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Gosh, why

are my friends
so ahead of me?

#ConquerYourFear Find us on Instagram @lifeatgojek

I am the kind of
person who always
think at least two
steps ahead,
so my biggest fear
in life is to lose
my direction.

Find us on Instagram @lifeatgojek

I experienced it
when I was in college.
I had no idea what
to do after graduating,
so I just stuck there
until I ran out of time
and got to drop out.

Find us on Instagram @lifeatgojek

That experience
was a wake-up call.
I realized I was left behind.
I needed to make a change
if I want a better life.

Find us on Instagram @lifeatgojek

So I did these:

Take a step back and

be more strategic
Whenever I start feeling stuck, I take a step back
and try to find the root cause. Then I can be more
strategic and avoid making the same mistakes.

Do benchmarking
I befriend people who are better or more advanced
in life than me. Not to compare myself, but
to find new insights to adjust my own plan or target.

After any life progression, I always question
if I truly am content or just being lazy and
complacent, so that I won’t get lost or stuck again.

Find us on Instagram @lifeatgojek

I learn that we can face our fear
if we take time to analyze it first
and keep on learning.

Planning our next step or two

will come easier after that.
Find us on Instagram @lifeatgojek
Have you ever
felt lost in your life?
How do you find
your way out?

Share your story on the comment section,

or tag your friends who need to see this too.

Find us on Instagram @lifeatgojek

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