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Hoodoo Powder and Dust Recipes

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Protected: Powder & Dust Recipes

Just as certain powders have significance and power in African religions, so too do they play an important role in working the

roots. Rootworkers discovered how to use all sorts of natural materials in powdered form from herbs and roots and mushrooms to

metals to animal bones. These different types of powder and dust have been used for centuries to bring luck or protection, to

make mojos and hands, and to cross somebody through their footprints.

How to Make Powders

To make a powder or dust for usage in hoodoo, youll need to be able to file or grind different materials into very fine pieces.

Which tool youll need to use really depends on the material youre working with!

For roots or a bark like cinnamon, youll want to use a grater like a microplane. When working with hard materials like metal or

bones (e.g. making silver dust or black cat powder), youll need a filing tool to file off the powder. When filing materials like this

(especially metals), make sure that you are wearing a mask or have your nose and mouth covered so that you dont inhale the

dust. A mortar and pestle is great for crushing and grinding up leaves and herbs to turn them into a powder, and its also useful

for mixing all types of ingredients together at the end.

When using herbs and roots, I recommend communing with them and connecting with their energies and spirits. This way you can

tell them exactly what you want them to do and be in touch with how they feel. This is a great way to determine if your

ingredients are quality and really ready to be used before grinding them up to make your powder.

During the actual act of grinding, grating, filing, or mixing to create your powder, you can also connect with your working and

personalize it further by focusing on how you intend to use your powder. Visualize, speak your goals out loud, or even sing

whatever helps you best pour your intentions right into the very act of creating your powder.´Read more about prayer and

invocation in hoodoo here.

Traditional Powders & Dust

These are powders and types of dust that have been used by traditional black belt rootworkers in the South. It is helpful to keep

track of these traditional rootworking recipes as a reference because not all powders marketed today as hoodoo have strong

origins in what our ancestors originally created and used. For example, much of what is called hot foot powder in commercial
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hat authentic:

Hot foot powder is an insufficient attempt to fabricate the old black belt Hoodoo charm known to well-trained and knowledgeable

old tradition Hoodoo practitioners simply as the walking foot [´Hazzard-Donald, Mojo Workin, p. 174 ].

Some of these powders are best used alone, in a mixture with other ingredients, or as part of a specific working like a floorwash or

mojo bag. Always research your materials first because some of these powders are toxic to inhale or to consume and may be

somewhat dangerous to produce and handle

Goofer Dust

Purpose:´Crossing, hexing, causing death

Uses:´Sprinkling around or on the target

Instructions:´Gather graveyard dirt (usually from a sinner or wicked persons grave) and always make sure to pay them

with coins or other offerings, then mix with any of the following combinations: 1) salt, sulfur, and turpentine; 2) red pepper, black

pepper, and powdered snail; 3) dog dirt and dried chicken dirt

Source:´[´Hyatt, H-C-W-R, Vol. 1, p. 658, 897, 962

John the Conqueror Powder

Purpose:´Protection, manifestation, prosperity, luck, gambling, domination

Uses:´You can sprinkle it under the sole of your shoes with steel dust and a dime

Instructions:´Grind up John the Conqueror root into a powder

Source:´[´Hyatt, H-C-W-R, Vol. 1, p. 457 ]

Lodestone Powder

Purpose:´Attraction, drawing, money drawing, boosting business, getting a job, luck

Uses:´Making mojo bags and hands, making trick bags (learn how to make mojos with this powder)

Instructions:´Lodestones can be purchased and ground up into powder, or you can purchase lodestone powder from a hoodoo

shop, botanica, etc.

Source:´[´Hyatt, H-C-W-R, Vol. 1, p. 600 ]

Red Brick Powder

Purpose:´Spiritual protection, uncrossing, defense against curses and hexes

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und into a fine dust

Instructions:´Mix your own urine and the red brick powder together in some water. Then very thoroughly scrub your front porch

with it.

