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Sustainable construction-The role of environmental Assessment Tools
KC Grace Ding *
COD: 1129566337
The article notes its firm position on the importance of assessing environmental
impacts in construction of buildings and civil engineering works great,
Highlights the importance and key role in choosing the appropriate method to
analyze the best scenario for construction to develop in the best way for all the
factors involved. That while people who invest in the building sacr think the higher
profitability of the place, the people who will occupy expect such building is safe,
airy, spacious and comfortable. While environmental monitors that is
environmentally sustainable.
As you have to analyze all these points of view the article 6 develops methods
which will be explained below.
BREEAM: was the first strategy used to meet all the points that required the
construction of a building and today is the most used, developed in the United
Kingdom, it is to establish a list of environmental aspects and impacts conta which
are evaluated in the development of construction. It strikes me that all these these
aspects to encunetan can be carried out even from the outset of the design of the
project therefore minimize to the maximum the potential impacts or consequences
of such a project. Another aspect that has brought this method to use even today is
the fact that this is steady updated on the different needs of the market, but also
environmental needs both sides trying to solve in the best way.
The environmental impact assessment developed many methods to evaluate the
buildings these methods are very useful in the design phase and provide many
bases for the project sustainable.
In some cases these methods have limitations and do not allow the progress of the
draft article detailing each method with its features and places where they
originated, thus affirming the growing interest in developing an environmentally
sustainable world.
It should be noted that environmental issues are broad and complex and that every
method from your point strongest seeks a common goal which is to preserve the
environment. The most significant achievement of this evolution in the construction
of buildings is the main idea that a building to succeed in its construction must be
implemented financially sustainable, safe and should minimize environmental
impacts to the maximum.

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