 (IAvH); same data, except Ciudad Perdida, 2females,
08°13’N 73°14’W, 22.xi–05.xii.2003, E. Bayona Leg. M.4607 (IAvH); same data, except Platanillo, 3 females,
08°14’N 73°14’W, 1516 m, 28.xi–13.xii.2003, E. Bayona Leg. M.4600 (IAvH); Cauca: PNN [Parque Nacional
Natural] Gorgona El Saman, 02°58’N 78°11’W, 5 m, 1 female, 06-23.iii.2002. R. Duque Leg. M.3088, Malaise,
Oliveira, S.S. det. ix.2013 (IAvH); Chocó: PNN [Parque Nacional Natural] Los Katios, Centro Adm. Sautatá
Dentro del bosque, 07°51’N 77°08’W, 30m, 1 female, 13– P. López Leg. M.3764, Malaise, Oliveira,
S.S. det. ix.2013 (IAvH); Putumayo: PNN [Parque Nacional Natural] La Paya, Resguardo Cecilio Cocha, 00°11’N
74°55’W, 200m, 1 male, 1 female, 20–24.i.2003. C. Sarmiento Leg. M.3421, Malaise, Oliveira, S.S. det. ix.2013

Genus Paraleia Tonnoir

Paraleia Tonnoir, 1929: 611. Type species, P. fulvescens Tonnoir (orig. des.).
Selkirkius Enderlein, 1940: 670. Type species, S. nephrodops Enderlein (orig. des.). Refs.: Freeman, 1954: 26 (syn.). Refs.:
Oliveira & Amorim, 2012 (new species and identification key).

bolivari Oliveira & Amorim, 2012: 4, 6 (fig. 2, thorax), 7 (figs. 3–4, wings), 8 (fig. 13, male terminalia), 9 (fig. 14,
female terminalia), 10 (fig. 15, female terminalia). Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca, Parque Nacional
Natural Chingaza. HT M (IAvH). Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca).

denticulata Oliveira & Amorim, 2012: 12, 7 (figs. 7–8, wings), 14 (fig. 18, male terminalia), 15 (fig. 19, female
terminalia). Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca, Parque Nacional Natural Sumapaz Bocatoma, Cerro El
Zapato. HT M (IAvH). Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca).

fumosa Oliveira & Amorim, 2012: 6, 5 (fig. 1, habitus), 7 (figs. 5-6, wings), 11 (fig. 16, male terminalia), 13 (fig.
17, female terminalia). Type locality: Ecuador, Pichincha, E. Papallacta (Quito/Baeza). HT M (MZUSP). Distr.:
Colombia (Huilla), Ecuador (Pichincha).

nidorosa Oliveira & Amorim, 2012: 17, 7 (fig. 10, wing), 18 (fig. 21, female terminalia). Type locality: Colombia,
Huilla, Parque Nacional Natural Cueva de lós Guácharos. HT F (IAvH). Distr.: Colombia (Huilla).

sharkeyi Oliveira & Amorim, 2012: 19, 7 (fig. 11, wing), 20 (fig. 22, female terminalia). Type locality: Colombia,
Cundinamarca, Parque Nacional Natural Chingaza, Alto de La Bandera. HT F (IAvH). Distr.: Colombia

tonnoiri Oliveira & Amorim, 2012: 15, 7 (fig. 9, wing), 16 (fig. 20, male terminalia). Type locality: Colombia,
Magdalena, Parque Nacional Natural Santa Marta, San Lorenzo. HT M (IAvH). Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena).

undetermined sp. Oliveira & Amorim, 2012: 19, 7 (fig. 12, wing), 21 (fig. 23, female terminalia). Type locality:
Colombia, Cundinamarca, Parque Nacional Natural Chingaza, Bosque Palacio. F (IAvH, MZUSP). Distr.:
Colombia (Cundinamarca, Boyacá, Huilla).

68 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press OLIVEIRA & AMORIM

First records of Mycetophilidae genera in Colombia

Dr. Michael Sharkey (National Science Foundation Grant DEB-0205982) project of collections in Colombia with
Malaise traps resulted in an amazing amount of material with invaluable importance to our understanding of the
Diptera diversity. Additional information on the project can be found at the web address of the project (http://, last access in September, 05th, 2013).
Many genera of Mycetophilidae were recorded for the first time in Colombia after this project. Some of the new
generic occurrences were already mentioned (Oliveira et al. 2007, Oliveira 2009), but we should add here records
for other genera whose species still wait to be published/described.
Based on the Dr. Michael Sharkey material, housed at the IAvH collection, the following genera are first
recorded for Colombia: Acnemia Winnertz (1863), Allocotocera Mik (1886), Cluzobra Edwards (1940),
Duretophragma Borkent (2013), Eudicrana Loew (1869), Megalopelma Enderlein (1910a), Monoclona Mik
(1886), Neoaphelomera Miller (1945), Neuratelia Rondani (1856), and Sciophila Meigen (1818)—Subfamily
Sciophilinae Rondani; Austrosynapha Tonnoir (1929), Synapha Meigen (1818), Tetragoneura Winnertz
(1846)—Subfamily Gnoristinae Edwards; Mycomya Rondani (1856) and Neoempheria Osten-Sacken
(1878)—Subfamily Mycomyinae Edwards; Aphrastomyia Coher & Lane (1949), Leia Meigen (1818),
Megophthalmidia Dziedzicki (1889), and Procycloneura Edwards (1932) - Subfamily Leiinae Edwards; Manota
Williston (1896)—Subfamily Manotinae Edwards; Cordyla Meigen (1803)—which three species are being
described by Kurina & Oliveira (in press) —, Epicypta Winnertz (1863), Exechiopsis Tuomikoski (1966),
Mycetophila Meigen (1803), Neallodia Edwards (1932), Platurocypta Enderlein (1910b), Phronia Winnertz
(1863), Rymosia Winnertz (1863), Trichonta Winnertz (1863), and Zygomyia Winnertz (1863)—Subfamily
Mycetophilinae Newman.
The updated version of the Neotropical catalogue of Mycetophidae (Oliveira & Amorim, 2014: 25) mistakenly
referes to the species Leia amabilis (Williston) as distributed in Colombia. This species was described for the
region of the Vera Cruz, near Medellin, in Mexico, and not in Colombia. Hence, Leia is first recorded from
Colombia after the inventory project of the country fauna, as mentioned above.


The authors are deeply thankful to Dr. Michael Sharkey that kindly made available the material for this study. SSO
benefited from FAPESP (grant 2012/51577-3) and DSA has a fellowship from CNPq (314371/2009-5). Special
thanks to the editors of the “Catalogue of Diptera of Colombia”: Marta Wolff, Silvio Shigueo Nihei, Sandra
Patricia Pérez Pareja, and Claudio José Barros de Carvalho.

TABLE 1. Mycetophilidae species recorded from Colombia.

Subfamily Genus Species Author
Gnoristinae Docosia adusta Oliveira & Amorim, 2011
Dziedzickia intermedia Lane ,1954a
jurupari Lane, 1961
Leiinae Leiella unicincta Edwards, 1933
zonalis Edwards, 1931
Paraleia bolivari Oliveira & Amorim, 2012
denticulata Oliveira & Amorim, 2012
fumosa Oliveira & Amorim, 2012
nidorosa Oliveira & Amorim, 2012
sharkeyi Oliveira & Amorim, 2012
tonnoiri Oliveira & Amorim, 2012
undetermined sp. Oliveira & Amorim, 2012

CATALOGUE OF MYCETOPHILIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 69


Amorim, D.S. & Oliveira, S.S. (2013) Types of Neotropical Mycetophilidae (Diptera) at the Natural History Museum
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Amorim, D.S., Santos, C.M.D. & Oliveira, S.S. (2009) Allochronic taxa as an alternative model to explain circumantarctic
disjunctions. Systematic Entomology, 34, 2–9.
Amorim, D.S. & Silva, V.C. (2002) How far advanced was Diptera evolution in Pangaea? Annales de la Societé Entomologique
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Borkent, C.J. & Wheeler, T.A. (2013) Phylogeny of the tribe Sciophilini (Diptera: Mycetophilidae: Sciophilinae). Systematic
Entomology, 38, 407–427.
Chandler, P.J. (2009) The fungus gnats (Diptera: Bolitophilidae, Keroplatidae, Mycetophilidae) of Sardinia, with description of
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Dziedzicki, H. (1885) Przyczynek do fauny owadów dvukrzylych. Rodzage nowe: Hertwigia, nov. gen., Eurycera, nov. gen.,
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Dziedzicki, H. (1889) Revue des espèces européennes du genre Phronia Winnertz, avec la description des deux genres
nouveaux, Macrobrachius et Megophthalmidia. Horae Societatis Entomologicae Rossicae, 23, 404–532.
Edwards, F.W. (1925) British fungus-gnats (Diptera, Mycetophilidae). With a revised generic classification of the family.
Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London, 1924, 505–670.
Edwards, F.W. (1931) New Neotropical Nematocerous Diptera. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Series 10, 7,
Edwards, F.W. (1932) New Brazilian Mycetophilidae (Diptera). Revista de Entomologia, 2 (2), 138–149.
Edwards, F.W. (1933) New Neotropical Mycetophilidae (II). (Diptera). Revista de Entomologia, 3, 303–322.
Edwards, F.W. (1940) New Neotropical Mycetophilidae (IV). (Diptera). Revista de Entomologia, 11, 440–465.
Enderlein, G. (1910a) Neue Gattungen und Arten aussereuropäischen Fliegen. Stettiner entomologisches Zeitung, 72, 135–209.
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Enderlein, G. (1940) Die Dipterenfauna der Juan-Fernandez-Inseln und der Oster-Inseln. In: Skottsberg, C. (Ed.), Natural
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Evenhuis, N.L. (1994) Catalogue of the fossil flies of the world (Insecta: Diptera). Backhuys, Leiden, 600 pp.
Freeman, P. (1954) Los insectos de las Islas Juan Fernandez. 13. Mycetophilidae, Sciaridae, Cecidomyiidae and Scatopsidae
(Diptera). Revista Chilena de Entomología, 3, 23–40.
Hendel, F. (1936) 26. Ordnung der Pterygogenea (Dreißigste Ordnung der Insecta). Diptera oder Fliegen. In: Kükenthal, W. &
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Hennig, W. (1973) Diptera (Zweiflügler). In: Helmcke, J.-G., Starck, D. & Wermuth, H. (Eds.), Handbuch der Zoologie, 4 (2),
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Hippa, H., Jaschhof, M. & Vilkamaa, P. (2004) Phylogeny of the Manotinae, with a review of Eumanota Edwards, Paramanota
Tuomikoski and Promanota Tuomikoski (Diptera, Mycetophilidae). Studia Dipterologica, 11 (2), 405–428.
Hutson, A.M., Ackland, D.M. & Kidd, L.N. (1980) Mycetophilidae (Bolitophilinae, Ditomyiinae, Diadocidiinae, Keroplatinae,
Sciophilinae and Manotinae), Diptera, Nematocera. Handbooks for the identifications of British Insects. Vol. IX. Part 3.
Royal Entomological Society of London, London, 111 pp.
Johannsen, O.A. (1909) Diptera, Fam. Mycetophilidae. In: Wytsman, P. (Ed.), Genera Insectorum, 93, pp. 1–141, pls. 1–7.

70 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press OLIVEIRA & AMORIM

Kurina, O. & Oliveira, S.S. (In press) A new case of an Holarctic element in the Colombian Andes: first record of Cordyla
Meigen (Diptera: Mycetophilidae) from the Neotropical region. Zookeys.
Lane, J. (1952) Some new Brazilian Mycetophilidae (Diptera, Nematocera). Dusenia, 3 (2), 131–140.
Lane, J. (1954a) Neotropical Gnoristini (Diptera, Mycetophilidae). Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, 1, 93–112.
Lane, J. (1954b) Revision of the genus “Leiella” Enderlein, 1911 (Diptera, Nematocera, Mycetophilidae). Revista Brasileira de
Biologia, 14, 449–453.
Lane, J. (1954c) The genus Megophthalmidia in Brazil (Diptera, Mycetophilidae, Sciophilinae). Revista Brasileira de
Entomologia, 2, 105–110.
Lane, J. (1961) Insecta Amapaensia. – Diptera: Mycetophilidae (Second contribution). Studia Entomológica, 4, 243–56.
Loew, H. (1869) Diptera Americae septentrionalis indigena. Centuria octava. Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift, 13, 1–32
[also published in 1872, Diptera Americae septentrionalis indigena 2 (Cent. 6–10), 300 pp. (Berlin)]
Meigen, J.W. (1803) Versuch einer neuen Gattungseintheilung der europäischen zweiflügeligen Insekten. Magazin
für Insektenkunde, 2, 259–281.
Meigen, J.W. (1818) Systematische Beschreibung der bekannten europaischen zweiflugeligen Insekten. Vol. 1. Aachen, xxxvi +
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Mik, J. (1886) Dipterologische Miscellen. II. Wiener Entomologische Zeitung, 5, 276–279.
Miller, D. (1945) Generic name changes in Diptera. Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London, Series B, 14,
Newman, E. (1834) Attempted division of British insects into natural orders. Entomological Magazine, 2, 379–431.
Økland, B. (1994) Mycetophilidae (Diptera), an insect group vulnerable to forestry practices? A comparison of clearcut,
managed and semi-natural spruce forests in southern Norway. Biodiversity and Conservation, 3, 68–85.
Økland, B. (1996) Unlogged forests: important sites for preserving the diversity of mycetophilids (Diptera: Sciaroidea).
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Oliveira, S.S. (2013) Filogenia de Leiinae (Diptera, Mycetophilidae) com uma nova proposta de classificação para a
subfamília. Tese de Doutoramento, Universidade de São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, vii + 186 pp. [332il.]
Oliveira, S.S. & Amorim, D.S. (2010a) The genus Phthinia Winnertz (Diptera, Mycetophilidae) in the Neotropical region, with
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the northern range of the Andes. Zootaxa, 3186, 1–24.
Oliveira, S.S. & Amorim, D.S. (2014) Catalogue of the Neotropical Diptera. Mycetophilidae. Neotropical Diptera, 25, 1–87.
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CATALOGUE OF MYCETOPHILIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 71

(Mycetophilidae, Diptera). Zoologica Scripta, 36 (4), 327–335.
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Søli, G.E.E. (1997) The adult morphology of Mycetophilidae (s. str.), with a tentative phylogeny of the family (Diptera,
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Tonnoir, A.L. (1929) Australian Mycetophilidae. Synopsis of the genera. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South
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Tozoni, S.H.S. (1998) Sistemática filogenética dos Mycetophilidae (Diptera: Bibionomorpha). Tese de Doutoramento,
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Williston, S.W. (1896) On the Diptera of St. Vincent (West Indies). Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, 1896,
Winnertz, J. (1846) Beschreibung einiger neuen Gattung aus der Ordnun der Zweiflügler. Stettiner entomologisches Zeitung, 7,
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72 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press OLIVEIRA & AMORIM

Zootaxa 4122 (1): 073–097 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
Copyright © 2016 Magnolia Press
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)



*Universidade Federal do ABC, Centro de Ciências Naturais e Humanas, Av. dos Estados, 5001. Bairro Bangu, 09210-580, Santo
André, SP, Brazil.
*Corresponding author:


A catalogue of the Colombian crane flies (Tipulomorpha, families Tipulidae and Limoniidae) is provided, based on up-
dated information from the Catalogue of the Crane flies of World, with additional data on the geographical distribution of
the species in Colombia taken from the primary literature. A total of 131 valid species are recorded for Colombia, 38 in
the family Tipulidae and 93 in the family Limoniidae.

Key words: catalogue, Colombia, Tipulidae, Limoniidae


The crane flies–Tipulomorpha (Starý 1992, Amorim & Yeates 2006)—include the families Limoniidae, Tipulidae,
Pediciidae and Cylindrotomidae. Over 15,000 extant species in ca. 500 genera are included in this group, which has
a worldwide distribution (Oosterbroek 2015). Only the families Limoniidae and Tipulidae occur in Colombia.
Adults of crane flies are found in a variety of different environments, such as forests, grasslands, cultivated fields,
urban yards, and deserts. The immature stages of most species live in aquatic or semi aquatic habitats, but many
species with terrestrial larvae are also known (Alexander & Byers 1981, Gelhaus 2005, De Jong et al. 2008). The
detailed review of Pritchard (1983) is still the most complete account on the biology of crane flies.
Morphologically, the adults of Tipulomorpha can be recognized by their slender bodies with narrow wings and
long legs. However, a lot of variation may occur and species with relatively more stout bodies are common,
especially in the Limoniidae. The ocelli is absent in all members of the group, which also have a typical “V”-
shaped transverse suture in the mesonotum. Crane flies can be small or large flies with wing lengths spanning from
less than 3 mm to over 30 mm. Members of the Tipulidae typically have larger sizes as compared with the
Limoniidae. In Tipulidae, the terminal segment of the maxillary palps is slender and longer than the penultimate
segment, and the antennae are normally 13-segmented. In the Limoniidae, the terminal segment of the maxillary
palps is as short as the others, and the antennae usually have 14 to 16 segments. Crane fly larvae are typically
elongate with distinct but retractable head capsules. A recent detailed diagnosis for the group is provided by
Gelhaus (2009).
The classification of crane flies is conflicting regarding the taxonomic ranks attributed to its higher taxa.
According to the system of classification adopted here, which follows Starý (1992) and Amorim & Yeates (2006),
the Tipulomorpha includes four families: Tipulidae, Limoniidae, Pediciidae and Cylindrotomidae. Another
classification groups the crane flies into a single family, the Tipulidae sensu lato, with the taxa treated here as
families ranked as subfamilies (Tipulinae, Limoniinae and Cylindrotominae) and tribe (Pediciini, subordinated to
the subfamily Limoniinae) (e.g., Alexander & Alexander 1970, Gelhaus 2009). While the monophyly of the entire
Tipulomorpha seems well supported by phylogenetic studies with both morphological and molecular data
(Oosterbroek & Theowald 1991, Starý 1992, Ribeiro 2008, Petersen et al. 2010), neither of the competing
classifications can be considered as natural. The Pediciidae is probably the sister-group to the rest of the
Tipulomorpha. Tipulidae and Cylindrotomidae are likely to be monophyletic sister groups. However, the large and

Accepted by S. Nihei: 17 Apr. 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016 73

heterogeneous Limoniidae is almost certainly paraphylectic with respect to the Tipulidae + Cylindrotomidae clade
(Ribeiro 2008, Petersen et al. 2010).
For the student of the crane flies, a very especial and valuable source of information is available on the
internet: the Catalogue of the Crane flies of the World (CCW), by Pjotr Oosterbroek (Oosterbroek 2015, available
at This database covers all 17,638 genus-group and species-group taxa of the
four crane fly families, and has been regularly updated. CCW brings not only the taxonomic information included
in traditional catalogues, but also illustrations of many taxa (by the time this chapter is being written, 5,138 images
of 1,664 species were included), and a vast reprint library on crane fly taxonomy, biology, systematics and
biogeography (PDF files) which includes all the papers of Charles Paul Alexander, among other authors. The
catalogue presented here for Colombia follows the same format and is primarily based on the information provided
by CCW, with additions regarding type-localities and precise distributions of the species in Colombia as provided
by the primary literature, mainly the original descriptions of the taxa. For some taxa, however, detailed information
on distribution is simply not available. Also, many taxa are known exclusively from their type-localities. Another
important source of information on type-localities and distributions is the catalogue of the Neotropical Region
(Alexander & Alexander 1970). The reader must be aware that the classification adopted here follows that used in
CCW, and differs from the system adopted by Alexander & Alexander (1970). Also, the status of some taxa,
synonyms, and spellings of some taxon names may differ in these two sources, the most updated one being what is
found in CCW.
The crane fly species fauna of Colombia belongs to genera and subgenera typically found in the tropical parts
of the Neotropical Region. All the genera and subgenera known to occur in Colombia are included in the detailed
treatment of Gelhaus (2009) of the Central American fauna, which includes a richly illustrated identification key to
the genera and subgenera (adults) and a synopsis of the fauna with useful information for each taxon.
A total of 131 valid species of crane flies are recorded for Colombia, 38 in the family Tipulidae and 93 in the
Limoniidae (Table 1). Most species (81 species, or 62% of the fauna) are known exclusively from Colombia, and
many are known only from their type-localities. However, considering our fragmentary knowledge about the
Neotropical fauna in general, it is likely that the total number of Colombian species is much larger and that some of
the “endemic” taxa may also occur elsewhere in Central and South America.
Most of the crane flies known from Colombia were described by the same author, the great expert on crane fly
taxonomy Charles Paul Alexander (1889-1981). As for the Neotropical Region in general, the identification of
Colombian crane flies to the level of species can be very difficult, even for experts in crane fly taxonomy. There is
no comprehensive identification tool available for the species, and the original descriptions are often very
superficial. Often, only within the context of a taxonomic revision of the genus in question can the identification of
the species in hand be done accurately. Up to now, the most recent taxonomic revision that included species
occurring in Colombia is that of Ribeiro (2003) for the genus Styringomyia. Thus, it seems unnecessary to say that
additional revisionary studies including members of the local fauna are much needed. Additional sampling efforts
are also necessary in order to improve our knowledge about the Colombian fauna, as for the Neotropical fauna in

Catalogue of Tipulidae and Limoniidae of Colombia

Family Tipulidae

Subfamily Tipulinae

Genus Brachypremna Osten Sacken

Brachypremna Osten Sacken, 1887: 166. Type species, Tipula dispellens Walker, 1861 (designation: Coquillett,

dispellens (Walker) 1861: 334 (Tipula). Type locality: “Mexico”. Distr.: USA, Brazil, Colombia (Boyacá, Muzo:
Alexander, 1938a), Costa Rica, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, Suriname, Trinidad, Venezuela.

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Genus Leptotarsus Guerin-Meneville

Leptotarsus Guerin-Meneville, 1831. Type species, Leptotarsus macquartii Guerin-Meneville, 1831 (monotypic).
Semnotes Westwood, 1876: 501 (as genus). Type species, Semnotes imperatoria Westwood, 1876 (designation:
Pierre, 1926).

Subgenus Pehlkea Enderlein

Pehlkea Enderlein, 1912: 15 (as genus). Type species, Pehlkea columbiana Enderlein, 1912 (original designation).

columbianus (Enderlein), 1912: 15 (Pehlkea). Type locality: “Colombia”. Distr.: Colombia.

regina (Alexander), 1914a: 214 (Tanypremna). Type locality: Colombia, Cordillera Central. Distr.: Colombia (La
Vega, Cordillera Central: Alexander, 1914a).

Subgenus Tanypremna Osten Sacken

Tanypremna Osten Sacken, 1886: 19 (as genus). Type species, Tanypremna opilio Osten Sacken, 1886 (monotypic).
Stegasmonotus Enderlein, 1912: 19 (as genus). Type species, Tanypremna opilio Osten Sacken, 1886 (monotypic).

elegantior (Alexander), 1945a: 51 (Tanypremna). Type locality: “Colombia”. Distr.: Colombia (Alexander, 1945a).

fuscitarsis (Alexander), 1919: 149 (Tanypremna). Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena, Mt. Santa Marta. Distr.:
Colombia (Magdalena, Mt. Santa Marta: Alexander, 1919).

longipes (Fabricius), 1805: 25 (Tipula). Type locality: “South America”. Distr.: Brazil, Colombia, Guyana, Peru.

Genus Nephrotoma Meigen

Pales Meigen, 1800. Type species, Tipula dorsalis Fabricius, 1781 (designation: Hendel, 1908). Name suppressed by I.C.Z.N.,
1963: 20: Opinion 678.
Nephrotoma Meigen, 1803: 262 (as genus). Type species, Tipula dorsalis Fabricius, 1781 (monotypic).
Pachyrrhina Macquart, 1834: 88 (as genus). Type species, Tipula crocata Linnaeus, 1758 (designation: Westwood, 1840).

alleni (Alexander), 1913a: 206 (Pachyrhina). Type locality: Colombia, Cauca, Valle de Las Papas. Distr.:
Colombia (Cauca,Valle de Las Papas: Alexander, 1913a), Ecuador.

globosa (Alexander), 1969a: 200 (Nephrotoma). Type locality: “Colombia”. Distr.: Colombia (Caldas, Manizales:
Alexander, 1969a).

medioligula (Alexander), 1945b: 67 (Nephrotoma). Type locality: Venezuela, Aragua, Rancho Grande. Distr.:
Colombia, Venezuela.

Genus Ozodicera Macquart

Ozodicera Macquart, 1834: 92. Type species, Ozodicera ochracea Macquart, 1834 (original designation) [= pectinata
(Wiedemann, 1828)]
Hemicteina Westwood, 1835: 450 (as genus). Type species, Hemicteina gracilis Westwood, 1835 (monotypic).

Subgenus Dihexaclonus Enderlein

Dihexaclonus Enderlein, 1912: 28 (as genus). Type species, Ozodicera apicalis Macquart, 1838 (original

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telestyla (Alexander), 1969a: 210 (Ozodicera). Type locality: “Colombia”. Distr.: Colombia (Meta, Puerto Lopez:
Alexander, 1969a).

Genus Tipula Linnaeus

Tipula Linnaeus, 1758: 585. Type species, Tipula oleracea Linnaeus, 1758 (designation: Latreille, 1810).

Subgenus Bellardina Edwards

Bellardina Edwards, 1931: 82. Type species, Tipula craverii Bellardi, 1859 (original designation, as cravieri).

obliquefasciata (Macquart), 1846: 143(15) (Tipula). Type locality: Colombia [New Grenada], temperate region.
Distr.: Colombia.

Subgenus Eumicrotipula Alexander

Eumicrotipula Alexander, 1923: 74 (as subgenus of Microtipula). Type species, Microtipula macrotrichiata
Alexander, 1923 (original designation).

armillata (Alexander), 1916: 30 (Tipula). Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena, La Cumbre. Distr.: Colombia
(Magdalena, La Cumbre, Mt. Santa Marta; Boyaca, Popayan: Alexander, 1916), Bolivia, Ecuador, Venezuela.

bogotana (Alexander), 1938b: 327 (Tipula). Type locality: Colombia, Bogotá. Distr.: Colombia (Bogotá:
Alexander, 1938b).

carizona (Alexander), 1913a: 208 (Tipula). Type locality: Colombia, Cauca, Valle de Las Papas. Distr.: Colombia
(Cauca, Valle de Las Papas: Alexander, 1913a).

foersteriana (Alexander), 1967a: 461 (Tipula). Type locality: Colombia, Manizales. Distr.: Colombia (Caldas,
Manizales: Alexander, 1967a), Ecuador, Peru.

laterosetosa (Alexander), 1931: 623 (Tipula). Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena, Mt. Santa Marta, Vista Nieve.
Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena, Vista Nieve, Mt. Santa Marta: Alexander, 1931).

mecoglossa (Alexander), 1967a: 464 (Tipula). Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca, Monterredondo. Distr.:
Colombia (Cundinamarca, Monterredondo: Alexander, 1967a).

miranha (Alexander), 1913a: 210 (Tipula). Type locality: Colombia, Cauca, Valle de Las Papas. Distr.: Colombia
(Cauca, Valle de Las Papas: Alexander, 1913a).

mitua (Alexander, 1916). Alexander, 1916: 29 (Tipula). Type locality: Colombia, Cauca, Valle de Las Papas.
Distr.: Colombia (Cauca, Valle de Las Papas: Alexander, 1916).

mocoa (Alexander), 1913a: 210 (Tipula). Type locality: Colombia, Cauca, Valle de Las Papas. Distr.: Colombia
(Cauca, Valle de Las Papas: Alexander, 1913a).

moniliferoides (Alexander), 1920a: 221 (Tipula). Type locality: Argentina, Buenos Aires, Monte Veloz. Distr.:
Colombia, Argentina, Brazil.

moniliformis (Röder), 1886: 259 (Tipula). Type locality: Colombia, Cerro del Altar. Distr.: Colombia.

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ornaticornis (Wulp), 1891: 195 (Tipula). Type locality: “Colombia” [New Grenada]. Distr.: Colombia.

pallidineuris (Macquart), 1846: 144(16) (Tipula). Type locality: “Colombia” [New Grenada]. Distr.: Colombia.

redunca (Alexander), 1967a: 469 (Tipula). Type locality: Colombia, Manizales. Distr.: Colombia (Caldas,
Manizales: Alexander, 1967a).

riveti tolimensis (Alexander), 1941: 244 (Tipula). Type locality: Colombia, Cordillera Central, Mt. Tolima. Distr.:
Colombia (Mt. Tolima, Cordillera Central: Alexander, 1941).

Subgenus Microtipula Alexander

Microtipula Alexander, 1912a: 360 (genus). Type species: Microtipula amazonica Alexander, 1912 (original designation).
Nephrotomodes Alexander, 1946: 224 (as subgenus of Tipula). Type species: Tipula smilodon Alexander, 1940 (original

colombicola (Alexander), 1929a: 768 (Tipula). Type locality: Colombia, Chiriguana, Lake Sapatoza Region.
Distr.: Colombia (Cesar, Lake Zapatosa, Chiriguana: Alexander, 1929a)

erostrata (Alexander), 1945c: 424 (Tipula). Type locality: Colombia, Boyacá, Muzo. Distr.: Colombia (Boyacá,
Muzo: Alexander, 1945c).

multimoda (Alexander), 1938b: 328 (Tipula). Type locality: Colombia, Puerto Boyacá, Magdalena Basin. Distr.:
Colombia (Boyaca, Puerto Boyacá, Magdalena: Alexander, 1938b).

perangustula (Alexander), 1938a: 431 (Tipula). Type locality: Colombia, Boyacá, Muzo. Distr.: Colombia
(Boyacá, Muzo: Alexander, 1938a).

tenuicula (Enderlein), 1912: 7 (Tipula). Type locality: “Colombia”. Distr.: Colombia.

urophora (Alexander), 1938a: 429 (Tipula). Type locality: Ecuador, Los Rios, Playas de Montalvo. Distributions:
Colombia (Boyacá, Muzo: Alexander, 1938a), Ecuador.

Genus Zelandotipula Alexander

Zelandotipula Alexander, 1922a: 522 (as subgenus of Holorusia). Type species, Tipula novarae Schiner, 1868
(original designation).

austrofurcifera (Alexander), 1969a: 236 (Zelandotipula). Type locality: Colombia, Monterredondo,

Cundinamarca. Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca, Monterredondo: Alexander, 1969a), Ecuador.

corynostyla (Alexander), 1969a: 237 (Zelandotipula). Type locality: Colombia, Monterredondo, Cundinamarca.
Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca, Monterredondo: Alexander, 1969a).

longitarsis (Macquart), 1846: 145 (Tipula). Type locality: “Venezuela”. Distr.: Colombia, Venezuela.

orophila (Alexander), 1914b: 354 (Holorusia). Type locality: Colombia, San Lorenzo Mountain. Distr.: Colombia
(Magdalena, Sierra San Lorenzo: Alexander, 1914b).

retrorsa (Alexander), 1969a: 243 (Zelandotipula). Type locality: Colombia, Monterredondo, Cundinamarca.
Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca, Monterredondo: Alexander, 1969a).

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wardiana (Alexander), 1981a: 9 (Zelandotipula). Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena, 18 km east of San Pedro.
Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena: Alexander, 1981).

Family Limoniidae

Subfamily Chioneinae

Genus Atarba Osten Sacken

Atarba Osten Sacken, 1869: 127. Type species, Atarba picticornis Osten Sacken, 1869 (monotypic).

Subgenus Atarba Osten Sacken

Atarba Osten Sacken, 1869: 127 (as genus). Type species, Atarba picticornis Osten Sacken, 1869 (monotypic).

brunneicornis (Alexander), 1916: 15 (Atarba). Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena, La Cumbre. Distr.: Colombia
(Magdalena, La Cumbre, Mt. Santa Marta: Alexander, 1916).

columbiana (Alexander), 1913a: 199 (Atarba). Type locality: Colombia, Cauca, Almaguer. Distr.: Colombia
(Cauca, Almaguer: Alexander 1913a).

Subgenus Ischnothrix Bigot

Lachnocera Philippi, 1866: 615 (as genus). Type species, Lachnocera delicatula Philippi, 1866 (monotypic).
Ichnothrix Bigot, 1888: 7 (as genus). Type species, Ischnothrix aetherea Bigot, 1888 (monotypic).
Oromyia Alexander, 1913a: 203 (as genus). Type species, Oromyia lloydi Alexander, 1913a (original designation).
Orolimnophila Alexander, 1921a: 178. Type species, Oromyia lloydi Alexander, 1913a.

lloydi (Alexander), 1913a: 204 (as Oromyia). Type locality: Colombia, Cauca, Valle de Las Papas. Distr.:
Colombia (Cauca, Valle de Las Papas: Alexander, 1913a).

Genus Erioptera Meigen

Polymeda Meigen, 1800. Type species, Erioptera lutea Meigen, 1804 (designation: Coquillett, 1910). Name suppressed by
I.C.Z.N., 1963: 20: Opinion 678.
Erioptera Meigen, 1803: 262. Type species, Erioptera lutea Meigen, 1804 (designation: Coquillett, 1910).

Subgenus Erioptera Meigen

Polymeda Meigen, 1800. Type species, Erioptera lutea Meigen, 1804 (designation: Coquillett, 1910). Name suppressed by
I.C.Z.N., 1963: 20: Opinion 678.
Erioptera Meigen, 1803: 262 (as genus). Type species, Erioptera lutea Meigen, 1804 (designation: Coquillett, 1910).
Polyraphia Meigen, 1818: 111 (as genus). Type species, Erioptera taenionota Meigen, 1818 (monotypic).
Polyrhaphia Agassiz, 1847: 304. Type species, Erioptera taenionota Meigen, 1818 (monotypic).
Octavia Bigot, 1854: 456, 474 (as genus). Type species, Erioptera taenionota Meigen, 1818 (designation: Coquillett, 1910).
Chemalida Rondani, 1856: 180 (as genus), Type species, Erioptera taenionota Meigen, 1818 (original designation).
Ilisophila Rondani, 1856: 180 (as genus), Type species, Erioptera lutes Meigen, 1804 (original designation).
Limnoea Rondani, 1856: 180 (as genus), Type species, Erioptera flavescens Meigen, 1804 (original designation).
Limnoica Rondani, 1861: 180 (as genus), Type species, Erioptera flavescens Meigen, 1804 (original designation).

andina (Alexander), 1913a: 200 (Erioptera). Type locality: Colombia, Cauca, Valle de Las Papas. Distr.:
Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia (Cauca, Valle de Las Papas: Alexander, 1913a).

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annulipes (Williston), 1896: 294 (Erioptera). Type locality: Lesser Antilles, St. Vincent. Distr.: Brazil, Colombia,
Guatemala, Paraguay, Peru, St. Vincent.

quinquecincta (Alexander), 1927a: 278 (Erioptera). Type locality: Colombia, Caldas. Distr.: Colombia (Caldas:
Alexander, 1927a).

Genus Eugnophomyia Alexander

Eugnophomyia Alexander, 1947a: 72 (as subgenus of Gnophomyia). Type species, Gnophomyia luctuosa Osten
Sacken, 1860 (original designation).

luctuosa (Osten Sacken), 1860: 224 (Gnophomyia). Type locality: U.S.A., Florida. Distr.: USA, Colombia,
Guatemala, México.

Genus Gnophomyia Osten Sacken

Gnophomyia Osten Sacken, 1860: 223 (as genus). Type species, Gnophomyia tristissima Osten Sacken, 1860
(designation: Coquillett, 1910).

acricula (Alexander), 1931: 637 (Gnophomyia). Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena, Mt. Santa Marta, Vista
Nieve. Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena, Mt. Santa Marta, Vista Nieve: Alexander, 1931).

vilis (Alexander), 1931: 638 (Gnophomyia). Type locality: Colombia, Orihueca. Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena,
Orihueca: Alexander, 1931).

Genus Gonomyia Meigen

Gonomyia Meigen, 1818: 147 (as genus). Type species, Limnobia tenella Meigen, 1818 (monotypic).
Taphrosia Rondani, 1856: 182 (as genus). Type species, Limnobia tenella Meigen, 1818 (original designation).
Goniomyia Osten Sacken, 1869: 176. Type species, Limnobia tenella Meigen, 1818 (monotypic).

Subgenus Gonomyia Meigen

Gonomyia Meigen, 1818: 147 (as genus). Type species, Limnobia tenella Meigen, 1818 (monotypic).
Taphrosia Rondani, 1856: 182 (as genus). Type species, Limnobia tenella Meigen, 1818 (original designation).
Goniomyia Osten Sacken, 1869: 176. Type species, Limnobia tenella Meigen, 1818 (monotypic).

andicola (Alexander) 1913a: 199 (Gonomyia). Type locality: Colombia, Cauca, Valle de Las Papas. Distr.:
Colombia (Cauca, Valle de Las Papas: Alexander, 1913a).

methodica (Alexander), 1931: 635 (as Gonomyia). Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena, Mt. Santa Marta, Vista
Nieve. Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena, Vista Nieve, Mt. Santa Marta: Alexander, 1931).

Subgenus Leiponeura Skuse

Leiponeura Skuse, 1890: 795 (as genus). Type species, Leiponeura gracilis Skuse, 1890 (designation: Alexander, 1913b) [=
skusei Alexander 1919].
Lipophleps Bergroth, 1915: 55 (as [unnecessary] new name for Leiponeura Skuse, 1890 [not preoccupied by Liponeura Loew,
1844]). Type species, Leiponeura gracilis Skuse, 1890.

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cervaria (Alexander), 1938b: 334 (Gonomyia). Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca, Fusagasugá. Distr.:
Colombia (Cundinamarca, Fusagasugá: Alexander, 1938b).

Subgenus Paralipophleps Alexander

Paralipophleps Alexander, 1947a: 97 (as subgenus of Gonomyia). Type species, Atarba pleuralis Williston, 1896
(original designation).

lemniscata (Alexander), 1931: 634 (Gonomyia). Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena, Mt. Santa Marta, Vista
Nieve. Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena, Vista Nieve, Mt. Santa Marta: Alexander, 1931).

Genus Molophilus Curtis

Monophilus Curtis, 1833: 444 (as genus). Type species, Molophilus brevipennis Curtis, 1833 (original designation) [= ater
Meigen, 1804)].
Archimolophilus Enderlein, 1938: 669 (as genus). Type species, Archimolophilus selkirkianus Enderlein, 1938

Subgenus Molophilus Curtis

Monophilus Curtis, 1833: 444 (as genus). Type species, Molophilus brevipennis Curtis, 1833 (original designation).
Archimolophilus Enderlein, 1938: 669 (as genus). Type species, Archimolophilus selkirkianus Enderlein, 1938 (monotypic).

capricornis (Alexander), 1916: 19 (Molophilus). Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena, La Cumbre. Distr.:
Colombia (Magdalena, La Cumbre, Mt. Santa Marta: Alexander, 1916), Peru.

conscriptus (Alexander), 1938b: 337 (Molophilus). Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca, Fusagasugá. Distr.:
Colombia (Cundinamarca, Fusagasugá: Alexander, 1938b).

flexilistylus (Alexander), 1931: 639 (Molophilus). Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena, Mt. Santa Marta, La
Cumbre. Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena, La Cumbre, Mt. Santa Marta: Alexander, 1931).

lictor (Alexander), 1938b: 336 (Molophilus). Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca, Fusagasugá. Distr.:
Colombia (Cundinamarca, Fusagasugá: Alexander, 1938b).

luxuriosus (Alexander), 1938b: 335 (Molophilus). Type locality: Colombia, Usme. Distr.: Colombia (Bogota,
Usme: Alexander, 1938b).

marthae (Alexander), 1931: 641 (Molophilus). Type locality Colombia (Magdalena, Mt. Santa Marta, Vista Nieve.
Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena, Vista Nieve, Mt. Santa Marta: Alexander, 1931).

perseus (Alexander), 1913a: 201 (Molophilus). Type locality: Colombia, Cauca, Valle de Las Papas. Distr.:
Colombia (Cauca, Valle de Las Papas: Alexander, 1913a).

subtenebricosus (Alexander), 1931: 640 (Molophilus): Type locality: Colombia (Magdalena, Mt. Santa Marta,
Vista Nieve. Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena, Vista Nieve, Mt. Santa Marta: Alexander, 1931).

tenebricosus (Alexander), 1916: 20 (Molophilus). Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena, Mt. Santa Marta, La
Cumbre. Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena, La Cumbre, Mt. Santa Marta: Alexander, 1916).

walkeri (Alexander), 1931: 640 (Molophilus). Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena, Mt. Santa Marta, Vista Nieve.
Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena, Vista Nieve, Mt. Santa Marta: Alexander, 1931).

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Genus Neognophomyia Alexander

Neognophomyia Alexander, 1926: 391 (as subgenus of Gnophomyia). Type species, Gnophomyia immaculipennis
Alexander, 1926 (original designation).

colombicola (Alexander), 1931: 636 (Neognophomyia). Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena, St. Marta, Vista
Nieve. Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena, Vista Nieve, Mt. Santa Marta: Alexander, 1931).

Genus Rhabdomastix Skuse

Palaeogonomyia Meunier, 1899: 359 (as genus). Type species, Gonomyia pulcherrima Meunier, 1906.
Rhabdomastix Skuse, 1890: 828 (as genus). Type species, Rhabdomastix ostensackeni Skuse, 1890 (monotypic).
Sacandaga Alexander, 1911: 349 (as genus). Type species, Sacandaga flava Alexander, 1911.

Subgenus Rhabdomastix Skuse

Palaeogonomyia Meunier, 1899: 359 (as genus). Type species, Gonomyia pulcherrima Meunier, 1906.
Rhabdomastix Skuse, 1890: 828 (as genus). Type species, Rhabdomastix ostensackeni Skuse, 1890 (monotypic).
Sacandaga Alexander, 1911: 349 (as genus). Type species, Sacandaga flava Alexander, 1911.

tantilla (Alexander), 1938a: 440 (Rhabdomastix). Type locality: Colombia, Meta, Restrepo. Distr.: (Meta,
Restrepo: Alexander, 1938a).

Genus Styringomyia Loew

Styringomyia Loew, 1845: 6 (as genus). Type species, Styringomyia venusta Loew, 1845 (monotypic) (fossil).
Idiophlebia Grunberg, 1903: 524 (as genus). Type species, Idiophlebia pallida Grunberg, 1903 (monotypic).
Pycnocrepis Enderlein, 1912: 65 (as genus). Type species, Pycnocrepis annulipes Enderlein, 1912 (original designation).
Syringomyia Alexander, 1972: 841 (unjustified emendation of Styringomyia).

maya Ribeiro, 2003: 22. Type locality: Ecuador, Azuay, 18 km SE Jesus Maria. Distr.: Belize, Bolivia, Colombia
(Valle del Cauca, Sevilla: Ribeiro, 2003), Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guyana, Honduras, Panama, Suriname, Venezuela.

Genus Symplecta Meigen

Helobia Lepeletier and Serville, 1828: 585 (as genus). Type species, Limnobia punctipennis Meigen, 1818 (monotypic).
Symplecta Meigen, 1830: 282 (as genus). Type species, Limnobia punctipennis Meigen, 1818 (designation: Westwood, 1840)
[= hybrida Meigen, 1804)].
Idioneura Philippi, 1866: 615 (as genus). Type species, Idioneura macroptera Philippi, 1866 (monotypic).

Subgenus Symplecta Meigen

Helobia Lepeletier and Serville, 1828: 585 (as genus). Type species, Limnobia punctipennis Meigen, 1818 (monotypic).
Symplecta Meigen, 1830: 282 (as genus). Type species, Limnobia punctipennis Meigen, 1818 (designation: Westwood, 1840)
[= hybrida Meigen, 1804)].
Idioneura Philippi, 1866: 615 (as genus). Type species, Idioneura macroptera Philippi, 1866 (monotypic).

colombiana colombiana (Alexander), 1937: 616 (Helobia). Type locality: Colombia, Usme. Distr.: Colombia
(Bogota, Usme: Alexander, 1937).

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Genus Teucholabis Osten Sacken

Teucholabis Osten, 1860: 222 (as genus). Type species, Teucholabis complexa Osten Sacken, 1860 (monotypic).

Subgenus Paratropesa Schiner

Paratropesa Schiner, 1866: 932 (as genus). Type species, Paratropesa singularis Schiner, 1868 (original

chalybeia (Alexander), 1927b: 18 (Teucholabis). Type locality: Colombia: El Líbano. Distr.: Colombia
(Madgalena, El Libano: Alexander, 1927b).

Subgenus Teucholabis Osten Sacken

Teucholabis Osten Sacken, 1860: 222 (as genus). Type species, Teucholabis complexa Osten Sacken, 1860

jocosa (Alexander), 1913c: 440 (Teucholabis). Type locality: Bolivia, Yungas de Coroico. Distr.: Argentina,
Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia (La Cumbre, Mt. Santa Marta; Cali: Alexander, 1913c), Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela.

marticola (Alexander), 1931: 633 (Teucholabis). Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena, Mt. Santa Marta. Distr.:
Colombia (Magdalena, Mt. Santa Marta: Alexander, 1931).

megaphallus (Alexander), 1968: 219 (Teucholabis). Type locality: Colombia, Monterredondo. Distr.: Colombia

salti (Alexander), 1930: 738 (Teucholabis). Type locality Colombia, Magdalena, Rio Frío. Distr.: Colombia
(Magdalena, Rio Frio; Sevilla; Orihueca: Alexander, 1930).

spinigera (Schiner), 1868: 44 (Teucholabis). Type locality: “Venezuela”. Distr.: Colombia, Peru, Venezuela.

trifasciata trifasciata (Enderlein), 1912: 69 (Teucholabis). Type locality: “South America”. Distr.: Colombia (Rio
Magdalena: Enderlein, 1912), Ecuador, Guyana, México, Panamá, Peru, Venezuela.

venezuelensis (Macquart), 1846: 147 (Limnobia). Type locality: “South America”. Distr.: Colombia, Venezuela.

Subfamily Limnophilinae

Genus Epiphragma Osten Sacken

Epiphragma Osten Sacken, 1860: 238 (as subgenus of Limnophila). Type species, Limnophila pavonina Osten
Sacken, 1860 (designation: Coquillett, 1910) [= fasciapenne (Say, 1823)].

Subgenus Epiphragma Osten Sacken

Epiphragma Osten Sacken, 1860: 238 (as subgenus of Limnophila). Type species, Limnophila pavonina Osten
Sacken, 1860 (designation: Coquillett, 1910) [= fasciapenne (Say, 1823)].

cordillerense (Alexander), 1913a: 202 (Epiphragma). Type locality: Colombia, Cauca, Popayán. Distr.: Colombia
(Cauca, Valle de las Papas; Popayán: Alexander, 1913a), Bolivia, Peru.

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delicatulum (Osten Sacken), 1888: 208 (Epiphragma). Type locality: “Colombia”. Distr.: Colombia, Venezuela.

gracilicorne (Alexander), 1916: 21 (Epiphragma). Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena, La Cumbre. Distr.:
Colombia (Magdalena, La Cumbre, Mt. Santa Marta: Alexander, 1916).

Genus Hexatoma Latreille

Hexatoma Latreille, 1809: 260 (as genus). Type species, Hexatoma nigra Latreille, 1809 (monotypic).
Nematocera Meigen, 1818: 209. Type species, Nematocera bicolor Meigen, 1818 (designation: Savchenko et al., 1992).
Anisomera Meigen, 1818: 210. Type species, Anisomera obscura Meigen, 1818 (monotypic).
Peronecera Curtis, 1836: 589 Type species, Peronecera fuscipennis Curtis, 1836 (monotypic).
Trimacromera Enderlein, 1936: 23. Type species, Nematocera nubeculosa Burmeister, 1829 (monotypic).

Subgenus Eriocera Macquart

Eriocera Macquart, 1838: 74 (as genus). Type species, Limnobia nigra (Macquart, 1838), misidentification, not Wiedemann,
1828 (monotypic) [= macquarti (Enderlein, 1912)].
Caloptera Guérin-Méneville, 1831 (as genus). Type species, Caloptera fasciata Guerin-Meneville, 1831 (original designation).
Arrhenica Osten Sacken, 1860: 243 (as genus). Type species, Arrhenica spinosa Osten Sacken, 1860 (designation: Coquillett,
Penthoptera Schiner, 1863: 220 (as genus). Type species, Tipula chirotheca Scopoli, 1763 (original designation).

antennata (Alexander), 1930: 735 (Eriocera). Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena, Sevilla. Distr.: Colombia
(Magdalena, Sevilla: Alexander, 1930).

bequaertiana (Alexander), 1938a: 437 (Hexatoma). Type locality: Colombia, Boyacá, Muzo. Distr.: Colombia
(Boyacá, Muzo: Alexander, 1938).

braconides (Enderlein), 1912: 47 (Eriocera). Type locality: “Colombia”. Distr.: Colombia.

columbiana (Alexander), 1919: 147 (Eriocera). Type locality: Colombia, Bolívar. Distr.: Colombia (Bolívar:
Alexander, 1919), Costa Rica

ohausiana (Enderlein), 1912: 45 (Eriocera). Type locality: Ecuador, Sabanilla. Distr.: Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador,

perlaeta (Alexander), 1922b: 54 (Eriocera): Type locality: “Colombia”. Distr.: Brazil, Colombia.

sanctaemartae (Alexander), 1919: 148 (Penthoptera). Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena, Mt. Santa Marta.
Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena, Mt. Santa Marta: Alexander, 1919).

schineri (Alexander), 1922b: 60 (Eriocera). Type locality: “Colombia”. Distr.: Colombia, Venezuela.

virgulativentris (Enderlein), 1912: 47 (Eriocera). Type locality: Colombia, Tolima, Natagaima. Distr.: Colombia
(Tolima, Natagaima: Enderlein, 1912).

Genus Lecteria Osten Sacken

Lecteria Osten Sacken, 1888: 206 (as genus). Type species, Tipula armillaris Fabricius, 1805 (original

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Subgenus Lecteria Osten Sacken

Lecteria Osten Sacken, 1888: 206 (as genus). Type species, Tipula armillaris Fabricius, 1805 (original

retrorsa (Alexander), 1969b: 337 (Lecteria). Type locality: Colombia, Sierra San Lorenzo. Distr.: Colombia
(Magdalena, Sierra San Lorenzo: Alexander, 1969b).

Genus Limnophila Macquart.

Limnophila Macquart, 1834: 95 (as genus). Type species, Limnobia pictipennis Meigen, 1818 (designation: Westwood, 1840).
Limnomya Rondani, 1861: 11 (as [unnecessary] new name for Limnophila Macquart, 1834 [not preoccupied in zoology]). Type
species, Limnobia pictipennis Meigen, 1818 (autom.).
Poecilostola Schiner, 1863: 222. Type species, Limnobia pictipennis Meigen, 1818 (original designation).

Subgenus Limnophila Macquart

Limnophila Macquart, 1834: 95 (as genus). Type species, Limnobia pictipennis Meigen, 1818 (designation: Westwood, 1840).
Limnomya Rondani, 1861: 11 (as genus) (as [unnecessary] new name for Limnophila Macquart, 1834 [not preoccupied in
zoology]). Type species, Limnobia pictipennis Meigen, 1818 (autom.).
Poecilostola Schiner, 1863: 222 (as genus). Type species, Limnobia pictipennis Meigen, 1818 (original designation).

lloydi (Alexander), 1913a: 205 (Limnophila) Type locality: Colombia, Cauca, Valle de Las papas. Distr.: Colombia
(Cauca, Valle de Las Papas: Alexander, 1913a).

Genus Polymera Wiedemann.

Polymera Wiedemann, 1820: 40 (as genus). Type species, Chironomus hirticornis Fabricius, 1805 (monotypic).

Subgenus Polymera Wiedemann

Polymera Wiedemann, 1820: 40 (as genus). Type species, Chironomus hirticornis Fabricius, 1805 (monotypic).

ominosa (Alexander), 1938b: 332 (as Polymera). Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca, Fusagasugá. Distr.:
Colombia (Cundinamarca, Fusagasugá: Alexander, 1938b).

sordidipes (Alexander), 1938b: 332 (as Polymera). Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca, Fusagasugá. Distr.:
Colombia (Cundinamarca, Fusagasugá: Alexander, 1938b).

Genus Shannonomyia Alexander

Shannonomyia Alexander, 1929: 142 (as genus). Type species, Limnophila lenta Osten Sacken, 1860 (original

Subgenus Shannonomyia Alexander

Shannonomyia Alexander, 1929: 142 (as genus). Type species, Limnophila lenta Osten Sacken, 1860 (original

bogotensis (Alexander), 1938b: 331 (Shannonomyia). Type locality: Colombia, Usme. Distr.: Colombia (Bogota,
Usme: Alexander, 1938b)

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lathraea (Alexander), 1926: 386 (Pilaria). Type locality: Colombia, San Lorenzo, Cincinnati. Distr.: Colombia
(Magdalena, Hacienda Cincinnati, Sierra San Lorenzo: Alexander, 1926), Venezuela.

orophila (Alexander), 1913a: 205 (Limnophila). Type locality: Colombia, Cauca, Almaguer. Distr.: Colombia
(Cauca, Almaguer: Alexander, 1913a).

Subfamily Limoniinae

Genus Dicranomyia Stephens

Furcomyia Meigen, 1818: 133 (as genus). Type species, Limnobia lutea Meigen, 1818 (monotypic).
Dicranomyia Stephens, 1829: 53 (as genus). Type species, Limnobia modesta Meigen, 1818 (designation: Coquillett, 1910).
Telecephala Pierre, 1922: 149 (as genus). Type species, Limnobia longicollis Macquart, 1846 (monotypic).
Tedotea Santos Abreu, 1923: 143 (as genus). Type species, Tedotea domestica Santos Abreu, 1923 (monotypic).

Subgenus Dicranomyia Stephens

Furcomyia Meigen, 1818: 133 (as genus). Type species, Limnobia lutea Meigen, 1818 (monotypic).
Dicranomyia Stephens, 1829: 53 (as genus). Type species, Limnobia modesta Meigen, 1818 (designation: Coquillett, 1910).
Telecephala Pierre, 1922: 149 (as genus). Type species, Limnobia longicollis Macquart, 1846 (monotypic).
Tedotea Santos Abreu, 1923: 143 (as genus). Type species, Tedotea domestica Santos Abreu, 1923 (monotypic).

elegantula (Alexander), 1913a: 195. (Dicranomyia). Type locality: Colombia, Cauca, Almaguer. Distr.: Colombia
(Cauca, Almaguer: Alexander, 1913a)

insignifica (Alexander), 1912b: 363 (Furcomyia). Type locality: Peru, Iquico. Distr.: Colombia, Peru.

longiventris (Alexander), 1913a: 198. (Dicranomyia). Type locality: Colombia, Cauca, Valle de Las Papas. Distr.:
Colombia (Cauca, Valle de Las Papas: Alexander, 1913a).

pampoecila (Alexander), 1922b: 1 (Limonia). Type locality: Costa Rica, Tiribi. Distr.: Brazil, Colombia
(Chinquiquita: Alexander, 1938a), Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panamá, Peru, Venezuela.

quadrituberculata (Alexander), 1937: 601 (Limonia). Type locality: Colombia, Usme near Bogotá. Distr.:
Colombia (Bogota, Usme: Alexander, 1937).

subandicola (Alexander), 1947b: 60 (Limonia). Type locality: Mexico, Mexico D.F., El Junquito. Distr.: Bolivia,
Colombia (Cauca, Almaguer: Alexander, 1947b), México, Peru, Venezuela.

teinoterga (Alexander), 1967b: 303 (Limonia). Type locality: Colombia, Mt Redondo. Distr.: Colombia
(Cundinamarca, Monterredondo: Alexander, 1967b).

Subgenus Neoglochina Alexander

Neoglochina Alexander, 1967b: 316 (as subgenus of Limonia). Type species, Limonia felix Alexander, 1950
(original designation).

capnora metae (Alexander), 1938a: 434 (Limonia). Type locality: Colombia, Meta, Restrepe. Distr.: Colombia
(Meta, Restrepo: Alexander, 1938a).

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Subgenus Neolimnobia Alexander

Neolimnobia Alexander, 1928a: 20 (as subgenus of Dicranomyia). Type species, Limnobia diva Schiner, 1868
(original designation).

diva (Schiner), 1868: 46 (as Limnobia). Type locality: “Brazil”. Distr.: Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia (Meta, Restrepo:
Alexander, 1938a), Cuba, Jamaica, México, Panamá, Puerto Rico, Venezuela.

Subgenus Peripheroptera Schiner

Peripheroptera Schiner, 1868: 47 (as genus). Type species, Peripheroptera nitens Schiner, 1868 (original

nitens (Schiner), 1868: 47 (Peripheroptera). Type locality: Colombia, Venezuela. Distr.: Colombia, Panamá, Peru,

Genus Elephantomyia Osten Sacken

Elephantomyia Osten Sacken, 1860: 220 (as genus). Type species, Limnobiorhynchus canadensis Westwood,
1835, sensu Osten Sacken, 1860 (original designation) [= westwoodi Osten Sacken, 1869].

Subgenus Elephantomyia Osten Sacken

Elephantomyia Osten Sacken, 1860: 220 (as genus). Type species, Limnobiorhynchus canadensis Westwood,
1835, sensu Osten Sacken, 1860 (original designation) [= westwoodi Osten Sacken, 1869].

angustissima (Alexander), 1931: 632 (Elephantomyia). Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena, Mt. Santa Marta,
Vista Nieve. Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena, Vista Nieve: Mt. Santa Marta: Alexander, 1931), México.

humilis (Alexander), 1931: 632 (Elephantomyia). Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena, Mt. Santa Marta, Vista
Nieve. Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena, Vista Nieve: Mt. Santa Marta: Alexander, 1931).

Genus Geranomyia Haliday.

Geranomyia Haliday, 1833: 154 (as genus). Type species, Geranomyia unicolor Haliday, 1833 (monotypic).
Limnobiorhynchus Westwood, 1836: 683 (as genus). Type species, Limnobiorhynchus brailiensis Westwood, 1836
(designation: Coquillett, 1910).
Aporosa Macquart, 1839: 100 (as genus). Type species, Aporosa maculipennis Macquart, 1839 (designation: Coquillett, 1910).
Pletussa Philippi, 1866: 597 (as genus). Type species, Pletussa virescens Philippi, 1866 (designation: Coquillett, 1910).
Triphana Skuse, 1890: 777 (as subgenus of Geranomyia). Type species, Geranomyia lutulenta Skuse, 1890 (designation:
Alexander, 1920b).
Tetraphana Skuse, 1890: 778 (as subgenus of Geranomyia). Type species, Geranomyia fusca Skuse, 1890 (monotypic).
Monophana Edwards, 1912: 200 (as subgenus of Geranomyia). Type species, Geranomyia immaculata Edwards, 1912
Pseudaporosa Alexander, 1924: 177 (as subgenus of Geranomyia). Type species, Geranomyia venustithorax Alexander, 1924
(original designation).
Parageranomyia Santos Abreu, 1923: 100 (as genus). Type species, Parageranomyia palmensis Santos Abreu, 1923

eurygramma eurygramma (Alexander), 1928b: 107 (as Geranomyia). Type species, México, Veracruz, Córdoba,
Barranca of the Rio San Antonio. Distr.: Colombia, Dominica, Ecuador, México, Panamá.

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lacteitarsis (Alexander), 1922b: 34 (Geranomyia). Type locality: Colombia, Condoto. Distr.: Colombia (Choco,
Condoto: Alexander, 1922b).

laudanda (Alexander), 1938b: 330 (Limonia). Type locality: Colombia, Usme. Distr.: Colombia (Bogota, Usme),

lineata (Enderlein), 1912: 73 (Geranomyia). Type locality: Colombia, Hacienda Pehlke. Distr.: Colombia (Tolima,
Hacienda Pehlke: Enderlein, 1912).

marthae (Alexander), 1930: 726 (Limonia). Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena, Mt, Santa Marta, Vista Nieve.
Distr.: Bolivia, Colombia (Magdalena, Vista Nieve, Mt. Santa Marta: Alexander, 1930), Venezuela.

neogaudens (Alexander), 1942: 784 (Limonia). Type locality: Peru, Ayacucho, Huanta, Lake Rasvilca. Distr.:
Colombia, Peru.

neonumenius (Alexander), 1930: 729 (Limonia). Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena, Mt, Santa Marta, Vista
Nieve. Distr.: Bolivia, Colombia (Magdalena, Vista Nieve, Mt. Santa Marta).

plumbeipleura (Alexander), 1916: 10 (Geranomyia). Type locality: Ecuador, Huigra. Distr.: Brazil, Colombia
(Caldas; Magdalena, La Cumbre, Mt. Santa Marta), Dominica, Ecuador, Panama, Peru, Trinidad, Venezuela.

recondita recondita (Alexander), 1921b: 42 (Geranomyia). Type locality: Peru, Iquitos. Distr.: Brazil, Colombia
(Gorgona Is), Ecuador, Guyana, Panamá, Peru, Puerto Rico.

versuta (Alexander), 1930: 728 (Limonia). Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena, Mt, Santa Marta, Vista Nieve.
Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena, Vista Nieve, Mt. Santa Marta: Alexander, 1930), México.

walkeri (Alexander), 1930: 730 (Limonia). Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena, Mt, Santa Marta, Vista Nieve.
Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena, Vista Nieve, Mt. Santa Marta: Alexander, 1930), Brazil, Venezuela.

Genus Helius Lepeletier & Serville, 1828

Megarhina Lepeletier and Serville, 1828: 585 (as genus). Type species, Limnobia longirostris Meigen, 1818 (monotypic).
Helius Latreille et al., 1828: 655 (as genus). Type species, Limnobia longirostris Meigen, 1818 (autom.).
Leptorhina Stephens, 1829: 243 (as genus). Type species, Limnobia longirostris Meigen, 1818 (monotypic).
Rhamphidia Meigen, 1830: 281 (as genus). Type species, Limnobia longirostris Meigen, 1818 (designation: Westwood, 1840).

Subgenus Helius Lepeletier & Serville, 1828

Megarhina Lepeletier and Serville, 1828: 585 (as genus). Type species, Limnobia longirostris Meigen, 1818 (monotypic).
Helius Latreille et al., 1828: 655 (as genus). Type species, Limnobia longirostris Meigen, 1818 (autom.).
Leptorhina Stephens, 1829: 243 (as genus). Type species, Limnobia longirostris Meigen, 1818 (monotypic).
Rhamphidia Meigen, 1830: 281 (as genus). Type species, Limnobia longirostris Meigen, 1818 (designation: Westwood, 1840).

albitarsis albitarsis (Osten Sacken), 1888: 184 (Rhamphidia). Type locality: “Puerto Rico”. Distr.: Colombia,
Cuba, Dominica, Guyana, Jamaica, Peru, Puerto Rico, St. Vincent, Venezuela.

Genus Limonia Meigen

Amphinome Meigen, 1800 (as genus). Type species, Tipula tripunctata Fabricius, 1781 (designation: Coquillett, 1910). Name
suppressed by I.C.Z.N., 1963: 20 (Opinion 678).

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Limonia Meigen, 1803: 262 (as genus). Type species, Tipula tripunctata Fabricius, 1781 (autom.) [= phragmitidis (Schrank,
Limnobia Meigen, 1818: 116 (as [unnecessary] new name for Limonia Meigen, 1803. Type species: Tipula tripunctata
Fabricius, 1781.
Unomyia Meigen, 1818: 135 (as genus). Type species, Tipula tripunctata Fabricius, 1781 (designation: Coquillett, 1910).
Limnomyza Rondani, 1856: 185 (as genus). Type species, Tipula tripunctata Fabricius, 1781 (original designation).

ocellata (Röder), 1886: 259 (Limnobia). Type locality: Colombia, Cerro del Altar. Distr.: Colombia.

Genus Neolimonia Alexander

Neolimonia Alexander, 1964: 28 (as subgenus of Limonia). Type species, Furcomyia eiseni Alexander, 1912
(original designation).

cordillerensis (Alexander), 1913a: 196 (Dicranomyia). Type locality: Colombia, Cauca, Valle de Las Papas. Distr.:
Colombia (Cauca, Valle de Las Papas: Alexander, 1913a).

sanctaemartae (Alexander), 1930: 722 (Limonia). Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena, Mt, Santa Marta, La
Cumbre. Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena, La Cumbre, Mt. Santa Marta: Alexander, 1930), Peru.

Genus Orimarga Osten Sacken

Orimarga Osten Sacken 1869: 120 (as genus). Type species, Limnobia alpina Zetterstedt, 1851 (designation: Coquillett, 1910)
[= attenuata (Walker, 1848)].
Ninguis Wallengren, 1882: 183, 206 (as genus). Type species, Limnobia virgo Zetterstedt, 1851 (designation: Coquillett, 1910).

Subgenus Orimarga Osten Sacken

Orimarga Osten Sacken 1869: 120 (as genus). Type species, Limnobia alpina Zetterstedt, 1851 (designation: Coquillett, 1910)
[= attenuata (Walker, 1848)].
Ninguis Wallengren, 1882: 183, 206 (as genus). Type species, Limnobia virgo Zetterstedt, 1851 (designation: Coquillett, 1910).

andina (Alexander), 1916: 14 (Orimarga). Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena, Mt, Santa Marta, La Cumbre.
Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena, La Cumbre, Mt. Santa Marta: Alexander, 1916).

Genus Rhipidia Meigen

Rhipidia Meigen, 1818: 153. Type species, Rhipidia maculata Meigen, 1818 (monotypic).
Ceratostephanus Brunetti, 1911: 271. Type species, Ceratostephanus antennatus Brunetti, 1911 (monotypic).
Arhipidia Alexander, 1912c: 6 (as subgenus of Rhipidia). Type species, Rhipidia domestica Osten Sacken, 1860 (designation:
Alexander, 1950).
Monorhipidia Alexander, 1912c: 6 (as subgenus of Rhipidia). Type species, Rhipidia domestica Osten Sacken, 1860
(designation: Alexander, 1950).
Conorhipidia Alexander, 1914c: 117 (as subgenus of Rhipidia). Type species, Rhipidia conica Alexander, 1914c (original

Subgenus Rhipidia Meigen

Rhipidia Meigen, 1818: 153 (as genus). Type species, Rhipidia maculata Meigen, 1818 (monotypic).
Ceratostephanus Brunetti, 1911: 271 (as genus). Type species, Ceratostephanus antennatus Brunetti, 1911 (monotypic).
Arhipidia Alexander, 1912c: 6 (as subgenus of Rhipidia). Type species, Rhipidia domestica Osten Sacken, 1860 (designation:
Alexander, 1950).
Monorhipidia Alexander, 1912c: 6 (as subgenus of Rhipidia). Type species, Rhipidia domestica Osten Sacken, 1860

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(designation: Alexander, 1950).
Conorhipidia Alexander, 1914c: 117 (as subgenus of Rhipidia). Type species, Rhipidia conica Alexander, 1914c (original

annulicornis (Enderlein), 1912: 80 (Rhipidia). Type locality: Colombia, Hacienda Pehlke. Distr.: Brazil, Colombia
(Tolima, Hacienda Pehlke: Enderlein, 1912), Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Trinidad, Venezuela.

luxuriosa (Alexander), 1929c: 247 (Limonia). Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena, La Cumbre. Distr.: Colombia
(Magdalena, La Cumbre).

mystica (Alexander), 1931: 627 (Limonia). Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena, Mt, Santa Marta, Vista Nieve.
Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena, Vista Nieve, Mt. Santa Marta: Alexander, 1931), Honduras.

nigrorostrata muzoensis (Alexander), 1938a: 434 (Limonia). Type locality: Colombia, Boyacá, Muzo. Distr.:
Colombia (Boyacá, Muzo: Alexander, 1938a).

stonei (Alexander), 1938b: 328 (Limonia). Type locality: Colombia, Usme. Distr.: Colombia (Bogota, Usme:
Alexander, 1938b).

subpectinata pleuralis (Alexander), 1912c: 12 (Rhipidia). Type locality: Guatemala, Trece Aguas, Cacao, Alta
Vera, Paz. Distr.: Colombia, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama.

tripectinata (Alexander), 1931: 625 (Limonia). Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena, Mt, Santa Marta, Vista
Nieve. Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena, Vista Nieve, Mt. Santa Marta: Alexander, 1931).

Genus Toxorhina Loew

Toxorhina Loew, 1850: 36. Type species, Toxorhina fragilis Loew, 1851 (designation: Osten Sacken, 1869).
Neoceratocheilus Wesche, 1910: 356. Type species, Neoceratocheilus grahami Wesche, 1910 (monotypic).

Subgenus Ceratocheilus Wesche

Ceratocheilus Wesche, 1910 (as genus). Type species, Ceratocheilus winnsampsoni Wesche, 1910 (designation: Brunetti,
1920) [= cornigera (Speiser, 1908)].
Neostyringomyia Alexander, 1912d: 85 (as subgenus of Styringomyia Loew, 1845). Type species, Styringomyia cornigera
Speiser, 1908 (original designation).
Conithorax Brunetti, 1918: 298 (as genus). Type species, Conithorax latifrons Brunetti, 1918 (original designation).

americana (Alexander), 1913d: 49 (Ceratocheilus). Type locality: Panamá, Culebra. Distr.: Brazil, Colombia,
Costa Rica, Guyana, Panama, Peru.

leucomelanopus (Enderlein), 1912: 78 (Aporosa). Type locality: Colombia, Hacienda Pelhke. Distr.: Colombia
(Tolima, Hacienda Pehlke: Enderlein, 1912).

niveitarsis (Alexander), 1922b: 49 (Ceratocheilus). Type locality: Colombia, Boca del Condoto. Distr.: Colombia
(Choco, Boca del Condoto: Alexander, 1922b).

Subgenus Toxorhina Loew

Toxorhina Loew, 1850: 36 (as genus). Type species, Toxorhina fragilis Loew, 1851 (designation: Osten Sacken, 1869).
Neoceratocheilus Wesche, 1910: 356 (as genus). Type species, Neoceratocheilus grahami Wesche, 1910 (monotypic).

atripes (Alexander), 1922b: 48 (Toxorhina). Type locality: Colombia, Condoto. Distr.: Colombia (Choco,
Condoto: Alexander, 1922b).

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TABLE 1. Tipulidae and Limoniidae species recorded from Colombia (according to the Catalogue of Crane flies of the World
by Oosterbroek 2015).
Family Subfamily Genus Subgenus Species Subspecies Author
Tipulidae Tipulinae Brachypremna dispellens (Walker, 1861)
Leptotarsus Pehlkea columbianus (Enderlein, 1912)
regina (Alexander, 1914)
Tanypremna elegantior (Alexander, 1945)
fuscitarsis (Alexander, 1919)
longipes (Fabricius, 1805)
Nephrotoma alleni (Alexander, 1913)
globosa Alexander, 1969
medioligula Alexander, 1945
Ozodicera Dihexaclonus telestyla Alexander, 1969
Tipula Bellardina obliquefasciata Macquart, 1846
Eumicrotipula armillata Alexander, 1916
bogotana Alexander, 1938
carizona Alexander, 1913
foersteriana Alexander, 1967
laterosetosa Alexander, 1931
mecoglossa Alexander, 1967
miranha Alexander, 1913
mitua Alexander, 1916
mocoa Alexander, 1913
moniliferoides Alexander, 1920a
moniliformis von Roder, 1886
ornaticornis van der Wulp, 1891
pallidineuris Macquart, 1846
redunca Alexander, 1967
riveti tolimensis Alexander, 1941
Microtipula colombicola Alexander, 1929
erostrata Alexander, 1945
multimoda Alexander, 1938
perangustula Alexander, 1938
tenuicula Enderlein, 1912
urophora Alexander, 1938
Zelandotipula austrofurcifera Alexander, 1969
corynostyla Alexander, 1969
longitarsis (Macquart, 1846)
orophila (Alexander, 1914)
retrorsa Alexander, 1969
wardiana Alexander, 1981
Limoniidae Chioneinae Atarba Atarba brunneicornis Alexander, 1916
columbiana Alexander, 1913
Ischnothrix lloydi (Alexander, 1913)
Erioptera Erioptera andina Alexander, 1913
annulipes Williston, 1896
...Continued on next page

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TABLE 1. (Continued)
Family Subfamily Genus Subgenus Species Subspecies Author
quinquecincta Alexander, 1927
Eugnophomyia luctuosa (Osten Sacken, 1860)
Gnophomyia acricula Alexander, 1931
vilis Alexander, 1931
Gonomyia Gonomyia andicola Alexander, 1913
methodica Alexander, 1931
Leiponeura cervaria Alexander, 1938
Paralipophleps lemniscata Alexander, 1931
Molophilus Molophilus capricornis Alexander, 1916
conscriptus Alexander, 1938
flexilistylus Alexander, 1931
lictor Alexander, 1938
luxuriosus Alexander, 1938
marthae Alexander, 1931
perseus Alexander, 1913
subtenebricosus Alexander, 1931
tenebricosus Alexander, 1916
walkeri Alexander, 1931
Neognophomyia colombicola Alexander, 1931
Rhabdomastix Rhabdomastix tantilla Alexander, 1938
Styringomyia maya Ribeiro, 2003
Symplecta Symplecta colombiana colombiana (Alexander, 1937)
Teucholabis Paratropesa chalybeia Alexander, 1927
Teucholabis jocosa Alexander, 1913
marticola Alexander, 1931
megaphallus Alexander, 1968
salti Alexander, 1930
spinigera Schiner, 1868
trifasciata trifasciata Enderlein, 1912
venezuelensis (Macquart, 1846)
Limnophilinae Epiphragma Epiphragma cordillerense Alexander, 1913
delicatulum Osten Sacken, 1888
gracilicorne Alexander, 1916
Hexatoma Eriocera antennata (Alexander, 1930)
bequaertiana Alexander, 1938
braconides (Enderlein, 1912)
columbiana (Alexander, 1919)
ohausiana (Enderlein, 1912)
perlaeta (Alexander, 1922)
sanctaemartae (Alexander, 1919)
schineri (Alexander, 1922)
virgulativentris (Enderlein, 1912)
Lecteria Lecteria retrorsa Alexander, 1969
Limnophila Limnophila lloydi Alexander, 1913
...Continued on next page

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TABLE 1. (Continued)
Family Subfamily Genus Subgenus Species Subspecies Author
Polymera Polymera ominosa Alexander, 1938
sordidipes Alexander, 1938
Shannonomyia Shannonomyia bogotensis Alexander, 1938
lathraea (Alexander, 1926)
orophila (Alexander, 1913)
Limoniinae Dicranomyia Dicranomyia elegantula Alexander, 1913
insignifica (Alexander, 1912)
longiventris Alexander, 1913
pampoecila Alexander, 1922
quadrituberculata (Alexander, 1937)
subandicola (Alexander, 1947)
teinoterga (Alexander, 1967)
Neoglochina capnora metae (Alexander, 1938)
Neolimnobia diva (Schiner, 1868)
Peripheroptera nitens (Schiner, 1868)
Elephantomyia Elephantomyia angustissima Alexander, 1931
humilis Alexander, 1931
Geranomyia eurygramma eurygramma Alexander, 1928
lacteitarsis Alexander, 1922
laudanda (Alexander, 1938)
lineata Enderlein, 1912
marthae (Alexander, 1930)
neogaudens (Alexander, 1942)
neonumenius (Alexander, 1930)
plumbeipleura Alexander, 1916
recondita recondita Alexander, 1921
versuta (Alexander, 1930)
walkeri (Alexander, 1930)
Helius Helius albitarsis albitarsis (Osten Sacken, 1888)
Limonia Uncertain ocellata (von Roder, 1886)
Neolimonia cordillerensis (Alexander, 1913)
sanctaemartae (Alexander, 1930)
Orimarga Orimarga andina Alexander, 1916
Rhipidia Rhipidia annulicornis Enderlein, 1912
luxuriosa (Alexander, 1929)
mystica (Alexander, 1931)
nigrorostrata muzoensis (Alexander, 1938)
stonei (Alexander, 1938)
subpectinata subpectinata Alexander, 1912
tripectinata (Alexander, 1931)
Toxorhina Ceratocheilus americana (Alexander, 1913)
leucomelanopus (Enderlein, 1912)
niveitarsis (Alexander, 1922)
Toxorhina atripes Alexander, 1922

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División Entomología, Museo de La Plata, Paseo del Bosque s/n, 1900 La Plata, Argentina. E-mail:
Grupo de Entomologia, Instituto de Biologia, Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín-Colombia. E-mail:
Corresponding author: E-mail:


Two hundred and thirty five species of Ceratopogonids arranged in 28 genera are listed for Colombia, mostly Culicoides
(112 species) and Forcipomyia (50 species). For each listed species, information on type locality, type category and sex,
location of type material, species distribution, localities for Colombia and main references, is provided. Localities are not
specified for 17 species in which the literature searching was negative. Forcipomyia squamitibia Lutz and Bezzia clavi-
pennis are excluded from the list.

Key words: catalogue, Ceratopogonidae, Colombia, distribution, localities, species list


The Ceratopogonidae are commonly known as biting midges, no-see-ums or punkies, in Spanish as manta blanca,
polvorines, or jejenes (which also may refer to Simuliidae), and in Portuguese as maruim or mosquito pólvora.
Adult females of Leptoconops Skuse Culicoides Latreille and Forcipomyia Meigen (only in the subgenus
Lasiohelea Kieffer) are haematophagous on vertebrates, needing the blood to develop their eggs. They are nasty
biters that pester humans and domestic animals and, in some instances, transmit harmful diseases (Borkent &
Spinelli 2007). On the other hand, this group of flies provides important services in a wide array of ecosystems.
Some species are important pollinators of such plants as cacao and rubber trees, and the larvae of many are
important predators of other organisms in semiaquatic and aquatic habitats. The adults of most biting midges
actually suck blood from other insects and may even be important vectors of viruses that kill caterpillars (Borkent
et al. 2009).
Borkent and Spinelli (2007), in their catalog of the Neotropical ceratopogonids, listed 1093 species and 132
new species were subsequently described. From the 1225 species that inhabit the Neotropics, 235 arranged in 28
genera are reported from Colombia, mostly Culicoides (112 species) and Forcipomyia (50 species) (Table 1).
We are presenting here the updated catalog of the Ceratopogonidae of Colombia (Table 1). Under the heading
for each generic name, citations for keys to species or the most recent revision of the species in that group are
provided. In some instances these are only for a species group or a limited geographical area. When a reference is
not given, the most recent references are those of the genus and/or species themselves. For each listed species, the
following information is included: type locality, type category and sex, location of type material, species
distribution, localities for Colombia (between brackets) and main references. The latter include the original
description, those mentioning Colombian localities, lists and catalogs. The literature searching for localities of 17
species reported for Colombia was negative, and for these species the first report for the country is included.
Specific epithets of synonyms are accompanied by type locality, type category and sex, and location of type
material. Two species were erroneously recorded for Colombia, Forcipomyia squamitibia Lutz by Marino &
Spinelli (2002) and Bezzia clavipennis in the original description by Spinelli & Wirth (1989b), and they are
excluded from the list.

98 Accepted by S. Nihei: 25 May 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016

Acronyms used for the depositories

BMNH—Department of Entomology, Natural History Museum, London, SW7 5BD, United Kingdom.
CAIM—Colección de Insectos con Importancia Médica. Laboratorio de Entomología, InDRE, Francisco de P.
Miranda No. 177, Col. Unidad Lomas Plateros, México D.F. 11340, Mexico.
CASC—Department of Entomology, California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco,
California, 94118, USA.
CNCI—Canadian National Collection of Insects, Eastern Cereal and Oilseed Research Centre, Agriculture 8
Canada, K.W. Neatby Building, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0C6, Canada.
CUIC—Department of Entomology, Comstock Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 14853 –0999, USA.
DEFS—Departamento de Epidemiologia, Faculdade de Saúde Pública, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Dr.
Arnaldo, 715, 01.255, São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
FIOC—Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Departamento de Entomologia, Caixa Postal 926, 20010 Rio de Janeiro, Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil.
FSCA—Florida State Collection of Arthropods, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Division of Plant Industry, 1911 SW 34th Street, Gainesville, Florida, 32608-1268, USA.
HNHM—Zoological Dept., Hungarian Natural History Museum, Baross utca 13, H –1088, Budapest, Hungary.
ICNC—Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Carrera 30#45-03. Código postal 111321. Instituto de Ciencias
Naturales. Edificio 425.
INHC—Instituto Nacional de Higiene, Caracas, Venezuela.
INMA—Departamento de Artropodología Sanitaria, Instituto Nacional de Microbiología “Dr. Carlos G. Malbrán”,
Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
MCZC—Entomology Department, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, 26 Oxford St.,
Cambridge, Massachusetts, 02138, USA.
MHNL—Museo de Historia Natural La Salle, Caracas, Venezuela.
MLPA—Museo de la Plata, Division Entomologia, Universidad de La Palata, Paseo del Bosque, 1900 La Plata,
MNHN—Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, 45, rue Buffon, Paris, 75005, France.
MUNS—Museo Nacional, Santiago, Chile.
UNCE—Universidad Central del Ecuador. Cuidadela Universitaria, Quito, Ecuador.
UNPR—School of Tropical Medicine, University of Puerto Rico, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
USNM—United States National Entomological Collection, Dept. of Entomology, U.S. National Museum of
Natural History, Washington, DC 20560, USA.
ZMHB—Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Invalidenstrasse 43, Berlin 1040, Germany.

List of abbreviations

distr.—Geographical Distribution
orig. des.—original designation
sub. des.—subsequent designation
F (f#)—Female

CATALOGUE OF CERATOPOGONIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 99

M (m#)—Male

Catalogue of Ceratopogonidae of Colombia

(The names of those species of Leptoconops and Culicoides which are known to bite humans are underlined).

Family Ceratopogonidae Newman, 1834

Subfamily Leptoconopinae Noè, 1907

Genus Leptoconops Skuse

Leptoconops Skuse, 1889: 288. Type species, Leptoconops stygius Skuse (mon.). Refs.: Ronderos, 1988 (key to females from
Argentina); Ronderos & Spinelli, 1992 (key to females); Wirth & Atchley, 1973 (key to subgenera of females, other than
Proleptoconops; key to Nearctic females).
Tersesthes Townsend, 1893: 370. Type species, Tersesthes torrens Townsend (orig. des.).
Mycterotypus Noè, 1905: 114. Type species, Mycterotypus bezzii Noè, sub. des. by Carter, 1921:3.
Protersesthes Kieffer, 1921b: 107. Type species, Tersesthes brasiliensis Lutz (orig. des.).

Subgenus Megaconops Wirth & Atchley

Megaconops Wirth & Atchley, 1973: 18 (as subgenus of Leptoconops). Type species, Leptoconops floridensis Wirth (orig.

floridensis Wirth, 1951a: 282. Type locality: USA, Florida, Escambia Co., Santa Rosa Island. T F (UNFL). Distr.:
USA (Florida), Jamaica, Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Bahia Buenaventura, “Bella Vista”)). Refs.: Wirth, 1951a:
282; Wirth & Atchley, 1973: 18; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 44.

Subfamily Forcipomyiinae Lenz, 1934

Genus Atrichopogon Kieffer

Atrichopogon Kieffer, 1906a: 53 (as subgenus of Ceratopogon). Type species, Ceratopogon exilis Coquillett (= Ceratopogon
levis Coquillett), Coquillett, 1910: 512 (des.). Refs.: Huerta, 1996 (key to males and females from Mexico); Ingram &
Macfie, 1931 (key males and females from Patagonia and southern Chile); Macfie, 1939b (key to males and females from
the Neotropical Region).

Subgenus Atrichopogon Kieffer

auricoma Kieffer, 1917b: 300. Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena, Aracataca. T F (HNHM, lost). Distr.:
Colombia (Magdalena (Aracataca)). Refs.: Kieffer 1917b: 300; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 44; Borkent, 2015: 18

columbianus Kieffer, 1917b: 300). Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena, Aracataca. T F (HNHM, lost). Distr.:
Colombia (Magdalena (Aracataca)). Refs.: Kieffer 1917b: 300; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 45; Borkent, 2015: 20

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Genus Forcipomyia Meigen

Forcipomyia Meigen, 1818: 73, 75. Type species, Tipula bipunctata Linnaeus, Westwood, 1840: 126 (des.). Generic name first
published in synonymy with Ceratopogon but available under I.C.Z.N Code Article 11(e). Refs.: Debenham, 1987 (key to
males and females to subgenera from Australasian Region which includes all Neotropical subgenera other than
Rhynchoforcipomyia and Saliohelea); Ingram & Macfie, 1931 (key to males and females from Patagonia and southern
Chile); Wirth & Ratanaworabhan, 1978 (key to females to subgenera; their genus A near Lepidohelea = Pedilohelea).
Tetraphora Philippi, 1865: 630. Type species, Tetraphora fusca Philippi (mon.).

Subgenus Caloforcipomyia Saunders

Caloforcipomyia Saunders, 1957: 680 (as subgenus of Forcipomyia). Type species, Forcipomyia caerulea Saunders (orig.
des.). Refs.: Utmar & Wirth, 1976 (key to New World males and females).

caerulea Saunders, 1957: 681. Type locality: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. HT F (# 6504 CNCI). Distr.: Panama,
Colombia (Antioquia (Río Anorí), Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)), Dominica, Brazil (Pará, Rio de Janeiro). Refs.:
Saunders, 1957: 681; Utmar & Wirth, 1976: 115; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 48.

eukosma Macfie, 1939b: 148. Type locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutonia. LT M (BMNH). Distr.:
Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)), Dominica, Brazil (Pará, São Paulo, Río de Janeiro, Santa Catarina).
Refs.: Macfie, 1939b: 148; Utmar & Wirth, 1976: 119; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 48.

glauca Macfie, 1934: 144. Type locality: Great Britain, Norfolk, Hickling Broad. HT M (BMNH). Distr.: Europe,
North America (Alberta to Nova Scotia to Arkansas and Florida) to Colombia (?) and southern Brazil. Refs.:
Macfie, 1934: 144; Utmar & Wirth, 1976: 123; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 48.

hatoensis Utmar & Wirth, 1976: 131. Type locality: Panama, Chiriqui, El Hato. HT M (# 72216 USNM). Distr.:
Mexico (Sinaloa), Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia (Antioquia (Río Anorí; Río Truando), Caquetá (Tres Esquinas)).
Refs.: Utmar & Wirth, 1976: 131; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 48.

hermosa Utmar & Wirth, 1976: 117. Type locality: Brazil, Pará, Belém. HT M (DEFS). Distr.: Costa Rica,
Panama, Colombia (Antioquia (Río Anorí), Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)), Jamaica, Panama, Brazil (Amazonas,
Pará). Refs.: Utmar & Wirth, 1976: 117; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 48.

remigera Utmar & Wirth, 1976: 121. Type locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo). HT M (# 72212
USNM). Distr.: Panama, Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)), French Guiana, Brazil (Pará). Refs.: Utmar &
Wirth, 1976: 121; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 48; Borkent, 2015: 30 (cat.).

sabalitensis Utmar & Wirth, 1976: 127. Type locality: Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Sabalito. HT M (# 72215 USNM).
Distr.: Honduras to Colombia (Antioquia (Camp Teresita, Río Truando)), Brazil (Paráná, Santa Catarina),
northeastern Argentina. Refs.: Utmar & Wirth, 1976: 127; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 48.

Subgenus Euprojoannisia Brèthes

Euprojoannisia Brèthes, 1914: 155. Type species, Euprojoannisia platensis Brèthes (orig. des.). Refs.: Bystrak & Wirth, 1978
(key to Nearctic larvae, pupae, males, females); Huerta, 1996 (key to males and females from Mexico).

blantoni Soria & Bystrak, 1975: 3. Type locality: Brazil, Bahia, Ilhéus (CEPEC). HT M (DEFS). Distr.: Eastern
USA to Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Palmira)), Ecuador, and Brazil (Bahia). Refs.: Soria & Bystrak, 1975: 3; Soria
& Wirth, 1979: 79; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 49.

Subgenus Forcipomyia Meigen

Refs.: Huerta, 1996 (key to females from Mexico); Marino & Spinelli, 1999 (key to species groups); Marino & Spinelli, 2001

CATALOGUE OF CERATOPOGONIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 101
(key to males and females from Patagonia); Marino & Spinelli, 2002 (key to squamitibia group); Wirth, 1982a (key to
argenteola group).

argenteola Species Group

argenteola Macfie, 1939b: 146. Type locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutonia. ST F (BMNH). Distr.:
Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Palmira)); Brazil (Rio de Janeiro, Santa Catarina), Paraguay, Argentina (Misiones).
Refs.: Macfie, 1939b: 146; Soria & Wirth, 1979: 79; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 49.

calatheae Wirth, 1982a: 573. Type locality: Dominica, Calabishie, swamp at mouth of Hodges river. HT F (#
76582 USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (San Jeronimo)), Dominica, Brazil (Bahia, Santa Catarina), northern
Argentina. Refs.: Wirth, 1982a: 573; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 49.

genualis Species Group

genualis (Loew), 1866: 128 (Ceratopogon). Type locality: Cuba. HT F (MCZC). Distr.: USA (Louisiana to
Florida), Bahamas, Mexico (Yucatán, Chiapas) to Colombia. Locality in Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Palmira)),
Galápagos Islands, Cayman Islands, Cuba to Argentina (Buenos Aires province); São Tomé. Refs.: Loew, 1866:
128; Wirth & Soria, 1975: 22; Soria & Wirth, 1979: 79; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 50.
propinqua (Williston), 1896: 279 (Ceratopogon). Type locality: St. Vincent. HT M (BMNH).
raleighi Macfie, 1938: 160. Type locality: Trinidad and Tobago, St. Augustine. LT M (BMNH).

harpegonata Wirth & Soria, 1975: 19. Type locality: Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, Penn Farm. HT M (# 69493
USNM). Distr.: Costa Rica, Bahamas, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Colombia (Chocó (Río Truando, Camp Teresita);
Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo; Palmira)), Trinidad and Tobago to Brazil (Amazonas, Pará, Bahia). Refs.: Wirth &
Soria, 1975: 19; Soria & Wirth, 1979: 79; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 50.

squamitibia Species Group

catarinensis Marino & Spinelli, 2002: 309. Type locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutonia. HT M (MLPA).
Distr.: Mexico, Costa Rica, Colombia (Antioquia (Tamesis)), Brazil. Refs.: Marino & Spinelli, 2002: 309; Borkent
& Spinelli, 2007: 51.

Subgenus Lasiohelea Kieffer

Centrorhynchus Lutz, 1913: 62 (preocc. Centrorhynchus Steven or Fisher Waldheim, 1829). Type species, Centrorhynchus
stylifer Lutz (orig. des.).
Lasiohelea Kieffer, 1921b: 115. Type species, Atrichopogon pilosipennis Kieffer (= Ceratopogon velox Winnertz) (orig. des.).
Refs.: Aitken et al., 1975 (species in Trinidad and Tobago); Ronderos & Spinelli, 1999 (rev. of Neotropical species).

stylifer (Lutz), 1913: 63 (Centrorhynchus). Type locality: Brazil, São Paulo, Tatuí. LT F (# 3699 FIOC). Distr.:
Belize to Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Palmira)), Ecuador, Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela to Northeastern
Argentina. Refs.: Lutz, 1913: 63; Soria & Wirth, 1979: 79; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 52.

Subgenus Lepidohelea Kieffer

Lepidohelea Kieffer, 1917b: 364. Type species, Ceratopogon chrysolophus Kieffer (orig. des.). Refs.: Wirth, 1991c (key to
species groups; key to males and females of bicolor group); Wirth & Spinelli, 1992 (males and females of seminole
subgroup); Wirth & Spinelli, 1993 (key to males and some females of annulatipes group).

annulatipes Macfie, 1939b: 154. Type locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutonia. HT M (BMNH). Distr.:

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Colombia (Antioquia (near Río Anorí), Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)), Brazil (Pará, Bahia, Santa Catarina). Refs.:
Macfie, 1939b: 154; Wirth & Spinelli, 1993: 111; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 52.

convexipenis Wirth & Spinelli, 1993: 116. Type locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo). HT M
(USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Turbo, Río León), Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)); Refs.: Wirth & Spinelli,
1993: 116; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 52; Borkent, 2015: 47 (cat.).

euthystyla Wirth & Spinelli, 1993: 117. Type locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo). HT M (USNM).
Distr.: Panama, Colombia (Antioquia (Turbo, Río León; near Río Anorí), (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)). Refs.:
Wirth & Spinelli, 1993: 117; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 52; Borkent, 2015: 47 (cat.).

hobbsi Wirth & Spinelli, 1993: 121. Type locality: Dominica, 2 km W Pont Casse. HT M (USNM). Distr.: Mexico
(Tabasco) to Colombia (Meta (Finca Barbascal)), Jamaica to Grenada. Refs.: Wirth & Spinelli, 1993: 121; Borkent
& Spinelli, 2007: 53.

luteigenua Wirth & Spinelli, 1992: 353. Type locality: Costa Rica, Limón, Siquirres, Hacienda Theobroma. HT F
(USNM). Distr.: USA (Florida) to Colombia (Antioquia (Tamesis)) and Brazil (Bahia). Refs.: Wirth & Spinelli,
1992: 353; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 53.

Subgenus Microhelea Kieffer

Microhelea Kieffer, 1917b: 364. Type species, Atrichopogon microtomus Kieffer, sub. des. by Kieffer, 1921a: 7, with
explanatory notation on erroneous previous type designation. Refs.: Clastrier & Wirth, 1995 (key to females in ixodoides
group); Huerta, 1996 (key to males and females from Mexico); Wirth, 1972 (key to females in fuliginosa group).
Phasmidohelea Mayer, 1937: 233. Type species, Phasmidohelea crudelis Mayer (= Ceratopogon fuliginosus Meigen) (orig.

antioquiae Clastrier & Wirth, 1995: 142. Type locality: Colombia, Antioquia (near Río Anorí). HT F (USNM).
Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (near Río Anorí)). Refs.: Clastrier & Wirth, 1995: 142; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 54;
Borkent, 2015: 49 (cat.).

belemensis Clastrier & Wirth, 1995: 140. Type locality: Brazil, Pará, Belém, APEG Forest. HT F (FIOC). Distr.:
Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo; Oleoducto de Pacific, 10 km NW Dagua)), Brazil (Pará). Refs.: Wirth,
1971: 239 (record of F. obesa from Colombia); Clastrier & Wirth, 1995: 140; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 54.

colombiana Clastrier & Wirth, 1995: 102. Type locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo). HT F (USNM).
Distr.: Costa Rica, Colombia (Antioquia (near Río Anorí), Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)). Refs.: Clastrier & Wirth,
1995: 102; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 54; Borkent, 2015: 50 (cat.).

fuliginosa (Meigen), 1818: 86 (Ceratopogon). Type locality: Germany, T?. Distr.: Widespread in the Palaearctic,
Oriental, Afrotropical, Nearctic and Neotropical regions. In the Neotropics south to Argentina and Uruguay.
Locality in Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Palmira)). Refs.: Meigen, 1818: 86; Soria & Wirth, 1979: 79; Borkent &
Spinelli, 2007: 54.
crudelis Knab, 1914: 66 (preocc. by Forcipomyia crudelis (Karsch), 1886). Type locality: Mexico, La
Oaxagena, near Santa Lucrecia. HT F (# 18420 USNM).
tropica (Kieffer), 1917b: 297 (Ceratopogon). Type locality: Costa Rica, San Mateo, Higueto. T F (HNHM,

insignipalpis Macfie, 1949: 109. Type locality: Mexico, Chiapas, San Cristobal, north of Aurora. HT F (BMNH).
Distr.: Mexico (Chiapas), Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Oleoducto de Pacífic, 10 km NW.
Dagua), Caquetá (Tres Esquinas)), Brazil (Pará). Refs.: Macfie, 1949: 109; Wirth, 1972: 573; Borkent & Spinelli,
2007: 54.

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penultimata Wirth, 1972: 573. Type locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutonia. HT F (# 71148 USNM).
Distr.: Belize and Jamaica to Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)), Brazil (Santa Catarina). Refs.: Wirth,
1972: 573; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 55.

raposoensis Clastrier & Wirth, 1995: 144. Type locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo). HT F (USNM).
Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)). Refs.: Clastrier & Wirth, 1995: 144; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007:
55; Borkent, 2015: 51 (cat.).

squamosa Lutz, 1914: 87. Type locality: Brazil, Río de Janaeiro, Manguinhos. ST M (FIOC). Distr.: Colombia
(Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo; Oleoducto de Pacífic, 10 km NW Dagua)), Bolivia, Brazil (Amazonas, Bahia, Rio
de Janeiro, Santa Catarina), Argentina (Mendoza). Refs.: Lutz, 1914: 87; Wirth, 1972: 569; Borkent & Spinelli,
2007: 55.

valleensis Clastrier & Wirth, 1995: 145. Type locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo). HT F (USNM).
Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)). Refs.: Clastrier & Wirth, 1995: 145; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007:
55; Borkent, 2015: 51 (cat.).

vernoni Clastrier & Wirth, 1995: 138. Type locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo). HT F (USNM).
Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)). Refs.: Clastrier & Wirth, 1995: 138; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007:
55; Borkent, 2015: 52 (cat.).

willistoni Wirth, 1971: 242. Type locality: Puerto Rico, El Verde, Luquillo Mts. HT F (# 71146 USNM). Distr.:
Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Colombia (Cauca, Tambo, Finca Carpenteria), Brazil (Santa Catarina). Refs.: Wirth, 1971:
242; Clastrier & Wirth, 1995: 134; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 55.

Subgenus Pedilohelea de Meillon & Wirth

Pedilohelea de Meillon & Wirth, 1980: 9 (as subgenus of Forcipomyia). Type species, Forcipomyia clastrieri Dessart (orig.
des.). Refs.: de Meillon & Wirth, 1980 (key to males, some females).

aitkeni de Meillon & Wirth, 1980: 12. Type locality: Brazil, Pará, Belém. HT M (# 67551 USNM). Distr.:
Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)), Brazil (Pará). Refs.: de Meillon & Wirth, 1980: 12; Borkent & Spinelli,
2007: 55.

raposoi de Meillon & Wirth, 1980: 21. Type locality: Brazil, Pará, Belém. HT M (# 67237 USNM). Distr.:
Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)), Brazil (Pará). Refs.: de Meillon & Wirth, 1980: 21; Borkent & Spinelli,
2007: 55; Borkent, 2015: 53 (cat.).

spangleri de Meillon & Wirth, 1980: 21. Type locality: Guatemala, Suchitepequez, San Antonio Suchitepequez.
HT M (# 65711 USNM). Distr.: Mexico (Yucatán), Guatemala, Panama, Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)),
Ecuador. Refs.: de Meillon & Wirth, 1980: 21; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 55.

spilmani de Meillon & Wirth, 1980: 22. Type locality: Dominica, Clarke Hall. HT M (# 73565 USNM). Distr.:
Panama, Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)), Dominica, Trinidad and Tobago, Brazil (Santa Catarina).
Refs.: de Meillon & Wirth, 1980: 22; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 55.

Subgenus Pterobosca Macfie

Pterobosca Macfie, 1932a: 266. Unavailable name; proposed after 1930 without type species designation.
Pterobosca Macfie, 1940d: 16. Type species, Ceratopogon aeschnosuga de Meijere (orig. des.).

incubans (Macfie), 1937: 111 (Pterobosca). Type locality: Belize, Cayo District, Mtn. Pine Ridge, on Argia ulmeca.
HT F (BMNH). Distr.: Mexico (San Luis Potosí, Veracruz), Puerto Rico, Colombia (Risaralda (La Virginia en
Pantano)) to Argentina (Buenos Aires). Refs.: Macfie, 1937: 111; Wirth, 1956: 363; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 56.

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Subgenus Rhynchoforcipomyia Wirth & Dow

Rhynchoforcipomyia Wirth & Dow, 1972: 863 (as subgenus of Forcipomyia). Type species, Forcipomyia messersmithi Wirth
& Dow (orig. des.). Refs.: Wirth & Dow, 1972 (key to females).

brachyrhyncha Wirth & Dow, 1972: 867. Type locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo). HT F (# 71168
USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)), Trinidad and Tobago. Refs.: Wirth & Dow, 1972: 867;
Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 56; Borkent, 2015: 54 (cat.).

messersmithi Wirth & Dow, 1972: 864. Type locality: El Salvador, Cuscatlán, San Pedro Perulapán. HT F (#
71167 USNM). Distr.: Mexico (Veracruz), Jamaica, Central America to Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)).
Refs.: Wirth & Dow, 1972: 864; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 57.

puracensis Wirth & Dow, 1972: 867. Type locality: Colombia, Cauca, Parámo de Purace, 28 km S Purace. HT F (#
71165 USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Cauca (Parámo de Purace, 28 km S Purace). Refs.: Wirth & Dow, 1972: 867;
Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 57; Borkent, 2015: 54 (cat.).

zeteki Wirth & Dow, 1972: 870. Type locality, Panama, Canal Zone, Barro Colorado I. HT F (# 71166 USNM).
Distr.: Panama, Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)). Refs.: Wirth & Dow, 1972: 870; Borkent & Spinelli,
2007: 57.

Subgenus Saliohelea Wirth & Ratanaworabhan

Saliohelea Wirth & Ratanaworabhan, 1978: 494 (as subgenus of Forcipomyia). Type species, Forcipomyia leei Wirth &
Ratanaworabhan (orig. des.).

leei Wirth & Ratanaworabhan, 1978: 498. Type locality: Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)). HT F (# 70440
USNM). Distr.: Eastern USA and Caribbean to Colombia (Antioquia (Río Anorí), Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo))
and southern Brazil (Amazonas, Pará, Bahia, Rio de Janeiro). Refs.: Wirth & Ratanaworabhan, 1978: 498; Borkent
& Spinelli, 2007: 57; Borkent, 2015: 55 (cat.).

Subgenus Thyridomyia Saunders

Thyridomyia Saunders, 1925: 268. Type species, Thyridomyia palustris Saunders (= Ceratopogon monilicornis Coquillett)
(orig. des.). Refs.: Wirth, 1970 (key to males and females).

colombiae Wirth, 1970: 435. Type locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo). HT M (# 70662 USNM).
Distr.: Mexico (Veracruz), Costa Rica, Panama, Trinidad and Tobago, Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)).
Refs.: Wirth, 1970: 435; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 58; Borkent, 2015: 56 (cat.).

jipajapae Wirth, 1970: 437. Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Gamboa, rain forest on “Pipeline road”. HT M (#
70661 USNM). Distr.: Costa Rica to Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)) and Ecuador, Trinidad and Tobago.
Refs.: Wirth, 1970: 437; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 58.

nana (Macfie), 1939b: 171 (Lasiohelea). Type locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutonia. HT F (BMNH).
Distr.: Mexico (Veracruz), Jamaica through Caribbean to Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)) and southern
Brazil (Santa Catarina). Refs.: Macfie, 1939b: 171; Wirth, 1970: 432; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 58.

nodosa Saunders, 1959: 43. Type locality: Costa Rica, Finca Theobroma, near Siquirres. HL (CNCI). Distr.: USA
(Arizona, Kansas, Mississippi, Florida), Mexico (Baja California, Sonora, Sinaloa, San Luis Potosí), Costa Rica,
Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)). Refs.: Saunders, 1959: 43; Wirth, 1970: 434; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007:

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Subgenus Warmkea Saunders

Warmkea Saunders, 1957: 671 (as subgenus of Forcipomyia). Type species, Forcipomyia bicolor Saunders (= Forcipomyia
lesliei Wirth) (orig. des.). Refs.: Wirth & Soria, 1980 (key to males and females).

aeria Saunders, 1957: 675. Type locality: Puerto Rico, Mayaguez. HT F (CNCI). Distr.: Puerto Rico, Colombia
(Antioquia (Río Anorí), Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)), Argentina (Tucumán). Refs.: Saunders, 1957: 675; Wirth
& Soria, 1980: 143; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 59.

galindoi Wirth & Soria, 1980: 146. Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Barro Colorado island. HT M (#76102
USNM). Distr.: Panama, Colombia (Antioquia (Río Anorí), Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)), Ecuador, Brazil (Pará).
Refs.: Wirth & Soria, 1980: 146; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 59.

lesliei Wirth, 1974: 12. New name for bicolor. Distr.: Jamaica, Haiti to Venezuela, Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río
Raposo; Oleoducto de Pacifico, 10 km NW Dagua)). Refs.: Saunders, 1957: 672; Wirth & Soria, 1980: 148;
Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 59.
bicolor Saunders, 1957: 672 (preocc. Forcipomyia bicolor Lutz, 1914). Type locality: Puerto Rico, Mayaguez.

louriei (Macfie), 1935a: 49 (Lasiohelea). Type locality: Brazil, Piauí, Tutóia. HT F (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquia (Río Anorí), Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)), Bolivia, Trinidad and Tobago, Brazil (Pará, Maranhão,
Santa Catarina). Refs.: Macfie, 1935: 49; Wirth & Soria, 1980: 151; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 59.
narthekophora Macfie, 1939b: 166. Type locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutonia. HT M (BMNH).

spinosa Saunders, 1957: 676. Type locality: Puerto Rico, Mayaguez. HT F (CNCI). Distr.: Puerto Rico, Dominica,
Trinidad and Tobago to Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)), Guyana and Brazil (Pará, Bahia, Rio de
Janeiro). Refs.: Saunders, 1957: 676; Wirth & Soria, 1980: 153; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 59.

tuberculata Saunders, 1957: 677. Type locality: Trinidad and Tobago, North Range. HT F (CNCI). Distr.: Costa
Rica, Colombia (Antioquia (Río Anorí), Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)), Trinidad and Tobago and Tobago, Brazil
(Amazonas, Pará), Argentina (Buenos Aires). Refs.: Saunders, 1957: 677; Wirth & Soria, 1980: 157; Borkent &
Spinelli, 2007: 59.

Subfamily Dasyheleinae Lenz, 1934

Genus Dasyhelea Kieffer

Dasyhelea Kieffer, 1911c: 5. Type species, Dasyhelea halophila Kieffer (mon.). Refs.: Huerta, 1996 (key to males and females
from Mexico); Ingram & Macfie, 1931 (key males and females from Patagonia and southern Chile); Spinelli & Wirth,
1984c (key to males and females of cincta group); Díaz et al., 2010 (rev. of patagonica group); Díaz et al., 2014
(phylogeny of mutabilis group in the Neotropics).
Pseudoculicoides Malloch, 1915a: 309. Type species, Ceratopogon mutabilis Coquillett, (orig. des.).

columbiana (Kieffer), 1917b: 304 (Culicoides). Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena, Aracataca. T F (HNHM,
lost). Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena (Aracataca)). Refs.: Kieffer 1917b: 304; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 60; Borkent,
2015: 63 (cat.).

santaemarthae (Kieffer), 1917b: 306 (Culicoides). Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena, Santa Marta. T F
(HNHM, lost). Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena (Santa Marta)). Refs.: Kieffer 1917b: 306; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007:
61; Borkent, 2015: 71 (cat.).

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Subfamily Ceratopogoninae Newman, 1834

Tribe Culicoidini Kieffer, 1911

Genus Culicoides Latreille

Culicoides Latreille, 1809: 251. Type species, Culicoides punctatus Latreille (= Ceratopogon punctatus Meigen) (mon). Refs.:
Aitken et al., 1975 (key to females from Trinidad and Tobago); Blanton & Wirth, 1979 (key to larvae, males and females
from Florida (USA)); Forattini, 1957 (key to females of all species); Huerta, 1996 (key to females from Mexico); Ortíz &
León, 1955 (key to females from Ecuador); Ronderos, 1988 (key to females from Argentina); Ronderos & Spinelli, 1998
(key to males and females from the Yacyretá Dam, between Paraguay and Argentina); Spinelli & Wirth, 1986b (key to
females south of the Amazon Basin); Wirth & Blanton, 1959 (key to females and some males from Panama); Wirth &
Blanton, 1973 (key to females and some males from Amazon Basin); Wirth & Blanton, 1974 (key to females and some
males from the Caribbean); Wirth et al., 1988 (some meristic character states and photographs of wings of all species);
Spinelli et al., 2005 (key to males and females from Argentina).
Padrosia Rafinesque, 1815: 130 (unnecessary replacement name for Culicoides Latreille). Type species, Culicoides punctatus
Latreille (= Ceratopogon punctatus Meigen), automatic.

Comm.: There is no reliable key to the subgenera and species groups of Neotropical Culicoides. For species outside
of local areas for which revisions are available (as listed above), the easiest guide to species identification is that of
Wirth et al. (1988). From there readers may refer to keys to subgenera or species groups referred to below.

Subgenus Anilomyia Vargas

Anilomyia Vargas, 1960: 37 (as subgenus of Culicoides). Type species, Culicoides covagarciai Ortíz (orig. des.). Refs.: Wirth
& Blanton, 1956b (key to males and females of covagarciai group); Wirth & Blanton, 1970c (key to key to males and
females of nigrigenus group).

ameliae Browne, 1980: 543. Type locality: Colombia, Cauca, Munchique, 2000 m. HT F (USNM). Distr.:
Colombia (Cauca (Munchique)). Refs.: Browne, 1980: 543; Wirth et al., 1988: 20; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 62;
Spinelli et al., 2009: 87; Borkent, 2015: 76 (cat.).

covagarciai Ortíz, 1950a: 457. Type locality: Venezuela, Caracas. HT F (INHC). Distr.: Honduras to Colombia
(Valle del Cauca (Cali, Pance, Estación El Topacio, Peñas Blancas (Finca El Rosal)), Venezuela. Refs.: Ortiz,
1950a: 457; Barreto, 1986: 142; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 62; Spinelli et al., 2009: 87.
beebei Fox, 1952: 366. Type locality: Venezuela, Rancho Grande. HT F (UNPR).

efferus Fox, 1952: 365. Type locality: Peru, Río Charape. HT F (UNPR). Distr.: Guatemala to Colombia (Valle del
Cauca (Cali, Pance, Estacion El Topacio, Peñas Blancas)), Peru and Bolivia. Refs.: Fox, 1952: 365; Barreto, 1986:
142; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 62; Spinelli et al., 2009: 87.

inermis Spinelli, Santamaría, Cabrera, Ronderos & Suárez, 2009: 84. Type locality: Colombia, Cauca, López, Río
Micay. HT F (MLPA). Distr.: Colombia (Cauca (López, Río Micay)). Refs.: Spinelli et al., 2009: 84; Borkent,
2015: 88 (cat.).

marshi Wirth & Blanton, 1956b: 220. Type locality: Panama, Bocas del Toro, Almirante. HT F (# 62957 USNM).
Distr.: Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo; Cali, Pance, El Topacio)). Refs.: Wirth &
Blanton, 1956b: 220; Barreto, 1986: 142; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 63; Spinelli et al., 2009: 87.

metagonatus Wirth & Blanton, 1956b: 221. Type locality: Panama, Cerro Campana. HT F (# 62957 USNM).
Distr.: Nicaragua to Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)) and Ecuador. Refs.: Wirth & Blanton, 1956b: 221;
Barreto, 1986: 142; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 63; Spinelli et al., 2009: 87.

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nigrifemur Spinelli, Santamaría, Cabrera, Ronderos & Suárez, 2009: 85. Type locality: Colombia, Cauca, Parámo
de Puracé, 28.4 km E Puracé, 3100 m. HT F (MLPA). Distr.: Colombia (Cauca (Parámo de Puracé, 28.4 km E
Puracé, 3100 m)). Refs.: Spinelli et al., 2009: 85; Borkent, 2015: 94 (cat.).

nigrigenus Wirth & Blanton, 1956b: 222. Type locality: Panama, Bocas del Toro, Almirante. HT F (# 62824
USNM). Distr.: Mexico (Veracruz) to Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)), Trinidad and Tobago, Argentina
(Salta). Refs.: Wirth & Blanton, 1970c: 151; Barreto, 1986: 143; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 63; Spinelli et al.,
2009: 87.

popayanensis Wirth & Lee, 1967: 10. Distr.: Type locality: Colombia, Cauca, 28.4 km E Puracé, 3100 m. HT F (#
69399 USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Cauca (28.4 km E Puracé, 3100 m)). Refs.: Wirth & Lee, 1967: 10; Barreto,
1986: 143; Wirth et al., 1988: 22; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 63; Spinelli et al., 2009: 87; Borkent, 2015: 98 (cat.).

trapidoi Wirth & Barreto, 1978: 554. Type locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo). HT F (# 71153
USNM). Distr.: Costa Rica, Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)), Brazil. Refs.: Wirth & Barreto, 1978: 554;
Barreto, 1986: 143; Wirth et al. 1988: 22; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 63; Spinelli et al., 2009: 87; Borkent, 2015:
105 (cat.).

Subgenus Avaritia Fox

Avaritia Fox, 1955: 218 (as subgenus of Culicoides). Type species, Ceratopogon obsoletus Meigen (orig. des.). Refs.:
Rodríguez & Wirth, 1986 (rev. of andicola group); Wirth & Mullens, 1992 (key to males and females in pusillus group).

andicola Wirth & Lee, 1967: 5. Type locality: Colombia, Cauca, Parámo de Puracé, Lago Buey, 3250 m. HT F (#
69396 USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Cauca (Parámo de Puracé, Lago Buey, 3250 m; 28.4 km E Puracé, 3100 m)).
Refs.: Wirth & Lee, 1967: 5; Barreto, 1986: 143; Wirth et al., 1988: 14; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 63; Spinelli et
al., 2009: 87; Borkent, 2015: 76 (cat.).

orjuelai Wirth & Lee, 1967: 6. Type locality: Colombia, Cauca, Parámo de Puracé, 18 km E. Puracé, 3320 m. HT
F (# 69397 USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Cauca (Parámo de Puracé, Lago Buey, 3250 m; 28.4 km E Puracé, 3100 m)).
Refs.: Wirth & Lee, 1967: 6; Barreto, 1986: 143; Wirth et al., 1988: 14; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 63; Spinelli et
al., 2009: 87; Borkent, 2015: 96 (cat.).

puracensis Wirth & Lee, 1967: 7. Type locality: Colombia, Cauca, Parámo de Puracé, Lago Buey, 3250 m. HT F
(# 69398 USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Cauca (Parámo de Puracé, Lago Buey, 3250 m; 28.4 km E Puracé, 3100 m; 18
km E Puracé, 3320 m)). Refs.: Wirth & Lee, 1967: 7; Barreto, 1986: 143; Wirth et al., 1988: 14; Borkent &
Spinelli, 2007: 63; Spinelli et al., 2009: 87; Borkent, 2015: 99 (cat.).

pusillus Lutz, 1913: 52. Type locality: Brazil, Río de Janeiro, Manguinhos. ST F, M (FIOC). Distr.: USA (Florida),
Mexico (Chiapas) to northeastern Argentina. Locality in Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Candelaria, Finca San Luis)).
Refs.: Lutz, 1913: 52; Barreto, 1986: 143; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 63; Spinelli et al., 2009: 87.

suarezi Rodríguez & Wirth, 1986: 313. Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca, Bogotá, D.E., Monserrate, 3230
m. HT F (USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca (Bogotá, D.E., Monserrate, 3230 m)). Refs.: Rodríguez &
Wirth, 1986: 313; Barreto, 1986: 143; Wirth et al., 1988: 14; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 63; Spinelli et al., 2009: 87;
Borkent, 2015: 103 (cat.).

Subgenus Cotocripus Brèthes

Cotocripus Brèthes, 1912: 451. Type species, Cotocripus caridei Brèthes (mon.).

bambusicola Lutz, 1913: 62. Type locality: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Petrópolis. HT F (# 2982 FIOC). Distr.:
Colombia (Valle del Cauca (área de Cali, Pance; Candelaria)), Venezuela, Brazil (Bahia, Espírito Santo, Rio de

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Janeiro, São Paulo), Argentina (Misiones, Buenos Aires). Refs.: Lutz, 1913: 62; Lee, 1968: 81; Barreto, 1986: 145;
Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 64; Spinelli et al., 2009: 87.
bahiensis Barbosa, 1947: 11. Type locality: Brazil, Bahia. ST F,M (USNM).

gabrieli Spinelli, Santamaría, Cabrera, Ronderos & Suárez, 2009: 82. HT M (MLPA). Type locality: Peru, Cuzco,
Kirigueti. Distr.: Colombia (Chocó (Pié de Pepe)), Peru. Refs.: Spinelli et al., 2009: 82; Borkent, 2015: 85 (cat.).

raposoensis Wirth & Barreto, 1978: 561. Type locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo). HT F (# 71157
USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo; Río Micay, Casa de Suárez)). Refs.: Wirth & Barreto,
1978: 561; Barreto, 1986: 148 (as raposensis); Wirth et al., 1988: 54; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 64; Spinelli et al.,
2009: 87; Borkent, 2015: 100 (cat.).

Subgenus Diphaomyia Vargas

Diphaomyia Vargas, 1960: 40 (as subgenus of Culicoides). Type species, Culicoides baueri Hoffman (orig. des.).

iriartei Fox, 1952: 368. Type locality: Venezuela, Zulia, La Salina. HT F (UNPR). Distr.: Guatemala to Colombia
(?), Venezuela, Tobago, Brazil (Pará). Refs.: Fox, 1952: 368; Wirth & Blanton, 1973: 441; Barreto, 1986: 143;
Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 64; Spinelli et al., 2009: 87.
vargasi Wirth & Blanton, 1953a: 74. Type locality: Panama, Los Santos, Las Tablas. HT F (# 61502 USNM).

lisicarruni Moncada, Carrasquilla & Spinelli, in Moncada et al., 2010: 978. Type locality: Colombia,
Cundinamarca, Chingaza National Natural Park, Monterredondo Station edge of Babilonia River, 3200 m. HT F
(ICNC). Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca (Chingaza National Natural Park, Monterredondo Station edge of
Babilonia River, 3200 m)). Refs.: Spinelli et al., 2010: 978; Borkent, 2015: 91 (cat.).

marinkellei Wirth & Lee, 1967: 13. Type locality: Colombia, Cauca, Parámo de Puracé, Lago Buey, 3250 m. HT F
(# 69400 USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Cauca (Parámo de Puracé, Lago Buey, 3250 m; 18 km E Puracé, 3320 m)).
Refs.: Wirth & Lee, 1967: 13; Barreto, 1986: 143; Wirth et al., 1988: 32; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 64; Spinelli et
al., 2009: 87; Borkent, 2015: 92 (cat.).

mirsae Ortíz, 1953: 801. Type locality, Venezuela, ST F (INHC). Distr.: Panama, Colombia (Boyacá (Otanche,
Cortaderal)), Venezuela, Trinidad and Tobago. Refs.: Ortíz, 1953: 801; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 65; Spinelli et
al., 2009: 87.

Subgenus Drymodesmyia Vargas

Drymodesmyia Vargas, 1960: 40 (as subgenus of Culicoides). Type species, Culicoides copiosus Root & Hoffman (orig. des.).
Refs.: Wirth & Hubert, 1960: 646 (key to females and some males, as copiosus group).

jamaicensis Edwards, 1922: 165 (as variety of loughnani. Type locality: Jamaica, Kingston. ST F, M (BMNH).
Distr.: USA (Texas, Florida), Mexico (Yucatán), Central America and Caribbean to Colombia (?) and Venezuela.
Refs.: Edwards, 1922: 165; Wirth et al., 1988: 26; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 65; Spinelli et al., 2009: 87.

pilosus Wirth & Blanton, 1959: 332. Type locality: Panama, Bocas del Toro, Almirante. HT F (# 63164 USNM).
Distr.: Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia (?) Brazil (Pará). Refs.: Wirth & Blanton, 1959: 332; Wirth & Blanton,
1973: 445; Barreto, 1986: 143; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 65; Spinelli et al., 2009: 88.

poikilonotus Macfie, 1948: 82. Type locality: Mexico, Chiapas, El Vergel. HT F (BMNH). Distr.: Mexico
(Chiapas), Central America, Colombia (?), Venezuela and Trinidad and Tobago to Brazil (Bahia). Refs.: Macfie,
1948: 82; Aitken et al., 1975: 136; Barreto, 1986: 143; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 65; Spinelli et al., 2009: 88.
cacozelus Macfie, 1948: 85. Type locality: Mexico, HT F (BMNH).
hertigi Wirth & Blanton, 1953b: 229. Type locality: Panama, Cocle, Río Hato. HT F (# 61504 USNM).

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Subgenus Haematomyidium Goeldi

Haematomyidium Goeldi, 1905: 137. Type species, Haematomyidium Paráense Goeldi (orig. des). Refs.: Vitale et al., 1981
(key to females of debilipalpis group); Wirth & Felippe-Bauer, 1989 (key to paraensis group).

debilipalpis Lutz, 1913: 60. Type locality: Brazil, São Paulo, Anhemby and Formoso (Serra da Bocaina). ST F
(FIOC, lost). Distr.: Widespread from USA (Maryland, Kentucky, Nebraska south to Lousiana and Florida),
Guatemala and Belize to Argentina. Localities in Colombia (Antioquia (?), Magdalena (?), Valle del Cauca (Río
Raposo)). Refs.: Lutz, 1913: 60; Wirth & Blanton, 1974: 15; Barreto, 1986: 146; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 66;
Spinelli et al. 2009: 88.
ichesi Ronderos & Spinelli, 1995: 77. Type locality: Argentina, Misiones, Posadas, Arroyo Zaimán. HT F

eldridgei Wirth & Barreto, 1978: 561. Type locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo). HT F (# 71157
USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)). Refs.: Wirth & Barreto, 1978: 561; Wirth et al., 1988:
46; Barreto, 1986: 146; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 66; Spinelli et al., 2009: 88; Borkent, 2015: 83 (cat.).

filiductus Wirth, in Vitale et al., 1981: 155. Type locality: Panama, Panamá Prov., Bayano Field Station. HT F (#
76107 USNM). Distr.: Belize to Colombia (Amazonas (Leticia)). Refs.: Vitale et al., 1981: 155; Borkent &
Spinelli, 2007: 66; Spinelli et al., 2009: 86.

germanus Macfie, 1940c: 27. Type locality: Guyana, New River. HT F (BMNH). Distr.: Costa Rica, Colombia
(Tolima (Melgar, El Aguila)), Guyana. Refs.: Macfie, 1940c: 27; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 66; Spinelli et al.,
2009: 86.

ginesi Ortíz, 1951: 586. Type locality: Venezuela, Yaracuy, San Felipe. HT F (INHC). Distr.: El Salvador to
Panama, Colombia (?), Venezuela, Trinidad and Tobago, Brazil (Pará), Northeastern Argentina. Refs.: Ortíz, 1951:
586; Wirth et al., 1988: 48; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 66; Spinelli et al., 2009: 88.

glabrior Macfie, 1940c: 27 (as variety of debilipalpis). Type locality: Guyana, New River. HT F (BMNH). Distr.:
Honduras to Colombia (?), Ecuador, Guyana, Surinam, Trinidad and Tobago, Brazil (Pará). Refs.: Macfie, 1940c:
27; Barreto, 1986: 147; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 66; Spinelli et al., 2009: 88.
grahambelli Forattini, 1956: 35. Type locality, Panama, Cerro Cefa. HT F (DEFS).

insinuatus Ortíz & León, 1955: 577. Type locality: Ecuador, Napo-Pastaza, Nuevo Rocafuerte. HT F (UNCE).
Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas (Leticia, Santa Sofía, Río Arará y Puerto Arica, Río Putumayo), Vaupés (Mitú; Caño
Cuduyarí)), Ecuador, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana, Brazil (Amazonas, Pará, (?) São Paulo). Refs.: Ortíz &
León, 1955: 577; Tidwell et al., 1980a: 125; Tidwell & Tidwell, 1982: 1139; Barreto, 1986: 147; Borkent &
Spinelli, 2007: 67; Spinelli et al., 2009: 88.

paraensis (Goeldi), 1905: 137 (Haematomyidium). Type locality: Brazil, Pará, Belém. NT F (FIOC). Distr.: USA
(Colorado, Nebraska, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin to Louisiana and Florida) to Argentina. Localities in Colombia
(Amazonas (Leticia; Arará, vic. Leticia), Antioquia (Río Anorí Valley, Buenos Aires, 690 m; Providencia; Tiroteos,
590 m), Caquetá (Tres Esquinas), Meta (Villavicencio, El Buque), Tolima (Mariquita, Florazul; Vereda, La
Guardia, Finca Bélgica; Melgar, El Aguila), Valle del Cauca (Cali; Buchitolo; Navarro, Vaupés (San José de
Inambú; San Pablo; Ortega)). Refs.: Goeldi, 1905: 137; Barreto, 1974: 124; Wirth & Blanton, 1973: 443; Barreto,
1986: 147; Wirth & Felippe-Bauer, 1989: 553; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 67; Spinelli et al., 2009: 88.
undecimpunctatus Kieffer, 1917b: 307. Type locality: Argentina, San Pablo. T F (HNHM, lost).

quasiparaensis Clastrier, 1971: 286. Type locality: French Guiana, Cayena, Bosque Cabassou. HT F (MNHN).
Distr.: Honduras and El Salvador to Colombia (Antioquia (Río Anorí Valley, Buenos Aires, 690 m; La Tirana, 320
m), Putumayo (Puerto Leguizamo, Santa Cecilia), Valle del Cauca (Candelaria, Finca San Luis)), Peru, French
Guiana, Brazil (Amazonas, Rondônia). Refs.: Clastrier, 1971: 286; Barreto, 1986: 148; Wirth & Felippe Bauer,
1989: 561; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 67; Spinelli et al., 2009: 88.

110 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press SPINELLI & WOLFF
youngi Wirth & Barreto, 1978: 562. Type locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo). HT F (# 71159
USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)). Refs.: Wirth & Barreto, 1978: 562; Barreto, 1986: 148;
Wirth et al., 1988: 50; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 67; Spinelli et al., 2009: 88; Borkent, 2015: 107 (cat.).

Subgenus Hoffmania Fox

Hoffmania Fox, 1948: 21 (as subgenus of Culicoides). Type species, Culicoides inamollae Fox & Hoffman (= Culicoides
insignis Lutz) (orig. des.). Refs.: Spinelli et al., 1993 (key to species groups; key to males and females of guttatus group);
Wirth & Blanton, 1968a (key to males and females in hylas group); Felippe-Bauer et al., 2009 (key to females in hylas

antioquiensis Spinelli, Santamaría, Cabrera, Ronderos & Suárez, 2009: 82. Type locality: Colombia, Antioquia,
near Río Anorí. HT M (MLPA). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (near Río Anorí)). Refs.: Spinelli et al., 2009: 82;
Borkent, 2015: 76 (cat.).

batesi Wirth & Blanton, 1973: 426. Type locality: Brazil, Pará, Belém, APEG Forest. HT F (USNM). Distr.:
Guatemala, Colombia (Cauca (López, Río Micay, Casa de Suárez), Chocó (Rt. 25; Curiche; Teresita), Valle del
Cauca (Río Raposo)), Ecuador, Bolivia, Brazil (Pará). Refs.: Wirth & Blanton, 1973: 426; Wirth et al., 1988: 14;
Spinelli et al., 1993: 18; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 67; Spinelli et al., 2009: 88.
sanmartini Wirth & Barreto, 1978: 553. Type locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo). HT F (#
71152 USNM).

brownei Spinelli, in Spinelli et al. 1993: 24. Type locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo). HT F
(USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Boyacá (Palagua, Puerto Boyacá), Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)). Refs.: Spinelli et al.
1993: 24; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 68; Spinelli et al., 2009: 88; Borkent, 2015: 79 (cat.).

coutinhoi Barretto, 1944: 96. Type locality: Brazil, São Paulo, Juquiá, Prainha. HT M (DEFS). Distr.: Colombia
(Caquetá (San Vicente del Caguán, Tres Esquinas)), French Guiana, Brazil (Amazonas, Pará, São Paulo). Refs.:
Barretto, 1944: 96; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 68; Spinelli et al., 2009: 86.

davidi Spinelli, in Spinelli et al., 1993: 30. Type locality: Colombia, Chocó, Rt. 25. HT F (USNM). Distr.: Costa
Rica, Colombia (Chocó (Rt. 25)), Trinidad and Tobago. Refs.: Spinelli et al., 1993: 30; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007:
68; Spinelli et al., 2009: 88; Borkent, 2015: 82 (cat.).

diabolicus Hoffman, 1925: 294. Type locality: Panama, Cabima. ST F (USNM). Distr.: Mexico to Venezuela,
Colombia (Cauca (López, Río Micay, Casa de Suárez), Chocó (Rt. 25; Curiche), Meta (Puerto López; San Martín,
Barbascal), Boyacá (Puerto Boyacá)) and Ecuador. Refs.: Hoffman, 1925: 294; Macfie, 1932b: 487; Barreto, 1986:
143; Wirth et al., 1988: 14; Spinelli et al., 1993: 32; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 68; Spinelli et al., 2009: 88.

fernandoi Tavares & Souza, 1979: 611. Type locality: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Sumidouro, Sitio Peri-Ceci. HT M
(FIOC). Distr.: Colombia (Meta (Finca Barbascal)), Brazil (Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro, Santa Catarina),
northeastern Argentina, Uruguay. Refs.: Tavares & Souza, 1979: 611; Spinelli et al., 1993: 36; Borkent & Spinelli,
2007: 68; Spinelli et al., 2009: 88.

filarifer Hoffman, 1939: 172. Type locality: Mexico, Chiapas, El Vergel, near Huixtla. HT F (USNM). Distr.:
Mexico (Veracruz, Chiapas) to northern Brazil. Localities in Colombia (?). Refs.: Hoffman, 1939: 172; Barreto,
1986: 144 Spinelli et al., 1993: 37; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 68; Spinelli et al., 2009: 88.

foxi Ortíz, 1950b: 461. Type locality: Puerto Rico, Camp Tortuguero. HT M (UNPR). Distr.: Mexico (Chiapas) to
Bolivia, Puerto Rico to northeastern Argentina; Colombia (Caquetá (Los Alicángaros), Cauca (Tambo, Finca
Carpenteria), Chocó (Teresita), Magdalena (?); Meta (Finca Barbascal; Restrepo, El Retiro, Refugio Macarena),
Putumayo (Puerto Leguizamo; Puerto López), Valle del Cauca (Pance; Río Raposo; oleoducto de Pacific, 10 km
NW Dagua)). Refs.: Ortíz, 1950b: 461; Forattini, 1957: 205; Wirth & Blanton, 1973: 434; Wirth & Blanton, 1974:
14; Barreto, 1986: 144; Spinelli et al., 1993: 41; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 68; Spinelli et al., 2009: 88.

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franklini Spinelli, in Spinelli et al., 1993: 45. Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Summit Gardens. HT F
(USNM). Distr.: Mexico (Guerrero) to Colombia (Chocó (Teresita), Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)), Bolivia, Brazil
(Pará). Refs.: Spinelli et al., 1993: 45; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 68; Spinelli et al., 2009: 88.

fusipalpis Wirth & Blanton, 1973: 435. Type locality: Brazil, Pará, Belém. HT F (USNM). Distr.: El Salvador to
Colombia (Caquetá (Los Alicángaros), Putumayo (Puerto Leguizamo), Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)), Ecuador,
Bolivia, French Guiana, Guyana, Brazil (Amazonas, Pará, Bahia, Rio de Janeiro). Refs.: Wirth & Blanton, 1973:
435; Aitken et al., 1975: 125; Barreto, 1986: 144; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 68; Spinelli et al., 2009: 88.

heliconiae Fox & Hoffman, 1944: 108. Type locality: Venezuela, Maracay. HT F (UNPR). Distr.: Belize to
Colombia (Antioquia (?), Caquetá (Tres Esquinas, Los Alicángaros), Huila (Suaza, San Calixto), Valle del Cauca
(Cali, Pance, Peñas Blancas; Rio Raposo)), Ecuador, Venezuela, Grenada, Trinidad and Tobago, Brazil (Amazonas,
Pará). Refs.: Fox & Hoffman, 1944: 108; Wirth & Blanton, 1968: 207; Wirth & Blanton, 1973: 439; Wirth &
Blanton, 1974: 14; Barreto, 1986: 144; Wirth et al., 1988: 18; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 68; Spinelli et al., 2009: 88.
rozeboomi Barbosa, 1947: 26. Type locality: Panama, Balboa, Canal Zone. HT M (USNM).

hylas Macfie, 1940c: 26. Type locality: Guyana, New River. ST F (BMNH). Distr.: Mexico (Veracruz) to
Colombia (Caquetá (Tres Esquinas), Cauca (López, Río Micay, San Antonio, Casa de Suárez), Valle del Cauca
(Río Raposo)), Peru, Brazil (Pará). Refs.: Macfie, 1940c: 26; Wirth & Blanton, 1968: 203; Wirth & Blanton, 1973:
439; Barreto, 1986: 144; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 68; Spinelli et al., 2009: 88.

insignis Lutz, 1913: 51. Type locality: Brazil, Bahia and Rio de Janeiro. LT M (# 5092 FIOC). Distr.: USA
(Alabama, Georgia, Florida), Mexico (Yucatán, Chiapas), Central America and Caribbean to central Argentina.
Localities in Colombia (Amazonas (Sofía), Antioquia (El Hatillo, Barbosa; Caucasia, Hacienda La Candelaria),
Boyacá (Palagua, Puerto Boyacá), Cauca (11 km N Santander de Quilchao; Puerto López), Chocó (Condoto,
Opogodó), César (San Alberto, 120 km N Bucaramanga), Huila (San Agustín), Magdalena (La Gloria), Meta
(Finca Barbascal; Restrepo, El Retiro, Refugio Macarena), Putumayo (Puerto Leguizamo), Calderón), Valle del
Cauca (Cali, Candelaria, Pance; Palmira; Río Raposo)). Refs.: Lutz, 1913: 51; Wirth & Blanton, 1956: 319;
Forattini, 1957: 223; Wirth & Blanton, 1973: 440; Wirth & Soria, 1981: 79; Barreto, 1986: 144; Spinelli et al.,
1993: 53; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 68; Spinelli et al., 2009: 88.
inamollae Fox & Hoffman, 1944: 110. Type locality: Puerto Rico, Mayaguez. HT F (UNPR).
painteri Fox, 1946: 257. Type locality: Honduras, Puerto Castilla. HT F (UNPR).

lutzi Costa Lima, 1937: 419. Type locality: Brazil, Pará, Abaeté. ST F (# 2408 FIOC). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas
(Sofía), Boyacá (Palagua, Puerto Boyacá), Meta (Finca Barbascal; Refugio Macarena), Putumayo (Puerto
Leguizamo)) to French Guiana, northeastern Argentina, Brazil (Roraima, Amazonas, Pará, Mato Grosso, Goiás,
São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Santa Catarina). Refs.: Costa Lima, 1937: 419; Wirth & Blanton, 1973: 442; Barreto,
1986: 144; Spinelli et al., 1993: 59; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 68; Spinelli et al., 2009: 88.

ocumarensis Ortíz, 1950a: 455. Type locality: Venezuela, Miranda, Ocumare del Tuy. HT F (INHC). Distr.:
Mexico (Oaxaca, Tabasco) to Colombia (Amazonas (Sofía), Antioquia (Caucasia, Finca La Candelaria; Barbosa,
El Establo; Turbo, Río León), Boyacá (Puerto Boyacá), Caquetá (Tres Esquinas), Cauca (López, Río Micay, San
Antonio, Casa de Suárez; Puerto López), Cesar (San Alberto, 120 km N Bucaramanga), Meta (Finca Barbascal),
Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)), Venezuela, Peru and northern Brazil (Pará, Rondônia). Refs.: Ortíz, 1950a: 455;
Spinelli et al., 1993: 63; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 69; Spinelli et al., 2009: 88.

palpalis Macfie, 1948: 78. Type locality: Mexico, Chiapas, San Cristobal. HT F (BMNH). Distr.: Mexico
(Chiapas) to Colombia (Caquetá (Los Alicángaros)), Venezuela, Peru, Brazil (Amazonas). Refs.: Macfie, 1948: 78;
Wirth & Blanton, 1973: 443; Barreto, 1986: 144; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 69; Spinelli et al., 2009: 88.

paraignacioi Spinelli, in Spinelli et al., 1993: 66. Type locality: Colombia, Antioquia, near Río Anorí. HT F
(USNM). Distr.: Belize to Peru, Colombia (Antioquia (near Río Anorí), Caquetá (Los Alicángaros), Chocó
(Curiche; Rt. 25; Teresita), Guaviare (San José del Guaviare, Trocha Oriental), Putumayo (Puerto Leguizamo)),

112 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press SPINELLI & WOLFF
French Guiana, Brazil (Amazonas, Pará). Refs.: Spinelli et al., 1993: 66; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 69; Spinelli et
al., 2009: 88; Borkent, 2015: 97 (cat.).

plaumanni Spinelli, in Spinelli et al., 1993: 69. Type locality: Argentina, Chaco, Parque Nacional El Chaco. HT F
(MLPA). Distr.: Colombia (Meta (Villavicencio, El Buque)), Peru, Bolivia, Brazil (Amazonas) northeastern
Argentina. Refs.: Spinelli et al., 1993: 69; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 69; Spinelli et al., 2009: 91.

polypori Wirth & Blanton, 1968: 212. Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Barro Colorado Island. HT F (# 69916
USNM). Distr.: Honduras to Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)), Brazil (Amazonas). Refs.: Wirth & Blanton,
1968: 212; Barreto, 1986: 144; Wirth et al., 1988: 20; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 69; Spinelli et al., 2009: 88.

pseudodiabolicus Fox, 1946: 256. Type locality: Trinidad and Tobago, Cumuto Village. HT F (UNPR). Distr.:
Mexico (Veracruz) to Colombia (Antioquia (near Río Anorí), Caquetá (Los Alicángaros; Tres Esquinas), Cauca
(López, Río Micay), Chocó (Curiche; Rt. 25; Teresita), Meta, Boyacá (Puerto Boyacá), Putumayo (Puerto
Leguizamo), Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)), Venezuela, Peru and Northern Brazil. Refs.: Fox, 1946: 256; Wirth &
Blanton, 1973: 445; Barreto, 1986: 144; Spinelli et al., 1993: 71; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 69; Spinelli et al.,
2009: 88.

ruizi Forattini, 1954: 189. Type locality: Brazil, Goiás, Aruana. HT F (DEFS). Distr.: Colombia (Intendencia de
Arauca), Brazil (Amazonas, Goiás). Refs.: Forattini, 1954: 189; Wirth et al., 1988: 18; Spinelli et al., 1993: 74;
Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 69; Spinelli et al., 2009: 88.

tidwelli Spinelli, in Spinelli et al. 1993: 74. Type locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo). HT F
(USNM). Distr.: Honduras to Colombia (Cauca (López, Río Micay), Chocó (Curiche; Teresita), Valle del Cauca
(Río Raposo; Oleoducto de Pacífico, 9 km N Dagua)), Ecuador. Refs.: Spinelli et al., 1993: 74; Borkent & Spinelli,
2007: 69; Spinelli et al., 2009: 88; Borkent, 2015: 104 (cat.).

trinidadensis Hoffman, 1925: 286. Type locality: Trinidad and Tobago, Port of Spain, Caronia River. HT F
(USNM). Distr.: Coastal; Honduras and El Salvador to Colombia (Antioquia (Currulao), Chocó (Curiche), Valle
del Cauca (Río Raposo, Bahía Buenaventura, Bella Vista)), Ecuador to Surinam, Cuba and Cayman Islands to
Trinidad and Tobago. Refs.: Hoffman, 1925: 286; Wirth & Blanton, 1974: 14; Barreto, 1986: 145; Wirth et al.,
1988: 18; Spinelli et al., 1993: 78; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 69; Spinelli et al., 2009: 89.
oliveri Fox & Hoffman, 1944: 108. Type locality: Haiti, Mariani. HT M (UNPR).
wokei Barbosa, 1947: 28 (preocc. Culicoides wokei Fox, 1947). Type locality: Panama, Balboa. LT M
diminutus Barbosa, 1951: 163. New name for wokei.

verecundus Macfie, 1948: 76. Type locality: Mexico, Chiapas, El Vergel. ST F, M (BMNH). Distr.: Mexico
(Chiapas) to Panama, Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)), Ecuador and Brazil (Amazonas, Pará). Refs.:
Macfie, 1948: 76; Barreto, 1986: 145; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 69; Spinelli et al., 2009: 89.

Subgenus Macfiella Fox

Macfiella Fox, 1955: 217 (as subgenus of Culicoides). Type species: Ceratopogon phlebotomus Williston (orig. des).

phlebotomus (Williston), 1896: 281 (Ceratopogon). Type locality: St. Vincent. HT F (BMNH). Distr.: Coastal;
Mexico (Sinaloa) to Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)), Ecuador, Jamaica to Brazil (Maranhão, Ceará,
Pernambuco, Goiás). Refs.: Williston, 1896: 281; Barreto, 1986: 145; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 69; Spinelli et al.,
2009: 89.
amazonius Macfie, 1935: 52. Type locality: Brazil, Piauí, Tutóia. ST FM (BMNH).

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Subgenus Mataemyia Vargas

Mataemyia Vargas, 1960: 43 (as subgenus of Culicoides). Type species, Culicoides mojingaensis Wirth & Blanton (orig.des.).
Refs.: Wirth & Soria, 1981 (key males and females to some species, as discrepans group).
dalessandroi Wirth & Barreto, 1978: 556. Type locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo). HT F (# 71154
USNM). Distr.: Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia (Antioquia (Río Anorí), Boyacá (Puerto Boyacá), Meta (Finca
Barbascal), Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)). Refs.: Wirth & Barreto, 1978: 556; Barreto, 1986: 146; Wirth et al.,
1988: 36; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 70; Spinelli et al., 2009: 89; Borkent, 2015: 81 (cat.).

dicrourus Wirth & Blanton, 1955b: 123. Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Loma Borracho. HT F (# 62810
USNM). Distr.: Costa Rica to Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)), Ecuador. Refs.: Wirth & Blanton, 1955b:
123; Wirth & Soria, 1981: 110; Barreto, 1986: 146; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 70; Spinelli et al., 2009: 89.

volcanensis Wirth & Blanton, 1959: 389. Type locality: Panama, Chiriquí, Volcán. HT F (# 63168 USNM). Distr.:
Panama, Colombia (?). Refs.: Wirth & Blanton, 1959: 389; Wirth, 1974: 38; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 70; Spinelli
et al., 2009: 89.

Subgenus Oecacta Poey

Oecacta Poey, 1853: 238. Type species, Oecacta furens Poey (mon.).

alahialinus Barbosa, 1952: 11 (1953: 12). Type locality: Ecuador, Esmeralda, Limones. HT F (UNCE). Distr.:
Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)), Ecuador. Refs.: Barbosa, 1952: 11; Barreto, 1986:
145; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 70; Spinelli et al., 2009: 89.

barbosai Wirth & Blanton, 1956a: 161. Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Mojinga Swamp. HT F (# 63157
USNM). Distr.: USA (Florida) to Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)), Ecuador.Refs.: Wirth & Blanton,
1956a: 161; Wirth & Blanton, 1974: 15; Barreto, 1986: 145; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 70; Spinelli et al., 2009: 89.

furens (Poey), 1853: 238 (Oecacta). Type locality: Cuba, north coast, probably La Habana. Type most probably
lost. Distr.: USA (Massachusetts to Florida and Texas), Mexico (Campeche, Sinaloa, Yucatán, Veracruz) and
Caribbean to Colombia (Magdalena (?); Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)), Ecuador and coastal Brazil. Refs.: Poey,
1853: 238; Wirth & Blanton, 1974: 15; Barreto, 1986: 145; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 70; Spinelli et al., 2009: 89.
maculithorax (Williston), 1896: 277 (Ceratopogon). Type locality: St. Vincent. HT F (BMNH).
birabeni Cavalieri, 1966: 59. Venezuela, Sucre, Cariaguito. HT F (INMA).

gorgasi Wirth & Blanton, 1953b: 232. Type locality: Panama, Los Santos, Las Tablas. HT F (# 61507 USNM).
Distr.: Costa Rica to Colombia (?). Refs.: Wirth & Blanton, 1953b: 232; Wirth, 1974: 42; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007:
70; Spinelli et al., 2009: 89.

Subgenus Psychophaena Philippi

Psychophaena Philippi, 1865: 628. Type species, Psychophaena pictipennis Philippi (= Culicoides venezuelensis Ortíz &
Mirsa) (mon.).

venezuelensis Ortíz & Mirsa, 1950: 137. Type locality, Venezuela, Miranda, Los Chorros. HT F (INHC). Distr.:
Costa Rica to Chile and Central Argentina; Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Cali, Pance; Río Raposo)). Refs.: Ortíz &
Mirsa, 1950: 137; Barreto, 1986: 148; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 71; Spinelli et al., 2009: 89.
pictipennis (Philippi), 1865: 628 (Psychophaena) (preocc. Culicoides pictipennis (Staeger, 1839). Type
locality: Chile, Santiago, San Cristóbal. LHT F (MUNS).
ortizi Fox, 1952: 366. Type locality, Venezuela, Zulia, La Salina. HT F (UNPR).

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Subgenus unplaced, acotylus Species Group

acotylus Lutz, 1913: 69. Type locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Río Tapajós, Salto Augusto. HT F (# 2984 FIOC).
Distr.: Mexico to Colombia (?), Venezuela, Trinidad and Tobago, Surinam, Brazil (Mato Grosso, Pará). Refs.: Lutz,
1913: 69; Wirth, 1974: 27; Barreto, 1986: 145; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 71; Spinelli et al., 2009: 89.
carsiomelas Wirth & Blanton, 1955a: 100. Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Mojinga Swamp. HT F (# 62806
USNM). Distr.: Panama, Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)), Brazil (Pará). Refs.: Wirth & Blanton, 1955a:
100; Barreto, 1986: 146; Wirth et al., 1988: 38; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 71; Spinelli et al., 2009: 89.

teretipalpis Wirth & Barreto, 1978: 557. Type locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo). HT F (# 71156
USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Río Anorí), Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)). Refs.: Wirth & Barreto, 1978:
557; Barreto, 1986: 148; Wirth et al., 1988: 38; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 71; Spinelli et al., 2009: 89; Borkent,
2015: 104 (cat.).

Subgenus unplaced, carpenteri Species Group

belemensis Wirth & Blanton, 1973: 427. Type locality: Brazil, Pará, Belém. HT F (USNM). Distr.: Colombia (?),
Brazil (Amazonas, Pará). Refs.: Wirth & Blanton, 1973: 427; Wirth et al., 1988: 32; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 71;
Spinelli et al., 2009: 89.

camposi Ortíz & León, 1955: 580. Type locality: Ecuador, Pichincha, San Miguel de los Colorados, Zapallo
Grande. HT F (UNCE). Distr.: Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia (Putumayo (Puerto Leguizamo), Valle del Cauca
(Río Raposo)), Ecuador. Refs.: Ortíz & León, 1955: 580; Wirth & Blanton, 1973: 428; Barreto, 1986: 145; Wirth et
al., 1988: 32; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 71; Spinelli et al., 2009: 89.
fairchildi Wirth & Blanton, 1955a: 102. Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Madden Dam. HT F (# 62801

Subgenus unplaced, daedalus Species Group

beaveri Wirth & Barreto, 1978: 557. Type locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo). HT F (# 71155
USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)). Refs.: Wirth & Barreto, 1978: 557; Barreto, 1986: 145;
Wirth et al., 1988: 28; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 71; Spinelli et al., 2009: 89.

crescentis Wirth & Blanton, 1959: 317. Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Mojinga Swamp. HT F (# 63159
USNM). Distr.: Mexico (Chiapas) to Colombia (?), northeastern Argentina. Refs.: Wirth & Blanton, 1959: 317;
Wirth et al., 1988: 28; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 71; Spinelli et al., 2009: 89.

daedaloides Wirth & Blanton, 1959: 330. Type locality: Panama, Bocas del Toro, Amirante. HT F (# 63163
USNM). Distr.: Panama, Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)), northwestern Argentina. Refs.: Wirth &
Blanton, 1959: 330; Barreto, 1986: 148; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 71; Spinelli et al., 2009: 89.

daedalus Macfie, 1948: 83. Type locality, Mexico, Chiapas, El Vergel. HT M (BMNH). Distr.: USA (Arizona,
New Mexico), Mexico (Chiapas) to Colombia (?). Refs.: Macfie, 1948: 83; Wirth et al., 1988: 28; Borkent &
Spinelli, 2007: 71; Spinelli et al., 2009: 89.

Subgenus unplaced, dasyophrus Species Group

dasyophrus Macfie, 1940c: 27. Type locality: Guyana, New River. ST M, F (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Meta
(Refugio Macarena)), Ecuador, Venezuela, Guyana, Brazil (Amazonas, Mato Grosso, Pará). Refs.: Macfie, 1940c:
27; Wirth & Blanton, 1973: 430; Barreto, 1986: 146; Wirth et al., 1988: 50; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 72; Spinelli
et al., 2009: 89.

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Subgenus unplaced, eublepharus Species Group

caldasi Browne, 1980: 535. Type locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Cali, Peñas Blancas, Finca El Rosal, 1800
m. HT F (USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Cali, Peñas Blancas, Finca El Rosal, 1800 m)). Refs.:
Browne, 1980: 535; Barreto, 1986: 145; Wirth et al., 1988: 42; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 72; Spinelli et al., 2009:
89; Borkent, 2015: 79 (cat.).
caucaensis Wirth & Lee, 1967: 19. Type locality: Colombia, Cauca, 28.4 km E Puracé, 3100 m. HT F (# 69403
USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Cauca (28.4 km E Puracé, 3100 m)). Refs.: Wirth & Lee, 1967: 19; Barreto, 1986: 146;
Wirth et al., 1988: 42; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 72; Spinelli et al., 2009: 89; Borkent, 2015: 80 (cat.).

eublepharus Macfie, 1948: 86. Type locality: Guyana, New River. HT F (lost). Distr.: Mexico (Chiapas), Costa
Rica, Colombia (Antioquia (Río Anorí), Caquetá (Tres Esquinas)) to Ecuador, Venezuela, northern Brazil. Refs.:
Macfie, 1948: 86; Wirth & Blanton, 1973: 431; Barreto, 1986: 146; Wirth et al., 1988: 44; Borkent & Spinelli,
2007: 72; Spinelli et al., 2009: 89.
transferrans Ortíz, 1953: 801. Type locality: Venezuela, Amazonas, head Río Orinoco. HT F (INHC).

florenciae Messersmith, 1972: 167. Type locality: Colombia, Caquetá, Florencia, Ríohacha, 1000 m. HT F (#
73147 USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Caquetá (Florencia), Guajira (Ríohacha, 1000 m), Valle del Cauca (Cali, Peñas
Blancas, Finca El Rosal, 1800 m)). Refs.: Messersmith, 1972: 167; Browne, 1980: 533; Barreto, 1986: 146; Wirth
et al., 1988: 44; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 72; Spinelli et al., 2009: 89; Borkent, 2015: 84 (cat.).

micayensis Spinelli, Santamaría, Cabrera, Ronderos & Suárez, 2009: 85. HT F (MLPA). Type locality: Colombia,
Cauca, López, Río Micay. Distr.: Colombia (Cauca (López, Río Micay)). Refs.: Spinelli et al., 2009: 85; Borkent,
2015: 93 (cat.).

pabloi Browne, 1980: 541. Type locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Cali, Pance, 1600 m. HT F (USNM). Distr.:
Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Cali, Pance, 1600 m; Peñas Blancas)). Refs.: Browne, 1980: 541; Barreto, 1986: 147;
Wirth et al., 1988: 44; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 72; Spinelli et al., 2009: 89; Borkent, 2015: 96 (cat.).

rangeli Ortíz & Mirsa, 1952b: 126. Type locality: Venezuela, Miranda, Los Chorros. HT F (INHC). Distr.: Mexico
(Oaxaca) to Colombia. Locality in Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Cali, Peñas Blancas; Río Raposo)), Ecuador,
Bolivia, Venezuela, Guadeloupe, Trinidad and Tobago, Brazil (Amazonas). Refs.: Ortíz & Mirsa, 1952b: 126;
Barreto, 1986: 148; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 72; Spinelli et al., 2009: 89.
donajii Vargas, 1954: 28. Type locality: Mexico, Oaxaca. HT M (CAIM).
patulipalpis Wirth & Blanton, 1959: 421. Type locality: Panama, Panama prov., Cerro Campana. HT F (#
63170 USNM).

tamboensis Wirth & Lee, 1967: 20. Type locality: Colombia, Cauca, El Tambo, Finca Carpenteria, 2500 m. HT F
(# 69404 USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Cauca (El Tambo, Finca Carpenteria, 2500 m), Valle del Cauca (Cali, Pance)).
Refs.: Wirth & Lee, 1967: 20; Barreto, 1986: 148; Wirth et al., 1988: 44; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 72; Spinelli et
al., 2009: 89; Borkent, 2015: 104 (cat.).

Subgenus unplaced, fluvialis Species Group

balsapambensis Ortíz & León, 1955: 569 (as variety of pifanoi). Type locality: Ecuador, Bolivar, Balsapamba. ST
F (UNCE). Distr.: Costa Rica to Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Cali, Pance)), Ecuador, Brazil. Refs.: Ortíz & León,
1955: 569; Barreto, 1986: 145; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 72; Spinelli et al., 2009: 89.

castillae Fox, 1946: 251. Type locality: Honduras, Puerta Castilla. HT F (UNPR). Distr.: Guatemala to Colombia
(Boyacá (Pauna, Topo Grande), Caquetá (Solano)), Ecuador, Venezuela, Trinidad and Tobago. Refs.: Fox, 1946:
251; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 72; Spinelli et al., 2009: 86.
gibsoni Wirth, 1952: 246. Type locality: Guatemala, Chimaltenango, San Pedro Yepocapa. HT F (# 61407
USNM). flochabonnenci Ortíz & Mirsa, 1952a: 267. Type locality: Venezuela, Miranda, Los Chorros. HT F (INHC).

116 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press SPINELLI & WOLFF
fluvialis Macfie, 1940c: 25. Type locality: Guyana, New River. HT F (BMNH). Distr.: Honduras to Colombia (?),
Venezuela, Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana, Brazil (Amazonas, Pará). Refs.: Macfie, 1940c: 25; Wirth et al., 1988:
44; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 72; Spinelli et al., 2009: 86.

leopoldoi Ortíz, 1951: 579. Type locality: Venezuela, Miranda, Ocumare del Tuy. HT F (INHC). Distr.: Guatemala
and Belize to Bolivia and northeastern Argentina, Trinidad and Tobago, Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)).
Refs.: Ortíz, 1951: 579; Barreto, 1986: 147; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 72; Spinelli et al., 2009: 90.

Subgenus unplaced, leoni Species Group

fieldi Wirth & Blanton, 1956c: 50. Type locality: Honduras, Lancetilla. HT F (# 63130 USNM). Distr.: Honduras,
Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)). Refs.: Wirth & Blanton, 1956c: 50; Barreto, 1986:
146; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 73; Spinelli et al., 2009: 90.

gabaldoni Ortíz, 1954: 221. Type locality: Venezuela, Yaracuy, San Felipe. HT F (INHC). Distr.: Mexico
(Tabasco) to Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)), Ecuador, Venezuela, Trinidad and Tobago, Brazil (Bahia),
Paraguay, northeastern Argentina. Refs.: Ortíz, 1954: 221; Barreto, 1986: 146; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 73;
Spinelli et al., 2009: 90.

glabellus Wirth & Blanton, 1956c: 47. Type locality: Panama, Bocas del Toro, Almirante. HT F (# 63129 USNM).
Distr.: Honduras to Colombia (Putumayo (Puerto Leguizamo), Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)), Ecuador, Trinidad
and Tobago, Brazil (Bahia, Pará). Refs.: Wirth & Blanton, 1956c: 47; Wirth & Blanton, 1973: 437; Barreto, 1986:
147; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 73; Spinelli et al., 2009: 90.

leoni Barbosa, 1952: 17 (1953: 19). Type locality: Ecuador, Santo Domingo. HT F (UNCE). Distr.: Colombia
(Boyacá (Pauna, Topo Grande; Aguasal)), Ecuador. Refs. : Barbosa, 1952, 17 (1953: 19); Borkent & Spinelli,
2007: 73; Spinelli et al., 2009: 87.

Subgenus unplaced, limai Species Group

galindoi Wirth & Blanton, 1953a: 73. Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Mojinga Swamp. HT F (# 61501
USNM). Distr.: Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)). Refs.: Wirth & Blanton, 1953a:
73; Barreto, 1986: 147; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 73; Spinelli et al., 2009: 87; Borkent, 2015: 85 (cat.).

limai Barretto, 1944: 99. Type locality, Brazil, São Paulo, Mojí das Cruzes. HT M (DEFS). Distr.: El Salvador to
Colombia (Meta (Restrepo, El Retiro)), Ecuador, Brazil (Pará, Mato Grosso, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Santa
Catarina) to northeastern Argentina. Refs.: Barretto, 1944: 99; Forattini, 1954: 223; Forattini, 1957: 335; Barreto,
1986: 147; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 73; Spinelli et al., 2009: 90.

santanderi Browne, 1980: 536. Type locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Cali, Pance, Finca Topacio, 1600 m. HT
F (USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Cali, Pance, Finca Topacio, 1600 m)). Refs.: Browne, 1980: 536;
Barreto, 1986: 148; Wirth et al., 1988: 34; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 73; Spinelli et al., 2009: 90; Borkent, 2015:
101 (cat.).

vernoni Wirth & Blanton, 1973: 448. Type locality: Brazil, Pará, Belém. HT F (USNM). Distr.: Costa Rica,
Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Cali, Peñas Blancas, El Rosal 1850 m; Río Raposo)), Bolivia, Brazil (Pará). Refs.:
Wirth & Blanton, 1973: 448; Barreto, 1986: 148; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 73; Spinelli et al., 2009: 90.

Subgenus unplaced, monticola Species Group

andinus Wirth & Lee, 1967: 17. Type locality: Colombia, Cauca, El Tambo, Finca Carpentería, 2500 m. HT F (#
69402 USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Cauca (El Tambo, Finca Carpentería, 2500 m; 18 km E Puracé, 3320 m; 28.4 km
E Puracé, 3100 m)). Refs.: Wirth & Lee, 1967: 17; Barreto, 1986: 145; Wirth et al., 1988: 32; Borkent & Spinelli,
2007: 73; Spinelli et al., 2009: 90; Borkent, 2015: 76 (cat.).

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monticola Wirth & Lee, 1967: 15. Type locality: Colombia, Cauca, El Tambo, Finca Carpentería, 2500 m. HT F (#
69401 USNM). Distr.: Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia (Cauca (El Tambo, Finca Carpentería, 2500 m), Valle del
Cauca (Peñas Blancas, 1800 m; Pance)), Ecuador. Refs.: Wirth & Lee, 1967: 15; Barreto, 1986: 147; Wirth et al.,
1988: 34; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 73; Spinelli et al., 2009: 90; Borkent, 2015: 93 (cat.).
pichindensis Browne, 1980: 538. Type locality: Colombia, Valle, Peñas Blancas, 1800 m. HT F (USNM).

Subgenus unplaced, pachymerus Species Group

caprilesi Fox, 1952: 364. Type locality: Venezuela, Mount Marahuaca. HT F (UNPR). Distr.: Panama, Colombia
(Vaupés (Mitú; Caño Cuduyarí)), Venezuela, Brazil (Pará, Mato Grosso). Refs.: Fox, 1952: 364; Marinkelle &
Germán, 1970: 107; Wirth & Blanton, 1973: 428; Barreto, 1986: 145; Wirth et al., 1988: 52; Borkent & Spinelli,
2007: 74; Spinelli et al., 2009: 90.
kintzi Wirth & Blanton, 1953a: 72. Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Fort Sherman, Mojinga Swamp. HT F
(# 61498 USNM).

obnoxius Fox, 1952: 365. Type locality: Venezuela, Mount Marahuaca. HT F (UNPR). Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquía (Río Anorí)), Venezuela. Refs.: Fox, 1952: 365; Wirth et al., 1988: 54; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 74;
Spinelli et al., 2009: 90.

pachymerus Lutz, 1914: 83. Type locality: Brazil, Manaus, Río Negro. ST F (FIOC). Distr.: Guatemala to
Colombia (Huila (Neiva), Tolima (Honda)), Brazil (Amazonas). Refs.: Lutz, 1914: 83; Barreto, 1986: 147; Borkent
& Spinelli, 2007: 74; Spinelli et al., 2009: 90.

uniradialis Wirth & Blanton, 1953a: 70. Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Fort Sherman, Mojinga Swamp. HT
F (# 61497 USNM). Distr.: Panama, Colombia (Antioquia (Río Anorí), Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)). Refs.:
Wirth & Blanton, 1953a: 70; Wirth & Blanton, 1973: 430; Barreto, 1986: 148; Wirth et al., 1988: 54 Borkent &
Spinelli, 2007: 74; Spinelli et al., 2009: 90.

Subgenus unplaced, reticulatus Species Group

diplus Santarem & Felippe-Bauer, 2014: 261. Type locality: Colombia, Valle, Rio Raposo. HT F (CCER). Distr.:
Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Rio Raposo)), Panama. Refs.: Santarem & Felippe-Bauer, 2014: 261; Borkent, 2015:
82 (cat.).

macrostigma Wirth & Blanton, 1953b: 230. Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Fort Sherman, Mojinga Swamp.
HT F (# 61505 USNM). Distr.: Costa Rica to Colombia (?). Refs.: Wirth & Blanton, 1953b: 230; Wirth et al., 1988:
40; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 74; Spinelli et al., 2009: 90.

paucienfuscatus Barbosa, 1947: 23. Type locality: Brazil, Amazonas, Manaus. HT F (USNM). Distr.: Costa Rica
to Peru and Bolivia,Venezuela, Trinidad and Tobago, Brazil (Amazonas, Pará). Localities in Colombia (Caquetá
(Tres Esquinas), Meta (Refugio Macarena)). Refs.: Barbosa, 1947: 23; Wirth & Blanton, 1973: 444; Barreto, 1986:
147; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 74; Spinelli et al., 2009: 90.

pifanoi Ortíz, 1951: 588. Type locality: Venezuela, Maracay, San Felipe. HT F (INHC). Distr.: Belize to Colombia
(Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)), Venezuela, Trinidad and Tobago, Brazil (Pará, Bahia), Paraguay. Refs.: Ortíz,
1951: 588; Barreto, 1986: 147; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 74; Spinelli et al., 2009: 90.
tricoloratus Wirth & Blanton, 1953b: 233. Type locality: Panama, Panamá Prov., Pacora. HT F (# 61499 USNM).

Subgenus unplaced, stigmalis Species Group

Refs.: Felippe-Bauer & Wirth, 1987 (key to males and females).

fluviatilis (Lutz), 1914: 82 (Johannseniella). Type locality: Brazil, Amazonas, Río Negro, São Gabriel. ST F (FIOC).

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Distr.: Colombia (Vaupés (Mitú; Caño Cuduyarí)), Ecuador, Bolivia, Venezuela, Trinidad and Tobago, Brazil
(Amazonas). Refs.: Lutz, 1914: 82; Barreto, 1986: 149; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 75; Spinelli et al., 2009: 90.
scorzai Ortíz, 1956: 93. Type locality: Venezuela, Bolivar, Río Guayaraca. HT F (INHC).

Miscellaneous Unplaced Species of Culicoides

arubae Fox & Hoffman, 1944: 109. Type locality: Aruba. HT F (UNPR). Distr.: USA (Texas), Mexico (Yucatán),
Aruba and Grenada, to Colombia (Magdalena (?)) and Venezuela. Refs.: Fox & Hoffman, 1944: 109; Wirth &
Blanton, 1974: 15; Barreto, 1986: 148; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 75; Spinelli et al., 2009: 90.

pancensis Browne, 1980: 537. Type locality, Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Cali, Pance, Finca Topacio, 1600 m. HT
F (USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Cali, Pance, Finca Topacio, 1600 m). Refs.: Browne, 1980: 537;
Barreto, 1986: 149; Wirth et al. 1988: 58; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 75; Spinelli et al., 2009: 90; Borkent, 2015: 97

Tribe Ceratopogonini

Genus Allohelea Kieffer

Allohelea Kieffer, 1917b: 364. Type species, Sphaeromias pulchripennis Kieffer (orig. des.).

neotropica Wirth, 1991a: 503. Type locality: Jamaica, Westmoreland Parish, Negril, Crystal Waters. HT F
(USNM). Distr.: Belize, Panama, Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)), Jamaica. Refs.: Wirth 1991a: 503;
Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 76.

Genus Alluaudomyia Kieffer

Alluaudomyia Kieffer, 1913: 12. Type species, Alluaudomyia imparunguis Kieffer (mon.). Refs.: Huerta, 1996 (key to males
and females from Mexico); Spinelli & Wirth, 1984b (key to males and females).
Neoceratopogon Malloch, 1915b: 310. Type species, Ceratopogon bellus Coquillett (orig. des.).
Isoecacta Garrett, 1925: 9. Type species, Isoecacta poeyi Garrett (= Ceratopogon bellus Coquillett) (orig. des.).

caribbeana Spinelli & Wirth, 1984b: 678. Type locality: Belize, Nattieville. HT F (USNM). Distr.: USA
(California to Texas, Florida), Central America, circum-Caribbean from Mexico (Yucatán, Morelos, Sinaloa) to
Colombia (Meta (Puerto López)) and Venezuela. Refs.: Spinelli & Wirth, 1984c: 678; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007:

distispinulosa Spinelli & Wirth, 1984b: 682. Type locality: Brazil, Amazonas, Manaus. HT F (USNM). Distr.:
Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)), Bolivia, Venezuela, Brazil (Amazonas). Refs.: Spinelli & Wirth, 1984b:
682; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 76.

leei Spinelli & Wirth, 1984b: 687. Type locality: Colombia, Meta, Finca Barbascal. HT F (USNM). Distr.:
Colombia (Meta (Finca Barbascal)), Bolivia. Refs.: Spinelli & Wirth, 1984b: 687; Borkent & Spinelli 2007: 76;
Borkent, 2015: 111 (cat.).

nubeculosa Spinelli & Wirth, 1984b: 689. Type locality: Brazil, Amazonas, Río Solimões. HT F (USNM). Distr.:
Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)), Brazil (Amazonas, Pará). Refs.: Spinelli & Wirth, 1984b: 689; Borkent
& Spinelli, 2007: 76.

sexpunctata Spinelli & Wirth, 1984b: 695. Type locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo). HT F

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(USNM]). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)). Refs.: Spinelli & Wirth, 1984b: 695; Borkent &
Spinelli, 2007: 77; Borkent, 2015: 113 (cat.).

spinellii Wirth & Grogan, 1988: 21. New name for tripunctata. Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)).
Refs.: Wirth & Grogan, 1988: 21; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 77; Borkent, 2015: 113 (cat.).
tripunctata Spinelli & Wirth, 1984b: 697 (preocc. Alluaudomyia tripunctata Chaudhuri, Das Gupta &
Chaudhuri, 1972). Type locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo). HT F (USNM).

youngi Spinelli & Wirth, 1984b: 699. Type locality: Colombia, Antioquia (near Río Anorí). HT F (USNM). Distr.:
Panama, Colombia (Antioquia, (near río Anorí)). Refs.: Spinelli & Wirth, 1984b: 699; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007:
77; Borkent, 2015: 114 (cat.).

Genus Baeohelea Wirth & Blanton

Baeohelea Wirth & Blanton, 1970b: 95. Type species, Baeohelea nana Wirth & Blanton (orig. des.).

nana Wirth & Blanton, 1970b: 95. Type locality: Dominica, Pont Casse. HT F (# 70647 USNM). Distr.: Costa Rica
to Ecuador, St. Kitts, Dominica. Locality in Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)). Refs.: Wirth & Blanton,
1970b: 95; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 78.

Genus Brachypogon Kieffer

Brachypogon Kieffer, 1899: 69. Type species, Ceratopogon vitiosus Winnertz (orig. des.). Refs.: Spinelli & Wirth, 1993 (key
to subgenera as part of larger key to genera).

Subgenus Brachypogon Kieffer

Refs.: Spinelli & Grogan, 1998 (key to males and females).

bimaculatus Spinelli & Grogan, 1998: 67. Type locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo). HT M (FSCA).
Distr.: Mexico (Yucatán), Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)), Peru, Brazil (Mato Grosso). Refs.: Spinelli &
Grogan, 1998: 67; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 78; Borkent, 2015: 116 (cat.).

ecuadorensis Spinelli & Grogan, 1998: 68. Type locality: Ecuador, Loja, Catamayo. HT M (USNM). Distr.:
Belize, Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)), Costa Rica, Ecuador, Jamaica, Panama. Refs.: Spinelli &
Grogan, 1998: 68; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 78.

impar (Johannsen), 1938: 223 (Ceratopogon). Type locality: Puerto Rico, El Yunque trial. HT F (CUIC). Distr.:
Colombia (Meta (Finca Barbascal)), Venezuela, Puerto Rico, Brazil (Santa Catarina). Refs.: Johannsen, 1938: 223;
Spinelli & Grogan, 1998: 69; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 79.

monicae Spinelli & Grogan, 1998: 70. Type locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo). HT M (USNM).
Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)). Refs.: Spinelli & Grogan, 1998: 70; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007:
79; Borkent, 2015: 117 (cat.).

Subgenus Isohelea Kieffer

Isohelea Kieffer, 1917b: 295. Type species, Ceratopogon lacteipennis Zetterstedt (misidentified, =Psilohelea sociabilis
Goetghebuer) (orig. des.). Refs.: Spinelli & Grogan, 1994 (key to males and females).

hugoi Spinelli & Grogan, 1994: 2. Type locality: Colombia, Nariño, 20 km E Pasto. HT F (CASC). Distr.:
Colombia (Nariño (20 km E Pasto)). Refs.: Spinelli & Grogan, 1994: 2; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 79; Borkent,
2015: 118 (cat.).

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Genus Downeshelea Wirth & Grogan

Downeshelea Wirth & Grogan, 1988: 50. Type species, Monohelea stonei Wirth (orig. des.). Refs.: Lane & Wirth, 1964 (key to
males and females).

chiapasi (Lane & Wirth), 1964: 219 (Monohelea). Type locality: Nicaragua, Villa Somoza. HT M (# 66348
USNM). Distr.: Nicaragua to Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)). Refs.: Lane & Wirth, 1964: 219; Borkent
& Spinelli, 2007: 80.

colombiae (Lane & Wirth), 1964: 220 (Monoheleae). Type locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo). HT
M (# 67563 USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)). Refs.: Lane & Wirth, 1964: 220; Borkent &
Spinelli, 2007: 80; Borkent, 2015: 123 (cat.).

fuscipennis (Lane & Wirth), 1964: 221 (Monohelea). Type locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo). HT
F (# 67564 USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)). Refs.: Lane & Wirth, 1964: 221; Borkent &
Spinelli, 2007: 80; Borkent, 2015: 123 (cat.).

grogani Huerta, Felippe-Bauer & Spinelli, 2012: 64. Type locality: Mexico, Oaxaca, Municipio San Juan
Guichicovi, Localidad El Zacatal. HT M (CAIM). Distr.: Mexico (Veracruz, Oaxaca, Quintana Roo), Belize and
Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)). Refs.: Huerta et al., 2012: 64.

stonei (Wirth), 1953: 148 (Monohelea). Type locality: USA, Louisiana, Baton Rouge. HT M (# 61094 USNM).
Distr.: Eastern North America (Ontario, Massachusetts to Florida), Caribbean to Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río
Raposo)) and Trinidad and Tobago. Refs.: Wirth, 1953: 148; Lane & Wirth, 1964: 222; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007:

Genus Echinohelea Macfie

Echinohelea Macfie, 1940b: 187. Type species: Echinohelea ornatipennis Macfie (orig. des.). Refs.: Wirth, 1994 (key to males
and females).

Subgenus Echinohelea Macfie

lanei Wirth, 1951b: 319. Type locality: USA, Virginia, Falls Church. HT M (# 60973 USNM). Distr.: USA
(Virginia, Michigan and Massachetts to Florida), Panama, Colombia ((Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo; Río Micay,
Casa de Suárez)), Trinidad and Tobago, Brazil (Pará, Rondônia). Refs.: Wirth, 1951b: 319; Wirth, 1994: 234;
Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 81.

leei Wirth, 1994: 237. Type locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo). HT F (USNM). Distr.: Colombia
(Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)). Refs.: Wirth, 1994: 237; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 81; Borkent, 2015: 124 (cat.).

neotropica Wirth, 1994: 237. Type locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo). HT F (USNM). Distr.:
Panama, Colombia (Antioquia (near río Anorí), Chocó (Camp Teresita, Río Truando), Valle del Cauca (Río Micay,
Casa de Suárez; Rio Raposo)), Ecuador, Brazil (Amazonas, Pará, Rio de Janeiro). Refs.. Wirth, 1994: 237; Borkent
& Spinelli, 2007: 81; Borkent, 2015:124 (cat.).
smarti Macfie, 1940b: 190. Type locality: Guyana, Mazaruni. HS F (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca
(Río Raposo)), Guyana. Refs.: Macfie, 1940b: 190; Wirth, 1994: 241; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 81.

Genus Leptohelea Wirth & Blanton

Leptohelea Wirth & Blanton, 1970a: 12. Type species, Leptohelea micronyx Wirth & Blanton (orig. des.).

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micronyx Wirth & Blanton, 1970a: 12. Type locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo). HT F (# 70652
USNM). Distr.: Costa Rica, Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)). Refs.: Wirth & Blanton, 1970a: 12; Borkent
& Spinelli, 2007: 82; Borkent, 2015: 127 (cat.).

Genus Monohelea Kieffer

Monohelea Kieffer, 1917b: 294. Type species, Monohelea hieroglyphica Kieffer, (orig. des.). Refs.: Lane & Wirth, 1964 (key
to males and females).

mayeri Ortíz, 1950c: 202. Type locality: Venezuela, Miranda, Ocumare del Tuy. HT F (MHNL). Distr.: Costa Rica
to Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)), Venezuela, Trinidad and Tobago. Refs.: Ortiz, 1950c: 202; Lane &
Wirth 1964: 230; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 83.

Genus Nannohelea Grogan & Wirth

Nannohelea Grogan & Wirth, 1980: 374. Type species, Ceratopogon bouríoni Clastrier (orig. des.).

clastrieri Grogan & Wirth, 1980: 381. Type locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo). HT M (# 76099
USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)). Refs.: Grogan & Wirth, 1980: 381; Borkent & Spinelli,
2007: 83; Borkent, 2015: 130 (cat.).

Genus Parabezzia Malloch

Parabezzia Malloch, 1915a: 358. Type species, Parabezzia petiolata Malloch, (orig. des.). Refs.: Spinelli & Grogan, 1987
(key to females and some males).

unguis Wirth, 1965: 228. Type locality: USA, Arizona, Pima County, Sabino Canyon. HT F (# 66669 USNM).
Distr.: USA (Arizona, Texas) to Colombia (Valle del Cauca (oleoducto de Pacific, 10 km NW Dagua)). Refs.:
Wirth, 1965: 228; Spinelli & Grogan, 1987: 32; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 84.

Genus Parastilobezzia Wirth & Blanton

Parastilobezzia Wirth & Blanton, 1970a: 10. Type species, Parastilobezzia leei Wirth & Blanton (orig. des.).

leei Wirth & Blanton, 1970a: 10. Type locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo). HT F (# 70651 USNM).
Distr.: Costa Rica, Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)). Refs.: Wirth & Blanton, 1970a: 12; Borkent &
Spinelli, 2007: 84; Borkent, 2015: 132 (cat.).

Genus Stilobezzia Kieffer

Stilobezzia Kieffer, 1911a: 118. Type species, Stilobezzia festiva Kieffer (orig. des.). Refs.: Huerta, 1996 (key to males and
females from Mexico); Ingram &Macfie, 1931 (key males and females from Patagonia and southern Chile); Lane &
Forattini, 1961 (key to males and females from Neotropical Region north of Patagonia and southern Chile); Wirth &
Grogan, 1988 (key to subgenera, as part of generic key).
Hartomyia Malloch, 1915a: 339. Type species, Ceratopogon pictus Coquillett (= Stilobezzia coquilletti Kieffer) (orig. des.).

Subgenus Acanthohelea Kieffer

Acanthohelea Kieffer, 1917a: 198. Type species, Acanthohelea pruinosa Kieffer (mon.).

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maia Lane & Forattini, 1958: 204. Type locality: Panama, Prov. Panamá, Almirante, Bocas del Toro. HT M
(DEFS). Distr.: Panama, Colombia (?). Refs.: Lane & Forattini, 1958: 204; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 85.

Tribe Heteromyiini Wirth, 1962

Genus Clinohelea Kieffer

Clinohelea Kieffer, 1917b: 295. Type species, Ceratopogon variegatus Winnertz (= Ceratopogon unimaculata Macquart)
(orig. des.).

Subgenus Ceratobezzia Kieffer

Ceratobezzia Kieffer, 1917b: 326. Type species, Ceratobezzia fallax Kieffer (orig. des.).

fallax Kieffer, 1917b: 326. Type locality: Paraguay. T F (HNHM, lost). Distr.: El Salvador to Colombia (Meta
(Indostán)), Venezuela, Brazil (Amazonas, Pará, Mato Grosso, Sãom Paulo), Paraguay, Northeastern Argentina.
Refs.: Kieffer, 1917b: 326; Spinelli & Duret, 1993: 41; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 88.
barrettoi Lane & Duret, 1954: 249. Type locality: Brazil, São Paulo, Ribeirao Preto. HT F (# 10433 DEFS).

Subgenus Clinohelea Kieffer

Refs.: Spinelli & Duret, 1993 (key to males and females).

horacioi Lane, 1944: 257. Type locality: Brazil, São Paulo, São Roque. HT F (# 4984 DEFS). Distr.: Mexico
(Yucatán, Tabasco, Morelos) to northeastern Argentina. Localities in Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo),
Meta (Indostán), Chocó (Vuelta)). Refs.: Lane, 1944: 257; Spinelli & Duret, 1993: 45; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007:

muzoni Spinelli & Duret, 1993: 46. Type locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo). HT F (USNM). Distr.:
Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo), Chocó (Río Sucio)). Refs.: Spinelli & Duret, 1993: 46; Borkent &
Spinelli, 2007: 88; Borkent, 2015: 143 (cat.).

nigripes Macfie, 1939b: 205. Type locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutonia. HT F (BMNH). Distr.: Costa
Rica to Colombia (Boyacá (Puerto Boyacá), Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)), Brazil (São Paulo, Santa Catarina),
northeastern Argentina. Refs.: Macfie, 1939b: 205; Spinelli & Duret, 1993: 47; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 88.

Genus Heteromyia Say

Heteromyia Say, 1825: plate 35. Type species, Heteromyia fasciata Say (mon.). Refs.: Duret & Lane, 1955 (key to males and
Pachyleptus Walker, 1856: 426. Type species, Pachyleptus fasciatus Walker (= Heteromyia nigra Kieffer) (mon.).
clavata Williston, 1900: 225 (female; Mexico). Type locality: Mexico, Veracruz. HT F (BMNH). Distr.: Mexico
(Veracruz) to Colombia (Atlántico (Barranquilla)), Brazil (Amazonas), northeastern Argentina. Refs.: Williston,
1900: 225; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 89.
rufa Kieffer, 1917b: 325. Type locality: Colombia (Barranquilla). T F (HNHM, lost).
caloptera Kieffer, 1919: 192. Unnecessary new name for H. rufa Kieffer, not Loew, 1861.

Tribe Sphaeromiini Newman, 1834

Genus Pellucidomyia Macfie

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Pellucidomyia Macfie, 1939a: 99. Type species, Pellucidomyia ugandae Macfie (orig. des.). Refs.: Wirth, 1960 (World key to
males and females).
Macfiehelea Lane, 1946: 208. Type species, Macfiehelea oliveirai Lane (orig. des.).

lanei Wirth & Ratanaworabhan, 1971: 446. Type locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo). HT F (# 70678
USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)), Jamaica. Refs.: Wirth & Ratanaworabhan, 1971: 446;
Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 89; Borkent, 2015: 145 (cat.).

wirthi (Lane), 1956b: 437 (Macfiehelea). Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Mindi Dairy. HT F (USNM). Distr.:
USA (Texas) to Colombia (Meta (Finca Barbascal)). Refs.: Lane, 1956b: 437; Wirth & Ratanaworabhan, 1971b:
446; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 89.

Genus Lanehelea Wirth & Blanton

Lanehelea Wirth & Blanton, 1972: 433. Type species, Lanehelea leei Wirth and Blanton (orig. des.).

leei Wirth & Blanton, 1972: 434. Type locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo). HT F (# 71181 USNM).
Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)). Refs.: Wirth & Blanton,1972: 434; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 91;
Borkent, 2015: 154 (cat.).

spinifemur Wirth & Blanton, 1972: 436. Type locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo). HT F (# 71181
USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)). Refs.: Wirth & Blanton, 1972: 436; Borkent & Spinelli,
2007: 91; Borkent, 2015: 154 (cat.).

Genus Neobezzia Wirth & Ratanaworabhan

Neobezzia Wirth & Ratanaworabhan, 1972a: 477. Type species: Neobezzia clavipes Wirth & Ratanaworabhan (orig. des.).
Refs.: Wirth & Ratanaworabhan, 1972a (key to females).

amnicola (Macfie), 1940c: 30 (Bezzia). Type locality: Guyana, New River. HT F (BMNH). Distr.: Belize to
Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)), Brazil (Amazonas, Rondônia, Mato Grosso, São Paulo). Refs.: Macfie,
1940c: 30; Wirth & Ratanaworabhan, 1972a: 481; 1972a: 434; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 91.

blantoni Wirth & Ratanaworabhan, 1972a: 482. Type locality: Panama, Gamboa, Canal Zone (Río Agua Salud).
HT F (# 71476 USNM). Distr.: Nicaragua to Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)), Brazil (Amazonas, Pará,
Rondônia), northeastern Argentina. Refs.: Wirth & Ratanaworabhan, 1972a: 482; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 91.

Tribe Palpomyiini Enderlein, 1936

Genus Amerohelea Grogan & Wirth

Amerohelea Grogan & Wirth, 1981: 1280. Type species, Amerohelea galindoi Grogan & Wirth (orig. des.). Refs.: Grogan &
Wirth, 1981 (key to females); Huerta, 1996 (key to females from Mexico).

fasciata Grogan & Wirth, 1981: 1283. Type locality: Belize, Augustine. HT F (# 76569 USNM). Distr.: Mexico
(Sonora, Morelos, Tabasco, Chiapas) to Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)). Refs.: Grogan & Wirth, 1981:
1283; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 92.

frontispina (Dow & Turner), 1976: 138 (Bezzia). Type locality: USA, Texas, Gillespie Co., Fredericksburg. HT F
(# 76578 USNM). Distr.: USA (California to Texas) south to Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)) and
Venezuela. Refs.: Dow & Turner, 1976: 138; Grogan & Wirth, 1981: 1301; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 92.

124 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press SPINELLI & WOLFF
galindoi Grogan & Wirth, 1981: 1294. Type locality: Colombia Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo). HT F (# 76574
USNM). Distr.: Panama, Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)), Venezuela, Guadeloupe, northern Argentina.
Refs.: Grogan & Wirth, 1981: 1294; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 92; Borkent, 2015: 157 (cat.).

ronderosi Grogan & Wirth, 1981: 1298. Type locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo). HT F (# 76576
USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)). Refs.: Grogan & Wirth, 1981: 1298; Borkent & Spinelli,
2007: 92; Borkent, 2015: 157 (cat.).

spinellii Grogan & Wirth, 1981: 1292. Type locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca (Río Micay, Casa de Suárez). HT
F (# 76573 USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Micay, Casa de Suárez, Río Raposo)). Refs.: Grogan &
Wirth, 1981: 1292; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 92; Borkent, 2015: 157 (cat.).

Genus Bezzia Kieffer

Bezzia Kieffer, 1899: 69. Type species, Ceratopogon ornatus Meigen (orig. des.). Refs.: Huerta, 1996 (key to males and
females from Mexico); Spinelli & Wirth, 1989a (key to subgenera and species groups for males and females, key to males
and females of nobilis and punctipennis groups); Spinelli & Wirth, 1989b (key to females and some males of glabra and
brevicornis groups); Spinelli & Wirth, 1990 (key to males and females of gibbera group); Spinelli & Wirth, 1991 (key to
males and females of dentifemur and venustula groups).

dentifemur Spinelli & Wirth, 1991: 3. Type locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo). HT F (USNM).
Distr.: Belize, Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)), Trinidad and Tobago, Brazil (Pará). Refs.: Spinelli &
Wirth, 1991: 3; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 93; Borkent, 2015: 159 (cat.).

filiducta Spinelli & Wirth, 1991: 3 (as filiductus). Type locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo). HT F
(USNM) Distr.: Honduras, Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)). Refs.: Spinelli & Wirth, 1991: 3; Borkent &
Spinelli, 2007: 93; Borkent, 2015: 160 (cat.).

fusca Spinelli & Wirth, 1991: 9. Type locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo). HT F (USNM). Distr.:
Honduras, Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)). Refs.: Spinelli & Wirth, 1991: 9; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007:
93; Borkent, 2015: 160 (cat.).

grogani Spinelli & Wirth, 1990: 19. Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Fort Davis. HT F (USNM). Distr.: Mexico
(Morelos), Panama, Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo), Meta (Finca Barbascal)). Refs.: Spinelli & Wirth,
1990: 19; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 94.

jubata Spinelli & Wirth, 1990: 20. Type locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo). HT F (USNM). Distr.:
Colombia (Antioquia (near Río Anorí), Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo; Bahia, Buenaventura, Bella Vista)). Refs.:
Spinelli & Wirth, 1990: 20; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 94; Borkent, 2015: 161 (cat.).
leei Spinelli & Wirth, 1990: 21. Type locality, Colombia, Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo). HT F (USNM). Distr.:
Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)). Refs.: Spinelli & Wirth, 1990: 21; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 94;
Borkent, 2015: 161 (cat.).

megatheca Spinelli & Wirth, 1990: 22. Type locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo). HT F (USNM).
Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)), Brazil (Rondônia). Refs.: Spinelli & Wirth, 1990: 22; Borkent &
Spinelli, 2007: 94; Borkent, 2015: 162 (cat.).

raposoensis Spinelli & Wirth, 1991: 4. Type locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo). HT F (USNM).
Distr.: Mexico (Yucatán), Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)). Refs.: Spinelli & Wirth, 1991: 4; Borkent &
Spinelli, 2007: 94; Borkent, 2015: 163 (cat.).

setigera Spinelli & Wirth, 1990: 24. Type locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Oleoducto Pacífico (10 km NW

CATALOGUE OF CERATOPOGONIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 125
Dagua). HT F (USNM). Distr.: El Salvador, Colombia (Antioquia (near Río Anorí), Valle del Cauca (Oleoducto
Pacífico (10 NW Dagua; Río Raposo)). Refs.: Spinelli & Wirth, 1990: 24; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 94; Borkent,
2015: 164 (cat.).

snowi Lane, 1958: 34. Type locality: Guatemala. HT F (# 11769 DEFS). Distr.: Guatemala, Panama, Colombia
(Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)), Trinidad and Tobago, Brazil (Pará). Refs.: Lane, 1958: 34; Spinelli & Wirth, 1991:
10; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 94.

venustula (Williston), 1896: 278 (Ceratopogon). Type locality: St. Vincent. HT F (BMNH). Distr.: Widespread,
from Mexico (Veracruz, Morelos, Chiapas) to Argentina. Localities in Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Oleoducto
Pacífico (10 NW Dagua; Río Raposo)). Refs.: Williston, 1896: 278; Spinelli & Wirth, 1991: 7; Borkent & Spinelli,
2007: 94.
concoloripes Macfie, 1940c: 31. Type locality: Guyana, New River. HT F (BMNH).

Genus Pachyhelea Wirth

Pachyhelea Wirth, 1959: 50. Type species, Ceratopogon magnus Coquillett (= Ceratopogon pachymerus Williston) (orig. des.).

albidiventris (Kieffer), 1917b: 316 (Sphaeromias). Type locality: Colombia, Atlántico, Barranquilla. T F (HNHM,
lost). Distr.: Colombia (Atlántico (Barranquilla)). Refs.: Kieffer, 1917b: 316; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 95;
Borkent, 2015: 165 (cat.).

Genus Palpomyia Meigen

Palpomyia Meigen, 1818: 82. Type species, Ceratopogon flavipes Meigen (mon.). Generic name first published in synonymy
with Ceratopogon but available under ICZN Code Article 11(e). Refs.: Ingram & Macfie, 1931 (key males and females
from Patagonia and southern Chile); Lane, 1960 (key to females).

columbiana Kieffer, 1917b: 323. Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena (Sierra San Lorenzo). T F (HNHM, lost).
Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena (Sierra San Lorenzo)). Refs.: Kieffer, 1917b: 323; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 96;
Borkent, 2015: 167 (cat.).

hispida Borkent, in Borkent & Wirth, 1997: 132. New name for multispinosa. Distr.: El Salvador to Colombia
(Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)). Refs.: Borkent & Wirth, 1997: 132; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 96.
multispinosa Spinelli & Grogan, 1989: 6 (preocc. Palpomyia multispinosa (Pierce), 1966). Type locality: El
Salvador, San Vicente, Santo Domingo. HT F (USNM).

microchela Kieffer, 1917b: 321. Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena (Sierra San Lorenzo). T F (HNHM, lost).
Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena (Sierra San Lorenzo)). Refs.: Kieffer, 1917b: 321; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 96;
Borkent, 2015: 169 (cat.).

Genus Phaenobezzia Haeselbarth

Phaenobezzia Haeselbarth, 1965: 297. Type species, Probezzia pistiae Ingram & Macfie (orig. des.). Refs.: Spinelli & Wirth,
1986 (key to males and females).

ateles (Macfie), 1940a: 78 (Bezzia). Type locality, Brazil, Bahia, Mundo Novo. HT M (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia
(Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)), Ecuador, Brazil (Bahia). Refs.: Macfie, 1940a: 78; Spinelli & Wirth, 1986: 232;
Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 97.
astyla Spinelli & Wirth, 1986: 232. Type locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo). HT F (USNM).

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Tribe Stenoxenini Coquillett, 1899

Genus Paryphoconus Enderlein

Paryphoconus Enderlein, 1912: 57. Type species, Paryphoconus angustipennis Enderlein (orig. des.). Refs.: Huerta, 1996 (key
to females from Mexico); Spinelli & Wirth, 1984a (key to females).

angustipennis Enderlein, 1912: 57. Type locality, Brazil, Santa Catarina. HT F (ZMHB). Distr.: Colombia (Valle
del Cauca (Río Raposo)), Peru, Venezuela, Brazil (Goiás, São Paulo, Santa Catarina), northeastern Argentina.
Refs.: Enderlein, 1912: 57; Wirth & Ratanaworabhan, 1972b: 1371; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 97.

anomalicornis Kieffer, 1917b: 333. Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena, Santa Marta and Paraguay (Puerto Max).
T F (HNHM, lost). Distr.: Mexico (San Luis Potosí) to Colombia (Magdalena (Santa Marta), Valle del Cauca (Río
Raposo)), Venezuela, Brazil (Amazonas), Paraguay, northeastern Argentina. Refs.: Kieffer, 1917b: 333: Wirth &
Ratanaworabhan, 1972b: 1372; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 97; Borkent, 2015: 173 (cat.).

brunneipennis Spinelli & Wirth, 1984a: 890. Type locality: Brazil, Amazonas, Río Solimões. HT F (USNM).
Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)), Brazil (Amazonas). Refs.: Spinelli & Wirth, 1984a: 890; Borkent
& Spinelli, 2007: 98.

latipennis Spinelli & Wirth, 1984a: 898. Type locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo). HT F (USNM).
Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)), Venezuela. Refs.: Spinelli & Wirth, 1984a: 898; Borkent &
Spinelli, 2007: 98; Borkent, 2015: 173 (cat.).

leei Spinelli & Wirth, 1984a: 898. Type locality, Colombia, Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo). HT F (USNM). Distr.:
Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo)), Venezuela. Refs.: Spinelli & Wirth, 1984a: 898; Borkent & Spinelli,
2007: 98; Borkent, 2015: 173 (cat.).

oliveirai Lane, 1956a: 303. Type locality: Brazil, Pará, Cachimbo. HT F (# 11526 FIOC). Distr.: Colombia
(Amazonas (Leticia)), Brazil (Amazonas, Pará). Refs.: Lane, 1956a: 303; Spinelli & Wirth, 1984a: 902; Borkent &
Spinelli, 2007: 98.

subflavus Macfie, 1940c: 23. Type locality: Guyana, New River. HT F (BMHN). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del
Cauca (Río Raposo)), Guyana, Brazil (Amazonas, Pará, Rondônia). Refs.: Macfie, 1940c: 23; Wirth &
Ratanaworabhan, 1972b: 1376; Borkent & Spinelli, 2007: 98.
travassosi Lane, 1956a: 304. Type locality, Brazil, Pará, Cachimbo. HT F (# 11525 FIOC).


To Estrategia de Sostenibilidad 2013-2014 University of Antioquia for the grants (MW). Thanks to Biologist
Carolina Henao Sepulveda for her dedication and support to this project.

TABLE 1. Ceratopogonidae species recorded from Colombia.

Subfamily Tribe Genus Subgenus Species Species Author
Leptoconopinae Leptoconops Megaconops floridensis Wirth, 1951
Forcipomyiinae Atrichopogon Atrichopogon auricoma Kieffer, 1917
columbianus Kieffer, 1917
Forcipomyia Caloforcipomyia caerulea Saunders, 1957
eukosma Macfie, 1939
...Continued on next page

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TABLE 1. (Continued)
Subfamily Tribe Genus Subgenus Species Species Author
glauca Macfie, 1934
hatoensis Utmar & Wirth, 1976
hermosa Utmar & Wirth, 1976
remigera Utmar & Wirth, 1976
sabalitensis Utmar & Wirth, 1976
Euprojoannisia blantoni Soria & Bystrak, 1975
Forcipomyia argenteola argenteola Macfie, 1939
calatheae Wirth, 1982
genualis genualis (Loew, 1866)
harpegonata Wirth & Soria, 1975
squamitibia catarinensis Marino & Spinelli, 2002
Lasiohelea stylifer (Lutz, 1913)
Lepidohelea annulatipes Macfie, 1939
convexipenis Wirth & Spinelli, 1993
eusthystyla Wirth & Spinelli, 1993
hobbsi Wirth & Spinelli, 1993
luteigenua Wirth & Spinelli, 1992
Microhelea antioquiae Clastrier & Wirth, 1995
belemensis Clastrier & Wirth, 1995
colombiana Clastrier & Wirth, 1995
fuliginosa (Meigen, 1818)
insignipalpis Macfie, 1949
penultimata Wirth, 1972
raposoensis Clastrier & Wirth, 1995
squamosa Lutz, 1914
valleensis Clastrier & Wirth, 1995
vernoni Clastrier & Wirth, 1995
willistoni Wirth, 1971
Pedilohelea aitkeni de Meillon & Wirth,
raposoi de Meillon & Wirth,
spangleri de Meillon & Wirth,
spilmani de Meillon & Wirth,
Pterobosca incubans (Macfie, 1937)
Rhynchoforcipom brachyrhyncha Wirth & Dow, 1972
messersmithi Wirth & Dow, 1972
puracensis Wirth & Dow, 1972
zeteki Wirth & Dow, 1972
Saliohelea leei Wirth &
Ratanaworabhan, 1978
...Continued on next page

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TABLE 1. (Continued)
Subfamily Tribe Genus Subgenus Species Species Author
Thyridomyia colombiae Wirth, 1970
jipajapae Wirth, 1970
nana (Macfie, 1939)
nodosa Saunders, 1959
Warmkea aeria Saunders, 1957
galindoi Wirth & Soria, 1980
lesliei Wirth, 1974
louriei (Macfie, 1935)
spinosa Saunders, 1957
tuberculata Saunders, 1957
Dasyheleinae Dasyhelea columbiana (Kieffer, 1917)
santaemarthae (Kieffer, 1917)
Ceratopogoninae Culicoidini Culicoides Anilomyia ameliae Browne, 1980
covagarciai Ortiz, 1950
efferus Fox, 1952
inermis Spinelli et al., 2009
marshi Wirth & Blanton, 1956
metagonatus Wirth & Blanton, 1956
nigrifemur Spinelli et al., 2009
nigrigenus Wirth & Blanton, 1956
popayanensis Wirth & Lee, 1967
trapidoi Wirth & Barreto, 1978
Avaritia andicola Wirth & Lee, 1967
orjuelai Wirth & Lee, 1967
puracensis Wirth & Lee, 1967
pusillus Lutz, 1913
suarezi Rodriguez & Wirth,
Cotocripus bambusicola Lutz, 1913
gabrieli Spinelli et al., 2009
raposoensis Wirth & Barreto, 1978
Diphaomyia iriartei Fox, 1952
lisicarruni Moncada et al., 2010
marinkellei Wirth & Lee, 1967
mirsae Ortiz, 1953
Drymodesmyia jamaicensis Edwards, 1922
pilosus Wirth & Blanton, 1959
poikilonotus Macfie, 1948
Haematomyidium debilipalpis Lutz, 1913
eldridgei Wirth & Barreto, 1978
filiductus Wirth, 1981
germanus Macfie, 1940
...Continued on next page

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TABLE 1. (Continued)
Subfamily Tribe Genus Subgenus Species Species Author
ginesi Ortiz, 1951
glabrior Macfie, 1940
insinuatus Ortiz & Leon, 1955
paraensis (Goeldi, 1905)
quasiparaensis Clastrier, 1971
youngi Wirth & Barreto, 1978
Hoffmania antioquensis Spinelli et al., 2009
batesi Wirth & Blanton, 1973
brownei Spinelli et al., 1993
coutinhoi Barreto, 1944
davidi Spinelli et al., 1993
diabolicus Hoffman, 1925
fernandoi Tavares & Souza, 1979
filarifer Hoffman, 1939
foxi Ortiz, 1950
franklini Spinelli et al., 1993
fusipalpis Wirth & Blanton, 1973
heliconiae Fox & Hoffman, 1944
hylas Macfie, 1940
insignis Lutz, 1913
lutzi Costa-Lima, 1937
ocumarensis Ortiz, 1950
palpalis Macfie, 1948
paraignacioi Spinelli et al., 1993
plaumanni Spinelli et al., 1993
polypori Wirth & Blanton, 1968
pseudodiabolicu Fox, 1946
ruizi Forattini, 1954
tidwelli Spinelli et al., 1993
trinidadensis Hoffman, 1925
verecundus Macfie, 1948
Macfiella phlebotomus (Williston, 1896)
Mataemyia dalessandroi Wirth & Barreto, 1978
dicrourus Wirth & Blanton, 1955
volcanensis Wirth & Blanton, 1959
Oecacta alahialinus Barbosa, 1952
barbosai Wirth & Blanton, 1953
furens (Poey, 1853)
gorgasi Wirth & Blanton, 1953
Psychophaena venezuelensis Ortiz & Mirsa, 1950
unplaced acotylus acotylus Lutz, 1913
...Continued on next page

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TABLE 1. (Continued)
Subfamily Tribe Genus Subgenus Species Species Author
carsiomelas Wirth & Blanton, 1955
teretipalpis Wirth & Barreto, 1978
unpalced carpenteri belemensis Wirth & Blanton, 1973
camposi Ortiz & Leon, 1955
unplaced daedalus beaveri Wirth & Barreto, 1978
crescentis Wirth & Blanton, 1959
daedaloides Wirth & Blanto, 1959
daedalus Macfie, 1948
unplaced dasyophrus dasyophrus Macfie, 1940
unplaced eublepharus caldasi Browne, 1986
caucaensis Wirth & Lee, 1967
eublepharus Macfie, 1948
florenciae Messersmith, 1972
micayaensis Spinelli et al., 2009
pabloi Browne, 1980
rangeli Ortiz & Mirsa, 1952
tamboensis Wirth & Lee, 1967
unplaced fluvialis balsapambensis Ortiz & leon, 1955
castillae Fox, 1946
fluvialis Macfie, 1940
leopoldoi Ortiz, 1951
unplaced leoni fieldi Wirth & Blanton, 1956
gabaldoni Ortiz, 1954
glabellus Wirth & Blanton, 1956
leoni Barbosa, 1952
unplaced limai galindoi Wirth & Blanton, 1953
limai barretto, 1944
santanderi Browne, 1980
vernoni Wirth & Blanton, 1973
unplaced monticola andinus Wirth & Lee, 1967
monticola Wirth & Lee, 1967
unplaced pachymerus caprilesi Fox, 1952
obnoxius Fox, 1952
pachymerus Lutz, 1914
uniradialis Wirth & Blanton, 1953
unplaced reticulatus diplus Santarem & Felippe-
Bauer, 2014
macrostigma Wirth & Blanton, 1953
paucienfuscatus Barbosa, 1947
pifanoi Ortiz, 1951
reticulatus Lutz, 1913
miscelaneous unplaced arubae Fox & Hoffman, 1944
...Continued on next page

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TABLE 1. (Continued)
Subfamily Tribe Genus Subgenus Species Species Author
pancensis Browne, 1980
Ceratopogoni Allohelea neotropica Wirth, 1991
Alluaudomyia caribbeana Spinelli & Wirth, 1984
distispinulosa Spinelli & Wirth, 1984
leei Spinelli & Wirth, 1984
nubeculosa Spinelli & Wirth, 1984
sexpunctata Spinelli & Wirth, 1984
spinellii Wirth & Grogan, 1988
youngi Spinelli & Wirth, 1984
Baeohelea nana Wirth & Blanton, 1970
Brachypogon Brachypogon bimaculatus Spinelli & Grogan, 1998
ecuadorensis Spinelli & Grogan, 1998
impar (Johansen, 1938)
monicae Spinelli & Grogan, 1998
Isohelea hugoi Spinelli & Grogan, 1998
Downeshelea chiapasi (Lane & Wirth, 1964)
colombiae (Lane & Wirth, 1964)
fuscipennis (Lane & Wirth, 1964)
grogani Huerta et al., 2012
stonei (Wirth, 1953)
Echinohelea Echinohelea lanei Wirth, 1951
leei Wirth, 1994
neotropica Wirth, 1994
smarti Macfie, 1940
Leptohelea micronyx Wirth & Blanton, 1970
Monohelea mayeri Ortiz, 1950
Nannohelea clastrieri Grogan & Wirth, 1980
Parabezzia unguis Wirth, 1965
Parastilobezzi leei Wirth & Blandon, 1970
Stilobezzia Acanthohelea maia Lane & Forattini, 1958
Heteromyiini Clinohelea Ceratobezzia fallax kieffer, 1917
Clinohelea horacioi Lane, 1944
muzoni Spinelli & Duret, 1993
nigripes Macfie, 1939
Heteromyia clavata Williston, 1900
Sphaeromiini Pellucidomyia lanei Wirth &
Ratamaworabham, 1971
wirthi (Lane, 1956)
Lanehelea leei Wirth & Blandon, 1972
spinifemur Wirth & Blandon, 1972
Neobezzia amnicola (Macfie, 1940)
...Continued on next page

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TABLE 1. (Continued)
Subfamily Tribe Genus Subgenus Species Species Author
blantoni Wirth &
Ratamaworabham, 1972
Palpomyiini Amerohelea fasciata Grogan & Wirth, 1981
frontispina (Dow & Turner, 1976)
galindoi Grogan & Wirth, 1981
ronderosi Grogan & Wirth, 1981
spinellii Grogan & Wirth, 1981
Bezzia dentifemur Spinelli & Wirth, 1991
filiducta Spinelli & Wirth, 1991
fusca Spinelli & Wirth, 1991
grogani Spinelli & Wirth, 1990
jubata Spinelli & Wirth, 1990
leei Spinelli & Wirth, 1990
megatheca Spinelli & Wirth, 1990
raposoensis Spinelli & Wirth, 1991
setigera Spinelli & Wirth, 1990
snowi Lane, 1958
venustula (Williston, 1896)
Pachyhelea albidiventris (Kieffer, 1917)
Palpomyia columbiana Kieffer, 1917
hispida Borkent, 1997
microchela Kieffer, 1917
Phaenobezzia ateles (Macfie, 1940)
Stenoxenini Paryphoconus angustipennis Enderlein, 1912
anomalicornis Kieffer, 1917
brunneipennis Spinelli & Wirth, 1984
latipennis Spinelli & Wirth, 1984
leei Spinelli & Wirth, 1984
oliverai Lane, 1956
subflavus Macfie, 1940


Aitken, T.H.G., Wirth, W.W., Williams, R.W, Davies, J.B. & Tikasingh, E.S. (1975) A review of the bloodsucking midges of
Trinidad and Tobago, West Indies (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae). Journal of Entomology (B), 44, 101–144.
Barbosa, F.A.S. (1947) Culicoides (Diptera: Heleidae) da região neotropica. Annais da Sociedade de Biologia de Pernambuco,
7, 3–30. [Nov.]
Barbosa, F.A.S. (1951) A change of specific name in the genus Culicoides (Diptera, Heleidae). Proceedings of the
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Wirth, W.W. & Blanton, F.S. (1968) A revision of the neotropical biting midges of the hylas group of Culicoides (Diptera:
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Neotropical genera of the tribe Ceratopogonini. Florida Entomologist, 53, 93–104.
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Ceratopogonidae). Entomological News, 81, 141–151.
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CATALOGUE OF CERATOPOGONIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 141
Zootaxa 4122 (1): 142–153 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
Copyright © 2016 Magnolia Press
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)



Universidade Federal de Alfenas, Instituto de Ciências da Natureza, Rua Gabriel Monteiro da Silva, 700, CEP 37130-000, Alfenas—
MG. Brazil. E-mail:
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Campus Trindade, CEP 88040-900, Florianópolis—SC. Brazil.
*Corresponding Author: Email:


Only 30 chironomid species distributed in 16 genera and three subfamilies are formally recorded to Colombia. Another
32 genera and two subfamilies have been recorded on larval stage, with no identification at species level. Many new re-
cords, genera and species are expected when focusing on systematics of chironomids from Colombia.

Key words: catalogue, Chironomidae, Colombia, Distribution, taxonomy


According to Ashe & O’Connor (2009), there are eleven subfamilies of Chironomidae, ten of which are known to
occur in the Neotropical region and the remaining subfamily is recorded from a single species from the Usambara
mountains in Tanzania (namely Usambaromyiinae). Among the ten subfamilies from the Neotropical region, one is
endemic and known from a single species from Chile (Chilenomyiinae), all the remaining subfamilies are more
species-rich and occur in at least two of the major biogeographical regions. There are five subfamilies recorded to
Colombia, which are Tanypodinae, Orthocladiinae and Chironominae with described species, and some records of
unidentified Podonominae and Diamesinae (Riss & Ospina 2000; Meza et al. 2012; Posada-García et al. 2008), but
at least three subfamilies that occur in specialized habitats such as marine, lowland and highland taxa should be
expected (namely Telmatogetoninae, Prodiamesinae, Buchonomyinae).
The present Catalogue of Chironomidae of Colombia accounts a total of 30 species distributed in 16 genera
and three subfamilies as occurring in the country (Table 1). Since the catalog compiled by Spies & Reiss (1996),
not much has been added to Colombia. The knowledge of Neotropical chironomid named species increased by
15% in less than 10 years (Spies et al. 2009), but these records are sort of concentrated in Argentina, Brazil, Chile,
Costa Rica, Mexico and Venezuela with sporadic new records and species from Ecuador, Honduras, Jamaica,
Nicaragua, Puerto Rico and Uruguay.
Due to the fact that Colombia has a wide range of altitudes, from sea level up to over 3900 meters above sea
level and with shores on both Atlantic and Pacific oceans, the number registered is for sure underestimated.
Ecological studies have been recording 32 genera and two subfamilies new to the country (Table 2), which means
that at least 62 chironomid species occur in Colombia. The case of Brazilian Orthocladiinae diversity is something
that exemplify what may be going on in Colombia soon (where only Cricotopus crassimanus is known): Seven
species were recorded in 1996 (Spies & Reiss 1996), 37 in 2007 (Mendes et al. 2007) and 122 nowadays (Mendes
& Pinho, 2014).
We hope that this Colombian chironomid diversity’s scenario depicted in this catalogue stimulate students to
begin researches on Systematics of Neotropical Chironomidae, with focus on its probable megadiverse fauna from

142 Accepted by S. Nihei: 16 Apr. 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016

Acronyms used for the depositories

ANSP—Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.

CUIC—Cornell University Insect Collection, Ithaca, New York, U.S.A.
INPA—Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil
NHMW—Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, Austria
Townes—H. K. and M. C. Townes Collection, Takoma Park, Maryland, U.S.A.
UFMT—Collection of Federal University of Mato Grosso, Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, Brazil
USNM—National Museum of Natural History, Washington D.C., U.S.A.
ZSM—Zoologische Staatssammlung München, Germany

List of abbreviations

distr.—geographical distribution
orig. desig.—original designation
orig. desc.—original description
subs. des.—subsequent designation
F (f#)—Female
M (m#)—Male

Catalogue of Chironomidae of Colombia

Family Chironomidae Newman, 1834

Subfamily Tanypodinae Kieffer, 1906

Genus Ablabesmyia Johannsen

Ablabesmyia Johannsen, 1905: 135. Type species, Tipula monilis Linnaeus (subs. des. Johanssen, 1907: 400). Refs.: See Ashe
& O’Connor, 2009: 112 for synonyms; Spies & Reiss, 1996: 80 (cat.); Oliveira et al. 2013: 5 (rev., key to Neotropical

Subgenus Sartaia Roback

Sartaia Roback, 1983: 236. Type species, Ablabesmyia (Sartaia) metica Roback, 1983 (orig. desig.). Refs.: Ashe
& O’Connor, 2009: 124 (cat.); Oliveira et al., 2013: 7 (new spec. key to Neotropical species).

metica Roback, 1983: 239. Type locality: “Laguna Mozambique, 16 km SW of Puerto Lopez, Dept. del Meta,
Colombia”. HT M (ANSP). Distr.: Brazil, Colombia. Refs.: Spies & Reiss, 1996: 80 (cat.); Oliveira et al., 2008: 62
(redesc. male, desc. immatures, key, new rec.); Ashe & O’Connor, 2009: 124 (cat.); Oliveira et al. 2013: 7 (key).

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Genus Labrundinia Fittkau

Labrundinia Fittkau, 1962: 372. Type species, Tanypus longipalpis Goetghebuer, 1921 (orig. desig.). Refs.: Spies & Reiss,
1996: 81 (cat.); Ashe & O’Connor, 2009: 164 (cat.); Silva et al., 2014 (rev., key).

fera Roback, 1987: 218. Type locality: “Laguna Mozambique, 16 km SW of Puerto Lopez, Dept. del Meta,
Colombia”. HT M (ANSP). Distr.: Colombia. Refs.: Spies & Reiss, 1996: 81 (cat.); Ashe & O’Connor, 2009: 164
(cat.); Silva et al., 2014: 31 (redesc., key).

fosteri Roback, 1987: 218. Type locality: “Laguna Mozambique, 16 km SW of Puerto Lopez, Dept. del Meta,
Colombia”. HT M (ANSP). Distr.: Colombia. Refs.: Spies & Reiss, 1996: 81 (cat.); Ashe & O’Connor, 2009: 164
(cat.); Silva et al. 2014: 44 (redesc., key).

hirsuta Roback, 1987: 221. Type locality: “Laguna Mozambique, 16 km SW of Puerto Lopez, Dept. del Meta,
Colombia”. HT M (ANSP). Distr.: Colombia. Refs.: Spies & Reiss, 1996: 81 (cat.); Ashe & O’Connor, 2009: 165
(cat.); Silva et al., 2014: 51 (redesc., key).

meta Roback, 1987: 220. Type locality: “Laguna Mozambique, 16 km SW of Puerto Lopez, Dept. del Meta,
Colombia”. HT M (ANSP). Distr.: Colombia. Refs.: Spies & Reiss, 1996: 81 (cat.); Ashe & O’Connor, 2009: 165
(cat.); Silva et al. 2014: 79 (redesc., key).

opela Roback, 1987: 218. Type locality: “Laguna Mozambique, 16 km SW of Puerto Lopez, Dept. del Meta,
Colombia”. HT M (ANSP). Distr.: Colombia. Refs.: Spies & Reiss, 1996: 81 (cat.); Ashe & O’Connor, 2009: 165
(cat.); Silva et al. 2014: 97 (redesc., key).

parabecki Roback, 1987: 215. Type locality: “Laguna Mozambique, 16 km SW of Puerto Lopez, Dept. del Meta,
Colombia”. HT M (ANSP). Distr.: Colombia. Refs.: Spies & Reiss, 1996: 81 (cat.); Ashe & O’Connor, 2009: 165
(cat.); Silva et al. 2014: 101 (redesc., key).

tenata Roback, 1987: 214. Type locality: “Laguna Mozambique, 16 km SW of Puerto Lopez, Dept. del Meta,
Colombia”. HT M (ANSP). Distr.: Colombia. Refs.: Spies & Reiss, 1996: 81 (cat.); Ashe & O’Connor, 2009: 166
(cat.); Silva et al. 2014: 163 (redesc., key).

Genus Monopelopia Fittkau

Monopelopia Fittkau, 1962: 394. Type species, Tanypus tenuicalcar Kieffer (orig. desig.). Refs.: Spies & Reiss, 1996: 81
(cat.); Serpa-Filho et al., 1997: 47 (new spec.); Mendes et al., 2003: 1 (new spec., key); Ashe & O’Connor, 2009: 179
(cat.); Oliveira et al., 2010: 54 (new spec., key).

boliekae Beck & Beck, 1966: 335. Type locality: [U.S.A.] “Leon County, Florida, Boliek’s Pond”. HT M (USNM).
Distr.: Canada, U.S.A., Cuba, Colombia. Refs.: Spies & Reiss, 1996: 81 (cat.); Mendes et al., 2003: 2 (key); Ashe
& O’Connor, 2009: 179 (cat.); Oliveira et al., 2010: 60 (key).

Genus Naelotanypus Roback

Naelotanypus Roback, 1982: 135. Type species: Naelotanypus viridis Roback (orig. desig.). Refs.: Spies & Reiss, 1996: 81
(cat.); Ashe & O’Connor, 2009: 181 (cat.).

viridis Roback, 1982: 135. Type locality: “Hacienda Mozambique 16 km SW of Puerto Lopez, Dept. del Meta,
Colombia”. HT M (ANSP). Distr.: Colombia, Surinam. Refs.: Spies & Reiss, 1996: 81 (cat.); Ashe & O’Connor,
2009: 181 (cat.).

144 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press MENDES & PINHO
Genus Procladius Roback

Procladius Skuse, 1889: 283. Type species, Procladius paludicola Skuse, 1889 (subs. des. Coquillett 1910:594). Refs: Spies &
Reiss, 1996: 82 (cat.); Ashe & O’Connor, 2009: 196 (cat.); Saether, 2010; 36 (new spec., keys, redesc.).

Subgenus Procladius Skuse

Procladius Skuse, 1889: 283. Type species: Procladius paludicola Skuse, 1889 (subs. des. Coquillett, 1910:594). Refs.: Ashe
& O’Connor, 2009: 208 (cat.); Saether, 2010; 36 (keys, redesc.).

mozambique Roback, 1982: 124. Type locality: “Hacienda Mozambique 16 km SW of Puerto Lopez, Dept. del
Meta, Colombia”. HT M (ANSP). Distr.: Colombia. Refs.: Spies & Reiss, 1996: 82 (cat.); Ashe & O’Connor, 2009:
208 (cat.).

Subgenus Psilotanypus Kieffer

Psilotanypus Kieffer, 1906: 39. Type species, Tanypus bellus Loew (subs. des. Coquillett, 1910: 597). Refs.: See Ashe &
O’Connor, 2009: 210 (cat.) for synonyms Saether, 2010; 36 (keys, redesc.).

etatus Roback, 1982: 124. Type locality: “Hacienda Mozambique 16 km SW of Puerto Lopez, Dept. del Meta,
Colombia”. HT M (ANSP). Distr.: Colombia, Costa Rica. Refs.: Spies & Reiss, 1996: 82 (cat.); Ashe & O’Connor,
2009: 211 (cat.).

stroudi Roback, 1982: 122. Type locality: “Hacienda Mozambique 16 km SW of Puerto Lopez, Dept. del Meta,
Colombia”. HT M (ANSP). Distr.: Colombia. Refs.: Spies & Reiss, 1996: 82 (cat.); Ashe & O’Connor, 2009: 213

Subfamily Orthocladiinae Kieffer, 1911

Genus Cricotopus Wulp

Cricotopus Wulp, 1874: LXX, LXXI. Type species, Chironomus tibialis Meigen, 1804 (subs. des. Coquillett, 1910: 528).
Refs.: Ashe & O’Connor, 2012: 205 (cat.)Spies & Reiss, 1996: 76 (cat.).

crassimanus (Kieffer, 1917: 362) (Trichocladius). Type locality: “Colombia”. Depository data unavailable. Distr.:
Colombia. Refs.: Spies & Reiss, 1996: 76 (cat.).

Subfamily Chironominae Macquart, 1838

Genus Chironomus Meigen

Chironomus Meigen, 1803: 260. Type species, Tipula plumosa Linnaeus (subs. des. Latreille 1810: 42). Refs.: Ashe, 1983: 16
for synonyms; Reiss, 1974b: 4 (desc. Amazonian species); Trivinho-Strixino & Strixino, 1981: 333 (new spec.); Spies &
Reiss, 1996: 69 (cat.); Correia et al., 2005: 30 (new spec.); Correia et al., 2006: 58 (new spec.); Correia & Trivinho-
Strixino, 2007: 54 (new spec.).

calligraphus Goeldi, 1905: 134. Type locality: [Brazil] “Belém, Pará”. NT M (INPA). Distr.: Refs.: Fittkau, 1965:
220 (redesc., new rec.); Spies & Reiss, 1996: 69 (cat.); Spies et al., 2002: 93 (rev.; new rec.).

columbiensis Wülker, Sublette, Morath & Martin, 1989: 123. Type locality: “San Fernando (suburb of Cali,
Columbia)”. HT M (ZSM). Distr. Guatemala, Colombia: Refs.: Wülker et al., 1989: 123 (orig. descr.); Spies &
Reiss, 1996: 69 (cat.).

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gigas Reiss, 1974: 4. Type locality: [Brazil] “Tiefe, Lago Muratú”. HT M (INPA). Distr.: Colombia, Brazil: Refs.:
Reiss, 1974: 4 (orig. desc.); Spies & Reiss, 1996: 69 (cat.).

latistylus Reiss, 1974: 7. Type locality: “Lago Cabaliana bei Manacapurú”, Brazil. HT M (INPA). Distr.:
Colombia, Brazil. Refs.: Reiss, 1974: 7 (orig. desc.); Spies & Reiss, 1996: 69 (cat.).

Genus Cladopelma Kieffer

Cladopelma Kieffer, 1921: 274. Type species, Chironomus virescens Meigen, 1818 (subs. des. Harnisch, 1923: 304). Refs.:
See Ashe, 1983: 17 for synonyms; Spies & Reiss, 1996: 69 (cat.).

forcipis (Rempel, 1939: 211) (Chironomus). Type locality: [Brazil] “Ac. ‘Doublo’”. HT M (ZSM). Distr.: Mexico,
Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Brazil. Refs.: Rempel, 1939: 211 (orig. desc.); Spies &
Reiss 1996: 69 (cat.).

Genus Dicrotendipes Kieffer

Dicrotendipes Kieffer, 1913: 23. Type species, Dicrotendipes pictipennis Kieffer (mon.). Refs.: See Epler, 1988:6 for
synonyms; Spies & Reiss, 1996: 70 (cat.).

californicus (Johannsen, 1905: 217) (Chironomus). Type locality: [U.S.A.] “Pasadena, California”. HT M (CUIC).
Distr.: U.S.A., Mexico, Costa Rica, Panamá, Colombia, Peru, Chile: Refs.: Epler, 1987: 22 (redesc.); Epler, 1988:
61 (distr.); Spies & Reiss, 1996: 70 (cat.).

sinoposus Epler, 1987: 152. Type locality: “Mexico, Hidalgo, Otongo”. Distr.: Mexico, Colombia, Brazil Refs.:
Epler, 1987: 152 (orig. desc.); Epler, 1988: 64 (distr.); Spies & Reiss, 1996: 70 (cat.).

Genus Fissimentum Cranston et Nolte

Fissimentum Cranston & Nolte, 1996: 1. Type species, Fissimentum desiccatum Cranston & Nolte (orig. desig.). Refs.:
Cranston & Nolte, 1996: 2 (orig. desc.); Spies & Reiss, 1996: 70 (cat.); Pinho & Froehlich, 2011: 145 (new spec., key).

desiccatum Cranston & Nolte, 1996: 2. Type locality: “Brazil, Mato Grosso, Rio Bento Gomes”. HT M (UFMT).
Distr.: Colombia, Brazil. Refs.: Cranston & Nolte, 1996: 4 (orig. desc.); Spies & Reiss, 1996: 70 (cat.); Nazarova et
al., 2004: 284 (new rec. to Colombia); Pinho & Froehlich, 2011: 145 (key).

Genus Goeldichironomus Fittkau

Goeldichironomus Fittkau, 1965: 210. Type species, Chironomus holoprasinus Goeldi (orig. desig.). Refs.: See Ashe, 1983:
25 for synonyms; Fittkau, 1968: 260 (new spec., as Siolimyia); Reiss, 1974a: 86 (new spec.); Contreras-Lichtenberg, 1982:
175 (comb.); Trivinho-Strixino & Strixino, 1991: 593 (new spec.); Spies & Reiss, 1996: 70 (cat.).; Trivinho-Strixino &
Strixino, 1998: 271 (new spec.); Trivinho-Strixino & Strixino, 2005: 441 (new spec.).

carus (Townes, 1945: 118) (Tendipes). Type locality: “La Mucuy, Merida, Venezuela”. HT M (Townes). Distr.:
Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panamá, Venezuela, Colombia, Brazil. Refs.: Townes, 1945: 118 (orig. desc., as Tendipes
(Tendipes) carus); Lichtenberg, 1979: 93 (desc. pupa, as Goeldichironomus pseudopictus); Contreras-Lichtenberg,
1982: 175 for synonyms and desc. larva; Spies & Reiss, 1996: 70 (cat.); Nazarova et al., 2004: 284 (new rec. to

devineyae (Beck, 1961) (Chironomus). Type locality: [U.S.A.] “St. James City, Florida”. HT M (USNM). Distr.:
U.S.A., Colombia: Refs.: Nazarova et al., 2004: 284 (new rec. to Colombia).

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Genus Oukuriella Epler

Oukuriella Epler, 1986: 157. Type species, Oukuriella albistyla Epler (orig. desig.). Refs.: Epler, 1986: 157 (orig. desc.);
Epler, 1996: 4 (new spec.); Spies & Reiss, 1996: 71 (cat.); Messias & Fittkau, 1997: 255 (new spec., key); Messias &
Oliveira, 1999: 260 (new spec.); Messias et al., 2000: 162 (new spec.); Trivinho-Strixino & Messias, 2005: 285 (new
spec.); Fusari et al., 2013: 3 (rev. species associated to freshwater sponges); Fusari et al. 2014: 419 (new spec.).

simulatrix Epler, 1986: 160. Type locality: “Colombia, Valle Rio Raposo”. HT M (USNM). Distr. Colombia:
Refs.: Epler, 1986: 160 (orig. desc.); Spies & Reiss, 1996: 71 (cat.); Messias & Fittkau, 1997: 255 (key).

Genus Parachironomus Lenz

Parachironomus Lenz, 1921: 160. Type species, Chironomus cryptomonus Kieffer (subs. desig. Townes, 1945: 152). Refs.:
See Ashe, 1983: 39 for synonyms; Spies et al., 1994: 63 (rev. Neotropical species, key); Spies & Reiss, 1996: 71 (cat.).

camajura Spies, Fittkau & Reiss, 1994: 69. Type locality: “Colombia, Meta, Mozambique”. HT M (ZSM). Distr.:
Colombia, Brazil. Refs.: Spies et al., 1994: 69 (orig. desc., key); Spies & Reiss, 1996: 71 (cat.).

cayapo Spies, Fittkau & Reiss, 1994: 70. Type locality: “Colombia, Meta, Mozambique”. HT M (ZSM). Distr.:
Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Colombia, Surinam, Brazil. Refs.: Spies et al., 1994: 70 (orig. desc., key); Spies & Reiss,
1996: 71 (cat.).

Genus Stenochironomus Kieffer

Stenochironomus Kieffer in Kieffer & Thienemann, 1919: 44. Type species, Tipula flexilis Linnaeus (subs. desig. Goetghebuer
in Goetghebuer & Lenz: 12) (misident. Tipula gibbus Fabricius). Refs.: Borkent, 1984: 33 (rev., key); Sublette & Sasa,
1994: 51 (dist.); Spies & Reiss, 1996: 73 (cat.); Pinho et al., 2005: 38 (new spec.); Andersen et al., 2008: 2 (new spec.);
Dantas et al., 2010: 48 (new spec.); Reis et al., 2013: 450 (new spec., new rec.).

palliaculeatus Borkent, 1984: 130. Type locality: [Brazil] “Amazonien, Raum oberer Rio Negro, Rio Marauia,
Mission S. Antonio”. HT M (INPA). Distr.: Colombia, Brazil. Refs.: Borkent, 1984: 130 (orig. desc., key); Spies &
Reiss, 1996: 73 (cat.).

Genus Tanytarsus van der Wulp

Tanytarsus van der Wulp, 1874: 134. Type species, Chironomus signatus van der Wulp (subs. des. I.C.Z.N 1961: 361 –
Opinion 616). Refs.: See Ashe, 1983: 51 for synonyms; Fittkau & Reiss, 1973: 3 (new spec.); Spies & Reiss, 1996: 73
(cat.); Ekrem & Reiss, 1999: 206 (new spec.); Sanseverino et al., 2002: 453 (new spec.); Sanseverino & Wiedenbrug,
2000: 209 (desc. pupa, new rec.); Trivinho-Strixino & Sanseverino, 2003: 2 (comb., redesc.); Wiedenbrug & Ospina-
Torres, 2005: 319 (key to pupa); Trivinho-Strixino & Sonoda, 2006: 2 (new spec.); Sanseverino & Fittkau, 2006: 2 (new
spec.); Trivinho-Strixino & Strixino, 2007: 62 (new spec.); Vinogradova et al., 2009: 12 (new spec.); Giłka & Zakrzewska,
2013: 454 (new spec.).

curvicristatus Contreras-Lichtenberg, 1988: 101. Type locality: [Colombia] “El Cederal, Forellenzuchstation im
Bereich des Rio Otún, 2115 m SH”. HT M (NHMW). Distr.: Colombia. Refs.: Contreras-Lichtenberg, 1988: 101
(orig. desc.); Spies & Reiss, 1996: 73 (cat.).

Genus Zavreliella Kieffer

Zavreliella Kieffer, 1920: 334. Type species, Chironomus clavatricus Kieffer [=Chironomus marmoratus van der Wulp] (orig.
desig., mon.). Refs: Reiss, 1990: 85 (rev., key); Spies & Reiss, 1996: 74 (cat.).

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acuta Reiss, 1990: 96. Type locality: “Surinam, Parmaribo, l’Hermitage”. HT M (ZSM). Distr.: Colombia,
Surinam, Brazil. Refs.: Reiss, 1990: 96 (rev.); Spies & Reiss, 1996: 74 (cat.).

TABLE 1. Chironomidae species recorded from Colombia, and its described life stages and sexes (M, male; F, female; P, pupa;
L, larva).
Subfamily Genus Species Author Stages
TANYPODINAE Ablabesmyia metica Roback, 1983 M,F,P,L
Labrundinia fera Roback, 1987 M
fosteri Roback, 1987 M
hirsuta Roback, 1987 M
meta Roback, 1987 M
opela Roback, 1987 M
parabechi Roback, 1987 M
tenata Roback, 1987 M
Monopelopia boliekae Beck & Beck, 1966 M,F,P,L
Naelotanypus viridis Roback, 1982 M
Procladius mozambique Roback, 1982 M,F
etatus Roback, 1982 M
stroudi Roback, 1982 M,F
ORTHOCLADIINAE Cricotopus crassimanus (Kieffer, 1917) F
CHIRONOMINAE Cladopelma forcipis (Rempel, 1939) M
Chironomus caligraphus Goeldi, 1905 M,F,P,L
columbiensis Wülker et al., 1989 M,L
gigas Reiss, 1974 M,P,L
latistylus Reiss, 1974 M,P,L
Dicrotendipes californicus (Johannsen, 1905) M
sinoposus Epler, 1987 M
Fissimentum desiccatum Cranston & Nolte, 1996 M,F,P,L
Goeldichironomus carus (Townes, 1945) M,F,P
devineyae (Beck, 1961) M,P,L
Oukuriella simulatrix Epler, 1986 M
Parachironomus camajura Spies, Fittkau & Reiss, 1994 M
cayapo Spies, Fittkau & Reiss, 1994 M
Stenochironomus palliaculeatus Borkent, 1984 M
Tanytarsus curvicristatus Contreras-Lichtenberg, 1988 M
Zavreliella acuta Reiss, 1990 M,P

TABLE 2. Larval records of Chironomidae genera from Colombia.

Subfamily Genus Reference
PODONOMINAE Podonomus Philippi Ruiz-Moreno et al., 2000a; Meza et al., 2012
Parochlus Enderlein Ruiz-Moreno et al., 2000a; Meza et al., 2012
DIAMESINAE Paraheptagyia Brundin Ruiz-Moreno et al., 2000a; Posada-García et al., 2008
TANYPODINAE Apsectrotanypus Fittkau Riss & Ospina, 2000
...Continued on next page

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TABLE 2. (Continued)
Subfamily Genus Reference
Clinotanypus Kieffer Nazarova et al., 2004
Coelotanypus Kieffer Nazarova et al., 2004
Djalmabatista Fittkau Ruiz-Moreno et al., 2000a
Krenopelopia Fittkau Ruiz-Moreno et al., 2000a
Pentaneura Philippi Riss & Ospina, 2000
Rheopelopia Fittkau Ruiz-Moreno et al., 2000a
Tanypus Meigen Nazarova et al., 2004
Telmatopelopia Fittkau Riss & Ospina, 2000
Zavrelimyia Fittkau Riss & Ospina, 2000
ORTHOCLADIINAE Barbadocladius Cranston & Krosch Prat et al., 2013
Corynoneura Winnertz Riss & Ospina, 2000
Metriocnemus van der Wulp Posada-García et al., 2008
Orthocladius van der Wulp Riss & Ospina, 2000
Parametriocnemus Goetghebuer Meza et al., 2012
Paratrichocladius Santos Abreu Riss & Ospina, 2000
Pseudosmittia Goetghebuer Posada-García et al., 2008
Thienemanniella Kieffer Riss & Ospina, 2000
CHIRONOMINAE Apedilum Townes Nazarova et al., 2004
Beardius Reiss & Sublette Nazarova et al., 2004
Caladomyia Säwedal Riss & Ospina, 2000; Sanseverino & Fittkau, 2007
Endotribelos Grodhaus, 1987 Ruiz-Moreno et al., 2000b
Lauterborniella Thienemann & Bause Nazarova et al., 2004
Paracladopelma Harnisch Ruiz-Moreno et al., 2000b
Paratanytarsus Thienemann et Bause Riss & Ospina, 2000; Ruiz-Moreno et al., 2000b
Polypedilum Kieffer Nazarova et al., 2004; Ruiz-Moreno et al., 2000b; Meza et
al., 2012
Pseudochironomus Malloch Ruiz-Moreno et al., 2000b
Rheotanytarsus Thienemann & Bause Riss & Ospina, 2000; Mesa-S et al., 2012
Xestochironomus Sublette & Wirth Ruiz-Moreno et al., 2000b


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CATALOGUE OF CHIRONOMIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 149
Stenochironomus) (Diptera: Chironomidae). Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada, 128, 1–269.
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Harnisch, O. (1923) Metamorphose und System der Gattung Cryptochironomus K.s.l. Ein Beitrag zum problem der
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CATALOGUE OF CHIRONOMIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 153
Zootaxa 4122 (1): 154–177 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
Copyright © 2016 Magnolia Press
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)



Grupo de Entomologia, Instituto de Biología, Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín-Colombia.
Laboratorio de Sistematica y Biogeografía, Escuela de Biología, Universidad Industrial de Santander Bucaramanga Colombia.
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Corresponding author:


This catalogue presents 70 species distributed in two genera for Colombia: Gigantodax with 5 groups, and Simulium with
6 subgenera and 17 groups. Three species are recorded for the first time: Gigantodax vulcanius, G. gracilis, and Simulium
pautense, and the distributional range is expanded to S.ochraceum, S. paynei, S. metallicum, and S. callidum.

Key words: Catalogue, distribution, Simuliidae, taxonomy


Adults have a robust appearance, measuring from 1.2 to 5.5 mm in length; black, dark brown or yellow color. Head
large, round; ocelli absent, compound eyes attached dorsally in males and separated in females; male have dicoptic
eyes and females have holoptic, antennas thick and compacts with 7 to 9 flagellomeres; mouth parts short and thick
adapted to cut skin and blood sucking. Thorax big and arched; wings rounded at the base, with thickened anterior
veins and subsequent weak; legs strong and short. Abdomen robust. Larvae are characterized by their bottle shape;
cylindrical and widened on the back, living mainly in lotic aquatic environments (water currents), from large rivers
to streams, submerged and anchored to materials such as rocks, logs, leaves and even artificial substrate, where
they feed by filtering particles obtained directly from the water. Pupae have the same ecological habit than the
larvae, the body is enclosed in a cocoon; head and thorax forming a cephalothorax, bearing a pair of gills that have
multiple forms, from tree-like shaped to globose (Gigantodax-Simuliini); the cocoon and gill forms are important
taxonomic characters, that could be used to define even at species level.
Most simulids females are hematophagous (females Pedrowygomyia have maxilla and mandible obsolescent),
its bloodsucking behavior makes some species responsible for the transmission to humans of the filarial nematode
Onchocerca volvulus in Africa, central and northern South America, a disease called river blindness, because the
nematode could lodge in the eye and causes blindness. They are known as black-flies, Piuns, Jejenes, Borrachudos
and are diurnal, the female by biting leaves a red dot and is very easy to observe while feeding, as it is on the host
for a long time.
The family is monophyletic (Currie 1988), and most of the analyses divide the family into two monophyletic
subfamilies Simuliinae and Parasimiliinae (Currie 1988). The oldest known fossil from the Cretraceous is an
undescribed species (Cretaceosimulium Vulcano 1985, nomen nudum).
Black flies are known for being involved as an active or mechanic transmitter of some agents; in Colombia
they are involved in transmission of two nematodes to humans: Mansonella ozardi (Tidwell et al. 1980; Tidewll &
Tidwell 1982) and Onchocerca volvulus (recently eliminated of the country) (WHO 2010; WHO 2011). In
addition, these insects have been found as vectors of Leucocytozoon, an avian blood protozoa, in other regions of
the world. (Khan & Fallis 1970; Sato et al. 2009; Murdock et al. 2013). In Colombia, the role as vectors of these
parasites has been suggested by Matta et al. (2014).

154 Accepted by S. Nihei: 25 May 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016

The breeding places of blackflies are running water and larvae usually live aggregated in the most oxygenated
areas. Taking into account that Colombia is one of the richest countries in the world in water sources, in addition to
the fact that the country has three different cordilleras, which give to the territory a great variety of climates, as a
consequence a lot of possible breeding places can be found, both in high and in low altitudes. Especially in paramo
region, as Díaz et al. (2015) stated that “High mountains of Andes look like water factories”. Larvae are important
filter feedings in streams, with critical role in resource turnover in steams (McCreadie & Adler 2012).
This article collects the information concerning geographical distribution and altitudinal records of genus
Simulium and Gigantodax present in Colombia. These are the unique genera occurring in the country.
This catalogue is primarily based upon the monograph of Coscarón, Coscarón Arias & Papavero (2008) and
the classification adopted is based on the revision by Adler & Crosskey (2015). The types of species and the
museum are not presented. The Colombian departments are underline and specific localities are in brackets. At the
end we present a table summarizing all species found in Colombia, including rank and author (Table 1).

List of abbreviations

distr.—geographic distribution
nom. nov.—nomen novum (new name)
orig. des.—by original designation
sp., spp.—species

Catalogue of Simuliidae of Colombia

Family Simuliidae Newman, 1834

Genus Gigantodax Enderlein

Gigantodax Enderlein, 1925: 205. Type species, Gigantodax matebranchia Enderlein, 1925 (orig. des.). Refs.:
Wygodzinsky & Coscarón, 1989 (rev.); Coscarón et al., 2008: 9 (cat.); Adler & Crosskey, 2015: 23 (inv.).
Archicnesia Enderlein, 1934a: 273. Type species, Simulium (Gigantodax) femineum Edwards, 1931 (orig. des.).

CATALOGUE OF SIMULIIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 155

chilensis (Philippi), 1865: 634. Type locality: unknown, “The probable type is a female deposited in Museo
Nacional de Historia Natural of Santiago, Chile, with one label "Corral 1859" and another "Philippi." Wygodzinsky
& Coscarón, 1989: 107 Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca (Parque Natural Nacional Chingaza, Sector Palacio
04°42'2.6"N 73°50'39.0"W; Monterredondo Sector, Monterredondo stream, 04°37'41.1"N 73°43'27.4"W). Ref:
Díaz et al., 2015: 553.
rufinotum Edwards, 1931: 140 ( Simulium).

multituberculatus Wygodzinsky & Coscarón, 1989: 123. Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca, Buenos Aires,
near La Siberia, E. of La Calera, 3050m. Distr.: Colombia ((Boyacá (Cerca al costado N. del lago de Tota; Tota
quebrada Guachata; Tota Aquitania quebrada Pozos), Cauca (Popayán to Páramo de Puracé road; E. Silvia),
Cundinamarca (Zipaquirá to Pacho road; Subachoque; Albán; Páramo de Guasca; E. La Calera; Cachipay; Bogota
to Choachí road; Sibaté to Aguadita road; Chibaté; Bogota, Tolima (Páramo de los Valles)), Ecuador. Refs.: Muñoz
de Hoyos, 1994: 416; Muñoz de Hoyos, 1995: 609; Muñoz de Hoyos & Miranda-Esquivel, 1997: 302; Coscarón et
al., 2008: 78 (cat.); Adler & Crosskey, 2015: 23 (inv.).

ortizi Wygodzinsky, 1973a: 246. Type locality: Venezuela, Mérida, near Apartaderos-Santo Domingo road, 3400-
3500m. Distr.: Colombia ((Boyacá (Páramo de Tota; Páramo de Pisba), Cundinamarca (E. Bogotá; río San
Francisco; Subachoque; Páramo de Guasca; E. of La Calera; Bogotá to Choachí road; Sibaté; Chipaque; Páramo de
Chisacá; 5km S. of Usme; Santa Helena, quebrada El Oso; El Brasil, quebrada Hoya Honda)), Venezuela. Refs.:
Torres-Fernández et al., 1991: 256; Muñoz de Hoyos, 1994: 417; Muñoz de Hoyos et al., 1994: 403; Muñoz de
Hoyos, 1995: 610; Muñoz de Hoyos & Miranda-Esquivel, 1997: 302; Coscarón et al., 2008: 8 (cat.); Adler &
Crosskey, 2015: 23 (inv.).

osornorum Muñoz de Hoyos, Martínez, Mejía & Bueno, in Muñoz de Hoyos, 1995: 610. Type locality: Colombia,
Cundinamarca, Santa Helena, Quebrada del Oso, Páramo de Chisacá, 3410m. Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca
(Chisacá)). Refs.: Muñoz de Hoyos & Miranda-Esquivel, 1997: 302; Coscarón et al., 2008: 7 (cat.); Adler &
Crosskey, 2015: 23 (inv.).

paramorum Wygodzinsky & Coscarón, 1989: 112. Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca, Buenos Aires near La
Siberia, W. of La Calera, 3050m. Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca (Páramo de Guasca; W. La Calera; Sibaté to
Aguadita road; Páramo de Chisacá; Usme, río Tunjuelo; Parque Natural Nacional Chingaza, Sector Palacio
04°42'2.6"N 73°50'39.0"W; Monterredondo Sector, Monterredondo stream, 04°37'41.1"N 73°43'27.4"W)). Refs.:
Muñoz de Hoyos, 1994: 418; Muñoz de Hoyos, 1995: 614; Muñoz de Hoyos & Miranda-Esquivel, 1997: 302;
Coscarón et al., 2008: 7 (cat.); Adler & Crosskey, 2015: 23 (inv.); Díaz et al., 2015: 553.

zumbahue Wygodzinsky & Coscarón, 1989: 131. Type locality: Ecuador, Cotopaxi, road from Pujili to Quevedo,
río Zumbahua, 2500m. Distr.: Colombia (Tolima (Páramo de los Valles)), Ecuador. Refs.: Muñoz de Hoyos, 1995:
616; Muñoz de Hoyos & Miranda-Esquivel, 1997: 301; Coscarón et al., 2008: 7 (cat.); Adler & Crosskey, 2015: 23


arrarteorum Wygodzinsky & Coscarón, 1989: 161. Type locality: Perú, Junín. Distr.: Perú, Colombia (Risaralda
(W side of Cordillera Central Andes, Nevado de Santa Isabel)). Ref.: Mantilla et al., 2013: 427.

basinflatus Wygodzinsky & Coscarón, 1989: 147. Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca, Páramo de Chisacá (or
Sumapáz), 3700m. Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca (Páramo de Guasca; Bogotá; Choachí; Páramo de Chisacá, río
Chisacá; Bogotá to Choachí road; Santa Helena, Quebrada El Oso), Boyacá (Pàramo de Pisba), Risaralda (W. side
of Cordillera Central Andes, Nevado de Santa Isabel, Lake Otún 4°47'41.9”N 75º24'29.1”W, 3950m), Tolima
(Páramo de Los Valles)), Ecuador. Refs.: Muñoz de Hoyos, 1994: 414; Muñoz de Hoyos et al., 1994: 404; Muñoz

156 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press WOLFF ET AL.

de Hoyos, 1995: 616; Muñoz de Hoyos & Miranda-Esquivel, 1997: 302; Coscarón et al., 2008: 7 (cat.); Adler &
Crosskey, 2015: 23 (inv.).

destitutus Wygodzinsky & Coscarón, 1989: 144. Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca, 2km SE. of Albán,
2400m. Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca (Albán, Gachetá, Santandercito Zoológico Santacruz)), Venezuela. Refs.:
Muñoz de Hoyos, 1994: 416; Muñoz de Hoyos, 1995: 616; Muñoz de Hoyos & Miranda-Esquivel, 1997: 302;
Coscarón et al., 2008: 78 (cat.); Adler & Crosskey, 2015: 23 (inv.).


brevis Wygodzinsky & Coscarón, 1989: 183. Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca, near road from Usme to
Páramo de Chisaca (or Sumapaz), 3300m. Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca (La Calera; Bogotá; Choachí; Páramo
de Chisacá, río Chisacá; Bogotá to Choachí road; Zipaquirá to Pacho road; E. of La Siberia; Santa Helena
Quebrada El Oso; Quebrada Hoya Honda); Boyacá (Páramo de Tota; Páramo de Pisba; Tota, La Punta, quebrada
Guachaca). Refs.: Muñoz de Hoyos, 1994: 414; Muñoz de Hoyos et al., 1994: 405; Muñoz de Hoyos, 1995: 617;
Muñoz de Hoyos & Miranda-Esquivel, 1997: 302; Coscarón et al., 2008: 8 (cat.); Adler & Crosskey, 2015: 24

gracilis Wygodzinsky & Coscarón, 1989: 175. Type locality: Ecuador, Pichincha, Quito-Papallacta road, 3300m.
Colombia (Nariño (Pupiales Quebrada Agua-Caliente; 0° 54´ N, 77° 39´W)). New record to Colombia.

leonorum Wygodzinsky & Coscarón, 1989: 193. Type locality: Ecuador, Pichincha, Quito-Papallacta road,
3300m. Distr.: Colombia (Boyacá (Sogamoso), Valle del Cauca), Ecuador. Refs.: Muñoz de Hoyos, 1994: 416;
Muñoz de Hoyos, 1995: 617; Coscarón et al., 2008: 8 (cat.); Adler & Crosskey, 2015: 24 (inv.).

misitu Wygodzinsky & Coscarón, 1989: 179. Type locality: Ecuador, Cotopaxi, NW. slope of Mt. Cotopaxi,
3500m. Distr.: Colombia (Cauca (Popayán to Páramo de Puracé road), Cundinamarca (Bogotá to Choachí road;
Páramo de Chisacá; río Chicasá), Risaralda (W. side of Cordillera Central Andes, Nevado de Santa Isabel, Lake
Otún (4°47'41.9”N 75º24'29.1”W), 3950m), Tolima (Páramo de los Valles)), Ecuador. Refs.: Muñoz de Hoyos,
1994: 416; Muñoz de Hoyos et al., 1994: 406; Muñoz de Hoyos, 1995: 617; Muñoz de Hoyos & Miranda-Esquivel,
1997: 302; Coscarón et al., 2008: 8 (cat.); Mantilla et al, 2013: 427; Adler & Crosskey, 2015: 24 (inv.).

siberianus Wygodzinsky & Coscarón, 1989: 208. Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca, Buenos Aires, near La
Siberia, W. of La Calera, 3050m. Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca (Buenos Aires near La Siberia, W. La Calera;
Bogotá to Choachí road; Páramo de Chisacá; río Chisacá)). Refs.: Muñoz de Hoyos, 1994: 418; Muñoz de Hoyos
et al., 1994: 406; Muñoz de Hoyos, 1995: 618, Muñoz de Hoyos & Miranda-Esquivel, 1997: 302; Coscarón et al.,
2008: 8 (cat.); Adler & Crosskey, 2015: 24 (inv.).

vulcanius Wygodzinsky & Coscarón, 1989: 202. Type locality: Ecuador, Pichincha, Quito-Papallacta road, 3300m.
Distr. Colombia Nariño (Pupiales, quebrada Agua Caliente 0° 54´ N, 77° 39´W). Ref.: New record to Colombia.
vulcanius Takaoka, Hirai & Tada, 1988: 544 (unav., nomen nudum).

wygodzinskyi Moncada, Muñoz de Hoyos & Bueno, 1981: 302. Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca,
Cordillera Oriental, E. of La Calera, río Teusacá. Distr.: Colombia (Boyacá (Páramo de Pisba), Cundinamarca (La
Calera, río Teusacá; Buenos Aires near La Siberia E. of La Calera; Subachoque, La Pradera; 2km SE. Albán; La
Calera; Bogotá to Choachí road; Sibaté to Aguadita road; Páramo de Chisacá; Usme to Páramo de Chisacá road),
Tolima (Páramo de los Valles), Norte de Santander (Pamplona, río Pamplonita). Refs.: Wygodzinsky & Coscarón,
1989: 187; Muñoz de Hoyos, 1994: 419; Muñoz de Hoyos, 1995: 618; Muñoz de Hoyos & Miranda-Esquivel,
1997: 302; Coscarón et al., 2008: 8 (cat.), Adler & Crosskey, 2015: 24 (inv.).
wygozinsky incorrect spelling

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multifilis Wygodzinsky & Coscarón, 1989: 63. Type locality: Ecuador, Pichincha, highway from Aloag to Santo
Domingo de los Colorados, western slope of mountain range, 2650m. Distr.: Colombia (Tolima (Páramo de los
Valles)), Ecuador. Refs.: Muñoz de Hoyos, 1995: 618; Muñoz de Hoyos & Miranda-Esquivel, 1997: 302; Coscarón
et al., 2008: 9 (cat.); Adler & Crosskey, 2015: 24 (inv.).


cervicornis Wygodzinsky, 1973b: 245 (as cervicorne). Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca, 2km SE. of Albán,
2400m. Distr.: Colombia (Cauca (Popayán to Páramo de Puracé road), Cundinamarca (Albán; Páramo de Guasca;
La Calera; Ubaque; Sibaté to Aguadita road; Chipaque), Quindío (Ibagué to Calarcá road), Norte de Santander
(Pamplona); Tolima (Páramo de Los Valles)), Ecuador, Venezuela. Refs.: Wygodzinsky & Coscarón, 1989: 226;
Muñoz de Hoyos, 1994: 416; Muñoz de Hoyos, 1995: 619; Muñoz de Hoyos & Miranda-Esquivel, 1997: 302;
Coscarón et al., 2008: 9 (cat.); Adler & Crosskey, 2015: 24 (inv.).

cypellus Wygodzinsky & Coscarón, 1989: 262. Type locality: Ecuador, Cotopaxi, río Zumbahua, road from Pujili
to Quevedo, 3500m. Distr.: Colombia (Cauca (Puracé to La Plata road, quebrada Cocuy), Ecuador. Refs.: Muñoz
de Hoyos, 1994: 416; Muñoz de Hoyos, 1995: 619; Coscarón et al., 2008: 9 (cat.); Adler & Crosskey, 2015: 24
cypellus Takaoka et al., 1988: 544 (unav., nomen nudum)

nasutus Wygodzinsky & Coscarón, 1989: 240. Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca, Alto de San Miguel, on
road from Sibate to Fusagasugá, 2800m. Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca (Sibaté; Páramo de Chisacá, río Chisacá;
Alto de San Miguel)). Refs.: Muñoz de Hoyos, 1994: 417; Muñoz de Hoyos et al., 1994: 406; Muñoz de Hoyos,
1995: 619; Muñoz de Hoyos & Miranda-Esquivel, 1997: 302; Coscarón et al., 2008: 9 (cat.); Adler & Crosskey,
2015: 25 (inv.).

septenarius Wygodzinsky & Coscarón, 1989: 220. Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca, 2km SW. of Albán,
2400m. Distr. Colombia (Cundinamarca (2km SW. Albán). Refs.: Muñz de Hoyos, 1994: 418; Muñoz de Hoyos,
1995: 619; Muñoz de Hoyos & Miranda-Esquivel, 1997: 302; Coscarón et al., 2008: 10 (cat.); Adler & Crosskey,
2015: 25 (inv.).

Genus Simulium Latreille 1802

Subgenus Aspathia Enderlein

Aspathia Enderlein, 1935: 359 (as genus). Type species, Simulium hunteri Malloch, 1914 (orig. des.). Refs.: Coscarón et al.,
1999: 543-604 (as Simulium (Simulium)) and Coscarón & Coscarón Arias, 2007: 471, 472-483 (keys to spp., based on
females, males, pupae and larvae.
Jalacingomyia Py-Daniel in Py-Daniel & Moreira Sampaio, 1994: 127. Type species, Simulium anduzei Vargas & Díaz Nájera,
1948: 328 (orig. des.).

matteabranchium Anduze 1947: 374. Type locality: Venezuela, Aragua, Colonia Tovar. Distr.: Colombia
(Cundinamarca (Albán to Sasaima road; Santandercito Zoológico Santacruz), ?Mexico, Venezuela. Refs.:
Coscarón, 1987: 33 (cat.); Muñoz de Hoyos, 1994: 434 (as matteabranchium); Muñoz de Hoyos & Miranda-
Esqueivel, 1997: 302 (as matteabranchium); Muñoz de Hoyos & Coscarón, 1999: 183; Coscarón et al., 2008: 14
(cat.); Adler & Crosskey, 2015: 31 (inv.).

metallicum Bellardi, 1859: 13. Type locality: “Mexico”. Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (río Medellín; Medellín,
vereda Las Palmas), Cauca (Paniquita, 20km N. Popayán; Silvia), Cesar (Donacui; Ariguaní), Cundinamarca

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(Albán; Albán to Sasaima road; Aguadita; Guaduas; La Vega, río Tabacal; San Francisco, río San Miguel; Sasaima;
Guayabal de Siquima, río Siquima; Gachetá; Cachipay; Santandercito, Zoológico Santacruz; Ubaque, río El
Palmar; Chipaque to Caquezá road; Choachí to Villavicencio road; Une, Fusagasugá; Pasca), Huila (Pitalito,
quebrada Charguayaco; San Agustín), Magdalena (Ariguaní, Donacuí), Quindío (Montenegro to Armenia farm),
Tolima (Anaime, Gualanday), Valle del Cauca (río Pance between Saladito to Dagua road; El Queremal; 10km W.
of Delfina; Pichindé; río Dagua to río Bitaco farm; Antucela; Cisneros; Anchicayá, Peñas Blancas; El Carmen)),
Belize, Brasil, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, Venezuela. Refs.: Barreto, 1969: 33; Muñoz de Hoyos et
al., 1982: 144; Coscarón, 1987: 33 (cat.); Conn et al., 1989: 1217; Muñoz de Hoyos, 1994 434; Muñoz de Hoyos &
Miranda-Esqueivel, 1997: 302; Muñoz de Hoyos & Coscarón, 1999: 183; Coscarón & Coscarón Arias, 2007: 495;
Coscarón et al., 2008: 14 (cat.); Adler & Crosskey, 2015: 31 (inv.).
riveti Roubaud, 1906: 108.
nitidum Malloch, 1912: 652.
versicolor Lutz & Núñez Tovar, 1928: 47.
avidum Hoffmann, 1930: 51.
violacescens Enderlein, 1934a: 285 (Odagmia).
cytoform A Conn et al., 1989: 1221.
cytoform B Conn et al., 1989: 1224.
cytoform C Conn et al., 1989: 1225.
cytoform D Conn et al., 1988 : 1225
cytoform E Conn et al., 1989: 1226.
cytoform F Conn et al., 1989: 1228.
cytoform G Conn et al., 1989: 1229.
cytoform I Conn et al., 1989: 1230.
cytoform J Conn et al., 1989: 1231.
cytoform K Conn et al., 1989: 1233.
cytoform L Arteaga & Muñoz de Hoyos, 1999: 133.

Subgenus Notolepria Enderlein, 1930

Notolepria Enderlein, 1930: 95 (as genus). Type species, Simulium exiguum Roubaud, 1906 (orig. des.). Refs.: Coscarón &
Coscarón Arias, 2007: 224, 225-228 (redescr.; keys to spp. based on females, males, pupae and larvae).

exiguum Roubaud, 1906b: 108. Type locality: Venezuela, Alto Sarate. Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Barbosa, El
Hatillo; río Arquía, Puerto Palacio), Boyacá (Guateque; Toguí; río Ubasa); Cauca (río 20km N. of Piendamó;
Santander de Quilichao; San Antonio-López de Micay, quebrada Nayita; río Micay), Cesar (Valledupar, Meollaca),
Chocó (Río Arquía, Puerto Palacio; Tagachi río Tagachi; Quibdó río Bebará), Cudinamarca (Guaduas, Villeta, La
Vega, San Francisco, Gachetá, Une), Guajira (Palomino, río Jeréz), Magdalena (Ariguaní), Meta (Restrepo; El
Retiro), Quindío (between Montenegro and Armenia; Armenia), Norte de Santander (río Peralonso, bocas del río
San Miguel), Tolima (Mariquita-Honda quebrada de Padilla), Valle del Cauca (between río Dagua and río Bitaco;
Atuncela; Dagua; Saladito to Anchicayá road; Cisneros; Valle río Pance; río Pance; Cali; Pichindé, Jamundí),
Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, Perú, Venezuela. Refs.: Vulcano, 1967: 11 (cat.);
Barreto, 1969: 32; Tidwell et al., 1980: 377 (as vector of Onchocerca volvulus); Tidwell et al., 1980: 119, 121, 126;
Muñoz de Hoyos et al., 1982: 143; Muñoz de Hoyos, 1994: 431; Muñoz de Hoyos & Miranda-Esquivel, 1997: 301;
Muñoz de Hoyos & Coscarón, 1999: 183; Coscarón & Coscarón Arias, 2007: 228; Coscarón et al., 2008: 37 (cat.);
Adler & Crosskey, 2015: 68 (inv.).
glaucophthalmum Knab, 1914: 123.
delpontei Paterson & Shannon, 1927: 739.
urubambanum Enderlein, 1934a: 286 .
morphoform ‘C’ Shelley, Nunes de Mello & Rees, 1976: 328.
cytoform ‘Aguarico’ Procunier, Shelley & Arzube, 1985, in: Charalambous, Shelley & Arzube, 1997: 153.
cytoform ‘Bucay’ Procunier, Shelley & Arzube, 1985, in: Charalambous, Shelley & Arzube, 1997: 153.
cytoform ‘Cayapa’ Procunier, Shelley & Arzube, 1985, in: Charalambous, Shelley & Arzube, 1997: 153.
cytoform ‘Quevedo’ Procunier, Shelley & Arzube, 1985, in: Charalambous, Shelley & Arzube, 1997: 153.

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cytoform ‘N’ Charalambous, Shelley & Arzube, 1997: 155
cytoform ‘Huatarac’ Charalambous, Arzube & Lowell, 1998: 251.
cytoform ‘Napo’ Charalambous, Arzube & Lowell, 1998: 249.

Subgenus Psaroniocompsa Enderlein

Psaroniocompsa Enderlein 1934b : 192 (as genus). Type species, incrustatum, as opalinifrons (orig. des.). Refs.: Coscarón &
Coscarón Arias, 2007: 295, 296-301; Coscarón et al., 2008: 38 (cat.); Adler & Crosskey, 2015: 71 (inv.).

Pliodasina Enderlein, 1936 : 124 (as genus). Type species, guttatum (original designation)
Cerqueirellum Py-Daniel, 1983: 165 (as subgenus of Simulium). Type species, amazonicum (orig. des.).
Coscaroniellum Py-Daniel, 1983: 183 (as subgenus of Simulium). Type species, quadrifidum (orig. des.)
Inaequalium Coscarón & Wygodzinsky, 1984: 78 (as subgenus of Simulium). Type species, inaequale (orig.
Shelleyellum Py-Daniel & Pessoa, 2005: 474 (as genus) (unav., no designated type species)
Shelleyellum Py-Daniel & Pessoa, 2006: 133 (as genus). Type species, siolii (orig. des.)

amazonicum species-group

amazonicum Goeldi, 1905: 138. Type locality: Brazil, Amazonas, Tefé, Purus and Acre. Distr.: Colombia
(Amazonas (Arara; Santa Sofía, río Amazonas 40km NW. Leticia; Puerto Arica, río Putumayo), Cesar
(Valledupar), Vaupés (Santa Marta, Mitú)), Brazil, Venezuela. Refs.: Muñoz de Hoyos et al., 1982: 143; Tidwell &
Tidwell, 1982: 1137; Py-Daniel, 1983: 167; Coscarón, 1987: 24 (cat.); Muñoz de Hoyos, 1994: 419; Coscarón &
Coscarón Arias, 2007: 341; Coscarón et al., 2008: 16 (cat.); Adler & Crosskey, 2015: 72 (inv.).
amazonense Lutz, 1917: 64, 1922: 71
morphoform ‘R. Mari’ Shelley, Hernández, Maia-Herzog, Luna Dias & Luz, 2006: 20.
morphoform ‘R. Ituxi’ Shelley, Hernández, Maia-Herzog, Luna Dias & Luz, 2006: 20.
tallaferroae Ramírez Pérez, 1971: 339.

argentiscutum Shelley & Dias, 1980: 105. Type locality: Brazil, Rondônia, Cachoeira Teotônio, río Madeira,
8º50’S, 64º05’W, 60m. Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas (Arara; Santa Sofía, río Amazonas near Leticia)), Brazil, Perú.
Refs.: Tidwell & Tidwell, 1982: 1137; Coscarón, 1987: 24 (cat.); Muñoz de Hoyos, 1994: 419; Coscarón &
Coscarón Arias, 2007: 346; Coscarón et al., 2008: 17 (cat.); Adler & Crosskey, 2015: 72 (inv.).
‘sp.n’ Shelley, Luna Dias & Moraes, 1980: 785 (Simulium)
‘E’ Tidwell et al., 1981: 85 (morphoform)
‘Madeira’ Shelley, Pinter & Moraes, 1982: 27 (Simulium sp)
[amazonicum: Cerqueira, 1959: 886, not Goeldi]
[urubambanum: Enderlein, 1934a: 286 [1933] (part)]

oyapockense Floch & Abonnenc, 1946a: 4. Type locality: Franch Guiana, Oyapock, Maripa, “près du saut
Cafésoca”. Distr. Colombia (Vaupés (Santa Marta, near Mitú), Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana,
Paraguay, Uruguay, Venezuela. Refs.: Coscarón, 1987: 25 (cat.); Muñoz de Hoyos, 1994: 420; Coscarón &
Coscarón Arias, 2007: 335; Coscarón et al., 2008: 17 (cat.); Adles & Crosskey, 2012: 70 (inv.). Refs.: Coscarón et
al., 2008: 17 (cat.); Adles & Crosskey, 2015: 72 (inv.).
pseudosanguineum Ramírez Pérez & Peterson, 1981: 154.
pseudoamazonicum Ramírez Pérez & Peterson, 1981: 151
cuasisanguineum Ramírez Pérez et al., 1982: 36.
sanchezi Ramírez Pérez et al., 1982: 71.
pydanieli Pessoa et al., 2008 : 571.
‘A’ Tidwell et al., 1981: 84 (morphoform).
‘B’ Tidwell et al., 1981: 84 (morphoform).
‘C’ Tidwell et al., 1981: 85 (morphoform).

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‘Barbacoas’ Shelley et al., 1982: 27.
‘Bem Querer’ Shelley et al., 2006: 7.
[amazonicum: authors, not Goeldi]
[haematopotum: Smart, 1940, not Malloch]
[minusculum: authors, not Lutz]

sanguineum Knab, 1915: 279. Type locality: Colombia, Chocó, Boca de Arquia, río Atrato. Distr.: Colombia
(Cauca (Santander de Quilichao), Tolima (Honda, río Magdalena), Chocó (Boca de Arquía, río Atrato; río Tagachi,
near río Atrato), Tolima, Vaupés (Mitú)), Panama. Refs.: Vulcano, 1967: 20 (cat.); Barreto, 1969: 33; Muñoz de
Hoyos et al., 1982: 145 (as sangineum, incorrect spelling); Muñoz de Hoyos, 1994: 420; Muñoz de Hoyos &
Miranda-Esquivel, 1997: 302; Tidwell et al., 1980: 1209; Tidwell & Tidwell, 1982: 1137; Muñoz de Hoyos &
Coscarón, 1999: 183; Coscarón & Coscarón Arias, 2007: 343; Coscarón et al., 2008: 18 (cat.); Adles & Crosskey,
2015: 72 (inv.).

auristriatum species-group

schmidtmummi Wygodzinsky, 1973a: 2. Type locality: Colombia, Boyacá, Páramo de Tota (west slope), 3400m.
Distr.: Colombia (Boyacá (Aquitania, quebrada El Tejar; Páramo de Los Curies; Tota), Cundinamarca (in the
Páramo area between 3050-3450m; La Calera, río Teusacá; Bogotá; Sibaté; río Chisacá; Sibaté to Aguadita road;
La Siberia)). Refs.: Coscarón & Wygodzinsky, 1984: 77; Coscarón, 1987: 23 (cat.), 1991: 193; Py-Daniel, 1988:
308; Muñoz de Hoyos et al., 1982: 145 (as schmidtmmumi; incorrect spelling); Muñoz de Hoyos et al., 1994: 403;
Muñoz de Hoyos & Miranda-Esquivel, 1997: 302; Coscarón & Coscarón Arias, 1997: 115; Crosskey & Howard,
1997: 57; Coscarón & Coscarón Arias, 2007: 318; Coscarón et al., 2008:40 (cat.); Adler & Crosskey, 2015: 73


subnigrum Lutz, 1910: 239, fig. 7. Type locality: Brazil, São Paulo, São Paulo (ríos Pacaembu e Anhangabaú) e
Rio de Janeiro: Mendes and Petrópolis. Distr.: Colombia (Meta (Restrepo)), Venezuela, Trinidad, Brazil, Paraguay,
Argentina. Refs.: Vulcano, 1967: 21 (cat.); Barreto, 1969: 34; Muñoz de Hoyos et al., 1982: 145; Muñoz de Hoyos,
1994: 431; Coscarón & Coscarón Arias, 2007: 278; Coscarón et al., 2008: 35 (cat.); Adler & Crosskey, 2015: 73
diversifurcatum Lutz, 1910: 258.
subclavibranchium Lutz, 1910: 260.
nogueirai d’Andretta & Dolores Gonzalez, 1964: 103.
mbarigui Coscarón & Wygodzinsky, 1973b: 142.
beaupertuyi Ramírez-Pérez, Rassi & Ramírez, 1977: 165.
nahimi Py-Daniel, 1984: 125.
leopoldense (Strieder & Py-Daniel), 2000: 15.


incrustatum Lutz, 1910: 243. Type locality: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Petrópolis and Mendes; São Paulo, Serra da
Bocaina (Fazenda do Bonito) and São Paulo. LectoType locality: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Mendes. Distr.: Colombia
(Cauca (Santander de Quilichao), Guajira (Fómeca, río Caña), Meta (Restrepo: Guacavía, Caibe, Caney, La
Floresta, Los Medios, Sardinata; caño de Los Micos), Valle del Cauca (Jamundí)), Venezuela, Ecuador, Brazil,
Paraguay, Argentina. Refs.: Barreto, 1969: 32; Coscarón & Wygodzinsky, 1973a: 170; Muñoz de Hoyos et al.,
1982: 144; Coscarón & Wygodzinsky, 1984: 62; Coscarón, 1987: 23 (cat.), 1991: 184; Shelley, 1991: 310; Muñoz
de Hoyos, 1994: 432; Coscarón, 2003: 5; Coscarón & Coscarón Arias, 2007: 311; Hernandez et al., 2007: 22;
Coscarón et al., 2008: 39 (cat.); Adler & Crossky, 2015: 74 (inv.).

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aequifurcatum Lutz, 1910: 259, 263.
angrense Pinto, 1931: 683.
opalinifrons (Enderlein, 1934b): 192.
yarzabali Ramírez-Pérez, 1980: 66.

jujuyense Paterson & Shannon, 1927: 739, 741. Type locality: Argentina, Jujuy, Zapla. Distr.: Colombia
(Cundinamarca (Fusagasugá)), Argentina, Bolivia, Ecuador, Perú. Refs.: Muñoz de Hoyos et al., 1982: 144;
Crosskey & Howard, 1997: 57; Coscarón & Coscarón Arias, 2007: 306 Hernandez et al., 2007: 25; Coscarón et al.,
2008: 39 (cat.); Adler & Crossky, 2015: 74 (inv.).
exiguum Lutz, 1910: 234 (preocc.)
minimum Surcouf & Gonzalez-Rincones, 1911: 290 (subst. name, preocc., for exiguum).
lutzi Knab, 1913: 155 (subst. name, for exiguum).
lutzi Malloch, 1914: 14 (subst. name, preoccu., for exiguum).
auripellitum Enderlein, 1934a: 286.
mendozanum (Enderlein), 1936: 123 (Psaroniocompsa)
guttatum (Enderlein), 1936: 124 (Pliodasina)
bonaerense Coscarón & Wygodzinsky, 1984: 59.
minuanum Strieder & Coscarón, 2000: 105.
clavigerum Amaral-Calvao & Maia-Herzog, 2003: 266.


quadrifidum Lutz, 1917: 66. Type locality: Brazil, Rondônia, Estrada de Ferro Madeira-Mamoré. Distr.:
Colombia (Vaupés (Santa Marta, near Mitú), Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, Ecuador, Brazil,
Bolivia. Refs.: Muñoz de Hoyos, 1994: 421; Coscarón & Coscarón Arias, 2007: 354; Coscarón et al., 2008: 21
(cat.); Adler & Crosskey, 2015: 74 (inv.).
rassii Ramírez Pérez, 1980: 60 (Simulium).
torrealbai Ramírez Pérez, 1980: 64.


quadrivittatum Loew, 1862: 56. Type locality: “Cuba”. Distr.: Colombia (Chocó (El Tigre)), Belize, Costa Rica,
Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Puerto Rico, Venezuela. Refs.:
Muñoz de Hoyos, 1994: 433; Coscarón & Coscarón Arias, 2007: 365; Coscarón et al., 2008: 22 (cat.); Adler &
Crosskey, 2015: 75 (inv.).
mallochi Enderlein, 1925: 208 (Wilhelmia; unnecessary nom. nov. for quadrivittatum of Malloch, 1914).
fairchildi Vargas, 1942: 458 (nom. nov. for haematopotum Malloch of Fairchild, 1940).
benjamini Dalmat, 1952: 339.
[haematopotum: Fairchild, 1940: 704, not Malloch]
[metallicum: Malloch, 1914: 48, nor Bellardi]

Subgenus Psilopelmia Enderlein

Psilopelmia Enderlein, 1934a: 283 (as genus). Type species, Psilopelmia rufidorsum Enderlein, 1934 (orig. des.) = Simulium
escomeli Roubaud, 1909. Refs.: Coscarón et al., 2008: 41 (cat.); Adler & Crosskey, 2012: 73 (inv.).
Ectemnaspis Enderlein, 1934a: 281 (as genus). Type species, bicoloratum Malloch, 1912, as macca (orig. des.)
Lanea Vargas, Martínez Palacios & Díaz Nájera, 1946: 107, (as subgenus of Simulium). Type species, haematopotum Malloch,
1914 (orig. des.).

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arcabucense Coscarón, 1990: 123. Type locality: Colombia, Boyacá, valley of río Pomeca (NW. of Arcabuco),
2400 m. Distr.: Colombia (Boyacá (Valle río Pomeca NW. Arcabuco). Refs.: Muñoz de Hoyos, 1994: 421;
Crosskey & Howard, 1997: 29; Coscarón & Coscarón Arias, 2007: 390; Coscarón et al., 2008: 22 (cat.); Adler &
Crosskey, 2015: 75 (inv.).

bicoloratum Malloch, 1912: 649. Type locality: Perú, río Charape. Distr.: Colombia (Cauca (Popayán to Páramo
de Puracé road), Cundinamarca (Sibaté to Aguadita road; Chipaque), Tolima (Ibagué to Armenia road), Valle del
Cauca (Sevilla, quebrada Peñas Blancas)), Bolivia, Ecuador, Perú, Venezuela. Refs.: Vulcano, 1967: 7 (cat.);
Barreto, 1969: 31; Muñoz de Hoyos et al., 1982: 143; Muñoz de Hoyos, 1994: 421; Crosskey & Howard, 1997: 29;
Muñoz de Hoyos & Coscarón, 1999: 183; Coscarón & Coscarón Arias, 2007: 400; Coscarón et al., 2008: 22 (cat.);
Adler & Crosskey, 2015: 75 (inv.).
gaudeatum Knab, 1914: 81.
macca (Enderlein), 1934a: 276 (Dasypelmoza).
macca (Enderlein), 1934a: 281 (Ectemaspis; preocc. Enderlein, 1934a: 276).
molli Vargas, 1943: 142 (nom. nov. for macca Enderlein, 1934a: 281).
gandeatum Iriarte, 1946: 460, error.

bicornutum Wygodzinsky & Coscarón, 1982: 2. Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca, road from Usme to
Páramo de Chisacá, 3200m. Distr.: Colombia (Boyacá (Páramo de Pisba; Páramo de Los Curies, quebrada El
Machito), Cundinamarca (Usme to Páramo de Chisacá road; Páramo de Chisacá, río Chisacá; Santa Helena,
quebrada El Oso), Tolima (Páramo de los Valles). Refs.: Muñoz de Hoyos, 1994: 421; Muñoz de Hoyos et al.,
1994: 395; Muñoz de Hoyos & Miranda-Esquivel, 1997: 302; Crosskey & Howard, 1997: 29; Muñoz de Hoyos &
Coscarón, 1999: 183; Coscarón & Coscarón Arias, 2007: 397; Coscarón et al., 2008: 23 (cat.); Adler & Crosskey,
2015: 75 (inv.).

callidum (Dyar & Shannon), 1927: 12, 16 (Eusimulium). Type locality: Mexico, Veracruz, Córdoba. Distr.:
Colombia (Antioquia, Valle del Cauca (Sevilla, quebrada Peñas Blancas; río Pance)), Belize, Guatemala, Mexico.
Refs.: Muñoz de Hoyos et al., 1982: 143; Crosskey & Howard, 1997: 58; Coscarón & Coscarón Arias, 2007: 461;
Hernandez et al., 2007: 26; Coscarón et al., 2008: 41 (cat.); Adler & Crosskey, 2015: 75 (inv.).
mooseri (Dampf), 1927: 127.
costaricensis Smart, 1944: 132
rufidorsum (Enderlein) 1936: 119 (preocc.)

cormonsi Wygodzinsky, 1971: 31. Type locality: Venezuela, Mérida. Distr.: Colombia Cundinamarca (Parque
Natural Nacional Chingaza; La Cortadera stream 04°37932.3”N, 73°43940.8”W, 3040m; Monteredondo
(04°37946.3”N, 73°43928.8”W, 3072m), Peñas Blancas (04°42904.2”N 73°50927.1”W, 3008m; río Chuza
04°38940.6”N, 73°44944.1”W). Refs.: Moncada et al, 2013:103; Adler & Crosskey, 2015: 75 (inv.); Díaz et al.,

furcillatum Wygodzinsky & Coscarón, 1982: 6. Type locality: Colombia, Boyacá, Páramo de Tota, 3400m. Distr.:
Colombia (Boyacá (Páramo de Tota; Santuario de Fauna y Flora de Iguaque), Cundinamarca (Tunjaque, SE. La
Calera; Zipaquirá to Pacho road; Bogotá, río San Francisco bajo; Usme to Páramo de Chisacá road; Usme, río
Tunjuelo; Subachoque; La Calera; Bogotá to Choachí road; Chipaque; Páramo de Chisacá; Santa Helena,
Quebrada El Oso; El Brasil, quebrada Hoya Honda)). Refs.: Campo-Gaona & Muñoz de Hoyos, 1990: 715; Muñoz
de Hoyos, 1994: 422; Muñoz de Hoyos et al., 1994: 397; Crosskey & Howard, 1997: 29; Muñoz de Hoyos &
Miranda-Esquivel, 1997: 302; Muñoz de Hoyos & Coscarón, 1999: 183; Coscarón & Coscarón Arias, 2007: 398;
Coscarón et al., 2008: 23 (cat.); Adler & Crosskey, 2015: 75 (inv.); Diaz et al., 2015: 553.

ignescens Roubaud, 1906: 107. Type locality: Ecuador, Napo. Distr.: Colombia (Boyacá (Arcabuco to Villa de
Leyva road), Cauca (next to Puracé; río Piendamó, E. Silvia; Silvia; Paniquita, 20km N. of Popayán),

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Cundinamarca (Albán; Albán to Sasaima road; Sibaté to Aguadita road; Aguadita, río Blanco; Aguadita to Pasca
road, quebrada La Pradera; near Salto Tequendama; Guaduas; Zipaquirá to Pacho road; Villeta; La Vega; San
Francisco; Subachoque, La Pradera; Chipaque to Caquezá road, Munar, río Une; Guasca; río frio W. Guasca; La
Calera, Teusacá river; Santandercito Zoólogico Santacruz; Choachí; Sibaté; Parque Natural Nacional Chingaza,
sector Palacio; Usme river Tunjuelo; Tunjaque SE.; Páramo de Chisacá; Pasca), Huila (San Agutín quebrada El
Playón), Norte de Santander (Pamplona), Risaralda (Parque Natural Los Nevados, Ucumarí; Tolima (Ibagué to
Armenia road; Anaime; Gualanday), Valle del Cauca (2km W. Felidia)), Bolivia, Ecuador, Perú, Venezuela. Refs.:
Duque et al., 1988: 300 (polytene chrosomosomes); Muñoz de Hoyos et al., 1982: 143; Torres-Fernández et al.,
1991: 256; Muñoz de Hoyos, 1994: 422; Muñoz de Hoyos et al., 1994: 398; Crosskey & Howard, 1997: 29; Muñoz
de Hoyos & Miranda-Esquivel, 1997: 302; Muñoz de Hoyos & Coscarón, 1999: 183; Coscarón & Coscarón Arias,
2007: 387; Coscarón et al., 2008: 23 (cat.); Adler & Crosskey, 2015: 75 (inv.); Esquivel et al., 2015: 92.

pautense Coscarón & Takaoka, 1989: 191. Type locality: Ecuador: Paute, Azuay, Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca
(Chingaza National Natural Park, streams Babilonia (04°37932.3”N 73°43940.8”W, 3040m above sea level,
Palacio sector La Cortadera (04°42907.7”N 73°50936.3”W, 2996m)). Ref.: Adler & Crosskey, 2015: 76 (inv.) ;
Diaz et al., 2015 : 541.

pifanoi Ramírez Pérez, 1971: 346. Type locality: Venezuela, Mérida, Santo Domingo. Distr.: Colombia (Cauca
(near Puracé), Cundinamarca (Albán; Sibaté to Aguadita road; 1km W. Sibaté; Santandercito Zoolológico
Santacruz; Aguadita; Salto del Tequendama road under)), Venezuela. Refs.: Crosskey & Howard, 1997: 29; Muñoz
de Hoyos, 1994: 424; Muñoz de Hoyos & Miranda-Esquivel, 1997: 302; Muñoz de Hoyos & Coscarón, 1999: 183;
Coscarón & Coscarón Arias, 2007: 388; Coscarón et al., 2008: 23 (cat.); Adler & Crosskey, 2015: 76 (inv.).

tolimaense Coscarón, 1984: 301 (nom. nov. for simplex Wygodzinsky & Coscarón, 1982). Type locality:
Colombia, Tolima, Ibague-Armenia highway, near La Linea, E. slope of hillside. Distr.: Colombia (Tolima (Ibagué
to Armenia road). Refs.: Coscarón, 1987: 29 (cat.), 1990: 128; Muñoz de Hoyos, 1994: 424; Crosskey & Howard,
1997: 30; Coscarón & Coscarón Arias, 2007: 397; Coscarón et al., 2008: 23 (cat.); Adler & Crosskey, 2015: 76
simplex Wygodzinsky & Coscarón 1982: 11.

tunja Coscarón, 1990: 126. Type locality: Colombia, Boyacá, 2km W. of Tunja, 2900m. Distr.: Colombia (Boyacá
(2km W. Tunja; near lago de Tota), Cundinamarca (Subachoque; Albán; Guasca; La Calera río Teusacá; Sibaté;
Aguadita; Páramo de Chisacá; Pasca; Sibaté to Aguadita road; Usme to Páramo de Chisacá road; Subachoque, La
pradera; Santa Helena, Quebrada El Oso)). Refs.: Muñoz de Hoyos, 1994: 425; Muñoz de Hoyos et al., 1994: 400;
Crosskey & Howard, 1997: 30; Muñoz de Hoyos & Miranda-Esquivel, 1997: 302; Muñoz de Hoyos & Coscarón,
1999: 183, Coscarón & Coscarón Arias, 2007: 394; Coscarón et al., 2008: 23 (cat.); Adler & Crosskey, 2015: 76
“C” Duque et al., 1988: 306 (Simulium sp.)
“A” Lewis & Lee-Potter, 1964: 97 (Simulium sp.)
‘B’ Lewis & Lee-Potter, 1964: 98 (Simulium sp.)


dinellii (Joan), 1912: 363 (reprint, p. 5) (Melusina). Type locality: Argentina, Tucumán, Montes de Apachirí.
Distr.: Colombia (“Tierra caliente”; Risaralda (stream near the road between Otún-Quimbaya refuge 4°43’N,
75°33’W, 1885m; El Cedral aquaculture station 4°42’N 75°31’W, 2119m)), Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador,
Perú. Refs.: Vulcano, 1967: 10 (cat.); Barreto, 1969: 31; Muñoz de Hoyos et al., 1982: 143; Muñoz de Hoyos,
1994: 427; Crosskey & Howard, 1997: 58; Coscarón & Coscarón, Arias 2007: 414; Coscarón et al., 2008: 24 (cat.);
Adler & Crosskey, 2015: 76 (inv.); Mantilla et al., 2015: 217.
miniatum (Enderlein, 1934a: 275 (Dasypelmoza)
miniatum (Enderlein, 1934b: 194) (Trichodagmia) (2) (preocc.)

164 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press WOLFF ET AL.

martinezi Vargas, 1943: 137 (nom. nov. for Trichodagmia miniata Enderlein, 1934).
ochraceum Lane & Porto, 1939: 171, Lane & Vulcano, 1933: 434, not Walker.

ochraceum Walker, 1861: 332. Type locality: Mexico, Chiapas, Huixtla, Morelos. Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia,
Cundinamarca, Valle del Cauca (Anchicayá)), Brazil, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador,
Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, Perú, Puerto Rico, Trinidad, Venezuela, Virgin Islands. Refs.: Vulcano, 1967: 17
(cat.); Barreto, 1969: 34; Muñoz de Hoyos, 1994: 427; Crosskey & Howard, 1997: 58; Coscarón et al., 2008: 24
(cat.); Adler & Crosskey, 2015: 76 (inv.).
bipunctatum Malloch, 1912: 650.
antillarum Jennings, 1915: 200.
scutellatum Lane & Porto, 1940: 192.
wolcotti Fox, 1953: 138.
pseudoantillarum Ramírez-Pérez & Vulcano, 1973: 379.
‘D’ Lewis, 1963: 53 (Simulium sp.)
cytoform ‘A’ Hirai & Uemoto, 1983, In: Procunier, 1989: 563
cytoform ‘B’ Hirai & Uemoto, 1983, In: Procunier, 1989: 563
cytoform ‘C’ Hirai & Uemoto, 1983, In: Procunier, 1989: 563

shewellianum Coscarón, 1984: 318. Type locality: Ecuador, río Palenque, 0º 35’ S, 70º 20’ W. Distr.: Colombia
(Cundinamarca (Guaduas), Valle del Cauca (10km W. Delfina, valle río Dagua; Saladito to Anchicayá road;
Anchicayá 70km E. Buenaventura), Ecuador, Brazil. Refs.: Muñoz de Hoyos, 1994: 428; Muñoz de Hoyos &
Miranda-Esquivel, 1997: 301; Crosskey & Howard, 1997: 58; Muñoz de Hoyos & Coscarón, 1999: 183; Coscarón
& Coscarón Arias, 2007: 415; Coscarón et al., 2008: 24 (cat.); Adler & Crosskey, 2015: 76 (inv.).


rorotaense Floch & Abonnenc, 1946b: 4. Type locality: French Guiana, Plateau Rorota. Distr.: Colombia (Vaupes
(Santa Marta near Mitú), Venezuela, French Guiana, Brazil. Refs.: Muñoz de Hoyos, 1994: 427; Crosskey &
Howard, 1997: 59; Hamada & Adler, 1998: 221, 2001: 119 (biol.); Shelley et al., 2004: 455; Coscarón & Coscarón
Arias, 2007: 411, figs. 84C, 85M, 86R, 87L, 89M, 90H, K. Coscarón et al., 2008: 26 (cat.); Adler & Crosskey,
2015: 77 (inv.).
fulvinotum Cerqueira & Nunes de Mello, 1967: 36 [in Cerqueira] [Brazil (Amazonas)]


albanense Coscarón, 1990: 135. Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca., 2km W. of Albán. Distr.: Boyacá (Lago
de Tota; Arcabuco to Villa de Leyva road; Valle río Pomeca), Cundinamarca (Albán; 3km S. Chipaque). Refs.:
Muñoz de Hoyos, 1994: 425; Crosskey & Howard, 1997: 60; Muñoz de Hoyos & Coscarón, 1999: 183; Coscarón
& Coscarón Arias, 2007: 406; Coscarón et al., 2008: 64 (cat.); Adler & Crosskey, 2015: 77 (inv.).

anaimense Coscarón & Muñoz de Hoyos, 1995: 587. Type locality: Colombia, Tolima, arroyo Potosí, 17km from
Anaime, 2300m. Distr.: Colombia (Tolima, on the Cordillera Central, Anaime). Refs.: Crosskey & Howard, 1997:
60; Muñoz de Hoyos & Miranda-Esquivel, 1997: 302; Muñoz de Hoyos & Coscarón, 1999: 183 (key); Coscarón &
Coscarón Arias, 2007: 402; Coscarón et al., 2008: 22 (cat.); Adler & Crosskey, 2015: 77 (inv.).

escomeli Roubaud, 1909: 428. Type locality: Perú, Arequipa, Tingo. Distr.: Colombia, Ecuador, Chile, Perú. Refs.:
Crosskey & Howard, 1997: 58; Coscarón Arias, 2003: 195, 198, 204, 209, 215; Coscarón & Coscarón Arias, 2007:
449; Coscarón et al., 2008: 42 (cat.); Adler & Crosskey, 2015: 77 (inv.).
rufidorsum (Enderlein), 1934a: 283
[samboni: Dampf, 1943: 34, not Jennings]

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gabaldoni Ramírez Pérez, 1971: 352. Type locality: Venezuela, Monagas, San Antonio. Distr.: Colombia (Cesar
(Meollaca), Valle del Cauca (Valle río Pance, Hda san Pedro)), Venezuela. Refs.: Muñoz de Hoyos, 1994: 425;
Crosskey & Howard, 1997: 60; Coscarón & Coscarón Arias, 2007: 405; Coscarón et al., 2008: 27 (cat.); Adler &
Crosskey, 2015: 78 (inv.).
‘B’ Lewis, 1963: 53 (Simulium sp)

haematopotum Malloch, 1914: 62. Type locality: Mexico, Veracruz, Santa Lucrecia & Cuba, Cayamas. Distr.:
Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Guatemala, Gutyana, Mexico, Panama, Puerto Rico, Venezuela. Refs.: Vulcano,
1967: 12 (cat.); Muñoz de Hoyos, 1994: 433; Crosskey & Howard, 1997: 59; Coscarón & Coscarón Arias, 2007:
448; Coscarón et al., 2008: 42 (cat.); Adler & Crosskey, 2015: 78 (inv.).
pseudohaematopotum Hoffmann, 1930: 295.
marathrumi Fairchild, 1940: 715.
boydi De León, 1945: 76.

lutzianum Pinto, 1931: 748 (rubrithorax Lutz of Lutz & Nuñez Tovar, 1928). Type locality: “Venezuela”. Distr.:
Colombia (Cauca (river 20km of Piendamó; Cerro Munchique, Tambo), Cundinamarca (Guaduas; Villeta; 1km W.
Sibaté; Sasaima; Subachoque; Albán; Santandercito Zoólogico Santacruz; Sibaté; Aguadita; Pasca), Norte de
Santander (río Peralonso), Tolima (Anaime, Gualanday), Valle del Cauca (río Cali; Saladito to Anchicayá road;
Anchicayá; Valle río Pance; río Blanco), Panama, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Brazil, Argentina. Refs.: Barreto,
1969: 33; Muñoz de Hoyos et al., 1982: 144; Muñoz de Hoyos, 1994: 426; Crosskey & Howard, 1997: 60; Muñoz
& Miranda-Esquivel, 1997: 302; Muñoz de Hoyos & Coscarón, 1999: 183; Coscarón & Coscarón Arias, 2007:
404; Coscarón et al., 2008: 263 (cat.); Adler & Crosskey, 2015: 78 (inv.).
lewisi Ramírez Pérez, 1971: 349.
alirioi Ramírez Pérez & Vulcano, 1973: 383.
iguazuense Coscarón, 1976: 147.
cytoform ‘A’ Lewis, 1963: 53 (Simulium sp.)
cytoform ‘C’ Lewis, 1963: 53 (Simulium sp.)

machetorum Mantilla et al., 2013: 426. Type locality: Colombia, Department of Risaralda, W side of Cordillera
Central Andes, Nevado de Santa Isabel, Lake Otún (4°47'41.9”N 75o24'29.1”W), 3950 masl. Distr.: Colombia
(Risaralda). Refs: Adler & Crosskey, 2015: 78 (inv.).

romanai Wygodzinsky, 1951: 229 (as romañai). Type locality: Argentina, Tucumán, Cerro San Javier, Parque
Aconquija. Distr.: Colombia (Cauca (20km N. Piendamó), Cundinamarca (Albán to Sasaima road; Guadua; Villeta;
La Vega; San Francisco; Sasaima; Guayabal de Siquima río Siquima; Albán; Santandercito Zoológico Santacruz;
Sibaté to Aguadita road; Sibaté to Fusagasuga road; Pasca), Tolima (Anaime, Gualanday), Valle del Cauca
(Saladito to Anchicayá road; río Pance), Venezuela, Ecuador, Perú, Argentina. Refs.: Crosskey & Howard, 1997:
60; Muñoz de Hoyos, 1994: 426; Muñoz de Hoyos & Miranda-Esquivel, 1997: 302; Muñoz de Hoyos & Coscarón,
1999: 183; Coscarón & Coscarón Arias, 2007: 403; Coscarón et al., 2008: 26 (cat.); Adler & Crosskey, 2015: 78
adolfolutzi Wygodzinsky, 1951: 234, figs. 1-5, 50, 52, 98-103.

samboni Jennings, 1915: 199. Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Empire, Comacho river. Distr.: Colombia
(Tolima (Mariquita-Honda quebrada de Padilla), Guajira (Riohacha, río Jeréz), Belize, Guatemala, Honduras,
Mexico, Panama, Trinidad, Venezuela. Refs.: Muñoz de Hoyos et al., 1982: 145; Muñoz de Hoyos, 1994: 434;
Muñoz de Hoyos & Miranda-Esquivel, 1997: 302; Muñoz de Hoyos & Coscarón, 1999: 183; Coscarón et al., 2008:
43 (cat.); Adler & Crosskey, 2015: 78 (inv.).
colvini Dalmat, 1952: 344.
‘E’ Lewis, 1963: 53 (Simulium sp.)

166 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press WOLFF ET AL.

Subgenus Pternaspatha Enderlein, 1930

Pternaspatha Enderlein, 1930: 84. Type species, Pternaspatha nigristrigata Enderlein, 1930 (orig. des.). Ref.: Coscarón et al.,
2008: 45 (cat.); Adler & Crosskey, 2012: 77 (inv.).
Acropogon Enderlein, 1934a: 276. Type species, Acropogon barbatipes Enderlein, 1934 (orig. des.).
Dasypelmoza Enderlein, 1934a: 275. Type species, Simulium varipes Philippi, 1865 (orig. des.).


quimbayium Mantilla et al., 2013: 424. Figs. 1, 3A-C, 4A-D-5. Type locality: Colombia, Department of Risaralda,
W side of Cordillera Central Andes, Nevado de Santa Isabel, Lake Otún (4°47'41.9”N 75º24'29.1”W), 3950m.
Distr.: Colombia (Risaralda). Refs.: Adler & Crosskey, 2015: 80 (inv.).

Subgenus Trichodagmia Enderlein

Trichodagmia Enderlein, 1934a: 288 (as genus). Type species, Trichodagmia latitarsis Enderlein, 1934 (orig. des.)
= Simulium townsendi Malloch, 1912. Refs.: Adler & Crosskey, 2015: 106 (inv.).
Thyrsopelma Enderlein, 1934a: 284 (as genus). Type species, orbitale (Lutz, 1910) (as brasiliense), (orig. des.)
Hemicnetha Enderlein, 1934b:190 (as genus). Type species, paynei (Vargas, 1942), as mexicana Enderlein (orig.
Dyarella Vargas et al., 1946: 105 (as subgenus of Simulium). Type species, Simulium mexicanum Bellardi,
1862 (orig. des.)
Hearlea Vargas et al., 1946: 104 (as subgenus of Simulium). Type species, canadense Hearle, 1932 (orig. des.)
Obuchovia Rubtsov, 1947: 90 (as subgenus of Simulium). Type species, albellum (mon.)
Grenieriella Vargas & Díaz Nájera, 1951: 141 (as subgenus of Simulium). Type species, Eusimilium lahillei,
1927 (orig. des.)
Hagenomyia Shewell, 1959: 83 (as subgenus of Simulium) (preocc.). Type species, pictipes Hagen, 1880 (orig.
Shewellomyia Peterson, 1975: 111 (new name for Hagenomyia Shewell, therefore same type species).

orbitale species group

muiscorum Bueno et al., 1979: 581. Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca (Cordillera Oriental), La Calera, río
Teusacá. Distr.: Colombia Bogotá, Distrito Capital (Cundinamarca, La Calera, río Teusacá; Parque Natural
Nacional Chingaza, sector Palacio 4°41′N, 73°50′W; 2,438m). Refs.: Coscarón, 1987: 37 (cat.); Muñoz de Hoyos,
Martínez, Mejía & Bueno, 1994: 401; Crosskey & Howard, 1997: 79; Muñoz de Hoyos & Coscarón, 1999: 183;
Miranda Esquivel & Coscarón, 2001: 429, 435; Coscarón & Coscarón Arias, 2007: 608; Adler & Crosskey, 2015:
106 (inv.); Esquivel et al., 2015: 92.

nigrimanum Macquart, 1838: 88 (as nigrimana). Type locality: Brazil, São Paulo. Distr.: Colombia (Vaupés),
Brazil, Paraguay, Venezuela. Refs.: Crosskey & Howard, 1997: 79; Eaton et al., 1998: 123-124; Miranda Esquivel
& Coscarón, 2001: 429, 435; Coscarón & Coscarón Arias 2007: 609; Coscarón et al., 2008: 49 (cat.); Adler &
Crosskey, 2015: 106 (inv.).
pruinosum Lutz, 1910: 250.
spadicidorsum (Enderlein), 1934b: 194.

orbitale Lutz, 1910: 231, 251, figs. 35, 36, 39, 40 (nom. nov. for nigrimanum Macquart of Lutz, 1909). Type
locality: Brazil, São Paulo, río Tietê, Salto de Itapura; Franca, Fazenda Norda do Mato; and Benjamin Constant, río
Paraíba. Distr.: Colombia (Guajira (río Jeréz)), Brazil, Argentina, Panama. Refs.: Muñoz de Hoyos et al., 1982:
144; Adler & Crosskey, 2015: 106 (inv.).
brasiliense (Enderlein), 1934a: 284 ((Thyrsopelma)

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albopictum Lane & Porto, 1940: 193
[nigrimanum: Lutz, 1909: 137-138, 145-146, 1910: 215 / Pinto, 1931: 705-706, 726, 760, not Macquart]
[paraguayense: Lane & Vulcano, 1943: 432, not Schrottky]

scutistriatum Lutz, 1909: 133. Type locality: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Itaguaí and Duque de Caxias. Distr.:
Colombia, Brazil, Venezuela. Refs.: Crosskey & Howard, 1997: 79; Coscarón & Coscarón Arias, 2007: 625;
Coscarón et al., 2008: 49 (cat.); Adler & crosskey, 2015: 106 (inv.).

sumapazense Coscarón & Py-Daniel, 1989: 321. Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca, Páramo de Sumapaz,
3700m. Distr.: Colombia (Cundimarca (Páramo de Guasca; Páramo de Sumapaz; Bogotá to Choachí road; Chisacá;
río Teusacá)). Refs.: Muñoz de Hoyos, 1994: 429; Muñoz de Hoyos, 1996: 142; Crosskey & Howard, 1997: 79;
Muñoz de Hoyos & Miranda-Esquivel, 1997: 302; Muñoz de Hoyos & Coscarón, 1999: 183; Coscarón & Coscarón
Arias, 2007: 609.; Coscarón et al., 2008: 50 (cat.); Adler & Crosskey, 2015: 106 (inv.).

townsendi Malloch, 1912: 651–652. Type locality: Perú, río Charape; 13.vii.1911. Distr.: Colombia (Boyacá,
Cundinamarca; Norte de Santander), Perú, Bolivia, Ecuador. Refs.: Hernández & Shelley, 2005: 12; Coscarón &
Coscarón-Arias, 2007: 601; Adler & Crosskey, 2015: 106 (inv.).
chalcocoma, Knab, 1914a: 85.
ecuadoriense (Enderlein), 1934b: 193.
latitarse (Enderlein), 1934a: 289 (Trichodagmia).
strigatum (Enderlein), 1934a: 290 (Trichodagmia).
muiscorum Bueno et al., 1979: 581–591.

tarsatum species-group

paynei Vargas, 1942: 246 (nom. nov. for mexicanum Enderlein, 1934b). Type locality: “Mexico”. Distr.: U. S. A.,
México, Guatemala, Colombia (Cundinamarca, Magdalena (Minka)) Venezuela, Ecuador, Perú. Refs.: Crosskey &
Howard, 1997: 38; Muñoz de Hoyos & Coscarón, 1999: 183; Coscarón & Coscarón Arias, 2007: 531, 531;
Coscarón et al., 2008: 32 (cat); Adler & Crosskey, 2015: 107 (inv.).
mexicanum (Enderlein, 1934b): 190 (Hemicnetha, preocc. Bellardi, 1862)
mathesoni Vargas, 1943: 360.
bilimekae Smart, 1944: 132.
acatenangoense Dalmat, 1951: 31.
conviti Ramírez-Pérez & Vulcano, 1973: 376.
biuxinisa Coscarón & Ibáñez-Bernal, 1993: 64.

pulverulentum Knab, 1915: 177. Type locality: Belize, Punta Gorda. Distr.: Colombia (Caldas (La Victoria),
Cundinamarca (La Vega, San Francisco), Tolima (Honda río Gualí, Gualanday)), Mexico, Belize, Guatemala,
Honduras, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Panama, Venezuela. Refs.: Muñoz de Hoyos, 1994: 430; Muñoz de Hoyos &
Miranda-Esquivel, 1997: 302; Muñoz de Hoyos & Coscarón, 1999: 183; Coscarón et al., 2008: 30 (cat.); Adler &
Crosskey, 2015: 107 (inv.).

rubrithorax Lutz, 1909: 132. Type locality: Brazil, São Paulo, Serra da Bocaina (Fazenda do Bonito), 1500m, and
Batatais. Type locality: Brazil, Minas Gerais, Juiz de Fora, 21o 47’S, 43o22’W. Distr.: Colombia (Meta (Restrepo:
Guacavía, Caibe, Caney, La Floresta, Los Medios; El retiro)), Venezuela, Guyana, Bolívia, Brazil, Argentina.
Refs.: Barreto, 1969: 33; Muñoz de Hoyos et al., 1982: 145 (as rubithorax, incorrect spelling); Coscarón, 1987: 36
(cat.); Muñoz de Hoyos, 1994: 430; Crosskey & Howard, 1997: 38; Coscarón & Coscarón Arias, 2007: 533, figs.
113A-C, 114A-B, 115A, L, O, 116A, 117A, D, H, K, N; Coscarón et al., 2008: 32 (cat.); Adler & Crosskey, 2015:
107 (inv).
magnum Lane & Porto, 1940: 192.
mutucuna Mello & Silva, 1974: 69.

168 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press WOLFF ET AL.

tarsatum Macquart, 1846: 20. Type locality: “Colombia” [as Nouvelle Grenade]. Refs.: Vulcano, 1967: 21 (cat.);
Barreto, 1969: 34; Muñoz de Hoyos et al., 1982: 145 (list.); Muñoz de Hoyos, 1994: 435; Hernández & Shelley,
2005: 6; Coscarón & Coscarón Arias, 2007: 560; Coscarón et al., 2008: 33 (cat.); Adler & Crosskey, 2015: 107
mexicanum Bellardi, 1862: 6 [1864/5]
seriatum Knab, 1914: 84.
aureopunctatum Malloch, 1914: 27.
placidum Knab, 1915: 281.
lugubre Lutz & Nuñes Továr, 1928: 46.
turgidum (Hoffmann), 1930: 293, 298-300, 303 (Eusimulium).
laticalx (Enderlein), 1934a: 291 (Trichodagmia).
latidigitus (Enderlein), 1936: 129 (Trichodagmia).
bellardii (Py-Daniel & Moreira Sampaio), 1994: 149 (unnecessary subst. name for mexicanum Bellardi).

virgatum Coquillett, 1902: 97. Type locality: U. S. A., New Mexico, Las Vegas, Hot Springs. Distr.: Colombia
(Cundinamarca (Fusagasugá)), U.S.A. Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala, Panama. Refs.: Muñoz de Hoyos et al.,
1982: 145 (list); Coscarón, 1987: 36 (cat.); Muñoz de Hoyos, 1994: 431; Crosskey & Howard, 1997: 38; Coscarón
& Coscarón Arias, 2007: 537, figs. 114C, 115C, 116B; Coscarón et al., 2008: 32 (cat.); Adler & Crosskey, 2015:
108 (inv.).
cinereum Bellardi, 1859: 13 (preocc. Macquart, 1834).
tephrodes Speiser, 1904: 148.
rubicundulum Knab, 1915: 178.
chiapanense Hoffmann, 1930: 295.


To Estrategia de Sostenibilidad 2014-2015 University of Antioquia for the grants (MW). Thanks to Biologist
Carolina Henao Sepulveda for her dedication and support to this project, to people who helped in the collection of
the material, specially to Jorge Luis de las Salas Ali and Arelis Coral (UNAL).

TABLE 1. Simuliidae species recorded from Colombia.

Genus Subgenus Group Species Author
brophyi chilensis Philippi, 1865
multituberculatus Wygodzynsky & Coscarón, 1989
ortizi Wygodzynsky, 1973
osornorum Muñoz de Hoyos, Martínez, Mejia &
Bueno, 1994
paranomorum Wygodzynsky & Coscarón, 1989
zumbahue Wygodzynsky & Coscarón, 1989
cilicinus arrarteorum Wygodzynsky & Coscarón, 1989
basinflatus Wygodzynsky & Coscarón, 1989
destitutus Wygodzynsky & Coscarón, 1989
cormonsi brevis Wygodzynsky & Coscarón, 1989
gracilis Wygodzynsky & Coscarón, 1987
leonorum Wygodzynsky & Coscarón, 1989
misitu Wygodzynsky & Coscarón, 1989
...Continued on next page

CATALOGUE OF SIMULIIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 169
TABLE 1. (Continued)
Genus Subgenus Group Species Author
siberianus Wygodzynsky & Coscarón, 1989
vulcanicus Wygodzynsky & Coscarón, 1987
wygodzynsky Moncada, Muñoz de Hoyos & Bueno,
multifilis multifilis Wygodzynsky & Coscarón, 1989
wrighti cervicornis Wygodzynsky, 1973
cypellus Wygodzynsky & Coscarón, 1989
nasutus Wygodzynsky & Coscarón, 1989
septenarius Wygodzynsky & Coscarón, 1989
Aspathia matteabranchium Anduze, 1947
metallicum Bellardi, 1859
Notolepria exiguum Roubaud, 1906
Psaroniocompsa amazonicum amazonicum Goeldi, 1905
argentiscutum Shelley & Dias, 1980
oyapokense Floch & Abonnec, 1946
sanguineum Knab, 1915
auristriatum schmidtmummi Wygodzynsky, 1973
inaequale subnigrum Lutz, 1910
incrustatum incrustatum Lutz, 1910
jujuyense Paterson & Shannon, 1928
quadrifidum quadrifidum Lutz, 1917
quadrivittatum quadrivittatum Loew, 1862
Psilopelmia bicoloratum arcabucense Coscarón, 1990
bicoloratum Malloch, 1912
bicornutum Wygodzynsky & Coscarón, 1982
cormonsi Wygodzynsky, 1971
callidum (Dyar & Shannon, 1927)
furcillatum Wygodzynsky & Coscarón, 1982
ignescens Roubaud, 1906
pautense Coscarón & Takaoka, 1989
pifanoi Ramírez Pérez, 1971
tolimaense Coscarón, 1984
tunja Coscarón, 1990
dinellii dinellii (Joan, 1912)
ochraceum Walker, 1861
shewellianum Coscarón, 1984
perflavum rorotaense Floch &Abonnenc, 1946
romanai albanense Coscarón, 1990
anaimense Coscarón & Muñoz de Hoyos, 1995
escomeli Roubaud, 1909
gabaldoni Rámirez Pérez, 1971
...Continued on next page

170 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press WOLFF ET AL.

TABLE 1. (Continued)
Genus Subgenus Group Species Author
haemotopotum Malloch, 1914
lutzianum Pinto, 1931
machetorum Mantilla, Moncada, Matta & Adler, 2013
romanai Wygodzynsky, 1951
samboni Jennings, 1915
Pternaspatha nigristatum quimbayium Mantilla et al., 2013
Trichodagmia orbitale muiscorum Bueno, Moncada & Muñoz de Hoyos,
nigrimanum Macquart, 1838
orbitale Lutz, 1910
scutistriatum Lutz, 1909
sumapazense Coscarón & Py-Daniel, 1989
townsendi Malloch, 1912
tarsatum paynei Vargas, 1942
pulverulentum Knab, 1915
rubrithorax Lutz, 1909
tarsatum Macquart, 1846
virgatum Coquillett, 1902


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174 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press WOLFF ET AL.

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CATALOGUE OF SIMULIIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 177
Zootaxa 4122 (1): 178–181 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
Copyright © 2016 Magnolia Press
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)



Departamento de Entomologia, Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.
Research Associate of the Royal British Columbia Museum, and American Museum of Natural History, 691-8th Ave. SE, Salmon Arm,
British Columbia, V1E 2C2, Canada. E-mail:
*Corresponding author:


Corethrellidae are poorly known in Colombia, with few specimens deposited in collections, and only nine named species
of Corethrella Coquillett are reported for the country. An additional six undescribed species have been recently collected,
indicating that the number of recorded species in Colombia is underestimated.

Key words: catalogue, Colombia, distribution, frog-biting midges, Neotropical Region


Corethrellidae Edwards, 1932 are found on all continents other than Antarctica, with the majority of species
restricted to latitudes between 30°N and 30°S and altitudes below 1,500 meters. There are 107 extant and seven
fossils species known worldwide, all in the single genus Corethrella Coquillett, 1902, with nine of the extant
species present in Colombia (Borkent 2008, 2014, Borkent & Grafe 2012, Amaral & Pinho 2015, Yu et al. 2013).
Adults may be recognized by their slender and very small body with a wing length of 0.6–2.5 mm. Head small,
round, with large dichoptic eyes, and ocelli absent; antenna with globular pedicel, flagellum plumose in male and
merely setose in female. Thorax convex, with many setae, wing with R four-branched, M two-branched, Cu two-
branched, with branches of Rs and M nearly parallel to each other but with R1 closer to Sc and lying nearly midway
between Sc and R2. Legs with midfemur thicker than that of the hind leg. Abdomen tubular and elongate, with setae
and microtrichia (Cook 1981, Borkent 2008, 2009). The immature stages are aquatic, and inhabit tree holes, leaf
axils, old bamboo stems and epiphytic plants, small pools isolated on the margins of streams, and sometimes in
heavily vegetated margins of larger aquatic habitats (Borkent 2008, 2009).
This catalogue is based on Borkent (2008, 2014), the departments are underlined and specific localities are in
brackets (Table 1). Borkent (2008, 2014) noted the presence of further undescribed species in Colombia and a
recent collection of eight specimens indicated a further six undescribed species. This indicates that it is very likely
that numerous further species will be discovered in Colombia.

Acronyms used for the depositories

CNCI—Canadian National Collection of Insects, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

FSP-USP—Departamento de Epidemiologia, Faculdade de Saúde Pública, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo,
SP, Brazil.
INMA—Departamento de Arthropodologia Sanitaria, Instituto Nacional de Microbiologia, "Dr. Carlos G.
Malbran", Buenos Aires, Argentina.
USNM—United States National Museum, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., USA.

178 Accepted by S. Nihei: 10 Apr. 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016

List of abbreviations

distr.—geographic distribution
nom. nov.—nomen novum (new name)
orig. des.—by original designation
sp., spp.—species
NA—Not applicable
T—Type (unspecified)
F (f#)—Female
M (m#)—Male

Catalogue of Corethrellidae of Colombia

Family Corethrellidae Edwards, 1932

Genus Corethrella Coquillett

Corethrella Coquillett, 1902: 191. Type species, Corethra brakeleyi Coquillett, 1902 (= Corethrella brakeleyi), (by orig. des.).
Ramcia Annandale, 1911: 188. Type species, Ramcia inepta Annandale, 1911, (by mon.).
Lutzomiops Lane, 1942: 127 (as subgenus). Type species, Corethrella nigra Lane (= C. davisi Shannon & Del Ponte, 1928 (by
orig. des.).
Corethrellae Shannon, 1930: 499, misspelling.

amazonica Lane, 1939a: 110. Type locality: Brazil, Rondônia, Porto Velho, Rio Madeira. HT F (location
unknown). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas (Leticia), Boyacá (10km E. Puerto Boyacá, 170 m)), Mexico, Nicaragua,
Costa Rica, Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana, French Guiana, and Brazil. Refs.: Borkent, 2008: 86.
coutinhoi Lane, 1942: 131.

appendiculata Grabham, 1906: 343. Type locality: Jamaica, Kingston. LT M (USNM) (des. by Belkin et al., 1970:
242). Distr.: Colombia (Meta (Puerto Lopez, about 50 km NE. of Remolino, about 400m from Río Meta, 160 m)),
USA, Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Jamaica, Dominican Republic, Dominica, St. Lucia, St.
Vincent, Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela, French Guiana, Brazil, and Argentina.). Refs.: Heinemann & Belkin,
1978: 505; Borkent, 2008: 139.
arborealis Shannon & Del Ponte, 1928: 102.
confusa Lane, 1939a: 109.

CATALOGUE OF CORETHRELLIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 179
blanda Dyar, 1928: 79. Type locality: Panama, Las Sabanas. HT M (USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Meta (Canos
Negros, 10 km E. Villavicencio, 350m; Villavicencio, Finca La Corocora, 450m; Villavicencio, Finca Porvenir,
450m), Amazonas, (Leticia)), Costa Rica, Panama, Trinidad and Tobago, French Guiana, and Brazil. Refs.:
Borkent, 2008: 81.
iridescens Lane, 1939b: 389

colombiana Borkent, 2008: 111. Type locality: San Isidro, Colombia. HT F (USNM). Distr.: Colombia
(Cundinamarca (San Isidro, 1,465m)). Refs.: Borkent, 2008: 111.

davisi Shannon & Del Ponte, 1928: 102. Type locality: Argentina, Tucuman, 5 km W. of Concepcion. LT F (des. by
Casal in Belkin et al., 1968: 17 in (INMA)), (USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Meta (Villavicencio, Outskirts of Finca
Porvenir, 450m; Villavicencio, Outskirts of Finca La Corocora, 450m)), Honduras, Haiti, Costa Rica, Trinidad and
Tobago, Venezuela, Ecuador, French Guiana, and Brazil. Refs.: Borkent, 2008: 88.
nigra Lane, 1939a: 105.
nigrescens Lane, 1942: 129.

edwardsi Lane 1942: 126. Type locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Salobra. HT F (FSP-USP). Distr.: Colombia
(Cordoba (13 km NE., Monteria, 10 m)), Costa Rica, Panama, Guyana, and Brazil. Refs.: Borkent, 2008: 153.

pallida Lane, 1942: 129. Type locality: Panama, Porto Bello. HT M (USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca
(Buenaventura, Leticia 80m)), Costa Rica, Panama, and Venezuela. Refs.: Borkent, 2008: 79.

peruviana Lane, 1939a: 110. Type locality: Peru, Iquitos. HT F (FSP-USP). Distr.: Colombia (Cordoba (13 km
NE., Monteria), Boyacá (10 km E. Puerto Boyacá, 170m)), Costa Rica, Panama, Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana,
French Guiana, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil. Refs.: Borkent, 2008: 72.
juquiana Lane, 1939a: 109
similans Lane & Aitken, 1956: 537.

quadrivittata Shannon & Del Ponte, 1928: 101. Type locality: Argentina, Salta, Tres Pozos, near Embarcación. LT
M (des. by Casal in Belkin et al., 1968: 16) (INMA). Distr.: Colombia (Cordoba (13 km NE. Monteria, 10m); Meta
(Villavicencio, Finca La Corocora, 450m), Amazonas (PNN [Parque Nacional Natural] Amacayacu, Sector Mata-
Mata, 150 m)), Mexico, Costa Rica, Panama, Trinidad & Tobago, Venezuela, Suriname, Guyana, Peru, Brazil,
Argentina. Refs.: Borkent, 2008: 155.
kummi Lane, 1942: 121.
dyari Lane, 1942: 125.
izquierdoi Vargas, 1952: 59.

TABLE 1. Corethrellidae species recorded from Colombia.

Genus Species Author
Corethrella amazonica Lane, 1939a
appendiculata Grabham, 1906
blanda Dyar, 1928
colombiana Borkent, 2008
davisi Shannon & Del Ponte, 1928
edwardsi Lane, 1942
pallida Lane, 1942
peruviana Lane, 1939a
quadrivittata Shannon & Del Ponte, 1928

180 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press GIL-AZEVEDO ET AL.


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81–148, estampa 1–4.
Lane, J. & Aitken, T.H.G. (1956) Chaoborinae from Trinidad, B.W.I. (Diptera, Culicidae). Annals of the Entomological Society
of America, 49, 530–543.
Shannon, R.C. & Del Ponte, E. (1928) Los Culicidos en la Argentina. Revista del Instituto Bacteriologico, 5, 29–147.
Shannon, R.C. (1930) List of species of Argentine Culicidae. Sexta Reunion de la Sociedad Argentina de Patologia Regional
del Norte, 494–500.
Vargas, L. (1952) Dos nuevas especies Mexicanas de Corethrella (Diptera: Culicidae). Revista de la Sociedad Mexicana de
Historia Natural, 13, 57–62.
Wood, D.M. & Borkent, A. (1986) The phylogenetic relationships among families of Nematocera. In: Abstracts of the First
International Congress of Dipterology, 17–24 August 1986, Budapest, pp. 262.
Wood, D.M. & Borkent, A. (1989) Phylogeny and classification of the Nematocera. Chapter 114. In: McAlpine, J.F. & Wood,
D.M. (Eds.), Manual of Nearctic Diptera. Vol. 3. Research Branch Monograph 29. Agriculture Canada, Ottawa, pp.
Yu, Y.-X., Huang, E.-J. & Zhang, J.-Q. (2013) A new species of Corethrellidae in China – Corethrella feipengi sp. nov.
(Diptera: Corethrelliidae). [in Chinese, English summary]. Acta Parasitologica et Medica Entomologica Sinica, 20,

CATALOGUE OF CORETHRELLIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 181
Zootaxa 4122 (1): 182–186 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
Copyright © 2016 Magnolia Press
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)



Departamento de Entomologia, Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.
*Corresponding author:


Blephariceridae are poorly known in Colombia, being reasonably well sampled only in Antioquia Department. In the
present catalogue, five species of Limonicola Lutz and eight species of Paltostoma Schiner are reported for the country.

Key words: Blepharicerinae, catalogue, Colombia, distribution, Neotropical Region


Blephariceridae Loew (1861) are found in all continents (except Antarctica), and 320 species distributed in 27
genera are reported in the world (Courtney 2009). In the Neotropical Region 76 species in five genera are known,
with 13 species in two genera in Colombia. Adults may be recognized by the slender and small to medium body
3.0–13.0 mm. Head small, round with large and conspicuous eyes dichoptic or subholoptic, three ocelli, antenna
with 11–13 flagellomeres. Thorax convex, wing with netlike pattern of folds, legs long and thin. Abdomen
somewhat compressed, tergites and sternites simple quadrate sclerites, with sparse short setae (Hogue 1981,
Courtney 2009). The immature stages are aquatic, inhabit a variety of streams with fast flowing, often torrential.
Larvae are scrapers, feeding on thin films of periphyton, and attach to smooth rock substrata through the action of
six ventral suctorial discs, which function as suckers (Wagner et al. 2008, Courtney 2009).
The classification adopted here is based on Zwick (1977) (Table 1), specific localities are in brackets.
Blephariceridae are poorly known in all South America, and in Colombia is only reasonably well sampled in
Antioquia Department.

Acronyms used for the depositories

BMNH—Natural History Museum, London, U.K.

ICN—Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia.
LACM—Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, Los Angeles, USA.
NHMW—Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna, Autria.
USNM—National History Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C., USA.

List of abbreviations

distr.—geographic distribution
orig. des.—by original designation

182 Accepted by S. Nihei: 10 Apr. 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016

sp., spp.—species
sex?—sex unknow
M (m#)—Male

Catalogue of Blephariceridae of Colombia

Family Blephariceridae Loew, 1861

Subfamily Blepharicerinae Loew

Tribe Paltostomatini Bezzi, 1913

Genus Limonicola Lutz

Limonicola Lutz, 1928: 67. Type species, Limonicola plurivectis Lutz, by mon.

astylis Hogue, 1989, in Hogue & Bedoya, 1989: 45. Type locality: Colombia, Antioquia, Quebrada Salado. HT M
(LACM). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Quebrada Salado, Quebrada Alarcona, Quebrada El Salado, 24 km E.
Santuario), Valle del Cauca (Quebrada Honda, Peñas Blancas, 1.800 m)). Refs.: Hogue & Bedoya, 1989: 45.

davila Hogue, 1982: 3. Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Río Gallina at Finca
California, 1.500m. HT M (ICN), PT (ICN, USNM, BMNH, LACM). Distr.: Colombia (La Guajira (Sierra Nevada
de Santa Marta, Río Ancho and Higway Nº 2), Magdalena (Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Río Gallina at Finca
California, 1,500m, Quebrada Donama, 5 km NE. Mamatoco, Quebrada Minca, Minca, Río Sevilla, 8.7 km SW.
Palmar), Antioquia (49.9 km E. Marinilla; 7.6 km W. Porce, at km 57). Refs.: Hogue, 1982: 3; Hogue & Bedoya,
1989: 47.

kolomeros Hogue, 1989, in Hogue & Bedoya, 1989: 51. Type locality: Colombia, Antioquia, Quebrada Alarcona.
HT M (LACM). Colombia (Antioquia (Quebrada Alarcona). Refs.: Hogue & Bedoya, 1989: 51.

lichanos Hogue & Bedoya, 1989: 39. Type locality: Colombia, Antioquia, Quebrada La Hundida, 16.8 km E.
Santuario. HT M (LACM). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Quebrada La Hundida, 16.8 km E. Santuario, Quebrada
Salado, Quebrada Santo Domingo, 7.6 km S. Porce, 7.6 km W. Porce, 7.6 km W. Porce at km 57, Río Medellín,
Primavera), Caldas (5 km N. Supia), Cundinamarca (Río Caqueza, 9 km NW. Caqueza, tributary to Río Caqueza, 1
km NE. exit of Carrera 78 to Une), Quindío (Río Quindío, 10 km N. Armenia, Boquia, Quebrada Salado, 4 km E.
Calarcá), Valle del Cauca (km 23 Cali-Dagua Higway)). Refs.: Hogue & Bedoya, 1989: 39.

medius Hogue, 1989, in Hogue & Bedoya: 47. Type locality: Colombia, Antioquia, Quebrada Alarcona. HT M
(LACM). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Quebrada Alarcona, Quebrada La Agudelo, 2.5 km S. El Retiro)). Refs.:
Hogue & Bedoya, 1989: 47.

CATALOGUE OF BLEPHARICERIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 183
Genus Paltostoma Schiner

Paltostoma Schiner, 1866: 931. Type species, Paltostoma superbiens Schiner, by orig. des.

andeana Hogue & Bedoya, 1989: 35. Type locality: Colombia, Antioquia, Quebrada La Londoña, 9.3 km NW.
Palmitas. HT M (LACM). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Quebrada La Londoña, 9.3 km NW. Palmitas, Quebrada
La Cristalina, 31 km W. Doradal, Río Araña, 20 km S. La Pintada, 49.9 km E. Marinilla, Quebrada La Habana,
72.4 km E. Marinilla, Quebrada La Habana, 72.4 km E. Marinilla, 78.1 km E. Marinilla, 13 km N. Palmitas, 7.4 km
W. Porce at km 54, 5.1 km E. Río Calderas, Marinilla-Doradal, Quebrada La Hundida, 16.8 km E. Santuario;
Quebrada La Cascada, 65.9 km E. Santuario), Caldas (Salto Lucio, 1 km SE. Filadelfia, 6 km N. Manizales, 5 km
N. Supia), Cundinamarca (tributary to Río Sumapaz, km 86 Boquerón-Melgar Hwy), Tolima (3 km W. Boquerón)).
Refs.: Hogue & Bedoya, 1989: 35.

aspergonympha Hogue, 1989, in Hogue & Bedoya: 14. Type locality: Colombia, Antioquia, Quebrada El Treinta
and nearby stream, 2 km N. Palmitas. HT M (LACM). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Quebrada El Treinta and
nearby stream, 2 km N. Palmitas, 1 km SE. Paso de Boquerón)). Refs.: Hogue & Bedoya, 1989: 14.

charadrae Hogue, 1989, in Hogue & Bedoya: 18. Type locality: Colombia, Antioquia, 1km SE. Paso de Boquerón.
HT M (LACM). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (1km SE. Paso de Boquerón, 12 km W. Piedra Blanca, Guarne,
Quebrada La Cascada, 9.1 km E. Medellín, Quebrada El Treinta, 2 km N. Palmitas), Quindío (Quebrada Salado, 4
km E. Calarcá)). Refs.: Hogue & Bedoya, 1989: 18.

eldorado Hogue, 1989, in Hogue & Bedoya: 24. Type locality: Colombia, Antioquia, Quebrada Piedra Blanca, 12
km W. Guarne. HT M (LACM). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Quebrada Piedra Blanca, 12 km W. Guarne; Salto
Tequendamita), Caldas (6 km N. Manizales)). Refs.: Hogue & Bedoya, 1989: 24.

inca Hogue, 1989, in Hogue & Bedoya, 1989: 28. Type locality: Bolivia, La Paz, small tributary to south of Río
Unduari, 21.2 km W. Puente Villa. HT M (LACM). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Quebrada La Espadera, 7.7 km E.
Medellín; 3 km N. Palmitas), Valle del Cauca (Quebrada Honda, Peñas Blancas, 1.800 m)), Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru.
Refs.: Hogue & Bedoya, 1989: 28.

roldani Hogue & Bedoya, 1989: 6. Type locality: Colombia, Quindío, Quebrada Salado, 4 km E. Calarcá. HT M
(LACM). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Quebrada Iguaná, Quebrada La Cascada, 9.1 km Medellín, Quebrada
Piedra Blanca, 12 km W. Guare, Quebrada La Espadera, 7.7 km E. Medellín, Quebrada El Treinta, 2 km N.
Palmitas; 1 km SE. Paso de Boquerón, Quebrada La Hundida, 16.8 km E. Santuario; Quebrada Cadavid, 17.9 km
E. Santurio), Quindío (Quebrada Salado, 4 km E. Calarcá), Valle del Cauca (Quebrada Honda, Peñas Blancas,
1.800 m)). Refs.: Hogue & Bedoya, 1989: 6.

saltana Edwards, 1929: 71. Type locality: Argentina, Salta, Quebrada San Lorenzo. LT F des. by Zwick, 2007:
114, (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (1 km SE. Paso de Boquerón), Cundinamarca (Río Frio, road from
Zipaquira to Pacho, 2,900m)), Argentina. Refs.: Hogue, 1971: 8.7; Hogue & Bedoya, 1989: 27; Zwick, 2007: 114.

superbiens Schiner, 1866: 931. Type locality: Colombia. HT Sex? (NHMW). Distr.: Colombia (exact locality
unknown). Refs.: Schiner, 1866: 931, Schiner, 1868: 27.


Weiping Xie (LACM), Gregory Courtney (Iowa State University), and Claudia Alejandra Medina Uribe (Instituto
de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt) for information about Charles Hogue types.

184 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press GIL-AZEVEDO & SANTOS
TABLE 1. Blephariceridae species recorded from Colombia.
Subfamily Tribe Genus Species Author
Blepharicerinae Paltostomatini Limonicola astylis Hogue, 1989
davila Hogue, 1982
kolomeros Hogue, 1989
lichanos Hogue & Bedoya, 1989
medius Hogue, 1989
Paltostoma andeana Hogue & Bedoya, 1989
aspergonympha Hogue, 1989
charadrae Hogue, 1989
eldorado Hogue, 1989
inca Hogue, 1989
roldani Hogue & Bedoya, 1989
saltana Edwards, 1929
superbiens Schiner, 1866


Bezzi, M. (1913) Blefaroceridi italiani con descrizione di una nuova forma e di due specie esotiche. Bollettino della
Società Entomologica Italiana, 44, 3–114.
Brauer, F. (1869) Kurze Charakteristik der Dipteren-Larven zur Bekräftigung des neuer von Dr. Schiner entworfenen
Dipteren-Systems. Abhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien, 19, 843–852.
Courtney, G.W. (2009) Blephariceridae (Net-winged midges). In: Brown, B.V., Borkent, A., Cumming, J.M., Wood,
D.M., Woodley, N.E. & Zumbado, M.A. (Eds.), Manual of Central American Diptera. Vol. 1. NRC Research Press,
Ottawa, pp. 237–243.
Edwards, F.W. (1929) Blepharoceridae. In: Diptera of Patagonia and South Chile. Part 2, Fascicle 2. British Museum
(Natural History), London, pp. 1–75.
Hogue, C.L. (1971) 8. Family Blephariceridae. In: Papavero, N. (Ed.), Catalogue of the Diptera of the Americas South of
the United States. Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, pp. 12.
Hogue, C.L. (1981) Blephariceridae. In: McAlpine, J.F., Peterson, B.V., Shewell, G.E., Teskey, H.J., Vockeroth, J.R. &
Wood, D.M. (Eds.), Manual of Neartic Diptera. Vol. 1. Research Branch Monograph 27. Agriculture Canada,
Ottawa, pp. 191–197.
Hogue, C.L. (1982) Description of a new species of net-winged midge (Diptera: Blephariceridae) from the Sierra Nevada
de Santa Maria, Colombia. Contributions in Science, 340, 1–10
Hogue, C.L. & Bedoya, I. (1989) The net-winged midge fauna (Diptera: Blephariceridae) of Antioquia Department,
Colombia. Contributions in Science, 413, 1–57.
Loew, H. (1861) Ueber die Dipterenfauna des Bernsteins. Amtlicher Bericht über die fünf und dreissigste Versammlung
Deutscher Naturforscher und Ärzte in Königsberg in Preussen im September, 1860 (1861), 88–98.
Loew, H. (1877) Revision der Blepharoceridae. Zeitschrift für Entomologie, Wroclaw, 6, 54–98.
Rondani, C. (1856) Dipterologiae Italicae prodromus. Vol. I. Genera Italica. A. Stoschi, Parma, 226 pp.
Schiner, J.R. (1866) Bericht über die von Weltumseglungsreise der k. Fregatte Novara mitgebrachten Dipteren.
Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien, 16, 927–934.
Schiner, J.R. (1868) Diptera. In: Wüllerstorf-Urbair, B. von (Ed.), Reise der österreichischen Fregatte Novara um die
Erde in den Jahren 1857, 1858, 1859 unter den Befehlen des Commodore B. von Wüllerstorf-Urbair. Zoologischer
Theil. Vol. 2. Abt. I. B. K. Gerold’s Sohn, Wien, pp. i–vi + 1–388, pls. 1–4.
Wagner, R., Barták, M., Borkent, A., Courtney, G., Goddeeris, B., Haenni, J.P., Knutson, L., Pont, A., Rotheray, G.E.,
Rozknosný, R., Sinclair, B., Woodley, N., Zatwarnicki, T. & Zwick, P. (2008) Global diversity of dipteran families
(Insecta Diptera) in freshwater (excluding Simulidae, Culicidae, Chironomidae, Tipulidae and Tabanidae).
Hydrobiologia, 595, 489–519.

CATALOGUE OF BLEPHARICERIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 185
Zwick, P. (1977) Autralian Blephariceridae (Diptera). Australian Journal of Zoology, Supplementary Series, 46, 1–121.
Zwick, P. (2007) Some net-winged midges from Argentina (Diptera: Blephariceridae). Studies on Neotropical Fauna and
Environment, 42, 109–119.}

186 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press GIL-AZEVEDO & SANTOS
Zootaxa 4122 (1): 187–238 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
Copyright © 2016 Magnolia Press
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)



Investigaciones Biomédicas, Universidad de Sucre, Cra. 14 No. 16B-32, Sincelejo, Sucre, CP 700003, Colombia.
Universidad de Cartagena, Calle 30 No. 48-152, Cartagena de Indias, Bolívar, CP 130001, Colombia
*Corresponding author:


A catalogue is presented of the species of haematophagous and non-haematophagous psychodids recorded in Colombia.
The list comprises 199 species distributed among five subfamilies and 16 genera, as follows: Subfamily Bruchomyiinae,
genus Nemopalpus Macquart, 1838 (4 species); subfamily Phlebotominae, genera Brumptomyia França & Parrot, 1921 (8
species), Lutzomyia França, 1924 (153 species) and Warileya Hertig, 1948 (2 species); subfamily Psychodinae, genera
Arisemus Satchell, 1955 (3 species), Australopericoma Vaillant, 1975 (1 species), Balbagathis Quate, 1996 (1 species),
Clogmia Enderlein, 1937 (1 species), Didicrum Enderlein, 1937 (1 species), Feuerborniella Vaillant, 1971 (1 species),
Lepidiella Enderlein, 1937 (1 species), Maruina Müller, 1895 (4 species), Paramormia Enderlein, 1935 (1 species),
Parasetomima Duckhouse, 1968 (1 species) and Psychoda Latreille, 1796 (7 species); subfamily Sycoracinae, genus Sy-
corax Haliday, 1839 (5 species); and subfamily Trichomyiinae, genus Trichomyia Haliday, 1839 (5 species).

Key words: catalogue, Colombia, Diptera, moth flies, Neotropical Region, sand flies


This cosmopolitan family of Nematocera comprises more than 3,000 described species (Pape et al. 2011),
distributed among six subfamilies, i.e., Bruchomyiinae, Horaiellinae, Phlebotominae, Psychodinae, Sycoracinae
and Trichomyiinae. The adults are small, measuring 1–5 mm, the body being densely covered with hairs and scales.
The wings have 9–12 longitudinal veins and lack crossveins in the distal half. The psychodids are holometabolous
insects whose life cycle takes place in aquatic, semiaquatic or terrestrial ecosystems. The immatures develop in
diverse microhabitats that range from still or running bodies of freshwater or wastewater to the moist soil at the
bases of trees, rotten tree trunks and domestic microhabitats such as the drains of bathrooms and kitchens. The
adults tend to rest in protected and relatively humid microhabitats, such as under bark and in tree holes, the
undersides of leaves, crevices in rocks, burrows, stables, caves and the interior walls of buildings. Although the
adults feed on plant materials such as nectar, the females of some species and, in rare cases, also certain males, feed
on blood, which they obtain by biting vertebrates including man (Young & Duncan 1994).
Although the psychodids per se constitute a group of taxonomically interesting insects that have sometimes
been considered as potential indicators of habitat quality in tropical forests (Barrett et al. 1996, Alexander et al.
2001b), most of the studies carried out on this family revolve around the vectorial role of the Phlebotominae, which
together with the Psychodinae constitute the subfamilies with the highest species richness as well as the ones of
greatest interest from the medical point of view. The females of some species of sand flies can transmit protozoans,
bacteria or viruses that cause diseases in man (Maroli et al. 2013), most notably leishmaniasis that causes
20,000–40,000 deaths each year (Alvar et al. 2012). Furthermore, due to their adaptation to synanthropic habitats
some species of moth flies can become a sanitary nuisance, producing massive infestations in human dwellings and
even hospitals (Faulde & Spiesberger 2012). Even more important, several of these species have been identified as
causative agents of different types of myiasis, as potential mechanical vectors of bacterial pathogens associated
with nosocomial infections or as sources of allergens in cases of asthma (Kino et al. 1987, Tu et al. 2007, Oğuz et
al. 2012, Faulde & Spiesberger 2013).

Accepted by S. Nihei: 25 May 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016 187

Knowledge of the diversity of the non-haematophagous psychodids of the Neotropics remains limited,
although in the last two decades there has been renewed interest in this group of insects, leading to the description
of an increasing number of new taxa. Colombia is no exception to this situation and research on this family remains
at an incipient level, with the exception of the phlebotomines which have been the object of extensive studies and
reviewed in previous compilations (Osorno-Mesa et al. 1972b, Young 1979, Ferro & Morales 1988, Ferro &
Morales 1998, Montoya-Lerma & Ferro 1999, Bejarano 2006a). Due to the renewed interest in the non-
haematophagous species as well as the public health relevance of the phlebotomines, an updated catalogue of the
psychodids of Colombia is badly needed. This could be made available to taxonomists, researchers, medical
entomologists and public health personnel, providing updated information on the distribution of species within
Colombian territory.
The present catalogue includes the haematophagous and non-haematophagous psychodids recorded in
Colombia (Table 1). This list of species is based on a bibliographic review, on examination of specimens in some
entomological collections and field samples made during studies undertaken in collaboration with Colombian
entomologists. The taxa are organized hierarchically and in alphabetical order, under the categories of subfamily,
genus, subgenus, and species or subspecies. Type species with type fixation criteria are given for genera and
subgenera. Some genera are included that were recorded in the country by authors who did not name the species
involved. We also include some species of sand flies that have not been formally described but which in practice
are accepted as species by taxonomists. The subtribes of Psychodinae, objects of often heated debates among
taxonomists, are not approached in this catalogue, nor are the categories of subgenus or species groups of
The valid names are highlighted in bold type, with the synonyms and the names that are not accepted in italics.
Each entry lists the author’s name, year and the page number of the publication in which the name was first
proposed as new. For those species that were initially described within another genus, the original generic names
are given in parentheses and italics. The developmental stages and sexes currently known are then provided. The
type locality is then presented, followed by the type material, which includes the type category, the sex described,
and in parentheses the acronym of the museum where the type specimens are deposited. For those sand fly species
described until 1994, information is provided only for the holotype and allotype; detailed information on the
remaining type material can be consulted on the web page of the CIPA group (
Comments are provided for each genus on its distribution, the number of species it incorporates and citations of
taxonomic revisions dealing with these taxa. In addition, the geographic distribution of each species by country is
shown, and in the case of Colombia the distribution by department or district presented. Finally, bibliographic
references are compiled for each species.

Acronyms used for the depositories

AMNH—American Museum of Natural History, New York, USA.

