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Almost every family within the Philadelphia borders is affected by this disease. No one, including me,
has the right answers to fix this problem. As District Attorney, there are certain measures I propose.

First of all, possession/use of heroin or even pills without a prescription is a crime.

All crimes should be prosecuted, as that is the sworn duty of your elected District Attorney. As such, I
will propose that we take one of our County jails that is currently not being used, and convert it to a
secure drug rehabilitation center with professionally trained staff.

The conversion of this jail creates jobs that Philadelphia desperately needs.

In order to get people clean, we must “dangle a carrot” before their eyes and motivate them. I propose
giving them guideline prison sentences for breaking this law, with the opportunity to gain early release
by completing a full in-patient program after detoxing.

Detoxing is the biggest problem facing opioid addicts as it is painful and ugly, but at the same time

Because these addicts will not complete this step on their own, it will be done for them, against their
will, in the new county rehabilitation center. Knowing your loved one is there, is better than not
knowing where they are, on the streets getting high.

Once released back into society, they will be drug tested at least once per week, as a condition of their
parole. If there is a relapse, they will be brought back in the rehabilitation center to start over again.
Earning release the second time will be much more difficult. This is necessary to protect the public from
violent crime as well as quality of life violations.

When people are in a place where their freedom is removed, they can’t be burglarizing our homes,
breaking into our cars, and even worse, robbing us at gunpoint because they are desperate for their fix.
This may be cold, but it is a reality. If you have a loved one in this situation, wouldn’t you rather have
them alive in a rehabilitation center than six feet beneath the earth's surface? There is always hope for
an addict, and this gives them and their families that hope, while protecting the public.

Under the current administration these crimes aren’t prosecuted, therefore, we have no control over
their thievery and preying upon society, which I would be sworn to protect.

If you ask the question of whether or not I am for or against a “safe injection site,” read the above and
you will know the answer. Shooting heroin could never be safe, and the fact that you are doing it with
others’, similarly situated, to find out where they bought their drugs, who has better drugs, who has
cheaper drugs, etc. is the most ridiculous idea ever proposed by mankind.

Furthermore, when you read about inmates overdosing in jail, haven’t you asked yourself “how are
these drugs getting in?” If you don’t know the answer(s), it’s because Larry Krasner has not convened a
grand jury to investigate, whereas I would.

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The Death Penalty, the ultimate punishment, is absolutely necessary for several reasons.

Firstly, certain homicides, and only certain homicides, are bad enough to warrant consideration of
death. A contract murder for hire of a rival drug gang member, the home invasion of a family where
they are tied up, raped, burned and then killed, the unprovoked execution of a police officer, murder by
torture, mass bombings or shootings, premeditated poisoning, etc. all deserve consideration for death.

Whether or not each case warrants death is up to a jury, but to suggest that a jury not even has a chance
to impose death is ludicrous.

As District Attorney, I would have a panel of Expert Homicide District Attorney’s vote on whether to
even seek the death penalty let alone impose it. The District Attorney doesn’t impose any punishment
on anyone for anything. However, we must be able to ask for the death penalty in certain situations.
When a prison guard leaves for work, kissing his wife and children goodbye for the day, and later finds
himself in a riot where he is taken hostage for all to view his throat being sliced, to make an example of
him, is such a case. The perpetrators involved in such execution will face the death penalty under my
administration. To say across the board, that the District Attorney would never seek the death penalty,
is a failure on the part of that lawyer to administer the cause of justice.

The District Attorney is elected to enforce the laws that the Legislature has passed. If these laws are
violated, then it is the District Attorney’s duty to see to it that the people's wish is carried out.

This does not mean anything other than it says. It simply means that we will seek the death penalty.
Whether the jury will vote for it, the Appellate Courts would uphold it, or even if the Governor signs it, is
a different subject altogether. However, I can state emphatically that I would seek the death penalty in
the worst of the worst cases, but only those cases.

People who are here unlawfully and without papers, will be left alone. This problem is not one for the
City of Philadelphia, but must be handled on a national level. I do not intend to use our manpower or
tax dollars to search them out, or even bother them in any way, if they are not bothering us!

However, when an illegal alien commits certain enumerated offenses against our public, such as rape,
robbery, burglary, or God forbid murder, extremely high bail will be sought, in an effort to protect the
public. We will also notify I.C.E. to drop a detainer on them holding them even if they post bail.

If convicted of any of these crimes, or certain related offenses, the police and District Attorneys office
will be directed to report that to I.C.E. as well.