Source:´[´Hyatt, H-C-W-R, Vol. 1, p.´ ]

Cinnamon Powder

Purpose:´Drawing, increasing business, attraction

Uses:´With sugar and van-van boiled together and sprinkled backward from your main gate in front of your business

Ingredients:´Powdered cinnamon bark

Instructions:´Grate cinnamon sticks with a microplane into fine powder or purchase cinnamon powder from a store

Source:´[´Hyatt, H-C-W-R, Vol. 1, p. 709-710 ]


Purpose:´Protection from harm, uncrossing, defense against curses and hexes

Uses:´Spreading it around the home, making mojos, or anointing yourself (learn how to make mojos with this powder)

Ingredients:´Its a´black powder that contains sulfur (10%), charcoal (15%), and potassium nitrate (75%)

Instructions:´Can purchase it or´make your own

Source:´[´Hyatt, H-C-W-R, Vol. 1, p. 451 ]

Black Cat Powder / Lucky Cat Powder

Purpose:´Luck, popularity, making friends

Uses:´Making a spirit bottle with it, using it as a lucky powder

Ingredients:´Ground up bones from a black cat

Instructions:´Grind up the left shoulder bone and heal bone of a black cat until its a fine powder, pre-made Black Cat

powders may just be alum or another substance

Source:´[´Hyatt, H-C-W-R, Vol. 1, p. 562 ]

Silver Dust

Purpose:´Domination, control, purifying yourself, cleansing

Uses:´Making a salve along with quicksilver and lard to grease your palms with (for hoodooing somebody when you shake their
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from a silver object

Instructions:´Get a metalworking file tool to shave off dust from a silver object

Source:´[´Hyatt, H-C-W-R, Vol. 1, p. 526 ]

Anvil Dust

Purpose:´Gambling luck, complements lodestone powder

Uses:´Making´mojos and hands, feeding mojos (learn how to make and feed mojos with this powder)

Ingredients:´Iron filings that are leftover off of a blacksmiths anvil

Instructions:´Ideally, get anvil dust from a blacksmith. Theoretically, you could make iron filings by using a metalworking file tool

to shave off dust from iron

Source:´[´Hyatt, H-C-W-R, Vol. 1, p. 521 ]

Frog Dust / Toadfrog Bread

Purpose:´Harming others, making someone go blind

Uses:´Putting in someones hat or handkerchief (keep in might, this is likely toxic)

Ingredients:´White powder that naturally occurs when a mushroom, devils snuff-box or puffball mushroom (Lycoperdon

perlatum), dies and releases spores

Instructions:´Collect the mushroom powder from the mushrooms in nature

Source:´[´Hyatt, H-C-W-R, Vol. 1, p. 526 ]

Yejides Powder Recipes

Ive created a few of my own powder recipes, and as I develop more Ill include them below. Feel free to use these in your own

practice´or as inspiration to make your own!

Powder for Fixin Tracks

Foot track work is a practice within hoodoo that we can easily trace directly back to African traditions that are still practiced today.

It is a West African belief that footprints are a gateway to influence a person especially to make them leave you alone or to put

tricks on them. The powder below is based on traditional recipes for powder to be left in the footprint of someone you wish ill.

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poon chili flakes

1 tablespoon red pepper

1 tablespoon black pepper

1 tablespoon sulphur

1 tablespoon salt

Make sure to place some of the powder directly into a footprint that theyve left behind. If you leave it somewhere where

someone else could step on it, there could be unintended consequences.

Gimme the Crown Powder

This powder can be used to create an aura of confidence and persuasiveness around you to influence others or to boost your

control over a particular person or situation in your life. You can dress yourself with it or dress the floors of your office / place of



1 teaspoon dried van van

1 teaspoon powdered frankincense

1 teaspoon powdered myrrh

2 tablespoons baking soda

2 tablespoons powdered arrowroot

1 tablespoon powdered Queen Elizabeth root

1 tablespoon powdered High John root

Myrrh and frankincense are Biblically associated with royalty since they were given to Jesus by the Three Wise Kings at his birth.

Queen Elizabeth and High John root are often used for domination and control workings, and they are also both named for

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Powder Recipes

Ive gathered some great powder recipes from other black rootworkers. The videos below show you step by step how to create


Money Drawing Powder

Hot Food Powder

Stay Away From Me Powder


Altar Designs

Types of Dirt

Cologne & Perfume Recipes

Honey & Sugar Workings

Mojo Bag Recipes

Oil Recipes

Powder & Dust Recipes

Hoodoo Psalms

Symbols & Sigils

Card Spreads & Decks

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Juju Baby Zone

How to Hoodoo

Book of Roots

Hoodoo Herb Database

Rootwork Directory

Library Access



Hoodoo Basics

Hoodoo Library

ATR Guide

About Spirit Roots

About Yejide




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All materials and resources provided on any portion of the website are for academic and/or entertainment purposes only and

should be treated as such in accordance with local, state, and national laws. Additionally, content and information from Spirit

Roots should never supersede your own best judgments and conclusions.´See full disclaimer.


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~ Do not reproduce or copy any original content written by Yejide without appropriate credits ~

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