1st Exam 3FL

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Amalou Secondary School- Bejaia. School year: 2019/2020.

Level: 3rd year FL. Time allocated: 2 hours.

The First Term Exam of English

 Part One: Reading: (14 pts) Read the text and do the activities
Sports doping is becoming a bigger and bigger problem. Although there are many different drug
tests, each year even more different kinds of drugs are available. Some people ask, “What is wrong with
athletes using drugs to help them compete better?” They say that these athletes have the right to use any
drug they want. However, there are several problems with this argument.

In fact, the most important problem with this dishonest act of doping is that it creates an unfair
environment. Imagine that you and I are runners; I take drugs to help me run faster and I win. Then you
think that you must also take drugs to have a fair chance. Therefore, one can easily see how doping would
soon get out of control.

Moreover, some parents want their children to win at all costs. These parents let their children take
drugs to improve their chances of winning. After all, these children might win a professional career, a
college scholarship, or at least they could make their parents proud. Nevertheless, the bitter truth is that
these young citizens are taught to become corrupt and dishonest adults.

In the end, of course, the real problem is not doping, but it is the ‘win-at-all-costs’ attitude. With this
high value on winning, doping is becoming unavoidable for many of those who do not care about sports
ethics. Therefore, we can ban drugs. We can test athletes. We can even stop them from competing, but we
will never solve the problem until we change our attitudes.

Adapted from: Pavlik, C. (2006). Hot Topics 1. Boston, USA: Cengage Learning Inc. P. 105.

A. Comprehension: 07 pts
1- Say whether these statements are true or false. Correct the false ones.
a- The author thinks that athletes have the right to use any drug they want.
b- Sports doping creates an environment that is not fair.
c- We can solve the problem of doping by banning some drugs, testing athletes and stopping them
from competing.
d- The real problem in sports is that some athletes want to win in any way.
2- In which paragraph is it mentioned that…?
a- Contrary to what many people think, taking drugs to improve athletes’ performance is not a right.
b- To eradicate sports doping, we need to tackle the origin of the problem.
3- Answer the following questions according to the text:
A- Did drug tests solve the problem of sports doping? Justify your answer.
B- List from the text two reasons for which the author is against sports doping.
C- According to the author, what is the right solution to the problem of sports doping?

4- The text is: a- narrative. b- descriptive. c- argumentative. d- expository.

5- What or whom do the underlined words refer to in the text?

- they §1 - you §2 - their §3
B. Text Exploration: 07 pts

1- Find in the text words with the corresponding definitions:

a- Able to be bought or used (§1).
b- A feeling or opinion about something or someone, or a way of behaving that is caused by this (§4).
c- Decide or say that something is not allowed (§4).
2- Divide the following words into roots and affixes.

Words Prefixes Roots Suffixes

Unavoidable …………. ……………………………… …………
Dishonest ………… ……………………………… …………
Argument ………… ……………………………… …………

3- Re-write the sentence B so that it means the same as A:

A. I regret having taken drugs before the competition.
B. I wish ………………………………………..
A. Sports organizations should find a way to eradicate sports doping.
B. It’s about time …………………………………………………………
A. Sports doping is forbidden by the law; however, many athletes are still taking drugs to improve
their performance.
B. In spite of ………………………………………………………………..

4- Classify the following words according to the stressed syllable:

dishonesty- ethics- competition- problem.

On the 1st syllable On the 2nd syllable On the 3rd syllable

5- Re-order the following sentences to get a coherent passage:

a- for many reasons.
b- While others use them to mask pain, help them relax, or increase their confidence.
c- Some of them take drugs to make themselves stronger and faster.
d- Athletes use drugs

 PART TWO: Written Expression (06pts): Choose topic one OR topic two.

Topic One: Recently, many cases of doping have been reported among the Algerian football players.
This means that sports doping has become a serious problem in the Algerian football championship.
Write an expository article of about 80 to 120 words for your school magazine in which you explain the
causes and the bad consequences of this phenomenon.
The following notes may help you:
Causes: desire for winning - pressure to perform well - accelerate the healing from injuries – not caring
about ethics…
Consequences: damage the body and mind- be punished and banned from sports- create an unfair

Topic Two: All of the early civilizations occurred near rivers or other water bodies. Write an essay of
about 80 to 120 words to explain to your classmates the reasons for which the ancient people have chosen
those areas to establish their cities.


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