If the Mayor issues an order to the Police Department, which he basically controls, forbidding them from
doing this, that is Obstruction of Justice. These people are here illegally, preying upon our society, and
Federal law mandates they be deported. Any Mayoral order to the contrary, violates the law and a
Grand Jury will be convened, to see whether or not the Mayor is in violation of any statute. If so, he will
stand trial for Obstruction of Justice and related offenses. While this measure may seem harsh, it is
needed to protect the public, and that is what an elected District Attorney is supposed to do!

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Making marijuana legal sends the absolute wrong message to our youth. Legal is different than

If there is no jurisdiction over the possession, smoking or ingesting of cannabis then how do you control
it? How and where marijuana consumed needs policing.

When our school children walk by idiots smoking marijuana on their step, do you think that is
appropriate for them to see? Does it send the right message? Is that child more or less likely to succeed
in life?

It will not be the position of my office to incarcerate people for simple possession of marijuana.

However, if the marijuana is in fact used in public, within the sight of a child under 16-years-old, then
that person will, in fact, be prosecuted and we will ask the Judge for a minimum of five days
incarceration for said offense.

I will expand more about how these matters are handled in court in the appropriate section, but we will
attempt to partner with the Municipal Court Judges to see that this agenda is carried out. However, if
someone is smoking marijuana at home, not bothering anyone, they will not be bothered.

Within any society, there will always be a certain amount of public officials willing to sell their office, for
whatever reason.

When you have a Democratic party with such an overwhelming voter registration, you, in essence, have
a one party system, without checks and balances.

If the elected District Attorney were of the opposite party, that scenario would be more likely to keep a
check on our politicians, when the District Attorney operates without fear of answering to the majority
party. I would promise to investigate any and all complaints of corruption no matter what political
affiliation the public official has.


Many crimes committed against our citizens under the Krasner Administration don’t even get
prosecuted. The puncturing of automobile tires, the smashing of car windows in order to steal another’s
personal belongings, graffiti, vandalism, etc., will be prosecuted.

In order for the victim to not be harmed twice, they will not be required to miss work or pay to park in
order to attend court. Parking alone is enough to sway a witness from coming to court.

These types of quality of life crimes, will be heard at the police station closest to the incident, with an
intended partnership with our Philadelphia Municipal Court.

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Many citizens don’t understand what a Subpoena is. In short, it is an order, by the court, demanding
one to appear in a certain court.

With the Krasner Administration, victims of shootings, sexual assault, and other serious crimes often
ignore this Subpoena, and the defendant after a period of time, has their case dismissed for lack of

A large reason this happens is that the victim and defendant know each other, and either settle it for
money, or don’t come to court simply out of fear.

I intend to utilize a Division of Detectives and Assistant District Attorneys, to ensure that these people
not only come to court but, want to come to court!

If they still insist on not coming, begrudgingly, we will have to send a car out to get them, and in some
cases, if need be, immunize them and force them to testify. In other words, it’s “me or him.” If the
victim wants to go to jail for Contempt of Court in order to let the defendant go, that will be their
choice. However, I would argue that would be a very rare circumstance, which will be investigated
individually. You simply have to trust your elected prosecutor to do the right thing on a case by case

The guilty pleas in this town are out of control. Drug dealers use the court system as a revolving door
and they are back on the streets, peddling their poison, within hours of release.

An even bigger problem is the illegal possession of a gun.

These crimes will be prosecuted by an elite group of Assistant District Attorneys with vast experience in
handling such matters.

There will be no probation agreed to by my office, for even a first offense of illegal possession of a gun.
When you leave your home, with a loaded firearm, it can’t be for a good purpose. Therefore, we will
once again ask for a partnership with our Municipal and Common Pleas Court Judges, to give at least
one full year in prison, without early release, for the mere illegal possession of a gun, even if it is not
used in a more serious criminal act.

If the gun is brandished or threatened to be used, then we will ask for a minimum of two to five years. If
the gun is in fact discharged, and someone is either struck with a bullet, or almost struck with a bullet,
we will in no uncertain terms, ask for no less then 5 years incarceration.

All of the above are on a first offense, if it is a second or third offense then all bets are off!

Likewise, anyone charged with selling drugs, will no longer plead to a negotiated sentence of probation,
as they do now.

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There is a huge distrust of the Philadelphia Police Department, especially in our minority areas. This
cannot be debated.

As District Attorney, I intend to address every class of the Police Academy, and require additional
training for all police officers, with regards to race and community relations.

I can’t tell you how many times jurors who voted not guilty, said they did so to get even with cops, who
they felt disrespected them.

Cops need to be trained to be nicer to the citizens and go back to the old ways of helping people and
having an attitude toward the citizens, as they are all partners and in this together.

Cops need to smile at people, listen and ask nicely when requesting it’s citizens to do something. Many
of the police officers we have are doing this already, but it’s got to be across the board. The police need
to take the first step toward improving community relations and not wait for the other way around. We
need to create this partnership with the citizens and the Police Department.



