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Day Four

Date-4th May 2017

Day - Thursday

Numaligarh Refinery Ltd

Through its M.D.

Rohit Chaudhary & Ors

Original Application- 38/2011


The review petition is under section 19 (4) (1) of the National Green Tribunal Act, 2010
r/w Rule of the National Green Tribunal ( Practice and procedure) rule 2011.
This application filed against the illegal activities including operation of stone crushers
brick kilnk, tea factories and other polluting activities in the non-developer zone (ND2)
that was demarcated by the ministry of environment, forest and climate change
notification of 5 th July 1996 around the petroleum refinery at Numaligarh.
The Hon’ble tribunal has ordered for the formation of a comprehensive action plan and
monitory mechanism aside from the immediate closure of the store crushers and other
industrial activities in the no-development zones.
Even 3 years of the judgement by the Hon’ble tribunal there has been no effective
implementation of the same.
Excavation and felling of trees for the golf course in the area in question be stopped. To
prevent further degradation of environment.
Numaligarh reginery limited to pay compensation for destruction of prime forest landin
no-development zone.
Plantation of suitable plant varieties in the area.
The tribunal failed to note that in compliance of the direction of this Hon’ble tribunal
dated 29/9/15 the SFIAA and the state of Assam had failed inspection reports both dated
10/10/15 which had cleared the township project.
They did not noticed the 67 big has was allotted to the petitioner herein during the period
2004-2008 for extension of township.
The golf course has 70-80 % of high canopy density.
It did not take note of the fact that joint survey team of forest and revenue department
had approved felling of 20 % trees and nowhere declared it a forest.
The tribunal failed to give cognizance to the divisions taken in the meeting on 16/9/2015
chaired by chief secretary, Assam , the MOM of which was attached in this petitioner’s
additional supplementary to the court affidavit.
The entire area acquired for the extension of the township project 22 acres was tea
garden and the boundary wall was constructed to project of the township.

The Hon’ble Tribunal to make sure that the orders given to the respondents are being
followed. Because Till now no adequate actions has been taken.

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