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Music Video Storyboard

Music video storyboards go into depth with editing, effects, lighting and transitions
which can be located at the notes of the storyboard. This is effective as it may not
always be visible and the artist may be unable to display these activities in the
storyboard so there is a detailed description of what is happening making those parts
of the production aware of what to do.

Unlike film storyboards, music videos have a set time to go directly with the audio
which means that all shots that are made in the storyboard has to be done in the set
time unless the video is being used in a more cinematic way (similar to a short film).

Apart from those specific techniques, music video storyboards are very similar to film
storyboards with all the contents included. ​In the music video storyboard presented
the use of arrows are shown in the shots. This helps the coordinators to make the
precise movements that are not only appealing but also effective for the purpose of
the music creating an impact on the audience.
The edits that are mentioned on music storyboards are very key and highly effective
as the effect helps to bring the visuals of the music to a more satisfactory level for the
viewer and also to make all shots transition very smoothly without any odd timing or
awkward visualising. Similar to all storyboards in the different sectors the numbering
order of shots is very beneficial. This allows the telling of whatever story or scenario
being played out can go in order following its story line. Music video storyboards
similarly to Advert storyboards have a small/Limited amount of time which makes the
amount of shots need to be done as large as that of a film storyboard. However, the
majority of time an advert time is less than that of a music video.

Film Storyboard
Film storyboards are the foundation throughout other genres of storyboards. Most of
these techniques include:

● Sketch of scene - Basic essentials of the storyboard in order to depict what is

needed in your shot. These sketches do not need to be perfect but they need to
be clear enough to show location, costume, shot size and character actions
during the shot. The sketches have a designated box that they need to be
sketched in.

● Arrows (Outside the box) - These arrows are used to show the moving of the
camera during the scene. This is specified as it allows not only the cameraman
know what to do in the frame but also to possibly make the actor know what
they are doing or where they are going to be positioned in the shot.

● Arrows (Inside the box) - These show People, animals, vehicles etc. that are
moving in the shot. They are always positioned in the sketch at a place where
they do not block out key details but show the direction of whatever is moving
in the shot.

● Description - (Duration, Camera shot, camera angles, camera movements, sound,

actors movements etc.) This is the key detailing of what is shown in the shot of a
storyboard. This is useful to decide location, actors movements, props, key shot and
camera movement and duration of shot

There are many other parts of the storyboard but those are seen as all the basic
fundamentals for each genre.
Advert Storyboard
In an advert storyboard the main focus is the shot being shown. Although this is key
in all different formats of storyboard, in advert it is the most important part of the
storyboard till the point that certain descriptions are added in. certain descriptions are
added such as shot, camera movements duration and sometimes not sound but most
of the time the dialogue may be the only thing present apart from the shot. The
purpose of this is to focus on the visual appeal as an advert is made to intrigue and
draw appeal to whatever the brand or person is trying to advertise. They do still use
the arrows to show character movement and camera movement, some editing
transition and shot number to have some sense of what to do in the scene in order
but otherwise from that little to no
description is show​In the music
video storyboard presented the use
of arrows are shown in the shots.
This helps the coordinators to make
the precise movements that are not
only appealing but also affective for
the purpose of the music creating an
impact on the audience. In the
sequence of shots we see that the
card that is being advertised is very
frequent. This is so that it can always
capture the audience's attention even
through different shots. A key shot
that is used throughout many
different adverts is a close up. This
shot is specifically used to present
more detail on the item or product
being advertised. It also helps to gain
more knowledge or information on
the product or item than you
previously had. The lack of sound is
done purposely not as a way to avoid
choosing sound but to allow for the
refining of shots and showing of
what is being advertised. With film storyboards the key focus is what we see and here
which is why the dialogue and possible sound present in the scene is taken into
consideration on a film storyboard. However, on an advert the main focus is what the
audience sees hence why the shots are the main features and sometimes the only
features on that sector of storyboards. Overall the simplicity of the advert storyboard
allows for the shot to have a greater impact on its audience.

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