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7th Grade Computer Units

Standards By Unit ................................................................................................................................. 2
Word/Google Docs Unit ......................................................................................................................... 3
I Can Statements ............................................................................................................................................................... 3
Projects............................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Excel/Google Sheets Unit........................................................................................................................ 3
I Can Statements ............................................................................................................................................................... 3
Projects............................................................................................................................................................................... 3
PowerPoint/Google Slides Unit ............................................................................................................... 4
I Can Statements ............................................................................................................................................................... 4
Projects............................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Digital Footprint .................................................................................................................................... 5
I Can Statements ............................................................................................................................................................... 5
Projects............................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Internet Research .................................................................................................................................. 6
I Can Statements ............................................................................................................................................................... 6
Projects............................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Careers .................................................................................................................................................. 7
I Can Statements ............................................................................................................................................................... 7
Projects............................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Digital Design ........................................................................................................................................ 8
I Can Statements ............................................................................................................................................................... 8
Projects............................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Monthly Questions ................................................................................................................................. 8
About Monthly Questions ................................................................................................................................................ 8
Questions............................................................................................................................................................................ 9

©Katie Frank
7th Grade
Standards By Unit
W=Word; E=Excel; P=PowerPoint; D=Digital Design; R=Internet Research; S=Digital Footprint; C=Careers

Grades Six Through Eight: Technology Standards (prior to completing grade 8)

6-8.C.I. Creativity and Innovation- by the end of Grade 8 each student will:
6-8.CI.1 W E P D
6-8.CI.2 W E P R C D
6-8.CI.3 W E P C
6-8.C.C. Creativity and Innovation- by the end of Grade 8 each student will:
6-8.CC.1 W E P R C
6-8.CC.2 W P C
6-8.CC.3 W P S
6-8.R.I. Creativity and Innovation- by the end of Grade 8 each student will:
6-8.RI.1 E P R C
6-8.RI.2 P R
6-8.RI.3 P R
6-8.RI.4 S R
6-8.RI.5 E P R
6-8.C.T. Creativity and Innovation- by the end of Grade 8 each student will:
6-8.CT.1 E
6-8.CT.2 E W P
6-8.CT.3 E R
6-8.CT.4 R C
6-8.D.C. Creativity and Innovation- by the end of Grade 8 each student will:
6-8.DC.1 W S R
6-8.DC.2 W P S R
6-8.DC.3 E R
6-8.DC.4 S R
6-8.DC.5 P S R
6-8.DC.6 S
6-8.DC.7 S
6-8.T.C. Creativity and Innovation- by the end of Grade 8 each student will:
6-8.TC.1 W E P D
6-8.TC.2 W E P D
6-8.TC.3 R
6-8.TC.4 E
6-8.TC.5 E W P D
6-8.TC.6 E W P R D
6-8.TC.7 C R
6-8.TC.8 E W P R D
6-8.TC.9 E W P R D
6-8.TC.10 E S R

©Katie Frank
7th Grade
Word/Google Docs Unit
I Can Statements
• I can change the font style and size.
• I can change the alignment of the text.
• I can add bullets and numbering to a document.
• I can add pictures, drop cap, tables and page borders.
• I can run spelling and grammar checks.
• Holiday Wishes
o About the Project
▪ Students write wishes for people in their communities during the holiday season
o Materials
▪ Template
• Winter Text Formatting1
o About the Project
▪ Students type letters to create a picture by centering the document
o Materials
▪ Word
▪ Instruction sheet
▪ Answer Key
▪ Link to purchase on TPT
• 21 Questions
o About the Project
▪ Students answer questions about themselves and change the format of the font to
match the requirements
o Materials
▪ Template with questions

Excel/Google Sheets Unit

I Can Statements
• I can autofill cells.
• I can create simple formulas.
• I can identify rows, columns and cells.
• I can locate a specific cell using coordinates.
• I can create graphs
• I can format sizes of cells
• I can add cell borders
• I can merge cells
• I can add or copy worksheets
• McDonalds Spreadsheet Activity2

Purchased on Teacher Pay Teacher – do not own
Purchased on Teacher Pay Teacher – do not own
©Katie Frank
7th Grade
o About the Project
▪ Insert data (number sold and price of item) into a spreadsheet
▪ Create a graph showing total price of each item
▪ Answer questions related to spreadsheet
o Materials
▪ Excel program
▪ Directions sheet
▪ Spreadsheet template
▪ Link to purchase on TPT
• Calendar
o About the Project
▪ Create a calendar in an Excel workbook
▪ Change the size of cells to create the look of a calendar
▪ Merge cells
▪ Label cells with dates, days of the week
▪ Add events to cells
▪ Copy worksheet to create 2 new months
• Change information for appropriate months
o Materials
▪ Excel
▪ Directions
▪ Rubric
▪ Example
• Christmas Playlist
o About the Project
▪ Students create a playlist of Christmas music
▪ Choose the songs and artists and note how long the song is
• Use a formula to translate length of song from minutes to seconds
o Materials
▪ Internet for looking up songs
▪ Template

PowerPoint/Google Slides Unit

I Can Statements
• I can add new slides to a presentation
• I can add transitions
• I can animate pictures and text
• I can present information to peers in an effective and pleasing way