BMNH—Natural History Museum, London, England.
CEUA—Colección Entomológica de la Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia.
CIDEIM—Centro Internacional de Entrenamiento e Investigaciones Médicas, Cali, Colombia.
CNRFV—Centro Nacional de Referencia de Flebótomos y otros Vectores, Universidad de Carabobo, Maracay,
CPqRR—Centro de Pesquisas René Rachou, Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
CZUS—Colección Zoológica de la Universidad de Sucre, Sincelejo, Colombia.
DZUP—Coleção Entomológica Padre Jesus Santiago Moure, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil.
FMUSP—Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil.
FSCA—Florida State Collection of Arthropods, Gainesville, USA.
FSPUSP—Faculdade de Saúde Pública da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.
ICGES—Instituto Conmemorativo Gorgas de Estudios de la Salud, Panama.
ICNMHN—Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, Museo de Historia Natural, Universidad Nacional de Colombia,
Bogotá, Colombia.
IEC—Instituto Evandro Chagas, Belém, Brazil.

188 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press BEJARANO & ESTRADA
IEXA—Colección Entomológica del Instituto de Ecología, Xalapa, Mexico.
IMT—Instituto de Medicina Tropical, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela.
INBIO—Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad, Santo Domingo, Costa Rica.
INH—Instituto Nacional de Higiene, Caracas, Venezuela.
INHG—Instituto Nacional de Higiene, Guayaquil, Ecuador.
INPA—Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, Manaus, Brazil.
INS—Instituto Nacional de Salud, Bogotá, Colombia.
IOC—Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
IP—Institut Pasteur, Paris, France.
IPG—Institut Pasteur de la Guyane, Cayenne, French Guiana.
IRD—Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, Montpellier, France.
LACM—Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, Los Angeles, USA.
MBUCV—Museo de Biología, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela.
MHNSM—Museo de Historia Natural, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Peru.
MNHN—Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France.
MNHNB—Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, La Paz, Bolivia.
MZUSP—Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.
NMSA—KwaZulu-Natal Museum, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa.
PMNH—Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University, New Haven, USA.
RW—Collection of Rüdiger Wagner, Limnologische Flußstation, Schlitz, Germany.
UA—University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia.
ULA—Universidad de Los Andes, Mérida, Venezuela.
ULMG—University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany.
USNM—National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., USA.
UVS—Colección de Artrópodos de Importancia Médica, Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia.
VHET—Colección de Vectores y Hospedadores Intermediarios de Enfermedades Tropicales, Programa de Estudio
y Control de Enfermedades Tropicales, Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia.

List of abbreviations

dev. biol.—developmental biology
distr.—geographic distribution
mol. biol.—molecular biology
mol. tax.—molecular taxonomy
nat. inf.—natural infections
nom. nov.—nomen novo, new name
orig. des.—by original designation
refs.—bibliographic references
sub. des.—by subsequent designation
var.—variety, varietas.

CATALOGUE OF PSYCHODIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 189
F (f#)—Female
M (m#)—Male

Catalogue of Psychodidae of Colombia

Family Psychodidae Newman, 1834

Subfamily Bruchomyiinae Alexander, 1920

Genus Nemopalpus Macquart

Nemopalpus Macquart, 1838a: 219; 1838b: 223; 1839: 102. Type species, Nemopalpus flavus Macquart, 1838 (mon.).
Nemapalpus Macquart, 1838a: 81; 1838b: 85. Rejected original spelling (Sabrosky et al. 1999).
Nygmatodes Loew, 1845: 9. Unavailable name.
Palaeosycorax Meunier, 1905: 50. Type species, Palaeosycorax tertiariae Meunier, 1905 (mon.).
Comm.: This cosmopolitan genus is comprised of 42 species, 29 of which have been described from the Neotropics (Curler &
Jacobson 2012, Santos et al. 2009a, 2013b), generally associated with primary forests (Wagner & Stuckenberg 2012).
Quate & Alexander (2000) presented a synopsis of the New World species, including a key for the identification of males,
which was followed by a revision of the genus worldwide by Williams (2003). For this reason only references published
after the latter catalogue are cited below. Five species are recorded from Colombia.

cancer Wagner & Stuckenberg, 2012: 365. M. Type locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Peñas Blancas. Type
material: HT M (NMSA). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca).

mopani De León, 1950: 9. M., F. Type locality: Guatemala, Petén, Mopán and Poptún. Type material: HT M, PT F
(current location unknown). Distr.: Colombia (Norte de Santander (Alexander 1987)), Belize (Ibáñez-Bernal
2001), Guatemala, Mexico. Refs.: Williams 2003: 6 (full refs. to that date, world cat.); Bejarano 2006a: 49
(Colombian Psychodidae checklist); Bravo & Barata 2012: 67 (western hemisphere checklist).

patriciae Alexander, 1987: 377. M., F. Type locality: Colombia, Norte de Santander, Arboledas, Siravita. Type
material: HT M, AT F (FSCA); 7 PT M (BMNH, FSCA, INS, UA, USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Norte de Santander).
Refs.: Williams 2003: 7 (full refs. to that date, world cat.); Bejarano 2006a: 49 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist);
Bravo & Barata 2012: 67 (western hemisphere checklist).

phoenimimos Quate & Alexander, 2000: 186. M. Type locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Cali, Alto Aguacatal.
Type material: HT M (USNM); 4 PT M (BMNH, MZUSP); 1 PT M (LACM). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca),
Venezuela (Cazorla et al., 2014). Refs.: Williams 2003: 7 (full refs. to that date, world cat.); Bejarano 2006a: 49
(Colombian Psychodidae checklist); Bravo & Barata 2012: 67 (western hemisphere checklist).

Subfamily Phlebotominae Rondani, 1840

Genus Brumptomyia França & Parrot

Phlebotomus, subg. Brumptomyia França & Parrot, 1921: 281. Type species, Brumptomyia brumpti Larrousse,
1920 (sub. des., Dyar 1929: 112).
Comm.: This constitutes a taxonomically stable genus which comprises 26 species distributed from Mexico to

190 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press BEJARANO & ESTRADA
Argentina (Galati et al. 2007), eight of which have been recorded in Colombia. As in other phlebotomines, the
females of Brumptomyia exhibit haematophagous habits but they are clearly zoophilic, without any role having
been attributed to these species in the transmission of pathogens.

avellari (Costa Lima), 1932: 48 (Phlebotomus). E., L., P., M., F. Type locality: Brazil, Minas Gerais, Lassance.
Type material: ST M (IOC). Distr.: Colombia (Boyacá, Córdoba), Argentina (Spinelli et al. 1999), Brazil, Bolivia,
Panama, Paraguay (Salomón et al. 2003), Peru, Venezuela. Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.);
Bejarano 2006a: 49 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

beaupertuyi (Ortíz), 1954: 235 (Phlebotomus). M., F. Type locality: Venezuela, Lara, Duaca. Type material: HT M
(MBUCV). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Contreras-Gutiérrez et al. 2014), Caldas (Contreras-Gutiérrez et al.
2014), Norte de Santander, Santander, Valle del Cauca (Barreto et al. 2007)), Venezuela. Refs.: CIPA group 1999
(tax., distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 49 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

galindoi (Fairchild & Hertig), 1947a: 615 (Phlebotomus). L., P., M., F. Type locality: Panama, Chiriquí, Boquete.
Type material: HT M (FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (?Antioquia, ?Bolívar, ?Boyacá, ?Caquetá), Bolivia, Brazil, ?Costa
Rica, Ecuador, ?Nicaragua (Valle & Rivera 1995), Panama, Paraguay (Young 1979), Peru. Refs.: CIPA group 1999
(tax., distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 49 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

hamata (Fairchild & Hertig), 1947a: 614 (Phlebotomus). M., F. Type locality: Panama, Panamá, Chilibre,
Chilibrillo. Type material: HT M (FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Vivero et al. 2010b), Chocó, Santander,
Sucre (Pérez-Doria et al. 2009)), Belize, Costa Rica, Ecuador (Martins et al. 1978), Mexico, Panama, Peru
(Cáceres & Galati 2001). Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 49 (Colombian
Psychodidae checklist).

leopoldoi (Rodríguez), 1953: 52 (Phlebotomus). M., F. Type locality: Ecuador, Los Ríos, Quevedo. Type material:
HT M, AT F (?INHG). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia, Chocó, Nariño (Alexander et al. 1995), Valle del Cauca),
Belize, Ecuador, Panama. Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 49 (Colombian
Psychodidae checklist).

mesai Sherlock, 1962: 332. M., F. Type locality: Colombia, Santander, San Vicente de Chucurí. Type material: HT
M (current location unknown). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Vivero et al. 2010b), Chocó (Vivero et al. 2011b),
Santander, Sucre (Bejarano et al. 2007a)), Belize, Honduras, Mexico. Refs.: Ibáñez-Bernal 1999: 70 (revalidated
from the synonymy of Brumptomyia galindoi, distr.); Bejarano 2006a: 49 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

pentacantha (Barretto), 1947: 239 (Flebotomus). M, ?F. Type locality: Brazil, Pará, Belém, Aurá. Type material:
HT M (?FMUSP). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas), Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru. Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax.,
distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 49 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

pintoi (Costa Lima), 1932: 48 (Phlebotomus). M., F. Type locality: Brazil, Minas Gerais, Lassance. Type material:
ST M (?IOC). Distr.: Colombia (Meta), Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, French Guiana, Suriname, Venezuela. Refs.:
CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 49 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

Genus Lutzomyia França

Phlebotomus, subg. Lutzomyia França, 1924: 10 (nom. nov. for Lutzia França, 1920). Type species, Phlebotomus longipalpis
Lutz & Neiva, 1912 (orig. des.).
Lutzia França, 1920: 234 (not Theobald, 1903). Preoccupied name.
Fransaia Dyar & Núñez-Tovar, 1927: 155 (nom. nov. for Lutzia França, 1920, not Theobald, 1903).
Lutziomyia Cordero, Vogelsang & Cossio, 1928: 649 (nom. nov. for Lutzia França, 1920, not Theobald, 1903).
Lutziola Strand, 1932: 195 (nom. nov. for Lutzia França, 1920; not Theobald, 1903).
Comm.: Due to its recognized medical importance, this is the New World psychodid genus that has been most studied. Its
distribution extends from Canada to Argentina (Young & Duncan 1994), although the greatest diversity of species is

CATALOGUE OF PSYCHODIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 191
concentrated in the Neotropics, particularly in Brazil and Colombia. Although these species have been the object of
numerous revisions (Barretto 1955b, 1962, Theodor 1965, Forattini 1973, Abonnenc & Leger 1976, Lewis et al. 1977,
Martins et al. 1978, Young 1979, Artemiev 1991, Young & Duncan 1994, Galati 1995, CIPA group 1999), its taxonomy
remains as controversial as ever. Two taxonomic proposals are currently extant, one of which suggests that Lutzomyia is a
single genus comprised of 26 subgenera and species groups (Young & Duncan 1994) and the other dividing the taxon into
19 genera (Galati 1995, 2003a). The present catalogue adopts the former approach, without giving any consideration to the
putative subgenera of Lutzomyia. However, there is clearly a need for detailed molecular studies that involve
representatives of all the subgenera or genera described to allow its evolutionary history to be unravelled (Bejarano 2002).
Young & Duncan (1994), CIPA group (1999) and Galati (2003a,b) all carried out detailed revisions of the taxonomy and
geographic distribution of this group of insects. Of the almost 500 species described from the Neotropics, 153 have been
recorded from Colombia, besides six that have not been formally described, i.e., Lu. sp. no. 1 from Araracuara Morales &
Minter, 1981, Lu. sp. no. 2 from Araracuara Morales & Minter, 1981, Lu. sp. from Pichindé Young, 1979, Lu. sp. from Tres
Esquinas Young, 1979, Lu. sp. from Anchicayá Young, 1979 and Lu. sp. from Baduel (Floch & Abonnenc, 1945a). The
two undescribed species from Araracuara, known from both males and females, have only been collected from the
Department of Caquetá, whereas Lu. sp. of Pichindé, for which both sexes are also known, has been recorded from Norte
de Santander (Gálvis-Ovallos et al. 2013), Risaralda, Santander (Sandoval et al. 2006) and Valle del Cauca. The
undescribed species Lu. sp. of Tres Esquinas, known only from female specimens, has been reported from Caquetá,
Guaviare (Cabrera et al. 2009), Meta (Cabrera et al. 2009) and Putumayo. Two of the six undescribed species have also
been collected outside Colombia: Lu. sp. of Anchicayá, known only from the male, which has been recorded from Ecuador
(Young & Duncan 1994) as well as Valle del Cauca, Colombia; and Lu. sp. from Baduel, considered by some authors to be
conspecific to Lu. sericea (Floch & Abonnenc, 1944a) (Leon et al. 2009), reported from Brazil, French Guiana and
Suriname as well as the Colombian departments of Guaviare (Cabrera et al. 2009) and Vichada.
Note: Bibliographic citations are only given for those geographic records not included by the CIPA group (1999) or Bejarano
(2006a), as well as for unavailable names. Similarly, only literature published since the latter article is cited, dealing with
changes in the taxonomic status of the species.

abonnenci (Floch & Chassignet), 1947b: 1 (Phlebotomus). M., F. Type locality: French Guiana, Cayenne, Baduel.
Type material: HT M (IP). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia, Bolívar, Boyacá, Caldas, Caquetá, Chocó, Meta (Molina et
al. 1997), Nariño, Norte de Santander, Santander, Sucre (Romero-Ricardo et al. 2013)), Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador,
French Guiana, Panama, Peru, Suriname, Venezuela. Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano
2006a: 52 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

abunaensis Martins, Falcão & Silva, 1965: 17. M., F. Type locality: Brazil, Rondônia, Guajará-Mirim, Abunã.
Type material: HT M (?CPqRR). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas), Bolivia (Galati 2003a), Brazil, Ecuador, Peru.
Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 50 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

aclydifera (Fairchild & Hertig), 1952: 511 (Phlebotomus). L., P., M., F. Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone,
Mojinga swamp, near Gatún. Type material: HT M, AT F (FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia, Chocó, Valle del
Cauca), Belize (Ibáñez-Bernal 2001), Bolivia (Williams 1999), Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala (Rowton et al.
1991), Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama. Refs.: Rosabal 1954: 11 (Phlebotomus sp. no. 1); CIPA group 1999
(tax., distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 50 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

amazonensis (Root), 1934: 244 (Phlebotomus). M., F. Type locality: Peru, Loreto, Iquitos. Type material: LT F
(USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas, Caquetá, Meta, Putumayo), Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, French Guiana, Peru,
Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela. Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., nat. inf., ecol., refs.); Bejarano
2006a: 52 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).
robini Abonnenc, Arias, Léger & Young, 1980: 711.

andina Osorno, Osorno-Mesa & Morales, 1972c: 2. M., F. Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca, Soacha, El
Charquito. Type material: HT M, AT F (INS). Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca). Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax.,
distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 54 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

antioquiensis (Wolff & Galati), 2002: 318 (Pintomyia). M. Type locality: Colombia, Antioquia, Montebello,
Savanitas. Type material: HT M (CEUA). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia). Refs.: Bejarano 2006a: 54 (Colombian
Psychodidae checklist).

192 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press BEJARANO & ESTRADA
antunesi (Coutinho), 1939: 181 (Flebotomus). E., L., M., F. Type locality: Brazil, Amazonas, Manacapurú, Rio
Amazonas. Type material: HT M (FSPUSP). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas, Arauca (Turriago et al. 2007), Caquetá,
Casanare, Guainía (Bejarano et al. 2007a), Guaviare (Cabrera et al. 2009), ?La Guajira (Osorno-Mesa et al.
1972b), Meta, Putumayo, Santander (Sandoval et al. 2006), Vaupés, Vichada), Bolivia, Brazil, French Guiana,
Peru, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela. Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., nat. inf., ecol., refs.);
Bejarano 2006a: 51 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).
balourouensis (Floch & Abonnenc), 1944b: 1 (Phlebotomus).
machicouensis (Floch & Abonnenc), 1944d: 8 (Phlebotomus).

aragaoi (Costa Lima), 1932: 48 (Phlebotomus). M., F. Type locality: Brazil, Minas Gerais, Lassance. Type
material: ST M (IOC). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas, Antioquia, Caquetá, Casanare, Chocó, Guaviare (Cabrera et
al. 2009), Guainía (Flórez & Ferro 2007), Huila (Barreto et al. 2006), Meta, Nariño, Putumayo, Valle del Cauca,
Vichada), Bolivia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador, French Guiana, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname (Kent et al.
2013), Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela. Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 50
(Colombian Psychodidae checklist).
heckenrothi (Floch & Abonnenc), 1942: 8 (Phlebotomus).

araracuarensis Morales & Minter, 1981: 98. M. Type locality: Colombia, Caquetá, Araracuara, left margin of Río
Caquetá. Type material: HT M (INS). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas, Caquetá), Brazil. Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax.,
distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 50 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

atroclavata (Knab), 1913: 135 (Phlebotomus). L., M., F. Type locality: Trinidad and Tobago, Gasparee Island.
Type material: LT M, PLT F (USNM). Dist.: Colombia (Bolívar (incl. Isla Fuerte (Montoya-Lerma 1996)), Boyacá,
Caldas, Chocó (Vivero et al. 2011b), Cundinamarca, Huila, La Guajira, Magdalena, Norte de Santander, Risaralda
(Bejarano et al. 2007c), Santander, Sucre, Tolima), Costa Rica, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Panama, Trinidad and
Tobago, Venezuela, Virgin Islands. Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 51
(Colombian Psychodidae checklist).
tejerae (Larrousse), 1922: 41 (Phlebotomus).
guadeloupensis (Floch & Abonnenc), 1945a: 1 (Phlebotomus).

auraensis (Mangabeira), 1942a: 161 (Flebotomus). M., F. Type locality: Brazil, Pará, Belém, Aurá. Type material:
HT M (IOC). Distr.: Colombia (Caquetá, Putumayo), Argentina (Spinelli et al. 1999), Bolivia, Brazil, Peru,
Suriname, Venezuela. Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 53 (Colombian
Psychodidae checklist).

ayrozai (Barretto & Coutinho), 1940: 131 (Phlebotomus). M., F. Type locality: Brazil, São Paulo, Horto Florestal
da Cantareira. Type material: ST M (FSPUSP). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas, Antioquia, Boyacá, Caquetá,
Casanare (Molina et al. 2008), Cauca, Caldas (Barreto et al. 2006), Chocó, Guainía (Flórez & Ferro 2007), Meta,
Nariño, Putumayo, Risaralda, Santander, Valle del Cauca, Vichada (Vivero et al. 2010a)), Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador,
French Guiana, Panama, Peru, Suriname (Kent et al. 2013) Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela. Refs.: Lewis 1975:
502 (Lutzomyia Turure sp.); CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., nat. inf., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 52 (Colombian
Psychodidae checklist).
tintinnabula Christensen & Fairchild, 1971: 301.

barrettoi barrettoi (Mangabeira), 1942a: 148 (Flebotomus). M., F. Type locality: Brazil, Pará, Belém, Aurá. Type
material: HT M (IOC). Distr.: Colombia (Caquetá, Guaviare (Cabrera et al. 2009), Meta (Vásquez-Trujillo et al.
2013)), Bolivia (Le Pont et al. 1992), Brazil, Ecuador, French Guiana, Peru, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago. Refs.:
Floch & Abonnenc 1946: 3 (Phlebotomus sp. from Maripa); CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano
2006a: 50 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

barrettoi majuscula Young, 1979: 129. L., M., F. Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Madden Forest Reserve,
Cruces Trail. Type material: HT M, AT F (FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia, Chocó, Cauca (Barreto et al.
2006), Guaviare (Cabrera et al. 2009), Meta (Vásquez-Trujillo et al. 2013), Nariño, Santander (Sandoval et al.

CATALOGUE OF PSYCHODIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 193
2006), Tolima, Valle del Cauca), Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama. Refs.: Rosabal
1954: 10 (Phlebotomus sp. no. 6); CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 50 (Colombian
Psychodidae checklist).

begonae (Ortíz & Torres), 1975: 101 (Phlebotomus). M., F. Type locality: Venezuela, Amazonas, El Gavilán. Type
material: HT M (?IMT). Distr.: Colombia (Guaviare (Cabrera et al. 2009), Meta (Vásquez-Trujillo et al. 2013)),
Brazil, Venezuela. Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.).

bernalei (Osorno-Mesa, Morales & Osorno), 1967: 30 (Phlebotomus). M., F. Type locality: Colombia, Caquetá,
Araracuara, left margin of Río Caquetá. Type material: HT M (INS). Distr.: Colombia (Caquetá, Guainía (Flórez &
Ferro 2007)), Bolivia (Galati 2013), Brazil, Venezuela. Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano
2006a: 52 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

bettinii Feliciangeli, Ramírez-Pérez & Ramírez, 1988: 52. M., F. Type locality: Venezuela, Amazonas, Cerro La
Neblina. Type material: HT M, AT F (CNRFV). Distr.: Colombia (Guainía (Flórez & Ferro 2007), Vichada (Vivero
et al. 2010a)), Brazil (Fé et al. 1998), Venezuela. Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.).

bicolor Fairchild & Theodor, 1971: 157. E., L., P., M., F. Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Ft. Sherman
Reservation, Mojinga Swamp. Type material: HT M, AT F (FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas, Antioquia,
Boyacá, Caquetá, Casanare, Cauca (incl. Isla Gorgona (Barreto et al. 1997)), Chocó, Cundinamarca, Guainía
(Bejarano et al. 2007a), Guaviare (Cabrera et al. 2009), La Guajira, Magdalena, Meta, Nariño, Norte de Santander,
Putumayo, Santander, Sucre (Romero-Ricardo et al. 2013), Tolima, Valle del Cauca), Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador,
Panama, Peru, Venezuela. Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., nat. inf., ecol., refs.); Williams 1999: 473 (raised to
the category of species); Bejarano 2006a: 51 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

bifoliata Osomo-Mesa, Morales, Osorno & Muñoz, 1970: 8. M., F. Type locality: Colombia, Boyacá, Puerto
Boyacá, El Terminal. Type material: HT M (INS). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia, Boyacá, Caldas, Chocó, Risaralda,
Santander, Tolima, Valle del Cauca (Jaramillo & Montoya-Lerma 1991)), Ecuador (Hashiguchi et al. 2014). Refs.:
CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 50 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

bispinosa (Fairchild & Hertig), 1951a: 410 (Phlebotomus). M., F. Type locality: Panama, Cerro Jefe, La Victoria.
Type material: HT M, AT F (FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas, Caquetá, Chocó, Putumayo, Vaupés), Belize,
Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panamá, Suriname. Refs.: CIPA
group 1999 (tax., distr., nat. inf., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 53 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

bursiformis (Floch & Abonnenc), 1944c: 5 (Phlebotomus). M., F. Type locality: French Guiana, Cayenne, Baduel.
Type material: HT F (IP). Distr.: Colombia (Boyacá), Brazil, Ecuador, French Guiana, Venezuela. Refs.: CIPA
group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.); Galati 2003a: 37 (tax., distr.).
baityi (Damasceno, Causey & Arouck), 1945: 22 (Flebotomus).

campbelli (Damasceno, Causey & Arouck), 1945: 26 (Flebotomus). M., F. Type locality: Brazil, Pará, Monte
Alegre, Machirá. Type material: HT M (USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Guaviare (Cabrera et al. 2009), Bolivia, Brazil,
French Guiana, Peru, Venezuela. Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.).

camposi (Rodríguez), 1950: 26 (Phlebotomus). L., M., F. Type locality: Ecuador, Los Ríos, Quevedo. Type
material: HT M (?INHG). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia, Atlántico (Maestre-Serrano et al. 2010), Boyacá, Caldas,
Chocó, Huila (Carvajal et al. 2003), Nariño, Santander, Sucre (Pérez-Doria et al. 2008), Tolima, Valle del Cauca),
Costa Rica, Ecuador, Nicaragua (Collantes & Martínez-Ortega 1998), Panama. Refs.: Floch 1953: 58
(Phlebotomus sp. o); Rosabal 1954: 10 (Phlebotomus sp. no. 4); CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.);
Bejarano 2006a: 52 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).
acanthobasis (Fairchild & Hertig), 1952: 508 (Phlebotomus).

194 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press BEJARANO & ESTRADA
caprina Osorno-Mesa, Morales & Osorno, 1972a: 437. M., F. Type locality: Colombia, Caldas, La Victoria, El
Llano. Type material: HT M, AT F (INS). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia, Boyacá, Caldas, Chocó, Córdoba,
Santander, Valle del Cauca), Brazil (Oliveira et al. 2013), Costa Rica, Honduras, Nicaragua (Collantes & Martínez-
Ortega 1998), Panama, Peru. Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 54 (Colombian
Psychodidae checklist).

carpenteri (Fairchild & Hertig), 1953: 28 (Phlebotomus). L., M., F. Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Chiva
Chiva. Type material: HT M, AT F (FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia, Caldas (Contreras-Gutiérrez et al. 2014),
Chocó, Cundinamarca, Guainía (Flórez & Ferro 2007), Guaviare (Cabrera et al. 2009), Huila (Carvajal et al. 2003),
Magdalena (Bejarano et al. 2015), Santander (Arismendi-Solano 2005), Sucre (Pérez-Doria et al. 2008), Tolima
(Marín-Casas et al. 2008)), Belize (Williams 1999), Costa Rica, Mexico, Nicaragua (Valle & Rivera 1995),
Panama. Refs.: Rosabal 1954: 11 (Phlebotomus sp. no. 2); CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano
2006a: 50 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

carrerai (Barretto), 1946: 286 (Flebotomus). E., L., M., F. Type locality: Colombia, Meta, Restrepo, Vega Grande.
Type material: HT M, AT F (FSPUSP). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas, Caquetá, Guaviare (Cabrera et al. 2009),
Meta, Nariño (Barreto et al. 1989), Putumayo, Risaralda (Delgado et al. 2011), Valle del Cauca (Jaramillo &
Montoya-Lerma 1991)), Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela. Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., nat. inf.,
ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 53 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist); Carvalho et al. 2006: 131 (raised to the
category of species).
pessoana (Barretto), 1955a: 247 (Sergentomyia).

cayennensis cayennensis (Floch & Abonnenc), 1941a: 13 (Phlebotomus). L., P., M., F. Type locality: French
Guiana, Cayenne, Montjoly. Type material: HT M (IP). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia, Atlántico (Maestre-Serrano et
al. 2010), Bolívar, Boyacá (Osorno-Mesa et al. 1970), Caldas, Cesar, Chocó (Carrillo et al. 2011), Córdoba,
Cundinamarca, Huila, La Guajira, Magdalena, Meta, Nariño, Norte de Santander, Risaralda (Barreto et al. 1997),
Santander, Sucre, Tolima), Belize, Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, French Guiana, Honduras, Mexico,
Nicaragua (Valle & Rivera 1995), Panama, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela. Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax.,
distr., nat. inf., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 51 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

ceferinoi (Ortíz & Álvarez), 1963: 285 (Phlebotomus). M, ?F. Type locality: Venezuela, Portuguesa, road to
Biscucuy. Type material: HT M (current location unknown). Distr.: Colombia (Norte de Santander (Galati &
Cáceres 1994), Tolima (Ferro et al. 2009)), Venezuela. Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.).

cellulana Young, 1979: 142. M, ?F. Type locality: Colombia, Caquetá, Tres Esquinas. Type material: HT M, AT F
(FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Zuluaga et al. 2012), Caquetá, Guaviare (Cabrera et al. 2009), Meta,
Putumayo), Ecuador. Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 53 (Colombian
Psychodidae checklist).

cerqueirai (Causey & Damasceno), 1945b: 645 (Flebotomus). M., F. Type locality: Brazil, Pará, Belém, Utinga.
Type material: HT M (USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Santander (Sandoval et al. 2006), Tolima), Brazil, Peru
(Fernández et al. 1994). Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 50 (Colombian
Psychodidae checklist).

chagasi (Costa Lima), 1941: 12 (Flebotomus). M., F. Type locality: Brazil, Amazonas, Rio Negro. Type material:
HT F (IOC). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas, Caquetá, Meta (Vásquez-Trujillo et al. 2013), Putumayo, Santander
(Sandoval et al. 2006), Vaupés), Bolivia, Brazil, Peru, Venezuela. Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., nat. inf.,
ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 53 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).
unisetosus (Mangabeira), 1941b: 238 (Flebotomus).

chassigneti (Floch & Abonnenc), 1944a: 3 (Phlebotomus). M., F. Type locality: Frech Guiana, Cayenne, Baduel.
Type material: HT M, AT F (IP). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas, Antioquia, Chocó), Brazil, French Guiana,

CATALOGUE OF PSYCHODIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 195
Suriname. Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 52 (Colombian Psychodidae

choti (Floch & Abonnenc), 1941a: 7 (Phlebotomus). P., M., F. Type locality: French Guiana, Cayenne, Montjoly.
Type material: HT M, AT F (IP). Distr.: Colombia (Guaviare, Meta), Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, French Guiana,
Peru, Suriname. Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 52 (Colombian Psychodidae

christenseni Young & Duncan, 1994: 272. L., P., M., F. Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Las Cruces Trail. Type
material: HT M, AT F (FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas, Antioquia, Boyacá, Caquetá, Chocó, Meta, Santander
(Sandoval et al. 2006), Tolima (Morales et al. 1981)), Brazil, Panama, Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela. Refs.:
CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 52 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

cirrita Young & Porter, 1974: 321. M., F. Type locality: Colombia, Antioquia, 24 km SW of Zaragoza, Río Anorí.
Type material: HT M, AT F (FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia, Caldas, Risaralda, Valle del Cauca). Refs.: CIPA
group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 50 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

claustrei Abonnenc, Léger & Fauran, 1979: 80. M., F. Type locality: French Guiana, Maripasoula. Type material:
HT M (MNHN). Distr.: Colombia (Guainía (Flórez & Ferro 2007), Meta, Putumayo, Vichada (Vivero et al.
2010a)), Bolivia, Brazil, French Guiana, Peru, Suriname, Venezuela. Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., nat. inf.,
ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 53 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

columbiana (Ristorcelli & Van Ty), 1941: 263 (Phlebotomus). E., M., F. Type locality: Colombia, Nariño, El
Capulí. Type material: ST F (current location unknown). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia, Caldas, Cauca, Huila, ?La
Guajira, Nariño, Risaralda, Tolima, Valle del Cauca). Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., nat. inf., ecol., refs.);
Bejarano 2006a: 54 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).
incarum (Ristorcelli & Van Ty), 1941: 266 (as Phlebotomus monticolus var. incarum).

conviti Ramírez-Pérez, Martins & Ramírez, 1976: 599. M., F. Type locality: Venezuela, Amazonas, Ocamo. Type
material: HT M, AT F (CPqRR). Distr.: Colombia (Meta), Brazil (Pinheiro et al. 2010), Venezuela. Refs.: CIPA
group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 54 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

cuzquena Martins, Llanos & Silva, 1975: 650. M. Type locality: Peru, Cusco, Paucartambo, Kosñipata, Pilcopata,
left margin of Río Tono, Santa Alicia. Type material: HT M (CPqRR). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas), Brazil, Peru,
Venezuela. Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 52 (Colombian Psychodidae

damascenoi (Mangabeira), 1941d: 369 (Flebotomus). M., F. Type locality: Brazil, Pará, Belém, Aurá. Type
material: HT M, AT F (?IOC). Distr.: Colombia (Caquetá (Molina et al. 2000), Casanare (Molina et al. 2008),
Meta), Brazil, French Guiana, Suriname (Kent et al. 2013). Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., nat. inf., ecol.,
refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 52 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).
spinosus (Floch & Abonnenc), 1942: 1 (Phlebotomus).

dasymera (Fairchild & Hertig), 1961: 242 (Phlebotomus). L., M., F. Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Ft.
Sherman Reservation, Mojinga Swamp. Type material: HT M, AT F (FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia, Boyacá,
Caldas (Contreras-Gutiérrez et al. 2014), Chocó, Nariño, Norte de Santander, Santander (Sandoval et al. 2006),
Valle del Cauca), Belize, Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Venezuela. Refs.: Rosabal
1954: 11 (Phlebotomus sp. no. 16); CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 52 (Colombian
Psychodidae checklist).

davisi (Root), 1934: 242 (Phlebotomus). E., L., M., F. Type locality: Brazil, Pará, Fordlândia. Type material: HT M
(USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas, Antioquia (Zuluaga et al. 2012), Caquetá, Guainía (Bejarano et al. 2007a),

196 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press BEJARANO & ESTRADA
Guaviare (Cabrera et al. 2009), Meta, Norte de Santander, Putumayo, Santander (Sandoval et al. 2006), Vaupés),
Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, French Guiana, Peru, Suriname, Venezuela. Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., nat. inf.,
ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 53 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).
rooti (Mangabeira), 1942a: 112 (Flebotomus).

dendrophyla (Mangabeira), 1942a: 139 (Flebotomus). E., M., F. Type locality: Brazil, Pará, Belém, Aurá. Type
material: HT M (IOC). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas, Caquetá, Meta, Nariño (Travi et al. 1988), Putumayo, Valle
del Cauca (Barreto et al. 1989), Vaupés), Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, French Guiana, Peru, Suriname, Venezuela.
Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., nat. inf., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 52 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

disiuncta Morales, Osorno & Osorno-Mesa, 1974: 446. M., F. Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca, Suba. Type
material: HT M, AT F (INS). Distr.: Colombia (Cesar, Cundinamarca). Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol.,
refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 54 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

dreisbachi (Causey & Damasceno), 1945b: 649 (Flebotomus). M., F. Type locality: Brazil, Amazonas, Coari, Rio
Solimões. Type material: HT M (USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas, Caquetá), Bolivia (Le Pont et al. 1992),
Brazil, Ecuador (Jones et al. 2010), French Guiana, Peru, Suriname (Burgos & Hudson 1994), Venezuela. Refs.:
Floch & Abonnenc 1945b: 9 (Phlebotomus sp. from Crique Anguille); CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.);
Bejarano 2006a: 50 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

dubitans (Sherlock), 1962: 324 (Phlebotomus). M., F. Type locality: Colombia, Santander, San Vicente de
Chucurí. Type material: HT M (USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia, Atlántico (Maestre-Serrano et al. 2010),
Arauca (Turriago et al. 2007), Bolívar (Cortés 2006), Boyacá, Córdoba, Cundinamarca, Huila, La Guajira,
Magdalena (Bejarano et al. 2015), Nariño (Travi et al. 1988), Norte de Santander, Santander, Sucre, Tolima, Valle
del Cauca), Brazil, Costa Rica, Panama, Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela. Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr.,
ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 51 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

duncanae Le Pont, Martínez, Torrez-Espejo & Durjardin, 1998: 170. M., F. Type locality: Bolivia, La Paz, Nor
Yungas, Carrasco, Unión Berea III. Type material: HT M, AT F, 3 PT (1 M and 2 F) (MNHNB); 5 PT (2 M and 3 F)
(IRD). Distr.: Colombia (Casanare (Young & Morales 1987)), Bolivia, Peru (Galati 2013). Refs.: Velasco 1973: 88
(Lutzomyia sp. D); Young & Morales 1987: 662 (Lutzomyia sp. 1).

dysponeta (Fairchild & Hertig), 1952: 505 (Phlebotomus). M., F. Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Juan Mina,
Río Chagres between Gamboa and Madden Dam. Type material: HT M, AT F (FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Boyacá,
Chocó, Guaviare (Cabrera et al. 2009), Magdalena (Bejarano et al. 2015), Meta, Nariño, Tolima (Romero-Ricardo
et al. 2012)), Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama, Venezuela. Refs.: Rosabal 1954: 10 (Phlebotomus sp. no. 3);
CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 52 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

emberai Bejarano, Duque & Vélez, 2004: 837. F. Type locality: Colombia, Chocó, Bahía Solano, El Brazo. Type
material: HT F, PT F (VHET). Distr.: Colombia (Chocó). Refs.: Bejarano 2006a: 54 (Colombian Psychodidae

erwindonaldoi (Ortíz), 1978: 205 (Phlebotomus). M., F. Type locality: Venezuela, Zulia, Rómulo Gallegos, Caja
Seca. Type material: HT M (current location unknown). Distr.: Colombia (Huila (Pardo-Puentes 2006), Santander
(Sandoval et al. 2006), Tolima (Marín-Casas et al. 2008)), Peru (Cáceres & Galati 2001), Venezuela. Refs.: CIPA
group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 50 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

evangelistai Martins & Frahia, 1971: 361. M., F. Type locality: Brazil, Pará, Belém, Utinga. Type material: HT M,
PT F (CPqRR). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas, Guaviare (Cabrera et al. 2009), Putumayo), Bolivia, Brazil, Peru.
Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 51 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

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evansi (Núñez-Tovar), 1924: 44 (Phlebotomus). E., L., P., M., F. Type locality: Venezuela, Carabobo, Mariara.
Type material: ST M (current location unknown). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia, Atlántico (Maestre-Serrano et al.
2010), Bolívar (incl. Isla Fuerte (Gallego & Vélez 1994)), Casanare, Cesar (Estrada et al. 2015), Córdoba, La
Guajira, Magdalena, Meta (Molina 1997), Norte de Santander, Santander, Sucre), Costa Rica, El Salvador,
Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico (Ibáñez-Bernal et al. 2004), Nicaragua, ?Peru (Cabanillas et al. 2001), Venezuela.
Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., nat. inf., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 54 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Cesar: Mpio. [Municipio] Valledupar, Balneario Hurtado, 7 F., 6.vii.2013,
O.A. Aponte leg., CDC light trap (CZUS); 2 M., 5 F., same data except 19.vii.2013.

fairtigi Martins, 1970: 279. M., F. Type locality: Colombia, Meta, Villavicencio. Type material: HT M (FSCA).
Distr.: Colombia (Caquetá, Casanare, Guaviare (Cabrera et al. 2009), Meta, Vaupés). Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax.,
distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 53 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

falcata Young, Morales & Ferro in Young & Duncan, 1994: 61. M., F. Type locality: Colombia, Amazonas,
Leticia. Type material: HT M, AT F (INS). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas), Brazil, Ecuador, Peru (Valdivia et al.
2012). Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 51 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

ferroae Young & Morales, 1987: 651. M., F. Type locality: Colombia, Norte de Santander, Arboledas, Potreros.
Type material: HT M, AT F (INS). Distr.: Colombia (Norte de Santander). Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr.,
ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 53 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

flaviscutellata (Mangabeira), 1942a: 144 (Flebotomus). E., L., P., M., F. Type locality: Brazil, Pará, Belém, Aurá.
Type material: HT M (IOC). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas, Antioquia, Casanare, Chocó, Guaviare (Cabrera et al.
2009), Meta, Norte de Santander, Putumayo, Vichada (Vivero et al. 2010a)), Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, French
Guiana, Peru, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela. Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., nat. inf., ecol.,
refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 51 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).
apicalis (Floch & Abonnenc), 1943: 25 (Phlebotomus).

furcata (Mangabeira), 1941c: 256 (Flebotomus). ?L,?P, M, F. Type locality: Brazil, Pará, Belém, Aurá. Type
material: HT M (?IOC). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas, Caquetá, Guaviare (Cabrera et al. 2009), Meta, Nariño,
Santander, Valle del Cauca), Bolivia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador (Alexander et al. 1992), French Guiana, Peru,
Venezuela. Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 54 (Colombian Psychodidae
arborealis (Floch & Abonnenc), 1944b: 8 (Phlebotomus).

geniculata (Mangabeira), 1941b: 245 (Flebotomus). L., P., M., F. Type locality: Brazil, Pará, Belém, Aurá. Type
material: not extant (Shimabukuro & Galati 2011). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas, Caquetá, Chocó, Guaviare
(Cabrera et al. 2009), Meta, Putumayo), Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guatemala,
Nicaragua (Zeledón & Murillo 1983, Collantes & Martínez-Ortega 1998), Panama, Peru, Venezuela. Refs.: CIPA
group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 53 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

gomezi (Nitzulescu), 1931: 247 (Phlebotomus). E., L., P., M., F. Type locality: Venezuela, Táchira, San Cristobal.
Type material: HT F (current location unknown). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas, Antioquia, Atlántico (Maestre-
Serrano et al. 2010), Arauca (Turriago et al. 2007), Bolívar (incl. Isla Fuerte (Gallego & Vélez 1994)), Boyacá,
Caldas, Caquetá, Casanare (Manotas-Solano et al. 2012), Cesar, Chocó, Córdoba, Cundinamarca, Guaviare
(Cabrera et al. 2009), Huila, La Guajira, Magdalena, Meta, Nariño, Norte de Santander, Putumayo, Quindío
(Contreras-Gutiérrez et al. 2014), Risaralda, Santander, Sucre, Tolima, Valle del Cauca, Vichada), Bolivia, Brazil,
Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, French Guiana, Guatemala (Vivero et al. 2011a), Honduras, Mexico (Ibáñez-
Bernal 1999), Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela. Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., nat.
inf., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 51 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).
suis (Rozeboom), 1940: 8 (Phlebotomus).
japignyi (Floch & Abonnenc), 1944c: 2 (Phlebotomus).

198 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press BEJARANO & ESTRADA
gorbitzi (Blancas), 1959: 126 (Phlebotomus). P., M., F. Type locality: Peru, Ancash, Cañon del Pato. Type
material: HT M, AT F (?ICGES). Distr.: Colombia (Nariño, Sucre (Vivero et al. 2013)), Costa Rica, Ecuador,
Panama, Peru. Refs.: Rosabal 1954: 10 (Phlebotomus sp. no. 11); CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.);
Bejarano 2006a: 50 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).
hansoni (Fairchild & Hertig), 1961: 244 (Phlebotomus).

hartmanni (Fairchild & Hertig), 1957: 328 (Phlebotomus). L., P., M., F. Type locality: Panama, Panamá, Cerro
Campana. Type material: HT M, AT F (FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia, Boyacá, Caldas, Cauca (incl. Isla
Gorgona (Montoya-Lerma & Baena 1995)), Chocó, Cundinamarca, Nariño, Norte de Santander (Gálvis-Ovallos et
al. 2013), Risaralda, Santander, Tolima, Valle del Cauca), Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama, Peru. Refs.: CIPA group
1999 (tax., distr., nat. inf., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 50 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

hernandezi (Ortíz), 1965c: 412 (Phlebotomus). L., M., F. Type locality: Venezuela, Trujillo, Pan-American
Highway between Betijoque, Isnotú and Caja Seca. Type material: HT M (?INH). Distr.: Colombia (Norte de
Santander), Peru (Pérez et al. 2011), Venezuela. Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a:
51 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

hirsuta (Mangabeira), 1942a: 116 (Flebotomus). M., F. Type locality: Brazil, Pará, Abaeté, Piratuba. Type
material: HT M (?IOC). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas, Caquetá, Guaviare (Cabrera et al. 2009), Meta, Putumayo,
Vaupés), Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, French Guiana, Peru, Suriname. Refs.: Floch 1947: 152 (Phlebotomus sp. II);
Floch & Chassignet 1948: 1 (Phlebotomus sp. 780); Velasco 1973: 84 (Lutzomyia sp. C); CIPA group 1999 (tax.,
distr., nat. inf., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 53 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist); Carvalho et al. 2006: 131
(raised to the category of species).
colasbelcouri (Floch & Chassignet), 1947a: 1 (Phlebotomus).

howardi Young, 1979: 144. M., F. Type locality: Colombia, Amazonas, 17 km W of Leticia. Type material: HT M
(FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas, Putumayo), Brazil (Galati 2013), Peru (Pérez et al. 1991, Cáceres et al.
2000). Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 53 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

ignacioi Young, 1972: 312. M., F. Type locality: Venezuela, Mérida, Mérida. Type material: HT M, AT F (FSCA).
Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca), Venezuela. Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 54
(Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

infraspinosa (Mangabeira), 1941a: 216 (Flebotomus). M., F. Type locality: Brazil, Pará, Belém, Aurá. Type
material: HT M (IOC). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas, Santander), Bolivia, Brazil, French Guiana, ?Peru (Young et
al. 1985), Suriname, Venezuela (Galati 2013). Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 50
(Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

isovespertilionis (Fairchild & Hertig), 1958: 516 (Phlebotomus). L., P., M., F. Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone,
km 19 road on a tributary of Río Cocoli. Type material: HT M, AT F (FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia, Chocó),
Costa Rica, Panama. Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 50 (Colombian
Psychodidae checklist).

lerayi Le Pont, Martínez, Torrez-Espejo & Dujardin, 1998: 166. M. Type locality: Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas,
Cajuata, Río Suri. Type material: HT M, 2 PT M (MNHNB); 2 PT M (IRD). Distr.: Colombia (Tolima (Marín-
Casas et al. 2008)), Bolivia.

lichyi (Floch & Abonnenc), 1950: 1 (Phlebotomus). E., L., P., M., F. Type locality: Venezuela, Carabobo, Río
Borburata. Type material: HT F (?IPG). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia, Caldas, Chocó, Cundinamarca, Huila,
Magdalena (Young 1979), Meta, Nariño, Norte de Santander, Quindío (Alexander et al. 2001a), Risaralda,
Santander, Tolima, Valle del Cauca), Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador, French Guiana, Panama, Peru, Trinidad and

CATALOGUE OF PSYCHODIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 199
Tobago, Venezuela. Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., nat. inf., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 51 (Colombian
Psychodidae checklist).
foliatus (Mirsa & Ortíz), 1952: 249 (Phlebotomus).
vexillarius (Fairchild & Hertig), 1952: 514 (Phlebotomus).

limafalcaoae (Wolff & Galati), 2002: 317. M., F. (Pintomyia). Type locality: Colombia, Antioquia, Montebello,
Savanitas. Type material: HT M, AT F (CEUA). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia). Refs.: Bejarano 2006a: 54
(Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

longiflocosa Osorno-Mesa, Morales, Osorno & Muñoz, 1970: 1. E., M., F. Type locality: Colombia, Huila, Tello,
San Andrés, Romero. Type material: HT M, AT F (INS). Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca (Ferro et al. 2007),
Huila, Norte de Santander (Cárdenas et al. 2005), Tolima). Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., nat. inf., ecol.,
refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 54 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

longipalpis (Lutz & Neiva), 1912: 90 (Phlebotomus). E., L., P., M., F. Type locality: Brazil (several localities cited
in original description: São Paulo, São Paulo, Bosque da Saúde; Minas Gerais, Benjamin Constant, and
Cordisburgo, Gruta do Maquiné). Type material: ST F, M (?IOC). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia, Caldas, Cauca
(Barreto et al. 2006), Córdoba, Cundinamarca, Huila, La Guajira, Norte de Santander, Santander, Sucre, Tolima),
Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay,
Uruguay (Salomón et al. 2011), Venezuela. Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., nat. inf., ecol., refs.); Bejarano
2006a: 51 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).
almazani (Galliard), 1934b: 193 (Phlebotomus).
otamae (Núñez-Tovar), 1924: 44 (Phlebotomus).

longispina (Mangabeira), 1942a: 186 (Flebotomus). E., L., M., F. Type locality: Brazil, Belém, Pará, Aurá. Type
material: HT M (IOC). Distr.: Colombia (Caquetá, Meta (Molina et al. 1997)), Brazil, French Guiana, Paraguay,
Venezuela. Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., nat. inf., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 53 (Colombian Psychodidae

lutziana (Costa Lima), 1932: 48 (Phlebotomus). M., F. Type locality: Brazil, Minas Gerais, Lassance. Type
material: ST M (?IOC). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas, Meta (Bejarano et al. 2007b)), Bolivia, Brazil, French
Guiana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Venezuela. Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a:
52 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

marinkellei Young, 1979: 59. M., F. Type locality: Colombia, Caquetá, Tres Esquinas. Type material: HT M, AT F
(FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas, Caquetá), Brazil. Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano
2006a: 51 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

martinezi Young & Morales, 1987: 653. M., F. Type locality: Colombia, Meta, Río Iteviare. Type material: HT M,
AT F (INS). Distr.: Colombia (Meta), ?Ecuador (Gomez et al. 2014). Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol.,
refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 53 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

micropyga (Mangabeira), 1942a: 132 (Flebotomus). P., M., F. Type locality: Brazil, Pará, Belém, Aurá. Type
material: ST M (IOC). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas, Antioquia, Bolívar, Boyacá, Caldas, Casanare, Cesar (Estrada
et al. 2015), Chocó, Córdoba, Cundinamarca, Guaviare (Cabrera et al. 2009), La Guajira, Magdalena, Meta,
Nariño, Norte de Santander, Putumayo, Santander, Sucre, Tolima, Valle del Cauca), Bolivia, Brazil, Costa Rica,
Ecuador, French Guiana, Panama, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela. Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr.,
ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 51 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Cesar: Mpio. [Municipio] Valledupar, Balneario Hurtado, 3 F.,
6.vii.2013, O.A. Aponte leg., CDC light trap (CZUS).

migonei (França), 1920: 230 (Phlebotomus). E., L., P., M., F. Type locality: Paraguay, Asunción. Type material: ST

200 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press BEJARANO & ESTRADA
M (current location unknown). Distr.: Colombia (Casanare (Molina et al. 1997), Córdoba, La Guajira (Zambrano-
Hernández et al. 2005), Magdalena, Sucre (Le Pape 1992)), Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador (Gomez et al.
2014), Paraguay, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela. Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., nat. inf., ecol., refs.);
Bejarano 2006a: 51 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).
rangeli (Núñez-Tovar), 1924: 45 (Phlebotomus).
araozi (Paterson & Shannon), 1926: 236 (Phlebotomus).

monstruosa (Floch & Abonnenc), 1944a: 1 (Phlebotomus). M., F. Type locality: French Guiana, Baduel. Type
material: HT M (IP). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas, Caquetá), Brazil, French Guiana, Peru (Pérez et al. 2008),
Suriname, Venezuela. Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 50 (Colombian
Psychodidae checklist).
falciformis (Floch & Abonnenc), 1944c: 8 (Phlebotomus).

moralesi Young, 1979: 80. M., F. Type locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca, 15 km SW of Cali, Río Pance. Type
material: HT M, AT F (FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca). Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol.,
refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 54 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

nematoducta Young & Arias, 1984: 428. M., F. Type locality: Brazil, Amazonas, 26 km E of Manaus, Reserva
Ducke. Type material: HT M, AT F (USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Guaviare (Cabrera et al. 2009), Meta (Vásquez-
Trujillo et al. 2013)), Brazil, Peru (Valdivia et al. 2012). Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.).

nevesi (Damasceno & Arouck), 1956: 9 (Flebotomus). M., F. Type locality: Brazil, Pará, Capim. Type material: HT
M (FSPUSP). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas, Caquetá, Meta, Putumayo), Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru. Refs.:
CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 54 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

nocticola Young, 1973: 109. M., F. Type locality: Colombia, Antioquia, 24 km SW of Zaragoza, Río Anorí. Type
material: HT M, AT F (FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas, Antioquia, Casanare (Molina et al. 1997), Putumayo,
Santander (Sandoval et al. 2006)), Bolivia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Mexico (Cruz-Ruíz et al. 1994), Panama,
Peru. Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 53 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

nuneztovari (Ortíz), 1954: 232 (Phlebotomus). M., F. Type locality: Venezuela, Lara, Duaca. Type material: HT M
(?MBUCV). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia, Boyacá, Caldas, Cundinamarca, Huila, Norte de Santander, Santander
(Sandoval et al. 2006), Tolima), Bolivia, Guatemala, Honduras, Panama, Peru, Venezuela. Refs.: Velasco 1973: 78
(Lutzomyia sp. I); CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 54 (Colombian Psychodidae
anglesi Le Pont & Desjeux, 1984: 277 (as Lutzomyia nuneztovari anglesi).

oresbia (Fairchild & Hertig), 1961: 240 (Phlebotomus). M, F. Type locality: Panama, Chiriquí, Volcán, Santa
Clara. Type material: HT M, AT F (USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Huila (Pardo-Puentes 2006), Norte de Santander
(Gálvis-Ovallos et al. 2013), Tolima (Marín-Casas et al. 2008)), Costa Rica, Panama. Refs.: CIPA group 1999
(tax., distr., ecol., refs.).

osornoi (Ristorcelli & Van Ty), 1941: 260 (Phlebotomus). M., F. Type locality: Colombia, Nariño, El Capulí. Type
material: HT F (current location unknown). Distr.: Colombia (Nariño), Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru. Refs.: CIPA group
1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 50 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).
montoyai (Sherlock), 1962: 328 (Phlebotomus).

ovallesi (Ortíz), 1952: 155 (Phlebotomus). E., L., P., M., F. Type locality: Venezuela, Lara, Duaca. Type material:
HT M (?INH). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas, Antioquia, Boyacá, Caldas, Casanare, Chocó, Cundinamarca,
Magdalena, Norte de Santander, Santander, Sucre, Tolima (Morales et al. 1981)), Belize, Costa Rica, Guatemala,
Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela. Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., nat.
inf., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 54 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

CATALOGUE OF PSYCHODIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 201
pabloi Barreto, Burbano & Young, 2002: 601. M., F. Type locality: Colombia, Putumayo, Villagarzón, San
Vicente. Type material: HT M, AT F, 6 PT M (UVS). Distr.: Colombia (Putumayo), Ecuador (Jones et al. 2010).
Refs.: Bejarano 2006a: 53 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

pajoti Abonnenc, Léger & Fauran, 1979: 75 (as Lutzomyia yuilli pajoti). M., F. Type locality: French Guiana, Saül.
Type material: HT M, AT F (IP). Distr.: Colombia (Guainía (Flórez & Ferro 2007), Guaviare (Cabrera et al. 2009),
Putumayo), Brazil, Ecuador (Terán-Soto 2006), French Guiana, Peru, Suriname. Refs.: Floch & Abonnenc 1944d:
9 (Phlebotomus sp. de Souvenir); CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 51 (Colombian
Psychodidae checklist).

panamensis (Shannon), 1926: 192 (Phlebotomus). E., L., P., M., F. Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Caño
Saddle. Type material: HT M, F (USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia, Atlántico (Maestre-Serrano et al. 2010),
Bolívar (Gallego et al. 1994), Boyacá, Caldas, Caquetá, Casanare, Cauca, Chocó, Córdoba, Guaviare (Cabrera et
al. 2009), La Guajira, Magdalena (Bejarano et al. 2015), Meta, Nariño, Norte de Santander, Putumayo, Risaralda,
Santander, Sucre, Tolima, Valle del Cauca), Belize, Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guatemala,
Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, ?Peru, Venezuela. Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., nat. inf., ecol.,
refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 53 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Magdalena: Mpio. [Municipio] Santa Marta, Minca, 600m, 2 M., 4 F.,
1–2.xi.2008, A. Pérez-Doria leg., CDC light trap (CZUS).

paraensis (Costa Lima), 1941: 7 (Flebotomus). E., L., M., F. Type locality: Brazil, Pará, Belém, Aurá. Type
material: HT M (IOC). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas, Caquetá, Putumayo), Bolivia (Le Pont et al. 1992), Brazil,
Ecuador, French Guiana, Peru, Suriname, Venezuela. Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., nat. inf., ecol., refs.);
Bejarano 2006a: 53 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

pia (Fairchild & Hertig), 1961: 248 (Phlebotomus). M., F. Type locality: Panama, Chiriquí, El Volcán, Santa Clara.
Type material: HT M, AT F (FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia, Boyacá, Caldas, Cundinamarca, Huila, Meta,
Nariño, Norte de Santander, Risaralda, Tolima, Valle del Cauca), Bolivia, Costa Rica, Panama, Peru, Venezuela.
Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., nat. inf., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 54 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

pilosa (Damasceno & Causey), 1944: 342 (Flebotomus). M., F. Type locality: Brazil, Pará, Belém, Santa Isabel.
Type material: HT M (USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas, Antioquia, Bolívar, Boyacá, Caquetá, Chocó,
Cundinamarca, Huila, Nariño (Alexander et al. 1995), Norte de Santander, Putumayo, Santander, Tolima), Brazil,
Costa Rica, French Guiana, Panama, Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela. Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol.,
refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 52 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

preclara Young & Arias, 1984: 429. M., F. Type locality: Colombia, Amazonas, 9 km N of Leticia. Type material:
HT M (FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas, Guaviare (Cabrera et al. 2009), Meta, Vichada (Vivero et al. 2010a)),
Bolivia, Brazil (Gomes et al. 2009), Peru. Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 53
(Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

punctigeniculata (Floch & Abonnenc), 1944b: 5 (Phlebotomus). M., F. Type locality: French Guiana, Cayenne,
Baduel. Type material: ST M, F (IP). Distr.: Colombia (Atlántico (Maestre-Serrano et al. 2010), Bolívar, Boyacá,
Caldas, Caquetá, Casanare, Chocó, Cundinamarca, Huila, La Guajira, Magdalena, Meta (Vásquez-Trujillo et al.
2013), Nariño, Putumayo, Tolima), Argentina (Salomón 1994), Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador (Jones et al. 2010), French
Guiana, Panama, Peru, Suriname, Venezuela. Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., nat. inf., ecol., refs.); Bejarano
2006a: 52 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).
christophersoni (Damasceno & Causey), 1944: 347 (Flebotomus).

quasitownsendi Osorno, Osorno-Mesa & Morales, 1972c: 10. M., F. Type locality: Colombia, Santander, Barbosa,
El Banqueo. Type material: HT M, AT F (INS). Distr.: Colombia (Boyacá, Cundinamarca (Santamaría et al. 2003),

202 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press BEJARANO & ESTRADA
Norte de Santander, Santander). Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., nat. inf., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 54
(Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

rangeliana (Ortíz), 1952: 153 (Phlebotomus). M., F. Type locality: Venezuela, Lara, Duaca, Reserva Forestal El
Buco. Type material: HT M (?INH). Distr.: Colombia (Atlántico (Maestre-Serrano et al. 2010), Bolívar, Córdoba,
Cesar (Estrada et al. 2015), Cundinamarca, La Guajira, Magdalena, Sucre, Tolima), Panama, Trinidad and Tobago,
Venezuela. Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 54 (Colombian Psychodidae
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Cesar: Mpio. [Municipio] Valledupar, Balneario Hurtado, 1 F.,
6.vii.2013, O.A. Aponte leg., CDC light trap (CZUS).

reburra (Fairchild & Hertig), 1961: 246 (Phlebotomus). M., F. Type locality: Panama, Panamá, Cerro Azul, La
Zumbadora. Type material: HT M, AT F (FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Vergara et al. 2008a), Cauca,
Chocó, Nariño, Valle del Cauca), Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama. Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.);
Bejarano 2006a: 53 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

recurva Young, 1973: 106. M., F. Type locality: Colombia, Chocó, 3 km SE of the mouth of Río Curiche and 1 km
inland from Humboldt Bay. Type material: HT M, AT F (FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Chocó), Panama, Peru (Pérez et
al. 2008). Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 53 (Colombian Psychodidae

reducta Feliciangeli, Ramírez-Pérez & Ramírez, 1988: 54 (as Lutzomyia olmeca reducta). M., F. Type locality:
Venezuela, Amazonas, Cerro La Neblina. Type material: HT M, PT F (CNRFV). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas),
Brazil, Peru (Ogusuku et al. 2001), Venezuela. Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a:
51 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

richardwardi Ready & Fraiha, 1981: 705. E., M., F. Type locality: Brazil, Pará, km 43 of the Trans-Amazonian
Highway, between Altamira and Itaituba. Type material: HT F, PT M (IEC). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas,
Guaviare (Cabrera et al. 2009), Meta, Putumayo, Vaupés), Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador (Jones et al. 2010), Peru. Refs.:
Ward & Killick-Kendrick 1974: 216 (Lutzomyia sp no. 260.44); CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., nat. inf., ecol., refs.);
Bejarano 2006a: 51 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

rorotaensis (Floch & Abonnenc), 1944e: 4 (Phlebotomus). M., F. Type locality: French Guiana, Rorota. Type
material: ST M, F (IPG). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia, Chocó, Meta (Cabrera et al. 2009), Nariño, Valle del
Cauca), Brazil, French Guiana, Panama, Peru, Suriname, Venezuela. Refs.: Floch & Abonnenc 1941b: 10
(Phlebotomus sp. from Rorota); CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 52 (Colombian
Psychodidae checklist).

rosabali (Fairchild & Hertig), 1956: 310 (Phlebotomus). M., F. Type locality: Panama, Chiriquí, Puerto Armuelles.
Type material: HT M, AT F (FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia, Cauca, Nariño, Valle del Cauca), Costa Rica,
Panama. Refs.: Rosabal 1954: 10 (Phlebotomus sp. no. 9); CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano
2006a: 50 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

ruii Arias & Young, 1982: 249. M., F. Type locality: Brazil, Amazonas, 26 km E of Manaus, Reserva Ducke. Type
material: HT M, AT F (INPA). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas), Brazil. Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol.,
refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 53 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

runoides (Fairchild & Hertig), 1953: 30 (Phlebotomus). L., M., F. Type locality: Panama, Bocas del Toro,
Almirante. Type material: HT M, AT F (FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas, Antioquia, Caquetá, Nariño, Valle
del Cauca, Vichada (Vivero et al. 2010a)), Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador (Jones et al. 2010), Panama, Peru. Refs.:
CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 50 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

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saltuosa Young, 1979: 148. M. Type locality: Colombia, Amazonas, 17 km W of Leticia. Type material: HT M
(FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas). Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 53
(Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

sanguinaria (Fairchild & Hertig), 1957: 332 (Phlebotomus). E., L., P., M., F. Type locality: Panama, Bocas del
Toro, Almirante. Type material: HT M, AT F (FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Chocó, Valle del Cauca), Costa Rica,
Ecuador (Hashiguchi et al. 2014), Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama. Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.);
Bejarano 2006a: 50 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

saulensis (Floch & Abonnenc), 1944a: 11 (Phlebotomus). L., M., F. Type locality: French Guiana, Haute Maná,
Saül. Type material: HT M (IP). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas, Antioquia, Caquetá, Cauca, Chocó, Guaviare
(Cabrera et al. 2009), Meta, Nariño, Santander, Tolima, Vichada (Vivero et al. 2010a), Valle del Cauca), Bolivia,
Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador, French Guiana, Panama, Peru, Venezuela. Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol.,
refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 53 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).
pinealis (Floch & Abonnenc), 1944b: 11 (Phlebotomus).

sauroida Osorno-Mesa, Morales & Osorno, 1972a: 433. M., F. Type locality: Colombia, Boyacá, Santa Ana, San
Pedro. Type material: HT M, AT F (INS). Distr.: Colombia (Boyacá, Norte de Santander), Venezuela. Refs.: CIPA
group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 54 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

scaffi (Damasceno & Arouck), 1956: 6 (Flebotomus). M., F. Type locality: Brazil, Pará, Capim. Type material: HT
M (FSPUSP). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas, Caquetá, Guaviare (Cabrera et al. 2009)), Bolivia (Le Pont et al.
1992), Brazil, Ecuador (Terán-Soto 2006), French Guiana, Peru, Suriname. Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr.,
ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 52 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

scorzai (Ortíz), 1965a: 28 (Phlebotomus). M., F. Type locality: Venezuela, Aragua, Rancho Grande. Type material:
HT M, AT F (current location unknown). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Vergara et al. 2008a), Caldas, Cauca,
Cundinamarca, Nariño, Norte de Santander (Gálvis-Ovallos et al. 2013), Risaralda, Tolima, Valle del Cauca),
Venezuela, Peru (Cáceres et al. 2000). Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 50
(Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

sericea (Floch & Abonnenc), 1944a: 6 (Phlebotomus). M., F. Type locality: French Guiana, Baduel. Type material:
HT M, PT M (IP). Distr.: Colombia (Guaviare (Cabrera et al. 2009)), Brazil, Ecuador, French Guiana, Suriname,
Venezuela. Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.).
deanei (Damasceno, Causey & Arouck), 1945: 4 (Flebotomus).

serrana (Damasceno & Arouck), 1949: 843 (Flebotomus). L., P., M., F. Type locality: Brazil, Pará, Vizeu, Piriábas.
Type material: HT M (FSPUSP). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia, Bolívar, Boyacá, Caldas, Chocó, Córdoba,
Cundinamarca, Meta, Nariño, Norte de Santander, Santander, Sucre, Tolima, Valle del Cauca), Belize (Ibáñez-
Bernal 2001), Bolivia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua,
Panama, Peru, Venezuela. Refs.: Rosabal 1954: 11 (Phlebotomus sp. no. 5); CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol.,
refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 54 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).
guayasi (Rodríguez), 1956: 77 (Phlebotomus).

shannoni (Dyar), 1929: 121 (Phlebotomus). E., L., P., M., F. Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Lago Gatún,
Caño Saddle. Type material: LT M (USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas, Antioquia, Atlántico (Maestre-Serrano
et al. 2010), Bolívar, Boyacá, Caldas, Caquetá, Chocó, Córdoba, Cundinamarca, Guaviare (Cabrera et al. 2009), La
Guajira, Magdalena, Meta, Nariño, Norte de Santander, Quindío (Contreras-Gutiérrez et al. 2014), Santander,
Sucre, Tolima, Valle del Cauca), Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador, French Guiana,
Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, United States
of America, Venezuela. Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., nat. inf., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 52 (Colombian
Psychodidae checklist); Sábio et al. 2014: 332 (tax.).

204 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press BEJARANO & ESTRADA
microcephalus (Barretto & Duret), 1953: 341 (Phlebotomus).
pifanoi (Ortíz), 1972: 21 (Phlebotomus).

shawi Fraiha, Ward & Ready, 1981: 699. E., M., F. Type locality: Brazil, Pará, Marabá, Serra dos Carajás. Type
material: HT F, PT M (IEC). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas, Guaviare, Meta, Vaupés), Bolivia, Brazil, Peru. Refs.:
Ward et al. 1973: 178 (Lutzomyia sp. no. 260.43); CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., nat. inf., ecol., refs.); Bejarano
2006a: 51 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

sherlocki Martins, Silva & Falcão, 1971: 415. M., F. Type locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Vila Bela. Type material:
HT M (CPqRR). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas), Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador (Young & Duncan 1994), Peru. Refs.:
CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 51 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

sipani Fernández, Carbajal, Alexander & Need, 1994: 167. M. Type locality: Peru, Loreto, Maynas, San Antonio.
Type material: HT M (MHNSM). Distr.: Colombia (Putumayo), Brazil (Figueira et al. 2013), Peru. Refs.: CIPA
group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 50 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

sordellii (Shannon & Del Ponte), 1927: 730 (Phlebotomus). M., F. Type locality: Argentina, Chaco, Resistencia.
Type material: LT M, F (USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas, Antioquia, Boyacá, Caldas (Alexander et al.
2001a), Caquetá, Casanare (Manotas-Solano et al. 2012), Cauca (Barreto et al. 2006), Chocó, Guaviare (Cabrera et
al. 2009), Meta, Nariño, Norte de Santander, Putumayo, Santander (Sandoval et al. 1998), Tolima, Valle del
Cauca), Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador, French Guiana, Panama, Peru, Suriname (Kent et al.
2013), Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela. Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., nat. inf., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a:
53 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).
nordestinus (Mangabeira), 1942b: 327 (Flebotomus).
longicornutus (Floch & Abonnenc), 1943: 6 (Phlebotomus).

spinicrassa Morales, Osorno-Mesa, Osorno & Muñoz, 1969: 383. E., M., F. Type locality: Colombia, Boyacá,
Almeida, Umbabita. Type locality: HT M, AT F (INS). Distr.: Colombia (Boyacá, Norte de Santander, Sucre),
Venezuela. Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., nat. inf., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 54 (Colombian Psychodidae

strictivilla Young, 1979: 206. M., F. Type locality: Colombia, Antioquia, 24 km SW of Zaragoza, Río Anorí. Type
locality: HT M, AT F (FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia), Ecuador (Alexander et al. 1992), Venezuela
(Feliciangeli 1988). Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 50 (Colombian Psychodidae

suapiensis Le Pont, Torrez-Espejo & Dujardin, 1997: 56. F. Type locality: Bolivia, La Paz, Nor Yungas, Suapi.
Type material: HT F, 2 PT F (MNHNB); 7 PT F (IRD). Distr.: Colombia (Tolima (Contreras et al. 2012)), Bolivia,
Peru (Cáceres et al. 2001).

thula Young, 1979: 180 (as Lutzomyia carrerai thula). E., L., M., F. Type locality: Panama, Panamá, Cerro
Campana. Type material: HT M, AT F (FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia, Caldas (Contreras-Gutiérrez et al.
2014), Cauca, Chocó, Nariño, Risaralda (Contreras-Gutiérrez et al. 2014), Valle del Cauca), Costa Rica, Ecuador,
Honduras, Panama. Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 53 (Colombian Psychodidae
checklist); Carvalho et al. 2006: 131 (raised to the category of species).

tihuiliensis Le Pont, Torrez-Espejo & Dujardin, 1997: 56. F. Type locality: Bolivia, La Paz, Nor Yungas, Suapi.
Type material: HT F, 2 PT F (MNHNB); 6 PT F (IRD). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia), Bolivia, Peru (Cáceres &
Galati 2001). Refs.: Bejarano 2006a: 54 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

tolimensis Carrasquilla, Munstermann, Marín, Ocampo & Ferro, 2012: 994. M., F. Type locality: Colombia,
Tolima, Chaparral, Agua Bonita. Type material: HT M, AT F, 7 PT (3 M and 4 F) (INS); 6 PT (3 M and 3 F)

CATALOGUE OF PSYCHODIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 205
(PMNH, CIDEIM). Distr.: Colombia (Tolima).

tortura Young & Rogers, 1984: 605. M., F. Type locality: Ecuador, Napo, Limoncocha. Type material: HT M, AT
F (FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas, Putumayo), Bolivia (Le Pont et al. 1992), Ecuador. Refs.: CIPA group
1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 50 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

torvida Young, Morales & Ferro in Young & Duncan, 1994: 180. M., F. Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca,
Reventones. Type material: HT M, AT F (INS). Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca) Refs.: Ferro & Morales 1988: 69
(Lutzomyia sp. from Reventones); Kreutzer et al. 1990: 2 (Lutzomyia sp. A); CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol.,
refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 54 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

townsendi (Ortíz), 1960: 23 (Phlebotomus). E., M., F. Type locality: Venezuela, Aragua, Rancho Grande. Type
material: not extant (Feliciangeli et al. 1987). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca), Venezuela. Refs.: CIPA group
1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 54 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

trapidoi (Fairchild & Hertig), 1952: 524 (Phlebotomus). E., L., P., M., F. Type locality: Panama, Bocas del Toro,
Almirante. Type material: HT M, AT F (FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia, Boyacá, Caldas, Cauca (incl. Isla
Gorgona (Barreto et al. 1997)), Chocó, Meta, Nariño, Norte de Santander, Risaralda, Santander, Tolima, Valle del
Cauca), Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama. Refs.: Rosabal 1954: 10 (Phlebotomus
sp. no. 7); CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., nat. inf., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 52 (Colombian Psychodidae

triacantha (Mangabeira), 1942a: 119 (Flebotomus). E., L., P., M., F. Type locality: Brazil, Pará, Belém, Aurá.
Type material: HT M (IOC). Distr.: Colombia (Chocó, Meta, Nariño (Travi et al. 1988)), Brazil, Ecuador, French
Guiana, Peru, Venezuela. Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 52 (Colombian
Psychodidae checklist).

trinidadensis (Newstead), 1922: 47 (Phlebotomus). E., L., P., M., F. Type locality: Trinidad. Type material: LT M,
PLT F (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia, Atlántico (Maestre-Serrano et al. 2010), Bolívar (incl. Isla Fuerte
(Gallego & Vélez 1994)), Boyacá, Caldas, Casanare (Manotas-Solano et al. 2012), Cesar, Chocó, Córdoba,
Cundinamarca, Huila, La Guajira, Magdalena, Meta (Osorno-Mesa et al. 1972b), Nariño, Norte de Santander,
Santander, Sucre, Tolima, Vichada (Vivero et al. 2010a)), Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador, French
Guiana, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela.
Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., nat. inf., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 52 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).
yucatanensis (Galliard), 1934a: 1 (Phlebotomus).
baduelensis (Floch & Abonnenc), 1941a: 4 (as Phlebotomus yucatanensis var. baduelensis).
baduelensis (Floch & Abonnenc), 1944e: 1 (Phlebotomus).

triramula (Fairchild & Hertig), 1952: 517 (Phlebotomus). L., P., M., F. Type locality: Panama, Colón, Río del
Medio, near Río Gatún. Type material: HT M, AT F (FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia, Caldas (Vergara et al.
2008b), Chocó, Nariño, Santander, Tolima, Valle del Cauca), Belize, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico
(Galati 2003a, Ibáñez-Bernal et al. 2011), Panama. Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano
2006a: 53 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

tuberculata (Mangabeira), 1941c: 251 (Flebotomus). M., F. Type locality: Brazil, Pará, Belém, Aurá. Type
material: HT M (IOC). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia, Caquetá, Chocó, Santander (Sandoval et al. 2006), Guaviare
(Cabrera et al. 2009), Meta, Nariño, Valle del Cauca), Bolivia (Le Pont et al. 1992), Brazil, Ecuador (Arrivillaga et
al. 2014), French Guiana, Panama, Peru (Ogusuku et al. 1997), Suriname, Venezuela. Refs.: Floch & Abonnenc
1944b: 10 (Phlebotomus sp. x); CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 54 (Colombian
Psychodidae checklist).
munangai Wijers & Huisenga, 1967: 395.

206 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press BEJARANO & ESTRADA
ubiquitalis (Mangabeira), 1942a: 158 (Flebotomus). M., F. Type locality: Brazil, Pará, Belém, Aurá. Type
material: ST M (?IOC). Distr.: Colombia (Caquetá, Chocó, Meta), Bolivia (Le Pont et al. 1992), Brazil, Ecuador,
French Guiana, Peru, Suriname, Venezuela. Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., nat. inf., ecol., refs.); Bejarano
2006a: 53 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).
basispinosus (Barretto & Coutinho), 1943: 185 (Phlebotomus).
cauchensis (Floch & Abonnenc), 1943: 22 (Phlebotomus).

umbratilis Ward & Fraiha, 1977: 314. L., M., F. Type locality: Brazil, Pará, Almeirim, Monte Dourado. Type
material: HT F (IEC). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas, ?Boyacá (Young 1979), Caquetá, Putumayo), Bolivia, Brazil,
Ecuador (Williams 1999; Balbino et al. 2001), French Guiana, Peru, Suriname, Venezuela. Refs.: Ward et al. 1973:
178 (Lutzomyia sp. no. 260.31); CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., nat. inf., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 52
(Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

undulata (Fairchild & Hertig), 1950: 527 (Phlebotomus). M., F. Type locality: Guatemala, Escuintla. Type
material: HT M (FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Boyacá, Chocó, Nariño, Santander), Belize, Bolivia, Costa Rica,
Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Panama. Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.);
Bejarano 2006a: 52 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).
humboldti (Vargas & Díaz-Nájera), 1959: 143 (Phlebotomus).

vattierae Le Pont & Desjeux, 1992: 263. M., F. Type locality: Bolivia, Beni, Yucumo. Type material: HT F, AT M
(IRD). Distr.: Colombia (Guaviare (Cabrera et al. 2009), Meta (Bejarano et al. 2006)), Bolivia, Peru (Ogusuku et
al. 2001). Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.).

velezi Bejarano, Vivero & Uribe, 2010: 322. M. Type locality: Colombia, Antioquia, San Francisco, Reserva
Natural Cañón del Río Claro “El Refugio”. Type material: HT M, 2 PT M (VHET). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia).

venezuelensis (Floch & Abonnenc), 1948: 1 (Phlebotomus). E., M., F. Type locality: Venezuela, Zulia, Selva de
Tamanaco. Type material: HT M (current location unknown). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia, Bolívar (Cortés 2006),
Cundinamarca, Cesar (Estrada et al. 2015), La Guajira, Magdalena, Meta, Norte de Santander, Santander, Sucre,
Vaupés), Venezuela. Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 51 (Colombian Psychodidae
zuliaensis (Floch & Abonnenc), 1948: 5 (Phlebotomus).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Cesar: Mpio. [Municipio] Valledupar, Balneario Hurtado, 4 M., 1 F.,
6.vii.2013, O.A. Aponte leg., CDC light trap (CZUS).

vespertilionis (Fairchild & Hertig), 1947b: 617 (Phlebotomus). L., P., M., F. Type locality: Panama, Panamá, Cerro
Campana. Type material: HT M, AT F (FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia, Bolívar, Boyacá, Caldas, Chocó
(Young 1979), Nariño, Santander, Tolima, Valle del Cauca), Costa Rica, Ecuador, Nicaragua (Zeledón & Murillo
1983), Panama. Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 50 (Colombian Psychodidae

wagleyi (Causey & Damasceno), 1945a: 25 (Flebotomus). M., F. Type locality: Brazil, Amazonas, São Paulo de
Olivença, Rio Solimões. Type material: HT M (USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Caquetá), Bolivia, Brazil, Venezuela.
Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 53 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

walkeri (Newstead), 1914: 188 (Phlebotomus). E., L., P., M., F. Type locality: Bolivia-Brazil boundary, Rio
Abuná. Type material: LT M, PLT F (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas, Antioquia, Bolívar (Cortés 2006),
Boyacá, Caldas (Contreras-Gutiérrez et al. 2014), Caquetá, Casanare, Cundinamarca, Guaviare (Morales et al.
1984), Huila, Meta, Norte de Santander, Putumayo, Santander, Tolima, Vaupés, Vichada (Vivero et al. 2010a)),
Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, French Guiana, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela. Refs.: CIPA
group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 51 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).
marajoensis (Damasceno & Causey), 1944: 339 (Phlebotomus).

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gasti (Sherlock), 1962: 326 (Phlebotomus).

witoto Young & Morales, 1987: 655. M. Type locality: Colombia, Amazonas, 8 km N of Leticia. Type material:
HT M (INS). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas, Guaviare (Cabrera et al. 2009), Putumayo), Ecuador (Jones et al.
2010). Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 53 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

yencanensis (Ortíz), 1965b: 207 (Phlebotomus). M., F. Type locality: Venezuela, Aragua, Rancho Grande, Parque
Nacional Henri Pittier. Type material: not designated. Distr.: Colombia (Norte de Santander, Santander (Sandoval
et al. 2006)), Venezuela. Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., nat. inf., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 51 (Colombian
Psychodidae checklist).

ylephiletor (Fairchild & Hertig), 1952: 518 (Phlebotomus). E., L., P., M., F. Type locality: Panama, Bocas del
Toro, Almirante. Type material: HT M, AT F (FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Bolívar (Cortés 2006), Chocó, Nariño,
Valle del Cauca), Belize, Costa Rica, Ecuador (Arzube 1960), Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama.
Refs.: Rosabal 1954: 10 (Phlebotomus sp. no. 14); CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., nat. inf., ecol., refs.); Bejarano
2006a: 52 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

youngi Feliciangeli & Murillo, 1987: 141. E., L., M., F. Type locality: Venezuela, Trujillo, Las Calderas. Type
material: HT M, AT F (CNRFV). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia, Caldas, Valle del Cauca), Costa Rica, Venezuela.
Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., nat. inf., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 54 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

yucumensis (Le Pont, Caillard, Tibayrenc & Desjeux), 1986: 79 (Psychodopygus). M., F. Type locality: Bolivia,
Beni, Serranía del Pilón, km 4 road Yucumo-Rurrénabaque. Type material: HT M, AT F (IRD). Distr.: Colombia
(Putumayo), Bolivia, Brazil, Peru. Refs.: Biancardi et al. 1982: 177 (Psychodopygus sp. no. 2); CIPA group 1999
(tax., distr., nat. inf., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 53 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

yuilli Young & Porter, 1972: 524. E., M., F. Type locality: Colombia, Antioquia, 24 km SW of Zaragoza, Rio
Anorí. Type material: HT M, AT F (USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas, Antioquia, Bolívar (Cortés 2006),
Boyacá (Santamaría et al. 2006), Caldas (Alexander et al. 2001a), Caquetá, Chocó, Guainía (Flórez & Ferro 2007),
Guaviare, Meta, Putumayo, Santander, Vichada (Vivero et al. 2010a)), Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela.
Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr., nat. inf., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 52 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).
fraihai Martins, Falcão & Silva, 1979: 357.

Genus Warileya Hertig

Warileya Hertig, 1948: 12. Type species, Warileya phlebotomanica Hertig, 1948 (orig. des.).
Hertigia Fairchild, 1949: 81. Type species, Hertigia hertigi Fairchild, 1949 (orig. des.).
Comm.: Unlike Lutzomyia and Brumptomyia that present a wide diversity and distribution in the Neotropics, Warileya includes
only nine described species, distributed in Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia and French Guiana
(CIPA group 1999). The genus, which is associated principally with forest habitats, is represented in Colombia by the
following two species, the last of which has been observed biting man in this country (Young 1979).

nigrosaccula Fairchild & Hertig, 1951b: 428. M., F. Type locality: Panama, Panamá, Cerro Campana. Type
material: HT F (FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Chocó, Valle del Cauca), Panama. Refs.: CIPA group 1999 (tax., distr.,
ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 55 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

rotundipennis Fairchild & Hertig, 1951b: 424. L., M., F. Type locality: Panama, Panamá, Cerro Campana. Type
material: HT M, AT F (FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia, Chocó, Norte de Santander, Risaralda, Tolima (Ferro
et al. 2011), Valle del Cauca), Bolivia, Costa Rica, Panama, Peru (Ogusuku et al. 1997). Refs.: CIPA group 1999
(tax., distr., ecol., refs.); Bejarano 2006a: 55 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

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Subfamily Psychodinae Rondani, 1856

Genus Arisemus Satchell

Telmatoscopus, subg. Arisemus Satchell, 1955: 88. Type species, Psychoda grabhamana Dyar, 1926 (by synonymy with
originally designated type species, Telmatoscopus maculosus Satchell, 1955).
Bazara Vaillant, 1986: 337. Type species, Arisemus tetradactylus Botosaneanu & Vaillant, 1970 (orig. des.).
Comm.: Arisemus is a genus that encompasses 31 species distributed between Guatemala and Brazil, including several
Caribbean islands (Quate & Brown 2004, Bravo & Araújo 2013b). A revision of the genus and key for the identification of
species is found in Quate & Brown (2004). Three Arisemus species have been recorded from Colombia.

guhli Wagner & Joost, 1994: 76. M. Type locality: Colombia, Huila, San Agustín, Río Magdalena. Type material:
HT M, 7 PT (2 M and 5 F) (ULMG). Distr.: Colombia (Huila). Refs.: Quate & Brown 2004: 74 (rev., key);
Bejarano 2006a: 48 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

martinezi Wagner & Joost, 1994: 79. M. Type locality: Colombia, Bogotá, Quebrada Chicó. Type material: HT M,
2 PT (M and F) (ULMG); 2 PT (M and F) (RW). Distr.: Colombia (Bogotá). Refs.: Quate & Brown 2004: 78 (rev.,
key); Bejarano 2006a: 48 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

obandoi Wagner & Joost, 1994: 79. M. Type locality: Colombia, Huila, San Agustín, Río Magdalena. Type
material: HT M (ULMG). Distr.: Colombia (Huila). Refs.: Quate & Brown 2004: 79 (rev., key); Bejarano 2006a:
48 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

Genus Australopericoma Vaillant

Australopericoma Vaillant, 1975: 172. Type species, Pericoma caudata Satchell, 1955 (by synonymy with the type species,
Pericoma wirthi Quate, 1955).
Comm.: With 15 species described to date, this New World genus is found distributed from the United States of America to
Argentina (Quate & Brown 2004, Bravo 2007a), and is represented by a single species in Colombia. Quate & Brown
(2004) revised the genus and presented a key for the identification of species.

roessleri (Wagner & Joost), 1994: 77 (Arisemus). M. Type locality: Colombia, Huila, San Agustín, Río Magdalena.
Type material: HT M, 4 PT (3 M and 1 F) (ULMG). Distr.: Colombia (Huila). Refs.: Quate & Brown 2004: 89
(rev., key); Bejarano 2006a: 48 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

Genus Balbagathis Quate

Balbagathis Quate, 1996: 31. Type species, Balbagathis sylvatica Quate, 1996 (orig. des.).
Comm.: This Neotropical genus comprises 11 described species, which are distributed from Mexico to Brazil (Bravo 2004a,
Ibáñez-Bernal 2008). Originally proposed by Quate (1996), the genus was redefined by Quate & Brown (2004), who
included a key for the identification of species. The taxon was recorded in Colombia by Collantes et al. (2000) without
specifying the species or locality.

Undetermined sp. Distr.: Colombia (Collantes et al. 2000). Refs.: Bejarano 2006a: 48 (Colombian Psychodidae

Genus Clogmia Enderlein

Clogmia Enderlein, 1937: 87. Type species, Psychoda albipunctata Williston, 1893 (orig. des., as Psychoda albipennis
Williston, 1893, lapsus).
Lepiseodina Enderlein, 1937: 93. Type species, Psychoda tristis Meigen, 1830 (orig. des.).
Comm.: Clogmia has been considered a junior synonym of the genus Telmatoscopus Eaton, 1904 (Vaillant 1972), although

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most taxonomists currently accept its generic status. It is represented in Colombia by the following cosmopolitan species,
widely adapted to anthropogenic habitats and has been identified in other countries as an agent of human myiasis
(Mohammed & Smith 1976, Kamimura & Arakawa 1986, Hyun et al. 2004, Tu et al. 2007, El-Badry et al. 2014) and as a
potential mechanical vector of bacterial pathogens (Faulde & Spiesberger 2013).

albipunctata (Williston), 1893: 113 (Psychoda). E., L., P., M., F. Type locality: Cuba, La Havana. Type material:
LT M (USNM). Distr.: Cosmopolitan. Refs.: Ibáñez-Bernal 2008: 94 (refs. to that date, Mexico records); Boumans
2009: 1 (Netherlands records); Boumans et al. 2009: 153 (biol., rev., Belgium records); Gelardi et al. 2009: 780
(causative agent of nasal obstruction); García-Solache et al. 2010: 306 (mol. biol.); Boumans 2011: 62
(Netherlands records); Rocha et al. 2011: 179 (egg morphology); Curler & Moulton 2012: 606 (mol. tax.);
Espíndola et al. 2012: 494 (mol. tax.); Faulde & Spiesberger 2012: 134 (hospital infestations); Ježek et al. 2012:
122 (Czech and Slovakia records); Kvifte 2012: 34 (Afrotropical Psychodidae cat.); Oboňa & Ježek 2012a: 280
(biol.), 2012b: 388 (range expansion in Slovakia); Faulde & Spiesberger 2013: 51 (potential vector); Janssens et al.
2013: 1 (mol. biol.); Kvifte et al. 2013: 64 (Croatia records); Wagner 2013 (European Psychodidae checklist);
Wagner & Weber 2013: 291 (Luxembourg record); El-Badry et al. 2014: 247 (causative agent of human urinary
myiasis); Jiménez-Guri et al. 2014: 1 (dev. biol., description of the life cycle).
Note: A recompilation of references on Clogmia albipunctata (Williston, 1893) can be found in Ibáñez-Bernal
(2008) and Boumans et al. (2009), thus only studies published subsequently to these are cited above.
meridionalis (Eaton), 1894: 194 (Pericoma).
snowii (Haseman), 1907: 311 (Psychoda).
albonigra (Brunetti), 1908: 374 (Psychoda).
legnothisa (Speiser), 1909: 44 (Psychoda).
erecta (Curran), 1926: 102 (Psychoda).
nocturna (Santos Abréu), 1930: 115 (Psychoda).
nigrithorax (Santos Abréu), 1930: 115 (as Psychoda nocturna var. nigrithorax).
guianica (Curran), 1934: 309 (Psychoda).
giesi (Vargas), 1953: 130 (Syntomolaba).
haranti (Mirouse), 1958: 93 (Telmatoscopus).

Genus Didicrum Enderlein

Didicrum Enderlein, 1937: 105. Type species, Pericoma griseata Tonnoir, 1929 (orig. des.).
Mecysmia Enderlein 1937: 108. Type species, Pericoma schoenemanni Enderlein, 1937 (orig. des.).
Podolepria Enderlein, 1937: 105. Type species, Pericoma inornata Tonnoir, 1929 (orig. des.).
Comm.: This Gondwanan genus is comprised of 23 species (Moya-Arévalo et al. 2012, Omad 2014), 12 of which are present in
South America, including the only species listed here, which was recently described from Colombia.

colombensis Moya-Arévalo, Ibáñez-Bernal & Suárez-Landa, 2012: 81. M., F. Type locality: Colombia,
Cundinamarca, Parque Nacional Natural Chingaza, Bosque de Palacio. Type material: HT M, 3 PT F (ICNMHN);
3 PT (1 M and 3 F) (LACM); 6 PT (2 M and 4 F) (IEXA). Distr.: Colombia (Boyacá, Cundinamarca).

Genus Feuerborniella Vaillant

Feuerborniella Vaillant, 1971: 37. Type species, Psychoda obscura Tonnoir, 1919 (mon.).
Comm.: Feuerborniella constitutes a small genus with a worldwide distribution which includes seven species (Ibáñez-Bernal
2004a, Cordeiro et al. 2014). Four of these have a Neotropical origin, with locality records from Mexico, Colombia and

paramuna Cordeiro in Cordeiro et al., 2014: 378. M. Type locality: Colombia, Antioquia, Sonsón, Páramos, Cerro
de Las Cruces. Type material: HT M, 2 PT (M and F) (CEUA); 2 PT (M and F) (DZUP). Distr.: Colombia

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Genus Lepidiella Enderlein

Lepidiella Enderlein, 1937: 89. Type species, Lepidiella lanuginosa Enderlein, 1937 (orig. des.).
Syntomoza Enderlein, 1937: 88. Type species, Syntomoza niveitarsis Enderlein, 1937 (orig. des.).
Kupara Rapp, 1945: 310. Type species, Kupara albipeda Rapp, 1945 (mon.).
Comm.: This is a neotropical genus containing 14 species, distributed from Mexico to Brazil, including the Caribbean island of
Saint Lucia (Ibáñez-Bernal 2008, 2010, Bravo & Araújo 2013b). In Colombia it is represented by a single species
originally described from this country.

larryi Ibáñez-Bernal, 2010: 35. M., F. Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena, Parque Nacional Natural Sierra
Nevada de Santa Marta, San Lorenzo. Type material: HT M, 3 PT (2 M and 1 F) (ICNMHN); 3 PT M (LACM); 3
PT M (IEXA). Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena).

Genus Maruina Müller

Maruina Müller, 1895: 480. Type species, Maruina pilosella Müller, 1895 (sub. des., Enderlein 1937: 110).
Comm.: This New World genus includes 37 species and has a wide geographic range extending from Canada to Argentina,
including the Antilles (Dowes 1972, Hogue 1973, 1990, Bravo 2005). A taxonomic revision of the genus was performed
by Hogue (1973), in which he recognized two subgenera and presented keys for the morphological identification of adults
and immatures. Four of the 33 species described from the Neotropics have been found in Colombia.

Subgenus Aculcina Hogue

Aculcina Hogue, 1973: 13. Type species, Maruina cholita Hogue, 1973 (orig. des.).

chaborra Hogue, 1973: 24. L., P., F. Type locality: Colombia, Boyacá, NW of Arcabuco, Valle del Río Pomeca.
Type material: HT F, 2 PT F (AMNH); PT F (LACM). Distr.: Colombia (Boyacá). Refs.: Bravo 2004c: 5 (tax.);
Bejarano 2006a: 48 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

chiringa Hogue, 1990: 186. L., P., M., F. Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca, Quebrada El Puerto. Type
material: HT M, AT F, 14 PT (LACM); 2 PT (M and F) (ICNMHN); 2 PT (M and F) (USNM). Distr.: Colombia
(Cundinamarca). Refs.: Bravo 2004c: 5 (tax.); Bejarano 2006a: 48 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

colombicana Wagner & Joost, 1994: 83. M. Type locality: Colombia, Bogotá. Type material: HT M (ULMG); PT
M (RW). Distr.: Colombia (Bogotá). Refs.: Bravo 2004c: 5 (tax.); Bejarano 2006a: 48 (Colombian Psychodidae

Subgenus Maruina Hogue

Maruina Hogue, 1973: 27. Type species, Maruina pilosella Müller, 1895 (orig. des.).

campesina Hogue, 1973: 55. L., P., M. Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca, road Sibaté-La Aguadita. Type
material: HT M (AMNH); 3 PT M (AMNH, LACM). Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca). Refs.: Bravo 2004c: 5
(tax.); Bejarano 2006a: 48 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

Genus Paramormia Enderlein

Paramormia Enderlein, 1935: 248. Type species, Pericoma fratercula Eaton, 1893 (orig. des.).
Duckhousiella Vaillant, 1972: 54. Type species, Pericoma ustulata Walker, 1856 (orig. des.)
Comm.: This genus, represented in the Neotropics by a single species, Paramormia fucarta (Kincaid, 1899), was recorded in
Colombia by Wagner & Joost (1994) although without specifying the species.

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Undetermined sp. Distr.: Colombia (Boyacá, Cundinamarca (Wagner & Joost 1994)). Refs.: Collantes et al. 2000
(Colombia record); Bejarano 2006a: 49 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist).

Genus Parasetomima Duckhouse

Parasetomima Duckhouse, 1968: 29. Type species, Parasetomima umbella Duckhouse, 1968 (orig. des.).
Comm.: This small genus, composed of two species endemic to Brazil, Parasetomima umbella Duckhouse, 1968 and Pa.
ornata Bravo, 2004 (Duckhouse 1968, Bravo 2004b), was recorded in Colombia by Collantes et al. (2000) without
specifying the species or locality.

Undetermined sp. Distr.: Colombia (Collantes et al. 2000). Refs.: Bejarano 2006a: 48 (Colombian Psychodidae

Genus Psychoda Latreille

Psychoda Latreille, 1796: 152. Type species, Tipula phalaenoides Linnaeus, 1758 (mon.).
Tinearia Schellenberg, 1803: pl. 40. Type species, Psychoda alternata Say, 1824 (sub. des., Coquillett, 1910: 615).
Trichoptera Meigen, 1803: 261. Type species, Tipula phalaenoides Linnaeus, 1758 (sub. des., Coquillett, 1910: 616).
Logima Eaton, 1904: 58. Type species, Psychoda erminea Eaton, 1904 (orig. des.).
Copropsychoda Vaillant, 1971: 30. Type species, Psychoda brevicornis Tonnoir, 1940 (mon.).
Psychodocha Ježek, 1984: 135. Type species, Psychoda cinerea Banks, 1894 (orig. des.).
Psycha Ježek, 1984: 136. Type species, Psychoda grisescens Tonnoir, 1922 (orig. des.).
Psychomora Ježek, 1984: 137. Type species, Psychoda trinodulosa Tonnoir, 1922 (orig. des.).
Chodopsycha Ježek, 1984: 138. Type species, Psychoda lobata Tonnoir, 1940 (orig. des.).
Psychodula Ježek, 1984: 138. Type species, Psychoda minuta Banks, 1894 (orig. des.).
Ypsydocha Ježek, 1984: 140. Type species, Psychoda setigera Tonnoir, 1922 (orig. des.).
Falsologima Ježek & van Harten, 1996: 73. Type species, Psychoda savaiiensis Edwards, 1928 (orig. des.).
Psychana Ježek & van Harten, 2005: 207. Type species, Psychoda rujumensis Ježek & van Harten, 2005 (orig. des.).
Apsycha Ježek, 2007: 146. Type species, Psychoda pusilla Tonnoir, 1922 (orig. des.).
Comm.: With a wide global distribution, this constitutes one of the most species-rich genera of non- haematophagous
psychodids with about 450 described species (Salmela et al. 2012), some of which have become adapted to synanthropic
habitats, e.g. Psychoda alternata Say, 1824, Ps. albipennis Zetterstedt, 1850 and Ps. cinerea Banks, 1894, and associated
with cases of human myiasis, i.e. Ps. alternata and Ps. albipennis (Kamimura 1967, Oğuz et al. 2012, Yones et al. 2014).
The genus has been subjected to different revisions (Quate 1959, Vaillant 1972, Ježek 1984, Bravo et al. 2006), which
range from the recognition of a single genus Psychoda s.l. made up of 12 subgenera (Bravo et al. 2006), to a división of the
taxon in 13 genera (Ježek 1984, 2007, Ježek & van Harten 2005). Seven of the 75 species found in the Neotropics (Bravo
et al. 2006, 2010a, Cordeiro & Bravo 2008, Ibáñez-Bernal 2008, Cordeiro et al. 2011, Ježek et al. 2011) have been
recorded from Colombia and are listed here, without consideration of their subgeneric classification.

aitkeni Quate, 1959: 218. M., F. Type locality: Trinidad and Tobago, Trinidad, Saint George, Chaguaramas. Type
material: HT F (USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Collantes et al. 2000), Nicaragua (Collantes & Martínez-Ortega 1999),
Panama (Duckhouse 1973), Trinidad. Refs.: Bejarano 2006a: 48 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist); Bravo et al.
2006: 11 (Latin American and Caribbean checklist).

alternata Say, 1824: 358. E., L., P., M., F. Type locality: USA, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. Type material: lost
(Berdén 1952). Distr.: Cosmopolitan. Refs.: Ibáñez-Bernal 2008: 97 (refs. to that date, Mexico records);
Mazurkiewicz & Kubrakiewicz 2008: 267 (dev. biol.); Boumans 2011: 58 (Netherlands records); Cordeiro et al.
2011: 6 (Brazil records, key); Ježek et al. 2011: 192 (Tinearia species checklist); Kvifte et al. 2011: 185 (Norway
record); Curler & Moulton 2012: 606 (mol. tax.); Espíndola et al. 2012: 494 (mol. tax.); Kvifte 2012: 42
(Afrotropical Psychodidae cat.); Omad 2012: 262 (Argentina records); Ali et al. 2013: 11 (Iraq records); Kvifte et
al. 2013: 64 (Croatian checklist); Wagner 2013 (European Psychodidae checklist); Elgueta & Ježek 2014: 79
(Chilean Psychodidae checklist); Kvifte & Boumans 2014: 12 (Norway records and DNA barcoding); Salmela et
al. 2014: 40 (Finnish Diptera checklist).
Note: Only references subsequent to Ibáñez-Bernal (2008) are cited above.

212 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press BEJARANO & ESTRADA
tripunctata Macquart, 1838a: 81; 1838b: 85.
marginepunctata von Roser, 1840: 50.
septempunctata Phillipi, 1865: 631.
conspicillata Hutton, 1881: 13.
schizura Kincaid, 1899: 32.
floridica Haseman, 1907: 316.
nocturnala Haseman, 1907: 319.
bengalensis Brunetti, 1908: 371.
albimaculata Welch, 1912: 411.
dakotensis Dyar, 1926: 108.
marmorosa Santos Abréu, 1930: 123 (as Psychoda alternata var. marmorosa).
floridica Johannsen, 1934: 25 (as Psychoda alternata var. floridica Haseman, 1907).

alternicula Quate, 1955: 222. M., F. Type locality: USA, Florida, W. Palm Beach, Morrison Field. Type material.
HT F, AT M, others PT (M and F) (USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Collantes et al. 2000), Brazil (Cordeiro et al. 2011),
Israel (Wagner 1984), Mexico, Nicaragua (Collantes & Martínez-Ortega 1999), Panama, Trinidad, USA (incl.
Florida Keys Islands (Wagner & Hribar 2005)) (Duckhouse 1973). Refs.: Ibáñez-Bernal 2008: 99 (refs. to that date,
Mexico records); Cordeiro et al. 2011: 6 (in key to Brazilian species); Ježek et al. 2011: 192 (Tinearia species

bogotensis Wagner & Joost, 1994: 82. M. Type locality: Colombia, Bogotá, Quebrada Chicó. Type material: HT M
(ULMG). Distr.: Colombia (Bogotá). Refs.: Bejarano 2006a: 49 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist); Bravo et al.
2006: 12 (Latin American and Caribbean checklist).

cordiforma Quate, 1996: 70. F. Type locality: Costa Rica, Guanacaste, La Pacífica. Type material: HT F (INBIO);
3 PT F (LACM, USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Collantes et al. 2000); Costa Rica, Nicaragua (Collantes & Martínez-
Ortega 1999). Refs.: Bejarano 2006a: 49 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist); Bravo et al. 2006: 12 (Latin
American and Caribbean checklist).

mimica Quate, 1996: 73. F. Type locality: Costa Rica, Limón, Puerto Viejo de Talamanca. Type material: HT F
(INBIO); 8 PT F (BMNH, LACM, USNM). Colombia (Collantes et al. 2000); Costa Rica, Nicaragua (Collantes &
Martínez-Ortega 1999). Refs.: Bejarano 2006a: 49 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist); Bravo et al. 2006: 12
(Latin American and Caribbean checklist).

savaiiensis Edwards, 1928: 74. M., F. Type locality: Samoa, Savaii, Salailua. Type material: HT M (BMNH).
Distr.: Pantropical. Refs.: Ibáñez-Bernal 2008: 104 (full refs. to that date, Mexico records); Cordeiro et al. 2011: 14
(Brazil records, key); Kvifte 2012: 40 (Afrotropical Psychodidae cat.); Sinclair 2013: 37 (Galapagos Islands
rarotongensis Satchell, 1953: 183.
lucia Quate, 1954: 349.

Subfamily Sycoracinae Jung, 1954

Genus Sycorax Haliday

Sycorax Haliday in Curtis, 1839: 745. Type species, Sycorax silacea Haliday in Curtis, 1839 (mon.).
Microdixa Müller, 1927: 535. Type species, Microdixa scutigera Müller, 1927 (orig. des.).
Comm.: One fossil and 18 extant species of this genus (Petrulevičius et al. 2011, Santos et al. 2011, Curler & Jacobson 2012,
Santos et al. 2013a) have been recorded from the Neotropics, one of which, Sycorax wampukrum Bravo & Salazar-
Valenzuela, 2009, feeds on the blood of harlequin frogs (Bravo & Salazar-Valenzuela 2009). Two taxonomic proposals
have been put forward for these species, that of three genera proposed by Duckhouse (1972) and the monogeneric of Ježek
(1999); we prefer to follow the latter in the absence of molecular phylogenetic studies which would permit its generic

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status to be resolved. Keys for the species of the Neotropical region are found in Bravo et al. (2010b) and Santos et al.
(2013a). Five Sycorax species have been described to date in Colombia.

andicola Young, 1979: 21. M. Type locality: Colombia, Cauca, Cerro Munchique. Type material: HT M (FSCA);
PT M (BMNH, FSCA or INS). Distr.: Colombia (Cauca). Refs.: Ježek 1999: 84 (world checklist); Bejarano 2006a:
49 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist); Azar et al. 2007: 10 (world checklist); Bravo 2007b: 527 (in key to
Neotropical species); Bravo et al. 2010b: 836 (in key to Neotropical species); Curler & Jacobson 2012: 61 (world

colombiensis Young, 1979: 23. M., F. Type locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Anchicayá. Type material: HT M,
AT F (FSCA); 6 PT (1 M and 5 F) (BMNH, FSCA, INS). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca). Refs.: Ježek 1999: 84
(world checklist); Bejarano 2006a: 49 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist); Azar et al. 2007: 10 (world checklist);
Bravo 2007b: 527 (in key to Neotropical species); Bravo et al. 2010b: 836 (in key to Neotropical species); Curler
& Jacobson 2012: 61 (world checklist).

fairchildi Young, 1979: 23. M., F. Type locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Anchicayá. Type material: HT M, AT
F (FSCA); 8 PT (6 M and 2 F) (BMNH, FSCA, INS). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia, Valle del Cauca). Refs.: Ježek
1999: 84 (world checklist); Bejarano 2006a: 49 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist); Azar et al. 2007: 10 (world
checklist); Bravo 2007b: 527 (in key to Neotropical species); Bravo et al. 2010b: 836 (in key to Neotropical
species); Curler & Jacobson 2012: 61 (world checklist).

trispinosa Young, 1979: 25. M., F. Type locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Anchicayá. Type material: HT M, AT
F (FSCA); 24 PT (15 M and 9 F) (BMNH, FSCA, INS). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca). Refs.: Ježek 1999: 84
(world checklist); Bejarano 2006a: 49 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist); Azar et al. 2007: 10 (world checklist);
Bravo 2007b: 527 (in key to Neotropical species); Bravo et al. 2010b: 836 (in key to Neotropical species); Curler
& Jacobson 2012: 62 (world checklist).

utriensis Bejarano, Duque & Vélez, 2008: 29. M. Type locality: Colombia, Chocó, Bahía Solano, Parque Nacional
Natural Ensenada de Utría. Type material: HT M (VHET). Distr.: Colombia (Chocó). Refs.: Curler & Jacobson
2012: 61 (world checklist); Santos et al. 2009b: 64 (tax., key).

Subfamily Trichomyiinae Tonnoir, 1922

Genus Trichomyia Haliday

Trichomyia Haliday in Curtis, 1839: 745. Type species, Trichomyia urbica Haliday in Curtis, 1839 (mon.).
Diplonema Loew, 1845: 7. Type species, Diplonema buceras Loew, 1845 (mon.).
Phalaenomyia Loew, 1845: 9. Type species, Diplonema buceras Loew, 1845 (sub. des., Evenhuis, 1994: 195).
Termitodipteron Holmgren, 1905: 533. Type species, Termitodipteron wasmanni Holmgren, 1905 (mon.).
Lepria Enderlein, 1937: 112. Type species, Lepria squamosa Enderlein, 1937 (orig. des.).
Eubonetia Vargas & Díaz-Nájera, 1953: 155. Type species, Trichomyia cirrata Coquillett, 1902 (orig. des.).
Comm.: This constitutes one of the most diverse genera of the fauna of Neotropical non-haematophagous psychodids, with 74
extant species (Araújo & Bravo 2013) and 8 fossil ones described (Quate 1961, 1963, Stebner & Solórzano-Kraemer
2014). Although four new subgenera have been proposed from the Neotropics (Bravo 1999, 2001, Araújo & Bravo 2013,
Bravo & Araújo 2013a), most of the species described remain ungrouped, including two of the five species recorded in

Subgenus Brachiotrichomyia Bravo & Araújo

Brachiotrichomyia Bravo & Araújo, 2013a: 330. Type species, Trichomyia quatei Bravo, 2001 (orig. des.).

risaraldensis Bejarano, Pérez-Doria & Sierra, 2009a: 296. M. Type locality: Colombia, Rirasalda, Marsella, Jardín

214 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press BEJARANO & ESTRADA
Botánico “Alejandro Humboldt”. Type material: HT M, 3 PT M (VHET). Distr.: Colombia (Risaralda). Refs.:
Santos & Leite 2012: 44 (western hemisphere checklist); Bravo & Araújo 2013a: 334 (tax., key).

Subgenus Opisthotrichomyia Bravo

Opisthotrichomyia Bravo, 2001: 50. Type species, Trichomyia brevitarsa (Rapp, 1945) (orig. des.).

andina Bejarano, Pérez-Doria & Sierra, 2010: 76. M. Type locality: Colombia, Risaralda, Marsella. Type material:
HT M, 7 PT M (VHET). Distr.: Colombia (Risaralda). Refs.: Santos & Leite 2012: 42 (western hemisphere

brevitarsa (Rapp), 1945: 310 (Psychoda). M., F. Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Barro Colorado Island. Type
material: HT M (AMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Bolívar (incl. Isla Fuerte (Bejarano 2006b)), Córdoba (Bejarano
2006a), Sucre (Bejarano 2006b)), Costa Rica (Quate 1996), Mexico (Ibáñez-Bernal 2004b), Panama, Peru,
Surinam, Venezuela (Alexander et al. 2001b). Refs.: Duckhouse 1974: 61 (redescription, new combination); Quate
1996: 8 (tax., key); Quate 1999: 416 (tax.); Bravo 2001: 50 (as subgenotype, key); Ibáñez-Bernal 2004b: 3 (female
description); Bejarano 2006a: 49 (Colombian Psychodidae checklist); Santos & Leite 2012: 42 (western
hemisphere checklist).
maldonadoi (Vargas), 1953: 128 (Eubonetia).

Species unplaced to subgenus

colosensis Pérez-Doria, Hernández & Bejarano, 2010: 39. M. Type locality: Colombia, Sucre, Colosó, Reserva
Forestal Protectora Serranía de Coraza y Montes de María. Type material: HT M, 2 PT M (CZUS). Distr.:
Colombia (Sucre). Refs.: Santos & Leite 2012: 42 (western hemisphere checklist).

quimbaya Bejarano, Pérez-Doria & Sierra, 2009b: 98. M. Type locality: Colombia, Rirasalda, Marsella, Jardín
Botánico “Alejandro Humboldt”. Type material: HT M (VHET). Distr.: Colombia (Risaralda). Refs.: Santos &
Leite 2012: 43 (western hemisphere checklist).

TABLE 1. Psychodidae species recorded from Colombia.

Subfamily Genus Species Author

Bruchomyiinae Nemopalpus cancer Wagner & Stuckenberg, 2012
mopani De León, 1950
patriciae Alexander, 1987
phoenimimos Quate & Alexander, 2000
Phlebotominae Brumptomyia avellari (Costa Lima, 1932)
beaupertuyi (Ortíz, 1954)
galindoi (Fairchild & Hertig, 1947)
hamata (Fairchild & Hertig, 1947)
leopoldoi (Rodríguez, 1953)
mesai Sherlock, 1962
pentacantha (Barretto, 1947)
pintoi (Costa Lima, 1932)
Lutzomyia abonnenci (Floch & Chassignet, 1947)
abunaensis Martins, Falcão & Silva, 1965
aclydifera (Fairchild & Hertig, 1952)
...Continued on next page

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TABLE 1. (Continued)
Subfamily Genus Species Author
amazonensis (Root, 1934)
andina Osorno, Osorno-Mesa & Morales, 1972
antioquiensis (Wolff & Galati, 2002)
antunesi (Coutinho, 1939)
aragaoi (Costa Lima, 1932)
araracuarensis Morales & Minter, 1981
atroclavata (Knab, 1913)
auraensis (Mangabeira, 1942)
ayrozai (Barretto & Coutinho, 1940)
barrettoi barrettoi (Mangabeira, 1942)
barrettoi majuscula Young, 1979
begonae (Ortíz & Torrez, 1975)
bernalei (Osorno-Mesa, Morales & Osorno, 1967)
bettinii Feliciangeli, Ramírez-Pérez & Ramírez, 1988
bicolor Fairchild & Theodor, 1971
bifoliata Osorno-Mesa, Morales, Osorno & Muñoz, 1970
bispinosa (Fairchild & Hertig, 1951)
bursiformis (Floch & Abonnenc, 1944)
campbelli (Damasceno, Causey & Arouck, 1945)
camposi (Rodríguez, 1950)
caprina Osorno-Mesa, Morales & Osorno, 1972
carpenteri (Fairchild & Hertig, 1953)
carrerai (Barretto, 1946)
cayennensis cayennensis (Floch & Abonnenc, 1941)
ceferinoi (Ortíz & Álvarez, 1963)
cellulana Young, 1979
cerqueirai (Causey & Damasceno, 1945)
chagasi (Costa Lima, 1941)
chassigneti (Floch & Abonnenc, 1944)
choti (Floch & Abonnenc, 1941)
christenseni Young & Duncan, 1994
cirrita Young & Porter, 1974
claustrei Abonnenc, Léger & Fauran, 1979
columbiana (Ristorcelli & Van Ty, 1941)
conviti Ramírez-Pérez, Martins & Ramírez, 1976
cuzquena Martins, Llanos & Silva, 1975
damascenoi (Mangabeira, 1941)
dasymera (Fairchild & Hertig, 1961)
davisi (Root, 1934)
dendrophyla (Mangabeira, 1942)
disiuncta Morales, Osorno & Osorno-Mesa, 1974
...Continued on next page

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TABLE 1. (Continued)
Subfamily Genus Species Author
dreisbachi (Causey & Damasceno, 1945)
dubitans (Sherlock, 1962)
duncanae Le Pont, Martínez, Torrez-Espejo & Durjardin,
dysponeta (Fairchild & Hertig, 1952)
emberai Bejarano, Duque & Vélez, 2004
erwindonaldoi (Ortíz, 1978)
evangelistai Martins & Frahia, 1971
evansi (Núñez-Tovar, 1924)
fairtigi Martins, 1970
falcata Young, Morales & Ferro, 1994
ferroae Young & Morales, 1987
flaviscutellata (Mangabeira, 1942)
furcata (Mangabeira, 1941)
geniculata (Mangabeira, 1941)
gomezi (Nitzulescu, 1931)
gorbitzi (Blancas, 1959)
hartmanni (Fairchild & Hertig, 1957)
hernandezi (Ortíz, 1965)
hirsuta (Mangabeira, 1942)
howardi Young, 1979
ignacioi Young, 1972
infraspinosa (Mangabeira, 1941)
isovespertilionis (Fairchild & Hertig, 1958)
lerayi Le Pont, Martínez, Torrez-Espejo & Dujardin,
lichyi (Floch & Abonnenc, 1950)
limafalcaoae (Wolff & Galati, 2002)
longiflocosa Osorno-Mesa, Morales, Osorno & Muñoz, 1970
longipalpis (Lutz & Neiva, 1912)
longispina (Mangabeira, 1942)
lutziana (Costa Lima, 1932)
marinkellei Young, 1979
martinezi Young & Morales, 1987
micropyga (Mangabeira, 1942)
migonei (França, 1920)
monstruosa (Floch & Abonnenc, 1944)
moralesi Young, 1979
nematoducta Young & Arias, 1984
nevesi (Damasceno & Arouck, 1956)
nocticola Young, 1973
...Continued on next page

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TABLE 1. (Continued)
Subfamily Genus Species Author
nuneztovari (Ortíz, 1954)
oresbia (Fairchild & Hertig, 1961)
osornoi (Ristorcelli & Van Ty, 1941)
ovallesi (Ortíz, 1952)
pabloi Barreto, Burbano & Young, 2002
pajoti Abonnenc, Léger & Fauran, 1979
panamensis (Shannon, 1926)
paraensis (Costa Lima, 1941)
pia (Fairchild & Hertig, 1961)
pilosa (Damasceno & Causey, 1944)
preclara Young & Arias, 1984
punctigeniculata (Floch & Abonnenc, 1944)
quasitownsendi Osorno, Osorno-Mesa & Morales, 1972
rangeliana (Ortíz, 1952)
reburra (Fairchild & Hertig, 1961)
recurva Young, 1973
reducta Feliciangeli, Ramírez-Pérez & Ramírez, 1988
richardwardi Ready & Fraiha, 1981
rorotaensis (Floch & Abonnenc, 1944)
rosabali (Fairchild & Hertig, 1956)
ruii Arias & Young, 1982
runoides (Fairchild & Hertig, 1953)
saltuosa Young, 1979
sanguinaria (Fairchild & Hertig, 1957)
saulensis (Floch & Abonnenc, 1944)
sauroida Osorno-Mesa, Morales & Osorno, 1972
scaffi (Damasceno & Arouck, 1956)
scorzai (Ortíz, 1965)
sericea (Floch & Abonnenc, 1944)
serrana (Damasceno & Arouck, 1949)
shannoni (Dyar, 1929)
shawi Fraiha, Ward & Ready, 1981
sherlocki Martins, Silva & Falcão, 1971
sipani Fernández, Carbajal, Alexander & Need, 1994
sordellii (Shannon & Del Ponte, 1927)
spinicrassa Morales, Osorno-Mesa, Osorno & Muñoz, 1969
strictivilla Young, 1979
suapiensis Le Pont, Torrez-Espejo & Dujardin, 1997
thula Young, 1979
tihuiliensis Le Pont, Torrez-Espejo & Dujardin, 1997
...Continued on next page

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TABLE 1. (Continued)
Subfamily Genus Species Author
tolimensis Carrasquilla, Munstermann, Marín, Ocampo &
Ferro, 2012
tortura Young & Rogers, 1984
torvida Young, Morales & Ferro, 1994
townsendi (Ortíz, 1960)
trapidoi (Fairchild & Hertig, 1952)
triacantha (Mangabeira, 1942)
trinidadensis (Newstead, 1922)
triramula (Fairchild & Hertig, 1952)
tuberculata (Mangabeira, 1941)
ubiquitalis (Mangabeira, 1942)
umbratilis Ward & Fraiha, 1977
undulata (Fairchild & Hertig, 1950)
vattierae Le Pont & Desjeux, 1992
velezi Bejarano, Vivero & Uribe, 2010
venezuelensis (Floch & Abonnenc, 1948)
vespertilionis (Fairchild & Hertig, 1947)
wagleyi (Causey & Damasceno, 1945)
walkeri (Newstead, 1914)
witoto Young & Morales, 1987
yencanensis (Ortíz, 1965)
ylephiletor (Fairchild & Hertig, 1952)
youngi Feliciangeli & Murillo, 1987
yucumensis (Le Pont, Caillard, Tibayrenc & Desjeux, 1986)
yuilli Young & Porter, 1972
Warileya nigrosaccula Fairchild & Hertig, 1951
rotundipennis Fairchild & Hertig, 1951
Psychodinae Arisemus guhli Wagner & Joost, 1994
martinezi Wagner & Joost, 1994
obandoi Wagner & Joost, 1994
Australopericoma roessleri (Wagner & Joost, 1994)
Balbagathis sp.
Clogmia albipunctata (Williston, 1893)
Didicrum colombensis Moya-Arévalo, Ibáñez-Bernal & Suárez-Landa,
Feuerborniella paramuna Cordeiro, 2014
Lepidiella larryi Ibáñez-Bernal, 2010
Maruina campesina Hogue, 1973
chaborra Hogue, 1973
chiringa Hogue, 1990
colombicana Wagner & Joost, 1994
...Continued on next page

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TABLE 1. (Continued)
Subfamily Genus Species Author
Paramormia sp.
Parasetomima sp.
Psychoda aitkeni Quate, 1959
alternata Say, 1824
alternicula Quate, 1955
bogotensis Wagner & Joost, 1994
cordiforma Quate, 1996
mimica Quate, 1996
savaiiensis Edwards, 1928
Sycoracinae Sycorax andicola Young, 1979
colombiensis Young, 1979
fairchildi Young, 1979
trispinosa Young, 1979
utriensis Bejarano, Duque & Vélez, 2008
Trichomyiinae Trichomyia andina Bejarano, Pérez-Doria & Sierra, 2010
brevitarsa (Rapp, 1945)
colosensis Pérez-Doria, Hernández & Bejarano, 2010
quimbaya Bejarano, Pérez-Doria & Sierra, 2009
risaraldensis Bejarano, Pérez-Doria & Sierra, 2009


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238 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press BEJARANO & ESTRADA
Zootaxa 4122 (1): 239–245 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
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ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)



Departamento de Biologia, FFCLRP, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Bandeirantes 3900, 14.040–901 Ribeirão Preto SP, BRAZIL.


An updated catalogue of the family Scatopsidae in Colombia is presented. Seven species of six genera have being recorded
for the country, but four of these species are still undescribed. The Ectaetiinae genus Ectaetia, the Psectrosciarinae genera
Anapausis and Psectrosciara, and at least the Scatopsinae genera Scatopse, Efcookella, and Abrhexoza are expected to be
present in the fauna of the family in Colombia.

Key words: catalogue, Colombia, Distribution, Scatopsidae, taxonomy


Scatopsids are tiny midges, usually black or blackish brown, exceptionally with areas with yellow, shiny or dull,
from 0.6 to 3.0 mm long. The maxillary palpus is 1–segmented in the entire family and the antenna have 5–10
flagellomeres usually short and with a regular row of setae. The radial veins in the wing are well sclerotized, but
the medial and cubital veins are typically faint. The abdominal membrane has a unique condition, the microtrichia
being modified forming parallel long stripes along each segment. They do not fly well, but may run over the
substrate. Scatopsid larvae live in a variety of substrates, including decaying plant or animal material, humid wood
holes etc. Pupae are found envolved in the exuvia of the last larval instar, a feature shared with Canthyloscelidae.
The relationships of the Scatopsoidea with the Bibionomorpha was originally based on the wing venation
(Hennig 1954, 1973). Larval features (Wood & Borkent 1989) and the fusion of the meron to the thoracic pleural
sclerites (Amorim 1994), however, strongly suggest a relationship with the suborder Psychodomorpha (see
Amorim & Yeates 2006). Some recent analyses (e.g., Wiegmann et al. 2011) using molecular data point out to a
relationship with the Bibionomorpha, but the taxon sampling of these papers are sufficiently poor to allow a
misplacement of some important families in the system. The connections of Scatopsidae and Canthyloscelidae, on
the other hand, have never been questioned (e.g., Hennig 1954, 1973; Wood & Borkent 1989; Amorim 1994).
Recently, the family Valeseguyidae has been proposed by Amorim & Grimaldi (2006) to be the sister group of the
clade composed of Canthyloscelidae + Scatopsidae.
The Scatopsidae presently include 36 genera in the world that encompass almost 400 described species. The
family, however, is certainly much more diverse, having received little attention in the field or in sorting. Amorim
(1994) proposed a phylogenetic classification for the family based on Amorim (1982), with four taxa with
subfamilial status. The Aspistinae have two Holarctic genera, the Ectaetiinae have a single genus, and the
Psectrosciarinae have two tribes, each with a single genus.
The Scatopsinae enclose four tribes and have the bulk of the diversity in the family. The tribes are
Rhegmoclematini, Scatopsini, Colobostematini, and Swammerdamellini. Rhegmoclematini is further divided into
four subtribes, Holoclematina, Diamphidicina, Rhegmoclematina, and Parascatopsina. In the Rhegmoclematini,
Holoclema Amorim & Haenni is endemic to the neotropics and Diamphidicus Cook is known from Chile and
Australia. Parmaferia Cook is absent in the Neotropical region, while both other genera of the
tribe—Thripomorpha Enderlein and Rhegmoclema Enderlein—have Neotropical species, as well as Parascatopse
Cook, and Neorhegmoclemina Cook. Austroclemina Cook is known only from Australia, while Rhegmoclemina is

Accepted by S. Nihei: 10 Jun. 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016 239

typically Holarctic, with a species known from Mexico. The Scatopsini have four genera, of which Apiloscatopse
Cook, Reichertella Enderlein and Pharsoreichertella Cook are absent in the Neotropical region. Scatopse is known
from an introduced, Cosmopolitan species, S. notata Linnaeus. In the Colobostematini, the genera Colobostema
Enderlein, Cookella Freeman, and Holoplagia Enderlein are present in the recent fauna. The extinct genus
Procolobostema Cook is known from Mexico and Dominican Republic amber fossils. Ferneiella Cook,
Borneoscatopse Freeman, and Lumpuria Edwards are absent in the Neotropics. In the Swammerdamellini, the
genera Pararhexosa Freeman, Swammerdamella Enderlein, Coboldia Melander, Akorhexoza Cook, Abrhexosa
Freeman, Quateiella Cook and Brahemyia Amorim have species known from the Neotropical region, while
Hawomersleya Cook is exclusive from Australia and Rhexosa Enderlein is known from the Nearctic and Palearctic
Fossil records that may belong to the stem–group of the family, with a branched R5, are known from Upper
Jurassic/Lower Cretaceous (Rohdendorf 1946; Kalugina & Kovalev 1985), included in a separate extinct family,
Protoscatopsidae. This is congruent with the presence of Canthyloscelidae in the Jurassic (Amorim 2000a), in such
a way that this would be the same age for the sister family, the Scatopsidae. The earliest scatopsid compression
fossils known are from the Lower Cretaceous, described by Kovalev (1986). There are unpublished Cretaceous
amber fossils of the subfamily Ectaetiinae from different deposits (see reviews in Amorim 1998; Nel & Prokop

Records and genera of Scatopsidae expected to occur in Colombia

For Colombia, seven species of six genera have being recorded, though four of these species are still undescribed
(Table 1). Additionally, there are genera still without records, but that are expected to occur due to their presence in
close by areas.

Subfamily Ectatiinae Enderlein

The genus Ectaetia Enderlein is known from different parts of the Neotropical Region and is expected to occur in
Colombia, even though there are no records yet.

Subfamily Psectrosciarinae Cook

The Neotropical species of Anapausis Enderlein, 1912 were revised by Amorim & Balbi (2006), with species
known from Chile, southern Brazil, Panama and Costa Rica. The genus is most certainly present in Colombia.
Psectrosciara Kieffer, 1911 is known from Mexico, Costa Rica and Belize, besides a species from Chile, and shall
be found in the Colombian fauna of the family.

Subfamily Scatopsinae Newman

Tribe Rhegmoclematini Cook

Thripomorpha Enderlein, 1905

Neorhegmoclemina Cook, 1955

Tribe Scatopsini Cook

There are no records of Scatopse Geoffroy, 1762 for Colombia, but S. notata Linnaeus is a species with worldwide
distribution and should be found in Colombia at some stage.

Tribe Colobostematini Cook

Colobostema Enderlein, 1926

Holoplagia Enderlein, 1912

240 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press AMORIM

Species of the genus Efcookella Haenni, 1998 are known from South America and it would be no surprise that it
comes to be found in Colombia.

Tribe Swammerdamellini Cook

Swammerdamella Enderlein, 1912

Coboldia Melander, 1916
Brahemyia Amorim, 2007

At least the genus Abrhexoza Freeman, 1990 should also be present in Colombia.

Acronyms used for the depositories

AMNH—American Museum of Natural History, Department of Entomology, New York, USA.

BMNH—The Natural History Museum, Department of Entomology, London, UK.
DEI—Deutsches Entomologisches Institut, Deutsche Akademie der Landwirts–wissenschaften zu Berlin,
Eberswalde, Germany
CAIM—Collection of Arthropods with Medical Importance (CAIM), Instituto de Diagnóstico y Referencia
Epidemiológicos, Mexico, D.F., Mexico
CAS—California Academy of Sciences, Department of Entomology, San Francisco, USA
CUI—Cornell University, Cornell University Insect Collection, Cornell, USA
MNM—Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum (Hungarian Natural History Museum), Budapest, Hungary
MHNN—Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle Neuchâtel, Neuchâtel, Switzerland
MNHNP—Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France
MZSP—Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
NMNH—National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C., USA
PAN—Polish Academy of Science, Museum of the Institute of Zoology, Warsaw, Poland.
UCMP—University of California Museum of Paleontology, Berkeley, USA
UMIC—University of Minnesota Insect Collection, St. Paul, USA
ZMB—Zoologisches Museum Berlin, Berlin, Germany

List of abbreviations

distr.—geographic distribution
n. comb. —new combination
orig. des.— original designation
pl.— plate
redescr.— redescription
refs.— references
M (m#)—Male
F (f#)—Female

CATALOGUE OF SCATOPSIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 241
Catalogue of Scatopsidae of Colombia

Family Scatopsidae Newman, 1834

Subfamily Scatopsinae Newman, 1834

Tribe Rhegmoclematini Cook, 1955

Subtribe Rhegmoclematina Cook, 1965a

Genus Thripomorpha Enderlein

Thripomorpha Enderlein, 1905: 448. Type species, Thripomorpha paludicola Enderlein, 1905 (orig. des.). Refs.: Cook, 1955a
Aldrovandiella Enderlein, 1912: 278. Type species, Scatopse halterata Meigen, 1838 (orig. des.). Refs.: Haenni, 1995: 331

blantoni (Cook), 1955b: 363, pl. IV i–k (M segment 7, M term., wing) (Rhegmoclema). Type locality: Panama,
Bocas del Toro Prov., Almirante. HT M (NMNH). N. comb. Distr.: Panama, Colombia (Valle del Cauca(Rio

Genus Neorhegmoclemina Cook

Rhegmoclemina (Neorhegmoclemina) Cook, 1955: 358. Type species, Rhegmoclemina parva Cook, 1955 (orig. des.). Refs.:
Cook, 1955b (rev.); Amorim, 1994 (generic status).

undescribed sp. 1 Locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Rio Raposo.

undescribed sp. 2 Locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Rio Raposo.

Tribe Colobostematini Amorim, 1994

Genus Colobostema Enderlein

Colobostema Enderlein, 1926: 140. Type species, Colobostema oldenbergi Enderlein, 1926 (orig. des.). Refs.: Cook, 1956c

undescribed sp. 1 Locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Rio Raposo.

Genus Holoplagia Enderlein

Holoplagia Enderlein, 1912: 267. Type species, Scatopse transversalis Loew, 1846 (orig. des.) (= Scatopse lucifuga Loew).
Refs.: Cook, 1957 (rev.); Freeman, 1990 (redefinition).

guamensis (Johannsen), 1946: 187. 1a–e [wing (the wing figured is that of Coboldia fuscipes, not of H.
guamensis], M term.) (Scatopse). Type locality: “Guam”. T (CUI). Distr.: Micronesia, Hawaii, Truk, Ghana, Accra,
Panama, Colombia, Brazil. Refs.: Hardy, 1956: 91 (redescr., n. comb.), figs. 2a (mx. palpus), 2b (wing), 2c (M
segment 7 and term.), 2d–e (F segment 7 and term.); Cook, 1957: 610 (redescr.), figs. 7C (M term.), 7E (F term.),
7K (wing); Cook, 1967 (cat.); Cook, 1989 (cat.).

242 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press AMORIM

Tribe Swammerdamellini Cook, 1972

Genus Coboldia Melander

Coboldia Melander, 1916: 17. Type species, C. formicarum Melander, 1916 (orig. des.) = Scatopse fuscipes Meigen, 1830.
Refs.: Cook, 1974 (rev.), 1981; Meade & Cook, 1961 (biology of immatures).
Rhaeboza Enderlein, 1936: 55. Type species, Scatopse fuscipes Meigen, 1830 (orig. des.).
Masatierra Enderlein, 1938: 666. Type species, M. ferruginea Enderlein, 1938 (orig. des.) = Scatopse fuscipes Meigen.

fuscipes (Meigen), 1830: 314 (Scatopse). Type locality: “Europe”. T (MNHNP) (Duda, 1928a: 22). Distr.:
Cosmopolitan. Refs.: Hardy, 1956: 99 (as Scatopse) (redescr., illustr.); Cook, 1957: figs. 3A–B (M term.), 3D
(spiracular sclerite), 3N (F sternite 7), 5D (F term.), 5F (M segment 7), 6B (wing), 6G (M tergite 8); Cook, 1963:
17, figs. 47 (F term.), 48 (M segment 7), 49 (M term.), 59 (wing); Rabello & Forattini, 1962: 303 (as Rhexoza
coutinhoi) (descr., immature, biol.); Cook, 1974: 70, figs. 78 (M term.); 79 (F term.); Cook, 1967 (cat., as
Scatopse); Haenni & Vaillant, 1994 (biol.).

Genus Brahemyia Amorim

Brahemyia Amorim, 2007: 48. Type species, Rhexoza lobata Cook, 1956 (orig. des.). Refs.: The larva attributed to the genus
was illustrated in Guimarães & Amorim (2006).

undescribed sp. 1 Locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Rio Raposo

TABLE 1. Scatopsidae species recorded from Colombia.

Subfamily Genus Species Author
Scatopsinae Thripomorpha blantoni Cook, 1955
Neorhegmoclemina undescribed sp. 1
Neorhegmoclemina undescribed sp. 2
Colobostema undescribed sp. 1
Holoplagia guamensis (Johannsen, 1946)
Coboldia fuscipes (Meigen, 1830)
Brahemyia undescribed sp. 1


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Universidade Federal do ABC, Centro de Ciências Naturais e Humanas, Rua Santa Adélia, 166, Bairro Bangu, 09210-170, Santo
André, SP, Brazil. E-mail:
Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, Av. André Araújo, 2936, Bairro Aleixo, 69060-001, Manaus, AM, Brazil.
*Corresponding author:


The family Rhagionidae is one of the oldest Brachyeran lineages. Its monophyly is still uncertain. There are four
rhagionid genera distributed in Neotropical Region but only three species of Chrysopilus are found in Colombia.

Key words: catalogue, Chrysopilus, Colombia, distribution, Neotropical, Rhagionidae


Rhagionidae (snipe flies) is one of the families that constitute the infraorder Tabanomorpha, along with
Austroleptidae, Vermileonidae, Pelecorhynchidae, Oreoleptidae, Tabanidae and Athericidae (Stuckenberg 2001,
Zloty et al. 2005). The group comprises one of the most ancient lineages within Brachycera, with a fossil species
from Lower Triassic (Krzeminski & Krzeminska 2003).
The monophyly of Rhagionidae has been an issue of discussion (Nagatomi 1982, Stuckenberg 2001, Santos
2008, Kerr 2010). Kerr (2010) published the first cladistics analysis focusing specifically on the relationships
among the rhagionid genera, based both on morphological and molecular evidences. According to him,
Rhagionidae is monophyletic, but unpublished data from one of us (Santos) suggests that a group of rhagionid
genera is more closely related to the clade (Oreoleptidae+(Athericidae+Tabanidae)) than to the other rhagionids.
Such result corroborates the paraphyly of the family as proposed by Wiegmann et al. (2000)
The biology of the Rhagionidae is poorly known. The larvae are reported as predators (Stuckenberg 2001, Kerr
2010). Adults of some Chrysopilus and Rhagio predate other insects, and at least one genus, Symphoromyia
Frauenfeld, is hematophagous (Stuckenberg 2001). Species size range from small to medium (4–20 mm), and the
adults rest on shrubs in rain forests (Santos 2008, Kerr 2010). Rhagionids can be differentiated by the absence of a
scale on the postspiracular esclerite (Kerr 2010, Carvalho et al. 2012). In some genera, the female terminalia has an
invagination in the proximal segment of the cercus, the posteroventral cercal lobe, also present in the
Pelecorhynchidae (Carmo & Santos 2011, Fig. 9 A–D). Nagatomi (1982) and Kerr (2010) present diagnostic keys
to the genera of Rhagionidae.
There are approximately 720 extant species in the family, distributed in 22 genera (Santos 2008). Four of these
are found in the Neotropics: Chrysopilus Macquart, Rhagio Fabricius, Atherimorpha White and Sierramyia Kerr
(Lindner) (Santos & Amorim 2007, Santos 2006, 2008). Rhagio and Chrysopilus are the most diversified and
widespread rhagionids (Nagatomi 1982, Santos 2008).
Until the present moment, Chrysopilus is the only genus of Rhagionidae found in Colombia, with three
reported species (James 1968, Santos 2008) (Table 1). This genus is diagnosed by gonocoxites fused with the
sternite IX (Carmo & Santos 2011, Fig. 3 A,C) and by wing features such as R4+5 fork almost in a right angle
(Santos & Amorim 2007).

246 Accepted by S. Nihei: 26 May 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016

Acronyms used for the depositories

NMW—National Museum Wales, Cardiff, United Kingdom.

BMNH—British Museum of Natural History, London, United Kingdom.

List of abbreviations

subs. des.—subsequent designation

Catalogue of Rhagionidae of Colombia

Family Rhagionidae Samouelle, 1819

Genus Chrysopilus Macquart

Chrysopilus Macquart, 1826: 403. Type species: Rhagio diadema (Fabricius) (subs. des. Westwood, 1840: 134). Ref.:
Curran, 1931 (partial key).

caducus (Wiedemann, 1828): 579. (Leptis) Type locality: “Brazil”. Distr.: Venezuela, Colombia, Brazil. Refs.:
Lindner, 1924: 74 (descr.), James, 1968: 3 (cat.).

elegans Schiner, 1868: 168. Type locality: “Colombia”. Distr.: Costa Rica to Peru (NMW). Ref.: James, 1968: 3

lucifer (Walker, 1852): 164. Type locality: “Colombia”. Distr.: Colombia, Peru (BMNH). Ref.: James, 1968: 3

TABLE 1. Rhagionidae species recorded from Colombia.

Genus Species Author
Chrysopilus caducus (Wiedemann, 1828)
elegans Schiner, 1868
lucifer (Walker, 1852)


Carmo, D.D.D. & Santos, C.M.D. (2011) Morfologia comparada das terminálias masculina e feminina dos Rhagionidae
(Diptera, Tabanomorpha) Neotropicais. Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia, 51 (30), 465–479.
Carvalho, C.J.B, Rafael, J.A., Couri, M.S. & Silva, V.C. (2012) Diptera Linnaeus, 1758. In: Rafael, J.A., Mello, G.A.R.,
de Carvalho, C.J.B., Casari, S.A. & Constantino, R. (Eds.), Insetos do Brasil. Editora Holos, Ribeirão Preto, pp.
Kerr, P.K. (2010) Phylogeny and classification of Rhagionidae, with implications for Tabanomorpha (Diptera:
Brachycera). Zootaxa, 2592, 1–133
Krzeminski, W. & Krzeminska, E. (2003) Triassic Diptera: descriptions, revisions and phylogenetic relations. Acta
Zoologica Cracoviensia, 46 (Supplement), 153–184.

CATALOGUE OF RHAGIONIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 247
James, M.T. (1968) Family Rhagionidae (Leptidae). In: Papavero, N. (Ed.), A catalogue of the Diptera of the Americas
South of the United States. Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, pp. 1–12.
Lindner, E. (1924) Dipterologische Studien. II. Rhagionidae neotropical. Konowia, 3, 65–75.
Nagatomi, A. (1982) The genera of Rhagionidae (Diptera). Journal of Natural History, 16, 31–70.
Santos, C.M.D. (2006) Description of two new species of Neorhagio (Diptera, Tabanomorpha, Rhagionidae), and
remarks of a controversial female character. Zootaxa, 1174, 49–62.
Santos, C.M.D. (2008) Geographical distribution of Tabanomorpha (Diptera, Brachycera): Athericidae, Austroleptidae,
Oreoleptidae, Rhagionidae, and Vermileonidae. Entomobrasilis, 1 (3), 43–50.
Santos, C.M.D. & Amorim, D.S. (2007) Chrysopilus (Diptera: Rhagionidae) from Brazil: redescription of Chrysopilus
fascipennis Bromley and description of eleven new species. Zootaxa, 1510, 1–33.
Schiner, J.R. (1858) Diptera. In: Wullerstorf-Urbair, B. von (Ed.), Reise der österreichischen Fregatte Novara um die
Erde in den Jahren 1857, 1858, 1859 unter den Befehlen des Commodore B. von Wüllerstorf-Urbair. Zoologischer
Theil. Vol. 2. Abt. I. K. Gerold’s Son, Wien, 388 pp.
Stuckenberg, B.R. (2001) Prunning the tree: a critical review of classifications of the Homeodacytla (Diptera,
Brachycera), with new perspectives and an alternative classification. Studia Dipterologica, 8, 3–42.
Wiedemann, C.R.W. (1828) Aussereuropäische zweiflügelige Insekten. Vol. 1. Schultz, Hamm, xxxii + 608 pp.
Wiegmann, B.M., Tsaur, S.-C., Webb, D.W., Yeates, D.K. & Cassel, B.K. (2000) Monophyly and relationships of the
Tabanomorpha (Diptera: Brachycera) based on 28S ribosomal gene sequences. Annals of the Entomological Society
of America, 93, 1031–1038.[1031:MAROTT]2.0.CO;2
Zloty, J. & Sinclair, B.J. (2005) Discovered in our backyard: a new genus and species of a new family from the Rocky
Mountains of North America (Diptera, Tabanomorpha). Systematic Entomology, 30 (2), 248–266.

248 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press SANTOS & CARMO
Zootaxa 4122 (1): 249–301 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
Copyright © 2016 Magnolia Press
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)



Grupo de Entomologia, Instituto de Biología, Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia. E-mail:
Laboratorio de Sistematica y Biogeografica, Escuela de Biología, Universidad Industrial de Santander Bucaramanga Colombia.
*Corresponding author:


This catalogue presents 256 species distributed in 32 genera, six tribes and three subfamilies recorded to Colombia. For
each species we present the available geographical information and most important references.

Key words: catalogue, Colombia, Tabanidae, distribution


Tabanidae are a large Tabanomorpha family, (Diptera, Brachycera) with a worldwide distribution and
approximately 4350 described species. For the neotropics there are aproximately 1500 species. Adults can be
recognized by their stout bodies, measuring between 3–30 mm length; a big head occupied mainly by the
compound eyes, separated by front in females and males. The eyes may present transversal stripes with yellow and
green coloration patterns. Antennae are composed by scape, pedicel and flagellum, this latter consists of one large
basal segment and ends with a series of cancelled segments. Proboscis are strong and thick, adapted to penetrate
Females are hematophagous while males are phytophagous; however, in many species, male and female feed
exclusively on nectar. Adults are found from open areas to forests and have diurnal behavior, but some few species
are crepuscular or nocturnal. Larvae are predators of diverse animals (arthropods, mollusks and annelids). This
family has been well studied in part, because some species could be vectors of human and animals diseases.
Studies on taxonomy as well as medical aspects of the family were particularly intensive in Colombia between
the 1950s and the end of the century. One of the major studies was made by Bequaert & Renjifo (1946), who
covered a significant area of the national territory, they listed 129 species with their respective localities. Also
relevant are the works made by Lee, Fairchild & Barretto (1969) in the Valle del Cauca state and the monograph of
Wilkerson (1979), about the horseflies of the Western Colombian, with emphasis in the departments of Chocó,
Valle del Cauca and Cauca; in which includes some records to Antioquia, supplied by Porter. According to the
information recorded in Colombia there are 256 species (Table 1). However, it is expected that number to be much
higher, since there are many unexplored areas, such as the mountain ranges of the Andes, the Caribbean coast or
the amazonian forests.
This catalog and the classification with synonyms adopted is based on Henriques & Rafael (1995) revision of
genus Acanthocera, Coscaron & Papavero (2009) catalogue of neotropical Diptera, Krolow & Henriques (2010)
revision of genus Chlorotabanus, Turcatel et al (2010) revision of genus Stibasoma, Krolow et al (2015) revision of
genus Pityocera and includes information about specific localities on each department. The departments are
underline and specific localities are in brackets. At the end we present a table with all species, rank and author.

Accepted by S. Nihei: 10 Apr. 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016 249

Acronyms used for the depositories

AMNH—American Museum of Natural History, New York, U.S.A.

BMNH—The Natural History Museum, London, England.
CAS—Department of Entomology, California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, U.S.A.
FSCA—Florida State Collection of Arthropods, Gainesville, U.S.A.
IEAUT—Istituto di Entomologia Agraria della Università di Torino, Turin
IOC—Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
MCZ—Museum of Compartative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, England.
MNHNP—Muséum National d´Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France.
MLUH—Wissenschaftlich Zoologie, Bereits Biowissenschaften, Martin Luther Universität, Halle am den Saale
MNHUB—Nuseum für Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universität, Berlin.
MZUM—Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. U.S.A.
NMW—Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien.
NRS—Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, Stockholm
USNM—National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C.
ZMKU—Zoologiske Museum, Copenhagen
ZSBS—Zoologische Staatssammlung des Bayerischen Staates, Munich.
Gainesville: Florida State Collection of Arthropods, Division of Plant Industry, 1911 34th Street S. W., P. O. Box
147100, Gainesville, Florida 32614-7100. U. S. A.

List of abbreviations

distr.—geographic distribution
nom. nov.—nomen novum (new name)
orig. des.—by original designation
sp., spp.—species
P.N.N. Parque Nacional Natural
F (f#)—Female
M (m#)—Male

250 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press E & MIRANDA-ESQUIVEL

Catalogue of Tabanidae of Colombia

Family Tabanidae Latreille, 1802

Subfamily Chrysopsinae Blanchard, 1840

Tribe Chrysopsini Blanchard, 1840

Genus Chrysops Meigen

Chrysops Meigen, 1800: 23. Type species, Tabanus caecutiens Linnaeus, 1758 (subs. mon., Meigen, 1803: 267). Suppressed by
I.C.Z.N., 1963: 339.
Chrysops Meigen, 1803: 267. Type species, Tabanus caecutiens Linnaeus, 1758 (mon.).
Chrysops, subg. Heterochrysops Kröber, 1920: 50. Type species, Chrysops flavipes Meigen, 1804 (subs. des., Bequaert, 1924:
31). Refs.: Fairchild, 1967a: 331.
Chrisops Fraga G, 1936: 248, error.
Refs.: Kröber, 1925-1926 (key, figs.); Philip, 1955a (key); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 8 (cat.).

auroguttatus Kröber, 1930a: 71. Type locality: “Colombia, Trinidad”. HT F (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Cauca
(Guapi), Chocó (La Teresita), Valle del Cauca (Rio Raposo)), Mexico to Colombia, Trinidad. Refs.: Kröber, 1934:
225 (cat.; as auroguttata); Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 58 (as auroguttata); Lee et al., 1969: 444 (as
auroguttata); Fairchild, 1971: 30 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 55 (cat.); Wilkerson, 1979: 182; Fairchild & Burger, 1994:
55 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 9 (cat.).
incisa Macquart of Bequaert, 1931: 535 and of Fairchild, 1942a: 3, misident.

bulbicornis Lutz, 1911a: 79. Type locality: Brazil, NW. São Paulo. HT F (IOC). Distr.: Colombia (Chocó,
Antioquia), Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, Peru, ?Trinidad. Refs.: Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 56 (cat.); Coscaron &
Papavero, 2009: 9 (cat.).

calogaster Schiner, 1868: 103. Type locality: “South America”. HT F (NMW). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas
(Leticia), Boyacá (Muzo), Cauca, Chocó (La Teresita; El Valle; Utria), Cundinamarca (Villeta), Meta (Restrepo)),
Brazil, Costa Rica to Colombia, ?Peru. Refs.: Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 58; Fairchild, 1971: 30 (cat.);
Moucha, 1976: 56 (cat.); Wilkerson, 1979: 184; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 56 (cat.), Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 9

chiriquensis Fairchild, 1939: 259. Type locality: Panama, Chiriquí, Boquete, 3000-4000m. HT F (MCZ). Distr.:
Colombia (Antioquia (Caucasia), Magdalena (Cincinnati, Santa Marta)), Guatemala, Mexico, Panama. Refs.:
Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 58; Fairchild, 1971: 31 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 57 (cat.); Wilkerson, 1979: 186;
Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 56 (cat.); Parra-Henao et al., 2008: 182; Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 9 (cat.).

incisus Macquart, 1846: 173 (1846: 44). Type locality: “New Grenada” (Colombia). ST F (BMNH). Distr.:
Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Guyana, Peru, Surinam. Refs.: Kröber, 1934: 227 (cat.; as incisa); Bequaert & Renjifo-
Salcedo, 1946: 58 (as incisa); Fairchild, 1971: 32 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 61 (cat.); Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 57
(cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 11 (cat.).
fulviceps Walker, 1854: 285.
brasiliensis Ricardo, 1901: 314.
aurofasciata Kröber, 1926: 354
tenuifasciata Kröber, 1929a: 525.
aureofasciatus Fairchild, 1967a: 335 (Kröber’s HT), error.

laetus Fabricius, 1805: 112. Type locality: “South America. Smidt” [i.e., Guyana, between rivers Demerara and
Essequibo; cf. Papavero, 1971: 21]. HT F (ZMKU). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas (El Encanto), Antioquia (near
Medellín; Porcecito, Rio Porce), Caquetá (Florencia), Chocó (Andagoya; Utría), Meta (Villavicencio; El Caibe;

CATALOGUE OF TABANIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 251
Restrepo), Putumayo (Puerto Limón), Valle del Cauca (Sonso; Hacienda El Tablazo, Tuluá), Vaupés)), ?Argentina,
Brazil, ?Paraguay, Surinam. Refs.: Kröber, 1934: 227 (cat. as laeta); Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 57 (as
laeta); Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 58 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 11 (cat.).
tenuistria Kröber, 1926: 341(as laetus var.)

leucospilus Wiedemann, 1828: 202. Type locality: “Brazil”. HT F (MNHUB). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia
(Providencia), Boyacá (Muzo), Meta (Restrepo, El Caibe; Villavicencio; Bosque Ocoa), Vaupés (between San José
del Guaviare and Calamar)), Panama to Brazil, Paraguay. Refs.: Kröber, 1934: 228 (cat.); Bequaert & Renjifo-
Salcedo, 1946: 57 (as leucospila); Fairchild, 1971: 32 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 62 (cat.); Wilkerson, 1979: 188;
Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 58 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 12 (cat.).
guttuta Wiedemann, 1828: 203.
leucospillus Krolow et al., 2007: 254 (list).

melaenus Hine, 1925: 17. Type locality: Panama, Chiriquí, Progreso. HT F (MZUM). Distr.: Colombia (Chocó (La
Teresita), Santander (Jasmín), Valle del Cauca (Bajo Calima, 10km E. Buenaventura)), ?Nicaragua, Costa Rica to
Venezuela. Refs.: Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 58 (as melaena); Fairchild, 1971: 32 (cat.); Moucha, 1976:
63 (cat.); Wilkerson, 1979: 189; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 58 (cat.) Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 12 (cat.).
incisus Macquart of Kröber, 1926: 344 (misident.).

mexicanus Kröber, 1926: 248 (as calogaster var.). Type locality: Mexico, Colima, Volcán Colima. HT F (ZSBS).
Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Providencia), Cauca, Chocó, Valle del Cauca (Rio Raposo)), México to Colombia.
Refs.: Lee et al., 1969: 444 (as mexicana); Fairchild, 1971: 32 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 63 (cat.); Wilkerson, 1979:
191; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 58 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 12 (cat).

nexosus Fairchild (unpublished 1978) in Wilkerson, 1979: 192. Type locality: Panama, Veraguas, Santa Fé. HT F
(FSCA). Distr.: W. Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Rio Sabaletas)), Costa Rica, Panama. Refs.: Wilkerson, 1979: 192;
Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 58 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 13 (cat.).
mexicana Kröber of Fairchild, 1942a: 8, 1947: 565, part, misident.

renjifoi Bequaert, 1946a: 7. Type locality: Colombia, Valle de Cauca, Rio Yurumangui, Veneral. HT F (MCZ).
Distr.: Colombia (Valle de Cauca (Veneral, Rio Yurumari)). Refs.: Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 58;
Fairchild, 1971: 34 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 67 (cat.); Wilkerson, 1979: 194; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 60 (cat.);
Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 14 (cat.).

reticulatus Wilkerson, 1979: 195. Type locality: Panama, San Blás, Rio Mandinga. HT F, PT F 2 (FSCA). Distr.:
Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Rio Raposo)), Panama. Refs.: Wilkerson, 1979: 195; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 60
(cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 14 (cat.).

soror Kröber, 1925: 245. Type locality: “Venezuela”. HT F (NMW). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia, Boyacá (Muzo),
Valle del Cauca (Rio Raposo)), Belize, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Panama, Venezuela. Refs.: Bequaert &
Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 58; Lee et al., 1969: 445; Fairchild, 1971: 34 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 68 (cat.); Wilkerson,
1979: 197; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 60 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 14 (cat.).

varians Wiedemann, 1828: 208. Type locality: “Brazil”. LT F (NMW). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas (El Encanto),
Antioquia (near Medellìn, Porcecito, Rio Porce), Caldas, Caquetá (Florencia), Cauca (Guapi), Chocó (Andagoya,
Utría), Meta (El Caibe, Restrepo, Villavicencio), Putumayo (Puerto Limón), Santander, Valle del Cauca (Bajo
Calima, Sonso, Tuluá)), Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador, Guyana, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Trinidad, Venezuela. Refs.:
Lee et al., 1969: 445; Fairchild, 1971: 34 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 69 (cat.); Wilkerson, 1979: 198; Fairchild &
Burger, 1994: 60 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 15 (cat); Pisciotti & Miranda, 2011: 71 (report).
tardus Wiedemann, 1828: 577.
sublaeta Philip, 1955b: 72 ( as laeta ssp.).
laetus, authors, not Fabricius, misident.
nigroviolaceus, authors, not Kröber, misident., part.

252 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press E & MIRANDA-ESQUIVEL

variegatus (De Geer), 1776: 230 (Tabanus). Type locality: “Surinam”. HT F (NRS). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia
(near Medellìn; Porcecito, Rio Porce; Caucasia), Cauca (near Caloto, hacienda San Julian, Guapi), Chocó (La
Teresita), Magdalena (Tucurinca), Meta (El Caibe, Villavicencio), Putumayo (Puerto Limón, Mocoa), Santander
(Hacienda Florencia 20km W. San Vicente, Puerto Olaya), Valle del Cauca (near Cali, Municipio La Candelaria,
Palmira Hacienda La Carmelita, Rio Frío), Vaupés (between San José del Guaviare and Calamar), West Indies,
southern Mexico to Argentina. Refs.: Kröber, 1934: 224 (cat.; as variegata); Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 57
(as variegata); Lee et al., 1969: 445 (as variegata); Fairchild, 1971: 35 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 69 (cat.); Wilkerson,
1979: 199; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 61 (cat.); Parra-Henao et al., 2008: 182 (as variegata); Coscaron & Papavero,
2009: 15 (cat.).
costatus Fabricius, 1794: 373 (Tabanus).
molestus Guérin-Méneville, 1835: 542 (1844: 542) (preocc. Wiedemann, 1828).
vulneratus Rondani, 1848: 104.
subfascipennis Macquart, 1855: 55 (1855: 35).
amazonius Rondani, 1863: 81.
crucians Jaennicke, 1867: 312 (preocc. Wiedemann, 1828).
peruviensis Kröber, 1925: 235 (as costatus var.).

weberi Bequaert, 1946a: 9. Type locality: Guyana, Orenoque. HT F (MCZ). Distr.: E. Colombia (Vaupés (Mitú)),
Brazil, French Guiana, Guyana, Peru, Venezuela. Refs.: Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 58; Fairchild, 1971: 35
(cat.); Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 61 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 16 (cat.).

Tribe Rhinomyzini Enderlein, 1922

Genus Betrequia Oldroyd

Betrequia Oldroyd, 1970: 250. Type species, Betrequia ocellata Oldroyd, 1970 (orig. des.).

ocellata Oldroyd, 1970: 252. Type locality: Brazil, Ceará, Paracuru [3°23’50"S, 39°2’23"W]. HT F (BMNH).
Distr.: Colombia (without defined locality), Brazil. Refs.: Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 53 (cat.); Coscaron &
Papavero, 2009: 18 (cat.).

Subfamily Pangoniinae Rondani, 1856

Tribe Pangoniini Rondani, 1856

Genus Esenbeckia Rondani

Esenbeckia Rondani, 1863: 83, 95 (as Esenbekia p. 83) (1864: 83). Type species, Silvius vulpes Wiedemann, 1828 (orig. des.).
Esenbackia Surcouf, 1909: 257, error.
Dyspangonia Lutz, 1905: 22, 27 (no. 11). Type species, Pangonia fuscipennis Wiedemann, 1828 (subs. des., Bequaert, 1924:
Refs.: Fairchild, 1961a: 239, Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 21 (cat.).

Subgenus Esenbeckia Rondani, 1863

balteata Wilkerson, 1979: 129. Type locality: Colombia, Valle, Rio Bravo, Playa Rica. HT F, l F PT (FSCA).
Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca). Refs.: Wilkerson, & Fairchild, 1983: 528; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 20 (cat.);
Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 22 (cat.).

bella Philip, 1961: 111. Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena, Don Diego, 100m. HT F (AMNH). Distr.: Colombia
(Magdalena). Refs.: Fairchild, 1971: 6 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 17 (cat.); Wilkerson & Fairchild, 1983: 530; Fairchild
& Burger, 1994: 20 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 22 (cat.).

CATALOGUE OF TABANIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 253
cisandeana Wilkerson, & Fairchild, 1983: 531. Type locality: Colombia, Putumayo, Mocoa, 650m. HT F, PT F
(FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Putumayo), Chile, Peru. Refs.: Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 20 (cat.); Coscaron &
Papavero, 2009: 22 (cat.).

diaphana (Schiner), 1868: 99 (Pangonia). Type locality: “Colombia”. HT F (NMW). Distr.: Colombia (Meta
(Restrepo), Putumayo (Puerto Limón; Urcusique; San Pedro)), Venezuela. Refs.: Kröber, 1934: 240 (cat.);
Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 59; Fairchild, 1971: 6 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 18 (cat.); Wilkerson, 1979: 21;
1978: 21; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 21 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 22 (cat.).

gracilis Kröber, 1931a: 255. Type locality: Peru, Loreto, Pebas. HT F (MLUH). Distr.: Argentina, Colombia, Peru.
Refs.: Kröber, 1934: 241 (cat.); Fairchild, 1971: 7 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 18 (cat.); Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 22
(cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 24 (cat.).

insignis Kröber, 1931a: 255. Type locality: “Brazil”. HT ? (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Caquetá), Brazil. Refs.:
Kröber, 1934: 242 (cat.); Fairchild, 1971: 8 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 19 (cat.); Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 22 (cat.);
Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 24 (cat.).

minuscula Wilkerson, 1979: 131. Type locality: Colombia, Valle, Rio Frío, La Carmelita. HT F, PT F (FSCA).
Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Rio Frío, La Carmelita). Refs.: Wilkerson & Fairchild, 1983: 545; Fairchild &
Burger, 1994: 22 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 24 (cat.).

osornoi Fairchild, 1942d: 196 (as illota ssp.). Type locality: Panama, Panama Prov., Rio Chagres, Moja Polo. HT F
(MCZ). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas (Leticia), Cundinamarca, Meta (Restrepo), Santander (Rionegro)), Costa
Rica to Colombia, Brazil, Guyana, Surinam, Trinidad, Venezuela. Refs.: Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 60 (as
illota var.); Fairchild, 1971: 7 (cat.; as illota var.); Wilkerson, 1979: 130 (as E (E) illota osornoi); Fairchild &
Burger, 1994: 23 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 25 (cat.).
guianense Fairchild, 1942d: 196 (as illota ssp.).
meridionae Fairchild, 1942d: 196 (as illota ssp.).

prasiniventris (Macquart), 1846: 157 (1846: 29) (Pangonia). Type locality: “Colombia”. Distr.: Colombia
(Cundinamarca (Bogotá), Magdalena (Rio Frío; Aguadulce, San Lorenzo)), Guatemala to Ecuador, Brazil,
Trinidad. Refs.: Kröber, 1934: 242 (cat.); Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 59; Fairchild, 1971: 8 (cat.); Moucha,
1976: 19 (cat.); Wilkerson, 1979: 133; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 23(cat.); Coscarón & Papavero, 2009: 25 (cat.).
semiviridis Ricardo, 1900a: 181 (Pangonia) .
prasiventris Hunter, 1901: 134 (Pangonia).

subvaria (Walker), 1848: 150 (Tabanus). Type locality: “Venezuela”. HT F (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia, Venezuela.
Refs.: Kröber, 1934: 243 (cat.); Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 59; Fairchild, 1971: 9 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 19
(cat.); Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 23 (cat.); Coscarón & Papavero, 2009: 26 (cat.).

testaceiventris (Macquart), 1848: 169 (1848: 9) (Pangonia). Type locality: Ecuador, Quito. ST F (BMNH). Distr.:
Colombia (Cundinamarca (Tapia Las Cruces, Bogotá), Meta (Villavicencio), Valle del Cauca (Peñas Blancas, Lago
Calima)), ?Chile, Ecuador, Venezuela. Refs.: Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 60; Fairchild, 1971: 9 (cat.);
Moucha, 1976: 19 (cat.); Wilkerson, 1979: 134; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 23 (cat.); Coscarón & Papavero, 2009:
26 (cat.).
umbra Walker, 1850a: 19 (Pangonia).
sexmaculata Enderlein, 1925: 288.
lindigi Kröber, 1934: 243 (cat.), nomen nudum.

tigrina Wilkerson, 1979: 136. Type locality: Colombia, Valle, Peñas Blancas. HT F, PT F (FSCA). Distr.:
Colombia (Valle del Cauca Peñas Blancas)), Ecuador. Refs.: Wilkerson & Fairchild, 1983: 555; Fairchild &
Burger, 1994: 24 (cat.); Coscarón & Papavero, 2009: 26 (cat.).

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tinctipennis Kröber, 1931a: 256. Type locality: Colombia, Chocó, Condoto. HT F (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia
(Chocó (Condoto), Valle del Cauca (Rio Raposo)). Refs.: Kröber, 1934: 243 (cat.); Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo,
1946: 59; Lee et al., 1969: 443; Fairchild, 1971: 9 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 20 (cat.); Wilkerson, 1979: 138; Wilkerson
& Fairchild, 1983: 555; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 24 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 26 (cat.).

translucens (Macquart), 1846: 154 (1846: 26) (Pangonia). Type locality: “Brazil”. Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia
(Providencia, La Tirana, 25km W., 22km S. Zaragoza), Boyacá (Muzo), Chocó (Rio Nimiquía), Putumayo (Mocoa,
Puerto Asís), Valle del Cauca (Rio Raposo, Rio Sabaletas, Bajo Anchicayá, Candelaria)), México to Peru, N.
Brazil. Refs.: Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 59; Barretto, 1957: 76; Lee et al., 1969: 443; Fairchild, 1971: 9
(cat.); Moucha, 1976: 20 (cat.); Wilkerson, 1979: 139; Wilkerson & Fairchild, 1983: 555; Fairchild & Burger,
1994: 24 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 26 (cat.).
fusiformis Walker, 1850a: 19 (Pangonia).
fusciformis Hine, 1925: 7 (Pangonia), misspelling.

Subgenus Proboscoides Philip

Proboscoides Philip, 1943: 111 (as genus). Type species, Proboscoides fairchildi Philip, 1943 (orig. des.). Refs.:
Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 27 (cat.).

ecuadorensis ssp. chagresensis Fairchild, 1942d: 192 (as sp.). Type locality: Panama, Colón, New San Juan on
Rio Chagres. HT F (MCZ). Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena (Rio Frío)), Panama. Refs.: Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo,
1946: 59; Fairchild, 1971: 10 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 20 (cat.; as syn. of ecuadorensis Lutz & Castro, 1935);
Wilkerson, 1979: 141; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 25 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 27 (cat.).

Tribe Scionini Enderlein, 1922

Genus Fidena Walker, 1850

Subgenus Fidena Walker, 1850

aureopygia Kröber, 1931b: 24. Type locality: Colombia, Chocó, Opogodó HT F (?), PT (BMNH). Distr.:
Colombia (Chocó (Opogodó), Valle del Cauca (Ají, Rio Naya)), Ecuador. Refs.: Kröber, 1934: 245 (cat.); Bequaert
& Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 61; Fairchild, 1971: 18 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 34 (cat.); Wilkerson, 1979: 144; Fairchild
& Burger, 1994: 40 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 36 (cat.).

auribarba (Enderlein), 1925: 276 (Melpia). Type locality: Colombia, Cordillera. HT F (MNHUB). Distr.:
Colombia (Chocó (Condoto, Rios San Juan-Baudò), Valle del Cauca (41km E., 20km N. Buenaventura, Lago
Calima, Bajo Anchicayá, Rio Raposo, Rio Sabaletas)), Ecuador, Panama. Refs.: Kröber, 1934: 245 (cat.); Bequaert
& Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 61; Fairchild, 1971: 18 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 34 (cat.); Lee et al., 1969: 444; Wilkerson,
1979: 145; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 40 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 36 (cat.).
albibarba Enderlein, 1925: 276 (Melpia; as auribarba var.; not Enderlein, 1925: 293).
columbiensis Kröber, 1930b: 177 (Melpia).

eriomeroides (Lutz), 1909a: 649, (Epipsila). Type locality: Brazil, São Paulo, Serra da Cantareira, Cachoerinha.
LT F (IOC). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Anorí (La Tirana), San Roque (Providencia), 22km S. Zaragoza), Meta
(Villavicencio, Restrepo), Nariño (Pasto), Valle del Cauca (Bajo Anchicayá)), Costa Rica to Peru, Brazil. Refs.:
Fairchild, 1971: 19 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 35 (cat.); Wilkerson, 1979: 147; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 42 (cat.);
Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 38 (cat.).
gracilis Kröber, 1930b: 181 (Melpia).
nigricornis Kröber, 1931b: 19 (Epipsila).
nitida Philip, 1958: 70.

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flavipennis Kröber, 1931b: 24. Type locality: Venezuela, Guarino. HT M (MNHUB). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia,
Chocó (La Teresita), Valle del Cauca (near Rio Dagua, Municipio Buenaventura)), Mexico to Venezuela. Refs.:
Lee et al., 1969: 444; Fairchild, 1971: 20 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 35 (cat.); Wilkerson, 1979: 148; Fairchild &
Burger, 1994: 42 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 38 (cat.).
isthmiae Fairchild, 1941b: 642.
niger Ricardo of Hine, 1925: 11 (Costa Rica), missident.

flavipennis ssp. vallensis Wilkerson, 1979: 149. Type locality: Colombia, Valle, lower Anchicayá. HT F (FSCA).
Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Bajo Anchicayá, Rio Sabaletas, Bajo Calima)). Refs.: Fairchild & Burger, 1994:
42 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 38 (cat.).

laterina (Rondani), 1850: 370 (Pangonia). Type locality: Ecuador, Rio Napo. NT F (FSCA). Distr.: Colombia
(Putumayo [no sex stated] lost), Ecuador. Refs.: Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 43 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009:
39 (cat.).

ochrapogon Wilkerson, 1979: 150. Type locality: Colombia, Putumayo, Puerto Pepino, 500m. HT F (FSCA).
Distr.: Colombia (Cauca (Cerro Munchique), Caquetá (Florencia), Putumayo (Puerto Pepino)), Argentina, Bolivia,
Ecuador, Peru. Refs.: Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 45 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 41 (cat.).

pubescens (Lutz), 1909a: 644 (Erephopsis). Type locality: Brazil, São Paulo, Jacutinga. LT F (IOC). Distr.:
Colombia (Putumayo (Puerto Asis)), Brazil. Refs.: Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 46 (cat.); Bequaert & Renjifo-
Salcedo, 1946; Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 42 (cat.).

rhinophora (Bellardi), 1859: 46, (Pangonia). Type locality: “Mexico”. HT F (IEAUT). Distr.: Colombia (Boyacá
(Muzo), Cauca (Cerro Minchique), Chocó, Magdalena, Meta (Villavicencio), Valle del Cauca (Lago Calima, Playa
Rica, Peñas Blancas)), Mexico to Venezuela, Peru. Refs.: Kröber, 1934: 250 (cat.); Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo,
1946; Fairchild, 1971: 23 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 37 (cat.); Wilkerson, 1979: 152; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 46
(cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 42 (cat.).
pyrausta Osten Sacken, 1886: 43 (Pangonia).
auricauda Enderlein, 1925: 276 (Melpia).

schildi (Hine), 1925: 11 (Erephopsis). Type locality: Costa Rica, La Suiza de Turrialba. HT F (USNM). Distr.:
Colombia (Antioquia (Providencia)), Brazil, Costa Rica to Colombia, French Guiana. Refs.: Kröber, 1934: 250
(cat.); Fairchild, 1971: 23 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 38 (cat.); Wilkerson, 1979: 153; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 46
(cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 43 (cat.).
nigricans Kröber, 1930b: 181 (Melpia; preocc. Lutz, 1909).
nigricorpus Kröber, 1934: 291 (cat.; footnote; nom. nov. for nigricans Kröber, 1930).

sulfurea Wilkerson, 1979: 155. Type locality: Colombia, Valle, 8km below dam at lago Calima, 1250m. HT F
(FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Cauca (La Cumbre), Caquetá (Florencia), Magdalena (NW. Sierra Nevada de Santa
Marta, Vista Nieve, Cuchilla San Lorenzo), Valle del Cauca (Lago Calima)). Refs.: Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 47
(cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 43 (cat.).

Genus Pityocera Giglio-Tos, 1896

Subgenus Elaphella Bezzi

Elaphella Bezzi, 1913: 56 (nom. nov. for Dicrania Macquart 1834). Type species, Pangonia cervus Wiedemann, 1828 (aut.).
Refs.: Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 45 (cat.).
Allodicrania Enderlein, 1913: 253 (nom. nov. for Dicrania Macquart, 1834).
Stichocera Hine, 1920a: 185 (nom. nov. for Dicrania Macquart, 1834).
Stichochera Surcouf, 1921: 99, error.

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cervus (Wiedemann), 1828: 194 (Pangonia). Type locality: Brazil, Pará. HT F (MNHUB). Distr.: Colombia (Meta
(Villavicencio, Bosque Oca; Lago El Dorado, Rio Vaupés)), Bolivia, N. Brazil, Guyana, Peru, Surinam. Refs.:
Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 60 (Elaphella); Fairchild, 1971: 28 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 41 (cat.); Wilkerson,
1979: 178; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 52 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 45 (cat.); Krolow et al., 2015: 304
comprehensa Walker, 1850a: 11 (Pangonia).
ramicornis Ricardo, 1900a: 100, nomen nudum.

Subgenus Pityocera Giglio-Tos

festai Giglio-Tos, 1896: 3, (as festae, error). Type locality: Panama, Darien, Rio Lara, Laguna Pita. HT F (IEAUT).
Distr.: Colombia (Chocó (La Teresita), Cauca (Guapi)), Ecuador, Panama. Refs.: Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo,
1946: 60; Fairchild, 1971: 27 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 41 (cat.); Wilkerson, 1979: 179 (as festae); Fairchild & Burger,
1994: 51 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 46 (cat.); Krolow et al., 2015: 308 (rev.).
festae, error (named after Enrico Festa (cf. Papavero, 1973: 352-353)).

Genus Scione Walker

Pangonia, subg. Scione Walker, 1850: 10. Type species, Pangonia incompleta Macquart, 1846 (mon.). Refs.: Coscaron &
Papavero, 2009: 51 (cat.).
Diclisa Schiner, 1867: 305. Type species, Pangonia incompleta Macquart, 1846 (orig. des.).
Rhinotriclista Enderlein, 1922: 338 (in key). Type species, Diclisa maculipennis Schiner, 1868 (orig. des.).

albifasciata (Macquart), 1846: 156 (1846: 28) (Pangonia). Type locality: “Colombia” (as Nouvelle Grenade). ST
F (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Cauca (Cerro de Munchique), Chocó (La Unión), Huila (Finca Meremberg, near
Leticia), ?Magdalena (Vista Nieve, W. San Lorenzo, NW. Sierra Nevada de Santamarta), ?Meta (Villavicencio),
?Putumayo)), Ecuador. Refs.: Kröber, 1934: 232 (as albofasciata); Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 62;
Fairchild, 1971: 25 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 39 (cat.); Wilkerson, 1979: 159; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 49 (cat.);
Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 51 (cat.).
albofasciata Kröber, 1934: 232 (cat.) error.

aurulans (Wiedemann), 1830: 620 (Pangonia). Type locality: Mexico, Oaxaca. LT F (MNHUB). Distr.: Colombia
(Magdalena (Vista Nieve, San Lorenzo; Cerro Quemado)), Mexico to Costa Rica. Refs.: Kröber, 1934: 233 (cat.);
Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 61; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 49 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 51 (cat.).
rostrifera Bellardi, 1859: 47 (Pangonia).
misera Osten Sacken, 1886: 47 (Diclisa).

aurulans ssp. lurida Enderlein, 1925: 301. Type locality: “Colombia”. LT F (MNHUB). Distr.: Colombia,
Venezuela. Refs.: Fairchild, 1971: 25 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 39 (cat.); Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 49 (cat.); Coscaron
& Papavero, 2009: 52 (cat.).

brevibeccus Wilkerson, 1979: 161. Type locality: Colombia, Valle, lago Calima, 8km below dam. HT F, 6 F PT
(FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Lago Calima)). Refs.: Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 49 (cat.); Coscaron &
Papavero, 2009: 52 (cat.).

cuprea Wilkerson, 1979: 163 (as cupreus). Type locality: Colombia, Cauca, Cerro de Munchique, 2450m. HT F
(FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Cauca (Cerro de Munchique, 2450m)). Refs.: Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 49 (cat.; as
cupreus); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 52 (cat.).

distincta (Schiner), 1868: 102 (Diclisa). Type locality: “South America” (Venezuela). HT F (NMW). Distr.:
Colombia (Cundinamarca (Medina, upper Rio Guacavía), Putumayo (upper Rio Putumayo)), Venezuela. Refs.:
Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 62; Fairchild, 1971: 26 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 40 (cat.); Fairchild & Burger,
1994: 49 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 52 (cat.).

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equivexans Wilkerson, 1979: 164. Type locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Peñas Blancas, 1750m, 10km W. of
Cali. HT F ca. 200 F PT (FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Cauca (Cerro de Munchique, La Peña del Perro, Cerro Torres),
Valle del Cauca (Bajo Calima; Buenaventura; Peñas Blancas; W. Queremal)), Ecuador. Refs.: Fairchild & Burger,
1994: 50 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 52 (cat.).

flavescens (Enderlein), 1930: 65 (Rhinotriclista). Type locality: ‘Ecuador’. HT F (MNHUB). Distr.: Colombia
(Cauca (Cerro de Munchique, El Asomadero), Valle del Cauca (Lago Calima, Rio Bravo, Peñas Blancas)),
Ecuador. Refs.: Kröber, 1934: 233 (cat.); Wilkerson, 1979: 166; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 50 (cat.); Coscaron &
Papavero, 2009: 52 (cat.).

fulvosericea (Kröber), 1931b: 26, (Fidena). Type locality: Panama, Darien (as Colombia). HT F (BMNH). Distr.:
Costa Rica to Colombia (W. of Andes). Refs.: Kröber, 1934: 247 (cat.); Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 61;
Fairchild, 1971: 27 (cat.; as syn. of rufescens Ricardo, 1900); Moucha, 1976: 40 (cat.; as syn. of rufescens Ricardo,
1900); Wilkerson, 1979: 173 (as syn. of rufescens Ricardo, 1900); Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 50 (cat.); Coscaron &
Papavero, 2009: 53 (cat.).
aureopygia Fairchild, 1942d: 184.

incompleta (Macquart), 1846: 155 (1845: 27), (Pangonia). Type locality: “Colombia”. ST F [Lille], ? F
(MNHNP). Distr.: Colombia. Refs.: Kröber, 1934: 234 (cat.); Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 64; Fairchild,
1971: 26 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 40 (cat.); Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 50 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 53

maculipennis (Schiner), 1868: 102 (Diclisa). Type locality: “South America” (Venezuela). ST F (NMW). Distr.:
Colombia (Cauca (Munchique, La Peña del Perro, Cerro Torres), Chocó (La Unión), ?Cundinamarca (Bogotá),
Meta (Villavicencio, Restrepo), Valle del Cauca (Lago Calima; Rio Bravo-Playa-Rica; Peñas Blancas)), Costa Rica
to Venezuela, Ecuador. Refs.: Kröber, 1934: 234 (cat.); Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 62; Fairchild, 1971: 26
(cat.); Moucha, 1976: 40 (cat.); Wilkerson, 1979: 168; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 50 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero,
2009: 53 (cat.).
aurea (Macquart), 1847: 29 (1847: 13).

minor (Macquart), 1847: 29 (1847: 13) (Pangonia). Type locality: “?America”. HT F (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia
(Cundinamarca (Bosque Calderón, Bogotá; Monserrate; Arrayán; Bogotá), Meta, Putumayo (upper Rio
Putumayo)), Venezuela. Refs.: Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 63; Fairchild, 1971: 27 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 40
(cat.); Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 50 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 53 (cat.).
incompleta Macquart of Schiner, 1868: 101 (Diclisa), missident.

minuta Szilády, 1926: 28. Type locality: Colombia, Sierra San Lorenzo. Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena (Sierra San
Lorenzo)). Refs.: Kröber, 1934: 234 (cat.); Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 64; Fairchild, 1971: 27 (cat.);
Moucha, 1976: 40 (cat.); Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 51 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 54 (cat.).

nigripes (Kröber), 1930k: 152, (Rhinotriclista). Type locality: “New Grenada” (Colombia). Distr.: unknown. HT F
(MLUH). Refs.: Kröber, 1934: 234 (cat.); Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 63; Fairchild, 1971: 27 (cat.);
Moucha, 1976: 40 (cat.); Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 51 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 54 (cat.).

obscurefemorata Kröber, 1930a: 172. Type locality: “Colombia, Peru”. ST F (MNHUB). Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquia (Sonsón), Cauca (Cerro de Munchique)), Ecuador, Peru. Refs.: Kröber, 1934: 234 (cat.); Bequaert &
Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 63; Fairchild, 1971: 27 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 40 (cat.); Wilkerson, 1979: 170; Fairchild &
Burger, 1994: 51 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 54 (cat.).

punctata Szilády, 1926: 27, 29. Type locality: Colombia, Sierra San Lorenzo. Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena (Sierra
San Lorenzo; Vista Nieve, San Lorenzo Mountains)), ?Ecuador. Refs.: Kröber, 1934: 234 (cat.); Bequaert &
Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 63; Fairchild, 1971: 27 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 40 (cat.); Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 51 (cat.);
Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 54 (cat.).

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punstata Fairchild & León, 1986: 105.

rhinothrix Wilkerson, 1979: 172. Type locality: Colombia, Valle, Peñas Blancas, 1750m, 10km W. of Cali. HT F,
2F PT (FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Peñas Blancas)). Refs.: Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 51 (cat.);
Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 54 (cat.).

rufescens (Ricardo), 1900b: 294 (Erephrosis). Type locality: Peru, Callanga. PT F (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia
(?Chocò or Antioquia), Costa Rica to Bolivia. Refs.: Kröber, 1934: 234 (cat.); Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946:
63; Fairchild, 1971: 27 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 40 (cat.); Wilkerson, 1979: 173; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 51 (cat.);
Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 54 (cat.).
generosa Enderlein, 1925: 302 (Rhinotriclista; Enderlein’s type)

rufipes (Kröber), 1930k: 147 (Rhinotriclista). Type locality: “Venezuela”. Distr.: Colombia (Meta (Restrepo)),
Venezuela. Refs.: Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 63; Fairchild, 1971: 27 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 40 (cat.);
Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 51 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 54 (cat.).

serrata Wilkerson, 1979: 174 (as serratus, error). Type locality: Colombia, Valle, “Rio Bravo-Playa Rica”, 15km
below dam at lago Calima. HT F (FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Rio Bravo-Playa Rica; Bajo
Anchicayá)). Refs.: Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 51 (cat.; as serratus); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 54 (cat.).

youngi Wilkerson, 1979: 176. Type locality: Colombia, Valle, Peñas Blancas, 10km W. of Cali. HT F, PT F
(FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca). Refs.: Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 51 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero,
2009: 54 (cat.).

Subfamily Tabaninae Latreille, 1802

Tribe Diachlorini Lutz, 1909

Genus Acanthocera Macquart, 1834

Subgenus Acanthocera Macquart, 1834

marginalis Walker, 1854: 268. Type locality: Brazil, Pará. HT F (BMNH). Distr.: , Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador,
Guyana, Peru, Surinam, Trinidad. Refs.: Fairchild, 1971: 59 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 196 (cat.); Fairchild & Burger,
1994: 93 (cat.); Henriques & Rafael, 1995: 420 (rev.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 56 (cat.).
formosa Kröber, 1930a: 79

Subgenus Nothocanthocera Fairchild

Dichelacera, subg. Nothocanthocera Fairchild, 1969 209. Type species, Acanthocera tenuicornis Lutz, 1915 (orig. des.).
Refs.: Wilkerson, 1981 (key). Henriques & Rafael, 1995: 421 (rev.).

albomarginata (Kröber), 1930a: 76. 17-18 (Spheciogaster). Type locality: Colombia, Chocó, Condoto. HT F
(BMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Chocó (La Teresita; Condoto)). Refs.: Kröber, 1934: 253 (cat.; Spheciogaster
albomarginatus); Bequaert & Reinjifo-Salcedo 1946: 83 (Acanthocera); Fairchild, 1971: 65 (cat.); Moucha, 1976:
199 (cat.); Wilkerson, 1979: 260; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 100 (cat.); Henriques & Rafael, 1995: 422 (rev.);
Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 87 (cat.).

trigonifera (Schiner), 1868: 95 (Acanthocera). Type locality: “South America” (Venezuela). ST F (NMW). Distr.:
Colombia (Cundinamarca (Bogotá, reported by Krober, 1928), Magdalena (Santa Marta, F.L. Gallego), Rio
Magdalena, Pehlke col)), Venezuela. The occurrence of this species near Bogota needs to be confirmed (Bequaert
& Reinjifo-Salcedo, 1946). Refs.: Bequaert & Reinjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 83 (Acanthocera); Fairchild, 1971: 66

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(cat.); Moucha, 1976: 199 (cat.); Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 101 (cat.); Henriques & Rafael, 1995: 427 (rev.);
Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 88 (cat.).

Genus Bolbodimyia Bigot

Bolbodimyia Bigot, 1892b: 162. Type species, Bolbodimyia bicolor Bigot, 1892 (mon.). Refs.: Coscaron &
Papavero, 2009: 59 (cat.).
Snowielius Hine, 1904: 230. Type species, Snowielius atratus Hine 1904 (mon.).

bicolor Bigot, 1892b: 162. Type locality: Venezuela, Mérida. HT F (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Boyacá (Muzo),
Chocó (between Rio San Juan and Rio Baudó), Meta (Restrepo; Villavicencio; Retiro near Villavicencio), Valle del
Cauca (Bajo Anchicayá, 41km and 21km N. Buenaventura; Cali; Rio Sabaletas; Peñas Blancas)), Bolivia, Guyana,
Venezuela. Refs.: Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 64; Fairchild, 1971: 54 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 192 (cat.);
Wilkerson, 1979: 229; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 86 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 60 (cat.).

celeroides Stone, 1954: 251. Type locality: Colombia, Meta, Restrepo, 500m. HT F (MCZ). Distr.: Colombia
(Meta, Valle del Cauca (Lago Calima, Peñas Blancas)), Ecuador, Peru. Refs.: Fairchild, 1971: 54 (cat.); Moucha,
1976: 192 (cat.); Wilkerson, 1979: 231; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 86 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 60 (cat.).

erythrocephala (Bigot), 1892a: 668 (Atylotus). Type locality: “Panama”. HT F (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Valle
del Cauca (41km and 20km N. Buenaventura; Rio Sabaletas)), Costa Rica, Panama. Refs.: Fairchild, 1971: 54
(cat.); Moucha, 1976: 192 (cat.); Wilkerson, 1979: 231; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 86 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero,
2009: 60 (cat.).

galindoi Fairchild, 1964a: 172. Type locality: Panama, Darien, Tacarcuna Yellow Fever Station, 665m. HT F
(MCZ). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Rio Anorí Valley)), Costa Rica to Colombia. Refs.: Wilkerson, 1979: 232;
Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 86 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 60 (cat.).

nigra Stone, 1934: 190. Type locality: Ecuador, Guayaquil. HT F (USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Meta
(Villavicencio), Valle del Cauca (Peñas Blancas; 41km E. and 20km N. Buenaventura; Lago Calima)), Ecuador,
Peru. Refs.: Kröber, 1934: 258 (cat.); Fairchild, 1971: 54 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 192 (cat.); Wilkerson, 1979: 234;
Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 86 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 60 (cat.).

philipi Stone, 1954: 253. Type locality: Guatemala, Acatenango. HT F (USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia,
Boyacá), Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Panama. Refs.: Wilkerson, 1979: 235; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 86
(cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 60 (cat.).

Genus Catachlorops Lutz, 1913

Subgenus Amphichlorops Lutz, 1913

Amphichlorops Lutz, 1909b: 29, nomun nudum.

Amphichlorops Lutz, 1913a: 486, 487 (as genus, defined in key) (1914: 166, 167 (sep., pp. 6, 7). Type species, Tabanus flavus
Wiedemann, 1828 (subs. des., Bequaert 1924: 27). Refs.: Fairchild, 1951a: 120, 1961: 237. Coscaron & Papavero, 2009:
61 (cat.).
Stypochela Enderlein, 1922: 345 (in key).

bogotanus (Enderlein), 1925: 386 (Stypochela). Type locality: Colombia, Bogotá, Cartago and Las Pavas. LT F
(MNHUB). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Cartago; Las Pavas) the locality Bogotá is probably erroneus).
Refs.: Kröber, 1934: 264 (cat.; Stypochela as bogotana); Fairchild, 1971: 69 (cat.; Stypochela); Moucha, 1976: 204
(cat.); Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 71 (Dasychela (Stypochela)); Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 104 (cat.);
Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 61 (cat.).

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bogotana Enderlein, 1922: 345 (Stypochela), nomen nudum.

vespertinus (Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo), 1946: 67 (Dichelacera (Psalidia); nom. nov. for elongatus Macquart,
1846) (as vespertina). Type locality: “Nouvelle Grenade”. HT F, PT F 1 (LACM). Distr.: Colombia (Chocó (Rio
Nimiquía), Meta (Villavicencio; Restrepo), Valle del Cauca (Lago Calima; La Carmelita; Rio Frío), Ecuador, Peru,
Bolivia. Refs.: Fairchild, 1971: 69 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 204 (cat.); Wilkerson, 1979: 268; Fairchild & Burger,
1994: 104 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 61 (cat.).
elongatus Macquart, 1846: 166 (1846: 38), (Tabanus; preocc. Wiedemann, 1828).

Subgenus Catachlorops Lutz, 1913

alphus Wilkerson, 1979: 272. Type locality: Colombia, Valle, 3.6km W. Queremal, 1130m. HT F (FSCA). Distr.:
Colombia (Valle del Cauca (W. Queremal)). Refs.: Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 101 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero,
2009: 61 (cat.).

fumipennis Kröber, 1931c: 347. Type locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso. HT F (NMW). Distr.: Brazil, Colombia. Refs.:
Fairchild, 1971: 67 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 201 (cat.); Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 102 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero,
2009: 62 (cat.).

nigripalpis (Macquart), 1846: 168 (1846: 40) (Tabanus). Type- locality: ‘Nouvelle Grenade’ (Colombia). HT F
(BMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena (Santa Marta), Santander)), Venezuela. Refs.: Kröber, 1934: 273 (cat.),
Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 67 (Dichelacera (?Catachlorops)); Fairchild, 1971: 68 (cat.); Moucha, 1976:
201 (cat.); Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 103 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 63 (cat.).
calopterus Schiner, 1868: 91 (Tabanus).

rufescens (Fabricius), 1805: 100 (Tabanus). Type locality: “South America. Smidt” (i.e., Guyana, between rivers
Demerara and Essequibo; cf. Papavero, 1971: 21). HT F (ZMKU). Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena (Vista Nieve,
Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta)), Brazil, French Guiana, Guyana. Refs.: Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 67
(Dichelacera (Catachlorops)); Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 103 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 63 (cat.).
ruficeps Kertész, 1900: 68 (Tabanus), error.
scutellatus Kröber, 1931c: 348.

Subgenus Psalidia Enderlein, 1922

fulmineus (Hine), 1920a: 186 (Tabanus). Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Gatún. Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia
(Providencia), Boyacá (Muzo), Cauca (Rio Guapi), Chocó (La Teresita, upper Curiche, Rio Curiche), Valle del
Cauca (Rio Raposo; Bajo Calima, 10km E. Buenaventura)), Ecuador, Honduras to Panama. Refs.: Bequaert &
Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 68 (Dichelacera (Psalidia)) (as fulminea); Lee et al., 1969: 448 (as var. ocellata);
Wilkerson, 1979: 270; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 107 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 65 (cat.).
furcata Bigot, 1892a: 631 (Bellardia; preocc. Wiedemann, 1828).
festivus Hine 1920a: 187 (Tabanus; preocc. Wiedemann, 1828).
ocellata Enderlein 1925: 393 (Psalidia).

medemi Philip, 1969b: 149. Type locality: Colombia, Amazonas, lower Rio Caquetá, La Pedrera. HT F (CAS), PT
F 2 (FSCA), PT F 2 (SMNS). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas), Brazil. Refs.: Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 107 (cat.);
Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 65 (cat.).

Subgenus Psarochlorops Fairchild, 1969

Catachlorops, subg. Psarochlorops Fairchild, 1969: 211. Type species, Dichelacera testacea Macquart, 1846 (orig. des.).

auripilis (Philip), 1960a: 86 (Dichelacera (Catachlorops)). Type locality: Colombia, Nariño, 18mi. SW. of Mocoa,

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1910m. HT F (CAS). Distr.: Colombia (Nariño). Refs.: Fairchild, 1971: 70 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 203 (cat.);
Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 106 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 66 (cat.).

difficilis (Kröber), 1931g: 93 (Dichelacera). Type locality: Brazil, Amazonas, Tefé, and Guyana, Demerara. ST F
(IZPAN). Distr.: Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana. Refs.: Fairchild, 1971: 70 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 203 (cat.);
Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 106 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 66 (cat.).

quadrimaculatus (Macquart), 1846: 167 (1846: 39) (Tabanus). Type locality: ‘Nouvelle Grenade’ (Colombia). HT
F (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia, Venezuela. Refs.: Kröber, 1934: 271 (cat. Amphichlorops); Bequaert & Renjifo-
Salcedo, 1946: 67 (Dichelacera (Catachlorops)); Fairchild, 1971: 70 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 203 (cat.); Fairchild &
Burger, 1994: 106 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 66 (cat.).
poecilopterus Schiner, 1868: 91 (Tabanus).

siculus Wilkerson, 1979: 274. Type locality: Colombia, Valle, lago Calima, 8km below dam, 1250m. HT F
(FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Lago calima; 3.6km W. Queremal; Rio Dagua)). Refs.: Fairchild &
Burger, 1994: 106 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 66 (cat.).

testaceus (Macquart), 1846: 157 (1846: 29), (Dichelacera). Type locality: “Colombia”. HT F (BMNH). Distr.:
Colombia (Meta (Restrepo; Villavicencio), Vaupés (between San José del Guaviare and Calamar)), Brazil, Guyana,
Venezuela. Refs.: Kröber, 1934: 267; Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 67 (Dichelacera (Catachlorops)) (as
testacea); Fairchild, 1971: 70 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 203 (cat.); Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 106 (cat.); Coscaron &
Papavero, 2009: 66 (cat.).
repanda Walker, 1848: 190 (Dichelacera).

Genus Chlorotabanus Lutz

Chlorotabanus Lutz, 1913a: 487 (sep., p. 6) (1914: 167 (sep., p. 7)). Type species, Tabanus mexicanus Linnaeus, 1758 (mon.).
Refs.: Fairchild, 1951a: 121, 1961: 238. Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 67 (cat.); Krolow & Henriques, 2010: 2 (rev.).

fairchildi Wilkerson, 1979: 237. 30A-C. Type locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Rio Sabaletas, 4km E. of
Sabaletas. HT F, PT F 4 (FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Cauca (Guapi), Chocó (Teresita, quebrada docordo between
Cucurrupi & Noanama; Rio San Juan), Valle del Cauca (Rio Sabaletas; Bajo Calima; La Bocana; Buenaventura,
Rio Dagua)). Refs.: Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 87 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 67 (cat); Krolow &
Henriques, 2010: 9 (rev.).

inanis (Fabricius), 1787: 356 (Tabanus). Type locality: “Cayenne. Rohr” [cf. Papavero, 1971: 20]. NT F (ZMKU).
Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas (Leticia), Antioquia (Puerto Berrio), Cauca (Quebrada Huanqui), Meta (Villavicencio,
Carimagua; Caibe; Restrepo), Putumayo (Mocoa; Rio Putumayo between Itiquilla and Puerto Arana; La Tagua;
santa Rosa)), S. Mexico S. to S. Brazil. Refs.: Kröber, 1934: 296 (cat.; Tabanus (Chlorotabanus)); Fairchild, 1971:
55 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 193 (cat.); Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 73; Wilkerson, 1979: 239; Fairchild &
Burger, 1994: 87 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 67 (cat.); Krolow & Henriques, 2010: 14 (rev.).
inanis Kröber, 1930: 15–16 (key); 1934: 296 (Tabanus (Chlorotabanus)).
inanis Philip & Fairchild, 1956: 316–317 (Chlorotabanus (Chlorotabanus)).
inanis Coscarón & Papavero, 2009b: 3 (Chlorotabans) (manual), error.
ochroleucus Meigen, 1804: 172 (Tabanus).
sulphureus Palisot de Beauvois, 1819: 222 (Tabanus).
sulphureus Macquart, 1847: 35 (Tabanus; preocc. Palisot de Brauvois, 1819).
inconspicuus Walker, 1848: 171 (Tabanus).
viridiflavus Walker, 1850b: 1xvi (Tabanus)
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Santander: Cimitarra, Puerto Olaya, Central Termocentro-Isagen, 110m,
1 male,, Castaño-Rivera leg., trap light (CEUA).

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leucochlorus Fairchild, 1961c: 439, fig. 2. Type-locality: Brazil, Amapá, Serra do Navio. HT F (MZUSP). Distr.:
Colombia (Amazonas (30 km aval de La Chorrera, Rio Igaraparana), N. Brasil, French Guiana, Guyana, Surinam,
E. Peru, Venezuela, Refs.: Krolow & Henriques, 2010: 18 (ver.).

leuconotus Krolow & Henriques, 2010: 21, figs. 8a–i. Type locality: Brazil, Amazonas, Manaus. HT F (INPA), PT
35 F (BMNH, CZMA, INPA, MNHN, MPEG). Distr.: Colombia (Putumayo (Amazonas, Puerto Nariño), Guyana,
French Guiana, Brazil, Peru. Ref.: Henriques et al., 2012: 279.

mexicanus (Linnaeus), 1758: 602 (Tabanus). Type locality: “South America”. HT F (NRS). Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquia (Murindó; Providencia), Cauca (Rio Micay; Guapi), Chocó (along the Atrato River; Arquía;
Andagoya), Valle del Cauca (Buenaventura; Rio Raposo; Rio Sabaletas)), S. Mexico to Ecuador (Esmeraldas), N.
Brazil, Trinidad. Refs.: Kröber, 1934: 297 (cat.; Tabanus (Chlorotabanus)); Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 73;
Lee et al., 1969: 450; Fairchild, 1971: 55 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 193 (cat.); Wilkerson, 1979: 240; Fairchild &
Burger, 1994: 87 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 68 (cat.); Krolow & Henriques, 2010: 24 (rev.).
mexicanus, Kröber, 1930: 15, 18 (key and diagnosis) (Tabanus); 1934: 297 (catalog); Bequaert, 1940: 449
(citation); 1944: 17 (citation).
mexicanus Philip & Fairchild, 1956: 315–316 (Chlorotabanus (Chlorotabanus).
olivaceus De Geer, 1776: 229, pl. 30, fig. 6 (Tabanus).
punctatus Fabricius, 1787: 355 (Tabanus).
tetrapunctus Thunberg, 1827a: 57 (Tabanus).
tetrapunctatus Philip, 1967: 1235 (Tabanus), error.

Genus Cryptotylus Lutz

Cryptotylus Lutz, 1913a: 487 (sep., p. 6) (1914a: 166 (sep. p. 6)) (as Chryptotylus, error). Type species, Tabanus unicolor
Wiedemann, 1828 (mon.). Refs.: Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 68 (cat.).
Ommalia Enderlein, 1923: 545. Type-species, Ommalia viridis Enderlein, 1925 (sub. des., Enderlein, 1925a: 388) =
Cryptotylus unicolor (Wiedemann, 1828).

chloroticus (Philip & Fairchild), 1956: 320, (Chlorotabanus (Cryptotylus). Type locality: Panama, Panama Prov.,
Moja Pollo. HT F, PT F (MCZ), PT F 7, M 2 (FSCA), other PT (USNM, MCZ, NMW, BMNH, DECU, and CAS).
Distr.: Colombia (Meta (Villavicencio)), Panama, Trinidad. Refs.: Fairchild, 1971: 77 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 206
(cat.); Wilkerson, 1979: 314; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 115 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 68 (cat.).
limonus Townsend of Fairchild 1940a: 720, Bequaert 1944: 17, Stone 1944: 132 and Bequaert & Renjifo
Salcedo, 1946: 73, misident. Refs.: Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 68 (cat.).

unicolor (Wiedemann), 1828: 141 (Tabanus). Type locality: “Brazil”. Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Caucasia),
Chocó, Meta (Hacienda Yacuana near Villavicencio), Magdalena River), Panama to Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay.
Refs.: Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 73; Fairchild, 1971: 78 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 206 (cat.); Wilkerson,
1979: 315; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 115 (cat.); Parra-Henao et al., 2008: 182; Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 69
ferrugineus Thunberg 1789: 91 (Tabanus; preocc. Ström, 1768).
castaneus Macquart 1834: 198 (Tabanus).
ochraceus Macquart 1838a: 153 (1838: 149) (Tabanus).
sulphureus Macquart 1847: 35 (1847: 19) (Tabanus).
princeps Brèthes 1910: 478 (Tabanus).
viridis Enderlein 1925: 389 (Ommalia).

Genus Dasybasis Macquart

Dasybasis Macquart, 1847: 41 (1847: 25). Type species, Dasybasis appendiculata Macquart 1847 (mon.). Pseudoselasoma

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Brèthes, 1910: 475. Type species, Pseudoselasoma opacum Brèthes, 1910 (subs. des., Enderlein, 1922: 346 (in key)).
Refs.: Trojan, 1994: 161; Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 69 (cat.).
Archiplatius Enderlein, 1922: 348 (in key).
Stypommia Enderlein, 1922: 346 (in key).
Coscaronia Trojan, 1994: 126. n. syn by Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 69 (cat.).

montium (Surcouf), 1919: 229, (Tabanus). Type locality: Ecuador, Casitagua. HT F (MNHNP). Distr.: Colombia
(Cauca (Parque de Puracé; Lago San Rafael; Cerro de Munchique), Cundinamarca (Monserrate near Bogotá), Valle
del Cauca (above Tenerife in Paramo)), Bolivia, Ecuador, Venezuela. Refs.: Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 76
(Agelanius colombianus); Wilkerson, 1979: 203; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 66 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009:
73 (cat.).
columbianus Enderlein, 1925: 374 (Archiplatius).
colombianus Fairchild & León, 1986: 115, error.

schineri (Kröber), 1931h: 87. 18-19 (Tabanus (Poecilosoma)). Type locality: “Venezuela”. HT F (NMW). Distr.:
Colombia (Cundinamarca; Huila (20km W. Leticia, 2600m)), Venezuela, Ecuador. Refs.: Fairchild, 1971: 41 (cat.);
Moucha, 1976: 222 (cat.); Wilkerson, 1979: 205; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 68 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009:
75 (cat.). REVISAR HUILA
histrio Wiedemann, of Schiner 1868: 87 (Tabanus), misident.
osornoi Bequaert, 1946b: 86 (Agelanius).

Genus Dasychela Enderlein, 1922

Subgenus Dasychela Enderlein, 1922

limbativena (Enderlein), 1925: 386 (Dicladocera). Type locality: Colombia, Bogotá, Guayabal. HT F (MNHUB).
Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca (Guayabal)). Refs.: Kröber, 1934: 268 (cat.; Dicladocera (Dicladocera));
Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 70; Fairchild, 1971: 72 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 207 (cat.); Fairchild & Burger,
1994: 108 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 77 (cat.).
limbativena Enderlein 1922: 345 (Dicladocera), nomen nudum.

ocellus (Walker), 1848: 143 (Pangonia). Type locality: Ecuador, Quito. HT F (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Meta
(Villavicencio), Valle del Cauca (Lago Calima)), Ecuador, Peru. Refs.: Fairchild, 1971: 72 (cat.); Moucha, 1976:
207 (cat.); Wilkerson, 1979: 276; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 108 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 77 (cat.).

Genus Diachlorus Osten Sacken, 1876

Diabasis Macquart, 1834: 207 (preocc. Hoffmannsegg, 1819). Type species, Tabanus bicinctus Fabricius, 1805 (subs. des.,
Coquillett, 1910: 532). Refs.: Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 78 (cat.).
Diachlorus Osten Sacken, 1876: 475 (nom. nov. for Diabasis Macquart, 1834). Type species, Tabanus bicinctus Fabricius,
1805 (aut.).

anduzei Stone, 1944: 132. Type locality: Venezuela, Bolívar, [Rio?] Surukum. HT F (USNM), PT F 1 (FSCA).
Distr.: Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela. Refs.: Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 82 (cat); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 78

curvipes (Fabricius), 1805: 107 (Haematopota). Type locality: “South America. Smidt” (i.e., Guyana, between
rivers Demerara and Essequibo; cf. Papavero, 1971: 21). HT F (ZMKU). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia
(Providencia), Boyacá (Muzo), Cauca (Guapi), Chocó, Valle del Cauca (Veneral, Rio Yurumanguí), ?Vaupes (Rio
Apoporis, La Isla)), Bolivia, Brazil, Costa Rica, French Guiana, Panama to Surinam, Peru, Trinidad. Refs.: Kröber,
1934: 256 (cat.); Bequaert & Reinjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 83; Fairchild, 1971: 52 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 209 (cat.);
Wilkerson, 1979: 225; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 83 (cat); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 79 (cat.).

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ataenia Macquart, 1838a: 156 (1838: 152) (Diabasis).
varipes Walker, 1854: 289 (Chrysops; preocc. Rondani, 1848).
terminalis Macquart, 1855: 56 (1855: 36) (Chrysops; preocc. Walker, 1848).

fuscistigma Lutz, 1913b: 148, pl. 12. Type locality: Brazil, Amazonas, Rio Madeira. HT F (IOC). Distr.: Bolivia,
Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Surinam. Refs.: Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 83 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009:
80 (cat.).
ochraceus Macquart of Kröber, 1928: 116, misident.
angustifrons Kröber, 1930a: 74.

jobbinsi Fairchild, 1942e: 296. Type locality: Panama, Darien, El Real. HT F (MCZ). Distr.: Colombia (Cauca
(Guapi), Chocó (La Teresita), Valle del Cauca (Buenaventura; Rio Raposo; Ladrilleros, 30km N. Buenaventura)),
Brazil, Costa Rica to Ecuador. Refs.: Lee et al., 1969: 446; Fairchild, 1971: 53 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 209 (cat.);
Wilkerson, 1979: 226; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 84 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 80 (cat.).

leticia Wilkerson & Fairchild, 1982: 641. Type locality: Colombia, Amazonas, 17km N. of Leticia. HT F, PT l F
(FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas), Brazil, Peru. Refs.: Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 84 (cat.); Coscaron &
Papavero, 2009: 80 (cat.).

pechumani Fairchild, 1972: 223. Type locality: Peru, Cuzco, Quincemil, 2450m. HT F (DECU), PT F l (FSCA).
Distr.: Brazil, Colombia, Peru. Refs.: Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 84 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 81 (cat.).

xynus Fairchild, 1972: 226. Type locality: Peru, Cuzco, Quincemil, 2450m. HT F (DECU), PT F 4 (FSCA). Distr.:
Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Surinam. Refs.: Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 84 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 81 (cat.).

Genus Dichelacera Macquart, 1838

Subgenus Desmatochelacera Fairchild

Dichelacera subg. Desmatochelacera Fairchild, 1969: 210. Type species, Dichelacera transposita Walker, 1854 (orig. des.).

albitibialis Burger, 1999: 54. Type locality: Peru, Loreto, Boquerón, 550m. HT F (LACM), PT F 19 (FSCA,
LACM). Distr.: Colombia (Rio Putumayo). Refs.: Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 82 (cat.).

transposita Walker, 1854: 151 (Dichelacera). Type locality: “West Coast of America” (Ecuador). HT F (BMNH).
Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Rio Anori valley; Providencia), Cauca (Rio Micay), Chocó (between Rio San Juan
and Ro Baudó), Valle del Cauca (Rio Raposo; Puerto Merizalde on the Rio Naya; Rio Sabaletas; 41km E. and
20km N. Buenaventura)), Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guyana, Panama. Refs.: Kröber, 1934: 273 (cat.; Catachlorops),
Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 67 (Dichelacera (Catachlorops)); Fairchild, 1971: 65 (cat.); Moucha, 1976:
200 (cat.); Lee et al., 1969: 448 (Catachlorops); Wilkerson, 1979: 263; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 100 (cat.);
Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 82 (cat.).

Subgenus Dichelacera Macquart

Dichelacera, subgenus Dichelacera Macquart, 1838. Type species, Tabanus cervicornis Fabricius, 1805. Refs.: Coscaron &
Papavero, 2009: 82 (cat.).

burgeri, Coscarón & Papavero, 2009: 82, nom. nov. for Dichelacera (Dichelacera) aurata Burger, 1994. Type
locality: Colombia, Valle, Rio Zabaletas, 45km E. of Zabaletas. Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia, Cauca, Valley
(probably Valle del Cauca). Refs.: Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 82 (cat.).
aurata Burger, 1994: 56.

chocoensis Fairchild & Philip, 1960: 26. Type locality: Colombia, Chocó, Rio Nimiquia, Genené. HT F (MCZ), PT

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M 1 (CAS), PT F 7 (FSCA). Distr. Colombia (Antioquia, Chocó (Rio Nimiquia), Cauca (Rio Micay), Valle del
Cauca (Buenaventura; Rio Anchicayá; Rio Raposo)), Ecuador. Refs.: Lee et al., 1969: 447; Fairchild, 1971: 61
(cat.); Moucha, 1976: 197 (cat.); Wilkerson, 1979: 249; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 95 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero,
2009: 83 (cat.).

damicornis (Fabricius), 1805: 101 (Tabanus). Type locality: “South America. Smidt” [i.e., Guyana, between rivers
Demerara and Essequibo; cf. Papavero, 1971:21]. HT F (ZMKU). Distr.: ?Colombia, Venezuela to Brazil. Refs.:
Fairchild, 1971: 61 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 197 (cat.); Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 95 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero,
2009: 83 (cat.).
damicornis Hine, 1920b: 317, error.
capricornis Kröber, 1931d: 414.

fasciata Walker, 1850: 68. Type locality: “North America”. HT F (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Cauca (Guapi),
Chocó (between Rio San Juan and Rio Baudó; Rio Nimiquía; Genené; Utría; Alto Curichi; Curichi) Valle del
Cauca (Buenaventura; Rio Raposo; Rio Sabaletas; Bajo Calima; Rio Bravo-Playa Rica; 12km E. Buenaventura;
41km E. and 20km N. Buenaventura; Ladrilleros)), Nicaragua to Ecuador. Refs.: Lee et al., 1969: 447; Fairchild,
1971: 61 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 197 (cat.); Wilkerson, 1979: 251; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 95 (cat.); Coscaron &
Papavero, 2009: 83 (cat.).
cervicornis Fabricius of Osten Sacken, 1886: 58, missident.
analis Hine, 1920b: 316.
costaricensis Kröber, 1931d: 411.

hartmanni Fairchild & Philip, 1960: 37. Type locality: Panama, Chiriquí, Santa Clara. HT F (MCZ), PT F l
(FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Santander), Panama. Refs.: Fairchild, 1971: 62 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 198 (cat.);
Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 96 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 84 (cat.).

marginata Macquart, 1847: 30 (1847: 14). Type locality: French Guiana, Cayenne. HT F (BMNH). Distr.:
Colombia (Antioquia, Boyacá (Muzo), Chocó (Rio Curiche; La Teresita; Lloró; Rio Cabi near Quibdó; Andagoya),
Magdalena (Rio Don Diego), Meta (Restrepo; Villavicencio), Santander (Jazmín), Valle del Cauca (Quebrada San
Joaquin near Buenaventura)), Nicaragua to N. Brazil and Peru. Refs.: Kröber, 1934: 266 (cat.); Bequaert &
Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 66; Fairchild, 1971: 63 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 198 (cat.); Wilkerson, 1979: 253; Fairchild &
Burger, 1994: 97 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 84 (cat.).
hinnulus Walker, 1850b: cxxii.
emarginata Hine, 1917: 293, misspell.

melanosoma Hine, 1920b: 316. Type locality: Costa Rica, San Mateo, Higuito. HT F (USNM). Distr.: Colombia
(Chocó (La Teresita)), Costa Rica to N. Colombia. Refs.: Fairchild, 1971: 63 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 198 (cat.);
Wilkerson, 1979: 254; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 97 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 85 (cat.).

regina Fairchild, 1940b: 699. Type locality: Panama, Coclé, El Valle, 2500ft. HT F (MCZ). Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquia, Cauca (Rio Micay), Chocó (upper Curiche; Rio Curiche, between Rio San Juan and Rio Baudó;
Itsmina; Rio Nimiquía), Meta (Restrepo), Valle del Cauca (Rio Raposo; bajo Anchicayá, Lago Calima; Rio Bravo-
Playa Rica; 20km below dam Lago Calima; 41km E. and 20km N. Buenaventura; Puerto Merizalde on Rio Naya;
Veneral on Rio Yurumanguí)), Honduras to Ecuador. Refs.: Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 66; Lee et al.,
1969: 448; Fairchild, 1971: 64 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 198 (cat.); Wilkerson, 1979: 256; Fairchild & Burger, 1994:
98 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 86 (cat.).
grandis Ricardo of Hine, 1917: 293, misident.

submarginata Lutz, 1915: 86. Type locality: “Venezuela”. LT F (IOC). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Anori River
valley), Cundinamarca (Yacopí), Meta (Ocoa, Villavicencio), Putumayo (La Tagua), Santander (Gualilo,
Landázuri)), Bolivia, Costa Rica to Venezuela, E. Peru. Refs.: Kröber, 1934: 267 (cat.); Bequaert & Renjifo-
Salcedo, 1946: 66; Fairchild, 1971: 64 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 199 (cat.); Wilkerson, 1979: 258; Fairchild & Burger,
1994: 98 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 86 (cat.).
tricallosa Kröber, 1931d: 414.

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villavoensis Fairchild & Philip, 1960: 74. Type locality: Colombia, Meta, Villavicencio (as Viliavicencio, error).
HT F (MCZ), PT F 2 (FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Santander, Meta), Brazil, Ecuador, Peru. Refs.: Fairchild, 1971: 65
(cat.); Moucha, 1976: 199 (cat.); Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 99 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 87 (cat.).
submarginata Lutz of Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 66, misident.

Subgenus Idiochelacera Fairchild

Dichelacera, subg. Idiochelacera Fairchild, 1969: 210. Type species, Dichelacera subcallosa Fairchild & Philip, 1960 (orig.

subcallosa Fairchild & Philip, 1960: 83. Type locality: Colombia, Santander, Rio Suárez, 900m. HT F, PT M 1
(AMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Providencia), Chocó (between Rio San Juan and Rio Baudó), Santander,
Valle del Cauca (Bajo Anchicayá)), Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama, Peru. Refs.: Fairchild, 1971: 65 (cat.); Moucha,
1976: 200 (cat.); Wilkerson, 1979: 261; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 99 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 87 (cat.).

Subgenus Orthostyloceras Lutz, 1933

Orthostylus Lutz & Neiva, 1914: 74 (sep., p. 8) (preocc. Beck, 1837). Type species, Orthostylus ambiguus Lutz & Neiva, 1914
Orthostyloceras Lutz in Borgmeier, 1933: 298 (as genus; nom. nov. for Orthostylus Lutz, & Neiva, 1914). Type species,
Orthostylus ambiguus Lutz & Neiva, 1914 (aut.). Refs.: Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 88 (cat.).

aurata Wilkerson, 1979: 265. Type locality: Colombia, Cauca, Cerro de Munchique, El Tambo, 2400m. HT F
(FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Cauca (Cerro de Munchique)). Refs.: Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 100 (cat.); Coscaron &
Papavero, 2009: 88 (cat.).

Genus Dicladocera Lutz, 1913

Dicladocera Lutz, 1909b: 29, 1911b: 34, nomen nudum.

Dicladocera Lutz, 1913b: 486, 487 (sep., pp. 6, 7) (1914a: 166 (sep., p. 6) (as Dichladocera). Type species, Tabanus
guttipennis Wiedemann, 1828 (subs. des., Enderlein, 1922: 346 (in key)). Refs.: Fairchild, 1951a: 121, 1961a: 238; .
Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 89 (cat.); Henriques et al., 2012: 278.
Dasychela Enderlein of Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 68, misident. (part).

argentomacula Wilkerson, 1979: 280. Type locality: Colombia, Valle, Peñas Blancas, 10km W. of Cali. HT F, PT
F 5 (FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Peñas Blancas; 10km W. Cali; Anchicayá; Lago Calima; Tres
Esquinas; Habana; Buga)), Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru. Refs.: Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 109 (cat.); Coscaron &
Papavero, 2009: 89 (cat.).
argenteomaculata Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 109 (cat.), error.

basirufa (Walker), 1850b: 32 (Tabanus). Type locality: “Colombia”. HT F (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Cauca-
Huila (Páramo de las Papas sources of Rio Magdalena), Cundinamarca (near Guasca), Nariño (near Pasto)),
Ecuador. Refs.: Kröber, 1934: 268 (cat.); Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 71 (Dasychela); Fairchild, 1971: 73
(cat.); Moucha, 1976: 227 (cat.); Wilkerson, 1979: 283; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 109 (cat.); Coscaron &
Papavero, 2009: 89 (cat.).
steinheili Enderlein, 1925: 384.
pallidetibia Kröber, 1940.

beaveri Wilkerson, 1979: 284. Type locality: Colombia, Cauca, Cerro de Munchique, 2450m. HT F (FSCA).
Distr.: Colombia (Cauca (Cerro de Munchique)). Refs.: Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 109 (cat.); Coscaron &
Papavero, 2009: 89 (cat.).

calimaensis Wilkerson, 1979: 286. Type locality: Colombia, Valle, lago Calima, 8km below dam, 1250m. HT F,

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PT 5 F (FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Lago Calima)). Refs.: Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 109 (cat.);
Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 89 (cat.).

clara (Schiner), 1868: 88 (Tabanus). Type locality: “Venezuela”. ST F (NMW). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca
(Peñas Blancas; Lago Calima)), Ecuador, Venezuela, Peru. Refs.: Kröber, 1934: 308 (cat.; Tabanus (Tabanus), as
clarus); Wilkerson, 1979: 287 (as clarus, error); Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 110 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009:
89 (cat.).
umbratipenne Fairchild 1958: 522.

dalessandroi Wilkerson, 1979: 289. Type locality: Colombia, Valle, lower Anchicayá, 400m. HT F (FSCA). Distr.:
Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Bajo Anchicayá)). Refs.: Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 110 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero,
2009: 89 (cat.).

distomacula Wilkerson, 1979: 290. Type locality: Colombia, Cauca, Cerro de Munchique, 2450m. HT F (FSCA).
Distr.: Colombia (Cauca (Cerro de Munchique)), Ecuador. Refs.: Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 110 (cat.); Coscaron &
Papavero, 2009: 89 (cat.).

hirsuta Wilkerson, 1979: 291. Type locality: Colombia, Cauca, Parque de Puracé, lago San Rafael, 3500m. HT F,
PT F 2 (FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Cauca (Parque de Puracé, Lago San Rafael)), Ecuador. Refs.: Fairchild &
Burger, 1994: 110 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 90 (cat.).

leei Fairchild in Wilkerson, 1979: 293. Type locality: Colombia, Cauca, Páramo de Puracé, Sierra de Puracé, vic.
Cali, 3500m. HT F, PT F 2, M 1 (FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Cauca (Parque de Puracé, Lago San Rafael)). Refs.:
Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 110 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 90 (cat.).

macula (Macquart), 1846: 171 (1846: 43) (Tabanus). Type locality: unknown (?Colombia). HT F (BMNH). Distr.:
Colombia (Cundinamarca (Bogotá, Arrayán, Fusagasugá, Páramo), Huila (20km W. Leticia), Magdalena (NW.
Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta; San Lorenzo Mts), Valle del Cauca (La Cumbre)), Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru,
Venezuela. Refs.: Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 70 (Dasychela); Fairchild, 1971: 73 (cat.); Moucha, 1976:
227 (cat.); Wilkerson, 1979: 295; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 110 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 90 (cat.).
auribarbis Macquart, 1848: 12 (Tabanus).
argyrophorus Schiner, 1868: 90 (Tabanus).
maculata Pechuman, 1944: 55, error.

minos (Schiner), 1868: 88 (Tabanus). Type locality: “South America” (Venezuela). LT F (NMW). Distr.: Colombia
(Cauca (Silvia), Santander (Páramo del Almorzadero)), Bolivia, ?Brazil, Ecuador, Venezuela. Refs.: Kröber, 1934:
269 (cat.; Dicladocera (Dasyrhamphis)); Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 75; Wilkerson, 1979: 296; Fairchild
& Burger, 1994: 111 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 90 (cat.).

nigrocoerulea (Rondani), 1850: 191 (Tabanus). Type locality: “Venezuela”. ST F (IEAUT, Naples). Distr.:
Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Peñas Blancas, Lago Calima)), ?Brazil, Ecuador, Panama, ?Peru, Venezuela. Refs.:
Fairchild, 1971: 74 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 228 (cat.) Wilkerson, 1979: 297; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 111 (cat.);
Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 90 (cat.).
Lutzi Surcouf, 1921: 54 (Stigmatophthalmus).
acheronitens Kröber, 1931d: 403.

pruinosa Wilkerson, 1979: 298. Type locality: Colombia, Valle, Peñas Blancas. HT F, PT F 2 (FSCA). Distr.:
Colombia (Cauca (Cerro de Munchique), Valle del Cauca (Peñas Blancas, Lago Calima)), Ecuador. Refs.: Fairchild
& Burger, 1994: 111 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 91 (cat.).

riveti (Surcouf), 1919: 226 (Tabanus). Type locality: Ecuador, between Guanasilla and San Nicolás. ST F
(MNHNP). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Bajo Anchicayá, Rio Sabaletas)), Ecuador. Refs.: Wilkerson, 1979:
300; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 111 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 91 (cat.).

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submacula (Walker), 1850b: 30 (Tabanus). Type locality: ‘Colombia’. HT F (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Boyacá
(near Muzo, Maripí), ?Magdalena, ?Valle)), Ecuador. Refs.: Fairchild, 1971: 75 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 228 (cat.);
Wilkerson, 1979: 302; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 111 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 91 (cat.).

Genus Hemichrysops Kröber

Hemichrysops Kröber, 1930c: 237. Type species, Hemichrysops fascipennis Kröber, 1930 (mon.). Refs.: Coscaron &
Papavero, 2009: 92 (cat.).

fascipennis Kröber, 1930c: 237. Type locality: “Colombia”. HT F (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca
(Rio Raposo)), Costa Rica, Panama. Refs.: Kröber, 1934: 231 (cat.); Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 59; Lee et
al., 1969: 451; Fairchild, 1971: 53 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 226 (cat.); Wilkerson, 1979: 203; Fairchild & Burger,
1994: 85 (cat); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 92 (cat.).
vecordis Fairchild 1956: 16 (Tabanus; nom. nov. for fascipennis Kröber, 1930; when in Tabanus, fascipennis
Kröber, 1930 was preocc., Macquart, 1845, by Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 93 (cat.)).

Genus Himantostylus Lutz

Himantostylus Lutz, 1913a: 183 (sep., p. 44). Type species, Himantostylus intermedius Lutz, 1913. Refs.: Fairchild, 1966:
211. Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 93 (cat.).

intermedius Lutz, 1913b: 183 (sep., p. 44), Type locality: Peru, Puno, Yahuarmayo. HT M (IOC). Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquia, Valle del Cauca (Rio Raposo; Rio Sabaletas)), Panama to Bolivia. Refs.: Lee et al., 1969: 446;
Fairchild, 1971: 51 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 208 (cat.); Wilkerson, 1979: 223; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 81 (cat);
Coscaron & Papavero 2009: 93 (cat.).

Genus Lepiselaga Macquart, 1838

Subgenus Conoposelaga Barretto

Conoposelaga Barretto, 1949b: 87 (as genus). Type species, Lepiselaga aberrans Lutz, 1913 (orig. des.). Refs.: Coscaron &
Papavero, 2009: 94 (cat.).

colombiana Fairchild, 1966: 215. Type locality: Colombia, Meta, Barbascal. HT F (MCZ), PT F l (FSCA). Distr.:
Colombia (Meta). Refs.: Fairchild, 1971: 85 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 207 (cat.); Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 125 (cat.);
Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 94 (cat.).

Subgenus Lepiselaga Macquart, 1838

crassipes (Fabricius), 1805: 108 (Haematopota). Type locality: “South America. Smidt” (i.e., Guyana, between
rivers Demerara and Essequibo; cf. Papavero, 1971: 21). HT F (ZMKU). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas (Santa Sofia
Island), Antioquia (Caucasia), Caldas (Dorada, Magdalena River), Cauca (Rio Micay), Chocó (Atrato River,
Sautatá; ), Cordoba (Monteria), Meta (Hacienda Yacuana near Villavicencio), Nariño (Rio Patía), Santander
(Puerto Olaya; Barrancabermeja), Valle del Cauca (Buenaventura, Rio Raposo; Candelaria; Puerto Merizalde, Rio
Naya; Cali)), Mexico to N. Argentina, Cuba, Jamaica, Hispaniola, Puerto Rico. Refs.: Kröber, 1934: 253 (cat.);
Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 64; Lee et al., 1969: 446; Fairchild, 1971: 84 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 207 (cat.);
Wilkerson, 1979: 351; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 125 (cat.); Parra-Henao et al., 2008: 183; Coscaron & Papavero,
2009: 94 (cat.).
lepidotus Wiedemann, 1828: 193 (Tabanus).
recta Loew, 1869: 46 (Lepidoselaga).

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major Szilády, 1926: 21.
fenestrata Hack, 1953: 346 (as crassipes var.).

Genus Leucotabanus Lutz

Leucotabanus Lutz, 1913a: 487 (1914: 167 (sep., p. 7)). Type species, Tabanus leucaspis Wiedemann, 1828 (subs. mon., Lutz
& Neiva, 1914:71 (sep., p. 5)) = Leucotabanus exaestuans (Linnaeus, 1758). Refs.: Fairchild, 1951a: 123; 1961: 240,
Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 95 (cat.).

canithorax Fairchild, 1941a: 634, (nom. nov. for albicans Macquart of Macquart 1845, misident). Type locality:
“Colombia”. HT F (MCZ). Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena (Sevilla)), Mexico, Belice, Panama, Guyana, Trinidad.
Refs.: Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 74; Fairchild, 1971: 83 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 230 (cat.); Wilkerson,
1979: 347; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 123 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 95 (cat.).
albicans Macquart of Macquart, 1846: 37, misident.

exaestuans (Linnaeus), 1758: 601 (Tabanus). Type locality: “America”. HT F (NRS). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia,
Boyacá, Chocó (La Teresita), Meta (Villavicencio), Putumayo (Puerto Asis), Santander, Valle del Cauca (Rio
Sabaletas; Bajo Anchicayá), Vaupés), Mexico to Bolivia, Argentina, Trinidad. Refs.: Fairchild, 1971: 83 (cat.);
Moucha, 1976: 230 (cat.); Wilkerson, 1979: 348; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 123 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero,
2009: 95 (cat.).
leucaspis Wiedemann, 1828: 179 (Tabanus).
albicans Macquart, 1846: 165 (1846: 37) (Tabanus; preocc. Macquart 1834).
albiscutellatus Macquart, 1850: 338 (1850: 34) (Tabanus).
cingulifer Walker, 1857: 123 (Tabanus).
melanopterus Brèthes, 1910: 479 (Tabanus).
exoestuans Barretto, 1957: 88, error.

flavinotum (Kröber), 1934: 309 (cat.; Tabanus (Tabanus); nom. nov. for nigriflavus Kröber, 1931. Type locality:
Brazil, Amazonas. Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Providencia), Boyacá (Muzo), Chocó), Costa Rica to Colombia,
Brazil, Peru, Venezuela. Refs.: Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 74; Fairchild, 1971: 83 (cat.); Moucha, 1976:
230 (cat.); Wilkerson, 1979: 350; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 123 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 96 (cat.).
nigriflavus Kröber, 1931e: 292 (Tabanus; preocc. Kröber, 1930).

janinae Fairchild, 1970: 845. Type locality: French Guiana, Forêt d’Acarouany. HT F (MNHNP), PT F 2 (FSCA).
Distr.: Brazil, Colombia, French Guiana, Surinam. Refs.: Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 123 (cat.); Coscaron &
Papavero, 2009: 96 (cat.).

pauculus Fairchild, 1951b: 456. Type locality: Brazil, Pará HT F (MCZ). Distr.: Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil.
Refs.: Fairchild, 1971: 83 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 231 (cat.); Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 124 (cat.); Coscaron &
Papavero, 2009: 96 (cat.).

Genus Phaeotabanus Lutz

Phaeotabanus Lutz, 1913a: 487 (sep., p. 6) (1914a: 168 (sep., p. 8). Type species, Tabanus litigiosus Walker, 1850 (subs. des.,
Bequaert, 1924: 29). Refs.: Fairchild, 1951a: 124, 1961a: 243. Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 98 (cat.).

cajennensis (Fabricius), 1787: 355 (Tabanus). Type locality: French Guiana, “Cayenne. Rohr” (cf. Papavero,
1971: 20). LT F (ZMKU). Distr.: Colombia (Meta (region of Rio Negro, S. of Villavicencio), Tolima (between
Mediación and Ibagué)), S. to Brazil, Bolivia, Trinidad to Colombia and French Guiana. Refs.: Kröber, 1934: 307
(cat.; Tabanus (Tabanus)); Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 76 (Stenotabanus); Fairchild, 1971: 56 (cat.);
Moucha, 1976: 194 (cat.); Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 88 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 98 (cat.).

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caiennensis Kertész 1908: 232 (cat.; Tabanus); Lutz, 1928: 61, error.
caiennensus Lutz, 1928: caption of fig. 8 (Pl. IX).
decoloratus Kröber, 1931f: 301 (Tabanus (Tabanus)).

innotescens (Walker), 1854: 327 (Tabanus). Type locality: Brazil, Pará, Rio Tapajós. HT F (BMNH). Distr.:
Colombia. Refs.: Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 88 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 99 (cat.).
hesperus Lutz, 1912: 8, fig. 3 (Tabanus).
aurora Macquart of Bequaert, 1926: 233 and Kröber, 1929e: 246 (female only), misident.
pallidipalpis Stone, 1944: 131 (Cryptotylus).

nigriflavus (Kröber), 1930d: 284, (Tabanus). Type locality: “French Guiana”. Distr.: Colombia. Refs.: Fairchild &
Burger, 1994: 89 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 100 (cat.).
obscurehirtus Kröber, 1930d: 284 (Tabanus (Phaeotabanus); as aphanopterus var.; preocc. Ricardo, 1908).
obscuripilis Kröber, 1934: 304 (cat.; Tabanus (Phaeotabanus), as aphanopterus var., nom nov. for
obscurehirtus, Kröber, 1930).
obscuripilus Philip, 1960a: 81 (as aphanopterus var.), error.
obscurepilis Moucha, 1976: 195 (cat.), error.
obscurepilus Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 89, error.

phaeopterus Fairchild, 1964b: 176. Type locality: Panama, Darien, Rio Tapalices, 200m. HT F, PT M 1 (MCZ),
PT F 2 (FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia, Chocó (between Rio San Juan and Rio Baudó), Valle del Cauca (Bajo
Anchicayá; Rio Sabaletas, 41Km E. and 20km N. of Buenaventura)), Ecuador, Panama, Peru. Refs.: Wilkerson,
1979: 241; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 89 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 100 (cat.).

serenus (Kröber), 1931f: 304 (Tabanus (Tabanus)). Type locality: “Venezuela”. HT F (NMW). Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquia (Providencia), Boyacá, Meta (Restrepo)), Ecuador, Panama, Venezuela. Refs.: Fairchild, 1971: 82 (cat.;
Stypommisa as serena); Moucha, 1976: 232 (cat.; Stypommisa); Wilkerson, 1979: 342 (Stypommisa) (as serena);
Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 90 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009:100 (cat.).
vapidus Fairchild, 1964a: 172 (Stenotabanus).

Genus Philipotabanus Fairchild, 1943

Subgenus Melasmatabanus Fairchild

Philipotabanus, subg. Melasmatabanus Fairchild, 1964a: 179. Type species, Tabanus fascipennis Macquart, 1846 (orig. des.).

criton (Kröber), 1934: 304 (cat.; Tabanus (Phaeotabanus), nom. nov. for columbianus Kröber, 1931). Type
locality: Colombia, Fusagasugá. Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Providencia), Cundinamarca (Fusagasuga), Chocó
(Rio Curiche), Santander (San Vicente, Rio Suarez), Valle del Cauca (Rio Raposo)), Brazil, Ecuador, Panama.
Refs.: Kröber, 1934: 304 (cat.); Bequaert & Reinjifo-Salcedo 1946: 82 (Tabanus (?Philipotabanus); Fairchild,
1971: 80 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 230 (cat.); Wilkerson, 1979: 318; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 118 (cat.); Coscaron &
Papavero, 2009: 100 (cat.).
columbianus Kröber, 1931g: 90 (Phaeotabanus; preocc. Enderlein, 1925).
keenani Fairchild, 1947: 574 (Tabanus (Philipotabanus)).

fascipennis (Macquart), 1846: 163 (1846: 35), (Tabanus). Type locality: “Nouvelle Grenade” (Colombia). LT F
(BMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia, Boyacá (Muzo), Valle del Cauca (Lower Anchicayá, 41km E. and 20km
Buenaventura)), Panama, Venezuela. Refs.: Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 82 (Tabanus (Philipotabanus));
Fairchild, 1971: 80 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 230 (cat.); Wilkerson, 1979: 319; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 118 (cat.);
Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 101 (cat.).

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nigripennis Wilkerson, 1979: 321. Type locality: Colombia, Valle, lago Calima. HT F, PT F 2 (FSCA). Distr.:
Colombia (Chocó, Valle del Cauca), Ecuador E. of Andes. Refs.: Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 118 (cat.); Coscaron &
Papavero, 2009: 101 (cat.).

Subgenus Mimotabanus Fairchild

Philipotabanus, subg. Mimotabanus Fairchild, 1964a: 179. Type species, Tabanus (Philipotabanus) inauratus Fairchild (orig.
des.). Refs.: Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 101(cat.).

annectans Fairchild, 1975: 691. Type locality: Colombia, Antioquia, Rio Anori valley, Providencia. HT F, PT F 4
(FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Providencia)). Refs.: Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 117 (cat.); Coscaron &
Papavero, 2009: 101 (cat.).

fucosus Fairchild, 1958: 526. Type locality: Colombia, Meta, Villavicencio (El Retiro). HT F (MCZ), PT F l
(FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Meta), Peru. Refs.: Fairchild, 1971: 79 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 229 (cat.); Fairchild &
Burger, 1994: 117 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 101 (cat.).

opimus Fairchild, 1975: 691. Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca, Monterredondo. HT F (DECU), PT F 8, M
1 (FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca), Ecuador to Peru. Refs.: Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 118 (cat.);
Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 101 (cat.).

phalaropygus Fairchild, 1964a: 177. Type locality: Panama, Darien, Rio Tuira Yellow Fever Station. HT F
(MCZ), PT F l (FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Rio Pance near Buenos Aires, Cali)), Panama, Peru.
Refs.: Wilkerson, 1979: 322; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 118 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 101 (cat.).

plenus (Hine), 1907: 225 (Tabanus). Type locality: Guatemala, Izabal. ST F (AMNH, OSU). Distr.: Guatemala to
Colombia. Refs.: Fairchild, 1971: 80 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 229 (cat.); Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 118 (cat.);
Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 101 (cat.).

porteri Fairchild, 1975: 692. Type locality: Colombia, Antioquia, Rio Anori valley, La Tirana. HT F (MCZ), PT F
3 (FSCA), PT F l (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Rio Anori valley, La Tirana), Valle del Cauca (41km E.
and 21km N. Buenaventura, Rio Raposo, Rio Bravo-Playa Rica, 15km below dam Lago Calima, Rio Sabaletas)).
Refs.: Wilkerson, 1979: 323; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 118 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 101 (cat.).

tanypterus Wilkerson, 1979: 325. Type locality: Colombia, Valle, near Santa María, 200-2500m. HT F (FSCA).
Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca). Refs.: Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 118 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 101

vulpinus Fairchild, 1975: 690. Type locality: Colombia, Buenaventura, Rio Raposo. HT F (FSCA). Distr.:
Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Rio Raposo, Bajo Anchicayá)). Refs.: Wilkerson, 1979: 326; Fairchild & Burger,
1994: 118 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 101 (cat.).

Subgenus Philipotabanus Fairchild, 1943

chrysothrix (Fairchild), 1943: 459 (Tabanus (Philipotabanus)). Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Madden Lake,
Rio Pequení. Distr.: Colombia (Chocó), Panama. Refs.: Fairchild, 1971: 78 (cat.); Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 116
(cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 102 (cat.).

grassator (Fairchild), 1953: 278, (Tabanus (Philipotabanus)). Type locality: Panama, Bocas del Toro, Almirante.
HT F (MCZ). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca), Panama. Refs.: Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 116 (cat.); Coscaron &
Papavero, 2009: 102 (cat.).

magnificus (Kröber), 1934: 299 (cat.; Tabanus (Phaeotabanus), nom. nov. for formosus Kröber, 1930). Type

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locality: Ecuador, Pucay, Santo Domingo; Colombia; Costa Rica. Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia, Cauca (Rio Micay),
Chocó (between Rio San Juan and Rio Baudó, La Teresita, Curiche, Rio Nimiquia, Itsmina Andagoya, Rio Cabí
near Quibdó, Condoto, Utria), Meta (Rio Guayuriba), Santander (Alto Rio), Valle del Cauca (Buenaventura, Rio
Anchicayá, Rio Raposo, Rio Sabaletas, Bajo Anchicayá, Bajo Calima, Rio Bravo-Playa Rica, 15Km below dam
Lago Calima, 41km E. and 20km N. Buenaventura, 3.6km W. Queremal, Cali to Buenaventura road, Veneral on
Rio Yurumanguí, Puerto Merizalde on Rio Naya, Quebrada San Joaquín near Buenaventura)), Honduras to
Venezuela and Ecuador. Refs.: Kröber, 1934: 305 (cat.; Tabanus (Phaeotabanus)); Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo,
1946: 82 (Tabanus (Philipotabanus); Lee et al., 1969: 451; Fairchild, 1971: 79 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 229 (cat.);
Wilkerson, 1979: 327; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 116 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 102 (cat.).
formosus Kröber, 1930d: 299 (Tabanus (Phaeotabanus); preocc. Walker, 1848).

nigrinubilus (Fairchild)1953: 279 (Tabanus (Philipotabanus)). Type locality: Panama, Bocas del Toro, Almirante.
HT F (MCZ), PT F 2 (FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia, Cauca, Chocó (upper Curiche river), Valle del Cauca
(Rio Raposo, 41km E. and 20km N. Buenaventura, Rio Sabaletas, Bajo Calima)), Costa Rica, Ecuador, Honduras,
Panama. Refs.: Lee et al., 1969: 452; Fairchild, 1971: 79 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 229 (cat.); Wilkerson, 1979: 329;
Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 117 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 102 (cat.).

pterographicus (Fairchild), 1943: 459, (Tabanus (Philipotabanus)). Type locality: Panama, Chagres river region,
Moja Pollo. HT F (MCZ).Distr.: Colombia (Chocó), Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama. Refs.: Fairchild, 1971: 79
(cat.); Moucha, 1976: 229 (cat.); Wilkerson, 1979: 331; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 117 (cat.); Coscaron &
Papavero, 2009: 103 (cat.).

tenuifasciatus (Kröber), 1930d: 296, (Tabanus (Phaeotabanus)). Type locality: Peru, Pichís, Puerto Yessup. HT F
(DFS). Distr.: Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru. Refs.: Fairchild, 1971: 79 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 229 (cat.);
Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 117 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 103 (cat.).

Genus Pseudacanthocera Lutz & Neiva, 1914

Pseudacanthocera Lutz, 1913a: 487 (sep., p. 6) (1914a: 167 (sep., p. 7)), nomen nudum.
Pseudacanthocera Lutz & Neiva, 1914: 71 (sep., p. 5). Type species, Silvius marginatus Macquart, 1838: 1, error = Silvius
sylveirii Macquart, 1838 (mon.). Refs. Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 103 (cat.)
Pseudoselasoma Brèthes of Enderlein, 1925: 350 (part), misident.
Pseudocanthocera Fairchild, 1951a: 124, error.

brevicornis (Enderlein), 1925: 351 (Pseudoselasoma). Type locality: Paraguay, San Bernardino. LT F, PLT M
(MNHUB). Distr.: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Paraguay. Refs.: Kröber, 1934: 260 (cat.); Fairchild,
1971: 84 (cat.; as brevicorne); Moucha, 1976: 227 (cat.; as brevicorne); Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 124 (cat.; as
brevicorne); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 103 (cat.).
fraterna Kröber, 1930a: 80.
lenkoi Bernardi 1975: 75.

Genus Selasoma Macquart

Selasoma Macquart, 1838a: 187 (1838: 303). Type species, Tabanus tibialis Fabricius, 1805 (orig. des.). Refs.: Coscaron &
Papavero, 2009: 104 (cat.).

tibiale (Fabricius), 1805: 102 (Tabanus). Type locality: “South America. Smidt”. HT F (ZMKU). Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquia (Providencia), Meta (Villavicencio)), Mexico to N. Argentina, Trinidad. Refs.: Bequaert & Renjifo-
Salcedo, 1946: 64; Fairchild, 1971: 55 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 226 (cat.); Wilkerson, 1979: 236; Fairchild & Burger,
1994: 86 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 104 (cat.).
chalybeus Perty, 1833: 183 (Hadrus).
cyaneum Walker, 1848: 208 (Hadrus).

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Genus Spilotabanus Fairchild

Spilotabanus Fairchild, 1969: 218. Type species, Tabanus multiguttatus Kröber, 1930 (orig. des.).

multiguttatus (Kröber), 1930d: 285, (Tabanus (Phaeotabanus)). Type locality: Colombia, Bogotá. HT F destroyed
(Col. Kröber). Distr.: Colombia (Cauca (Cerro de Munchique), Cundinamarca, Magdalena (Sierra San Lorenzo),
Putumayo (on Amazon side of Andes along road leading to Mocoa)), Ecuador, Peru. Refs.: Kröber, 1934: 305 (cat.;
Tabanus (Phaeotabanus)); Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 82 (Tabanus (Philipotabanus); Fairchild, 1971: 57
(cat.); Moucha, 1976: 230 (cat.); Wilkerson, 1979: 243; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 90 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero,
2009: 105 (cat.).
triaurius Wilkerson, 1979: 245.

Genus Stenotabanus Lutz, 1913

Subgenus Brachytabanus Fairchild

Stenotabanus, subg. Brachytabanus Fairchild, 1942e: 300. Type species, Stenotabanus longipennis Kröber, 1929 (orig. des.).
Refs.: Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 107 (cat.).

longipennis Kröber, 1929b: 125. Type locality: “Venezuela”. HT F (NMW). Distr.: Colombia (Boyacá (Muzo),
Meta (Villavicencio), Santander (Bocas del Rosario, Rio Magdalena and an unknow locatin on the upper
Magdalena River), Putumayo (Urcusique), Valle del Cauca (Rio Raposo)), Costa Rica, Panama, Venezuela. Refs.:
Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 75 (Brachytabanus); Lee et al., 1969: 450; Fairchild, 1971: 50 (cat.);
Wilkerson, 1979: 219; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 79 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 107 (cat.).

Subgenus Stenotabanus Lutz, 1913

brunneus Wilkerson, 1979: 208. Type locality: Valle del Cauca, Tres Esquinas, Habana, Buga. HT F, PT F 1.
(Gainesville). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca). Refs.: Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 73 (cat.).

chrysonotus Wilkerson, 1979: 209. Type locality: Colombia, Valle, Rio Sabaletas, 4km E. of Sabaletas. HT F
(FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Rio Sabaletas)). Refs.: Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 73 (cat.); Coscaron
& Papavero, 2009: 109 (cat.).

detersus (Walker), 1850b: 31 (Tabanus). Type locality: “Colombia”. HT F (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del
Cauca (Peñas Blancas)), Ecuador. Refs.: Kröber, 1934: 303 (cat. Tabanus (Macrocormus)); Fairchild, 1971: 45
(cat.); Moucha, 1976: 210 (cat.); Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 76; Wilkerson, 1979: 211; Fairchild & Burger,
1994: 73 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 109 (cat.).

incipiens (Walker), 1860: 275 (Tabanus). Type locality: Brazil, Amazon. HT F (headless, BMNH). Distr.:
Colombia (Antioquia, Meta, Vaupes (La Isla, Rio Apoporis) and unknown location on upper Magdalena River)),
Argentina, Brazil, Guatemala to Bolivia. Refs.: Fairchild, 1971: 46 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 211 (cat.); Wilkerson,
1979: 212; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 74 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 110 (cat.).
sexannulata Enderlein, 1922: 348 (Styposelaga), nomen nudum.
sexannulata Enderlein, 1925: 342 (Styposelaga).

luteolineatus Wilkerson, 1979: 214. Type locality: Colombia, Cauca, Guapi. HT F (FSCA). Distr.: Colombia
(Cauca). Refs.: Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 74 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 110 (cat.).

maculifrons (Hine), 1907: 222 (Tabanus). Type locality: Guatemala, Puerto Barrios. ST F (OSUC). Distr.:
Colombia (Meta (Restrepo; Rio Caney near Restrepo; Villavicencio)), Costa Rica, Honduras, Panama, Trinidad,
Venezuela. Refs.: Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 78; Fairchild, 1971: 46 (cat.; as syn. of incipiens Walker,
1860); Moucha, 1976: 211 (cat.; as syn. of incipiens Walker, 1860); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 110 (cat.).

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nigriculus Wilkerson, 1979: 215. Type locality: Colombia, Valle, Rio Sabaletas, 4km E. of Sabaletas. HT F
(FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca). Refs.: Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 75 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero,
2009: 110 (cat.).

obscurus Kröber, 1929b: 124. Type locality: “Venezuela”. HT F (NMW). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia, ?Choco,
Putumayo (Urcusique), Valle del Cauca (Lago Calima)), Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Costa Rica and Panama to
Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela. Refs.: Fairchild, 1971: 47 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 211 (cat.); Wilkerson, 1979:
217; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 75 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 110 (cat.).
constabulorum Fairchild, 1942e: 304.
flavofemoratus Kröber, 1929b: 124 (as obscurus var.).

sordidatus Fairchild, 1958: 525. Type locality: Panama, San Blás, Rio Tangandi, Camp 2. HT F (MCZ), PT F 1
(FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia), Costa Rica, Panama. Refs.: Wilkerson, 1979: 218; Fairchild & Burger,
1994: 76 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 111 (cat.).

wilkersoni Chainey et al., 1999: 121. Type locality: Colombia, Valle, Anchicay, km 80 El Caudal. HT F, PT F 1
(FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca). Refs.: Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 112 (cat.).

Subgenus Wilkersonia Fairchild & Burger, 1994

Stenotabanus, subg. Stilbops Wilkerson, 1979: 221. Type species, Stenotabanus (Stilbops) roxannae Wilkerson, 1979 (orig.
Stenotabanus, subg. Wilkersonia Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 80 (nom. nov. for Stilbops Wilkerson, 1979). Type species,
Stenotabanus (Stilbops) roxannae Wilkerson, 1979 (aut.). Refs.: Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 112 (cat.).

roxannae Wilkerson, 1979: 221 (Stenotabanus (Stilbops)). Type locality: Colombia, Chocó, between Rio San Juan
and Rio Baudó. HT F (FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Chocó). Refs.: Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 80 (cat); Coscaron &
Papavero, 2009: 112 (cat.).

Genus Rhabdotylus Lutz

Rhabdotylus Lutz, 1909b: 29 (1911: 34), nomen nudum.

Rhabdotylus Lutz, 1913a: 487 (sep., p. 6) (1914: 166 (sep., p. 6)). Type species, Tabanus planiventris Wiedemann, 1828 (subs.
des., Bequaert, 1924: 30). Refs.: Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 112 (cat.); Turcatel et al., 2010: 2 (rev.); Henriques et al.,
2012: 278.
Gymnochela Enderlein, 1925: 388. Type species, Tabanus planiventris Wiedemann, 1828 (orig. des.).

venenatum (Osten Sacken), 1886: 54 (Tabanus). Type locality: Panama, Volcán de Chiriquí. LT F (BMNH). Distr.:
Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Lago Calima, Peñas Blancas)), Guatemala to Ecuador. Refs.: Fairchild, 1971: 77 (cat.;
as venenata); Wilkerson, 1979: 312 (as venenata); Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 114 (cat.; as venenata); Coscaron &
Papavero, 2009: 113 (cat.).
venatum Moucha, 1976: 205 (cat.), error.

Genus Stibasoma Schiner, 1867

Subgenus Stibasoma Schiner, 1867

apicimacula Fairchild, 1940b: 686. Type locality: Panama, Coclé, El Valle, 2500 ft. HT F (MCZ). Distr.: Colombia
(Valle del Cauca (Rio Raposo, Rio Sabaletas; Anchicaya)), Costa Rica, Panama. Refs.: Lee et al., 1969: 449;
Fairchild, 1971: 75 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 204 (cat.); Wilkerson, 1979: 305; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 112 (cat.);
Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 113 (cat.); Turcatel et al., 2010: 4 (rev.).

chionostigma (Osten Sacken), 1886: 54 (Tabanus). Type locality: Guatemala, Vera Paz, Panama. HT F (BMNH).

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Distr.: Colombia (Cauca (Guapi), Valle del Cauca (Buenaventura)), Mexico to Colombia. Refs.: Bequaert &
Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 64; Fairchild, 1971: 75 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 204 (cat.); Wilkerson, 1979: 306; Fairchild &
Burger, 1994: 112 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 113 (cat.): Turcatel et al., 2010: 13 (rev.).
pachycephalum Bigot, 1892a: 636.
flavistigma Hine, 1912: 516.
bifenestrata Philip, 1966: 526.

festivum (Wiedemann), 1828:135 (Tabanus). Type locality: “Brazil”. HT F (MNHUB). Distr.: Argentina, Brazil,
Colombia (Putumayo (Villagarzón, as Vila Garzon, error), French Guiana, Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela. Refs.
Turcatel et al., 2010: 17 (rev.).
mallophoroides Walker, 1857: 123 (Tabanus).
mallophoroides Knab, 1913: 410 (Stibasoma).
var. mallophoroides var. Fairchild, 1971: 75
dyridophorum Knab, 1913: 410.
ssp dyridophorum, Fairchild, 1971: 75.

flaviventris (Macquart), 1848: 171 (1848: 11) (Tabanus). Type locality: Brazil, Amazonas, Rio Negro. HT F
(BMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Nariño (Barbacoas); Valle del Cauca (Rio Raposo)), Mexico to N. Brazil. Refs.: Lee et
al., 1969: 449 (as flaviventre); Fairchild, 1971: 76 (cat.; as flaviventre); Moucha, 1976: 205 (cat.; as flaviventre);
Wilkerson, 1979: 308 (as flaviventre); Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 113 (cat.; as flaviventre); Coscaron & Papavero,
2009: 114 (cat.); Turcatel et al., 2010: 20 (rev.).
dives Walker, 1848: 166 (Tabanus).
dives Knab, 193: 408 (Stibasoma)
euglossa Lutz, 1915: 117.
flaviventre Macq., which it undoubtedly is”).
stilbium Fairchild, 1953: 264.
sulfurotaenium Fairchild, 1971: 76 (cat.), misspell.
sulfurotaeniatum Kröber, 1931i: 338.
ssp. pullum Fairchild & Aitken, 1960: 5 [as pulla,].
sulfureotaeniatum Moucha, 1976: 205 (cat.), error

fulvohirtum (Wiedemann), 1828: 155 (Tabanus). Type locality: “Brazil”. LT F (NMW). Distr.: Colombia
(Amazonas (La Chorrera); (Boyacá (Guaguaquí); Chocó (La Teresita), Meta (Villavicencio); Putumayo (Mocoa);
Valle del Cauca (Rio Raposo)), Bolivia, Brazil, Costa Rica to Trinidad, Ecuador, Guyana, ?Paraguay. Refs.:
Kröber, 1934: 263 (cat.); Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 64; Lee et al., 1969: 449; Fairchild, 1971: 76 (cat.);
Moucha, 1976: 205 (cat.); Wilkerson, 1979: 310; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 113 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero,
2009: 114 (cat.); Turcatel et al., 2010: 23 (rev.).
compactus Walker, 1854: 222 (Tabanus).
dives Walker of Lutz, 1915: 108.
fulvihirtum Pechuman, 1942: 54, error.

panamense Curran, 1934: 152 (as theotaenia ssp.). Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Barro Colorado Island. HT
F (AMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Chocó (Curiche)), Honduras to Ecuador, ?Venezuela. Refs.: Fairchild, 1971: 76
(cat.; as panamensis); Moucha, 1976: 205 (cat.; as panamensis); Wilkerson, 1979: 311 (as panamensis); Fairchild
& Burger, 1994: 114 (cat.; as panamensis); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 115 (cat.).

Genus Stypommisa Enderlein

Stictotabanus Lutz & Neiva, 1914: 72, 73 (sep., pp. 6, 7), nomen nudum. Refs.: Fairchild, 1951a: 125, 1961a: 244; Coscaron &
Papavero, 2009: 115 (cat.).
Stypommisa Enderlein, 1923: 545. Type species, Stypommisa punctipennis Enderlein, 1953 (sub. des. Enderlein, 1925: 369) =
Stypommisa scythropa (Schiner, 1868). Refs.: Fairchild & Wilkerson, 1986 (rev.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 115 (cat.).

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Therioplectes Zeller of Enderlein, 1925: 357, part, misident.
Stypommia Enderlein of Kröber, 1929c: 52, 1930a: 248, misident. (part).
Sziladya Enderlein of Kröber, 1929c: 118, misident.
Sciladynus Kröber, 1930i: 256, error (misident. of Sziladynus Enderlein).
Enderleiniella Kröber, 1932: 153 (preocc. Becker 1912). Type species, Therioplecles punctulipennis Enderlein, 1925 (orig.
des.) = Stypommisa rubrithorax (Macquart, 1838).
Dudaelia Strand, 1932: 142 (nom. nov. for Enderleiniella Kröber, 1932). Type species, Therioplectes punctulipennis Enderlein
1925 (aut.) = Stypommisa rubrithorax (Macquart, 1838).

anoriensis Fairchild & Wilkerson, 1986: 11. Type locality: Colombia, Antioquia, Rio Anori valley, La Tirana,
570m. HT F, PT F 16 (FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Rio Anorí), (Chocó (Rio San Juán-Baudó), Valle del
Cauca (Rio Raposo; Buenaventura; Bajo Anchicayá; Rio Bravo Playa Rica; below dam at Lago Calima,
Ladrilleros, 30km N. Buenaventura; Rio Sabaletas, 4km E. Sabaletas; Lago Calima, 8km below dam), Antioquia
(Rio Anori valley, La Tirana), Cauca)), Ecuador, Peru. Refs.: Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 119 (cat.); Coscaron &
Papavero, 2009: 116 (cat.).

bipuncta Fairchild in Wilkerson, 1979: 334. Type locality: Colombia, Valle, Rio Frío, La Carmelita. HT F, PT F 3
(FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Rio Frío, La Carmelita)). Refs.: Fairchild & Wilkerson, 1986: 16;
Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 119 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 116 (cat.).

brunnea (Wilkerson), 1979: 208, (Stenotabanus). Type locality: Colombia, Valle, Tres Esquinas, Habana, Buga.
HT F, PT F l (FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca). Refs.: Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 73 (cat.; Stenotabanus
(Stenotabanus)); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 116 (cat.).

captiroptera (Kröber), 1930: 10, (Tabanus). Type locality: “Venezuela”. HT F (NMW). Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquia (Zaragoza, Rio Anorí valley La Tirana), Cauca (Guapi), Chocó (La Teresita; Curiche River, between
Rio San Juan and Rio Baudó), Putumayo (Puerto Asis), Valle del Cauca (25km E. Buenaventura, Rio Sabaletas,
4km E. Sabaletas, Bajo Anchicayá, Bajo Calima, 41km E., 20km N. Buenaventura)), Brazil, ?Paraguay, Mexico to
Guyana. Refs.: Fairchild, 1971: 81 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 231 (cat.); Wilkerson, 1979: 335; Fairchild & Wilkerson,
1986: 18; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 120 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 116 (cat.).
xenium Fairchild, 1947: 568 (Stenotabanus (Stenotabaus)).
flavescens Köber of Barretto, 1957: 82 (from Guyana), misident.

flavescens (Kröber), 1930i: 249 (Stypommia). Type locality: “Peru”. NT F (ZSBS). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del
Cauca (Rio Raposo), Putumayo (Mocoa)), Colombia to Bolivia. Refs.: Lee et al., 1969: 451; Fairchild, 1971: 81
(cat.); Moucha, 1976: 231 (cat.); Fairchild & Wilkerson, 1986: 20; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 120 (cat.); Coscaron
& Papavero, 2009: 116 (cat.).
abdominalis Philip, 1960a: 88 (Stypommia).

glandicolor (Lutz), 1912: 5 (Tabanus). Type locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso. LT F (IOC). Distr.: Colombia (Meta
(Villavicencio)), Costa Rica, Surinam, French Guiana, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil. Refs.: Fairchild & Wilkerson, 1986:
24; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 120 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 117 (cat.).

hypographa ssp. neofurva Philip, 1969a: 123, (Stoypomisa [sic]). Type locality: Bolivia, Cochabamba, Chapare,
Villa Tunari, 500m. HT F (IML). Distr.: Colombia (Putumayo (Mocoa)), Panama to Bolivia. Refs.: Fairchild &
Wilkerson, 1986: 25; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 120 (cat.); Coscaro & Papavero, 2009: 117 (cat.).

jaculatrix (Fairchild), 1942e: 309 (Stenotabanus (Stenotabanus)). Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Bohio. HT
F (MCZ). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Providencia), Chocó (La Teresita; Curiche River)), Guyana, Panama. Refs.:
Wilkerson, 1979: 337; Fairchild & Wilkerson, 1986: 27 (as jaculator); Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 120 (cat.; as
jaculator); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 117 (cat.).

maruccii (Fairchild), 1947: 569, (Stenotabanus (Stenotabanus)). Type locality: Panama, San Blás, Pito. HT F

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(MCZ). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia, Chocó (Curiche River, between Rio San Juan and Rio Baudó), Valle del
Cauca (Rio Raposo, 25km E. Buenaventura, Rio Sabaletas, Bajo Anchicayá, Bajo Calima, 10km E. Buenaventura,
41km E. 20km N. Buenaventura)), Nicaragua to Ecuador. Refs.: Lee et al., 1969: 450; Fairchild, 1971: 82 (cat.);
Moucha, 1976: 232 (cat.); Wilkerson, 1979: 339; Fairchild & Wilkerson, 1986: 30; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 121
(cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 117 (cat.).
frondicolus Fairchild, 1951b: 453 (Stenotabanus)

pequeniensis (Fairchild), 1942e: 308, (Stenotabanus (Stenotabanus)). Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Rio
Pequení, Police Station. HT F (MCZ), PT F l (FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Rio Anori, SW. Zaragoza; Rio
Anori valley, Providencia; La Tirana, Providencia), Cauca (Guapi), Chocó (La Teresita; Curiche; between Rio San
Juan and Rio Baudó), Meta (Restrepo), Putumayo (Mocoa; Puerto Asis), Valle del Cauca (Bajo Anchicayá; Lago
Calima; Rio Sabaletas; 25km E. Buenaventura; 41km E. 20km N. Buenaventura; Anchicayá dam)), Costa Rica to
Bolivia. Refs.: Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 76 (Stenotabanus); Fairchild, 1971: 82 (cat.); Moucha, 1976:
232 (cat.); Wilkerson, 1979: 340; Fairchild & Wilkerson, 1986: 35; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 121 (cat.); Coscaron
& Papavero, 2009: 117 (cat.).

undet. sp. Wilkerson, 1979: 345. Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Rio Anori valley), Chocó (between Rio San Juan
and Rio Baudó), Valle del Cauca (8km below dam Lago Calima; Plata Rica; Ladrilleros; Rio Sabaletas, 41km E.
20km N. Buenaventura; Bajo Anchicayá; Buenaventura). Refs.: Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 118 (cat.).

Tribe Tabanini Latreille, 1802

Genus Phorcotabanus Fairchild

Stenotabanus, subg. Phorcotabanus Fairchild, 1961b: 441. Type species, Tabanus cinereus Wiedemann, 1821 (orig. des.).
Refs.: Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 119 (cat.).

cinereus (Wiedemann), 1821: 84 (Tabanus). Type locality: “South America”. LT F (NMW). Distr.: Colombia
(Meta (Villavicencio), Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru. Refs.: Kröber, 1934: 307 (cat.; Tabanus
(Tabanus)); Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 75 (Phaeotabanus (Aegialomyia)); Fairchild, 1971: 50 (cat.;
Stenotabanus (Phorcotabanus)); Moucha, 1976: 213 (cat.; Stenotabanus (Phorcotabanus)) and 216 (cat.;
Dasybasis); Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 128 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 119 (cat.).

Genus Poeciloderas Lutz

Poecilosoma Lutz, 1909b: 29 (1913: 487 (1914: 167 (sep., p. 7)) (preocc. Hübner, 1819). Type species, Tabanus
quadripunctatus Fabricius, 1805 (subs. des., Bequaert, 1924: 30). Refs.: Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 120 (cat.).
Poeciloderas Lutz, 1921: 15. Type species, Tabanus quadripunctatus Fabricius, 1805 (mon.). Refs.: Coscaron & Papavero,
2009: 120 (cat.).
Poecilochlamys Lutz, 1922: 147 (no sp. included).
Dasyphyrta Enderlein, 1922: 344 (in key).
Hybopelma Enderlein, 1922: 351 (in key).
Hypopelma, misspell.
Poecilochlamys Lutz in Lutz & Núñez Tovar, 1928: (1955: 61).
Hypopelma Kröber, 1929d: 178, error.

allusiosis Wilkerson, 1979: 354. Type locality: Colombia, Valle, Peñas Blancas, 1750m, 10km W. of Cali. HT F,
PT F 163 (FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Peñas Blancas; Candelaria; Lago Calima; 3.6km W.
Queremal), Cauca, Huila (Finca Merenberg)). Refs.: Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 120 (cat.).
allusiosus Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 126 (cat.), error.

quadripunctatus (Fabricius), 1805: 99 (Tabanus; as 4punctatus). Type locality: “South America. Smidt” (i.e.,
Guyana, between rivers Demerara and Essequibo; cf. Papavero 1971a:21). HT F (ZMKU). Distr.: Colombia

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(Amazonas (Leticia), Antioquia (Medellín), Cauca (Guapi), Meta (Villavicencio; Restrepo), Putumayo (Mocoa;
Puerto Asis), Valle del Cauca (Peñas Blancas; Cali; Buenaventura; Lago Calima; Tres Esquinas; Habana; Buga;
Buenaventura)), Mexico to Argentina. Refs.: Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 74 (Hybomitra) (as
quadripunctata); Fairchild, 1971: 86 (cat.); Wilkerson, 1979: 356; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 127 (cat.); Coscaron
& Papavero, 2009: 121 (cat.).
elegans Thunberg, 1827b: 61 (Tabanus).
punctipennis Macquart, 1838a: 185 (1838: 301) (Tabanus).
maculipennis Macquart, 1846: 162 (1846: 34) (Tabanus; preocc. Wiedemann, 1828).
amabilis Walker, 1848: 154 (Tabanus).
nigropunctatus Bellardi, 1859: 67 (Tabanus).
habilis Brèthes, 1910: 483 (Tabanus).
dasyphyrtina Enderlein, 1925: 356.
platyventris Kröber, 1931h: 88 (Tabanus (Poecilosoma)).
amabilinus Philip, 1960a: 89 (as quadripunctatus var.).
amabilis authors, not Walker.

Genus Tabanus Linnaeus

Tabanus Linnaeus, 1758: 601. Type species, Tabanus bovinus Linnaeus, 1758 (subs. des., Latreille, 1810: 443). Refs.:
Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 122 (cat.).
Bellardia Rondani, 1863: 81 (preocc. Robineau-Desvoidy, 1863). Type species, Tabanus albonotatus Bellardi, 1859 (orig. des.)
= Tabanus oculus Walker, 1848.
Macrocormus Lutz, 1909b: 29, nomen nudum.
Neotabanus Lutz, 1909b: 29, nomen nudum.
Macrocormus Lutz, 1911b: 35, nomen nudum.
Chelotabanus Lutz, 1913a: 487 (sep., p. 5) (1914: 166 (sep., p. 6)).
Macrocormus Lutz, 1913a: 487 (1914: 167 (sep., p. 7)).
Neotabanus Lutz, 1913a: 487 (1914a: 167 (sep., p. 7)) (preocc. Ricardo, 1911).
Odontotabanus Lutz in Lutz, et al., 1918: 166.
Brachypsalidia Enderlein, 1922: 344 (in key).
Chelommia Enderlein, 1922: 345 (in key).
Hybostraba Enderlein, 1923: 545.
Straba Enderlein, 1923: 545.
Lophotabanus Szilády, 1926: 25.
Bellaria Strand, 1928: 48 (nom. nov. for Bellardia Rondani 1863).
Taeniotabanus Kröber, 1930j: 140, nomen nudum.
Taeniotabanus Kröber, 1931h: 68.
Astigmatophthalmus Kröber, 1931i: 297.
Alliomma Borgmeier, 1934: 222 (footnote).

albocirculus Hine, 1907: 227. Type locality: Costa Rica, Cartago, Tucurrique. HT F (USNM). Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquia (Caucasia), Cauca (Guapi), Caquetá (P.N.N Chiribiquete; Rio Mesay; R. Cuñaré-Amú), Chocó (La
Teresita; Curiche River; between Rio San Juan and Rio Baudó; Andagoya; Rio Sucio; Rio Sucio Sautatá),
Cundinamarca (Yocaima), Valle del Cauca (Bajo Calima, Rio Raposo, Rio Sabaletas)), Nicaragua, Costa Rica,
Panama, Guyana, Ecuador. Refs.: Lee et al., 1969: 452; Fairchild, 1971: 88 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 87 (cat.);
Wilkerson, 1979: 363; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 130 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 123 (cat.); Parra-Henao
et al., 2008: 182; Pisciotti & Miranda, 2011: 4 (report).
albocirculatus Kröber, 1929c: 122, error.
obscuriventris Kröber, 1930e: 6, (preocc. Kröber, 1929).
obscurigaster Kröber, 1934: 303 (cat.; Tabanus (Macrocormus).

amazonensis (Barretto), 1949a: 41 (Chelommia). Type locality: Brazil, Amazonas, Manaus, banks of lower rio
Negro. HT F (MZUSP). Distr.: Colombia, Guyana, Brazil. Refs.: Fairchild, 1971: 99 (cat.; as syn. of pellucidus
Fabricius 1805); Moucha, 1976: 88 (cat.; as syn. of pellucidus Fabricius 1805); Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 130
(cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 123 (cat.).

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albopruinosus Kröber, 1930a: 85 (Tabans (Lophotabanus); preocc. Szilády, 1923)

angustifrons Macquart, 1848: 172 (1848: 12). Type locality: French Guiana, Cayenne. HT F (BMNH). Distr.:
Colombia (? Vaupés), Venezuela, French Guiana, Peru, Brazil. Refs.: Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 80
(Tabanus (Tabanus) alboater Walker); Fairchild, 1971: 98 (cat.; as syn. of pellucidus Fabricius 1805); Moucha,
1976: 88 (cat. ; as syn. of pellucidus Fabricius 1805); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 123 (cat.).
alboater Walker, 1850b: lxvi.
atricornis Bigot, 1892a: 683 (preocc. Meigen, 1838).

aniptus Fairchild, 1976: 242. Type locality: W. Colombia, Buenaventura, Rio Raposo. HT F (MCZ), PT F 6
(FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Cauca (Guapi), Chocó (Curiche River), Valle del Cauca (Rio Raposo; Buenaventura;
Guayabal; Rio Cajambre; Ladrilleros; Rio Anchicayá)), Panama, Ecuador. Refs.: Wilkerson, 1979: 365; Fairchild
& Burger, 1994: 131 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 124 (cat.).
trivittatus Fabricius of Lee et al., 1969: 455, misident.

antarcticus Linnaeus, 1758: 602. Type locality: “America calidiore” (Surinam). Distr.: Colombia (Chocó
(Andagoya), Meta (Restrepo; Villavicencio)), Brazil, Surinam to Peru, Trinidad, Venezuela. Refs.: Kröber, 1934:
306 (cat.; Tabanus (Tabanus)); Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 81 (Tabanus (Lophotabanus) xipe Kröber);
Fairchild, 1971: 89 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 88 (cat.); Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 131 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero,
2009: 124 (cat.).
surinamensis Kröber, 1929c: 123 (preocc. Macquart 1838).
xipe Kröber, 1934: 296 (cat.; Tabanus (Lophotabanus), nom. nov for surinamensis Kröber, 1929 by Coscaron
& Papavero, 2009: 124 (cat.)).

bigoti Bellardi 1859: 58 (nom. nov. for apicalis Macquart 1847). Type locality: “Mexico”. Distr.: Mexico to
Colombia, Venezuela. Refs.: Kröber, 1934: 270 (cat.; Chelommia); Fairchild, 1971: 89 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 94
(cat.); Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 132 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 125 (cat.).
apicalis Macquart, 1847: 36 (1847: 20) (preocc. Wiedemann 1828).
brevihamus Enderlein, 1925: 390 (Ommallia).
appretiatus Kröber, 1934: 306 (cat.; Tabanus (Tabanus), nom. nov. for apicalis Macquart, 1847).

callosus Macquart, 1848: 171 (1848: 11). Type locality: Brazil, Amazonas, rio Negro. HT F (BMNH). Distr.:
Colombia (Amazonas, Vaupés), Peru, Guyana, Brazil. Refs.: Fairchild, 1971: 103 (cat.; as syn. of trivittatus
Fabricius, 1805); Moucha, 1976: 97, 148 (cat.; as syn. of trivittatus Fabricius, 1805); Fairchild & Burger, 1994:
132 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 125 (cat.).

cicur Fairchild, 1942c: 160 (Tabanus (Neotabanus)). Type locality: Colombia, Meta, Restrepo. HT F (MCZ), PT F
l (FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Meta (La Unión 12km E. Restrepo)), Ecuador, Guyana, Bolivia, Brazil. Refs.:
Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 79 (Tabanus (Neotabanus)); Fairchild, 1971: 92 (cat. ; as syn. of dorsiger
Wiedemann, 1821); Moucha, 1976: 98, 104 (cat.; as syn. of dorsiger Wiedemann, 1821); Fairchild & Burger, 1994:
133 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 126 (cat.).

claripennis (Bigot), 1892a: 675 (Atylotus). Type locality: “Australia” (in error). HT F (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquia (Caucasia), Cauca (Finca Corredor, 20km S. Cali), ?Cordoba (Monteria), Magdalena (Santa Marta),
Meta (Barbascal), Valle del Cauca (Candelaria, Finca San Luis; Pance; Peñas Blancas; Cali)), West Indies, Costa
Rica to Paraguay, Argentina, Brazil and Chile. Refs.: Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 78 (Tabanus
(Neotabanus) hookeri Knab) Fairchild, 1971: 90 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 99 (cat.); Wilkerson, 1979: 367; Fairchild &
Burger, 1994: 133 (cat.); Parra-Henao et al., 2008: 182; Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 126 (cat.).
filiolus Williston of Johnson, 1919: 428 (Mexico, Jamaica), misident.
ameghinoi Brèthes, 1910: 478.
hookeri Knab, 1915: 48.
ovalipalpus Enderlein, 1925: 357 (Hybostraba).
pygmaeus Enderlein, 1925: 375 (Archiplatius; preocc. Williston, 1887).

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flavifrons Szilády, 1926: 22.
frontosus Kröber, 1931f: 279 (Tabanus (Agelanius)).
?venezuelensis Kröber, 1931f: 303 (Tabanus (Tabanus)).
pulchella Kröber, 1931h: 73, fig. 5 (Tabanus (Hybostraba); preocc. Loew, 1858).
pulcher Kröber, 1934: 297 (cat.; Tabanus (Hybostraba), nom. nov. for pulchella Kröber, 1931).
pusio Kröber, 1934: 301 (cat.; Tabanus (Agelanius), nom. nov. for pygmaeus Enderlein, 1925 by Coscaron &
Papavero, 2009: 127 (cat.)).

colombensis Macquart, 1846: 165 (1846: 37). Type locality: “Colombia”. HT F (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Meta
(Villavicencio; Restrepo), Santander (Puerto Olaya), Vaupés (between Rio San José del Guaviare and Calamar)),
U. S. A. (S. Texas) to Trinidad, Brazil, Ecuador, Venezuela. Refs.: Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 79 (Tabanus
(Neotabanus) amplifrons Kröber); Fairchild, 1971: 90 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 100 (cat.); Fairchild & Burger, 1994:
134 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 127 (cat.).
truquii Bellardi, 1859: 64.
fur Williston, 1901: 261 (preocc. Williston, 1887).
amplifrons Kröber, 1933: 354 (Tabanus (Neotabanus)).
trilineatus Latreille of Bequaert, 1940b: 450, 452, misident.

commixtus Walker, 1860: 273. Type locality: “Mexico”. HT F (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Chocó (La Teresita;
Curiche River)), S. Mexico to Venezuela, Hispaniola, Trinidad, Martinique. Refs.: Wilkerson, 1979: 369; Fairchild
& Burger, 1994: 134 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 127 (cat.).
compactus Walker of Aldrich, 1905: 204, misident.
maya Bequaert, 1931: 546.
truquii Bellardi of Fairchild, 1971: 103 (cat.), misident

crassicornis Wiedemann, 1821: 71. Type locality: “?America”. HT F (ZMKU). Distr.: Brazil, Colombia, French
Guiana, Surinam, Venezuela. Refs.: Fairchild, 1971: 98 (cat.; as syn. of pellucidus Fabricius, 1805); Moucha, 1976:
101 (cat.; as syn. of pellucidus Fabricius, 1805); Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 135 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009:
128 (cat.).

discus Wiedemann, 1828: 123. Type locality: “Brazil”. HT F (MNHUB). Distr.: Colombia (Vaupés (Mitú)), Brazil,
Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Surinam, Trinidad, ?Venezuela. Refs.: Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 80
(Tabanus (Tabanus)); Barretto, 1957: 85 (Chelotabanus); Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 135 (cat.); Coscaron &
Papavero, 2009: 128 (cat.).
infuscatipennis Surcouf, 1919: 230, nomen nudum.
cervinus Kröber, 1929e: 254.
communis Kröber, 1930a: 83 (Tabanus (Lophotabanus)).
?melanocnemis Barretto, 1957: 83 (Chelommia).

duckei Fairchild, 1984: 18. Type locality: Venezuela, Amazonas, Mt. Marahuaca, N. slope, Benitez camp. HT F,
PT F 5 (FSCA). Distr.: Colombia, Venezuela. Refs.: Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 136 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero,
2009: 129 (cat.).

eldridgei Fairchild, 1973: 327. Type locality: Colombia, Chocó, Curiche river. HT F, PT F 10 (FSCA), PT F 2
(UNHD). Distr.: Colombia (Cauca (Guapi), Chocó (Curiche River), Valle del Cauca (Rio Raposo)), W. coast of
South America from N. Colombia to Ecuador. Refs.: Wilkerson, 1979: 371; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 136 (cat.);
Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 129 (cat.).

glaucus Wiedemann, 1819: 42. Type locality: “Brazil”. LT F (NMW). Distr.: E. Bolivia, Brazil, E. Colombia, Peru,
Venezuela. Refs.: Fairchild, 1971: 94 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 111 (cat.); Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 138 (cat.);
Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 131 (cat.).
cinerarius Wiedemann, 1828: 121.

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tenens Walker, 1850b: lxv (preocc. Walker, 1850).
confligens Walker, 1854: 326 (nom. nov. for tenens Walker, 1850).
grandis Kröber, 1931h: 68, fig. l (Tabanus (Straba); preocc. Szilády, 1923).

guapiensis Wilkerson, 1979: 373. Type locality: Colombia, Cauca, Guapi HT F, PT F 9 (FSCA). Distr.: Colombia
(Cauca (Guapi), Nariño, Valle del Cauca (Ladrilleros; Rio Raposo), Chocó (Curiche river)). Refs.: Fairchild &
Burger, 1994: 138 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 131 (cat.).

hirtitibia Walker, 1850: 33. Type locality: “Colombia”. HT F (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Caquetá (Florencia),
Valle del Cauca (Lago Calima; 41km E. 20km N. Buenaventura; Rio Bravo-Playa Rica; Pance; Peñas Blancas)),
Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru. Refs.: Kröber, 1934: 310 (cat.; Tabanus (Tabanus)); Bequaert & Renjifo-
Salcedo, 1946: 80 (Tabanus (?Tabanus)); Fairchild, 1971: 95 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 113 (cat.); Wilkerson, 1979:
375; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 139 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 132 (cat.).
cinnamomeus Schiner, 1868: 90 (preocc. Doleschall 1858).
fibulata Enderlein, 1922: 345 (Chelommia), nomen nudum.
bogotana Enderlein, 1925: 349 (Dasyommia).
fibulata Enderlein, 1925: 382 (Chelommia).
hirtibia Fairchild & León, 1986: 117 (Tabanus, (Taeniotabanus), error.

howdeni (Philip), 1978: 121, (Hybomitra). Type locality: Mexico, Durango, 105km W. of El Salto, 2700m. HT F
(CNC). Distr.: Colombia. Refs.: Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 139 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 132 (cat.).

importunus Wiedemann, 1828: 127. Type locality: “Brazil”. Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena (Aracataca), Meta
(Restrepo; El Caibe), Cordoba (Monteria), Tolima (Venadillo)), Bolivia to Brazil, Guyana, Panama, Paraguay,
Peru, Trinidad. Refs.: Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 80 (Tabanus (Tabanus)); Fairchild, 1971: 95 (cat.);
Moucha, 1976: 114 (cat.); Wilkerson, 1979: 376; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 139 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero,
2009: 132 (cat.).
monogramma Wiedemann, 1828: 150.
valterii Macquart, 1838b: 184 (1839: 300).
lividus Walker, 1848: 162.
albidicollis Macquart, 1850: 336 (1850: 32).
semisordidus Walker, 1854: 208.
albicollis Hunter, 1901: 139, error.

lutzi Kröber, 1934: 296 (cat.; Tabanus (Lophotabanus), nom. nov. for macquarti Kröber, 1930). Type locality:
“Venezuela”. Distr.: Colombia, Venezuela. Refs.: Fairchild, 1971: 96 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 120 (cat.); Fairchild &
Burger, 1994: 141 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 134 (cat.).
macquarti Kröber, 1930a: 83 (Tabanus (Lophotabanus); preocc. Schiner 1868)).

macquarti Schiner, 1868: 89. Type locality: “South America” (Venezuela). ST F (NMW). Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquia, Boyacá (Muzo), Cauca (Rio Micay), Meta (Villavicencio, San José; Restrepo), Putumayo, Santander
(Rio Suárez), Valle del Cauca (Rio Raposo), Vaupés), Guatemala, Costa Rica to Peru and Surinam. Refs.: Bequaert
& Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 72 (Alliomma); Fairchild, 1967b: 248 (Schiner’s ST); Lee et al., 1969: 453; Fairchild,
1971: 96 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 121 (cat.); Wilkerson, 1979: 377; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 141 (cat.); Coscaron &
Papavero, 2009: 134 (cat.).
validus Hine, 1920a: 188 (preocc. Wiedemann, 1828).
indescriptus Kröber, 1931j: 50, nomen nudum.
fulvohirta Kröber, 1931j: 51 (Gymnochela; as Bigot,i var.; preocc. Wiedemann 1828).
ratus Kröber, 1934: 315 (cat.; Tabanus (Tabanus), nom. nov. for validus Hine, 1920 by Coscaron & Papavero,
2009: 134 (cat.)).

maculineuris Macquart, 1855: 51 (1855: 31). Type locality: “South America”. HT F (BMNH). Distr.: unknown.

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Refs.: Kröber, 1934: 276 (Stypommisa as maculinervis); Fairchild, 1971: 96 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 121 (cat.);
Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 134 (cat.).
maculinervis Hunter, 1901: 141 (cat.).

nebulosus De Geer, 1776: 227. Type locality: “Surinam”. HT F (NRS). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Caucasia),
Atlántico, Magdalena, Meta, Valle del Cauca)), Argentina, Belize, ?Barbados to Brazil, Trinidad. Refs.: Kröber,
1934: 295 (Tabanus (Lophotabanus) ferrifer Walker); Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 80 (Tabanus (Tabanus)
ferrifer Walker); Philip, 1952: 312 (De Geer’s HT); Fairchild, 1971: 97 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 125 (cat.); Fairchild
& Burger, 1994: 142 (cat.); Parra-Henao et al., 2008: 182; Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 135 (cat.).
?surinamensis Macquart, 1838a: 136 (1838: 132).
incertus Macquart, 1838a:151 (1838: 147).
ferrifer Walker, 1850a: 30.
interpunctus Lutz, 1918: 167, nomen nudum.
erythraeus Bigot, of Brèthes, 1921: 68, misident
druyvesteijni Szilády, 1926: 26.
ornativentris Kröber, 1929c: 182 (Hybostraba, in the syn. of druyvesteijni Szilády, 1926)
transversalifuscatus Kröber, 1930i: 263 (as synonym of druyvesteijni Szilády, 1926).
nubeculipennis Kröber, 1931e: 298.

nematocallus Fairchild, 1984: 29. Type locality: Brazil, Amazonas, Manaus (Reserva Adolpho Ducke). HT F
(INPA), PT F 14 (FSCA). Distr.: Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Guyana, Peru, Venezuela. Refs.: Fairchild & Burger,
1994: 142 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 135 (cat.).

nereus Fairchild, 1943: 446. Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Balboa, Thatcher Ferry. HT F (MCZ). Distr.:
Colombia (Cauca (Guapi), Chocó (Curiche river)), Ecuador, Pacifíc coast of Panama. Refs.: Wilkerson, 1979: 379;
Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 142 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 135 (cat.).

occidentalis Linnaeus, 1758: 602. Type locality: “America meridionalis”. NT F (FSCA). Distr.: Colombia
(Amazonas (Caucaya; Tarapacá; Leticia, El Puerto), Antioquia (near Porcecito Rio Porce; El Dos, Turbo; Micuro
Rio León; Puerto Berrio), Atlántico (Puerto Colombia; Calamar; Barranquilla; Sabanilla), Boyacá (Muzo), Caquetá
(P.N.N. Chiribiquete; Rio Mesay; Rio Sararamano; Rio Cuñaré; Cuñaré-Amú), Chocó (Andagoya; Sautatá; Rio
Atrato; Rio Sucio, Tilupa; Rio Sucio, Sautata), Magdalena (Sevilla; Rio Frío; Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta,
Guachaca 500m), Meta (Restrepo; Villavicencio), Putumayo (La Tagua; Puerto Limón; San Pedro), Santander
(Bocas del Rosario; Puerto Wilches; Barranca; Barrancabermeja), Valle del Cauca (Hacienda La Brisa, Ginebra;
Ginebra; Hacienda El Tablazo, Tuluá; Tres Esquinas, Habana Buga; Guayabal, Rio Cajambre; Hacienda La
Carmelita, Rio Frío; Hormiguero; Cali; Farallones de Cali), Vaupes (between San José del Guaviare and Calamar)),
Mexico to Argentina, Trinidad. HT F lost, Refs.: Kröber, 1934: 294 (Tabanus (Neotabanus)), Bequaert & Renjifo-
Salcedo, 1946: 77 (Tabanus (Neotabanus) lineola var. carneus Bellardi and T (N) lineola var. plangens Walker);
Fairchild, 1971: 108 (cat.); Lee et al., 1969: 453; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 143 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero,
2009: 136 (cat.); Pisciotti & Miranda 2011: 10 (report).
triceps Thunberg, 1827a: 59.
dorsiger Wiedemann, 1821: 83.
modestus Wiedemann, 1828: 146.
importunus Macquar, 1847: 34 (1847: 18) (preocc. Wiedemann 1828).
consequa Walker, 1850b: cxxi.
plangens Walker, 1854: 199.
dorsovittatus Macquart, 1855: 50 (1855: 30).
carneus Bellardi, 1859: 62.
appendiculatus Hine, 1906: 22.
ochrophilus Lutz, 1914: 46, 49 (sep., pp. 7, 10) (Neotabanus).

oculus Walker, 1848: 157. Type locality: “British Honduras” (Belize). ST F (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Santander

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(Jazmín, between Puerto Wilches and Bucaramanga)), Mexico to Panama. Refs.: Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo,
1946: 81 (Tabanus (Lophotabanus)); Fairchild, 1971: 98 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 128 (cat.); Fairchild & Burger,
1994: 144 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 137 (cat.).
bipartitus Walker, 1848: 158.
albonotatus Bellardi, 1859: 56.

olivaceiventris Macquart, 1847: 34 (1847: 18). Type locality: Brazil, Pará. Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia
(Caucasia), Cauca (Puerto Tejada), Magdalena (Rio Frío), Valle del Cauca (Tenerife; Palmira; Yumbo)), Panama to
Brazil, Trinidad. Refs.: Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 80 (Tabanus (Tabanus)); Fairchild, 1971: 98 (cat.);
Moucha, 1976: 128 (cat.); Wilkerson, 1979: 380; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 144 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero,
2009: 138 (cat.).
punctum Rondani, 1848:105.
imponens Walker, 1857: 122.
pulverulentus Bigot, 1892a: 665 (Atylotus).
olivaceiventris Lutz, 1911b: 35, nomen nudum.
viridescens Kröber, 1931e: 296.
coriarius Kröber, 1934: 296 (cat.; as syn. of imponens Walker, 1857).

pellucidus Fabricius, 1805: 97. Type locality: “South America. Smidt” (i.e., Guyana, between rivers Demerara and
Essequibo; cf. Papavero, 1971: 21). HT F (ZMKU). Distr.: Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Surinam,
Venezuela. Refs.: Kröber, 1934: 313 (cat.); Fairchild, 1971: 98 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 130 (cat.); Fairchild &
Burger, 1994: 145 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 138 (cat.).
albibarbis Wiedemann, 1824: 21.
?flavifacies Macquart, 1846: 164 (1846: 36).
rufoniger Walker, 1850a: 66.
senior Walker, 1850a: 67.
melanocnemis Barretto, 1957: 83 (Chelommia).
crassicornis Wiedemann of Fairchild, 1967c: 96.
pellucidis Contreras-Liochtenberg, 2002: 198, error.

perplexus Walker, 1850a: 32. Type locality: “Colombia”. HT F (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia, Ecuador. Refs.:
Kröber, 1934: 269 (cat; Dicladocera (Dicladocera) as perplexa); Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 70
(Dasychela) (as perplexa); Fairchild, 1971: 99 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 131 (cat.); Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 145
(cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 139 (cat.).

peruvianus Macquart, 1848: 173 (1848: 13). Type locality: Ecuador, Quito. HT F (BMNH). Distr.: ?Brazil,
Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela. Refs.: Kröber, 1934: 270 (as peruviana); Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 68
(Dichelacera (?Psalidia) peruviana); Fairchild, 1971: 99 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 131 (cat.); Fairchild & Burger,
1994: 145 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 139 (cat.).

piceiventris Rondani 1848:106. Type locality: “Brazil” (Pará, Belém; cf. Papavero, 1973: 342-343, material
collected by Ghiliani). HT F (Naples). Distr.: Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Peru,
Surinam, Trinidad, Venezuela. Refs.: Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 139 (cat.).
basivitta Walker, 1850b: lxviii.
viduus Walker, 1850b: lxviii.
marginenevris Macquart, 1855: 49 (1855: 29) (Tabanus).
bitinctus Walker, 1857: 123.
marginenrvis Hunter, 1901: 142 (cat.; Tabanus); error.

polyphemus Fairchild, 1958: 527. Type locality: Panama, Panama, Cerro Jefe, La Victoria. HT F (MCZ), PT F 12
(FSCA). Distr.: Mexico (Veracruz) to Colombia. Refs.: Fairchild, 1971: 99 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 132 (cat.);
Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 146 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 139 (cat.).
fumomarginatus Hine of Fairchild, 1951b: 455, misident.

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praeteritus Fairchild, 1947: 570. Type locality: Panama, Panama, Chepo. HT F, PT F 1 (MCZ), PT F 1, M 1
(USNM), PT M 1 (AMNH), PT F 2 (FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Cauca (Guapi), Valle del Cauca (Rio Raposo)),
Costa Rica to Colombia. Refs.: Wilkerson, 1979: 382; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 146 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero,
2009: 140 (cat.).

primitivus Walker, 1848: 177. Type locality: “South America”. HT F (BMNH). Distr.: unknown. Refs.: Kröber,
1934: 303 (cat.; Tabanus (Macrocormus)); Fairchild, 1971: 99 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 132 (cat.); Fairchild &
Burger, 1994: 146 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 140 (cat.).

pseudoculus Fairchild 1942b: 13 (Tabanus (Bellardia)). Type locality: Panama, Panama, Rio Chagres, Moja Pollo.
HT F, PT F 3, M 1 (MCZ). Distr.: Colombia (Chocó (La Teresita; Curiche River), Valle del Cauca (Bajo Calima)),
Trinidad, Guatemala to Colombia, Venezuela and Ecuador. Refs.: Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 81 (Tabanus
(Lophotabanus)); Fairchild, 1971: 100 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 133 (cat.); Wilkerson, 1979: 383; Fairchild & Burger,
1994: 147 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 140 (cat.).

pungens Wiedemann, 1828: 175. Type locality: Uruguay, Montevideo. LT F (NMW). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas
(Santa Sofia Island, Rio Amazonas), Antioquia, Cauca (Finca corredor 40km S. Cali; Guapi), Cordoba (Monteria),
Meta (Villavicencio; Restrepo), Tolima (Venadillo), Valle del Cauca (Buenaventura; Rio Raposo; Candelaria;
Bugalagrande)), U.S.A. (Texas), Neotropics (except West Indies and Chile), Trinidad. Refs.: Bequaert & Renjifo-
Salcedo, 1946: 79 (Tabanus (Neotabanus) angustivitta Kröber); Lee et al., 1969: 454; Fairchild, 1971: 100 (cat.);
Moucha, 1976: 134 (cat.); Wilkerson, 1979: 384; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 147 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero,
2009: 140 (cat.).
desertus Walker, 1850b: lxix.
nuntius Walker, 1854: 207.
univittatus Macquart, 1855: 50 (1855: 30).
sallei Bellardi, 1859: 61.
propinquus Bellardi, 1859: 65 (preocc. Macquart, 1855).
discifer Bigot, 1892a: 684 (preocc. Walker, 1850).
angustivitta Kröber, 1929e: 250 (as dorsiger var.) (1933a: 352 (Tabanus (Neotabanus); again as n. var.).
ruficornis Kröber, 1931f: 287 (Tabanus (Agelanius); preocc. Fabricius 1775).
rufus Kröber, 1931f: 287 (Agelanius; preocc. Scopoli 1763).
erythrocerus Kröber, 1934: 300 (cat.; Tabanus (Agelanius), nom. nov. for ruficornis Kröber, 1931, by Coscaron
& Papavero, 2009: 141).
ruficolor Kröber, 1934: 302 (cat.; Tabanus (Agelanius), nom. nov. for rufus Kröber, 1931, by Coscaron &
Papavero, 2009: 141).

restrepoensis Fairchild, 1942c: 163. Type locality: Colombia, Meta, Restrepo. HT F (MCZ). Distr.: Colombia
(Meta (Restrepo)), Argentina, Bolivia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru. Refs.: Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 78
(Tabanus (Neotabanus)); Fairchild, 1971: 101 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 135 (cat.); Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 148
(cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 141 (cat.).

rixator Fairchild, 1943: 448. Type locality: Panama, Panama, Paitilla Point. HT F (MCZ). Distr.: Colombia (Valle
del Cauca (Buenaventura, Rio Raposo (Pacific coast)), Ecuador, Panama. Refs.: Lee et al., 1969: 454; Fairchild,
1971: 101 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 135 (cat.); Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 148 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 141

rubiginipennis Macquart, 1846: 167 (1846: 39). Type locality: “Colombia, temperate region”. HT F (BMNH).
Distr.: Colombia (Cauca (Cerro de Munchique), Meta (Restrepo)), Ecuador. Refs.: Kröber, 1934: 269 (cat.;
Dicladocera (Dasyrhamphis); Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 75 (Hybomitra); Fairchild, 1971: 74 (cat.;
Dicladocera); Moucha, 1976: 228 (cat.; Dicladocera); Wilkerson, 1979: 301 (Dicladocera); Fairchild & Burger,
1994: 148 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 141 (cat.).
adustus Walker, 1850a: 34.
rubigipennis Moucha, 1976: 136 (cat.).

CATALOGUE OF TABANIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 285
rubripes Macquart, 1838a: 138 (1838: 134). Type locality: French Guiana, Cayenne (? in error, type labelled
“Brazil. Sylveira” [= Rio de Janeiro; cf. Papavero, 1971: 144-147]). HT F (MNHNP). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia
(Rio Anori valley), Meta (Villavicencio; Restrepo)), Panama to Paraguay. Refs.: Fairchild, 1971: 101 (cat.);
Moucha, 1976: 136 (cat.); Wilkerson, 1979: 386; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 148 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero,
2009: 142 (cat.).
?derivatus Walker, 1848: 151.
pruinosus Kröber, 1929c: 125.
pruinicorpus Kröber, 1934: 296 (cat.; Tabanus (Lophotabanus), nom. nov. for pruinosus Kröber, 1929).
lophus Philip 1960a: 92 (Tabanus (Lophotabanus)).

secundus Walker, 1848: 180. Type locality: unknown. HT F (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Caquetá (P.N.N.
Chiribiquete, Cuñaré-Amú; Rio Sararamano; Rio Mesay, Rio Cuñaré), Chocó (Rio Sucio, Cocarica), Cauca (Rio
Raposo), Meta (Villavicencio)), Guatemala to Peru, Surinam and Paraguay. Refs.: Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo,
1946: 78 (Tabanus (Neotabanus) lineola var. stenocephalus Hine); Fairchild, 1971: 92 (cat.; as syn. of dorsiger
Wiedemann, 1821); Moucha, 1976: 103, 138 (cat.; as syn. of dorsiger Wiedemann, 1821); Fairchild & Burger,
1994: 149 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 142 (cat.); Pisciotti & Miranda 2011: 9 (as stenocephalus) (report).
stenocephalus Hine 1906: 27.

sextriangulus Gorayeb & Rafael, 1984: 49. Type locality: Brazil, Amazonas, Manaus (Campus da Universidade
Federal do Amazonas). HT F (MPEG), PT F 24 (FSCA). Distr.: Colombia, Peru, Brazil. Refs.: Fairchild & Burger,
1994: 149 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 142 (cat.).

simplex Walker, 1850a: 34. Type locality: “Colombia”. Distr.: Colombia (Caquetá (Florencia; La Vega; P.N.N.
Chiribiquete), Cundinamarca, Huila (Finca Merenberg near Leticia), Valle del Cauca (Peñas Blancas; 10km W
Cali)). HT F (BMNH). Refs.: Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 82 (Tabanus (?subgenus); Fairchild, 1971: 74
(cat.; Dicladocera); Moucha, 1976: 228 (cat.; Dicladocera); Wilkerson, 1979: 343 (Stypommisa); Fairchild &
Wilkerson, 1986: 2; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 149 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 142 (cat.); Pisciotti &
Miranda 2011: 11 (report).
rufiventris Macquart, 1846: 166 (1846: 38) (preocc. Fabricius, 1805).
indiorum Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 75 (Hybomitra; nom. nov. for rufiventris Macquart, 1846).

sorbillans Wiedemann, 1828: 140. Type locality: “Brazil”. HT F (MNHUB). Distr.: Colombia (Boyacá, Casanare,
Meta (Restrepo)), Venezuela, Trinidad, to Paraguay, Brazil and Argentina. Refs.: Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo,
1946: 82 (Tabanus (Macrocormus)); Fairchild, 1971: 101 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 141 (cat.); Fairchild & Burger,
1994: 149 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 143 (cat.).
?fuscus Thunberg, 1827a: 58 (preocc. Wiedemann, 1819).
terminus Walker, 1848: 160.
?pseudosorbillans Lutz, 1909b: 29, nomen nudum.
sylvestris Brèthes, 1910: 482.
flavostriatus Kröber, 1929d: 188 (preocc. Schuurmans Stekhoven 1926).
rubrofemorata Kröber, 1931h: 400 (Bellardia).
flavolineatus Philip, 1960b: 31 (nom. nov. for flavostriatus Kröber, 1930).

undet. sp. Wilkerson, 1979: 393 (Colombia, Boyacá, Muzo, 900m; Chocó, La Teresita; Antioquia: 25Km W. of
Zaragoza). Ref.: Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 143 (cat.).

surifer Fairchild, 1964a: 183. Type locality: Panama, Panama, Cerro Campana. HT F (MCZ), PT F 77, M 2
(FSCA). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia, Boyacá (Muzo), Cauca (Rio Micay; Guapi), Chocó (Rio Nimiquía; La
Teresita; Curiche; between Rio San Juan and Rio Baudó), Meta, Valle del Cauca (Bajo Anchicayá; Lago Calima;
Bajo Calima; Rio Bravo-Playa Rica; Rio Sabaletas; Ladrilleros; Rio Raposo)), Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama, Peru.
Refs.: Lee et al., 1969: 454; Fairchild, 1971: 102 (cat.; as thimeana ssp.); Moucha, 1976: 145 (cat.; as syn. of
thiemeanus Enderlein, 1925); Wilkerson, 1979: 386; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 150 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero,
2009: 144 (cat.).
bigoti var. A; Fairchild 1943: 442.

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thiemeanus (Enderlein), 1925: 389 (Ommalia). Type locality: “Colombia, Cordillera, tierra caliente”. HT F
(MNHUB). Distr.: Colombia (Chocó (between Rio San Juan and Rio Baudó), Valle del Cauca (Lago Calima; Rio
Bravo-Playa Rica; Rio Sabaletas; 41km E. Buenaventura; Bajo Anchicayá; 3.6km W. Queremal; Rio Raposo;
Cali)), Ecuador. Refs.: Kröber, 1934: 270 (cat.; as thiemeana); Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 73 (Alliomma)
(as thiemeana); Fairchild, 1971: 102 (cat.; as thimeana, error); Moucha, 1976: 146 (cat.; as thimeana, error);
Wilkerson, 1979: 389 (as thiemeana, error); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 144 (cat.).
interrupta Enderlein, 1925: 390 (Ommallia).

trivittatus Fabricius, 1805: 104 (as 3-vittatus). Type locality: “South America. Smidt” [i.e., Guyana, between
rivers Demerara and Essequibo; cf. Papavero, 1971: 21]. LT F (ZMKU). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (El Dos,
Turbo), Caquetá (P.N.N. Chiribiquete, Rio Cuñaré-Amú) Meta (Villavicencio), Putumayo (Mocoa; San Pedro)
Valle del Cauca (Rio Anchicayà; Rio Raposo; Rio Frío)), Brazil, ?Costa Rica, Guyana, ?Panama, , Surinam. Refs.:
Bequaert & Renjfo-Salcedo, 1946: 78 (Tabanus (Neotabanus) fumatipennis Kröber, ) Lee et al., 1969: 455;
Fairchild, 1971: 103 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 148 (cat.); Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 151 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero,
2009: 145 (cat.); Pisciotti & Miranda, 2011: 13 (report).
fumatipennis Kröber, 1933: 341 (Tabanus (Neotabanus)).
brunniventris Kröber, 1933: 343 (Tabanus (Neotabanus); as callosus var.; preocc. Schuurmans Stekhoven, 1926).
bruniventris Barretto, 1957: 86 (Taeniotabanus), error.

unipunctatus (Bigot), 1892a: 663 (Atylotus). Type locality: “South America”. Distr.: Colombia (Chocó (Alto
Curiche), Valle del Cauca (Rio Raposo)), Mexico to Colombia. Refs.: Fairchild, 1971: 103 (cat.); Moucha, 1976:
149 (cat.); Wilkerson, 1979: 390; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 151 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 145 (cat.).
fumomarginatus Hine of Kröber, 1929c: 131 (Tabanus (Lophotabanus)), misident.
piraticus Fairchild, 1942b: 15.

unistriatus Hine, 1906: 28. Type locality: Costa Rica, San Carlos. HT F (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Caquetá
(P.N.N. Chiribiquete, Rio Mesay; Rio Sararamano; Puerto Abeja; Rio Cuñaré; Rio Cuñaré-Amú), Cauca (Rio
Micay; Guapi), Chocó (between Rio San Juan and Rio Baudó), Valle del Cauca (Rio Raposo; 25Km E.
Buenaventura; 41km E., 20km N. Buenaventura; Bajo Anchicayá; Rio Sabaletas)), Guatemala to Ecuador,
?Guyana, ?Peru. Refs.: Lee et al., 1969: 455; Fairchild, 1971: 104 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 149 (cat.); Wilkerson,
1979: 391; Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 152 (cat.) Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 146 (cat.); Pisciotti & Miranda 2011:
14 (report).

vittiger ssp. guatemalanus Hine, 1906: 24 (as sp.). Type locality: Guatemala, San José. ST F M (OSU). Distr.: U.
S. A. (Florida), Bahamas, West Indies (Cuba, Cayman islands, Jamaica, Puerto Rico), SE. Mexico to Surinam,
French Guiana and Brazil. Refs.: Fairchild, 1971: 102 (cat.; as subsimilis ssp.); Moucha, 1976: 144 (cat.; as
subsimilis ssp.); Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 152 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 146 (cat.).
bellardii Szilády, 1926: 23.
truquii Bellardi of Bequaert, 1940: 352 (M only), misident.
appendiculatus Hine of Bequaert, 1940a: 451, 453 (M only), misident.
carneus Bellardi of Bequaert, 1940a: 451, 453 (F only), misident.
caymanicus Fairchild, 1942c: 180 (as vittiger ssp.).
angustivitta Kröber of Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo, 1946: 79, misident.

wilkersoni Fairchild, 1983: 31, (nom. nov. for despectus Fairchild, 1942). Type locality: Brazil, Amazonas, rio
Branco, Vista Alegre. Distr.: Brazil, E. Colombia, French Guiana, Peru. Refs.: Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 152 (cat.);
Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 146 (cat.).
despectus Fairchild, 1942c: 161 (Tabanus (Neotabanus)); preocc. Kröber, 1930).

xuthopogon Fairchild, 1984: 36. Type locality: Peru, Loreto, Iquitos. HT F, PT F 4 (FSCA). Distr.: Brazil, E.
Colombia, E. Ecuador, E. Peru. Refs.: Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 153 (cat.); Coscaron & Papavero, 2009: 146 (cat.).

CATALOGUE OF TABANIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 287

To Universidad de Antioquia, Proyecto Sostenibilidad 2014-2015 (MW).

TABLE 1. Tabanidae species recorded from Colombia.

Subfamily Tribe Genus Subgenus Species author
Chrysopsinae Chrysopsini Chrysops auroguttatus Kröber, 1930
bulbicornis Lutz, 1911
calogaster Schiner, 1868
chiriquensis Fairchild, 1939
incisus Macquart, 1846
laetus Fabricius, 1805
leucospilus Wiedemann, 1828
melaenus Hine,1925
mexicanus Kröber, 1926
nexosus Wilkerson, 1979
renjifoi Bequaert, 1946
reticulatus Wilkerson, 1979
soror Kröber, 1925
varians Widemann, 1828
variegatus (De-Geer, 1776)
weberi Bequaert, 1946
Rhinomyzini Betrechia ocellata Oldroyd, 1970
Pangoninae Pangoniini Esenbeckia Esenbeckia balteata Wilkerson, 1979
bella Philip, 1961
cisandeana Wilkerson, &
Fairchild, 1983
diaphana (Schiner, 1868)
gracilis Kröber, 1931
insignis Kröber, 1931
minuscula Wilkerson, 1979
osornoi Fairchild, 1942
prasiniventris (Macquart, 1846)
subvaria (Walker, 1848)
testaceiventris (Macquart, 1848)
tigrina Wilkerson, 1979
tinctipennis Kröber, 1931
translucens (Macquart, 1846)
Proboscoides ecuadorensis ssp. Fairchild, 1942
Scionini Fidena Fidena aureopygia Kröber, 1931
auribarba (Enderlein, 1925)
eriomeroides (Lutz, 1909)
flavipennis Krober, 1931
...Continued on next page

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TABLE 1. (Continued)
Subfamily Tribe Genus Subgenus Species author
flavipennis ssp. Wilkerson, 1979
laterina (Rondani, 1850)
ochrapogon Wilkerson, 1979
pubescens (Lutz, 1909)
rhinophora (Bellardi, 1859)
schildi (Hine, 1925)
sulfurea Wilkerson, 1979
Pityocera Elaphella cervus (Widemann, 1828)
Pityocera festai Giglio-Tos, 1896
Scione albifasciata (Macquart, 1846)
aurulans (Wiedemann, 1830)
aurulans ssp. lurida Enderlein, 1925
brevibeccus Wilkerson, 1979
cuprea Wilkerson, 1979
distincta (Schiner, 1868)
equivexans Wilkerson, 1979
flavescens (Enderlein, 1930)
fulvosericea (Krober, 1931)
incompleta (Macquart, 1846)
maculipennis (Schiner, 1868)
minor (Macquart, 1947)
minuta Szilády, 1926
nigripes (Kröber, 1930)
obscurefemorata Kröber, 1930
punctata Szilády, 1926
rhinothrix Wilkerson, 1979
rufescens (Ricardo, 1900)
rufipes (Kröber, 1930)
serrata Wilkerson, 1979
youngi Wilkerson, 1979
Tabaninae Diachlorini Acanthocera Acanthocera marginalis Walker, 1854
Nothocanthocera albomarginata (Kröber, 1930)
trigonifera (Schiner, 1868)
Bolbodimyia bicolor Bigot, 1892
celeroides Stone, 1954
erythrocephala (Bigot, 1892)
galindoi Fairchild, 1964
nigra Stone, 1934
philipi Stone, 1954
Catachlorops Amphichlorops bogotanus (Enderlein, 1925)
vespetinus (Bequaert & Renjifo-
Salcedo, 1946)
...Continued on next page

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TABLE 1. (Continued)
Subfamily Tribe Genus Subgenus Species author
Catachlorops alphus Wilkerson, 1979
fumipennis Kröber, 1931
nigripalpis (Macquart, 1846)
rufescens (Fabricius, 1805)
Psalidia fulmineus (Hine, 1920)
medemi Philip, 1969
Psarochlorops auripis (Philip, 1960)
difficilis (Kröber, 1931)
quadrimaculatus (Macquart, 1846)
siculus Wilkerson, 1979
testaceus (Macquart, 1846)
Chlorotabanus fairchildi Wilkerson, 1979
inianis (Fabricius, 1787)
leucochlorus Fairchild, 1961
leuconotus Krolow & Henriques,
mexicanus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Chryptolylus chloroticus (Philip & Fairchild,
unicolor (Wiedemann, 1818)
Dasybasis montium (Surcouf, 1919)
schineri (Kröber, 1931)
Dasychela Dasychela limbativena (Enderlein, 1925)
ocellus (Walker, 1848)
Diachlorus anduzei Stone, 1944
curvipes (Fabricius, 1805)
fuscistigma Lutz, 1931
jobbinsi Fairchild, 1942
leticia Wilkerson, &
Fairchild, 1982
pechumani Fairchild, 1972
xynus Fairchild, 1972
Dichelacera Desmatochelacera albitibialis Burger, 1999
transposita Walker,, 1854
Dichelacera burgeri Coscaron & Papavero,
chocoensis Fairchild & Philip,
damicornis (Fabricius, 1805)
fasciata Walker, 1850
hartmanni Fairchild & Philip,
marginata Macquart, 1847
melanosoma Hine, 1920
...Continued on next page

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TABLE 1. (Continued)
Subfamily Tribe Genus Subgenus Species author
regina Fairchild, 1940
submarginata Lutz, 1915
villavoensis Fairchild & Philip,
Idiochelacera subcallosa Fairchild & Philip,
Orthostyloceras aurata Wilkerson, 1979
Dicladocera argentomacula Wilkerson, 1979
basirufa (Walker, 1850)
beaveri Wilkerson, 1979
calimaensis Wilkerson, 1979
clara (Schiner, 1868)
dalessandroi Wilkerson,1979
distomacula Wilkerson, 1979
hirsuta Wilkerson, 1979
leei Wilkerson, 1979
macula (Macquart, 1846)
minos (Schiner, 1868)
nigrocoerulea (Rondani, 1850)
pruinosa Wilkerson, 1979
riveti (Surcouf, 1919)
submacula (Walker, 1850)
Hemichrysops fascipennis Kröber, 1930
Himantostylus intermedius Lutz, 1913
Lepiselaga Conoposelaga colombiana Fairchild, 1966
Lepiselaga crassipes (Fabricius, 1805)
Leucotabanus canithorax Fairchild, 1941
exaestuans (Linnaeus, 1758)
flavinotum (Kröber, 1934)
janinae Fairchild, 1970
pauculus Fairchild, 1951
Phaeotabanus cajennensis (Fabricius, 1787)
innotescens (Walker, 1854)
nigriflavus (Kröber, 1930)
phaeopterus Fairchild, 1964
serenus (Kröber, 1931)
Philipotabanus Melasmatabanus criton (Kröber, 1934)
fascipennis (Macquart, 1846)
nigripennis Wilkerson, 1979
Mimotabanus annectans Fairchild, 1975
fucosus Fairchild, 1958
opimus Fairchild, 1975
phalaropygus Fairchild, 1964
...Continued on next page

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TABLE 1. (Continued)
Subfamily Tribe Genus Subgenus Species author
plenus (Hine, 1907)
porteri Fairchild, 1975
tanypterus Wilkerson, 1979
vulpinus Fairchild, 1975
Philopotabanus chrysothrix (Fairchild, 1943)
grassator (Fairchild, 1953)
magnificus (Kröber, 1934)
nigrinubilus (Fairchild, 1953)
pterographicus (Fairchild, 1943)
tenuifasciatus (Kröber, 1930)
Pseudacanthocera brevicornis (Enderlein, 1925)
Selasoma tibiale (Fabricius, 1805)
Spilotabanus multiguttatus (Kröber, 1930)
Stenotabanus Brachytabanus longipennis Kröber, 1929
Stenotabanus brunneus Wilkerson, 1979
chrysonotus Wilkerson,1979
detersus (Walker, 1850)
incipiens (Walker, 1860)
luteolineatus Wilkerson, 1979
maculifrons (Hine, 1907)
nigriculus Wilkerson, 1979
obscurus Kröber, 192
sordidatus Fairchild, 1958
wilkersoni Chainey, Hall &
Gorayeb, 1999
Wilkersonia roxannae Wilkerson, 1979
Rhabdotylus venenatum (Osten Sacken, 1886)
Stibasoma Stibasoma apicimacula Fairchild, 1940
chionostigma (Osten Sacken, 1886)
festivum (Wiedemann, 1828)
flaviventris (Macquart, 1848)
fulvohirtum (Wiedemann, 1828)
panamense Curran, 1934
Stypommisa anoriensis Fairchild & Wilkerson,
bipuncta Fairchild & Wilkerson,
brunnea (Wilkerson, 1979)
captiroptera (Kröber, 1930)
flavescens (Kröber, 1930)
glandicolor (Lutz, 1912)
hypographa ssp. Philip, 1969
...Continued on next page

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TABLE 1. (Continued)
Subfamily Tribe Genus Subgenus Species author
jaculatrix (Fairchild, 1942)
maruccii (Fairchild, 1947)
pequeniensis (Fairchild, 1942)
undeter.sp. Wilkerson, 1979
Tabanini Phorcotabanus cinereus (Wiedemann, 1821)
Poeciloderas allusiosis Wilkerson, 1979
quadripunctatus (Fabricius, 1805)
Tabanus albocirculus Hine,1907
amazonensis (Barretto, 1949)
angustifrons Macquart, 1848
aniptus Fairchild, 1976
antarcticus Linnaeus, 1758
bigoti Bellardi, 1859
callosus Macquart, 1848
cicur Fairchild, 1942
claripennis (Bigot, 1892)
colombensis Macquart, 1846
commixtus Walker, 1860
crassicornis Wiedemann, 1821
discus Wiedemann, 1828
duckei Fairchild, 1984
eldridgei Fairchild, 1973
glaucus Wiedemann, 1819
guapiensis Wilkerson, 1979
hirtitibia Walker, 185
howdeni (Philip, 1978)
importunus Wiedemann, 1828
lutzi Kröber, 1934
macquarti Schiner, 1868
maculineuris Macquart, 1855
nebulosus De Greer, 1776
nematocallus Fairchild, 1984
nereus Faichild, 1943
occidentalis Linnaeus, 1758
oculus Walker, 1848
olivaceiventris Macquart, 1847
pellucidus Fabricius, 1805
perplexus Walker, 1850
peruvianus Macquart, 1848
piceiventris Rondani, 1848
polyphemus Rondani, 1848
praeteritus Fairchil, 1947
...Continued on next page

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TABLE 1. (Continued)
Subfamily Tribe Genus Subgenus Species author
primitivus Walker,, 1848
pseudoculus Fairchild, 1942
pungens Wiedemann, 1828
restrepoensis Fairchild, 1942
rixator Fairchild, 1943
rubiginipennis Macquart, 1838
rubripes Macquart, 1838
secundus Walker, 1848
sextriangulus Gorayeb & Rafael,
simplex Walker, 1850
sorbillans Wiedemann, 1828
undet. sp. Wilkerson, 1979
surifer Fairchild, 1964
thiemeanus (Enderlein, 1925)
trivittatus Fabricius, 1805
unipunctatus (Bigot, 1892)
unistriatus Hine, 1906
vittiger ssp. Hine, 1906
wilkersoni Fairchild, 1983
xuthopogon Fairchild, 1984


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Entomological Society of America, 35 (2), 153–182.
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Fairchild, G.B. (1964a) Notes on Neotropical Tabanidae (Diptera). IV. Further new species and new records for Panama.
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CATALOGUE OF TABANIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 301
Zootaxa 4122 (1): 302–305 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
Copyright © 2016 Magnolia Press
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)



Departamento de Biologia, Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo, Av.
Bandeirantes, 3900, 14040–901, Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil. E–mail:


This family is recorded for the first time to Colombia, with only one undescribed species of genus Rachicerus.

Key words: Catalogue, Colombia, diversity, Rachicerus, Xylophagidae


Xylophagidae Fallén, 1810 are a small family of lower Brachycera infraorder Xylophagomorpha (Woodley 1989,
Woodley et al. 2009), with a widespread distribution in the world, except in the Afrotropical Region. These flies
have body length ranging from 2 to 25 mm and are easily recognized by the antennal flagellum composed of 7–8 or
more than 15 flagellomeres, tibial spurs 1–2–2, pulvilliform empodium, the unmodified wing venation—M3 can be
open or closed at wing margin—and by the lack of a scale-like elevation behind the metathoracic spiracle
(Woodley 2009). Additionally, Rachicerus Walker, 1854, the largest genus, is recognized by the pectinate antennal
flagellum with more than eight flagellomeres. Immature stages of xylophagid species are known mainly for
Coenomyia Latreille, 1797, Rachicerus and Xylophagus, Meigen, 1803, where they are frequently found under
bark of fallen tree (Xylophagus) or associated with decaying wood (Rachicerus), as predators of other insect larvae
(James 1981, Woodley 2009). In the neotropics, the immature stages are still poorly known with only the
description of pupa of Heterostomus curvipalpis Bigot, 1857 (Coscarón et al. 2013). The adults usually are found
on vegetation, particularly near water or fallen trees (Carrera 1945, James 1981, Nagatomi 1982).
There are 133 described species of Xylophagidae in the world, in nine genera (Woodley 2011), with most of
them into two genera, Rachicerus (69 species) and Xylophagus (24 species). The richest regions are the Palearctic
and the Oriental Region, with 46 and 62 described species, respectively (Woodley 2011). Only eleven species in
three genera have been described to the Neotropical Region (Woodley 2011), of which six species were described
to Brazil—all of them by Carrera (1940, 1945)—and other five species described for different countries (Table 1).
Xylophagus vetustus Walker, 1854 from Brazil was stated by Woodley (2011) as a Therevidae species.
Additionally, one undescribed species of Rachicerus is recorded to Colombia, as stated in this work (see below).
The catalog records only one undescribed species of Rachicerus (Table 2). The family Xylophagidae, as well
as the genus Rachicerus are recorded for the first time to Colombia.
The recorded species and the classification adopted were based mainly the on information of the world
catalogue of the family (Woodley 2011). Additional literature and material belonging to the Instituto de
Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt (IAvH) also were consulted. The geopolitical
departments are underline and specific localities are in brackets.

302 Accepted by S. Nihei: 10 Apr. 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016

TABLE 1. Checklist of Neotropical species of Xylophagidae, with known gender and geographic data.
Species Gender Geographical distribution
Male Female
Heterostomus curvipalpis Bigot x x Chile
Rachicerus bellus Osten Sacken - x Panama
Rachicerus lanei Carrera x - Brazil
Rachicerus lopesi Carrera - x Brazil
Rachicerus marcusi Carrera - x Brazil
Rachicerus nigripalpus Loew - x Mexico
Rachicerus oliverioi Carrera - x Brazil
Rachicerus picticornis Kertész x - Costa Rica
Rachicerus shannoni Carrera - x Brazil
Rachicerus varipes Loew x x Cuba
Xylophagus vetustus Walker - x Brazil

Acronyms used for the depositories

IAvH—Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt

List of abbreviations

distr.—geographic distribution
mon.—monotypy, monotype
syn. nov.—new synonym
orig. des.—by original designation
subs. des.—subsequent designation
M (m#)—male

Catalogue of Xylophagidae of Colombia

Family Xylophagidae Fallén, 1810

Genus Rachicerus Walker, 1854

Rachicerus Walker, 1848: 124. Nomen nudum. Attributed to Haliday.

Rachicerus Walker, 1854: 103. Type species, Rachicerus fulvicollis Walker, 1854 (mon.).
Rhyphomorpha Walker, 1861: 275. Type species, Rhyphomorpha bilinea Walker, 1861 (mon.).
Antidoxion Snellen van Vollenhoven, 1863: 6. Type species, Antidoxion fulvicorne Snellen van Vollenhoven, 1863
(mon.). Refs.—Osten Sacken, 1881: 409 (syn.); Woodley, 2011: 476 (cat.).
Rhachicerus Loew, 1872: 114, emend. Ref.—Woodley, 2011: 476 (cat.).
Antidoxia Marschall, 1873: 321, error. Ref.—Woodley, 2011: 476 (cat.).
Rhacicerus Malloch, 1917: 346, error. Ref.—Woodley, 2011: 476 (cat.).
Rhachicerella Enderlein, 1921: 167. Type species, Rachicerus honestus Osten Sacken, 1877 (orig. des.).
Refs.—Nagatomi, 1970: 418 (syn.); Woodley, 2011: 476 (cat.).

CATALOGUE OF XYLOPHAGIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 303
Rachicerella Carrera, 1945: 120, error. Ref.—Woodley, 2011: 476 (cat.).
Gymnorhachicerus Frey, 1954: 7. Type species, Gymnorhachicerus pilosus Frey, 1954, (orig. des.). Ref.—Woodley,
2011: 468 (cat., syn.).

undescribed sp. Distr.—Colombia (Chocó (PNN Los Katios, Centro Administrativo Sautatá, Afuera del
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Chocó: PNN Los Katios, Centro Administrativo Sautatá, Afuera del
Bosque, 07º51’N, 77º08’W, 30 m, 1 M (m#), 29.v–, P. Lopéz Leg. M.3757, Malaise 4 [IAvH].


This study was supported by FAPESP Grants 2011/14472-6, 2013/02824-0 and 2014/05793-1.

TABLE 2. Xylophagidae species recorded to Colombia.

Genus Species Author
Rachicerus sp. Walker, 1854


Carrera, M. (1940) Novas espécies do gênero Rachicerus Walker, 1854 (Dipt.). Arquivos de Zoologia do Estado de São
Paulo, São Paulo, 1, 387–394.
Carrera, M. (1945) Contribuição ao conhecimento do gênero Rachicerus Walker, 1854 (Diptera, Rachiceridae
Handlirsch, 1908). Papéis Avulsos do Departamento de Zoologia, 5, 119–134. [São Paulo]
Coscarón, S., Coscarón, M.D.C. & Gil-Azevedo, L.H. (2013) On the enigmatic Heterostomus curvipalpis Bigot, 1857,
with a description of the pupa (Diptera, Brachycera). Zootaxa, 3616 (3), 268–276.
Enderlein, G. (1921) Über die phyletisch älteren Stratiomyiiden subfamilien (Xylophaginae, Chiromyzinae, Solvinae,
Beridinae, und Coenomyiinae). Mitteilungen aus dem Zoolo-gischen Museum in Berlin, 10 (1), 151–214.
Fallén, C.F. (1810) Specimen entomologicum novam Diptera disponendi methodum exhibens. Berlingianis, Lundae
[Lund], 26 pp.
Frey, R. (1954) Studien über ostasiatische Dipteren. III. Rhachiceridae, Rhagionidae, Hilarimorphidae. Notulae
Entomologicae, 34 (1), 1–25.
James, M.T. (1981) Xylophagidae [Chapter] 34. In: McAlpine, J.F., Peterson, B.V., Shewell, G.E., Teskey, H.J.,
Vockeroth, J.R. & Wood, D.M. (Eds.), Manual of Neartic Diptera. Vol. 1. Research Branch Monograph 27,
Agriculture Canada, Ottawa, i–vi, pp. 489–492.
Loew, H. (1872) Diptera Americae septentrionalis indigena. Centuria decima. Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift, 16
(1), 49–124.
Malloch, J.R. (1917) A preliminary classification of Diptera, exclusive of Pupipara, based upon larval and pupal
characters, with keys to imagines in certain families. Part I. Bulletin of the Illinois State Laboratory of Natural
History, 12 (3), i–vi, 161–409.
Marschall, A.F. (1873) Nomenclator zoologicus continens nomina systematica generum animalium tam viventium quam
fossilium, secundum ordinem alphabeticum disposita sub auspiciis et sumptibus C. R. Societatis Zoologico-
Botanicae. Caroli Ueberreuter (M. Salzer), Vindobonae [=Vienna]. I–IV, [2], 482 pp.
Nagatomi, A. (1970) Rachiceridae (Diptera) from the Oriental and Palaearctic Regions. Pacific Insects, 12 (2), 417–466.
Nagatomi, A. (1982) Notes on Rachiceridae (Diptera). Memoirs of the Kagoshima University Research Center for the
South Pacific, 3 (1), 39–65. [Kagoshima]
Osten Sacken, C.R. (1877) Western Diptera: Descriptions of new genera and species of Diptera from the region west of
the Mississippi and especially from California. Bulletin of the United States Geological and Geographical Survey of
the Territories, 3 (2), 189–354.

304 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press FACHIN

Osten Sacken, C.R. (1881) Enumeration of the Diptera of the Malay Archipelago collected by Prof. Odoardo Beccari,
M.r L. M. d’Albertis and others. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova, 16, 393–492.
Snellen van Vollenhoven, S.C. (1863) Over eene merkwaardige soort van tweevleugelig insect, Antidoxion fulvicorne.
Verslagen en Mededeelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Weten-schappen. Afdeeling Natuurkunde, 15, 1–7.
Walker, F. (1848) List of the specimens of dipterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Vol. 4. Part I. British
Museum, London, 229 pp.
Walker, F. (1854) List of the specimens of dipterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Vol. 6. Part V.
Supplement I. British Museum, London, 1330 pp.
Walker, F. (1861) Catalogue of the dipterous insects collected in Batchian, Kaisaa and Makian, and at Tidon in Celebes,
by Mr. A. R. Wallace, with descriptions of new species. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society, 5 (20),
Woodley, N.E. (1989) Phylogeny and classification of the “orthorrhaphous” Brachycera. In: McAlpine, J.F., Peterson,
B.V., Shewell, G.E., Teskey, H.J., Vockeroth, J.R. & Wood, D.M. (Eds.), Manual of Neartic Diptera. Vol. 3. Research
Branch Monograph 32, Agriculture Canada, Ottawa, pp. 1371–1395.
Woodley, N.E. (2009) Xylophagidae [Chapter] 35. In: Brown, B.V., Borkent, A., Cumming, J.M., Wood, D.M., Woodley,
N.E. & Zumbado, M.A. (Eds.), Manual of Central American Diptera. Vol. 1. NCR Research Press, Boca Raton,
Ottawa, pp. 509–512.
Woodley, N.E. (2011) A World Catalog of the Xylophagidae (Insecta: Diptera). In: Thompson, F.C., Brake, I. &
Lonsdale, O. (Eds.), Contributions to the Biosystematic Database of World Diptera. Myia, 12, pp. 522–568.
Woodley, N.E., Borkent, A. & Wheeler, T.A. (2009) Phylogeny of Diptera [Chapter 5]. In: Brown, B.V., Borkent, A.,
Cumming, J.M., Wood, D.M., Woodley, N.E. & Zumbado, M.A. (Eds.), Manual of Central American Diptera. Vol.
1. NCR Research Press, Boca Raton, Ottawa, pp. 79–94.

CATALOGUE OF XYLOPHAGIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 305
Zootaxa 4122 (1): 306–311 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
Copyright © 2016 Magnolia Press
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)



Grupo de Entomologia, Instituto de Biología, Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín-Colombia,
Centro de Investigación de la biodiversidad Andino-Amazónica –IMBIANAN- Programa de Biología, Universidad de La Amazonia,
Florencia, Caquetá,
Facultad de Ciencias Agripecuarias, Universidad de Caldas, Manizales-Colombia.
*Corresponding author:


This catalogue features 11 species distributed in 2 genera recorded to Colombia. Three species of Pantophthalmus are re-
corded for the first time to the country.

Key words: catalogue, Colombia, distribution, Pantophthalmidae


Pantophthalmidae are a family of Diptera exclusive to the Neotropical Region, with 20 species and two genera:
Opetiops with one species from South America, and Pantophthalmus with 19 species occurring from southern
Mexico to northern Argentina (Val 1976, 1992). Eight species are recorded from Colombia (Papavero 2009).
Adults may be recognized as stout flies, body size between 20–55 mm in length; big head occupied largely by the
eyes, holoptic in males and dichoptic in females, with three ocelli; face with conic or round beak; antennae with
two short basal joints and the third 8-segmented; short proboscis and palpi with two segments; thorax usually with
brown or black longitudinal stripes; wing with small calypter, short prefurca; veins R4 and R5 divergent enclosing
wing tip, fourth posterior cell closed, anal cell closed; legs slender with or without apical spurs in posterior femora.
It is not clear if the adults feed or not (Val 1992), the eggs are laid on a wide diversity of trees (Papavero 1967), and
the larvae live and excavate horizontal galleries in living and dead trees (Woodley 2009).
This catalogue and the classification adopted are based on the Systematics and Evolution of Pantophthalmidae
by Val (1976) and the Catalogue of Neotropical Pantophthalmidae by Papavero (2009), the holotypes sex was
taking of Val 1976. Three species are recorded for the first time to Colombia, Pantophthalmus chuni, P. comptus
and P. engeli. For each species, distributional data, when available, include departments (underline) and specific
localities (in brackets).

Acronyms used for the depositories

BMNH—National Museum of Natural History, London, UK

BZM—Berliner Zoologische Museum, Humboldt-Universität, Berlin, Germany
CEUA—Colección Entomológica Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia
IZPAN—Instytut Zoologiczny Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Warsaw, Poland
LEUC—Laboratorio de Entomología, Universidad de Caldas, Manizales, Colombia.
NMW—Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, Vienna, Austria
SMTD—Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde, Dresden, Germany

306 Accepted by S. Nihei: 13 Apr. 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016

UAM-E—Colección de Entomología, Museo de Historia Natural, Universidad de La Amazonia, Colombia
ZSBS—Zoologische Sammlung des Bayerischen Staates, Munich, Germany

List of abbreviations

n. comb.—new combination
leg.—legitur (collector)
distr.—geographic distribution
nom. nov.—nomen novum (new name)
orig. des.—by original designation
sp., spp.—species
M (m#)—male
F (f#)—female

Catalogue of Pantophthalmidae of Colombia

Family Pantophthalmidae Bigot, 1882

Genus Opetiops Enderlein

Opetiops Enderlein, 1921: 231. Type species, Pantophthalmus alienus Hermann, 1916 (orig. des.).

alienus (Hermann), 1916: 43, (Pantophthalmus). Type locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Corupá (as Kolonie Hansa-
(Humboldt). HT F (ZSBS). Distr.: Colombia (Boyacá (Muzo), Santander), Brazil, Panama, Peru. Refs.: Papavero,
1967: 3 (cat.); Val, 1976: 69; Amat, 2005: 96 (list); Papavero, 2009: 2 (cat.).

Genus Pantophthalmus Thunberg

Pantophthalmus Thunberg, 1819: viii. Type species, Pantophthalmus tabaninus Thunberg, 1819 (mon.). Refs.: Papavero,
1967: 1; Val, 1976: 70; Papavero, 2009: 2 (cat.).
Pantophtalmus Thunberg, 1819: vii (in title), error.
Rhaphiorhynchus Wiedemann, 1821: 59.
Acanthomera Wiedemann, 1821: 60.
Raphiorhynchus Lepeletier & Serville, 1825: 544, error.
Raphiorhynchus Loew, 1862: 19, error.
Megalomyia Bigot, 1880: v.
Megalemyia Bigot, 1881: 455, error or emend.
Raphiorhyncus Bigot, 1881: 458, error.
Accanthomera Bigot in Scudder, 1882: 3, error.
Raphiorrhynchus Enderlein, 1914: 582, error.
Atopomyia Austen, 1923: 596.
Lycops Enderlein, 1931: 361 (in key), 367
Meraca Enderlein, 1934: 181.

bellardii (Bigot) in Bellardi, 1862: 213 (Acanthomera; nom. nov. for picta Wiedemann of Bellardi, 1859). Type

CATALOGUE OF PANTOPHTHALMIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 307
locality: “Mexico”. HT F (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia (?Buena Vista, Chocó (Nuquí), Valle del Cauca (Rio Dagua)),
Bolivia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Venezuela. Refs.:
Austen, 1923: 588; Papavero, 1967: 2 (cat.); Val, 1976: 72; Papavero, 2002: 1(cat.); Amat, 2005: 96 (list.);
Papavero, 2009: 2 (cat.).
picta Wiedemann of Bellardi, 1859: 76 (Acanthomera), misident.
championi Osten Sacken, 1886: 67 (Acanthomera).
sp. Osten Sacken, 1912: 108 (Acanthomera).
helleri Enderlein, 1912: 108, 110.
championi Osten Sacken of Enderlein, 1921: 231, misident. [cf. Enderlein, 1931: 374].
versicolor Austen, 1923: 572.
latifrons Enderlein, 1931: 374.
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Chocó: Nuquí, Morromico, 10m, 1 female, 24 ix.1999, M. Wolff leg., net
house (CEUA).

chuni (Enderlein), 1912: 102, 103, (Acanthomera). Type locality: Peru, Junín, Chanchamayo. LT M (IZPAN) (des.
by Val, 1976: 75). Distr.: Colombia (Caquetá (Florencia, Aguas Negras), Putumayo (Mocoa, San José del Pepino),
Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, French Guiana, Peru. Refs.: Val, 1976: 74; Papavero, 2009: 3 (cat.). New
record to Colombia.
leuckarti Enderlein, 1912: 107, 113.
helleriana Enderlein, 1914: 578 (in key), 581 (Acanthomera).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Caquetá: Florencia, vereda Aguas Negras, 450m, 2 females, 23 v.2012,
Y. Ramos-Pastrana Leg., net in forest (UAM-E). Putumayo: Mocoa, vereda San José del Pepino, vía Mocoa, Villa
Garzón “fin del mundo”, 560m, 1 female, 26 iii.2015, M. Angulo-González leg., net in forest (UAM-E).

comptus Enderlein, 1912: 107, 117. Type locality: “South America”. HT F (SMTD). Distr.: Colombia (Caldas
municipio de La Merced), Caquetá (Florencia, Sebastropol)), Belize, Brazil, French Guiana, Guyana, Peru,
Surinam. Refs.: Val, 1976: 75; Papavero, 2009: 3 (cat.). New record to Colombia.
conspicuus Austen, 1923: 581.
sigma Enderlein, 1931: 372 (Opetiops).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Caldas: municipio de La Merced, 1819m, 1 male, 18 viii.2009, Trujillo-
Toro leg., net in grass (LEUC). Caqueta: Florencia, vereda Sebastropol, 380m, 1 female, 23 v.2011, Y. Ramos-
Pastrana leg., net in forest (UAM-E).

engeli (Enderlein), 1931: 362 (Acanthomera). Type locality: Panama, Chiriquei. HT M ZSBS. Distr.: Colombia
(Caldas), Panama. Refs.: Val, 1976: 76; Papavero, 2009: 3 (cat.). New record to Colombia.
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Caldas: Ecoparque los Alcázares, 2150m, 1 male, 15 x.2010, Montoya &
Ramírez leg., net in Guadua angustifolia (LEUC); Manizales, 2000m, 1 male, 27 vii.2010, L. Patiño leg., net in
grass (LEUC).

frauenfeldi (Schiner), 1868: 78 (Acanthomera). Type locality: “Colombia”. Type ?NMW not found by Val (1976:
78). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Medellín, San Antonio de Prado), Boyacá (Muzo), Caldas (municipio de
Aranzazu; vereda Lusitania; Municipio de Villamaría; Manizales; Reserva Rio Blanco), Caquetá (Florencia; Aguas
Negras) Cundinamarca (Bogotá), Santander (Suarez river)), Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela. Refs.: Kertész,
1908: 294 (cat.; n. comb.); Austen, 1923: 565; Papavero, 1967: 3 (cat.; Rhaphiorhynchus); Val, 1976: 77; Amat,
2005: 96 (list.); Papavero, 2009: 3 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Medellín, San Antonio de Prado, 2100m, 1 female, 23
ix.2007, Castaño Leg., net forest (CEUA). Caldas: vereda Lusitania, Villamaría, 2050m, 1 female, 20 iv. 2008,
Castro-Hoyos leg., net (LEUC); idem, municipio de Aranzazu, 1900m, 1 female, iii.2006, Arango-Salazar leg., net
in Cospositae (LEUC); Manizales, Reserva Rio Blanco, 1900m, 1 female, 3 iv.2005, M. Wolff leg., bats network in
forest (CEUA 19167); Manizales, Granja Tesorito, 2480m; 1 male, 18 iv.2008, F. Vallejo leg., net in grass (LEUC).
Caquetá: Florencia, vereda Aguas Negras, 280m, 1 female, 23 v.2012, Y. Ramos-Pastrana leg., net in forest; idem,
barrio Ventilador, 280m, 1 female, 21 iv.2011, Y. Ramos-Pastrana leg., net (UAM-E).

308 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press WOLFF ET AL.

kerteszianus (Enderlein), 1914: 578 (in key and text) (Acanthomera; as kertésziana). Type locality: Peru, Juanjui.
LT F (BZM) (des. by Val, 1976: 79). Distr.: Colombia (Without specific locality), Bolivia, Brazil, Panama, Peru.
Refs.: Papavero, 1967: 3 (cat.; Rhaphiorhynchus); Val, 1976: 78; Papavero, 2002: 2 (cat.); Amat, 2005: 96 (list.);
Papavero, 2009: 3 (cat.).
conspicabilis Austen, 1923: 577.

planiventris (Wiedemann), 1821: 60 (Rhaphiorhynchus). Type locality: “Brazil”. T not found (Val, 1976: 82).
Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca (Bogotá), Santander (Barrancabermeja; Suarez river)), Bolivia, Brazil, Costa
Rica, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guatemala, Guyana, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Surinam, Trinidad,
Venezuela. Refs.: Kertész, 1908: 296 (cat.; Rhaphiorhynchus); Papavero, 1967: 3 (cat.; Rhaphiorhynchus); Val,
1976: 81 (comb. n); Papavero, 2002: 1 (cat.); Amat, 2005: 95, 96 (list.); Papavero, 2009: 4 (cat.).
crassipalpis Macquart, 1847: 27 (Acanthomera).
bigoti Bellardi, 1862: 15 (Acanthomera).

rothschildi (Austen), 1909: 129, (Rhaphiorhynchus). Type locality: Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Buenavista. HT M
(BMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Meta (Huape river Orinoco region)), Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador. Refs.: Papavero, 1967:
4 (Rhaphiorhynchus); Val, 1976: 84; Papavero, 2002: 1 (cat.); Amat, 2005: 96 (list.); Papavero, 2009: 5 (cat.).
ocellata Enderlein, 1931: 370 (Atopomyia; as rotschildi var.).

tabaninus Thunberg, 1819: vii, [Pantophtalmus]. Type locality: Lesser Antilles, Saint Barthélemy (Forsström) (cf.
Papavero, 1971: 103). Type lost (cf. Val, 1976: 88). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas (Parque Natural Amacayacu);
Antioquia (Caucasia; San Luis), Caquetá (Florencia), Chocó (Riosucio; Cacarica; Quibdó), Meta (Villavicencio),
Putumayo (Valle del Guamés)), Bolivia Brazil, French Guiana, Guatemala, Guyana, Lesser Antilles, Panama, Peru,
Surinam, Trinidad, Venezuela. Refs.: Kertész, 1908: 296 (cat.); Papavero, 1967: 2 (cat.); Val, 1976: 87; Papavero,
2002: 2 (cat.); Amat, 2005: 95, 96 (list.); Papavero, 2009: 5 (cat.).
seticornis Wiedemann, 1828: 108, pl. 2, fig. 1 (Acanthomera).
heydenii Wiedemann, 1828: 555 (Acanthomera).
immanis Wiedemann, 1830: 623 (Acanthomera).
picta Wiedemann of d’Orbigny in Cuvier, 1849: pl. 172bis, fig. 1 (Acanthomera), misident.
rubriventris Bigot, 1880: v (Acanthomera).
setiformis Bigot, 1881: 454, 455 (Megalemyia), error.
tabanius Kertész, 1908: 296, error.
gigas Enderlein, 1912: 109, 110.
fastuosus Knab, 1914: 27.
gigans Bezzi, 1912: 287, error.
reticornis Enderlein, 1921: 231, error.
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Caucasia, 80m, 1 male, iv.1987, A. Arango Leg., net
(CEUA); idem, San Luis, 80m, 1 female, ix.2000, M. Castaño Leg., net forest (CEUA). Caquetá, Florencia, 450m,
1 female, 20 viii.2007, Y. Ramos-Pastrana leg., net.

vittatus (Wiedemann), 1828: 109, (Acanthomera). Type-locality: “Brazil”. LT M (BZM) (des. by Val, 1976: 91).
Distr.: Colombia (Meta (Villavicencio)), Bolivia, Brazil, French Guiana, Peru, Surinam, Trinidad, Venezuela .
Refs.: Papavero, 1967: 2 (cat.); Val, 1976: 89; Papavero, 2002: 1 (cat.); Amat, 2005: 96 (list); Papavero, 2009: 6
servillei Guérin-Méneville, 1835: 543, pl. 98, fig. 2 (Acanthomera).
fulvida Bigot, 1880: v (Acanthomera).

