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Politics after Violence Legacies of the Shining Path Conflict in Peru University of Texas Pres ys Asin From the Partisen Right to the Conservative Archipelago When Fernando Belaunde second goverment tried to intoduce a few inal neoliberal reforms in the 1980s, faced resistance from ot enly“popelar” forces, suchas the left-wing spectrum and the Pe- fvian Agnes Popular Revolucionaria Americena (APRA), but aso {coups witha its wn party, Acion Popular (AP), and is conservative {iby the Pactido Populse Crstano (PPC). While ic sequently ob Secved thatthe Peruvian pary system of the 1980s capre the let ‘Sel ideological spectrum quite well (Tanaka 1998, rater less noted inh the rightwing parties lacked sdecogical cohesion. The Right had organizational prominence vince the political parties were rooted im socety, but they atactedsecors wh véey diferent Meoloial ‘ew Both the AP ad the PPC contined strong interest fom then “Gusti sect, which distrusted the opening up of trade and blocked ny atezpts at liberalization, Likewise, fe rade was sisted, ese ‘within dhe AP, by several sector and especially those inked vo sisan democracy which damised any posit that such eea- ‘mie proposals could be postive? Te the second haf ofthe 1980s—when Mario Vargas Llosa entered polis wate ofthe new economic ideas that were tring, polit Sally and academically in Eerope and the United States—an initia ink wa etablshed betwen neoliberal ideas and the rghewing pr ts, Iebosame an ocason in which eke AP the PPC, andthe new ‘Movimiento Libera, ed by Varas Llosa, coaverged (Requena 2010), Acdionally ws though Vargas Llosa that the ieas ofthe Per ‘ian economist Hernando De Seto came shape the Peruvian version ‘of lobal neoliberal Adean2éo 2014). Tos, fo this brie moment, the old right-wing parties beste conpected to the new aeoliberal ‘ess create a comprehensive liberal Right chat wasp free market polis and plies liberal. Mario Vargas Llosa and his eohor in Iroduced new neoliberal economies, but the eadional veils of Teel reperentation—pliticalparies—made the alliance eminently ‘Sin he wm “porihoncadas” pari eee = ps pty and bcd es too nie cng og 2 ge th et percentage ws cakes by he Comin dea Vendy Reso ee ir ities (suchas ministers, congressmen, and congresswomes}. In other words it ee itor baittgmagen 15. A Sepnmer 2012 maton sry by HPSOS-Apoo showed that So pena eipoens nare! Albers Fair ar onc fh ain in ‘alto ve ented he dn fe 16! Wen Feo Pablo Kuczyna was seed president in 2016, fino ‘mo seit amore rominat ae 8 Congres bang Wo 3 pce of ‘he conpresonal rte sare- Ths igre gues aad hoe aig wit the excuse, bor despite al he pli nah hw changed "rms of he obesnnes of igh ning ate reparding the neko gine, 1? The MTA launched tragel pat the Reuvan se a 1388, andisespnshl for perce ole fits during AC ICV 20030, 18 Foc example, the tow was sellin organnng the 201) "Mash fr Lie" in which honsands of people moiled gain al yes of dorian tvensherapetic boro loreal mci uch sing thei Pregnant worse 5° Roberto Abusads founded the 1 and the bse a ono vis forthe governent, Joe Baca war he IPE dete aden Pree minute of che economy and Sane, Loot Roch ws avis to he pie ‘minister and ser decor ofthe IPE. Fez Du Bish be pos sa ‘omic adie forthe goreramers ake the poston of IPE decor Asse 21, We examined all he minis in each intr from he Toledo gow cae 2000 to Humals hid cbc (Jae 2013) thre was lof 262 incmbens, who wee casted ss “basineaen “paliene ech ical and oer sch capo 2i. See caper oth lame, 22, “Unidad Naina exgs Susi Villasn gue cvle 6 leva en ns a igovos de ura Roja ye MRA Diss EY Comercio, Ase fs 6, 2010, hepillomerciopepltingeteralnidad nana x suanavillatat-guereveea ett memos pts fla ms oui 61905 28 See Garcia Les 2010. For more ons pesos time peo (1990- 2006) see fom 2006 24, "Roce alt “un sau 69 fe erode incrnsionales po referencias etre hacia i ing” Diana B1 Comer, Sep tember 21,2010, hpselcomerci pefsonomiaiperalkvcrynak aie ‘scidoneradosneraaconler psn coals hcg ‘on e090 35, “Cprin shee eines marca ‘No 6 omen de dele ish Diario La Reubles, Sepember 25,2010, peor darepblicg Pl2S~09-2010ciptantsabresecione-muniipals 0 oe moment-de ‘login 236 "The mining poet was speed ding Alan Gases pveement (2006-2011 and wah since USS won ves sho oe Pe large ister poi The nena ase te Newton Mining Coe oration, rom the Uneed States (1.38 cet Bosaweaca fm Pr {3.65 cet and the Worl Bank atin partner rug tee ‘atonal nance Corporation (Seren roms ParisonRghio the Contra Arciptge. 249 27. shack ‘reas e Camas sermisaba 8 wenn esi vs ba ho Ju 20, tpl gl BOT einstein aOR wee aos mie ato + exams ao lima aan Da Po By May 204, hepa pep Sera qeprie seeor-eblaa'mardanocapmace- ques Bases " Sate Sia Geri Sate act camo ina Dini Co ee Sai ety icone yeranashonsaEPENSA “ebttsare snr ggro-anrcareme-ers

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