• About Us Collaboration
o About the Project
▪ Students work in groups to create a presentation about their small group
• Include things like: birthday, similarities, fun facts, favorites, etc.
o Materials
©Katie Frank
7th Grade
▪ Google Slides
▪ Directions
▪ Rubric
• Powerful Presentation
o About the Project
▪ Students create a presentation of meaningful quotes and song lyrics
o Materials
▪ PowerPoint
▪ Directions and Rubric
▪ Example
• Spookiest Places in the USA
o About the Project
▪ Students choose a spooky place somewhere in the USA
▪ Research as to why it is haunted and create a presentation about that location
o Materials
▪ PowerPoint
▪ Example
▪ Template
▪ Website
• Christmas Around the World
o About the Project
▪ Students choose 5 countries from around the world and research how they celebrate
▪ Create a presentation with 1 country on each slide
o Materials
▪ PowerPoint
▪ Directions & list of countries
▪ Christmas Around the World website
▪ Example
▪ Optional Template

Digital Footprint
I Can Statements
• I can determine what information about myself is safe to share online and what is not safe to share
• I can identify a cyberbully and know what to do if I encounter one
• I can be mindful of what I post on the Internet, when I post it and why I post
• I can acknowledge that what I post or where I go on the Internet, I have left a footprint behind

• Digital Footprint Lesson
o About the Project
▪ Students learn about what a digital footprint is and how to stay safe online
▪ Create a visual of their digital footprint
o Materials
©Katie Frank
7th Grade
▪ PowerPoint presentation
▪ Notes sheet
▪ Quiz
▪ Digital footprint visual

Internet Research
I Can Statements
• I can use the Internet to locate information
• I can determine which sites contain quality information and which ones do not
• I can find answers to questions online by using keywords

• Website Sleuths3
o About the Project
▪ Use the Internet to locate information about each topic
o Materials
▪ Ruby Bridges, Sojourner Truth & Sacagawea
• Link to purchase on TPT
▪ Abraham Lincoln and George Washington
• Link to purchase on TPT
▪ Thanksgiving
• Link to purchase on TPT
• Space Technology Quest4
o About the Project
▪ Use the Internet to locate information about each topic
o Materials
▪ Internet
▪ Space Technology Quest worksheet
• Link to purchase on TPT
• Link to purchase on TPT
• President Report
o About the Project
▪ Students choose a President to research
• May not choose current President, George Washington or Abraham Lincoln
▪ Create an Instagram account for their president with the reserch they have completed
o Materials
▪ Publisher
▪ List of Presidents
▪ Research paper
▪ Instagram template
• History of Computers5

Purchased on Teacher Pay Teacher – do not own
Purchased on Teacher Pay Teacher – do not own
Purchased on Teacher Pay Teacher – do not own
©Katie Frank
7th Grade
o About the Project
▪ Students use the Internet to fill in answers about the history of computers
o Materials
▪ Internet
▪ Link to purchase on TPT
• Spookiest Places in the USA
o About the Project
▪ Students choose a spooky place somewhere in the USA
▪ Research as to why it is haunted and create a presentation about that location
o Materials
▪ PowerPoint
▪ Example
▪ Template
▪ Website
• WebQuests
o About the Project
▪ Use the Internet to locate information about each topic
o Materials
▪ Halloween Trivia
▪ Presidential Video Trivia
• Website to access videos
▪ Christmas Tree Quest
▪ Sports Quest6
• Website to locate information
• Link to purchase on TPT

I Can Statements
• I can identify different careers
• I can group careers by clusters based on their job descriptions
• I can reflect on my likes and dislikes to determine what my future career might be.
• I can create a resume describing and selling myself to future employers.
• I can answer questions describing myself for future employers.

• A to Z Careers
o About the Project
▪ Students name a career that starts with every letter of the alphabet
o Materials
▪ A to Z Careers document
• Write a Resume
o About the Project

Purchased on Teacher Pay Teacher – do not own
©Katie Frank
7th Grade
▪ Students use a website to write a resume for themselves after they have graduated
from college with a degree of their choosing
• Make up jobs during high school and college
• Choose the high school they would like to attend
• Choose the college they would like to attend
o Materials
▪ Website
• Career Research
o About the Project
▪ Students take a personality quiz to recommend careers for themselves
▪ Research the careers
• Salary
• Job outlook
o Materials
▪ Website
▪ Document to fill in research (2020 version)

Digital Design
I Can Statements
• I can use technology to create art.
• I can use technology to be creative.
• I can combine different forms of technology to create a technologically-based design.

• Brand Identity
o About the Project
▪ Students become “owners” of a fictional sports team
▪ Create a logo using clip art and learning how to crop, move, layer and edit the image
▪ Create a flyer promoting the new team
o Materials
▪ Publisher
▪ Brand Identity document
▪ Example
▪ Rubric
• Coding
o About the Project
▪ Experiment with coding using Hour of Code
o Materials
▪ Hour of Code

Monthly Questions
About Monthly Questions
• Each month, I pose a question to students. It is used as a reflection of what we have learned during
the course of the month. These questions could be multiple choice or short answer. I post each
©Katie Frank
7th Grade
question on Google Classroom on the first of every month. Students have until the last day of the
month to answer the question.
• I have included the questions that I asked of students for each month.

• September
o What is Ms. Frank’s email address?
• October
o In Google Slides, where do you find an online picture?
▪ Tools
▪ Format
▪ Insert
▪ Add-ons
• November
o Tell me 2 things you are faithful for this year.
• December
o A digital footprint is the date left behind when you use the Internet.
▪ True
▪ False
• January
o What program did you use to create the Calendar?
▪ Word
▪ Docs
▪ PowerPoint
▪ Excel
• February
o In a complete sentence, tell me something you learned about the President you researched for
your project.
• March
o What is your dream career?
• April
o Which program did we use to complete the Brand Identity project?
▪ Word
▪ Docs
▪ Publisher
• May
o Name 1 thing you learned in computers this year.

©Katie Frank

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