CATALOGUE OF PANTOPHTHALMIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 309
TABLE 1. Pantophthalmidae species recorded from Colombia
Genus Species Author
Opetiops alienus (Hermann, 1916)
Pantophthalmus bellardi (Bigot, 1862)
chuni Enderlein, 1912
comptus Enderlein, 1912
engeli (Enderlein, 1931)
frauenfeldi (Schiner, 1868)
kerteszianus (Enderlein, 1914)
planiventris (Wiedemann, 1821)
rothschildi (Austen, 1909)
tabaninus Thunberg, 1819
vittatus (Wiedemann, 1828)


Amat, E.C. (2005) New records of timber flies (Diptera: Pantophthalmidae) from Colombia. Entomotropica, 20, 95–96.
Austen, E.E. (1909–1910) Two remarkable new species of Diptera. Novitates Zoologicae. Tring, 16, 129–131. [1909 & 1910]
Austen, E.E. (1923) A revision of the family Pantophthalmidae (Diptera) with descriptions of new species and a new genus.
Proceeding of the Zoological Society of London, 551–598.
Bellardi, L. (1862) Saggio di Ditterologia Messicana. Appendice, Stamperia Reale, Torino [=Turin], 28 pp.
Bellardi, L. (1859) Saggio di Ditterologia Messicana. Vol. 1. Dalla Stamperia Reale, Torino, 1–80.
Bezzi, M. (1912) Os gigantes entre as moscas inimigas da sylvicultura brasileira. Chácaras e Quintais, 5, 1–4. [São Paulo]
Bigot, J.M.F. (1880) Description d’un genre nouveaux et de nouvelles espèces d’Acanthomeridae Wiedemann [sic]. Annales de
la Société Entomologique de France, Series 5, 10 (Bull), v–vi.
Bigot, J.M.F. (1881) Diptères nouveaux ou peu connus. 18e partie. XXVIII. Acanthomeridae (Wiedemann, Dipt. exot. [sic]).].
Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, Series 6, 1, 453–460.
Cuvier, G.L.C.F.D. (1849) Le régne animal distribué d’aprés son organisation. Disciples ed., Paris, Masson. Insectes 2, 1–443.
Enderlein, G. (1912) Dipterologische Studien. I. Die Dipterenfamilie Pantophthalmidae. Zoologischer Anzeiger Leipzig, 41,
Enderlein, G. (1914) Dipterologische Studien. XIII. Weitere Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Pantophthalmiden. Zoologischer
Anzeiger Leipzig, 44, 577–586.
Enderlein, G. (1921) Dipterologische Studien. XI. Zoologischer Anzeiger Leipzig, 52, 227–231.
Enderlein, G. (1931) Klassifikation der Pantophthalmiden. Sitz Berlinische Gesllschaft Naturforschender Freunde, Berlin,
1930, 361–376.
Enderlein, G. (1934) Dipterologica. II. Sitz Berlinische Gesllschaft Naturforschender Freunde, Berlin, 181–190.
Guérin-Méneville, M.F.E. (1835) Iconographie du règne animal de George Cuvier. Baillière, Paris, 3, 543–544.
Hermann, F. (1916) Ein neuer Pantophthalmus nebst kritischen Bemerkungen über die Systematik der Pantophthalmiden
(Dipt.). Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, 43–49.
Kertész, K. (1908) Catalogus dipterorum hucusque descriptorum. Vol. 3. Lipsiae & Budapestini [=Leipzig and Budapest], 367
Knab, F. (1914) A new Pantophthalmus (Diptera, Pantophthalmidae). Insecutor Inscitiae Mentruus, 2, 27–29.
Lepeletier, A.L.M. & Serville, J.G.A. (1825) In: Latreille, P.A. (Ed.), Encyclopédie Méthodique Histoire Naturelle.
Entomologie, ou Histoire Naturelle des Crustacés, des Arachnides et des Insectes. Tome dixieme. Agasse, Paris, pp. 1–344
Loew, H. (1862) Monographs of the Díptera of North America. Part I. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 6, 1–221.
Macquart, J. (1847) Diptères exotiques nouveaux ou peu connus. Suite de 2e. supplément. Mémoires de la Societé Royale des
Sciences, de l’Agriculture et des Arts de Lille, 1846, 21–120.
Osten Sacken, C.R. (1886) Diptera. In: Godman, F.D. & Salvin, O. (Eds.), Biologia Centrali-Americana. Zoologia. Insecta.
Diptera. Vol 1. Taylor & Francis, London, 378 pp.
Papavero, N. (1967) Family Pantophthalmidae. In: Papavero, N. (Ed.), A catalogue of the Diptera of the Americas south of the
United States. Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, pp. 8.
Papavero, N. (1971) Essays on the history of Neotropical Dipterology, with special reference to collectors (1750–1905). Vol. 1.

310 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press WOLFF ET AL.

Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, vii + 216 pp.
Papavero, N. (2002) Insecta – Díptera – Pantophthalmidae. Fauna da Amazônia Brasileira, 11, 1–4.
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Thunberg, C.P. (1819) Beskrifning och teckning på en fórut okånd westindisk fluga, Pantopthalmus tabaninus. Götteborgs k.
Vettensk. och Vitterhets Samhället. Handl. 3, vii–x, pl. 1.
Val, F.C. (1976) Systematics and evolution of the Pantophthalmidae (Diptera, Brachycera). Arquivos de Zoologia, 27, 51–164.
Val, F.C. (1992) Pantophthalmidae of Central America and Panama (Diptera). In: Quintero, D. & Aiello, A. (Eds.), Insects of
Panama and Mesoamerica. Select Studies, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 600–610. [692 pp.]
Wiedemann, C.R.W. (1821) Diptera exotica (Pars. I). In academia Kiliensi, Kiel, 244 pp.
Wiedemann, C.R.W. (1828) Aussereuropäische Zweiflügelige Insekten. Vol 1. In der Schulzischen, Hamm, xxxii + 608 pp.
Wiedemann, C.R.W. (1830) Aussereuropäische zweiflügelige Insekten. Vol. 2. Hamm, xii + 684 pp.
Woodley, N.E. (2009) Pantophthalmidae. In: B. Brown; Borkent, A, Cumming, J.M, Wood, D.M, Woodley, N.E. & Zumbado,
M.A. (Eds.), Manual of Central American Diptera. Vol 1. NRC Research Press, Ottawa, pp. 513–515.

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Zootaxa 4122 (1): 312–341 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
Copyright © 2016 Magnolia Press
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)



Departamento de Biologia, Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Bandei-
rantes 3900, Ribeirão Preto, SP–14.040-901, Brazil.
Laboratório de Zoologia, Universidade Católica de Brasília, QS 7 lote 1, Bl. M/ s. 331, Taguatinga, DF-72.030-170, Brazil.
*Corresponding author, E–mail:


The family Stratiomyidae has more than 2,800 described species, of which 1001 species belongs to the Neotropics. This
catalog for Colombia presents 87 species distributed in 32 genera, and ten subfamilies. Merosargus gracilis and the genus
Microchrysa, with a single species M. bicolor are recorded for the first time to Colombia. The fauna is very expressive
but still poorly known, representing nearly one tenth of the Neotropical diversity of the family in numbers of species, and
one fifth of generic diversity.

Key words: catalogue, Colombia, distribution, diversity, Stratiomyidae


Stratiomyidae are a family of lower Brachycera, with small to fairly big flies and body length varying from 2 to 34
mm. They are recognized mainly by the wing venation, with their radial veins concentrated in the anterior part of
the wing and a small discal cell from which medial veins radiate (Woodley 2009). The family is placed within the
infraorder Stratiomyomorpha, as sister-group of the Xylomyidae (Woodley 1989; Woodley et al. 2009).
There are more than 2,800 described species of Stratiomyidae in the world, included in 377 genera (Woodley
2001, 2011). From these total, 1001 species in 162 genera occur in the Neotropical region. The family has often
been divided into 12 subfamilies: Antissinae, Beridinae, Chiromyzinae, Chrysochlorininae, Clitellarinae,
Hermetiinae, Nemotelinae, Pachygastrinae, Parhadrestiinae, Raphiocerinae, Sarginae e Stratiomyinae (Woodley
2001). Brammer & Dohler (2010) published the most recent phylogenetic analysis of the family, improving the
understanding of the relationships in the group. In their hypothesis, the subfamilies Antissinae, Stratiomyinae,
Sarginae and Clitellariinae, in the way they have traditionally being defined, may correspond to non-monophyletic
The catalog records 87 described species, included in 32 genera, and ten subfamilies to Colombia. A summary
table of the data given here is presented in Table 1. Furthermore, Merosargus gracilis Schiner, 1868b and the genus
Microchrysa Loew, 1855a, with a single species M. bicolor (Wiedemann), 1830 are recorded for the first time to
Colombia. The examined material of these species belongs to the National Museum of Natural History,
Washington, D.C, United States (USNM) and Canadian National Collection, Arachnids and Nematodes, Ottawa,
Ontario, Canada (CNC), respectively.
The records of the species and the classification adopted here were based mainly on information of the family
catalogues to Neotropical region (James 1973) and to the world (Woodley 2001, 2011). Additional literature and
material were also consulted. The departments of Colombia are underline and specific localities are in brackets.
The term “allotype”, “paratype” and syntype were used in this catalogue only for the specimens that were
designated as such in the original description.

312 Accepted by S. Nihei: 10 Apr. 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016

Acronyms used for the depositories

AMNH—American Museum of Natural History, New York, New York, United States;
BMNH—Department of Entomology, Natural History Museum, London, England;
CAS—California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, California, United States;
CNC—Canadian National Collection of Insects, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada;
HNHM—Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest, Hungary;
INBIO—Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad, Santo Domingo de Heredia, Costa Rica;
KU—Entomological Laboratory, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan;
LACM—Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, Los Angeles, California, United States;
LSL—Linnean Society of London, London, England;
MCZ—Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States;
MHNLI—Musée d’Histoire Naturelle et d’Ethnographie, Lille, France;
MIZT—Museo Regionale di Storia Naturale, Torino, Italy;
MNHN—Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France;
NMW—Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, Vienna, Austria;
NRS—Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, Stockholm, Sweden;
PAN—Museum of the Institute of Zoology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland;
RNH—Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum, Leiden, Netherlands;
SEMC—Snow Entomological Museum, Department of Entomology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas,
United States;
SMF—Forschungsinstitut und Naturmuseum Senckenberg, Frankfurt/Main, Germany;
SMNS—Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany;
UNK—Unknown depositary of type material;
USNM—National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C., United States;
USU—Department of Biology, Utah State University, Logan, Utah, United States;
UZMC—Natural History Museum of Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark;
WSU—Department of Entomology, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington, United States;
ZIL—Museum of Zoology, Lund, Sweden;
ZMHU—Museum für Naturkunde, Institut für Systematische Zoologie, Berlin, Germany;
ZSBS—Zoologische Staatssammlung München, Munich, Germany.

List of abbreviations

distr.—geographic distribution
nom. nov.—new name
orig. des.—by original designation
subs. des.—subsequent designation

CATALOGUE OF STRATIOMYIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 313
M (m#)—male
F (f#)—female

Catalogue of Stratiomyidae of Colombia

Family Stratiomyidae Latreille, 1802

Subfamily Beridinae Westwood, 1838

Genus Arcuavena Woodley

Arcuavena Woodley, 1995: 58. Type species, Hoplacantha nigerrima Lindner, 1949a (orig. des.).

singularis (Macquart), 1846: 185 (Nemotelus). Type locality: “Colombia”. Distr.—Colombia, Honduras,
Venezuela. HT F [BMNH]. Ref.—Woodley, 1995: 62 (rev. of the subfamily, desc. of new species, key to genera).

Genus Heteracanthia Macquart

Heteracanthia Macquart, 1850: 347. Type species, Heteracanthia ruficornis Macquart, 1850 (orig. des.).
Heleracanthia Macquart, 1850: plate 5, error.
Heteracantha Williston, 1896: 46, error.

ruficornis Macquart, 1850: 348. Type locality: Venezuela, Caracas. Distr.—Bolivia, Brazil (Pará, São Paulo),
Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, French Guiana, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico (Chiapas, Quintana
Roo, Tabasco, Veracruz), Panama, Peru, Suriname, Trinidad, Venezuela. HT M [MNHN]. Refs.—Lindner, 1933c:
200; McFadden, 1972a: 122; Woodley, 2001: 70 (cat.).
Clitellaria scutellaris Walker, 1854: 313. Type locality: Brazil, Santarém. HT sex? [BMNH], destroyed?
Ref.—Woodley, 2001: 70 (cat., syn.).

Genus Oplachantha Rondani

Oplachantha Rondani, 1863: 87. Type species, Beris mexicana Bellardi, 1859 (orig. des.).
Oplacantha Bigot, 1879a: 185, error.
Hoplacantha Brauer, 1882: 88, error.
Hoplacantha Scudder, 1882: 166, emend. of Oplachantha Rondani.
Oplacantha Scudder, 1882: 236, emend. of Oplachantha Rondani.
Olachantha Hunter, 1900: 122, error.

albihirta James, 1977: 312. Type locality: Colombia, Meta, 3 miles W of Villavicencio, 920 m. Distr.—Colombia,
(Meta (3 miles W of Villavicencio, 920 m)). HT M [CAS]. Refs.—James, 1977: 312 (desc. of new species, key to
species); Woodley, 1995: 133 (rev. of the subfamily, desc. of new species, key to genera).

albitarsis (Macquart), 1846: 175 (Beris). Type locality: “Venezuela”. Distr.—Colombia, Venezuela. LT M
[BMNH]. Refs.—Woodley, 1995: 133, 148 (sub. des.; rev. of the subfamily, desc. of new species, key to genera).

atricalx James, 1977: 311. Type locality: Peru, Cuzco Department, Quincemil, 700 m. Distr.—Colombia (Meta (3
miles W of Villavicencio, 920 m)), Peru. HT M [CNC]; 1 PT M [CAC = CAS]. Refs.—James, 1977: 311 (desc. of
new species, key to species); Woodley, 1995: 133 (rev. of the subfamily, desc. of new species, key to genera).

atriceps James, 1977: 314. Type locality: Peru, Cuzco Department, Quincemil, 700 m. Distr.—Colombia, (Meta (3
miles W of Villavicencio, 920 m)), Peru. HT F [CNC]; PT 1 F [UNK]. Refs.—James, 1977: 315 (desc. of new
species, key to species); Woodley, 1995: 133 (rev. of the subfamily, desc. of new species, key to genera).

314 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press FACHIN & ASSIS-PUJOL
caerulescens (Schiner), 1868b: 71 (Beris). Type locality: “Colombia”. Distr.—Colombia. HT F [NMW],
destroyed? Ref.—Woodley, 2001: 73 (cat.).
Beris coerulescens Kertész, 1908b: 124, error. Ref.—Woodley, 2001: 73 (cat.).

formosa Enderlein, 1921: 207. Type locality: Colombia, “Cordilleren, Terra caliente”. Distr.—Colombia, Costa
Rica, Panama. HT M [ZMHU]. Ref.—Woodley, 1995: 133 (rev. of the subfamily, desc. of new species, key to

pallida James, 1977: 312. Type locality: Colombia, Nariño, 16 miles E of Santiago, 2730 m. Distr.—Colombia
(Nariño). HT F [CAS]. Ref.—Woodley, 1995: 134 (rev. of the subfamily, desc. of new species, key to genera).

pulchella (Williston), 1888: 245 (Beris). Type locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Chapada. Distr.—Bolivia, Brazil
(Mato Grosso), Colombia (Meta (3 miles W of Villavicencio, 920 m)), Ecuador, Peru (Cuzco, Vilcanota, Tingo
Maria). LT M [AMNH]. Refs.—James, 1977: 309 (desc. of new species, key to species); Woodley, 1995: 134, 151
(sub. des.; rev. of the subfamily, desc. of new species, key to genera).
Hoplacantha iubata Enderlein, 1921: 208. Type locality: Peru, Vilcanota. ST F [ZMHU]; ST M [HNHM],
destroyed. Ref.—Woodley, 2001: 74 (cat.).

viriata Enderlein, 1921: 206. Type locality: Peru, Cuzco Department, Callanga. Distr.—Colombia (Meta (3 miles
W of Villavicencio, 920 m)), Peru. ST 1 M, 1 F [HNHM], destroyed. Refs.—James, 1977: 311 (desc. of new
species, key to species); Woodley, 1995: 134 (rev. of the subfamily, desc. of new species, key to genera).

Subfamily Chiromyzinae Brauer, 1880

Genus Nonacris Walker

Nonacris Walker, 1850: 7. Type species, Nonacris transequa Walker, 1850 (mon.).
Nanacris Nagatomi, 1991: 23, error.

longicornis Enderlein, 1921: 164. Type locality: “Colombia”. Distr.—Colombia. HT F [ZMHU]. Ref.—Pujol-Luz
et al., 2001: 1.

nigriventris Enderlein, 1921: 165. Type localities: Colombia and Ecuador, Santa Inéz (there is no lectotype
designation). Distr.—Colombia, Ecuador (Santa Inéz). ST 2 M, 1 F [ZMHU]. Refs.—Enderlein, 1921: 163, Figs 1–
2 (desc. of new species); Pujol-Luz et al., 2001: 1.

scutellaris Enderlein, 1921: 164. Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca, Bogotá, Tapias la Cruzes. Distr.—
Colombia Colombia (Cundinamarca (Bogotá, Tapias la Cruzes). ST 2 M, 1 F [ZMHU]. Ref.—Pujol-Luz et al.,
2001: 1.

transequa Walker, 1850: 7. Type locality: “South America”. Distr.—Colombia (“Cordillieren, Terra fria”),
Venezuela. HT M [BMNH]. Ref.—Enderlein, 1921: 163–164.
Chiromyza transsequa Kertész, 1908b: 144, error. Ref.—Woodley, 2001: 51 (cat.).

Subfamily Clitellariinae Brauer, 1882

Genus Acropeltates Kertész

Acropeltates Kertész, 1923: 118. Type species, Acropeltates fasciata Kertész, 1923 (orig. des.).
Monacanthella James, 1936: 49. Type species, Monacanthella gracilis James, 1936 = Acropeltates kerteszi Szilády, 1929 (orig.

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diversicornis Kertész, 1923: 121. Type locality: “Colombia”. Distr.—Colombia. HT M [HNHM], destroyed.
Ref.—Woodley, 2001: 149 (cat.).

fasciata Kertész, 1923: 120, Fig. 16. Type locality: Peru, Urubamba River Meshagua and Ukayali River, Unini.
Distr.—Colombia, Peru. ST 2 M, 2 F [HNHM], destroyed; ST 2 M, 2 F [MHU]. Ref.—Woodley, 2001: 149 (cat.).

Genus Chordonota Gerstaecker

Chordonota Gerstaecker, 1857: 311. Type species, Cyphomyia inermis Wiedemann, 1830 (mon.).

leiophthalma Williston, 1896: 302. Type locality: St. Vincent. Distr.—Colombia (Boyacá (Muzo), Meta),
Grenada, St. Vicent. ST M [BMNH], 1 M [UNK]. Refs.—James, 1940: 122 (desc. of new species, key to species);
Woodley, 2001: 155 (cat.).

Genus Cyphomyia Wiedemann

Cyphomyia Wiedemann, 1819: 54. Type species, Stratiomys cyanea Fabricius, 1794 (sub. des. of Duponchel in d'Orbigny,
1844: 548). Ref.—Evenhuis & Thompson, 1990: 234.
Cyphomia Rondani, 1863: 85, error.
Ciphomia Rondani, 1863: 86, error.
Cyphomya Rondani, 1863: 94, error.
Rondania Jaennicke, 1867: 324 (preocc. by Robineau-Desvoidy, 1850; Bigot, 1854). Type species, Rondania obscura
Jaennicke, 1867 (mon.).
Neorondania Osten Sacken, 1878: 50 (nom. nov. for Rondania Jaennicke, 1867). Type species, Rondania obscura Jaennicke,
Gyneuryparia Enderlein, 1914b: 604. Type species, Cyphomyia pilosissima Gerstaecker, 1857 (orig. des.).
Ciphomyia James, 1980: 260, error.
Cephomyia Mead, 1992: 5, error.

albitarsis (Fabricius), 1805: 80 (Stratiomys). Type locality: “America meridionali”. Distr.—Bolivia, Brazil (Pará,
Roraima), Colombia (Valle del Cauca), Costa Rica (San Mateo, Higuito), Ecuador, Guyana, Honduras, Mexico
(Chiapas, Nayarit, San Luis Potosí, Veracruz, Yucatán), Panama (Caño Saddle, Gatun Lake; Porto Belo; Tabogal),
Paraguay, Peru, Trinidad, Venezuela (Valera). ST 1 F [UZMC]. Refs.—Giglio-Tos, 1893: 9; James, 1939d: 599
(desc. of new species); James, 1940: 140 (desc. of new species, key to species); Rafael, 1991: 331 (checklist).
Cyphomyia fenestrata Macquart, 1846: 176. Type locality: Mexico, Yucatán, Merida. ST M/F [UNK]. Ref.—
Woodley, 2001: 158 (cat.).

altifrons James, 1939d: 603. Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca, Bogotá. Distr.—Colombia (Cundinamarca
(Bogotá)), Brazil, Peru, Bolivia? HT M [USNM]. Ref.—Woodley, 2001: 158 (cat.).

androgyna Osten Sacken, 1886b: 34. Type locality: Panama, Volcan de Chiriqui, Bugaba. Distr.—Colombia,
Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama (Chiriqui). ST 1 M, 4 F [BMNH]. Ref.—Woodley, 2001: 158 (cat.).
Cyphomyia chiriquina Lindner, 1935: 409. Type locality: Panama (Chiriqui). HT F [PAN]. Ref.—Woodley,
2001: 158 (cat.).

banksi James, 1937: 149. Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Barro Colorado Island. Distr.—Colombia, Costa
Rica, El Salvador, Mexico (Veracruz), Panama (Canal Zone, Barro Colorado Island). HT F [MCZ]. Ref.—
Woodley, 2001: 159 (cat.).

chrysodota Perty, 1833a: plate 36, Fig. 13. Type locality: Brazil, “montibus Provinciae Minarum”. Distr.—Belize,
Brazil, Colombia (Boyacá (Muzo)), Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guyana, Mexico (Chiapas), Panama. Description given
in Perty, 1833b: 184. ST M [ZSBS]. Refs.—James, 1940: 142 (desc. of new species, key to species); Woodley,
2001: 159 (cat.).

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cyanea (Fabricius), 1794: 265 (Stratiomys). Type locality: French Guiana. Distr.—Bolivia, Brazil (Pará), Colombia
(Cundinamarca (Bogotá)), Costa Rica, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Venezuela. ST F
[MNHN], lost. Refs.—Coquebert, 1804: plate XXIII, Fig. 4; Lindner, 1929: 262; James 1939d: 604 (desc. of new
species); James, 1940: 143 (desc. of new species, key to species).
Cyphomyia caerulea Macquart, 1834 (nom. nov. for Stratiomys cyanea Fabricius, 1794): explication des
planches 4: Planche VI, Fig. 3. Ref.—Woodley, 2001: 159 (cat.).
Cyphomyia coerulea James, 1953: 313, error. Ref.—Woodley, 2001: 159 (cat.).

dispar Schiner, 1868b: 54. Type locality: “Colombia”. Distr.—Colombia (Boyacá (Muzo)). ST 13 M, 25 F
[NMW]. Refs.—Bigot, 1876: 487; James, 1940: 136 (desc. of new species, key to species).

ecuadoriensis Enderlein, 1914b: 601. Type locality: Ecuador, Archidona. Distr.—Colombia, Ecuador (Archidona),
Peru. ST 1 M, 1 F [PAN]. Refs.—James, 1940: 143 (desc. of new species, key to species); James, 1973: 26.26
(cat.); Woodley, 2001: 160 (cat.).
Cyphomyia ecuadorensis James, 1973: 26.26, error. Ref.—Woodley, 2001: 160 (cat.).

erectispinis Lindner, 1935: 408. Type locality: Colombia, Hacienda Pehlke. Distr.—Colombia (Chocó
(Andagoya), Caldas (Victoria, Hacienda Pehlke)). HT F [PAN]. Refs.—James, 1940: 143 (desc. of new species,
key to species); Woodley, 2001: 160 (cat.).

fassli Lindner, 1949a: 862. Type locality: Colombia, Boyacá, Muzo, 400–800 m. Distr.—Colombia (Boyacá
(Muzo)). HT F [BMNH]. Ref.—Woodley, 2001: 160 (cat.).
Cyphomyia fassli Lindner, 1949b: 786. Nomen nudum. Ref.—Woodley, 2001: 160 (cat.).

formosa James, 1940: 138–139; Fig 2: 133. Type locality: Colombia, Boyacá, Muzo, 900 m. Distr.—Colombia
(Boyacá (Muzo)), Brazil (Amazonas)? HT F [MCZ]. Refs.—James, 1940: 138–139 (desc. of new species, key to
species); Woodley, 2001: 160 (cat.).

geniculata Gerstaecker, 1857: 290. Type locality: “Colombia”. Distr.—Colombia. HT F [ZMHU]. Ref.—Woodley,
2001: 160 (cat.).

planifrons James, 1939d: 602. Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca, Bogotá. Distr.—Colombia (Cundinamarca
(Bogotá)), Peru, Brazil. HT F [USNM]. Ref.—Woodley, 2001: 162 (cat.).

schwarzi James, 1940: 135. Type locality: Colombia, Western Cordillera, Cali District, 6500 feet. Distr.—
Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Western Cordillera, Cali District, 6500 feet)). HT F [AMNH]. Refs.—James, 1940:
135 (desc. of new species, key to species); Woodley, 2001: 162 (cat.).

unicolor (Walker), 1854: 312 (Clitellaria). Type locality: Brazil, Amazonas, Tefé (as Ega). Distr.—Brazil
(Amazonas, Pará), Colombia, Peru. ST 1 M, 2 F [BMNH]; ST 1 sex? [BMNH], lost. Refs.—James, 1940: 140
(desc. of new species, key to species); James, 1973: 26.28 (cat.) Woodley, 2001: 163 (cat.).
Cyphomyia cyanocephala Gerstaecker, 1857: 274. Type locality: “South America”. HT F [ZMHU]. Ref.—
Woodley, 2001: 163 (cat.).

varipes Gerstaecker, 1857: 283. Type localities: Mexico, Costa Rica, Venezuela (there is no lectotype designation).
Distr.—Colombia (Boyacá (Muzo)), Costa Rica, Guatemala, Mexico (Chiapas), Nicaragua, Panama, Venezuela.
ST 3 F (ZMHU). Refs.—Osten Sacken, 1886b: 34 (desc. of new species); James 1940: 137 (desc. of new species,
key to species); James, 1973: 26.28 (cat.)
violacea Macquart, 1855: 60. Type locality: Brazil, Pará. Distr.—Brazil (Pará), Colombia, Ecuador. ST M, 8 F
[BMNH]. Refs.—Lindner, 1929: 264; James, 1940: 144 (desc. of new species, key to species).

wiedemanni Gerstaecker, 1857: 302. Type locality: Brazil, Pará. Distr.—Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil (Amazonas,

CATALOGUE OF STRATIOMYIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 317
Goiás, Mato Grosso do Sul, Minas Gerais, Pará, Roraima), Colombia (Boyacá (Muzo)), Costa Rica, Ecuador,
French Guiana, Guyana, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru (Iquitos (Roqué)), Suriname, Tobago,
Trinidad, Venezuela. ST M, F [NMW]; ST 1 M, 1 F [ZIL]; ST 2 M, 3 F [ZMHU]; ST sex? [ZMHU]; Refs.—
Lindner, 1933a: 203; Lindner, 1933c: 329; James, 1939d: 599–600; James, 1940: 147 (desc. of new species, key to
species); James, 1973: 26.28 (cat.); Rafael, 1991: 331 (checklist).
Cyphomyia flavispinis Macquart, 1855: 60. Type locality: “Amérique méridionale”. ST 1 M, 1 F [BMNH].
Ref.—Woodley, 2001: 163 (cat.).
Cyphomyia albispinis Costa, 1866: 39. Nomen nudum. Ref.—Woodley, 2001: 163 (cat.).
Cyphomyia cyanispis Bigot, 1876: 86. Nomen nudum. Ref.—Woodley, 2001: 163 (cat.).
Cyphomyia cyanispinis Bigot, 1876: 487. Type locality: Brazil (“Amazonia”). HT M [BMNH]. Refs.—
Woodley, 2001: 163 (cat.); Woodley, 2011: 410 (cat.).
Cyphomyia wiedemanni ssp. peruana Lindner, 1933c: 329. Type locality: Peru, Iquitos, Roqué. HT F [SMF].
Ref.—Woodley, 2001: 163 (cat.).
Cyphomyia wiedemanni ssp. burmeisteri Lindner, 1949a: 786. Nomen nudum. Ref.—Woodley, 2001: 163
Cyphomyia wiedemanni ssp. burmeisteri Lindner, 1949b: 863. Type locality: Brazil, “Amazon”. ST 2 M
[BMNH]. Ref.—Woodley, 2001: 164 (cat.).
Cyphomyia viedemanni James, 1953: 311, error. Ref.—Woodley, 2001: 164 (cat.).
Cyphomyia cyanispis Woodley, 2001: 163, error. Ref.—Woodley, 2011: 401 (cat.).

Genus Euryneura Schiner

Euryneura Schiner, 1868a: 308. Type species, Stratiomys fascipennis Fabricius, 1805 (orig. des.).

propinqua Schiner, 1868b: 57. Type locality: Colombia. Distr.—Neotropical: Colombia, Mexico (Veracruz),
Venezuela. Neartic: USA (Arizona). HT M [NMW]. Refs.—Giglio-Tos, 1893: 15; Cole, 1969: 158.

Genus Labocerina Enderlein

Labocerina Enderlein, 1914b: 579, 615. Type species, Stratiomys atrata Fabricius, 1805 (orig. des.).
Labacerino Enderlein, 1914b: 615, error.
Labocerino James, 1940: 124, error.

atrata (Fabricius), 1805: 83 (Stratiomys). Type locality: “America meridionali”. Distr.—Colombia (Boyacá
(Muzo)), Guyana, Mexico (Veracruz), Panama, Peru, Venezuela. ST M [UZMC]. Ref.—James, 1940: 125 (desc. of
new species, key to species).
Chordonota carbonaria Bellardi, 1862: 11. Type locality: Mexico. HT M [MIZT], destroyed. Ref.—Woodley,
2001: 168 (cat.).

Genus Quichuamyia Brammer

Quichuamyia Brammer, 2005: 2. Type species, Quichuamyia aplanatantennae Brammer, 2005 (orig. des.).

aplanatantennae Brammer, 2005: 3, Figs 1–13. Type locality: Ecuador, Napo, Reservation Ethnica, Waorani, 1
km S of Onkone Gare. Distr.—Colombia (Amazonas (22 km NW Leticia)), Costa Rica (Heredia (La Selva 3 km S.
Porto Viejo)), Cartago (Turrialba, tres Equis, P.N. Barbilla, 2 km S. de Estácion Barbilla)); Ecuador (Napo
(Reservation Ethnica, Waorani, 1 km S of Onkone Gare)), (Misahualli near Tena), (Limacocha), (Coca, Napo R.));
Panama (Panama Province (Cerro Campana)); Peru (Monson Valley, Tingo Maria), (Quincemil Cuzco)). HT M
[USNM]; AT F [USNM]; PT: 4 M, 3 F [USNM]; 3 F [USU]; 5 F [CNC]; 1 F [LACM]; 1 F [INBIO]; 1 F [CAS].
Ref.—Brammer, 2005: 9 (desc. of new species, key to species).

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Subfamily Chrysochlorininae Woodley, 2001

Genus Chrysochlorina James

Chrysochlorina James, 1939a: 33. Type species, Sargus vespertilio Fabricius, 1805 (orig. des.).

femoralis (Curran), 1929: 4 (Chrysochlora). Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena, Rio Frio. Distr.—Colombia
(Magdalena (Rio Frio)), Mexico. HT M [AMNH]. Refs.—Curran, 1934: 315 (desc. of new species, key to species);
James, 1939a (desc. of new species, key to species): 34; Iide, 1966: 112 (desc. of new species, key to species).

frosti James, 1939a: 35. Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Barro Colorado Island. Distr.—Colombia (Boyacá
(Muzo)), Panama (Canal Zone (Barro Colorado Island)). HT M [AMNH]. Refs.—James, 1939a (desc. of new
species, key to species): 36; Iide, 1966: 112 (desc. of new species, key to species).

haterius (Walker), 1849: 516 (Sargus). Type locality: “Venezuela”. Distr.—Colombia, Venezuela. ST 1 M, 1 sex?
(stated F) [BMNH]. Ref.—Woodley, 2001: 176 (cat., syn.).
Chrysochlora plana (Walker), 1851: 82. Type locality: “Colombia”. HT M (stated F) [BMNH]. Ref.—Smith &
Chainey, 1989: 142 (syn.).

varia (Curran), 1929: 3 (Chrysochlora). Type locality: Guyana, Bartica. Distr.—Bolivia, Brazil (Amazonas, Mato
Grosso do Sul, Roraima), Colombia, Guyana (Bartica), Honduras, Panama, Suriname. HT M [AMNH]. Refs.—
James, 1939a: 34 (desc. of new species, key to species); Iide, 1966: 112 (desc. of new species, key to species);
Rafael, 1991: 331 (checklist).

Subfamily Hermetiinae Loew, 1862

Genus Hermetia Latreille

Hermetia Latreille, 1804: 192. Type species, Musca illucens Linnaeus, 1758 (mon.).
Thorasena Macquart, 1838: 177. Type species, Hermetia pectoralis Wiedemann, 1824 (orig. des.).
Stenothorax Agassiz, 1846: 369 (preocc. by Harris 1826; Harris 1827; Harris 1842), emend. of Thorasena Macquart, 1838.
Massicyta Walker, 1856: 8. Type species, Massicyta bicolor Walker, 1856 (mon.).
Massycyta Loew, 1860: 75, error.
Masicyta Marschall, 1873: 337, error.
Acrodesmia Enderlein, 1914c: 3. Type species, Acrodesmia luederwaldti Enderlein, 1914c = Hermetia albitarsis Fabricius,
1805 (orig. des.).
Scammatocera Enderlein, 1914c: 5. Type species, Scammatocera virescens Enderlein, 1914c (orig. des.). Ref.—James, 1975:
31 (cat., syn.).

illucens (Linnaeus), 1758: 589 (Musca). Type locality: “South America”. Distr.—Nearctic: USA (Alabama,
Arizona, Arkansas, Califomia, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa,
Kansas, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Carolina,
Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas, Virginia) Neotropical: Argentina, Belize, Brazil (Amazonas, Bahia, Distrito
Federal, Espírito Santo, Goiás, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Minas Gerais, Pará, Paraná, Pernambuco, Rio de
Janeiro, Rio Grande do Norte, Rio Grande do Sul, Roraima, Santa Catarina, São Paulo), British Virgin Islands,
Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Dominica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Grenada, Guatemala,
Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico (Chiapas, Chihuahua, Jalisco, Nuevo León, Oaxaca, Quintana Roo, San
Luis Potosí, Sinaloa, Tamaulipas, Veracruz, Yucatán), Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Suriname, Trinidad,
Venezuela, Uruguay. Palaearctic: Albania, Canary Islands, Croatia, France, Italy, Japan, Malta, Spain,
Switzerland, Yugoslavia. Afrotropical: Cameroun, Congo, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Madagascar, Mali,
Namibia, South Africa, Tanzania, Zaire, Zambia. Oriental: India, Indonesia (lava, Sulawesi), Japan (Ryukyu
Islands), Malaysia, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam. Australian: Australia (Queensland,
Westem Australia), Belau, Bonin Islands, French Polynesia (Austral Islands, Society Islands), Guam, Hawaiian

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Islands, Indonesia (Irian Jaya), Kiribati (Gilbert Island), Marshall Islands, Micronesia, New Caledonia, New
Zealand, Northem Marianas, Papua New Guinea (Bougainville Island, Papua New Guinea), Solomon Islands,
Vanuatu, Westem Samoa. ST sex? [NRS]. Refs.—Williston, 1888: 245; Lindner, 1928b: 239; Lindner, 1929: 260;
Lindner, 1933c: 330; Carrera & Lane, 1945: 127 (checklist); James, 1949: 3; Iide & Mileti, 1976: 924–933
(redescription); Rafael, 1991: 331 (checklist); Woodley, 2001: 182 (cat.).
Musca leucopa Linnaeus, 1767: 983. Type locality: “America”. ST 1 sex? [LSL]. Ref.—Woodley, 2001: 182
Hermetia rufiventris Fabricius, 1805: 63. Type locality: “America meridionali”. ST 2 F [UZMC]. Ref.—
Woodley, 2001: 182 (cat.).
Hermetia pellucens Macquart, 1834: explication des planches 4: Planche V, Fig. 11, error. Ref.—Woodley,
2001: 182 (cat.).
Hermetia nigrifacies Bigot, 1879a: 200. Type locality: “Mexico”. LT M [BMNH]. Refs.—McFadden, 1972b:
257; Woodley, 2001: 182 (cat.).
Hermetia mucens Riley & Howard, 1889: 353, error. Ref.—Woodley, 2001: 182 (cat.).
Hermetia illucens var. nigritibia Enderlein, 1914c: 9. Type locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina. HT sex? [PAN].
Ref.—Woodley, 2001: 182 (cat.).
Hermetia illuscens Copello, 1926: 23, error. Ref.—Woodley, 2001: 182 (cat.).

rufitarsis Macquart, 1846: 177. Type locality: “Colombia”. Distr.—Colombia. ST 1 F [MNHN]; ? [MHNLI].
Ref.—Woodley, 2001: 184 (cat.).

tincta (Walker), 1851: 82 (Chrysochlora). Type locality: “Colombia”. Distr.—Colombia. HT F [BMNH]. Ref.—
Woodley, 2001: 185 (cat., syn).

Genus Patagiomyia Lindner

Patagiomyia Lindner, 1933c: 331. Type species, Patagiomyia cyphomyioides Lindner, 1933b (orig. des.).

cyphomyioides Lindner, 1933c: 331. Type locality: Peru, Iquitos, Mishujacu. Distr.—Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador,
Peru (Iquitos (Mishujacu). HT M [SMF]. Ref.—Woodley, 2001: 185 (cat.).

Subfamily Nemotelinae Kertész, 1912

Genus Nemotelus Geoffroy

Nemotelus Geoffroy, 1762: 450, 542. Type species, Musca pantherina Linnaeus, 1758 (sub. des. of I.C.Z.N. 1957a: 85).
Nemotela Latreille, 1797: 164, error.
Nemotilus Turton, 1801: 655, error.
Nemoletus Say, 1823: 29, error.
Nematotelus Agassiz, 1846: 248, emend. of Nemotelus Geoffroy.
Nemoteles Siebke, 1863: 150, error.
Akronia Hine, 1901: 113. Type species, Akronia frontosa Hine, 1901 (orig. des.). Ref.—Woodley, 2001: 310 (cat., syn.).
Alisonia Williston, 1908: 171, error.
Acronia Enderlein, 1914c: 2, error.
Geitonomyia Kertész, 1923: 122. Type species, Geitonomyia transsylvanica Kertész, 1923 (orig. des.). Ref.—Woodley, 2001:
310 (cat., syn.).
Epideicticus Kertész, 1923: 126. Type species, Nemotelus haemorrhous Loew, 1857 (orig. des.). Ref.—James, 1980: 262 (cat.,
Geitonomya Pleske, 1925b: 106, error.
Galeodioptriger Lindner, 1933b: 3. Nomen nudum.
Galeodioptriger Pleske in Lindner, 1937b: 108. Nomen nudum.
Galeodioptriger Rozkošný, 1977: 10. Type species, Nemotelus bipunctatus Loew, 1846 (orig. des.). Described as subgenus of

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Geitenomyia Berezovsky & Nartshuk, 1993: 97, error.
Cluninemotelus Mason, 1997b: 49. Type species, Nemotelus clunipes Lindner, 1960 (orig. des.). Ref.—Woodley, 2001: 310
(cat., syn.).
Paranemotelus Mason, 1997b: 106 Type species, Nemotelus exsul James, 1960 (orig. des.). Described as subgenus of
Temonelus Mason, 1997b: 110. Type species, Nemotelus grootaerti Mason, 1997b (orig. des.). Described as subgenus of

Subgenus Nemotelus Geoffroy

lanatus James, 1974a: 6. Type locality: Colombia, Nariño, 10 miles E of Pasto Nariño, 3000 m. Distr.—Colombia
(Nariño (10 miles E of Pasto Nariño, 3000 m)). HT F [CAS]. Ref.—Woodley, 2001: 317 (cat.).
Nemotelus laniger James, 1974a: 2, error. Ref.—Woodley, 2001: 317 (cat.).

Subgenus Camptopelta Williston

Camptopelta Williston, 1917: 23. Type species, Camptopelta aldrichi Williston, 1917 (mon.).
Nematotelus Séguy, 1926: 30. Type species, Nemotelus nigrinus Fallén, 1817 (mon.). Attributed to Osten Sacken.
Nemotelinus Enderlein, 1936: 79. Type species, Nemotelus nigrinus Fallén, 1817 (mon.). Described as genus.
Melanonemotelus Pleske in Lindner, 1937b: 107. Nomen nudum.
Melanonemotelus Szilády, 1941: 100. Type species, Nemotelus nigrinus Fallén, 1817 (mon.).

nudus Kertész, 1914: 525, Fig. 54. Type locality: Colombia, Barranquilla. Distr.—Brazil, Colombia (Atlantico
(Barranquilla). HT F [HNHM], destroyed. Ref.—Woodley, 2001: 327 (cat.).

Subfamily Pachygastrinae Loew, 1856

Genus Artemita Walker

Artemita Walker, 1854: 61. Type species, Clitellaria amenides Walker, 1849 (sub. des., of Brauer, 1882: 86). Described as
subgenus of Clitellaria Meigen, 1803.
Artemida Loew, 1860: 75, error.
Hypocerina Bigot, 1879a: 207. Nomen nudum.
Psegmomma Enderlein, 1914a: 304. Type species, Acanthina argentea Osten Sacken, 1886b (orig. des).

argentea (Osten Sacken), 1886b: 41 (Acanthina). Type localities: Costa Rica, Caché and Colombia (there is no
lectotype designation). Distr.—Colombia (Chocó (Teresita)), Costa Rica, Ecuador (Napo (Coca, Napo River)),
Guatemala, Mexico, Panama (Canal Zone (Barro Colorado Island), (San Blas Province)), Peru (Cuzco
(Quincemil), Madre de Dios (Avispas)). ST 1 M (BMNH); ST M (ZMHU). Refs.—Kertész, 1914: 490 (desc. of
fauna); James, 1971: 65 (desc. of new species, key to species); James, 1973: 26.50 (cat.); James et al., 1980: 10
(rev. of middle America fauna, desc. of new species, key to species).
Psegmomma aureostriatum Enderlein, 1914a: 304. Type locality: Costa Rica. ST 18 F [PAN]. Ref.—Woodley,
2001: 83 (cat.).

aurata (Macquart), 1846: 179 (Acanthina). Type locality: “Colombia”. Distr.—Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador
(Napo (Coca, Napo River)), Panama (Darién (Cerro Pirre)), Peru (Madre de Dios (Avispas)), Venezuela. HT F
[BMNH]. Refs.—Kertész, 1914: 489–490, Figs 28, 30 (desc. of fauna); James, 1971: 65 (desc. of new species, key
to species); James et al. 1980: 10 (rev. of middle America fauna, desc. of new species, key to species).
Acanthina aurata Bigot, 1879a: 207. Type locality: “Colombia”. HT F [BMNH]. Preocc., primary homonym
of Acanthina aurata Macquart, 1846.

hieroglyphica (Wiedemann), 1830: 50 (Acanthina). Type locality: “Brazil”. Distr.—Bolivia, Brazil (Amazonas,
Pará, Roraima, Rio de Janeiro, Santa Catarina), Colombia, Costa Rica (Bataan, Batagu), El Salvador, Ecuador
(Coca, Napo River), Guatemala (San Marcos (Finca La Paz, near La Reforma, 3.500 ft)), Guyana (Bartica),

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Honduras, Mexico, Panama ((Bocas del Toro), Canal Zone (Barro Colorado Island)), Paraguay, Peru (20 mi W of
Pucalpa), Suriname, Trinidad. ST F [ZMHU]. Refs.—Kertész, 1914: 484–485, Figs 29, 31 (desc. of fauna);
Lindner, 1928b: 244; James, 1939d: 606; Lindner 1951a: 260 (desc. of fauna); James, 1971: 68 (desc. of new
species, key to species); James et al. 1980: 11–12 (rev. of middle America fauna, desc. of new species, key to
species); Rafael, 1991: 331 (checklist); Ururahy-Rodrigues & Pujol-Luz, 2007: 342–343, Figs 13–17 (redesc. of
Acanthina ornata Macquart, 1846: 179. Type locality: Colombia. HT F [MNHN]. Ref.—Woodley, 2001: 84
Clitellaria halala Walker, 1849: 523. Type locality: Honduras. HT F [BMNH]. Ref.—Woodley, 2001: 84
Acanthina marmorata Gerstaecker, 1857: 337. Type locality: Brazil. ST 2 F [ZMHU]. Ref.—Woodley, 2001:
84 (cat.).

Genus Caenacantha Wulp

Caenacantha Wulp, 1885: 58. Type species, Caenacantha bipartita Wulp, 1855 (mon.).
Spaniomyia Kertész, 1914: 462. Type species, Artemita pulchripennis Brauer, 1882 (orig. des.). Ref.—Woodley, 2011: 379
(cat., syn.).
Pachycyanomyia McFadden, 1972b: 262. Nomen nudum.

bipartita Wulp, 1885: 59. Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca, Bogotá. Distr.—Colombia (Cundinamarca
(Bogotá)). HT F [RNH]. Ref.—Woodley, 2001: 90 (cat.).

Genus Chalcidomorphina Enderlein

Chalcidomorphina Enderlein, 1914a: 298. Type species, Chalcidomorphina aurata Enderlein, 1914a (orig. des.).
Calcidomorphina Lindner, 1949a: 787, error.
Chalcomorphina James, 1967a: 20, error.

aurata Enderlein, 1914a: 299. Type locality: Colombia, Hacienda Pehlke. Distr.—Brazil (Rio de Janeiro, Roraima,
Santa Catarina), Colombia (Caldas (Victoria, Hacienda Pehlke)), Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guyana (Bartica), Mexico
(Chiapas (Palenque), (16 km S Malpasso), Veracruz (16 km W Tetzonapa), (Lake Catemaco)), Panama (Canal
Zone (Barro Colorado Island), (Madden Lake Camp, Chagres)), Peru (Madre de Dios (Avispas), (Tingo Maria)),
Venezuela. HT F [PAN]. Refs.—Lindner, 1951b: 260, 249, Fig. 1 (desc. of fauna); James, 1974b: 29 (desc. of fauna
of the South America); James et al. 1980: 17–18 (rev. of middle America fauna, desc. of new species, key to
species); Rafael, 1991: 332 (checklist); Pujol-Luz & Xerez, 1999: 298, Figs 1–9 (desc. of larva).
Chalcidomorphina crewi Johnson, 1920: 115. Type locality: Guyana (Bartica). HT F [MCZ]. Ref.—Woodley,
2001: 91 (cat., syn.).

Genus Ligyromyia Kertész

Ligyromyia Kertész, 1916: 200. Type species, Ligyromyia columbiana Kertész, 1916 (orig. des.).

columbiana Kertész, 1916: 201, 202, Fig. 42. Type locality: Colombia, Sierra San Lorenzo. Distr.—Argentina
(Villa Padre Monti, Burruyacu), Brazil (São Paulo), Colombia (Magdalena (Sierra San Lorenzo), Peru, Trinidad.
HT M [HNHM], destroyed. Refs.—Lindner, 1933a: 200; James, 1967b: 100 (desc. of fauna); Woodley, 2001: 115
Ligyromyia colombiana James, 1967b: 100, error. Ref.—Woodley, 2001: 115 (cat.).

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Genus Panacris Gerstaecker

Panacris Gerstaecker, 1857: 346. Type species, Panacris lucida Gerstaecker, 1857 (mon.).
Comm.: Spyridopa Gerstaecker, 1857 is treated as synonym by James et al. (1980: 4) and Woodley (2011: 400), however, the
genus is considered valid here. The latter author of this work examined the type of Spyridopa, Spyridopa tarsalis
Gerstaecker, 1857, (Pujol-Luz & Assis-Pujol, 2002: 2). Tijucameru Pujol-Luz & Galinkin, 2004 also treated as synonym
by Woodley (2011: 400) is considered valid here. This genus erected for Panacris maxima Kertész, 1908a was based in the
genitalia differences, as well as the other morphological differences (Pujol-Luz & Galinkin, 2004: 35–36), when compared
to the other type-species of Panacris and Spyridopa. Therefore, we recognize Spyridopa and Tijucameru as distinct

protrudens James in James, McFadden & Woodley, 1980: 6. Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Barro Colorado
Island. Distr.—Colombia (Chocó (Teresita)), Costa Rica, Panama (Canal Zone (Barro Colorado Island)), Peru
(Madre de Dios (Avispas), (Cuzco (Quincemil)). HT F [WSU]. Ref.—James et al., 1980: 6 (rev. of middle America
fauna, desc. of new species, key to species).

Genus Vittiger Kertész

Vittiger Kertész, 1909: 395. Type species, Vittiger schnusei Kertész, 1909 (mon.).

schnusei Kertész, 1909: 396. Type locality: Peru, “mouth of Pachitea River”. Distr.—Brazil (Rio de Janeiro, Santa
Catarina), Colombia, Peru. ST 1 M, 1 F [UNK]. Refs. –Lindner, 1969: 4; Xerez & Pujol-Luz, 2001: 338, Figs 1–6
(desc of larva); Woodley, 2009: 547 (manual of fauna).

Subfamily Raphiocerinae Schiner, 1868b

Genus Lysozus Enderlein

Lysozus Enderlein, 1914b: 579. Type species, Lysozus columbianus Enderlein, 1914b (orig. des.).
Lyzozus Frey, 1934: 304, error.

columbianus Enderlein, 1914b: 580. Type locality: Colombia, Hacienda Pehlke. Distr.—Colombia (Caldas
(Victoria, Hacienda Pehlke)). HT sex? [PAN]. Ref.—James, 1943: 371 (desc. of new species, key to species).

Genus Raphiocera Macquart

Raphiocera Macquart, 1834: 253. Type species, Sargus armatus Wiedemann, 1830 (orig. des.).
Hoplistes Macquart, 1834: 253. Type species, Sargus hoplistes Wiedemann, 1830 by absolute tautonymy (as synonym of
Hoplistes pomaceus Macquart, 1834). Ref.—Pimentel & Pujol-Luz, 2001: 11 (rev. of subfamily, desc. of new species, key
to species; syn.). Syn. by Pimentel & Pujol-Luz, 2001: 11.
Basentidema Macquart, 1838: 197. Type species, Basentidema syrphoides Macquart, 1838 = Sargus hortulanus Wiedemann,
1830 (mon.) Ref.—Pimentel & Pujol-Luz, 2001: 11 (rev. of subfamily, desc. of new species, key to species; syn.). Syn. by
Pimentel & Pujol-Luz, 2001: 11.
Rhaphiocera Macquart, 1846: 182, error.
Rhaphiocera Agassiz, 1846: 321, emend. of Raphiocera Macquart, 1834.
Rhamphiocera Scudder, 1882: 292, emend. of Raphiocera Macquart, 1834.
Rhapiocera Wulp, 1879: 9, error.
mipartita (Macquart), 1846: 182 (Rhaphiocera). Type locality: Colombia. Distr.—Colombia. ST M [UNK].
Refs.—James, 1943: 379 (desc. of new species, key to species); Pimentel & Pujol-Luz, 2001: 28 (species placed as
incertae sedis, stated as a probable synonym of Neoraphiocera pipopiuna Pimentel & Pujol-Luz, 2001; rev. of
subfamily, desc. of new species, key to species); Woodley, 2001: 238 (cat.).
Rhaphiocera bipartita Walker, 1854: 79, error. Ref.—Woodley, 2001: 238 (cat.).

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ornata (Macquart), 1846: 183 (Rhaphiocera). Type locality: Colombia. Distr.—Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador. ST 3
sex? [BMNH]. Refs.—James, 1943: 378 (desc. of new species, key to species); Pimentel & Pujol-Luz, 2001: 28
(species placed as incertae sedis; rev. of subfamily, desc. of new species, key to species).

Subfamily Sarginae Walker, 1834

Genus Himantigera James

Himantigera James in James & McFadden, 1982: 19. Type species, Himantigera silvestris McFadden, 1982 (orig. des.).

dichroa (Schiner), 1868b: 62 (Chrysonotus dichrous). Type locality: Colombia. Distr.—Colombia. HT M [NMW].
Ref.—Woodley, 2001: 191 (cat.).

Genus Merosargus Loew

Merosargus Loew, 1855a: 144. Type species, Sargus obscurus Wiedemann, 1830 (orig. des.).
Compsosoma Brauer, 1882: 79. Type species, Compsosoma chalconota Brauer, 1882 (orig. des.). Syn. by Fachin & Amorim,
2015: 24.
Aloipha Enderlein, 1914b: 584. Type species, Aloipha cyaneoscutellata Enderlein, 1914b (orig. des.).
Coenosargus Enderlein, 1914b: 587. Type species, Coenosargus azureus Enderlein, 1914b (orig. des.).
Aloiphina Lindner, 1949a: 810. Type species, Aloiphina stigmatica Lindner, 1949a (mon.).
Merusargus James & McFadden, 1971: 11, error.

australis James in James & McFadden, 1971: 36 (Merosargus aurivena ssp. australis). Type locality: Colombia,
Meta Department, Restrepo, 500 m. Distr.—Colombia (Meta (Restrepo, 500 m)), Peru, Venezuela. HT M [WSU];
AT 1 F (CNC). Refs.—James & McFadden, 1971: 36 (rev. of genus, desc of new species, key to species); Woodley,
2001: 194, 338 (cat., sub. des.).

cingulatus Schiner, 1868b: 62. Type locality: “South America”. Distr.—Brazil (Minas Gerais, Paraná, Santa
Catarina, São Paulo), Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, EI Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico (Campeche,
Chiapas, Oaxaca, Tabasco, Veracruz, Yucatán), Nicaragua, Panama, Trinidad, Venezuela. ST 1 M, 5 F [NMW].
Refs.—Carrera & Lane, 1945: 128 (checklist); Woodley, 2001: 195 (cat.); Fontenelle et. al., 2012; Fachin &
Amorim, 2015: 108 (taxonomic revision).

complicatus James in James & McFadden, 1971: 43. Type locality: Colombia, Meta, 3 miles W of Villavicencio,
920 m. Distr.—Colombia (Meta (3 miles W of Villavicencio, 920 m)), Venezuela. HT M [CAS]; AT 1 F [WSU];
PT 1 F [WSU]. Ref.—James & McFadden, 1971: 43 (rev. of genus, desc of new species, key to species).

frontatus Schiner, 1868b: 63. Type locality: Colombia. Distr.—Colombia. HT M [NMW]. Ref.—Woodley, 2001:
197 (cat.).

gorgona (Lindner), 1949a: 814 (Acrochaeta). Type locality: Colombia, Gorgona Island. Distr.—Colombia
(Gorgona Island). HT M [BMNH]. Ref.—Woodley, 2001: 197 (cat.).

gowdeyi Curran, 1928: 33. Type locality: Colombia, Rio Frio. Distr.—Brazil (Minas Gerais), Colombia (Antioquia
(Aljibes, Providencia, c.33 km. SW Zaragoza; Rio Frio), Vaupés (Rio Guayabero, Charco San José)), Costa Rica,
Ecuador, Guatemala, Panama, Peru, Trinidad. HT M [BMNH]. Refs.—Woodley, 2001: 197 (cat.); Fontenelle et.
al., 2012.
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Aljibes, Providencia, c.33 km. Sv. Zaragoza, 1.xii. 1970,
Richard W. Pinger, 1 F [USNM]. COLOMBIA: Vaupes: Rio Guayabero, Charco San José, 28.i.69, R.E. Dietz, 1 M

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gracillis Williston, 1888: 249. Type locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Chapada. Distr.—Brazil (Mato Grosso, Minas
Gerais, Roraima, Santa Catarina, São Paulo), Colombia (Rio Raposo), Ecuador (Pastaza (Napo River), (Napo
(Coca, Napo River)), Peru (Madre de Dios (Avispas), Cuzco (Quincemil), (Monson Valley, Tingo Maria)),
Venezuela (Caracas). HT F [AMNH]. Ref.—James & McFadden, 1971: 27 (rev. of genus, desc of new species, key
to species); Rafael, 1991: 331 (checklist); Iide & Pujol-Luz, 1999: 1–7 (redescription); Fontenelle et al., 2012.
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Rio Raposo, v.1964, V.H. Lee. 1 M [USNM].

incanus James & McFadden, 1971: 11 (Merosargus lyricus ssp. incanus). Type locality: Peru, Cuzco, Quincemil,
700 m. Distr.—Colombia (Meta (3 mi. W Villavicencio), Costa Rica (Turrialba (La Suiza)), Peru (Cuzco
(Quincemil, 700 m), (Madre de Dios (Avispas), (Monson Valley, Tingo Maria)). HT M [CNC]. Refs.—James &
McFadden, 1971: 11 (rev. of genus, desc. of new species, key to species); Woodley, 2001: 194, 338 (cat., sub. des.).
Merusargus lyricus ssp. incanus James & McFadden, 1971: 11, error.
Merusargus lyricus ssp. incanus Woodley, 2001: 197, error.

notatus (Lindner), 1949a: 807 (Coenosargus). Type locality: Colombia, Gorgona Island. Distr.—Colombia
(Gorgona Island). HT sex? [BMNH]. Ref.—Woodley, 2001: 199 (cat.).

quadrifasciatus Lindner, 1941: 178. Type locality: Peru, Silvia, 520 m. Distr.—Colombia, Ecuador, Peru. ST 1 M,
1 F [ZMUH], destroyed; 1 F [SMNS]. Ref.—Woodley, 2001: 200 (cat.).

stamineus (Fabricius), 1805: 253 (Scaeva staminea). Type locality: “America meridionali”. Distr.—Belize, Brazil
(Minas Gerais, Pará), Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico (Campeche,
Chiapas, Hidalgo, Morelos, Nayarit, Oaxaca, Puebla, San Luis Potosí, Tabasco, Veracruz, Yucatán), Panama, Peru.
HT M [UZMC]. Refs.—Lindner, 1929: 258; Lindner, 1933a: 201; Woodley, 2001: 200 (cat.).
Sargus stramineus Osten Sacken, 1878: 45, error. Ref.—Woodley, 2001: 200 (cat.).

Genus Microchrysa Loew

Chrysomyia Macquart, 1834: 262. Type species, Musca polita Linnaeus, 1758 (sub. des. of Westwood, 1840: 130). Suppressed
by I.C.Z.N. (1987: 148).
Microchrysa Loew, 1855a: 146. Type species, Musca polita Linnaeus, 1758 (orig. des.).
Clorisoma Rondani, 1856: 168. Type species, Sargus pallipes Meigen, 1830 = Sargus flavicornis Meigen, 1822 (orig. des.).
Chrysomya Rondani, 1856: 168, error.
Crhysomyia Bigot, 1857: 523, error.
Chlorisoma Costa, 1857: 444, error.
Chlorosia Rondani, 1861: 11 (nom. nov. for Clorisoma Rondani, 1856). Type species, Sargus pallipes Meigen, 1830 = Sargus
flavicornis Meigen, 1822.
Myochrysa Rondani, 1861: 11 (nom. nov. for Chrysomyia Macquart, 1834). Type species, Musca polita Linnaeus, 1758.
Myochrysa Rondani, 1863: 28 (nom. nov. for Chrysomyia Macquart, 1834). Type species, Musca polita Linnaeus, 1758.
Preocc. by Myochrysa Rondani, 1861.
Microchryza Bigot, 1879a: 186, error.
Chlorosoma Scudder, 1882: 71, emend. of Clorisoma Rondani.
Myiochrysa Scudder, 1882: 218, emend. of Myochrysa Rondani.
Myochrisa Bigot, 1887a: 29, error.
Myiochrysa Aldrich, 1905: 180, error.
Psaronius Enderlein, 1914b: 590. Type species, Psaronius viridis Enderlein, 1914b (orig. des.). Preocc. by Enderlein, 1912.
Psaroninus Enderlein, 1937: 431 (nom. nov. for Psaronius Enderlein, 1914b). Type species, Psaronius viridis Enderlein, 1914b.
Michrochrysa Ôuchi, 1940: 283, error.
Mychrochrysa Csiby & Tóth, 1981: 200, error.
Chrymichrosa Mason, 1997a: 31. Type species, Microchrysa elmari Lindner, 1960 (orig. des.). Described as subgenus of

bicolor (Wiedemann), 1830: 41 (Sargus bicolor). Type locality: “Crab Island” near Puerto Rico. Distr.—Argentina,
Belize, Brazil (Minas Gerais, Pernambuco, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Norte, Roraima, Santa Catarina),
Colombia (Cundinamarca (Monterredondo)), Costa Rica, Dominica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador,

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Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico (Campeche, Chiapas, Colima, Guerrero, Morelos, Nayarit, Oaxaca,
Sinaloa, Veracruz, Yucatán), Nicaragua, Panama, Puerto Rico, Uruguay. LT M [NMW]. Refs.—Lindner, 1929:
260; Lindner, 1933a: 201; James, 1949: 3; Lindner, 1951b: 249; McFadden, 1972a: 124 (lectotype designation);
Rafael, 1991: 331 (checklist); Woodley, 2001: 203 (cat.).
Chrysomyia rufiventris Macquart, 1834: 264. Type locality: “Guyane”. ST M [MNHN], lost.
Microchrysa bruesi Johnson, 1919: 426. Type locality: Jamaica, Kingston, Liguanea Plain. HT M [MCZ].
Microchrysa abdominalis James, 1936: 51. Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Ancon. HT M [MCZ].
Microchrysa bicolor var. maculata Lindner, 1949a: 819. Type locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutonia.
ST 1 M, 1 F [BMNH], 2 M, F [UNK].
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Cundinamarca: Monterredondo, 16.xi.1960, J. Foerster, 1 M (CNC).

Genus Ptecticus Loew

Ptecticus Loew, 1855a: 142. Type species, Sargus testaceus Fabricius, 1805 (orig. des.). Ref.: Loew, 1855b: IX.
Plecticus Loew, 1855a: 147, error.
Plectiscus Loew, 1855a: plate, error.
Pedicella Bigot, 1856: 63, 85. Type species, Sargus petiolatus Macquart, 1838 (sub. des. of Nartshuk & Rozkošný, 1984: 295).
Ptecicus Loew, 1860: VII, error.
Macrosargus Bigot, 1879a: 187 (nom. nov. for Pedicella Bigot, 1856). Type species, Sargus petiolatus Macquart, 1838.
Pletiscus Scudder, 1884: 253, error.
Gongrozus Enderlein, 1914b: 585. Type species, Gongrozus nodivena Enderlein, 1914b (orig. des.). Ref.: James, 1975: 18 (cat.,
Nacrosurgus Ôuchi, 1940: 281, error.
Pteticus Lindner, 1965: 225, error.
Petecticus Daniels, 1979: 578, error.
Pteoticus Shi, 1992: 1116, error.

conopsoides Schiner, 1868b: 66. Type locality: Colombia. Distr.—Colombia. ST M, F [NMW]. Ref.—Woodley,
2001: 211 (cat.).

nigrifrons Enderlein, 1914b: 584 (Ptecticus testaceus var. nigrifrons). Type locality: Mexico, Chiapas. Distr.—
Belize, Brazil (Santa Catarina), Colombia (Boyacá (Muzo, 900 m)), Costa Rica, El Salvador, Mexico (Chiapas,
Jalisco, Morelos, Nayarit, Nuevo León, Oaxaca, San Luis Potosí, Tabasco, Tamaulipas, Veracruz), Panama, Peru.
ST 4 M, 11 F [PAN]. Refs.—James, 1973: 26.17 (cat.); Woodley, 2001: 214 (cat.).
Ptecticus nubilipennis James, 1938: 202. Type locality: Colombia, Boyacá, Muzo, 900 m. HT M [MCZ].
Ref.—Woodley, 2001: 214 (cat., syn.).

tenuis Schiner, 1868b: 66. Type locality: Colombia. Distr.—Colombia. HT F [NMW]. Ref.—Woodley, 2001: 218

terminalis James, 1938: 202. Type locality: Colombia, Boyaca, Muzo, 900 m. Distr.—Colombia (Boyacá (Muzo,
900 m)). HT M [MCZ]. Ref.—Leal & Oliveira, 1979: 77 (rev. of brasilian species).

Genus Sargus Fabricius

Sargus Fabricius, 1798: 549. Type species, Musca cupraria Linnaeus, 1758 (sub. des. of Latreille, 1810: 442).
Chrysonotus Loew, 1855a: 146 (preocc. by Swainson, 1837). Type species, Musca bipunctata Scopoli, 1763 (orig. des.).
Chrysochroma Williston, 1896: 47 (nom. nov. for Chrysonotus Loew, 1855a). Type species, Musca bipunctata Scopoli, 1763.
Chrysonotomyia Hunter, 1900: 124 (nom. nov. for Chrysonotus Loew, 1855a). Type species, Musca bipunctata Scopoli, 1763.
Geosargus Bezzi, 1907: 53 (nom. nov. for Sargus Fabricius, 1798). Type species, Musca cupraria Linnaeus, 1758.
Surgus Ôuchi, 1938: 55, error.

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Pedicellina James, 1952: 225 (preocc. by Sars, 1835). Type species, Sargus notatus Wiedemann, 1830 = Sargus fasciatus
Fabricius, 1805 (orig. des.).
Himantoloba McFadden, 1970: 274. Type species, Chrysonotus flavopilosus Bigot, 1879b (orig. des.).
Eumenogastrina Enderlein, 1914b: 589. Type species, Eumenogastrina angusta Enderlein, 1914b (orig. des.). Ref.—Woodley,
2011: 389 (cat., syn.).

isthmi James in James & McFadden, 1982: 14. Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Barro Colorado Island.
Distr.—Colombia (Chocó (Curiche River)), Costa Rica (Cartago), Panama (Canal Zone, Barro Colorado Island)).
HT F [WSU]; PT 4 F [WSU]. Ref.—James & McFadden, 1982: 14 (rev. of subfamily on middle America, desc. of
new species, key to species).

thoracicus Macquart, 1834: 261. Type locality: “Amérique méridionale”. Distr.—Brazil (Mato Grosso, Paraná,
Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Norte, Santa Catarina, São Paulo), Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras,
Mexico (Campeche, Chiapas, Michoacán, Morelos, Nuevo León, Oaxaca, Puebla, Tamaulipas, Veracruz, Yucatán),
Panama. ST F [UNK]. Refs.—Williston, 1888: 248–249; Lindner, 1933a: 201 (as Merosargus thoracicus);
Lindner, 1933c: 328 (as Merosargus thoracicus); James 1941: 304 (key to species); James, 1949: 3; Viana &
Xerez, 2003: 80 (description of puparium); Fachin & Amorim, 2015: 110 (taxonomic revision).
Sargus concinnus Osten Sacken, 1886a: 23. Type locality: Guatemala, San Gerónimo. LT F [BMNH]. Refs.—
McFadden, 1972b: 261; Woodley, 2001: 229 (cat.).

stenus James in James & McFadden, 1982: 16. Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Barro Co1orado Island.
Distr.—Colombia (Meta (5 km w Villavicencio)), Costa Rica (Heredia), Panama (Canal Zone (Barro Co1orado
Island)). HT F [WSU]; PT 2 M, 2 F [KU]; 1 M [CAS]. Ref.—James & McFadden, 1982: 16 (rev. of subfamily on
middle America, desc. of new species, key to species).

Subfamily Stratiomyinae Latreille, 1802

Genus Hedriodiscus Enderlein

Hedriodiscus Enderlein, 1914b: 608. Type species, Odontomyia brevifacies Macquart, 1855 (orig. des.).
Hedriodiscina Enderlein, 1914b: 609. Type species, Stratiomys chloraspis Wiedemann, 1830 (sub. des. of James, 1953: 318).
Hederodiscus Zack, 1984: 27, error.

leucogaster (James), 1933: 69 (Odontomyia). Type locality: United States, Texas, Galveston. Distr.—Nearctic:
United States (Califomia, Texas); Neotropical: Colombia, Mexico. HT M [SEMC]. Ref.—Woodley, 2001: 264

quadrilineatus (Macquart), 1834: 248 (Odontomyia quadrilineata). Type locality: “Amérique méridionale”.
Distr.—Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Paraguay. ST F [UNK]. Ref.—Woodley, 2001: 264 (cat.).
Odontomyia histrio Walker, 1851: 77. Type locality: Brazil. ST 1 F [BMNH]. Refs.—Lagrange, 1993: 70
(syn.); Woodley, 2001: 264.

trivittatus (Say), 1829: 160 (Stratiomys trivittata). Type locality: Mexico. Distr.—Nearctic: United States
(Alabama, Arizona, Califomia, Florida, Minnesota, Texas, Wisconsin); Neotropical: Colombia, Dominican
Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico (Chiapas, Colima, Guanajuato, Guerrero, Jalisco, Mexico, Michoacán,
Morelos, Nayarit, Nuevo León, San Luis Potosí, Sinaloa, Sonora, Tabasco, Veracruz). ST F [UNK]. Ref.—
Woodley, 2001: 265 (cat.).
Odonthomyia tritaeniata Bellardi, 1859: 38. Type locality: Mexico. LT F [MIZT]. Ref.—Woodley, 2001: 265
Odontomyia tritoeniata Giglio-Tos, 1893: 70, error. Ref.—Woodley, 2001: 265 (cat.).

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Genus Hoplitimyia James

Hoplitimyia James, 1934: 443. Type species, Stratiomys constans Loew, 1872 (orig. des.).
Himantomyia James, 1939c: 39. Type species, Hoplitimyia clavata James, 1939b (orig. des.). Described as subgenus of

panamensis James in James & McFadden, 1979: 11. Type locality: Panama, Darién Province, Rio Indio. Distr.—
Colombia (Valle del Cauca (64 km E of Buenaventura, 570 m), Ecuador, Panama (Darién Province (Rio Indio)).
HT F [WSU]. Ref.—James & McFadden, 1979: 11 (rev. of subfamily on middle America, desc. of new species,
key to species).

Genus Odontomyia Meigen

Eulalia Meigen, 1800: 21. Type species, Musca hydroleon Linnaeus, 1758 (sub. des. of Coquillett, 1910: 541). Suppressed by
I.C.Z.N., 1963: 339.
Odontomyia Meigen, 1803: 265. Type species, Musca hydroleon Linnaeus, 1758. (sub. des. of Westwood, 1840: 130).
Odontomyja Fabricius, 1805: 79, error.
Odontomya Latreille, 1809: 274, error.
Odontomga Oken, 1815: plate XIV, error.
Odonthomya Rondani, 1856: 170, error.
Opseogymnus Costa, 1857: 443. Type species, Opseogymnus flavosignatus Costa, 1857 = Stratiomys limbata Wiedemann in
Meigen, 1822 (orig. des.).
Odonthomyia Bellardi, 1859: 32 error.
Odontomeija Walker, 1860 error.
Euceromys Bigot, 1877a: 88. Nomen nudum.
Euceromys Bigot, 1877b: 102. Type species, Stratiomys nexura Walker, 1858 (mon.).
Euceratomyia Rye, 1879: 191, emend. of Euceromys Bigot, 1877b.
Cyrtopus Bigot, 1883: 132. Type species, Cyrtopus fastuosus Bigot, 1883 (mon.). Ref.: Woodley 2011: 459 (cat., syn.).
Euceratomys Bigot, 1887b: CCV, error.
Euceromyia Wulp, 1896: 52, error.
Euceromyia Kertész, 1908b: 85, emend. of Euceromys Bigot, 1877b.
Trichacrostylia Enderlein, 1914b: 607. Type species, Stratiomys angulata Panzer, 1798 (orig. des.).
Neuraphanisis Enderlein, 1914b: 608. Type species, Stratiomys tigrina Fabricius, 1775 (orig. des.).
Catatasina Enderlein, 1914b: 608. Type species, Stratiomys argentata Fabricius, 1794 (orig. des.).
Scapanocnema Enderlein, 1914b: 610. Type species, Scapanocnema spathulipes Enderlein, 1914b (orig. des.). Ref.—Woodley,
2011: 459 (cat., syn.).
Odomtomyia Matsumura, 1915: 44, error.
Stratiomyiopsis Pleske, 1922: 332. Type species, Stratiomys ornata Meigen, 1822 (orig. des.). Described as subgenus of
Hadracantha Pleske, 1922: 333. Type species, Stratiomys flavissima Rossi, 1790 (orig. des.). Described as subgenus of Eulalia.
Clitellariopsis Pleske, 1922: 333. Type species, Stratiomys limbata Wiedemann in Meigen, 1822 (orig. des.). Described as
subgenus of Eulalia.
Achylomyia Pleske, 1922: 334. Type species, Musca microleon Linnaeus, 1758 (orig. des.). Described as subgenus of Eulalia.
Zoniomyia Pleske, 1922: 334. Type species, Odontomyia pictifrons Loew, 1854 (orig. des.). Described as subgenus of Eulalia.
Sratiomyiopsis Pleske, 1925a: 26, error.
Odontomyiina Enderlein, 1930: 70. Type species, Stratiomys virgo Wiedemann, 1830 (orig. des.).
Eularia Ôuchi, 1940: 275, error.
Clytellariopsis Szilády, 1941: 92, error.
Orthogonicera Lindner, 1951a: 187. Type species, Odontomyia hirayamae Matsumura, 1916 (mon.).
Stratiodonta Lindner, 1972: 14. Type species, Odontomyia poecilopoda Bezzi, 1906 (mon.). Described as subgenus of
pachycephala Schiner, 1868b: 60. Type locality: Colombia. Distr.—Colombia. HT F [NMW]. Ref.—Woodley,
2001: 281 (cat.).

Genus Stratiomys Geoffroy

Stratiomys Geoffroy, 1762: 449, 475. Type species, Linnaeus, 1758 (sub. des. of I.C.Z.N., 1957b: 123).

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Hirtea Scopoli, 1763: 367. Type species, Hirtea longicornis Scopoli, 1763 (mon.).
Stratiomiis Scopoli, 1777: 408, error.
Ssratiomys Panzer, 1792: 14, error.
Stratiomyx Rossi, 1794: 60, error.
Stratiomis Walckenaer, 1802: 377, error.
Stratyomis Schellenberg, 1803: 34, error.
Stratyomys Griffith & Pidgeon, 1832: 700, error.
Stratiomyia Macquart, 1838: 179, error.
Hoplomyia Zeller, 1842: 828 [misprinted “882”] (nom. nov. for Stratiomys Geoffroy, 1762). Type species, Musca chamaeleon
Linnaeus, 1758.
Stratiomyia Agassiz, 1846: 354, emend. of Stratiomys Geoffroy, 1762.
Hoptomyia Loew, 1846: 467, error.
Thyreodontha Rondani, 1863: 77. Type species, Stratiomys strigata Fabricius, 1781 = Hirtea longicornis Scopoli, 1763 (orig.
Strutiomys Walker, 1864: 203, error.
Stratiomya Schiner, 1868b: 51, error.
Thyreodonta Marschall, 1873: 348, error.
Stratiotomyia Rye, 1879: 188, emend. of Stratiomys Geoffroy, 1762.
Stratomyia Bigot, 1887b: CCV, error.
Stratiomia Hunter, 1900: 130, error.
Thyreodonta Bezzi, 1903: 16, emend. of Thyreodontha Rondani, 1863.
Oreomyia Pleske, 1922: 326. Type species, Stratiomys concinna Meigen, 1822 (sub. des. of Lindner, 1937a: 73).
Holopyrrhoceromyia Pleske, 1922: 326. Type species, Stratiomys pyrrhocera Loew, 1869 = Stratiomys ruficornis Zetterstedt,
1842 (orig. des.). Described as subgenus of Oreomyia.
Hemipyrrhoceromyia Pleske, 1922: 326. Type species, Stratiomys concinna Meigen, 1822 (orig. des.). Described as subgenus
of Oreomyia.
Laternigera Pleske, 1922: 327. Type species, Stratiomys furcata Fabricius, 1794 = Musca singularius M. Harris, 1778 (orig.
des.). Described as subgenus of Stratiomyia.
Eustratiomyia Pleske, 1922: 327. Type species, Musca chamaeleon Linnaeus, 1758 (orig. des.). Described as subgenus of
Amauromyia Pleske, 1922: 328. Type species, Stratiomys lugubris Loew, 1871 (orig. des.). Described as subgenus of
Poecilothorax Pleske, 1922: 329. Type species, Stratiomys nobilis Loew, 1871 (orig. des.). Described as subgenus of
Diademomyia Pleske, 1922: 329. Type species, Stratiomys cenisia Meigen, 1822 (orig. des.). Described as subgenus of
Metastratiomyia Pleske, 1922: 330. Type species, Stratiomys equestris Meigen, 1835 (orig. des.). Described as subgenus of
Electrolophidion Pleske, 1922: 331. Type species, Stratiomys zarudnyi Pleske, 1899 (orig. des.). Described as subgenus of
Parastratiomyia Pleske, 1922: 331. Type species, Stratiomys ventralis Loew, 1847 (orig. des.). Described as subgenus of
Stereoxantha Pleske, 1922: 332. Type species, Stratiomyia sinensis Pleske, 1901 (orig. des.) Described as subgenus of
Stiatiomyia Pleske, 1922: 332, error.
Stratioyms Ôuchi, 1940: 272, error.
Stratiomyis Ôuchi, 1940: 272, error.
Strariomyia Shi, 1992: 1116, error.
Comm.: We do not agree at all with the opinion of Woodley (2001: 346, footnote 126) on the synonymy of Stratiomicrodon
Pujol-Luz & Papavero, 1998 with Stratiomys Geoffroy, 1762. Stratiomicrodon erected for Stratiomys convexa Wulp, 1881
has important diagnostic features when compared with other species of Stratiomys, especially by its four flagellomeres of
the antenna and the scutellar spines very close on the scutellum, exclusive conditions of the genus. Therefore, we
recognize the genus Stratiomicrodon as valid, with a single species Stratiomicrodon convexus (Wulp, 1881).
constricta Walker, 1860: 269. Type locality: Mexico. Distr.—Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Jamaica, Mexico
(Chiapas, Tamaulipas, Veracruz), Nicaragua, Panama, Venezuela. HT M [BMNH]. Ref.—Woodley, 2001: 298
Stratiomys pinguis Walker, 1860: 270. Type locality: Mexico. HT F [BMNH]. Ref.—Woodley, 2001: 298

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Genus Zuerchermyia Woodley

Zuercheria Lindner, 1928a: 102 (preocc. by Reitter, 1908). Type species, Zuercheria malachitis Lindner, 1928a (mon.).
Zuerchermyia Woodley, 2001: 27, 306 (nom. nov. for Zuercheria Lindner, 1928a). Type species, Zuercheria malachitis
Lindner, 1928a.

pustulosa (James), 1938: 201 (Zuercheria). Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena Aracataca. Distr.—Colombia
(Magdalena (Aracataca)). HT M [MCZ]. Ref.—James, 1938: 201–202 (desc. of new species).


This study was supported by FAPESP Grants 2011/14472-6, 2013/02824-0 and 2014/05793-1.

TABLE 1. Stratiomyidae species recorded to Colombia.

Subfamily Genus Subgenus Species Author

Beridinae Arcuavena singularis (Macquart, 1846)
Heteracanthia ruficornis Macquart, 1850
Oplachantha albihirta James, 1977
albitarsis (Macquart, 1846)
atricalx James, 1977
atriceps James, 1977
caerulescens (Schiner, 1868b)
formosa Enderlein, 1921
pallida James, 1977
pulchella (Williston, 1888)
viriata Enderlein, 1921
Chiromyzinae Nonacris longicornis Enderlein, 1921
nigriventris Enderlein, 1921
scutellaris Enderlein, 1921
transequa Walker, 1850
Clitellariinae Acropeltates diversicornis Kertész, 1923
fasciata Kertész, 1923
Chordonota leiophthalma Williston, 1896
Cyphomyia albitarsis (Fabricius, 1805)
altifrons James, 1939d
androgyna Osten Sacken, 1886b
banksi James, 1937
chrysodota Perty, 1833ab
cyanea (Fabricius, 1794)
dispar Schiner, 1868b
ecuadorensis Enderlein, 1914b
erectispinis Lindner, 1935
fassli Lindner, 1949a
formosa James, 1940
...Continued on next page

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TABLE 1. (Continued)
Subfamily Genus Subgenus Species Author
geniculata Gerstaecker, 1857
planifrons James, 1939d
schwarzi James, 1940
unicolor (Walker, 1854)
varipes Gerstaecker, 1857
violacea Macquart, 1855
wiedemanni Gerstaecker, 1857
Euryneura propinqua Schiner, 1868b
Labocerina atrata (Fabricius, 1805)
Quichuamyia aplanatantennae Brammer, 2005
Chrysochlorininae Chrysochlorina femoralis (Curran, 1929)
frosti James, 1939a
haterius (Walker, 1849)
varia (Curran, 1929)
Hermetiinae Hermetia illucens (Linnaeus, 1758)
rufitarsis Macquart, 1846
tincta (Walker, 1851)
Patagiomyia cyphomyioides Lindner, 1933c
Nemotelinae Nemotelus Nemotelus lanatus (James, 1974a)
Camptopelta nudus Kertész, 1914
Pachygastrinae Artemita argentea (Osten Sacken, 1886b)
aurata (Macquart, 1846)
hieroglyphica (Wiedemann, 1830)
Caenacantha bipartita Wulp, 1885
Chalcidomorphina aurata Enderlein, 1914a
Ligyromyia columbiana Kertész, 1916
Panacris protudens James in James,
McFadden & Woodley,
Vittiger schnusei Kertész, 1909
Raphiocerinae Lysozus columbianus Enderlein, 1914b
Raphiocera mipartita (Macquart, 1846)
ornata (Macquart, 1846)
Sarginae Himantigera dichroa (Schinner, 1868b)
Merosargus australis James in James &
McFadden, 1971
cingulatus Schiner, 1868b
complicatus James in James &
McFadden, 1971
frontatus Schiner, 1868b
gorgona (Lindner, 1949a)
gowdeyi Curran, 1928
...Continued on next page

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TABLE 1. (Continued)
Subfamily Genus Subgenus Species Author
gracilis Williston, 1888
incanus James & McFadden, 1971
notatus (Lindner, 1949a)
quadrifasciatus Lindner, 1941
stamineus (Fabricius, 1805)
Microchrysa bicolor (Wiedemann, 1830)
Ptecticus conopsoides Schiner, 1868b
nigrifrons Enderlein, 1914b
tenuis Schiner, 1868b
terminalis James, 1938
Sargus isthmi James in James &
McFadden, 1982
thoracicus Macquart, 1834
stenus James in James &
McFadden, 1982
Stratiomyinae Hedriodiscus leucogaster (James, 1933)
quadrilineatus (Macquart, 1834)
trivittatus (Say, 1829)
Hoplitimyia panamensis James in James &
McFadden, 1979
Odontomyia pachycephala Schiner, 1868b
Stratiomys constricta Walker, 1860
Zuerchermyia pustulosa (James, 1938)


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Zootaxa 4122 (1): 342–345 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
Copyright © 2016 Magnolia Press
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)



Departamento de Biologia, Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Bandei-
rantes 3900, 14040–901, Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil.
Universidade Católica de Brasília, Laboratório de Zoologia, QS 7 lote 1, Bl. M/ s. 331, Taguatinga, 72030-170, DF, Brazil.
Corresponding author, E–mail:


This family is poor known in Colombia with only two known species of two genera, Solva tuberculata and Arthropeina

Key words: Arthropeina, Catalogue, Colombia, diversity, Solva, Xylomyidae


Xylomyidae Verral, 1901 are a family of lower Brachycera infraorder Stratiomyomorpha, sister-group of the
Stratiomyidae (Woodley 1989, Woodley et al. 2009). These flies have body length ranging from 4 to 14 mm, and
color quite varied. They are easily recognized by the presence of spurs on middle and hind tibia, by the conical
antenna—with most of flagellomeres uniform in shape and color—, by the elongated discal cell, and by cell m3
closed before the wing margin. Quite few is known about the biology of these flies in the Neotropical region, but
often the adults are associated with wooded areas and the immatures occur under bark of fallen trees (Webb 1984,
Woodley 2009, 2011).
Currently, there are 143 described species of Xylomyidae in the world, in four genera, with most of these
species recorded to the Paleartic and Oriental regions, 46 and 50 described species, respectively (Woodley 2011,
and more recent papers). Only 16 species in three genera have been recorded to the Neotropical Region:
Arthropeina Lindner, 1949 (six species), Solva Walker 1859 (seven species) and Xylomya Rondani, 1861 (three
species) (Table 1). Despite of the more recent work revising the genus Arthropeina (Fachin & Amorim, 2014), the
family as a whole still is poorly known in the Neotropical Region.
Papavero & Artigas (1991) were the first to discuss the genera relationships in Xylomyidae under a
phylogenetic perspective, using mainly characters of female genitalia. Recently, Woodley (2011) proposed a new
phylogenetic hypothesis for the Xylomyidae genera, making a reanalysis of some characters already available in
the literature. In his proposal, Solva + Arthropeina and Coenomyiodes + Xylomya appear as sister-groups.
The catalog records two species from Colombia: Solva tuberculata Webb, 1984 and Arthropeina colombiana
Fachin & Amorim, 2014 (see below).
The recorded species and the classification adopted were based mainly on information of the catalogue of
Neotropical region (James 1975) and the world catalogue of the family (Woodley 2011). Additional literature also
was consulted. The geopolitical departments are underline and specific localities are in brackets. The terms
“allotype” and “paratype” were used in this catalogue only for the specimens that were designated as such in the
original description. A summary table of the data given here is presented in Table 2.

342 Accepted by S. Nihei: 26 May 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016

TABLE 1. Checklist of Neotropical species of Xylomyidae with known gender and geographic data.
Species Gender Geographical distribution
Male Female
Arthropeina colombiana Fachin & Amorim - x Colombia
Arthropeina diadelothorax Fachin & Amorim - x Brazil
Arthropeina fulva Lindner x x Brazil
Arthropeina lindneri Fachin & Amorim - x Guyana, Brazil
Arthropeina melanochroma Fachin & Amorim x x Ecuador, Peru, Brazil
Arthropeina pseudofulva Fachin & Amorim - x Brazil, Bolivia
Solva brasiliana (Lindner) x - Brazil
Solva decora Webb x x United States, Mexico, Costa Rica
Solva flavicoxis (Enderlein) - x Mexico, Brazil, Paraguay
Solva flavomaculata (Leonard) x - Mexico
Solva pallipes (Loew) x x Canada, United States, Mexico
Solva truncativena (Enderlein) x x Costa Rica, Panama
Solva tuberculata Webb x x Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Costa Rica,
Colombia, Bolivia
Xylomya elongata (Osten Sacken) x - Guatemala
Xylomya fulviventris (Bigot) - x Mexico
Xylomya prista Enderlein x - Mexico

Acronyms used for the depositories

AMNH—American Museum of Natural History, New York, New York, USA;

CAS—California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, California, USA;
IAvH—Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt, Villa de Leyva, Colombia;
CUID—Department of Entomology, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA;
FSCA—Museum of Entomology, Gainesville, Florida, United States;
INHS—Illinois Natural History Survey, Champaign, Illinois, USA;
KSU—Department of Entomology, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas, USA;
MSUEL—Department of Entomology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, USA;
UCD—Bohart Museum of Entomology, Davis, California, USA;
USNM—National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C., USA;
USU—Department of Biology, Utah State University, Logan, Utah, USA.

List of abbreviations

distr.—geographic distribution
orig. des.—by original designation
subs. des.—subsequent designation
F (f#)—female
M (m#)—male

CATALOGUE OF XYLOMYIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 343
Catalogue of Xylomyidae of Colombia

Family Xylomyidae Verral, 1901

Genus Arthropeina Lindner, 1949

Arthropeina Lindner, 1949: 789. Type species, Arthropeina fulva Lindner, 1949 (mon.).

colombiana Fachin & Amorim, 2014: 244. Type locality: Colombia (Valle del Cauca (PNN [Parque Nacional
Natural] Farallones de Cali, Cgto. La Meseta)). Distr.—Colombia (Valle del Cauca). Ref.—Fachin & Amorim,
2014: 239, Figs 21–26 (female terminalia); 247, Fig. 61 (thorax, dorsal view); 250, Figs 68–69 (wing and palpus);
251, Fig. 79 (dorsal habitus); 252, Fig. 85 (lateral habitus); 254, Fig. 92 (geographic distribution). HT F (f#)

Genus Solva Walker, 1859

Solva Walker, 1859: 98. Type species, Solva inamoena Walker, 1859 (mon.).
Subulonia Enderlein, 1913: 545. Type species, Subulonia truncativena Enderlein, 1913 (orig. des.).
Prista Enderlein, 1913: 546. Type species, Subula vittata Doleschall, 1859 (orig. des.).
Ceratosolva de Meijere, 1914: 21. Type species, Ceratosolva cylindricornis de Meijere, 1914 (mon.).
Pararthropeas Brunetti, 1920: 108. Type species, Pararthropeas thereviformis Brunetti, 1920 (orig. des.).
Hanauia Enderlein, 1920: 281. Type species, Xylophagus marginatus Meigen 1820, (sub. des., Enderlein, 1921: 170).
Hanavia Brunetti, 1923: 165, error.
Formosolva James, 1939: 32. Type species, Solva concavifrons James, 1939 (orig. des.). Described as subgenus of Solva.
Salva Ôuchi, 1943: 486, error.
Phloophila Hull, 1945: 263. Type species, Subula pallipes Loew, 1863 (orig. des.). Described as subgenus of Solva.

tuberculata Webb, 1984: 288. Type locality: Mexico (San Luis Potosí (15 miles N. Tamazunchale).
Distr.—Nearctic: Mexico (Morelos, San Luis Potosí). Neotropical: Belize (Cayo), Bolivia (Beni), Colombia
(Nariño), Costa Rica (Cartago, La Suiza, San Mateo), Guatemala, Mexico (Chiapas, San Luis Potosí, Veracruz),
Peru. Refs.—Webb, 1984: 288–290 (description of the species); Woodley, 2011: 440 (cat.); CAS database. HT M
(m#) [CAS]; AT 1 F (f#) [USU]; PT 28? [AMNH, CAS, CUI, FSCA, INHS, KSU, MSUEL, UCD, USNM, USU].


This study was supported by FAPESP Grants 2011/14472-6, 2013/02824-0 and 2014/05793-1.

TABLE 2. Xylomyidae species recorded to Colombia.

Genus Species Author
Solva tuberculata Webb, 1984
Arthropeina colombiana Fachin & Amorim, 2014


Brunetti, E. (1920) Diptera Brachycera. In: Shipley, A.E. (Ed.), The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Myanmar.
Vol. 1. Taylor and Francis, London, pp. i–x + 1–401.
Brunetti, E. (1923) Second revision of the Oriental Stratiomyidae. Record of the Indian Museum, 25 (1), 45–180.
Doleschall, C.L. (1859) Derde bijdrage tot de kennis der dipteren fauna van Nederlandsch Indië. Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor
Nederlandsch-Indie, Djakarta, 17, 73–128.
Enderlein, G. (1913) Dipterologische Studien. V. Zur Kenntnis der Familie Xylophagidae. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 42 (12),

344 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press FACHIN & ASSIS-PUJOL
Enderlein, G. (1920) 20. Ord. Diptera, Fliegen, Zweiflügler. In: Brohmer, P. (Ed.), Fauna von Deutschland. Ein
Bestimmungsbuch unserer heimischen Tierwelt. Quelle & Meyer, Leipzig, pp. I–VIII + 265–315.
Enderlein, G. (1921) Über die phyletisch älteren Stratiomyiidensubfamilien (Xylophaginae, Chiromyzinae, Solvinae, Beridinae
und Coenomyiinae). Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin, 10 (1), 151–214.
Fachin, D.A. & Amorim, D.S. (2014) Taxonomic revision of the Neotropical genus Arthropeina Lindner, 1949 (Diptera:
Xylomyidae). Zootaxa, 3827 (2), 231–257.
Hull, F.M. (1945) Notes upon flies of the genus Solva Walker. Entomological News, 55, 263–265.
James, M.T. (1939) New Formosan Stratiomyidae in the collection of the Deutsches Entomologisches Institut. Arbeiten über
Morphologische und Taxonomische
Entomologie, Berlin-Dahlem, 6 (1), 31–37.
James, M.T. (1975) Family Xylomyidae [Chapter] 25. In: Stone, A., Sabrosky, C.W., Wirth, W.W., Foote, R.H. & Coulson, J.R.
(Eds.), A catalog of the Diptera of America north of Mexico. Agricultural Research Service, United States Department of
Agriculture, Washington, D.C., pp. I–IV + 299–319.
Lindner, E. (1949) Neotropische Stratiomyiiden des Britischen Museums in London. - Theil I. Annals and Magazine of Natural
History, Series 12, 1 (11), 782–821.
Loew, H. (1863) Diptera Americae septentrionalis indigena. Centuria tertia. Berliner. Entomologische Zeitschrift, 7 (1–2),
Meigen, J.W. (1820) Systematische Beschreibung der bekannten europäischen zweiflügeligen Insekten. Zweiter Theil. Friedrich
Wilhelm Forstmann, Aachen. I–X, 1–363.
Meijere, J.C.H. de. (1914) Studien über südostasiatische Dipteren. VIII. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie, 56 (Supplement), 1–99.
Ôuchi, Y. (1943) Contributiones ad Cognitionem Insectorum Asiae Orientalis 13. Notes on some dipterous insects from Japan
and Manchoukuo. Shanghai Sizenkagaku Kenkyusyo Iho, 13 (6), 483–492. [in Japanese with English summary]
Papavero, N. & Artigas, J.N. (1991) Phylogeny of the American genera of Solvidae (Xylomyidae) (Diptera), with illustrations
of the female spermatheca. Gayana Zoologia, 55 (2), 101–113.
Verrall, G.H. (1901) A list of British Diptera. University Press, Cambridg, 47 pp.
Walker, F. (1859) Catalogue of the dipterous insects collected at Makessar in Celebes, by Mr. A.R. Wallace, with descriptions
of new species [part]. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society, Zoology, 4 (15), 97–144.
Webb, D.W. (1984) A revision of the Nearctic species of the family Solvidae (Insecta: Diptera). Transactions of the American
Entomological Society, 110 (3), 245–293.
Woodley, N.E. (1989) Phylogeny and classification of the “orthorrhaphous” Brachycera. In: McAlpine, J.F., Peterson, B.V.,
Shewell, G.E., Teskey, H.J., Vockeroth, J.R. & Wood, D.M. (Eds.), Manual of Neartic Diptera. Vol. 3. Research Branch
Monograph 32, Agriculture Canada, Ottawa, pp. 1371–1395.
Woodley, N.E. (2009) Xylomyidae [Chapter] 37. In: Brown B.V., Borkent, A., Cumming, J.M., Wood, D.M., Woodley, N.E. &
Zumbado, M.A. (Eds.), Manual of Central American Diptera. Vol. 1. NCR Research Press, Boca Raton, Ottawa, pp.
Woodley, N.E. (2011) A World Catalog of the Xylomyidae (Insecta: Diptera). In: Thompson, F.C., Brake, I. & Lonsdale, O.
(Eds.), Contributions to the Biosystematic Database of World Diptera. Myia, 12, pp. 417–453.
Woodley, N.E., Borkent, A. & Wheeler T.A. (2009) Phylogeny of Diptera [Chapter 5]. In: Brown, B.V., Borkent, A., Cumming,
J.M., Wood, D.M., Woodley, N.E. & Zumbado, M.A. (Eds.), Manual of Central American Diptera. Vol. 1. NCR Research
Press, Boca Raton, Ottawa, pp. 79–94.

CATALOGUE OF XYLOMYIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 345
Zootaxa 4122 (1): 346–349 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
Copyright © 2016 Magnolia Press
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)



Bohart Museum of Entomology, 1124 Academic Surge, University of California Davis, CA, USA, 95616. Email:


A catalog of the Acroceridae from Colombia is provided. Five species and five genera are recorded for the country,
including one undescribed Ocnaea species.

Key words: catalogue, Colombia, Distribution, Neotropical, Spider flies, spider parasitoid


Spider-flies are very diverse in shape, size and color, although all species have a greatly enlarged calypter and
broad eyes that encompass almost the entire head. Some species are balloon-shaped with greatly swollen
abdomens, while others may be slender bodied and extremely hunchbacked. Body size is particularly variable,
ranging from 2 to 20 mm. Coloration may be metallic, varying from blue, purple, green, red, gold, orange, to
yellow, while some species may be black or brown (Schlinger 1981, Nartshuk 1997). Some species mimic wasps,
bees, and even beetles (e.g., Leucopsina, Mesophysa, Pterodontia) (Cole 1919).
In general, species of Acrocerinae are small, have a minute head, scarce pilosity covering the body, and a
swollen abdomen. Panopinae species, on the other hand, are usually bigger and covered by dense pilosity, and may
have a slender or very swollen abdomen. Species of Philopotinae are very conspicuous flies with a hunchback body
shape, in which the postpronotal lobes are greatly developed and fused medially forming a collar behind the head,
and with a great variety of sizes and colors. In most acrocerid species, the eyes are holoptic in both sexes and may
be pilose or bare. The antennae may be inserted at the upper portion of the head, in the middle of the frons, or at the
lower part of the head. Proboscis length is extremely variable, ranging from longer than body length to smaller than
the antennae; in some species, however, the mouthparts are lacking or are vestigial, not forming a proboscis. The
wings may be hyaline or maculated, and the presence or absence of wing markings may be a dimorphic character in
some species (e.g., Philopota). The wing venation is remarkably variable; some genera have a relatively complete
set of wing veins, in which costa, R1, R2+3, R4, R5, M1, M2, M3, CuA1, CuA2 and A1 are present, while others have a
varying degree of wing losses. In Acroceridae, cell r4+5 is generally bisected by crossvein 2r-m, and the presence of
this additional crossvein may be a synapomorphy of the group. The costal vein can be complete, ending at the anal
lobe, or it can be incomplete and end at the wing tip. In some genera, M3 is fused to CuA1 before wing margin,
leading to the formation of a cell m3.
The adults feed on nectar and may be efficient pollinators with variable mouthpart length, but some species do
not feed. Sexual dimorphism takes place in many species, but in some species the sexes are quite indistinguishable.
Immatures are internal parasitoids of spiders with a hypermetamorphic life cycle comprised of four larval instars.
The first instar is a small, free-living planidium that either actively search for the spider host or sit and wait for it to
pass by (Schlinger 1987, Cady et al. 1993).
Acroceridae are worldwide distributed and comprise approximately 530 species in 55 genera (Schlinger et al.
2013). Neotropical fauna comprises all three subfamilies and is represented by 19 genera and approximately 100
species. There are five species and five genera recorded for Colombia, but the actual diversity is presumably much
greater. The family is traditionally divided into three subfamilies (Acrocerinae, Panopinae and Philopotinae), but
the monophyly of Acrocerinae has recently been questioned (Winterton et al. 2007).

346 Accepted by S. Nihei: 10 Apr. 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016

Material from several collections in Brazil and in the USA was examined, including Evert I. Schlinger's
collection, currently housed in the California Academy of Sciences (CAS). Within these material, only one
specimen from Colombia was found, a new species of the genus Ocnaea. Thus, the list of Colombian species is
based mainly on data from the literature. Three catalogs were consulted: Hunter (1901), Kertész (1909) and Arnaud
(1979), and records obtained from the Diptera Site (Pape & Thompson 2011) were also included.
Four described and one undescribed species are recorded for Colombia. The undescribed species belongs to the
genus Ocnaea and was not included in the catalog. A list of the Colombian species is presented in Table 1.

Acronyms used for the depositories

CAS—California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, CA, USA.

OUMNH—Hope Entomological Collections, University Museum, Oxford, UK.

List of abbreviations

distr.—geographic distribution
F (f#)—Female
M (m#)—Male
orig. des.— by original designation

Catalogue of Acroceridae of Colombia

Family Acroceridae Leach, 1815

Subfamily Acrocerinae Schiner, 1868

Genus Ogcodes Latreille

Ogcodes Latreille, 1797: 154. Type species, Musca gibbosa Linnaeus, 1758 (by subsequent monotypy (Latreille, 1802:

colombiensis Schlinger, 1960: 311. Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca, 1 mile west of Villeta. HT M (CAS).
Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca). Refs.: Arnaud, 1979: 204 (location of holotype).

Subfamily Panopinae, Schiner, 1868

Genus Pterodontia Gray

Pterodontia Gray, 1832: 779. Type species, P. flavipes Gray (by monotypy).

analis Macquart, 1846: 226. Type locality: Colombia, "Region temperee". HT M (OUMNH, Coll. Bigot). Distr.:
Colombia. Refs.: Walker, 1855: 347 (diag.); Hunter, 1901: 150 (cat.); Howard, 1902: 134 (note); Kertész, 1909: 6
(cat.); Carrera, 1946: 81 (distinction from P. flavonigra); Sabrosky, 1948: 392 (notes).

dimidiata Westwood, 1876: 513. Type locality: “Colombia”. HT sex unspecified (OUMNH). Distr.: Colombia.

CATALOGUE OF ACROCERIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 347
Refs.: Hunter, 1901: 151 (cat.); Kertész, 1909: 6 (cat.); Carrera, 1946: 81 (distinction from P. flavonigra);
Sabrosky, 1948: 392 (note).

Genus Pteropexus Macquart

Pteropexus Macquart, 1846: 225. Type species, P. bicolor Macquart (orig. des.).

bicolor Macquart 1846: 226. Type locality: “Colombia”. HT sex unspecified (OUMNH). Distr.: Colombia. Refs.:
Walker, 1855: 335 (diag., synonymical notes); Wulp, 1882: 88, pl. 10, fig. 1 (drawing of wing); Kertész, 1909: 11
(cat.); Verrall, 1909: 451, fig. 259C (drawing of wing).

TABLE 1. List of the Acroceridae recorded from Colombia.

Subfamily Genus Species Author
Acrocerinae Ogcodes colombiensis Schlinger, 1960
Panopinae Ocnaea sp. undescribed
Pterodontia analis Macquart, 1846
dimidiata Westwood, 1876
Pteropexus bicolor Macquart, 1846


Arnaud, P.H. Jr. (1979) A catalog of the types of Diptera in the collection of the California Academy of Sciences. Myia,
1, 1–505.
Cady, A., Leech, R., Sorkin, L., Stratton, G. & Caldwell, M. (1993) Acrocerid (Insecta: Diptera) life histories,
behaviours, host spiders (Arachnida: Araneida), and distribution records. The Canadian Entomologist, 125,
Carrera, M. (1946) Moscas parasitas de aranhas. Chácaras e Quintais, 73, 174–178.
Cole, F.R. (1919) The dipterous family Cyrtidae in North America. Transactions of the American Entomological Society,
45, 1–79.
Gray, G.R. (1832) The class Insecta arranged by the Baron Cuvier, with supplementary additions to each order by
Edward Griffith and Edward Pidgeon, and notices of new genera and species by George Gray, Esq, Volume second.
In: Griffith, E. & Pidgeon, E. (Eds.), The animal kingdom arranged in conformity with its organisation by the Baron
Cuvier with supplementary additions to each order. Whittaker, Treacher & Co., London, pp. 1–793.
Howard, L.O. (1902) The Insect Book. Doubleday Page & Co., New York, 429 pp.
Hunter, W.D. (1901) A catalogue of the Diptera of South America, Part II. Transactions of the American Entomological
Society, 27, 121–155.
Kertész, K. (1909) Catalogus Dipterorum hucusque descriptorum. Vol. 4. Oncodidae, Nemestrinidae, Mydaidae,
Apioceridae, Asilidae. Museum Nationale Hungaricum, Budapest, 349 pp.
Latreille, P.A. (1797) Précis des caractères génériques des insectes, disposés dans un ordre naturel. Prévôt, Paris, 201
Latreille, P.A. (1802) Histoire naturelle, générale et particulière, des crustacés et des insectes. Tome troisième. Families
naturelles des genres. Dufart, Paris, 467 pp.
Macquart, J. (1846) Diptères exotiques nouveaux ou peu connus. Supplement. Mémoires de la Société des Sciences, de
l'Agriculture et des Arts de Lille, 1844, 133–364.
Westwood, J.O. (1876) Notae Dipterologicae. Descriptions of new genera and species of the family Acroceridae.
Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, 3, 507–518.
Nartshuk, E.P. (1997) Family Acroceridae. In: Papp, L. & Darvas, B. (Eds.), Manual of Palaearctic Diptera. Vol. 2.
Science Herald, Budapest, pp. 469–485.
Pape, T. & Thompson, F.C. (2011) Systema Dipterorum. Version 1.0. Available from: (accessed
14 July 2013)

348 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press GILLUNG

Sabrosky, C.W. (1948) A further contribution to the classification of the North American spider parasites of the
Acroceratidae (Diptera). The American Midland Naturalist, 39, 382–430.
Schlinger, E.I. (1960) A revision of the genus Ogcodes Latreille, with particular reference to species of the Western
Hemisphere. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 111, 227–336.
Schlinger, E.I. (1981) Acroceridae. In: Brown, B.V., Borkent, A., Cumming, J.M., Wood, D.M., Woodley, N.E., &
Zumbado, M.A. (Eds.), Manual of Nearctic Diptera. Vol. 1. NRC Research Press, Ottawa, pp. 575–584.
Schlinger, E.I. (1987) The biology of Acroceridae (Diptera): True endoparasitoids of spiders. In: Nentwig, W. (Ed.),
Ecophysiology of spiders. Springer Verlag, Berlin, pp. 319–327.
Schlinger, E.I., Gillung, J.P. & Borkent, C.J. (2013) New spider flies from the Neotropical Region (Diptera, Acroceridae)
with a key to New World genera. ZooKeys, 270, 59–93.
Verrall, G.H. (1909) British flies, Vol. V, Stratiomyidae and succeeding families of the Diptera Brachycera of Great
Britain. Gurney & Jackson, London, 780 pp.
Walker, F. (1855) List of the specimens of dipterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part VI. Supplement
II. British Museum, London, pp. 331–506.
Winterton, S.L., Wiegmann, B.M. & Schlinger, E.I. (2007) Phylogeny and Bayesian divergence time estimations of
small-headed flies (Diptera: Acroceridae) using multiple molecular markers. Molecular Phylogenetics and
Evolution, 43, 808–832.
Wulp, F.M. van der (1882) Americanishe Diptera, No. 1. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie, 25, 77–136.

CATALOGUE OF ACROCERIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 349
Zootaxa 4122 (1): 350–352 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
Copyright © 2016 Magnolia Press
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)



Depto. de Ciências Biológicas, Faculdade de Ciências e Letras de Assis - UNESP, Av. Dom Antonio, 2100, Assis, SP,19806-900,
Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo. Av. Nazaré 482, 04263-000, São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
*Corresponding author:


Nemestrinidae (Diptera, Nemestrinoidea) are a relatively rare group of flies, and the knowledge on the Colombian fauna
is still incipient. According to the available literature, only one species is recorded to this country, Hyrmophlaeba
magdalena Bernardi, 1977.

Key words: catalogue, Colombia, distribution, Nemestrinidae, tangle-veined flies


The Nemestrinidae, also known as tangle-veined flies, comprise a group of brachycerous flies with a worldwide
distribution (Bernardi 1973). The family has around 250 described species, distributed in 23 genera (Woodley
2009). In South America, five genera and 60 species are recorded (Bernardi 1973, 1977). The genera are
geographically segregated and where they occur, they are dominant (Bernardi 1973). Besides the extant species,
around 30 fossil species have been described, mainly from the Upper Jurassic and Cretaceous (Ansorge &
Mostovski 2000).
The Nemestrinidae are medium-sized flies (4–16 mm), and their body is usually covered with dense pilosity
(Woodley 2009). The head is wide, sometimes wider than the thorax (Bernardi 1973), with large eyes, bare to
densely pilose, ranging from clearly holoptic to widely dicoptic in males; mouthparts varying from vestigial to very
long (Bernardi 1973; Woodley 2009). The thorax is unmodified, with long and slender legs (Woodley 2009). The
wings are usually longer than the body, ranging from hyaline to opaque, with a complex and characteristic
venation, which includes a so-called diagonal vein formed by many fusions of veins of the radial and medial areas
(Bernardi 1973; Woodley 2009). Their unique wing venation pattern is considered as an autapormophy of the
group (Yeates 1994).
Adults frequently visit flowers of many different groups, feeding upon the nectar, and are known to live in
open areas (Bernardi 1973). Larvae are endoparasites of grasshopper and beetles (Evenhuis 1994), and all species
for which the biology is known have hypermetamorphosis (Woodley 2009).
This catalogue and the classification adopted follow Papavero & Bernardi (2009), including information on

Acronyms used for the depositories

AMNH—American Museum of Natural History, New York, USA

350 Accepted by S. Nihei: 26 May 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016

List of abbreviations

dist.—geographic distribution
orig. des.—by original designation
F (f#)—female

Catalogue of Nemestrinidae of Colombia

Family Nemestrinidae Griffith & Pidgeon, 1832

Subfamily Hirmoneurinae Loew, 1860

Tribe Hyrmophlaebini Bernardi, 1976

Genus Hyrmophlaeba Rondani

Hermoneura Philippi, 1865: 655. Incorrect orig. spelling.

Hirmoneura, subg. Hyrmophlaeba Rondani, 1863: 51. Type species, Hirmoneura brevirostris Macquart, 1846 (orig.
des.). Refs.: Bernardi, 1976: 32 (generic status), 1977: 248 (key to spp.).
Hirmoneura, subg. Austrohirmoneura Bequaert, 1932: 15. Type species, Hermoneura bellula Philippi, 1865 (orig. des.).
Refs.: Bernardi, 1976: 32 (syn.).
Hirmophlaeba, Hirmophloeba, Hyrmophloeba, error. Refs.: Bernardi, 1977: 248-249 (key to non-Chilean spp.).

magdalena Bernardi, 1977: 250. Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena, Rio Frio. HT F (AMNH). Distr.: Colombia
(Magdalena). Refs.: Bernardi, 1977: 250 (rev.); Papavero & Bernardi, 2009: 7 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Magdalena: Rio Frio, HT female, 19.xii.1926, G. Salt leg. (AMNH).

TABLE 1. Nemestrinidae species recorded from Colombia.

Subfamily Tribe Genus Species Author
Hirmoneurinae Hyrmophlaebini Hyrmophlaeba magdalena Bernardi, 1977


Ansorge, J. & Mostovski, M. (2000) Redescription of Prohirmoneura jurassica Handlirsch, 1906 (Diptera,
Nemestrinidae) from the Lower Tithonian lithographic limestone of Eichstätt (Bavaria). Neues Jahrbuch für
Geologie und Paläontologie Monastshefte, 4, 235–243.
Bequaert, J. (1932) The Nemestrinidae (Diptera) in the V. v. Röder collection. Zoologische Anzeiger, 100, 13–33.
Bernardi, N. (1973) The genera of the family Nemestrinidae (Diptera: Brachycera). Arquivos de Zoologia, 24, 211–318.
Bernardi, N. (1976) Classificação da subfamília Hirmoneurinae (Diptera, Nemestrinidae). Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia,
São Paulo, 30, 25–33.
Bernardi, N. (1977) A tribo Hyrmophlaebini (Diptera, Nemestridae, Hirmoneurinae), com treze espécies novas da
América do Sul. Papéis avulsos de Zoologia, São Paulo, 30, 239–259.

CATALOGUE OF NEMESTRINIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 351
Evenhuis, N.L. (1994) Family Nemestrinidae. In: Evenhuis, N.L. (Ed.), Fossil flies of the world (Insecta: Diptera).
Backhuys, Leiden, pp. 313–315.
Griffith, E. & Pidgeon, E. (1832) Part 34, in their The class Insecta arranged by the Baron Cuvier, with supplementary
additions to each order by Edward Griffith, F. L. S., A. S. & Edward Pidgeon, Esq. and notices of new genera and
species by George Gray, Esq. Volume the second, in Griffith, E., et al., The animal kingdom arranged in conformity
with its organization by the Baron Cuvier with supplementary additions to each order. Vol. 15. Whittake, Treacher &
Co., London, pp. 577–796.
Loew, H. (1860) Die Dipteren-Fauna Südafrika’s. Erste Abtheilung. Abhandlungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins
für Sachsen und Thüringen in Halle (1858–1861), 2, 57–402, pls. 1–2. [Also publ. sep., xi + 330 pp., 2 pls., Berlin,
Macquart, J. (1846) Diptères exotiques nouveaux ou peu connus. [ler.] Supplément. Memoires de la Societe des Sciences
de I' Agriculture et des Arts de Lille, (1845) 1844, 133–364, pls. 1–20. [Also separately published as Supplément [I],
pp. 5–238, 20 pls, Paris, 1846]
Papavero, N. & Bernardi, N. (2009) Catalogue of Neotropical Diptera, Nemestrinidae. Neotropical Diptera, 7, 1–16.
Philippi, R.A. (1865) AufzählungderchilenischenDipteren. Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in
Wien, 15, 595–782, pls. 1–7.
Rondani, C. (1856) Dipterologiae italicae prodromus. Vol. I. Genera italica., A. Stoschi, Parmae [=Parma], 226 + [2] pp.
Rondani, C. (1863) Diptera exotica revista et annotata. Novis nonnullis descriptis. E. Soliani, Modena, 99pp. [Also sep.
publ., under the title: Dipterorum species et genera aliqua exotica, in Archivio Per La Zoologia, L'Anatomia E La
Fisiologia, Modena, (1863) 3: 1–99, 1 pl., 1864]
Woodley, N.E. (2009) Nemestrinidae. In: Brown, B.V., Borkent, A, Cumming, J.M., Wood, D.M., Woodley, N.E. &
Zumbado, M.A. (Eds.), Manual of Central American Diptera. Vol. 1. NRC Research Press, Ottawa, pp. 557–560.
Yeates, D.K. (1994) The cladistics and classification of the Bombyliidae (Diptera: Asiloidea). Bulletin of the American
Museum of Natural History, 219, 1–191.

352 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press KOSMANN & LAMAS
Zootaxa 4122 (1): 353–371 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
Copyright © 2016 Magnolia Press
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)



Grupo de Entomologia, Instituto de Biologia, Universidad de Antioquia. Colombia.
Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo. Av. Nazaré, 481, Ipiranga,
04263–000, São Paulo, SP, Brazil. E-mail:
*Corresponding author:


Asilidae is one of the largest Diptera families with more than 7,000 recognized species worldwide. All their species are
predators on arthropods, mainly insects. This catalogue presents 71 species distributed in 26 genera, ten tribes or generic
groups and four subfamilies. For each species we present the available geographical information and relevant references.

Key words: Asilidae, Robber Flies, catalogue, Colombia, distribution, Biodiversity


Asilidae are a distinct part of the global insect fauna with slightly more than 7,000 species distributed over all
biogeographic regions, making Asilidae one of the most diverse taxa within Diptera (Dikow 2004). All species of
Asilidae are predators: they feed on other insects, or occasionally other kinds of arthropods, such as arachnids.
Predation is well known for the adult robber fly, and a large number of studies have investigated this behavior.
Asilid larvae are likewise predaceous, based on available knowledge, which is far more limited than that for the
adult (Fisher 2009).
Colombia is listed as one of the world’s “megadiverse” countries, hosting close to 14% of the planet’s
biodiversity. Colombia possesses a rich complexity of ecological, climatic, biological and ecosystem components,
but only 72 species and 26 genera of robber flies are known from Colombia (Table 1), which represents less than
5% of the Neotropical fauna of this family. These numbers show how the Colombian fauna is still poorly known
and emphasize the necessity of extensive sampling projects to be developed in this megadiverse country.
This catalogue is primarily based upon the Neotropical catalogue of Papavero (2009).

Acronyms used for the depositories

AMNH—American Museum of Natural History, New York, USA.

BMNH—The Natural History Museum, London, UK.
CAS—California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, California, USA.
CNC—Canadian National Collection, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
DZUC—Departamento de Zoología, Universidad de Concepción, Concepción, Chile.
FMNH—The Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
IZPAN—Instytut Zoologiczny Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Warsaw, Poland.
KIEL—Zoologisches Museum, Christian-Albrechts Universität, Kiel, Germany.
MACN—Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
MNHN—Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France.
MNVL—Museum d’Histoire Naturelle de Ville de Lille, Lille, France.

Accepted by S. Nihei: 26 May 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016 353

MZUN—Museu dell’Istituto di Zoologia dell’Università di Napoli, Naples, Italy.
NMW—Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna, Austria.
SMFD—Forschungsinstitut und Museum Senckenberg, Frankfurt, a.M., Germany.
TORO—Instituto e Museo di Zoologia, Università di Torino, Turin, Italy.
UDEC—Universidad de Concepción, Concepción, Chile.
UMO—University Museum, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK.
UNKN—Type depository unknown or not traced in this study.
USNM—National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C., USA.
ZMHB—Museum für Naturkunde, Humboldt-Universität, Berlin, Germany.
ZMUC—Zoologisk Museum, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark.

List of abbreviations

distr.—geographic distribution
n. comb.—new combination
nom. nov.—nomen novum (new name)
orig. des.—by original designation
T—Type (unspecified)
F (f#)—Female
M (m#)—Male

Catalogue of Asilidae of Colombia

Family Asilidae Latreille, 1802

Subfamily Asilinae Latreille, 1802


Genus Albibarbefferia Artigas & Papavero

Albibarbefferia Artigas & Papavero, 1997a: 68. Type species, Erax abibarbis Macquart, 1838 (orig. des.). Ref.: Papavero,
2009: 14 (cat.).

354 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press WOLFF & LAMAS
Erax, barbatus-group of Hine, 1919: 108.
Efferia, albibarbis-group of Wilcox, 1966: 104.

?heteroptera (Macquart), 1846: 211 (1846: 83), pl. 8, fig. 6 (Erax). Type locality: “Colombia” (as “Nouvelle
Grenade”, cold region) HT f# (UMO). Refs.: Martin & Papavero, 1970: 65 (cat.; Efferia, as heteropterus, error);
Artigas & Papavero, 1997a: 68 (n. comb.); Papavero, 2009: 15 (cat.).

Genus Diplosynapsis Enderlein

Diplosynapsis Enderlein, 1914a: 259. Type species, Diplosynapsis argentifascia Enderlein, 1914 (orig. des.). Ref.: Papavero,
2009: 17 (cat.).

halterata Enderlein, 1914a: 260. Type locality: Colombia, Hacienda Pehlke, 900 m [cf. Papavero, 1973a: 299]. HT
m# (IZPAN). Distr.: Colombia (Caldas (Victoria, hacienda Pehlke)). Refs.: Hull, 1962 (2): 479; Artigas &
Papavero, 1997a: 70; Papavero, 2009: 17 (cat.).

Genus Nerax Hull

Nerax Hull, 1962 (2): 476. Type species, Asilus aestuans Linnaeus, 1758 (orig. des.). Ref.: Papavero, 2009: 9 (cat.).
Erax Scopoli of authors (part), misident.
Efferia Coquillett of authors, misident.
Erax, aestuans-group of Hine, 1919: 120.
Efferia, aestuans-group of Wilcox, 1966: 94.

pictipennis (Schiner), 1868: 182 (Erax). Type locality: “South America” (Colombia). HT m# (NMW). Distr.:
Colombia ?. Refs.: Hull, 1962 (2): 478 (n. comb.); Martin & Papavero, 1970: 67 (cat.); Artigas & Papavero, 1997a:
72; Papavero, 2009: 21 (cat.).

Genus Triorla Parks

Triorla Parks, 1968: 175. Type species, Asilus interruptus Macquart, 1834 (orig. des.). Refs.: Rueda, 2004: 88 (cat.); Papavero,
2009: 23 (cat.).

interrupta (Macquart), 1834: 310 (Asilus). Type locality: U.S.A., Georgia. T (lost). Distr.: Colombia, Costa Rica,
Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua Panama, U.S.A. Refs.: Hull, 1962 (2): 478 (Nerax); Artigas & Papavero,
1997a: 73; Papavero, 2009: 24 (cat.).
maculatus Macquart, 1838: 111 (1839: 227), pl. 9, figs. 6a-b (Erax), part.
lateralis Macquart, 1838: 116 (1839: 232) (Erax).
concolor Walker, 1851: 130 (Erax).
perrumpens Walker, 1860: 283 (Asilus).
villosus Bellardi, 1861: 149 (49) (Erax).
perrumpeus Parks, 1968: 176; Papavero & Ibáñez-Bernal, 2001: 96 (history of Mexican dipterology), error.

spinosa Tomasovic, 2002: 58, fig. 17. Type locality: “Colombia”. HT m# (MNVL). Ref.: Papavero, 2009: 24 (cat.).

striola (Fabricius), 1805: 172 (Dasypogon). Type locality: “South America”. ST sex? (ZMUC) [cf. Zimsen, 1964:
471]. Distr.: Colombia, Guyana, Panama, Surinam south to Paraguay, Venezuela. Refs.: Williston, 1891: 87 (cat.);
Hull, 1962 (2): 479 (Nerax); Martin & Papavero, 1970: 69 (cat.); Artigas & Papavero, 1997a: 90; Rueda, 2004: 88
(Cat.); Papavero, 2009: 24 (cat.).
maculatus Macquart, 1838: 116 (1839: 232), pl. 9, figs. 6a-b (Erax), part.
sicyon Walker, 1849: 399 (Asilus).

CATALOGUE OF ASILIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 355
stimicon Walker, 1851: 129 (Erax).
dilectus Walker, 1855: 632 (Erax).
zetterstedti Jaennicke, 1867: 362 (Erax).


Genus Eicherax Bigot,

Eristicus Loew, 1848: 396 (preocc. Wesmael, 1844). Type species, Erax nigripes Bellardi, 1861 (sub. des., Hull, 1962: 476) =
Eicherax bellardii (Schiner, 1868).
Eicherax Bigot, 1857: 548 (in key). Type species, Erax simplex Macquart, 1848 (orig. des.). Ref.: Papavero, 2009: 25 (cat.).
Neoeristicus Osten Sacken, 1878: 81 (cat.; nom. nov. for Eristicus Loew, 1848).

costatus (Schiner), 1868: 181 (Erax). Type locality: Colombia. ST sex? (NMW). Distr.: Colombia, Venezuela.
Refs.: Williston, 1891: 85 (cat.; Erax); Hull, 1962 (2): 478 (Nerax); Martin & Papavero, 1970: 70 (cat.).

fulvithorax (Macquart), 1838: 113 (1839: 229) (Erax). Type locality: Brazil, Pará, Belém, and French Guiana. ST
sex? (MNHN). Distr.: Brazil, Colombia, French Guiana, Peru. Refs.: Hull, 1962 (2): 478 (Nerax); Lamas, 1972:
313; Artigas & Papavero, 1995a: 37; Papavero, 2009: 25 (cat.).
parphorus Walker, 1851: 127 (Erax).


Genus Ctenodontina Enderlein

Ctenodontina Enderlein, 1914a: 260. Type species, Ctenodontina pectinatipes Enderlein, 1914 (orig. des.). Ref.: Martin &
Papavero, 1970: 70 (syn.); Papavero, 2009: 30 (cat.).
Catostola Hull, 1958c: 320. Type species, Catostola carrerai Hull, 1958 (orig. des.) = Ctenodontina maya Carrera &
d´Andretta, 1953.

pectinatipes Enderlein, 1914a: 261, figs. 6-7. Type locality: Colombia, Caldas, Victoria (Hacienda Pehlke), 900 m
[cf. Papavero, 1973a: 299]. HT m# (IZPAN). Distr.: Colombia (Caldas). Refs.: Hull, 1962 (2): 480, figs. 2508,
2524; Martin & Papavero, 1970: 71 (cat.); Artigas & Papavero, 1995b: 36; Papavero, 2009: 30 (cat.).


Promachina Lehr, 1969: 532, 549, nomen nudum. Refs.: Papavero, 2009: 33 (cat.).

Genus Mallophora Macquart, 1838

Mallophora Macquart, 1834: 300. Type species, Asilus bomboides Wiedemann, 1821 (sub. des., Coquillett, 1910: 565). Ref.:
Artigas & Angulo, 1980 (rev.); Papavero, 2009: 33 (cat.).

argentipes Macquart, 1838: 38 (1839: 204). Type locality: “Guyana”. HT m# (MNHN). Distr.: Argentina, Brazil,
Colombia, French Guiana, Guyana, Panama, Paraguay, Surinam, Trinidad-Tobago, Venezuela. Refs.: Hull, 1962
(2): 468; Artigas & Papavero, 1997b: 101; Artigas & Hengst, 1999: 134 (key); Papavero, 2009: 36 (cat.).

atra Macquart, 1834: 302. Type locality: “Brazil”. NeoType locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutônia. T
(lost). NT m# (DZUC) [des. by Artigas & Angulo, 1980: 34]. Distr.: USA (Minesota, Florida) to Argentina.
Colombia. Refs.: Hull, 1962 (2): 468; Artigas & Papavero, 1997b: 101; Artigas & Hengst, 1999: 134 (key),
Papavero, 2009: 36 (cat.).

356 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press WOLFF & LAMAS
freycineti Macquart, 1838: 85 (1839: 201).
ventralis Macquart, 1838: 91 (1839: 207).
albifrons Walker, 1850a: xcviii.
testaceipes Macquart, 1850: 380 (1850: 76).
xylocopiides Walker, 1851: 111.
xyocopides Walker, 1855: 579; error.
testaceitarsis Macquart, 1854: 74 (1854: 54) .
coeruleiventris Thomson, 1869: 467.
nigra Williston, 1885: 58.
lynchi Gemignani, 1930: 141.
flavicollis Curran 1941: 272 (in key), nomen nudum.
nitidula Curran, 1941: 272 (in key), nomen nudum.
vorax Curran 1941: 272 (in key), 278.
lucida Curran, 1941: 272 (in key), 278.
curiosa Curran, 1941: 272 (in key), 279.
jemima Curran, 1941: 272 (in key), 279.
jemina Martin & Papavero, 1970: 74 (cat.), error.

calida (Fabricius), 1787: 358 (Asilus). Type locality: Bolivia, Cordillera, San Antonio. T (KIEL) (only
indeterminable remains) [cf. Zimsen, 1964: 468]. NT m# (DZUC). Distr. Mexico south America (except Chile),
Colombia (Santander). Refs.: Hull, 1962 (2): 468; Artigas & Papavero, 1997b: 102; Artigas & Hengst, 1999: 134
(key), Papavero, 2009: 38 (cat.).
nigritarsis Fabricius of Macquart, 1838: 86, misident.
albicincta Bromley, 1929: 47.
callida Curran, 1934a: 5, error
abana Curran, 1934a: 5 (in key), 7.
clavitarsis Curran, 1941: 271 (in key), 282.

cingulata Artigas & Angulo, 1980: 53, figs. 2, 122, 136, 176. Type locality: Peru, Pucallpa, Rio Ucayali, 200 m.
HT f# (UDEC). Distr.: Colombia, Panama, Peru. Refs.: Artigas & Papavero, 1997b: 102; Papavero, 2009: 38 (cat.).

inca Curran, 1941: 270 (in key), 273. Type locality: Peru, Rio Santiago. HT f# (AMNH). Distr.: Brazil, Colombia,
Paraguay, Peru. Refs.: Hull, 1962 (2): 469; Artigas & Papavero, 1997b: 102; Rueda, 2004: 86 (cat.); Papavero,
2009: 39 (cat.).

minos (Wiedemann), 1824: 478 (Asilus). Type locality: Uruguay, Montevideo. NT m# (UDEC). Distr.: Belize,
Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Trinidad-Tobago, Uruguay,
Venezuela. Refs.: Hull, 1962 (2): 469; Martin & Papavero, 1970: 75 (cat.); Artigas & Papavero, 1997b: 103;
Papavero, 2009: 40 (cat.).
craverii Bellardi, 1861: 122 (22).
pulchella Curran, 1925: 260.
schwarzi Curran, 1934a: 4.
tolteca Curran, 1941: 272.
pipiens Curran, 1941: 272.

nigrifemorata Macquart, 1838: 90 (1839: 206). Type locality: “?Brazil”. HT f# (MNHN). Distr.: Argentina,
Brazil, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Surinam. Refs.: Hull, 1962 (2): 469 (as ?syn. of nigritarsis Fabricius,
1805); Artigas & Papavero, 1997b: 103; Artigas & Hengst, 1999: 135 (key); Papavero, 2009: 40 (cat.).
tibialis Macquart, 1846: 77, pl. 8, fig. 3 (preocc. Macquart, 1838).
cruralis Rondani, 1863: 46 (nom. nov. for tibialis Macquart, 1846).
ada Curran, 1941: 171 (in key), 184.
geijskesi Curran, 1942: 58.
fairchildi Curran, 1942: 58.

CATALOGUE OF ASILIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 357
nigritarsis (Fabricius), 1805: 168 (Dasypogon). Type locality: “South America (Smidt)” [i. e., Guyana, between
rivers Demerara and Essequibo; cf. Papavero, 1971a: 21]. T (ZMUC) [cf. Zimsen, 1964: 470. [NT from Bolivia,
Chapare, 400m DZUC, des. by Artigas & Angulo, 1980: 85, invalid]. Distr.: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia,
Cuba, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Surinam, Trinidad-Tobago, Venezuela. Refs.:
Hull, 1962 (2): 469; Artigas & Papavero, 1997b: 103, Artigas & Hengst, 1999: 135 (key); Papavero, 2009: 40
cinerascens Walker, 1855: 581.
socculata Rondani, 1848: 93.
bruneri Bromley, 1929: 287.
fusca Bromley, 1934: 350.

pluto (Wiedemann), 1828: 477 (Asilus). Type locality: Argentina, Sierra Córdoba. NT m# (UDEC). Distr.:
Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Uruguay. Refs.: Hull, 1962 (2): 469; Artigas & Papavero, 1997b: 103; Artigas &
Hengst, 1999: 135 (key); Rueda, 2004: 86 (cat.); Papavero, 2009: 41 (cat.).
vegeta Lynch Arribálzaga, 1882: 140.
copelloi Gemignani, 1930: 138.

rufiventris Macquart, 1838: 91 (1839: 207). Type locality: unknown. HT f# (MNHN). Distr.: Argentina, Bolivia,
Brazil, Colombia, French Guiana, Paraguay. Refs.: Hull, 1962 (2): 469; Artigas & Papavero, 1997b: 104; Artigas &
Hengst, 1999: 135 (key); Rueda, 2004: 87 (cat.); Papavero, 2009: 42 (cat.).
?nigriventris Jaennicke, 1867: 361.

tibialis Macquart, 1838: 85 (1939: 201). Type locality: Brazil, Pará, surroundings of Belém; French Guiana, “dans
les grands bois aux bords de l’Oyapock”, and Cayenne. ST sex? (MNHN). Distr.: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil,
Colombia, French Guiana, Guyana, Peru, Surinam, Venezuela. Refs.: Hull, 1962 (2): 469; Artigas & Papavero,
1997b: 104; Artigas & Hengst, 1999: 135 (key); Rueda, 2004: 87 (cat.); Papavero, 2009: 43 (cat).
fascipennis Macquart, 1850: 379 (1850: 75).
fasciata Walker, 1851: 112.

Genus Promachus Loew

Trupanea Macquart, 1838: 91 (1839: 209) (preocc. Guettard, 1762). Type species, Asilus maculatus Fabricius, 1775 (orig.
Promachus Loew, 1848: 390. Type species, Asilus maculatus Fabricius, 1775 (sub. des., Coquillett, 1910: 595). Ref.:
Papavero, 2009: 45 (cat.).

fuscipennis (Macquart), 1846: 209 (1846: 81), pl. 8, fig. 4 (Trupanea). Type locality: “Colombia, warm region”.
ST m# (UMO), sex? (MNHN). Distr.: Colombia, Venezuela. Refs.: Martin & Papavero, 1970: 80 (cat.); Artigas &
Papavero,1997c: 105; Papavero, 2009: 45 (cat.).


Ommatiini Hardy, 1927: 384, 1927b: 388, 390. Type-genus, Ommatius Wiedemann, 1821.
Ommatiinae Ricardo, 1929: 120.
Ommatini Hull, 1962 (2): 433.

Genus Ommatius Wiedemann

Ommatius Wiedemann, 1821: 213. Type species, Asilus marginellus Fabricius, 1781 (sub. des., Coquillett, 1910: 579). Refs.:
Scarbrough, 2008: 2-4 (key to species-groups); Papavero, 2009: 47 (cat.).
Emphysomera Schiner of authors, misdent.

358 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press WOLFF & LAMAS
ampliatus Scarbrough, 2002: 138 (in key), 140, figs. 1, 18-26. Type locality: Colombia, Cauca, 20 km W of Silvia
(as Causa). HT m# (CNC). Distr.: Colombia (Cauca), Antioquia (Medellín)). Refs.: Papavero, 2009: 48 (cat.);
Fisher, 2009: 624.

angulosus Scarbrough, 2002: 139 (in key), 145, figs. 2, 27-35. Type locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca, 6 miles
W of Cali. HT m# (CAS). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca), Ecuador. Refs.: Papavero, 2009: 48 (cat.).

dolabriformis Scarbrough, 2002: 139 (in key), 166, figs. 7, 78-83. Type locality: Colombia, San Sebastián de
Rábago, Sierra Nevada de Santa María, 2000 m. HT m# (FMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Cesar (San Sebastian de
Rábago)). Refs.: Papavero, 2009: 49 (cat.).

rufipes Macquart, 1846: 216 (1846: 88) (preocc. Macquart, 1838). Type locality: “Colombia”. T (lost). Distr.:
Colombia. Refs.: Williston, 1891: 90 (cat.); Hull, 1962 (2): 435; Martin & Papavero, 1970: 60 (cat.); Papavero,
2009: 51 (cat.).

scopifer Schiner, 1868: 194. Type locality: “Colombia”. HT m# (NMW). Distr.: Colombia. Refs.: Williston, 1891:
90 (cat.); Hull, 1962 (2): 435; Martin & Papavero, 1970: 60 (cat.); Papavero, 2009: 52 (cat.).

uncatus Scarbrough, 1993: 731 (in key to males), 733 (in key to females), 750, figs. 132-142. Type locality: Peru,
Huánuco, San Domingo. HT m# (USNM) Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas (Rio Tacana), Brazil, Peru. Refs.:
Scarbrough, 2007: 472; Papavero, 2009: 52 (cat.).

Genus Taurhynchus Artigas & Papavero

Taurhynchus Artigas & Papavero, 1995c: 148. Type species, Asilus xanthopterus Wiedemann, 1828 (orig. des.). Ref.:
Papavero, 2009: 55 (cat.).

aurolineatus (Macquart), 1846: 214 (1846: 86), pl. 8, fig. 9 (Proctacanthus). Type locality: “Colombia” (as
“Nouvelle Grenade”). ST m# (lost) (UMO). Distr.: Colombia. Refs.: Hull, 1962 (2): 488 (Proctacanthus); Martin
& Papavero, 1970: 77 (cat.); Papavero, 2009: 55 (cat.).

bromleyi (Curran), 1931: 22 (Proctacanthus). Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena, Rio Frio, HT m# (AMNH).
Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena (Rio Frio)), Venezuela. Refs.: Hull, 1962 (2): 488 (Proctacanthus); Papavero, 2009:
55 (cat.).

flavipennis (Macquart), 1846: 213 (1846: 85), pl. 8, fig. 11 (Proctacanthus). Type locality: “Colombia”. T (lost).
Refs.: Williston, 1891: 88 (cat.); Hull, 1962(2): 488 (Proctacanthus); Papavero, 2009: 55 (cat.).

mystaceus (Macquart), 1846: 214 (1846: 86) (Proctacanthus). Type-localkity: “Colombia”. HT f# (lost) (UMO).
Refs.: Hull, 1962 (2): 488 (Proctacanthus); Papavero,2009: 56 (cat.).

salti (Curran), 1934a: 9 (in key), 11 (Proctacanthus). Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena, Rio Frío. HT m#
(AMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena (Rio Frio)). Refs.: Hull, 1962 (2): 488 (Proctacanthus); Papavero, 2009:
56 (cat.).


Genus Eccritosia Schiner

Eccritosia Schiner, 1866: 674. Type species, Asilus barbatus Fabricius, 1787 (orig. des.). Refs.: Lamas, 1973 (rev.); Papavero
2009: 53 (cat.).
Ecoritosia Bromley, 1951: 25, error.

CATALOGUE OF ASILIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 359
barbata (Fabricius), 1787: 358 (Asilus). Type locality: “French Guiana, Cayenne (Rohr)” [cf. Papavero, 1971a:
20]. T sex? (KIEL) [cf. Zimsen, 1964: 468]. Distr.: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guyana,
Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Venezuela, U.S.A. Refs.: Artigas & Hengst, 1999: 135 (key); Rueda,
2004: 88 (cat.); Papavero 2009: 53 (cat.).
amphinome Walker, 1849: 387 (Asilus), part.
tricolor Walker, 1850: xcviii (Mallophora).

Tribe Isopogonini Hardy, 1948

Genus Aphamartania Schiner

Aphamartania Schiner, 1866: 671. Type species, Aphamartania frauenfeldi Schiner, 1866 (orig. des.). Ref.: Papavero, 2009:
53 (cat.).

flavipennis (Macquart), 1846: 192 (1846: 64), pl. 7, fig. 4 (Dasypogon). Type locality: “Colombia” (as “Nouvelle
Grenade”). HT f# (UMO). Distr.: Colombia. Refs.: Papavero, 1971b: 21 (n. comb.).

Tribe Lastaurini Papavero, 1973b

Genus Blepharepium Rondani

Blepharepium Rondani, 1848: 89. Type species, Blepharepium luridum Rondani (mon.). Refs.: Papavero & Bernardi, 1973:
168 (key to spp.); Papavero, 2009: 66 (cat).
Senobasis Macquart of aurthors, part, misident.
Planetolestes Lynch Arribálzaga, 1879: 147. Type species, Laphria coarctata Perty, 1833 (orig. des.).
One species known as fossil: Blepharepium borealis (James, 1939: 45; as Senobasis) (Oligocene; U. S. A., Colorado).

annulatum (Bigot), 1857a: 331, pl. 20, figs. 3, 3a (Senobasis). Type locality: “Cuba”. HT m# (partially destroyed)
(MNHN). Distr.: Colombia Antioquia (Medellín near Veracruz (as Mexico)), Cesar (Zapatosa (as Sapatosa region
Chiriguaná)), Aruba, Belize, Bonaire, Costa Rica, Cuba, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, St.
Eustatius Trinidad, Venezuela. Refs.: Hull, 1962 (1): 233; Papavero & Bernardi, 1973: 172, 174, 175, figs. 4-6,
map 3; Papavero, 2009: 66 (cat).
secabilis Walker, 1860: 276 (Dasypogon).

cajennense (Fabricius), 1787: 360 (Asilus). Type locality: Guyana, Cuyuni-Mazaruni, Bartica, Kartabo. NT m#
(MZUSP) [des. by Papavero & Bernardi, 1973: 178, 179]. Distr.: Colombia (Putumayo (La chorrera (as
lacorezza)), (as Puntamayo), Bolivia, Brazil, Guyana, Peru, Surinam, Trinidad, Venezuela. Refs.: Hull, 1962 (1):
233; Lamas, 1972: 307 (cat.); Papavero & Bernardi, 1973: 181, figs. 1-17, map 1; Papavero, 2009: 66 (cat).
cayennensis Gmelin, 1792: 162 (Asilus), error.
inserens Walker, 1851: 91.
auricincta Schiner, 1867: 371 (Senobasis).
inca Curran, 1942: 54.
vorax Curran, 1942: 53.

Genus Diogmites Loew

Diogmites Loew, 1866: 21 (Cent. 7, no. 36). Type species, Diogmites platypterus Loew, 1866 (sub. des., Coquillett, 1910: 533).
Ref.: Papavero, 2009: 68 (cat.).
Deromyia Philippi of authors, misident.

amethystinus Carrera, 1953: 178, fig. 2. Type locality: Colombia, Meta, Restrepo, 500m. T sex?, Bomley Coll.

360 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press WOLFF & LAMAS
(USNM?). Distr.: Colombia (Meta (Restrepo)). Refs.: Hull, 1962 (1): 232; Martin & Papavero, 1970: 24 (cat.);
Papavero, 2009: 69 (cat.).

castaneus (Macquart), 1838: 35 (1839: 151) (Dasypogon). Type locality: Brazil, Pará (i. e., Pará, Belém). HT f#
(MNHN). Distr.: Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Peru. Refs.: Hull, 1962 (1): 232; Martin & Papavero, 1970: 25 (cat.);
Lamas, 1972: 306 (cat.); Papavero, 2009: 69 (cat.).
fulvus Bigot, 1878: 426 (Dasypogon).
fulvis Bromley, 1946: 106 (cat.; Senobasis), error.

winthemi (Wiedemann), 1821: 223 (Dasypogon). Type locality: “South America”. HT f# (NMW). Distr.: Brazil,
Colombia. Refs.: Hull, 1962 (1): 232; Martin & Papavero, 1970: 27 (cat.); Papavero, 2009: 72 (cat).

Genus Lastaurus Loew

Dasypogon, subg. Lastaurus Loew, 1851: 11. Type species, Lastaurus anthracinus Loew, 1851 (orig. des.) = lugubris
(Macquart, 1846). Refs.: Papavero, 2009: 73 (cat.).
Morimna Walker, 1851: 104. Type species, Morimna mallophorides Walker, 1851 (mon.) = Lastaurus fallax (Macquart, 1838).
Lastauropsis Carrera, 1949: 107. Type species, Lastauropsis villosus Carrera, 1949 (orig. des.). Refs.: Artigas & Papavero,
1988: 210 (syn.).

fallax (Macquart), 1846: 191 (1846: 63), pl. 7, fig. 5 (Dasypogon). Type locality: “Colombia” (as “Nouvelle
Grenade”). HT f# (UMO). Distr.: ?Argentina, ?Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela. Refs.: Williston,
1891: 73 (cat.); Hull, 1962 (1): 239; Martin & Papavero, 1970: 30 (cat.); Lamas, 1972: 307 (cat.); Papavero, 2009:
73 (cat).
bombimorpha Rondani, 1850: 368 (Dasipogon).
mutabilis Loew, 1851: 12.
mallophorides Walker, 1851: 104, pl. 6, figs. 2, 22 (Morimna).
flavipellitus Enderlein, 1914b: 173 (as fallax var.).
mallophoroides Kertész, 1909: 144.

fenestratus Bigot, 1878: 424. Type locality: “Colombia” (as “Nouvelle Grenade”). HT f# (UMO). Distr.:
Colombia. Refs.: Williston, 1891: 73 (cat.); Hull, 1962 (1): 239; Martin & Papavero, 1970: 30 (cat.); Papavero,
2009: 73 (cat.).

lugubris (Macquart), 1846: 192 (1846: 64) (Dasypogon). Type locality: “Colombia” (as Nouvelle Grenade). T
(lost). Distr.: ?Argentina, Colombia, Mexico, Venezuela. Refs.: Hull, 1962 (1): 239; Martin & Papavero, 1970: 30
(cat.); Artigas & Hengst, 1999: 137 (key); Papavero, 2009: 73 (cat.).
anthracinus Loew, 1851: 12 (Dasypogon).

Genus Senobasis Macquart

Senobasis Macquart, 1838: 52 (1839: 168). Type species, Senobasis analis Macquart, 1838 (sub. des., Bromley, 1934: 332).
Refs.: Papavero, 1975: 265 (key to spp.); Papavero, 2009: 78 (cat.).
Stenobasis Agassiz, 1846: 338, emend.
Astylium Rondani, 1850: 185. Type species, Astylium dorsiger Rondani, 1850 (orig. des.).
Lochites Schiner, 1866: 655 (key, 671 (12868: 163; second erection of genus) (preocc. Cabanius & Heine, 1860). Type species,
Laphria ornata Wiedemann, 1819 (orig. des.).
Astylum Kertész, 1909: 83, emend.
Stenobasis Kertész, 1909: 123, emend.
Lochitomyia Brèthes, 1925: 105 (nom. nov. for Lochites Schiner, 1866). Type species, Laphria ornata Wiedemann, 1819 (aut.).

aedon (Walker), 1849: 343 (Dasypogon). Type locality: “Venezuela”. T sex? (BMNH) Distr.: Colombia,

CATALOGUE OF ASILIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 361
Venezuela. Refs.: Hull, 1962 (1): 106 (Stichopogon); Papavero, 1975: 269, 271 (key, cat.); Papavero, 2009: 79
staurophora Schiner, 1868: 164 (Lochites).
analis Macquart, 1838: 53 (1839: 169), pl. 5, figs. 1, 1a, 1b. Type locality: French Guiana, Mana river (as “Brésil,
Lamana”, in error). HT m# (MNHN). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas (Rio Tacana) (as Rio Tocana)), Brazil, French
Guiana, Guyana, Peru. Refs.: Hull, 1962 (1): 422, figs. 675, 1276, 1286, 2107, 2131, 2165; Papavero, 1975: 271,
figs. 28, 131-133; Papavero, 2009: 79 (cat.).
tibialis Curran, 1934b: 332.

corsair Bromley, 1951: 12. Type locality: Panama, Rio Indio. HT m# (USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Chocó (Pacific
coast)), Costa Rica, Panama. Refs.: Hull, 1962 (1): 422; Papavero, 1975: 277, figs. 29, 45, 83, 149-151; Papavero,
2009: 79 (cat.).

mendax Curran, 1934b: 333. Type locality: Guyana, Cuyuni-Mazaruni, Bartica, Kartabo. HT m# (AMNH). Distr.:
Colombia (Amazonas (upper Rio Loreto, Yuca), Brazil, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Peru, Venezuela. Refs.:
Hull, 1962 (1): 422; Papavero, 1975: 284, figs. 161-163; Papavero, 2009: 79 (cat).

Tribe Atomosiini Lynch Arribálzaga, 1882

Genus Atomosia Macquart

Atomosia Macquart, 1838: 73 (1839: 189). Type species, Atomosia incisuralis Macquart, 1838 (sub. des., Coquillett, 1010:
512) = puella (Wiedemann, 1828). Refs.: Papavero, 2009: 85 (cat.).
Paratractia Hull, 1962 (1): 384. Type species, Laphria dasypus Wiedemann, 1828 (orig. des,).

nigroaenea Walker, 1851: 154. Type locality: Colombia, Bogotá. HT f# (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Bogotá).
Refs.: Martin & Papavero, 1970: 47 (cat.); Papavero, 2009: 87 (cat).

Genus Cerotainia Schiner

Cerotainia Schiner, 1866: 662 (key), 673 (1868: 170, second erection of genus). Type species, Laphria xanthoptera
Wiedemann, 1828 (orig. des.). Refs.: Papavero, 2009: 90 (cat.).
Ceratotaenia Lynch Arribálzaga, 1880: 52, emend.
Cyphotomyia Williston, 1889: 257. Type species, Cyphotomyia lynchii Williston, 1889 (orig. des.).
Protichisma Hermann, 1912: 35. Type species, Protichisma longimanus Hermann, 1912 (orig. des.).

aurata Schiner, 1868: 171. Type locality: “Colombia”. HT m# (NMW). Refs.: Hull, 1962 (1): 395; Martin &
Papavero, 1970: 51 (cat.); Papavero, 2009: 90 (cat.).

Genus Dissmeryngodes Hermann

Dissmeryngodes Hermann, 1912: 75. Type species, Laphria antica Wiedemann, 1828 (orig. des.). Refs.: Papavero, 2009: 92
Centrolaphria Enderlein, 1914a: 241. Type species, Centrolaphria columbiana Enderlein, 1914 (orig. des.) = Dissmerynodes
nigripes (Macquart, 1838). Distr.: Colombia (Caldas (Victoria, Hacienda Pehlke).
Catonomyia Hull, 1962 (1): 380. Type species, Catonomyia spiculata Hull, 1962 (orig. des.).

nigripes (Macquart), 1838: 74 (1839: 190) (Atomosia). Type locality: “Brazil”. HT f# (MNHN). Distr.: Brazil,
Colombia, Peru. Refs.: Hull, 1962 (1): 379, fig. 651 (Atractia); Papavero, 2009: 92 (cat).
dispar Walker, 1855: 570 (Atomosia).
columbiana Enderlein, 1914a: 242 (Centrolaphria).

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Tribe Dasytrichini Lynch Arribálzaga

Dasythricaria Lynch Arribálzaga, 1882: 245. Type genus, Dasythrix Loew, 1851. Refs.: Dikow, 2003: 465. Refs.: Papavero,
2009: 96 (cat.).
Erecmoneminae Hermann, 1912: 21, part.
Dasythrichini Artigas et al., 1988: 212, 237, as new, error.

Genus Cryptomerynx Enderlein

Cryptomerynx Enderlein, 1914a: 254. Type species, Cryptomerynx laphriicornis Enderlein, 1914 (orig. des.). Refs.: Papavero,
2009: 96 (cat.).
Alipiolaphria Carrera, 1951: 116. Type species, Alipiolaphria mirandai Carrera, 1951 (orig. des.).

laphriicornis Enderlein, 1914a: 254, figs. 1-2. Type locality: “Colombia, [Pehlke]”. HT m# (IZPAN). Distr.:
Colombia (Caldas (Victoria, Hacienda Pehlke)). Refs.: Hull, 1962 (1): 344, figs. 2515, 2522; Papavero, 2009: 96

Tribe Laphriini Macquart, 1838

Genus Laphria Meigen

Lapria Meigen, 1800: 25. Type species, Asilus gibbosus Linnaeus, 1758 (sub. des., Coquillett, 1910: 557). Suppressed by I. C.
Z. N., 1963: 359. Refs.: Papavero, 2009: 99 (cat.).

Laphria Meigen, 1803: 270. Type species, Asilus gibbosus Linnaeus, 1758 (sub. des.; Latreille, 1810: 443).
Bombomima Enderlein, 1914a: 258. Type species, Laphria fulvithorax Fabricius, 1805 (orig. des.) = thoracica
(Fabricius, 1805).

melanogaster Wiedemann, 1821: 236. Type locality: “Mexico and Savannah”. Distr.: ?Colombia, Mexico, U.S.A.
T (UNKN). Refs.: Hull, 1962 (1): 325 [Laphria (Bombomima)]; Papavero, 2009: 99 (cat).

Unrecognized species of Laphriinae

rubescens Bigot, 1878: 225 (Laphria). Type locality: “Colombia”. HT m# (UNKN). Refs.: Hull, 1962 (1): 323
(Laphria); Martin & Papavero, 1970: 38 (cat.); Papavero, 2009: 102 (cat).

venezuelensis Macquart, 1846: 202 (1846: 74), pl. 7, fig. 15 (Laphria). Type locality: “Venezuela”. ST sex?
(UMO). Distr.: Colombia, Venezuela. Refs.: Williston, 1891: 80 (cat.; Laphria); Hull, 1962 (1): 323 (Laphria);
Martin & Papavero, 1970: 38 (cat.; Laphria).

violacea Macquart, 1846: 202 (1846: 74) (Laphria). Type locality: “Colombia”. T (lost). Refs.: Williston, 1891: 80
(cat.); Hull, 1962 (1): 323 (Laphria); Martin & Papavero, 1970: 38 (cat.); Papavero, 2009: 102 (cat).

Subfamily Laphystiinae Hendel, 1936

Genus Triclioscelis Roeder

Triclioscelis Roeder, 1900: 337. Type species, Triclioscelis burmeisteri Roeder, 1900 (sub. des., Hermann, 1920: 183). Ref.:
Curran, 1934a: 2 (key to spp.), Papavero, 2009: 105 (cat.).

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salti (Curran), 1931: 11 (in key), 18 (Laphystia). Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena, Ciénaga. HT f# (AMNH).
Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena). Refs.: Curran, 1934a: 2; Hull, 1962 (1): 76 (Laphystia); Martin & Papavero, 1970:
10 (cat.); Papavero, 2009: 106 (cat).

Unrecognized species of Laphystiinae

columbina Schiner, 1868: 175 (Laphystia). Type locality: “Colombia”. T (NMW). Refs.: Williston, 1891: 81
(cat.); Hull, 1962 (1): 76 (Laphystia); Martin & Papavero, 1970: 9 (cat.; Laphystia); Artigas et al., 1997: 53;
Papavero, 2009: 106 (cat).

Subfamily Leptogastrinae Schiner, 1862b

Genus Leptogaster Meigen

Leptogaster Meigen, 1803: 269. Type species, Asilus tipuloides Linnaeus, 1758 (mon.; misident.) = Leptogaster cylindrical
(De Geer, 1776). Refs.: Papavero, 2009. 108 (cat.).
Gonypes Latreille, 1805: 309. Type species, Asilus tipuloides Linnaeus, 1758 (mon.; misident.) = Leptogaster cylindrica (De
Geer, 1776).
One species known as fossil: Leptogaster prior Melander (1947: 44) (Oligocene; U. S. A., Colorado).

nubeculosa Bigot, 1878: 455. Type locality: “Colombia”. HT m#? (UMO). Distr.: Colombia, Refs.: Williston,
1891: 68 (cat.); Kertész, 1909: 55 (cat.); Hull, 1962 (1): 299 (cat.); Papavero, 2009: 109 (cat).

Genus Leptopteromyia Williston

Leptopteromyia Williston, 1907: 1. Type species, Leptopteromyia gracilis Williston, 1907 (sub. mon., Williston, 1908: 195,
figs. 35, 77).
Refs.: Papavero 2009: 109 (cat.).

colombiae Martin, 1971: 266 (in key), 269. Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca, 11 miles W of “Congueza”,
1340m. HT m# (CAS). Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca (Caquezá ) (as Conqueza error)). Refs.: Papavero, 2009:
110 (cat).

Subfamily Trigonomiminae Enderlein, 1914b

Genus Holcocephala Jaennicke

Discocephala Macquart, 1838: 50 (1839: 166) (preocc. Jaennicke, 1932). Type species, Discocephala rufiventris Macquart,
1838 (sub. des., Coquillett, 1910: 534) = Holcocephala abdominalis (Say, 1823). Refs.: Papavero, 2009: 135 (cat.).
Holcocephala Jaennicke, 1867: 359 (nom. nov. for Discocephala Macquart, 1838). Type species, Discocephala rufiventris
Macquart, 1838 (aut.) = Holcocephala abdominalis (Say, 1823).
Helcocephala Loew, 1874: 377, error.
Holocephala Williston, 1891: 72 (cat.), error.
Arthriticopus Enderlein, 1914b: 161. Type species, Arthriticopus nodosipes Enderlein, 1914 (orig. des.)
Rhipidocephala Hermann, 1926: 174. Type species, Discocephala analis Macquart, 1846 (orig. des.).

analis (Macquart), 1846: 197 (1846: 69) (Discocephala). Type locality: “Colombia”. T (lost). Distr.: Colombia.
Refs.: Hull, 1962 (1): 65 (Rhipidocephala); Martin & Papavero, 1970: 6 (cat.); Papavero, 2009: 135 (cat.).
?apicalis Walker, 1854: 497 (Discocephala).
nodosipes (Enderlein), 1914b: 161, fig. 4 (Arthriticopus). Type locality: Colombia: Cundinamarca, Fusagasugá,
and Caldas, Victoria (Hacienda Pehlke), 900 m [cf. Papavero, 1973a: 299]; ST sex? (IZPAN). Distr.: Colombia
(Caldas (Victoria), Cundinamarca (Fusagasugá)). Refs.: Hull, 1962 (1): 64 [Holcocephala (Arthriticopus)]; Martin
& Papavero, 1970: 7 (cat.); Papavero, 2009: 136 (cat).

364 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press WOLFF & LAMAS
Unrecognized and unplaced species of Asilidae

albipilosus Macquart, 1846: 220 (1846: 92) (Asilus). Type locality: “Brazil” and Colombia, Bogotá. T (lost). Refs.:
Williston, 1891: 90 (cat.; Asilus); Hull, 1962 (2): 545 (Asilus); Martin & Papavero, 1970: 88 (cat.); Papavero, 2009:
138 (cat.).

caeruleiventris Macquart, 1846: 221 (1846: 93) (Asilus). Type locality: “Colombia”. T (lost). Refs.: Hull, 1962
(2): 545 (Asilus); Martin & Papavero, 1970: 88 (cat.; Asilus); Papavero, 2009: 138 (cat.).

cinereum Bigot, 1878: 432 (Bathypogon). Type locality: “Colombia”. HT f# (UMO). Refs.: Hull, 1962 (1): 150
(Bathypogon); Martin & Papavero, 1970: 18 (cat.); Papavero, 2009: 139 (cat.).

colombiae Macquart, 1838: 148 (1848: 264) (Asilus). Type locality: “Colombia”. HT f# (MNHN). Refs.: Hull,
1962 (2): 545 (Asilus); Martin & Papavero, 1970: 88 (cat.); Papavero, 2009: 139 (cat.).
columbiae Williston, 1891: 90 (cat.; Asilus), error.

flavipennis Macquart, 1846: 192 (1846: 64), pl. 7, fig. 4 (Dasypogon; preocc. Wiedemann, 1828). Type locality:
“Colombia” (as Nouvelle Grenade). HT f# (UNKN). Refs.: Williston, 1891: 76 (cat.); Hull, 1962 (1): 228
(Dasypogon); Martin & Papavero, 1970: 89 (cat.); Papavero, 2009: 139 (cat.).

gamaxus Walker, 1851: 142 (Asilus). Type locality: “Colombia”. HT m# (UNKN). Refs.: Williston, 1891: 90
(cat.); Martin & Papavero, 1970: 89 (cat.); Papavero, 2009:139 (cat.) .
gammaxus Hull, 1962 (2): 545 (Asilus), error.

lebasii Macquart, 1838: 148 (1848: 264) (Asilus). Type locality: “Colombia”. T (lost). Refs.: Williston, 1891: 90
(cat.); Hull, 1962 (2): 545 (Asilus); Martin & Papavero, 1970: 89 (cat.); Papavero, 2009: 139 (cat).

lebasii Macquart, 1838: 38 (1839: 154) (Dasypogon). Type locality: “Colombia”. T (lost). Refs.: Hull, 1962 (1):
228 (Dasypogon); Martin & Papavero, 1970: 89 (cat.); Papavero, 2009: 139 (cat).

tatius Walker, 1851: 148 (Asilus). Type locality: “Colombia”. T (lost). Refs.: Williston, 1891: 91 (cat.); Hull, 1962
(2): 545 (Asilus); Martin & Papavero, 1970: 91 (cat.); Papavero, 2009: 140 (cat).

TABLE 1. Asilidae species recorded from Colombia.

Subfamily Tribe or Generic group Genus Species Author
Asilinae Efferia-group Albibarbefferia ?heterocera (Macquart, 1846)
Diplosinapsis halterata Enderlein, 1914
Nerax commiles (Walker, 1851)
pictipennis (Schiner, 1868)
Triorla interrupta (Macquart, 1834)
spinosa Tomasovic, 2002
stirola (Fabricius, 1805)
Eicherax-group Eicherax costatus (Schiner, 1868)
fulvithorax (Macquart, 1838)
Lecania-group Ctenodontina pectinatipes Enderlein, 1914
Mallophora-group Mallophora argentipes Macquart, 1838
atra Macquart, 1834
calida (Fabricius, 1787)
...Continued on next page

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TABLE 1. (Continued)
Subfamily Tribe or Generic group Genus Species Author
cingulata Artigas & Angulo, 1980
inca Curran, 1941
minos (Wiedemann, 1824)
nigrifemorata Macquart, 1838
nigritarsis (Fabricius, 1805)
pluto (Wiedemann, 1828)
rufiventris Macquart, 1838
tibialis Macquart, 1838
Promachus fuscipennis (Macquart, 1846)
Ommatius-group Ommatius ampliatus Scarbrough, 2002
angulosus Scarbrough, 2002
dolabriformis Scarbrough, 2002
rufipes Macquart, 1846
scopifer Schiner, 1868
uncatus Scarbrough, 1993
Taurhynchus aurolineatus (Macquart, 1846)
bromleyi (Curran, 1931)
flavipennis (Macquart, 1846)
mystaceus (Macquart, 1846)
Proctacanthus-group Eccritosia barbata (Fabricius, 1787)
salti (Curran, 1934)
Isopogonini Aphamartania flavipennis (Macquart, 1846)
Lastaurini Blepharepium annulatum (Bigot, 1857)
cajennense (Fabricius, 1787)
Diogmites amethystinus Carrera, 1953
castaneus (Macquart, 1838)
wintemi (Wiedemann, 1821)
Lastaurus fallax (Macquart, 1846)
fenestratus Bigot, 1878
lugubris (Macquart, 1846)
Senobasis aedon (Walker, 1849)
analis Macquart, 1838
corsair Bromley, 1951
mendax Curran, 1934
Atomosiini Atomosia nigroaenea Walker, 1851
Cerotainia aurata Schiner, 1868
Dissmeryngodes nigripes (Macquart, 1838)
Dasytrichini Cryptomeryns laphriicornis Enderlein, 1914
Laphria melanogaster Wiedemann, 1821
Unrecognized species of Laphriidae rubescens Bigot, 1878
violacea Macquart, 1846
venezuelensis Macquart, 1846
...Continued on next page

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TABLE 1. (Continued)
Subfamily Tribe or Generic group Genus Species Author
Laphystiinae Triclioscelis salti (Curran, 1931)
Unrecognized species of Laphystiinae columbina Schiner, 1868
Leptogastrinae Leptogaster nubeculosa Bigot, 1878
Leptopteromyia colombiae Martin, 1971
Trigonomiminae Holcocephala analis (Macquart, 1846)
nodosipes (Enderlein, 1914)
Unrecognized and albipilosus Macquart, 1846
unplaced species of
caeruleiventris Macquart, 1846
cinereum Bigot, 1878
colombiae Macquart, 1838
flavipennis Macquart, 1846
gamaxus Walker, 1851
lebasii Macquart, 1838
lebasii Macquart, 1838
tatius Walker, 1851


Agassiz, L. (1846) Nomenclator zoologicus, continens nomina systematica generum animalium tam viventium quam fossilium,
secundum ordinem alphabeticum disposita, adjectis auctoribus, libris, in quibus reperiuntur, anno editionis, etymologia et
familiis, ad quas pertinent, in singulis classibus. 1842-1846 [1847]. Jent et Gassmann, Soloduri [=Solothurn], 393 pp
Artigas, J.N. & Angulo, A.O. (1980) Revisión del gênero Mallophora Macquart por sistemática alfa y numérica
(Diptera–Asilidae). Gayana, Zoologia, 43, 1–182.
Artigas, C.J.N. & Hengst, M. (1999) Clave ilustrada para los géneros de asílidos argentinos. Revista Chilena de Historia
Natural, 72 (1), 107–150.
Artigas, J.N. & Papavero, N. (1995a) The American genera of Asilidae (Diptera): Keys for identification with an atlas of
female spermathecae and other morphological details. IX.8. Subfamily Asilinae Leach, Eicherax -group, with a catalogue
of the Neotropical species. Boletin de la Sociedad de Biologia de Concepcion, 66, 35–42.
Artigas, J.N. & Papavero, N. (1995b) The American genera of Asilidae (Diptera): Keys for identification with an atlas of
female spermathecae and other morphological details. IX.4. Subfamily Asilinae Leach, Glaphyropyga- group, with the
proposal of two new genera and a catalogue of the Neotropical species. Boletin de la Sociedad de Biologia de Concepcion,
66, 11–33.
Artigas, J.N. & Papavero, N. (1995c) The American genera of Asilidae (Diptera): Keys for identification with an atlas of
female spermathecae and other morphological details. IX.7. Subfamily Asilinae Leach, Proctacanthus group, with the
proposal of a new genus and a catalogue of the Neotropical species. Gayana Zoologia, 59 (2), 145–160.
Artigas, J.N. & Papavero, N. (1997a) The American genera of Asilidae (Diptera): Keys for identification with an atlas of
female spermathecae and other morphological details. IX.1. Subfamily Asilinae Leach (including Apocleinae Lehr). Key
to generic groups. Arquivos de Zoologia, 34 (2), 57–63.
Artigas, J.N. & Papavero, N. (1997b) The American genera of Asilidae (Diptera): Keys for identification with an atlas of
female spermathecae and other morphological details. IX.2. Subfamily Asilinae Leach, Efferia-group, with the proposal of
five new genera and a catalogue of the Neotropical species. Arquivos de Zoologia, 34 (3), 57–63.
Artigas, J.N. & Papavero, N. (1997c) The American genera of Asilidae (Diptera): Keys for identification with an atlas of
female spermathecae and other morphological details. IX.6. Subfamily Asilinae Leach, Mallophora group, with a
catalogue of the Neotropical species. Arquivos de Zoologia, 34 (4), 97–120.
Artigas, J.N., Papavero, N. & da Costa, N.C.A. (1997) The American genera of Asilidae (Diptera): Keys for identification with
an atlas of female spermathecae and other morphological details. VIII. Subfamily Laphystiinae G. H.Hardy, with

CATALOGUE OF ASILIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 367
descriptions of five new genera and species and a catalogue of the Neotropical species. Arquivos de Zoologia, 34 (1), 1–55.
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Zootaxa 4122 (1): 372–381 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
Copyright © 2016 Magnolia Press
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)



Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, Avenida Nazaré, 481, Ipiranga, 04263-000, São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
J. Linsley Gressitt Center for Research in Entomology, Bishop Museum, 1525 Bernice Street, Honolulu, Hawaii 96817, USA.
*Corresponding author:


Bombyliidae is one of the largest Diptera families with more than 4,500 recognized species worldwide. Their species vary
from robust to thin, and may be small to large (2-20mm) and looks like bees or wasps. They also present great variation
in color. Adults can often be seen either resting and sunning themselves on trails, rocks or twigs or feeding on flowering
plants as they are nectar feeders. All reared bee flies are predators or parasitoids of arthropods. The Colombian fauna of
bombyliids comprises at the moment 22 species, and 12 genera, of which, six are endemic species. Nonetheless, this num-
ber may be much higher, as Colombia is a megadiverse country and there are not many specimens of this family deposited
in collections all over the world.

Key words: Catalogue, Bee Flies, Biodiversity, Colombia


Bee flies, as the members of the family Bombyliidae are commonly called, comprise a diverse and speciose
assemblage of brachycerous flies. They are one of the largest families of Diptera, with more than 4,500 species
found on all continents except Antarctica and also many oceanic islands (Evenhuis & Greathead 1999). They have
a remarkable range in size, color and shapes, being powerful and extremely agile in flight.
Individuals can often be seen either resting in the open on trails or on rocks or twigs sunning themselves, or
feeding on a variety of flowering plants. Adults are pollinators of many flower plants as a consequence of being
nectar feeders (males) and obligate nectar and pollen feeders (females) (Evenhuis & Greathead 1999).
Immatures are mainly parasitoids on the immatures of other holometabolous insects, but some species are
known to prey on the egg pods of orthopterans (Yeates & Greathead 1997). As a result of being parasitoids, many
species are important natural enemies of major pests, but others develop in nests of solitary wasps and bees and are
occasionally considered to be pests when they kill the larvae of bees which are natural pollinators for crops as
alfalfa in the United States (Evenhuis & Greathead 1999).
Colombia is listed as one of the world’s “megadiverse” countries, hosting close to 14% of the planet’s
biodiversity. Colombia possesses a rich complexity of ecological, climatic, biological and ecosystem components,
but only 22 species and 12 genera of bee flies are known from Colombia (Table 1) which represents less than 2.5%
of the Neotropical fauna of this family. These numbers show how the Colombian fauna is still poorly known and
emphasize the necessity of extensive sampling projects to be developed in this megadiverse country.

Acronyms used for the depositories

AMNH—American Museum of Natural History, New York, USA.

BMNH—The Natural History Museum, London, UK.

372 Accepted by S. Nihei: 26 May 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016

CAS—California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, California, USA.
MNHN—Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France.
MNVL—Museum d’Histoire Naturelle de Ville de Lille, Lille, France.
MRSN—Museo Regionale Scienze Naturale, Torino, Italy.
MZUN—Museu dell’Istituto di Zoologia dell’Università di Napoli, Naples, Italy.
NMW—Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna, Austria.
SMFD—Forschungsinstitut und Museum Senckenberg, Frankfurt, a.M., Germany.
USNM—National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C., USA.
UZIU—Zoological Museum, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden.
ZMHB—Museum für Naturkunde, Humboldt-Universität, Berlin, Germany.
ZMUC—Zoologisk Museum, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark.

List of abbreviations

distr.—geographic distribution
nom. nov.—nomen novum (new name)
orig. des.—by original designation
sp., spp.—species
T—Type (unspecified)
NA—Not applicable
M (m#)—Male
F (f#)—Female

Catalogue of Bombyliidae of Colombia

Family Bombyliidae Latreille, 1802

Subfamily Toxophorinae Schiner, 1868

Tribe Systropodini Brauer, 1880

CATALOGUE OF BOMBYLIIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 373
Genus Systropus Wiedemann, 1820

Systropus Wiedemann, 1820: 18. Type species: Systropus macilentus Wiedemann, 1820, by orig. des. (on plate).
Céphène Latreille, 1825: 496 (unjustified new replacement name for Systropus Wiedemann, 1820). [Unavailable; vernacular
name without nomenclatural status.
Cephenus Berthold, 1827: 506 (unnecessary new replacement name for Systropus Wiedemann, 1820 [as “Systrophus”]). Type
species: Systropus macilentus Wiedemann, 1820, aut.
Cephenes Latreille, 1829: 505. Type species: Systropus macilentus Wiedemann, 1820, by subs. des. (Evenhuis, 1991: 25).
[Unavailable; name proposed in syn. with Systropus Wiedemann and not made available before 1961.]
Systropus Jensen, 1832: 335. Type species: Systropus macilentus Jensen, 1832 [preocc. = Systropus macilentus Wiedemann,
1820], by mon.. [Preocc. Wiedemann, 1820.]
Xystrophus Agassiz, 1846: 393 (unnecessary emendation of Systropus Wiedemann, 1820). Type species: Systropus macilentus
Wiedemann, 1820, aut.
Cephenius Enderlein, 1926: 70. Type species: Systropus studyi Enderlein, 1926, by orig. des.
Coptopelma Enderlein, 1926: 70. Type species: Coptopelma schineri Enderlein, 1926 [misidentification, = Systropus
sanguineus Bezzi, 1921], by orig. des..
Pioperna Enderlein, 1926: 70. Type species: Cephenus femoratus Karsch, 1880, by orig. des.
Symballa Enderlein, 1926: 70, 92. Type species: Systropus leptogaster Loew, 1860 [misidentification = Systropus holaspis,
Speiser, 1914], by orig. des.

Subgenus Systropus Wiedemann, 1820

columbianus (Karsch), 1880: 657 (Cephenus). Type locality: “Colombia”. HT ♂ [ZMHB]. Distr.: Neotropical:
Brazil (Pará), Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Peru. Refs.: Painter & Painter, 1963: 306; 1974: 73.

Tribe Toxophorini Schiner, 1868

Genus Toxophora Meigen, 1803

Toxophora Meigen, 1803: 270. Type species: Toxophora maculata Meigen, 1804 [preocc. = Asilus fasciculatus Villers, 1789],
by subs. mon. (Meigen, 1804: 273).
Eniconevra Macquart, 1840: 110 [1841: 388]. Type species: Eniconevra fuscipennis Macquart, 1840, by mon.
Heniconevra Agassiz, 1846: 138, 178 (unjustified emendation of Eniconevra Macquart), 1840. Type species: Eniconevra
fuscipennis Macquart, 1840, aut.
Heniconeura Bezzi, 1903: 189 (unjustified emendation of Eniconevra Macquart, 1840). Type species: Eniconevra fuscipennis
Macquart, 1840, aut.
Toxomyia Hull, 1973: 232 (as subgenus of Toxophora Meigen). Type species: Toxophora maxima Coquillett, 1886, by orig. des.
Enicocera, error for Eniconevra.

cuprea (Fabricius), 1787: 366 (Bombylius). Type locality: “Cajennae” [= French Guiana]. ST 1 (sex unknown)
[ZMUC]. Distr.: Nearctic: Mexico (Morelos, Nayarit). Neotropical: Brazil (Goiás, Mato Grosso, Pará), Colombia,
French Guiana, Panama, Suriname. Refs.: d’Andretta & Carrera, 1950: 354; Painter & Painter, 1974: 87; Cunha et
al. 2011: 52.

Subfamily Bombyliinae Latreille, 1802

Tribe Bombyliini Hull, 1973

Genus Heterostylum Macquart, 1848

Heterostylum Macquart, 1848: 195 (35). Type species: Heterostylum flavum Macquart, 1848 [= Tanyglossa hirsuta Thunberg,
1827], by orig. des.
Comastes Osten Sacken, 1877: 256. Type species: Comastes robustus Osten Sacken, 1877, by mon. [Preocc. by Jan, 1863.]
Unduloptomyia Evenhuis, 1978: 247 (new replacement name for Comastes Osten Sacken, 1877). Type species: Comastes
robustus, Osten Sacken, 1877, aut.
Heterostilum, incorrect original spelling of Heterostylum [Macquart, 1848: 231(71)].

374 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press LAMAS & EVENHUIS
hirsuta Thunberg, 1827: 67 (Tanyglossa). Type locality: “Brasilia” [= Brazil or Uruguay]. HT ♀ [UZIU]. Distr.:
Neotropical: Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Paraguay, Venezuela. Refs.: Painter & Painter, 1974: 24; Cunha et al.
2007: 18.
flavum Macquart, 1848: 196(36) (Heterostylum). Type locality: “Brésil”. HT ♀ [BMNH]. Distr.: Neotropical:
Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Paraguay, Venezuela. Refs.: Painter & Painter, 1974: 24; Cunha et al. 2007: 18.
xanthobasis Curran, 1929: 6 (Heterostylum). Type locality: Colombia. HT ♂ [AMNH]. Distr.: Neotropical:
Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Paraguay, Venezuela. Refs.: Painter & Painter, 1974: 24; Cunha et al. 2007: 18.

Unplaced species of Bombyliinae Latreille, 1802

hyalipennis Macquart, 1846: 245(117) (Bombylius). Type locality: “Colombie” [= Colombia, Ecuador, or
Venezuela]. T ♂ (lost?) [MRSN] (originally in Brême Collection)]. Distr.: Neotropical: Colombia or Ecuador or
Venezuela. Refs.: Evenhuis & Greathead, 1999: 204.

Subfamily Ecliminae Hall, 1969

Genus Lepidophora Westwood, 1835

Lepidophora Westwood, 1835: 447. Type species: Ploas aegeriiformis Gray, 1832 [= Toxophora lepidocera Wiedemann,
1828], by mon.

secutor Walker, 1857: 145. Type locality: “Valley of the Amazon” [= Brazil (Amazonas or Pará)] HT ♂ [BMNH].
Distr.: Neotropical: Brazil (Acre, Amazonas, Roraima), Colombia, Guyana, Peru. Refs.: Rodrigues & Lamas,
2013: 30.

Subfamily Lomatiinae Schiner, 1868

Genus Macrocondyla Rondani, 1863

Macrocondyla Rondani, 1863: 54, 55 [1864: 54, 55]. Type species: Macrocondyla pictinervis Rondani, 1863, by orig. des.

Ulosometa Hull, 1973: 359. Type species: Ulosometa falcata Hull, 1973 [= Exoprosopa flavinevris Macquart,
1846], by orig. des.
Ulosoma, incorrect original spelling of Ulosometa (Hull, 1973: 62).

Subgenus Macrocondyla Rondani, 1863

flavinevris Macquart, 1846: 237(109) (Exoprosopa). Type locality: “Colombie” [= Colombia, Ecuador, or
Venezuela]. LT ♀ [des. by Painter & Painter (1974: 102) [MNHN]]. Distr.: Neotropical: Argentina, Brazil (Minas
Gerais), Colombia. Refs.: Painter & Painter, 1974: 101; Lamas & Couri, 1996: 314.
falcata Hull, 1973: 360 (Ulosometa). Type locality: Argentina. HT ♂ [USNM]. flavinervis, error for

Subfamily Anthracinae Latreille, 1804

Tribe Anthracini Latreille, 1804

Genus Anthrax Scopoli, 1763

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Anthrax Scopoli, 1763: 358. Type species: Musca morio Linnaeus, 1758 [misidentification, = Musca anthrax Schrank, 1781],
by mon.
Leucamoeba Sack, 1909: 520. Type species: Bibio aethiops Fabricius, 1781, by orig. des.
Chalcamoeba Sack, 1909: 522. Type species: Anthrax virgo Egger, 1859, by orig. des.

angustipennis Macquart, 1840: 64 [1841: 342]. Type locality: French Guiana. HT ♂ [MNHN]. Distr.: Neotropical:
Bolivia, Brazil (Acre, Amazonas, Maranhão, Pará, Rio De Janeiro, Roraima), Colombia, French Guiana, Guyana,
Panama, Peru, Trinidad, Venezuela. Refs.: Marston, 1970: 65.
binotata Macquart, 1846: 241(113). Type locality: “Nouvelle-Grenade” [= Colombia, Ecuador, or Venezuela].
ST 2 ♀ [BMNH]. [Preocc. by Wiedemann, 1820.]. Distr.: Neotropical: Bolivia, Brazil (Acre, Amazonas,
Maranhão, Pará, Rio De Janeiro, Roraima), Colombia, French Guiana, Guyana, Panama, Peru, Trinidad,
Venezuela. Refs.: Marston, 1970: 65.

cathetodaithmos Marston, 1970: 49. Type locality: Mexico, Colima. HT ♀ [USNM]. Distr.: Nearctic: Mexico
(Colima). Neotropical: Brazil (Amazonas, Pará), Colombia, Costa Rica, Panama, Peru. Refs.: Marston, 1970: 49.

gideon Fabricius, 1805: 124. Type locality: “America meridionali”. ST 2 ♀ [ZMUC]; ST 1 ♀ [SMFD]. Distr.:
Neotropical: Brazil (Paraná, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina), Colombia, Costa Rica, French
Guiana, Guyana, Jamaica, Mexico (Veracruz-Llave), Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Suriname, Venezuela. Refs.:
Marston, 1970: 85.
acroleuca Wiedemann, 1828: 312. Type locality: “Südamerika” [= Brazil (from type specimen label data)]. ST
5 ♂, 1♀ [NMW]; ST 1 ♀ in [ZMHB]. Distr.: Neotropical: Brazil (Paraná, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa
Catarina), Colombia, Costa Rica, French Guiana, Guyana, Jamaica, Mexico (Veracruz-Llave), Paraguay, Peru,
Puerto Rico, Suriname, Venezuela. Refs.: Marston, 1970: 85.
propinqua (Schiner), 1868: 123 (Argyromoeba). Type locality: “Südamerika” [= Venezuela (see Marston,
1970: 88)]. HT ♀ [NMW]. Distr.: Neotropical: Brazil (Paraná, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina),
Colombia, Costa Rica, French Guiana, Guyana, Jamaica, Mexico (Veracruz-Llave), Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico,
Suriname, Venezuela. Refs.: Marston, 1970: 88.

luctuosa Macquart, 1840: 70 [1841: 348]. Type locality: “Patrie inconnue” [= French Guiana (see Marston, 1970:
49)]. HT ♀ [MNHN]. Distr.: Neotropical: Brazil (Acre), Colombia, Costa Rica, French Guiana, Mexico (Chiapas,
Oaxaca), Panama, Venezuela. Refs.: Marston, 1970: 47.

midas Fabricius, 1805: 124. Type locality: “America meridionali”. HT 1 ♀ [ZMUC]. Distr.: Neotropical: Brazil
(Acre, Amazonas, Goiás, Mato Grosso, Minas Gerais, Rio Grande do Norte, São Paulo), Colombia, Costa Rica,
Guyana, Mexico (Chiapas, Yucatán), Venezuela. Refs.: Marston, 1970: 53.
guianica Curran, 1934: 362. Type locality: “British Guiana” [= Guyana]. HT ♂ [AMNH]. Distr.: Neotropical:
Brazil (Acre, Amazonas, Goiás, Mato Grosso, Minas Gerais, Rio Grande do Norte, São Paulo), Colombia, Costa
Rica, Guyana, Mexico (Chiapas, Yucatán), Venezuela. Refs.: Marston, 1970: 53.
mexicanus Cole, 1957: 202. Type locality: Mexico, Chiapas. HT ♂ [CAS]. Distr.: Neotropical: Brazil (Acre,
Amazonas, Goiás, Mato Grosso, Minas Gerais, Rio Grande do Norte, São Paulo), Colombia, Costa Rica, Guyana,
Mexico (Chiapas, Yucatán), Venezuela. Refs.: Marston, 1970: 53.

Tribe Exoprosopini Becker, 1912

Genus Exoprosopa Macquart, 1840

Exoprosopa Macquart, 1840: 35 [1841: 313]. Type species: Anthrax pandora Fabricius, 1805, by subsequent designation
(Coquillett, 1910: 544) [des. conserved by Opinion 1632 (I.C.Z.N., 1991: 82).]
Trinaria Mulsant, 1852a: 20 [1852b: 180]. Type species: Anthrax interrupta Mulsant, 1852 [preocc. = Anthrax rutila Pallas &
Wiedemann, 1818], by subs. des.. (Coquillett, 1910: 617).
Argyrospila Rondani, 1856: 162, 202. Type species: Anthrax jacchus Fabricius, 1805, by orig. des. (as “jaccus”).

376 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press LAMAS & EVENHUIS
Exoptata Coquillett, 1887: 13 (as subgenus of Exoprosopa Macquart). Type species: Exoprosopa divisa, Coquillett, 1887, by
Argyrospyla, incorrect original spelling of Argyrospila (Rondani, 1856: 162).

antica (Walker), 1852: 183 (Anthrax). Type locality: Colombia. HT ♀ [BMNH]. Distr.: Neotropical: Colombia.
Refs.: Painter & Painter, 1974: 123.

argentifasciata Macquart, 1846: 237(109). Type locality: “Colombie” [= Colombia, Ecuador, or Venezuela]. ST 1
♂, 6 ♀ [BMNH]. Distr.: Nearctic: Mexico (Guerrero, Jalisco, Michoácan de Ocampo, Morelos, Puebla, San Luis
Potosí, Veracruz-Llave). Neotropical: Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico (Chiapas, Oaxaca, Yucatán), Panama. Refs.:
Painter & Painter, 1974: 124.
limbipennis Macquart, 1846: 238(110). Type locality: Mexico, Yucatán. ST 2 ♀# [MNHN]; ST 2 ♂ [BMNH].
Distr.: Nearctic: Mexico (Guerrero, Jalisco, Michoácan de Ocampo, Morelos, Puebla, San Luis Potosí, Veracruz-
Llave). Neotropical: Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico (Chiapas, Oaxaca, Yucatán), Panama. Refs.: Painter & Painter,
1974: 124.

panamensis Curran, 1930: 9. Type locality: Panama. HT ♂ [AMNH]. Distr.: Neotropical: Brazil (Mato Grosso),
Colombia, Panama.

Genus Hyperalonia Rondani

Hyperalonia Rondani, 1863: 58 [1864: 58]. Type species: Anthrax erythrocephala Fabricius, 1805, by subs. des. (Dallas, 1866:

surinamensis Rondani, 1863: 58 [1864: 58]. Type locality: Suriname. HT ♂ [MZUN]. Distr.: Neotropical: Brazil
(Amazonas, Bahia, Mato Grosso, Pará, São Paulo), Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Suriname. Refs.: Couri &
Lamas, 1994: 121.

Genus Ligyra Newman

Ligyra Newman, 1841: 220. Type species: Anthrax bombyliformis Macleay, 1826, by mon.
Velocia Coquillett, 1886: 158. Type species: Anthrax cerberus Fabricius, 1794, by orig. des. [Preocc. by Robineau-Desvoidy,
Paranthrax Paramonov, 1931: 57(57). Type species: Paranthrax africanus Paramonov, 1931 [= Hyperalonia niveifrons Bezzi,
1914], by mon. [Preocc. by Paranthrax Bigot, 1876.]
Paranthracina Paramonov, 1933: 56 [1934: 27; 1936: 31] (replacement name for Paranthrax Paramonov, 1931). Type species:
Paranthrax africanus Paramonov, 1931 [= Hyperalonia niveifrons Bezzi, 1914], aut.
Lygira, error for Ligyra.
Vulpia, error for Velocia.

latreillii (Wiedemann), 1830: 633 (Anthrax). Type locality: “Oaxara im Mexikanischen” [= Mexico (Oaxaca)]. HT
♂ [ZMHB]. Distr.:Nearctic: Mexico (México). Neotropical: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica,
Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico (Chiapas, Oaxaca, Tabasco, Yucatán), Panama, Paraguay, Peru.

Tribe Villini Hull, 1973

Genus Chrysanthrax Osten Sacken

Chrysanthrax Osten Sacken, 1886b: 113 (as subgenus of Anthrax Scopoli), 121 (as “group” of Anthrax Scopoli). Type
species: Anthrax fulvohirta Wiedemann, 1821 [= Anthrax cypris Meigen, 1820], by mon. [See Evenhuis (1991: 27) for
clarification of type fixation of this genus.]

CATALOGUE OF BOMBYLIIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 377
dichotoma (Schiner), 1868: 119 (Exoprosopa). Type locality: “Südamerika” [= Venezuela]. LT ♂ [des. by Painter
& Painter (1974: 192) [NMW]]. Distr.: Neotropical: Colombia, Venezuela. Refs.: Painter & Painter, 1974: 192.
bipartita (Bigot), 1892: 346 (Exoprosopa). Type locality: “Colombie”. HT ♀ [BMNH]. Distr.: Neotropical:
Colombia, Venezuela. Refs.: Painter & Painter, 1974: 192.
procedens (Walker), 1852: 185 (Anthrax). Type locality: “Columbia” [= Colombia]. HT ♀ [BMNH]. Distr.:
Neotropical: Colombia. Refs.: Painter & Painter, 1974: 264.

Genus Hemipenthes Loew

Hemipenthes Loew, 1869: 28 [1872: 142]. Type species: Musca morio Linnaeus, 1758, by subs. des. (Coquillett, 1894: 90).
Isopenthes Osten Sacken, 1886a: 80, 96. Type species: Isopenthes jaennickeana Osten Sacken, 1886, by subs. des. (Coquillett,
1910: 556).

ignea (Macquart), 1846: 241(113) (Anthrax). Type locality: “Colombie” [= Colombia, Ecuador, or Venezuela]. LT
♀ [des. by Painter & Painter (1974: 233) [BMNH]. Distr.: Neotropical: Colombia, Guyana, Panama. Refs.: Painter
& Painter, 1974: 233.

Genus Villa Lioy

Villa Lioy, 1864: 732. Type species: Anthrax concinna Meigen, 1820 [= Anthrax abbadon Fabricius, 1794], by subs. des.
(Coquillett, 1910: 619).
Hyalanthrax Osten Sacken, 1886b: 112 [1887: 134] (as subgenus of Anthrax Scopoli). Type species: Anthrax faustina Osten
Sacken, 1887, by subs. des. (Coquillett, 1910: 553).
Aspiloptera Künckel d’Herculais, 1905: 145. Type species: Anthrax flava Meigen, 1820 [= Musca hottentotta Linnaeus, 1758],
by mon.
Protepacmus Cockerell, 1916: 94. Type species: Protepacmus setosus Cockerell, 1916, by mon.

colombiana Evenhuis & Greathead, 1999: 492 (new replacement name for Anthrax vicina Macquart, 1846). Distr.:
Neotropical: Colombia.
vicina Macquart, 1846: 240(112) (Anthrax). Type locality: “Colombie” [= Colombia, Ecuador, or Venezuela].
T ♀ (lost?) [MNHN]. [Preocc. by Macquart, 1840.] n. syn. Distr.: Neotropical: Colombia. Refs.: Painter & Painter,
1974: 285.

diminutiva (Macquart), 1846: 241(113) (Anthrax). Type locality: “Colombie” [= Colombia, Ecuador, or
Venezuela]. HT ♀ [MNHN]. Distr.:Neotropical: Colombia. Refs.: Painter & Painter, 1974: 198.


gradata Macquart, 1847a: 53 [1847b: 69] (Anthrax). Type locality: “Colombie” [= Colombia, Ecuador, or
Venezuela]. HT ?♂ [MNVL]. Distr.:Neotropical: “Colombie” [= Colombia, Ecuador or Venezuela]. Refs.: Painter
& Painter, 1974: 227.

latifimbria Walker, 1852: 175 (Anthrax). Type locality: “Columbia”[= Colombia]. HT (sex unknown) [(lost)
[BMNH ] (J.E. Chainey, pers. comm.)]. Distr.: Neotropical: Colombia.

378 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press LAMAS & EVENHUIS
TABLE 1. Bombyliidae species recorded from Colombia.

Subfamily Tribe Genus Species Author

Toxophorinae Systropodini Systropus columbianus (Karsch, 1880)
Toxophorini Toxophora cuprea (Fabricius, 1787)
Bombyliinae Bombyliini Heterostylum hirsutum (Thunberg, 1827)
Unplaced species of “Bombylius” hyalipennis Macquart, 1846
Ecliminae Lepidophora secutor Walker, 1857
Lomatiinae Lomatiini Macrocondyla flavinevris (Macquart, 1846)
Anthracinae Anthracini Anthrax angustipennis Macquart, 1840
Anthrax cathetodaithmos Marston, 1970
Anthrax gideon Fabricius, 1805
Anthrax luctuosus Macquart, 1840
Anthrax midas Fabricius, 1805
Exoprosopini Exoprosopa antica (Walker, 1852)
Exoprosopa argentifasciata Macquart, 1846
Exoprosopa panamensis Curran, 1930
Hyperalonia surinamensis Rondani, 1863
Ligyra latreillii (Wiedemann, 1830)
Villini Chrysanthrax dichotomus (Schiner, 1868)
Chrysanthrax procedens (Walker, 1852)
Hemipenthes ignea (Macquart, 1846)
Villa colombiana (Evenhuis & Greathead,
Villa diminutiva (Macquart, 1846)
Unplaced species of Villini “Anthrax” gradatus Macquart, 1847
“Anthrax” latifimbrius Walker, 1852


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CATALOGUE OF BOMBYLIIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 379
Coquillett, D.W. (1894) Notes and descriptions of North American Bombyliidae. Transactions of the American Entomological
Society, 21, 89–112.
Coquillett, D.W. (1910) The type species of the North American genera of Diptera. Proceedings of the United States National
Museum, 37, 499–647.
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Curran, C.H. (1930) New Diptera from North and Central America. American Museum Novitattes, 415, 1–16.
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Insektenkunde, 2, 259–81.
Meigen, J.W. (1804) Klassifikazion und Beschreibung der europäischen zweiflügligen Insekten (Diptera Linn.). Abt. I & II.

380 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press LAMAS & EVENHUIS
Erster Band, Reichard, Braunschweig [= Brunswick], xxvii + 152 pp. & 314 pp. [pp. 153–314]
Mulsant, M.E. (1852a) Note pour servir à l’histoire des Anthrax (insectes diptéres), suivie de la description de trois espèces de
ce genre, nouvelles ou peu connues. Mémoires de l’Academie des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts de Lyon, 2, 18–24.
Mulsant, M.E. (1852b) Note pour servir à l’histoire des Anthrax (insectes diptéres), suivie de la description de trois espèces de
ce genre, nouvelles ou peu connues. Opuscula Entomologica. 1, 178–184.
Newman, E. (1841) Entomological notes [part]. The Entomologist, 1, 220–223.
Osten Sacken, C.R. (1877) Western Diptera: descriptions of new genera and species of Diptera from the region west of the
Mississippi, and especially from California. Bulletin of the United States Geological Survey of the Territories, 3, 189–354.
Osten Sacken, C.R. (1886a) Diptera [part]. In: Godman, F.D. & Salvin, O. (Eds.), Biologia Centrali- Americana. Zoologia.
Insecta. Diptera. Vol. 1. Taylor & Francis, London, 378 pp. [pp. 75–104]
Osten Sacken, C.R. (1886b). Diptera [part]. In: Godman, F.D. & Salvin, O. (Eds.), Biologia Centrali- Americana. Zoologia.
Insecta. Diptera. Vol. 1. Taylor & Francis, London, 378 pp. [pp. 105–128]
Osten Sacken, C.R. (1887) Diptera [part]. In: Godman, F.D. & Salvin, O. (Eds.), Biologia Centrali- Americana. Zoologia.
Insecta. Diptera. Vol. 1. Taylor Francis, London, 378 pp. [pp. 129–160]
Painter, R.H. & Painter, E.M. (1963) A review of the Subfamily Systropinae (Diptera: Bombyliidae) in North America. Journal
of the Kansas Entomological Society, 36, 278–348.
Painter, R.H. & Painter, E.M. (1974) Notes on, and redescriptions of, types of South American Bombyliidae (Diptera) in
European and United States Museums. Kansas State University, Agricultural Experimental Station, Research Publications,
168, 1–322.
Paramonov, S.J. (1931) Beiträge zur Monographie der Bombyliiden Gattungen Amictus, Lyophlaeba etc. (Diptera). Trudy
Prirodicho-Teknichnogo Viddilu Ukrains’ka Akaemiya Nauk, 10, 1–218.
Paramonov, S.J. (1933) Dipterologische Fragmente. [XXVIII–XXX]. Zbirnik Prats Zoologichnogo Muzeyu, 12, 47–56.
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Rondani, C. (1856) Dipterologiae Italicae prodromus. Vol: I. Genera Italica ordinis Dipterorum ordinatim disposita et distincta
et in familias et stirpes aggregata. A. Stoschi, Parmae [= Parma], 226 + [2] pp.
Rondani, C. (1863) Diptera exotica revisa et annotata novis nonnullis descriptis. E. Soliani, Modena, 99 pp.
Sack, P. (1909) Die palaearktischen Spongostylinen. Abhandlungen herausgeben von der Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden
Gesellschaft, 30, 501–548.
Schiner, I.R. (1868) Diptera. In: Reise der österreichischen Fregatte Novara um die Erde in den Jahren 1857, 1858, 1859, unter
den Befehlen des Commodore B. von Wüllerstof-Urbair. Zoologischer Theil. Zweiter Band. 1. Abtheilung. B. K. Gerold’s
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Thunberg, C.P. (1827) Tanyglossae septendecim novae species descriptae. Nova Acta Regia Societatis Scientiarum Upsaliensis,
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of the Entomological Society of London, New Series, 4, 119–158.
Westwood, J.O. (1835) Insectorum nonnullorum exoticorum (ex ordine Dipterorum) descriptiones. London and Edinburgh
Philosophical Magazine, 6 (3), 447–449.
Wiedemann, C.R.W. (1820) Munus rectoris in Academia Christiano-Albertina interum aditurus nova dipterorum genera.
Holsatorum, Kiliae [= Kiel], viii + 23 pp.
Wiedemann, C.R.W. (1828) Aussereuropäische zweiflügelige Insekten. Als Fortsetzung des Meigenschen Werkes. Erster Theil.
Schulz, Hamm, xxxii + 608 pp
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Theil. Schulz, Hamm, xii + 684 pp.

CATALOGUE OF BOMBYLIIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 381
Zootaxa 4122 (1): 382–386 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
Copyright © 2016 Magnolia Press
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)



Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo. Av. Nazaré, 481, Ipiranga,
04263–000, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
Corresponding author. E-mail:


Mydidae (Diptera, Asiloidea) are a relatively rare group of flies, and the knowledge on the Colombian mydids is very poor.
According to available literature, only two species are registered to this country, Protomydas coerulescens (Olivier, 1811)
and P. rubidapex (Wiedemann, 1830).

Key words: catalogue, Colombia, Mydidae, Protomydas


Mydidae (Diptera, Asiloidea) are a relatively rare group of flies, currently comprising 11 subfamilies, 66 genera
and about 460 valid species (Dikow 2010). This family includes the largest flies in the world: Gauromydas heros,
endemic to Brazil, can reach 70 mm in body length (Autuori 1952). Some species are mimics of Hymenoptera,
especially Pompilidae (Zikán 1942; Cooper 1981; Meyer et al. 1984; Nelson 1986).
Adult mydids can be identified by the following features: head usually with sunken vertex; face medially
gibbous (gibbosity), with setulae forming a mystax; medial ocellus regular, but lateral ocelli often highly modified,
linear and adjacent to a central callus (except in Megascelinae and Rhaphiomidinae); antenna with elongate
postpedicel, often with basal stalk and apical thickened club; palpus one-segmented, frequently vestigial; hind
femur sometimes thickened, with ventral tuberculate spiniform setae; hind tibia sometimes with ventral carina,
often prolonged on apical spine; wing with apical branches of M peculiarly curved anteriorly, parallel to distal
portion of R5 and posterior wing margin; Tergite 2 with a pair of callosities (bullae) on posterior margin (absent in
Megascelinae and Rhaphiomididae); male hypopygium lacking lateral ejaculatory apodeme and gonostylus.
The majority of the species occur in warmer climates (Dikow 2010), and are commonly associated to open
vegetation, although some species of Mydinae are found in tropical rain forests and wet habitats (Wilcox &
Papavero 1975).
The adults are essentially flower feeders (Drury 1773; Zikán 1942, 1944; Rogers & Mattoni 1993; Williams
1995), but females of some species seem not feed at all as adults (Zikán 1942).
Most of what it is known about larval biology of Mydidae is concerned to Mydinae and its association with
nests of “sauva ants” (Formicidae, Attinae) (Zikán 1942, 1944; Autuori 1952, 1971). The mydid larvae live in the
“garbage pan” [“panela de lixo”] of the ant nest, where residues of decaying plants acumulate and seem to attract
several Coleoptera, especially some Dynastinae (Melolonthidae) (Eidmann 1937). Zikán (1942, 1944) believed
that the mydid larvae prey upon those dynastine larvae.
The knowledge on the Colombian Mydidae is very poor, and only two species are registered to this country
(Papavero 2009). In the last five years, while working on Mydidae material deposited in many collections around
the world, the present authors found no specimens from Colombia. For this reason, this catalog is only based on
literature, and only two species are registered to the country (Table 1).

382 Accepted by S. Nihei: 26 May 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016

Acronyms used for the depositories

BZM—Berliner Zoologischer Museum, Humboldt-Universität, Berlin, Germany

MZUSP—Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
OXF—Hope Department of Entomology, Oxford University, Oxford, England
UUZM—Museum of Evolution, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden

List of abbreviations

distr.—geographic distribution
hist. Mexican dipterol.—Contributions to a history of Mexican Dipterology
Man. Neot. Dip.—Manual of Neotropical of Diptera
orig. des.—by original designation
F (f#)—Female
M (m#)—Male

Catalogue of Mydidae of Colombia

Family Mydidae Latreille, 1809

Subfamily Mydinae

Tribe Mydini

Subtribe Protomydina

Genus Protomydas Wilcox, Papavero & Pimentel

Protomydas Wilcox, Papavero & Pimentel, 1989: 13. Type species, Mydas coerulescens Olivier, 1811 (orig. des.).

coerulescens (Olivier), 1811: 83 (Mydas). Type locality: “South America”. Neotype-locality: Brazil, Rio de
Janeiro, Itatiaia. HT lost. NT M (MZUSP) [des. by Wilcox, Papavero & Pimentel, 1989: 14]. Distr.: Colombia,
Brazil (Amazonas, Mato Grosso, Minas Gerais, Pará, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo). Refs.: Wiedemann, 1831: 33
(Mydas); Westwood, 1841: 50 (Midas); Gertaecker, 1868: 95 (Mydas; syn. of Mydas giganteus Thunberg, 1818);
Becher, 1882: 146, (Mydas); Hunter, 1901: 154 (cat.; Mydas); Kertész, 1909: 37 (cat.; Mydas); d´Andretta, 1951:
10, (Mydas); Papavero & Wilcox, 1968: 7 (cat.; Mydas); Wilcox, Papavero & Pimentel, 1989: 14 (comb.; syn. of
Mydas argyrostomus Gerstaecker, 1868); Artigas & Papavero, 1990: 41-42 (spermathecae); Papavero & Artigas,
1990: 125 (cat.); Papavero et al., 2002: 3 (cat.); Papavero, 2009: 12 (cat.); Papavero & Artigas, 2009: 37, (Man.
Neot. Dip.).
giganteus Thunberg, 1818: 246, (Mydas, as gigantea). Type locality: “Brazil”. ST (UUZM). Distr.: Brazil

CATALOGUE OF MYDIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 383
(Minas Gerais). Refs.: Wiedemann, 1821: 116 (Midas, as gigantea), 1824: 60 (Mydas, as gigantea), 1828: 239
(Mydas); Latreille, 1829: 172, (Mydas); Wiedemann, 1831: 36, 38, (Mydas); Macquart, 1834: 274 (Mydas);
Westwood, 1841: 50 (Midas); Macquart, 1838: 126 (Mydas); Walker, 1848: 228 (Mydas); Rondani, 1850: 184
(Mydas); Walker, 1854: 363 (Mydas).
argyrostomus Gerstaecker, 1868: 94 (Mydas). Type locality: “Colombia”. HT M (BZM). Distr.: Colombia,
Brazil (Pará: Óbidos). Refs.: Hansen, 1883: 13–21 (Mydas); Hunter, 1901: 153 (cat.; Mydas); Kertész, 1909: 35
(cat.; Mydas); D´Andretta, 1951: 28, 38, 117, 140, 153.

rubidapex (Wiedemann), 1830: 626 (Midas). Type locality: “Mexico”. HT M (BZM). Distr.: Brazil (Amazonas,
Pará), Colombia (Boyacá (Muzo)), Mexico, Venezuela. Refs.: Wiedemann, 1831: 36, 40, (Mydas); Westwood,
1841: 51 (Midas); Walker, 1854: 361 (Mydas); Bellardi, 1861: 5 (Mydas); Gerstaecker, 1868: 96 (Mydas); Schiner,
1868: 153 (Mydas); Osten Sacken, 1874: 175 (Mydas); Brauer, 1885: 387, (Mydas); Osten Sacken, 1886: 70
(Mydas); Williston, 1898: 55 (in key and text; Mydas); Hunter, 1901: 154 (cat.; Mydas); Williston et al., 1900: 267
(Mydas); Aldrich, 1905: 252 (cat.; Mydas); Kertész, 1909: 40 (cat.; Mydas); d´Andretta, 1951: 21; Papavero &
Wilcox, 1968: 7 (cat.); Wilcox, Papavero & Pimentel, 1989: 16 (comb.; syn. of Mydas dives Westwood, 1841; syn.
of Mydas heros Perty of D´Andretta, 1951: 20 (part), misident.); Papavero & Artigas, 1990: 125 (cat.); Papavero,
1996: 632 (cat.); Papavero & Ibáñez Bernal, 2001: 75 (hist. Mexican dipterol.); Papavero et al., 2002: 3 (cat.);
Papavero, 2009: 12 (cat.); Papavero & Artigas, 2009: 11, 15 (Man. Neot. Dip.).
dives Westwood, 1841: 50, pl. 13,(Midas). Type locality: “Unknown”. HT F (OXF). Distr.: Brazil (Pará),
Colombia (Boyacá (Muzo)). Refs.: Walker, 1848: 228 (Mydas), 1854: 363 (Mydas); Gerstaecker, 1868: 94
(Mydas); Osten Sacken, 1886: 70 (Mydas); Williston, 1898: 55 (in key and text; Mydas); Hunter, 1901: 154 (cat.;
Mydas); Aldrich, 1905: 154 (cat.; Mydas); Kertész, 1909: 37 (cat.; Mydas); Curran, 1934: 326 (Mydas);
d´Andretta, 1951: 37, 60, 120, 149 (Mydas); Papavero & Ibáñez Bernal, 2001: 87 (hist. Mexican dipterol.).
heros Perty of D´Andretta, 1951: 20 (Mydas; part, specimens from Brazil, Amazonas: Borba-Guajará, and
Colombia, Muzo), misident.

TABLE 1. Mydidae species recorded from Colombia.

Subfamily Tribe Subtribe Genus species author
Mydinae Mydini Protomydina Protomydas coerulescens (Olivier, 1811)
rubidapex (Wiedemann, 1830)


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Williston, S.W., Aldrich, J.M., Wheeler, W.M. & Melander, A.L. (1900) Insecta – Diptera. Vol. 1. Supplement. In: Godman,
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Zikán, J.F. (1942) Also sobre a simbiose de Mydas com Atta. Rodriguésia, 13 (2), 105–136.
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386 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press CALHAU & LAMAS
Zootaxa 4122 (1): 387–392 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
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ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)



Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo. Avenida Nazaré, 481 Ipiranga, 04263-000. São Paulo-SP, Brazil.
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Zoologia) do Instituto de Biociências, Universidade de São Paulo.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), fellow.
Corresponding author:


This catalogue presents the Colombian fauna of stiletto flies (Diptera: Therevidae). According to available literature, only
four species, distributed in three genera, are registered to this country, Ataenogera brevicornis (Bromley, 1934),
Brachylinga punctifrons (Kröber, 1914), B. xanthoperna Irwin and Webb, 1991 and Chromolepida pruinosa (Coquillett,

Key words: catalogue, Colombia, distribution, Therevidae


Stiletto flies (Diptera: Asiloidea: Therevidae) are a moderately sized group of lower brachyceran flies that along
with Scenopinidae, Apsilocephalidae and Evocoidae, comprise the therevoid clade (Yeates et al. 2003, 2006,
Woodley et al. 2009). Therevidae is divided into four subfamilies and two tribes: Agapophytinae, Phycinae,
Therevinae (Cyclotelini and Therevini (non-cycloteline Therevinae) (Gaimari & Irwin 2000)) and Xestomyzinae,
and occurs on all continents except Antarctica (Webb et al. 2013). Worldwide, there are 1.123 described species in
119 genera (Thompson 2008), and this number represents only 56.15% of the estimated fauna of Therevidae
(Gaimari & Webb 2009). The Neotropical fauna comprises 147 species (Amorim et al. 2002).
In the New World, adult stiletto flies can be identified by the following features: cuticle and prominent
macrosetae pale yellow to black, entirely or partially covered with pubescence; males generally holoptic (except in
some genera of Phycinae), females dichoptic; wing with R4 sinuous, divergent from R5, r4 enclosing apex of wing,
bm truncate apically, d elongate from which arise veins M1, M2, and M3, m-cu present with base of m3 truncate, r-m
attached to basal half of d, cup closed near wing margin; abdomen with eight pregenital segments, often with silver
or bronze pubescence dorsally in males; tergite 8 in males usually broad and rectangular, with posterior margin
broadly emarginate; epandrium rectangular to quadrate, wider than long in most species; cerci one-segmented,
usually free basally; hypandrium often reduced, strap-like, occasionally absent; gonocoxites bulbous, separated
medially in most species (except in Cyclotelini, all of which have gonocoxites medially fused), gonostyli apically;
aedeagus usually narrow, tapered posteriorly with an internal ejaculatory apodeme; sternite 8 of the female
terminalia conspicuous; acanthophorite macrosetae strongly reduced in Phycinae and Xestomyzinae, present and
distinct posterodorsally in Therevinae and Agapophytinae; female Phycinae has three spermathecae but lack a
spermathecal sac, while all other therevids have a spermathecal sac in addition to spermathecae, with two
spermathecae in Therevinae and Xestomyzinae, and three in Agapophytinae (although the Australian genus
Bonjeania Irwin and Lyneborg has only one) (Webb et al. 2013).
Therevids are relatively rare and active during daytime, when they feed mostly on water, plant and insect
secretions or even on insect excretions (Irwin & Lyneborg 1981b). They usually occur in dry areas (Majer 1997),
but they can also be found in mountains and tropical humid regions (Gaimari & Webb 2009). Larvae feed on other
insects, mainly beetles, butterflies, moths and other flies that live in leaf litter, tree holes or sandy terrains (Irwin &

Accepted by S. Nihei: 10 Apr. 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016 387

Webb 1991). A few species may even be cannibals and others are phytophagous (Majer 1997). Therevids are
infrequently collected and sampled, because the predator larvae live inside dry and fragile substrates, and for this
reason adults are found in the same areas. Thevids are better collected and sampled using malaise traps for their
behavior could be easily predicted: usually they are flying in arid environments searching for water or displacing
themselves along trails (Gaimari & Webb 2009). Males of some species tend to set on beams of light in trails,
usually waiting for females to mate (Irwin & Lyneborg, 1981b). Some species may even possess a very specific
substrate for repose, from sand spots, rocks, herbs, leaves to trunks (Gaimari & Webb 2009).
The therivid fauna of the Neotropical region is poorly studied and undercollected, although many new taxa are
recognized. This catalogue of Colombian Therevidae and the classification adopted is based on the catalogue by
Webb et al. (2013), the first catalogue of New World Therevidae. According to available literature, only four
species, distributed in three genera, are registered to Colombia (Table 1).

Acronyms used for the depositories

AMNH—American Museum of Natural History, Division of Invertebrate Zoology, New York, New York, USA.
INBio—Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad, Sección Artrópodos, Santo Domingo de Heredia, Costa Rica.
INPA—Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, Coleção de Invertebrados, Amazonas, Manaus, Brazil.
USNM—National Museum of Natural History, Department of Entomology, Washington, D.C., USA.

List of abbreviations

distr.—geographic distribution
F (f#)—Female
M (m#)—Male
max. palp.—maxillary palpus

Catalogue of Therevidae of Colombia

Family Therevidae Newman, 1834

Subfamily Phycinae Lyneborg, 1976

388 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press RODRIGUES & CALHAU
Genus Ataenogera Kröber

Ataenogera Kröber, 1914: 31. Type species, Ataenogera abdominalis Kröber, 1914 (mon.).
Leptocera Kröber, 1928b: 117. Type species, Leptocera gracilis Kröber, 1928b (mon.). Preoccupied by Olivier (1813: 489).
Ziehenia Kröber, 1929a: 434. Replacement name for Leptocera Kröber (1928b: 117) nec Olivier (1813: 489).
Epileptocera Richards, 1929: 171. Unjustified replacement name for Leptocera Kröber (1928b: 117) nec Olivier (1813: 489).
Ziehenimyia. Misspelling of Ziehenia. Kröber (1929b: 172 desc.), Hauser and Webb (2007: 43 nom.).

brevicornis (Bromley), 1934: 361 (Henicomyia). Type locality: Guyana, Bartica District [=Cuyuni-Mazaruni],
Kartabo. HT F (AMNH). Distr.: Nearctic. Mexico (Jalisco, Michoacán, Morelos, Puebla). Neotropical. Brazil
(Amazonas, Mato Grosso do Sul, Pará, Rondônia, Santa Catarina), Colombia (Magdalena), Costa Rica (Alajuela,
Guanacaste, Puntarenas), El Salvador (La Libertad), Guatemala (Zacapa), Guyana (Cuyuni-Mazaruni), Nicaragua
(Rivas), Panama (Darién, Panamá (Canal Zone)), Peru (San Martin), Trinidad, Uruguay, Venezuela (Aragua,
Barinas, Guárico). Refs.: Webb & Irwin, 1988: 39 (nom., syn. desig. of A. abdominalis Kröber; Henicomyia);
Hauser & Webb, 2007: 42 (revised status), 44 (key), 52 (nom., desc., comb. change), 54 (distr.), Figs. 20 male
frons, 21 female frons, 22–27 male genit., 28 female abd., 29 female genit., 57 (distr. map); Gaimari & Webb,
2009: 644 (distr.); Webb et al., 2013: 16 (cat.).

Subfamily Therevinae Newman, 1834

Tribe Cyclotelini Gaimari and Irwin, 2000

Genus Brachylinga Irwin and Lyneborg

Brachylinga Irwin and Lyneborg 1981a: 232. Type species, Psilocephala baccata Coquillett, 1893 (orig. des.).

punctifrons (Kröber), 1914: 58 (Psilocephala). Type locality: Guatemala, Departamento Esquintla, Monterrico.
NT M (MEI 108667) (INBC). Distr.: Nearctic. Mexico (Jalisco, Nayarit, Puebla). Neotropical. Colombia
(Bolivar), Costa Rica (Guanacaste, Puntarenas), El Salvador (Ahuachapán, La Libertad), Guatemala (Esquintla,
Guatemala, Quetzaltenango), Mexico (Chiapas, Colima, Guerrero, Oaxaca, Sinaloa), Nicaragua (Masaya), Panama
(Chiriqui, Panamá (Canal Zone)). Refs.: Kröber, 1914: 38 (male key; Psilocephala), 40 (female key;
Psilocephala); Kröber, 1928a: 7 (distr.; Psilocephala), 8 (male key; Psilocephala), 11 (female key; Psilocephala),
16 (desc.; Psilocephala), Figs. 11 female frons, ant., 11a male ant.; (Psilocephala); Metz et al., 2003: 248 (NT
desig., comb. change), 250 (trans. orig. desc.); Webb & Metz, 2006: 14 (male key), 17 (female key), 123 (nom.),
124 (desc.), Figs. 20, 43, 66, 89, 112, 135, 158, 181 male genit., 202 female genit., 215 distr. map; Webb et al.,
2013: 27 (cat.).

xanthoperna Irwin and Webb, 1991: 87 (checklist), 91 (distr.), Figs. 11 female frons, 12 female ant., 13 female
max. palp., 14 female wing, 15–16 female genit.. Type locality: Brazil, Roraima, Rio Uraricoera, Ilha de Maracá.
HT F (MEI 006913) (INPA). Distr.: Neotropical. Brazil (Roraima), Colombia (Magdalena), Venezuela (Aragua,
Guárico, Monagas, Nueva Esparta, Zulia). Refs.: Webb & Metz, 2006: 15 (male key), 17 (female key), 143 (desc.),
Figs. 24, 47, 70, 92, 116, 139, 162, 185 male genit., 206 female genit., 213 distr. map; Webb et al., 2013: 27 (cat.).

Tribe Therevini (non-Cyclotelini) Newman, 1834

Genus Chromolepida Cole

Chromolepida Cole, 1923: 23. Type species, Psilocephala pruinosa Coquillett, 1904 (orig. des.).
Chrmomolepida, misspelling of Chromolepida.

pruinosa (Coquillett), 1904: 91 (Psilocephala). Type locality: Nicaragua, Granada. HT M (MEI 009218) [USNM

CATALOGUE OF THEREVIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 389
(Type No. 7795)]. Distr.: Nearctic. Mexico (Puebla). Neotropical. Colombia (Magdalena), Costa Rica (Alajuela,
Guanacaste, San José), Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Nicaragua (Granada), Venezuela (Aragua, Guárico). Refs.:
Kröber, 1911: 499 (male key; Psilocephala), 522 (desc.; Psilocephala); Kröber, 1913: 33 (sp. list; Psilocephala),
37 (male key; Psilocephala); Kröber, 1928a: 7 (distr.; Psilocephala), 9 (male key; Psilocephala); Kertész, 1909:
164 (cat.; Psilocephala); Cole, 1923: 23 (key), 24 (desc., comb. change); Irwin & Lyneborg, 1981a: 260 (sp. list);
Webb & Irwin, 1995: 197 (phylog.), 204 (key), 220 (nom., desc.), 221 (distr.), Figs. 1 phylog., 42 ant., 43 max.
palp., 44 wing, 45–51 male genit., 52 female head, 53–55 female genit., 58 distr. map; Webb et al., 2013: 34 (cat.).

TABLE 1. Therevidae species recorded from Colombia.

Subfamily Tribe Genus Species Author
Phycinae Ataenogera brevicornis (Bromley, 1934)
Therevinae Cyclotelini Brachylinga punctifrons (Kröber, 1914)
Therevinae Cyclotelini Brachylinga xanthoperna Irwin and Webb, 1991
Therevinae Therevini Chromolepida pruinosa (Coquillett, 1904)


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Coquillett, D.W. (1893) Synopsis of the dipterous genus Psilocephala. The Canadian Entomologist, 25, 222–229.
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193–277. [1980]
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CATALOGUE OF THEREVIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 391
Yeates, D.K., Irwin, M.E. & Wiegmann, B.M. (2006) Evocoidae (Diptera : Asiloidea), a new family name for Ocoidae, based
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(2), 373.

392 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press RODRIGUES & CALHAU
Zootaxa 4122 (1): 393–396 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
Copyright © 2016 Magnolia Press
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)



Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, INPA, Coordenação de Biodiversidade, Caixa Postal 2223, 69080–971, Manaus,
Amazonas, Brazil. E-mail:
Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, INPA, Programa de Pós–Graduação em Entomologia, Caixa Postal 2223, 69080–971,
Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil. E-mail:
Corresponding author:


Empididae is one of the biggest families of Diptera with around 3,000 known species. The family is poorly known in
Colombia, with only six species reported and this work provides information on their distribution. No endemic genera or
species have been recorded to date from Colombia.

Key words: catalogue, Colombia, dance-flies, distribution


The Empididae are small flies, from 1–12 mm in length, usually dark in color, sometimes yellow and rarely with
metallic green or blue reflections.
Adults are mostly predators, but some species feed on pollen and nectar (Steyskal & Knutson 1981). They are
found resting in vegetation or flying in search of possible prey. Males of some species of Empidinae offer a gift to
the female before copulation.
Flower-feeding of some species of Empis is indicative of their importance as pollinators for some species of
plants. Adults are usually predators of smaller insects, including Diptera (also other empidids), Hemiptera,
Thysanoptera, Lepidoptera, Trichoptera, Hymenoptera, Neuroptera, Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Coleoptera,
Collembola and Acari (Tuomikoski 1952, Smith 1969, Cumming & Cooper 1993).
Adults can be captured using flight interception traps like Malaise trap, emergence trap, yellow pan traps and
by sweeping with entomological nets on the vegetation. Adults should not be placed in alcohol or other liquids that
remove bristles and coloration patterns necessary for their identification, except when you want to perform
molecular analyses. Large adults should be mounted on pin numbers 1 or 2 as soon as they die, or placed in cotton
layers in case they cannot be mounted immediately.
Larvae generally live in moist soil, decaying roots or water bodies and are predators of others small organisms
(Cumming & Cooper 1993). Some species with aquatic larvae are predators of larvae of blackflies (Hamada 1993).
Empidids are cosmopolitan and are represented by 3,000 species in the World, however, it is possible that there are
approximately 10,000 undescribed species. About 700 species are known in the Neotropical Realm in about 70
genera (Yang et al. 2007).
Large gaps in the taxonomic knowledge of the Empididae remain for most regions of the World (Sinclair &
Cumming 2006). The knowledge of the Neotropical fauna is restricted to few countries and virtually all genera
need to be reviewed in a broader context for this region; the most well-known fauna belonging to Argentina, Brazil
and Chile. The Colombian fauna is especially poorly known. Considering it is a highly diverse country any survey
will result certainly in many new species and many new records increasing significantly the number of previously
recorded species. Nothing is known of phenology, biology or behavior for Colombian empidids.
Empididae belong to the superfamily Empidoidea considered a monophyletic lineage and a sister-group of

Accepted by S. Nihei: 10 Apr. 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016 393

Cyclorrapha (Sinclair & Cumming 2006). Recently Sinclair & Cumming (2006), based on cladistic morphological
characters, justified its division into several families: Empididae, Hybotidae, Atelestidae, Brachystomatidae and
Dolichopodidae. This chapter deals only with Empididae sensu Sinclair & Cumming (2006) comprising the
following subfamilies/tribes: Empidinae (Empidini and Hilarini), Heremodromiinae (Chelopodini and
Hemerodromiini) and Clinocerinae, whose position in the family is uncertain.
Bearing in mind the great variety of environments that the Colombian territory offers, we believe that the
actual number of species in the country is a lot larger than that recorded to date. Hence it is to be expected that
collection in different regions of the country as well as the development of taxonomic expertise to identify the
material will result in notable advances in knowledge of taxonomy, biology and distribution of the family in

Acronyms used for the depositories

CAS—Department of Entomology, California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, USA.

CEUA—Colección Entomológica de la Universidad de Antioquia, Medellin, Colombia
INPA—Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, Manaus, Brazil.
NHM—Natural History Museum, Vienna, Austria.

List of abbreviations

p, ; pp.—page(s)
subs. des.—subsequent designation
F (f#)—Female
M (m#)—Male

Catalogue of Empididae of Colombia

Family Empididae

Subfamily Empidinae Schiner, 1862

Tribe Empidini Schiner, 1862

Genus Lamprempis Wheeler & Melander

Lamprempis Wheeler & Melander, 1901: 366. Type species, Empis chichimeca Wheeler & Melander, 1901 (des.
Coquillett 1903: 252).

columbi Schiner, 1868: 208 (Empis). Type locality: Colombia. HT F (probably NHM). Refs.: Smith, 1967 (cat.);
Yang et al., 2007 (cat.).

394 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press RAFAEL & CÂMARA
Genus Macrostomus Wiedemann

Macrostomus Wiedemann, 1817: 59. Type species, Hybos ferrugineus Fabricius (mon.). Refs.: Smith, 1967: 29 (cat.).

alpinus Rafael & Cumming, 2006: 50. Type locality: Colombia, Cauca, Popayan. HT M (CAS). Distr.: Colombia,
Ecuador. Refs.: Rafael & Cumming, 2006; Yang et al., 2007 (cat.).

occidentalis Rafael & Cumming, 2006: 55. Type locality: Colombia, Cauca, Buenaventura. HT M (CAS). Distr.:
Colombia. Refs.: Rafael & Cumming, 2006; Yang et al., 2007 (cat.).

Genus Opeatocerata Melander

Opeatocerata Melander 1928: 135. Type species: Empis rubida Wheeler & Melander, 1901.

agudeloi Câmara & Rafael, 2014: 507. Type locality: Letícia, Colombia. HT M (CEUA). Distr.: Colombia. Refs.:
Câmara & Rafael, 2014 (rev.).

tanimboca Câmara & Rafael, 2014: 541. Type locality: Letícia, Colombia. HT M (CEUA). Distr.: Colombia;
Brazil. Refs.: Câmara & Rafael, 2014 (rev.).

Tribe Hilarini Collin, 1961

Genus Hilarempis Bezzi

Hilarempis Bezzi, 1905: 443. Type species, Hilarempis nudifacies Bezzi, 1905 (des. Melander, 1928).

vanellus Schiner, 1868: 206 (Hilara). Type locality: Colombia. HT M (probably NHM). Distr.: Colombia. Refs.:
Smith, 1967 (cat.); Yang et al., 2007 (cat.).


We thank Dr. Adrian Plant for helping with English; the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e
Tecnológico (CNPq) for the award of a fellowship to J.A.R. (grant 300.305/2007–9), for the Ph.D. scholarship to
J.T.C. (proc. 551.991/2011–9) and for financial resources (grant 401.243/2012–5). To Fundação de Amparo à
Pesquisa do Estado do Amazonas (FAPEAM) by financial support (edital numbers 021/2011 and 020/2013). To
Dra Marta Wolff for the loan of CEUA specimens.

TABLE 1. Empididae species recorded from Colombia.

Subfamily Tribe Genus Species Autor
Empidinae Empidini Lamprempis columbi (Schiner, 1868)
Macrostomus alpinus Rafael & Cumming, 2006
Macrostomus occidentalis Rafael & Cumming, 2006
Opeatocerata agudeloi Câmara & Rafael, 2014
Opeatocerata tanimboca Câmara & Rafael, 2014
Hilarini Hilarempis vanellus (Schiner, 1868)

CATALOGUE OF EMPIDIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 395

Bezzi, M. (1905) Empididae neotropicae Musei Nationalis Hungarici. Annales Historia Naturalis Musei Nationalis
Hungarici, 33, 424–460.
Câmara, J.T. & Rafael, J.A. (2014) Revision of Opeatocerata Melander, 1928 (Diptera: Empididae: Empidinae). Zootaxa
3846: 502–546.
Coquillett, D.W. (1903) The genera of the dipterous family Empididae, with notes and new species. Proceedings of the
Entomological Society of Washington, 5, 245–272.
Cumming, J.M. & Cooper, B.E. (1993) Techniques for obtaining adult-associated immature stages of predacious
tachydromiine flies (Diptera: Empidoidea), with implications for rearing and biocontrol. Entomological News, 104,
Hamada, N. (1993) Association between Hemerodromia sp. (Diptera, Empididae) and Simulium perflavum (Diptera,
Simuliidae) in Central Amazonia, Brazil. Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, 88 (1), 169–170.
Melander, A.L. (1928) Diptera, Fam. Empididae. In: Wytsman, O. (Ed.), Genera Insectorum. Fasc. 185. Louis Desmet-
Verteneuil, Bruxelles, 434 pp.
Rafael, J.A & Cumming, J.M. (2006) New species of Macrostomus Wiedemann (Diptera, Empididae) from Colombia,
Ecuador and Peru. Zootaxa, 1136, 49–64.
Schiner, J.R. (1868) Diptera. In: Wüllerstorf-Urbair, B. von (Ed.), Reise der Österreichischen Fregatte Novara um die
Erde in den Jahren 1857, 1858, 1859, unter den Befehlen des Commodore B. Von Wuelerstorf-Urbair. Zoologischer
Teil 2, Abt. I (B). K. Gerold’s Son, Wien, pp. 1–388.
Sinclair, B.J. & Cumming, J.M. (2006) The morphology, higher-level phylogeny and classification of the Empidoidea
(Diptera). Zootaxa, 1180, 1–172.
Smith, K.G.V. (1967) 39. Family Empididae, In: Papavero, N. (Ed.), A Catalogue of Diptera of Americas South of the
United States. Departamento de Zoologia da Secretaria da Agricultura do Estado de São Paulo, São Paulo, pp. 67.
Smith, K.G.V. (1969) The Empididae of southern Africa (Diptera). Annals of Natal Museum, 19, 1–342.
Steyskal, G.C. & Knutson, L.V. (1981) Empididae. In: McAlpine, J.F., Peterson, B.V., Shewell, G.E., Teskey, H.J.,
Vockeroth, J.R. & Wood, D.M. (Eds.), Manual of Nearctic Diptera. Vol. 1. Research Branch Monograph 27,
Agriculture Canada, Ottawa, pp. 607–624.
Tuomikoski, R. (1952) Über die Nahrung der Empididen-Imagines (Dipt.) in Finnland. Annales Entomologicae
Fennicae, 18 (4), 170–181.
Wheeler, W.M & Melander, A.L. (1901) Empididae In: Godman, F.D. & Salvin, O. (Eds.), Biologia Centrali Americana.
Zoologia-Insecta-Diptera. Vol. 1. Supplement. Taylor & Francis, London, pp. 366–376.
Wiedemann, C.R.W. (1817) Ueber einige neue Fliegen-Gattungen. Zoologischen Magazin, 1, 57–60.
Yang, D., Zhang, K., Yao, G. & Zhang, J. (2007) World Catalog of Empididae (Insecta: Diptera). China Agricultural
University Press, Beijing, vi + 599 pp.

396 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press RAFAEL & CÂMARA
Zootaxa 4122 (1): 397–403 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
Copyright © 2016 Magnolia Press
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)



Coordenação de Biodiversidade, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, Av.André Araújo, 2936, Petrópolis, CEP 69067-375,
Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil. E-mail:
Fellowship CNPq; Graduate Program in Entomology; E-mail:
*Corresponding author:


Hybotidae is a diverse family of the order Diptera, suborder Brachycera, superfamily Empidoidea. Hybotid flies are gen-
erally yellow to black, are morphologically diverse, and are distributed worldwide. The monophyly of the family is based
on: palpifer and fore tibial gland present, laterotergite bare and R4+5 unbranched. Hybotids are mainly predators and are
usually found on the vegetation, logs and other surfaces, or in flight during displacement and forage. This catalogue, based
on the study of specimens and available literature records, summarizes and updates the information on the Colombian fau-
na of Hybotidae, which includes 19 species distributed in six genera.

Key words: Colombia, distribution, Hybotidae, Neotropical Region


Hybotidae are cosmopolitan, with approximately 1,700 species described in 66 genera. Of these, 187 species in 25
genera have been documented for South America (Yang et al. 2007). Hybotid flies occur virtually in all terrestrial
biotopes and in several environmental conditions (Chvála 1975).
Adults are small to medium in size (1.0-7.5mm), black to yellow, never metallic, and are morphologically
diverse. Larvae have the terminal segment rounded with a protuberance below the posterior spiracles; locomotor
projections on the first seven abdominal segments, and cuticular spines organized in rows. The pupae are very
diverse and usually have short respiratory horns or pedicellate spiracles on thorax and abdomen, but the prothoracic
spiracles are much shorter than those found in Dolichopodidae (Dyte 1967).
Even though hybotids are primarily predators, there are some records of species that feed on pollen and nectar
(Chvála 1976, Melander 1906, Downes & Smith 1969). Hybotid flies are normally found on leaves, trunks and
other surfaces, or in flight during displacement and foraging. Ocydromiinae flies swarm as part of their mating and
courtship behavior, but in Hybotinae and Tachydromiinae flies the predatory and reproductive activities have been
displaced to solid surfaces such as leaves, the ground and tree trunks (Chvála 1976). The biology of the immatures
is virtually unknown, but there is a suspicion that they are predators (Cumming & Cooper 1993) and develop on the
ground, on moss, in tree holes (Chvála 1975), litter or rotting wood (Steyskal & Knutson 1981).
The most common methods of collecting hybotids are traps that intercept them during flight, for instance
Malaise and Suspended traps, colored pan traps (primarily the yellow ones), and swapping with entomological
The first phylogenetic proposal for the classification of Hybotidae was advanced by Chvála (1983), who
included in it three subfamilies traditionally placed in Empididae s. lat. (namely Hybotinae, Ocydromiinae and
Tachydromiinae). Presently, the family includes the subfamilies Hybotinae, Ocydromiinae, Oedaleinae,
Tachydromiinae and Trichininae, which are clustered based on the following synapomorphies: presence of palpifer
(special sclerite of the mouthparts joining the stipes with the palpi), fore tibial gland present, gonocoxal apodeme
restricted to anterolateral margin of hypandrium, laterotergite bare and vein R4+5 unbranched (Sinclair & Cumming

Accepted by S. Nihei: 10 Apr. 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016 397

Species from three hybotid subfamilies occur in the neotropics: Hybotinae, Ocydromiinae and
Tachydromiinae. The first one, Hybotinae, include 543 species in 17 genera, being that 83 species in eight genera
occur in South America, with 17 species in Colombia (Ale-Rocha 2007, 2008; Ale-Rocha & Vieira 2008; Yang et
al. 2007). The second, Ocydromiinae, include 84 species in 15 genera worldwide, with 31 species in eight genera
in South America, and one species registered for Colombia (Sinclair & Cumming 2007; Yang et al. 2007). Finally,
Tachydromiinae, the largest of the three, include 1,201 species in 27 genera (Shamshev & Grootaert, 2012)
occurring in all biogeographical regions (except the Antarctic); in South America, there are 73 species in nine
genera, but only one species is known to occur in Colombia (Table 1).

Acronyms used for the depositories

CAS—California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, U.S.A

CEUA—Colección Entomológica, Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia
IBUNAM—Instituto de Biología de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
INPA—Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, Manaus, Brazil
NHM—Natural History Museum, London, England
SNSD—Senckenberg Naturhistorische Sammlungen Dresden

List of abbreviations

distr.—geographic distribution
mon.—by monotypy
orig. des.—by original designation
subs. des.—by subsequent designation
F (f#)—Female
M (m#)—Male.

Catalogue of Hybotidae of Colombia

Family Hybotidae Meigen, 1820

Subfamily Hybotinae Meigen, 1820

Genus Cerathybos Bezzi

Cerathybos Bezzi, 1909: 303. Type species, Cerathybos schnusei Bezzi, 1909 by mon. Refs.: Smith, 1967: 14 (cat.); Rafael &
Ale-Rocha, 1995: 519 (rev. Bezzi’s types); Yang et al., 2007: 281 (cat.).

398 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press ALE-ROCHA & FREITAS-SILVA
bezzii Ale-Rocha, 2002: 294. Type locality: Ecuador, Napo, Muyuna. HT M [NHM]. Distr.: Bolivia, Colombia
(Putumayo (Mocoa)), Equador. Refs.: Yang et al., 2007: 282 (cat.).

schnusei Bezzi, 1909: 303. Type locality: Unini, Ucayale River, Peru. HT F [SNSD]. Distr.: Brasil, Colombia
(Putumayo (Mocoa)), Peru. Refs.: Ale-Rocha & Rafael 1995: 189 (key); Ale-Rocha, 2002: 297 (distr.); Yang et al.,
2007: 282 (cat.).

Genus Euhybus Coquillett

Euhybus Coquillett, 1895: 437. Type species, Hybos purpureus Walker, 1849 by subs. des. of Coquillett, 1903. Refs.: Smith,
1967: 11 (cat.); Rafael & Ale-Rocha, 1995: 521 (rev. Bezzi’s types); Yang et al., 2007: 282 (cat.).

amazonicus Ale-Rocha, 2002: 304. Type locality: Equador, Morona, Santiago, Sierra Tucutu. HT M NHM]. Distr.:
Brazil, Colombia (Putumayo (Villa Garzon)), Ecuador. Refs.: Ale-Rocha & Vieira, 2008: 114 (distr.); Yang et al.,
2007: 283 (cat.).

eurypterus (Bezzi), 1909: 306 (Hybos). Type locality: Peru, Pichis River, Puerto Bermúdez, Mouth of the river
Pachitea. LT M [SNSD]. Distr.: Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia (Caquetá), Ecuador, Peru, Trindad. Refs.: Smith, 1967:
12 (cat.); Rafael & Ale-Rocha, 1995: 521 (rev. Bezzi’s types); Ale-Rocha, 2002: 311 (dist.); Ale-Rocha & Vieira,
2008: 115 (dist.); Yang et al., 2007: 284 (cat.).

niger Ale-Rocha & Rafael, 2004: 363. Type locality: Ecuador, Napo. HT M [NHM]. Distr.: Colombia (Puntumayo,
Caqueta), Ecuador. Refs.: Yang et al., 2007: 284 (cat.).

pilosus (Schiner), 1868: 202 (Hybos). Type locality: Colombia. HT M [location?]. Distr.: Bolivia, Colombia. Refs.:
Smith, 1967: 13 (cat.); Yang et al., 2007: 285 (cat.).

setulosus Ale-Rocha, 2002: 316. Type locality: Colombia (Puntumayo (Mocoa)). HT M [NHM]. Distr.: Colombia
(Puntumayo). Refs.: Yang et al., 2007: 285 (cat.).

stigmaticuss (Schiner), 1868: 202 (Hybos). Type locality: Colombia. HT M [location?]. Distr.: Colombia. Refs.:
Yang et al., 2007: 286 (cat.).

Genus Lactistomyia Melander

Lactistomyia Melander, 1902: 250. Type species, Lactistomyia insolita Melander, 1902 by mon. Refs.: Melander, 1928: 35
(key); Coquillett, 1903: 251 (as subgenus of Hybos); Bezzi, 1909: 311 (discussion); Smith, 1967: 14 (cat.); Yang et al.,
2007: 284 (cat.); Ale-Rocha, 2008: 1 (rev.).

hyalina Bezzi, 1909: 312. Type-Locality: Peru, Pasco, Pichis, Puerto Bermudez. HT F [SNSD]. Distr.: Colombia
(Narino (Barbacoas)), Peru. Refs.: Collin, 1933: 28 (cit.); Curran, 1931: 6 (key); Smith, 1967:14 (cat.); Rafael &
Ale-Rocha, 1995: 532 (rev. Bezzi’s types); Ale-Rocha, 2008: 4, 5 (key, distr.).

Genus Neohybos Ale-Rocha & Carvalho

Neohybos Ale-Rocha & Carvalho, 2003: 3. Type species, Hybos luridus Bezzi, 1909 by orig. des. Refs.: Ale-Rocha & Rafael,
2004: 497 (distr.); Yang et al., 2007: 300 (cat.)
Hybos Meigen, 1803: 269 (part).
Euhybus Coquillett, 1895: 437 (part).

CATALOGUE OF HYBOTIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 399
brunnescens Ale-Rocha, 2007: 33, 37. Type locality: Colombia, Huila, Cueva de los Guacharos. HT M [NHM].
Distr.: Colombia (Huila (Cueva de Los Guacharos)).

colombiensis Ale-Rocha, 2007: 34, 42. Type locality: Colombia, Putumayo, Villa Garzon. HT M [NHM]. Distr.:
Colombia (Putumayo).

cooperi Ale-Rocha, 2007: 34, 42. Type locality: Colombia, Huila, Culva of los Guacharis. HT M [NHM]. Distr.:
Colombia (Huila).

elegans Ale-Rocha, 2007: 35, 43. Type locality: Ecuador, Napo, Tena. HT M [NHM]. Distr.: Colombia (Valle del
Cauca (Buena Ventura), Nariño (Barbacoas)), Ecuador.

hallexus (Smith), 1963: 32, 156 (Euhybus). Type locality: Guiana, Kaieteur. HT M [NHM]. Distr.: Brazil,
Colombia, Guiana, Peru. Refs.: Smith, 1967: 12 (cat.); Ale-Rocha & Carvalho, 2003: 8 (rev.); Ale-Rocha, 2007: 34
(key); Yang et al., 2007: 300 (cat.).

rossi Ale-Rocha, 2007: 35, 48. Type locality: Colombia (Villaviceneio (3 m. w.)). HT M [CAS]. Distr.: Colombia

schlingeri Ale-Rocha, 2007: 34, 48 (key, desc.). Type locality: Colombia, Tolima, 14 mi. W. Fresno. HT M [CAS].
Distr.: Colombia (Tolima).

tenuis Ale-Rocha, 2007: 35, 51. Type locality: Ecuador, Napo, Tena. HT M [NHM]. Distr.: Colombia (Tolima),

Subfamily Ocydromiinae Schiner, 1862

Genus Chvalaea Papp & Földvári

Chvalaea Papp & Földvári, 2002: 354. Type species, Leptopeza rugosiventris Strobl, 1910 by orig. des. Refs.: Ale-Rocha,
2006: 17 (neotropical species); Yang et al., 2007: 329 (cat.).

amazonica Ale-Rocha, 2006: 19. Type locality: Brazil, Amazonas, Santa Izabel do Rio Negro. HT M[INPA].
Distr.: Brazil, Colombia (Antioquia), Peru. Refs.: Yang et al. 2007: 329 (cat.).
Examined material. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Medellin, Santa Elena, Parque Piedras Blancas, 1 male, 03
vii.2013 (CEUA).

Subfamily Tachydromiinae Schiner, 1862

Genus Elaphropeza Macquart

Elaphropeza Macquart, 1827: 86. Type species, Tachydromia ephippiata Fallén, 1815 by mon. Refs.: Melander, 1928: 305
(cat., part); Smith, 1962: 202 (key); 1963: 153; 1967: 4 (cat.); Yang et al., 2007: 370 (cat.); Freitas-Silva & Ale-Rocha,
2009: 33 (key).
Ctenodrapetis Bezzi, 1904: 351 (as subgenus of Drapetis).

flavida (Williston), 1896: 308 (Drapetis). Type locality: West Indies, Saint Vincent, Windward side. Distr.: Saint
Vincent, Brazil, Colombia (Meta, Valle del Cauca), Cuba, Ecuador, Haiti, Jamaica, Mexico, Peru, Puerto Rico,
U.S.A. Refs.: Melander, 1928: 314 (cat.); Smith, 1967: 39.4 (cat.); Yang et al., 2007: 373 (cat.); Freitas-Silva &
Ale-Rocha, 2009: 36 (rev.).
bergonzoi Raffone, 2000: 3. Refs.: Freitas-Silva & Ale-Rocha, 2009: 39.

400 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press ALE-ROCHA & FREITAS-SILVA

Three additional species, which are probably undescribed, have been collected from Colombia. They are housed in
CEUA and belong to Hybos Meigen (previously only recorded from Central America and southern Brazil),
Hoplopeza Bezzi (from Chile) and Syneches Walker (see table). This is the first record of Hybos and Hoplopeza for


We sincerely thank Marta Wolff (Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia) for loaning the material examined. We also
thank Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) and Fundação de Amparo à
Pesquisa do Estado do Amazonas (FAPEAM) for the support to this work by the project “Incremento do
conhecimento da diversidade, formação e fixação de especialistas em Sistemática de Diptera (Insecta) na
Amazônia” and Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) by the project
“Sistemática morfológica de Hybotidae (Diptera, Empidoidea) com ênfase nas espécies neotropicais de
Ocydromiinae e Hybotinae”.

TABLE 1. Hybotidae species recorded from Colombia.

Subfamily Tribe Genus species Author
Hybotinae Meigen, 1820
Hybotini Meigen, 1820
Cerathybos Bezzi, 1909
bezzii Ale-Rocha, 2002
schnusei Bezzi, 1909
Euhybus Coquillett, 1895
amazonicus Ale-Rocha, 2002
eurypterus (Bezzi, 1909)
niger Ale-Rocha & Rafael, 2004
pilosus (Schinner, 1868)
setulosus Ale-Rocha, 2002
stigmaticuss (Schinner, 1868)
Hybos Meigen, 1803
Lactistomyia Melander, 1902
hyalina Bezzi, 1909
Neohybos Ale-Rocha & Carvalho, 2003
brunnescens Ale-Rocha, 2007
colombiensis Ale-Rocha, 2007
cooperi Ale-Rocha, 2007
elegans Ale-Rocha, 2007
hallexus (Smith, 1963)
rossi Ale-Rocha, 2007
schlingeri Ale-Rocha, 2007
tenuis Ale-Rocha, 2007
Syneches Walker, 1852
...Continued on next page

CATALOGUE OF HYBOTIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 401
TABLE 1. (Continued)
Subfamily Tribe Genus species Author
Ocydromiinae Schiner, 1862
Chvalaea Papp & Földvári, 2002
amazonica Ale-Rocha, 2006
Hoplopeza Bezzi, 1909
Tachydromiinae Meigen, 1822
Elaphropeza Macquart, 1827
flavida (Williston, 1896)


Ale-Rocha, R. (2002) Revisão do gênero Euhybus Coquillett (Diptera, Empididae, Hybotinae) da Região Neotropical. Grupo
dimidiatus. Acta Amazonica, 32 (2), 299–324.
Ale-Rocha, R. (2006) First description of Chvalaea Papp & Földvári species from the Neotropical Region (Diptera, Hybotidae,
Ocydromiinae). Zootaxa, 1167, 17–30.
Ale-Rocha, R. (2007) New species of Neohybos Ale-Rocha & Carvalho (Diptera, Hybotidae, Hybotinae) from Colombia,
Ecuador and Peru. Zootaxa, 1503, 33–54.
Ale-Rocha, R. (2008) Revision of Neotropical genus Lactistomyia Melander (Diptera, Hybotidae, Hybotinae). Zootaxa, 1692,
Ale-Rocha, R. & Rafael, J.A. (2004) Hybotinae (Diptera, Empidoidea, Hybotidae) from the Dominican Republic: new records
and description of new species. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, 48 (4), 495–508.
Ale-Rocha, R. & Vieira, R.M. (2008) Hybotinae (Diptera, Hybotidae) do Parque Nacional do Jaú, Amazonas, Brasil, com
descrição de cinco espécies novas de Syneches Walker. Acta Amazonica, 38 (1), 113–126.
Ale-Rocha, R. & Carvalho, C.J.B. (2003) Neohybos gen. nov. (Diptera, Empidoidea, Hybotinae) from the Neotropical Region.
Zootaxa, 387, 1–16.
Bezzi, M. (1904) Empididae Indo-australiani raccolti dal Signor L. Biro. Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationalis
Hungarici, 2, 320–361.
Bezzi, M. (1909) Beiträge zur Kenntniss der südamerikanischen Dipterenfauna auf Grund der Sammelergebnisse einer Reise in
Chile, Peru und Bolivia, ausgeführt in den Jahren 1902-1904 von W. Schnuse. Fam. Empididae. Nova Acta Academiae
Caesareae Leopoldino-Carolinae Germanicae Naturae Curiosorum, 91 (3), 297–406.
Collin, J.E. (1933) Empididae. In: Diptera of Patagonia and South Chile. Part 4. Fascicle 1. British Museum (Natural History),
London, 334 pp.
Coquillett, D.W. (1895) Revision of the North America Empidae – A family of two winged flies. Proceedings of the United
States Natural Museum, 18, 387–440.
Coquillett, D.W. (1903) The genera of the dipterous family Empididae, with notes and new species. Proceedings of the
Entomological Society of Washington, 5 (4), 245–272.
Chvála, M. (1975) The Tachydromiinae (Dipt. Empididae) of Fennoscandia and Denmark. Fauna Entomologica Scandinavica,
3, 1–336.
Chvála, M. (1976) Swarming, mating and feeding habits in Empididae (Diptera), and their significance in evolution of the
family. Acta Entomologica Bohemoslovaca, 73, 353–366.
Chvála, M. (1983) The Empidoidea (Diptera) of Fennoscandia and Denmark. II. General part. The families Hybotidae,
Atelestidae and Microphorinae. Fauna Entomologica Scandinavica, 12, 1–279.
Cumming, J.M. & Cooper, B.E. (1993) Techniques for obtaining adult-associated immature stages of predacious tachydromiine
flies (Diptera: Empidoidea), with implications for rearing and biocontrol. Entomological News, 104, 93–101.
Curran, C.H. (1931) New species of Empididae from Panama. American Museum Novitates, 467, 1–12.
Downes, J.A. & Smith, S.M. (1969) New or little known feeding habits in Empididae (Diptera). The Canadian Entomologist,
101 (4), 404–408.

402 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press ALE-ROCHA & FREITAS-SILVA
Dyte, C.E. (1967) Some distinctions between the larvae and pupae of the Empididae and Dolichopodidae (Diptera).
Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London (A), 42, 119–128.
Fállen, C.F. (1815) Empididae Sveciae. Litteris Berlingianis, Lund, 16 pp.
Freitas-Silva, R.A.P. & Ale-Rocha, R. (2009) Revision of the species of Elaphropeza Macquart, 1827 (Diptera: Hybotidae,
Tachydromiinae) from Amazon Basin and some remarks about E. ciliatocosta (Bezzi, 1904). Zootaxa, 2245, 32–46.
Macquart, J. (1827) Insectes Diptères du nord de le France. Platypézines, Dolichopodes, Empides, Hybotides. Impr. de Leleux,
Lille, 159 pp.
Meigen, J.W. (1803) Versuch einer neuen Gattungs Eintheilung der europäischen zweiflügeligen Insekten. Magazin für
Insektenkunde, 2, 259–281.
Melander, A.L. (1902) Monograph of North American Empididae. Part 1. Transactions of the American Entomological Society,
28, 195–367.
Melander, A.L. (1906) Some new or little-know genera of Empididae. Entomological News, 17, 370–379.
Melander, A.L. (1928) Diptera, Fam. Empididae. In: Wytsman, O. (Ed.), Genera Insectorum Fasc. Louis Desmet-Verteneuil,
Bruxelles, 434 pp.
Papp, L. & Földvári, M. (2002) A new genus and three new species of Hybotidae with new records of the Hungarian
Empidoidea (Diptera). Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 47, 349–361.
Rafael, J.A. & Ale-Rocha, R. (1995) Revisão das espécies neotropicais de Empididae (Diptera) descritas por Mario Bezzi. I.
Hybotinae. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, 39, 517–546.
Raffone, G. (2000) Una nuova specie di Elaphropeza Macquart, 1827 del Brasile. (Diptera, Hybotidae). Lavori – Società
Veneziana Scienze Naturali, 25, 3–6.
Schiner, J.R. (1868) Diptera. In: Wüllerstorf-Urbair, B. von (Ed.), Reise der österreichischen Fregatte Novara um die Erde in
den Jahren 1857, 1858, 1859, unter den Befehlen des Commodore B. von Wüllerstorf-Urbair. Zoologischer Theil 2, Abt. 1.
K. Gerold’s Sohn, Wienn, pp. 1–388.
Shamshev, I.V. & Grootaert, P. (2012) Proposed change in status of the Nearctic genus Charadrodromia Melander (Diptera:
Hybotidae, Tachydromiinae), with description of four new species. Zootaxa, 3525, 35–50.
Sinclair, B.J. & Cumming, J.M. (2006) The Morphology, Higher-Level Phylogeny And Classification Of The Empidoidea
(Diptera). Zootaxa, 1180, 1–172.
Sinclair, B.J. & Cumming, J.M. (2007) Leptopezella, a new Southern Hemisphere genus of Ocydromiinae (Diptera:
Empidoidea: Hybotidae). Zootaxa, 1629, 27–37.
Smith, K.G.V. (1962) Studies on the Brazilian Empididae (Diptera). Transactions Royal Entomological Society of London (B),
114 (7), 195–266.
Smith, K.G.V. (1963) The Empididae (Diptera) collected on the Oxford University expeditions to British Guiana in 1929 and
1937. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London (B), 32, 153–161.
Smith, K.G.V. (1967) 39. Family Empididae. In: Papavero, N. (Ed.), A catalogue of Diptera of Americas South of the United
States. Museu de Zoologia, São Paulo, pp. 1–67.
Steyskal, G.C. & Knutson, L.V. (1981) Empididae. In: McAlpine, J.F., Peterson, B.V., Shewell, G.E., Teskey, H.J., Vockeroth,
J.R. & Wood, D.M. (Eds.), Manual of Nearctic Diptera. Vol. 1. Research Branch Monograph 27, Agriculture Canada,
Ottawa, pp. 607–24.
Walker, F. (1849) List of the specimens of dipterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part III. Printed by order of
the Trustees [British Museum], London, 687 pp.
Williston, S.W. (1896) Diptera of St. Vincent (West Indies). Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, 44 (3),
Yang, D., Zhang, K., Yao, G. & Zhang, J. (2007) World catalog of Empididae (Insecta: Diptera). Chine Agricultural University
Press, Pequim, 599 pp.

CATALOGUE OF HYBOTIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 403
Zootaxa 4122 (1): 404–413 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
Copyright © 2016 Magnolia Press
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)



Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Triângulo Mineiro, Campus Uberlândia. Caixa Postal 1020. Uberlândia,
Minas Gerais, Brasil, 38400-970. E-mail:


The Dolichopodidae recorded from Colombia are listed based on literature data only and currently comprise 30 species in
14 genera (six subfamilies). Information on type material and depository institutions is given.

Key words: Catalogue, Colombia, Diptera, Dolichopodidae


Dolichopodidae are a large and diverse lineage of Empidoidea (along with Atelestidae, Brachystomatidae,
Hybotidae and Empididae), with over 7,600 described species in some 250 genera from all zoogeographical
regions (Grichanov 2014, Yang et al. 2006). Around 1,200 dolichopodid species and 75 genera are known from
Neotropics, a small fraction of the world fauna which is obviously a subestimative of the real number for that
Adults of the family are predators, usually feeding on small soft-bodied arthropods and annelids (see Ulrich
2004 for a review) and found virtually everywhere, but tending to be more numerous in moist habitats, like riparian
vegetation and humid forests. Adult dolichopodids can be usually recognized by their slender and elongate legs,
metallic body color and reduced wing venation. Males often display distinctive modifications involving
chaetotaxy, sculptures and enlargement of body parts (e.g., palpus, antenna, legs and wings) which are assumed to
play a role during male-female recognition during courtship.
The Colombian dolichopodid fauna is very poorly studied, and most of the 30 recorded species (14 genera;
summarized in Table 1) are reported only by their original description and known just from the type locality. The
species list provided below is based on literature data only, and the species whose distributional ranges overlap
Colombia, like Plagioneurus univittatus Loew, Chrysotus spectabilis (Loew), and Chrysotus mundus (Loew), are
omitted if not formally recorded from there. The classification adopted here follows that of Ulrich (1981), with few
additions and modifications.

Acronyms used for the depositories

AMNH—American Museum of Natural History, New York, USA

BMNH—The Natural History Museum, London, England
CAS—Department of Entomology, California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, USA
CNC—Canadian National Collection of Insects, Ottawa, Canada
HNHM—Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest, Hungary
INPA—Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, Manaus, Brazil
MNHNP—Muséum National d´Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France
NMW—Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien, Austria
MPCB—Marc Pollet Collection, Belgium

404 Accepted by S. Nihei: 10 Apr. 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016

MZSP—Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
SNSD—Senckenberg Naturhistorische Sammlung Dresden, Dresden, Germany
USNM—National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., USA
ZMHB—Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universität, Berlin, Germany

List of abbreviations

mon.— by monotypy
orig. des.— by original designation
F (f#)—Female
M (m#)—Male

Catalogue of Dolichopodidae of Colombia

Family Dolichopodidae Latreille, 1809

Subfamily Achalcinae Grootaert & Meuffels, 1997

Genus Achalcus Loew

Achalcus Loew, 1857a: 30. Type species, Porphyrops flavicollis Meigen, 1824: 56, subs. des. by Robinson (1970: 22). Ref.:
Pollet, 2005 (rev.).

cyanocephalus Pollet 2005: 41 (fig. 6). Type locality: Colombia, Cauca, 27 mi. S. of Popayán. HT M (CAS).
Distr.: Colombia (Cauca). Ref.: Yang et al., 2006: 24 (cat.).

Subfamily Diaphorinae Schiner, 1864

Genus Achradocera Becker

Achradocera Becker 1922: 207. Type species, Achradocera femoralis Becker, subs. des. by Robinson (1970: 31). Refs.:
Parent, 1933a (key); Bickel, 2000 (review).

femoralis Becker, 1922: 208. Type locality: Trinidad, Port of Spain; Colombia, Baranquilla; & Paraguay, San
Bernardino. ST 3 M (HNHM, destroyed). Distr.: Trinidad, Colombia (Atlántico (Barraquilla)). Paraguay. Refs.:
Robinson, 1970: 32 (cat., as subgenus of Chrysotus); Yang et al., 2006: 31 (cat.).

Genus Chrysotus Meigen

Chrysotus Meigen, 1824: 40. Type species, Musca nigripes Fabricius, subs. des. by Westwood (1840: 134). Refs.: Parent,
1928; Van Duzee, 1931b (keys); Capellari & Amorim, 2012 (taxonomic notes).

CATALOGUE OF DOLICHOPODIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 405
exceptus Becker, 1922: 190. Type locality: Colombia, Sierra San Lorenzo. HT M (HNHM, destroyed). Distr.:
Colombia (Magdalena (Sierra San Lorenzo)). Refs.: Robinson, 1970: 29 (cat.); Yang et al., 2006: 94 (cat.).

Genus Lyroneurus Loew

Lyroneurus Loew, 1857b: 38. Type species, Lyroneurus coerulescens Loew, subs. des. by Robinson (1970: 35). Refs.: Parent,
1930a (key); Capellari & Amorim, 2010 (taxonomic notes).

fratellus Becker, 1922: 183. Type locality: Colombia, Sierra San Lorenzo & Argentina, Lules. ST 2 M (HNHM,
destroyed). Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena (Sierra San Lorenzo)), Argentina. Refs.: Robinson, 1970: 35 (cat., as
subgenus of Diaphorus); Yang et al., 2006: 72 (cat., as Diaphorus).

luteoviridis Parent, 1935: 95. Type locality: Colombia, Cordillera, near Rio Yurumanguí. HT M (MNHNP). Distr.:
Colombia (Valle del Cauca), Brazil. Refs.: Robinson, 1970: 35 (cat., as subgenus of Diaphorus); Yang et al., 2006:
76 (cat., as Diaphorus).

occultus Becker, 1922: 185. Type locality: Colombia, Sierra San Lorenzo. ST 2 M (HNHM, destroyed). Distr.:
Colombia (Magdalena (Sierra San Lorenzo)). Refs.: Robinson, 1970: 36 (cat., as subgenus of Diaphorus); Yang et
al., 2006: 78 (cat., as Diaphorus).

Genus Symbolia Becker

Symbolia Becker, 1922: 210. Type species, Symbolia ochracea Becker (mon.). Ref.: Robinson, 1966 (rev.).
Cyrtosymbolia Parent, 1931: 10. Type species, Cyrtosymbolia sinuosa Parent (mon.).

lugubris Parent, 1934a: 266 (pl. 68, figs. 15–17). Type locality: Colombia, Gorgona Is. HT M (BMNH). Distr.:
Colombia (Gorgona Is.). Refs.: Robinson, 1970: 37 (cat.); Yang et al., 2006: 87 (cat.).

Subfamily Dolichopodinae Latreille, 1809

Genus Cheiromyia Dyte

Cheirocerus Parent, 1930b: 13. Type species, Cheirocerus palmaticornis Parent (mon.). Preoc. by Cheirocerus Eigenmann.
Cheiromyia Dyte, 1980: 223. Type species, Cheirocerus palmaticornis Parent, aut. Replacement name for Cheirocerus Parent,
1930b. Refs.: Capellari & Amorim, 2009 (taxonomic notes); Brooks et al., 2010 (rev.).

brevitarsis Brooks, 2010 in Brooks et al., 2010: 48 (figs. 2D, 4, 8A): 48. Type locality: French Guiana, Sinnamary.
HT M (CNC), PT 24 (BMNH, CNC, INPA, MPCB, MZSP, USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Meta), Guyana, French
Guiana, Brazil. Ref.: Capellari & Amorim, 2009: 59 (taxonomic notes).

Genus Paraclius Loew

Paraclius Loew, 1864: 97. Type species, Pelastoneurus arcuatus Loew, subs. des. by Coquillett (1910: 583).
Leptocorypha Aldrich, 1896: 315. Type species: Leptocorypha pavo Aldrich (mon.).
Ref.: Van Duzee, 1930 (key).

difficilis Becker, 1922: 47. Type locality: Trinidad, Port of Spain & Colombia, “S. Maria” [sic? =Santa Marta?]. ST
6M, 1F (HNHM, destroyed). Distr.: Trinidad, Colombia. Refs.: Robinson, 1970: 48 (cat.); Yang et al., 2006: 184

406 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press CAPELLARI

mixtus Parent, 1934a: 269 (pl. 69, figs. 24–26). Type locality: Colombia, Gorgona Is. HT M, PT F (BMNH).
Distr.: Colombia (Gorgona Is.). Refs.: Robinson, 1970: 48 (cat.); Yang et al., 2006: 187 (cat.).

Genus Pelastoneurus Loew

Paracleius Bigot, 1859: 215, 227. Type species, Dolichopus heteronevrus Macquart (mon.). Senior syn. of Pelastoneurus
Loew, 1861. Suppressed by the I.C.Z.N (2004) (see Brooks et al., 2002).
Pelastoneurus Loew, 1861: 36. Type species, Pelastoneurus vagans Loew, subs. des. by Coquillett (1910: 586). Ref.: no
suitable keys or revisions are available for Neotropical species.
Metapelastoneurus Aldrich, 1894: 152. Type species, Metapelastoneurus kansensis Aldrich (mon.).
Sarcionus Aldrich, 1901: 341. Type species, Pelastoneurus lineatus Aldrich (orig. des.)
Phylarchus Aldrich, 1901: 342. Type species, Phylarchus tripartitus Aldrich (mon.). Preoc. by Phylarchus Simon.
Paraclius Kertész, 1909: 230. Type species, Dolichopus heteronevrus Macquart, aut. Unjustified emendation of Paracleius
Bigot, 1859.
Proarchus Aldrich, 1910: 100. Type species, Phylarchus tripartitus Aldrich, aut. New name for Phylarchus Aldrich, 1901.

nigritibia Parent, 1934a: 271 (pl. 70: figs. 30, 31). Type locality: Colombia, Villavicencio, Quatiquia River. HT M
(BMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Meta (Villavicencio)). Refs.: Robinson, 1970: 51 (cat.); Yang et al., 2006: 196 (cat.).

umbripictus Becker, 1922: 73. Type locality: USA, Carolina & Colombia, Barranquilla, Bogotá. ST 2F (ZMHB).
Distr.: USA, Mexico, Belize, Colombia (Atlántico (Barranquilla), Cundinamarca (Bogotá)). Refs.: Robinson,
1970: 51 (cat.); Yang et al., 2006: 197 (cat.).

Genus Tachytrechus Haliday

Ammobates Stannius, 1831a: 33. Type species, Ammobates notatus Stannius, subs. des. by Rondani, 1856: 143. Preocc. by
Ammobates Latreille.
Tachytrechus Stannius, 1831c: 261 (nomen nudum, see Brooks 2005).
Tachytrechus Haliday, 1851: 173. Type species, Ammobates notatus Stannius, automatic. Replacement name for Ammobates
Stannius, 1831a. Ref.: no suitable keys or revisions are available for Neotropical species.
Stannia Rondani, 1857: 14. Type species: Ammobates notatus Stannius, automatic. Unnecessary new name for Ammobates
Stannius, 1831a.
Gongophora Philippi, 1875: 86. Type species, Gongophora medinae Philippi (mon.).
Polymedon Osten Sacken, 1877: 317. Type species, Polymedon flabellifer Osten Sacken (mon.).
Macellocerus Mik, 1878: 5. Type species, Tachytrechus moechus Loew (orig. des.).
Psilischium Becker, 1922: 93. Type species, Psilischium laevigatum Becker (mon).
Gonioneurum Becker 1922: 98. Type species, Gonioneurum varum Becker (mon.).
Syntomoneurum Becker, 1922: 123. Type species, Syntomoneurum alatum Becker (mon.).

analis (Parent, 1954): 226 (figs. 7–10) (Syntomoneurum); Brooks (2005). Type locality: Colombia, Boyacá, Muzo.
HT M (MNHNP). Distr.: Colombia (Boyacá (Muzo)). Refs.: Robinson, 1970: 58 (cat., as Syntomoneurum in
subfamily Hydrophorinae); Brooks & Wheeler, 2002: 317, figs. 5–7 (redescription); Yang et al., 2006: 208 (cat.);
Brooks & Cumming, 2008: 5, fig. 2 (as Tachytrechus, diagnosis).

giganteus (Brooks, 2002) in Brooks & Wheeler, 2002: 321 (figs. 12–22) (Syntomoneurum); Brooks (2005). Type
locality: Colombia, Antioquia, 10 km E of Medellin. HT M, PT M and PT 2F (USNM). Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquia). Refs.: Yang et al., 2006: 210 (cat.); Brooks & Cumming, 2008: 14, fig. 6 (as Tachytrechus, diagnosis).

potens (Parent, 1934a): 271 (pl. 70: fig. 29) (Paraclius); Robinson (1970). Type locality: Colombia, Gorgona Is.
HT M (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Gorgona Is.). Refs.: Robinson, 1970: 55 (cat.); Yang et al., 2006: 215 (cat.).

varus (Becker, 1922): 99 (figs. 37, 38) (Gonioneurum); Brooks (2005). Type locality: Colombia, Sierra San
Lorenzo. ST 2 M (HNHM, destroyed). Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena (Sierra San Lorenzo)). Refs.: Robinson, 1970:
46 (cat., as Gonioneurum); Yang et al., 2006: 217 (cat.).

CATALOGUE OF DOLICHOPODIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 407
Subfamily Medeterinae Lioy, 1863-64

Genus Medetera Fischer von Haldheim

Medetera Fischer von Waldheim, 1819: 7. Type species, Medetera carnivora Fischer von Waldheim [=Musca diadema
Linnaeus] (mon.). Refs.: Van Duzee, 1929, 1931a (keys).
Taechobates Haliday, 1832: 356. Type species, Hydrophorus jaculus Fallén, subs. des. by Coquillett (1910: 611).
Orthobates Wahlberg, 1844: 109. Type species, Hydrophorus jaculus Fallén, subs. des. by Coquillett (1910: 581).
Anorthus Loew, 1850: 117. Type species, Hydrophorus jaculus Fallén (mon.).
Oligochaetus Mik, 1878: 7. Type species, Medeterus plumbellus Meigen (orig. des.)
Saccopheronta Becker, 1914: 125. Type species, Saccopheronta nudipes Becker (mon.).
Elongomedetera Hollis, 1964: 26. Type species, Elongomedetera thoracica Hollis (orig. des.).
Asioligochaetus Negrobov, 1966: 877 (as subgenus). Type species, Oligochaetus vlasovi Stackelberg (orig. des.).
Lorea Negrobov, 1966: 878 (as subgenus). Type species, Medetera spiniger Stackelberg (orig. des.).

pedestris Becker, 1922: 137 (fig. 58). Type locality: Peru, Ucayali, Unini, mouth of River Pachitea. ST 6 (SNSD)
(Kallweit & Negrobov 1994). Distr.: Peru, Surinam, Colombia. Refs.: Parent, 1935: 96 (distr.); Robinson, 1970: 19
(cat.); Yang et al., 2006: 298 (cat., as Saccopheronta).

Subfamily Sciapodinae Bigot, 1917

Genus Condylostylus Bigot

Condylostylus Bigot, 1859: 215. Type species, Psilopus bituberculatus Macquart (orig. des.). Ref.: Parent, 1929 (key).
Dasypsilopus Bigot, 1859: 215. Type species, Psilopus pilipes Macquart (orig. des.)
Eurostomerus Bigot, 1859: 215. Type species, Psilopus coerulus Macquart, nomen nudum (=Eurostomerus coerulus Bigot,
validated by generic description).
Oedipsilopus Bigot, 1859: 224. Type species, Psilopus posticatus Wiedemann (orig. des.).
Tylochaetus Bigot, 1888: xxiv. Type species: Psilopus bituberculatus Macquart (orig. des.).
Laxina Curran, 1934: 230. Type species, Dolichopus patibulatus Say (orig. des.)

biseta Becker, 1922: 353. Type locality: “Colombia” (Cordillera) ST 2M (ZMHB). Distr.: Colombia. Refs.:
Robinson, 1970: 4 (cat.); Yang et al., 2006: 397 (cat.).

cinctiventris Van Duzee, 1934: 371 (fig. 7). Type locality: Colombia, Sierra San Lorenzo, Vista Nieve. HT M
(AMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena (Sierra San Lorenzo)). Refs.: Robinson, 1970: 5 (cat.); Yang et al., 2006:
398 (cat.).

facetus Parent, 1933b: 169 (figs. 10–12). Type locality: Colombia, Gorgona Is. HT M (BMNH). Distr. Colombia
(Gorgona Is.). Refs.: Robinson, 1970: 6 (cat.); Yang et al., 2006: 401 (cat.).

gorgonensis Parent, 1933b: 175 (fig. 21). Type locality: Colombia, Gorgona Is. HT M (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia
(Gorgona Is.). Refs.: Robinson, 1970: 7 (cat.); Yang et al., 2006: 403 (cat.).

impatiens Becker, 1922: 310. Type locality: "Venezuela". ST 4M and 1F (NMW). Distr.: Colombia, Venezuela.
Refs.: Robinson, 1970: 8 (cat.); Yang et al., 2006: 303 (cat.)

loriferus (Parent, 1934b): 116 (figs. 9, 10) (Chrysosoma); Bickel (1994). Type locality: Colombia, Bogotá. HT M
(MNHNP). Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca (Bogotá)). Refs.: Robinson, 1970: 2 (cat., as Chrysosoma); Yang et
al., 2006: 405 (cat.).

mirus Parent, 1931: 4 (pl. 1: figs. 8, 9). Type locality: Peru, Chanchamayo. HT M (SNSD). Distr.: Peru, Colombia.
Refs.: Parent, 1935: 96 (distr.); Robinson, 1970: 9 (cat.); Yang et al., 2006: 406 (cat.).

408 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press CAPELLARI

nubeculus Becker, 1922 (figs. 123, 124). Type locality: Colombia, Aracataca. ST M and 6F (HNHM, destroyed).
Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena (Aracataca)). Refs.: Robinson, 1970: 9 (cat.); Yang et al., 2006: 407 (cat.).

productipes Parent, 1934b: 121 (figs. 17, 18). Type locality: Colombia, Bogotá. HT M (MNHNP). Distr. Colombia
(Cundinamarca (Bogotá)). Refs.: Robinson, 1970: 10 (cat.); Yang et al., 2006: 409 (cat.).

squamifer Becker, 1922: 340 (figs. 134, 135). Type locality: Peru, Rio Urubamba & Colombia, Aracataca. ST M
(SMTD); ST 2 M (HNHM, destroyed). Distr.: Peru, Colombia (Magdalena (Aracataca)). Refs.: Robinson, 1970: 12
(cat.); Kallweit & Negrobov, 1994 (type cat.); Yang et al., 2006: 411 (cat.).

Genus Mesorhaga Schiner

Mesorhaga Schiner, 1868: 217. Type species, Mesorhaga tristis Schiner (mon.). Refs.: Naglis, 2000; Bickel, 2007 (keys).
Aptorthus Aldrich, 1893: 48. Type species, Aptorthus albiciliatus Aldrich, subs. des. by Coquillett (1910: 509).

tristis Schiner, 1868: 217. Type locality: “Colombia”. ST 2 M (NMW). Distr.: Colombia. Refs.: Robinson, 1970:
14 (cat.); Yang et al., 2006: 429 (cat.).

Subfamily Sympycninae Aldrich, 1905

Genus Pseudosympycnus Robinson

Pseudosympycnus Robinson, 1967: 901. Type species, Sympycnus palpiger Van Duzee (orig. des.). Ref.: Robinson, 1967

singularis (Parent, 1934a): 259 (pl. 67: figs. 6–9) (Sympycnus); Robinson (1970). Type locality: Colombia,
Gorgona Is. ST 3 (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Gorgona Is.). Refs.: Robinson, 1970: 38 (cat.); Yang et al., 2006: 448

Genus Stolidosoma Becker

Stolidosoma Becker, 1922: 213. Type species, Stolidosoma permutans Becker, subs. des. by Robinson (1967: 893). Ref.:
Robinson, 1967 (rev.).

permutans Becker, 1922: 217 (figs. 88, 89). Type locality: Colombia, Sierra San Lorenzo. ST 3M and 3F (HNHM,
destroyed). Distr.: Mexico, Panama, Colombia (Magdalena (Sierra San Lorenzo)), Guyana. Refs.: Robinson, 1967:
895 (rev.), 1970: 39 (cat.); Yang et al., 2006: 449 (cat.).


The preparation of this paper benefited from FAPESP grants 2008/58224–3 and 2013/01392-0.

TABLE 1. Species of Dolichopodidae recorded from Colombia.

Subfamily Genus Species Author
Achalcinae Achalcus cyanocephalus Pollet, 2005
Diaphorinae Achradocera femoralis Becker, 1922
...Continued on next page

CATALOGUE OF DOLICHOPODIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 409
TABLE 1. (Continued)
Subfamily Genus Species Author
Chrysotus exceptus Becker, 1922
Lyroneurus fratellus Becker, 1922
luteoviridis Parent, 1935
occultus Becker, 1922
Symbolia lugubris Parent, 1934
Dolichopodinae Cheiromyia brevitarsis Brooks, 2010
Paraclius difficilis Becker, 1922
mixtus Parent, 1934
Pelastoneurus nigritibia Parent, 1934
umbripictus Becker, 1922
Tachytrechus analis (Parent, 1954)
giganteus (Brooks, 2002)
potens (Parent, 1934)
varus (Becker, 1922)
Medeterinae Medetera pedestris Becker, 1922
Sciapodinae Mesorhaga tristis Schiner, 1868
Condylostylus biseta Becker, 1922
cinctiventris Van Duzee, 1934
facetus Parent, 1933
gorgonensis Parent, 1933
mirus Parent, 1931
impatiens Becker, 1922
loriferus (Parent, 1934)
nubeculus Becker, 1922
productipes Parent, 1934
squamifer Becker, 1922
Sympycninae Pseudosympycnus singularis (Parent, 1934)
Stolidosoma permutans Becker, 1922


Aldrich, J.M. (1893) New genera and species of Psilopinae. The Kansas University Quarterly, 2, 47–50.
Aldrich, J.M. (1894) New genera and species of Dolichopodidae. The Kansas University Quarterly, 2, 151–157.
Aldrich, J.M. (1896) Dolichopodidae. In: Williston, S.W. (Ed.), On the Diptera of St. Vincent (West Indies). Transactions of the
Entomological Society of London, 1896, 309–345, pls. 11, 12, figs. 101–119.
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Aldrich, J.M. (1910) A decennial confession. The Canadian Entomologist, 42, 99–101.
Becker, T. (1914) Diptères nouveaux récoltés par M.M. Ch. Alluaud et R. Jeannel en Afrique orientale 1911–1912. Annales de
la Société entomologique de France, 83, 120–130.
Becker, T. (1922) Dipterologische Studien. Dolichopodidae. B. Nearktische und neotropische Region. Abhandlungen der
Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien, 13 (1), 1–394.
Bickel, D.J. (2000) New World Achradocera in Hawai’i, Tonga, and French Polynesia, with discussion of the genus (Diptera:
Dolichopodidae). Bishop Museum Occasional Papers, 64, 14–20.
Bickel, D.J. (2007) The Mesoamerican Mesorhaga (Diptera: Dolichopodidae), with a taxonomic conspectus of the New World
fauna. Zootaxa, 1411, 47–67

410 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press CAPELLARI

Bigot, J.M.F. (1859) Essai d’une classification générale et synoptique de l’ordre des insectes diptères. (VIIe mémoire.) Tribus
des Rhaphidi et Dolichopodi (mihi). Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, Series 3, 7, 201–231.
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Loew, H. (1857b) Dipterologische Mittheilungen. Wiener Entomologische Monatsschrift, 1, 33–56.
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Museum de Hambourg. Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Staatsinstitut und Zoologischen Museum in Hamburg, 43,
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CATALOGUE OF DOLICHOPODIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 413
Zootaxa 4122 (1): 414–451 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
Copyright © 2016 Magnolia Press
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)



Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto, Departamento de Biologia, Av. Bandei-
rantes 3900, 14040–901, Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil. E-mail:
Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, 900 Exposition Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA, 90007, USA. Email:
*Corresponding author:


The Phoridae recorded from Colombia are catalogued, totaling 226 species distributed in 19 genera and three subfamilies.
For each species, distribution, hierarchic position and cited references are presented.

Key words: catalogue, Colombia, diversity, distribution, Phoridae


Phoridae are probably one of the largest families of Diptera, numbering now only 4,000 described species, but
estimated to probably include closer to 40–50,000 species. Because of their small size and astounding diversity,
phorids are much less studied than almost any other group of flies. It is unknown how many species inhabit
Colombia, but Brown (1998) estimated over 2,500 species from the much smaller landmass of Costa Rica. Many
genera of Neotropical Region phorids have not yet been recorded from Colombia, but are known to occur there.
A diagnosis of phorids is small (0.5–4 mm) cyclorrhaphan flies, ptilinal suture absent. Frons usually with
distinctive setation, with one ventral and one dorsal pair of interfrontal setae, one ventral and one dorsal pair of
fronto-orbital setae, one pair of inner and one pair of outer vertical setae, and one pair of postocellar setae; often
one or more pairs of supra-antennal setae also present. Some or all frontal setae absent in some species. Mouthparts
and palpus varied. Antenna has pedicel deeply inserted into first flagellomere; shape of first flagellomere varied,
from small and rounded to greatly enlarged and flattened; Arista usually present and apical to dorsal. Thorax
shortened, scutum arched ("humpbacked"), scutellum usually with one small anterior pair and one larger posterior
pair of setae, but sometimes with many pairs of setae. Katepisternum produced into mesepimeron. Wing present,
reduced, or absent. Wing venation highly characteristic, with thickened costal and radial veins, and thin, linear
posterior veins without any crossveins linking them. Halter present, rarely absent. Hind femur of most phorids
flattened, broad. At least hind tarsomere with one longitudinal setal palisade.
Most phorid flies are parasitoids, many of which attack ants, bees, and other social insects; others are
mycophagous, herbivorous, or predaceous. Some are scavengers, including the best-known species of the family.
Larval life history was reviewed by Disney (1994) and Brown (2010). The life history of over 90% of the species is
Phorids are greatly undersampled in Colombia, as in other parts of the Neotropical Region. The largest
collections were amassed by the Colombia Arthropod Project, led by Michael Sharkey and Brian Brown in the
1990s. Malaise trap samples collected during this project are housed at the Instituto Alexander von Humboldt in
Villa de Leyva. Other significant collections are those of Lee and Barreto (1969) at Rio Raposo (housed in the
Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC), and Malaise trap samples taken at Amacayacu National Park by Bert
Klein, which are housed in the University of Colombia, Bogotá entomology collection.
This catalogue deals with the names of species of Phoridae recorded from Colombia and their synonyms. The
records were obtained mostly with the help of the catalogue of the Phoridae of the world and its supplement

414 Accepted by S. Nihei: 17 Apr. 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016

(Borgmeier 1968, 1971), searches on literature and the online version of the Zoological Records (http:// The 226 species recognized for Colombia are organized by alphabetical order within
their higher categories: subgenus (when one exists), genus and subfamily. The subfamily classification follows
Brown et al. (2015). At the end, a table is presented with a summary of the species, its higher categories, author and
year of publication (Table 1).

Acronyms used for the depositories

CBFC—Colección Boliviana de Fauna, La Paz, Bolivia.

CUMZ—University Museum of Zoology Insect Collection, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
FMNH—Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, USA.
IAvH—Instituto Alexander von Humboldt, Villa de Leyva, Colombia.
INBC—Instituto Nacional de Bioversidad, Heredia, Costa Rica.
INPA—Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, Manaus, Brazil.
LACM—Entomology Section, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, Los Angeles, USA.
MNHB—Museum der Naturkunde für Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Germany.
MNHN—Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France.
MPEG—Departamento de Entomologia, Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi, Belém, Brazil.
MUSM—Museo de Historia Natural, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Peru.
MZSP—Museu de Zoolgia, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.
SMTD—Staatsliches Museum für Tierkunde, Dresden, Germany.
UNCB—Museo de Historia Natural, Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Santa Fé
de Bogotá, Colombia.
USNM—United States National Museum, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, USA.
ZMFK—Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig, Bonn, Germany.
ZMUA—Zoologisch Museum, University of Amsterdam, Holland.

List of abbreviations (and latin words used)

cgto—corregimiento (little village)
nec—and not (of ), nor (of )
nom. nudum—nomen nudum
orig. des.—by original designation
p. p.—in part
passim—here and there
s. str.—sensu stricto

CATALOGUE OF PHORIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 415
F (f#)—Female
M (m#)—Male

Catalogue of Phoridae of Colombia

Family Phoridae Latreille, 1796

Subfamily Chonocephalinae Brown et al. 2015

Genus Chonocephalus Wandolleck

Chonocephalus Wandolleck, 1898: 428. Type species, Chonocephalus dorsalis Wandolleck, 1898 (mon.). Refs.: Becker, 1901:
86; Brues, 1906: 12; 1915b: 103 (key); 1915a: 144; Schmitz, 1927b: 26; 1928b: 87; 1929a: 168; Borgmeier, 1935b: 257;
1963a: 247 (key); 1967a: 201; 1968: 80 (cat.); 1971a: 179 (cat.); Paulian, 1958: 10; Beyer, 1964: 296; Disney, 1986: 77;
1994: 270; 2005: 393 (AF); 2008: 1 (NT).
Heterophora Santos Abreu, 1921: 81 (nec Borgmeier). Refs.: Schmitz, 1928b: 87 (syn.).

depressus Meijere, 1912: 151. Type locality: Indonesia, Sumatra, Medan de Bussy. LT F (ZMUA). Distr.: Bolivia
(La Paz), Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Rio Raposo)), Hawaii (Lanikai Oahu), also recorded from the Oriental and
Palaearctic regions. Refs.: Rao, 1961: 163; Borgmeier, 1968: 80 (cat.); Disney, 1991a: 208; 2002: 14 (LT des.);
2005: 14; 2008: 13.
similis: Collin, 1912: 105 (part) nec Brues, 1905: 554. Refs.: Disney, 2002: 14 (misidentification)
ecitophilus Borgmeier & Schmitz, 1923: 145. Refs.: Disney, 2002: 14 (syn.).
japonicus Schmitz, 1941a: 82. Refs.: Disney, 2002: 15 (syn.).
dimakae Paulian, 1958: 12. Refs.: Disney, 2005: 14 (syn.).
pallidulus Beyer, 1964: 298. Refs.: Disney, 2002: 15 (syn.).
simiolus Beyer, 1964: 300. Refs.: Disney, 2002: 15 (syn.).

dominicanus Borgmeier, 1967a: 206. Type locality: Dominica, Clarke Hall. HT M (USNM). Distr.: Brazil
(Amazonia), Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Rio Raposo), Cauca)), Costa Rica (Puerto Viejo), Dominica (Clarke
Hall), Ecuador (Quevedo Pichilinguo, Galapagos Islands), Panama (Gamboa), Trinidad (Cumaca). Refs.:
Borgmeier, 1968: 81 (cat.); Disney, 2008: 16.
similis: Collin, 1912 (part): nec Brues, 1905: 554.
punctifascia nec Borgmeier, 1935b: 257.
wirthorum: Disney, 1980: 363. Refs.: Disney, 2002: 18 (syn.).

globipygus Borgmeier, 1967a: 204. Type locality: Panama, Barro Colorado Island. HT M (USNM). Distr.:
Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Rio Raposo)), Costa Rica (Limon), Ecuador (Rio Palenque), Panama (Barro Colorado
Island, Gamboa). Refs.: Borgmeier, 1968: 81 (cat.); Disney, 2008: 21.
wirthorum Disney, 1980: 363 (1 male; misidentification)

heymonsi Stobbe, 1913: 131. Type locality: Surinam, Paramaribo. ST 5F (MNHB). Distr.: Argentina (Salta),
Belize (Punta Gorda), Brazil (Amazonia), Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Rio Raposo)), Cuba (Guantanamo Bay
Naval Base), Dominica, Ecuador (Napo, Galapagos Islands), Nicaragua (8 mi. S. La. Trinidad), Panama (Canal
Zone), Puerto Rico, Surinam (Paramaribo), Trinidad (St Augustine) USA (Hawaii). Refs.: Borgmeier, 1968: 81
(cat.); Disney, 2002: 23; 2005: 24; 2008: 23.
similis: Collin, 1912: 105, part (one female only) nec Brues, 1905 (misidentification)
jamaicensis Brues, 1915b: 102. Refs.: Disney, 1981: 207 (syn.).

416 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press AMENT & BROWN
punctifascia Borgmeier, 1935b: 257. Refs.: Prado, 1976: 587 (syn. C. jamaicensis).
vadoni Paulian, 1958: 11. Refs.: Prado, 1976: 587 (syn. C. jamaicensis).
brisbanensis Beyer, 1960: 85. Refs.: Disney, 2002: 23 (syn.).
digitalis: Borgmeier, 1967a: 207 (part) (misidentification).

leei Disney, 2008: 26. Type locality: Colombia, Rio Raposo. HT M (USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca
(Rio Raposo)).

raposoensis Disney, 2008: 34. Type locality: Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Las Cruces Biological Station. HT M
(CUMZ). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Rio Raposo)), Costa Rica (Puntarenas).

vitiodepressus Disney, 2008: 38. Type locality: Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Las Cruces Biological Station. HT M
(CUMZ). Distr.: Colombia (Chocó, Valle del Cauca), Costa Rica (Puntarenas), Mexico (Chiapas).

Subfamily Metopininae Rondani, 1856 (emend.)

Genus Apocephalus Coquillett

Apocephalus Coquillett 1901: 501. Type species, Apocephalus pergandei Coquillett, 1901 (orig. des.). Refs.: Brues, 1904:
372; 1906: 8; 1915a: 110; 1924: 43 (key); Malloch, 1912: 442 (key); Schmitz, 1927a: 98; 1929a: 135; Borgmeier, 1925:
185 (key); 1937: 207 (subg.); 1958: 314, 316 (key); 1961: 38 (key); 1963a: 163 (key); 1968: 68 (cat.); 1971a: 183 (cat.);
Beyer, 1965: 189; Brown, 1992: 81; 1993b: 218 (subg. Mesophora); 1994a: 1; 1997: 3 (attophilus gp.); 2000a: 5
(miricauda gp.); 2002: 6 (pergandei gp.); 2012: 20 (mucronatus gp.); Disney, 1994: 267.
Pseudoplastophora Schmitz, 1915a: 327. Refs.: Borgmeier, 1968: 68 (syn.; cat.).
Pleurophorina Borgmeier, 1969a: 66. Refs.: Brown, 1997: 3 (syn.).
Zyziphora Peterson and Robinson, 1976: 119. Refs.: Brown, 1992: 81 (syn.).
Anaclinusa Borgmeier, 1969a: 63. Refs.: Brown, 2000a: 5 (syn.).
Borgmeieria Prado, 1976: 582. Refs.: Brown, 1997 (syn.).
Macrocerides Borgmeier, 1927: 31 (p. p.). Refs.: Brown, 2011: 698.

Subgenus Apocephalus s. str. Borgmeier, 1937

Apocephalus s. str. Borgmeier, 1937: 209. Type species, Apocephalus pergandei Coquillett, 1901 (orig. des.).

asymmetricus Brown, 1997: 41. Type locality: Colombia, Rio Raposo. HT F (USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del
Cauca (Rio Raposo)), Ecuador (Sucumbios).

barbarus Brown, 2002: 27. Type locality: Costa Rica, Heredia, La Selva Biological Station. HT F (INBC). Distr.:
Colombia (Magdalena), Costa Rica (Guanacaste, Heredia).

brochus Brown, 2000a: 20. Type locality: Colombia, Amazonas, 22 km NW Leticia. HT F (LACM). Distr.: Brazil
(Pará), Colombia (Amazonas).

catholicus Brown, 2000a: 48. Type locality: Costa Rica, Limon, 7 km SW Bribri. HT F (LACM). Distr.: Brazil
(Amazonas), Colombia (Amazonas, Valle del Cauca), Costa Rica (Alajuela, Guanacaste, Heredia, Limon,
Puntarenas), Ecuador (Esmeraldas, Napo, Pichincha), Panama (Darien).

crassilatus Brown, 2000a: 12. Type locality: Costa Rica, Heredia, La Selva Biological Station. HT F (LACM).
Distr.: Brazil (Minas Gerais), Colombia (Amazonas), Costa Rica (Alajuela, Guanacaste, Heredia), Panama (Canal

densepilosus Borgmeier, 1971b: 110. Type locality: Brazil, Pará, Utinga. HT F (MZSP). Distr.: Brazil (Pará,
Roraima), Colombia (Amazonas), Ecuador (Napo, Sucumbios), Peru (Madre de Dios). Refs.: Brown, 2000a: 36.

CATALOGUE OF PHORIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 417
dinoponerae Brown, 2000a: 51. Type locality: Colombia, Amazonas, 22 km NW Leticia. HT F (UNCB). Distr.:
Colombia (Amazonas).

facettalis Borgmeier, 1961: 52. Type locality: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Taquara. HT F (MZSP). Distr.: Brazil
(Amazonas, Rio de Janeiro), Colombia (Amazonas), Costa Rica (Guanacaste, Heredia, Limon, Puntarenas, San
José), Ecuador (Guyas, Sucumbios), Panama (Canal Zone), Peru (Madre de Dios). Refs.: Borgmeier, 1968: 70
(cat.); Brown, 2002: 22.

fernandezi Brown, 2002: 17. Type locality: Colombia, Amazonas, 22 km NW Leticia. HT F (UNCB). Distr.:
Colombia (Amazonas).

flexiseta Brown, 2002: 31. Type locality: Costa Rica, San José, Ciudad Colon. HT F (LACM). Distr.: Brazil
(Amazonas), Colombia (Caquetá), Costa Rica (Heredia, Limon, Puntarenas, San José), Ecuador (Sucumbios),
Panama (Canal Zone, San Blas).

kungae Brown, 2000a: 27. Type locality: Colombia, Amazonas, Amacayacu National Park. HT F (LACM). Distr.:
Colombia (Amazonas (Amacayacu, National Natural Park)).

longimanus Brown, 2012: 20. Type locality: Colombia, Bolívar, SFF Colorados. HT F (IAVH). Distr.: Colombia

lopesi (Borgmeier), 1969a: 64 (Anaclinusa). Type locality: Brazil, Pará Belém. HT F (MZSP). Distr.: Brazil (Pará),
Colombia (Amazonas), Costa Rica (Limón, Puntarenas), Guyana (Berbice). Refs.: Bogmeier, 1971b: 5; Brown,
2000a: 33.

melinus Brown, 2000a: 9. Type locality: Ecuador, Napo, Yasuni Biological Research Station. HT F (LACM).
Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas), Ecuador (Napo).

neivai (Borgmeier), 1928: 167 (Macrocerides). Type locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Bom Retiro. HT F (MZSP).
Distr.: Argentina (Santa Fe), Brazil (Santa Catarina), Colombia (Amazonas). Refs.: Borgmeier, 1931: 217
(Macrocerides); 1958: 341 (Macrocerides); 1968: 72 (cat., Macrocerides); 1969: 73; Brown, 1997: 11; Brown et
al., 2010: 171.

paraponerae Borgmeier, 1958: 324. Type locality: Panama, Barro Colorado Island. HT F (University of Kansas).
Distr.: Brazil (Amazonas, Rio de Janeiro, Rondônia), Colombia (Amazonas, Rio Raposo), Costa Rica (Guanacaste,
Heredia, Puntarenas), Ecuador (Napo, Pichincha, Sucumbios), Guyana (Berbice), Panama (Barro Colorado Island,
Canal Zone, Darien, San Blas), Peru (Madre de Dios), Venezuela (Amazonas). Refs.: Borgmeier, 1968: 72 (cat.);
Brown, 2000a: 6.

reburrus Brown, 2002: 14. Type locality: Venezuela, Zulia. HT F (LACM). Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena),
Venezuela (Zulia).

roeschardae Brown, 2000a: 10. Type locality: Colombia, Amazonas, Amacayacu PNN. HT F (UNCB). Distr.:
Brazil (Rio de Janeiro), Colombia (Amazonas (Amacayacu, National Natural Park)), Ecuador (Napo), Peru (Madre
de Dios).

scaurus Corona & Brown, 2004: 691. Type locality: Costa Rica, Heredia, La Selva Biological Station. HT F
(INBC). Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena), Costa Rica (Heredia).

setitarsus Brown, 1997: 44. Type locality: Costa Rica, San José, Braulio Carrillo National Park. HT F (LACM).
Distr.: Brazil (Amazonas), Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Rio Raposo)), Costa Rica (Guanacaste, Limón, San José).
Refs.: Brown et al., 2010: 178; Guillade & Folgarait, 2011: 34.

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spinilatus Brown, 1997: 50. Type locality: Costa Rica, Heredia, La Selva Biological Station. HT F (INBC). Distr.:
Colombia (Valle del Cauca), Costa Rica (Heredia).

tanyurus Brown, 2000a: 50. Type locality: Ecuador, Sucumbios, Sacha Lodge. HT F (LACM). Distr.: Colombia
(Valle del Cauca), Ecuador (Sucumbios).

tenuitarsus Brown, 1997: 13. Type locality: Costa Rica, Heredia, La Selva Biological Station. HT F (LACM).
Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca), Costa Rica (Alajuela, Heredia).

torulus Brown, 2000a: 17. Type locality: Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Bilsa Biological Station. HT F (LACM). Distr.:
Colombia (Valle del Cauca), Ecuador (Esmeraldas).

trifidus Brown, 2000a: 49. Type locality: Peru, Madre de Dios, Zona Reserva Manu, Pakitza. HT F (MUSM).
Distr.: Brazil (Pará, Roraima), Colombia (Amazonas), Ecuador (Napo, Sucumbios), Guyana (Berbice), Peru
(Madre de Dios).

Subgenus Mesophora Borgmeier, 1937

Apocephalus subg. Mesophora Borgmeier, 1937: 209. Type species, Apocephalus mortifer Borgmeier, 1937 (orig. des.).

antennatus Malloch, 1913: 273. Type locality: USA, Maryland, Plummers Island. HT F (USNM). Distr.: Canada
(Ontario, Quebec), Colombia, USA (Connecticut Delaware, Florida, Maryland, Michigan, Missouri, New York,
North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia). Refs.: Borgmeier, 1963a: 166; 1968: 74 (cat.); Brown, 1993b:
222; 1994b: 145.

Genus Cryptophora Borgmeier

Cryptophora Borgmeier, 1935c: 490. Type species, Cryptophora coeca Borgmeier, 1935c (mon.). Refs.: Borgmeier, 1968: 86

colombiae Seevers, 1941: 186. Type locality: Colombia, Villavicencio. HT F (FMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Meta
(Villavicencio). Refs.: Borgmeier, 1968: 86 (cat.).

Genus Eibesfeldtphora Disney

Eibesfeldtphora Disney et al., 2009: 601. Type species Apocephalus curvinervis Malloch, 1914 (orig. des.). Refs.: Brown et
al., 2012: 34.
Neodohrniphora Malloch, 1914 (p. p).
Neodohrniphora subg. Eibesfeldtphora Disney, 1996: 1378. Refs.: Brown, 2001: 394
Neodohrniphora subg. Wallerphora Disney, 1996: 1378. Refs.: Brown, 2001: 394 (syn.).

arcuata Brown, 2001: 395. Type locality: Colombia, Amazonas, Amacayacu PNN. HT F (UNCB). Distr.: Bolivia
(Santa Cruz), Colombia (Amazonas (Amacayacu, National Natural Park)), Costa Rica (Puntarenas), Ecuador
(Napo), Guyana (Berbice), Panama (San Blas), Peru (Madre de Dios).
Neodohrniphora sp. ('small species'): Brown, 1999: 97.

attae Disney, 1996: 1381. Type locality: Trinidad, Simla Valley. HT F (ZMFK). Distr.: Brazil (Roraima), Colombia
(Cauca), Costa Rica (Guanacaste, Heredia, Limon, Puntarenas, San José), Guyana (Berbice), Panama (San Blas),
Peru (Madre de Dios), Trinidad (Simla Valley). Refs.: Brown, 2001: 395.
Apocephalus sp.: Beyer, ln Eibl-Eibesfeldt & Eibl-Eibesfeldt, 1967: 280.
Neodohrniphora sp. 1: Disney, 1994: 80.

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declinata Borgmeier, 1925: 214. Type locality: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Petrópolis. HT F (MZSP). Distr.: Brazil
(Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo), Colombia (Amazonas), Guyana (Berbice). Refs.: Borgmeier, 1928: 120;
1929: 496; 1968: 228 (cat., Neodohrniphora); Prado, 1976: 593; Brown, 2001: 399.
curvinervis: Borgmeier, 1962a: 479 (p. p.). Refs.: Borgmeier, 1968: 228 (p. p., cat.).

dissita Brown, 2001: 401. Type locality: Colombia, Amazonas, Amacayacu PNN. HT F (UNCB). Distr.: Bolivia
(Santa Cruz), Colombia (Amazonas (Amacayacu, National Natural Park)), Ecuador (Napo).
Neodorhniphora sp. ('large species'): Brown, 1999: 97.

leei Brown, 2001: 404. Type locality: Colombia, Rio Raposo. HT F (USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca
(Rio Raposo)).

pala Brown, 2001: 404. Type locality: Colombia, Amazonas, Amacayacu PNN. HT F (UNCB). Distr.: Colombia
(Amazonas (Amacayacu, National Natural Park)).

prolixa Brown, 2001: 404. Type locality: Ecuador, Napo, Tena. HT F (LACM). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas),
Ecuador (Napo, Sucumbios), Panama (San Blas).

Genus Homalophora Borgmeier

Homalophora Borgmeier, 1923b: 849. Type species, Homalophora reichenspergeri Borgmeier, 1923b (mon.). Refs.:
Borgmeier, 1923c: 177; 1958: 401 (key); 1960: 341; 1968: 101 (cat.); Schmitz, 1927b: 27; 1928b: 70; 1929a: 167; Brues,
1932b: 141; Disney, 1994: 276.
Neoplatyphora Borgmeier, 1923d: 1224 (nom. nudum); 1958: 401.

guatiquiae Seevers, 1941: 188. Type locality: Colombia, Villavicencio. HT F (FMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Meta
(Villavicencio)). Refs.: Borgmeier, 1968: 101 (cat.).

metae Seevers, 1941: 189. Type locality: Colombia, Villavicencio. HT F (FMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Meta
(Villavicencio)). Refs.: Borgmeier, 1968: 101 (cat.).

Genus Idiophora Borgmeier

Idiophora Borgmeier, 1960: 365. Type species, Ecitomyia termitoxena Seevers, 1941 (mon.). Refs.: Borgmeier, 1968: 102
(cat.); Disney, 1994: 276.

termitoxena (Seevers), 1941: 186 (Ecitomyia). Type locality: Colombia, Villavicencio. HT F (FMNH). Distr.:
Colombia (Meta (Villavicencio)). Refs.: Borgmeier, 1960: 366; 1968: 102 (cat.).

Genus Megaselia Rondani

Megaselia Rondani, 1856: 137. Type species, Megaselia crassineura Rondani, 1856 = Phora costalis Roser, 1840 (orig. des.).
Refs.: Borgmeier, 1925: 137 (Aphiochaeta); 1961: 71; 1962a: 291 (key, NT spp.); 1964: 258 (key subg. Aphiochaeta,
USA); 1966: 2 (key Megaselia s. str., USA); 1967b: 200 (key oriental Aphiochaeta); 1967c: 83 (key oriental Megaselia s.
str.); 1968: 104 (cat.); 1971: 8 (key); Schmitz, 1927a: 111; 1929a: 140; 1956: 387; Malloch, 1935: 336 (key, Samoa);
Brues, 1950: 59; Beyer, 1958: 38 (keys); 1959b: 66; 1959c: 3 (key, Africa); 1960: 23 (key, Australia); 1964: 273 (key,
Hawaii); 1966: 190; 1967: 335 (key, Micronesia); Ferrar, 1987: 1; Disney, 1989: 1139; Brown, 1992: 73.
Aphiochaeta Brues, 1904: 337. Refs. Brues, 1906: 9; 1915a: 111; Malloch, 1910: 91; 1912: 445 (key); Schmitz passim before
1926; Lundbeck, 1922: 201; Borgmeier, 1925: 137; Schmitz: 1927a: 111 (subg.).
Plastophora Brues, 1905: 551.
Megaselida Becker et al., 1907: 175 (emend.; unjustified).
Pericyclocera Schmitz, 1927b: 24. Refs.: Disney, 1994: 279 (syn.).
Paraphiochaeta Malloch, 1914: 27. Refs.: Schmitz, 1929a: 141.

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graminicola (Borgmeier), 1969a: 102 (Pericyclocera). Type locality: Brazil, Pará, Belém. HT F (USNM). Distr.:
Brazil (Pará), Colombia (Leticia). Refs.: Borgmeier, 1971a: 206 (Pericyclocera).

neocorynurae Gonzalez et al., 2002: 74. Type locality: Colombia, Boyacá, SFF Iguaque. HT M (UNCB). Distr.:
Colombia (Boyacá (Iguaque, Santuario de Fauna y Flora).

parianae (Borgmeier), 1969a: 105 (Pericyclocera). Type locality: Brazil, Pará, Belém. HT F (USNM). Distr.:
Brazil (Pará), Colombia (Leticia), Panama (Colón). Refs.: Borgmeier, 1971a: 206 (Pericyclocera).

perdita (Malloch), 1912: 459 (Aphiochaeta). Type locality: USA, Plummers Island. HT F (USNM). Distr.: Brazil,
Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, USA. Refs.: Brues, 1915a: 126 (Aphiocaeta); Brues, 1950: 68; Borgmeier, 1962a:
293; 1964: 262; 1968: 199 (cat.).

picta (Lehman), 1822: 43 (Phora) Type locality: Europe (type lost). Distr.: Europe, North and South America,
Philippines, Japan. Refs.: Mik, 1896: 112 (Phora); Aldrich, 1896: 435 (Phora); Becker, 1901: 52 (Phora); Wood,
1908: 169 (Phora); Brues, 1904: 361 (Aphiochaeta); 1915a: 126 (Aphiochaeta); Strobl, 1910: 121 (Aphiochaeta);
Malloch, 1912: 451 (Aphiochaeta); Schmitz, 1918: 136 (Aphiochaeta); 1929a: 20, 23, 187; 1941b: 34 (distr.);
Lundbeck, 1922: 233 (Aphiochaeta); Brues, 1950: 70; Borgmeier, 1962a: 305 (key); 1966: 10; 1967c: 84 (key);
1968: 146 (cat.).
ininterrupta Zetterstedt, 1838: 797 (Trineura). Refs.: Zetterstedt, 1848: 2878; 1860: 6478; Schiner, 1864: 337
(Phora); Coquillett, 1895: 104.
subquadrifasciata Zetterstedt, 1852: 4826 (Trineura). Refs.: Schmitz, 1929a: 20; 1953a: 136 (syn.).
atlantica Brues, 1904: 362 (Aphiochaeta). Refs.: Brues, 1950: 73; Borgmeier, 1961: 110; 1962a: 298 (syn.).
picta var. fasciiventris Brues, 1919: 432 (Paraphiochaeta) (nec Enderlein). Refs.: Borgmeier, 1962a: 299
calianensis Brues, 1936: 419. Refs.: Borgmeier, 1962a: 483 (syn.).
equivocata Brues, 1936: 420. Refs.: Borgmeier, 1967c: 97 (syn.).
infuscata Bridarolli, 1940: 487. Refs.: Borgmeier, 1962a: 296 (syn.).

rufipes (Meigen), 1804: 313 (Trineura). Type locality: Germany, Aachen. HT F (probably in the MNHN). Distr.:
Cosmopolitan. Refs.: Fabricius, 1805: 336 (Trineura); Zetterstedt, 1838: 795 (Trineura); 1848: 2857 (Trineura);
1852: 4823 (Trineura); Meigen, 1830: 216 (Phora); Macquart, 1835: 627 (Phora); Schiner, 1864: 340 (Phora);
Strobl, 1892: 202 (Phora); Becker, 1901: 59 (Phora); Coquillett, 1904: 51 (Phora); Wood, 1909: 194, 243 (Phora);
Keilin, 1911: 61 (Phora); Brues, 1904: 368 (Aphiochaeta); 1915a: 130 (Aphiochaeta); Bezzi, 1911: 60
(Aphiochaeta); Malloch, 1912: 494 (Aphiochaeta); Silva Figueroa, 1916: 9 (Aphiochaeta); Lundbeck, 1922: 375
(Aphiochaeta); Borgmeier, 1925: 167 (Aphiochaeta); 1966: 72; 1968: 152 (cat.); Schmitz, 1929a: passim; 1931:
48; 1938a: 31; 1941b: 34 (distr.); Taylor, 1944: 120; Hennig, 1952: 144; Hesjedal, 1984: 113.
annulata Meigen, 1804: 314 (Trineura). Refs.: Meigen, 1830: 216 (Trineura); Macquart, 1835: 627 (Trineura);
Schmitz, 1929a: 15 (syn.).
pallipes Latreille, 1809: 395 (Phora). Refs.: Dufour, 1840: 54 (Phora); Schmitz, 1929a: 3 (syn.).
vulgaris Fallén, 1823: 6 (Trineura). Refs.: Schmitz, 1929a: 4 (syn.).
semiflava Hartig, 1837 (Phora). Refs.: Engel, 1916: 57 (Phora); Schmitz, 1929a: 20 (syn.).
heracleellae Bouché, 1834: 102 (Phora). Refs.: Strobl, 1892: 202 (Phora); Schmitz, 1929a: 7 (syn.).
sphingicides Bouché, 1834 (Phora). Refs.: Schmitz, 1929a: 7 (syn.).
coleopterorum Brischke, 1869: 4 (Phora). Refs.: Schmitz, 1929a: 25 (syn.).
omnivora Hudson, 1892 (Phora). Refs.: Schmitz, 1929a: 199 (Phora).
juanfernandezica Enderlein, 1938: 661 (Lioyella). Refs.: Borgmeier, 1967d: 404 (syn.).

scalaris (Loew), 1866: 53 (Phora). Type locality: Cuba. LT F (MCZC). Distr.: Cosmopolitan. Refs.: Brues, 1904:
364; 1915a: 132; 1928a: 160 (biol.); 1950: 70; Malloch, 1912: 467 (Aphiochaeta); Schmitz, 1929a: 29; 1956: 394;
Fernandez, 1949: 93 (biol.); Bohart, 1947: 406; Bohart & Gressit, 1951 passim; Beyer, 1964: 287; 1967: 347;
Ondraschek, 1953: 347 (biol.); Hennig, 1952: 143; Haider, 1956: 191; Borgmeier, 1962a: 307 (key); 1966: 3 (key);

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1967b: 84, 89 (key), 101; 1968: 153 (cat.); Mainx, 1964: 415; El-Miniawi & Moustafa, 1965: 81; McCrae, 1967:
241; Robinson, 1975: 384; Tumrasvin et al., 1977: 74 (biol.); Prawirodisastro & Benjamin, 1979: 317; Benner &
Ostermeyer, 1980: 103; Dias Macieira et al., 1983: 223; Garris, 1983: 688; Curtis et al., 1987: 265; 1989: 47;
Carareto & Mourao, 1988: 995; Singh & Rana, 1989: 228; Traut & Willhoeft, 1990: 407; Traut et al., 1990: 77;
Willhoeft & Traut, 1990: 237; Benner, 1991: 351; Curtis & Benner, 1991: 85; Wolf et al., 1993: 272; Andreotti et
al., 2003: 46; Koller et al., 2003: 1; Solis et al., 2005: 339 (biol.); Sukontason et al., 2005: 113; Brown & Oliver,
2007: 85; Rasmussen & Noor, 2009: 1; Sorensen et al., 2009: 73; Miranda-Miranda, 2011: 344; Vanin et al., 2013:
xanthina Speiser, 1908: 148 (Aphiochaeta). Refs.: Schmitz, 1929a: 29 (syn.).
fissa Becker, 1908: 193 (Aphiochaeta). Refs.: Schmitz, 1929a: 29 (syn.).
conjuncta Becker, 1908: 193 (Aphiochaeta). Refs.: Schmitz, 1929a: 29 (syn.).
banksi Brues, 1909: 6 (Aphiochaeta). Refs. Brues, 1936: 380; Borgmeier, 1961: 110 (syn.).
circumsetosa Speiser, 1911: 348 (Aphiochaeta). Refs.: Schmitz, 1929a: 29 (syn.).
ferruginea Brunetti, 1912: 507 (Aphiochaeta). Refs.: Schmitz, 1929a: 29 (syn.).
repicta Schmitz, 1915b: 108 (Aphiochaeta). Refs.: Schmitz, 1929a: 29 (syn.).
plusiivorax Enderlein, 1929: 104 (Lioyella). Refs.: Beyer, 1967: 347 (syn.).

Genus Melaloncha Brues

Melaloncha Brues, 1904: 374. Type species, Melaloncha pulchella Brues, 1904 (subs. des.). Refs.: Brues, 1906: 8; 1912: 136;
1915a: 109; Malloch, 1912: 500; Schmitz, 1927b: 19, 26; 1927a: 147; 1929a: 144; Borgmeier, 1925: 223; 1934: 167;
1938: 44; 1959: 167; 1968: 219 (cat.); 1971b: 125; Brown, 2004a: 386 (cingulata-gp.); 2004b: 1 (Udamochiras subg.);
2005: 241 (furcata-gp.); 2006: 1; Gonzalez & Brown, 2004: 1; Brown & Kung, 2006: 1 (ungulata-gp.); Kung, 2008: 491;
Brown & Smith, 2010: 649; Lucia et al., 2013: 72 (biol.); Lutz & Brown, 2013: 238 (biol.).
Melanoloncha (emend.) Becker et al., 1907: 176. (unjustified emendation)
Udamochiras Enderlein, 1912b: 42; 1924: 281. Refs.: Brues 1912: 136 (syn.).

Subgenus Melaloncha s. str. Brown, 2004b

Melaloncha s. str. Brown, 2004b: 10. Type species, Melaloncha pulchella Brues, (orig. des.).

acicula Brown, 2006: 44. Type locality: Colombia, Amazonas, PNN Amacayacu. HT F (UNCB). Distr.: Brazil
(Amazonas), Colombia (Amazonas (Amacayacu, National Natural Park)), Ecuador (Napo).

acoma Brown & Kung, 2006: 4. Type locality: Costa Rica (Heredia, La Selva Biological Station. HT F (LACM).
Distr.: Argentina (Misiones), Bolivia (Beni, La Paz), Colombia (Chocó, Magdalena), Costa Rica (Heredia,
Puntarenas, San José), Mexico (Vera Cruz), Peru (Madre de Dios, San Martin, San Antonio de Cumbaza).

caligula Brown & Kung, 2006: 12. Type locality: Colombia, Amazonas, Amacayacu PNN. HT F (UNCB). Distr.:
Colombia (Amazonas (Amacayacu, National Natural Park)).

candida Brown & Kung, 2006: 6. Type locality: Brazil, Pará, Caiçara. HT F (MPEG). Distr.: Brazil (Amazonas,
Pará), Colombia (Amazonas).

clandestina Brown, 2005: 255. Type locality: Colombia, Amazonas, Amacayacu PNN. HT F (UNCB). Distr.:
Colombia (Amazonas (Amacayacu, National Natural Park)).

debilis Brown & Kung, 2006: 11. Type locality: Costa Rica (Heredia (La Selva Biological Station)). HT F (INBC).
Distr.: Colombia (Chocó), Costa Rica (Heredia).

diastata Brown & Kung, 2006: 9. Type locality: Colombia, Amazonas, Amacayacu PNN. HT F (UNCB). Distr.:
Colombia (Amazonas (National Natural Park)).

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digitalis Borgmeier, 1959: 176. Type locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutônia. HT M (MZSP). Distr.: Brazil
(Rio de Janeiro, Rondônia, Santa Catarina), Colombia (Amazonas, Caquetá), Costa Rica (Alajuela, Guanacaste,
Heredia, Puntarenas, San José), Mexico (Tamaulipas), Panama (Fort Gulick), Peru (Madre de Dios, San Martin).
Refs.: Borgmeier, 1968: 220 (cat.); Brown, 2006: 17.

hirsuta Brown, 2006: 54. Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca, Arbelaez. HT F (UNCB). Distr.: Colombia

hyalinipennis Borgmeier, 1933: 95. Type locality: Argentina, San José de Chiquitos. HT M (Staatliches Museum
für Naturkunde, Stuttgart). Distr.: Argentina (San José de Chiquitos), Brazil (Amazonas, Bahia, Mato Grosso, São
Paulo), Colombia (Amazonas), Ecuador (Napo), Peru (Madre de Dios, San Martin). Refs.: Borgmeier, 1968: 220
(cat.); Brown, 2006: 56.

juxta Brown & Kung, 2006: 10. Type locality: Colombia, Chocó, PNN Utría. HT F (UNCB). Distr.: Colombia
(Chocó (Utria, National, Natural Park)), Costa Rica (Puntarenas (5.5 km SW Rincon)).

kungae Brown, 2005: 246. Type locality: Ecuador, Napo, Yasuni National Park. HT F (LACM). Distr.: Bolivia (La
Paz), Brazil (Amazonas, Rondonia), Colombia (Amazonas, Caquetá, Vichada), Ecuador (Napo), Peru (Madre de
Dios, San Martin).

lamellata Borgmeier, 1934: 169. Type locality: Bolivia, Mapiri, Sarampioni. HT F (SMTD). Distr.: Bolivia
(Mapiri), Colombia (Magdalena). Refs.: Borgmeier, 1968: 220 (cat.); Brown, 2004a: 388.

maculata Borgmeier, 1934: 176. Type locality: Costa Rica, Higuito, San Mateo. HT F (USNM). Distr.: Bolivia (La
Paz), Brazil (Bahia), Colombia (Cauca), Costa Rica (Alajuela, Heredia, Higuito, Limón, San José), Nicaragua (Rio
San Juan). Refs.: Borgmeier, 1968: 221 (cat.); Brown, 2006: 58.

nannocauda Brown, 2006: 59. Type locality: Brazil, Amazonas, Reserva Campina. HT F (INPA). Distr.: Brazil
(Amazonas), Colombia (Amazonas (Reserva Campina)).

punctifrons Borgmeier, 1934: 171. Type locality: Bolivia, Mapiri, Lorenzapata. HT F (Dresden). Distr.: Bolivia
(Mapiri), Brazil (Pará), Colombia (Amazonas, Caquetá, Valle del Cauca), Costa Rica (Alajuela, Guanacaste,
Heredia), Panama (Darien). Refs.: Borgmeier, 1968: 221 (cat.); Borgmeier & Prado, 1975: 54; Brown, 2006: 16.

rodeoensis Brown, 2006: 33. Type locality: Costa Rica, San José, Zona Protectora El Rodeo. HT F (LACM).
Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas), Costa Rica (San José).

striatula Borgmeier, 1934: 176. Type locality: Costa Rica, Higuito, San Mateo. HT F (USNM). Distr.: Brazil
(Amazonas), Colombia (Chocó), Costa Rica (Alajuela, Cartago, Guanacaste, Heredia, Higuito, Puntarenas),
Panama (San Blas) Peru (Madre de Dios, San Martin). Refs.: Borgmeier, 1968: 222 (cat.); Brown, 2006: 63.

stylata (Schiner), 1868: 224 (Phora). Type locality: Venezuela. HT F (Naturhistorisches Museum Wien). Distr.:
Colombia, Venezuela. Refs.: Brues, 1904: 375; Schmitz, 1927a: 176; 1928b: 12; 1929a: 147; Borgmeier, 1934:
170; 1959: 179; 1968: 222 (cat.); Brown, 2006: 42.

tuparroensis Brown & Kung, 2006: 14. Type locality: Colombia, PNN El Tuparro. HT F (UNCB). Distr.:
Colombia (Vichada (El Tuparro, National Natural Park)).

Subgenus Udamochiras Brown, 2004b

Melaloncha subg. Udamochiras Brown, 2004b: 11. Type species: U. colossia Enderlein, 1924: 281 (orig. des.).
Udamochiras Enderlein, 1912b: 42. Type species: U. colossia Enderlein, 1924: 281 (orig. des.).

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ancistra Gonzalez & Brown, 2004: 8. Type locality: Colombia, Boyacá, SFF Iguaque, Cabaña Chaina. HT F
(UNCB). Distr.: Colombia (Boyacá (Iguaque, Santuario de Fauna y Flora)).

flavilata Brown, 2004b: 14. Type locality: Colombia, Amazonas, Amacayacu PNN HT F (UNCB). Distr.:
Colombia (Amazonas (Amacayacu, National Natural Park)).

Genus Melittophora Brues

Melittophora Brues, 1928b: 134. Type species, Melittophora salti Brues, 1928b (mon.). Refs.: Schmitz, 1929a: 200;
Borgmeier, 1968: 279 (cat.); Brown, 1993a: 121.

salti Brues, 1928b: 136. Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena, Rio Frio. HT F (not found). Distr.: Colombia
(Magdalena (Rio Frio)). Refs.: Borgmeier, 1968: 279 (cat.).

Genus Pseudacteon Coquillett

Pseudacteon Coquillett, 1907: 208. Type species, Pseudacteon crawfordi Coquillett, 1907 (orig. des.). Refs.: Wood, 1908: 168;
Schmitz, 1916: 30; 1918: 124; 1924: 139; 1929a: 138; 1938b: 171; Wasmann, 1918: 317; Lundbeck, 1922: 425; Steyskal,
1944: 1 (key); Borgmeier, 1923e: 239 (biol.); 1925: 235 (key NT); 1962b: 27; 1963a: 198; 1968: 246 (cat.); 1971: 210
(cat.); Disney 1991b: 283; Brown, 1992: 84; Plowes et al., 2009: 937.
Plastophora (p. p.): Brues, 1907b: 430; 1915a: 137; Malloch, 1912: 500; Schmitz, 1914: 528, 557.

andinus Plowes et al., 2009: 941. Type locality: Peru, Madre de Dios, Manu NP. HT F (LACM). Distr.: Bolivia
(Beni), Colombia (Amazonas), Ecuador (Napo, Sucumbios), Peru (Madre de Dios).

antiguensis (Malloch), 1912: 502 (Plastophora). Type locality: Antigua. HT M (USNM). Distr.: Antigua,
Barbados (Holetown), Colombia (Vichada (El Tuparro, National Natural Park)), Dominica (Clark Hall), Guyana
(Berbice), Suriname (Brokopondo), Trinidad (Arima Vly). Refs.: Borgmeier, 1963a: 200; 1968: 246 (cat.);
Borgmeier & Prado, 1975: 76; Disney, 1991b: 287; Plowes et al., 2009: 941.
caudalis Borgmeier, 1963a: 200. Refs.: Disney, 1991b: 287, 332 (misidentification).
grandis Borgmeier, 1963a: 200. (misidentification).

arcuatus Borgmeier, 1969a: 42. Type locality: Dominica, Clarke Hall. HT F (USNM). Distr.: Colombia
(Magdalena, Vichada), Costa Rica (Heredia), Dominica (Clarke Hall), Ecuador (Sucumbios), Nicaragua (12 km N
Matagalpa), Suriname (Brokopondo). Refs.: Borgmeier, 1968: 246 (cat.); Feener and Brown, 1992: 80; Plowes et
al., 2009: 954.

browni Disney, 1991b: 291. Type locality: Costa Rica, Heredia, La Selva Biological Station. HT F (CUMZ). Distr.:
Colombia (Cauca); Costa Rica (Alajuela, Guanacaste, Heredia, Limon, Puntarenas, San Jose), Guatemala
(Sacatepéquez, Suchitepéquez), Honduras (Catacamas), Nicaragua (Rio San Juan), Grenada (Volcan Mombacho),
Panama (Darien, Veraguas). Refs.: Feener and Brown, 1992: 80; Plowes et al., 2009: 942.

deltoides Plowes et al., 2009: 952. Type locality: Suriname, Brokopondo, Brownsberg Nature Park. HT F
(LACM). Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena, Vichada), Ecuador (Napo, Sucumbios), Guyana (Berbice), Suriname

grandis Greene, 1941: 183 Type locality: Jamaica, Negril Point, Station 583. HT F (USNM). Distr.: Bahamas (San
Salvador Island), British Virgin Islands (Guana Island), Colombia (Bolívar, Magdalena), Dominican Rep. (La
Cumbre), Jamaica (Milk River Bank, Negril Point, Runaway Bay), Puerto Rico (Salinas), Venezuela (Zuila). Refs.:
Disney, 1991b: 296; Plowes et al., 2009: 944.
antiguensis: Borgmeier, 1963a: 200 (misidentification); 1968: 246 (cat., misidentification).

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hippeus Plowes et al., 2009: 949. Type locality: USA, Texas, San Roque Riv.. HT F (LACM). Distr.: Colombia
(Meta), Costa Rica (Guanacaste, Limon, Puntarenas, San José), Ecuador (Napo, Sucumbios), Guatemala
(Sacatepéquez), Honduras (Catacamas), Trinidad (Arima Valley), USA (Texas).
crawfordi: Feener 1987: 148 (misidentification); Morrison et al., 1999: 198 (misidentification)

quinni Plowes et al., 2009: 953. Type locality: Costa Rica, Guanacaste, Santa Rosa NP. HT F (LACM). Distr.:
Colombia (Magdalena, Vichada), Costa Rica (Guanacaste, Heredia), Mexico (Jalisco).

Genus Pseudohypocera Malloch

Pseudohypocera Malloch, 1912: 439. Type species, Pseudohypocera clypeata Malloch = kerteszi (Enderlein), 1912b (mon.).
Refs.: Borgmeier, 1925: 183; 1968: 249 (cat.); 1971: 210 (cat.); Schmitz, 1927a: 97; 1929a: 134; Disney, 1994: 288.

kerteszi (Enderlein), 1912b: 48 (Aphiochaeta). Type locality: Costa Rica. HT F (destroyed). Distr.: Brazil (Bahia,
Pernambuco, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo), Colombia (Sucre (Sincé)), Costa Rica, Mexico (Jalisco), Paraguay
(Pastoreo). Refs.: Brues, 1915a: 122 (Aphiochaeta); Borgmeier, 1935a: 438; 1968: 249 (cat.); 1971: 210 (cat.);
Prado, 1976: 598.
clypeata Malloch, 1912: 439. Refs.: Brues, 1915a: 110.
nigrofascipes Borgmeier & Schmitz, 1923: 132. Refs.: Borgmeier, 1925: 183; 1930: 92; Brues, 1928b: 137;
Pickel, 1928: 67 (biol.).
minor Schmitz, 1927a: 97. Refs.: Borgmeier, 1930: 97 (syn.).
Pseudohypocera sp.: Nogueira-Neto, 1970: 297.

Genus Syntermophora Seevers

Syntermophora Seevers, 1941: 183. Type species, Syntermophora microphthalma Seevers, 1941 (mon.). Refs.: Borgmeier,
1968: 259 (cat.); Disney, 1994: 291.

microphthalma Seevers, 1941: 184. Type locality: Colombia (Villavicencio). HT F (FMNH). Distr.: Colombia
(Meta (Villavicencio). Refs.: Borgmeier, 1968: 259 (cat.).

Genus Tayrona Brown & Kung

Tayrona Brown & Kung, 2004. Type species, Tayrona nitifrons Brown & Kung, 2004 (mon.).

nitifrons Brown & Kung, 2004: 6. Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena, PNN Tayrona, Zaino. HT M (UNCB).
Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena (Tayrona, National Natural Park)).

Subfamily Phorinae Rondani, 1856

Genus Chaetocnemistoptera Borgmeier

Chaetocnemistoptera Borgmeier, 1923f: 51. Type species, Hypocera semifurcata Borgmeier, 1923b (mon.). Refs.: Schmitz,
1927a: 32; 1929a: 94; Brown, 1992a: 52; Ament, 2014: 301.
Chaetopleurophora (p. p.): Borgmeier, 1961: 4; 1968: 14 (cat.), 1969a: 36.

palpalis (Borgmeier), 1961: 8 (Chaetopleurophora). Type locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutônia. HT M
(MZSP). Distr.: Brazil (Rio de Janeiro, Rondônia, Santa Catarina), Colombia (Amazonas, Chocó, Magdalena),
Costa Rica (Puntarenas), Ecuador (Napo, Sucumbios), Panama (Canal Zone). Refs.: Borgmeier, 1968: 13
(Chaetopleurophora, cat.); Brown, 1992a: 52; Ament, 2014: 308.

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lobata Ament, 2014: 311. Type locality: Bolivia, La Paz, 40 km N Caranavi. HT M (CBFC). Distr.: Brazil
(Amazonas), Bolivia (La Paz), Colombia (Amazonas, Vaupés, Vichada), Ecuador (Napo, Sucumbios), French
Guiana (Regina), Peru (Madre de Dios).

magdalena Ament, 2014: 312. Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena, PNN Tayrona. HT M (IAVH). Distr.:
Colombia (Bolivar, Magdalena (Tayrona, Nacional, Natural Park)), Costa Rica (Puntarenas), Panama (Darien
Cruce de Mono).

phaeonota Ament, 2014: 314. Type locality: Colombia, Huila, PNN Cueva de los Guácharos. HT M (LACM).
Distr.: Colombia (Huila (Cueva de Los Guácharos, National Natural Park)), Ecuador (Sucumbios).

pityropyga Ament, 2014: 315. Type locality: Argentina, Misiones, Reserva Vida Silvestre Urugua-í. HT M
(LACM). Distr.: Argentina (Misiones), Brazil (Paraná, Santa Catarina), Colombia (Amazonas), Ecuador

trichopoda Ament, 2014: 317. Type locality: Colombia, Chocó, PNN Utria, Boroboro. HT M (IAVH). Distr.:
Colombia (Amazonas, Chocó (Utria, Boroboro, National Natural Park), Cundinamarca, Huila, Valle del Cauca),
Costa Rica (Puntarenas), Ecuador (Esmeraldas), Panama (Parque Nacional Campana), Venezuela (Aragua Rancho
Grande Stn).

Genus Coniceromyia Borgmeier

Coniceromyia Borgmeier, 1923a: 338. Type species, Coniceromyia epicantha Borgmeier, 1923a (mon.). Refs.: Borgmeier,
1925: 123; 1950: 283; 1963b: 450 (key); 1968: 19 (cat.); 1971: 179 (cat.); Brown, 1992: 53; Disney, 1994: 271; Kung &
Brown, 2000: 1; Ament & Amorim, 2010: 36.

browni Kung, 2009: 50. Type locality: Colombia, Amazonas, PNN Amacayacu, Matamata. HT M (IAVH). Distr.:
Colombia (Amazonas (Amacayacu, National Natural Park)).

caliga Kung & Brown, 2001: 267. Type locality: Colombia, Nariño, RN La Planada, Vía Hondon. HT M (UNCB).
Distr.: Colombia (Nariño (La Planada, Reserva Natural)).

reina Kung & Brown, 2001: 268. Type locality: Colombia, Boyacá, SFF Iguaque. HT M (UNCB). Distr.:
Colombia (Boyacá (Iguaque, National Natural Park), Cundinamarca).

sakaii Kung, 2009: 53. Type locality: Colombia, Vichada, PNN El Tuparro. HT M (IAvH). Distr.: Colombia
(Vichada (El Tuparro, National Natural Park)).

valdesi Kung, 2009: 54. Type locality: Colombia, Putumayo, PNN La Paya. HT M (IAvH). Distr.: Colombia
(Putumayo (La Paya, National Natural Park)).

Genus Cyrtophorina Borgmeier & Prado

Cyrtophorina Borgmeier & Prado, 1975: 85. Type species, Cyrtophorina deinocerca Borgmeier & Prado, 1975 (orig. des.).
Refs.: Brown, 1993a: 119; 2007: 118; Disney, 1994: 272.

deinocerca Borgmeier & Prado, 1975: 85. Type locality: Brazil, Rondônia, Vilhena. HT M (MZSP). Distr.: Brazil
(Pará, Rondônia), Colombia (Amazonas), Ecuador (Napo), Pastaza. Refs.: Brown, 1993a: 120; 2007: 120.

gorgonensis Brown, 2007: 126. Type locality: Colombia, Cauca, Isla Gorgona. HT M (UNCB). Distr.: Colombia
(Cauca (Isla Gorgona).

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Genus Dohrniphora Dahl

Dohrniphora Dahl, 1898: 188. Type species, Dohrniphora dohrni Dahl, 1898 (mon.). Refs.: Dahl, 1899: 65; Becker, 1901: 83;
Schmitz, 1918: 107; 1920: 97; , Borgmeier, 1925: 88 (key); 1960: 258 (key); 1961: 10; 1963a: 63 (key); 1966: 134; 1968:
29 (cat.); 1969a: 53; 1971a: 10 (cat.); Beyer, 1959a: 4 (Diplonevra, key); Borgmeier & Prado, 1975: 11; Prado, 1976: 566;
Disney, 1990: 339 (key); 1994: 274; 2003: 1 (AF); Brown, 1992: 60; 2008: 204; Kung & Brown, 2005: 55; 2006: 1931;
Brown & Kung, 2007: 157; 2010: 1; Hash et al., 2011: 13; 2013: 401 (phylogeny).
Diploneura subg. Dohrniphora: Schmitz, 1929a: 107; 1949: 204, 241.
Pronomiorpha Enderlein, 1912a: 116.
Crepidopachys Enderlein, 1912b: 16.

acanthiventris Brown & Kung, 2010: 34. Type locality: French Guiana, L’Oyapock, St. Georges de l’Oyapock.
HT M (LACM). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas), French Guiana (L’Oyapock).

acarinata Brown & Kung, 2010: 61. Type locality: Colombia, Amazonas, Amacayacu NP. HT M (IAVH). Distr.:
Colombia, Amazonas (Amacayacu National Park)).

acuta Brown & Kung, 2010: 82. Type locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca, PNN Farallones de Cali. HT M (IAvH).
Distr.: Colombia (Risaralda, Valle del Cauca (Farallones de Cali, National Natural Park)).

alvarengai Prado, 1976: 567. Type locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso. HT M (MZSP). Distr.: Brazil (Amazonas, Mato
Grosso, Rondônia, Roraima), Colombia (Amazonas, Caquetá, Putumayo), Costa Rica (Alajuela, Guanacaste,
Puntarenas, San José), Ecuador (Napo), French Guiana (Regina), Panama (Chiriquí), Peru (Madre de Dios, Cuzco).
Refs.: Brown & Kung 2007: 161.

amacayavia Brown & Kung, 2010: 64. Type locality: Colombia, Amazonas, Amacayacu NP. HT M (IAvH). Distr.:
Brazil (Amazonas), Colombia (Amazonas (Amacayacu, National Natural Park)), Costa Rica (San José).

anchicayensis Brown & Kung, 2007: 162. Type locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca, PNN Farallones de Cali. HT
M (UNCB). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Farallones de Cali, National Natural Park)). Refs.: Brown & Kung,
2010: 55.

anteroventralis Borgmeier, 1960: 264. Type locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutônia. HT M (MZSP).
Distr.: Argentina (Misiones), Brazil (Amazonas, Pará, Paraná, Rio de Janeiro, Santa Catarina), Colombia
(Amazonas, Bolívar, Caquetá, Cauca, Chocó, Magdalena, Putumayo, Vaupés, Vichada), Costa Rica (Alajuela,
Guanacaste, Heredia, Limón, Puntarenas), Ecuador (Chico, Manabi, Napo, Pichincha), French Guiana (Regina),
Honduras (Olancho), Nicaragua (Rio San Juan), Panama (Canal Zone, Darien), Peru (Madre de Dios, Pakitza),
Trinidad (Arima Valley, Morne Blue), Venezuela (Zulia). Refs.: Borgmeier, 1968: 30 (cat.); Borgmeier & Prado,
1975: 14; Disney, 1983: 455; Brown & Kung, 2007: 163.
anterosetalis Borgmeier & Prado, 1975: 14. Refs.: Brown & Kung, 2007: 163 (syn.).
trudiae Disney, 1983: 455. Refs.: Brown & Kung, 2007: 163 (syn.).

aprosmicta Brown & Kung, 2010: 35. Type locality: Colombia, Amazonas, Amacayacu NP. HT M (IAvH). Distr.:
Colombia (Amazonas (Amacayacu, National Natural Park)).

atrilinea Brown & Kung, 2010: 56. Type locality: Colombia, Amazonas, Amacayacu NP. HT M (IAvH). Distr.:
Bolivia (La Paz), Colombia (Amazonas (Amacayacu, National Natural Park)), Ecuador (Napo), Peru (Madre de

basilacuna Brown & Kung, 2010: 10. Type locality: Colombia, Caquetá, PNN Chiribiquete. HT M (IAvH). Distr.:
Colombia (Caquetá (Chiribiquete National Natural Park)).

berezovskiyi Brown & Kung, 2010: 11. Type locality: Colombia, Amazonas, Amacayacu NP. HT M (IAvH).

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Distr.: Brazil (Amazonas, Rondônia), Bolivia (La Paz), Colombia (Amazonas (Amacayacu, National Natural
Park), Caquetá, HuilaHuila, Vaupés)), French Guiana (Regina).

bicavatura Brown & Kung, 2010: 108. Type locality: Costa Rica, Heredia, La Selva Biological Station. HT M
(LACM). Distr.: Brazil (Rio de Janeiro), Colombia (Amazonas, Putumayo), Costa Rica (Guanacaste, Heredia,
Puntarenas), French Guiana (Regina), Panama (Canal Zone).

bicostula Kung & Brown, 2005: 57. Type locality: Colombia, Amazonas, PNN Amacayacu. HT M (UNCB).
Distr.: Brazil (Amazonas, Rondonia, Roraima), Colombia (Amazonas (Amacayacu, National Natural Park)), Peru
(Cuzco). Refs.: Brown, 2008: 205.

biseriata Borgmeier, 1960: 284. Type locality: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Petrópolis. HT M (MZSP). Distr.: Argentina
(Misiones), Brazil (Amazonas, Rio de Janeiro), Colombia (Amazonas), Ecuador (Pichincha). Refs.: Borgmeier,
1968: 30 (cat.); Borgmeier & Prado, 1975: 24; Brown & Kung, 2010: 85.

brevisimplex Brown & Kung, 2010: 41. Type locality: Colombia, Amazonas, Amacayacu NP. HT M (IAvH).
Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas (Amacayacu, National Natural Park), Caquetá)).

broadheadi Disney, 1983: 453. Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Pipeline Road. HT M (CUMZ). Distr.:
Colombia (Amazonas, Magdalena), Panama (Canal Zone). Refs.: Brown & Kung, 2007: 189.

bugenitalis Brown & Kung, 2010: 28. Type locality: Colombia, Amazonas, Amacayacu NP. HT M (IAvH). Distr.:
Colombia (Amazonas (Amacayacu, National Natural Park)).

buscki Malloch, 1912: 432 (Dohrniphora venusta, var. buscki). Type locality: Panama, (La) Cabima. HT M
(USNM). Distr.: Bolivia (La Paz), Brazil (Amazonas), Colombia (Amazonas, Chocó, Putumayo, Valle del Cauca,
Vichada), Costa Rica (Guanacaste, Heredia, Limón, Puntarenas), French Guiana (Regina), Panama (Canal Zone,
(La) Cabima), Peru (Madre de Dios). Refs.: Borgmeier, 1961: 110; 1968: 31 (cat.); Borgmeier & Prado, 1975: 16;
Brown & Kung, 2010: 22.
laminata Borgmeier, 1960: 274. Refs.: Borgmeier, 1961: 110 (syn.).

caguanensis Brown & Kung, 2010: 74. Type locality: Colombia, Caquetá, San Vicente de Caguán. HT M (IAvH).
Distr.: Colombia (Caquetá (San Vicente del Caguan)).

circularis Brown & Kung, 2007: 190. Type locality: Colombia, Amazonas, PNN Amacayacu. HT M (UNCB).
Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas (Amacayacu, National Natural Park)).

circumflexa Borgmeier, 1960: 285. Type locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutônia. HT M (MZSP). Distr.:
Brazil (Santa Catarina), Colombia (Amazonas, Cauca), Costa Rica (Cartago, Heredia, Puntarenas, San José),
Panama (Canal Zone). Refs.: Borgmeier, 1968: 31 (cat.); Brown & Kung, 2010: 66.

clariloba Brown & Kung 2007: 168. Type locality: Colombia, Amazonas, PNN Amacayacu. HT M (UNCB).
Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas (Amacayacu, National Natural Park)), Peru (Cuzco).

cocaensis Brown & Kung, 2007: 190. Type locality: Colombia, Amazonas, PNN Amacayacu. HT M (UNCB).
Distr.: Brazil (Rondônia), Colombia (Amazonas (Amacayacu, National Natural Park)), Ecuador (Napo).

cognata Borgmeier, 1960: 280. Type locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutônia. HT M (MZSP). Distr.: Brazil
(Amazonas, Roraima, Santa Catarina), Colombia (Amazonas, Chocó, Huila, Meta, Putumayo, Valle del Cauca,
Vichada), Costa Rica (Heredia, Limón), French Guiana (l’Oyapock, Regina), Panama (Canal Zone). Refs.:
Borgmeier, 1968: 31 (cat.); Brown & Kung, 2010: 103.
ventralis Borgmeier & Prado, 1975: 26. Refs.: Brown & Kung, 2007: 186; Brown & Kung, 2010: 103 (syn.).

