Analog Circuits (PCC-ECE206G) : September 2019

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First Sessional Examination September 2019

Semester: IV Branch: ECE

Subject with Code: Analog Circuits (PCC-ECE206G)
Time: 2 hours Max. Marks: 50
Note: All Questions are compulsory. Each question carries 10 marks.
Q. 1 Answer the following: (5 X 2)
i. Differentiate single stage & multistage amplifiers.
ii. What do you mean by Barkhausen criteria?
iii. Explain NPN Darlington pair amplifier.
iv. What is an oscillator? How does it differ from an amplifier?
v. Explain the effects of coupling and bypass capacitor in a circuit.

Q. 2 Draw the circuit diagram of RC coupled amplifier. Discuss the frequency response curve
of RC coupled amplifier. What is the effect of an emitter bypass capacitor on low
frequency? (10)
Q. 3 i. Discuss analysis of transistor amplifier in CE configuration using its hybrid- model.
ii. Discuss how the application of negative feedback in amplifier affects (i) stability of
gain (ii) Bandwidth (iii) Noise (5)
Q. 4 i. Write a short note on shunt-shunt feedback amplifier. (5)
ii. A negative feedback of  = 0.005 is applied to an amplifier of gain 1500. Calculate
the change in overall gain if the internal amplifier is subjected to a gain reduction of
15%. (5)
Q. 5 i. Write short note on Emitter follower at high frequencies. (5)
ii. Draw the circuit diagram and discuss the working of RC phase shift oscillator. (5)

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