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Interactive Classroom Framework - Full Observation

Date 11/25/2019
Duration (Minutes) 45 Savannah Girmscheid
Pre-Conference Date N/A Instruction
Post-Conference Date N/A
6th Grade Teacher
Announced Yes

Savannah has the students share Good Things on Monday and then
follows ujp wiht the students later.
Savannah has noticed the Accountable Talk processhas helped to
Building Positive Relationships Effective
build positive relationships between students.
Having her same students all morning has allowed her to get to know
the students better.
Savannah's clasrrom is filled with content driven "decorations" that
Physical Environment Effective
help promote a focused learnign environment.
When the students were being noisy Savannah said "I will wait until
we are at a Zero." The students responded well to that.
Routines and Procedures Effective
Classroom Culture Camdyn was quietly raising her had. Savannah respond to that by
allowing Camdyn to share her thoughts. This is a great way to
recognize and model postive classroom expecations.
Some students wrote less than "on task" answers on the posters.

Savannah created a "Let your Gratitude be your Attitude" bulletin

board in her hall. Students had to write what they were greatful for
Student Behavior and Moral on the papers that were then hung up. She did this in all three
Focus Soocial Studies rotations.
Savannah contiunes to have her students process and learn the
monthly moral focus traits through a variety of methods. Some of
those include post it notes, gratitude journals, and nominating
classmates who have exhibited those traits.
Savannah has a clear understanding of the standards this lesson and
unit were based on.
Those standards directly support the Guiding questions for the unit
and the lesson.
Savannah knows that in order for her students to meet the level of
rigor expected for this standard they need to not just repeat the one
Identify and Analyze the child policy, but also anlyze it for its positive and negative impact on
Complexity of Standards China's population.
Savannah was able to indentify the misconceptions student might
have with this lesson and how she would address those
Savannah was able to indicate how this standard in 6th grade builds
background knowledge for when 7th grade learns about ancient
civilzatins and their characteristics.
Savannah's lesson plans demostrate a clear alignment from the
standards to the Learning targets and throughout the lesson activities.

This lesson is a set up for a DBQ she will be using later in the unit.
Planning Instructional Alignment Effective
Savannah's plans also indicate that this lesson comes after several
days of conversations around China's population distribution.
Savannah is teaching her students how to write CER's in her Social
Studies classes.
Overall her three social studeis classes are able to progress at a
equal pace.
Savannah will often use the questions her 1st rotation students ask as
Pacing Effective teaching points for the 3rd rotation because they do not ask as many
2nd rotation has higher students in it so Savannah will go deeper with
her questioning.
Savannah's lesson plans indcated she wold provide frequent check
ins and partner support for one student.

Differentiated Planning Effective The plan also indicated that she would use intentional grouping for the
turn and talk responses.
Savannah creates her partners and groups based on students that
have similar behavior, effort, and ability.
The CNN 10 video was focused on the Chinesse govenrment and its
influence on the world trade and business. This had a direct
connection to the focus of the day's lesson.
Savannah introduced the lesson by going over the I cans for the class.
I can identify and analyze reasons China
wanted to slow population growth.
I can describe how the government
slowed growth and analyze the

One student asked what would happen if the mom had triplets.
Instructional Rigor Effective
Savanah added that to a list of questions that came up in other
Savannah reviewed for the students what the different parts of the
graph meant (population, date etc.)
How could you invlove students
more in this review?
Savannah mentioned the "fertility rate” and quickly reminded the
students what that meant.
Savannah summarized the main ideas of the lesson.
Savannah showed a video of one negative aspect of the one child
policy (invisible children).
Savannah asked the students to come up with things China might
have concerns about if their population surpassed 1 Billion.
The students were able to come up with several good answers.

Savannah shared some of the student responses on the posters.

How might you encourage more
student engagement with this?
For most of the classroom conversations Savannah called on
students who had their hands up.
What message does that send to
students that don't want to participate
or stay engaged?
Cognitive Engagement Effective
Most students were engaged during the class conversations but some
Teaching were not (Abran, Damien).
What might you do to engage all the

Savannah asked the students to think silently about some of the

consequences they learned about with the one child policy. She
asked them to think about if they were good bad or both?
Students then had to share with a partner one good consequence and
one bad consequence.

Students eventually will need to write a CER based on the guiding

questions for this unit.
Students had to look at different posters designed to support the one
child policy. They needed to identify what positive things the poster
was promoting.

There turned out to be a lot of "What if” questions. Is that okay from
a pacing standpoint? If not, what might you do to give students a
chance to ask those questions but still not spend so much class time
on answering or having discussions on those questions?

Savannah told the students to talk to their neighbor about how the one
Use of Time Effective child policy affects growth.
However, the studnets did not get a chance to share out their
conversations with the whole group.

After the video students needed to answer three question with a

Why was she not registered?
How is her life difficult?
What is she not allowed to do?
Groups did not share out their partner conversations with the whole
While students were doing their turn and talks Savannah asked
Personalized Instruction Effective driving questions based on the ability level of the students in the
Savannah listened to student responses for formative assessment
during class.
Implementing Assessment
Sttudents were to write a CER as a summative assessment at the end
Assessing of the lesson.
Savannah has spent time analyzing Interm 1 data for both Math and
ELA. She and her teammates have formed intentional WIN groups
Analyze Data Effective
based on those results. She also uses these result to determine what
standards to review and which ones to not review.
Savannah had her students write goals for both Math and ELA.
Students could choose between 4 or 5 ELA golas that Savannah
Assessing Actionable Feedback Effective provided.
The Math goals were based on a students lowest standard/skill on the
Unit 2 assessment.

Observation Notes

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