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consimilis Brown & Kung 2007: 168. Type locality: Costa Rica, Heredia, Chilamate. HT M (LACM). Distr.:
Colombia (Valle del Cauca), Costa Rica (Cartago, Guanacaste, Heredia, Puntarenas), Peru (Cuzco).

conspicua Brown & Kung, 2010: 58. Type locality: Ecuador, Pichincha 17 km E Santo Domingo. HT M (LACM).
Distr.: Colombia (Chocó, Magdalena, Valle del Cauca), Costa Rica (Heredia), Ecuador (Pichincha), Panama
mississippiensis: Brown & Kung, 2007: 177 (misidentification).

continua Brown & Kung, 2010: 13. Type locality: Costa Rica, Heredia, La Selva Biological Station. HT M
(LACM). Distr.: Bolivia (La Paz), Brazil (Amazonas), Colombia (Amazonas, Caquetá, Meta, Putumayo, Valle del
Cauca, Vaupés), Costa Rica (Heredia), French Guiana (Regina), Peru (Madre de Dios).

cootei Brown & Kung 2007: 169. Type locality: Colombia, Amazonas, Leticia, Cgto. La Pedrera. HT M (UNCB).
Distr.: Brazil (Amazonas), Colombia (Amazonas (Leticia, Corregimiento La Pedrera), Vaupés), Costa Rica

cornuta (Bigot), 1857: 348 (French edition: 1857: 827) (Phora). Type locality: Cuba. ST 1M, 1 F (Paris Museum).
Distr.: Cosmopolitan (some NT records: Argentina (Buenos Aires, La Rioja, Mendoza), Colombia (Cauca), Costa
Rica (San José), Dominica (Anse Bouleau), Dominican Republic (Pedernales), Jamaica (Runaway Bay), Puerto
Rico (Rio Grande). Refs.: Schmitz, 1926: 44 (Diploneura); 1927a: 49 (Diploneura); 1929b: 22 (Diploneura);
1929a: 112 (Diploneura); 1951: 241 (Diploneura); Santos Abreu & Schmitz, 1934: 65 (Diploneura); Brues, 1936:
369 (Diploneura); Frey, 1936: 70 (Diploneura); de Mejeire, 1938: 230 (Diploneura); Bohart, 1947: 407
(Diploneura); Hennig, 1952: 151 (Diploneura); Beyer, 1959a: 4 (Diploneura); 1964: 272 (Diploneura);
Borgmeier, 1960: 277; 1963a: 65; 1968: 31 (cat.); Kaneko et al., 1961: 241 (Diploneura); Kloter et al., 1977: 775;
Barnes, 1990: 474 (biol.); Kung & Brown, 2006: 1932; Feng & Liu, 2012: 1528.
navigans Frauenfeld, 1867: 154 (Phora). Refs.: Schmitz, 1929a: 24 (Phora).
cleghorni Bigot, 1890: 191 (Phora). Refs.: Collin, 1912: 106 (Phora).
chlorogastra Becker, 1901: 32 (Phora).
mordax Brues, 1911: 531 (Phora).
venusta: Malloch, 1912: 432.
bequaerti Schmitz, 1914: 105.
flaviventris Silva Figueroa, 1916: 15 (Apocephalus). Refs.: Borgmeier, 1957: 24 (syn.; Apocephalus).
divaricata var. basalis Santos Abreu, 1921: 11.
divaricata var. obscura Santos Abreu, 1921: 11.
fulva Santos Abreu, 1921: 12. Refs.: Bridarolli, 1939: 5 (Diplonevra); Schmitz, 1951: 245; Borgmeier, 1968:
32 (syn.; cat.).
opposita Borgmeier, 1925: 107. Refs.: Borgmeier, 1960: 277.
crockeri Van Duzee, 1933: 70. Refs.: Curran, 1934: 152 (syn.); Borgmeier, 1960: 277 (syn.).
willowsi Van Duzee, 1933: 70; Borgmeier, 1960: 277
cavifemur Borgmeier, 1969b: 1 (p. p., male only), misidentification

cunarensis Brown & Kung, 2010: 114. Type locality: Colombia, Caquetá, PNN Chiribiquete. HT M (IAVH).
Distr.: Colombia (Caquetá (Chiribiquete, National Natural Park).

curticerca Brown & Kung, 2007: 191. Type locality: Colombia, Amazonas, PNN Amacayacu. HT M (UNCB).
Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas (Amacayacu ,National Natural Park)).

decrescens Brown & Kung, 2007: 169. Type locality: Peru, Madre de Dios, Tambopata Research Center. HT M
(MUSM). Distr.: Brazil (Amazonas), Colombia (Amazonas, Vaupés), Ecuador (Napo), Peru (Madre de Dios).

didyma Brown & Kung, 2007: 192. Type locality: Ecuador, Sucumbios, Sacha Lodge. HT M (LACM). Distr.:
Colombia (Amazonas), Ecuador (Sucumbios).

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digitata Brown & Kung, 2007: 192. Type locality: Colombia, Amazonas, PNN Amacayacu. HT M (UNCB).
Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas (Amacayacu, National Natural Park)).

dispar (Enderlein), 1912b: 29 (Phora). Type locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Hammonia. LT M (Polish Academy
of Sciences). Distr.: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador,
French Guiana, Jamaica, Montserrat, Panama, Peru, Puerto Rico. Refs.: Schmitz, 1923: 55; Borgmeier, 1935a: 431
(Diploneura, LT design.); 1960: 276; 1968: 32 (cat.); 1969b: 2; Kung & Brown, 2006: 1934.
dispah: Borgmeier, 1925: 109 (lapsus).

divaricata (Aldrich), 1896: 437 (Phora). Type locality: Saint Vincent. HT M (USNM). Distr.: Argentina, Brazil,
Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominica (Cabrit Swamp, Layou), Dominican Republic (Hato Mayor, La Estrelleta,
Pedernales), French Guiana, Jamaica (Hardwar Gap, Runaway Bay), Nevis (Newcastle), Panama, Puerto Rico (El
Yunque, Maricao, Rio Grande), Saint Kitts (Greenhill, Wingfield Mtn.), Saint Lucia (Anse La Raye), Saint
Vincent, USA. Refs.: Borgmeier, 1961: 111; 1968: 33 (cat.); Barnes, 1991: 307; Kung & Brown, 2006: 1936;
Brown & Kung, 2007: 171; 2010: 91.
venusta: Brues, 1915a: 95 (misidentification).
cornuta: Schmitz, 1929: 22, 25, 32 (misidentification).
obscuriventris Borgmeier, 1925: 105. Refs.: Disney & Kistner, 1997: 24 (syn.).
diffusa Borgmeier, 1960: 281. Refs.: Borgmeier, 1961: 111 (syn.).
recurvata Borgmeier, 1960: 272. Refs.: Brown & Kung, 2010: 91 (syn.).
perplexa: Borgmeier, 1963a (p. p., some males, misidentification).
cavifemur Borgmeier, 1969b: 1 (p. p., female only). Refs.: Kung & Brown, 2006: 1936 (syn.).
caverna Disney, 1995: 421. Refs.: Brown & Kung, 2010: 91 (syn.).

ecitophila Borgmeier, 1960: 271. Type locality: Brazil, Goiás, Campinas. HT F (MZSP). Distr.: Argentina
(Misiones), Bolivia (La Paz), Brazil (Amazonas, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro), Colombia (Amazonas, Bolívar,
Chocó, Magdalena, Meta, Nariño, Valle del Cauca, Vaupés), Costa Rica (Guanacaste, Heredia, Limón, Puntarenas,
San José), Ecuador (Napo, Pichincha), French Guiana (Regina), Mexico (Jalisco), Panama (Canal Zone), Peru
(Madre de Dios), Venezuela (Aragua). Refs.: Borgmeier, 1968: 33 (cat.); Borgmeier & Prado, 1975: 36; Brown &
Kung, 2010: 23.
geminata Borgmeier, 1960: 283. Refs.: Borgmeier, 1968: 33 (syn.).

emmesta Brown & Kung, 2007. Type locality: Colombia, Amazonas, PNN Amacayacu. HT M (UNCB). Distr.:
Colombia (Amazonas (Amacayacu, National Natural Park)).

femoralis Borgmeier, 1960: 265. Type locality: Panama, Darien, Patino Point. HT M (USNM). Distr.: Colombia
(Magdalena), Panama (Canal Zone, Darien). Refs.: Borgmeier, 1968: 33 (cat.); Brown & Kung, 2007: 193.

fernandezi Brown & Kung, 2010: 107. Type locality: Colombia, Amazonas, Amacayacu NP. HT M (IAVH).
Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas (Amacayacu, National Natural Park)).

flammidorsa Brown & Kung, 2010: 30. Type locality: Peru, Madre de Dios, Pakitza. HT M (MUSM). Distr.:
Colombia (Caquetá), Peru (Madre de Dios).

flexicarina Brown & Kung, 2010: 85. Type locality: Colombia, Amazonas, Amacayacu NP. HT M (IAVH). Distr.:
Colombia (Amazonas (Amacayacu, National Natural Park), Putumayo)), Argentina (Misiones).

foveolata Borgmeier, 1960: 278. Type locality: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Petrópolis. HT M (MZSP). Distr.: Brazil
(Amazonas, Rio de Janeiro), Colombia (Amazonas), Ecuador (Napo). Refs.: Borgmeier, 1968: 33 (cat.); Borgmeier
& Prado, 1975: 29; Brown & Kung, 2010: 77.

fuliginata Brown & Kung, 2010: 43. Type locality: El Salvador, La Libertad, Finca la Giralda. HT M (LACM).

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Distr.: Colombia, Costa Rica (Cartago, Heredia, Limón, Puntarenas), El Salvador (La Libertad), Mexico (Oaxaca,
castaneicoxa: Borgmeier, 1963a: 66 (p. p., specimens not from Brazil, misidentification).

fulleri Brown & Kung, 2010: 37. Type locality: Colombia, Caquetá, PNN Chiribiquete. HT M (IAvH). Distr.:
Brazil (Amazonas), Colombia (Caquetá (Chiribiquete, National Natural Park)).

fundula Brown & Kung, 2010: 37. Type locality: Colombia, Amazonas, Amacayacu NP. HT M (IAVH). Distr.:
Colombia (Amazonas (Amacayacu, National Natural Park)), Ecuador (Napo).

fuscicoxa Borgmeier, 1923a: 327. Type locality: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Petrópolis. HT M (MZSP). Distr.:
Argentina (Buenos Aires), Brazil (Rio de Janeiro, Santa Catarina), Colombia (Bolívar), Ecuador (Napo), Peru
(Cuzco). Refs.: Borgmeier, 1968: 33 (cat.); Borgmeier & Prado, 1975: 24; Brown & Kung, 2010: 110.

gigantea (Enderlein), 1912b: 18 (Phora). Type locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, (Lüderwaldt). HT M (Polish
Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland). Distr.: Bolivia (La Paz (40 km N Caranavi, Chulumani)), Brazil (Rio de
Janeiro, Santa Catarina, São Paulo), Colombia (Chocó, Huila, Nariño, Norte de Santander, Risaralda, Valle del
Cauca), Costa Rica (Alajuela, Cartago, Guanacaste, Limón, Puntarenas, San José), Ecuador (Napo, Pichincha),
Honduras (Olancho), Nicaragua (Matagalpa), Panama (Darien, San Blas), Peru (Madre de Dios, San Martin),
Venezuela (Aragua). Refs.: Schmitz, 1923: 54; Borgmeier, 1925: 94; 1960: 261; 1968: 33 (cat.); Enderlein, 1924:
273 (Diploneura); Schmitz 1929: 32, 108 (Diploneura); 1949: 204 (Diploneura); Brown & Kung, 2007: 173.
rubriventris Borgmeier, 1923b: 580. Refs.: Borgmeier, 1925: 95; 1960: 261 (syn.).

gravis Borgmeier & Prado, 1975: 32. Type locality: Brazil (Pará (Belém)). HT M (MZSP). Distr.: Brazil (Pará),
Colombia (Amazonas). Refs.: Brown & Kung, 2010: 48.

hamartia Brown & Kung, 2007: 194. Type locality: Colombia, Amazonas, Leticia. HT M (CNCI). Distr.:
Colombia (Amazonas (Leticia), Peru (Upper Rio Pachitea).
pyricornis: Brues, 1944: 151 (Diploneura (Dohrniphora)); Borgmeier, 1961: 13 (p. p., paratype only).

heliconiae Brown & Kung, 2010: 68. Type locality: Costa Rica, Alajuela, Albergue de Heliconia. HT M (LACM).
Distr.: Costa Rica (Alajuela, Cartago, Heredia), Colombia (Chocó), Mexico (Jalisco).

hexaseta Brown & Kung, 2010: 17. Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena, PNN Tayrona. HT M (IAVH). Distr.:
Colombia (Cauca, Magdalena (Tayrona, National Natural Park)), Mexico (Jalisco).

ignobilis Borgmeier, 1960: 279. Type locality: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Petrópolis. HT M (MZSP). Distr.: Brazil
(Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro), Colombia (Amazonas, Vichada), French Guiana (L’Oyapock), West Indies
(Grenada). Refs.: Borgmeier, 1968: 34 (cat.); Brown & Kung, 2010: 68.

incomitata Brown & Kung, 2007: 194. Type locality: Colombia, Amazonas, PNN Amacayacu. HT M (UNCB).
Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas (Amacayacu, National Natural Park)).

inornata Brown & Kung, 2007: 195. Type locality: Colombia, Amazonas, PNN Amacayacu. HT M (UNCB).
Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas (Amacayacu, National Natural Park), Caquetá, Putumayo).

knabi Malloch, 1912: 431. Type locality: Panama, Cabima. HT M (USNM). Distr.: Brazil (Rondonia), Colombia
(Amazonas), Costa Rica (Heredia, Limón, Puntarenas, San José), Guyana (Berbice), Panama (Cabima, Canal
Zone). Refs.: Borgmeier, 1968: 34 (cat.); Borgmeier & Prado, 1975: 17; Brown & Kung, 2010: 86.

lacunosa Brown & Kung, 2007: 195. Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Barro Colorado Is. HT M (LACM).
Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas, Caquetá, Chocó, Magdalena), Guyana (Berbice), Panama (Canal Zone, Darien).

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lamellifera Borgmeier, 1961: 16. Type locality: Peru, Iquitos. HT M (USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas), Peru
(Iquitos). Refs.: Borgmeier, 1968: 34 (cat.); Borgmeier & Prado, 1975: 24; Brown & Kung, 2010: 79.

lobata Borgmeier, 1960: 269. Type locality: Suriname, Mazaruni River, Geijskes. HT M (MZSP). Distr.: Brazil
(Belem), Colombia (Amazonas), Suriname (Mazaruni River). Refs.: Borgmeier, 1968: 34 (cat.); Brown & Kung,
2007: 196.

longinoi Brown & Kung, 2010: 92. Type locality: Costa Rica, Heredia, La Selva Biological Station. HT M
(LACM). Distr.: Brazil (Amazonas), Colombia (Amazonas), Costa Rica (Heredia).

longisetosa Brown & Kung, 2010: 74. Type locality: Brazil, Amazonas, Manaus. HT M (INPA). Distr.: Brazil
(Amazonas), Colombia (Caquetá).

lugens Borgmeier, 1960: 286. Type locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutônia. HT M (MZSP). Distr.:
Argentina (Misiones), Brazil (Santa Catarina), Colombia (Amazonas), Costa Rica (Puntarenas, San José). Refs.:
Borgmeier, 1968: 34 (cat.); Brown & Kung, 2010: 93.

luteicincta Borgmeier, 1960: 282. Type locality: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. HT M (only a hind leg glued to a card
mount, MZSP). Distr.: Brazil (Amazonas, Santa Catarina, Rio de Janeiro), Colombia (Amazonas, Vaupés),
Ecuador (Napo), Peru (Madre de Dios). Refs.: Borgmeier, 1968: 34 (cat.); Brown & Kung, 2010: 86.

matamatae Brown & Kung, 2010: 48. Type locality: Colombia (Amazonas (Amacayacu NP)). HT M (IAVH).
Distr.: Brazil (Rondônia), Colombia (Amazonas).

membranea Brown & Kung, 2007: 177. Type locality: Costa Rica, San José, Zurquí de Moravia. HT M (LACM).
Distr.: Bolivia (La Paz), Colombia (Nariño, Risaralda), Costa Rica (San José), Venezuela (Lara).

mesofemoralis Brown & Kung, 2007: 196. Type locality: Panama, Darien, Cruce de Mono. HT M (LACM). Distr.:
Colombia (Chocó, Magdalena), Panama (Canal Zone, Darien).

minerva Borgmeier, 1961: 17. Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone. HT M (USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Chocó),
Costa Rica (Heredia, Puntarenas), Panama (Canal Zone). Refs.: Borgmeier, 1968: 35 (cat.); Brown & Kung, 2010:

minervoidea Brown & Kung, 2010: 117. Type locality: Colombia, Vaupés, Estación Biologica Mosiro-Itajura. HT
M (IAvH). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas, Vaupés).

minilobata Brown & Kung, 2010: 117. Type locality: Colombia, Amazonas, Amacayacu NP. HT M (IAVH).
Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas (Amacayacu, National Natural Park)), Ecuador (Napo).

mississippiensis Khalaf, 1971: 274. Type locality: USA, Gainesville (Mississippi). HT M (USNM). Distr.:
Colombia, Costa Rica, USA. Refs.: Brown & Kung, 2007: 177.

mixtura Brown & Kung, 2010: 99. Type locality: Colombia, Amazonas, 22 km NW Leticia. HT M (IAvH). Distr.:
Brazil (Amazonas, Rondonia), Colombia (Amazonas, Vichada), Ecuador (Napo), French Guiana (l’Oyapock).
shannoni: Brown & Kung, 2007: 182 (misidentification).

nigricarina Brown & Kung, 2010: 56. Type locality: Costa Rica, Heredia, La Selva Biological Station. HT M
(LACM). Distr.: Costa Rica (Alajuela, Cartago, Guanacaste, Heredia, Limón, Puntarenas, San José), Colombia
(Chocó, Magdalena, Valle del Cauca), Mexico (Sinaloa), Nicaragua (Zelaya), Panama (Canal Zone).

notoplicata Brown & Kung, 2010: 120. Type locality: Colombia, Amazonas, Amacayacu NP. HT M (IAvH).
Distr.: Brazil (Amazonas), Colombia (Amazonas (Amacayacu, National Natural Park)).

432 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press AMENT & BROWN
oricilla Kung and Brown, 2005: 60. Type locality: Honduras, Olancho, Catacamas. HT M (LACM). Distr.:
Colombia (Amazonas, Bolívar, Chocó, Magdalena, Valle del Cauca), Costa Rica (Alajuela, Guanacaste, Heredia,
San José), Honduras, Mexico (Chiapas), Panama (Canal Zone, Darien). Refs.: Brown, 2008: 205.

orthogramma Brown & Kung, 2010: 25. Type locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca, PNN Farallones de Cali. HT
M (IAvH). Distr.: Colombia (Chocó, Valle del Cauca (Farallones de Cali, National Natural Park)).

ospinae Brown & Kung, 2010: 70. Type locality: Colombia, Caquetá, PNN Chiribiquete. HT M (IAVH). Distr.:
Colombia (Caquetá (Chiribiquete, National Natural Park)).

ovibarba Brown & Kung, 2007: 197. Type locality: Ecuador, Napo, Yasuni NP. HT M (LACM). Distr.: Colombia
(Vichada), Ecuador (Napo).

palenquensis Brown & Kung, 2010: 110. Type locality: Ecuador, Pichincha, 47 km S of Santo Domingo. HT M
(LACM). Distr.: Colombia (Chocó, Magdalena), Ecuador (Pichincha).

pallidens Borgmeier & Prado, 1975: 22. Type locality: Costa Rica, Higuito, San Mateo. HT M (MZSP). Distr.:
Colombia (Meta), Costa Rica (Heredia, Higuito, Limón, Puntarenas). Refs.: Brown & Kung, 2010: 87.

paraguayana Brues, 1907a: 400 (Phora). Type locality: Paraguay, Asunción. ST 2F (Hungarian National
Museum, probably destroyed during Hungarian Revolt). Distr.: Argentina (Misiones), Bolivia (S. Inicua R. Alto
Beni), Brazil (Amapá, Amazonas, Espirito Santo, Maranhão, Mato Grosso, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro,
Rondônia, Roraima, São Paulo), Colombia (Amazonas, Bolívar, Chocó, Vichada), Costa Rica (Alajuela, Cartago,
Guanacaste, Heredia, Limón, Puntarenas, San José), Ecuador (Napo, Pastaza), French Guiana (Regina), Guyana
(Berbice), Panama (Canal Zone), Paraguay (Asunción, Villarica), Peru (Cuzco, Madre de Dios), Venezuela
(Aragua). Refs.: Brues, 1915a: 96; Schmitz, 1929a: 108 (Diplonevra); Borgmeier, 1960: 269; 1968: 36 (cat.);
Brown & Kung, 2007: 178.
conspicua Borgmeier, 1923b: 628. Refs.: Borgmeier, 1925: 99; 1960: 269 (syn.); Schmitz, 1929a: 108
(Diplonevra); Brues, 1932a: 134 (Diploneura).
anterodorsalis (Schmitz), 1928a: 28 (Diploneura). Refs.: Schmitz, 1929a: 108 (Diploneura); Borgmeier, 1960:
269 (syn.).

paralobata Brown & Kung 2007: 198. Type locality: Ecuador, Sucumbios, Sacha Lodge. HT M (LACM). Distr.:
Colombia (Amazonas, Magdalena), Ecuador (Pastaza, Sucumbios).

parvicarinata Brown & Kung, 2010: 49. Type locality: Colombia, Amazonas, PNN Amacayacu. HT M (IAvH).
Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas (Amacayacu, National Natural Park)).

parvicava Brown & Kung, 2010: 79. Type locality: Colombia, Amazonas, Amacayacu NP. HT M (IAvH). Distr.:
Colombia (Amazonas (Amacayacu, National Natural Park)).

parvipala Brown & Kung, 2010: 111. Type locality: Costa Rica, Puntarenas, 24 km W of Pan American Hwy. HT
M (LACM). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas, Chocó), Costa Rica (Heredia, Limón, Puntarenas).

phyzela Brown & Kung, 2010: 44. Type locality: Colombia, Amazonas, Amacayacu NP. HT M (IAvH). Distr.:
Colombia (Amazonas (Amacayacu, National Natural Park)), Trinidad (Arima Valley).

porrasae Brown & Kung, 2010: 51. Type locality: Costa Rica, Heredia, La Selva Biological Station. HT M
(LACM). Distr.: Colombia (Chocó, Magdalena, Valle del Cauca, Vichada), Costa Rica (Heredia, Puntarenas, San
José), Ecuador (Pichincha), Panama (Canal Zone).

preacuta Brown & Kung, 2010: 107. Type locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca, PNN Farallones de Cali. HT M
(IAVH). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca Farallones de Cali, National Natural Park)).

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procera Borgmeier, 1960: 273. Type locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Blumenau. HT M (MZSP). Distr.: Brazil
(Roraima, Santa Catarina), Colombia (Amazonas, Cauca, Valle del Cauca), Costa Rica (Heredia, Puntarenas),
Ecuador (Napo), French Guiana (Regina), Guyana (Berbice), Panama (Canal Zone). Refs.: Borgmeier, 1968: 36
(cat.); Borgmeier & Prado, 1975: 28; Brown & Kung, 2010: 25.

pyricornis Brues, 1944: 151. Type locality: Peru, Upper Rio Pachitea. HT M (Cornell University). Distr.: Brazil
(Amazonas), Colombia (Amazonas), Peru. Refs.: Borgmeier, 1968: 37 (cat.); Brown & Kung, 2007: 200.

rachelae Disney, 1983: 454. Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Pipeline Road. HT M (CUMZ). Distr.: Colombia
(Amazonas), Ecuador (Napo), Panama (Canal Zone). Refs.: Brown & Kung, 2007: 200.

sanmartinensis Brown & Kung, 2010: 80. Type locality: Colombia, Amazonas, Amacayacu NP. HT M (IAVH).
Distr.: Brazil (Alagoas, Amazonas), Colombia (Amazonas (Amacayacu, National Natural Park)).

sarmientoi Brown & Kung, 2007: 182. Type locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca, PNN Farallones de Cali. HT M
(UNCB). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas, Valle del Cauca (Farallones de Cali, National Natural Park)).

sarriae Brown & Kung, 2010: 60. Type locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca, PNN Farallones de Cali. HT M
(IAVH). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Farallones de Cali, National Natural Park))), Costa Rica (Guanacaste,
San José), Mexico (Chiapas).

segregata Brown & Kung, 2010: 101. Type locality: Costa Rica, Heredia, La Selva Biological Station. HT M
(LACM). Distr.: Colombia (Chocó), Costa Rica (Heredia, Limón, Puntarenas).

shannoni Borgmeier, 1961: 14. Type locality: Peru, Iquitos. HT M (USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas, Meta),
Peru. Refs.: Borgmeier, 1968: 37 (cat.); Brown & Kung, 2007: 182; 2010: 101.

sharkeyi Brown & Kung, 2007: 201. Type locality: Colombia, Amazonas, PNN Amacayacu. HT M (UNCB).
Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas (Amacayacu, National Natural Park)).

simplex Borgmeier & Prado, 1975: 13. Type locality: Trinidad. HT M (MZSP). Distr.: Colombia (Vichada),
Trinidad. Refs.: Brown & Kung, 2010: 46.

sinuicarina Brown & Kung, 2010: 52. Type locality: Colombia, Caquetá, San Vicente de Caguán. HT M (IAVH).
Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas, Caquetá (San Vicente de Caguán)), Ecuador (Napo).

sinuicoxa Brown & Kung, 2010: 14. Type locality: Colombia, Amazonas, Amacayacu NP. HT M (IAVH). Distr.:
Bolivia (Alto Beni), Brazil (Amazonas), Colombia (Amazonas (Amacayacu, National Natural Park)), Caquetá,
Putumayo, Vichada), Ecuador (Napo), Peru (Madre de Dios).

sinuosa Borgmeier, 1960: 266. Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Fort Clayton. HT M (USNM). Distr.: Colombia
(Amazonas, Magdalena), Panama (Canal Zone, Darien). Refs.: Borgmeier, 1968: 37 (cat.); Brown & Kung, 2007:

smithi Brown & Kung, 2007: 184. Type locality: Peru, Madre de Dios, Tambopata Research Center. HT M
(MUSM). Distr.: Brazil (Amazonas), Colombia (Amazonas), French Guiana (Regina), Peru (Madre de Dios).
Refs.: Brown & Kung, 2010: 39.

sulcatula Borgmeier, 1960: 283. Type locality: Brazil, Amapá, Serra do Navio. HT M (MZSP). Distr.: Brazil
(Amapá, Pernambuco), Colombia (Amazonas, Chocó), Costa Rica (Heredia, Puntarenas), French Guiana (Regina),
Panama (Alhajuelo, Canal Zone, Mojinga, Sabana). Refs.: Borgmeier, 1968: 38 (cat.); Brown & Kung, 2007: 184;
2010: 20.

434 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press AMENT & BROWN
taura Brown & Kung, 2010: 15. Type locality: Costa Rica, Heredia, La Selva Biological Station. HT M (LACM).
Distr.: Colombia (Cauca, Chocó, Valle del Cauca), Costa Rica (Guanacaste, Heredia, Puntarenas, San José),
Ecuador (Carchi), Panama (Canal Zone).

tayronensis Brown & Kung, 2010: 89. Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena, PNN Tayrona. HT M (IAVH). Distr.:
Colombia (Bolívar, Magdalena (Tayrona, National Natural Park)).

utriensis Brown & Kung, 2007: 185. Type locality: Colombia, Chocó, PNN Utría. HT M (UNCB). Distr.: Brazil
(Amazonas), Colombia (Chocó (Utría, National Natural Park)), Costa Rica (Heredia). Refs.: Brown & Kung, 2010:

wangae Brown & Kung, 2007: 186. Type locality: Ecuador, Napo, Yasuni NP. HT M (LACM). Distr.: Colombia
(Amazonas), Ecuador (Napo).

wilkinsoni Brown & Kung, 2007: 187. Type locality: Ecuador, Napo, Yasuni NP. HT M (LACM). Distr.: Colombia
(Amazonas, Caquetá, Vaupés), Ecuador (Napo).

xiei Brown & Kung, 2007: 187. Type locality: Ecuador, Napo, Yasuni NP. HT M (LACM). Distr.: Brazil
(Amazonas), Colombia (Amazonas), Ecuador (Napo), Panama (Canal Zone), Peru (Madre de Dios).

Genus Neopleurophora Brown

Neopleurophora Brown, 1992: 51. Type species, Phora scutellata Brues, 1904 (orig. des.). Refs.: Ament & Amorim, 2013: 1.

acrochaetopyga Ament & Amorim, 2013: 19. Type locality: Colombia, Chocó, PNN Utria Send. Cocalito. HT M
(IAvH). Distr.: Colombia (Chocó (Utria, National Natural Park), Valle del Cauca, Magdalena), Costa Rica
(Heredia, San José), Nicaragua (Rio San Juan Refugio Bartola).

balbii Ament & Amorim, 2013: 42. Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Barro Colorado Is. HT M (LACM). Distr.:
Colombia (Vichada), Costa Rica (San José, Puntarenas, Limon), Ecuador (Sucumbios), Panama (Canal Zone).

cauca Ament & Amorim, 2013: 43. Type locality: Colombia, Cauca, PNN Gorgona. HT M (IAvH). Distr.:
Colombia (Cauca (Gorgona Is, National Natural Park)).

ceratopyga Ament & Amorim, 2013: 53. Type locality: Colombia, Meta, PNN Macarena)). HT M (IAvH). Distr.:
Brazil (Pará), Colombia (Meta (Macarena, National Natural Park), Vichada, Vaupés)), French Guiana (Regina).

chocoensis Ament & Amorim, 2013: 54. Type locality: Colombia, Chocó, PNN Utria Boroboro. HT M (IAvH).
Distr.: Colombia (Chocó (Utria, National Natural Park)).

dichaeta Ament & Amorim, 2013: 22. Type locality: Colombia, Huila, PNN Cueva de los Guácharos. HT M
(IAVH). Distr.: Colombia (Huila (Cueva de Los Guacaros, National Natural Park)).

dicrodrilus Ament & Amorim, 2013: 60. Type locality: Colombia, Risaralda, SFF Otún Quimbaya. HT M (IAVH).
Distr.: Colombia (Risaralda (Otun Quimbaya, Santuario de Fauna y Flora)).

diffusa Ament & Amorim, 2013: 56. Type locality: Colombia, Putumayo, PNN La Paya. HT M (IAVH). Distr.:
Brazil (Amazonas), Colombia (Amazonas, Putumayo (La Paya, National Natural Park), Vaupés), Ecuador
(Sucumbios, Napo), French Guiana (Regina).

dolichopyga Ament & Amorim, 2013: 29. Type locality: Colombia, Cauca, PNN Gorgona. HT M (IAVH). Distr.:

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Brazil (Rondônia), Colombia (Cauca (Gorgona Is, National Natural Park), Chocó); Costa Rica (Puntarenas),
French Guiana (Regina).

kleini Ament & Amorim, 2013: 12. Type locality: Colombia, Putumayo, PNN La Paya. HT M (IAVH). Distr.:
Brazil (Amazonas), Colombia (Amazonas, Caquetá, Putumayo (La Paya, National Natural Park), Vaupés), Ecuador

marquesi Ament & Amorim, 2013: 36. Type locality: Ecuador, Napo, Yasuni NP. HT M (LACM). Distr.: Brazil
(Pará), Colombia (Chocó, Amazonas), Costa Rica (Guanacaste), Ecuador (Napo, Pichincha, Sucumbios).

microssoma Ament & Amorim, 2013: 14. Type locality: Colombia, Amazonas, PNN Amacayacu. HT M (IAVH).
Distr.: Brazil (Amazonas), Colombia (Amazonas (Amacayacu, National Natural Park), Putumayo), Ecuador
(Napo, Zamora-Chinchipe), French Guiana (Regina).

odontopyga Ament & Amorim, 2013: 57. Type locality: Ecuador, Napo, Yasuni NP. HT M (LACM). Distr.:
Colombia (Amazonas, Valle del Cauca), Costa Rica (Puntarenas), Ecuador (Napo), French Guiana (Regina),
Panama (Canal Zone).

platypyga Ament & Amorim, 2013: 63. Type locality: Colombia, Amazonas, PNN Amacayacu. HT M (IAVH).
Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas (Amacayacu, National Natural Park), Vaupés).

polychaetopoda Ament & Amorim, 2013: 66. Type locality: Colombia, Bolívar, SFF Colorados. HT M (IAVH).
Distr.: Colombia (Bolívar (Colorados, Santuario de Fauna y Flora), Chocó), Costa Rica (Puntarenas), Panama
(Darien Cruce de Mono).

prionotopyga Ament & Amorim, 2013: 17. Type locality: Costa Rica, Limón, 16km W Guapiles. HT M (LACM).
Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca), Costa Rica (Limón), Nicaragua (Zelaya).

ptychodrilus Ament & Amorim, 2013: 37. Type locality: Ecuador, Sucumbios, Sacha Lodge. HT M (LACM).
Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas), Ecuador (Sucumbios).

scleropyga Ament & Amorim, 2013: 8. Type locality: Colombia, Putumayo, PNN La Paya. HT M (IAVH). Distr.:
Colombia (Putumayo (La Paya, National Natural Park), Vaupés).

tanytarsus Ament & Amorim, 2013: 23. Type locality: Colombia, Risaralda, SFF Otún Quimbaya. HT M (IAVH).
Distr.: Colombia (Risaralda (Otun Quimbaya, Santuario de Fauna y Flora) Valle del Cauca), Costa Rica
(Guanacaste, Heredia).

Genus Phora Latreille

Phora Latreille, 1796: 125 (no species); 1802: 464 (des. of genotype). Type species, Musca aterrima Fabricius, 1794 (preocc.
by M. aterrima Villers, 1789 = Trineura atra Meigen, 1804) (subs. mon. Latreille, 1802). Refs.: Latreille, 1805: 394;
Becker, 1901: 6 (p. p.); Brues, 1915a: 107; 1950: 44; Lundbeck, 1922: 186; Schmitz, 1918: 117, 119; 1920: 110; Schmitz
& Wirth, 1954: 114; Borgmeier, 1963a: 99 (key); 1968: 42 (cat.); 1971: 182 (cat.); Beyer, 1965: 21; Brown, 1992: 47;
Disney, 1994: 286.
Trineura Meigen, 1803: 276. Type species, Musca aterrima Fabricius, 1794 (subs. des. Brues, 1906). Refs.: Meigen, 1804: 312;
Fallén, 1823: 7; Zetterstedt, 1848: 2890; Schiner, 1864: 347; Becker, 1901: 78; Brues, 1904: 339; 1906: 7; Schmitz, 1940:
102; 1953b: 309.
Philodendria Rondani, 1856: 136. Type species, Tephritis aterrima Fabricius (orig. des.; =Musca aterrima Fabricius, 1794).

americana Schmitz & Wirth, 1954: 124. Type locality: Mexico, Cuenavarca. HT M (USNM). Distr.: Colombia
(Cundinamarca (Funza, La Picota)), Costa Rica (Cartago, Heredia), Ecuador (14 km NE Ambato), Mexico
(Cuenavarca, D.F., San Jacinto, Jalapa), USA (Texas, Arizona, California, New Mexico, New York). Refs.:
Borgmeier, 1963a: 111; 1968: 42 (cat.); Brown, 2000b: 978.

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TABLE 1. Phoridae species recorded from Colombia.
Subfamily Genus Subgenus Species Author
Chonocephalinae Chonocephalus depressus Meijere, 1912
dominicanus Borgmeier, 1967
globipygus Borgmeier, 1967
heymonsi Stobbe, 1913
leei Disney, 2008
raposoensis Disney, 2008
vitiodepressus Disney, 2008
Metopininae Apocephalus Apocephalus asymmetricus Brown, 1997
barbarus Brown, 2002
brochus Brown, 2000
catholicus Brown, 2000
crassilatus Brown, 2000
densepilosus Borgmeier, 1971
dinoponerae Brown, 2000
facettalis Borgmeier, 1961
fernandezi Brown, 2002
flexiseta Brown, 2002
kungae Brown, 2000
longimanus Brown, 2012
lopesi (Borgmeier, 1969)
melinus Brown, 2000
neivai Borgmeier, 1931
paraponerae Borgmeier, 1958
reburrus Brown, 2002
roeschardae Brown, 2000
scaurus Corona & Brown, 2004
setitarsus Brown, 1997
spinilatus Brown, 1997
tanyurus Brown, 2000
tenuitarsus Brown, 1997
torulus Brown, 2000
trifidus Brown, 2000
Mesophora antennatus Malloch, 1913
Cryptophora colombiae Seevers, 1941
Eibesfeldtphora arcuata Brown, 2001
attae Disney, 1996
declinata Borgmeier, 1925
dissita Brown, 2001
leei Brown, 2001
pala Brown, 2001
prolixa Brown, 2001
Homalophora guatiquiae Seevers, 1941
...Continued on next page

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TABLE 1. (Continued)
Subfamily Genus Subgenus Species Author
metae Seevers, 1941
Idiophora termitoxena (Seevers, 1941)
Megaselia graminicola (Borgmeier, 1969)
neocorynurae Gonzalez et al., 2002
parianae (Borgmeier, 1969)
perdita (Malloch, 1912)
picta (Lehman, 1822)
rufipes (Meigen, 1804)
scalaris (Loew, 1866)
Melaloncha Melaloncha acicula Brown, 2006
acoma Brown & Kung, 2006
caligula Brown & Kung, 2006
candida Brown & Kung, 2006
clandestina Brown, 2005
debilis Brown & Kung, 2006
diastata Brown & Kung, 2006
digitalis Borgmeier, 1959
hirsuta Brown, 2006
hyalinipennis Borgmeier, 1933
juxta Brown & Kung, 2006
kungae Brown, 2005
lamellata Borgmeier, 1934
maculata Borgmeier, 1934
nannocauda Brown, 2006
punctifrons Borgmeier, 1934
rodeoensis Brown, 2006
striatula Borgmeier, 1934
stylata (Schiner, 1868)
tuparroensis Brown & Kung, 2006
Udamochiras ancistra Gonzalez & Brown, 2004
flavilata Brown, 2004
Melittophora salti Brues, 1928
Pseudacteon andinus Plowes et al., 2009
antiguensis (Malloch, 1912)
arcuatus Borgmeier, 1969
browni Disney, 1991
deltoides Plowes et al., 2009
grandis Greene, 1941
hippeus Plowes et al., 2009
quinni Plowes et al., 2009
Pseudohypocera kerteszi (Enderlein, 1912)
Syntermophora microphthalma Seevers, 1941
...Continued on next page

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TABLE 1. (Continued)
Subfamily Genus Subgenus Species Author
Tayrona nitifrons Brown & Kung, 2004
Phorinae Chaetocnemistoptera palpalis (Borgmeier, 1961)
lobata Ament, 2014
magdalena Ament, 2014
phaeonota Ament, 2014
pityropyga Ament, 2014
trichopoda Ament, 2014
Coniceromyia browni Kung, 2009
caliga Kung & Brown, 2000
reina Kung & Brown, 2000
sakaii Kung, 2009
valdesi Kung, 2009
Cyrtophorina deinocerca Borgmeier & Prado, 1975
gorgonensis Brown, 2006
Dohrniphora acanthiventris Brown & Kung, 2010
acarinata Brown & Kung, 2010
acuta Brown & Kung, 2010
alvarengai Prado, 1976
amacayavia Brown & Kung, 2010
anchicayensis Brown & Kung, 2007
anteroventralis Borgmeier, 1960
aprosmicta Brown & Kung, 2010
atrilinea Brown & Kung, 2010
basilacuna Brown & Kung, 2010
berezovskiyi Brown & Kung, 2010
bicavatura Brown & Kung, 2010
bicostula Kung and Brown, 2005
biseriata Borgmeier, 1960
brevisimplex Brown & Kung, 2010
broadheadi Disney, 1983
bugenitalis Brown & Kung, 2010
buscki Malloch, 1912
caguanensis Brown & Kung, 2010
circularis Brown & Kung, 2007
circumflexa Borgmeier, 1960
clariloba Brown & Kung 2007
cocaensis Brown & Kung, 2007
cognata Borgmeier, 1960
consimilis Brown & Kung 2007
conspicua Brown & Kung, 2010
continua Brown & Kung, 2010
cootei Brown & Kung 2007
...Continued on next page

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TABLE 1. (Continued)
Subfamily Genus Subgenus Species Author
cornuta (Bigot, 1857)
cunarensis Brown & Kung, 2010
curticerca Brown & Kung, 2007
decrescens Brown & Kung, 2007
didyma Brown & Kung, 2007
digitata Brown & Kung, 2007
dispar (Enderlein, 1912)
divaricata (Aldrich, 1896)
ecitophila Borgmeier, 1960
emmesta Brown & Kung, 2007
femoralis Borgmeier, 1960
fernandezi Brown & Kung, 2010
flammidorsa Brown & Kung, 2010
flexicarina Brown & Kung, 2010
foveolata Borgmeier, 1960: 278
fuliginata Brown & Kung, 2010
fulleri Brown & Kung, 2010
fundula Brown & Kung, 2010
fuscicoxa Borgmeier, 1923
gigantea (Enderlein, 1912)
gravis Borgmeier & Prado, 1975
hamartia Brown & Kung, 2007
heliconiae Brown & Kung, 2010
hexaseta Brown & Kung, 2010
ignobilis Borgmeier, 1960
incomitata Brown & Kung, 2007
inornata Brown & Kung, 2007
knabi Malloch, 1912
lacunosa Brown & Kung, 2007
lamellifera Borgmeier, 1961
lobata Borgmeier, 1960
longinoi Brown & Kung, 2010
longisetosa Brown & Kung, 2010
lugens Borgmeier, 1960
luteicincta Borgmeier, 1960
matamatae Brown & Kung, 2010
membranea Brown & Kung, 2007
mesofemoralis Brown & Kung, 2007
minerva Borgmeier, 1961
minervoidea Brown & Kung, 2010
minilobata Brown & Kung, 2010
mississippiensis Khalaf, 1971
...Continued on next page

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TABLE 1. (Continued)
Subfamily Genus Subgenus Species Author
mixtura Brown & Kung, 2010
nigricarina Brown & Kung, 2010
notoplicata Brown & Kung, 2010
oricilla Kung and Brown, 2005
orthogramma Brown & Kung, 2010
ospinae Brown & Kung, 2010
ovibarba Brown & Kung, 2007
palenquensis Brown & Kung, 2010
pallidens Borgmeier & Prado, 1975
paraguayana Brues, 1907
paralobata Brown & Kung 2007
parvicarinata Brown & Kung, 2010
parvicava Brown & Kung, 2010
parvipala Brown & Kung, 2010
phyzela Brown & Kung, 2010
porrasae Brown & Kung, 2010
preacuta Brown & Kung, 2010
procera Borgmeier, 1960
pyricornis Brues, 1944
rachelae Disney, 1983
sanmartinensis Brown & Kung, 2010
sarmientoi Brown & Kung, 2007
sarriae Brown & Kung, 2010
segregata Brown & Kung, 2010
shannoni Borgmeier, 1961
sharkeyi Brown & Kung, 2007
simplex Borgmeier & Prado
sinuicarina Brown & Kung, 2010
sinuicoxa Brown & Kung, 2010
sinuosa Borgmeier, 1960
smithi Brown & Kung, 2007
sulcatula Borgmeier, 1960
taura Brown & Kung, 2010
tayronensis Brown & Kung, 2010
utriensis Brown & Kung, 2007
wangae Brown & Kung, 2007
wilkinsoni Brown & Kung, 2007
xiei Brown & Kung, 2007
Neopleurophora acrochaetopyga Ament & Amorim, 2013
balbii Ament & Amorim, 2013
cauca Ament & Amorim, 2013
ceratopyga Ament & Amorim, 2013
...Continued on next page

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TABLE 1. (Continued)
Subfamily Genus Subgenus Species Author
chocoensis Ament & Amorim, 2013
dichaeta Ament & Amorim, 2013
dicrodrilus Ament & Amorim, 2013
diffusa Ament & Amorim, 2013
dolichopyga Ament & Amorim, 2013
kleini Ament & Amorim, 2013
marquesi Ament & Amorim, 2013
microssoma Ament & Amorim, 2013
odontopyga Ament & Amorim, 2013
platypyga Ament & Amorim, 2013
polychaetopoda Ament & Amorim, 2013
prionotopyga Ament & Amorim, 2013
ptychodrilus Ament & Amorim, 2013
scleropyga Ament & Amorim, 2013
tanytarsus Ament & Amorim, 2013
Phora americana Schmitz & Wirth, 1954


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Schmitz, H. (1929a) Revision der Phoriden. F. Dümmler, Bonn & Berlin, 211 pp.
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Schmitz, H. (1938b) Die ersten hundert Phoriden von Portugal. Brotéria, 34, 163–179.
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Maandblad, 29, 96, 101–104, 118–120, 127–129.
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450 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press AMENT & BROWN
Solis, D.R., Reiss, I.C., Bueno, O.C. & Gomes, L. (2005) Ocorrência de Megaselia scalaris (Loew, 1866) (Diptera, Phoridae)
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(Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Revista brasileira de Zoociências Juiz de Fora, 7 (2), 339–343.
Sorensen, M.A., Chase-Dunn, C.M. & Trumble, J.T. (2009) Chronic exposure to elevated levels of manganese and nickel is not
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CATALOGUE OF PHORIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 451
Zootaxa 4122 (1): 452–456 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
Copyright © 2016 Magnolia Press
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)



Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA), Coordenação de Biodiversidade, Av. André Araújo 2936, CP 478, 69011–970,
Manaus, Brazil; E–mail:
Laboratorio de Enemigos Naturales de Plagas Agrícolas del NOA, PROIMI–Biotecnología, Av. Belgrano y Pje. Caseros (CP 4000),
San Miguel de Tucumán, Tucumán, Argentina. E–mail:
Corresponding author:


Pipunculidae presently have around 1,400 known species, but it is poorly known in Colombia, with only ten reported spe-
cies in all territory. The genera Eudorylas Aczél and Tomosvaryella Aczél are the most abundant. This work provides in-
formation on the species distribution. No endemic genera have been recorded to date from Colombia.

Key words: big-headed fly, catalogue, Colombia, distribution


Pipunculids, also known as big-headed flies, are small flies measuring 2.0–11.5 mm long. They are closely related
to Syrphidae but can be differentiated by the large compound eyes that occupy most of the globose or semiglobose
head; by the lack of spurious vein; and by the open R4+5 cell (Rafael & Skevignton 2010). The pterostigma is a
character present in most genera. Globally 1,401 species have been described to date in 28 genera or subgenera,
and it is likely that more than 2,700 species exist (De Meyer 1996, De Meyer & Skevington 2000). In South
America it is known so far 203 species (Rodríguez & Rafael 2012). They are classified in 18 genera divided into
three subfamilies: Chalarinae, Nephrocerinae y Pipunculinae (Rafael & De Meyer 1992, Skevington & Yeates
2000, Rafael & Skevington 2010).
The taxonomy of this family is well known. The species identification typically relies on characters of the
terminalia and in most cases only males can be identified. The biology of the group remains poorly know because
few studies have examined life cycles and host relationships. Most studies in Latin America have their foundation
in Hardy (1948), who studied specimens that were collected in various Latin America countries and mostly
deposited in Unites States museums (Rodríguez & Rafael 2012). The only study on the fauna of Pipunculidae in
Colombia is the work of Hardy (1963), describing four new species and recording in that occasion the first known
host family in the Neotropical Region.
Most species that have been studied are exclusively endoparasitoids of Auchenorrhyncha (Hemiptera), records
include Cercopidae, Cixiidae, Flatidae, Fulgoridae and Membracidae, but in the Neotropical region there are only
records of parasitism for Cicadellidae and Delphacidae (Virla & Rafael 1996). The most effective method for
studying pipunculid biology involves capturing potential hosts by sweep-collecting in croplands and forest areas;
this allows not only knowing but offer information about the place where each species lives.
Pipunculidae are widely distributed in Latin America, occurring from northern Mexico to the Tierra del Fuego
Island of Chile and are found in a variety of environments (Rodríguez & Rafael 2012). Bearing in mind these facts
and the great variety of environments that the Colombian territory offers, we believe that the amount of actual
species in the country is a lot larger than the recorded one to date, that is why the collects in different regions as
well as the formation of specialists to identify the material will increase notably the knowledge of biology and
distribution of the family in Colombia. Nowadays there are 10 species recorded of pipunculids (Table 1), most of

452 Accepted by S. Nihei: 26 May 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016

them on the west region of the country, in the Pacific and Andean ecoregions. The main depositaries of the
Pipunculidae collections are the collections of the Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von
Humboldt of Bogotá which held 190 specimens, though there are few samples identified and information is not
digitalized; and the Museo Entomológico Francisco Luis Gallego of Medellín has five species of the genus
Dorylomorpha, collected in the state of Nariño.

Acronyms used for the depositories

INPA—Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, Manaus, Brazil.

MCZ—Museum of Comparative Zoology–Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.
MNRJ—Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
USNM—United States National Museum, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C, USA.

List of abbreviations

orig. des.—by original designation

Catalogue of Pipunculidae of Colombia

Family Pipunculidae

Subfamily Pipunculinae Latreille, 1802

Genus Amazunculus Rafael

Amazunculus Rafael, 1986: 16. Type species: Dorilas (Eudorylas) platypodus Hardy, 1950 (orig. des.).

cordigaster Galinkin & Rafael, 2008: 519. Type locality: Colombia, Amacayacu Mata-mata. HT ♂ (INPA). Distr.:
Colombia (Cauca; Amazonas), Brazil. Refs.: Galinkin & Rafael, 2008; Rodriguez & Rafael, 2012 (cat.). Host

Genus Dorylomorpha Aczél

Dorylomorpha Aczél, 1939: 22 (Tomosvaryella subgenus). Type species: Pipunculus rufipes Meigen, 1824 (orig. des.).

reveloi Hardy, 1963: 259. Type locality: Colombia, Boyaca, Bonza. HT ♂ (USNM). Distr.: Colombia
(Cundinamarca). Refs.: Albrecht, 1990 (rev.); Rodriguez & Rafael, 2012 (cat.). Host unknown.

Genus Eudorylas Aczél

Eudorylas Aczél, 1940: 151. Type species,Cephalops opacus Fallén, 1816 (orig. des.).

CATALOGUE OF PIPUNCULIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 453
Metadorylas Rafael, 1987: 35. Type species, Pipunculus schreiteri Shannon, 1927. Synonymy by Skevington &
Yeates (2001).

absonditus (Hardy, 1954): 14. Type locality: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. Refs. Hardy, 1963. HT ♀ (MNRJ). Distr.:
Colombia (Nariño), Brazil. Refs.: Hardy, 1963 (Colombian species). Host: Cicadulina pastusae Ruppel & De Long

dumicolus (Hardy, 1963): 265. Type locality: Colombia, Pedregal. HT ♂ (USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Nariño).
Refs.: Rafael, 1993 (Mexican and American Central species); Rodríguez & Rafael, 2012 (cat.). Host unknown.

spinosus (Hardy, 1948): 4. Type locality: Costa Rica, Hamburg Farm. HT ♀ (MCZ). Distr.: Colombia
(Cundinamarca), Argentina, Brazil. Refs.: Rafael, 1990 (revision of Metadorylas); Rodríguez & Rafael, 2012
(cat.). Host: Cicadulina pastusae Ruppel & De Long and Dalbulus maidis (Cicadellidae).

subopacus subopacus (Loew, 1866): 176. Type locality: USA, Washington. HT ♀ (MCZ). Distr.: Colombia
(Nariño), Mexico, Peru, Argentina. Refs.: Rafael, 1990; Virla et al., 2009 (hosts); Rodríguez & Rafael, 2012 (cat.).
Host: Cicadulina pastusae Ruppel & De Long, Scaphytopius acutus (Say), Dalbulus maidis (DeLong & Wolcott)
and Dalbulus elimatus (Ball) (Cicadellidae).

Genus Microcephalops De Meyer

Microcephalops De Meyer, 1989: 120. Type species, Pipunculus banksi Aczél, 1940 (orig. des.).

williamsi (Hardy, 1954): 54. Type locality: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. HT ♂ (USNM). Distr.: Colombia, Brazil, Peru.
Refs.: Rafael, 1996 (Dominican Republic species); Rodríguez & Rafael, 2012 (cat.). Host unknown.

Genus Tomosvaryella Aczél

Tomosvaryella Aczél,1939: 22. Type species, Pipunculus sylvaticus Meigen, 1824 (orig. des.).

prostata Hardy, 1963: 261. Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca. HT ♂ (USNM). Distr.: Colombia
(Cundinamarca). Refs.: Rodríguez & Rafael, 2012 (cat.). Host unknown.

scopulata Hardy, 1963: 262. Type locality: Colombia, Palmira. HT ♂ (USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Nariño, Tolima,
Valle del Cauca), Argentina, Cuba, Dominica, Mexico, Nicaragua. Refs.: Rodríguez & Rafael, 2012 (cat.). Host

subvirescens (Loew, 1872): 87. Type locality: USA, Texas. Ref. Rafael & Ale-Rocha 1997. HT ♂ (MCZ). Distr.:
Colombia, Bahamas, Brazil, Belize, Chile, Dominica, Jamaica, Puerto Rico. Refs: Virla et al., 2009; Rodríguez &
Rafael, 2012 (cat.). Host: Circulifer tenellus Baker (Cicadellidae).


To Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) for the award of a fellowship to
J.A.R. (grant 300.305/2007–9). To CAPES for the Ph.D. scholarship to H.C.R. (proc. 551.991/2011–9). To
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Amazonas (FAPEAM) by financial support (edital numbers 021/
2011 and 020/2013). Dr. Sergio Orduz and Jhon Alveiro Quiroz Gamboa coordinators of Museo Entomológico
Francisco Luis Gallego, Medellin, Colombia and Claudia Alejandra María Uribe coordinator of Colecciones
Biológicas del Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt, Villa de Leyva,
Colombia, for information on the specimens deposited in their institutions.

454 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press RAFAEL & RODRIGUEZ
TABLE 1. Pipunculidae species recorded from Colombia.

Subfamily Tribe Genus Subgenus species author

Pipunculinae Eudorylini Amazunculus cordigaster Galinkin & Rafael, 2008
Tomosvaryellini Dorylomorpha Pipunculina reveloi Hardy, 1963
Eudorylini Eudorylas absonditus (Hardy, 1954)
dumicolus (Hardy, 1963)
spinosus (Hardy, 1948)
subopacus (Loew, 1866)
Microcephalopsini Microcephalops williamsi (Hardy, 1954)
Tomosvaryellini Tomosvaryella prostata Hardy, 1963
scopulata Hardy, 1963
subvirescens (Loew, 1872)


Albrecht, A. (1990) Revision, phylogeny and classification of the genus Dorylomorpha (Diptera, Pipunculidae). Acta
Zoologica Fennica, 188, 1–240.
Aczél, M. (1939) Das System der Familie Dorylaidae. Dorylaiden–Studien I. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 125, 15–23.
Aczél, M. (1940) Vorarbeiten zu einer Monographie der Dorylaiden (Dipt.). Dorylaiden–Studien V. Zoologischer Anzeiger,
132, 149–169.
De Meyer, M. (1989) Systematics of the Neartic species of the genus Cephalops Fallén (Diptera, Pipunculidae). Journal of
African Zoology, 104, 181–189.
De Meyer, M. (1996) World catalogue of Pipunculidae (Diptera). Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique,
Documents de Travail, 86, 1–127.
De Meyer, M. & Skevington, J.H. (2000) First addition to the world catalogue of Pipunculidae. Bulletin de L' Institut Royal des
Sciences Naturelles de Belgique. Entomologie, 70, 5–11.
Fallén, C.F. (1816) Syrphici Sveciae. [Part]. Lundae, Berling, 22 pp.
Galinkin, J. & Rafael, J.A. (2008) Revisão do gênero neotropical Amazunculus Rafael (Diptera: Pipunculidae) com descrição
de três novas espécies e chave de identificação. Acta Amazonica, 38 (3), 517–524.
Hardy, D.E. (1948) Neotropical Dorilaidae (Pipunculidae) Studies, Part 1 (Diptera). Psyche, 55, 1–15.
Hardy, D.E. (1950) Neotropical Dorilaidae Studies. Part 2 (Pipunculidae, Diptera). Revista de Entomologia, 21, 433–448.
Hardy, D.E. (1954) Neotropical Dorilaidae Studies. Part III. Brazilian species and a key to the know species of Dorilas sens. lat.
Boletim do Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro, 123, 1–60.
Hardy, D.E. (1963) Studies in Pipunculidae (Diptera) of Colombia. Hawaiian Entomological Society, 18, 259–266.
Loew, H. (1866) Diptera Americae septentrionalis indigena. Centuria decima. Berliner Entomogische Zeitschrift, 9, 127–186.
Loew, H. (1872) Diptera Americae septentrionalis indigena. Centuria decima. Berliner Entomogische Zeitschrift, 16, 49–124.
Meigen, J.W. (1824) Systematische Beschreibung der bekannten europaischen zweiflugeligen Insekten. Vierter Theil.
Schulz–Wunderman, Hamm, xii + 428 pp.
Rafael, J.A. (1986) Amazunculus, a new genus of pipunculid from the Amazon basin (Diptera: Pipunculidae). Amazoniana, X
(1), 15–19.
Rafael, J.A. (1987) Two new genera of Pipunculidae (Diptera) from the New World: Metadorylas gen. n. and Elmohardyia gen.
n., with new synonyms, designation of lectotypes and revalidation of a species. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, 31 (1),
Rafael, J.A. (1990) As espécies neotropicais de Metadorylas Rafael (Diptera: Pipunculidae). Boletim do Museu Paraense
Emilio Goeldi, Serie Zoologia, 6 (2), 127–164.
Rafael, J.A. (1993) Espécies de Eudorylas Aczél (Diptera, Pipunculidae) do México e América Central. Revista Brasileira de
Entomologia, 37 (4), 751–762.
Rafael, J.A. (1996) Pipunculidae (Insecta: Diptera) of the Dominican Republic: New records and description of new species.
Annals of Carnegie Museum, 65 (4), 363–381.
Rafael, J.A. & De Meyer, M. (1992) Generic classification of the family Pipunculidae (Diptera): a cladistic analysis. Journal of
Natural History, 26, 637–658.

CATALOGUE OF PIPUNCULIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 455
Rafael, J.A. & Ale–Rocha, R. (1997) Chilean Pipunculidae (Diptera). Key to genera, new records, description of a new species
of Eudorylas Aczél and a catalog of species. Revista Chilena de Entomología, 24, 31–36.
Rafael, J.A. & Skevington, J.H. (2010) Pipunculidae (big-headed flies). In: Brown B.V; Borkent A; Cumming J.M; Wood D.M;
Woodley N.E and Zumbado M.A (Eds.), Manual of Central American Diptera. Vol. 2. NRC Research Press, Ottawa,
Ontario, Canada, pp. 793–803.
Rodríguez, H.C. & Rafael, J.A. (2012) Pipunculidae (Diptera) of Latin America and the Caribbean: A Catalog of Species with
Notes on Biology and Pipunculid–Host Associations Pipunculidae. Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany, 50 pp.
Shannon, R.C. (1927) Some new Diptera from Argentina. Revista de la Sociedad Entomologica Argentina, 1 (4), 31–42.
Skevington, J.H. & Yeates, D.K. (2000) Phylogeny of the Syrphoidea (Diptera) Inferred from mtDNA Sequences and
Morphology with Particular Reference to Classification of the Pipunculidae (Diptera). Molecular Phylogenetics and
Evolution, 16 (2), 212–224.
Skevington, J.H. & Yeates, D.K. (2001) Phylogenetic classification of Eudorylini (Diptera: Pipunculidae). Systematic
Entomology, 26, 421–452.
Virla, E.G. & Rafael, J.A. (1996) Datos bionomicos preliminares y descripcion de la hembra de Cephalops penepauculus
(Hardy) (Diptera, Pipunculidae) um parasitoide de Delphacidae (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha) en Argentina. CIRPON,
Revista de Investigaciones, X (1–4), 33–36.
Virla, E.G., Moya-Raygoza, G. & Rafael, J.A. (2009) First record of Eudorylas schreiteri (Shanon) (Diptera: Pipunculidae) as a
parasitoid of the corn leafhopper (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) in Argentina, with a table of pipunculid-host associations in
the Neotropical region. Neotropical Entomology, 38 (1), 152–154.

456 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press RAFAEL & RODRIGUEZ
Zootaxa 4122 (1): 457–537 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
Copyright © 2016 Magnolia Press
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)


Instituto de Biología, Grupo de Entomología Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín Colombia. E–mail:,


This paper is an updated Catalogue of Syrphidae from Colombia, including 337 species belonging to 3 subfamilies, 11
tribes, 57 genera and 16 subgenera. Each species is listed under its current accepted taxon, including the original reference,
type locality, distribution by state/province in Colombia, in addition to a complete bibliographic reference. Species in the
genera Calostigma, Claraplumula, Eristalinus, Fazia, Hermesomyia, Hybobathus, Mimocalla, Menidon, Monoceromyia,
Orphnabaccha, Pelecinobaccha, Peradon, Rhinoprosopa, Sphiximorpha and Styxia are listed for the first time from Co-
lombia. The advance in the knowledge of the Colombian Syrphidae is briefly discussed.

Key words: Catalogue, Colombia, Syrphidae, Flower Flies, Geographical Distribution, Colombian Biodiversity, updated


Syrphidae are one of the most specious Diptera families in the Neotropical region with many undescribed species
waiting to be discovered and described (Thompson et al. 1976; Thompson 1981, 1999a; Thompson et al. 2010).
The family is known as hover flies because exhibit high maneuverability in flight, remaining hovering in a
static position. The flower flies are pollinators, feeding on pollen and nectar, an energetic resource for flight and
mating events (Rotheray & Gilbert 2011). Immature states display a wide range of lifestyles and adaptations.
Syrphinae are predators of colonial insects such as Hemiptera with beneficial effects as biocontrol agents (Rojo et
al. 2003). In Syrphinae, some species are predators of aquatic insect in bromeliads (Rotheray et al. 2000), while
others are secondarily leaf–miners (Nishida et al. 2003), stem–borers (Zuijen & Nishida 2010) or pollen–feeders
(Reemer & Rotheray 2009). Eristalinae feed on decaying organic matter, with some species feeding on animal
dung, water reservoirs in Phytotelmata, while others species are saprophagous feeding on exuding plant sap
(Gilbert et al. 1994). Microdontinae are predators of immature states of ants (Reemer & Ståhls 2013).
The study of flower flies in Colombia started with Macquart (1842–1850), who described four new species.
Until 1892, the number of species was low, with only 25 species described by six authors. Between 1925 and 1951,
many species were described (50 species), mainly supported by the works of Hull (1925–1951) and Curran
(1925–1941). In 1976, Thompson listed 96 species from Colombia. In posterior studies, new species were
described, and numerous new synonymies, new combinations, new records and various nomenclatural changes
were proposed, increasing the number of Colombian species to 200 (Hippa & Thompson 1983; Thompson 1994;
1999a, 2006; Gutiérrez et al. 2005; Restrepo-Ortiz & Carrejo 2009). The present work provides an updated
catalogue of the Colombian Syrphidae including the examination of material in collections in addition to a
literature review (Montoya et al. 2012; Ricarte et al. 2012; Mengual, 2014; Miranda et al. 2014). The catalogue
contains 337 species and 57 genera. Species in the genera Calostigma, Claraplumula, Eristalinus, Fazia,
Hermesomyia, Hybobathus, Mimocalla, Menidon, Monoceromyia, Orphnabaccha, Pelecinobaccha, Peradon,
Rhinoprosopa, Sphiximorpha and Styxia are listed for the first time from Colombia (Table 1). Valid names were
taken from the Nomenclator of the BioSystematic Database of World Diptera (Thompson 2013). Abbreviations
follow the proposed standard of Thompson (1999b).

Accepted by S. Nihei: 20 Apr. 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016 457

Acronyms used for the depositories

AMNH—American Museum of Natural History, New York, USA.

ANSP—The Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
BMNH—The Natural History Museum, London, UK.
CAS—Department of Entomology, California Academy of Sciences, SF, USA.
CEUA—Colección de Entomología Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia.
CMP—Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Section of Insect and Spiders, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
CNC—Canadian National Collection of Insects, Ottawa, ON, Canada.
CUI—CUIC—Cornell University Insect Collection, Ithaca, NY, USA.
DEI—Deutsches Entomologisches Institut, Deutschen Akademie der Landwirtswissenschaften zu Berlin,
ICN—Instituto de Ciencias Naturales de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia Sede Bogotá, Bogotá, Colombia.
INBio—Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad, Santo Domingo de Heredia, Costa Rica.
IZUSN—Instituto di Zoologia, Universita degli Studia di Napoli, Portici, Italy.
LSL—Linnean Society, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London, UK.
MACN—Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales ‘Bernardino Rivadivia’, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
MCZ—Museum of Compartative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA.
MEFLG—Museo Entomológico Francisco Luis Gallego, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellín, Colombia.
MEPB—Museo Entomológico Piedras Blancas, Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia.
ML—Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Histerie, Leiden, Netherlands.
MLUH—Martin-Luther-Universität, Wissenschaftsbereich Zoologie, Halle (Saale), Germany.
MNHNP—Muséum National d´Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France.
MNHNS—Mueso Nacional de Historia Natural, Santiago, Chile.
MZUSP—Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
NMW—Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, Vien, Austria
OHSU—Ohio State University, Columbus, USA.
QZAZ—Departamento de Biología, Pontífica Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador.
SMF—Forschungsinstitut und Naturmuseum Senckenberg, Hessen, Germany.
SMT—Department of Entomology Collection, Staatliches Museum für Tierkunde, Dresden, Forschungsstelle,
Dresden, Germany.
UChS—Museo Entomologico, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile.
UK—Snow Entomological Museum, University of Kansas, Lawrence, USA.
UMO—Hope Entomological Collections, University Museum, Park Road, Oxford, UK.
UNAB—Museo Entomológico de la Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá,
USNM—National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C, USA.
UZMC—University of Copenhagen, Zoological Museums, Department of Entomology, Copenhagen, Denmark.
ZMHU—Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt Universitat zu Berlin, Bereich Zoologisches Museum, Berlin,

List of abbreviations

distr.—geographic distribution

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nom. nov.—nomen novum (new name)
orig. des.—by original designation
Vsr.—Van Sommeren—Rydon trap
HT = Holotype
NT = Neotype
LT = Lectotype
ST = Syntype
T = Type (unspecified)
NA = Not applicable
F (f#)= Female
M (m#)= Male

Catalogue of Syrphidae of Colombia

Family Syrphidae Latreille, 1897

Superfamily Syrphoidea Coquillett, 1901

Subfamily Syrphinae Latreille, 1802

Tribe Bacchini Williston

Genus Argentinomyia Lynch Arribálzaga

Argentinomyia Lynch Arribalzaga, 1891:199 (40). Type species, testaceipes Lynch Arribalzaga (mon.). Refs.: Fluke,
1945:1–30 (key and rev.); Fluke, 1957b:261–279 (study of males genitalia); Thompson et al. 1976:46 (cat.), Thompson,
1981:105 (desc. notes); Thompson, 1999a:325 (key to Argentinomyia spp.), 327 (key to A. octomaculata), 338 (status
notes); Marinoni et al. 2007:149, 150 (desc, key, illustrations); Thompson & Skevington, 2014 (key and review of
melanostomine genera groups).
Rhysops Williston, 1907:2. Type species, Melanostoma rugosonasus Williston (Coquillett, 1910:601, as rugonasus Williston).
Proposed for “Melanostoma scitulum, rugonasus, melanocerus, etc.”.
Braziliana Curran, 1925b:252. Type species, Melanostoma longicornis Williston (orig. des.) = longicornis Walker.
Allograptina Enderlein, 1938:226. Type species, Allograptina octomaculata Enderlein.

altissima (Fluke), 1945:20 (Melanostoma). Type locality: Ecuador, Imbabura, Cuicocha. HT M (AMNH). Distr.:
Colombia (Antioquia (Andes, Belmira, Medellín), Cundinamarca (Bogotá), Tolima (Murillo)), Ecuador. Refs.:
Fluke, 1945:20, figs. 48 & 49 (abdomen) 1957b:276, figs. 95–96 (M genitalia); Thompson et al. 1976:42 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Andes, Cerros Caramanta, Paramo Laguna de Santarita,
5.550249°, -75.988733°, 3610m, 1male, 1female, 3-5.iii.2009, Leg. M. Wolff, Net (CEUA); Belmira, Paramo de
Belmira, 6.707065°, -75.714136°, 3057m, 1male, 2females, 5.iii.2009, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net (CEUA);
Medellín, Corregimiento de Santa Elena, Vereda Piedras Blancas, en Robledal, 6.291588°, -75.493345°, 2200m,
1male, 26.ix.2009, Leg. C. Bota, Net (CEUA); Cundinamarca: Bogotá, 4.592901°, -74.081040°, 2700m, 1male,
25.iii.1937, Leg. Osorno (in the collection of F.M. Hull); Bogotá, 4.592901°, -74.081040°, 2700m, 1male,

CATALOGUE OF SYRPHIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 459
25.iii.1937, Leg B. Guerra (USNM); Tolima: Murillo, Robledal, 4.870242N, 75.177614W, 3000m, 1male,
6.ix.2012, Leg. C. Bota, Net (CEUA).

bolivariensis (Fluke), 1945:19 (Melanostoma). Type locality: Ecuador, Bolivar, Hacienda Talahua. HT M
(AMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Belmira)), Ecuador. Refs.: Fluke, 1945:19, figs. 29 (head), 45 (abdomen)
1957b:276, (M genitalia); Thompson et al. 1976:42 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Belmira, Paramo de Belmira, 6.707065°, -75.714136°,
3057m, 1male, 5.iii.2009, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net (CEUA).

browni (Fluke), 1945:18 (Melanostoma). Type locality: Ecuador, Bolivar, Hacienda Talahua. HT M (AMNH).
Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Belmira)), Ecuador. Refs.: Fluke, 1945:18, figs. 27 (antenna), 28 (head), 44
(abdomen) 1957b:276, figs. 107–108 (M genitalia); Thompson et al. 1976:42 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Belmira, Paramo de Belmira, 6.707065°, -75.714136°,
3057m, 1male, 5.iii.2009, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net (CEUA).

columbiana (Enderlein), 1938:202 (Braziliana). Type locality: Colombia, "Cordillera, tierra templada". HT M/F
(ZMHU). Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena). Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:42 (cat.).
colombianum (Enderlein), 1938:198 (Melanostoma).

crenulata (Williston), 1891:12 (Melanostoma). Type locality: Mexico: Guerrero, Xucumanatlan, 7000ft &
Omilteme, 8000ft. ST M H (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Betania)). Refs.: Williston, 1891:12, pi. 1:5
(habitus), 5a–b (head); Fluke, 1945: 5, fig. 3 (head).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Betania, Vereda La Oculta, 5.736143°, -76.028237°, 1700-
2100m, 2male, 8.viii.1990, Forest, Leg O. Ortega, Net (Coll. O. Ortega).

festiva Fluke, 1945:10. Type locality: Ecuador, Tungurahua, Baños. HT M (AMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia
(La Ceja, Rionegro), Cundinamarca (Silvania)), Ecuador. Refs.: Fluke, 1945:10, figs. 13 (head), 42 (abdomen);
Thompson et al. 1976:43 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: La Ceja, Alto de La Union, 6.016132°, -75.370182°, 2500m,
1male, 10.iv.2008, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net (CEUA); Rionegro, Cabeceras, Finca La escondida, 6.140929°, -
75.411164°, 2100m, 17.v.2013, Leg. D. Caraballo, Manual (CEUA); Cundinamarca: Silvania, Vereda Azafranal,
4.342730°, -74.404917°, 1500m, 1female, 6.xii.2009, Leg. N. Flórez, Net in Coffea arabica (UNAB).

longicornis (Walker), 1837:343 (Pipiza). Type locality: "South America". HT F (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Valle
del Cauca (Venta Queremal and Buenaventura)), Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Peru. Refs.: Fluke,
1945:3, fig. 1 (head) 1957b:276, figs. 4, 14 133 (M genitalia); Thompson et al. 1976:43 (cat.); Borges & Pamplona,
2003:164, figs. 2 (antenna), 3 (abdomen).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Valle del Cauca: Venta Queremal and Buenaventura, 1000–1300m,
1female, Leg. H.F. Schwarz (AMNH).

luculenta (Fluke), 1945:17 (Melanostoma). Type locality: Ecuador, Tungurahua, Baños. HT M (AMNH). Distr.:
Colombia (Antioquia (Guarne, La Ceja), Cundinamarca (Bogotá, Mosquera)), Ecuador. Refs.: Fluke, 1945:17, figs.
26 (head), 46 (abdomen); Thompson et al. 1976:43 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Guarne, Vereda Piedras Blancas, 6.291588°, -75.493345°,
2200m, 1male, 1female, 2.x.2008, Leg. A.L. Montoya (CEUA); La Ceja, Alto de La Union, 6.016132°, -
75.370182°, 2500m, 2males, 10-xi.2008, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net (CEUA); Cundinamarca: Bogotá, Alto del
Cable, 4.629103°, -74.049218°, 3100m,, Leg. M.L.J.M (ICN); Bogotá, Jardínes Barrio Palermo,
4.666300°, -74.068344°, 2600m, 6.viii.2007, Leg. C.A. Fernández & A. Fernández (ICN); Mosquera, UNAL
Marengo lote 4, 4.680641°, -74.216488°, 2550m, 1female, 27.iv.2011, Leg. S. Guaqueta Net in Feijoba, Acca
sellowiana (O.Berg) Burret (Myrtaceae) (UNAB).

neotropica Curran, 1937:4 (Melanostoma). Type locality: Brazil: Sao Paulo. HT M (AMNH). Distr.: Colombia

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(Antioquia, (Anori), Tolima), Argentina, Brazil. Refs.: Fluke, 1945:8, figs. 9 (head), 39 & 40 (abdomen); Fluke,
1958:278, figs. 117 & 118 (M genitalia).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Anori, Vereda El Roble, Reserva Natural Arrierito
Antioqueño, 6.984806°, -75.111667°, 1600–1700m, 1male, 25–27.v.2012, Leg. Entomology Group, Net (CEUA).

nigrans (Fluke), 1945:8 (Rhysops). Type locality: Brazil: Santa Catarina. Nova Teutonia. HT F (AMNH). Distr.:
Colombia (Boyacá (Buenavista)). Refs.: Fluke, 1945, fig. 8 (head); Fluke, 1958:279, figs. Ill & 112 (M genitalia).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Boyacá: Buenavista, Vereda Patiño, 5.650832°, -74.286905°, 871m,
1female, 8.IV.2004, Leg. W. Avila, Net in ‘Granadilla’ Passiflora edulis Sims, 1818 (Passifloraceae) (UNAB).

opaca (Fluke), 1945:10 (Rhysops). Type locality: Ecuador: Chimborazo, Urbina, Cerro Chimborazo, 3650m. HT
M (AMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Belmira)), Ecuador. Refs.: Fluke,1945: 26, fig 15 (head profile of M);
1958: 279, figs. 115 & 116 (male genitalia).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Belmira, Paramo de Belmira, 6.707065°, -75.714136°,
3057m, 1male, 5.iii.2009, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net. (CEUA).

peruviana (Shannon), 1927:7 (Braziliana). Type locality: Peru, Rio Charape. HT M (USNM). Distr.: Colombia
(Cauca (Morales)), Peru. Refs.: Shannon, 1927:7; Thompson et al. 1976:44 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Cauca: Morales, El Pomorroso, Finca el Recuerdo, 2.701350°, -
76.811080°, 1600m, 12.ix.2013, Leg. D. Caraballo, Manual.

rex Fluke, 1945:21 (Melanostoma). Type locality: Ecuador: Hacienda Talahua, Bolivar. HT M (AMNH). Distr.:
Colombia (Cundinamarca (La Palma)). Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:44 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Cundinamarca: La Palma, Murca, 5.329289°, -74.385364°, 1530m,
1male, ix.2010, Leg. J. Calderon, Net (UNAB).

thiemei (Enderlein), 1938:201 (Braziliana). Type locality: Colombia. "Cordillera, tierra templada". HT M/F
(ZMHU). Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena). Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:44 (cat.).

tropica (Curran), 1937:3 (Melanostoma). Type locality: Brazil, Sao Paulo, Campos do Jordao. HT M (AMNH).
Distr.: Argentina, Brazil, Colombia (Antioquia (Andes, Girardota, Guarne)), Ecuador. Refs.: Curran, 1937: 3
(descr.); Thompson et al. 1976:44 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Andes, Paramo de Santa Rita, 5.550249°, -75.988733°,
3600m, 8.xii.2010, 1female, Leg. M. Wolff (CEUA); Girardota, Vereda El Palmar, Secundary forest, 6.343502° -
75.435102°, 2200m, 3female, 22-27.vii.2009, Leg. N. Uribe & G. Valencia Vsr. Viscera (CEUA); Guarne, Vereda
Piedras Blancas, Parque Ecologico Piedras Blancas, cerca de quebrada, 6.291588°, -75.493345°, 2200m, 1female,
5.ii.2009, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net (CEUA).

Genus Leucopodella Hull

Leucopodella Hull, 1948:94. Type species, Baccha lanei Curran (orig. des.). Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:46
(cat.); Thompson, 1981:103 (key to the West Indies spp.) 183 (key to Neotropical spp.); Marinoni et al. 2007:149,
150 (desc, key, illustrations); Thompson & Skevington, 2014 (key and review of melanostomine genera groups).
Xestoprosopa Hull, 1949c:94. Type species, Baccha delicatula Hull (orig. des.).

delicatula (Hull), 1943:78 (Baccha). Type locality: Ecuador, Tungurahua, Baños. HT M (CNC). Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquia (Medellin)), Costa Rica. Refs.: Hull, 1943:78, fig. 72 (abdomen); Thompson et al. 1976:46 (cat.);
Thompson, 1999a:325 (key).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Medellín, 6.267404°, -75.585789°, 1570m, 1male, 23.x.2009,
Leg. A.L. Montoya (CEUA).
gracilis (Williston), 1891:34 (Baccha). Type locality: Mexico, Vera Cruz, Orizaba; Guerrero, Omiltemi. HT M/F

CATALOGUE OF SYRPHIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 461
(BMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Caldas, Jardin, Medellín), Cundinamarca (Arbeláez), Huila (San Agustín),
Quindio (Salento)), Ecuador, Mexico. Refs.: Curran, 1926:102; 1928:35; Wolcott, 1936:348 1848:463; Hull,
1943c:49, fig. 73 (abdomen); 1949a:94, 103, fig. 73, (abdomen) 186 (abdomen), 209 (wing); Thompson et al.
1976:46 (cat.); Thompson, 1981:103 (key and desc.) 184 (species key).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Caldas, Alto La Romera, 6.090000°, -75.638000°, 1560m,
1male, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net (CEUA); Jardin, 5.583337°, -75.833332°, 2000m, 1male, 7.xi.2014, Leg. A.L.
Montoya, Net (CEAU); Medellín, San Antonio de Prado, Vereda Yarumalito, 6.186412°, -75.658630°, 2300m,
1female, 7–8.xi.2008, Leg. C. Bota & N. Uribe, Net (CEUA); Cundinamarca: Arbeláez, 4.270965°, -74.419444°,
1417m, 1male, 23.iv.1994, Leg. N. León (UNAB); Huila: San Agustín, 1.927474°, -76.297857°, 1700m, 1male,
22.vii.2008, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net (CEUA); Quindio: Salento, Vereda Canaan, 4.613714°, -75.581637°, 1800m,
1male, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net (CEUA).

Genus Platycheirus Lepeletier & Serville

Cheilosia Panzer, 1809:14. Type species, Syrphus rosarum Fabricius, 1787 (mon.). To prevent confusion the ICZN should be
asked to suppress Cheilosia Panzer to preserve existing usage of Cheilosia Meigen, 1822, and to place Platycheirus on the
Official List of Generic Names.
Platycheirus Lepeletier & Serville, 1828:513. Type species, Syrphus scutatus Meigen, 1822 (subs. des, Westwood, 1840:137).
Refs.: Fluke, 1943 (key); Andersson, 1970:236–240 (Taxonomic notes); Vockeroth, 1990:660 (revisio of Neartical spp.);
Thompson, 1972a:77–84 (desc. notes). Thompson, 1999a:325 (key); Marinoni et al. 2007:149, 150 (desc, key,
illustrations); Thompson & Skevington, 2014 (key and review of melanostomine genera groups).
Platychirus Agassiz, 1846:295, emend.
Pyrophaena Schiner, 1860:21 3. Type species, Syrphus rosarum Fabricius, 1787 (orig. des.).
Pachysphyria Enderlein, 1938:196. Type species, Scaeva ambigua Fallen, 1817 (orig. des.).
Carposcalis Enderlein, 1938:199. Type species, Syrphus stegnus Say, 1829 (orig. des.).

Subgenus Carposcalis Enderlein

chalconota (Philippi), 1865:747 (Syrphus). Type locality: Chile, Santiago. HT ? (MNHNS). Distr.: Colombia
(Cundinamarca), Argentina, Chile, Ecuador. Refs.: Fluke, 1945:15 (desc.), figs. 22 (head), 23 (antenna), 38
(abdomen); 1958:273, figs. 51–52 (M genitalia); Thompson et al. 1976:40 (cat.).

ecuadoriensis (Fluke), 1945:16 (Melanostoma). Type locality: Ecuador, Imbabura. HT M (AMNH). Distr.:
Colombia (Antioquia (Urrao), Cundinamarca (Bogotá, Facatativá)), Ecuador. Refs.: Fluke, 1945:16, figs. 25
(head), 59 (front tibia ofmales); Fluke, 1958:273, figs. 59 & 60 (M genitalia); Hull, 1949b:289, fig. 10c (head);
Thompson et al. 1976:40 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Urrao, Paramo del Sol, 6.416558°, -76.107506°, 3500m,
1female, 15.xi.2009, Leg. C. Bota (CEUA); Cundinamarca: Bogotá, 4.662568°, -74.080007°, 2600m, 10.v.1968,
Leg. Wilches P. (ICN); Bogotá, Jardínes Barrio Palermo, 4.677811°, -74.101080°, 2650m, 20.vii.2007, Leg. C.A.
Fernández & A. Fernández (ICN); Bogotá, Predios Universidad Nacional I.C.N., 4.638194°, -74.084046°, 2567m,
18.vii.1972, Leg. M. Arrieta (ICN); Bogotá, 7.ii.1978, Leg. C. Hernandez (ICN); Bogotá, Botanic Garden,
4.668332°, -74.100229°, 2551m, 20.ix.2009, Leg. M. Zamora (ICN); Facatativá, 4.814185°, -74.354995° 2600m,
1.i.2008, Leg. C.A. Fernández & A. Fernández (ICN); La Mesa, Lago Pedro Palo, 4.629429°, -74.469603°, 1200m,
22.xi.1970, Leg. E. Soler (ICN); La Calera, Vereda El Hato, Finca El Atardecer, 4.727495°, -73.907958°, 3000m,
1female, 6-10.i.2010, E. Ricaurte, Manua (CEUA); Risaralda: Pereira, Parque Natural Nacional los Nevados,
4.872737°, -75.426886°, 3000m, 4female, 6.v.2009, Leg. A. Bustamante (CEUA).

fenestrata (Macquart), 1842:163 (103) (Syrphus). Type locality: "Chile". HT F (MNHNP). Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquia (Belmira, Bello, La Ceja, Urrao), Cundinamarca (Bogotá, Chingaza, Subachoque), Brazil, Chile,
Mexico. Refs.: Macquart, 1842:163 (103), tab. 17, fig. 6 (habitus), 6a (head); Macquart, 1850:458 (154), tab. 14,
fig. 13 (head); Fluke, 1945:15 (desc. notes), figs. 21 (head), 57 (male front tibia); Fluke, 1958:273, figs. 56 & 64
(M genitalia); Thompson et al. 1976:40 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Belmira, Paramo de Belmira, 6.707065°, -75.714136°,

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3057m, 1female, 5.iii.2009, Leg. A.L. Montoya (CEUA); Bello, San Felix, Paramo de Las Baldias, 6.332653°, -
75.646599°, 3050m, 1male, 17.ii.2013, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net (CEUA); La Ceja, Alto la Union, Forest,
6.016132°, -75.370182°, 2500m, 2male, 10.ix.2008, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net (CEUA); Urrao, Paramo del Sol,
6.416558°, -76.107506°, 3500m, 8female, 3male, 8.ix.2009, Leg. C. Bota (CEUA); Cundinamarca: Bogotá, Alto
del cable, 4.629103°, -74.049218°, 3100m,, Leg. M.L.M.J (ICN); Bogotá, 1.v.1968, Leg. Aguirre
(ICN); Bogotá, Jardín de casa, 4.668332°, -74.100229°, 2600m, 4.iv.1976, Leg S. Zuluaga. (ICN); Bogotá, Botanic
Garden, 4.668332°, -74.100229°, 2600m, 18.x.1989, Leg. I. Arévalo (ICN); 25.vii.2009, Leg. M. Zamora (ICN);
Chingaza, Estacion Monte Redondo, 4.481898°, -73.721867°, 3036m, 1male, 1female, 19.ix.2002, Leg. E.
Martinez, decaying Pig (CEUA); Subachoque, Paramo de El Tablazo, 5.013671°, -74.184844°, 3400m,,
Leg. C.A. Fernández & A. Fernández (ICN).

hesperius (Vockeroth), 1990:696. Type locality: Alabhama, CA, USA. HT M (USNM). Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquia (Andes), Cundinamarca (Chingaza), Mexico. Refs.: Vockeroth, 1990:696 (cat. and desc.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Andes, Paramo de Santa Rita, 5.550249°, -75.988733°,
3600m, 8.xii.2010, 1male, Leg. A.L. Montoya (CEUA); Cundinamarca: Chingaza, Estacion Monte Redondo,
4.481898°, -73.721867°, 3036m, 3female, 19.ix.2002, Leg. E. Martinez, decaying Pig (CEUA).

Genus Talahua Fluke

Melanostoma, subg, Talahua Fluke, 1945:22. Type species, fervidum Fluke (orig. des.). Refs.: Fluke, 1945:23 (key); Fluke,
1958:279, fig 123 (M genitalia); Thompson et al. 1976:45 (cat.); Thompson, 1999a:325 (key), 338; Thompson &
Skevington, 2014 (key and review of melanostomine genera groups).

fervida (Fluke), 1945:23 (Melanostoma). Type locality: Ecuador, Bolivar, Hacienda Talahua. HT M (AMNH).
Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia, Boyacá, Quindio), Ecuador. Refs.: Fluke, 1945:23 (desc, key), figs. 34 (head), 35 (M
genitalia), 53 (abdomen); Fluke, 1958:279, fig. 123 (M genitalia); Thompson et al. 1976:45 (cat.); Thompson,
1999a:325–338 (key and taxonomic notes).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: San Jose de la Montaña, Vereda el Congo sector la Laguna,
Potrero, 6.804244°, -75.689613°, 3100–3200m, 1female, 10–14.ix.2011, Leg. L. Rios, Net (CEUA).

Genus Tuberculanostoma Fluke

Tuberculanostoma Fluke, 1943:425. Type species, antennatum Fluke (orig. des.). Ref. Fluke, 1943 (key); Thompson &
Skevington, 2014 (key and review of melanostomine genera groups).

antennatum Fluke, 1943:426. Type locality: Ecuador, Bolivar, Hacienda Talahua. HT M (AMNH). Distr.:
Colombia (Antioquia (Liborina, Urrao), Cundinamarca (Chingaza), Risaralda (Pereira)), Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela.
Refs.: Fluke, 1943:426, figs. 1–2 (head), 3 (antenna); Thompson et al. 1976:45 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Liborina, Vereda El Playon, Finca La Pava, 6.665323°, -
75.719095°, 3000-3197m, 1female, 5-8.xi.2011, Leg. J.D. Castaño & C. Bota, Net (CEUA); Urrao, Paramo del
Sol, 6.416558°, -76.107506°, 3500m, 8female, 5male, 8.ix.2009, Leg. C. Bota (CEUA); Cundinamarca:
Chingaza, Estacion Monte Redondo, 4.481898°, -73.721867°, 3036m, 3female, 19.ix.2002, Leg. E. Martinez,
decaying Pig (CEUA); Risaralda: Pereira, Parque Natural Nacional los Nevados, 4.872737°, -75.426886°, 3000m,
3000m, 1female, 6.v.2009, Leg. A. Bustamante (CEUA).

pectinis Fluke, 1943:430. Type locality: Ecuador, Bolivar, Hacienda Talahua. HT M (AMNH). Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquia (Urrao), Cundinamarca), Ecuador. Refs.: Fluke, 1943:430, figs. 6 (head), 9 (profemur); Thompson et al.
1976:45 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Urrao, Paramo del Sol, 6°1'43.24"N, 76°7'3.29"W, 3200m,
1female, 8.ix.2009, Leg. C. Bota (CEUA).

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Genus Xanthandrus Verral

Xanthandrus Verrall, 1901:316. Type species, Musca comptus Harris (Coquillett, 1910:620). Refs.: Refs.: Fluke, 1937 (key);
Thompson, 1981:105 (taxonomic notes); Thompson, 1999a:325 (key); Borges & Pamplona, 2003:155–167 (rev. and
desc.); Marinoni et al. 2007a:149, 150 (desc, key, illustrations); Thompson & Skevington, 2014 (key and review of
melanostomine genera groups).

Subgenus Xanthandrus Verral

bucephalus (Wiedemann), 1830:126 (Syrphus). Type locality: "Brazil". HT M (ZMHU). Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquia (La Pintada), Sucre (Chengue), Brazil, Peru. Refs.: Verral, 1901:317; Fluke, 1936:62, 63 (key and
citation); Fluke, 1937:6 (key); Fluke, 1958:279, figs. 119–120 (M genitalia); Thompson et al. 1976:44 (cat.);
Borges & Pamplona, 2003:158 (desc. and illustrations); Reemer, 2010:194 (desc, notes), fig. 18 (habitus,males).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: La Pintada, 5.736521°, -75.632087°, 650m, 1male,
26.v.2007, Leg.N. Uribe, Vsr. Fish (CEUA); Sucre: Chengue, 9.614540°, -75.398641°, 53m, Leg. C. Elster (ICN).

mellinoides (Macquart), 1846:265 (137) (Syrphus). Type locality: "Colombia". HT M (UMO). Distr.: Colombia,
Mexico, Venezuela. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:45 (cat.); Borges & Pamplona, 2003:160 (desc. and illustrations).
euceratus Bigot, 1884:82 (Melanostoma?) (description).

plaumanni Fluke, 1937:8. Type locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutonia. HT F (AMNH). Distr.: Colombia
(Boyacá, Valle del Cauca), Brazil. Refs.: Fluke, 1937:8, fig. 4 (abdomen); Thompson et al. 1976:45 (cat.); Borges
& Pamplona, 2003:164 (desc. and illustrations).

Tribe Syrphini

Genus Allograpta Osten Sacken

Allograpta Osten Sacken, 1875:49. Type species, Scaeva obliqua Say (mon.). Refs.: Curran, 1928:36 (key to Puerto Rican
spp.); Vockeroth, 1969:126–1130 (desc.); Vockeroth, 1973 (syn.); Thompson, 1981:23 (key); Thompson, 1999a:327, 328
(key); Thompson et al. 2000:54 (Key to the Costarican spp.); Marinoni et al. 2007a:147, 150 (desc, key, illustrations);
Mengual et al. 2009:12 (key and phylogenetic rev.); Thompson 2012 (nomenclatural change, syns.).
Neoscaeva Frey, 1946:170. Type species, Syrphus aeruginosifrons Schiner (orig. des.).
Microsphaerophoria Frey, 1946:168. Type species, plaumanni Frey (orig. des.).
Miogramma Frey, 1946:165. Type species, Syrphus javanus Wiedemann (orig. des.).
Helenomyia Bankowska, 1962:311. Type species, Syrphus javanus Wiedemann (orig. des.).
Paraxanthogramma Tao & Chiu, 1971:74. Nomen nudum based on Syrphus javanus Wiedemann as nakamurae Matsumura.

annulipes (Macquart), 1850:464 (160) (Paragus). Type locality: Brazil, Bahia. HT M (MNHNP). Distr.: Colombia
(Cundinamarca (Bogotá), Risaralda (Santa Rosa de Cabal)), Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru. Refs.: Macquart,
1850:464 (160), pi. 14, fig. 18 (head); Fluke, 1942:16, fig. 34 (abdomen); Thompson et al. 1976:33 (cat.); Reemer,
2010:169 (desc, and notes), fig. 8 (habitus).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Cundinamarca: Bogotá, 4.596100°, -74.084879°, 2599m, Net (ICN);
Risaralda: Santa Rosa de Cabal, Termales de Santa Rosa, 4.837708°, -75.548600°, 2000m, 1male,,
Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net (CEUA).

aperta Fluke, 1942:19. Type locality: Guyona, Kaieteur, Savannah. HT M (AMNH). Distr.: Colombia
(Cundinamarca (Bogotá)), Guyana, Suriname. Refs.: Fluke, 1942:19, fig. 48 (abdomen); Thompson et al. 1976:34
(cat.); Reemer, 2010:171 (desc, and notes), fig. 9 (habitus).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Cundinamarca: Bogotá, 4.596100°, -74.084879°, 2599m, 7males,
5females, Net (ICN).

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bilineella Enderlein, 1938:219. Type locality: Argentina, Prov. Buenos Aires. HT M (ZMHU). Distr.: Colombia,
Argentina. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:34 (cat.).

exotica (Wiedemann), 1830:136 (Syrphus). Type locality: "Brazil". HT ? (NMW). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia
(Medellín), Boyacá (Aquitania, Sogamoso), Cundinamarca (Bogotá, Cajicá, Chipaqué, La Vega, La Esperanza,
Machetá, Mosquera, Sibaté, Soacha, Suba, Subachoque, Usme, Vianí), Boyacá, Meta (Acacías)), Argentina, Brazil,
Costa Rica. Refs.: Fluke, 1942:24, fig. 47 (abdomen); 1950a:129, figs. 136 & 138 (M genitalia); Thompson et al.
1976:34 (cat.); Reemer, 2010:171 (desc, and notes), fig. 10 (habitus).
bilineata Enderlein, 1938a:220.
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Medellín, Universidad de Antioquia, 6.266375°, -
75.568989°, 1465m, 1male, Leg. A.L. Montoya (CEUA); Boyacá: Aquitania, Laguna de la Tota, 5.583541°, -
72.900514°, 3050m, 16.x.1999 (UNAB); Sogamoso, 5.722996°, -72.923443°, 2549m, 06.iv.2004, Leg. M.
Sánchez, Net (UNAB); Cundinamarca: Fontibón, Parque Centenario, cerca de caño, 4.685171°, -74.151528°,
2549m, 31.viii.2003, Leg. E. Ortíz, Net (UNAB); Bogotá, Botanic Garden, 4.668332°, -74.100229°, 2551m
18.viii.2009, Leg. M. Zamora (ICN); Bogotá, UNal I.C.N, 4.638194°, -74.084046°, 2567m, 24.xii.1971, Leg.
Fernández–A., J.L. Fernández–C (ICN); Cajicá, Vereda El Canelo, 4.920434°, -74.027161°, 2564m, 04.xi.2000,
Leg. A. Morales., H. Monroy (UNAB); Chipaqué, 4.450001°, -74.050000°, 2479m 18.iv.2004, Leg. Z. Muñoz, Net
(UNAB); La Esperanza, 4.269725°, -74.431312°, 2599m, 09.v.2004, Leg. A. Sepúlveda, Net (UNAB); La Vega,
4.999916°, -74.350009°, 1215m, 12.xi.1995, Leg. Gallego (UNAB); Machetá, 5.080217°, -73.607475°, 2100m,
Km. 21, 2110m, 23.xi.2003, Leg. A. Rodríguez (UNAB); Mosquera, Finca Marengo, 4.680641°, -74.216488°,
2554m, 15.xi.2003, Leg. D. Gracía. J. Díaz, Net (UNAB); Sibaté, 4.483597°, -74.266475°, 2180m, 01.v.2000, Leg.
N. Santana, M. Mazorra & J. Espinosa (UNAB); Soacha, Vereda Las Piedras, 4.574535°, -74.228384°, 2566m,
06.xi.1999 (UNAB); Suba, 4.757031°, -74.088591°, 2599m 18.xii.1988, Leg. Ospina (UNAB); Subachoque, Finca
Potosi, 4.932714°, -74.183370°, 2663m, 06.ix.2003, Leg. L. Bermúdez (UNAB); Usme, 4.522906°, -74.106378°,
2790m, 08.xi.2004, Leg. A. Reyes & G. Villeta, Net (UNAB); Vianí, 4.883333°, -74.566667°, 1498m, 25.v.2004,
Leg. G. Velandía & J. Romero, Net (UNAB); Meta: Acacías, 3.987806°, -73.759747°, 523m, 29.xi.1997, Leg.
Aranguren (UNAB).

falcata Fluke, 1942:16. Type locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutonia. HT M (AMNH). Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquia (Medellín)), Costa Rica, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela. Refs.: Fluke, 1942:16, fig. 36 (abdomen);
Thompson et al. 1976:35 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Medellín, San Antonio de Prado, Vereda Yarumalito,
6.186412°, -75.658630°, 2300m, 1male, 7–8.xi.2008, Leg. C. Bota & N. Uribe, Net (CEUA).

hastata Fluke, 1942:17. Type locality: Brazil, Sao Paulo. HT M (AMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca),
Brazil, Peru. Refs.: Fluke, 1942:17, fig. 37 (abdomen); Thompson et al. 1976:35 (cat.).

neotropica Curran, 1936b:14. Type locality: Colombia, Popayan. HT M (AMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia,
Boyacá (Gachetá, Ramiriqui), Cauca (Popayán), Cundinamarca (Bogotá, Cota, Facatativá, Machetá, Pulí, Ubaque),
Magdalena, Tolima (Ambalema), Valle del Cauca (Buga, Palmira)), Argentina, Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador,
Hispaniola, Jamaica. Refs.: Fluke, 1942:24, fig. 49 (abdomen); 1950a:141, fig. 41 (M genitalia); Vockeroth,
1969:130 (citation); Thompson et al. 1976:36 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Boyacá: Gachetá, Vereda Salinas, 4.820836°, -73.636574°, 1850m,
07.iv.2004, Leg. O. Lanchero, Net (UNAB); Ramiriqui, Vereda Escobal, 5.399818°, -73.333428°, 2500m,
18.xi.2003, Leg. D. Fonseca (UNAB); Cundinamarca: Bogotá, Parque La Florida, 4.732002°, -74.146014°,
2600m, 10.xi.2001, Leg. E. Peláez, Net (UNAB); Cota, Finca Peñas Blancas, 4.812890°, -74.106085°, 2547m,
13.i.2005, D. Carrillo Leg., Malaise trap (UNAB); Facatativá, Finca Luisa María, 4.814821°, -74.346605°, 2600m
18.ii.2005, Leg. C. Jara, Net (UNAB); Machetá, El Caucho, 5.080217°, -73.607475°, 2100m, 12.x.2003, Leg. F.
Jiménez, Net (UNAB); Pulí, Vereda El Manantial, 4.687593°, -74.705016°, 1200m, 12.iii.1998, Leg. C. Jiménez
(UNAB); Ubaque, Vereda Romero Alto, Finca La Esperanza, 4.484418°, -73.934194°, 2320m, 12.iv.2008, Leg.
J.C. Almaciga, Net (UNAB); Tolima: Ambalema, Vereda Pajonales, Hacienda Pajonales, 4.783333°, -74.766667°,
850m, 09.iv.2001, Leg. J. Esguerra (UNAB); Valle del Cauca: Buga, 3.900000°, -76.300000°, 1067m, 10.v.2004,

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Leg. W. Olaya & P. Villa, Manual (UNAB); Palmira, Unipalma, 3.587073°, -76.248936°, 1059m, 25.xi.2002, Leg.
A. Farias & O. Mateus, Net (UNAB).

obliqua (Say), 1823:89 (Scaeva). Type locality: "United States". HT ? Lost. Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia
(Medellín), Cundinamarca (Anolaima), Risaralda, Tolima (Espinal)), Argentina, Costa Rica, Jamaica. Refs.: Osten
Sacken, 1878:126 (syn.); Fluke, 1942:24, fig. 46 (abdomen); Vockeroth, 1969:165, fig. 85 (M genitalia);
Thompson et al. 1976:36 (cat.); Thompson,1981:25, fig. 20 (thorax, lateral view), 28 (wing).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Medellín, 6.267404°, -75.585789°, 1570m, Universidad de
Antioquia, 1male, 1female, 11-xi.2008, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net (CEUA); Cundinamarca: Anolaima, La
Esmeralda, 4.766197°, -74.467662°, 1656m, 21.ix.2003, Leg. C. Matiz, Net (UNAB); Tolima: Espinal, 4.162687°,
-74.874972°, 322m, 16.viii.1974, Leg. G. Daza (UNAB).

quadricincta Enderlein, 1938:214. Type locality: Colombia, Bogota. HT F (ZMHU). Distr.: Colombia
(Cundinamarca). Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:37 (cat.).

tectiforma Fluke, 1942:18, fig, 45 (abdomen). Type locality: Ecuador, Imbabura Cuicocha, 3200 ft. HT M
(AMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Bello, Betulia, Urrao)), Ecuador. Refs.: Fluke, 1942:18, fig, 45 (abdomen);
Fluke, 1950a: l29, fig. 145 (M genitalia); Thompson et al. 1976:38 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Bello, San Felix, Paramo de Las Baldias, 6.332653°, -
75.646599°, 3050m, 1female, 17.ii.2013, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net (CEUA); Betulia, Vereda el Indio, La Mina, Alto
de San José, Paramo, 5.771994°, -76.086152°, 3284-3300m, 1male, 14-18.xii.2013, Leg. C. Henao & J. Cogollo
(CEUA); Urrao, Paramo del Sol, 6.416558°, -76.107506°, 3500m, 8.ix.2009, Leg. A. Franco, Malaise trap

teligera Fluke, 1942:18. Type locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nove Teutonia. HT F (AMNH). Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquia (Jardín), Cundinamarca), Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador. Refs.: Fluke, 1942:18, fig. 44 (abdomen);
Thompson et al. 1976:38 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Jardín, 5.578169°, -75.829912°, 1972m, 1female 18.v.2006, Leg. J.
Cardona (CEUA).

Genus Calostigma Shannon, 1927

Calostigma Shannon, 1927:8. Type species, Calostigma elnora Shannon, 1927 (orig. des.). Refs.: Curran, 1930.
Callostigma Curran, 1930c:8. Misspelling.
Callistigma Hull, 1944b:41. Misspelling.

elnora species group

ornatipes (Curran), 1927:3 (Baccha). Type locality: Puerto Rico, Cayey. HT M (AMNH). Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquia (San Roque)), Puerto Rico. Refs.: Hull, 1949c:232, fig. 194 (abdomen), 260, fig. 306 (wing);
Thompson et al. 1976:24 (cat.); Thompson, 1981:34, fig 39 (head, lateral view), 48 (leg andmales genitalia
complex), 65 (wing).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: San Roque, 6.503175°, -74.926885°, 1800m, 1female,
8.ii.2009, Leg. A.L. Montoya (CEUA).

Genus Claraplumula Shannon

Claraplumula Shannon, 1927:8. Type species, latifacies Shannon (orig. des.). Refs.: Thompson, 2012 (generic status).

latifacies (Shannon), 1927:8 (Claraplumula). Type locality: Peru, Tincochaca, 7000 ft. HT M (USNM). Distr.:

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Colombia (Antioquia (Copacabana, Jardin)), Ecuador, Peru. Refs.: Fluke, 1942:22, figs. 4 (head), 5 (abdomen);
1950a:127, figs. 127 & 125 (M genitalia); Vockeroth, 1969:165, fig. 86 (M genitalia); Thompson et al. 1976:36
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Copacabana, Vereda El Cabuyal, 6.345579°, -75.503714°,
1450m, 1male, Leg. Velez & Marin, Vsr. Fish (MEPB); Jardin, Vereda Florestar-El Cañon, Finca Los Robles
5.583337°, -75.833332°, 2000m, 1female, 28-abr-2001, Leg. G. Etnomology, Net (CEUA).

Genus Dasysyrphus Enderlein

Dasysyrphus Enderlein, 1938:208. Type species, Scaeva albostriata Fallen (orig. des.). Refs.: Vockeroth, 1969:73
(description, nomenclatural notes); Thompson et al. 1976:10 (cat.), Thompson, 1999a:326 (key); Locke & Skevington,
2013: 1–80 (Rev. of Neartic species).
Conosyrphus Matsumura 1918: 11 (name preocc. by Conosyrphus Frey, 1915). Type species Conosyrphus okunii Matsumura,
1918 (orig. des.)
Syrphella Goffe, 1944: 129. Type species, Scaeva tricincta Fallén, 1817
Dendrosyrphus Dusek & Laska, 1967: 365. Type species, Syrphus lunulatus Meigen, 1822

lotus (Williston), 1887b:75 (Syrphus). Type locality: U.S.A, Arizona. HT F (USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia
(Betulia), Valle del Cauca), Ecuador, Mexico. Refs.: Fluke, 1942:3; Thompson et al. 1976:10 (cat.); Mengual et al.
2008:7 (distrib. record).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Betulia, Vereda el Indio, La Mina, Alto de San José, Paramo,
5.771994°, -76.086152°, 3284-3300m, 3male, 14-18.xii.2014, Leg. C. Henao & J. Cogollo (CEUA).

Genus Eupeodes Osten Sacken

Eupeodes Osten Sacken, 1877:328. Type species, Eupeodes volucris Osten Sacken (mon). Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:9
(cat.); Thompson, 1999a:328 (key).
Posthonia Enderlein, 1938:203. Type species, longipenis Enderlein (orig. des.).

volucris Osten Sacken, 1877:329. Type locality: U.S.A, California, Los Angeles, Marin County, Yosemite;
Nevada; Utah; Colorado, Denver, Clear Creek, Spanish Peaks. HT M/F (MCZ). Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca),
Mexico. Refs.: Vockeroth, 1969:150, fig. 34 (M genitalia); Thompson et al. 1976:9 (cat.).
longipenis Enderlein, 1938:203 (Posthonia).

Genus Fazia Shannon

Fazia Shannon, 1927:25. Type species, bullaephora Shannon (orig. des.) = decemmaculata (Rondani). Refs.: Thompson, 2012
(generic status).
Chasmia Enderlein, 1938a:213 (name preocc. by Enderlein, 1922). Type species, hians Enderlein (orig. des.).
Metepistrophe Hull, 1949b:293 (Proposed as a subg. of Epistrophe). Type species, Epistrophe altissima Fluke (orig. des.).
Misidentified Type species, Originally named type was Epistrophe remigis Fluke, but Fluke (1951) noted that the
specimen used by Hull was mislabelled by him and was actually altissima Fluke. Hence, under Article 70.3 of the
International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN 1999), Mengual et al. 2009 fixed the Type species, of
Metepistrophe Hull to the taxonomical species, altissima Fluke.
Metallograpta Hull, 1949b:293 (Proposed as a subg. of Epistrophe). Type species, Allograpta colombia Curran (orig. des.).

alta Curran, 1936b:15. Type locality: Colombia, Popayan. HT M (AMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Cauca,
Cundinamarca), Ecuador. Refs.: Fluke, 1942:23, fig. 31 (abdomen); Fluke, 1950a:129, fig. 134 (M genitalia);
Thompson et al. 1976:33 (cat.).
flavomaculata Hull, 1937a:169.

colombia Curran, 1925c:349. Type locality: Colombia, Sierra Quemada. HT F (CUI). Distr.: Colombia

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(Magdalena), Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador. Refs.: Fluke, 1942:12 (desc.), figs. 25 (head), 26 (abdomen); 1950a:129,
fig. 135 (M genitalia); Thompson et al. 1976:34 (cat.).

fasciata Curran, 1932:4. Type locality: "Peru". HT F (AMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena), Ecuador, Peru.
Refs.: Fluke, 1942:23, figs. 28 (head), 29 (abdomen); 1950a:129, fig. 137 (M genitalia); Thompson et al. 1976:35
bisinterrupta Enderlein, 1938:210 (Fazia).
bisinterrpta Thompson et al. 1976:34. Misspelling.

fascifrons (Macquart), 1846:265 (Syrphus). Type locality: "Nouvelle Grenade". HT M (UMO). Distr.: Colombia
(Magdalena, Valle del Cauca). Refs.: Macquart, 1846:265 (137), pi. 11, fig. 11 (wing); Thompson et al. 1976:35

imitator (Curran), 1925c:351 (Epistrophe). Type locality: Colombia, Vista Nieve, San Lorenzo Mt. HT M (CUI).
Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Alejandria, Bello, Caldas, Jardin), Caldas, Cundinamarca, Magdalena (Santa Marta),
Quindio (Salento)), Bolivia, Costa Rica. Refs.: Fluke, 1942:23, figs. 20 (head), 21 (abdomen); Thompson et al.
1976:36 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Alejandria, 6.401714°, -75.058838°, 1200m, 1male, 8.xi.07,
Leg. A.L. Montoya, Manual (CEUA); Bello, San Felix, Paramo de Las Baldias, 6.332653°, -75.646599°, 3050m,
2female, 17.ii.2013, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net (CEUA); Caldas, Alto La Romera, 6.090000°, -75.638000°, 1560m,
1male, 2females, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net (CEUA); Jardin, Alto del Indio, Finca Pipinta, 2females, 14-18.xii.2013,
Leg. S. Ruiz (CEUA); Quindio: Salento, Vereda Canaan, 4.613714°, -75.581637°, 1800m, 1male, Leg. A.L.
Montoya, Net (CEUA).

nasigera (Enderlein), 1938:212 (Fazia). Type locality: "Colombia". HT M/F (ZMHU). Distr.: Colombia. Refs.:
Thompson et al. 1976:36 (cat.).

roburoris (Fluke), 1942:11 (Epistrophe). Type locality: Ecuador, Bolivar, Hacienda Talahua. HT M (AMNH).
Distr.: Argentina, Colombia (Antioquia (Belmira)), Ecuador. Refs.: Fluke, 1942:11, figs. 18 (abdomen) 18 (head);
Thompson et al. 1976:37 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Belmira, Morro Cabildo Verede, 6.6579, -75.672, 3200m,
1female, 30.ix.2011, Leg. J.D. Castaño & C. Bota, Malaise trap (CEUA).

rostrata (Bigot), 1884:102 (Sphaerophoria). Type locality: Mexico. HT F (UMO). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del
Cauca), Costa Rica, Mexico. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:37 (cat.).

similis Curran, 1925c:350. Type locality: Colombia, Vista Nieve. HT F (CUI). Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena),
Argentina, Brazil, Costa Rica. Refs.: Fluke, 1942:23, fig. 27 (abdomen); 1950a:129, fig. 144 (M genitalia);
Thompson et al. 1976:37 (cat.).

strigifacies (Enderlein), 1938:211 (Fazia). Type locality: "Brazil". HT M/F (ZMHU). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia
(Bello), Valle del Cauca), Brazil. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:37 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Bello, San Felix, Paramo de Las Baldias, 6.332653°, -
75.646599°, 3050m, 1female, 17.ii.2013, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net (CEUA).

Genus Hermesomyia Vockeroth

Hermesomyia Vockeroth, 1969:121. Type species, Hermesomyia bacchiformis Vockeroth, 1969 (orig. des.) =
Baccha wulpiana Lynch Arribalzaga, 1891.

wulpiana (Lynch), 1891:250 (1892c :47) (Baccha, nom. nov. for tricinctus Wulp). Type locality: Argentina, Prov.

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Tucuman. HT M (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Guarne)), Argentina, Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador. Refs.:
Wulp, 1888:376, pi. 10, fig. 8 (habitus); Kertész, 1910:165 (cat.); Hull, 1943b:50 (cat.); Hull, 1949:126 (key ref.,
abdomen pattern); Fluke, 1956:259 (cat.), 267 (cat.); Vockeroth, 1969:122, figs. 13 18; Thompson et al. 1976:25
(Syn.); Rotheray et al. 2000:390 (desc, and syn.), fig. 8–12 (illustrations of larval structures).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Guarne, Vereda Piedras Blancas, 6.291588°, -75.493345°,
2660m, 1female, Leg. Entomology Group, rearing from Bromeliad (MEPB).

Genus Hybobathus Enderlein

Hybobathus Enderlein, 1938:233. Type species, Hybobathus quadrilineatus Enderlein, 1938 (orig. des.).
Hypobathus Fluke, 1956:217. Misspelling.
Callisyrphus Frey, 1946:154. Type species, Syrphus rubricosus Wiedemann, 1830 (orig. des.).
Calliscaeva Frey, 1946:171. Incorrect original spelling of Callisyrphus (rev. by Fluke, 1956:199).
Aulacibaccha Hull, 1949a:96 Type species, Baccha titan Hull, 1947a (orig. des.) = Baccha arx Fluke, 1936. (Proposed as a
subg. of Baccha).

arx species group

arx (Fluke), 1936:60 (Baccha). Type locality: Brazil, "Cois Parma Cos". HT F (AMNH). Distr.: Colombia
((Alejandria, Fredonia, Medellín, San Roque), Quindio (Filandia) Risaralda (Pereira)), Brazil, Costa Rica. Refs.:
1936:60, fig. 2 (abdomen), 3 (wing); Hull, 1949c:248, figs. 259–261 (abdomens); 274, fig. 361 (wing); Thompson
et al. 1976:13 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Alejandria, 6.401714°, -75.058838°, 1200m, 1male, 8.xi.07,
Leg. A.L. Montoya, Vsr. Fish (CEUA); Fredonia, 5.916573°, -75.683347°, 1010m, 1male, Leg. Entomology
Group, Net (CEUA); Medellín, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 6.267404°, -75.585789°, 1570m, 2males,
10.i.2009, Leg. A.L. Montoya, larvae preying nymphs of Antianthe expansa Germar 1835 (Membracidae)
(CEUA); San Roque, San Jose del Nus, 6.503175°, -74.926885°, 830m, 1male, 5.i.2007, Leg. N. Uribe, Vsr. Liver
(CEUA); Quindio: Filandia, Hacienda Bengala, 4.685291°, -75.617533°, 2000m, 1male, 1female, 10.ix.2008,
Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net (CEUA); Risaralda: Pereira, Wildlife Sanctuary Otún Quimbaya, 4.728880°, -
75.577850°, 1890m, 1female, v.2001, Leg. H. Vargas, Vsr. Fish (CEUA).

flavipennis (Wiedemann), 1830:123 (Syrphus). Type locality: "Brazil". HT M/F (ZMHU). Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquia (San Roque)), Brazil, Ecuador, Peru. Refs.: Hull, 1949c:204, fig. 65 (abdomen); Thompson et al.
1976:18 (cat.); Reemer, 2010:179 (desc.), fig 62–63 (habitus, males & female).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: San Roque, San Jose del Nus, 6.503175°, -74.926885°,
1800m, 5.i.2007, Leg. N. Uribe (CEUA).

lineatus (Macquart), 1846:267 (139) (Baccha). Type locality: Mexico, Yucatan. HT F (MNHNP). Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquia (Nariño)), Bahamas, Jamaica. Refs.: Macquart, 1846:267 (139), tab. 20, fig. 5 (habitus); Hull,
1949c:236, fig. 206–207 (abdomen); Thompson, 1981:54; Thompson et al. 1976:21 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Nariño, 5.631484°, -75.245454°, 2400m, 1male, 24.vii.2010,
Leg. V. Pérez (CEUA).

lividus (Schiner), 1868:343 (Baccha). Type locality: "South America". HT M/F (NMW). Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquia (San Roque), Sucre (Chengue)), Brazil, Guyana, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Trinidad. Refs.:
Hull, 1949c:196, fig. 26 (abdomen), 281, fig. 124 (abdomen), 268, fig. 336 (wing); Thompson et al. 1976:21 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: San Roque, San Jose del Nus, 6.503175°, -74.926885°,
1800m, 5.i.2007, Leg. N. Uribe (CEUA); Sucre: Chengue, 9.614517°, -75.398629°, 53m, Leg. C. Elster (ICN).

norina (Curran), 1941:267 (Baccha). Type locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutonia. HT M (AMNH). Distr.:
Colombia (Valle del Cauca), Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil. Refs.: Hull, 1949c:196, fig. 23 (abdomen), 218, fig. 131
(abdomen), 270, fig. 347 (wing); Thompson et al. 1976:23 (cat.); Reemer, 2010:182 (desc.), fig 61 (habitus).

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persimilis (Curran), 1930a:2 (Baccha). Type locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Chapada. HT F (AMNH). Distr.:
Colombia (Quindio (Filandia), Risaralda (Pereira)), Brazil. Refs.: Hull, 1949c:210, fig. 93 (abdomen).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Quindio: Filandia, Hacienda Bengala, 4.685291°, -75.617533°, 2000m,
1male, 1female, 10.ix.2008, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net (CEUA); Risaralda: Pereira, Wildlife Sanctuary Otún
Quimbaya, 4.728880°, -75.577850°, 1890m, 1male, 1female, 13-14-iv.11, Leg. N. Uribe, Vsr. Chiken (CEUA).

quadrilineatus (Enderlein), 1938:233 (Hybobathus). Type locality: Colombia, "Cordillera, tierra templada". HT F
(ZMHU). Distr.: Colombia. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:54 (cat.).

Genus Mimocalla Hull

Mimocalla Hull, 1943a: 46. Type species, Baccha capitata Loew, 1863 (orig, des.). (Proposed as a subg. of Baccha). Refs.:
Zumbado & Thompson, 2000 (rev. and desc.)
Therantha Hull, 1943a:47. Type species, Baccha atypica Curran, 1930 (orig, des.) = Syrphus conjunctus Wiedemann, 1830.
(Proposed as a subg. of Baccha).

capitatus species group

gigantea (Schiner), 1868:340 (Baccha). Type locality: "South America". HT M (NMW). Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquia (Girardota, La Ceja, Medellín), Boyacá (Arcabuco, Tunja), Cundinamarca (Bogotá), Meta, Risaralda
(Pereira)), Costa Rica, Venezuela. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:19 (cat.); Zumbado & Thompson, 2000:776 (key),
781, fig 8–9 (M genitalia complex), 785 (desc.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Girardota, Vereda El Palmar, 6.343502° -75.435102°, 2200m,
1male, Leg. N. Uribe, Vsr. Fish (CEUA); La Ceja, Alto la Union, Forest, 6.016132°, -75.370182°, 2500m, 1male,
10.ix.2008, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net (CEUA); Medellín, Vereda Piedras Blancas, 6.291588°, -75.493345°, 2300m,
3male, Leg. A. Velez, Vsr. Fish (CEUA); Boyacá: Arcabuco, Pomeca, 5.750000°, -73.433333°, 2650m, 1.iv.1997,
Leg. F. Escobar (ICN); Tunja, Santuario Iguaque Quebrada La Laguna, 6.044559°, -73.154046°, 2340m, 3.iii.1990,
Leg. H. Hurtado (ICN); Cundinamarca: Bogotá, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 4.638194°, -74.084046°,
2567m, 2600m, iv.2011, Leg. E. Vergara, R. Simbaqueba (UNAB); Risaralda: Pereira, Wildlife Sanctuary Otún
Quimbaya, 4.728880°, -75.577850°, 1890m, 1female, 13-14.iv.11, Leg. N. Uribe, Vsr. Chiken (CEUA).

tristani Zumbado, 2000:788. Type locality: Costa Rica. Heredia, Santo Domingo, INBio. HT M (INBio). Distr.:
Colombia (Antioquia (Caldas, Guarne), Meta (Villavicencio)), Costa Rica, Mexico. Refs.: Zumbado & Thompson,
2000:774, fig. 1 (habitus ofmales), 778, fig. 6–7 (M genitalia complex).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Caldas, 6.090000°, -75.638000°, 1560m, 28.xi.2007
(MEFLG); Guarne, Vereda Piedras Blancas, 6.291588°, -75.493345°, 2660m, 1female, Leg. Entomology Group
(MEPB); Meta: Villavicencio, Forest Bavaria, 4.150000°, -73.633333°, 467m, 8.x.2005 (ICN).

willistoni Thompson (nom. nov. for dolosa Williston). Type locality: Peru, Chanchamayo. HT M (BMNH). Distr.:
Colombia (Antioquia (Caldas), Risaralda (Pereira)), Costa Rica, Mexico. Refs.: Williston, 1891:37, pi. 1:7
(habitus), 7a–b (head) (name preocc. by Walker, 1857 (Baccha)); Hull, 1949c:234, fig. 202 (abdomen); Thompson
et al. 1976:30 (cat.); Zumbado & Thompson, 2000:784, fig. 18–19 (M genitalia complex), 790 (desc.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Caldas, 6.090000°, -75.638000°, 1560m, 28.xi.2007
(MEFLG). Risaralda: Pereira, Wildlife Sanctuary Otún Quimbaya, 4.728880°, -75.577850°, 1890m, 1female, 13-
14-iv.11, Leg. N. Uribe, Vsr. Chiken (CEUA).

Genus Ocyptamus Macquart

Ocyptamus Macquart, 1834:554. Type species, fascipennis Macquart (Coquillett, 1910:577) = fuscipennis Say.
Refs.: Curran, 1928:34 (key to 8 Puerto Rican spp.); 1941:257–265 (key); Hull, 1949c:100–135 (key); Telford,
1973 (key to 19 Puerto Rican spp.); Thompson, 1981:35 (desc. Notes, key to West Indies spp, species groups);

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Thompson, 1999a:326–327 (key); Rotheray et al. 2000:385–398 (acquatic larvae, desc.); Marinoni et al. 2007:147,
150 (desc, key, illustrations); Reemer, 2010:173–187 (desc, key and syn.).
Baccha. authors.
Cryptamus Stahl, 1883: 97. Misspelling.
Baccha (Ocyptamus). Hull, 1949a.
Baccha funebris species group. Hull, 1949a.
Ocyptamus cylindricus species group. Thompson, 1981.

cylindricus species group

anthiphates (Walker), 1849:589 (Syrphus). Type locality: "Jamaica". HT M (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia
(Alejandria), Boyacá (Togüí), Caldas, Cundinamarca, Risaralda, Santander (Cimitarra), Tolima), Costa Rica, Cuba,
Hispaniola, Jamaica, Puerto Rico. Refs.: Thompson, 1981:46; Thompson et al. 1976:12 (cat.); Thompson, 1981:46
(desc, syn.), fig. 1 (habitus).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Alejandria, 6.401714°, -75.058838°, 1200m, 1female, 8.xi.2007, Leg.
A.L. Montoya, Vsr. Fish (CEUA); Boyacá: Togüí, 1830m, 1.ii.1978, Leg. I. de Arévalo (ICN); Santander:
Cimitarra, 6.310723°, -73.944432°, 263, 1female,, Leg. M. Castaño & C. Rivera (CEUA).

dimidiatus (Fabricius), 1781:434 (Syrphus). Type locality: "Americae meridionalis insulis". HT M (?). Distr.:
Colombia (Antioquia, Caldas (Samaná, Norcasia), Cundinamarca (Bogotá, Cáqueza), Meta (Guayabetal, Via
Apiay Villavo), Santander (Piedecuesta), Sucre (San Onofre), Tolima, Valle del Cauca), Brazil, Costa Rica, Cuba,
Hispaniola, Jamaica, Less Antillas, Mexico, Puerto Rico. Refs.: Hull, 1949c:240, fig. 232 (abdomen); Thompson et
al. 1976:16 (cat.); Thompson, 1981:34, fig 34 (dorsal view of posterolateral portion of thorax), 38 (occiputs lateral
view), 47 (M genitalia complex); Reemer, 2010:178 (desc.), fig 29–30 (habitus, males, female), 101 (larva).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Caldas: Samaná, Norcasia, 5.538340°, -74.969231°, 980m, 6.x.1992,
Leg. Molano A. Camero (ICN); Cundinamarca: Bogotá, km91 carretera Bogotá–Villavo Pipiralito, 4.139059°, -
73.780962°, 1000m,, Leg. Hernandez C. Bohorquez (ICN); Cáqueza, Vereda Ubatoque, 4.405278°, -
73.950000°, 1743m, 14.viii.1989, Leg. L.P. Moreno (ICN); Meta: Guayabetal, 4.215273°, -73.814434°, 1100m,
18.x.1976, Leg. Chavarro Gerardo (ICN); Via Apiay Villavo, 4.105925°, -73.597319°, 380m, Leg B. González.
(ICN); Santander: Piedecuesta, 6.987834°, -73.047684°, 1100m, 12.x.1978, Leg. L. Caballero (ICN); Sucre: San
Onofre, 9.646080°, -75.581129°, 5m, 11.x.2003, 1female, Leg. Entomology Group (CEUA).

funebris Macquart, 1834:554. Type locality: "Brazil". HT (MNHNP) (lost?). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia), Brazil,
Costa Rica. Refs.: Hull, 1949c:276, figs. 160 & 162 (abdomens); 278, fig. 370 (wing); Thompson et al. 1976:18 (cat.).

gastrostactus (Wiedemann), 1830:123 (Syrphus). Type locality: "Brazil". HT M (AMNH). Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquia (Alejandria), Caldas, Cundinamarca, Meta, Risaralda), Brazil, Costa Rica, Venezuela. Refs.: Hull,
1943f:65, fig. 2 (alula); 1949c:226, figs. 163–164 (abdomens); 258, figs. 299–300 (wings); Thompson et al.
1976:19 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Alejandria, 6.401714°, -75.058838°, 1200m, 1male, 8.xi.07,
Leg. A.L. Montoya, Vsr. Fish (CEUA).

lepidus species group

cultrinus (Curran), 1939b:7 (Baccha). Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Barro Colorado Island. HT M
(AMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Puerto Berrio)), Panama. Refs.: Hull, 1949c:210, fig. 92 (abdomen); 242,
figs 236 & 241 (abdomen); Thompson et al. 1976:16 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Puerto Berrio, 6.489819°, -74.401992°, 114m, 1male,
24.ix.2004, Leg. Entomology Group (CEUA).
hyalipennis (Curran), 1930e:15 (Callostigma). Type locality: Honduras, Tegucigalpa. HT F (AMNH). Distr.:
Colombia (Antioquia (San Roque), Nariño (Barbacoas)), Argentina, Brazil, Honduras. Refs.: Hull, 1949c:230, fig.
183 (abdomen), 260, fig. 311 (wing); Thompson et al. 1976:20 (cat.).

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Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: San Roque, Corregimiento de Sna Jose del Nus, 6.503175°, -
74.926885°, 1800m, 1male, 1.v.2012, Leg. N. Uribe, Vsr. Liver (CEUA); Nariño: Barbacoas, Corregimiento
Altaquer, Reserva Natural Privada Río Ñambí, 1.651397°, -78.163467°, 93m, 1male, 1370m (ICN).

luctuosus (Bigot), 1883:334 (Baccha). Type locality: "Mexico". HT F (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia
(Yarumal)), Brazil, Costa Rica, Mexico, Puerto Rico. Refs.: Hull, 1949c:242, fig. 239 (abdomen); Fluke, 1956:252;
Thompson et al. 1976:21 (cat.), Rotheray et al. 2000:386 (desc, and syn.), fig. 1–7 (illustrations of larval
structures); Reemer, 2010:182 (desc.), fig 48–49 (habitus,males, female).
luctuosus Montoya et al. 2012 (Ocyptamus) (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Yarumal, 6.961666°, -75.426785°, 2500m, Leg. L. Barrientos

verona (Curran), 1941:272 (Baccha). Type locality: Colombia, Vista Nieve. HT F (AMNH). Distr.: Colombia
(Magdalena). Refs.: Hull, 1949c:240, 254; figs. 225 (abdomen), 288 (wing); Thompson et al. 1976:29 (cat.).

vierecki (Curran), 1930a:6 (Baccha). Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Barro Colorado Island. HT M (AMNH).
Distr.: Colombia, Panama. Refs.: Hull, 1949c:236, fig. 213 (abdomen); Thompson et al. 1976:29 (cat.).

melanorrhina species group

sativa (Curran), 1941:275 (Baccha). Type locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutonia. HT M (AMNH). Distr.:
Colombia, Brazil. Refs.: Hull, 1949e:248 figs. 250, 264 (abdomen), 283 (wing); Thompson et al. 1976:27 (cat.).
arsinoe (Hull), 1949c:250 (Baccha).

stenogaster species group

stenogaster (Williston), 1888:266 (Baccha). Type locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Chapada. HT M (AMNH). Distr.:
Colombia (Antioquia (La Pintada), Huila (San Agustin)), Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Puerto Rico. Refs.: Hull,
1949e:232, 266, 272; figs. 189 & 190 (abdomen), 331 & 357 (wing); Thompson et al. 1976:27 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: La Pintada, 1male, 16.ii.2007, Leg. N. Uribe, Vsr. Fish
(CEUA); Huila: San Agustín, 1male, 22.vii.2008, Leg. A.L. Montoya (CEUA).

titania species group

filissima (Hull), 1943f:79 (Baccha). Type locality: Colombia, Muzo. HT F (Hull Collection Unknown). Distr.:
Colombia (Boyacá). Refs.: Hull, 1949e:200, fig. 42 (abdomen); Thompson et al. 1976:18 (cat.).

Genus Orphnabaccha Hull

Orphnabaccha Hull, 1949a:93. Type species, Baccha coerulea Williston, 1891 (orig. des.).
Mercurymyia Fluke, 1950:140 Type species, Epistrophe caldus Walker, 1852 (orig. des.). (Proposed as a subg. of
Stenosyrphus). Synonymy Thompson et al. 1976:11.
Refs.: Vockeroth, 1969:118 (Description, taxonomic notes).

caldus species group

ampla (Fluke), 1942:6 (Epistrophe). Type locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutonia. HT F (AMNH). Distr.:
Colombia (Valle del Cauca), Argentina, Brazil, Panama. Refs.: Fluke, 1942:6, fig. 7 (abdomen); Fluke, 1950a:125,
fig. 98 (M genitalia); Vockeroth, 1969:164, fig. 76 (M genitalia); Thompson et al. 1976:12 (cat.).

calda (Walker), 1852:232 (Syrphus). Type locality: "Brazil". HT M (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca),
Argentina, Brazil, Colombia (Valle del Cauca), Paraguay. Refs.: Fluke, 1937 :4, fig. 6 (abdomen); Vockeroth,
1969:163, fig. 75 (M genitalia); Thompson et al. 1976:14 (cat.).

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coerulea (Williston), 1891:38 (Baccha). Type locality: Mexico, Guerrero; Omiltemi, Amula, Xucumanatlan, Sierra
de las Aguas Escondidas. HT M/F (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Cauca), Costa Rica. Refs.: Hull, 1949c:224, fig.
159 (abdomen), 272, fig. 355 (wing); Vockeroth, 1969:163, fig. 74 (M genitalia); Thompson et al. 1976:14 (cat.).

delimbata (Enderlein), 1938:224 (Allograpta). Type locality: Colombia, Bogota. HT M (ZMHU). Distr.:
Colombia (Cundinamarca). Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:34 (cat.).

pteronis (Fluke), 1942:5 (Epistrophe). Type locality: Ecuador, Tungurahua, Volcan Tungurahua, Minza Chica. HT
M (AMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Belmira)), Ecuador. Refs.: Fluke, 1950a:125, fig. 108 (M genitalia);
Vockeroth, 1969:164, fig. 79 (superior lobe); Thompson et al. 1976:26 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Belmira, Paramo de Belmira, 6.707065°, -75.714136°,
3057m, 1male, 5.iii.2009, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net (CEUA).

trabis (Fluke), 1942:5 (Epistrophe). Type locality: Ecuador, Tungurahua, Volcan Tungurahua, Runtun. HT M
(AMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca), Argentina, Ecuador. Refs.: Fluke, 1942:5, fig. 6 (abdomen);
1950a:125, fig. 109 (M genitalia); Vockeroth, 1969:165, fig. 81 (superior lobe); Thompson et al. 1976:28 (cat.).

Genus Pelecinobaccha Shannon

Pelecinobaccha Shannon, 1927:10. Type species, Baccha peruviana Shannon, 1927 (orig. des.). (Proposed as a
subg. of Baccha).

adspersa species group

adspersa (Fabricius), 1805:200 (Baccha). Type locality: "America meridionali”. HT M (UZMC). Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquia (Alejandria, Maceo), Chocó, Boyacá, Meta), Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guyana, Mexico, Peru. Refs.: Hull,
1943f:65, fig. 2 (alula); 1949c:138 (desc.) 188, fig. 33 (abdomen); Thompson et al. 1976:12 (cat.); Reemer,
2010:175 (desc, and notes), figs. 22–23 (habitus, males and female).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Alejandria, Vereda San Jose, 6.371942°, -75.109771°,
1879m, 10.xii.2007, Leg. A.L. Montoya (CEUA); Maceo, Vereda Las Brisas, 6.540547°, -74.770327°, 840m,
18.iii.2006, Leg. C. Vélez (CEUA).

oviphora (Hull), 1943f:73 (Baccha). Type locality: Colombia, Muzo. HT F (CNC). Distr.: Colombia (Boyacá).
Refs.: Hull, 1949c:232, fig. 191 (abdomen); Thompson et al. 1976:24 (cat.).

ovipositoria (Hull), 1943f:76 (Baccha). Type locality: Colombia. HT F (CNC). Distr.: Colombia (Meta). Refs.:
Hull, 1949c:230, fig. 178 (abdomen); Thompson et al. 1976:24 (cat.).

squamagula Miranda, 2014:70. Type locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutônia. HT F (CNC). Distr.:
Colombia (Cundinamarca (Anapoima)), Brazil, Bolivia. Refs.: Miranda et al. 2014: 70 (fig. 14).

brevipennis species group

cyclops (Hull), 1947a:406 (Baccha). Type locality: Colombia, Muzo. HT M (Hull Collection Unknown). Distr.:
Colombia (Boyacá). Refs.: Hull, 1949c:234, fig. 196 (abdomen); Thompson et al. 1976:16 (cat.); Miranda et al.
2014: 39.

gracilitas Miranda, 2014:43. Type locality: Amazonas, Manaus, Boa Vista. HT M (CNC). Distr.: Brazil, Colombia
(Boyacá (Muzo)). Refs.: Miranda et al. 2014: 43 (fig. 5).

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peruviana species group

alucard Miranda, 2014:21. Type locality: Costa Rica, Guanacaste, Eco Museo, Río Aguas Claras, 420m. HT M
(INBio). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Girardota)), Costa Rica. Refs.: Miranda et al. 2014: 23 (figs. 15e–i).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Girardota, Vereda Manga Arriba, Secundary forest,
6.343502° -75.435102°, 2200m, 22-26.viii.2009, 1female, Leg. G. Valencia & N. Uribe, Vsr. Viscera (CEUA).

andrettae Miranda, 2014:23. Type locality: Ecuador, Napo, Jatun Sacha Biol. Res., 6 km E Misahuali, 450m. HT F
(QZAZ). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas (Letitia)). Refs.: Miranda et al. 2014: 23 (figs. 18a–g).

avispas Miranda, 2014:25. Type locality: Peru, Madre de Dios, Avispas, 400m. HT F (CNC). Distr.: Bolivia,
Brazil, Colombia (Antioquia (Alejandria)), Ecuador, Peru. Refs.: Miranda et al. 2014:119 (fig. 19).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Alejandria, Vereda San Jose, 6.371942°, -75.109771°,
1879m, Forest, 1male, 1female, 10.viii.2007, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Vsr. Fish (CEUA).

clarapex (Wiedemann), 1830:684 (Syrphus). Type locality: Brazil. HT F (NMW). Distr.: Colombia ((Magdalena
(Cerro Patron, Rio Frio), Boyacá (Muzo)), Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Peru,
Venezuela. Refs.: Hull, 1949c:214, fig. 109 (abdomen); 271, fig. 346 (wing); Thompson et al. 1976:14 (cat.);
Miranda et al. 2014: 31 (fig. 22).
colombiana Curran, 1941:282 (Baccha).
colombianus Thompson et al. 1976:14 (Ocyptamus) (cat.).

dracula (Hull), 1943c:52 (Baccha). Type locality: Honduras. HT M (CNC). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (La
Pintada)), Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Peru. Refs.: Hull, 1949a:152 (redesc.), 232 (fig. 205,
abdomen); Miranda et al. 2014: 39, 127 (fig. 27).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: La Pintada, 5.736521°, -75.632087°, 650m, 1male,
16.ii.2007, Leg. N. Uribe, Vsr. Fish (CEUA).

hiantha (Hull), 1943a:74 (Baccha). Type locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutônia. HT F (AMNH). Distr.:
Brazil, Colombia (Boyacá (Muzo)), Brazil, Costa Rica, Peru. Refs.: Miranda et al. 2014: 44 (fig. 29).

ida (Curran), 1941:279 (Baccha). Type locality: Brasil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutônia. HT M (AMNH). Distr.:
Argentina, Brazil, Colombia (Quindio (Filandia)), Ecuador, Paraguay. Refs.: Hull, 1949a:156 (redesc.), 159 (fig.
107, M abdomen), 194 (fig. 12, F abdomen; fig. 18 M abdomen), 262 (fig. 319, M wing), 274 (fig. 358, F wing);
Thompson et al. 1976: 20 (cat. cit.); Miranda et al. 2014:131 (fig. 31).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Quindio: Filandia, Hacienda Bengala, 4.685291°, -75.617533°, 2000m,
3male, 10.ix.2008, Leg. A.L. Montoya (CEUA).

peruviana Shannon, 1927:10 (Baccha). Type locality: Peru, Chanchamayo. HT F (USNM). Distr.: Colombia
(Amazonas (Leticia)), Peru. Refs.: Hull, 1949a: 207 (fig. 69, Fabdomen; fig. 70, M abdomen); Thompson et al.
1976: 25 (cat. cit.); Miranda et al. 2014: 63, 108 (fig. 34i-j).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Amazonas: Leticia, Puerto Nariño Amazonas, - -3.774094°, -
70.381153°, 98m, 10.vii.2012, 1female, Leg. C. Bota, Net (CEUA)

pilipes (Schiner), 1868:342 (Baccha). Type locality: "South America". HT M/F (NMW). Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquia (La Pintada), Valle del Cauca, Vaupés (Nbra Koyo)), Brazil. Refs.: Hull, 1949c:210, fig. 94 (abdomen),
272, fig. 350 (wing); Thompson et al. 1976:25 (cat.).
nigrocilia var. hirtipes Hull, 1943e:215 (Baccha). (missing FCT).
nigrocilia var. inclusa Hull, 1943e:215 (Baccha). (missing FCT).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: La Pintada, 5.736521°, -75.632087°, 650m, 1male,
16.ii.2007, Leg. N. Uribe, Vsr. Fish (CEUA); Vaupés: Nbra Koyo, 0.983621°’, -70.864236°, 180, 1male, Leg. J.
Gonzalez (CEUA).

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pucallpa Miranda, 2014:68. Type locality: Peru, Ucayali, Pucallpa. HT M (CNC). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia
(Puerto Berrio)), Peru. Refs.: Miranda et al. 2014: 68, 136 (figs. 36h–l).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Puerto Berrio, Alto de las Aguilas, Hacienda Manaos,
6.500865°, -74.546317°, 404m, 1male,, Leg. M. Wolff & INPA, Net (CEUA).

telescopica Curran, 1930:74. Type locality: Colombia. HT F (AMNH). Distr.: Colombia, Panama. Refs.: Hull,
1943a:44 (fig. 1, alula); Hull, 1949a:205 (fig. 60, abdomen), 207 (fig. 71, abdomen), 276 (fig. 369, wing) 1843j:94,
fig. 71 (abdomen) 1849a:169 (redesc.), 224 (fig. 154, abdomen); Thompson et al. 1976:28 (cat.).
stipa Hull, 1949a:110 (Baccha).

transatlantica (Schiner), 1868:343 (Baccha). Type locality: "Brazil & Colombia". HT M/F (NMW). Distr.:
Colombia, Brazil, Peru. Refs.: Hull, 1949c:216, 284; figs. 119 & 120 (abdomen), 392 & 393 (wing); Thompson et
al. 1976:28 (cat.).

susio species group

pandora (Hull), 1942i:102 (Baccha). Type locality: Panama, Code prov, El Valle. HT M (MCZ). Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquia (La Pintada, San Roque), Caldas (Supia)), Costa Rica, Panama. Refs.: Hull, 1949c:198, fig. 38
(abdomen); Thompson et al. 1976:24 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: La Pintada, 5.736521°, -75.632087°, 650m, 2male, 8female,
16.ii.07 Leg. N. Uribe, Vsr. Fish (CEUA); San Roque, 6.503175°, -74.926885°, 1800m, 3male, 3female, 8.ii.2009,
Leg. A.L. Montoya (CEUA); Caldas: Supia, Vereda Piedras, Quebrada Piedras, 5.557611°, -75.577439°, 600m,
1male, 2.iii.2009, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net (CEUA).

Genus Pseudodoros Becker

Pseudodoros Becker, 1903:92. Type species, nigricollis Becker (mon.).

Baccha, subg. Dioprosopa Hull, 1949c:99 (also 1949b:296). Type species, Syrphus clavatus Fabricius (mon.).
Refs.: Thompson, 1981:33 (desc. and notes); Thompson, 1999a:327 (key); Kassebeer, 2000:80 (desc, key); Marinoni et al.
2007:148, 150 (desc, key, illustrations).

Subgenus Dioprosopa Hull

Dioprosopa Hull 1949: 99. Type species, Syrphus clavatus (Fabricius), 1794 (mon.)

clavatus (Fabricius), 1794:298 (Syrphus). Type locality: "Americae meridionalis Insulis". HT M/F (UZMC).
Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Alejandria, Copacabana, La Pintada, Santafé de Antioquia), Arauca, Boyacá (Villa de
Leyva, Cáqueza), Caldas (Pensilvania), Cundinamarca, Meta, Putumayo, Quindío (Filandia), Santander
(Bucaramanga, Piedecuesta, San Gil y Guane), Sucre (San Onofre), Tolima, Valle del Cauca (Farallones)),
Argentina, Bahamas, Brazil, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Hispaniola, Jamaica, Less Antillas, Puerto Rico. Refs.:
Weidemann, 1830:94 (desc. based on type); Townsend, 1895b:37 (desc. notes); Williston, 1896:347 (syn.; distr.
notes); Wolcott, 1923:7, fig. 7 (larva), 8 (pupa), 9 (adult) (life hist.) 1826:218 (prey recs); Hull, 1943c:48, fig. 7
(abdomen) 1849e:192, fig. 7 (abdomen) 1849d:288, fig. 9a (head); Thompson et al. 1976:10 (cat.); Thompson,
1981:33, (desc. notes); Kassebeer, 2000:80, fig 1f (female abdomen), 2g–h (M genitalia complex, dist. notes);
Reemer, 2010:171 (desc, and notes), fig. 11, 12 (habitus).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Alejandria, Vereda San Jose, 6.371942°, -75.109771°,
1879m, Forest, 1male, 1female, 10.viii.2007, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Vsr. Fish (CEUA); Copacabana, Barrio
Machado, 6.345579°, -75.503714°, 1450m, 12.ix.2007, Leg. M. Giraldo, Manual (CEUA); La Pintada, 5.736521°,
-75.632087°, 650m, 1female,, Leg. N. Uribe, Vsr. Fish (CEUA); Santafé de Antioquia, 6.512784°, -
75.825832°, 460m, 25.v.2007, Leg. A.L. Montoya (CEUA); Boyacá: Villa de Leyva, 5.638191°, -73.535870°,
2200m, 24.x.1997, Leg. F. Fernández (ICN); Caldas: Pensilvania, Vereda La Rioja, 5.384070°, -75.160990°,
1956m, 1female, 7.xi.20013, Leg. C. Bota & C. Flórez, Net (CEUA); Cundinamarca: Cáqueza, Vereda Ubatoque,

CATALOGUE OF SYRPHIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 475
4.405278°, -73.950000°, 1743m, 21.viii.1989, Leg. L.P. Moreno (ICN); Guayabetal, 4.215287°, -73.814548°,
1120m, Leg. G.B. Gonzalez (ICN); Quindio: Filandia, 4.685291°, -75.617533°, 1700m, 1male, 13.xi.2009, Leg.
A.L. Montoya (CEUA); Santander: Bucaramanga, Cañon del Chicamocha, 6.770764°, -73.008988°, 1400m,
22.xii.2010, Leg. A.L. Montoya (CEUA); Piedecuesta, 6.987834°, -73.047684°, 1110m, 12.x.1978, Leg. J.
Caballero (ICN); San Gil y Guane, 6.551825°, -73.134334°, 1300m, 5.iv.2009, Leg. Fernández–Alonso & J.L.
Fernández–Castillo (ICN); Sucre: San Onofre, 9.646080°, -75.581129°, 5m, 1male, 11.x.2004, GEUA Leg., Vsr.
Banana (CEUA); Valle del Cauca: Farallones de Cali, 3.367176°, -76.687470°, 3400m, 2.v.1993, Leg. C. Andrade

Genus Relictanum Miranda

Relictanum Miranda, 2014:85. Type species, Baccha crassa Walker, 1852. Ref.: Miranda, 2014.
Baccha tristis species group, in part. Hull, 1949a.

crassum (Walker), 1852:222 (Baccha). Type locality: Brazil. HT M (BMNH). Distr.: Brazil, Colombia (Amazonas
(Leticia)), Ecuador, Guyana, Panama, Peru, Suriname, Trinidad. Refs.: Miranda et al. 2014: 90 (fig. 44).

nero Curran, 1939:8. Type locality: Guyana, Kaieteur. HT M (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Boyacá (Muzo)),
Bolivia, Brazil, French Guiana, Mexico, Peru. Refs.: Hull, 1949c:159 (desc.), 224, fig. 151 (abdomen) 182
(redesc.), 224 (fig. 153, abdomen), 258 (fig. 298, wing); Thompson et al. 1976:20 (cat.); Miranda et al. 2014: 94
(fig. 47).
infanta Hull, 1943f:74 (Baccha).

nigrocilia (Hull), 1943g:215 (Baccha). Type locality: Brazil, Sao Paulo, Ilha Seca. HT F (AMNH). Distr.:
Colombia, Brazil. Refs.: Hull, 1949c:162 (desc.), 244, fig. 156, 248 (abdomen), Hull, 1949c:220, fig. 139
(abdomen); Thompson et al. 1976:23 (cat.).
hirtipes (Hull), 1943g:215 (Baccha). (missing FCT).
inclusa (Hull), 1943g:2l5 (Baccha). (missing FCT).

schwarzi (Curran), 1939b:9 (Baccha). Type locality: Colombia, Western Cordillera, Cali HT M (AMNH). Distr.:
Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Cali)), Costa Rica, Peru. Refs.: Hull, 1949c:214, 278; figs. 111 (abdomen), 375 (wing);
Thompson et al. 1976:27 (cat.); Miranda et al. 2014.

Genus Rhinoprosopa Hull

Oligorhina Hull, 1937a: 30 (name preocc. by Fairmaire & Germain 1863). Type species, aenea Hull (orig. des.).
Rhinoprosopa Hull, 1942:23 (nom. nov. for Oligorhina Hull). Refs.: Thompson, 2012 (generic status); Mengual, 2014
(generic rev.)

flavophylla (Hull), 1943d:319 (Rhinoprosopa). Type locality: Peru, Perene Valley. El Campamiento. HT F (CUI).
Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Amalfi, Belmira, Caldas, Ciudad Bolivar, Envigado, Jardin), Caldas (Anserma),
Quindío (Salento), Risaralda (Pueblo Rico)), Costa Rica, Peru. Refs.: Hull, 1949b:269, fig. 6b (head); 1949c:222,
fig. 146 (abdomen); Thompson et al. 1976:35 (cat.); Mengual, 2014:10 Figs. 30 (M, head, lateral view), 31–32 (M,
habitus, dorsal and frontal view), 33 (M, head, frontolateral view).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Amalfi, Vereda Guayabito, Finca Costar Rica, 1840m, 1male,
19-feb-2005, Leg. Velez & Diaz (CEUA); Belmira, Paramo de Santa Inés (El Morro), 6.778957°, -75.699390°,
3200m, 1male, Abril 24 2011, Leg. J. Cardona & J.D. Cardona, Net (CEUA); Belmira, Morro Cabildo Verede,
6.6579, -75.672, 3200m, 30.ix.2011, Leg. J.D. Castaño & C. Bota, Malaise (CEUA); Caldas, Alto La Romera,
6.090000°, -75.638000°, 1560m, 2male, Leg. E. Alarcón (CEUA); Ciudad Bolivar, Vereda La Mina, 5.772073°, -
76.032002°, 2400m, 1male, Leg. E. Garces, Net (CEUA); Envigado, El Salado, Jardin en Borde dde Quebrada, 8
mar 2009, Leg. C. Bota, Net (CEUA); Jardin, Vereda Florestar-El Cañon, Finca Los Robles 5.583337°, -

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75.833332°, 2000m, Net, Rastrojo, 28-abr-2001, Leg. G. Etnomology (CEAU); Caldas: Anserma, 5.249026°, -
75.795074°, 1700m, 1male, 1female, 15.xi.2008, Leg. A.L. Montoya (CEUA); Quindio: Salento, Vereda Canaan,
4.613714°, -75.581637°, 1800m, 1male, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net (CEUA); Risaralda: Pueblo Rico, Vereda
Montebello, Rio Claro, Forest, 5.248847°, -76.060004°, 1350m, 1male, 15-14.iv.2014, Leg. C. Bota, M. Loaiza, C.
Flórez, Vsr. Copro (CEUA).

lucifer (Hull), 1943g:216 (Rhinoprosopa). Type locality: Ecuador, Pinas, 1600 ft. HT M (AMNH). Distr.:
Colombia (Sucre (San Onofre), Tolima, Valle del Cauca (San Antonio)), Costa Rica, Ecuador. Refs.: Hull,
1949c:222, fig. 141 (abdomen); Thompson et al. 1976:36 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Sucre: San Onofre, 9.646080°, -75.581129°, 5m, 4males, 1male, Leg. A.
Velez & L. Rios, Vsr. Fruit (CEUA).

nasuta (Bigot), 1884:103 (Sphaerophoria). Type locality: “Mexico”. HT M (UMO). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del
Cauca (Palmira)), Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Venezuela. Refs.: Thompson et al.
1976:36 (cat.); Mengual, 2014: 15, Figs. 45–46 (F, habitus, lateral and dorsal view), 47–48 (F, head, frontal and
frontolateral view), 49–50 (M, habitus, lateral and dorsal view), 51–52 (M, head, frontal and frontolateral view).

sycorax (Hull), 1947b:239 (Rhinoprosopa). Type locality: Costa Rica, La Suiza. HT F (USNM). Distr.: Colombia,
(Antioquia (Bello), Valle del Cauca), Costa Rica, Venezuela. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:37 (cat.); Mengual,
2014: 18, Figs. 53–54 (F, habitus, dorsal and lateral view), 55–56 (M, lateral and dorsal view), 57–58 (F, head,
frontal and frontolateral view), 59–60 (M, head, frontal and frontolateral view).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Bello, San Felix, Paramo de Las Baldias, 6.332653°, -
75.646599°, 3050m, 1female, 17.ii.2013, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net (CEUA).

Genus Salpingogaster Schiner

Amathia Walker, 1852: 223 (name preocc. by Lamouroux 1812; Roux, 1828; Duponchel, 1829; Rathke, 1837). Type species,
costalis Walker (mon.).
Salpingogaster Schiner, 1868:344. Type species, pygophora Schiner (orig. des.). Refs.: Sack, 1920 (rev. key); Curran, 1941
(key); Knutson, 1971 (biol.); Thompson, 1981:63 (key); Thompson, 1999a:326 (key); Marinoni et al. 2007:148, 150 (desc,
key, illustrations).
Flexineura Bezzi, 1908:294. Nomen nudum.

abdominalis Sack, 1920:242. Type locality: "Bolivia". HT M (SMT). Distr.: Colombia (Quindío (Salento)),
Bolivia. Refs.: Sack, 1920:242, fig. D (tip of abdomen); Thompson et al. 1976:31 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Quindio: Salento, 4.613714°, -75.581637°, 1800m, 3males, 28.iv.2009,
Leg. A.L. Montoya (CEUA).

cornuta Hull, 1944a:168. Type locality: Venezuela". HT F (NMW). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Andes), Caldas,
Caqueta (Chiribiquete), Cauca, Cundinamarca (La Mesa)), Venezuela. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:31 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Andes, Vereda Quebrada arriba, Forest pescado, 5.600370°, -
75.965892°, 2100-2500m, 6male, 26-29-ii-1997, Leg. O. Ortega (Coll. O. Ortega); Caquetá: Chiribiquete, Río
Cuñeré, 0.746043°, -72.738590°, 100m, 8.viii.1994, Leg. A. Amarillo (ICN); Cundinamarca: La Mesa, Laguna
Pedro Palo, 4.629429°, -74.469603°, 2031m, 16.iii.1997, Leg. V. González (UNAB).

limbipennis Williston, 1891:29. Type locality: Mexico, Guerrero, Amula, 6000 ft. HT F (BMNH). Distr.:
Colombia (Antioquia (Andes)), Mexico. Refs.: Sack, 1920:256 (desc.); Thompson et al. 1976:32 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Andes, Paramo de Santa Rita, 5.550249°, -75.988733°,
3600m, 8.xii.2010, 1male, Leg. A.L. Montoya (CEUA).

nigra Schiner, 1868:344. Type locality: "South America". HT M/F (NMW). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (San
Roque), Boyacá, Caldas, Cauca (Popayán), Cundinamarca (San Pedro de Jagua, Tibirita, Villeta), Huila, Meta

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(Reserva La Macarena Caño Curia, San Martín, Villavicencio), Nariño (Barbacoas), Quindío, Valle del Cauca
(Restrepo)), Brazil, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Hispaniola, Jamaica, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Puerto Rico, Venezuela.
Refs.: Schiner, 1868:344, pi. 4: fig. 4 (habitus), 4a (wing); Sack, 1920:254 (desc.), figs, a (wing), t, u, & v
(abdomen); Thompson, 1981:67, fig 81 (abdomen); Thompson et al. 1976:32 (cat.); Reemer, 2010:190 (desc.), fig
17 (habitus males).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: San Roque, Vereda La Mora, Alto El Cuatro, 6.503175°, -
74.926885°, 1800m, x.2008, Leg. H. Paredes (UNAB); Cauca: Popayán, Vereda Rejoya Finca Helechaux,
2.454604°, -76.608737°, 1025m, 21.iv.1994, Leg. C. Sarmiento (ICN); Cundinamarca: San Pedro de Jagua,
4.647699°, -73.325182°, 775m, 8.ix.1988, Leg. D.N. Padilla (ICN); Tibirita, 5.054444°, -73.508056°, 1880m,
22.xi.2003, Leg. O. Munar, Net (UNAB); Villeta, 5.008319°, -74.473554°, 992m, 21.xi.2003, Leg. A. Molano, Net
(UNAB); Meta: Reserva La Macarena Caño Curia, 2.072107°, -73.955920°, 380m, 24.ix.1989, Leg. W. Cubillos
(ICN); San Martín, Finca El Caduceo, 3.694490°, -73.693630°, 340m, 15.v.2006, Leg. G. Aves (ICN);
Villavicencio, Vereda La Vanguardia, Pozo Azul, 4.150000°, -73.633333°, 467m, 16.iv.2005 (ICN); Nariño:
Barbacoas, Corregimiento Altaquer. Reserva Natural Privada Río Ñambí, 1.651397°, -78.163467°, 93m,
13.vii.1995, Leg. C. Sarmiento (ICN); Valle del Cauca: Restrepo, Camino Hacienda El Piral, 3.811560°, -
76.515178°, 1000m, 6.ii.1984, Leg. P. Saray (ICN).

panamana Hull, 1944c:33. Type locality: Panama, Bella Vista. HT M (MCZ). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia
(Urrao)), Panama. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:32 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Urrao, 6.416558°, -76.107506°, 3500m, 6.i.1991, Leg. A.
Madrigal (MEFLG).

pygophora Schiner, 1868:344. Type locality: "South America". HT M (NMW). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia
(Gomez Plata), Cundinamarca (Sasaima)), Brazil, Costa Rica, Cuba, Mexico, Panama. Refs.: Sack, 1920:239
(desc.), fig. b (tip of males abdomen); Hull, 1949b:264, fig. 3e (head); Thompson et al. 1976:32 (cat.); Thompson,
1981:64, fig 67a, b (wing andmales genitalia complex).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Gomez Plata, 6.683154°, -75.216575°, 1800m, 3males,
1female, 29.x.1998, Leg. Entomology Group (CEUA); Cundinamarca: Sasaima, 4.966667°, -74.433333°,
1221m, 5.ii.2005, Leg.V. Castiblanco, Manual (UNAB).

vera Hull, 1944a:169. Type locality: Bolivia, Rio Songo. HT M (NMW). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Caldas)),
Bolivia. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:32 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Caldas, 6.090000°, -75.638000°, 1560m, 1male, 10.i.1973,
Leg. R. Vélez (MEFLG).

Genus Scaeva Fabricius

Scaeva Fabricius, 1805:248. Type species, Musca pyrastri Linnaeus, 1758 (Subs. des.; Curtis, 1834:509).
Catabomba Osten Sacken, 1877:329 Type species, Musca pyrastri Linnaeus, 1758 (mono.).
Lasiopthicus Rondani, 1845:459. Type species, Musca pyrastri Linnaeus, 1758 (orig. des.).
Refs.: Shannon & Aubertin, 1933 (key); Thompson, 1999a:325, 327 (key).

occidentalis Shannon, 1927:29. Type locality: Chile, Santiago. HT M (USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia
(Medellín)), Argentina, Chile. Refs.: Vockeroth, 1969:150, fig. 36 (M genitalia); Thompson et al. 1976:9 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Medellín, 6.267404°, -75.585789°, 1570m, 1female, iv.1945,
Leg. F.L. Gallego (MEFLG).

Genus Styxia Hull

Styxia Hull, 1943a: 46. Type species, Styxia eblis Hull, 1943 (orig. des.). (Proposed as a subg. of Baccha).

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eblis (Hull), 1943f (abdomen) (Styxia). Type locality: Ecuador, Bolivar, Hacienda Talahua. HT M (AMNH). Distr.:
Colombia (Antioquia (Betulia)), Ecuador. Refs.: Hull, 1949c:208, fig. 85 (abdomen).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Betulia, Vereda el Indio, La Mina, Alto de San Jose, Paramo,
5.771994°, -76.086152°, 3284-3300m, 1male, 14-18.xii.2013, Leg. C. Henao & J. Cogollo (CEUA).

Genus Syrphus Fabricius

Syrphus Fabricius, 1775:762. Type species, Musca ribesii Linnaeus (see Wirth et al. 1965:558) to preserve established usage.
Refs.: Fluke, 1942:2–3 (key, rev. Neotropical spp.); Vockeroth, 1969:55–57 (descript); Thompson, 1981:23 (desc. note);
Thompson, 1999a:326 (key); Thompson et al. 2000:7 (key and descriptions); Marinoni et al. 2007:148, 150 (desc, key,

laceyorum Thompson, 2000:6. Type locality: Costa Rica, San José, Parque Nacional Braulio Carillo, Estacion
Barva. HT M (INBio). Distr.: Colombia (Caldas (Riosucio), Cundinamarca), Costa Rica. Refs.: Thompson et al.
2000: 3, fig. 1b (habitus), 5, fig. 3a–c (M genitalia), 6 (desc.); Gutiérrez et al. 2005.
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Caldas: Riosucio, Camino hacia el cerro Ingurumá, 5.421334°, -
75.719539°, 2200m, 1female, 7.i.2013, Leg. A.L. Montoya (CEUA).

octomaculatus Walker, 1837:344. Type locality: "Chile". HT F (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Andes)),
Argentina, Costa Rica, Mexico. Refs.: Macquart, 1842:150 (90), pi. 13, fig. 8 (head), Macquart, 1850:457 (153), pi.
14, fig. 12 (head); Fluke, 1942:3, Fig. 1 (abdomen); Thompson et al. 1976:8 (cat.); Thompson et al. 2000:8 (key).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Andes, Paramo de Santa Rita, 5.550249°, -75.988733°, 2000-
2600m, 1male, 8.xii.2010, Leg. A.L. Montoya (CEUA).

phaeostigma Wiedemann, 1883:130. Type locality: "Brazil". HT M (NMW). Distr.: Argentina, Brazil, Colombia
(Santander (California)). Refs.: Fluke, 1942:2 (redesc.), fig. 3 (abdomen); Fluke, 1950a:117, fig. 15 (male
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Santander: California, Vereda California, 7.377812°, -72.938002°,
2800–3000m, 1male, 12–19.ix.2012, Leg. A. Vélez & J.D. Sánchez (CEUA).

shorae Fluke, 1950b:440 (nom. nov. for willistoni Fluke). Type locality: Mexico, Guerrero, Omiltemi, Costa Rica,
Volcan de Irazu, Rio Sucio. HT F (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Bello, Belmira, Caldas, Guarne, La Ceja,
San Jose de la Montaña, San Pedro), Boyacá (Buenavista, Villa de Leyva) Cundinamarca (Bogotá, Chocóntá,
Facatativá, Machetá, Silvania), Quindío (Filandia), Risaralda (Pereira) Santander (California, Charalá, Zapatoca),
Valle del Cauca (Sevilla)), Argentina, Costa Rica, Chile. Refs.: Fluke, 1942:22, fig. 2 (abdomen); Fluke,
1950a:117, fig. 14 (M genitalia); Thompson et al. 1976:8 (cat.); Thompson et al. 2000:8 (key).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Bello, San Felix, Paramo de Las Baldias, 6.332653°, -
75.646599°, 3050m, 1male, 17.ii.2013, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net (CEUA); Belmira, Paramo de Belmira, 6.707065°,
-75.714136°, 3057m, 3males, 1female, 5.iii.2009, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net (CEUA); Caldas, Alto de San Miguel,
6.090000°, -75.638000°, 1560m, 1male, 27.vii.2009, Leg. N. Uribe, Net (CEUA); Guarne, Vereda Piedras Blancas,
6.291588°, -75.493345°, 2660m, 2females, Leg. Entomology Group (CEUA); La Ceja, Alto la Union, Forest,
6.016132°, -75.370182°, 2500m, 10.ix.2008, 1female, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net (CEUA); San Jose de la Montaña,
Vereda el Congo sector la Laguna, Potrero, 6.804244°, -75.689613°, 3100–3200m, 1female, 10–14.ix.2011, Leg.
L. Rios, Net (CEUA); San Pedro, Vereda Cerezales, 6.483237°, -75.630955°, 2800m, 1female, Leg. V. Pérez Net in
a decomposed pig (CEUA); Boyacá: Buenavista, Vereda Patiño, Las Lomas, 5.650832°, -74.286905°, 1001m,
04.iv.2004, Leg. W. Ávila, Net (UNAB); Villa de Leyva, Bella Vista Km130 Carretera Villavo, 4.139059°, -
73.780962°, 1500m, Leg. M. Alvarez (ICN); Cundinamarca: Bogotá, Botanic Garden, 4.668332°, -74.100229°,
2551m, 20.ix.2009, Leg. M. Zamora (ICN); 23.xii.2006, Leg. Fernández–A., J.L. Fernández–C (ICN); Bogotá,
Jardínes Barrio Palermo, 4.677811°, -74.101080°, 2650m, 1.iii.2008, Leg. C.A. Fernández & A. Fernández (ICN);
Chocontá, Reserva La Macarena Caño Curia, 5.152037°, -73.623517°, 2800m, 14.vii.2009, Leg. C.A. Fernández
& A. Fernández (ICN); Facatativá, vía Madrid–Facatativá, The Elitte Flowers, El Corzo, Finca Margaritas,
4.814185°, -74.354995° 2600m, 13.vii.2005, Leg. A. Mendoza (UNAB); Machetá, El Caucho, 5.080217°, -

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73.607475°, 2100m, 12.x.2003, Leg. F. Jiménez, Net (UNAB); Silvania, El Vergel, 4.342730°, -74.404917°,
1470m, 13.xi.2003 (UNAB); Quindio: Filandia, Hacienda Bengala, 4.685291°, -75.617533°, 2000m, 1male,
2females, 10.ix.2008, Leg. A.L. Montoya (CEUA); Risaralda: Pererira, PNR Ucumari, La Pastora, 4.708555°, -
75.487224°, 2500m, 1.x.2001, Leg. G. Bernal, A. Carlos (ICN); Pererira, La Pastora, 4.708555°, -75.487224°,
2500m, 1female, 1.x.2001, Leg. C. Bota & J. Cardona, Net (CEUA); Santander: Charalá, 6.304190°, -
73.173909°, 1859m, 27.xi.1979, Leg. G.I.I. de Arévalo (ICN); California, Vereda California, 7.377812°, -
72.938002°, 2800–3000m, 1male, 12–19.ix.2012, Leg. A. Vélez & J.D. Sánchez (CEUA); Zapatoca, Betulia,
Cuenca del Rio El Reno, 6.904303, -73.293379, 1700-2000m, 9-11.viii.20013, Leg. C. Bota & C. Florez, Net
(CEUA); Valle del Cauca: Sevilla, Bella Vista K.130 Carretera Villavo, 4.268890°, -75.936100°, 2000m,
2.iv.1974, Leg. J. Aguirre (ICN).

Tribe Pipizini

Genus Trichopsomyia Williston

Trichopsomyia Williston, 1888:259. Type species, polita Williston (Hull, 1949b: 330). Refs.: Fluke, 1937 (key); Thompson,
1972a:99 (desc.); Thompson, 1981:116 (desc. and syn.; Thompson, 1999a:332 (key).
Halictomyia Shannon, 1927:13. Type species, boliviensis Shannon (orig. des.).
Parapenium Collin, 1952:85. Type species, Pipiza carbonaria Meigen (orig. des.).

urania Hull, 1949a: 73. Type locality: Peru, Pucallpa. HT M (Hull). Distr. Colombia Colombia (Boyacá (Tunja)),
Peru. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:68 (cat.); Thompson 2006.
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Boyacá: Tunja, Santuario Iguaque Carrizal, 6.044559°, -73.154046°,
2340m, 8.i.1992, Leg. C. Sarmiento (ICN).

Tribe Toxomerini

Genus Toxomerus Macquart

Toxomerus Macquart, 1855:112 (1855:92). Type species, notatus Macquart (orig. des.) = geminatus (Say). Refs.: Hull,
1941:45–49 (key); Thompson, 1981:66 (key); Thompson, 1999a:326 (key); Metz & Thompson, 2001:225–256 (rev. of
larger spp.); Thompson & Thompson, 2006:317–331 (rev. of Chilean spp); Marinoni et al. 2007:149, 150 (desc, key,
illustrations); Borges & Couri, 2009:1–72 (rev. of Brazilian spp.); Reemer, 2010:190–194 (rev. of Surinam spp.); Mengual,
2011:1–26 (rev. of Black–tie dress spp.).
Mesogramma Loew, 1866a:157 (1872b:31) (name preocc. by Stephens, 1850). Type species, parvula Loew (Williston,
Mesograpta Loew, 1872:114 (1872b:290) (nom. nov. for Mesogramma Loew). Type species, parvula Loew (aut.).
Mitrosphen Enderlein, 1938:227. Type species, Syrphus tibicen Wiedemann (orig. des.).
Antiops Enderlein, 1938:228. Type species, Mesograpta ? saphiridiceps Bigot (orig. des.).

anthrax (Schiner), 1868:350 (Mesogramma). Type locality: "South America". HT M/F (NMW). Distr.: Colombia
(Magdalena (Aracataca)), Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:48 (cat.); Mengual,
2011:6 (key), 8 (diagn. and syn.), (thorax, lateral view, M genitalia).
vitrecens (Hull), 1930:142 (Mesogramma).

apegiensis (Harbach), 1974:31 (Mesogramma). Type locality: Brazil, Belen de Para. HT M (CNC). Distr.:
Colombia, Brazil. Refs.: Borges & Couri, 2009:11 (desc.), (F genitalia); Reemer & Rotheray, 2009:939–949 (larval
morphology and food preferences); Reemer, 2010:190 (desc, syn., habitus M and F).
interruptus (Enderlein), 1938:227 (name preocc. by Philippi, 1865 (Mitrosphen)).

aquilinus Sack, 1941:100. Type locality: Peru, Pichis, Puerto Yessup. HT M (SMT). Distr.: Colombia
((Magdalena, Quindio (Quimbaya), Risaralda, Sucre (San Onofre)), Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama,

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Peru, Venezuela. Refs.: Sack, 1941:100 (1951:96), (abdomen); Hull, 1941:35, (abdomen); Thompson et al.
1976:48 (cat.); Metz & Thompson, 2001:231 (redesc.), (abdomen, wing, M genitalia).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Quindio: Quimbaya, Vereda Kerman, Km 7, 4.614947°, -75.807598°,
1339m, 1female, 1.vii.2003, Leg. H. Vargas (CEUA); Sucre: San Onofre, 9.646080°, -75.581129°, 5m, 4males,
1male, Leg. A. Velez & L. Rios, Vsr. Fruit (CEUA).

brevifacies (Hull), 1941:20 (Mesogramma). Type locality: Ecuador, Baños, Runtum Trail. HT M (AMNH). Distr.:
Colombia (Cauca), Ecuador. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:49 (cat.).

centaureus (Hull), 1951a:18 (Mesogramma). Type locality: Colombia, Cali, West Cordillera. HT M (AMNH).
Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca). Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:49 (cat.).

dispar (Fabricius), 1794:309 (Syrphus). Type locality: “America meridionalis” restricted to Virgin Islands, St.
Croix (Thompson, 1981:86). HT M/F (UZMC). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Anorí, Caldas, Ciudad Bolivar,
Caucasia, Cocorná, Guarne, La Pintada, Nariño, Puerto Berrio, San Roque, Santafé de Antioquia), Caldas
(Norcacia, Pensilvania), Cundinamarca (Bogotá), Meta, Quindío (Filandia, Salento), Risaralda (Pereira), Tolima,
Valle del Cauca), Brazil, Costa Rica, Cuba, El Salvador, Guatemala, Hispaniola, Honduras, Jamaica, Less Antillas,
Mexico, Puerto Rico, Suriname, Venezuela. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:39 (cat.); Thompson, 1981:25, (thorax,
lateral view, abdomen, a palem, b darkm, c very dar F, wing), (M genitalia complex), 119 (F genitalia); Thompson
& Thompson, 2006:321 (desc.), (abdomen, M genitalia); Borges & Couri, 2009:29 (desc.), (thorax, lateral view,
abdomen, dorsal view); Reemer, 2010:191 (desc, syn.), (habitus M and F); Mengual, 2011:7 (key), 10 (diagn. and
syn.), (abdomen morphotypes), (wing, M genitalia).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Anori, Vereda El Roble, Reserva Natural Arrierito
Antioqueño, 6.984806°, -75.111667°, 1600–1700m, 1male, 25.v.2012, Leg. Entomology Group, Vsr. Fish
(CEUA); Caldas, Alto La Romera, 6.090000°, -75.638000°, 1560m, 1male, Leg. A.L. Montoya (CEUA); Ciudad
Bolivar, Corregimiento Farallones, Vereda La Arboleda, Quebrada La Arboleda, 1male, 2-7.vii.2012, Leg. E.C.
Bota & C. Flórez, Net (CEUA); Caucasia, Hacienda La Candelaria, 7.983333°, -75.200000°, 80m, 1.ix.2006; Leg.
Entomology Group, Net, (CEUA); Cocorná, Vereda El Viao, Secundary forest, 6.050187°, -75.166752°, 1950m,
1male, Leg. L. Rios, Net (CEUA); Guarne, Vereda Piedras Blancas, 6.291588°, -75.493345°, 2660m, 1male, Leg.
Entomology Group (CEUA); La Pintada, Camping Los Farallones, 5.743018°, -75.604756°, 660m, 1female, Leg.
J.D. Sanchez, Vsr. Copro (CEUA); Nariño, Vereda Puente Linda, 5.631484°, -75.245454°, 2400m, 2males, Leg. L.
Rios, Net (CEUA); Puerto Berrio, Vereda Cristalina, RUNA, 6.489819°, -74.401992°, 114m, 1male, 25-ix.2006,
Leg. Entomology Group, Net (CEUA); San Roque, Corregimiento San Jose del Nus, 6.503175°, -74.926885°,
1800m, 1male, 5.i.2007, Leg. N. Uribe, Net (CEUA); Santafé de Antioquia, 6.512784°, -75.825832°, 460m, 1male,
Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net (CEUA); Caldas: Norcacia, Sector El Tigre, Forest, 5.560100°, -74.893349°, 700m,
1female, 5.xii.2009, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net (CEUA); Pensilvania, Vereda La Rioja, 5.384070°, -75.160990°,
1956m, 1male, 7.xi.2013, Leg. C. Bota & C. Flórez, Net (CEUA); Cundinamarca: Bogotá, Suba, San Jose,
4.757031°, -74.088591°, 2555m, 6.ii.1974, Leg. J. Peréa (ICN); Quindio: Filandia, Hacienda Bengala, 4.685291°,
-75.617533°, 2000m, 9male, 10.ix.2008, Leg. A.L. Montoya (CEUA); Salento, Vereda Canaan, 4.613714°, -
75.581637°, 1800m, 4males, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net (CEUA); Risaralda: Pereira, Vereda Mundo Nuevo, Finca la
Acuarela, 1550m, 1female, 18.x.2006, Leg. D. Grisales, Cerdo 1 Manual (CEUA); Pereira, PNR Ucumari, La
Pastora, 4.708555°, -75.487224°, 2500m, 2males, 7.iv.2008, Leg. A. Bustamante, Net (CEUA).

duplicatus (Wiedemann), 1830:142. Type locality: Uruguay, Montevideo. HT M/F (NMW). Distr.: Colombia
((Antioquia (San Pedro de los Milagros)), Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Uruguay. Refs.: Thompson et al.
1976:50 (cat.); Thompson & Thompson, 2006:322 (desc.), (abdomen, M genitalia); Borges & Couri, 2009:31
(desc. and syn.), (wing, F genitalia).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: San Pedro de los Milagros, 1male,, Leg. V. Pérez

flaviplurus (Hall), 1927:239 (Mesogramma). Type locality: Guatemala, Puerto Barrios. HT F (USNM). Distr.:
Colombia (Valle del Cauca), Brazil, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Trinidad. Refs.: Curran, 1930:1 (key); 1934:398 (key);

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Hall, 1927:239, (abdomen); Thompson et al. 1976:50 (cat.); Borges & Couri, 2009:34 (desc.), (thorax, lateral view,
wing, abdomen, M genitalia, F genitalia); Mengual, 2011:5, 6 (key), 13 (diagn. and syn.), (abdomen, thorax, lateral

floralis (Fabricius), 1798:563 (Syrphus). Type locality: "Cajenne". HT M/F (UZMC). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia
(Caucasia, La Pintada), Boyacá (Pauna), Cundinamarca (Cachipay, Medina), Meta (Acacías)), Bahamas, Brazil,
Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, El Salvador, Guatemala, Hispaniola, Jamaica, Less Antillas, Mexico, Nicaragua, Puerto
Rico, Venezuela. Refs.: Hull, 1941:35, (abdomen); Thompson et al. 1976:50 (cat.); Thompson, 1981:68, (abdomen
F, wing, M genitalia complex, F genitalia); Thompson & Thompson, 2006:323 (desc.), (abdomen, M genitalia);
Borges & Couri, 2009:35 (desc, syn.); Reemer, 2010:191 (desc., syn.), (habitus F and M).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Caucasia, Hacienda La Candelaria, 7.983333°, -75.200000°,
80m, 1male, 1.ix.2006; Leg. Entomology Group, Net, (CEUA); La Pintada, Camping Los Farallones, 5.743018°, -
75.604756°, 660m, 1female, Leg. J.D. Sanchez, Vsr. Viscera (CEUA); Boyacá: Pauna, Manote bajo La Rochela,
1280m, 26.iv.1979, Leg. I. de Arevalo (ICN); Cundinamarca: Cachipay, 10.v.1990, Leg. F. Torres (ICN); Medina,
Riberas Río Gasaguan pequeño, 4.508319°, -73.361189°, 440m, 16.x.1989, Leg. M. García (ICN); Meta: Acacías,
Vereda San Jose, 3.987806°, -73.759747°, 660m, 4.xii.1985, Leg. C. López (ICN). Det F.C. Thompson, 2009.

hieroglyphicus (Schiner), 1868:348 (Mesogramma). Type locality: "South America". HT M (NMW). Distr.:
Colombia (Cauca), Ecuador. Refs.: Hull, 1941:31, (abdomen); Thompson et al. 1976:51 (cat.); Mengual, 2011:5
(key), 16 (diagn. and syn.), (abdomen, head, lateral view).

idalius (Hull), 1951a:11 (Mesograma). Type locality: Ecuador, Oriente, Puyo. HT M (AMNH). Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquia (Itagui), Valle del Cauca), Brazil, Ecuador. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:51 (cat.); Borges & Couri,
2009:36 (desc.), (Head, lateral view, M genitalia, F genitalia).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Itagui, 1750m, 1male, 10.x.2004, Leg. E. Alarcon (CEUA).

insignis (Schiner), 1868:347 (Mesogramma). Type locality: "South America". HT F (NMW). Distr.: Colombia
Antioquia (Alejandria, Caldas, Guarne, Jardin, La Ceja, Medellín, Nariño, San Vicente), Boyacá, Caldas
(Manizales), Quindío (Filandia), Risaralda (Pereira), Valle del Cauca), Bolivia, Ecuador, Venezuela. Refs.: Schiner,
1868:347, (habitus, head); Thompson et al. 1976:51 (cat.); Metz & Thompson, 2001:234 (redesc.), (abdomen,
thorax), (wing, M genitalia).
elongata Hull, 1941:46 (Mesogramma).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Alejandria, Vereda El Carbón, 6.403715°, -75.064663°,
1445m, 1male, Leg. Entomology Group, Net (CEUA); Caldas, Alto La Romera, 6.090000°, -75.638000°, 1560m,
1female, Leg. E. Alarcón (CEUA); Guarne, Vereda Piedras Blancas, 6.291588°, -75.493345°, 2660m, 1female,
Leg. Entomology Group (MEPB); Jardin, Vereda La Herrera, Cuchilla Jardin Tamesis, 5.568645°, -75.737518°,
2750m, 1female, 19.v.2006, Leg. Velez, Perez & Vargas, Net (CEUA); La Ceja, Alto la Union, Forest, 6.016132°, -
75.370182°, 2500m, 10.ix.2008, 1male, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net (CEUA); Medellín, San Antonio de Prado, Vereda
Yarumalito, 6.186412°, -75.658630°, 2300m, 3males, 7–8.xi.2008, Leg. C. Bota & N. Uribe, Manual (CEUA);
Nariño, Vereda Puente Linda, 5.631484°, -75.245454°, 2400m, 1female, Leg. L. Rios, Net (CEUA); San Vicente,
Vereda Chaparral, 3.750000°, -75.583333°, 1354m, 1female, Leg. M. Wolff & A. Bustamante, Net (CEUA);
Caldas: Manizales, Vereda las Palomas, Reserva Rio Blanco, 5.111962°, -75.462904°, 2550m, 2males, Leg. A.
Velez, Net (CEUA); Quindio: Filandia, Hacienda Bengala, 4.685291°, -75.617533°, 2000m, 3males, 10.ix.2008,
Leg. A.L. Montoya (CEUA); Risaralda: Pereira, Wildlife Sanctuary Otún Quimbaya, 4.728880°, -75.577850°,
1890m, 1female, vi.2010, Leg. C. Bota, Net (CEUA).

lacrymosus (Bigot), 1884:107 (Mesograpta?). Type locality: "Brazil; Mexico". HT M/F (UMO). Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquia (Alejandria, La Pintada, Maceo, Medellín, Nariño, San Roque, San Vicente), Boyacá, Caldas
(Norcacia)), Brazil, Costa Rica, Mexico. Refs.: Hull, 1941:31, (abdomen); Thompson et al. 1976:51 (cat.); Borges
& Couri, 2009:38, (wing, M genitalia, F genitalia); Reemer, 2010:192 (desc, syn.), (habitus, M and F).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Alejandria, Vereda San José, 6.403715°, -75.064663°,
1445m, 1male, 1female, Leg. Entomology Group, Net (CEUA); La Pintada, 5.736521°, -75.632087°, 650m,

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1female, 4.v.2007, Leg. M.C. Vélez, Vsr. Viscera (CEUA); Maceo, Reserva Cañón del Río Alicante, 6.540547°, -
74.770327°, 840m, 1female, Leg. S. Perez, Net (CEUA); Medellín, Barrio Belén, 6.216630°, -75.599930°, 1500m,
1female, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net (CEUA); Nariño, Vereda Puente Linda, 5.631484°, -75.245454°, 2400m,
2females, Leg. L. Rios, Net (CEUA); San Roque, Corregimiento San Jose del Nus, 6.503175°, -74.926885°,
1800m, 2females, 5.i.2007, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net (CEUA); San Vicente, Vereda El Chaparal 1800m, 2females,
Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net (CEUA); Caldas: Norcacia, 5.560100°, -74.893349°, 700m, 3females, 5.xii.2007, Leg.
A.L. Montoya (CEUA).

laenas (Walker), 1852:241 (Syrphus). Type locality: "Brazil". HT M (BMNH). Distr.: Brazil, Colombia. Refs.:
Hull, 1943e:41, fig. 79 (abdomen) ; Mengual 2011: 18 (desc.), 12, fig. 12 (abdomen, M, dorsal), 25 (thorax,
nitidiventris Curran, 1930b:9 (Mesogramma).

mutuus (Say), 1829:164 (Syrphus). Type locality: "Mexico". HT M/F (?). Distr.: Colombia, Costa Rica,
Guatemala, Mexico). Refs.: Hull, 1943e:43, (abdomen); Thompson et al. 1976:52 (cat.).

nigripunctus (Enderlein), 1938:231 (Mesogramma). Type locality: Colombia, Cordillera. HT M (ZMHU). Distr.:
Colombia. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:52 (cat.).

nitidus (Schiner), 1868:349 (Mesograma). Type locality: "South America". ST M (NMW). Distr.: Colombia,
Panama. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:53 (cat.); Mengual 2011:17, fig. 24 (Thorax), 18 (desc.).

norma (Curran), 1930b:10 (Mesogramma). Type locality, Panama, Canal Zone, Corozal. HT M (AMNH). Distr.:
Colombia (Risaralda), Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Venezuela. Refs.: Hull, 1943e:29,
(abdomen); Thompson et al. 1976:53 (cat.); Borges & Couri, 2009:43 (desc.), (abdomen, F genitalia).
mulio (Hull), 1941c:311 (Mesogramma). Thompson et al. 1976:52 (dist. record).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Quindio: Quimbaya, Vereda Kerman, Km 7, 4.614947°, -75.807598°,
1339m, 1female, 1.vii.2003, Leg. H. Vargas (CEUA); Risaralda: Pereira, Wildlife Sanctuary Otún Quimbaya,
4.728880°, -75.577850°, 1890m, 1female, vi.2010, Leg. C. Bota, Vsr. Fish (CEUA).

ochraceus (Hull), 1942f:19 (Mesogramma). Type locality: Colombia, Bogota. HT F (MCZ). Distr.: Colombia
(Cundinamarca). Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:53 (cat.).

ophiolinea (Hull), 1943f:68 (Baccha). Type locality: Colombia, Villavicencio. HT F (CNC). Distr.: Colombia
(Meta). Refs.: Hull, 1943f:68, (abdomen); Hull, 1949c:202, (abdomen); Thompson et al. 1976:53 (cat.).

pallipes (Bigot), 1884:106 (Mesograpta?). Type locality: "Mexico". HT F (UMO). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia
(Bello, Jardín, Medellín, San Pedro de Los Milagros, Sonson), Boyacá, Caldas (Manizales)), Costa Rica, Mexico.
Refs.: Hull, 1943e:47, (abdomen); Thompson et al. 1976:55 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Bello, San Felix, Paramo de Las Baldias, 6.332653°, -
75.646599°, 3050m, 2males, 17.ii.2013, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net (CEUA); Jardin, Vereda La Herrera, Cuchilla
Jardin Tamesis, 5.568645°, -75.737518°, 2750m, 1male, 3–4.xi.2013, Leg. Velez, Perez, Vargas, Net (CEUA);
Medellín, 6.267404°, -75.585789°, 1570m, 1.v.2010, Leg. N. Uribe (CEUA); San Pedro de Los Milagros, 2male,
1male,, Leg. A. Ocampo (CEUA); Sonson, Cerro Las Palomas, 5.537061°, -75.273872°, 3000–3200m,
2males, Leg. C. Bota & L. Ríos, Net (CEUA); Caldas: Manizales, Vereda las Palomas, Reserva Rio Blanco,
5.111962°, -75.462904°, 2550m, 1male, Leg. A. Velez, Manual (CEUA).

paraduplicatus Borges, 2009:44. Type locality: Brazil, São Paulo: Salesópolis. HT M (CNC). Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquia (Medellín)), Brazil. Refs.: Borges & Couri, 2009:44 (org. des.), (Thorax, lateral vew, wing, hind leg,
abdomen, M genitalia complex, F genitalia).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Medellín, 6.267404°, -75.585789°, 1570m, v.2010, Leg.
Entomology Group (CEUA).
pictus (Macquart), 1842:159 (Syrphus). Type locality: "Guyane". HT F (MNHNP). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia

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(Belmira)), Greater Antilles, Lesser Antilles, Mexico south to Argentina. Refs.: Macquart), 1842:159 (99) pi. 16
fig. 11 (habitus) Hull, 19431:30, fig. 13 (abdomen).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Belmira, Paramo de Belmira, 6.707065°, -75.714136°,
3057m, 1male, 1female, 5.iii.2009, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net (CEUA).

politus (Say), 1823:88 (Scaeva). Type locality: "United States ". HT M (USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia
(Alejandria, La Ceja), Cesar, Cundinamarca (Apulo, Mosquera, La Mesa, Villeta), Magdalena (Santa Marta),
Casanare (Paz de Ariporo), Meta (Acacías, Villavicencio), Risaralda (Pereira, Santuario), Tolima (Falán), Valle del
Cauca (Buga, Cerrito, Palmira), Argentina, Bahamas, Brazil, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala,
Hispaniola, Honduras, Jamaica, Less Antillas, Mexico, Peru, Puerto Rico, Venezuela. Refs.: Macquart, 1842:97
(132) abdomen); Hull, 1941:29, (abdomen); Thompson et al. 1976:53 (cat.); Thompson, 1981:81, (M genitalia
complex, key); Metz & Thompson, 2001:228, 240 (key & redesc.), (abdomen, thorax, wing, larva), Reemer &
Rotheray, 2009:939–949 (larval morphology and food preferences); Borges & Couri, 2009:47 (descript, syn.), (F
genitalia); Reemer, 2010:193 (desc, syn.), (habitus, F).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Alejandria, Vereda San José, 6.403715°, -75.064663°,
1445m, 1male, Leg. Entomology Group, Net (CEUA); La Ceja, Alto la Union, Forest, 6.016132°, -75.370182°,
2500m, 1male, 10.ix.2008, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net (CEUA); Cundinamarca: Apulo, 421m, ix.1999, Leg. L.
Millán (UNAB); Mosquera, 4.680641°, -74.216488°, 2550m, 30.ix.2002, Leg. R. Chizaba (UNAB); La Mesa,
4.629469°, -74.466633°, 1298m, 12.ix.2003, Leg. R. Parra (UNAB); Villeta, Buenos Aires, Utica, 5.008319°, -
74.473554°, 992m, 29.x.1977, Leg. I. de Arévalo (ICN); Magdalena: PNN Tayrona Neguanje, 11.276050°, -
74.195519°, 121m, 1.viii.1996, Leg. F. Escobar (ICN); Casanare: Paz de Ariporo, 670m, 28.iii.2002, Leg.J. Peña
& M. Guzmán, Net (UNAB); Meta: Acacías, 3.987806°, -73.759747°, 502m, 23.v.2002, Leg. J. Cárdenas
(UNAB); Villavicencio, 4.150000°, -73.633333°, 467m, 27.v.2004, Leg.J. Escalante & M. Romero, Manual
(UNAB); Risaralda: Pereira, Ins. Pol. Combia, 2137m, 27.v.1999, Leg. Cely, Forero & Rojas (UNAB); Santuario,
Vereda La Esmeralda, Natural National Park Tatama, 5.105551°, -76.008496°, 2000m, 18-30.x.2013, Leg. C. Bota
& C. Flórez, Net (CEUA); Tolima: Falán, Vereda San Antonio, Finca Villa Liz, 983m 18.viii.2003, Leg. H. Ávila
(UNAB); Valle del Cauca: Buga, Semillas del Valle, 3.900000°, -76.300000°, 969m, 14.x.2003, Leg. E. Ortíz, Net
(UNAB); Cerrito, Semillas del Valle, 987m, 14.x.2003, Leg. P. Rodríguez, Net (UNAB); Palmira, 3.587073°, -
76.248936°, 1059m, 20.v.2002, Leg. J. Martínez, Manual (UNAB).

polygraphicus (Hull), 1940a:249 (Mesogramma). Type locality: Brazil, Sao Paulo, Bateia. HT F (CNC). Distr.:
Colombia (Antioquia (San Vicente), Cundinamarca, Meta, Quindio (Filandia), Santander (Charalá)), Brazil, Peru.
Refs.: Hull, 1941:31, (abdomen); Thompson et al. 1976:54 (cat.); Borges & Couri, 2009:48 (desc. and syn.),
(abdomen, M genitalia, F genitalia).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: San Vicente, Vereda El Chaparal 1800m, 1male, Leg. A.L.
Montoya, Net (CEUA); Meta: km91 carretera Bogotá–Villavo Pipiralito, 4.139059°, -73.780962°, 1000m,, Leg. C. Hernandez (ICN); Quindio: Filandia, Hacienda Bengala, 4.685291°, -75.617533°, 2000m,
1male, 1female, 10.ix.2008, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net (CEUA); Santander: Charalá, Cañaverales, 6.304190°, -
73.173909°, 1800m, 28.xi.1978, Leg. I. de Arévalo (ICN).

procrastinatus Metz, 2001:242. Type locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutonia. HT M (USNM). Distr.:
Colombia (Quindio (Quimbaya)) Argentina, Brazil, Panama. Refs.: Metz & Thompson, 2001:242, (abdomen,
thorax, wing, M genitalia); Borges & Pamplona, 2001:49, (F genitalia).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Quindio: Quimbaya, Vereda Kerman, Km 7, 4.614947°, -75.807598°,
1339m, 1male, Leg. H. Vargas, Vsr. Fish (CEUA).

pulchellus (Macquart), 1846:266 (Syrphus). Type locality: Guadeloupe, San Domingo. HT F (UMO). Distr.:
Colombia (Antioquia (La Pintada, San Roque)), Bahamas, Brazil, Costa Rica, Cuba, El Salvador, Hispaniola,
Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Panama, Puerto Rico, Venezuela. Refs.: Macquart, 1846:266, (abdomen); Hull,
1941:34, (abdomen); Thompson, 1981:67, (abdomen F), wing, M genitalia complex); Borges & Couri, 2009:51,
figs. 143–145 (F genitalia); Reemer, 2010:193 (desc, syn.), (habitus M and F).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: La Pintada, 5.736521°, -75.632087°, 650m, 1female,

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4.v.2007, Leg. M.C. Vélez, Vsr. Fish (CEUA); San Roque, Corregimiento San Jose del Nus, 6.503175°, -
74.926885°, 1800m, 2males, 5.i.2007, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net (CEUA).

saphiridiceps (Bigot), 1884:105 (Mesograpta?). Type locality: "Mexico". HT M (UMO). Distr.: Colombia (Meta
(Restrepo)), Bolivia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:54 (cat.); Metz &
Thompson, 2001:244 (redesc.), (abdomen, wing, M genitalia).
flavus Hull, 1941:432 (Mesogramma)

sylvaticus (Hull), 1943f:34 (Mesogramma). Type locality: Ecuador, Baños. HT M (AMNH). Distr.: Colombia,
Brazil, Ecuador. Refs.: Hull, 19431:41, (abdomen); Thompson et al. 1976:55 (cat.); Borges & Couri, 2009:55,
(head lateral view, abdomen, F genitalia).

vierecki (Curran), 1930b:13 (Mesogramma). Type locality: Colombia, Sero Quenado. HT F (AMNH). Distr.:
Colombia (Caqueta). Refs.: Hull, 1941:37, (abdomen); Thompson et al. 1976:56 (cat.).

virgulatus (Macquart), 1850:456 (Syrphus). Type locality: "Patrie inconnue, probablement le Bresil". HT M
(UMO). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Caldas, La Pintada, San Roque), Huila (Obando), Quindio (Filandia)),
Brazil, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Venezuela. Refs.: Macquart, 1850:456 (152),
(abdomen); Thompson et al. 1976:56 (cat.); Borges & Couri, 2009:58 (desc, and syn.), (abdomen, M genitalia, F
genitalia); Reemer, 2010:194 (desc, syn,), (habitus M and F).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Caldas, Alto La Romera, 6.090000°, -75.638000°, 1560m,
3males, Leg. A.L. Montoya (CEUA); Caldas, Alto de San Miguel, 6.090000°, -75.638000°, 1560m, 27.vii.2009,
Leg. J. Cardona, N. Franz, G. Mazo, Net (CEUA); La Pintada, 5.736521°, -75.632087°, 650m, 2females,
26.v.2007, Leg. N. Uribe, Vsr. Fish (CEUA); San Roque, Corregimiento San Jose del Nus, 6.503175°, -
74.926885°, 1800m, 1female, 5.i.2007, Leg. N. Uribe, VSR. Fish (CEUA); Huila: Obando, 1.926307°, -
76.300314°, 1850m, 2males, 1female, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net (CEUA); Quindio: Filandia, Hacienda Bengala,
4.685291°, -75.617533°, 2000m, 1male, 1female, 10.ix.2008, Leg. A.L. Montoya (CEUA).

watsoni (Curran), 1930b:5 (Mesogramma). Type locality: Haiti, Aux Cayes. HT M (UMO). Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquia, Cundinamarca), Bolivia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Cuba, El Salvador, Hispaniola, Guatemala, Jamaica, Less
Antillas, Mexico, Peru, Puerto Rico, Venezuela. Refs.: Curran, 1930b:5, (ventral view of M genitalia); Hull,
1941:33, (abdomen); Thompson et al. 1976:56 (cat.); Thompson, 1981:25, (thorax, lateral view), (M genitalia
complex); Borges & Couri, 2009:68, (F genitalia); Reemer, 2010:194 (desc, syn.), (habitus, M, F).

Subfamily Microdontinae Rondani, 1845

Genus Menidon Reemer

Menidon Reemer, 2013:39. Type species, Microdon falcatus Williston, 1887:9.

falcatus Williston, 1887:9. Type locality: Mexico, Isthmus of Tehuantepec. HT F (USNM). Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquia (La Pintada)), Bolivia, Brazil, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico. Refs.: Thompson et al.
1976:64 (cat.); Thompson, 2007:283–291 (redesc, LT design. and syn.), figs. 1 (male, lateral view), 2 (female,
lateral view), 3–4 (head, frontoblique view), 5–6 (thorax, dorsal view), 7 (abdomen, dorsal view), 8 (scutellum,
dorsal view), 10 (M genitalia); Reemer & Ståhls, 2013:12–13, 39 (key, diagnosis and taxonomic notes), 133 (status
notes), figs 151 (habitus dorsal), 152 (habitus lateral), 153 (head frontal).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: La Pintada, Camping Los Farallones, 5.743018°, -
75.604756°, 660m, Leg. J.D. Sanchez, Manual (CEUA).

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Genus Microdon Meigen

Microdon Meigen, 1803:275. Type species, Musca mutabilis Linnaeus (mon.). Refs.: Curran, 1941:248–250 (key to
Neotropical spp.); Thompson, 1969:74–85 (key and notes); Thompson, 1981:112 (key and illustrations of West Indies
spp.); Thompson, 1999a:332 (key); Cheng & Thompson, 2010:25, 40 (key, diagnosis and notes); Reemer & Ståhls,
2013:16, 21 (key, diagnosis and taxonomic notes), figs 27–34 (habitus dorsal, wing,males genitalia, head lateral).
Aphritis Latreille, 1804:193. Type species, auropupescens Latreille, 1805 (mon.).
Colacis Gistel, 1848: x. (nom. nov. for Microdon Meigen).
Parmula Heyden, 1825:589. Type species, cocciformis Heyden, 1825:589 (mon.).
Scutelligera Spix, 1824:148. Type species, ammerlandia Spix, 1824:124 (mon.).
Scutigerella Haas, 1924:148. Misspelling of Spix 1824.

Subgenus Chymophila Macquart

Chymophila Macquart, 1834:485. Type species, splendens Macquart, 1834:486 (mon.). Refs.: Cheng & Thompson (2008);
Reemer & Ståhls, 2013.
Chimophila Osten Sacken, 1875:46. Misspelling.
Eumicrodon Curran, 1925a:50. Type species, Microdon fulgens Wiedemann, 1830:82 (orig. des.).

cyaneiventris (Macquart), 1846:249 (Aphritis). Type locality: "Colombia". HT F (MCZ). Distr.: Colombia. Refs.:
Macquart, 1846:249 (121), pi. 10, fig. 14 (wing); Thompson et al. 1976:64 (cat.); Reemer & Ståhls, 2013:136
(status notes).

marceli Curran, 1936b:7. Type locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Chapada. HT M (AMNH). Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquia (Gomez Plata), Bolívar (Zambrano)), Brazil. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:66 (cat.); Reemer & Ståhls,
2013:136 (status notes).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Gómez Plata, 6°41'0.03"N, 75°13'0.00"W (MEFLG);
Bolívar: Zambrano, Hacienda Monterrey, 9°44'59.88"N, 74°49'59.91"W, 70m, 2.i.1997, Leg. Ulloa G. Fernández

Genus Mixogaster Macquart

Mixogaster Macquart, 1842:74 (14). Type species, conopsoides Macquart (orig. des.). Refs.: Hull, 1954 (rev. Neotropical
spp.), Carrera & Lane, 1958 (key); Thompson, 1969:74–85 (key and notes); Thompson, 1999a:331 (key); Cheng &
Thompson, 2010:23, 30 (key, diagnosis and notes).
Myxogaster Kertesz, 1910:351. Incorrect original spelling of Mixogaster Macquart.
Myxogaster Shiraki, 1930:8. Incorrect original spelling of Mixogaster Macquart.
Myxogasteroides Shiraki, 1930:9. Type species, nigripennis Sack (orig. des.). Subjective syn. of Paramicrodon (Hull,

conopsoides Macquart, 1842: 74 (14). Type locality: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. HT F (MNHNP). Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquia (Barbosa, Cisneros), Caquetá (San Vicente del Caguán)), Brazil. Refs.: Macquart, 1842:74 (14), tab. 3,
fig. 1 (habitus), la (head); Thompson et al. 1976:58 (cat.); Reemer & Ståhls, 2013:142 (status notes).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Barbosa, Forest, 6.439000°, -75.333000°, 1330m, 1male,
8.xii.1997, Leg. L. Lopez, Net (CEUA); Cisneros, Montaña al lado del Rio Azul, Primary Forest, 6.538319°, -
75.088603°, 1038m, 1female, 4.i.2009, Leg. A. Bustamante, Net (CEUA); Caquetá: San Vicente del Caguán,
Vereda Las Vegas, 2.116999°, -74.766711°, 335m, 11.ix.1995, Leg. C. Sarmiento (ICN).

pithecofascia Hull, 1944d:512. Type locality: Colombia, Restrepo. HT F (CNC). Distr.: Colombia (Meta). Refs.:
Hull, 1954:23 (desc.) figs. 3 & 15 (head), 32 (abdomen); Thompson et al. 1976:58 (cat.); Reemer & Ståhls,
2013:143 (status notes).

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Genus Peradon Reemer

Peradon Reemer, 2013:61. Type species, Mulio bidens Fabricius, 1805.

bidens species group

angustus (Macquart), 1846:250 (122) (Aphritis). Type locality: "Cayenne". HT M (MNHNP). Distr.: Colombia,
Guyana. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:63 (cat.); Reemer & Ståhls, 2013:145 (status notes).

trivittatus species group

diaphanus Sack, 1921:146. Type locality: Paraguay, St. Trinidad. HT M (DEI). Distr.: Colombia (Meta
(Villavicencio)), Brazil, Paraguay. Refs.: Sack, 1921:146, figs. 21 (habitus), 22 (head); Thompson et al. 1976:64
(cat.); Reemer & Ståhls, 2013:146 (status notes).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Meta: Villavicencio, 4.150000°, -73.633333°, 467m, 1male, Leg. ICN
group (ICN).

trivittatus Curran, 1925c:344. Type locality: Guyana, Kartabo. HT M (AMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Meta
(Villavicencio)), Brazil, Guyana. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:67 (cat.); Reemer & Ståhls, 2013:146 (status notes).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Meta: Villavicencio, Forest Bavaria, 4°9'0.00"N, 73°37'60.00"W, 580m,
7.iii.1996, Leg. C. Sarmiento (ICN).

Subfamily Eristalinae Newman, 1834

Tribe Brachyopini

Genus Lepidomyia Loew

Lepidomyia Loew, 1864a:69 (1864b:231). Type species, calopiis Loew (mon.). Refs.: Hull, 1946b (rev, key); Thompson,
1968:272 (key and notes); Thompson, 1972b:116–117 (description); Thompson et al. 1976:88 (cat.); Thompson, 1981:141
(taxonomic notes); Thompson, 1999a:330 (key).
Lepidostola Mik, 1886:278 (unjustified nom. nov. for Lepidomyia Loew).
Lepromyia Williston, 1887:31 (unjustified nom. nov. for Lepidomyia Loew).

colombia Curran, 1929:495 (Lepidostola). Type locality: Colombia, Rio Frio, Magdalena. HT F (AMNH). Distr.:
Colombia (Magdalena). Refs.: Hull, 1946b:10–11; Thompson et al. 1976:88 (cat.).

Genus Orthonevra Macquart

Orthonevra Macquart, 1829:188 (40). Type species, Chrysogaster elegans Meigen (mon.). Refs.: Sedman, 1964 (rev, Keys);
Thompson, 1972b: 119–121 (description); Thompson et al. 1976:90–91 (cat.); Thompson, 1981:141 (taxonomic notes);
Thompson, 1999a:332.
Orthoneura, emend.
Cryptineura Bigot, 1859:308. Type species, hieroglyphca Bigot (mon.)= nitida Wiedemann.
Chrysogaster authors (part).

argentina Brèthes, 1922:141 (Chrysogaster). Type locality: Argentina, Buenos Aires, Sierra de la Ventana. HT M
(MACN). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Medellin)), Argentina. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:91 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Medellín, 6.267404°, -75.585789°, 1570m, 1male, Leg. N.
Uribe, Net (CEUA).

shannoni (Curran), 1925a:119 (Chrysogaster). Type locality: Costa Rica, San Mateo, Huigito. HT M (USNM).

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Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Girardota, Envigado), Cundinamarca (Sopo)), Costa Rica. Refs.: Thompson et al.
1976:91 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Girardota, Vereda La Honda, 6.343502° -75.435102°, 2200m,
1male, Leg. N. Uribe, VSR. Fruit (CEUA); Envigado, Vereda El Rellano, 6.162140°, -75.563731°, 1800m, 1male
(CEUA); Medellín, 6.267404°, -75.585789°, 1570m, 1male, 1female, v.2010, Leg. N. Uribe (CEUA);
Cundinamarca: Sopo, 4.916667°, -73.933333°, 2900m, 21.vii.2013, Leg. D. Guzman.

Tribe Ceriodini

Genus Ceriana Rafinesque

Ceria Fabricius, 1794 (4): 277 (preocc. By Scopoli 1863). Type species, Ceria clavicornis Fabricius, 1794 (= Musca
conopsoides Linnaeus, 1758) by subs. des. Latreille, 1810:443.
Cina Fabricius, 1798:557. Unavailable name cited in generic synonymy.
Ceriana Rafinesque, 1815:131 (nom. nov. for Ceria Fabricius). Type species, Ceria clavicornis Fabricius, 1794 = Musca
conopsoides Linnaeus, 1758. Refs.: Curran, 1941:243–244 (key to New world spp.); Vockeroth, 1971:282 (notes, syn. and
generic status); Thompson, 1972b:129–132 (desc.); Thompson, 1999a:328 (key).
Tenthredomyia Shannon, 1925(13):50. Type species, Ceria abbreviata Loew, 1864 (orig. des.).
Styloceria Enderlein, 1936:6(1):127. Type species, Musca conopsoides Linnaeus, 1758, by mon.

cacica (Walker), 1860:288 (Ceria). Type locality: "Mexico". HT F (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Gomez
Plata)), Costa Rica, Mexico. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:94 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Gómez Plata, Hacienda Normandia, 6.683154°, -75.216575°,
1800m, 1male, 29.x.1998, Leg. J.C. Agudelo, Net (MEFLG).

Genus Monoceromyia Shannon

Monoceromyia Shannon, 1922d:41. Type species, Ceria tricolor Loew (mon.). Refs.: Curran, 1941:243–244 (key to New
world spp.); Vockeroth, 1971:282 (notes, syn. and generic status); Thompson, 1972b:129–132 (desc.); Thompson,
1999a:328 (key).

vittipes (Curran), 1941:246 (Cerioides). Type locality: Peru, Puerto Bermiidez. HT M (AMNH). Distr. Colombia
(Meta (San Juan de Arama)), Peru Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:94 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Meta: San Juan de Arama, 3.350009°, -73.876655°, 420m (ICN).

Genus Polybiomyia Shannon

Polybiomyia Shannon, 1925:56. Type species, schwarzi Shannon (orig des.). Refs.: Shannon, 1925 (key), Curran,
1941:243–244 (key to New world spp.); Vockeroth, 1971:282 (notes, syn. and generic status); Thompson, 1999a:328

bergrothi (Williston), 1892:77 (Ceria). Type locality: Mexico, Vera Cruz, Atoyac. HT M (AMNH). Distr.:
Colombia (Antioquia (San Roque), Cundinamarca), Costa Rica, Mexico. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:95 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: San Roque, Corregimiento San Jose del Nus, 6.503175°, -
74.926885°, 1800m, 1male, 5.i.2007, Leg. N. Uribe, Vsr. Liver (CEUA).

odontomera (Curran), 1941:244 (Cerioides). Type locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Chapada. HT M (AMNH).
Distr.: Colombia (Bolívar (Zambrano), Cundinamarca (Tocaima)), Brazil. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:95 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Bolívar: Zambrano, Hacienda Monterrey, 9.749954°, -74.833324°, 30m,
29.i.1994, Leg. Fernández F. Ulloa (ICN); Cundinamarca: Tocaima, 4.471774°, -74.637839°, 400m, 1male,, Leg. W. Jaramillo (UNAB).

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Genus Sphiximorpha Rondani

Sphiximorpha Rondani, 1850:212. Type species, Ceria subsessilis Illiger (orig. des.). Refs.: Curran, 1941 (key); Vockeroth,
1971:282 (notes and generic status); Thompson, 1999a:328 (key).
Sphyxiviorpha, emend.
Cerioides Rondani, 1850:211 (originally cited in synonymy; validated by Becker et al. 1907:156). Type species, Ceria
subsessilis Illiger, 1807 (aut.).
Ceriodes, Incorrect original spelling.
Cerioides, subg. Polistoceria Hull, 1949b: 380. Type species, kerteszi Shannon (orig. des.).

roederii (Williston), 1888:289 (Ceria). Type locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Chapada. HT M (AMNH). Distr.:
Colombia (Caquetá (San Vicente del Caguán), Meta (San Juan de Arama)), Peru, Brazil. Refs.: Thompson et al.
1976:94 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Caquetá: San Vicente del Caguán, Vereda Las Vegas, 2.116999°, -
74.766711°, 355m, 12.ix.1995, Leg. C. Sarmiento (ICN); Meta: San Juan de Arama, 3.350009°, -73.876655°,
380m, 13.x.1991, Leg. W. C (ICN).

rubrobrunnea (Hull), 1944:403 (Cerioides). Type locality: Colombia, Muzo. HT F (NMW). Distr.: Colombia
(Boyacá). Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:94 (cat.).

wulpii (Williston), 1888:290 (Ceria). Type locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Chapada; Rio de Janeiro. HT M/F
(AMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (La Pintada, Porce, San Roque), Boyacá (Puerto Colombia), Caldas
(Norcacia), Caquetá (San Vicente del Caguán)), Brazil. Refs.: Sack, 1921:149, fig. 25 (puparium); Thompson et al.
1976:94 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: La Pintada, 5.736521°, -75.632087°, 650m, 2females,
26.v.2007, Leg. N. Uribe, Vsr. Fish (CEUA); Porce, 6.794288°, -75.121970°, 1500m, 1male, ix.1997, A. Smith,
Trampa pescado (MEFLG); San Roque, Forest El Topacio, 6.503175°, -74.926885°, 1800m, 1male, Leg. A.L.
Montoya, Vsr. Fish (CEUA); Boyacá: Puerto Colombia, Puerto Romero, 6.000040°, -74.416702°, 170m,
25.iv.2001 (ICN); Caldas: Norcacia, Sector El Tigre, Forest, 5.560100°, -74.893349°, 750m, 1male, 22.ii.2010,
Leg. L. Rios & D. Gaurisas, Vsr. Fish (CEUA); Caquetá: San Vicente del Caguán, Vereda Las Vegas, 2.116999°, -
74.766711°, 355m, Leg. C. Sarmiento (ICN).

Tribe Eristalini

Genus Dolichogyna Macquart

Dolichogyna Macquart, 1842:125 (65). Type species, fasciata Macquart (orig. des.) = chiliensis (Guerin–Meneville). Refs.:
Fluke, 1951a (rev, key); Thompson, 1972b:134–135 (description); Thompson, 1999a:329 (key); Thompson, 2000:377

rostrata (Macquart), 1846:259 (131) (Helophilus). Type locality: "Nouvelle–Grenade". HT M (BMNH). Distr.:
Colombia. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:98 (cat.).

Genus Eristalinus Rondani

Eristalinus Rondani, 1845:453. Type species, Musca sepulchralis Linnaeus (Subs. mon, Rondani 1857:38). Refs.: Thompson,
1999a:329 (key); 340 (notes on taxa); Thompson, 2003:3, 10 (key, syn. and taxonomic notes).
Lathyrophthalmus Mik, 1897:114. Type species, Conops aeneus Scopoli (orig. des.).
Lathyrophthalmus, subgenus of Metalloeristalis Kanervo, 1938:43. Type species, Conops aeneus Scopoli (orig. des.).
Oreristalis Séguy, 1851:16. Nomen nudum.

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Subgenus Eristalodes Mik

Eristalodes Mik 1897: 114. Type species, Eristalis taeniopus (Wiedemann), 1818:42.

calops (Bigot), 1880:227 (Eristalinus). Type locality: Colombia. HT F (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia. Refs.:
Thompson et al. 1976:104 (cat.).

fulvitarsis (Rondani), 1863:6 (Eristalinus). Type locality: Colombia. HT M (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia. Refs.:
Thompson et al. 1976:105 (cat.).
rufitarsis Macquart, 1855:109. (Eristalis; preocc. by Macquart, 1842).

Genus Eristalis Latreille

Tubifera Meigen, 1800:34. Type species, Musca tenax Linnaeus (Coquillett, 1910:618). Suppressed by I.C.Z.N 1863:339.
Elophilus Meigen, 1803:274. Type species, Musca tenax Linnaeus (Latreille, 1810:443). Suppressed by I.C.Z.N 1893:256.
Eristalis Latreille, 1804:194. Type species, Musca tenax Linnaeus (Subs. des. by Curtis, 1832:432). Refs.: Thompson et al.
1976:101; Thompson, 1972b:139–140 (desc.); Thompson, 1981:145 (taxonomic notes); Thompson, 1997:209–237 (key,
desc. notes and syn.); Thompson, 1999a:330 (key); Thompson, 2003:4, 11 (key, syn. and taxonomic notes).
Helophilus Leach, 1817:159, emend. of Elophilus.
Cristalis Wiedemann, 1828:10. Misspelling.
Eristaloides Rondani, 1845:453. Type species, Musca tenax Linnaeus (Coquillett, 1910:540).
Eristalomyia Rondani, 1857:38. Type species, Musca tenax Linnaeus (orig. des.).
Eriops Lioy, 1864:743 (Preocc. Klug, 1808). Type species, Musca tenax Linnaeus (Subs. des. by Goffe, 1946:29).
Eristalomyia Scudder, 1882:127, emend. of Eristalomya.

Subgenus Eoseristalis Kanervo

Eoseristalis Karnervo, 1938:40. Type species, Eristalis cerealis Fabricius, 1805:232.

bogotensis Macquart, 1842:112 (52). Type locality: Colombia, Santa Fe de Bogota. HT F (MNHNP). Distr.:
Colombia (Antioquia (La Ceja, San Pedro, Santa Elena, Yarumal), Cundinamarca, Meta (Puerto Gaitán), Nariño
(Pasto, Vereda Gualmatan)), Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela. Refs.: Hull, 1925b:308 (desc.), pi. 11:7 (abdomen), 2:12
(head), 15 (mesonotum); Thompson et al. 1976:101 (cat.); Thompson, 1997:221 (desc. and notes), fig. 13 (M
assimilis Macquart, 1846:257 (129) (Eristalis).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: La Ceja, Alto la Union, Forest, 6.016132°, -75.370182°,
2500m, 10.ix.2008, 1male, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net (CEUA); San Pedro, Vereda Cerezales, 6.483237°, -
75.630955°, 2800m, 1male, Leg. V. Pérez Net in a decomposed pig (CEUA); Santa Elena, 6.212280°, -75.497798°,
2600m, 1male, x.1963, Leg. R. Velez (MEFLG); Turbo, 8.119779°, -76.694502°, 50m, 1male, viii.1956, Leg. F.
Gallego (MEFLG); Yarumal, 6.961666°, -75.426785°, 2500m, iv.1982, Leg. J.A. Quiroz, En luz (MEFLG); Meta:
Puerto Gaitán, 4.310873°, -72.073758°, 160m, 23.iv.1993, Leg. C. González (ICN); Nariño: Pasto, 1.207852°, -
77.277216°, 2800m, 1male, ii.1958, Leg. F. Gallego (MEFLG); Vereda Gualmatan, En arvences, 0.921479°, -
77.563786°, 2900m, 1female, 12.iv.2006, Leg. N. Uribe, Net (CEUA). Det F.C. Thompson, 2009.

Subgenus Eristalis Latreille

tenax (Linnaeus), 1758:591 (Musca). Type locality: "Europe". HT M/F (LSL). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas
(Leticia), Antioquia (Bello, La Ceja, San Pedro de Los Milagros), Boyacá (Aquitania, Duitama, Laguna Pialagua,
Páez, Pajarito, Sogamoso), Cundinamarca (Anolaima, Bogotá, Choachí, Facatativá, Guatavita, La Vega, Tocaima),
Huila (San Agustín), Magdalena, Meta (Bella Vista, Villavicencio), Nariño (Vereda Sandona), Quindío (Salento),
Risaralda (Pereira), Tolima (Melgar, Murillo)), Widespread. Refs.: Williston, 1887:160 (desc.), pi. 7: fig. 7 (wing),
7a (head), 7b (antenna), 7c (hind leg); Thompson et al. 1976:101 (cat.); Thompson, 1981:146 (syn. and notes);
Thompson, 1997:214 (desc, and notes), fig 4 (habitus, F, dorsal view), 5 (larva).

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?columbica Macquart, 1855:108 (88) (Eristalis).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Amazonas: Leticia, Km 7, Tarapaca Ciudad Titama, -4.191131°, -
69.941422°, 78m, 2.viii.2007, Leg. Students of Animal Systematic (ICN); Antioquia: Bello, San Félix, 6.333736°,
-75.646006°, 2424–3150m, 2males, Leg. C. Bota & N. Uribe, Net (CEUA); La Ceja, Alto la Union, Forest,
6.016132°, -75.370182°, 2500m, 10.ix.2008, 1male, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net (CEUA); San Pedro de Los Milagros,
6.475640°, -75.616844°, 1male,, Leg. V. Pérez (CEUA); Boyacá: Aquitania, Laguna de Tota,
5.583541°, -72.900514°, 3050m, 28.v.1988, Leg. M. García (ICN); Duitama, Paramo de la Rosa, 5.874538°, -
73.051187°, 3405m, 28.xi.1978, Leg. I. Arevalo (ICN); Páez, 5.083333°, -73.050000°, 1200m, 20.xi.1973, Leg. E.
Cruz (ICN); Pajarito, Comijoque, 5.416672°, -72.666681°, 2000m, 9.iii.1980, Leg. C. Gamboa (ICN); Sogamoso,
El Tomate, 5.722996°, -72.923443°, 2549m, 06.iv.2004, Leg. M. Sánchez, Net (UNAB); Cundinamarca:
Anolaima, 4.766197°, -74.467662°, 1656m, 13.x.1974, Leg. J. Reyes (UNAB); Bogotá, 4.606156°, -74.077404°,
2600m, 10.xi.1980, Leg. A. Escallón (UNAB); Bogotá, UNal I.C.N, 4.638194°, -74.084046°, 2567m, 7males,
5females, Leg. Fernández–A. & J.L. Fernández–C (ICN); Bogotá, Alto del cable, 4.629103°, -74.049218°, 3100m,
7.vii.1976, Leg. M.L.J.M (ICN); Bogotá, 7.ii.1978, Leg. C. Hernandez (ICN); Choachí, Vereda Resguardo alto,
Finca Villa Nueva, 4.529210°, -73.924817° 1827m, 03.v.2008, Leg. E. Herrera, Net (UNAB); Facatativá, Vía
Facatativá a Cerro El Hato, 4.814185°, -74.354995°, 2700m, 16.ix.2007, Leg. Fernández–A. & J.L. Fernández–C
(ICN); Facatativá, Barrio Tibguesusa, 4.814185°, -74.354995° 2600m, 20.viii.2009, Leg. R. Garzón (ICN);
Guaduas, 5.069440°, -74.598052°, 1000m, Leg. M.C. Isaza (ICN); Guatavita, 4.934444°, -73.834444°, 2600m,, Leg. L.G. Martínez (ICN); La Calera, 4.727495°, -73.907958°, 2800m, 30.iv.1978, Leg. M.L.J.M
(ICN); La Vega, 4.999916°, -74.350009°, 1250m,, Leg. G. Cortés (ICN); Tocaima, 4.471774°, -
74.637839°, 400m, 9.iii.1973, Leg. Bastid. N. (ICN); Villeta, 5.008319°, -74.473554°, 992m, 30.x.1976, Leg. N.
Pinzón (ICN); Huila: San Agustín, 1.927474°, -76.297857°, 1700m, 10 M Liraila, 21.xii.1972, Leg. M.A. Mazorra
(ICN); Magdalena: Cienaga, 10.935439°, -74.246833°, 15m, 30.iii.1972, Leg. P.A. Jiménez (ICN); Meta: Bella
Vista K.130 Carretera Villavo, 4.139059°, -73.780962°, 1252m, 10.ix.1976, Leg. M. Rodríguez (ICN);
Villavicencio, 4.150000°, -73.633333°, 467m, 11.xi.1976, Leg. L. Orozco (ICN); Nariño: Sandona, 1.283333°, -
77.466667°, 1970m, 1female, Leg. N. Uribe, Manual (CEUA); Quindio: Salento, Vereda Canaan, 4.613714°, -
75.581637°, 1800m, 1female, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net (CEUA); Risaralda: Pereira, Finca Calamar, 4.885069°, -
75.529611°, 2137m, 28.v.1999a, Leg. C. Forero (UNAB); Tolima: Melgar, 4.203889°, -74.642778°, 323m,
2.x.1976, Leg. J. Martínez (ICN); Murillo, Robledal, 4.870242N, 75.177614W, 3000m, 1female, 6.ix.2012, Leg. C.
Bota, Net (CEUA).

Genus Habromyia Williston

Habromyia Williston, 1888:284. Type species, coeruleithorax Williston (mon.). Refs.: Thompson, 1972b:136–137 (des.);
Thompson, 1975:292 (status notes); Thompson, 1999a:329 (key); 340 (key to spp. and notes); Thompson, 2000:376 (key).
Edwardsietta Hull, 1941i: 437.
Lycopale Hull, 1944f: 129. Type species, Merornacrus vittata Hull (orig. des.) = lizeri (Brèthes).
Criorthrix Hull, 1949b: 391. Type species, Habromyia rectilinea Hull (orig. des.).

magnifica (Bigot), 1880:85 (Plagiocera). Type locality: Colombia. HT M (OXF). Distr.: Colombia (Santander
(Carmen de Chucuri)). Refs.: Hull, 1949b: 390, fig. 24h (head); Thompson et al. 1976:101 (cat.); Thompson,
1999a:329 (key).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Santander: Carmen de Chucuri, La Bodega, 6.660277°, -73.384553°,
2300–2400m, 1male, 16.viii.2001, Leg. P. Duque & A. Vélez, Vsr. Fish (CEUA).

Genus Lejops Rondani

Lejops Rondani, 1857: 33. Type species, Mallota vittata Meigen. Refs.: Curran, 1939a (key); Thompson, 2000:377 (key).
Asemosyrphus Bigot, 1882:128. Type species, oculiferus Bigot (Aldrich, 1933:168) = mexicanus (Macquart).
Dimorphomyia Bigot, 1885b:173. Type species, calliphoroides Bigot (mon.) = mexicanus (Macquart) (see Aldrich, 1933:168).

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Subgenus Asemosyrphus Bigot

mexicanus (Macquart), 1842:124 (64) (Helophilus). Type locality: "Mexico". HT M/F (UMO). Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquia (Bello, Medellín, San Pedro), Boyacá (Paipa), Caldas (Anserma), Cundinamarca (Anolaima, Bogotá,
Cota, Cunuca, Choachí, Cogua, Facatativá, Fontibón, Granada, Guayabal de Síquima, Tocaima, La Vega, Madrid,
Mosquera, Sopó, Subachoque, Silvania, Tabio), Quindio (Armenia, Finlandia), Santander (Barbosa), Tolima
(Guamo, Líbano)), Mexico. Refs.: Macquart, 1842:124 pi. 11, fig. 2 (habitus), 2a (head); Curran, 1939a:2 (key);
Thompson et al. 1976:97 (cat.); Gutierrez et al. 2005.
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Bello, San Felix, Paramo de Las Baldias, 6.332653°, -
75.646599°, 3050m, 5males, 4females, 17.ii.2013, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net (CEUA); Medellín, San Antonio de
Prado, Vereda Yarumalito, 6.186412°, -75.658630°, 2300m, 1female, 7–8.xi.2008, Leg. C. Bota & N. Uribe,
Manual (CEUA); San Pedro, Vereda Cerezales, 6.483237°, -75.630955°, 2800m, 3females, 2001, Leg. V.
Pérez, Net in a decomposed pig (CEUA); Caldas: Anserma, Vereda San Pedro, 5.250776°, -75.795434°, 1669m,
1male, 7females, 10.x.2004, Leg. A.L. Montoya (CEUA); Cundinamarca: Anolaima, Balsillas, 4.766197°, -
74.467662°, 1656m 18.xi.2003, Leg. R. Matíz, Net (UNAB); Bogotá, Botanic Garden, 4.668332°, -74.100229°,
2551m, 7.vii.2009, Leg. M. Zamora (ICN); Bogotá, UNal I.C.N, 4.638194°, -74.084046°, 2567m, 12.iii.2005, Leg.
J.L. Fernández (ICN); Choachí, Vereda Resguardo alto, Finca Villa Nueva, 4.529210°, -73.924817° 1827m,
22.iii.2008, Leg. E. Herrera, Net (UNAB); Cogua, Vereda El Altico, Finca El Oasis, 5.066667°, -73.983333°,
2631m, 07.xi.2004, Leg. K. Cantor, Net (UNAB); Cota, Jerusalen, Finca La Esmeralda, 4.812890°, -74.106085°,
2547m, 07.ii.2005, Leg. D. Carrillo, Malaise trap (UNAB); Facatativá, Vía Facatativá a El Rosal Cerro El Hato,
4.814821°, -74.346605°, 2650m, 9.iii.2008, Leg. C.A. Fernández & A. Fernández (ICN); Granada, Vereda San
Raimundo, Finca Los Laureles, 4.521013°, -74.344264°, 2100m, 16.v.2001 (UNAB); Guayabal de Síquima,
4.883144°, -74.466607°, 1630m, 06.iv.2004, Leg. P. Rubio. Z. Castro, Net (UNAB); La Vega, 4.999916°, -
74.350009°, 1250m, Km 4, 1215m, 02.iv.1999, Leg. P. Monroy (UNAB); Madrid, 4.737827°, -74.272839°,
2254m, 07.xi.2003, Leg. F. Moreno, Manual (UNAB); Mosquera, Finca Marengo, 4.680641°, -74.216488°,
2546m, 07.v.2004, Leg. B. Maldonado, Net (UNAB); Sopó, Parque Sopó, 4.913452°, -73.939245°, 2650m,
22.vii.2007, Leg. C.A. Fernández & A. Fernández (ICN); Subachoque, Finca Potosi, 4.932714°, -74.183370°,
2663m, 07.xi.2003, Leg. L. Bermúdez (UNAB); Silvania, 4.342730°, -74.404917°, 1600m, 03.x.1996, Leg. S.
Fuentes (UNAB); Tabio, Vereda Poveda, 4.920148°, -74.094387° 2589m, 16.v.2000, Leg. H. Sandoval (UNAB);
Tocaima, 4.471774°, -74.637839°, 2547m, 03.ii.2005, Leg. D. Carrillo, Malaise trap (UNAB); Boyacá: Paipa,
Jardínes, 5.790345°, -73.124558°, 2500m, 20.vii.2006, Leg. Fernández–A. & J.L. Fernández–C (ICN); Quindio:
Armenia, Sena, 4.533852°, -75.693470°, 1500m, 18.x.2001, Leg. A. Sarmiento, Net (UNAB); Finlandia,
4.682608°, -75.634175°, 2200m, 2females, 30.ii.2009, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net (CEUA); Santander: Barbosa,
Cite, 5.932922°, -73.621119°, 1800m, 28.viii.2004, Leg. D. Mejía, Net (UNAB); Tolima: Guamo, Vereda
Pringamosa, 4.022141°, -74.967567°, 300m, 12.iv.2001, Leg. D. Ávila. A., Sánchez & R. Mora (UNAB); Líbano,
4.920330°, -75.071350°, 1800m, 09.iv.2004, Leg. C. Valbuena, Net (UNAB).

Genus Lycastrirhyncha Bigot

Lycastrirhyncha Bigot, 1859:307. Type species, nitens Bigot (mon.). Refs.: Doesburg, 1962:31 (key); Thompson,
1972b:145–146 (description); Thompson et al. 1976:102 (cat.); Thompson, 1999a:329 (key); Thompson, 2003:4, 13 (key,
syn. and taxonomic notes).
Licastrirhyncha Williston, 1908:256. Misspelling.
Lycastrirrhyncha Curran, 1934:264. Misspelling.

nitens Bigot, 1859:307. Type locality: "Amazonia". HT F (UMO). Distr.: Colombia (Córdoba (Tres Palmas),
Chocó (Riosucio)), Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Guyana, Mexico, Suriname. Refs.: Hull, 1949b:393,
fig. 25b (habitus), 25m (head); Thompson et al. 1976:102 (cat.); Montoya et al. 2012 (new record).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Córdoba: Tres Palmas, in Laguna, 8.489913°, -75.949317°, 30m, 1male,
3.i.1975, Leg. R. Vélez (MEFLG); Chocó: Riosucio, Santatá, 7.440560°, -77.118900°, 7m, 1male, 27.vii.1978,
Leg. H. Echeverri (ICN).

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Genus Mallota Meigen

Mallota Meigen, 1822:377. Type species, Syrphus fuciformis Fabricius (Rondani, 1845:452). Refs.: Curran, 1940:12 (key);
Fluke, 1957a:127 (cat.); Thompson, 1972b:138–139 (description); Thompson et al. 1976:99 (cat.); Thompson, 1999a:329
(key); Thompson, 2000:375 (key); Thompson & Zumbado, 2002:89–107 (rev. of Mesoamerican Mallota spp.).
Imatisma Macquart, 1842:127 (67). Type species, Eristalis posticatus Fabricius (orig. des.).

Subgenus Mallota Meigen

aberrans Shannon, 1927:17. Type locality: Peru, Paltaybamba. HT F (USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Huila), Costa
Rica, Peru. Refs.: Curran, 1940:12 (key); Thompson et al. 1976:99 (cat.); Thompson & Zumbado, 2002:91
(redesc.), 93, fig 2a–c (M genitalia complex).

analis (Macquart), 1846:260 (138) (Imatisma). Type locality: "Nova Grenada". HT F (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia.
Refs.: Macquart, 1846:260 (138). pi. 11, fig. 8 (habitus); Thompson et al. 1976:99 (cat.).

apis Thompson, 2002:95. Type locality: Costa Rica, San José, Estación Santa Elena, Las Nubes. HT M (INBio).
Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Betania, Guarne, Rionegro)), Costa Rica, Bolivia, Peru. Refs.: Thompson &
Zumbado, 2002:7, fig. 4a–c (M genitalia complex).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Betania, Vereda La Oculta, Betania, Vereda La Oculta,
5.736143°, -76.028237°, 1700-2100m, 1female, 8.viii.1990, Forest, Leg. O. Ortega, Net (Coll. O. Ortega); Guarne,
Vereda Piedras Blancas, 6.291588°, -75.493345°, 2660m, Leg. Entomology Group (MEPB); Rionegro, Vereda El
Carmín, 6.140929°, -75.411164°, 2100m, 1male, Leg. Entomology Group, Net (CEUA).

colombii (Macquart), 1850:445. Type locality: Colombia. HT F (MNHNP). Distr.: Colombia, Peru, Venzuela.
Refs.: Macquart, 1850:445 (141), tab. 13, fig. 3 (habitus), 3a (head), 3b (antenna), 3c (hind leg); Thompson et al.
1976:100 (cat.).

inversa Shannon, 1927:16. Type locality: Peru, Chanchamayo. HT F (USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia
(Betania, Girardota, Guarne, Rionegro, Sonson), Boyacá (Duitama), Cundinamarca (Usme), Risaralda (Parque
Tatamá), Santander (Verda California)), Peru. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:100 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Betania, Vereda La Oculta, 5.736143°, -76.028237°, 1700-
2100m, 1male, Forest, 8-viii-1990, Leg. O. Ortega, Net (Coll. O. Ortega); Girardota, Vereda El Palmar, 6.343502°
-75.435102°, 2200m, 1male, Leg. N. Uribe, Vsr. Fish (CEUA); Guarne, Vereda Piedras Blancas, 6.291588°, -
75.493345°, 2200m, 3males, 2female, Leg. Entomology Group (MEPB). Other specimens with the same label
information, except for: Vereda Juan Cojo, 1male, Leg. C. Bota, Net (CEUA); Rionegro, Vereda El Carmin,
6.140929°, -75.411164°, 2100m, 5.xi.2005, Leg. N. Franco, Net (CEUA); Sonson, Cerro Las Palomas, 5.537061°,
-75.273872°, 3000–3200m, 2males, Leg. C. Bota & L. Ríos, Net (CEUA); Boyacá: Duitama, 5.825391°, -
73.040268°, 2530m, 22.vii.2004, Leg. N. Rosas, Manual (UNAB); Cundinamarca: Usme, Parque Entrenubes
Cerro Gavilán, 4.522906°, -74.106378°, 2745m, 10.v.2003, Leg. Gasca H. Benavides (ICN); Risaralda: Parque
Tatamá, Rio San Rafael, 5.086394°, -76.036662°, 2430m, 8.i.1993, Leg. A. Amarillo (ICN); Santander:
California, Vereda California, 7.377812°, -72.938002°, 2800–3000m, 3females, 12–19.ix.2012, Leg. A. Vélez &
J.D. Sánchez (CEUA).

mystacia Fluke, 1939:372. Type locality: Panama, Chiriqui, El Volcan. HT M (AMNH). Distr. Panama, Colombia
(Antioquia (Caldas)). Refs.: Fluke, 1939:372, fig. 12 (head).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Caldas, Vereda Primavera, 6.090000°, -75.638000°, 1560m,
1female, 17.ix.2014, Leg. S. Gutierrez, Manual (Coll. O. Ortega).

nigra Shannon, 1927:16. Type locality: Ecuador, Santa Inez. HT F (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Caldas (Riosucio)),
Ecuador. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:100 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Caldas: Riosucio, 1male, 2females, 13.vii.2008, C. Gutierrez (Catalina
Gutierrez, pers. comm.).

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rubricunda Curran, 1940:13. Type locality: Ecuador, Tungurahua, Mt. Tungurahua. HT M (AMNH). Distr.:
Colombia (Antioquia (Guarne, Sonson), Cundinamarca (Chingaza, Choachí), Santander (Vereda California)),
Ecuador. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:100 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Guarne, Vereda Piedras Blancas (MEPB); Sonson, Paramo de
Sonson, 5.537061°, -75.273872°, 3000m, 1male, 1female,, Leg. L. Ríos (CEUA); Cundinamarca:
Chingaza, Estacion Monte Redondo, 4.481898°, -73.721867°, 3036m, 5females, 26.x.2002, Leg. E. Martinez,
Net–Pig (CEUA); Choachí, Paramo Cruz Verde, 4.544337°, -73.968663°, 3600m, 16.xi.1991, Leg.C. Sarmiento
(ICN); Santander: California, Vereda California, 7.377812°, -72.938002°, 2800–3000m, 3males, 12–19.ix.2012,
Leg. A. Vélez & J.D. Sánchez (CEUA).

salti Curran, 1929:499. Type locality: Colombia, Santa Marta, Vista Nieve. HT F (AMNH). Distr.: Colombia
(Magdalena). Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:100 (cat.).

Genus Meromacrus Rondani

Plagiocera Macquart, 1842:119 (preocc. Klug 1834). Type species, Milesia cruciger Wiedemann (orig. des.) = acutus
Fabricius. Preocc. by Klug, 1834 (Hymenoptera).
Meromacrus Rondani, 1848:70. Type species, Meromacrus ghilianii Rondani (mon.). Refs.: Thompson, 1972b:144–145
(description); Thompson, 1999:330 (key); Thompson, 1981:155 (descript, key); Blatch et al. 2003:13–36 (rev. of
Mesoamerican Meromacrus spp.); Thompson, 2003:6, 12 (key, syn. and taxonomic notes).
Plagiacera Stahl, 1883:97. Misspelling.
Pteroptila Loew, 1866:165. Type species, decorus Loew (subs. des. of Coquillett, 1910:598).
Promilesia Lynch Arribalzaga, 1892:241. Type species, nectarinoides Lynch Arribalzaga (mon.).
Metameromacrus Hull, 1942:1. No Type species, designated. Nomen nudum.
Thalamopales Hull, 1949:401. Type species, Helophilus scitus Walker (orig. des.).

anna Curran, 1936:4. Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Fort Randolph. HT M (AMNH). Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquia (San Luis)), Brazil, Costa Rica, Guyana, Panama, Peru. Refs.: Hull, 1942:2 (key ref.); Fluke, 1957a:147
(cat.); Doesburg, 1962:26 (note); Thompson et al. 1976:111 (cat.); Blatch et al. 2003:15 (redesc.) fig. 2 (male
abdomen), 7 (M genitalia).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: San Luis, 6.041873°, -74.993729°, 1445m, 1male, 1female,
Leg. S. López, Manual (CEUA).

basiger (Walker), 1860:290 (Eristalis). Type locality: "Amazon Region". HT F (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquia (Puerto Berrio, Puerto Nare, San Roque)). Refs.: Sack, 1920:270 (desc.), figs, d (head), f (mesonotum);
Thompson et al. 1976:111 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Puerto Berrio, Alto de las Aguilas, Hacienda Manaos,
6.500865°, -74.546317°, 404m, 1male, 5.vii.2013, Leg. Entomology Group, Vsr. Fish (CEUA); Puerto Nare,
Vereda La Suiza, 6.190087°, -74.587306°, 220m, 1female, Leg. M. Castaño & M.C. Vélez, Pitfall (CEUA); San
Roque, Forest El Topacio, 6.503175°, -74.926885°, 1800m, 1male, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Vsr. Fish (CEUA).

circumdatus (Bigot), 1875:471 (Sphixea). Type locality: "Colombia". HT F (UMO). Distr.: Colombia, Peru. Refs.:
Sack, 1920:263 (description), fig. b (mesonotum). Thompson et al. 1976:112 (cat.).

fucatus Hull, 1930:143. Type locality: Surinam, Paramaribo. HT F (ANSP). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Jardín)),
Brazil, Suriname. Refs.: Hull, 1942e: ll, fig. 11 (mesonotum); Thompson et al. 1976:112 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Jardín, 5.578169°, -75.829912°, 1972m, 1male, 20.v.2011,
Leg. J. Cardona (CEUA).

laconicus (Walker), 1852:227 (Milesia). Type locality: "Brazil". HT F (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia
(Medellín), Magdalena (Santa Marta)), Costa Rica, Ecudar, Panama, Guyana, Venezuela. Refs.: Williston,
1886:324 (citation); Kertész, 1910:330 (cat.); Sack, 1920:268 (mesonotum, descr, key ref.), Sack, 1921:144
(Larva, descr. larva); Hine, 1924:22 (key, descriptive notes); Curran, 1936:2 (taxonomic notes); Hull, 1942:3 (key

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ref.); Fluke, 1957a:154 (species incertis sedis); Thompson et al. 1976:112 (cat.); Thompson, 1981:163 (key ref.,
taxonomic status); Blatch et al. 2003:24 (redesc.), figs. 6 (abdomen), 10 (M genitalia).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Medellín, 6.267404°, -75.585789°, 1570m, 1male, 1female,
10.i.2004, Leg. S. Lopez (CEUA); Magdalena: Santa Marta, Corregimiento de Taganga, 11.248643°, -
74.211974°, 11m, 1male, vi.2004, Leg. A. Ruiz, Manual (CEUA).

obscurus Hine, 1924:21. Type locality: Guatemala, Los Amates. HT M (OHSU). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (San
Roque)), Guatemala, Costa Rica. Refs.: Hull, 1942:2 (as obscura, key ref.); Fluke, 1957a:150 (cat.); Thompson et
al. 1976:112 (cat.); Blatch et al. 2003:31 (redesc.), figs. 3 (thorax), 13 (M genitalia).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: San Roque, Forest El Topacio, 6.503175°, -74.926885°,
1800m, 1male, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Vsr. Fish (CEUA).

scitus (Walker), 1857:152 (Helophilus). Type locality: "Valley of Amazon". HT F (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia
(Amazonas (Quebrada Mata Mata–Igapo), Quindio (Finlandia)), Brazil. Refs.: Hull, 1949b:390, fig. 241 (head);
Thompson et al. 1976:113 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Amazonas: Quebrada Matamata–Igapo, -3.435850°, -70.143596°, 160m,
1.i.1996, Leg. L. Lomanco (ICN); Quindio: Finlandia, 4.685291°, -75.617533°, 2200m, 1male, 30.ii.2009, Leg.
A.L. Montoya, Net (CEUA).

unicolor Wulp, 1883:131 (Eristalis). Type locality: "Guadeloupe". HT F (ML). Distr. Colombia. Refs.: Thompson
et al. 1976:113 (cat.).

Genus Palpada Macquart

Palpada Macquart, 1834:512. Type species, Palpada scutellata Macquart (mon.) = scutellaris (Fabricius). Refs.: Curran,
1928:42 (key to Puertorican spp.) 1830c:3–6, 134:407–411 (key to World spp. as part of Eristalis); Bean, 1949 (M
genitalia); Hull, 1949b:390, fig. 241 (head); Thompson, 1972:142–144 (desc.); Thompson et al. 1976:113 (cat.);
Thompson, 1997:209–237 (rev, key and notes); Morales & Marinoni, 2009:301–347 (Cladistic analysis and taxonomic
rev. of scutellaris group); Thompson, 2003:4, 13 (key, syn. and taxonomic notes); Mengual & Thompson, 2008 (species
group and rev. of ruficeps subgroup).
Doliosyrphus Bigot, 1882:120. Type species, Doliosyrphus scutellatus Bigot (subs. des. by Williston, 1887:178) = scutellaris
Dolyosyrphus, Bigot, 1883:228. Misspelling.

agrorum species group (= Gymnopalpada Vockeroth)

agrorum (Fabricius), 1787:335 (Syrphus). Type locality: "America". HT M/F (UZMC). Distr.: Argentina, Brazil,
Colombia (Antioquia (Caldas, Medellin, Sopetran), Bolivar (Pinillos), Cordoba (Tres Palmas)), Honduras,
Paraguay Panama, Peru, Venezuela, U.S.A. (Louisiana, Florida), West Indies (Cuba, Puerto Rico). Ref.: Hull,
1925a:38 (description), pi. 1:3 (abdomen), 2:14 (mesonotum); Bean, 1949:143, fig. 4 (M genitalia).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Caldas, 6.080608°, -75.644307°,1900m, ix.1946, Leg. F.
Gallego (MEFLG); Medellin, Cerro El volador, Rastrojo bajo, 6.268165°, -75.581523°, 1547m, 3males, i.2008,
Leg. A. Carpio (MEFLG); Sopetran, Bosque, ix.1971, Leg. R. Velez (MEFLG); Bolivar: Pinillos, En Maleza,
8.920310°, -74.461586°,14m, viii.1946, Leg. F. Gallego (MEFLG); Cordoba: Tres Palmas, Bosque, 8.488256°, -
75.949109°, 30m, 5males, 2females, ix.1972, Leg. R. Velez (MEFLG).

albifrons (Wiedemann), 1830:189 (Eristalis). Type locality: "Brazil". HT M (NMW). Distr.: Colombia (Bolivar
(Mucura), Magdalena (La Rinconada), Nariño (La Rinconada), Santander (Charalá, Cimitarra), Sucre (San
Onofre)), Bahamas, Brazil, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, Hispaniola.
Refs.: Hull, 1925a:35 (desc.), pi. 1:7 (abdomen); Bean, 1949:144, fig. 3 (M genitalia); Thompson et al. 1976:107
(cat.); Thompson, 1981:151 (synomyms and notes), figs. 177 (male abdomen, dorsal) 180 (head,males, dorsal
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Bolivar: Mucura, Isla de San Bernardo, 9.781757°, -75.872394°, 6m,

CATALOGUE OF SYRPHIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 495
2males, 1female, 6.i.2003, Leg. M. Wolff & P. Duque, Net (CEUA); Magdalena: La Rinconada, 9.231884°, -
74.492215°, 17m, Leg. C. Elster (ICN); Nariño: La Rinconada, 1.507414°, -77.112540°, 2300m, Leg. C. Elster
(ICN); Santander: Charalá, Virolin, 6.304190°, -73.173909°, 1800m, 1.iii.1981 (ICN); Cimitarra, Corregimiento
Puerto Olaya, Central Termocentro–Isagen, Humedal Norte, 6.473122°, -74.395383°, 110m,, 1female,
Leg. M. Cataño & C. Rivera, Light trap (CEUA); Sucre: San Onofre, 9.646080°, -75.581129°, 5m, 4males,
1female, Leg. C. Velásquez (CEUA).

atrimana (Loew), 1866a:167 (also 1872b:41) (Eristalis). Type locality: "Cuba". HT F (MCZ). Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquia (Caucasia, San Luis, San Roque, Maceo, Puerto Berrio), Caldas (Norcacia), Chocó (Rio Truandó),
Huila (Obando), Santander (Cimitarra)), Bahamas, Brazil, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Guatemala, Jamaica,
Hispaniola, Mexico, Puerto Rico. Refs.: Williston, 1887:173 (desc.); Curran, 1930c:16 (desc.); Thompson et al.
1976:103 (cat.); Thompson, 1981:151 (synomyms and notes).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Caucasia, Barrio El Triangulo, 7.983333°, -75.200000°, 50m,
1female, 18.v.2010, Leg. O. Sierra, Net (CEUA); Maceo, Reserva Cañón del Río Alicante, 6.540547°, -
74.770327°, 840m, 1female, Leg. J. Vélez, Manual (CEUA); San Luis, Cañon de Rio Claro, Forest, 5.894165°, -
74.856963°, 350m, 1female, 26.xi.2009, Leg. I. Ceballos, Vsr. Fish (CEUA); San Roque, Corregimiento San Jose
del Nus, 6.503175°, -74.926885°, 1800m, 1male, 8.ii.2009, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net (CEUA); Puerto Berrio,
6.489819°, -74.401992°, 114m, 1male, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Manual (CEUA); Caldas: Norcacia, 5.560100°, -
74.893349°, 750m, 1female, Leg. Norberto, Manual (CEUA); Chocó: Rio Truandó, 7.149891°, -77.199761°,
100m, 10.i.1957 (ICN); Huila: Obando, 1.926307°, -76.300314°, 1850m, 1female, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net
(CEUA); Santander: Cimitarra, Corregimiento Puerto Olaya, 6.473122°, -74.395383°, 110m, 1male, 1female,
Leg. G. Zapata, Net (CEUA).

cosmia (Schiner), 1868:362 (Eristalis). Type locality: "Venezuela". HT M/F (NMW). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia
(Caldas, Guarne, Medellín)), Venezuela. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:104 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Caldas, Alto La Romera, 6.090000°, -75.638000°, 1560m,
1male, Leg. E. Alarcón (CEUA); Guarne, Vereda Piedras Blancas, Parque Piedras Blancas, 6.291588°, -
75.493345°, 2300m, 1female,, Leg. A. Velez (CEUA); Medellín, 6.267404°, -75.585789°, 1570m,
1female, Leg. E. Alarcón, Net (CEUA). Det F.C. Thompson, 2009.

elegans (Blanchard), 1852:406 (Eristalis). Type locality: Chile, Coquimbo. HT M/F (MNHNP). Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquia (La Ceja, San Pedro)). Refs.: Hull, 1925a:26 (desc.), pi. 2:13 (abdomen), 16 (mesonotum); Thompson
et al. 1976:105 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: La Ceja, Alto la Union, Forest, 6.016132°, -75.370182°,
2500m, 1male, 1female, Leg. A. Bustamante, Net (CEUA); San Pedro, Vereda Cerezales, 6.483237°, -75.630955°,
2800m, 1male, 2001, Leg. V. Pérez, Net in a decomposed pig (CEUA).

expicta (Walker), 1860:290 (Eristalis). Type locality: "Mexico". HT M (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (La
Ceja, Puerto Berrio, San Roque)), Costa Rica, Mexico. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:105 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: La Ceja, Alto la Union, Forest, 6.016132°, -75.370182°,
2500m, 1male, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net (CEUA); Puerto Berrio, 6.489819°, -74.401992°, 114m, 1male, Leg. A.
Bustamante, Net (CEUA); San Roque, Corregimiento San Jose del Nus, 6.503175°, -74.926885°, 1800m, 1male,
Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net (CEUA).

florea (Hull), 1925a:39 (Eristalis). Type locality: Guyana, Arakaba & Bartica, Kartabo. HT M (OHSU). Distr.:
Colombia (Antioquia (Anorí, San Roque), Caqueta (Vereda Sebastopolo)), Costa Rica, Guyana, Mexico, Panama,
Trinidad. Refs.: Hull, 1925a:39, pi. 1:3 (abdomen); Thompson et al. 1976:105 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Anorí, 7.073631°, -75.146379°, 1546m, 1female, 1female,
Leg. Bustamante, Net (CEUA); San Roque, Vereda El Iris, 6.503175°, -74.926885°, 1800m, 1female, 10.iv.2014,
Leg. Entomology Group, Pitfall copro (CEUA); Caqueta: Florencia, Vereda Sebastopolo, Finca La Magoloa,
1.598268°, -75.543651°, 305m, 2females, 25.xii.2004, Leg. Entomology Group, Net–Pig (CEUA). Det F.C.
Thompson, 2009.

496 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press MONTOYA

minutalis (Williston), 1891:64 (Eristalis). Type locality: Mexico, Tabasco, Teapa. HT M/F (BMNH). Distr.:
Colombia, Mexico. Refs.: Williston, 1891:64, pi. 2:6 (habitus), 6a (head); Hull 1925a:42 (desc.); Thompson et al.
1976:107 (cat.).

monticola (Roder), 1892:9 (Eristalis; nom. nov. for montana Roder). Type locality: Colombia. ST F (MLUH).
Distr.: Colombia (Boyacá). Refs.: Roder, 1892:9, fig. 1 (habitus); Thompson et al. 1976:107 (cat.).
montana Roder, 1886:263 (Eristalis; preocc. Williston, 1882).

ochracea (Williston), 1888:279 (Eristalis). Type locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Chapada. HT M (AMNH). Distr.:
Colombia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Mexico, Guyana. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:107 (cat.).

pusilla (Macquart), 1842:114 (54) (Eristalis). Type locality: French Guiana, Mana River. HT M (MNHNP). Distr.:
Colombia, Argentina, Costa Rica. Refs.: Hull, 1925a:36 (description), pi. 1:2; Bean, 1949:144, fig. 2 (M genitalia)
(abdomen). 2:17 (mesonotum); Thompson et al. 1976:108 (cat.); Thompson, 1981:152 (synomyms and notes).

rufiventris (Macquart), 1846:257 (129) (Eristalis). Type locality: "Colombia". HT M/F (UMO). Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquia (Maceo, Puerto Berrio, San Luis), Costa Rica. Refs.: Hull, 1925a:33 (desc.), pi. 1:4 (abdomen);
Thompson et al. 1976:108 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Maceo, Reserva Cañón del Río Alicante, 6.540547°, -
74.770327°, 840m, 1female, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net (CEUA); Puerto Berrio, 6.489819°, -74.401992°, 114m,
1female, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net (CEUA); San Luis, Rio Claro, 5.894165°, -74.856963°, 600m, 1male, Leg.
Entomology Group, Net (CEUA).

taenia (Wiedemann), 1830:174 (Eristalis). Type locality: Uruguay, Montevideo. HT M (AMNH). Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquia (La Ceja, San Roque), Caldas (Anserma), Quindio (Filandia)), Brazil, Venezuela. Refs.: Hull, 1925a:38
(desc.); Curran, 1930c:13 (descriptive notes); Thompson et al. 1976:109 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: La Ceja, Alto la Union, Forest, 6.016132°, -75.370182°,
2500m, 2males, 2females, 5.xii.2007, Leg. A.L. Montoya (CEUA); San Roque, Corregimiento San Jose del Nus,
6.503175°, -74.926885°, 1800m, 1male, 10.ix.2008, Leg. A.L. Montoya (CEUA); Caldas: Anserma, Vereda San
Pedro, 5.250776°, -75.795434°, 1669m, 1male, 10.x.2004, Leg. E. Alarcón (CEUA); Quindio: Filandia, Hacienda
Bengala, 4.685291°, -75.617533°, 2000m, 1male, 10.ix.2008, Leg. A.L. Montoya (CEUA).

thalia (Hull), 1942a:86 (Eristalis). Type locality: Colombia, Dept. Cundinamarca, Bogota. HT M (MCZ). Distr.:
Colombia (Cundinamarca). Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:110 (cat.).

vierecki (Curran), 1930c:10 (Eristalis). Type locality: Colombia, Vista Nieve. HT M (AMNH). Distr.: Colombia
(Bolivar), Costa Rica, Bolivia. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:110 (cat.).

scutellaris species group (Palpada sensu stricto))

conica (Fabricius), 1805:190 (Milesia). Type locality: "America meridional". HT M/F (UZMC). Distr.: Colombia
(Amazonas, Antioquia (Alejandria, Guarne), Chocó (Quibdó, Riosucio), Cundinamarca (Medina), La Guajira (El
Jagüey), Meta (Puerto López, Villavicencio), Tolima (Chaparral, Melgar)), Bolivia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador,
Guatemala, Guyana, Panama, Peru. Refs.: Hull, 1925b:290 (desc.), pi. 1:6 (abdomen); Thompson et al. 1976:104
(cat.); Morales & Marinoni, 2009:318 (desc, syn.), figs 20–21, 45–46 (head, frontal and lateral), 61–62 (Thorax,
dorsal), 83, 91, 107 (hind leg), 131 (wing), 142, 157 (abdomen), 163 186 189, 220 (M genitalia), 242, 251, 263 (F,
M genitalia).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Amazonas: 1.iv.1975, Leg. J. Idrobo (ICN); Antioquia: Alejandria,
Vereda El Carbón, 6.403715°, -75.064663°, 1445m, 1male, Leg. Entomology Group, Net (CEUA); Guarne, Vereda
La Peña, 6.286535°, -75.423037°, 2800m, 1male, Leg. V. Pérez, Net in decaying pig (CEUA); Chocó: Quibdó,
5.693715°, -76.654892°, 37m, 21.iii.1982, Leg. J. M. Idrobo (ICN); Riosucio, Tilupo, 7.440560°, -77.118900°, 7m,
6.iv.1978, Leg. H. Echeverri (ICN); Riosucio, Santatá, 7.440560°, -77.118900°, 7m, 27.iv.1978, Leg. H. Echeverri

CATALOGUE OF SYRPHIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 497
(ICN); Cundinamarca: Medina, Vereda Choapal, 4.508319°, -73.361189°, 440m, 26.vii.1986, Leg. Students of
Animal Systematic (ICN); La Guajira: El Jagüey, 10.626761°, -71.705081°, 71m,, Leg. J. Rincón
(ICN); Meta: Puerto López, Vereda Bajo Menegua, 4.066137°, -73.048348°, 181m, 18.iv.1984, Leg. E.A. (ICN);
Villavicencio, Vereda La Vanguardia, Pozo Azul, 4.150000°, -73.633333°, 467m, 16.iv.2005 (ICN); Tolima:
Chaparral, 3.750000°, -75.583333°, 1354m, 90.xii.1972, Leg. L. Quiñones (ICN); Melgar, 4.203889°, -
74.642778°, 323m, 24.iv.1976, Leg. M.R Leon (ICN).

erratica (Curran), 1930c:19 (Eristalis). Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Barro Colorado Island. HT M
(AMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia, Magdalena, Valle del Cauca, Vichada), Bolivia, Brazil, Costa Rica,
Ecucador, Guyana, Panama, Peru, Panama, Trinidad, Venzuela. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:105 (cat.); Morales &
Marinoni, 2009:325 (desc, syn.), figs 11–12 (habitus), 49 (head, lateral), 65 (Thorax, dorsal), 84, 92 (hind leg), 133
(wing), 144, 159 (abdomen), 165 188, 201, 222 (M genitalia), 244, 253, 262 (F M genitalia).

scutellaris (Fabricius), 1805:190 (Milesia). Type locality: "America meridionali". HT M/F (UZMC). Distr.:
Colombia (Antioquia (Andes, Carepa, Fredonia, Ituango, La Pintada, San Roque, Santa Bárbara), Caldas
(Riosucio), Meta (Vista hermosa), Brazil, Bolivia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guyana, Mexico, Peru, Panama, Suriname,
Trinidad, Venezuela. Refs.: Macquart, 1834:513, pi. 11, fig. 19; Williston, 1887:178 pi. 8:8 (head); Hull, 1925b:291
(desc.), pi. 2:16 18 (head); Doesburg, 1962:23, fig. 1 (habitus), la (head), lb (hind leg), 2, 4 (puparium), 3 (habitus);
Thompson et al. 1976:109 (cat.); Morales & Marinoni, 2009:343 (desc, syn.), figs. 37–39 (head, dorsal, lateral), 73
(thorax, dorsal), 78 (scutellum, lateral), 89, 95, 118 (hind leg), 138 (wing), 150, 153 (abdomen) 180 184, 207, 228
(M genitalia), 248, 257, 262 (F M genitalia).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Andes, Corregimiento de Santa Rita, 5.550249°, -
75.988733°, 3600m, 2males, 5.xii.2009, Leg. J.D. Sanchez & A.L. Montoya, Net (CEUA); Carepa, Estacion
Tulenapa, Corpoica, 7.759545°, -76.654668°, 48m, 2males, 8.ii.2009, Leg.Duque, Net (CEUA); Fredonia,
5.916573°, -75.683347°, 1010m, 1male, Leg. Entomology Group, Net (CEUA); Ituango, 7.166667°, -75.750000°,
1600m, 1male, 15.ii.1989, Leg. J. Garces, Net. (CEUA); La Pintada, Hacienda Montenegro, 5.736521°, -
75.632087°, 650m, 1male, 1female, Leg. Velez & Grisales, Net (CEUA); San Roque, Corregimiento San Jose del
Nus, 6.503175°, -74.926885°, 1800m, 1male, Leg. M. Castaño, Net (CEUA); Santa Bárbara, 5.882086°, -
75.575273°, 1846m,, Leg. G. Jiménez (UNAB); Caldas: Riosucio, Cerro Ingurumá, 5.421334°, -
75.719539°, 2200m, 1female, 7.i.2013, Leg. A.L. Montoya (CEUA); Meta: Vista Hermosa, Caño Blanco,
2.744073°, -73.748008°, 250m, 25.iii.1997, Leg. C. Bojacá (UNAB).

vinetorum species group (= Trichopalpada Vockeroth).

aemula (Williston), 1891:64 (Eristalis). Type locality: Mexico, Guerrero: Rio Papagaio, 1200 ft.; Chilpancingo, 4600
ft.; Rincon, 2800 ft.; Venta de Zopilot 2800 ft.; Guatemala, San Geronimo; Panama: Bugaba. HT M (BMNH). Distr.:
Colombia (Antioquia (San Roque), Meta), Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, Venezuela. Refs.: Williston, 1891:64, pi. 2:5
(habitus); Hull, 1925b:288 (desc.), pi. 1:1 (abdomen), 2:18 (hind leg); Thompson et al. 1976:111 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: San Roque, Corregimiento San Jose del Nus, 6.503175°, -
74.926885°, 1800m, 1female, Leg. M. Castaño, Net (CEUA).

amazon (Curran), 1930c:23 (Eristalis). Type locality: Brazil, Amazonas, Rio Caiari–Uaupes. HT F (AMNH).
Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Puerto Berrio), Caldas (Norcacia)), Brazil, Venezuela. Refs.: Thompson et al.
1976:103 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Puerto Berrio, Barrio Lamalesna, 6.489819°, -74.401992°,
114m, 1male, Leg. Pérez & Vélez, Net (CEUA); Puerto Berrio, 6.489819°, -74.401992°, 114m, 1female, Leg. M.
Castaño, Net (CEUA); Caldas: Norcacia, 5.560100°, -74.893349°, 900m, 1male, Leg. Pérez & Vélez, Net

flavoscutellata (Hull), 1937a:173 (Eristalis). Type locality: Costa Rica, Hiquito, San Mateo. HT F (USNM).
Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca), Costa Rica. Refs.: Hull, 1937a:173, figs. 1 (tip of abdomen), 7 (hind leg);
Thompson et al. 1976:105 (cat.).

498 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press MONTOYA

furcata (Wiedemann), 1819:51 (Eristalis). Type locality: "Brazil". HT M/F (NMW). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia
(Amaga, Caldas, Itagui, La Ceja), Boyacá (Buenavista, Gachetá, Paipa), Caldas (Anserma, Samaná),
Cundinamarca (Bogotá, Fusagasugá, Guayabal de Síquima), Huila (Obando), Magdalena (Santa Marta), Meta
(Villavo), Quindío, Risaralda, Santander (Charalá, Piedecuesta), Tolima (Espinal, Ibagué), Valle del Cauca (Darien,
Restrepo, Villa Carmelo)), Argentina, Brazil. Refs.: Macquart, 1842:100 (40), pi. 3, fig. 6 (head); Hull, 1925a:29
(desc.), pi. 2:11 (abdomen), 20 (mesonotum); Thompson et al. 1976:106 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Amaga, 6.050000°, 1 -75.700000°, 546m, 1female, Leg. A.L.
Montoya, Net (CEUA); Caldas, Alto La Romera, 6.090000°, -75.638000°, 1560m, 1male, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net
(CEUA); Itagüí, Vereda La María, 6.189489°, -75.627675°, 2546m, 1female, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net (CEUA); La
Ceja, Alto la Union, Forest, 6.016132°, -75.370182°, 2500m, 1female, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net (CEUA); Boyacá:
Buenavista, Vereda Miraflores, 5.650832°, -74.286905°, 800m, 03.xi.2003, Leg. D. Melo, Manual (UNAB);
Gachetá, Vereda Salinas, 4.820836°, -73.636574°, 1850m, 07.iv.2004, Leg. O. Lanchero (UNAB); Paipa,
5.790345°, -73.124558°, 2517m, 03.viii.1999, Leg. Cely, Forero & Rojas (UNAB); Caldas: Anserma, Vereda San
Pedro, 5.250776°, -75.795434°, 1669m, 1male, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net (CEUA); Samaná, Corregimiento de
Norcasia, La Laguna, 5.538340°, -74.969231°, 980m, 9.xi.2003, Leg. A. Rodríguez (UNAB); Cundinamarca:
Bogotá, 4.598411°, -74.076182°, 2600m,, Leg. A. Bernal (ICN); Tena, 4.624207°, -74.239034°,
1340m, 27.iv.1991, Leg. A. Castillo (ICN); Fusagasugá, 4.338328°, -74.363968°, 1850m, 12.iv.2000, Leg. Estévez
(UNAB); Guayabal de Síquima, Vereda El Resguardo, 4.883333°, -74.466667°, 1630m, 2005, Leg. F. Cruz, Net
(UNAB); Huila: Obando, Estrecho del Magdalena, 1.926307°, -76.300314°, 1800m, 1male, Leg. A.L. Montoya,
Net (CEUA); Magdalena: Santa Marta, Guachaca, 11.248643°, -74.211974°, 11m, 4.xi.1976, Leg. J. Blanco
(ICN); Meta: Villavo, 4.139059°, -73.780962°, 1500m, 03.viii.1979, Leg. J.L. Pinto (ICN); Santander: Charalá,
Rio Virolin, 6.304190°, -73.173909°, 1800m, 1840m, 8.xii.1978, Leg. I. Arevalo (ICN); Piedecuesta, 6.987834°, -
73.047684°, 1100m, 12.x.1978, Leg. J. Caballero (ICN); Tolima: Espinal, 4.162687°, -74.874972°, 322m,
24.xi.2003, Leg.F. Moreno, Manual (UNAB); Ibagué, 4.440663°, -75.244141°, 1285m, 05.i.1999, Leg. Cely,
Forero & Rojas (UNAB); Valle del Cauca: Darién camino Rio Azul, Rio Bravo, 3.935850°, -76.675300°, 1300m,
8.ii.1984, Leg. C. Valdés (ICN); Restrepo, Camp. Rio Azul, 3.882081°, -76.573971°, 1500m, 7.iii.1984, Leg. D.
Acosta (ICN).

geniculata (Fabricius), 1805:237 (Eristalis). Type locality: "America meridionali". HT M (UZMC). Distr.:
Colombia (Sucre (San Onofre)), Brazil. Refs.: Stephens, 1846:29, pi. 47:3 (habitus); Thompson et al. 1976:106
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Sucre: San Onofre, 9.646080°, -75.581129°, 5m, 2males, 1female, Leg.
Entomology Group, Net (CEUA). Det F.C. Thompson, 2009.

maculata (Sack), 1941:112 (Eristalis). Type locality: Peru, Pachitea River. HT M/F (SMT). Distr.: Colombia
(Chocó (Atrata Valley, Boca de Arquia)), Ecuador, Peru. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:106 (cat.).

mexicana (Macquart), 1847:75 (59) (Eristalis). Type locality: "Mexico". HT M/F (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquia (Cocorná, Caldas, El Peñol, Guarne, Itagui, Medellín, San Roque), Sucre, Valle del Cauca), Ecuador,
Peru. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:107 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Cocorná, 6.050187°, -75.166752°, 830m, 2female, Leg.
Entomology Group, Net (CEUA); Caldas, 6.090000°, -75.638000°, 1560m, 1male, Leg. Entomology Group, Net
(CEUA); El Peñol, 6.218496°, -75.243396°, 1420m, 1female, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net (CEUA); Guarne, Vereda La
Peña, 6.286535°, -75.423037°, 2800m, 1female, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net (CEUA); Itagüí, Vereda La María,
6.189489°, -75.627675°, 1800, 1female, Leg. C. Bota, Net (CEUA); Medellín, Corregimiento Santa Elena,
6.212280°, -75.497798°, 1830m, 1male, Leg. Entomology Group, Net (CEUA); San Roque, Corregimiento San Jose
del Nus, 6.503175°, -74.926885°, 1800m, 1male, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net (CEUA). Det F.C. Thompson, 2009.

mirabilis (Hull), 1925b:305 (Eristalis). Type locality: Colombia, Vista Nieve. HT F (AMNH). Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquia (Caldas, El Carmen de Viboral, Girardota, Itagui, Medellín, Montebello), Cundinamarca (Chía,
Fusagasugá, La Mesa), Huila (Gigante), Magdalena (Santa Marta), Meta (Puerto Gaitán, Restrepo), Risaralda
(Santa Rosa de Cabal)), Paraguay. Refs.: Hull, 1925b:305, pi. 2:11 (mesonotum); Thompson et al. 1976:107 (cat.).

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Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Caldas, 6.090000°, -75.638000°, 1560m, 1male, Leg. A.L.
Montoya, Net (CEUA); El Carmen de Viboral, Vereda El Carmen, 6.083333°, -75.333333°, 2100m, Leg. M.
Zuluaga, Manual (CEUA); Itagüí, Vereda La María, 6.189489°, -75.627675°, 2546m, 1male, Leg. A.L. Montoya,
Net (CEUA); Girardota, Vereda Juan Cojo, 6.343502° -75.435102°, 2200m, 1female, Leg. C. Bota, Net (CEUA);
Medellín, Corregimiento San Antonio de Prado, Vereda Potrerito, 6.186412°, -75.658630°, 2300m, 1female, Leg.
Bustamante, Net (CEUA); Medellín, 6.267404°, -75.585789°, 1570m, 16.ii.1981, Leg. A. Reyes (ICN);
Montebello, Vereda El Guabial, 5.916667°, -75.500000°, 1250m, 5.v.2010, Leg. BACL (CEUA); Cundinamarca:
Chía, Cerro La valvanera, 4.861565°, -74.032534°, 2582m, 21.iii.2004, Leg. O. Lugo, Net (UNAB); La Mesa,
Laguna Pedro Palo, 4.629429°, -74.469603°, 1200m, 27.ii.1997, Leg. L. Castillo (UNAB); Fusagasugá, 4.338328°,
-74.363968°, 1771m, 15.vii.1971, Leg. G. Baquero (ICN); La Mesa, 4.629469°, -74.466633°, 1000m, 10.v.1972,
Leg. J. Carretero (ICN); Útica, 5.xi.1965 (ICN); Huila: Gigante, 2.386942°, -75.546096°, 800m, 16.xi.1971, Leg.
A. Sobrino (ICN); Meta: Puerto Gaitán, 4.310873°, -72.073758°, 160m, 1.v.1993, Leg. C. González (ICN);
Restrepo, 4.243144°, -73.573992°, 560m, 11.ix.1974, Leg. A. Bernal (ICN); Risaralda: Santa Rosa de Cabal,
Termales de Santa Rosa, 4.837708°, -75.548600°, 2000m,, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net (CEUA).

vinetorum (Fabricius), 1798:562 (Syrphus; as vinctorum, emended by Fabricius 1799:48). Type locality: "America
Insulis". HT M/F (UZMC). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas (Mata Mata), Antioquia (Alejandria, Maceo, San Roque),
Boyacá (Berbeo), Caqueta, Cundinamarca (La Mesa, Madrid, Villeta), Guainía (Puerto Inirida El Salario), Huila
(Gigante), Meta (Bella vista, Guayabetal, San Juan de Arama), Santander (Bucaramanga, Cimitarra), Sucre (San
Onofre), Valle del Cauca (Restrepo)), Argentina, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuadro, Guatemala, Hispaniola, Jamaica,
Less Antilles, Puerto Rico. Refs.: De Geer 1776:145, pi. 29, fig. 1 (habitus); Williston, 1887:171 (desc.), pi. 7:8a
(hind leg); Hull, 1925a:40 (description), pi. 1:9 (abdomen); Bean, 1949:146, fig. 8 (M genitalia); Thompson et al.
1976:110 (cat.); Thompson, 1981:153 (syn. and notes), figs. 170 (hind leg of male) 182 (wing); Thompson,
1990:15–16 (distributional notes).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Alejandria, Maceo, San Roque. Santander: Cimitarra,
Corregimiento Puerto Olaya, Central termocentro–Isagen, Humedal Norte, 6.473122°, -74.395383°, 110m,, 1female, Leg. M. Cataño & C. Rivera, Light trap (CEUA); Sucre: San Onofre, Reserva Natural
Sanguare, 9.646080°, -75.581129°, 5m, 3males, 2females, 27.v.2009, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net (CEUA).

ruficeps subgroup

prietorum Mengual, 2008:32. Type locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Cali, Cerro San Antonio. HT M (USNM).
Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca). Refs.: Mengual & Thompson, 2008:32 (orig. des.), pi 4, figs. 2 (habitus,
dorsal), 5 (habitus, lateral), 6 (wing), 7 (M genitalia).

ruficeps (Macquart), 1842:111 (51) (Eristalis). Type locality: Colombia, Santa Fe de Bogota. HT M (MNHNP).
Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (La Ceja, Sonson, San Jose de la Montaña), Boyacá (Miraflores, Tunja, Villa de
Leyva), Caldas (Manizales), Cauca (Guayas), Cundinamarca (Bogotá, Guatavita, La Mesa, Quetame, San miguel),
Meta (Puerto Gaitán), Tolima (Ibagué)), Ecuador, Mexico, Venezuela. Refs.: Hull, 1925b:307 (desc.), pi. 2:10
(head); Thompson et al. 1976:108 (cat.); Mengual & Thompson, 2008:34 (key and notes), fig. 1 (habitus, dorsal).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: La Ceja, Alto la Union, Forest, 6.016132°, -75.370182°,
2500m, 1female, 10.ix.2008, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net (CEUA); Sonson, Cerro Las Palomas, 5.537061°, -
75.273872°, 3000m, 1male, 1female, 19.ix.2009, Leg. L. Rios, Net (CEUA); San Jose de la Montaña, Vereda el
Congo sector la Laguna, Potrero, 6.804244°, -75.689613°, 3100–3200m, 7females, 10–14.ix.2011, Leg. L. Rios,
Net (CEUA); Boyacá: Miraflores, 5.196389°,-73.144444°, 1820m,, Leg. F. Ramírez (UNAB); Tunja,
Santuario Iguaque Quebrada La Laguna, 6.044559°, -73.154046°, 2340m, 5.viii.1990, Leg. A. Amarillo (ICN);
Villa de Leyva, 5.638191°, -73.535870°, 2200m, 1.xi.2001, Leg. M. Alvarez (ICN); Caldas: Manizales,
5.072373°, -75.506634°, 2216m, Leg. F. Rodríguez (UNAB); Cauca: Guayas, 2.673707°, -76.959274°, 1446m,
8.xi.1976, Leg. R.M. Gómez (ICN); Cundinamarca: Bogotá, 4.626403°, -74.04548°, 2600m, 5.x.1968, Leg. P.
Wilches (ICN); Bogotá, Alto del cable, 4.629103°, -74.049218°, 3100m, 5females, 7.vii.1978, Leg. MLJM (ICN);
Guatavita, 4.934444°, -73.834444°, 2900m, 30.x.1999, Leg. L. Bérmudez (UNAB); La Mesa, 4.629469°, -
74.466633°, 1298m, 15.v.1994, Leg. G. Rincón (UNAB); Quetame, Corregimiento El Calvario, 4.333333°, -

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73.850000°, 1880m,, Leg. C. Vergara (ICN); San miguel, 5.550000°, -73.750000°, 2750m, 30.iv.1941
(ICN); Meta: Puerto Gaitán, 4.310873°, -72.073758°, 160m, 1.v.1977, Leg. C. González (ICN); Tolima: Ibagué,
4.440663°, -75.244141°, 1300m, 1.ii.1970, Leg. T. De los Reyes (ICN).

suprarufa Thompson, 1999a:344. Type locality: Ecuador, S. Otavalo. HT M (MZUSP). Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquia (Urrao)), Ecuador. Refs.: Mengual & Thompson, 2008:34, figs. 3 (Key and habitus, dorsal).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Urrao, Paramo de Frontino, 6.416558°, -76.107506°, 3500m,
1female, 6.i.1991, Leg. G. Abril (MEFLG).

Genus Quichuana Knab

Quichuana Knab, 1813:13. Type species, sylvicola Knab (orig. des.). Refs.: Hull, 1946a (rev, key); Thompson,
1972:135–136 (desc.); Thompson et al. 1976:98 (cat.); Thompson, 1981:143 (key and taxonomic notes);
Thompson, 1999a:329 (key); Thompson, 2000:375 (key); Ricarte et al. 2012:74 (taxonomic rev. and keys).
Quihuana, Hull, 1943h:510. Misspelling.

angustiventris (Macquart), 1855:110 (Merodon). Type locality: ‘Valley of the Amazon’. HT M (BNHM). Distr.:
Colombia (Antioquia (San Luis), Chocó, Caldas, Cundinamarca), Brazil, Costa Rica, Peru Trinidad, Venezuela,
and Surinam. Refs.: Macquart, 1855:110 (90), pi. 5, fig. 2 (head); Thompson et al. 1976:98 (cat.); Ricarte et al.
2012:74 (desc., key), figs. 5–6 (male genitlia), 73 (habitus, males).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: San Luis, Rio Claro, 5.894165°, -74.856963°, 350m, 1male
Leg. Entomology Group, Net (CEUA).

brevicera Hull, 1946a:7. Type locality: Colombia, Atrata Valley, Boca de Arquia. HT M (BMNH). Distr.:
Colombia (Chocó). Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:98 (cat.); Ricarte et al. 2012:83 (description, status notes and key).
inca var. brevicera Hull, 1946b.

calathea Shannon, 1925b:111. Type locality: Panama, Porto Bello. HT M/F (USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia
(Nariño, San Luis, San Roque), Chocó, Risaralda, Quindio (Quimbaya), Risaralda (Pereira), Valle del Cauca
(Caicedonia, Restrepo), Costa Rica, Cuba, Panama. Refs.: Hull, 1946a:16, fig. 13 (head) (desc. note); Thompson et
al. 1976:98 (cat.); Ricarte et al. 2012:85 (desc., key), figs. 74 (male head, dorsal view).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Nariño, Vereda Puente Linda, 5.631484°, -75.245454°,
2400m, 2females, Leg. L. Rios, Net (CEUA); San Luis, Rio Claro, 5.894165°, -74.856963°, 350m, 1male,
2females, Leg. A. Vélez, Vsr. Fish (CEUA); San Roque, Corregimiento San Jose del Nus, 6.503175°, -74.926885°,
1800m, 1female, Leg. N. Uribe, Vsr. Liver (CEUA); Quindio: Quimbaya, Vereda Kerman, Km 7, 4.614947°, -
75.807598°, 1339m, 9males, 3females, Leg. H. Vargas, Vsr. Fish (CEUA); Risaralda: Pereira, Wildlife Sanctuary
Otún Quimbaya, 4.728880°, -75.577850°, 1890m, 1female, vi.2010, Leg. C. Bota, Vsr. Fish (CEUA); Valle del
Cauca: Caicedonia, 4.340810°, -75.832995°, 1400m, 16.x.2001, Leg. M. Gullen (UNAB); Restrepo, Camino Rio
Bravo, Campo Alegre, 3.811560°, -76.515178°, 1000m, 4.ii.1984, Leg. O. Cepeda (ICN).

dolorosa Hull, 1946:6. Type locality: Bolivia-Mapiri. HT M (AMNH). Distr.: Bolivia, Colombia (Risaralda (Belen
de Umbria)). Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:98 (cat.); Ricarte et al. 2012:91 (desc., key).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Risaralda: Belen de Umbria, Vereda La Isla, 5.137655°, -75.830656°,
1000m, 1male, 8.ii.2015, Leg. A.L. Montoya, rearing from Bromeliad (CEUA).

fasciata (Sack), 1941:115 (also 1951:111) (Myiatropa). Type locality: Peru, Paso de Lares. HT M/F (SMT). Distr.:
Colombia (Boyacá), Costa Rica, Panama, Peru. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:98 (cat.); Ricarte et al. 2012:92 (desc.,
key), figs. 11 (antenna, F laterarl view), 77 (F LT, habitus, dorsal view).

picadoi Knab, 1913:14. Type locality: "Costa Rica". HT F (USNM). Distr.: Costa Rica, Colombia (Antioquia
(Hispania, Medellín)), Surinam. Refs.: Hull, 1946a: 16, figs. 12 & 25 (head), 17 (antenna); Thompson et al.
1976:99 (cat.); Ricarte et al. 2012:106 (desc., key), figs 75-76 (M head, anterior, lateral view).

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Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Hispania, Finca La fé, 5.799893°, -75.899989°, 922m,
2females, 20.v.2008, Leg. J.D. Suaza, reared from a water tank of Guadua (CEUA); Medellín, 6.267404°, -
75.585789°, 1570m, Universidad de Antioquia, 2male, 1female, 11-xi.2008, Leg. A.L. Montoya, reared from
Xanthosoma sp. (CEUA).

quixotea Hull, 1946a:14, fig. 6 (head). Type locality: "Colombia". HT M/F (CNC). Distr.: Colombia (Boyacá
(Muzo), Santander (Olaya)), Costa Rica. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:99 (cat.); Ricarte et al. 2012:109
(description, key).

Tribe Merodontini

Genus Eumerus Meigen

Eumerus Meigen, 1822:202. Type species, Syrphus tricolor Fabricius (Curtis, 1839:749). Genus–group name conserved by
ICZN (1993, Opinion 1747).
Refs.: Latta & Cole, 1933 (rev, key); Thompson et al. 1976:92 (cat.); Thompson, 1999a:332; Thompson, 2008:3 (key), fig. 15

funeralis (Meigen), 1822:208. Type locality: Germany & Austria. HT F (MNHNP). Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena).
Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:92 (cat.)

Tribe Milesiini

Genus Cacoceria Hull

Cacomyia Hull, 1930:147 (preocc. Coquillett, 1906). Type species, cressoni Hull (orig. des.).
Cacoceria Hull, 1936a:227 (nom. nov. for cacomyia Hull). Refs.: Thompson, 1968:272 (key and notes); Thompson,
1972:179–180 (desc, synonms); Thompson, 1999a:333 (key).

willistoni Hull, 1949d:225. Type locality: Peru, Chanchamayo. HT M (CNC). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (El
Retiro, Jardin), Risaralda (Pereira)), Argentina, Peru. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:91 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: El Retiro, 6.054442°, -75.501817°, 2150m, Trampa de
Emergencia, 1female, Leg. M. Wolff (CEUA); Jardin, 5.584248°, -75.832689°, 2200m, 1female, ii.1980, Leg. A.
Molina P. (MEFLG); Risaralda: Pereira, Parque Natural Nacional los Nevados, 4.872737°, -75.426886°, 2900m,
1female, Leg. Bustamante, Net (CEUA).

Genus Chalcosyrphus Curran

Chalcosyrphus Curran, 1925:122 (Proposed as a subg. of Chalcomyia). Type species, atra Curran (orig. des.) = Chalcomyia
despressa Shannon. Refs.: Curran, 1941 (key); Thompson, 1972:157–158 (desc, synonms); Thompson, 1975:292 (status
notes); Thompson et al. 1976:114 (cat.); Thompson, 1999a:336 (key).
Subg. Xylotomina Shannon, 1926:7. Type species, Xylota vecors Osten Sacken (orgi. des.). As first revisor, Thompson (1975)
select Xylotomina as senior to Xylotodes.
Planes Rondani, 1863:9 (preocc. Bowditch, 1825; Saussure, 1862). Type species, Xylota vagans Wiedemann (mon.).
Xylotodes Shannon, 1926:7. Type species, Brachypalpus inarmatus Hunter (orgi. des.).
Neplas Porter, 1927b:96 (nom. nov. for Planes Rondani). Type species, Xylota vagans Wiedmann (aut.).
Cheiroxylota Hull, 1949:361. Type species, Xylota dimidiate Brunetti (orgi. des.).

americana (Schiner), 1868:367. Type locality: South America. HT M/F (NMW). Distr.: Colombia. Refs.:
Thompson et al. 1976:115 (cat.).

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vagabondans (Hull), 1941c:62 (Planes). Type locality: Colombia, Restrepo. HT M (CNC). Distr.: Colombia
(Meta). Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:115 (cat.).

Genus Macrometopia Philippi

Macrometopia Philippi, 1865:740. Type species, atra Philippi (mon.). Refs.: Hull, 1949b:365, fig. 221 (head); Thompson,
1972:152–153 (description); Thompson, 1999a:333 (key), 347 (species key).

maculipennis Thompson, 1999a:348. Type locality: Colombia, West Cordillera, Monte Socorro. HT F (BMNH).
Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca), Peru. Refs.: Thompson, 1999a:347 (key), 348 (orig. des.), pi 378, fig 29

Genus Meropidia Hippa & Thompson

Meropidia Hippa & Thompson, 1983:111. Type species, neurostigma (mon.). Refs.: Hippa & Thompson, 1982:111–115;
Thompson, 1999a:335 (key); Morales et al. 2013.

flavens Hippa & Ståhls, 2013: 60. Type locality: Bogota. HT F (NMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Andes),
Cundinamarca). Refs.: Morales et al. 2013: 60–62, Fig. 9–15 (head, anterior and lateral view, habitus dorsa and
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Andes, Vereda Quebrada arriba, Forest pescado, 5.600370°, -
75.965892°, 2100-2500m, 1female, 26-29-ii-1997, Leg. O. Ortega (Coll. O. Ortega).

neurostigma Hippa, 1982:111. Type locality: Bolivia, Cochabamba, Incacha. HT M (CNC). Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquia (Andes)), Bolivia. Refs.: Hippa, 1982:111 (orig. des.), pi 112, fig. 1–4 (M genitalia complex), 5
(thoraxic pleuron, lateral view), 6 (hind leg, lateral view), 7 (wing), 8 (face,males, frontal view), 9 (facial profile,
female), 10 (head,males, lateral view), 115, fig 11 (abdomen), 12 (thorax).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Andes, Paramo de Santa Rita, 5.550249°, -75.988733°,
3600m, 1male, 2females, 8.xii.2010, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net (CEUA).

nigropilosa Thompson, 1983:113. Type locality: Colombia, West Cordillera, Monte Socorro. HT F (BMNH).
Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca). Refs.: Hippa, 1982:113 (orig. des.).

Genus Spilomyia Meigen

Spilomyia Meigen, 1803:273. Type species, Musca diophthalma Linnaeus (Coquillett, 1910: 617). Ref.: Curran, 1951 (key).

gratiosa Wulp, 1888: 372. Type locality: Argentina, Tucuman Prov. HT F (lost?). Distr. Brazil (Sao Paulo),
Colombia (Risaralda (Pererira)), Argentina. Refs.: Thompson, 1996.
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Risaralda: Pererira, PNR Ucumari, La Florida, 4.708555°, -75.487224°,
2600m, vii.1990, Leg. L. Sneider (ICN).

Genus Sterphus Philippi

Sterphus Philippi, 1865:737. Type species, autumnalis Philippi (orig. des.) = coeruleus Rondani. Refs.: Kertész, 1910 (cat.);
Shannon, 1926:45 (cat.); Shannon & Aubertin, 1933:155 (desc. notes, distr. data); Hull, 1949:369 (desc.); Thompson,
1972:153–154 (desc, synonms); Thompson, 1973:1185–240 (phylogenetic rev, keys and taxonomic notes); Thompson,
1999a:333–334 (key).
Crepidomyia Shannon, 1926a:47. Type species, tricrepis Shannon (orig. des.) = jamaicensis Gmelin.
Tatuomyia Shannon, 1926:48. Type species, batesi Shannon, 1926 (orig. des.).

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Senoceria Hull, 1930:144. Type species, spinifemorata Hull, 1930 (orig. des.) = Xylota coarctata Wiedemann, 1830.
Stherphus, Fluke, 1957a:106. Misspelling.

Subgenus Ceriogaster Williston

Ceriogaster Williston 1888: 285. Type species, Ceriogaster foscithorax Williston, 1888: 286

chlorpygus species group

chloropyga (Schiner), 1868:366 (Xylota). Type locality: "Columbien" (=Venezuela). HT M/F (NMW). Distr.:
Colombia (Antioquia (Andes), Santander (Vereda California)), Ecuador, Venezuela. Refs.: Fluke, 1957a:157 (cat.);
Thompson, 1973:212 (redesc.); Thompson et al. 1976:117 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Andes, Vereda Quebrada arriba, Forest pescado, 5.600370°, -
75.965892°, 2100-2500m, 1female, 26-29-ii-1997, Leg. O. Ortega (Coll. O. Ortega); Santander: California,
Vereda California, 7.377812°, -72.938002°, 2800–3000m, 1male, 12–19.ix.2012, Leg. A. Vélez & J.D. Sánchez

coarctatus species group

coarctatus (Wiedemann), 1830:100 (Xylota). Type locality: "Brazil". HT F (SMF). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia
(Maceo, Puerto Berrio), Brazil, Costa Rica, Panama. Refs.: Hull, 1930:146, figs. 2 (mesonotum), 5 (head), 6 (hind
leg); Fluke, 1957a:105 (cat.); Thompson, 1973:187 (head, lateral view) 181 (key) 185, fig. 14 (wing of typic
population), 15 (wing of Panama Population), 20 (abdomen), pi 219 (redesc.), pi 230, fig. 33 (M genitalia);
Thompson et al. 1976:117 (cat.); Zumbado & Thompson, 1997:79, 86 (notes, and key).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Maceo, 6.540547°, -74.770327°, 840m, 1male, Leg. M.
Wolff, Vsr. Fish (CEUA); Puerto Berrio, Alto de las Aguilas, Hacienda Manaos, 6.500865°, -74.546317°, 404m,
1male, 5.vii.2013, Leg. M. Wolff, Vsr. Fish (CEUA).

transversa (Walker), 1857:153 (Syritta). Type locality: "Valley of Amazon". Distr.: HT M (BMNH). Distr.:
Colombia (Sucre (San Onofre)), Valley of Amazon. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:116 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Sucre: San Onofre, 9.646080°, -75.581129°, 5m, 1female, 11.x.2003,
Leg. C. Rivera & P. Duque, Net (CEUA).

cybele species group

andicus Hippa, 1978:136. Type locality: Bolivia, Coroico, 1200m. HT F (BMNH). Distr.: Bolivia, Colombia
(Santander (Vereda California)). Refs.: Hippa, 1978:136 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Santander: California, Vereda California, 7.377812°, -72.938002°,
2800–3000m, 2male, 1 female, 12–19.ix.2012, Leg. A. Vélez & J.D. Sánchez (CEUA).

aureus Hippa, 1978:137. Type locality: Colombia. Monte Socorro, 3500 m. HT F (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia
(Guarne), Valle del Cauca). Refs.: Hippa, 1978:137 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Guarne, Vereda Piedras Blancas, Parque Piedras Blancas,
6.291588°, -75.493345°, 2200m, 2300m, 2females, 29.x.2004, Leg. A. Velez, Manual (CEUA).

cybele (Hull), 1951c:184 (Crepidomyia). Type locality: Peru, Chanchamayo. HT F (CNC). Distr.: Colombia
(Cundinamarca), Peru. Refs.: Fluke, 1957a:106 (cat.); Thompson, 1973:216 (redesc.); Thompson et al. 1976:117
(cat.); Hippa & Thompson, 1994:486 (distributional record), fig 6 (hind leg), pi 488, 14 (antenna, female).

cydippe Hippa, 1994:189. Type locality: Colombia, West Cordillera, Monte Socorro, 3800m. HT M/F (BMNH).
Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Betania), Valle del Cauca). Refs.: Hippa & Thompson, 1994:486, fig. 4 (hind leg),
487, fig. 7 (M genitalia), 488, fig. 11 (antenna) 18 (aedeagus), 489 (orig. desc.), fig. 22 (abdomen).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Betania, Vereda La Oculta, 5.736143°, -76.028237°, 1700-
2100m, 2male, Forest, 8-viii-1990 Leg. O. Ortega, Net (Coll. O. Ortega).

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fassli Hippa, 1978:138 Type locality: Colombia, West Cordillera, Monte Socorro, 3500 m. HT F (BMNH). Distr.:
Colombia (Antioquia (Andes, Sonson), Valle del Cauca)). Refs.: Hippa, 1978:137 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Andes, Vereda Quebrada arriba, Forest pescado, 5.600370°, -
75.965892°, 2100-2500m, 1female, 26-29-ii-1997, Leg. O. Ortega (Coll. O. Ortega); Sonson, Cerro Las Palomas,
5.537061°, -75.273872°, 3045m, 1female, Leg. A. Cardona & D. Alvarez, Pitfall (CEUA).

icarum Hippa, 1978 Type locality: Colombia, West Cordillera, Monte Socorro, 3800m. HT F (BMNH). Distr.:
Colombia (Santander (Vereda California), Valle del Cauca). Refs.: Hippa, 1978:140 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Santander: California, Vereda California, 7.377812°, -72.938002°,
2800–3000m, 1male, 12–19.ix.2012, Leg. A. Vélez & J.D. Sánchez (CEUA).

janzeni Thompson, 1994:491. Type locality: Costa Rica, Puntarenas Prov., Monteverde. HT M (INBio). Distr.:
Costa Rica, Colombia (Antioquia (Medellín)), Panama. Refs.: Thompson, 1994:491, fig 5 (Hind femur, lateral
view.), 9 (M genitalia, lateral view.), 13 (F Antenna), 18 (M Aedeagus), 20, 24 (F, M abdomen dorsal view).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Medellín, Vereda Piedras Blancas, 6.291588°, -75.493345°,
2200m, 1female,, Leg. G. Entomological, Net (MEPB).

nitidicollis Hippa, 1978:140. Type locality: Colombia, West Cordillera, Monte Socorro, 3800m. HT F (BMNH).
Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca). Refs.: Hippa, 1978:140 (cat.).

ochripes Hippa, 1978:142. Type locality: Colombia, West Cordillera, Monte Socorro, 3800m. HT F (BMNH).
Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca). Refs.: Hippa, 1978:142 (cat.).

pilifer Hippa, 1978:140. Type locality: Colombia, West Cordillera, Monte Socorro, 3800m. HT F (BMNH). Distr.:
Colombia (Valle del Cauca). Refs.: Hippa, 1978:20 (cat.).

sapphirifer Hippa, 1978:142. Type locality: Colombia, West Cordillera, Monte Socorro, 3800m. HT M (BMNH).
Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Caldas, Guarne), Valle del Cauca). Refs.: Hippa, 1978:142 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Caldas, 6.090000°, -75.638000°, 1560m, 1female, ix.1973,
Leg. R. Velez, En maleza (MEFLG); Guarne, Vereda El Placer, Robledal, 6.291562°,-75.497416°, 2300m, 1male,
1–5.iii.2007, Leg. A. Velez, Vsr. Fish (CEUA).

fascithorax species group

fascithorax Kertész, 1910:86 (as foscithorax; emend. by Kertész, 1910:308; Curran, 1930f:10). Type locality:
Brazil, Mato Grosso: Corumba & Rio de Janeiro. HT M/F (AMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia), Brazil. Refs.:
Thompson et al. 1976:115 (cat.).

plagiatus species group

jamaicensis (Gmelin), 1790:427 (Musca). Type locality: Jamaica. HT M/F (?). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia
(Alejandria, Caldas, Girardota, Medellín)), Costa Rica, Cuba, Bahamas, Bolivia, Jamaica, Less Antillas, Peru,
Puerto Rico. Refs.: Thompson, 1973:196, fig. 18 (abdomen), 224, fig. 31 (M genitalia), pi 227 (desc, synonymy);
Thompson et al. 1976:39 (cat.); Thompson, 1981:169, fig 187 (male head, lateral view) 183 (syn. and desc.);
Zumbado & Thompson, 1997:82, 86 (notes and key).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Alejandria, Vereda El Carbón, 6.403715°, -75.064663°,
1800m, 2males, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net (CEUA); Caldas, Alto La Romera, 6.090000°, -75.638000°, 1560m,
2females, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net (CEUA); Girardota, Vereda La Honda, 6.343502° -75.435102°, 2200m, 400m,
1male, Leg. N. Uribe, Vsr. Fish (CEUA); Medellín, Vereda Piedras Blancas, en Robledal, 6.291588°, -75.493345°,
2200m, 1female, 26.ix.2009, Leg. C. Bota, Net (CEUA).

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plagiatus Wiedemann, 1830:98 (Xylota). Type locality: Brazil. HT F (NMW). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia
(Maceo)), Brazil. Refs.: Kertész, 1910:304 (cat.); Shannon, 1926:48 (desc. note, distr, rec.); Curran, 1934:404
(notes on type, distr. rec); Fluke, 1957a:106 (cat.); Thompson, 1973:220, fig. 13 (wing).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Maceo, Reserva Cañón del Rio Alicante, 6.540547°, -
74.770327°, 840m, 1female, Leg. S. Perez, Net (CEUA).

Tribe Rhingini

Genus Rhingia Scopoli

Rhingia Scopoli, 1763:358. Type species, Conops rostrata Linnaeus (mon.). Refs.: Thompson, 1972:102
(description); Thompson, 1999a:333 (key).

longirostris Fluke, 1943:430. Type locality: Ecuador, Bolivar, Hacienda Talahua. HT M (AMNH). Distr.:
Colombia (Antioquia (Jardín, La Ceja, Liborina, Medellín, San Jose de la Montaña), Nariño (Barbacoas), Risaralda
(Pereira)), Ecuador. Refs.: Fluke, 1943:430, figs. 10 (wing tip), 11 (head); Thompson et al. 1976:69 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Jardín, Reserva Natural Cuchilla Jardín Támesis, 5.531351°,
-75.821373°, 2700–2800m, Leg. Vélez, Pérez & Vargas, Pitfall (CEUA); Jardín, 5.531351°, -75.821373°, 2400m,
1female, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net (CEUA); La Ceja, Alto de la Union, 6.016132°, -75.370182°, 2500m, 1male,
Leg. Entomology Group, Net (CEUA); Liborina, Vereda El Playon, Finca La Pava, 6.665323°, -75.719095°, 3000-
3197m, 1male, 5-8.xi.2011, Leg. J.D. Castaño & C. Bota, Net (CEUA); Medellín, San Antonio de Prado Vereda
Yarumalito, 6.186412°, -75.658630°, 2300m, 1male, Leg. Entomology Group, Net in decaying pig P3 (CEUA);
San Jose de la Montaña, Vereda el Congo sector la Laguna, Potrero, 6.804244°, -75.689613°, 3100–3200m,
2females, 10–14.ix.2011, Leg. L. Rios, Net (CEUA); Nariño: Barbacoas, Via Sandona, Quebrada Chacaguaico,
1.651397°, -78.163467°, 93m, 1female, Leg. N. Uribe, Manual (CEUA); Risaralda: Pereira, Wildlife Sanctuary
Otún Quimbaya, 4.728880°, -75.577850°, 1890m, 1female, vi.2010, Leg. C. Bota, Vsr. Fish (CEUA).

nigra Macquart, 1846:261. Type locality: "Colombia". HT M (UMO). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Caldas,
Medellín, San Jose de la Montaña), Cundinamarca (Bogotá), Huila (San Agustín), Risaralda (Pereira)), Costa Rica,
Ecuador, Mexico. Refs.: Macquart, 1846:261 (133), tab. 11:10 (head); Fluke, 1943:427, fig. 12 (head); Thompson
et al. 1976:69 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Caldas, 6.090000°, -75.638000°, 1560m, 05.ii.1998, Leg. R.
Landinez, Net (UNAB); Jardin, Vereda La Herrera, 5.568645°, -75.737518°, 2050m, 1female,, Leg. C.M
Arenas, Net (CEUA); Medellín, Barrio Belén, 6.216630°, -75.599930°, 1500m, 1female, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net
(CEUA); San Jose de la Montaña, Vereda el Congo, 6.804244°, -75.689613°, 3100–3200m, 1female,
10–14.ix.2011, Leg. L. Rios, Malaise trap (CEUA); Cundinamarca: Bogotá, Carretera Bogotá La Mesa. Sitio
Sabrinsky, 4.629469°, -74.466633°, 1000m, 20.iv.1984, Leg. M. García (ICN); Huila: San Agustín, 1.927474°, -
76.297857°, 1700m, 1female, 18.v.2006, Leg. A. L. Montoya (CEUA); Risaralda: Pereira, PNR Ucumari, La
Pastora, 4.708555°, -75.487224°, 2500m, 6.vii.1990, Leg. C.S. Suárez (ICN).

Tribe Volucellini

Genus Copestylum Macquart

Copestylum Macquart, 1846:252 (124). Type species, flaviventris Macquart (mon.) = marginatum Say. Refs.: Curran, 1930d
(keys), 1935 (key to marginatum group), 1939a (key), l947b (key to vesicularium group), 1953 (keys to abdominal and
esuriens groups); Fluke, 1953 (key to scutellatum group); Thompson, 1972:108 (desc. and relationships), 111 (key);
Thompson, 1999a:330, 332 (key); Rotheray et al. 2007 (key and desc.); Restrepo & Carrejo, 2009:141–150 (distrib.
Phalacromya Rondani, 1848:67. Type species, submetallica Rondani (Coquillett, 1910:587).
Phalacromyia, emend.

506 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press MONTOYA

Glaurotricha Thomson, 1869:493. Type species, muscaria Thomson (mon.).
Haurotricha Thomson, 1869:493. Incorrect original spelling of Glaurotricha Thomson (1st reviser, Bigot, 1883:250).
Atemnocera Bigot, 1882:114. Type species, Volucella scutellata Macquart (mon.).
Apophysophora Williston, 1888:276. Type species, scutellata Williston (Curran, 1930d:5) = trituberculatum Thompson.
Megametopon Giglio Tos, 1891:5. Type species, Ophromyia nasica Williston (Williston, 1892:79 & Giglio Tos, 1892e:44).
Ophromyia Williston, 1891:55. Type species, nasica Williston (mon.).
Camerania Giglio Tos, 1892a:3. Type species, macrocephada Giglio Tos (as Temnocera megacephala? Loew (orig. des.).
Viereckomyia Curran, 1925b:246. Type species, Temnocera gibbera Schiner (orig. des.).
Volucella, subg. Volosyrpha Shannon, 1928:575. Type species, tibialis Shannon (orig. des.) = rufitarse Thompson.
Volucellosia Curran, 1930d:5. Type specie Volucella fornax Townsend (orig. des.).

Subgenus Copestylum Macquart

flaviventre Macquart, 1846:253 (125). Type locality: "Colombia, Venezuela". HT M/F (UMO). Distr.: Colombia,
Costa Rica, Mexico, Venezuela. Refs.: Macquart, 1846:253 (125), pi. 10, figs. 16 (habitus), 16a (head); Thompson
et al. 1976:75 (cat.).

Subgenus Lepidopsis Curran

viride (Williston), 1888:275 (Volucella). Type locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Chapada. HT M F (AMNH). Distr.:
Colombia (Amazonas, Antioquia (Puerto Berrio), Meta), Brazil, Costa Rica, Peru. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:87
(cat.); Restrepo & Carrejo, 2009:149 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Puerto Berrio, 6.489819°, -74.401992°, 114m, 1male,
24.ix.2005, Leg. Entomology Group (MEPB).

Subgenus Megametopon (= Ophromyia) Giglio Tos

amethystinum (Bigot), 1875:479 (Volucella, as amethistina; emend.: Williston, 1891:52). Type locality:
"Mexico". HT M (UMO). Distr.: Colombia (Cauca, Nariño, Risaralda), Brazil, Costa Rica, Mexico. Refs.:
Thompson et al. 1976:71 (cat.); Restrepo & Carrejo, 2009:146 (cat.).

Subgenus Phalacromya Rondani

apicale (Loew), 1866a:151 (1872b:25) (Volucella). Type locality: "Cuba". HT M (MCZ). Distr.: Colombia
(Magdalena (Santa Marta)), Costa Rica, Cuba, Jamaica, Less Antillas, Puerto Rico. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:71
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Magdalena: Santa Marta, PNN Tayrona Neguanje, 11.276050°, -
74.195519°, 121m, 1.viii.1996, Leg. F. Escobar (ICN).

aster (Curran), 1939b:3 (Volucella). Type locality: Peru, Piches and Perene Valleys. HT F (AMNH). Distr.:
Colombia (Antioquia (Alejandria, Bolivar, Guarne, Medellín, San Vicente), Boyacá, Caldas (Pensilvania),
Caqueta, Huila, Magdalena, Nariño, Risaralda (Pereira), Santander (Guavatá)), Peru. Refs.: Thompson et al.
1976:71 (cat.); Restrepo & Carrejo, 2009:146 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Alejandria, Vereda El Carbón, 6.403715°, -75.064663°,
1400m, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Vsr. Fruit (CEUA); Bolivar, Farallones de Citara, Vereda La Mina, Rio Buen Aventón,
5.772073°, -76.032002°, 2400m, 27.iii.20011, Leg. D. Ramirez, Net (CEUA); Gurane, Vereda Piedras Blancas,
6.291588°, -75.493345°, 2300m, 1female, Leg. A. Velez, Net (MEPB); Medellín, Corregimiento San Antonio de
Prado, Vereda Potrerito, 6.186412°, -75.658630°, 2300m, 1female, Leg. M. Castaño, Net (CEUA); San Vicente,
Vereda El Chaparal, 6.257308°, -75.357379°, 1800m, 2females, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net (CEUA); Caldas:
Pensilvania, Vereda La Rioja, 5.384070°, -75.160990°, 1956m, Leg. C. Bota & C. Flórez, Net (CEUA); Risaralda:
Pereira, Reserva Ucumari, El Cedral, 4.708555°, -75.487224°, 2500m, 1female, Leg. A. Bustamante, Net (CEUA);
Santander: Guavatá, 5.950028°, -73.700151°, 1870m,, Leg. R. Gómez (UNAB).

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aureum (Fluke), 1951b:13 (Volucella). Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca, Zipacoa. HT F (AMNH). Distr.:
Colombia (Boyacá (Villa de Leyva). Refs.: Fluke, 1951b:13, figs. 6 (head), 27 (scutellum); Thompson et al.
1976:71 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Boyacá: Villa de Leyva, 5.638191°, -73.535870°, 2200m 18.xi.1996,
Leg. M. Galvis (ICN).

brunnigaster (Hull), 1943k:41 (Volucella). Type locality: Colombia, Meta. HT M (UZMC). Distr.: Colombia
(Boyacá, Cundinamarca, Huila, Magdalena, Meta, Risaralda (Pereira), Quindio (Filandia)). Refs.: Thompson et al.
1976:72 (cat.); Restrepo & Carrejo, 2009:146 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Risaralda: Pereira, Wildlife Sanctuary Otún Quimbaya, 4.728880°, -
75.577850°, 1890m, 1female, Leg. Entomology Group, Vsr. Fish (CEUA); Quindio: Filandia, Granja
Experimental Bengala, Forest, 4.685291°, -75.617533°, 2000m, 13–16.xi.2009, Leg. Entomology Group, Vsr. fish

caesariatum (Williston), 1891:49 (Volucella). Type locality: Mexico, Orizaba. HT F (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia
(Magdalena, Putumayo), Mexico. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:73 (cat.); Restrepo & Carrejo, 2009:146 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Copacabana, Vereda El Cabuyal, 6.345579°, -75.503714°,
1650m, 1male, 1female, Leg. Grisales & Rivera, Manual (CEUA).

chalybescens (Wiedemann), 1830:204 (Volucella). Type locality: "Brazil". HT M (NMW). Distr.: Colombia
(Amazonas, Antioquia (Alejandria, Apartado, El Bagre, La Pintada, San Luis, San Roque), Quindío (Quimbaya),
Bolivar, Boyacá, Cundinamarca, Meta, Tolima, Putumayo, Quindío, Vaupés, Vichada), Brazil, Cuba, Panama,
Trinidad. Refs.: Curran, 1926a:59 (desc.); Thompson et al. 1976:73 (cat.); Restrepo & Carrejo, 2009:146 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Alejandria, Vereda San Jose, 6.371942°, -75.109771°,
1879m, 1female, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Vsr. Fish (CEUA); Apartado, Via Carepa, Parque de Los Encuentros,
7.759545°, -76.654668°, 30m, Rastrojo, 27-.xi.2004, Leg. Velez & Grisales, Vsr. Fish (CEUA); El Bagre, Vereda
505 Parcelas, interior de Bosque, 7.594170°, -74.811900°, 150m, 2males, Leg. L. Perez & M. Quiroz, Net
(CEUA); La Pintada, 5.736521°, -75.632087°, 650m, 1female, Leg. L.A. Vergara, Vsr. Viscera (CEUA); San Luis,
Cañon de Rio Claro, Forest, 5.894165°, -74.856963°, 350m, 1male, 1female, 26.xi.2009, Leg. I. Ceballos, Vsr.
Fish (CEUA); San Roque, 6.503175°, -74.926885°, 1800m, 1male, Leg. N. Uribe, Vsr. Viscera (CEUA); Quindio:
Quimbaya, Vereda Kerman, Km 7, 4.614947°, -75.807598°, 1339m, 1male, Leg. H. Vargas, Vsr. Fish (CEUA).

cinctiventre (Curran), 1930d:16 (Volucella). Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Barro Colorado Island. HT F
(AMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Guarne, San Roque), Amazonas (Caño Lorena), Huila), Caldas
(Manizales)), Panama, Trinidad. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:73, 82 (cat.); Restrepo & Carrejo, 2009:146, 148
(cat.); Ricarte et al.2015:42 (desc., syn.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Gurane, Vereda Piedras Blancas, 6.291588°, -75.493345°,
2200m, 1female, Leg. A. Velez, Vsr. Fish (CEUA); San Roque, Corregimiento San Jose del Nus, 6.503175°, -
74.926885°, 1800m, 1male, 2females, Leg. G. Enotomoloy, Vsr. Fish (CEUA); Amazonas: Caño Lorena, -
3.712698°, -70.333443°, 150m, Leg. F. Fernandez (ICN); Caldas: Manizales, Vereda las Palomas, Reserva Rio
Blanco, 5.111962°, -75.462904°, 2550m, 1male, Leg. A. Velez, Net (CEUA).

circumdatum (Walker), 1857:154 (Temnocera). Type locality. Brazil (as "Valley of Amazon"). HT F (BMNH).
Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (San Roque), Meta, Putumayo, Risaralda, Norte de Santander, Vichada), Brazil, Costa
Rica. Refs.: Fluke, 1957a:156 (species incertae sedis); Kertesz, 1910:195 (citation); Sack, 1921:137 (Bolivia,
biology, immatures, fig. 10 (puparium), fig. 1c (anterior spiracular process); Curran, 1926:52 (key ref.) 1830:7 (key
ref.) 1834:380 (key ref.) 1839:2 (key ref); Fluke, 1957a:76 (cat.); Thompson et al. 1976:73 (cat.); Thompson &
Marinoni 2003:217–223 (redesc. and notes) figs. 1 (adult, lateral view), 2 (head, lateral view), 3 (thorax, dorsal), 4
(abdomen), 5 (M genitalia complex); Restrepo & Carrejo, 2009:146 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: San Roque, 6.503175°, -74.926885°, 1800m, 1male, Leg. N.
Uribe, Vsr. Viscera (CEUA). Det F.C. Thompson, 2009.

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circumscriptum (Curran), 1939b:13 (Volucella). Type locality: Brazil, Sao Paulo. HT M/F (AMNH). Distr.:
Colombia (Vaupés), Brazil. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:73 (cat.); Restrepo & Carrejo, 2009:146 (cat.).

contumax (Curran), 1939b:4 (Volucella). Type locality: "Brazil". HT M (AMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Nariño,
Risaralda), Brazil. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:74 (cat.); Restrepo & Carrejo, 2009:146 (cat.).

correctum (Curran), 1927c:87 (Volucella). Type locality: Costa Rica, San Jose. HT M (UK). Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquia (Caucasia, La Pintada, Maceo, San Luis, San Roque), Caldas, Meta, Quindio (Quimbaya), Santander
(Cimitarra)), Costa Rica, Panama, Tinidad. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:74 (cat.); Restrepo & Carrejo, 2009:146
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Caucasia, Barrio El Camello, 7.983333°, -75.200000°, 50m,
1male, iv.2010, Leg. Entomology Group (CEUA); La Pintada, Hacienda Montenegro, 5.736521°, -75.632087°,
650m, 1female, Leg. N. Uribe, Vsr. Fish (CEUA); Maceo, Reserva Cañón del Rio Alicante, 6.540547°, -
74.770327°, 840m, 1female, Leg. M. Wolff, Vsr. Fish (CEUA); San Luis, Reserva Natural Cañon del Rio Claro,
5.894165°, -74.856963°, 350m, 1female, Leg. A. Velez, Vsr. Fish (CEUA); San Roque, Corregimiento San Jose
del Nus, 6.503175°, -74.926885°, 1800m, 1male, 1.v.2007, Leg. Entomology Group, Vsr. Viscera (CEUA);
Quindio: Quimbaya, Vereda Kerman, Km 7, 4.614947°, -75.807598°, 1339m, 9males, 3females, Leg. H. Vargas,
Vsr. Fish (CEUA); Santander: Cimitarra, Corregimiento Puerto Olaya, 6.473122°, -74.395383°, 110m, 2males,
1male,, Leg. M. Castañ & C. Rivera, Black Light trap (CEUA).

corumbense (Curran), 1930d:18 (Volucella). Type locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Corumba. HT F (AMNH). Distr.:
Colombia (Antioquia (Medellín), Bolivar, Cauca, Magdalena, Norte de Santander), Brazil. Refs.: Thompson et al.
1976:74 (cat.); Restrepo & Carrejo, 2009:146 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Medellín, Vereda Piedras Blancas, 6.291588°, -75.493345°,
2350m, 22.vii.2011, Leg. Entomology Group (MEPB).

delila (Hull), 1950c:230 (Volucella). Type locality: Peru, Chanchamayo. HT M (CNC). Distr.: Colombia
(Amazonas, Huila), Peru. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:74 (cat.); Restrepo & Carrejo, 2009:148 (cat.).

dispar (Macquart), 1846:251 (Volucella). Type locality: "New Grenada". HT M/F (UMO). Dist. Colombia
(Antioquia), Guatemala, Panama, Venezuela. Refs.: Macquart, 1846:251 (123), pi. 11, figs. 2 (wing), 2a (head);
Thompson et al. 1976:75 (cat.).

florella (Hull), 1944f:49 (Volucella). Type locality: Guyana, Potaro River, Tumatumari. HT F (CUI). Distr.:
Colombia (Caldas (Norcacia), Huila), Guyana. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:76 (cat.); Restrepo & Carrejo,
2009:147 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Caldas: Norcacia, 5.560100°, -74.893349°, 700m, 1female, Leg. A.L.
Montoya, Net (CEUA).

flukei (Curran), 1936b: 10 (Volucella). Type locality: Brazil, Parana. HT F (AMNH). Distr.: Brazil, Colombia
(Antioquia (Alejandria, Ciudad Bolivar, Copacabana), Risaralda (Pereira)). Thompson et al. 1976:75 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Alejandria, 6.401714°, -75.058838°, 1200m, 1female,
8.xi.07, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Vsr. Fish (CEUA); Ciudad Bolivar, Carretera La Sucia, 1200m, 22.v.2011, Leg. E.
Corrrea (CEUA); Copacabana, Vereda El Cabuyal, 6.345579°, -75.503714°, 1450m, 1female, Leg. Grisales &
Rivera, Manual (CEUA); Risaralda: Pereira, Wildlife Sanctuary Otún Quimbaya, 4.728880°, -75.577850°,
1890m, 3males, 3females, v.2001, Leg. H. Vargas, Vsr. Fish (CEUA).

fornax (Townsend), 1895a:613 (Volucella). Type locality: Mexico, Baja California, El Taste. HT M (CAS). Distr.
Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca), Mexico. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:76 (cat.); Restrepo & Carrejo, 2009:147

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fraudulentum (Williston), 1891:48 (Volucella). Type locality: Mexico, Guerrero, Venta de Zopilote; North
Yucatan, Temax. HT M/F (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Carepa, Maceo), Huila), Mexico. Refs.:
Williston, 1891:48, pi. 1:13 (habitus), 13a (head), 13b (antenna); Thompson et al. 1976:76 (cat.); Restrepo &
Carrejo, 2009:147 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Carepa, Hacienda Tulenapa Universidad de Antioquia,
7.759545°, -76.654668°, 47m, 8.ii.2009, Leg. Entomology Group (CEUA); Maceo, Reserva Cañon del rio
Alicante, Native forest, 6.540547°, -74.770327°, 840m, 1male, 12.v.2000, Leg. S. Perez, Net (CEUA).

frauenfeldi (Schiner), 1868:358 (Temnocera). Type locality: "Chile". HT M/F (NMW). Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquia (Puerto Berrio, Rionegro, San Luis, San Roque), Amazonas, Caldas (Norcacia), Caqueta, Meta, Nariño,
Putumayo, Vaupés), Argentina, Chile. Refs.: Shannon & Aubertin, 1933:170, fig. 35a (head); Fluke, 1915b:19
(desc.), fig. 32 (scutellum); Thompson et al. 1976:76 (cat.); Restrepo & Carrejo, 2009:147 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Puerto Berrio, Vereda Cristalina, RUNA, 6.489819°, -
74.401992°, 114m, 1male, 25-ix.2006, Leg. Entomology Group, Net (CEUA); Rionegro, Corregimiento de San
Antonio de Pereira, Parque las Veraneras, 6.134884°, -75.393827°, 2100m, 1male, Leg. C. Perez, Net (CEUA);
San Luis, Rio Claro, 5.894165°, -74.856963°, 350m, 1male, 6.ix.2007, Leg. Entomology Group, Vsr. Fish
(CEUA); San Roque, Corregimiento San Jose del Nus, 6.503175°, -74.926885°, 1800m, 3males, 1.v.2007, Leg.
Entomology Group, Vsr. Fish (CEUA); Caldas: Norcacia, Sector El Tigre, Forest, 5.560100°, -74.893349°, 700m,
1male, 22.ii.2010, Leg. L. Rios & D. Gaurisas, Vsr. Fish (CEUA).

fulvicorne (Bigot), 1883:84 (Volucella). Type locality: "Panama". HT M/F (UMO). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia
(San Roque)), Costa Rica, Panama. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:76 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: San Roque, Vereda El Iris, 6.503175°, -74.926885°, 1800m,
1female, 10.iv.2014, Entomology Group, Pitfall copro (CEUA).

hambletoni (Fluke), 1951b:16 (Volucella). Type locality: Peru, Cariete. HT M (AMNH). Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquia (Anori, Maceo, San Luis), Caldas (Anserma), Magdalena Santander (Betulia)), Ecuador, Peru. Refs.:
Fluke, 1951b:16, figs. 16 (head), 41 (antenna), 57 (M genitalia); Thompson et al. 1976:77 (cat.); Restrepo &
Carrejo, 2009:147 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Anori, Vereda El Roble, Reserva Natural Arrierito
Antioqueño, 6.984806°, -75.111667°, 1600–1700m, 1female, 25.v.2012, Leg. Entomology Group, Vsr. Fish
(CEUA); Maceo, Reserva Cañon del rio Alicante, Native forest, 6.540547°, -74.770327°, 840m, 1male, 23.i.2009,
Leg. M. Wolff, Vsr. Fish (CEUA); San Luis, Rio Claro, 5.894165°, -74.856963°, 350m, 1male, 21.xi.2009, Leg.
Entomology Group, Vsr. Fish (CEUA); Caldas: Anserma, Vereda Palo Blanco, 5.231550°, -75.776772°, 1800m,
2males, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Manual on spider net (CEUA); Santander: Betulia, Vereda Palma de Oro, Hacienda
La Antigua, 6.890176°, -73.271165°, 1700m, x.2001, Leg. A. Velez & P. Duque, Vsr. Fish (CEUA).

hydrofenestra (Hull), 1943n:513 (Volucella). Type locality: Colombia, Muzo. HT F (CNC). Distr.: Colombia
(Boyacá, Cundinamarca). Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:77 (cat.).

imitans (Curran), 1926a:63 (Volucella). Type locality: Mexico. HT M (AMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia
(Santafe de Antioquia), Magdalena (Santa Marta)), Costa Rica, Mexico. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:77 (cat.);
Restrepo & Carrejo, 2009:147 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Santafé de Antioquia, 6.512784°, -75.825832°, 460m,
1female, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net (CEUA); Magdalena: Santa Marta, PNN Tayrona Neguanje, 11.276050°, -
74.195519°, 121m, Leg. F. Escobar (ICN).

inconsistens (Curran), 1939b:3 (Volucella). Type locality: Brazil, Mt. Roraima. HT F (AMNH). Distr.: Colombia
(Boyacá), Brazil, Costa Rica. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:77 (cat.); Restrepo & Carrejo, 2009:147 (cat.).

infractum Thompson, 1981:130. Type locality: Dominica, Freshwater Lake, 2500 ft. HT M (USNM). Distr.:
Colombia (Amazonas, Antioquia (Amalfi, Anori, San Luis), Chocó, Caldas, Huila, Meta, Nariño, Risaralda

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(Pereira), Vaupés, Valle del Cauca), Less Antillas. Refs.: Thompson, 1981:130 (orig. desc.), fig. 143 (face, lateral
view), 160 (M genitalia); Restrepo & Carrejo, 2009:147 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Amalfi, 6.916667°, -75.083331°, 1700m, Leg. Entomology
Group, Vsr. Fish (CEUA); Anori, Vereda El Roble, Reserva Natural Arrierito Antioqueño, 6.984806°, -75.111667°,
1600–1700m, 1female, 25–27.v.2012, Leg. Entomology Group, Net (CEUA); San Luis, Rio Claro, 5.894165°, -
74.856963°, 350m, 3males, Leg. Entomology Group, Vsr. Fish (CEUA); Risaralda: Pereira, Wildlife Sanctuary
Otún Quimbaya, 4.728880°, -75.577850°, 1890m, 5female, Leg. Entomology Group, Vsr. Fish (CEUA).

lanei (Curran), 1936b:11 (Volucella). Type locality: Brazil, Sao Paulo, Juquia. HT M (AMNH). Distr.: Colombia
(Nariño, Vaupés), Brazil. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:77 (cat.); Restrepo & Carrejo, 2009:147 (cat.).

latevitatum (Curran), 1939b:16 (Volucella). Type locality: Colombia, between Queremal and Buenaventura. HT M
(AMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca), Bolivia, Peru. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:77 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Santander: Carmen del Chucuri, Vereda Cascajal, 6.647307°, -
73.501338°, 700m, 1female, Leg. A. Vélez & P. Duque, Vsr. Fish (CEUA).

longirostre (Macquart), 1846:252 (Volucella). Type locality: ¨Patria Inconnue¨. HT F (UMO). Distr.: Colombia
(Boyacá), Chile. Refs.: Restrepo & Carrejo, 2009:147 (cat.).

macquarti (Curran), 1926a:60 (Volucella). Type locality: Honduras, Prieta. HT F (AMNH). Distr.: Colombia
(Amazonas, Caqueta (Florencia), Huila, Putumayo, Risaralda, Vaupés), Brazil, Guyana, Hispaniola, Mexico,
Trinidad. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:78 (cat.); Restrepo & Carrejo, 2009:147 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Caquetá: Florencia, Vereda Sebastopol, Finca La Magola, 1.598268°, -
75.543651°, 305m, 25.xii.2004, Leg. Entomology Group, Net on decomposed Pig (CEUA).

meretricias (Williston), 1888:272 (Volucella). Type locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Chapada; Rio de Janeiro. HT
M/F (AMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Puerto Berrio, La Pintada, San Luis, San Roque)), Brazil. Refs.:
Thompson et al. 1976:79 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Puerto Berrio, Alto de las Aguilas, Hacienda Manaos,
6.500865°, -74.546317°, 404m, 1female, 5.vii.2013, Leg. Entomology Group, Net (CEUA); La Pintada, Hacienda
Montenegro, 5.736521°, -75.632087°, 650m, 1male, Leg. N. Uribe, Vsr. Fish (CEUA); San Luis, Rio Claro,
5.894165°, -74.856963°, 350m, 3males, Leg. Entomology Group, Vsr. Fish (CEUA); San Roque, Corregimiento
San Jose del Nus, 6.503175°, -74.926885°, 1800m, 1male, 1female, Leg. N. Uribe, Vsr. liver (CEUA).

mocanum (Curran), 1936b:11 (Volucella). Type locality: Guatemala, Moca Guatalon. HT F (AMNH). Distr.:
Colombia (Cundinamarca, Huila, Risaralda), Guyana, Peru, Venezuela. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:79 (cat.);
Restrepo & Carrejo, 2009:148 (cat.).

muscarium (Thomson), 1869:493 (Hanrotricha). Type locality: Argentina, Buenos Aires. HT M (AMNH). Distr.:
Colombia, Argentina. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:79 (cat.).

nigripes (Bigot), 1857:296 (Phalacromyia). Type locality: "Chile". HT M (UMO). Distr.: Colombia (Huila (San
Agustín)). Refs.: Bigot, 1857a:296, pi. 7:9 (head); Thompson et al. 1976:80 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Huila: San Agustín, 1.927474°, -76.297857°, 1700m, 1male, 22.vii.2008,
Leg. A.L. Montoya, Manual on spider net (CEUA).

obscurior (Curran), 1939b:5 (Volucella). Type locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutonia. HT M (AMNH).
Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Macea, San Luis, San Roque), Chocó (Acandí), Quinidio (Filandia), Risaralda
(Pereira, Santuario)), Argentina, Brazil. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:80 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Maceo, Vereda San Pedro, finca San Pedro, 6.540547°, -
74.770327°, 840m, Forest, 1male, 17.ii.2012, Leg. Entomology Group, Vsr. Fish (CEAU); San Luis, Rio Claro,
5.894165°, -74.856963°, 350m, 1female, Leg. Entomology Group, Vsr. Fruit (CEUA); San Roque, 6.503175°, -

CATALOGUE OF SYRPHIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 511
74.926885°, 1800m, 1female, Leg. N. Uribe, Vsr. Viscera (CEUA); Chocó: Acandí, Punta Napu, Forest near the
Sea, 8.417380°, -77.148863°, 0-50m, i.2010; Leg. Bustamante, Net (CEUA); Quindio: Filandia, Hacienda
Bengala, 4.685291°, -75.617533°, 2000m, 1female, 10.ix.2008, Leg. A.L. Montoya (CEUA); Risaralda: Pereira,
Wildlife Sanctuary Otún Quimbaya, 4.728880°, -75.577850°, 1890m, 4males, 1female, Leg. Entomology Group,
Vsr. Fish (CEUA); Santuario, Vereda La Esmeralda, Natural National Park Tatama, 5.105551°, -76.008496°,
2000m, 18-30.x.2013, Leg. C. Bota & C. Flórez, Net (CEUA).

opinator (Williston), 1891:51 (Volucella). Type locality: Mexico, Vera Cruz, Atoyac. HT F (BMNH). Distr.:
Colombia (Magdalena, Risaralda), Costa Rica, Mexico. Refs.: Williston, 1891:51, pi. 1:14 (habitus), 14a (head),
14b (antenna); Thompson et al. 1976:80 (cat.); Restrepo & Carrejo, 2009:148 (cat.).

pallens (Wiedemann), 1830:204 (Volucella). Type locality: "Brazil". HT F (NMW). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia
(Caucasia, La Pintada, Puerto Berrio), Arauca (Fortul), Bolivar (Mompox), Cundinamarca (La Mesa), Sucre (San
Onofre), Tolima (Espinal)), Argentina, Brazil, Puerto Rico. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:81 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Caucasia, 7.983333°, -75.200000°, 80m, Leg. Entomology
Group, Light trap (CEUA); La Pintada, Hacienda Montenegro, 5.736521°, -75.632087°, 650m, 1male, Leg. N.
Uribe, Vsr. Fish (CEUA); Puerto Berrio, 6.489819°, -74.401992°, 114m, 1male, 1female, 25.xi.2004, Leg. Vélez &
Grisales (CEUA); Arauca: Fortul, 6.792220°, -71.775600°, 250m, 23.iv.2002, Leg. N. Ulloa (UNAB); Bolivar:
Mompox, La Sebastiana, 9.163064°, -74.546328°, 10m, 1female, 27.ii.2000, Leg. M. Wolff, Net (CEUA);
Cundinamarca: La Mesa, Zona urbana, 4.629469°, -74.466633°, 1298m, 12.ix.2003, Leg. A. Forero, Net
(UNAB); Sucre: San Onofre, 9.646080°, -75.581129°, 5m, 1female, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net (CEUA); Tolima:
Espinal, 4.162687°, -74.874972°, 322m 18.v.1995, Leg. A. Perilla (UNAB). Det F.C. Thompson, 2009.

parina (Fluke), 1951b:25 (Volucella). Type locality: Chile, Arica, Parinacota. HT M (UChS). Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquia, Chocó, Magdalena). Refs.: Fluke, 1951b:25, figs. 14 (head), 61 (M genitalia); Thompson et al. 1976:81
(cat.); Restrepo & Carrejo, 2009:148 (cat.).

persimile (Williston), 1888:273 (Volucella). Type locality: Brazil, Destares & Mato Grosso, Chapada; Rio de
Janeiro. HT M/F (AMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Alejandria, San Luis, San Roque), Caldas (Irra),
Caqueta)), Brazil. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:81 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Alejandria, Vereda San Jose, 6.371942°, -75.109771°,
1879m, 1female, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Vsr. Fish (CEUA); San Luis, 6.042529°, -74.993289°, 1160m, 1female, Leg.
A. Vélez, Vsr. Fish (CEUA); San Roque, 6.503175°, -74.926885°, 1800m, 1female, Leg. N. Uribe, Vsr. Viscera
(CEUA); Caldas: Irra, 5.271445°, -75.665865°, 745m, 1male, Leg. J.D. Suaza, Manual (CEUA).

pica (Schiner), 1868:355 (Phalocromyia). Type locality: Colombia. HT M/F (NMW). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia
(Andes, Medellín)), Brazil, Costa Rica, Mexico, Venezuela. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:81 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Andes, Vereda La Mesenia, 5.604827°, -75.954463°, 2100m,
1male, Leg. L. Gomez, 13.ii.11, Net (CEUA); Medellín, Vereda Piedras Blancas, 6.291588°, -75.493345°, 2200m,
Leg. G. Entomoloy (MEPB).

pictum (Wiedemann), 1830:201 (Volucella). Type locality: "Brazil". HT M/F (NMW). Distr.: Colombia
(Amazonas, Putumayo, Vaupés), Argentina, Brazil, Costa Rica, Cuba, Mexico, Panama. Refs.: Curran, 1925a:206,
pi. 10:145 (M genitalia); Doesburg, 1966:96, fig. 66 (habitus); Thompson et al. 1976:82 (cat.); Restrepo & Carrejo,
2009:148 (cat.).

posticum (Say), 1829:166 (Volucella). Type locality: "Mexico". Distr.: U.S.A. (California to Colorado), south to
Mexico. HT M (ANSP). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Itagui, Fredonia, Medellín, Santa fe de Antioquia),
Cundinamarca (Fusa)), Mexico. Thompson et al. 1976:82 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Itagüí, Vereda La María, 6.189489°, -75.627675°, 2546m,
1female, Leg. L. Gómez, Net (CEUA); Fredonia, Vereda Jonas, 5.916573°, -75.683347°, 1010m, Leg. E. Flórez,
Net (CEUA); Medellín, 6.267404°, -75.585789°, 1570m, 1445, 1female, Leg. N. Herrera, Net (CEUA); Santafé de

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Antioquia, 6.512784°, -75.825832°, 500m, 1male, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net (CEUA); Cundinamarca: Fusagasuga,
4.338328°, -74.363968°, 1771m, 15.xi.1969, Leg. O. Torres (ICN); Tena, 4.624207°, -74.239034°, 1340m,
27.v.1991, Leg. A. Castillo (ICN).

prasinus (Schiner), 1868:354 (Phalacromyia). Type locality: "South America". HT M/F (NMW). Distr.: Colombia
(Boyacá, Cundinamarca, Magdalena, Risaralda), South America. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:82 (cat.); Restrepo
& Carrejo, 2009:148 (cat.).

pseudopallens Thompson, 1981:131. Type locality: Jamaica, Perkins. HT M (CMP). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas,
Putumayo, Vaupés), Jamaica. Refs.: Thompson, 1981:131 (orig. desc.), fig 153, 156 (M genitalia complex), pi 133
(key); Restrepo & Carrejo, 2009:148 (cat.).

punctiferum (Bigot), 1875:475 (Volucella). Type–locality: "Amazonia". HT M (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia

(Amazonas, Bolívar (Zambrano), Risaralda), Guatemala. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:82 (cat.).

punctigena (Hull), 1937a:165 (Volucella). Type locality: Guatemala, Siquinola. HT F (USNM). Distr.: Colombia
(Bolívar (Zambrano), Boyacá), Mexico. Refs.: Hull, 1937a:165, fig. 6 (abdomen); Thompson et al. 1976:82 (cat.);
Restrepo & Carrejo, 2009:148 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Bolívar: Zambrano, Hacienda Monterrey, 9.749954°, -74.833324°, 30m,
1.viii.1996, Leg. F. Escobar (ICN).

purpuriferum (Bigot), 1875:475 (Volucella). Type–locality: "Amazonia". HT M (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia

(Risaralda), Mexico. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:82 (cat.); Restrepo & Carrejo, 2009:148 (cat.).

roraima (Curran), 1939b:3 (Volucella). Type locality: Brazil, Mt. Roraima. HT M (AMNH). Distr.: Colombia
(Huila), Brazil. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:83 (cat.); Restrepo & Carrejo, 2009:148 (cat.).

selectum (Curran), 1939b:15 (Volucella). Type locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutonia. HT M (AMNH).
Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Alejandria, Santafe de Antioquia), Risaralda (Pereira)), Brazil. Refs.: Thompson et
al. 1976:83 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Alejandria, Vereda El Carbón, 6.403715°, -75.064663°,
1800m, 2males, Leg. A.L. Montoya, rearing in laboratory (CEUA); Santafé de Antioquia, 6.512784°, -75.825832°,
460m, 1female, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net (CEUA); Risaralda: Pereira, Wildlife Sanctuary Otún Quimbaya,
4.728880°, -75.577850°, 1890m, 4males, 1female, Leg. Entomology Group, Vsr. Fish (CEUA).

sexmaculatum (Palisot de Beauvois), 1819: :224 (Syrphus). HT M/F (Lost). Type locality: Dominican Republic,
Santo Domingo. Dist. Colombia (Antioquia (Carepa, Girardota)), Southern U.S.A. Refs.: Palisot de Beauvois,
1819: :224, pi. 3:8 (habitus).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Carepa, Hacienda Tulenapa Universidad de Antioquia,
7.759545°, -76.654668°, 48m, Vii.2013, Leg. Entomology Group (CEUA); Girardota, 6.343502° -75.435102°,
2200m, xii.1981, Leg. E. Arcila (MEFLG).

spinithorax (Lynch Arribalzaga), 1892b:190 (1892c:141) (Temnocera). Type locality: Argentina, Chaco, Colonia
Azara. HT F (MACN). Distr.: Colombia (Caqueta, Putumayo, Vaupés, Vichada), Argentina, Brazil, Panama. Refs.:
Thompson et al. 1976:84 (cat.); Restrepo & Carrejo, 2009:148 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Caldas: Irra, 5.271445°, -75.665865°, 745m, 1female, Leg. J.D. Suaza

subcoeruleum (Rondani), 1863:3 (Phalacromyla). Type locality: "America meridionalis" = (Colombia?). HT M

(IZUSN). Distr.: Colombia. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:84 (cat.).

