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A Tale of Two Cities

Book II Review—chapters 14-24

21. Echoing Footsteps: Years pass and Lucie and Charles have a daughter
(little Lucie) and a son who dies. Carton visits them about six times each
year, and little Lucie loves him. Carton still works for Stryver who has married
a rich widow who has three sons. In Paris, Defarge leads the storming of the
Bastille where visits Dr. Manette's old cell. Madame Defarge demonstrates
her vengeance by cutting off the Governor's head.

22. The Sea Still Rises: In Paris, a mob lead by the Defarges and The
Vengeance kill the nobleman Foulon and his son because of their
mistreatment of the common people.

23. Fire Rises: France lies in ruin with starvation and disease the norm
amongst the common people. The revolution is underway with red caps
becoming the uniform of the revolutionaries. A revolutionary burns the late
Marquis's villa to the ground.

24. Drawn to the Loadstone Rock: Three years later (1792), Lorry is sent to
Paris by Tellson's to save and bring back important documents from their
bank there. Charles receives a desperate letter from Gabelle, the manager of
his uncle's estate. If Charles does not go to Paris to testify that Gabelle acted
on his order, then Gabelle will be executed. Charles goes to Paris to help
Gabelle without telling Lucie or the Doctor.

Book 2, Chapter 14
1. Who was Jerry Cruncher digging up? Where have we heard this name
2. What is Jerry’s nighttime job—the one that gives him rust on his fingers?
3. What name does young Jerry give to his father's "trade," and what is Mr.
Cruncher's response when young Jerry says he wants to be in that trade
when he grows up?

Book 2, Chapter 15
4. What was the fate of the Marquis's killer, and who reported that fate to
5. What is the sentence that Defarge and his compatriots give after hearing
the fate of the Marquis's killer? What are the future implications of this
sentence (who is going to be affected by this sentence)?
6. How are these sentences recorded so that they will be kept secret until
the appropriate time?
7. Why does Defarge compliment his guest for cheering the king and queen?

Book 2, Chapter 16
8. Who is the spy that comes to talk with the Defarge’s? Where have we
seen this man before?
9. Why is Defarge depressed, and how does Madame Defarge comfort him?
10.What is the significance of Madame Defarge pinning a rose in her hair?
11.What does the spy learn from the Defarges, and what do they learn from
12.How does Monsieur Defarge feel about knitting Lucie Manette’s name into
the register? How does Madame Defarge feel?

Book 2, Chapter 18
13.What does Charles Darnay tell the Doctor on the morning of his marriage
to Lucie?
14.What is the Doctor's response to the combination of this information and
the giving of his daughter in marriage?

Book 2, Chapter 19
15.How many days does the Doctor lose to his mental state?
16.What recommendation does Mr. Lorry make to the Doctor, and how does
he talk him into following it?

Book 2, Chapter 20
17.What request does Carton make of Charles?
18.What does Lucie request of Charles?

Book 2, Chapter 21
19.What sad thing befell Charles and Lucie during this time period?
20.What has happened to Carton and Stryver over the years?
21.What happened in Paris on July 14, 1789?
22.Where did Defarge demand to be taken first? Why?
23.How does Madame Defarge show her merciless strength?

Book 2, Chapter 22
24.Who is Madame Defarge's lieutenant in leading the women, and what
does this "nickname" imply about her?
25.Who was Old Foulon and what was his fate?
26.What historically significant event has begun (that we watched a
documentary on)?

Book 2, Chapter 23
27.What happens at the Marquis's villa?

Book 2, Chapter 24
28.In the year 1792, where were the headquarters for the "Monseigneur" in
29.Why is Mr. Lorry going to France? What is his mission?
30.What is Gabelle's urgent plea and what is Charles's decision?
31.Why does he decide on this course of action? What does this say about his

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