The District Attorney’s office needs to form a partnership with the police in joining together to
prosecute its criminals.

Too often, jokes are being told at the Criminal Justice Center, where cops have the attitude that there’s
no reason to make an arrest for this crime, because Krasner won’t prosecute it anyway!

Let me be perfectly clear, there will be a new partnership with the police force if I am elected, where the
cops, who are on the street on a daily basis, know the neighborhoods, know who the criminals are, have
a major say in what occurs. Nobody that sits in an ivory tower can make a decision affecting
neighborhoods, in a wholesale manner, while the citizens suffer.

Many feel that a Republican elected District Attorney, with the endorsement of the Police Department,
will ignore crimes committed by the police, and therefore, they won’t be prosecuted for violations of
law. Nothing can be further from the truth. The difference between my administration and that of Mr.
Krasner, would be that the police will enjoy due process of law like every citizen. They will be presumed
innocent and get their day in court. However, crimes committed by the police will be prosecuted like
anyone else.

Because of this new alliance my administration will have with the police officers, we will need an
understanding that the few bad apples in the department, who want to continue to ignore rules, will be
fired. In exchange for those concessions, the overwhelming majority of police that do their job, and do
it well, will not be second-guessed, and given great credence and latitude in dangerous situations they
meet on the street every single day they put on their uniform.

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Most of the citizens of this County are sick and tired of hearing this case. The arrest and conviction of
this man occurred over thirty years ago. Yet, the citizenry and Maureen Faulkner are still tortured by
further appeals.

The fact is, that most people that side with this cop killer, don’t know the facts of the case. I have had
too many debates with people who just don’t realize what the evidence was.

This man had a jury trial, elected not to testify, and then presented his defense, after being convicted.
You don’t get two bites of the apple just because you have gained some sort of celebrity. If you want to
claim that your brother is the real killer then take a deposition and say it, instead of having lawyers
make legal arguments, hinting that was the situation, without any evidence to back it up.

If the citizens were aware that eye witness accounts have this defendant standing over police officer
William Faulkner, executing him, and being caught….it may make a difference in how they feel.

Once and for all, this case must be laid to rest, as he was tried, convicted, lost appeal after appeal after
appeal, and the deceased’s widow needs closure.

It would be easy to present position papers without addressing this topic because it only creates
controversy and could cause me to lose votes. However, the citizens should have a clear understanding
of where I stand on the issue because enough is enough.


Any candidates who want criminal justice reform don’t speak of the topics that I will touch on, because
they are not really listening.

For instance, once someone is housed at our County jails, and their family is desperate to hear from
them, it is mind-boggling to find out what it cost these inmates, who for the most part are behaving
themselves, to contact their loved ones.

Heavy Democratic contributors control contracts for food, repairs and maintenance, and yes something
as silly as the phones.

Does it really need to cost a minimum of $5 for a brief conversation with one's family? Do they really
have to call collect and put additional burdens on the family who are already suffering having
committed no crime?

With the technology we have today, there is no reason in the world these calls shouldn’t be free, instead
of collect.

At the same time, it would be up to the Wardens of each jail, to regulate the number and length of calls
they need to make. It goes without question, that is their prerogative, but the cost needs to be
addressed and needs to be done immediately. Calls are an excellent way to reward inmates who
behave, and punish those who respect no one.

We don’t need to simplify warehouse inmates, we need to prepare them for life on the outside.

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Democratic candidates in this City have enjoyed the support of organized labor for years and years.
Why is it, that these candidates haven’t gone back to these unions asking their help in training former
convicts in electric, plumbing, cement, carpentry, and painting? Has anyone ever tried?

Let me perfectly clear, I am 100 percent in favor of organized labor. There is no reason in the world why
corporate executives with million-dollar bonuses, should be the only ones enjoying this prosperous time.

The working men and women of Philadelphia have a right to that same enjoyment. Therefore,
organized labor will benefit greatly in any decision making of my administration. At the same time, I will
ask the leaders of each and every union, to give a full and fair opportunity to train and hire those
inmates who demonstrate their worth.

Some may argue this is not for the office of District Attorney, but more for that of the Mayor. I would
argue they are wrong, as the District Attorneys office employs a great number of people and will lead by

A criminal conviction should not destroy the complete future of an individual. Therefore, I will take
steps, after having input from several community leaders, to come up with a sliding scale where former
convicts go a certain number of years and their record for a conviction gets sealed.

Right now, a person could have an 18-year-old conviction for aggravated assault where a prospective
employer may be afraid to hire him/her. It would be the duty of the District Attorney to make sure that
record is kept, measures taken, and solutions explored, where that conviction cannot be found by
corporate America after a number of years. Obviously, this would have to be done on a case by case
basis where my office was satisfied that the risk of recidivism is extremely low.