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tumicephalum (Hull), 1943c:35 (Volucella). Type locality: "Peru". HT M (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia
(Alejandria, San Roque), Caldas (Irra), Magdalena (Santa Marta)), Peru. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:85 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Alejandria, Vereda San Jose, 6.371942°, -75.109771°,
1879m, 1female, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Vsr. Fish (CEUA); San Roque, San Jose del Nus, 6.503175°, -74.926885°,
1800m, 5.i.2007, Leg. N. Uribe (CEUA); Caldas: Irra, 5.271445°, -75.665865°, 745m, 1male, Leg. J.D. Suaza,
reared from Bromeliad (CEUA); Magdalena: Santa Marta, PNN Tayrona, 11.276050°, -74.195519°, 121m,, Leg. A. Ibagos (ICN).

tympanitis (Fabricius), 1805:226 (Syrphus). Type locality: "America meridional". HT M/F (UZMC). Distr.:
Colombia (Amazonas, Antioquia (Carmen de Viboral, Medellín, Puerto Berrio, San Luis), Cauca, Chocó
(Riosucio), Meta (Villavicencio), Santander (Cimitarra), Sucre (San Marcos), Valle del Cauca (Santiago de Cali)),
Costa Rica, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:85 (cat.); Restrepo & Carrejo, 2009:148
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Carmen de Viboral, Vereda El Carmen, 2100m, Leg. M.
Zuluaga, Manual (CEUA); Medellín, 6.267404°, -75.585789°, 1570m, 1male, Leg. N. Herrera, Net (CEUA);
Puerto Berrio, Alto de las Aguilas, Hacienda Manaos, 6.500865°, -74.546317°, 404m, 1male, 5.vii.2013, Leg.
Entomology Group, Light trap (CEUA); San Luis, Vereda La Palma, Bosque fragmentado, 6.037362°, -
75.004162°, 1000m, 13.viii.2013, Leg. Entomology Group, Net (CEUA); Chocó: Riosucio, Tilupo, 7.440560°, -
77.118900°, 7m, 10.iv.1978, Leg. H. Echeverri (ICN); Meta: Villavicencio, Forest Bavaria, 4.150000°, -
73.633333°, 467m, 9.iv.2005, Leg. Students of Animal Systematic (ICN); Santander: Cimitarra, Corregimiento
Puerto Olaya, 6.473122°, -74.395383°, 110m, 2males, 1 female,, Leg. M. Castañ & C. Rivera (CEUA);
Sucre: San Marcos, 8.660492°, -75.134688°, 27m,, Leg. J. Martínez, Net (UNAB); Valle del Cauca:
Santiago de Cali, Farallones de Cali, 3.367176°, -76.687470°, 3400m, 5.v.1993, Leg. C. Andrade (ICN).

ulrica (Hull), 1950a:68 (Volucella). Type locality: Peru, Chanchamayo. HT F (CNC). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas,
Antioquia, Huila, Meta, Risaralda (Pereira), Vaupés, Valle del Cauca), Peru. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:86 (cat.);
Restrepo & Carrejo, 2009:148 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Risaralda: Pereira, Wildlife Sanctuary Otún Quimbaya, 4.728880°, -
75.577850°, 1890m, 1male, Leg. Entomology Group, Net (CEUA).

vagum (Wiedemann), 1830:205 (Volucella). Type locality: "Brazil". HT M (NMW). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas
(Caño Lorena), Antioquia (Amalfi, Alejandria, Bello, Caicedo, Copacabana, Gomez Plata, Jericó, La Pintada,
Maceo, Medellín, San Jeronimo, Puerto Berrio, San Luis, San Roque, Tamesis), Atlántico (Luruaco), Boyacá
(Pauna), Caldas, Chocó, Caqueta, Cundinamarca (La Mesa, La Palma, Mesitas del Colegio, Puerto Salgar, Topaipi,
Villeta, Viotá), Huila, Meta (Bella Vista, Villavicencio), Putumayo, Risaralda (Pereira), Santander, Sucre, Tolima
(Espinal, Ibagué)) Vaupés, Valle del Cauca), Brazil, Costa Rica, Guyana, Less Antillas, Peru. Refs.: Thompson et
al. 1976:86 (cat.); Restrepo & Carrejo, 2009:149 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Amazonas: Caño Lorena, -3.712698°, -70.333443°, 150m, 1.viii.1994,
Leg. F. Fernandez (ICN); Antioquia: Amalfi, 1050m, 1male, Leg. P. Duque, Vsr. Fish (CEUA); Alejandria, Vereda
San Jose, 6.371942°, -75.109771°, 1879m, 1female, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Vsr. Fruit (CEUA); Bello, 6.340400°, -
75.562271°, 1500m, 1female, Leg. J. Cardona, Net (CEUA); Caicedo, 6.403933°, -75.975283°, 2200m, 1female,
Leg. L. Urrea, Net (CEUA); Copacabana, Vereda El Cabuyal, 6.345579°, -75.503714°, 1450m, 1female, Leg.
Grisales & Rivera, Manual (CEUA); Gómez Plata, Vereda La Clara, 6.683154°, -75.216575°, 1800m, 1female,
Leg. Entomology Group, Net (CEUA); Jericó, Cauca Viejo, 5.753990°, -75.809029°, 400m, 1male, Leg.
Entomology Group, Vsr. (CEUA); La Pintada, Hacienda Montenegro, 5.736521°, -75.632087°, 650m, 1female,
Leg. N. Uribe, Vsr. Onion (CEUA); Maceo, 6.540547°, -74.770327°, 840m, 1female, Leg. M. Wolff, Vsr. Fish
(CEUA); Medellín, 6.267404°, -75.585789°, 1570m, 1female, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Manual (CEUA); San
Jeronimo, 6.432764°, -75.714291°, 1225m, Leg. A. Vélez, Vsr. Fish (CEUA); Puerto Berrio, 6.489819°, -
74.401992°, 114m, 1female, Leg. Bustamante, Net (CEUA); Támesis, 5.666667°, -75.716667°, 500–800m,
1female, Leg. J. Posada, Light trap (CEUA); San Luis, Rio Claro, 5.894165°, -74.856963°, 350m, 1male, Leg.
Entomology Group, Vsr. Fruit (CEUA); San Roque, Corregimiento San Jose del Nus, 6.503175°, -74.926885°,
1800m, 1male, 1female, Leg. N. Uribe, Vsr. Liver (CEUA); Atlántico: Luruaco, Vitelma, 10.647233°, -

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75.082286°, 30m, 09.v.1969, Leg. C. Bernal (UNAB); Boyacá: Pauna, Manote bajo La Rochela, 5.666667°, -
73.983333°, 1280m, 25.iv.1979 (ICN); Cundinamarca: La Mesa, El Palmar, 4.629469°, -74.466633°, 1298m,
01.iv.2004, Leg. M. Calderón (UNAB); Granada, 4.518974°, -74.351273°, 450m, 23.xi.2003, Leg. R. Parra
(UNAB); La Palma, 5.332998°, -74.383346°, 1462m, 11.xi.1995, Leg. F. Rodríguez (UNAB); Mesitas del Colegio,
Vereda Santa Marta, Finca Los Guayabos, 4.567024°, -74.433012°, 1600m, 08.ix.2001, Leg. J. Velasco, Net
(UNAB); Puerto Salgar, Vereda Los Campos, 5.499381°, -74.583475°, 828m 18.iv.2004, Leg. H. Gamba. E.
Rueda, Net (UNAB); Topaipi, 5.372367°, -74.366351°, 1323m 18.iii.1996, Leg. L. Ospina, Light trap (UNAB);
Villeta, 5.008319°, -74.473554°, 992m, 20.iii.1999, O. Higuera. Leg. R. Quevedo (UNAB); Viotá, Javitá, Finca La
Esperanza, 4.433434°, -74.516643°, 567m, 03.xi.2002, Leg. V. Cortés, Net (UNAB); Meta: Bella Vista Carretera
Villavo, 4.139059°, -73.780962°, 1120m, 1.ix.2010, Leg. L. Orozco (ICN); Villavicencio, Forest Bavaria,
4.150000°, -73.633333°, 467m, 29.iv.2004, Leg. Students of Animal Systematic (ICN); Risaralda: Pereira,
Wildlife Sanctuary Otún Quimbaya, 4.728880°, -75.577850°, 1890m, 4female, Leg. Entomology Group, Vsr. Fish
(CEUA); Santander: Carmen del Chucuri, Vereda Cascajal, 6.647307°, -73.501338°, 690m, 1male, Leg. A. Vélez
& P. Duque, Vsr. Fish (CEUA); Tolima: Espinal, 4.162687°, -74.874972°, 322m, 24.xi.2003, Leg. F. Moreno,
Manual (UNAB); Ibagué, 4.440663°, -75.244141°, 1300m,, Leg. T de los Reyes (ICN).

verdigaster (Hull), 1943k:41 (Volucella). Type locality: Colombia, Bogota. HT M (USNM). Distr.: Colombia
(Cundinamarca). Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:86 (cat.).

vierecki (Curran), 1925b:250 (Volucella). Type locality: Colombia, Vista Nieve. HT F (AMNH). Distr.: Colombia
(Amazonas, Magdalena, Cauca, Huila, Nariño). Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:86 (cat.); Restrepo & Carrejo,
2009:149 (cat.).

villarica (Fluke), 1951b:23 (Volucella). Type locality: Paraguay, Villarica. HT F (AMNH). Distr.: Colombia
(Cundinamarca), Brazil, Paraguay. Refs.: Fluke, 1951b:23, figs. 12 (head), 62 (M genitalia); Thompson et al.
1976:86 (cat.); Restrepo & Carrejo, 2009:149 (cat.).

virescens (Williston), 1891:42 (Phalacromyia). Type locality: Guatemala, El Tumbador. HT F (BMNH). Distr.:
Colombia (Amazonas, Antioquia (Medellín, San Vicente), Boyacá (Buenavista, Sogamoso), Cauca, Caldas
(Manizales), Cundinamarca (Caquezá), Huila, Magdalena, Meta, Nariño, Norte de Santander, Quindío, Risaralda
(Pereira), Santander (Carmen del Chucuri), Valle del Cauca), Costa Rica, Guatemala. Refs.: Thompson et al.
1976:86 (cat.); Restrepo & Carrejo, 2009:149 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Medellín, 6.267404°, -75.585789°, 1570m, Leg. M. Castaño,
Manual (CEUA); San Vicente, Vereda Chaparral, 3.750000°, -75.583333°, 1354m, 1female, Leg. M. Wolff & A.
Bustamante, Net (CEUA); Boyacá: Buenavista, Vereda Patiño, Las Lomas, 5.650832°, -74.286905°, 1889m,
15.iv.2004, Leg. W. Ávila, Net (UNAB); Sogamoso, El Cortijo, 5.722996°, -72.923443°, 2549m, 10.iv.2004, Leg.
M. Sánchez, Net (UNAB); Caldas: Manizales, 5.072373°, -75.506634°, 2216m, 1 Female Leg. Entomology
Group, Vsr. Fish (CEUA); Cundinamarca: Caquezá, Los Guayabos, 4.405452°, -73.949893°, 21.ix.2003, Leg.
Rodríguez (UNAB); Risaralda: Pereira, Wildlife Sanctuary Otún Quimbaya, 4.728880°, -75.577850°, 1890m,
1female, Leg. Entomology Group, Vsr. Fish (CEUA); Santander: Carmen del Chucuri, Vereda Cascajal,
6.647307°, -73.501338°, 690m, 1female, Leg. A. Vélez & P. Duque, Vsr. Fish (CEUA).

viride (Williston), 1888:275 (Volucella). Type locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Chapada. HT M/F (AMNH). Distr.:
Colombia (Amazonas, Meta), Brazil, Costa Rica, Peru. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:87 (cat.); Restrepo & Carrejo,
2009:149 (cat.).

wulpi (Goot), 1964:214 (Volucella; nom. nov. for testaceum Wulp). Type locality: "Venezuela, Curagao". HT M/F
(UNKNOWN ML?). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (V. Medellín), Guajira (Uribia) Magdalena), Venezuela. Refs.:
Thompson et al. 1976:87 (cat.); Restrepo & Carrejo, 2009:149 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: V. Medellín, 6.267404°, -75.585789°, 1570m, 1male, i.1947,
Leg. F. Gallego (MEFLG); Guajira: Uribia, Santana, 12.0833330, -72.0499080, 18m, 25.i.2013, Leg. C. Valverde,
Vsr. Fruit (CEUA).

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Subgenus Viereckomyia Curran

gibberum (Schiner), 1868:358 (Temnocera). Type locality: "Colombia". HT F (NMW). Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquia (Caldas, Ciudad Bolivar, Guarne)), Costa Rica. Peru. Refs.: Curran, 1925b:246 (desc.males);
Thompson et al. 1976:76 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Caldas, 6.090000°, -75.638000°, 1560m, 1female, Leg.
Norberto, Manual (CEUA); Ciudad Bolivar, Vereda La Mina, 5.772073°, -76.032002°, 2400m, 1male, Leg. E.
Garces, Net (CEUA); Gurane, Vereda Piedras Blancas, 6.291588°, -75.493345°, 2300m, 1female, Leg. A. Velez,
Manual (CEUA).

rospigliosii (Brèthes), 1920:31 (also 1937:2) (Volucella). Type locality: Peru, Chanchamayo region. HT M/F
(MACN). Distr.: Colombia (Caldas (Anserma)), Peru. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:83 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Caldas: Anserma, Vereda Palo Blanco, 5.231550°,-75.776772°, 1800m,
1male, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Manual on spider net (CEUA).

Subgenus Volosyrpha Shannon

hirtipes (Macquart), 1850:434 (130) (Volucella). Type locality: Bolivia, Yungas. HT M (MNHNP). Distr.:
Colombia, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil. Refs.: Macquart, 1850:434 (130), pi. 12, figs. 13 (scutellum), 13a (hind leg);
Thompson et al. 1976:77 (cat.).

rufitarse Thompson, 1976:83 (nom. nov. for tibiale Shannon). HT F (MACN). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia
(Caldas, Gómez Plata, Puerto Nare), Huila)), Costa Rica. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:83 (cat.); Restrepo &
Carrejo, 2009:148 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Caldas, Cariaño, Confines, Secundary forest, 6.090000°, -
75.638000°, 1560m, 1male, i.2002, Leg. E.E. Martinez, Vsr. (MEFLG); Gómez Plata, Hacienda Normandia,
6.683154°, -75.216575°, 1800m, 1female, 29.x.1998, Leg. J.C. Agudelo, Net (MEFLG); Puerto Nare, 6.190087°, -
74.587306°, 200m, 1female, M. Castaño & C. Vélez Leg., Pitfall copro (CEUA).

Genus Ornidia Lepeletier & Serville

Ornidia Lepeletier & Serville, in Latreille et al. 1828:786. Type species, Syrphus obesus Fabricius (orig. des.).
Refs.: Curran, 1930d (key); Val 1872 (key, biometry, evolution,males genitalia); Thompson, 1972:106–107 (desc.
and relationships); Thompson, 1991 (rev); Whittington & Rotheray, 1997:365–372 (Afrotropical distr. and desc. of
larva); Thompson, 1999a:330 (key), Morales & Köhler, 2004:93–102 (key, rev. and floral preferences); Rotheray et
al. 2005 (key and rev. of larvae); Carvalho–Filho & Esposito, 2009:59–64 (key, rev. and males genitalia
Volucella, subg. Ornidia: Hull, 1949:348 (description)

aemula (Willison), 1888:272 (Volucella). Type locality: Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Piedra Blanca. (4 km West of
Corumba, Mato Grosso, Brazil). HT F (AMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Sucre), Bolivia, Brazil. Refs.: Val, 1972 (key,
biometry, evolution, M genitalia); Thompson et al. 1976:69 (cat.); Thompson, 1991:251 (redesc.), fig. 1 (facial
profile), 5 (wing), 8, 9, 13 (M genitalia complex).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Sucre: San Onofre, 9.646080°, -75.581129°, 5m, 11.x.2003, Leg.
Entomology Group (CEUA).

major Curran, 1930d:2. Type locality: "Brazil". HT M (AMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas (Caño Lorena),
Antioquia (Alejandria, Ebéjico, Envigado, Medellín), Caldas (Manizales), Risaralda (Pereira), Santander (La
Belleza), Valle del Cauca (Restrepo)), Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama, Peru. Refs.: Thompson et al. 1976:69
(cat.); Thompson, 1981:120 (desc. distributional notes); Thompson, 1991:255 (redesc.), fig. 1 (facial profile), 11,
15 (M genitalia complex); Morales & Köhler, 2004:93–102 (key, rev. and floral preferences); Rotheray et al.
2005:423 (larval key and desc.), fig 1, 2, 5, 9, 12, 15 (larval structures).

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Material examined. COLOMBIA: Amazonas: Caño Lorena, -3.712698°, -70.333443°, 150m, 1.viii.1994
(ICN); Antioquia: Alejandria, Vereda San Jose, 6.371942°, -75.109771°, 1879m, 1male, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net
(CEUA); Ebéjico, 6.316833°, -75.781921°, 1480m, 1male, Leg. M. Castaño, Manual (CEUA); Envigado,
6.162140°, -75.563731°, 1800m, 1male, 1female, Leg. Castaño & Rivera Leg., Manual (CEUA); Medellín, Cola
del Zorro, 6.036796°,-75.556175°, 2600m, 1male, Leg. M. Wolff (CEUA); Caldas: Manizales, Vereda El Palomar,
5.121763°, -75.644841°, 900m, 1male, Leg. Pérez & Vélez, Net (CEUA); Risaralda: Pereira, 4.795782°, -
75.675455°, 1480m, 1male, Leg. M. Castaño, Manual (CEUA); Santander: La Belleza, Vereda La Playa,
5.866667°, -73.983333°, 2000m, 04.i.1997, Leg. Medina (UNAB); Valle del Cauca: Restrepo, Vereda Rio bravo,
3.825209°, -76.539032°, 1460m, 10.ii.1984, Leg. de I. Arévalo (ICN).

obesa (Fabricius), 1775:763 (Syrphus). Type locality: "America Insulis"= Virgin Islands. HT M/F (UZMC). Distr.:
Colombia (Amazonas (Leticia, Puerto Buenaventura Rio Igara–Paraná), Antioquia (Alejandria, Caldas, Cisneros,
San Roque), Atlántico (Barranquilla), Boyacá (Aguaclara, Buenavista, Macanal, Miraflores, Muzo, Otanche, Santa
María), Caldas (Anserma, La Dorada, Manizales, Pácora), Casanare (Aguazul, Villanueba, Yopal), Cauca
(Miraflor), Cesar (Valledupar), Chocó (Coqui, Riosucio), Cundinamarca (Albán, Anapoima, Anolaima, Arbeláez,
Bogotá, Caquezá, Chía, Chinauta, Choachí, Cogua, El Colegio, Fusagasugá, Girardot, Guaduas, Guayabetal, La
Mesa, La Palma, Nilo, Pandi, San Antonio del Tequendama, Suba, Terra, Rueda), Magdalena (La Picua, Santa
Marta), Meta (Acacías, Buenavista, Cumaral, La Macarena, Puerto Gaitán, Puerto Lleras, Puerto López, San Juan
de Arama, Villavicencio), Nariño (Tumaco), Norte de Santander (Ocaña), Putumayo (Mocoa), Quindío (Córdoba),
Risaralda (Pereira, La Pastora), Santander (Barbosa, Guepsa, La Belleza, Piedecuesta, Cimitarra), Tolima (Carmen
de Apicala, Chaparral, Melgar, Ibagué), Valle del Cauca (La Unión, Palmira, Restrepo, Santiago de Cali), Vaupes
(Nboa Koyo)), Widespread. Refs.: Val, 1972 (key, biometry, evolution, M genitalia); Thompson et al. 1976:69
(cat.); Thompson, 1981:120 (redesc. distributional notes); Thompson, 1991:256 (desc.), fig. 3 (facial profile), 4
(notopleuron and adjacent structures, dorsal view), 6 (wing), 10 and 14 (M genitalia complex); Whittington &
Rotheray, 1997:365–372 (Afrotropical distr, illustration and desc. of larva); Rotheray et al. 2005:423 (larval key
and desc.), fig. 3, 61 9, 12 (larval structures); Carvalho–Filho & Esposito, 2009:59–64 (key and rev), 61, fig. 6–7,
10, 13 (M genitalia complex).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Amazonas: Leticia, Rio Guayurita Ocoa, -4.205429°, -69.932808°, 73m,
2.v.2002, Leg. Students of Animal Systematics (ICN); Leticia, El Puerto, -4.205429°, -69.932808°, 73m,
18.xi.1970, Leg. M.A.Méndez (ICN); Puerto Buenaventura Rio Igara–Paraná, -2.277969°, -71.793312°, 130m,
1.iv.1975, Leg. I.C. Sáenz (ICN); Antioquia: Alejandria, Vereda San Jose, 6.371942°, -75.109771°, 1879m, 1
Female Leg. A.L. Montoya, Manual (CEUA); Caldas, Alto de San Miguel, 6.090000°, -75.638000°, 1560m,
05.ii.1998, Leg. R. Landinez, Net (UNAB); Cisneros, 6.538319°, -75.088603°, 1038m, 08.xi.2003, Leg. R. Parra
(UNAB); San Roque, Corregimiento San Jose del Nus, 6.503175°, -74.926885°, 1800m, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Vsr.
Fish (CEUA); Atlántico: Barranquilla, Bella Vista K.130 Carretera Villavo, 11.001465°, -74.795511°, 33m,
20.x.1970, Leg. G. Zambrano (ICN); Boyacá: Aguaclara, Hacienda Don Antonio, 4.874329°, -72.865297°, 580m,
15.iii.1970, Leg. P. A. Figueroa (ICN); Buenavista, Vereda Santo Domingo, 5.650832°, -74.286905°, 1482m,
03.xi.2002, Manual (UNAB); Macanal, 4.980023°, -73.311745°, 1850m, 20.viii.1973, Leg. M. Zambrano
(UNAB); Miraflores, Vereda El Cajón, 5.196389°,-73.144444°, 1820m, 24.iii.1997, Leg. M. Mora (UNAB);
Muzo, Peña negra, 5.533119°, -74.099392°, 850m, 14.v.1972, Leg. J. Corredor (UNAB); Páez, km91 carretera
Bogotá–Villavo Pipiralito, 5.083333°, -73.050000°, 1200m, 20.ii.1973, Leg. E. Cruz (ICN); Otanche, 5.749824°, -
74.249682°, 1050m, 11.v.1990, Leg. G. Villalba (UNAB); Santa María, Sendero Ecológico, 4.857735°, -
73.266876°, 1200m, 20.iv.1997, Leg. G. Amat (ICN); Caldas: Anserma, Vereda San Pedro, 5.250776°, -
75.795434°, 1669m, 1female, Leg. A.L. Montoya, Net (CEUA); La Dorada, 5.449480°, -74.667940°, 188m,
16.iv.1971, Leg. A. Gutiérrez (UNAB); Manizales, 5.072373°, -75.506634°, 2216m, 27.iv.2005, Leg. N. Luque. D.
Jamaica, Net (UNAB); Pácora, 5.529230°, -75.459550°, 1815m, 15.iii.1999, Leg. J. Arbelaez. F. Betancourt
(UNAB); Casanare: Aguazul, Vereda La Rosa, 5.175734°, -72.557936°, 290m, 27.x.1996, Leg. C. Gómez
(UNAB); Villanueva, 4.628254°, -72.915737°, 400m,, Leg. J. Vargas (UNAB); Yopal, La Nieta, Finca
Maracaibo, 5.306471°, -72.434005°, 350m, 18.ix.2003m, Leg. J. López, Pitfall (UNAB); Cauca: Miraflores,
2.588550°, -76.862722°, 1800m, 29.iii.2002, Leg. R. Hernández (UNAB); Cesar: Valledupar, 10.461934°, -
73.253460°, 182m, 05.iv.1972, Leg. N. Esguerra (UNAB); Chocó: Coqui, 5.607387°, -77.328848°, 179m, Leg.

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Entomology Group, Net (CEUA); Riosucio, Santatá, 7.440560°, -77.118900°, 7m, 4.iii.1978, Leg. H. Echeverri
(ICN); Cundinamarca: Albán, 4.878333°, -74.438333°, 2251m, 09.xii.1995, Leg. Benincore (UNAB);
Anapoima, 4.551687°, -74.535691°, 710m, 13.ix.2003, Leg. J. Cárdenas, Manual (UNAB); Arbeláez, 4.270965°, -
74.419444°, 1417m,, Leg. A. Bejarano (UNAB); Bogotá, UNal I.C.N, 4.638194°, -74.084046°, 2567m,
20.ii.1971, Leg. J. Granada (ICN); Cáqueza, km91 carretera Bogotá–Villavo Pipiralito, 4.405278°, -73.950000°,
1743m, 6.viii.1989, Leg. L.P. Moreno (ICN); Chía, 4.861565°, -74.032534°, 2582m, 29.ix.2003, Leg. A.
Rodríguez (UNAB); Chinauta, 4.308640°, -74.444130°, 1620m, 23.v.1999, Leg. Cely, Forero & Rojas (UNAB);
Choachí, 4.529210°, -73.924817° 1827m, 18.v.1996, G. Ascencio. Leg. C. Alvarez (UNAB); Cogua, 5.066667°, -
73.983333°, 2631m, 20.iii.1971, Leg. D'Silvestri (UNAB); El Colegio, 4.567024°, -74.433012°, 983m, 22.ii.1992,
Leg. M. Daza (UNAB); Fusagasugá, 4.338328°, -74.363968°, 1771m, 1.xii.1969, Leg. D. Castro (ICN); Girardot,
4.300725°, -74.805450°, 281m, ii.1984, Leg. E. Vargas (UNAB); Guaduas, 5.069440°, -74.598052°, 1001m,
06.v.1999, Leg. J. Arbelaez & F. Betancourt (UNAB); Guayabetal, Villavista, 4.215287°, -73.814548°, 1000m,, Leg. R. Alvarez (ICN); La Mesa, San Javier, 4.629469°, -74.466633°, 1298m,, Leg. L.
Palacios (UNAB); La Palma, 5.332998°, -74.383346°, 1462m, 20.v.1994, Leg. D. Angel, Net (UNAB); Nilo, 10 M
Liraila, 4.306975°, -74.599994°, 420m, 1.vii.1972, Leg. B.N. Páez (ICN); Pandi, Vereda El Chorro, 4.187360°, -
74.487134°, 1024m, 24.ix.2002, Leg. M. Duarte Fuentes (ICN); San Antonio del Tequendama, Laguna Pialagua,
4.616661°, -74.350002°, 1550m, Leg. G. Hernández (ICN); Suba, San Jose, 4.757031°, -74.088591°, 2555m, Leg.
C. Rodríguez Medina (ICN); Terra, 4.636041°, -74.365618°, 1340m, 27.iv.1991, Leg. A. Castillo (ICN);
Magdalena: La Picua, Parque Tayrona, 11.276050°, -74.195519°, 121m, 5.iii.1978, Leg. H. Echeverri (ICN);
Santa Marta, Cimarca Guayabetal, 11.248643°, -74.211974°, 11m, 22.iv.1976, Leg. A. Acosta (ICN); Meta:
Acacías, 3.987806°, -73.759747°, 522m 18.viii.1976, Leg. S. Rodríguez (UNAB); Buenavista, 5.650832°, -
74.286905°, 1482m, Leg. G.J. Moreno (ICN); Cumaral, R.N. Kaliawirinae, 4.250000°, -73.486389°, 550m,
7.xi.2005, Leg. N. Ocampo (ICN); Cumaral, Bella Vista K.130 Carretera Villavo, 4.250000°, -73.486389°, 420m,
8.x.2009, Leg. R. Garon (ICN); Cumaral, Vereda San José, 4.250000°, -73.486389°, 480m, 28.iii.1993, Leg. C.
Nelson (UNAB); La Macarena, 2.072107°, -73.955920°, 390m, 28.iii.1997, Leg. E. Bastidas (UNAB); Puerto
Lleras, 3.268224°, -73.377700°, 250m, 27.v.1978, Leg. J. Uribe (UNAB); Puerto Gaitán, 4.310873°, -72.073758°,
160m, 1.xi.1977, Leg. P.A. Jiménez (ICN); Puerto López, 4.066137°, -73.048348°, 181m,, Leg. F.
Sarmiento (ICN); San Juan de Arama, 3.350009°, -73.876655°, 450m, 25.iii.1997, Leg. Rodain (UNAB);
Villavicencio, 4.150000°, -73.633333°, 467m,, Leg. C. Garzón (UNAB); Nariño: Tumaco, 1.808369°,
-78.763991°, 2m, 15.i.1972, Leg. M. Corredor (UNAB); Norte de Santander: Ocaña, Vereda Agua de la virgen,
8.232143°, -73.350083°, 1202m, 25.i.1997, Leg. J. Santiago (UNAB); Putumayo: Mocoa, 1.150000°, -
76.647500°, 695m, 31.iii.1996, Leg. L. Becerra (UNAB); Quindio: Córdoba, Vía Armenia, Km. 22, 4.393050°, -
75.687778°, 1800m, 18.x.2003, Leg. R. Peña (UNAB); Risaralda: Pereira, Finca Calamar, 4.820499°, -
75.633310°, 1820m, 28.v.1999, Leg. Cely, Forero & Rojas (UNAB); Pereira, PNR Ucumari, La Pastora,
4.708555°, -75.487224°, 2500m, 1.xi.1977, Leg. P.A. Jiménez (ICN); Santander: Barbosa, 5.932922°, -
73.621119°, 1800m, 26.viii.2004, Leg. D. Mejía, Net (UNAB); Cimitarra, Bella Vista K.130 Carretera Villavo,
6.310723°, -73.944432°, 263, 5.x.1969, Leg E.Barrera. (ICN); Guepsa, Vereda San Isidro, 6.038430°, -
73.581924°, 1483m, 28.xi.1997, Leg. S. Olarte (UNAB); La Belleza, Vereda La Playa, 5.866667°, -73.983333°,
2000m, 03.i.1997, Leg. Medina (UNAB); Piedecuesta, Ins. Pol. Mesa de Ruitoque, 6.987834°, -73.047684°,
1010m, 03.iv.1994, Leg. G. Jaimes (UNAB); Tolima: Carmen de Apicala, 4.150000°, -74.733333°, 380m,
22.v.1995, Leg. H. López (UNAB); Chaparral, Granja Sixto Iriarte, Barrio Beltrán, 3.750000°, -75.583333°,
1354m, 27.viii.2003, Leg.A. Díaz, Net (UNAB); Melgar, 4.203889°, -74.642778°, 323m,, Leg. J. Paez
(UNAB); Honda, 5.190185°, -74.742401°, 255m, 29.xi.1982, Leg. A. Sobrino (ICN); Ibagué, Villavista,
4.440663°, -75.244141°, 1300m, 18.iv.1974, Leg. Rivera & Alcira (ICN); Mariquita, Vereda La Guardia,
5.250000°, -74.916667°, 960m, 23.ix.1978, Leg. G. Murillejo (ICN); Valle del Cauca: La Unión, 4.529890°, -
76.108690°, 975m, 03.x.2003, Leg. R. Parra (UNAB); Obando, 4.569255°, -75.969261°, 939m, 04.xi.2003, Leg.
A. Díaz, Net (UNAB); Palmira, Corpoica, 3.587073°, -76.248936°, 1059m, 15.x.2003, Leg. P. Rodríguez, Manual
(UNAB); Restrepo, Vereda Rio Bravo, 3.811560°, -76.515178°, 1000m, 8.ii.1984, Leg. de I. Arévalo (ICN);
Santiago de Cali, 3.378086°, -76.491055°, 1500, 1.v.1970, Leg. L. Angel (ICN); Sevilla, Buenavista, 4.268890°, -
75.936100°, 2000m, 4.ii.1974, Leg. J. Aguirre (ICN); Vaupés: Nboa Koyo, 0.983621°’, -70.864236°, 180m,
1female, Leg. J. Gonzales, Net (CEUA).

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whiteheadi Thompson, 1991:257. Type locality: Pamana, Cerro Campana. HT M (CAS). Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquia), Costa Rica, Panama. Refs.: Thompson, 1991:257 (orig. desc.), fig. 12, 16 (M genitalia complex) 18
(habitus); Rotheray et al. 2005:424 (larval key and desc.), fig 4, 8, 11, 14 (larval structures).


I am grateful to Marta Wolff for inviting me to participate in the realization of the Catalogue of Syrphidae from
Colombia. I would like to acknowledge the curators and directors of the visited collections for permission to study
material in their care: CEUA, M. Wolff; ICN, C. E. Sarmiento; MEPB, A. Vélez; MEFLG, S. Orduz, J. Quiroz and
UNAB, F. Serna, E. Vergara. I am grateful to F. Christian Thompson (Entomology Dept, Smithsonian Institution)
for verification and identification of some syrphid specimens and for his support during the development of this
project. I also thank N. Carrejo, C. Ruiz, and C. Restrepo of the MEUV for their help in the confirmation and
identification of part of the material. I am also grateful to the Samuel Wendell Williston Diptera Research
Foundation and the organizing Committee for financial assistance to attend the 6th International Symposium on the
Syrphidae in Glasgow, (UK) and the 8th International Congress of Dipterology in Potsdam, Germany. Thanks to
the Project “Diversidad de insectos de Colombia”, led by the Instituto de Investigación en Recursos Biológicos
Alexander von Humboldt (IAvH). I thank the CODI (Comite para el Desarrollo de Investigaciones Universidad de
Antioquia) Act number 20067, and to SOCOLEN for the “Beca de incentivo a la investigación Entomología en la
Universidades Colombianas” (TG 03–2009). I also thank everyone who collects this invaluable material, especially
to the members of the Entomology Group University of Antioquia (GEUA). Many thanks to the editorial board,
especially to Carolina Henao Sepúlveda for useful comments that substantially enriched the final version of this

TABLE 1. Syrphidae species recorded from Colombia.

Subfamily Genus Subgenus Species Author

Syrphinae Allograpta annulipes (Macquart, 1850)
aperta Fluke, 1942
bilineella Enderlein, 1938
exotica (Wiedemann, 1830)
falcata Fluke, 1942
hastata Fluke, 1942
neotropica Curran, 1936
obliqua (Say, 1823)
quadricincta Enderlein, 1938
tectiforma Fluke, 1942
teligera Fluke, 1942
Argentinomyia altissima (Fluke, 1945)
bolivariensis (Fluke, 1945)
browni (Fluke, 1945)
columbiana (Enderlein, 1938)
crenulata (Williston, 1891)
festiva Fluke, 1945
longicornis (Walker, 1837)
luculenta (Fluke, 1945)
neotropica Curran, 1937
nigrans (Fluke, 1945)
...Continued on next page

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TABLE 1. (Continued)
Subfamily Genus Subgenus Species Author
opaca (Fluke, 1945)
peruviana (Shannon, 1927)
rex Fluke, 1945
thiemei (Enderlein, 1938)
tropica (Curran, 1937)
Calostigma ornatipes (Curran, 1927)
Claraplumula latifacies (Shannon, 1927)
Dasysyrphus lotus (Williston, 1887)
Eupeodes volucris Osten Sacken, 1877
Fazia alta Curran, 1936
colombia Curran, 1925
fasciata Curran, 1932
fascifrons (Macquart, 1846)
imitator (Curran, 1925)
nasigera Enderlein, 1938
roburoris (Fluke, 1942)
rostrata (Bigot, 1884)
similis Curran, 1925
strigifacies (Enderlein, 1938)
Hermesomyia wulpiana Lynch Arribalzaga, 1891
Hybobathus arx (Fluke, 1936)
flavipennis (Wiedemann, 1830)
lineatus (Macquart, 1846)
lividus (Schiner, 1868)
norina (Curran, 1941)
persimilis (Curran, 1930)
quadrilineatus (Enderlein, 1938)
Leucopodella delicatula (Hull, 1943)
gracilis (Williston, 1891)
Mimocalla gigantea (Schiner, 1868)
tristani Zumbado, 2000
willistoni Thompson, 1976
Ocyptamus anthiphates (Walker, 1849)
cultrinus (Curran, 1939)
dimidiatus (Fabricius, 1781)
filissima (Hull, 1943)
funebris Macquart, 1834
gastrostactus (Wiedemann, 1830)
hyalipennis (Curran, 1930)
luctuosus (Bigot, 1883)
sativa (Curran, 1941)
...Continued on next page

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TABLE 1. (Continued)
Subfamily Genus Subgenus Species Author
stenogaster (Williston, 1888)
verona (Curran, 1941)
vierecki (Curran, 1930)
Orphnabaccha ampla (Fluke, 1942)
calda (Walker, 1852)
coerulea (Williston, 1891)
delimbata (Enderlein, 1938)
pteronis (Fluke, 1942)
trabis (Fluke, 1942)
Pelecinobaccha adspersa (Fabricius, 1805)
alucard Miranda, 2014
andrettae Miranda, 2014
avispas Miranda, 2014
cyclops (Hull, 1947)
clarapex (Wiedemann, 1830)
dracula (Hull, 1943)
gracilitas Miranda, 2014
hiantha (Hull, 1943)
ida (Curran, 1941)
oviphora (Hull, 1943)
ovipositoria (Hull, 1943)
pandora (Hull, 1942)
peruviana Shannon, 1927
pilipes (Schiner, 1868)
pucallpa Miranda, 2014
squamagula Miranda, 2014
telescopica Curran, 1930
transatlantica (Schiner, 1868)
Platycheirus Carposcalis chalconota (Philippi, 1865)
ecuadoriensis (Fluke, 1945)
fenestrata (Macquart, 1842)
hesperius (Vockeroth, 1990)
Pseudodoros Dioprosopa clavatus (Fabricius, 1794)
Relictanum crassum (Walker, 1852)
nero Curran, 1939
nigrocilia (Hull, 1943)
schwarzi (Curran, 1939)
Rhinoprosopa flavophylla (Hull, 1943)
lucifer (Hull, 1943)
nasuta (Bigot, 1884)
sycorax (Hull, 1947)
...Continued on next page

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TABLE 1. (Continued)
Subfamily Genus Subgenus Species Author
Salpingogaster abdominalis Sack, 1920
cornuta Hull, 1944
limbipennis Williston, 1891
nigra Schiner, 1868
panamana Hull, 1944
pygophora Schiner, 1868
vera Hull, 1944
Scaeva occidentalis Shannon, 1927
Styxia eblis Hull, 1943
Syrphus laceyorum Thompson, 2000
octomaculatus Walker, 1837
phaeostigma Wiedemann, 1883
shorae Fluke, 1950
Talahua fervida (Fluke, 1945)
Toxomerus anthrax (Schiner, 1868)
apegiensis (Harbach, 1974)
aquilinus Sack, 1941
brevifacies (Hull, 1941)
centaureus (Hull, 1951)
dispar (Fabricius, 1794)
duplicatus (Wiedemann, 1830)
flaviplurus (Hall, 1927)
floralis (Fabricius, 1798)
hieroglyphicus (Schiner, 1868)
idalius (Hull, 1951)
insignis (Schiner, 1868)
lacrymosus (Bigot, 1884)
laenas (Walker, 1852)
mutuus (Say, 1829)
nigripunctus (Enderlein, 1938)
nitidus (Schiner, 1868)
norma (Curran, 1930)
ochraceus (Hull, 1942)
ophiolinea (Hull, 1943)
pallipes (Bigot, 1884)
paraduplicatus Borges, 2009
pictus (Macquart, 1842)
politus (Say, 1823)
polygraphicus (Hull, 1940)
procrastinatus Metz, 2001
pulchellus (Macquart, 1846)
...Continued on next page

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TABLE 1. (Continued)
Subfamily Genus Subgenus Species Author
saphiridiceps (Bigot, 1884)
sylvaticus (Hull, 1943)
vierecki (Curran, 1930)
virgulatus (Macquart, 1850)
watsoni (Curran, 1930)
Trichopsomyia urania Hull, 1949
Tuberculanostoma antennatum Fluke, 1943
pectinis Fluke, 1943
Xanthandrus Xanthandrus bucephalus (Wiedemann, 1830)
mellinoides (Macquart, 1846)
plaumanni Fluke, 1937
Microdontinae Menidon falcatus Williston, 1887
Microdon Chymophila cyaneiventris (Macquart, 1846)
marceli Curran, 1936
Mixogaster conopsoides Macquart, 1842
pithecofascia Hull, 1944
Peradon angustus (Macquart, 1846)
diaphanus Sack, 1921
trivittatus Curran, 1925
Eristalinae Cacoceria willistoni Hull, 1949
Ceriana cacica (Walker, 1860)
Chalcosyrphus americana (Schiner, 1868)
vagabondans (Hull, 1941)
Copestylum Copestylum flaviventre Macquart, 1846
Lepidopsis viride (Williston, 1888)
Megametopon amethystinum (Bigot, 1875)
Phalacromya apicale (Loew, 1866)
aster (Curran, 1939)
aureum (Fluke, 1951)
brunnigaster (Hull, 1943)
caesariatum (Williston, 1891)
chalybescens (Wiedemann, 1830)
cinctiventre (Curran, 1930)
circumdatum (Walker, 1857)
circumscriptum (Curran, 1939)
contumax (Curran, 1939)
correctum (Curran, 1927)
corumbense (Curran, 1930)
delila (Hull, 1950)
dispar (Macquart, 1846)
florella (Hull, 1944)
...Continued on next page

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TABLE 1. (Continued)
Subfamily Genus Subgenus Species Author
flukei (Curran, 1936)
fornax (Townsend, 1895)
fraudulentum (Williston, 1891)
frauenfeldi (Schiner, 1868)
fulvicorne (Bigot, 1883)
hambletoni (Fluke, 1951)
hydrofenestra (Hull, 1943)
imitans (Curran, 1926)
inconsistens (Curran, 1939)
infractum Thompson, 1981
lanei (Curran, 1936)
latevitatum (Curran, 1939)
longirostre (Macquart, 1846)
macquarti (Curran, 1926)
meretricias (Williston, 1888)
mocanum (Curran, 1936)
muscarium (Thomson, 1869)
nigripes (Bigot, 1857)
obscurior (Curran, 1939)
opinator (Williston, 1891)
pallens (Wiedemann, 1830)
parina (Fluke, 1951)
persimile (Williston, 1888)
pica (Schiner, 1868)
pictum (Wiedemann, 1830)
posticum (Say, 1829)
prasinus (Schiner, 1868)
pseudopallens Thompson, 1981
punctiferum (Bigot, 1875)
punctigena (Hull, 1937)
purpuriferum (Bigot, 1875)
roraima (Curran, 1939)
selectum (Curran, 1939)
sexmaculatum (Palisot de Beauvois, 1819)
spinithorax (Lynch Arribalzaga, 1892)
subcoeruleum (Rondani, 1863)
tumicephalum (Hull, 1943)
tympanitis (Fabricius, 1805)
ulrica (Hull, 1950)
vagum (Wiedemann, 1830)
verdigaster (Hull, 1943)
...Continued on next page

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TABLE 1. (Continued)
Subfamily Genus Subgenus Species Author
vierecki (Curran, 1925)
villarica (Fluke, 1951)
virescens (Williston, 1891)
viride (Williston, 1888)
wulpi (Goot, 1864)
Viereckomyia gibberum (Schiner, 1868)
rospigliosii (Brèthes, 1820)
Volosyrpha hirtipes (Macquart, 1850)
rufitarse Thompson, 1976
Dolichogyna rostrata (Macquart, 1846)
Eristalinus Eristalodes calops (Bigot, 1880)
fulvitarsis (Rondani, 1863)
Eristalis Eoseristalis bogotensis Macquart, 1842
Eristalis tenax (Linnaeus, 1858)
Eumerus funeralis (Meigen, 1822)
Habromyia magnifica (Bigot, 1880)
Lejops Asemosyrphus mexicanus (Macquart, 1842)
Lepidomyia colombia Curran, 1929
Lycastrirhyncha nitens Bigot, 1859
Macrometopia maculipennis Thompson, 1999
Mallota Mallota aberrans Shannon, 1927
analis (Macquart, 1846)
apis Thompson, 2002
colombii (Macquart, 1850)
inversa Shannon, 1927
mystacia Fluke, 1939
nigra Shannon, 1927
rubicunda Curran, 1940
salti Curran, 1929
Meromacrus anna Curran, 1936
basiger (Walker, 1860)
circumdatus (Bigot, 1875)
fucatus Hull, 1930
laconicus (Walker, 1852)
obscurus Hine, 1824
scitus (Walker, 1857)
unicolor Wulp, 1883
Meropidia flavens Hippa & Ståhls, 2013
neurostigma Hippa, 1982
nigropilosa Thompson, 1983
Monoceromyia vittipes Curran, 1941
...Continued on next page

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TABLE 1. (Continued)
Subfamily Genus Subgenus Species Author
Ornidia aemula (Willison, 1888)
major Curran, 1930
obesa (Fabricius, 1775)
whiteheadi Thompson, 1991
Orthonevra argentina Brèthes, 1822
shannoni (Curran, 1925)
Palpada aemula (Williston, 1891)
agrorum (Fabricius, 1787)
albifrons (Wiedemann, 1830)
amazon (Curran, 1930)
atrimana (Loew, 1866)
conica (Fabricius, 1805)
cosmia (Schiner, 1868)
elegans (Blanchard, 1852)
erratica (Curran, 1930)
expicta (Walker, 1860)
flavoscutellata (Hull, 1937)
florea (Hull, 1925)
furcata (Wiedemann, 1819)
geniculata (Fabricius, 1805)
macula (Sack, 1841)
mexicana (Macquart, 1847)
minutalis (Williston, 1891)
mirabilis (Hull, 1925)
monticola (Roder, 1892)
ochracea (Williston, 1888)
prietorum Mengual, 2008
pusilla (Macquart, 1842)
ruficeps (Macquart, 1842)
rufiventris (Macquart, 1846)
scutellaris (Fabricius, 1805)
suprarufa Thompson, 1999a
taenia (Wiedemann, 1830)
thalia (Hull, 1942)
vierecki (Curran, 1930)
vinetorum (Fabricius, 1798
Polybiomyia bergrothi (Williston, 1892)
odontomera (Curran, 1941)
Quichuana angustiventris (Macquart, 1855)
brevicera Hull, 1946
calathea Shannon, 1925
...Continued on next page

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TABLE 1. (Continued)
Subfamily Genus Subgenus Species Author
dolorosa Hull, 1946
fasciata (Sack, 1841)
picadoi Knab, 1913
quixotea Hull, 1946
Rhingia longirostris Fluke, 1943
nigra Macquart, 1846
Sphiximorpha roederii Williston, 1888
rubrobrunnea (Hull, 1944)
wulpii (Williston, 1888)
Spilomyia gratiosa Wulp, 1888
Sterphus Ceriogaster andicus Hippa, 1978
aureus Hippa, 1978
chloropyga (Schiner, 1868)
coarctatus (Wiedemann, 1830)
cybele (Hull, 1951)
cydippe Hippa, 1994
fascithorax Kertesz, 1910
fassli Hippa, 1978
icarum Hippa, 1978
jamaicensis (Gmelin, 1890)
janzeni Thompson, 1994
nitidicollis Hippa, 1978
ochripes Hippa, 1978
plagiatus Wiedemann, 1830
pilifer Hippa, 1978
sapphirifer Hippa, 1978
transversa (Walker, 1857)


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CATALOGUE OF SYRPHIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 537
Zootaxa 4122 (1): 538–548 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
Copyright © 2016 Magnolia Press
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)



School of Environmental Sciences, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada N1G 2W1. E-mail:
Grupo de Entomología, Instituto de Biología, Universidad de Antioquia. Colombia. Emails:,
*Corresponding author:


Sixty species and 14 genera of Micropezidae are recorded from Colombia, including four species of Micropezinae and 56
species of Taeniapterinae. The following species are newly recorded from the country: Grallipeza affinis, G. ecuadorien-
sis, G. obscura, G. nigrinotata, G. pseudosimplex, Ptilosphen comis, P. conveniens, P. enderleni, P. facetus and P. mimicus.

Key words: catalogue, Colombia, Micropezidae, distribution


The family Micropezidae Loew occurs in all zoogeographic regions, but is particularly diverse in the Neotropical
Region. The total of 51 species recorded for Colombia by Steyskal (1968) is a great underestimate because most
neotropical species of Micropezidae remain undescribed, and most described species are effectively unidentifiable
except by direct comparison with the type specimens. Fourteen genera and 60 species are listed here, but several
genera remain difficult to define, and others are clearly paraphyletic as treated by Steyskal (1968). The entire New
World fauna is currently under revision by the first author and associated graduate students, and the number of
undescribed species (manuscript names) currently greatly exceeds the number of published names. We expect that
at least 200 species of Micropezidae occur in Colombia.
At the family level, adult micropezids are recognizable as distinctively long-legged, slender flies of 4-20 mm
(usually 6-12 mm) with veins R4+5 and M strongly convergent at the wing tip, katepisternal bristles present (usually
in a vertical row), arista dorsobasal, ocellar bristle absent, and vibrissa absent. Adults of some genera are attracted
to decomposing matter and feces, but most species for which biological data are available develop in dead wood,
roots or stems. Colombian species are recorded from sea level to 3000m.
Most species for which the type locality is Colombia were described by Enderlein (1922), on the basis of
specimens added to the collection in Berlin by Otto Thieme. Thieme, a professor at the Sophien Real Gymnasium
in Berlin until 1907, made significant collections in South America but little is known of the details of his trips, and
his micropezid specimens are simply labeled "cordillera tierra caliente" or “cordillera tierra templada”. Type
depositories are here given only if we have examined type material, which is the case for the majority of species. A
single sex is listed for syntype series if a specimen has been selected as lectotype but not yet designated.
The classification adopted here is based on the catalogue by Skeyskal (1968) and the micropezid chapter in the
Manual of Central American Diptera chapter by Marshall (2010). It also incorporates unpublished information
from the first author's unpublished research on the New World Taeniapterinae, which includes revisions of
Grallipeza, Ptilosphen, and Mesoconius (now including Zelatractodes). New country records and corrected
distributions are given for those genera only. New synonymies explained and justified in unpublished papers are
indicated here with the noncommittal "probably a synonym of". The division of Taeniaptera sensu Steyskal into
Paragrallomyia, Grallomyia, and Taeniaptera is based on Marshall (2010) and molecular phylogenetic data in
Jackson et al. (2015). The inclusion of Zelatractodes in Mesoconius is based on Marshall (2015).

538 Accepted by S. Nihei: 25 May 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016

We underline Colombian Department names and parenthetically note specific localities. At the end, we provide
a table that includes all species found in Colombia (Table 1).

Acronyms for type depositories

ANSP—Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.

BMNH—British Museum Natural History, United Kingdom, London.
CUIC—Cornell University Insect Collection, Ithaca, New York, USA.
NHMW—Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, Vienna, Austria.
SMTD—Staatliches Museum für Tierkunde, Dresden, Germany.
UMO—Oxford University Museum of Natural History, United Kingdom.
USNM —National Museum of Natural History, Washington D.C., USA.
ZMHB—Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universität, Berlin, Germany.
ZMUC—Zoological Museum University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
ZMUH—Finnish Museum of Natural History, Helsinki, Finland.

List of abbreviations

auct.—auctorum (authors)
PNN—Parque Nacional Natural
F (f#)—Female
M (m#)—Male

Catalogue of Micropezidae of Colombia

Family Micropezidae Loew, 1862

Subfamily Micropezinae Enderlein, 1922

Genus Micropeza Meigen, 1803

Tylos Meigen, 1800: 31. Type species, Musca corrigiolata Linaeus (Coquillett, 1910: 618). Suppressed by I.C.Z.N., 1955: 267.
Tylus, emend.
Micropeza Meigen, 1803: 276. Type species, Musca corrigiolata Linnaeus (mon.).
Neriocephalus Enderlein, 1922: 160. Type species, Micropeza appendiculata Schiner (orig. des.).
Metopobrachia Enderlein, 1922: 161. Type species, Micropeza obscura Bigot (orig. des.).
Cliopeza Enderlein, 1922: 162. Type species, Calobata pectoralis Wiedemann (orig. des.).
Neotylus Hendel, 1932: 121. Type species, Micropeza brasiliensis Schiner (orig. des.).
Neotypus , error.
Protylos Aczél, 1949: 238 (as subgenus). Type species, Micropeza stigmatica Wulp (orig. des.).
Phantasma Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830: 739. Type species, Musca filiformis Fabricius (= corrigiolata L.) (orig. des.).

annulata Schiner, 1868: 249. Type locality: "South America” (Venezuela). Distr.: Colombia, Venezuela. Refs.:
Enderlein, 1922: 162; Steyskal, 1968: 2 (cat.).

bogotana (Enderlein), 1922: 162 (Cliopeza). Type locality: Colombia, Bogotá. HT M (ZMHB). Distr.: Colombia
(Bogotá D.C). Ref.: Hennig, 1936: 206 (rev.); Steyskal, 1968: 3 (cat.).

CATALOGUE OF MICROPEZIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 539
brasiliensis Schiner, 1868: 249. Type locality: Brazil and Colombia. Distr.: Brazil, Colombia, Panama, Venezuela.
Refs.: Hendel, 1932:17; Steyskal, 1968: 3 (cat.).

columbiana (Enderlein), 1922: l61 (Metopobrachia). Type locality: Colombia, Bogotá and Ibagué. HT F (ZMHB).
Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca (Bogotá); Tolima (Ibagué)). Refs.: Hennig, 1936: 206 (rev.); Steyskal, 1968: 3

Subfamily Taeniapterinae Cresson, 1930

Genus Calosphen Hennig, 1934

Calosphen Hennig, 1934: 310. Type species, Tanypoda strophium Enderlein (orig. des.). Ref.: Steyskal, 1968: 5 (cat.).

pleuralis (Cresson), 1930: 321 (Rainieria). Type locality: Colombia, San Lorenzo Mountains, Vista Nieve. HT F?
(ANSP), PT F (CNM). Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena (Vista Nieve, San Lorenzo). Refs.: Hennig, 1934: 311 (rev.);
Steyskal, 1968: 5 (cat.); Roback, 1969: 553.

strophium (Enderlein), 1922: 203 (Tanypoda). Type locality: Colombia, Cordillera, "tierra templada". HT F
(ZMHB). Distr.: Colombia (Cordillera, “tierra templada”), Venezuela. Refs.: Hennig, 1934: 311 (rev.); Steyskal,
1968: 5 (cat.).

Genus Cliobata Enderlein, 1923

Cliobata Enderlein, 1923: 540. Type species, Catobata guttipennis Wiedemann (orig. des.). Ref.: Steyskal, 1968: 5 (cat.).

biguttata (Enderlein), 1922: 205 (Tanypoda). Type locality: Colombia, "tierra templada". HT F (ZMHB). Distr.:
Colombia (Cordillera, “tierra templada”). Ref.: Steyskal, 1968: 5 (cat.).

diadema (Wiedemann), 1830: 533 (Calobata). Type locality: "Brazil". HT F (NHMW). Distr.: Colombia (Boyacá)
Muzo), Brazil. Refs.: Enderlein, 1922: 212; Hennig, 1935: 41; Steyskal, 1968: 5 (cat.).
nigrifilum (Walker), 1852:393 (Calobata). Type locality: "South America" HT F (BMNH).

Genus Grallipeza Rondani, 1850

Grallipeza Rondani, 1850: 180. Type species, Calobata unimaculata Macquart (orig. des.). Refs.: Enderlein, 1922: 189;
Steyskal, 1968: 6 (cat.).
Systellapha Enderlein, 1922: 189. Type species, ornatithorax Enderlein (orig. des.).

affinis Hennig, 1934: 308 Type locality: Bolivia, Mapiri, San Carlos HT F (SMTD) . Distr.: Colombia (Vichada
(PNN EI Tuparro, Cerro Tomas); Meta (PNN Sierra de la Macarena, Cano Cuja); Caquetá (PNN Serrania de
Chiribiquete Cunare-Anu); Putumayo (PNN La Paya, Cabaña La Paya)), Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador. Refs.: Steyskal,
1868: 6 (cat.); Hennig, 1934: 308 (rev.). New record to Colombia.

ecuadoriensis (Enderlein), 1922: 193 (Systellapha). Type locality: Ecuador. Guayaquil. HT F (ZMHB). Distr.:
Colombia (Amazonas (PNN Amacayacu Malambata), Brazil, Guyana, Ecuador, Peru, Trinidad, Venezuela. Refs.:
Steyskal, 1868: 7 (cat.); Hennig, 1934: 306 (rev.). New record to Colombia.

obscura Hennig, 1934: 300. Type locality: Bolivia, Mapiri 21.03, S. Carlos. HT F (SMTD). Distr.: Colombia
(Putumayo (PNN La Paya Cabana Viviano, Varzea)), Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru. Ref.: Steyskal, 1868:
7 (cat.). New record to Colombia.

540 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press MARSHALL ET AL.

nigrinotata Hennig, 1934: 304. Type locality: Bolivia, Mapiri. HT F (SMTD). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas (PNN
Amacayacu, Matamata); Magdalena (PNN Tayrona, Zaino); Bolivar (SFF Los Colorados, Alto el Mirador);
Vichada (PNN El Tuparro, Centro Administrativo; Bosque Sabana), Bolivia, Brazil, Trinidad. Ref.: Steyskal, 1868:
7 (cat.). New record to Colombia.

pseudosimplex Hennig, 1934: 309. Type locality: Bolivia, Mapiri. HT F (SMTD) Distr: Colombia (Amazonas
(PNN Amacayacu, San Martin; Matamata), Peru, Bolivia, Brazil. Refs.: Steyskal, 1868: 8 (cat.); Hennig, 1934: 309
(rev.). New record to Colombia.

suavis (Enderlein), 1922: 194 (Systellapha). Type locality: Brazil, Pará, Ilia Marajó. Soure. HT F (ZMHB) Distr.:
Colombia (Magdalena (Magdalena Valley, El Banco)), Brazil. Refs.: Hennig, 1934: 306 (rev.); Steyskal, 1968: 8
(cat.). Probable synonym of ecuadoriensis

unifasciata (Fabricius), 1805: 262 (Calobata). Type locality : "South America". LT F (ZMUC). Distr.: Colombia
(Cordillera “tierra caliente”), Guyana, Panama. Refs.: Hennig, 1934: 302 (rev.); Steyskal, 1968: 8 (cat.).
columbiana Enderlein, 1922: 193 (Systellapha). female Ht headless ZMHB: Colombia, Cordillera, "tierra
caliente". Refs.: Steyskal, 1968: 8 (cat.).

unimaculata (Macquart), 1846: 343 (sep. p. 2151, pl. 19, fig. 4 (Calobata). Type locality: "Colombia". HT F
(UMO). Distr.: Colombia, Peru, Brazil. Refs.: Hennig, 1934: 300; Steyskal, 1968: 8 (cat.). Probable synonym of

Genus Mesoconius Enderlein, 1922

Mesoconius Enderlein 1922: 176. Type species, infestus Enderlein (orig. des.)
Zelatractodes Enderlein 1922: 169. Type species, filipes Enderlein (orig. des.).
Aristobata Frey, 1927: 69. Type species, melini Frey (orig. des).

albimanus (Enderlein), 1922: 212 (Scipopus). Type locality: Peru. Cuzco, Callanga, Pinipini Valley, 1500m, 1900,
O. Garlepp. Enderlein indicates in his description that there is a single type male, but the Enderlein collection in
MNBG includesonly two "types", both good female specimens examined by the first author in 2002. Distr.:Colombia
(Villa Elvira; Cordillera “tierra caliente”), Bolivia, Peru. Refs.: Frey, 1927: 73; Steyskal, 1968: 9 (cat.).

auristrigatus Enderlein, 1922: 178. Type locality: Colombia. HT F (ZMHB). Distr.: Colombia. Ref.: Steyskal,
1968: 9 (cat.).

enderleini Frey, 1927: 72. Type locality: Colombia. Aguatal. HT F (ZMUH). Distr.: Colombia. Ref.: Steyskal,
1968: 9 (cat.).

flaviceps Enderlein, 1922:178. Type locality: Colombia. HT M (MNBG). Distr.: Colombia. Refs.: Steyskal, 1968:
9 (cat.).

garleppi (Enderlein), 1922: 201 (Tanypoda). Type locality: Peru. HT M (ZMHB). Distr.: Colombia, Ecuador,
Bolivia. Ref.: Steyskal, 1968: 20 (cat.).

rufiventris (Enderlein), 1922: 204 (Tanypoda). Type locality: Colombia. HT F (ZMHB). Distr.: Colombia. Ref.:
Steyskal, 1968: 20 (cat.).

ujhelyianus Enderlein, 1922: 177. Type locality: Colombia, Sierra San Lorenzo. HT M (ZMHB). Distr.: Colombia
(Magdalena). Ref.: Steyskal, 1968: 9 (cat.).

versicolorus (Enderlein), 1922: 203 (Tanypoda versicolora). Type locality: Colombia. HT F (ZMHB). Distr.:
Colombia. Ref.: Steyskal, 1968: 20 (cat.).

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Genus Metasphen Frey

Metasphen Frey, 1927: 71. Type species, Metasphen vigilans Frey (orig. des.).

gilvimana (Cresson) 1926: 269. Type locality: Panama, Alhajuela. HT M (USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas
(PNN Amacayacu, San Martín), Valle del Cauca (PNN Farallones de Cali, Alto Anchicayá)), Costa Rica, Ecuador,
Honduras, Panama. Refs.: Steyskal, 1968: 14 (cat.); Marshall, 2004: 531.

obscura (Hennig), 1935: 65. (Rainieria (Globomyia)). Type locality: Peru, Meshagua, Urubamba River. HT F
(SMTD). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas (PNN Amacayacu, Mocagua, Matamata)), Ecuador, Peru. Refs.: Steyskal,
1968: 14 (cat.); Marshall, 2004: 534.

vigilans Frey 1927:71. Type locality: Brazil, Amazonas, Taracuá, Rio Vaupéz, and Manaus. LT F (MZHF) (des. by
Marshall, 2004: 533). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas (PNN Amacayacu, Matamata), Brazil, Ecuador. Refs.:
Steyskal, 1968: 10 (cat.); Marshall, 2004: 533.

Genus Plocoscelus Enderlein, 1922

Plocoscelus Enderlein, 1922: 226. Type species, Calobata arthritica Wiedemann (orig. des.). Ref.: Steyskal, 1968: 10 (cat.).
Rhoecius Enderlein, 1922:227. Type species, valgus Enderlein (orig. des.) = niger (Schiner).

arthriticus (Wiedemann), 1830: 546 (Calobata). Type locality: Brazil HT M (ZMHB). Distr.: Mexico to Panama,
Surinam, Venezuela, Colombia (Isla Gorgona; Cordillera “tierra caliente”), ?Peru. Refs.: Enderlein, 1922: 227;
Steyskal, 1968: 10 (cat.).
myrmex Schiner, 1868:254 (Cardiacephala). Type locality: “South America”. Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena
(Aracataca, Hacienda Victoria, Sierra San Lorenzo).

brevipennis (Walker), 1852: 389 (Calobata). Type locality: "Brazil". Distr.: Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia (Cordillera
“tierra caliente”), Ecuador, Peru, Surinam, Venezuela. Refs.: Enderlein, 1922: 227; Steyskal, 1968: 10 (cat.);
Albuquerque, 1989: 22.

harenosus Cresson, 1930: 333 (as Ploscelus, lapsus). Type locality: Colombia, Puerto Colombia, Atlántico. HT M
(ANSP). Distr.: Colombia (Atlántico (Puerto Colombia)), Mexico to Panama, Guyana. Ref.: Steyskal, 1968: 10

niger (Schiner), 1868: 255 (Cardiacephala). Type locality : "South America". Distr.: Mexico to Panama, Bolivia,
Brazil, Colombia, Guyana, Peru, Venezuela. Refs.: Steyskal, 1968:10 (cat.).
valgus Enderlein, 1922: 228 (Rhoecius). Type locality: Bolivia, Sara; Colombia.

Genus Poecilotylus Hennig, 1934

Subgenus Poecilotylus Hennig, 1934

obliqua (Fabricius), 1805: 261 (Calobata). Type locality: "South America". HT F (ZMUC). Distr.: Guatemala to
Panama, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia (Cordillera, “tierra caliente”), Guianas, Peru. Venezuela Refs.: Hennig, 1934:
102; Steyskal, 1968:12 (cat.).

Genus Ptilosphen Enderlein, 1922

Ptilosphen Enderlein, 1922: 222. Type species, Calobata insignis Wiedemann (orig. des.). Ref.: Steyskal, 1968: 13 (cat.).

542 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press MARSHALL ET AL.

comis Cresson, 1930: 347. Type locality: Guyana, Kamakusa. HT M (ANSP). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas
(Leticia)), Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru. Ref.: Steyskal, 1968: 13 (cat.). New record to Colombia.
subgentilis Hendel, 1936: 71. Type locality: Brazil, Pernanbuco, Recife; Pará, Belém.

conveniens (Wulp) 1897: 373 (Calobata). Type locality: Panama, Bugaba. ST F (BMNH) Distr.: Colombia (Meta
(23km N.W. Villavicencio, quebrada Susumuco)), Bolivia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Peru, Venezuela. Ref.: Steyskal,
1968: 13 (cat.). New record to Colombia.

cyaneiventris (Macquart), 1846: 343 (sep. p. 215), pl. 19, fig. 5 (Calobata). Type locality: "Colombia". Distr.:
Colombia (Magdalena (Aracataca); Bogotá (probably error); Cordillera “tierra caliente”; Hac. Pehlke;
?Cartagena)), Mexico to Panama, Venezuela, Brazil. Refs.: Enderlein, 1922: 224; Cresson, 1930: 346; Hennig,
1934: 316; Steyskal, 1968: 13 (cat.).

enderleini Cresson 1930: 346. Type locality: Peru, Puerto Bermúdez, Río Pichís. HT M (CUIC). Distr.: Brazil,
Colombia, Ecuador, Peru. Ref.: Steyskal, 1968: 13 (cat.). New record to Colombia.

facetus Enderlein 1922: 225 (Ptilosphen). Type locality: Ecuador, Balzapamba. HT M (ZMHB) Distr.: Colombia
(Valle del Cauca (Buenaventura, Anchicaya), Ecuador. Ref.: Steyskal, 1968: 13 (cat.). New record to Colombia.

gentilis Cresson, 1930: 348. Type locality: Costa Rica, San Carlos. HT M (USNM) Distr.: Colombia (Isla
Gorgona), Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama. Refs.: Hennig, 1934: 318 (rev.); Steyskal, 1968: 13 (cat.).

insignis (Wiedemann), 1830: 533 (Calobata). Type locality: “Brazil”. ST M (ZMHB) Distr.: Colombia (Cordillera
“tierra caliente”), Trinidad, Guyana, Brazil, Peru. Refs.: Enderlein, 1922: 224; Steyskal, 1968: 13 (cat.).

mimicus Cresson 1930: 348. Type locality: Peru, Pichís and Perene Valleys. HT F (USNM) Distr.: Colombia
(Cueva de Los Guácharos, Cueva del Indio), Costa Rica, Ecuador. Ref.: Steyskal, 1968: 13 (cat.). New record to

rufifrons Enderlein, 1922: 224. Type locality: Colombia, Cordillera, "tierra caliente". ST F (ZMHB) Distr.:
Colombia (Cordillera “tierra caliente”), Ecuador, Panama. Refs.: Hennig, 1934: 37; Hennig, 1937: 523; Steyskal,
1968: 13 (cat.). Probable synonym of C. cyaneiventris.
cinctiventris Enderlein, 1922:225. Type locality: Colombia, Cordillera, "tierra caliente". Bolivia, Brazil,
Colombia, Costa Rica, Peru, Venezuela.
Ptilosphen tetrastigma auct., not Schiner (misidentifications)

Genus Rainieria Rondani, 1843

Rainieria Rondani, 1843: 40. Type species, Calobata calceata Fallen (orig. des.).
Tanipoda Rondani, 1856: 116. Type species, Calobata calceata Fallen (orig. des.).
Tanypoda, emend.

Comm.: No Rainieria were listed from Colombia in Steyskal 1968, but the taxon currently treated as the subgenus
Rainieriella Aczel certainly occurs in Colombia.

Genus Scipopus Enderlein, 1922

Subgenus Phaeopterina Frey, 1927

Phaeopterina Frey, 1927: 73 (as genus). Type species, heteropus Frey (orig, des.).
Phaeopterinus, emend. Steyskal, 1968: 15 (cat.).

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sexguttatus Enderlein, 1922: 209. Type locality: Venezuela; Colombia. ST F (ZMHB) Distr.: Colombia,
Venezuela. Ref.: Steyskal, 1968: 15 (cat.).

Subgenus Scipopus Enderlein, 1922

Scipopus Enderlein, 1922: 208. Type species, Calobata erythrocephala Fabricius (orig. des.).

belzebul (Schiner), 1868: 251 (Calobata). Type locality: “South America”. HT F (NHMW) Distr.: Colombia
(Boyacá (Muzo)), Panama south to Brazil and Bolivia. Refs.: Enderlein 1922: 210; Hennig, 1934: 324 (rev.);
Steyskal, 1968: 15 (cat.).

diversus (Schiner), 1868: 250 (Calobata). Type locality : "South America”. HT F (NHMW) Distr.: Colombia
(Cordillera, tierra templada), Guyana, Venezuela, Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay. Refs.: Enderlein 1922: 211;
Hennig, 1934: 326 (rev.); Steyskal, 1968: 16 (cat.).

erythrocephalus (Fabricius), 1805: 260 (Calobata). Type locality: “South America”. HT damaged, M or F?
(ZMUC) Distr.: Colombia (Bogotá D.C), Panama south to Brazil and Bolivia. Refs.: Enderlein 1922: 210;
Steyskal, 1968: 16 (cat.).

frit Cresson, 1926: 270. Type locality: Honduras. Sangrelaya. HT M (ANSP). Distr.: Colombia (Isla Gorgona),
Mexico to Panama, Venezuela. Refs.: Hennig, 1934: 325 (rev.); Steyskal, 1968: 16 (cat.).

gorgonae Hennig, l934: 329. Type locality: Colombia, Isla Gorgona. HT M (BMNH) Distr.: Colombia (Isla
Gorgona). Ref.: Hennig, 1934: 329; Steyskal, 1968: 16 (cat.).

limbativertex Enderlein, 1922: 211. Type locality: Colombia, Cordillera, "tierra caliente", and Muzo; Brazil, Mato
Grosso; Mexico, Chiapas, Soconusco. ST M (ZMHB) (manuscript lectotype M Colombia) Distr.: Mexico to
Panama, Colombia (Boyacá (Muzo); Hac. Pehlke; Cordillera “tierra caliente”)), Brazil, Bolivia. Refs.: Hennig,
1934: 328 (rev.); Steyskal, 1968: 16 (cat.).

nigripennis (Hendel), 1922 (April) : 231 (Tanypoda). Type locality: Ecuador, Balzapamba. Distr.: Colombia
(Cordillera, “tierra caliente”), Ecuador. Refs.: Hennig, 1934: 328 (rev.); Steyskal, 1968: 16 (cat.).

Genus Grallomyia Rondani, 1850

Grallomya Rondani, 1850: 180. Type species, Calobata tarsata Wiedemann (orig. des.).
Grallomyia, emend. Steyskal, 1968: 16 (cat.).

tarsata (Wiedemann), 1830: 541 (Calobata). Type locality: Type series from Brazil and Surinam; the one
specimen labeled "type" in the BMNH has no locality data, this specimen is provisionally treated as the holotype.
HT M (BMNH) Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca (Bogotá D.C); río Magdalena), Mexico to Panama, Trinidad
south to Brazil and Bolivia. Refs.: Enderlein, 1922: 218; Hennig, 1934: 93 (rev.); Steyskal, 1968: 19 (cat.).

Genus Paragrallomyia Hendel, 1933

Grallomyia, subg. Paragrallomyia Hendel, 1933: 63. Type species, Musca annulata Fabricius (orig, des.).
Grallomyia, subg. Neograllomyia, Hendel, 1933:65. Type species, longivitta Hendel (orig. des,) = vittipennis (Coquillett).

aeripennis (Enderlein), 1922:214 (Grallomyia). Type locality: Peru, Cuzco, Callanga, Pinipini Valley. HT F
(ZMHB) Distr.: Colombia (La Cumbre, probably belong to Valle del Cauca department), Bolivia, Peru. Refs.:
Cresson, 1930: 340; Hennig, 1934: 91; Steyskal, 1968: 17 (cat.).

544 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press MARSHALL ET AL.

angulata (Loew), 1866: 47 (Cent. 7, no. 87) (Calobata). Type locality : *'New Granada" = Colombia. (a
Colombian specimen in ZMHB labelled "angulata det Loew" is probably the type). Distr.: Honduras to Panama,
Colombia (Isla Gorgona; Magdalena (Aracataca), Nariño (Tumaco), Hac. Pehlke)), Trinidad, south to Argentina
(Tucumán). Refs.: Enderlein, 1922: 216; Cresson, 1930: 351; Hennig, 1934: 80 (rev.); Steyskal, 1968: 17 (cat.).

annulata (Fabricius), 1787: 348 (Musca). Type locality: Cayenne=French Guiana. (ZMHB) Distr.: Colombia,
French Guiana and Surinam south to Uruguay and Argentina. Refs.: Enderlein, 1922: 215; Steyskal, 1968: 17

gorgonae Hennig, 1934 : 90. Type locality : Colombia, Isla Gorgona. HT F (BMNH) Distr.: Colombia (Isla
Gorgona). Ref.: Steyskal, 1968: 17 (cat.).

lineata (Enderlein), 1922: 217 (Grallomyia). Type locality: “Colombia”. Distr.: HT M (ZMHB) Distr.: Colombia.
Refs.: Hennig, 1934: 83 (rev.); Steyskal, 1968: 18 (cat.).

platycnema (Loew), 1866: 47 (Calobata). Type locality: New Granada (=Colombia). Distr.: Colombia (Nariño
(Tumaco)), Mexico to Panama, West Indies, Ecuador. Refs.: Hennig, 1934: 90 (rev.); Steyskal, 1968: 19 (cat.).

thiemei (Enderlein), 1922: 217 (Grallomyia). Type locality: Colombia, Cordilleras “tierra caliente”. HT F
(ZMHB) Distr.: Colombia. Refs.: Hennig, 1934: 85 (rev.); Steyskal, 1968: 19 (cat.).

Genus Taeniaptera Macquart, 1835

Taeniaptera Macquart, 1835: 491. Type species, trivittata Macquart (mon.).

Grallopoda Rondani, 1850:178, 180. Type species, Calobata albimana Macquart (orig. des.) = trivittata Macquart.

lasciva (Fabricius), 1798: 564 (Musca). Type locality: Cayenne=French Guiana. HT destroyed, pin only (ZMUC)
Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca (Fusagasuga)), Southernmost USA, Mexico, West Indies, South to Paraguay and
northern Argentina. Refs.: Enderlein, 1922: 212; Hennig, 1934: 87 (rev.); Steyskal, 1968: 18 (cat.).
iunulata Wulp, 1897: 372, pl 9. fig. 26 (Calobata). Type locality: Mexico, Mazatlán, Presidio; Frontera and
Teapa; North Yucatán; Tabasco; Medellín, near Veracruz (error, this locality is from Colombia (Antioquia

vulpes Cresson, 1926: 273. Type locality: Panama, Trinidad Río. HT M (USNM) Distr.: Panama, Colombia (río
Magdalena). Refs.: Hennig, 1934: 85 (rev.); Steyskal, 1968: 19 (cat.).

TABLE 1. Micropezidae species recorded from Colombia.

Subfamily Genus Subgenus Species Author

Micropezinae Micropeza annulata Schiner, 1888
bogotana (Enderlein), 1922
brasiliensis Schiner, 1868
columbiana (Enderlein), 1922
Taeniapteriinae Calosphen pleuralis (Cresson), 1930
strophium (Enderlein), 1922
Cliobata biguttata (Enderlein), 1922
diadema (Wiedemann), 1830
Grallipeza affinis Hennig, 1934
...Continued on next page

CATALOGUE OF MICROPEZIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 545
TABLE 1. (Continued)
Subfamily Genus Subgenus Species Author
ecuadoriensis (Enderlein, 1922)
obscura Hennig, 1934
nigrinotata Hennig, 1934
pseudosimplex Hennig, 1934
suavis (Enderlein, 1922)
unifasciata (Fabricius, 1805)
unimaculata (Macquart, 1846)
Grallomyia tarsata (Wiedemann, 1830)
Mesoconius albimanus (Enderlein, 1922)
auristrigatus Enderlein, 1922
enderleini Frey, 1927
flaviceps Enderlein, 1922
ujhelyianus Enderlein, 1922
Metasphen gilvimana (Cresson, 1926)
vigilans Frey, 1927
obscura (Hennig, 1935)
Paragrallomyia aeripennis (Enderlein, 1922)
angulata (Loew, 1866)
annulata (Fabricius, 1787)
gorgonae Hennig, 1934
lineata (Enderlein, 1922)
platycnema (Enderlein, 1922)
thiemei (Enderlein, 1922)
Plocoscelus arthriticus (Wiedemann, 1830)
brevipennis (Walker, 1852)
harenosus Cresson, 1930
niger (Schiner, 1868)
Poecilotylus Poecilotylus obliqua (Fabricius, 1805)
Ptilosphen comis Cresson, 1930
conveniens (Wulp, 1897)
cyaneiventris (Macquart, 1846)
facetus Enderlein, 1922
gentilis Cresson, 1930
insignis (Wiedemann, 1830)
mimicus Cresson, 1930
rufifrons Enderlein, 1922
tetrastigma (Schiner, 1868)
Scipopus Phaeopterina sexguttatus Enderlein, 1922
Scipopus belzebul (Schines, 1868)
...Continued on next page

546 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press MARSHALL ET AL.

TABLE 1. (Continued)
Subfamily Genus Subgenus Species Author
diversus (Schiner, 1868)
erythrocephalus (Fabricius, 1805)
frit Cresson, 1926
gorgonae Hennig, 1934
limbativertex Enderlein, 1922
nigripennis (Hendel, 1922)
Taeniaptera lasciva (Fabricius, 1798)
vulpes Cresson, 1926
Zelatractodes garleppi (Enderlein, 1922)
rufiventris (Enderlein, 1922)
versicolorus (Enderlein, 1922)


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American Entomological Society, 95 (4), 517–569.
Rondani, C. (1843) Quattro specie di insetti proposti come tipi di generi nouvi. Memoria sesta peer servir ala ditterologia
italiana. (Accad. Sci. Ist. Bologna) Nouvi Annali dele Scienze Naturali, 10, 32–46.
Rondani, C. (1850) Osservazioni sopra alquante specie di Esapodi Ditteri del Museo Torinese. Nuovi Annali delle Scienze
Naturali, Series 3, 2, 165–197, pls. 4. [Bologna]
Rondani, C. (1856) Diterologiae Italicae Prodromus. Vol. I. Genera Italica ordinis dipterorum ordinatim disposita et distincta
et in famílias et stirpes aggregata. A. Stocchi, Parmae [=Parma], 226 + [2] pp.
Schmidt, E. (1906) Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Membraciden. Neue Genera und Spezies in der Sammlung des Stettiner Museums.
Stettiner Entomologische Zeitung, 67, 359–373.
Schiner, J.R. (1868) Diptera. In: Reise der österreichischen Fregatte Novara um die Erde in den Jahren 1857, 1858, 1859 unter
den Befehlen des Commodore B. von Wüllerstorf-Urbair. Vol. 2. Part I. Section B. K. Gerold's Sohn, Wien [=Vienna], pp.
i–vi + 1–388, pls. 1–4.
Steyskal, G.C. (1968) 48. Family Micropezidae. In: Papavero, N. (Ed.), A Catalogue of the Diptera of the Americas South of the
United States. Departamento de Zoología, Secretaria da Agricultura, São Paulo, pp. 1–33.
Walker, F. (1852) Diptera. Part IV. In: Saunders, W.W (Ed.), Insecta Saundersiana, London, pp. 253–414.
Wiedemann, C.R.W. (1830) Aussereuropäische zweiflügelige Insekten. Vol. 2. n der Schulzischen Buchhandlung, Hamm, xii +
684 pp.
Wulp, F.M Van Der. (1897) Group Calobatinae. In: Godman, F.D. & Salvin, O. (Eds.), Biologia Centrali-Americana, Zoology,
Insecta, Diptera. Vol. 2. Published for the editors by R. H. Porter, London, pp. 363–376.

548 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press MARSHALL ET AL.

Zootaxa 4122 (1): 549–554 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
Copyright © 2016 Magnolia Press
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)



Departamento de Zoologia, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Postal Box 19020, 81531–980, Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil.
Corresponding author:


Here we provide a catalog of the Neriidae from Colombia, with all six genera and 17 species in alphabetical order. With
each genus we provide references and with each species we include the original name, type-locality, acronym of the insti-
tution where the type is deposited and the known geographical distribution. In the case of samples only from Colombia,
we provide additional details for locality, relevant synonymy and additional references.

Key words: Catalog, Colombia, Diptera, distribution, Nerioidea


The Neriidae comprise a small group of acalyptrate flies (116 species in 17 genera, Pape et al. 2011) with rather
long legs, porrect antennae with dorso-apical or apical arista and pedicel with a triangular inner process. Neriidae
feed on sap, rotten fruit and other decaying matter (Aczél 1961; Mangan & Baldwin 1986; Buck 2010) and are
found in all biogeographic regions, tending to predominate in the tropics (Hennig 1937; Steyskal 1968).
The Neriidae were first considered a subfamily of Micropezidae in its first revision by Enderlein (1922). In the
second general revision, Hennig (1937) listed 34 species in nine genera for the Neotropical region. Neriidae were
considered to be within the Tylidae (today, Micropezidae) in the first Neotropical catalog by Aczél (1949). Later,
Neriidae was restored as a family in the first complete revision of the American representatives, in which 39
species in 11 genera were recognized (Aczél 1951). The family is split into the subfamilies Telostylinae and
Neriinae. Only the Neriinae occur in the Americas and are identified by the expanded and medially divided upper
face and lunule, which forms a prominently exposed antennal base (Steyskal 1987; Buck 2010).
Steyskal (1968) listed eight species in three genera in Colombia in his catalog of the species reviewed by Aczél
(1961). Recently, another four new species have been described from South America (Sepúlveda et al. 2013a,
2014). Today, nine genera are known in the New World (Buck 2010), of which six (and a total of 17 species) have
been recorded in Colombia and are included in this catalog, in which we follow the classification proposed by
Aczél (1961) and Buck (2010).
We list the genera and species in alphabetical order and each species is followed by information including
authorship, original publication, original genus name parenthetically, type locality, type-material information
(including the acronym of the institution housing the material in square brackets), general distribution (countries)
except for the United States, Mexico, Brazil and Argentina, when we also provide state or provincial citations
parenthetically. For each Colombian species, we also include the specific locality and department parenthetically,
followed by detailed references and the relevant synonymy. At the end of the list of species, a table includes all
species known from Colombia, including rank, author(s) and year of publication.

Accepted by S. Nihei: 16 Apr. 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016 549

Acronyms for the depositories

CEUA—Colección Entomológica Universidad deAntioquia, Medellin, Colombia.

DEBU—University of Guelph Insect Collection, Guelph, Canada.
IAvH—Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt, Villa de Leyva, Colombia.
MZUSP—Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.
NMW—Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, Wien, Austria.
OUM—University Museum of Natural History, Oxford, United Kingdom.
SMT—Staatliches Museum für Tierkunde, Dresden, Germany.
ZMHB—Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universität, Berlin, Germany.
USNM—National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C.
ZMHB—Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universität, Berlin, Germany.
ZMUC—University of Copenhagen, Zoological Museum, Copenhagen, Denmark.

List of abbreviations

mon.—by monotypy
n. comb.—new combination
n. syn.—new synonym
orig. des.—by original designation
PNN—National Natural Park
RN—Natural Reserve
SFF—Flora and Fauna Sanctuary
subs. des.—by subsequent designation
M (m#)—Male
F (f#)—Female

Catalogue of Neriidae of Colombia

Family Neriidae Westwood, 1840

Subfamily Neriinae Enderlein, 1922

Genus Cerantichir Enderlein, 1922

Cerantichir Enderlein, 1922: 155. Type species, Nerius flavifrons Bigot, 1886 (orig. des.; misident.) = enderleini Hennig,

peruana (Hennig), 1937: 261 (Odontoloxozus). Type locality: Peru, Urubamba river, Umuhuankiali. HT M (SMT).
Distr.: Costa Rica to Bolivian and Midwest Region of Brazil, Colombia (Putumayo (PNN La Paya)). Refs.:

550 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press SEPÚLVEDA & DE CARVALHO
Sepúlveda et al. 2013b: 126 (key; figs. 1B, 1D, 2B, 2D), 127 (figs. 3B, 3C, 3E, 3I, 3J, 3K), 129 (redesc.; figs. 5A,
5B), 130 (distr.).

Genus Eoneria Aczél, 1951

Eoneria Aczél, 1951: 570. Type species, Eoneria blanchardi Aczél, 1951 (orig. des.).

aczeli Sepúlveda & Carvalho, 2013a: 252. Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena, PNN Tayrona, Neguanje. HT M
(IAvH). Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena (PNN Tayrona, Neguanje), Atlántico (Barranquilla, Uniatlántico)).

Genus Glyphidops Enderlein, 1922

Glyphidops Enderlein, 1922: 150. Type species, Nerius filosus Fabricius, 1805 (orig. des.).

Subgenus Glyphidops Enderlein, 1922

bullatus (Enderlein), 1922: 151 (Chaetomeristes). Type locality: Ecuador, Napo Province, Archidonia. HT M
(ZMHB). Distr.: Colombia (Risaralda (SFF Otún Quimbaya), Huila (PNN Cueva de Los Guácharos), Nariño (RN
La Planada)), Ecuador, Peru. Refs.: Sepúlveda et al., 2014: 142 (key), 142 (redesc.), 144 (figs. 1A-G), 169 (distr.).

coracinus Sepúlveda, Wolff & Carvalho, 2014: 145. Type locality: Colombia, Risaralda, SFF Otún Quimbaya. HT
M (IAvH). Distr.: Colombia (Risaralda (SFF Otún Quimbaya), Putumayo (PNN La Paya, Loma Baja), Amazonas
(PNN Amacayacu, San Martin)), Peru, Bolivia.

filosus (Fabricius), 1805: 262 (Nerius). Type locality: “America Meridional”. HT sex? (ZMUC). Distr.: Costa
Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Panamá, Trinidad, Surinam, British Guyana, Brazil (Amazonas, Roraima, Pará, Acre,
Alagoas, Bahia, Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro, Mato Grosso, São Paulo), Colombia (Antioquia
(Santa Bárbara; La Pintada; Jericó, Cauca Viejo), Meta (PNN La Macarena, Caño Curía), Vaupés (Estación
Biólogica Mosiro-Itajura, Caparú)), Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia. Refs.: Sepúlveda et al., 2014: 142 (key), 148 (redesc.),
149 (figs. 4A-E), 169 (distr.).

ruselatus Sepúlveda, Wolff & Carvalho, 2014: 152. Type locality: Colombia, Antioquia, La Ceja. HT M (CEUA).
Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (La Ceja; Medellín; Andes; Carepa), Norte de Santander (Cucutilla), Santander
(Carmen de Chucurrí; Pie de Cuesta), Risaralda (SFF Otún Quimbaya), Quindío (Finlandia), Huila (PNN Cueva de
Los Guacharos), Caldas (Anselma), Valle del Cauca (PNN Farallones de Cali)), Ecuador.

steyskali Sepúlveda, Wolff & Carvalho, 2014: 154. Type locality: Ecuador, Puerto Orellana. HT M (USNM).
Distr.: Colombia (Caquetá (Sucre), Huila (PNN Cueva de los Guacharos), Meta (PNN Sumapaz), Vaupés (Estación
Biológica Moshiro-Itajura (Caparú)), Putumayo (PNN La Paya), Amazonas (PNN Amacayacu, Matamata)),
Ecuador, Brazil (Amazonas), Peru.

Subgenus Oncopsia Enderlein, 1922

Dictyonerius Enderlein, 1922: 159. Type species: Nerius pluricellatus Schiner, 1868: 248 (orig. des.). Refs.: Aczél 1961: 329.

carrerai Aczél, 1961: 316. Type locality: Brazil, São Paulo, São Vicente. HT M (MZUSP). Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquia (Girardota), Amazonas (PNN Amacayacu, Matamata)), Brazil (São Paulo), Guyana. Refs.: Sepúlveda
et al. 2014: 142 (key), 159 (redesc.), 160 (figs. 9A–D), 171 (distr.).

durus (Cresson), 1926: 260 (Nerius). Type locality: Costa Rica, Higuito, San Mateo. HT F (USNM). Distr.: Costa
Rica, Panama, Colombia (Antioquia (Nariño, Vereda Puente Linda; San Luis, RN Cañón del Rio Claro), Chocó
(PNN Los Katíos), Risaralda (Otún Quimbaya, El Molinillo), Huila (PNN Cueva de los Guácharos, Cabaña

CATALOGUE OF NERIIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 551
Cedros), Cauca (PNN Gorgona, Antigua Laguna), Valle del Cauca (PNN Farallones de Cali, Anchicaya; Ginebra,
Loma Gorda), Meta (PNN Sumapaz, Jardín Botánico), Putumayo (PNN La Paya, Loma Alta), Vaupés (Estación
Biológica Mosiro Itajura, Caparú), Amazonas (PNN Amacayacu, Matamata; PNN Amacayacu, San Martín)),
Venezuela, Brazil (Amazonas, Pará, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Paraná), Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina
(Tucumán). Refs.: Sepúlveda et al., 2014: 142 (key), 160 (redesc.), 161 (figs. 10A–E, 17F–I), 171 (distr.).

flavifrons (Bigot), 1886: 372 (Nerius). Type locality: Mexico. HT F (OUM). Distr.: USA (Arizona), Mexico (Baja
California sur, Tabasco), Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia (Magdalena (Sierra
Leona, Hacienda Cincinnati), Antioquia (Carepa, Tunelapa; La Pintada; Maceo, RN Cañón del rio Alicante; San
Luis, Rio Samaná Norte; Nariño, Vereda Puente Linda; Santa Bárbara), Caldas (Norcasia), Chocó (Nuquí,
Corregimiento Jobi), Meta (PNN Sumapaz, Jardín Botánico), Putumayo (PNN La Paya, Loma Alta), Amazonas
(PNN Amacayacu, Matamata; PNN Amacayacu, San Martín)), Trinidad and Tobago, British Guyana, Brazil
(Amazonas, Pará, Acre), Ecuador, Bolivia. Refs.: Hennig 1937: 252 (key, listed, n. com.); Aczél 1949: 378 (cat.);
Steyskal 1968: 3 (cat.); Sepúlveda et al. 2014: 142 (key), 163 (redesc.), 164 (figs. 11A–E, 17J–L)), 171 (distr.).

pluricellatus (Schiner), 1868: 248 (Nerius). Type locality: “South America” (Venezuela). ST F (NMW). Distr.:
Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia (Antioquia (Carepa, Tunelapa; La Pintada; Rio Claro; Zaragoza, Providencia;
Jericó, Cauca Viejo), Chocó (Jobi; PNN Los Katíos), Meta (Villavicencio, Quatquia)), Venezuela, Argentina
(Mendoza). Refs.: Hendel 1933: 59 (redescr.); Hennig 1937: 262 (redescr.); Aczél 1961: 315 (key), 329 (redesc., n.
comb.), 335 (fig. 59); Steyskal 1968: 3 (cat.); Sepúlveda et al., 2014: 142 (key), 167 (redesc.), 168 (figs. 13A–E,),
171 (distr.).

Genus Longina Wiedemann, 1830

Longina Wiedemann, 1830: 553. Type species: Longina abdominalis Wiedemann, 1830 (mon.).

anguliceps Buck & Marshall, 2004: 25. Type locality: Ecuador, Provincia Napo, RN Sierra Azul. HT F (DEBU).
Distr.: Colombia (Norte de Santander (Cucutilla), Santander (Pie de Cuesta), Risaralda (SFF Otún Quimbaya),
Boyacá (SFF Iguaqué), Quindío (Finlandia), Cauca (PNN Munchique, Sector La Romelia), Huila (PNN Cueva de
los Guácharos)), Ecuador.

semialba Buck & Marshall, 2004: 28. Type locality: Ecuador, Provincia Napo, Cosanga. HT F (DEBU). Distr.:
Colombia (Risaralda (SFF Otún Quimbaya), Quindío (SFF Otún Quimbaya), Huila (PNN Cueva de Los
Guácharos), Nariño (RN La Planada)), Ecuador.

Genus Loxozus Enderlein, 1922

Loxozus Enderlein, 1922: 156. Type species: Loxozus clavicornis Enderlein (orig. des.).

clavicornis Enderlein, 1922: 156. Type locality: Colombia, “cordilleras, tierra templada”. HT F (ZMHB). Distr.:

Genus Nerius Fabricius, 1805

Nerius Fabricius, 1805: 264. Type species: Nerius pilifer Fabricius, 1805: 264 (post. des. Coquillett 1910: 575).

pilifer Fabricius, 1805: 264. Type locality: “America meridional”. HT M (ZMUC). Distr.: Mexico (Tabasco),
Haiti, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia (La Guajira (Rioacha, Corregimiento El Abra), Atlántico (Barranquilla,
Uniatlántico), Magdalena (Santa Marta), Bolivar (Corregimiento El Arenal), Sucre (San Onofre, RN Sanguaré),
Antioquia (Maceo, RN Cañón del Rio Alicante; La Pintada; Jericó, Cauca Viejo; Nariño, Vereda Puente Linda),

552 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press SEPÚLVEDA & DE CARVALHO
Santander (Campamento, Santa Isabel), Caldas (Norcasia, Sector El Tigre), Vichada (PNN El Tuparro, Ceroo
Tomás), Putumayo (PNN La Paya, Quebrada Blanca)), Venezuela, British Guyana, Surinam, Brazil (Amazonas,
Pará, Acre, Tocantins, Rôndonia, Bahia, Mato Grosso, Goiás, Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso do Sul, São Paulo),
Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentina (Tucumán). Refs.: Macquart, 1835: 493 (as brunneus, desc.); Hennig
1937: 246 (remarks); Aczél 1949: 376 (cat.); Aczél 1961: 333 (key), 344 (remarks); Steyskal 1968: 4 (cat.);
Carvalho-Filho & Esposito 2008: 60 (distr., key).
brunneus Macquart, 1835: 493; Hennig 1937: 246.

plurivittatus Bigot, 1886: 372. Type locality: Mexico. HT M (OUM). Distr.: Mexico (Veracruz, Córdoba),
Panama, Dominican Republic, Trinidad, British Guyana, Venezuela, Colombia (Caldas (Norcasia), Antioquia
(Maceo, RN Cañón del Rio Alicante; San Roque, Corregimiento San José del Nus; La Pintada; Nariño, Vereda
Puente Linda; Carepa, Tunelapa), Cundinamarca (PNN Sumapaz), Meta (PNN Sumapaz, Jardín Botánico;
Villavicencio, Rio Oca), Valle del Cauca (PNN Farallones de Cali, Anchicaya), Putumayo (PNN La Paya), Vaupés
(Estación Biológica Mosiro-Itajura, Caparú), Amazonas (PNN Amacayacu, Matamata)), Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia,
Brazil (Amazonas, Pará, Acre). Refs.: Aczél 1961: 262 (listed), 336 (redesc.), 339 (distr.); Steyskal 1968: 5 (cat.);
Carvalho-Filho & Esposito 2008: 60 (listed, distr.).

purpusianus (Enderlein), 1922: 157 (Brachantichir). Type locality: Mexico, Xiapas, Soconusco. LT M (ZMHB).
Distr.: Mexico (Chiapas), Costa Rica, Colombia (Caldas (Tolima, Hacienda Pehlke)). Refs.: Hennig 1937: 247
(redesc.); Aczél 1949: 376 (cat.); Steyskal 1968: 5 (cat.).


The authors would like to thank to Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) for
the research grant (TAS proc. 130370/2011-8; CJBC proc. 304713/2011–2). Thanks to James J. Roper for review
of the English.

TABLE 1. Species of Neriidae recorded for Colombia.

Genus Subgenus Species Author

Cerantichir peruana (Hennig, 1937)
Eoneria aczeli Sepúlveda & Carvalho, 2013
Glyphidops Glyphidops bullatus (Enderlein, 1922)
coracinus Sepúlveda, Wolff & Carvalho, 2014
filosus (Fabricius, 1805)
ruselatus Sepúlveda, Wolff & Carvalho, 2014
steyskali Sepúlveda, Wolff & Carvalho, 2014
Glyphidops Oncopsia carrerai Aczél, 1961
durus (Cresson, 1926)
flavifrons (Bigot, 1886)
pluricellatus (Schiner, 1868)
Longina anguliceps Buck & Marshall, 2004
semialba Buck & Marshall, 2004
Loxozus clavicornis Enderlein, 1922
Nerius pilifer Fabricius, 1805
plurivittatus Bigot, 1886
purpusianus (Enderlein, 1922)

CATALOGUE OF NERIIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 553

Aczél, M.L. (1949) Catálogo de la familia de las Tylidae (Calobatidae + Micropezidae + Neriidae, Diptera) en la Region
Neotropical. Acta Zoológica Lilloana, 8, 309–389.
Aczél, M.L. (1951) Morfología externa y División Sistemática de las “Tanypezidiformes” con sinopsis de las especies
argentinas de “Tylidae” (“Micropezidae”) y “Neriidae” (Dipt.). Acta Zoologica Lilloana, 11, 483–589.
Aczél, M.L. (1961) A revision of American Neriidae (Diptera, Acalyptratae). Studia Entomologica, 4, 257–346.
Bigot, J.M.F. (1886) Diptères nouveaux ou peu connus. 29e partie (suite) (1). XXXVII. §2e. Essai D´une classification
synoptique du groupe Tanypezidi (mihi) et description de genres et d'espèces inédits. Annales de la Société Entomologique
de France, 6, 372–373.
Buck, M. (2010) Neriidae. In: Brown, B.V., Borkent, A., Cumming, J.M., Wood, D.M., Woodley, N.E. & Zumbado, M.A.
(Eds.), Manual of Central American Diptera. Vol. 2. NRC Research Press, Ottawa, pp. 815–819.
Buck, M. & Marshall, S.A. (2004) A review of the genus Longina Wiedemann, with descriptions of two new species (Diptera,
Neriidae). Studia Dipterologica, 11, 23–32.
Carvalho-Filho, F.S. & Esposito, M.C. (2008) Neriidae (Diptera: Schizophora) of the Brazilian Amazon: new records of genera
and species, and key to species. Neotropical Entomology, 37, 58–62.
Coquillett, D.W. (1910) The type-species of the North American genera of Diptera. Proceedings of the United States National
Museum, 6, 166–192.
Cresson, E.T. Jr. (1926) Descriptions of new genera and species of Diptera (Ephydridae and Micropezidae). Transactions of the
American Entomological Society, 52, 249–274.
Enderlein, G. (1922) Klassifikation der Micropeziden. Archiv für Naturgeschicthe, (A) 88, 140–229.
Fabricius, J.C. (1805) Systema antliatorum secundum ordines, genera, species, adiectis synonyms, locis, observationibus,
descriptionibus. Reichard, Brunsvigae (=Brunswick), pp. 264–265.
Hendel, F. (1933) Ueber einige Typen Wiedemann´s und Schiner´s von acalyptraten Musciden aus Südamerika, nebst eiginen
verwandten Arten. Revista de Entomologia, 3, 50–83.
Hennig, W. (1937) Üebersichtüeber die Arten der Neriiden und üeber die Zoogeographiedieser Acalyptraten-Gruppe. Stettiner
Entomologische Zeitung, 98, 240–280.
Macquart, P.J.M. (1835) Histoire naturelle des insectes. Diptères. Tome deuxième. Ouvrage accompagné de planches. Roret,
Paris, 703 pp.
Mangan, R.L. & Baldwin, D. (1986) A new cryptic species of Odontoloxozus (Neriidae: Diptera) from the Cape Region of Baja
California Sur (Mexico). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, 88, 110–121.
Pape, T., Blagoderov, V. & Mostovski, B.M. (2011) Order Diptera Linnaeus, 1758. In: Zhang, Z.-Q. (Ed.), Animal biodiversity:
An outline of higher-level classification and survey of taxonomic richness. Zootaxa, 3148, 222–229.
Sepúlveda, T., Wolff, M.I. & Carvalho, C.J.B. (2013a) Revision of the Neotropical genus Eoneria Aczél (Diptera: Neriidae)
with description of a new species from Colombia. Zootaxa, 3636 (2), 245–256.
Sepúlveda, T., Wolff, M.I. & Carvalho, C.J.B. (2013b) Revision of the neotropical genus Cerantichir (Diptera: Neriidae) with
new records and a key to species. Revista Colombiana de Entomología, 39 (1), 125–131.
Sepúlveda, T., Wolff, M.I. & Carvalho, C.J.B. (2014) Revision of the New World genus Glyphidops Enderlein (Diptera:
Neriidae). Zootaxa, 3785 (2), 139–174.
Schiner, I.R. (1868) Diptera. In: Wullerstorf-Urbair, B. von (Ed.), Reise der österreichischen Fregatte Novara um die Erde in
den Jahren 1857, 1858, 1859 unter den Befehlen des Commodore B. von Wüllerstorf-Urbair. Zoologischer Theil, Vol. 2
(Abt. 1). B. K. Gerald's Sohn, Wien, pp. 1–388. [vi + 388 pp., 4 pls.]
Steyskal, G.C. (1968) 49. Family Neriidae. In: Papavero, N. (Ed.), A Catalogue of Diptera of the Americas South of the United
States. Departamento de Zoologia, Secretaria da Agricultura, São Paulo, 7 pp.
Steyskal, G.C. (1987) Neriidae. In: McAlpine, J.F., Peterson, B.V., Shewell, G.E., Teskey, H.J., Vockroth, J.R. & Wood, D.M.
(Eds.), Manual of Neartic Diptera. Vol. 2. Research Branch Monograph 28, Agriculture Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, pp.
Westwood, J.O. (1840) An Introduction to the Modern Classification of Insects; founded on the Natural Habits and
Corresponding Organisation of the different Families. Volume II. Longman, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longmans,
London, xi + 587 pp.
Wiedemann, C.R.W. (1830) Aussereuropische zweiflgelige Insekten Als Fortsetzung des Meigenschen Werkes. Erster Theil.
Schulz, Hamm, xii + 684 pp., 5 pls.

554 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press SEPÚLVEDA & DE CARVALHO
Zootaxa 4122 (1): 555–557 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
Copyright © 2016 Magnolia Press
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)



Grupo de Entomologia, Instituto de Biologia, Universidad de Antioquia. Colombia.
Laboratório de Biodiversidade e Biogeografia de Diptera, Departmento de Zoologia, UFPR, Caixa postal 19020, Curitiba, PR.,
Brazil, 81531-980.
* Corresponding author:


The Tanypezidae of Colombia are catalogued. Nine species in one genus are presented and geographical information are
provided for all species, when available.

Key words: catalogue, Diptera, distribution, Colombia


Tanypezidae is a small family of Acalyptratae Diptera. These flies are medium sized with body slender, long legs
and veins R4+5 and M converging apically. The biology and larval stages are practically unknown (Lonsdale 2014).
Only 28 species are known in two genera, Tanypeza Fallén (2 species, restricted to the Holarctic region) and
Neotanypeza Hendel (26 species, restricted to the New World) (Lonsdale 2014). In Colombia only nine species are
reported in this genus but it is expected to discover many new species and new occurrences.
This catalogue is based on the Neotropical Catalogue of Tanypezidae (Steyskal 1967) and on the World
Catalogue of the family (Lonsdale 2014). We underline Colombian department names and parenthetically note
specific localities. At the end, we provide a table that includes all species found in Colombia (Table 1).

Acronyms used for the depositories

CBFC—Colección Boliviana de Fauna, La Paz, Bolivia.

CAS—California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, USA.
DEBU—University of Guelph Insect Collection, Guelph, Ontario, Canada.
MRSN—Museo Regionale de Scienze Naturali, Turin, Italy.
NMW—Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, Vienna, Austria.
USNM—National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C., USA.
ZMHB—Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universität, Berlin, Germany.

List of abbreviations

distr.—geographic distribution

Accepted by S. Nihei: 26 May 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016 555

orig. des.—by original designation
stat. reinst.—status reinstated
F (f#)—Female
M (m#)—Male

Catalogue of Tanypezidae of Colombia

Family Tanypezidae Bigot, 1880

Genus Neotanypeza Hendel

Neotanypeza Hendel, 1903: 203 (as subgenus of Tanypeza). Type species, Tanypeza elegans Wiedemann (subs. des.,
Enderlein, 1913: 225). Refs.: Steyskal, 1967: 1 (cat.); 1987: 774; Lonsdale, 2013: 11 (rev., phylogeny); 2014: 414 (cat.).
Scipopeza Enderlein, 1913: 228. Type species, Scipopeza grandis Enderlein (orig. des.).
Polphopeza Enderlein, 1913: 226. Type species, Polphopeza quadrisetosa Enderlein (orig. des.).
Tripolphopeza Enderlein, 1936: 41. Type species, Polphopeza elegantina Enderlein (orig. des.).
Tritanypeza Enderlein, 1936: 42. Type species, Tritanypeza cubitofusca Enderlein (orig. des.).

alopecia Lonsdale, 2013: 16. Type locality: Ecuador, Napo, Res. Ethnica Waorani, 1 km S Onkone Gare Camp,
00°3910”S, 76°26’W. HT M (USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca, Finca Bellavista, Sasaima), Bolivia,
Brazil, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru. Refs.: Lonsdale, 2014: 415 (cat.).

callitarsis (Rondani), 1850: 181. Type locality: Venezuela, Junin Prov., La Merced, Chanchamayo, 800m. HT M
(MRSN) (redescr. Lonsdale, 2013: 19). Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca, Finca Bellavista, Sasaima), Argentina,
Bolivia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Venezuela. Refs.: Lonsdale, 2013: 19;
2014: 415 (cat.).
nigripalpis Hennig, 1936: 36.
cubitofusca Enderlein, 1936: 44 (Tritanipeza).

claripennis (Schiner), 1868: 247 (stat. reinst. by Lonsdale, 2013: 20). Type locality: Venezuela. LT M (NMW)
(des. Lonsdale 2013: 20). Distr.: Argentina, Brazil, British Honduras, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominica, Ecuador,
El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, Peru, St. Vincent, Venezuela. Refs.: Lonsdale, 2013: 20; 2014: 415

dallasi (Shannon), 1927: 41. Type locality: Argentina, Tucuman, quebrada de Lules. LT M (USNM) (des. Lonsdale
2013: 21). Distr.: Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama.
Refs.: Lonsdale, 2013: 21; 2014: 415 (cat.).

flavicalx (Enderlein), 1936: 46. Type locality: Colombia, Cordillere, Tierra Caliente. HT F (ZMHB). Distr.:
Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, St. Lucia, Trinidad, Venezuela. Refs.: Steyskal, 1967: 2; Lonsdale,
2013: 25; 2014: 416 (cat.).

montana (Enderlein), 1936: 40 (Polphopeza). Type locality: Colombia. Cordilleren, Terra Fria. LT F (ZMHB)
(redes. Lonsdale 2013: 27). Distr.: Colombia (Meta, 3 m W of Villavicencio, 920 m), Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil,
Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama, Peru, Venezuela. Refs.: Steyskal, 1967: 2; Lonsdale, 2013: 27; 2014: 416 (cat.).

556 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press WOLFF & GRISALES
posthos Lonsdale, 2013: 31. Type locality: Bolivia, La Paz, Coroico, Cerro Uchumachi, 2550 m, 16°12′43′′S,
67°42′49′′W, cloud forest. HT M (CBFC). Distr.: Bolivia, Colombia (Antioquia, Queb. La Iguana, 17 km NW
Medellin), Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela. Refs.: Lonsdale, 2013: 31; 2014: 417 (cat.).

symmetros Lonsdale, 2013: 34. Type locality: Colombia, Las Hermosas National Park, Valle Paramo, 2700 m. HT
M (CAS). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca, Páramo Las Hermosas). Refs.: Lonsdale, 2014: 418 (cat.).

vexilla Lonsdale, 2013: 34. Type locality: Ecuador, Napo, Sierra Azul Res., 14 km W of Cosanga, 2200 m,
0°40′55′′S, 77°58′09′′W, HT M (DEBU). Distr.: Ecuador, Colombia (Boyacá, SFF Iguaque, 5°25′12′′N,
73°27′24′′W, 2850 m), Peru, Venezuela. Refs.: Lonsdale, 2013: 31; 2014: 418 (cat.).


To Estrategia de Sostenibilidad 2015-2015 University of Antioquia for the grants to MW and to the Conselho
Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico for their postdoctoral support to DG.

TABLE 1. Tanypezidae species recorded to Colombia.

Genus Species Author

Neotanypeza alopecia Lonsdale, 2013
callitarsis (Rondani, 1850)
claripennis (Schiner, 1868)
dallasi (Shannon, 1927)
flavicalx (Enderlein, 1936)
montana (Enderlein, 1936)
posthos Lonsdale, 2013
symmetros Lonsdale, 2013
vexilla Lonsdale, 2013


Bigot, J.M.F. (1880) Dipteres nouveaux ou peu connus. 12e partie. XVIII. Genres Plagiocera (Macq.), Formosia (Guerin) et
Rutilia (Rob.-Desv.). XIX. Diopsidae (Macq., J. Bigot). Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, 5, 85–89, 90–94.
Enderlein, G. (1913) Dipterologische Studien II. Zur Kenntnis der Tanypezinen. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 42, 224–229.
Enderlein, G. (1936) Klassifikation der Tanypeziden. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, 1936, 39–47.
Hendel, F. (1903) Ueber die systematische Stellung von Tanypeza Fall. (Dipt.). Weiner Entomologische Zeitung, 22, 201–205.
Hennig, W. (1936) Beiträge zur Kenntnis des Kopulationsapparates und der Systematik der Tanypeziden (Dipt., Acalypt.).
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, 1936, 27–38.
Lonsdale, O. (2013) Review of the families Tanypezidae and Strongylophthalmyiidae, with a revision of Neotanypeza Hendel
(Diptera: Schizophora). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology, 641, 1–60.
Lonsdale, O. (2014) World Catalogue of the family Tanypezidae (Diptera: Schizophora). Zootaxa, 3857 (3), 412–422.
Rondani, C. (1850) Osservazione sopra alquante specie di esapodi ditteri del Museo Torinese. Nuovi annali delle scienze
naturali, Bologna, Series 2, 165–197.
Schiner, I.R. (1868) Diptera. In: von Wullerstorf-Urbair, B. (Ed.), Reise der österreichischen Fregatte Novara. Zoology, 2 (1),
pp. i–vi+ 1–388, pls. 1–4. [B.K. Gerold’s Sohn, Wien]
Steyskal, G.C. (1967) 52. Family Tanypezidae. In: A catalogue of the Diptera of the Americas South of the United States. Museu
de Zoologia. Universidad de São Paulo, São Paulo, 4 pp.

CATALOGUE OF TANYPEZIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 557
Zootaxa 4122 (1): 558–560 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
Copyright © 2016 Magnolia Press
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)


Insect Biosystematist Plant Pest Diagnostics Branch, CDFA, 3294 Meadowview Road, Sacramento, CA 95832-1448, U.S.A. E-mail:


This catalog features the three species of Syringogastridae that have been reported for Colombia. It is entirely based on
literature data and contains no new records.

Key words: catalogue, Colombia, Distribution, Syringogaster , Syringogastridae


The Syringogastridae occur in the Neotropical region with exception of the Antilles, from which they are known
only through the fossil record (Dominican amber) (Marshall et al. 2009). They are distributed from Tamazunchale,
San Luis Potosí, Mexico to Eldorado, Misiones, Argentina (Marshall et al. 2009). The family is monotypic, with a
total of 21 extant species, three of which occur in Colombia (Table 1).
Almost nothing is known about the biology of Syringogaster. Syringogastrids walking on leaves resemble ants
(especially Pseudomyrmex Lund) that often occur on the same leaf surfaces (Papavero 1964). This resemblance
includes movement, size and shape, making syringogastrids difficult to distinguish from ants until they take flight.
Marshall et al. (2009) and Marshall & Buck (2010) summarized what is known about the biology of
Syringogaster adults are characterized by the following combination of characters (Marshall & Buck 2009):
Small (body length 4–6 mm), ant-looking flies; head spherical, separated from mesothorax by long, collar-like
prothorax; setae reduced; head setae limited to outer verticals and (usually) ocellar bristles; thorax only with
postalar and one pair of scutellar bristles; pedicel with dorsal seam, arista bipectinate. Wing partially infuscated or
banded, constricted basally, anal portion of wing reduced, alula apparently absent; Costal vein without breaks;
subcostal vein incomplete, more or less coalescing with vein R1 Costal vein; cell cup complete. Forelegs short and
separated from midlegs by wide distance; hind femur swollen and with anteroventral and posteroventral row of
stout, short, spine-like setulae. Scutum with distinct supra-alar carina, metathorax with large, cylindrical posterior
extension, postmetacoxal bridge high. Abdomen petiolate, with first three or four segments fused. Male with fully
developed and symmetrical tergite 6. Synsternite 7+8 forming complete ring separate from epandrium; surstyli and
cerci present. Hypandrium with prominent, setose, ventrolateral lobes; hypandrial bridge usually developed;
distiphallus large and complex, usually curled up on left side of postabdomen. Female lacking oviscape; apical
segments forming short telescoping ovipositor.
The larvae are not known. Feijen (1989) and Meyer & Hilger (2000) gave information on egg morphology.
Species of Syringogaster are somewhat similar to some other ant mimics, especially small Micropezidae in the
genera Metasphen Frey and Globopeza Marshall (Marshall & Buck 2010). Syringogastrids are easily distinguished
from Psilidae (the family in which they were originally described by Cresson 1912), and most other Neotropical
flies, by the long collar-like pronotum, the hind femur swollen with ventral row of spines, the reduced head
chaetotaxy, the basally narrowed wing, and the ant-like body shape (Marshall & Buck 2009).

558 Accepted by S. Nihei: 10 Apr. 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016

Acronyms used for the depositories

ANSP —Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.

DEBU—University of Guelph Insect Collection, Guelph, Ontario, Canada.

List of abbreviations

cat. —catalog
distr.—geographic distribution
orig. des.—by original designation
F (f#)—Female
M (m#)—Male

Catalogue of Syringogastridae of Colombia

Family Syringogastridae Cresson, 1912

Genus Syringogaster Cresson

Syringogaster Cresson, 1912: 392 (as Psilidae). Type species, Syringogaster rufa Cresson (orig. des.). Refs.: Prado,
1975: 1 (cat.); Prado and Papavero, 2002: 1 (checklist, Amazon); Marshall et al. 2009: 1–80 (key, rev.); Marshall
and Buck 2010: 843–846 (Manual of Central American Diptera).

brunnea Cresson, 1912: 394. Type locality: Costa Rica. Peralta Sta. HT F (ANSP). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del
Cauca (Río Raposo)), Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Panama. Refs.: Curran, 1934: 373; Hennig, 1958: 542, fig.
127c; Marshall et al., 2009: 16, 28–29 (key, rev., figs. 17–20); Marshall and Buck 2010:843 fig. 61. 1, 845 (Manual
of Central American Diptera, discussion).

brunneina Marshall & Buck, 2009 in Marshall et al., 2009: 30. Refs.: Marshall and Buck 2010: 844, 845, figs.
61.2–3 (Manual of Central American Diptera). Type locality: Trinidad. Arima, Windblow Ridge, Simla House. HT
M (DEBU). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas (Leticia), Caldas, Valle del Cauca (Buenaventura), Córdoba (Montería)),
Costa Rica, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Panama, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela.
brunnea auctt., nec Cresson, 1912: Prado, 1969: 51.1 (in part).

palenque Marshall & Buck, 2009 in Marshall et al., 2009: 53. Type locality: Ecuador. Pichincha, 47 km s. Sto.
Domingo, Río Palenque Biological Station, 250 m. HT F (DEBU). Distr.: Colombia (Córdoba (Montería)),

TABLE 1. Syringogastridae species recorded from Colombia.

Genus species author

Syringogaster brunnea Cresson, 1912
brunneina Marshall & Buck, 2009
palenque Marshall & Buck, 2009

CATALOGUE OF SYRINGOGASTRIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 559

Cresson, E.T. (1912) Descriptions of several new Neotropical acalyptrate Diptera. Entomological News, 23, 389–396.
Curran, C.H. (1934) The families and genera of North American Diptera. Ballou Press, New York, 512 pp.
Feijen, H.R. (1989) Diopsidae. In: Griffiths, G.C.D. (Ed.), Flies of the Nearctic Region, 9 (12), pp. 1–122. [E.
Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart]
Hennig, W. (1958) Die Familien der Diptera Schizophora und ihre phylogenetischen Verwandtschaftsbeziehungen. Beiträge
zur Entomologie, 8 (5–6), 505–688.
Marshall, S.A., Buck, M., Skevington, J.H. & Grimaldi, D. (2009) A revision of the family Syringogastridae (Diptera:
Diopsoidea). Zootaxa, 1996, 1–80.
Marshall, S.A. & Buck, M. (2010) 61. Syringogastridae (Syringogastrid flies). In: Brown, B.V., Borkent, A., Cumming, J.M.,
Wood, D.M., Woodley, N.E. & Zumbado, M.A. (Eds.), Manual of Central American Diptera. Vol. II. NRC Research Press,
Ottawa, pp. 843–846.
Meier, R. & Hilger, S. (2000) On the egg morphology and phylogenetic relationships of Diopsidae (Diptera: Schizophora).
Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research, 38, 1–36.
Papavero, N. (1964) Notes on the myrmecomimicry of Syringogaster rufa Cresson (Diptera, Acalyptratae, Megamerinidae).
Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia, 16 (12), 110–113. [São Paulo]
Prado, A.P. (1969) Syringogastridae, uma nova família de dípteros Acalyptratae, com descrição de seis espécies nova do gênero
Syringogaster Cresson. Studia Entomologica, 12 (14), 1–32.
Prado, A.P. (1975) 51. Family Syringogastridae. In: Papavero, N. (Ed.), A Catalogue of the Diptera of the Americas South of
the United States. Departamento de Zoologia, Secretaria de Agricultura, São Paulo, pp. 1.
Prado, A.P. & Papavero, N. (2002) Insecta - Diptera - Syringogastridae. Fauna da Amazônia Brasileira, 4, 1. [Belém]

560 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press RUNG

Zootaxa 4122 (1): 561–565 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
Copyright © 2016 Magnolia Press
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)



Laboratório de Biodiversidade e Sistemática de Diptera, Departamento de Entomologia, Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do
Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio de Janeiro, Campus Nilópolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. E-mail: leon-
CNPq research fellow. E-mail:
*Corresponding author:


A catalogue of the Conopidae known from Colombia, with 16 species distributed in four genera, is presented. The richest
group is Stylogaster Macquart. Geographic distributions are given for each species.

Key words: biodiversity, catalogue, Conopidae, distribution, Neotropical


Conopidae Latreille, 1802, or thick-headed flies, are a family of parasitoid Diptera, found all over the world, except
in Polar Regions and Pacific islands. About 800 extant species in 56 genera are recognized (Gibson & Skevington
2013, Pape & Thompson 2013), and three fossils are known, from Baltic and Dominican amber (dating minimally
from ca. 47 mya) (Hennig 1966, Gibson & Skevington 2013, Rocha et al. 2015). Conopids can be recognized by
the head thicker than the slender body, dorsal arista or apical stylus, elongated antennae and prementum, cell r4+5
closed, vein R4+5 deflected forwards, and specialized female genitalia (elongated and tube-shaped, formed by the
segments 6, 7, 8 and 9, in stylogastrines or formed by flat plates on sternite 5 in the others).
Adults of Conopidae are nectarivorous, feeding mainly on the flowers of Apiaceae, Asteraceae and Lamiaceae
(Lopes 1937, Smith & Peterson 1987). Larvae are parasites mainly in hymenopterans, except the stylogastrines,
which develop into orthopteroids and at least oviposit on calyptrate Diptera (Couri & Pont 2006, Couri & Barros
Gibson et al. (2012) and Gibson & Skevington (2013) recognized five subfamilies in the family classification:
Conopinae, Dalmanniinae, Myopinae, Stylogastrinae and Zodioninae, but only Conopinae, Stylogastrinae and
Zodioninae are recorded for Colombia. The family is poorly known in Colombia and, to date, only 16 species in
four genera are recorded in the literature.
Data are based on the catalogue of Papavero (1971), the monograph of Camras and Parrillo (1985), and recent
literature. The sex and depository collection of the types are given, but [?] is used when this information is
unknown. Recorded departments are underlined, specific localities are in brackets, and “Colombia” is used when
specifications of departments or localities are not available.
Most of the records of Conopidae from Colombia are unspecific about the department or cities, making
difficult the identification of sampled regions. The result of this catalog reflects the few studies on Conopidae in
this country and the conopid fauna shall be actually much richer than the known records, since there are many
potentially rich habitats in all over Colombian territory.
Sixteen species of Conopidae are recorded from Colombia. Stylogaster Macquart is the richest group, with 10
species. Physoconops Szilády with 4 species, and Physocephala Schiner and Zodion Latreille, with one species
each, complete the list (Table 1).

Accepted by S. Nihei: 10 Apr. 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016 561

Acronyms used for the depositories

AMNH—American Museum of Natural History, New York.

BMNH—The Natural History Museum, London.
CAS—California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco.
FMNH—Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago.
NMW—Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, Vien.
SMT—Staatliches Museum fur Tierkunde, Dresden.
UKaL— University of Kansas, State Biological Survey of Kansas Invertebrate Collection, Lawrence.
USNM—National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington.
ZMUC—Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen.

List of abbreviations

distr.—by distribution
orig. des.—by original designation
F (f#)—Female
M (m#)—Male

Catalogue of Conopidae of Colombia

Family Conopidae Latreille, 1802

Genus Physocephala Schiner

Physocephala Schiner, 1861: 137. Type species, Conops rufipes Fabricius, 1781 (orig. des.).

inhabilis (Walker), 1849: 672 (Conops). Type locality: Unknown. HT F (BMNH). Distr.: Mexico to Argentina,
“Colombia”. Refs.: Camras, 1957: 215 (rev.); Papavero, 1971: 7 (cat.).

Genus Physoconops Szilády

Physoconops Szilády, 1926: 588. Type species, Conops brachyrrynchus Macquart, 1843 (orig. des.) = Conops obscuripennis
Williston, 1882.

Subgenus Aconops Kröber

Aconops Kröber, 1919: 142. Type species, Conops antennatus Malloch, 1933.

costatus (Fabricius), 1805: 175, (Conops). Type locality: “America Meridionali”. HT sex? (ZMUC).
Distr.:“Colombia”, Surinam, Brazil. Refs.: Camras, 1955: 174 (rev.); Papavero, 1971: 3 (cat.).

562 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press ROCHA & DE MELLO-PATIU
Subgenus Pachyconops Camras

Pachyconops Camras, 1955: 161. Type species, Conops bulbirostris Loew, 1853.

brachyrrhynchus (Macquart), 1843: 172, (Conops). Type locality: “Amerique Septentrionale”. HT (?). Distr.:
United States, Mexico, “Colombia”. Refs.: Camras, 1955: 163 (rev.); Papavero, 1971: 4 (cat.).

gracilis (Williston), 1885: 377, (Conops). Type locality: USA, Arizona. HT M (UKaL). Distr.: United States,
Mexico, “Colombia”. Refs.: Camras, 1955: 163 (rev.); Papavero, 1971: 4 (cat.).

guyanicus (Curran), 1934: 417, (Conops). Type locality: Guyana, Bartica, Kartabo. HT F (AMNH). Distr.:
“Colombia”, Guyana, Venezuela, Peru, Brazil. Refs.: Camras, 1955 (rev.): 167; Papavero, 1971: 4 (cat.).

Genus Stylogaster Macquart

Stylogaster Macquart, 1835: 38. Type species, Conops stylata Fabricius, 1805 (mon.).

abdominalis Kröber, 1914: 352. Type locality: Bolivia, La Paz, Mapirí, Sarampiuní, 700m. HT F (SMT). Distr.:
Colombia (Meta (Villavicencio)), Ecuador, Bolivia. Refs.: Aldrich, 1930: 26; Papavero, 1971: 13 (cat.); Camras &
Parrillo, 1985: 120 (rev.).

breviventris Aldrich, 1930: 19. Type locality: Guyana, Bartica, Kartabo. HT F (AMNH). Distr.: “Colombia”,
Ecuador, Peru, Guyana; Brazil. Refs.: Papavero, 1971: 13 (cat.); Camras & Parrillo, 1985: 117 (rev.).

decorata Aldrich, 1930: 16. Type locality: Costa Rica, San Mateo: Higuito & La Suiza de Turrialba. HT M
(USNM). Distr.: Mexico, Costa Rica, Panama, “Colombia”, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil. Refs.: Papavero, 1971: 14 (cat.);
Camras & Parrillo, 1985: 121 (rev.).

geijskesi Curran, 1942: 65. Type locality: Surinam, Serabreck. HT M (AMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca
(San José de Anchicaya)), Surinam. Refs.: Papavero, 1971: 14 (cat.); Camras & Parrillo, 1985: 124 (rev.).

indistincta Aldrich, 1930: 24. Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone. Cano Saddle, Gatún Lake. HT M (USNM).
Distr.: Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama, “Colombia”, Peru, Brazil. Refs.: Papavero, 1971: 14 (cat.); Camras &
Parrillo, 1985: 120 (rev.).

minuta Townsend, 1897: 27. Type locality: Mexico, Veracruz, Rio Nautla. ST M F (BMNH). Distr.: Mexico,
Guatemala, Honduras, Panama, “Colombia”, Ecuador, Venezuela, Peru. Refs.: Aldrich, 1930: 13; Papavero, 1971:
14 (cat.); Camras & Parrillo, 1985: 118 (rev.).

paradecorata Camras & Parrillo, 1985: 121. Type locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutônia, 300-500m. HT
M (FMNH). Distr.: Costa Rica, Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Buenaventura, San José de Anchicaya)), Ecuador,
Peru, Brazil.

rectinervis Aldrich, 1930: 23. Type locality: Guyana, Bartica, Kartabo. HT M (AMNH). Distr.: Costa Rica,
“Colombia”, Ecuador, Peru, Guyana; Brazil. Refs.: Papavero, 1971: 15 (cat.); Camras & Parrillo, 1985: 117 (rev.).

schlingeri Camras & Parrillo, 1985: 113. Type locality: Colombia, Valle, 6miles W Calli. HT M (CAS). Distr.:
Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Cali, San José de Anchicaya)).

stylata (Fabricius), 1805: 177, (Conops). Type locality: “America meridionale”. HT F (ZMUC). Distr.:
“Colombia”, Ecuador, Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina. Refs.: Aldrich, 1930: 7; Papavero, 1971: 15 (cat.); Camras &
Parrillo, 1985: 115 (rev.); Rocha & Mello-Patiu, 2009: 559 (rev.).

CATALOGUE OF CONOPIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 563
Genus Zodion Latreille

Zodion Latreille, 1797: 162. Type species, Myopa cinerea Fabricius, 1794.

pictum Schiner, 1868: 370. Type locality: “Colombien” (= Colombia, Ecuador or Venezuela). HT F (NMW).
Distr.: Mexico; Costa Rica, “Colombia”, Venezuela, Brazil, Bolivia. Refs.: Kröber, 1927: 130; Camras, 1953: 397
(rev.); Pearson & Camras, 1978: 205 (rev.); Papavero, 1971: 12 (cat.).

TABLE 1. Species of Conopidae recorded for Colombia.

Genus Species Author

Physocephala inhabilis (Walker, 1849)

Physoconops costatus (Fabricius, 1805)

brachyrrhynchus (Macquart, 1843)

gracilis (Willinston, 1885)

guyanicus (Curran, 1934)

Stylogaster abdominalis Kröber, 1914

breviventris Aldrich, 1930

decorata Aldrich, 1930

geijskesi Curran, 1942

indistincta Aldrich, 1930

minuta Townsend, 1897

paradecorata Camras & Parrillo, 1985

rectinervis Aldrich, 1930

schlingeri Camras & Parrillo, 1985

stylata (Fabricius, 1805)

Zodion pictum Schiner, 1868


Aldrich, J.M. (1930) American Two-Winged Flies of the Genus Stylogaster Macquart. Proceedings of the U.S. National
Museum, 78, 1–27.
Camras, S. & Parrillo, P.P. (1985) Review of New World Stylogaster (Diptera: Conopidae). Annals of the Entomological
Society of America, 78, 111–126.
Camras, S. (1953) Notes on Neotropical Zodion and Parazodion (Diptera: Conopidae). Journal of Natural History, Series 12,
65 (6), 395–399.
Camras, S. (1955) A review of the New World flies of the genus Conops and allies (Diptera: Conopidae). Proceedings of the
United States National Museum, 105, 155–187.
Camras, S. (1957) A review of New World Physocephala (Diptera: Conopidae). Annals of the Entomological Society of
America, 50 (3), 213–218.
Couri, M.S. & Pont, A.C. (2006) Eggs of Stylogaster Macquart (Diptera: Conopidae) on Madagascan muscids (Diptera:
Muscidae). Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, 57 (16), 473–478.

564 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press ROCHA & DE MELLO-PATIU
Couri, M.S. & Barros, G.P.S. (2010) Diptera hosts of Stylogaster Macquart (Diptera, Conopidae) from Madagascar and South
Africa. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, 54, 361–366.
Curran, C.H. (1934) The Diptera of Kartabo, Bartica District, British Guiana, with descriptions of new species from other
British Guiana localities. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, 66, 287–532.
Curran, C.H. (1942) American Diptera. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, 80, 51–84.
Fabricius, J.C. (1781) Species Insectoruon Exibentes Eorum Differentias Specificas, Synonyma Auctorum, Loca Natalia,
Metamorphosin, Adiectis Observationibus, Descriptionibus. Tom II. Impensis Carol. Ernest Bohnii, Hamburg, 552 pp.
Fabricius, J.C. (1794) Entomologia Systematica emendate et aucta. Vol. 4. Impensis Christ. Gottl. Proft., Hafniae [=
Copenhagen], 4, 472 pp.
Fabricius, J.C. (1805) Systema antliatorum secundum ordines, genera, species adiectis synonymis, locis, observationibus,
descriptionibus. C. Reichard, Brunsvigae [=Brunswick], 424 pp.
Gibson, J.F. & Skevington, J.H. (2013) Phylogeny and taxonomic revision of all genera of Conopidae (Diptera) based on
morphological data. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 167, 43–81.
Gibson, J.F., Skevington, J.H. & Kelso, S. (2012) A phylogenetic analysis of relationships among genera of Conopidae
(Diptera) based on molecular and morphological data. Cladistics, 1 (2012), 1–34.
Hennig, W. (1966) Conopidae im Baltischen Bernstein (Diptera; Cyclorrapha). Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde, 154, 1–24.
Kröber, O. (1914) Das Genus Stylogaster Macqu. (Dipt.). Entomologische Mitteilungen, 3, 338–353.
Krober, O. (1919) Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Conopiden. Archiv für Naturgeschichte Series A, 83, 141–143.
Kröber, O. (1927) Beitrage zur kenntnis der Conopidae. Konowia (Beiträge zur Systematischen Insektenkunde), 6 (2), 122–143.
Latreille, P.A. (1797) Precis des caracteres generiques des insectes, disposes dans un ordre naturel. Brive, F. Bourdeaux, xiv +
201 + 7 pp.
Latreille, P.A. (1802) Histoire naturelle, generale et particuliere, des crustaces et des insectes. Tome troisieme. Dufart, Paris,
467 pp.
Linnaeus, C. (1758) Systema naturae per regna tria naturae, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus
differentiis, synonymis, locis. Ed. 10. Vol. 1. Salvii, Holmiae [= Stockholm], 824 pp.
Loew, H. (1853) Neue Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Dipteren. Erster Beitrag. Programm der Königlichen Realschule zu Meseritz,
1853, 1–38.
Lopes, H.S. (1937) Contribuição ao conhecimento do gênero “Stylogaster” Macquart, 1835 (Dipt.: Conopidae). Archivos do
Instituto de Biologia Vegetal, 3, 257–293.
Macquart, P.J.M. (1835) Histoire Naturelle des insectes. Diptères. Tome deuxième. Roret, Paris, 703 pp.
Macquart, P.J.M. (1843) Diptères exotiques nouveaux ou peu connus. Tome deuxième, 3e partie. Roret, Paris, 460 pp.
Malloch, J.R. (1933) Conopidae. In: Diptera of Patagonia and South Chile. Part VI. Fascicle 3. British Museum (Natural
History), London, pp. 172–175.
Papavero, N. (1971) 47. Family Conopidae. In: Papavero, N. (Ed.), A Catalogue of the Diptera of the Americas South of the
United States. Departamento de Zoologia, Secretaria de Agricultura, São Paulo, 28 pp.
Pape, T. & Thompson, F.C. (Eds.) (2013) Systema Dipterorum. Version 1.5. Available from: (accessed
12 October 2013)
Pearson, D.L. & Camras, S. (1978) Notes and key to Neotropical Zodion (Diptera: Conopidae). Journal of the Kansas
Entomological Society, 51 (2), 198–206.
Rocha, L.S.G. & Mello-Patiu, C.A. (2009) Revisão das espécies de Stylogaster Macquart do grupo stylata com descrição de
uma espécie nova do Brasil (Diptera: Conopidae: Stylogasterinae). Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, 53 (4), 549–564.
Rocha, L.S.G., Mello-Patiu, C.A. & Skevington, J.H. (2015) The first Stylogaster Macquart fossil (Diptera: Conopidae) from
Oligo/Miocene Dominican amber and some phylogenetic and biogeographic considerations. Fossil Record, 18, 119–125.
Schiner, I.R. (1861) Vorlaufiger Commentar zum dipterologischen Theile der 'Fauna Austriaca', mit einer naheren Begrundung
der in derselbenaufgenommenen neuen Dipteren-Gattungen. III. Wiener Entomologische Monatschreiben, 5, 137–144.
Schiner, I.R. (1868) Diptera. In: von Wullerstorf-Urbair, B.F. (Ed.), Reise der österreichischen Fregatte Novara um die Erde in
den Jahren 1857, 1858, 1859. Zoologischer Theil. Vol. 2. B.K. Gerold's Sohn, Wien, pp. i–vi + 1–388.
Smith, K.G.V. & Peterson, B.V. (1987) Conopidae. In: McAlpine, J.F., Peterson, B.V., Shewell, G.E., Teskey, H.J., Vockeroth,
J.R. & Wood, D.M. (Eds.), Manual of Nearctic Diptera. Vol. 2. Research Branch Monograph 28. Agriculture Canada,
Ottawa, pp. 749–756.
Szilady, Z. (1926) Dipterenstudien. Annals of the Museum National of Hungary, 24, 586–611.
Townsend, C.H.T. (1897) Contributions from the New Mexico Biological Station. No. II (continued). On a collection of
Diptera from the lowlands of the Rio Nautla, in the state of Vera Cruz. II. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Series
6, 20, 19–33, 272–291.
Walker, F. (1849) List of the specimens of dipterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. British Museum (Natural
History), London, 484 pp.
Williston, S.W. (1885) North American Conopidae: Conclusion. Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and
Sciences, 6, 377–394.

CATALOGUE OF CONOPIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 565
Zootaxa 4122 (1): 566–575 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
Copyright © 2016 Magnolia Press
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)



Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. E-mail:,
*Corresponding author:


This family was poorly known in the Neotropical region, mainly in Colombia. However, recent studies increased its
knowledge with new distribution records. This catalogue presents 44 species distributed in three genera.

Key words: catalogue, Colombia, distribution, Lonchaeidae


Lonchaeidae Rondani, 1856 species are moderately small sized Diptera (body length 3.0-6.0 mm), stout, relatively
setose, shiny black to metallic blue or green, with wings usually hyaline and abdomen broad and flat. Frons
narrower in male than in female. Ocellar, inner and outer vertical setae strong. Vibrissa absent, but one or more
subvibrissal vibrissa-like setae sometimes present. Face broad, usually without strong carina. Eye large, pilose or
bare. Thorax with one postpronotal seta, two notopleurals, one presutural and one postsutural supralar, two
postsutural dorsocentral, two prescutelar acrostichal, often one weak intra-alar, and two postalars. Legs mostly
dark, tarsi sometimes partially or entirely yellow. Wing with anal lobe and alula well developed, subcosta complete
and with costagial and humeral weakenings and subcostal break. Halter dark brown (Norrbom 2010). The larvae of
most Lonchaeidae are invaders in diseased or injured plants, a few species of Dasiops Rondani are pests of
Passiflora (Passifloraceae), and some species of Neosilba McAlpine and Lonchaea Fallén breed in damaged fruit,
vegetables or cacti. In Colombia, specimens were obtained from fruits and attacking Passiflora (Norrbom &
McAlpine 1997).
Lonchaeidae belong to the superfamily Tephritoidea and may be the most basal clade of the superfamily
(McAlpine 1989, Korneyev 1999). The family has a worldwide distribution, with 523 species in nine genera in the
world, approximately 100 species in four genera in the Neotropical region (Norrbom 2010), and 44 species in three
genera recorded from Colombia (Table 1).

Acronyms used for the depositories

AMNH—American Museum of Natural History, New York, USA

BMNH—The National Museum of Natural History, London, England
CAS—California Academy of Science, USA
CNC—Canadian National Collection of Insects, Ontario, Canada
IZAM—Instituto de Zoología Agrícola, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Maracay, Venezuela
MEUNPRG—Museo de la Universidad Nacional Pedro Ruiz Gallo, Lambayeque, Peru
MENT-UT—Museo de Entomología de la Universidsd del Tolima, Tolima, Colombia
MZUSP—Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
USNM—National Museum of Natural History, Washington D.C., USA
ZMUC—Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark

566 Accepted by S. Nihei: 10 Apr. 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016

List of abbreviations

distr.—geographic distribution
n. comb.—new combination
orig. des.—original designation
T—Type (unspecified)
NA—Not applicable
F (f#)—Female
M (m#)—Male

Catalogue of Lonchaeidae of Colombia

Family Lonchaeidae Rondani, 1856

Subfamily Dasiopinae Morge, 1963

Tribe Dasiopini Morge, 1963

Genus Dasiops Rondani

Dasiops Rondani, 1856: 120. Type species, Lonchaea latifrons Meigen, 1826, des. I.C.Z.N., 1963: 114.
Dasiopa Rondani; Schiner, 1868 (misspelling)
Dasyops Rondani; Coquillet, 1910 (misspelling)
Dasiops, error for Dasyops

brevicornis (Williston), 1896: 379 (Lonchaea). Type locality: St. Vincent, West Indies. HT F (BMNH). Distr.:
Saint Vincent Islands, Jamaica and Colombia. Refs.: Norrbom & McAlpine, 1997: 196; Hernandez, 2011: 30;
Castro, 2012: 22;Castro et al., 2012: 6682; Wychuys et al., 2012: 96; Uchôa, 2012: 285.
Dasiops brevicornis, Steyskal, 1980: 169. (n. comb.); Castro et al., 2012: 6682 (first record for Colombia).

caustonae Norrbom & McAlpine, 1997: 197. Type locality: In Passiflora mollissima, Venezuela, Muchuchies. HT
F (IZAM). Distr.: Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador and Colombia. Refs.: Causton & Peña, 2002: 169; Umaña, 2005:
59; Hernandez, 2011: 31; Castro et al., 2012: 6689, Castro, 2012: 19-20; Uchôa, 2012: 285.

chotanus Korytkowski, 1971: 93. Type locality: Peru, Cajamarca, Pasamayo, Chota,. HT F (UNPRG). Distr.: Peru
and Colombia. Refs.: Causton & Peña, 2002: 169; Hernandez, 2011: 33; Castro et al., 2012: 6687 (first record for

clarionus McAlpine, 1964a: 682. Type locality: Mexico, Baja California,Clarion Isld. HT M (CAS). Distr.:
Mexico, Peru and Colombia. Refs.: Korytkowski & Ojeda, 1971: 96; Hernadez, 2011: 34; Castro et al., 2012: 6689
(first record for Colombia).

CATALOGUE OF LONCHAEIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 567
curubae Steykal, 1980: 166. Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca, San Bernardo. HT F (USNM). Distr.:
Colombia (Cundinamarca (San Bernardo)). Refs.: Norrbom & McAlpine, 1997: 199; Causton & Peña, 2002: 270;
Umanã, 2005: 59; Hernandez, 2011: 36; Castro, 2012: 23; Wychuys et al., 2012: 92; Uchôa, 2012: 285; Carrero et
al., 2013: 438.

dentatus Norrbom & McAlpine, 1997: 200. Type locality: Peru, Junin. HT F (USNM). Distr.: Peru and Colombia.
Refs.: Causton & Peña, 2002: 270; Hernandez, 2011: 38; Uchôa, 2012: 285, Carrero et al., 2013: 438.

frieseni Norrbom & McAlpine, 1997: 200 Type locality: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Teresopolis. HT F (CNC). Distr.:
Brazil and Colombia. Refs.: Aguiar-Menezes et al., 2004: 115; Hernandez, 2011: 42; Wychuys et al., 2012: 96;
Uchôa, 2012: 285.

gracilis Norrbom & McAlpine, 1997: 202. Type locality: Colombia, Coachí. HT F (USNM). Distr.: Colombia,
Panamá, Venezuela and Costa Rica. Refs.: Causton & Peña, 2002: 270; Umanã, 2005: 60; Hernandez, 2011: 43;
Carrero et al., 2013: 438; Castro, 2012: 17; Wychuys et al., 2012: 96; Uchôa, 2012: 285.

inedulis Steyskal, 1980: 167. Type locality: Panamá, Chiriquí. HT F (USNM). Distr.: Colombia, Panamá and Peru.
Refs.: Norrbom & McAlpine, 1997: 203; Causton & Peña, 2002: 270; Uchôa-Fernandes et al., 2002; Aguiar-
Menezes et al., 2004: 115; Umanã, 2005: 60; Hernandez, 2011: 47; Wychuys et al., 2012: 96; Uchôa, 2012: 285;
Carrero, 2013: 19-63; Carrero et al., 2013: 437-447; Felix, 2013: 6.

longulus Norrbom & McAlpine, 1997: 205. Type locality: Brazil, São Paulo, Santa Isabel. HT F (MZUSP). Distr.:
Brazil and Colombia. Refs.: Aguiar-Menezes et al., 2004: 114; Uchôa, 2012: 286; Felix, 2013: 6.

luzestelae Hernandez, 2011: 75 Type locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca. HT F (MEUNPRG). Distr.: Colombia
(Valle del Cauca) and Panamá. Refs.: Castro, 2012: 26.

passifloris McAlpine, 1964a: 691. Type locality: USA, Florida. HT F (USNM). Distr.: USA and Colombia. Refs.:
Causton & Peña, 2002: 270; Umanã, 2005: 59; Hernandez, 2011: 50; Castro, 2012: 23; Wychuys et al., 2012: 96;
Uchôa, 2012; 286.

peruanus Hennig, 1948: 348. Type locality: Peru, Huánuco, Boca Pachieta. HT F. Distr.: Peru and Colombia. Ref.:
Hernandez, 2011: 52.
Dasiops peruana (Hennig), McAlpine, 1964a: 689.
Dasiops peruanus (Hennig), Korytkowski & Ojeda, 1971: 96.

plaumanni McAlpine, 1964a: 662. Type locality: Brazil, Nova Teutonia,. HT F (CNC). Distr.: Brazil and
Colombia. Refs.: Hernandez, 2011: 54; Castro, 2012: 25; Castro et al., 2012: 6684.

plumeus McAlpine, 1964a: 676. Type locality: Colombia, Rio Sambingo, 32 millas N. La Union Narino. HT F
(CAS). Distr.: Colombia. Refs.: Korytkowski & Ojeda, 1971; Hernandez, 2011: 57.

rugifrons Hennig, 1948: 349. Type locality: Peru, Cuzco, Rosalina. HT F (?) . Distr.: Peru, Venezuela and
Colombia. Refs.: Korytkowski & Ojeda 1971: 95; Norrbom & McAlpine, 1997: 206; Causton & Peña, 2002:169;
Umaña, 2005: 60; Castro, 2012: 24; Castro et al., 2012: 6684; Uchôa, 2012: 286.

rugulosos Norrbom & McAlpine, 1997: 207. Type locality: Mexico. HT F (USNM). Distr.: Trinidad and Tobago,
and Colombia. Refs.: Hernandez, 2011: 62; Uchôa, 2012: 286.

saltans (Townsend), 1913: 265 (Acucula). Type locality: Peru, Santa Ana, Rio Rimac Valley. HT (?). Distr.:
Colombia and Peru. Refs.: Causton & Peña, 2002: 270; Umaña, 2005: 65; Delgado & Kondo, 2010: 1-10;
Henandez, 2011: 64.

568 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press FERNANDES & COURI
yepezi Norrbom & McAlpine, 1997: 207. Type locality: Colombia, Antioquia. HT F (USNM). Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquia) and Brazil. Refs.: Causton & Peña, 2002: 270; Umanã, 2005: 60; Hernandez, 2011: 66; Castro, 2012:
18; Wychuys et al., 2012: 96; Uchôa, 2012: 286; Carrero et al., 2013: 438

Subfamily Lonchaeinae Rondani, 1856

Tribe Lonchaeini Rondani, 1856

Genus Lonchaea Fallén

Lonchaea Fallén, 1820: Type species: Musca chorea Fabricius, 1782, des. Westwood, 1840: 150.
Lonchoea, error for Lonchaea.

aculeata Bezzi, 1910: 24. Type locality: Brazil. HT (sex?). Distr.: Peru and Colombia. Refs.: Korytkowski & Ojeda
1971: 107; Luna, 1988: 31; Wychuys et al., 2012: 96.

cristula McAlpine, 1964b: 744. Type locality: Mexico, Teotihuacan. HT M (CNC). Distr.: Texas, Mexico,
Ecuador, Peru and Colombia. Refs: Korytkowski & Ojeda, 1971: 101; Luna, 1988: 29; Wychuys et al., 2012: 96.

curiosa McAlpine, 1964b: 749. Type locality: Colombia, Funza. HT M (CNC). Distr.: Mexico, Colombia
(Cundinamarca (Funza)), Ecuador and Peru. Refs.: Korytkowski & Ojeda, 1971: 101; Luna, 1988: 30; Wychuys et
al., 2012: 96.

echinapinna McAlpine, 1964b: 754. Type locality: Colombia, Palmira, Tolima. HT M (CNC). Distr.: Colombia
(Tolima, Cauca (Popayán), Valle del Cauca (Palmira, w. Cali)). Ref.: Luna, 1988: 32.

longicornis Williston, 1896: 378. Type locality: St. Vincent, West Indies. HT M (BMNH). Distr.: USA, Antillas,
Colombia and Peru. Refs.: Korytkowski & Ojeda 1971: 107, Luna, 1988: 31.

Genus Neosilba McAlpine

Neosilba McAlpine, 1962:138-144. Type species: Lonchaea batesi Curran, 1932.

amphora Galeano-Olay & Canal, 2012: 368. Type locality: “Colombia”, Santander, Provincia De Vélez, Chipata.
HT M (MEN-UT). Distr.: Colombia.

angusta Galeano-Olaya & Canal, 2012: 374. Type locality: “Colombia”, Tolima. HT M (MEN-UT). Distr.:
Colombia (Tolima).

batesi (Curran), 1932: 10 (Lonchaea). Type locality: Guatemala, Escuintla. HT M (AMNH). Distr.: Guatemala,
Mexico, Colombia, Panamá, Florida (USA), Peru, Costa Rica and El Salvador. Refs.: McAlpine & Steyskal, 1982:
110; Korytkowsky & Ojeda. 1971: 113; Ahlmark & Steck, 1997: 116; Wychuys et al., 2012: 96; Carrero et al.,
2012: 438; Uchôa, 2012: 286.
Silba batesi, Korytkowsky & Ojeda. 1971: 113 (n. comb.)
Neosilba batesi, McAlpine, 1962: 138-140 (n. comb.); McAlpine & Steyskal, 1982: 110.

bifida Strikis & Prado, 2005: 2-3. Type locality: Brazil, São Paulo, São Bento do Sapucai. HT F (MZUSP). Distr.:
Brazil and Colombia (Tolima (Ibagué)). Ref.: Caires et al., 2009: 274; Strikis & Prado, 2009, 50; Galeano-Olaya &
Canal, 2012: 385 (first record for Colombia); Uchôa, 2012: 286; Uchôa et al., 2012: 633.

certa (Walker), 1850: 364 (Anthomyia). Type locality: “Brazil”. HT M (BMNH). Distr.: Brazil, Puerto Rico,

CATALOGUE OF LONCHAEIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 569
Mexico, Colombia, Costa Rica and El Salvador. Refs.: McAlpine & Steyskal, 1982: 112; Urrutia & Korytkowsky,
2004: 60; Freitas, 2008: 55; Gattelli et al., 2008: 237; Rodrigues, 2008: 19; Souza et al., 2008: 520; Caires et al.,
2009: 274; Souza-Filho et al., 2009: 33; Strikis & Prado, 2009: 50; Uchôa & Nicácio, 2010: 731; Montes et al.,
2012: 4; Uchôa, 2012: 287; Uchôa et al., 2012: 633.
Lonchaea certa, Stein 1901: 192 (n. comb.)
Silba certa, Gaud & Martorell 1973: 249 (n. comb.)
Neosilba certa, McAlpine & Steyskal 1982: 112 (n. comb.)

chinchinaia Urrutia & Korytkowsky, 2004: 61. Type locality: Colombia, Norte de Santander, Blonay. HT M
(MZUSP). Distr.: Ecuador, Colombia (Norte de Santander (Chinácota, Blonay) and Peru.

colombiana Urrutia & Korytkowsky, 2004: 63. Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca. HT M (MZUSP). Distr.:
Colombia (Cundinamarca) and Panamá.

concava Galeano-Olaya & Canal, 2012: 371. Type locality: Colombia, Tolima, Espinal. HT M (MEN-UT). Distr.:
Colombia (Tolima (Espinal).

convexa Galeano-Olaya & Canal, 2012: 370. Type locality: Colombia, Tolima, Ibagué. HT M (MEN-UT). Distr.:
Colombia (Tolima (Ibagué).

cryptocerta Urrutia & Korytkowsky, 2004: 67. Type locality: Colombia, Cali, La Elvira. HT M (MZUSP). Distr.:
Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Cali, La Elvira)) and Brazil.

distospinosa Galeano-Olaya & Canal, 2012: 377. Type locality: Colombia, Tolima, Cajamarca. HT M (MEN-UT).
Distr.: Colombia (Tolima (Cajamarca)).

glaberrima (Wiedemann), 1830: 475 (Lonchaea). Type locality: “West Indies”. HT F (ZMUC). Distr.: India,
Trinidad, Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Panama, Costa Rica, Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico and El Salvador.
Refs.: McAlpine & Steyskal, 1982: 114; Urrutia & Korytkowsky, 2004: 72; Bittencourt et al., 2006: 282;
Rodrigues, 2008: 19; Souza- Filho et al., 2009: 33; Strikis & Prado, 2009: 50; Delgado & Kondo, 2010: 96; Uchôa
& Nicácio, 2010: 731; Camargos et al., 2011: 615-616; Uchôa, 2012: 288; Felix, 2013: 6.
Carpolonchaea pendula Hennig, 1948: 360 (n. comb.)
Silba pendula, Korytkowski & Ojeda, 1971: 112 (n. comb.)
Neosilba glaberrima, McAlpine & Steyskal 1982: 114 (n. comb.)

major (Malloch), 1920: 246 (Lonchaea). Type locality: Mexico, Chiapas,. HT M (BMNH). Distr.: Peru, Ecuador,
Colombia, Panama, El Salvador and Mexico. Refs.: McAlpine & Steyskal, 1982: 117; Urrutia & Korytkowsky,
2004: 82; Uchôa, 2012: 289.
Carpolonchaea magna, Hennig, 1948: 24 (n. comb)
Neosilba major, McAlpine, 1962: 140 (n. comb); McAlpine & Steyskal, 1982: 117.
Silba magna, Korytkowski & Ojeda, 1971: 111 (n. comb)

orbata Galeano-Olaya & Canal, 2012: 372. Type locality: Colombia, Tolima, Ibagué. HT M (MEN-UT). Distr.:

parva (Hennig), 1948: 359 (Carpolonchaea). Type locality: Colombia, Tolima, Libano. HT M (MEN-UT). Distr.:
Costa Rica, Mexico, Peru, Brazil, Honduras and Colombia (Tolima (Líbano)). Refs.: McAlpine & Steyskal, 1982:
121; Urrutia & Korytkowsky, 2004: 93; Bittencourt et al., 2006: 282; Rodrigues, 2008: 19; Galeano-Olaya &
Canal, 2012: 385 (first record for Colombia); Uchôa, 2012: 290; Felix, 2013: 6.
Silba parva, Korytkowski & Ojeda, 1971: 111. (n. comb)
Neosilba parva, McAlpine, 1962: 140-143 (n. comb); McAlpine & Steyskal, 1982:121.
Lonchaea pendula Bezzi, 1919: 249, pro parte.

570 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press FERNANDES & COURI
pendula (Bezzi), 1919: 249 (Lonchaea). Type locality: Brazil, Campinas. Distr.: Brazil, Mexico, Peru and
Colombia. LT M (USNM). Refs.: McAlpine & Steyskal, 1982: 123; Urrutia & Korytkowsky, 2004: 95; Bittencourt
et al., 2006: 282; Freitas, 2008: 52; Rodrigues, 2008: 19; Souza et al., 2008: 520; Caires et al., 2009: 274; Strikis &
Prado, 2009: 50; Uchôa & Nicácio, 2010: 731; Camargos et al., 2011: 615-66; Uchôa Montes et al., 2012: 290;
Felix, 2013: 6.

perezi (Romero & Ruppel), 1973: 165 (Silba). Type locality: Puerto Rico. Distr.: Brazil, Guayana, Colombia,
Cuba, Honduras, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Republic Dominican, USA, Caribe, Mexico, Costa Rica and El Salvador.
HT M (USNM). Refs.: McAlpine & Steyskal, 1982: 126; Urrutia & Korytkowsky, 2004: 97; Uchôa, 2012: 291.
Neosilba perezi, Waddill & Weems, 1978: 1-3 (n. comb.)
Lonchaea pendula Bezzi, 1919, parte.

piracea Galeano-Olaya & Canal, 2012: 383. Type locality: Colombia, Tolima, Ibagué. HT M (MEN-UT). Distr.:
Colombia (Tolima (Ibagué)).

plana Galeano-Olaya & Canal, 2012: 365. Type locality: Colombia, Tolima, Ibagué. HT M (MENT-UT). Distr.:
Colombia. (Tolima (Ibagué)).

pseudopendula (Korytkowski & Ojeda), 1971: 113. (Silba). Type locality: Peru, Torgopampa. HT M
(MEUNPRG). Distr.: Colombia, Peru, Costa Rica and Panama. Ref.: Steyskal, 1978:72; Urrutia & Korytkowsky,
2004: 99.
Neosilba pseudopendula, McAlpine & Steyskal, 1982: 127. (n. comb.)

spiculata Galeano-Olaya & Canal, 2012: 374. Type locality: Colombia, Tolima, Cajamarca. HT M (MEN-UT).
Distr.: Colombia (Tolima (Cajamarca)).

tolimensis Galeano-Olaya & Canal, 2012: 366. Type locality: Colombia, Tolima, Cajamarca. HT M (MEN-UT).
Distr.: Colombia. (Tolima (Cajamarca)).

zadolicha McAlpine & Steyskal, 1982: 127. Type locality: Columbia [Colombia], Cundinamarca?, Viota. HT M
(USNM). Distr.: Brazil, Peru, Colombia and Panamá. Refs.: Aguiar-Menezes et al., 2004: 115; Santos et al., 2004:
653; Urrutia & Korytkowsky, 2004: 105; Silva et al., 2006: 669; Gattelli et al., 2008: 237; Freitas, 2008: 47;
Rodrigues, 2008: 19; Souza et al., 2008: 520; Caires et al., 2009: 274; Souza-Filho et al., 2009: 33; Strikis &
Prado, 2009: 50; Delgado & Kondo, 2010: 96; Uchôa & Nicácio, 2010: 731; Camargos et al., 2011: 615-616;
Montes et al., 2012: 4; Nunes et al., 2012: 8; Wychuys et al., 2012: 96; Uchôa, 2012: 291; Uchôa et al., 2012: 633;
Felix, 2013: 6.

TABLE 1. Lonchaeidae species recorded from Colombia

Subfamily Tribe Genus Species Author

Dasiopinae Dasiops brevicornis (Williston, 1896)
caustonae Norrbom & McAlpine, 1997
chotanus Korytkowski,1971
clarionus McAlpine, 1964
curubae Steykal, 1980
dentatus Norrbom & McAlpine, 1997
frieseni Norrbom & McAlpine, 1997
gracilis Norrbom & McAlpine, 1997
inedulis Steyskal, 1980
...Continued on next page

CATALOGUE OF LONCHAEIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 571
TABLE 1. (Continued)
Subfamily Tribe Genus Species Author
longulus Norrbom & McAlpine, 1997
luzestelae Hernandez, 2011
passifloris McAlpine, 1964
peruanus (Hennig, 1948)
plaumanni McAlpine, 1964
plumeus McAlpine, 1946
rugifrons Hennig, 1948
rugulosus Norrbom & McAlpine, 1997
saltans (Towsend, 1913)
yepezi Norrbom & McAlpine,1997
Lonchaeinae Lonchaeini Lonchaea aculeata Bezzi, 1910
cristula McAlpine, 1964b
curiosa McAlpine, 1964b: 744
echinapinna McAlpine, 1964a
longicornis Williston, 1896
Neosilba amphora Galeano-Olaya & Canal, 2012
angusta Galeano-Olaya & Canal, 2012
batesi (Curran, 1932)
bifida Strikis & Prado, 2005
concava Galeano-Olaya & Canal, 2012
convexa Galeano-Olaya & Canal, 2012
cryptocerta Urrutia & Korytkowsky, 2004
distospinosa Galeano-Olaya & Canal, 2012
glaberrima (Wiedemann, 1830)
major (Malloch, 1920)
orbata Galeano-Olaya & Canal, 2012
parva (Hennig, 1948)
pendula (Bezzi, 1919)
perezi (Romero & Ruppel, 1973)
piracea Galeano-Olaya & Canal, 2012
plana Galeano-Olaya & Canal, 2012
pseudopendula (Korytkowski & Ojeda, 1971)
spiculata (Galeano-Olaya & Canal, 2012
tolimensis Galeano-Olaya & Canal, 2012
zadolicha McAlpine & Steyskal, 1982


Aguiar-Menezes, E.N., Nascimento, R.B. & Menezes, E.B. (2004) Diversity of Fly Species (Diptera: Tephritoidea) from
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Entomology, 33 (1), 113–116.
Ahlmark, K., Steck, G.J. (1997) A new U.S. record for a secondary fruit infester, Neosilba batesi (Curran) (Diptera:
Lonchaeidae). Insecta Mundi, 11 (2), 116.

572 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press FERNANDES & COURI
Bezzi, M. (1910) Brasilianische Lonchaeiden, gesammelt von A. A. Barbiellin. O Entomologista Brasileiro, 3 (1), 20–25.
Bezzi, M. (1919) Two new Ethiopian Lonchaeidae, with notes on other species (Dipt.) Bulletin of Entomological Research, 9
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Bittencourt, M.A.L., Silva, A.C.M., Bonfim, Z.V., Silva, V.E.S., Araújo, E.L. & Strikis, P.C. (2006) Novos registros de espécies
de Neosilba (Diptera: Lonchaeidae) na Bahia, Brazil. Neotropical Entomology, 35, 282–283.
Caires, C.S., Uchôa, M.A., Nicácio, J. & Strikis, P.C. (2009) Fugivoria de larvas de Neosilba McAlpine (Diptera, Lonchaeidae)
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Brasileira de Entomologia, 53 (2), 272–277.
Camargos, M.G., Alvarenga, C.D., Giustolin, T.A. & Strikis, P.C. (2011) Moscas frugívoras (Diptera: Lonchaeidae) em cafezais
irrigados no norte de Minas Gerais. Arquivos do Instituto de Biologia, São Paulo, 78 (40), 615–61.
Carrero, D.A. (2013) Fluctuaciones poblacionales del insecto Dasiops inedulis (Diptera: Lonchaeidae) en cultivos de
granadilla en Boyacá, Colombia. Tesis de doctorado. Facultad de Ciencias, Escuela de Postgrados Universidad Nacional
de Colombia Medellín, Bogotá, 65 pp.
Castro, A.P., Korytkowski, C., Ebratt, E.E., Santamaría, M.Y.H. & Brochero, L.M. (2012) New Records of Dasiops spp
(Diptera: Lonchaeidae) Associated with Pasiflora Grown in Colombia. Revista da Faculdad Nacional de Agricultura de
Medellín, 65 (2), 6687–6696.
Causton, C.E. & Peña, R. (2002) Field observations on the biology and behaviour of Dasiops caustonae Norrbom and
McAlpine (Dipt., Lonchaeidae), as a candidate biocontrol agent of Passiflora mollissima in Hawaii. Journal of Applied
Entomology, 126, 169–174.
Coquillett, D.W. (1910) The Type species of the North American Genera of Diptera. Proccedings of the United States Natural
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Curran, C.H. (1932) New American Diptera. American Museum Novitates. 534, 1–15.
Delgado, A. & Kondo, T. (2010) Biología y algunos datos morfológicos de la mosca del botón floral de la Pitaya amarilla,
Dasiops saltans (Townsend) (Diptera: Lonchaeidae) en el Valle del Cauca, Colombia. Boletín del Museo de Entomología
de la Universidad del Valle, 11 (2), 1–10.
Fabricius, J.C. (1782) Species Insectorum exhibentes eorum differentias specificas, synonyma auctorum, loca natalia,
metamorphosin adiectis observationibus, descriptionibus. Tome I. 8. Carolin. Ernest Bohnii, Hamburgi et Kilonii, 552 pp.
Fallén, C.F. (1820) Ortalides Sveciae. Part III a et ultima. Lundae [=Lund], Berling, 25 pp.
Felix, C.M. (2013) Hospedeiros, níveis de infestação e parasitoídes de moscas frugívoras (Tephritidae e Lonchaeidae) em três
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de pós graduação em produção vegetal), Ilhéus, 58 pp.
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Colombia. Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia, São Paulo, 52 (31), 361–385.
Gattelli, T, Silva, F.F., Meirelles, R.N., Redaelli, L.Z. & Dal Soglio, F.K. (2008) Moscas frugívoras associadas a mirtáceas e
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Hennig, W. (1948) Beiträge zur Keentnis des Kopulationsapparates und der Systematik de Acalyptraten. IV. Lonchaeidae und
Lauxanidae. Acta Zoologica Lilloana, 6, 333–429.
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Revista Peruana de Entomologia, 14 (1), 87–116.
Luna, I.G. (1987) Revisión taxonômica del gênero Lonchaea Fallén em la Región Neotropical (Diptera: Loncaheidae). Tesis de
doctorado, Programa de Maestria em Entomología, Universidad de Panamá, Panamá, 329 pp.
McAlpine, J.F. (1962) The Evolution of The Lonchaeidae (Diptera). Ph. D. Thesis, University of Illinois, Illinois, 283 pp.
McAlpine, J.F. (1964a) Descriptions of New Lonchaeidae (Diptera). I. Canadian Entomologist, 96, 661–700.
McAlpine, J.F. (1964b) Descriptions of New Lonchaeidae (Diptera) II. Canadian Entomologist, 96 (50), 701–757.
McAlpine, J.F. & Steyskal, G.C. (1982) A revision of Neosilba McAlpine with a key to the world genera of Lonchaeidae.
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Montes, S.M.N.M., Raga, A., Souza-Filho, M.F., Strikis, P.C. & Santos, P.C. (2012) Moscas-das-frutas em cultivares de
cafeeiros de Presidente Prudente, SP. Coffee Science, Lavras, 7 (2), 99–109.
Morge G. (1963) Die Lonchaeidae und Pallopteridae Österreichs und der angrenzenden Gebiete. Eine Revision auf der
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Jahrbuch der Stadt Linz, 9, 123–312.
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attacking Passiflora (Passilforaceae). Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Washington, 18, 189–211.
Norrbom, A.L. & Korytkowski, C.A. (2010) Lonchaeidae (Lance Flies). In: Brown, B.V., Borkent, A., Cumming, J.M., Wood,
D.M., Woodley, N.E. & Zumbado, M.A. (Eds.), Manual of Central American Diptera. Vol. 2. NRC Research Press,
Ottawa, pp. 857–863.
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parasitoids in the cities of Pelotas and Capão do Leão, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Ciência Rural, 42 (1), 6–12. [Santa
Romero, J.L., Ruppel, R.F. (1973) A new species of Silba (Diptera, Lonchaeidae) from Puerto Rico. The Journal of Agriculture
of the University of Puerto Rico, 57 (2), 165–168.
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in Organic Citrus Orchards in the Vale do Rio Caí, Rio Grande do Sul, Southern Brazil. Neotropical Entomology, 35 (5),
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Entomología, 31 (1), 59–65.
Urrutia, F.M. (2004) Revisión Taxonómica Parcial del Género Neosilba McAlpine (Diptera: Lonchaeidae) em la Región
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CATALOGUE OF LONCHAEIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 575
Zootaxa 4122 (1): 576–578 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
Copyright © 2016 Magnolia Press
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)



Grupo de Entomologia, Instituto de Biologia, Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín-Colombia.
Laboratório de Biodiversidade e Biogeografia de Diptera, Departamento de Zoologia, UFPR, Caixa postal 19020, Curitiba, PR.,
Brazil, 81531-980.
Corresponding author:


Piophilidae is a little family poorly known in Colombia, with only Piophila casei (L.) and Stearibia nigriceps Meigen re-
ported so far. This catalogue expands the distribution of these species to other localities in the country.

Key words: catalogue, Colombia, Diptera, distribution


Piophilidae are known as skipper flies. They are similar to ants in appearance, measuring 3–8 mm long and shining
black to dull brown and yellow flies with wings frequently glassy. They could be identified by the head wide as the
thorax, with ocelli present. Frons setulose, with zero to two lateroclinate orbital setae. Postocellar setae divergent,
one to two vibrissae present Arista usually short. Thorax with zero to two postpronotal. Wing rounded, longer than
abdomen, with anal and alula developed, entirely hyaline in Neotropical species. Larvae are typical muscomorph
maggots, long, slender, cylindrical with spiculose intersegmental rings (Ozerov & Norrbom 2010). The natural
history of the species of Piophilidae is poorly known for the Neotropical region, except for the introduced species
They are scavengers as larvae, growing in animal or vegetable decomposing matter; larvae of many species live in
animal carrion (Ozerov & Norrbom 2010), hidden between the joints and bones.
Piophilidae are cosmopolitan flies and several species are synanthropic and widespread (Ozerov & Norrbom
2010). In the world occur 82 species in 19 genera, and 10 species in the Neotropical region (de Carvalho et al.
2012). In Colombia only two species are reported, Piophila casei (Linnaeus) and Stearibia nigriceps Meigen, both
collected in forensic entomology studies.
In this catalogue we underline Colombian Department names and parenthetically note specific localities. At
the end, we provide a table that includes the species known in Colombia (Table 1).

Acronyms used for the depositories

CEUA—Colección Entomológica de la Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia.

LSL—Linnean Society, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London WIV OLQ, England.

List of abbreviations

m.— meters

576 Accepted by S. Nihei: 26 May 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016


Catalogue of Piophilidae of Colombia

Family Piophilidae Macquart, 1835

Genus Piophila Fallén

Piophila Fallén, 1810: 20. Type species, Musca casei (Linnaeus) 1758: 597 (mon.). Refs.: Pape & Thompson, 2013 (cat.

casei Linnaeus, 1758: 597 (Musca). Type locality: “Europe”. T (unspecified sex) (LSL). Distr.: Colombia
(Cundinamarca (Páramo Chingaza 3030m), Antioquia (Medellín)), Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Cuba,
Chile, Ecuador, Jamaica, Ilhas Juan Fernandez, Mexico, Paraguay, Venezuela), Cosmopolitan. Refs.: Steyskal,
1967:1; Wolff et al., 2001:55.
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Mpio. [Municipio] Medellín, 1450m, 30 females, v-vi.1999,
A. Uribe-Toro leg., net-pig (CEUA); ídem: 26 females, ix-2002, S. Pérez leg., net-pig (CEUA); Boyaca: Tunja,
2690m, 1 male, 8 females, vi-2002, Yuseff & Daza leg., net-pig (CEUA).

Genus Stearibia Lioy

Stearibia Lioy, 1864: 1105. Type species, Piophila foveolata Meigen (mon.) = nigriceps Meigen, 1826: 397. Refs.: Pape &
Thompson, 2013 (cat. online)

nigriceps Meigen, 1826: 397. Type locality: “Europe”. T adult (sex unspecifed) (museum unespecifed). Distr.:
Colombia (Antioquia (Medellín 1450m), Boyacá (Tunja 2690m), Risaralda (Pereira)), Argentina, Chile, Ecuador,
Peru, and Holarctic Region. Refs.: Steyskal, 1967: 1; Pérez et al., 2005 (as foveolata): 3; Martinez et al., 2007: 183;
Ozerov & Norrbom, 2010: 869; Grisales et al., 2010: 640.
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Mpio. [Municipio] Medellín, 1450m, 38 females, vi-1999, A.
Uribe-Toro leg., (CEUA); ídem: 4 females, ix-2002, S. Pérez leg., net-pig (CEUA).

TABLE 1. Piophilidae species recorded from Colombia.

Genus Species Author
Piophila casei (Linnaeus, 1758)
Stearibia nigriceps Meigen, 1826


de Carvalho, C.J.B., Rafael, J.A., Couri, M.S. & Silva, V.C. (2012) Diptera. In: Rafael J.A., Mello, G.A.R., de Carvalho, C.J.B.,
Casari, S.A. & Constantino, R. (Eds.), Insetos do Brasil. Holos Editora, São Paulo, pp. 701–744.
Fallén, C.F. (1810) Specimen Entomologicum novam Diptera disponendi methodum exhibens. Berlingianus, Lundae [= Lund],
26 pp.
Grisales, D., Ruiz, M. & Villegas, S. (2010) Insects associated with exposed decomposing bodies in the Colombian Andean
Coffee Region. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, 54 (4), 637–644.
Linnaeus, C. (1758) Systema naturae per regna tria naturae. Vol. 1. 10th Edition. Holmiae (= Stockolm), 824 pp.
Lioy, P. (1864) I dittero distribuiti secondo um nuovo método di classificazione naturale (cont.). Atti dell' Realle Istituto Veneto
di Scienze, Lettere. Arti, Series 3, 9, 499–518, 569–604, 719–771, 879–910, 989–1027, 1087–1126, 1311–1352 (cont.).

CATALOGUE OF PIOPHILIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 577
Macquart, P.J.M. (1835) Histoire Naturelle des insects, Dipteres. Tome deuxieme. Roret, Paris, 710 pp.
Martínez, E., Duque, P. & Wolff, M. (2007) Succession pattern of carrion-feeding insects in Paramo, Colombia. Forensic
Science International, 166, 182–189.
Meigen, J.W. (1826) Systematische Beschreibung der bekannten europäischen zweiflügeligen Insekten. Vol. 5. Fortsmann,
Aachen, 412 pp.
Ozerov, A. & Norrbom, A. (2010) Piophilidae. In: Brown B.V., Borkent A., Cumming J.M., Wood, D.M., Woodley, N.E. &
Zumbado, M.A. (Eds.), Manual of Central American Diptera. Vol. 2. NR C-CNRC, Ottawa, pp. 865–869.
Pape, T. & Thompson, F.C. (Eds.) (2013) Systema Dipterorum, version 1.5. (accessed April 20 2015)
Pérez, S., Duque, P. & Wolff, M. (2005) Successional Behavior and Occurrence Matrix of Carrion-Associated Arthropods in
the Urban Area of Medellín, Colombia. Journal of Forensic Science, 50 (2), 1–7.
Steyskals, G.C. (1967) 68. Family Piophilidae. In: Papavero, N. (Ed.), A Catalogue of the Diptera of the Americas South of the
United States. Departamento de Zoologia, Secretaria da Agricultura, São Paulo, 33 pp.
Wolff, M., Uribe, A., Ortiz, A. & Duque, P. (2001) A preliminar study of forensic entomology in Medellín, Colombia. Forensic
Science International, 120, 53–59.

578 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press WOLFF ET AL.

Zootaxa 4122 (1): 579–581 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
Copyright © 2016 Magnolia Press
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)



Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA), Coordenação de Pesquisas em Biodiversidade (CBio), Av. André Araújo, 2936,
Petrópolis, CEP 69011–970, Caixa–Postal 478, Manaus, Amazonas, Brasil. Fellowship CAPES/FAPEAM.


Platystomatidae (Signal Flies) are one of the largest families of Tephritoidea, with about 1200 species and four subfami-
lies, worldwide distributed. However, Platystomatidae are not well represented in the New World, and in the Neotropical
Region only four genera and 26 species, belonging to Platystomatinae, are recorded. The family is a group understudied
in Colombia and only one species is recorded to the country.

Key words: catalogue, Colombia, distribution, Neotropical Region, Platystomatinae


Platystomatidae are recognized by small to mediam sized flies (body length 2.5–20.0mm) and body ranging from
slender to very robust, generally with metallic color. Head with setae reduced in number, one or two orbital setae
and frontal seta absent; vibrissa absent to rudimentary. Thorax with prosternum generally broad, bare or ciliated;
postmetacoxal bridge complete or incomplete; katepisternal and presutural dorsocentral setae absent; one
anepisternal seta; one or none postsutural dorsocentral setae; one to three scutellar setae. Legs moderately
developed, without conspicuous setae. Wing usually patterned with dark spots or bands; humeral break present and
subcostal break absent; vein Sc complete, curving forward to end in costal vein; vein R1 setulose; cell cup never
with a pointed extension. Abdomen with sternite 1 present and developed. Female with segment 6 reduced or
absent. Male with abdominal sternite 6 reduced or absent; lateral and medial surstily developed; one or two
prensisetae; distiphallus long with developed pre-apical glans (absent in some groups, e.g. some genera of
Trapherinae from Australia); terminal filaments absent (e.g. Naupoda Osten-Sacken; Scholastes Loew) or present
(e.g. Lamprogaster Macquart; Loxoneuroides Hendel).
Platystomatidae are one of the largest families of Tephritoidea and contains some of the most morphologically
bizarre forms in this superfamily. Over 1,200 species have been described in 119 world genera and four subfamilies
(McAlpine 2001). With worldwide distribution, Platystomatidae are not well represented in the New World and in
the Neotropical region only Platystomatinae, with four genera and 26 species, are recorded (Steyskal 1968). The
family is a group understudied in Colombia and only one species is recorded to the country (Table 1), a figure
certainly requiring revision.

Acronyms used for the depositories

BMNH—Natural History Museum, London, England

OUMNH—Oxford University Museum of Natural History, Oxford, England
ZMUC—Zoological Museum University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark

Accepted by S. Nihei: 10 Apr. 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016 579

List of abbreviations

distr.—geographic distribution
e.g.—for example
mon.—by monotypy
syn.—synonym, synonymy
F (f#)—Female
M (m#)—Male

Catalogue of Platystomatidae of Colombia

Family Platystomatidae Schiner, 1862

Subfamily Platystomatinae Schiner, 1862

Genus Senopterina Macquart

Senopterina Macquart, 1835: 453. Type species, Dacus brevipes (Fabricius) (mon.).
Bricinnia Walker, 1861: 324. Type species, Bricinia flexivitta Walker (mon.).
Bricinniela Giglio-Tos, 1893: 13; 1895: 45. Type species, Bricinniela cyanea Giglio-Tos (mon.).
Stenopterina, misspelling.

brevipes (Fabricius), 1805: 272 (Dacus). Type locality: “South America”. HT sex? (ZMUC). Distr.: Mexico,
Trinidad, Guyana, Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay. Refs.: Wiedemann, 1830: 513 (diag. as Dacus
brevipes); Macquart, 1835: 454 (diag.); Walker, 1849: 1071 (list); D’Orbigny, 1861: 552 (cit., disc.); Hendel,
1914a: 103–105 (key, redescr.); 1914b: 61 (cit., syn. list); Curran, 1934: 424 (spp. list from Kartabo); Shewell,
1962: 194 (disc., figs. 1–3, 13); Meier et al., 2005: website (collection inventory, HT); Whittington, 2010: 904 (fig.
6, head).
splendens (Macquart), 1846: 337 (plate 18, fig. 8, 8a, head, wing) (Herina). HT F (OUMNH). Type locality:
“Colombia”. Syn. by Hendel, 1914a: 104.
angusta (Walker), 1852: 374 (Ortalis). HT M (BMNH, according to Sistema Dipterorum site). Type locality:
"Brazil". Syn. by Hendel, 1914a: 104.

TABLE 1. Platystomatidae species recorded to Colombia

Subfamily Genus Specific epithet Author

Platystomatinae Senopterina brevipes (Fabricius, 1805)


Curran, C.H. (1934) The Diptera of Kartabo, Bartica District, British Guiana. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural
History, 66, 287–532.

580 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press WENDT

D’Orbigny, M.C. (1861) Dictionnaire universel d’histoire naturelle résumant et complétant tous les faits presents par les
incyclopédies les anciens dictionnaires scientifiques. Chez les editeurs MM. Renard, Martinet et cie, Paris, 649 pp.
Fabricius, J.C. (1805) Systema antliatorum secundum ordines, genera, species adiectis synonymis, locis, observationibus,
descriptionibus. Carolum Reichard, Brunsvigae (= Brunswick), 373 + 30 pp.
Giglio-Tos, E. (1893) Diagnosi di nuovi generi e di nuove specie di Ditteri. IX. Bolletino dei Musei di Zoologia ed Anatomia
Comparata della Regia Universita di Torino, 8, 1–14.
Giglio-Tos, E. (1895) Ditteri del Messico, Parte IV. Memorie dela Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino, 45, 1–73.
Hendel, F. (1914a) Die Arten der Platystominen. Abhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Zoologisch-Botanischen
Gesellschaft in Wien, 8 (1), 1–410.
Hendel, F. (1914b) Diptera, Fam. Muscaridae, Subfam. Platystominae. In: Wytsman, P. (Ed.), Genera Insectorum, Fasc. 157,
pp. 1–179. [Bruxelles]
Macquart, J. (1835) Histoire naturelle des insectes. Diptères, 2, 1–703.
Macquart, J. (1846) Diptères exotiques nouveaux ou peu connus. Mémoires de la Société royale des sciences, de l'agriculture et
des arts de Lille, 1844, 133–364.
McAlpine, D.K. (2001) Review of the Australasian genera of signal flies (Diptera: Platystomatidae). Records of the Australian
Museum, 53, 113–199.
Meier, R., Buch, W., Buhl, P.N., Klass, K.D., Michelsen, V. & Petersen, J.F.T. (2005) Collection inventory of the Diptera
collection of the Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen (ZMUC). Available from:
collections-databaser/Diptera/dipterasites.htm (accessed 31 May 2013)
Steyskal, G.C. (1968) 55. Family Platystomatidae. In: Papavero, N. (Ed.), A catalogue of the Diptera of the Americas South of
the United States. Departamento de Zoologia, Secretaria da Agricultura, São Paulo, 4 pp.
Shewell, G.E. (1962) A new Canadian species of Stenopterina Macq. with notes on the species allied to brevipes (Fab.)
(Diptera; Otitidae). The Canadian Entomologist, 94, 194–200.
Walker, F. (1849) List of the specimens of dipterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part IV. Printed by order of
the Trustees [British Museum], London, pp. 689–1172.
Walker, F. (1852) Diptera. Part IV. In: Saunders, W.W. (Ed.), Insecta Saundersiana: Or characters of undescribed insects in the
collection of William Wilson Saunders. Vol. 1. London, pp. 253–414.
Walker, F. (1861) Characters of undescribed insects in the collection of W.W. Saunders. The Transactions of the Entomological
Society of London, 5, 268–334.
Whittington, A.E. (2010) Platystomatidae (Signal flies). In: Brown, B.V., Borkent, A., Cumming, J.M., Wood, D.M., Woodley,
N. & Zumbado, M.A. (Eds.), Manual of Central American Diptera. Vol. 2. NRC Research Press, Ottawa, pp. 903–907.

CATALOGUE OF PLATYSTOMATIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 581
Zootaxa 4122 (1): 582–584 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
Copyright © 2016 Magnolia Press
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)



Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul, CCBS (Zoologia), Caixa Postal 549, Cidade Universitária, 79070–900, Campo
Grande, MS, Brazil. E-mail:
Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, 04218-970, São Paulo, SP, Brazil. E-mail:
*Corresponding author:


Pyrgotidae is a family of endoparasitics flies of beetles with worldwide distribution. The Neotropical fauna is composed
by 59 valid species names disposed in 13 genera. The occurrence of Pyrgota longipes Hendel is the first record of the
family in Colombia.

Key words: Catalogue, Diptera, Tephritoidea, Pyrgotidae, Colombia, Neotropical Region


Pyrgotidae is a small family of tephritoid flies, whose immatures develop as internal parasitoids into the abdomen
of beetles of the family Scarabaeidae (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea) (Forbes 1908, Aczél 1956a, Paramonov 1958,
Steyskal 1987, Hernandez-Ortiz 2010). Recently, Mello et al. (2010) discussed the possible parasitoid association
between the pyrgotid species Carrerapyrgota bernardii Mello, Lamas & Rafael with Pelidnota sordida Germar
(Scarabaeidae, Rutelinae).
The family has a worldwide distribution with the majority of the species concentrated in the tropical areas
(Korneyev 2006). According to Mello & Lamas (in prep.), the Neotropical fauna is composed by 59 valid species
names disposed in 13 genera.
This catalogue presents for the first time the occurrence of Pyrgotidae in Colombia (Table 1). Specimens of
Pyrgota longipes Hendel from Antioquia and Cundinamarca are registered.

Acronyms used for the depositories

CEUA—Colección Entomológica de la Universidad de Antioquia, Antioquia, Colombia.

MEFLG—Museo Entomológico Francisco Luis Gallego, Medellín, Colombia.
NHMW—Naturhistorisches Museum Wien. Vienna, Austria.
UNAB—Museo Entomológico facultad de Agronomía, Universidad Nacional de Agronomía, Bogotá, Colombia.

List of abbreviations


582 Accepted by S. Nihei: 10 Apr. 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016

M (m#)—Male
F (f#)—Female

Catalogue of Pyrgotidae of Colombia

Family Pyrgotidae Schiner, 1868

Pyrgotinae Schiner, 1868: 229. Type genus, Pyrgota Wiedemann, 1830.

Subfamily Pyrgotinae Schiner, 1868

Tribe Pyrgotini Schiner, 1868

Genus Pyrgota Wiedemann, 1830

Pyrgota Wiedemann, 1830: 580. Type species, Pyrgota undata Wiedemann, 1830 (mon.). Refs.: Gerstäcker 1860: 186 (tax.
notes); Loew 1873: 72 (reds.); Hendel 1908: 7 (tax. notes); Hendel 1914: 78 (key); Malloch 1929: 258 (tax. notes); Hendel
1934: 143 (key); Enderlein 1942: 101 (key); Aczél 1956a: 162, 168–171, 173 (tax. notes), 181 (checklist); 1956b: 13, 17
(key), 17 (tax. notes); Steyskal 1965: 657 (cat.); Steyskal 1967: 4 (cat.); Steyskal 1978: 151 (key); Steyskal 1987: 814
(key); Hernández-Ortiz 2010: 960 (key), 960 (distr.).
Oxycephala Macquart, 1843: 354. Type species, Oxycephala fuscipennis Macquart, 1843 (mon.).

longipes Hendel, 1908: 145. Type locality: Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul. ST 1M, 1F (NHMW). Distr.: Brazil,
Colombia. Refs.: Bezzi 1929: 2 (checklist); Hennig 1952: 609 (new occ.); Aczél 1956a: 166–169, 171, 174 (tax.
notes), 181 (checklist); 1956b: 21 (reds.); Steyskal 1967: 4 (cat.).
Examined material: COLOMBIA: Antioquia, Santo Domingo Porce, iii/1997, R. Véllez col., 1 M and 3 F
(MEFLG); San Roque, San Jose del Nus. 880 m. Bosque, 13/iiv/2011, A. Clavijo col., 1 F (CEUA). Cundinamarca,
La Palma, ix/2009, J. Guerrero col., 1 M (UNAB); x/2009, 1 M (UNAB); Tibacuy, La Vuelta, 20/ix/2009, R.
Simbaqueba col., 1 M (UNAB); Fusagasuga, 11/vi/1996, D. Forero col., 1 F (UNAB).


The authors are very grateful to the curators Erika Navarro (UNAB) and John Gamboa (MEFLG) for the loan of
material and to Dr. Marta Wolff (CEUA) by sending information about the collection; and to the Conselho
Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) for the PhD fellowship of the first author (process
nº. 141656/2007–70).

TABLE 1. Pyrgotidae species recorded from Colombia.

Tribe Genus Species Author

Pyrgotini Pyrgota longipes Hendel, 1908


Aczél, M. (1956a) Revisíon parcial de las Pyrgotidae neotropicales y Antárticas con synopsis de los géneros y especies
(Diptera, Acalyptratae). Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, 4, 161–184.
Aczél, M. (1956b) Revisíon parcial de las Pyrgotidae neotropicales y Antárticas con synopsis de los géneros y especies
(Diptera, Acalyptratae). Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, 5, 1–70.
Bezzi, M. (1929) Australian Pyrgotidae. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, 54, 1–20.
Enderlein, G. (1942) Klassifikation der Pyrgotiden. Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft Naturforschender Freunde, 2, 98–134.

CATALOGUE OF PYRGOTIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 583
Forbes, S.A. (1908) On the life history, habits, and economic relations of the white-grubs and may-beetles (Lachnosterna).
Bulletin of the Illinois Agricultural Experimental Station, 116, 447–480.
Gerstäcker, F. (1860) Beschreibung einiger aus gezeichneten neuen Dipteren aus der Familie Muscariae. Stettiner
Entomologische Zeitung, 21, 163–202.
Hendel, F. (1908) Diptera, Familien Muscaridae, subfamilien Pyrgotinae. Genera Insectorum, 79, 1–33.
Hendel, F. (1914) Neue Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Pyrgotinen. Archiv für Naturgeschichte, 79, 77–117.
Hendel. F. (1934) Übersicht über die Gattungen der Pyrgotiden, nebst Beschreibung neuer Gattungen und Arten. Encyclopédie
Entomologique, Diptera, 7, 141–156.
Hennig, W. (1952) Die Larvenformen der Dipteren. Vol. 3. Akademi Verlag, Berlin, 628 pp.
Hernández-Ortiz, V. (2010) Pyrgotidae (Pyrgotid flies). In: Brown, B.V., Borkent, A., Cumming, J.M., Wood, D.M., Woodley,
N.E., & Zumbado, M.A. (Eds.), Manual of Central American Diptera. Vol. 2. National Research Council Press, Ottawa,
pp. 955–961.
Korneyev, V. (2006) A revision of Afrotropical species of the Eupyrgota (Diptera, Pyrgotidae): the spinifemur group and
latipennis subgroup of species. Vestnik Zoologii, 40, 3–25.
Loew, H. (1873) Monographs of the Diptera of North America part III. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 256, 1–351.
Macquart, J. (1843) Dipteres exotiques nouveaux ou peu conns. Supplément I Memoires de La Société Royale des Sciences, de
l’Agriculture et des Arts, de lille, 1844, 133–364.
Malloch, J.R. (1929) Exotic Muscaridae (Diptera); XXIV. Family Pyrgotidae. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 3,
Mello, R.L., Lamas, C.J.E. & Rafael, J.A. (2010) Revision of the Neotropical genus Carrerapyrgota Aczél (Diptera,
Pyrgotidae) with the description of two new species. Zootaxa, 2515, 45–64.
Paramonov, S.J. (1958) A review of Australian Pyrgotidae (Diptera). Australian Journal of Entomology, 6 (1) , 89–138.
Schiner, J.R. (1868) Diptera. In: von Wüllerstorf-Urbair, B. (Ed.), Reise der österreichischen Fregatte Novara um die Erde in
den Jahren 1857, 1858, 1859 unter den Befehlen des Commodore B. von Wüllerstorf-Urbair. Zoologischer Theil. Vol. 2.
Abt. I. K. Gerold’s Son, Wien, pp. 1–388.
Steyskal, G.C. (1965) Family Pyrgotidae. In: Stone, A., Sabrosky, C.W., Wirth, W.W., Foote, R.H. & Coulson, T.R. (Eds.), A
catalog of the Diptera of America north of Mexico. USDA, Agricultural Research Service, Agriculture Handbooks 276,
pp. 657–658.
Steyskal, G.C. (1967) Family Pyrgotidae. In: Papavero, N. (Ed.), A catalogue of the Diptera of the America South of the United
States. Museu de Zoologia, São Paulo, 56, pp. 1–8.
Steyskal, G.C. (1978) Synopsis of the North American Pyrgotidae (Diptera). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of
Washington, 80 (2), 149–155.
Steyskal, G.C. (1987) Pyrgotidae. In: McAlpine, J.F., Peterson, B.V., Shewell, G.E., Teskey, H.J., Vockeroth, J.R., Wood, D.M.
(Eds.), Manual of Nearctic Diptera. Vol. 2. Research Branch Monograph 28, Agriculture Canada, Ottawa, pp. 813–816.
Wiedemann, C.R.W. (1830) Aussereuropäische zweifluegeliche Insekten. Vol. 2. Schulzischen Buchhandlung, Hamm, xii, 684

584 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press MELLO & LAMAS
Zootaxa 4122 (1): 585–595 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
Copyright © 2016 Magnolia Press
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)



Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA), Coordenação de Pesquisas em Biodiversidade (CBio), Av. André Araújo, 2936,
Petrópolis, CEP 69011–970, Caixa–Postal 478, Manaus, Amazonas, Brasil. Fellowship CAPES/FAPEAM;
Fellowship PQ/CNPq; E-mail:
Corresponding author:


Richardiidae are a family of “acalyptrate” Diptera represented by ca. 180 species distributed in the New World, mostly in
the Neotropical region. The species that occur in Colombia have received little attention from taxonomists, and the great
majority of them are known only from their type localities. Currently, 14 genera and 23 species are known to occur in the

Key words: catalogue, Colombia, distribution, Neotropical Region, Richardiinae


The following characteristics are peculiar to the Richardiid flies: small to medium-sized (body length 3–15mm),
body robust or slender. Head with one orbital seta and frontal seta absent. Thorax with prosternum very reduced,
bare or ciliated; katepisternum developed, higher than anepisternum; postmetacoxal bridge complete or
incomplete; presutural dorsocentral seta absent; one anepisternal seta; one or two post-sutural dorsocentral setae;
one or two scutellar setae. Wing generally with apical spot, median band and/or other marks; subcostal break
present; humeral break present in Epiplateinae and absent in Richardiinae; R1 vein swollen at apex; cup closed
apically by a short sinuous or slightly convex vein. Legs long, slender to robust, usually banded; spine-like setae
present on ventral surface of at least hind femur in Richardiinae (except Setellia Robineau-Desvoidy), absent in all
femora in Epiplateinae. Abdomen with strong preapical setae laterally on syntergite 1+2; sternite 1 very reduced or
absent. Female with two spermathecae. Male with abdominal tergites 6 and 7 very reduced or vestigial; lateral
surstylus partial or entirely free from epandrium; one (in Richardiinae) or two (in Epiplateinae) prensisetae;
distiphallus long and generally setulose.
Very little is known about the biology of immature and adult richardiids. A few records on the breeding
behavior of these flies suggest that the larval diet is composed of rotting vegetable matter, rotting fruit (Steyskal
1958, Martinez et al. 2000), decaying trunks (Steyskal 1973), and flowers (Steyskal 1973, 1987). Shannon,
Suspended and Malaise are optimal traps for collecting the adult stage. Furthermore, there are records of adult
richardiids collected in association with animal carcasses (e.g. Carvalho et al. 2000, Carvalho & Linhares 2001,
Moretti et al. 2008).
The family Richardiidae is classified in the Tephritoidea and only occurs in the New World, mostly in the
Neotropical region. The family is currently represented by about 200 species in 32 genera and is divided into two
subfamilies, Richardiinae and Epiplateinae (Hancock 2010). The Richardiinae is conspicuously more diverse,
encompassing more than 90% of the species in the family (Steyskal 1968). The species that occur in Colombia
have received little attention from taxonomists, and the great majority of them are known only from their type
localities. Currently, 14 genera and 23 species are known to occur in the country (Table 1).
The present catalogue provides a list of species from Colombia based on available literature and observed
material. For genus name the following is provided: the original reference, type species, current valid name (when

Accepted by S. Nihei: 10 Apr. 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016 585

appropriate), designation, and synonyms listed chronologically. For each species name, the following information
is given: the original reference with the original generic assignment when it differs from the present assignment,
the type locality quoted in full, the nature and location of the type series, the geographical distribution in a
sequence that runs from north to south and west to east, chronologically listed synonyms, all known available and
unavailable published names, and bibliography of all literature cited.

Acronyms used for the depositories

ANSP—Academy of Natural Sciences, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA

BMNH—Natural History Museum, London, England
CE-TDEA—Colección Entomológica Tecnológico de Antioquia, Institución Universitária, Medellín, Colombia
CEUA—Colección Entomológica, Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia
DEIC—Deutsches Entomologisches Institut, Müncheberg, Germany
HNHM—Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest, Hungarian
MCZ—Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
MEFLG—Museo Entomológico Francisco Luís Gallego, Medellín, Colombia
MIZT—Museo Zoologico di Torino, Università di Torino, Torino, Italy
MLPA —Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Museo de la Plata, La Plata, Argentina
MNHN—Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France
MRSN—Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali, Torino, Italy
MZPW—Polish Academy of Science, Museum of the Institute of Zoology, Warsaw, Poland
NMHW—Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, Wien, Austria
OUMNH—Oxford University Museum of natural History, Oxford, England
USNM—National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., USA
ZMHB—Museum für Naturkunde der Humbolt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany
ZMUC—Zoological Museum University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark

List of abbreviations

diag.— diagnosis
distr.—geographic distribution
e.g.—for example
n., nov.—new
orig. des.—by original designation
sp., spp.—species
syn.—synonym, synonymy

586 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press WENDT & ALE-ROCHA
T—Type (unspecified)
F (f#)—Female
M (m#)—Male

Catalogue of Richardiidae of Colombia

Family Richardiidae Snow, 1896

Subfamily Epiplateinae Steyskal, 1987

Genus Automola Loew

Automola Loew, 1873: 118; Type species, Ortalis atomaria Wiedemann, 1830: 461; subs. des. (Coquillett, 1910: 512).
Wulpia Bigot, 1886: 371. Type species, Wulpia caloptera Bigot (mon.). Syn. by Hendel, 1911a: 184.

atomaria (Wiedemann), 1830: 461 (Ortalis). Type locality: “Brazil”. ST M (NHMW). Distr.: Mexico, Costa Rica,
Colombia (Caldas (Norcasia)) (new record), Guyana, Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentina. Refs.: Loew,
1873: 11, 118 (disc. as Ortalis trifasciata; cit.); Wulp, 1898: 390 (material list, disc.; plate 10, fig. 22, wing);
Aldrich, 1905: 588 (cat.); Coquillett, 1910: 512 (subs. des.); Hendel, 1911a: 184–187 (key, redescr.); Curran,
1934a: 293, 425 (spp. list, material list); 1934b, 1965: 276 (fig. 34, wing); Hennig, 1937: 22 (material list); Aczél,
1950: 8 (cat.); Steyskal, 1958: 303 (key, disc., material list, distr.); 1968: 2 (cat.); Wendt & Ale-Rocha, 2012: 49
(cit.); 2013: 1091–1093 (cit., comments, distr., distr. map).
trifasciata (Wiedemann), 1830: 461 (Ortalis). Type locality: “Brazil” ST F (NHMW). Syn. by Hendel, 1911a:
185. Refs.: Loew, 1868: 324 (cit. as Ortalis); 1873: 11 (disc., as Ortalis trifasciata), 118 (cit.); Wulp, 1898: 390
(cit.); Hendel, 1911a: 185 (syn.); Aczél, 1950: 8 (cat.); Steyskal, 1968: 2 (cat.).
mexicanum (Giglio-Tos), 1893: 12 (Platystoma); 1895: 46 (fig. 24, wing). HT M (MIZT or MRSN ?). Type
locality: Mexico, Tuxpango. Syn. by Hendel, 1911a: 185. Refs.: Hendel, 1911a: 185 (syn.); Aczél, 1950: 8 (cat.);
Steyskal, 1968: 2 (cat.).
leopardina Blanchard, 1938: 92 (figs. 6, 9). Type locality: Argentina, Misiones, Porto Bemberg. HT F
(MLPA). Syn. by Steyskal, 1958: 303. Refs.: Aczél, 1950: 8 (cat.); Steyskal, 1958: 303 (syn.); 1968: 2 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Caldas: Norcasia, Sector El Tigre, 05º33’09.8”N 74º52’23.1”W, 700m,
Forest, 1 female, 20.ii.2010, D.Y. Gaurisas and L. Rios col., Van Sommeren-Rydon trap (CEUA).

Subfamily Richardiinae Snow

Genus Batrachophthalmum Hendel

Batrachophthalmum Hendel, 1911a: 394. Type species, Batrachophthalmum rufiventri Hendel (by mon.).

quimbaya Carvalho, Wolff & Wendt, 2011: 44. Type locality: Colombia, Risaralda, Pereira, Otún Quimbaya. HT
M, PT M (CEUA). Distr.: Colombia (Risaralda (Pereira)). Refs.: Wendt & Ale-Rocha, 2014: 306–310 (female
desc., figs. 1A–F, 2A–K, 3A–I, female habitus, head, thorax, terminalia, sternites, spermathecae; male terminalia
and sternites).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Risaralda: Pereira, Santuario de Flora y Fauna Otún-Quimbaya, HT and
PT 1 male, v. 2001, Grupo de Entomologia col. (CEUA) 12796; idem, 1890m, 1 female, 07.v.2001, Bosque Nativo,
Van Sommeren-Rydon trap baited with fish (CEUA) 16283.

CATALOGUE OF RICHARDIIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 587
Genus Coilometopia Macquart

Coilometopia Macquart, 1847: 107. Type species, Coilometopia ferruginea Macquart (by mon.) = Scatophaga trimaculata
Fabricius, 1805.

costalis Hendel, 1911a: 256. HT F (NMHW). Type locality: “Venezuela”. Distr.: Colombia (Santander (Piedecusta
Sevilla)) (new record), Venezuela, Brazil, Bolivia. Refs.: Hennig, 1937: 32 (material list); Aczél, 1950: 22 (cat.);
Steyskal, 1968: 3 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Santander: Piedecuesta Sevilla, Vereda Cristales, Rasgon Farm, Forest,
2200m, 1 female, 25.viii.2001, Duque & Vélez cols., Van Sommeren-Rydon Trap (CEUA).

longicornis Hendel, 1911a: 255. Type locality: Peru, Vilcanota. ST M (HNHM). Distr: Colombia (Quindio
(Quimbaya)) (new record); Brazil, Peru, Bolivia. Refs.: Hennig, 1937: 32 (material list); Aczél, 1950: 23 (cat.);
Steyskal, 1968: 3 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Quindío: Quimbaya, Vereda Kerman, Km 7, Panaca, 1 male, 01.vii.2003,
H. Vargas col. (CEUA).

trimaculata (Fabricius), 1805: 208 (Scatophaga). Type locality: “South America”. HT sex? (ZMUC). Distr.: Costa
Rica, Panama, Trinidad, Guyana, Colombia (Antioquia (La Pintada, Maceo, Caucásia), Sucre (San Onofre), Meta
(San Martin)) (new records), Venezuela, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia. Refs.: Loew, 1873: 13, 68, 188 (disc. as
Coilometopia), 26 (cit. as Trypeta), 68 (cit. as Scatophaga); Coquillett, 1910: 526 (cit. as Scatophaga); Hendel,
1911a: 254–255 (key, taxonomy); 1911b: 24 (spp. list, figs. 40–42, head, wing); 1936: 80 (material list); Enderlein
1912: 113 (material list); Curran, 1934a: 293, 423 (spp. list, material list, human excrement); Hennig, 1937: 32
(material list); Aczél, 1950: 23 (cat.); Steyskal, 1968: 3 (cat.); Meier et al., 2005: website (collection inventory,
HT); Hancock, 2010: 876, 878 (fig. 19, head, record to Costa Rica).
flavus (Fabricius), 1805: 274 (Dacus). Type locality: “South America”. HT sex? (ZMUC). Syn. by Hendel
1911a: 154. Refs.: Loew, 1873: 68 (disc. as Dacus); Hendel, 1911a: 254 (syn.); 1911b: 24 (spp. list); Steyskal,
1968: 3 (cat.); Meier et al., 2005: website (collection inventory, HT).
maculipennis (Macquart), 1846: 339 (plate 18, fig. 12, habitus dorsal) (Odontomera). Type locality:
“Colombia”. HT F (OUMNH, (Fairmaire collection)). Syn. by Loew, 1873: 68. Refs.: Schiner, 1868: 256, 258
(disc. as Odontomera); Loew, 1873: 68 (disc. as Odontomera); Hendel, 1911a: 254 (cit. as Odontomera); 1911b: 24
(spp. list); Aczél, 1950: 23 (cat. as Odontomera); Steyskal, 1968: 3 (cat.).
ferruginea Macquart, 1847: 107 (plate 5, figs. 14a–c, head, antenna). Type locality: “Brazil”. HT M (OUMNH,
(Bigot Collection)). Syn. by Loew, 1873: 188. Refs.: Loew, 1873: 68, 188 (disc., syn.); Hendel, 1911b: 24 (spp.
list); Aczél, 1950: 23 (cat.); Steyskal, 1968: 3 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Maceo, Reserva Cañon del rio Alicante, Forest, 400m, 2
males, 1 female, 25.i.2009, M. Wolff col. (CEUA); La Pintada, Montenegro Farm, Comfenalco, 5º43’24”N
75º37’15”W, Bosque, 850m, 1 female , 20.iv.2007, N. Uribe col. (CEUA); Caucasia, Sector Las Malvinas, La
Cacaotera Farm, 07º58’06.05”N 75º11’54.52”, 3 males, 20.iv.2010, Entomology Group col., Van Sommeren-Rydon
trap baited with fish (CEUA); Sucre: San Onofre, Sanguaré Reserve, Palmavinal, 09º42’36.80”N 75º41’00.38”W,
15m, 2 males, 2 females, 26–29.v.2009, Entomology Group col., Van Sommeren-Rydon trap baited with fish
(CEUA); Meta: San Martin, Vereda La Novilla, 03º31’37”N 73º24’16”W, 249m, 7 males, 5 females,,
Perez and Gomez-Pinerez col., Van Sommeren-Rydon trap baited with fish and offal (CE-TDEA).

Genus Euolena Loew

Euolena Loew, 1873: 183. Type species, Michogaster egregius Gerstaecker (by orig. des.).

egregia (Gerstaecker), 1860: 179 (Michogaster). Type locality: “Colombia”. ST M, F (ZMHB). Distr.: Colombia,
Venezuela, Ecuador. Refs.: Schiner, 1868: 255 (cit. as Michogaster); Hendel 1911a: 390 (diag.); 1911b: 42 (spp.
list, figs. 64, 65, habitus, head); Enderlein, 1912: 109 (material list); Hennig, 1938a: 118 (material list); Aczél,
1950: 40 (cat.); Steyskal, 1968: 4 (cat.); Hancock, 2010: 875, 878 (fig. 15, habitus, cit.).

588 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press WENDT & ALE-ROCHA
ornatus Schiner, 1868: 255 (Michogaster). Type locality: “South America”. ST M, F (NMHW). Syn. by
Hendel, 1911b: 42. Refs.: Hendel, 1911b: 42 (syn.); Steyskal, 1968: 4 (cat.).
Material examined. “Columbia”, syntypes 1 male, 4 females, Moritz col. (ZMHB).

Genus Hemixantha Loew

Hemixantha Loew, 1873: 190. Type species, Hemixantha spinipes Loew (by mon.).

fascinventris Enderlein, 1912: 112. Type locality: Colombia. HT F (MZPW). Distr.: Colombia, Brazil. Refs.:
Lopes, 1936: 476 (disc.); Hennig, 1937: 308 (key, cit.); Aczél, 1950: 25 (cat.); Steyskal, 1968: 4 (cat.).
fasciventris Hendel, 1936: 80. Type locality: Brazil, Pará, Taperinha. HT M (MNHW). Syn. by Aczél 1950: 25.
Refs.: Aczél, 1950: 25 (cat.); Steyskal, 1968: 4 (cat.). Note: Both this and the aforementioned species were
described as valid species. Aczél (1950) and Steyskal (1968) treated them as synonymous, however the
examination of types is necessary to clarification on status of both species.

Genus Melanoloma Loew

Melanoloma Loew, 1873: 192. Type species, Trypeta cyanogaster Wiedemann (by orig. des.).
Melanolema Enderlein, 1912: 112 (misspelling).
Melanolomina Curran, 1934b: 281. Type species, Odontomera varians Schiner (by orig. des.).

decrepita Hendel, 1911a: 367. Type locality: “Venezuela”. HT F (NMHW). Distr.: Colombia, Venezuela, Peru,
Bolivia. Refs.: Hendel, 1911b: 31 (spp. list); Enderlein, 1912: 112 (material list); Curran, 1934b, 1965: 283 (figs.
98, 107, wing, head); Hennig, 1938a: 112 (material list); Aczél, 1950: 31 (cat.); Steyskal, 1968: 6 (cat.).

viatrix Hendel, 1911a: 269. Type locality: Bolivia, Songo. HT F (HNHM). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Vegachi),
(Maceo)) (new record), Venezuela, Bolivia. Refs.: Hennig, 1938a: 112 (material list); Aczél, 1950: 30 (cat.);
Steyskal, 1968: 6 (cat.); Arévalo & Osório, 1995: 1–8 (biol.); Martínez et al., 2000: 135–140 (biol., pest, figs. 1–3,
adult, larvae, pupa); Montilla et al., 2007: 107–112 (biol.); 2008: 403–407 (distr. in Venezuela); Moreno et al.,
2009: 98–100 (biol., figs. 1A–L, pupae and puparium); Hancock, 2010: 878 (cit.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Vegachi, 14 males, 6 females, ii.1992, Yepes col., on
pineapple fruit (MEFLG), idem, 3 males, 6 females, iii.1992, idem , idem (MEFLG); Maceo, 1 male, 3 females,
vii.1992, idem (MEFLG).

Genus Odontomera Macquart

Odontomera Macquart, 1843: 372. Type species, Odontomera ferruginea Macquart (by mon.).
Cyrtometopa Loew, 1873: 179. Type species, Odontomera ferruginea Macquart (by orig. des.).

canonigra Enderlein, 1912: 110. Type locality: “Colombia”. HT F (MZPW). Distr.: Colombia. Refs.: Hendel,
1936: 79 (disc.); Hennig, 1938a: 114 (material list); Aczél, 1950: 33 (cat.); Steyskal, 1968: 7 (cat.).

nitens (Schiner), 1868: 258 (Michogaster). Type locality: “Colombia”. ST M (NMHW). Distr.: Mexico, Costa
Rica, Colombia, Venezuela, Bolivia. Refs.: Hendel, 1911a: 370, 372 (key, redescr.); 1911b: 34 (spp. list, figs.
54–56, head, wing); Curran, 1934b, 1965: 282–283 (figs. 80, 97, head, wing); Hennig, 1938a: 114 (material list);
Aczél, 1950: 35 (cat.); Steyskal, 1958: 304, 310 (cit., male terminalia descr., figs. 6, 7, male terminalia); 1968: 7
(cat.); Korneyev, 1999: 22 (phylogeny of Tephritoidea, ingroup); Becerril-Morales & Macías-Ordóñez, 2009:
245–262 (behavior); Hancock, 2010: 878 (cit.).
cinctella (Wulp), 1898: 389 (figs. 20, 20a, habitus, head) (Cyrtometopia). Type locality: Mexico, Tabasco,
Teapa, São Lorenzo near Cordova. ST M, F (USNM). Syn. by Hendel, 1911b: 34. Refs.: Wulp, 1898: 388 (key,

CATALOGUE OF RICHARDIIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 589
Cyrtometopia); Aldrich, 1905: 599 (cat. as Cyrtometopia); Hendel, 1911a: 372 (cit. as Cyrtometopia), 1911b: 34
(syn.); Aczél, 1950: 35 (cat.); Steyskal, 1968: 7 (cat.).

Genus Poecilomyia Hendel

Poecilomyia Hendel, 1911a: 183, 256. Type species, Poecilomyia longicornis Hendel (by mon.).

longicornis Hendel, 1911a: 256. Type locality: “Venezuela” and Panama, Chiriqui. ST M, F (NHMW). Distr.:
Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, Bolivia. Refs.: Hendel, 1911b: 24 (spp. list, figs. 43–45, head, wing); Curran,
1934b, 1965: 278, 282 (figs. 49, 93, wing, head); Hennig, 1937: 33 (material list); Aczél, 1950: 24 (cat.); Steyskal,
1968: 8 (cat.); Hancock, 2010: 876, 878 (fig. 18, head, cit.).

longicornis var. colombiana Enderlein, 1912: 106. Type locality: Colombia, Fusagasuga. HT M (MZPW). Distr.:
Colombia. Refs.: Hennig, 1937: 33 (cit.); Aczél, 1950: 24 (cat.); Steyskal, 1968: 8 (cat.).

Genus Richardia Robineau-Desvoidy

Richardia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830: 728. Type species, Richardia saltatoria Robineau-Desvoidy (by mon.).
Merodina Macquart, 1835: 378. Type species, Dacus podagrica Fabricius (1805) (by mon.).
Gnathoplasma Enderlein, 1912: 99. Type species, Gnathoplasma infestans Enderlein (by orig. des.).
Scelidodontia Enderlein, 1913: 553. Type species, Scelidodontia hendeliana Enderlein (by orig. des.).
Polphopsis Enderlein, 1927: 127. Type species, Richardia telescopica Gerstaecker (by orig. des.).
Zetekomyia Curran, 1934b: 275. Type species, Zetekomyia banski Curran, nomen nudum (by orig. des.) = Richardia telescopica
Richarula Williston, 1908: 279 (misspelling).

annulata (Macquart), 1835: 434 (Herina). Type locality: “Colombia”. HT M (MNHN). Distr.: Panama, Colombia,
Venezuela, Guyana Brazil. Refs.: Macquart, 1843: 362 (cit. as Herina); Rondani, 1848: 82 (disc. as Herina);
Gerstaecker, 1860: 163 (cat.); Schiner, 1868: 259 (disc., cit. as Herina.); Hendel, 1911a: 208, 242 (key, redescr.);
1911b: 21 (spp. list); Speiser, 1911: 246 (disc.); Hennig, 1937: 28 (cit.); Aczél, 1950: 16 (cat.); Steyskal, 1968: 9 (cat.).
eurycephala Gerstaecker, 1860: 165. Type locality: “South America”. HT M (ZMHB). Syn. by Hendel, 1911b:
21. Refs.: Schiner, 1868: 259 (disc.); Hendel, 1911b: 21 (syn.); Aczél, 1950: 16 (cat.); Steyskal, 1968: 9 (cat.).

flavipes Schiner, 1868: 260. Type locality: “South America”. HT M (NHMW). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia
(Puerto Berrio), Quindío (Quimbaya)) (new records), Guyana, Venezuela. Refs.: Hendel, 1911a: 210 (key), 1911b:
21 (cit.; plate 2, fig. 32, hind leg); Curran, 1934a: 293, 421, 423 (spp. list, key, material list, human excrement);
Hennig, 1937: 30 (cit.); Aczél, 1950: 17 (cat.); Steyskal, 1968: 9 (cat.); Alencar et al., 2013: 205, 207 (cit., key to
Brazilian Amazon spp., fig. 19, hind leg).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Puerto Berrio, Vereda Cristalina, Reserva RUNA, Bosque, 1
male, 24.ix.2005, Entomology Group col., Pitfall trap baited with fruit (CEUA); Quindío: Quimbaya, 1200m, 1
male,, H. Vargas col., Jama Solar (CEUA).

hendeliana (Enderlein), 1913: 553 (fig. hind femora) (Scelidodontia). Type locality: Colombia, Hacienda Pehlke.
HT M (MZPW). Distr.: Colombia. Refs.: Hennig, 1937: 30 (cit.); Aczél, 1950: 17 (cat.); Steyskal, 1968: 9 (cat.).

infestans (Enderlein), 1912: 99 (Gnathoplasma). Type locality: Colombia, Hacienda Pehlke. HT M (MZPW).
Distr.: Panama, Colombia. Refs.: Hennig, 1937: 31 (cit. as Gnathoplasma); Aczél, 1950: 22 (cat. as
Gnathoplasma); Steyskal, 1968: 9 (cat., comb. nov.); Alencar et al., 2013: 202 (cit.). Wendt & Ale-Rocha, 2015:
158, 160 (key, diag., disc., figs. 3, 20–23, habitus, head).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Pehlke's Farm, HT male, iv-vi.1908, E. Pehlke col. (MAPW); Cordillera,
Tierra Caliente, 1 male, without date, Thieme col., (ZMHB).

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podagrica (Fabricius), 1805: 272 (Dacus). Type locality: “South America”. HT sex? (ZMUC). Distr.: Mexico,
Costa Rica, Trinidad, Colombia (Antioquia (Gómez Plata), (San Jeronimo), Quindío, (Quimbaya)) (new records),
Guyana, Brazil, Peru, Bolivia. Refs.: Wiedemann, 1830: 445 (as Cordylura podagrica, diag., plate 10, figs. 9a, b, c,
habitus, palpus, antenna); Macquart, 1843: 362 (disc.); Rondani, 1848: 82 (disc.); Gerstaecker, 1860: 163 (cat.);
Schiner, 1868: 259 (disc.); Wulp, 1898: 385 (key, diag.); Aldrich, 1905: 599 (cat.); Hendel, 1911a: 209, 210 (key,
redescr.); 1911b: 21 (spp. list, figs. 30, 31, habitus, head); Speiser, 1911: 247 (disc.); Enderlein, 1912: 101 (fig. 3,
fore leg); Cole, 1927: 444 (disc. about genitalia, fig. 251, male genitalia); Curran, 1934a: 293, 421 (spp. list, key,
material list); Hennig, 1937: 25 (material list); Aczél, 1950: 19 (cat.); Steyskal, 1958: 310 (male terminalia descr.,
figs, 19–21, male terminalia); 1968: 9 (cat.); Korneyev, 1999: 22 (phylogeny of Tephritoidea, ingroup); Meier et
al., 2005: website (collection inventory, HT).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Gómez Plata, Vereda La Clara, 1000m, 1 male, 09.vii.2003,
Entomology Group col., Jama (CEUA); San Jeronimo, Parque Los Tamarindos, Sendero Ecológico, Rastrojo,
925m, 1 female, 29.xi.2005, A. Velez cols., Van Sommeren-Rydon trap baited with fish (CEUA); idem, La Pintada,
Montenegro Farm, Comfenalco 5º43’24”N 75º37’15”W, 859m, Forest, 1 male, 1 female, 20.iv.2007, N. Uribe col.
(CEUA); Quindío: Quimbaya, Vereda Kerman, Km7, Panaca, 1 male, 01.vii.2003, H. Vargas col. (CEUA).

stylops Hennig, 1938b: 8 (figs. 1, 2, head, wing). Type locality: Colombia, Muzo. HT M (DEIC). Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquia (San Luis, Maceo, Sant Carmen de Chucuri, Sant Pie de Cuesta)) (new record). Refs.: Aczél, 1950: 21
(cat.); Steyskal, 1968: 10 (cat.); Carvalho et al., 2011: 41 (key); Alencar et al., 2013: 202 (cit.).
Material examined: COLOMBIA: Alto de los Andes, 2200m, 1 male, 1 female, 8.x.1908, (BMNH);
Aguatal, 1 male, without date and collector (BMNH); Antioquia: San Luis, Proyecto Porvenir 1, Quebrada, 400m,
1 male, 22–26.viii.2011, S. Angel and C. Bota cols. (CEUA); Maceo,Vereda San Pedro, 06º27’N 74º47’W,
890–1100m, Forest, 1 male, 17–19.ii.2012, Entomology Group col., Van Sommeren-Rydon trap baited with fish
(CEUA); Santa Carmen de Chucuri, Vereda Cascajales, Forest, 1 male, 19–21.xi.2000, A. Vélez and P. Duque
cols., Van Sommeren-Rydon trap baited with fish (CEUA); Pie de Cuesta, Vereda Cristalina, Forest, 2300–2400m,
1 male, 16.viii.2001, P. Duque and A. Vélez cols.,Van Sommeren-Rydon trap baited with fish (CEUA).

telescopica Gerstaecker, 1860: 167 (plate 2, 2a, habitus, head); Type locality: Brazil, Amazon River. HT M
(ZMHB). Distr.: Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Buenaventura)) (new record), Brazil.
Refs.: Schiner, 1868: 260 (disc.); Hendel, 1911a: 209 (key); Hennig, 1937: 30 (cit. as Polyphopsis); Aczél, 1950:
21 (cat.); Steyskal, 1968: 10 (cat.); Grimaldi & Fenster, 1989: 2 (table hipercephalic Diptera, figs. 1a–c, female
head, male habitus, male head); Zumbado, 2006: 151, 152, 255 (figs. male and female, habitus); Carvalho et al.,
2011: 42–43 (cit., key); Alencar et al., 2013: 202, 206 (cit., key to Brazilian Amazon spp.).
huberi (Cresson), 1923: 259 (Plagiocephalus). Type locality: Nicaragua, Eden. HT M (ANSP). Refs.: Aczél,
1950: 21 (cat.); Steyskal, 1968: 10 (cat.).
banski (Curran), 1934b, 1965: 281 (Zetekomyia) (figs. 42, 105, wing, head) (without descriptive statement).
Syn. by Steyskal, 1968. Refs.: Aczél, 1950: 32 (cat.); Steyskal, 1968: 10 (cat., syn.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Valle del Cauca: Buenaventura, Rio Yurumanguí, Guandal, 2 males,
31.i.1998, F. Riascos col. (MEFLG).

undulata Hennig, 1937: 27. Type locality: Colombia, Cesar, Chiriguana District, Lake Sapatoza Region. HT M
(BMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Cesar (Chiriguana)). Refs.: Aczél, 1950: 20 (cat.); Steyskal, 1968: 10 (cat.).

viridiventris Wulp, 1898: 386. Type locality: Mexico, Tabasco, Teapa. ST M, F (USNM); ST M (MCZ). Distr.:
Mexico, Costa Rica, Surinam, Colombia, Guyana, Brazil, Peru, Bolivia. Refs.: Aldrich, 1905: 599 (cat.); Hendel,
1911a: 209, 212 (key, redescr.); 1911b: 21 (spp. list, fig.35, wing); Hennig, 1937: 27 (cit.); Aczél, 1950: 20 (cat.);
Steyskal, 1968: 10 (cat.).

Genus Sepsisoma Johnson

Sepsisoma Johnson, 1900: 327. Type species, Michogaster geniculatus Schiner (by orig. des.).
Parasespsisoma Hendel, 1936: 80. Type species, Sepsisoma flavescens Johnson (by mon.).

CATALOGUE OF RICHARDIIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 591
geniculatum (Schiner), 1868: 257 (Michogaster). Type locality: “South America”. ST M (NMHW). Distr.:
Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil. Refs.: Hendel, 1911a: 379, 381 (key, redescr.); 1911b: 17 (spp. list, figs. 58, 59,
head); 1936: 80 (material list, note); Lindner, 1930: 60 (disc.); Aczél, 1950: 38 (cat.); Steyskal, 1968: 11 (cat.).


Some additional species from Colombia were found in a material recently examined, nevertheless it was not
possible to identify them until a specific level (see Table 1) and probably these species are new. These species,
included in the Table 1 below, belong to four genera for the first time recorded to the country, and they are the
follows: Beebeomyia Curran (with three unidentified species); Megalothoraca Hendel (with one species); Setellia
Robineau-Desvoidy (with at least three species) and Epiplatea Loew (with at least one species).


We sincerely thank Dr. K. Goodger (BMNH) for loaning material; and Dr. Marta Wolff (CEUA), Eduardo C. Amat
Garcia (CE-TDEA) and John Alexander Pulgarín (MEFLG) for welcoming us at the their respective collection and
for loaning material. We thank Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Amazonas (FAPEAM) and
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) for supporting the Project “Incremento
do conhecimento da diversidade, formação e fixação de especialistas em Sistemática de Diptera (Insecta) na
Amazônia”. We are grateful to CAPES, FAPEAM and Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e
Tecnológico (CNPq) for the scholarships provided.

TABLE 1. Richardiidae species recorded from Colombia.

Subfamily Genus Species Author

Epiplateinae Automola atomaria (Wiedemann, 1830)
Epiplatea sp.*
Richardiinae Batrachophthalmum quimbaya Carvalho, Wolff & Wendt, 2011
Beebeomyia spp.*
Coilometopia costalis Hendel, 1911
Coilometopia longicornis Hendel, 1911
Coilometopia trimaculata (Fabricius, 1805)
Euolena egregia (Gerstaecker, 1860)
Hemixantha fascinventris Enderlein, 1912
Megalothoraca sp.*
Melanoloma decrepitum Hendel, 1911
Melanoloma viatrix Hendel, 1911
Odontomera canonigra Enderlein, 1912
Odontomera nitens (Schiner, 1868)
Poecilomyia longicornis Hendel, 1911
Poecilomyia longicornis var. colombiana Enderlein, 1912
Richardia annulata (Macquart, 1835)
Richardia flavipes Schiner, 1868
Richardia hendeliana Enderlein, 1913
Richardia infestans (Enderlein, 1912)
Richardia podagrica (Fabricius, 1805)
Richardia stylops Hennig, 1938b
Richardia telescopica Gerstaecker, 1860
Richardia undulata Hennig, 1937
...Continued on next page

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TABLE 1. (Continued)
Subfamily Genus Species Author
Richardia viridiventris Wulp, 1898
Sepsisoma geniculatum (Schiner, 1868)
Setellia spp.*
(*See comments above in the Remarks)


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Hancock, E.G. (2010) Richardiidae (Richardiid flies). In: Brown, B.V., Borkent, A., Cumming, J.M., Wood, D.M., Woodley,
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Meier, R., Buch, W., Buhl, P.N., Klass, K.D., Michelsen, V. & Petersen, J.F.T. (2005) Collection inventory of the Diptera
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Montilla, R., Grarcía, J.L., Lacruz, L. & Durán, D. (2007) Spalangia drosophilae Ashmead (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae)
Parasitoide de pupas de la mosca de la piña Melanoloma viatrix Hendel (Diptera: Richardiidae) em Trujillo, Venezuela.
Agronomia tropical, 57, 107–112.
Montilla, R., Lacruz, L. & Durán, D. (2008) Distributión geográfica de Melanoloma viatrix Hendel (Diptera: Richardiidae) em
Trujillo, Venezuela. Agronomia tropical, 58, 403–407.
Moreno, A.V., Agudelo, J.C., Barajas, A.F., Herrera, S. & Ciéspedes, J.C. (2009) Cambios morfológicos durante la ontogenia
del estado pupal de Melanoloma viatrix (Diptera: Richardiidae). Revista Colombiana de Entomología, 35, 98–100.
Moretti, T. de C., Ribeiro, O.B. & Thyssen, P.J. (2008) Insects on decomposing carcasses of small rodents in a secondary Forest
in Southeastern Brazil. European Journal of Entomology, 105, 691–606.
Perez-Gelabert, D.E. & Thompson, F.C. (2006) A new genus and species of Richardiidae (Diptera) from Hispaniola. Zootaxa,
1259, 25–31.
Robineau-Desvoidy, J.B. (1830) Essai sur les myodaires. Mémoires Présentés par divers Savants a l’Académie Royale des
Sciences de l’Institut de France, 2, 1–813.
Rondani, C. (1848) Esame di varie specie d’insetti ditteri brasiliani. Truqui, Studia Entomologica, 1, 63–112.
Schiner, J.R. (1868) Diptera. In: Wüllersdorff-Urbair, B. von (Ed.), Reise der Osterreichischen Fregatte Novara um die Erde in
den Jahren 1857, 1858, 1859 unter den Befehlen des Commodore B. von Wüllerstorf-Urbair. Zoologischer Theil., Vol. 2,
Abt. IB. K. Gerold’s Son,, 388 pp.
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Steyskal, G.C. (1958) Notes on the Richardiidae, with a review of the species known to occur in the United States (Diptera,
Acalyptratae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 51, 302–310.
Steyskal, G.C. (1968) Famly Richardiidae. In: Papavero, N. (Ed.) A catalogue of the Diptera of the Americas South of the
United States. Departamento de Zoologia, Secretaria da Agricultura, São Paulo, 20 pp.
Steyskal, G.C. (1973) The genera of the family Thyreophoridae and the species of the genus Omomyia, with one new species
(Diptera). Annals of Entomological Society of America, 66, 849–852.

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Steyskal, G.C. (1987) Family Richardiidae. In: McAlpine, J.F., Peterson, B.V., Shewell, G.E., Teskey, H.J., Vockeroth, J.R. &
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CATALOGUE OF RICHARDIIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 595
Zootaxa 4122 (1): 596–621 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
Copyright © 2016 Magnolia Press
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)



Universidade Federal do Paraná, Departamento de Zoologia, Centro Politécnico, Jardim das Américas, Caixa Postal 19020, CEP
81531-980, Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil. E-mails: and
Systematic Entomology Laboratory, USDA, ARS, c/o Smithsonian Institution, P.O. Box 37012, MRC 168, Washington, DC 20013-
7012, USA. E-mail:
Corresponding author:


The present Catalogue includes 90 species and 23 genera of Tephritidae that have been recorded in Colombia. Four sub-
families (Blepharoneurinae, Dacinae, Trypetinae and Tephritinae), and eight tribes (Acrotaeniini, Carpomyini, Dacini, Eu-
tretini, Myopitini, Noeetini, Tephritini, and Toxotrypanini) are represented in the Colombian territory. The species
Toxotrypana littoralis and Tomoplagia pleuralis are new records for the country. Trypeta conferta Walker, 1853 is here
formally transferred to the genus Neomyopites.

Key words: catalogue, Colombia, distribution, taxonomy, Tephritidae


The Tephritidae are a family of acalyptrate flies, commonly known as fruit flies. They comprise more than 4,800
species in approximately 500 genera of worldwide distribution (Norrbom et al. 1999a, Norrbom 2010, and unpubl.
Species of this family have brightly colored and/or patterned bodies and wings but are not metalic (except
Tachinisca cyaneiventris which has a purplish abdomen, and several species from Madagascar). The size of the
adults varies from 2 to 35 mm in length and they can be recognized mainly by the shape of the subcosta (bent
sharply forward subapically and usually weaker or foldlike beyond the bend) and by the presence of inclinate
frontal setae. In most species the basal cubital cell has a distal acute projection (Foote et al. 1993, Norrbom 2010).
Fruit flies are distributed in all biogeographic regions except in extreme desert and polar areas, where their hosts
are scarce or absent (Foote et al. 1993; Thompson 1999).
Within the Diptera, Tephritidae is the family of greatest agricultural relevance. Most species are phytophagous
and many pest species have been studied extensively, due to damage they cause in plants of economic interest
(Foote 1967, Aluja 1994, Aluja & Norrbom 1999, Norrbom et al. 1999a, Aluja & Mangan 2008).
Many species use fruits as a substrate for their larval development causing severe economic impact and
quarantine restrictions imposed by many countries (Foote 1967, Aluja & Mangan 2008). The immatures of more
than half of the species in the New World, however, develop in flowers, seeds, stems or roots of plant species of the
family Asteraceae (Foote 1967, Foote et al. 1993, Prado et al. 2002, Norrbom & Prado 2006, Norrbom 2010).
Although many species are considered pests, some species of Tephritinae are used in weed biological control
(Thompson 1999, Rieder et al. 2001, Norrbom 2010). There are also some representatives of the subfamily
Tachiniscinae that parasitize larvae of Lepidoptera, family Saturniidae (Norrbom 2010).
In the Neotropical Region the number of taxa described is about 916 species in 71 genera (Norrbom 2010, and
unpubl. data). Norrbom et al. (1999b) listed 52 species in 20 genera specifically from Colombia, although others
were implied to occur there (e.g., as occurring from “Costa Rica to Peru”). Since then, additional species were
described or recorded for that country (Hernández-Ortiz 2002, Norrbom & Caraballo 2003, Norrbom et al. 2005,
Norrbom 2006, Martínez-Alava 2007, Norrbom & Condon 2010, Canal 2010, Norrbom & Korytkowski 2012).

596 Accepted by S. Nihei: 20 Apr. 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016

Herein we list 90 species in 23 genera known from Colombia, the higher taxa listed phylogenetically, the
species in alphabetical order (Table 1). We believe that as a result of new studies and surveys the number of species
of fruit flies in the country will undoubtedly be much higher.

Acronyms used for the depositories

AMNH—American Museum of Natural History, New York, USA

BMNH—The Natural History Museum, London, United Kingdom
CPARJ—Centro de Pesquisas Agropecuarias Centro-Sul, EMBRAPA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
FSCA—Florida State Collection of Arthropods, Gainesville, USA
IML—Fundacion e Instituto Miguel Lillo, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, Tucumán, Argentina
IMZ—Museo ed Istituto di Zoologia Sistematica, Universita di Torino, Torino, Italy
INbio—Instituto de Biodiversidad, Santo Domingo de Heredia, Costa Rica
IOC—Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
IPV—Instituto de Patologia Vegetal, Buenos Aires, Argentina
IZAM—Universidad Central de Venezuela, Maracay, Venezuela
MACN—Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales Bernardino Rivadavia, Buenos Aires, Argentina
MCZ—Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, USA
MCSNM—Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Milan, Italy
MEN-UT—Museo del Laboratorio de Entomología de la Universidad del Tolima, Ibagué, Colombia
MLUH—Wissenschaftsbereich Zoologie, Martin-Luther-Universitata Halle, Germany
MMS—MacLeay Museum, University of Sydney, Australia
MNHNP—Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France
MNM—Magyar Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum Allattara (Hungarian Natural History Museum), Budapest,
MUSENUV—Museo de Entomología de la Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia
MZUSP—Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
NHMW—Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, Austria
NRS—Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, Sektionen fur entomologi, Stockholm, Sweden
PAN—Polish Academy of Science, Museum of the Institute of Zoology, Warsaw, Poland
SANC—South African National Collection of Insects, South Africa
SMT—Staatliches Museum fur Tierkunde, Dresden, Germany
SMN—Staatliches Museum fur Naturkunde, Stuttgart, Germany
UMO—University Museum of Natural History, Oxford, United Kingdom
UPRG—Universidad Nacional “Pedro Ruiz Gallo”, Lambayeque, Peru
USNM—National Museum of Natural History, Washington DC, USA
UZMC—Natural History Museum of Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark
ZMHU—Museum fur Naturkunde, Humboldt Universitat, Berlin, Germany

List of abbreviations

A— adult
distr.—geographical distribution
incosp.—incorrect original spelling

CATALOGUE OF TEPHRITIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 597
new comb.—new combination
nom. nov.—nomen novum
orig. des.—original designation
orig. desc.—original description
subs. des.—subsequent designation
F (f#)—female
M (m#)—male

Catalogue of Tephritidae of Colombia

Family Tephritidae Newman, 1834

Subfamily Blepharoneurinae Korneyev, 1994

Genus Blepharoneura Loew

Blepharoneura Loew, 1873: 272. Type species, Trypeta poecilogastra Loew (orig. des.). Refs.: Wulp, 1899: 402, 411 (keys to
7 spp.); Hendel, 1914b: 82 (in key); Hendel, 1914c: 5 (in key), 20 (key to 15 spp.); Bates, 1933: 48 (comm.); Hering, 1941:
123 (in key), 132 (key to 3 spp.); Aczél, 1950a: 195 (cat.); Aczél, 1953: 104 (in key); Foote, 1967: 17 (cat.); Foote, 1980:
7 (in key), 20 (rev.); Norrbom et al., 1999b: 105 (cat.); Norrbom & Condon, 2010: 8 (rev. femoralis group).

furcifer Hendel, 1914c: 23. Type locality: Peru, Pachitea-Münd. [mouth of Río Pachitea], 150 m. LT F (NHMW).
Distr.: Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, and Venezuela. Refs.: Hering, 1935: 226 (in key);
Hering, 1941: 133 (in key); Aczél, 1950a 196 (cat.); Foote, 1967: 18 (cat.); Hardy, 1968: 110 (type data); Norrbom
et al., 1999b: 106 (cat.); Norrbom & Condon, 2010: 67 (redesc.).

quadristriata Wulp, 1899: 413. Type locality: Mexico, Tabasco, Teapa. HT M (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia, Costa
Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, and Mexico. Refs.: Hendel, 1914c: 21 (in key, cat.); Aczél, 1950a: 197 (cat.); Hering,
1941: 134 (in key); Foote, 1965: 241 (type data); Foote, 1967: 18 (cat.); Norrbom et al., 1999b (cat.); Norrbom &
Condon, 2010: 96 (redesc.).

Subfamily Dacinae Loew, 1861 [as Dacina]

Tribe Dacini

Genus Ceratitis Macleay

Ceratitis MacLeay, 1829: 482. Type species, citriperda MacLeay (mon.) (= capitata Wiedemann). Refs.: Bezzi, 1909: 273
(comm.), 278 (key to 18 spp.); Hendel, 1914b: 76 (in key); Hendel, 1914c: 4 (in key); Bezzi, 1924a: 98 (key to 2 spp.);

598 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press SAVARIS ET AL.

Aczél, 1950a: 190 (cat.); Foote, 1967: 20 (cat.); Foote, 1980: 8 (in key), 22 (rev.); Yepes & Vélez, 1989: 74 (distr.);
Norrbom et al., 1999b: 118 (cat.).

capitata Wiedemann, 1824: 55 (Tephritis). Type locality: India orient., mare indico. T M (UZMC). Distr.: Tropical
Africa. Introduced to Madagascar, Mauritius, Réunion, Seychelles, North Africa, southern Europe, Middle East,
Neotropics, western Australia, Hawaii. Refs.: Wiedemann, 1830: 496 (type data); Bezzi, 1909: 276 (comm.);
Hendel, 1914c: 10 (comm.); Aczél, 1950a: 191 (cat.); Foote, 1967: 20 (cat.); Yepes & Vélez, 1989: 76, 83 (distr.);
Portilla et al., 1994: 262 (distr.); Gonzáles et al., 1988: 333 (distr.); Núñez Bueno et al., 2004: 5 (comm.); Uchôa,
2012: 279 (distr.). Comm.: An introduced exotic pest, commonly known as the “Mediterranean fruit fly”.
citriperda MacLeay, 1829: 482. Type locality: Azores, Sao Miguel. ST M/F (MMS). (syn.).
hispanica Breme, 1842: 188. Type locality: Spain, Malaga. ST M/F (IMZ). (syn.).
asparagi Bezzi, 1924b: 480 (Pardalaspis). Type locality: South Africa, Cape, East London. HT F (SANC).

Subfamily Trypetinae Loew, 1861

Tribe Carpomyini Norrbom, 1989 [as Carpomyina]

Genus Cryptodacus Hendel

Cryptodacus Hendel, 1914b: 84. Type species, obliquus Hendel (orig. des.). (preocc. Gundlach, 1861; suspension of ICZN
rules required to validate usage, in the interest of stability we maintain the usage of this name). Refs.: Aczél, 1950a: 192
(cat.); Aczél, 1954: 72 (in key); Foote, 1967: 21 (cat.); Foote, 1980: 8 (in key), 24 (rev.); Norrbom, 1994: 38 (rev. of 8
spp.); Norrbom et al., 1999b: 128 (cat.).
Cryptodacus Hendel, 1914c: 12. Type species, obliquus Hendel (orig. des.). (preocc. Gundlach, 1861, Hendel, 1914b: 84).
Lezca Foote, 1978: 27. Type species, tau Foote (orig. des.). Norrbom 1994: 38 (syn.).
Muhabbetiella Koçak & Kemal, 2009: 11. Nom. nov. for Cryptodacus Hendel, 1914b: 84. Type species, Cryptodacus obliquus
Hendel (automatic).

ornatus Norrbom, 1994: 41. Type locality: Colombia, “Cordill., terra caliente”. HT F (ZMHU). Distr.: Brazil,
Colombia, and Ecuador. Refs.: Norrbom et al., 1999b: 128 (cat.); Norrbom & Korytkowski, 2008: 32 (comm.), 42
(in key).

Genus Rhagoletis Loew

Rhagoletis Loew, 1862: 44. Type species, Musca cerasi Linnaeus (mon.). Refs.: Hendel, 1927: 74 (key to 4 spp.); Hering,
1941: 124 (in key), 141 (key to 3 spp.); Aczél, 1954: 76 (key to 10 spp.); Hering, 1958: 1 (key to 9 spp.); Bush, 1966: 454
(rev. of 22 spp.); Kandybina, 1977: 129 (key to larvae of 15 spp.); Foote, 1981: 9 (rev. of 21 spp.); Foote et al., 1993: 328
(key to 25 spp.).

[pomonella Walsh, 1867: 343 (Trypeta). Type locality: USA, Illinois. LT F (MCZ). Lectotype designated by Bush,
1966: 457. Distr.: Canada, Mexico, and United States; record from Colombia doubtful, needs confirmation. Refs.:
Loew, 1873: 265 (redesc.); Garcés & Gallego, 1947: 472 (comm.); Bush, 1966: (rev.); Foote, 1981: 5 (distr.), 7
(host), 10 (in key), 52 (comm.); Norrbom et al., 1999b: 201 (cat.); Weems & Fasulo, 2006: 1 (distr.). Comm.: The
occurence of Rhagoletis pomonella in Colombia is based on the report of Garcés & Gallego (1947) who mention
this fly in apples. However, the identification was not confirmed and this species has not been reported from
Colombia subsequently, thus its occurance in the country is doubtful.]

Genus Zonosemata Benjamin

Zonosemata Benjamin, 1934: 17. Type species, Trypeta electa Say (orig. des.). Refs.: Bush, 1965: 307 (rev. of 5 spp.); Foote,

CATALOGUE OF TEPHRITIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 599
1967: 66 (cat.); Steyskal, 1975a: 231 (key to larvae of 2 spp.); Foote, 1980: 8 (in key), 51 (rev.); Hernández-Ortiz, 1989:
207 (key to 7 spp.); Norrbom, 1990: 53 (comm. on 5 spp.); Norrbom, 2002b: 614 (key).

scutellata Hendel, 1936: 73 (Cryptodacus). Type locality: Brazil, Natal. HT M (NHMW). Distr.: Brazil, Colombia,
and Venezuela. Refs.: Steyskal, 1974: 234 (desc.); Norrbom, 1990: 53 (comm.); Norrbom et al., 1999b: 249 (cat.);
Norrbom, 2002b: 615 (in key), 620 (redesc.).
ica Steyskal, 1974: 234. Type locality: Colombia, Norte de Santander, Cucuta. HT F (USNM). Norrbom, 1990:
53 (syn.).

Tribe Toxotrypanini Hancock, 1986 [as Toxotrypaninae]

Genus Anastrepha Schiner

Anastrepha Schiner, 1868: 263. Type species, Dacus serpentinus Wiedemann, 1830 (orig. des.). Refs.: Bezzi, 1909: 280
(comm.); Hendel, 1914a: 66, 1914b: 84 (in key), 1914c: 5 (in key), 13 (comm.); Greene, 1934: 130 (rev.); Lima, 1934b:
487 (rev. of 62 spp.); Stone, 1939b: 282 ((Pseudodacus) rev. of 4 spp. of daciformis group); Stone, 1939a: 340
((Lucumaphila) rev. of 10 spp.); Hering, 1941: 123 (in key), 136 (key to 14 spp. Peru); Stone, 1942a: 1 (rev. of 126 spp.);
Stone, 1942b: 298 (rev. of 7 spp.); Aczél, 1950a: 198 (cat.); Blanchard, 1961: 281 (monograph of 38 spp., Argentina);
Foote, 1967: 6 (cat.); Steyskal, 1977b: 3 (key to 141 spp.); Zucchi, 1978: 1 (monograph of 77 spp., Brazil); Foote, 1980: 7
(in key), 19 (rev.); Caraballo, 1981: 1 (monograph of 37 spp., Venezuela); Norrbom, 1985: 1 (rev. of cryptostrepha,
daciformis, robusta & schausi species groups); Norrbom & Kim, 1988: 164 (rev. of schausi group); Yepes & Vélez, 1989:
74 (distr.); Steck et al., 1990: 342 (key to larvae of 13 spp.); Norrbom, 1991: 101 (rev. of grandis species group);
Hernández-Ortiz, 1992: 1 (monograph of 28 spp., Mexico); Foote et al., 1993: 85 (key to 19 spp.); Norrbom et al., 1999b:
76 (cat.); Norrbom, 2002a: 390 (rev. of serpentina species group); Norrbom et al., 2003: 77 (rev. hastata species group);
Norrbom & Korytkowski, 2009: 1 (rev. of robusta species group).
Acrotoxa Loew, 1873: 227. Type species, Dacus fraterculus Wiedemann (subs. des. Bezzi, 1909: 280).
Pseudodacus Hendel, 1914a: 66. Type species, Anastrepha daciformis Bezzi (orig. des.).
Phobema Aldrich, 1925: 7. Type species, atrox Aldrich (orig. des.).
Lucumaphila Stone, 1939a: 340. Type species, sagittata Stone (orig. des.).
Pseudodacus Hendel, 1914b: 97. Type species, Anastrepha daciformis Bezzi (orig. des.) (preocc. Hendel, 1914a: 66).
Pseudodacus Hendel, 1914c: 13. Type species, Anastrepha daciformis Bezzi (orig. des.) (preocc. Hendel, 1914a: 66).

acuminata Canal, 2010: 33. Type locality: Colombia, Tolima, Ibagué, Santafé de los Guaduales, 1.107 m. HT F
(MEN-UT). Distr.: Colombia. Refs.: Castañeda et al., 2010: 267 (distr.).

alveata Stone, 1942a: 72. Type locality: Panama, La Campana. HT F (USNM). Distr.: Argentina, Colombia,
Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, and Venezuela. Refs.: Aczél, 1950a: 199 (cat.); Foote, 1967: 6 (cat.); Norrbom et al.,
1999b: 76 (cat.); Martínez-Alava, 2007: 37 (distr.); Canal, 2010: 42 (distr.); Castañeda et al., 2010: 267 (distr.).

anomoiae Norrbom, 2002a: 398. Type locality: Colombia, Boyacá, Guaguaqui. HT F (USNM). Distr.: Colombia
and Panama. Refs.: Canal, 2010: 43 (distr.).

antunesi Lima, 1938: 63. Type locality: Brazil, Bahia, Piraja. HT F (IOC). Distr.: Brazil, Colombia, Guatemala,
Panama, Peru, Trinidad, and Venezuela. Refs.: Stone, 1942a: 73 (redesc.); Aczél, 1950a: 199 (cat.); Foote, 1967: 7
(cat.); Korytkowski & Peña, 1968: 67 (redesc.); Norrbom et al., 1999b: 77 (cat.); Martínez-Alava, 2007: 38 (distr.);
Canal, 2010: 42 (distr.).

bahiensis Lima, 1937b: 60. Type locality: Brazil, Bahia. HT F (IOC). Distr.: Belize, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica,
Ecuador, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Surinam, Trinidad, and Venezuela.
Refs.: Stone, 1942a: 107 (redesc.); Aczél, 1950a: 200 (cat.); Foote, 1967: 7 (cat.); Korytkowski & Peña, 1968: 68
(redesc.); Carrejo & González, 1994: 89 (distr.); Norrbom et al., 1999b: 77 (cat.); Martínez & Serna, 2005: 109
(distr.); Canal, 2010: 42 (distr.); Uchôa, 2012: 276 (distr.).

[binodosa Stone, 1942a: 57. Type locality: Brazil, Pará. HT F (BMNH). Distr.: Brazil. Refs.: Aczél, 1950a: 201

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(cat.); Foote, 1967: 8 (cat.); Norrbom et al., 1999b: 77 (cat.); Norrbom & Korytkowski, 2009: 13 (redesc.). The
record of this species from Colombia reported by Carrejo & González, 1994: 87 was based on a misidentification
of an undetermined species of the dentata group (Norrbom & Korytkowski 2009), and there are no other records of
it from Colombia.]

carreroi Canal, 2010: 34. Type locality: Colombia, Tolima, Ibagué, Totumo. HT F (MEN-UT). Distr.: Colombia.
Refs.: Castañeda et al., 2010: 267 (distr.).

caudata Stone, 1942a: 85. Type locality: Brazil, São Paulo. HT F (BMNH). (The type locality is probably Brazil,
Amazonas, São Paulo de Olivença). Distr.: Brazil and Colombia. Refs.: Aczél, 1950a: 203 (cat.); Foote, 1967: 8
(cat.); Steyskal, 1977b: 23 (in key); Arévalo et al., 1997: 274 (distr.); Norrbom et al., 1999b: 77 (cat.); Norrbom &
Caraballo, 2003: 34 (in key), 37 (redesc.); Canal, 2010: 43 (distr.).

coronilli Carrejo & González, 1993: 48. Type locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Anchicaya, Buenaventura. HT
F (MUSENUV). Distr.: Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, and Surinam. Refs.: Carrejo &
González, 1994: 90 (distr.); Norrbom et al., 1999b: 78 (cat.); Carrejo & González, 1999: 115 (distr.); Silva &
Ronchi-Teles, 2000: 203 (distr.); Aluja et al., 2003: 1381 (distr.); Canal, 2010: 42 (distr.).

curitis Stone, 1942a: 32. Type locality: Brazil, Pará. HT F (BMNH). Distr.: Brazil, Colombia, and Peru. Refs.:
Aczél, 1950a: 206 (cat.); Foote, 1967: 9 (cat.); Yepes & Vélez, 1989: 88 (distr.); Norrbom, 1997: 148 (redesc.);
Norrbom et al., 1999b: 78 (cat.); Canal, 2010: 42 (distr.).

debilis Stone, 1942a: 47. Type locality: Panama, La Campana. HT F (USNM). Distr.: Colombia, Ecuador, and
Panama. Refs.: Aczél, 1950a: 206 (cat.); Foote, 1967: 9 (cat.); Carrejo & González, 1994: 88 (distr.); Norrbom et
al., 1999b: 78 (cat.); Canal, 2010: 42 (distr.).

dissimilis Stone, 1942a: 40. Type locality: Haiti, Near Plaisance. HT F (USNM). Distr.: Argentina, Brazil,
Colombia, Guyana, Haiti, Hispaniola, Peru, and Trinidad. Refs.: Aczél, 1950a: 207 (cat.); Foote, 1967: 9 (cat.);
Korytkowski & Peña, 1968: 54 (redesc.); Carrejo & González, 1994: 90 (distr.); Norrbom et al., 1999b: 78 (cat.);
Canal, 2010: 42 (distr.).
correntina Blanchard, 1961: 339. Type locality: Argentina, Corrientes, Bella Vista. HT F (IPV). Steyskal,
1977b: 33 (syn.).

distincta Greene, 1934: 149. Type locality: Peru, Lambayeque, Chiclaya, Hacienda Ouefe. HT F (USNM). Distr.:
Brazil, British Guiana, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Trinidad, and United
States. Refs.: Hering, 1941: 137 (in key); Stone, 1942a: 106 (redesc.); Aczél, 1950a: 207 (cat.); Foote, 1967: 9
(cat.); Korytkowski & Peña, 1968: 67 (redesc.); Yepes & Vélez, 1989: 83 (distr.); Carrejo & González, 1994: 89
(distr.); Gonzáles et al., 1988: 334 (distr.); Norrbom et al., 1999b: 78 (cat.); Carrejo & González, 1999: 115 (distr.);
Martínez & Serna, 2005: 109 (distr.); Canal, 2010: 42 (distr.); Castañeda et al., 2010: 267 (distr.).
silvai Lima, 1934b: 545. Type locality: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro; Minas Gerais, Viçosa & São Paulo. ST M/F
(IOC). Stone, 1942a: 106 (syn.).

doryphoros Stone, 1942b: 299. Type locality: Panama, El Cermeño. HT F (USNM). Distr.: Colombia, Costa Rica,
and Panama. Refs.: Aczél, 1950a: 208 (cat.); Foote, 1967: 10 (cat.); Carrejo & González, 1994: 87 (distr.);
Norrbom et al., 1999b: 78 (cat.); Canal, 2010: 43 (distr.).

flavipennis Greene, 1934: 160. Type locality: Brazil, Pará, Boa Vista, Rio Tapajós. HT F (USNM). Distr.:
Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Panama, and Venezuela. Refs.: Stone, 1942a: 89 (redesc.); Aczél, 1950a: 209 (cat.);
Foote, 1967: 10 (cat.); Carrejo & González, 1994: 88 (distr.); Norrbom et al., 1999b: 78 (cat.); Canal, 2010: 43
grioti Blanchard, 1941: 60. Nomen nudum. See Blanchard, 1961: 311.

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fraterculus Wiedemann, 1830: 524 (Dacus). Type locality: Brazil, São Paulo. LT M (NHMW). Lectotype
designation by inference of holotype by Greene, 1934: 165 (also see Loew, 1873: 223, 336, and Stone, 1942a: 78).
Distr.: Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras,
Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Porto Rico, Republica Dominicana, Surinam, Trinidad and Tobago,
United States, Uruguay, and Venezuela. Refs.: Loew, 1873: 222 (redesc.); Brèthes, 1908: 300 (cat.); Bezzi, 1909:
286 (in key); Hendel, 1914c: 14 (in key), 15 (cat.), 18 (redesc.); Fischer, 1932: 308 (distr.); Greene, 1934: 136 (in
key), 164 (comm.); Lima, 1934b: 546 (redesc.); Hendel, 1936: 73 (distr.); Hering, 1941: 137 (in key), 139
(comm.); Stone, 1942a: 78 (redesc.); Aczél, 1950a: 210 (cat.); Foote, 1967: 10 (cat.); Hardy, 1968: 145 (type data);
Korytkowski & Peña, 1968: 60 (redesc.); Zucchi, 1981: 289 (new syn.); Yepes & Vélez, 1989: 82 (distr.); Carrejo
& González, 1994: 90 (distr.); Gonzáles et al., 1988: 334 (distr.); Norrbom et al., 1999b: 78 (cat.); Portilla et al.,
1994: 262 (distr.); Patiño, 2002: 25 (distr.); Núñez Bueno et al., 2004: 7 (distr.); Martínez & Serna, 2005: 109
(distr.); Canal, 2010: 42 (distr.); Castañeda et al., 2010: 267 (distr.); Hernández-Ortiz et al., 2012: 306 (distr.);
Sarmiento et al., 2012: 28 (distr.); Uchôa, 2012: 276 (distr.); Weems, 2012: 2 (distr.); Wyckhuys et al., 2012: 94
mellea Walker, 1837: 358. (Tephritis). Type locality: Brazil, St. Paul’s [São Paulo]. LT F (BMNH). (syn.).
unicolor Loew, 1862: 70. (Trypeta). Type locality: New Grenada [Colombia or Venezuela]. LT M (MCZ).
Loew 1873: 222 (syn.).
frutalis Weyenbergh, 1874: 165. (Anthomyia). Type locality: Argentina, Cordoba. T A destroyed?. Type data
(Horn & Kahle, 1937: 301). (syn.).
fraterculus var. soluta Bezzi, 1909: 284. Type locality: Brazil, São Paulo. ST M/F (MCSNM?). Stone, 1942: 78
peruviana Townsend, 1913: 345. Type locality: Peru, Lima, Chosica, 2800 ft. HT F (USNM). Stone, 1942: 78
braziliensis Greene,1934: 154. Type locality: Brazil, Minas Gerais, Viçosa. HT F (USNM). Stone, 1942: 78
costarukmanii Capoor, 1954: 214. Type locality: Brazil, Minas Gerais, Itajuba. HT F (IOC). Zucchi, 1981: 289
scholae Capoor, 1955: 27. Type locality: Brazil, Bahia, Agua Preta. LT F (IOC). Zucchi, 1981: 289 (syn.).
pseudofraterculus Capoor, 1955: 28. Type locality: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Itatiaia. LT F (IOC). Zucchi, 1981:
289 (syn.).
lambayecae Korytkowski & Peña, 1968: 63. Type locality: Peru, Lambayeque, Chiclayo, Chumbenique, 225
m. HT M (UPRG). (syn.).
fraterculus var. intensa Blanchard, 1941: 60. Nomen nudum.
fraterculus var. retracta Hayward, 1941: 95. Nomen nudum.
fraterculus “variacion” intermissa Blanchard, 1961: 319. Nomen nudum.
fraterculus “variacion” intensa Blanchard, 1961: 319. Nomen nudum.
fraterculus “variacion” retracta Blanchard, 1961: 319. Nomen nudum.
fraterculus “variacion” ethaleiforme Blanchard, 1961: 320. Nomen nudum.
fraterculus “variacion” tipica Blanchard, 1961: 319. Nomen nudum.
fraterculus “variacion” acidusaeformis Blanchard, 1961: 320. Nomen nudum.
fraterculus “variacion” subtipica Blanchard, 1961: 320. Nomen nudum.
costa-rukmanii Capoor, 1954: 214. (incosp. costarukmanii).
costa-bukmanii Capoor, 1954: 214. (incosp. costarukmanii).
pseudo-fraterculus Capoor, 1955: 28. (incosp. pseudofraterculus).

grandicula Norrbom, 1991: 118. Type locality: Colombia, Amazonas, Rio Putumayo, Puerto Arica. HT F (FSCA).
Distr.: Brazil and Colombia. Refs.: Norrbom et al., 1999b: 79 (cat.); Canal, 2010: 42 (distr.).

grandis Macquart, 1846: 340 (Tephritis). Type locality: Nouvelle-Grenade [Colombia or Venezuela]. LT F (UMO).
Distr.: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, and Venezuela. Refs.: Bezzi, 1909: 286 (in
key); Hendel, 1914c: 14 (in key), 15 (cat.); Fischer, 1932: 303 (type data), 304 (redesc.), 308 (distr.); Greene, 1934:
132 (in key), 145 (comm.); Lima, 1934b: 496 (redesc.); Hering, 1941: 137 (in key), 139 (comm.); Stone, 1942a: 22

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(redesc.); Aczél, 1950a: 212 (cat.); Foote, 1967: 11 (cat.); Korytkowski & Peña, 1968: 43 (redesc.); Norrbom,
1991: 104 (in key), 118 (redesc.); Carrejo & González, 1994: 87 (distr.); Norrbom et al., 1999b: 79 (cat.); Patiño,
2002: 22 (distr.); Martínez & Serna, 2005: 109 (distr.); Canal, 2010: 42 (distr.); Castañeda et al., 2010: 267 (distr.);
Uchôa, 2012: 276 (distr.); Wyckhuys et al., 2012: 94 (distr.).
latifasciata Hering, 1935: 227. Brazil, Santa Catarina. HT F (PAN). Lima, 1937: 63 (syn.).
schineri Hendel, 1914a: 69. Bolivia, La Paz, Coroica [Coroico]. HT M (MNM). Fischer, 1932: 303 (syn.).
schineri Hendel, 1914c: 19. (preocc. Hendel, 1914a: 69).

hendeliana Lima, 1934b: 528. Type locality: Brazil, Amazonas, Rio Negro, São Gabriel. LT M (IOC). Distr.:
Brazil and Colombia. Refs.: Stone, 1942a: 85 (redesc.); Aczél, 1950a: 214 (cat.); Foote, 1967: 12 (cat.); Steyskal,
1977b: 33 (in list); Zucchi 1981: 291 (syn. with Anastrepha longicauda); Zucchi et al., 1996: 261 (LT designation);
Norrbom et al., 1999a: 80 (in cat. as syn.); Norrbom et al., 1999b: 338 (cat. as syn.); Norrbom & Caraballo, 2003:
34 (in key), 38 (new status); Canal, 2010: 43 (distr.).

isolata Norrbom & Korytkowski, 2009: 30. Type locality: Ecuador, Napo, Reserva Etnica Waorani, Onkone Gare
Camp. 220 m. HT F (USNM). Distr.: Brazil, Colombia, and Ecuador. Refs.: Canal, 2010: 39 (distr.).

lanceola Stone, 1942a: 44. Type locality: Panama, El Cermeño. HT F (USNM). Distr.: Colombia, Costa Rica, and
Panama. Refs.: Aczél, 1950a: 215 (cat.); Foote, 1967: 12 (cat.); Korytkowski & Peña, 1968: 59 (redesc.); Norrbom
et al., 1999b: 80 (cat.); Canal, 2010: 40 (distr.); Castañeda et al., 2010: 267 (distr.).

leptozona Hendel, 1914a: 69. Type locality: Bolivia. T A (SMT). Distr.: Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Guatemala,
Guyana, Mexico, and Trinidad. Refs.: Hendel, 1914c: 15 (in key); Fischer, 1932: 308 (distr.); Greene, 1934: 133 (in
key), 153 (comm.); Lima, 1934b: 515 (redesc.); Stone, 1942a: 39 (redesc.); Aczél, 1950a: 216 (cat.); Foote, 1967:
12 (cat.); Carrejo & González, 1994: 89 (distr.); Norrbom et al., 1999b: 80 (cat.); Carrejo & González, 1999: 115
(distr.); Canal, 2010: 42 (distr.).
leptozona Hendel, 1914c: 19. Type locality: Bolivia, La Paz, Mapiri, San Antonio, 1.000 m. HT M (SMT).
(preocc. Hendel 1914a: 69).

limae Stone, 1942a: 67. Type locality: Panama, Panama City. HT F (USNM). Distr.: Colombia, Costa Rica,
Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, and United States. Refs.: Aczél, 1950a: 216 (cat.); Foote, 1967: 12 (cat.); Yepes &
Vélez, 1989: 83 (distr.); Gonzáles et al., 1988: 334 (distr.); Norrbom et al., 1999b: 80 (cat.); Martínez & Serna,
2005: 109 (distr.); Canal, 2010: 42 (distr.); Castañeda et al., 2010: 267 (distr.).

loewi Stone, 1942a: 49. Type locality: Panama, La Campana. HT F (USNM). Distr.: Colombia, Costa Rica,
Panama, and Venezuela. Refs.: Aczél, 1950a: 216 (cat.); Foote, 1967: 12 (cat.); Norrbom et al., 1999b: 80 (cat.);
Norrbom & Korytkowski, 2012: 159 (redesc.).

magna Norrbom, 1997: 149. Type locality: Venezuela, Amazonas, San Pedro de Cataniapo, 100 m. HT F (IZAM).
Distr.: Colombia and Venezuela. Refs.: Canal, 2010: 42 (distr.).

manihoti Lima, 1934b: 543. Type locality: Brazil, Minas Gerais, Viçosa. ST F/M (IOC). Distr.: Brazil, Colombia,
Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama, Peru, and Venezuela. Refs.: Stone, 1942a: 64 (redesc.); Aczél, 1950a: 218 (cat.);
Foote, 1967: 13 (cat.); Korytkowski & Peña, 1968: 55 (redesc.); Carrejo & González, 1994: 89 (distr.); Gonzáles et
al., 1988: 334 (distr.); Norrbom et al., 1999b: 80 (cat.); Martínez & Serna, 2005: 109 (distr.); Canal, 2010: 42
(distr.); Castañeda et al., 2010: 267 (distr.).
manihoti Stone, 1942a: 64. (emend. manhioti Lima).
manhioti Lima, 1934b: 543. (incosp. manihoti Lima).

manizaliensis Norrbom & Korytkowski, 2005: 67. Type locality: Colombia, Caldas, Manizales, 2.150 m. HT F
(USNM). Distr.: Colombia. Refs.: Canal, 2010: 42 (distr.); Castañeda et al., 2010: 267 (distr.).
ludens: Núñez Bueno, 1981: 178 (misidentification).

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matertela Zucchi, 1979a: 37. Type locality: Brazil, Bahia, Cruz das Almas, Chapadinha. HT F (MZUSP). Distr.:
Brazil and Colombia. Refs.: Arévalo et al. 1997: 274 (distr.); Norrbom et al., 1999b : 80 (cat.); Canal, 2010: 42

montei Lima, 1934b: 541. Type locality: Brazil, Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte; Rio de Janeiro, Guaratiba. ST M/F
(IOC). Distr.: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, and
Venezuela. Refs.: Stone, 1942a: 59 (redesc.); Aczél, 1950a: 219 (cat.); Foote, 1967: 13 (cat.); Norrbom et al.,
1999b: 80 (cat.); Canal, 2010: 40 (distr.); Castañeda et al., 2010: 267 (distr.).
procurvata Blanchard, 1961: 308. Argentina, Misiones, Zaiman, Estacion Experimental de INTA. HT F (IPV).

mucronota Stone, 1942a: 57. Type locality: Panama, El Cermeño. HT F (USNM). Distr.: Brazil, Colombia,
Ecuador, Panama, and Peru. Refs.: Aczél, 1950a: 220 (cat.); Foote, 1967: 13 (cat.); Steyskal, 1977a: 77 (desc.);
Núñez-Bueno, 1981: 175, 178 (distr. and host); Yepes & Vélez, 1989: 81 (distr. and host); Molineros et al., 1992:
16, 35 (host); Carrejo & González, 1994: 88 (distr.); Norrbom et al., 1999b: 81 (cat.); Carrejo & González, 1999:
115 (distr.); Patiño, 2002: 24 (distr.); Martínez & Serna, 2005: 109 (distr.); Bomfim et al., 2007: 220 (distr.);
Zucchi, 2007: 84 (host); Canal, 2010: 42 (distr.); Castañeda et al., 2010: 267 (distr.); Norrbom & Korytkowski,
2011: 5 (distr.).
nunezae Steyskal, 1977a: 77. Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca, Cachipay. HT F (USNM). Norrbom &
Korytkowski, 2011: 5 (syn.).

obliqua Macquart, 1835: 464 (Tephritis). Type locality: Cuba. LT F (MNHNP). Lectotype designation by inference
of holotype by Steyskal, 1975b: 357. Distr.: Antilles, Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica,
Cuba, Ecuador, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Porto Rico,
Republica Dominicana, Surinam, and Venezuela. Refs.: Bezzi, 1909: 285 (in key); Hendel, 1914c: 13 (in key), 15
(cat.), 16 (redesc.); Fischer, 1932: 309 (distr.); Greene, 1934: 135 (in key), 163 (comm.); Stone, 1942a: 75
(redesc.); Aczél, 1950a: 220 (cat.); Foote, 1967: 14 (cat.); Yepes & Vélez, 1989: 81 (distr.); Carrejo & González,
1994: 90 (distr.); Gonzáles et al., 1988: 334 (distr.); Norrbom et al., 1999b: 81 (cat.); Carrejo & González, 1999:
115 (distr.); Patiño, 2002: 20 (distr.); Martínez & Serna, 2005: 109 (distr.); Canal, 2010: 42 (distr.); Castañeda et
al., 2010: 267 (distr.); Sarmiento et al., 2012: 28 (distr.); Uchôa, 2012: 277 (distr.); Wyckhuys et al., 2012: 94
fraterculus var. mombinpraeoptans Seín, 1933: 187. Type locality: Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras. HT F (USNM).
Steyskal 1975: 358 (syn.).
fraterculus var. ligata Lima, 1934b: 552. Type locality: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. ST M/F (CPARJ?). Stone 1942:
68 (syn.).
trinidadensis Greene, 1934: 161. Type locality: Trinidad, Tabaquite. HT F (USNM). Stone 1942: 68 (syn.).

ornata Aldrich, 1925: 6. Type locality: Ecuador, Oriente, Baños. HT F (USNM). Distr.: Colombia and Ecuador.
Refs.: Fischer, 1932: 309 (distr.); Greene, 1934: 131 (in key), 143 (comm.); Lima, 1934b: 495 (comm.); Stone,
1942a: 25 (redesc.); Aczél, 1950a: 221 (cat.); Foote, 1967: 14 (cat.); Yepes & Vélez, 1989: 82 (distr.); Norrbom et
al., 1999b: 81 (cat.); Norrbom, 2002a: 391 (in key), 412 (redesc.); Martínez & Serna, 2005: 109 (distr.); Canal,
2010: 43 (distr.); Castañeda et al., 2010: 267 (distr.).

palae Stone, 1942a: 58. Type locality: Panama, El Cermeño. HT F (USNM). Distr.: Colombia and Panama. Refs.:
Aczél, 1950a: 222 (cat.); Foote, 1967: 14 (cat.); Norrbom et al., 1999b: 81 (cat.); Martínez-Alava, 2007: 39 (distr.);
Canal, 2010: 43 (distr.); Castañeda et al., 2010: 267 (distr.).

pallidipennis Greene, 1934: 166. Type locality: Colombia, Antioquia, Medellin. HT F (USNM). Distr.: Colombia,
Panama, and Venezuela. Refs.: Stone, 1942a: 32 (redesc.); Aczél, 1950a: 222 (cat.); Foote, 1967: 14 (cat.); Yepes &
Vélez, 1989: 83 (distr.); Carrejo & González, 1994: 87 (distr.); Norrbom, 1997: 153 (redesc.); Norrbom et al.,
1999b: 81 (cat.); Martínez & Serna, 2005: 109 (distr.); Canal, 2010: 42 (distr.); Castañeda et al., 2010: 267 (distr.).

panamensis Greene, 1934: 150. Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Barro Colorado Island. HT F (USNM). Distr.:

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Colombia, Costa Rica, and Panama. Refs.: Stone, 1942a: 59 (redesc.); Aczél, 1950a: 222 (cat.); Foote, 1967: 14
(cat.); Gonzáles et al., 1988: 333 (distr.); Norrbom et al., 1999b: 81 (cat.); Canal, 2010: 41 (distr.); Castañeda et al.,
2010: 267 (distr.).

parallela Wiedemann, 1830: 515 (Dacus). Type locality: Brazil. LT F (NHMW). Distr.: Brazil, Colombia, Guyana,
Mexico, and Paraguay. Refs.: Bezzi, 1909: 285 (in key); Hendel, 1914c: 13 (in key), 15 (cat.); Bezzi, 1919: 374
(comm.); Fischer, 1932: 309 (distr.); Greene, 1934: 137 (in key), 168 (comm.); Lima, 1934b: 517 (comm.); Lima,
1937a: 34 (host); Lima, 1937b: 61 (comm.); Stone, 1942a: 53 (redesc.); Aczél, 1950a: 222 (cat.); Foote, 1967: 14
(cat.); Hardy, 1968: 145 (type data); Zucchi, 1979b: 263 (comm.); Norrbom, 1987: 243 (comm.); Carrejo &
González, 1994: 88 (distr.); Norrbom et al., 1999b: 81 (cat.); Canal, 2010: 42 (distr.).

parishi Stone, 1942b: 302. Type locality: Guyana, Bartica. HT F (USNM). Distr.: Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica,
Guyana, and Venezuela. Refs.: Aczél, 1950a: 223 (cat.); Foote, 1967: 14 (cat.); Gonzáles et al., 1988: 334 (distr.);
Norrbom et al., 1999b: 81 (cat.); Martínez-Alava, 2007: 40 (distr.); Jesus et al., 2008: 135 (distr.); Canal, 2010: 43

perdita Stone, 1942a: 76. Type locality: Brazil. HT F (USNM). Distr.: Brazil, Colombia, Panama, and Peru. Refs.:
Aczél, 1950a: 223 (cat.); Foote, 1967: 14 (cat.); Korytkowski & Peña, 1968: 67 (redesc.); Norrbom et al., 1999b:
81 (cat.); Canal, 2010: 39 (distr.); Castañeda et al., 2010: 267 (distr.).

pickeli Lima, 1934b: 542. Type locality: Brazil, Pernambuco, Tapera; Rio de Janeiro, Guaratiba. ST M/F (IOC).
Distr.: Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guyana, Panama, Trinidad and Tobago, and Venezuela. Refs.:
Stone, 1942a: 63 (redesc.); Aczél, 1950a: 224 (cat.); Foote, 1967: 14 (cat.); Korytkowski & Peña, 1968: 59
(redesc.); Carrejo & González, 1994: 89 (distr.); Norrbom et al., 1999b: 81 (cat.); Carrejo & González, 1999: 115
(distr.); Patiño, 2002: 23 (distr.); Canal, 2010: 42 (distr.); Castañeda et al., 2010: 267 (distr.).

quararibeae Lima, 1937a: 35. Type locality: Brazil, Bahia. HT F (IOC). Distr.: Brazil and Colombia. Refs.: Stone,
1942a: 44 (redesc.); Aczél, 1950a: 225 (cat.); Foote, 1967: 15 (cat.); Carrejo & González, 1994: 88 (distr.);
Norrbom et al., 1999b: 82 (cat.); Canal, 2010: 42 (distr.).

rheediae Stone, 1942a: 65. Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Barro Colorado Island. HT F (USNM). Distr.:
Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Trinidad, and Venezuela. Refs.: Aczél, 1950a: 226 (cat.); Foote, 1967: 15
(cat.); Korytkowski & Peña, 1968: 55 (redesc.); Yepes & Vélez, 1989: 83 (distr.); Norrbom et al., 1999b: 82 (cat.);
Martínez & Serna, 2005: 109 (distr.); Canal, 2010: 43 (distr.); Castañeda et al., 2010: 267 (distr.).

serpentina Wiedemann, 1830: 521 (Dacus). Type locality: Brazil. T F (NHMW). Distr.: Argentina, Belize,
Bolivia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama,
Peru, Surinam, Trinidad, United States, and Venezuela. Refs.: Bezzi, 1909: 286 (in key); Hendel, 1914c: 14 (in
key), 16 (cat.); Fischer, 1932: 309 (distr.); Greene, 1934: 131 (in key), 142 (comm.); Lima, 1934b: 494 (redesc.);
Hering, 1935: 227 (in key); Hendel, 1936: 72 (distr.); Hering, 1941: 136 (in key), 140 (comm.); Stone, 1942a: 27
(redesc.); Aczél, 1950a: 227 (cat.); Foote, 1967: 16 (cat.); Korytkowski & Peña, 1968: 49 (redesc.); Yepes & Vélez,
1989: 82 (distr.); Carrejo & González, 1994: 87 (distr.); Gonzáles et al., 1988: 334 (distr.); Norrbom et al., 1999b:
82 (cat.); Carrejo & González, 1999: 115 (distr.); Norrbom, 2002a: 393 (in key), 420 (redesc.); Martínez & Serna,
2005: 109 (distr.); Canal, 2010: 43 (distr.); Castañeda et al., 2010: 267 (distr.); Uchôa, 2012: 277 (distr.).

shannoni Stone, 1942a: 23. Type locality: Peru, Loreto, Chimbote. HT M (USNM). Distr.: Brazil, Colombia, Peru,
and Venezuela. Refs.: Aczél, 1950a: 228 (cat.); Foote, 1967: 16 (cat.); Korytkowski & Peña, 1968: 59 (redesc.);
Norrbom, 1991: 104 (in key), 121 (redesc.); Norrbom et al., 1999b: 82 (cat.); Martínez-Alava, 2007: 40 (distr.);
Deus et al., 2009: 727 (distr.); Canal, 2010: 42 (distr.).

sinuosa Canal, 2010: 38. Type locality: Colombia, Tolima. Ibagué, El Placer, 1.448 m. HT F (MEN-UT). Distr.:
Colombia. Refs.: Castañeda et al., 2010: 267 (distr.).

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sororcula Zucchi, 1979a: 39. Type locality: Brazil, São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto. HT F (MZUSP). Distr.: Brazil,
Colombia, Ecuador, and Paraguay. Refs.: Norrbom et al., 1999b: 82 (cat.); Canal, 2010: 40 (distr.); Castañeda et
al., 2010: 267 (distr.); Uchôa, 2012: 277 (distr.).

striata Schiner, 1868: 264. Type locality: South America (Venezuela). LT F (NHMW). Distr.: Bolivia, Brazil,
British Guiana, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Trinidad, Tobago, Surinam, and
Venezuela. Refs.: Bezzi, 1909: 285 (in key); Hendel, 1914c: 15 (in key), 16 (cat.), 19 (redesc.); Fischer, 1932: 309
(distr.); Greene, 1934: 132 (in key), 145 (comm.); Lima, 1934b: 504 (redesc.); Hering, 1941: 137 (in key), 140
(comm.); Stone, 1942a: 29 (redesc.); Aczél, 1950a: 229 (cat.); Foote, 1967: 16 (cat.); Hardy, 1968: 136 (type data);
Korytkowski & Peña, 1968: 50 (redesc.); Zucchi, 1979b: 265 (comm.); Yepes & Vélez, 1989: 82 (distr.); Carrejo &
González, 1994: 88 (distr.); Gonzáles et al., 1988: 334 (distr.); Norrbom et al., 1999b: 82 (cat.); Carrejo &
González, 1999: 115 (distr.); Norrbom, 2002a: 391 (in key), 424 (redesc.); Patiño, 2002: 21 (distr.); Núñez Bueno
et al., 2004: 7 (distr.); Martínez & Serna, 2005: 109 (distr.); Canal, 2010: 43 (distr.); Castañeda et al., 2010: 267
(distr.); Sarmiento et al., 2012: 28 (distr.); Uchôa, 2012: 278 (distr.); Wyckhuys et al., 2012: 94 (distr.).
cancellaria Fabricius, 1805: 328 (Dictya). Type locality: America meridionali [Guyana]. T A (UZMC).
Norrbom et al., 1999b: 82 (syn.).

sylvicola Knab, 1915: 146. Type locality: Trinidad. ST F/M (USNM). Distr.: Colombia, Trinidad, and Venezuela.
Refs.: Fischer, 1932: 309 (distr.); Greene, 1934: 135 (in key), 159 (comm.); Lima, 1934b: 537 (comm.); Stone,
1942a: 102 (redesc.); Foote, 1967: 16 (cat.); Norrbom et al., 1999b: 83 (cat.).

tumida Stone, 1942a: 98. Type locality: Panama, La Campana. HT F (USNM). Distr.: Colombia, Costa Rica,
Ecuador, Mexico, and Panama. Refs.: Foote, 1967: 17 (cat.); Carrejo & González, 1994: 90 (distr.); Norrbom et al.,
1999b: 83 (cat.); Canal, 2010: 43 (distr.).

velezi Norrbom, 1997: 156. Type locality: Colombia, Antioquia, Santo Domingo. HT F (USNM). Distr.: Colombia.
Refs.: Canal, 2010: 42 (distr.).

woodi Norrbom & Korytkowski, 2012: 163. Type locality: Costa Rica, Limón, Veragua Rainforest, 400-440 m. HT
F (INBio). Distr.: Colombia, Costa Rica, and Panama.

Genus Hexachaeta Loew

Hexachaeta Loew, 1873: 219. Type species, Trypeta eximia Wiedemann (subs. des. Coquillett, 1910: 552). Refs.: Wulp, 1899:
402 (key to 3 spp.); Hendel, 1914b: 82 (in key); Hendel, 1914c: 5 (in key), 23 (comm.); Bates, 1933: 50 (comm.); Hering,
1941: 134 (key to 5 spp.); Aczél, 1950a: 192 (cat.); Lima, 1953b: 557 (rev. of eximia group); Lima, 1953a: 153 (rev. of
amabilis group); Lima, 1954a: 277 (rev. of socialis group); Foote, 1967: 26 (cat.); Foote, 1980: 7 (in key), 31 (rev.); Foote
et al., 1993: 206 (key to 3 spp.); Norrbom et al., 1999b: 158 (cat.); Hernández-Ortiz, 2006: 13 (taxonomy).
Neohexachaeta Lima, 1953b: 566. Type species, guatemalensis Lima (orig. des.). Foote, 1980: 31 (syn.).

amabilis Loew, 1873: 219 (Trypeta). Type locality: Mexico. ST M (MLUH). Distr.: Argentina, Belize, Bolivia,
Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, and Peru.
Refs.: Hendel, 1914c: 23 (in key, cat.), 25 (redesc.); Hendel, 1936: 73 (distr.); Hering, 1941: 134 (in key), 135
(comm.); Aczél, 1950a: 193 (cat.); Lima & Leite, 1952: 297 (in key), 299 (redesc.); Lima, 1953a: 153 (rev.); Foote,
1967: 26 (cat.); Norrbom et al., 1999b: 158 (cat.); Hernández-Ortiz, 2002: 130 (distr.).
amabilis var. oculata Hendel, 1914c: 23. Type locality: Peru, Urubamba, R., Rosalina. ST M (SMT, NHMW).
amabilis f. decolorata Lindner, 1928: 26. Type locality: Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Rio Tucabaca [Tucavaca]. HT M
(SMN). (syn.).

colombiana Lima, 1953b: 560. Type locality: Colombia, Condinamarca. HT M (USNM). Distr.: Colombia and
Costa Rica. Refs.: Foote, 1967: 26 (cat.); Norrbom et al., 1999b: 158 (cat.); Hernández-Ortiz, 1999: 633 (redesc.).

606 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press SAVARIS ET AL.

Genus Toxotrypana Gerstãcker

Toxotrypana Gerstaecker, 1860: 191. Type species, curvicauda Gerstaecker (mon.). Refs.: Röder, 1891: 31 (comm.); Hendel,
1914b: 74 (in key); Hendel, 1914c: 4 (in key); Benjamin, 1934: 10 (redesc.); Aczél, 1950a: 180 (cat.); Blanchard, 1960:
228 (rev. of 6 spp.); Foote, 1967: 48 (cat.); Foote, 1980: 4 (in key), 48 (rev.); Yepes & Vélez, 1989: 74 (distr.); Norrbom et
al., 1999b: 228 (cat.).
Mikimyia Bigot, 1884: xxix. Type species, furcifera Bigot (mon.). (= curvicauda Gerstaecker).

curvicauda Gerstaecker, 1860: 194. Type locality: Virgin Is., Insula St. Jean (St. John). T F (ZMHU). Distr.:
Bahamas, Belize, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama,
United States, and Venezuela. Refs.: Röder, 1891: 31 (comm.); Hendel, 1914c: 10 (comm.); Benjamin, 1934: 11
(redesc.); Aczél, 1950a: 180 (cat.); Foote, 1967: 48 (cat.); Heppner, 1986: 1 (distr.); Norrbom et al., 1999b: 228
(cat.); Selman et al., 2012: 1 (distr.).
furcifera Bigot, 1884: xxix. (Mikimyia). Brazil [probably erroneous]. HT M (UMO). (syn.).
fairbatesi Munro, 1984: 160. Cuba, Soledad, Santa Clara. HT M (SANC). (syn.).

littoralis Blanchard, 1960: 36. Type locality: Argentina, Corrientes. HT F (MACN). Distr.: Guatemala to Venezuela,
following Andes to Argentina. Refs.: Foote, 1967: 48 (cat.); Norrbom et al., 1999b: 228 (cat.). Comm.: Toxotrypana
littoralis is is newly registered from Colombia, based on 5 specimens (3 males and 2 females) in the National Museum of
Natural History, Washington, DC. (USNM). These specimens originated from Cundinamarca, La Mesa, at an altitude of
575 m., collected in April 1989, by G. Sanchez, and were identified by Allen L. Norrbom (USNMENT00052674,
USNMENT00214170, USNMENT00214171, USNMENT00214172, USNMENT00214173).

Incertae Sedis Trypetinae

Genus Pseudophorellia Lima

Pseudophorellia Lima, 1934a: 139. Type species, maculata Lima (orig. des.). Refs.: Aczél, 1950a: 249 (cat.); Foote, 1967: 39
(cat.); Foote, 1980: 8 (in key), 44 (rev.); Norrbom et al., 1999b: 196 (cat.); Norrbom, 2006: 64 (rev.).

anypsilon Norrbom, 2006: 79. Type locality: Panama, Parque Nacional Chagres, Altos de Pacora. HT F (USNM).
Distr.: Colombia, Costa Rica, and Panama.

distincta Norrbom, 2006: 93. Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca, Carpanta Reserve, 45.8 km E of Bogotá.
HT M (USNM). Distr.: Colombia.

flavicauda Norrbom, 2006: 98. Type locality: Colombia, Cauca, Río Micay Lopez, 90 m. HT F (FSCA). Distr.:

tica Norrbom, 2006: 119. Type locality: Costa Rica, Guanacaste, Parque Nacional Guanacaste, 9 km S Santa
Cecilia, Estación Pitilla, 700 m. HT F (INBio). Distr.: Colombia, Costa Rica, French Guiana, and Panama.

Subfamily Tephritinae Newman, 1934 [as Tephritites]

Tribe Acrotaeniini Foote, Blanc & Norrbom, 1993

Genus Baryplegma Wulp

Baryplegma Wulp, 1899: 416. Type species, gilva Wulp (mon.). Refs.: Hendel, 1914b: 95 (in key); Hendel, 1914c: 8 (in key),
58 (Pseudacrotaenia key to 5 spp.), 62 (comm.); Hering, 1941: 150 (Pseudacrotaenia key to 2 spp.); Aczél, 1950a: 274
(cat.); Foote, 1967: 17 (cat.); Foote, 1980: 15 (in key), 20 (rev.); Norrbom et al., 1999b: 104 (cat.).
Pseudacrotaenia Hendel, 1914b: 98. Type species, Carphotricha vespillo Schiner (orig. des.).

CATALOGUE OF TEPHRITIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 607
pertusa Bates, 1934: 14 (Pseudacrotaenia). Type locality: Costa Rica, San Mateo, Higuito. HT M (USNM). Distr.:
Belize, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, and Venezuela. Refs.: Aczél, 1950a: 270
(cat.); Foote, 1967: 37 (cat.); Norrbom et al., 1999b: 105 (cat.).

Genus Neotaracia Foote

Neotaracia Foote, 1978: 31. Type species, Acrotaenia imox Bates (orig. des.).
Refs.: Foote, 1979: 175 (rev. of 3 spp.); Foote, 1980: 13 (in key), 37 (rev.); Norrbom et al., 1999b: 172 (cat.).

imox Bates, 1934: 11 (Acrotaenia). Type locality: Costa Rica, San Mateo, Higuito. HT F (USNM). Distr.: Belize,
Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Trinidad,
and Venezuela. Refs.: Aczél, 1950a: 268 (cat.); Foote, 1967: 5 (cat.); Foote, 1978: 31(redesc.); Foote, 1979: 175 (in
key, redesc.); Norrbom et al., 1999b: 172 (cat.); Norrbom et al., 2013: 21 (distr.).

Genus Tetreuaresta Hendel

Tetreuaresta Hendel, 1928: 368. Type species, Trypeta obscuriventris Loew (orig. des.).
Refs.: Bates, 1933: 53 (comm.); Bates, 1934: 15 (comm.); Hering, 1941: 154 (key to 5 spp.); Aczél, 1950a: 276 (cat.); Foote,
1967: 43 (cat.); Steyskal, 1972b: 404 (key to 15 spp.); Foote, 1980: 13, 15 (in key), 47 (rev.); Norrbom et al., 1999b: 224

heringi Norrbom, in Norrbom et al. 1999b: 224. Nom. nov. rufula Hering. Distr.: Colombia. Refs.: Hering, 1942b:
286 (orig. desc.); Aczél, 1950a: 278 (cat.); Foote, 1967: 44 (cat.); Norrbom et al., 1999b: 224 (cat.).
rufula Hering, 1942b: 286. Preocc. by Wulp, 1899. Type locality: Colombia, “Cordillere, tierra caliente”. HT

obscuriventris Loew, 1873: 313 (Trypeta). Type locality: Brazil. T F (NHMW). Distr.: Brazil, Colombia, Greater
Antilles; introduced Hawaii, Fiji and Tonga. Refs.: Hendel, 1914c: 73 (redesc.); Hendel, 1928: 368 (comm.);
Hering, 1941: 154 (in key), 155 (comm.); Aczél, 1950a: 277 (cat.); Foote, 1967: 44 (cat.); Norrbom et al., 1999b:
224 (cat.).
columbiana Enderlein, 1911: 431 (Euaresta). Type locality: Colombia, Hacienda, Pehlke. HT M (PAN). (syn.).
catharinensis Enderlein, 1911: 431 (Euaresta). Type locality: Brazil, Santa Catharina [Santa Catarina]. LT F
(PAN). (syn.).

Genus Tomoplagia Coquillett

Tomoplagia Coquillett, 1910: 591. Nom. nov. for Plagiotoma Loew. Refs.: Coquillett, 1899: 268 (in key); Hendel, 1914b: 88
(in key); Hendel, 1914c: 6 (in key), 33 (comm.); Benjamin, 1934: 32 (redesc.); Hering, 1941: 124 (in key), 144 (key to 9
spp.); Aczél, 1950a: 241 (cat.); Aczél, 1955a: 323 (redesc.), 329 (key to 43 spp.); Aczél, 1955b: 155 (key to 45 spp.);
Foote, 1967: 45 (cat.); Foote, 1980: 8 (in key), 48 (rev.); Foote et al., 1993: 411 (key to 2 spp.); Prado & Lewinsohn, 1994:
669 (taxonomy of 9 spp.); Norrbom et al., 1999b: 226 (cat.).
Plagiotoma Loew, 1873: 252. Type species, Trypeta obliqua Say (subs. des. Coquillett, 1910: 591). (preocc. Dujardin, 1841).

arsinoe Hering, 1942b: 285. Type locality: Colombia, “Cordillere, tierra templada”. HT M (ZMHU). Distr.:
Colombia. Refs.: Aczél, 1950a: 241 (cat.); Aczél, 1955a: 333 (in key); Aczél, 1955b: 163 (in key); Foote, 1967: 45
(cat.); Norrbom et al., 1999b: 226 (cat.).
arsinoë Hering, 1942b: 285. (incosp. arsinoe Hering).

pleuralis Hendel, 1914c: 39. Type locality: Peru, Callanga, Río Charape. HT M (MNM). Distr.: Argentina,
Ecuador, and Peru. Refs.: Hering, 1941: 144 (in key), 145 (comm.); Aczél, 1950a: 245 (cat.); Aczél, 1955a: 332 (in
key), 381 (redesc.); Aczél, 1955b: 161 (in key); Foote, 1967: 47 (cat.); Norrbom et al., 1999b: 227 (cat.). Comm.:

608 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press SAVARIS ET AL.

Tomoplagia pleuralis is a new record for Colombia, based on one male specimen collected in 1914 (unspecified
locality) by H.A. Parish. The specimen was identified by Martín Aczél and deposited at the National Museum of
Natural History, Washington, DC (USNM) (USNMENT00051053).

Tribe Eutretini Munro, 1952

Genus Dictyotrypeta Hendel

Dictyotrypeta Hendel, 1914b: 93. Type species, syssema Hendel (orig. des.). Refs.: Hering, 1941: 124 (in key), 148 (comm.);
Aczél, 1950a: 259 (cat.); Foote, 1967: 21 (cat.); Foote 1980: 12 (in key), 25 (rev.); Norrbom et al., 1999b: 139 (cat.).
Dictyotrypeta Hendel, 1914c: 49. Type species, syssema Hendel (orig. des.). (preocc. Hendel, 1914b: 93).

syssema Hendel, 1914b: 93. Type locality: Peru. T A (SMT). Distr.: Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, and Peru.
Refs.: Hering, 1941: 149 (comm.); Aczél, 1950a: 259 (cat.); Foote, 1967: 21 (cat.); Norrbom et al., 1999b: 139
syssema Hendel, 1914c: 50. Type locality: Peru, Mamara; Cuzco, 3.600 m. ST M/F (SMT). (preocc. Hendel
1914b: 93).

Genus Eutreta Loew

Eutreta Loew, 1873: 276. Type species, Trypeta sparsa Wiedemann (subs. des. Coquillett, 1910: 543). Refs.: Coquillett, 1899:
268 (in key); Hendel, 1914b: 93 (in key); Hendel, 1914c: 8 (in key), 54 (comm.); Hering, 1941: 149 (comm.); Aczél,
1950a: 264 (cat.); Foote, 1967: 24 (cat.); Stoltzfus, 1977: 369 (rev. of 30 spp.); Foote 1980: 12 (in key), 29 (rev.); Foote et
al., 1993: 180 (key to subgenera & 16 spp.); Norrbom et al., 1999b: 151 (cat.).
Phasmatocephala Hering, 1937: 297. Type species, Eutreta rhinophora Hering (orig. des.). Proposed as a subgenus.
Icaria Schiner, 1868: 276. Type species, Trypeta sparsa Wiedemann (orig. des.) (preocc. Saussure, 1853).

aczeli Lima, 1954b: 175. Type locality: Brazil. HT F (IOC). Distr.: Brazil and Colombia. Refs.: Foote, 1967: 24
(cat.); Norrbom et al., 1999b: 151 (cat.).

obliqua Stoltzfus, 1977: 386. Type locality: Colombia, Rio Tocata (Jacota ?). HT M (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia
and Ecuador. Refs.: Norrbom et al., 1999b: 152 (cat.).

rhinophora Hering, 1937: 297. Type locality: Costa Rica, San José. NT M (PAN). Neotype designated by
Stoltzfus, 1977: 387. Distr.: Belize, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua,
Panama, and Venezuela. Refs.: Aczél, 1950a: 266 (cat.); Foote, 1967: 25 (cat.); Norrbom et al., 1999b: 152 (cat.).

Tribe Myopitini Bezzi, 1910 [as Myiopitininae]

Genus Neomyopites Freidberg & Norrbom

Neomyopites Freidberg & Norrbom, 1999: 607. Type species, Euribia aerea Hering (orig. des.).

aereus Hering, 1942c: 479 (Euribia). Type locality: Costa Rica, Cartago, La Suiza de Turrialba. HT M (MNM).
Distr.: Colombia, Costa Rica, and Guatemala. Refs.: Aczél, 1950a: 183 (cat.); Foote, 1967: 54 (cat.); Norrbom et
al., 1999b: 244 (cat.); Freidberg & Norrbom, 1999: 584 (new comb.).

agnatus Hering, 1942a: 1 (Euribia). Type locality: Colombia. “Cordillere, terra fria”. HT F (ZMHU). Distr.:
Colombia. Refs.: Aczél, 1950a: 183 (cat.); Foote, 1967: 54 (cat.); Norrbom et al., 1999b: 244 (cat.); Freidberg &
Norrbom, 1999: 584 (new comb.).

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columbianus Hering, 1942a: 2 (Euribia). Type locality: Colombia. HT F (ZMHU). Distr.: Colombia. Refs.: Aczél,
1950a: 183 (cat.); Foote, 1967: 54 (cat.); Norrbom et al., 1999b: 244 (cat.); Freidberg & Norrbom, 1999: 584 (new

confertus Walker, 1853: 379 (Trypeta). Type locality: Colombia, Bolivar, Cartagena. LT F (BMNH). Lectotype
designation by inference of holotype by Foote, 1964: 319. Distr.: Colombia. Refs.: Foote, 1967: 54 (cat.); Norrbom
et al., 1999b: 244 (cat.); Freidberg & Norrbom, 1999: 586 (list). Comm.: Freidberg & Norrbom (1999) treated this
as an unplaced species of Myopitini, that “probably belongs in Neomyopites)”. It is here formally transferred (new

cordilleranus Steyskal, 1979: 45 (Urophora). Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca, Guasca. HT M (USNM).
Distr.: Colombia and Ecuador. Refs.: Norrbom et al., 1999b: 244 (cat.); Freidberg & Norrbom, 1999: 584 (new

euryparius Steyskal, 1979: 49 (Urophora). Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca, Paramo de Cruz Verde, just E
of Bogota, 3.150 m. HT M (AMNH). Distr.: Colombia. Refs.: Norrbom et al., 1999b: 244 (cat.); Freidberg &
Norrbom, 1999: 584 (new comb.).

melanops Steyskal, 1979: 51 (Urophora). Type locality: Venezuela, Cano del Tigre. HT M (USNM). Distr.:
Colombia and Venezuela. Refs.: Norrbom et al., 1999b: 245 (cat.); Freidberg & Norrbom, 1999: 584 (new comb.).

Genus Rhynencina Johnson

Rhynencina Johnson, 1922: 24. Type species, longirostris Johnson (orig. des.). Refs.: Norrbom et al., 1999b: 203 (cat.); Steck
et al., 2003: 543 (comm.).
Aleomyia Phillips, 1923: 123. Type species, alpha Phillips (orig. des.) (= longirostris Johnson).

dysphanes Steyskal, 1979: 47 (Urophora). Type locality: Ecuador, Pichincha, Cotocollao, 10000 ft. HT M
(USNM). Distr.: Colombia and Ecuador. Refs.: Norrbom et al., 1999b: 203 (cat., comb.); Freidberg & Norrbom,
1999: 584; Steck et al., 2003: 542 (distr.).

emphanes Steyskal, 1979: 48 (Urophora). Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca, Guasca, 35 km. NE Bogota,
1.800 m. HT F (AMNH). Distr.: Colombia. Refs.: Norrbom et al., 1999b: 203 (cat., comb.); Freidberg & Norrbom,
1999: 584 (host).

Tribe Noeetini Norrbom & Korneyev, 1999

Genus Ensina Robineau-Desvoidy

Ensina Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830: 751. Type species, scorzonerae Robineau-Desvoidy (subs. des. Foote & Freidberg, 1981:
30) (= sonchi Linnaeus). Refs.: Hendel, 1914b: 96 (in key); Hendel, 1914c: 9 (in key), 65 (comm.); Malloch, 1933: 273
(comm.); Hering, 1941: 152 (key to 3 spp.); Aczél, 1950a: 274 (cat.); Foote, 1980: 15 (in key), 27 (rev.); Norrbom et al.,
1999b: 144 (cat.).
Protensina Hendel, 1914b: 95. Type species, longiceps Hendel (orig. des.).
Protensina Hendel, 1914c: 64. Type species, longiceps Hendel (orig. des.). (preocc. Hendel, 1914b: 95).

hyalipennis Hennig, 1940: 13 (Protensina). Type locality: Peru, Cuzco, Cuzco, 3.500 m. HT M (SMT). Distr.:
Bolivia, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela. Refs.: Hering, 1941: 152 (in key), 153 (comm.); Aczél,
1950a: 275 (cat.); Steyskal, 1970: 158 (comm.); Norrbom et al., 1999b: 144 (cat.).

610 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press SAVARIS ET AL.

Tribe Tephritini Newman, 1834

Genus Dyseuaresta Hendel

Dyseuaresta Hendel, 1928: 368. Type species, Euaresta adelphica Hendel (orig. des.). Refs.: Benjamin, 1934: 51 (redesc.);
Bates, 1934: 15 (comm.); Hering, 1941: 156 (comm.); Aczél, 1950a: 279 (cat.); Foote, 1967: 22 (cat.); Foote, 1980: 11 (in
key), 26 (rev.); Norrbom et al., 1999b: 142 (cat.).

mexicana Wiedemann, 1830: 511 (Trypeta). Type locality: Mexico. LT M (ZMHU). Lectotype designation by
inference of holotype by Loew, 1873: 319. Distr.: Belize, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Guatemala, El Salvador,
Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Puerto Rico, United States, Venezuela, and West Indies. Refs.: Loew,
1873: 317 (redesc.); Benjamin, 1934: 51 (redesc.); Aczél, 1950a: 280 (cat.); Foote, 1967: 22 (cat.); Norrbom et al.,
1999b: 142 (cat.); Norrbom et al., 2010: 22 (host, distr.).
melanogastra Loew, 1862: 90 (Trypeta). Type locality: Cuba. ST M/F (MCZ). (syn.).
plesia Curran, 1928: 71 (Euaresta). Type locality: Puerto Rico, Coamo, Springs. HT F (AMNH). (syn.).

Genus Euaresta Loew

Euaresta Loew, 1873: 296. Type species, Trypeta festiva Loew (subs. des. Coquillett, 1910: 540). Refs.: Coquillett, 1899: 268
(in key); Hendel, 1914b: 96 (in key); Hendel, 1914c: 6 (in key), 70 (comm.); Benjamin, 1934: 49 (redesc.); Aczél, 1950a:
281 (cat.); Aczél, 1952a: 154 (rev. of 4 spp.); Foote, 1967: 23 (cat.); Foote, 1980: 15 (in key), 27 (rev.); Foote et al., 1993:
143 (key to 8 spp.); Norrbom, 1993: 207 (key to 8 spp.); Norrbom et al., 1999b: 144 (cat.).
Camaromyia Hendel, 1914b: 95. Type species, Trypeta bullans Wiedemann (orig. des.).
Setigeresta Benjamin, 1934: 50. Type species, Trypeta aequalis Loew (orig. des.).
Camaromyia Hendel, 1914c: 63. Type species, Trypeta bullans Wiedemann (orig. des.) (preocc. Hendel, 1914b: 95).

reticulata Hendel, 1914c: 81 (Trypanea). Type locality: Peru, Lares Valley 2.000 m.; Callabamba 3.000 m.;
Arequipa, Arequipa; Cuzco, Sicuani & Cuzco 3.300 m.; Junin, Tarma 3.000 m. ST M/F (SMT, MNM). Distr.:
Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. Refs.: Hering, 1941: 158 (comm.); Aczél, 1950a: 284 (cat.); Foote, 1967: 35
(cat.); Steyskal, 1972a: 130 (distr.); Norrbom, 1993: 205 (redesc.), 208 (in key); Norrbom et al., 1999b: 145 (cat.);
Norrbom et al., 2013: 21 (distr.).
apicata Becker, 1919: 195 (Tephritis). Type locality: Ecuador, Riobamba, Tulcan & Troya. ST M/F (MNHNP).
Norrbom 1993: 205 (syn.).

toba Lindner, 1928: 29 (Camaromyia). Type locality: Argentina, Formosa, Misión Tacaaglé. LT M (SMN).
Lectotype designated by Norrbom, 1993: 200. Distr.: Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, El Salvador, Peru,
Uruguay, and Venezuela. Refs.: Malloch, 1933: 274 (in key, comm.); Aczél, 1950a: 296 (cat.); Aczél, 1952a: 165
(distr.); Foote, 1967: 24 (cat.); Norrbom, 1993: 200 (redesc.), 208 (in key); Norrbom et al., 1999b: 145 (cat.).

Genus Homoeothrix Hering

Homoeothrix Hering, 1944: 7. Type species, Euribia lindigi Hendel (orig. des.). Refs.: Hering, 1947: 7 (emended); Aczél,
1950a: 284 (cat.); Foote, 1967: 28 (cat.); Foote, 1980: 15 (in key), 32 (rev.); Norrbom et al., 1999b: 160 (cat.); Norrbom et
al., 2010: 24 (distr.).
Homoeothrix Hering, 1947: 7. (emend. Homoeothrlx Hering).
Homoeothrlx Hering, 1944: 7. (incosp. Homoeothrix Hering).

aberrans Schiner, 1868: 273 (Oxyphora). Type locality: Colombia. LT M (NHMW). Lectotype designated by
Hardy, 1968: 138. Distr.: Colombia and Venezuela. Refs.: Aczél, 1950a: 285 (cat.); Foote, 1967: 32 (cat.); Hardy,
1968: 138 (type data); Norrbom et al., 1999b: 172 (cat.); Norrbom et al., 2010: 24 (new comb.).

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Genus Xanthaciura Hendel

Xanthaciura Hendel, 1914b: 86. Type species, Trypeta chrysura Thomson (orig. des.). Refs.: Hendel, 1914c: 7 (in key), 45
(comm.); Bates, 1933: 55 (comm.); Malloch, 1933: 266 (key to 7 spp.); Benjamin, 1934: 43 (redesc.); Hering, 1941: 147
(key to 4 spp.); Aczél, 1950a: 253 (cat.); Aczél, 1950b: 117 (key to 12 spp.); Aczél, 1952b: 253 (key to 15 spp.); Foote,
1967: 54 (cat.); Foote, 1980: 15 (in key), 50 (rev.); Foote et al., 1993: 482 (key to 4 spp.); Norrbom et al., 1999b: 246
Tetraciura Hendel, 1914b: 90. Type species, quadrisetosa Hendel (orig. des.).
Eucosmoptera Phillips, 1923: 131. Type species, Aciura testraspina Phillips (subs. des. Bates, 1933: 55). Proposed as a
Chrysaciura Aczél, 1953: 188. Type species, bipuncta Aczél (orig. des.).
Tetraciura Hendel, 1914c: 48. Type species, quadrisetosa Hendel (orig. des.) (preocc. Hendel, 1914b: 90).
Xanthaciura Hendel, 1914c: 45. Type species, Trypeta chrysura Thomson (orig. des.) (preocc. Hendel, 1914b: 86).

chrysura Thomson, 1869: 580 (Trypeta). Type locality: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. ST M/F (NRS). Distr.: Argentina,
Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua,
Panama, Peru, Surinam, Trinidad, United States, and Venezuela. Refs.: Hendel, 1914c: 46 (in key, cat.), 47
(redesc.); Hering, 1941: 147 (in key, comm.); Aczél, 1950a: 254 (cat.); Foote, 1967: 55 (cat.); Norrbom et al.,
1999b: 246 (cat.).
erosa Enderlein, 1911: 458 (Aciura). Type locality: Brazil, Santa Catharina [Santa Catarina]; Colombia. ST F
(PAN). (syn.).
contracta Hering, 1937: 298. Type locality: Costa Rica, 8 km. W of San Jose, Farm La Caja. ST M/F (BMNH).

mallochi Aczél, 1950b: 125. Type locality: Argentina, Chaco, Colonia Benitez. HT M (IML). Distr.: Argentina,
Brazil, Costa Rica, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, and Peru. Refs.: Foote, 1967: 55 (cat.); Norrbom et al., 1999b:
247 (cat.).

unipuncta Malloch, 1933: 268. Type locality: Paraguay, Encarnación. HT M (BMNH). Distr.: Argentina, Brazil,
Costa Rica, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, and Trinidad.
Refs.: Aczél, 1950a: 256 (cat.); Foote, 1967: 56 (cat.); Norrbom et al., 1999b: 247 (cat.); Prado et al., 2002: 1024

Family Tephritidae Incertae Sedis

Tephritis unifasciata Macquart, 1835: 465. Type locality: Colombia. T M (MNHNP). Unrecognized, ST apparently
lost. Distr.: Colombia. Refs.: Norrbom et al., 1999b: 250 (cat.).

TABLE 1. Tephritidae species recorded from Colombia.

Subfamily Tribe Genus Species Author/year

Blepharoneurinae Blepharoneura furcifer Hendel, 1914
quadristriata Wulp, 1899
Dacinae Dacini Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann, 1824)
Trypetinae Carpomyini Cryptodacus ornatus Norrbom, 1994
Rhagoletis pomonella* (Walsh, 1867)
Zonosemata scutellata (Hendel, 1936)
Toxotrypanini Anastrepha acuminata Canal, 2010
alveata Stone, 1942
anomoiae Norrbom, 2002
...Continued on next page

612 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press SAVARIS ET AL.

TABLE 1. (Continued)
Subfamily Tribe Genus Species Author/year
antunesi Lima, 1938
bahiensis Lima, 1937
binodosa* Stone, 1942
carreroi Canal, 2010
caudata Stone, 1942
Carrejo & González,
curitis Stone, 1942
debilis Stone, 1942
dissimilis Stone, 1942
distincta Greene, 1934
doryphoros Stone, 1942
flavipennis Greene, 1934
fraterculus (Wiedemann, 1830)
grandicula Norrbom, 1991
grandis (Macquart, 1846)
hendeliana Lima, 1934
Norrbom &
Korytkowski, 2009
lanceola Stone, 1942
leptozona Hendel, 1914
limae Stone, 1942
loewi Stone, 1942
magna Norrbom, 1997
manihoti Lima, 1934
Norrbom &
Korytkowski, 2005
matertela Zucchi, 1979
montei Lima, 1934
mucronota Stone, 1942
obliqua (Macquart, 1835)
ornata Aldrich, 1925
palae Stone, 1942
pallidipennis Greene, 1934
panamensis Greene, 1934
parallela (Wiedemann, 1830)
parishi Stone, 1942
perdita Stone, 1942
pickeli Lima, 1934
quararibeae Lima, 1937
rheediae Stone, 1942a
serpentina (Wiedemann, 1830)
...Continued on next page

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TABLE 1. (Continued)
Subfamily Tribe Genus Species Author/year
shannoni Stone, 1942
sinuosa Canal, 2010
sororcula Zucchi, 1979
striata Schiner, 1868
sylvicola Knab, 1915
tumida Stone, 1942
velezi Norrbom, 1997
Norrbom &
Korytkowski, 2012
Hexachaeta amabilis (Loew, 1873)
colombiana Lima, 1953
Toxotrypana curvicauda Gerstaecker, 1860
littoralis Blanchard, 1960
Incertae Sedis Trypetinae Pseudophorellia anypsilon Norrbom, 2006
distincta Norrbom, 2006
flavicauda Norrbom, 2006
tica Norrbom, 2006
Tephritinae Acrotaeniini Baryplegma pertusa (Bates, 1934)
Neotaracia imox (Bates, 1934)
Tetreuaresta heringi Hering, 1942
obscuriventris (Loew, 1873)
Tomoplagia arsinoe Hering, 1942
pleuralis Hendel, 1914
Eutretini Dictyotrypeta syssema Hendel, 1914
Eutreta aczeli Lima, 1954
obliqua Stoltzfus, 1977
rhinophora Hering, 1937
Myopitini Neomyopites aereus (Hering, 1942)
agnatus (Hering, 1942)
columbianus (Hering, 1942)
confertus (Walker, 1853)
cordilleranus (Steyskal, 1979)
euryparius (Steyskal, 1979)
melanops (Steyskal, 1979)
Rhynencina dysphanes (Steyskal, 1979)
emphanes (Steyskal, 1979)
Noeetini Ensina hyalipennis (Hennig, 1940)
Tephritini Dyseuaresta mexicana (Wiedemann, 1830)
Euaresta reticulata (Hendel, 1914)
toba (Lindner, 1928)
Homoeothrix aberrans (Schiner, 1868)
...Continued on next page

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TABLE 1. (Continued)
Subfamily Tribe Genus Species Author/year
Xanthaciura chrysura (Thomson, 1869)
mallochi Aczél, 1950
unipuncta Malloch, 1933
Tephritidae Incertae Sedis Tephritis unifasciata Macquart, 1835
* Occurrence in the country is doubtful.


We thank the editors, Marta Wolff and Claudio J. B. Carvalho, for inviting us to complete the fruit fly component
of this catalog. We also thank Silvio S. Nihei for reviewing the manuscript. USDA is an equal opportunity provider
and employer. We thank CNPq for financial support for this study (Process number 200277/2015-4).


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CATALOGUE OF TEPHRITIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 621
Zootaxa 4122 (1): 622–634 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
Copyright © 2016 Magnolia Press
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)



UNESP - Univ Estadual Paulista, Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias, Departamento de Morfologia e Fisiologia Animal;
Via de Acesso Prof. Paulo Donato Castellane, s/n; 14.806-900 Jaboticabal, SP, Brazil. E-mail:


An updated Catalogue of the Lauxaniidae of Colombia is presented. This acalyptratae family is poorly known in Colom-
bia, with only 36 described species in 33 genera. This paper expands the distribution of 24 species to Colombia. At total,
63 species are reported here for Colombia.

Key words: catalogue, Colombia, Diptera, distribution, Neotropical region


Lauxaniidae is one of the largest Diptera Schizophora families, very common in tropical areas. Adults may be
small to moderately large (2-11 mm), varied in color patterns, often with marks, spots, bands, or reticulating
patterns (Shewell 1987, Gaimari & Silva 2010b). Lauxaniidae larvae frequently are recorded as saprophages, found
in a diverse array of decaying plant matter (Miller 1977). A few species have been reported to be phytophagous,
living in root collars, stems and leaves of clover (Tripholium; Oxalidaceae), in the ovaries of violets (Viola;
Violaceae), and in the leaf–like phylloclades of prickly pear (Opuntia; Cactaceae) (Miller 1977) and in the
flowerheads of Asteraceae (Silva & Mello 2008). Some adults graze fungal hyphae and spores on leaves, using
special labial structures, like prongs and scoops, making them one of the few higher flies able to feed on solid
particles (Mello & Silva 2007; Marshall 2012).
The family comprises about 1,550 valid species (Kim 1994). In the Neotropical region there are nearly 400
described species in 53 genera (Gaimari & Silva 2010b).
The monophyly of the family is well supported by several autapomorphies (McAlpine, 1989). It is included in
the Lauxanioidea, together with Chamaemyiidae and Celyphidae; recently the enigmatic family Eurychoromyiidae
was revised to subfamily status (Gaimari & Silva, 2010a; Gaimari, 2011). Stuckenberg (1971) proposed the
subfamily Homoneurinae for a group of genera based on the presence of costal setulae extending to the apex of
wing vein R4+5. Shewell (1977) proposed the subfamily Lauxaniinae for the remainder of the family, with costal
setulae ending just beyond the apex of vein R2+3 and a single midtibial spur. The conditions found in Lauxaniinae
are clearly plesiomorphic, and are likely part of the groundplan for the entire Muscomorpha (McAlpine, 1989), and
both Stuckenberg (1971) and Shewell (1977) acknowledged the likely paraphyly for the group.
Lauxaniids are uncommon in the described fossil record. Six species are known primarily from the Eocene/
Oligocene Baltic amber, but undescribed species are also known from Oligocene Dominican amber (Evenhuis,
Considering that a conspectus of the Neotropical Laxaniidae is in progress by this author and S. D. Gaimari,
including a catalogue to all species in the region, the data presented here represents the actual taxonomic
knowledge for the family at the Neotropical Region and should be noted that some of the taxa here will have their
taxonomic status changed after the publication of the conspectus. Notwithstanding this, we provided a list that is
intended to help all people interested in the Colombian Diptera.
The Colombian fauna of lauxaniids comprises at the moment 36 described species representing only a small
fraction of the known fauna, with at least 63 species recognized (Table 1). The data provided in this catalogue,

622 Accepted by S. Nihei: 10 Apr. 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016

along with data gathered from literature, represent the main result of the study of specimens provided by collection
efforts sponsored by the Humboldt Institute and NSF to M. Sharkey (grant number DEB-0205982). Many
undescribed species are discovered and they are indicated here, also in few genera an undetermined species is
reported because we believe it is important to know that some genus is represented in the country, although by an
unnamed species.
All genus- and species-group names are listed alphabetically. Valid names are in bold type at the first mention.
Synonyms when mentioned subsequently are italicized. Each published name including synonyms is given in a
chronological sequence according to the scheme: the name of the species, author(s), year of description, page,
genus in the original description (if different from the valid one), type locality (or localities in the case of syntypes;
updated name into brackets), information about the primary types and their deposition (and, if a lectotype, a
reference to the author and date of the designation), known geographic distribution. At the end we present a table
with all species found in Colombia, including rank and author (Table 1).

Acronyms used for the depositories

AMNH—American Museum of Natural History, New York, USA

CASC—California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, USA
IAHB—Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt, Bogotá, Colombia
MCZ—Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, USA
MNHN—Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France
MZUSP—Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
NHM—The Natural History Museum, London, U.K.
NMW—Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna, Austria
NRM—Naturhistoriska Riksmuseum, Stockholm, Sweden
OUM—Oxford University Museum of Natural History, Oxford, U.K.
USNM—National Museum of Natural History, Washington, USA
ZMB—Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universität, Berlin, Germany

List of abbreviations

distrib.—geographic distribution
fig. / figs—figure / figures
lec. des.—lectotype designation
n. comb—new combination
nom. nov.—nomen novum
orig. des.—by original designation
ref. / refs.—reference /references
subs. des.—by subsequent designation

CATALOGUE OF LAUXANIIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 623
F (f#)—Female
M (m#)—Male

Catalogue of Lauxaniidae of Colombia

Family Lauxaniidae Macquart, 1835

Subfamily Eurychoromyiinae Hendel, 1910

Genus Euryhendelimyia Gaimari & Silva

Euryhendelimyia Gaimari & Silva, 2010a: 14. Type species, E. schlingeri Gaimari & Silva (orig. des.).

schlingeri Gaimari & Silva, 2010a: 14. Type locality: Colombia, Nariño, 25 mi SW Mocoa, 2080 m [Putumayo].
HT M (CASC). Distrib.—Colombia (Putumayo, according to Gaimari & Silva, 2010a).

Genus Exalla Gaimari

Exalla Gaimari, 2011: 595. Type species, E. shewelli Gaimari (orig. des.).

macalpinei Gaimari, 2011: 603. Type locality: Colombia, Nariño, R. N. La Planada, Via Hondón. HT M (IAHB).
Distrib.—Colombia (Nariño).

shewelli Gaimari, 2011: 607. Type locality: Colombia, Nariño, R. N. La Planada, Via Hondón. HT M (IAHB).
Distrib.—Colombia (Nariño).

Subfamily Lauxaniinae Shewell, 1977

Genus Agriphoneura Hendel

Agriphoneura Hendel, 1925: 137. Type species, A. fumipennis Hendel (mon.).

undescribed sp. 1—Locality: Colombia (Risaralda).

Genus Allogriphoneura Hendel

Allogriphoneura Hendel, 1925: 130. Type species, A. nigromaculata Hendel (orig. des.) = A. porcaria (Fabricius). Ref.—
Hendel, 1936: 86 (key).

porcaria (Fabricius, 1805: 204; Scatophaga). Type locality: "America meridionalis" (Guyana). Type ZMUC.
Distrib.—Colombia (Putumayo), Guyana, Brazil, Peru, Bolivia. Ref.—Hendel, 1933: 76.
nigromaculata Hendel, 1925: 130. Ref.—Hendel, 1933: 76 (syn.). Type locality: Peru, Pichis, Porto Yessup.

624 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press SILVA

Genus Allominettia Hendel

Allominettia Hendel, 1925: 126. Type species, A. maculatifrons Hendel (orig. des.) = xanthiceps Williston.
Chaetominettia Malloch, 1926: 9. Type species, C. spinitibia Malloch (orig. des.). Refs.—Malloch, 1933: 359; Curran, 1934b:
320, fig. 31 (head); Stuckenberg, 1971: 511 (syn.)
Tibiominettia Hendel, 1932: 103. Type species, T. setitibia Hendel (orig. des.). Ref.—Hendel 1936: 84; Stuckenberg, 1971: 511

corollae (Fabricius, 1805: 331; Dictya). Type locality: "America meridionalis" (Brazil, cf. Wiedemann, 1830: 452).
Type ? (probable ZMUC). Ref.—Hendel, 1925: 141 (descr., distrib.). Distrib.—Honduras, Costa Rica, Colombia
(Vaupés), Guyana, Peru, Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay.
apta (Walker, 1861: 321; Sapromyza). Type locality: Mexico. HT ? F (BMNH). Ref.—Giglio-Tos 1895: 49
(syn. of Sapromyza latelimbata).
latelimbata (Macquart, 1855: 140, pl. 6, fig. 18 (wing); Sapromyza). Type locality: Brazil, Pernambuco. ST M
(OXUM). Refs.: Giglio-Tos, 1895: 49 (redesc.); Malloch, 1926: 10; Curran, 1934b: 316, fig. 3 (wing), 445 (descr.).
Distrib.—Mexico, Trinidad, Panama to southern Brazil and Paraguay.

spinitibia Malloch, 1926: 10. Type locality: Costa Rica, San Mateo, Higuito. HT F (USNM). Distrib.—Costa Rica,
Colombia (Meta), Guyana.

xanthiceps (Williston, 1897: 9; Sapromyza). Type locality: Brazil, "Piedra Blanco". ST (AMNH). Distrib.—
Colombia (Magdalena, Meta), Ecuador, Peru, Brazil.

undescribed sp. 1—Locality: Colombia (Putumayo).

Genus Camptoprosopella Hendel

Camptoprosopella Hendel, 1907: 223. Type species, C. melanoptera Hendel (subs. des. Hendel, 1908: 53) = Pachycerina
dolorosa (Williston). Refs.—Hendel, 1908: 53; 1936: 81 (key); Malloch, 1926: 6 (key), 1933: 356; Curran, 1928: 82,
1934b: 316, fig. 7 (head), fig. 20 (wing); Shewell, 1939 (rev.).

diversa Curran, 1926: 13. Type locality: Puerto Rico, Coamo Springs. HT M (AMNH). Distrib. - United States
(Florida), Jamaica, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Colombia (Magdalena, Bolívar). Ref.—Shewell,
1939: 138, figs. 25–26 (male terminalia).

flavipalpis Malloch, 1926: 7. Type locality: Costa Rica, San Mateo. HT F (USNM). Distrib.—Costa Rica,
Colombia (Cundinamarca). Ref.—Shewell, 1939: 139.

hera Shewell, 1939: 140, figs. 27–28 (male terminalia). Type locality: Guatemala, Ayutla. HT M (USNM).
Distrib.—Guatemala, Colombia (Bolivar).

xanthoptera Hendel, 1907: 224. Type locality: Peru, Callanga. HT F (not localized). Distrib.—Mexico, Nicaragua,
Costa Rica, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Peru, Bolivia. Ref.—Shewell, 1939: 138.

Genus Chaetocoelia Giglio-Tos

Chaetocoelia Giglio-Tos, 1893: 11. Type species, C. palans Giglio-Tos (mon.). Refs.—Hendel, 1907: 229 (key), 1908: 52;
Melander, 1913: 77; Curran, 1942: 76 (key to species, except C. tripunctata Malloch).

undescribed sp. 1—Locality: Colombia (Tolima).

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Genus Deceia Malloch

Deceia Malloch, 1923: 49. Type species, Sapromyza crevecoeuri Coquillett (orig. des.).
undescribed sp. 1—Locality: Colombia (Vaupés; Risaralda).

Genus Deutominettia Hendel

Deutominettia Hendel, 1925: 125. Type species, D. pulchrifrons Hendel (orig. des.). Ref.—Malloch, 1928: 2 (key to species).

undescribed sp. 1—Locality: Colombia (Tolima; Risaralda; Vaupés; Norte de Santander).

Genus Dryosapromyza Hendel

Dryosapromyza Hendel, 1933: 68. Type species, Sapromyza gigas Schiner (orig. des.).

undescribed sp. 1—Locality: Colombia (Magdalena).

Genus Floriminettia Broadhead

Floriminettia Broadhead, 1989: 188 (key), 189 (diag.). Type species, F. coronata Broadhead (orig. des.).

coronata Broadhead, 1989: 189, fig. 13E (aedeagus, hypandrium), F (surstyli). Type locality: Panama, Barro
Colorado I. HT M (BMNH). Distrib.—Panama, Colombia (Magdalena).

Genus Gibbolauxania Papp & Silva

Gibbolauxania Papp & Silva, 1995: 191. Type species, G. elegans Papp & Silva (orig. des.).

undescribed sp. 1—Locality: Colombia (Amazonas; Putumayo).

Genus Griphoneura Schiner

Griphoneura Schiner, 1868: 281. Type species, Lauxania imbuta Wiedemann (orig. des.). Refs.—Hendel, 1908: 51; 1925: 134
(key to Neotropical species); Malloch, 1925 (rev., key); 1928: 18; Curran, 1934b: 317, fig. 13 (wing), 318, fig. 24 (head);
1938: 4 (key to North American species).

ferruginea Schiner, 1868: 281. Type locality: "South America" (Venezuela). HT M (NHMW). Distrib.—Costa
Rica, Colombia.

Genus Homoeominettia Broadhead

Homoeominettia Broadhead, 1989: 189 (key), 190 (diag.). Type species, Minettia assimilis Malloch (orig. des.).

approximata (Malloch, 1928: 3; Deutominettia). Type locality: Panama, Río Trinidad. HT M (USNM). Distrib.—
Panama, Colombia (Magdalena), Venezuela, Trinidad.

assimilis (Malloch, 1926: 17; Minettia). Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Gatún Lake, Cano Saddle. HT M
(USNM). Distrib.—Panama, Colombia (Bolívar, Magdalena), Trinidad, Venezuela, Brazil.

626 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press SILVA

geniseta (Malloch, 1926: 16; Minettia). Type locality: Costa Rica, San Mateo, Higuito. HT F (USNM). Distrib.—
United States (Texas), Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia (Magdalena).
woldae Broadhead, 1989: 190, fig. 5A (apex of male abdomen). Type locality: Panama, Fortuna. HT M (BMNH).
Distrib.—Panama, Colombia (Magdalena).

Genus Hypagoga Hendel

Hypagoga Hendel, 1907: 233. Type species, Heteromyza apicalis Schiner (orig. des.). Refs.—Hendel, 1908: 57; Hennig, 1968:

undescribed sp. 1—Locality: Colombia (Risaralda; Cauca).

Genus Marmarodeceia Shewell

Marmarodeceia Shewell, 1986: 538. Type species, Pseudogriphoneura (Neodeceia) marmorata Malloch (orig. des.).

marmorata (Malloch, 1926: 22; Pseudogriphoneura (Neodeceia)). Type locality: Costa Rica, San Mateo, Higuito.
HT F (USNM). Distrib.—Costa Rica, Panama, West Indies, Colombia (Cauca), Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil,
Bolivia, Paraguay.

Genus Minettia Robineau-Desvoidy

Minettia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830: 646. Type species, Minettia nemorosa Robineau-Desvoidy (subs. des. Westwood, 1840:
150) = fasciata (Fallén, 1826). Refs.—Curran, 1928: 84 (key to species from Puerto Rico); 1931: 20 (revised key);
Malloch, 1928: 10 (key); 1933: 359; Hendel, 1932: 103.

undetermined sp. 1—Locality: Colombia (Magdalena)

Genus Neogriphoneura Malloch

Neogriphoneura Malloch, in Malloch & McAtee, 1924: 11. Type species, Sapromyza sordida Wiedemann (orig. des.). Refs.—
Curran, 1934b: 316, fig. 6 (wing), 320, fig. 35 (head); 1942: 75 (key); Mello & Silva, 2008a (rev., key).
Rhabdolauxania Hendel, 1925: 128. Type species, R. schnusei Hendel (orig. des.). Refs.—Malloch, 1928: 8; Mello & Silva,
2008a: 26 (syn.).

striga Curran, 1942: 75. Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Barro Colorado I. HT M (AMNH). Distrib.—Costa
Rica, Panama, Colombia (Bolivar), Peru, Brazil, Bolivia. Ref.—Mello & Silva, 2007: 398–399 (labellum, figs. 1–

tertia Curran, 1942: 76. Type locality: Panama, Patilla Point. HT M (AMNH). Distrib.—Panama, Colombia
(Bolivar; Magdalena), Brazil, Paraguay. Ref.—Mello & Silva, 2007: 400 (labellum, figs. 5–8).

timida Curran, 1942: 75. Type locality: Panama, Patilla Point. HT M (AMNH). Distrib.—El Salvador, Panama,
Colombia (Meta; Chocó; Magdalena).

undescribed sp. 1—Locality: Colombia (Magdalena)

CATALOGUE OF LAUXANIIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 627
Genus Neominettia Hendel

Neominettia Hendel, 1925: 140. Type species, Musca contigua Fabricius (orig. des.). Comm.: This is not Neominettia
Malloch; see Scutominettia.

contigua (Fabricius, 1794: 347; Musca). Type locality: "Brazil". Type ? (probable ZMUC). Distrib.—Mexico to
Brazil and Bolivia. Ref.—Curran, 1934b: 318, fig. 27 (wing).

undescribed sp. 1—Locality: Colombia (Cauca)

Genus Oncodometopus Shewell

Oncodometopus Shewell, 1986: 539. Type species, Sapromyza umbrosa Loew (orig. des.).

undescribed sp. 1—Locality: Colombia (Meta).

undescribed sp. 2—Locality: Colombia (Meta).

undescribed sp. 3—Locality: Colombia (Meta; Cundinamarca).

undescribed sp. 4—Locality: Colombia (Cauca; Risaralda; Vaupés).

Genus Pachyopella Shewell

Pachyopella Shewell, 1986: 540. Type species, Pachycerina ornata Melander (orig. des.).

flavida (Wiedemann, 1824: 57; Lauxania). Type locality: South America. HT M (ZMUC). Distrib.—United States
(Florida) to Argentina (Missiones), Colombia (Magdalena). Refs.—Malloch, 1933: 356; Shewell, 1986: 541 (n.

undescribed sp. 1—Locality: Colombia (Putumayo)

Genus Paraphysoclypeus Papp & Silva

Paraphysoclypeus Papp & Silva, 1995: 197. Type species, P. nigropleura Papp & Silva (orig. des.).

undescribed sp. 1—Locality: Colombia (Tolima)

Genus Physegenua Macquart

Physegenua Macquart, 1848: 220 (1848: 60). Type species, P. vittata Macquart (orig. des.). Refs.—Hendel, 1908: 15; 1925:
115 (incomplete key to Neotropical species); Melander, 1913: 77; Curran, 1934b: 317, fig. 16 (head); 1942: 67
(incomplete key to Neotropical species).
Physogenia, error. Hendel 1908: 10, 15; 1910: 120; 1925: 105,115; 1932: 109; 1933: 65; Malloch & McAtee, 1924: 8, 10.
Physogenna, error. Johnson, 1919: 443.
Physogenua, error. Shewell, 1986: 541.

banksi Curran, 1942: 67. Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Frijoles. HT M (AMNH). Distrib.—Panama,
Colombia (Tolima).

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vittifrons Hendel, 1925: 116. Type locality: Bolivia, Mapiri, San Carlos, 800 m. HT F (SMTD). Distrib.—
Colombia (Bolívar), Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay.

Genus Physoclypeus Hendel

Physoclypeus Hendel, 1907: 226. Type species, Chlorops flavus Wiedemann (orig. des.). Refs.—Hendel, 1908: 19; 1925: 120
(key); Malloch, 1933: 355; Mello & Silva, 2008b (rev.).

annulatus Hendel, 1925: 121. Type locality: Bolivia, Mapiri, 2000 m. LT M (NHMW). Distrib.—Colombia
(Risaralda), Bolivia. Refs.—Mello & Silva, 2008b (lec. des.).

coquilletti (Hendel, 1908: 30; Lauxania (as non. nov. for Lauxania lutea Coquillett)). Type locality: United States,
Florida, Lake Worth and Biscayne Bay. ST ? (USNM). Distrib.—United States, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Colombia
(Magdalena, Nariño, Huila, Boyacá). Ref.—Curran, 1928: 83; Mello & Silva, 2008b: 291–293 (redesc.).

flavus (Wiedemann, 1830: 595; Chlorops). Type locality: Uruguay, Montevideo. HT F (NHMW). Distrib.—
Colombia (Boyacá), Brazil, Bolivia, Uruguay, Argentina. Refs.—Hendel, 1908: 20; 1925: 120; 1936: 82; Malloch,
1933: 356.

lineatus (Williston, 1896: 385; Sapromyza). Type locality: St. Vincent (West Indies). LT M (BMNH). Distrib.—St.
Vincent, Colombia (Tolima, Boyacá, Huila, Risaralda, Cundinamarca, Putumayo, Vaupés). Refs.—Mello & Silva,
2007: 400–401 (labellum, figs. 9–11); Mello & Silva, 2008b: 299–300 (redesc., lec. des.).

risaraldensis Mello & Silva, 2008b: 302, figs. 8A‒J. Type locality: Colombia, Risaralda, SFF Otún Quimbaya,
Robledal. HT M (IAHB). Distrib.—Colombia (Risaralda, Magdalena, Nariño, Huila, Boyacá), Ecuador.

vitattus Mello & Silva, 2008b: 309, figs. 11A-I. Type locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Seara. HT M (MZUSP).
Distrib.—Venezuela, Colombia (Risaralda), Brazil.

undescribed sp. 1—Locality: Colombia (Risaralda; Huila; Norte de Santander).

Genus Poecilominettia Hendel

Poecilominettia Hendel, 1932: 103. Type species, Sapromyza picticornis Coquillett (orig. des.). Refs.—Hendel, 1932: (key to
species); Broadhead, 1989 (key to Panamanian species).

undetermined spp.—Locality: Colombia (Tolima; Meta; Bolivar; Cauca; Risaralda; Huila; Putumayo; Vaupés;
Magdalena; Chocó; Norte de Santander)

Genus Pseudogriphoneura Hendel

Pseudogriphoneura Hendel, 1907: 226. Type species, P. cinerella Hendel (orig. des.). Refs.—Hendel, 1908: 50; 1925: 136
(partial key); Malloch, 1926: 19 (key); Curran, 1934a: 445 (key); 1934b: 316, fig. 5 (wing), 320, fig. 38 (head); 1942: 68
(partial key).

pallipes Malloch, 1926: 20. Type locality: Costa Rica, San Mateo, Higuito. HT F (USNM). Distrib.—Costa Rica,
Colombia (Magdalena).

undetermined spp.—Locality: Colombia (Boyacá; Cundinamarca; Magdalena; Vaupés)

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Genus Sapromyza Fallén

Sapromyza Fallén, 1810: 18. Type species, “Tephritis flava” Fabricius (Musca flava Linnaeus, 1758, misident.) (mon.;
misident.) = obsoleta Fallén, 1820. Refs.—Blanchard, 1852: 444; Coquillett, 1898: 277; Hendel, 1908: 32; Becker, 1919:
185; Malloch, 1933: 369 (key).
lebasii Macquart, 1844: 191. Type locality: "Colombia". HT M ? (MNHN). Distrib.—Colombia.

puella Williston, 1896: 381. Type locality: St. Vincent (West Indies). ST M F (BMNH), M (AMNH). Distrib.—St.
Vincent, Colombia (Tolima, Amazonas, Cauca, Putumayo, Vaupés, Magdalena).

triseriata Coquillett, 1904: 95. Type locality: Nicaragua, Chinandega. HT ? (USNM). Distrib.—Nicaragua, Costa
Rica, Colombia. Ref.—Malloch, 1926: 17.

undescribed sp. 1—Locality: Colombia (Boyacá; Cundinamarca)

Genus Sciosapromyza Hendel

Sciosapromyza Hendel, 1933: 70. Type species, Dryomyza advena Wiedemann (mon.).

undescribed sp. 1—Locality: Colombia (Magdalena)

Genus Scutominettia Hendel

Scutominettia Hendel, 1932: 109. Type species, S. mallochi Hendel (mon.).

Neominettia Malloch, 1926: 9 (preocc. Hendel, 1925, with same nominal type species). Type species, Musca contigua
Fabricius (orig. des., misident.) = mallochi Hendel, 1932. Refs.—Malloch, 1928: 1 (recognyzed Neominettia Hendel as
senior primary homonym); Hendel, 1932: 109.

mallochi Hendel, 1932: 109 (as nom. nov. for contigua, sensu Malloch, 1926, nec Fabricius). Type localities:
Mexico, Vulcano, Colima and Costa Rica, San Mateo, Higuito. ST M, F (USNM). Distrib.—Mexico, Costa Rica,
Colombia (Boyacá, Meta), Paraguay.

undescribed sp. 1—Locality: Colombia (Boyacá; Risaralda; Norte de Santander)

Genus Siphonophysa Hendel

Siphonophysa Hendel, 1907: 230. Type species, S. pectinata Hendel (mon.). Ref.—Hendel, 1908: 29 (as subg. of Lauxania).

undescribed sp. 1—Locality: Colombia (Boyacá; Vaupés).

Genus Trivialia Malloch

Deceia, subg. Trivialia Malloch, 1923: 53. Type species, Deceia fuscocapitata Malloch (orig. des.). Ref.—Shewell, 1965: 705
(new status).

undescribed sp. 1—Locality: Colombia (Putumayo; Cauca; Vaupés; Magdalena).

undescribed sp. 2—Locality: Colombia (Vaupés)

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Genus Xenochaetina Malloch

Xenochaetina Malloch, 1923: 49. Type species, Lauxania muscaria Loew (orig. des.) = flavipennis (Fabricius). Refs.—
Hendel, 1932: 108 (key); Curran, 1934b: 320, fig. 30 (wing), fig. 34 (head).

undetermined spp.—Locality: Colombia (Meta; Vaupés; Nariño).

TABLE 1. Lauxaniidae species recorded from Colombia. (Taxa marked with * represent a new record for the country.)

