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Applied Electromagnetics

Course Name: Applied Electromagnetics

Course Code: COMP 3047

Professor: Ali Abdulsattar Hussein

ahussein@georgebrown ca

Course Outline
Please refer to the PDF document AppliedEM_CourseOutline.
AppliedEM CourseOutline

• Roy Blake, Wireless Technology Fundamentals (Customized Book For COMP

3047) Delmar - Thomson Learning
3047), Learning, ISBN 0
1764 3933 1

Other References

• Roy Bl
R Blake,
k ElElectronic
t i C Communication
i ti S Systems,
t 2nd Edition,
Editi D
l - Thomson
Learning, 2002, ISBN 0-7668-2684-8.

• Constantine A. Balanis, Antenna Theory (Analysis and Design), 2nd Edition, 1997,
J h Wil
John Wiley & S
Sons, ISBN 00-471-59268-4.
471 59268 4

• Matthew M. Radmanesh, Radio Frequency and Microwave Electronics, 2001,

Prentice-Hall, ISBN 0-027958-7.
E l
i Procedure
P d

Activity Mark Notes

Quizzes and Failure to submit an assignment after 7 days from the
A i
t d date
due d t will
ill result
lt iin a mark
k off zero
The midterm exam will de done on the seventh week of
Midterm Exam 25%
the course
The final exam will be done on the last week of the
Final Exam 25%

Lab 30%

A final mark of at least 50% must be achieved in order to

Total 100%
pass the course
Course Topics
• Basics of Signals and Communication Systems … Wk. 1

• Electromagnetic Waves and Propagation … Wk.

Wk 2

• Transmission Line … Wks. 3 & 4

• Antenna Parameters,
Parameters Basic Antennas and Phased Arrays … Wks.
Wks 5 & 6

• Midterm Exam … Wk. 7

• C ll l PCS and
Cellular, d Oth
Other Ki
d off P
t bl AAntennas
t … Wk.
Wk 8

• Microwave Devices … Wk. 9

• VHF UHF and

VHF, d Satellite
S t llit PPropagation
ti … Wks.
Wk 10 & 11

• Cellular Radio … Wks. 12 & 13

• Final Exam … Wk. 14

Basic Components of
a Communication System

• The basic objective of any communication system is to transfer information from a

source to a destination.

• Information can be analog, such as audio and video signals, or digital, such as a
digital stream of data taken from a computer.
Sinusoidal Signals
• Figure below shows a sine wave voltage signal as a function of time.

• The sine wave is an example of a periodic signal

signal. A periodic signal repeats its
pattern after a regular period of time (T).

• V p is the peak value the instantaneous voltage v(t).

T : Period of v(t)
V p : Peak value of v(t)
• In the frequency domain the sine wave is represented by a single frequency
component, as depicted in figure below.

• The frequency of the sine wave ( fο ) is the reciprocal of its period (T):
fο = Hz
• The angular frequency ωο is related to fο through the relation:

ωο = 2πfο rad / s
• A sine wave voltage signal with phase shift θ can be expressed in the time
domain as:

v(t ) = V p sin(ωο t − θ )
V pp : Peak-to peak value off v(t)
Frequency Spectrum of Periodic Signals
• According to the Fourier series any periodic signal can be decomposed into the
following components:

¾ a dc component
¾ a fundamental frequency component
¾ harmonic frequency components

• The dc component
p represents
p the average
g value of the signal
g over one p

• The fundamental component has frequency equal to the reciprocal of one period
of the signal.

• The frequency of each harmonic component equal to an integer multiple times

the frequency of the fundamental component.
• According to the amplitude-phase
amplitude phase form of the Fourier series,
series a periodic voltage
signal v(t) can be expressed as:

v(t ) = Vdc + ∑ Vk sin((kωο t + θ k )
k =1
Figure below shows a train of pulses voltage signal with a fundamental frequency
of 1 kHz.
The Fourier series of this signal is given by:

π 1 1 1
v(t ) = + sin(ωο t ) + sin(3ωο t ) + sin(5ωο t ) + sin(7ωο t ) + ...
4 3 5 7
The resulted discrete spectrum of this signal is shown in figure below.
Non-Periodic Signals
• Signals holding useful information such as audio, video and digital data are non-

• The spectrum of a non-periodic signal is a continuous function of frequency as

explained in figure below.
• Different types of information signals occupy different ranges of frequencies

Type off Signal
Si l B d idth off Frequencies
Bandwidth F i
Telephone-quality signal 300 Hz – 3 kHz
High-fidelity music signal 20 Hz – 20 kHz
Television-broadcast quality signal 0 Hz – 4.2 MHz
Digital data stream Depends on the bit rate

• The range of frequencies of an information signal is called the baseband.

