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Lj liverpool johansson

Grandma paid my parents $50 not to name me Liverpool. Out of that, I got a sweet mid-
dle name and my parents got a night out on the town. Even more important, I have been
shaped by that city. There is the obvious love for the Beatles. But on a deeper level, Liver-
pool is tough, yet lyrical and resilient. Built from ashes. The locals, Skouses are sarcastic,
have an unswerving love for all thing Liverpool and love a good argument. I consider my-
self a Skouse at heart. I’m gritty, emotional, self-made and a fighter. I beat my roommate’s
boyfriend in a wrestling match. But more important, I’m resilient. Even from an early
age. I wanted a bike with pink tires. And that is exactly what I got. I’ve been that way
my whole life. So Liverpool, hope you are proud of the little, white girl Yank across the
pond fighting her way to the top.

LJ Johansson
Dr. Pepper
Dr. Pepper is something that everyone can drink too. No matter your age, race or plant of origin.

Art director/Copywriter
LJ Johansson
Home depot
Home Depot helps you create your space and your social life.

Art director
Miriam Blanco
LJ Johansson
How does Wendy’s gets its square patties? We’ve got the answer. A Japanese game show.

Art director
Anthony Abbott/Roger McMullen
LJ Johansson/Ari Aries
Japanese announcer starts speaking Japanese. A cow, in a game studio is revealed. English 3/4 shot of the cow on the runway. Techo music
Conge flashes on screen. voice over “3...2...1” and crowd noises are added

A wall with a square cut out is revealed. The an- Quick cuts between shots of the cows legs, face Crazy conge flashes on the screen. Quick cuts
nouncer’s voice increases in intensity. and body. Crowd noises and music increase. between different angles.

AHHHHH! The crowd, announcer’s voice and Square patty flies out of the square wall Japanese voice over, deep and
music increases. Is he going to make it? sexy. “Square better...yum.”
INDian motorcycle
Discover Authenticity. Riding a motorcycle is the only true way to discover America and all the gems
that make our country.

Art director
Colby Remond
LJ Johansson
Iphone app
The app allows rides
to discover America
through a geocach-
ing game. Caches
would be placed
in National Parks.
Upon discovering
the cache, riders get
a one of a kind pin ,
specific to that cache,
to pin on their motor-
cycle jackets.
Communication arts
Increase student subscription by 15% through a direct mailing piece and posters on campus
A white page is intimidating to face. But with Comm Arts, you have inspiration and are able to fill a
sketch book with ease

Art director
Janssen Weeks
LJ Johansson
Posters would be hung on college campuses
across the nation, with a focus in art/design
schools. The poster features a 3D element to
it. The magazine and the color pencil look like
they have been stabbed into the wall.
Sketch books would be handed out by profes-
sors to students. The sketchbooks are filled
with ideas and advice from prominent people
in the field of communication for gaining in-
spiration. The books are meant to be conver-
sation starter and have very little branding on
them. We felt that little branding on the book
was important because we wanted to create
something that was usable and people would
carry with them.

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