Subfamily Genus Species Author

Eurychoromyiinae Euryhendelimyia schlingeri Gaimari & Silva, 2010a
Exalla macalpinei Gaimari, 2011
shewelli Gaimari, 2011
Lauxaniinae Agriphoneura * undescribed sp. 1
Allogriphoneura * porcaria * (Fabricius, 1805)
Allominettia corollae (Fabricius, 1805)
spinitibia * Malloch, 1926
xanthiceps * (Williston, 1897)
undescribed sp. 1
Camptoprosopella * diversa * Curran, 1926
flavipalpis * Malloch, 1926
hera * Shewell, 1939
xanthoptera * Hendel, 1907
Chaetocoelia * undescribed sp. 1
Deceia * undescribed sp. 1
Deutominettia * undescribed sp. 1
Dryosapromyza * undescribed sp. 1
Floriminettia * coronata * Broadhead, 1989
Gibbolauxania * undescribed sp. 1
Griphoneura * ferruginea Schiner, 1868
Homoeominettia * approximata * (Malloch, 1928)
assimilis * (Malloch, 1926)
geniseta * (Malloch, 1926)
woldae * Broadhead, 1989
Hypagoga * undescribed sp. 1
Marmarodeceia marmorata (Malloch, 1926)
Minettia * undetermined sp. 1
Neogriphoneura striga Curran, 1942
tertia * Curran, 1942
timida Curran, 1942
undescribed sp. 1
Neominettia contigua (Fabricius, 1794)
undescribed sp. 1
Oncodometopus * undescribed sp. 1
undescribed sp. 2
...Continued on next page

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TABLE 1. (Continued)
Subfamily Genus Species Author
undescribed sp. 3
undescribed sp. 4
Pachyopella * flavida * (Wiedemann, 1824)
undescribed sp. 1
Paraphysoclypeus * undescribed sp. 1
Physegenua * banksi * Curran, 1942
vittifrons * Hendel, 1925
Physoclypeus annulatus * Hendel, 1925
coquilletti * (Hendel, 1908)
flavus (Wiedemann, 1830)
lineatus * (Williston, 1896)
risaraldensis Mello & Silva, 2008b
vitattus Mello & Silva, 2008b
undescribed sp. 1
Poecilominettia * undetermined spp.
Pseudogriphoneura * pallipes * Malloch, 1926
undetermined spp.
Sapromyza lebasii Macquart, 1844
puella * Williston, 1896
triseriata Coquillett, 1904a
undescribed sp. 1
Sciosapromyza * undescribed sp. 1
Scutominettia * mallochi * Hendel, 1932
undescribed sp. 1
Siphonophysa * undescribed sp. 1
Trivialia * undescribed sp. 1
undescribed sp. 2
Xenochaetina undetermined spp.


Becker, T. (1919) Diptères. Brachycères. Mission Arc Méridien Amérique du Sud, Paris, 10, 163–215.
Blanchard, E. (1852) Orden IX. Dipteros. In: Gay, C. (Ed.), Historia fisica y politica de Chile. Zoologia. VII Insectos.
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Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Entomology, 58 (2), 185–226.
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CATALOGUE OF LAUXANIIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 633
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Malloch, J.R. (1933) Acalyptrata. In: Schmitz, H. (Ed.), Diptera of Patagonia and South Chile. Part 6, Fascicle 4. British
Museum (Natural History), London, pp. 177–391.
Malloch, J.R. & McAtee, W.L. (1924) Keys to flies of the families Lonchaeidae, Pallopteridae and Sapromyzidae of the eastern
United States, with a list of the species of the District of Columbia region. Proceedings of the United States National
Museum, 65 (12), 1–26.
Marshall, S.A. (2012) Flies: the natural history & diversity of Diptera. Firefly Books, Buffalo, 616 pp.
Melander, A.L. (1913) A synopsis of the Sapromyzidae. Psyche, 20 (2), 57–82.
Mello, R.L. de & Silva, V.C. (2007) Morphological ultrastructure of the labellum in three Neotropical Lauxaniidae (Diptera,
Muscomorpha). Studia dipterologica, 13 (2), 397–403. [2006]
Mello, R.L. de & Silva, V.C. (2008a) A taxonomic review of Neogriphoneura Malloch, 1924 (Diptera: Lauxaniidae), with
description of three new species. Zootaxa, 1806, 35–46.
Mello, R.L. & Silva, V.C. (2008b) Revision of the genus Physoclypeus Hendel, 1907(Diptera, Lauxaniidae), with description of
seven new species. Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia, 48 (26), 289–315.
Miller, R. M. (1977) Ecology of Lauxaniidae (Diptera: Acalyptratae). I. Old and new rearing records with biological notes and
discussion. Annals of the Natal Museum, 23 (1), 215–278.
Papp, L. & Silva, V.C. (1995) Seven new genera of the Neotropical Lauxaniidae (Diptera). Acta Zoologica Academiae
Scientiarum Hungaricae, 41 (3), 185–208.
Robineau-Desvoidy, J.B. (1830) Essai sur les Myodaires. Mémoires Présentés a l'Academie Royale des Sciences de l'Institut de
France, Series 2, 2, 1–813. [Paris]
Schiner, I.R. (1868) Diptera. In: von Wüllerstorf-Urbair, B. (Ed.), Reise der Österreichischen Fregatte Novara um die Erde in
der Jahren 1857, 1858,1859 unter den Befehlen des Commodore B. von Wüllersdorf-Urbair. Zoologischer Teil. Vol. 2. Part
6, B. K. Gerald’s Sohn, Wien [= Vienna], pp. 1–388.
Shewell, G.E. (1939) A revision of the genus Camptoprosopella Hendel (Diptera, Lauxaniidae). Canadian Entomologist, 71,
130–144, 145–153.
Shewell, G.E. (1965) Family Lauxaniidae. In: Stone, A., Sabrosky, C.W., Wirth, W.W., Foote, R.H. & Coulson, J.R. (Eds.), A
Catalog of the Diptera of America North of Mexico. Agricultural Handbook 276. USDA, Washington, D.C., pp. 695–706.
Shewell, G.E. (1977) Family Lauxaniidae. In: Delfinado, M.D. & Hardy, D.E. (Eds.), A Catalog of the Diptera of the Oriental
Region. Vol. 3. University Press of Hawaii, Honolulu, pp. 182–222
Shewell, G.E. (1986) New American genera of Lauxaniidae, based on species of earlier authors, and a note on Lyciella rorida
(Fallén) in North America (Diptera). Canadian Entomologist, 118, 537–547.
Shewell, G.E. (1987) Lauxaniidae. In: McAlpine, J.F. (Ed.), Manual of Nearctic Diptera. Vol. 2. Research Branch, Agriculture
Canada, Ottawa, pp. 951–964.
Silva, V.C. & Mello, R.L. (2008) Occurrence of Physoclypeus farinosus Hendel (Diptera: Lauxaniidae) in flowerheads of
Asteraceae (Asterales). Neotropical Entomology, 37 (1), 92–96.
Stuckenberg, B.R. (1971) A review of the Old World genera of Lauxaniidae (Diptera). Annals of the Natal Museum, 20,
Walker, F. (1861) Catalogue of the Dipterous Insects collected in Amboyna by Mr. A. R. Wallace, with descriptions of new
species. (concl.) Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London, Series 2, 5, 297–334.
Westwood, J.O. (1840) Orden XIII. Diptera Aristotle (Antliata Fabricius. Halteriptera Clairv.). In: An introduction to the
modern classification of insects; founded on the natural habits and corresponding organization of the different families.
Synopsis of the genera of British Insects. Longman, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longmans, London, pp. 125–158.
Wiedemann, C.R.W. (1824) Munus rectoris in Academia Christiana Albertina aditurus analecta entomologica ex Museo Regio
Havniensi maximw congesta profert iconibusque illustrat. eregio typoguapheo scholarum, Kiliae [= Kiel], 60 pp.
Wiedemann, C.R.W. (1830) Aussereuropäische zweiflügelige Insekten. Zweiter Theil. Schulz, Hamm [= Hamburg], 684 pp.
Williston, S.W. (1896) On the Diptera of St. Vincent (West Indies). Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, 1896,
Williston, S.W. (1897) Diptera Braziliana, part 4. Kansas University Quarterly, Series A, 6, 1–12.

634 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press SILVA

Zootaxa 4122 (1): 635–641 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
Copyright © 2016 Magnolia Press
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)


Coordenação de Biodiversidade, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, Av.André Araújo, 2936, Petrópolis, CEP 69067-375,
Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil. Fellowship PQ/CNPq. E-mail:


Ropalomeridae is a small family with most species distributed in the Neotropical Region, from Mexico to Argentina, and
only one Nearctic species. In Colombia, eight species distributed in four genera have been found. This catalogue, based
on the study of specimens and available literature records, summarizes and updates the information on the Colombian fau-

Key words: catalogue, Colombia, distribution, Neotropical Region, Ropalomeridae


Flies in the family Ropalomeridae are distributed mainly in the tropical and subtropical regions of the Americas.
The family is characterized by the following combination of characters: adults robust, medium to large (6-12 mm),
brown to dark brown; vertex deep, concave, eyes protruding and face with median carina or central tubercle; palpi
flattened and widened; posterior thoracic spiracle with one or more setae; legs robust, especially hind femur,
significantly widened, with strong ventral setae, hind tibia usually laterally compressed, curved, ornamented with
long bristles or hairs dorsally; wings hyaline, lightly infuscate or strongly spotted.
The morphology of the immatures is poorly understood. Lopes (1932) provided descriptions of the egg and
larva of Ropalomera stictica Wiedemann. The biology of Ropalomeridae is poorly known. Adults feed on liquids
that exude from plants and are collected using traps baited with rotting fruit, hydrolyzed protein, and 10% cane
Ropalomeridae are included in the suborder Brachycera, infraorder Muscomorpha, superfamily Sciomyzoidea.
Sepsidae are considered the sister-group of this family, and both share the middle portion of face strongly
sclerotized and prominent, one or more strong subvibrissal setae, posterior thoracic spiracle with one or more
developed bristles, vein R1 bare, vein A2 absent and two spermathecae (McAlpine 1989). On the other hand,
nothing is known about the relationships within Ropalomeridae.
The family was reviewed by Lindner (1930a), Prado (1963, 1966) and cataloged by Steyskal (1967), who also
published a chapter on the fauna of the Nearctic region (Steyskal 1987). Mexican species were revised by Ramírez-
García & Hernández-Ortiz (1994), Willistoniella Mik, 1895 and Apophorynchus Williston, 1895 by Marques &
Ale-Rocha (2004 and 2005, respectively), and Kroeberia Lindner, 1930 by Marques-Costa & Ale-Rocha (2005).
Currently, there are 31 known species in 9 genera in the Neotropics (Ibáñez-Bernal & Hernández-Ortiz 2012:
Kirst & Ale-Rocha 2012). They are distributed from the southern United States to northern Argentina, with a single
species recorded from the Nearctic region, Rhytidops floridensis (Aldrich 1932). Fossils have not been found.
Eight species of Ropalomeridae have been recorded from Colombia, in addition to two unrecognized species.
The present catalogue provides a list of species from Colombia based on available literature and observed material.
A table with all species, rank and author is presented at the end of this paper. The information included in the
Catalogue comprises only the species that occur in Colombia, including synonymies.

Accepted by S. Nihei: 10 Apr. 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016 635

Acronyms used for the depositories

CEUA—Colección Entomológica, Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia

IBUNAM—Instituto de Biología de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México
INPA—Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, Manaus, Brazil
IOC—Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
NHM—Natural History Museum, London, England
NHMW—Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, Austria
ZMUC—Zoological Museum University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark

List of abbreviations

distr.—geographic distribution
mon.—by monotypy
orig. des.—by original designation
F (f#)—Female
M (m#)—Male

Catalogue of Ropalomeridae of Colombia

Family Ropalomeridae Schiner, 1868

Genus Apophorhynchus Williston, 1895

Apophorhynchus Williston, 1895a: 184. Type species, Apophorhynchus flavidus Williston, 1895a, orig. des. Refs.: Williston,
1896: 280–281 (key); Lindner, 1930a: 125–126 (diagn., key); Malloch, 1941: 50 (diagn.); Steyskal, 1967: 1 (cat.); Prado &
Papavero, 2002: 1 (cat.).

amazonensis Prado, 1966: 248, 251–252. Type locality: Brazil, Amazonas, São Gabriel da Cachoeira, Amazonas.
HT F (IOC 13210). Distr.: Brazil, Colombia, Peru. Refs.: Prado, 1967: 73–75 (male descr., distr.); Steyskal, 1967: 1
(cat.); Prado & Papavero, 2002: 1 (cat.); 2009: 2 (cat.); Marques-Costa & Ale-Rocha, 2005: 515 (rev.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Macaqual, 1 male, 8.iii.2011, T. VSR fish 9 (CEUA).

Genus Kroeberia Lindner, 1930

Kroeberia Lindner, 1930a: 125, 127. Type species, Kroeberia fuliginosa Lindner, 1930a: 127, orig. des. Refs.: Steyskal, 1967:
2 (cat.); Marques & Ale-Rocha, 2004: 315 (rev.); Prado & Papavero, 2009: 2 (cat.).

fuliginosa Lindner, 1930a: 127. Type locality: Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Cruz. HT M (NHMW). Distr.:
Brazil, Colombia (Caldas, Atlántico), Mexico, Panama,Venezuela. Refs.: Aldrich, 1932: 9 (redesc.); Fischer, 1932:
450 (diag.); Prado, 1966: 253 (redesc., distr.); Steyskal, 1967: 1 (cat.); Baez, 1985: 79 (distr.); Ramírez García &

636 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press ALE-ROCHA

Hernández Ortiz, 1994: 76 (redesc., distr., key); Prado & Papavero, 2002: 1 (cat.); 2009: 2 (cat.); Marques & Ale-
Rocha, 2004: 316 (rev.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Atlantico: La Villa del Rosario, 1male, 16.iii.2013 (CEUA).

Genus Ropalomera Wiedeman, 1824

Ropalomera Wiedemann, 1824: 17. Type species, Dictya clavipes Fabricius, 1805 (sub. des., Macquart, 1843: 359 [202]).
Refs.: Wiedemann, 1828: 570 (redesc.); Steyskal, 1967: 2 (cat.); Prado & Papavero, 2002: 1 (cat.); 2009: 3 (cat.); Kirst &
Ale-Rocha, 2012: 1 (rev.).
Rhopalomera Agassiz, 1846: 4 (59), emended (injustified).

femorata (Fabricius), 1805: 326 (Dictya). Type locality: Suriname [as “Sudamerica”]. HT M (ZMUC). Distr.:
Colombia (Antioquia, Atlántico, Bolivar, Caldas, Caquetá, Cauca, Huila, Magdalena, Santa Marta, Sucre), Mexico,
Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Venezuela, Brazil, Ecuador, Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentina). Refs.: Wiedemann,
1828: 571; Williston, 1895a: 184–185 (key) (Rhopalomera); Lindner, 1930a: 130 (redescr.); 1930b: 282
(Rhopalomera); Frey, 1959: 47 (key) (Rhopalomera); Prado, 1966: 215, 223, 225 (key, rev.) (Rhopalomera); 1967:
72; Steyskal, 1967: 2 (cat.); Baez, 1985: 78; Ibañes-Bernal et al., 1992: 91, 94–97 (key, redescr.); Ramírez-García
& Hernández-Ortiz, 1994: 65–66, 83 (redescription, key); Prado, & Papavero, 2002: 1 (cat.); 2009: 3 (cat.); Kirst &
Ale-Rocha, 2012: 8 (rev.).
xanthops Williston, 1895b: 213 (Rhopalomera); Ramírez-García & Hernández-Ortiz, 1994: 65 (lectotype
designation and synonymy of R. femorata).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Jericó, Parcelación Cauca, Viejo Litera Quebrada los Cruces,
Bosque intervenido, 614m, 2 females; 1–5.vii.2009, M. Wolff (CEUA); Cerca a Quebrada de Las Cruces, Litera
rocosa, 5°52ʹ21.59ʺN, 75°45ʹ 30.83ʺW, 614m, 2 females; 8.vii.2010 (CEUA 50171, 50172); 1 female, 5.vii.2009
(CEUA); Atlántico: Barranquilla, Uni-Atlantico, Campus Universitario, 11°01ʹ07.58ʺN, 74°52ʹ28.19ʺW, 48m,
7.vii.2010, C. Valverde & E. Perdomo, T. VSR (van someren trap) (CEUA); 6 males, 5.viii.2010 (CEUA); 3 males,
6.vii.2010 (CEUA); Bolívar: Cartagena, Corr. El Arenal, Finca E Peligro, 10°26ʹ56ʺN, 5°16ʹ20.53ʺW, 5males, 1
female, 19. viii.2010, C. Valverde (CEUA); Caldas: Norcasia, 05º33'09.8"N, 74º52'23.1'O, 1male, 10.ii.2010, DY.
Gaurisas & L. Rios (CEUA); 1 male, 20.ii.2010, (CEUA); Magdalena: Santa Marta Unimagdalena, Parche bosque
seco (dry forest), 11°13ʹ18.36ʺN, 74°11ʹ10.89ʺW, 20m, 2 males, 2010, C. Valverde y E. Perdomo, T. VSR
(van someren trap): Fruta (CEUA); 6 females, (CEUA); 2males, (CEUA); Santa Marta:
Colegio INEM, Granja Potrero, 11°13ʹ42.45ʺN, 74°10ʹ 13.17ʺW, 4 males, 27.viii.2010, C. Valverde & E. Perdomo,
T. VSR Fruta (van someren trap with decomposition fruit), (CEUA); 4 males, 7.viii.2010 (CEUA); Sucre: San
Onofre, Corregimiento Berrugas, Rva (Reserva) Sanguaré, 9°42ʹ21.6ʺN, 75°40ʹ45.6ʺW, 8m, 2 males, 7females,
29.x.2009, T. VRS Fruta (van someren trap with decomposition fruit), (CEUA); 2 males, 3 females, 30.x.2009; 3
males, 31.x.2009 (CEUA); Silvopastoril, 9°42ʹ21.6ʺN, 75°40ʹ45.6ʺW, 1 male (CEUA); Regeneracion, 1male, 2
females, 12.ii.2010, T. VRS Fruta (van someren trap with decomposition fruit), (CEUA); Regeneracion, 3 females,
14.ii.2010, T. VRS: Fruta (CEUA); Regeneracion, 2 males, 13.ii.2010, T. VRS Fruta (van someren trap with
decomposition fruit), (CEUA); San Onofre, Rva (Reserva) Sanguare, T. VSR Pez (van someren trap with
decomposition fish), Potrero, 2 males, 4 females 25–30.v.2009 (CEUA).

latiforceps Ramírez-García & Hernández-Ortiz, 1994: 69. Type locality: Mexico, Veracruz, Estación de Biología
“Los Tuxtlas”. HT M (IBUNAM). Distr.: Mexico, Panama, Costa Rica, Colombia (Antioquia). Refs.: Ibáñez-
Bernal & Hernández-Ortiz, 2012: 563 (distr.).

tibialis Walker, 1852: 375. Type locality: “Brazil”. HT M (NHM). Distr. Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia (Huila,
Caquetá). Refs.: Walker, 1857: 224; Williston, 1895a: 184 (key) (Rhopalomera); Prado, 1967: 72 (cit.); Steyskal,
1967: 3 (cat.); Prado & Papavero, 2002: 1 (cat.); 2009: 4 (cat.); Kirst & Ale-Rocha, 2012: 21 (rev.).
walkeri Prado, 1966: 215, 243, 245 (key, description) (Rhopalomera).
Materialexamined. COLOMBIA: Huila: PNN Cueva de Los Guacharos, Caquetá, PNN Chiribiqueterio,
Sararemano, Bosque Cerro, 2males, 2females, 2000, Malaise (CEUA).

CATALOGUE OF ROPALOMERIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 637
Genus Willistoniella Mik, 1895

Rhopalomyia Williston, 1895: 184 (preocc. name by Rübsaamen, 1892). Type species, Ropalomera pleuropunctata
Wiedemann, 1824, by mon.
Willistoniella Mik, 1895: 136 (nom. nov. for Rhopalomyia Williston). Type species, Ropalomera pleuropunctata Wiedemann,
1824, by automatic designation. Refs.: Williston, 1896: 280–281 (key); Lindner, 1930a: 125–129 (diagn., key, redescr.);
Steyskal, 1987: 85 (key); Prado & Papavero, 2002: 2 (cat.); 2009: 4 (cat.); Marques & Ale-Rocha, 2005: 210 (rev.).

pleuropunctata (Wiedemann), 1824: 18 (Ropalomera). Type locality: “Amer. Mer.”. HT F (NHMW). Distr.:
Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, Curaçao, Costa Rica, Panama, Trinidad, Colombia (Antioquia, Chocó,
Sucre), Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela, Surinam, Guyana, Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentina. Refs.: Wiedemann,
1828: 572 (redescr.); Giglio-Tos, 1894: 43 (Rhopalomera); Williston, 1895: 184–186 (Rhopalomyia); Mik, 1895:
136 (as type-species of the new name); Aldrich, 1905: 600 (Rhopalomera); 1932: 11 (distr.); Frey, 1921: 101–103
(redesc.) (Rhopalomera); Lindner, 1930a: 128–129 (redesc., distr.); 1930b:282 (cit.); Hendel, 1923: 203 (cit.,
distr.); 1933: 214 (cit., distr.); Fischer, 1932: 449 (description of the puparium); Steyskal, 1957: 71 (male
terminalia); 1987: 943 (male terminalia, error = W. ulyssesi Marques & Ale-Rocha); Hennig, 1958: 581–590; Frey,
1959: 47 (cit., distr.); Prado, 1963: 466–469 (redesc., error = W. ulyssesi Marques & Ale-Rocha); 1966: 247 (cit.,
distr.); 1967: 73 (cit.); Baez, 1985: 80 (cit., distr.); Ramírez-García & Hernández-Ortiz, 1994: 72–75, 83 (diagn.,
distr., key, error = W. ulyssesi Marques & Ale-Rocha); Prado & Papavero, 2002: 2 (cat.); 2009: 5 (cat.); Marques &
Ale-Rocha, 2005: 213 (rev.); Ibáñez-Bernal & Hernández-Ortiz, 2012: 565 (distr.).
vittifrons Rondani, 1848: 81 (Rhopalomera).
substituta Walker, 1858: 225 (Ropalomera).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Jericó, Parcelación Cauca, Viejo Litera Quebrada las Cruces,
Litera rocosa, 5° 52ʹ 21.59ʺN, 75° 45ʹ 30.83ʺW, 614m, 4 males, 8.vii.2010, M. Wolff & L. Rios, T.VSR Pez (van
someren trap with decomposition fish), (CEUA); 3 males, 5.vii.2009, Wolff, T. VSR Fruta (van someren trap with
decomposition fruit), (CEUA); Bosque Intervenido, 614m, 1 male, 1–5.vii.2009, VSR: Fruta (CEUA); Rio Claro,
Camino La Mulata, 1 male, 9.xi.2007, VSR: Banano (CEUA); Chocó: Niqui, Corr. Jobi a 50m playa, 3 females,
6.viii.2006, P. Duque & M. Wolff (CEUA); Sucre: San Onofre, Rva Sanguare, Potrero, 2 males, 25–30.v.2009, T.
VSR Pez (van someren trap with decomposition fish), (CEUA); San Onofre, 9º42'21.6"N, 75º40'45.6"W, 2 males,
13.ii.2010 (CEUA).

spatulata Marques & Ale-Rocha, 2005: 210. Type locality: Brazil, Amazonas, Beruri. HT M (INPA). Distr.:
Honduras, Panamá, Venezuela, Colômbia (Boyacá, Meta), Equador, Brazil. Refs.: Henriques et al., 2007: 60
(distr.); Prado & Papavero, 2009: 4 (cat.).

ulyssesi Marques & Ale-Rocha, 2005: 221. Type locality: Brazil, Amazonas, Manaus, R[eserva Adolpho] Ducke.
HT M (INPA). Distr.: Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama, Trinidad, Colombia (Antioquia,
Cauca, Chocó, Meta, Sucre),Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, Brazil. Refs.: Henriques et al., 2007: 60
(distr.); Prado & Papavero, 2009: 4 (cat.).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: San Luis, Rio Claro, Rva (Reserva) Natural Cañon del Rio
Claro, Bosque Ripario, 05°54ʹ2.98ʺN, 74 51 25.04ʺO, 350m, 6 males, 1 female, 1.xi.2009, I. Ceballos, T.VSR Pez
(van someren trap with decomposition fish), (CEUA); La Pintada, Hda (Hacienda) Montenegro-Comfenalco,
Bosque, 05°43ʹ 24ʺN, 75°37ʹ15ʺW, 850 m, 2 males, 15.iii.2007 (CEUA); Hotel-Comfenalco (La Pintada),
05°43ʹ24ʺN, 75°37ʹ15ʺW, 770m, 2 males, vi.2007, Al. L. Montoya (CEUA); Jericó, Parcelación Cauca Viejo, 2
males,1–5.vii.2005 (CEUA); Jericó, Parcelación Cauca Viejo cerca a quebrada Las Cruces, Litera rocosas,
05°52ʹ21.89ʺN, 75°45ʹ30.83ʺW, 614m, 2 females, 8.vii.2010, M. Wolff (CEUA); 2 females, vii.5.2009, T. VRS Pez
(van someren trap with decomposition fish), (CEUA); Choco: Nuqui, Jobi Playa, 50m, 3 females, 1 male,
6.viii.2006, M. Wolff & P. Duque, T. VSR Pez (van someren trap with decomposition fish ), (CEUA); Jobi,
Guacharito, Patio playa, 40m, 1 male, 1 female, 1–3.viii.2008, Wolff, T. VRS Fruta (van someren trap with
decomposition fruit), (CEUA); Sucre: San Onofre, Berrugas, Rva (Reserva). Sanguaré, 9°42ʹ21.6ʺN,
75°40ʹ45.6ʺW, 8m, 1 female, 30.x.2009, T. VRS Pez (van someren trap with decomposition fish), (CEUA); 1 male,
25–30.v.2009, TVRS Fruta (van someren trap with decomposition fruit), (CEUA); Regeneración, 2 male, 1 female,
12–13.ii.2010 (CEUA).

638 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press ALE-ROCHA

Unrecognized species registered to Colombia

flaviceps Macquart, 1846: 226, pl. 18, fig. 6 (Ropalomera). Type locality: “Nouvelle Grenade” [=Colombia]. HT
M (?). Refs.: Prado, 1966: 246 (may belong in Apophorhynchus); Prado & Papavero, 2009: 13 (cat.).

varipes Walker, 1862: 375 (Ropalomera). Type locality: “Colombia”. HT (NHM?). Distr.: Colombia. Refs.:
Williston, 1895a: 184 (key); Prado, 1966: 246 (treated it as unrecognizable from description); 1967: 71 (synonymy
with R. femorata); Steyskal, 1967: 4 (could not locate the type at the Natural History Museum); Prado & Papavero,
2009: 13 (cat.).


I sincerely thank Marta Wolff (Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia) for loaning the material examined. We also
thank Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) and Fundação de Amparo à
Pesquisa do Estado do Amazonas (FAPEAM) for the support to this work through the project “Incremento do
conhecimento da diversidade, formação e fixação de especialistas em Sistemática de Diptera (Insecta) na
Amazônia” and Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) by the project
“Sistemática morfológica de Hybotidae (Diptera, Empidoidea) com ênfase nas espécies neotropicais de
Ocydromiinae e Hybotinae”.

TABLE 1. Ropalomeridae species recorded from Colombia.

Genus Species Author

Apophorhynchus amazonensis Prado, 1966
Kroeberia fuliginosa Lindner, 1930
Ropalomera femorata (Fabricius, 1805)
latiforceps Ramírez-García & Hernández-Ortiz 1994
tibialis Walker, 1852
Willistoniella pleuropunctata (Wiedemann, 1824)
spatulata Marques & Ale-Rocha, 2005
ulyssesi Marques & Ale-Rocha 2005
Unrecognized species flaviceps Macquart, 1846
varipes Walker, 1862


Agassiz, L. (1846) Nomenclatoris zoologici index universalis, continens nomina systematica classium, ordinum, familiarum et
generum animalium omnium, tam viventium quam fossilium, secundum ordinem alphabeticum unicum disposita, adjectis
homonymiis plantarum, nec non variis adnotationibus et emendationibus. Fasicle 12 (Indicem Universalem). Jent et
Gassman, Soloduri, 393 pp.
Aldrich, J.M. (1905) A Catalogue of North American Diptera. Smithsonian Institution Miscellaneous Collections, 46, 1–680.
Aldrich, J.M. (1932) New Diptera, or two-winged flies from America, Asia, and Java, with additional notes. Proceedings of the
United States National Museum, 81, 1–28.
Baez, M. (1985) Los Ropaloméridos de Venezuela (Diptera: Ropalomeridae). Boletín de Entomologia Venezolana, 4 (10),
Fabricius, J.C. (1805) Systema Antliatorum secundum ordines, genera, species. C. Reichard, Brunsvigae (=Brunswick), 373 pp.
Fischer, C.R. (1932) Um gênero e duas espécies novas de Rhopalomeridae do Brasil, e o pupário de Willistoniella
pleuropunctata Wied. (Dipt.). Revista de Entomologia, 2 (4), 441–450.
Frey, R. (1921) Studien über den Bau des Mundes der niederen Diptera Schizophora nebst Bemerkungen über die Systematik
dieser Dipteren-gruppe. Acta Societatis Fauna Flora Fennica, 48, 1–247.

CATALOGUE OF ROPALOMERIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 639
Frey, R. (1959) Üeber südamerikanische Rhopalomeriden (Diptera). Notulae Entomologicae, 39, 47–48.
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Hendel, F. (1933) Von Dr. Zürcher in den Jahren 1913-1918 in Paraguay gesammelte acalyptrate Dipteren. Revista de
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Hennig, W. (1958) Die Familien der Diptera Schizophora und ihre phylogenetischen Verwandtschftsbeziehungen. Beiträge zur
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Ibañez-Bernal, S., Canul-González, O. & Camal-Mex, J. (1992) Ropalomeridae (Diptera) de la Reserva de la Biosfera de Sian
Ka’an, Quintana Roo, México. Folia Entomológica Mexicana, 84, 85–103.
Ibáñez-Bernal, S. & Hernández-Ortiz, V. (2012) The new genus Acrocephalomyia, and a new species of Ropalomera from
Costa Rica, with some notes of Mesoamerican Ropalomeridae (Diptera). Zootaxa, 3478, 553–569.
Kirst, F. D. & Ale-Rocha, R. (2012) Taxonomic revision of the Amazonian species of Ropalomera Wiedemann, 1824 (Diptera:
Ropalomeridae). Zootaxa, 3151, 1–27.
Lindner, E. (1930a) Revision der amerikanischen Dipteren-Familie der Rhopalomeridae. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrif,
2, 122–137.
Lindner, E. (1930b) Die Ausbeute der Chaco-Expedition 1925/26 -Diptera. Konowia, 9, 281–284.
Lopes, H. de S. (1932) Sobre a Rhopalomera stictica Wied, 1828 (Diptera–Rhopalomeridae). Anais Academia Brasileira de
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Macquart, J. (1843) Diptères exotiques nouveaux ou peu connus. Tome deuxieme. 3ém partie. Mémoirs de la Société Royale des
Sciences, de l’Agricul-ture et des Arts, de Lille, 1843, 162–460.
Macquart, J. (1846) Dipteres exotiques nouveaux ou peu connus (I er) Supplpement. Memoire de la Socétè Royal des Sciences
d’ Agriculture, Arts Lille, 1844, 133–364. (1845)
Marques, A.P. & Ale-Rocha, R. (2004) Revisão do gênero Kroeberia Lindner (Diptera, Ropalomeridae) da Região Neotropical.
Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, 48, 315–322.
Marques, A.P. & Ale-Rocha, R. (2005) Revisão do gênero Willistoniella Mik, 1895 (Diptera, Ropalomeridae) da Região
Neotropical. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, 49, 210–227.
Marques-Costa, A.P. & Ale-Rocha, R. (2005) Revisão do gênero neotropical Apophorhynchus Williston (Diptera,
Ropalomeridae). Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, 49, 512–521.
Malloch, J.R. (1941) Florida Diptera. Family Rhopalomeridae. Florida Entomologist, 24, 49–51.
McAlpine, J.F. (1989) Phylogeny and Classification of the Muscomorpha. In: McAlpine, J.F., Peterson, B.V., Shewell, G.E.,
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Zoologischer Theil. Vol. 2. Abt. 1. (Sect.) B. K. Gerold’s Son, Wien, pp. 1–388.
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CATALOGUE OF ROPALOMERIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 641
Zootaxa 4122 (1): 642–647 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
Copyright © 2016 Magnolia Press
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)



Departamento de Zoologia, Setor de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Cx. P. 19020, CEP 80.531-980, Curitiba,
Paraná, Brasil. E-mail:
Research Collaborator, Smithsonian Institution, 7835 Tufton Street, Fishers, Indiana 46038, U.S.A.
*Corresponding author:


The Sciomyzidae are a family of acalyptrate flies of worldwide distribution, with 543 extant species and 14 described sub-
species in 63 genera. Although 274 species in 37 genera are found in the Western Hemisphere, the sciomyzid fauna of
Central and South America remains relatively unknown, comprising 103 species in 25 genera, with only seven species in
five genera having been recorded from Colombia: Dictya bergi Valley, Perilimnia albifacies Becker, Pherbellia guttata
(Coquillett), Sepedomerus bipuncticeps (Malloch), S. macropus (Walker), Sepedonea guianica (Steyskal), and S. isthmi

Key words: Acalyptratae, catalog, catalogue, Colombia, distribution, Neotropical, Neotropics, snail-killing flies, taxonomy


The Sciomyzidae are a family of acalyptrate flies of worldwide distribution, with 543 extant species (Murphy
2014) and 14 described subspecies in 63 genera and 13 fossil species in five genera (Vala et al. 2012, 2013).
Traditionally the family has been considered to comprise two subfamilies, Salticellinae and Sciomyzinae
(Marinoni & Mathis 2000, Barker et al. 2004). More recently, DNA analyses by Tóthová et al. (2012) showed it to
comprise three subfamilies: Phaeomyiinae, Salticellinae, and Sciomyzinae.
Sciomyzidae is one of the best known families of Diptera. The species are considered to be “true
malacophages” and are classified into 15 different behavioral groups (Knutson & Vala 2011). The biology of 241
species in 41 genera is known, with only three species not being associated with molluscs (Vala et al. 2013).
Sciomyzids that prey on non-operculate aquatic snails hold promise to control species of gastropods that act as
intermediate hosts of diseases such as fascioliasis and schistosomiasis (Berg & Knutson 1978, Barker et al. 2004).
Although 274 species in 37 genera are found in the Western Hemisphere (Murphy 2014), the sciomyzid fauna
of Central and South America remains relatively unknown, comprising 103 species in 25 genera, with only seven
species in five genera having been recorded from Colombia (Table 1). This low number results from lack of
information about specimens in collections and lack of collecting in Colombia. Many species known from adjacent
countries (Panama, Venezuela, and Ecuador) likely occur in Colombia but have yet to be collected.

Acronyms used for the depositories

BMNH—Natural History Museum, London, UK

CU—Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA
MNHNP—Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris, France
USNM—U.S. National Museum of Natural History, Washington, DC, USA

642 Accepted by S. Nihei: 26 May 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016

List of abbreviations

biol. control—biological control
imm. stages—immature stages
key imm.—key to immature stages
nom. nud.—nomen nudum
orig. des.—original designation
F (f#)—Female
M (m#)—Male

The references (“Refs.”) for each taxon include only the most important publications, i.e. those providing revisions,
identification keys, detailed descriptions, type notes, catalogues, etc.

Catalogue of Sciomyzidae of Colombia

“Sciomyzides” Fallén, 1820

Family “Sciomyzidae” Macquart, 1846

Subfamily Sciomyzinae Schiner, 1862

Tribe Sciomyzini Cresson, 1920

Genus Pherbellia Robineau-Desvoidy

Pherbellia Robineau-Desvoidy 1830: 695. Type species, Pherbellia vernalis Robineau-Desvoidy 1830: 696 (mon.)—Musca
punctata Fabricius 1794: 347 (preocc. Poda 1761: 116—Sciomyza schoenherri Fallén 1826: 13). Refs.: Knutson et al.
1976: 4 (cat.); Marinoni & Mathis 2000: 163-191 (cladistic analysis of the family), figs. 11, 76, 169, 220, 221 (antenna,
male terminalia); Barker et al. 2004; Knutson & Vala 2011; Vala et al. 2013.
Melina Robineau-Desvoidy 1830: 695 (preocc. Retzius 1788: 22). Type species Melina riparia Robineau-Desvoidy 1830: 695
(mon.)—Sciomyza dubia Fallén.
Chetocera Robineau-Desvoidy 1830: 697 (Coquillett 1910: 567)
Graphomyzina Macquart 1835: 558. Type species elegans Macquart 1835: 559 (orig. des.)—Sciomyza limbata Meigen 1830:
Notopherbellia Malloch 1933: 311. Type species chiloensis Malloch 1933: 311 (mon.).
Sciomyza of authors, not Fallén 1820.

guttata (Coquillett) 1901: 615 (Sciomyza) [Cresson 1920: 48 (as Melina, subgenus Graphomyzina) Steyskal 1965:
686 (Pherbellia), but not stated as new combination]. Type locality: U.S.A., Texas. F (USNM). Distr.: U.S.A.
(Texas: Austin, Cameron Co.); Mexico (Chiapas, Distrito Federal Tamaulipas); Bahamas; Jamaica (St. Ann);
Colombia (Valle del Cauca [Palmira]); Peru (Loreto: San Antonio). Refs.: Knutson et al., 1976: 4 (cat.); Vala et al.,
2013: 85.

CATALOGUE OF SCIOMYZIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 643
Tribe Tetanocerini Steyskal, 1965

Genus Dictya Meigen

Dictya Meigen, 1803: 277. Type species, Musca umbrarum Linnaeus, 1758: 599 (by designation of Cresson, 1920: 70)
(Traditional usage pending submission of proposal to I.C.Z.N. for fixation of type species). Refs.: Becker, 1919: 189;
Knutson et al., 1976: 6 (cat.); Marinoni & Mathis, 2000: 163-191 (cladistic analysis of the family), figs. 20, 84, 174, 239-
241 (antenna, male terminalia); Barker et al., 2004; Knutson & Vala, 2011; Vala et al., 2013.
Monochaetophora Hendel 1900: 355. Type species, Musca umbrarum Linnaeus, 1758: 599 (mon.).

bergi Valley, 1977 in Valley & Berg, 1977: 3. Type locality: Costa Rica: San José Prov., San
Antonio–Desamparados. M F (CU). Distr.: Costa Rica (Cartago, San José,); Colombia (Valle del Cauca). Refs.:
Knutson et al., 1976: 6 (cat.); Vala et al., 2013: 97.

Genus Perilimnia Becker

Perilimnia Becker. 1919: 189. Type species, albifacies Becker. 1919: 189 (mon.). Refs.: Knutson et al., 1976: 8 (cat.);
Marinoni & Mathis, 2000: 163-191 (cladistic analysis of the family), figs. 18, 82, 129, 172, 233-235 (antenna, male
terminalia); Barker et al., 2004; Knutson & Vala, 2011; Vala et al., 2013.
Notosciomyza Malloch, 1933: 313. Type species, dubia Malloch (orig. des.)—albifacies Becker, 1919: 189.

albifacies Becker, 1919: 189. Type locality: Ecuador, Cuencas. M F (MNHNP). Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca,
Nariño, Putumayo); Ecuador (Azuay, Cotopaxi, El Oro, Napo, Pichincha); Peru (Cusco, Lima); Bolivia (La Paz);
Brazil (Rio Grande do Sul); Uruguay (Montevideo); Argentina (Tucumán, Jujuy, Corrientes, Cordoba, Mendoza,
Buenos Aires, Rio Negro, Chubut, Santa Cruz, La Rioja); Chile (Valparaiso, Malleco, Atacama, Coquimbo,
Aconcagua, Santiago, Maule, Concepción, Osorno, Llanquihu, Aysén, Magallanes). Refs.: Steyskal, 1953: 75;
1963: 123; Boyes et al., 1969: 338 (kar.); Kaczynski et al.,, 1969: figs. 1, 2, 6, 11–19, 29–34, 41–48 (male
genitalia, biol., imm. stages, distr.); Knutson et al., 1976: 8 (cat.); Vala et al., 2013: 110.

Genus Sepedomerus Steyskal

Sepedomerus Steyskal, 1973: 144. Type species, Sepedon macropus Walker, 1849 (orig. des.). Refs.: Knutson et al., 1976: 9
(cat.); Marinoni & Mathis, 2000: 163-191 (cladistic analysis of the family), figs. 50, 113, 159, 202, 320-321 (antenna, male
terminalia); Barker et al., 2004; Knutson & Vala, 2011; Vala et al., 2013.

bipuncticeps (Malloch), 1933: 299, fig. 55a (Sepedon). Type locality: Argentina, Buenos Aires, La Plata City. F
(BMNH). Distr.: Panama (Panama); Colombia (Valle del Cauca (El Morgan, Cali)); Brazil (Acre, Goiás, Minas
Gerais, Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul); Paraguay (Villarrica, Guaira); Uruguay (Montevideo, Colón); Argentina
(Distrito Federal, Chaco, Buenos Aires, La Plata, Catamarca). Refs.: Knutson et al., 1976: 9 (cat.); Vala et al.,
2013; 113.

macropus (Walker), 1849: 1078, fig. 556 (Sepedon). Type locality: Jamaica. M (BMNH). Distr.: U.S.A. (Texas);
Cuba; Jamaica; Puerto Rico; Tobago; Trinidad; Mexico; Guatemala; Honduras; Nicaragua; Costa Rica; Panama;
Colombia; Ecuador; Peru. Refs.: Malloch, 1914: 323 (syn.); Malloch, 1933: 300, fig. 55b (Sepedon); Steyskal,
1951: 276, pl. 5, fig. 24 (male hind femur and tibia); Chock et al., 1961 (biol. control); Neff & Berg, 1966 (biol.,
imm. stages, distr.); Boyes et al., 1969: 344 (kar.); Knutson et al., 1976: 10 (cat.); Vala et al., 2013: 113.

Genus Sepedonea Steyskal

Sepedonea Steyskal, 1973: 145. Type species, Sepedon lindneri Hendel, 1932: 99 (orig. des.); Refs.: Knutson et al., 1976: 10
(cat.); Marinoni & Mathis, 2000: 163-191 (cladistic analysis of the family), figs. 51, 114, 160, 203, 322-324 (antenna, male

644 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press MARINONI & MURPHY
terminalia); Barker et al., 2004; Marinoni & Mathis, 2006 (cladistic analysis of the species in the genus); Knutson & Vala,
2011; Vala et al., 2013.

guianica (Steyskal), 1951: 295, pl. 4, fig. 18 (Sepedon). Type locality: “Guyane” [French Guiana], Maroni,
Comoro Is. [=Comoro Is., Maroni R.]. M (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca); Venezuela (Cojedes);
French Guiana (Maroni R.); Surinam (Paramaribo); Brazil (Distrito Federal, Espirito Santo, Goiás, Minas Gerais,
Paraíba, Paraná, São Paulo); Argentina (Tucumán). Refs.: Steyskal 1973:145 (list); Knutson et al. 1976: 11 (cat.);
Knutson & Valley 1978: 198 (review); Freidberg et al. 1991: 10 (key adult), 11 (key imm.), 16 (redesc.); figs 7, 40-
45, 97, 110, 113, 116, 126, 135, 138, 141; Marinoni & Mathis 2006: figs. 16, 29, 40; Vala et al. 2013: 121.

isthmi (Steyskal) 1951: 291, pl. 4, fig. 20 (Sepedon). Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Corozal. M (USNM).
Distr.: Panama (Canal Zone, Corozal, Juan Mina); Trinidad (Caroni River, Port-of-Spain); Venezuela (Aragua,
Cojedes, Carabobo); Colombia (Valle); Bolivia (Rurrenabaque); Brazil (Amazonas, Goiás, São Paulo). Refs.:
Steyskal, 1973: 145 (list); Knutson et al., 1976: 11 (cat.); Knutson & Valley, 1978: 197 (biol. and imm. stages);
Freidberg et al., 1991: 9 (key adult), 11 (key imm.), 21 (redesc.), figs. 6, 9, 14-16, 52-57; Marinoni & Mathis, 2006:
figs. 18, 31, 40.
vau Mello & Bredt 1978a: 212 [nom. nud.] [Freidberg et al. 1991: 16 as Mello & Bredt 1978(b): 1459].

TABLE 1. Sciomyzidae species recorded from Colombia.

Subfamily Tribe Genus Species Author

Sciomyzinae Sciomyzinae Pherbellia guttata (Coquillett, 1901)
Tetanocerini Dictya bergi Valley, 1977
Perilimnia albifacies Becker, 1919
Sepedomerus bipuncticeps (Malloch, 1933)
macropus (Walker, 1849)
Sepedonea guianica (Steyskal, 1951)
isthmi (Steyskal, 1951)


Barker, G.M., Knutson, L., Vala, J.-C., Coupland, J.B. & Barnes, J.K. (2014) Overview of the biology of marsh flies (Diptera:
Sciomyzidae), with special reference to predators and parasitoids of terrestrial gastropods. In: Barker, G.M. (Ed.), Natural
Enemies of Terrestrial Molluscs. CABI Publishing, Wallingford, pp. 159–255.
Becker, T. (1919) Diptèrés. Brachycères. In: Ministère de l’Instruction Publique, Mission du Service geographique de l’Armée
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Sciences, 1899–1906. Vol. 10. Fasc. 2. Gauthier-Villard, Paris, pp. 163–215, pls. 14–17.
Berg, C.O. & Knutson, L. (1978) Biology and systematics of the Sciomyzidae. Annual Review of Entomology, 23, 239–258.
Boyes, J.W., Knutson, L.V., Jan, K.Y. & Berg, C.O. (1969) Cytotaxonomic studies of Sciomyzidae (Diptera: Acalyptratae).
Transactions of the American Microscopical Society, 88 (3), 331–356.
Chock, Q.C., Davis, C.J. & Chong, M. (1961) Sepedon macropus (Diptera: Sciomyzidae) introduced into Hawaii as a control
for the liver fluke snail, Lymnaea ollula. Journal of Economic Entomology, 54 (1), 1–4.
Coquillett, D.W. (1901) New Diptera in the U.S. National Museum. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 23,
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Cresson, E.T. Jr. (1920) A revision of the Nearctic Sciomyzidae (Diptera, Acalyptratae). Transactions of the American
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Fabricius, J.C. (1794) Entomologia systematica emendata et aucta. Secundum. Classes, ordines, genera, species adjectis

CATALOGUE OF SCIOMYZIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 645
synonimis, locis, observationibus, descriptionibus. Vol. 4. Proft. et. Torch., Hafniae, [6] + 472 + [5] pp.
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Freidberg, A., Knutson, L. & Abercrombie, J. (1991) A revision of Sepedonea, a neotropical genus of snail-killing flies
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Hendel, F. (1900) Untersuchungen über die europäischen Arten der Gattung Tetanocera im Sinne Schiner’s. Eine
dipterologische Studie. Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien, 50, 319–358.
Hendel, F. (1932) Die Ausbeute der deutschen Chaco-Expedition 1925/26. – Diptera. (Fortsetzung). XXX–XXXVI.
Sciomyzidae, Lauxaniidae, Tanypezidae, Lonchaeidae, Tylidae, Drosophilidae, Milichiidae. Konowia, 11 (1 & 2), 98–114
& 115–145.
Kaczynski, V.W., Zuska, J. & Berg, C.O. (1969) Taxonomy, immature stages, and bionomics of the South American genera
Perilimnia and Shannonia (Diptera: Sciomyzidae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 62 (3), 572–592.
Knutson, L., Steyskal, G.C., Zuska, J. & Abercrombie, J. (1976) 64. Family Sciomyzidae. In: Papavero, N. (Ed.), A Catalogue
of the Diptera of the Americas South of the United States. Museu de Zoologia, Univ. São Paulo, Brazil, 24 pp.
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Mello, D.A. & Bredt, A. (1978b) Estudos populacionais de cinco espécies de Sciomyzidae (Diptera-Insecta) no norte de
Formosa, Goiás. Ciência e Cultura, 30 (12), 1459–1464.
Murphy, W.L. (2014) Dictya behrmani, a new species of snail-killing fly (Diptera: Sciomyzidae) from Indiana. Proceedings of
the Entomological Society of Washington, 11 (1), 91–97.
Neff, S.E. & Berg, C.O. (1966) Biology and immature stages of malacophagous Diptera of the genus Sepedon (Sciomyzidae).
Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin, 566, 1–113.
Poda, N. (1761) Insecta Musei Graecensis, quae in Ordines, Genera et Species Juxta Systema Naturae Caroli Linnae Digessit.
Typus Haeredum Widmanstadii, Graecii, [viii] + 127 pp., 2 pls. [Facsimile-Edition. Ed. W. Junk. No. 19, W. Junk, Berlin,
Retzius, A.J. (1788) Dissertatio historico-naturalis sisters nova Testaceorum genera. quam...praeside...A. J. Retsio...defert L.
M. Philipsson, etc. Lundae, iv + 23 pp.
Robineau-Desvoidy, J.B. (1830) Essai sur les Myodaires. [Cl. des] Sci. Math. et Phys., Mém. présentés par divers Savants.
Académie Royal des Sciences de l’Institut de France, Series 2, 2, 1–813. [Paris]
Schiner, I.R. (1862) Vorläufiger Commentar zum dipterologischen Theile der “Fauna Austriaca”, mit einer näheren
Begründung der in derselben aufgenommenen neuen Dipteren-Gattungen. IV. Wiener Entomologische Monatsschrift, 6,
Steyskal, G.C. (1951a [1950]) The genus Sepedon Latreille in the Americas (Diptera: Sciomyzidae). Wasmann Journal of
Biology, 8 (3), 271–297.
Steyskal, G.C. (1953) Notes on a collection of Argentine Sciomyzidae. Acta Zoologica Lilloana, 13, 73–75.
Steyskal, G.C. (1965) The subfamilies of Sciomyzidae of the world (Diptera: Acalyptratae). Annals of the Entomological
Society of America, 58 (4), 593–594.
Steyskal, G.C. (1973) A new classification of the Sepedon group of the family Sciomyzidae (Diptera) with two new genera.
Entomological News, 84 (5), 143–146.

646 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press MARINONI & MURPHY
Tóthová, A., Rozkosny, R., Knutson, L., Kutty, S.N., Wiegmann, B.M. & Meier, R. (2013) A phylogenetic analysis of
Sciomyzidae (Diptera) and some related genera. Cladistics, 29 (4), 404–415.
Vala, J.-C., Murphy, W.L., Knutson, L. & Rozkošný, R. (2012) A cornucopia for Sciomyzidae (Diptera). Studia dipterologica,
19 (1–2), 67–137.
Vala, J.-C., Murphy, W.L., Knutson, L. & Rozkošný, R. (2013) Corrigenda for the publication “A cornucopia for Sciomyzidae
(Diptera).” Studia dipterologica, 20 (2), 183–188.
Valley, K.R. & Berg, C.O. (1977) Biology and immature stages of snail-killing Diptera of the genus Dictya (Sciomyzidae).
Search Agriculture Entomology 18 (Ithaca), 7 (2), 1–44.
Walker, F. (1849) List of the Specimens of Dipterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum, Part 4. British Museum,
London, pp. 689–1172.

CATALOGUE OF SCIOMYZIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 647
Zootaxa 4122 (1): 648–652 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
Copyright © 2016 Magnolia Press
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)



UNESP - Univ Estadual Paulista, Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias, Departamento de Morfologia e Fisiologia Animal;
Via de Acesso Prof. Paulo Donato Castellane, s/n; 14.806-900 Jaboticabal, SP, Brazil. E-mail:


An updated Catalogue of the Sepsidae of Colombia is presented. This small acalyptratae family is poorly known in Co-
lombia, with only ten reported species in four genera.

Key words: catalogue, Colombia, Diptera, distribution, Neotropical region


The Sepsidae are a small family of the acalyptrate Diptera. Most members have an antlike appearance, caused by a
basal constriction on the abdomen; they are small or medium in size (body length 2–7 mm), with wing hyaline, but
sometimes with a dark spot near tip. The larvae are closely associated with various decaying organic materials, but
most frequently on mammalian feces.
The family is well represented in all biogeographic regions, with 318 valid species included in 37 valid genera
(Ozerov 2005). Steyskal (1968) published the first catalogue of the Neotropical Sepsidae, surpassed by the World
Catalogue by Ozerov (2005). A small paper about the family is available online in Spanish (Silva 1997) and the
“Manual of Central American Diptera” chapter on the Sepsidae (Silva 2010) has a key to all genera known to occur
in the Neotropics and a synopsis of the fauna of Central America. The Neotropical region presently includes 45
described valid species in 10 genera (Silva, submitted). In Colombia, only ten species in four genera are reported.
Probably due to their habit, the species found in Colombia have a wide distributional range. Only a
phylogeographic study will reveal if this is true or just an error caused by our fault in the recognition of the
individuals at the species level in this morphological and ecological uniform fly family.
All genus- and species-group names are listed alphabetically. Valid names are in bold type at the first mention.
Synonyms when mentioned subsequently are italicized. Each published name including synonyms is given in a
chronological sequence according to the scheme: the name of the species, author(s), year of description, page,
genus in the original description (if different from the valid one), type-locality (or localities in the case of syntypes;
updated name into brackets), information about the primary types and their deposition (and, if a lectotype, a
reference to the author and date of the designation), known geographic distribution. At the end we present a table
with all species found in Colombia, including rank and author (Table 1).

Acronyms used for the depositories

AMNH—American Museum of Natural History, New York, USA

MCZ—Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, USA
MNHN—Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France
MZUSP—Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
NHM—The Natural History Museum, London, U.K.
NMW—Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna, Austria

648 Accepted by S. Nihei: 10 Apr. 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016

NRM—Naturhistoriska Riksmuseum, Stockholm, Sweden
OUM—Oxford University Museum of Natural History, Oxford, U.K.
USNM—National Museum of Natural History, Washington, USA
ZMB—Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universität, Berlin, Germany

List of abbreviations

distr.—geographic distribution
orig. des.—by original designation
F (f#)—Female
M (m#)—Male

Catalogue of Sepsidae of Colombia

Family Sepsidae Walker, 1833

Genus Archisepsis Silva

Archisepsis Silva, 1993: 128. Type species, Sepsis armata Schiner, 1868 (orig. des.).
Phalacrosepsis Ozerov, 1994: 77. Type species, Sepsis armata Schiner, 1868 (orig. des.).

armata (Schiner, 1868: 261; Sepsis). Type locality: "aus Brasilien" [Brazil]. HT M (NMW). Distr.: Mexico, Cuba,
Jamaica, Haiti, Dominican Republic, USA (Puerto Rico), Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica,
Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentina, Uruguay. Refs.:
Duda, 1926b (syn.); Silva, 1993 (rev.); Ozerov, 1994 (rev.); Zhao et al., 2013 (phy.).
hoplicnema (Melander & Spuler, 1917: 17; Sepsis). Type locality: Haiti. HT M (USNM).

discolor (Bigot, 1857: 346; Sepsis). Type locality: Cuba. HT F (MNHN). Distr.: Mexico, Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti,
Dominican Republic, USA (Puerto Rico), Dominica, Grenada, Guatemala, El Salvador, Belize, Honduras,
Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, Bolivia,
Paraguay, Argentina; Palaearctic region [introduction]. Refs.: Ozerov, 1994 (rev.); Ozerov, 2005 (cat.); Zhao et al.,
2013 (phy.).
scabra (Loew, 1861: 42; Sepsis). Type locality: Cuba. HT F (MCZ). Distr.: Mexico to Paraguay and Argentina.
Refs.: Silva, 1993 (rev.); Su et al., 2008 (phy.).
haemorrhoidalis (Schiner, 1868: 261; Sepsis). Type locality: "aus Brasilien" [Brazil]. HT M (NMW). Distr.:
Brazil. Refs.: Steyskal, 1968 (syn.).
albicoxa (Thomson, 1869: 588; Sepsis). Type locality: “Brazil“. LT M (NRM). Distr.: Brazil. Refs.: Ozerov,
1992b (LT des.); Ozerov, 1994 (syn.).
fuscus (Bigot, 1886: 387; ?Enicopus). Type locality: “Mexico“. HT F (OUM]. Distr.: Mexico. Refs.: Ozerov,
1999 (syn.).

CATALOGUE OF SEPSIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 649
mequignoni (Séguy, 1936: 17; Sepsis). Type locality: Azores Is, Sãn Miguel, Sete Cidades. HT M (MNHN).
Distr.: Azores. Refs.: Ozerov, 1993b (syn.).

ecalcarata (Thomson, 1869: 588; Sepsis). Type locality: "California" [USA]. LT F (NRM). Distr.: Mexico, Cuba,
Jamaica, Haiti, Dominican Republic, USA (Puerto Rico), Dominica, France (Martinique), Saint Lucia, Saint
Vincent and the Grenadines, Grenada, Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama,
Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentina; Nearctic region. Refs.:
Ozerov, 1992b (LT des.); Ozerov, 1994 (rev.); Zhao et al., 2013 (phy.).
cubensis (Bigot, 1886: 390; Nemopoda). Type locality: Cuba. LT M (OUM). Ref.: Ozerov, 1992b (LT des.);
Ozerov, 1994 (syn.).
xanthostoma (Bigot, 1886: 391; Nemopoda). Type locality: "Buenos Ayres" [Argentina, Buenos Aires]. LT F
(OUM). Distr.: Argentina. Refs.: Ozerov, 1992b: 86 (LT des.); Ozerov, 1994 (syn.).
insularis (Williston, 1896: 431; Sepsis). Type locality: St. Vincent [Saint Vincent and the Grenadines]. LT M
(NHM). Distr.: St. Vincent, Ecuador, Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentina. Refs.: Ozerov, 1993a (LT des.); Silva,
1993 (rev.); Ozerov, 1994 (syn.).
bilobata (Becker, 1920: 206; Sepsis). Type-locality: Ecuador, Cuenca, 2532 m. HT M (MNHN). Distr.:
Ecuador. Refs.: Ozerov, 1994 (syn.).

excavata (Duda, 1926b: 87; Sepsis). Substitute name for Sepsis incisa Becker. Distr.: Belize, Guatemala,
Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil. Refs.: Silva, 1993 (rev.); Su
et al., 2008 (phy.); Zhao et al., 2013 (phy.).
incisa (Becker, 1920: 206; Sepsis). Junior primary homonym, preocc. by Sepsis incisa Strobl, 1894. Type
locality: Ecuador Cuenca, 2532 m; LT F (MNHN). Refs.: Ozerov, 1992b: 86 (LT des.).

pusio (Schiner, 1868: 262; Sepsis). Type locality: “Venezuela”. LT M (NMW). Distr.: Mexico, Cuba, Jamaica,
Haiti, Dominican Republic, USA (Puerto Rico), Antigua and Barbuda, UK (Montserrat), Dominica, Saint Lucia,
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Grenada, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama,
Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentina, Uruguay; Nearctic region.
Refs.: Silva, 1993: 128 (rev.; LT des.); Ozerov, 1994 (rev.); Meier, 1995 (phy.); Su et al., 2008 (phy.); Zhao et al.,
2013 (phy.).

umbrifer (Schiner, 1868: 262; Sepsis). Type locality: “Venezuela”. LT M (NMW). Distr.: Colombia, Venezuela,
Ecuador, Peru, Argentina. Refs.: Ozerov, 1992b: 85 (LT des.); Silva, 1993 (syn. with A. scabra); Ozerov, 1994

Genus Lateosepsis Ozerov

Lateosepsis Ozerov, 2004: 410. Type species, Sepsis laticornis Duda, 1926 (orig. des.).

laticornis (Duda, 1926a: 45; 86–87, Pl. VIII, fig. 74; Sepsis). Type locality: Columbia [Colombia], Ujhelyi [sic],
Sierra S. Lorenzo. LT M (ZMB). Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena), Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay,
Argentina. Refs.: Ozerov, 1992b: 86 (LT des.); Ozerov, 1994 (rev.); Silva, 1993 (rev.); Ozerov, 1997: 481–482.
Comm.: The name Ujhelyi refered as the type locality by Duda is a Hungarian collector, József Ujhelyi, as
recorded by Szilády (1926, apud Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo 1946) and Sándor (2013).

Genus Microsepsis Silva

Microsepsis Silva, 1993: 138. Type species, Sepsis armillata Melander & Spuler, 1917 (orig. des.).
Ajdasepsis Ozerov, 1994: 56. Type species, Sepsis armillata Melander & Spuler, 1917 (orig. des.).

furcata (Melander & Spuler, 1917: 19; Sepsis). Type locality: Jamaica. LT M (USNM). Distr.: Mexico, Cuba,

650 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press SILVA

Jamaica, Dominican Republic, USA (Puerto Rico), Dominica, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Grenada,
Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana,
Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina; Nearctic region. Refs.: Ozerov, 1993a: 75 (LT des.); Silva,
1993 (rev.); Ozerov, 1994 (rev.); Su et al., 2008 (phy.) ; Zhao et al., 2013 (phy.).

mitis (Curran, 1927: 1; Sepsis). Type locality: Colombia, Vista Nieve, San Lorenzo Mts. HT M (AMNH). Distr.:
Mexico, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia
(Magdalena), Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Brazil, Argentina. Refs.: Silva, 1993 (rev.); Ozerov, 1994 (rev.); Meier,
1995 (phy.); Zhao et al., 2013 (phy.).
mystrion Silva, 1993: 143. Type locality: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Grajaú. HT M (MZUSP).
Distr.: Brazil. Refs.: Ozerov, 2005: 23 (syn.).

Genus Palaeosepsis Duda, 1926

Palaeosepsis Duda, 1926a: 43 [as a subg. of Sepsis]. Type species, Sepsis dentata Becker, 1919 (subsequent des. by Hendel,
1936: 62).

maculata (Duda, 1926a: 46 [as var. of dentata]; Sepsis). Type locality: "Brasilien" [Brazil]. LT M (ZMB). Distr.:
Colombia, Venezuela, Bolivia, Brazil. Refs.: Ozerov, 1992b: 86 (LT des.).

TABLE 1. Sepsidae species recorded from Colombia.

Subfamily Genus Species Author

Sepsinae Archisepsis armata (Schiner, 1868)
discolor (Bigot, 1857)
ecalcarata (Thomson, 1869)
excavata (Duda, 1926b)
pusio (Schiner, 1868)
umbrifer (Schiner, 1868)
Lateosepsis laticornis (Duda, 1926a)
Microsepsis furcata (Melander & Spuler, 1917)
mitis (Curran, 1927)
Palaeosepsis maculata (Duda, 1926a)


Becker, T. (1920) Diptères, Brachycéres. In: Mission du Service Géographique de l’Armée pour la mésure d’un Arc de
Méridien Equatorial en Amérique du Sud sous le contrôle scientifique de l’Académie des Sciences, 1899-1906. Vol. X.
Entomologie.–Botanie. Fascicule 2. –Opiliones. –Diptères–Myriapodes. Gauthiers-Villars, Paris, pp. 163–215. [1919]
Bequaert, J.C. & S. Renjifo-Salcedo (1946) The Tabanidae of Colombia (Diptera). Psyche, 53 (3–4), 52–88.
Bigot, J.M.F. (1857) Dipteros. In: Sagra, R. de la (Ed.), Historia fisica politica y natural de la Isla de Cuba. Secunde parte.
Historia natural. Tomo VII. A. Bertrand, Paris, pp. 328– 349, pl. 20. [1856]
Bigot, J.M.F. (1886) Diptères nouveaux ou peu connus. 29e partie (suite) XXXVII 2e. Essai d’une classification synoptique du
groupe des Tanypezidi (mihi) et description de genres et d’espèces inèdits. Annales de la Société Entomologique de
France, 6, 369–392.
Curran, C.H. (1927) Four new American Diptera. American Museum Novitates, 275, 1–4.
Duda, O. (1926a) Monographie der Sepsiden (Dipt.). I. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, 39, 1–153. [1925]
Duda, O. (1926b) Monographie der Sepsiden. (Dipt.). II. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, 40, 1–110.
Hendel, F. (1936) Ergebnisse einer zoologischen Sammelreise nach Brasilien, insbesondere in das Amazonasgebiet, ausgefürt
von Dr. H. Zerny. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, 47, 61–106.
Loew, H. (1861) Diptera aliquot in insula Cuba collecta. Wiener Entomologische Monatschrift, 5, 33–43.

CATALOGUE OF SEPSIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 651
Meier, R. (1995) Cladistic analysis of the Sepsidae (Cyclorrhapha: Diptera) based on a comparative scanning electron
microscopic study of larvae. Systematic Entomology, 20, 99–128.
Melander, A.L. & Spuler, A. (1917) The Dipterous families Sepsidae and Piophilidae. Bulletin State College of Washington
Agricultural Experiment Station, Pullman, Washington, 143, 1–103.
Ozerov, A.L. (1992a) K taksonomii dvukrylykh semeystva Sepsidae (Diptera) [On the taxonomy of flies of the family Sepsidae
(Diptera)]. Byulleten’ Moskovskogo obshchestva ispytateley prirody, Otd. Biol., 97 (4), 44– 47. [in Russian]
Ozerov, A.L. (1992b) New data on the neotropical sepsids (Diptera Sepsidae). Russian Entomological Journal, 1 (1), 81–86.
Ozerov, A.L. (1993a) The results of the examination of the syntypes of Sepsis insularis Williston,1896 and Sepsis furcata
Melander et Spuler, 1917 (Diptera Sepsidae). Russian Entomological Journal, 1 (2), 75. [1992]
Ozerov, A.L. (1993b) Four new synonyms in the family Sepsidae (Diptera). Revue d’Entomologie de l’URSS, 72 (1), 248–249.
Ozerov, A.L. (1994) A review of the sepsid flies of Palaeosepsini, trib.n. (Diptera Sepsidae). Russian Entomological Journal, 2
(5–6), 55–103. [1993]
Ozerov, A.L. (1997) Some types of Sepsidae in the Berlin and Eberswalde Museums (Diptera). Beiträge zur Entomologie, 47
(2), 477–487.
Ozerov, A.L. (1999) A review of the genus Themira Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830 (Diptera, Sepsidae) of the World, with a
revision of the North American species. Russian Entomological Journal, 7 (3-4), 169–208. [1998]
Ozerov, A.L. (2004) New genera and species of Sepsidae (Diptera). Russian Entomological Journal, 12 (4), 399–420. [2003]
Ozerov AL. (2005) World Catalogue of the family Sepsidae (Insecta: Diptera). Zoologicheskie issledovania, 8, 1–74.
Sándor, T. (2013) Magyarország fürkészlégy faunája (Diptera: Tachinidae). e-Acta Naturalia Pannonica, 5, Supplementum 1,
5–314. Available from: (accessed
27 February 2014)
Schiner, I.R. (1868) Diptera. In: Wüllerstorf-Urbair, B. von (Ed.), Reise der Österreichischen Fregatte Novara um die Erde in
den Jahren 1857, 1858, 1859, unter den Befehlen des Commodore B. von Wüllerstorf-Urbair. Zoologischer Theil. Zweiter
band. 1. Abtheilung. B. K. Gerond’s Sohn, Wien, pp. I–VI + 1–388.
Séguy, E. (1936) Voyage de MM. L. Chopard et A. Méquignon aux Açores (août-septembre 1930). X. Diptères. Annales de la
Société Entomologique de France, 105, 11–26.
Silva, V.C. (1993) Revisão da família Sepsidae na região Neotropical. III. Os gêneros Palaeosepsis Duda, 1926, Archisepsis
gen.n. e Microsepsis gen.n.; chave para os gêneros Neotropicais (Diptera, Schizophora). Iheringia, Série Zoologia, Porto
Alegre, 75, 117–170.
Silva, V.C. (1997) Sepsidae. In: Solís, A. (Ed.), Las famílias de insetos de Costa Rica. InBio. Available from: http:// (accessed 11 February 2014)
Silva, V.C. (2010) Chap. 77, Sepsidae (black scavengers flies). In: Brown, B., Wood, M. & Zumbado, M. (Eds.), Manual of
Central American Diptera. Vol. 2. National Research Council Press, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, pp. 1031–1039.
Silva, V.C. (2015) Manual of the Neotropical Sepsidae (Diptera: Schizophora). Neotropical Diptera. [submitted]
Steyskal, G.C. (1968) 63. Family Sepsidae. In: Papavero, N. (Ed.), A Catalogue of the Diptera of the American South of the
United States. Departamento de Zoologia, Secretaria da Agricultura, São Paulo, 6 pp.
Su, K.F.-Y, Kutty, S.N. & Meier, R. (2008) Morphology versus molecules: The phylogenetic relationships of Sepsidae (Diptera:
Cyclorrhapha) based on morphology and DNA sequence data from ten genes. Cladistics, 24, 902–916.
Szilády, Z. (1926) New and Old World horseflies. Biologica Hungarica, 1 (7), 1–30.
Thomson, C.G. (1869) 6. Diptera. Species nova descripsit. In: Kongliga Svenska fregatten Eugenies resa omkring Jordan under
befäl af C.A. Virgin, aren 1851-1853. Vetenskapliga iakttagelser pa H. Maj:t konung Oscar den förstes befallning utgifna
af K. Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademien. Vol. 2 (Zoologi), [section] 1, (Insecta). P.A. Norstedt & Söner, Stockholm, pp.
Walker, F. (1833) Observations on the British species of Sepsidae. The Entomological Magazine (London), 1, 244–256.
Williston, W. (1896) On the Diptera of St. Vincent (West Indies). The Transactions of the Entomological Society of London,
1896, 253–446, pls. 8–14.
Zhao, L., Annie, A.S.H., Amrita, S., Yi, S.K.F. & Meier, R. (2013) Does better taxon sampling help? A new phylogenetic
hypothesis for Sepsidae (Diptera: Cyclorrhapha) based on 50 new taxa and the same old mitochondrial and nuclear
markers. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 69, 153–169.

652 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press SILVA

Zootaxa 4122 (1): 653–658 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
Copyright © 2016 Magnolia Press
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)



Grupo de Entomologia, Instituto de Biologia, Universidad de Antioquia. Colombia.
Laboratório de Biodiversidade e Biogeografia de Diptera, Departmento de Zoologia, UFPR, Caixa postal 19020, Curitiba, PR., Bra-
zil, 81531-980.
* Corresponding author:


Here we catalogued 23 species in two genera of Clusiidae from Colombia. For each species the available geographical
information is presented.

Key words: catalogue, Colombia, Diptera, distribution


Clusiidae is a Brachycera “Acalyptratae” family with worldwide distribution. Adults measure between 3–6 mm
length; color yellow or dark brown and wing partially infuscate or hyaline; head round with three ocelli and ocellar
bristles present; vibrissa developed; antenna porrect, arista dorsoapical and pedicel with triangular extension on
margins; costal vein without breaks; and abdomen slender.
This catalog is based on the studies of Lonsdale & Marshall (2006a,b; 2007a,b; 2012). For Colombia, there are
registered two subfamilies, 23 species of Clusiidae in two genera (Table 1). The Colombian departments are
underlined and parenthetically notes specify localities. At the end, we provide a table that includes all species
known in the country (Table 1).

Acronyms used for the depositories

BMNH—The Natural History Museum, London, England.

CNC—Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids & Nematodes, Ottawa, Canada.
DEBU—University of Guelph Insect Collection, Guelph, Ontario, Canada.
HNHM—Zoological Department of the Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest, Hungary.
INBio—Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad, Santo Domingo de Heredia, Costa Rica.
QCAZ—Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador.
USNM—National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C. USA.

List of abbreviations

chang. comb.—changed combination

comb. nov.—new combination by
des.—designation by
distr.—geographic distribution

Accepted by S. Nihei: 26 May 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016 653

orig. des.—by original designation
F (f#)—Female
M (m#)—Male

Catalogue of Clusiidae of Colombia

Family Clusiidae Handel, 1916

Subfamily Clusiodinae Frey, 1960

Genus Craspedochaeta Czerny

Craspedochaeta Czerny, 1903: 108. Type species, Craspedochaeta transversa Czerny, 1903 (mon.). Ref.: Lonsdale &
Marshall, 2006b (rev.).
Czernyola Bezzi, 1907: 52. Type species, Czernyola transversa (Czerny, 1903) (chang. comb.).
Tonnoiria Malloch, 1929: 97. Type species, Tonnoiria palliseta Malloch, 1929. (orig. des.)
Chaetoczernyola Sóos, 1962: 135. Type species, Chaetoczernyola novaeguineae Soós, 1962. (orig. des.).

concinna species group

concinna (Williston), 1896: 387 (Heteroneura). Type locality: St. Vincent and the Grenadines. St Vincent
“Leeward side”. LT M (BMNH). Distr.: Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador,
Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Panama, Peru, St. Vincent, Trinidad, Venezuela, United
States. Ref.: Lonsdale & Marshall, 2006b: 52 (rev. and redesc.)
atra Kertész, 1903: 570.
atra, Melander & Argo, 1924: 25. (Czernyola).
minuta (Soós), 1962: 148 (Czernyola).
albohalteria (Soós), 1962: 145–146 (Czernyola).

transversa species group

pleuralis (Williston), 1896: 387 (Heteroneura) (comb. nov. Lonsdale & Marshall, 2006b: 44). Type locality: St. Vincent. HT M
(BMNH). Distr.: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador,
Grenada, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Puerto Rico, St. Vincent, Trinidad, Venezuela. Ref.: Lonsdale & Marshall, 2006b: 44.

Genus Heteromeringia Czerny

Heteromeringia Czerny, 1903: 72. Type species, Heteromeringia nigrimana (Loew, 1864) (mon.). Refs.: Lonsdale &
Marshall, 2007b (rev.).

czernyi species group

czernyi Kertész, 1903: 568. Type locality: Peru, Callanga. HT F (HNHM). Distr.: Argentina, Belize, Bolivia,

654 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press WOLFF & GRISALES
Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras,
Jamaica, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Puerto Rico, St. Lucia, Tobago, Trinidad, United States (FL), Venezuela. Ref.:
Lonsdale & Marshall, 2007a: 54 (rev.)
subfasciata (Curran), 1939: 2 (Sobarocephala).

Subfamilia Sobarocephalinae Lonsdale & Marshall, 2006

Genus Sobarocephala Czerny

Sobarocephala Czerny, 1903: 85. Type species, Sobarocephala ruebsaameni Czerny (mon.). Ref.: Soós, 1968: 4 (cat.);
Sabrosky & Steyskal, 1974: 371; Lonsdale & Marshall, 2007b: 65 (rev.).
Meriza Kertész, 1903: 571. Type species, Sobarocephala dorsata Czerny, 1903 (orig. des.). Syn. Melander & Argo (1924).
Monorrhexa Kertész, 1903: 572. Type species, pictipennis Kertész (mon.).

latipennis species group

araguamyia Lonsdale & Marshall, 2012: 40. Type locality: Colombia, Vaupés, río Apoporis, Caparu Biol. Station.
HT M (DEBU). Distr.: Colombia (Vaupés (Caparu)), Bolivia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Panama, Venezuela.

liturata Melander & Argo, 1924: 43. Type locality: Costa Rica, La Suiza de Turrialba. HT F (USNM). Distr.:
Colombia (Valle del Cauca (río Raposo), Amazonas (Leticia)), Bolivia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala,
Guyana, Jamaica, Panama, Peru, Surinam, Trinidad. Ref.: Lonsdale & Marshall, 2012: 45 (rev., redescription).
imitans Curran 1934: 443. Lonsdale & Marshall, 2012: 45 (syn.)
diversipes Curran 1939: 2. Lonsdale & Marshall, 2012: 45 (syn.)

ruebsaameni species-group

cacumen Lonsdale & Marshall, 2012: 53. Type locality: Peru, Madre de Dios, Manu, Erika (nr-Salvacion), 500m.
HT M (USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Quebrada La Espadera, 7km E. Medellín) as “Quep. Espareda”,
error)), Belize, Costa Rica, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Peru. Ref: Lonsdale & Marshall, 2012: 53 (rev.).

isla species group

isla Curran, 1939: 1. Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Barro Colorado Island. HT M (AMNH). Distr.: Colombia
(Amazonas (Leticia) (as “Amazones Letitia”), Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala,
Guyana, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Venezuela. Ref.: Lonsdale & Marshall, 2012: 74 (rev.).

minthomyia Lonsdale & Marshall, 2012: 79. Type locality: Mexico, Chis., 7000’, 20 min N Bochil. HT M (CNC).
Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca (30km SW. Bogotá, Tequendama Falls)), Costa Rica, Mexico. Ref.: Lonsdale &
Marshall, 2012: 79 (rev.).

interrupta species group

(excluding the pectinaria subgroup)

dichotomos Lonsdale & Marshall, 2012: 87. Type locality: Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Pen Osa, 5km N Puerto
Jiménez, 10m (as Puerto Jiminez, 10m). HT M (INBio). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas (Leticia), Tolima (Armero)),
Argentina, Brazil, Costa Rica, Dominica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, St. Vincent, Surinam,
Trinidad, Venezuela. Lonsdale & Marshall, 2012: 87 (rev.).

CATALOGUE OF CLUSIIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 655
pubens Lonsdale & Marshall, 2012: 94. Type locality: Costa Rica, Alajuela, Upala, Dos Rios, Estación San
Gerrardo, 600m. HT M (INBio). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca (río Raposo)), Costa Rica. Ref.: Lonsdale &
Marshall, 2012: 94 (rev.).

interrupta species group

pectinaria subgroup

angulata Lonsdale & Marshall, 2012: 100. Type locality: Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Península de Osa, 5km N Puerto
Jiménez, 10m (as Pen Osa, 5km N of Puerto Jiminez, 10m). HT M (INBio). Distr.: Colombia (Tolima (Armero)),
Bolivia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, Trinidad, Venezuela. Ref.: Lonsdale & Marshall, 2012: 100

conciliata Lonsdale & Marshall, 2012: 112. Type locality: Costa Rica, Limon, Bribri, 4Km NE, 50m. HT M
(INBio): Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca (río Raposo)), Argentina, Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Grenada,
Paraguay, Peru, Trinidad, Venezuela. Ref.: Lonsdale & Marshall, 2012: 112 (rev.).

epitriangulina Lonsdale & Marshall, 2012: 117 (Sobarocephala). Type locality: Costa Rica, Puntarenas: R.F.
Golfo Dulce, 24km W Piedras Blancas, 200m. HT M (INBio). Distr.: Colombia (Tolima (Armero)), Argentina,
Costa Rica, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama. Ref.: Lonsdale & Marshall, 2012: 117 (rev.).

periglenes Lonsdale & Marshall, 2012: 136. Type locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca, río Raposo. HT M
(USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca (río Raposo)). Ref.: Lonsdale & Marshall, 2012: 136 (rev.).

spatulata Lonsdale & Marshall, 2012: 142. Type locality: Peru, Madre de Dios: Manu, Rio Manu, 250m, Pakitza,
12°07’S, 70°58’W. HT M (USNM). Distr.: Colombia ((Meta (3mi W Villavicencio, 920m)), Bolivia, Brazil, Costa
Rica, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Venezuela. Ref.: Lonsdale & Marshall, 2012: 142 (rev.).

subtriangulina Lonsdale & Marshall, 2012: 145. Type locality: Ecuador, Napo, Tena. HT M (QCAZ). Distr.:
Colombia (Amazonas (Leticia) (as Letica), Bolivia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama, Peru, Venezuela. Ref.: Lonsdale
& Marshall, 2012: 145 (rev.).

vestigialis Lonsdale & Marshall, 2012: 151. Type locality: Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Est. Cabuya, Rio Cabo Blanco,
50m. HT M (INBio). Distr.: Colombia (Meta (3mi W Villavicencio, 920m)), Brazil, Costa Rica, Guyana, Ecuador,
Mexico, Panama, Peru, Venezuela. Ref.: Lonsdale & Marshall, 2012: 151 (rev.).

flaviseta species group

(S. plumata clade)

columbiensis Soós 1962: 387. Type locality: Colombia, Ujhelyi. HT M (HNHM). Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena
(Aracataca, Sierra San Lorenzo)). Ref: Lonsdale & Marshall, 2012: 184 (rev.).

parallela Lonsdale & Marshall, 2012: 203. Type locality: Colombia, Tolima, Armero (as “Armoro”). HT M
(USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Tolima (Armero)), Bolivia. Ref: Lonsdale & Marshall, 2012: 203 (rev.)

plumata Melander & Argo, 1924: 46. Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Alajuela. HT F (USNM). Distr.:
Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Buenaventura)), Bahamas, Bolivia, Costa Rica, Grand Cayman, Panama. Ref.:
Lonsdale & Marshall, 2012: 208 (rev. and redesc).

quadrimaculata Soós, 1963: 394. Type locality: United States, Florida, Dade Co., Evereglades National Park. HT

656 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press WOLFF & GRISALES
F (USNM). Distr.: Colombia, Bahamas, Belize, Costa Rica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, southeastern United
States. Refs.: Sabrosky & Steyskal 1974: 374; Lonsdale & Marshall 2007b: 95 (rev, redesc); Lonsdale & Marshall,
2012: 209 (rev.).
nitida Soós 1963: 393. Sabrosky & Steyskal, 1974 (syn.).


Thanks to Dr. Owen Lonsdale for send his papers to MW. To Estrategia de Sostenibilidad 2015-2015 University of
Antioquia for the grants to MW and to the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico for
their postdoctoral support to DG.

TABLE 1. Clusiidae species recorded from Colombia

Subfamily Genus Species Author

Clusidinae Craspedochaeta concinna (Williston, 1896)
pleuralis (Williston, 1896)
Heteromeringia czernyi species group
czernyi Kertesz, 1903
Sobarocephalinae Sobarocephala columbiensis Soós, 1962
quadrimaculata Soós, 1963
latipennis species group
araguamyia Lonsdale & Marshall, 2012
liturata Melander & Argo, 1924
ruebsaameni species group
cacumen Lonsdale & Marshall, 2012
isla species group
isla Curran, 1939
minthomyia Lonsdale & Marshall, 2012
interrupta species group (excluiding S. pectinaria subgroup)
dichotomos Lonsdale & Marshall, 2012
pubens Lonsdale & Marshall, 2012
interrupta species group pectinaria subgroup
angulata Lonsdale & Marshall, 2012
conciliata Lonsdale & Marshall, 2012
epitriangulina Lonsdale & Marshall, 2012
periglenes Lonsdale & Marshall, 2012
spatulata Lonsdale & Marshall, 2012
subtriangulina Lonsdale & Marshall, 2012
vistiagilis Lonsdale & Marshall, 2012
flaviseta species group (S. plumata clade)
columbiensis Soós, 1962
parallela Lonsdale & Marshall, 2012
plumata Melander & Argo, 1924
quadrimaculata Soós, 1963

CATALOGUE OF CLUSIIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 657

Bezzi, M. (1907) Nomenklatorisches über Dipteren. Weiner Entomologische Zeitung , 26, 51–56.
Curran, C.H. (1934) The Diptera of Kartago, Bartica District, British Guiana, with descriptions of new species from other
British Guiana localities. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, 66, 287–532.
Curran, C.H. (1939) Four new species of Sobarocephala (Diptera: Clusiidae). American Museum Novitates, 1029, 1–2.
Czerny, P.L. (1903) Revision der Heteroneuriden. Weiner Entomologische Zeitung, 22 (3), 61–108.
Kertész, K. (1903) Beiträge zur kenntniss der Heteroneuriden. Annales Musei Nationalis Hungarici, 1, 566–573.
Lonsdale, O. & Marshall, S.A. (2006a) Redefinition of the Clusiinae and Clusiodinae, description of the new subfamily
Sobarocephalinae, revision of the genus Chaetoclusia and a description of Procerosoma gen. n. (Diptera: Clusiidae).
European Journal of Entomology, 103, 163–182.
Lonsdale, O. & Marshall, S.A. (2006b) Revision of the New World Craspedochaeta Czerny. Zootaxa, 1291, 1–101.
Lonsdale, O. & Marshall, S.A. (2007a) Revision of the New World Heteromeringia (Diptera: Clusiidae: Clusiodinae). Beiträge
zur Entomologie, 57 (1), 37–80.
Lonsdale, O. & Marshall, S.A. (2007b) Revision of the North American Sobarocephala (Diptera: Clusiidae,
Sobarocephalinae). Journal of the Entomological Society of Ontario, 138, 65–106.
Lonsdale, O. & Marshall, S.A. (2012) Sobarocephala (Diptera: Clusiidae: Sobarocesphalinae) Subgeneric classification and
Revision of the New World species. Zootaxa, 3370, 1–307.
Malloch, J.R. (1929) Exotic Muscaridae (Diptera)-XXVI. Annals of the Magazine of Natural History, 10 (4), 97–120.
Melander, A.L. & Argo, N.G. (1924) Revision of the two-winged flies of the family Clusiidae. Proceedings of the United States
National Museum, 64 (11), 1–54.
Sabrosky, C.W. & Steyskal, G.C. (1974) The genus Sobarocephala (Diptera: Clusiidae) in America North of Mexico. Annals of
the Entomological Society of America, 67 (3), 371–385.
Soós, A. (1962) New genera and species of Clusiidae (Diptera, Acalyptrata). Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum
Hungaricae, 8 (1–2), 135–149.
Soós, A. (1963) Identification key to the species of the “plumata-group” of the genus Sobarocephala Czerny (Diptera:
Clusiidae). Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 9 (3–4), 391–396.
Soós, A. (1968) 84. Family Clusiidae. In: Papavero, N. (Ed.), A catalogue of the Diptera of the Americas south of the United
States. Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, pp. 13.
Williston, S.W. (1896) On the Diptera of St. Vincent (West Indies). Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, 1896,

658 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press WOLFF & GRISALES
Zootaxa 4122 (1): 659–676 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
Copyright © 2016 Magnolia Press
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)



Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro.
Corresponding author:


Agromyzidae are a family with many species described throughout the world. The family is known as leaf-miner flies, for
the phytophagous habits of their larvae, feeding within plant tissues. This catalogue presents 74 species recorded from
Colombia, distributed in 12 genera and two subfamilies. For each species we present the available geographical distribu-
tion in the country.

Key words: Agromyzidae, catalogue, Colombia, distribution, leaf-miners


Agromyzidae are small to median sized flies; most of the species ranging from 2–3 mm, with a maximum size of
6.5 mm. The body color is yellow, black, brown, gray, green metallic and some species show a coppery coloration.
Antennae with flagelomere short and round, sometimes elongated, widened, with a projection or spine. Fronto-
orbital and ocellar setae are strong, postocellars divergent, fronto-orbitals in one or more rows, usually reclinate,
but sometimes proclinate. Scutum with two to five dorsocentral setae, acrostichals present or absent. Costal break
present; Sc vein incomplete distally or reaching C as a linear fold, independently of R1 or fusing with R1 before
reaching C; CuA2 and A1 present, forming a small cell cup; A1 not reaching wing margin (Boucher 2010).
Boucher (2010) summarized the relationship of Agromyzidae with other Diptera families, which remains
unclear. According to Hennig (1958), Agromyzidae is more closely related to Odiniidae, or possibly to Clusiidae,
while Spencer (1969) suggested proximity between Odiniidae and Agromyzidae, based on genital similarities.
Odiniidae and Clusiidae were pointed out as sister groups of Agromyzidae, based on a cladistic analysis and a
study of the male postabdomen, respectively by Dempewolf (2001) and Griffiths (1972). McAlpine (1989)
included Agromyzidae, together with Odiniidae and Fergusoninidae, in the superfamy Agromyzoidea. The family
is generally divided into two subfamilies: Agromyzinae and Phytomyzinae, differentiated by the shape of subcostal
vein and larval cephalopharyngeal skeleton.
The larvae of Agromyzidae species are phytophagous and attack various plant parts such as leaf, root, stem,
seed and flower. Most species are leafminers, and cause great economic losses. The family has a large worldwide
distribution, with 2,800 species, 469 of them, distributed in 16 genera, present in the Neotropical region (Boucher
2010; Martinez & Etienne 2002). Martinez & Etienne (2002) removed the records of Liriomyza bryoniae
(Kaltenbach) and Calycomyza artemisiae (Kaltenbach) from the neotropics, as they were incorrect records.
This catalogue presents 74 species recorded from Colombia, distributed in 12 genera and two subfamilies
(Table 1). For each species we present the available geographical distribution in the country.

Acronyms used for the depositories

BC—Blanchard’s collection.
BMNH—The Natural History Museum [formerly British Museum (Natural History)], London, United Kingdom.

Accepted by S. Nihei: 16 Apr. 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016 659

CAS—California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, California, USA.
ICNDIPAg—Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Santafé de Bogotá.
USNM—National Museum of Natural History [formerly, United States National Museum], Washington D.C.,
MCZ—Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.
SC—Spencer’s collection. This collection is deposited in BMNH.

List of abbreviations

distr.—geographic distribution
n. comb.—new combination
nom. nov.—nomen novum
n. syn.—new synonym
orig. des.—original designation
subg .—subgenus
subs. des.—subsequent designation
F (f#)—Female
M (m#)—Male

Catalogue of Agromyzidae of Colombia

Family Agromyzidae Fallén, 1823

Subfamily Agromyzinae Hendel, 1931

Genus Calycomyza Hendel

Calycomyza Hendel, 1931: 65 (as subgenus of Dizygomyza). Type species, Agromyza artemisiae Kaltenbach, 1856 (orig. des.).
Refs.: Frick, 1957a: 59-70 (as subgenus), Nowakowski, 1962: 97 (as genus).

colombiana Sasakawa, 1992b: 13. Type locality: Colombia, Buenaventura. HT M (CAS). Distr.: Colombia (Valle
del Cauca (Buenaventura)). Refs.: Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 29 (list).

ipomaeae Frost, 1931: 74 (Agromyza). Type locality: Puerto Rico. HT M (USNM). Distr.: Colombia
(Cundinamarca (Finca Bella Vista, nr. Sasaima)), Barbade, Brazil (Santos), Canada, Chile, Cuba, Guadalupe,
Grand-Cayman, Jamaica, La Dominique, Nicaragua, Peru, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Saint-Martin, U.S.A
(Florida), West Indies, Venezuela. Refs.: Spencer, 1963: 345; Spencer, 1967: 83.9 (cat.); Spencer, 1969: 150;
Spencer, 1973a: 44; Spencer & Stegmaier, 1973: 76; Spencer, 1984: 26 (Colombia, cit., key); Spencer & Steyskal,
1986: 150 (key); Sasakawa, 1992b: 15 (Colombia); Spencer et al., 1992: 288; Martinez et al., 1993: 177; Martinez
& Etienne, 2002: 29 (list); Korytkowski, 2014: 26.
Phytobia (Calycomyza) ipomaeae, Frick, 1952: 395; 1957: 203; Spencer, 1963: 345
Calycomyza ipomaeae, Spencer, 1969: 150.

660 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press DE SOUSA & COURI
lantanae Frick, 1956: 287 (Calycomyza as subgenus of Phytobia). Type locality: “Trinidad”. HT M (USNM).
Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Cali, Rio Cali)), Argentina, Bahamas, Barbade, Brazil, Galapagos, Grenade,
Guadalupe, Jamaica, Mexico, Peru, Puerto Rico, San Martin, Tobago, Trinidad, Venezuela, U.S.A. (Florida and
Texas), Afrotropical and Australian regions. Refs.: Spencer, 1963: 346 (male terminalia); Spencer, 1967: 83.9
(cat.); Spencer, 1973a: 45; Valladares, 1981: 226; Spencer, 1984: 26. (Colombia, cit., key); Spencer & Steyskal,
1986: 142 (key); Valladares, 1992: 193 (key); Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 29 (list); Sasakawa, 2007: 194.
Calycomyza lantanae, Spencer & Stegmaier, 1973:78.

meridiana Hendel, 1923: 123 (Agromyza, n. name for A. meridionalis). Type locality: “Costa Rica”. HT F
(USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca (10 mil. W of Villeta, 1,660 m)), Brazil, British Guiana, Costa Rica, El
Salvador, West Indies, Mexico, Peru, Venezuela. Refs.: Spencer, 1963: 348 (male terminalia); Spencer, 1967: 83.9
(cat.); Spencer, 1973a: 46; Spencer, 1973b: 153; Spencer & Stegmaier, 1973: 185; Sasakawa, 1992b: 15 (as
Calycomyza); Sasakawa, 1992c: 823; Sasakawa, 1992d: 25; Sasakawa, 2005: 158; Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 30
(list); Korytkowski, 2014: 28.
meridionalis Malloch, 1914: 89 (Agromyza; preocc. Strobl, 1900).
Phytobia (Calycomyza) meridiana, Frick, 1952: 395; Spencer, 1963: 348.
Calycomyza meridiana, Sasakawa, 1992b: 15.

richardsi Spencer, 1963: 348 (Calycomyza as subgenus of Phytobia). Type locality: British Guiana, Mazaruni. HT
M (SC). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Cali, 6 mil. W of Cali Valle, 1,630 m)), Guadalupe, Guyana. Refs.:
Spencer, 1967: 83.9 (cat.); Spencer et al., 1992: 293; Sasakawa, 1992b: 16 (as Calycomyza); Martinez & Etienne,
2002: 30 (list).
Calycomyza richardsi, Sasakawa, 1992b: 16.

steviae Spencer, 1973a: 48. Type locality: Venezuela, Merida, (roadside 10 km above Timotes). HT M (SC). Distr.:
Colombia (Tequedama (Bogotá to Girardot)), Venezuela. Refs.: Spencer, 1984: 26 (Colombia, key); Martinez &
Etienne, 2002: 30 (list).

verbesinae Spencer, 1963: 351 (Calycomyza as subgenus of Phytobia). Type locality: Brazil, São Paulo, Agua
Funda. HT M (SC). Distr.: Colombia (Caldas (5 mil. N of Anserma, 1,750 m), Cundinamarca (10 mil. W of Villeta
1,660 m; Finca Bella Vista), Meta (3 mil. W of Villavicencio, 920 m), Valle del Cauca (W of Cali 1,630 m)). Brazil.
Refs.: Sasakawa, 1992b: 16 (as Calycomyza, new record Colombia); Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 30 (list).

Genus Japanagromyza Sasakawa

Japanagromyza Sasakawa, 1958: 138. Type species, Agromyza duchesneaei Sasakawa, 1954 (orig. des.). Refs.: Martinez &
Etienne, 2002: 33 (list).
Geratomyza Spencer (in Spencer & Stegmaier, 1973: 140). Type species: Geratomyza maculata Spencer (orig. des.)

ambigua Sasakawa, 1992b: 5. Type locality: Colombia, La Luz, Candelaria, Cundinamarca. HT F (CAS). Distr.:
Colombia (Cesar (La Luz (3 km N of Costilla), Valle del Cauca (Candelaria, Finca San Luis, 1,000 m.),
Cundinamarca (Finca Bella Vista, nr. Sasaima)). Refs.: Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 33 (list).

clausa Sasakawa, 1992b: 6. Type locality: Colombia, Candelaria. HT M (CAS). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca
(Candelaria, Finca San Luis 1,000 m)). Refs.: Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 33 (list).

desmodivora Spencer, 1966a.: 4. Type locality: USA, Florida, Miami. HT M (USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Bogotá
(Road to Girardot), mine in Spencer, 1963 and adults in Spencer 1966a), Ecuador, Guadalupe, Peru, Venezuela,
U.S.A (Florida). Refs.: Spencer, 1973c: 77; Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 33 (list); Etienne & Martinez, 2003: 254;
Korytkowski, 2014: 6.

phaseoli Spencer, 1983: 49. Type locality: Venezuela, Aragua, Rancho Grande. HT M (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia

CATALOGUE OF AGROMYZIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 661
(? Spencer, 1984), Argentina, Costa Rica, Peru, Venezuela. Refs.: Spencer, 1984: 9; Spencer et al., 1992: 272;
Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 34 (list).

Genus Melanagromyza Hendel

Melangromyza Hendel, 1920: 114, 126. Type species, Agromyza aeneoventris Fallén, 1823: 1 (orig. des.). Refs.: Spencer,
1966a: 3-60.
Limnoagromyza Malloch, 1920: 147. Type species: diantherae Malloch. (orig. des.).

caucensis Steyskal, 1972: 265. Type locality: Colombia, Pradera, Valle del Cauca. HT M (USNM). Distr.:
Colombia, (Valle del Cauca (Pradera)). Refs.: Spencer, 1984: 6; Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 38 (list).

colombiensis Spencer, 1963: 309. HT M (USNM). Type locality: Colombia, Bogotá. Distr.: Colombia (Bogotá).
Refs.: Spencer, 1967: 83.3 (cat.); Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 38 (list).

duplicata Sasakawa, 1992b: 1. Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca, Candelaria. HT M (CAS). Distr.:
Colombia (Valle del Cauca (6 mil. W of Cali 1,630 m; Candelaria, Valle Finca San Luis 1,000 m, nr. [near]
Candelaria, Narino (15 mil. S of La Union, 2,150 m), 11 mil N. of Popayan Cuaca, 1,830 m, Cundinamarca (10
mil. W of Villeta, 1, 660 m; Finca Bella Vista, nr. [near] Sasaima)). Refs.: Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 38 (list).

lini Spencer, 1963: 315. Type locality: Peru, Barranca. HT M (USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca (Santafé
de Bogotá, Jardín Botánico)), Argentina, Chile, Peru. Refs.: Spencer, 1967: 83.4 (cat.); Spencer, 1973c: 112;
Sanabria de Arévalo, 1994: 65 (key); Sasakawa, 1992c: 352; Sasakawa, 1992d: 6 (n. syn.); Sasakawa, 1994: 19;
Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 39 (list); Korytkowski, 2014: 14.
Melanagromyza aguilerai Spencer, 1982: 37.

mallochi Hendel, 1923: 145. (Agromyza; nom. nov. for eupatoriae Malloch, 1915: 107). Type locality: “Puerto
Rico”. HT M (USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Candelaria, Finca San Luis)), Cuba, Puerto Rico. Refs.:
Spencer, 1963: 316; Spencer, 1967: 83.4 (cat.); Spencer & Stegmaier, 1973: 158; Sasakawa, 1992b: 3; Martinez &
Etienne, 2002: 39 (list).
Agromyza mallochi Hendel, 1923: 145 (nom. nov. for eupatoriae Malloch, preocc. by eupatotii Kaltenbach,
Melanagromyza mallochi, Frick, 1952: 379.

minima Malloch, 1913: 328. (Agromyza). Type locality: “Trinidad”. HT M (USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del
Cauca (6 mil. W Cali 1,630 m, Finca San Luis, nr. [near] Candelaria.)), British Guiana, Costa Rica, El Salvador,
Guatemala, Jamaica, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Trinidad, U.S.A., Venezuela. Refs.: Spencer, 1963: 317; Spencer,
1967: 83.4 (cat.); Spencer, 1973b: 151; Spencer, 1983: 43 (key); Sasakawa, 1992b: 4 (first record from Colombia);
Sasakawa, 1992d: 8; Spencer et al., 1992: 258; Martinez et al., 1993: 169; Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 39 (list);
Sasakawa, 2005: 152; Korytkowski, 2014: 15.
Melanagromyza minima, Shewell, 1953: 468; Frick, 1957b: 200, 1959: 364; Spencer, 1963: 317; Spencer,
1966a: 12 (n. syn.), HT M from Jamaica in author’s collection; Spencer & Stegmaier, 1973: 44.
Melanagromyza longicaudalis Spencer, 1963: 316.

neotropica Spencer, 1963: 319. Type locality: Mexico, Cuernavaca. HT M (USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Bogotá),
Argentina, Brazil (Campinas), Chile, Costa Rica, Mexico, El Salvador, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela. Refs.: Spencer,
1967: 83.4 (cat.); Spencer, 1973a: 22; Spencer, 1973b: 151; Spencer, 1982: 10 (key); Spencer, 1983: 42 (key);
Spencer, 1984: 6; Sasakawa, 1992d: 8; Sasakawa, 1992c: 815; Sanabria de Arévalo, 1994: 65; Martinez & Etienne,
2002: 39 (list); Sasakawa, 2005: 152; Korytkowski, 2014: 15.

phaseolivora Spencer, 1973c: 50. Type locality: Ecuador, Pichincha, Sta. Catalina Experiment Station. HT M
(USNM). Distr.: Colombia, Ecuador, Peru. Refs.: Spencer, 1984: 6; Sasakawa, 1992d: 8; Martinez & Etienne,
2002: 39 (list).

662 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press DE SOUSA & COURI
setifera Spencer, 1963: 322. Type locality: British Guiana, Mazaruni. HT M (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia
(Medellín (Intercontinental hotel)), Guyana, Peru; Refs.: Spencer, 1984: 8 (Colombia); Martinez & Etienne, 2002:
40 (list); Korytkowski, 2014: 16.

socolena Sanabria de Arévalo & Zenner de Polanía, 1994: 229. Type locality: Colombia, Anolaima,
Cundinamarca. HT M (ICNDIPAg). Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca (Anolaima, Vereda Mesitas de Callero,Finca
de La Capilla)). Refs.: Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 40 (list).

spilanthis Spencer, 1984: 8. Type locality: Colombia, Bogotá. HT M (SC). Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca
(Madrid, Jardines de los Andes; Santafé de Bogotá, Jardin Botanico; Ciudad Universitaria)). Refs.: Sanabria de
Arévalo, 1994: 66 (key); Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 40 (list).

tomaterae Steyskal, 1972: 266. Type locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca. HT M (USNM). Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquia (Medellín), Valle del Cauca)), Ecuador, Venezuela. Refs.: Spencer, 1973a: 24 (key); Martinez &
Etienne, 2002: 40 (list).

turbida Sasakawa, 1992d: 815. Type locality: Ecuador, Pichincha. HT M (CAS). Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca
(nr. Sasaima, Finca Bella Vista)), Ecuador, Guatemala. Refs.: Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 40 (list); Sasakawa, 2005:

wedeliae Spencer (in Spencer & Stegmaier, 1973: 54). Type locality: U. S. A., Florida, Miami. HT M (USNM).
Distr.: Colombia (Bogotá), U.S.A (Florida). Refs.: Spencer, 1984: 9 (Colombia, cit., key); Martinez & Etienne,
2002: 40 (list).

Genus Phytobia Lioy

Phytobia Lioy, 1864: 1313. Type species, Agromyza errans Meigen, 1830 (mon.). Refs.: Nowakowiski, 1962: 97; Spencer,
1966b: 142-143 (key to species), 1969: 101
Dizygomyza, subg. Dedromyza Hendel, 1931: 22. Type species, Agromyza carbonaria Zetterstedt, 1848 (orig. des.).
Liomyzina Enderlein, 1936: 180. Nomen nudum (genus-group name proposed after 1930 without designation of type species
from two included species; Evenhuis, 2008: 18).
Shizukoa Sasakawa, 1963: 38. Type species: Shizukoa seticopia Sasakawa, 1963, orig. des. (syn. established by Spencer, 1965).

setitibialis Sasakawa, 1992b: 8. Type locality: Colombia, Amazonas, Leticia. HT M (CAS). Distr.: Colombia
(Amazonas (Leticia). Refs.: Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 43 (list).

Subfamily Phytomyzinae Hendel, 1931

Genus Cerodontha Rondani

Odontocera Macquart, 1835: 614. Type species, Chlorops denticornis Panzer, 1806 (orig. des.) (preocc. Serville, 1833).
Cerodontha Rondani 1861: 10 (replacement name for Odontocera Macquart). Refs.: Nowakowski, 1962: 100, 1967: 633-661;
Spencer, 1969: 109.
Micromma Philippi, 1865: 777. Type species, ?Dolichopus flavifrons Phillippi. Refs.: Spencer, 1967: 83.6 (cat., n. syn.).

Subgenus Butomomyza Nowakowski

Butomomyza Nowakowski, 1967: 633. Type of subgenus, Agromyza angulata Loew, 1869.

lunulata Sasakawa, 1992b: 11. Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca. HT M (CAS). Distr.: Colombia
(Cundinamarca (Finca Bella Vista, nr. Sasaima)). Refs.: Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 31 (list).

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Subgenus Cerodontha Rondani

Odontocera Macquart, 1835: 614 (as genus). Type species, Chlorops denticornis Panzer, 1806 (orig. des.). (Junior homonym,
preocc. Odontocera, Serville, 1833)
Cerodontha Rondani, 1861: 10. (replacement name for Odontocera Macquart).

colombiensis Spencer, 1984: 11. Type locality: Colombia, Tabio. HT M (SC). Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca
(Tabio, 35 km N of Bogotá; Mosquera, Subachoque, Zorro; Bogotá, Hotel Bogotá Plaza; La Calera, road side
Bogotá)). Refs.: Sanabria de Arévalo, 1994: 73 (key); Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 31 (list).

dorsalis Loew, 1863: 54. (Odontocera). Type locality: U.S.A., District of Columbia. HT M (MCZ). Distr.:
Colombia (Cundinamarca (Sabana North of Bogotá, Funza, Madrid, Mosquera, Suba, Tabio, Subachoque, La
Calera, Sapó)), Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Galapagos, Guadalupe,
Guatemala, La Dominique, Palaearctic region, Paraguai, Peru, Puerto Rico, San Martin, U.S.A. (Florida),
Venezuela. Refs.: Spencer, 1963: 331; Spencer, 1967: 83.6 (cat.); Spencer, 1969: 143; Spencer, 1973c: 293,
Spencer, 1983: 53; Spencer, 1984: 11; Spencer et al., 1992: 274; Sasakawa, 1992c: 819; Sasakawa, 1992d: 27;
Sanabria de Arévalo, 1994: 73 (key); Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 40 (list); Sasakawa, 2005: 160, Sasakawa, 2007:
Cerodontha dorsalis, Melander, 1913: 249; Frick, 1959: 396.
Cerodontha (Cerodontha) dorsalis, Spencer, 1969: 143; Spencer & Stegmaier, 1973:70.

Subgenus Dizigomyza Hendel

Dizigomyza Hendel, 1920: 114, 130 (as genus). Type species, Agromyza morosa Meigen, 1830 (orig. des.).
Dizygomyza (Dizygomyza), Hendel, 1931:83.
Phytobia (Dizygomyza), Frick, 1952: 396; 1959: 383.
Cerodontha (Dizygomyza), Nowakowski, 1962: 102.

andensis Spencer, 1963: 334 (Phytobia). Type locality: Colombia, Tequendama. HT F (SC). Distr.: Colombia
(Cundinamarca (Tequendama)). Refs.: Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 40 (list).
Cerodontha (Dizigomyza) andensis, Spencer, 1966b: 142 (n. comb.), 1967: 83.6 (cat.).

Subgenus Poemyza Hendel, 1931

Dizygomyza (Poemyza) Hendel, 1931: 35. Type of subgenus, Agromyza pygmaea Meigen, 1830.
Phytobia (Poemyza), Frick, 1952: 391, 1959: 379. Refs.: Spencer, 1969: 127.
Cerodontha (Poemya), Nowakowski, 1962: 102, 1967: 645. Refs.: Spencer, 1969: 127.

nigra Spencer, 1984: 11 (Cerodontha). Type locality: Colombia, Bogotá. HT M (AC). Distr.: Colombia (Bogotá).
Refs.: Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 32 (list).
Cerodontha (Poemyza) nigra, Zlobin, 2000: 64 (n. comb.); Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 32 (list).

Genus Chromatomyia Hardy

Chromatomyia Hardy, 1849: 385. Type species, Phytomyza periclymeni Meijere, 1924 (as P. obscurella Fallén, 1823).

syngenesiae Hardy, 1849: 385. (Phytomyza) Type locality: unknown. NT M (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia
(Cundinamarca (Facatativá, Vda. Mana Blanca; Mosquera, Flores Targa, Finca Candilejas; Santafé de Bogotá,
Jardín Botánico; Sabana, Montserrate)), Canada, U.S.A., California (Massachusetts, Oregon, Washington),
Australia, Canada, Europe, Japan, New Zealand (introduced and widespread in temperate areas). Refs.: Spencer,
1973c (as Phytomyza); Spencer, 1984: 32 (Colombia); Spencer & Steyskal, 1986: 192 (key); Martinez & Etienne,
2002: 32.
Agromyza atricornis Meigen, 1830 (pro parte) Ref.: Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 32 (list).
Agromyza chrysanthemi Kowartz (in Lintner, 1891) Ref.: Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 32 (list).

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Genus Liriomyza Mik

Liriomyza Mik, 1894: 289. Type species, Liriomyza urophorina Mik, 1894 (mon.).
Agrophila Lioy, 1864 (3): 9. Type species, Agromyza exilis Meigen, Refs.: Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 34 (list).
Antineura Melander, 1913: 219. Type species, Antineura togata (mon.). Refs.: Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 34 (list).
Haplomyza Hendel, 1914: 73, nom. nov. for Antineura Melander, 1913: 219 [not Osten Sacken, 1881 a,b]. Refs.: Martinez &
Etienne, 2002: 34 (list).
Praspedomyza Hendel, 1931: 77 (subgenus Dizygomyza). Type species, Dizygomyza approximata. Refs.: Martinez & Etienne,
2002: 34 (list).
Triticomyza Blanchard, 1938: 356. Type species, Triticomyza cruciata. Refs.: Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 34 (list).

baccharidis Spencer, 1963: 354. Type locality: Colombia, Tequendama. HT M (SC). Distr.: Colombia
(Cundinamarca (Tequendema, nr. Bogotá)), Chile, U.S.A., Venezuela. Refs.: Spencer, 1967: 83.9 (cat.); Spencer,
1973a: 54; Spencer, 1984: 15 (key); Spencer & Steyskal, 1986: 227; Sanabria de Arévalo, 1994: 76 (key);
Sasakawa, 1994: 30; Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 34 (list).

bogotensis Sanabria de Arévalo, 1993a: 266. Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca Colombia. HT M
(ICNDIPAg). Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca (Santafé de Bogotá, 2,560 m alt.)). Refs.: Sanabria de Arévalo,
1994: 77 (key); Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 34 (list).

brazilliensis Frost, 1939: 97 (Agromyza). Type locality: Brazil, São Paulo, Campinas. HT M (USNM). Distr.:
Colombia (Nariño (Pasto (La Unión)), Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador (Baños), Perú, Venezuela. Refs.: Mendes, 1940,
78: 207-220; Spencer, 1963: 357 (Colombia), 1967: 83.10 (cat.), Spencer, 1973a: 55; Spencer, 1973c: 118;
Spencer, 1984: 15 (key); Valladares, 1984: 20 (key); Sasakawa, 1992c: 820; Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 35 (list).
Liriomyza braziliensis, Frick, 1952: 402; Spencer, 1963: 357.
Agromyza ecuadorensis Frost, 1939, 50: 99. (n. syn.).
Liriomyza ecuadorensis, Frick, 1952: 403.

chiensis Spencer, 1984: 15. Type locality: Colombia, Chía. HT M (SC). Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca (Chía, n.
of Bogotá)). Refs.: Sanabria de Arévalo, 1994: 79 (key); Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 35 (list).

cirriformis Sanabria de Arévalo, 1993a: 268. Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca. HT M (ICNDIPAg). Distr.:
Colombia (Cundinamarca (Santafé de Bogotá 2,560 m alt.)). Refs.: Sanabria de Arévalo, 1994: 78; Martinez &
Etienne, 2002: 35 (list).

colombiella Spencer, 1984: 15. Type locality: Colombia, Funza, Madrid, Tabio. HT M. (SC). Distr.: Colombia
(Cundinamarca (Funza, n. of Bogotá; Madrid, n. of Bogotá; Tabio, n. of Bogotá; La Calera, Guasca, se. of
Bogotá)). Refs.: Sanabria de Arévalo, 1994: 79 (key); Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 35 (list).

commelinae Frost, 1931: 72. (Agromyza). Type locality: U.S.A., West Indies, St. Vicent. HT M (USNM). Distr.:
Colombia (Cauca (Piendamó)), Argentina, Brazil, Barbade, Costa Rica, Cuba, Guadalupe, Jamaica, Peru, San
Martin, Venezuela, U.S.A. (Florida). Refs.: Spencer, 1963: 361; Spencer, 1967: 83.10 (cat.), Spencer, 1973a: 56,
Spencer & Stegmaier, 1973: 101 (key); Spencer, 1983: 55; Spencer, 1984: 15; Valladares, 1984: 24 (key); Spencer
& Steyskal, 1986: 286; Spencer et al., 1992: 278; Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 35 (list); Korytkowski, 2014: 43.
Liriomyza commelinae, Frick, 1952: 402, 1959: 403; Silva & Oliveira, 1952: 293; Spencer, 1963: 361; Spencer
& Stegmaier, 1973: 101.
Liriomyza bahamondesi Blanchard, 1954: 28.

dianthicola Venturi, 1949: 161 (Pseudonapomyza). Type locality: Europe. HT ? (?). Distr.: Colombia (Bogotá),
Palaearctic region. Refs.: Spencer, 1984: 16 (key); Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 35 (list).
Phytomyza jannonei Séguy, 1950. Refs.: Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 35 (list).
Liriomyza dianthicola, Von Tschirnhaus, 1981: 319 (n. comb.). Refs.: Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 35 (list).

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herrerai Spencer, 1984: 18. Type locatily: Colombia, Madrid. HT M (SC). Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca
(Madrid, N of Bogotá)). Refs.: Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 35 (list).

hordei Spencer, 1984: 18. Type locality: Colombia, Obonuco. HT M (SC). Distr.: Colombia (Nariño (Obunuco,
SW of Pasto)), Ecuador. Refs.: Sasakawa, 1992c: 820; Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 35 (list).

huidobrensis Blanchard, 1926: 10. Type locality: Argentina, Buenos Aires. HT F (BC). Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquia (La Ceja; Medellín), Cauca (Piendamó), Cundinamarca (Sabana, Subachoque; Madrid, Funza, Chía,
Bogotá, Mosquera, Fusagasugá, Zorro)), Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guadalupe, Guatemala,
Guyana, Martinica, Peru, Republica Dominicana, Uruguai, Venezuela, U.S.A., Afrotropical, Palaearctic and
Australian regions. Refs.: Spencer, 1967: 83.10 (cat.); Spencer, 1973a: 57; Spencer 1983: 55; Spencer, 1984: 18
(Colombia), Valladares, 1984: 26 (key); Spencer & Steyskal, 1986: 8; Esposito et al., 1992: 247 (redescription);
Spencer et al., 1992: 279; Martinez et al., 1993: 173; Sanabria de Arévalo, 1994: 80; Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 35
(list); Korytkowski:, 2014: 45.
Liriomyza cucumifoliae Blanchard, 1938: 356-359 Refs.: Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 35 (list).
Liriomyza decora Blanchard, 1954: 50 pp. Refs.: Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 35 (list).
Liriomyza dianthi Frick, 1958: 1-5. Refs.: Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 35 (list).
Liriomyza longei Frick, 1951: 81-88. Refs.: Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 35 (list).

madridensis Spencer, 1984: 19. Type locality: Colombia, Madrid. HT M (SC). Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca
(Madrid, N of Bogotá)). Refs.: Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 36 (list).

marginalis Malloch, 1913: 283 (described as Agromyza melampyga var. marginalis). Type locality: Columbia,
South Carolina. HT M (USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca (Finca Bella Vista, nr. Sasaima), Meta (10 mil.
W of Villeta 1,660 m), Valle del Cauca (Buenaventura, 3 mil. W of Villavicencio, 920 m)), Bahamas, Brazil, Chile,
Costa Rica, Cuba, El Salvador, Galápagos, Guadalupe, Jamaica, La Dominic, Nicaragua, Peru, Dominican
Republic, Saint-Martin, U. S. A., West Indies, Venezuela. Refs.: Spencer, 1973a: 58; Spencer, 1973c: 260; Spencer
& Stegmaier, 1973: 102 (key); Spencer, 1983: 58; Spencer, 1984: 20; Spencer et al., 1992: 279; Sasakawa, 1992b:
17; Sasakawa, 1992d: 20; Martinez & et al., 1993: 174; Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 36 (list); Sasakawa, 2005: 160;
Sasakawa, 2007: 195.
Liriomyza marginalis, Frick, 1952: 404, 1959: 407; Spencer, 1963: 370. Refs.: Spencer & Stegmaier, 1973:

mariaecamilae Sanabria de Arévalo, 1993a: 270. Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca. HT M (ICNDIPAg).
Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca (Santafé de Bogotá, 2,560 m alt., Jardín Botânico)). Refs.: Sanabria de Arévalo,
1994: 83 (key).Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 36 (list).

menthavora Sanabria de Arévalo, 1993a: 272. Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca. HT M (ICNDIPAg).
Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca (Santafé de Bogotá, 2,560 m alt.)). Refs.: Sanabria de Arévalo, 1994: 83 (key);
Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 36 (list).

microglossae Spencer, 1963: 363. Type locality: Brazil, São Paulo. HT M (SC). Distr.: Colombia, Argentina,
Brazil (São Paulo, Nova Teutonia), Costa Rica. Refs.: Spencer, 1967: 83.11 (cat.); Spencer, 1983: 58, Valladares,
1984: 28 (key); Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 36 (list);

mosquerensis Sanabria de Arévalo, 1993a: 275. Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca. HT M (ICNDIPAg).
Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca (Mosquera, 2,546 m alt., Lagunade la Herrera)). Refs.: Sanabria de Arévalo,
1994: 84 (key); Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 36 (list).

nigra Spencer, 1984: 21. Type locality: Colombia, Guasca. HT M (SC). Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca (Guasca,
SE of Bogotá; La Calera, SE of Bogotá; Suba (N of Bogotá)), Ecuador. Refs.: Sasakawa, 1992c: 820; Sanabria de
Arévalo, 1994: 84 (key); Matinez & Etienne, 2002: 36 (list).

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quadrata Malloch, 1934: 471. (Agromyza) Type locality: Chile, Concepcion. HT M (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia
(Bogotá, (Monserrate)), Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela, Refs.: Spencer, 1963: 365; Spencer, 1967:
83.11 (cat.), Spencer, 1973a: 59; Spencer, 1973c: 176; Spencer, 1984: 21; Sasakawa, 1992b: 21; Sasakawa, 1992d:
17; Sasakawa, 1992c: 821; Sasakawa, 1994: 34; Sanabria de Arévalo, 1994: 85 (key); Martinez & Etienne, 2002:
36; Korytkowski, 2014: 51.
Liriomyza subandina Blanchard, 1954: 34
Liriomyza quadrata, Frick, 1952: 405 (n. comb.)

robustae Spencer, 1984: 22. Type locality: Colombia, Cuaca. HT M (SC). Distr.: Colombia (Cauca (Piendamó)).
Refs.: Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 36 (list).

sabanae Spencer, 1984: 30 (Phytoliriomyza). Type locality: Colombia, Mosquera. HT M (SC). Distr.: Colombia
(Cundinamarca (Mosquera, NW of Sabana de Bogotá)). Refs.: Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 36 (list).
Liriomyza sabanae, Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 36 (n. comb.)

sabaziae Spencer, 1963: 366. Type locality: Venezuela, Caracas. HT M (SC). Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca
(Bogotá, Sabana), Antioquia (La Ceja) Cauca (Piendamó)), Costa Rica, Ecuador, Peru, U.S.A., Venezuela, Refs.:
Spencer, 1967: 83.11 (cat.), Spencer, 1973a: 60; Spencer, 1983: 58; Spencer, 1984: 23; Spencer & Steyskal, 1986:
228; Sasakawa, 1992c: 821 Sanabria de Arévalo, 1994: 86 (key); Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 36 (list);
Korytkowski, 2014: 53.

santafecina Sanabria de Arévalo, 1993a: 276. Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca. HT M (ICNDIPAg). Distr.:
Colombia (Cundinamarca (Santafé de Bogotá, 2,640 m alt.)). Refs.: Sanabria de Arévalo, 1994: 86 (key); Martinez
& Etienne, 2002: 36 (list).

sativae Blanchard, 1938: 354. Type locality: Argentina, La pampa. HT F (BC). Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca
(10 mil. W of Villeta 1,660 m)), Argentina, Bahamas, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, Guadalupe, Haiti,
Jamaica, Martinique, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru, Puerto Rico, Republica Dominicana, Trinidad, U.S.A. (Floride),
Venezuela, Afrotropical, Australian, Palaearctic and Oriental regions (introduced). Refs.: Spencer, 1963: 372;
Spencer, 1967: 83.11 (cat.); Spencer, 1973a: 61; Spencer, 1983: 59; Valladares, 1984: 31(key); Sasakawa, 1992b:
17; Spencer et al., 1992: 280; Martinez & et al., 1993: 174; Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 36 (list); Korytkowski,
2014: 54.
Lemurimyza lycopersicae Pla & La Cruz, 1981. Refs.: Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 36 (list).
Liriomyza canomarginis Frick, 1952: 395. Refs.: Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 36 (list).
Liriomyza guytona Freeman, 1958: 344-345. Refs.: Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 36 (list).
Liriomyza minutiseta Frick, 1952: 395. Refs.: Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 36 (list).
Liriomyza munda Frick, 1957a: 59-70. Refs.: Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 37 (list).
Liriomyza propepusilla Frost, 1954: 73. Refs.: Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 37 (list).
Liriomyza pullata Frick, 1952: 339-452. Refs.: Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 37 (list).
Liriomyza verbenicola Hering, 1951: 420pp. Ref.: Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 37 (list).

solanita Spencer, 1963: 369. Type locality: Colombia, Bogotá. HT M (SC). Distr.: Colombia (Bogotá (Cuidad
Universitaria); Mosquera, Tibaitatá)), Venezuela. Refs.: Spencer, 1973a: 62, Spencer, 1984: 24; Sanabria de
Arévalo, 1994: 87 (key); Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 37 (list).

subachoquensis Sanabria de Arévalo, 1993a: 278. Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca. HT M (ICNDIPAg).
Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca (Subachoque, 2,663 m alt., Finca Jardines el Bosque, Targa)). Refs.: Sanabria de
Arévalo, 1994: 87 (key); Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 37 (list).

subsativae Sasakawa, 1992b: 18. Type locality: Colombia, Narino, Cundinamarca. HT M (CAS). Distr.: Colombia
(Cundinamarca (10 mil. w. of Villeta 1,660 m), Valle del Cauca (Cali, 6 mil. w. of Cali, 1,630 m), Nariño (32 mil.
n. of Pasto 1,550 m)), Refs.: Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 37 (list).

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tequendamae Spencer, 1963: 373 (Metopomyza). Type locality: Colombia, Tequendama. HT F (SC). Distr.:
Colombia (Cundinamarca (Tequendama, nr. Bogotá, Monserrate)), Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela. Refs.: Spencer,
1984: 24; Sasakawa, 1992d: 21; Sasakawa, 1992c: 921; Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 37 (list); Korytkowski, 2014:
Liriomyza tequendamae, Spencer, 1973a: 63 (n. comb.).
Liriomyza montserratensis, Spencer, 1984: 20 (n. syn.).

trifolii Burguess, 1880: 201. (Oscinis) Type locality: U.S.A., District of Columbia, Barbados. NT M (USNM).
Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Medellín; La Ceja; Rionegro), Cauca (Piendamó), Cundinamarca (Mosquera; Sabana
de Bogotá Chía)), Argentina, Bahamas, Barbade, Brazil, Chile (Juan Fernandes), Costa Rica, Cuba, Guadalupe,
Guyana, Guyane, Virgin Islands, Martinica, Mexico, Peru, Republica Domincana, San Martin, Trinidad,
Venezuela, Canada, U.A.S. (Florida), Palaearctic (introduced), Australian, Oriental and Afrotropical regions. Refs.:
Spencer, 1967: 83.12 (cat.); Spencer, 1969: 188; Spencer, 1973a: 64; Spencer & Stegmaier, 1973: 109; Spencer,
1983: 59; Spencer, 1984: 25; Spencer et al., 1992: 283; Martinez et al., 1993: 175; Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 37
Agromyza phaseolunulata Frost, 1943. Refs.: Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 37 (list).
Liriomyza trifolli, Frick, 1952: 402; 1959: 410; Spencer, 1963: 354 (as archboldi Frost); 1965b: 37, 1969: 188;
Spencer, 1973a: 64; Spencer & Stegmaier, 1973: 109.
Liriomyza alliovora Frick, 1955. Refs.: Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 37 (list).

Genus Nemorimyza Frey

Nemorimyza Frey, 1946: 42. Type species, Agromyza posticata Meigen, 1830: 172 (orig. des.).
Amauromyza (Subgenus Annimyzela) Spencer, 1981: 144.

fuscibasis Malloch, 1934: 476. (Agromyza; as maculosa var.) Type locality: Argentina, Rio Negro, L. Nahuel
Huapi (eastern end) HT ? (?). Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca (Santafé de Bogotá, 2,560 m alt., Jardín Botânico)),
Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela. Refs.: Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 41 (list).
Phytobia (Amauromyza) fuscibasis, Frick, 1952: 394.
Amauromyza (Annimyzella) fucibasis, Spencer, 1981: 144; Sanabria de Arévalo, 1994: 71 (Colombia, key).
Nemorimyza fuscibasis, Zlobin, 1996: 275 (n. comb.)

maculosa Malloch, 1913: 302 (Agromyza). Type locality: Jamaica, New York. HT M (USNM). Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquia (La Ceja), Bogotá (La Fontana, La Sabana de Bogotá), Valle del Cauca (Cali, Rio Cali)), Argentina,
Bahamas, Barbade, Bermudas, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, Guadalupe, Grand Cayman, Guyana,
Martinique, Peru, Puerto Rico, Republica Dominicana, Saint-Martin, Trindad, Uruguai, Venezuela, Canada, U.S.A.
(Florida). Refs.: Spencer, 1963: 336; Spencer, 1984: 10; Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 41.
Agromyza guaranitica Brèthes, 1920. Refs.: Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 41.
Amauromyza (Annimyzella) fucibasis Spencer, 1981: 144; Sanabria de Arévalo, 1994: 71 (Colombia, key).
Nemorimyza maculosa, Zlobin, 1996: 275 (n. comb.)

ranchograndensis Spencer, 1973a: 73 (Amauromyza). Type locality: Venezuela, Aragua, Rancho Grande. HT M
(SC). Distr.: Chile, (Meta (3 mil. W of Villavicencio, 920 m), Valle del Cauca (6 mil. W of Cali, 1,630 m.)),
Venezuela. Refs.: Spencer, 1973a: 73; Sasakawa, 1992b: 10-11; Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 41.
Amauromyza (Annimyzella) ranchograndensis, Spencer, 1981: 142.
Nemorimyza ranchograndensis, Zlobin, 1996: 277 (n. comb.)

Genus Ophiomyia Braschnikov

Ophiomyia Braschnikov 1897: 40 (as subgenus of Agromyza). Type species, Agromyza pulicaria Meigen, 1830, sensu
Braschnikov, 1897) [misident., = Agromyza maura Meigen, 1830. (mon.)

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Aulomyza Enderlein, 1936: 179. Nomen nudum (genus-group name proposed after 1930 without designation of type species).
Siphonomyza Enderlein, 1936: 179. Nomen nudum (genus-group name proposed after 1930 without designation of type
Siridomyza Enderlein, 1936: 179. Nomen nudum (genus-group name proposed after 1930 without designation of type species).
Solenomyza Enderlein, 1936: 179. Nomen nudum (genus-group name proposed after 1930 without designation of type species).
Stiropomyza Enderlein, 1936: 179. Nomen nudum (genus-group name proposed after 1930 without designation of type species).
Stirops Enderlein, 1936: 179. Nomen nudum (genus-group name proposed after 1930 without designation of type species).
Triopisopa Enderlein, 1936: 42. Nomen nudum (genus-group name proposed after 1930 without designation of type species).
Tylomyza Hendel, 1931: 181. Type species: Agromyza pinguis Fallen, 1823 (orig. des.).

floccusa Sanabria de Arévalo, 1993b: 284. Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca. HT M (ICNDIPAg). Distr.:
Colombia (Cundinamarca (Santafé de Bogotá, 2,560 m alt.)). Refs.: Sanabria de Arévalo, 1994: 67 (key); Martinez
& Etienne, 2002: 42 (list).

nobilis Spencer, 1963: 320 (Melanagromyza). Type locality: Colombia, Bogotá. HT M (SC). Distr.: Colombia
(Cundinamarca (Finca Bella Vista, nr. [near] Sasaima), Bogotá). Refs.: Sasakawa, 1992b: 5; Martinez & Etienne,
2002: 42 (list).
Ophiomyia nobilis, Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 42 (list) (n. comb.).

puctohalterata Frost, 1936: 311 (Agromyza). Type locality: “Guatemala”. HT F (USNM). Distr.: Colombia
(Cundinamarca (Santafé de Bogotá, 2,560 m alt.)), Argentina, Costa Rica, Guadalupe, Guatemala, Peru, Venezuela.
Refs.: Spencer, 1963: 328; Spencer, 1967: 83.5 (cat.); Spencer, 1973a: 29; Spencer, 1973b: 151; Spencer &
Stegmaier, 1973: 171; Sasakawa, 1992b: 10; Sasakawa, 1992d: 356; Spencer et al., 1992: 267; Sanabria de
Arévalo, 1993b: 285; Sanabria de Arévalo, 1994: 68 (key); Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 42 (list); Korytkowski,
2014: 20.
Ophiomyia puntohalterata, Frick, 1952: 383 (n. comb.); 1959: 371.

sulcata Sanabria de Arévalo, 1993b: 287. Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca. HT M (ICNDIPAg). Distr.:
Colombia (Cundinamarca (Santafé de Bogotá, 2,560 m alt., Jardím Botânico)). Refs.: Sanabria de Arévalo, 1994:
68 (key); Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 42 (list).

Genus Phytoliriomyza Hendel

Phytoliriomyza Hendel, 1931: 15, 17 (as subgenus of Liriomyza). Type species, Agromyza perpusilla Meigen, 1830 (mon.).
Lemurimyza Spencer, 1965c: 25-31. Type species, Lemurimyza enormis Spencer. Refs.: Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 43.
Nesomyza Spencer (in Spencer & Stegmaier, 1973: 190), (n. syn.). Refs.: Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 43.
Pteridomyza Nomwakowski, 1962: 97. Type species, Agromyza hilarella Zetterstedt. Refs.: Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 43.

colombiana Spencer, 1984: 28. Type locality: Colombia, Monserrate. HT M (SC). Distr.: Colombia
(Cundinamarca (Monserrate, above Bogotá)), Ecuador. Refs.: Sasakawa, 1992c: 823; Martinez & Etienne, 2002:
44 (list).

imperfecta Malloch, 1934: 475. Type locality: Chile, Llanquihue, Puerto. HT F (USNM). Distr.: Colombia
(Cundinamarca (Madrid, NW of Bogotá on the Sabana)), Chile, Costa Rica, U.S.A (Florida, California). Refs.:
Spencer, 1963: 379; Spe ncer, 1967: 83.13 (cat.); Spencer & Stegmaier, 1973: 115; Spencer, 1983: 63; Spencer,
1984: 29; Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 44 (list).

medellinensis Spencer, 1984: 29. Type locality: Colombia, Medellín. HT M (SC). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia
(Medellín, roadside above Hotel Intercontinental)). Refs.: Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 44 (list).

similis Spencer, 1984: 31. Type locality: Colombia, Mosquera HT M (SC). Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca
(Bogotá; La Calera; Mosquera n.w. of Bogotá Sabana)). Refs.: Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 44 (list).

CATALOGUE OF AGROMYZIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 669
Genus Phytomyza Fallén

Phytomyza Fallén, 1810: 21, 26 Type species: Phytomyza flaveola Fallén (mon.) = obscurella Fallén, 1823, by subs. des. of
Coquillett, 1910: 523.

loewii Hendel, 1923: 145. Type locality: District of Columbia. HT F (MCZ). Distr.: Colombia, (Cundinamarca
(Girardot)), Costa Rica, Cuba, Canada, U.S.A. DC., California). Refs.: Spencer, 1969: 251; Spencer, 1973b: 155;
Spencer, 1983: 64; Spencer, 1984: 32; Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 37 (list).
Phytomyza clematidis Loew, 1863 (non Phytomyza clematidis Kaltenbach, 1859). Refs.: Martinez & Etienne,
2002: 45.
Phytomyza centralis Frost, 1936. Refs.: Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 45.

rufipes Meigen, 1830: 192. Type locality: Europe. HT M (?). Distr.: Argentina (introduced?), Colombia
((introduced?) Cundinamarca (Chía; Guasca, SE of Bogotá; Tabio, Sabana)), Canada, USA, Palaearctic Region.
Refs.: Spencer, 1984: 32 (Colombia); Valladares et al., 1999: 139; Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 45.
Phytomyza bistrigata Strobl, 1906. Refs.: Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 45.
Phytomyza femoralis Brischke, 1881. Refs.: Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 45.
Phytomyza ruficornis Zetterstedt, 1848. Refs.: Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 45.
Phytomyza sulphuripes Meigen, 1830. Refs.: Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 45.
Phytomyza zetterstedtii genislatissimus Strobl, 1893. Refs.: Martinez & Etienne, 2002: 45.

TABLE 1. Agromyzidae species recorded from Colombia.

Subfamily Genus Subgenus Species Author

Agromyzinae Calycomyza colombiana Sasakawa, 1992b
ipomaeae (Frost, 1931)
lantanae Frick, 1956
meridiana (Hendel, 1923)
richardsi Spencer, 1963
steviae Spencer, 1973a.
verbesinae Spencer, 1963
Japanagromyza ambigua Sasakawa, 1992b
clausa Sasakawa, 1992b
desmodivora Spencer, 1966a
phaseoli Spencer, 1983
Malangromyza causensis Steyskal, 1972
colombiensis Spencer, 1963
duplicata Sasakawa, 1992b
lini Spencer, 1963
mallochi (Hendel, 1923)
minima (Malloch, 1913)
neotropica Spencer, 1963
phaseolivora Spencer, 1973c
setifera Spencer, 1963
socolena Sanabria de Arévalo &
de Polonia, 1994
...Continued on next page

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TABLE 1. (Continued)
Subfamily Genus Subgenus Species Author
spilanthes Spencer, 1984
tomaterae Steyskal, 1972
turbida Sasakawa, 1992c
wedeliae Spencer, 1973
Phytobia setitibialis Sasakawa, 1992d
Phytomyzinae Cerodontha Butomomyza lunulata Sasakawa, 1992d
Cerodontha colombiensis Spencer, 1984
dorsalis (Loew, 1863)
Dizigomyza andensis (Spencer, 1963)
Peomyza nigra Spencer, 1984
Chromatomyia syngenesiae (Hardy, 1849)
Liriomyza baccharidis Spencer, 1963
bogotensis Sanabria de Arévalo,
brazilliensis (Frost, 1939)
chiensis Spencer, 1984
cirriformis Sanabria de Arévalo,
colombiella Spencer, 1984
commelinae (Frost, 1931)
dianthicola (Venturi, 1949)
herrerai Spencer, 1984
hordei Spencer, 1984
huidobrensis Blanchard, 1926
madridensis Spencer, 1984
marginalis (Malloch, 1913)
mariaecamilae Sanabria de Arévalo,
menthavora Sanabria de Arévalo,
microglossae Spencer, 1963
mosquerensis Sanabria de Arévalo,
nigra Spencer, 1984
quadrata Malloch, 1934
robustae Spencer, 1984
sabanae Spencer, 1984
sabaziae Spencer, 1963
santafecina Sanabria de Arévalo,
sativae Blanchard, 1938
solanita Spencer, 1963
...Continued on next page

CATALOGUE OF AGROMYZIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 671
TABLE 1. (Continued)
Subfamily Genus Subgenus Species Author
subchoquensis Sanabria de Arévalo,
subsativae Sasakawa, 1992d
tequendamae (Spencer, 1963)
triolii (Burguess, 1880)
Nemorimyza fuscibasis (Malloch, 1934)
maculosa (Malloch, 1913)
ranchograndensis (Spencer, 1973a)
Ophiomyia floccusa Sanabria de Arévalo,
nobilis (Spencer, 1963)
puctohalterata (Frost, 1936)
sulcata Sanabria de Arévalo,
Phytoliriomyza colombiana Spencer, 1984
imperfecta Malloch, 1934
medellinensis Spencer, 1985
similis Spencer, 1985
Phytomyza loewii Hendel, 1923
rufipes Meigen, 1830


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Spencer, K.A. (1973a) The Agromyzidae (Diptera) of Venezuela. Revista de la Facultad de Agronomía, VII (2), 5–107.
Spencer, K.A. (1973b) Agromyzidae in Costa Rica. Beiträge zur Entomologie, 23 (1/4), 151–156.
Spencer, K.A. (1973c) Agromyzidae (Diptera) of Economic Importance. Séries Entomologica 9. Kluwer, Dordrecht, 418 pp.
Spencer, K.A. (1981) A revisionary study of the leaf-mining flies (Agromyzidae) of California. University of California,
Division of Agrictural Sciences Special Pubublication, 3273, 1–489.
Spencer, K.A. (1982) Agromyzidae (Diptera) in Chile. Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde, Seria A (Biologie), 357, 1–55.
Spencer, K.A. (1983) Leaf mining Agromyzidae (Diptera) in Costa Rica. Revista de Biologia Tropical, 31 (1), 41–67.
Spencer, K.A. (1984) The Agromyzidae (Diptera) of Colombia, including a new species attacking potato in Bolívia. Revista
Colombiana de Entomologia, 10 (1–2), 3–33.
Spencer, K.A., Martinez, M. & Etienne, J. (1992) Les Agromyzidae (Diptera) de Guadeloupe. Annales de la Société
Entomologique de France, New Series, 28 (3), 251–302.
Spencer, K.A. & Stegmaier, C.E. Jr. (1973) Agromyzidae of Florida with supplement on species from the Caribbean.
Arthropods of Florida and neighboring land areas, 7, 1–205.
Spencer, K.A. & Steyskal, G.C. (1986) Manual of the Agromyzidae (Diptera) of the United States. Department of Agriculture,
Agriculture Handbook, 638, 478 pp.
Steyskal, G.C. (1972) Two New Species of Melanagromyza Hendel (Diptera, Agromyzidae) that Bore in Tomato Stalks in
Colombia and Ecuador. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences, 62, 265–267.
Strobl, G. (1893) Neue osterreichische Muscidae acalypterae. Wiener Entomologische Zeitung, 12, 225–231, 250–256,
280–285, 306–307.
Strobl, G. (1900) Spanische Dipteren. Wiener Entomologische Zeitung, 19 (2–3), 61–70.
Strobl, G. (1906) Spanische Dipteren II. Memorias de la Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural, Madrid, 3, 1–80.
Tschirnhaus, M. Von (1981) Die Halm-und Minierfliegen im Grenzbereich Land-Meer der Nordsee. Spixiana, 6 (Supplement),
Valladares, G. (1981) Contribuición al conocimiento de las espécies de Calycomyza Hendel (Diptera: Agromyzidae), minadoras
de hojas em la Republica Argentina. Revista de la Sociedad Entomologica Argentina, 40 (1–4), 221–229.
Valladares, G. (1984) Sobre el genero Liriomyza Mik, 1894 (Diptera: Agromyzidae) en la Republica Argentina. Revista de la
Sociedad Entomologica Argentina, 43 (1–4), 13–36.
Valladares, G. (1992) Contribuición al conocimiento de las espécies de Calycomyza Hendel (Diptera: Agromyzidae), minadoras
de hojas, en la Republica Argentina II. Revista de la Sociedad Entomologica Argentina, 50 (1–4), 179–200.
Valladares, G., Vasicek, A. & Ricci, M. (1999) Presencia de la mosca minadora Pythomyza rufipes (Diptera: Agromyzidae) en

CATALOGUE OF AGROMYZIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 675
crucíferas cultivadas de la Argentina. Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina, 58 (3–4), 139–140.
Venturi, F. (1949) Pseudonapomyza dianthicola n. sp. (Diptera: Agromyzidae) minatrice dele foglie di garofano. Redia, 34,
Zetterstedt, J.W. (1848) Diptera Scandinaviae. Lundae, 7, 2728–2844.
Zlobin, V.V. (1996) The genus Amauromyza Hendel (Diptera: Agromyzidae): a clarification of species of the subgenus
Annimyzella Spencer. International Journal of Dipterological Research, 7, 271–280.
Zlobin, V.V. (2000) Review of mining flies of the genus Cerodontha Rondani. IX. Subgenus Icteromyza (Diptera:
Agromyzidae). International Journal of Dipterological Research, 11 (1), 51–67.

676 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press DE SOUSA & COURI
Zootaxa 4122 (1): 677–680 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
Copyright © 2016 Magnolia Press
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)


Insect Biosystematist Plant Pest Diagnostics Branch, CDFA, 3294 Meadowview Road, Sacramento, CA 95832-1448, U.S.A.


This catalog summarizes information on the three species of Periscelididae known to occur in Colombia. One species be-
longs to the subfamily Periscelidinae, and two to the Stenomicrinae. This catalog includes no new record for Colombia.

Key words: catalogue, Colombia, distribution, Periscelididae


The Periscelididae include flies associated with sap fluxes of deciduous trees (Periscelidinae) or occur on monocots
with water-holding bases (Stenomicrinae). Although occurring in temperate zones, the family is more diverse in the
tropics, especially the Neotropical region. Little is known about the natural history of most genera. Specimens are
seldom collected and are poorly represented in collections (Mathis & Rung 2011).
Periscelididae include two subfamilies, 11 genera and 139 species. The two subfamilies, three genera and three
species are represented in Colombia (Table 1). It is possible that these numbers are an underestimation of the true
diversity of these flies in the country, but only future collecting and revisions of poorly studied genera will
demonstrate whether this is true or not. Currently, at least four undescribed species of Stenomicra that occur in
Colombia await description (D. Grimaldi pers.comm.) Currently, Stenomicra is not represented in the country by
any described species. Most of the information in this catalog was previously published by Mathis and Rung
(2011), when two of the three species reported herein were catalogued.
Adults may be recognized by the following combination of characters: face uniformly sclerotized, protruding,
ventral portion receded; antenna with pedicel swollen and cap-like, with dorsal cleft, bearing 1–2 dorsoapical setae;
flagellomere 1 moderately to sharply deflexed, arising from ventral surface of pedicel; arista with dorsal and
ventral branches; ocellar seta, when present, inserted laterally to margin of ocellar tubercle; inner vertical seta
generally present (absent in Cyamops Melander); postocellar seta, when present, reduced, divergent; 1–2 fronto-
orbital setae present with 1 seta reclinate; interfrontal seta generally absent (present, dorsoclinate and slightly
reclinate in the Neotropical genus Planinasus Cresson). Thorax with dorsocentral setae 0 + 1 or 0 + 2; posterior
intra-alar seta reduced; 1–2 pairs of marginal scutellar setae; disc of scutellum bare. Wing without true costal
breaks; vein Sc incomplete, not fused with vein R1 apically; vein C extended to vein R4+5 or vein M; cell dm with
longitudinal fold (fold inconspicuous in some Stenomicra); cell cup typically present, although CuA2 either well
developed or reduced. Male preabdomen consisting of 6 segments, with postabdomen either symmetrical or
asymmetrical; surstylus discrete, articulated or fused with epandrium; cercus strongly or weakly sclerotized;
hypandrium strongly modified in Periscelidinae, more-or-less fused with phallapodeme, forming a bursa-like
hypandrial complex where the “aedeagus is folded when at rest” (Griffiths 1972), strongly asymmetrical in
Cyamops and Stenomicra, posteriorly open, anteriorly with or without hypandrial bridge connecting phallapodeme;
gonopods forming a complex with hypandrium; phallus variable, ribbon-like in Periscelis Loew, membranous to
strongly sclerotized and complex in Cyamops and Stenomicra. Female abdomen with tergite and sternite 6
separate, or fused to each other, forming complete ring (Cyamops; with tergite and sternite 7 separate, or fused to
each other, forming complete ring or with tergite 7 weakly sclerotized; 2–4 spermathecae present.

Accepted by S. Nihei: 10 Apr. 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016 677

Eggs (based on three European species of Periscelis) sky blue to violet; boat shaped, long ovoid in dorsal view,
without filaments; ventral portion convex, lighter in color than dorsum, with fine, irregular, hexagonal network;
dorsal portion darker, less convex but not flat, with 2 fine ribs that are confluent at apices, lacking network but
microsculptured; micropyle inconspicuous.
Papp (1995) summarized the larval features of Periscelis (subgenera Periscelis and Myodris) as follows (Fig.
9): body strongly flattened dorsoventrally; segments with fleshy digitiform processes laterally and with several
other bulbous processes, all processes with large, partly curved spinules; subanal pads indistinct (there is a bifid
inflated protuberance that can be extroverted from anus in P. annulata); anterior spiracles short, bulbiform with 4–5
small bulbous papillae; posterior spiracles (with lateroclinate intraspiracular hairs) on pair of long divergent
spiracular processes; cephalopharyngeal skeleton with robust body (pharynx); mandibles strong, composed of
curved apical part and robust basal (posterior) part and with one pair of ventrobasal, midventral and dorsal
processes each; extremely long and thin parastomal bar; well-sclerotized dental sclerites and weakly sclerotized but
complex labial sclerite; dorsal cornu much shorter than ventral; ventral cornu robust but simple. Larvae of Myodris
plump, those of P. (Periscelis) slim; lateral process of the posterior spiracle distal in Myodris or proximal in
Periscelis (extended to middle of posterior spiracle); aerial sack (Papp 1995) behind posterior spiracle conical
(Myodris) or sausage-shaped (Periscelis).
Adults of Periscelididae are readily distinguished from genera of Anthomyzidae and Aulacigastridae by the
shape of the pedicel, which is cap-like; by the arista, which bears dorsal and ventral rays, by the longitudinal fold in
cell dm; and cell cup typically present, although CuA2 either well developed or reduced.

Acronyms used for the depositories

USNM—former United States National Museum, collections in the National Museum of Natural History,
Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C.

List of abbreviations

distr.—geographic distribution
orig. des.—by original designation
M (m#)—Male

Catalogue of Periscelididae of Colombia

Family Periscelididae Oldenberg, 1914

Subfamily Periscelidinae Oldenberg, 1914

Genus Neoscutops Malloch

Neoscutops Malloch, 1926: 25. Type species, Neoscutops rotundipennis Malloch, by orig. des. Refs.: Prado, 1975: 1
(Neotropical cat.); Amorim & Vasconcelos, 1991: 37–39 (fauna, Brazil); Mathis & Rung 2010: 1087–1092 (Manual of
Central American Diptera); Mathis & Rung, 2011: 352 (cat.; key); Ale-Rocha & Freitas 2011: 1–28 (key, rev.).

rotundipennis Malloch, 1926: 25. Type locality: Costa Rica, San Mateo, Higuito. Distr.: Colombia, Costa Rica,
Panama. HT M [USNM]. Refs.: Prado, 1975: 1 (Neotropical cat.); Amorim & Vasconcelos, 1991: 39 (key, Brazil);
Mathis & Rung, 2011: 353 (cat.; key); Ale-Rocha & Freitas, 2011: 24 (key, rev.)

678 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press RUNG

Subfamily Stenomicrinae Papp, 1984

Genus Cyamops Melander

Cyamops Melander, 1913: 291. Type species, nebulosus Melander, by orig. des. Refs.: Sturtevant, 1954: 557–559 (rev.);
Hennig, 1958: 633 (generic characters, relationships), 1969: 610–613 (discussion); Sabrosky, 1958: 169–171 (rev.), 1965:
820 (Nearctic cat.); Khoo, 1985: 527–536 (rev., Australian species); Khoo & Sabrosky, 1989: 551 (Australasian/Oceanian
cat.); Baptista & Mathis, 1994: 1–25 (rev., New World species), 2000: 481–506 (rev.); Poole & Gentili, 1996: 65
(checklist, Nearctic); Grimaldi, 2009: 23–27, 38 (key, fauna, Fiji); Mathis & Rung 2010:1087–1092 (Manual of Central
American Diptera), 2011: 359 (cat.; key); Rung & Ale-Rocha, 2011: 804, 807 (key, Afrotropical and Neotropical species).

colombianus Baptista & Mathis, 1994: 19. Type locality: Colombia, Rio Raposo. HT M [USNM]. Dist.:
Colombia. Refs.: Baptista & Mathis, 2000: 482 (key New World species); Mathis & Rung, 2011: 359 (cat.); Rung
& Ale-Rocha, 2011: 808 (key Neotropical species).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Rio Raposo, HT male, v.1964, V.H. Lee (USNM), 1 PT male, x.1964

Genus Planinasus Cresson

Planinasus Cresson, 1914: 245. Type species, ambiguus Cresson, by orig. des. Refs.: Cresson 1914: 245 (in family
Ephydridae), 1918: 65 (discussion, genus probably not in Ephydridae); Malloch, 1934: 52 (generic key in family
Perisceli[di]dae); Curran, 1934: 327 (generic key in family Drosophilidae); Hennig, 1969: 614–616 (rev. in family
Aulacigastridae); McAlpine, 1983: 56 (discussion, assigned to family Periscelididae); Mathis & Rung 2010: 1087–1092
(Manual of Central American Diptera), 2011: 363 (cat.); Mathis, Rung & Kotrba, 2012: 1 (rev.).
Schizochaeta Malloch, 1934: 52. Type species, shannoni Malloch, by orig. des. Syn. Hennig, 1969.

aenigmaticus Mathis & Rung, 2012 in Mathis, Rung & Kotrba, 2012: 13. Type locality: Colombia, Bogota, Valle
del Cauca. HT M [USNM]. Distr.: Colombia, Costa Rica.
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Bogota: HT male, M. R. Wheeler (USNM); Valle del Cauca: Río
Raposo, 03°43'N, 77°08'W,1 PT male, x. 1964, V. H. Lee (CAS).

TABLE 1. Periscelididae species recorded from Colombia

Subfamily Genus Species Author

Periscelidinae Neoscutops rotundipennis Malloch, 1926
Stenomicrinae Cyamops colombianus Baptista & Mathis, 1994
Planinasus aenigmaticus Mathis & Rung, 2012


Ale-Rocha, R. & Freitas, G. (2011) Revision of the Neotropical genus Neoscutops Malloch (Diptera: Periscelididae). Zootaxa,
3016, 1–28.
Amorim, D.S. & Vasconcelos, C.M. (1991) First known Brazilian species of the genera Scutops and Neoscutops (Diptera,
Periscelididae), with comments on the relationships among the species in each genus. Memórias do Instituto
OswaldoCruz, 84 (Supplement IV), 37–44.
Baptista, A.R.P. & Mathis, W.N. (1994) A revision of New World Cyamops Melander (Diptera: Periscelididae). Smithsonian
Contribution to Zoology, 563, 1–25.
Baptista, A.R.P. & Mathis, W.N. (2000) Notes on the genus Cyamops Melander (Diptera: Periscelididae), including description
of ten new species. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, 102, 481–506.
Cresson, E.T. Jr. (1914) Descriptions of new genera and species of the dipterous family Ephydridae. Entomological News, 25,
Cresson, E.T. Jr. (1918) Costa Rican Diptera collected by Philip P. Calvert, Ph.D., 1909–1910. Paper 3. A report on the
Ephydridae. Transactions of the American Entomological Society, 44, 39–68.

CATALOGUE OF PERISCELIDIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 679
Curran C.H. (1934) The Families and Genera of North American Diptera. C.H. Curran, New York, 512 pp.
Griffiths, G.C.D. (1972) The phylogenetic classification of Diptera Cyclorrhapha, with special reference to the structure of the
male postabdomen. Series entomologica, 8, 1–340.
Grimaldi, D.A. (2009) The Asteioinea of Fiji (Insecta: Diptera: Periscelididae, Asteiidae, Xenasteiidae). American Museum
Novitates, 3671, 1–59.
Hennig, W. (1958) Die Familien der Diptera Schizophora und ihre phylogenetischen Verwandtschaftsbeziehungen. Beiträge
zur Entomologie, 8 (5/6), 505–688.
Hennig, W. (1969) Newe Gattungen und Arten der Acalyptratae. Canadian Entomologist, 101 (6), 589–633.
Khoo, K.C. (1985) The Australian species of Cyamops Melander (Diptera: Periscelididae). Australian Journal of Zoology, 32,
Khoo, K.C. & Sabrosky, C.W. (1989) 75. Family Stenomicridae. Catalogue of the Diptera of the Australian region. Australian
Journal of Zoology, 32, 527–536.
Malloch, J. R. (1926) New genera and species of acalyptrate flies in the United States National Museum. Proceedings of the US
National Museum, 68 (21), 1–35.
Malloch, J.R. (1934) A remarkable new genus of the family Periscelidae. Stylops, 3, 52–53.
Mathis, W.N. & Rung, A. (2010) Periscelididae. In: Brown, B.V., Borkent, A., Wood, D.M. & Zumbado, M. (Eds.), Manual of
Central American Diptera. Vol. 2. NRC Research Press, Ottawa, pp. 1087–1092.
Mathis, W.N. & Rung, A. (2011) World Catalog and Conspectus on the Family Periscelididae (Diptera: Schizophora). Myia,
12, 341–377.
Mathis, W.N., Rung, A. & Kotrba, M. (2012) A revision of the genus Planinasus Cresson (Diptera, Periscelididae). ZooKeys,
225, 1–83.
McAlpine, D.K. (1983) A new subfamily of Aulacigastridae (Diptera: Schizophora), with a discussion of aulacigastrid
classification. Australian Journal of Zooogy, 31, 55–78.
Melander, A.L. (1913) A synopsis of the dipterous groups Agromyzinae, Milichiinae, chthiphilinae and Geomyzinae. Journal
of the New York Entomological Society, 21, 283–300.
Oldenberg, L. (1914) Beitrag zur Kenntnis der europäischen Drosophiliden (Dipt.). Archiv für Naturgeschichte, 80A (2), 1–42.
Papp, L. (1984) Family Stenomicridae. In: Soós, Á. & Papp, L. (Eds.), Catalogue of Palaearctic Diptera. Vol. 10. Elsevier
Science Publishers. Amsterdam, pp. 61–62.
Papp, L. (1995) Morphology of Periscelis annulata third instar larva and Turanodinia tisciae larva and puparium (Diptera:
Periscelididae and Odiniidae). Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 41, 15–24.
Prado, A.P. (1975) 67. Family Periscelididae. In: Papavero, N. (Ed.), A Catalogue of the Diptera of the Americas South of the
United States. Departamento de Zoologia, Secretaria da Agricultura, São Paulo, pp. 3.
Poole, R.W. & Gentili, P. (1996) Nomina Insecta Nearctica. A check list of the insects of North America. Vol. 3. Diptera,
Lepidoptera, Siphonaptera. Entomological Information Services, Rockville, 1143 pp.
Rung, A. & Ale-Rocha, R. (2011) New species of Cyamops (Diptera: Opomyzoidea: Periscelidae) from the old and New World
tropics. Zoologia, 28 (6), 803–811.
Sabrosky, C.W. (1958) New species and notes on North American acalyptrate Diptera. Entomological News, 69, 169–176.
Sabrosky, C.W. (1965) Family Anthomyzidae. A catalog of the Diptera of America north of Mexico, 1965, 810–820.
Sturtevant, A.H. (1954) Nearctic flies of the family Periscelidae (Diptera) and certain Anthomyzidae referred to the family.
Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 103 (3332), 551–561.

680 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press RUNG

Zootaxa 4122 (1): 681–684 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
Copyright © 2016 Magnolia Press
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)


Insect Biosystematist Plant Pest Diagnostics Branch, CDFA, 3294 Meadowview Road, Sacramento, CA 95832-1448, U.S.A.


This catalog features the only species of Aulacigastridae recorded for Colombia, Aulacigaster grimaldii Rung & Mathis,

Key words: Aulacigastridae, catalogue, Colombia, distribution


The Aulacigastridae are a relatively small family of flies that are associated with slime fluxes of deciduous trees
(Robinson 1953, Cole & Streams 1970, Davis & Zack 1978, Mathis & Freidberg 1994, Hilger & Kassebeer 2000,
Rung & Mathis 2011) or with the phytotelmata of bromeliads (Rung & Mathis 2011). These curious flies are found
in the Afrotropical, Nearctic, Neotropical, Palearctic and Oriental Regions. Two genera are currently recognized:
Aulacigaster Macquart (55 species), distributed worldwide, and Curiosimusca Rung, Mathis & Papp, 2005 (3
species), from the Oriental Region.
Aulacigaster is undoubtedly most diverse in the Neotropics. There, all seven species groups recognized in the
monograph of Rung &Mathis (2011), and most described species (43), are represented. In Colombia, only one
species has been recorded: A. grimaldii Rung & Mathis, 2011 of the grimaldii group (Table 1). However, given that
many more species occur in Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela, it is possible that this number is a misrepresentation of
the actual diversity of Aulacigaster in the country.
Aulacigaster adults are characterized by the following characters: small to medium-sized flies (body length
1.5-4.0 mm), predominantly dark-brown to black. Face completely sclerotized, often protruding. Pedicel not
caplike, sinuous dorsally, but without slit; flagellomere 1 decumbent; arista unsegmented, often with microtrichia
on apical two-thirds, microtrichia short to elongate, zigzag, dorsal and ventral microtrichia alternating; ocellar seta,
when present, minute to moderately long (up to three-quarters length of lateral vertical seta); with two fronto-
orbital setae; intra-frontal seta absent; peristomal chaetotaxy typically consisting of weak setulae posterior to
pseudovibrissal seta. Two scutellar setae present, apical pair nearly parallel, oriented posteriorly; anepisternum
bearing 1-2 posterior setae. Wing hyaline or infuscate, brown; cell dm flat, lacking longitudinal crease or fold;
crossvein r-m basal to middle of confluent cells dm + bm; Sc partially fused with R1. Male preabdomen consisting
of 5 segments; surstylus fused with epandrium; hypandrium bearing lateral, anterior apodeme arising from base of
each gonopod, halves of hypandrium connected by narrow bridge above phallapodeme. Segments 6 and 7 of
female abdomen each with separate tergite and sternite.
Third instar larvae bearing long, partly retractile terminal respiratory tube; anterior spiracle small, retracted into
deep, narrow pocket; posterior spiracles on apex of respiratory tube, joined at their base, bifurcating posteriorly.
Puparia light brown, oval in shape, with prothoracic spiracle completely everted; posterior spiracular tube
strongly retracted.
Aulacigaster adults are readily distinguished from genera of Periscelididae and Anthomyzidae by the shape of
the pedicel, which is not cap-like, by the confluent cells bm and dm (also in some Cyamops Melander and
Stenomicra Coquillett), and by the position of crossvein r-m at the basal one-third of cell dm.

Accepted by S. Nihei: 10 Apr. 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016 681

Acronyms used for the depositories

AMNH—American Museum of Natural History, New York, New York.

USNM—former United States National Museum, collections in the National Museum of Natural History,
Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C.

List of abbreviations

orig. des.—by original designation
distr.—geographic distribution
M (m#)—Male

Catalogue of Aulacigastridae of Colombia

Family Aulacigastridae Duda, 1924

Genus Aulacigaster Macquart, 1835

Aulacigaster Macquart, 1835: 579. Type species, Aulacigaster rufitarsis Macquart, 1835 (= Diastata leucopeza Meigen)
(mon.). Refs.: Schiner, 1863: 269–270 (rev., synonymy); Duda, 1934: 1–5 (rev., Palearctic fauna); Wirth, 1965: 823
(Nearctic cat.); Papavero, 1967: 91 (Neotropical cat.); Teskey, 1976: 12 (Diptera associated with trees), 1987: 891–894
(Manual of Nearctic Diptera); Sabrosky, 1977: 230 (Oriental cat.); Papp, 1984: 61 (Palearctic cat.), 1998a: 225–234 (rev.,
Palearctic species), 1998b: 279–284 (Manual of Palearctic Diptera); Barraclough, 1993: 331–42 (rev., Afrotropical
species); Mathis and Freidberg, 1994: 586–591 (Nearctic species); Bächli, 1998: 288 (checklist, Switzerland), 1999:
119–122 (checklist, Greece, Italy, Switzerland); Hilger and Kassebeer, 2000: 167–172 (new species, Réunion); Kassebeer,
2001: 23–32 (rev., new species, western Palearctic Region); Rung and Mathis, 2010:1083–1085 (Manual of Central
American Diptera), 2011: 1–132 (rev.).
Apotomella Dufour, 1846: 455. Type species, Apotomella impressifrons Dufour, 1846 [= Diastata leucopeza (Meigen 1830)],
(mon.)., Schiner, 1863: 269 (synonymy with Aulacigaster).
Ampycophora Wahlberg, 1847: 261. Type species, Ampycophora tarsata Wahlberg, 1847 [= Diastata leucopeza (Meigen,
1830)], (mon.). Schiner, 1863: 269 (synonymy with Aulacigaster).
Sephanilla Rondani, 1874: 276. Type species, Sephanilla sertulata Rondani, 1874 [= Diastata leucopeza Meigen)], (orig. des.),
(p. 246). Mathis and Freidberg, 1994: 585 (synonymy with Aulacigaster).
Aulacogaster Oldenberg, 1914: 30 [unjustified emendation for Aulacigaster].
Schizochroa Hennig, 1956: 151–152. Type species, Schizochroa melanoleuca Hennig, 1956, (orig. des.). McAlpine, 1983: 58
(synonymy with Aulacigaster).

grimaldii Rung & Mathis, 2011: 49. Type locality: Venezuela. HT M [AMNH]. Distr.: Bolívia (La Paz), Colombia
(Valle del Cauca (Río Raposo), Costa Rica, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guyana, Panama, Peru,

TABLE 1. Aulacigastridae species recorded from Colombia.

Genus Species Author

Aulacigaster grimaldii Rung & Mathis, 2011

682 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press RUNG


Bächli, G. (1998) 83. Aulacisgaster. In: Merz, B., Bächli, G., Haenni, J.-P. & Gonseth, Y. (Eds.), Diptera – Checklist. Fauna
Helvetica, 1, pp. 1, 288, 369. [Schweizerische Entomologische Gesellschaft]
Bächli, G., Papp, L. & Vanin, S. (1999) New records of Aulacigastridae and Drosophilidae (Diptera) from Switzerl, Italy and
Greece. Mitteilungen der Schweizerishcen entomologischen Gesellshaft, 72, 119–122.
Barraclough, D.A. (1993) The afrotropical species of Aulacigaster Macquart (Diptera: Aulacigastridae: Aulacigastrinae).
Annals of the Natal Museum, 34 (1), 31–42.
Cole, E.J. & Streams, F.A. (1970) Insects emerging from brown slime fluxes in southern New England. The Canadian
Entomologist, 102, 321–333.
Davis, E.J. & Zack, R.S. (1978) New host records and notes on the dipterous family Aulacigastridae. The Pan-Pacific
Entomologist, 54, 129–130.
Duda, O. (1924) Beitrag zur Systematik der Drosophiliden unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der palärktischen u.
orientalischen Arten (Dipteren). Archiv für Naturgeschichte, 90, 172–234.
Duda, O. (1934) Aulacogastridae [sic]. In: Lindner, E. (Ed.), Die Fliegen der paläarktischen Region, 58c, pp. 1–5.
Dufour, L. (1846) Histoire des métamorphoses de l'Aulacigaster rufitarsis, et critiques sur ce genre de Muscides Acalyptérées
(1). Annales Société de la Entomologique de France, 4, 455–463.
Hennig, W. (1956) Neue neotropische Acalyptrata aus dem Deutschen Entomologischen Institut (Diptera: Acalyptrata).
Beiträge zur Entomologie, 6, 146–154.
Hilger, S. & Kassebeer, C.F. (2000) A New Species of Aulacigaster Macquart 1835 (Diptera, Aulacigastridae) from Réunion.
Dipteron, 3 (2), 167–172.
Kassebeer, C. (2001) The einheimischen Arten der Gattung Aulacigaster Macquart, 1835 (Diptera, Aulacigastridae). Dipteron,
4 (1), 23–32.
Macquart, J. (1835) Histoire naturelle des insectes. Diptères. Tome deuxi-me. Ouvrage accompagn. de planches. Roret, Paris,
703 or 710 pp. (before 1 April). [The errata pages for this volume vary in number from copy to copy and are not always
numbered. A separate livraison contains the plates and accompanying legend on 8 pp. See annotation under Macquart
1834a, for details concerning publication. This volume was presented by Macquart to the Société Entomologique de
France at the 1 April meeting.]
Mathis, W.N. & Freidberg, A. (1994) A review of North American Aulacigaster Macquart (Diptera: Aulacigastridae).
Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, 96 (4), 583–598.
McAlpine, D.K. (1983) A new subfamily of Aulacigastridae (Diptera: Schizophora), with a discussion of Aulacigastrid
classification. Australian Journal of Zoology, 31, 55–78.
Meigen, J.W. (1830) Systematische Beschreibung der bekannten europäischen zweiflügeligen Insekten. Vol. 6. Schulzische
Buchhandlung, Hamm, xi + 401 pp., 2 pls. [pls. 55–66]
Oldenberg, L. (1914) Beitrag zur Kenntnis der europäischen Drosophiliden (Dipt.). Archiv für Naturgeschichte, Berlin, 80 (2),
Papavero, N. (1967) 91: Family Aulacigastridae. In: Papavero, N. (Ed.), A Catalogue of the Diptera of the Americas South of
the United States. Departamento de Zoologia, Secretaria de Agricultura, São Paulo, pp. 1–2.
Papp, L. (1984) 10. Family Aulacigastridae. In: Soós, A. & Papp, L. (Eds.), Catalogue of Palaearctic Diptera. Elsevier,
Amsterdam, Oxford, New York & Tokyo, pp. 60–61.
Papp, L. (1998a) The Palaearctic species of Aulacigaster Macquart (Diptera, Aulacigastridae). Acta Zoologica Academiae
Scientiarum Hungaricae, 43 (3), 225–234.
Papp, L. (1998b) 3.23. Family Aulacigastridae. In: Papp, L. & Darvas, B. (Eds.), Contributions to a Manual of Palaearctic
Diptera (with special reference to flies of economic importance). Vol. 3. Higher Brachycera. Science Herald, Budapest, pp.
Robinson, I. (1953) The postembryonic stages in the life cycle of Aulacigaster leucopeza (Meigen) (Diptera, Cyclorrhapha:
Aulacigasteridae). Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London (A), 28, 77–84.
Rondani, C. (1874) Species Italicae ordinis Dipterorum (Muscaria Rndn.) collectae et observatae. Stirps XXII Loncheinae
Rndn. Bullettino della Società Entomologica Italiana, 6, 243–274.
Rung, A. & Mathis, W.N. (2010) Aulacigastridae. In: Brown, B.V., Borkent, A., Wood, D.M. & Zumbado, M. (Eds.), Manual
of Central American Diptera. Vol. 2. NRC Research Press, Otawwa, pp. 1087–1092.
Rung, A. & Mathis, W.N. (2011) A Revision of the Genus Aulacigaster Macquart (Diptera: Aulacigastridae). Smithsonian
Contributions to Zoology, 633, 1–132
Rung, A., Mathis, W.N. & Papp, L. (2005) Curiosimusca, gen. nov., and three new species in the family Aulacigastridae from
the Oriental Region (Diptera: Opomyzoidea). Zootaxa, 1009, 21–36.
Sabrosky, C.W. (1977) Family Aulacigastridae. In: Delfinado, M.D. & Hardy, D.E. (Eds.), A Catalog of the Diptera of the
Oriental Region. Suborder Cyclorrhapha (Excluding Division Aschiza). Vol. 3. University Press of Hawaii, Honolulu, pp.

CATALOGUE OF AULACIGASTRIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 683
Schiner, I.R. (1863) Die Fliegen (Diptera). In: Fauna Austriaca. Vol. 2. Parts 9–10. Carl Gerold's Sohn, Wien, pp. 81–288.
Teskey, H.J. (1976) Diptera larvae associated with trees in North America. Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada,
100, 1–53.
Teskey, H.J. (1987) Family Aulacigastridae. In: McAlpine, J.F. (Ed.), Manual of Nearctic Diptera. Vol. 2. Monograph 28.
Research Branch, Agriculture Canada, Ottawa: pp. 891–894.
Wahlberg, P.F. (1847) Tvänne nya dipter-genera af agromyzidernas familj. Öfversigt af Kongl. Vetenskaps-Akademiens
Förhandlingar, 4, 259–263.
Wirth, W.W. (1965) Aulacigastridae. In: Stone, A., Sabrosky, C.W., Wirth, W.W., Foote, R.H. & Coulson, J.R. (Eds.), A
Catalog of the Diptera North of Mexico. Department of Agriculture Handbook, Washington, D.C., pp. 276–823.

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Zootaxa 4122 (1): 685–695 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
Copyright © 2016 Magnolia Press
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)


Laboratório de Dipterologia, Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade de Brasília, Campus Darcy
Ribeiro, CEP 70910-000, Brasília, Brasil. E-mail:


This catalog compiles information on the 13 genera and 25 species of Sphaeroceridae that have been reported for Colom-
bia. It is entirely based on literature data and no new records are presented.

Key words: catalogue, Colombia, distribution, Lesser dung flies


The Sphaeroceridae, also known as lesser dung flies, are cosmopolitan flies found in a variety of environments,
particularly wet environments such as tundras at the sub-Antarctic region (Belshaw 1989, Hagvar & Greve 2003,
Renault & Lalouette 2011), caves (Cali 1897, Marshall & Fitzgerald 1997), pastures (Carles-Tolrá et al. 1993),
bromeliad cups (Knab & Malloch 1912), turfs (Marshall 1997), vertebrate and invertebrate nests (Young & Goff
1939, Krivokhatsky & Nartshuk 2007, Nartshuk & Matyukhin 2012).
Where dung flies occur, they are associated with decaying organic matter. Some species are specialists; others
are polysaprophagous (Bartak 1998, Skevington & Dang 2002). They feed on microorganisms found in a variety of
resources (Fredeen & Taylor 1964, Norrbom & Kim 1984, Belshaw 1989, Buck 1994, Wheeler 1995, Buck 1997,
Mendes & Linhares 2002, Nielsen & Nielsen 2007, Barnes et al. 2009, Marshall & Buck 2010) such as animal
feces, rotting logs, litter, fungi, seaweed banks, sewage, litter soil in caves and carrion of vertebrates and
invertebrates. Some species are phoretic of other arthropods such as beetles, crabs and ants (Gómez 1977, Sivinski
1983, Mourgués-Schurter 1987, Marshall & Montagnes 1988, Roháček & Marshall 1998, Niogret & Lumaret
2009). No species has economic importance, although some can harm fungus crops (Buxton 1960, Marshall &
Richards 1987, Roháček et al. 2001) or have a potential role as mechanical vector of Salmonella sp. (Manrique-
Saide & Delfín-González 1997) One species, Poecilosomella angulata (Thomson, 1869), can cause intestinal
myiasis in humans (Micks & Mckibben 1956)
According to the extensive catalog compiled by Roháček et al. (2001) and its update by Marshall et al. (2011),
the Sphaeroceridae include 1,550 valid species-group taxa and 141 genus-group taxa. The family is subdivided into
five subfamilies (Sphaerocerinae, Copromyzinae, Limosininae, Homalomitrinae and Tucminae) (Roháček et al.
2001, Marshall et al. 2011). Of these, 25 species in 13 genera occur in Colombia (Table 1) (Richards 1967,
Roháček et al. 2001, Bergeron 2010, Marshall et al. 2011). Nevertheless, there are more undescribed species of
Sphaeroceridae in the Neotropical region than in all other regions. Considering that many countries in the
Neotropical region are poorly sampled (Marshall & Buck 2010), it is possible that the actual number of species in
Colombia is higher. There have been no studies focusing on the diversity of dung flies in that country.
Dung flies are small (0.7 – 6 mm), dull, ranging from brown to yellowish, although some species can show a
more elaborated pattern. Sphaerocerids are easily distinguished from other acalyptrate flies by their short, thick
first tarsomere on hindleg, and reduction of the subcostal vein (Marshall & Richards 1987, Marshall & Buck 2010).
The catalog was entirely based on the records of other catalogs and papers, particularly the extensive work of
Roháček et al. (2001) for the world fauna, its complement by Marshall et al. (2011), and an earlier catalog by
Richards (1967) for the Neotropical region. It compiles all Colombian Sphaeroceridae species known and its

Accepted by S. Nihei: 1 May 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016 685

Neotropical distribution, not considering other biogeographical regions. No new records are presented here and I
was not able to study any of the material deposited at the Universidad de Antioquia (Medellín) or any other
institution in Colombia.

Acronyms used for the depositories

[According to Rohacek et al. (2001) and Marshall et al. (2011)]

CNCI—Canadian National Collection of Insects, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
DEBU—Department of Environmental Biology, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada.
HNHM—Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest, Hungary.
IZAV—Instituto de Zoologia Agricola, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Maracay, Venezuela.
MNHN—Entomologie, Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France.
MZLU—Museum of Zoology, Lund University, Lund, Sweden.
NHRS—Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, Stockholm, Sweden.
OXUM—University Museum, Oxford, England, U.K.
SMTD—Staatliches Museum fur Tierkunde, Dresden, Germany.
USNM—National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C., USA.
UZIU—Zoological Institute, Uppsala, Sweden.

List of abbreviations

distr.—Geographic distribution
nom. nud.—nomen nudum
orign. des.—By original designation
RNF—Reserva Nacional Forestal
subs. des.—subsequent designation
F (f#)—Female
M (m#)—Male

Catalogue of Sphaeroceridae of Colombia

Family Sphaeroceridae Macquart, 1835

Subfamily Copromyzinae Stenhammar, 1855

Genus Archiborborus Duda

Archiborborus Duda, 1921: 125. Type species, Archiborborus submaculatus Duda, 1921. (subs. des. Cresson, 1923: 58).
Refs.: Duda, 1921: 125 (diag.); Cresson, 1923: 58; Richards, 1931: 64–73 (diag., rev., key); Richards, 1961a: 57–62 (diag.,
key); Richards, 1967: 2–3 (cat., syn.); Hackman, 1969: 196–198; Roháček et al., 2001: 49 (cat.); Marshall & Buck, 2010:
1167, 1171, 1182–1183 (key).

686 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press TEPEDINO

Huapia Richards, 1931: 65. Type species, Archiborborus (Huapia) microphthalma Richards (orig. des.).
Procopromyza Richards, 1931: 67. Type species, Archiborborus (Procopromyza) albicans Richards (orig. des.).

calceatus Duda, 1921: 138 Type locality: Colombia, Sierra San Lorenzo. HT F (HNHM). Distr.: Colombia
(Magdalena (Sierra San Lorenzo). Refs.: Duda, 1921: 138; Richards, 1961a: 58 (key); Richards, 1967: 3 (cat.);
Papp, 1977: 93 (key); Roháček, et al., 2001: 49 (cat.).

nitidicollis (Becker, 1920): 184 (Olina). Type locality: Ecuador, Tulcán, El Angel (3,002 m). STs M (MNHN).
Distr.: Colombia (locality not found), Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru. Refs.: Becker, 1920: 184 (diag.); Duda, 1921: 143;
Richards, 1967: 3 (cat.); Roháček et al., 2001: 51 (cat., syn.).
orbitalis Duda, 1921: 143.

Subfamily Homalomitrinae Roháček & Marshall, 1998

Genus Homalomitra Borgmeier

Homalomitra Borgmeier, 1931: 32. Type species, Homalomitra ecitonis Borgmeier, 1931 (orig. des.). Refs.: Borgmeier, 1931:
30-37 (diag.); Richards, 1967: 6 (cat.); Hackman, 1969: 198, 207; Mourgués-Schurter, 1987: 113 (diag.); Roháček &
Marshall, 1998: 458–463 (rev., key); Roháček et al., 2001: 109 (cat.); Marshall & Buck, 2010: 1167–1169 (key).

tenuior Roháček & Marshall, 1998: 468. Type locality: Colombia, Rio Camposo. HT F (USNM). Distr.: Colombia
(Rio Camposo), Ecuador. Refs.: Roháček & Marshall, 1998: 468 (diag., key); Roháček et al., 2001: 109 (cat.).

Subfamily Limosininae Frey, 1921

Genus Bitheca Marshall

Bitheca Marshall, 1987: 357. Type species, Bitheca agarica Marshall, 1987 (orig. des.). Refs.: Marshall, 1987: 357 (diag., rev.,
key); Roháček et al., 2001: 127 (cat.); Marshall & Buck, 2010: 1172, 1179, 1181, 1183 (key).

lambda Marshall, 1987: 371. Type locality: Mexico, Oaxaca, 12 mi S of Valle Nacional (3,200 ft). HT M (CNCI).
Distr.: Colombia (Norte de Santander (20 mi S of Cucuta 2,500ft)), Costa Rica, Mexico. Refs.: Marshall, 1987: 371
(key); Roháček et al., 2001: 127 (cat.).

Genus Coproica Rondani

Coproica Rondani, 1861: 10. Type species, Limosina acutangula Zetterstedt, 1847. (subs. des. By ICZN, 1996: 136.) Refs.:
Haliday, 1836 (diag.): 334; Zetterstedt, 1847; Rondani, 1861: 10 (homon.); Duda, 1918: 45 (diag., key); Spuler, 1924b:
377; Spuler, 1925: 122–124 (diag.) (key); Richards, 1960: 199–208 (diag., rev., key); Richards, 1967: 16 (cat.); Hackman,
1969: 202, 207; Marshall & Richards, 1987: 999 (key); Rohaček, et al., 2001:135 (cat.); Papp, 2008: 3–44; Marshall &
Buck 2010: 1173–1174, 1184 (key); Bergeron 2010: 1–41 (rev., key); Marshall et al., 2011: 238 (cat.).
Heteroptera Macquart, 1835 (homon. of Heteroptera Rafinesque, 1814 and Heteroptera Latreille, 1817, Hemiptera, cf. Richards,
1960: 199). Type species, Copromyza pusilla auct nec Fallén 1820 [=Coproica acutangula (Zetterstedt, 1847)] (mon.)
Coprophila Duda, 1918 (as subgenus of Limosina Macquart, 1835). Type species, Borborus vagans Haliday, 1833 (subs. des.
by Spuler, 1925: 123).

acutangula (Zetterstedt, 1847): 2499 (Limosina). Type locality: Sweden, Paradislyckan nr. Lund. ST M (MZLU).
Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Venecia, 1,355m)), Bermuda, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Jamaica, Mexico,
Puerto Rico, Venezuela. Refs.: Zetterstedt, 1847: 2499; Meigen, 1830: 296; Rondani, 1880: 42 (diag.); Richards,
1960: 205 (diag.); Tenorio, 1968: 196, 199–200 (diag.); Hinton, 1981: 747; Lachmann, 1996: 759–768; Roháček,
et al., 2001:135–136 (cat.); Bergeron 2010:48–55, 181, 183, 185–188 (diag., key); Marshall et al., 2011: 238 (cat.).
pusillus Meigen, 1830: 296 (Borborus). Misidentification, nec Copromyza pusilla Fállen, 1820.
pusilla Macquart, 1835: 570 (Heteroptera).

CATALOGUE OF SPHAEROCERIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 687
ferruginata (Stenhammar, 1855): 397 (Limosina). Type localities: Sweden, "in Ostrogothia ad Haradshammar,
Grebo et urbem Lincopiam haud parce", "in Scania ad urgem Lund et prope Kullen". LT F (UZIU), designated by
Gapasin & Kim, 1972: 1248. Roháček, et al., 2001 comments that no specimen of the type series is labelled, and no
type locality was chosen based on lectotype. Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (La Ceja, 2,100m)), Argentina, Bahamas,
Bermuda, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Jamaica, Honduras, Mexico, St. Kitts, Surinam. Refs.: Stenhammar,
1855: 397; , 1896: 434; Coquillett, 1900: 269; Collin, 1912: 101 (syn.); Duda, 1918: 215–219; Richards 1960: 295
(diag., key); Richards, 1967: 16 (cat.); Tenorio, 1968: 196, 200; Gapasin & Kim, 1972: 1248; Lachmann, 1996:
759–768; Roháček, et al., 2001: 137 (cat.); Bergeron 2010: 91–97, 181, 183, 212–214 (diag., key); Marshall et al.,
2011: 238–239 (cat.).
illotus Williston, 1896: 434 (Borborus), Collin, 1912: 101 (synonymy).
illota Coquillett, 1900: 269 (Limosina).

hirticula Collin, 1956: 178. Type locality: England, Cambs., Kirtling. STs M and F (OXUM). Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquia (La Ceja, 2,100m)), Argentina, Barbados, Brazil, Guatemala, Jamaica, Mexico. Refs.: Lachmann, 1996:
759-768; Richards, 1960: 202, 207(key); Roháček, et al., 2001:137-138 (cat.); Bergeron, 2010: 102–108, 184,
218–220 (diag., key); Marshall et al., 2011: 239 (cat.).

Genus Lepidosina Marshall & Buck

Lepidosina Marshall & Buck, 2007 in Marshall et al., 2007: 573. Type species, Leptocera (Scotophilella) gibba Spuler, 1925,
orig. des. Refs.: Marshall et al., 2007: 573 (key, diag.); Marshall & Buck, 2010: 1172, 1177, 1184; Marshall et al., 2011:
224 (cat.).

evanescens Marshall & Buck, 2007 in Marshall et al., 2007: 585. Type locality: Ecuador, Esmeraldas, 11 km SE
San Lorenzo, La Chiquita (5 m). HT M (DEBU). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas (Leticia)), Bolivia, Costa Rica,
Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela. Refs.: Marshall et al., 2007: 585 (key, diag.); Marshall et al., 2011: 224 (cat.).

rutricauda Marshall & Buck, 2007 in Marshall et al., 2007: 597. Type locality: Ecuador, Napo, Jatun Sacha
Reserve, 6 km E of Misahuallí (450 m). HT M (DEBU). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas (Leticia, Pepper Farm)),
Ecuador, Peru. Refs.: Marshall et al., 2007: 597; Marshall et al., 2011: 244–245 (cat.).

Genus Leptocera Olivier

Leptocera Olivier, 1813: 489. Type species, Leptocera nigra Olivier, 1813, mon. Refs.: Olivier, 1813: 489; Spuler, 1924a: 106;
Spuler, 1924b: 371 (syn.); Duda, 1925: 11-64 (syn.); Richards, 1930: 267 (diag.); Richards, 1955: 78 (syn.); Richards,
1961b: 562; Richards, 1967: 7–9 (cat.); Roháček, 1982a: 3–41 (diag., syn.); Marshall & Richards, 1987: 995–997 (diag.,
key); Roháček, et al., 2001: 150 (cat.); Buck & Marshall, 2009: 7–16 (key); Marshall & Buck, 2010: 1170, 1174, 1182
1184; Marshall et al., 2011: 245 (cat.).
Lotomyia Lioy, 1864: 1116. Type species, Limosina arcuata Macquart, 1835 = Leptocera fontinalis (Fallén, 1826), subs. des.
Roháček, 1982a: 3.
Paracollinella Duda, 1924b: 166. Type species, Copromyza fontinalis Fallén, 1826, subs. des. Richards, 1930: 267.
Skottsbergia Enderlein, 1938: 650. Type species, Skottsbergia cultellipennis Enderlein, 1938, orig. des.

erythrocera (Becker, 1920): 183 (Limosina). Type locality: Ecuador, Casitagua (3,512 m). HT F (MNHN). Distr.:
Colombia (Cundinamarca (Choachí), Valle del Cauca (La Cumbre)), Argentina, Bahamas, Belize, Bermuda,
Bolivia, Brazil, Cayman Is., Chile, Costa Rica, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Galápagos Is. (Ecuador),
Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Montserrat, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, St.
Croix, St. Kitts, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Trinidad, Venezuela. Refs.: Duda, 1925: 51; Richards, 1967: 8; Roháček, et
al., 2001: 22, 153 (cat., syn.); Buck & Marshall, 2009: 34 (key); Marshall et al., 2011: 246 (cat.).
pararoralis Duda, 1925: 51 [Leptocera (Paracollinella)].
abdominiseta Duda, 1925: 52 [Leptocera (Paracollinella)].

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fulva (Malloch, 1912): 4 (Limosina). Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Tabernilla. HT F (USNM). Distr.:
Colombia (Antioquia (Envigado, Las Brujas)), Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican
Republic, Ecuador, ?Galapagos Is. (Ecuador), Grenada, Guadeloupe, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico,
Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, St. Vincent, Trinidad & Tobago, Venezuela. Refs.: Williston,
1896: 432 (homon.); Malloch, 1912: 4 (homon.); Malloch, 1914: 115; Spuler, 1924a: 116; Duda, 1925: 20, 53–54
(key); Richards, 1967: 8; Roháček, et al., 2001: 23, 154 (cat., syn.); Buck & Marshall, 2009: 104 (key, diag.);
Marshall et al., 2011: 247 (cat.).
scutellaris Williston, 1896: 432 (Limosina) (homon. of Chaetopodella scutellaris Haliday, 1836).
discalis Malloch, 1912 (Limosina).

Genus Minilimosina Rohaček

Minilimosina Rohaček, 1983: 27. Type species, Limosina fungicola Haliday, 1836, orig. des. Ref.: Roháček, 1982b: 222;
Roháček, 1983: 27 (diag., key); Marshall, 1985b: 2–60 (rev., key); Marshall & Richards, 1987: 1004 (key, diag.); Roháček
et al., 2001: 161 (cat.); Marshall & Buck, 2010: 1172, 1176, 1179, 1181, 1184 (key); Marshall et al., 2011: 249 (cat.).

Subgenus Minilimosina Rohaček

sclerophallus Marshall, 1985b: 15. Type locality: Venezuela, Tachira, 4.5 km NE San Cristóbal (9,000 ft). HT M
(CNCI). Distr.: Colombia (Norte de Santander (above Pamplona; 30 km S of Chinacota), Ecuador, Venezuela.
Refs.: Marshall, 1985b: 15; Roháček, et al., 2001: 166 (cat.).

Genus Opalimosina Rohaček

Opalimosina Rohaček, 1983: 137. Type species, Limosina mirabilis Collin, 1902, orig. des. Refs.: Roháček, 1983: 137 (diag.);
Marshall & Richards, 1987: 1003 (key); Roháček, et al., 2001: 179 (cat.); Marshall & Buck, 2010: 1181, 1185; Marshall et
al., 2011: 253 (cat.).

Subgenus Opalimosina Rohaček, 1983

mirabilis (Collin, 1902): 59 (Limosina). Type locality: England, Suffolk, S.L. Newmarket. LT M (OXUM). Distr.:
Colombia (locality not found), Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Mexico. Refs.: Collin, 1902: 59; Duda, 1918:
134; Duda, 1925: 175; Duda, 1938: 132; Tenorio, 1968: 189, 207–208; Okely, 1974: 50; Roháček, et al., 2001:
181(cat.); Marshall et al., 2011: 253 (cat.).

Genus Palaeocoprina Duda

Palaeocoprina Duda, 1920: 436. Type species, Archileptocera (Palaeocoprina) geminiseta Duda, 1920, mon. Refs.: Duda,
1920: 436; Richards, 1967: 7 (cat.); Marshall, 1998: 196–211 (key); Roháček, et al., 2001: 184 (cat.); Marshall & Buck,
2010: 1174.

colombiensis Marshall, 1998: 200. Type locality: Colombia, 12 km S of Bogotá (10,000 ft). HT M (CNCI). Distr.:
Colombia (Bogotá). Refs.: Marshall, 1998: 200; Roháček, et al., 2001: 184(cat.).

Genus Poecilosomella Duda

Poecilosomella Duda, 1925: 78. Type species, Copromyza punctipennis Wiedemann, 1824 (subs. des. by Richards, 1930: 268).
Refs.: Duda, 1925: 78 (key) (diag.); Richards, 1930: 268; Richards, 1967: 12 (cat.); Hackman, 1969: 203, 207; Marshall &
Richards, 1987: 1000 (key, diag.); Roháček, et al., 2001: 199–200 (cat.); Marshall & Buck, 2010: 1170, 1172, 1175, 1181,
1185; Marshall et al., 2011: 259 (cat.).

CATALOGUE OF SPHAEROCERIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 689
angulata (Thomson, 1869): 602 (Limosina). Type locality: "Brasilia" [= Brazil]. STs (sex unknown) (NHRS).
Distr.: Colombia (locality not found), Bermuda, Brazil, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Mexico,
Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Santa Lucia, St. Vincent. Refs.: Thomson, 1869: 602; Osten-Sacken, 1878: 263;
Williston, 1896: 434; Coquillett, 1900: 269; Adams, 1904: 454; Malloch, 1914: 11; Duda, 1925: 93–95; Richards,
1961b: 563 (syn.); Richards, 1967: 12 (cat.); Roháček, et al., 2001: 200–201 (cat.); Marshall et al., 2011: 259–260
venalicius Osten-Sacken, 1878: 263 (Borborus).
venalicia Adams, 1904: 454 (Limosina).

Genus Rachispoda Lioy

Rachispoda Lioy, 1864: 1116. Type species, Copromyza limosa Fallèn, 1820, mon. Refs.: Lioy, 1864: 1116; Duda, 1918: 13,
27 (homon.); Spuler, 1924b: 375; Strand, 1928: 49; Richards, 1930: 266 (syn.); Strand, 1932: 120; Enderlein, 1936: 173;
Duda, 1938: 84 (syn.); Richards, 1967: 8–10 (cat.); Hackman, 1969: 204, 208; Marshall & Richards, 1987: 999 (key,
diag.); Wheeler, 1995: 159–230 (key, rev.); Wheeler & Marshall, 1995: 1209–1307 (key, rev.); Roháček, et al., 2001: 223
(cat.); Marshall & Buck, 2010: 1173–1174, 1185(key, diag.); Marshall et al., 2011: 269 (cat.).
Collinella Duda, 1918: 13, 27. Type species, Limosina halidayi Collin, 1902 [=Rachispoda varicornis (Strobl, 1900)] subs. des.
Strand, 1928: 49.
Collinellula Strand, 1928: 49 [nom. nud. for Collinella, Duda, 1918]. Type species, Limosina halidayi Collin, 1902 [=
Rachispoda varicornis (Strobl, 1900)], subs. des.
?Colluta Strand, 1932: 120. Type species, Limosina zernyi Duda, 1924 [= Rachispoda acrosticalis (Becker, 1903)], mon.
?Rachispodina Enderlein, 1936: 173. Type species, Borborus fuscipennis Haliday, 1833, mon.

aequipilosa (Duda, 1925): 34 (Leptocera (Collinella)). Type locality: Paraguay, Asunción. LT M (SMTD). Distr.:
Colombia, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru. Refs.: Duda, 1925: 34; Richards, 1931: 62;
Richards, 1967: 9 (cat.); Wheeler & Marshall, 1995: 1213–1215 (diag., key); Roháček et al., 2001: 224–225 (cat.).

bipilosa (Duda, 1925): 43 (Leptocera (Collinella)). Type locality: Bolivia, Mapiri, Lorenzopata. LT M, (SMTD).
Distr.: Colombia, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil. Refs.: Duda, 1925: 43; Richards, 1963: 236; Richards, 1967: 9 (cat.);
Wheeler & Marshall, 1995: 1302–1304 (diag., key); Roháček et al., 2001: 227 (cat.).

chisholmae Wheeler in Wheeler & Marshall, 1995: 1216. Type locality: Trinidad, Caroni, 3 km W of Caroni. HT
M (CNCI). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca (17 mi W of Sevilla)), Guyana, Trinidad. Refs.: Wheeler & Marshall,
1995: 1216 (diag., key); Roháček et al., 2001: 228 (cat.).

colombiana Wheeler in Wheeler & Marshall, 1995: 1259. Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca, El Colegio.
HT M (USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca (El Colegio)). Refs.: Wheeler & Marshall, 1995: 1259 (diag.,
key); Roháček et al., 2001: 228–229 (cat.).

divergens (Duda, 1925): 44 (Leptocera (Collinella)). Type locality: Chile, Punta Arenas. LT M (SMTD). Distr.:
Colombia (Barrancas), Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela. Refs.: Duda, 1925: 44 ; Richards,
1931: 62, 76; Richards, 1967: 9 (cat.); Wheeler & Marshall, 1995: 1233 (key, diag., syn.); Roháček et al., 2001:
230 (cat.).
ensenada Richards, 1931: 76 [Leptocera (Rachispoda)].

m-nigrum (Malloch, 1912): 7 (Limosina). Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Paraiso. HT M (USNM). Distr.:
Colombia (Meta (Villavicencio (40 mi S of Cali, Rio Bravo)), Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Costa Rica,
Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico , Panama, Paraguay, Peru, St.
Lucia, St. Vincent, Trinidad, Venezuela. Refs.: Malloch, 1912: 7; Malloch, 1914: 23; Spuler, 1924a: 114; Duda,
1925: 29; Sabrosky, 1956: 74; Richards 1967: 10 (cat.); Wheeler & Marshall, 1995: 1304–1306 (key, diag., syn.);
Roháček, et al., 2001: 237–238 (cat.).
paraguayensis Duda, 1925: 29 [(Leptocera(Collinella)]
weemsi Sabrosky, 1956: 74 (Leptocera).

690 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press TEPEDINO

Genus Robustagramma Marshall & Cui

Robustagramma Marshall & Cui, 2005: 6. Type species, Leptocera (Scotophilella) robusta Spuler, 1925, orig. des. Refs:
Marshall & Cui, 2005: 6 (diag.); Marshall & Buck, 2010: 1170, 1172, 1175, 1177, 1181, 1185 (key); Marshall et al., 2011:
272 (cat.).

gigantisclerosum Marshall & Cui, 2005. Type locality: Ecuador, (Pichincha), Río Palenque. HT M (DEBU).
Distr.: Colombia (Norte de Santander (Santiago, 2,000 ft), Belize, Bolivia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala,
Guyana, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Trinidad, Venezuela. Refs: Marshall & Cui, 2005: 72 (key, diag.); Marshall et al.,
2011: 273–274 (cat.).

obscuratum Marshall & Cui, 2005: 39. Type locality: Belize, San Ignacio, Maya Mountain Lodge. HT M
(DEBU). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca (RNF Bosque de Yotoco), Belize, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala,
Guyana, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Venezuela. Refs.: Marshall & Cui, 2005: 39 (key, diag.); Marshall et al., 2011: 275

spinatimargo Marshall & Cui, 2005: 88. Type locality: Venezuela, Aragua, Maracay, Rancho Grande, (1,200 m).
HT M (IZAV). Distr.: Colombia (Norte de Santander (Santiago, 2.000 ft)), Venezuela. Refs.: Marshall & Cui, 2005:
88 (key, diag.); Marshall et al., 2011: 276 (cat.).

Genus Spelobia Spuler

Spelobia Spuler, 1924b: 376. Type species, Limosina tenebrarum Aldrich, 1897, orig. des. Refs.: Spuler, 1924b: 376 (diag.);
Roháček, 1983: 59–98 (key); Marshall, 1985a: 9–100 (diag., rev., key); Roháček et al., 2001: 252 (cat.); Marshall, et al.,
2011: 277 (cat.).

costalis (Becker, 1920): 182 (Limosina). Type locality: Ecuador, Cuenca (2,532 m). HT F (MNHN). Distr.:
Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Venezuela. Refs.: Becker, 1920: 182 (diag.); Richards, 1967: 12
(cat.); Marshall, 1985a: 20 (syn.); Roháček et al., 2001: 23, 257 (cat.).
pulliforma Marshall, 1985a: 20.


I would like to thank Dr. Alessandra Rung for helping with some corrections and revisions, and Professors Steve
Marshall and Terry Wheeler for the papers they sent me.

TABLE 1. Sphaeroceridae species recorded from Colombia.

Subfamily Genus Species Author

Copromyzinae Archiborborus calceatus Duda, 1921
nitidicollis (Becker, 1920)
Homalomitrinae Homalomitra tenuior Roháček & Marshall, 1998
Limosininae Bitheca lambda Marshall, 1987
Coproica acutangula (Zetterstedt, 1847)
ferruginata (Stenhammar, 1855)
hirticula Collin, 1956
Lepidosina evanescens Marshall & Buck, 2007
rutricauda Marshall & Buck, 2007
Leptocera erythrocera (Becker, 1920)
...Continued on next page

CATALOGUE OF SPHAEROCERIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 691
TABLE 1. (Continued)
Subfamily Genus Species Author
fulva (Malloch, 1912)
Minilimosina sclerophallus Marshall, 1985b
Opalimosina mirabilis (Collin, 1902)
Palaeocoprina colombiensis Marshall, 1998
Poecilosomella angulata (Thomson, 1869)
Rachispoda aequipilosa (Duda, 1925)
bipilosa (Duda, 1925)
chisholmae Wheeler, 1995
colombiana Wheeler, 1995
divergens (Duda, 1925)
m-nigrum (Malloch, 1912)
Robustagramma gigantisclerosum Marshall & Cui, 2005
obscuratum Marshall & Cui, 2005
spinatimargo Marshall & Cui, 2005
Spelobia costalis (Becker, 1920)


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Wheeler, T.A. & Marshall, S.A. (1995) Systematics of the New World Rachispoda Lioy (Diptera: Sphaeroceridae): revisions of
the primarily Neotropical aequipilosa, divergens, fuscinervis, maculinea, marginalis, and m-nigrum species groups.
Journal of Natural History, 9, 1209–1307.
Williston, S.W. (1896) On the Diptera of St. Vincent (West Indies). Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, 3,
Young, F.N. & Goff, C.C. (1939) An annotated list of the arthropods found in the burrows of the Florida Gopher Tortoise,
Gopherus polyphemus (Daudin). Florida Entomologist, 22 (4), 53–62.
Zetterstedt, J.W. (1847) Diptera Scandinaviae. Disposita et descripta. Vol. 6. Officina Lundbergiana, Lundae [= Lund], 418 pp.
[pp. 2163–2580]

CATALOGUE OF SPHAEROCERIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 695
Zootaxa 4122 (1): 696–707 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
Copyright © 2016 Magnolia Press
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)



Departamento de Biologia, Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo. Av. Bandei-
rantes, 3900. 14040-901. Ribeirão Preto SP Brazil. E-mail:.


The Chloropidae representatives from Colombia are poorly known, and are represented by one Shiphonellopsinae genus,
five Chloropinae genera and 19 Oscinellinae genera, in a total of 46 described species.

Key words: catalogue, Chloropidae, Colombia, Distribution, Diversity


Chloropids are commonly known as grass flies, and are usually yellow or black, ranging from 1.5 to 5 mm in
length, rarely longer. Their diagnostic characters are the presence of propleural carina; well developed frontal
triangle, and reduced cephalic chaetotaxy. Other distinctive characteristics are found in this group, such as CuA1
vein with a more or less distinctive flexure near the basis, costal vein with only subcostal break, cup and bm-cu
cells absent and scutum of pale specimens frequently with three to five longitudinal stripes.
Chloropidae are usually found in low vegetation, but they have a wider range of habits. In the Neotropical
region, feeding habits are particularly poorly known, but data from other regions suggest the larvae of many
species are saprophagous, some phytophagous and few are gall inducers and predaceous. Gall inducers are known
just for temperate regions and, although there is no record of this habit for the Neotropics, some Neotropical genera
as Chlorops Meigen and Homaluroides Sabrosky are known as gall inducers in other regions (Bruyn 2005). The
larvae of Pseudogaurax Malloch prey spider eggs, mantis ootecae (P. signatus) and lepidopteran pupae (Barnes et
al. 1992). Species of Hippelates Loew and Liohippelates Duda are vectors of some eye diseases in humans
(Paganelli & Sabrosky 1993).
The family is traditionally divided into three subfamilies: Siphonellopsinae, Chloropinae and Oscinellinae,
distributed worldwide. The three subfamilies occur in Colombia, with one genus of Shiphonellopsinae (the only
one known for the Neotropical region), five Chloropinae genera and 19 Oscinellinae genera, totalizing 46
described species (Table 1). This catalog was organized based on the literature (Adams 1908; Aldrich 1931; Becker
1912; Becker 1916; Coquillett 1900; Enderlein 1911a; Enderlein 1913; Malloch 1913c; Paganelli 2002; Sabrosky
1955; Sabrosky 1974; Sabrosky & Paganelli 1984; Wheeler & Forrest 2002; Wheeler & Forrest 2003; Wiedemann
1830; Williston 1896).

Acronyms used for the depositories

CAS—Department of Entomology, California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, USA

DEI—Deutsches Entomologisches Institut, Münchenberg, Germany
MNHNP—Muséum National d´Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France
MNHUB—Nuseum für Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universität, Berlin, Germany
MZUSP—Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.
NMW—Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien, Austria

696 Accepted by S. Nihei: 10 Apr. 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016

PAN—Museum of the Institute of Zoology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
USNM—National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C., USA
SMT—Staatliche Naturhistorische Sammlungen Dresden, Museum für Tierkunde, Dresden, Germany
ZMKU—Zoologiske Museum, Copenhagen, Denmark
ZMUH—Zoologisches Institut und Zoologisches Museum, Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany

List of abbreviations

cat. —catalogue
distr. —geographic distribution
i.e. —example
orig. des.—by original designation
refs. —references
sp., spp.—species
ssp. —subspecies
HT —Holotype
T—Type (unspecified)
NA—Not applicable
F (#)—Female
M (#)—Male

Catalogue of Chloropidae of Colombia

Family Chloropidae Rondani, 1856

Subfamily Siphonellopsinae Duda, 1932

Genus Apotropina Hendel

Ectropa Schiner, 1868: 242 (preocc. Wallengren, 1863). Type species, Ectropa viduata Schiner, 1868 (mon.). Ref.: Sabrosky &
Paganelli, 1984: 3 (cat.).
Apotropina Hendel, 1907: 98 (nom. nov. for Ectropa Schiner, 1868). Type species, Ectropa viduata Schiner, 1868 (aut.).
Lasiopleura Becker, 1919: 130. Type species, Oscinis longepilosa Strobl, 1893 (mon.).
Pseudohippelates Malloch, 1913a: 261. Type species, Hippelates capax Coquillett, 1898 (orig. des.).
Omochaeta Duda, 1930: 58. Type species, Oscinosoma specularifrons Enderlein, 1911 (sub. des., Sabrosky, 1941b: 759).

infumata (Becker), 1916: 452 (Oscinella). Type locality: Colombia, Aracataca. 1 T [HNHM, probably lost]. Distr.:
Colombia (Magdalena (Aracataca)). Refs.: Becker, 1916: 452; Sabrosky & Paganelli, 1984: 4 (cat.).

CATALOGUE OF CHLOROPIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 697
Subfamily Chloropinae Rondani, 1856

Genus Chlorops Meigen

Chlorops Meigen, 1803: 278. Type species, Musca pumilionis Bjerkander, 1778 (subs. des. by I. C. Z. N., 1955: 423). Ref.:
Sabrosky & Paganelli, 1984: 35(cat.).

ferrugineus Duda, 1930: 122. Type locality: “Cordilleren” [Colombia, from presumed HT in MNHUB]. Distr.:
Colombia. Refs.: Paganelli, 2002: 29; Sabrosky & Paganelli, 1984: 35 (cat.).

Genus Parectecephala Becker

Parectecephala Becker, 1910: 105. Type species, Oscinis longicornis Fallén, 1820 (sub. des., Duda, 1933: 208). Ref.:
Sabrosky & Paganelli, 1984: 38 (cat.).

brevis (Becker), 1916: 446 (Chlorops). Type locality: Colombia, Barranquilla. 1 T [HNHM, probably lost]. Distr.:
Colombia (Atlántico (Barranquilla)). Refs.: Becker, 1916: 447; Paganelli, 2002: 48; Sabrosky & Paganelli, 1984:
38 (cat.).

Genus Pseudopachychaeta Strobl

Pseudopachychaeta Strobl, 1902: 500. Type species, Diplotoxa (Pseudopachychaeta) pachycera Strobl, 1902 (mon.). Ref.:
Sabrosky & Paganelli, 1984: 39 (cat.).

undet. sp. Colombia, Ecuador. Refs.: Paganelli, 2002: 26; Sabrosky & Paganelli, 1984: 39 (cat.).

Genus Thaumatomyia Zenker

Thaumatomyia Zenker, 1833: 344. Type species, Thaumatomyia prodigiosa Zenker, 1833 (mon.) = Thaumatomyia notata
(Meigen, 1830). Ref.: Sabrosky & Paganelli, 1984: 40 (cat.).
Chloropisca Loew, 1866b: 79. Type species, Chlorops glabra Meigen, 1830 (sub. des., Coquillett, 1910: 522).

glabrina (Becker), 1912: 138 (Chloropisca). Type locality: Peru, Cuzco. LT M (#) [SMT, designated by Sabrosky
& Paganelli, 1984: 40] and near Urubamba, 3200 m. Distr.: Costa Rica, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Argentina
(Tucumán). Refs.: Paganelli, 2002: 33; Sabrosky & Paganelli, 1984: 40 (cat.).

sulfurifrons (Duda), 1930: 124 (Chloropisca). Type locality: “Costa Rica” [Farm La Caja, near San José, from
presumed HT M (#) (Sabrosky, 1943: 112), now to be interpreted as LT in view of a recently discovered presumed
ST in MNHUB; the LT was in ZMH, now destroyed]. Distr.: U.S.A. (Arizona to Texas), Mexico (Chiahuahua,
Jalisco, Michoacán, Puebla, San Luís Potosí, Sonora, Veracruz), Costa Rica, Colombia, Ecuador. Refs.: Paganelli,
2002: 33; Sabrosky & Paganelli, 1984: 41 (cat.).

Genus Trigonomma Enderlein

Trigonomma Enderlein, 1911b: 124. Type species, Trigonomma lippulum Enderlein, 1911 (orig. des.). Ref.: Sabrosky &
Paganelli, 1984: 41 (cat.).
Beckerella Enderlein, 1911b: 122. Type species, Beckerella speculifrons Enderlein, 1911 (orig. des.).
Epichlorops Becker of Duda, 1931.

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albipes (Wiedemann), 1830: 595 (Chlorops). Type locality: “South America”. T F (#) [ZMKU, lost]. Distr.:
Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Guyana, Surinam, Trinidad, Peru. Refs.: Paganelli, 2002: 35; Sabrosky
& Paganelli, 1984: 41 (cat.); Wiedemann, 1830: 595.

Incertae sedis species

columbiana (Becker), 1912: 149 (Chlorops) strigata Duda, 1930: 122 (Chloropisca). Type locality: Colombia,
Fusagasuga. 1 T M (#) [PAN]. Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca (Fusagasuga)), Peru. Refs.: Becker, 1912: 150;
Paganelli, 2002: 35; Sabrosky & Paganelli, 1984: 40 (cat.).

Subfamily Oscinellinae Becker, 1910

Genus Apallates Sabrosky

Apallates Sabrosky, 1980: 417. Type species, Oscinis dissidens Tucker, 1908 (orig. des.). Ref.: Sabrosky & Paganelli, 1984: 5
Hippelates, part, and Oscinella, part, of authors.
Hippelates, dissidens group of Sabrosky, 1941a: 25.

columbianus (Enderlein), 1911a: 217 (Oscinosoma). Type locality: "Colombia". 1 T F (#) [PAN]. Distr.: Mexico
(Veracruz), Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia. Refs.: Enderlein, 1911a: 218; Sabrosky & Paganelli, 1984: 5 (cat.).

convexus (Loew), 1866a: 184 (Cent. 6, no. 94) (Hippelates). Type locality: Cuba. [T not located]. Distr.: Mexico
(Sonora, Tamaulipas, Veracruz, Yucatán), Guatemala, Nicaragua, Panama, Bermuda, Bahamas, Cuba, Jamaica,
Haiti, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, St. Vincent, Trinidad, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador,
Bolivia, Brazil (Goiás, Rio de Janeiro, Pernambuco), and Argentina (Corrientes, Misiones, Salta). Ref.: Sabrosky
& Paganelli, 1984: 5 (cat.).

fur (Williston), 1896: 425 (Oscinis). Type locality: St. Vincent. 10 ST [coll. not specified)]. Distr.: Mexico
(Colima, Guanajuato, Jalisco, San Luis Potosí, Sinaloa, Veracruz), Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica,
Colombia, St. Vincent. Refs.: Sabrosky & Paganelli, 1984: 6 (cat.); Williston, 1896: 425.

magnicornis (Duda), 1930: 109 (Lioscinella). Type locality: Not stated [Costa Rica, Farm La Caja, near San José,
from presumed ST in ZMUH, now destroyed, and in MNHUB and DEI]. Distr.: Mexico (Veracruz), Guatemala, El
Salvador, Costa Rica, Colombia, Ecuador. Ref.: Sabrosky & Paganelli, 1984: 6 (cat.).

subtomentosus (Enderlein), 1911a: 228 (Tropidoscinis). Type locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina. 2 ST F (#) [PAN].
Distr.: Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil (Rio de Janeiro, Santa Catarina). Refs.: Enderlein, 1911a: 228; Sabrosky &
Paganelli, 1984: 8 (cat.).

tener (Coquillett), 1900: 265 (Hippelates). Type locality: Puerto Rico (Utuado and Fajardo). 1 T [USNM, n°4385].
Distr.: U.S.A. (Texas, Florida), Mexico (Tamaulipas, Veracruz, Yucatán), Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa
Rica, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela. Refs.: Coquillett 1900: 266; Sabrosky & Paganelli, 1984: 8 (cat.).

viridiniger (Enderlein), 1911a: 192 (Hippelates). Type locality: Brazil (Santa Catarina). 1 T M (#) [PAN]. Distr.:
El Salvador, Costa Rica, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil (Rio de Janeiro, Santa Catarina). Refs.:
Enderlein, 1911a: 193; Sabrosky & Paganelli, 1984: 8 (cat.).

CATALOGUE OF CHLOROPIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 699
Genus Biorbitella Sabrosky

Biorbitella Sabrosky, 1980: 420. Type species, Oscinella hesperia Sabrosky, 1940 (orig. des.). Ref.: Sabrosky & Paganelli,
1984: 8 (cat.).

nigronotata (Duda), 1930: 111 (Lioscinella). Type locality: "Costa Rica" [Farm La Caja, near San José, from
presumed ST in ZMH, now destroyed, and ST in MNHUB and a ST in DEI]. Distr.: Guatemala, Costa Rica,
Colombia, Peru. Ref.: Sabrosky & Paganelli, 1984: 8 (cat.).

orbitalis (Duda), 1930: 98 (Neoolcanabates). Type locality: "Costa Rica" [Farm La Caja, near San José, from
presumed T series in ZMH, now destroyed, and ST in MNHUB and DEI]. Distr.: Mexico (Hidalgo), Guatemala,
Costa Rica, Colombia. Ref.: Sabrosky & Paganelli, 1984: 8 (cat.).

rubicunda (Becker), 1912: 213 (Oscinella). Type locality: Bolivia, Lorenzopata and Sarampiuní. 2 ST [SMT, 3 ST
in the original description]. Distr.: Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil (Rio de Janeiro). Refs.:
Becker, 1912: 214; Sabrosky & Paganelli, 1984: 8 (cat.).

Genus Cadrema Walker

Cadrema Walker, 1859: 117. Type species, lonchopteroides Walker, 1859 (mon.). Ref.: Sabrosky & Paganelli, 1984: 9 (cat.).
Prohippelates Malloch, 1913a: 260. Type species, Hippelates palidus Loew, 1866 (orig. des.).
Palaeogaurax Duda, 1930: 57. Type species, Hippelates pallidus Loew, 1866 (Sabrosky, 1941b: 761).

pallida (Loew), 1866a: 184 (Cent. 6, no. 93) (Hippelates). Type locality:"Cuba". [T not not located]. Distr.: U.S.A.
(s. Florida), Bermuda, Bahamas, Cuba, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Antigua, St. Vincent, Barbados, Panama, Colombia,
Clipperton Island, Ecuador (Galapagos Islands). Refs.: Sabrosky & Paganelli, 1984: 9 (cat.); Wheeler & Forrest,
2003: 268.

Genus Chaetochlorops Malloch

Chaetochlorops Malloch, 1914: 120. Type species, Siphonella inquilina Coquillett (orig. des.). Ref.: Sabrosky & Paganelli,
1984: 9 (cat.).

scutellaris (Becker), 1916: 449 (Siphonella). Type locality: Costa Rica, Higuito, San Mateo. 1 T [HNHM,
probably lost]. Distr.: Guatemala, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela. Refs.: Becker, 1916:
449; Sabrosky & Paganelli, 1984: 9 (cat.).

Genus Conioscinella Duda

Oscinella, subg. Conioscinella Duda, 1929: 166. Type species, Oscinella soluta Becker, 1912 (Sabrosky, 1941b: 751). Ref.:
Sabrosky & Paganelli, 1984: 9 (cat.).

inconspicua (Becker), 1916: 452 (Oscinella). Type locality: Colombia, Aracataca. 1 T [HNHM, probably lost].
Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena (Aracataca)). Refs.: Becker, 1916: 452 ; Sabrosky & Paganelli, 1984: 10 (cat.).

Genus Discogastrella Enderlein

Discogastrella Enderlein, 1911a: 200. Type species, Discogastrella gruenbergi Enderlein, 1911 (orig. des.). Ref.: Sabrosky &
Paganelli, 1984: 12 (cat.).

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gruenbergi Enderlein, 1911a: 201. Type-localily: Brazil, Santa Catarina. 28 ST [PAN, 40 ST in the original
description]. Distr.: Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama, Trinidad, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil (Distrito
Federal, Minas Gerais, Paraná, Rio de Janeiro, Santa Catarina, São Paulo), Argentina (Chaco, Misiones, Salta,
Tucumán). Refs.: Enderlein, 1911a: 201; Sabrosky & Paganelli, 1984: 12 (cat.).

Genus Elachiptera Macquart

Elachiptera Macquart, 1835: 621. Type species, Chorops brevipennis Meigen, 1830 (orig. des.). Ref.: Sabrosky & Paganelli,
1984: 12 (cat).
Melanochaeta, authors, in part.
Gampsocera Schiner of Becker (1912, 1916) and Enderlein (1911).

attenuata (Adams), 1908: 152 (Crassiseta). Type locality: Costa Rica, San José. 1 T [coll. not specified]. Distr.:
Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Colombia, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Easter Id, Jamaica. Refs.: Adams, 1908:
152; Sabrosky & Paganelli, 1984: 13 (cat.); Wheeler & Forrest 2002: 5.

dubiosa (Becker), 1916: 448 (Gampsocera). Type locality: Colombia, Aracataca. 1 T [HNHM, probably lost].
Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena (Aracataca)), Brazil (Rio de Janeiro). Refs.: Becker, 1916: 449; Sabrosky &
Paganelli, 1984: 13 (cat.).

flavida Williston, 1896: 417. Type locality: St. Vincent Is. 10 ST [coll. not specified]. Distr.: Colombia, St.
Vincent. Refs.: Sabrosky & Paganelli, 1984: 13 (cat.); Williston, 1896: 417

Genus Eugaurax Malloch

Eugaurax Malloch, 1913b: 46. Type species, Eugaurax floridensis Malloch, 1913 (orig. des.). Ref.: Sabrosky & Paganelli,
1984: 14 (cat.).

setigena Sabrosky, 1974: 347. Type locality: Guyana, Georgetown. HT F (#) [USNM]. Distr.: Colombia, Guyana.
Refs.: Sabrosky, 1974: 348; Sabrosky & Paganelli, 1984: 14 (cat.).

Genus Fiebrigella Duda

Fiebrigella Duda, 1921: 123, 143. Type species, Fiebrigella verrucosa Duda, 1921 (orig. des., as "n. gen. n. sp."). Ref.:
Sabrosky & Paganelli, 1984: 14-15 (cat.).
Goniopsis Duda, 1929: 166 (Preoccupied Haan, 1835, and Melichar, 1899). Type species, Goniopsis verrucosa Duda, 1929
(mon.) = boliviensis Sabrosky.
Goniopsita Duda, 1930: 69, 72. Type species, Goniopsis verrucosa Duda, 1929 (Sabrosky, 1941b: 753) = boliviensis Sabrosky.
Laccometopa Duda, 1930: 69, 72. Type species, Siphonella breviventris Becker, 1916 (mon.).
Mimoscinis Malloch, 1934: 432 (as Oscinosoma subgenus). Type species, Oscinosoma maculiventris Malloch (mon.).
Teleocoma Aldrich, 1924: 1. Type species, crassipes Aldrich, 1924 (orig. des.).

breviventris (Becker), 1916: 449 (Siphonella). Type locality: Colombia, Barranquilla. 1 T [HNHM, probably lost].
Distr.: Colombia (Atlantico (Barranquilla)). Refs.: Becker, 1916 : 449; Sabrosky & Paganelli, 1984: 15 (cat.).

Genus Goniaspis Duda

Goniaspis Duda, 1930: 59. Type species, Cadrema rubra Becker, 1916; Duda, 1931: 165. Refs.: Sabrosky & Paganelli, 1984:
16 (cat.).
Palaeoenderleiniella Duda, 1930: 57. Type species, Cadrema rubra Becker, 1916 (Sabrosky, 1941b: 761).

CATALOGUE OF CHLOROPIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 701
rubra (Becker), 1916: 451 (Cadrema). Type locality: Colombia, Sierra San Lorenzo. 1 T [HNHM, probably lost].
Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena (Sierra San Lorenzo)), Ecuador. Refs.: Becker, 1916: 451; Sabrosky & Paganelli,
1984: 16 (cat.).

subequalis (Malloch), 1913c: 257 (Hippelales). Type locality: “West Indies” Montserrat. T [USNM, n° 15967].
Distr.: Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Montserrat, Trinidad, Brazil (Rio de Janeiro). Refs.:
Malloch, 1913c: 257; Sabrosky & Paganelli, 1984: 16 (cat.).

Genus Hippelates Loew

Hippelates Loew, 1863: 35, 36 (Cent. 3, no. 67. 68). Type species, Hippelates plebejus Loew, 1863 (sub. des. Coquillett, 1910:
552. Ref.: Sabrosky & Paganelli, 1984: 16 (cat.).
Hippelates, subgenus Siphomyia Williston, 1896: 418. Type species, Hippelates proboscideus Williston, 1896 (subs. des.
Coquillett, 1910: 606).
Palaeoconioscinella Duda, 1930: 57. Type species, Hippelates proboscideus Williston, 1896 (subs. des. Sabrosky, 1941b: 24).
Hippelates plebejus group of Sabrosky, 1941a: 24.

annulatus Enderlein, 1911a: 192. Type locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina. 1 T F (#) [PAN]. Distr.: Guatemala, Costa
Rica, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Brazil (Rio de Janeiro, Santa Catarina), Uruguay, Argentina (Buenos Aires,
Corrientes, Jujuy), Chile. Refs.: Enderlein, 1911a: 192; Sabrosky & Paganelli, 1984: 17 (cat.).

pehlkei Enderlein, 1911a: 191. Type locality: "Colombia" Hacienda Pehlke or Hacienda Hamburgo, near Victoria.
1 T F (#) [PAN]. Distr.: Colombia (Caldas (Hacienda Pehlke or Hacienda Hamburgo, near Victoria)). Refs.:
Enderlein, 1911a: 192; Sabrosky & Paganelli, 1984: 18 (cat.).

selectus Becker, 1912: 165. Type locality: Peru, Cuzco & Callanga. ST [HNHM, probably lost; SMT, 4 ST]. Distr.:
Colombia, Ecuador, Peru. Refs.: Becker, 1912: 166; Sabrosky & Paganelli, 1984: 18 (cat.).

Genus Liohippelates Duda

Hippelates subg. Liohippelates Duda, 1929; 165, 169. Type species, Hippelates pusio Loew, 1872 (subs. Des. Sabrosky,
1941b: 755. Ref.: Sabrosky & Paganelli, 1984: 19 (cat.).
Stenoprosopon Duda, 1930: 59, 68. Type species, Oscinella satanas Becker, 1912 (mon.).
Stratiomicroneurum Duda, 1933: 198, 199. Type species, Stratiomicroneurum microneurinum Duda, 1933 (orig. des.).
Neohippelates Roberts, 1934: 252, nomen nudum.
Hippelates pusio group of Sabrosky, 1941a: 23.

aequatorialis (Becker), 1912: 171 (Hippelates). Type locality: Ecuador, El Angel and Peru, Callanga. ST [HMNH
and MNHNP]. Distr.: Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil (Santa Catarina), Argentina (Jujuy, La Pampa, La Rioja, Rio
Negro, San Luis, Tucumán). Refs.: Becker, 1912: 171; Sabrosky & Paganelli, 1984: 19 (cat.).

australis (Sabrosky), 1955: 45 (Hippelates). Type locality: Argentina, Rio Negro, Bariloche. HT M (#) [USNM, n°
62373]. Distr.: Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Argentina (Chubut, Mendoza, Neuquén, Rio Negro, Tucumán), Chile,
Islas Juan Fernandez. Refs.: Sabrosky, 1955: 46; Sabrosky & Paganelli, 1984: 19 (cat.).

currani (Aldrich), 1931: 70 (Hippelates; nom. nov. for collusor Curran, 1926). Type locality: Virgin Islands, St.
Thomas, Chalotte Amalie. T [CAS, lost]. Distr.: Mexico (Tamaulipas), Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama,
Cuba, Jamaica, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, St. Vincent, Trinidad, Tobago, Colombia,
Venezuela, Ecuador, Brazil (Espírito Santo, Mato Grosso, Pará, Paraíba, Rio de Janeiro). Refs.: Aldrich, 1931: 70;
Sabrosky & Paganelli, 1984: 20 (cat.).

femoralis (Duda), 1929: 165 (as Hippelates pusio var.). Type locality: Bolivia, Buena Vista, 80 km NW of Santa

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Cruz de La Sierra. 1 T [SMT]. Distr.: Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil (Rio de janeiro), Argentina (Jujuy, Salta,
Tucumán). Ref.: Sabrosky & Paganelli, 1984: 20 (cat.).

flavipes (Loew), 1866a: 184 (Cent. 6, no. 95) (Hippelates). Type locality: "Cuba". T [HNHM]. Distr.: Mexico
(Nayarit, Oaxaca, Veracruz), all Central America, Bahamas, Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Puerto
Rico, Virgin Islands, Antigua, Guadeloupe, Dominica, St. Lucia, Barbados, St. Vincent, Grenada, Trinidad,
Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil (Bahia, Mato Grosso, Pará, Paraná, Rio de Janeiro, Santa
Catarina, São Paulo), Argentina (Misiones). Ref.: Sabrosky & Paganelli, 1984: 20 (cat.).

peruanus (Becker), 1912: 170 (Hippelates). Type locality: Peru, Vilcanota; Argentina, San Pablo; Paraguay,
Asunción.T [HNHM]. Distr.: U.S.A. (Florida), Mexico (Morelos, Tamaulipas, Veracruz), Guatemala, Nicaragua,
Costa Rica, Bahamas, Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Guadeloupe,
Trinidad, Tobago, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil (Ceará, Pará, Paraná, Rio de Janeiro, Santa
Catarina, São Paulo), Paraguay, Argentina (Chaco, Corrientes, Formosa, Jujuy, Misiones, Salta, Tucumán). Refs.:
Becker, 1912: 171; Sabrosky & Paganelli, 1984: 21 (cat.).

tibialis Duda, 1930: 67. Type locality: Not stated [Peru, Chanchamayo and Meshagua (Rio Urubamba), from
presumed ST in SMT, and Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Petrópolis, from presumed ST in MZUSP]. Distr.: Guatemala,
Panama, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil (Ceará, Pará, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo),
Paraguay, Argentina (Misiones). Ref.: Sabrosky & Paganelli, 1984: 22 (cat.).

Genus Lioscinella Duda

Oscinella subg. Lioscinella Duda, 1929: 168, 169. Type species, Oscinosoma sulfurihalterata Enderlein, 1911 (subs. des.
Sabrosky, 1941b: 755). Ref.: Sabrosky & Paganelli, 1984: 22 (cat.).

prosthiomelas (Enderlein), 1913: 366 (Siphonella, as speculigera var.). Type locality: Colombia, Hacienda Pehlke,
near Victoria. 23 ST [PAN, 28 ST in the original description]. Distr.: Costa Rica, Colombia (Caldas (Hacienda
Pehlke, near Victoria)). Refs.: Enderlein 1913: 367; Sabrosky & Paganelli, 1984: 22 (cat.).

Genus Monochaetoscinella Duda

Monochaetoscinella Duda, 1930: 107. Type species, Oscinis anonyma Williston, 1896; (Duda, 1931: 166). Ref.: Sabrosky &
Paganelli, 1984: 24 (cat.).

anonyma (Williston), 1896: 423 (Oscinis). Type locality: St. Vincent. 2 ST [coll. not specified]. Distr.: U.S.A.
(Arizona, Texas, Florida), Mexico (Aguascalientes, Baja California, Hidalgo, Jalisco, Michoacán, Morelos, San
Luis Potosí, Sonora, Tamaulipas, Veracruz, Yucatán), Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica,
Panama, Bermuda, Bahamas, Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Dominica,
St. Vincent, Trinidad, Colombia, Ecuador (Galápagos Islands), Venezuela, Guyana, Surinam, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil
(Pará, Rio de Janeiro, Santa Catarina, São Paulo), Argentina (Corrientes). Refs.: Sabrosky & Paganelli, 1984: 24
(cat); Wheeler & Forrest, 2003: 276; Williston, 1896: 423.

Genus Olcanabates Enderlein

Olcanabates Enderlein, 1911a: 189. Type species, Olcanabates strigatus Enderlein, 1911 (orig. des.). Ref.: Sabrosky &
Paganelli, 1984: 25 (cat.).
Hippelatinus Enderlein, 1911a: 193. Type species, Hippelatinus calcaratus Enderlein, 1911 (orig. des.).

CATALOGUE OF CHLOROPIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 703
flavidulus (Malloch), 1913c: 256 (Hippelates). Type locality: West Indies, Montserrat. 1 T M (#) [USNM, n°
15966]. Distr.: El Salvador, Panama, Colombia, Guyana, Montserrat. Refs.: Malloch 1913c: 257; Sabrosky &
Paganelli, 1984: 25 (cat.).

Genus Oscinella Becker

Oscinella Becker, 1909: 120. Type species, Musca frit Linnaeus, designated under the plenary power (I. C. Z. N., 1978: 203).
Ref.: Sabrosky & Paganelli, 1984: 27 (cat.).

ujhelyi Duda, 1930: 105. Type locality: Colombia, Sierra San Lorenzo, from presumed HT in HNHM, now
headless. Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena (Sierra San Lorenzo)). Ref.: Sabrosky & Paganelli, 1984: 28 (cat.).

Genus Pseudogaurax Malloch

Pseudogaurax Malloch, 1915: 159. Type species, Gaurax anchora Loew, 1866 (orig. des.). Ref.: Sabrosky & Paganelli, 1984:
29 (cat.).
Pseudogaurax Duda, 1930: 86. Type species, Gaurax interruptus Becker, 1912 (mon.). Homonym and synonym of
Pseudogaurax Malloch.
Mimogaurax Hall, 1937: 257. New name for Pseudogaurax Duda.
Gaurax Loew of Becker (1912) and Duda (1930).

immaculatus Becker, 1916: 450 (Gaurax). Type locality: Colombia, Sierra San Lorenzo. 1 T [HNHM, probably
lost]. Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena (Sierra San Lorenzo)). Refs.: Becker, 1916: 451; Sabrosky & Paganelli, 1984:
29 (cat.).

Genus Rhopalopterum Duda

Oscinella, subg. Rhopalopterum Duda, 1929: 167, Type species, Oscinella limitata Becker, 1912 (mon.). Ref.: Sabrosky &
Paganelli, 1984: 31 (cat.).
Rhopaloplernum Duda, 1930: 107. Type species, Oscinella limitata Becker (Duda, 1931: 166). Probably error or emendation
for Rhopalopterum Duda, 1929.

limitatum (Becker), 1912: 211 (Oscinella). Type locality: Haiti. T [coll. Melander]. Distr.: U.S.A. (Florida),
Mexico (San Luis Potosí, Veracruz), Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama, Bermuda, Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti, Dominican
Republic, Puerto Rico, Trinidad, Colombia, Venezuela. Refs.: Becker, 1612: 211; Sabrosky & Paganelli, 1984: 31

Genus Tricimba Lioy

Tricimba Lioy, 1864: 1125. Type species, Oscinis lineella Fallén, 1820 (Enderlein, 1911a: 207). Ref.: Sabrosky & Paganelli,
1984: 32 (cat.).
Microchaetaspis Duda, 1930: 77. Type species, Microchaetaspis crassiseta Duda, 1930 (Duda, 1931: 165).
Hammaspis Duda, 1930: 76. Type species, Tricimba spinigera Malloch, 1913 (mon.).

brevipila Duda, 1930: 78. Type locality: Not stated [Costa Rica, Farm La Caja, near San José, from presumed HT
in ZMH, now destroyed]. Distr.: Honduras, Costa Rica, Colombia. Ref.: Sabrosky & Paganelli, 1984: 32 (cat.).

704 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press RICCARDI

TABLE 1. Chloropidae species recorded from Colombia.

Subfamily Genus Species Author

Siphonellopsinae Apotropina infumata (Becker, 1916)
Chloropinae Chlorops ferrugineus Duda, 1930
Parectecephala brevis (Becker, 1930)
Pseudopachychaeta sp. Paganelli, 2002
Thaumatomyia glabrina (Becker, 1912)
sulfurifrons (Duda, 1930)
Trigonomma albipes (Wiedemann, 1830)
Incertae sedis columbiana Becker, 1912
Oscinellinae Apallates columbianus (Enderlein, 1911)
convexus (Loew, 1866)
fur (Williston, 1896)
magnicornis (Duda, 1930)
subtomentosus (Enderlein, 1911)
tener (Coquillett, 1900)
viridiniger (Enderlein, 1911)
Biorbitella nigronotata (Duda, 1930)
orbitalis (Duda, 1930)
rubicunda (Becker, 1912)
Cadrema pallida (Loew, 1866)
Chaetochlorops scutellaris (Becker, 1916)
Conioscinella inconspicua (Becker, 1916)
Discogastrella gruenbergi Enderlein, 1911
Elachiptera attenuata (Adams, 1908)
dubiosa (Becker, 1916)
flavida Williston, 1896
Eugaurax setigena Sabrosky, 1974
Fiebrigella breviventris (Becker, 1916)
Goniaspis rubra (Becker, 1916)
subequalis (Malloch, 1913)
Hippelates annulatus Enderlein, 1911
pehlkei Enderlein, 1911
selectus Becker, 1912
Liohippelates aequatorialis (Becker, 1912)
australis (Sabrosky, 1955)
currani (Aldrich, 1931)
femoralis (Duda, 1929)
flavipes (Loew, 1866)
peruanus (Becker, 1912)
tibialis Duda, 1930
Lioscinella prosthiomelas (Enderlein, 1913)
Monochaetoscinella anonyma (Williston, 1896)
...continued on next page

CATALOGUE OF CHLOROPIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 705
TABLE 1. (Continued)
Subfamily Genus Species Author
Olcanabates flavidulus (Malloch, 1913)
Oscinella ujhelyi Duda, 1930
Pseudogaurax immaculatus (Becker, 1916)
Rhopalopterum limitatum (Becker, 1912)
Tricimba brevipila Duda, 1930


Adams, C.F. (1908) Notes on North American species of Crassiseta V. Ros. Journal of the New York Entomological Society, 16 (3),
Aldrich, J.M. (1924) A new genus and species of two-winged flies of the family Chloropidae injuring manihot in Brazil. Proceedings
of the United States National Museum, 65 (21), 1–2.
Aldrich, J.M. (1931) Notes on Hippelates (Diptera: Chloropidae), with a new Brazilian species. Proceedings of the Entomological
Society of Washington, 33 (4), 70–72.
Barnes, J.K., Higgins, L.E. & Sabrosky, C.W. (1992) Life histories of Pseudogaurax species (Diptera: Chloropidae), descriptions of
two new species, and ecology of Nephila clavipes (Linnaeus) (Araneae: Tetragnathidae) egg predation. Journal of Natural
History, 26 (4), 823–834.
Becker, T. (1909) Collections recueillies par M. Maurice de Rothschild dans l’Afrique orientale anglaise. Insectes: Diptères nouveaux.
Bulletin du Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle (Paris), 15, 113–121.
Becker, T. (1910) Chloropidae. Eine monographische Studie. I. Teil. Paläarktische Region. Archivum Zoologicum, 1 (10), 1–174.
Becker, T. (1912) Chloropidae. Eine monographische Studie. IV. Teil. Nearktische Region. V. Teil. Neotropische Region. Annales
historico-naturales Musei nationalis hungarici, 10, 21–256.
Becker, T. (1916) Neue Chloropiden aus dem ungarischen National Museum. Annales historico-naturales Musei nationalis hungarici,
14, 423–453.
Becker, T. (1919) Diptèrés. Brachycères. In: Ministère de l’Instruction Publique, Mission du Service geographique de l’Armée pour la
mésure d’un Arc de Méridien equatorial en Amérique du Sud, sous le contrôle scientifique de l’Académie des Sciences 1899-
1906. 10 (2). Gauthier-Villard, Paris, pp. 163–215.
Bruyn, L. (2005) The Biology, Ecology and Evolution of Shoot Flies (Diptera: Chloropidae). In: Raman, A., Schaefer, C.W. &
Whiters, T.M. (Eds.), Biology, ecology and evolution of gall-inducing arthropods. Science Publishers, Enfield, NH, pp. 373–405.
Coquillett, D.W. (1898) Notes and descriptions of Oscinidae. Journal of the New York Entomological Society, 6, 44–49.
Coquillett, D.W. (1900) Report on a collection of dipterous insects from Puerto Rico. Proceedings of the National Museum, 22,
Coquillett, D.W. (1910) The Type species of the North American genera of Diptera. Proceedings of the United States National
Museum, 37, 499–647.
Duda, O. (1921) Fiebrigella und Archiborborus, zwei neue südamerikanische Borboridengattungen (Dipteren). Tijdschrift voor
entomologie, 64, 119–146.
Duda, O. (1929) Die Ausbeute der deutschen Chaco-Expedition 1925/26 (Diptera). X. Chloropidae. Konowia, 8, 165–169.
Duda, O. (1930) Die neotropische Chloropiden (Dipt.). Folia Zoologica et Hydrobiologica, 2, 46–128.
Duda, O. (1931) Die neotropischen Chloropiden (Dipt.). 1. Fortsetzung: Nachtrag, Ergänzungen, Berichtigungen und Index. Folia
Zoologica et Hydrobiologica, 3, 159–172.
Duda, O. (1933) Neue und bekannte neotropische Chloropidae (Dipt.) des U.S. National-Museums, Smithsonian Institution. Konowia,
12, 192–209.
Enderlein, G. (1911a) Klassifikation der Oscinosominen. Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft naturforschender Freunde zur Berlin,
Enderlein, G. (1911b) Einige neue Gattungen und Arten aussereuropäischen Chloropinen. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 38, 122–126.
Enderlein, G. (1913) Dipterologische Studien. IV. Neues und altes über Chloropiden. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 42 (8), 352–374.
Fallén, C.F. (1820) Oscinides Sueciae. Lund, Berling, 10 pp.
Hall, D.G. (1937) The North and Central American spider parasites of the genus Pseudogaurax (Diptera: Chloropidae). Journal of the
Washington Academy of Sciences, 27, 255–261.
Hendel, F.G. (1907) Nomina nova für mehrere Gattungen der acalyptraten Musciden. Wiener Entomologische Zeitung, 26, 98.
International Comission on Zoological Nomenclature (I.C.Z.N.) (1955) Opinion 348. Suppression, under the Plenary Powers, of the
generic name Titania Meigen, 1800, for the purpose of validating the generic name Chlorops Meigen, 1803 (Class Insecta, Order
Diptera). Opinions and Declarations rendered by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, 10, 421–436.
International Comission on Zoological Nomenclature (I.C.Z.N.) (1978) Opinion 1100. Designation of Musca frit Linnaeus 1758, as

706 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press RICCARDI

Type species of Oscinella Becker, 1909 (Diptera, Chloropidae). Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 34, 203–204.
Lioy, P. (1864) I ditteri distribuiti secondo un nuovo metodo di classificazione naturale (part). Atti del Reale Istituto Veneto di Scienze,
Lettere ed Arti, 9 (3), 1087–1126.
Loew, H. (1863) Diptera Americae septentrionalis indigena. Centuria tertia. Berliner Entomologische Zeitschirift, 7, 1–55.
Loew, H. (1866a) Ibid. Centuria sexta. Berliner Entomologische Zeitschirift, 9, 127–186.
Loew, H. (1866b) Ueber die bisher in Schlesien aufgefundenen Arten der Gattung Chlorops Macq. Zeitschrift für Entomologie
Breslau, 15, 3–96.
Macquart, J. (1835) Histoire naturelle des insectes. Vol. 2. Roret, Paris, 703 pp.
Malloch, J.R. (1913a) Four new species of North American Chloropidae. Insecutor Incitiae Menstruus, 1, 60–64.
Malloch, J.R. (1913b) New North American Diptera. The Canadian Entomologist, 45, 282–284.
Malloch, J.R. (1913c) The genera of flies in the subfamily Botanobiinae with hind tibial spur. Proceedings of the United States
National Museum, 46, 239–266.
Malloch, J.R. (1914) A synopsis of the genera in Chloropidae, for North America. The Canadian Entomologist, 46 (4), 113–120.
Malloch, J.R. (1915) Notes on North American Chloropidae (Diptera). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, 17, 5.
Malloch, J.R. (1934) Acalyptrata (concluded). In: Diptera of Patagonia and South Chile. Part 6, Fascicle 5. British Museum (Natural
History), London, pp. 393–489.
Meigen, J.W. (1803) Versuch einer neuen GattungsEintheilung der europäischen zweiflügeligen Insekten. Magazin Insektenkunde, 2,
Meigen, J.W. (1830) Systematische Beschreibung der bekannten europäischen zweiflügeligen Insekten. Sechster Theil. Schulz, Hamm,
401 pp.
Paganelli, C.H.M. (2002) Revisão dos gêneros neotropicais de Chloropinae (incl. Mindidae). Fauna da Amazônia Brasileira, 24,
Paganelli, C.H. & Sabrosky, C.W. (1993) Hippelates flies (Diptera: Chloropidae) possibly associated with Brazilian Purpuric fever.
Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, 95 (2), 165–174.
Roberts, R.A. (1934) Some insects collected in Mexico, mostly in association with Man and Animals or Animal products. Journal of
the New York Entomological Society, 42, 249–262.
Sabrosky, C.W. (1941a) The Hippelates flies or eye gnats: preliminary notes. The Canadian Entomologist, 73, 23–27.
Sabrosky, C.W. (1941b) Na annotated list of genotypes of the Chloropidae of the world (Diptera). Annals of the Entomological Society
of America, 34, 735–765.
Sabrosky, C.W. (1955) Los insectos de las Islas Juan Fernandez. 19. Chloropidae (Diptera). Revista Chilena de Entomología, 4, 45–49.
Sabrosky, C.W. (1974) Eugaurax setigena (Diptera: Chloropidae), a new stem miner in water hyacinth. The Florida Entomologist, 57
(4), 347–348.
Sabrosky, C.W. (1980) New genera and new combinations in Nearctic Chloropidae (Diptera). Proceedings of the Entomological
Society of Washington, 82 (3), 412–429.
Sabrosky, C.W. & Paganelli, C.H. (1984) 81. Family Chloropidae. In: Papavero, N. (Ed.), A catalogue of the Diptera of the Americas
South of the United States. Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, pp. 1–63.
Schiner, I.R. (1868) Diptera. In: Von Wüllersdorf-Urbair, F. (Ed.), Reise der österreichische Fregatte Novara um die Erde in den
Jahren 1857, 1858, 1859 unter den Befehlen des Commodore B. von Wüllerstorf-Urbair. Zoologischer Theil., Vol. 2 (Abt. 1, B).
K. Gerold’s Son, Wien, pp. 388.
Strobl, P.G. (1902) New contribution on the dipterous fauna of the Balkan Peninsula. Glasnik Zemaljskog museja u Bosni i
Hercegovini, 14, 461–517.
Walker, F. (1859) Catalogue of the Dipterous Insects collected at Makessar in Celebes, by Mr. A. R. Wallace, with Descriptions of
New Species. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London. Zoology, 4, 90–144.
Wheeler, T.A. & Forrest, J. (2002) A new species of Elachiptera Macquart from the Galápagos Islands, Ecuador, and the taxonomic
status of Ceratobarys Coquillett (Diptera: Chloropidae). Zootaxa, 98, 1–9.
Wheeler, T.A. & Forrest, J. (2003) The Chloropidae (Diptera) of Galápagos Islands, Ecuador. Insect Systematics & Evolution, 34,
Wiedemann, C.R.W. (1830) Aussereuropäische Zweiflügelige Insekten. Schulzischen Buchhandlung, Hamm, 684 pp.
Williston, S.W. (1896) XI. On the Diptera of St. Vincent (West Indies). Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, 44,
Zenker, J.C. (1833) Miscellen. Notizen aus dem Gebiete der Natur- und Heilkunde gesammelt und mitgetheilt von Ludwig Friedrich
Froriep, 35, 344.

CATALOGUE OF CHLOROPIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 707
Zootaxa 4122 (1): 708–715 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
Copyright © 2016 Magnolia Press
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)


Invertebrate Collection, University of Calgary. Alberta-Canada, E-mail:


This catalog summarizes information on the species of Milichiidae known to occur in Colombia. It includes 6 described
species in 3 described genera and 6 undescribed species in two genera, one of which is also undescribed.

Key words: catalogue, Milichiidae, Colombia, distribution


The Milichiidae are a group of small flies commonly associated with decaying plant and animal matter (Sabrosky
1959, 1983; Brake 2009); found in association with ants and spiders, often as inquilines (Waller 1980; Melo 1996;
Ferrar 1987; Swann 2010) or kleptoparasites (Robinson & Robinson 1977; Sivinski & Stowe 1980; Eisner et al.
1991; Sivinski et al. 1999; Wild & Brake 2009; Brake & von Tschirnhaus 2010) or in association with plant
blossoms (Brantjes 1980; Wolda & Sabrosky 1986; Sabrosky 1987 a, b; Papp & Wheeler 1998). Very little is
known about the biology of most species. With their lack of known economic importance and small size they are
relatively uncommon in prepared collections and have usually been overlooked in mass collections such as those
from Malaise traps (Swann 2010).
Milichiids are known from all zoogeographic regions except the Antarctic and have a great number of
undescribed taxa, especially in the tropics (Swann 2010). Even with a world revision of the milichiid genus
Milichiella (Brake 2009), which formally described 69 new species, there were 16 species left without binomials
for lack of sufficient material to formally describe them. In the genus Phyllomyza there are currently no known
described species from the Neotropics, but the author has seen at least 77 Neotropical species of Phyllomyza.
Worldwide, there are currently 19 described genera and 360 described species, of which 13 genera and 124 species
are known from the Neotropical region. There are 4 described genera and one undescribed genus and 6 described
and 6 undescribed species known from Colombia (Table 1). There are numerous milichiid species that are
considered cosmopolitan or occur in more than 1 zoogeogrpahic region. There are no actual specimens of most of
these widespread species recorded for Colombia, and several of these widespread species may be species
complexes based on genetalic dissections I have done. Thus for this catalog, I have only included species with
confirmed specimens from Colombia. Swann (2010) expected that there are at least 17 genera and 156 species in
Central America. I would expect a similar number of genera and at least 80 species from Colombia based on the
fauna seen from neighbouring countries. Swann (2010) provided an adequate generic key for the Colombian fauna,
including undescribed genera that are likely to occur there, and a good synopsis of the life histories of Neotropical
milichiid flies.
Many treatments of the family list two subfamilies, Madizinae and Milichiinae (Sabrosky 1980, 1987a; Papp
& Wheeler 1998). Sabrosky (1973) included the subfamily Carninae; however, this is now generally recognized as
the family Carnidae and is thought to be relatively phylogenetically distant from the Milichiidae (Papp & Wheeler
1998; Brake 2000; Wiegmann et al. 2011). Brake (2000) recognized 3 subfamilies: besides Milichiinae, she
separated Madazinae sensu lato into two subfamilies, Phyllomyzinae and Madizinae. This scheme was not used by
Swann (2010), who outlined the potential problems with it, including the character state distributions of
undescribed Neotropical genera not matching well with Brake’s phylogeny, large amounts of missing data for

708 Accepted by S. Nihei: 26 May 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016

characters used as synapomorphies for one of Brake’s subfamilies, and the fact that several of the currently
recognized genera may not be monophyletic. Thus, subfamilies have not been used in this catalogue, which is
consistent with the treatment of Swann (2010).
Adult milichiid flies are small (body length 1–7 mm), often largely brown or black, occasionally orange or
yellow. Males of some genera have a silvery microtomentosity on their abdomens. The head usually has two or
three pairs of medioclinate frontal bristles, and two or three pairs of lateroclinate to proclinate orbital bristles;
rarely with a row of 4–10 pairs of medioreclinate to reclinate fronto-orbital bristles. The frons usually has two rows
of interfrontal setae, sometimes on distinctly shining stripes; lunule often with one or two pairs of setulae;
proboscis often elongate, geniculate. The wings are variable in shape and colour but all species have humeral and
subcostal breaks; region of latter often modified into costal lappet; cell cup is closed, small. The pregonites are
fused with hypandrium, and the postgonites are absent in males.
Eggs (based on Holarctic species Madiza glabra Fallén and Desmometopa m-nigrum (Zetterstedt) which is
cosmopolitan including the Neotropics): white, medium-sized (0.55–0.59mm long, 0.15–0.16mm wide; rather
cylindrical, with shallow longitudinal ridges and very fine microsculpture (Papp & Wheeler 1998); D. m-nigrum
with 4 long slender filaments on anterior of egg (Sturtevant 1926).
Larval characters for the few species known as immatures are summarized by Papp & Wheeler (1998) as:
larvae slightly to strongly s-shaped; distinct transverse tubercles, with anterior and posterior double rows of
spinules on posterior margin of abdominal segments 1–7; cephalopharyngeal skeleton similar to other
cyclorrhaphans but in some cases with an “intercalary” sclerite between mouthhooks and hypostomal sclerite;
hypostomal sclerite intricately shaped; pharyngeal sclerite paler than anterior sclerites; dorsal cornua smaller that
ventrals. The shapes and protuberances of the spiracles are highly variable, ranging from anterior spiracles with
spherical to digitiform lobes (5–13 in number) arranged in a rosette to being arranged in a longitudinal axis;
posterior spiracles, with or without protuberant processes dorsally, mostly lacking a peritreme but with 3
projections, each projection with a straight to slightly curved opening, and prominent interspiracular processes
Puparia range from yellowish brown to dark reddish brown, 2.75 to 4.2 mm long and 0.75 to 1.4 mm wide
(Ferrar 1987). They are normal to elongate barrel-shaped and tapered at both ends (Ferrar 1987; Papp & Wheeler
1998). The puparia lack horns, and larval posterior spiracles are still evident on protuberances; larval anterior
spiracles may or may not be evident depending on the genus (Ferrar 1987).
Adult milichiid flies are generally recognizable based on the pattern of head bristling, humeral and subcostal
breaks and the closure of cell cup. Some carnids with similar head bristling lack closed cell cup, lack lunule setae,
and all carnids have postgonites in males. Chloropids with a similar general appearance lack a humeral break and
cell cup and generally have more rudimentary head bristling than milichiids.

Acronyms used for the depositories

HNHM—Hungarian Natural History Museum, Zoological Department, Budapest, Hungary

MCZ—Museum of Comparative Zoology, Entomology Department, Harvard University, Cambridge, United States
SMTD—Museum für Tierkunde, Dresden, Germany
USNM—former United States National Museum, collections in the National Museum of Natural History,
Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C., United States
ZMHU—Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin, Germany

List of abbreviations

orig. des.—original designation
distr.—geographic distribution

CATALOGUE OF MILICHIIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 709
M (m#)—Male
F (f#)—Female

Catalogue of Milichiidae of Colombia

Family Milichiidae Meigen, 1830

Genus Desmometopa Loew

Desmometopa Loew, 1866: 184. Type species, Agromyza m-atrum Meigen, 1830: 170 (des. Hendel, 1903:251) = Madiza
sordida (Fallén, 1820). Refs.: Sabrosky, 1958: 4–5 (fauna & key, East Africa); Sabrosky, 1964: 310 (fauna, Malaysia);
Sabrosky, 1965a: 731 (Nearctic cat.); Sabrosky, 1965b: 2–5 (fauna, East Africa); Sabrosky, 1973: 2 (Neotropical cat.);
Sabrosky, 1977: 270–271 (Oriental cat.); Hardy & Delfinado, 1980: 353–358 (fauna & key, Hawaii); Sabrosky, 1980: 686-
687 (Afrotropical cat.); Sabrosky, 1983 (world rev., species); Papp, 1984a: 114–115 (Palaearctic cat.); Sabrosky, (1987a,
Nearctic manual & generic key); Sabrosky, 1989: 555 (Australasian & Oceanian cat.); Iwasa, 1996 (key & fauna Japan);
Papp & Wheeler, 1998 (Palaearctic manual & generic key); Brake, 2000 (systematics, world generic key & cat.); Swann,
2000 (fauna, Namibia); Swann, 2010 (Central American faunal review & generic key).
Platophrymyia Williston, 1896: 426. Type species, nigra Williston by monotypy =tarsalis Loew, 1866 (synonymy by Sabrosky,
Desmetopa Hendel, 1902:262-264. (misspelling)
Liodesma Duda, 1935a: 25. (as subgenus of Desmometopa). Type species, atra Duda 1935a (orig. des.) =sordida (Fallén, 1820)
(synomomy by Sabrosky, 1973).
Liodesmometopa Duda, 1935a:24. (invalid; first published as synonym of Liodesma Duda).
Litometopa Sabrosky, 1965b: 4. Type species, glabrifrons Sabrosky, 1965b, 4 (orig. des.) (synonymy by Brake & Freidberg,

indistincta Sabrosky, 1983: 34. Type locality: Peru (Iquitos). HT M (USNM). Distr.: Peru, Ecuador, Colombia,
Costa Rica. Refs.: Sabrosky 1983 (world rev., key); Brake, 2000(world cat.).

obscurifrons Sabrosky, 1983: 37–38. Type locality: Panama (Chiriqui). HT M (USNM). Distr.: Panama, Mexico,
El Salvador, Costa Rica, Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Rio Raposo)), Ecuador, Tobago, Peru? Trinidad?. Refs.:
Sabrosky 1983 (world rev., key); Brake 2000(world cat.).

woldai Sabrosky, 1983: 29–30. Type locality: Panama (Las Cumbres). HT F (USNM). Distr.: Panama, Mexico?,
Honduras?, Colombia?, Brazil?, Costa Rica?, Trinidad?, Tobago?. Refs.: Sabrosky 1983 (world rev., key)
[specimens from Colombia listed as ‘probably woldai’ in Sabrosky 1983]; Brake 2000(world cat.).

Genus Milichiella Giglio-Tos

Milichiella Giglio-Tos, 1895: 367. Type species, Tephritis argentea Fabricius, 1805 (mon.; misidentification of the species
described as Milichiella tosi Becker, 1907:536-537; see Sabrosky, 1973: 4). Refs.: Duda, 1935b: 26 (systematics); Hennig,
1937 (generic diagnosis, Palaearctic species key); Sabrosky 1958: 2–3 (fauna, East Africa); Sabrosky, 1965a: 733
(Nearctic cat.); Sabrosky, 1965b: 2 (fauna, East Africa); Sabrosky, 1973: 4–5 (Neotropical cat.); Sabrosky, 1977: 273–274
(Oriental cat.); Hardy & Delfinado, 1980: 352, 362–367 (fauna & key, Hawaii); Sabrosky, 1980: 688 (Afrotropical cat.);
Papp, 1984a: 112–113 (Palaearctic cat.); Sabrosky, 1987a (Nearctic manual & generic key); Sabrosky, 1989:557
(Australasian & Oceanian cat.); Papp & Wheeler, 1998 (Palaearctic manual & generic key); Iwasa, 1999 (fauna & key,
Japan); Brake, 2000 (systematics, world generic key & cat.); Swann, 2000 (fauna, Namibia); Brake, 2006 (fossil species,
key); Brake, 2009 (world rev., key to males); Swann, 2010 (Central American faunal review & generic key); Iwasa, 2011
(rev. & key Oriental species).
Ophthalmomyia Williston, 1896: 426. Type species, Lobioptera lacteipennis Loew, 1866 by mon., synonymy by Hendel, 19??
[see explanation in Brake, 2009:9].

710 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press SWANN

Stenoporomyia Hendel, 1903: 250. Type species, Lobioptera tiefii Mik, 1887 (orig.des.), synonymy by Becker 1907.
Eccoptomma Becker, 1907: 540. Type species, frontalis Becker, 1907: 542 (des. Malloch, 1934: 463), synonymy by Sabrosky,
1980: 688.
Ulia Becker, 1907: 544. Type species, poecilogastra Becker, 1907: 544 (mon.), synonymy by Brake, 2009: 9.
Pareccoptomma Duda, 1935b: 25 (subgenus of Milichia). Type species, Milichia nigeriae Duda, 1935: 26 (orig. des.),
synonymy by Sabrosky, 1980: 688.
Milichiela Illingworth, 1928: 45 (misspelling).
Millichiella Becker, 1908b: 203 (misspelling).
Opthalmomyia Hunter, 1914: 27 (misspelling).
Eccoptoma Serra, 2002:1 (misspelling).
Ulla Sabrosky, 1973:7 (misspelling).

cinerea (Coquillett, 1900):268 (Ophthalmomyia). Type locality: Puerto Rico, Bayamon. HT F (USNM) (noted as
lost by Brake, 2009:65). Distr.: Puerto Rico, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Guyana, Honduras, USA (listed as
doubtful record of Malloch, 1913: 132, in Brake, 2009: 65), Brazil? Panama? Bolivia? Colombia? Costa Rica?
Refs.: Aldrich, 1905: 651 (as Opthalmomyia cinerea) (North American cat.); Becker, 1907: 535-536
(redescription); Melander, 1913: 239 (key); Curran, 1928: 68.

lucidula Becker, 1907:537. Type locality: Bolivia, La Paz. & Peru, Callanga. ST 16 M (HNHM, SMTD, ZMHU).
Distr.: Bolivia, Peru, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Lesotho, Mexico, South Africa,
United States. Refs.: Malloch, 1913: 132 (Nearctic fauna); Brimley, 1942: 29 (fauna, North Carolina); Brimley,
1967: 101 (checklist, North Carolina); Sabrosky, 1973: 5 (Neotropical cat.); Brake, 2000: 106 (world cat.); Brake,
2009: 90-92 (world rev.).
bisignata Melander, 1913: 239. Type locality: United States, New Jersey, Riverton. LT 1 M (MCZ). (synonomy by
Brake, 2009).
bisignata Johnson, 1910: 813 (name attributed to Coquillett). Nomen nudem.
bisbignota Brimley, 1967 (misspelling).

Genus Pholeomyia Bilimek

Pholeomyia Bilimek, 1867: 903. Type species, leucozona Bilimek (mon.). Refs.: Sabrosky, 1959 (rev., key New World);
Sabrosky, 1973: 5-6 (Neotropical cat.); Sabrosky, 1980: 689 (Afrotropical cat.); Sabrosky, 1987a (Nearctic manual &
generic key); Sabrosky, 1989: 557 (Australasian & Oceanian cat.); Papp & Wheeler, 1998 (Palaearctic generic key);
Brake, 2000 (systematics, world generic key & cat.); Swann, 2010 (Central American faunal review & generic key).
Rhynchomilichia Hendel, 1903: 250. Type species, Lobioptera argyrophenga Schiner, 1868: 291 (orig. des.; misidentification,
described as Rhynchomilichia schineri n.sp. by Hendel, 1932).
Paramilichia Malloch, 1913: 135. Type species, Milichia longiseta Becker, 1907: 530 (mon.).
Macromilichia Hendel, 1932: 140. Type species, Macromilichia nigricosta Hendel, 1932: 142 (orig.des.).

politifacies Sabrosky, 1959: 323. Type locality: Cambito, Province Trujillo, Dominican Republic. HT F (USNM).
Distr.: Brazil; Colombia; Costa Rica; El Salvador; Mexico; Panama; Barbados; Dominican Republic; Puerto Rico;
Trinidad; Society Islands; Cameroon; Ghana; Cote D’Ivoire; Nigeria.

Genus Phyllomyza Fallén

Phyllomyza Fallén 1810: 20. Type species, securicornis Fallén, 1823 (subs. mon.). Refs.: Sabrosky, 1965a: 729 (Nearctic cat.);
Sabrosky, 1973: 3(Neotropical cat.); Papp, 1976: 370-371 (fauna, Mongolia); Sabrosky, 1977: 272-273 (Oriental cat.);
Sabrosky, 1980: 687 (Afrotropical cat.); Papp, 1984a: 117-118 (Palaearctic cat.); Papp, 1984b: 242-243 (fauna, Sri Lanka);
Sabrosky, 1987a, (Nearctic manual & generic key); Sabrosky, 1989: 556 (Australasian & Oceanian cat.); Papp & Wheeler,
1998 (Palaearctic manual & generic key);Yang, 1998 (fauna, China); Iwasa, 2003 (rev. & key, Japan); Xi & Yang, 2013
(fauna, China).
Hendelimyza Duda, 1935a: 25 (as subgenus of Phyllomyza) (preocc. Frey,1927 (Lauxaniidae)). Type species, Neophyllomyza
tetragona Hendel, 1924: 407. (orig. des.).
Undescribed species 1. Distr.: Colombia.

CATALOGUE OF MILICHIIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 711
Examined Material. COLOMBIA: Valle del Cauca: Rio Raposo, Dec. 1964, V.H. Lee, light trap. 5 M
(USNM); Rio Raposo, Aug. 1964, V.H. Lee, light trap. 3 M (USNM).

Undescribed species 2. Distr.: Colombia.

Examined Material: COLOMBIA: Valle del Cauca: Rio Raposo, Dec. 1964, V.H. Lee, light trap. 1 M, 1 F
(USNM); Rio Raposo, IV 1964, VH Lee, light. 1 M, 3 F (USNM); Rio Raposo, I-1964, VH Lee, light. 1 M

Undescribed species 3. Distr.: Panama, Colombia.

Examined Material: COLOMBIA: Valle del Cauca: Rio Raposo, Dec. 1964, V.H. Lee, light trap. 1 M

Undescribed species 4. Distr.: Colombia.

Examined Material: COLOMBIA: Valle del Cauca: Rio Raposo, Aug. 1964, V.H. Lee, light trap. 4 M
(USNM); Rio Raposo, Oct. 1964, V.H. Lee, light trap. 2 M, 1 F (USNM); Rio Raposo, Dec. 1964, V.H. Lee, light
trap. 1 M, 1 F (USNM).

Undescribed species 5. Distr.: Panama, Colombia.

Examined Material: COLOMBIA: Valle del Cauca: Rio Raposo, Dec. 1964, V.H. Lee, light trap. 7 M
(USNM); Rio Raposo, Oct. 1964, V.H. Lee, light trap. 3 M, 3 F (USNM).

Genus Undescribed Genus B sensu Swann

Undescribed Genus B Swann, 2010. Refs.: Swann, 2010 (generic key, illustrations, biology and distr.).

Undescribed species 1. Distr.: Colombia.

Examined Material: COLOMBIA: Valle del Cauca: Rio Raposo, Oct. 1964, V.H. Lee, light trap, (USNM
2019161, USNM 2032667). 1 F (USNM).

TABLE 1. Milichiidae species recorded from Colombia.

Genus Species Author

Desmometopa indistincta Sabrosky, 1983
obscurifrons Sabrosky, 1983
woldai Sabrosky, 1983
Milichiella cinerea (Coquillett, 1900)
lucidula Becker, 1907
Pholeomyia politifacies Sabrosky, 1959
Phyllomyza sp 1
sp 2
sp 3
sp 4
sp 5
Undescribed B sp 1 (sensu Swann, 2010)

712 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press SWANN


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CATALOGUE OF MILICHIIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 715
Zootaxa 4122 (1): 716–718 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
Copyright © 2016 Magnolia Press
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)



Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul, CCBS (Zoologia),caixa postal 549, Cidade Universitária, 79070–900, Campo Grande,
MS, Brazil. E-mail:


The family Curtonotidae is represented in the New World only by the genus Curtonotum Macquart. This catalogue pres-
ents the three species of Curtonotum recorded from Colombia: C. bivittatum Klymko & Marshall, C. trypetipenne Hendel
and C. tumidum (Enderlein).

Key words: Catalogue, Colombia, Curtonotidae, Diptera, Ephydroidea, Neotropical Region


Curtonotidae are a family of flies that together Camillidae, Diastatidae, Drosophilidae and Ephydridae compound
the schizophoran superfamily Ephydroidea (McAlpine 1989).
The family has a worldwide distribution with ca. 80 valid species names in four genera: Axinota Wulp,
Curtonotum Macquart, Cyrtona Séguy and Tigrisomyia Kirk-Spriggs (Klymko & Marshall 2011). The Neotropical
region is composed by 29 species, all in the genus Curtonotum (Mello [in prep]). To date, the fauna of Curtonotidae
reported to Colombia is represented by three species (Table 1).
Adults can be recognized by the small to median size (4–12 mm), body yellow to grayish, often with spots,
stripes, or speckles on thorax and pigment patterns on abdomen; arista plumose, with dorsal and ventral rays;
thorax hunchbacked; wing pigmentation varying from hyaline to slightly fumose or boldly patterned; C with
humeral and subcostal breaks; Sc complete; cell cup present; cells bm and dm confluents; tibiae with preapical
dorsal bristles (Marshall et al. 2010).

Acronyms used for the depositories

HNHM—Hungarian Natural History Museum. Budapest, Hungary.

QCAZ—Departamento de Biología, Pontíficia Universidad Católica del Ecuador. Quito, Ecuador.
SMTD—Staatliches Museum für Tierkunde Dresden. Dresden, Germany.

List of abbreviations


716 Accepted by S. Nihei: 10 Apr. 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016

LT Lectotype
F (f#)—Female
M (m#)—Male

Catalogue of Curtonotidae of Colombia

Family Curtonotidae Duda, 1934

Genus Curtonotum Macquart

Curtonotum Macquart, 1844: 350. Type species, Musca gibba Fabricius, 1805 (mon.).
Cyrtonotum Agassiz, 1846: 108. (Unjustified emendation of Curtonotum).
Diplocentra Loew, 1862: 13. (Unjustified new name to Curtonotum).
Seliacantha Bezzi, 1895: 66. (Nomen nudum).
Selidacantha Bezzi, 1902: 192. (Nomen nudum: emendation of Seliacantha Bezzi, 1895 nomen nudum).

bivittatum Klymko & Marshall, 2011: 39. Type locality: Ecuador, Napo, Jatun Sacha Res., 6 km E. Misahualli. HT
M (QCAZ). Distr.: Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador. Refs.: Klymko & Marshall, 2011: 11–15 (phyl. rels.), 26 (key).

trypetipenne Hendel, 1913: 620. Type locality: Peru, Ucayali, Unini. LT F (SMTD) Distr.: Bolivia, Colombia,
Ecuador, Peru. Refs.: Hendel, 1913: 619 (key); Enderlein, 1917: 71 (n. comb. in Diplocentra, reds.); Fisher, 1933:
88 (ch.); Wirth, 1975: 2 (cat.); Klymko & Marshall, 2011: 25 (key), 55 (reds.), 57 (lect. design.).

tumidum (Enderlein), 1917: 68 (Cyrtonotum). Type locality: Surinam. LT M (HNHM). Distr.: Brazil, Colombia,
Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Suriname. Refs.: Fisher, 1933: 88 (ch.); Wirth, 1975: 3 (cat.); Papavero, 2002: 1 (cat.);
Klymko & Marshall, 2011: 11–15 (phyl. rels.), 26 (key), 80 (reds.), 83 (lect. design.).


I am very grateful to Mrs. Dione Seripierri, librarian of the Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, for
sending me bibliographical material.

TABLE 1. Curtonotidae species recorded from Colombia.

Genus Species Author

Curtonotum bivittatum Klymko & Marshall, 2011
Curtonotum trypetipenne Hendel, 1913
Curtonotum tumidum (Enderlein, 1917)


Agassiz, L. (1846) Nomenclatoris zoologici index universalis, continens nomina systematica classium, ordinum, familiarum et
generum animalium omnium, tam viventium quam fossilium, secundum ordinem alphabeticum unicum disposita, adjectis
homonymiis plantarum, nec non variis adnotationibus et emendationibus. Sumptibus et typis Jent et Gassmann, Soloduri
[= Solothurn, Switzerland], 393 pp.

CATALOGUE OF CURTONOTIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 717
Bezzi, M. (1895) Contribuzioni alla fauna ditterologica italiana. Bolletino della Societá entomologica italiana, 27, 39–78.
Bezzi, M. (1902) Neue Namen für einige Dipteren–Gattungen. Zeitschrift für systematische Hymenopterologie und
Dipterologie, 2, 190–192.
Duda, O. (1934) 58d. Curtonotidae. In: Lindner, E. (Ed.), Die Fliegen der palaearktischen Region. Schweizerbartsche Verlags-
buchhandlung, Stuttgart, 6 (1), pp. 1–5.
Enderlein, G. (1914) Ordnung Diptera, Fliegen (Zweiflugler). In: Brohmer, P. (Ed.), Fauna von Deutschland. Verlag von Quelle
and Meyer, Leipzig, pp. 272–334.
Enderlein, G. (1917) Dipterologische Studien. XVI. Dipterologische Notizen. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 49, 65–72.
Fabricius, J.C. (1805) Systema antliatorum secundum ordines, genera, species adiectis synonymis, locis, observationibus,
descriptionibus. Carolum Reichard, Brunsvigae (= Brunswick), 373 + 30 pp..
Fischer, C.R. (1933) Nota sobre Anastrepha punctata Hend. (Dipt. Trypetidae) e uma espécie nova de Cyrtonotum (Dipt.
Drosophilidae). Revista de Entomologia, 3, 83–92.
Hendel, F. (1913) Neue amerikanische Diptera. 1. Beitrag. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, 1913, 617–636.
Klymko, J. & Marshall, S.A. (2011) Systematics of New World Curtonotum Macquart (Diptera: Curtonotidae). Zootaxa, 3079,
Loew, H. (1862) Ueber die europäischen Helomyzidae und die in Schlesien vorkommenden Arten derselben. Zeitschrift für
Entomologie, 13, 1–80.
Marshall, S.A., Kirk-Spriggs, A.H. & Klymko, J. (2010) Curtonotidae (hunchbacked flies). In: Brown, B.V., Borkent, A.,
Cumming, J.M., Woodley, N.E., Wood, D.M. & Zumbado, M. (Eds.), Manual of Central American Diptera. Vol. 2.
National Research Council Press, Ottawa, pp. 1189–1192.
McAlpine, J.F. (1989) Phylogeny and classification of the Muscomorpha. In: McAlpine, J.F., Peterson, B.V., Shewell, G.E.,
Teskey, H.J., Vockeroth, J.R. & Wood, D.M. (Eds.), Manual of Nearctic Diptera. Vol. 3. Research Branch Monograph 29.
Agriculture Canada, Ottawa, pp. 1397–1518.
Macquart, J. (1843) Dipteres exotiques nouveaux ou peu conns. Mémoires de la Société royale des sciences, de l'agriculture et
des arts de Lille, 1842, 162–460. [1844]
Papavero, N. (2002) Insecta, Diptera, Curtonotidae. Fauna da Amazônia Brasileira, Belém, 7, 1–2.
Wirth, W.W. (1975) 78. Family Curtonotidae. In: Papavero, N. (Ed.), A catalogue of the Diptera of the America South of the
United States. Museu de Zoologia, São Paulo, pp. 5.

718 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press MELLO

Zootaxa 4122 (1): 719–751 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
Copyright © 2016 Magnolia Press
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)



Departamento de Genética e Morfologia, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade de Brasília, CP 04457 CEP 70904-970,
Brasília, DF, Brasil. Corresponding author. E-mail:
Departamento de Ciências da Computação, Instituto de Ciências Exatas, Universidade de Brasília.
*Corresponding author:


This catalogue presents 176 species distributed in 17 genera and four tribes of Drosophilidae in Colombia, with both sub-
families, Drosophilinae and Steganinae, represented in the Colombian territory. This is probably an underestimate of the
real richness of drosophilid species in the country, for two reasons. First, there are relatively few collections of Drosophil-
idae in Colombia, resulting in significant spatial gaps in the sampling of these flies. Second, we have not considered here
species that have already been recorded in neighbour countries but not in Colombia. Consequently, there are certainly sev-
eral described species, as well as new species, that occur in this area but are not listed here. We hope that this catalogue
will stimulate new inventories of drosophilids in Colombia, contributing to fill gaps in the knowledge of this family of
flies in the country.

Key words: catalogue, Colombia, Drosophila, drosophilids, fruit flies, pomace flies, vinegar flies


Drosophilidae is a large and cosmopolitan Schizophora family of Diptera that currently includes approximately
4,000 valid species. Although some species are leaf mining, commensal, or even predatory, adults of most species
of Drosophilidae are attracted to and feed upon a great variety of fermenting substances, hence the common name
vinegar, pomace, or fruit flies (not to be confused with the true fruit flies of the family Tephritidae). These flies are
found all over the world, with the exception of the extreme Arctic regions (Wheeler 1970, 1981). Some species of
drosophilids have been widely used as biological models in evolutionary and genetics, because they are small, have
a short life cycle, are easily collected and manipulated (Powell 1997; Markow & O´Grady 2006). Currently, more
is known about nearly every aspect of the biology (including development, life history, ecology and phylogenetic
relationships) of these species than any other eukaryote (Markow & O’Grady 2006). Additionally, drosophilids are
extremely sensitive to changes in the condition of their habitat, and therefore they can be useful to study the
patterns and processes related to biodiversity and also how human activities affect it (Mata et al. 2010).
Grimaldi (1990) proposed a classification of most genera and subgenera of the Drosophilidae, based on a
cladistic analysis using 217 adult morphological characters for a representative set of 120 species. In this study, the
Drosophilidae are monophyletic and diagnosed as possessing two basal costal breaks, a lateral seam in the pedicel,
three pairs of frontal orbital setae (1 being proclinate, the remaining reclinate), abdominal spiracle pairs VI + VII
lying at base of tergite VI in males, sternite VI and tergite VII lost in males, small basal-medial wing cell lost
(redeveloped in some taxa), and minute spines on the mesial surface of the fore femur lost.
This lineage of acalyptrate flies appeared some 80–120 million years ago, and the first drosophilids probably
fed on fermenting leaf litter and rotting vegetation. The initial colonization of fungi led to the first major split in
Drosophilidae, between the subfamilies Steganinae (fungus breeders) and Drosophilinae (fruit, sap and fungus
breeders) (Powell 1997). Both subfamilies were recorded in Colombia.
The study of drosophilids in the Neotropical region began by the end of the XIX century and is divided into

Accepted by S. Nihei: 13 Apr. 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016 719

three main periods: 1830 to 1908, 1913 to 1938, and 1941 to present (Val et al. 1981, Vilela & Bächli 1990).
Throughout the first two periods, the collections were sporadic and conducted mainly by European researchers.
During the third period, however, the studies were intensified by researchers from the University of Texas (USA) in
collaboration with South American colleagues. The principal researchers of these expeditions were Dr. William B.
Heed, Dr. Marvin Wasserman, Dr. H.L. Carson and Mr. Hugo Hoenigsberg (Wheeler 1957), who some years later
became an important investigator of drosophilids in Colombia. Dr. Alice Hunter has also provided important
contributions to the study of the Drosophila genus in Colombia. Among other contributions, she determined early
on that mesophragmatica and obscura were the most common groups in this territory.
This catalogue presents 176 species distributed in 17 genera and four tribes of Drosophilidae in Colombia, with
both subfamilies, Drosophilinae and Steganinae, represented in the Colombian territory (Table 1). The
classification adopted is based on the catalogue by Brake and Bachli (2008) and the TAXODROS database (Bächli,
2014), and we have checked all the references cited in these compilations. Species were then alphabetically ordered
within genera, and these were similarly ordered within subfamilies. The References section (“Ref.”), provided for
each species, is not exhaustive. It lists only the most important records mentioning the focal species in Colombia.
Moreover, species recorded in Ecuador (ex. D. malerkotliana, Acurio & Rafael 2009) that probably also occur in
Colombia have not been listed here. For this reason, there are probably dozens of species in Colombia that have not
been listed here, that is, the Colombian drosophilid richness should be much higher. We hope that this catalogue
will stimulate new inventories of drosophilids in Colombia, contributing to fill gaps in the knowledge of this
fascinating country and family of flies.

Acronyms used for the depositories

AMNH—American Museum of Natural History, New York, USA.

BBM—Bishop Museum, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
BMNH—Natural History Museum (formerly British Museum (Natural History)), London, UK.
CAS—California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, California, USA.
DEI—Deutches Entomologisches Institut, Müncheberg, Germany.
HNHM—Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest, Hungary.
IOC—Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
IRSNB—Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Brussels, Belgium.
IZT—Institut of Zoology, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.
MCZ—Museum of Compartative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, USA.
MCSNM—Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Milan, Italy.
MNHNP—Muséum National d´Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France.
MNHNS—Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Santiago, Chile.
MNRJ—Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
MZUSP—Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.
NMW—Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien, Austria.
SMT—Staatliches Naturhistorische Sammlungen Dresden, Museum für Tierkunde, Dresden, Germany.
UABC—Department of Biology, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia.
USNM—National Museum of Natural History (formerly United States National Museum), Smithsonian
Institution, Washington, District of Columbia, USA.
UZMC—The Natural History Museum of denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark.
ZIL—Museum of Zoology, Lund, Sweden.
ZISP—Zoological Institute, Russian academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia.
ZMHU—Museum für Naturkunde, Humboldt Universitat, Berlin, Germany.
ZMZ—Zoologisches Museum der Universitat Zürich, Zurich, Switzerland.

720 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press TIDON & DE ALMEIDA
List of abbreviations

Type locality:
Distr.—geographic distribution

Primary types:
T—Type (unspecified)
F (f#)—Female
M (m#)—Male
B—Both sexes

Biogeographical Region:

Kind of type designation for genera:

SD—Subsequent designation
OD—Original designation

Syn.—Synonymized by
Mssp.—misspelling by
nom. nov.—nomen novo (new name)

Catalogue of Drosophilidae of Colombia

Family Drosophilidae Rondani, 1856

Subfamily Drosophilinae Rondani, 1856

Tribe Cladochaetini Grimaldi, 1990

CATALOGUE OF DROSOPHILIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 721
Genus Cladochaeta Coquillett

Cladochaeta Coquillett, 1900: 263. Type species, Cladochaeta nebulosa Coquillett, OD.
Clastopteromyia Malloch in Malloch & McAtee, 1924: 31. Type species, Drosophila inversa Walker, OD. Syn. Wheeler &
Takada, 1971: 225.

abbrevifusca Grimaldi & Nguyen, 1999: 170. Type locality: Colombia, Medellín, 5000 ft. HT M (AMNH). NT
Distr.: Bolivia, Colombia (Antioquia (Medellin)), Venezuela.

labidia Grimaldi & Nguyen, 1999: 98. Type locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Buenaventura. HT M (AMNH).
NT. Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca), Panama.

mathisi Grimaldi & Nguyen, 1999: 23. Type locality: Colombia, Antioquia, 5 km N El Retiro, Quebrada
Boqueron. HT M (AMNH). NT. Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia).

nebulosa Coquillett, 1900: 263. Type locality: Puerto Rico, Arroyo. HT F (USNM). NE NT Distr.: Florida to
Venezuela. Colombia (Antioquia (Medellin)). Refs.: Wheeler, 1957: 103.

pruinopleura Grimaldi & Nguyen, 1999: 26. Type locality: Colombia, Medellín, 5000 ft. HT M (AMNH). NT.
Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Medellin)).

pseudikra Grimaldi & Nguyen, 1999: 149. Type locality: Colombia, Sierra Nevada Mts, Campano, above Santa
Marta, 5000 ft. HT M (AMNH). NT Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena (Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta)).

sororia (Williston), 1896: 408 (Drosophila). Type locality: St. Vincent and the Grenadines, St. Vincent, Windward
Side. LT M (BMNH). NT Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Buenaventura)), Costa Rica, Ecuador, Nicaragua,
Panama, Peru, Trinidad, Venezuela, West Indies. Refs.: Grimaldi & Nguyen, 1999: 107 (mon.).

Genus Diathoneura Duda

Diathoneura Duda, 1925: 154. As lapsus, no species included.

Subgenus Diathoneura Duda

Diathoneura Duda, 1924a: 180. Type species, Diathoneura taetiatipennis Duda, SD Malloch, 1934: 438. Diathoneura. Duda,
1925:170. Mssp. Diathoneura Duda.

albifacies Duda, 1925: 181. Type locality: Costa Rica, Catargo, La Suiza de Turrialba. LT M (HNHM). NT Distr.:
Costa Rica to Colombia (Amazonas (Leticia, El Recuerdo)). Refs.: Wheeler, 1963: 54.

albinota (Wheeler), 1957: 108 (Clastopteromyia). Type locality: Panama, Panama, Cerro Campana, about 60 km
SW Panama City. HT M (USNM). NT Distr.: Costa Rica to Brazil.

dubia (Sturtevant), 1921: 73 (Drosophila). Type locality: Cuba, Santiago de Cuba, Cristo. HT M (AMNH). NT
Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena (Minca)), Cuba. Refs.: Hoenigsberg & Lin, 1977: 57.

superba (Sturtevant), 1916: 342 (Drosophila). Type locality: Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Trece Aguas. HT M
(AMNH). NT Distr.: Guatemala to Colombia (Magdalena (El Recuerdo, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta)). Refs.:
Wheeler, 1957: 106; Wheeler & Takada, 1971: 239.

tessellata Duda, 1925: 174. Type locality: Costa Rica, Catargo, La Suiza de Turrialba. LT M (HNHM). NT Distr.:
Colombia, Costa Rica. Refs.: Wheeler, 1963: 56.

722 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press TIDON & DE ALMEIDA
Tribe Drosophilini Grimaldi, 1990

Genus Celidosoma Hardy

Celidosoma Hardy, 1965: 66. Type species, Celidosoma nigrocincta Hardy, OD.

nigrocincta Hardy, 1965: 67. Type locality: USA, Hawaii, Oahu, Shofield-Waikane Trail, 2000 ft. HT F (BBM).
NT, AU Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena (Minca)), Hawaii. Refs.: Hoenigsberg & Lin, 1977: 57.

Genus Chymomyza Czerny

Chymomyza Czerny, 1903: 199. Type species, Drosophila fuscimana Zetterstedt, SD Sturtevant, 1921: 61.
Amphoroneura de Meijere, 1911: 423. Type species, Amphoroneura rufithorax de Meijere, SD Okada, 1977: 352. Syn. Duda,
1924a: 226.
Zygodrosophila Hendel, 1917: 43. Type species, Zygodrosophila albitarsis Hendel, OD. Syn. Wheeler, 1981: 33.
Zygrodrosophila. Duda, 1927: 70. Mssp. Zygodrosophila Hendel.
Zyogdrosophila. Duda, 1927: 79. Mssp. Zygodrosophila Hendel.
Chymomgza. Duda, 1927: 70. Mssp. Chymomyza Czerny.

bicoloripes (Malloch), 1926: 31 (Drosophila). Type locality: Costa Rica, Alajuela, San Mateo, Higuito. HT M
(USNM). NT. Distr.: Costa Rica to Bolivia. Colombia (Meta (Villavicencio)). Ref.: Wheeler, 1957: 103; Grimaldi,
1986: 353.

Genus Drosophila Fallén

Drosophila Fallén, 1823: 4. Type species, Musca funebris Fabricius SD Macquart, 1835: 548.

Subgenus Dorsilopha Sturtevant

Dorsilopha Sturtevant, 1942: 28. Type species, Drosophila busckii Coquillett, OD.

busckii Coquillett, 1901: 18. Type locality: USA, District of Columbia, Washington. LT F (USNM). Lectotype des.
Bächli 1982: 292, but lectotype already mentioned in Rocha Pité & Tsacas, 1980: 38. Spelling valid under Art. 33.3
1 and has been used since Aldrich, 1905. An emendation has also been made by Wheeler, 1965: 766. NE PA OR
NT AF AU Distr.: cosmopolitan. Colombia (Bogota, D.C) (Cundinamarca (Fusagasugá)). Refs.: Hunter, 1960: 86;
Hunter, 1964: 39; Hunter, 1966: 423; Hunter & Navarro, 1969: 1102.
rubrostriata Becker, 1908: 155. Type locality: Spain, Canary Is., Tenerife, Villa Oratava. LT F (ZMHU). Syn
Sturtevant, 1918: 445. Lectotype des. Bächli, 1982: 292.
plurilineata Villeneuve, 1911: 83. Type locality: France, Paris. ST B (DEI, ZMHU, NMW, MCSNM, ZMAN).
A HT M in (IRSNB) acc. to Rocha Pité & Tsacas,1980: 38. Syn. Sturtevant, 1921: 77.
rubrostriola. Buxton, 1961: 81. Mssp. rubrostriata Becker.

Subgenus Drosophila Fallén

Drosophila Fallén, 1823: 4. Type species, Musca funebris Fabricius, SD Macquart, 1835: 548.
Oinopota Kirby in Kirby & Spence, 1815: 379. Type species, Musca cellaris Linnaeus, MO. Sherborn (1929: 4553) attributes
this name to Stephens (1829: 62); Neave (1940: 399) arttributes it to Oken (1823: 251, 423), but the name is available from
its first appearance in Kirby and Spence.
Oinopota Oken, 1823: 251, 423. Type species, Musca cellaris Linnaeus, MO. In Scudder (1882: 231) as Kirby & Spence
according to Verrall (Muscidae). Also in Stephens (1829: 324).
Oinopota Stephens, 1829: 62, 324. Subsequent usage. Sherborn (1929: 4553) attributes this name to Stephens (1829: 62);
Neave (1940: 399) attributes it to Oken (1823: 251, 423), but the name is available from its first appearance in Kirby and

CATALOGUE OF DROSOPHILIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 723
Chaetodrosophilella Duda, 1923: 40. Type species, Drosophila quadrilineata de Meijere, MO.
Spinulophila Duda, 1923: 47. Type species, signata Duda, SD Sturtevant, 1927: 367.
Acrodrosophila Duda, 1924b: 248. Type species, Drosophila testacea Roser, MO. Proposed as a subgenus.
Acrodorosphila Duda, 1924a: 203. Type species, Drosophila testacea Roser, MO. Proposed as a subgenus. Preocc. Duda,
1924b: 248.
Spinodrosophila Duda, 1924b: 248. Type species, Drosophila nigroparsa Strobl, MO. Proposed as a subgenus.
Spinodrosophila Duda, 1924a: 202. Type species, Drosophila nigrosparsa Strobl, MO. Proposed as a subgenus. Preocc. Duda,
1924b: 248.
Spinulophila Duda, 1924a: 203. Type species, Drosophila signata Duda, SD Sturtevant, 1927: 367. Proposed as a subgenus.
Preocc. Duda, 1923.
Sordophila Wheeler, 1949a: 171. Type species, Drosophila acanthoptera Wheeler, OD. Proposed as a subgenus.
Acanthopterna Duda, 1925: 200. Nom. nov. Spinodrosophila Duda. Proposed as a subgenus.
Drosophyla Heeger, 1852: 777. Mssp. Drosophila Fallén.
Oenopota. Walker, 1856: xxii. Mssp. Oinopota Kirby. In the index only. Correct Spelling in text.
Oenopota. Scudder, 1882: 231. Mssp. Oinopota Kirby. Given as Oenopota (Kirby) Walker. (=Oinopota Kirby). 1856. Dipt.,
Musc. Verrall.
Arrodrosophila. Duda, 1924b: 260. Mssp. Acrodrosophila Duda.
Chaetodrosophila. Duda, 1924a: 180. Mssp. Chaetodrosophilella Duda.
Dorsophila. Duda, 1924a: 199. Mssp. Drosophila Fallén.
Drosophita. Hendel, 1928: 293. Mssp. Drosophila Fallén.
Drosophilla. Hendel, 1928: 293. Mssp. Drosophila Fallén.
Acantopterna. Hendel, 1938: 10. Mssp. Acanthopterna Duda.
Drosphila. Okada, 1984: 570. Mssp. Drosophila Fallén.

acroria Wheeler & Takada, 1962: 404. Type locality: Colombia, Tequendama Falls Road near Bogotá. HT M
(USNM). NT Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca).

acuminanus Hunter, 1988: 302. Type locality: Colombia, Monserrate in Bogotá, along river in aqueduct drainage
of the mountain. HT M (AMNH). NT Distr.: Colombia (Bogota, D.C). Refs.: Hunter, 1992: 198; Vilela & Bächli,
1990: 84.

albicans Frota-Pessoa, 1954: 282. Type locality: Brazil, São Paulo, Pirassununga. HT M (MNRJ). NT Distr.:
Brazil, Colombia (Magdalena (Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta)), Venezuela. Refs.:Hoenigsberg & Lin, 1977: 57;
Hoenigsberg, 1995a: 87, 1995b: 177.

aldrichi Patterson, in Patterson & Crow, 1940: 251. Type locality: USA, Texas, Austin. LT M (AMNH). NE, NT,
AU Distr.: Texas, Mexico to Brazil, Australia. Colombia (La Guajira (Riohacha: Camarones), Magdalena (Santa
Marta), Huila (Desierto de la Tatacoa: Rosalia)). Refs.: De Polanco et al., 2008: 106.

altiplanica Brncic & Koref Santibañez, 1957: 69. Type locality: Bolivia, La Paz. ST B (MNHNS). NT Distr.:
Bolivia, Colombia (Bogota, D:C) . Refs.: Brncic, 1957a: 802.

angustibucca Duda, 1925: 218. Type locality: Costa Rica, Catargo, La Suiza de Turrialba. LT F (HNHM). NT
Distr.: Costa Rica to Brazil. Colombia (Magdalena (Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta)). Refs.: Hoenigsberg & Lin,
1977: 57; Hoenigsberg, 1995a: 87, 1995b: 177.

annulimana Duda, 1927: 117. Type locality: Bolivia, La Paz, Mapiri, Sarampioni, 700 m. LT F (SMT). NT Distr.:
Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia (Bogota, D:C), Peru. Refs.: Hunter, 1964: 39; Hunter, 1966: 417.

antioquia Vilela & Bächli, 2000: 54. Type locality: Colombia, Antioquia, Medellín. HT M (AMNH). NT Distr.:
Colombia (Antioquia).

aracataca Vilela & Val, 1983: 374.Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena, Recuerdo. HT M (MZUSP). NT Distr.:
Colombia (Magdalena), Costa Rica and El Salvador.

724 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press TIDON & DE ALMEIDA
arane Hunter, 1992: 195. Type locality: Colombia, Bogotá, aqueduct watershed of Mt. Monserrate, 2600 m. HT M
(CAS). NT Distr.: Colombia.

arboloco Hunter, 1979: 376. Type locality: Colombia, Near Bogotá. HT M (CAS). NT Distr.: Colombia (Bogota,
D:C). Refs.: Vilela & Bächli, 1990: 84; Hunter, 1992: 197.

aureopallescens Pipkin, 1964: 232. Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Fort Sherman Reservation, sea level. LT
M (USNM). NT Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Buenaventura)), Panama. Refs.: Pipkin et al., 1966: 142.

bandeiratorum Dobzhansky & Pavan, 1943: 30. Type locality: Brazil, São Paulo, Mogi das Cruzes. HT M
(MZUSP). NT Distr.: Mexico to Colombia (Bogota, D:C, Cundinamarca (Fusagasugá)) and Argentina. Refs.:
Hunter, 1964: 39; Hunter, 1966: 416; Hunter & Navarro, 1969: 1102.

bedicheki Heed & Russell, 1971:126. Type locality: Trinidad & Tobago, Trinidad, Narica, Nariva Swamp. HT M
(USNM). NT Distr. Trinidad, Colombia (Amazonas (Leticia), Bogota, D:C)). Refs.: Heed &Russel, 1971: 101.

bifurcada Hunter, 1992: 192. Type locality: Colombia, Bogotá, aqueduct watershed of Mt. Monserrate, 2600 m.
HT M (CAS). NT Distr.: Colombia.

bomarea Hunter, 1979: 379. Type locality: Colombia, near Bogotá. HT M (CAS). NT Distr.: Colombia (Bogota,
D:C). Refs.: Vilela & Bächli, 1990: 85; Hunter, 1992: 197.

breuerae Rocha, 1971: 139. Type locality: Colombia, Palmira, Facultad de Agronomia, 1000 m. HT M (MZUSP).
NT Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Palmira)). Refs.: Val, 1982: 317; Vilela & Cunha, 2006: 584.

briegeri Pavan & Breuer, 1954: 459.Type locality: Brazil, São Paulo, Vila Atlântica (Praia Grande). LT M
(MZUSP). NT Distr.: Panama to Brazil. Refs.: Hunter, 1966: 423.

brncici Hunter & Hunter, 1964: 733. Type locality: Colombia, Bogotá. ST B (UABC). NT Distr.: Colombia
(Bogota, D:C). Refs.: Hunter, 1966: 416.

calloptera Schiner, 1868: 239. Type locality: Brazil, Pará, Santarém, Fazenda Taperinha. ST F (NMW). NT Distr.:
Mexico to Colombia (Cundinamarca (Fusagasugá), Magdalena (Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta)), Peru and Brazil,
Puerto Rico, Cuba. Refs.: Hunter & Navarro, 1969: 1102; Hoenigsberg, 1995a: 87, 1995b: 177.
Paramycodrosophila tephritoptera Hendel, 1936: 95. Type locality: Brazil, Pará, Santarém, Fazenda Taperinha. ST
F (NMW). Comb. & syn. Burla & Pavan, 1953: 300.

canalinea Patterson & Mainland, 1944: 50. Type locality: Mexico, Veracruz, San Juan. T A (USMN). NT Distr.:
Mexico to Brazil, Antilles. Colombia (Bogota, D.C, Valle del Cauca (Palmira)). Refs.: Wheeler, 1957: 90; Hunter,
1964: 39.

carablanca Hunter, 1979: 376. Type locality: Colombia, near Bogotá. HT M (CAS). NT Distr.: Colombia (Bogota,
D:C). Refs.: Vilela & Bächli, 1990: 85; Hunter, 1992: 197.

cardini Sturtevant, 1916: 336. Type locality: Cuba, Ciudad de la Habana, Habana. HT M (MCZ). NT NE AU
Distr.: Texas, Forida, Mexico to Colombia (Bogota, D:C, Antioquia (Medellin), Cundinamarca (Fusagasugá),
Magdalena (Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta)), Argentina, Antilles; Hawaii. Refs.: Hunter, 1964: 39; Hunter, 1966:
417; Hunter & Navarro, 1969: 1102; Hoenigsberg, 1995a: 87, 1995b: 177.

cardinoides Dobzhansky & Pavan, 1943: 21. Type locality: Brazil, São Paulo, Iporanga. HT M (MZUSP). NT
Distr.: Mexico to Brazil. Colombia (Cundinamarca (Fusagasugá), Magdalena (Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta),
Santander (Bucaramanga, Rio Negro), Valle del Cauca (Palmira)). Refs.: Hunter, 1964: 39; Hunter & Navarro,
1969: 1102; Heed & Russel, 1971: 100; Hoenigsberg, 1995b: 177; Yoon, 1996: 41.

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chisaca Hunter, 1988: 299. Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca, 50 km Bogotá, Chisaca. HT M (CAS). NT
Distr.: Colombia (Bogota, D.C). Refs.: Hunter, 1992: 197.

choachi Hunter, 1992: 194. Type locality: Colombia, Bogotá, road to Choachi on Mt. Guadalupe, 2700 m. HT M
(CAS). NT Distr.: Colombia.

coffeata Williston, 1896: 409. Type locality: St. Vincent and the Grenadines, St. Vincent, windware side. LT M
(BMNH). Lectotype des. Vilela 1984a: 59. NT Distr.: Colombia (Bogota, D.C), Bolivia, Brazil, West Indies. Refs.:
Hoenigsberg 1995b: 177.
flavolineata Duda, 1927: 157. Type locality: Bolivia, La Paz, Mapiri, Sarampioni, 700 m. HT F (SMT). Syn.
Vilela & Bachli 1990: 64.
umbripennis Hendel,1936: 99. Type locality: Brazil, Pará, Santarém, Fazenda Taperinha. LT M (NMW).
Lectotype des. and syn. Vilela & Bachli 1990: 64

colmenares Hunter, 1988: 305. Type locality: Colombia, Monserrate in Bogotá, along river in aqueduct drainage
of the mountain. HT M (CAS). NT Distr.: Colombia (Bogota, D.C). Refs.: Hunter, 1992: 197.

crossoptera Wheeler & Takada in Wheeler et al., 1962: 404.Type locality: Panama, Bocas del Toro, Almirante. HT
M (USNM). NT Distr.: Colombia (Meta (Villavicencio), Panama.

desbaratabaile Hunter, 1979: 364. Type Colombia, near Bogotá. HT M (CAS). Distr.: Colombia.

eohydey Wasserman, 1962a: 73. Type locality: Colombia, Santander, Bucaramanga. HT M (USNM). NT Distr.:
Honduras to Colombia (Magdalena (Santa Marta), Santander (Bucaramanga)). Refs.: Yoon, 1996: 36.

fasciola Williston, 1896: 410. Type locality: St. Vincent and the Granadines, St. Vincent, windware side. LT M
(BMNH). NT Distr.: West Indies, El Salvador to Guyana. Colombia (Magdalena (70 Km S Santa Marta). Refs.:
Vilela, 1983: 10.

franii Hunter, 1988: 307. Type locality: Colombia, Monserrate in Bogotá, in the aqueduct watershed on the
mountain. HT M (CAS). NT Distr.: Colombia (Bogota, D.C). Refs.: Hunter, 1992: 197.

freilejoni Hunter, 1979: 373. Type locality: Colombia, near Bogotá. HT M (CAS). NT Distr.: Colombia (Bogota,
D.C). Refs.: Hunter, 1992: 197.

fulvimacula Patterson & Mainland, 1944, 42. Type locality: Mexico, Veracruz, Sedeno Canyon near Jalapa. HT M
(USNM). NT Distr.: Mexico (Veracruz) to Brazil. Colombia (Cundinamarca (Fusagasugá), Meta (Villavicencio)).
Refs.: Hunter & Navarro, 1969: 1102; Yoon, 1996: 35.

funebris (Fabricius), 1787: 345 (Musca). Type locality: Denmark, Copenhagen [=Hafniae]. ST F (UZMC). Comb.
Fallén 1823: 5. Citation of HT in Rocha Pité & Tsacas 1980: 39. PA NE NT AF OR AU Distr.: Worldwide excepts
tropics. Colombia (Bogota, D.C ). Refs.: Hunter, 1964: 39; Hunter 1966: 416.
clarkii Hutton, 1901: 91. Type locality: New Zealand, Christchurch. T A (LCNZ). Syn. Wheeler et al. 1962: 396.
dudai Maloch, 1934: 444. Type locality: Chile, La Araucania, Angol. HT M (USNM). Syn. Wheeler et al.
1962: 396.
Leucophenga atkinsoni Miller, 1921: 302. Type locality: New Zealand. ST B (BMNH?). Comb. & syn.
Harrison, 1959: 298.

fuscolineata Duda, 1925: 213. Type locality: Costa Rica. Catargo, La Suiza de Turrialba. LT M (HNHM). As HT
in Wheeler, 1963: 53. Lectotype des. Bachli 1984: 241. NT Distr.: Mexico to Brazil. Colombia (Cundinamarca
(Fusagasugá), Valle del Cauca (Palmira)). Refs.: Wheeler, 1957: 99 ; Hunter & Navarro 1969: 1102; Hoenigsberg
1995a: 87, 1995b: 177.

726 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press TIDON & DE ALMEIDA
castanea Patterson & Mainland, 1944: 51. Type locality: Mexico, Veracruz, Sedeno Canyon near Jalapa. T A
(USNM). Syn. Vilela & Bachli 1990: 65.
fumosa Pavan & Cunha, 1947: 31. Type locality: Brazil, São Paulo, Iporanga. LT M (MZUSP). Lectotype des.
Val 1982: 314. Syn. Vilela & Bächli 1990: 65.

gasici Brncic, 1957b: 92. Type locality: Chile, Taarapacá, Arica, Camarones. LT M (MNHNS). NT Distr.:
Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia (Bogota, D:C, Antioquia, Magdalena, Caldas, Nariño), Ecuador, Venezuela.
Refs.: Hunter, 1964: 39; Hunter, 1966: 416; Vilela & Bächli, 2004a: 74.

griseolineata Duda, 1927: 161. Type locality: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Petrópolis. LT M (ZMHU). NT Distr.:
Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia (Bogota, D:C, Antioquia (Medellin), Cundinamarca (Fusagasugá)), Ecuador, Venezuela.
Refs.: Hunter, 1964: 39; Hunter, 1966: 417; Hunter & Navarro, 1969: 1102; Yoon, 1996: 41.

hansonioides Pipkin, 1966a: 4.Type locality: Panama, Panama, Cerro Campana, 2500 ft. LT M (USNM). NT
Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Rio Raposo)). Refs.: Pipkin et al., 1966: 142.

hydei Sturtevant, 1921: 101. Type locality: USA, Florida, Lakeland. HT M (MCZ). NE PA OR NT AF AU Distr.:
cosmopolitan. Colombia (Bogota, D:C, Cundinamarca (Fusagasugá), Magdalena (Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta),
Meta (Villavicencio)). Refs.: Hunter, 1960: 86; Hunter, 1964: 39; Hunter, 1966: 417; Hunter & Navarro, 1969:
1102; Hoenigsberg, 1995b: 177, Yoon, 1996: 36.
hydei ssp. yucatanensis Spencer, 1940: 160. Type locality: Mexico, Yucatán, Mérida & Chichen Itza. ST A
yucatanensis setosa Dobzhansky & Pavan, 1943: 46. Type locality: Brazil, São Paulo, Mogí das Cruzes. HT M
(MZUSP). Preocc. Villeneuve, 1921. Syn. Patterson & Wheeler 1949: 230.
marmoria Hutton, 1901: 91. Type locality: New Zealand, Auckland. T A (LCNZ). Syn. Viella & Bächli 1990:
93. Suppressed by ICZN Opinion 1712.

immigrans Sturtevant, 1921: 83. Type locality: USA, New York, White Plains. HT M (AMNH). NE PA OR NT
AF AU Distr.: cosmopolitan. Colombia (Bogota, D:C, Cundinamarca (Fusagasugá), Valle del Cauca (Palmira)).
Refs.: Hunter, 1960: 86; Hunter, 1964: 39; Hunter, 1966: 416; Hunter & Navarro, 1969: 1109; Yoon, 1996: 38.
cilifemur Villeneuve, 1923: 28. Type locality: France, Strasbourg. LT M (MNHNP). Syn. Chatton & Aubertot
1924: 283. Lectotype des. Rocha Pité & Tsacas 1980: 38.
flexipilosa Pipkin, 1964: 238. Type locality: Panama, Chiriquí, El Volcán. LT M (USNM). Lectotype des.
Pipkin & Wirth, 1965: 147. Syn. Pipkin, 1966b: 131.
brouni Hutton, 1901: 91. Type locality: New Zealand, Auckland. T A (LCNZ). Suppresed by ICZN Opinion
1712. Syn. Harrison, 1952: 514.

incompta Wheeler & Takada in Wheeler et al., 1962: 408. Type locality: Panama, Bocas del Toro, Almirante. HT
M (USNM). NT Distr.: West Indies, Mexico to Argentina.

leukorrhyna Pipkin, 1964: 224. Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Madden Forest. LT M (USNM). NT Distr.:
Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Buenaventura)), Panama. Refs.: Pipkin et al., 1966: 142.

limbinervis Duda, 1925: 215. Type locality: Costa Rica, Catargo, La Suiza de Turrialba. LT M (HNHM). NT
Distr.: El Salvador to Colombia (Magdalena (Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta)). Refs.: Hoenigsberg, 1995b: 177.

lindae Wheeler, 1968: 431. Type locality: Colombia, Cauca, S Piendamó, about 30 km N Popayán. HT M
(USNM). NT Distr.: Bolivia, Colombia, Peru.

maculifrons Duda, 1927: 122. Type locality: Peru, Rosalina, Urubamba River. HT M (AMNH). NT Distr.:
Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia (Bogota, D:C, Magdalena (Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta)), Peru, Uruguay,
Venezuela. Refs.: Hunter, 1964: 39; Hunter, 1966: 417.

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guaramunu Dobzhansky & Pavan, 1943: 39. Type locality: Brazil, São Paulo, Amalia. HT M (MZUSP). Syn.
Vilela & Bächli, 1990: 75.

margarita Hunter, 1979: 379. Type locality: Colombia, near Bogotá. HT M (CAS). NT Distr.: Colombia (Bogota,
D:C). Refs.: Vilela & Bächli, 1990: 88; Hunter, 1992: 198.

martensis Wasserman & Wilson, 1957: 151. Type locality: Colombia, Santa Marta. HT M (USNM). NT Distr.:
Colombia (La Guajira (Riohacha: Camarones), Magdalena (Santa Marta), Huila (Desierto de la Tatacoa: Rosalia)),
Venezuela, West Indies. Refs.: De Polanco, et al., 2008: 106.

mediodelta Heed & Wheeler, 1957: 21. Type locality: Colombia, El Recuerdo. HT M (USNM). NT Distr.: El
Salvador to Colombia. Hunter,1966: 423.

medioparva Heed & Wheeler, 1957: 28. Type locality: Costa Rica, Catargo, Turrialba. HT M (AMNH). NT Distr.:
Costa Rica to Colombia.

mediopictoides Heed & Wheeler, 1957: 24.Type locality: Costa Rica, Catargo, Turrialba. HT M (USNM). NT
Distr.: Costa Rica to Colombia. Hunter, 1966: 423.

mediostriata Duda, 1925: 223. Type locality: Costa Rica, Catargo, La Suiza de Turrialba. HT M (HNHM). NT
Distr.: El Salvador to Brazil and Bolivia. Colombia (Bogota, D:C, Amazonas (Leticia), Cundinamarca
(Fusagasugá), Magdalena (Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta), Villa del Cauca (Palmira)). Refs.: Hunter, 1964: 39;
Hunter & Navarro, 1969: 1102; Hoenigsberg, 1995a: 87, 1995b: 177, Yoon, 1996: 42.
crocina Patterson & Mainland, 1944: 34. Type locality: Mexico, Veracruz, Córdoba. ST B (USMN). Syn.
Vilela & Bächli, 1990: 100.
campestris Burla in Pavan, 1950: 9. Type locality: Brazil, São Paulo, Pirassununga, Goiás, Palma, Monjolinho,
Território of Acre, Moa, Baia, Sobrado, Salitre. ST B (MZUSP)?. Syn. Wheeler, 1970: 14.

melina Wheeler, 1962: 246. Type locality: St Lucia, B.W.I. HT M (USNM). NT Distr.: Colombia (Meta
(Villavicencio), Valle del Cauca (Popayan)), Panama, West Indies.. Refs.: Wheeler et al., 1962: 397.
gilva Wheeler & Takada in Wheeler et al., 1962: 407. Type locality: St. Lucia. HT M (USNM). Preocc. Burla,

mercatorum Patterson & Wheeler, 1942: 93. Type locality: USA, California, Santa Barbara Country, Santa
Barbara. LT M (AMNH). Lectotype des. Vilela 1983: 38. NE, PA, NT, AF, AU Distr. Cosmopolitan. Colombia
(Bogota, D:C, Caldas (Manizalles), Meta (Villavivencio), Valle del Cauca (Palmira)). Refs.: Hunter, 1964: 39;
Yoon, 1996: 34.
carinata Grimshaw, 1901: 70. Type locality: USA, Hawaii, Kona, 4000 ft & Olaa. ST F (BMHN). Syn. Hardy,
1965: 204. Suppresed by ICZN 1977: 164.
pararepleta Dobzhansky & Pavan, 1943:52. Type locality: Brazil, São Paulo, Mogí das Cruzes. HT M
(MZUSP). Reduced to subspecies by Wharton 1944: 183.

mesophragmatica Duda, 1927: 205. Type locality: Peru, Cuzco, 3200 m. LT M (SMT). NT Distr.: Bolivia, Brazil,
Colombia (Bogota, D:C) Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela. Refs.: Hunter, 1964: 39; Hunter, 1966: 417.
andina Dobzhansky & Pavan, 1943: 59. Type locality: Peru, Huancayo. HT M (MZUSP). Syn. Vilela & Bächli,
1990: 80.

metzii Sturtevant, 1921: 78. Type locality: Cuba, Herradura. HT M (AMNH). NT Distr.: West Indies, Mexico to
Colombia, Trinidad, Cuba, Ecuador and Galápagos. Ref.: Hunter, 1964: 39.

moju Pavan, 1950: 19. Type locality: Brazil, Pará, Belém. LT M (MZUSP). NT Distr.: Costa Rica to Brazil and
Bolivia. Colombia (Meta (Villavicencio). Refs.: Vilela, 1983: 18.

728 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press TIDON & DE ALMEIDA
neocardini Streisinger, 1946: 111. Type locality: Brazil, Amazonas, Teffé. HT M (AMNH). NT Distr.: Brazil,
Mexico to Peru. Colombia (Amazonas (Leticia)). Refs.: Heed & Russel, 1971: 98.

neomorpha Heed & Wheeler, 1957: 33. Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Barro Colorado I. HT M (USNM).
NT Distr.: Mexico to Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Rio Raposo)), Trinidad. Refs.: Heed & Russel, 1971: 99.

nigrasplendens Pipkin, 1964: 217. Type locality: Panama, Panama, Cerro Campana, 2500 ft. LT M (USNM). NT
Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas (Leticia)), Panama, Peru, Trinidad. Refs.: Pipkin et al., 1966: 147.

nigricincta Frota-Pessoa, 1954: 289.Type locality: Brazil, São Paulo, Cantareira, near São Paulo. HT M (MNRJ).
NT Distr.: Brazil, Colombia (Magdalena (Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta)), Panama, Venezuela. Refs.:
Hoenigsberg, 1995a: 87, 1995b: 177.

nigricruria Patterson & Mainland, in Patterson, 1943: 136. Type locality: Mexico, Jalisco, El Medinena. T A
(AMNH). NT Distr.: Mexico to Argentina. Refs.: Wasserman & Wilson, 1957: 146.

orkui Brncic & Koref-Santibanez, 1957: 69. Type locality: Peru, Cuzco, Saczihuaman. ST B ?. NT Distr.:
Colombia, Peru. Refs.: Brncic, 1957a: 801.

ornatifrons Duda, 1927: 162. Type locality: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Petrópolis. LT M (ZMHU). NT Distr.: Bolivia,
Brazil, Colombia (Bogota, D:C), Ecuador, Uruguay. Refs.: Kastritsis, 1969.
guarani Dobzhansky & Pavan, 1943: 36. Type locality: Brazil, São Paulo, Cantareira, near São Paulo. HT M
MZUSP. Syn. Vilela & Bächli, 1990: 76.

pallidipennis Dobzhansky & Pavan, 1943: 32. Type locality: Brazil, São Paulo, Iporanga. LT M (MZUSP). NT
Distr.: Mexico to Peru and Argentina. Colombia (Cundinamarca (Fusagasugá), Santander (Bucaramanga)). Refs.:
Hunter & Navarro, 1969: 1102; Yoon, 1996: 42.

paraguayensis Duda, 1927: 185. Type locality: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Petrópolis. LT M (ZMHU). NT Distr.:
Brazil, Chile, Colombia (Magdalena (Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta)), Ecuador, Paraguay. Refs.: Hoenigsberg,
1995a: 87; Bächli et al, 2000: 79.
medionotata Frota-Pessoa, 1954: 288. Type locality: Brazil, São Paulo, Vila Atlântica. HT M (MNRJ). Syn.
Vilela & Bächli, 1990: 102.

paranaensis Barros, 1950: 266. Type locality: Brazil, Paraná, Pôrto Capitão Heitor. HT M (MZUSP). NT Distr.:.
El Salvador to Argentina. Colombia (Amazonas (Leticia), Cundinamarca (Fusagasugá), Magdalena (Sierra Nevada
de Santa Marta), Meta (Villavicencio)). Refs.: Hunter, 1966: 423; Hunter & Navarro, 1969: 1102; Hoenigsberg,
1995b: 177; Yoon, 1996: 35.
pseudomercatorum Magalhães & Malogolowkin-Cohen, 1975: 363. Type locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso,
Campo Grande. ST B (MZUSP). Syn. Vilela in Wheeler, 1981: 20.
paramercatorum Magalhães & Malogolowkin-Cohen, 1975: 365. Type locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Campo
Grande. HT M (MZUSP). Syn. Vilela in Wheeler, 1981:20.

parthenogenetica Stalker, 1953:347. Type locality: Mexico, Puebla, Atlixco. HT M (AMNH). NT Distr. Mexico
to Trinidad, Colombia (Antioquia (Monteria), Atlantico (Barranquilla)). Ref. Heed & Russel, 1971: 99.

pavani Brncic, 1957b: 88. Type locality: Chile, Santiago, La Florida. ST A (MNHNS). NT Distr.: Argentina,
Chile, Colombia (Bogota, D:C), Ecuador. Refs.: Hunter, 1960: 86.

pellewae Pipkin & Heed, 1964: 263. Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Barro Colorado I. HT M (USNM). NT
Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Buenaventura)), Panama. Ref. Pipkin, 1968: 140.

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peruensis Wheeler, 1959: 183. Type locality: Peru, Urubamba River. HT M (SMT). NT Distr.: Argentina,
Colombia, Ecuador, Peru. Refs.: Vilela & Pereira, 1985: 438.
maculipennis Duda, 1927: 167. Type locality: Peru. Urubamba River. HT F (SMT). Preocc. Gimmerthal, 1847.

polychaeta Patterson & Wheeler, 1942: 102. Type locality: USA, Texas, Galveston. ST B (AMNH). NE PA OR
NT AF AU Distr.: Widespread in tropical and subtropical areas, accidentally introduced in England, Belgium and
Netherlands. Colombia (Amazonas (Leticia)). Refs.: Yoon, 1996: 38.
baole Burla, 1954a: 187. Type locality: Ivory Coast, near Abidjan. HT M (ZMZ). Syn. Vouidibio et al., 1985:
asper Lin & Tseng, 1971: 69. Type locality: Taiwan, Hua-lien, Feng-lin. HT M (IZT). Syn. Zhang et al., 1996:
pattersoni Mainland, 1948: 59. Nomen nudum (Hawaii). Author not verified.
pattersoni Patterson & Wheeler, 1949: 229. Nomen nudum (Hawaii).
pattersoni Hardy, 1952: 470. Nomen nudum (Hawaii).

polymorpha Dobzhansky & Pavan, 1943: 19. Type locality: Brazil, São Paulo, Bertioga. HT M (MZUSP). NT
Distr.: Guatemala to Argentina. Colombia (Amarca (Cundin), Cundinamarca (Fusagasugá), Magdalena (Sierra
Nevada de Santa Marta), Meta (Villavicencio), Norte de Santander (Cucuta)). Refs.: Hunter & Navarro, 1969:
1102; Heed & Russel, 1971: 98.

popayan Vilela & Bächli, 2004b: 37. Type locality: Colombia, Cauca, 30 km N Popayán. HT M (AMNH). NT
Distr.: Colombia, Panama, Venezuela.

promeridiana Wasserman, 1962b: 94. Type locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Palmira. HT M (USNM). NT
Distr.: Colombia. (Valle del Cauca, Palmira).

repleta Wollaston, 1858: 117. Type locality: Portugal, Madeira, Funchal. LT M (BMNH). NE PA OR NT AF AU
Distr.: cosmopolitan. Colombia (Cundinamarca (Fusagasugá), (Magdalena (Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta)). Refs.:
Hunter & Navarro, 1969: 1102; Hoenigsberg, 1995b: 177.
punctulata Loew, 1862: 232. Type locality: Cuba. ST B MCZ. Syn. Becker, 1905: 222.
adspersa Mik, 1886a: 328. Type locality: Ghana, Ashanti. LT M NMW. Lectotype des. Bächli, 1982: 295. Syn.
Becker, 1905: 219.
nigropunctata van der Wulp, 1891: 216. Type locality: Indonesia, Java. HT M not in (RNH) or (ZMAN). Syn.
Bezzi, 1912: 3.
maculiventris van der Wulp, 1897: 142. Type locality: Sri Lanka, Kekirawa. HT M (HNHM). Syn. Duda,
1924c: 299.
austrorepleta Dobzhansky & Pavan, 1943: 48. Type locality: Brazil, São Paulo, Mogí das Cruzes. HT M
(MZUSP). Syn. Wharton, 1944: 178.
betari Dobzhasnky & Pavan, 1943: 48. Type locality: Brazil, São Paulo, Iporanga. LT M (MZUSP). Syn.
Vilela in Wheeler, 1981: 19. Lectotype des. Vilela, 1983: 89.
brunneipalpa Dobzhansky & Pavan, 1943: 53. Type locality: Brazil, São Paulo, Apiaí. HT M (MZUSP). Syn.
Vilela in Wheeler, 1981: 19.

reticulata Wheeler, 1957: 101. Type locality: Colombia, 30 km NW Medellín, 8000 ft. HT M (USNM). NT Distr.:
Colombia (Bucaramanga), Venezuela.

schildi Malloch, 1924: 10. Type locality: Costa Rica, Alaiuela, San Mateo, Higuito. HT F (USNM). NT Distr.:
Costa Rica to Brazil. Refs.: Wheeler, 1957: 86; Wheeler, 1963: 57.
Paramycodrosophila poeciloptera Duda, 1925: 226. Type locality: Costa Rica, Catargo, La Suiza de Turrialba.
LT M (HNHM). Lectotype des. and syn. Wheeler, 1963: 57.
poecila Burla & Pavan, 1953: 311. N. n. poeciloptera Duda, 1925. See Wheeler, 1959: 184.

730 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press TIDON & DE ALMEIDA
setula Heed & Wheeler, 1957: 18. Type locality: Colombia, Fusagasugá. HT M (USNM) NT Distr.: Costa Rica to
Brazil, Colombia (Cundinamarca).

starmeri Wasserman, Koepfer & Ward, 1973: 1239. Type locality: Venezuela, Lara, 10-15 km W Barquisimeto.
HT M ?. NT Distr.: Venezuela to Chile. Colombia (La Guajira (Riohacha: Camarones), Magdalena (Santa Marta),
Huila (Desierto de la Tatacoa: Rosalia)). Refs.: De Polanco et al., 2008: 106.

sticta Wheeler, 1957: 96. Type locality: Honduras, Lancetilla. HT M (USNM). NT Distr.: El Salvador to Colombia
(Valle del Cauca (Buenaventura, Palmira)). Refs.: Pipkin et al., 1966: 146.

tibialis Wheeler, 1957: 100. Type locality: Costa Rica, Cartago, Turrialba. HT M (USNM). NT Distr.: Colombia
(Valle del Cauca (Buenaventura), Costa Rica, Panama. Refs.: Pipkin et al., 1966: 146.

trapeza Heed & Wheeler, 1957: 25. Type locality: Costa Rica, La Lola. HT M (USNM). NT Distr.: Mexico to

trifiloides Wheeler, 1957: 81. Type locality: Colombia, Rionegro, near Bucaramanga. HT M (USNM). NT Distr.:
Colombia (Santander (Rio Negro, near Bucaramanga)), Honduras. Wheeler, 1957: 82.

tripunctata Loew, 1862: 231. Type locality: USA, District of Columbia, Washington. T F (MCZ). NE NT Distr.:
Iowa to New Jersey, Texas and Florida; Brazil, Colombia (Magdalena (Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta)). Refs.:
Hoenigsberg et al., 1977: 298; Hoenigsberg, 1995a: 87, 1995b: 177.
modesta Sturtevant, 1916: 338. Type locality: USA, Alabama, Mobile Country, Kushla. HT M MCZ. Syn.
Sturtevant, 1921: 82.

unipunctata Patterson & Mainland in Patterson, 1943: 182. Type locality: Mexico, San Luis Potosí,
Tamazunchale. T A (USNM). NE NT Distr.: Mexico to Brazil. Colombia (Magdalena (Sierra Nevada de Santa
Marta), Antioquia (Medellin, Rio Negro)). Refs.: Hoenigsberg, 1995a: 87; 1995b: 177; Yoon, 1996: 43.

uniseta Wasserman, Koepfer & Ward, 1973:1240. Type locality: Venezuela, Falcón, 2 Km E Coro. HT M ?. Type
material not located by Vilela, 1983: 80. NT Antilles, Venezoela, Colombia (La Guajira (Riohacha: Camarones),
Magdalena (Santa Marta), Huila (Desierto de la Tatacoa: Rosalia)),. Refs.: De Polanco et al., 2008: 106.

viracochi Brncic & Koref-Santibanez, 1957: 70. Type locality: Peru, Cuzco, Machu Picchu. ST B (MNHNS). NT
Distr.: Bolivia, Colombia (Bogota, D:C), Peru, Venezuela. Refs.: Hunter, 1966: 417.

virilis Sturtevant, 1916: 330. Type locality: USA, New York. HT M (MCZ). NE PA OR NT AF AU Distr.:
Widespread, peridomestic. Colombia (Bogota, D:C). Refs.: Hunter, 1964: 39, Hunter, 1966b: 423.
brevicornis Duda, 1935: 76. Type locality: Russia, Ussuri, Spassk District, Yakovlevka. HT F (ZISP). Syn.
Sidorenko, 1993: 254.

xanthopallescens Pipkin, 1964: 230. Type locality: Panama, Panama, Cerro Campana, 2500 ft. HT M (USNM).
NT Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Buenaventura)), Panama. Refs.: Pipkin et al., 1966: 142.

Subgenus Phloridosa Sturtevant

Phloridosa Sturtevant, 1942: 28. Type species, Drosophila floricola Sturtevant, OD (=lutzii Sturtevant).

lutzii Sturtevant, 1916: 340. Type locality: Cuba, Ciudad de la Habana, Habana (=Havana). HT M (AMNH). NE
NT Distr.: Antilles, California, Cuba, Florida, Mexico to Argentina. Colombia (Bogota, D:C). Refs.: Hunter, 1960.
floricola Sturtevant, 1942: 42. Type locality: USA, California, Los Angeles County. ST B AMNH?. Syn. Vilela &
Bächli, 1990: 132.

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Subgenus Siphlodora Patterson & Mainland

Siphlodora Patterson & Mainland, 1944: 25. Type species, Drosophila sigmoides Loew, OD.

flexa Loew, 1866: 182. Type locality: Mexico, Distrito Federal, El Desierto de Los Leones. ST B (MCZ). NE NT
Distr.: Antilles, Cuba, Mexico to Argentina. Colombia (Antioquia (Medellin), Valle del Cauca (Palmira). Refs.:
Wheeler, 1957: 80; Vilela & Bächli, 2000: 29.

Subgenus Sophophora Sturtevant

Sophophora Sturtevant, 1939: 139. Type species, Drosophila melanogaster Meigen, OD.

ananassae Doleschall, 1858: 128. Type locality: Indonesia, Maluku, Ambon. T A ?. NE PA OR NT AF AU Distr.:
peridomestic in tropical and subtropical areas. Colombia (Cundinamarca (Fusagasugá), Magdalena (Sierra Nevada
de Santa Marta)). Refs.: Hunter & Navarro, 1969: 1102; Hoenigsberg, 1995a: 87.
imparata Walker, 1859: 126. Type locality: Indonesia, Maluiku, Aru Is. T F not in (BMNH). Syn. de Meijere,
1908: 159. Citation of HT in Rocha Pité & Tsacas, 1980: 42.
similis Lamb, 1914: 347. Type locality: Seychelles, Silhoutte, Mare aux Cochons, over 1000 ft, Mahé, Cascade
Estate, 800 ft or above. ST M (CUMZ) not in (BMNH). Preocc. Williston 1986. Syn. Duda 1926: 98. Citation of
HT in Rocha Pité & Tsacas, 1980: 43.
errans Malloch, 1933: 21. N. n similis Lamb.
caribea Sturtevant, 1916: 335. Type locality: Cuba, Ciudad de la Habana, Habana (=Havana). HT M (MCZ).
Syn. Duda, 1926: 98.

azteca Sturtevant & Dobzhansky, 1936: 577. Type locality: Mexico, Oaxaca, Cerro San José. HT M (AMNH). NE
NT Distr.: California to Texas, Mexico to Colombia. Refs.: Hoenigsberg et al., 1977: 302.

bocainensis Pavan & Cunha, 1947: 35. Type locality: Brazil, São Paulo, Vila Atlântica. ST B?. NT Distr.:
Colombia (Antioquia (Medellin, Rionegro))) and Venezuela to Brazil and Argentina. Refs.:Wheeler & Magalhães,
1962: 166.

capricorni Dobzhansky & Pavan, 1943: 14. Type locality: Brazil, São Paulo, Vila Atlântica, near Praia Grande.
HT M (MZUSP). NT Distr.: Panama to Brazil. Colombia (Bogota, D:C) (Cundinamarca (Fusagasugá), Magdalena
(Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta), Valle del Cauca (Palmira)). Refs.: Hunter, 1964: 39; Hunter, 1966: 423; Hunter &
Navarro, 1969: 1102; Hoenigsberg, 1995a: 87, 1995b: 177; Yoon, 1996: 21.

changuinolae Wheeler & Magalhaes, 1962: 169. Type locality: Panama, Changuinola. HT M (USNM). NT Distr.:
Panama to Brazil. Colombia (Amazonas (Leticia)).

emarginata Sturtevant, 1942: 36. Type locality: Guatemala, Izabal, Quirigua. ST B (AMNH)?. NT Distr.: Mexico
to Peru. Colombia (Antioquia (Medellin), Cundinamarca (Fusagasugá), Santander (Bucaramanga)). Refs.:
Magalhães, 1962: 146; Hunter, 1964: 39; Hunter, 1966: 423; Hunter & Navarro, 1969: 1102; Yoon, 1996: 22.

equinoxialis Dobzhansky, 1946: 209. Type locality: Brazil, Amazonas, Teffé. HT M (AMNH). NT Distr.: El
Salvador to Brazil, Cuba. Colombia (Cundinamarca (Fusagasugá)). Refs.: Hunter & Navarro, 1969: 1102;
Hoenigsberg et al., 1977: 300.

fumipennis Duda, 1925: 220. Type locality: Costa Rica, Catargo, La Suiza de Turrialba. LT M (ZMHU). NT
Distr.: El Salvador to Brazil. Colombia (Cundinamarca (Fusagasugá), Magdalena (Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta)).
Refs.: Hunter & Navarro, 1969: 1102; Hoenigsberg, 1995a: 87.

kikkawai Burla, 1954b: 47. Type locality: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro; Japan. ST B (ZMZ). Invalid neotype des. Hardy,
1965: 528. PA OR NT AF AU Distr.: Mexico to Brazil; Asia (India to Japan); Australia, Fiji, Hawaii, Micronesia,
New Caledonia, New Guinea, Samoa; Mauritius. Refs.: Hunter, 1964: 39; Hunter, 1966: 423.

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montium (var.) atropyga Duda, 1924a: 215. Type locality: Indonesia, Java, Taiwak, Tainan, Mt. Hoozan, Nan-
tou, Chichi (=Chip Chip), Polisha, Vietnam, India, Matheran, 800 m. ST A (ZMAN, HNHM). Syn. Wheeler,
1949a: 187.
montium (var.) xanthopyga Duda, 1924a: 215. Type locality: Indonesia, Java, Taiwan, or Vietnam, T A ?. Syn.
Wheeler, 1949a: 189.

megalagitans Wheeler & Magalhaes, 1962: 165. Type locality: Colombia, Santander, Cerra de Par Rico, E
Bucaramanga. HT M (USNM). NT Distr.: Bolivia, Colombia.

melanogaster Meigen, 1830: 85. Type locality: Germany, Schleswig-Holstein, Kiel, Hamburg, Austria. LT M
(MNHNP). NE PA OR NT AF AU Distr.: cosmopolitan, Colombia (Bogota, D:C, Cundinamarca (Fusagasugá),
Magdalena (Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta)). Refs.: Hunter, 1960: 86; Hunter, 1964: 39; Hunter, 1966: 417; Hunter
& Navarro, 1969: 1102; Hoenigsberg et al. 1969: 201; Hoenigsberg et al. 1977: 300; Hoenigsberg, 1995a: 87,
1995b: 177.
fasciata Meigen, 1830: 84. Type locality: Germany, Hamburg. LT M (NMW). Lectotype des. Bächli, 1982:
294. Syn. Duda, 1924c: 280 (with ampelophila).
approximata Zetterstedt, 1847: 2557. Type locality: Sweden, Smaland. LT F (ZIL). Syn. Basden, 1961: 186.
Citation of HT in NRS in Rocha Pité & Tsacas, 1980: 43. Lectotype des. Bächli, 1982: 294.
immatura Walker, 1849: 1108. (not given). T A (BMNH). Syn. Bächli & Vilela, 1991: 27.
ampelophila Loew, 1862: 231. Type locality: Cuba. ST B MCZ, (ZMHU). Syn. Austen, 1905: 276.
uvarum Rondani, 1875: 145. Type locality: Italy. LT M (MZLS). Syn & lectotype des. Bächli, 1982: 294.
balteata Bergroth, 1894: 75. Type locality: Australia, Queensland, central Queensland, Farm Coomooboolaro
near Duaring. ST A ?. Type not located by Bächli 1982. Syn. Bock, 1980: 343.
pilosula Becker, 1908: 156. Type locality: Spain, Canary Is., Tenerife. LT M (ZMHU). Syn. Frey, 1936: 106.
Lectotype des. Bächli, 1982: 294.
emulata Ray-Chaudhuri & Mukherjee, 1941: 216. India, West Bengal, Calcutta. T A ?. Syn. Gupta, 1974: 20.
Type not located by Bächli, 1982.
artificialis Kozhevnikov, 1936: 729. Metaphase chromosomes, as difference to melanogaster, accepted as
indication. No types. Syn. Brake & Bächli, 2008.

nebulosa Sturtevant, 1916: 327. Type locality: St. Vincent and the Grenadines, St. Vincent. ST B (BMNH). NE NT
Distr.: Florida, Antilles, Mexico to Uruguay. Colombia (Cundinamarca (Fusagasugá), Magdalena (Sierra Nevada
de Santa Marta), Valle del Cauca (Palmira)). Refs.:Hunter & Navarro, 1969: 1102; Hoenigsberg, 1995a: 87 Yoon,
1996: 21.

parabocainensis Carson, 1954: 149. Type locality: Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul, Feliz. LT M (AMNH). NT Distr.:
Brazil, Colombia (Magdalena (Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta)). Refs.: Hoenigsberg, 1995a: 87, 1995b: 177.

parasaltans Magalhães, 1956: 276.Type locality: Brazil, Amazonas, Alto Rio Negro near the mouth of the Uaupes
River, tributary of the Rio Negro. T A ?. NT Distr.: Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador. Refs.: Magalhães, 1962.

paulistorum Dobzhansky & Pavan, in Burla et al. 1949: 301. Type locality: Brazil, São Paulo, Mogí das Cruzes.
HT A (MZUSP). NT Distr.: Costa Rica to Brazil. Colombia (Cundinamarca (Fusagasugá), Magdalena (Sierra
Nevada de Santa Marta)). Refs.: Hunter & Navarro, 1969: 1102; Hoenigsberg et al. 1977: 300; Hoenigsberg,
1995a: 87.

prosaltans Duda, 1927: 164. Type locality: Paraguay, Hohenau, 250 m. HT F (SMT). NT Distr.: Mexico to
Argentina. Colombia (Cundinamarca (Fusagasugá), Magdalena (Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta), Santander
(Bucaramanga)). Refs.: Magalhães, 1962: 141; Hunter, 1966: 423, Hunter & Navarro, 1969: 1102; Hoenigsberg,
1995a: 87; Yoon, 1996: 22.

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pseudoobscura Frolova in Frolova & Astaurov, 1929: 212. Type locality: North America. ST A ?. NE NT AU
Distr.: British Columbia to Montana, s. to California, Missouri & Panama, Colombia (Bogota, D:C), Bolivia; New
Zealand (introduced). Refs.: Hunter, 1960: 86; Hunter, 1964: 39; Hunter,1966: 417; Hoenigsberg et al., 1983a;
Campos & Hoenigsberg, 1995; Yoon, 1996: 11.
pseudoobscura ssp. bogotana Ayala & Dobzhansky, 1975: 216. Type locality: Colombia, near Bogotá. HT M

saltans Sturtevant, 1916: 328. Type locality: Cuba, Guantánamo. HT M (MCZ). NT Distr.: Cuba, Mexico to
Brazil. Refs.: Hoenigsberg et al., 1977: 298.

septentriosaltans Magalhães & Buck, in Magalhães, 1962: 142. Type locality: Colombia, Aracataca. ST B
(USNM) NT Distr.: Colombia.

simulans Sturtevant, 1919: 153. Type locality: USA, Florida, Lakeland. HT M (AMNH). NT NE PA AF OR AU
Distr.: cosmopolitan. Colombia (Bogota, D:C, Amazonas (Leticia), Cundinamarca (Fusagasugá)). Refs.: Hunter,
1960: 86; Hunter, 1964: 39; Hunter, 1966: 423; Hunter & Navarro, 1969: 1102; Yoon, 1996: 14.

sturtevanti Duda, 1927: 167.Type locality: Bolivia, La Paz, Mapiri, Sarampioni, 700 m. HT F (SMT). Junior
synonym of D. earley and D. pilifacies, but is the only name wich has been used in numerous articles acc. to
Magalhães, 1962. NT Distr.: Belize to Brazil, Colombia (Cundinamarca (Fusagasugá), Magdalena (Sierra Nevada
de Santa Marta), Santander (Bucaramanga)), Antilles. Refs.: Magalhães, 1962; Hunter & Navarro, 1969: 1102;
Hoenigsberg, 1995a: 87; Yoon, 1996: 22.
earlei Sturtevant, 1916: 329. Type locality: Cuba, Herradura. HT M (AMNH).
pilifacies Malloch, 1926: 29. Type locality: Costa Rica, Alajuela, San Mateo, Higuito. HT F (USNM).
biopaca Sturtevant, 1942: 37. Type locality: Guatemala, Izabal, Quirigua. ST B (AMNH)?. Syn. Dobzhansky
& Pavan, 1943: 17.

sucinea Patterson & Mainland, 1944: 31. Type locality: Mexico, Puebla, Petlalcingo. T A ?. NT Distr.: Mexico
(Puebla) to Ecuador. Colombia (Antioquia (Medellin), Cundinamarca (Fusagasugá)). Refs.: Hunter, 1966: 423;
Hunter & Navarro, 1969: 1102; Yoon, 1996: 21.

tolteca Patterson & Mainland, 1944: 32.Type locality: Mexico, Veracruz, Córdoba. T A ?. NT Distr.: Mexico
(Veracruz) to Bolivia. Colombia (Bogota, D:C, Cundinamarca (Fusagasugá)). Refs.: Hunter, 1964: 39; Hunter,
1966: 423; Hunter & Navarro, 1969: 1102.

tropicalis Burla & Cunha, 1949: 302.Type locality: Brazil, Goiaz, Palma. HT M? (MZUSP). NT Distr.: El
Salvador to Brazil and Bolivia. Colombia (Cundinamarca (Fusagasugá)). Refs.: Hunter & Navarro, 1969: 1102;
Hoenigsberg et al., 1977: 300.

willistoni Sturtevant, 1916: 327. Type locality: Peru, Lima, near Lima. HT M (CAS). NT Distr.: s. USA to
Uruguay, Antilles, Galápagos. Colombia (Cundinamarca (Fusagasugá), Magdalena (Sierra Nevada de Santa
Marta)). Refs.: Hunter & Navarro, 1969: 1102; Hoenigsberg et al., 1977: 300; Hoenigsberg et al., 1983b;
Hoenigsberg, 1995a: 87, 1995b: 177.

Species of uncertain affinity

leoni Pipkin, 1964: 225. Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Fort Sherman Reservation. LT M [USNM]. NT Distr.:
Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Rio Raposo)), Panama. Refs.: Pipkin et al., 1966: 147.

xiphiphora Pipkin, 1964: 240. Panamá, Panama, Cerro Campana, 2500 ft. LT M USNM. NT Distr.: Panama,
Colombia (Amazonas (Leticia)). Ref. Pipkin et al., 1966: 147.

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Genus Laccodrosophila Duda

Laccodrosophila Duda, 1927: 33. Type species, Laccodrosophila flavipes Duda, SD Wheeler, 1957: 111.

atra Duda, 1927: 40. Type locality: Bolivia, Cordillere, 3000 m. ST B (SMT), (ZMHU). NT Distr.: Bolivia,
Colombia (Bogota, D:C). Refs.: Wheeler, 1957: 112.

Genus Mycodrosophila Oldenberg

Mycodrosophila Oldenberg, 1914: 4. Type species: Aminota poecilogastra Loew, MO.

elegans Wheeler & Takada, 1963: 398. Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Madden Forest, Las Cruces trail. HT M
(USNM). Distr.: NT Brazil, Colombia (Amazonas, Leticia).

projectans (Sturtevant), 1916: 342 (Drosophila). Type locality: Dominican Republic, San Francisco, Mts. HT M
(USNM). NT Distr.: Dominican Republic, Mexico, Colombia. Ref. Wheeler & Takada, 1963: 395.

pseudoprojectans Wheeler & Takada, 1963: 395. Type locality: Nicaragua, El Recreo. HT M (USNM). Distr.:
Colombia (Amazonas, Leticia), Nicaragua, Panama.

Genus Neotanygastrella Duda

Neotanygastrella Duda, 1925: 206. Type species, Neotanygastrella tricoloripes Duda, MO.

chymomyzoides Duda, 1927: 71. Type locality: Bolivia, La Paz, Mapiri, Sarampioni, 700m. LT M (SMT). NT
Distr.: Widespread in Neotropics. Ref.: Wheeler, 1957:105

tricoloripes Duda, 1925: 224. Type locality: Costa Rica, Cartago, La Suiza de Turrialba. LT F (HNHM). Lectotype
des. Wheeler 1963: 57. NT Distr.: Widespread in Neotropics. Ref.: Wheeler, 1957: 105, 1963: 57.

Genus Palmomyia Grimaldi

Palmomyia Grimaldi in Grimaldi et al., 2003: 111. Type species, Palmomyia incerta Grimaldi, OD.

incerta Grimaldi in Grimaldi et al., 2003: 111. Type locality: Colombia, Chocó, Sampichi. HT M (AMNH). NT
Distr.: Colombia.

