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Florence Township, Burlington County, NJ

July 2019 estimates:

Burlington County Florence Township

Population 445,384 12,540

Median Household Income $84,992 $80,702

Poverty 6.2% (~27,614) 4.8% (~602)

Veterans 29, 527 708

Age and Sex:

Persons 5 and under: 5.1% (~22,715) 5% (~627)

Persons 18 and under: 20.8% (~92,540) 20.7% (~2,596)

Persons 65 years and over: 16.9% (~75,270) 16.8% (~2,107)

Females: 50.7% (~225,810) 53.6% (~6,721)

Race and Origin:

White: 73.1% (~325,576) 76.7% (~9,618)

White alone: 67% (~298,407) 74.4% (~9,330)

Black/African American: 18.2% (~81,060) 12.1% (~1,517)

Asian: 5.3% (~23,605) 5.6% (~702)

Hispanic/Latino: 8.3% (~36,967) 6.5% (~815)

American Indian/Alaska Native: 0.3% (~1,336) 0%

Two or more races: 2.9% (~12,916) 4% (502)

Other General Information:

Burlington County Florence Township

Houses w/a computer: 92.2% (~410,644) 88.4% (~11,085)

Houses w/Internet: 87.3% (~388,820) 84% (~10,534)

High School Graduates: 93.6% (~416,879) 93.8% (~11,763)

College Graduates: 37.5% (~167,019) 31.7% (~3,975)

Disability under 65 years of age: 7.7% (~34,295) 8.1% (~1,016)

Civilian Workforce 16+ years: 65.5% (~291,727) 10.9% (~1,367)

Three Expansions:

One expansion I would like to propose would be collecting multilingual books for
students in various households where family members may speak other languages besides
English. Focusing in on the demographics shown within the communities, I would push towards
books in Spanish or those dual-language books that have English on one page and Spanish on the
next. Depending on the other languages spoken by students, adding in various books in Chinese,
Japanese, or other languages spoken in Asia might be helpful, especially if there are English-
Language Learners in the area. Books that provide a substantial representation of all the
languages spoken within the community would be something useful for patrons who are learning
English or for those who wish to read something in their native or second language. Other
additional resources like audiobooks that patrons can listen to or instructional videos to help
patrons learn English or brush up on their native language. With 6.5% of the population being
Latino and 5.6% being Asian, this expansion would be beneficial to provide them with resources
to learn and practice a variety of languages. It provides an opportunity for people to read in
another language they know or are studying. It provides them an opportunity to practice within
the library, or at least obtain the resources to practice other languages if they so desire.
Another good expansion would be a significant amount of e-resources available to
patrons through databases. For those with disabilities or those that work, physically getting to the
library for assistance or to use the resources provided can be difficult. With unusual hours,
people with any sort of job may struggle to arrive at the library during its open hours. Now with
the outbreak of the coronavirus, it's more important than ever to have reliable sources of
information for the general public to access from anywhere. Expanding online resources can be
extremely beneficial for those who can't make it to the library or for students who need to do
research at home for a school project. Not all information students may need on a subject can be
provided through books, especially when information is needed about new issues like the
coronavirus and its effects around the world. E-resources allow for faster access to new
information while remaining reliable sources of information for patrons. With a vast majority of
the population having home Internet (84%) and a computer (88.4%), this community could really
benefit from the option of e-resources and databases they could gain access to while at home.
One last expansion I would propose for this community would be books and other
resources about various minorities. As I mentioned briefly during the first expansion on books of
various languages for representation and studying purposes, a similar concept arises for books
about minorities and their cultures. Representation is an important aspect of a library’s collection
in order to provide what everyone in a community needs. 12.1% Black/African American, 5.6%
Asian, 6.5% Hispanic/Latino, and 4 % of the population being two or more races, resources
representing these people help them feel like part of the community. This expansion would
include books about various folklores, religions, lifestyles, and more to supply patrons with
knowledge regarding people in their community and others all around the world. This idea can
also apply to resources for the 700+ veterans as well, such as resume building and job-hunting
assistance. Veterans are a small minority typically forgotten by most communities, and by
having the library reach out and provide them help to readjust to society, we could drastically
change their lives for the better.
All these proposed collection expansions are to greater serve and connect with the whole
of our community, not just the 76.7% white alone. Forming strong connections with every group
within the library’s community ensures continuous usage of the various resources the library
obtains for its patrons. These expansions give greater options to everyone that enters the library
and lets every patron know they are seen, heard, and represented in all forms.

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