• In communication systems, base-band signals are modulated over high-frequency

carriers for radio-frequency (RF) transmission.
Radio Spectrum

g of Frequencies
q Band Wavelength
30 Hz - 300 Hz Extremely Low Frequencies ELF
300 Hz - 3 kHz Voice Frequencies VF
3 kHz - 30 kHz Very Low Frequencies VLF 100 km - 10 km
30 kHz - 300 kHz Low Frequencies LF 10 km - 1 km
300 KHz - 3 MHz Medium Frequencies MF 1 km - 100 m
3 MHz - 30 MHz High Frequencies HF 100 m - 10 m
30 MHz - 300 MHz Very High Frequencies VHF 10 m – 1 m
300 MHz - 3 GHz g Frequencies
Ultra High q UHF 1 m – 10 cm
3 GHz - 30 GHz Super High Frequencies SHF 10 cm – 1 cm
30 GHz - 300 GHz Extremely High Frequencies EHF 1 cm – 1 mm
Noise in Communication Systems

• Noise is a random undesirable signal

g that affects the q
y of information
being transmitted in a communication system.

• The transmitter, receiver and communication channel all contribute to adding

noise to the transmitted signal.

• The communication equipment contribute to internal noise resources.

• The communication channel contributes to external noise resources.

Noise Resources

• Equipment
q p Noise: automobile engines
g and electric motors with brushes

• Atmospheric Noise: lightning

• Space Noise: sun

• Thermal Noise: random motion of electrons in conductors due to heat

• Shot Noise: random variations in current flow in active devices

• Partition Noise: a single current in a BJT separates between two paths

• Flicker Noise: 1/f noise

Amplitude Modulation

• AM is an analog
g modulation method used to modulate a base-band signal
g over a
high-frequency carrier for RF transmission.

• In AM modulation, the instantaneous amplitude of a sine wave carrier is changed

proportionally with the message signal.
Message Signal Carrier

AM Signal
• An AM voltage signal can be represented as in the following expression:

v AM (t ) = A[1 + mvm (t )]sin(ωc t )


v AM ( t ) : AM signal (Modulated Signal)

v m ( t ) : Message signal (Modulating Signal)
m: Modulation index
ωc : Angular
g frequency
q y of the carrier
A: Peak value of the carrier before modulation
• AM yields shifting the base-band frequency spectrum of the message signal to the
carrier frequency
frequency. Upper and lower half bands are produced around the carrier
frequency in addition to the carrier frequency component itself.

• The
e ttransmission
a s ss o bandwidth
ba d dt o
of a g a ( BT ) is
an AM ssignal s doub
e tthe
e ba
d dt o of tthe
base-band signal (B).

Spectrum of a Spectrum of an
base-band signal AM signal
Frequency Modulation

• FM is an analog
g modulation method in which the frequency
q y of a sine wave carrier
is changed proportional to the message signal.

• FM requires a wider transmission bandwidth as compared to AM. However, FM

results in a better immunity against noise effect as compared to AM.
Message Signal Carrier

FM Signal
P l Amplitude
A li d Modulation
M d l i
and the Nyquist Rate

• A PAM signal consists of a train of pulses. The amplitude of those pulses is made
proportional to the message signal

• A PAM signal represents samples of the original message signal.

Message Signal

PAM Signal
• According to the sampling theory if an analog signal is sampled at a rate which
is at least twice the highest frequency component contained in the analog signal
the original analog signal can be recovered by lowpass filtering the signal of

• The theoretical minimum sampling rate, which is twice the baseband bandwidth of
the message signal, is called the Nyquist rate.

Sampling rate fs ≥ 2B
yq rate fs = 2B
Pulse Modulation Methods

a. Modulating (message) signal

(sine wave).

b. Pulse amplitude modulatione


c. Pulse width modulation (PWM).

d. Pulse p
position modulation ((PPM).
Pulse-Code Modulation
• In PCM the samples of an analog signal are coded into words of binary digits
(bits). Each word consists of a number of bits, and it represents the value of a
sample taken from the original analog signal.

Analog Sample and PCM

LPF Coder
Signal Hold Circuit Signal

----------- ADC ----------

PCM Sero-Order
Decoder LPF Analog
Signal Hold Circuit

----------- DAC ----------

Pulse-Code Modulation
Figure: Sample and hold. 4-bit PCM.
Pulse-Code Modulation

a. Samples of a signal (PAM signal).

b. Sample
p and hold p plus q
Allowing sufficient conversion time.
The quantized levels allow
p g the samples
p by
numeric values.

g of the q
c. Coding quantized samples.

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