Genus Scaptodrosophila Duda

Scaptodrosophila Duda, 1923: 37. Type species, Scaptodrosophila scaptomyzoidea Duda, MO. Current status Grimaldi, 1990:
Scaptodrosophila Duda, 1924a: 180. Type species, scaptomyzoidea Duda, MO. Preocc. Duda, 1923.
Spuriostyloptera Duda, 1923: 38. Type species, multipunctata Duda, SD Okada ,1977: 386.
Paradrosophila Duda, 1923: 43. Type species, Drosophila pictipennis Kertész, SD Sturtevant, 1927: 367.
Pugiodrosophila Duda, 1924a: 203. Type species, Drosophila pugionata de Meijere, MO. Proposed as a subgenus.
Tanygastrella Duda, 1924b: 254. Type species, hypopygialis Duda, SD Bock & Parsons, 1978: 96.
Tanygastrella Duda, 1924a: 192. Type species, hypopygialis Duda, SD Bock & Parsons, 1978: 96. Preocc. Duda, 1924b: 254.
Xiphidiochaeta Duda, 1925: 200. Nom. nov. Pugiodrosophila Duda, AU.
Adrosophila Séguy, 1938: 344. Type species, minuta Séguy, OD.
Pholadoris Sturtevant, 1942: 28. Type species, Drosophila victoria Sturtevant, OD. Proposed as a subgenus.
Tarudrosophila. Duda, 1926: 114. Mssp. Tanygastrella Duda.

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latifasciaeformis (Duda), 1940: 22 (Drosophila). Type locality: Uganda, Katona, Mujenje. LT M (ZMHU)
Lectotype des. Vilela & Bächli 1990: 124. AF NE NT Distr.: Widespread tropical and subtropical areas, not
Oriental. Colombia (Cundinamarca (Fusagasugá), Magdalena (Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta)). Refs.: Wheeler,
1957: 81; Hunter & Navarro, 1969: 1102; Hoenigsberg 1995a: 87, 1995b: 177.
mirim Dobzhansky & Pavan, 1943: 62. Type locality: Brazil, São Paulo, Bertioga. HT M (MZUSP). Syn.
Pavan, 1952: 11.
baeomyia Wheeler, 1949b: 145. Type locality: Mexico, Jalisco, Michoacan, Nuevo Leon, USA. South
Carolina: Georgetown, Santee River. HT M (AMNH)?. Syn. Wheeler in Burla, 1954a: 125.

Genus Scaptomyza Hardy

Scaptomyza Hardy, 1849: 361. Type species, S. graminum Fallen 1923: 8, OD?

Subgenus Mesoscaptomyza Hackman

Mesoscaptomyza Hackman, 1959: 17. Type species, Scaptomyza wheeleri Hackman, OD.
Scaptomyzella Hendel, 1928: 290 (also as Scaptomyzetta, error) type species, Drosophila flava Fallen, 1923: 7, OD.

bogotae Wheeler & Takada, 1966: 64. Type locality: Colombia, Bogotá area, 8700 ft. HT M (USNM). NT Distr.:

nigricosta Wheeler & Takada, 1966: 68. Type locality: Colombia, Bogotá area, 8700 ft. HT M (USNM). NT Distr.:

nigripalpis Malloch, 1924: 11. Type locality: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Pico das Agulhas Negras (=Alto Itatiai Serro
do Itatiaia). HT F (USNM). NT Distr.: Colombia to Brazil. Refs.: Wheeler & Takada, 1966: 43.

pleurolineata Wheeler & Takada, 1966: 70. Type locality: Colombia, 30 km N Popayán. HT M (USNM). NT
Distr.: Brazil, Colombia.

samurai Wheeler & Takada, 1966: 71. Type locality: Colombia, SE Bogotá, 10000 ft.. HT M (USNM). NT Distr.:

striaticeps Wheeler & Takada, 1966: 72. Type locality: Colombia, Bogotá area, Tequendama Falls. HT M
(USNM). NT Distr.: Colombia.

vittata (Coquillett), 1895:318 (Drosophila). Type locality: USA, Florida, Charlotte Harbor. HT M not in USNM.
NT. Distr.: Mississip, Maryland to Florida, Mexico, Colombia. Ref. Wheeler & Takada 1966: 43; Brncic 1983: 72.

wheeleri Hackman, 1959: 49. Type locality: USA, Virginia, Falls Church. HT M (USNM). NT NE Distr.:
Tennessee to Virginia, s. to Florida, Mexico to Ecuador. Refs.: Wheeler & Takada, 1966: 43.

Subgenus Parascaptomyza Duda

Parascaptomyza Duda, 1924b: 248. Type species, Drosophila graminum Fallén, MO (=misid. pallida Zetterstedt).
Parascaptomyza Duda, 1924a: 203. Type species, Drosophila graminum Fallén, MO (=misid. pallida Zetterstedt).Proposed as
a subgenus.
Parascaptomyza Duda, 1924a: 231. Incosp. Parascaptomyza Duda, FR Duda, 1925: 200.
Ctenoscaptomyza Frey, 1954: 22. Type species, Parascaptomyza horrida Frey, OD. Proposed as a subgenus. Syn. Hackman,
1959: 14
Tristanomyia Frey, 1954: 31. Type species, frustulifera Frey, OD. Syn. Hackman, 1959: 14.
Parascaptomysa. Duda, 1926: 113. Mssp. Parascaptomyza Duda.

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picifemorata Hackman, 1959: 59.Type locality: Ecuador, Imbabura, Sect. de Otavalo, Lago San Pablo de
Imbabura. HT M (USNM). NT Distr.: Costa Rica to Peru. Refs.: Wheeler & Takada, 1966: 43.

spinipalpis Séguy, 1934: 11. Type locality: Argentina, La Plata. T M MNHNP?. NT Distr.: Argentina, Bolivia,
Colombia. Refs.: Wheeler & Takada, 1966: 43.

Subgenus Scaptomyza Hardy

Scaptomyza Hardy, 1849: 361. Type species, Drosophila graminum Fallén, SD Coquillett, 1910: 603.
Scaptomyzella Hendel, 1928: 290. Type species, Drosophila flava Fallén, OD. Syn. Malloch, 1932: 220.
Scaptomyz. Okada, 1956: 75. Mssp. Scaptomyza. Corrected in Errata.
Scaptomyzetta. Hendel, 1928: 301. Mssp. Scaptomyzetta Hendel.
Scaptomyxa. Oldenberg, 1914: 13. Mssp. Scaptomyza Hardy.

andina Wheeler & Takada, 1966: 43. Type locality: Colombia, 11 km E Bogotá, in wasteland on road to Choachi.
HT M (USNM). NT Distr.: Colombia, Ecuador.

flava (Fallen), 1823: 7 (Drosophila). Type locality: Sweden, Kristianstad, Äsperoöd (=Esperöd). LT F ZIL (lost).
HT M (AMNH). NE PA OR NT AF AU Distr.: cosmopolitan. Refs.: Becker, 1919.

graminum (Fallen), 1823: 8. (Drosophila). Type locality: Sweden, Skane. HT M (AMNH). NE PA OR NT AF

AU Distr.: cosmopolitan. Refs.: Becker, 1919.
incana Meigen, 1830: 86. Type locality: Germany. North Rhine-Westphalia: Aachen (not given). LT M
(NMW). Syn. Becker, 1905: 223. Lectotype des. Bächli, 1982: 297.
rufipes Meigen, 1830: 87. Type locality: Europe. LT M (MNHNP)). Comb. and syn. Becker, 1902: 302.
Lectotype des. Bächli, 1982: 298.
Notiphila amoena Waltl, 1837: 281. Type locality: Germany, Bavaria, Passau. T A unknown. Syn. Mathis &
Zatwarnicki, 1995: 13.
Hydrellia amoena Meigen, 1838: 374. Type locality: Germany, Bavaria. LT M (MNHNP). Preocc. Waltl, 1837.
Comb. Becker, 1905: 223. Lectotype des. Bächli, 1982: 298.
flavipennis Zetterstedt, 1838: 777. Type locality: Sweden, Västerbotten, Vilhelmina (=Wilhelmina). LT M
(ZIL). Syn. Becker 1905: 223. Lectotype des. Bächli 1982: 298.
sordida Zetterstedt, 1838: 777. Type locality: Sweden, Västerbotten, Vilhelmina (=Wilhelmina). LT M ( ZIL).
Syn Becker, 1905: 223. Lectotype des. Bächli, 1982: 298.
ruficeps Roser, 1840: 62. Type locality: Germany, Baden-Württemberg, Württemberg. LT F (SMNS).
Lectotype des. Bächli, 1982: 399 and 1990: 2. Syn. Bächli, 1990: 2.
tetrasticha Becker, 1908: 158. Type locality: Spain, Canary Is., Teneriffe, Poland. Schlesien, Peist, Moisdorf,
Oderwald, Charlottenbrunn, Fürstenstein, Liegnitz & Hummel. ST A (ZMHU). Syn. Duda, 1934: 67.
Drosophila graminum (var.) semiatricornis Duda, 1935a: 39. Type locality: Russia, Ussuri, Sapssk District,
Jakoslevka. HT F (ZISP).
borealis Wheeler, 1952: 204. Type locality: USA, New Hampshire, Ossipee. HT M (USNM). Syn. Hackman,
1959: 65.
Diastata claripenis Macquart, 1835: 544. Type locality: France, northern. ST A (MNHNP). Possibly
Scaptomyza graminum acc. to Chandler, 1987: 41.

neoandina Wheeler & Takada, 1966: 48. Type locality: Colombia, 11 km E Bogotá, in paramos on road to
Choachi. HT M (AMNH). NT Distr.: Colombia.

parandina Wheeler & Takada, 1966: 50. Type locality: Colombia, Bogotá area, 10000 ft. HT M (USNM). NT
Distr.: Colombia.

subandina Wheeler & Takada, 1966: 50. Type locality: Colombia, Bogotá area, 17 km S Usme, 11000 ft. HT M
(USNM). NT Distr.: Colombia.

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Genus Zapriothrica Wheeler

Zapriothrica Wheeler, 1956: 113. Type species, Sigaloessa dispar Schiner, OD.

dispar (Schiner), 1868: 237 (Sigaloessa). Type locality: Venezuela. LT M (NMW). NT Distr.: Colombia, Ecuador,
Venezuela. Refs.: Hunter, 1960: 86.

salebrosa Wheeler, 1968: 437.Type locality: Colombia, road to Usme and El Hato, about 1000 ft above the city of
Bogotá. HT M (USNM). NT Distr.: Colombia.

Genus Zygothrica Wiedemann

Zygothrica Wiedemann, 1830: 12. Type species, Achias dispar Wiedemann, MO. It the text (p. 12) this name is proposed as a
subgenus, but in the new species treatment it is used as a genus (p. 16).
Drosophilura Hendel, 1913a 387. Type species, caudata Hendel, OD. Syn. Sturtevant 1920: 156.
Tanyglossa Duda, 1925: 189. Type species, Zygothrica tenuirostris Duda, MO. Proposed as a subgenus. Syn. Grimaldi, 1987:
Tanyglossa Duda, 1927: 47. Type species, Zygothrica tenuirostris Duda, MO. Proposed as a subgenus.

aldrichii Sturtevant, 1920: 157. Type locality: Panama, Trinidad River. HT M (USNM). NT Distr.: Costa Rica to
Brazil. Refs.: Grimaldi, 1987.

bilineata (Williston), 1896: 409 (Drosophila). Type locality: St. Vincent and the Granadines. LT A (BMNH). NT
Distr.: Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, West Indies. Refs.: Grimaldi, 1987.

circumveha Grimaldi, 1987: 175. Type locality: Mexico, Sinaloa, 14 mi W El Palmito, 5000 ft. HT M (CNC). NT
Distr.: Mexico (Sinaloa).

florinjecta Grimaldi, 1987: 162. Type locality: Colombia, 25 km W Bogotá. HT M (AMNH). NT Distr.:
Colombia. Grimaldi, 1990: 97.

fuscalata Grimaldi, 1987: 152. Type locality: Peru, Tingo Maria. HT M (AMNH). NT Distr.: Colombia, Peru.

oviserrata Grimaldi, 1987: 160. Type locality: Colombia. NT Distr.: Colombia. Near Bogotá, Usme-El Hato Road.

panopia Grimaldi, 1987: 264. Type locality: Panama, Chiriqui, El Volcán. HT M (USNM). NT Distr.: Bolivia to
Costa Rica.

pictura Grimaldi, 1987: 187. Type locality: Colombia, Amazonas, Leticia. HT M (AMNH) NT Distr.: Colombia.

posthona Grimaldi, 1987: 256. Type locality: Bolivia, El Beni S. Inicua, Alto Beni River, 1100 m. HT M (CNC).
NT Distr.: Colombia to Bolivia.

prodispar Duda, 1927: 63.Type locality: Peru, Pinipini. HT M (SMT). NT Distr.: Mexico to Brazil and Peru.
Refs.: Grimaldi, 1987.

zygia Grimaldi, 1987: 209. Type locality: Trinidad & Tobago, Tabaquite, Charuma Forest. HT M (USNM). NT
Distr.: Trinidad to Peru.

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Subfamily Steganinae Hendel, 1917

Tribe Gitonini Grimaldi, 1990

Genus Trachyleucophenga Hendel

Trachyleucophenga Hendel, 1917: 44. Type species, Trachyleucophenga flavocostata Hendel, OD.

flavocostata Hendel, 1917: 44. Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena, Aracataca. ST A (NMW). NT Distr.:
Colombia, Florida?. Refs.: Duda, 1927: 32.

Tribe Steganini Grimaldi, 1990

Genus Leucophenga Mik

Leucophenga Mik, 1886b: 317. Type species, Drosophila maculata Dufour, OD.
Oxyleucophenga Hendel, 1913a: 386. Type species, undulata Hendel, OD. Syn. Malloch, 1926: 33.
Drosomyiella Hendel, 1914: 113. Type species, Drosophila abbreviata de Meijere, OD. Syn. Sturtevant, 1921: 29.
Pavaleucophenga Oldenberg, 1914: 20. Incosp. Paraleucophenga Oldenberg. PA.
Neoleucophenga Oldenberg, 1915: 93. Nom. nov. Paraleucophenga Oldenberg, AU.
Ptyelusimyia Séguy, 1932: 93. Type species, Ptyelusimyia decaryi Séguy, OD. Syn. Tsacas, 1980: 674.
Drosophilopsis Séguy, 1951: 310. Type species, Drosophilopsis scaevolaevora Séguy, OD. Syn. Tsacas, 1980: 674.

neovaria Wheeler, 1960: 89. Type locality: Puerto Rico, Mayaguez. HT M (USNM). NE NT Distr.: Colombia,
Costa Rica, El Salvador, Jamaica, Nicaragua, Puerto Rico, Venezuela; Florida.

Genus Stegana Meigen

Stegana Meigen, 1830: 79. Type species, Stegana nigra Meigen, SD.
Stegana, subg. Orthostegana Hendel, 1913b: 631. Type species, Stegana acutangula Hendel, MO. Current status Duda, 1927:

acutangula (Hendel), 1913b: 632 (Orthostegana). Type locality: Bolivia, La Paz, Mapiri, Sarampioni, 700 m. ST F
(SMT) NT Distr.: Nicaragua to Bolivia. Refs.: Wheeler & Takada, 1971: 229.

Genus incertae sedis (Grimaldi, 1990)

Genus Apacrochaeta Duda

Apacrochaeta Duda, 1927: 106. Type species, Apacrochaeta columbiensis, MO.

columbiensis Duda, 1927: 106. Type locality: Colombia. Ujhelyi, Sierra S. Lorenzo. HT M (HNHM). NT Distr.:

TABLE 1. Drosophilidae species recorded from Colombia.

Subfamily Tribe Genus Subgenus species author

Drosophilinae Cladochaetini Cladochaeta abbrevifusca Grimaldi & Nguyen, 1999:170
labidia Grimaldi & Nguyen, 1999:98
mathisi Grimaldi & Nguyen, 1999:23
nebulosa Coquillett, 1900
...Continued on next page

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TABLE 1. (Continued)
Subfamily Tribe Genus Subgenus species author
pruinopleura Grimaldi & Nguyen, 1999
pseudidkra Grimaldi & Nguyen, 1999
sororia (Williston, 1896)
Diathoneura Diathoneura albifacies Duda, 1925
albinota (Wheeler, 1957)
dubia Sturtevant, 1921
superba (Sturtevant, 1916)
tessellata Duda, 1925
Drosophilini Celidosoma nigrocincta Hardy, 1965
Chymomyza bicoloripes (Malloch, 1926)
Drosophila Dorsilopha busckii Coquillett, 1901
Drosophila acroria Wheeler & Takada in Wheeler et al.,
acuminanus Hunter, 1988
albicans Frota-Pessoa, 1954
aldrichi Patterson in Patterson & Crow, 1940
altiplanica Brncic & Koref-Santibanez, 1957
angustibucca Duda, 1925
annulimana Duda, 1927
antioquia Vilela & Bächli, 2000
aracataca Vilela & Val, 1983
arane Hunter, 1992
arboloco Hunter, 1979
aureopallescens Pipkin, 1964
bandeirantorum Dobzhansky & Pavan, 1943
bedicheki Heed & Russell, 1971
bifurcada Hunter, 1992
bomarea Hunter, 1979
breuerae Rocha, 1971
briegeri Pavan & Breuer, 1954
brncici Hunter & Hunter, 1964
calloptera Schiner, 1868
canalinea Patterson & Mainland, 1944
carablanca Hunter, 1979
cardini Sturtevant, 1916
cardinoides Dobzhansky & Pavan, 1943
chisaca Hunter, 1988
choachi Hunter, 1992
coffeata Williston, 1896
colmenares Hunter, 1988
crossoptera Wheeler & Takada in Wheeler et al,
desbaratabaile Hunter, 1979
eohydey Wasserman, 1962a
...Continued on next page

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TABLE 1. (Continued)
Subfamily Tribe Genus Subgenus species author
fasciola Williston, 1896
franii Hunter, 1988
freilejoni Hunter, 1979
fulvimacula Patterson & Mainland, 1944
funebris (Fabricius, 1787)
fuscolineata Duda, 1925b
gasici Brncic, 1957b
griseolineata Duda, 1927
hansonioides Pipkin, 1966
hydei Sturtevant, 1921
immigrans Sturtevant, 1921
incompta Wheeler et al., 1962
leukorrhyna Pipkin, 1964
limbinervis Duda, 1925
lindae Wheeler, 1968
maculifrons Duda, 1927
margarita Hunter, 1979
martensis Wasserman & Wilson, 1957
mediodelta Heed & Wheeler, 1957
medioparva Heed & Wheeler, 1957
mediopictoides Heed & Wheeler, 1957
mediostriata Duda, 1925
melina Wheeler, 1962
mercatorum Patterson & Wheeler, 1942
mesophragmatica Duda, 1927
metzii Sturtevant, 1921
moju Pavan, 1950
neocardini Streisinger, 1946
neomorpha Heed & Wheeler, 1957
nigrasplendens Pipkin, 1964
nigricincta Frota-Pessoa, 1954
nigricruria Patterson & Mainland in Patterson,
orkui Brncic & Koref-Santibanez, 1957
ornatifrons Duda, 1927
pallidipennis Dobzhansky & Pavan, 1943
paraguayensis Duda, 1927
paranaensis Barros, 1950
parthenogenetica Stalker, 1953
pavani Brncic, 1957b
pellewae Pipkin & Heed, 1964
peruensis Wheeler, 1959
polychaeta Patterson & Wheeler, 1942
polymorpha Dobzhansky & Pavan, 1943
...Continued on next page

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TABLE 1. (Continued)
Subfamily Tribe Genus Subgenus species author
popayan Vilela & Bächli, 2004b
promeridiana Wasserman, 1962b
repleta Wollaston, 1858
reticulata Wheeler, 1957
schildi Malloch, 1924
setula Heed & Wheeler, 1957
starmeri Wasserman, Koepfer & Ward, 1973
sticta Wheeler, 1957
tibialis Wheeler, 1957
trapeza Heed & Wheeler, 1957
trifiloides Wheeler, 1957
tripunctata Loew, 1862
unipunctata Patterson & Mainland in Patterson,
uniseta Wasserman, Koepfer & Ward, 1973
viracochi Brncic & Koref-Santibanez, 1957
virilis Sturtevant, 1916
xanthopallescens Sturtevant, 1916
Phloridosa lutzii Sturtevant, 1916
Siphlodora flexa Loew, 1866
Sophophora ananassae Doleschall, 1858
azteca Sturtevant & Dobzhansky, 1936
bocainensis Pavan & da Cunha, 1947
capricorni Dobzhansky & Pavan, 1943
changuinolae Wheeler & Magalhaes, 1962
emarginata Sturtevant, 1942
equinoxialis Dobzhansky, 1946
fumipennis Duda, 1925
kikkawai Burla, 1954b
megalagitans Wheeler & Magalhaes, 1962
melanogaster Meigen, 1830
nebulosa Sturtevant, 1916
parabocainensis Carson, 1954
parasaltans Magalhaes, 1956
paulistorum Dobzhansky & Pavan in Burla et al.,
prosaltans Duda, 1927
pseudoobscura Frolova & Astaurov, 1929
saltans Sturtevant, 1916
septentriosaltans Magalhães, 1962
simulans Sturtevant, 1919
sturtevanti Duda, 1927
sucinea Patterson & Mainland, 1944
tolteca Patterson & Mainland, 1944
...Continued on next page

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TABLE 1. (Continued)
Subfamily Tribe Genus Subgenus species author
tropicalis Burla & da Cunha in Burla et al., 1949
willistoni Sturtevant, 1916
uncertain leoni Pipkin, 1964
xiphiphora Pipkin, 1964
Laccodrosophila atra Duda, 1927
Mycodrosophila elegans Wheeler & Takada, 1963
projectans (Sturtevant, 1916)
pseudoprojectans Wheeler & Takada, 1963
Neotanygastrella chymomyzoides Duda, 1927
tricoloripes Duda, 1925
Palmomyia incerta Grimaldi et al. 2003
Scaptodrosophila latifasciaeformis (Duda, 1940)
Scaptomyza Mesoscaptomiza bogotae Wheeler & Takada, 1966
nigricosta Wheeler & Takada, 1966
nigripalpis Malloch, 1924
pleurolineata Wheeler & Takada, 1966
samurai Wheeler & Takada, 1966
striaticeps Wheeler & Takada, 1966
vitatta (Coquillett 1895)
wheeleri Hackman, 1959
Parascaptomyza picifemorata Hackman, 1959
spinipalpis Séguy, 1934
Scaptomyza andina Wheeler & Takada, 1966
flava (Fallen, 1823)
graminum (Fallen, 1823)
neoandina Wheeler & Takada, 1966
parandina Wheeler & Takada, 1966
subandina Wheeler & Takada, 1966
Zapriothrica dispar (Schiner, 1868)
salebrosa Wheeler, 1968
Zygothrica aldrichii Sturtevant, 1920
bilineata (Williston, 1896)
circumvelha Grimaldi, 1987
florinjecta Grimaldi, 1987
fuscalata Grimaldi, 1987
oviserrata Grimaldi, 1987
panopia Grimaldi, 1987
pictura Grimaldi, 1987
posthona Grimaldi, 1987
prodispar Duda, 1927
zygia Grimaldi, 1987
Steganinae Gitonini Trachyleucophenga flavocostata Hendel, 1917
Steganini Leucophenga Leucophenga neovaria Wheeler, 1960
Stegana Orthostegana acutangula (Hendel, 1913b)
incertae sedis Apacrochaeta columbiensis Duda, 1927

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ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)


National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington. DC. E-mail:
Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. E-mail:
Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. E-mail:
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This catalog presents 53 species of Ephydridae from Colombia that are classified into five subfamilies, 15 tribes and 26
genera. For each species we present the available geographical information.

Key words: catalogue, Colombia, distribution, Ephydridae


Ephydridae, commonly known as “shore” or “brine flies”, are a diverse and widely distributed family of
Schizophora with 1,954 valid species names (Mathis & Zatwarnicki 1995 and unpublished updates). The diversity
exhibited includes more than species richness, and many species have adapted to inhospitable environments, such
as sulfurous hot springs, highly alkaline or saline lakes and exposed pools of crude petroleum. Larvae are aquatic
or semiaquatic and adults are usually found nearby on the surface of mud or water, or on low, emergent vegetation
(Wirth 1968; Foote 1995). Larvae of Hydrellia Robineau-Desvoidy are miners in the leaves and stems of various
plants, such as Alismataceae, Cruciferae, Hydrocharitaceae, Lemnaceae and others. A few species can be serious
agricultural pests, especially in cereal crops, such as rice Oryza sativa Linnaeus (Poaceae). In Colombia two
species of Hydrellia are recorded, H. griseola (Fallén) and the “South American rice miner”, H. wirthi
Korytkowski. The first species destroyed approximately 20 per cent of California’s rice crop in 1953, with an
estimated loss of US$ 16,000,000.00, and the second is an invasive species in the United States (Lange et. al. 1953;
Mathis & Zatwarnicki 1995; Mathis et al. 2006; Pantoja & Salazar 1993; Pantoja et al. 1993; Rodrigues Júnior et
al. 2014) and is also a pest in rice.
Adults are small to moderately-sized shore flies, body length 1–11 mm; often usually dull and dark colored,
but unusually diverse in body structure, vestiture, and ornamentation, making this family difficult to characterize.
Females are often larger than males. Pseudopostocellar setae divergent or lacking. Arista bare, pubescent, or
pectinate; aristal hair-like rays on dorsum only (except in Asmeringa Becker and in some Ptilomyia Coquillett);
face bearing setae and/or setulae. Wing with humeral and subcostal breaks; Sc vein rudimentary; vein R1 merging
with C before middle of wing; cells bm and dm not separated by a crossvein; cell cup absent. Anepisternum
setulose. No preapical dorsal seta on fore- and hindtibiae Mathis (2010).
Wirth (1968)’s catalog was the first to summarize the Neotropical fauna. Reviews of nearby shore-fly faunas
that have contributed to our knowledge are those of Argentina (Lizarralde de Grosso 1989), Belize (Mathis 1997b),
and Central America (Mathis 2010). We have adopted Zatwarnicki’s (1992) classification for higher categories.
Although several species are known and recorded from the Neotropical Region, including Colombia, this
number is certainly an underestimate, as we have seen in Brazilian reviews of Diphuia Cresson (Mathis &
Marinoni 2010), Parydra Stenhammar (Mathis & Marinoni 2011) or Hydrellia Robineau-Desvoidy (Rodrigues
Júnior et al. 2014), and numerous species await description.

752 Accepted by S. Nihei: 10 Apr. 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016

Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License
Acronyms used for the depositories

AMNH—American Museum of Natural History, New York, New York, USA.

ANSP—Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
BMNH—The Natural History Museum (formerly British Museum (Natural History)), London, UK.
CAS—California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, California, USA.
CNC—Canadian National Collection, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
CU —Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, United States.
DEI—Senckenberg Deutsches Entomologisches Institut, Müncheberg, Germany.
HNHM—Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest, Hungary.
LACM—Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Los Angeles, California, USA.
MACN—Museo Argentina de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia", Buenos Aires, Argentina.
MCZ—Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.
MNHN—Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France.
NMW—Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, Wien, Austria.
NRS—Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, Stockholm, Sweden.
SMN—Staatliches Museum fur Naturkunde, Rosenstein 1, Stuttgart, BadenWurttemburg D-7000, Germany.
UPRG—Universidad Nacional "Pedro Ruiz Gallo", Lambayeque, Peru.
USNM—National Museum of Natural History, (formerly, United States National Museum), Washington D.C.,
ZIL—Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia.

List of abbreviations

distr.—geographic distribution
orig. des.—by original designation
sp., spp.—species
subs.— subsequent
NA—Not applicable
T—Type (unspecified)
F (f#)—Female
M (m#)—Male

Catalogue of Ephydridae of Colombia

Family Ephydridae Zetterstedt, 1837

Subfamily Discomyzinae Acloque, 1897

Tribe Discomyzini Acloque, 1987

Genus Clasiopella Hendel

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Clasiopella Hendel, 1914a: 109. Type species, Clasiopella uncinata Hendel, 1914, orig. des. Refs.: Mathis, 1994: 454–465

uncinata Hendel, 1914a: 110. Type locality, Taiwan, Anping. LT F (des. by Mathis, 1994: 460) (DEI). Distr.:
Afrotropical: Gambia, Kenya, Madagascar, Senegal, Seychelles (La Digue, Mahé, Praslin). Australasian/Oceanian:
Australia (Queensland), Guam, Hawaiian Islands (Hawaii, Midway Island, Molokai, Oahu), Northern Marianas.
Nearctic: United States (Florida). Neotropical: Belize, Colombia, Galápagos Islands, Mexico (Tabasco), Tobago,
West Indies (Dominica, Grand Cayman, Jamaica). Oriental: Philippines, Taiwan. Refs.: Mathis, 1994: 457–463
(rev.); Mathis and Zatwarnicki, 2003: 596–599 (review, Seychelles).

Genus Mimapsilopa Cresson

Mimapsilopa Cresson, 1941a: 36. Type species, Clasiopella metatarsata Cresson, 1939, orig. des.; Cresson, 1946: 153 (syn.
with Helaeomyia Cresson). Refs.: Lizarralde de Grosso, 1982: 121–128 (rev.); Mathis & Zatwarnicki, 1998: 7–24 (rev.,
West Indian species).

colombiana Lizarralde de Grosso, 1982:126. Type locality, Colombia, Popayan (30 km N), HT M (USNM). Distr.:
Colombia (Cauca (Popayán)).

Tribe Psilopini Cresson, 1925

Genus Ceropsilopa Cresson

Ceropsilopa Cresson, 1917b: 340. Type species, Ceropsilopa nasuta Cresson, 1917b, orig. des.
Pelex Cresson, 1925: 235. Type species, Pelex purimana Cresson, 1925, orig. des.; Cresson, 1945: 70 (syn.).
Batula Cresson, 1940: 2. Type species: Psilopa mellipes Coquillett, 1900b, orig. des.; Cresson, 1946: 157 (syn.).

coquilletti Cresson, 1922b: 136. Type locality, United States, California, Monterey: Pacific Grove. HT F (CU).
Distr.: Australasian/Oceanian: Hawaiian Islands (Hawaii, Maui, Molokai, Kauai, Oahu). Nearctic: Bermuda,
United States (California, Florida, Maryland). Neotropical: Argentina, Bahamas, Belize, Colombia, Grand
Cayman, Mexico, Panama, Trinidad, Venezuela, West Indies (Haiti, Puerto Rico).

Genus Cressonomyia Arnaud

Plagiops Cresson, 1918: 53. Type species, Plagiops nitidifrons Cresson, 1918, orig. des. Preocc., Townsend, 1911 (Diptera:
Plagiopsis Cresson, 1934: 201 (replacement name for Plagiops Cresson, 1918). Type species, Plagiops nitidifrons Cresson,
Cressonomyia Arnaud, 1958: 24 (replacement name for Plagiopsis Cresson, 1934). Type species, Plagiops nitidifrons
Cresson, 1918. Refs.: Mathis & Zatwarnicki, 2004: 249–279 (rev.).

aciculata Loew, 1862: 142 (Psilopa). Type locality, West Indies, Cuba, Holguín: Santa Lucia (3 km N; 21°03.3'N,
75°59.8'W). NT M (des. by Mathis & Zatwarnicki, 2004: 256) (USNM). Distr.: United States (Texas), Bahamas,
Belize, Brazil (Rio de Janeiro), Colombia (Magdalena), Costa Rica (Alajuela, Cartago, Guanacaste, Limón,
Puntarenas, San José), El Salvador, Guyana, Honduras, Mexico (Chiapas, Jalisco, Tabasco, Veracruz), Panama,
Paraguay, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela, West Indies (Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada,
Haiti, Jamaica, Montserrat, Puerto Rico, St. Vincent). Refs.: Williston, 1896: 394 (rev.); Mathis & Zatwarnicki,
2004: 255–262 (rev.).

Genus Leptopsilopa Cresson

Leptopsilopa Cresson, 1922b: 136. Type species, Psilopa similis Coquillett, 1900a, orig. des. Refs.: Mathis & Zatwarnicki,
2006: 85–138 (review, New World species).

754 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press MATHIS ET AL.

flavicoxa Mathis & Zatwarnicki, 2006: 111. Type locality, Belize, Sann Creek: Cockscomb Basin Wildlife
Sanctuary (16°47'N, 88°30'W). HT M (USNM). Distr.: Neotropical: Argentina, Belize, Bolivia (La Paz), Brazil
(Bahia, Paraná, Rio de Janeiro, Santa Catarina), Colombia (Antioquia), Costa Rica (Alajuela, Cartago, Guanacaste,
Heredia, Limón, Puntarenas, San José), Ecuador (Los Ríos, Manabí, Orellana, Pichincha), El Salvador, Guyana,
Honduras, Mexico (Chiapas, Guerrero), Nicaragua, Panama (Canal Zone), Trinidad & Tobago, Venezuela (Barinas,

subapicalis Cresson, 1922b: 136. Type locality, Trinidad & Tobago, Trinidad, Port of Spain (10°39'N, 61°31'W).
HT F (HNHM), (ANSP). Distr.: Neotropical: Colombia (Magdalena (Aracataca)), Costa Rica, Honduras, Panama,
Trinidad, Venezuela. Refs.: Cresson, 1938: 30, 31 (key; review); 1946: 156, 162 (review; key); Wirth, 1968: 10
(Neotropical catalog); Lizarralde de Grosso, 1989: 28 (list, Argentina); Mathis & Zatwarnicki, 1995: 37 (world
cat.); 2006: 130–133 (rev.).

Genus Peltopsilopa Hendel

Peltopsilopa Hendel, 1914b: 156. Type species, Peltopsilopa aspistes Hendel, 1914b, orig. des. Refs.: Malloch, 1941: 125–126
(review). Savaris et al. 2016: 83–98 (rev.).

anisotomoides Karsch, 1884: 173 (Celyphus). Type locality, “Bengal”. HT F (ZMHU). Distr.: Neotropical: Brazil
(Maranhão, Pernambuco), Colombia (Magdalena), Ecuador (Guayas, Sucumbiois), Venezuela (Carabobo). Refs.:
Savaris, et al., 2016: 92–96 (rev., generic comb., syn. with P. aspistes Hendel).

Genus Psilopa Fallén

Psilopa Fallén, 1823: 6. Type species, Notiphila nitidula Fallén, 1813, subs. des. by Rondani, 1856: 132.
Hygrella Haliday, 1839: 223 (as a subgenus of Notiphila). Type species, Notiphila nitidula Fallén, 1813, subs. des. by
Westwood, 1840: 153; Loew, 1860: 8 (syn.).
Ephygrobia Schiner, 1862: 432 (unnecessary replacement name for Psilopa Fallén).
Diasemocera Bezzi, 1895: 137 (as a subgenus of Psilopa). Type species, Psilopa nigrotaeniata Bezzi, 1895 (= Psilopa roederi
Girschner, 1889), mon.; Becker, 1896: 135 (syn. with Ephygrobia Schiner).
Domina Hutton, 1901: 90. Type species, Domina metallica Hutton, 1901, mon.; Tonnoir & Malloch, 1926: 12 (syn.).
Discocerinella Mercier, 1927: 123. Type species, Discocerinella omonvillea Mercier, 1927 (= Notiphila pulicaria Haliday,
1839), orig. des.; Collin, 1942: 149 (syn.).

metallina Becker, 1919: 203 (Leptopsilopa). Type locality, Ecuador, La Rinconada (3200 m), Cuenca (2532),
Tulcan (3002 m). LT M (des. by Mathis & Zatwarnicki, 2006: 134) (MNHN). Distr.: Neotropical: Colombia,
Ecuador, Peru. Refs.: Mathis & Zatwarnicki, 2006: 133–134 (review, transferred back to Psilopa).
Leptopsilopa metallina; Wirth, 1968: 10 (generic combination); Mathis & Zatwarnicki, 1995: 36 (world cat.).

pulchripes Loew, 1878: 197. Type locality, United States, “Texas”. ST F (MCZ). Distr.: Nearctic: United States
(Florida, Illinois, Massachusetts, Texas). Neotropical: Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Peru,
Paraguay, West Indies (Dominica, Puerto Rico).

Subfamily Hydrelliinae Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830

Tribe Atissini Cresson, 1942

Genus Paralimna Loew

Refs.: Ale-Rocha & Mathis 2015: 1–148 (rev.).

Paralimna Loew, 1862: 138. Type species, Paralimna appendiculata Loew, 1862 (= Notiphila punctipennis Wiedemann,
1830), mon.

CATALOGUE OF EPHYDRIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 755
Subgenus Paralimna Loew

Paralimna Loew, 1862: 138 (as a genus). Type species, Paralimna appendiculata Loew, 1862 (= Notiphila punctipennis
Wiedemann, 1830), mon.
Poecilothorax Becker, 1922: 73 (as a genus). Type species, Poecilothorax angustus Becker, 1922 (= Paralimna puncticollis
Becker, 1922), mon.; Cresson, 1947b: 108 (syn.).

meridionalis Cresson, 1916: 119. Type locality, Costa Rica. Cartago: La Carpentera. HT M (ANSP 6092). Distr.:
Neotropical: Costa Rica (Alajuela, Cartago, Guanacaste, Heredia, Paraíso, Puntarenas, San José), Colombia
(Santander), Ecuador (Cotopaxi, El Oro, Guayas, Loja, Napo, Orellana, Pastaza, Pichincha, Tungurahua, Zamora-
Chinchipe), Guyana (Mazaruni-Potaro), Panamá (Chiriqui, Cocle, Guna Yala, Panamá, Veraguas), Peru (Huánuco),
Venezuela (Lara, Zulia). Refs.: Ale-Rocha and Mathis, 2015: 47–51 (rev.).

molossus Schiner, 1868: 242. Type locality, “Venezuela”. LT F (des. by Cresson, 1929: 192) (NMW). Distr.:
Neotropical: Argentina (Misiones), Bolivia (Beni, La Paz, Santa Cruz), Brazil (Minas Gerais, Santa Catarina, São
Paulo), Chile (Arica and Parinacota, Tarapaca), Colombia (Magdalena), Ecuador (Azuay, Guayas, El Oro),
Paraguay (Guaira, Pirapó), Peru (Cuzco, El Conde, Huánuco, Junín, Lima, Loreto, Madre de Dios), Trinidad and
Tobago, Venezuela (Barinas, Bolívar Carabobo, Lara). Refs.: Ale-Rocha and Mathis, 2015: 51–54 (rev.).

secunda Schiner, 1868: 241. Type locality, “Venezuela”; LT F (des. by Cresson 1929: 185) (NMW). Distr.:
Neotropical: Belize (Stann Creek), Bolivia (Bení, La Paz), Brazil (Amazonas, Pará, São Paulo, Tocantins),
Colombia (Magdalena), Ecuador (El Oro, Guayas, Loja, Orellana, Sucumbios), El Salvador (La Libertad, San
Salvador, Santa Ana), Guatemala (Chimaltango, Escuintla, Guatemala, Iazabal, Zacapa), Guyana, Mexico
(Chiapas, Veracruz-Llave), Panamá (Cocle, Panamá), Paraguay (Asunción, President Hayes), Peru (Cuzco,
Loreto), Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela (Amazonas, Carabodo), West Indies (Cuba). Refs.: Ale-Rocha and
Mathis, 2015: 84–89 (rev.).

thomae Wiedemann, 1830: 593. Type locality, St. Thomas (18°21'N, 64°56'W); ST M (UZMC). Distr.: Nearctic:
Mexico (Colima, México, Morelos, San Luis Potosí, Tamaulipas). United States (Arizona, California, Florida,
Texas). Neotropical: Bahamas, Belize (Corazal, Stann Creek), Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica (Cartago,
Guanacaste, Heredia, Puntarenas), Ecuador (Chimborazo, El Oro, Guayas, Loja, Manabí, Pastaza), El Salvador,
Guatemala (Escuintla, Izabal, Zacapa), Guatemala (Escuintla), Guyana, Honduras (Cortés), Mexico (Chiapas,
Cuernavaca, Oaxaca, Tabasco, Veracruz-Llave), Nicaragua, Panamá (Cocle, Herera), Peru (Lima, Loreto, Madre
de Dios), Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela (Carabobo, Lara, Zulia), West Indies (Barbados, British Virgin Islands
Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grand Cayman, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Haiti, Jamaica, Navassa, Puerto
Rico, St. Croix, St. Lucia, St. Thomas, St. Vincent, Trinidad). Refs.: Cogan and Wirth, 1977: 335 (generic comb.).
Ale-Rocha and Mathis, 2015: 102–109 (rev.).

Subgenus Phaiosterna Cresson

Phaiosterna Cresson, 1916: 104. Type species, Paralimna decipiens Loew, 1878, orig. des. Refs.: Cresson, 1947a: 54–55
(review, Neotropical species); 1947b: 115–117 (review, Afrotropical species, key); 1948: 9–11 (review, Australasian
species, key); Wirth, 1965: 748 (Nearctic catalog); 1968: 16 (Neotropical catalog); Cogan & Wirth, 1977: 334 (syn. with
Paralimna); Cogan, 1980: 663–664 (Afrotropical catalog, as the subgenus Paralimna in part); Mathis & Zatwarnicki,
1995: 126–127 (world cat.); 2002: 67–88 (rev.).

decipiens Loew, 1878: 195. Type locality, United States, “Texas”. ST M (MCZ). Distr.: Nearctic: Bermuda, United
States (Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Louisiana, New
Jersey, North Carolina, South Carolina, Texas, Virginia). Neotropical: Argentina, Belize, Bolivia (La Paz), Brazil,
Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Mexico (Jalisco, Sonora, Tamaulipas, Veracruz),
Panama, Paraguay, Trinidad, Venezuela, West Indies (Barbados, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grand
Cayman, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Virgin Islands). Refs.: Osten Sacken, 1878: 201 (Nearctic
catalog); Becker, 1896: 270 (list, Texas); Coquillett, 1900b: 259 (list, Puerto Rico); Aldrich, 1905: 624 (Nearctic
catalog); Jones, 1906: 178–179 (key, catalog); Thaxter, 1917: 672–675 (parasites: Stigmatomyces rostratus Thaxter, S.
paralimnae Thaxter); 1931: 145–146 (parasite: S. gracilior Thaxter); Wirth & Stone, 1956: 470 (list, California).

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obscura Williston, 1896: 391. Type locality, West Indies, St. Vincent. LT M (des. by Mathis & Edmiston, 1991:
832) (BMNH). Distr.: Nearctic: Bermuda, United States (California, Florida, Texas). Neotropical: Argentina,
Bahamas, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guyana, Honduras, Mexico (San Luis Potosí),
Panama, Paraguay, Trinidad & Tobago, West Indies (Barbados, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada,
Jamaica, Puerto Rico, St. Lucia, St. Thomas, St. Vincent, Virgin Islands). Refs.: Coquillett, 1900b: 259 (list, Puerto
Rico); Aldrich, 1905: 624 (Nearctic cat.); Jones, 1906: 178–179 (key, cat.).

Tribe Hydrelliini Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830

Genus Hydrellia Robineau-Desvoidy

Hydrellia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830: 790. Type species, Hydrellia communis Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830 (= Notiphila griseola
Fallén, 1813), subs. des., Duponchel in d'Orbigny, 1845. Refs.: Collin, 1966: 7–18, 26 plates (review, European species);
Deonier, 1971: 1–147 (rev. of Nearctic species); Zatwarnicki, 1988: 587–634 (notes and cat. of species); Bock, 1990:
965–993 (rev. of Australian species).
Hydropota Rondani, 1861: 10 (unjustified replacement name for Hydrellia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830).

griseola Fallén, 1813: 250 (Notiphila). Type locality, Sweden. ST ? (ZIL). Distr.: Australasian/Oceanian: Australia
(Queensland). Nearctic: Bermuda, Canada (Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Quebec,
Saskatchewan), United States (Alaska, Alabama, Arkansas, California, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Florida,
Georgia, Idaho, Iowa, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota,
Missouri, Mississippi, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina,
North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia,
Vermont, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming). Neotropical: Colombia. Oriental: Nepal, Philippines,
Taiwan. Palearctic: Afghanistan, Algeria, Austria, Azores, Belgium, Canary Islands, China (Hefei, Xining, NE
Tibet), Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, Faroe Islands, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain,
Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Japan (Hokkaido, Honshu), Macedonia, Madeira Islands, Malta, Morocco,
Netherlands, Norway, Oman, Poland, Romania, Russia (European Territory), Slovakia, Spain, Sweden,
Switzerland, Tunisia, Ukraine, Yugoslavia. Refs.: Macquart, 1835: 523 (generic combination); Lilljeborg, 1861:
205–215 (biology); Deonier, 1971: 63–69 (revision, immature stages; host plant: Nasturtium officinale Brown
(Brassicaceae)); Deonier, 1998: 139–149 (revision, North America); Mathis & Zatwarnicki, 1995: 74–78 (world

wirthi Korytkowski, 1982: 2. Type locality, Peru, Lambayeque: Ferreñafe. HT M (UPRG), biology; host plants:
Oryza sativa L., Paspalum species (Poaceae). Distr.: Nearctic: United States (Louisiana, Texas). Neotropical:
Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Jamundí)), Costa Rica, Peru. Refs.: Pantoja et. al., 1993: 1820–1823 (pest in
Colombia); Pantoja & Salazar, 1993: 378–379 (ovopositional preference); Salazar et. al., 1993: 38–40 (biology);
Mathis & Zatwarnicki, 1995: 94 (world cat.).

Tribe Notiphilini Bigot, 1853

Genus Notiphila Fallén, 1810

Subgenus Agrolimna Cresson

Agrolimna Cresson, 1917a: 48. Type species, Notiphila scalaris Loew, 1862, orig. des.

frontalis Coquillett, 1904: 97. Type locality, Nicaragua, Managua. LT M (des. by Cresson, 1917a: 57) (USNM).
Dist.: Neotropical: Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama.
Notiphila pulchrifrons Williston, 1897: 5 (preocc., Loew, 1872; “Brazil”; ST M (AMNH), (BMNH) (apparently
lost). Cresson, 1917a: 56 (syn).

Subfamily Gymnomyzinae Latreille, 1829

Tribe Discocerinini Cresson, 1925

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Genus Discocerina Macquart

Discocerina Macquart, 1835: 527. Type species, Notiphila pusilla Meigen, 1830 (= Notiphila obscurella Fallén, 1813), subs.
des. by Cresson, 1925: 253.
Dioscocerina. Incorrect original spelling of Discocerina (Macquart, 1835: 528).
Clasiopa Stenhammar, 1844: 159 (Psilopa “Sectio 1”). Type species, Notiphila obscurella Fallén, 1813, original designation;
Haliday, 1855: 57 (syn).

chalybea Hendel, 1930: 138. Type locality, Argentina, Lapango, Pilcomayo. ST M/F (NMW), (SMN). Distr.:
Nearctic: United States (Alabama, Arkansas, District of Columbia, Iowa, Louisiana, Missouri, Nevada, Tennessee,
Texas, Virginia, West Virginia). Neotropical: Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador (Puerto Orellana), Mexico
(Veracruz, Sonora), Paraguay, Trinidad and Tobago, West Indies (Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Puerto Rico).
Refs.: Zatwarnicki & Mathis, 2001: 22 (obscurella group).

flavipes Cresson, 1941a: 35. Type locality, United States, California, Kern (Bakersfield). HT M (ANSP). Distr.:
Nearctic: United States (California, Arizona). Neotropical: Argentina, Belize, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica,
Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Venezuela, West Indies (Dominica, Puerto Rico, St.
Thomas). Refs.: Zatwarnicki & Mathis, 2001: 22 (obscura group).
nitida Cresson, 1918: 57. Type locality, Costa Rica, Guapiles (1100 ft); HT M (ANSP). Distr.: Neotropical:
Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Venezuela.
Refs.: Zatwarnicki & Mathis, 2001: 22 (obscurella group).

obscurella Fallén, 1813: 251, (Notiphila). Type locality, Sweden; ST F (ZIL). Distr.: Afrotropical: Cape Verde
Islands, Kenya, Rodriguez Islands, Zaire. Nearctic: Canada (New Foundland, Ontario, Quebec), United States
(Alaska, Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, California, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Iowa,
Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Maryland, Michigan, Missouri, Nebraska, New
Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, Nevada, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon,
Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington). Neotropical:
Argentina, Bahamas, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico (Veracruz),
Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Venezuela, West Indies (Cuba, Dominica, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, St. Thomas). Palearctic:
Austria, Algeria, Azores, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canary Islands, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France,
Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Iran, Italy, Jordan, Macedonia, Madeira Islands, Morocco, Netherlands, Poland,
Romania, Russia (European Territory, Far East), Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey,
Yugoslavia. Refs.: Haliday, 1839: 224 (generic combination); Mathis & Zatwarnicki, 1995: 166–168 (world
catalog); 2010: 107–110 (revision); Zatwarnicki & Mathis, 2001: 22 (obscurella group).

Genus Hydrochasma Hendel

Hydrochasma Hendel, 1936: 101. Type species, Hydrochasma zernyi Hendel, 1936 (= Discocerina faciale Williston, 1896), mon.

leucoproctum Loew, 1861: 355 (Discocerina leucoprocta). Type locality, United States, “Maryland”; HT F
(MCZ). Distr.: Nearctic: United States (Florida, Iowa, Maine, Massachusetts, Maryland, Minnesota, Virginia).
Neotropical: Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia (Valle del Cauca), Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama,
Venezuela, West Indies (Jamaica).
Hydrochasma leucoproctum, Cresson, 1942: 113 (generic comb.). Mathis & Zatwarnicki, 2013: 132–140

Genus Lamproclasiopa Hendel

Lamproclasiopa Hendel, 1933: 79 (as a subg. of Discocerina). Type species, Lamproclasiopa facialis Hendel 1933, orig. des.
Refs.: Zatwarnicki & Mathis, 2001: 36 (generic status).
Basila Cresson, 1942: 116. Type species, Ditrichophora nadinae Cresson, 1925, orig. des. Refs.: Zatwarnicki & Mathis, 2001:
36 (syn).

aracataca Cresson, 1940: 5 (Discocerina). Type locality, Colombia, Aracataca. HT F (ANSP 6541). Distr.:
Neotropical: Chile, Colombia (Magdalena (Aracataca)). Refs.: Zatwarnicki & Mathis, 2001:36 (generic combination).

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nana Williston, 1896: 396 (Discocerina). Type locality, West Indies, St. Vincent. LT M (designated by Mathis &
Edmiston, 1991: 824) (BMNH). Distr.: Neotropical: Costa Rica, Colombia, West Indies (Dominican Republic,
Dominica, Puerto Rico, St. Vincent). Refs.: Cresson, 1924: 159 (generic comb. as Ditrichophora nana);
Zatwarnicki & Mathis, 2001: 39 (generic comb.).

Genus Polytrichophora Cresson

Polytrichophora Cresson, 1924: 161. Type species, Polytrichophora agens Cresson, 1924, orig. des. Refs.: Mathis & Zuyin,
1989: 436–437 (rev. of Asian species); Mathis & Zatwarnicki, 2012: 25–116 (rev. of New World species).

barba Mathis & Zatwarnicki, 2012: 46. Type locality, Cuba, Sancti Spiritus, Topes de Collantes (21°54.4'N,
80°01.4'W, 670 m). HT M (USNM). Distr.: Nearctic: Bermuda. Neotropical: Argentina (Tucumán), Bolivia (Beni),
Colombia (Valle del Cauca), Ecuador (El Oro, Guayas, Manabi), Guyana, Peru (Cuzco, Loreto, Madre de Dios),
Trinidad and Tobago, West Indies (Barbados, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Puerto Rico).
Tribe Gastropini Cresson, 1949

Genus Beckeriella Williston

Beckeriella Williston, 1897: 2. Type species, Ephydra bispinosa Thomson, 1869 (= Scatophaga bispinosa Fabricius, 1805),
mon. Refs.: Cresson, 1934: 201–205 (review); Lizarralde de Grosso, 1998: 41–56 (rev.; syn. of Gastrops with

bispinosa Fabricius, 1805: 210, (Scatophaga). Type locality, “America Meridionali”; ST ? (depository unknown).
Distr.: Neotropical: Brazil, Colombia (Valle del Cauca), Ecuador, Venezuela. Refs.: Lizarralde de Grosso, 1990:
144–146 (rev.); Williston, 1897: 2 (generic comb.).

clypeata Lizarralde de Grosso, 1986: 134. Type locality, Colombia, Rio Raposo. HT F (CAS). Distr.: Neotropical:
Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Rio Raposo)).

paragigas Lizarralde de Grosso, 1991: 39. Type locality, Colombia, Bogotá. HT M (USNM). Distr.: Neotropical:
Colombia (Bogotá).

schildi Cresson, 1934: 203. Type locality, Costa Rica, Alajuela, Higuito, San Mateo; HT F (USNM). Distr.:
Neotropical: Colombia, Costa Rica, Venezuela. Refs.: Lizarralde de Grosso, 1991: 41 (rev.).

Genus Gastrops Williston

Gastrops Williston, 1897: 3. Type species, Gastrops niger Williston, 1897, mon. Refs.: Wirth, 1958: 247–250 (rev.).
Ventrops Grossbeck, 1912: 378 (unavailable name, published as a syn. of Gastrops Williston).
Beckeriella Lizarralde de Grosso, 1998: 41–56 (review; syn. of Gastrops with Beckeriella).

fuscivenosus Wirth, 1958: 248. Type locality, Costa Rica, Alajuela: Higuito, San Mateo. HT M (USNM). Distr.:
Neotropical: Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras. Refs.: Lizarralde de Grosso, 1984: 74 (review).
Beckeriella fuscivenosa; Lizarralde de Grosso, 1998: 46 (generic comb.).

niger Williston, 1897: 3. Type locality, “Grenada and Rio de Janeiro”. ST M/F (AMNH). Distr.: Nearctic: United
States (Texas). Neotropical: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala,
Mexico (Oaxaca), Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Trinidad, Venezuela, West Indies (Dominica, Grenada). Refs.:
Bokerman, 1957: 231–232 (host: egg cluster of frog Physalaemus cuvieri Fitzinger (Leptodactylidae); Wirth, 1958:
249–250 (review); Lizarralde de Grosso, 1984: 72 (review).
Beckeriella niger; Lizarralde de Grosso, 1998: 49 (generic comb.). Refs.: Menin & Giaretta, 2003: 239–243

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Tribe Gymnomyzini Latreille, 1829

Genus Athyroglossa Loew

Athyroglossa Loew, 1860: 12. Type species, Notiphila glabra Meigen, 1830, mon. Refs.: Wirth, 1970a: 315–319 (review,
Nearctic species); Mathis & Zatwarnicki, 1990: 103–133 (rev. of western Palearctic species).

Subgenus Athyroglossa Loew

Athyroglossa Loew, 1860: 12. Type species, Notiphila glabra Meigen, 1830, mon.
Ochtheroidea Williston, 1896: 401 (as a genus). Type species, Ochtheroidea atra Williston, 1896, mon. Refs.: Cresson, 1922a:
334–335 (rev.); Hendel, 1931: 67 (syn).

atra Williston, 1896: 401, (Ochtheroidea). Type locality, West Indies, St. Vincent. LT M (des. by Mathis &
Edmiston, 1991: 819) (BMNH). Distr.: Neotropical: Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Mexico
(Chiapas, Guerrero, San Luis Potosí, Veracruz), Panama, Trinidad, Venezuela, West Indies (Barbados, Dominica,
Grenada, Jamaica, St. Vincent). Refs.: Cresson, 1922a: 337–338 (rev.); Wirth, 1968: 3 (syn. with Athyroglossa
glaphyropus Loew).

fascipennis Cresson, 1918: 60, (Ochteroidea). Type locality, Colombia, Aracataca; HT M (HNHM). Distr.:
Neotropical: Brazil, Colombia (Magdalena (Aracataca)), Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama, Peru, Venezuela. Refs.:
Cresson, 1922a: 336–337 (rev.).

nitida Williston, 1896: 397. Type locality, West Indies, St. Vincent. LT F (des. by Mathis & Edmiston, 1991: 821)
(BMNH). Distr.: Neotropical: Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guyana, Mexico (Chiapas, San Luis Potosí,
Tampico, Veracruz), Panama, Venezuela, West Indies (Cuba, Dominica, Puerto Rico, St. Vincent). Refs.: Cresson,
1946: 135 (generic comb.); Hendel, 1930: 140 (generic comb.).

similis Cresson, 1918: 61, (Ochtheroidea). Type locality, Costa Rica, Cartago: Cachí, Río Revenatzòn (beach). HT
M (ANSP). Distr.: Neotropical: Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico (Chiapas), Panama, West Indies
(Dominica, Virgin Islands). Refs.: Cresson, 1922a: 338–339 (rev.).

Genus Cerometopum Cresson

Cerometopum Cresson, 1914: 241. Type species, Cerometopum mosilloides Cresson, 1914, orig. des. Refs.: Cresson, 1922a:
324 (rev.).

mosilloides Cresson, 1914: 242. Type locality, Colombia, Barranquilla. HT M (HNHM). Distr.: Neotropical:
Argentina, Colombia (Atlántico (Barranquilla)), Paraguay. Refs.: Cresson, 1922a: 324–343 (rev.).

Tribe Hecamedini Mathis, 1991

Genus Diphuia Cresson

Diphuia Cresson, 1944: 3. Type species, Diphuia anomala Cresson, 1944, orig. des. Refs.: Mathis, 1990: 746–756 (rev.);
1997a: 28–36 (review); Mathis & Marinoni, 2010: 803–812 (review; species groups).

anomala Cresson, 1944: 4. Type locality, Panama, Canal Zone: Monte Lirio. HT M (USNM). Distr.: Neotropical:
Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, West Indies (Dominica). Refs.: Mathis, 1990: 749–750 (rev.); Mathis & Marinoni,
2010: 806 (review).

Tribe Ochtherini Dahl, 1959

Genus Ochthera Latreille

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Ochthera Latreille, (1802): 462. Type species, Musca manicata Fabricius, 1794, subs. Des., Latreille, 1810: 444. Refs.:
Clausen, 1977: 451–529 (rev. of Holarctic and Neotropical species); 1980: 205–222 (rev. of some Neotropical species);
Zhang & Yang, 2006: 1–22 (review, Chinese fauna).

Subgenus Ochthera Latreille

Ochthera Latreille, (1802): 462 (as genus). Type species, Musca manicata Fabricius, 1794, subs.t des., Latreille, 1810: 444.
Macrochira Meigen, 1803: 278 (as genus). Type species, Musca manicata Fabricius, 1794, mon.; Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830:
786 (syn).
Ochtera, error for Ochthera.
Stenochthera Hendel, 1930: 131 (as genus). Type species, Stenochthera angustifacies Hendel, 1930, orig. des.; Clausen, 1980:
206 (syn).

angustifacies Hendel, 1930: 132, (Stenochthera). Type locality, Bolivia, El Cairo. LT M (des. by Clausen, 1980:
211) (SMN). Distr.: Neotropical: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala,
Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico (Chiapas, Veracruz), Panama, Paraguay, Peru. Refs.: Clausen, 1980: 211 (generic
comb., rev.); Raffone, 2013: 74 (list, Jamaica).

regalis Williston, 1897: 6. Type locality, Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. LT M (des. by Clausen, 1980: 218) (AMNH).
Distr.: Neotropical: Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador,
Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Mexico (Chiapas, Guerrero, Nayarit, Oaxaca, Tabasco, Veracruz), Nicaragua,
Panama, Peru, Surinam, Trinidad, Venezuela, West Indies (Cuba, Grand Cayman, Jamaica, Puerto Rico). Refs.:
Clausen, 1980: 216–221 (rev.).

Subfamily Ilytheinae Cresson, 1943

Tribe Hyadinini Phillips et al., 1949

Genus Nostima Coquillett

Nostima Coquillett, 1900a: 35. Type species, Nostima slossonae Coquillett, 1900a, orig. des. Refs.: Edmiston & Mathis, 2005:
1–108 (rev., New World fauna); 2007: 1–16 (rev., New Zealand fauna).
Philygriola Hendel, 1917: 42. Type species, Notiphila picta Fallén, 1813, orig. des.; Cresson, 1930a: 101 (syn).

abbreviata Cresson, 1941b: 3. Type locality, Brazil, Rio de Janeiro: Grajahu. HT M (ANSP). Distr.: Neotropical:
Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico (Veracruz), Panama, Venezuela. Refs.: Cresson, 1947a: 40
(review); Edmiston & Mathis, 2005: 11–13 (rev.).

franciscana Edmiston & Mathis, 2005: 29. Type locality, Jamaica, Runaway Bay. HT M (USNM). Distr.:
Neotropical: Colombia (Cundinamarca, Valle del Cauca), Guatemala (Peten), West Indies (Cuba, Dominica,
Dominican Republic, Guadeloupe, Jamaica, Puerto Rico).

gilvipes (Coquillett), 1900b: 261, (Hydrellia). Type locality, Costa Rica, Rio Surubres, Bonnefil Farm (09°36'N,
84°18'W; 800 ft); NT M (des. by Edmiston & Mathis, 2005: 32) (ANSP). Distr.: Nearctic: United States (Florida).
Neotropical: Belize (Cayo, Stann Creek), Brazil (Rio de Janeiro), Bolivia (La Paz), Colombia (Antioquia, Valle del
Cauca), Costa Rica (Cartago, Puntarenas), Ecuador (Los Ríos, Manabi), El Salvador (La Libertad), Guatemala,
Guyana, Honduras (Cortés), México (Chiapas, Guerrero, Puebla, Veracruz), Panama, Venezuela (Barinas),
Trinidad, and West Indies (Cuba, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, St. Lucia). Refs.: Cresson, 1941b: 2 (generic
comb.); Cresson, 1947a: 40 (review); Edmiston & Mathis, 2005: 31–34 (rev.).

ilytheoides Cresson, 1941b: 8. Type locality, Costa Rica, La Suiza de Turrialba. HT M (ANSP). Distr.:
Neotropical: Brazil (Pernambuco), Colombia (Cundinamarca, Valle del Cauca), Costa Rica (Alajuela, Cartago, San
José), Ecuador (Manabi, Pichincha), México (Hidalgo, México, Puebla), Peru (Lambayeque, Lima), Venezuela
(Tachira). Refs.: Cresson, 1947a: 42 (review); Edmiston & Mathis, 2005: 36–38 (rev.).

niveivenosa Cresson, 1930b: 80. Type locality, West Indies, Puerto Rico, Aguadilla; HT F (USNM). Distr.:

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Nearctic: United States (Florida). Neotropical: Bahamas, Belize (Stann Creek), Bolivia (La Paz), Brazil (Rio de
Janeiro), Colombia (Antioquia), Costa Rica (Cartago, Puntarenas, San José), Ecuador (Orellana), El Salvador (La
Libertad, San Salvador, Santa Ana), Guyana, Honduras (Francisco), México (Chiapas, Guerrero, Morelos, Nuevo
Leon, Sonora, Tamaulipas), Panama (Canal Zone, Cocle, Darien), Trinidad, Venezuela, West Indies (Antigua,
Barbados, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, St. Lucia, St.
Martin). Refs.: Cresson, 1947a: 41 (review); Edmiston & Mathis, 2005: 52–55 (rev.).

pulchra Williston, 1896: 399, (Hydrellia). Type locality, West Indies, St. Vincent. HT M (BMNH). Distr.:
Nearctic: United States (Florida). Neotropical: Argentina (Buenos Aires, Catamarca, Chaco, Iguazu), Belize
(Cayo), Bolivia (La Paz), Brazil (Santa Catarina), Colombia (Antioquia, Bolivar, Valle del Cauca), Costa Rica
(Alajuela, Puntarenas, San José), El Salvador (La Libertad), Guatemala (Suchitepequez), Guyana, Honduras
(Cortes), México (Chiapas, Guerrero, Michoacan, Nayarit, Veracruz), Panama (Canal Zone), Paraguay (Central),
Peru (Huánaco, Loreto), West Indies (Dominica, Dominican Republic, Guadeloupe, Haiti, Puerto Rico, St.
Vincent). Refs.: Cresson, 1947a: 42 (review); Edmiston & Mathis, 2005: 60–63 (rev.); Hendel, 1930: 141 (generic
slossonae Coquillett, 1900a: 35. Type locality, United States, Florida, Dade: Biscayne Bay. HT F (USNM). Distr.:
Nearctic: United States (Florida, North Carolina). Neotropical: Argentina (Salta Tucumán), Bolivia (La Paz),
Brazil (Santa Catarina, São Paulo), Colombia (Cundinamarca, Cauca), Costa Rica (Alajuela, Cartago, San José),
Ecuador (Chimborazo, El Oro, Pichincha), Guatemala (Chimaltenango), México (Puebla, San Luis Potosí,
Veracruz), Panama (Chiriqui), Paraguay (Central), Peru (Cuzco, Huánaco), West Indies (Cuba, Dominican
Republic). Refs.: Cresson, 1947a: 42 (review); Edmiston & Mathis, 2005: 69–72 (rev.).

Tribe Ilytheini Cresson, 1943

Genus Zeros Cresson

Zeros Cresson, 1943: 10. Type species, Ilythea obscura Cresson, 1918, orig. des. Refs.: Cresson, 1943: 10–16 (review); Zhang
et al., 2007: 872–879 (review, species from China).

flavipes Williston, 1896: 403, (Ilythea). Type locality, West Indies, St. Vincent. LT M (des. by Mathis & Edmiston,
1991: 834) (BMNH). Distr.: Afrotropical: Zaire. Nearctic: Bermuda, Canada (Ontario), United States (Iowa,
Florida, Ohio, Texas, Virginia). Neotropical: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico
(Sinaloa, Sonora, Tampico), Panama, West Indies (Cuba, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, St. Vincent). Refs.: Cresson,
1943b: 14 (generic combination, review); Scheiring & Connell, 1979: 609–612 (egg); Hollmann-Schirrmacher,
1998: 26–29 (revision).

Subfamily Ephydrinae Zetterstedt, 1837

Tribe Dagini Mathis, 1982

Genus Diedrops Mathis & Wirth

Diedrops Mathis & Wirth, 1976: 126. Type species, Diedrops aenigma, Mathis & Wirth, 1976, orig. des. Refs.: Mathis, 1982:
6–10 (review).

roldanorum Mathis & Hogue, 1986: 23. Type locality, Colombia, Tolima, Boqueron (3 km W). HT M (LACM).
Puparium, biology; parasitoides: Trichopria species (Diapriidae), new genus (Eucollidae). Distr.: Neotropical:
Colombia (Tolima (Boqueron)).

Genus Physemops Cresson

Physemops Cresson, 1934: 211. Type species, Psilephydra nemorosa Cresson 1914, original designation. Refs.: Wirth, 1970b:
170–177 (review); Mathis, 1982: 10–20 (review).

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fairchildi Wirth, 1970b: 173. Type locality, Panama, Cerro Campana. HT M (USNM). Distr.: Neotropical:
Panama, Colombia (vicinity of Bogota and Medellin). Refs.: Mathis, 1982: 18 (review).

wheeleri Wirth, 1970b: 176. Type locality, Panama, Canal Zone, Las Cruces Trail. HT F (USNM). Distr.:
Neotropical: Ecuador, Colombia, Panama. Refs.: Mathis, 1982: 16–18 (review).

Tribe Parydrini Wirth & Stone, 1956

Genus Parydra Stenhammar

Parydra Stenhammar, 1844: 144 (as “Sectio 3” of Ephydra). Type species, Ephydra aquila Fallén, 1813, subs. des., Coquillett,
1910: 585. Refs.: Clausen & Cook, 1971: 20–100 (rev. of Nearctic species); Krivosheina, 1989: 209–219 (rev. of Russian
species); Mathis & Marinoni, 2011: 505–512 (review, Brazilian species).

Subgenus Chaetoapnaea Hendel

Chaetoapnaea Hendel, 1930: 150. Type species, Ephydra pusilla Meigen, 1830, orig. des.

nigripes Cresson, 1918: 64, (Napaea). Type locality, Costa Rica, Cartago (sweeping over mud). HT M (ANSP).
Distr.: Neotropical: Argentina, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico (Chihuahua,
Durango). Refs.: Wirth, 1968: 22 (generic combination); Clausen 1985: 378–382 (revision).

Tribe Scatellini Wirth & Stone, 1956

Genus Limnellia Malloch

Limnellia Malloch, 1925: 331. Type species, Limnellia maculipennis Malloch, 1925, orig. des. Refs.: Andersson, 1971: 53–59
(review, European species); Mathis, 1978: 250–293 (rev. of Nearctic species); Zhang & Yang, 2009: 558–64 (review,
Chinese fauna); Krivosheina, 2012: 1–7 (review, Russian species).
Eustigoptera Cresson, 1930a: 126. Type species, Notiphila quadrata Fallén, 1813, orig. des.; Cresson, 1935: 362 (syn).
Stictoscatella Collin, 1930: 133. Type species, Notiphila quadrata Fallén, 1813, orig. des.; Cresson, 1935: 362 (syn).
Stranditella Duda, 1942: 30 (as a subg. of Lamproscatella). Type species, Notiphila quadrata Fallén, 1813, orig. des. Refs.:
Dahl, 1959: 126 (syn).

huachuca Mathis, 1978: 270. Type localty: United States, Arizona, Cochise, Huachuca Mountains, Ramsey
Canyon, Sierra Vista (24 km S; 6,000 ft). HT M (CNC). Distr.: Nearctic: United States (Arizona). Neotropical:
Colombia, Mexico (Michoacan), West Indies (Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Puerto Rico).

TABLE 1. Ephydridae species recorded from Colombia.

Subfamily Tribe Genus Species Author

Discomyzinae Discomyzini Clasiopella uncinata Hendel, 1941
Mimapsilopa colombiana Lizarralde de Grosso, 1982
Psilopini Ceropsilopa coquilletti Cresson, 1922
Cressonomyia aciculata (Loew, 1862)
Leptopsilopa flavicoxa Mathis & Zatwarnicki, 2006
subapicalis Cresson, 1922
Peltopsilopa anisotomoides Karsch, 1884
Psilopa metallina (Becker, 1919)
pulchripes Loew, 1878
Hydrelliinae Atissini Paralimna (Paralimna) molossus Schiner, 1868
...Continued on next page

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TABLE 1. (Continued)
Subfamily Tribe Genus Species Author
meridionalis Cresson, 1916
thomae Wiedemann, 1830
secunda Schiner, 1868
Paralimna (Phaiosterna) decipiens Loew, 1878
obscura Williston, 1896
Hydrelliini Hydrellia griseola (Fallén, 1813)
wirthi Korytkowski, 1982
Notiphilini Notiphila (Agrolimna) frontalis Coquillett, 1904
Gymnomyzinae Discocerinini Discocerina flavipes Cresson, 1941
The obscura Group
The obscurella Group chalybea Hendel, 1930
nitida Cresson, 1918
obscurella (Fallén, 1813)
Hydrochasma leucoproctum (Loew, 1861)
Lamproclasiopa aracataca Cresson, 1940
nana Williston, 1896
Polytrichophora barba Mathis & Zatwarnicki, 2012
Gastropini Beckeriella bispinosa (Fabricius, 1805)
clypeata Lizarralde de Grosso, 1986
paragigas Lizarralde de Grosso, 1991
schildi Cresson, 1934
Gastrops fuscivenosus Wirth, 1958
niger Williston, 1897
Gymnomyzini Athyroglossa (Athyroglossa) atra Williston, 1896
fascipennis (Cresson, 1918)
nitida (Williston, 1896)
similis (Cresson, 1918)
Cerometopum mosilloides Cresson, 1914
Hecamedini Diphuia anomala Cresson, 1944
Ochtherini Ochthera (Ochthera) angustifacies (Hendel, 1930)
regalis Williston, 1897
Ilytheinae Hyadinini Nostima abbreviata Cresson, 1941
franciscana Edmiston & Mathis, 2005
gilvipes (Coquillett, 1900)
ilytheoides Cresson, 1941
niveivenosa Cresson, 1930
pulchra (Williston, 1896)
slossonae Coquillett, 1900
Ilytheini Zeros flavipes (Williston, 1896)
Ephydrinae Dagini Diedrops roldanorum Mathis & Hogue, 1986
Physemops fairchildi Wirth, 1970
...Continued on next page

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TABLE 1. (Continued)
Subfamily Tribe Genus Species Author
wheeleri Wirth, 1970
Parydrini Parydra (Chaetoapnaea) nigripes (Cresson, 1918)
Scatellini Limnellia huachuca Mathis, 1978


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1896, 253–446.
Williston, S.W. (1897) Diptera Brasiliana. Part IV. Kansas University Quarterly, Series A, 6, 1–12.
Wirth, W.W. (1958) A review of the genus Gastrops Williston with Description of Two new species (Diptera, Ephydridae).
Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, 60 (6), 247–250.
Wirth, W.W. (1965) Ephydridae. In: Stone, A., Sabrosky, C.W., Wirth, W.W., Foote, R.H. & Coulson, J.R. (Eds.), A Catalog of
the Diptera of America North of Mexico. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C., pp. 734–759.
Wirth, W.W. (1968). Family Ephydridae. In: Papavero, N. (Ed.), A Catalogue of the Diptera of the Americas South of the
United States. Departamento de Zoologia, Secretaria da Agricultura. São Paulo, 43 pp.
Wirth, W.W. (1970a) A new Athyroglossa with a key to North American species (Diptera: Ephydridae). Journal of the Kansas
Entomological Society, 43 (3), 315–319.
Wirth, W.W. (1970b) A revision of the Neotropical genus Physemops Cresson (Diptera: Ephydridae). Pan-Pacific
Entomologist, 46 (3), 170–177.
Wirth, W.W. & Stone, A. (1956) Aquatic Diptera. In: Usinger, R.L. (Ed.), Aquatic Insects of California. University of
California Press, Berkeley, pp. 372–482.
Zatwarnicki, T. (1988) Materials to the knowledge of the genus Hydrellia Robineau-Desvoidy (Ephydridae, Diptera). Polskie
Pismo Entomologiczne, 58 (3), 587–634.
Zatwarnicki, T. (1992) A new classification of Ephydridae based on phylogenetic reconstruction (Diptera: Cyclorrhapha).
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Zhang, J. & Yang, D. (2007) Species of the genus Ilythea from China (Diptera: Ephydridae). Aquatic Insects, 29, 151–157.
Zhang, J. & Yang, D. (2009) Species of the genus Limnellia from China (Diptera: Ephydridae). Zootaxa, 2308, 58–64.
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descriptorum. Isis (Oken's), 1837, 28–67.

770 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press MATHIS ET AL.

Zootaxa 4122 (1): 771–779 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
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ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)


Centro de Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul, Cidade Universitária 79070-900 Campo
Grande-MS, Brasil. Caixa Postal 549. E-mail:


This catalog presents 18 species distributed among 11 genera and two subfamilies of hippoboscid flies recorded in Co-
lombia. For each genus we present synonymies and type species, and for each species account we present synonymies,
disposition of type material, and specific localities, departments and, when available, the type-host.

Key words: catalogue, Colombia, distribution, Hippoboscoidea, louse-flies, taxonomy


Hippoboscidae Samouelle, 1819 is worldwide in distribution and contains 3 subfamilies, 21 genera, more than 200
species (Wood 2010). The specimens occur in association with mammals (Diprotodontia, Primates, Carnivora,
Perissodactyla and Artiodaclyla) and birds (Maa 1969d). There are 12 genera and 48 species known from the
Americas (Maa 1969d). Eleven genera and 18 species are known from Colombia, where they are ectoparasites of
cervids, sheeps and birds (Bequaert 1957; Maa 1969d).
Hippoboscid flies (body length 1.5–12 mm) are flattened dorsoventrally, with prognathous head. The most of
species has full winged, rarely brachypterous. In Lipoptena ssp. and Neolipoptena after one or few days to locate a
host, the wings are loose. Especially in females, the abdomen is mainly membranous.
Like streblid and nycteribidd bat flies, the larva completing development in uterus where it is nourished by
secretions of the milk glands (Hagan 1951). When the larva is mature, it is expelled and pupate in the substrate
(Wood 2010).
All hippoboscid flies are hematophagous and this feeding habitat allows they can act as a vector of protozoan
blood parasites (Baker 1967).
This catalog follows the classification adopted by Maa (1969d) and the host nomenclature follows Gill and
Donsker (2013). The catalog accounts for the 11 genera and 18 species of hippoboscids known from Colombia
(Table 1), and provides information regarding specific localities and departments.

Acronyms used for the depositories

BMNH—The Natural History Museum, London.

FMNH—Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago.
HEC—Hope Entomological Collections, University Museum, Oxford.
IFML—Instituto Fundación Miguel Lillo, Tucumán.
CEIOC—Coleção Entomológica do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro.
MCZ—Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge.
MNHNP—Muséum National d´Histoire Naturelle, Paris.
MNHUB—Nuseum für Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universität, Berlin.
MZSP—Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo.

Accepted by S. Nihei: 26 May 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016 771

MZUF—Museo Zoologico “La Specola”, Firenze.
NMW—Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien.

List of abbreviations

distr.—geographic distribution
mon.—monotypy, monotype
nom. nov.—nomen novo (new name)
orig. des.—by original designation
F (f#)—Female
M (m#)—Male

Catalogue of Hippoboscidae of Colombia

Family Hippoboscidae Samouelle, 1819

Subfamily Ornithomyinae Bigot, 1853

Genus Ornithoica Rondani

Ornithoica Rondani, 1878: 159. Type species, Ornithoica beccarina Rondani, 1878 (= Ornithomyia confluenta Say, 1823)
Ornithocea Speiser, 1908: 442, error.
Ornithocira Ferris, 1926: 280, error.
Refs.: Bequaert, 1954; Maa, 1966; Guimarães, 1968 (cat.).

Subgenus Ornithoica Rondani, 1878

vicina (Walker), 1849: 1144 (Ornithomya). Type locality, "Jamaica". Type host: Ephilates grammicus Gosse (=
Pseudoscops grammicus (Gosse)). LT M, PL 1 M and 1 ? (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Santander Sur (Piedecuesta),
Magdalena (Sa. Marta, Cincinnati, Chinchicuá)), Canada, U.S.A (including Hawaii Islands), Mexico, Guatemala,
Costa Rica, Panama, Cuba, Jamaica, Venezuela, Guyana, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, Chile,
Hawaiian Islands. Refs.: Bequaert, 1954: 90; Maa, 1963: 73a, 1969d: 263 (checklist); Guimarães, 1968: 1 (cat.).
peroneura Speiser, 1902c: 91 (as confluents, var.).
promiscua Ferris & Cole, 1922: 203, figs. 19, 20a-b.
melaleuca Bau, 1922: 276, 278.
confluens authors, not Say
confluenta authors, not Say.

Genus Ornithomya Latreille

Ornithomya Latreille, 1802: 466 (as Ornithomya). Type species, Hippobosca avicularia Linnaeus, 1758 (mon.). Refs.:
Bequaert, 1954; Maa, 1963, 1969d; Guimarães, 1968.

772 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press GRACIOLLI

ambigua Lutz, Neiva & Costa-Lima, 1915: 185, pl. 27, fig. 5, pl. 28, fig. 7 (Pseudornithomyia). Type locality:
Brazil, Minas Gerais and Santa Catarina. ST 4 (CEIOC), but three specimens are apparently loose]. Distr.:
Colombia (Antioquia (Valdivia), Santander Norte (Buenos Aires)), Venezuela, Brazil, Peru. Refs.: Bequaert, 1954:
156; Maa, 1963: 14, 1969d: 271 (checklist); Guimarães, 1968: 2 (cat.).

Genus Crataerina Olfers

Craterina Olfers, 1816: 101. Type species, Craterina lonchoptera Olfers, 1816 (mon.) (= Craterina pallida (Latreille, 1812)).
Oxypterum Leach, 1817a: 3. Type species, Oxypterum kyrbyanum Leach, 1817 (= Ornithomya pallida Latreille, 1812).
Anayera Meigen, 1830: 234 (nom. nov. for Oxypterum Leach, on the wrong assumption that it was preocc. by Ocyptera
Latreille, 1804). Type species, Oxypterum kyrbyanum Leach, 1817 (aut.).
Chelidomyia Rondani, 1879:15. Type species, Hippobosca hirundinis Linnaeus, 1758 (orig. des.).
Refs.: Bequaert, 1954; Maa, 1963, 1969d; Guimarães, 1968.

seguyi Falcoz, 1930 (1929): 53, fig. 8. Type locality: Peru, Arequipa. HT M (MNHNP). Distr.: Colombia (Bogotá
(La Picota), Santander Sur (Piedecuesta)),Venezuela, Peru, Argentina, Chile. Refs.: Bequaert, 1954: 167; Maa,
1963: 64, 1969d: 272 (checklist); Guimarães, 1968: 3 (cat.).

Genus Ornithoctona Speiser

Ornithoctona Speiser, 1902a: 328. Type species, Ornithomyia erythrocephala Leach, 1817 (orig. des.).
Ornithopertha Speiser, 1902b: 167. Type species, Ornithomyia nitens Bigot, 1881 (mon.).
Refs.: Bequaert, 1954; Maa, 1963, 1966, 1969a.

erythrocephala (Leach), 1817a: 13, pl. 27, figs. 4–6 (Ornithomyia). Type locality: Brazil. LT M (BMNH). Distr.:
Colombia (Antioquia (4 km ne. of Bellavista near Río Porce 1200 m., Santa Rosa de los Osos, Valdivia), Bolivar
(Volador), Cauca (El Tambo, Munchigen), Cundinamarca (Choachi, Fusugasugá, Quebrada Susumuco), Huila
(Acevedo, Río Suaza, Aguas Claras near San Adolfo, 1400 m), Magdalena (Sa. Marta; Cincinnati, Mamancanaca,
Mt. San Lorenzo, Nieve, Siminchueva), Meta (Villavicencio), Santander Norte (Buenos Aires, Guamalito,
Virolin)), Canada, U.S.A., Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Bahamas, Cuba,
Jamaica, Virgins Islands, St. Kitts and Nevis, Guadalupe, Dominica, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Grenada,
Puerto Rico, Venezuela, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile. Refs.: Bequaert, 1954: 196;
Maa, 1963: 30, 157, 1969a: 21, 1969d: 275 (checklist); Guimarães, 1968: 3 (cat.); Graciolli & Carvalho, 2003: 671.
nebulosa Say, 1823: 102 (1859: 87) (Ornithomyia).
gemina Thomson, 1869: 611 (Ornithomyia).
bellardiana Rondani, 1878: 157 (Ornithomyia).
haitiensis Bigot, 1885: 242 (Ornithomyia).
robusta Wulp, 1903: 431, pl. 13, figs. 5, 5a-c (Ornithomyia).
pyrrhocephala Speiser, 1904a: 344 (Omithomyia).
buteonis Swenk, 1916: 133 (Ornithomyia).
costaricensis Swenk, 1916: 134 (Ornithomyia).
albiventris Bau, 1922: 274, 276.

fusciventris (Wiedemann), 1830: 611 (Ornithomyia). Type locality: U.S.A., Kentucky. HT F (NMW, but location
undertemined see Maa, 1963: 35). Distr.: Colombia (Bolivar (Volador), Cundinamarca (Choachi, Fusugasugá,
Usaquen), Magdalena (Santa Marta; Cincinnati, Vista Nieve), Meta (District), Santander Norte (Buenos Aires, Palo
Gordo, Pamplona, Virolin), Santander Sur (Angostura, Piedecuesta), without department (Aguadita)), Canada,
U.S.A, Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama, Jamaica, Hispaniola, Venezuela, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru,
Argentina, Chile. Refs.: Bequaert, 1954: 213; Maa, 1963: 35, 1969a: 20, 1969d: 274 (checklist); Guimarães, 1968:
4 (cat.).
chilensis Guérin-Méneville, 1835: pl. 104, fig. 5 (Ornithomyia).
chilensis Macquart, 1843: 437 (Ornithomyia; preocc.. Guérin-Méneville, 1835).

CATALOGUE OF HIPPOBOSCIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 773
testacea Macquart, 1846: 346 (Ornithomyia).
varipes Walker, 1849: 1146 (Ornithomyia).
parva Macquart of Speiser, 1902b: 180, misident.
pilosula Wulp, 1903: 432, pl, 13, figs. 6, 6a (Ornithomyia).
pirangae Swenk, 1916: 135 (Ornithomyia).
strigilecula Ferris, 1923: 57, figs. 3, 14a-c (Ornithomyia).

nitens Bigot, 1885: 241 (Ornithomyia). Type locality: Panama. LT F, PL 3 F (HEC). Distr.: Colombia (Huila,
Magdalena (Santa Marta, Sierra del Líbano, Chinchicúa)), Mexico, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama,
Venezuela. Refs.: Bequaert, 1954: 227; Maa, 1963: 50, 1969a: 21, 1969d: 275 (checklist); Guimarães, 1968: 4
anthracina Speiser, 1904b: 393 (Ornithopertha).

oxycera Falcoz, 1930 (1929): 36, figs 1–3. Type locality: Colombia, Bogotá. Type host: Buteo melanoleucus
melanoleucus Viellot (= Geranoaetus melanoleucus australis Swann). HT F (MNHNP, probably lost), AT M
(MCZ), PT 1 F (MNHNP, lost). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Valdivia), Boyaca (Muzo), Cauca, Cundinamarca
(Fusugasugá), Magdalena (Santa Marta, Chinchicúa)), Venezuela. Refs.: Bequaert, 1954: 223; Maa, 1963: 53,
1969a: 20, 1969d: 274 (checklist); Guimarães, 1968: 4 (cat.).

Genus Stilbometopa Coquillett

Stilbometopa Coquillett, 1899: 336. Type species, Ornithomyia fulvifrons Walker, 1849 (mon.).
Refs.: Bequaert, 1955; Maa, 1963, 1969d; Guimarães, 1968.

podopostyla Speiser, 1904b: 394. Type locality: Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul. LT M (NMW), PL 2 F (NMW), 1 F
(MNHUB), 1? (Budapest Mus.). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Buga, Cali, Palmira)), U.S.A, Mexico,
Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, Cuba, Venezuela, Guiana, Brazil, Paraguay, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina.
Refs.: Bequaert, 1955: 246; Maa, 1962: 599, 1963: 59, 1969d: 276 (checklist); Guimarães, 1968: 5 (cat.).

Genus Icosta Speiser

Icosta Speiser, 1905: 358. Type species, Olfersia dioxyrhina Speiser, 1904 (orig. desig.).
Ornithoponus Aldrich, 1923: 77. Type species, Feronia americana Leach, 1817 (orig. desig.).
Hippobosca, Packard, 1869 not Linnaeus, 1758.
Ornithomyia authors, not Latreille, 1802.
Olfersia authors, not Wiedemann, 1830.
Ornithophilia authors, not Rondani, 1879.
Lynchia authrors, not Weyenbergh, 1818.
Stilbometopa authors, not Coquillett, 1899.

Subgenus Ornihtopomus Aldrich

Ornithoponus Aldrich, 1923: 77 (as genus). Type species, Feronia americana Leach, 1817 (orig. desig.).

americana (Leach), 1817: 11, pl. 27, figs. 1-3 (Feronia). Type locality: U.S.A., Georgia. HT F (BMNH). Distr.:
Colombia, Canada, U.S.A., Mexico, Bahamas, Cuba, Jamaica, Virgins Islands, St. Kitts and Nevis, Guadalupe,
Dominica, St. Vincent and Grenadines, Granada, Puerto Rico, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama,
Venezuela, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, Uruguay. Refs.: Bequaert, 1955: 272; Guimarães, 1968: 5
(cat.); Maa, 1963: 14, 1969b: 53; Graciolli & Carvalho, 2003: 671.
bubonis Packard, 1869: 417, fig. 340 (Hippobosca).

angustifrons (Wulp), 1903: 430, pl. 13, fig. 3. (Olfersia). Type locality: Mexico, Tabasco, Teapa and Costa Rica,

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Río Sucio. LT M, PL F (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Bolivar (Norosi)), Canada, U.S.A., Mexico, Honduras, Belize,
Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama, Venezuela, Guiana, Brazil. Refs.: Bequaert, 1955: 305; Maa, 1963: 15, 1969b: 55;
Guimarães, 1968: 5 (cat.).

latifacies (Bequaert), 1955: 302, fig. 56 (Lynchia). Type locality: Brazil, São Paulo, Tabatinguera. HT M (MCZ),
AT F (IFML). Distr.: Colombia, Brazil, Paraguay. Refs.: Bequaert, 1955: 302; Maa, 1963: 41, 1969b: 56;
Guimarães, 1968: 6 (cat.); Graciolli & Carvalho, 2003: 673.

Subgenus Ardmoeca Maa

Ardmoeca Maa, 1969b: 137 (as subgenus). Type species, Olfersia ardeae Macquart, 1835: 640 (orig. desig.).

albipennis (Say), 1823: 101 (Olfersia). Type locality: United States. Type host: Ardea herodias herodias Linnaeus.
HT lost, NT F (Nebraska University). Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena (Don Diego), Meta), Canada, U.S.A.,
Bahamas, Cuba, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador, Panama, Brazil, Ecuador (including
Galapagos Islands), Paraguay, Argentina. Refs.: Bequaert, 1955: 330; Maa, 1963: 13, 1969b: 140; Guimarães,
1968: 5 (cat.); Graciolli & Carvalho, 2003: 672.
propinqua Walker, 1849: 1141 (Olfersia).
coriacea Wulp, 1903: 430 (Olfersia).
palustris Lutz, Neiva & Costa Lima, 1915: 183, pl. 28, fig. 4 (Olfersia).

Genus Microlynchia Lutz, Neiva & Costa Lima

Microlynchia Lutz, Neiva & Costa Lima, 1915: 177, 185. Type species, Lynchia pusilla Speiser, 1902 (mon.).

pusilla (Speiser), 1902b: 157 (Lynchia). Type locality, Cuba. HT M (MNHUB). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca
(Cali)), U.S.A., Mexico, Costa Rica, Cuba, St. Croix, St. Thomas, Grenada, Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil, Peru,
Paraguay, Chile. Refs.: Bequaert, 1955: 367; Maa, 1963: 61, 1969d: 283 (checklist); Guimarães, 1968: 7 (cat.).

Genus Olfersia Leach

Olfersia Leach, 1817b: 162 (nom. nov. for Feronia Leach). Type species, Feronia. spinifera Leach, 1817 (Speiser, 1899: 202).
Feronia Leach, 1817a: 11 (preocc. Latreille, 1817). Type species, Feronia spinifera Leach, 1817 (aut.).
Pseudolfersia Coquillett, 1899: 336. Type species, Pseudolfersia maculata Coquillett, 1899 (mon.) = Olfersia fumipennis
(Sahlberg, 1886).

bisulcata Macquart, 1847: 111, pl. 6, fig. 12. Type locality: “Chile”. HT M (HEC). Distr.: Colombia (Caldas
(Victoria), Meta (Macarena, Villavicencio)), U.S.A., Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama,
Venezuela, Trinidad & Tobago, Guiana, Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, "Chile". Refs.: Bequaert, 1957: 457; Maa, 1962: 603,
1963: 20, 1969d: 284 (checklist); Guimarães, 1968: 7 (cat.).
vulturis Wulp, 1903: 429, pl. 13, figs. 1.1a.

coriacea Wulp, 1903: 430, pl. 13, figs. 2, 2a. Type locality: Guatemala, Mirandilla. LT M (BMNH), PL 1 M
(BMNH). Distr.: Colombia, Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, Panama, Venezuela, Guiana, Brazil, Bolivia, Peru. Refs.:
Bequaert, 1957: 474; Maa, 1963: 27, 1966: 27, 1969d: 285 (checklist.); Guimarães, 1968: 8 (cat.).
meleagridis Lutz, Neiva & Lima, 1915: 179, pl. 27, fig. 3 (Pseudolfersia).

Genus Pseudolynchia Bequaert

Pseudolynchia Bequaert, 1926: 271. Type species, Olfersia maura Bigot, 1885 (= Olfersia canariensis Macquart, 1840) (orig.

CATALOGUE OF HIPPOBOSCIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 775
canariensis (Macquart), 1840: 119 (Olfersia). Type locality: Canary Island. LT F (MNHNP), PL 1 F, 1?
(MNHNP). Distr.: Nearly cosmopolitan; Colombia (Atlantico (Baranquilla), Bolivar (Cartagena), Cundinamarca
(Bogotá), Vale del Cauca (Cali, Palmira)), U.S.A (including Hawaii Islands), Mexico, Honduras, Costa Rica,
Panama, Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti, Puerto Rico, Virgins Islands, St. Croix, St. Kitts, Antigua and Barbados, Trinidad
and Tobago, Venezuela, Guiana, Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay. Refs.: Bequaert, 1955: 390; Maa, 1963: 23, 1966:
128, 1969d: 282 (checklist); Guimarães, 1968: 7 (cat.); Graciolli & Carvalho, 2003: 671.
testacea. Macquart, 1843 (1842): 434, pl. 36, fig. 7 (Olfersia).
rufipes Macquart, 1848 (1847): 229 (Olfersia).
falcinelli Rondani, 1879: 23 (Olfersia).
maura Bigot, 1885: 237 (Olfersia).
lividicolor Bigot, 1885: 238 (Olfersia.).
capensis Bigot, 1885: 240 (Olfersia).
exornata Speiser, 1900: 562 (Olfersia).
simillima Speiser, 1904a: 337 (Lynchia).

Subfamily Lipopteninae Speiser, 1908

Genus Lipoptena Nitsch

Lipoptena Nitsch, 1818: 310. Type species, Hippobosca cervina Nitzsch, 1818 (mon.) = Lipoptena cervi (Linnaeus, 1758).
Haemobora Curtis, 1824, pl. 14. Type species, Haemobora pallipes Curtis, 1824 (mon.) = Lipoptena cervi (Linnaeus, 1758).
Ornithobia Meigen, 1830: 229. Type species, Ornithobia pallida Meigen, 1830 (mon.) = Lipoptena cervi (Linnaeus, 1758).
Alcephagus Gimmerthal, 1845: 152 (unnecessary change of name for Ornithobia Meigen). Type species, Ornthobia pallida
Meigen, 1830.
Echestypus Speiser, 1907: 3, 5. Type species, Lipoptena sepiacea Speiser, 1905.

mazamae Rondani, 1878: 153.Type locality: "Central and South America". LT F (MZUF). Distr.: Colombia
(Bolivar (San Juan Nepomuceno), Caquetá (Río Mecaya), Magdalena (Valledupar, Río Cesar), Meta (La Macarena,
Rio Guapaya, 300 m), Santander (Rio Negro)), U.S.A., Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Panama, Cuba, Venezuela,
Trinidad & Tobago, Guiana, Suriname, French Guiana, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Uruguay, Paraguay,
Argentina. Refs.: Bequaert, 1957: 499; Maa, 1962: 613, 1963: 45, 1969c: 227, 1969d: 290 (checklist); Guimarães,
1968: 9 (cat.).

Genus Melophagus Latreille

Melophagus Latreille, 1802: 466. Type species, Hippobosca ovina Linnaeus (mon.).

ovinus (Linnaeus), 1758: 607 (Hippobosca). Type locality: “Europe”. HT ? [lost]. Distr.: Colombia, U.S.A.
(including Hawaii Islands), Mexico, Panama, Venezuela, Ecuador, Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, Chile,
Uruguay, Falkland Islands (U.K.). Refs.: Bequaert, 1957: 507; Guimarães, 1968: 9 (cat.); Maa, 1969d: 291

TABLE 1. Hippoboscidae species recorded from Colombia.

Subfamily Genus Subgenus Species Author

Ornithomyinae Ornithoica Ornithoica vicina (Walker, 1849)

Ornithomya ambigua Lutz, Neiva & Costa-Lima, 1915
Crataerina seguyi Falcoz, 1930
Ornithoctona erythrocephala (Leach, 1817)
...Continued on next page

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TABLE 1. (Continued)
Subfamily Genus Subgenus Species Author

fusciventris (Wiedemann, 1830)

nitens Bigot, 1885
oxycera Falcoz, 1930
Stilbometopa podopostyla Speiser, 1904
Icosta Ornihtopomus americana (Leach, 1817)
angustifrons (Wulp, 1903)
latifacies (Bequaert, 1955)
Ardmoeca albipennis (Say, 1823)
Microlynchia pusilla (Speiser, 1902)
Olfersia bisulcata Macquart, 1847
coriacea Wulp, 1903
Pseudolynchia canariensis (Macquart, 1840)
Lipopteninae Lipoptena mazamae Rondani, 1878
Melophagus ovinus (Linnaeus, 1758)


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Parasitenkunde und Infektionskrankheiten, Series 2, 57, 274–279.
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revision of American Genera and species. Entomologica Americana, New Series, 36, 417–611.
Bigot, J.M.F. (1885) Diptères nouveaux ou peu connus. 27e partie. XXXV. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France,
Series 6, 5, 225–246.
Coquillettt, D.W. (1899) New genera and species of Nycteribiidae and Hippoboscidae. Canadian Entomologist, 31, 333–336,
Curtis, J. (1824) British entomology: Being illustrations and descriptions of the genera of insects found in Great Britain and
Ireland. Vol. 1. Richard Taylor, London 1, pls., pp. 1–50.
Falcoz, L. (1930) Dipteres pupipares du Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle de Paris. Hippoboscidae. Encyclop1édie
Entomologique (B), Diptera, 5 (1929), 27–54.
Ferris, G.F. (1923) Observations on the larvae of some Diptera Pupipara with description of a new species of Hippoboscidae.
Parasitology, 15, 54–58.
Ferris, G.F. (1926) Report upon a collection of Hippoboscidae (Diptera Pupipara) from Borneo Sarawak Museum Journal, 3,
279–286, 1 pl.
Ferris, G.F. & Cole, F.R. (1922) A contribution to the knowledge of the Hippoboscidae. Parasitology, 14, 178–205.
Gill, F. & Donsker, D. (2013) IOC World Bird List. Version 3.5. Available from: (accessed 4
November 2013)
Gimmerthal, B.A. (1845) Bemerkungen über zwei Dipteren-Arten. Stettiner entomologische zeitung, 6, 151–153.
Graciolli, G. & Carvalho, C.J.B de (2003) Hippoboscidae (Diptera, Hippoboscoidea) no estado do Paraná, Brasil: chaves de

CATALOGUE OF HIPPOBOSCIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 777
identificação, hospedeiros e distribuição geográfica. Revista Brasileira de Zoologia, 20, 667–674.
Guérin-Méneville, F.E. (1835) plate 104. In: Iconographie du régne animal de G. Cuvier. Vol. 2. Planches des animaux G
invertébrés, Insectes. J.B. Baillière, Paris, pp. 208.
Hagan, H.R. (1951) Embryology of the viviparous insects. Roland Press, New York, 472 pp.
Guimarães, L.R. (1968) 101. Family Hippoboscidae. In: Papavero, N. (Ed.), A catalogue of the Diptera of the Americas south
of the United States. Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 7 pp.
Latreille, P.A. (1802) Histoire naturelle, générale et particulière, des Crustacés et des Insectes 3. F. Dufart, Paris, 468 pp. ["An
Leach, W.E. (1817a) On the genera and species of eproboscideous insects. Neill & Co., Edinburgh, 20 pp., 3 pls. [September,
Leach, W.E. (1817b) Insecta. In: Brewster, D. (Ed.), The Edinburgh encyclopaedia, 12 (1), pp. 155–164. [Edinburgh,
(November, 1817)]
Linnaeus, C. (1758) Systema, naturae per regna tria naturae. 10th Edition. Laurentii Salvii, Stockholm, 824 pp.
Lutz, A., Neiva, A. & Costa Lima, A. da (1915) Sobre "Pupipara" ou "Hippoboscidae" de aves brasileiras. Memórias do
Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, 7, 173–199, pls. 27–28.
Maa, T.C. (1962) Notes on the Hippoboscidae (Diptera). Pacific Insects, 4, 583–614.
Maa, T.C. (1963) Genera and species of Hippoboscidae (Diptera): types, synonymy, habitats and natural groups. Pacific Insects
Monographs, 6, 1–186.
Maa, T.C. (1966) The genus Ornithoica Rondani (Diptera: Hippoboscidae). Pacific Insects Monographs, 10, 10–124.
Maa, T.C. (1969a) Synopses of the genera Ornithophila and Ornithoctona with remarks on their habitat diversification
(Diptera: Hippoboscidae). Pacific Insects Monographs, 20, 1–23.
Maa, T.C. (1969b) Revision of Icosta (=Lynchia auctt.) with erection of a related genus Phthona (Diptera: Hippoboscidae).
Pacific Insects Monographs, 20, 25–203.
Maa, T.C. (1969c) Further notes on Lipopteninae (Diptera: Hippoboscidae). Pacific Insects Monographs, 20, 205–236.
Maa, T.C. (1969d) A revised checklist and concise host index of Hippoboscidae (Diptera). Pacific Insects Monographs, 20,
Macquart, J. (1835) Histoire naturelle des insectes, Dipteres. Vol. 2. Roret, Paris, 703 pp., 12 pls.
Macquart, J. (1840) Diptéres exotiques nouveaux ou peu connus. 2 (l). Roret, Paris, 131 pp. + 21 pls. [pp. 5–135]
Macquart, J. (1843) Diptéres exotiques nouveaux ou peu connus. Mémoires de la Sociéte Royale des Sciences, de l’Agriculture
et des Arts de Lille, 1842, 162–460, pls. 1–36. [“1842”]
Macquart, J. (1846) Diptéres exotiques nouveaux ou peu connus. Supplement. Mémoires de la Sociéte Royale des Sciences, de
l’Agriculture et des Arts de Lille, 1844, 133–364, pls. 1–20. [“1845”]
Macquart, J. (1847) Diptéres exotiques nouveaux ou peu connus. 2o. Supplément. Mémoires de la Sociéte Royale des Sciences,
de l’Agriculture et des Arts de Lille, 1846, 21–120, pls. 1–6. [“1846”]
Macquart, J. (1848) Diptéres exotiques nouveaux ou peu connus. 3o. Supplément. Mémoires de la Sociéte Royale des Sciences,
de l’Agriculture et des Arts de Lille, 1847, 161–237, pls. 1–6. [“1847”]
Meigen, J.W. (1830) Systematische Beshreibung der bekannten europäischen zweiflügeligen Insekten. Vol. 6. Siebenter Theil
oder Supplementband. Schultz, Hamm, 401 pp. [pp. i–iv + 4–401, pls. 55–66]
Nitsch, C.L. (1818) Die Familien und Gattungen der Thierinsekten (Insecta epizoica) als Prodromus eine Naturgeschichte
derselben. Magazin der entomologie, 3, 261–316. [Halle]
Olfers, J.F.M. von (1816) De vegetativis et animatis corporibus in corporibus animatis reperiundis commentariu. Vol 1.
Libraria Maureriana, Berlin, 112 pp. + 1 pl. [pp. i–iv + 4–112, 1 pl.]
Packard, A.S. (1869) Guide to the study of insects and a treatise on those injurious and beneficial to crops. Naturalist's agency,
Salem, 702 pp. + 651 figs., 10 pls.
Rondani, C. (1878) Muscaria exotica Musei Civici Januensis observatae et distincta. IV. Hippoboscita exotica non vel minus
cognita. Annali Del Museo Civico Di Storia Naturale Di Genova, 12, 150–170.
Rondani, C. (1879) Hippoboscita italica in familias et genera distributa. Bollettino della Societa Entomologica Italiana, 11,
Say, T. (1823) Descriptions of dipterous insects of the United States. Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of
Philadelphia, 8, 9–54, 73–104.
Speiser, P. (1900) Studien über Hippobosciden. I. Annali Del Museo Civico Di Storia Naturale Di Genova, 40, 553–562.
Speiser, P. (1902a) Besprechung einiger Gattungen und Arten der Diptera Pupipara. I. Természetrajzi füzetek, 25, 327–338.
Speiser, P. (1902b) Studien liber Diptera Pupipara. Zeitschrift für Systematische Hymennopterologie und Dipterologie, 2,
Speiser, P. (1902c) Diptera Pupipara, in Fauna Hawaiiensis, 2 (2), 86–92.
Speiser, P. (1904a) Studien über Hippobosciden. II. Annali Del Museo Civico Di Storia Naturale Di Genova, 41, 332–350.
Speiser, P. (1904b) Besprechung einiger Gattungen und Arten der Diptera Pupipara. II. Annales Musei Nationalis Hungarici, 3,
Speiser, P. (1905) Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Hippobosciden. Zeitschrift für systematische hymenopterologie und dipterologie,

778 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press GRACIOLLI

5, 347–360.
Speiser, P. (1907). Pupipara. Wissenschaftliche ergebnisse der Schwedischen zoologischen expedition nach dem Kilimandjaro,
dem Meru und den umgebenden, 2, 1–10.
Speiser, P. (1908) Die geographische Verbreitung der Diptera Pupipara und ihre Phylogenie. Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche
Insektenbiologie, 4, 241–246, 301–305, 420–427, 437–447.
Swenk, M.H. (1916) Descriptions and records of North American Hippoboscidae. The Journal of the New York Entomological
Society, 34, 126–13.
Walker, P. (1849) List of the specimens of dipterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Vol. 4. Printed by order of
the Trustees [British Museum], London, 484 pp. [pp. 689–1172]
Thomson, C.G. (1869) 6. Diptera. Species novas descripsit. In: Kongliga svenska fregatten Eugenies resa omkring jorden 2
(Zoologie), 1: Insekter, K. Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademien, Stockoholm, "1868", pp. 443–612, pl. 9.
Weyenbergh, H. (1818) Dos nuevas especies del grupo de los dipteros pupiparos. Anales de la Sociedad Científica Argentina,
11, 193–200.
Wiedemann, C.R.W. (1830) Aussereuropäische zweiflügelige Insekten. Vol. 2. Schulz, Hamm, xii + 684 pp., pls. 7–l0b.
Wood, M.W. (2010) Hippoboscidae (louse flies). In: Brown, B.V., Borkent, A., Cummings, J.M., Wood, D.M., Woodley, N.E.
& Zumbado, M.A. (Eds.), Manual of Central American Diptera. Vol. 2. NRC Research Press, Ottawa, pp. 1241–1248.
Wulp, F.M. van der (1903) Fam. Hippoboscidae. In: Godman, F.D. & Salvin, O. (Eds.), Biologia Centrali Americana.
Zoologia-Insecta-Diptera, 2, pl. 13, figs. 1–6, pp. 429–432. [London]

CATALOGUE OF HIPPOBOSCIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 779
Zootaxa 4122 (1): 780–783 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
Copyright © 2016 Magnolia Press
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)



Centro de Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul, Cidade Universitária 79070-900 Campo
Grande-MS, Brasil. Caixa Postal 549.
Department of Biology, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, Kentucky, USA and Department of Zoology, Field Museum of
Natural History, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Laboratorio de Biología de Vectores y Parásitos, Instituto de Zoología y Ecología Tropical, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Cen-
tral de Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela.
Corresponding author:


This catalog presents eight species distributed among two genera and one subfamily of nycteribiid bat flies recorded in
Colombia. For each genus we present synonymies and type species, and for each species account we present synonymies,
disposition of type material, and specific localities and departments.

Key words: bat fly, catalogue, Colombia, distribution, Hippoboscoidea, taxonomy


Nycteribiidae Samouelle, 1819 are worldwide in distribution and contains 3 subfamilies, 11 genera, 274 species
(Dick & Patterson 2006; Graciolli 2010). Along with the family Streblidae, they are commonly known as bat flies,
because they only occur in association with bats (Mammalia: Chiroptera). Nycteribiids are highly specialized
ectoparasites that live primarily in the fur of their hosts, where they feed on blood. Although more speciose in the
eastern hemisphere, there are 2 genera and 53 species known from the Americas (Graciolli 2010). Two genera and
8 species are known from Colombia, where they are parasites of bats of the families Vespertilionidae,
Phyllostomidae, and Thyropteridae.
Nycteribiid flies (body length 1.5–5.5 mm) are completely wingless, and the small, atrophied flight muscles
reduce the overall size of the thorax. They have a “spider-like” appearance because the legs protrude from the
dorsal thoracic surface, and a head that is folded back against the thorax when at rest. During feeding, the head
rotates nearly 180° forward and downward (Graciolli 2010). Nycteribiids possess thoracic and abdominal ctenidea
which are understood to be adaptations to parasitism. The ctenidia are thought to facilitate host attachment,
preventing the insect from being brushed or groomed from the bat’s fur (Marshall 1980). Given the dorsal insertion
of the legs and general “spider-like” morphology, nycteribiid flies generally move well in any direction, and their
movements may be very fast when agitated. This high mobility in the bat’s fur may afford them some protection
from host grooming, which is understood to be a primary cause of adult fly mortality.
Bat flies have an interesting reproductive method known as viviparous puparity (Hagan 1951), in which eggs
are fertilized internally and all three larval stages develop within the female. Larvae are nourished by intrauterine
glands. Gravid female flies deposit a single, 3rd instar larva on the roosting substrate. The larva then immediately
forms a puparium, and following approx. 3–4 wk development, the adult fly emerges to locate and colonize a host
(Marshall 1970).
This catalog follows the classification adopted by Guimarães (1968) and the host nomenclature follows
Gardner (2008). The catalog accounts for the 2 genera and 8 species of nycteribiids known from Colombia (Table
1), and provides information regarding specific localities and departments.

780 Accepted by S. Nihei: 26 May 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016

Acronyms used for the depositories

BMNH—The Natural History Museum, London.

CICS—California Insect Survey, Essig Museum of Entomology, Berkeley.
FMNH—Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago.
MCZ—Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge.
MZSP—Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo.
UCV—Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas.
USNM—United States National Museum, Washington DC.

List of abbreviations

distr.—geographic distribution
mon.— monotypy
nom. nov.— nomen novum (new name)
orig. des.—by original designation
F (f#)—Female
M (m#)—Male

Catalogue of Nycteribiidae of Colombia

Family Nycteribiidae Samouelle, 1819

Subfamily Nycteribiinae Westwood, 1835

Genus Basilia Miranda-Ribeiro

Basilia Miranda-Ribeiro, 1903: 177. Type species, Basilia ferruginea Miranda-Ribeiro, 1903 (orig. des.).
Pseudelythromyia Miranda-Ribeiro, 1907: 233. Type species, Pseudelytromyia speiseri Miranda-Ribeiro, 1907 (mon.).
Cyclopodia, Brèthes, 1913: 297.
Guimarãesia [sic] Schuurmans-Stekhoven Jr., 1951: 109. Type species, Guimarãesia [sic] guimarãesi [sic] Schuurmans-
Stekhoven, Jr., 1951 (orig. des.).

anceps Guimarães & D´Andretta, 1956: 113, figs 188–192. Type locality: Colombia, Caquetá, La Tagua, Tres
Troncos, Rio Caquetá. Type-host: Myotis nigricans nigricans (Schinz). HT F; PT 2 F (FMNH); 1 F PT (MZSP).
Distr.: Colombia (Caquetá (La Tagua, Tres Troncos, Rio Caquetá)), Belize, Costa Rica, Panama, Venezuela, Peru,
Brazil. Refs.: Guimarães & D´Andretta, 1956: 113; Graciolli et al., 2007: 143 (cat.).

astochia Peterson & Maa, 1970: 1519, figs 1–8. Type locality: Colombia, Santander, El Hoyo de Pajaros near San
Gil. Type-host: Vampyrops helleri Peters (= Platyrrhinus helleri (Peters)). HT F [location undetermined, see
Graciolli et al. 2007]. Distr.: Colombia (Santander (El Hoyo de Pajaros near San Gil)). Refs.: Peterson & Maa,
1970: 1519; Graciolli et al., 2007: 145 (cat.).

bequaerti Guimarães & D´Andretta, 1956: 37, figs 18–24, 56, 77. Type locality: Paraguay, Sapucay. Type host:
Histiotus dorianus (Dobson) (= Eptesicus furinalis furinalis (d’Orbigny & Gervais). HT F, PT M, 8 F (BMNH); 1

CATALOGUE OF NYCTERIBIIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 781
F PT (FMNH); 1 M, 1 F PT (MZSP), 1 F PT (MCZ). Distr.: Colombia (Tolima (Espinal)), Venezuela, Brazil,
Paraguay. Refs.: Guimarães & D´Andretta, 1956: 37; Graciolli et al., 2007: 145 (cat.).

constricta Guimarães & D´Andretta, 1956: 80, figs 86, 112–117, 123, 130, 148. Type locality: Ecuador,
Gualaquiza. Type host: Myotis nigricans (Schinz). Distr.: Colombia (Bolívar, (Catival, upper Rio S. Jorge)),
Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru. HT F, PT 6 M, 11 F (BMNH); 2 M, 3 F PT (MZSP); 1 M, 10 F PT (FMNH). Refs.:
Guimarães & D´Andretta, 1956: 80; Graciolli et al., 2007: 146 (cat.).

dubia Guimarães & D´Andretta, 1956: 102, figs 150, 154, 155, 160, 167, 168, 177. Type locality: Brazil, Mato
Grosso, Xavantina. Type host: Myotis nigricans nigricans (Schinz). Distr.: Colombia (Putumayo (Puerto Assis)),
Venezuela, Brazil, Peru. HT F, PT 1 M, 3 F (MZSP); 1 M, 1 F PT (MCZ); 2 F PT (FMNH). Refs.: Guimarães &
D´Andretta, 1956: 102; Graciolli et al., 2007: 147 (cat.); FMNH, 2014.

ferrisi Schuurmans-Stekhoven, Jr., 1931: 217 (nom. nov. for speiseri of Ferris, 1924). Type locality: Costa Rica,
Sipurio. Type host. Myotis nigricans (Schinz). LT F, PL 3 M, 2 F (USNM); 5 M, 6 F PL (CICS); 1 M, 1 F PL
(BMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Uraba, Rio Currulao, 20 km s.e. of Turbo), Bolívar (Catival, Rio San Jorge;
Colosso, “Las Campanas”, Socorré, Rio Sinú), Chocó (Andagoya, Rio San Juan), Meta (Carimagua;
Villavicencio), Santader (Cúcuta)), Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama, Venezuela, Brazil, Guiana, Peru. Refs.:
Peterson, 1971: 3; Graciolli et al., 2007: 148 (cat.); FMNH, 2014.
myotis Curran, 1935: 2.

wenzeli Guimarães & D´Andretta, 1956: 42, figs 25–33, 57, 80. Type locality: Venezuela, Aragua, Rancho Grande.
Type host: Eptesicus fuscus (Beauvois). HT F, PT 5 M, 1 F (UVC); 3 M, 4 F PT (FMNH); 3 M, 3 F PT (MZSP).
Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca (Bogotá, Boquerón, San Francisco, 3,000 m)), Panamá, Venezuela. Refs.:
Guimarães & D´Andretta, 1956: 42; Graciolli et al., 2007: 154 (cat.).

Genus Heshkovitzia Guimarães & D´Andretta

Heshkovitzia Guimarães & D´Andretta, 1956: 127. Type species, Hershkovitzia primitiva Guimarães & D´Andretta, 1956

primitiva Guimarães & D´Andretta, 1956: 130, figs 213–232. Type locality: Colombia, Bolivar, Rio Sinú. Type
host: Thyroptera discifera (Lichtenstein & Peters). HT F, PT M (FMNH); 1 F, 1 M PT (MZSP). Distr.: Colombia
(Bolivar (Rio Sinú)), Costa Rica. Refs.: Guimarães & D´Andretta, 1956: 127; Graciolli et al., 2007: 155 (cat.).

TABLE 1. Nycteribiidae species recorded from Colombia.

Subfamily Genus Species Author

Nycteribiinae Basilia anceps Guimarães & D´Andretta, 1956
astochia Peterson & Maa, 1970
bequaerti Guimarães & D´Andretta, 1956
constricta Guimarães & D´Andretta, 1956
dubia Guimarães & D´Andretta, 1956
ferrisi Schuurmans-Stekhoven, Jr., 1931
wenzeli Guimarães & D´Andretta, 1956
Hershkovitzia primitiva Guimarães & D´Andretta, 1956

782 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press GRACIOLLI ET AL.


Brèthes, J. (1913) Une nouvelle espècie de Diptère Pupipare du Chili. Boletín del Museo Nacional, 5, 297–299.
Curran, C.H. (1935) New species of Nycteribiidae and Streblidae (Diptera). American Museum Novitates, 765, 1–15.
Dick, C.W. & Patterson, B.D. (2006) Bat flies: Obligate ectoparasites of bats. In: Morand, S., Krasnov, B. & Poulin, R. (Eds.),
Micromammals and Macroparasites: from Evolutionary Ecology to Management. Springer-Verlag Publishing, Tokyo, pp.
Ferris, G.F. (1924) The New World Nycteribiidae (Diptera Pupipara). Entomological News, 35, 191–199, pls. 1–3.
Field Museum of Natural History (2014) Vertebrate Ectoparasite Collections Database. Available from: http:// (accessed 10 January 2014)
Gardner, A.L. (2008) Mammals of South America. Vol. 1. Marsupials, Xenarthrans, Shrews, and Bats. The University of
Chicago Press, Chicago, 669 pp.
Graciolli, G. (2010) Nycterbiidae (bat flies, spider bat flies). In: Brown, B.V., Borkent, A., Cummings, J.M., Wood, D.M.,
Woodley, N.E. & Zumbado, M.A. (Eds.), Manual of Central American Diptera. Vol. 2. NRC Research Press, Ottawa, pp.
Graciolli, G., Autino, A.G. & Claps, G. (2007) Catalogue of American Nycteribiidae (Diptera, Hippoboscoidea). Revista
Brasileira de Entomologia, 51, 142–159.
Guimarães, L.R. (1968) 101. Family Nycteribiidae. In: Papavero, N. (Ed.), A catalogue of the Diptera of the Americas south of
the United States. Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, pp. 1–7.
Guimarães, L.R. & D´Andretta, M.V.A. (1956) Sinopse dos Nycteribiidae do Novo Mundo. Arquivos de Zoologia, 9, 1–175.
Hagan, H.R. (1951) Embryology of the viviparous insects. Roland Press, New York, 472 pp.
Marshall, A.G. (1970) The life cycle of Basilia hispida Theodor, 1967 (Diptera, Nycteribiidae) in Malaysia. Parasitology, 61,
Marshall, A.G. (1980) The function of combs in ectoparasitic insects. In: Traub, R. & Starcke, H. (Eds.), Fleas, Proceedings of
the International Conference on Fleas, Ashton Wold, Peterborough, UK, 21-25 June 1977. A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam, pp.
Miranda-Ribeiro, A. (1903) Basilia ferruginea, genero e especie nova da Família das nycteribias. Archivos do Museu Nacional
do Rio de Janeiro, 12, 175–179, pl. 1.
Miranda-Ribeiro, A. (1907) Alguns dipteros interessantes. Archivos do Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro, 14, 229–239.
Peterson, B.V. (1971) Notes on the bat flies of Costa Rica. Contributions of Science, 212, 1–8.
Peterson, B.V. & Maa, T.C. (1970) A new species of Basilia (Diptera: Nycteribiidae) from Colombia. The Canadian
Entomologist, 102, 1519–1523.
Schuurmans-Stekhoven, J.H. Jr. (1931) Eine seltene, ungenügend beschribense Basilia-Art (Diptera Pupipara) aus Venezuela.
Zeitschrift für parasitenkunde, 3, 205–219. [Jena]
Schuurmans-Stekhoven, J.H. Jr. (1951) Algunas especies del genero “Basilia” Ribeiro y creación del Nuevo género
“Guimarãesia”. Acta Zoológica Lilloana, 12, 101–115.
Westwood, J.O. (1835) On Nycteribia, a genus of wingless insects. The Transactions of the Zoological Society of London, 1,
275–294, pl. 1.

CATALOGUE OF NYCTERIBIIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 783
Zootaxa 4122 (1): 784–802 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
Copyright © 2016 Magnolia Press
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)



Department of Biology, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, Kentucky, USA and Department of Zoology, Field Museum of
Natural History, Chicago, Illinois, USA
Centro de Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul, Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil
Laboratorio de Biología de Vectores y Parásitos, Instituto de Zoología y Ecología Tropical, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Cen-
tral de Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela
Corresponding author:


This catalog presents 73 species distributed among 19 genera and three subfamilies of streblid bat flies recorded in Co-
lombia. For each genus we present synonymies and type species, and for each species account we present synonymies,
type host, disposition of type material, and specific localities and departments for records known from Colombia.

Key words: Bat Fly, catalogue, Chiroptera, Colombia, Ectoparasites, Hippoboscoidea, Streblidae


Streblidae Kolenati, 1863 are worldwide in distribution and contains 5 subfamilies, 33 genera, and 229 species.
Along with the family Nycteribiidae, they are commonly known as bat flies, because they only occur in association
with bats (Mammalia: Chiroptera). Streblids are highly specialized ectoparasites that live in the fur and on the
membranes of their hosts, where they feed on blood. Streblids reach the zenith of their diversity in the Americas,
where there are 3 subfamilies, 26 genera, and 158 species. From Colombia, Bequaert (1940) reported 5 species,
Wenzel (1970) 38 species, Marinkelle & Grose (1981) 43 species, and Guerrero (1997) 54 species. Nineteen genera
and 73 species are currently known from Colombia (Table 1), where they are parasites of bats of the families
Emballonuridae, Furipteridae, Molossidae, Mormoopidae, Natalidae, Noctilionidae, Phyllostomidae, and
Streblid flies vary greatly in size (~ 0.5 mm to 5.5 mm), and in overall body shape. While some streblids have
a typical “box-like” thorax with wings and equally-sized legs, other forms are compressed laterally or
dorsoventrally, possess greatly elongated hind legs, or are vestigially-winged or wingless. Some streblids, like
nycteribiids, possess ctenidea, which are understood to be adaptations to facilitate host attachment, preventing the
insect from being brushed or groomed from the bat’s fur.
Streblid bat flies reproduce by viviparous puparity (Hagan 1951), in which eggs are fertilized internally and all
three larval stages develop within the female, nourished by intrauterine glands. Gravid female flies deposit a single,
3rd instar larva on the roosting substrate, typically near the host. The larva then immediately forms a puparium, and
following approx. 3–4 wk development, the adult fly emerges to locate and colonize a host. Species of Streblidae
are known to be quite specific to particular species and genera of hosts (Wenzel 1976; ter Hofstede et al. 2004;
Dick & Gettinger 2005; Dick et al. 2007; Dick & Patterson 2007).
This catalog follows the classification adopted by Wenzel et al. (1966) and Wenzel (1976) and, for specific
names of the bats, follows Gardner (2008). It accounts for the 19 genera and 73 species of streblids known from
Colombia (Table 1), and provides information regarding specific localities and departments. Type host, where
known, is given for each fly species, and represents the bat species associated with the type specimen(s).

784 Accepted by S. Nihei: 10 Apr. 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016

Acronyms used for the depositories

AMNH—American Museum of Natural History, New York (USA)

BHC—Collection of Beta H. Calogne, Universidad Javeriana de Bogotá (Colombia)
BM—Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu (USA)
BMNH—The Natural History Museum, London (UK)
CNC—Canadian National Collection of Insects, Ottawa (Canada)
CU—Cornell University, Ithaca (USA)
DEI—Senckenberg Deutsches Entomologisches Institut, Müncheberg (Germany)
EHB—Environmental Health Branch, Corozal (Panama)
FMNH—Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago (USA)
GML—Gorgas Memorial Laboratory, Panama City (Panama)
HM—Hamburg Museum, Hamburg (Germany)
IML—Instituto Miguel Lillo, Tucumán (Argentina)
IMYZA—Instituto de Microbiología y Zoología Agrícola, Buenos Aires (Argentina)
IOC—Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
KU—Snow Entomological Museum, University of Kansas, Lawrence (USA)
LACM—Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Los Angeles (USA)
MACN—Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales, Buenos Aires (Argentina)
MCZ—Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge (USA)
MLP—Museo La Plata, La Plata (Argentina)
MNHN—Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris (France)
MZSP—Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo (Brazil)
NS—Naturmuseum Senckenberg, Frankfurt (Germany)
TVL—Trinidad Regional Virus Laboratory (Rockfeller Foundation), Port-of-Spain (Trinidad)
UCV—Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas (Venezuela)
UDA—Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá (Colombia)
USNM—United States National Museum, Washington DC (USA)

List of abbreviations

distr.—geographic distribution
nom. nov.—nomen novum (new name)
orig. des.—by original designation
T—Type (unspecified)
F (f#)—Female
M (m#)—Male

CATALOGUE OF STREBLIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 785
Catalogue of Streblidae of Colombia

Family Streblidae Kolenati, 1863

Subfamily Nycterophiliinae Wenzel, 1966

Genus Nycterophilia Ferris

Nycterophilia Ferris, 1916: 436. Type species, Nycterophilia coxata Ferris, 1916 (orig. des.). Refs.: Wenzel et al. 1966,
Wenzel, 1970 (cat.), 1976; Guerrero, 1993.
Nycterophila, error.

coxata Ferris, 1916: 437, pl. 22, figs 5–6. Type locality: U.S.A., California, Santa Margherita River. Type host:
Macrotus californicus Baird. Syntypes (ST) several M and F (Stanford University Collection?). ? (FMNH). Distr.:
Colombia (Bolívar (Cartagena)), Antigua and Barbuda, Bonaire, Brazil (?), Cuba, Curaçao, Honduras, U.S.A.,
Mexico, Panama, Saba, Saint Thomas, Venezuela. Refs.: Pessôa & Guimarães, 1940: 421; Wenzel, 1970: 2 (cat.);
1976:20; Guerrero, 1993: 67 (cat.); FMNH 2014.

fairchildi Wenzel, 1966: 436, figs 47B, 49B, 51B. Type locality: Panama, Coclé, Penamé caves. Type host:
Pteronotus gymnonotus (Wagner) (= Pteronotus suapurensis (Allen)) HT M, AT F (FMNH), PT 121 (UDA). Distr.:
Colombia (Bolívar (Cartagena)), Costa Rica, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, Venezuela (also in numerous
collections, see Wenzel et al. 1966: 410). Refs.: Wenzel et al., 1966: 436; Wenzel, 1970: 2 (cat.); 1976: 22;
Guerrero, 1993: 68 (cat.); FMNH 2014.

mormoopsis Wenzel, 1976: 22, figs 11C, 12B. Type locality: Guatemala, Peten, Jobitznal cave, Santa Elena, 4 mi
W Flores, 200 m. Type host: Mormoops megalophylla (Peters). HT M, AT F (FMNH), PT 90 M, 68 F, 1? (FMNH),
8 M, 10 F (AMNH/FMNH), 1 M, 1 F (AMNH), 1 F (CNC). Distr.: Colombia (Bolívar (Cartagena)), Aruba,
Bonaire, Curaçao, Guatemala, Mexico, Venezuela. Refs.: Wenzel, 1976: 22; Guerrero, 1993: 69 (cat.); FMNH

parnelli Wenzel, 1966: 434, figs 45A, 46, 47A, 49A, 51C. Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Paraíso, railroad
culvert. Type host: Pteronotus parnellii fuscus (Allen). HT M, AT F (FMNH), PT 196 (MCZ), 3 (CU), 37 (?).
Distr.: Colombia (Bolívar (Cartagena; Tolu Viejo), Vichada (El Parque Tuparro, Centro Administrativo, near boat
landing)), Brazil, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Trinidad and Tobago,
Venezuela. Refs.: Wenzel et al., 1966: 434; Wenzel, 1970: 2 (cat.); 1976: 24, Guerrero, 1993: 67 (cat.); FMNH

Subfamily Streblinae Speiser, 1900

Genus Anastrebla Wenzel

Anastrebla Wenzel, 1966: 627, figs 65E–F, 66B. Type species, Anastrebla modestini Wenzel, 1966 (orig. des.). Refs.: Wenzel,
1970: 16 (cat.); Wenzel et al., 1966: 627.
Strebla, authors, not Wiedemann, 1824.

caudiferae Wenzel, 1976: 166, figs 60J, 66C. Type locality: Venezuela, Miranda, 5km NW Guarenas, Curupao,
1,140m. Type host: Anoura caudifer (É. Geoffroy). HT M, AT F (USNM), PT 20 M, 15 F, 1 sex undet. (FMNH).
Distr. Bolivia, Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia (Cauca (Popayán), Cundinamarca (Bogotá) Huila (El Parque
Guacharos, Guacharo Cave; Rio Suaza Cascada), Nariño (El Carmen)). Refs.: Speiser, 1900: 38; Kessel, 1924:
413; 1925: 29; Jobling, 1929: fig. 4; 1949: fig. 3F; Bequaert, 1940: 418; Wenzel, 1970: 16 (cat.), 1976: 166;
Guerrero, 1996: 21 (cat.); Graciolli & Carvalho, 2001: 36; FMNH, 2014.

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mattadeni Wenzel, 1966: 631, figs 138B, 139E, F. Type locality: Panama, Bocas del Toro, upper Rio Changena
camp. Type host: Anoura cultrata Handley. HT M, AT F (FMNH), PT 1 M (MZSP), 26 (FMNH, USNM, EHB; see
Wenzel et al., 1966: 633). Distr.: Colombia (Huila (El Parque Guacharos, Indian Cave, inside, 25 m from exit),
Nariño (El Carmen)), Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Venezuela. Refs.: Wenzel et al. 1966: 631;
Wenzel, 1970: 16 (cat.), 1976: 166; Guerrero, 1996: 21 (cat.); FMNH, 2014.

modestini Wenzel, 1966: 629, figs 138A, 139C, D. Type locality: Panama, Chiriqui, Cerro Punta, Casa Lewis.
Type host: Anoura geoffroyi lasiopyga Peters. HT M (FMNH), PT 5 M, 1 F, 1 sex undet., (FMNH, USNM, EHB;
see Wenzel et al., 1966: 631). Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca (Bogota; La Calera, 12 km NE of Bogota), Huila
(El Parque Guacharos, Indian Cave, exit; upper Cabana, 225 m W), Nariño (Llorente)), Bolivia, Brazil, Costa Rica,
Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela. Refs.:
Bequaert, 1940: 418; Wenzel et al., 1966: 629; Wenzel, 1970: 16 (cat.), 1976: 165; Guerrero, 1996: 20 (cat.);
Graciolli & Carvalho, 2001: 942; Dick, 2006: 448; FMNH, 2014.

Genus Metelasmus Coquillett

Metelasmus Coquillett, 1907: 292. Type species, Metelasmus pseudopterus Coquillett, 1907 (orig. des.). Refs.: Wenzel et al.,
1966: 634.
Lemosia Pessôa & Galvão, 1936: 243. Type species, Lemosia setosa Pessôa & Galvão (orig. des.).

pseudopterus Coquillett, 1907: 292. Type locality: Paraguay, Sapucay. Type host: Artibeus lituratus (Olfers). HT
F (USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Meta (El Parque La Macarena, Camp Izawa, 150 m nw), Putumayo (San Antonio,
Rio Guamez)), Argentina, Belize, Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama,
Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Venezuela. Refs.: Pessôa & Galvão, 1936: 244; Wenzel et al., 1966: 634; Wenzel, 1970:
17 (cat.); 1976: 169; Guerrero, 1996: 23 (cat.); Autino & Claps, 2000: 195 (cat.); Graciolli & Carvalho, 2001: 943;
ter Hofstede et al., 2004: 620, Dick & Gettinger, 2005: 1020; FMNH, 2014.

Genus Paraeuctenodes Pessôa and Guimarães

Paraeuctenodes Pessôa & Guimarães, 1936: 257. Type species, Paraeuctenodes longipes Pessôa & Guimarães (orig. des.).

similis Wenzel, 1976: 164, fig. 66F. Type locality: Venezuela, Bolívar, 13km NE Icabarú, Icabarú, 881 m. Type
host: Carollia perspicillata (L.). HT M (USNM), PT 2 M, 1 F (FMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Huila (El Parque
Guacharos, Cueva de Chimbes), Santader (San Joaquín)), Bolívia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela.
Refs.: Wenzel, 1976: 164; Guerrero, 1996: 18 (cat.); Graciolli & Carvalho, 2001: 940; FMNH, 2014.

Genus Strebla Wiedemann

Strebla Wiedemann, 1824: 19 Type species, Hippobosca vespertilionis Fabricius (mon.) = wiedemanni Kolenati, 1856.
Euctenodes Waterhouse, 1879: 310. Type species, Euctenodes mirabilis Waterhouse (mon.).

altmani Wenzel, 1966: 623, figs 123G, 137A. Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Gamboa Road, mine shaft at
Coco Plantation. Type host: Lonchorhina aurita aurita Tomes. HT M, AT F (FMNH). PT M (MZSP), 6 (USNM), 2
(GML), 12 (UCV), 199 (in numerous collections, see Wenzel et al., 1966: 410). Distr.: Colombia (Bolívar (Tolu),
Córdoba (Tierra Alta), Meta (El Parque La Macarena, Upper Cano Cristales)), Belize, Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador,
Mexico, Panama, Peru, Venezuela. Refs.: Wenzel, 1966: 623; Wenzel, 1970: 14 (cat.); 1976: 138, Coimbra Jr. et
al., 1984: 548; Guerrero, 1996: 10 (cat.); FMNH, 2014.

alvarezi Wenzel, 1966: 625, figs 123E–F, 137B. Type locality: Panama. Canal Zone, 1/2 mi. SE of Empire Range.
Type host: Micronycteris megalotis (Gray). HT M, AT F (FMNH); PT 1 F (MZSP), 11 (NS), 27 (FMNH, USNM,

CATALOGUE OF STREBLIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 787
GML, EHB; see Wenzel et al., 1966: 626). Distr.: Colombia (Meta (El Parque La Macarena, Camp Ardillas, 5 km
E Cabana Duda; Restrepo)), Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, French Guyana, Guatemala, Nicaragua,
Panama, Peru, Venezuela. Refs.: Wenzel, 1966: 625; Wenzel, 1970: 14 (cat.), 1976: 141; Guerrero, 1996: 11 (cat.);
1997: 24 (cat.); FMNH, 2014.

consocia Wenzel, 1966: 600, figs 124B, 125A, 128. Type locality: Trinidad, Guanapo Heights, Tamana Cave. Type
host: Phyllostomus hastatus hastatus (Pallas). HT M, AT F (FMNH); PT 15 (TVL), 1 (UCV). Distr.: Colombia
(Meta (El Parque La Macarena, 1 km N Cabana Duda, forest trail; Restrepo), Tolima (Melgar)), Bolivia, Brazil,
Ecuador, French Guyana, Peru, Suriname, Trinidad & Tobago, Venezuela. Refs.: Wenzel et al., 1966: 600; Wenzel,
1970: 14 (cat.); 1976: 146 (emendation of the name); Whitaker & Mumford, 1977: 256; Guerrero, 1996: 7 (cat.),
1997: 24 (cat.); FMNH, 2014.
mirabilis, authors (part), not Waterhouse (Euctenodes).
consocius Wenzel, 1966: 600.

diaemi Wenzel, 1966: 599, figs 124A, 125C, 127A. Type locality: Panama, San Bias, Armila. Type host: Diaemus
youngi (Jentink) (= Diaemus youngii cypselinus Thomas). HT M, AT F (FMNH); PT 42 (FMNH, USNM, UDA;
see Wenzel et al., 1966: 600). Distr.: Colombia (Caquetá (Rio Mecayo), Guainia (Cerca Amanaven), Valle de
Cauca (Rio Roposo)), Bolivia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Venezuela. Refs.: Wenzel, 1966: 599;
Wenzel, 1970: 14 (cat.), 1976: 151; Guerrero, 1996: 7 (cat.); Graciolli & Carvalho, 2001: 934; Dick & Gettinger,
2005: 1020; FMNH, 2014.

diphyllae Wenzel, 1966: 613, figs 124C, 133. Type locality: Guatemala, Jalapa, San Lorenzo, 4 mi. NE of Volcan
de Jumay. Type host: Diphylla ecaudata centralis Felten. HT M, AT F (FMNH); PT 1 F (MZSP), 20 (MCZ), 4
(KU), 39 (in FMNH, USNM, KU, MCZ, EHB; see Wenzel et al., 1966: 615). Distr.: Colombia (Vaupés (Rio Inrida,
Cerro de las Pinturas)), Belize, Brazil, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru, Venezuela. Refs.:
Wenzel et al., 1966: 613; Wenzel, 1970: 14 (cat.); Wenzel, 1976: 151; Guerrero, 1996: 9 (cat.); FMNH, 2014.
mirabilis, authors (part), not Waterhouse (Euctenodes).

guajiro (García & Casal), 1965: 14, figs 10–16 (Euctenodes). Type locality: Venezuela, Aragua, Acampamento
Rangel. Type host: Noctilio albiventris albiventris Desmarest (= Noctilio labialis labialis (Kerr)). HT F, AT M
(IMYZA), PT 1 M (IEC), PT 7 F 6 M (IMYZA, IOC, BMNH, AMNH, MLP, IML, MACN; see García & Casal,
1965: 14). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Chigorodo), Bolívar (Cartagena), Córdoba (Montería, Vereda Las Palomas,
Finca Las Palmeras; Canalete, Finca Chimborazo; Los Córdobas, Vereda Buena Vista, Finca San Lorenzo),
Cundinamarca (Melgar), Huila (Canon Pericongo; La Plata), Meta (El Parque La Macarena, 1 km N Cabana Duda,
forest trail; Salinas de Upin), Nariño (El Carmen; La Guayacana), Norte de Santander (Tibu), Putumayo (Puerto
Asis; Rio San Miguel, Santa Rosa de Sucumbio, Ketan Indian Village), Santander (Cueva Macaregua, San Gil; El
Hoyo), Tolima (Hda "El Encanto", Hda Siberia Alcantarilla, Cunday), Valle del Cauca (Guanabanal, Cali; Rio
Raposo), Vaupe (Cerca Miroflores), Vichada (El Parque Tuparro, Small cano, Centro Administrativo, se)), Belize,
Bolívia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Guyana, Mexico, Nicaragua, Honduras, Ecuador, El Salvador, French Guyana,
Paraguay, Panama, Peru, Suriname, Trinidad & Tobago, Venezuela. Refs.: García & Casal, 1965: 14; Wenzel et al.,
1966: 619; Wenzel, 1970: 14 (cat.), 1976: 151; Guerrero, 1996: 5 (cat.), 1997: 24 (cat.); Graciolli & Carvalho, 2001:
936; ter Hofstede et al., 2004: 620; Dick & Gettinger, 2005: 1020; FMNH, 2014.
mirabilis, authors (part) not Waterhouse (Euctenodes).
carolliae Wenzel, 1966: 619, figs 122A, 136.

hertigi Wenzel, 1966: 596, figs 122B, 125F, 127B. Type locality: Panama, Panama, Chepo Road. Type host:
Phyllostomus hastatus panamensis Allen. HT M, AT F (FMNH); PT 1 M, 1 F (MZSP), 1 (MCZ) 29 (KU), 1
(UCV), 49 (TVL), 8 (FMNH), 1 (LACM). Distr.: Colombia Cundinamarca (Melgar), Norte del Santader (Cúcuta),
Tolima (Honda, Central; Melgar), Valle del Cauca (Candelaria Gorgona, several plantations within 1 mi of town
square), Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, French Guyana, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras,
Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Suriname, Trinidad & Tobago, Venezuela. Refs.: Wenzel et al., 1966: 596;
Wenzel, 1970: 15 (cat.), 1976: 153; Guerrero, 1996: 6 (cat.), 1997: 24 (cat.); FMNH, 2014.

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kohlsi Wenzel, 1966: 618, fig. 123C. Type locality: Panama, San Bias, Armila. Type host: Lophostoma silviculum
d´Orbigny (= Tonatia silvicola (d´Orbigny, 1836)). HT M, AT F (FMNH), PT 6 (FMNH). Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquia, Valle del Cauca (Puri)), Belize, Brazil, Ecuador, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Venezuela. Refs.:
Wenzel, 1966: 618; Wenzel, 1970: 15 (cat.); Guerrero, 1996: 10 (cat.); Autino et al., 2011: 919; FMNH, 2014.

mirabilis (Waterhouse), 1879: 310, plate X (Euctenodes). Type locality: Colombia (no specific locality). Type
host: unknown. HT F (BMNH). Distr. Colombia (Bolívar (Coloso, “Las Campañas”), Huila (Pitalito), Meta (El
Parque La Macarena, Río Guayapa; 1 km N Cabana Duda, forest trail), Vaupés (Upper Rio Inrida, Cerro de las
Pinturas), Valle del Cauca (Sabaletas, 29 km SE)), Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Guatemala, Panama, Paraguay, Peru,
Trinidad & Tobago. Refs.: Wenzel et al., 1966: 615; Wenzel, 1970: 15 (cat.); 1976: 155, Guerrero, 1996: 4 (cat.);
Graciolli & Carvalho, 2001: 937; ter Hofstede et al. 2004: 620.
guarani García & Casal, 1965: 13, figs. 4-9. (Euctenodes).

paramirabilis Wenzel, 1976: 158, figs 60C, 64F. Type locality: Venezuela, T. F. Amazonas, Cabacera del Caño
Culebra, 40 km NW Esmeralda, 1,140 m. Type host: Artibeus jamaicensis (= Artibeus amplus see Handley, 1987).
HT M, AT F (USNM), PT 21 M, 16 F (FMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Meta (El Parque La Macarena, Refugio, 100 m
W; Cano, Cabana Refugio, 80 m W)), Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela. Refs.: Wenzel, 1976: 158; Guerrero,
1996: 14 (cat.); Autino et al., 2011: 918; FMNH, 2014.

wiedemanni Kolenati, 1856: 46 (nom. nov. for vespertilionis Fabricius). Type locality: unknown. Type host:
undetermined bat. Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (San Jeronimo; Santa Fé), Bolívar (Cartagena; Cartago; Tolu
Viejo), Caldas (Quebrada Perico, La Dorado), Córdoba (Tierra Alta), Cundinamarca (Apulo; Tocaima), Magdalena
(Rio Cesar, Valledupar), Meta (El Parque La Macarena, Angostura No. 1, Cabana Duda, 20 ft e; Villavicencio,
small cano, National Police Base, 500 m NE; San Juan de Arama, Los Micos; Villavicencio), Santander (Cueva
Macaregua, San Gil), Tolima (Cueva VillaVilma cerca Honda; Hda Camelia, Cueva "El Eden", Cunday; Hda "El
Encanto", Cunday; Honda), Valle del Cauca (Buenaventura, house on Rio Dagua, accessible by path from K-18
marker along Buenaventura; Cali R.R; Cali; Vijes, Finca 'El Zarzal', 1 mi E. of Vijes, 200–300 m from Rio Cauca)),
Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua,
Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Trinidad & Tobago, Venezuela. Refs.: García & Casal, 1965: 16; Wenzel et al.,
1966: 609; Wenzel, 1970: 15; 1976: 151; Guerrero, 1996: 5 (cat.); Autino & Claps, 2000: 195 (cat.); Graciolli &
Carvalho, 2001: 838; Dick & Gettinger, 2005: 1020; ter Hofstede et al., 2004: 620; FMNH, 2014.

vespertilionis Fabricius, 1805: 339 (Hippobosca). Suppressed by the ICZN, 1936:29. Type locality: Brazil,
Pernambuco. Type host: undetermined bat. NT sex? (depository?, des. Wenzel et al., 1966: 610).
wiedemannii Kolenati, 1856: 46.
tupi García & Casal, 1956: 16, figs 17-22 (Euctenodes).
mirabilis, authors (part), not Waterhouse (Euctenodes).

Subfamily Trichobiinae Jobling, 1936

Genus Anatrichobius Wenzel

Anatrichobius Wenzel, 1966: 502. Type species, Anatrichobius scorzai Wenzel, 1966 (orig. des.)

scorzai Wenzel, 1966: 503, figs. 76–78. Type locality: Panama, Chiriquí, Cueva Lara. Type host: Myotis sp. HT M,
AT F (FMNH); PT 62 (FMNH, MCZ, USNM, GML, EHB, UCV, see Wenzel et al., 1966: 507). Distr.: Colombia
(Huila (San Antonio, San Agustin)), Argentina, Bolivia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Honduras, Panamá, Peru, Venezuela.
Refs.: Wenzel et al., 1966: 503; Wenzel, 1970: 6 (cat.), 1976: 83; Guerrero, 1995b: 136, 1997: 11 (cat.); Autino &
Claps, 2000: 194 (cat.); Dick et al., 2007: 374.

CATALOGUE OF STREBLIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 789
Genus Aspidoptera Coquillett

Aspidoptera Coquillett, 1899: 334. Type species, Apsidoptera busckii Coquillett, 1899 (orig. des.)
Lepoteryx Speiser, 1900: 42.
Lipoptena Kolenati, 1863: 103.

delatorrei Wenzel, 1966: 557, figs. 104B, D. Type locality: Panama, Guánico (Los Santos). Type host: Sturnira
lilium parvidens Goldman. HT M, AT F (FMNH); PT 17 (FMNH, USNM, GML, EHB, UCV, MZSP), (BM).
Distr.: Colombia (Meta (El Parque La Macarena, Cano Cabana, Cabana Duda, 100 m E), Santander (Cauca, 3 mi S
of Santander, along main Cali-Popayan road), Tolima (Honda), Valle del Cauca (Buenaventura, Córdoba, km 20
Cali-B/Ventura Road; Cauca Valley, 15 km SE Cali)), Belize, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panamá, Perú,
Venezuela. Refs.: Wenzel et al., 1966: 557; Wenzel, 1970: 10 (cat.), 1976: 104; Guerrero, 1995b: 139, 1997: 11
(cat.); ter Hofstede et al., 2004: 620; FMNH, 2014.

falcata Wenzel, 1976: 104, fig. 42A. Type locality: Venezuela, Distrito Federal, Los Venados. Type host Sturnira
lilium (E. Geoffroy). HT M, AT F (USNM); PT 523 (FMNH, UCV). Distr.: Colombia (Putumayo (Est. de Bombeo,
Guamez)), Bolivia, Brazil, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Perú, Venezuela. Refs.: Wenzel,
1976: 104; Guerrero, 1995b: 140, 1997: 11 (cat.); Graciolli & Carvalho, 2001: 925; Dick, 2013: 6 (cat.); FMNH,
phyllostomatis, Autino & Claps, 2000: 194 (error, part.)

phyllostomatis (Perty), 1833: 190, pl. 37, fig. 16 (Lipoptena). Type locality: “Brazil” (type apparently lost; see
Wenzel et al. 1966). Type host: “Phyllostomatis specie brasiliensis, indeterminata” (see Perty, 1833, Wenzel et al.,
1966). M (BMNH, des.? Wenzel et al. 1966: 555). Distr.: Colombia (Bolívar (Catival, upper Rio San Jorge; Planeta
Rica), Meta (El Parque La Macarena, Camp Izawa, 150 m NW), Putumayo (Est. de Bombeo, Guamez; Pto. Asis),
Santander (Paramo), Vichada (El Parque Tuparro, Centro Administrativo, casino area)), Belize, Bolivia, Brazil,
Costa Rica, Cuba, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Panamá, Paraguay, Perú, Puerto Rico, Trinidad, Venezuela,
Argentina. Refs.: Wenzel et al., 1966: 553; Wenzel, 1970: 10 (cat.), 1976: 107; Guerrero, 1995b: 138, 1997: 11
(cat.); Graciolli & Carvalho, 2001: 926; ter Hofstede et al., 2004: 620; Autino & Claps, 2000: 194 (cat.); Dick,
2013: 6 (cat.); FMNH, 2014.

Genus Exastinion Wenzel

Exastinion Wenzel, 1966: 558. Type species, Apsidoptera clovisi Pessôa & Guimarães, 1936 (orig. des.).

clovisi (Pessôa & Guimarães), 1936: 262, figs 5–6 (Aspidoptera). Type locality: Brazil, São Paulo, Ipiranga. Type
host: Anoura caudifer E. Geoffroy (= Lonchoglossa ecaudata (Trouessart)). HT F, AT M (MZSP); PT 2 M, 2 F
(MZSP). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Urrao, Paramo de Frontino), Cundinamarca (Bogota; Zipaquira, Paramo
de'Guerrero), Distrito Capital, Nariño (La Victoria; Llorente),) Brazil, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico,
Panamá, Trinidad, Venezuela. Refs.: Pessôa & Guimarães, 1936: 262; Bequaert, 1940: 418; Wenzel et al., 1966:
560; Wenzel, 1970: 11 (cat.), 1976: 108; Guerrero, 1995b: 142, 1997: 11 (cat.); Graciolli & Carvalho, 2001: 928;
Dick, 2013: 7 (cat.); FMNH, 2014.

deceptivum Wenzel, 1976: 112. Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca, La Calera, 12 km NE Bogota. Type host:
Anoura geoffroyi peruana Tschudi. HT M, AT F (USNM); PT 44 (FMNH, UCV, AMNH). Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquia (Urrao, Paramo de Frontino), Cundinamarca (La Calera, 12 km NE Bogota; Zipaquira, Paramo de
Guerrero), Huila (El Parque Guacharos, Guacharo Cave; Cueva de Chimbes; Indian Cave)), Bolivia, Ecuador,
Venezuela. Refs.: Wenzel, 1976: 112; Guerrero, 1995b: 143, 1997: 11 (cat.); Dick et al., 2007: 374 (cat.); FMNH,

oculatum Wenzel, 1976: 110, figs 43D, E. Type locality: Panama, Chiriqui, Cerro Punta. Type host: Anoura
cultrata Handley. HT M, AT F (USNM); PT 58 (FMNH, UCV, AMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Huila (El Parque

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Guacharos, Indian Cave)), Panamá, Venezuela. Refs.: Wenzel, 1976: 110; Guerrero, 1995b: 143, 1997: 11 (cat.);
FMNH, 2014.

Genus Mastoptera Wenzel

Mastoptera Wenzel, 1966: 512. Type species, Aspidoptera minuta Costa Lima, 1921 (orig. des.).

guimaraesi Wenzel, 1966: 514, figs 82C, 83, 84. Type locality: Panama, Chepo Road. Type host: Phyllostomus
hastatus panamensis J. A. Allen. HT M, AT F (FMNH); PT 284 (in numerous collections, see Wenzel et al., 1966:
410). Distr.: Colombia (Bolívar (Las Campanas, Coloso), Huila (Pitalito), Norte de Santander (Petrolea Tibu;
Tibu)), Costa Rica, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panamá, Paraguay. Refs.: Wenzel et al., 1966: 514; Wenzel, 1970: 7
(cat.), 1976: 100; Guerrero, 1995b: 146, 1997: 11 (cat.); Dick & Gettinger, 2005: 1019; Dick, 2013: 7 (cat.);
FMNH, 2014.

minuta (Costa Lima), 1921: 21, pl. 2, fig. 2 (Aspidoptera). Type locality: Brazil, Matto Grosso. Type host:
Lophostoma silvicolum d'Orbigny (= Tonatia amblyotis (Wagner)). HT F (IOC). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Puri,
Cauca Valley, above Caceres), Bolívar (San Juan Nepomuceno), Meta (La Macarena, Rio Guapaya; San Juan de
Arama, Los Micos), Norte de Santander (Petrolea Tibu)), Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras,
Peru, Panamá, Paraguay, Suriname, Venezuela. Refs.: Costa Lima, 1921: 17; Wenzel et al., 1966: 515; Wenzel,
1970: 7 (cat.), 1976: 100; Guerrero, 1995b: 145, 1997: 11 (cat.); Dick & Gettinger, 2005: 1019; ter Hofstede et al.,
2004: 620; Dick, 2006: 445, 2013: 7; FMNH, 2014.

Genus Megistopoda Macquart

Megistopoda Macquart, 1852: 332. Type species, Megistopoda pilatei Macquaert, 1852 (mon.) Pterellipsis Coquillett, 1899.

aranea (Coquillett), 1899: 344, (Pterellipsis). Type locality: “Jamaica and Montserrat.” Type host: unknown. HT ?
(USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca (Melgar), Tolima (Melgar), Valle del Cauca (Buenaventura, Córdoba,
on Rio Dagua; Buenaventura, Córdoba, km 20 Cali-B/Ventura Road; Municipio de Cali, El Hormiguero Finea del
Sr. Jaime Becerra on road to Puerto Teida), Vichada (El Parque Tuparro, Centro Administrativo, casino area)),
Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Cuba, El Salvador, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico,
Montserrat, Panamá, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Suriname, Venezuela, Argentina. Refs.: Coquillett, 1899: 344;
Wenzel et al., 1966: 542; Wenzel, 1970: 1976: 98; Guerrero, 1994b: 186, 1997: 11 (cat.); Graciolli & Carvalho,
2001: 922; ter Hofstede et al., 2004: 620; Autino & Claps, 2000: 194 (cat.); Dick, 2013: 8; FMNH, 2014.
pilatei Macquart, 1852: 332, pl. 4, fig. 4.
desiderata Speiser, 1900: 57, pl. 3, figs 6-8.

proxima (Séguy), 1926: 194, figs 2-6 (Pterellipsis). Type locality: Argentina, Misiones, San Ignacio, Villa Lutecia.
Type host: “chauve-souris” (see Séguy, 1926). HT M (MNHN, HT destroyed). Distr.: Colombia (Huila (El Parque
Guacharos, Upper Bridge on Rio Suaza), Nariño (El Carmen), Putumayo (Pto. Asis), Santander (Cauca, 3 mi S of
Santander, along main Cali-Popayan road), Tolima (Melgar), Valle del Cauca (Buenaventura, Córdoba, km 20 Cali-
B/Ventura Road; Buenaventura, house on Rio Dagua; Municipio de Cali, El Hormiguero, Finca del Sr. Jaime
Becerra)), Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, French Guiana, Honduras, Mexico,
Panama, Paraguay, Peru, St. Croix, Uruguay, Venezuela. Refs.: Séguy, 1926: 194; Wenzel et al., 1966: 543;
Guerrero, 1994b: 187, 1997:11 (cat.); Wenzel, 1976: 99; Graciolli & Carvalho, 2001: 923; ter Hofstede et al., 2004:
620; Autino & Claps, 2000: 194 (cat.); Dick, 2013: 8 (cat.); FMNH, 2014.
theodori Wenzel, 1966: 545, figs. 100B.

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Genus Neotrichobius Wenzel & Aitken

Neotrichobius Wenzel & Aitken in Wenzel et al. 1966: 536. Type species, Neotrichobius stenopterus Wenzel & Aitken, 1966
(orig. des.).

bisetosus Wenzel, 1976: 93, fig. 37E. Type locality: Venezuela, TF Amazonas, Rio Orinoco, Tamatama. Type host:
Artibeus obscurus Schinz (= Artibeus fuliginosus Gray). HT M, AT F (USNM); PT 62 (FMNH, UCV). Distr.:
Colombia (Meta (El Parque La Macarena, Cabana Duda; Camp Izawa)), Bolivia, Brazil, Panama, Peru, Venezuela.
Refs.: Wenzel, 1976: 93; Guerrero, 1994b: 183, 1997: 11 (cat.); FMNH, 2014.

delicatus (Machado-Allison), 1966: 76, figs 8–11 (Pterellipsis). Type locality: Venezuela, Distrito Federal,
Chichiriviche. Type host: Vampyressa thyone Thomas. Distr.: Colombia (Meta (El Parque La Macarena, 1 km n
Cabana Duda; Villavicencio, Barrio Emporio, Guatiquia river)), (? see Guerrero, 1997), Bolivia, Brazil, Panamá,
Peru, Venezuela, Trinidad. HT M (UCV); PT 6 (? see Machado-Allison, 1966). Refs.: Machado-Allison, 1966: 76;
Wenzel, 1970: 9 (cat.); Wenzel, 1976: 95; Guerrero, 1994b: 182, 1997: 11 (cat.); Graciolli & Aguiar, 2002: 179;
Dick et al., 2007: 374; FMNH, 2014.

stenopterus Wenzel & Aitken in Wenzel et al. 1966: 539, figs 97–99. Type locality: Venezuela, Almirante, Bocas
del Torro. Type host: Uroderma bilobatum Peters. HT M, AT F (FMNH); PT 15 (FMNH, USNM, TVL, EHB,
GML). Distr.: Colombia (Huila (El Parque Guacharos, Rio Suaza Cascada), Santander (El Hoyo), Valle del Cauca
(Buenaventura, Córdoba, km 20 Cali-B/Ventura Road)), (? see Guerrero, 1997), Belize, Brazil (? see Guerrero,
1997), Honduras, Panamá, Suriname, Venezuela, Trinidad. Refs.: Wenzel et al., 1966: 539; Wenzel, 1976: 93;
Guerrero, 1994b: 181, 1997: 11 (cat.); ter Hofstede et al., 2004: 620; Dick, 2013: 9; FMNH, 2014.

Genus Noctiliostrebla Wenzel

Noctiliostrebla Wenzel, 1966: 560. Type species, Lipoptena dubia Rudow, 1871 (orig. des.).

aitkeni Wenzel, 1966: 567, figs 107C, 108. Type locality: Trinidad, Manzanilla. Type host: Noctilio leporinus
leporinus Linnaeus. HT M, AT F (FMNH); PT 55 (FMNH, USNM, BM, UCV, MZSP, TVL). Distr.: Colombia
(Meta (El Parque La Macarena, Cano Cabana, Cabana Duda; El Parque La Macarena, junction Duda & Guayabero
Rivers), Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Trinidad, Venezuela. Refs.: Wenzel et al., 1966: 567;
Wenzel, 1970: 11 (cat.), 1976: 117; Guerrero, 1995b: 148 (cat.), 1997: 11 (cat.); Graciolli & Carvalho, 2001: 929;
Autino & Claps, 2000: 195 (cat.); Dick & Gettinger, 2005: 1019; FMNH, 2014.

dubia (Rudow) 1871: 122. (Lipoptena) Type locality: Venezuela. Type host: Noctilio leporinus leporinus Linnaeus
(= Noctilio dorsatus Desmarest). HT (H, M). Distr.: Colombia (Meta (El Parque La Macarena, Cano Cabana,
Cabana Duda; El Parque La Macarena, junction Duda & Guayabero Rivers)), Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, Peru,
Venezuela. Refs.: Wenzel et al., 1966: 563; Wenzel, 1970: 11 (cat.), 1976: 113; Guerrero, 1995b: 147 (cat.), 1997:
11 (cat.); Dick & Gettinger, 2005: 1019; FMNH, 2014.

maai Wenzel, 1966: 569, figs 107A, 109. Type locality: Panama, Darien, Rio Tuira. Type host: Noctilio albiventris
Desmarest (= Noctilio labialis Kerr). HT M, AT F (FMNH); PT 43 (FMNH, USNM, MCZ, GML, EHB, UCV,
MZSP, BM). Distr.: Colombia (Chocó (Golfo de Uraba, Unguia)), Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, Panama, Peru,
Venezuela. Refs.: Wenzel et al., 1966: 569; Wenzel, 1970: 11 (cat.), 1976: 115; Guerrero, 1995b: 149 (cat.), 1997:
11 (cat.); Dick & Gettinger, 2005: 1020; FMNH, 2014.

traubi Wenzel, 1966: 565, figs 106, 107B, D. Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Fort Sherman. Type host: Noctilio
leporinus mastivus Vahl (= Noctilio leporinus mexicanus Goldman). HT M, AT F (FMNH); PT 16 (FMNH, USNM,
GML, MZSP, EHB, BM). Distr.: Colombia Antioquia (Chigorodo), Magdelena (Rio Guimaral, Valledupar), Belize,
Cuba, Honduras, Panama, Peru, Venezuela. Refs.: Wenzel et al., 1966: 565; Wenzel, 1970: 11 (cat.), 1976: 115;
Guerrero, 1995b: 148 (cat.); 1997: 11 (cat.); ter Hofstede et al., 2004: 620; Dick, 2013: 9; FMNH, 2014.

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Genus Paradyschiria Speiser

Paradyschiria Speiser, 1900: 55. Type species, Paradyschiria fusca Speiser, 1900 (orig. des.).

fusca Speiser, 1900: 565, pl. 3, fig. 1. Type locality: Colombia, Casanare, Orocué. Type host: Noctilio leporinus
Linnaeus. Distr.: Colombia Casanare (Orocué), Meta (El Parque La Macarena, Cano Cabana, Cabana Duda; El
Parque La Macarena, junction Duda & Guayabero Rivers), Bolivia, Brazil, Cuba, French Guiana, Honduras,
Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Venezuela, Trinidad, Argentina. Type repository unknown (see Wenzel et al.,
1966). Refs.: Speiser, 1900: 565; Wenzel et al., 1966: 573; Wenzel, 1970: 12 (cat.), 1976: 121; Guerrero, 1995b:
151 (cat.), 1997: 11 (cat.); Autino & Claps, 2000: 195 (cat.); Graciolli & Carvalho, 2001: 931; Dick & Gettinger,
2005: 1020, Dick et al., 2007: 375; Dick, 2013: 9; FMNH, 2014.

lineata Kessel, 1925: 27. Type locality: Cuba. Type host: unknown. HT F (BMNH; “collection of AC Kessel”); PT
several type specimen (MCZ, Kessel, 1925: 27). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Chigorodo)), Cuba, French Guiana,
Panama, Peru, Puerto Rico, Venezuela. Refs.: Kessel, 1925: 27; Wenzel et al., 1966: 574; Wenzel, 1970: 12 (cat.),
1976: 123; Guerrero, 1995b: 151 (cat.), 1997: 11 (cat.); FMNH, 2014.

parvula Falcoz, 1931: 267, figs 4–5. Type locality: Brazil. Type host: Noctilio albiventris Desmarest (= Dirias
albiventer Spix). Distr.: Colombia (Vichada (El Parque Tuparro, Centro Administrativo, casino area)), Bolivia,
Brazil, Paraguay, Peru, Trinidad, Venezuela. HT M (MNHN). Refs.: Falcoz, 1931: 267; Wenzel et al., 1966: 574;
Wenzel, 1970: 12 (cat.), 1976: 118; Guerrero, 1995b: 152 (cat.), 1997: 11 (cat.); Graciolli & Carvalho, 2001: 932;
Dick & Gettinger, 2005: 1020; FMNH, 2014.

parvuloides Wenzel, 1966: 575, figs 110D, 112C, D, 113B, 114. Type locality: Panama, Darien, Rio Tuira. Type
host: Noctilio albiventris minor Osgood. . HT M, AT F (FMNH); PT 732 (in numerous collections, see Wenzel et
al., 1966: 410). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Chigorodo), Cauca (Rio Docampado), Chocó (Golfo de Uraba,
Unguia), Valle del Cauca (Candelaria Gorgona; Rio Cauca, 12 km se Cali)), Costa Rica, Honduras, Nicaragua,
Panama, Venezuela. Refs.: Wenzel et al., 1966: 575; Wenzel, 1970: 12 (cat.), 1976: 119; Guerrero, 1995b: 153
(cat.), 1997: 11 (cat.); Dick, 2013: 9; FMNH, 2014.

Genus Paratrichobius Costa Lima

Paratrichobius Costa Lima, 1921: 20. Type species, Trichobius longicrus Miranda Ribeiro, 1907 (orig. des.).

dunni (Curran), 1935: 7, fig. 6 (Speiseria). Type locality: Panama, Darien, El Real. Type host: Peropteryx macrotis
(Wagner) (= Peropteryx canina (Schinz)) or Uroderma bilobatum Peters. HT F (AMNH) PT 4 F, paratypes
repository unknown; in collection of “Major Dunn”. Distr.: Colombia (Córdoba (Buena Vista, Mejor Esquina,
Guacamayas; Los Córdobas, Buena Vista, San Lorenzo; Montería, Las Palomas, Las Palmeras)), Bolivia, Brazil,
Guatemala, Panama, Peru, Venezuela. Refs.: Curran, 1935: 7, Wenzel et al., 1966: 527; Wenzel, 1970: 8 (cat.),
1976: 87; Guerrero, 1994b: 177 (cat.), 1997: 10 (cat.); Graciolli & Linardi, 2002: 140; Guerrero, R. (personal
observations of BHC collection).

longicrus (Miranda Ribeiro), 1907: 236, pl. 25 (Trichobius). Type locality: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Quinta da Boa
Vista. Type host: Artibeus jamaicensis Leach. Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (San Jeronimo, 35 km NW of
Medellin), Meta (El Parque La Macarena, 1 km n Cabana Duda; Camp Izawa), Tolima (Melgar), Valle del Cauca
(Cauca Valley, 15 km se Cali)), Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico, Panama,
Paraguay, Peru, Trinidad, Venezuela. Type repository unknown. Refs.: Miranda Ribeiro, 1907: 236; Costa Lima,
1921: 20; Wenzel et al., 1966: 521; Wenzel, 1970: 8 (cat.), 1976: 89; Guerrero, 1994b: 175 (cat.), 1997: 10 (cat.);
Autino & Claps, 2000: 195 (cat.); Graciolli & Carvalho, 2001: 919; ter Hofstede et al., 2004: 620; Dick &
Gettinger, 2005: 1020; Dick, 2013: 9; FMNH, 2014.

salvini Wenzel, 1966: 532, figs 95, 96C. Type locality: Panama, Darien, Cerro Tacarcuna. Type host: Chiroderma

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salvini Dobson. Type repository unknown. Distr.: Colombia (Córdoba (Montería, Las Palomas, Las Palmeras)),
Bolivia, Brazil, Guatemala, Panama, Peru, Venezuela. Refs.: Wenzel et al., 1966: 532; Wenzel, 1970: 8 (cat.),
1976: 89; Guerrero, 1994b: 179 (cat.), 1997: 10 (cat.); Guerrero, R. (personal observations of BHC collection).

Genus Pseudostrebla Costa Lima

Pseudostrebla Costa Lima, 1921: 23. Type species, Pseudostrebla ribeiroi Costa Lima, 1921 (orig. des.).

ribeiroi Costa Lima, 1921: 23, pl. 2, fig. 4. Type locality: Brazil, Matto Grosso. Type host: Lophostoma silvicolum
d'Orbigny (= Tonatia amblyotis (Wagner)). HT M (Museo Nacional Rio de Janeiro?). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia
(Puri, Cauca Valley, above Caceres), Bolívar (San Juan Nepomuceno), Meta (La Macarena, Rio Guapaya)),
Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guatemala, Panama, Peru, Venezuela. Refs.: Costa Lima, 1921:23;
Wenzel et al., 1966: 582; Wenzel, 1970: 13 (cat.), 1976: 132; Guerrero, 1994b: 172 (cat.), 1997: 10 (cat.); Dick,
2006: 446; FMNH, 2014.

sparsisetis Wenzel, 1976: 130, figs 51B, 52D. Type locality: Colombia, Meta, Los Micos, San Juan de Aroma.
Type host: Lophostoma carrikeri J. A. Allen (= Tonatia carrikeri). Distr.: Colombia (Meta (San Juan de Aroma,
Los Micos)), Bolivia, Venezuela. HT M, AT F (USNM); PT 6 M (FMNH, UCV); 1 F (USNM). Refs.: Wenzel,
1976: 130; Guerrero, 1994b: 173 (cat.); 1997: 10 (cat.).

Genus Speiseria Kessel

Speiseria Kessel, 1925: 19. Type species: Speiseria ambigua Kessel, 1925 (orig. des.).

ambigua Kessel, 1925: 20, pl. 1, figs 1–2. Type locality: Brazil, Pernambuco. Type host: “Vampyrus” (see Kessel,
1925). HT (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Chigorodo), Cundinamarca (Melgar), Huila (Canon Pericongo;
La Plata), Meta (El Parque La Macarena, Cano Cabana, Cabana Duda, 125 m se; El Parque La Macarena, Upper
Cano Cristales; Salinas de Upin), Nariño (La Guayacana), Norte de Santander (Petrolea Tibu; Pto. Reyes; Tibu),
Tolima (Melgar), Valle del Cauca (Guanabanal, Cali; Menendez Cali)), Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, French Guyana,
Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Trinidad, Venezuela. Refs.: Kessel, 1925: 20; Wenzel, et al., 1966:
549; Wenzel, 1970: 10 (cat.), 1976: 125; Guerrero, 1994b: 167 (cat.), 1997: 10 (cat.); Dick & Gettinger, 2005:
1020; ter Hofstede et al., 2004: 620; Dick, 2013: 10; FMNH, 2014.

peytonae Wenzel, 1976: 127, fig. 52B. Type locality: Venezuela, Carabobo. Type host: Carollia brevicauda
Schinz. HT M, AT F (USNM); PT 91 (FMNH, UCV). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Chigorado), Meta (El Parque
La Macarena, Cabana Duda, boat landing; El Parque La Macarena, Camp Ardillas), Putumayo (Pto. Asis)), Belize,
Bolivia, Honduras, Peru, Venezuela. Refs.: Wenzel, 1976: 127; Guerrero, 1994b: 169 (cat.), 1997: 10 (cat.); ter
Hofstede et al., 2004: 620; Dick, 2013: 10; FMNH, 2014.

Genus Stizostrebla Jobling

Stizostrebla Jobling, 1939: 269. Type species: Stizostrebla longirostris Jobling, 1939 (orig. des.)

longirostris Jobling, 1939: 273, fig. 2. Type locality: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. Type host: “bat” (see Jobling, 1939:
275). Distr.: Colombia (Meta (San Juan de Arama, Los Micos)), Venezuela, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil. HT F, AT M
(DEI). Refs.: Jobling, 1939: 273; Wenzel et al., 1966: 586; Wenzel, 1970: 13 (cat.), 1976: 132, Guerrero, 1995b:
155 (cat.), 1997: 11 (cat.); Dias et al., 2009: 130; FMNH, 2014.

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Genus Trichobioides Wenzel

Trichobioides Wenzel, 1966: 510. Type species, Trichobius perspicillatus Pessôa & Galvão, 1937 (orig. des.).

perspicillatus (Pessôa & Galvão), 1937: 1, figs 1-3 (Trichobius). Type locality: Brazil, Bahia. Type host: Carollia
perspicillata Linnaeus (= Hemiderma perspicillatum Linnaeus). CT 2 M, 1 F (MZSP). Distr.: Colombia (Chocó
(Golfo de Uraba, Unguia), Cundinamarca (Melgar; Tocaima; Viletta), Meta (Pto. Lopez; San Juan de Arama, Los
Micos), Tolima (Honda, Central; Melgar)), Bolivia, Brazil, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras,
Mexico, Panama, Peru, Suriname, Trinidad, Venezuela. Refs.: Pessôa & Galvão, 1937: 1; Wenzel et al., 1966: 511;
Wenzel, 1970: 7 (cat.), 1976: 86; Guerrero, 1994b: 161 (cat.), 1997: 10 (cat.); Dick, 2013: 10; FMNH, 2014.

Genus Trichobius Gervais

Trichobius Gervais, 1844: 14. Type species: Trichobius parasiticus Gervais, 1844 (mon.).
Kolenatia Rondani, 1878
Trichobius Townsend, 1891
Kesselia Curran, 1934

angulatus Wenzel, 1976: 62, figs 24A, 26B. Type locality: Venezuela, Bolivar, 85 km sse El Dorado, km 125,
1,032 m. Type host: Platyrrhinus aurarius Handley & Ferris. HT M, AT F (USNM); PT 15 M 8 F 1 sex undet.
(FMNH, UCV). Distr.: Colombia (Meta (El Parque La Macarena, Cano, Cabana Refugio, 80 m w; El Parque La
Macarena, Refugio, 100 m w; Villavicencio, small cano, National Police Base)), Venezuela. Refs.: Wenzel, 1976:
62; Guerrero, 1995a: 8 (cat.), 1997: 10 (cat.); FMNH, 2014.

caecus Edwards, 1918: 424. Type locality: Trinidad, Guacharo Caves. Type host: unknown. CT 3 F (BMNH).
Distr.: Colombia (Bolívar ("Las Campanas", Coloso), Vichada (El Parque Tuparro, Centro Administrativo, near
boat landing)), Brazil, Honduras, Mexico? (see Guerrero, 1997), Trinidad, Venezuela. Refs.: Edwards, 1918: 424;
Wenzel et al. 1966: 450; Wenzel, 1970: 3 (cat.), 1976: 32; Guerrero, 1994a: 3 (cat.), 1997: 10 (cat.); Graciolli &
Linardi, 2002: 139; Dick, 2013: 11; FMNH, 2014.

costalimai Guimarães, 1938: 660, fig. 10. Type locality: Brazil, Pernambuco, Recife. Type host: “morcego
indeterminado” (see Guimarães, 1938). HT M, AT F (repository unknown), PT 2 F (repository unknown) 1 F
(MZSP). Distr.: Colombia (Chocó (Golfo de Uraba, Unguia), Cundinamarca (Melgar; Tocaima; Villeta), Meta (
Pto. Lopez; San Juan de Arama, Los Micos), Tolima (Honda; Melgar)), Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, El Salvador,
Guatemala, Honduras, Peru, Puerto Rico, Suriname, Trinidad, Venezuela. Refs.: Guimarães, 1938: 660; Wenzel et
al., 1966: 471; Wenzel, 1970: 3 (cat.); Wenzel, 1976: 69; Guerrero, 1994a: 14 (cat.), 1997: 10 (cat.); ter Hofstede et
al., 2004: 620; FMNH, 2014.

diaemi Wenzel, 1976: 68, figs 23C, 26J. Type locality: Venezuela, T. F. Amazonas, Puerto Ayacucho, Rio
Manapiare. Type host: Diaemus youngi Jentink (= Desmodus youngii Jentink). HT M, AT F (USNM); PT 107
(FMNH, UCV). Distr.: Colombia Guainia (Cerca Amanaven), Brazil, Paraguay, Peru, Trinidad, Venezuela. Refs.:
Wenzel, 1976: 68; Guerrero, 1995a: 14 (cat.), 1997: 10 (cat.); Dick & Gettinger, 2005: 1020; Aguiar et al., 2006:
895; FMNH, 2014.

diphyllae Wenzel, 1966: 492, figs 68B, 73A. Type locality: Guatemala, San Lorenzo. Type host: Diphylla
ecaudata Spix (= Diphylla centralis Thomas). HT and AT (FMNH; sexes not given); PT 85 (in numerous
collections, see Wenzel et al. 1966: 410). Distr.: Colombia (Vaupés (Rio Inrida, Cerro de las Pinturas)), Brazil,
Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Peru, Venezuela. Refs.: Wenzel et al., 1966: 492; Guerrero, 1995a: 12 (cat.), 1997:
10 (cat.); Dick, 2013: 11; FMNH, 2014.

dugesii Townsend, 1891: 106. Type locality: Mexico, Guanajuato. Type host: Glossophaga soricina Pallas. HT
(Snow Entomological Museum?; see Wenzel et al. 1966: 478). Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca (Apulo; Lomitas;

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Melgar), Meta (San Juan de Arama, Los Micos); Santander (Lisboa, Portugal), Vichada (El Parque Tuparro)),
Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Cuba, El Salvador, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua,
Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Trinidad, Venezuela. Refs.: Townsend, 1891: 106; Wenzel et al., 1966: 478; Wenzel,
1970: 3 (cat.), 1976: 49; Guerrero, 1995a: 2 (cat.), 1997: 9 (cat.); Graciolli & Coelho, 2001: 967; Graciolli & Rui,
2001: 86; ter Hofstede et al., 2004: 620; Dick, 2013: 11; FMNH, 2014.
blandus Curran, 1935: 10, fig. 11.

dugesioides Wenzel 1966: 488, figs 68D, 71. Type locality: Panama, Panama, Chepo Road. Type host: Trachops
cirrhosus cirrhosus Spix. HT M, AT F (FMNH); PT 3 M, 1 F (MZSP), (also in numerous collections, see Wenzel et
al., 1966: 410). Distr.: Colombia (Caquetá (Rio Mecayo La Toqua Tres Troncos), Magdalena (Rio Guaimaral, Valle
du Par), Meta (El Parque La Macarena, 1 km n Cabana Duda; El Parque La Macarena, Carollia Camp, Cabana
Duda), Santander (Cueva Macaregua, San Gil), Valle del Cauca (Anserma Nuevo; Buga)), Belize, Brazil,
Guatemala, Peru. Refs.: Wenzel et al., 1966: 488); Wenzel, 1970: 4 (cat.), 1976: 63; Graciolli & Carvalho, 2001:
914; ter Hofstede et al., 2004: 620, FMNH; 2014.

dybasi Wenzel, 1966: 469, figs 63B, 65A. Type locality: Panama, San Blas, Armila. Type host: Lophostoma
silvicolum d'Orbigny (= Tonatia sylvicola). HT M, AT F (FMNH); PT 11 (FMNH, USNM, EHB, GML). Distr.:
Colombia (Meta), Panama, Peru. Refs.: Wenzel et al., 1966: 469; Wenzel, 1970: 4 (cat.); Guerrero, 1994a: 15,
1997: 10 (cat.).

furmani Wenzel, 1966: 490, figs. 68C, 72. Type locality: Peru, Puno, Segrario. Type host: Desmodus rotundus E.
Geoffroy. HT M, AT F (FMNH); PT 243 (in numerous collections, see Wenzel et al. 1966: 410). Distr.: Colombia
(Meta (El Parque La Macarena, Cabana Duda, 20 ft e; Villavicencio, small cano, National Police Base, 500 m ne;
Villavicencio), Vaupés (Upper Rio Inrida, Cerro de las Pinturas)), Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, Peru. Refs.: Wenzel et al.,
1966: 490, 1970: 4 (cat.); Guerrero, 1995a: 11 (cat.), 1997: 10 (cat.); Graciolli & Carvalho, 2001: 915; FMNH, 2014.

galei Wenzel, 1966: 449, figs 54, 57J–L. Type locality: Panama, Fort Sherman, San Lorenzo caves. Type host:
Natalus stramineus mexicanus Miller. HT M, AT F (FMNH); PT 109 (in numerous collections, see Wenzel et al.,
1966: 410). Distr.: Colombia (Bolívar (Cartagena; Tolu), Córdoba (Tierra Alta), Santander (Cueva Macaregua, San
Gil)), Honduras, Panama, Paraguay, Venezuela. Refs.: Wenzel et al., 1966: 449; Wenzel, 1970: 4 (cat.), 1976: 36;
Guerrero, 1994a: 4 (cat.), 1997: 10 (cat.); Dick & Gettinger, 2005: 1021; Dick, 2013: 12; FMNH, 2014.

hispidus Wenzel, 1976: 80, figs 28G–H, 29B. Type locality: Venezuela, Merida, Tabay. Type host: Sturnira bidens
Thomas. HT M, AT F (USNM); PT 12 (FMNH), (UCV). Distr.: Colombia (Huila (El Parque Guacharos, Guacharo
Cave, roof area; El Parque Guacharos, Rio Suaza Cascada)), Venezuela. Refs.: Wenzel 1976: 80; Guerrero, 1995a:
18 (cat.), 1997: 10 (cat.); Graciolli & Carvalho, 2012: 448; FMNH, 2014.

joblingi Wenzel, 1966: 481, figs 68E, 70. Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Summit Golf Club. Type host:
Carollia perspicillata azteca Saussure. HT M, AT F (FMNH); PT 2 M, 2 F (MZSP), 1,870 (in numerous
collections, see Wenzel et al., 1966: 410). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Chigorodo; Santa Fe), Bolívar (Planeta
Rica; San Juan Nepomuceno; Tolu), Córdoba (Tierra Alta), Cundinamarca (Apulo; Melgar; Pto. Salgar), Huila
(Canon Pericongo; La Plata), Meta (El Parque La Macarena, 1 km n Cabana Duda; El Parque La Macarena, Cano
Cabana, Cabana Duda, 125 m se; Restrepo; Salinas de Upin; Villavicencio), Nariño (El Carmen; La Guayacana),
Norte de Santander (Petrolea Tibu; Pto. Reyes; Tibu), Putumayo (Est. de Bombeo, Guamez), Santander (Cueva
Macaregua, San Gil; El Hoyo; Lisboa, Portugal; San Joaquin), Tolima (Hacienda "El Encanto", Cunday; Hacienda
Camelia, Cueva "El Eden", Cunday; Hacienda Siberia Alcantarilla, Cunday; Honda; Melgar), Valle del Cauca
(Anserma Nuevo; Buenaventura; Buenaventura, along Rio Dagua; Córdoba; Córdoba, km 20 Cali-B/Ventura
Road; Buga; road to Buga; Guanabanal, Cali; Menendez Cali; Palmira; Sabaletas, 29 km se B/ventura), Vaupés
(Mitu; Mitu, Cerca Miroflores; Mitu, Cerca Tiquie)), Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Costa Rica, El Salvador, French
Guiana, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Trinidad,
Venezuela. Refs.: Wenzel et al., 1966: 481; Wenzel, 1970: 4 (cat.), 1976: 54; Guerrero, 1995a: 3 (cat.), 1997: 9
(cat.); Graciolli & Carvalho, 2001: 911; Dick, 2013: 12; FMNH, 2014.

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johnsonae Wenzel, 1966: 455, figs 55A, 57G–I. Type locality: Panama, Cocle, Penonome cave. Type host:
Pteronotus personatus psilotis Dobson. HT M, AT F (FMNH); PT 4 M, 4 F (MZSP), 278 (in numerous collections,
see Wenzel et al., 1966: 410). Distr.: Colombia (Bolívar (Cartagena)), Panama, Venezuela. Refs.: Wenzel et al.
1966: 455, Wenzel, 1970: 4 (cat.), 1976: 34; Guerrero, 1994a: 5 (cat.), 1997: 10 (cat.); FMNH, 2014.

lionycteridis Wenzel, 1966: 464, fig. 60. Type locality: Panama, San Blas, Armila. Type host: Lionycteris spurrelli
Thomas. HT M (FMNH); PT F (AMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Meta (Villavicencio, Cabrada Honda, 4-5 km w)),
Panama, Peru, Venezuela. Refs.: Wenzel et al., 1966: 464; Wenzel, 1970: 4 (cat.), 1976: 46; Guerrero, 1994a: 13
(cat.), 1997: 9 (cat.); FMNH, 2014.

lonchophyllae Wenzel, 1966: 461, figs 59, 60D, 61A. Type locality: Panama, Colon, Buena Vista caves. Type host:
Lonchophylla robusta Miller. HT M, AT F (FMNH); PT 30 (FMNH), (USNM), (EHB). Distr.: Colombia (Tolima
(Cueva "El Eden", Cunday)), Brazil, Panama, Peru, Venezuela. Refs.: Wenzel et al., 1966: 461; Wenzel, 1970: 4
(cat.), 1976: 47; Guerrero, 1994a: 12 (cat.), 1997: 9 (cat.); Graciolli & Coelho, 2001: 966; FMNH, 2014.

longipes (Rudow), 1871: 121 (Strebla). Type locality: unknown (see Wenzel et al. 1966). Type host: Phyllostomus
hastatus Pallas. HT F (HM). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Chigorodo; Puri, Cauca Valley, above Caceres), Huila
(Pitalito), Magdalena (Rio Guaimaral, Valle du Par), Meta (El Parque La Macarena, 1 km n Cabana Duda; La
Macarena, Rio Guapaya; Restrepo; San Juan de Arama, Los Micos), Norte de Santander (Petrolea Tibu), Valle del
Cauca (Palmira)), Bolivia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Cuba, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Panama, Paraguay, Peru,
Suriname, Trinidad, Venezuela. Refs.: Rudow, 1871: 121; Wenzel et al., 1966: 465; Wenzel, 1970: 5 (cat.), 1976:
72; Guerrero, 1994a: 13 (cat.), 1997: 10 (cat.); Graciolli & Carvalho, 2001: 916; Dick, 2013: 13; FMNH, 2014.
mixtus Curran, 1935: 10, fig. 10.

parasiticus Gervais, 1844: 14, pl. 53. Type locality: “Guiane.” Type host: Desmodus rotundus E. Geoffroy (=
Desmodus rufus Wied-Neuwied). Type lost. (see Wenzel et al., 1966: 494). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (San
Jeronimo, 35 km NW of Medellin; Santa Fe), Bolívar (Cartagena; Fuerte de San Felipe, Cartagena; Tolu), Caldas
(Dorada; Quebrada Perico, La Dorado), Cundinamarca (Apulo; Tocaima), Huila (Pitalito), Magdalena (Rio Cesar,
Valledupar), Meta (El Parque La Macarena, Cabana Duda, 20 ft e; San Juan de Arama, Los Micos), Norte de
Santander (Tibu), Santander (Cueva Macaregua, San Gil), Tolima (Cueva "El Eden", Hacienda Camelia, Cunday;
Cueva Villa Vilma, near Honda; Hacienda "El Encanto", Cunday; Honda), Valle del Cauca (Buenaventura, house
on Rio Dagua; Buenaventura, under Cali-Buena ventura road; Cali, urbanizacion Bella Suiza finca "El Mango";
Municipiode Cali, finca "La Pailita" of M. Becerra; Vijes, 30 km n Cali; Vijes, Finca "El Zarzal", 1 mi E of Vijes)),
Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Panama,
Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Trinidad, Venezuela. Refs.: Gervais, 1844: 14; Dunn, 1929: 504; Bequaert, 1940: 418;
Wenzel et al., 1966: 494; Wenzel, 1970: 5 (cat.), 1976: 69; Guerrero, 1995a: 9 (cat.), 1997: 10 (cat.); Autino &
Claps, 2000: 195 (cat.); Dick & Gettinger, 2005: 1021; ter Hofstede et al., 2004: 620; Dick, 2013: 13; FMNH,
kesseli Guimarães, 1938: 660, fig. 9.

parasparsus Wenzel, 1976: 40, figs 18B, 19B. Type locality: Venezuela, Bolívar, El Manco. Type host: Pteronotus
parnellii Gray. HT M, AT F (USNM); PT 188 (FMNH), (UCV). Distr.: Colombia (Vichada (El Parque Tuparro,
Centro Administrativo, near boat landing)), Venezuela. Refs.: Wenzel, 1976: 40; Guerrero, 1994a: 10 (cat.), 1997:
10 (cat.); FMNH, 2014.

petersoni Wenzel, 1976: 78, figs 28I, 29A. Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca, Bogota. Type host: Sturnira
bogotensis Shamel. HT M, AT F (USNM); PT 21 (FMNH), (UCV). Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca (Bogota),
Huila (El Parque Guacharos, Upper Bridge on Rio Suaza)), Bolivia, Venezuela. Refs.: Wenzel, 1976: 78; Guerrero,
1995a: 18, 1997: 10 (cat.); Dick et al., 2007: 375; Graciolli & Carvalho, 2012: 448; FMNH, 2014.

tiptoni Wenzel, 1976: 60, figs 24D, 26I. Type locality: Venezuela, Barinas, Altamira. Type host: Anoura caudifer
E. Geoffroy. HT M, AT F (USNM); PT 79 (FMNH, UCV). Distr.: Colombia (Nariño (El Carmen)), Bolivia, Brazil,

CATALOGUE OF STREBLIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 797
French Guiana, Venezuela. Refs.: Wenzel, 1976: 60; Guerrero, 1995a: 7 (cat.), 1997: 10 (cat.); Graciolli &
Carvalho, 2001: 913; Dick et al., 2007: 375; FMNH, 2014.

uniformis Curran, 1935: 10, fig. 8. Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Paraiso. Type host: Glossophaga leachii
Gray. HT F, AT M, PT 5 (AMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca (Apulo; Lomitas), Norte de Santander
(Petrolea Tibu)), Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay,
Peru, Venezuela. Refs.: Curran, 1935: 10; Guimarães, 1938: 655; Wenzel et al. 1966: 459; Wenzel, 1970: 6 (cat.),
1976: 47; Guerrero, 1994a: 12 (cat.), 1997: 9 (cat.); Graciolli & Coelho, 2001: 967; Graciolli & Linardi, 2002: 139;
Dick & Gettinger, 2005: 1021; ter Hofstede et al., 2004: 620; Dick, 2013: 13; FMNH, 2014.

vampyropis Wenzel, 1966: 500, figs 74B, 75C. Type locality: Panama, Bocas del Toro, Rancho Mojica. Type host:
Platyrrhinus vittatus Peters. HT M, AT F (FMNH); PT 7 (USNM), (EHB), (GML). Distr.: Colombia (Huila (El
Parque Guacharos, Rio Suaza Cascada), Nariño (El Carmen)), Panama, Venezuela. Refs.: Wenzel et al., 1966: 500,
Wenzel, 1970: 6 (cat.), 1976: 77; Guerrero, 1995a: 17, 1997: 10 (cat.); Graciolli & Carvalho, 2012: 448; FMNH,

TABLE 1. Streblidae species recorded from Colombia.

Subfamily Genus species author

Nycterophiliinae Nycterophilia coxata Ferris, 1916
fairchildi Wenzel, 1966
mormoopsis Wenzel, 1976
parnelli Wenzel, 1966
Streblinae Anastrebla caudiferae Wenzel, 1976
mattadeni Wenzel, 1966
modestini Wenzel, 1966
Metelasmus pseudopterus Coquillett, 1899
Paraeuctenodes similis Wenzel, 1976
Strebla altmani Wenzel, 1966
alvarezi Wenzel, 1966
consocia Wenzel, 1966
diaemi Wenzel, 1966
diphyllae Wenzel, 1966
guajiro (García & Casal, 1965)
hertigi Wenzel, 1966
kohlsi Wenzel, 1966
mirabilis (Waterhouse, 1879)
paramirabilis Wenzel, 1976
wiedemannii Kolenati, 1856
Trichobiinae Anatrichobius scorzai Wenzel, 1966
Aspidoptera delatorrei Wenzel, 1966
falcata Wenzel, 1976
phyllostomatis (Perty, 1833)
Exastinon clovisi (Pessôa & Guimarães, 1936)
deceptivum Wenzel, 1966
oculatum Wenzel, 1976
...Continued on next page

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TABLE 1. (Continued)
Subfamily Genus species author
Mastoptera guimaraesi Wenzel, 1966
minuta (Costa Lima, 1921)
Megistopoda aranea (Coquillett, 1899)
proxima (Séguy, 1926)
Neotrichobius bisetosus Wenzel, 1976
delicatus (Machado-Allison, 1966)
stenopterus Wenzel & Aitken, 1966
Noctiliostrebla aitkeni Wenzel, 1966
dubia (Rudow, 1871)
maai Wenzel, 1966
traubi Wenzel, 1966
Paradyschiria fusca Speiser, 1900
lineata Kessel, 1925
parvula Falcoz, 1931
parvuloides Wenzel, 1966
Paratrichobius dunni (Curran, 1935)
longicrus (Miranda-Ribeiro, 1907)
salvini Wenzel, 1966
Pseudostrebla riberoi Costa Lima, 1921
sparsisetis Wenzel, 1966
Speiseria ambigua Kessel, 1925
peytonae Wenzel, 1976
Stizostrebla longirostris Jobling, 1939
Trichobioides perspicillatus (Pessôa & Galvão, 1936)
Trichobius angulatus Wenzel, 1976
caecus Edwards, 1918
costalimai Guimarães, 1938
diaemi Wenzel, 1966
diphyllae Wenzel, 1966
dugesii Townsend, 1891
dugesioides Wenzel, 1966
dybasi Wenzel, 1966
furmani Wenzel, 1966
galei Wenzel, 1966
hispidus Wenzel, 1976
joblingi Wenzel, 1966
johnsonae Wenzel, 1966
lionycteridis Wenzel, 1966
lonchophyllae Wenzel, 1966
longipes (Rudow, 1871)
parasiticus Gervais, 1844
...Continued on next page

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TABLE 1. (Continued)
Subfamily Genus species author
parasparsus Wenzel, 1976
petersoni Wenzel, 1976
tiptoni Wenzel, 1976
uniformis Curran, 1935
vampyropis Wenzel, 1966


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Rondani, C. (1878) Muscaria exotica Musei Civici Januensis observata et distincta. Fragmentum IV. Hippoboscita exótica non
vel minus cognita. Annali Del Museo Civico Di Storia Naturale Di Genova, 12, 150–170.
Rudow, F. (1871) Einige Pupiparen auf Chiropteren schmarotzend. Zeitschrift fur die Gesamtkunstwerk Naturwissenschaften,
3, 121–124.
Séguy, E. (1926) Dipteres exotiquez peu connus. Encyclopedédie Entomologique, 3, 192–196.
Speiser, P. (1900) Ueber die Strebliden, Fledermausparasiten aus der Gruppe der pupiparen Dipleren. Archiv für
Naturgeschichte, 66, 31–77.
ter Hofstede, H.M., Fenton, M.B. & Whitaker, J.O. Jr. (2004) Host and host-site specificity of bat flies (Diptera: Streblidae and
Nycterbiidae) on Neotropical bats (Chiroptera). Canadian Journal of Zoology, 82, 616–626.
Townsend, C.H.T. (1891) A remarkable new Hippoboscid from Mexico. Entomological News, 2, 105–106.
Waterhouse, C.O. (1879) On the affinity of the genus Polyctenes Giglioli, with a description of a new species. Transactions of
the Entomological Society of London, 1879, 309–312 (plates IX-X).
Wenzel, R.L. (1970) 100. Family Streblidae. In: Papavero, N. (Ed.), A catalogue of the Diptera of the Americas south of the
United States. Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 25 pp.
Wenzel, R.L. (1976) The streblid batflies of Venezuela (Diptera: Streblidae). Brigham Young University Science Bulletin, 20,
Wenzel, R.L., Tipton, V.J. & Kewlicz, A. (1966) The streblid batflies of Panama (Diptera: Calypterae: Streblidae). In: Wenzel,
R.L. & Tipton, V.J. (Eds.), Ectoparasites of Panama. Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, pp. 405–675.
Whitaker, J.O. Jr. & Mumford, R.E. (1977) Records of ectoparasites from Brazilian mammals. Entomological News, 88,
Wiedemann, C.R.W. (1824) Analecta entomologica ex Museo region Hafniae maxime congesta. Kiliae, 60 pp., 1 pl.

802 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press DICK ET AL.

Zootaxa 4122 (1): 803–806 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
Copyright © 2016 Magnolia Press
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)



Laboratório de Biodiversidade e Biogeografia de Diptera, Departamento de Zoologia, UFPR, Caixa postal 19020, Curitiba, PR.,
Brazil, 81531-980.
Corresponding author:


Here we catalogue six species in four genera of Anthomyiidae (Anthomyia, Calythea, Delia, and Emmesomyia) from Co-
lombia and provide geographical information for all species, when available.

Key words: catalogue, Colombia, distribution


The family Anthomyiidae comprises calyptrate flies with approximately 2,000 species in 40 genera found in all
biogeographic regions, with greater representation in the Paleartic Region (Dely-Draskovits 1993, Michelsen
2010). Many rich-species areas are poorly sampled and so it is quite likely that there are more species worldwide
(2,500-3,000, Michelsen 2010). Colombia, which is included in those poorly sampled places, has only four genera
reported: Anthomyia, Calythea, Delia, and Emmesomyia. We predict that there are more species than we are
currently able to report in this catalogue.
Adult anthomyiids are 2–12 mm in length and can be recognized by their general color, usually brown, gray or
black, never metallic; wings usually hyaline, rarely spotted; legs vary from yellow to black; lower calyptra well-
developed; a pair of interfrontal setae is present; and posterior tarsus on the ventral surface has a noteworthy bristle
at base. Most species have fine setae below the apex of the scutellum, except those in the genera Coenosopsia and
Fucellia. Wing vein CuA+1 usually reaches the margin of the wing (Huckett 1987; Michelsen 2010), except in the
genus Coenosopsia.
Adults usually inhabit moist, cold forests and some are active pollinators of plants in temperate regions. Adults
feed on nectar and pollen of some plant species, while others are attracted to fruit, fermented vegetation or animal
urine and feces. Males also gather around these food sources to await females and mating opportunities (Michelsen
Larvae are important economically because they eat detritus, plants and fungi, the latter two of which may be
agricultural. Some species are coprophagous and may live in animal feces, while others can be tenants,
commensals or parasites in burrows of solitary wasps, rodents and some turtles (Huckett 1987).
In writing this catalogue, we followed previous publications (Séguy 1937; Pont 1972, 1974) and limited it to
species reported in Colombia. We underline Colombian Department names and parenthetically note specific
localities. At the end, we provide a table that includes all species found in Colombia (Table 1).

Acronyms used for the depositories

MNHNP—Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France.

NMW—Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, Wien, Austria.
OUMNH—Oxford University Museum of Natural History, Oxford, United Kingdom.
ZMHU—Universität von Hamburg, Zoologisches Institut und Zoologisches Museum, Hamburg, Germany.

Accepted by S. Nihei: 10 Apr. 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016 803

List of abbreviations

distr.—geographic distribution
orig. des.—original designation
sp., spp.—species
T—Type (unspecified)
F (f#)—Female
M (m#)—Male

Catalogue of Anthomyiidae of Colombia

Family Anthomyiidae Meade, 1875

Genus Anthomyia Meigen

Anthomyia Meigen, 1803: 281. Type species, Musca pluvialis Linnaeus, 1758 (des. Latreille, 1810: 444) = Anthomyia
pluvialis (Linnaeus). Refs.: Pont, 1974: 3 (cat.); Sabrosky, 1999: 47 (cat.).
Craspedochoeta Macquart, 1851: 241. Type species, Anthomyia punctipennis Wiedemann, 1830: 435 (mon.).

lindigii Schiner, 1868: 298, (Craspedochoeta). Type locality: “South America”. T M/F (NMW). Distr.: Colombia
(Cundinamarca (Bogota)), Peru, Brazil. Refs.: Pont, 1974: 3 (cat.).

Genus Calythea Schnabl & Dziedzicki

Pegomya, subg. Calythea Schnabl & Dziedzicki, 1911: 59. Type species, Musca albicincta Fallén, 1825: 73 (mon.) =
nigricans Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830: 584. Refs.: Pont, 1974: 4 (cat.).

crenata Bigot, 1885: 282 (Trichopticus). Type locality: “Mexico”. LT M (OUMNH), PLT F (OUMNH). Distr.:
Colombia, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Ecuador, Peru. Refs.: Pont, 1974: 2 (cat.); Pont & Ackland, 2009:14 (cat.).

Genus Delia Robineau-Desvoidy

Delia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830: 571. Type species, D. floricola Robineau-Desvoidy (des. Coquillet, 1910: 531) = Anthomyia
cardui (Meigen, 1826: 104). Refs.: Pont, 1974: 4 (cat.); Sabrosky, 1999: 108 (cat.).

antiqua Meigen, 1826: 166 (Anthomyia). Type locality: “Germany”. T (unidentified sex) (MNHNP). Distr.:
Colombia, Brazil; Nearctic region, Europe. Refs.: Pont, 1974: 4 (cat.); Hennig, 1974a: 740 (cat.).

platura Meigen, 1826: 171 (Anthomyia). Type locality: “Germany". T M/ F (MNHNP). Distr.: Colombia, Mexico,
Venezuela, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, Chile; cosmopolitan. Refs.: Hennig, 1974b: 884 (cat); Pont,
1974: 4 (cat.).

804 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press GRISALES ET AL.

Genus Emmesomyia Malloch

Emmesomyia Malloch, 1917: 114. Type species, E. unica Malloch 1917 (orig. des.) = Spilogaster socialis (Stein, 1898). Refs.:
Sabrosky, 1999: 122 (cat.) ; Pont, 1974: 4 (cat.); Griffiths, 1984: 351 (cat.).
Taenomyia Stein, 1918: 237. Type species, auricollis Stein (des. Séguy, 1937: 141).

dexiaria Stein, 1904: 475 (Hydrophoria). Type locality: “Colombian Cordillera”. ST 7 M (ZMHU). Distr.:
Colombia. Refs.: Stein, 1918: 238 (list); Stein, 1919: 150 (cat.); Séguy, 1937: 141 (cat.); Pont, 1974: 9 (cat.).


We thank to CAPES/CNPq- IEL Nacional (Brazil) (DG), and the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento
Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq, 141033/2012-6 (ACL) and 304713/2011-2 (CJBC)) for their support. We thank
James J. Roper for reviewing the English.

TABLE 1. Anthomyiidae species recorded from Colombia.

Genus Species Author

Anthomyia lindigii (Schiner, 1868)
Calythea crenata (Bigot, 1885)
Delia antiqua (Meigen, 1826)
platura (Meigen, 1826)
Emmesomyia deixaria (Stein, 1904)


Asociación Latino-Americana de Entomologia (ALE) (1968) Catálogo de insectos en cultivos de importancia económica en
Colombia. Agricultura Tropical Bogotá, Bogotá, 156 pp.
Bigot, J.M.F. (1885) Diptères nouveaux ou peu connus. 25e partie. XXXIII. Anthomyzides nouvelles. Annales de la Société
Entomologiche de France, Series 6, 4, 263–304.
Coquillet, D.W. (1910) The type species of the North American genera of Diptera. Proceedings of the United States National
Museum, 37, 499–647.
Dely-Draskovits, Á. (1993) Anthomyiidae. In: Soós, Á. & Papp, L. (Eds.), Catalogue of Palaearctic Diptera. Vol. 13.
Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest, pp. 11–102.
Fallén, C.F. (1825) Monographia Muscidum Sveciae. Part VIII. Lundae [= Lund], Berling, pp. 73–80.
Griffiths, G.C.D. (1984) Cyclorrhapha II (Schizophora: Calyptratae) Anthomyiidae [Part II]. In: Griffiths, G.C.D (Ed.), Flies of
the Nearctic Region. Schweizerbart, Stuttgart, pp. 289– 408.
Hennig, W. (1974a) Anthomyiidae [Part, Liefurung 306]. In: Lindner, E. (Ed.), Die Fliegen der palaearktischen Region.
Schweizerbart, Stuttgart, pp. 681–776.
Hennig, W. (1974b) Anthomyiidae [Part, Liefurung 308]. In: Lindner, E. (Ed.), Die Fliegen der palaearktischen Region.
Schweizerbart, Stuttgart, pp. 777–872.
Huckett, H.C. (1987) Anthomyiidae. In: McAlpine, J.F., Peterson, B.V., Shewell, G.E., Teskey, H.J., Vockeroth, J.R. & Wood,
D.M. (Eds.), Manual of Nearctic Diptera, Volume 2. Research Branch Monograph 2. Agriculture Canada, Ottawa, pp.
Macquart, J. (1851) Diptères exotiques nouveaux ou peu connus suíte du 4. Supplément publié dans les mémories de 1849
[part]. Mémories de l´Société (Royale) des Sciences, de l´agriculture et des Arts à Lille, 1850, 134–294.
Malloch, J.R. (1917) A new genus of Anthomyiidae (Diptera). Bulletin of the Brooklyn Entomological Society, 12, 113–115.
Meade, R.H. (1875) On the arrangement of the British Anthomyiidae [part]. Entomologist´s Monthly Magazine, 11, 199–203.
Meigen, J.W. (1803) Versuch einer neuen Gattungs Eintheilung der europaischen zweiflugeligen Insekten. Illigers Magazin fur
Insektenkunde, 2, 259–281.
Meigen, J.W. (1826) Systematische Beschreibung der bekannten europaischen zweiflugeligen Insekten. Vol. 5. Schultz, Hamm,
412 pp.
Michelsen, V. (2010) Anthomyiidae (Anthomyiid Flies). In: Brown, B.V., Borkent, A., Cumming, J.M., Wood, D.M., Woodley,
N.E. & Zumbado M. (Eds.), Manual of Central American Diptera. Vol. 2. National Research Council Press, Ottawa, pp.

CATALOGUE OF ANTHOMYIIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 805
Pont, A.C. (1972) 97. Family Muscidae. In: Papavero, N. (Ed.), A Catalogue of the Diptera of the Americas South of the United
States. Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, pp. 111.
Pont, A.C. (1974) Family Anthomyiidae. In: Papavero, N. (Ed.), A catalogue of the Diptera of the Americas South of the United
States. Departamento de Zoologia, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, pp. 21.
Sabrosky, C.W. (1999) Family-group names in Diptera. In: Sabrosky, C.W., Thompson, C. & Evenhius, N. (Eds.), Family-
group names in Diptera and Bibliography. Myia. Backhuys Publishers Leiden, pp. 1–360.
Pont, A.C. & Ackland, D.M. (2009) The Types of Anthomyiidae (Diptera) in the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, Germany.
Zoosystematics and Evolution, 85, 5–56.
Robineau-Desvoidy, A.J.B. (1830) Essai sur les Myodaires. Mémories présentés par divers savants à l’Académie des sciences
de l’Institut de France, 2, 1–813. [+31 December].
Robineau-Desvoidy, J.B. (1842) Notice sur le genre Fucellie, Fucellia, R. D., et en particulier sur le Fucellia arenaria. Annales
da Société entomologique de France, 10, 269–272. [1841]
Schiner, J.R. (1868) Diptera. In: Reise der osterrichischen Fregatte Novara um die Erde in den Jahren 1857, 1858, 1859, unter
den Befehlen des Commodore B. von Wullerstorf-Urbair. Zoologischer Theil, 2, 1 (B). Gerold´s Sohn, Vienna, pp. 388.
Schnabl, J. & Dziedzicki, H. (1911) Die Anthomyiden. Nova Acta Academiae Caesarea Leopoldino-Carolinae Germanicum
Naturae Curiosorum, 95, 55–358.
Séguy, E. (1937) Diptera Fam. Muscidae. In: Wytsman, P. (Ed.), Genera Insectorum. Vol. 205. Desmet-Verteneuil, Brussels, pp.
Stein, P. (1898) Nordamerikanische Anthomyiden. Beitrag zur Dipterenfauna der Vereiniten Staaten. Berliner entomologische
Zeitschrift, 42, 161–288.
Stein, P. (1904) Die Amerinischen Anthomyiden des Koniglichen Museums fur Naturkunde zu Berlin und des Ungarischen
National-Museums zu Budapest. Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici, 2, 414–495.
Stein, P. (1918) Zur weitern Kenntnis aussereuropaischer Anthomyiden. Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationalis
Hungarici, 16, 147–244.
Stein, P. (1919) Die Anthomyidengattungen der Welt, analytisch bearbeitet, nebst einem kritisch-systematichen Verzeichnis
aller aussereuropaischen Arten. Archiv fur Naturgeschichte, 83 (1), 85–178. [1917]
Wiedemann, C.R.W. (1830) Aussereuropäische zweiflügelige Insekten. Part II. Schultz, Hamm, 684 pp.

806 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press GRISALES ET AL.

Zootaxa 4122 (1): 807–813 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
Copyright © 2016 Magnolia Press
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)



Laboratório de Biodiversidade e Biogeografia de Diptera, Departamento de Zoologia, UFPR, Caixa postal 19020, Curitiba, PR.,
Brazil, 81531-980.
Corresponding author:


Here we catalogue 32 species in two genera of Fanniidae (Euryomma and Fannia) from Colombia and provide geograph-
ical information for all species, when available.

Key words: catalogue, Colombia, distribution


The Fanniidae are a small family of flies in the Calyptratae with a world wide distribution and approximately 300
described species. Adults are recognized by very short A1+CuA2 vein and the smooth subcostal vein. Males have
hind legs that are usually modified on the ventral surface, with long hairs, spines or tubercles. In females, the
fronto-orbital plate is broad with convex inner margins and proclinate and reclinate orbital setae and crossed setae
are absent on the frontal vitta. Small to mid-sized flies (body length 2.5–7.5 mm), they are mostly black or
brownish with hyaline or yellowish wings, sometimes with maculae on the costal margin and radial-medial and
discal medial-cubital crossveins. The modified larvae are dorso-ventrally flattened with numerous simple or ornate
lateral (sometimes dorsal) processes on segments (de Carvalho et al. 2003).
Five genera are recognized in the family: Australofannia Pont, Piezura Rondani, Euryomma Stein and Fannia
Robineau-Desvoidy. The latter two are found in Colombia in a variety of high-altitude habitats (including Paramo)
and are usually not synanthropic (Grisales et al. 2012a, 2012b). The few species that are synanthropic have been
dispersed by human activities and have become almost cosmopolitan in distribution. Common names for these flies
are little house fly (Fannia canicularis (Linneaus)) and latrine fly (Fannia scalaris (Fabricius)) and they may be
involved occasionally in aural, urogenital or intestinal myiasis (Chillcott 1961). These seem to be attracted to
humans and several species feed on feces and carrion and may be found in peri-domestic environment (de Carvalho
et al. 2003).
This catalogue is based on the Neotropical Catalogue of Fanniidae (de Carvalho et al. 2003) with new data
reported herein from Colombia (Garcia-Amat 2010, Grisales et al. 2012a, 2012b). We underline Colombian
Department names and parenthetically note specific localities. At the end, we provide a table that includes all
species found in Colombia (Table 1).

Acronyms used for the depositories

AMNH—American Museum of Natural History, NewYork, USA.

CEUA—Colección Entomológica Universidad de Antioquia, Medellin, Colombia.
DZUP—Coleção Entomológica Pe. Jesus Santiago Moure, Curitiba, Brazil.
FMNH—Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, USA.
HNHM—Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest, Hungary.

Accepted by S. Nihei: 13 Apr. 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016 807

IAvH—Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt, Villa de Leyva, Colombia.
ICN—Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia.
LSUK—Linnean Society, London, UK.
MCZ—Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, USA.
MEFLG—Museo Entomológico Francisco Luis Gallego, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellín, Colombia.
MEPB—Museo Entomológico Piedras Blancas, Comfenalco—Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia.
USNM—Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History [formerly, United States National Museum],
Washington D.C., USA.
ZMHB—Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universität, Berlin, Germany.
ZMUC—University of Copenhagen, Zoological Museum, København (= Copenhagen), Denmark.

List of abbreviations

des.—by designation of
mon.—by monotypy
nom. nov.—nomen novum (new name)
F (f#)—Female
M (m#)—Male

Catalogue of Fanniidae of Colombia

Family Fanniidae Schnabl, 1911 (1888)

Genus Euryomma Stein

Euryomma Stein, 1899: 19. Type species, Euryomma hispaniense Stein, 1899 = Euryomma peregrinum (Meigen, 1826). Refs.:
de Carvalho et al., 2003: 5 (cat.).

aburrae Grisales, Wolff & de Carvalho, 2012a: 808. Type locality: Colombia, Antioquia, Copacabana, 1650 m.
HT M (CEUA). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Copacabana)).

chitarera Grisales, Wolff & de Carvalho, 2012a: 814. Type locality: Colombia, Norte de Santander, Pamplona,
2360 m. HT M (CEUA), PT M (CEUA). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (San Pedro de lós Milagros), Cundinamarca
(Facatativa), Norte de Santander (Pamplona)).

cornuatum Grisales, Wolff & de Carvalho, 2012a: 816. Type locality: Colombia, Antioquia, Medellin, 1550 m.
HT M (MEFLG), PT M, F (MEFLG, CEUA). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Medellin)).

guane Grisales, Wolff & de Carvalho, 2012a: 819. Type locality: Colombia, Santander, Piedecuesta, 2290-2390 m.
HT M (CEUA). Distr.: Colombia (Santander (Piedecuesta)).

808 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press GRISALES & DE CARVALHO
muisca Grisales, Wolff & de Carvalho, 2012a: 821. Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca, Mosquera, 2543 m.
HT M (ICN), PT M (ICN, CEUA). Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca (Mosquera; Bogotá; Tolemaida), Boyacá

tahami Grisales, Wolff & de Carvalho, 2012a: 824. Type locality: Colombia, Antioquia, Medellin, 1550 m. HT M
(CEUA), PT M (CEUA). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Medellin, La Pintada)), Costa Rica.

uwa Grisales, Wolff & de Carvalho, 2012a: 826. Type locality: Colombia, Santander, Piedecuesta, 2290-2390 m.
HT M (CEUA). Distr.: Colombia (Santander (Piedecuesta)).

Genus Fannia Robineau-Desvoidy

Fannia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830: 567. Type species, saltatrix Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830 (mon.) = Musca scalaris Fabricius,
1794. Refs.: de Carvalho et al., 2003 (cat.).
Homalomyia Bouché, 1834: 89. Type species, Musca canicularis Linnaeus (Westwood, 1840: 143).

abnormis Stein, 1900: 210 (Homalomyia). Type locality: Bolivia, S. Antonio and Songo. ST F destroyed (formerly
HNHM). Distr.: Colombia (not specific locality), Venezuela, Peru, Bolivia. Refs.: Stein, 1918: 234 (distr.); Stein,
1919: 131 (cat.); Séguy, 1937: 164 (cat.); Pont, 1972: 3 (cat.); de Carvalho et al., 1993: 6 (cat.); de Carvalho et al.,
2003: 7 (cat.); Grisales et al., 2012b: 6 (remarks).

canicularis Linnaeus, 1761: 454 (Musca). Nom. nov. for lateralis Linnaeus, 1758. Type locality: “Europe”. Distr.:
Colombia (Magdalena (Santa Marta), Boyacá (Pauna)). LT M of Musca lateralis (LSUK). Refs.: Stein, 1904: 458
(list); Séguy, 1937: 165 (cat.); James, 1947: 130 (distr.); de Carvalho et al., 1993: 6 (cat.); de Carvalho et al., 2003:
219 (cat.); Grisales et al., 2012b: 6 (remarks).

chibcha Grisales, Wolff & Carvalho, 2012b: 7. Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca, Mosquera, 2543 m. HT M
(ICN), PT M, F (ICN, CEUA, DZUP). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (San Pedro, Amalfi), Cundinamarca
(Mosquera), Boyaca (Tunja)).

chingaza Grisales, Wolff & Carvalho, 2012b: 10. Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca, Parque Nacional
Natural Chingaza (P.N.N), Alto de La Bandera, 4˚31’N 73˚45W, 3660 m. HT M (IavH). Distr. Colombia
(Cundinamarca (P.N.N. Chingaza)).

dodgei Seago, 1954: 4. Type locality: Panama, David. HT M (AMNH), PT (AMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia
(Medellin), Magdalena (Santa Marta)), Panama, Cuba, Brazil. Refs.; Pont, 1972: 3 (cat.); de Carvalho et al., 1993:
9 (cat.); Carvalho et al., 2003: 11 (cat.); Grisales et al., 2012b: 11 (remarks).

dorsomaculata Grisales, Wolff & Carvalho, 2012b: 12. Type locality: Colombia, Antioquia, Amalfi, Porce,
N5˚44’52”W75˚05’6”W, 1050 m. HT M (CEUA), PT M (CEUA, DZUP). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Amalfi)).

embera Grisales, Wolff & Carvalho, 2012b: 24. Type locality: Colombia, Choco, Jobi, Chagualito, 0 m. HT M
(CEUA), PT M, F (CEUA, DZUP). Distr.: Colombia (Choco (Jobi)).

femoralis Stein, 1898: 282 (Homalomyia). Type-locality: U.S.A, Louisiana, Opelousas (Ref. Huckett, 1975: 80).
ST M (FMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas (Leticia)), Mexico, Cuba, Virgin Is., Puerto Rico, Haiti, Dominican
Republic, Guyana, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil, Argentina; North America. Refs.: de Carvalho et al., 1993: 9 (cat.); de
Carvalho et al., 2003: 11 (cat.); Garcia-Amat, 2010: 398–399 (remarks); Grisales et al., 2012b: 3 (remarks).

flavicincta Stein, 1904: 453 (Homalomyia). Type locality: Peru, Vilcanota and Colombia, Cordillera. ST M (not
found in ZMHB) ST M (destroyed in HNHM). Distr.: Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil. Refs.: Séguy, 1937: 167
(cat.); Pont, 1972: 4 (cat.); de Carvalho et al., 1993:9 (cat.); de Carvalho et al., 2003: 11 (cat.); Grisales et al.,
2012b: 25 (remarks).

CATALOGUE OF FANNIIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 809
grandis Malloch, 1912: 3. Type-locality: Panama, Puerto Bello. HT M (USNM), PT M (USNM). Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquia (San Roque)). Refs.: de Carvalho et al., 2003: 12 (cat.); Grisales et al., 2012b: 25 (redescription).

hirtifemur Stein, 1904: 457 (Homalomyia). Type locality: Colombia, Cordillera. ST M, F (ZMHB). Distr.:
Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, Argentina. Refs.: Séguy, 1937:169 (cat.); Pont, 1972:5 (cat.); de Carvalho et al.,
1993:11 (cat.); de Carvalho et al., 2003: 13 (cat.); Grisales et al., 2012b: 27 (remarks).

iguaque Grisales, Wolff & Carvalho, 2012b: 27. Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca, P.N.N. Chingaza,
Charrascales, 4˚31’N 73˚45W, 2990 m. HT M (IavH), PT F (IavH). Distr.: Colombia (Boyacá (S.F.F Iguaque),
Cundinamarca (P.N.N. Chingaza)).

iguaque Grisales, Wolff & Carvalho, 2012b: 27. Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca, P.N.N. Chingaza,
Charrascales, 4˚31’N 73˚45W, 2990 m. HT M (IavH), PT F (IavH). Distr.: Colombia (Boyacá (S.F.F Iguaque),
Cundinamarca (P.N.N. Chingaza)).

katios Grisales, Wolff & Carvalho, 2012b: 29. Type locality: Colombia, Choco, P.N.N. Los Katíos, Centro
administrativo Sautatá, 7˚51’N; 77˚8’W, 30 m. HT M (IavH), PT M (IAvH). Distr.: Colombia (Choco (P.N.N. Los

lamosca Grisales, Wolff & Carvalho, 2012b: 30. Type locality: Colombia, Antioquia, San Vicente, Vereda
Chaparral. HT M (CEUA), PT (CEUA, MEPB). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (San Vicente)).

magdalena Grisales, Wolff & Carvalho, 2012b: 32. Type locality: Colombia, Antioquia, Puerto Berrío. HT M
(CEUA), PT M (CEUA).Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Puerto Berrío)).

obscurinervis Stein, 1900: 207 (Homalomyia). Type locality: Bolivia, Songo. ST M, F (destroyed HNHM). Distr.:
Colombia (Amazonas (Leticia)), Mexico, Venezuela, Guyana Peru, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay. Refs.: Stein, 1900:
207; Stein, 1904: 458; Stein 1918:235; Séguy, 1937: 172 (cat.); Pont, 1972: 5 (cat.); de Carvalho et al., 1993:12
(cat.); de Carvalho et al., 2003: 14 (cat.); Couri & Winagraski, 2005: 645; Garcia-Amat, 2010: 399 (remarks);
Grisales et al., 2012b: 33 (remarks).

penicillaris Stein, 1900: 205 (Homalomyia). Type locality: Bolivia, Songo. ST M, F (ZMHB) or destroyed
(formerly HNHM). Distr.: Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil. Refs.: Séguy, 1937:172 (cat.); Pont, 1972:5 (cat.); de
Carvalho et al., 1993:13 (cat.); de Carvalho et al., 2003: 16 (cat.); Grisales et al., 2012: 34 (remarks).

pijao Grisales, Wolff & Carvalho, 2012b: 34. Type locality: Colombia, Caldas, Manizales, Reserva Rio Blanco,
5˚7.2´6.58”N 75˚43.7’9.58”W, 2592 m. HT M (CEUA), PT M, F (CEUA, DZUP).Distr.: Colombia (Caldas

porce Grisales, Wolff & Carvalho, 2012b: 36. Type locality: Colombia, Antioquia, Amalfi, N 6˚44’52”– W
75˚05’6”, 1050 m. HT M (CEUA), PT M (CEUA). Distr. Colombia (Antioquia (Amalfi, La Pintada)).

pusio Wiedemann, 1830: 437 (Anthomyia). Type locality: “South America”. LT M (ZMUC) (des. Pont 1977:54),
PLT (ZMUC). Distr. Colombia (Antioquia (Medellin, La Pintada), Caquetá (Florencia), Córdoba (Monteria),
Magdalena (Santa Marta), Risaralda (Pereira), Santander (Bucaramanga)), Mexico, Guatemala, Panama, El
Salvador, St. Vincent Island, Guadalupe Island, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Bahamas, Trinidad, Venezuela, Guyana, Brazil,
Chile, Galapagos Islands, Easter Island; North America, Pacific, West Africa, Mediterranean. Refs.: Séguy, 1937:
113 (cat.); Pont, 1972: 6 (cat.); de Carvalho et al., 1993: 14 (cat.); de Carvalho et al., 2003: 17 (cat.); Grisales et al.,
2012b: 37–38 (remarks).

quimbaya Grisales, Wolff & Carvalho, 2012b: 38. Type locality: Colombia, Risaralda, S.F.F. Otún-Quimbaya,
1890 m. HT M (CEUA), PT M, F (CEUA, DZUP). Distr.: Colombia (Risaralda (Santander)).

810 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press GRISALES & DE CARVALHO
scalaris Fabricius, 1794: 332 (Musca). Type locality: "Hafniae" (= Copenhagen), Den-mark. LT M (ZMUC) (des.
Michelsen 1979: 188), PT (ZMUC). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Medellin)), Brazil, Chile, Argentina;
cosmopolitan, most common in temperate areas. Refs.: de Carvalho et al., 1993: 15 (cat.); de Carvalho et al., 2003:
18 (cat.); Wolff et al., 2004: 10 (larvae, doubt on the specific identification).

sumapaz Grisales, Wolff & Carvalho, 2012b: 40, figs. 35, 53, 71, 89, 107, 125, 130. Type locality: Colombia,
Cundinamarca, P.N.N. Sumapaz, Bocatoma, Cerro El Zapato, 4˚14’N 74˚12W. 3560 m. HT M (IAvH), PT M
(IAvH). Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca (P.N.N. Sumapaz), Meta (P.N.N. Sumapaz)).

sutagao Grisales, Wolff & Carvalho, 2012b: 41–42. Type locality: Colombia, Meta, P.N.N. Sumapaz, Bocatoma,
Cerro El Zapato, 4˚14’N 74˚12W. 3560 m. HT M (IAvH), PT M (IAvH). Distr.: Colombia (Meta (P.N.N.

trimaculata Stein, 1898: 176 (Homalomyia). Type locality: North America and Jamaica. ST M (ZMHB, MCZ,
FMNH, USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Medellin)), Belize, Panama, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, Dominican
Republic, Haiti, Santo Domingo, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela, Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina. Refs.: de Carvalho et al.,
1993: 16 (cat.); de Carvalho et al., 2003: 19 (cat.); Pont & Werner, 2006 (remarks of ST): 15; Grisales et al., 2012b:
43 (remarks).


We thank to CAPES/CNPq- IEL Nacional (Brazil) (DG), and the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento
Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq, 141033/2012-6 (ACL) and 304713/2011-2 (CJBC)) for their support. We thank
James J. Roper for reviewing the English.

TABLE 1. Fanniidae species recorded from Colombia.

Genus Species Author

Euryomma aburrae Grisales, Wolff & Carvalho, 2012
chitarera Grisales, Wolff & Carvalho, 2012
cornuatum Grisales, Wolff & Carvalho, 2012
guane Grisales, Wolff & Carvalho, 2012
muisca Grisales, Wolff & Carvalho, 2012
tahami Grisales, Wolff & Carvalho, 2012
uwa Grisales, Wolff & Carvalho, 2012
Fannia abnormis (Stein, 1900)
canicularis (Linnaeus, 1761)
chibcha Grisales, Wolff & Carvalho, 2012
chingaza Grisales, Wolff & Carvalho, 2012
dodgei Seago, 1954
dorsomaculata Grisales, Wolff & Carvalho, 2012
embera Grisales, Wolff & Carvalho, 2012
femoralis (Stein, 1898)
flavicincta (Stein, 1904)
grandis Malloch, 1912
hirtifemur (Stein, 1904)
iguaque Grisales, Wolff & Carvalho, 2012
...Continued on next page

CATALOGUE OF FANNIIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 811
TABLE 1. (Continued)
Genus Species Author
katios Grisales, Wolff & Carvalho, 2012
lamosca Grisales, Wolff & Carvalho, 2012
magdalena Grisales, Wolff & Carvalho, 2012
obscurinervis Grisales, Wolff & Carvalho, 2012
penicillaris Grisales, Wolff & Carvalho, 2012
pijao Grisales, Wolff & Carvalho, 2012
porce Grisales, Wolff & Carvalho, 2012
pusio Grisales, Wolff & Carvalho, 2012
quimbaya Grisales, Wolff & Carvalho, 2012
sumapaz Grisales, Wolff & Carvalho, 2012
sutagao Grisales, Wolff & Carvalho, 2012
scalaris Grisales, Wolff & Carvalho, 2012
trimaculata (Stein, 1898)


Bouché, P.F. (1834) Naturgeschichte der Insekten, besonders in Hinsicht ihrer ersten Zustände als Larven und Puppen. Erste
Lieferung. In der Ricoloifden Buchhandlung, Berlin, 216 pp.
Chillcott, J. (1961) A Revision of the Neartic Species of Fanniinae (Diptera: Muscidae). Canadian Entomologist, 92, 1–295.
Couri, M.S. & Winagraski, E. (2005) New Fannia Robineau–Desvoidy from Amazonas, Brazil and new geographical record
(Diptera, Fanniidae). Revista Brasileira de Zoologia, 22, 645–647.
de Carvalho, C.J.B., Pont, A.C., Couri, M.S. & Pamplona, D. (1993) Parte I. Fanniidae. In: de Carvalho, C.J.B. (Ed.), A
Catalogue of the Fanniidae and Muscidae of the Neotropical region. Sociedade Brasileira de Entomologia, São Paulo, pp.
de Carvalho, C.J.B., Pont A.C., Couri, M.S. & Pamplona, D. (2003) A catalogue of the Fanniidae (Diptera) of the Neotropical
Region. Zootaxa, 219, 1–32.
Domínguez, M.C. & Pont, A.C. (2014) Fanniidae (Insecta: Diptera). Fauna of New Zealand. Manaaki Whenua Press, Lincoln,
71, 91 pp.
Fabricius, J.C. (1794) Entomologia Systematica emendata et aucta. Secundum classes, ordines, genera, species adjectis
synonimis, locis, observationibus, descriptionibus. Vol. 4. Impensis Christ. Gottl. Proft., Hafniae, 472 pp.
Garcia-Amat, E.C.A. (2010) Notes on necrophagous fies (Diptera: Calyptratae) associated to fish carrion in Colombian
Amazon. Acta Amazonica, 40, 397–400.
Grisales, D., Wolff, M. & de Carvalho, C.J.B. (2012a) Neotropical Fanniidae (Insecta: Diptera): new species of Euryomma
Stein from Colombia. Journal of Natural History, 46, 803–829.
Grisales, D., Wolff, M. & de Carvalho, C.J.B. (2012b) Neotropical Fanniidae (Insecta, Diptera): new species of Fannia from
Colombia. Zootaxa, 3591, 1–46.
James, M.T. (1947) The flies that cause myiasis in man. USDA Miscellaneous Publications, 631, 1–175.
Linnaeus, C. (1758) Systema Naturae per regna tria naturae, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum caracteribus,
differentiis, synonymis, locis. Vol. 1. 10th Edition. Salvius, Holmiae (= Stockholm), 824 pp.
Linnaeus, C. (1761) Fauna Svecica Sistens Animalia Sveciae Regni: Mammalia, aves, amphibia, pisces, insecta, vermes.
Distributa per classes & ordines, genera & species, cum differentiis specierum, synonymis auctorum, nominibus
incalorum, locis natalium, descriptionibus insectorum, Editio altera, auctior. 2nd Edition. Laurenti Salvii, Stockholmiae,
578 pp.
Malloch, J.R. (1912) New Diptera from Panama. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 59, 1–8.
Meigen, J.W. (1826) Systematische Beschreibung der bekannten europäischen zweiflügeligen Insekten. Tome 5. In Verlag der
Schultz-Wundermann'schen Buchhandlung, Hamm 5, 412 pp.
Michelsen, V. (1979) Notes on the identity and type-material of the Anthomyiidae, Fanniidae, and Muscidae (Diptera)
described by J.C. Fabricius. Steenstrupia, 5, 181–196.

812 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press GRISALES & DE CARVALHO
Pont, A.C. (1972) Family Muscidae. In: Papavero, N. (Ed.), A Catalogue of the Diptera of the Americas South of the United
States. Vol. 97. Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, pp. 1–111.
Pont, A.C. (1977) A revision of Australian Fanniidae (Diptera: Calyptrata). Australian Journal of Zoology, 51 (Supplement),
Pont, A.C. (1981) The Linnaean species of the families Fanniidae, Anthomyiidae and Muscidae (Insecta: Diptera). Biological
Journal of the Linnean Society, 15, 165–175.
Pont, A.C. & Werner, D. (2006) The types of Fanniidae and Muscidae (Diptera) in the Museum für Naturkunde, Humboldt-
Universität zu Berlin, Germany. Zoosystematics and Evolution, 82, 3–139.
Robineau-Desvoidy, A.J.B. (1830) Essai sur les Myodaires. Mémoires présentés par divers savans a L´Académie Royale des
Sciences de l´Institut de France,1830, 1–2. [1813 + 31 December]
Schabl, J. (1911) Dipterologische Sammelreise nach Korsika. (Dipt.). Ausgeführt im Mai und Juni 1907 von Th. Becker, A.
Kuntze, J. Schnabl und J. Villeneuve. (1. Fortsetzung.). Anthomyidae. Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift, 1911, 62–100.
Seago, J.M. (1954) The pusio Group of the genus Fannia Robineau–Desvoidy, with descriptions of the new species. American
Museum Novittates, 1699, 1–14.
Séguy, E. (1937) Diptera Fam. Muscidae. In: Wytsman, P. (Ed.), Genera Insectorum, 205, pp. 1–604.
Stein, P. (1898) Nordamerikanische Anthomyiden. Beitrag zur Dipterenfauna der Vereinigten Staaten. Berliner entomologische
Zeitschrift, 42 (1897), 161–288.
Stein, P. (1899) Euryomma, eine neue Gattung der Anthomyidengruppe Homalomyia. Entomologisches Nachrichtenblatt, 25,
Stein, P. (1900) Vier neue aus Bolivia stammende Homalomyia-Arten des Ungarischen National Museums.
Természettudományi Füzetek, 23, 205–212.
Stein, P. (1904) Die Amerikanischen Anthomyiden des Königlichen Museums für Naturkunde zu Berlin und des Ungarischen
National-Museums zu Budapest. Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici, 2, 414–495.
Stein, P. (1919) Die Anthomyidengattungen der Welt, analytisch bearbeitet, nebst einem kritischsystematischen Verzeichnis
aller aussereuropäischen Arten. Archiv für Naturgeschichte, 83 [1917], 85–178.
Stein, P. (1918) Zur weitern Kenntnis aussereuropäischer Anthomyiden. Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationalis
Hungarici, 16, 147–244.
Westwood, J.O. (1840) Order XIII. Diptera Aristotle. (Antliata Fabricius. Halteriptera Clairv.). In: Synopsis of the genera of
British Insects. An Introduction to the Modern classification of Insects; founded on the natural habits and corresponding
organization of the different families. Longman, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longmans, London, pp. 125–154
Wiedemann, C.R.W. (1830) Aussereuropäische zweiflügelige Insekten. Part II. in der Schulzischen Buchhandlung, Hamm. 684
Wolff, M., Builes, A., Zapata, G., Morales, G. & Benecke, M. (2004) Detection of Paration (O,O-dyethil O-(4-nitrophenyl)
phosphorathioate) by HPLC in insects of forensic importance in Medellin, Colombia. Anil Aggrawal´s Internet Journal of
Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, 5, 6–11.

CATALOGUE OF FANNIIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 813
Zootaxa 4122 (1): 814–853 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
Copyright © 2016 Magnolia Press
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)



Laboratorio de Colecciones Entomológicas, Universidad de Antioquia, AA. 1226, Medellín, Colombia. E-mail:
Department of Zoology, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Postal box 19020, Curitiba, 81531–580, Brazil. E-mail:
Corresponding author:


The Muscidae species in Colombia are first catalogued. 108 species and 41 genera are reported to the country, added with
14 new species not yet described in Agenamyia, Apsil, Drymeia, Graphomya and Reinwardtia genera. There are 15 new
species records to Colombia. References are given to the original descriptions and taxonomic, biological, and applied lit-
erature made for Colombia.

Key words: Caribbean Region, Catalogue, Colombia, Colombian highlands, taxonomy


Muscidae is a large family of Diptera with 5,200 described species (Brown et al. 2009). It is a species-rich family
reported in all biogeographic regions, being found more commonly in wooded areas and areas with high rainfall
and on altitude, although it can also be found but with less frequency, in open or exposed areas, in sandy or acid
grounds and on high mountain zones (de Carvalho et al. 2005). Both adults and larvae show broad preferences in
their diet and different reproductive strategies as oviparity, ovoviviparity and larviparity (Meier et al. 1999).
Few cosmopolitan species cause nuisances in public hygiene, by its habits of haematophagy or as vector of
parasites giving them commercial, agricultural, medicolegal, veterinary and sanitary importance. Atherigona
orientalis (Schiner), Musca domestica Linnaeus, Ophyra aenescens (Wiedemann), Synthesiomyia nudiseta (Wulp)
and Stomoxys calcitrans (Linnaeus) are the mostly important species in Colombia. These species started being
registered and taxonomically recognized mostly since 2000, with the first synanthropic or forensic entomological
studies were initiated in the country (Wolff et al. 2001; Barreto et al. 2002; Pérez et al. 2005; Pérez 2006; Pérez
2007; Amat et al. 2007; Martínez et al. 2007; Grisales et al. 2010; Quiceno et al. 2010; Uribe-M. et al. 2010; Pérez
& Wolff 2011; Barrios & Wolff 2011; Pastrana-Ramos & Wolff 2011; Cardona 2011; Beltrán Martínez et al. 2011;
Salazar et al. 2012; Ramírez et al. 2012; Pérez et al. 2012). However, mostly of Muscidae species is yet to be
registered in Colombia as they rarely do contact with humans. According to de Carvalho et al. (2005) there are 52
species reported to Colombia in their Catalogue of the Muscidae of the Neotropical Region, and more recently
Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho (2013) registered 81 species in their checklist by country.
For the present catalogue 1,750 specimens were examined from four Colombian institutions (CEUA, IAvH,
MEPB, MPVE). The examined material provided valuable information about the sampled areas, the dietary
preferences and the altitudinal range of distribution for the species in the country. Twenty-two of the 32
departments and 50 municipalities with more than 100 localities were sampled. The adults are reported as
blooding-feeding fly, sweet flies on plant material and acting in decomposing animals such as pig (Sus scrofa
Linnaeus), rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus Linnaeus), cavy (Cavia porcellus Linnaeus) and chicken (Gallus gallus
Linnaeus). They were found also in bird nests and mammal burrows, as well as been collected by Malaise trap, Van
Someren Rydon trap (Vsr) and Pitfall trap. They also were collected with fish, fruit, cow liver, chicken viscera and
human corpses used as bait. Some species were found from 0 m.a.s.l in the Caribbean Region to 4.700 m.a.s.l in the
Cordillera Central, inhabiting preserved zones, open zones, pastures, swamps, snowy mountains, moorlands, and
many Colombian System of Protected Areas.

814 Accepted by S. Nihei: 26 May 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016

The classification of the family follows de Carvalho & Couri (2002a), de Carvalho et al. (2005) and
Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho (2013). In this catalogue we found 108 species of 41 genera (five subgenera), in
seven subfamilies (Table 1). It is surprising the wide range of species distribution by some genera as
Cyrtoneuropsis Malloch, Graphomya Robineau-Desvoidy, Morellia Robineau-Desvoidy, Musca Linnaeus,
Neomuscina Townsend, Ophyra Robineau-Desvoidy and Synthesiomyia Brauer & Bergenstamm are found from 0
m.a.s.l to 2850 m.a.s.l. However, species of the genera Apsil Malloch, Schoenomyza Haliday, Stomopogon
Malloch, Syllimnophora Speiser, Neurotrixa Shannon & Del Ponte, Drymeia Meigen and Brachygasterina
Macquart have preferences for high zones (2930 m.a.s.l to 4700 m.a.s.l).
Cyrtoneuropsis dubia (Snyder), C. fuscicosta Curran, C. ocasionalis (Couri), C. similata (Couri), Neorypellia
neglecta (Townsend), Hemichlora scordalus (Walker), Limnophora deleta (Wulp), Neomuscina neosimilis
(Snyder), N. nudistigma (Snyder), N. sanespra (Snyder), Ophya solitaria Albuquerque, Polietina wulpi Couri &
Carvalho, P. nigra Couri & Carvalho, Pseudoptilolepis confusa Snyder and Scutellomusca scutellaris (Fabricius)
are new records to Colombia. Fourteen new species (listed as “undescribed”) will be described in further studies
and they were not included in Table 1, namely: Apsil (1); Agenamyia Albuquerque (4); Drymeia (6), Reinwardtia
(1) and Graphomya (2). Dolichophaonia Carvalho, Schoenomyza and Stomopogon are new records to the country.
There are 108 species, plus 14 undescribed species recorded in Colombia, therefore surpassing in terms of diversity
Peru, Argentina, Chile and Mexico (Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho 2013). However, 48% of the national territory
is yet to be sampled and there is still need to thoroughly revise the entirety of Entomological Museums in the
country and as well as the Colombian highlands have to be better sampled.

Acronyms used for the depositories

AMNH—American Museum of Natural History, New York, USA.

BMNH—The Natural History Museum, London, UK.
CAS—Department of Entomology, California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, USA.
CEUA—Colección Entomológica de la Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia.
CNC—Canadian National Collection of Insects, Ottawa, Canada.
DZUP—Universidade Federal do Paraná, Coleção Entomológica Pe. Jesus Santiago Moure, Curitiba, Brazil.
FIOC—Fundacão Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
FMNH—Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, USA.
HNHM—Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest, Hungary.
IAvH—Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt, Villa de Leyva, Boyaca,
IMLA—Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, Fundación e Instituto Miguel Lillo, Tucumán, Argentina.
INHS—Champaign, Illinois Natural History Survey, Illinois, USA.
LSUK—Linnean Society, London, UK.
MEPB—Museo Entomológico de Piedras Blancas, Santa Elena, Colombia.
MIZT—Università di Torino, Instituto e Museo di Zoologia, Torino, Italy.
MLUH—Martin-Luther-Universität, Halle-an-derSaale, Germany.
MNHNP—Muséum National d´Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France.
MNRJ—Universidade do Rio Janeiro, Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
MSNM —Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Milano, Italy.
MZLU—Lund University, Lund, Sweden.
MPVE—Museo de Parasitología Veterinaria y Entomología, Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia.
NHRS—Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, Stockholm, Sweden.
NMW—Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien, Austria.
SEMC—University of Kansas, Snow Entomological Museum, Lawrence, USA.
SMF—Forschungsinstitut und Naturmuseum Senckenberg, Hessen, Germany.
SMT—Department of Entomology Collection, Staatliches Museum fur Tierkunde, Dresden, Forschungsstelle,
UMO—Hope Entomological Collections, University Museum, Oxford, UK.

CATALOGUE OF MUSCIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 815
USNM—National Museum of Natural History [formerly United States National Museum]. Washington D.C.,
UZMC—University of Copenhagen, Zoological Museums, Department of Entomology, Copenhagen, Denmark.
ZMHU—Museum fur Naturkunde der Humboldt Universitat zu Berlin, Bereich Zoologisches Museum, Berlin,
ZMAN—Universiteit van Amsterdam, Instituut voor Taxonomische Zoologie, Zoologisch Museum, Amsterdam,
ZMHB—Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universität, Berlin, Germany.
ZMUC—University of Copenhagen, Zoological Museum, København [= Copenhagen], Denmark,
ZMUH—Universität von Hamburg, Zoologisches Institut und Zoologisches Museum, Hamburg, Germany.

List of abbreviations

distr.—geographic distribution
mon.—monotypy, monotype
nom. n.—nomen novum (new replacement name)
orig. des.—by original designation
sp., spp.—species
Vsr—Van Sommeren-Rydon trap
N.A.—Not applicable
F (f#)—females
M (m#)—males

Catalogue of Muscidae of Colombia

Family Muscidae Latreille, 1802

Subfamily Atherigoninae Fan, 1965

Genus Atherigona Rondani

Atherigona Rondani, 1856:97. Type species, Anthomyia varia Meigen (orig. des.).
Acritochaeta Grimshaw, 1901:41. Type species, pulvinata Grimshaw (mon.) = orientalis Schiner. Refs.: de Carvalho & Couri,
2002a:38 (listed); de Carvalho et al., 2005:12 (cat.).

orientalis Schiner, 1868:295. Type locality: “Tellnschong”, Nicobar Is. HT F (NMW) (Pont, 1986:18). Distr.:

816 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press PÉREZ & DE CARVALHO
Mexico, El Salvador, Panama, Trinidad & Tobago, Virgin Is. of the United States, Jamaica, Puerto Rico,
Dominican Republic, Barbados, Cuba, Dominica, St. Lucia, St. Kitts, Colombia (Antioquia (Copacabana, La
Pintada, Medellín), Magdalena (Santa Marta)), Guyana, Ecuador, Galápagos Is., Peru, Venezuela, Brazil, Paraguay,
Argentina, Easter Is. cosmotropical. Refs.: Gallego, 1967:44 (Colombia, ex Citrus); Anon, 1968:135 (Colombia,
ex Citrus); Pont, 1972:18–20; de Carvalho & Couri, 2002a:38 (key to species); de Carvalho et al., 2005:12 (cat.);
Uribe-M et al., 2010:464; Salazar-Ortega et al., 2012:563; Ramírez et al., 2012:30.
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Copacabana, El Cabuyal, 1,650m, 1 female, vii-viii.2002,
Grisales & Rivera Leg., Vsr Fish (CEUA); Medellín, Universidad de Antioquia sede Veterinaria, 1,450m, 1 female,
10.v.1990, A. Uribe Leg., entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA); La Pintada, Camping los Farallones,
5°44'48"N, 75°36'34"W, 660m, 3 females, 16.ii.2007, E. Florez & M.A. Botero Leg., Vsr Fish (CEUA);
Magdalena: Santa Marta, finca Kalashe-Kalabia, 11º16.498N, 74º05.829W, 143m, 2 females, 26.i.2008, E.
Perdomo & C. Valverde Leg., Pig (CEUA).

Subfamily Muscinae Latreille, 1802

Tribe Muscini Latreille, 1802

Genus Biopyrellia Townsend

Biopyrellia Townsend, 1932:105. Type species, Musca bipuncta Wiedemann (orig. des.). Refs.: Pamplona, 1986; de Carvalho
& Couri, 2002a:40 (listed); de Carvalho et al., 2005:14 (cat.); Nihei & de Carvalho, 2007a:495; Nihei & de Carvalho,

bipuncta Wiedemann, 1830:417 (Musca). Type locality: “Brasilien”. LT F (NMW) (des. Pont, 1997:90);
paralectotypes (NMW); (SMF). Distr.: Mexico, Costa Rica, Colombia (Antioquia (Gómez Plata, Maceo, Amalfi,
Puerto Berrio, Belmira, La Pintada, Alejandría, San Jerónimo, Caucasia, Girardota), Meta (Puerto López),
Risaralda (Pereira)), Panama, Venezuela, Trinidad & Tobago, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina. Refs.: Pont,
1972:8 (cat.); de Carvalho & Couri, 2002a:41 (key to species); Uribe-M. et al., 2010:464 (distr. rec.); Grisales et
al., 2010:640; Ramírez et al., 2012:30; Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho, 2013:10.
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Caucasia, Hacienda La Candelaria, forest, 80m, 1 female,
2.ix.2006, Entomology group Leg., Net (CEUA); Gómez Plata, Hacienda La Clara, Vereda La Clara, pastures,
1000m, 2 females, vii.9.2003, Entomology group Leg., Vsr (CEUA); other specimens with the same label
information, except for: 2 females, 9.vii.2003; 9.vii.2003, 1 female, Vsr copro; 1 female, vii.2003, manual; 1 male,
2 females, 9.vii.2003; Amalfi, Hacienda Normandia, forest, 6º44'52''N, '75º05'6''W, 1,050m, 2 males, 2 females,
25.x.1998, P. Duque Leg., Vsr Fish (CEUA); Maceo, Hacienda Santa Barbara-Cañon del rio Alicante, Vereda
Santa Barbara, forest-Guardasol, 500m, 1 female, 12.v.2000, S. Pérez Leg., Vsr Fish (CEUA); Puerto Berrio,
Reserva R.U.N.A, Vereda La Cristalina, forest, 400–500m, 2 females, 25–05.ix.2005, Entomology group Leg., Vsr
Fish (CEUA); Alejandría, Vereda El Carbón, forest, 1900m, 1 male, 1 female, 6.viii.2007, A.L. Montoya Leg.,
Pitfall-human feces (CEUA); La Pintada, Hacienda Montenegro Comfenalco, 5º 43'24''N, 75º37'15''W, forest,
850m, 1 male, 6 females, 16.ii.2007, N. Uribe Leg., Vsr Fish (CEUA); other specimens with the same label
information, except for: pastures, 850m, 1 male, 23-30.vii.2004, Velez & Grisales Leg., Vsr (CEUA); Belmira,
Páramo Santa Inés, Vereda Chaparral, 6º 38'51.2''N, 75º40'16.8'', 3,239m, 1 male, 1 female, 2.iv.2010, Entomology
group Leg., Vsr Fish (CEUA); San Jerónimo, Parque Los Tamarindos, shrubby forest, 925m, 4 males, 2 females,
24–27.iv.2006, A. Vélez Leg., Vsr Fish (CEUA); Girardota, Vereda Manga Arriba, 6º 21'25''N, 75º28'12''W, 1
male, 2–26.viii.2009, N. Uribe & G. Valencia Leg., Vsr Fish (CEUA); Meta: PNN [Parque Nacional Natural]
Sumapaz, município Puerto López, Vereda Marayal-Porvenir, 3º 48''N, 73º49''W, 533m, 1 female, 3–30.vii.2002,
Malaise (IAvH); Risaralda: Pereira, Finca La Acuarela, Vereda Mundo Nuevo, pastures, 1,550m, 1 female,
13.x.2006, D. Grisales Leg., entomological net over a pig carcass (IAvH); Pereira, SFF [Santuario de Flora y Faun]
Otún Quimbaya, forest Robledal, 1,890m, 1 female, 1.v.2001, Entomology group Leg., Vsr Fish (CEUA).

CATALOGUE OF MUSCIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 817
Genus Morellia Robineau-Desvoidy

Morellia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830:405. Type species, agilis Robineau-Desvoidy (des. Townsend, 1916:8) = hortorum
(Fallén). Refs.: de Carvalho & Couri 2002a:42 (key to species); Carvalho et al., 2005:15 (cat.); Nihei & de Carvalho,
Cyrtoneuropsis Townsend, 1931a:68 (preocc. Malloch, 1925). Type species, cyanea Macquart, sensu Townsend, (1931a) (orig.
des.) = cyanea Townsend. Refs.: Pont et al. (2005).
Cyacyrtoneura Townsend, 1931c:479. Type species, cyanea Townsend (orig. des.). Refs.: Pont et al., 2005.
Chaetopyrellia Townsend, 1932:106. Type species, Pyrellia ochrifacies Rondani (orig. des.) = violacea (Robineau-Desvoidy).
Neopyrellia Enderlein, 1935:236. Type species, Pyrellia violacea Robineau-Desvoidy (orig. des.).
Parapyrellia Townsend, 1915b:97. Type species, Musca violacea authors, not Fabricius (orig. des.) = maculipennis Macquart.
Trichomorellia Stein, 1918:204 (and 1919:109). Type species, boliviana Townsend = Dasymorellia trichops Malloch.
Xenomorellia Malloch, 1923b:524. Type species, holti Malloch (orig. des.).

Subgenus Morellia Robineau-Desvoidy 1830

Morellia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830:405 (as genus). Type species, Morellia agilis Robineau-Desvoidy (des. Townsend, 1916:8)
= Musca hortorum (Fallén). Refs.: de Carvalho & Couri, 2002a:42 (key to species); Nihei & de Carvalho, 2007a:528;
Nihei & de Carvalho, 2009:14.

basalis Walker, 1853:347 (Musca). Type locality: “Jamaica”. HT M (BMNH). Distr.: Mexico, El Salvador,
Colombia (Antioquia (Caucasia, La Ceja, Medellín, La Pintada, Gómez Plata), Sucre (San Onofre)), Costa Rica,
Jamaica, Cuba, Haití, Puerto Rico, Virgin Is. of the United States, Venezuela; Nearctic Region. Refs.: Uribe-M. et
al., 2010:464; Ramírez-Mora et al., 2012:30; Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho, 2013:10.
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Caucasia, Hacienda La Candelaria, 80m, 1 female, 4.ix.2004,
C. Sanchez Leg., Vsr (CEUA); Gómez Plata, Hacienda La Clara, Vereda La Clara, pastures, 1,000m, 4 females,
9.ii.2003, Pérez & Vélez Leg., entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA); La Ceja, finca Tinajones,
corregimiento de Prado, 1 male, 1.i.1998, M.C.A Leg., Net (CEUA); Medellín, barrio Robledo, 1,700m, 1 female,
9.viii.2001, G. Zapata Leg., Net (CEUA); La Pintada, Camping los Farallones (canchas), 5°44'48''N, 75°36'34''W,
660m, 2 females, 25.v.2007, L.F.Ortiz & L.V. Londoño Leg., Vsr-human feces (CEUA); Sucre: San Onofre,
Reserva Sanguare,forest, 0m, 1female, 23.iii.2004, Duque & Rivera Leg., Pitfall-human feces, in canopy (CEUA).

humeralis Stein, 1918:204 (Pyrellia). Type locality: Brazil, Teresópolis (Río de Janeiro), Esp. Santo; Peru;
Bolivia. ST M/F (NMW); (ZMHB) (destroyed HNHM). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Bello, Gómez Plata, La
Pintada, Envigado), Risaralda (Pereira)), Venezuela, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil. Refs.: Ramírez-Mora et al., 2012:30.
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Gómez Plata, Hacienda La Clara, Vereda La Clara, pastures,
1,000m, 1 male, Perez & Velez Leg., entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA); other specimen with the same
label information, except for: 1 female, 09.vii.2003, Entomology group Leg., Vsr Fish (CEUA); Envigado,
Quebrada La Ayura, vi-viii.1983, M. Wolff Leg., emergency trap (CEUA); Bello, Urbanizacion Estación 1, 1
female, 9.viii.2001, Y. Martinez Leg., manual (CEUA); La Pintada, Hacienda Montenegro, pastures, 5°43'25'' N,
75°37'26''W, 770m, 2 females,, A.L. Montoya Leg., Vsr-human feces (CEUA); Risaralda: Pereira, SFF
[Santuario de Flora y Fauna] Otún Quimbaya, forest-Robledal, 1890m, 1 female, 7.v.2001, Entomology group
Leg., Vsr Fish (CEUA).

violacea Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830:463 (Pyrellia). Type locality: “Brésil”. ST ? (destroyed, not in remains of
Robineau-Desvoidy collection in MNHNP). Distr.: Mexico, Costa Rica, Jamaica, Colombia (Antioquia (San Pedro
de los Milagros, La Pintada), Boyacá (Tunja), Casanare (Meta (5.3500-70.8600)), Quindío (Quimbaya), Risaralda
(Pereira), Norte de Santander (Herrán)), Ecuador, Venezuela, Peru, Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina. Refs.: de Carvalho
& Couri, 2002a:44 (key to species); Carvalho et al., 2005:20 (cat.); Ramírez-Mora et al., 2012:30; Löwenberg-
Neto & de Carvalho, 2013:11.
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: San Pedro de los Milagros, Vereda Cerezales, 2,800m, 2
males, 10 females,, V. Perez Leg., entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA); La Pintada,
Hacienda Montenegro, forest, 5°43'24''N, 75°37'15''W, 850m, 1 female, 19.iv.2007, N. Uribe Leg., Vsr-human

818 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press PÉREZ & DE CARVALHO
feces (CEUA); Boyacá: Tunja, Universidad Pedagogica y Tecnologica, 2,690m, 2males, 1female, v–vi.2002,
Yusseff & Daza Leg., entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA); Quindío: Quimbaya, PANACA, Vereda
Kerman 2 Km, 1,339m, 1male, 1female, 1.vii.2003, H. Vargas Leg., Vsr Fish (CEUA); Risaralda: Pereira, SFF
[Santuario de Flora y Fauna] Otún Quimbaya, forest-Robledal, 1,890m, 1 male, 7.v.2001, Entomology group Leg.,
Vsr Fish (CEUA); Norte de Santander: PNN [Parque Nacional Natural] Tamá, Herrán, Vereda Pabellon, finca
Gonzalo Mejía, 2,263m, 3–23.xi.2002, D. Castillo Leg., Maliase (IAvH).

Subgenus Parapyrellia Townsend 1915

Parapyrellia Townsend, 1915b:97. Type species, Musca violacea authors, not Fabricius (orig. des.) = maculipennis Macquart.
Refs.: Nihei & de Carvalho, 2007a:530; Nihei & de Carvalho, 2009:14; Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho, 2013:14.

maculipennis Macquart, 1846:327 (Pyrellia). Type locality: “Colombia, Brésil”. ST F (BMNH). Distr.: Mexico,
Cuba, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, Dominica, Trinidad & Tobago, Guadalupe Is., Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Peru,
Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay. Refs.: Schiner, 1868; Pont, 1972:9 (cat.); de Carvalho & Couri, 2002a:50 (key to
species); Carvalho et al., 2005:28 (cat.); Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho, 2013:14.

Subgenus Trichomorellia Stein

Trichomorellia Stein, 1918:204 (and 1919:109). Type species, boliviana Townsend = Dasymorellia trichops Malloch (Refs.:
Pont et al., 2005).
Dasymorellia Malloch, 1923b:527. Type species, trichops Malloch (orig. des.). Refs.: Pamplona, 1983 (as Dasymorellia); de
Carvalho & Couri, 2002 (as Dasymorellia); de Carvalho & Couri, 2002a:41 (key to species); Pont et al., 2005 (notes on
Trichomorellia and Cyacyrtoneura).
Chlorellia Shannon & Del Ponte, 1926:580. Type species, aenula Shannon & Del Ponte (orig. des.) = trichops Malloch. Refs.:
Pont et al., 2005; Nihei & de Carvalho, 2007a:529; Nihei & de Carvalho, 2009:15; Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho,

nigritibia Snyder, 1949a:24 (Dasymorellia). Type locality: Colombia, Medellín. HT F (AMNH). Distr.: Colombia
(Cundinamarca (Facatativa)), Antiquia (Medellín (6.2500, -75.6000)). Refs.: Snyder, 1949a; Albuquerque 1952:9
(cat.); Pont, 1972:10 (cat.); de Carvalho et al., 1993:9 (cat.); de Carvalho & Couri, 2002a:42 (key to species); de
Carvalho et al., 2005:35 (cat.); Nihei & de Carvalho, 2009:15; Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho, 2013:15.
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Cundinamarca: Facatativa, 4°50´30´´N, 74°21´7´´W, 2614m, 2 females,
M. Barrios Leg., entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA).

seguyi Pamplona, 1983:6, figs. 13–16 (Dasymorellia). Type locality: Venezuela. HT M (MNRJ); paratypes
(MNRJ). Distr.: Venezuela, Colombia (Bogotá 4.6333, -74.0833). Refs.: de Carvalho et al., 1993:9 (cat.); de
Carvalho & Couri, 2002a:42 (key to species); de Carvalho et al., 2005:35 (cat.); Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho,

trichops Malloch, 1923b:527 (Dasymorellia). Type locality: Peru: Ollantaybamba & Paltaybamba. HT M
(USMN), paralectotype (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Meta (5.3500, -70.8667), (Antioquia (Medellín (6.2500, -
75.6000), (Valle del Cauca (corregimiento Tenerife, 3.7333, -76.1167)) Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil, Argentina.
Refs.: Snyder, 1949a:22 (key), 24; Pamplona, 1983:2, figs. 1–16 (male genitalia, ovipositor); de Carvalho & Couri,
2002a:42 (key to species); de Carvalho et al., 2005:36 (cat).
Trichomorellia boliviana; Enderlein 1935:242.

nigricosta group (sedis mutabilis)

nigricosta Hough, 1900:216. Type locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Chapada (dos Guimarães). ST M/F (SEMC).
Distr.: Costa Rica, Colombia (Antioquia (Puerto Berrio)), Guyana, Peru, Brazil, Paraguay. Refs.: Pont, 1972:8
(cat.); de Carvalho et al,. 2005:12 (cat.); Nihei & de Carvalho, 2009: 15 (nigricosta-group); Löwenberg-Neto & de
Carvalho, 2013:12. New record to Colombia.

CATALOGUE OF MUSCIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 819
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Puerto Berrio, Reserva R.U.N.A, Vereda La Cristalina,
Forest, 400-500m, 1 male, 1 female, 24.ix.2005, Entomology group Leg., Vsr Fruit (CEUA); other specimens with
the same label information, except for: 1 female.

Subgenus Xenomorellia Malloch

Xenomorellia Malloch, 1923b:524. Type species, holti Malloch (orig. des.). Species included: Morellia (Xenomorellia) holti
(Malloch, 1923) (type species); M. (X.) montanhesa (Albuquerque, 1952). Incertae sedis – M. abdominalis. Refs.: Nihei &
de Carvalho, 2007a:529; Nihei & de Carvalho, 2009:15; Nihei & de Carvalho, 2011 (rev., key to species, phylogeny).

inca Nihei & Carvalho, 2011:2631. Type locality: Bolivia, Cochabamba Department, Carrasco Province, Chuwa
Kocha [misspelling of Chuya Khocha]. Distr.: Venezuela, Colombia (Huila (Acevedo), Norte de Santander
(Chinácota), Santander (Piedecuesta)), Peru, Bolivia. Refs.: Nihei & de Carvalho, 2011:2635.
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Huila: PNN [Parque Nacional Natural] Cueva de Los Guácharos, Cabaña
Cedros, 1º37’N, 76º6’W, 2,100 m, 1 male; 29 xi.2001 to 2 xii.2001, D. Campos Leg., (IAVH); Norte de
Santander: 50 km south of Chinácota, 8,000 ft, 14 females; 10-14.v.1974, S. Peck Leg., (FMNH); Santander:
Piedecuesta, finca El Rasgon, forest, 2,200m, 1 male, 3 females, 25.vii.2001, Duque & Velez Leg., Vsr Fish
(CEUA); other specimens with the same label information, except for: 8 females, Pitfall (CEUA).

Genus Musca Linnaeus

Musca Linnaeus, 1758:589. Type species, domestica Linnaeus (I.C.Z.N. 1925, Opinion 82).
Promusca Townsend, 1915a:434. Type species, domestica Linnaeus (orig. des.).
Refs.: de Carvalho & Couri, 2002a:48 (key to species); de Carvalho et al,. 2005:22 (cat.).

domestica Linnaeus, 1758:596. Type locality: “In Europae domibus, etiam America”. ST ? sex (destroyed (not in
(LSUK), see Pont, 1981:168). Distr.: Guadalupe Is., Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, San Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa
Rica, Colombia (Antioquia (Fredonia, Copacabana, Gómez Plata, Itagüí, La Pintada, Medellín, San Pedro de los
Milagros)), Bolivar (Cartagena), Santander (Rionegro), Córdoba (Monteria), Cundinamarca (La Calera), Guajira
(Maicao), Magdalena (Santa Marta), Quindío (Armenia), Risaralda (Pereira)), Panama, Bahamas (Nassau),
Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Haití, Dominica, Cuba, Barbados, Mona Is., St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Virgin Is. of the United
States, Grenada, Trinidad & Tobago, Venezuela, Guyana, Surinam, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Brazil, Uruguay,
Paraguay, Argentina, Chile, Juan Fernández Is., Galápagos Is., Easter Is. cosmopolitan. Refs.: Hennig, 1963b,
Hennig, 1964a:997; de Carvalho & Couri 2002a:49 (key to species); Barreto et al., 2002:137–138 (Colombia,
reared from human cadavers); Wolff et al., 2004:6–11; Pérez et al., 2005:3; de Carvalho et al., 2005:22 (cat); Nihei
& de Carvalho, 2009:1–24; Uribe-M. et al., 2010:464; Grisales et al., 2010:640; Quiceno et al,. 2010:23–29;
Barrios & Wolff, 2011: 166; Beltran et al., 2011:98; Pastrana & Wolff, 2011: 47; Salazar et al., 2012:563; Ramírez
et al., 2012:30.
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Copacabana, El Cabuyal, shrubs, 1,650m, Grisales & Rivera
Leg., Vsr Fish (CEUA); Medellín, Universidad de Antioquia sede Veterinaria, pastures, 1450m, 12 males, 18
females, 21.v.1999, A. Uribe Leg., entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA); La Pintada, Hacienda
Montenegro Comfenalco, 5°43´24"N, 75°37´15"W, forest, 850m, 2 females, 16.ii.2007, N. Uribe Leg., Vsr Onion
(CEUA); La Pintada, Camping Los Farallones (canchas), 5°44´48"N, 75°36´34"W, 660m, 4 males, 15.iii.2007, E.
Florez & M. C. Vélez Leg., Vsr (CEUA); other specimens with the same label information, except for: 2 males, 1
female, Vsr Fish; Fredonia,1male, 04.viii.2004, E. Flórez Leg., entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA);
Gómez Plata, Hacienda La Clara, vereda la Clara, forest and pastures, 1,000m, 1 female, 19.vii.2003, Pérez &
Vélez Legs., entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA); Itagüí, Vereda La María, quebrada Sabana Larga,
1,750m, 1 male, 1 female, 09.viii.2004, D. Morales, Leg., manual (CEUA); San Pedro de los Milagros, Vereda
Cerezales, forest, 2800m,, 3 females, V. Pérez, Leg., entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA);
Bolivar: Cartagena, Isla Tintipan, manglar, 0m, 30 females, 20 males, 30.xii.2002, Wolff & Duque Leg.,
entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA); Córdoba: Monteria, Unicor, shrubs/side of the trail, 12m, 1male,
15.xii.2005, Div & Ruiz Leg., entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA); Cundinamarca: La Calera, San José,

820 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press PÉREZ & DE CARVALHO
4°43´22"N; 73°68´20"W, 2,718m, 1 female, 14.ii.2002, Castro, Molano & Alméciga Leg., entomological net over
a pig carcass (CEUA); Guajira: Maicao, K13 road Venezuela, 11´93°N; 27´24W, 20m, 2 males, 4
females,16.ix.2007, J. Abdala Leg., entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA); Magdalena: Santa Marta, finca
Kalashe-Kalabia, forest, 11º16.498N, 74º05.829W, 143m, 4 females, i-ii.2008, E. Perdomo & C. Valverde Leg.,
entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA); Quindío: Armenia, Universidad del Quindío, pastures, 4°33´98"N;
75°39´57"W, 1,520m, 2 females, 4.iv.2009, M.I. Cruz Leg., entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA);
Risaralda: Pereira, finca La Acuarela, Vereda Mundo Nuevo, pastures, 1550m, 2 males, x.2006, D. Grisales Leg.,
entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA); Santander: Rionegro, 700m, 3 males, 13 females, 11.viii.2003,
A.Vargas Leg., entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA).

Genus Neorypellia Pont

Neopyrellia Townsend, 1939:446 (preocc. Enderlein, 1935). Type species, neglecta Townsend (orig. des.).
Neorypellia Pont, 1972:10, for Neopyrellia Townsend, 1939. Type species, neglecta Townsend (aut.). Refs.: de Carvalho &
Couri 2002a:49 (key to species); de Carvalho et al., 2005:27 (cat.); Nihei & de Carvalho, 2009:18.

neglecta Townsend, 1939:447 (Neopyrellia). Type locality: Brazil, São Paulo, Juquiá. Brazil. ST M/F (USNM).
Distr.: Brazil, Colombia (Amazonas, Putumayo (Puerto Leguízamo)). Refs.: de Carvalho et al., 2005:27 (cat.);
Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho 2013:16 (cat.). New record to Colombia.
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Amazonas: PNN [Parque Nacional Natural] Amacayacu-Matamata m2,
3º41'S, 70º15'W, 150m, 1 female, 9.vii.2001, D. Chota Leg., Malaise (IAvH); PNN [Parque Nacional Natural]
Sumapaz; Vereda Marayal-Porvenir, 3°48'N, 73°49'W, 533m, 1 male, 3-30.iv.2002, Malaise (IAvH); Putumayo:
PNN [Parque Nacional Natural] La Paya-Cabaña Viviano, Puerto Leguízamo, 0º7'S, 74º56'W, 320m, 1 male,
21.iv.2002, R. Cobete Leg., Malaise (IAvH).

Genus Polietina Schnabl & Dziedzicki

Polietina Schnabl & Dziedzicki, 1911:218. Type species, Aricia pruinosa Macquart (as pruinosus Bigot) (orig. des.). Refs.: de
Carvalho & Couri, 2002a:51 (key to species); Nihei & de Carvalho, 2005:313–326 (species distribution); Nihei & de
Carvalho, 2007b:477-501 (key to species, phylogeny, biogeography).
Poecilophaonia Malloch, 1921b:171. Type species, Aricia flavithorax Stein (orig. des.).
Smithomyia Malloch, 1921a:42. Type species, Mydaea concinna Wulp (orig. des.).
Chaetypopleura Enderlein, 1927:52. Type species, steini Enderlein (orig. des.).
Lasiomala Enderlein, 1927:52. Type species, Aricia flavithorax Stein (orig. des.).

flavidicincta Stein, 1904:420 (Aricia). Type locality: Bolivia, Songo & Colombia, Cordillera. ST M/F (ZMHU)
(destroyed (HNHM)). Distr.: Venezuela, Colombia ((Cauca (El Tambo)), Risaralda (Pereira), Santander
(Piedecuesta)), Bolivia. Refs.: Pont, 1972:55 (cat.); de Carvalho et al., 2005:30 (cat.); Nihei & de Carvalho,
2005:321; Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho, 2013:18.
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Cauca: PNN [Parque Nacional Natural] Munchique-La Romelia, El
Tambo, forest, 2°38'N, 76°54'W, 2640m, 1 female, iii. 6-iv.10 2004, Malaise (IAvH); Risaralda: Pereira, SFF
[Santuario de Fauna y Flora] Otún Quimbaya, 4°43'N,75°34'W, forest, 189m, 2 females, 7.v.2001, Entomology
group Leg., Vsr Fish (CEUA); other specimen with the same label information, except for: Otún Quimbaya, La
Cuchilla, road, 4°43'N, 75°35'W, 2,050m, 1 female, 17.ii to 4.iii.2003, Malaise (IAvH); El Molinillo, 4°4'N,
75°34'W, 2,220m, 2 females, 8–24.iv.2003, Malaise (IAvH); 1 female, 4-14.iv.2003, 1 female, 8–24.v.2003;
Santander: Piedecuesta, Corregimiento de Sevilla, Vereda La Cristalina, finca El Rasgón, forest, 2200m, 1 male,
25.viii.2001, Entomology group Leg., Vsr Fish (CEUA).

nigra Couri & Carvalho, 1996:825, figs. 1–12. Type locality: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. HT M (MNRJ), paratype
(MNRJ). Distr.: Brazil, Colombia (Antioquia (Copacabana), Risaralda (Pereira), Huila (Acevedo), Putumayo
(Puerto Leguízamo), Magdalena (Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta)). Refs.: de Carvalho and Couri 2002a:53–54 (key
to species), 131 (photo); Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho, 2013:19. New record to Colombia.

CATALOGUE OF MUSCIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 821
Material examined: COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Copacabana, Vereda El Cabuyal, secundary Forest,
06°18'29,7''N, 75°30,7'34''W, 2,030–2,200m, 1 male, 13-17.iv.2009, Vélez & Marín, Vsr Fish (CEUA); Risaralda:
Pereira, SFF [Santuario de Fauna y Flora] Otún Quimbaya, native forest, 1,890m, 2females, 7.v.2001, Entomology
group Leg., Vsr Fish (CEUA); Pereira, forest Urapán, 4°43'N, 75°34'W, 1890m, 1 female, 8.v.2001, Entomology
group Leg., Vsr Fish (CEUA); Huila: PNN [Parque Nacional Natural] Cueva de los Guácharos-Cabaña Cedros,
Acevedo, 1°37'N, 76°6'W, 2,100m, 2 females 6–20.iii.2002, Malaise (IAvH); other specimens with the same label
information, except for: iii.20-iv. 6.2002, 1 female; Putumayo: PNN [Parque Nacional Natural] La Paya -Cabaña
Viviano, Puerto Leguízamo, 0°7'S 74°56'W, 320m, 1 male, 18-21.iv.2002, Malaise (IAvH); La Paya-Resguardo
Cecilio Cocha, Puerto Leguízamo, 0°11'S,74°55'W, 190m, 1 male, 20-24.i.2003, Malaise (IAvH); Magdalena:
PNN [Parque Nacional Natural] Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta-El Ramo, 10°48'N, 73°39W, 2500m, 1 female, iii.
6-vi. 5 2001, Malaise (IAvH).

orbitalis Stein, 1904:427 (Aricia). Type locality: Peru, Vilcanota (NT: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro). HT F (destroyed
(formerly (HNHM)); NT M (MNRJ). Distr.: Peru, Colombia (Antioquia (La Pintada)); Bolivia, Brazil, Argentina.
(des. Couri & de Carvalho, 1997:273). Refs.: Pont, 1972:55 (cat.); Nihei & de Carvalho, 2002
(gynandromorphism); de Carvalho et al., 2005:32 (cat.); Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho, 2013:19; Uribe-M et al.,
2010:464 (distr. rec.).
Material examined. Antioquia: La Pintada, Hacienda Montenegro Comfenalco, 5º 43'24''N, 75º37'15''W,
forest, 850m, 1 male,, N. Uribe Leg., Vsr Fish (CEUA); other specimens with the same label
information, except for: Vsr copro, 1 male, 15.ii.2007; 2 males, 19.iv.2007; pastures, 5°43'25'' N, 75°37'26''W,
770m, 1 male,, C. Rivera, Vsr-human feces;, 2 males. A.L. Montoya Leg.

wulpi Couri & de Carvalho, 1997:277–279 (sternite 5, male genitalia). Type locality: Mexico, Guerrero,
Xucumanatlán. HT M (BMNH). Distr.: Mexico, Nicaragua, Colombia (Risaralda (Pereira), Antioquia (Girardota,
Alejandría, Caldas, Medellín), Putumayo (Puerto Leguízamo)). Refs.: de Carvalho & Couri, 2002a:52 (key to
species), fig. 27 (cercal plate); Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho, 2013:21. New record to Colombia.
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Risaralda: Pereira, SFF [Santuario de Fauna y Flora] Otún Quimbaya,
native forest, 4°43'N;75°34'W, 1890m, 1 male, 2 females, 7.v.2001, Entomology group Leg., Vsr Fish (CEUA);
other specimens with the same label information, except for: forest Robledal, 1 male; forest, 1 male, 1 female; Otún
Quimbaya-La Cuchilla, road, 4°43'N;75°35'W, 2,050m, 3 females, 19.iv to 8.v.2003, Malaise (IAvH); 1 female,
17.ii to 4.iii.2003 (IAvH); El Molinillo, 4°4'N 75°34'W, 2,220m, 1 female, 17.ii to 4.iii.2003 (IAvH); Antioquia:
Girardota, Vereda Juan Cojo, forest, 1 male, 1 female, 26-30.viii. 2009, C. Bota & A. Montoya, Vsr (CEUA); other
specimens with the same label information, except for: 1 female, Vsr Fish; Vereda Manga Arriba, secondary forest,
75°28'12''W, 6°21'25''N, 2 females, 22–26.viii.2009, N. Uribe & G. Valencia, Vsr (CEUA); Alejandría, Vereda El
Carbón, 1,600–1,900m, forest, 1 female, 6.viii.2007, A.L. Montoya, Pitfall-human feces (CEUA); Alejandría,
Vereda San José, forest, 1,200–1,500m, 1 female, 4.viii.2007, A.L. Montoya, Pitfall- human feces human feces
(CEUA); Caldas, Vereda La Clara, 06°03'06,9''N, 75°37'19,2''W, 1,840m, 1 male, 7.vii.2010, J. Durango, I.
Cadavid, C. Rave & Leg., Vsr (CEUA); Medellín, Cola del Zorro, 06°12'19'7N, 75°32'43,9''W, 1,943m, 1 male,
2.ii. 2010, M.A. Ramírez, J. Durango, H. Areiza & Leg., Vsr (CEUA); Putumayo: PNN [Parque Nacional Natural]
La Paya- Viviano Cocha, Puerto Leguízamo, camino Cecilio Cocha, 0°8'S, 74°54'W, 210m, 1 female, 26–
29.i.2003, Malaise (IAvH).

Genus Sarcopromusca Townsend

Sarcopromusca Townsend, 1927:209. Type species, arcuata Townsend (mon.) = pruna (Shannon & Del Ponte).
Refs.: de Carvalho & Couri, 2002a:55 (key to species); Nihei, 2005 (rev.); Nihei & de Carvalho, 2009:20.

pruna Shannon & Del Ponte, 1926:581 (Orthelia [sic]). Type locality: Argentina, Jujuy, Calilegua, HT F (USMN).
Distr. Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia (Antioquia (San Rafael, 6º 18´N, 75º01´W,
vii–viii.2004, 1,000m, Malaise, (MPVE), (specimen with Dermatobia hominis’ eggs on the right abdomen). Refs.:
Nihei, 2005 (rev.); Cardona, 2011:580.

822 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press PÉREZ & DE CARVALHO
sarcophagina Wulp, 1896a:plate 7, fig. 20 (Morellia) (& 1896b:302). Type locality: Mexico: Vera Cruz, Atoyac &
Tabasco, Teapa. ST M (BMNH). Distr.: Mexico, Panama, Colombia (Antioquia (La Pintada), Tolima (Honda)),
Brazil, Argentina. Refs.: Wulp, 1896a, Pont, 1972:9 (cat); de Carvalho & Couri 2002a:56 (key to species); Nihei,
2005:58 (rev.); de Carvalho et al., 2005:34 (cat); Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho, 2013:22.
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: La Pintada, Hacienda Montenegro Comfenalco, 5º43'25''N,
75º37'26'', 770m, 1 male, 24.v.2007, M.C. Veléz Leg., Vsr (CEUA); Tolima: Honda, 830m, 1 female, 16.iii.1955,
E.L. Schlinger & E.S. Rosa leg., (CAS).

Tribe Stomoxyini Meigen, 1824

Genus Haematobia Le Peletier & Serville

Haematobia Le Peletier & Serville, in Latreille et al., 1828:499 (as a subgenus of Stomoxys Geoffroy). Type species, Conops
irritans Linnaeus (Westwood, 1840:140, & I.C.Z.N. 1974, Opinion 1008).
Refs.: de Carvalho & Couri 2002a:59 (key to species); de Carvalho et al., 2005:37 (cat.).
Siphona sensu Meigen, (1803) (true Siphona Meigen, 1803 belongs to the family Tachinidae).
Lyperosia Rondani, 1856:93. Type species, Conops irritans Linnaeus (as “Stomoxis irritans Meig.”) (orig. des.).

irritans Linnaeus, 1758:604 (Conops). Type locality: Sweden. LT M (LSUK) (des. Pont, 1981:169). Distr.:
Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Jamaica, Virgin Is. of the
United States, Haití, Dominican Republic, Colombia (Risaralda (Pereira)), Venezuela, Guyana, Brazil, Chile,
Argentina; Nearctic & Palaearctic Regions, Hawaii. Refs.: McLintock & Depner, 1954:20; Hennig, 1964b:1054;
Pont, 1972:8 (cat); Gallego, 1967:65; de Carvalho et al., 2005:37 (cat.); Rivera & Aycardi, 1985:417–424 (distr.
rec.); Anon, 1968:24; Zumpt, 1973:73, figs. 57, 58a–b, 59–61.
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Risaralda: Pereira, Finca La Acuarela, Vereda Mundo Nuevo, pastures,
1550m, 2 females, x.2006, D. Grisales Leg., entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA).

Genus Neivamyia Pinto & Fonseca

Neivamyia Pinto & Fonseca, 1930:243. Type species, lutzi Pinto & Fonseca (orig. des.) = flavicornis Malloch. Refs.: de
Carvalho & Couri, 2002a:59 (key to species); de Carvalho et al., 2005:38 (cat.).

antunesi Lopes, 1955:415. Type locality: Colombia (Norte de Santander (Sardinata), Meta)). HT M (FIOC). Distr.:
Colombia. Refs.: Pont, 1972:59 (cat.); Zumpt, 1973:29 (Colombia, possibly =latifrons Malloch); de Carvalho et
al., 1993:22 (cat); de Carvalho & Couri, 2002a:60 (key to species) figs. 38, 39 (head); de Carvalho et al., 2005:38
(cat.); Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho, 2013:133.

Genus Stomoxys Geoffroy

Stomoxys Geoffroy, 1762:449 & 538. Type species, Conops calcitrans Linnaeus (I.C.Z.N. 1957, Opinion 441).
Refs.: de Carvalho & Couri, 2002a:60 (key to species).

calcitrans Linnaeus, 1758:604 (Conops). Type locality: Sweden. LT F (LSUK) (des. Pont 1981:168). Distr.:
Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Cuba, Jamaica, Bahamas, Grenada, Barbados,
Antigua, Puerto Rico, St. Vincent, Haití, Dominica, Trinidad & Tobago, Venezuela, Guyana, Colombia (Antioquia
(El Retiro, Medellín, San Pedro de los Milagros, Gómez Plata)), Santander (Rionegro), Risaralda (Pereira), Peru,
Ecuador, Bolivia, Brazil, Uruguay, Chile, Argentina, Galápagos Is., Easter Is. cosmopolitan. Refs.: Dunn,
1929:502; Hennig, 1964b:1039; Pont, 1972:59 (cat.); de Carvalho et al., 2005:39–40 (cat.); de Carvalho & Couri,
2002a:61 (key to species); Ramírez-Mora et al., 2012:31; Pérez, 2007:108; Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho,
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: El Retiro, Quebrada La Cebolla, 2 females, 4.viii.1983, M.

CATALOGUE OF MUSCIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 823
Wolff Leg., emergency trap (CEUA); Gómez Plata, Hacienda La Clara, pastures, 1000m, 2 females, 15.vii.2003, A.
Uribe Leg., entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA); Medellín, Universidad Antioquia sede Veterinaria,
pastures, 1,450m, 2 females,, A. Uribe Leg., entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA); San Pedro
de los Milagros, Vereda Cerezales, 2800m, 6females, V. Perez Leg., entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA);
Risaralda: Pereira, finca La Acuarela, Vereda Mundo Nuevo, pastures, 1,550m, 12 females, D. Grisales Leg.,
entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA); Santander: Rionegro, 700m, 3 females, 11.viii.2003, A.Vargas
Leg., entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA).

Subfamily Azeliinae Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830

Tribe Azeliini Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830

Genus Drymeia Meigen

Drymeia Meigen, 1826:204. Type species, obscura Meigen (mon.). = hamata (Fallén). Pogonomyia Rondani, 1871:336. Type
species, alpicola Rondani (mon.).
Refs.: de Carvalho & Couri, 2002a:63 (key to species); de Carvalho et al., 2005:42 (cat.).

undescribed sp. 1. Distr.: Colombia: Cundinamarca (Chingaza).

Material examined. COLOMBIA: Cundinamarca: PNN [Parque Nacional Natural] Chingaza-Charrascales
4°31´N, 73°45´W. 2,990m, 6 males, 18.xii.2001 to 14.iv.2002, Malaise (IAvH).

undescribed sp. 2. Distr.: Colombia: Cundinamarca (Chingaza).

Material examined. COLOMBIA: Cundinamarca: PNN [Parque Nacional Natural] Sumapaz-Bocatoma-
Cerro el Zapato 4°14´N, 74°12´W, 3,560m, 2 males, 6–20.xi.2002, Pantrap, (IAvH).

undescribed sp. 3. Distr.: Colombia: Boyacá (Iguaque).

Material examined. COLOMBIA: Boyacá: SFF [Santuario de Fauna y Flora] Iguaque, Cabaña-Mamá
Ramos, m1, 5°25’N, 73°27´W, 2,856m, 2 males, 8–25.iv.2000, Malaise (IAvH).

undescribed sp. 4. Distr.: Colombia (Boyacá (Iguaque), Magdalena (Parque Nacional Natural Sierra Nevada de
Santa Marta), Norte de Santander (Parque Nacional Natural Tamá)).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Boyacá: SFF [Santuario de Fauna y Flora] Iguaque, Cabaña Mamá
Ramos, m1, 5°25´N, 73°27´W. 2856m, 1 male, 8–25.iv.2000, Malaise (IAvH); other specimens with the same label
information, except for: Cabaña Chana 5°25’N, 73°27´W, 2,600m, 3 males, 13.iv.2005; 17.v–5.v.2005;
Magdalena: PNN [Parque Nacional Natural] Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, El Ramo 10°48’N, 73°39’W, 2500m,
3 males, 29.i–15.ii.2001, Malaise (IAvH); Norte de Santander: PNN [Parque Nacional Natural] Tamá, Herrán,
Vereda Pabellon, finca Virgilio Pabon 7º 30´N,72º 32´´W, 2384m, 1 male, 22.x–25.xi.2003, D. Castillo Leg.,
Malaise (IAvH).

undescribed sp. 5. Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca (Parque Nacional Natural Chingaza)).

Material examined. COLOMBIA: Cundinamarca: PNN [Parque Nacional Natural] Chingaza. Alto de la
Bandera, 4°31´N, 73°45´W, 3,660m, 4 males, 1–15.xi.2001, Malaise (IAvH).

undescribed sp. 6. Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca (Parque Nacional Natural Sumapaz)).

Material examined. COLOMBIA: Cundinamarca: PNN [Parque Nacional Natural] Sumapaz-Bocatoma-
Cerro el Zapato, 4°14´N, 74°12´W. 3,560m, 2 males, 6–20.xi.2002, Malaise (IAvH).

Genus Hydrotaea Robineau-Desvoidy

Hydrotaea Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830:509. Type species, Musca meteorica Linnaeus (Curtis, 1839: plate 768). Refs.: de
Carvalho & Couri, 2002a:63 (key to species).

824 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press PÉREZ & DE CARVALHO
cyaneiventris Macquart, 1851a:236 1851b:263. Type locality: “Chili”. ST M (MNHNP). Distr.: Colombia,
Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, Juan Fernández Is. Refs.: Malloch, 1923a:669 (distr. rec.); Pont, 1972:12 (cat.); Palka-
Rocha & de Carvalho, 1994:4; de Carvalho & Couri, 2002a:65 (key to species); de Carvalho et al., 2005:43 (cat.).

nubilicosta Malloch, 1923a:668. Type locality: Colombia, Villavicencio, Quatiquia Anon. HT F (BMNH). Distr.:
Colombia. Refs: Pont, 1972:12 (cat.); Palka-Rocha & de Carvalho, 1994:4 (key), 9-11 (redescription of holotype);
de Carvalho & Couri, 2002a:65 (key to species); de Carvalho et al., 2005:44 (cat.).

villosa Stein, 1904:449. Type locality: Colombia: Cordillera & Bogotá. ST M/F (ZMHU). Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquia (Medellín, San Pedro de los Milagros)), Caldas (Manizales), (Cundinamarca (Chingaza, Facatativa, La
Calera, Mosquera)), Norte de Santander (Pamplona), Nariño (Gualmatan)). Refs.: Malloch, 1923a:669 (distr. rec.);
Albuquerque 1957b:12 (distr. rec.); Pont, 1972:12 (cat); Palka-Rocha & de Carvalho, 1994:4 (key), 9–11
(redescription males/female); de Carvalho et al., 2005:44 (cat.); Barrios & Wolff, 2011:166.
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Medellín, corregimineto de Santa Elena, Piedras Blancas,
sendero Puente Amarillo, forest Robledal, 2,300m, 1 female, 3–, Velez & Grisales Leg., Vsr Fish
(CEUA); San Pedro de los Milagros, Vereda Cerezales, 2,800m, 29 males,, V. Perez Leg.,
entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA); Caldas: Manizales, Las Palmas, Reserva Rio Blanco, forest,
5º7,2'6,58''N, 75º43,7'9,58''W, 2,592m, 2 females, 3.iv.2005, Entomology group Leg., Vsr (CEUA);
Cundinamarca: Chingaza, PNN [Parque Nacional Natural] Chingaza-estacion Monte redondo, Páramo de
Chingaza, forest, 3,035m, 3 males, 7females, ix–x.2002, E. Martinez Leg., entomological net over a pig carcass
(CEUA); Facatativa, artificial lake, 4°50´30´´N, 74°21´7´´W, 2,614m, 15 males, 22 females, M. Barrios Leg.,
entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA); La Calera, San José 4º43'22'' N, 73º58'20''W, 2,718m, 1 female,
15.iii.2002, Castro & Molano Leg., entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA); Mosquera, finca Tibaitata,
2,543m, 5 males, 3 females,, Ospina & Camacho Leg., entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA);
Norte de Santander: Pamplona, Universidad de Pamplona, 2360m, 29 males, 37 females, 19.vii–viii.2006, Carlos
Garcia Leg., entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA); Nariño: Gualmatan, 1 female, 12.iv.2006, N. Uribe
Leg., herbaceous plant (CEUA).

Genus Ophyra Robineau-Desvoidy

Ophyra Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830:516. Type species, nitida Robineau-Desvoidy (Rondani, 1866:70, 84) = ignava Harris.
Refs.: de Carvalho & Couri, 2002a:70 (key to species); de Carvalho et al., 2005:45 (cat.).

aenescens Wiedemann, 1830:435 (Anthomyia). Type locality (restricted): “Neu-Orleans”, USA. LT M (NMW)
(des. Pont 1997:88), paralectotype (NMW). Distr.: Mexico, Nicaragua, St. Vincent, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, Cuba,
Trinidad & Tobago, Guyana, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Colombia (Antioquia (Medellín, Gómez Plata, Girardota)),
Boyacá (Tunja), (Cundinamarca (La Calera, Facatativa, La Mesa)), Santander (Bucaramanga), Caquetá
(Florencia), Córdoba (Monteria), Guajira (Maicao), Magdalena (Santa Marta), Quindío (Armenia), Risaralda
(Pereira), Sucre (San Onofre, Isla Tintipan), Bolivia, Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, Galápagos Is., Easter Is.
Nearctic Region, western Palaearctic Region, eastern Pacific. Refs.: Sabrosky, 1949:427; Hardy, 1981:55; Uribe-M
et al., 2010:464 (distr. rec.); Pastrana & Wolff, 2011: 47; Barrios & Wolff, 2011: 166; Salazar et al., 2012:563;
Ramírez et al., 2012:31.
Material examined. Antioquia: Medellín, Altos de Medellín, Vereda El Cabuyal, schrubs and pastures, 2
females, 26.x.2004, Grisales, Rivera & A. Uribe Leg., Vsr Fish-Ping (CEUA); Universidad de Antioquia sede
Veterinaria, 5°44'48"N, 75°36'34"W, cancha, 1,450m, 1 female,, E. Florez & M.A. Botero Leg, Vsr
Fish. (CEUA); other specimens with the same label information, except for: 1 female, 23.v.1999, E. Florez & M.A.
Botero Leg.; 1 female, 25.v.1999, M.C. Vélez Leg., Vsr-Onion (CEUA); Gómez Plata, Hacienda La Clara,
pastures, 1,000m, 1 female, 15.vii.2003, A. Uribe Leg., entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA); Girardota,
11º16.498N, 74º05.829W, forest, 1 female, E. Perdomo & C. Valverde Leg., entomological net over a pig carcass
(CEUA); Boyacá: Tunja, Universidad Pedagogica y Tecnologica, 2,690m, 1 male, 3 females, 6.v.2002, Yusseff &
Daza Leg., entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA); Caquetá: Florencia, finca La Magola, Vereda
Sebastopol, 305m, 18 males, 30 females, 04.xii.2004, Y. Ramos Leg., entomological net over a pig carcass

CATALOGUE OF MUSCIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 825
(CEUA); Cundinamarca: La Calera, San José, 4º43'22''N,73º58'20''W, 1 females, Castro & Molano Leg., Pig-Net
(CEUA); Facatativa, 4°50´30´´N, 74°21´7´´W, 1 female, M. Barrios Leg., entomological net over a pig carcass
(CEUA); La Mesa, El Espino, 1 female, Entomology Group Leg., carrion (CEUA); Córdoba: Monteria, Unicor,
shrubs/side of the road, 12 males, 7 females, 15.xii.2005, Div & Ruiz Leg., entomological net over a pig carcass
(CEUA); Guajira: Maicao, K13 roat Venezuela, 11´93°N; 27´24W, 20m, 1 female, 16.ix.2007, J. Abdala Leg.,
entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA); Santander: Bucaramanga, Rionegro, 700m, 6 males, 20 females,
24.vii.2003, A.Vargas Leg., entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA); Magdalena: Santa Marta, finca
Kalashe-Kalabia, forest, 11º16.498N, 74º05.829W, 143m, 2 females, i–ii.2008, E. Perdomo & C. Valverde Leg.,
entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA); Quindío: Armenia, Universidad del Quindío, pastures, 1,520m,
4°33´98"N; 75°39´57"W, 9 males, 21 females, 4.iv.2009, M.I. Cruz Leg., entomological net over a pig carcass
(CEUA); Risaralda: Pereira, finca La Acuarela, Mundo Nuevo, pastures, 1,550m, 24 males, 44 females,
10.x.2006, D. Grisales Leg., entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA); Sucre: San Onofre, Reserva Sanguare,
forest, edge, 0m, 2males, 1female, 4–5.ii.2003, Grisales & Duque Leg., entomological net over a pig carcass
(CEUA); Isla Tintipan, Archipielago de San Bernando, manglar, 0m, 1 male, 27.xii.2002, Wolff & Duque Legs.,
entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA).

albuquerquei Lopes, 1985:117. Type locality: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Le Vallon, Alto da Mosela. HT M (MNRJ);
paralectotype (MNRJ). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Guarne, Medellín), Caquetá (Florencia), Cundinamarca
(Facatativa), Norte de Santander (Pamplona), Risaralda (Pereira)), Brazil. Refs.: Pont, 1972:13 (cat); de Carvalho
et al., 2005:47 (cat.); Barrios & Wolff, 2011:166; Ramírez et al., 2012:31; Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho
Examined material. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Medellín, Corregimiento de Santa Elena, Vereda Piedras
Blancas, forest Robledal, 2300m, 1 female, Velez & Grisales Leg., Vsr Fish (CEUA); Guarne, Piedras Blancas,
Pine plantation, 2300m, 1 female, 3–, Velez y Grisales Leg., Vsr Fish (CEUA); Caquetá: Florencia, finca
La Magola, Vereda Sebastopol, 305m, 04.xii.2004, Y. Ramos Leg., entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA);
other specimens with the same label information, except for: 08.xii.2004, Y. Ramos Leg. Cundinamarca:
Facatativa, Quebrada Mancilla, 4°5´0´30´´N, 74°21´7´´W, 2,614m, 1 female, 24.ii.2007, M. Barrios Leg.,
entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA); Norte de Santander: Pamplona, Universidad de Pamplona,
2,360m, 4 males, 18 females, vii–viii.2006, L. Ardila Leg., entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA);
Risaralda: Pereira, SFF [Santuario de Flora y Fauna] Otún Quimbaya, forest, 1,890m, Entomology group Leg.,
Vsr Fish (CEUA).

solitaria Albuquerque, 1958:7. Type locality: Brazil, Goiás, Anápolis. HT F (MNRJ). Distr.: Colombia
(Magdalena (Santa Marta)), Brazil. Refs.: Pont, 1972:13 (cat); de Carvalho et al., 2005:49 (cat.); Löwenberg-Neto
& de Carvalho, 2013:23 (cat). New record to Colombia.
Examined material. COLOMBIA: Magdalena: Santa Marta, finca Kalashe-Kalabia, forest, 11º16.498N,
74º05.829W, 143m, 1 female, i-ii.2008, E. Perdomo & C. Valverde Leg., entomological net over a pig carcass

Tribe Reinwardtiini Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1889

Genus Brachygasterina Macquart

Brachygasterina Macquart, 1851a:232 1851b:259. Type species, violaceiventris Macquart (orig. des.). Refs.: de Carvalho &
Couri, 2002a:76 (key to species), de Carvalho et al., 2005:50 (cat.); de Carvalho & Pont, 2006:1; Soares & de Carvalho,
2007:425; Pérez et al., 2012: 45.
Euphaonia Malloch, 1922:271. Type species, fulvohumeralis Malloch (orig. des.).

bochica Soares & Carvalho, 2007:429. Type locality: Colombia, North of Santander, Chinácota, 8000’, 50km S of
Chinácota. HT M (FMNH); paratype F (FMNH): “Columbia Colom N./Sant., 8000’, 50km/ S. Chinácota, (10-/14)-
V-1974/S. Peck”. Distr.: Colombia (Norte de Santander (Chinácota 7.6000, -72.6100), Norte de Santander
(Herrán)). Refs.: Soares & de Carvalho, 2007:429, figs. 4–6; 11–12; Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho, 2013:24.

826 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press PÉREZ & DE CARVALHO
Examined material. COLOMBIA: Norte de Santander: Herrán, Vereda Pabellon, PNN [Parque Nacional
Natural] Tamá, finca Virgilio Pabón, 2384m, 1 female, 8–22.x.2003, Malaise (IAvH).

humboldti Soares & Carvalho, 2007:426. Type locality: Ecuador, Napo, 27 km NW of Baeza,. HT M (FMNH).
Distr.: Colombia (Boyacá, Valle del Cauca), Ecuador, Venezuela. Refs.: Soares & de Carvalho, 2007:426, figs. 1–3;
7–8; Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho, 2013:24.
Examined material. COLOMBIA: Boyacá: SFF [Santuario de Fauna y Flora] Iguaque/Laguilla, 5º25´´N;
73º27´´W, 3380m, 1 male, 9-28.iii.2001, P. Reina Leg., Malaise (IAvH); other specimens with the same label
information, except for: 1 female. Valle del Cauca: PNN [Parque Nacional Natural] Farallones de Cali,
Corregimiento La Meseta, 1,690m, 1 female, 10–24.xii.2003, S. Sarria & M. Losso Legs., Malaise (IAvH).

muisca Soares & Carvalho, 2007:428. Type locality: Colombia, North of Santander, Chinácota 8000’, 50km S of
Chinácota. HT M (FMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca, Valle del Cauca). Refs.: Soares & de Carvalho,
2007:428; Pérez et al., 2012:54 (male description); Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho, 2013:24.
Examined material. COLOMBIA: Cundinamarca: PNN [Parque Nacional Natural] Sumapaz, Bocatoma
Cerro el Zapato, 4°14´N, 74°12´W. 3,560m, 1 male, 1–16.ii.2003, Malaise (IAvH); Valle del Cauca: PNN [Parque
Nacional Natural] Farallones de Cali, Corregimiento La Meseta, 2,200m, 2 females, 27.i–10.ii.2004 and 10-
24.xii.2003, S. Sarria & M. Losso Legs., Malaise (IAvH).

setulosa Pérez, Wolff & Carvalho, 2012:46, figs. 1–11, 25–27. Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca, PNN
[Parque Nacional Natural] Chingaza-La Siberia. HT M (IAvH). Distr.: Colombia (Boyacá (Iguaque),
Cundinamarca (Chingaza, Sumapaz)). Refs.: Pérez et al., 2012:46, figs. 1–11, 25–27.
Examined material. COLOMBIA: Cundinamarca: PNN [Parque Nacional Natural] Chingaza-La Siberia,
4°31´N, 73°45´W, 3170m, 3–15.xii.2001, Malaise (IAvH); paratypes (IAvH); PNN [Parque Nacional Natural]
Sumapaz, Bocatomacerro el Zapato, 4°14'N, 74°12'W, 3,560m, 1 male, 2–17.i.2003, Malaise (IAvH); Boyacá: SFF
[Santuario de Fauna y Flora] Iguaque-Lagunilla, 5°25’N, 73°27°W. 3,380m, 1 male, 28.iii-16.iv.2003, Malaise
(IAvH); other specimens with the same label information, except for: 1 male, 2 females.

stuebeli Röder, 1886:269 (Hydrotaea). Type locality: Colombia, Páramo. ST F (MLUH). Distr.: Colombia
(Cundinamarca (Chingaza), Boyacá (Iguaque), Ecuador. Refs.: de Carvalho et al., 2005:50 (cat.); de Carvalho &
Pont, 2006:4 (key); Soares & de Carvalho, 2007:425 (key); Pérez et al., 2012:51, figs. 12–19 (male description);
Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho, 2013:24.
Examined material. COLOMBIA: Cundinamarca: PNN [Parque Nacional Natural] Chingaza, Estación
Monte Redondo, 3,035m, 2 males, 3 females, 5.x.2002, E. Martinez Leg., (CEUA); Boyacá: SFF [Santuario de
Fauna y Flora] Iguaque/Lagunilla, 5°25’N, 73°27°W, 3,380m, 2 females, 9-28.iii.2001, Malaise (IAvH).

Genus Muscina Robineau-Desvoidy

Muscina Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830:406. Type species, Musca stabulans Fallén (Coquillett 1910:571). Refs.: de Carvalho &
Couri, 2002a:80 (key to species); de Carvalho et al., 2005:53.

stabulans Fallén, 1817:252 (Musca). Type locality: Sweden. LT M (NHRS) (des. Pont, 1984:293), paralectotypes
(NHRS); (MZLU). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Rionegro, San Pedro de los Milagros), Cundinamarca (Mosquera,
La Calera), Norte de Santander (Pamplona)), Mexico, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Peru, Venezuela, Brazil, Uruguay,
Argentina, Chile. Refs.: Martinez et al., 2007:183.
Examined material. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Rionegro, Compostera Avinal, 1 female, vii.2006, G.
Morales, (CEUA); San Pedro de los Milagros, Vereda Cerezales, 2,800m, 1 female,, V. Perez Leg.,
entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA); Cundinamarca: Mosquera, finca Tibaitata, 2,543m, 1 male, 3
females, 24.vii.2001, Ospina & Camacho Leg., entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA); La Calera Vereda
San José, 4º43'22''N, 73º58'20''W, 2,718m, 1 female, 21.ii.2001, Castro & Molano Leg., entomological net over a
pig carcass (CEUA); Norte of Santander: Pamplona, Universidad de Pamplona, 2,360m, 2 females, vii–viii.2006,
L. Ardila Leg., entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA).

CATALOGUE OF MUSCIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 827
Genus Philornis Meinert

Philornis Meinert, 1890:315. Type species, molesta Meinert (mon.). Refs.: Couri, 1989, 1999; de Carvalho & Couri, 2002a:88
(key to species); de Carvalho et al., 2005:60 (cat.).
Neomusca Malloch, 1921a:41. Type species, Mydaea obscura Wulp (orig. des.).
Mesembrinellopsis Townsend, 1927:208 & 328. Type species, mima Townsend (orig. des.).

steini Pont, 1972:57 (Neomusca) NOM. N. for angustifrons Stein 1904:448 (Spilogaster) (Junior secondary
homonym of angustifrons Loew, 1861). Type locality: Colombia (Cordillera 5.0000, -75.0000), ST F (ZMHU).
Distr.: Colombia (Risaralda (Pereira)). Refs.: de Carvalho et al., 1993:37 (cat.); Couri, 1999:53 (cit.), 67
(diagnosis); de Carvalho & Couri, 2002a:88 (listed); de Carvalho et al., 2005:69 (cat.); Lowenberg & de Carvalho,
Examined material. COLOMBIA: Risaralda: Pereria, SFF [Santuario de Flora y Fauna] Otún Quimbaya,
17 females, 7.v.2001, Entomology group Leg., Vsr Fish (CEUA).

vulgaris Couri, 1984:488, figs. 34, 35. HT F, CNC?, paratype CNC?. Type locality: Brazil, Amazonas, Manaus,
Reserva Ducke. Distr. Brazil, Colombia (Boyacá (Villa de Leiva Vereda Ritoque, 5º36'23''N, 73º32'38''W,
19.ix.2005 a 28.iv.2006 (nests and nestlings of the tropical mockingbird.)). Refs.: Couri, 1985:17–20 (biology,
larvae); de Carvalho et al., 1993:38 (cat.); Teixeira, 1999:86 (hosts); de Carvalho and Couri, 2002a:93 (Neotropical
Region, key); Amat et al., 2007:205-207.

Genus Psilochaeta Stein.

Psilochaeta Stein, 1911:72. Type species, Limnophora chlorogaster Bigot (orig. des.) = chlorogaster Wiedemann. Refs.: de
Carvalho & Couri, 2002a:96 (key to species); de Carvalho et al., 2005: 71(cat.).
Phyronota Shannon & Del Ponte, 1926:577. Type species, portensis Shannon & Del Ponte (Séguy 1937:329) = chalybea

chalybea Wiedemann, 1830:428 (Anthomyia). Type locality: “Brasilien”. LT M (NMW) (des. Pont, 1997:92),
paralectotype (NMW). Distr.: Colombia, Brazil, Uruguay, Chile, Argentina, Juan Fernández Is. Refs.: Stein, 1904:452
(distr. record.); Pont, 1972:92 (cat.); de Carvalho et al., 2005:71 (cat.); Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho, 2013:35.

Genus Reinwardtia Brauer & Bergenstamm

Reinwardtia Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1889:158. Type species, tachinina Brauer & Bergenstamm (mon.).

undescribed sp. 1. Distr.: Colombia: Antioquia (Belmira).

Examined material. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Belmira, Páramo de Santa Inés, Chaparral, 06°38´51.2´´N;
75°40´16.8´´W, 3,239m, 2 males, 2–4.iv.2010, Entomology group Leg., Vsr Fish (CEUA).

Genus Synthesiomyia Brauer & Bergenstamm

Synthesiomyia Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1893:96, 110 & 178. Type species, brasiliana Brauer & Bergenstamm (mon.) =
nudiseta Wulp. Refs.: Hennig, 1963a; de Carvalho & Couri, 2002a: 98 (key to species); de Carvalho et al., 2005: 75 (cat.).

nudiseta Wulp, 1883:42 (Cyrtoneura). Type locality: Argentina. HT F (ZMAN). Distr.: Mexico, Nicaragua, Costa
Rica, Colombia (Antioquia (Gómez Plata, La Pintada, Medellín), Boyacá (Tunja), Magdalena (Santa Marta), Sucre
(San Onofre)), Panama, Virgin Is. of the United States, Jamaica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Trinidad
& Tobago, Guyana, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina, Chile, Galápagos Is., Easter
Is.; tropicopolitan. Refs.: Pont, 1972:11 (cat.); Pérez et al., 2005: 3; de Carvalho et al., 2005:75 (cat.); Uribe-M et
al., 2010: 464; Salazar-Ortega et al., 2012: 563; Ramírez et al., 2012: 3; Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho, 2013:5.

828 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press PÉREZ & DE CARVALHO
Examined material. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Gómez Plata, Hacienda La Clara, Vereda La Clara, pastures,
1000m, 1female, 17.vii.2003, Perez & Velez Leg., entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA); La Pintada,
Camping Los Farallones, 5°44´48´´N,75°36´34´´W, 660m, 15–16.ii.2007, 5 females, E. Florez & M.A. Botero
Leg., Vsr Fish (CEUA); other specimens with the same label information, except for: 1 female, Vsr copro; 1
female, Vsr shrubs; Medellín, Universidad Antioquia, microestación, 1500m, 4 females, 28.ii.2002, U. Herrera
Leg., Buried Guinea pig (CEUA); Medellín, Universidad Antioquia, 10 females, 11–13.v.2002, A. Builes Leg.,
Rabbit-Net (CEUA); other specimens with the same label information, except for: raised in the Universidad de
Antioquia, 3 females, 22.xi.2000, M. Wolff Leg.; 1 female, 3.iii.2002, U. Herrera & P. Duque Leg., guinea pig;
vii.21-2006, Entomology Group Leg., Vsr; sede Veterinaria, pastures, 13 males, 1 female,, G. Zapata
Leg., Rabbit-Baygon; sede Veterinaria, pastures, 9 females, 17.v.1999, A. Uribe Leg., entomological net over a pig
carcass; Medellín, 3females, 22.xi.2000, Entomology group Leg.,in human cadaver; Boyacá: Tunja, Universidad
Pedagogica y Tecnologica, 2,690m, 2 females, 6.v.2002, Yusseff & Daza Leg., entomological net over a pig carcass
(CEUA); Magdalena: Santa Marta, finca Kalashe-Kalabia, 11°16.498N, 74°05.829W, 143m, 1 female, 30.i.2008,
E. Perdomo & C. Valverde Leg., entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA); Sucre: San Onofre, Reserva
Sanguare, 0m, 1 female, 30.iv.2003, Entomology group Leg., Net (CEUA).

Subfamily Phaoniinae Malloch, 1917

Genus Helina Robineau-Desvoidy

Helina Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830:493. Type species, euphemioidea Robineau-Desvoidy (Coquillett 1901:137) = pertusa
Refs.: de Carvalho & Couri, 2002a:105 (partial key to species).
Ariciella Malloch, 1918a:66. Type species, flavicornis Malloch (orig. des.). = rubripalpis Wulp.
Xenothoracochaeta Malloch, 1921b:170. Type species, prima Malloch (orig. des.). Syn.n.
Tritonidis Séguy, 1937:461. Type species, Aricia nigrimanus Macquart (orig. des.).
Airalips Snyder, 1949a:9. Type species, Spilogaster plumata Stein (orig. des.) = rufiguttata Macquart.
Trinodites, error.

adelpha Schiner, 1868:300 (Spilogaster). Type locality: “Süd-Amerika”. ST M/F (NMW). Distr.: Mexico,
Colombia (Santa Fé de Bogotá (Bogotá, 4.6333, -74.0833)), Peru. Refs.: Snyder, 1941; Pont, 1972:19 (cat); de
Carvalho et al., 1993:70 (cat.). de Carvalho & Couri, 2002a: 111, 115 (key to species); de Carvalho et al., 2005:
108 (cat.); Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho, 2013: 61.
Spilogaster adelpha; Stein 1904:452
Helina adelpha; Snyder 1941:13

dasyophthalma Malloch, 1928:473 (nom. n. for dasyops Stein). Distr.: Peru, Bolivia, Colombia (Cordillera,
5.0000, -75.0000). Refs.: Stein, 1911; Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho, 2013:63.

fuscomarginata Snyder, 1949a:12 (Airalips). Type locality: Colombia, Cali district, western Cordillera. HT F
(AMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Cali)). Comb.n. Refs: de Carvalho et al., 2005: 115 (cat.);
Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho, 2013:64.

latipennis Stein, 1904:435 (Spilogaster). Type locality: Colombia, Cordillera & Bolivia, San Antonio. ST M/F
(ZMHU) (destroyed HNHM). Distr.: Colombia (Cordillera), Bolivia. Refs.: de Carvalho et al., 2005:115 (cat.);
Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho, 2013:64.

marginipennis Stein, 1904:440 (Spilogaster). Type locality: Colombia, Cordillera. ST F (ZMHU). Distr.:
Colombia (Cordillera, Magdalena (Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta -Sierra San Lorenzo)), Peru, Bolivia. Refs.: Stein,
1918:219, Pont, 1972:21, de Carvalho & Couri, 2002a:110–114 (cat.), Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho, 2013:65.
Mydaea marginipennis: Stein 1918:219.

CATALOGUE OF MUSCIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 829
prima Malloch, 1921b:170 (Xenothoracochaeta). Type locality: Colombia, Villavicencio, Quataquia River, HT F
(BMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Meta (Villavicencio, Quatiquia River 4.1500, -73.6333), Peru. Refs.: de Carvalho et
al., 2005: 121 (cat.); Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho, 2013:67.
Xenothoracochaeta prima; Séguy 1937:340 (cat.); Snyder 1954:423 (synonymy); Pont 1972:49 (cat.); de
Carvalho et al., 1993:65 (cat.); Couri & de Carvalho, 2002:159 (key to species).

vierecki Snyder, 1941:8. Type locality: Colombia (La Cumbee). HT M (AMNH); paratypes (AMNH). Distr.:
Colombia (Magdalena (Hacienda Vista Nieve, La Cumbee)) Refs.: Pont, 1972:23 (cat.); de Carvalho & Couri,
2005: 124 (cat.); Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho, 2013: 68.

Genus Phaonia Robineau-Desvoidy

Phaonia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830:482. Type species, viarum Robineau-Desvoidy (Coquillett, 1901:140) = valida Harris.
Refs.: de Carvalho & Couri, 2002a:119 (key to species); de Carvalho et al., 2005: 125 (cat.).
Bigotomyia Malloch, 1921b:173. Type species, Spilogaster trispilus Bigot (orig. des.).
Pseudomyiospila Vimmer, 1939:61. Type species, coquilleti (sic) Vimmer (orig. des.).

abdita Giglio-Tos, 1893:8 1896:23 (Spilogaster). Type locality: “Mexico”. LT F (MIZT) (des. Coelho, 2000:801);
paralectotypes (MIZT). Distr.: Mexico, Guatemala, Panama, Venezuela, Colombia (Santa Fé de Bogotá (Bogotá,
4.6333, -74.0833)), Ecuador, Bolivia. Refs.: de Carvalho & Couri, 2002a:123 (key to species); de Carvalho et al.,
2005: 125 (cat.); Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho, 2013: 69.
Phaonia abdita; de Carvalho et al., 1993:80 (cat.); Coelho, 2000:800 (key), 801 (redescription male/female),
figs. 1–7 (male genitalia, ovipositor, proboscis); de Carvalho & Couri, 2002a:123 (Neotropical Region, key).

curvata Stein, 1904:423 (Aricia). Type locality (restricted): Colombia (Bogotá). LT F (ZMHU) (des. Coelho,
2000:821); paralectotype (ZMHU). Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca (Soacha, Salto del Tequendama), Chocó
(5.9167, -76.1667), Cordillera (5.0000, -75.0000), Santa Fé de Bogotá (Bogotá, 4.6333, -74.0833)), Ecuador,
Bolivia. Refs.: de Carvalho & Couri, 2002a:123 (key to species); de Carvalho et al., 2005: 127 (cat.); Löwenberg-
Neto & de Carvalho, 2013: 70.
Phaonia curvata; Coelho, 2000:799 (key), 821 (redescription male/female), figs. 44–50 (male genitalia,
ovipositor, proboscis); de Carvalho and Couri, 2002a:123 (Neotropical Region, key).
Bigotomyia curvata; Albuquerque, 1954d:219 (Colombia), figs. 1–9 (wing, hind leg, male/female genitalia);
Albuquerque, 1957a:16 (key); Pont, 1972:18 (cat.).

equatorialis Coelho, 1998:687. Type locality: Ecuador, Cerro Tinajillas, Azuay. HT M (CNC); paratypes (CNC).
Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Caldas, 5.0833, -76.4667), Cauca, Páramo Volcán, 2.3500, -76.3833)), Ecuador.
Refs.: de Carvalho & Couri, 2002a:124 (key to species); de Carvalho et al., 2005: 127 (cat.); Löwenberg-Neto & de
Carvalho, 2013: 70.
Phaonia equatorialis Coelho, 2000:800 (key).

Subfamily Cyrtoneurininae Snyder, 1954

Genus Cariocamyia Snyder

Cariocamyia Snyder, 1951:1. Type species, maculosa Snyder (orig. des.). Couri & Carvalho 2002:136 (key to species). Refs.:
Couri and Carvalho, 2002:136 (key to species); Carvalho et al., 2005: 76 (cat.).

maculosa Snyder, 1951:1. Type locality: Brazil, Guanabara, Rio de Janeiro, Grajaú. HT M (AMNH). Distr.:
Colombia (Boyacá (Muzo, 5.5353, -74.1078)), Brazil. Refs.: Albuquerque 1955a: 41, figs. 1–9 (wing, head, male/
female genitalia); Pont, 1972:57 (cat.); Vockeroth, 1972:6 (ovipositor not Mydaeinae); Lopes & Couri 1989:fig. 1
(head); Couri & de Carvalho, 2002:136, (key to species), 261 (photo); de Carvalho et al., 2005: 77 (cat.);
Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho, 2013: 37.
Cariocamyia maculosa; Albuquerque 1955a:41, figs. 1–9 (wing, head, male/female genitalia).

830 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press PÉREZ & DE CARVALHO
Genus Cyrtoneurina Giglio-Tos

Cyrtoneurina Giglio-Tos, 1893:5. Type species, uber Giglio-Tos (Coquillett, 1910:530).

Refs.: Couri & de Carvalho, 2002:139 (key to species); de Carvalho et al., 2005:78 (cat.).
Clinopera Wulp, 1896c:305. Type species, hieroglyphica Wulp (Coquillett, 1910:535) = uber Giglio-Tos.

geminata Stein, 1904:439 (Spilogaster). Type locality: La Pita (Guatemala or Panama?). ST M (ZMHU). Distr.:
Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Savador, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia (Antioquia (Puerto Berrio, La Pintada,
Medellín (6.2500, -75.6000)), Valle del Cauca (Calí, 3.4000, -76.5000)), Venezuela, Peru, Brazil, Paraguay. Refs.:
Snyder, 1954; Pont, 1972:52 (cat.); de Carvalho et al., 2005:79-80 (cat.); Uribe-M et al., 2010:464; Löwenberg-
Neto & de Carvalho, 2013:39.
Examined material. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Puerto Berrio, Reserva R.U.N.A, Vereda La Cristalina,
forest, 400-500m, 1 female, 25.ix.2005, Entomology group Leg., Vsr Fish (CEUA); La Pintada, Hacienda
Montenegro Comfenalco, 5º43'24''N, 75º37'15'', 800m, 6 females,, Vsr- human feces (CEUA).

uber Giglio-Tos, 1893:7; 1896:17. Type locality: Mexico, Tuxpango. LT M (MIZT) (des. Snyder, 1954:436).
Distr.: Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Belize, Nicaragua, Panama, Grenada, Trinidad & Tobago, Colombia
(Antioquia (Turbo, 8.1000, -76.7333), Santa Fé de Bogotá (Bogotá, 4.6333, -74.0833), Valle del Cauca (Cali,
3.4000, -76.5000); Peru, Venezuela, Guyana. Refs.: Malloch, 1925; Pont, 1972:54 (cat.); de Carvalho et al., 2005:
80 (cat.); Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho, 2013:39.
Cyrtoneurina? perspicua Malloch, 1925:91.

Genus Cyrtoneuropsis Malloch

Cyrtoneuropsis Malloch, 1925:91 (as subgenus of Cyrtoneurina). Type species, Spilogaster veniseta Stein (orig. des.). Refs.:
Couri & de Carvalho, 2002:141 (key to species); de Carvalho et al., 2005: 81 (cat.).
Mallocharia Curran, 1934:462. Type species, beebei Curran (orig. des.).
Dyadimyia Séguy, 1937:238, 340. Type species, aurea Séguy (orig. des.) = conspersa Stein.
Paracyrtoneurina Pamplona & Couri, 1998:543. Nomen nudum.
Paracyrtoneurina Pamplona, 1999:16. Type species, Mydaea armipes Stein, 1911 (orig. des.) (see also Pont & Pamplona,

conspersa Stein, 1911:89 (Mydaea). Type locality: Peru, Pto. Bermúdez. LT M (SMT) (des. Pont 2001:468);
paralectotype (SMT). Distr.: Brazil, Colombia (Santa Fé de Bogotá, (Bogotá, 4.6333, -74.0833)); Costa Rica,
French Guiana, Guyane, Peru. Refs.: Malloch, 1925; Pont, 1972:52 (cat.); de Carvalho et al., 2005:82 (cat.);
Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho, 2013:42.

dubia Snyder, 1954:453 (Cyrtoneurina). Type locality: Peru, Junin, Chanchamayo. HT M (AMNH), paratypes
(AMNH). Distr.: Belize, Colombia (Risaralda (Pereira), (Chocó (Utría)), Costa Rica, Guatemala, Panama, Peru,
Guyana, Brazil. Refs.; Pont, 1972:52 (cat.); de Carvalho et al., 2005:82 (cat.); Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho,
2013:42. New record to Colombia.
Examined material. COLOMBIA: Risaralda: Pereira, SFF [Santuario de Flora y Fauna] Otún Quimbaya,
forest Urapan, 1890m, v.2001, Entomology group Leg., Vsr Fish (CEUA); Chocó: PNN [Parque Nacional Natural]
Utría-centro de visitantes, 6º1'N,77º20'W, 2 males, 6 females, 05.vii.2000, B. Brown Leg., Malaise (IAvH).

fuscicosta Curran, 1934:466. Type locality: Guyana, Kartabo. HT M (AMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Vaupés),
Guyana, Brazil. Refs.: Pont, 1972:52 (cat.); de Carvalho et al., 2005:83 (cat.); Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho,
2013:42. New record to Colombia.
Examined material. COLOMBIA: Vaupés: Estación Biológica Mosiro-Itajura (Caparú)-Centro ambiental,
1º4'S; 69º31'W, 60m, 1 female, 1.ii.2003, M. Sharkey & D. Arias Leg., Malaise (CEUA).

gemina Wiedemann, 1830:436 (Anthomyia). Type locality: “Brasilien”. LT M (UZMC) (des. Pont, 1997:96);
paralectotype (SMF). Distr.: Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia (Antioquia

CATALOGUE OF MUSCIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 831
(Jerico, La Pintada, San Jerónimo), Sucre (San Onofre)), Peru, Venezuela, Brazil, Paraguay, Grenada, Nicaragua.
Refs: Pont, 1972:96 (cat); Couri & de Carvalho, 2002:143–144 (key to species), fig. 13 (katepisternum); de
Carvalho et al., 2005:83 (cat.); Uribe-M et al., 2010:464; Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho, 2013:43.
Examined material: Antioquia: Jerico, Cauca Viejo (Condominio Campestre), 400m, 29 females, 14-
15.iii.2003, Vsr Fish (CEUA); La Pintada, Camping Los Farallones, 5°44'48"N, 75°36'34"W, 660m, 34 females,
16.ii.2007 to, M.C. Velez & E. Florez Leg., Vsr Fish (CEUA); La Pintada Hacienda Montenegro,
pastures, 5°43'25'' N, 75°37'26''W, 770m, 31 females,, A.L. Montoya Leg., Vsr- human feces (CEUA);
San Jerónimo, Parque Los Tamarindos, 925m, 2 females, 24.iv.2006, A. Vélez Leg., Vsr Fish (CEUA); Sucre: San
Onofre, Reserva Sanguare, forest, 5º 43'24''N, 75º37'15''W, 850m, 2females, 20.iv.2007, entomological net over a
pig carcass (CEUA).

immunda Stein, 1911:90 (Mydaea). Type locality: Peru, Urubamba River. LT F (SMT) (des. Pont, 2001:473).
Distr.: Guatemala, Belize, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Panama, Grenada, Trinidad & Tobago, Colombia
(Santa Fé de Bogotá (Bogotá, 4.6333, -74.0833)), Peru, Venezuela, Guyana, Brazil. Refs.: Malloch, 1925; Pont,
1972:52 (cat.); Couri & de Carvalho, 2002:143 (key to species); de Carvalho et al., 2005: 84 (cat.); Löwenberg-
Neto & de Carvalho, 2013:43.
gemina authors, not Wiedemann
Spilogaster gemina; Stein, 1904:436 (Colombian Cordillera).
Cyrtoneurina gemina; Malloch, 1925:90.

maculipennis Macquart, 1843:320 (Spilogaster). Type locality: “Guyane”. ST F (MNHNP). Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquia (Caucasia, Copacabana, La Pintada), Chocó (Utría), Vaupés, Risaralda (Pereira)), Costa Rica, Panama,
French Guiana, Brazil, Bolivia. Refs.: Pont, 1972:53 (cat.); de Carvalho et al., 2005:85 (cat.); Uribe-M et al.,
2010:464; Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho, 2013:44.
Examined material. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Caucasia, Hacienda La Candelaria, forest, 80m, 1 female,
Entomology group Leg., Vsr (CEUA); Copacabana, Vereda El Cabuyal, shrubs, 1,650m, 1 female, vii.viii.2002,
Grisales & Rivera Leg., Vsr Fish (CEUA); La Pintada, Hacienda Montenegro Comfenalco, 5º43'24''N;75º37'15''W,
850m, 9 females, 15.ii.2007 to 25.v.2007, N. Uribe Leg., Vsr Fish, human feces (CEUA); Chocó: PNN [Parque
Nacional Natural] Utría-centro de visitantes, 6º1'N 77º20'W, 2 males, 2 females, 1.ii.2000, J. Pérez Leg., Malaise
(IAvH); Vaupés: Estación Biológica Mosiro-Itajura (Caparú)-terrazas, 1º4'S; 69º31'W, 60m, 4 females, 6.xi.2002,
L. Benavides Leg., Malaise (IAvH); Risaralda: Pereira, SFF [Santuario de Flora y Fauna] Otún Quimbaya, forest
Robledal, 1,890m, 1 female, 7.v.2001, Entomology group Leg., Vsr Fish (CEUA).

multomaculata Stein, 1904:434 (Spilogaster). Type locality: Colombia (Cordillera, Tierra Caliente), LT M
(ZMHU) (des. Snyder 1954:444); paralectotypes (ZMHU). Distr.: Costa Rica, Colombia (Tierra Caliente, Central
Cordillera, 5.0000, -75.0000), Peru, Guyana, Brazil, Bolivia. Refs.: Pont, 1972:53 (cat); de Carvalho et al., 2005:86
(cat.); Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho, 2013:45.

ocasionalis Couri, 1982:48, (Cyrtoneurina). Type locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Dourado. HT M (MNRJ); PT
(MNRJ). Distr.: Colombia (Risaralda (Pereira)), Brazil. Refs.: de Carvalho et al., 2005:87 (cat.); Löwenberg-Neto
& de Carvalho, 2013:45. New record to Colombia.
Examined material. COLOMBIA: Risaralda: Pereira, SFF [Santuario de Flora y Fauna] Otún Quimbaya,
native forest, 1,890m, 10 females, Entomology group Leg., Vsr Fish (CEUA).

pararescita Couri, 1995:229–232., (Cyrtoneurina). Type locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso do Sul. HT M (MNRJ);
paralectotype F (MNRJ). Distr.: Brazil, Colombia (Antioquia (La Pintada)). Refs.: de Carvalho et al., 2005:87
(cat.); Uribe-M et al., 2010:464; Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho, 2013:45.
Examined material. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: La Pintada, Hacienda Montenegro Comfenalco, 5º 43'24''N,
75º37'15'', 800m, 3 females,, Vsr Fish (CEUA).

rescita Walker, 1861:315 (Aricia). Type locality: “Mexico”. HT F (BMNH). Distr.: Belize, Bolivia, Brazil,
Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Cali, microestacion Univalle, 3.4000, -76.5000)); Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador,

832 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press PÉREZ & DE CARVALHO
Granada, Guatemala, Guyana, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Trinidad and Tobago,
United States of America, Venezuela. Refs.: Snyder, 1954:448; Stein, 1918:229; Pont, 1972:53 (cat.); de Carvalho
et al., 2005:88 (cat.); Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho, 2013:46.
Cyrtoneurina rescita; Stein, 1918:229, Snyder, 1954:448.

seriata Stein, 1911:91 (Mydaea). Type locality: Peru, Valley of Lares. LT M (SMT) (des. Pont, 2001:483);
paralectotype (SMT). Distr.: Colombia, Peru, Brazil. Refs.: Pont, 1972:54 (cat.); de Carvalho et al. 2005:89 (cat.);
Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho, 2013:47.

similata Couri, 1982:49, figs. 24, 25 (Cyrtoneurina). Type locality: Brazil, Pará, Santarém, Fazenda Tapeirinha.
HT F (MNRJ). Distr.: Colombia (Vaupés), Brazil. Refs.: de Carvalho et al., 2005:89 (cat.); Löwenberg-Neto & de
Carvalho, 2013:47. New record to Colombia.
Examined material. COLOMBIA: Vaupés: Estación Biológica Mosiro-Itajura (Caparú)-terrazas,
1º4'S,69º31'W, 60m, 3 females, 6.xi.2002, L. Benavides Leg., Malaise (IAvH).

steini Snyder, 1954:456 (Cyrtoneurina). Type locality: Mexico, Tapachula. HT M (AMNH). Distr.: Mexico,
Guatemala, El Salvador, Belize, Panama, Colombia (Cesar, sitio Garcia, 8.8833, -73.7167), Valle del Cauca
(3.7500, -76.4999)); Refs.: Pont, 1972:54 (cat.); de Carvalho et al., 2005:90 (cat.); Löwenberg-Neto & de
Carvalho, 2013:48.

veniseta Stein, 1904:443 (Spilogaster). Type locality: Brazil, Para. ST F (ZMHU). Distr.: Mexico, El Salvador,
Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia (Antioquia (Caucasia, Puerto Berrio), Choco (Utría), Cundinamarca
(Chingaza), Risaralda (Pereira)), Venezuela, Trinidad & Tobago, Guyana, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil, Argentina. Refs.:
Pont, 1972:54 (cat.); de Carvalho et al., 2005: 91 (cat.); Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho, 2013:48.
Cyrtoneurina veniseta; Snyder, 1954:439.
Cyrtoneuropsis veniseta; Curran, 1934:466.
Examined material. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Caucasia, Hacienda La Candelaria, forest, 80m, 5 females,
13.vii.2002, Entomology group Leg., Vsr (CEUA); Puerto Berrio, Reserva R.U.N.A, Vereda La Cristalina, forest,
400-500m, 3 females, 24.ix.2005, Entomology group Leg., Vsr Fish (CEUA); Chocó: PNN [Parque Nacional
Natural] Utría-centro de visitantes, 6º1'N, 77º20'W, 2 males, 1 female, 2.ix.2006, Malaise (IAvH); Cundinamarca:
PNN [Parque Nacional Natural] Chingaza-Alto de la Bandera, 4º31'N, 73º45'W, 3,660m, 1 female, 2.ix.2004,
Entomology group Leg., Malaise (IAvH); Risaralda: Pereira, SFF [Santuario de Flora y Fauna] Otún Quimbaya-
El Molinillo, 4º43'N, 75º34'W, 2220m, 1 female, 15.xi.2001, L. Cifuentes Leg., Malaise (IAvH).

Genus Neomuscina Townsend

Neomuscina Townsend, 1919:541. Type species, cavicola Townsend (orig. des.) = tripunctata Wulp. Refs.: Couri & Carvalho,
2002:149 (key to species); Carvalho et al., 2005:92 (cat.).
Spilopteromyia Malloch, 1921c:422. Type species, Spilogaster apicata Stein (orig. des.).

apicata Stein, 1904:442 (Spilogaster). Type locality: Peru, Vilcanota, HT F destroyed (formerly HNHM). Distr.:
Brazil, Colombia (Meta (Villavicencio, 4.1500, - 73.6333), Peru. Refs.: Snyder 1954; Pont, 1972:50 (cat.); de
Carvalho et al., 2005:92 (cat.); Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho, 2013:49.
Spilopteromyia apicata; Malloch 1921c:422.
Neomuscina (Spilopteromyia) apicata; Snyder 1949b:37.
Neomuscina apicata; Snyder 1954:425, 428 (key).

currani Snyder, 1949b:35. Type locality: Panama, Barro Colorado Is. HT M (AMNH); paratypes (AMNH). Distr.:
Colombia (Antioquia (La Pintada, Maceo), Amazonas (Leticia)), Panama, Brazil. Refs.: Pont, 1972:54 (cat.); de
Carvalho et al., 2005:93 (cat.); Uribe-M et al., 2010: 464; Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho, 2013:50.
Examined material. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: La Pintada, Hacienda Montenegro Comfenalco, 5º 43'24''N,
75º37'15'', 800m, 1 male, 4 females,, Vsr Fish (CEUA); Maceo, Hacienda Santa Barbara, Vereda Santa

CATALOGUE OF MUSCIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 833
Barbara, forest, 500m, 1 female, 5.xii.2000, S. Perez Leg., Vsr Fish (CEUA); Amazonas: Leticia, Corregimiento
de Tarapacá, PNN [Parque Nacional Natural] Amacayacu-Cabaña Lorena, 3º0'S; 69º59'W, 210m, 1 female,
1.ix.2001, J. Parente Leg., Malaise (IAvH).

dorsipuncta Stein, 1918:216 (Mydaea). Type locality: Mexico: Tapachula & Oaxaca. ST F (MSNM), (ZMHU).
Distr.: Mexico, Costa Rica, Colombia (Antioquia (San Jerónimo, La Pintada)), Cundinamarca (La Mesa),
Magdalena (Santa Marta), Sucre (San Onofre), Panama, Venezuela, Brazil. Refs.: Pont, 1972:50 (cat.); de Carvalho
et al., 2005:93 (cat.); Uribe-M et al., 2010: 464; Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho, 2013:50.
Examined material. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: San Jerónimo, forest, 0m, 1female, x.2003, Duque & Rivera
Leg., Vsr Fish (CEUA); La Pintada, Hacienda Montenegro Comfenalco, forest, 500m, 3 females, x.2003, Duque &
Rivera Leg., Vsr Fish (CEUA); La Pintada, Los Farallones Camping, forest, 5º 43'24''N, 75º37'15''W, 850m, 5
females, 20.iv.2007, Vsr Fish (CEUA); Cundinamarca: La Mesa, forest, 1200m, carrion, 1 female, 20.xii.2002.
Magdalena: Santa Marta, finca Kalashe-Kalabia, forest, 5º 43'24''N, 75º37'15'', 850m, 1 female, 20.iv.2007, Vsr
Fish (CEUA); Sucre: San Onofre, Reserva Sanguare, forest, 5º 43'24''N, 75º37'15''W, 850m, 7 females, 20.iv.2007,
Vsr Fish (CEUA).

instabilis Snyder, 1949b:30. Type locality: Panama, David. HT M (AMNH); paratypes (AMNH, BMNH). Distr.:
Panama, Colombia (Antioquia (La Pintada), Chocó (Riosucio)), Trinidad & Tobago, Nicaragua, Brazil. Refs.:
Pont, 1972:50 (cat.); Carvalho et al., 2005:94 (cat.); Uribe-M et al., 2010: 464; Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho,
Examined material. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: La Pintada, Hacienda Montenegro Comfenalco, forest, 5º
43'24''N, 75º37'15'' 850m, 5 males, 10 females, 20.iv.2007, Vsr Fish (CEUA); Chocó: Riosucio, PNN [Parque
Nacional Natural] Los Katíos-Centro administrativo Sautatá, outside of the forest, 7º51'N 77º8'W, 30m, 1 female,, P. López Leg., Malaise (IAvH).

neosimilis Snyder, 1949b:33. Type locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutônia. HT M (AMNH); paratypes
(AMNH). Distr. Brazil, Colombia (Amazonas (Leticia)), Caldas (Manizales), Meta (La Macarena y Mesetas),
Nicaragua, Paraguay. Refs.: Pont, 1972:50 (cat.); de Carvalho et al., 2005:94 (cat.); Löwenberg-Neto & de
Carvalho, 2013:51. New record to Colombia.
Examined material. COLOMBIA: Amazonas: Leticia, PNN [Parque Nacional Natural] Amacayacu-San
Martin, 3º46'S; 70º18'W, 150m, 1female, 12.iii.2001, D. Chota Leg., Malaise (IAvH); Caldas: Manizales, Vereda
Las Palmas, Reserva Rio Blanco, 5º7.2'24''N, 75º7.9'5.8''W, 2595m, 1 male, 4.iv.2005, Vsr (CEUA); Meta: La
Macarena y Mesetas, PNN [Parque Nacional Natural] Tinigua-Caño Nevera, 2º11'N 73º48'W, 390m, 1female,
7.i.2003, C. Sánchez Leg., Malaise (IAvH); Parque Nacional Natural Tinigua-Caño Nevera, Vereda Bajo Raudal,
2º16'N 73º48'W, 460m, 1 female, 16.ii.2002, C. Sánchez Leg., Malaise (IAvH).

nudistigma Snyder, 1949b:25. Type locality: Venezuela, Caracas. HT M (AMNH), paratypes (AMNH). Distr.:
Brazil, Colombia (Antioquia (La Pintada), Risaralda (Pereira), Venezuela. Refs.: Pont, 1972:50 (cat.); de Carvalho
et al., 2005:95 (cat.); Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho, 2013:52. New record to Colombia.
Examined material. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: La Pintada, Hacienda Montenegro Comfenalco, forest,
5°43'24''N, 75°37'15'W, 850m, 1female, 20.iv.2007, N. Uribe Leg., Vsr (CEUA); Risaralda: Pereira, SFF
[Santuario de Flora y Fauna] Otún Quimbaya, forest Robledal, 1,890m, 2 females, 7.v.2001, Entomology group
Leg., Vsr Fish (CEUA).

pictipennis Bigot, 1878:39 (Curtonevra). Type locality: “Brazil”. HT F (BMNH). Distr.: Mexico, Colombia
(Antioquia (Caucasia, La Pintada, Maceo, Puerto Berrio, San Jerónimo), Meta (La Macarena y Mesetas), Quindío
(Quimbaya)), Guatemala, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Panama, Venezuela, Guyana, Peru, Brazil, Nicaragua, Paraguay.
Refs.: Snyder, 1954:428; Pont, 1972:50; Pont, 2000:23 (cat.); de Carvalho et al., 2005:95 (cat.); Uribe-M et al.,
2010: 464; Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho, 2013:52.
Examined material. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Caucasia, Hacienda La Candelaria, forest, 80m, 4.ix.2006,
Entomology group Leg., Vsr Chicken (CEUA); La Pintada, Hacienda Montenegro Comfenalco, forest, 5°43'24''N,
75°37'15'W, 850m, 5 males, 7 females,, N. Uribe Leg., Vsr shrubs (CEUA); Maceo, Hacienda Santa

834 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press PÉREZ & DE CARVALHO
Barbara, Vereda Santa Barbara, forest, 500m, 1 female, 5.xii.2000, S. Perez Leg., Vsr Fish (CEUA); Puerto Berrio,
Reserva R.U.N.A, Vereda La Cristalina, forest, 400-500m, 2 females, 24.ix.2005, Entomology group Leg., Vsr
Fish (CEUA); San Jerónimo, Parque Los Tamarindos, shrubby forest, 925m, 1 female, 24–, A. Velez
Leg., Vsr Fish (CEUA); Quindío: Quimbaya, PANACA, Vereda Kerman 2 Km, 1,339m, 2 females, 1.vii.2003, H.
Vargas Leg., Vsr Fish (CEUA); Meta: La Macarena y Mesetas, PNN [Parque Nacional Natural] Tinigua-Caño
Nevera, 2º11'N, 73º48'W, 390m, 16.ii.2002, C. Sánchez Leg., Malaise (IAvH).

sanespra Snyder, 1949b:12. Type locality: Brazil, Espírito Santo. HT M (USNM). Distr.: Brazil, Colombia
(Antioquia (Caucasia, Maceo, La Pintada)). Caldas (Manizales), Risaralda (Pereira), Magdalena (Santa Marta),
Nicaragua. Refs.: Pont, 1972:50 (cat.); Carvalho et al., 2005:96 (cat.); Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho, 2013:53.
New record to Colombia.
Examined material. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Caucasia, Hacienda la Candelaria, forest edge, 80m, 1female,
4.ix.2004, Entomology group Leg., Vsr Fish (CEUA); Maceo, Hacienda Santa Barbara, Vereda Santa Barbara,
forest, 500m, 1 male, 5.xii.2000, S. Perez Leg., Vsr Fish (CEUA); La Pintada, Hacienda Montenegro Comfenalco,
5º 43'24''N, 75º37'15'', 600m, 3 females, 19.iv.2007, Vsr shrubs (CEUA); Caldas: Manizales, Reserva Rio Blanco,
Vereda Las Palmas, forest, 5°7.2'6.58''N, 75°43.7'9.58'W, 2592m, 1 female, 4.iv.2005, Entomology group Leg., Vsr
(CEUA); Risaralda: Pereira, SFF [Santuario de Flora y Fauna] Otún Quimbaya 1,890m, 10 females, 7.v.2001, Vsr
Fish (CEUA); Magdalena: Santa Marta, PNN [Parque Nacional Natural] Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta-Bella
vista, 10º48'N 73º39'W, 1500m, 1 female,, J. Cantillo Leg., Malaise (IAvH).

