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Day Twelve

Date - 16th May 2017

Day – Tuesday

Mahendra Pandey

Union of India & Ors

Application No- 58/2017


The applicant filed this application to draw the attention of this Hon’ble Tribunal on the
pathetic condition of river Ramganga which originates in the Doodhatoli range in
Paurigarwal district of Uttrakhand flows through Moradabad, Bareilley and Talalabad before
merging with Ganga at farukhabad in Uttar Pradesh. Large numbers of people are involved
in un scientific dismantling crude chemical leaching of private circuit boards , burning of
wires, waste electrical & electronic components, grinding of residues, washing of mental rich
residue (milled black power) on the banks of Ramganga River. Heap of milled black power
were kept in open on the bank of river particularly at daswa ghat and Barbalam where the
milled black power is washed in water to remove lighter the milled black powder is washed
in water to remove lighter non – metallic fraction. The residues are left disposed directly into
the river. The analysis of samples collected/ drawn during the aforesaid visit. The values
obtained from analysis results are compared with screening levels taken from Canadian
screening standards. The sample contains Irons, Zinc, copper and mercury and the soil
contains iron, zinc, manganese, nickel, lead copper, chromium, antimons , vanadium. It is
required to direct the local administration and the UPPCB stop illegal processing of E- waste
in Moradabad. The excise and sales tax department may be directed to check all the entry
points into Moradabad. The rivers has completely turned into a dump yard. Due to the
ground water is also been contaminated. Article 48A of constitution of India the state shall
Endeavour to protect and improve the environment and to safeguard the forest and wildlife of
the country. Because as per sub- clause (g) of Article 51 –A of constitution of India it’s the
duty of the citizen to take care of lakes, rivers etc. Article 21of the constitution is violated.
And section 24 of the water ( Prevention And Control of pollution) act 1974


The applicant Requests for the import of E – waste should be prohibited and a monitoring
committee should be setup.

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