Since I started practicing law 40 years ago, I have heard every City District Attorney talk about legislation
that is needed in Harrisburg to help Philadelphia.

Firstly, as a Republican, I believe it will be easier to get through to the legislature and pass some real bills
that will help Philadelphia.

Secondly, If I get absolutely nothing passed, there are adequate laws on the books to protect gun
violence, which is my number one priority.



Larry Krasner has seen fit to go outside of Philadelphia in almost every new Assistant District Attorney
he has hired. He believes that by hiring graduates from the likes of Yale and Harvard he is going to fix
the problems of this City.

You’ve heard the expression “think outside the box?” I say “think inside the box” and hire from this area.

Having been born and raised in Philadelphia, attending parochial school at St. Callistus in Overbrook, and
graduating from St. Joseph’s University and Delaware Law School, I know exactly what our
neighborhoods are like, and what type of graduates they produce.

We need not leave the Philadelphia area to find the best and greatest law students in the Country.

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In our back yard we have University of Pennsylvania, Temple, Drexel, Villanova, and Delaware Law
Schools. There is no reason to hire outside of these schools and I would pledge that no law student
would be hired if they didn’t go to these schools. This is not discrimination, this is a District Attorney’s
office for Philadelphia, by Philadelphians.

These students know the neighborhoods and when selecting a jury, if you don’t think it’s important to
know which neighborhoods have tendencies to go one way or the other, then you are going to lose that

I firmly believe that a local District Attorney’s office, will fare far better, without people who don’t know
the area and the neighborhoods.

Secondly, with these top tier law schools right in our back yard, there is no reason to even think about
going elsewhere.

Once these position papers are released, I am sure that Mr. Krasner may address this problem so he can
claim during the election that he hired in all areas. Make note of who he hired at the time these papers
are released.



Almost all politicians and the media seem to deal with black and white issues while the Hispanic and
Asian communities are forgotten.

Having represented hundreds of Hispanic defendants over my career, I have learned a great deal how
their families, communities, religion, and politics operate. They, most of all groups, feel left out and

When these position papers are released, note how many Hispanic prosecutors we have in the
Philadelphia District Attorneys office. I am sure Larry Krasner will do his best to fix that number, now
that this problem has been pointed out. They are and have always been under-represented in the
District Attorneys office, which will change immediately if I am elected.

Likewise, with the Asian community, everything said about the Hispanics can be said about the Asians
who have been under-represented while the population in this county is significant. The Asian
community, in particular, seems to be targeted for many scam type crimes, which go ignored because of
their language barrier.

Our District Attorney’s office needs to give 10x more attention to these two different groups, as this City
is not just black and white.


Similar to the reasons already expressed in gay-bashing, if the victims of racial abuse are black then the
prosecutor should be white. If the victims are white then the prosecutors would be black. If elected, I
understand that this position may be met with some resistance and people could even holler “race.”

However, I believe that once they see where I am going, they will understand that I am playing to win
the jury trial, not worried about perception. Victims of racial intimidation need justice and the way to
get justice is by a jury returning a guilty verdict against those causing it.

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Many believe that a Republican candidate may turn his back on the problems in the gay community
when it comes to violence.

Let me be perfectly clear, gay-bashing will not be tolerated under my administration, and I will assign a
specific experienced Assistant District Attorney dealing with nothing but this problem. Having tried
some three hundred jury trials, I know what it takes to win them and it would not be my preference to
have a prosecutor who would be remotely perceived as gay arguing these cases before a jury. I would
assign an older, seasoned prosecutor who looks as opposite of gay you can imagine. That is the type of
Assistant District Attorney that can persuade the most conservative jurors to understand this problem
that is unique to the gay community. The District Attorney assigned has to be “one of them” and that is
the way you win jury trials. You don’t need an Assistant District Attorney who liberal and gay people are
going to side within these cases, because they are going to side with the victims anyway. You need the
type of District Attorney who can reign in the conservative jurors.



My favorite politician of all time: John F. Kennedy

My Favorite human neing of all time: Mohammad Ali

The most exciting opponent to try a case against: Barbara Christie and Jude Conroy

- From: Overbrook section, 64th and Jefferson until 20 years old, then Wynnefield and then back to
Overbrook until 22. I now live in Center City.

I went to parochial school at St. Callistus and upon graditation entered Immaculate Heart of Mary
Seminary in Lenox, MA.

1970 – I left the seminary and graduated from Haverford High School

Thereafter, I received my Undergraduate Degree from Saint Joseph’s University and Law Degree from
Delaware Law School.

I have been a Trial Lawyer for 40 years and continue in that field.

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