Genus Neurotrixa Shannon & Del Ponte

Steinella Malloch, 1921b:171 (preocc. Cépède, 1910). Type species, prima Malloch (orig. des.). = felsina Walker.
Neurotrixa Shannon & Del Ponte, 1926:575. Type species, mirata Shannon & Del Ponte (orig. des.). = felsina Walker.

felsina Walker, 1849:955 (Anthomyia). Type locality: “Monte Video”, Uruguay. HT M (BMNH). Distr.: Brazil,
Colombia (Cundinamarca (Chingaza), Boyacá (Iguaque)), Bolivia, Uruguay, Argentina. limbatinevris Macquart
1851a:234. Refs.: Pont, 1972:48 (cat.); de Carvalho et al., 2005:100 (cat.); Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho,
Examined material. COLOMBIA: Cundinamarca: Chingaza, PNN [Parque Nacional Natural] Chingaza-
estacion Monte redondo, forest, 3035m, 1 female, ix.2002, E. Martinez Leg., Pig-Net (CEUA); Boyacá: SFF
[Santuario de Fauna y Flora] Iguaque/Laguilla, 5°25´N; 73°27´W, 3,380m, 5 females, 9–2.iii.8.2001, Malaise

Genus Pseudoptilolepis Snyder

Pseudoptilolepis Snyder, 1949a:14. Type species, fulvapoda Snyder (orig. des.). Refs.: Couri & Carvalho, 2002:156 (key to
Pseudoptiloleps, error.

confusa Snyder, 1949a:19. Type locality: Venezuela, Quebrada seca. HT F (USNM); paratypes (USNM). Distr.:
Costa Rica, Colombia (Santander (Rionegro)), Venezuela, Brazil. Refs.: Pont, 1972:49 (cat.); de Carvalho et al.,
2005:101 (cat.); Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho, 2013:56. New record to Colombia.
Examined material. COLOMBIA: Santander: Rionegro, 700m, 2 males, 23.vii.-2003, A.Vargas Leg.,
entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA).

nigripoda Snyder, 1949a:17. Type locality: Panama, Balboa. HT F (AMNH); paratypes (USNM). Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquia (Amalfí, Caucasia, Gómez Plata, La Pintada, Maceo, San Luis), Risaralda (Pereira), Santander
(Rionegro), Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Venezuela, Brazil. Refs.: Pont, 1972:49 (cat.); de Carvalho et al.,
2005:102 (cat.); Uribe-M et al., 2010: 464; Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho, 2013:57.
Examined material. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Caucasia, Hacienda La Candelaria, forest, 80m, 2 males, 8

CATALOGUE OF MUSCIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 835
females, ix.2006, Entomology group Leg., Vsr Fish and Chicken (CEUA); Amalfi, Hacienda Normandia, forest,
6º44'52''N, 75º05'6''W, 1,050m, 2 females, 1 male, 25.x.1998, P. Duque Leg., Vsr Fish (CEUA); Maceo, Hacienda
Santa Barbara, Vereda Santa Barbara, forest, 500m, 1 male, 5.xii.2000, S. Perez Leg., Vsr Fish (CEUA); La
Pintada, Hacienda Montenegro Comfenalco, 5º 43'24''N, 75º37'15''W, forest, 850m, 3 males, 1 female, 15.ii.2007,
N. Uribe Leg., Vsr Fish (CEUA); Gómez Plata, Hacienda La Clara, Vereda La Clara, pastures, 1,000m, 2 females,
Perez & Velez Leg., entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA); San Luis, Reserva Natural Cañon del rio Claro,
5º 54'2.98''N, 74º51'25''W, 350m, 2 males, 3 females, 26-29.xi.2009, I. Ceballos Leg., Vsr Fish (CEUA);
Risaralda: Pereira, SFF [Santuario de Flora y Fauna] Otún Quimbaya, forest, 1,890m, 2 females, 8.v.2001,
Entomology group Leg., Vsr Fish (CEUA); Santander: Rionegro, 700m, 1 female, 24.vii.2003, A.Vargas Leg.,
entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA).

Subfamily Mydaeinae Verrall, 1888

Genus Brontaea Kowarz

Gymnodia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1863:635 (Preocc. by Gymnodia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830). Type species, pratensis
Robineau-Desvoidy (mon.) = polystigma Meigen.
Brontaea Kowarz, 1873:461. Type species, Anthomyia polystigma Meigen (des. Coquillett, 1910:516). Refs.: Couri &
Carvalho, 2002:160 (key to species).
Brachiophyra Giglio-Tos, 1893:9. Type species, effrons Giglio Tos (orig. des.) = normata Bigot.
Brachyophyra, error.

normata Bigot 1885:272 (Limnophora). Type locality: “Mexique”. LT M (UMO) (des. Pont in Carvalho et al.,
1993:86); paralectotype (UMO). Distr.: Mexico, Venezuela, Colombia (Antioquia (La Pintada, Medellín),
Risaralda (Pereira)), Peru, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay. Refs.: Pont, 1972:29 (cat.); de Carvalho et al., 2005:137
(cat.); Uribe-M et al., 2010: 464; Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho, 2013:5.
Limnophora normata; Stein, 1904:468.
Brontaea normata; de Carvalho et al., 1993:86 (cat.); de Carvalho & Pont, 1998:726 (key), 740–742
(redescription), figs. 4 (male scutum), 9 (male abdomen), 14 (female scutum), 19 (female abdomen), 24
(acrostichal and dorsocentral setae), 33 (sternite 1), 42–43 (male genitalia), 50 (ovipositor); Pont, 2000:20 (notes
on types); Couri & de Carvalho, 2002:161 (Neotropical Region, key), figs. 22 (ovipositor), 25 (mesonotum), 29
Examined material. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: La Pintada, Hacienda Montenegro, pastures, 2,800m, 14
females 5.xii.2000, N. Uribe Leg., Vsr- human feces (CEUA); other specimens with the same label information,
except for: 5 females, Vsr Fish; 4 females, Vsr onion; Medellín, Universidad de Antioquia sede Veterinaria, 5º
44'48''N, 75º36'34'', 1,450m, 6 females, 23.v.1999, Vsr- human feces (CEUA); Risaralda: Pereira, Mundo Nuevo,
finca La Acuarela, pastures, 1 female, 14.x.2006, 1,550m, D. Grisales Legs., entomological net over a pig carcass

quadristigma Thomson, 1869:551 (Anthomyia). Type locality: Ecuador, Puna. HT M (NHRS). Distr.: Mexico,
Honduras, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guadalupe Is., Grenada, Haití, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, St. Lucia, St. Vincent,
St. Martin, Trinidad & Tobago, Peru, Colombia (Antioquia (La Pintada)), Bolivia, Ecuador, Brazil, Argentina,
Chile Nearctic Region. Refs.: Pont 1972:27 (cat.); de Carvalho & Pont, 1998:742–743; de Carvalho et al.,
2005:137 (cat.); Uribe-M et al., 2010: 464.
Examined material. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: La Pintada, Hacienda Montenegro Comfenalco, forest,
5º43'25''N;75º37'26''W, 770m, 2 females, to 26.vii.2007, M.C. Veléz & C. Bota Leg., Vsr- human feces
(CEUA); La Pintada, Los Farallones, Camping, forest, 5º44'48''N;75º36'34''W, 660m, 4 females, 16.iii.2007 to
19.iv.2007, A.L. Montoya & J.D. Sanchez Legs., Vsr- human feces (CEUA).

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Genus Graphomya Robineau-Desvoidy

Graphomya Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830:403. Type species, Musca maculata Scopoli (Duponchel in d’Orbigny, 1845:305).
Refs.: Couri & de Carvalho, 2002:163 (key to species); de Carvalho et al., 2005:138 (cat.).
Graphomyia Agassiz, 1847:167. (Unjustified emendation of Graphomya)
Protostomoxys Enderlein, 1935:242. Type species, podexaureus Enderlein (orig. des.).

tropicalis Malloch, 1934:345. HT F (USNM); Type locality: Peru, Huascaray Ridge. Synonymy with analis by
Albuquerque 1954b:82. Distr.: Brazil, Colombia (Santa Fé de Bogotá, (Bogotá, 4.6333, -74.0833)), Peru. Ref.:
Marques & Couri, 2007: 437 (key to species), 443, (figs. 20-21, 48-49); Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho, 2013:77.

undescribed sp. 1. Distr.: Colombia: (Antioquia (Gómez Plata, Medellín)).

Examined material. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Gómez Plata, Hacienda La Clara, Vereda La Clara, pastures,
1,000m, 7 females, Perez & Velez Leg., entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA); Medellín, Universidad
Antioquia sede Veterinaria, pastures, 1,450m, 14 females, A. Uribe Leg., entomological net over a pig carcass

undescribed sp. 2. Distr.: Colombia: (Antioquia (San Pedro de los Milagros), Norte de Santander (Pamplona),
Boyacá (Tunja)).
Examined material. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: San Pedro de los Milagros, Vereda Cerezales, 2,800m, 4
males, 32 females, vi-vii.2001, V. Perez Leg., entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA); Norte de Santander:
Pamplona, 2,360m, 2 females, vii-viii.2006, L. Ardila Leg., entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA). Boyacá:
Tunja, Universidad Pedagogica y Tecnologica, 2,690m, 2 females, 17.v.2002, Yusseff & Daza Leg., entomological
net over a pig carcass (CEUA).

Genus Hemichlora Wulp

Hemichlora Wulp, 1896b:303. Type species, Curtonevra vittigera Bigot (mon.) = scordalus Walker.

scordalus Walker, 1861:313 (Pyrellia). Type locality: “Mexico”. HT F (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia
(Betulia, Copacabana, Girardota) Risaralda (Pereira)), Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Brazil. Refs.: Pont,
1972:27 (cat); de Carvalho et al., 2005:14 (cat.); Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho, 2013:77. New record to
Examined material. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Betulia, Palma de Oro, Hacienda La Antigua, primary forest,
06°21´25´´N; 75°28´12´´W, 1,700-1,900m, 1 female, x.2001, Duque & Vélez Leg., Vsr banana (CEUA);
Copacabana, Vereda El Cabuyal, forest, 1,650m, 8 males, 3 females, Grisales & Rivera Leg., Vsr Fish (CEUA);
Girardota, Manga Arriba, secondary forest, 06°21´25´´N; 75°28´12´´W, 13 males, 20 females, N. Uribe &
G.Valencia Leg., Vsr banana (CEUA); Risaralda: Pereira, SFF [Santuario de Flora y Fauna] Otún Quimbaya,
forest Urapan, 1,890m, 1 male, 1 female, 8.v.2001, Entomology group Leg., Vsr Fish (CEUA).

Genus Mydaea Robineau-Desvoidy

Mydaea Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830:479. Type species, scutellaris Robineau-Desvoidy (des. Coquillett, 1901:139) = corni
Scopoli. Refs.: Couri & de Carvalho, 2002:167 (partial key to species).

compressicornis Snyder, 1949a:4. Type locality: Colombia (Antioquia (Medellín)), HT M (AMNH); paratypes
(AMNH). Distr. Colombia (Antioquia (Medellín, 6.2500, -75.6000)). Refs.: Pont, 1972:25 (cat.); de Carvalho et
al., 1993:89 (cat.); Couri & de Carvalho, 2002:168 (partial key to species); de Carvalho et al., 2005:142 (cat.);
Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho, 2013:78.

CATALOGUE OF MUSCIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 837
Genus Myospila Rondani

Myospila Rondani, 1856:91. Type species, Musca meditabunda Fabricius (orig. des.).
Refs.: Couri & Carvalho, 2002:170 (key to species); Carvalho et al., 2005:145 (cat.)
Myiospila, error.
Phasiophana Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1891:390. Type species, obsoleta Brauer & Bergenstamm (orig. des.) = pallidicornis

cyanea Macquart, 1843:314 (Curtonevra). Type locality: “Chile, Conception”. ST M/F (MNHNP). Distr.:
Argentina, Colombia (Santa Fé de Bogotá (Bogotá, 4.6333, -74.0833)); Chile, Falkland Is. Refs.: Pont, 1972:26
(cat.); de Carvalho et al., 2005:145 (cat.); Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho, 2013:81.

Genus Scutellomusca Townsend

Scutellomusca Townsend, 1931b:313. Type species, Musca scutellaris Fabricius (orig. des.).
Hemixanthomyia Albuquerque, 1954b:323. Type species, marginata Albuquerque, 1954 (orig. des.) = scutellaris Fabricius.

scutellaris Fabricius, 1805:293 (Musca). Type locality: “In America meridionali”. LT M (ZMUC), paralectotype
(ZMUC) (des. Pont in Michelsen 1979:188). Distr.: Panama, Brazil, Colombia (Antioquia (Caucasia)). Refs.: Pont,
1972:51 (cat.); de Carvalho et al., 2005:148 (cat.); Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho, 2013:82. New record to
Examined material: Antioquia: Caucasia, Hacienda La Candelaria, forest, 80m, 2 females, 1.ix.2004,
Entomology group Leg., Vsr (CEUA).

Subfamily Coenosiinae Verrall, 1888

Tribe Limnophorini Villeneuve, 1902

Genus Agenamyia Albuquerque

Agenamyia Albuquerque, 1953:519. Type species, fumipennis Albuquerque (orig. des.).

Refs.: Couri & de Carvalho, 2002:174 (key to species); de Carvalho et al., 2005:148 (cat.). Löwenberg-Neto & de
Carvalho, 2013:83.

undescribed sp. 1. Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Envigado, El Retiro)).

Examined material: Antioquia: Envigado, Quebrada La Ayurá, i-xi.1983, 15 females, M. Wolff Leg.,
emergency trap (CEUA); El Retiro, Quebrada La Cebolla, 4.viii.1983, 2 females, M. Wolff Leg., emergency trap
(CEUA); El Retiro, Quebrada La Jiménez, 21 females,, M. Wolff Leg., emergency trap (CEUA).

undescribed sp. 2. Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Sopetrán)).

Examined material: Antioquia: Sopetrán, Quebrada La Jiménez, 780m, 5 males, 2 females,, M.
Wolff Leg., emergency trap (CEUA).

undescribed sp. 3. Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Sopetrán, El Retiro, Envigado)).

Examined material: Antioquia: Sopetrán, Quebrada La Jiménez, 780m, 1 male, 3.viii.1983, M. Wolff Leg.,
emergency trap (CEUA); El Retiro, Quebrada La Cebolla, 2,150m, 2 males, 9.ii.1984, M. Wolff Leg., emergency
trap (CEUA); Envigado, Quebrada La Ayurá, 1750m, 1 male,, M. Wolff Leg., emergency trap (CEUA).

undescribed sp. 4. Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Sopetrán)).

Examined material: Antioquia: Sopetrán, Quebrada La Jiménez, 780m, 7 females,, M. Wolff
Leg., emergency trap (CEUA).

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Genus Drepanocnemis Stein

Drepanocnemis Stein, 1911:178. Type species, dorae Stein (Malloch 1928:471).

dorae Stein, 1911:180. Type locality: Peru, Tarma. HT M (SMT). Distr.: Colombia (Nariño (Pasto, 1.2136, -
77.2811)); Peru. Refs.: Pont, 1972:34 (cat.); Pont, 2001:469; de Carvalho et al., 2005:149 (cat.); Löwenberg-Neto
& de Carvalho, 2013:83.

Genus Limnophora Robineau-Desvoidy

Limnophora Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830:517. Type species, palustris Robineau-Desvoidy (Coquillett, 1910:561) = maculosa
(Meigen). Refs.: Couri & de Carvalho, 2002:178 (partial key to species); de Carvalho et al., 2005:150 (cat.).
Microchylum Macquart, 1851a:229 1851b:256. Type species, vittatum Macquart (orig. des.).
Leucomelina Macquart, 1851a:234 1851b:261. Type species, pica Macquart (orig. des.).
Bucephalomyia Malloch, 1918b:273. Type species, Tetramerinx femorata Malloch (orig. des.).

deleta Wulp, 1896d:329 (Leucomelina). Type locality: Mexico: Guerrero, Xucumanatlán, Omilteme & Sierra de
las Aguas Escondidas. ST M (BMNH); (INHS); (ZMAN). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (San Pedro de los Milagros,
Copacabana, La Pintada)), Mexico, Peru, Brazil. Refs.: Pont, 1972:30 (cat.); de Carvalho et al., 2005:152 (cat.);
Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho, 2013:85. New record to Colombia.
Examined material: Antioquia: San Pedro de los Milagros, Vereda Cerezales, 2,800m, 17 females, V. Perez
Leg., entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA); Copacabana, Vereda El Cabuyal, shrubs, 1,650m, 1 female,
Grisales & Rivera Leg., Vsr Fish (CEUA); La Pintada, Hacienda Montenegro Comfenalco, forest,
5º43'25''N;75º37'26''W, 770m, 2 females, 25.v.2007, M.C. Veléz Leg., Vsr (CEUA).

gracilitarsis Stein, 1911:116. Type locality (restricted): Peru, Pichis. LT M (SMT) (des. Pont, 2001:472),
paralectotype (SMT). Distr.: Mexico, Colombia (Nariño (Pasto, 1.2136, -77.2811)); Peru, Bolivia. Refs.: Pont,
1972:30 (cat.); Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho, 2013:86.

marginata Stein, 1904:461. Type locality: Colombia, Cordillera. ST M/F (ZMHU). Distr.: Colombia (Caquetá
(Valle de Papas, 1.8466, -76.7326), Cordillera (5.0000, -75.0000), Santa Fé de Bogotá (Bogotá, 4.6333, -74.0833));
Ecuador, Brazil, Argentina. Refs.: Stein, 1907:282; Stein, 1918:235; Stein, 1919:136 (cat.); Pont, 1972:29 (cat.);
Lopes & Couri, 1987b:648 (description male/female), figs. 1–5 (male genitalia); de Carvalho et al., 2005:154
(cat.); Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho, 2013:86.

snyderi Lopes & Couri, 1987a:625 (Heliographa). Type locality: Colombia, Medellín. HT M (MNRJ); paratypes
(MNRJ). Distr.: Mexico, Nicaragua, Belize, Panama, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Colombia (Antioquia (Medellín,
6.2500, -75.6000)); Brazil. Refs.: Lopes & Couri, 1987b:625; de Carvalho et al., 2005:157 (cat.); Löwenberg-Neto
& de Carvalho, 2013:89.

Genus Lispoides Malloch

Lispoides Malloch, 1920:146. Type species, Limnophora aequifrons Stein (orig. des.).
Refs.: Couri & Carvalho, 2002:184 (partial key to species); Carvalho et al., 2005:161(cat.).

aequifrons Stein, 1898:205 (Limnophora). Type locality: USA, Idaho & South Dakota. ST M/F (FMNH);
(USNM); (ZMHU). Distr.: Colombia, Nearctic Region. Refs.: Stein, 1904; Pont, 1972:32 (cat.); de Carvalho et al,.
2005:161 (cat.); Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho, 2013:91.
Limnophora aequifrons; Stein 1904:466.

CATALOGUE OF MUSCIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 839
Genus Spilogona Schnabl

Limnophora, subg. Spilogona Schnabl, 1911:92. Type species, Aricia carbonella Zetterstedt (mon.). Refs.: Couri & de
Carvalho, 2002:190 (partial key to species); de Carvalho et al., 2005:165 (cat.)

aterrima Stein, 1904:469 (Limnophora). Type locality: Bolivia, San Antonio. HT M (destroyed (formerly
HNHM)). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Medellín, 6.2500, -75.6000), Bolivia. Refs.: Stein, 1918:235; Pont,
1972:33 (cat.); Lopes & Khouri, 1989:336 (description female); de Carvalho et al., 2005:166 (cat.); Löwenberg-
Neto & de Carvalho, 2013:95.
Limnophora aterrima; Stein 1918:235.
Spilogona aterrima; Lopes & Khouri 1989:336 (description female).

golbachi Snyder, 1957:469. Type locality: Argentina, Tucumán, Queb. La Toma. HT M (IMLA); paratypes
(IMLA); (AMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Medellín)), Brazil, Argentina. Refs.: Pont, 1972:33 (cat.); Lopes
& Khouri, 1989:339 (description male/female), figs. 8–12 (male genitalia), 13 (ovipositor), 14 (egg); de Carvalho
et al., 2005:166 (cat.); Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho, 2013:95.
Spilogona golbachi; Lopes & Khouri 1989:339 (description male/female), figs. 8–12 (male genitalia), 13
(ovipositor), 14 (egg).

Genus Syllimnophora Speiser

Acanthoneura Stein, 1919:140 (preocc. Schiner 1868). Type species, Limnophora aliena Stein (Séguy, 1937:250)
(Acanthoneura Schiner, 1868, is an unjustified emendation of Acanthonevra Macquart, 1843 (see Article 33.2.3 of the
Code), but is an available name for the purposes of homonymy. Acanthoneura Stein is not preoccupied by Acanthonevra
Macquart (see Article 56.2).
Syllimnophora Speiser, 1923:99, NOM. N. for Acanthoneura Stein. Type species, Limnophora aliena Stein (aut.). Refs.: Couri
& de Carvalho, 2002:192 (partial key to species); de Carvalho et al., 2005:167 (cat.).

atrovittata Stein, 1904:463 (Limnophora). Type locality: Peru, Callanga. HT F (destroyed (formerly HNHM)).
Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena (Cordillera, 5.0000, -75.0000; Santa Marta (Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta-Sierra San
Lorenzo)); Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile. Refs.: Stein 1911; Stein 1918; Pont, 1972:30 (cat.); de Carvalho et al.,
2005:167 (cat.); Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho, 2013:96.
Limnophora atrovittata; Stein 1918:235.

compressifrons Stein, 1904:464 (Limnophora). Type locality: Peru, Callanga. ST M/F (destroyed HNHM). Distr.:
Peru, Colombia (Magdalena (Cordillera, 5.0000, -75.0000)), Bolivia. Refs.: Stein, 1911; Pont, 1972:30 (cat.); de
Carvalho et al., 2005:168 (cat.); Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho, 2013:96.

steini Carvalho & Pont in Carvalho et al., 1993:108 (Nom. n. for atra Stein.) Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena
(Cordillera, 5.0000, -75.0000), Santa Marta (Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta- Sierra San Lorenzo)), Bolivia. Refs.:
Stein, 1918:235; Pont, 1972:30 (cat.); de Carvalho et al., 2005:170 (cat.); Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho,
atra Stein, 1904:469 (Limnophora). Type locality: Colombia (Cordillera). (Junior primary homonym of atra
Robineau-Desvoidy 1830) HT M (ZMHU).

Tribe Coenosiini Verrall, 1890

Genus Apsil Malloch

Apsil Malloch, 1929:103. Type species, maculiventris Malloch (orig. des.). Ref.: Couri & de Carvalho, 2002:205 (key to
species); de Carvalho et al., 2005:174 (cat.).
Raymondomyia Malloch, 1934:228. Type species, flavipalpis Malloch (orig. des.).

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undescribed sp. 1. Distr. Colombia: (Risaralda (Pereira)).
Examined material. COLOMBIA: Risaralda: Pereira, PNN [Parque Nacional Natural] Los Nevados/
Nevado Santa Isabel, 4,700m, 1 male, 9.iv.2009, A. Bustamante Leg., manual (CEUA).

Genus Bithoracochaeta Stein

Bithoracochaeta Stein, 1911:177. Type species, Anthomyia despecta Walker (orig. des.) = leucoprocta Wiedemann. Refs.:
Couri & Carvalho, 2002:211 (key to species); Carvalho et al., 2005:176 (cat.); Grisales et al., 2010: 640.

annulata Stein, 1911:178. Type locality: Peru, mouth of Pachitea River. LT F (SMT) (des. Motta & Couri
1995:50); paralectotypes (SMT). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Cali,10Km W, 3.4000, -76.5000), Vichada
(Puerto Nariño, 4.9333, -67.8000)), Peru, Guyana, Surinam, Brazil. Refs.: Pont, 1972:18 (cat.); Couri, 2005:256
(species description); Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho, 2013:101.

calopus Bigot, 1885:275 (?Hydrophoria). Type locality: “Mexique”. HT F (UMO). Distr.: Mexico, Colombia
(Valle del Cauca (Cali, 64Km S, 3.4000, -76.5000)), Brazil, Argentina. Refs.: Pont, 1972:36 (cat.); Pont, 2000:8–9;
Couri, 2005: 256 (description the species); de Carvalho et al., 2005:177 (cat.); Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho,

flavicoxa Malloch, 1934:228. Type locality: Costa Rica, Farm la Caja, 8 km west of San José. Distr.: Colombia
(Meta (Villavicencio 5Km W, 4.1500, -73.6333)), Costa Rica, Brazil. HT M (ZMUH); paratypes (BMNH);
(ZMUH). Refs.: Pont, 1972:36 (cat.); Couri, 2005: 256 (description the species); de Carvalho et al., 2005:177
(cat.); Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho, 2013:102.

leucoprocta Wiedemann, 1830:433 (Anthomyia). Type locality: “Westindien”, West Indies. LT F (UZMC). Distr.:
Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Cali Valle, 10Km W, 3.4000, -76.5000)), Mexico, Costa Rica, Panama, Puerto Rico,
Cuba, Jamaica, Venezuela, Guyana, Peru, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, Argentina; Nearctic Region. Refs.: Pont,
1972:36 (cat.); Pont, 1997:102 (des.); de Carvalho et al., 2005:178 (cat.); Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho,

maricaensis Couri & Motta, 1995:211. Type locality: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. Distr. Colombia (Valle del Cauca
(Cali 10Km W, 3.4000, -76.5000), Vichada (Puerto Nariño 4.9333, -67.8000)), Brazil. HT M (MNRJ). Refs.: de
Carvalho et al., 2005:179 (cat.); Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho, 2013:103.

varicornis Coquillett, 1900:256 (Coenosia). Type locality: Puerto Rico, Vieques Is. HT M (USNM). Distr.:
Colombia (Valle del Cauca (Cali, 64Km S 3.4000, -76.5000, 10Km W, 3.4000, -76.5000)), Puerto Rico, Brazil.
Refs.: Pont, 1972:37 (cat.); de Carvalho et al., 2005:180 (cat.); Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho, 2013:103.

undetermined sp. 1. Distr. Colombia: (Risaralda (Pereira)).

Examined material. COLOMBIA: Risaralda: Pereira, finca La Acuarela, Mundo Nuevo, pastures, 1,550m,
1 male, 2 females, 10.x.2006, D. Grisales Leg., entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA).

Genus Coenosia Meigen

Coenosia Meigen, 1826:210. Type species, Musca tigrina Fabricius (Westwood, 1840:143). Refs.: Couri & de Carvalho,
2002:214 (partial key to species); de Carvalho et al., 2005:180 (cat.).
Caricea Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830:530. Type species, communis Robineau-Desvoidy (Desmarest in d’Orbigny, 1842:172) =
tigrina Fabricius.

attenuata Stein in Becker, 1903:121. Type locality: Egypt, Cairo and Alexandria. Syntypes M/F (ZMHB). Distr.:
Ecuador, Colombia (Bogotá (Cajicá)), Peru (accidentally introduced with horticulture); Nearctic (accidentally

CATALOGUE OF MUSCIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 841
introduced), Palaearctic, Afrotropical, Oriental and Australasian regions. Refs.: de Carvalho et al., 2005:180 (cat.);
Pérez, 2006: 67.

Genus Cordiluroides Albuquerque

Cordiluroides Albuquerque, 1954c:361. Type species, listrata Albuquerque (orig. des.). Refs.: Couri & Carvalho, 2002:218
(key to species).
Cordiluroides insularis; Pont, 1972:44 (cat.); Couri & Pamplona, 1992:257 (key), 258 (diagnosis from Wulp, 1896d); Carvalho
et al. 1993:118 (cat.).

insularis Williston, 1896:371, pl. 12, (Coenosia). Type locality: St. Vincent. ST M (BMNH). Distr.: Mexico, St.
Vincent, Colombia Magdalena (Santa Marta (Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta-Sierra San Lorenzo)), Peru, Bolivia.
Refs.: Stein 1918; Pont, 1972:44 (cat.); de Carvalho et al., 2005:187 (cat.); Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho,
bistriata Wulp, 1896e:343 (key) (Coenosia). ST female (BMNH), ST male, not located. Type locality: Mexico,
Orizaba and Teapa in Tabasco.
Coenosia bistriata; Stein 1918:243.

Genus Neodexiopsis Malloch

Choetura Macquart, 1851a:244 1851b:271. Type species, rufipes Macquart (orig. des.). (Application will be made to I.C.Z.N.
for the suppression of this name for the purpose of syn.)
Chaetura, error.
Neodexiopsis Malloch, 1920:162. Type species, Dexiopsis basalis Stein (orig. des.). Refs.: Couri & de Carvalho, 2002:220
(partial key to species).
Xenocoenosia Malloch, 1920:162. Type species, Coenosia calopyga Loew (orig. des.).
Austrocoenosia Malloch, 1934:217. Type species, nigerrima Malloch (orig. des.).
Macquartiopsis Albuquerque, 1949:439, NOM. N. for Choetura Macquart, allegedly preoccupied by Chaetura Stephens. Type
species, Choetura rufipes Macquart (aut.).
Haroldopsis Albuquerque, 1954a:119. Type species, cambuquirensis Albuquerque (orig. des.). Refs.: Couri & Pont, 1999:99
(key synonym of Neodexiopsis) Couri & Pont, 2000:373–392 (cladistic analysis).
Paradexiopsis Albuquerque, 1955b:391. Type species, vittiventris Albuquerque (orig. des.).

lanigera Stein, 1918:243 (Coenosia). Type locality: Colombia (Sierra S. Lorenzo). HT M destroyed (formerly
HNHM). Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena (Santa Marta (Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta-Sierra San Lorenzo, 5.5833, -
73.2667) Refs.: Pont, 1972:46 (cat.); de Carvalho et al., 2005:194 (cat.); Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho,
Coenosia lanigera; Stein 1919:160 (cat.); Séguy 1937:209 (cat.).
Neodexiopsis lanigera; Pont 1972:46 (cat.); Carvalho et al.,1993:124 (cat.); Couri & Carvalho 2002:235 (listed).

lineata Stein, 1904:492 (Coenosia). Type locality: Colombia, Bogotá,. HT F (ZMHU). Distr.: Colombia. Refs.:
Pont, 1972:46 (cat.); Carvalho et al., 2005:194 (cat.); Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho, 2013:113.
Coenosia lineata; Stein 1919:160 (cat.); Séguy 1937:210 (cat.).
Neodexiopsis lineata; Pont 1972:46 (cat.; new combination); de Carvalho et al., 1993:124 (cat.); Couri & de
Carvalho 2002:235 (listed).

pilosa Stein, 1904:483 (Coenosia). Type locality: Colombia, Cordillera & Peru, Callanga. ST M/F (ZMHU)
(destroyed HNHM). Distr.: Colombia (Cordillera, 5.0000, -75.0000), Peru. Refs.: Pont, 1972:47 (cat.); de Carvalho
et al., 2005:198 (cat.); Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho, 2013:115.

recedens Stein, 1904:489 (Coenosia). Type locality: Peru, Callanga. ST M/F (ZMHU) (destroyed HNHM). Distr.:
Peru, Colombia (Cordillera 5.0000, -75.0000), Bolivia. Refs.: Stein, 1911; Pont, 1972:47 (cat.); de Carvalho et al.,
2005:199 (cat.); Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho, 2013:116.

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Genus Oxytonocera Stein

Oxytonocera Stein, 1919:139. Type species, Coenosia nigrohalterata Stein (mon.). Refs.: Couri & Carvalho, 2002:238

nigrohalterata Stein, 1904:484 (Coenosia). Type locality: Peru, Callanga. ST M (ZMHU) (destroyed HNHM).
Distr.: Peru, Colombia (Cordillera Cordillera, 5.0000, -75.0000), Bolivia. Refs.: Stein, 1911; Pont, 1972:35 (cat.);
Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho, 2013:120.

Genus Spathipheromyia Bigot

Spathipheromyia Bigot, 1884a:123 (also 1884b:lxxxix). Type species, stellata Bigot (mon.).
Refs.: Couri & Carvalho, 2002:254 (partial key to species).
Spathipheromya, error.

guttipennis Thomson, 1869:600 (Ochtiphila). Type locality: Argentina, Buenos Aires. ST F (NHRS). Distr.: Peru,
Bolivia, Chile, Colombia (Cordillera 5.0000, -75.0000), Argentina. Refs.: Stein, 1911; Pont, 1972:38 (cat.);
Löwenberg-Neto & de Carvalho, 2013:125.

TABLE 1. Muscidae species recorded from Colombia.

Subfamily Genus Subgenus Species Author

Atherigoninae Atherigona orientalis Schiner, 1868
Muscinae Biopyrellia bipuncta (Wiedemann, 1830)
Morellia Morellia basalis (Walker, 1853)
humeralis (Stein, 1918)
violacea (Robineau-
Desvoidy, 1830)
Parapyrellia maculipennis (Macquart, 1846)
Trichomorellia nigritibia (Snyder, 1949a)
seguyi (Pamplona, 1983)
trichops (Malloch, 1923b)
Xenomorellia inca Nihei & Carvalho,
Morellia nigricosta- nigricosta Hough, 1900
Musca domestica Linnaeus, 1758
Neorypellia neglecta (Townsend, 1939)
Polietina flavidicincta (Stein, 1904)
nigra Couri & Carvalho,
orbitalis (Stein, 1904)
wulpi Couri & Carvalho,
Sarcopromusca pruna (Shannon & Del
Ponte, 1926)
sarcophagina (Wulp, 1896a)
Haematobia irritans (Linnaeus, 1758)
Neivamyia antunesi Lopes, 1955
Stomoxys calcitrans (Linnaeus, 1758)
...Continued on next page

CATALOGUE OF MUSCIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 843
TABLE 1. (Continued)
Subfamily Genus Subgenus Species Author
Azeliinae Hydrotaea cyaneiventris Macquart, 1851a
nubilicosta Malloch, 1923a
villosa Stein, 1904
Ophyra aenescens (Wiedemann, 1830)
albuquerquei Lopes, 1985
solitaria Albuquerque, 1958
Brachygasterina bochica Soares & Carvalho,
humboldti Soares & Carvalho,
muisca Soares & Carvalho,
setulosa Pérez, Wolff &
Carvalho, 2012
stuebeli (Röder, 1886)
Muscina stabulans (Fallén, 1817)
Philornis vulgaris Couri, 1984
steini Pont, 1972
Psilochaeta chalybea (Wiedemann, 1830)
Synthesiomyia nudiseta (Wulp, 1883)
Phaoniinae Helina adelpha (Schiner, 1868)
dasyophthalma Malloch, 1928
fuscomarginata (Snyder, 1949a)
latipennis (Stein, 1904)
marginipennis (Stein, 1904)
prima (Malloch, 1921b)
vierecki Snyder, 1941
Phaonia abdita (Giglio-Tos, 1893)
curvata (Stein, 1904)
equatorialis Coelho, 1998
Cyrtoneurininae Cariocamyia maculosa Snyder, 1951
Cyrtoneurina geminata (Stein, 1904)
uber Giglio-Tos, 1893
Cyrtoneuropsis conspersa (Stein, 1911)
dubia (Snyder, 1954)
fuscicosta Curran, 1934
gemina (Wiedemann, 1830)
immunda (Stein, 1911)
maculipennis (Macquart, 1843)
multomaculata (Stein, 1904)
ocasionalis (Couri, 1982)
pararescita (Couri, 1995)
rescita (Walker, 1861)
seriata (Stein, 1911)
similata (Couri, 1982)
...Continued on next page

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TABLE 1. (Continued)
Subfamily Genus Subgenus Species Author
steini (Snyder, 1954)
veniseta (Stein, 1904)
Neomuscina apicata (Stein, 1904)
currani Snyder, 1949b
dorsipuncta (Stein, 1918)
instabilis Snyder, 1949b
neosimilis Snyder, 1949b
nudistigma Snyder, 1949b
pictipennis (Bigot, 1878)
sanespra Snyder, 1949b
Neurotrixa felsina (Walker, 1849)
Pseudoptilolepis confusa Snyder, 1949a
nigripoda Snyder, 1949a
Mydaeinae Brontaea normata (Bigot, 1885)
quadristigma (Thomson, 1869)
Graphomya tropicalis Malloch, 1934
Hemichlora scordalus (Walker, 1861)
Mydaea compressicornis Snyder, 1949a
Myospila cyanea (Macquart, 1843)
Scutellomusca scutellaris (Fabricius, 1805)
Coenosiinae Drepanocnemis dorae Stein, 1911
Limnophora deleta (Wulp, 1896d)
gracilitarsis Stein, 1911
marginata Stein, 1904
snyderi (Lopes & Couri,
Lispoides aequifrons (Stein, 1898)
Spilogona aterrima (Stein, 1904)
golbachi Snyder, 1957
Syllimnophora atrovittata (Stein, 1904)
compressifrons (Stein, 1904)
steini Carvalho & Pont in
Carvalho 1993
Bithoracochaeta annulata Stein, 1911
calopus (Bigot, 1885)
flavicoxa Malloch, 1934
leucoprocta (Wiedemann, 1830)
maricaensis Couri & Motta, 1995
varicornis (Coquillett, 1900)
Coenosia attenuata Stein in Becker,
Cordiluroides insularis (Williston, 1896)
Neodexiopsis lanigera (Stein, 1918)
lineata (Stein, 1904)
pilosa (Stein, 1904)
...Continued on next page

CATALOGUE OF MUSCIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 845
TABLE 1. (Continued)
Subfamily Genus Subgenus Species Author
recedens (Stein, 1904)
Oxytonocera nigrohalterata (Stein, 1904)
Spathipheromyia guttipennis (Thomson, 1869)


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Zootaxa 4122 (1): 854–855 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
Copyright © 2016 Magnolia Press
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)



Grupo de Entomologia, Instituto de Biologia, Universidad de Antioquia. Colombia.
Laboratório de Biodiversidade e Biogeografia de Diptera, Departmento de Zoologia, UFPR, Caixa postal 19020, Curitiba, PR.,
Brazil, 81531-980.
Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Biociências, Universidade de São Paulo, Rua do Matão, Travessa 14, n.101, CEP 05508-090,
São Paulo, Brasil.
* Corresponding author:


Scathophagidae (Diptera, Calyptratae) is an uncommon group of flies. In Colombia there was no scientific record of this
family until now. In this paper we report for the first time the genus Scatogera and the species S. primogenita Albuquerque,
collected over 3000m. and previously collected in Ecuador.

Key words: catalogue, Colombia, distribution, dung fly, Scatogera


The scathophagid flies are commonly known as dung flies, they are slender, medium-size (body length 6.5–13
mm), strongly bristled and sometimes setose flies (Vockeroth 2010). Scathophagidae are a monofiletic lineage
(Bernasconi et al., 2000) and sister group of Anthomyiidae, and belong to the parafiletic Muscoidea (Calyptratae)
(Kutty et al. 2008, Wiegmann et al. 2011). The species of Scathophagidae occurring in the Neotropical region may
be distinguished from species of allied families, like Anthomyiidae, Fanniidae and Muscidae, by two characters:
only one katerpisternal seta, and posterior margin of the lower calypter straight rather than slightly to strongly
convex (Vockeroth 2010).
Scatophagidae is a well-known family in the Holarctic region. In the New World 40 genera are known, and two
of these (Cordilura Fallén, 1810 and Scathophaga Meigen, 1803) occur in Central America (Vockeroth 2010). In
South America, only Scathophaga and the endemic monotypic genus Scatogera Albuquerque, 1984 are known
(Albuquerque 1984). In Colombia there was no scientific record of this family until now. In this article, we report
for the first time the genus Scatogera and the species S. primogenita, previously recorded to Ecuador.
In writing this catalogue, we followed the original description of Scatogera primogenita Albuquerque, 1984
and compared with photographs of the holotype deposited at the Museu de Zoologia de São Paulo (MZSP). In the
geographical distribution, we underlined Colombian Department names and parenthetically note specific localities.
At the end, we provide a table that includes the species found in Colombia (Table 1).

Acronyms used for the depositories

CEUA—Colección Entomológica Universidad de Antioquia, Medellin, Colombia.

MZSP—Museo de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.

List of abbreviations

distr.—geographic distribution

854 Accepted by C.J.B de Carvalho: 28 May 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016

orig. des.—by original designation
ref., refs.—references
M (m#)—Male

Catalogue of Scathophagidae of Colombia

Family Scathophagidae Cresson, 1918

Subfamily Scathophaginae Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830

Genus Scatogera Albuquerque

Scatogera Albuquerque, 1984: 1. Type species, Scatogera primogenita Albuquerque (orig. des.).

primogenita Albuquerque, 1984: 1. Type locality: Ecuador, E. Papallacta, Quito-Baeza, 2900m. HT M (MZSP).
Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Sonsón, San José de La Montaña, Belmira)).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Sonsón, Cerro Las Cruces, Bosque, 3000m, 6 males, 4
females viii.2010, L. Rios, T. Malaise (CEUA); San José de La Montaña Bosque 3000m, 1 female, 10.ix.2011, L.
Rios, Pitfall (CEUA); Belmira, Laguna Montañitas 3200m, 8 males, 4 females 4.x.2011T, C. Bota, Pitfall (CEUA).


We thank to the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico for their postdoctoral support of
Diana Grisales; to biologists Laura Rios and Cornelio Bota for colleting the specimens. SSN thanks the financial
support from FAPESP (proc. n. 2013/05131-6).

TABLE 1. Scathophagidae species recorded from Colombia.

Subfamily Genus Species Author

Scatophaginae Scatogera primogenita Albuquerque, 1984


Albuquerque, D. de O. (1984) 96B. Family Scathophagidae. In: Papavero, N. (Ed.), A Catalogue of the Diptera of Americas
south of the United States. Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 4 pp.
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Kutty, S.N., Pape, T., Pont, A., Wiegmann, B.M. & Meier, R. (2008) The Muscoidea (Diptera: Calyptratae) are paraphyletic:
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K.M., Heimberg, A.M., Wheeler, B.M., Peterson, K.J., Pape, T., Sinclair, B.J., Skevington, J.H., Blagoderov, V., Caravas,
J., Kutty, S.N., Schmidt-Ott, U., Kampmeier, G.E., Thompson, F.C., Grimaldi, D.A., Beckenbach, A.T., Courtney, G.W.,
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Zootaxa 4122 (1): 856–875 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
Copyright © 2016 Magnolia Press
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)



Grupo de Entomologia, Instituto de Biologia, Universidad de Antioquia. Colombia
Depto. de Ciências Biológicas, Faculdade de Ciências e Letras de Assis - UNESP, Av. Dom Antonio, 2100, Assis, SP, 19806-900, Brazil.
*Corresponding autor:


Calliphoridae and Mesembrinellidae (Diptera, Oestroidea) are very common groups of flies, the Calliphoridae with world-
wide distribution and over 1,000 described species, while the Mesembrinellidae are restricted to the Neotropical Region
and founded mainly in areas with undisturbed native vegetation. This catalogue presents two families: Calliphoridae, with
4 subfamilies, 31 species distributed in 12 genera, and Mesembrinellidae, with 7 genera and 21 species.

Key words: Calliphoridae, catalogue, Colombia, distribution, Mesembrinellidae


Calliphoridae is a well-known Oestroidea family composed of over 1,000 species distributed in approximately 150
genera; the first present in all the biogeographic regions (Pont 1980, Shewell 1987); whose species diversity is
significantly smaller in the Americas when compared with the rest of the world. Around 120 species are present in
the Neotropical region, 31 species in Colombia distribuited in four subfamilies, 12 genera and 31 species (Table 1).
The calliphorid flies are commonly known as blowflies, greenbottles, bluebottles, and cluster flies. They are
medium-size flies (4–16 mm) and frequently present metalic colors, totally or partialy. Males are usually holoptic
and the chaetotaxy is similar in both sexes. This is a very heterogeneous family of Calyptratae with several larval
habits (Guimarães & Papavero 1999). Immature stages feed on a wide variety of substrates including carcasses and
tissues (healthy and necrotic) of vertebrates, faeces, worms, snails, amphibians, birds and mammals blood. They
might still live in association with nests of termites and ants (Pont 1980, Kutty et al. 2010, Vargas & Wood 2010).
The parasitoid habit was recently described (Sze et al. 2008). The adults feed on virtually every form of carcasses
and faeces, and nectar sugar solutions, and can also act as pollinators (Jiron & Hedströn 1985).
The fact that they feed on dead and live animal tissues gives these flies a medical-veterinary and forensic
importance and this is, along with their strong association with the human environment, the reason for advanced
knowledge of the group, especially of its biology. However, this same importance is the main reason for its very
conservative classification, reflecting the need for stability in a group that has huge impact in the human society.
When compared to other Calyptratae families, its classification depends much less of chaetotaxy and immature
stages and, until recently, little of terminalia was used above the specific level (Shewell 1987).
Mesembrinellidae has nine genera and 37 species, and is restricted to the Neotropical Region from Southern
Mexico to Northern Argentina (Guimarães 1977, Peris & Mariluis 1984). In Colombia, this group is recently
boarded, distributed in tropical rain, dry and pluvial forest; mainly in areas with undisturbed native vegetation. The
results of the present work show a high diversity with 21 species and seven genus: Mesembrinella with nine
species; Huascaromusca and Eumesembrinella, each with four species; Giovanella, Laneella, Souzalopesiella and
Thompsoniella, with one species (Table 1).
This catalogue and classification are based on Guimarães (1977), Rognes (1997), Whitworth (2014), and
includes information about specific locations on each department. The departments are underline and specific
localities are in brackets. At the end, we present a table with all species, rank, and author.

856 Accepted by S. Nihei: 26 May 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016

Acronyms used for the depositories

AMNH—American Museum of Natural History, New York, USA

BMNH—Natural History Museum, London, UK
CEUA—Colección Entomológica Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia
CUAM-E—Museo de Historia Natural de la Universidad de la Amazonia, Florencia, Colombia
IOC—Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
MEPB—Museo Entomologico Piedras Blancas-Comfenalco Antioquia, Colombia
MNHN—Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France
MZST—Museo ed Istituto di Zoologia Sistematica della Università, Torino, Italy
NMW—Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien, Austria
OUMNH—Oxford University Museum of Natural History, Hope Entomological Collections, Oxford, UK
UIC—University of Illinois, Chicago, USA
USNM—National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, USA
UZMC—Zoologisk Museum, Copenhagen, Denmark

List of abbreviations

distr.—geographic distribution
orig. des.—by original designation
ref., refs.—references
Vsr.—Van Sommeren-Rydon
PNN—Parque Nacional Natural
SFF—Santuario de Fauna y Flora
F (f#)—female
M (m#)—male

Catalogue of Calliphoridae and Mesembrinellidae of Colombia

Family Calliphoridae Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1889

Subfamily Calliphorinae

Genus Blepharicnema Macquart

Blepharicnema Macquart, 1843: 283 (separate, 126). Type species, Blepharicnema splendens Macquart (mon.).

splendens Macquart, 1843: 284. Type locality: “unknown”; (according to James, 1970, Townsend, 1937 says
“Colombia”). HT F (MNHN). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Medellín, El Retiro, Andes); Caldas (Manizales);
Cundinamarca (Fusagasuga Ins Policia La Aguadita, Parque Natural Chicaque); Magdalena (PNN Sierra Nevada
de Santa Marta); Putamayo; Risaralda (SFF Otún Quimbaya); Santander (Pie de Cuesta); Valle del Cauca (PNN
Farallones de Cali Corregimiento La Meseta)), Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela. Refs.: James, 1970: 9 (cat.);
Pape et al., 2004: 204 Amat & Wolff, 2007: 188; Kosmann et al., 2013: 75.
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Medellín, Corregimiento San Antonio de Prado, Vereda El
Astillero, bosque, 2400m, 1F, iii.2004, M. Castaño (CEUA); same information except: Vereda Potrerito, bosque El
Silencio, 2300–2800m, 1F, 09.i.2002, M. Castaño, Manual vuelo (entomological net) (CEUA); Caldas: Manizales,
Vereda Las Palmas, bosque, 2502m, 1M, 03.iv.2012, Seminario Entomologia, Jama (entomological net) (CEUA);
same information except: 2M, Manual dia (entomological net) (CEUA); same information except: 3F, Seminario
Entomologia, Vsr. pes (Van Sommeren–Rydon trap baited with fish) (CEUA); Santander: Pie de Cuesta,
Corregimiento Sevilla, Vereda Cristales, Finca Rasgón, bosque, 2290–2390m, 5M, 7F, 25.viii.2001, Duque &
Vélez, Pitfall trap baited with fish, (CEUA); same information except: 3M, 8F, 25.viii.2001 (CEUA); Risaralda:
Pereira, SFF Otún Quimbaya, bosque, 1890m, 3F, 07.v.2001, Grupo Entomologia, Vsr. trap baited with fish

Genus Calliphora Robineau-Desvoidy

Calliphora Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830: 433. Type species, Musca vomitoria Linnaeus (orig. des.). Refs.: James, 1953: (key to
Neartic species); Mello, 1962 (Brazilian species).
Calliphora Townsend, error, Kosmann et al., 2013: 75.

nigribasis Macquart, 1851: 215. Type locality: Peru. HT M (MNHN). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Gómez Plata;
Medellín; San Pedro); Boyacá (Tunja); Cundinamarca (Facatativá, Mosquera, PNN Chingaza), Santander (Pie de
Cuesta)), Argentina, Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela. Refs.: James, 1970: 12 (cat.); Pape et al., 2004: 204; Vélez
& Wolff, 2008: 43; Whitworth, 2012: 12 (rev.); Kosmann et al., 2013: 75.
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: San Pedro, Vereda Cerezal, 2800m,, V. Perez,
entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA); Boyacá: Tunja, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica, 2690m,
1M, 10.v.2002, Yusseff & Daza, entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA); Cundinamarca: Mosquera, Finca
Tibaitatá, 2543m, 1M, 28.vii.2001, Ospina & Camacho, Entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA); same
information except: 1F, 06.viii.2001. PNN Chingaza, Estación Monte Redondo, 3035m, 05.i.2003, E. Martinez,
entomological net over a liver bait (CEUA); same information except: 1F, 14.ix.2002, E. Martinez, entomological
net over a pig carcass (CEUA); same information except: 1F, 16.ix.2002; 2F, 22.ix.2002; 2M, 10.i.2003 (CEUA);
Santander: Pie de Cuesta, Corregimiento Sevilla, Vereda Cristales, Finca Rasgón, bosque, 2200m, 25.viii.2001,
Duque & Velez, Vsr. trap baited with fish (CEUA).

vicina Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830: 435. Type locality: U.S.A., Pensylvania, Philadelphia. HT F (OUMNH). Distr.:
Colombia (Cundinamarca (Facatativá, Mosquera); Distrito Capital (Bogota); Meta (Villavicencio)), Alaska to
Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Chile south to Tierra del Fuego, Panama, Uruguay. Refs.: Barrios & Wolff, 2011: 166;
Whitworth, 2012: 12 (rev.); Kosmann et al., 2013: 76.
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Cundinamarca: Mosquera, Finca Tibaitatá, 2543m, 2M, 1F, 24.vii.2001,
Ospina & Camacho, entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA); same information except: 1M, vi.2001; 2F, 20-

Subfamily Chrysomyinae

Genus Chloroprocta Wulp

Chloroprocta Wulp, 1896: 296. Type species, Chloroprocta semiviridis Wulp, 1896 (mon.) = fuscanipennis (Macquart)
(James, 1970) = idioidea (Robineau-Desvoidy). Refs.: James, 1970: 5 (cat.); Dear, 1985: 113 (rev.).

858 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press WOLFF & KOSMANN
Callitrogopsis Townsend, 1935: 70. Type species, Callitrogopsis costalis Townsend, 1935 (orig. des.). Refs.: James, 1970: 5
(cat.); Dear, 1985: 113 (rev.).

idioidea (Robineau-Desvoidy), 1830: 445 (Chrysomya). Type locality: Brazil HT F (MNHN). Distr.: Colombia
(Amazonas (Leticia; río Igara Paraná); Antioquia (Apartadó, Caucasia, Puerto Berrio); Atlántico; Caldas
(Cañaveral, La Mula); Chocó (Nuquí); Meta (PNN Sumapaz, Porvenir Marayal; Puerto López, Pachiaquiaro, Finca
El Samán); Risaralda (Pereira Vereda La Suiza; SFF Otún Quimbaya); Santander; Sucre (San Onofre); Vichada
(Cumarimbo Corregimiento Santa Rita; PNN El Tuparro Cerro Tomás)), Argentina, Bahamas, Brazil, Costa Rica,
Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, French Guyana, Guatemala, Guyana, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru,
Trinidad and Tobago, USA, Venezuela. Refs.: James, 1970: 5 (cat.); Dear, 1985: 113 (rev.); Pape et al., , 2004: 203;
Amat, 2009: 700; Amat, 2010: 399; Kosmann et al., 2013: 76.
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Apartadó, Vía Carepa, Parque de los Encuentros, rastrojo,
30m, 2M, 2F, 24-27.xi.2004, Vélez & Grisales, Vsr. trap baited with fish (CEUA); Caucasia, Hacienda La
Candelaria, bosque, 80m, 1F, 02.ix.2006, Grupo Entomologia, Vsr. trap baited with fish (CEUA); same
information except: 1M, 04.ix.2004, Grupo Entomologia, Vsr. trap baited with fish (CEUA); Maceo, Vereda Santa
Barbara, 500m, 1M, 19.iii.2006, M.C. Vélez, Vsr. trap baited with fish (CEUA); Puerto Berrio, Vereda Cristalina,
Reserva R.U.N.A., 400-500m, 1M, 24.ix.2005, Grupo Entomologia, Vsr. trap baited with fish (CEUA); Chocó:
Nuquí, Jovi, Chagualito, 50m from the beach, 0m, 1M, 4F, 01–03.viii.2006, Wolff & Duque, Vsr. trap baited with
fruit (CEUA); same information except: 2M, 7F, 04.viii.2006; same information except:, 3F, 06.viii.2006, Wolff &
Duque, Vsr. trap baited with fruit (CEUA); Sucre: San Onofre, Reserva Sanguaré, bosque, 0m, 1M, 01.v.2003,
Rivera & Duque, Pitfall trap baited with human faeces (CEUA); same information except: 2M; 2F, 09.v.2003,
Grisales & Duque, entomological net (CEUA); same information except: 1M, 1F, 30.iv.2003, Grupo Entomologia,
Vsr. trap (CEUA); 2M, 6F, 01.v.2003, Vsr. trap (CEUA); 1M, 1F, 05.v.2003, Vsr. trap (CEUA); 1M, 13.x.2003,
Vsr. trap (CEUA); same information except: 12.x.2003, Rivera & Duque, 1M, 1F; 18.x.2003, 1M; 19.x.2003, 2F,
Vsr. trap (CEUA); same information except:, 2M, 14.x.2003, Grupo Entomologia, Vsr. trap baited with
decomposing banana (CEUA), same information except: 1M, 3F, 17.x.2003, Rivera & Duque, Vsr. trap baited with
decomposing banana (CEUA); same information except: 6M, 4F, 05.x.2003, Rivera & Duque, Vsr. trap baited with
fish (CEUA).

Genus Chrysomya Robineau-Devoidy

Chrysomya Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830: 444. Type species, Chrysomya regalis Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830 (subs. des. Coquillett,
1910: 523).
Chrysomyia, ementa.

albiceps (Wiedemann), 1819: 38 (Musca). Type locality: South Africa, Cape of Good Hope. HT F (NMW). Distr.:
Colombia (Antioquia (Amalfi; Caucasia; Copacabana; Gómez Plata; Maceo; Medellín; PNN Chingaza; San
Jerónimo; Valle de Aburrá); Bogotá (Usaquén; Parque Nacional, Estación de Carabineros); Bolívar (Islas de San
Bernardo); Boyacá (Tunja; Villa de Leiva); Caldas (Cañaveral, La Mula); Cundinamarca (Cáqueza; Corpoica-
Tibaitatá; Facatativá; La Calera; La Mesa, Vereda el Espino; Soacha; Tocaima; Vereda Ubatoque); Nariño
(Mosquera); Meta (San Martín, Finca El Caduceo); Santander (Bucaramanga; Rionegro); Sucre (San Onofre);
Vichada (Cumaribo Corregimiento Santa Maria; Santa Rita)), Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Dominica, Guatemala,
Nicaragua, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Uruguay, Venezuela. Refs.: Dear, 1985: 113 (rev.); Thompson & Pont,
1993: 49 (cat.); Wolff et al., 2001: 55; Wolff et al., 2006: 162; Vélez & Wolff, 2008: 43; Amat, 2009: 696; Barrios
& Wolff, 2011: 166; Ramírez-Mora et al., 2012: 30; Salazar-Ortega et al., 2012: 563; Kosmann et al., 2013: 76.
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Amalfi, Vereda El Lagarto, 1M, viii.2005, S. Martinez,
Entomological net over a meat (CEUA); Caucasia, Hacienda La Candelaria, bosque, 80m, 1F, 29.viii.2004, L.
Elorza, entomological net (CEUA); Copacabana, Barrio Villa Nueva, 1200m, 1F, vii.2004, A. Ruiz, entomological
net (CEUA); Gómez Plata, Vereda La Clara, Hacienda Vegas de la Clara, 1000m, 1F, 16.vii.2003, Perez & M.C.
Vélez, entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA); Maceo, Cañón Rio Alicante, Guardasol, 1M, 05.xii.2002, S.
Perez, Vsr. trap baited with fish (CEUA); Medellín, Universidad de Antioquia, 1500m, 1F, 20.iv.2002, A. Builes,
entomological net over a rabbit carcass (CEUA); same information except: 1450m, 1F, 13.xi.2002, M.C. Vélez,

entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA); Medellín, Altos Medellín, 1F, 26.x.2004, Fiscal, H-149 collected
from human cadaver (CEUA); same information except: Altos de Calazans, 1F, 01.xi.2004, Fiscal, H-147 collected
from human cadaver (CEUA); San Jerónimo, Parque Los Tamarindos, 925m, 1M, 24-27.iv.2006, A. Vélez, Vsr.
trap baited with fish (CEUA); Bolívar: Islas de San Bernardo, Tintipán, 0m, 1M, 02-Ja n-2003, Wolff & Duque,
entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA); Boyacá: Tunja, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica, 2690m, 1 F,
17.v.2002, Yusseff & Daza, entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA); Cundinamarca: La Calera, San José,
4°43'22''N 73°58'20''W, 2719m, 1M, 23.ii.2002, Castro, Molano & Alméciga, entomological net over a pig carcass
(CEUA); La Mesa, Vereda El Espino, 1M, 14xii.-2002, carcass (CEUA); Santander: Rionegro, 700m, 1M,
14.vii.2003, A. Vargas, entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA); same information except: 1M, 23.vii.2003;
Sucre: San Onofre, Reserva Sanguaré, 0m, 1M, 01.v.2003, Grupo Entomologia, Vsr. trap baited with fish (CEUA).

megacephala (Fabricius), 1794: 317 (Musca). Type locality: “Guinea”, (error =? “Ex. Ind. Or.” See Patton,
1925:179). ST ? (UZMC). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Copacabana; Gómez Plata; Itagui; Medellín; PNN
Chiganza; Valle de Aburrá); Bolívar (Archipiélago de San Bernardo, Isla Múcura); Boyacá (Villa de Leiva, Vereda
Centro); Caldas (Cañaveral, La Mula); Cundinamarca (Facatativá); La Guajira (Cerrejón Campamento Mushaisa);
Sucre (San Onofre); Valle del Cauca (Cali); Vaupés), Argentina, Brazil, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Greater
Antilles, Jamaica, Nicaragua, Puerto Rico, Peru. Refs.: Dear, 1985: 112 (rev.); Thompson & Pont, 1993: 95 (cat.);
Barreto et al., 2002: 138; Pape et al., 2004: 203; Vélez & Wolff, 2008: 43; Amat, 2009: 697; Barrios & Wolff,
2011: 167; Ramírez-Mora et al., 2012: 30; Salazar-Ortega et al., 2012: 563; Kosmann et al., 2013: 76.
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Copacabana, Barrio Villa Nueva, 1200m, 1F, vii.2004, A.
Ruiz, entomological net (CEUA); Gómez Plata, Vereda La Clara, Hacienda Vegas de la Clara, 1000m, 1M,
16.vii.2003, Perez & M.C. Vélez, entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA); Itagui, Quebrada Doña María,
1530m, 1M, 16.viii.2004, J. Arias, entomological net (CEUA); Medellín, Universidad de Antioquia, Facultad de
Vetezoo, 1480m, 1F, 20.xi.2002, M.C. Vélez, entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA); same information
except:, 1M, 4F, 06.vii.2002, G. Zapata, entomological net over a rabbit carcass (CEUA); Bolívar: Islas de San
Bernardo, Tintipán, 0m, 3M, 1F, 05.i.2003, Wolff & Duque, entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA); same
information except: 1M, xii.2002, Wolff & Duque; 1M, 04.i.2003, reared in the laboratory (CEUA); Sucre: San
Onofre, Reserva Sanguaré, 0m, 1M, 01.v.2003, Grupo Entomologia, Vsr. trap baited with fish (CEUA).

putoria (Wiedemann), 1830: 403 (Musca). Type locality: Sierra Leone. LT F (NMW). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia
(Valle de Aburrá); Vichada (Cumaribo, Selva de Mataven, Comunidad de Sarrapia)), Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil,
Panama, Paraguay, Peru. Refs.: Dear, 1985: 112 (rev.); Thompson & Pont, 1993: 95 (as synonym of Chrysomya
chloropyga (Wiedemann)) (cat.); Amat, 2009: 697; Ramírez-Mora et al., , 2012: 30; Kosmann et al., 2013: 76.

rufifacies (Macquart), 1843: 303 (Lucilia). Type locality: “Nouvelle-Hollande”, Australia. T M (?). Distr.:
Colombia (Cundinamarca; Valle del Cauca (Cali); Vichada), Argentina, Brazil, Cuba, Dominica, Guatemala,
Jamaica, Mexico, Puerto Rico. Refs.: Dear, 1985: 113 (rev.); Barreto et al., 2002: 138; Pape et al., 2004: 203;
Kosmann et al., 2013: 76.

Genus Cochliomyia Townsend

Callitroga Brauer, 1883: 74 (also Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1893: 194 (1893:106), in generic synonymy). Type species, Musca
macellaria Fabricius, 1775 (Hall, 1948: 120). Based on a name originally cited in synonymy, hence invalid. Refs.: James,
1970: 5 (cat.); Dear, 1985: 135 (rev.).
Cochliomyia Townsend, 1915: 646. Type species, Musca macellaria Fabricius, 1775 (orig. des.). Refs.: James, 1970: 5 (cat.);
Dear, 1985: 135 (rev.).
Compsomyia authors, in part, not Rondani.
Paralucilia authors, not Brauer & Bergenstamm.

hominivorax (Coquerel), 1858: 173 (Lucilia). Type locality: French Guyana, Cayenne. HT M (BMNH). Distr.:
Colombia (Antioquia; Bolívar; Cundinamarca; Risaralda; Santander; Sucre), Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica,
Cuba, Dominican Republic, French Guyana, Greater Antilles, Guatemala, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Parama,

860 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press WOLFF & KOSMANN
Peru, Puerto Rico, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay. Refs.: James, 1970: 6 (cat.); Dear, 1985: 138 (rev.); Kosmann et
al., 2013: 76.

macellaria (Fabricius), 1775: 776 (Musca). Type locality: West Indies. HT F (UZMC). Distr.: Colombia
(Amazonas (río Igara Paraná); Antioquia (Alejandría; Concepción; Gómez Plata; Medellín; Titipán Island; Valle de
Aburrá); Bolívar (Islas de San Bernardo); Caldas (Cañaveral, La Mula); Chocó (Bahía Solano, Sector Huina);
Caquetá (Florencia); Cundinamarca (Guayabetal; La Mesa; Fusagasuga; Mesitas del Colegio; Arbeláez; Granada);
Distrito Capital (Bogotá, Normandía); Huila (Neiva); Magdalena (PNN Tairona Gairaca Abanico), Meta (Puerto
Lleras; Puerto Lopez, Pachiaquiaro, Finca El Saman; Villavicencio); Santander (Rionegro); Sucre (San Onofre);
Tolima (Ambalema, Hacienda Buenavista de Caicedo; Cumarimbo Corregimiento Santa Rita PNN El Tuparro);
Valle del Cauca (Cali); Vichada), Argentina, Bahamas, Belize, Bermudas, Bolivia, Brazil, Caribe, Chile, Costa
Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Greater Antilles, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico,
Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay, Venezuela. Refs.: James, 1970: 66 (cat.); Dear,
1985: 139 (rev.); Thompson & Pont, 1993: 93 (cat.); Wolff et al., 2001: 55; Barreto et al., 2002: 138; Pape et al.,
2004: 203; Wolff et al., 2006: 162; Vélez & Wolff, 2008: 43; Amat, 2009: 698; Ramírez-Mora et al., 2012: 30;
Salazar-Ortega et al., 2012: 563; Kosmann et al., 2013: 76.
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Gómez Plata, Vereda La Clara, 1000m, 1M, 15.vii.2003,
Perez & M.C. Vélez, entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA); Medellín, Universidad de Antioquia, Facultad
de Vetezoo, 1550m, 1M,, G. Zapata, entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA); Parque Los
Tamarindos, 925m, 1F, 24-27.iv.2006, A. Vélez (CEUA); Bolívar: Islas de San Bernardo, Tintipán, 0m, 1F,
04.i.2003, Wolff & Duque, entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA); Caquetá: Florencia, Vereda Sebastopol,
Finca La Magola, 305m, 5M, 5F, 05.xii.2004, Y. Ramos, entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUAM);
Cundinamarca: La Mesa, Vereda El Espino, pig carcass, 19.xii.2002, JJW, 1F (CEUA); Santander, Rionegro,
700m, 1M, vii.2003, A. Vargas, reared in the laboratory (CEUA); same information except: 1F, 03.viii.2003, A.
Vargas (CEUA); same information except: 1F, 23.vii.2003, A. Vargas, entomological net over a pig carcass
(CEUA); Sucre: San Onofre, Reserva Sanguaré, 0m, 1F, 30.iv.2003, Grisales & Duque, entomological net over a
pig carcass (CEUA); same information except: 1F, 02.v.2003; 1F, 08.v.2003; same information except: 1F,
09.v.2003, Grisales & Duque, reared in the laboratory (CEUA); 1M, 10.v.2003, reared in the laboratory (CEUA).

Genus Compsomyiops Townsend

Compsomyiops Townsend, 1918: 153. Type species, Calliphora fulvipes Macquart, 1843 (=Chrysomya fulvicrura Robineau-
Desvoidy, 1830) (orig. des.). Refs.: Dear, 1985: 145 (rev.); Kosmann et al., 2013: 76.
Myiolucilia Hall, 1948: 109. Type species, Musca lyrcea Walker, 1849 (=Chrysomya fulvicrura Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830)
(orig. des.). Ref.: Dear, 1985: 145 (rev.).

arequipensis (Mello), 1968: 187 (Paralucilia). Type locality: Bolivia, La Paz, El Alto. HT M (IOC). Distr.:
Colombia (Cundinamarca), Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru. Refs.: Mello, 1968: 187 (rev.); Dear, 1985: 154 (rev.); Pape et
al., 2004: 204 (as C. boliviana); Kosmann et al., 2013: 76.

callipes (Bigot), 1877: 249 (Somomya). Type locality: “Mexico”. HT M (BMNH). Distr.: USA to Bolivia. Refs.:
James, 1970: 8 (cat.); Dear, 1985: 151 (rev.); Kosmann et al., 2013: 76.

fulvicrura (Robineau-Desvoidy), 1830: 446 (Musca). Type locality: Uruguay, Montevideo. LT 2F (MNHN).
Distr.: Mexico to Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Guyana, Uruguay. Refs.: Mello, 1968: 179 (rev.); Dear, 1985:
147 (rev.); Kosmann et al., 2013: 76.

melloi Dear, 1985: 155. Type locality: “Mexico”. HT F (British museum), PT M (USNM). Distr.: Colombia
(Cundinamarca), Mexico. Refs.: Dear, 1985: 155 (rev.); Pape et al., 2004: 204; Kosmann et al., 2013: 76.

verena (Walker), 1849: 874 (Musca). Type locality: “Venezuela”. HT M (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia
(Caldas Gallego; La Ceja; Medellín; Río Claro, Reserva Ecológica El Cañón del río Claro; Rionegro; San Pedro;

Santa Rosa de Osos; Valle de Aburrá); Boyacá (Cerro San Lorenzo; Tunja; SFF Iguaque Cabaña Chaina; SFF
Iguaque La Planada; Sogamoso); Caldas (Manizales); Cauca (Páez); Cundinamarca (Facatativá, Carretera San
Francisco; Fusagasuga; La Carlera; Monterredondo; Mosquera; Ubaque, Vda. San Antonio; Ubaté; Zipaquirá);
Distrito Capital (Alto del Cable; Bogotá, Monteserrate, Normandía; Parque Nacional, Estación de Carabineros;
Suba, “Lomas José”); Meta (Puerto Sofia; San Juan de Arama; Villavicencio); Norte de Santander (Cucuta);
Quindio (Salento, La Montaña); Risaralda (SFF Otún Quimbaya); Santander (Pie de Cuesta); Tolima (Armero,
Finca Inbora; Herveo; Honda; Ibagué)), Argentina, Costa Rica, Peru, Venezuela. Refs.: James, 1970: 8 (cat.); Dear,
1985: 153 (rev.); Pape et al., 2004: 204; Amat, 2009: 698; Barrios & Wolff, 2011: 166; Ramírez-Mora et al., 2012:
30; Salazar-Ortega et al., 2012: 563; Kosmann et al., 2013: 76.
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Medellín, Universidad de Antioquia, 1500m, 1F,
entomological net over a rabbit carcass (CEUA); same information except: 1450m, entomological net over a pig
carcass; same information except: San Pedro, Vereda Cerezales, 2800m, 1M, entomological net over a pig carcass
(CEUA); same information except: Santa Rosa de Osos, 1M, entomological net over carcass (CEUA); Boyacá:
Tunja, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica, 2690m, 1M, entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA); Caldas:
Manizales, Vereda Las Palmas, Reserva Rio Blanco, 5°7.2'6.58''N 75°43.7'9.58''W, 2592m, 1M, 03.iv.2005, Vsr.
trap baited with fish, Seminario Entomologia (CEUA); Cundinamarca: La Calera, San José, 4°43'22''N
73°58'20''W, 2748m, 1F, 10.ii.2002, Castro, Molano & Alméciga, entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA);
same information except: 2F, 17.ii.2002 (CEUA); Mosquera, Finca Tibaitatá, 2543m, entomological net over a pig
carcass (CEUA); Risaralda: SFF Otún Quimbaya, bosque, 1890m, 1F, 07.v.2001, Grupo Entomología, Vsr. trap
baited with fish (CEUA); Santander: Pie de Cuesta, Corregimiento Sevilla, Vereda Cristales, 2200m, 1F,
25.viii.2001, Wolff & Duque, Pitfall trap baited with human faeces (CEUA).

Genus Hemilucilia Brauer

Mya Rondani, 1850: 175 (Preocc. Mya Linnaeus, 1758). Type species, Mya semidiaphana Rondani (Pont, 1983: 108).
Hemilucilia Brauer, 1895: 598. Type species, Musca segmentaria Fabricius, 1805 (orig. des.). Refs.: Mello, 1972: 539 (rev.);
Dear, 1985: 124 (rev.).

benoisti Séguy, 1925a: 440. Type locality: French Guyana. HT M (MNHN). Distr.: Colombia, Brazil, Costa Rica,
French Guyana, Guyana, Peru, Venezuela. Refs.: Mello, 1972: 546 (rev.); Dear, 1985: 126 (rev.); Kosmann et al.,
2013: 76.

melusina Dear, 1985: 134. Type- ocality: Peru. HT M (UIC), PT F (UIC); PT F (USNM); PT F (BMNH). Distr.:
Colombia (Antioquia (Medellin); Meta (Villavicencio); Distrito Capital (Bogota); Norte de Santander (Pamplona);
Risaralda (SFF Otún Quimbaya, El Molinillo); Santander (Pie de Cuesta)), Peru. Refs.: Dear, 1985: 134 (rev.);
Pape et al., 2004: 203; Amat, 2009: 701; Kosmann et al., 2013: 76.
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Medellín, Corregimiento Santa Elena, Vereda Piedras
Blancas, 2500m, 5F, entomological net over a pig carcass,, Curso Forense I (CEUA); same information
except: 1F,, Curso Forense I, entomological net over a rabbit carcass (CEUA); same information except:
Vereda Piedras Blancas, Sendero Puente Amarillo, 2300m, 2F, 07.vii.2006, Vélez & Grisales, Vsr trap baited with
fish (CEUA); Norte de Santander: Pamplona, Universidad de Pamplona, 2360m, 1F, viii.2006, Leidy Ardilla,
entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA); Risaralda: SFF Otún Quimbaya, bosque, 1890m, 14M, 28F,
07.v.001, Grupo Entomologia, Vsr. trap baited with fish (CEUA); same information except: 4F, 08.v.2001;
Santander: Pie de Cuesta, Corregimiento Sevilla, Vereda Cristales, 2200m, 1F, 25.viii.2001, Duque & Vélez, Vsr
trap (CEUA).

segmentaria (Fabricius), 1805: 292 (Musca). Type locality: "America meridionali". HT F (UZMC). Distr.:
Colombia (Amazonas (PNN Amacayacu); Antioquia (Amalfi; Maceo; Valle de Aburrá); Caldas (Cañaveral la
Mula); Caquetá (Florencia); Cauca (Gorgona Is); Chocó (Nuquí; PNN Utría Río San Pichí); Cundinamarca (La
Mesa, Vda. San Javier; Villeta); Magdalena (PNN Tairona Los Naranjos; Santa Marta, PNN Sierra Nevada de
Santa Marta); Meta (Macarena); Quindío (Quimbaya); Putumayo (PNN La Paya, Fca. Charapa); Santander
(Rionegro) Valle del Cauca (Jardín Botánico José María Céspedes)), Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica,

862 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press WOLFF & KOSMANN
Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Guyana, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago. Refs.: Mello,
1972: 540 (rev.); Dear, 1985: 127 (rev.); Pape et al., 2004: 203; Amat, 2009: 701; Ramírez-Mora et al., 2012: 30;
Kosmann et al., 2013: 76.
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Amalfi, Porce, Hacienda Normadia, 1050m, 1F, 25.x.1998, P.
Duque, Vsr. trap baited with fish (CEUA); Maceo, Cañón Rio Alicante, Guardasol, 1F, 05.xii.2000, Vsr. trap, S.
Perez, (CEUA); Caquetá: Florencia, Vereda Sebastopol, Finca La Magola, 305m, 3M, 11.xii.2004, Y. Ramos,
entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUAM); same information except: 5F, 04.xii.2004; Chocó: Nuquí, ,
Chagualito, 1F, 04.viii.2006, Wolff & Duque, Vsr. trap baited with fish (CEUA);Quindío: Quimbaya, Vereda
Kerman K7, Panaca, 1339m, 1M, 01.vii.2003, H. Vargas, (CEUA); Santander: Rionegro, 700m, 2M, 3F,
08.viii.2003, A. Vargas, reared in the laboratory (CEUA); same information except: 1F, 22.vii.2003; 1M,
23.vii.2003, entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA).

semidiaphana (Rondani), 1850: 177 (Mya). Type locality: Brazil, SP, São Sebastião Is. HT M (MZST). Distr.:
Colombia (Amazonas (Leticia); Antioquia (Amalfi; Gómez Plata; Maceo; Medellín; San Jerónimo; Valle de
Aburrá); Caldas (Cañaveral la Mula); Caquetá (Florencia); Chocó (Nuquí); Cundinamarca (La Mesa; La Vega;
Pacho); Distrito Capital (Bogota); Meta; Nariño (Pasto); Norte de Santander (Pamplona); Putumayo (Upper
Putamayo); Quindío (Quimbaya); Risaralda (SFF Otún Quimbaya); Santander (Rionegro); Sucre (San Onofre);
Tolima (Armero, Cambo, Cerro de Santo Tomas); Valle del Cauca (Jardín Botánico José María Céspedes)),
Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Guyana, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Trindad and
Tobago, Venezuela. Refs.: Dear, 1985: 130 (rev.); Pape et al., 2004: 203; Amat, 2009: 701; Amat, 2010: 399;
Ramírez-Mora et al., 2012: 30; Salazar-Ortega et al., 2012: 563; Kosmann et al., 2013: 76.
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Amalfi, Hacienda Normandia, 1050m, 2M, 5F, 25.x.1998, P.
Duque, Vsr. trap baited with fish (CEUA); Gómez Plata, Vereda La Clara, Hacienda Vegas de La Clara, 1000m, 1F,
09.vii.2003, Grupo Entomologia, Vsr. trap baited with fish (CEUA); Maceo, Cañón Rio Alicante, Guardasol, 1M,
1F, 05.xii.2000, S. Perez, Vsr. trap (CEUA); Medellín, Corregimiento Santa Elena, 2500m, 6F,, Curso
Forense I, entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA); Same information except: Vereda Piedras Blancas,
Sendero Puente Amarillo, 2300m, 2M, 3F,, Vélez & Grisales, Vsr. trap baited with fish (CEUA);
Universidad de Medellín, Finca La Ortega, 1850m, 1F, 03.xii.2004, Grupo Entomologia, Vsr trap baited with fish
(CEUA); same information except: 1F, 09.xii.2004; San Jerónimo, Parque Los Tamarindos, 925m, 3F, 24-
27.iv.2006, A. Velez, Vsr. trap baited with fish (CEUA); Caquetá: Florencia, Vereda Sebastopol, Finca La Magola,
305m, xii.2004, Y. Ramos, entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUAM); Chocó: Nuquí, Jovi, Chagualito, 5F,
04.viii.2006, Wolff & Duque, Vsr. trap baited with fish (CEUA); same information except: 2F, 06.viii.2006, Wolff
& Duque, Vsr. trap baited with fruit (CEUA); Cundinamarca: La Mesa, Vereda El Espino, 6F, 14.xii.2002, JJW,
entomological net over a carrion (CEUA); same information except: 1F, 18.xii.2002; Norte de Santander:
Pamplona, Universidad de Pamplona, 2360m, 12F, vii-viii.2006, L. Ardilla, entomological net over a pig carcass
(CEUA); Quindío: Quimbaya, Vereda Kerman K&, Panaca, 1339m, 1M, 5F, 01.vii.2003, H. Vargas, Vsr. ttrap
(CEUA); Risaralda: SFF Otún Quimbaya, bosque, 1890m, 1M, 12F, 07.v.2001, Grupo Entomologia, Vsr. trap
baited with fish, (CEUA); Santander: Rionegro, 700m, 1M, 5F, 02.viii.2003, A. Vargas, reared in the laboratory
(CEUA); same information except: 3F, 01.viii.2003, entomological net over a decomposing carcass (CEUA);
Sucre: San Onofre, Reserva Sanguare, 0m, 1F, 05.v.2003, Grupo Entomologia, Vsr. trap (CEUA).

townsendi Shannon, 1926: 125. Type locality: Peru, Yahuarmayo. HT F (USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Magdalena
(Santa Marta PNN Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta)), Peru. Refs.: Dear, 1985: 133 (rev.); Amat, 2009: 701; Kosmann
et al., 2013: 76.

Genus Paralucilia Brauer & Bergenstamm

Paralucilia Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1891: 391 (separate pagination, 87; may have priority). Type species, Calliphora fulvipes
Macquart sensu Blanchard, ident. err. (mon.) = fulvinota (Bigot). Refs.: Mello, 1968: 178 (rev.); James, 1970: (cat.); Dear,
1985: (rev.).

fulvinota (Bigot), 1877: 251 (Somomya). Type locality: “Mexico”. HT F (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia

(Amalfi; Gómez Plata); Cundinamarca (Villavicencio); Distrito Capital (Bogota); Meta; Nariño (Pasto); Putamayo;
Risaralda (SFF Otún Quimbaya); Santander (Rionegro)), Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador,
Guatemala, Guyana, Mexico, Peru, Venezuela. Refs.: Mello, 1969a: 299 (rev.); James, 1970: 7 (cat.); Dear, 1985:
119 (rev.); Amat, 2009: 700; Kosmann et al., 2013: 76.
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Amalfi, Hacienda Normandia, Porce, 6˚44’52”N 75˚05’6”S,
1050m, 1M, 6F, 25.x.1998, P. Duque, Vsr. trap baited with fish (CEUA); Gómez Plata, Vereda La Clara, Hacienda
Vegas de La Clara, 1000m, 1M, 1F, 09.vii.2003, Grupo Entomologia, Vsr. trap baited with fish (CEUA); same
information except: 1M, 1F, Vsr. trap baited with human feaces (CEUA), Risaralda: SFF Otún Quimbaya, bosque,
1890m, 1F, 1female, 07.v.2001, Grupo Entomologia, Vsr. trap baited with fish (CEUA); Santander: Rionegro,
700m, 4F, 23.vii.2003, A. Vargas, entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA).

paraensis (Mello), 1969a: 305 (Myolucilia). Type locality: Brazil, Pará, Belém. HT M (IOC); AT F (IOC); PT 9F,
3M (IOC). Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca (Cáqueza)), Brazil, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Guyana, Panama,
Paraguay, Peru, Surinam, Venezuela. Refs.: Mello, 1969a: 305 (rev.); Amat, 2009: 700; Kosmann et al., 2013: 76.

pseudolyrcea (Mello), 1969a: 310 (Myolucilia). Type locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutônia. HT M
(IOC); PT 8M (IOC). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Valle de Aburrá); Caldas (Cañaveral la Mula; Norcasia)),
Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay. Refs.: Mello, 1969a: 310 (rev.); Amat, 2009: 700; Ramírez-Mora et al., 2012:
30; Kosmann et al., 2013: 76.

Subfamily Luciliinae

Genus Lucilia Robineau-Desvoidy

Lucilia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830: 452. Type species, Musca caesar Linnaeus (Macquart, 1834: 162; sep., p. 26). Ref.: James,
1970: 9 (cat.).
Phaenicia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1863: 750. Type species, Phaenicia concinna Robineau-Desvoidy (Townsend, 1916: 8) =
sericata (Meigen). Refs.: Mello, 1961: 260 (rev.); James, 1970: 9 (cat.).

cluvia (Walker), 1849: 885 (Musca). Type locality: West Indies. T ? (?). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Medellín)),
Anguilla, Argentina, Cuba, Guatemala, Honduras, Martinique, Mexico, Nicaragua, Puerto Rico, Southern USA.
Refs.: James, 1970: 10 (cat.); Salazar-Ortega et al., 2012: 563; Kosmann et al., 2013: 77.

cuprina (Wiedemann), 1830: 654 (Musca). Type locality: “China”. T ? (?). Distr.: almost world-wide. Colombia
(Antioquia (Medellín; Valle de Aburrá); Cundinamarca), Argentina, Bermuda, Brazil, Cuba, Haiti, Jamaica, Peru,
Puerto Rico, Trindad, Uruguay, Venezuela, Virgin Islands. Refs.: James, 1970: 10 (cat.); Pape et al., 2004: 204;
Ramírez-Mora et al., 2012: 30; Salazar-Ortega et al., 2012: 563; Kosmann et al., 2013: 77.
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Medellín, Corregimiento San Antonio de Prado, 1F,
20.v.2006, E. Florez, entomological net over a liver (CEUA); Universidad de Antioquia, 1480m, 1F, 27.v.1999, A.
Utibe Toro, entomological net over a pig (CEUA); same information except: 1550m, 1F, 01.v.2002, A. Bruiles,
entomological net over a rabbit (CEUA).

eximia (Wiedemann), 1819: 53 (Musca). Type locality: “Brazil”. T ? (?). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Caucasia,
Copacabana, Medellín; Valle de Aburrá), Bolívar (Islas de San Bernardo), Caquetá (Florencia), Cundinamarca (La
Mesa)), Argentina, Barbados, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala,
Grenada, Guadeloupe, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru, Puerto Rico, St. Vincent, Trindad, Venezuela, Virgin Islands.
Refs.: Mello, 1961: 270 (rev.); James, 1970: 10 (cat.); Pape et al., 2004: 204; Wolff et al., 2006: 162; Vélez &
Wolff, 2008: 43; Ramírez-Mora et al., 2012: 30; Salazar-Ortega et al., 2012: 563; Kosmann et al., 2013: 77.
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Caucasia, Hacienda La Candelaria, 80m, 2M, 18.ix.2006,
Grupo Entomologia, breeding from eegs reared in the laboratory (CEUA); same information except: 1M, 1F,
22.ix.2006; Copacabana, Vereda El Cabuyal, 1650m, 4M, 27F, vii.2002, Grisales & Rivera, Vsr. trap (CEUA);
Medellín, Corregimiento San Antonio de Prado, house, 1F, 10.iv.2006, E. Florez, entomological net over pig meat

864 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press WOLFF & KOSMANN
(CEUA); same information except: 1F, 15.v.2006, breeding reared in the laboratory; Universidad de Antioquia,
Facultad de Vetezoo, 1450m, 1F, 27.x.2002, S. Perez, entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA); same
information except: 1M, 4F, 28.x.2002; 5F, 29.x.2002; 2F, 01.xi.2002; 1M, 08.xi.2002; 1F, 27.x.2002; Universidad
de Antioquia, Microestación, 1480m, 1M, 20.xi.2002, M.C. Velez, reared in the laboratory (CEUA); same
information except: 1M, 22.x.2002, S. Perez; 1F, 25.x.2002; 1M, 1F, 27.x.2002; 5M, 2F, 28.x.2002; Bolívar: Islas
de San Bernardo, Mucura, 0m, 1M, 2F, 20.i.2003, Wolff & Duque, reared in the laboratory (CEUA); Caquetá:
Florencia, Vereda Sebastopol, Finca La Magola, 305m, 1M, 06.i.2005, Y. Ramos, entomological net over a pig
carcass (CEUAM); Cundinamarca: La Mesa, Vereda El Espino, 3F, 09.xii.2002, JJW, carcass (CEUA).

purpurascens (Walker), 1836: 355 (Musca). Type locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina. T ? (?). Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquia (Medellín; San Pedro; Valle de Aburrá); Caldas (Manizales); Cundinamarca (Facatativá); Risaralda
(SFF Otún Quimbaya), Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Mexico, Peru, Venezuela. Refs.: James,
1970: 11 (cat.); Pape et al., 2004: 204; Kosmann et al., 2013: 77.
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: San Pedro, Vereda Cerezales, 2800m, 1M, 2F, 17.vii.2001, V.
Perez, entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA); Caldas: Manizales, Reserva Rio Blanco, 5˚7.2’6.58”N
75˚43.7’9.58”W, 2592m, 1F, 3.iv.2005, Grupo Entomologia, Vsr. trap baited with fish (CEUA); Risaralda: SFF
Otún Quimbaya, 1890m, 3M, 2F, 07.v.2001, Grupo de Entomologia, Vsr. trap baited with fish (CEUA).

sericata (Meigen), 1826: 53 (Musca). Type locality: “Germany”. T ? (?). Distr.: almost world-wide. Colombia
(Antioquia (Medellín; Valle de Aburrá), Boyacá (Tunja), Cundinamarca (Mosquera), Santander; Sucre), Argentina,
Bermuda, Brazil, Chile, Peru, Venezuela. Refs.: Mello, 1961: 261 (rev.); James, 1970: 11 (cat.); Pape et al., 2004:
204; Ramírez-Mora et al., 2012: 30; Salazar-Ortega et al., 2012: 563; Kosmann et al., 2013: 77.
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Boyacá: Tunja, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica, 2690m, 1F,
17.v.2002, Yusseff & Daza, entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA); same information except: 1F, 18.v.2002;
1F, 19.v.2002; 1female, 20.v.2002; 1M, 22.v.2002; Cundinamarca: Mosquera, Finca Tibaitatá, 2543m, 1F,
01.vii.2001, Ospina & Camacho, entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA); same information except: 2F,
10.vii.2001 (CEUA).

Subfamily Toxotarsinae

Genus Chlorobrachycoma Townsend, 1918

Chlorobrachycoma Townsend, 1918: 155. Type species, splendida Townsend (orig. des.).

splendida Townsend, 1918: 155. Type locality: Peru, Oroya. T ? (?). Distr.: Colombia (Bogotá, Cundinamarca),
Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru. Refs.: Pape et al., 2004: 204; Amat, 2009: 702; Kosmann et al., 2013: 78.

Genus Roraimomusca Townsend, 1935

Roraimomusca Townsend, 1935: 69. Type species, roraima Townsend (orig. des.).

roraima Townsend, 1935: 70. Type locality: Venezuela, Mt Roraima. T? (?). Distr.: Colombia (Caldas (Manizales),
Santander (Betulia)), Bolivia, Brasil, Ecuador, Venezuela. Refs.: Wolff & Vélez, 2007: 95; Kosmann et al., 2013: 78.
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Caldas: Manizales, Reserva Rio Blanco, bosque, 2592m, 1M, 1F,
iv.2005, Grupo Entomología, Vsr. trap baited with fish (CEUA); Santander: Betulia, Palma de Oro, 1900m, 1F,
x.2001, P. Duque & A. Velez, Vsr. trap baited with fish (CEUA).

Genus Sarconesiopsis Townsend, 1918

Sarconesiopsis Townsend, 1918: 156. Type species, caerulea Townsend (orig. des.) = chilensis (Macquart).

magellanica (Le Guillou), 1842: 316 (Calliphora). Type locality: “Chile”. T? (?). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia,
Bogotá D.C, Boyacá, Cundinamarca, Magdalena, Nariño, Norte de Santander, Santander, Valle del Cauca),
Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, Peru. Refs.: Amat, 2009: 703; Kosmann et al., 2013: 78.
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: San Pedro de Los Milagros, Vereda Cerezales, 2800m, 1F,, V. Pérez, Forensic entomological study with pig (CEUA); Cundinamarca: Facatativá, 2614m, 1M,
7M, 1.iii.2007, M. Barrios, Forensic entomological study with pig (CEUA); Mosquera, 2543m, 2M, 1F,
4.viii.2001, Ospina & Camacho, Forensic entomological study with pig (CEUA); La Calera, 2748m, 1F, 5.ii.2003,
Castro, Molano & Almeciga, Forensic entomological study with pig (CEUA); Mosquera, 2543m, 1F, vii.2001,
Ospina, & Camacho, Forensic entomological study with pig (CEUA); PNN Chingaza, Vereda Monte Redondo,
3035m, 1M, 5.x.2002, E. Martinez, Forensic entomological study with pig (CEUA); Norte de Santander:
Pamplona, Universidad de Pamplona, 2360m, 4M, 1F, vii-viii.2006, L. Arcila, Forensic entomological study with
pig (CEUA).

Family Mesembrinellidae Shannon, 1926

Genus Eumesembrinella Townsend

Eumesembrinella Townsend, 1931: 69. Type species, Musca quadrilineata Fabricius, 1805 (mon.). Refs.: Townsend, 1935:
146; 137: 65; Mello, 1967: 14 (key); James, 1970: 2 (cat.); Guimarães, 1977: 38 (rev.); Peris & Mariluis, 1984: 262; Toma
& Carvalho, 1995: 140.

benoisti (Séguy), 1925b: 196 (Ochromyia). Type locality: Oyac-Conti-Cacao-Bief, Guyana Francesa. HT M
(MNHN). Distr.: Colombia (Vaupés (El Pacoa), Venezuela, French Guiana, Guyana, Brazil. Refs.: Guimarães,
1977: 41, Kosmann et al., 2103: 77. First register to Colombia.
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Vaupés: Corregimiento El Pacoa, Comunidad Santa Isabel, 1F,
01.vii.2006, J. Gonzalez, manual (CEUA).

cyaneicincta (Surcouf), 1919: 69 (Ocromyia). Type locality: Brasil. HT F (MNHN). Distr.: Colombia (Caquetá
(Florencia)), Brazil. Refs.: Guimarães, 1977: 43, Kosmann et al., 2103: 77. First register to Colombia.
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Caquetá: Florencia, Vereda El Paraiso, bosque, 750m, 13M, 12F,
03.iv.2012, Y. Ramos, Vsr. trap baited with fish (CUAM-E, CEUA).

quadrilineata (Fabricius), 1805: 286 (Musca). Type locality: “America Meridionalis”. HT F (UZMC). Distr.:
Colombia (Amazonas, Magdalena, Valle del Cauca (Venezuela “Cauca Valley”, probably “Valle del Cauca”
Colombia), Guyana, French Guyana, Brazil, Perú, Bolivia, Venezuela. Refs.: Papet el al., 2004: 203; Kosmann et
al., 2013: 77.

randa (Walker), 1849: 852 (Dexia). Type locality: Brazil. LT F (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas (El Zafire,
11km N of Leticia), Caquetá (Florencia)), French Guyana, Guyana, Brazil, Bolivia, Perú, Surinam, Venezuela.
Refs.: Amat, 2010: 399; Kosmann et al., 2013: 77.
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Caquetá: Florencia, Vereda, Sebastopol, Finca La Magnolia, rastrojo,
305m, 1M, 1F, 08.xii.2004, Y. Ramos, Forensic entomological study with pig (CEUA).

Genus Giovanella Bonatto

Giovanella Bonatto, 2005: 884. Type species, bolivar Bonatto (orig. des.). Refs.: Bonnatto & Marinoni, 2005: 884; Wolff et al.,
2013a: 129.

carvalhoi Wolff et al., 2013a: 130. Type locality: Colombia, Caquetá. HT M, PT 1M 2F (CEUA, CUAM-E).
Distr.: Colombia (Caquetá (Florencia), Santander (Pie de Cuesta)). Ref.: Wolff et al., 2013a: 130.

866 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press WOLFF & KOSMANN
Genus Huascaromusca Townsend

Huascaromusca Townsend, 1918: 155. Type species, Huascaromusca cruciata Townsend (mon.) = xanthorrhina (Bigot).
Promesembrinella Hall, 1948: 65. Type species, Mesembrinella semiflava Aldrich (orig. des.). Refs.: Hall, 1948: 68; Mello,
1967: 32, James, 1970: 3 (cat); Guimarães, 1977: 45 (rev.); Peris & Mariluis, 1984: 253; Toma & Carvalho, 1995: 140.

aneiventris (Wiedemann), 1830: 376 (Dexia). Type locality: Brazil. Distr.: Colombia (Quindío (Salento)), Panamá,
Perú, Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador. HT M (USNM). Refs.: James, 1970: 3 (cat.); Guimarães, 1977: 46 (rev.); Peris
& Mariluis, 1984: 255; Pape et al., 2004: 203; Kosmann et al., 2013: 77.
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Quíndio: Salento, Vereda Cannan, Fca (Finca) El Embrujo, bosque,
1700m, 1M, 28.iv.2009, A.L. Montoya, Vsr. trap baited with fish (CEUA).

decrepita (Séguy), 1925b: 195 (Mesembrinella). Type locality: Colombia. HT M (USNM). Distr.: Colombia
(Bogotá; Norte de Santander (Pamplona)), Venezuela. Refs.: Guimarães, 1977: 53 (rev.); Peris & Mariluis, 1984:
255; Pape et al., 2004: 203; Kosmann et al., 2013: 77.
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Norte de Santander: Universidad de Pamplona, 2360m, 2M, 9F, vii-
viii.2006, L. Ardila, entomological net over a pig carcass (CEUA).

semiflava (Aldrich), 1925: 14 (Mesembrinella). Type locality: Costa Rica, La Suiza de Turrialba. HT M (USNM).
Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Alejandria; Anorí), Costa Rica. Refs.: Guimarães, 1977: 51, Kosmann et al., 2103:
77. First register to Colombia.
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Municipio Alejandría, Vereda, San José, potrero, 1200-
1500m, 2M, 11.viii.2007, A. L. Montoya, Vsr. trap baited with fish (CEUA); Anorí, Vereda El Roble, RN (Reserva
Natural) Arrierito Antioqueño, 1600-1700m, 1F, 25-27.v.2012, Grupo Entomologia, Vsr. trap baited with fish

vogelsangi Mello, 1967: 46. Type locality: Venezuela, Aragua. HT M (Not given). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia
(Alejandria), Caquetá (Florencia), Risaralda (Pereira), Santander (Betulia; El Carmen de Chucurí)), Venezuela.
Refs.: Guimarães, 1977: 50, Kosmann et al., 2103: 77. First register to Colombia.
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Alejandría, Vereda El Carbòn, bosque, 1600-1900m, 1F,
07.v.2001, A. L. Montoya, Vsr. trap baited with fruit (CEUA); Risaralda: Pereira, Vereda La Florida, SFF Otún
Quimbaya, bosque nativo, 1890m, 5M, 31F, 07.v.2001, Grupo Entomologia, Vsr. trap baited with fish (CEUA);
Santander: Betulia, Palma de Oro, bosque, 1900m, 2M, 9F, 12.x.2001, A. Velez & P. Duque, Vsr. trap baited with
fish (CEUA); El Carmen de Chucurí, Vereda La Bodega, bosque, 1820-1950m, 4F, 01.i.2001, A. Velez & P. Duque,
Vsr. trap baited with fish (CEUA); Caquetá: Vereda Sucre, bosque, 1400m, 4F, 03.iv.2012, Y. Ramos, Vsr. trap
baited with fish (CUAM-E, CEUA); Vereda El Vergel, Km 49, 2210m, 2F, 25.v.2012, Y. Ramos, Vsr. trap baited
with fish (CUAM-E); same information except: Vereda Los Lirios, Km 28, 1400m, 1M,, Y. Ramos, Vsr.
trap baited with fish (CEUA); same information except: Vereda Las Brisas, Km 46, 2040m, 1F,, Y.
Ramos, Vsr. trap baited with fish (CUAM-E); same information except: Florencia, Km 20, 900m, 1M, vi.2011, Y.
Ramos, Vsr. trap baited with fish (CUAM-E).

Genus Laneella Mello, 1967

Laneella Mello, 1967: 3. Type species, Mesembrinella brunipes Surcouf, 1919, according to Mello (1967) misidentification =
L. nigripes; Mello, 1969b: 244; James, 1970: 3 (cat.); Guimarães, 1977: 56 (rev.); Toma & Carvalho, 1995: 134. Refs.:
Mello, 1969b: 244; James, 1970: 3 (cat.); Guimarães 1977: 56 (rev.); Toma & Carvalho, 1995: 134.

perisi (Mariluis), 1987: 107. Type locality: F Ecuador, Napo, Lago Agrio; M Colombia, Caquetá. HT M (CEUA).
Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Amalfi), Caquetá (Florencia)). Refs.: Kosmann et al., 2013: 77; Wolff et al., 2013b: 58.
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Amalfi, bosque, 1050m, 1F, 25.x.1998, P. Duque, Vsr. trap
baited with fish (CEUA); Caquetá: Florencia, bosque, 1370m, 2M, 3F,, Y. Ramos, Vsr. trap baited with
fish (CUAM-E, CEUA).

Genus Mesembrinella Giglio-Tos, 1893

Mesembrinella Giglio-Tos, 1893: 4. Type species, Musca quadrilineata Fabricius (orig. des., misident.) = bellardiana Aldrich.
Refs.: Hall, 1948: 64; Mello, 1967: 47; Guimarães, 1977: 16 (rev.); Peris & Mariluis, 1984: 253; Mariluis, 1987: 107;
Maes et al., 1994: 16; Toma & Carvalho, 1995: 136; Wolff, 2013: 120.

abaca (Hall), 1948: 68 (Huascaromusca). Type locality: Panamá, Canal Zone, Barro Colorado Island. HT F
(USMN). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Maceo, Amalfi, Puerto Berrio, San Luis), Caldas (Norcasia), Chocó
(Nuquí)), Guatemala, Nicaragua, Panamá. Ref.: Guimarães, 1977: 24. First register to Colombia.
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Maceo, Vereda La Florida, Hacienda Sta (Santa) Barbara,
bosque, 400-500m, 6M, 27F, 05.xii.2000, S. Pérez, Vsr. trap baited with fish (CEUA); Amalfi, Porce, Hacienda
Normandia, bosque, 1050m, 1M, 5F, 25.x.1998, P. Duque, Vsr. trap baited with fish (CEUA); Proyecto Porce II
(between Amalfi-Maceo-Gomez Plata), bosque, 950-1100m, 1M, 23.x.2000, P. Duque, Vsr. trap baited with fish
(CEUA); Puerto Berrio, Finca Manaos, 450-500m, 3F, 24.x.2009, M. Wolff & A. Velez, Vsr. trap baited with fish
(CEUA); San Luis, 400m, 1M, 22-25.viii.2011, S. Angel & C. Bota, entomological net (CEUA); Caldas: Norcasia,
Vereda El Tigre, bosque, 700 m, 12M, 4F, 10.ii.2010, D.Y. Gaurisas & L. Rios, Vsr. trap baited with fruit (CEUA);
same information except: 2M, 64F, 10.ii.2010, D.Y. Gaurisas & L. Rios, Vsr. trap baited with fish (CEUA); Chocó:
Nuquí, Jovi, 50 m from the beach, 0m, 6F, 1-3.viii.2006, P. Duque & M. Wolff, Vsr. trap baited with fish (CEUA).

apollinaris Séguy, 1925b: 196. Type locality: Colombia, Villavicencio. LT M (MNHN). Distr.: Colombia (Meta
(Villavicencio), Caquetá (Vereda Los Lirios). Refs.: Guimarães, 1977: 28 (rev.); Peris & Mariluis, 1984: 259; Pape
et al., 2004: 203; Kosmann et al., 2013: 77.
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Caquetá: Florencia, Vereda Los Lirios, 1370m, 1M, 24.v.2012, Y.
Ramos, Vsr. trap baited with fish (CEUA); Vereda Sucre, 170m, 1F, 03.iv.2012, Y. Ramos, Vsr. trap baited with
fish (CEUA).

batesi Aldrich, 1922: 15. Type locality: Brazil, Amazonas, HT F (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas, Caquetá
(Florencia)), Brazil, Peru. Refs.: Mello, 1967: 64; James, 1970: 4 (cat.); Guimarães, 1977: 23 (rev.); Peris &
Mariluis, 1984: 260; Toma & Carvalho, 1995: 137; Amat, 2010: 399; Kosmann et al., 2013: 78.

bellardiana Aldrich, 1922: 21 (Mesembrinella (Mesembolia)). Type locality: Brazil, Espírito Santo. HT F
(USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Caquetá (Florencia), Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, French Guyana, Guyana,
Mexico, Paraguay, Venezuela. Ref.: Guimarães, 1978: 19, Kosmann et al., 2103: 78. First register to Colombia.
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Caquetá: Florencia, Vereda Aguas Negras, bosque, 326m, 1M,
28.iv.2012, Y. Ramos, Vsr. trap baited with fish (CEUA); Montañita, Vereda Los Morros, RN (Reserva Natural)
Las Dalias, 370m, 1M, 1F, 17.iv.2012, Y. Ramos, Vsr. trap baited with fish (CEUA), 2M, 3F (CUAM-E).

bicolor (Fabricius), 1805: 201 (Musca). Type locality: Guyana, Demerara. HT F (UZMC). Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquia (Alejandria, Amalfi, Don Matias, Gomez Plata, La Estrella, La Pintada, Maceo, Narño, Puerto Berrio,
San Carlos, San Jeronio, San Luis, Maceo, San Roque), Caldas (Norcasia), Chocó (Nuquí), Cundinamarca (La
Mesa), Magdalena (san Pedro), Risaralda (Quimbaya), Santander (El Carmen de Chucurí), Sucre (San Onofre),
Tolima), Mexico to Panama. South America, except Chile and South Argentina. Refs.: James, 1970: 4 (cat.);
Guimarães, 1977: 31 (rev.); Peris & Mariluis, 1984: 261; Pape et al., 2004: 203; Kosmann et al., 2013: 78.
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Alejandría, Vereda El Carbón, bosque, 6º16,643’N
76º07,6668'W, 1668m, 1F, 07.viii.2007, A.L. Montoya, Vsr. trap baited with fish (CEUA); Amalfi, Hacienda
Normandia, bosque, 6º44'25'N'; 75º05'6''W, 1050m, 1F, 25.x.1998, P. Duque, Vsr. trap baited with fish (CEUA);
Amalfi-Yolombo-G Plata, Proyecto Porce II, bosque, 950-1100m, 14F, 23.x.2000, P. Duque, Vsr. trap baited with
fish (CEUA); Don Matias, La Frisolera, Granja La Lucha, bosque, 14F, 17.xi.2007, J. Uribe, Pitfall trap baited with
human faeces (CEUA); Gómez Plata, Vereda La Florida, 1000m, 4F, 09.vii.2003, Grupo Entomologia,
entomological net (CEUA); same information except: 1F, 09.vii.2003, S. Pèrez, Vsr. trap baited with human faeces
(CEUA); same information except: 1F, 09.vii.2003, Grupo Entomologia, Malaise trap (CEUA); Municipio La
Estrella, bosque, 06º10'04.47''N, 2000m, 1F, 16.viii.2009, C. Bota, entomological net (CEUA); La Pintada,
Farallon de la Paz, Comfenalco, bosque, 5º43'25''N, 850m, 2M, 5F, 16.ii.2007, N. Uribe, Vsr. trap baited with

868 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press WOLFF & KOSMANN
chicken guts (CEUA); same information except: 1F, iii.2007; 2F, iv.2007; 1M, 2F, v.2007; 1M, vii.2007; same
information except: 1M, 3F, ii.2007, N. Uribe, Vsr. trap baited with fish (CEUA); same information except: 2F,
iv.2007; 2F, v.2007; 1M, 3F, vii.2007; same information except: 1M, 3F, ii.2007, Vsr. trap baited with human
faeces; same information except: 1M, ii.2007; 2M, 2F, vii.2007, Vsr. trap baited with decomposing onions
(CEUA); Maceo, Vereda La Florida, Hacienda Sta (Santa) Barbara, 400m, 1M, 4F, 05.xii.2006, S. Pérez, Vsr. trap
baited with fish (CEUA); same information except: 1M, 2F, 19.iii.2006, M.C. Vélez; 2M, 8F, 25.i.2009, M. Wolff;
Vereda La Clara, Hacienda Las Brisas, 400m, 2F, iii.2012, C. Bota, Vsr. trap baited with fish (CEUA); same
information except: 1M, 3F, iii.2012, C. Bota, Vsr. trap baited with decomposing fruit (CEUA); Nariño, Vereda,
Prelinda, bosque, 05°34'09.1''N 075°06'47.7''W, 700m, 1M, 24.vii.2009, A. Bustamante, Vsr. trap baited with fish
(CEUA); Puerto Berrio, Vereda Cristalina, RUNA (Reserva Union Naturaleza Armonia), 400–500m, 5M, 8F, 23-
26.ix.2005, Grupo Entomologia, Vsr. trap baited with decomposing fruit (CEUA); San Carlos, Vereda Santa
Barbara, potrero, 06º9,55'6''N 074º48'7''W, 407m, 8M, 18F, 25–29.iii.2012, C. Bota & C. Florez, Vsr. trap baited
with decomposing fruit (CEUA); San Jeronimo, Parque Los Tamarindos, 925m, 3M, 2F, 27.iv.2006, A. Vélez, Vsr.
trap baited with fish (MEPB); 3M, 29F (CEUA); same information except: 5F, Vsr. trap baited with decomposing
banana (CEUA); same information except: 780m, 13F, 27.i.2010, Florez, Pérez & Herrera, Vsr. trap baited with
fish (CEUA); San Luis, Reserva Cañon del Rio Claro, bosque, 350m, 1M, 1F, 09.xi.2007, A. Vélez & N. Uribe,
Vsr. trap baited with decomposing banana (CEUA); same information except: 1F, 13–19.xi.2010, J. Campusano,
Vsr. trap baited with fish (CEUA); same information except: 1M, 1F, 09.xi.2007, Velez, Uribe & Vahos, Vsr. trap
baited with decomposing fruit (CEUA); Camino, 3F, 06–10.xi.2007, Velez, Uribe & Vahos, Vsr. trap baited with
fish (CEUA); Maceo, Fca (Finca) San Pedro, bosque, 890–1100m, 1M, 6F, 12–19.ii.2012, Grupo Entomologia,
Vsr. trap baited with fish (CEUA); Municipio San Roque, San Jose del Nus, borde de bosque, 6º30'N 74º46'W, 830
m, 1M, 01.v.2007, A.L. Montoya, Vsr. trap baited with pig liver (CEUA); same information except: 1M, 2F, S.
Pérez (CEUA); Caldas: Norcasia, Vda. (Vereda) El Tigre, Bosque, 05°33'09.0''N 074°52'23.1''W, 700m, 2m, 3F,
20.ii.2010, D.Y. Gaurisas & L. Rios, Vsr. trap baited with decomposing fruit (CEUA); Chocó: Nuquí, Jovi, 50m
from beach, 0m, 1F, P. Duque & M. Wolff, Vsr. trap baited with fish (CEUA); Cundinamarca: La Mesa, cultivo
de mango, 1200m, 1F, 12.ix.2003, A. Forero, entomological net (CEUA); Magdalena: San Pedro, La Sierra,
cafetal, 1247m, 7M, 1F, 20.v.2012, C. Valverde-Castro, Vsr. trap baited with decomposing fruit (CEUA);
Risaralda: Quimbaya, Vereda La Florida, bosque intervenido, 1339m, 7F, 01.vii.2003, H. Vargas, Vsr. trap baited
with fish (CEUA); Santander: El Carmen de Chucurí, Alto de Cascajales, 1200m, 6F, 21.x.2000, A.Velez & P.
Duque, Vsr. trap baited with fish (CEUA); Betulia, Palma de Oro, bosque, 1900m, 2M, 12.x.2001, A. Velez & P.
Duque, Vsr. trap baited with fish (CEUA); Sucre: San Onofre, Reserva San Guare, bosque, 0m, 1F, 28.x.4.xi.2009,
Grupo Entomologia, Vsr. trap baited with fish (CEUA); The distribution is extended to the departments of
Antioquia, Caldas, Caquetá, Chocó, Magdalena, Risaralda, Santander, Sucre, and Tolima.

currani Guimarães, 1977: 27. Type locality: Brazil, Pará, Maloquinha. HT M (MZSP). Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquia (Alejandria, Ciudad Bolivar, Anorí), Caquetá (Florencia), Norte de Santander (Cucutilla), Quidío
(Filandia), Santander (Pied de Cuesta)), Brazil. Refs.: Guimarães, 1977: 27, Kosmann et al., 2103: 78. First register
to Colombia.
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Alejandría, Vereda El Carbòn, 6º16,643’N 76º07,6668'W,
1600–1900m, 1F, 07.viii.2007, A.L. Montoya, Vsr. trap baited with decomposing fruit (CEUA); Ciudad Bolivar,
Vda (Vereda La Mina) La Mina, 2000m, M, 2F, 29.v.2011, Grupo Entomologia, Vsr trap baited with fish (CEUA);
Anori, Vereda El Roble, 1600–1700m, 1M, 26F, 25–27.v.2012, Grupo Entomologia, Vsr. trap baited with fish
(CEUA); Caquetá: Florencia, Vereda Los Lirios, 1370m, 2F,, Y. Ramos, Vsr. trap baited with fish
(CEUA); same information except: Km 28, 1370m, 1F, 14.xii.2011, Y. Ramos (CEUA); Norte de Santander:
Cucutilla, Carrizal Sisavita, 7º28'16”N 72º49'48''W, 1900m, 2M, 15F, 19.viii.2001, P. Duque & A. Vélez, Vsr. trap
baited with fish (CEUA); Quindío: Filandia, Granja Experimental Bengala, 04º41’10”N 75º37’2”W, 1F, 13-
16.xi.2009, Grupo Entomologia, entomological net (CEUA); Santander: Pie de Cuesta, Vereda La Florida, Finca
Rasgòn, 2290–2390m, 11F, 25.viii.2001, P. Duque & A. Vélez, Vsr. trap baited with fish (CEUA); Betulia, Palma
de Oro, 1900m, 1M, 3F, 12.x.2001, A. Velez & P. Duque, Vsr. trap baited with fish (CEUA); El Carmen de
Chucurí, Vereda La Bodega, 6º40',55.3''N 73º26'1,9''W, 1820–1950m, 8M, 16F, 01.i.2001, P. Duque & A. Velez,
Vsr. trap baited with fish (CEUA).

patriciae Wolff, 2013: 120. Type locality: Colombia, Quindío, Filandia, Granja Experimental Bengala, native
forest, 04º41’10”N; 75º37’2”W, 2020m. HT M (CEUA). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Jardín-Támesis), Caldas
(Manizales), Norte de Santander (Cucutilla), Quindío (Salento), Risaralda (Pereira), Santander (El Carmen de
Cucurí)). Ref.: Wolff, 2013: 120.

townsendi Guimarães, 1977: 31. Type locality: Peru, Puno, Fundo Chela. HT M (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquia (Amalfi; Anori; Don Matias; Maceo; San Carlos; Santa Barbara; San Luis), Caquetá (Florencia),
Risaralda (Pereira), Santander (Betulia; Cármen de Chucurí), Tolima), Peru. Ref.: Guimarães, 1977: 31, Kosmann
et al., 2103: 78. First register to Colombia.
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Amalfi, Porce, Hacienda Normandia, bosque, 1050m, 1M, P.
Duque, Vsr. trap baited with fish (CEUA); Amalfi-Yolombo-G Plata, Proyecto Porce II, bosque, 950–1100m, 6F,
23.x.2000, P. Duque, Vsr. trap baited with fish (CEUA); Anorí, Vereda El Roble, RN (Reserva Natural) Arrierito
Antioqueño, 1600–1700m, 1F, 25-27.v.2012, Grupo Entomologia, Vsr. trap baited with fish (CEUA); Don Matias,
La Frisolera, Granja La Lucha, bosque, 5F, 18.xi.2007, J. Uribe, Pitfall trap baited wit human faeces (CEUA);
Maceo, Reserva Cañon del Rio Alicante, bosque, 400m, 1M, 3F, 25.i.2009, M. Wolff, Vsr. trap baited with fish
(CEUA); San Carlos, Vereda Santa Barbara, potrero, 407m, 3F, 25–27.v.2012, C. Bota & C. Florez, Vsr. trap baited
with decomposing fruit (CEUA); San Luis, Reserva Cañon del Rio Claro, Rio Claro, bosque, 350m, 2F, 09.xi.2007,
A. Vélez & N. Uribe, Vsr. trap baited with decomposing banana (CEUA); Caquetá: Florencia, Km 20, 900m, 2M,
4F, Y. Ramos, Vsr. trap baited with fish (CEUA); Risaralda: Pereira, Vereda La Florida, SFF Otún Quimbaya,
bosque nativo, 1890m, 4M, 07.v.2001, Grupo Entomologia, Vsr. trap baited with fish (CEUA);Santander: Betulia,
Palma de Oro, bosque, 1900m, 18M, 31F, 12.x.2001, A. Velez & P. Duque, Vsr. trap baited with fish (CEUA); El
Carmen de Chucurí, Alto de Cascajales, bosque, 1200m, 37M, 120F, 21.x.2000, P. Duque & A. Vélez, Vsr. trap
baited with fish (CEUA).

umbrosa Aldrich, 1922: 12. Type locality: Costa Rica, Tucurrique. HT M (USNM). Distr.: Colombia (Valle del
Cauca (Rio Aguacatal, W. cord.)), Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama. Refs.: James, 1970: 4 (cat.);
Guimarães, 1977: 31 (rev.); Pape et al., 2004: 203; Kosmann, et al., 2013: 78.

Genus Souzalopesiella Guimarães, 1977

Souzalopesiella Guimarães, 1977: 55. Type species, Mesembrinella fascialis Aldrich (orig. des.). Refs.: Mello, 1967: 56;
James, 1970: 4 (cat.); Kosmann et al., 2013: 78.

facialis (Aldrich), 1922: 17 (Mesembrinella). Type locality: Costa Rica, Higuito, San Mateo. HT F (USMN).
Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (San Luis), Chocó (Nuquí)), Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Panama, Trindad,
Venezuela. Ref.: Guimarães, 1977: 55, Kosmann et al., 2103: 79. First register to Colombia.
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Municipio San Luis, Corregimiento El Prodigio, bosque,
400-500m, 1F, 25.iii.2012, C. Bota & C. Florez, entomological net (CEUA); Chocó: Nuquí, 50 m from beach, 2M,
1F, 6.viii.2006, P. Duque & M. Wolff, Vsr. trap baited with decomposing fruit (CEUA); same information except:
11M, 18F, Vsr. trap baited with fish (CEUA).

Genus Thompsoniella Guimarães, 1977

Thompsoniella Guimarães, 1977: 54. Type species, Thompsoniella anomala Guimarães (orig. des.). Refs.: Guimarães, 1977:
54 (rev.); Toma & Carvalho, 1995: 139; Kosmann et al., 2013: 78.

andina Wolff, Bonatto & Carvalho, 2014: 323. HT M, PT M (CEUA). Type locality: Colombia, Antioquia, Vereda
La Mesenia, Reserva Fundación Colibri. Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Andes), Caldas (Manizales)).

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TABLE 1. Calliphoridae and Mesembrinellidae species recorded from Colombia.

Family Subfamily Genus Species Author

Calliphoridae Calliphorinae Blepharicnema splendens Macquart, 1843
Calliphora nigribasis Macquart, 1851
vicina Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
Chrysomyinae Chloroprocta idioidea (Robineau-Desvoidy,1830)
Chrysomya albiceps (Wiedemann, 1819)
megacephala (Fabricius, 1794)
putoria (Wiedemann, 1830)
rufifacies (Macquart, 1843)
Cochliomyia hominivorax (Coquerel, 1858)
macellaria (Fabricius, 1775)
Compsomyiops arequipensis (Mello, 1968)
callipes (Bigot, 1877)
fulvicrura (Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830)
melloi Dear, 1985
verena (Walker, 1849)
Hemilucilia benoisti Séguy, 1925
melusina Dear, 1985
segmentaria (Fabricius, 1805)
semidiaphana (Rondani, 1850)
townsendi Shannon, 1926
Paralucilia fulvinota (Bigot, 1877)
paraensis (Mello, 1969)
pseudolyrcea (Mello, 1969)
Luciliinae Lucilia cluvia (Walker, 1849)
cuprina (Wiedemann, 1830)
eximia (Wiedemann, 1819)
purpurescens (Walker, 1837)
sericata (Meigen, 1826)
Toxotarsinae Chlorobrachycoma splendida Townsend, 1918
Roraimomusca roraima Townsend, 1935
Sarconesiopsis magellanica (Le Guilou, 1842)
Mesembrinellidae Eumesembrinella benoisti (Séguy, 1925)
cyaneicincta (Surcouf, 1919)
quadrilineata (Fabricius, 1805)
randa (Walker, 1849)
Giovanella carvalhoi Wolff et al., 2013
Huascaromusca aneiventris (Wiedemann, 1830)
decrepita (Séguy, 1925)
semiflava (Aldrich, 1925)
vogelsangi Mello, 1967
Laneella perisi (Mariluis, 1987)
...Continued on next page

TABLE 1. (Continued)
Family Subfamily Genus Species Author
Mesembrinella abaca (Hall, 1948)
apollinaris Séguy, 1925
batesi Aldrich, 1922
bellardiana Aldrich, 1922
bicolor (Fabricius, 1805)
currani Guimarães, 1977
patriciae Wolff, 2013
townsendi Guimarães, 1977
umbrosa Aldrich, 1922
Souzalopesiella facialis (Aldrich, 1922)
Thompsoniella andina Wolff, Bonatto & Carvalho,


Aldrich, J.M. (1922) The Neotropical muscoid genus Mesembrinella Giglio-Tos and other testaceous muscoid flies.
Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 62, 1–24.
Aldrich, J.M. (1925) New Diptera or two-winged flies in the United States National Museum. Proceedings of the United States
National Museum, 66, 1–36.
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872 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press WOLFF & KOSMANN
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Zootaxa 4122 (1): 876–880 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
Copyright © 2016 Magnolia Press
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)



Grupo de Entomologia, Instituto de Biologia, Universidad de Antioquia. Colombia.
Laboratório de Biodiversidade e Biogeografia de Diptera, Departmento de Zoologia, UFPR, Caixa postal 19020, Curitiba, PR.,
Brazil, 81531-980.
* Corresponding author:


The Oestridae of Colombia are poorly known. There are reports only for the genera Cuterebra, Dermatobia and Metacute-
rebra and three species, one species per genera.

Key words: catalogue, Colombia, Diptera, distribution


Members of this family are commonly known as “bot flies”, they are big and strong flies, measuring 9–25 mm in
body length, with reduced mouthparts and hairy body. Some species are similar to bumblebees or carpenter bees
(Pape 2010). They can be identified by the antenna usually short, except in Cuterebra hasleri (Guimarães); arista
bare, pectinate or plumose; vein M almost right or weakly to strong bent, vein R1 without knob at level where
subcostal joins costa; legs short and stout or slender and abdomen globose or elongate oval (Pape 2010).
The larvae are distinguished by the rings of strong spines in many segments of the body and in this stage are
parasites of mammals. The main position of the larvae is subdermal (Cuterebrinae), intestinal (Gasterophilinae) or
in the naso-pharyngeal area (Oestrinae) (Pape 2010). They feed on live animal tissue, causing a parasitic infestation
known as Myiasis. Many species show a marked level of specificity for the host on which they feed. Female has
eggs fully developed in the ovarioles, which after fertilization, are put on host hair or objects on the ground in
which the host has contact. Dermatobia hominis, captures mosquitoes or zoophilous flies and glues her eggs on
these to be transported to host (Pape 2010).
Oestridae is a monofiletic group with four subfamilies, Cuterebrinae (restrict to the New World),
Gasterophilinae, Hypodermatinae and Oestrinae (Pape 2001). In the Neotropical region occur six genera and 37
species (Papavero & Guimaraes 2009). Colombia, which is a poorly sampled place, has only three species reported
in three genera, Cuterebra, Dermatobia, Metacuterebra (Table 1), but are species are expected to occur in the
This catalogue is based on A catalogue of the Diptera of the Americas south of the United States, Family
Cuterebridae (Guimarães 1967), the Catalogue of Neotropical Cuterebridae by Papavero & Guimaraes (2009), and
the names proposed by Pape (2001, 2010). We underline Colombian Department names and parenthetically note
specific localities. At the end, we provide a table that includes all species found in Colombia (Table 1).

Acronyms used for the depositories

BMNH—British Museum of Natural History, London, England.

CEUA—Colección Entomológica Universidad de Antioquia, Medellin, Colombia.

876 Accepted by S. Nihei: 1 May 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016

List of abbreviations

distr.—geographic distribution
orig. des.—original designation
mon.—by monotypy
sub. des.—subsequent designation
F (f#)—Female
M (m#)—Male

Catalogue of Oestridae of Colombia

Family Oestridae Leach, 1815

Subfamily Cuterebrinae Brauer, 1887

Genus Cuterebra Clark

Cuterebra Clark, 1815: 64, 70. Type species, Oestrus cuniculi Clark, 1797 (sub. des., Desmarest, 1859: 247, as “Cuterebra
cuniculi Fabricius”). Refs.: Guimarães & Papavero, 1999: 202 (Myiasis rev.); Papavero & Guimarães, 2009: 2 (cat.).
Trypoderma Wiedemann, 1820: xiv. Type species, Musca americana Fabricius (mon.)
Curtebra Blanchard, 1840: 607, error.
Curterebra Blanchard, 1845: 484, error.
Cutiterebra Agassiz, 1846: 108, unjust. emend.
Cutirebra Wulp, 1888: 1, error.
Bogeria Austen, 1895: 391. Type species, Bogeria princeps (orig. des.)
Atrypoderma Townsend, 1919: 592. Type species, Musca americana Fabricius (orig. des.)
Cuterebra, subg. Orthocuterebra Bau, 1929: 542. Type species, Cuterebra lepusculi Townsend, Aldrich 1931: 117 (sub. des.) =
princeps Austen
Cuterebra, subg. Paracuterebra Bau, 1929: 543. Type species, Oestrus cuniculi Clark (sub. des.) Aldrich 1931: 117
Cuterebra, subg. Protocuterebra Bau, 1929: 543. Type species, Musca americana Fabricius (sub. des.) Aldrich 1931: 117.
Atryposoma Bau, 1931a: 20, error.
Pseudobogeria Bau, 1931b: 206.
Cuterebrella J. H. Guimarães, 1984: 24, figs. 2-3. Type species, Cuterebra praegrandis Austen (orig. des.)

fassleri Guimarães, 1984: 23 (Andinocuterebra). Type locality: Colombia, Huila, río Aguacatal. HT M (BMNH).
Distr.: Colombia (Huila). Refs.: Guimarães & Papavero, 1999: 202 (myiasis rev.); Pape et al., 2004: 204
(checklist); Papavero & Guimarães, 2009: 2 (cat.).

Genus Dermatobia Brauer

Dermatobia Brauer, 1861: 783. Type species, Cuterebra cyaniventris Macquart, 1843 (sub. des. Guimarães & Papavero, 1966:
228) = Dermatobia hominis (Linnaeus Jr., 1781). Refs: Guimarães & Papavero, 1966: 228 (D. hominis rev.); Sabrosky et
al. 1999).

hominis Linnaeus Jr. in Pallas, 1781: 158 (Oestrus). Type locality: “Peru”. T adult (sex unespecifed) (museum
unespecifed). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia (Urrao), Caquetá (Florencia), Meta (Villavicencio, Bosque Ocoa)),
United States to Argentina, but not in Chile. Refs.: Bates, 1943: 21 (rev. vectors); Guimarães, 1967: 5 (cat.);
Guimarães et al., 1983: 384 (myiasis rev.); Pape et al., 2004: 204 (checklist); Guimarães & Papavero, 1999: 261
(myiasis rev.); Papavero & Guimarães, 2009: 5 (cat.).

CATALOGUE OF OESTRIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 877
humanus Howship, 1833: 181 (larva) (Oestrus).
cyaniventris Macquart, 1843: 23 (Cuterebra).
noxialis Goudot, 1845: 229 (Cuterebra).
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Mpio. [Municipio] Urrao, Vereda La Clara, 1200m, 1 larvae,
31.x.2013, A. Idarraga (CEUA); Caquetá: Florencia, Vereda Sebastropol, 305m, 1 female, 12.xii.2004, Y. Ramos
leg., net forest (CEUA).

Genus Metacuterebra Bau

Cuterebra, subgenus Metacuterebra, Bau, 1929: 544. Type species, Cuterebra apicalis Guérin-Ménéville, 1835 (subs. des.
Bau, 1931b: 208). Refs.: Guimarães & Papavero, 1999: 210 (Myiasis rev.); Papavero & Guimarães, 2009: 5 (cat.).
Alouattamyia Townsend, 1931: 319. Type species, Cuterebra baeri Shannon & Greene (orig. des.).
Oricuterebra Bau, 1931b: 210. Type species, Cuterebra sarcophagoides (orig. des.).
Baucuterebra Guimarães & Carrera, 1941: 2. Type species, Cuterebra schroederi Enderlein (sub. des.) Townsend 1942: 333.
Montemyia Dalmat, 1942: 25. Type species, Montemyia bureni (orig. des.).

apicalis Guérin-Méneville, 1835, pl. 101, fig. 1 (Cuterebra). Type locality: “America”. HT F (museum
unspecifed). Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia), South of Mexico to Argentina. Refs.: Guimarães, 1967: 2 (cat.);
Guimarães et al., 1983: 384 (Myiasis rev.); Guimarães & Papavero, 1999: 213 (Myiasis rev.); Papavero &
Guimarães, 2009: 5 (cat.).
analis Macquart, 1843: 22 (Cuterebra).
cometes Shannon & Del Ponte, 1926: 42 (Cuterebra).
pusilla Bau, 1931: 212 (Cuterebra)
Material examined. COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Mpio. [Municipio] Medellín, Corregimiento Santa Elena,
Vereda Piedras Blancas, Parque Ecologico Piedras Blancas, 2200m, 1 female, 11.x.2011, D. Castillo Leg., net
mariposario (CEUA); ídem 1 female, 4.x.2012, J. Marín Leg., (CEUA); Municipio San Antonio de Prado, Vereda
Potreritos, 1900m, 1 female, ix.2002, M. Castaño Leg., net forest (CEUA).


To Estrategia de Sostenibilidad 2014-2015 University of Antioquia for the grants to MW and to the Conselho
Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico for the postdoctoral support to DG.

TABLE 1. Oestridae species recorded from Colombia.

Genus Species Author

Cuterebra fassleri (Guimarães, 1984)
Dermatobia hominis (Linnaeus Jr , 1781)
Metacuterebra apicalis (Bau, 1929)


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Austen, E.E. (1895) On the specimens of the genus Cuterebra and its allies (family Oestridae) in the collection of the British
Museum, with descriptions of a new genus and three new species. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 6 (13),
Bau, A. (1929) Versuch einer Teilung der Gattung Cuterebra (Diptera, olim Oestridae) in vier Untergattungen. Centralblatt fur

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Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde und Infektionskrankheiten, Abt, 2 (77), 542–544.
Bau, A. (1931a) Cuterebra (Atryposoma) enderleini spec. nov. (Dipt.). Mitteilungen der Deutsche Entomologischen
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Bau, A. (1931b) Ueber das Genus Cuterebra Clark (Diptera, Oestridae). Einteilung derselben in sechs Untergattungen.
Beschreibung neuer Species und Aufstellung einer Bestimmungstabelle der mittel- und südamerikanischen Arten.
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Bates, M. (1943) Mosquitoes as vectors of Dermatobia hominis in Eastern Colombia. Annals of the Entomological Society of
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Blanchard, C.E. (1840) Histoire naturelle des insectes. Orthoptères, nevroptères, hémiptères, hyménoptères, lépidoptères et
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Blanchard, C.E. (1845) Histoire des insectes. F. Didot Frères, Paris, 524 pp.
Brauer, F. (1861) Neue Beitrage zur Kenntniss der europaischen Oestriden. Abhandlugen der K. K. Zool.-Botan. Gesellschaft in
Wien (1860), 10, 641–658.
Brauer, F. (1887) Nachträge zur Monographie der Oestriden. II. Zur Charakteristik und Verwandtschaft der Oestriden Gruppen
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Clark, B. (1797) Observations on the genus Oestrus. Transactions of the Linnean Society of London, 3, 289–329.
Clark, B. (1815) An essay on the bots of horses and other animals. W. Flint Printer, Old Bailey, London, 72 pp.
Dalmat, H.T. (1942) New genus and species of Cuterebridae (Diptera) from Costa Rica and other taxonomic notes.
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Desmarest, E. (1859) Annelés. In: Chenu, J.C. (Ed.), Encyclopedie d´historie naturelle. Maresq, Paris, pp. i–iv + 312.
Fabricius, J.C. (1775) Systema entomologiae, sistens insectorum classes, ordines, genera, species, adiectis synonymis, locis,
descriptionibus, observationibus. Officina Libraria Kortii, Flensburg & Leipzigin, 832 pp.
Goudot, J. (1845) Observations sur un diptère exotique dont la larve nuit aux boeufs (Cuterebra noxialis). Annales des Sciences
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Guérin-Ménéville, F.E. (1835) Planches des animaux invertebrés. Insectes. In: Iconographie du règne animal de G. Cuvier, ou
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(Diptera, Cuterebridae). Arquivos de Zoologia, São Paulo, 14 (4), 223–294.
Guimarães, J.H. & Papavero, N. (1999) Myiasis in man and animals in the Neotropical Region. Bibliographic database.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo & Editora Plêiade, São Paulo, 308 pp.
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Leach, W.E. (1815) Entomology. In: Brewster, D. (Ed.), The Edinburgh encyclopedia. Vol. 9, part 1.ENG-FLU. Baldwin,
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Macquart, J. (1843) Diptères exotiques nouveaux ou peu connus. Tome deuxième. 3e. partie. Memoires de la Societe des
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und Völkerbeschreibung, 1, 157–158.
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Pape, T., Wolff, M. & Amat, E. (2004) Los califóridos, éstridos, rinofóridos y sarcofágidos (Diptera: Calliphoridae, Oestridae,
Rhinophoridae, Sarcophagidae) de Colombia. Biota Colombiana, 5 (2), 201–208.
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CATALOGUE OF OESTRIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 879
Shannon, R.C. & Del Ponte, E. (1926) Sinopsis parcial de los muscoideos argentinos. Revista del Instituto Bacteriológico, 5,
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Wiedemann, C.R.W. (1820) Diptera exotica. Sectio I. Antennis multiarticulatis. 1st Edition. Publisher not identified, Kiliae, xix
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880 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press WOLFF & GRISALES
Zootaxa 4122 (1): 881–883 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
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ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)


Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Biociências, Universidade de São Paulo, Rua do Matão, Travessa 14, n.101, CEP 05508-090,
São Paulo, Brasil. E-mail:


Only one species of Rhinophoridae has been recorded to Colombia so far, Bezzimyia busckii Townsend, 1919. However,
three other species of the genus Bezzimyia are listed in the present catalogue, for they occur on nearby areas and are likely
to occur in the country as well.

Key words: catalogue, Colombia, distribution, Rhinophoridae, taxonomy


Rhinophoridae are a small family of Diptera with about 150 described species worldwide. In the Neotropical
Region there are 18 species recorded from a reduced number of countries (Mexico, Jamaica, Costa Rica, Panama,
Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Brazil, and Argentina) (Pape & Arnaud 2001, Pape et al. 2004, Mulieri et al.
2010). These 18 species are classified into five genera: Bezzimyia Townsend (1919) (14 species), Shannoniella
Townsend (1 species), Trypetidomima Townsend (1 species), and the introduced genera Melanophora Meigen
(1803) (1 species) and Stevenia Robineau-Desvoidy (1830) (1 species). Nevertheless, there are several new taxa
awaiting to be studied and described, so that those endemic genera are monotypic so far due to the lack of material
(collecting) and studies. For example, two papers (in preparation) are describing new species of Shannoniella and
Trypetidomima from southeastern Brazil.
Only one species of Rhinophoridae is known to occur in Colombia so far (Table 1). Bezzimyia busckii
Townsend (1919) was recorded by Pape et al. (2004) after examining material from three Colombian collections:
Instituto Alexander von Humboldt (Villa de Leyva), Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Nacional de
Colombia (Bogotá), and Laboratorio Colecciones Entomológicas, Universidad de Antioquia (Medellín), besides
additional material deposited in the Swedish Museum of Natural History (Stockholm). However, three other
species of Bezzimyia are listed below, as they occur on adjacent areas and are likely to occur in areas of Colombia
as well.

Acronyms used for the depositories

CNC—Canadian National Collection of Insects, Ottawa, Canada

MIZA—Museo del Instituto de Zoología Agrícula, Maracay, Venezuela
USNM—National Museum of Natural History, Washington DC, USA

List of abbreviations


Accepted by C.J.B de Carvalho: 12 Apr. 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016 881

distr.—geographic distribution
orig. des.—by original designation
orig. desc.—by original description
F (f#)—female
M (m#)—male

Catalogue of Rhinophoridae of Colombia

Family Rhinophoridae Robineau-Desvoidy, 1863

Genus Bezzimyia Townsend

Bezzimyia Townsend, 1919: 591. Type species, Bezzimyia busckii Townsend, 1919 (orig. des.).
Lutzomyia Curran, 1934: 387. Preocc. Lutzomyia França, 1927.
Pseudolutzomyia Rapp, 1945: 278. Replacement name for Lutzomyia Curran.
Pseudolutozmyia; emend.
Refs.: Townsend, 1919 (genus description); Pape & Arnaud, 2001 (rev. of the genus, desc. of new species, key to species);
Mulieri et al., 2010 (key to New World genera of Rhinophoridae).

busckii Townsend, 1919: 592. Type locality: Panama, Trinidad River. HT M (USNM). Distr.: USA?, Panama,
Colombia (Magdalena). Refs.: Townsend, 1919: 592 (orig. desc.); Pape & Arnaud, 2001: 269 (rev., key); Pape et
al., 2004 (record in Colombia).
Comm.: This is the only species of Rhinophoridae recorded to Colombia.

pittieri Pape & Arnaud, 2001: 279. Type locality: Venezuela, Aragua, Henri Pittier National Park, Pico Periquito.
HT M (MIZA). Distr.: Venezuela. Refs.: Pape & Arnaud, 2001: 279 (orig. desc.).
Comm.: Species recorded to Venezuela, States of Aragua and Carabobo, on altitudes ranging from 1100 to
1680m (Pape & Arnaud 2001), and likely to occur on adjacent areas of Colombia with altitudes higher than 1000m.

ramicornis Pape & Arnaud, 2001: 281. Type locality: Ecuador, Pichincha, near Tinalandia. HT M (CNC). Distr.:
Ecuador. Refs.: Pape & Arnaud, 2001: 279 (orig. desc.).
Comm.: Species known only from the male holotype from Ecuador, collected on lower montane forest
(1150m) as reported by Pape and Arnaud (2001). It probably occurs on southern Colombian montane forests.

yepezi Pape & Arnaud, 2001: 286. Type locality: Venezuela, Aragua, Rancho Grande. HT M (MIZA). Distr.:
Venezuela. Refs.: Pape & Arnaud, 2001: 279 (orig. desc.).
Comm.: Species described from State of Aragua, Venezuela, on altitudes from 1100 to 1800m (Pape & Arnaud
2001) and probably extends over adjacent Colombian localities.


I am grateful to Peter Sehnal (NHMW/Austria) who is preparing a catalogue of Tachinidae type-specimens housed
at the Wien collection and kindly shared unpublished detailed information with me. Special thanks to Marta Wolff
for coordinating the publication of the Catalogue of Diptera of Colombia. Financial support from FAPESP (proc. n.

882 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press NIHEI

TABLE 1. Rhinophoridae species recorded from Colombia.

Genus Species Author

Bezzimyia busckii Townsend, 1919
pittieri* Pape & Arnaud, 2001
ramicornis* Pape & Arnaud, 2001
yepezi* Pape & Arnaud, 2001

* Species not recorded from Colombia, but occurring in nearby adjacent areas.


Curran, C.H. (1934) The Families and Genera of North American Diptera. Ballou Press, New York, 512 pp.
Mulieri, P.R., Patitucci, L.D., Mariluis, J.C. & Pape, T. (2010) Long-distance introduction: first New World record of Stevenia
deceptoria (Loew) and a key to the genera of New World Rhinophoridae (Diptera). Zootaxa, 2524, 66–68.
Pape, T. & Arnaud, P.H. Jr. (2001) Bezzimyia – a genus of native New World Rhinophoridae (Insecta, Diptera). Zoologica
Scripta, 30, 257–297.
Pape, T., Wolff, M. & Amat, E.C. (2004) The blow flies, bot flies, woodlouse flies and flesh flies (Diptera: Calliphoridae,
Oestridae, Rhinophoridae, Sarcophagidae) of Colombia. Biota Colombiana, 5, 201–208.
Rapp, W.F. (1945) Pseudolutzomyia, new name for Lutzomyia Curran, 1934 (Diptera). Proceedings of the Entomological
Society of Washington, 47, 278.
Townsend, C.H.T. (1919) New genera and species of muscoid flies. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 56,

CATALOGUE OF RHINOPHORIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 883
Zootaxa 4122 (1): 884–903 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
Copyright © 2016 Magnolia Press
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)



Laboratório de Biodiversidade e Sistemática de Diptera, Departamento de Entomologia, Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do
Rio de Janeiro, Parque Quinta da Boa Vista s/ nº, Rio de Janeiro, 20940–040, RJ, Brazil. CNPq research fellow.


A catalogue of Sarcophagidae recorded from Colombia is presented, including 102 species in 26 genera, and two subfamilies.
The geographical distribution by department is also given.

Key words: catalogue, Colombia, distribution, Flesh flies, Neotropical


Sarcophagidae or flesh-flies are the second largest family of Oestroidea and the adults can be recognized by the
presence of a very uniform general color, specimens gray with three black longitudinal stripes on mesonotum and
checkered or spotted abdomen, by a row of setae on meron, and by the undeveloped subescutelum (Shewell 1987).
Most species have a medium to large size (8–25 mm), but there are few smaller species (5–8 mm). Females are
ovoviviparous multilarviparous (Meier et al. 1999); they lay larvae and have a non-telecopic terminalia (Pape &
Dahlem 2010). The distinction of genera and species is based almost fully on characters of male terminalia and the
identification of larvae and adult females is notably difficult or still impossible.
Although presenting several larval feeding habits, most species have saprophagous, necrophagous and/or
coprophagous larvae, but there are kleptoparasites of bees and wasps, obligatory and facultative parasitoids,
predators, and few myiasis-causing larvae (Shewell 1987, Stevens et al. 2006, Moretti et al. 2009, Mello-Patiu &
Luna-Dias 2010). A number of species are synanthropic and may be responsible for the mechanical transmission of
pathogens to food and human body (Greenberg 1971, 1973). Additionally, the families Sarcophagidae,
Calliphoridae and Muscidae form the group of dipterous families of higher importance in the field of forensic
entomology (Barbosa et al. 2009, 2010).
The family has more than 3,000 described species (Pape et al. 2011), distributed almost worldwide, but the
greatest diversity is found in the tropical regions. Three subfamilies have been recognized: Miltogramminae,
Paramacronychiinae, and Sarcophaginae. Sarcophaginae has the highest diversity of species with distribution more
concentrated in the New World (Roback 1954, Lopes 1969, Pape 1996). The monophyly of the family and
subfamilies is consensus among authors based on morphological (Pape 1986, Pape & Dahlem 2010, Giroux et al.
2010) as well as on molecular characters (Kutty et al. 2010, Wiegmann et al. 2011). However, generic limits and
diagnosis are still controversial issues.
This catalogue follows the generic classification of Pape (1996), but some updates have been included. To
generic and specific synonymic information, see Pape (1996). Colombian distribution by department is given when
available in the literature; when the departmental location is not specified, this is indicated by (?). References on
the Colombian records of each species are also furnished.
As result, 102 Sarcophagidae species in 26 genera and two subfamilies are listed (Table 1). Peckia and
Oxysarcodexia are the richest genera in Colombia, with 25 and 23 species, respectively. Twenty among the 32
departments of Colombia have been recorded, but some of them with only one species registered in the literature,
emphasizing the need of collection in the poorly sampled and the unexplored areas for increasing the knowledge of
the Colombian biodiversity.

884 Accepted by S. Nihei: 10 Apr. 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016

List of abbreviations

des.—designation by
Distr.:—geographic distribution, including Colombian departments
mon.—by monotypy
orig. des.—by original designation
Refs.:—references of Colombian records

Catalogue of Sarcophagidae of Colombia

Family Sarcophagidae Macquart, 1834

Subfamily Miltogramminae Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1889

Genus Amobia Robineau-Desvoidy

Amobia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830: 96. Type species, conica Robineau-Desvoidy (mon.) = Tachina signata Meigen, 1824.
Refs.: Lopes, 1969: 2 (cat.); Pape, 1996: 71 (cat.).

erythura (Wulp), 1890: 89 (Miltogramma). Type locality: Mexico, Presidio. Distr.: Argentina, Brazil, Colombia
(?), Chile, Greater Antilles, Mexico, Panama, Peru. Refs.: Pape et al., 2004: 204.

floridensis (Townsend), 1892e: 80 (Pachyothalmus). Type locality: “U.S.A”. Distr.: Belize, Colombia (Putumayo),
Costa Rica, Cuba, Mexico. Refs.: Pape et al., 2004: 204.

Genus Metopia Meigen

Metopia Meigen, 1803: 280. Type-species, Musca leucocephala Rossi, 1790 (as Panzer, mon.) = Tachina argyrocephala
Meigen, 1824. Refs.: Lopes, 1969: 3 (cat.); Pape, 1996: 97 (cat.).

lateropili Allen, 1926: 57. Type locality: Cuba, Havana. Distr.: Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia (Meta, Putumayo), Cuba,
Guyana, Mexico, Peru, Venezuela. Refs.: Pape et al., 2004: 204.

pauciseta Dodge, 1966: 701. Type locality: Peru, Tingo Maria. Distr.: Colombia (Bolívar, Meta, Putumayo), Costa
Rica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Trinidad and Tobago. Refs.: Pape et al., 2004: 204.

polita (Townsend), 1935: 74 (Rupununia). Type locality: Guyana, Rupununi. Distr.: Colombia (Meta), Costa Rica,
Guyana, Venezuela. Refs.: Pape et al., 2004: 204.

Genus Opsidia Coquillett

Opsidia Coquillett, 1895:102. Type-species, gonioides Coquillett (orig. des.) = Araba grisea Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830. Refs.:
Lopes, 1969: 4 (cat.); Pape, 1996: 121 (cat.).

metopioides Allen, 1926: 44. Type locality: Panamá, Porto Bello. Distr.: Brazil, Colombia (Meta), Costa Rica,
Ecuador, Panama, Mexico, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay, Venezuela. Refs.: Pape et al., 2004: 204.

CATALOGUE OF SARCOPHAGIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 885
Subfamily Sarcophaginae Macquart, 1835

Genus Argoravinia Townsend

Argoravinia Townsend, 1917c: 190, 193, 195. Type-species, Sarcophaga argentea Townsend, 1912 (orig. des.) = Sarcophaga
rufiventris Wiedemann, 1830. Refs.: Lopes, 1969: 46 (cat.); Pape, 1996: 175 (cat.).

alvarengai Lopes, 1976a: 693. Type locality: Brazil, Roraima, Suruma. Distr.: Brazil, Colombia (Antioquia),
Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela. Refs.: Pape et al., 2004: 204; Yepes-Gaurisas et al., 2013: 1278.

Genus Blaesoxipha Loew

Blaesoxipha Loew, 1861: 137. Type-species, grylloctona Loew (mon.) = Sarcophaga laticornis Meigen, 1826. Refs.: Pape,
1996: 176 (cat.).

Subgenus Acridiophaga Townsend

Acridiophaga Townsend, 1917b:46. Type-species, Sarcophaga aculeata Aldrich, 1916 (orig. des.). Refs.: Lopes, 1969: 18
(cat.); Pape, 1996: 184 (cat.).

caridei (Brèthes), 1906: 299 (Sarcophaga). Type locality: Argentina. Distr.: Argentina, Colombia (?), Chile, Costa
Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Venezuela. Refs.: Pape, 1994: 54 (rev.).

Subgenus Gigantotheca Townsend

Gigantotheca Townsend, 1917c:192. Type-species, galapagensis Townsend (orig.des.) = Sarcophaga violenta Walker, 1849.
Refs.: Lopes, 1969: 47 (cat.); Pape, 1996: 199 (cat.).

plinthopyga (Wiedemann), 1830: 360 (Sarcophaga). Type locality: American Virgin Is, St. Thomas. Distr.: Brazil,
Colombia (Antioquia), Costa Rica, Cuba, Guatemala, Guyana, Great Antilles, Jamaica, Lesser Antilles, Mexico,
Nicaragua, Panama, Venezuela, . Refs.: Pape et al., 2004: 204; Salazar-Ortega et al., 2012: 563; Ramirez-Mora et
al., 2012: 31.

Genus Boettcheria Parker

Boettcheria Parker, 1914: 65. Type-species, latisterna Parker (orig. des.). Refs.: Lopes, 1950: 687 (rev.); Lopes: 1969: 42
(cat.); Pape, 1996: 212 (cat.).

praevolans (Wulp) 1895: 268, 1986: 276 (Sarcophaga). Type locality: Mexico, Guerrero. Distr.: Colombia (?),
Costa Rica, Mexico, Panama. Refs.: Lopes, 1969: 43 (cat.); Pape et al., 2004: 204.

Genus Chrysagria Townsend

Chrysagria Townsend, 1935: 72. Type-species, doudecimpunctata Townsend (orig. des.). Refs.: Lopes, 1969: 10 (cat.); Pape,
1996: 215 (cat.).

doudecimpunctata Townsend, 1935: 72. Type locality: Brazil, Pernambuco, Tapera. Distr.: Argentina, Brazil,
Colombia (?), Ecuador, Guatemala Jamaica, Lesser Antilles, Mexico. Refs.: Pape et al., 2004: 205.

886 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press DE MELLO-PATIU

Genus Dexosarcophaga Townsend

Dexosarcophaga Townsend, 1917a: 221. Type-species, transita Townsend (orig. des.). Refs.: Lopes, 1969: 41 (cat.); Pape,
1996: 216 (cat.)

transita Townsend, 1917a: 221. Type locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Chapada dos Guimarães. Distr.: Argentina,
Brazil, Colombia (Meta, Putumayo), Costa Rica, Guyana, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Venezuela. Refs.: Pape et al.,
2004: 205.

Genus Duckemyia Kano & Lopes

Duckemyia Kano & Lopes, 1969: 91. Type-species, latifrons Kano & Lopes (mon.). Refs.: Pape, 1996: 221 (cat.)

latifrons (Kano & Lopes), 1969 (Duckemyia). Type locality: Brazil, Amazonas, Manuas, Reserva Ducke. Distr.:
Brazil, Colombia (Amazonas), Costa Rica, Ecuador. Refs.: Pape et al., 2004: 205; Amat, 2010: 399.

Genus Engelimyia Lopes

Engelimyia Lopes, 1975b: 425. Type-species, Sarcophaga cassidifera Engel, 1931 (orig. des.) = Sarcophaga inops Walker,
1849. Refs.: Pape, 1996: 224 (cat.); Pape & Mello-Patiu, 2006 (rev.).

inops (Walker), 1849 (Sarcophaga). Type locality: unknown. Distr.: Bolivia, Brazil, British Guiana, Colombia
(Amazonas, Vaupés), Ecuador, Peru, Trinidad & Tobago. Refs.: Pape et al., 2004: 205; Pape & Mello-Patiu, 2006:
34; Amat, 2010: 399.

Genus Helicobia Coquillett

Helicobia Coquillett, 1895: 317. Type-species, Sarcophaga helicis Townsend (orig. des.) = rapax (Walker). Refs.: Lopes,
1939: 497 (rev.); Lopes, 1969: 39 (cat.); Pape, 1996: 225 (cat.).

ajax Dodge, 1968b:434. Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Barro Colorado Is. Distr.: Colombia (?), Costa Rica,
Panama. Refs.: Pape et al., 2004: 205.

morionella (Aldrich), 1930: 31 (Sarcophaga). Type locality: Cuba, Habana. Distr.: American Virgin Is, Argentina,
Bahamas, Bermuda, Brazil, Colombia (Antioquia, Putumayo), Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, Ecuador, El Salvador,
USA, Guatemala, Haiti, Jamaica, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, Hawaiian Is. Refs.: Pape et al., 2004: 205;
Yepes-Gaurisas et al., 2013: 1278.

rapax (Walker), 1849: 818 (Sarcophaga). Type locality: “North America”. Distr.: Argentina, Belize, Bermuda,
Brazil, Canada, Colombia (Boyacá, Meta, Putumayo), Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, Ecuador, El Salvador,
Jamaica, Martinique, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Puerto Rico. Refs.: Tibana, 1976: 4; Pape et al., 2004: 205.

resinata (Hall), 1933b: 259 (Notochaetophyto). Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Barro Colorado Is. Distr.:
Colombia (Amazonas), Costa Rica, Panama. Refs.: Pape et al., 2004: 205.

Genus Lepidodexia Brauer & Bergenstamm

Lepidodexia Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1891: 69 (373), 75 (379). Type-species, tetraptera Brauer & Bergenstamm (mon.).
Refs.: Lopes, 1969: 15 (cat.); Pape, 1996: 229 (cat.).

CATALOGUE OF SARCOPHAGIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 887
Subgenus Lepidodexia Brauer & Bergenstamm

apolinari Lopes, 1951: 644. Type locality: Colombia, Choachi. Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca), Venezuela.
Refs.: Lopes, 1969: 15.

chocoensis Lopes, 1991b: 576. Type locality: Colombia, Chocó. Distr.: Colombia (Chocó). Refs.: Pape et al.,
2004: 205 (list).

cingulata Lopes, 1961: 254. Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca. Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca). Refs.:
Lopes, 1969: 15; Pape et al., 2004: 205.

squamata (Walker), 1853: 279 (Tachina). Type locality: “Colombia”. Distr.: Colombia (?). Refs.: Lopes, 1969: 15;
Pape et al., 2004: 205.

Subgenus Chlorosarcophaga Townsend

Chlorosarcophaga Townsend, 1919:542. Type-species, cochliomyia Townsend (orig. des.). Refs.: Pape, 1996: 231 (cat.)

azurea (Enderlein), 1928b: 148. (Robineauella). Type locality: Colombia, “Cordillera”. Distr.: Colombia (?).
Refs.: Lopes, 1969: 45; Pape et al., 2004: 205.

cochliomyia (Townsend), 1919: 543. Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone. Distr.: Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia (?),
Panama. Refs.: Pape et al., 2004: 205.

Subgenus Notochaeta Aldrich

Notochaeta Aldrich, 1916:52. Type-species, subpolita Aldrich (orig. des.). Refs.: Lopes, 1969: 11 (cat.); Pape, 1996: 240

bogotana (Enderlein), 1928a: 25 (Udamoctis). Type locality: Colombia, Bogotá. Distr.: Colombia (Bogotá). Refs.:
Lopes, 1969: 11; Pape et al., 2004: 205.

fuscianalis (Wulp), 1895: 268, 1896: 275 (Sarcophaga). Type locality: Mexico, Veracruz, Atoyac. Distr.:
Colombia (?), Guatemala, Mexico. Refs.: Pape et al., 2004: 205.

reducens (Enderlein), 1928a: 26; 1928b: 149 (Agriochaeta). Type locality: Colombia, Cordillera (?). Distr.:
Colombia (?). Refs.: Pape et al., 2004: 205.

vittata (Lopes), 1968: 345. (Notochaeta). Type locality. Colombia, Western Cordillera, Cáli District. Distr.: Brazil,
Colombia (Valle del Cauca), Ecuador, Panama, Peru, Marshall Is. Refs.: Pape et al., 2004: 205.

Subgenus Colombicesa Koçak & Kemal

Colombicesa Koçak & Kemal, 2008: 2 (new name to Hallina Lopes, 1975a: 231). Type-species, Sarcophaga retusa Hall, 1933
(orig. des.). Refs.: Pape, 1996: 233 (cat.).

elaborata (Hall), 1933b: 281. Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Barro Colorado Is. Distr.: Colombia
(Magdalena), Panama. Refs.: Pape et al., 2004: 205.

retusa (Hall), 1933b: 282 (Sarcophaga). Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Barro Colorado Is. Distr.: Colombia
(Cauca (Gorgona Is.)), Mexico, Panama. Refs.: Lopes, 1975a: 231.

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Genus Microcerella Macquart

Microcerella Macquart, 1851: 209 (236). Type-species, rufomaculata Macquart (orig. des.). Refs.: Lopes, 1969: 7 (cat.); Pape,
1996: 250 (cat.)

impressa (Dodge), 1965a: 253 (Chapiniola). Type locality: Colombia, Guasca. Distr.: Colombia (Cundinamarca).
Refs.: Lopes, 1969: 11; Pape et al., 2004: 205.

mirabilis (Dodge), 1965a: 254 (Steatopyga). Type locality: “Colombia”. Distr.: Colombia (?). Refs.: Lopes, 1969:
48; Pape el al., 2004: 205.

Genus Oxysarcodexia Townsend

Oxysarcodexia Townsend, 1917c: 191. Type-species, Sarcophaga peltata Aldrich, 1916 (orig. des.). Refs.: Lopes, 1969: 24
(cat.); Pape, 1996: 262 (cat.).

afficta (Wulp), 1895: 269, 1896: 286 (Sarcophaga). Type locality: Mexico, Morelos, Cuernavaca. Distr.: Colombia
(Meta), Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama. Refs.: Lopes, 1969: 24; Lopes & Tibana, 1987: 338; Pape et al.,
2004: 205.

amorosa (Schiner), 1868: 314 (Sarcophaga). Type locality: “Brazil”. Distr.: Brazil, Colombia (Antioquia, Cauca
(Gorgona Is.)), Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guyana, Mexico, Panama, Peru. Refs.: Lopes, 1969: 24; Lopes & Tibana,
1987: 338; Pape et al., 2004: 205; Ramírez-Mora et al., 2012: 31.

angrensis (Lopes), 1933: 153 (Sarcophaga). Type locality: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Angra dos Reis. Distr.: Brazil,
Colombia (Antioquia), Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guyana, Panama, Peru, Trinidad & Tobago, Venezuela. Refs.:
Ramírez-Mora et al., 2012: 31; Yepes-Gaurisas et al., 2013: 1278.

avuncula (Lopes), 1933: 156 (Sarcophaga). Type locality: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. Distr.: Argentina, Bolivia,
Brazil, Colombia (Antioquia, Meta), Ecuador, Mexico (Oaxaca), Paraguay, Peru, Trinidad & Tobago . Refs.: Lopes
& Tibana, 1987: 339; Pape et al., 2004: 205; Ramírez-Mora et al., 2012: 31; Yepes-Gaurisas et al., 2013: 1278.

bakeri (Aldrich), 1916: 270 (Sarcophaga). Type locality: Cuba, Habana. Distr.: Bahamas, Brazil, Chile, Colombia
(Antioquia), Cuba, Dominica, Ecuador, El Salvador, USA, Guadelupe, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Puerto
Rico, Turks & Caicos Is. Refs.: Salazar-Ortega et al., 2012: 563; Ramírez-Mora et al., 2012; Yepes-Gaurisas et al.,
2013: 1278.

berlai Lopes, 1975d: 473. Type locality: Brazil, Pará, Belém. Distr.: Brazil, Colombia (Pt. Conejo?). Refs.: Lopes
& Tibana, 1987: 339; Pape et al., 2004: 205.

conclausa (Walker), 1861: 309 (Sarcophaga). Type locality: “Mexico”. Distr.: Chile, Colombia (Antioquia,
Chocó), Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, USA, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Trinidad &
Tobago. Refs.: Lopes & Tibana, 1987: 339; Pape et al., 2004: 205; Ramírez-Mora et al., 2012:31; Yepes-Gaurisas
et al., 2013: 1278.

cyaniforceps (Hall), 1933b: 282 (Sarcophaga). Type locality: Panamá, Barro Colorado Is. Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquia, Cundinamarca), Costa Rica, Panama. Refs.: Lopes & Tibana, 1987: 341; Pape et al., 2004: 205; Yepes-
Gaurisas et al., 2013: 1278.

diana (Lopes), 1933: 154 (Sarcophaga). Type locality: Brazil, Angra dos Reis. Distr.: Argentina, Brazil, Colombia
(Antioquia), Ecuador, El Salvador, Mexico, Paraguay, Trinidad & Tobago. Refs.: Ramírez-Mora et al., 2012: 31;
Yepes-Gaurisas et al., 2013: 1278.

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edwardsi Lopes, 1946: 123. Type locality: Colombia, Gorgona Is. Distr.: Colombia (Cauca (Gorgona Is.)). Refs.:
Lopes & Tibana, 1987: 341; Pape et al., 2004: 205.

fluminensis Lopes, 1946: 104. Type locality: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. Distr.: Brazil, Colombia (Antioquia). Refs.:
Ramírez-Mora et al., 2012: 31.

fringidea (Curran & Walley), 1934: 488 (Sarcophaga). Type locality: Guyana, Georgetown. Distr.: Bolivia, Brazil,
Colombia (Cundinamarca), Guyana, Peru, Venezuela. Refs.: Lopes & Tibana, 1987: 341; Pape et al., 2004: 205.

grandis Lopes, 1946: 82. Type locality: Brazil, Angra dos Reis. Distr.: Brazil, Colombia (Antioquia), Ecuador,
Peru. Refs.: Lopes & Tibana, 1987: 341; Pape et al., 2004: 205; Ramírez-Mora et al., 2012: 31; Yepes-Gaurisas et
al., 2013: 1278.

major Lopes, 1946: 88. Type locality: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. Distr.: Brazil, Colombia (Antioquia), Ecuador, El
Salvador, Mexico, Peru, Trinidad & Tobago. Refs.: Pape et al., 2004: 205; Ramírez-Mora et al. 2012: 31.

mitifica Lopes, 1953: 50. Type locality: Venezuela, Caracas. Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia), Costa Rica, Ecuador, El
Salvador, Panama, Peru, Venezuela. Refs.: Ramírez-Mora et al. 2012: 31.

occulta Lopes, 1946: 112. Type locality: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. Distr.: Brazil, Colombia ( Cauca (Gorgona Is.)),
Ecuador, Panama. Refs.: Lopes & Tibana, 1987: 342; Pape et al., 2004: 205.

peruviana (Lopes), 1975c: 575 (Xarcophaga titubata var. peruviana). Type locality: Peru, Lambayeque. Distr.:
Colombia (Antioquia), Peru. Refs.: Ramírez-Mora et al., 2012: 31.

sarcinata Lopes, 1953: 48. Type locality: Colombia, Medellín. Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia, Valle del Cauca),
Costa Rica, Mexico, Panama, Trinidad & Tobago. Refs.: Lopes & Tibana, 1987: 344; Pape et al., 2004: 205,
Ramírez-Mora et al., 2012: 31; Yepes-Gaurisas et al., 2013: 1278.

similata Lopes & Tibana, 1987: 335. Type locality: Trinidad & Tobago, Trinidad. Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia),
Costa Rica, Guyana, Mexico, Panama, Trinidad & Tobago. Refs.: Yepes-Gaurisas et al., 2013: 1278.

taitensis (Schiner), 1868: 314 (Sarcophaga). Type locality: Society Is., Tahiti. Distr.: Chile, Colombia (Antioquia,
Cauca (Gorgona Is.), Chocó, Valle del Cauca), Costa Rica, Ecuador, Galápagos Is, Panama, Peru, Fiji, French
Polynesia, Tonga, Western Samoa. Refs.: Lopes & Tibana, 1987: 344; Pape et al., 2004: 205; Ramírez-Mora et al.,
2012: 31; Yepes-Gaurisas et al., 2013: 1278.

thornax (Walker), 1849: 814 (Sarcophaga). Type locality: unknown. Distr.: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia
(Antioquia), Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru. Refs.: Ramírez-Mora et al., 2012: 31.

timida (Aldrich), 1916: 283 (Sarcophaga). Type locality: Guatemala, Puerto Barrios. Distr.: Bolivia, Brazil,
Colombia (Antioquia), Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Panama, Peru Venezuela. Refs.: Yepes-
Gaurisas et al., 2013: 1278.

xanthosoma (Aldrich), 1916: 274 (Sarcophaga). Type locality: Guatemala, Los Amates. Distr.: Argentina, Brazil,
Colombia (Amazonas), Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Guyana, Mexico, Panama, Peru. Refs.:
Lopes & Tibana, 1987: 344; Pape et al., 2004: 205.

Genus Peckia Robineau-Desvoidy

Peckia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830:335. Type-species, imperialis Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830 (des. Coquillett, 1910b: 585) =
Sarcophaga praeceps Wiedemann, 1830. Refs.: Lopes, 1969: 35 (cat.); Pape, 1996: 273 (cat.).

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Subgenus Peckia Robineau-Desvoidy

chrysostoma (Wiedemann), 1830: 356 (Sarcophaga). Type locality: Virgin Is, St. Thomas. Distr.: American Virgin
Is., Argentina, Bahamas, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia (Amazonas, Antioquia, Boyacá, Chocó, Meta,
Putumayo, Santander, Sucre, Vichada), Costa Rica, Dominica, Ecuador, USA, Galápagos Is., Guatemala, Guyana,
Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Surinam, Trinidad & Tobago, Venezuela, Cook Is., French Polynesia.
Refs.: Lopes, 1969: 37; Pape 1996: 280; Pape et al., 2004: 205; Salazar-Ortega et al., 2012: 563; Ramírez-Mora et
al., 2012: 31; Buenaventura & Pape, 2013: 45; Yepes-Gaurisas et al., 2013: 1278.

ecuatoriana (Lopes), 1958: 223. Type locality: Ecuador, Isla Puná, Puerto Grande. Distr.: Colombia (Chocó),
Ecuador, Peru. Refs.: Pape 1996: 281; Buenaventura & Pape, 2013: 50.

gulo (Fabricius), 1805:283 (Musca). Type locality: “America meridionali”. Distr.: Brazil, Colombia (Bolívar,
Chocó, Magdalena, Sucre, Valle del Cauca), Costa Rica, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras,
Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Venezuela. Refs.: Pape 1996: 281; Pape et al., 2004: 205; Buenaventura & Pape,
2013: 54.

hirsuta (Hall), 1933b: 268 (Sarcophaga). Type locality: Panamá, Canal Zone, Miraflores. Distr.: Colombia
(Sucre), Costa Rica, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Venezuela. Refs.: Pape 1996: 281; Buenaventura & Pape, 2013:

hondurana Dodge, 1965a:490. Type locality: Belize, Rio Grande. Distr.: Belize, Colombia (San Andrés y
Providencia), Dominica. Refs.: Pape 1996: 281; Buenaventura & Pape, 2013: 56.

imperialis Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830: 335. Type locality: Cuba. [priority discussed by Evenhuis et al., (2010).] =
Sarcophaga praeceps Wiedemann, 1830: 355. Distr.: Colombia (Bolívar, San Andrés y Providencia), Cuba,
Dominican Republic, Haiti, Mexico. Refs.: Pape 1996: 282; Pape et al., 2004: 205 (as praeceps); Buenaventura &
Pape, 2013: 57.

keyensis Dodge, 1965a:490. Type locality: USA, Florida Keys. Distr.: Belize, Colombia (Bolívar), Cuba, USA,
Venezuela. Refs.: Buenaventura & Pape, 2013: 57.

pexata (Wulp), 1895:269 (Sarcophaga). Type locality: México, Guerrero/ Acapulco/ Veracruz/ Yucatán
[=Paraphrissopoda catiae Lehrer, 2006a: 4]. Distr.: Barbados, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia (Antioquia, Sucre), Costa
Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, USA, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines,
Trinidad & Tobago, Venezuela. Refs.: Buenaventura & Pape, 2013: 61; Yepes-Gaurisas et al., 2013: 1278.

rosalbae Buenaventura & Pape, 2013: 63. Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena, Santa Marta. Distr.: Colombia
(Magdalena). Refs.: Buenaventura & Pape, 2013: 63.

uncinata (Hall), 1933b:271 (Sarcophaga). Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Corozal. Distr.: Brazil, Colombia
(Amazonas, Chocó), Costa Rica, Panama, Peru, Trinidad & Tobago, Venezuela. Refs.: Pape et al., 2004: 205;
Buenaventura & Pape, 2013: 67.

urceola (Hall), 1933b:273 (Sarcophaga). Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Barro Colorado Is. Distr.: Brazil,
Colombia (Magdalena), Costa Rica, Panama. Refs.: Pape et al., 2004: 205; Buenaventura & Pape, 2013: 67.

villegasi Dodge, 1966:693. Type locality: Venezuela, Tacarigua. Distr.: Colombia (Bolívar, Sucre), Venezuela.
Refs.: Buenaventura & Pape, 2013: 68.

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Subgenus Euboettcheria Townsend

Euboettcheria Townsend, 1927: 231. Type-species, australis Townsend (orig. des.). Refs.: Lopes, 1969: 34 (cat.); Pape, 1996:
273 (cat.).

aequata (Wulp), 1895: 269 (Sarcophaga). Type locality: Mexico, Guerrero. Distr.: Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia
(Antioquia, Boyacá), Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Venezuela. Refs.: Pape, 1996: 276; Pape et al., 2004: 205;
Ramírez-Mora et al., 2012: 32; Buenaventura & Pape, 2013: 69 (as subgenus Sarcodexia).

anguilla (Curran & Walley), 1934: 484 (Sarcophaga). Type locality: Guyana, Kartabo. Distr.: Argentina, Bolivia,
Brazil, Colombia (Amazonas, Antioquia, Boyacá, Meta, Santander), Costa Rica, Guyana, Mexico, Nicaragua,
Panama, Peru, Trinidad & Tobago. Refs.: Pape et al., 2004: 205; Buenaventura, 2009: 193; Salazar-Ortega et al.,
2012: 563; Ramírez-Mora et al., 2012: 32; Buenaventura & Pape, 2013: 18; Yepes-Gaurisas et al., 2013: 1278.

asinoma Hall, 1938: 259 (Euboettcheria). Type locality: Ecuador, Oña. Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia), Ecuador.
Refs.: Ramírez-Mora et al., 2012: 32.

collusor (Curran & Walley), 1934: 485 (Sarcophaga). Type locality: Guyana, Kartabo. Distr.: Argentina, Bolivia,
Colombia (Antioquia, Meta, Quindio, Santander), Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guyana, Panama, Peru, Trinidad &
Tobago, Venezuela. Refs.: Pape et al., 2004: 205; Salazar-Ortega et al., 2012: 563; Ramírez-Mora et al., 2012: 32;
Buenaventura & Pape, 2013: 25; Yepes-Gaurisas et al., 2013: 1278.

naides (Lopes), 1941: 377 (Euboettcheria) = Ctenoprosballia enderleini Townsend, 1931. Type locality:
Colombia, Bogotá. Distr.: Colombia (Amazonas, Boyacá, Caldas, Cundinamarca, Magdalena, Tolima), Ecuador,
Venezuela. Refs.: Lopes, 1969: 35 (as enderleini); Pape 1996: 276; Pape et al., 2004: 205; Buenaventura & Pape,
2013: 29.

santamariae Buenaventura & Pape, 2013: 33. Type locality: Boyacá, Santa Maria. Distr.: Bolivia, Colombia
(Boyacá). Refs.: Buenaventura & Pape, 2013: 33.

subducta (Lopes), 1935: 41 (Sarcophaga). Type locality: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. Distr.: Brazil, Colombia
(Amazonas, Meta, Putumayo), Ecuador, Peru. Refs.: Pape et al., 2004: 205; Buenaventura & Pape, 2013: 34.

tridentata (Hall), 1937: 209 (Sarcophaga). Type locality: Brazil, “Obrilonys”. [= Euboettcheria alvarengai Lopes
& Tibana, 1982: 294]. Distr.: Brazil, Colombia (Amazonas, Meta), Ecuador. Refs.: Pape et al., 2004: 205;
Buenaventura & Pape, 2013: 77.

Subgenus Pattonella Enderlein

Pattonella Enderlein, 1928a:38. Type-species, magnifica Enderlein, 1928 (orig. des.) = Sarcophaga intermutans Walker, 1861.
Refs.: Lopes, 1969: 37; Pape 1996: 277.

intermutans (Walker), 1861: 308 (Sarcophaga). Type locality: “Mexico”. Distr.: Belize, Brazil, Colombia
(Amazonas, Antioquia, Boyacá, Chocó, Cundinamarca), Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras,
Mexico Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, St. Lucia, Trinidad & Tobago, Venezuela. Refs.: Pape et al., 2004:
205; Salazar-Ortega et al. 2012: 563; Ramírez-Mora et al., 2012: 32; Buenaventura & Pape, 2013: 39; Yepes-
Gaurisas et al., 2013: 1278.

kladosoides Buenaventura & Pape, 2013: 40. Type locality: Boyacá, Santa María, La Almenara. Distr.: Colombia
(Boyacá). Refs.: Buenaventura & Pape, 2013: 40.

smarti (Lopes), 1941: 367 (Pattonella). Type locality: Guyana, Esequibo river, Maraballi Creek. Distr.: Brazil,
Colombia (Amazonas), Guyana, Peru. Refs.: Pape et al., 2004: 205; Buenaventura & Pape, 2013: 42.

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Subgenus Sarcodexia Townsend

Sarcodexia Townsend, 1892:105. Type-species, sternodontis Townsend, 1892 (orig. des.) = Sarcophaga lambens Wiedemann,
1830. Refs.: Lopes, 1969: 33 (cat.); Pape 1996: 294 (as genus), Buenaventura & Pape, 2013: 69 (rev.; as subgenus).

lambens (Wiedemann), 1830:365 (Sarcophaga). Type locality: “West Indies”. Distr.: Argentina, Bahamas, Bolivia,
Brazil, Cayman Is., Chile, Colombia (Antioquia, Chocó, Magdalena, Putumayo), Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, El
Salvador, USA, Galápagos Is., Guadeloupe, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru,
Puerto Rico, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad & Tobago, Venezuela, Cook Is., French Polynesia. Refs.:
Lopes, 1969: 33 (as sternodontis); Pape 1996: 292; Salazar-Ortega et al., 2012: 563; Ramírez-Mora et al., 2012:
32; Buenaventura & Pape, 2013: 74; Yepes-Gaurisas et al., 2013: 1278.

Subgenus Squamatodes Curran

Squamatodes Curran, 1927: 2. Type-species, trivittata Curran, 1927 (orig. des.). Refs.: Lopes, 1969: 38 (cat.); Pape, 1996: 281

ingens (Walker), 1849:816 (Sarcophaga). Type locality: unknown. Distr.: Argentina, Belize, Brazil, Colombia
(Amazonas, Antioquia, Boyacá, Caquetá, Meta), Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guyana, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama,
Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Venezuela. Refs.: Pape 1996: 281; Salazar-Ortega et al., 2012: 563; Ramírez-Mora et
al., 2012: 32; Buenaventura & Pape, 2013: 79; Yepes-Gaurisas et al., 2013: 1278.

Genus Peckiamyia Dodge

Peckiamyia Dodge, 1966: 695. Type-species, pecorensis Dodge (orig. des.). Refs.: Lopes, 1969: 38 (cat.); Pape, 1996: 282

abnormalis (Hall), 1937: 211 (Sarcophaga). Type locality: “Colombia”. Distr.: Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia
(Amazonas, Putumayo), Ecuador, Guyana. Refs.: Lopes, 1969: 38; Pape et al., 2004: 206.

minutipenis (Hall), 1937. 210. Type locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Chapada dos Guimarães. Distr.: Bolivia, Brazil,
Colombia (Amazonas), Ecuador, Trinidad & Tobago. Refs.: Lopes, 1969: 38; Pape et al., 2004: 206.

Genus Rafaelia Townsend

Rafaelia Townsend, 1917b: 45. Type-species, rufiventris Townsend (orig. des.). Refs.: Lopes, 1969: 33 (cat.); Pape, 1996: 282

natiuscula (Lopes), 1941: 363 (Phagita). Type locality: Colombia, Gorgona Is. Distr.: Colombia (Cauca (Gorgona
Is.)), Costa Rica, Ecuador. Refs.: Lopes, 1969: 30; Pape et al., 2004: 206.

Genus Ravinia Robineau-Desvoidy

Ravinia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1863: 434. Type-species, Sarcophaga haematodes Meigen, 1826 (orig. des.) = Musca pernix
Harris, 1780. Refs.: Lopes, 1969: 21 (cat.); Pape, 1996: 284 (cat.).

belforti (Prado & Fonseca), 1932: 39 (Euravinia). Type locality. Brazil, São Paulo. Distr.: Argentina, Brazil,
Colombia (?), Paraguay, Trinidad & Tobago. Refs.: Lopes, 1969: 21; Pape et al., 2004: 206.

columbiana (Lopes), 1962: 170 (Andinoravinia) (as rufipes columbiana). Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca,
Pasto. Distr.: Colombia (Antioquia, Boyacá, Cundinamarca, Nariño), Ecuador, Venezuela. Refs.: Lopes, 1962: 171;
Pape et al., 2004: 206; Yepes-Gaurisas et al., 2013: 1278.

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effrenata (Walker), 1861: 309 (Chaetoravinia). Type locality: “Mexico”. Distr.: Bahamas, Colombia (Antioquia),
Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, USA, Guatemala, Jamaica, Mexico, Panama, Peru. Refs.:
Lopes, 1969: 22; Pape et al., 2004: 206; Ramírez-Mora et al., 2012: 32; Yepes-Gaurisas et al., 2013: 1278.

heithausi Lopes, 1975e: 485. Type locality: Costa Rica, San José Province, Cerro de la Muerte. Distr.: Colombia
(Boyacá), Costa Rica, Mexico. Refs.: Pape et al., 2004: 206.

postnoda Dodge, 1968b: 426. (Chaetoravinia). Type locality: Mexico, Taumalipas. Distr.: Colombia (?), Costa
Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, French Guiana, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Trinidad & Tobago. Refs.: Pape et al.,
2004: 206.

querula (Walker), 1849: 821 (Sarcophaga). Type locality: “North America”. Distr.: Canada, Colombia
(Antioquia), USA, Mexico. Refs.: Ramírez-Mora et al., 2012: 32

rufipes (Townsend), 1917c: 196 (Andinoravinia) (as rufipes rufipes and rufipes intermedia). Type locality: Peru,
Rio Huallaga, Huariaca. Distr.: Chile, Colombia (Boyacá, Cauca, Cundinamarca, Nariño), Ecuador, Peru. Refs.:
Lopes, 1962: 167-170; Pape et al., 2004: 206.

Genus Retrocitomyia Lopes

Retrocitomyia Lopes, 1982: 319. Type-species, Sarcophaga retrocita Hall, 1933 (orig. des.). Refs.: Pape, 1996: 291 (cat.).

retrocita (Hall), 1933b: 280 (Sarcophaga). Type locality: Panama, Corozal. Distr.: Brazil, Colombia (Cauca
(Gorgona Is.)), El Salvador, Guyana, Panama, Peru. Refs.: Lopes, 1945a: 450 (as Paraphrissopoda setifacies);
Pape et al., 2004: 206.

Genus Sarcofahrtiopsis Hall

Sarcofahrtiopsis Hall, 1933b: 261. Type-species, Sarcofahrtia capitata Curran, 1928 (mon.). Refs.: Lopes, 1969: 30 (cat.);
Pape, 1996: 293 (cat.).

cuneata (Townsend), 1935: 72 (Cataphyto). Type locality: Brazil, Pernambuco, Tapera. Distr.: Brazil, Colombia
(Amazonas, Antioquia), Dominica, Trinidad & Tobago. Refs.: Pape et al., 2004: 206; Ramírez-Mora et al., 2012:
32; Yepes-Gaurisas et al., 2013: 1278.

Genus Sarcophaga Meigen

Sarcophaga Meigen, 1826: 14. Type-species, Musca carnaria Linnaeus, 1758 (des. by Partington, 1837). Refs.: Pape, 1996:
294 (cat.).

Subgenus Liopygia Enderlein

Liopygia Enderlein, 1928a:41. Type-species, Musca ruficornis Fabricius, 1794 (orig. des.). Refs.: Lopes, 1969: 50 (cat.); Pape,
1996: 345 (cat.).

ruficornis (Fabricius), 1794: 314. Type locality: “ India Orientali” [SE Asia]. Distr.: Brazil, Canada, Colombia
(Antioquia), Panama, Saudi Arabia, Botswana, Madagascar, Socotra, South Africa, Zaire, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China,
India, Indonesia, Japan, Laccadive Is., Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka,
Taiwan, Thailand, American Samoa, Australia, Guam, Hawaiian Is., Indonesia, New Caledonia, Northern Marianas,
Papua New Guinea, Western Samoa. Refs.: Salazar-Ortega et al., 2012: 563; Ramírez-Mora et al., 2012: 32.

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Subgenus Neobellieria Blanchard

Neobellieria Blanchard, 1939: 822. Type-species, brethesi Blanchard 1939 (orig. des.) = Sarcophaga polistensis Hall, 1933.
Refs.: Lopes, 1969: 51 (cat.); Pape, 1996: 366 (cat.); Giroux & Wheeler, 2009 (rev.).

polistensis (Hall), 1933a: 110. Type locality: USA, Texas, Bexar Co. Distr.: Argentina, Brazil, Colombia (Valle del
Cauca), Costa Rica, El Salvador, USA, Mexico. Refs.: Giroux & Wheeler, 2009: 583.

Genus Sinopiella Lopes & Tibana

Sinopiella Lopes & Tibana, 1982: 296. Type-species, rufopilosa Lopes & Tibana, 1982 (orig. des.). Refs.: Pape, 1996: 429

rufopilosa Lopes & Tibana, 1982: 296. Type locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Sinop. Distr.: Brazil, Colombia
(Amazonas). Refs.: Pape et al., 2004: 206.

Genus Titanogrypa Townsend

Titanogrypa Townsend, 1917b: 44. Type-species, Sarcophaga alata Aldrich, 1916 (orig. des.). Refs.: Lopes, 1969: 47 (cat.);
Pape, 1996: 433 (cat.).

Subgenus Cucullomyia Roback

Cucullomyia Roback, 1954: 83. Type-species, Sarcophaga pedunculata Hall, 1931 (orig. des.). Refs.: Lopes, 1969: 47 (cat.),
Lopes, 1976b: 745 (rev.); Pape, 1996: 431 (cat.).

luculenta (Lopes), 1938b: 209 (Sarcophaga) (new name to S. despecta Lopes, 1935: 42). Type locality: Brazil, Rio
de Janeiro, Angra dos Reis. Distr.: Brazil, Colombia (Amazonas). Refs.: Pape et al., 2004: 206.

placida (Aldrich), 1925b: 24 (Sarcophaga). Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Ancon. Distr.: Colombia
(Antioquia), Costa Rica, El Salvador, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama. Refs.: Yepes-Gaurisas et al., 2013: 1278.

Genus Tricharaea Thomson

Tricharaea Thomson, 1869: 540. Type-species, scatophagina Thomson, 1869 (mon.) = Tachina brevicornis Wiedemann,
1830. Refs.: Lopes, 1969: 31 (cat.); Pape, 1996: 433 (cat.).

Subgenus Sarcophagula Wulp

Sarcophagula Wulp, 1887: 173. Type-species, Musca occidua Fabricius, 1794. Refs.: Lopes, 1969: 29 (cat.); Pape, 1996: 433

canuta Wulp, 1896: 289 (Sarcophagula). Type locality: Mexico, Veracruz, Orizaba. Distr.: Brazil, Colombia
(Amazonas, Antioquia), Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, Ecuador, El Salvador, USA, Galápagos Is., Guatemala,
Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Paraguay, Marshall Is. Refs.: Pape et al., 2004: 206; Yepes-Gaurisas et al., 2013:

occidua (Fabricius), 1794: 315 (Musca).Type locality: “Americae Meridionalis Insulis”. Distr.: Argentina, Bolivia,
Brazil, Chile, Colombia (Antioquia), Cuba, Dominica, Ecuador, El Salvador, USA, Galápagos Is., Guyana, Haiti,
Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rica, Venezuela, Australia, French Polynesia, Hawaiian Is. Refs.: Pape et
al., 2004: 206; Yepes-Gaurisas et al., 2013: 1278.

CATALOGUE OF SARCOPHAGIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 895
Subgenus Sarothromyia Brauer & Bergenstamm

Sarothromyia Brauer & Bergenstamm 1891: 365. Type-species, Sarcophila femoralis Schiner, 1868 (mon.). Refs.: Lopes,
1969: 30 (cat.); Pape, 1996: 435 (cat.).

femoralis (Schiner), 1868: 315 (Sarcophila). Type locality: “Brazil”. Distr.: Bahamas, Brazil, Colombia
(Magdalena), Cuba, Dominica, Honduras, Panama, Puerto Rico, Surinam, Turks & Caicos Is. Refs.: Pape et al.,
2004: 206.

Genus Udamopyga Hall

Udamopyga Hall, 1938: 255. Type-species, smagra Hall, 1938 (orig. des.). Refs.: Lopes, 1940a: 931 (rev.); Lopes, 1969: 44
(cat.); Pape, 1996: 439 (cat.).

apolinari (Lopes), 1938a: 347 (Sarcophaga). Type locality: “Colombia”. Distr.: Colombia (?). Refs.: Lopes, 1969:
44; Pape et al., 2004: 206.

Genus Villegasia Dodge

Villegasia Dodge, 1966: 70. Type-species: difficilis Dodge (orig. des.). Refs.: Lopes, 1969: 48 (cat.), Pape, 1996: 441 (cat.).

almeidai (Lopes), 1938a: 346 (Sarcophaga). Type locality: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro. Distr.: Brazil,
Colombia (Amazonas). Refs.: Pape et al., 2004: 206.


CAMP is grateful to Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo à Pesquisa do Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ) for
financial support.

TABLE 1. Species of Sarcophagidae recorded from Colombia.

Genus Subgenus Species Author

Amobia erythura (Wulp, 1890)
floridensis (Townsend, 1892)
Metopia lateropili Allen, 1926
pauciseta Dodge, 1966
polita (Townsend, 1935)
Opsidia metopioides Allen, 1926
Argoravinia alvarengai Lopes, 1976
Blaesoxipha Acridiophaga caridei (Brèthes, 1906)
Blaesoxipha Gigantotheca plinthopyga (Wiedemann, 1830)
Boettcheria praevolans (Wulp) 1895
Chrysagria doudecimpunctata Townsend, 1935
Dexosarcophaga transita Townsend, 1917
Duckemyia latifrons (Kano & Lopes, 1969)
Engelimyia inops (Walker, 1849)
...Continued on next page

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TABLE 1. (Continued)
Genus Subgenus Species Author
Helicobia ajax Dodge, 1968
morionella (Aldrich, 1930)
rapax (Walker, 1849)
resinata (Hall, 1933)
Lepidodexia Lepidodexia apolinari Lopes, 1951
chocoensis Lopes, 1991
cingulata Lopes, 1961
squamata (Walker, 1853)
Lepidodexia Chlorosarcophaga azurea (Enderlein, 1928)
cochliomyia (Townsend, 1919)
Lepidodexia Notochaeta bogotana (Enderlein, 1928)
fuscianalis (Wulp, 1895)
reducens (Enderlein, 1928)
vittata (Lopes, 1968)
Lepidodexia Colombicesa elaborata (Hall, 1933)
retusa (Hall, 1933)
Microcerella impressa (Dodge, 1965)
mirabilis (Dodge 1965),
Oxysarcodexia afficta (Wulp, 1895)
amorosa (Schiner, 1868)
angrensis (Lopes, 1933)
avuncula (Lopes, 1933)
bakeri (Aldrich, 1916)
berlai Lopes, 1975
conclausa (Walker, 1861)
cyaniforceps (Hall, 1933)
diana (Lopes, 1933)
edwardsi Lopes, 1946
fringidea (Curran & Walley, 1934)
fluminensis Lopes, 1946
grandis Lopes, 1946
major Lopes, 1946
mitifica Lopes, 1953
occulta Lopes, 1946
peruviana (Lopes, 1975)
sarcinata Lopes, 1953
similata Lopes & Tibana, 1987
taitensis (Schiner, 1868)
thornax (Walker, 1849)
timida (Aldrich, 1916)
xanthosoma (Aldrich, 1916)
...Continued on next page

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TABLE 1. (Continued)
Genus Subgenus Species Author
Peckia Peckia chrysostoma (Wiedemann, 1830)
ecuatoriana (Lopes, 1958)
gulo (Fabricius, 1805)
hirsuta (Hall, 1933)
hondurana Dodge, 1965
imperialis Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
keyensis Dodge, 1965a
pexata (Wulp, 1895)
rosalbae Buenaventura & Pape, 2013
uncinata (Hall, 1933)
urceola (Hall, 1933)
villegasi Dodge, 1966
Peckia Euboettcheria aequata (Wulp, 1895)
anguilla (Curran & Walley, 1934)
asinoma Hall, 1938
collusor (Curran & Walley, 1934)
naides (Lopes, 1941)
santamariae Buenaventura & Pape, 2013
subducta (Lopes, 1935)
tridentata (Hall, 1937)
Peckia Pattonella intermutans (Walker, 1861)
kladosoides Buenaventura & Pape, 2013
smarti (Lopes, 1941)
Peckia Sarcodexia lambens (Wiedemann, 1830)
Peckia Squamatodes ingens (Walker, 1849)
Peckiamyia abnormalis (Hall, 1937)
minutipenis (Hall, 1937)
Rafaelia natiuscula (Lopes, 1941)
Ravinia belforti (Prado & Fonseca, 1932)
columbiana (Lopes, 1962)
effrenata (Walker, 1861)
heithausi Lopes, 1975
postnoda Dodge, 1968
querula (Walker), 1849
rufipes (Townsend, 1917)
Retrocitomyia retrocita (Hall, 1933)
Sarcofahrtiopsis cuneata (Townsend, 1935)
Sarcophaga Liopygia ruficornis (Fabricius, 1794)
Sarcophaga Neobellieria polistensis (Hall, 1933)
Sinopiella rufopilosa Lopes & Tibana, 1982
Titanogrypa Cucullomyia luculenta (Lopes, 1938)
...Continued on next page

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TABLE 1. (Continued)
Genus Subgenus Species Author
placida (Aldrich, 1925)
Tricharaea Sarcophagula canuta Wulp, 1896
occidua (Fabricius, 1794)
Tricharaea Sarothromyia femoralis (Schiner, 1868)
Udamopyga apolinari (Lopes, 1938)
Villegasia almeidai (Lopes, 1938)


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Schiner, I.R. (1868) Diptera. In: Wüllerstorf-Urbair, B. von (Ed.), Reise der österreichischen Fregatte Novara um die Erde in
den Jahren 1857, 1858, 1859 unter den Befehlen des Commodore B. von Wüllerstorf-Urbair. Zoologischer Theil, Vol. 2.
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Thomson, C.G. (1869) Diptera. Species nova descripsit. In: Kongliga svenska fregatten Eugenies resa omkring jorden under
befäl af C. A. Virgin, åren 1851–1853. Vetenskapliga Iakttagelser på H.M. Konung Oscar den förstes befallning, af K.
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36, 1–6.
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novas. Revista do Museu Paulista, 15, 203–385.
Townsend, C.H.T. (1892a) Notes on North American Tachinidae sens. str., with descriptions of new genera and species.
Transactions of the American Entomological Society, 19, 88–132.
Townsend, C.H.T. (1892b) Notes on North American Tachinidae, with descriptions of new genera and species. Paper VI.
Canadian Entomologist, 24, 165–172.
Townsend, C.H.T. (1935) New Muscoid genera, mainly from the Neotropical Region. Revista de Entomologia, 5, 68–74.
Townsend, C.H.T. (1917a) Second paper on Brazilian Muscoidea collected by Herbert H. Smith. Bulletin of the American
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Townsend, C.H.T. (1917b) New genera and species of American muscoid Diptera. Proceedings of the Biological Society of
Washington, 30, 43–50.
Townsend, C.H.T. (1917c) Genera of the dipterous tribe Sarcophagini. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 30,
Townsend, C.H.T. (1919) New genera and species of muscoid flies. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 56,
Walker, F. (1849) List of the specimens of dipterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part IV. British Museum,
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Walker. F. (1853) Diptera. Part IV. In: Insecta Saundersiana: or characters of undescribed insects in the collection of William
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Wulp, F.M. van der (1887) Sarcophagula, eennieuw geslacht der Sarcophagidae. Tijdschrift voor entomologie, 30, 173–184.
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CATALOGUE OF SARCOPHAGIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 903
Zootaxa 4122 (1): 904–949 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
Copyright © 2016 Magnolia Press
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)


Department of Zoology, Institute of Biosciences, University of São Paulo, Rua do Matão, Travessa 14, n.101, São Paulo, SP, 05508-
090, Brasil. E-mail:


The present catalogue summarizes 154 species and 71 genera occurring in Colombia. All the four subfamilies (Phasiinae,
Dexiinae, Tachininae and Exoristinae), and 24 tribes are represented in the Colombian territory.

Key words: catalogue, Colombia, distribution, Tachinidae, taxonomy


Tachinidae are a very large family of Diptera with about 9,899 described species worldwide (Irwin et al. 2003). In
the Neotropical Region the number of described taxa considered is that one summarized in the outdated catalogue
of Guimarães (1971a) and stands at 2,864 valid species in 944 genera. Nevertheless, the Neotropical Region bears
the highest diversity compared with other regions (see Table 1). The present catalogue of Tachinidae of Colombia
includes a total of 154 species and 71 genera occurring (or inferred to occur) in the country (Table 3). Bearing in
mind the scarcity of studies dealing with the Colombian tachinids, this catalogue considers the taxa formally
recorded in the country in the literature, but also includes taxa inferred to occur in Colombia. For example, the
occurrence of Ormiophasia busckii Townsend, 1919 in Colombia has been inferred based on the recorded
distributions over Panama, Costa Rica, Venezuela and Guyana (Sabrosky 1953, Curran 1934a). Occurrence on a
number of nearby areas suffice to infer the likely distribution of a given species in Colombia. However, the mere
occurrence of a given species only in one nearby country, in Venezuela, or in Guyana, or in Trinidad, does not
satisfy the above criterion. Of course that those species recorded only in Venezuela, or in Guyana, or in Trinidad,
shall be, most of them, present in Colombia as well, but the evidence (i.e., published records) available to date does
not allow such an inference. Table 2 shows the number of recorded taxa, number of inferred taxa, and total number.
In the text, each of those inferred species possesses an observation note in its Comments. And Table 3 summarizes
all the species considered in the present catalogue, with the inferred species marked with an asterisk.
Even considering those inferred taxa, the number of species and genera that actually occur in Colombia should
be much higher than the one estimated here. As stated in Nihei et al. (in press), several problems affect the study of
Tachinidae in Brazil or any other South American country: lack of experts, lack of identification keys to tribes and
genera, lack of an up-to-date catalogue, among other missings. One of the lacks certainly is organizing and curating
Colombian collections with the tachinids arranged to subfamilies and determined at least to tribes and genera. But
for that we would need some local experts. I hope the publication of this Catalogue stimulate and encourage some
Colombian students to begin studying the Neotropical Tachinidae flies, which have a extremely difficult and
confuse taxonomy, but are wonderful, interesting and challenging in the same proportion (perhaps a little more…
or a little less).
This catalogue was mostly based on the Neotropical catalogue by Guimarães (1971a), complemented by
searches on published literature and the online version of Zoological Records. Valid names and synonyms are listed
alphabetically. For each genus and species, the most important references (“Refs.”) are provided (i.e., those
publications providing revisions, identification keys, detailed descriptions, notes on types, catalogue, etc.). When
convenient, a Comments section (“Comm.”) was added to each genera or species to include observation notes on

904 Accepted by C.J.B de Carvalho: 12 Apr. 2015; published: 14 Jun. 2016

taxonomic or distributional matters. As mentioned above, all species inferred to occur in Colombia include a short
note in the Comments.

TABLE 1. Tachinidae diversity per biogeographic region.

WORLD Neotropical Palaearctic Nearctic Afrotropical Australasian Oriental

Species 9,899 2,864 ca.1,600 1,345 1,006 ca.850 725
Genera 1,517 944 409 303 228 228 259

(Sources: World numbers based on Irwin et al. 2003. Regional numbers based on the latest regional catalogues: Neotropical:
Guimarães 1971a; Palaearctic: Herting & Dely-Draskovits 1993 and Tschorsnig & Richter 1998; Nearctic: O’Hara & Wood 2004;
Afrotropical: Crosskey 1980; Australasian: Cantrell & Crosskey 1989; Oriental: Crosskey 1977).

TABLE 2. Summary of the Colombian Tachinidae accounted in the present Catalogue.

Species Genera
Recorded 98 51
Inferred 56 20
TOTAL 154 71

(Note: See text for explanation of the criterion used to define the “inferred” taxa. The species and genera inferred to occur in Colombia
are marked with an asterisk in Table 3.)

Acronyms used for the depositories

AMNH—American Museum of Natural History, New York, USA

BMNH—The Natural History Museum, London, United Kingdom
CAS—California Academy of Sciences, Department of Entomology, San Francisco, USA
CNC—Canadian National Collection of Insects, Ottawa, Canada
DEI—Deutsches Entomologisches Institute, Eberswalde, Germany
IOC—Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
MLUH—Wissenschaftsbereich Zoologie, Martin-Luther-Universitata Halle, Germany
MNHNP—Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France
MUSENUV - Museo de Entomología de la Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia
MZSP—Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
NHMW—Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, Austria
NHRS—Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm, Sweden
RMNH—Naturalis Biodiversity Centre [formerly Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie], Leiden, Netherlands
SMF—Forschungsinstitut und Naturmuseum Senckenberg, Entomologische Section, Frankfurt, Germany
USNM—National Museum of Natural History, Washington DC, USA
ZMHU—Museum fur Naturkunde, Humboldt Universitat, Berlin, Germany

List of abbreviations

distr.—Geographical Distribution

CATALOGUE OF TACHINIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 905
nom. nov.—nomen novum
orig. des.—original designation
orig. desc.—original description
subs. des.—subsequent designation
F (f#)—female
M (m#)—male

Catalogue of Tachinidae of Colombia

Family Tachinidae Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830

Subfamily Phasiinae Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830

Tribe Cylindromyini Townsend, 1912

Genus Cylindromyia Meigen

Cylindromyia Meigen, 1803: 279. Type species, Musca brassicaria Fabricius (mon.). Refs.: Guimarães, 1971a: 15 (cat.);
Guimarães, 1976: 5 (rev. and key to Neotropical species); Wood & Zumbado, 2010: 1390 (key to Central American genera
of Tachinidae).

Subgenus Cylindromyia Meigen

Cylindromyia Meigen, 1803: 279. Type species, Musca brassicaria Fabricius (mon.).
Glossidionophora Bigot, 1885c: 1v. Type species, nigra Bigot (subs. des. Townsend, 1916b: 7).
Ocypterodes Townsend, 1916f: 631. Type species, Ocyptera euchenor Walker (orig. des.) (misident., = Ocyptera fumipennis
Melanocyptera Townsend, 1927: 215. Type species, carinata Townsend (orig. des.).
Catocyptera Townsend, 1927: 215. Type species, brasiliana Townsend (orig. des.).
Dolichocyptera Townsend, 1931a: 325. Type species, pirioni Townsend (orig. des.).
Ocypteryx Townsend, 1931a: 326. Type species, ochrescens Townsend (orig. des.).
Ecatocypterops Townsend, 1935a: 217. Type species, ater Townsend (orig. des.).

atra (Röder), 1885: 344 (Ocyptera). Type locality: Puerto Rico, Barros. HT M (BMNH). Distr.: Mexico, Puerto
Rico, Trinidad, Peru, Brazil and Argentina (Aldrich, 1926c: 19; Guimarães, 1976: 12). Refs.: Aldrich, 1926c: 19
(redesc., key to North American species); Guimarães, 1971a: 15 (cat.); Guimarães, 1976: 12 (redesc., key to
Neotropical species). Comm.: This species is not recorded to Colombia, but is likely to occur in the country.
soror Bigot, 1878: 46 (Ocyptera). Preocc. Ocyptera soror Wiedemann, 1830.
simplex (Bigot), 1878: 47 (Ocyptera). Preocc. Ocyptera simplex Fallén, 1820.

carinata (Townsend), 1927: 327 (Melanocyptera). Type locality: Brazil, São Paulo, Itaquaquecetuba. HT F
(USNM). Distr.: Panama, Venezuela, Brazil and Argentina (Guimarães, 1976: 15). Refs.: Guimarães, 1971a: 15
(cat.); Guimarães, 1976: 15 (redesc., key to Neotropical species). Comm.: This species is not recorded to
Colombia, but is likely to occur in the country.

906 · Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press NIHEI

ater (Townsend), 1935a: 217 (Ecatocyterops).
townsendi Guimarães, 1971a: 16. Nom. nov. for atra Townsend.

Subgenus Apinocyptera Townsend

Apinocyptera Townsend, 1915g: 94. Type species, signata Townsend (orig. des.) (= signatipennis Wulp).
Odontocyptera Townsend, 1915c: 233. Type species, nana Townsend (orig. des.).

thompsoni Guimarães, 1976: 28. Type locality: Trinidad, St. Joseph. HT M (CNC). Distr.: Panama, Trinidad,
Venezuela and Brazil (Guimarães, 1976: 28). Refs.: Guimarães, 1976: 28 (desc., key to Neotropical species).
Comm.: This species was not recorded to Colombia, but is likely to occur in the country.

Genus Polistiopsis Townsend, 1915

Polistiopsis Townsend, 1915f: 43. Type species, mima Townsend (orig. des.). Refs.: Arnaud, 1966: 7 (rev., new species);
Guimarães, 1971a: 17 (cat.).

mima Townsend, 1915f: 44. Type locality: Mexico, Tehuantepec. HT M (USNM). Distr.: Mexico, and Peru
(Townsend, 1915f: 44; Townsend, 1931b: 87). Refs.: Townsend, 1931b: 87 (type notes, distr.); Guimarães, 1971a:
17 (cat.);. Comm.: This species was not recorded to Colombia, but is likely to occur in the country.

Tribe Phasiini Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830

Genus Phasia Wulp

Phasia Latreille, 1804: 195. Type species, Conops subcoleoptratus Linnaeus (subs. mon. of Latreille, 1805: 379 sec ICZN,
1970, Opinion 896). Refs.: Guimarães, 1971a: 11 (cat., refer to the synonymous names); O’Hara & Wood, 1998
(synonymies); Wood & Zumbado, 2010: 1387 (key to Central American genera of Tachinidae). Sun & Marshall, 2003: 1
(rev. and key – but see comments ahead, synonymies – but see comments ahead, phylogeny). Comm.: Sun & Marshall
(2003) revised the world species of Phasia (Afrotropical, Australasian, Nearctic, Oriental and Palaearctic regions) but
without considering the Neotropical species, mentioned as “beyond the scope of the present work”. Even without dealing
with the Neotropical taxa, the authors synonymized all the available generic names of Neotropical Phasiini under Phasia.
It is not clear whether the authors examined type-specimens or any additional material with regard to those Neotropical
Hyalomya Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830: 398. Type species, Phasia semicinerea Meigen (subs. des. Westwood, 1840: 140) (=
pusilla (Meigen).
Hyalomyia, emend.
Alophorella Townsend, 1912c: 45. Type species, Thereva obesa Fabricius (orig. des.).
Paraphorantha Townsend, 1915a: 20. Type species, Allophora grandis Coquillett (orig. des.).
Phoranthella Townsend, 1915a: 23. Nomen nudum sec ICZN, 1954 (Opinion 205).
Alophorellopsis Townsend, 1927: 209. Type species, capitata Townsend (orig. des.).
Epaulophasia Townsend, 1934: 207. Type species, officialis Townsend (orig. des.).
Heyneophasia Townsend, 1934: 208. Type species, heynei Townsend (orig. des.)
Xanthotrichius Townsend, 1934: 209 Type species, xenos Townsend (orig. des.).
Phoranthella Townsend, 1936a: 58 (also 1938b: 68). Nomen nudum.
Xiphophasia Townsend, 1937b: 116. Type-spectes, ushpayacua Townsend (mon.).
Trichophasia Townsend, 1939c: 447. Type species, transita Townsend (orig. des.).
Paraphasiana Townsend, 1940: 889. Type species, dysderci Townsend (orig. des.).
Phoranthella Brooks, 1945: 672. Type species, morrisoni Brooks (mon.) (= punctigera (Townsend).
Androeuryops Beneway, 1961: 44. Type species, Hyalomyia ecitonis Townsend (orig. des.).

heynei Townsend, 1934: 208. Type locality: Costa Rica, Surrubres. HT F (DEI). Distr.: Mexico to northern
Argentina. Refs.: Townsend, 1934: 208 (orig. desc.); Guimarães, 1971a: 12 (cat.). Comm.: This species not
recorded to Colombia, but is likely to occur in the country.

CATALOGUE OF TACHINIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 907
Tribe Trichopodini Townsend, 1908

Genus Acaulona Wulp

Acaulona Wulp, 1888: 4. Type species, costata Wulp (mon.). Refs.: Curran, 1934a: 492 (key to Guyanan tachinids); Sabrosky,
1950: 361, 371 (key to Trichopodini genera, rev., redesc.); Guimarães, 1971a: 6 (cat.); Toma, 2003: 269 (rev., key to
genera, key to species); Wood & Zumbado, 2010: 1390 (key to Central American genera of Tachinidae).
Forcipophasia Townsend, 1935a: 216. Type species, fusca Townsend (orig. des.).

costata Wulp, 1888: 4. Type locality: Mexico, Vera Cruz, Medellín. HT M (BMNH). Distr.: From Mexico to
Argentina (Toma, 2003: 269). Refs.: Guimarães, 1971a: 6 (cat.); Toma, 2003: 269 (rev., key to species). Comm.:
Species not recorded to Colombia, but is likely to occur in the country.
fusca (Townsend), 1935a: 216 (Forcipophasia).
brasiliana Townsend, 1937a: 316.

Genus Bibiomima Brauer & Bergenstamm

Bibiomima Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1889: 148 (1889: 80). Type species, handlirschi Brauer & Bergenstamm (orig. des.).
Refs.: Guimarães, 1971a: 6 (cat.).

handlirschi Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1889: 148 (1889: 80). Type locality: Brazil, Bahia. LT F (NHMW). Distr.:
Panama and Brazil (Townsend, 1931b: 86; Guimarães, 1971a: 6). Refs.: Aldrich, 1925a: 126 (“type” notes);
Townsend, 1931b: 86 (type notes, distr.); Guimarães, 1971a: 6 (cat.). Comm.: Species not recorded to Colombia,
but is likely to occur in the country. The curator of NHMW Peter Sehnal (unpublished data) lists the syntype as a
lectotype and confirms the sex as female, as correctly noted by Townsend (1931b) but equivocally noted by
Aldrich (1925a, cited a male).

Genus Euacaulona Townsend

Euacaulona Townsend, 1908: 131. Type species, sumichrasti Townsend (orig. des.)
Refs.: Sabrosky, 1950: 361, 371 (key to Trichopodini genera, notes); Toma, 2003 (rev.)

sumichrasti Townsend, 1908: 131. Type locality: Mexico, Tehuantepec. HT M (USNM). Distr.: Mexico, Guyana
and Brazil (Toma, 2003: 272). Refs.: Guimarães, 1971a: 7 (cat.); Toma, 2003: 272 (rev.). Comm.: Species not
recorded to Colombia, but is likely to occur in the country.

Subfamily Dexiinae Macquart, 1834

Tribe Dexiini Macquart, 1834

Genus Billaea Robineau-Desvoidy

Theresia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830: 325. Type species, tandrec Robineau-Desvoidy (mon.) (= Musca rutilans Fabricius).
Billaea Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830: 328. Type species, grisea Robineau-Desvoidy (mon.) (= pectinata Meigen). Refs.:
Thompson, 1963a: 522 (as Paratheresia, key to Trinidad genera); Guimarães, 1971a: 37 (as Paratheresia, cat.);
Guimarães, 1977 (as Paratheresia, rev., key to species); Wood & Zumbado, 2010: 1381 (key to Central American genera
of Tachinidae).
Paratheresia Townsend, 1915b: 65. Type species, signifera Townsend (orig. des.) (= claripalpis Wulp).
Bathytheresia Townsend, 1928: 146. Type species, bassleri Townsend (orig. des.) (= claripalpis Wulp).
Parabyllaea Blanchard, 1937: 44. Type species, rhynchophorae Blanchard (orig. des.).

claripalpis (Wulp), 1895: 280. Type locality: Mexico, Guerrero, Chilpancingo. LT M (BMNH) (des. Emden,

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1949). Distr.: Brazil, Peru, Argentina, México, Trinidad, Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia, Paraguay and Argentina
(Thompson, 1960: 217; Thompson, 1963a: 522; Guimarães, 1977: 271; Bennett, 1971: 118; Blanchard & De
Santis, 1975: 21; Bustillo, 2011; Mosquera & Viafara, 2008). Refs.: Thompson, 1960: 217 (key to tachinid
parasitoids of Diatraea, larval desc., biology); Thompson, 1963a: 522 (redesc.); Guimarães, 1971a: 37 (cat.);
Guimarães, 1977: 271 (rev., key to species); Mulieri et al., 2013: 163 (type data of diatraeae Brèthes).
signifera (Townsend), 1915b: 66 (Paratheresia).
diatraeae (Brèthes), 1927: 165 (Sarcophaga).
brasiliensis (Townsend), 1917a: 222 (Paratheresia).
bassleri (Townsend), 1928: 146 (Bathytheresia).
bassleri (Townsend), 1929: 367 (Paratheresia).
pernambucensis (Townsend), 1939d: 548 (Paratheresia).

Genus Cordillerodexia Townsend

Cordillerodexia Townsend, 1927: 226. Type species, orientalis Townsend (orig. des.). Refs.: Townsend, 1927: 226 (orig.
desc.); Townsend, 1936a: 138 (in key to Prosenini genera); Townsend, 1938b: 324 (generic diagnosis); Guimarães, 1971a:
29 (cat.).

colombiana Townsend, 1929: 366. Type locality: “Colombia”. Type? Distr.: Colombia. Refs.: Guimarães, 1971a:
29 (cat.).

Genus Eudexia Brauer & Bergenstamm

Eudexia Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1889: 120 (1889: 52). Type species, goliath Brauer & Bergenstamm (mon.) (= formidabilis
(Bigot). Refs.: Townsend, 1936a: 141 (in key to Prosenini genera); Townsend, 1938b: 334 (generic diagnosis); Guimarães,
1971a: 29 (cat.); Wood & Zumbado, 2010: 1384 (key to Central American genera of Tachinidae, comm. on relationships).

formidabilis (Bigot), 1889: 264 (Rhamphinina). Type locality: “Mexico”. STs M (BMNH). Distr.: Mexico, Costa
Rica, and Venezuela (Brauer & Begenstamm, 1889: 120; Aldrich, 1924: 213). Refs.: Aldrich, 1924: 213 (notes on
type of goliath); Townsend, 1931b: 101 (type notes, syn., comb.); Guimarães, 1971a: 29 (cat.). Comm.: Species not
recorded to Colombia, but is likely to occur in the country.
goliath Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1889: 120 (1889: 52).

Genus Prosenoides Brauer & Bergenstamm

Prosenoides Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1891: 370 (1891: 60). Type species, papilio Brauer & Bergenstamm (mon.) (=
curvirostris (Bigot). Refs.: Townsend, 1936a: 136 (in key to Prosenini genera); Townsend, 1938b: 368 (generic diagnosis);
Reinhard, 1954: 408 (rev., key); Thompson 1963a: 525 (key to Trinidad genera); Guimarães, 1971a: 32 (cat.); Wood &
Zumbado, 2010: 1381 (key to Central American genera of Tachinidae).
Neoprosena Townsend, 1927: 221. Type species, haustellata Townsend (orig. des.).

curvirostris (Bigot), 1889: 264 (Prosena). Type locality: “Brazil”. STs M, F (BMNH). Distr.: Mexico, Central
America to Ecuador, Trinidad, Peru and Brazil (Reinhard, 1954: 410; Thompson 1963a: 525). Refs.: Reinhard,
1954: 410 (redesc., key); Thompson 1963a: 525 (redesc., larval desc.); Guimarães, 1971a: 32 (cat.). Comm.:
Species not recorded to Colombia, but is likely to occur in the country.
papilio Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1891: 370 (1891: 61).

Genus Scotiptera Macquart

Scotiptera Macquart, 1835: 215. Type species, Dexia melaleuca Wiedemann (subs. des. Macquart, 1844: 240) (= venatoria

CATALOGUE OF TACHINIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 909
(Fabricius). Refs.: Curran, 1934a: 492 (key to Guyanan tachinids); Townsend, 1936a: 137 (in key to Prosenini genera);
Townsend, 1938b: 376; Guimarães, 1971a: 34 (cat.); Wood & Zumbado, 2010: 1383 (key to Central American genera of

robusta Curran, 1925a: 262. Type locality: Colombia, Magdalena, Sierra San Lorenzo, Hacienda Vista Nieve. HT
M (AMNH). Distr.: Colombia. Refs.: Curran, 1925a: 262 (orig. desc.); Guimarães, 1971a: 35 (cat.).

Genus Xanthotheresia Townsend

Xanthotheresia Townsend, 1931a: 345. Type species, bicolor Townsend (orig. des.)
Refs.: Townsend, 1936a: 147 (in key to Theresiini genera); Townsend, 1938b: 409 (generic diagnosis); Guimarães, 1971a:
38 (cat.).

bicolor Townsend, 1931a: 346. Type locality: Colombia, “tierra templada”. HT M (ZMHU). Distr.: Colombia.
Refs.: Guimarães, 1971a: 38 (cat.).

Tribe Sophiini Townsend, 1936

Genus Cordyligaster Macquart

Cordyligaster Macquart, 1844: 247 (1844: 90). Type species, Dexia petiolata Wiedemann (orig. des.). Refs.: Aldrich, 1927b:
85 (key to species), Curran, 1934a: 492 (key to Guyanan tachinids); Guimarães, 1971a: 111 (cat.); Guimarães, 1971b: 99
(rev.), Sabrosky, 1973: 217 (rev., key to species); Wood & Zumbado, 2010: 1396 (key to Central American genera of
Megistogaster Macquart, 1851: 185 (1851: 212). Type species, fuscipennis Macquart (subs. des. Townsend, 1916b: 7) (=
petiolata (Wiedemann).
Cordylidexia Giglio-Tos, 1894: 67. Unnecessary nom. nov. for Cordyligaster Macquart. Type species, Dexia petiolata
Wiedemann (mon.).
Eucordylidexia Townsend, 1915e: 41. Type species, ategulata Townsend (orig. des.) (= petiolata (Wiedemann).
Eucordyligaster Townsend, 1917b: 123. Type species, Cordyligaster septentrionalis Townsend (orig. des.).

petiolata (Wiedemann), 1830: 374 (Dexia). Type locality: “Brazil”. HT M (SMF). Distr.: Central to South America
(Guimarães, 1971a: 111, 1971b: 100; Sabrosky, 1973: 219). Refs.: Guimarães, 1971a: 111 (cat., with fuscipennis as
synonym of petiolata); Guimarães, 1971b: 100 (rev., key to species, with fuscipennis as synonym of petiolata);
Sabrosky, 1973: 219 (rev., key to species, notes). Comm.: Species not recorded to Colombia, but is likely to occur
in the country.

fuscipennis (Macquart), 1851: 186 (1851: 213) (Megistogaster). Type locality: [“South America”] (as “Java”,
error). LT M (BMNH). Distr.: Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama, British Guyana, Brazil, Ecuador, Bolivia and Peru
(Sabrosky, 1973: 221). Refs.: Guimarães, 1971a: 111 (cat., with fuscipennis as synonym of petiolata); Guimarães,
1971b: 100 (rev., key to species, with fuscipennis as synonym of petiolatus); Sabrosky, 1973: 221 (rev., key to
species, notes). Comm.: This species was not recorded to Colombia, but is likely to occur in the country.
ategulata (Townsend), 1915e: 41 (Eucordylidexia).
petiolatus of Aldrich, misidentification

Tribe Trichodurini Townsend, 1919

Genus Trichodura Macquart

Trichodura Macquart, 1844: 248. Type species, Musca anceps Fabricius (orig. des.). Refs.: Curran, 1934a: 492 (key to
Guyanan tachinids); Townsend, 1939b: 89 (generic diagnosis); Guimarães, 1971a: 103 (cat.); Guimarães, 1972 (rev., key
to species); Wood & Zumbado, 2010: 1384 (key to Central American genera of Tachinidae).
Trichoduropsis Townsend, 1919a: 169. Type species, Trichodura recta Schiner (orig. des.).

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anceps (Fabricius), 1805: 296 (Musca). Type locality: "South America". HT F (ZMUC). Distr.: Guyana, Surinam,
and Brazil (Curran, 1934a: 498, Guimarães, 1972: 8). Refs.: Aldrich, 1925a: 115 (comm.); Guimarães, 1971a: 103
(cat.); Guimarães, 1972: 8 (genus rev., key). Comm.: This species was not recorded to Colombia, but is likely to
occur in the country.
guianensis (Townsend), 1919b: 553 (Trichoduropsis).

Tribe Uramyini Townsend, 1919

Genus Uramya Robineau-Desvoidy

Uramya Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830: 215. Type species, producta Robineau-Desvoidy (mon.). Refs.: Curran, 1934a: 492 (key to
Guyanan tachinids); Guimarães, 1971a: 104 (cat.); Guimarães, 1980: 202 (rev., key to South American species); Wood &
Zumbado, 2010: 1392 (key to Central American genera of Tachinidae).
Oxydexia Bigot, 1885b: xxxiii. Type species, acuminata Bigot (mon.).
Aporia Macquart, 1846: 296 (1846: 168). Preocc. Aporia Hübner, 1819. Type species, quadrimaculata Macquart (mon.).
Neaporia Townsend, 1908: 67. Nom. nov. for Aporia Macquart (preocc. Hübner, 1819), but preocc. Gorham, 1897.
Paraporia Townsend, 1912c: 48. Nom. nov. for Neaporia Townsend (preocc. Gorham, 1897).
Pseudeuantha Townsend, 1915h: 416. Type species, linellii Townsend (orig. des.) (= indita Walker).
Orthaporia Townsend, 1919a: 167. Type species, similis Townsend (orig. des.) (= longa Walker)
Gymnaporia Townsend, 1919a: 170. Type species, Gymnostylia fasciata Macquart (orig. des.).
Thelairomima Townsend, 1935a: 222. Type species, pictipennis Townsend (orig. des.) (= producta Robineau-Desvoidy).

quadrimaculata (Macquart), 1846: 297 (1846: 169) (Aporia). Type locality: “Colombia”. ST M (BMNH). Distr.:
Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Brazil (Macquart, 1846: 297, Schiner, 1868: 319; Brauer &
Bergenstamm, 1891: 438, Aldrich, 1921: 85; Aldrich, 1927a: 26; Guimarães, 1980: 202). Refs.: Guimarães, 1971a:
104 (cat.); Guimarães, 1980: 202 (redesc., geographical records, key to South American species).
hariola Reinhard, 1961: 206.

Tribe Voriini Townsend, 1912

Genus Paedarium Aldrich

Paedarium Aldrich, 1926b: 22. Type species, parvum Aldrich (orig. des.). Refs.: Townsend, 1936a: 236 (in key to Voriini
genera); Townsend, 1939a: 393 (generic diagnosis); Guimarães, 1971a: 92 (cat.).
Vorialia Curran, 1934b: 448. Type species, Voria neotropica Curran (orig. des.)

punctipennis (Walker), 1858: 208 (?Sarcophaga). Type locality: “Colombia”. HT F (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia.
Refs.: Austen, 1907: 342 (type data); Guimarães, 1971a: 92 (cat.).

Genus Voria Robineau Desvoidy

Voria Robineau Desvoidy, 1830: 195. Type species, latifrons Robineau-Desvoidy (mon.) (= ruralis (Fallén). Refs.: Townsend,
1939a: 402 (generic diagnosis); Thompson, 1961: 28 (key to Trinidad genera); Guimarães, 1971a: 93 (cat.).
Plagia Meigen, 1838: 201. Type species, Tachina verticalis Meigen (Rondani) (= ruralis (Fallén).

ruralis (Fallén), 1810: 265 (Tachina). Type locality: Sweden, Skane, Esperöd. LT M (NHRS). Distr.: widespread
world distribution through the Palaearctic, Nearctic, Neotropical, Afrotropical, Oriental and Australasian
(Guimarães, 1971a: 93; Crosskey, 1980: 838; O’Hara & Wood, 2004: 72; O’Hara et al., 2009: 44). Refs.:
Thompson, 1961: 28 (redesc., key, larval desc.); Guimarães, 1971a: 93 (cat.).
americana (Wulp), 1890; 102 (Plagia).
mexicana (Giglio-Tos), 1893b: 5 (Plagia).
brasiliana Townsend, 1929: 380.

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brasiliensis Townsend, error.
ayerzai Blanchard, 1943: 157.

Subfamily Tachininae Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830

Tribe Ernestiini Townsend, 1912

Genus Bombyliomyia Brauer & Bergenstamm

Bombyliomyia Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1889: 131 (1889: 63). Type species, Hystricia flavipalpis Macquart (mon.). Refs.:
Townsend, 1936a: 165 (in key to Macromyini genera); Townsend, 1939a: 21 (generic diagnosis); Thompson, 1963a: 425
(key to Trinidad genera); Guimarães, 1971a: 39 (cat.); Wood & Zumbado, 2010: 1368 (key to Central American genera of
Eublepharipeza Townsend, 1919a: 168. Type species, hystrix Townsend (orig. des.) (= flavipalpis Macquart).

flavitarsis (Macquart), 1846: 276 (1846: 148) (Hystricia). Type locality: “Colombia”. Type? Distr.: Colombia and
Brazil (Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1889: 131). Refs.: Guimarães, 1971a: 39 (cat.).

Tribe Germariini Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1889

Genus Tarpessita Reinhard

Tarpessita Reinhard, 1967: 95. Type species, fulgens Reinhard (orig. des.). Refs.: Reinhard, 1967: 95 (orig. desc.); Guimarães,
1971a: 88 (cat.).

fulgens Reinhard, 1967: 96. Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca, Fusagasuga. HT M [CNC]. Distr.: Colombia.
Refs.: Reinhard, 1967: 96 (orig. desc.); Guimarães, 1971a: 88 (cat.).

Tribe Graphogastrini Townsend, 1931

Genus Phytomyptera Rondani

Phytomyptera Rondani, 1845: 33 [1845: 13]. Type species, nitidiventris Rondani (mon.) (= nigrina Meigen). Refs.:
Guimarães, 1971a: 167 (cat., as Elfia and other junior synonyms); Wood & Zumbado, 2010: 1372 (key to Central
American genera of Tachinidae).
Elfia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1850: 190. Type species, Actia cingulata Robineau-Desvoidy (subs. des. Robineau-Desvoidy, 1863:
Schizotachina Walker, 1853: 264 (as subgenus of Tachina). Type species, convecta Walker (subs. des. Coquillett, 1910: 604).
Phasiostoma Townsend, 1915c: 225. Type species, aristale Townsend (orig. des.).
Lispideosoma Reinhard, 1943: 164. Type species, flavipes Reinhard (orig. des.).
Irwinia Cortés, 1967: 7. Type species, pollinosa Cortés (orig. des.).

viridis (Reinhard), 1967: 104 (Elfia). Type locality: Colombia, Narino, Pasto. HT M [CNC]. Distr.: Colombia.
Refs.: Reinhard, 1967: 104 (desc.). Comm.: This species is missing from the Neotropical Catalogue (Guimarães

Tribe Leskiini Townsend, 1919

Genus Genea Rondani

Genea Rondani, 1850: 172. Type species, maculiventris Rondani (mon.) (= Stomoxys trifaria Wiedemann). Refs.: Guimarães,

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1971a: 116 (cat.); Wood & Zumbado, 2010: 1396 (key to Central American genera of Tachinidae); Nunez & Couri, 2011:
481 (genus rev., key to Neotropical species).
Geneopsis Townsend, 1927: 212. Type species, major Townsend (orig. des.).
Geneoglossa Townsend, 1935a: 225. Type species, glossata Townsend (orig. des.).
Leskiomima Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1891: 372 (1892: 68). Type species, Stomoxys tenera Wiedemann (mon.).
Dejeaniopalpus Townsend, 1916e: 312. Type species, texensis Townsend (orig. des.).
Jaynesleskia Townsend, 1934: 395. Type species, Leskiomima jaynesi Aldrich, 1932 (orig. des.).

jaynesi (Aldrich), 1932: 17 (Leskiomima). Type locality: Argentina, Tucuman. HT M [USNM]. Distr.: Venezuela,
Colombia, Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay (Blanchard & De Santis, 1975: 26; Nunez & Couri, 2011: 487; Bustillo,
2011). Refs.: Guimarães, 1971a: 117 (cat.); Nunez & Couri, 2011: 487 (redesc., genus rev., key to neotropical

trifaria (Wiedemann), 1824: 41 (Stomoxys). Type locality: Brazil, Pernambuco, Tapera. HT M [ZMUC]. Distr.:
Honduras, Panama, Venezuela, and Brazil (Nunez & Couri, 2011: 494). Refs.: James, 1947: 114 (redesc., key);
Guimarães, 1971a: 117 (cat.); Nunez & Couri, 2011: 494 (redesc., genus rev., key to neotropical species). Comm.:
This species was not recorded to Colombia, but is likely to occur in the country.
maculiventris Rondani, 1850: 173.
glossata (Townsend), 1935a: 225 (Geneoglossa).

Genus Stomatodexia Brauer & Bergenstamm

Stomatodexia Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1889: 125 (1889: 57). Type species, Stomoxys cothurnata Wiedemann (mon.). Refs.:
Townsend, 1936b: 68 (in key to Leskiini); Townsend, 1939b: 240 (generic diagnosis); Guimarães, 1971a: 119 (cat.).
Eustomatodexia Townsend, 1892: 167. Nomen nudum.

longitarsis (Macquart), 1844: 249 (1844: 92) (Prosena). Type locality: Colombia, Bogotá, Santa Fé. Unrecognized
sec Guimarães, 1971a: 119. Refs.: Guimarães, 1971a: 119 (cat.).

Tribe Macquartiini Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830

Genus Gonatorrhina Röder

Gonatorrhina Röder, 1886: 264. Type species, paramonensis Röder (mon.). Refs.: Townsend, 1936b: 23 (in his monobasic
tribe Gonatorrhinini); Townsend, 1939b: 71 (the generic diagnosis not provided as usual in that volume); Guimarães,
1971a: 98 (cat.).

paramonensis Röder, 1886: 265. Type locality: Colombia, Paramo, 3600 m. HT M (sec Townsend, 1939b: 71)
(?MLUH). Distr.: Colombia. Refs.: Röder, 1886: 265 (original desc.); Guimarães, 1971a: 98 (cat.). Comm.: The
type should be deposited in the MLUH collection, but according to Karla Schneider (curator MLUH, pers. comm.)
and to Joachim Ziegler (curator ZMHU, who is revising Röder’s material; pers. comm.), the South American
species of Tachinidae described by Röder were not found in the MLUH collection.

Tribe Minthoini Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1889

Genus Actinochaeta Brauer & Bergenstamm

Actinochaeta Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1889: 137 (1889: 69). Type species, columbiae Brauer & Bergenstamm (orig. des.).
Refs.: Guimarães, 1971a: 113 (cat.); Wood & Zumbado, 2010: 1385 (key to Central American genera of Tachinidae).
Actinochaetopsis Townsend, 1934: 393. Type species, amazonica Townsend (orig. des.)
Paractinochaeta Townsend, 1934: 393. Type species, Thelairodes carlosalbertoi Lima (orig. des.)
Tapajomintho Townsend, 1934: 394. Type species, nigriventris Townsend (orig. des.)

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columbiae Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1889: 170 (1889: 69). Type locality: “Colombia & Venezuela” (but
“Colombia” at page 137). STs F (NHMW). Distr.: Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, and Peru (Brauer &
Bergenstamm, 1889: 137, 170, Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1891: 426, Aldrich, 1927a: 3). Refs.: Aldrich, 1927a: 3
(type notes); Townsend, 1931b: 88 (type notes); Guimarães, 1971a: 113 (cat.). Comm.: Brauer & Bergenstamm
(1889) cited Colombia and Venezuela as type localities (1889: 170), but at the same work (p. 137) they cited only
Colombia. Townsend (1931b: 88) examining the types in the Wien Museum mentions the following label attached
to the syntypes “Lindig: 1864: Venez.”.

Tribe Ormiini Townsend, 1915

Genus Ormia Robineau-Desvoidy

Ormia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830: 428. Type species, punctata Robineau- Desvoidy (mon.). Refs.: Townsend, 1936a: 101 (key
to Ormiini genera, as Ormia and as Euphasiopteryx); Curran, 1934a: 492 (key to Guyanan tachinids); Sabrosky, 1953a,b
(rev. of Ormia and Euphasiopteryx), Tavares, 1962: 347 (rev. of Ormia); Thompson, 1963a: 450 (key to Trinidad genera,
rev. of Trinidad Ormia, with Phasiopteryx in synonymy); Tavares, 1965a: 13 (rev. of Euphasiopteryx); Guimarães, 1971a:
21 (cat.); Wood & Zumbado, 2010: 1393 (key to Central American genera of Tachinidae).
Phasiopteryx Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1889: 147 (also 1890: 79). Type species, bilimekii Brauer & Bergenstamm (orig. des.).
Euphasiopteryx Townsend, 1915a: 23. Type species, Phasiopteryx australis Townsend, (orig. des.).
Neoptera Wulp, 1890: 44. Type species, rufa Wulp (sub. mon.; Wulp 1890: 165).

depleta (Wiedemann), 1830: 298 (Tachina). Type locality: “Brazil”. LT M (NHMW). Distr.: USA (introduced and
established in Florida), Honduras, French Guyana, Peru, and Brazil (Gramajo, 1997: 96, Tavares, 1965a: 15,
Sabrosky, 1953b: 297, Townsend, 1931b: 81, Frank et al., 1996: 368). Refs.: Townsend, 1931b: 81 (type notes);
Tavares, 1965a: 15 (redesc.); Guimarães, 1971a: 21 (cat.); Frank et al., 1996: 368 (establishment in Florida).
Comm.: This species was not recorded to Colombia, but is likely to occur in the country. The NHMW curator Peter
Sehnal (unpublished data) has considered this specimen as lectotype, as no mention was made by Wiedemann
(1830) about the composition of the type-series.

lineifrons Sabrosky, 1953a: 175. Type locality: Puerto Rico, Cayey, Bosch Finca. HT M (USNM). Distr.: USA,
Mexico, Puerto Rico, Brazil (Sabrosky, 1953a: 175, Tavares, 1962: 352, Tavares, 1965b: 238). Refs.: Sabrosky,
1953a: 175 (desc. of male and female, key), Tavares, 1962: 352 (male redesc.); Tavares, 1965b: 238 (key);
Guimarães, 1971a: 21 (cat.). Comm.: This species was not recorded to Colombia, but is likely to occur in the

ochracea (Bigot), 1889: 268 (Pyrrosia). Type locality: “Mexico”. LT M (BMNH). Distr.: USA, Mexico, Cuba,
Puerto Rico, Brazil, Paraguay, and Argentina (Sabrosky, 1953b: 299, Tavares, 1965a: 18, Gramajo, 1997: 96,
Evenhuis, 2003: 34). Refs.: Sabrosky, 1953b: 299 (key, redesc.); Tavares, 1965a: 18 (redesc. of male); Guimarães,
1971a: 21 (cat.). Comm.: This species was not recorded to Colombia, but is likely to occur in the country.
montana (Townsend), 1912b: 114 (Phasiopteryx).

Genus Ormiophasia Townsend

Ormiophasia Townsend, 1919a: 164. Type species, busckii Townsend (orig. des.). Refs.: Townsend, 1936a: 101 (key to World
Ormiini); Sabrosky, 1953a (rev.); Tavares, 1964 (rev., key to species); Guimarães, 1971a: 22 (cat.).
Pseudormia Séguy, 1926a: 5 (as Peudormia, p. 9, error), (also 1927: 262). Type species, inflata Séguy (mon.).
Pseudoneoptera Séguy, 1926b: 19. Type species, morardi Séguy (mon.).
Plagiatormia Séguy, 1926b: 20 (as Plagiotormia, p.19, error). Type species, obscura Séguy (mon.).

busckii Townsend, 1919a: 165. Type locality: Panama, Cabima. HT F (USNM). Distr.: Panama, Costa Rica,
Venezuela, Guyana (Sabrosky, 1953a: 182, Curran, 1934a: 495). Refs.: Curran, 1934a: 495 (key to Guyanan
species, in Ormia); Tavares, 1964: 38 (key to Ormiophasia); Guimarães, 1971a: 22 (cat.). Comm.: This species
was not recorded to Colombia, but is likely to occur in the country.

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Tribe Polideini Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1889

Genus Chrysotachina Brauer & Bergenstamm

Chrysotachina Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1889: 161 (1889: 93). Type species, Chrysotachina braueri Townsend (misident. as
Tachina reinwardtii Wiedemann) (mon.) (type-fixation see O’Hara & Wood, 2004: 285). Refs.: Curran, 1939: 1 (rev., key
to species, desc. of new species); Thompson, 1963a: 437 (key to Trinidad genera); Guimarães, 1971a: 81 (cat.); Nunez et
al., 2002 (rev., key to species desc. of new species); O`Hara, 2002: 86 (synonymies); Wood & Zumbado, 2010: 1368 (key
to Central American genera of Tachinidae).
Eugymnochaeta Townsend, 1912a: 314. Type species, Gymnochaeta alcedo Loew (orig. des.).
Paragymnochaeta Townsend, 1915a: 21. Type species, Eugymnochaeta equatorialis Townsend (orig. des.).
Chrysoerigone Townsend, 1927: 244. Type species, ornata Townsend (orig. des.).
Mericina Curran, 1927b: 6. Type species, ruficauda Curran (orig. des.).
Helioplagia Townsend, 1934: 211. Type species, amazonica Townsend (orig. des.).
Neoerigone Townsend, 1919b: 590. Type species, cinerea Townsend (orig. des.).

aldrichi Nunez, Couri & Guimarães, 2002: 4. Type locality: “Brazil”. HT M (USNM). Distr.: Brazil, Venezuela,
Colombia, Bolivia (Nunez et al., 2002: 4). Refs.: Nunez & Couri, 2002: 17 (key to South American species).

panamensis Curran, 1939: 2. Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Barro Colorado I. D HT M (AMNH). Distr.:
Honduras, Panama, Ecuador, Peru and Brazil (Nunez & Couri, 2002). Refs.: Curran, 1939: 2 (desc., key to
species); Guimarães, 1971a: 81 (cat.); Nunez & Couri, 2002: 8 (redesc., key to South American species). Comm.:
This species was not recorded to Colombia, but is likely to occur in the country.

purpurea Curran, 1939: 2. Type locality: “Venezuela”. HT M (AMNH). Distr.: Costa Rica, Venezuela and Brazil
(Nunez & Couri, 2002). Refs.: Curran, 1939: 2 (desc., key to species); Guimarães, 1971a: 81 (cat.); Nunez &
Couri, 2002: 11 (redesc., key to South American species). Comm.: This species was not recorded to Colombia, but
is likely to occur in the country.

willistoni Curran, 1939: 2. Type locality: Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Quebrada Seca. HT M (AMNH). Distr.:
Brazil, Panama, Costa Rica, Colombia, Trinidad, Venezuela, Ecuador, and Peru (Curran, 1939: 2; Nunez & Couri,
2002). Refs.: Curran, 1939: 2 (desc., key to species); Thompson, 1963a: 437 (redesc.); Guimarães, 1971a: 82 (cat.);
Nunez & Couri, 2002: 14 (redesc., key to South American species).

Genus Hystricia Macquart

Hystricia Macquart, 1844: 200 (1844: 43). Type species, amoena Macquart (subs. des. Coquillett, 1910: 555). Refs.:
Guimarães, 1971a: 41 (cat.); O’Hara, 2002 (rev. of Nearctic genera of Polideini, synomized Hystriciopsis, Hystriciella and
Engelomyia); Wood & Zumbado, 2010: 1368 (key to Central American genera of Tachinidae).
Hystriciopsis Townsend, 1914: 85. Type species, obscura Townsend (orig. des).
Bombyliopsis Townsend, 1915a: 23. Type species, Tachina abrupta Wiedemann (orig. des).
Hystriciella Engel, 1920: 311. Preocc. Townsend, 1915. Type species, Hystricia tarsata Schiner (orig. des.) (misident., =alpina
Engelomyia Townsend, 1931a: 349. Nom. nov. for Hystriciella Engel, 1920 (preocc. Townsend, 1915). Type species, Hystricia
tarsata Schiner (orig. des.) (misident., =alpina Townsend).

nigroscutata Rondani, 1863: 18. Type locality: “Colombia”. Type lost? Distr.: Colombia. Refs.: Guimarães,
1971a: 41 (cat.).

Tribe Megaprosopini Townsend, 1908

Genus Microphthalma Macquart

Microphthalma Macquart, 1844: 241 (1844: 84). Type species, nigra Macquart (orig. des.). Refs.: Aldrich, 1926a: 1 (rev., key

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to allied genera, key to species), Curran, 1934a: 493 (key to Guyanan tachinids); Guimarães, 1971a: 24 (cat.); Wood &
Zumbado, 2010: 1386 (key to Central American genera of Tachinidae).
Perua Townsend, 1912a: 364. Type species, cuzcana Townsend (orig. des.).

vibrissata (Wulp), 1891: 244 (Dexiosoma). Type locality: Mexico, Tabasco, Teapa. HT (BMNH). Distr.: Mexico,
Costa Rica and Guyana (Curran, 1934a: 498). Refs.: Aldrich, 1926a: 7 (redesc., key); Guimarães, 1971a: 24 (cat.).
Comm.: This species was not recorded to Colombia, but is likely to occur in the country.

Tribe Nemoraeini Robineau-Desvoidy, 1863

Genus Macromya Robineau-Desvoidy

Macromya Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830: 322. Type species, depressa Robineau-Desvoidy (subs. des. Townsend, 1916b: 7).
Refs.: Townsend, 1936a: 165 (in key to Macromyini); Townsend, 1939a: 33 (generic diganosis); Curran, 1939: 1 (rev., key
to species), Reinhard, 1968: 1280 (rev., key to species); Guimarães, 1971a: 42 (cat.); Wood & Zumbado, 2010: 1369 (key
to Central American genera of Tachinidae).
Gymnostylia Macquart, 1835: 216. Type species, Macromya depressa Robineau-Desvoidy (subs. des. Duponchel in d’Orbigny,
1845: 439; see Evenhuis & Thompson, 1990: 236).
Tropidopsis Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1889: 132 (1889: 64). Type species, Tachina pyrrhaspis Wiedemann (mon.).
Xanthohystricia Townsend, 1931a: 348. Type species, Tachina amisias Walker (orig. des.) (= pyrrhaspis (Wiedemann).

crocata Reinhard, 1968: 1283. Type locality: U.S.A., Texas, Brewster Co., Big Bend Park. HT M (CNC). Distr.:
U.S.A., Mexico, El Salvador, and Brazil (Reinhard, 1968: 1283). Refs.: Reinhard, 1968: 1283 (redesc., key);
Guimarães, 1971a: 42 (cat.). Comm.: This species was not recorded to Colombia, but is likely to occur in the

depressa Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830: 322. Type locality: “Brazil”. HT F (MNHNP or lost sec Townsend, 1931b:
104 and 1939a: 33). Distr.: Mexico, Panama, Costa Rica, Venezuela, Ecuador and Brazil (Reinhard, 1968: 1284).
Refs.: Townsend, 1931b: 104 (type notes); Curran, 1939: 1 (redesc., key to species); Reinhard, 1968: 1284 (redesc.,
key); Guimarães, 1971a: 42 (cat.). Comm.: This species was not recorded to Colombia, but is likely to occur in the
dorsalis Wulp, 1888: 17 (Hystricia).

pyrrhaspis (Wiedemann), 1830: 307 (Tachina). Type locality: “Brazil”. STs M, F (NHMW). Distr.: Guatemala,
Guyana, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and Brazil (Reinhard, 1968: 1285). Refs.: Aldrich, 1925a: 125 (redesc., type
notes); Townsend, 1931b: 104 (type notes, syn.); Curran, 1939: 3 (comm., key to species); Reinhard, 1968: 1285
(redesc., key, synonymies); Guimarães, 1971a: 42 (cat.). Comm.: This species was not recorded to Colombia, but is
likely to occur in the country.
analis Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830: 322.
analis Macquart, 1844: 245 (1844: 88) (Gymnostylia).
amisias Walker, 1849: 734 (Tachina).
pachecoi Curran, 1939: 2.
bassleri Curran, 1939: 2.

Tribe Siphonini Rondani, 1845

Genus Borgmeiermyia Townsend

Borgmeiermyia Townsend, 1935b: 293. Type species, brasiliana Townsend. Refs.: Townsend 1935b: 292 (orig. desc., in key
to multifissicorn tachinid genera); Townsend 1936b: 168 (in key to Frontinini genera); Arnaud, 1963b (rev., key to
species); Guimarães, 1971a: 165 (cat.); Wood & Zumbado, 2010: 1374 (key to Central American genera of Tachinidae);
Nihei & Toma 2010 (rev., key to species).

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peruana Arnaud, 1963b: 10. Type locality: Peru, Tingo Maria, Valle del Monson. HT F (CAS). Distr.: Colombia,
Peru, and Brazil (Nihei & Toma, 2010: 107). Refs.: Arnaud, 1963b: 10 (desc., key to species); Guimarães, 1971a:
166 (cat.); Nihei & Toma, 2010: 107 (redesc., key to species).

Tribe Tachinini Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830

Genus Adejeania Townsend

Adejeania Townsend, 1913: 103. Type species, Tachina armata Wiedemann. Refs.: Curran, 1947: 51 (notes, key to species);
Guimarães, 1966: 155 (rev. of Andean and Brazilian spp., key to Brazilian spp.); Guimarães, 1971a: 46 (cat.); Wood &
Zumbado, 2010: 1357 (key to Central American genera of Tachinidae).
Echinotachina Townsend, 1913e : 105. Type species, Tachina corpulenta Wiedemann (orig. des.).
Trichodejeania Townsend, 1913e: 105. Type species, Dejeania vexatrix Osten Sacken (orig. des.).
Dejeania of authors, nec Robineau-Desvoidy.

analis (Macquart), 1844: 191 (1844: 34) (Dejeania). Type locality: [Colombia] (as “Mexico”, error). ST M
(BMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Guimarães, 1966: 189). Refs.: Guimarães, 1966: 189 (redesc., key to Brazilian
species); Guimarães, 1971a: 46 (cat.).

browni Curran, 1947: 56. Type locality: Ecuador, Runtun. HT F (AMNH). Distr.: Ecuador and Colombia
(Guimarães, 1966: 193). Refs.: Curran, 1947: 56 (orig. desc., key); Guimarães, 1966: 193 (redesc., key to Brazilian
species); Guimarães, 1971a: 46 (cat.).

corpulenta (Wiedemann), 1830: 280 (Tachina). Type locality: “Mexico”. STs M, F (NHMW). Distr.: Mexico and
Colombia (Wulp, 1883: 16). Refs: Wulp, 1883, 16 (comm.), Townsend, 1931b: 159 (type notes); Curran, 1947: 55
(notes, key); Guimarães, 1966: 187 (redesc., notes); Guimarães, 1971a: 46 (cat.). Comm.: Townsend (1931b: 159)
mentioned the “holotype” male deposited at the Copenhagen collection (ZMUC), but this information is incorrect.
In fact, the syntypes (one male and one female) are deposited at the Wien museum according to the NHMW curator
Peter Sehnal (unpublished data). Due to the incorrect type location mentioned by Townsend, that citation
(Townsend 1931b: 159) is not considered a lectotype designation herein.

Genus Archytas Jaennicke

Archytas Jaennicke, 1867: 392 (also 1868: 84). Type species, bicolor Jaennicke (mon.) (= Tachina diaphana Fabricius). Refs.:
Curran, 1928 (rev.); Curran, 1934a: 510 (key to Guyanan tachinids); Guimarães, 1961a: 170, 1961b: 357, 1963a: 47,
1963b: 153, 1963c: 329 (rev.); Thompson, 1963a: 361 (key to Trinidad genera; rev. of Trinidad species, key to species,
new species); Guimarães, 1971a: 47 (cat.); Woodley, 2007: 857 (key to Caribbean Tachinini genera); Wood & Zumbado,
2010: 1358 (key to Central American genera of Tachinidae).
Nemochaeta Wulp, 1888: 38. Type species, dissimilis Wulp (orig. des.).
Tachinodes Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1889:133 (1889:65). Type species, Musca hystrix Fabricius (mon.) (misident., = metallica
Parafabricia Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1895: 612 (1895: 76). Type species, Tachina bicolor Wiedemann (mon.) (misident., =
perplexa Townsend).
Eufabricia Townsend, 1908: 111. Type species, flavicans Townsend (orig. des.) (= diaphanus (Fabricius).
Pseudoarchytas Townsend, 1915d: 185. Type species, marmoratus Townsend (orig. des.).
Neoarchytas Townsend, 1915h: 430. Type species, inambaricus Townsend (orig. des.).
Makasinocera Townsend, 1915h: 431. Type species, unguis Townsend (orig. des.).
Pseudoarchytopsis Townsend, 1927: 252. Type species, brasiliensis Townsend (orig. des.) (= incertus (Macquart).
Proarchytas Townsend, 1931a: 351. Type species, Tachina daemon Wiedemann (orig. des.).
Makasinocerops Townsend, 1935a: 219. Type species, fulviventris Townsend (orig. des. (= shannoni Guimarães).
Itarchytas Blanchard, 1940: 225. Type species, pseudodaemon Blanchard (orig. des.).
Archynemochaeta Blanchard, 1941: 345. Type species, frenguellii Blanchard (orig. des.).
Proarchytoides Blanchard, 1941: 365. Type species, giacomellii Blanchard (orig. des.).
Archytodejeania Blanchard, 1941: 348. Type species, bruchi Blanchard (orig. des.).

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apicifer (Walker), 1849: 718 (Tachina). Type locality: “North America”. STs M (BMNH). Distr.: USA, Mexico,
Colombia, and Ecuador (Guimarães, 1961b: 364, Ravlin & Stehr, 1984: 20). Refs.: Guimarães, 1961b: 364
(redesc.); Guimarães, 1971a: 48 (cat.); Ravlin & Stehr, 1984: 20 (redesc.).
vulgaris Curran, 1928: 204, 276.
analis of authors, in part, nec Fabricius.
basifulvus of authors, nec Fabricius.

basifulvus (Walker), 1849: 725 (Tachina). Type locality: Jamaica, West Indies. HT F (BMNH). Distr.: Jamaica,
Cuba, Haiti, Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, Panama, Trinidad, Guyana, Colombia, and Peru (Curran, 1928: 276;
Guimarães, 1971a: 49; Thompson, 1963a: 383). Refs.: Thompson, 1963a: 383 (notes, key to Trinidad species);
Guimarães, 1971a: 49 (cat., synonymies).
andicula Townsend, 1915d: 186.
antillicolla Curran, 1927b: 2.

cirphis Curran, 1927c: 497. Type locality: Mexico, Sinaloa, Los Mochis. HT M (USNM). Distr.: USA (Hawaii,
introduced), Mexico, Brazil, Peru, Argentina, and Paraguay (Curran, 1927c: 497; Gramajo & Mulieri, 2011: 123;
Guimarães, 1961b: 372). Refs.: Guimarães, 1961b: 372 (redesc.); Guimarães, 1971a: 49 (cat.); Gramajo & Mulieri,
2011: 123 (redesc., type data, host record). Comm.: This species is not recorded to Colombia, but is likely to occur
in the country.

incasanus Townsend, 1912a: 331. Type locality: Peru, Piura. HT F (USNM). Distr.: Mexico, Costa Rica, Trinidad,
Ecuador, Peru, Chile, and Brazil (Guimarães, 1961b: 370; Thompson, 1963a: 383; Cortés, 1983: 385). Refs.:
Guimarães, 1961b: 370 (redesc.); Thompson, 1963a: 383 (redesc., key to Trinidad species); Guimarães, 1971a: 49
(cat., as junior synonym of divisus Walker). Comm.: This species is not recorded to Colombia, but is likely to occur
in the country. Both Townsend (1912a: 331) and Guimarães (1961b: 370) refer to the type as deposited in the
USNM, although the online databasis of type-specimens organized by the USNM has not indicated that type-
specimen there. In a recent visit to the USNM (December 2013) I could confirm that the type is deposited in there.

lanei Guimarães, 1961b: 386. Type locality: Brazil, São Paulo, Barueri. HT M (IOC). Distr.: Colombia and Brazil
(Guimarães, 1961b: 386). Refs.: Guimarães, 1961b: 386 (orig. desc.); Guimarães, 1971a: 50 (cat.).

marmoratus (Townsend), 1915d: 186. Type locality: Peru, Chosica. HT F (USNM). Distr.: USA, Cuba, Jamaica,
Haiti, Puerto Rico, Virgin Is., Montserrat, Grenada, Trinidad, Surinam, Venezuela, Colombia, Guyana, Mexico,
Guatemala, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Panama, Ecuador, Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, northern Chile and Argentina
(Blanchard, 1941: 348; Sabrosky, 1955: 78; Guimarães, 1961a: 168; Cortés, 1983: 385; Ravlin & Stehr, 1984: 18;
Bustillo, 2011,). Refs.: Sabrosky, 1955: 78 (comm.); Guimarães, 1961a: 168 (redesc.); Thompson, 1963a: 375
(redesc., key to Trinidad species); Guimarães, 1971a: 51 (cat.); Ravlin & Stehr, 1984: 18 (redesc., key).
incertus of North American authors, nec Macquart.
piliventris of authors, nec Wulp (in part).

plangens Curran, 1928: 255. Type locality: “Ecuador”. HT M (USNM). Distr.: Ecuador and Guatemala. Refs.:
Guimarães, 1971a: 51 (cat.). Comm.: This species was not recorded to Colombia, but is likely to occur in the

seminigra (Wiedemann), 1830: 296 (Tachina). Type locality: “Brazil”. ST F (NHMW). Distr.: Mexico, Puerto
Rico, Colombia, and Brazil (Schiner, 1868: 331; Guimarães, 1963b: 155). Refs.: Guimarães, 1963b: 155 (redesc.,
key); Guimarães, 1971a: 52 (cat., as “seminiger” in error). Comm.: Syntype female deposited in the Wien museum,
confirmed by the curator Peter Sehnal (unpublished data).

vernalis Curran, 1928: 280. Type locality: Guyana, Bartica. HT M (AMNH). Distr.: Guyana, Colombia, and Brazil
(Curran, 1928: 280, Curran, 1934a: 520; Guimarães, 1961b: 379; Guimarães, 1971a: 52). Refs.: Curran, 1934a:
520 (redesc.); Guimarães, 1961b: 379; Guimarães, 1971a: 52 (cat.).

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Genus Copecrypta Townsend

Copecrypta Townsend, 1908: 109. Type species, Schineria ruficauda Wulp (mon.) Refs.: Guimarães, 1963a: 43
(key to genera of “Cuphoceratini”, rev.); Guimarães, 1971a: 75 (cat.); Wood & Zumbado, 2010: 1357 (key to
Central American genera of Tachinidae).

nitens (Wiedemann), 1830: 294 (Tachina). Type locality: “Brazil”. STs F (NHMW). Distr.: Mexico, Trinidad, Peru,
Brazil, and Paraguay (Guimarães, 1963a: 44; Thompson, 1963a: 408). Refs.: Guimarães, 1963a: 44 (redesc.);
Thompson, 1963a: 408 (redesc., larval desc.); Guimarães, 1971a: 75 (cat.). Comm.: This species was not recorded
to Colombia, but is likely to occur in the country. The NHMW curator Peter Sehnal (unpublished data) lists two
females as syntypes.
saginata (Walker), 1861: 298 (Eurigaster).
devia Townsend, 1917a: 227 (as ruficauda ssp.).
andina Townsend, 1919b: 591.

Genus Cryptopalpus Rondani

Cryptopalpus Rondani, 1850: 169. Type species, Micropalpus ornatus Macquart (subs. des. Coquillet, 1910: 528). Refs.:
Guimarães, 1971a: 61 (cat.); Wood & Zumbado, 2010: 1358 (key to Central American genera of Tachinidae).
Saundersia Schiner, 1868: 333. Type species, Micropalpus ornatus Macquart (orig. des.).
Euquadratosoma Townsend, 1915i: 75. Type species, rubrum Townsend (orig. des.).

nigriventris (Macquart), 1844: 201 (1844: 44) (Hystricia). Type locality: “Colombia”. Type? Distr.: Colombia.
Refs.: Röder, 1886: 264 (list); Guimarães, 1971a: 61 (cat.). Comm.: The name hystrix Rondani, 1865 appears twice
in the Neotropical Catalogue by Guimarães (1971a): first at page 61, correctly listed as junior synonym of
nigriventris Macquart, and then at page 216, mispelled as “histrix Rondani” in the list of “Unplaced species of
Tachinidae” and treated as “unrecognized”.
hystrix Rondani, 1865: 18.

ornatus (Macquart), 1844: 204 (1844: 47) (Micropalpus). Type locality: "Mexico". HT F (MNHNP). Distr.:
Mexico and Colombia (Macquart, 1844: 204; Schiner, 1868: 333). Refs.: Townsend, 1931b: 167 (type notes);
Guimarães, 1971a: 61 (cat.).

rubripes (Schiner) in Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1891; 409 (1891:105) (Saundersia). Type locality: “Colombia”.
Nomen nudum. Re.: Guimarães, 1971a: 62 (cat.).

rufiventris (Macquart), 1846: 279 (1846: 151) (Micropalpus). Type locality: “Nouvelle Grenade” [Colombia]. STs
M (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia. Refs.: Guimarães, 1971a: 62 (cat.).

Genus Echinopyrrhosia Townsend

Echinopyrrhosia Townsend, 1914: 90. Type species, alpina Townsend (orig. des.). Refs.: Townsend, 1936a: 184 (in key to
Juriniini); Townsend, 1939a: 114 (generic diagnosis); Guimarães, 1971a: 62 (cat.); Reinhard, 1974: 1160 (new species).

arrogans Reinhard, 1974: 1160. Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca. HT M (CNC). Distr.: Colombia. Refs.:
Reinhard, 1974: 1160 (orig. desc.).

notata (Walker), 1853: 267 (Tachina). Type locality: “Colombia”. HT F (BMNH) Distr.: Colombia and Ecuador
(Walker, 1853: 267; Röder, 1886: 264). Refs.: Walker, 1853: 267 (orig. desc.), Röder, 1886: 264 (distr.);
Guimarães, 1971a: 62 (cat.).

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pellacis Reinhard, 1974: 1161. Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca. HT F (CNC). Distr.: Colombia. Refs.:
Reinhard, 1974: 1161 (orig. desc.).

varia (Walker), 1853: 268 (Tachina). Type locality: “Colombia”. ST F (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia and Ecuador
(Walker, 1853: 268; Röder, 1886: 264). Refs.: Walker, 1853: 268 (orig. desc.), Röder, 1886: 264 (distr.);
Guimarães, 1971a: 62 (cat.).

Genus Epalpodes Townsend

Epalpodes Townsend, 1912a: 330. Type species, equatorialis Townsend (orig. des.). Refs.: Townsend, 1936a: 184 (in key to
Juriniini); Townsend, 1939a: 119 (generic diagnosis); Guimarães, 1971a: 63 (cat.).

albolineatus (Macquart), 1854: 119 (1854: 99) (Micropalpus). Type locality: “Colombia”. HT sex? (BMNH).
Distr.: Colombia. Refs.: Guimarães, 1971a: 63 (cat.).

ecuatorianus Nihei, nom. nov. for equatorialis Townsend (preocc. Macquart, 1854). Type locality: “Ecuador”. HT
M (USNM). Refs.: Townsend, 1912a: 330 (orig. desc.); Guimarães, 1971a: 63 (cat.).
equatorialis Townsend, 1912: 330.
rimacensis Townsend, 1915d: 184 (as ssp. of equatorialis Townsend).

equatorialis (Macquart), 1854: 119 (1854: 99) (Micropalpus). Type locality: “Colombia”. HT M (USNM). Distr.:
Colombia. Refs.: Townsend, 1939a: 119 (type data); Guimarães, 1971a: 63 (cat.).

vittatus (Walker), 1853: 273 (Tachina). Type locality: “Colombia”. HT F (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia. Refs.:
Guimarães, 1971a: 63 (cat.).

Genus Epalpus Rondani

Epalpus Rondani, 1850: 169. Type species, Micropalpus rufipennis Macquart (subs. des. Coquillett 1910: 538). Refs.:
Guimarães, 1971a: 63 (cat.); Wood & Zumbado, 2010: 1359 (key to Central American genera of Tachinidae).
Eusignosoma Townsend, 1914: 123. Type species, aureum Townsend (orig. des.).
Argentoepalpus Townsend, 1919a: 178. Type species, Epalpus niveus Townsend (orig. des.).

flavicans (Macquart), 1846: 279 (1846: 151) (Micropalpus). Type locality: “Colombia”. HT sex? (BMNH). Distr.:
Colombia. Refs.: Guimarães, 1971a: 63 (cat.).

lativittus (Walker), 1853: 269 (Tachina). Type locality: “Colombia” (as unknown). HT M (BMNH). Distr.:
Colombia. Refs.: Guimarães, 1971a: 63 (cat.).

rufipennis (Macquart), 1846: 280 (1846: 152) (Micropalpus). Type locality: “Nouvelle Grenade” [Colombia]. STs
F (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1889: 132; Townsend, 1931b: 166). Refs.: Townsend,
1931b: 166 (notes); Guimarães, 1971a: 64 (cat.).

rufiventris (Macquart), 1846: 198 (1846: 41) (Jurinia). Type locality: Colombia, Bogotá. Type? Distr.: Colombia.
Refs.: Guimarães, 1971a: 64 (cat..

Genus Eudejeania Townsend

Eudejeania Townsend, 1912a: 334. Type species, subalpina Townsend (orig. des.). Refs.: Sabrosky, 1947: 146 (rev., key to
species), Curran, 1941: 3 (rev., key to species); Guimarães, 1971a: 53 (cat.); Wood & Zumbado, 2010: 1357 (key to
Central American genera of Tachinidae).

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Bombyliojeania Townsend, 1931a: 352. Type species, Dejeania canescens Macquart (orig. des.).
Eudejeaniops Blanchard, 1941: 353. Type species, pseudopyrrhopoda Blanchard (orig. des.).

aldrichi Sabrosky, 1947: 146. Type locality: Colombia, Bogotá. HT M (USNM). Distr.: Ecuador and Colombia.
(Sabrosky, 1947: 146). Refs.: Sabrosky, 1947: 146 (orig. desc., key); Guimarães, 1971a: 53 (cat.).

argyropa (Schiner), 1868: 337 (Dejeania). Type locality: “South America” [Venezuela]. ?STs M (NHMW). Distr.:
Colombia and Ecuador (Sabrosky, 1947: 148, Curran 1941: 4). Refs.: Curran, 1941: 4 (redesc., key); Guimarães,
1971a: 53 (cat.). Comm.: According to the NHMW curator Peter Sehnal (unpublished data), there are three males
from Venezuela collected by Lindig and dated 1864, which can be doubtfully considered as syntypes.

atrata (Guérin-Menéville), 1844: 549 (Dejeania). Type locality: Colombia, Bogotá. Unrecognized sec Guimarães,
1971a: 53. Refs.: Guimarães, 1971a: 53 (cat.).

canescens (Macquart), 1846: 271 (1846: 143 (Dejeania). Type locality: “Nouvelle Grenade” [Colombia]. HT M?
(BMNH?). Distr.: Colombia to Bolivia (Townsend, 1931a: 353; Curran, 1941: 3). Refs.: Townsend, 1931a: 353
(redesc.); Curran, 1941: 3 (notes, key); Guimarães, 1971a: 53 (cat.).

melanax (Walker), 1849: 700 (Tachina). Type locality: “Venezuela”. HT M (BMNH). Distr.: Venezuela, Colombia,
Ecuador. (Sabrosky 1947: 150). Refs.: Guimarães, 1971a: 53 (cat.).
podicera (Rondani), 1863: 17 (Dejeania).

nuditibia Sabrosky, 1947: 152. Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca, Usaquén. HT F (USNM). Distr.:
Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador. Refs.: Guimarães, 1971a: 54 (cat.).

pallipes (Macquart), 1844: 191 (1844: 34) (Dejeania). Type lost sec Sabrosky, 1947: 149. Type locality: Colombia,
Bogotá. Distr.: Colombia, Costa Rica, and Panama (Wulp, 1883: 16; Sabrosky, 1947: 149). Refs.: Curran, 1941: 3
(key, notes); Sabrosky, 1947: 149 (comm.); Guimarães, 1971a: 54 (cat.).

Genus Eulasiopalpus Townsend

Eulasiopalpus Townsend, 1913: 105. Type species, Lasiopalpus albipes Townsend (orig. des.). Refs.: Curran, 1947: 46 (notes,
key to species, new species); Guimarães, 1971a: 54 (cat.); Wood & Zumbado, 2010: 1357 (key to Central American genera
of Tachinidae).

typicus Curran, 1947: 46. Type locality: Colombia, Cali, West Cordillera. HT M (AMNH). Distr.: Colombia. Refs.:
Curran, 1947: 46 (orig. desc.); Guimarães, 1971a: 54 (cat.).

Genus Exopalpus Macquart

Exopalpus Macquart, 1851: 149 (1851: 176). Type species, bicolor Macquart (orig. des.). Refs.: Townsend, 1936a: 177 (in key
to Dejeaniini); Townsend, 1939a: 83 (generic diagnosis); Guimarães, 1971a: 54 (cat.).
Arthrochaeta Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1889: 134 (1889: 66). Type species, demoticoides Brauer & Bergenstamm (orig. des.).
Microtrichomma Giglio-Tos, 1893b: 1. Type species, Nemoraea forreri Wulp (subs. des. Coquillett, 1910: 570).
Eurythiopsis Townsend, 1914: 30. Type species, ochracea Townsend (orig. des.).
Microtrichommodes Townsend, 1927: 245. Type species, elegans Townsend (orig. des.).

bicolor Macquart, 1851: 150 (1851: 177). Type locality: “Colombia”. HT F (MNHNP). Distr.: Colombia. Refs.:
Townsend, 1931b: 161 (type notes); Guimarães, 1971a: 55 (cat.).

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Genus Helioprosopa Townsend

Helioprosopa Townsend, 1927: 239. Type species, facialis Townsend (orig. des.). Refs.: Townsend, 1936a: 196 (in key to
Cuphoceratini); Townsend, 1939a: 195 (generic diagnosis); Reinhard, 1964: 119 (key to species); Guimarães, 1971a: 78
(cat.). Comm.: Guimarães (1971a: 78) equivocally listed the Chilean species H. finita Reinhard, 1964 as occurring in
Mexico and Colombia. To date, this species is known only from Chile.

aurifodina Reinhard, 1964: 119. Type locality: Colombia, west of Cali Valle. Type? Distr.: Colombia. Refs.:
Reinhard, 1964: 119 (desc., key); Guimarães, 1971a: 78 (cat.).

liciata Reinhard, 1964: 123. Type locality: Mexico, Hidalgo, northeast of Jacala. HT M (CNC). Distr.: Mexico and
Colombia. Refs.: Reinhard, 1964: 123 (desc., key); Guimarães, 1971a: 78 (cat.).

macrocera Reinhard, 1964: 120. Type locality: “Colombia”. HT F (CNC). Distr.: Colombia. Refs.: Reinhard,
1964: 120 (desc., key); Guimarães, 1971a: 78 (cat.).

veleda Reinhard, 1964: 121. Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca, Fusagasuga. HT F (CNC). Distr.: Colombia.
Refs.: Reinhard, 1964: 121 (desc., key); Guimarães, 1971a: 78 (cat., as “velada” in error).

Genus Jurinella Brauer & Bergenstamm

Jurinella Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1889: 132 (1889: 64). Type species, Jurinia caeruleonigra Macquart (mon.). Refs.: Curran,
1947: 63 (notes, key to species, new species); Guimarães, 1971a: 56 (cat.); Woodley, 2007: 857 (key to Caribbean
Tachinini genera); Wood & Zumbado, 2010: 1358 (key to Central American genera of Tachinidae). Comm.: The generic
names Eujurinia, Neojurinia, Eujurinella, Tachinosoma, Saundersiopmima, Eujuriniopsis, Gigantachinosoma and
Tachinosomopsis were doubtfully treated by Guimarães (1971a) as junior synonyms of Jurinella and their species listed
under Jurinella. These synonymies are hereby listed as junior synonyms of Jurinella until a revisionary study confirm or
reject these nomenclatural statements.
Pseudohystricia Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1889: 182 (1889: 64). Type species, Hystricia ambigua Macquart (mon.).
Hystriciella Townsend, 1915g: 95. Type species, aurifrons Townsend (orig. des.) (= pilosa (Drury).
Parajurinia Townsend, 1928: 153. Type species, Tachina obesa Townsend (orig. des.).
Eujurinia Townsend, 1908: 113. Type species, Hystricia pollinosa Wulp (orig. des.) (misident., = jicaltepecia Townsend).
Neojurinia Townsend, 1914: 48, 81. Type species, abscondens Townsend (orig. des.).
Eujurinella Townsend, 1914: 86. Type species, abdominalis Townsend (orig. des.).
Tachinosoma Townsend, 1927: 246. Type species, corpulentum Townsend (orig. des.).
Saundersiopmima Townsend, 1927: 246. Type species, spinosa Townsend (orig. des.).
Eujuriniopsis Townsend, 1931a: 354. Type species, Hystricia pollinosa Wulp (orig. des.).
Gigantachinosoma Townsend, 1932: 106. Type species, giganteum Townsend (orig. des.).
Tachinosomopsis Blanchard, 1941: 370. Type species, jujuyensis Blanchard (orig. des.).

caeruleonigra (Macquart), 1846: 274 (1846: 146) (Jurinia). Type locality: “Nouvelle Grenade” [Colombia]. LT F
(BMNH). Distr.: Colombia. Refs.: Curran 1947: 66 (notes); Guimarães, 1971a: 56 (cat.).

huntingtoni Curran, 1947: 82. Type locality: Colombia, “between Queremal and Buenaventura”, Western
Cordillera. HT F (AMNH). Distr.: Colombia. Refs.: Curran, 1947: 82 (orig. desc.); Guimarães, 1971a: 57 (cat.).

schwarzi Curran, 1947: 78. Type locality: Colombia, Cali district, Western Cordillera. HT M (AMNH). Distr.:
Colombia. Refs.: Curran, 1947: 78 (orig. desc.); Guimarães, 1971a: 58 (cat.).

Genus Jurinia Robineau-Desvoidy

Jurinia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830: 34. Type species, gagatea Robineau-Desvoidy (subs. des. Coquillett, 1910: 556). Refs.:
Townsend, 1939a: 134 (generic diagnosis); Guimarães, 1971a: 68 (cat.); Wood & Zumbado, 2010: 1358 (key to Central
American genera of Tachinidae).
Proepalpus Townsend, 1927: 255. Type species, paulensis Townsend (orig. des.).

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laticornis Macquart, 1846: 274 (1846: 146). Type locality: “Colombia”. Type? Distr.: Colombia. Refs.: Guimarães,
1971a: 68 (cat.).

Genus Lindigia Townsend

Lindigia Townsend, 1931a: 352. Type species, Hystricia plagiata Schiner (orig. des.). Refs.: Curran, 1947: 84 (notes, key to
species, new species); Guimarães, 1971a: 58 (cat.).

vierecki Curran, 1947: 85. Type locality: Colombia, Vista Nieve. HT F (AMNH). Distr.: Colombia. Refs.: Curran,
1947: 85 (orig. desc., key); Guimarães, 1971a: 58 (cat.).

Genus Lindigepalpus Townsend

Lindigepalpus Townsend, 1931a: 444. Type species, Hystricia testacea Macquart (orig. des.; preocc. Macquart, 1943) (=
townsendi Guimarães). Refs.: Townsend, 1936a: 188 (in key to Juriniini genera); Townsend, 1939a: 136 (generic
diagnosis); Guimarães, 1971a: 68 (cat.); Reinhard, 1974: 1165 (new species); Wood & Zumbado, 2010: 1359 (key to
Central American genera of Tachinidae, comm. on relationships).

bogotensis Reinhard, 1974: 1165. Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca, Bogotá. HT F (CNC). Distr.:
Colombia. Refs.: Reinhard, 1974: 1165 (orig. desc.).

townsendi Guimarães, 1971a: 68. Nom. nov. for testacea Macquart, 1846 (preocc. Macquart, 1844). Distr.:
Colombia. Refs.: Townsend, 1931b: 166 (type notes); Guimarães, 1971a: 68 (cat., nom. nov.).
testaceus (Macquart), 1846: 276 (1846: 148) (Hystricia). Preocc. Macquart, 1844.

Genus Melanepalpus Townsend

Melanepalpus Townsend, 1914: 154. Type species, albipes Townsend (orig. des.). Refs.: Townsend, 1936a: 186 (in key to
Juriniini genera); Townsend, 1939a: 137 (generic diagnosis); Guimarães, 1971a: 68 (cat.); Reinhard, 1974: 1166 (new

meraculus Reinhard, 1974: 1166. Type locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca, Paramo. HT F (CNC). Distr.:
Colombia. Refs.: Reinhard, 1974: 1166 (orig. desc.).

Genus Paradejeania Brauer & Bergenstamm

Paradejeania Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1893: 147, 184 (as subgen. of Jurinia). Type species, Dejeania rutilioides Jaennicke
(subs. des. Coquillett, 1910: 584). Refs.: Arnaud, 1951: 326 (rev.); Guimarães, 1971a: 59 (cat.); Woodley, 1993: 184 (key
to species); Woodley, 2007: 857 (key to Caribbean Tachinini genera); Wood & Zumbado, 2010: 1358 (key to Central
American genera of Tachinidae).

colombiae Arnaud, 1951: 326. Type locality: Colombia, [Paramo between Tunja and Arcabuco, Dept. Boyaca],
Pomeca river (Arnaud, 1963a: 123). HT M (AMNH). Distr.: Colombia (Arnaud, 1951: 326; Woodley, 1993: 185).
Refs.: Arnaud, 1963a: 123 (type data); Guimarães, 1971a: 59 (cat., as “colombiensis” in error); Woodley, 1993: 185
(key to species).

Genus Peleteria Robineau-Desvoidy

Peleteria Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830: 39. Type species, abdominalis Robineau-Desvoidy (subs. des. Coquillett, 1910: 586).

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Refs.: Curran, 1934a: 494 (key to Guyanan tachinids); Guimarães, 1962 (rev. and key to Brazilian species); Thompson,
1963a: 412 (key to Trinidad genera); Guimarães, 1971a: 43 (cat.); Woodley, 2007: 857 (key to Caribbean Tachinini
genera); Wood & Zumbado, 2010: 1357 (key to Central American genera of Tachinidae).
Sphyrimyia Bigot, 1883: 154 (also 1884: cviii, as Sphyromyia, error). Type species, malleola Bigot (mon.).
Peleteriopsis Townsend, 1916f: 630. Type species, Echinomyia flaviventris Wulp (orig. des.).
Oxydosphyria Townsend, 1926: 40. Type species, infernalis Townsend (orig. des.) (= iterans (Walker).
Aphriosphyria Townsend, 1927: 238. Type species, communis Townsend (orig. des.) (= robusta (Wiedemann).
Cuphoceropsis Townsend, 1935a: 220. Type species, facialis Townsend (orig. des.).
Aphriosphyriopsis Blanchard, 1943: 134. Type species, nemochaetoides Blanchard (orig. des.).
Cuphoceromyia Blanchard, 1943: 135. Type species, aldrichi Blanchard (orig. des.).
Prosteatosoma Blanchard, 1943: 150. Type species, lineata Blanchard (orig. des.).

analis (Macquart), 1846: 272 (1846: 144) (Echinomyia). Type locality: “New Granada” [Colombia] (as “Mexico”,
error). STs [BMNH]. Distr.: Colombia. Refs.: Guimarães, 1971a: 44 (cat.).

*apicalis (Walker), 1853: 275 (Tachina). Type locality: USA, California (as “Colombia”, in error sec Austen, 1907:
333). ST F (BMNH). (= Peleteria haemorrhoa (van der Wulp), 1867, preocc. Tachina apicalis Meigen, 1824).
Distr.: USA (widespread). Refs.: Guimarães, 1971a: 44 (cat.); O’Hara & Wood, 2004: 321 (cat.). Comm.: Tachina
apicalis Walker, 1853 is a preoccupied name by Tachina apicalis Meigen, 1824. The valid name is Peleteria
haemorrhoa (van der Wulp, 1867) (O’Hara & Wood 2004: 321). According to Austen (1907: 333) the type
specimen of apicalis Walker is actually from California, not Colombia*. To date, P. haemorrhoa is not recorded
outside the USA.

fuscisquama Curran, 1925b: 237. Type locality: Colombia, La Cumbre. HT M (AMNH). Distr.: Colombia. Refs.:
Guimarães, 1971a: 44 (cat.).

Genus Rhachoepalpus Townsend

Rhachoepalpus Townsend, 1908: 114. Type species, Saundersia testacea Wulp (subs. des. Coquillett 1910: 599). Refs.:
Townsend, 1939a: 150 (generic diagnosis); Curran, 1947: 86 (notes, key to species, new species); Guimarães, 1971a: 70
(cat.); Wood & Zumbado, 2010: 1359 (key to Central American genera of Tachinidae).
Rhachoepalpodes Townsend, 1935a: 220. Type species, quatuornotatus Townsend (orig. des.).

blandus Curran, 1947: 90. Type locality: Colombia, Vista Nieve. HT M (AMNH). Distr.: Colombia. Refs.: Curran,
1947: 90 (orig. desc., key); Guimarães, 1971a: 70 (cat.).

immaculatus (Macquart), 1846: 276 (1846: 148) (Hystricia). Type locality: “Colombia”. LT M (BMNH). Distr.:
Colombia. Refs.: Townsend, 1931b: 166 (type notes); Curran, 1947: 88 (possible synonymy with pulverulentus);
Guimarães, 1971a: 70 (cat.).

novus Curran, 1947: 89. Type locality: Colombia, Vista Nieve. HT M (AMNH). Distr.: Colombia. Refs.: Curran,
1947: 89 (orig. desc., key); Guimarães, 1971a: 70 (cat.).

pulverulentus (Schiner), 1868: 335 (Saundersia). Type locality: “South America”. STs M and F should be at
NHMW, but probably lost (see comments below). Distr.: Colombia (Curran, 1947: 89). Refs.: Townsend, 1931b:
166 (type notes); Curran, 1947: 89 (notes, key); Guimarães, 1971a: 71 (cat., as “pulvurulentus” in error). Comm.:
Schiner (1868: 335) mentioned five male and two female syntypes in the original description. They should be
deposited in the Wien Museum (NHMW) as commented by Townsend (1931b: 166), but according to the curator
Peter Sehnal (unpublished data), no syntypes were found there.
palliceps (Bigot), 1888: 94 (Cryptopalpus).

triformis (Walker), 1853: 267 (Tachina). Type locality: “Colombia”. STs F (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia. Refs.:
Guimarães, 1971a: 71 (cat.).

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Genus Saundersiops Townsend

Saundersiops Townsend, 1914: 138. Type species, confluens Townsend (orig. des.). Refs.: Townsend, 1936a: 188 (in key to
Juriniini genera); Townsend, 1939a: 150 (generic diagnosis); Curran, 1947: 94 (notes, key to species, new species);
Guimarães, 1971a: 71 (cat.).
Signoepalpus Townsend, 1931a: 446. Type species, spinosus Townsend (orig. des.).

confluens Townsend, 1914: 140. Type locality: Peru, San Gabán Canyon. HT M (USNM). Distr.: Colombia,
Ecuador, and Peru (Curran, 1947: 98). Refs.: Townsend, 1914: 140 (orig. desc.); Curran, 1947: 94 (key to species);
Guimarães, 1971a: 71 (cat.).

colombiensis Curran, 1947: 97. Type locality: Colombia, Vista Nieve. HT M (AMNH). Distr.: Colombia. Refs.:
Curran, 1947: 97 (orig. desc., key); Guimarães, 1971a: 71 (cat.).

schwarzi Curran, 1947: 96. Type locality: Colombia, “between Queremal and Buenaventura”. HT M (AMNH).
Distr.: Colombia. Refs.: Curran, 1947: 96 (orig. desc., key); Guimarães, 1971a: 71 (cat.).

siestus Curran, 1947: 97. Type locality: Colombia, Popayan. HT M (AMNH). Distr.: Colombia. Refs.: Curran,
1947: 97 (orig. desc., key); Guimarães, 1971a: 71 (cat.).

Genus Trichophora Macquart

Trichophora Macquart, 1847: 78 (1847: 62). Type species, nigra Macquart (orig. des.). Refs.: Townsend, 1939a: 157 (generic
diagnosis); Guimarães, 1971a: 72 (cat.); Wood & Zumbado, 2010: 1357 (key to Central American genera of Tachinidae,
comm. on relatioships).
Siphoniomyia Bigot, 1885a: xii. Type species, melas Bigot (mon.).
Paragymnomma Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1891: 384 (1891: 80). Type species, hystrix Brauer & Bergesntamm (subs. des.
Coquillett, 1910: 584) (= nigra Macquart).
Gabanimyia Townsend, 1914: 44. Type species, polita Townsend (orig. des.) (= nigra Macquart).
Huascaraya Townsend, 1914: 82. Type species, tegulata Townsend (orig. des.).
Parepalpodes Townsend, 1915h: 428. Type species, rimacensis Townsend (orig. des.).

analis Schiner, 1868: 330. Type locality: “South America” [Venezuela]. ?ST F (NHMW) (Aldrich, 1925a: 130).
Distr.: Venezuela and Colombia (Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1891: 406). Refs.: Aldrich, 1925a: 130 (notes on a
doubtful syntype); Guimarães, 1971a: 72 (cat.). Comm.: Aldrich (1925a: 130) added some notes on what he
considered a doubtful syntype, while Townsend (1931b: 166) cited the same female specimen examined by Aldrich
as “holotype”. Schiner (1868: 330) described the species based on two males and one female, without a holotype
designation. The NHMW curator Peter Sehnal (unpublished data) found two females from Venezuela collected by
Lindig in 1864, which, one of them, can be the syntype female examined by Schiner. One of those females bears
both Aldrich and Townsend labels. Considering that Aldrich (1925a), the first reviewer, considered that examined
and labeled female a doubtful syntype, I resign here to regard Townsend (1931b)’s holotype citation as a lectotype
designation. That female is considered a doubtful syntype until further evidence.

Genus Trichosaundersia Townsend

Trichosaundersia Townsend, 1914: 137. Type species, lineata Townsend (orig. des.). Refs.: Townsend, 1936a: 187 (in key to
Juriniini genera); Townsend, 1939a: 158 (generic diagnosis); Curran, 1947: 92 (notes, key to species); Guimarães, 1971a:
72 (cat.).

dorsopunctata (Macquart), 1844: 207 (1844: 47) (Micropalpus). Type locality: Colombia, Bogotá. HT? sex?
(NHMW). Distr.: Colombia. Refs.: Townsend, 1931b: 166 (notes); Curran, 1947: 92 (unrecognized); Guimarães,
1971a: 73 (cat.). Comm.: Townsend (1931b: 166) doubtufully considered the type specimen at Wien with holotype

CATALOGUE OF TACHINIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 925
nora Curran, 1947: 93. Type locality: Guatemala, Guatemala City. HT M (AMNH). Distr.: Guatemala, Panama,
and Colombia (Curran, 1947: 93). Refs.: Curran, 1947: 93 (orig. desc., key); Guimarães, 1971a: 73 (cat.).

Genus Xanthozona Townsend

Xanthozona Townsend, 1908: 116. Type species, melanopyga Wiedemann (orig. des.). Refs.: Townsend, 1939a: 163 (generic
diagnosis); Travassos & Carrera, 1941: 43 (generic diagnosis); Guimarães, 1971a: 74 (cat.); Wood & Zumbado, 2010:
1359 (key to Central American genera of Tachinidae).

melanopyga (Wiedemann), 1830: 292 (Tachina). Type locality: “Surinam”. HT F (SMF). Distr.: Costa Rica to
Brazil and Argentina (Blanchard & De Santis, 1975: 23; Wood & Zumbado, 2010). Refs.: Travassos & Carrera,
1941: 43 (redesc., immatures desc., biology); Guimarães, 1971a: 74 (cat.).
indica (Robineau-Desvoidy), 1830: 36 (Jurinia).

Tribe Loewiini Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1889

Genus Triarthria Stephens

Triarthria Stephens, 1829a: 59, 1829b: 300. Type species, Tachina spinipennis Meigen (subs. des. Crosskey, 1974: 296) (=
Tachina setipennis Fallén). Refs.: Guimarães, 1971a: 88 (cat., as Parkerella); O’Hara, 1996: 16 (rev., key to species).
Parkerella Townsend, 1942: 149. Type species, parva Townsend (orig. des.).

parva Townsend, 1942: 149. Type locality: Brazil, São Paulo, Itaquaquecetuba. LT M (USNM). Distr.: Mexico,
Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica, and Brazil (O’Hara, 1996: 24). Refs.: Guimarães, 1971a: 88 (cat.); O’Hara,
1996: 23 (key to species, diag.). Comm.: This species is not recorded to Colombia, but is likely to occur in the

Subfamily Exoristinae Robineau-Desvoidy, 1863

Tribe Blondeliini Robineau-Desvoidy, 1863

Genus Erythromelana Townsend

Erythromelana Townsend, 1919a: 174. Type species, jaena Townsend (orig. des.). Refs.: Guimarães, 1971a: 106 (cat.); Wood,
1985: 13, 39 (key to North and Central American Blondeliini genera, generic diagnosis); Inclan & Stireman, 2013: 1 (rev.,
generic diagnosis, key to species, new species, phylogeny).
Minthomyia Townsend, 1919b: 564. Type species, abdominalis Townsend (orig. des.).

abdominalis (Townsend), 1919b: 564 (Minthomyia). Type locality: Peru, Charape. HT M (USNM). Distr.:
Ecuador and Peru (Inclan & Stireman, 2013: 16). Refs.: Guimarães, 1971a: 141 (cat.); Inclan & Stireman, 2013: 16
(redesc., key). Comm.: This species is not recorded to Colombia, but Inclan & Stireman (2013) suggests that this
species could extend northwards to Colombian Andes.

arciforceps Inclan in Inclan & Stireman, 2013: 35. Type locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutônia. HT M
(CNC). Distr.: Costa Rica and Brazil. Refs.: Inclan & Stireman, 2013: 35 (orig. desc., key). Comm.: This species is
not recorded to Colombia, but is likely to occur in the country.

cryptica Inclan in Inclan & Stireman, 2013: 29. Type locality: Venezuela, Aragua, Rancho Grande. HT M (CNC).
Distr.: Mexico, Costa Rica, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia. Refs.: Inclan & Stireman, 2013: 29 (orig. desc.,
key). Comm.: This species is not recorded to Colombia, but is likely to occur in the country.

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distincta Inclan in Inclan & Stireman, 2013: 39. Type locality: Venezuela, Aragua, Rancho Grande. HT M (CNC).
Distr.: Costa Rica, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, and Brazil. Refs.: Inclan & Stireman, 2013: 39 (orig. desc., key).
Comm.: This species is not recorded to Colombia, but is likely to occur in the country.

jaena Townsend, 1919a: 175. Type locality: Peru, Province of Jaen, Huascaray Ridge. LT M (USNM). Distr.:
Ecuador and Peru (Inclan & Stireman, 2013: 14). Refs.: Guimarães, 1971a: 106 (cat.); Inclan & Stireman, 2013: 14
(redesc., key). Comm.: This species is not recorded to Colombia, but Inclan & Stireman (2013) suggests that it
could occur in the Colombian Andes.

leptoforceps Inclan in Inclan & Stireman, 2013: 18. Type locality: Costa Rica, Province of Puntarenas, Biological
Station of Monteverde. HT M (CNC). Distr.: Costa Rica, Peru, Brazil and Argentina. Refs.: Inclan & Stireman,
2013: 18 (orig. desc., key). Comm.: This species is not recorded to Colombia, but is likely to occur in the country.

napensis Inclan in Inclan & Stireman, 2013: 37. Type locality: Ecuador, Napo, Yanayacu Biological Station. HT M
(CNC). Distr.: Costa Rica and Ecuador. Refs.: Inclan & Stireman, 2013: 37 (orig. desc., key). Comm.: This species
is not recorded to Colombia, but is likely to occur in the country.

woodi Inclan in Inclan & Stireman, 2013: 42. Type locality: Costa Rica, Province of Puntarenas, Monteverde. HT
M (CNC). Distr.: Mexico, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Bolivia. Refs.: Inclan & Stireman, 2013: 42 (orig. desc., key).
Comm.: This species is not recorded to Colombia, but is likely to occur in the country.

Genus Eucelatoria Townsend

Eucelatoria Townsend, 1909: 249. Type species, Tachina armigera Coquillett (orig. des.). Refs.: Thompson, 1968: 200 (key to
Trinidad genera, new genera and species now under Eucelatoria); Guimarães, 1971a: 133 (cat., also refer to the several
junior synonyms); Wood, 1985: 13, 40 (rev. Blondeliini, key to North and Central American Blondeliini genera, generic
diagnosis, synonymies); Wood & Zumbado, 2010: 1375 (key to Central American genera of Tachinidae).
Spathimyia Townsend, 1912a: 318. Type species, ferox Townsend (orig. des.).
Xiphomyia Townsend, 1917b: 125. Type species, gladiatrix Townsend (orig. des.).
Urodexodes Townsend, 1919b: 572. Type species, charapensis Townsend (orig. des.).
Machairomasicera Townsend, 1919b: 577. Type species, carinata Townsend (orig. des.).
Lixinia Curran, 1926: 108. Type species, jamaicensis Curran (orig. des.).
Tinalydella Townsend, 1927: 265. Type species, tinensis Townsend (orig. des.).
Orophorocera Townsend, 1927: 267. Type species, ocellaris Townsend (orig. des.).
Eucelatoriopsis Townsend, 1927: 276. Type species, teffeensis Townsend (orig. des.).
Hypomyothyria Townsend, 1927: 276. Type species, hypodermica Townsend (orig. des.).
Tachinophytopsis Townsend, 1927: 277. Type species, carinata Townsend (orig. des.).
Heliolydella Townsend, 1927: 277. Type species, aurata Townsend (orig. des.).
Hemilydella Townsend, 1927: 278. Type species, fasciata, Townsend (orig. des.).
Lydellohoughia Townsend, 1927: 280. Type species, nana Townsend (orig. des.).
Corozalia Curran, 1934: 429. Type species, longula Curran (orig. des.).
Celatoriopsis Blanchard, 1963: 223. Type species, eucelatorioides Blanchard (orig. des.).
Eucelatorioidea Thompson, 1968: 176. Type species, nigripalpis Thompson (orig. des.).
Dexodimyia Thompson, 1968: 181. Type species, discalis Thompson (orig. des.).
Pseudocelatoria Thompson, 1968: 190. Type species, robusta Thompson (orig. des.).
Heliodexodes Thompson, 1968: 197. Type species, argenteus Thompson (orig. des.).
Dexodiopsis Thompson, 1968: 202. Type species, aurea Thompson (orig. des.).

heliothis Sabrosky, 1981: 13. Type locality: Venezuela, Cojedes, El Pao. HT M (USNM). Distr.: Venezuela,
Colombia, and Honduras (Sabrosky, 1981: 13). Refs.: Sabrosky, 1981: 13 (desc., rev., key), Wood, 1985: 43 (list).

Genus Lixophaga Townsend

Lixophaga Townsend, 1908: 86. Type species, parva Townsend (orig. des.). Refs.: Aldrich, 1925c: 132 (key to species);

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Thompson, 1968: 84 (key to Trinidad genera); Guimarães, 1971a: 138 (cat., also refer to the several synonyms); Wood,
1985: 15, 51 (rev. Blondeliini, key to North and Central American Blondeliini genera, generic diagnosis, synonymies);
Wood & Zumbado, 2010: 1380 (key to Central American genera of Tachinidae).
Euzenilliopsis Townsend, 1916e: 76. Type species, diatraeae Townsend (orig. des.).
Chaquimayoia Townsend, 1927: 235. Type species, plumosula Townsend (orig. des.).
Epiprospherysa Townsend, 1927: 277. Type species, charapensis Townsend (orig. des.).
Paranetia Townsend, 1927: 277. Type species, punctata Townsend (orig. des.).
Prophorinia Townsend, 1927: 277. Type-sepcies, proletaria Townsend (orig. des.).
Actinotachina Townsend, 1927: 278. Type species, angusta Townsend (orig. des.).
Ptilolydella Townsend, 1927: 278. Type species, aristalis Townsend (orig. des.).
Lydellactia Townsend, 1927: 279. Type species, clausa Townsend (orig. des.).
Biohypostena Townsend, 1927: 280. Type species, brasiliana Townsend (orig. des.).
Cataphorinia Townsend, 1927: 280. Type species, angusta Townsend (orig. des.).
Itabiomyia Townsend, 1927: 280. Type species, fulvescens Townsend (orig. des.).
Paraprospherysa Townsend, 1927: 280. Type species, fumipennis Townsend (orig. des.).
Euprospherysa Townsend, 1928: 147. Type species, fumipennis Townsend (orig. des.).
Chrysoprospherysa Townsend 1928:147. Type species, croesus Townsend (orig. des.).
Actinophryno Townsend, 1928: 148. Type species, angusta Townsend (orig. des.) (= townsendi Guimarães).
Plaxactia Townsend, 1931a: 476. Type species, facialis Townsend (orig. des.).
Polybiophila Curran, 1937: 2. Type species, fitzgeraldi Curran (orig. des.).
Pseudoprospherysa Thompson, 1968: 74. Type species, santacruzi Thompson (orig. des.).
Dexodioidea Thompson 1968: 80. Type species, aurea Thompson (orig. des.).
Braziliomyia Thompson 1968: 98. Type species, obscura Thompson (orig. des.).
Talparomyia Thompson, 1968: 101. Type species, pollinosa Thompson (orig. des.).
Santacruzia Thompson, 1968: 125. Type species, dubiosa Thompson (orig. des.).
Cataphoriniopsis Thompson 1968: 133. Type species, fumipennis Thompson (orig. des.).

diatraeae (Townsend), 1916c: 76 (Euzenilliopsis). Type locality: Cuba (as Louisiana, error). HT M (USNM).
Distr.: North America (introduced in Louisiana-USA and Mexico; Aldrich, 1925c: 134), widespread over West
Indies and South America (Guimarães, 1971a: 138; Bennett, 1971: 118). Refs.: Townsend, 1931b: 181 (type notes);
Thompson, 1968: 84 (redesc.); Thompson, 1960: 209 (key to tachinid parasitoids of Diatraea, larval desc.,
biology); Guimarães, 1971a: 138 (cat.); Wood, 1985: 53 (list).

puscolulo Carrejo & Woodley in Carrejo et al., 2013: 70. Type locality: Colombia, Caldas, Anserma, Vereda el
Pensil, Finca Veracruz. HT M (MUSENUV). Distr.: Colombia. Refs.: Carrejo et al., 2013: 70 (orig. desc., notes).

Tribe Eryciini Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830

Genus Eulobomyia Woodley & Arnaud

Eulobomyia Woodley & Arnaud, 2008b: 67. Nom. nov. for Lobomyia Woodley & Arnaud, 2008 (preocc. Niitsuma, 2007).
Type species, Lobomyia neotropica Woodley & Arnaud. Refs.: Woodley & Arnaud, 2008a (desc.); Wood & Zumbado,
2010: 1365 (key to Central American genera of Tachinidae).
Lobomyia Woodley & Arnaud, 2008a: 32. Preocc. Niitsuma, 2007. Type species, neotropica Woodley & Arnaud, 2008.

neotropica (Woodley & Arnaud), 2008a: 35 (Lobomyia). Type locality: Colombia, Antioquia, Caldas. HT M
(USNM). Distr.: Mexico, Costa Rica, Trinidad, Colombia, and Brazil (Woodley & Arnaud, 2008a: 35). Refs.:
Woodley & Arnaud, 2008a: 35 (orig. desc.).

Genus Lespesia Robineau-Desvoidy

Lespesia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1863: 567. Type species, Achaetoneura anisotae Webber (subs. des. ICZN, 1983) (see Evenhuis
et al., 2010: 97). Refs.: Guimarães, 1983a (rev., generic diagnosis, key to Brazilian species); Thompson, 1965: 371 (key to
Trinidad genera; rev. of species from Trinidad); Guimarães, 1971a: 208 (cat.); Toma, 2010 (rev. and key to Venezuelan
species); Wood & Zumbado, 2010: 1363 (key to Central American genera of Tachinidae).

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Achaetoneura Brauer & Bergestamm, 1891: 334. Espécie-tipo: hesperus Brauer & Bergestamm (subs. des. Townsend, 1908) (=
Masicera frenchii Williston)
Parafrontina Brauer & Bergestamm, 1893: 115. Espécie-tipo: apicalis Brauer & Bergestamm (mon.) (= Tachina archippivora
Rileyella Townsend, 1909: 249. Especie-tipo: Tachina aletiae Riley (orig. des.)
Zygofrontina Townsend, 1915h: 427. Espécie-tipo: capitis Townsend (orig. des.)
Masiceropsis Townsend, 1916a: 178. Espécie-tipo: Masicera pauciseta Coquillett (orig. des.) (= Tachina archippivora Riley)
Ypophaemyia Townsend, 1916c: 75. Espécie-tipo: malacosomae Townsend (orig. des.) (= Tachina archippivora Riley)
Gymnoerycia Townsend, 1916c: 75. Espécie-tipo: rubra Townsend (orig. des.)
Euparafrontina Brèthes, 1917: 17. Espécie-tipo: martinezi Brèthes (mon.)
Prophryno Townsend, 1927: 262. Espécie-tipo: aurulans Townsend (orig. des.)
Achaetoneuropsis Townsend, 1927: 272. Espécie-tipo: affinis Townsend (orig. des.)
Myiosturmia Townsend, 1927: 272. Espécie-tipo: mixta Townsend (orig. des.)
Zygofrontiniopsis Blanchard, 1959: 173. Espécie-tipo: williamsi Blanchard (orig. des.)
Frontina of authors, nec Meigen.

affinis (Townsend), 1927: 282 (Achaetoneuropsis). Type locality: Brazil, São Paulo, Cantareira. HT F (USNM).
Distr.: Colombia, Venezuela, and Brazil (Toma, 2010; Guimarães, 1983a; Bustillo, 2011). Refs.: Townsend, 1931b:
181 (type notes); Guimarães, 1971a: 208 (cat.); Toma, 2010: 167 (redesc.).
mixta (Townsend), 1927: 331 (Myiosturmia).

archippivora (Riley), 1871: 150 (Tachina). Type locality: USA, Missouri, St. Louis. STs M, F (USNM). Distr.:
Canada, USA, Mexico, Venezuela, Peru and Brazil (Guimarães, 1983a; Toma, 2010). Refs.: Beneway, 1963: 639
(redesc., type data); Thompson, 1965: 373 (as capitis, key to Trinidad species); Guimarães, 1971a: 209 (cat.);
Guimarães, 1983a: 16 (redesc., key to Brazilian species); Toma, 2010: 167 (redesc., key to Venezuelan species).
Comm.: This species is not recorded to Colombia, but is likely to occur in the country. There are also some
Nearctic nominal species under synonymy with archippivora (see Beneway 1963: 639, and O`Hara & Wood 2004:
capitis (Townsend), 1915h: 427 (Zygofrontina).
malacossomae brasiliensis (Townsend), 1917a: 231 (Ypophaemyia).

Genus Lydella Robineau-Desvoidy

Lydella Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830: 112. Type species, grisescens Robineau-Desvoidy (subs. des. Robineau-Desvoidy, 1863:
855). Refs.: Curran, 1934a: 494 (key to Guyanan tachinids); Townsend, 1936a: 224 (in key to Germariini genera, as
Metagonistylum); Townsend, 1936b: 222 (in key to Lydellini genera); Townsend, 1939a: 341 (generic diagnosis of
Metagonistylum); Townsend, 1941: 190 (generic diagnosis); Guimarães, 1971a: 210 (cat.); Woodley, 1994: 131 (generic
redefinition, synonymies, new species); Wood & Zumbado, 2010: 1366 (key to Central American genera of Tachinidae).
Metagonistylum Townsend, 1927: 379. Type species, minense Townsend (orig. des.).
Amazonella Myers, 1934: 191. Nomen nudum.

minense (Townsend), 1927: 381 (Metagonistylum). Type locality: Brazil, Minas Gerais, Viçosa. HT F (USNM).
Distr.: USA (introduced), West Indies (introduced), Panama (introduced), Guyana (introduced), Colombia
(introduced), Trinidad (introduced), Venezuela (introduced), Bolivia, and Brazil (Thompson, 1960: 212;
Guimarães, 1971a: 210; Bennett, 1971; Bustillo, 2011; Mosquera & Viafara, 2008; Grenier, 1988: 51). Refs.:
Aldrich, 1933: 171 (redesc.), Thompson, 1960: 212 (key to tachinid parasitoids of Diatraea, larval desc., biology);
Guimarães, 1971a: 210 (cat.); Woodley, 1994: 131 (new comb.). Comm.: Townsend (1939a: 343) proposed the
name Metagonistylum myersi to refer to the Amazonian specimens collected by Myers (1934) to erect his (nudum)
genus Amazonella. Aldrich (1933: 171) described Myers’ specimens from Santarém (Pará State, Brazil) as
Metagonistylum minense. But Townsend (1939a: 343) in his Manual of Myiology added some (two) descritive lines
to differentiate what he believed to be a good species (his M. myersi). Guimarães (1971a: 210) considered myersi
Townsend a junior synonym of minense, and this statement is maintained here.
myersi (Townsend), 1939a: 343 (Metagonistylum).

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Genus Palpozenillia Townsend

Palpozenillia Townsend, 1934: 404. Type species, Zenillia palpalis Aldrich (orig. des.). Refs.: Townsend, 1936b: 246 (in key
to Trypherini genera); Townsend, 1941: 300 (generic diagnosis); Guimarães, 1971a: 211 (cat.).

palpalis (Aldrich), 1932: 20 (Zenillia). Type locality: Guyana, Wanaima. HT F (BMNH). Distr.: Mexico,
Venezuela and Guyana (Guimarães, 1971a: 211). Aldrich, 1932: 20 (orig. desc.); Thompson, 1960: 208 (key to
tachinid parasitoids of Diatraea); Guimarães, 1971a: 211 (cat.). Comm.: This species is not recorded to Colombia,
but is likely to occur in the country.

Unplaced species of Eryciini

vittata (Walker), 1853: 273 (Tachina). Type locality: “Colombia”. Refs.: Guimarães, 1971a: 215 (cat.).

Tribe Goniini Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830

Genus Atacta Schiner

Atacta Schiner, 1868: 328. Type species, brasiliensis Schiner (orig. des). Refs.: Aldrich, 1925b: 28 (rev., generic diagnosis, key
to species); Townsend, 1936b: 184 (in key to Belvosiini genera); Townsend, 1941: 53 (generic diagnosis); Thompson,
1963c: 358 (key to Trinidad genera); Guimarães, 1971a: 180 (cat.); Wood & Zumbado, 2010: 1367 (key to Central
American genera of Tachinidae).
Atactomima Townsend, 1916f: 15. Type species, crescentis Townsend (orig. des.).

brasiliensis Schiner, 1868: 328. Type locality: “Brazil”. HT F (NHMW). Distr.: USA, Mexico, Guatemala, Costa
Rica, Panama, Trinidad, Peru, and Brazil (Aldrich, 1925b; Townsend, 1941: 53; Thompson, 1963c: 358). Refs.:
Aldrich, 1925b: 29 (redesc., key); Townsend, 1931b: 176 (type notes); Townsend, 1941: 53 (type data, distr.);
Thompson, 1963c: 358 (redesc., notes, immatures desc.); Guimarães, 1971a: 180 (cat.). Comm.: Schiner (1868:
328) did not provide the holotype sex (“Ein Stück aus Brasilien.”), but Townsend (1931b: 176) cited it as female,
and Peter Sehnal (NHMW curator, unpublished data) confirmed it as female. This species is not recorded to
Colombia, but is likely to occur in the country.
laticeps (Wulp), 1890: 92 (Brachychoma).

Genus Belvosia Robineau-Desvoidy

Belvosia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830: 103. Type species, bicinta Robineau-Desvoidy. Refs.: Curran, 1927a: 150 (key to species);
Aldrich, 1928 (rev., key to species); Curran, 1934a: 494 (key to Guyanan tachinids); Townsend, 1936b: 185 (in key to
Belvosiini genera, as several separate genera); Townsend, 1941: 57 (generic diagnosis, but see also the other separate
genera under current synonymy); Blanchard, 1954 (key to allied genera); Thompson, 1963c: 301 (key to Trinidad genera,
key to species); Guimarães, 1971a: 180 (cat.); Wood & Zumbado, 2010: 1366 (key to Central American genera of
Belvoisia, error or emend.
Latreillia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830: 104. Preocc. Roux, 1830. Type species, Musca bifasciata Fabricius (subs. des. Coquillett,
1910: 558).
Willistonia Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1889:97 (1889:29). Type species, Musca esuriens Fabricius (mon.) (misident., = aldrichi
Latreillimyia Townsend, 1908: 104. Nom. nov. for Latreillia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830 (preocc. Roux, 1830). Type species,
Musca trifasciata Fabricius (aut.).
Triachora Townsend, 1908: 105. Type species, Latreillia unifasciata Robineau-Desvoidy (orig. des.).
Goniomima Townsend, 1908: 105. Type species, Belvosia luteola Coquillett (mon.).
Belvosiomima Townsend, 1915h: 413. Type species, fosteri Townsend (orig. des.).
Belvosiopsis Townsend, 1927: 248. Type species, brasiliensis Townsend (orig. des.) (= weyenberghiana Wulp).
Pseudobelvosia Blanchard, 1954: 8. Type species, lugubris Blanchard (orig. des.).

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Parabelvosia Blanchard, 1954: 12. Type species, tibialis Blanchard (orig. des.).
Neobelvosiopsis Blanchard, 1954: 20. Type species, bosqi Blanchard (orig. des.).
Eubelvosiopsis Blanchard, 1954: 15. Type species, formosana Blanchard (orig. des.).

bicincta Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830: 103. Type locality: West Indies. HT sex? (MNHNP). Distr.: USA to Central
America, West Indies, and tropical South America (Aldrich, 1928: 35; Curran, 1934: 519; Blanchard, 1954: 28;
Thompson, 1963c: 302). Refs.: Curran, 1927a: 151 (key to species); Aldrich, 1928: 35 (redesc., rev., key to
species); Townsend, 1931b: 176 (type notes); Thompson, 1963c: 302 (redesc., key to Trinidad species); Guimarães,
1971a: 181 (cat.). Comm.: This species is not recorded to Colombia, but is likely to occur in the country as it occurs
on several adjacent countries (Panama, British Guyana, Trinidad, Venezuela, Brazilian Amazon, etc.) (Aldrich
1928: 35; Curran 1934: 519; Thompson 1963c: 302)

ciliata Aldrich, 1928: 22. Type locality: “Mexico”. HT M (AMNH). Distr.: Mexico, Costa Rica, Panama and
Brazil. Refs.: Aldrich, 1928: 22 (desc., key to species); Guimarães, 1971a: 182 (cat.). Comm.: This species is not
recorded to Colombia, but is likely to occur in the country as it occurs on several adjacent countries (Panama,
British Guyana, Trinidad, Venezuela, Brazilian Amazon, etc.) (Aldrich 1928: 35; Curran 1934: 519; Thompson
1963c: 302).

equinoactialis (Townsend), 1912a: 348 (Triachora). Type locality: Peru, Piura. HT F (USNM). Distr.: Guatemala,
Puerto Rico, Trinidad, and Peru (Townsend, 1912a: 348; Aldrich, 1928: 17; Thompson, 1963c: 314). Refs.:
Townsend, 1912a: 348 (orig. desc.); Curran, 1927a: 151 (antilliana in key to species); Aldrich, 1928: 17 (redesc.);
Thompson, 1963c: 314 (redesc., key to Trinidad species, larval desc.); Guimarães, 1971a: 184 (cat.). Comm.: This
species is not recorded to Colombia, but is likely to occur in the country. The species insularis Curran and
antilliana Curran were doutbfully treated as junior synonyms of equinoactialis by Guimarães (1971a: 184); these
names are mantained here under equinoactialis. Belvosia antilliana was only included in a key by Curran (1927a:
151) without accompanying a formal description and without mention of any geographical locality and examined
antilliana Curran, 1927a: 151.
insularis Curran, 1927b: 4.

lata Aldrich, 1928: 39. Type locality: Guatemala, Puerto Barrios. HT F (USNM). Distr.: Guatemala and Brazil.
Refs.: Aldrich, 1928: 39 (desc., key); Guimarães, 1971a: 182 (cat.). Comm.: This species is not recorded to
Colombia, but is likely to occur in the country.

leucopyga Wulp, 1882: 84. Type locality: “Brazil”. STs (RMNH). Distr.: Mexico, Venezuela and Brazil (Wulp,
1882: 84; Aldrich, 1928: 27). Refs.: Curran, 1927a: 151 (key to species); Aldrich, 1928: 27 (rev., key); Guimarães,
1971a: 182 (cat.). Comm.: This species is not recorded to Colombia, but is likely to occur in the country.

luteola Coquillett, 1900: 253. Type locality: Puerto Rico, Vieques I. HT M (NHMW) (sec Townsend, 1931b: 177).
Distr.: Puerto Rico, Trinidad, and Peru (Coquillett, 1900: 253; Thompson, 1963c: 319). Refs.: Curran, 1927a: 150
(key to species); Thompson, 1963c: 319 (redesc., larval desc.); Guimarães, 1971a: 185 (cat.). Comm.: This species
is not recorded to Colombia, but is likely to occur in the country.

recticornis (Macquart), 1855: 118 (1855: 98) (Gonia). LT M (BMNH). Type locality: unknown. Distr.: Mexico,
Panama, Ecuador and Brazil. Refs.: Aldrich, 1928: 14 (rev., key); Guimarães, 1971a: 182 (cat.). Comm.: This
species is not recorded to Colombia, but is likely to occur in the country.
mexicana Aldrich, 1928: 11.

spinicoxa Aldrich, 1928: 41. Type locality: Paraguay, Sapucay. HT M (USNM). Distr.: Mexico, Cuba, Bolivia,
Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina (Aldrich, 1928a: 41; Blanchard & De Santis, 1975: 33). Refs.: Aldrich, 1928: 41
(desc., key to species); Guimarães, 1971a: 182 (cat.). Comm.: This species is not recorded to Colombia, but is
likely to occur in the country.

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weyenberghiana Wulp, 1883: 26. Type locality: Argentina. HT M (RMNH). Distr.: Mexico to Argentina (Curran,
1927a: 151; Aldrich, 1928: 6; Blanchard, 1954: 8; Blanchard & De Santis, 1975: 33). Refs.: Curran, 1927a: 151
(key to species); Aldrich, 1928: 6 (rev., key); Townsend, 1931b: 176 (type notes); Blanchard, 1954: 8 (notes);
Guimarães, 1971a: 183 (cat., as “weynberghiana” in error). Comm.: This species is not recorded to Colombia, but
is likely to occur in the country.
brasiliensis (Townsend), 1927: 289 (Belvosiopsis).

Genus Gonia Meigen

Salmacia Meigen, 1800: 38. Type species, Musca capitata De Geer (subs. des. Coquillett, 1910: 602). Genus name suppressed
by ICZN, 1963: 339.
Gonia Meigen, 1803: 280. Type species, bimaculata Wiedemann (subs. des. Sabrosky & Arnaud, 1965: 1075). Refs.:
Townsend, 1936b: 178 (in key to Goniini genera); Townsend, 1941: 31 (generic diagnosis); Thompson, 1963c: 268 (as
Phosococephalops, key to Trinidad genera); Guimarães, 1971a: 175 (cat.); Wood & Zumbado, 2010: 1359 (key to Central
American genera of Tachinidae).
Phosococephalops Townsend, 1927: 237. Type species, fulvus Townsend (orig. des.) (= pallens (Wiedemann).

crassicornis (Fabricius), 1794: 328 (Musca). Type locality: West Indies. STs (ZMUC). Distr.: USA (Florida),
Cuba, Trinidad, and Peru (Thompson, 1963c: 268; Guimarães, 1971a: 175). Refs.: Thompson, 1963c: 268
(redesc.); Guimarães, 1971a: 175 (cat.). Comm.: This species is not recorded to Colombia, but is likely to occur in
the country.
angusta Macquart, 1844: 208 (1844: 51).
chaetosa (Townsend), 1912a: 347 (Salmacia).
pallens of authors, nec Wiedemann.

Genus Leschenaultia Robineau-Desvoidy

Leschenaultia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830: 324. Type species, cilipes Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830 (subs. des. Townsend, 1916b:
7). Refs.: Curran, 1934a: 493 (key to Guyanan tachinids, as Blepharipeza); Townsend, 1936b: 189 (in key to Harrisiini
genera); Townsend, 1941: 79 (generic diagnosis); Thompson, 1963c: 288 (key to Trinidad genera); Guimarães, 1971a: 185
(cat.); Toma & Guimarães, 2002 (rev., generic diagnosis, key to species, new species); Wood & Zumbado, 2010: 1366 (key
to Central American genera of Tachinidae).
Blepharipeza Macquart, 1844: 211 (1844: 54) Type species, rufipalpis Macquart (mon.) (=Tachina leucophrys Wiedemann).
Parachaeta Coquillett, 1897: 123. Type species, Blepharipeza bicolor Macquart (mon.)
Echinomasicera Townsend, 1915h: 413. Type species, hystrix Townsend (mon.)
Harrisiopsis Townsend, 1927:247. Type species, spinosa Townsend (mon.) (= Tachina leucophrys Wiedemann).
Parachaetopsis Blanchard, 1959:163. Type species, proseni Blanchard (mon.).

bicolor (Macquart), 1846: 286. Type locality: USA, Texas. HT F probably lost (Toma & Guimarães, 2002: 63).
Distr.: Canada, USA, Mexico, Brazil and Argentina. Refs.: Guimarães, 1971a: 186 (cat.); Toma & Guimarães,
2002: 63 (rev., key to species); Mulieri et al., 2013: 169 (type data of proseni Blanchard). Comm.: This species is
not recorded to Colombia, but is likely to occur in the country.
inermis of Coquillett, 1910 nec Bigot, 1888 (Blepharipeza).
fusca (Townsend), 1916b: 11 (Parachaeta). Nom. nov. for Blepharipeza inermis of Coquillett.
proseni (Blanchard), 1959: 163 (Parachaetopsis).

bigoti Toma & Guimarães, 2002: 45. Type locality: Peru, Huanuco, Tingo Maria. HT M (AMNH). Distr.: Mexico,
Honduras, Costa Rica, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru and Brazil (Toma & Guimarães, 2002; Toma, 2008). Refs.: Toma
& Guimarães, 2002: 45 (desc., key to species). Comm.: This species is not recorded to Colombia, but is likely to
occur in the country.

braueri Toma & Guimarães, 2002: 47. Type locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Chapada [dos Guimarães]. HT M
(AMNH). Distr.: Mexico, Venezuela and Brazil (Toma & Guimarães, 2002). Refs.: Toma & Guimarães, 2002: 47
(desc., key to species). Comm.: This species is not recorded to Colombia, but is likely to occur in the country.

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brooksi Toma & Guimarães, 2002: 49. Type locality: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Universidade Rural [municipality of
Seropédica]. HT M (MZSP). Distr.: Mexico, Panama, Venezuela, Peru and Brazil (Toma & Guimarães, 2002;
Toma, 2008). Refs.: Toma & Guimarães, 2002: 49 (desc., key to species); Toma & Nihei, 2010: 248 (type data).
Comm.: This species is not recorded to Colombia, but is likely to occur in the country.

ciliata (Macquart), 1848: 209 (1848: 49) (Phorocera). Type locality: “Colombia”. HT M (BMNH). Distr.:
Colombia (Bogotá and Cundinamarca). Refs.: Guimarães, 1971a: 185 (cat.); Toma & Guimarães, 2002: 64 (rev.,
key to species).

cilipes Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830: 325. Type locality: “Surinam”. (Senior synonym over leucophrys Wiedemann
sec Evenhuis et al., 2010: 97). HT F should be in MNHNP (Townsend, 1931b: 175), but probably lost (Toma &
Guimarães, 2002: 67). Distr.: Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela, Surinam, Guyana, Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru, Brazil,
Paraguay, Argentina and Uruguay (Walker, 1853: 284; Curran, 1934a: 517; Blanchard & De Santis, 1975: 33;
Toma & Guimarães, 2002: 66). Refs.: Guimarães, 1971a: 186 (cat., with leucophrys as senior synonym); Toma &
Guimarães, 2002: 66 (rev., key to species, with leucophrys as senior synonym); Evenhuis et al., 2010: 97 (the name
cilipes has priority over leucophrys, see below). Comm.: Records in localities of America north of Mexico are
probably misidentifications sec Toma & Guimarães (2002: 67), which described the new species L. reinhardi for
the material erroneously determined as “L. leucophrys” from north of Mexico. Date of publication of cilipes
Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830 [06 June] is earlier than leucophrys Wiedemann, 1930 [September] (see Evenhuis et al.
2010: 97).
leucophrys (Wiedemann), 1830: 308 (Tachina).
rufipalpis (Macquart), 1844: 212 (1844: 55) (Blepharipeza).
latifrons (Walker), 1853: 284 (Tachina).
nigricalyptrata (Macquart), 1855: 120 (1855: 100) (Masicera).
spinosa (Townsend), 1927: 313 (Harrisiopsis).

cortesi Toma & Guimarães, 2002: 51. Type locality: Venezuela, Maracay, Rancho Grande. HT M (AMNH). Distr.:
Colombia and Venezuela. Refs.: Toma & Guimarães, 2002: 51 (desc., key to species).

Genus Patelloa Townsend

Patelloa Townsend, 1916e: 619. Type species, Phorocera leucaniae Coquillett. Refs.: Townsend, 1941: 307 (generic diagnosis,
also as Patelloapsis and Yahuarphryno); Thompson, 1963c: 368 (key to Trinidad genera); Guimarães, 1971a: 211 (cat.);
Wood & Zumbado, 2010: 1361 (key to Central American genera of Tachinidae).
Yahuarphryno Townsend, 1927: 263. Type species, patelloides Townsend (orig. des.).
Patelloapsis Townsend, 1927: 263. Type species, similis Townsend (orig. des.).

tincta (Walker), 1853: 287 (Tachina). Type locality: “Brazil”. HT F (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia and Brazil
(Guimarães, 1971a; Bustillo, 2011). Refs.: Guimarães, 1971a: 211 (cat.).
chrysotelus (Walker), 1852: 296 (Tachina).

Genus Thysanopsis Townsend

Thysanopsis Townsend, 1917a: 231. Type species, albicauda Townsend (orig. des.). Refs.: Townsend, 1936b: 189 (in key to
Harrisiini genera); Townsend, 1941: 84 (generic diagnosis); Guimarães, 1971a: 187 (cat.); Toma, 2001 (rev., generic

albicauda Townsend, 1917a: 231. Type locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Chapada [dos Guimarães]. HT M (AMNH).
Distr.: Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil and Argentina (Toma, 2001: 37). Refs.:
Toma, 2001: 37 (redesc.).

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Tribe Winthemiini Townsend, 1913

Genus Avibrissosturmia Townsend

Avibrissosturmia Townsend, 1927: 266. Type species, avida Townsend (orig. des.). Refs.: Curran, 1934a: 492 (key to
Guyanan tachinids, as Pelixia); Guimarães, 1971a: 194 (cat.); Guimarães, 1983b: 225 (rev. of South American genera of
Winthemiini, key to species, new species); Wood & Zumbado, 2010: 1361 (key to Central American genera of
Pelixia Curran, 1934a: 512. Type species, vexans Curran (orig. des.)

avida Townsend, 1927: 289. Type locality: Peru, near Tabalosas. HT M (USNM). Distr.: Panama, Peru and Brazil
(Guimarães, 1983b: 227). Refs.: Guimarães, 1971a: 194 (cat.); Guimarães, 1983b: 227 (redesc., key to species).
Comm.: This species is not recorded to Colombia, but is likely to occur in the country.

Genus Hemisturmiella Guimarães

Hemisturmiella Guimarães, 1983b: 230. Type species, brasiliana Guimarães (orig. des.). Refs.: Guimarães, 1983b: 230 (rev.
of South American Winthemiini).

brasiliana Guimarães, 1983b: 231. Type locality: Brazil, Pará, Belém, Ananindeua. HT M (MZSP). Distr.: Panama
and Brazil (Guimarães, 1983b: 231) Refs.: Guimarães, 1983b: 231 (orig. desc.); Toma & Nihei, 2010: 247 (type
data). Comm.: This species is not recorded to Colombia, but is likely to occur in the country.

Genus Winthemia Robineau-Desvoidy

Winthemia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830: 173. Type species, Musca quadripustulata Fabricius (subs. des. Desmarest in
d’Orbigny, 1849: 301; see Evenhuis & Thompson, 1990: 239 and Evenhuis et al., 2010: 163). Refs.: Reinhard, 1931: 47
(rev. and key to species, new species), Curran, 1934a: 492 (key to Guyanan tachinids); Thompson, 1963b: 960 (in key to
Winthemiini genera of Trinidad, rev. and key to species of Trinidad, new species); Guimarães, 1971a: 195 (cat.); Coelho et
al., 1989 (rev., key to South American species, new species); Wood & Zumbado, 2010: 1361 (key to Central American
genera of Tachinidae).
Microtrichodes Macquart, 1846: 288 (1846: 160). Type species, analis Macquart (mon.).
Masipoda Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1889: 162 (1889: 94). Type species, geminata Brauer & Bergenstamm (orig. des.).
Okea Townsend, 1916e: 74. Type species, Winthemia okefenokeensis Smith, 1916.
Neowinthemia Townsend, 1919b: 583. Type species, abdominalis Townsend (orig. des.).
Okeopsis Townsend, 1927: 267. Type species, palpalis Townsend (orig. des).
Hemimasipoda Townsend, 1927: 267. Type species, brasiliensis Townsend (orig. des.).
Prowinthemia Townsend, 1928: 151. Type species, paraguayensis Townsend (orig. des.) (= tricolor Wulp).
Bicruciosturmia Townsend, 1932: 106. Type species, bicrucis Townsend (orig. des.).
Promasipoda Townsend, 1934: 399. Type species, pinguioides Townsend (orig. des.).
Pronemorilla Townsend, 1935a: 229. Type species, mima Townsend (orig. des.) (= trinitatis Thompson).
Winthemiopsis Blanchard, 1963: 212. Type species, grioti Blanchard (orig. des.).

analis (Macquart), 1846: 289 (1846: 161 (Microtrichodes). Type locality: Brazil, Minas Gerais. HT M [BMNH].
Distr.: Trinidad, Colombia, Guyana, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay and Argentina (Coelho et al., 1989:
276; Marcicano et al., 2009: 550; Reinhard, 1931: 47). Refs.: Reinhard, 1931: 47 (redesc.); Guimarães, 1971a: 196
(cat.); Coelho et al., 1989: 276 (rev., key to South American species).

brasiliensis (Townsend), 1927: 315 (Hemimasipoda). Type locality: Brazil, São Paulo, Itaquaquecetuba. HT M
(USNM). Distr.: Colombia, Venezuela, Trinidad, Suriname, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay and
Argentina (Coelho et al., 1989). Refs.: Reinhard, 1931: 49 (as synonym of pinguis Fabricius); Guimarães, 1971a:
196 (cat.); Coelho et al., 1989: 276 (rev., key to South American species).

picea (Walker), 1853: 293 (Tachina). Type locality: “Colombia”. HT M (BMNH). Distr.: Colombia, Venezuela and

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Brazil (Coelho et al. ,1989). Refs.: Reinhard, 1931: 54 (unrecognized, notes); Guimarães, 1971a: 197 (cat.);
Coelho et al. 1989: 275 (key to South American species). Comm.: Species cited as unrecognized by Reinhard
(1931: 54) and Guimarães (1971a: 197), but keyed at the revisionary study of South American Winthemia by
Coelho et al. (1989).

pinguiodes (Townsend), 1934: 399 (Promasipoda). Type locality: Brazil, Pará, Boa Vista, Tapajós river. HT F
(USNM). Distr.: Costa Rica, Panama, and Brazil (Coelho et al., 1989). Refs.: Guimarães, 1971a: 197 (cat.); Coelho
et al., 1989: 276 (key to South American species). Comm.: This species is not recorded to Colombia, but is likely
to occur in the country.

singularis Reinhard, 1931: 38. Type locality: Argentina, Tucumán. HT M (USNM). Distr.: Trinidad, Colombia,
Venezuela, Ecuador, Brazil, Peru, Paraguay and Argentina (Coelho et al., 1989: 280; Thompson, 1963b: 976;
Blanchard & De Santis, 1975: 37). Refs.: Reinhard, 1931: 38 (orig. desc., key); Guimarães, 1971a: 197 (cat.);
Thompson, 1963b: 976 (redesc., key to Trinidad species); Coelho et al., 1989: 280 (rev., key to South American
species, synonymies).
alabamae Townsend, 1940: 892 (Hemimasipoda).
aureonigra Thompson, 1963: 978.
roblesi Valencia, 1972: 366.

tricolor (Wulp), 1890: 67 (Exorista). Type locality: Mexico (Morelos, Tabasco) and Costa Rica (Cache). STs M, F
(BMNH). Distr.: Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Trinidad, Guyana, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru,
Paraguay and Argentina (Guimarães, 1971a; Coelho et al., 1989; Reinhard, 1931: 42; Thompson, 1963b: 974).
Refs.: Reinhard, 1931: 42 (redesc., key); Thompson, 1963b: 974 (as mima, redesc., notes, key to Trinidad species);
Guimarães, 1971a: 197 (cat.); Coelho et al. 1989: 281 (rev., key to South American species, synonymies).
paraguaensis (Townsend), 1928: 151 (Prowinthemia).
mima Reinhard, 1931: 37.

trinitatis Thompson, 1963b: 971. Type locality: Trinidad, Chaguanas. HT M (CNC) Distr.: Trinidad, Colombia,
Venezuela, Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Paraguay (Coelho et al., 1989). Refs.: Thompson, 1963b: 971 (orig.
desc., key to species of Trinidad); Guimarães, 1971a: 198 (cat.); Coelho et al. 1989: 281 (rev., key to South
American species).

xanthocera (Wiedemann), 1830: 329 (Tachina). Type locality: “Brazil”. LT F (ZMUC). Distr.: Mexico,
Guatemala, Panama, Guyana, Brazil and Peru (Guimarães, 1971a; Coelho et al., 1989). Refs.: Townsend, 1931b:
175 (type notes); Reinhard, 1931: 44 (redesc., key); Guimarães, 1971a: 198 (cat.); Coelho et al. 1989: 281 (rev.,
key to South American species). Comm.: Townsend (1931b: 175) cited the female type specimen deposited at
Copenhagen museum as holotype [=lectotype], while the other female at Wien as paratype [=paralectotype].
Reinhard (1931: 44) listed Exorista ochracea Wulp, 1890, E. rubricornis Wulp, 1890, and E. sororcula Wulp, 1890
as junior synonyms of xanthocera, but Guimarães (1971a) in the Neotropical catalogue treated xanthocera without
those names under synonymy. This species is not recorded to Colombia, but is likely to occur in the country.

Unplaced species of Tachinidae

pictipennis (Macquart), 1851: 156 (Nemoraea). Type locality: “Colombia”. Unrecognized sec Guimarães, 1971a:


I am grateful to the curators Karla Schneider (MLUH/Germany) and Joachim Ziegler (ZMHU/Germany) for
providing information about types. I am deeply indebted to Peter Sehnal (NHMW/Austria) who is preparing a

CATALOGUE OF TACHINIDAE OF COLOMBIA Zootaxa 4122 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press · 935
catalogue of Tachinidae type specimens housed at the Wien collection and kindly shared detailed unpublished
information with me. Special thanks to Marta Wolff for coordinating the publication of the Catalogue of Diptera of
Colombia. Financial support from FAPESP (proc. n. 2013/05131-6) and CNPq (proc. n. 562199/2010–1).

TABLE 3. Tachinidae species recorded from Colombia.

Subfamily Tribe Genus Species Author

Phasiinae Cylindromyini Cylindromyia atra* (Röder, 1885)
carinata* (Townsend, 1927)
thompsoni Guimarães, 1976
Polistiopsis* mima* Townsend, 1915
Phasiini Phasia* heynei* Townsend, 1934
Trichopodini Acaulona* costata* Wulp, 1888
Bibiomima* handlirschi* Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1889
Euacaulona* sumichrasti* Townsend, 1908
Dexiinae Dexiini Billaea claripalpis (Wulp, 1895)
Cordillerodexia colombiana Townsend, 1929
Eudexia* formidabilis* (Bigot, 1889)
Prosenoides* curvirostris* (Bigot, 1889)
Scotiptera robusta Curran, 1925
Xanthotheresia bicolor Townsend, 1931a
Sophiini Cordyligaster* petiolata* (Wiedemann, 1830)
fuscipennis* (Macquart, 1851)
Trichodurini Trichodura* anceps* (Fabricius, 1805)
Uramyini Uramya quadrimaculata (Macquart, 1846)
Voriini Paedarium punctipennis (Walker, 1858)
Voria ruralis (Fallén, 1810)
Tachininae Ernestiini Bombyliomyia flavitarsis (Macquart, 1846)
Germariini Tarpessita fulgens Reinhard, 1967
Graphogastrini Phytomyptera viridis (Reinhard, 1967)
Leskiini Genea jaynesi (Aldrich, 1932)
trifaria* (Wiedemann, 1824)
Stomatodexia longitarsis (Macquart, 1844)
Macquartiini Gonatorrhina paramonensis Röder, 1886
Minthoini Actinochaeta columbiae Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1889
Ormiini Ormia* depleta* (Wiedemann, 1830)
lineifrons* Sabrosky, 1953
ochracea* (Bigot, 1889)
Ormiophasia* busckii* Townsend, 1919
Polideini Chrysotachina aldrichi Nunez, Couri & Guimarães, 2002
panamensis* Curran, 1939
purpurea* Curran, 1939
willistoni Curran, 1939
Hystricia nigroscutata Rondani, 1863
Megaprosopini Microphthalma* vibrissata* (Wulp, 1891)
...Continued on next page

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TABLE 1. (Continued)
Subfamily Tribe Genus Species Author
Nemoraeini Macromya crocata* Reinhard, 1968
depressa* Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
pyrrhaspis* (Wiedemann, 1830)
Siphonini Borgmeiermyia peruana Arnaud, 1963
Tachinini Adejeania analis (Macquart, 1844)
browni Curran, 1947
corpulenta (Wiedemann, 1830)
Archytas apicifer (Walker, 1849)
basifulvus (Walker, 1849)
cirphis* Curran, 1927
incasanus* Townsend, 1912a
lanei Guimarães, 1961
marmoratus (Townsend, 1915)
plangens* Curran, 1928
seminigra (Wiedemann, 1830)
vernalis Curran, 1928
Copecrypta* nitens* (Wiedemann, 1830)
Cryptopalpus nigriventris (Macquart, 1844)
ornatus (Macquart, 1844)
rufiventris (Macquart, 1846)
Echinopyrrhosia arrogans Reinhard, 1974
notata (Walker, 1853)
pellacis Reinhard, 1974
varia (Walker, 1853)
Epalpodes albolineatus (Macquart, 1854)
equatorialis (Macquart, 1854)
vittatus (Walker, 1853)
flavicans (Macquart, 1846)
Epalpus lativittus (Walker, 1853)
rufipennis (Macquart, 1846)
rufiventris (Macquart, 1846)
Eudejeania aldrichi Sabrosky, 1947
argyropa (Schiner, 1868)
atrata (Guérin-Menéville, 1844)
canescens (Macquart, 1846)
melanax (Walker, 1849)
nuditibia Sabrosky, 1947
pallipes (Macquart, 1844)
Eulasiopalpus typicus Curran, 1947
Exopalpus bicolor Macquart, 1851
Helioprosopa aurifodina Reinhard, 1964
...Continued on next page

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TABLE 1. (Continued)
Subfamily Tribe Genus Species Author
liciata Reinhard, 1964
macrocera Reinhard, 1964
veleda Reinhard, 1964
Jurinella caeruleonigra (Macquart, 1846)
huntingtoni Curran, 1947
schwarzi Curran, 1947
Jurinia laticornis Macquart, 1846
Lindigia vierecki Curran, 1947
Lindigepalpus bogotensis Reinhard, 1974
townsendi Guimarães, 1971
Melanepalpus meraculus Reinhard, 1974
Paradejeania colombiae Arnaud, 1951
Peleteria analis (Macquart, 1846)
fuscisquama Curran, 1925
Rhachoepalpus blandus Curran, 1947
immaculatus (Macquart, 1846)
novus Curran, 1947
pulverulentus (Schiner, 1868)
triformis (Walker, 1853)
Saundersiops confluens Townsend, 1914
colombiensis Curran, 1947
schwarzi Curran, 1947
siestus Curran, 1947
Trichophora analis Schiner, 1868
Trichosaundersia dorsopunctata (Macquart, 1844)
nora Curran, 1947
Xanthozona melanopyga (Wiedemann, 1830)
Loewiini Triarthria parva Townsend, 1942
Exoristinae Blondeliini Erythromelana* abdominalis* (Townsend, 1919)
arciforceps* Inclan in Inclan & Stireman, 2013
cryptica* Inclan in Inclan & Stireman, 2013
distincta* Inclan in Inclan & Stireman, 2013
jaena* Townsend, 1919
leptoforceps* Inclan in Inclan & Stireman, 2013
napensis* Inclan in Inclan & Stireman, 2013
woodi* Inclan in Inclan & Stireman, 2013
Eucelatoria heliothis Sabrosky, 1981
Lixophaga diatraeae (Townsend, 1916)
Carrejo & Woodley in Carrejo et
al., 2013
Eryciini Eulobomyia neotropica (Woodley & Arnaud, 2008)
...Continued on next page

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TABLE 1. (Continued)
Subfamily Tribe Genus Species Author
Lespesia affinis (Townsend, 1927)
archippivora* (Riley, 1871)
Lydella minense (Townsend, 1927)
Palpozenillia* palpalis* (Aldrich, 1932)
Goniini Atacta* brasiliensis* Schiner, 1868
Belvosia* bicincta* Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
ciliata* Aldrich, 1928
equinoactialis* (Townsend, 1912a)
lata* Aldrich, 1928
leucopyga* Wulp, 1882
luteola* Coquillett, 1900
recticornis* (Macquart, 1855)
spinicoxa* Aldrich, 1928
weyenberghiana* Wulp, 1883
Gonia* crassicornis* (Fabricius, 1794)
Leschenaultia bicolor* (Macquart, 1846)
bigoti* Toma & Guimarães, 2002
braueri* Toma & Guimarães, 2002
brooksi* Toma & Guimarães, 2002
ciliata (Macquart, 1848)
cilipes Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
cortesi Toma & Guimarães, 2002
Patelloa tincta (Walker, 1853)
Thysanopsis albicauda Townsend, 1917
Winthemiini Avibrissosturmia* avida* Townsend, 1927
Hemisturmiella* brasiliana* Guimarães, 1983
Winthemia analis (Macquart, 1846)
brasiliensis (Townsend, 1927)
picea (Walker, 1853)
pinguiodes* (Townsend, 1934)
singularis Reinhard, 1931
tricolor (Wulp, 1890)
trinitatis Thompson, 1963b
xanthocera* (Wiedemann, 1830)
(Note: This table does not include the nomina dubia listed in the Catalogue.)
* Taxon not recorded from Colombia, but inferred to occur in the country for it is recorded in nearby adjacent areas. See text for


Aldrich, J.M. (1921) The muscoid genera Pseudeuantha and Uramyia (Diptera). Insecutor Inscitiae Menstruus, 9, 83–97.
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Aldrich, J.M. (1925a) Notes on some types of american Muscoid Diptera in the collection of the Vienna Natural History
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France, Series 6, 8, 77–101.
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Latreille, P.A. (1804) Tableau méthodique des Insectes. In: Nouveau dictionnaire d'histoire naturelle, appliqué aux arts,
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de l’Agriculture et des Arts de Lille, 1846, 21–120. [Also published as his “Diptéres exotiques nouveaux ou peu connus”,
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Mémoires de la Société Royale des Sciences, de l’Agriculture et des Arts de Lille, 1850, 134–294. [Also published as
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Agragria di Bologna, Series 2, 3, 25–36. [Also published separately in 1845 with pagination pp. 5–16. These references
have been dated by several sources as 1844, but that date is in error. Please refer to O’Hara et al., 2009: 203)]
Rondani, C. (1850) Osservazioni sopra alquante specie di esapodi ditteri del Museo Torinese. Nuovi Annali delle Scienze
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Fis. Modena, 3 (1), 1–99. [1863]]
Rondani, C. (1865) Diptera Italica non vel minus cognita descripta vel annotata observationibusnonnullis additis. Fasc. I.
Oestridae-Syrphidae-Conopidae; Fasc. II. Muscidae. Atti della Società Italiana di Scienze Naturali, 8, 127–146, 193–231.
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