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Soft Matter COMMUNICATION check for updtes A class of diatomic 2-D soft granular crystals undergoing pattern transformations Ce thie sort Matter, Receved 19th July 2017 Deceptad UR August 2017 0%: 10s088/e7em0:4508 recifsoft-malter- journal We propose a class of diatomic 2-D soft granular crystals, which features pattern transformation under compression with lateral confinement. The proposed granular crystals are composed of two diferent types of cylinders: large soft cylinders and small hard ‘plinders. The pattern-transformable granular crystals are obtained by exploring perturbed packing patterns as potentat configurations, and compression with lateral confinement as the driving force ofthe transition. As a demonstration ofthe proof-of-concept, we fist show the results of desktop-scaled experiments and fnite element simula- tions for a representative case. Then, we present the procedure to fobtain these new pattem Wansformations in soft granular crystals ‘based on the compact packing theory of diatomic ctces. The scale- Independent compact packing theory serves as an important part of the veiled underlying mechanism of the observed pattern trans- formations so the proposed granular crystals can open new avenues In the microstructural design of functional materials towards practical applications. 1 Introduction Granular ental (Le, ordered array of particles) are considered as, potential component for enengy dissipation’ and a promising configuration for phononie band-gaps.”* tn particular, itis, reported that the phononie band-structure ofa granular crystal can be distinctively altered by its geomet.” Thus, the tunability arising from pattem transformations will affect the coverage of the bandgaps, and the versatility of granular erystals can be significantly improved by incorporating pattern transformations. In 2011, Goncu et al reported a deformation-induced pattem transformation of square lattices under compression with lateral, confinement (Ge, a kind of biaxial loading condition). ‘They * Deparment of Ci, Sacral an Emironmentel Brgnering, Univers bufle, 240 Rete Hal, ule, NY 1260, USA Ba jim ed, minrieeisa72 "parent of Mechanical gineering nies of New Hampshir, 23 College Road, Kingsbury Hal, Dacha, NIT 0324, USA 5824 | Sort Mutter, 201,18, 5824-885) Bodhi Rudra, ®* Yunyao Jiang,” Yaning Li? and Jongmin Shim @** ‘demonstrated a pattern transformation in squate arrays of lin drical particles, and investigated the effect of radius ratio on the pattern transformation and its reversibility. However, since theit ‘work, the mechanism of patternransformable granular crystals. thas not been revealed and no other pattern transformation of granular crystals has been suggested or investigated. Here, we propose four new pattern transformations in soft granular crystals obtained by considering the compact packing of diatomic circles." The proposed granular crystals are composed of two different types of eyinders large soft ylinders and small hard eylinders. The pattem-ransformable granular cenjstals ate obtained by exploring perturbed packing patterns as potential configurations, and compression with lateral confine: ‘ment as the driving force ofthe transition, As a demonstration of the proofofeoncept, we first show the results of desktop-scaled experiments and finite element (FE) simulations for a represen: tative case, Then, we diselose the procedure to obtain these new pattern wansformations in soft granular exystals based on the compact packing theory of diatomic cites. he procedure is composed of two steps. The fist step isto identity four potential twansformation paits, which are obtained by considering the packing density evolution under compression with lateral confinement, In the second step, the rigid-body rearrangement assumption provides the principal compressive loading direction for each transformation potential transformation pair. 2 Experimental results ‘The cylindrical particles are printed using a 3-D printer, Objet Connex 260, whose printing resolutions is 16 jm. all the printed cylindrical particles have a nominal thickness of To = 6.5 mm. White-colored VeroWhite (Young's modulus £3" = 2.00 GPa) {employed to print the hard particles having @ nominal radius, '=24 mm. Soft particles are printed with transparent DM60 (ce., digital material obtained by mixing VeroWhite and ‘TangoPlus, and #8™® = 2,49 MPa), and their radius is ®= 6.0 mm. Thus the radius ratio of the particles is z = rik = 0.40, he initial fas jours be Keyl Socaty of Cherny 7017

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