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MARCH 31, 2020


Mr. Jefferson B. Sessions

c/o Friends of Sessions Senate Committee Inc.
3350 Boxwood Drive
Montgomery, AL 36111

RE: Misleading Representations of President Trump’s Support

Dear Mr. Sessions:

The Trump Campaign has learned that your U.S. Senate campaign is circulating mailers
like the one I have enclosed, in which you misleadingly promote your connections to and
“support” of President Trump. The enclosed letter and donor form in fact mention President
Trump by name 22 times. The letter even makes the delusional assertion that you are President
“Trump’s #1 Supporter.” We only assume your campaign is doing this to confuse President
Trump’s loyal supporters in Alabama into believing the President supports your candidacy in the
upcoming primary run-off election. Nothing could be further from the truth.

We want to be absolutely clear about it: President Trump and the Trump Campaign
unambiguously endorse Tommy Tuberville. In fact, let us repeat President Trump’s words from
March 10, 2020:

Tommy Tuberville . . . is a REAL LEADER who will never let MAGA/KAG, or

our Country, down! Tommy will protect your Second Amendment (which is under
siege), is strong on Crime and the Border, and truly LOVES our Military and our
Vets. He will be a great Senator for the people of Alabama. Coach Tommy
Tuberville, a winner, has my Complete and Total Endorsement.

President Trump and his Campaign do not support your efforts to return to the U.S.
Senate. We demand that you and your campaign immediately stop circulating mailers—or any
other similar communication—that wrongly suggest otherwise.


Michael S. Glassner
Chief Operating Officer
Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.

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